EPIC Boat Racing Action | Watch Bluleader64 Dominate!

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Well hello it is I on stream look at that um I’m I hopefully everything is working properly because I I haven’t done this in a while I did some fc2 streams two of them and uh hopefully everything is working here so I see some of you guys already here

Um hopefully you can hear my voice and and uh everything um we’re going to be doing some uh boat Labs ranked um mcin and his boat his boat Labs team have speaking of mcin there he is and he’s in chat as well hello um they have

Been setting up uh some new boat lab stuff and oh no here they come oh boy what’s up Oh my gosh all right um they have set up a while ago a um a ranked time trial thing and I’ve you know as um someone who doesn’t really do I’m traveling and grinding and boat racing um I kind of stayed away from it and it’s been going

On for about I think I want to say six seven months or something it’s been going on for a long time um correctly from WR about that but um I’ve been kind of staying away from it cuz that’s not normally what I’d like to do but um I’m I’m told that uh

You can earn some uh some of their new cosmetics and plugin uh stuff that uh you can do and so um here’s their leaderboard and these people have been doing this for like I said months and um I while I don’t expect to um get on here

Um we’re just going to try it out uh do all the tracks and um see how well I can place up here so um that’s what we’re doing and I see every everyone has surrounded this leaderboard but um yeah so uh I believe you they uh added some

New stuff um some new like rewards and stuff pretty sure oh I can’t remember how to get there but um you can get like boats and stuff I think yeah you can get like well I already earned all the regular boats but there’s um back button anyway um some like new

Special types of boats like oh yeah there they go so these guys are running all all these colorful boats and uh hopefully we can join them by doing I believe if we set a time on every single uh track a good enough time we’ll uh we’ll earn these boats so that’s

We’re going to do we got uh five or six tracks five five different tracks that we’re going to run through today um we’re going to be doing this uh we might I don’t know we’ll see I’ll maybe invite some people to call maybe just join a

Public one I don’t know we’ll see but um yeah we got five tracks um Beloved the race by Gustav calina V2 that one’s a fun one invinci blue laser SL that’s an pretty old one and uh my own um they added my own track so I feel like a

Little guilty not even trying it out um without um you know my own track is on here so uh we’re going to have fun with Loop Lake and then blell which is uh one of my other favorites probably my one of my favorites that’s not my own uh I got

To be honest blell is one of my favorites so uh we’re going to try that and um today and uh see how everything goes so I don’t know let’s just get right into it um if you want you can join um the IP is uh mcboat labs.net I

Think I believe that’s right I hopefully that’s right um I think uh someone will TR correct me if I’m wrong on that but uh yeah and you can do the same exact thing there you go they’re all putting it in it is correct but um yeah so um let’s just get things

On their way um and uh we’ll start I’ve already done a few of these tracks on the server belov it I’ve think I’ve done once or twice C I’ve done a little bit but the the other ones I’ve raced every single one of these tracks before it’s just

They’re not shown on here so um I don’t know let’s let’s start with blow out because it’s my favorite but um we’re just we’re just going to go and um yeah I see you guys are all putting in Strat uh can I see what calling me out on my

Line so um I don’t know let’s just yeah let’s just go uh so Bell let’s let’s talk about this track a little bit um lell is a pretty uh one of my favorites uh built by evil it’s based around a park that um uh she lives near and um hopefully

I’ll I live pretty close to it too but uh we’ll see maybe one day I’ll I’ll show up to the real Park but um it’s beautiful and oh there’s some back there and yeah that’s another thing with uh with this whole streaming setup I don’t know how

Well they uh well like lag and stuff we’ll be doing and uh you know any any small little things that’s happening oh jeez we’re going this way but uh yeah this track I believe what did we I’ve raced on this track a few times I think some oink oink championship races

Have been on here um did we have an OS qual on this track I think something like that we had on blell I’m trying to remember what that was but uh I don’t know man I’m uh I’m a little rusty today I haven’t I haven’t done any but rting

Today so we’ll warm up to it but uh so there we go we already got um gold from here so they have boats has this nice like metal form format and that was already a bad turn we can reset we want but right now we’ll just keep doing LS

Um but blell has or not BL boat Labs has a pretty cool metal system they have going on where you can earn more medals by getting Fast Times on tracks that they predefine so that way you can feel rewarded I have I I think I got diamond

