EPIC BLACKSMITH Build in Minecraft 1.20 Survival! 😱

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Welcome back to the let’s play series last episode we got our first Iron gear raided a villager Outpost and built up this awesome starter home oh I love this place but today we’re going to expand our Base by building a blacksmith and hopefully finding our first diamonds now

I haven’t really done too much between episodes mainly just cook some potatoes so at least we got some food for today I’m kind of thinking we just get straight into it and first up is trying to find a spot for the build nope spider you are not invited I’m sorry I was kind

Of thinking of putting the blacksmith over in this direction cuz I’ve had a little Scout around I think there’s a little Hill up here oh yeah here it is so I’m sort of wanting to build this into the hill so that I don’t need to build the back plus there’s some other

Reasons that we’ll find out later so here we are at the hill and the house is just over there oh yeah I’ll tidy that up later but of course we’re not actually going to be able to build here unless we clear out some space and you

Know what I’m pretty sure this wood is going to come in handy anyway so yeah let’s do some tree chopping and while I Cho the trees I just want to give a massive thank you for all the support on the last episode plus a huge welcome to

All the new subscribers it seems like you’re all enjoying this as much as I am okay we got a nice bit of space cleared out now but with that I think we’re going to Mark out the footprint of the actual blacksmith and possibly dig out

Some of this hill but to do that we’re going to need to pop back to the starter base because I need to grab some Stone okay that is not really enough suppose I just drop off this wood stuff while I’m here and have a quick sleep and pop down here to grab some

Stone what is it with you guys man trying to make a video leave all right that’s probably good back to the build site now I think I’m going to start around here 10 11 12 13 then I want this to be about s along here and now we got to connect that one

Up with that one all right they’re all connected up now I mean there’s massive Hills in the way at the moment but um before we go I think I want to add another building along this side come along eight like that and then connect this all the way up over to that corner

Why I don’t go and make a shovel I’m not too sure right plan all laid out I’m going grab myself a little bit of wood because I can’t be bothered to walk back home make a few shovels maybe another pickaxe and start clearing out this hill

All right space all cleared out now you can really see what we’re working with but one thing I am noticing is this bit of terrain here is a little bit uh it’s a little bit steep I like that it’s on a hill but it’s a little bit too much so

I’m going to run back and have a quick sleep not before grabbing some more dirt and then we can try and sort that terrain out in the morning okay so I’m going to take my dirt and sort of build out some outlines for the terrain got

Quite a nice big area out the front here be there then I’m going to keep doing some outlines sort of for each layer of the terrain hopefully this is going to smooth it out quite a bit okay oh yeah this is a lot smoother now other than well there being massive holes

Everywhere right a few more of these trees are going to need to get out the way of course I didn’t clear enough space but yeah you can see how this is going to be a lot smoother now now before I start filling all this in with

Dirt I’m going to come through and light this up a little bit just to prevent some mob spawning and just in case I don’t have enough dirt to fill it in I’m going to grab a little bit more right that we’ll have to do I suppose and I’m

Going to get to filling in as much as this as I can all right time lapse oh when you look at this this has made such a big difference now we can have a nice little pathway leading up here to where the actual building is going to be

Now for the style of this building I do want to base it on the style of our oh my I do want to base it on the style of our starter house because I want all the buildings in the area to sort of form one big Village and that’s a long-term goal

Anyway so once again to start with we’re going to need a lot of stone and well I guess now’s a good time to actually talk about what’s going to go in the blacksmith itself so I’m thinking in this main building here we’re going to have a forge and sort of our storage for

Our ores and our Stone and in this small building over here I want it to be the entrance to our mine because of course eventually I’m going to need to go strip mining but before I go strip mining I kind of want to get a legit Diamond by

Caving cuz well strip mining is pretty easy right as soon as this series is about fun I feel like we got to earn the strip mining so I just need to sort out my inventory and get ready for a caving Stone Mining Adventure and you know what

I think it’s time for our first Iron pick you know what actually screw it let’s get a sword as well and probably a shovel right got loads of food a few torches here we can make more more along the way well you know what actually one

More thing anything useful in here a bed that could be good and I’ll probably leave the golden apple it’s not like I’m going to die is it oh my God I think why didn’t we explore somewhere new maybe like over there oh man look at this area

It’s so nice imagine buildings all along here oh man we got so much work to do in this series oh here’s some coal I’ll grab some of that actually it’s just one brilliant oh we are right on this mountain now oh look at that that’s a

Cool View at home oh yeah that’s looking good don’t get distracted we’re looking for a wa that’s exactly what I’m looking for actually I probably don’t want to come in from this angle oh man I really should have put water in my bucket maybe we’ll find some along the

Way oh okay maybe this is a good entrance hello diamonds I’m looking for diamonds a lot of coal and a zombie hello oh lots of zombies go and blow up there we go right I’m going to pick up a little bit of coal and I definitely want

To pick up all the iron that I see along the way but the main reason I’m here is definitely diamonds because as soon as I get one I’m getting out and building a strip mine or it goes deeper down this way let’s go right avoid mobs at all

Costs oh they’re everywhere oh there’s iron though there’s iron this is good oh lots of iron thank you very much I’m going to need some of you later on oh jeez oh deep slate level quick this is a diamond speedrun at this point C the speedrun music oh jeez eat eat

Eat oh iron grab it that looks ominous what no skeleton please they’re everywhere man oh I found him already I told you this was a speedrun grab him yes diamonds it’s four oh no not like this not like this run half a oh my God blocks on the bar

Build in oh man the arrow in the side of my head eat just eat I’ve only picked up three there’s more diamonds there right one more potato and we go where’s those skeletons they’re somewhere we could be alone for the Diamonds oh my God it’s

Five it’s five let’s go I do not want to stick around here at all can I see more diamonds down here oh this is so dangerous man no you know what I’m scared I’ve already been at half a heart today I think that’s enough for one

Episode right I got to get out I got to get out Al Al not without grabbing the Zion though iron acquired get out oh there’s the skeletons man how many skeletons need to be 1K well that must be the one that almost killed me he was

One hit oh come on oh it’s a baby you’re dead eat iron right stop killing mobs now stop mining just get out just get out oh I can’t resist I just need the iron I’m going to need it today oh I see sky this is good oh wait did I come into

This place oh this is so not good oh I think they’re from up there uh right have to pill her up please Don’t Shoot Me skeleton oh what did I just say please leave I want to go home right P her up second time to the charm pretty

Sure that’s a phrase this is the way out oh oh my gosh what a nightmare just get me home oh there it is oh man I can’t believe it I’ve actually got diamonds I’ve actually got diamonds right Mountain it was really really nice visiting you I’m sure we’ll do it again

Soon but for now I need a good night’s sleep yo there’s a mushroom on that tree I know I’m a bit distracted there but I’ve never seen that before nice warm home and a nice warm bed but with a diamond Adventure out the way I head down into our original cave

To grab a bunch more Stone and and and theight I then head over to the giant spruce tree to collect a bunch of wood and a little bit of mossy cobblestone but with all my materials collected and then crafted I started placing down a bunch of blocks to make a start on the

Blacksmith build which is starting to come together pretty nicely all right first part of the building’s done now and I think you’re starting to see what I’m going for here even though the main pivate is going to be up here we’re going to have to wait to get to that

Though but yeah you can see I’ve gone for a similar style to the starter house like we discussed earlier so we got our main room in here which is where our Forge is going to go and if you come over to this side this is where our mine

Entrance is going to be so this all does need clearing out and speaking of the M entrance I think that’s kind of what I want to work on next I think for now I’m not really going to do anything too fancy I basically just want a staircase

That goes all the way down to Diamond level yeah I think we’re going to work on that next to do that that way I’m going need to dump all my stuff and probably make some more pickaxes as well cuz this is probably going to take a

While with stone tools yeah and now real I’m probably going to need more than seven torches as well so we’ll head back to the starter house come upstairs take some coal out here and boom torches right I’m going to get to digging that giant staircase and well I’m not going

To make you guys suffer through this this oh my head’s steon so yeah I’m going to get digging down to Diamond level and I’ll bring you back when it’s Done all right well that was not fun with stone pickaxes but we have made all the way down now I’m just going to place in a few stairs all the way up to the top I’ll definitely thank myself for this later even though it’s pretty boring but yeah I think I’m going to

Save actual strip mining for maybe off camera or maybe find a way for us to do it together but for right now I think I’ve had enough of mining BR I do want to get back to work on the actual building which now that we’re finally at the top you can see we

Absolutely need a roof on this thing plus you know got the big gap here for the mystery thing later but to do that I need to grab a whole bunch of different materials mainly dark oak and red sand now I did have a dark oak tree here

Which I chopped down and didn’t collect the saplings so that means we’re going to have to go on another adventure we’ve got a big dark oak FR us just there so that’s not too bad and of course we’re going to have to go back to the Mesa and

For those of you that watched last episode you’ll know that we left someone at the Mesa who I asked you all to name in the comments so I have to make myself an anvil put that down here and I’m going have to go and pick a name and the

Name that I’ve picked comes from user6 and y4 bj5 U interesting name but the name they picked was Dan I’ll be real I’m just picking this name for a meme D if you know you know right quick sleep but with that I’m going to quickly have to head to the storage room I’m

Going to need a new pickaxe you know what I might make a few more iron shovels as well there we go got plenty of food so yeah we need to get a bunch of dark oak wood name the camel get a bunch of red sandstone and then somehow

Try and bring the camel all the way back home again the camel who’s too fat to fit in a boat we’re coming for you Dan Dan oh yes there’s my boat let’s go to the dark oak forest right I’m going to drop a whole bunch of this stuff and

This time grab enough saplings all right I think that’s going to be good for now probably not enough to finish the whole project but at least I got a whole bunch of saplings right next up the desert which is over this way I think or is it

Over that way oh yeah that’s the jungle there so the desert is over there right back in the boat and off we go oh hang on a minute is there a chest down there there is give me the loot gold boots Golden Apple I’ll take that and well

That probably wasn’t worth it okay let’s get back on track oh yeah I think we have to save that one for another episode but here we are we’re almost at Dan Dan I can see his little hump poking out oh he’s sleeping he’s got his head in the sand literally right where’s that