In all the original tracks but they I I looked the other day and they have tons and tons of of new metals and stuff to try out then um maybe one day I’ll I’ll get all those as well but okay dead lap but um let’s here we can see I believe just take

The um medals yeah so you can see they have all these things so I got one netherite which is super hard but um all these diamonds and there’s a bunch of them that I have gotten nowhere close to so look at all these ones I haven’t even

I haven’t even touched but uh yeah some there go there’s Loop Lake Loop Lake’s on there I’m sure all the other uh ranked things are on there so let’s go back to Bowell hour hopefully he the same right yeah and yeah so we’re 66 on the first lap not too bad but uh

Definitely do better uh believe is not doing the S wall tap you know I wait hold on who just put my just put this here who did this this was was not here a minute ago right I don’t think so let me double check this

I I don’t think that was there here we go I I just rewinded my first LA but um any whoever whoever put that in there I guess thank you no it was not in there it was uh we just added all right thanks whoever oh they put it everywhere

There’s more there’s more of them oh my word um let’s see so normally when I practice I practice without distractions and that that usually includes uh talking and there’s more signs everywhere without uh any distractions I usually have music going but uh um you know we’re we’re sacrificing a

Little bit of performance for uh some good vibes right so having a little bit of fun I’m surprised a bunch of these oh it’s jol’s doing there he is hello just caught him in the actx placing another sign down hope he knows that I’m not going to be on this track

For like hours but you know that’s another thing I don’t know how long I’m going to go um you know with with the fc2 stuff that uh it’s pretty much predefined how long it’s going to go we usually aim for like a little less than 30 minutes for the race

So whatever and uh have the 9 seconds delay uh well that’s what it is whatever deal with it and uh another good lap there we go move up 40th or 44th I just saw my uh my image on there great oh one of the cones oh my

Word they are destroying this track for me so thank you guys I’m it’s pretty funny I’m not usually the boat Labs guy if you don’t know uh boat Labs is based well it just got moved actually um it was in Finland for the longest time and uh I believe they moved

Somewhere in Germany but uh it’s on the European side which uh gives me a heavy disadvantage on any sort of racing that gets done on this because it’s so far away um so normally I stay on the the North American server of frostex which where you see all the fc2 stuff oh my

Gosh they are everywhere but uh yeah so that’s that’s another reason why there’s I it looks like I have such small amount of progress on any of the tracks here and uh yeah we got um another thing about Bo is pretty cool it’s been I mean

It’s it was based around the plugin and you can see all the plugin work and that’s what what runs all the uh the medals and the the times and everything like that is run through the one plugin that muuz made and of course he’s on here watching and uh that’s what it was

Based on I think the entire start of the boat La server was because of this plugin which is pretty cool to see how much it’s progressed and uh we use it on Frost X as well and uh brwc uses it as well and it’s it’s G quite an audience

But it was built here in boat labs and uh kind of a testing ground for uh all this new features and stuff um so usually they get new content first and um you know this is this is what they got and oh my gosh this section is

Pretty hard C through all that but looks like we R another good lab about 810 up and everyone just sitting on the straight Marana is falling behind me I see her on my mini map there we go there’s the Diamond metal so at least for somewhere we’re 33rd

Um and oh my gosh someone’s going backwards that’s Vicky oh wow but uh yeah so I appreciate what uh jeez I wasn’t looking um I appreciate what boat laabs is doing with all this uh with all this stuff here it’s pretty cool to see and um hopefully when we uh when we unlock

Some of the the new boats hopefully we can uh we can uh we can try what they look like and stuff I usually I used to so they just added this I think only like a week ago or so um this like unlockables and stuff they

Added some like quests and stuff um we used to have access to every single one and that was pretty cool to see um everyone using different types and uh you can see some of those on like older some of the older um fc1 videos that

People used it uh a notable one was the big old van uh I think people really like that just cuz how obnoxious it was but um they have since uh removed access to all of them which uh sounds like a bad thing but I think it’s really cool

That uh now you have to unlock them and it feels more limited uh when you do use them and uh hopefully create a culture of of uh you know cosmetic culture and where you can say hey look I got the I don’t know the a86 or whatever and well

He’s got the van which is pretty cool but yeah I I think it’s cool that they did this and I’m excited to see what they do in the future with uh with earning Cosmetics like this um hopefully I I don’t know exactly how it works I believe something about getting on the