Name tag ready bang Dan Dan oh he’s waking up right let’s get you out oh don’t be mad don’t be mad come on let’s uh let’s get you some Cactus I think you like Cactus right come back here man take this good try to heal your hearts

That’ be very helpful all right let’s head to the Village first Dan cuz uh once again I’ve forgotten my bed maybe we’ll scoot around the Villager Outpost oh yeah there’s this whole M shaft here as well so still explore that maybe we’ll do that while we’re here as well

All right Dan here we are at your village your childhood home I think it might be a good idea if maybe we left you here right we’ll make you a little hole next to this house which come on get up stop being so lazy D we’ll get

You in there come on there we go right you chill in there while I take this bed excuse me sir I’ll be taking that and I think I might do some mft exploring was there one over here oh yeah in that way right what we got I could do with some

Good loot that spider is not good loot oh it seems pretty big you know oh another chest Golden Apple again two golden apples and one trip glowberries torches I’ll take it don’t worry creeper I saw you oh there’s two mine for me thank you I need the orange clay perfect

Efficient mining we love to see it all right I want more loot I want more chests let’s head down here is this a dead end it’s a dead end oh jeez imagine we find like a mending bck or something one of these chests I’m a little bit

Lost I’m sort of in this weird oh oh spawner yo uh uh light it up light it up light it up Skelly spawner okay right this is just right below the village oh this could be good iron music disc Diamond horse armor another name tag okay right I need to write down these

Coordinates this is very useful um okay that’s good right I didn’t find Lo in the M shaft but I did find this make sure this is all lit up properly you know I think I might dump some stuff that I don’t really need see as I’m definitely coming back here I think at

This point I’m going to try and grab all the blocks that I need for the actual build cuz I’m itching to crack on with that thing red time Montage yeah red sand Montage all right a whole bunch of red sand now which we can turn into some red Sandstone we have a little bit more orange terra cotta just for the texturing like we did on the starter house and that should be everything we need from the Mesa now originally when I

Came here I was thinking I was going to bring Dan all the way back to the base but now that we found the skeleton spawner which I’ve marked up there I’m kind of thinking we’re going to be coming back here pretty often and maybe this Village be a good project at some

Point so Dan I think for now we’re going to leave you in a natural habitat your childhood home and maybe I change my mind later I’m not too sure it’s an overground cave spider spawner is this rare have I ever seen this before oh my

Okay well you know what you can keep it I’ve got my own Skelly spawner wondering Trader what you got something good ooh Moss I have no emeralds oh damn it just whatever I’m going home I’m going home you can keep your Moss I’m sure I’ll

Find a lush cave at some point I’ve had enough of those nerds it’s time to get back and actually do some work oh I’m so excited for this build see you at home oh there it is the lovely view of the house oh you can see the blacksmith just

There as well that view is going to be so cool right I’m going to get back inside and I’m going to craft up a whole bunch of materials sort of all the same ones that we used on the roof there then we can get to building up the blacksmith Roof all right so the roof is on sort of there’s obviously still a lot left to do here but I’ve installed free cam so we can take a little fly around oh there’s still a block there I need to pick up yeah like I was saying there’s still a

Lot we need to do but for the most part the roof is on well look there I am holding a potato but yeah the next thing I want to work on is these walls here then also this bit here and here now if we come over to here on a starter house

You can see that we’ve used oak wood now I do want all the buildings look similar but I think we can mix up a little bit I’m thinking I want to use white blocks now we got this Birch log I’m not really the biggest fan of that texture diorite

Diorite could be good I do need something something to mix it with oh I think I got an idea there any sheep around here I swear I’ve seen sheep around here we thinking about it before I look should hop up into our bedroom grab these leads that we got in episode

One cuz I can find a couple of sheep and bring back could breed them up and then share them for their wool I mean we’re in a forest so I imagine they’re pretty close by a cow we do have to bring you back at some point but I want sheep

Right now oh there’s one one sheep we could definitely use another one though right buddy I think we’re going to maybe Chuck you in here and I need to go find your a friend maybe over in this Direction come on come on can’t see with

All these trees please no more cows I I could probably look in free cam but that’s kind of cheating I don’t really want to use that for looking at builds damn it I keep thinking they’re all sheep but there’s a godamn birch trees no no no oh yes we found our last sheep

Right come on buddy I think the sun’s setting it’s time to get home oh look at those priest Stars twinkling you know what an evening stroll isn’t so bad come on stay on the lead I don’t want it to break oh we’re getting there oh yes oh

No don’t hit my sheep hit me just don’t hit the Sheep right in you come very good grab the lead I think should have some wheat in here yes we’ll breed you guys I’m going have to craft myself some shears I don’t think I’m need too much W

It shouldn’t take too right I have to fight this guy I need Ender Pearls at some point oh God I’m quite low okay good ender pearl that is very good right sheep get sheared how much are you giv me six that’s actually pretty good I’m definitely need more than that though