Leaderboard um you can earn special colors for the cars cuz it used to be uh it used to be that you could choose any color and currently my color is set to Blue obviously and uh I could you know choose the color of my car and

It would reflect that so like at the beginning when we saw a few of those guys using different colors you could just choose that color from from any hex color I believe uh you could choose it from but uh um I don’t know how it’s going to

Work something about the top 12 only get let’s get like a special um boat car that uh only has one color option I believe they go down the order picking colors or something like that I I don’t exactly know um someone asks what’s the IP of the server it is mcbo labs.net anyone

Can join and uh hang out here doing some laps anyone’s going to put it in chat is here we go mcbo labs.net no oh I just I just heard G oh my gosh a jump scare what you I have a gift for you I I

Assume I know what this is yes it is it is thank you all right oh sorry I’m holding up the line and okay but uh yeah yeah so everyone who completes five all five uh tracks get a certain car I don’t know I don’t remember the car is it an Austin Martin

I think it’s a model of an Austin Martin it’s something like that and uh um hopefully we we’ll get there and um and everything um let’s try and aim for one more top time on this track and then we’ll move on to something else but uh yeah I I love this track and

Uh if I were to pick a track to keep going on it’d probably be this one it’s beautiful but yeah you can see where my Deltas are so that minus minus1 no Zer now is uh my reference to my top time which is what I said not too long ago um how

How far or close I am away to that time and uh see see if this one can be a good one holding on even but uh yeah that kind of messed it up it’s okay I haven’t done the full outer loop that uh that last turn um usually has some extra

Turns in between it that I run through oh okay uh there we go um some some lag detected which pretty normal uh for me anyway I don’t know if some of the usual boat Labs guys get this a lot but uh oh okay here we go again

Um and looks like some people are saying stuff in chat so um fantasy says he’s on the leaderboard I believe he’s first the top 15 get enchanted version of the car where they get to pick the color of the car however once the color is picked you

Cannot pick the same color yeah so there you go and then um hey blue how do you get to fc2 uh fc2 is completely open and is run on frostex server but uh um currently right now we’re in the offseason because uh regular Formula 1 is in its offseason so we

Follow the same uh the same schedule as real F1 and um so if you’re ever in Downs of win the fc2 races are you can check just the like Lally just Google the the the F1 calendar and it’ll show you the dates we always run Sundays at

Um uh I think we do about 2 2:30 p.m. EST I believe is our usual start time um I don’t know I have to translate but uh yeah we usually um but yeah just all you have to do is show up and um and uh

You’ll be put in the race fc2 is meant for things like this getting new guys onto the track being able to experience uh fc1 pretty much uh as we used to and uh because you know back in the day and we talk more about this later but back

In the day you used to anyone could join just show up and race and uh there was points and uh there were kind of teams and stuff but as long as you showed up you pretty much guaranteed on the grid because uh you know our usual maximum of

20 uh was never reached in those opening Seasons so but now since it’s always a competition to get into uh into the league um I had to open up uh a Junior League for it and I think it’s worked pretty well it’s already become I feel a

Staple of the uh the frostex and ABG community and um and it’s only been going on for a year which is kind of crazy um and in some ways it feels like it’s been going on for a long time and it has uh but in other ways it feels like it’s

Brand new as well so got got to experience some cool things uh you know hosting the fc2 usually um like before that I’ve only really the bcz which is uh um was only a one time event every year we’ve done it twice so far and that was the

Only thing I ever hosted but uh you know since the start of fc2 I’ve been able to do stuff every week and I don’t know what they’re doing over there but probably like eight guys all sitting on the straight but yeah so it’s been pretty cool experience

Being able to commentate over over some drivers get to know um characteristics some of the newer guys see see some people um improve uh people who come from fc2 um you know have have since grown up and uh graduated pretty much to fc1 people like Antonio Antonio yes and uh

Cromat maybe and a few other people I hope uh I don’t know who else really came directly from fc2 but now in the the big league and uh I was on a good lab and I just scraped didn’t I but yeah it’s really cool to see stuff

Like that happen and um you know everyone has their roots and it’s cool to see some people have their roots and in fc2 something I created because you know I come from fc2 but some people come or I come from fc1 originally from like 2021 but a lot of these guys come

From that was a good lap but I messed it up a lot of these guys came from a bunch of different types of leagues bunch of them from brw you know coming into the but racing Community from BWC or from uh something like MRA which uh kind

Of kind of dead right now but they’re trying to bring things back um MRA some from formul elham shout out to Neato I don’t know if he’s watching but um formula elham and a bunch of the other places and so it’s cool to see that some

Guys uh come from from our own little fc2 the lag King strikes again uh yeah usual on usual on Babs um I think it was it was yesterday no not yesterday yeah it was yesterday before the Allstar race uh I couldn’t I I swear the the lag

Kicked me out for like four or five laps in a row and I couldn’t ever start a lap it was kind of annoying but it was just one of those weird little things that happened um for those of you curious why it does why it kicks me out why it

Doesn’t just let me continue um weird the weird thing about boat I don’t have to go into all about it but essentially there’s like a weird delay and stuff where if you lag at the perfect time you can um start your lap later into the lap than uh average and

So like your first checko could be like you know up to half a second quick uh just because the timer started later and um so it tries to prevent things like that uh by having the lag detection and stuff like that so people can’t I mean not like they’re purposely

Cheating but in a way cheating like that gosh that hard for racing go and uh yeah so of course I I set up all this streaming stuff last night um that video I’m I’m proud of that video uh hopefully you guys like it too uh the starting student screen so proud of

That thing oh my gosh um I was watching it last night when I finished I’m like this is really cool uh not to you know talk about it so much but uh you know it hosts like a bunch of history of my uh of some cool things uh

Most of those clips have some sort of um significant um part of uh you know my my uh my experience my career as boat racing um one of those is uh my first ever video uh the brwc one it’s the only one I’m in purple and um you know if you

Don’t remember which one that was it was uh you can just look up the video or uh scroll back in the Stream and find it but um that was my first everyone and uh uh here’s a tip for the last section of blow all right I’m hearing

It what do you got fantasy he probably has the record let’s see um little outer oh yeah he does he has a 1029 what do I have I think I have like a 10 where is mine uh yeah mine’s a 1058 which is nowhere near we’ll wait for his response but um

Yeah uh like I said these people have been doing it for uh for quite a long time oh my gosh and uh you know after fantasy responds his tip or maybe he’s just just uh maybe he just making me wait for nothing but there he goes um clip the

Yellow the the yellow first Apex barely not a ton but you should take a little bit of the orange block on the second Apex to slow you down just enough for you to comfortably drive over all the yellow blocks over the third and fourth Apex and just try not to be desperate

And go on the blue eyes to let yourself runto you want to get over turn speed I think I get it I don’t I’m not sure we’ll see um but curious fantasy since you’re in here uh how much time have you put into some of these tracks like

Uh you know to stay on the first spot you must have put in quite a number of hours into each of these tracks I’m curious to see how uh delay was crazy oh yeah it’s it’s probably gonna happen I don’t know there’s probably ways I can shorten apparently 9 seconds of delay I

Believe is what gusta said earlier but uh uh yeah so we’ll see but um yeah I said there’s probably ways to improve it but uh I I have no idea I keep trying to read what these tips are is to put the stream on two times speed fantasy then you like half

The life yeah well crazy enough if you put on two times speed you go into the future too and you can see exactly when I get the best time and um you know I don’t know hey there uh we have frogy chat going on so that’s why I hear people coming in and

Out that was Jolly there just saying hi he’s the one placing all the signs so uh you know renaming it to blueo I guess what about 25 hours is that right oh my word that oh my gosh oh my I don’t know how how do you do that

Because I mean granted it’s probably over a lot of you know a few months but still you know when I’m done with practicing especially with for like the offseason 2 tracks we all put in considerable amount of hours um but nowhere near that amount um

My the track that I have the most amount of time in is six hours and it’s on um I only have one of it uh what’s it called ball rain for fc1 it was the it was the first race of this season je uh why you giving it back to and uh

Because you threw it oh my gosh on hopefully it’s not too loud or anything uh but yeah mine was six hours and I’m like dang I really spent six hours on a track to be used ons and stuff like that and uh 25 is something else man something

Else and I I doubt anyone has come close to that I’m curious to see though like it’s something something to think about who who and how long is is the longest uh has the longest time on one track cuz I mean 25 hours has got to be there it’s

Got to be up there um but like I forget what it was there was some person on frostex who put like 12 hours or so into um the BCC parkour and uh gosh that terrible and um I don’t know it it just seemed crazy that they put in that much