See I’m going to spend a little bit of time cheering these sheep and while I’m doing that I’m going to hop back down into the mines cuz I need to grab myself some diorite probably down here somewhere surely oh yep I see it but yeah once we got everything under need

I’ll bring you back and we can build up all the walls all right these last couple of sheep should give us enough wool yeah 34 over a stack of diorite I think that’s definitely enough to get started I do just want to grab a little bit of glass

Make some more glass panes thing is that’s what we have up in here oh I’m just walking back and I love that you can just see it poking over the trees there that’s so nice I need to remember to not Chop these trees down but here we

Are if we pop inside here and then pillar up I want to come in and start placing in these damn it start placing these white blocks around glass in the middle and how is this looking oh oh yeah yeah I’m really liking that that’s

So nice need to come up here and do it a few more times diorite diorite diorite diorite Wool Wool Wool Wool glass and something similar over here boom and I think that’s going to be looking pretty nice we’ll take one more quick look oh yeah yeah I really like that right for

Now I’m going to leave this side I’ve said a million times we’re doing something else there I need to do something here brought some Spruce with me so put a pillar across this way and up here we’ll strip all of this I think we should just be a to get away with

Just plunking some of this white stuff in you’re not really going to see it and then I got some stairs I might just place these there and there and yeah I think that looks pretty tidy now of course I do want to do an interior here

So I think I’m going to leave this for now cuz on the outside I can just build up the terrain a little bit you’re not really going to see it what I do need to do though is pillar up here once again and fill in these sections I think I’m

Going to place some spruce across here we’ll do the same on the other side once again with our white block so I’m going to plop this around need to remember to leave space for the windows right this space is not going to be usable in the

Interior I for got a gap there what is that oh yeah I’ve got a little space here hello right we’re probably need to get outside for that I mean this is usually stuff I do off camera but I don’t know sometimes it’s nice to show off the little details right pop up here

I think once again I just going to fill this in with the white blocks the wool in there yeah I mean I think that’s fine I think that’s fine this are going to end up being pretty hidden anyway I think I’ll leave that there I do pop

Around the front here yeah this is looking a little bit boring maybe I check in a few Sprucey details here something like this maybe a stair there let’s go down and take a look land on this bed Pro Minecrafter right here and I think yeah that looks pretty nice

Maybe a little free cam look oh yeah that’s pretty cool not too sure what that’s doing think we’ll get rid of that damn it maybe just some Spruce slabs yep I think that’ll look better but guys with all that done I think that is the vast majority of the exterior finished

Which means now we get to move on to this part part here and to do that I’m going to need a little bit more dark oak which I did plant outside the front of the starter house hopefully that’s Growing Up by now oh yeah there we go I

Just forgot I broke my axe thank you so I’m going to get these chopped down which would hopefully give us enough wood plus what we mined on our adventure earlier it should be fine and then I’ll explain a little bit more about what I want to build see you soon all right a

Couple of iron axes later and a whole bunch of this dark oak wood which I’m going to lose a decent amount cuz I want to turn it into this dark oak wood bark stuff okay hopefully that’s going to be enough but with that done let’s hop over

To the black Smith I’ll talk a little bit about what it is I want to build now on the last episode I pinned a comment asking you what we should do next episode and J Master suggested making a smeltery with a little bit of LW now we

Got the building for the smeltery which I still have to build in here but I really like the idea of adding a little bit of LW and that’s exactly what I want to do on this side of the building so I think I’m going to build that up while

We talk about what that is so cue the time lapse so as I’m sure we all know blacksmiths have a big sort of Chimney type thing for the forge and I thought it’ be cool to do something different with this feature of the build building seeing as our current base is in a

Forest I had the idea to create a giant sort of fallen tree log that’s being used to funnel the smoke out of the blacksmith building I just kind of like the idea that whoever was living here was sort of repurposing what they had around them do it makes this building

Look pretty unique and yet here it is in game looking super nice there are probably still a few things I’ll tweak here I think that sort of thing is going to take me quite a bit of time honestly I’ll probably just sit on it for a while

See how I feel but yeah don’t be surprised to see this change over time though and with that Forge Jimmy done there’s only one thing I want to do left on the outside and that’s something to go along this bit here kind of fill everything on this side of the building

It’s quite nicely detailed you may notice I’ve added a few leaves and some plant pots onto this side I got something in mind for over there which is going to require a quick trip back to the starter base cuz I need to take advantage of my friends right here and

Quickly to pop into the storage room grab some poppies and turn them into red dye I think you can all see where this is going couple of red sheep please and we’re going to share a bunch of you and while I wait for them to eat their grass

I’m going to grab a little bit of string as well here it is we got loads of this and I think that was all from the desert temple pyramid thing right guys I could really use you just eating some grass thank you that going to be enough yeah

That should be good right back over at the blacksmith right I want to put a little awning across here just like that I take my string and I place it along here that’s it then I can get some carpets up here there we go and can put

Some fences here and then actually break the string we put some fences there carpet back on top right this bed and crafting table’s probably got to go and yeah I love that that’s so nice it’s like a nice splash of color on the building as if we didn’t have enough

Already but yeah I think that looks really nice and with that I think we can start moving on to the interior which is where hopefully some Magic’s going to happen obviously in here is going to be a forge which means that I’m want to make some sort of automatic smelting