Time but uh I guess spread out is six oh there go six on so this is fantasy I believe oh wait no hours no sorry uh fantasy’s hours um 6 hours and beloved five on cardelina 4 and a half on invinci blue 2 hours and 45 on Loop Lake

And 5 and a half on a BL okay that makes me feel a little bit better I thought it was 25 hours on blow out and I okay okay oh that that makes more sense and uh that seems more believable honestly um yeah I can see six hours on this

Track not that I would do that amount of time on something like this um espe because I wouldn’t earn much reward from doing it because after all the only thing you get from doing you know putting tons and tons of hours is getting on that top 12 leaderboard

And I’m as probably a lot of you guys know I’m not a time trer I don’t do well in setting fast times I can race well though um almost every race um just about I set I usually gain positions from qualifying and um it goes to show how how much I

Care about the uh the actual practice the grinding times versus places I think finishing higher in a in a race is uh looks like we’re a good time here about time I don’t know what I did different but there we go we moved up to 30th and

Uh 1052 which is isn’t hopefully that bad I mean compar it to Fantasy is 102 it’s it’s trash it’s terrible nothing nothing worth but compared to the fact that I’ve probably put let’s see I’ve put 21 minutes there you go 21 minutes and I got a 105

So uh no one has spent as even close to as much time as shuya on Mount Aina yeah fair enough um yeah so all right so let’s move to a different one uh should we save Loop l for last I I love that one um it’s mine

So let’s do something I don’t care about as much let’s do belove it it looks like I already have a Time on there um I’ve finished it five times and I’m 41st which um I’ve only had 10 minutes on it but you know we can oh my gosh they’ve gone here

Too and if I remember right this is the no is this the fastest I don’t I don’t remember which one’s faster I don’t remember which split but this one’s pretty hard I if I remember right there’s some um there’s some tricky Corners definitely harder than the last track and there’s some lag Spike

There remember right some of these walls I don’t remember which one but some of them have powdered snow you can’t even wall tap off them and yeah you can see my time is already pretty trash compared to what I said before so we might not stay on this

One long if I can’t get a good time left to right says fantasy okay and oh boy right there’s one section is it here yeah this is the hard section at the very end of the track to squeeze through right there there we got on that one but go oh thank you

Mariana left and right he said so let’s go this way yeah I don’t particularly go oh never mind for it just got to say we’re already improving a lot and oh there you go okay so there’s the powdered Stone I’m talking about if you get stuck in

Here it takes forever to get out so damn whenever are you just alone me go Blue for now for now I don’t know we might invite some of those guys in later give myself some rest left right into hold on left right into a wall to is there a wall to right

There uh I think there might have been this maybe no sh messing up I think might at the end of the or the end of the turn maybe right here is what he’s talking about that I know seems like it did that’s what I did um before I think that’s the only

Track I really put in a Time on so there we go get through there curious to see how you think uh how you you got what of you right now but how you guys think uh this will go because um normally I don’t do you know

Streaming and stuff as you can see I’ve only done two hold on I’m got to focus right here get this and a but uh oh go go thank you guys but uh you know how this go should I keep doing it should I um maybe should I just stick to living

In the editing dungeon and um edit you know give videos and um unfortunately since yeah set there un um ah no lag we go um nor I I just do fc1 povs I think that’s my favorite thing that I do but uh fc1 is over for a little bit

We don’t come back until like February or something and uh so we have to wait I got some things lined up that I could start editing we had a cool um Coastal Cup race which um I haven’t done I’ve only done the One race of coastal cup

It’s a uh League that’s pointed towards people of oceanana so that way they have reasonable times to uh to race because from my understanding normal Races they have it’s like one or two a.m um for them and um get it oh my gosh look at that I was I

Was doing so well I was it was there it was there you were there um but uh yeah they have terrible times and I think shoot where’s Mar um and I think people like uh shuya is in that time frame or the time zones and uh is one of the few

People who actually does show up occasionally not every time but uh I believe Shia does something like that um and uh yeah Coastal CLP is kind of built for people like that and um me and uh me and another American well Canadian um point or Mark as a lot of you guys

Know oh my gosh this is not going to be good but um we went ahead and joined uh we didn’t join together like we didn’t have the idea together we just uh happened to join be our first race on the same time and uh um we had a lot of fun

We we had a lot of find uh raceing against those people because we don’t often get to race against them and uh I get it on the on a terrible lap oh great one second slow this isn’t going to be anything but uh hopefully hopefully we get one in uh