Thing obviously this is only episode 2 it’s not going to be anything too crazy obviously some kind of automation would be nice I think I can clear out the floor first of all so I can see what we working with right what have we got in

Here I think oh maybe some Cobble deep slate for the floor that could be pretty nice oh hello okay yep this place needs lighting up ow please leave thank you right light this up you can leave as well please oh God there is mobs in there okay goodbye we’ll pretend we

Never saw that right what is this deep slate going to look like I think this should look pretty good yeah I’m liking that I’m liking that need to grab a little bit more thank you and we’re done right I think I can afford to smack out

Some of this wall here because this is the inside of the tree looking uh kind of weird we’ll ignore that though that’s going to be hidden look at this C out I think this is where the little smelter system is going to go I don’t think I

Can afford to do anything too fancy here oh but before I start I can’t even pick up any my inventory is full I’m going to have to head back home and sort out my stuff my inventory relatively sorted I think I should probably just craft up

The stuff that I’m going to need to actually make the smeltery put more iron in here a little bit right most of this is going to go cuz I do want to make a few Hoppers I need to make a bunch of chests and Hoppers six that’s actually

Perfect make a couple of furnaces as well there we go should make more chests there we go right it should be enough to get us going now this probably doesn’t need explaining how to do this but I’m going to do it anyway what I’m going to

Do is put a double chest there with a couple of hoppers running into the back then we can place our furnaces on top so whatever gets out is going to get sucked out into this double chest and if you place a hopper on the side of the

Furnace like this and make myself a couple of barrels and plant that there and there this is where the fuel will go in then hoppers on the top that is where your furnace input is so that’s the actual basic mechanics of it I mean not really that hard you know what now in

Hindsight I kind of feel like I should push this back one oh jeez be right back all right there we go that gives us a little bit more room to play with of course I still got to do the rest of the Interior here so I think I’m going to

Crack on with that kind of find it hard to talk and do Interiors at the same time it takes too much concentration but yeah I’ll get that done and I’ll bring you back and show you what I’ve done okay well and just like that the interior is done if only you were

Actually that simple but we’re getting there with this project here is a little smeltery thing you can see we can still come in here and access all the chest and stuff I’ve kind of tried to make like a stone sort of Forge fireplace kind of thing but also incorporate the

Tree these are meant to be like the roots coming out and stuff I mean you kind of got to use your imagination a little bit but we got a little staircase here with some barrels underneath and our Anvil kind of looking nice if we come upstairs I’ve made a little place

Up here for our sort of all storage and stuff but of course to fill it up I still need to do some strip mining I’ll probably do that between episodes I guess yeah that’s the interior I didn’t do much to the mine entrance but uh we’ll get to that probably there is

Still one more thing that I would like to do today and while I’m thinking about it that isn’t actually really it want to make a little path that leads down the hill that we made going to do that with this path block just like we have at the

Main base not going to go all the way down cuz I’m not too sure where this is going to connect up to yet so we get to about there we’ll have to sort these weird holes out in a bit and then on the edge of here I want to come in knock out

This grass and then fill it in with some coarse dirt right I I I I can’t deal with it anymore I get some Spruce slabs along there that should cover up those gaps yep much better much better right I’m going to keep throwing this Co dirt

In here next to the path I feel like I might knock out a lot more of this grass here and place it with a coar dirt I don’t feel like outside of a blacksmith would be sort of clean and Lush kind of feels like more of a dirty area all

Right just a little bit more around this corner I think that should be good right what do we think of this oh yeah yep that kind of makes the build sort of feel a bit more sort of set in the ground don’t if that makes sense to you

It kind of makes sense to me yeah I like it blacksmith is looking fancy and with that guys I think we’re going to call the episode there I really hope you enjoyed it if you did please subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘I Built A BLACKSMITH In Minecraft 1.20 Survival Let’s Play! | Episode 2’, was uploaded by Blockdown on 2023-12-12 14:06:46. It has garnered 15406 views and 1267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:20 or 1460 seconds.

Welcome to a brand new series on the channel! After a long time playing minecraft hardcore, I want to take it back to basics and play some regular minecraft survival!

In Minecraft Survival Episode 1, we built perfect starter house. But today after some inspiration from the comments we are building a blacksmith building with a little bit of lore! We also name our camel, find our first diamonds, explore an abandoned mineshaft and also find a skeleton spawner!

I really hope you are all as excited for this series as I am!

Wanna play along with me? Then here is what you’ll need! Seed: 1920597807115725671 (Thanks to @MinecraftAndChill ) Base Location: -650, -500 Shaders : BSL Texturepacks: aj crops, taller wheat, vanilla tweaks, jerms better leaves

Find me Here! https://www.twitch.tv/blockdown_builds https://www.instagram.com/blockdown_bhttps://twitter.com/BlockdownBuilds

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    Unlimited Lava Trick in Minecraft! The Easiest Infinite Lava Source in Minecraft Are you looking to create an infinite lava source in Minecraft? Look no further! Building a lava farm in Minecraft can be a fun and rewarding project that adds a unique element to your gameplay. Let’s explore how you can easily set up an infinite lava source in the game. Setting Up Your Lava Farm To create an infinite lava source, you’ll need to set up a lava farm. Start by finding a lava pool in the game. Once you’ve located a suitable spot, you can begin building your farm. Dig a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Thrilling Moments in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Thrilling Moments in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a video titled “Minecraft: That Was Close…🤯 (World’s Smallest Violin)” and it got us thinking – what if you could experience heart-pounding moments like that every time you log onto a Minecraft server? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. From intense PvP battles to epic building projects, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why should you… Read More

  • Defeat the Warden with Ease: No Skills, No Gear, Just Cheer!

    Defeat the Warden with Ease: No Skills, No Gear, Just Cheer! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, The Defender and Warden, a fearsome team. But fear not, dear players, for I have a trick, To defeat them with ease, no need to be slick. No skills, no equipment, just a simple plan, To take down these foes, like a true Minecraft fan. With wolves by your side, and a strategy in mind, You’ll conquer the mobs, leave them far behind. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update in sight. Iacing every detail, with a grin and a spin, Bringing gaming… Read More

  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

    Levitating Washing Machine Prank! Levitating Washing?!? – Minecraft Create Mod S3 #3 Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Create Mod Season 3, Zedaph explores the fascinating world of levitating washing! Why wash items on the floor when you can wash mid-air? Let’s dive into the exciting features and events of this episode. Levitating Washing One of the standout features of this episode is the concept of levitating washing. Zedaph showcases how to wash items in mid-air, adding a unique twist to the traditional washing process in Minecraft. This innovative approach not only adds a fun element to the game but also demonstrates… Read More

  • Void Voyage: Minecraft’s 3-Year Tour

    Void Voyage: Minecraft's 3-Year Tour In the void I travel, after three years in Minecraft, Exploring new mods, with skills to outlast. You can find me on RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful pitch. Join me on Discord, Viber, and more, For updates and fun, like never before. I’m ClaDiamond, your guide in this game, Crafting rhymes and stories, never the same. Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR

    Minecraft's Pale Garden: The Silent TERROR The Silent TERROR of Minecraft’s Pale Garden… Introduction Frostbyte Freeman delves into the mysteries of the new Pale Garden biome in Minecraft, hinting at the potential for intrigue and terror lurking within its boundaries. Exploring the Horizon The Pale Garden beckons players with its eerie landscape, promising new adventures and challenges to overcome. Traversing the Woods As players venture deeper into the Pale Garden, they encounter dense forests teeming with unknown dangers and secrets waiting to be uncovered. Entering the Garden The transition into the Pale Garden marks a shift in atmosphere, with the environment taking on a foreboding… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • RLFactions season 1 – PVP, MODDED, FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Do you crave a heavily modded factions server experience? RLFactions offers a unique blend of RLCraft survival challenges with factions-based gameplay. Dive into a world where you fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon riders the next. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/z3ZEaCcFFG With modded elements and factions mechanics, RLFactions creates a competitive environment that enhances the survival experience. Are you ready to build, strategize, and survive in this challenging setting? RLFactions is not your average factions server – it’s for those who seek a tough survival challenge and the thrill of faction… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Scoliosis Treebeard Out for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Scoliosis Treebeard Out for RevengeWhy did Evil Treebeard get scoliosis? Because he couldn’t leaf well enough alone! Read More

  • Lava Ocean Mansion: Minecraft’s Deadly Lore

    Lava Ocean Mansion: Minecraft's Deadly Lore In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, We dive into the lava ocean, a story untold. Exploring the fortress, with treasures to find, Crafting our way, with a creative mind. Our house is complete, a masterpiece in sight, With blocks and resources, we build with delight. Subscribers and likes, a community so strong, Together we journey, in this world we belong. Follow me on socials, for more Minecraft fun, On Youtube, Twitch, and TikTok, we’ll shine like the sun. Join me on Discord, for a chat and a laugh, Instagram and Twitter, on this creative path. So leap… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Salam Tip! 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Salam Tip! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlove #relationshipgoals” Read More

  • Mis problemas con las actualizaciones de Minecraft

    Mis problemas con las actualizaciones de Minecraft The Evolution of Minecraft: A Community’s Perspective Since its inception, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. However, recent updates from Mojang have left some players questioning the direction of the game. In this article, we delve into the impact of these updates on the Minecraft community and explore whether the essence of the game has been lost. The Golden Age of Minecraft For many players, the early days of Minecraft represented a golden age of creativity and exploration. The game’s simplicity and endless possibilities drew in a dedicated fan base that thrived on building, crafting, and surviving… Read More

  • Insane Hive Night!! Join Now for Epic FUN!!!

    Insane Hive Night!! Join Now for Epic FUN!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Night With Viewers!!! Come Join!!’, was uploaded by ShadeDerp on 2024-07-27 19:46:17. It has garnered 82 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:00 or 12000 seconds. Live with Viewers on The Hive!!! #Minecraft #shorts #thehive #hive #minecraftbedrock #server #MinecraftServer #minecraftlive Read More

  • Sneaky Gamer Crushes Hardcore Minecraft Again

    Sneaky Gamer Crushes Hardcore Minecraft AgainVideo Information This video, titled ‘Just Playing Hardcore Minecraft (2) 1.20’, was uploaded by Souli Layce on 2024-03-23 17:59:18. It has garnered 134 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:35 or 8555 seconds. Today Souli Layce is getting back in to the swing of playing again after some illness, time to get some jobs done around our Hardcore world. Come along for a chat. Check out my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/@SouliLayce Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/uChwm5Sa5g Twitter: twitter.com/soulilayce #HardcoreMinecraft #minecraft #hardcore Read More

  • Epic Battle: 10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeletons in Minecraft!

    Epic Battle: 10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeletons in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ’10 Iron Golems Vs 50 Wither Skeleton | Mob Battle | Minecraft Gameplay #8′, was uploaded by Armour9 on 2024-09-07 11:28:03. It has garnered 383 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:09 or 489 seconds. Welcome to my channel! 🎮 Today, we’re diving into the endless possibilities of Minecraft – the iconic sandbox game where creativity and adventure know no bounds! 🏰🌍 In this gameplay video, we’ll explore: 🏗️ Creative Building: Watch as I design and build incredible structures, from epic castles to cozy cottages, using a variety of blocks and… Read More

  • Unbelievable – Returning to Mind-Blowing Minecraft Roots!

    Unbelievable - Returning to Mind-Blowing Minecraft Roots!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Playthrough EP1】 Going back to my Content Roots!!’, was uploaded by Amora Lumina Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2024-06-15 22:37:33. It has garnered 915 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:00 or 13740 seconds. wah!! 【DONATIONS】 https://streamelements.com/amoralumina/tip 【SOCIALS】 Youtube: @AmoraLumina Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmoraLumina 【TAGS】 OSHI MARK – 💗🚀 LIVE – #AmoraLive GENERAL – #AmoraLumina CLIPS – #AmoraClips ART – #LuminArti / NSFW #Lewdmina MEMES – #LumiLaughs 【CHAT RULES】 💗 Please be respectful; both to yourself, among chat, and myself. Any antisocial behavior such as discrimination, harassment, doxing ect… will be dealt with,… Read More

  • Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!

    Unstoppable tactics for dominating bridge fights!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Win ANY BRIDGE FIGHT’, was uploaded by BlueRaptorLord on 2024-06-12 13:00:14. It has garnered 9783 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftyoutuber #shorts #bridge #battle #minecraftserver #minecraftpvp #minecraftpvpserver #hoplite #wins #howto #tutorial #viral #subscribe Read More

  • Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games…

    Unbelievable! 10 Tips to Master Minecraft in Sarkari Games...Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tik tok hack..!!’, was uploaded by sarkari games on 2024-05-06 01:48:00. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. ……. MINECRAFT……. Subscribe :- My channel YouTube channel Content → Minecraft/free fire max / etc I am try giving good content and enjoy my videos 📸 My free fire I’d 2522351282 →Thinking you minecraft tiktok hacks, minecraft tiktok hacks shorts, minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition, minecraft tiktok hacks in hindi, minecraft tiktok hack video, minecraft tiktok hacks 1.19, minecraft tiktok hacks loggy, minecraft tiktok… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!

    Mind-Blowing Mewingcraft Matchmaking!Video Information This video, titled ‘MABAR SANTAI DAN KERJA RODI BARENG, MEWINGCRAFT #2’, was uploaded by RifKick on 2024-02-23 05:34:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBS!!!! ————————————————– I go live every afternoon/evening to play games like Minecraft,… Read More

  • Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!

    Insane Reacts: Unexplainable Minecraft Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN’, was uploaded by Reactionary on 2024-04-09 15:00:19. It has garnered 20215 views and 157 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:06 or 3246 seconds. FUNNIEST Minecraft Moments YOU CANT EXPLAIN Check out the full animations here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymo0wQUtJJk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QDNQvjCyG8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRnVHoZFyNU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3N-IUl0_qo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MoFCEpmPiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBBJzO9wc4A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7DdFSBKOPw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmphevrE5Tc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQNnW4zkKC4 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAscimjtDQ0 WAIT WHAT Minecraft #56 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6Dl-M6B_YY Hit the Like button! And subscribe! 🔔 Tags reaction, reacting, best reacting, friendly reacting, reactionary, minecraft, gaming, funny gaming, gaming funny, minecraft animation, animations, animated, reactions, funny reactions, funny animations, sad animations, do… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!

    Minecraft: Build Small Modern House $1M Luxury Pad!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorial $1 000 000 very expensive house’, was uploaded by Target on 2024-03-23 15:00:01. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:08 or 968 seconds. Leays gaming SUBSCRIBE FOR 1 millyon Minecraft: How To Build a Small Modern House Tutorialhow to build a survival house in minecraft https://youtube.com/@x_mencraft? si=ntqm7daWZGLWuuEG #Leays#geming#mobileminecraft​ #mobile #minecraft #minecraft​ #but​ #hardcore​ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #NoobVsPro​ #noob​ #pro​ #hacker​ #animation​ #real​ #life​ Read More

  • SwipeSMP | smp | Mostly Vanilla | 1.21 | Whitelist

    Welcome to our Vanilla SMP Server! We are currently seeking new players to join our community on our 1.21 server. Help us with builds, shops, and more! If you’re interested in joining us, please add me on Discord. Discord: ihben Server Discord: Join our Discord server here Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepy Creaker strikes again

    Minecraft Memes - Creepy Creaker strikes againMaybe the Creaker is just trying to be creeper-like, but is too busy creaking to properly explode! Read More

  • Mine King Soon: Minecraft’s Royal Rhyme

    Mine King Soon: Minecraft's Royal Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Kamaboko’s updates bring joy and gains. With each new feature, a spark in the game, Players unite, in Kamaboko’s fame. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Join the membership, and stay in the light. Check out the streams, for a gaming spree, Kamaboko’s world, where all can be free. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In Kamaboko’s world, everything’s right. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, Kamaboko’s updates, a true win-win. Read More

  • Steve + Alex = Hot Mess

    Steve + Alex = Hot Mess Steve + Alex = a Minecraft love story that ends with them building a house together and adopting a bunch of pixelated chickens. Read More

  • Spooky Crops Mod Showcase!

    Spooky Crops Mod Showcase! Welcome to TMB’s Halloween Mod: Creepy Crops! Step into the spooky world of Minecraft with TMB’s Halloween Mod version 1.0: Creepy Crops! This mod introduces a host of new features that will add a chilling twist to your gameplay experience. From new bosses to eerie sounds, this mod has something for every Halloween enthusiast. New Bosses and Allies Prepare to face off against two new bosses in the game, each dropping a unique item upon defeat. These formidable foes will test your skills and add an extra layer of challenge to your adventures. Additionally, you can now enlist the… Read More

  • Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Creepy 3:00am Angela & Ben Call JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-08-06 20:00:32. It has garnered 3914 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:11 or 1811 seconds. Why Creepy Talking ANGELA and BEN CALLING to JJ and MIKEY at 3:00am ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!

    SHOCKING: Apple Jack Death in MLP Play!Video Information This video, titled ‘Apple Jack is dead’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-04-12 09:47:54. It has garnered 3977 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:52 or 3892 seconds. Apple Jack is dead,Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, heir own minecraft server and play minecraft MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated*. Read More

  • Daziz’s Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!

    Daziz's Insane Minecraft Adventure: Touch Blue, New Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tapi Sentuh Biru Muncul Hewan Baru’, was uploaded by Daziz Gamez on 2024-05-13 06:48:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe and like if you like Comment and share if you are kind 😀 k Minecraft is a game for placing blocks… Read More

  • Insane Build Challenge – City in Minecraft! Watch Now

    Insane Build Challenge - City in Minecraft! Watch NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construction d’une ville avec abo Minecraft #3’, was uploaded by TEAM Kitetsu on 2024-02-07 15:55:25. It has garnered 113 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:12 or 9072 seconds. Go to Twitch byspayss_ Read More

  • GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯

    GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT: Disaster Strikes in Minecraft! ☠️🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Oh No ☠️ | Troll Face | Phonk | Moment Before Disaster | Minecraft’, was uploaded by GAME SPACE HIGHLIGHT on 2024-09-26 10:33:00. It has garnered 3681598 views and 267567 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts Read More

  • ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, Bases

    ULTIMATE SCARY FIND in Minecraft Maizen: Spider, BasesVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by muzen on 2024-05-24 10:00:12. It has garnered 20492 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:41 or 9101 seconds. JJ And Mikey FOUND SPIDER, PC, SCARY BASES in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥

    Minecraft PE Mods: TOP 5 EPIC Anime Mods! 🤯🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 5 *EPIC* Anime Mods for Minecraft PE (Mediafire link)’, was uploaded by Tube Saga on 2024-06-01 12:37:00. It has garnered 4065 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. Welcome to our latest video on the **top 5 anime mods for Minecraft PE 1.20**! If you’re a fan of both Minecraft and anime, you’re in for a real treat. In this video, we’ll be diving into some of the most exciting and creative mods that bring your favorite anime worlds and characters straight into your Minecraft PE 1.20… Read More

  • INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!

    INSANE MIECRAFT ADVENTURE with Manthan Sevatkar!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj Khelenge MIECRAFT #minecraft’, was uploaded by Manthan Sevatkar on 2024-05-06 05:28:57. It has garnered 35 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:57 or 1497 seconds. 🔥 Welcome to the Minecraft Adventure LIVE! 🔥 Dive into the blocky, pixelated world of Minecraft with us in this thrilling live stream! Join the ultimate gaming experience where we craft, build, and explore our way through this infinite digital realm, all in real-time excitement! 🛠️ Crafting Epic Adventures 🛠️ Watch as we craft our destiny from scratch, crafting tools, gear, and structures that defy… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mcguire & Co.Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT WITH MCGWIRE AND CO!!!’, was uploaded by Wülf Boi on 2024-07-30 01:46:47. It has garnered 52 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:41:01 or 13261 seconds. If you’re reading this, give me money https://www.patreon.com/WulfBoi Read More