Hopefully we can get one good lap in not that though so Telly says man is streaming yes yeah trying something new today um you know a lot of uh I’m still on uh my winter break from University so uh um figed I’d spend the time trying trying

New stuff and uh this will be one of them but yeah so we had Mar had a lot of fun showing up uh I think we’re we were in call together and just absolutely having a blast cuz it’s it was just a casual league so we didn’t really we

Didn’t show up well it was on a track okay it was on Cyber World 2 which is a track we’ve done multiple times I’ve raced on it like two or three times including an offseason race um he’s here oh my gosh uh hold on all right we’re up again

See what we can do here oh my gosh I definitely released so I’m losing a lot of time but hopefully hopefully something happens here and there we go improved got to 39th and I’m happy with that think we could do better though luy yeah I don’t know my university has a

Weird has a weird winner term I think with uh like you could take classes in the winter and uh they have to allow enough time for people to actually uh do those classes and so that means they have to extend the length of it which gives everyone else a break and

Longer break and uh it’s about twice as long as I feel like any other university does it so it’s pretty cool um but yeah so this is what we got to do instead um oh my gosh yeah so hard it’s first and last that last SE really scary they

You had to put it on the very end of the lap that kills your run no matter what you do if you mess it up you can’t even recover it so it’s on the stone what it’s oh oh the wall tap oh that makes sense what are you talking about

What’s on the stone my University no that wouldn’t make sense so it’s right that doesn’t seem right is it must be right here then probably oh there’s a hole there uh the wall tap on the right route is not the oh yeah um must be here then oh whoa all right that was

Weird um interesting um but yeah hopefully I don’t know if things go well and um things are successful oh there there’s Jill doing it so that must be it you sure there is an AAP here then I feel like that could be worth something oh my gosh

Um but if things go well we can start invest I can start investing more time into more stream related things like you said I got like like I said I got uh got that um starting soon screen but maybe eventually we can get uh sort of

Chat going I found a way to do it I just have to work it out and uh stuff like that um but maybe oh my gosh here they are again what’s up guys yeah thank you what’s up whoops this good laugh at all oh jeez what do the sign

Say uh Ball tap ahead oh yeah where what I got I got evil to pay for this I hope she does not find out I don’t know uh Gustav made this track uh bro picked the best track hey Reno uh sure you can you can say that about this one I it’s not

Something not one of my favorites I’ll tell you that um it’s cool it’s cool it doesn’t get much use uh I don’t think I’ve seen it in any sort of League racing oh I I should say I haven’t um I think maybe oink oink or something has done a race here but uh

D uh 16 17 now yeah uh pretty good I think that’s more than fc2 usually get um about the same time too uh we usually start an hour early though on fc2 oh my gosh I I forgot how the wall T goes um yeah Renos here if you don’t

Know he has a little check mark too I didn’t know that was a thing but uh Reno is uh one of the guys who made it out of the uh small YouTube area he uh he had a um YouTube short that popped off got quite a few million

Views and uh so we’re all proud of him for oh gosh for doing that and um yeah so I’m sure probably a lot of you guys have seen these uh if you’ve no matter if you are deep in the community or you know about the community or not you’ve probably seen

His one at least one of his uh his shorts he does uh hases those thin those thin tracks um uh there’s like thin like one block wide tracks I’ve done a few of them um but uh reason one of his really popped off I think had something

To do with uh the song he picked of Freebird and uh good song but uh yeah they look impressive too and um uh for for us they’re not like super hard cuz you know we’re we are as you know boat Racers we’re trying to in a

Way on these full tracks trying to get um on a line as thin as these uh so it’s not anything like super new to us it just means there’s no room for error and of course there’s lots of error uh that’s going on on here um it’s not a

Double wall tap also if I’m correct no no it’s fine uh thank you for the tips it’s not a double wall tap though so I got to you sure man I don’t know I should I should say he’s number one I I should trust him but uh

Gosh the Free Bird free bird shs there they are yeah it’s pretty cool to see him uh in quite a big uh pop culture like that and he brought I still remember that the by the time he posted that tons and tons of new guys were joining the server and

It was really cool to see that um um you know the frost server came from a bunch of guys in the community you know driving together um but uh now it’s it feels more like a public server like there’s people on there you don’t know who they are um

Even here there’s probably some people I don’t know yeah those guys just there’s three guys at the bottom uh taku David and oh not 28 sorry yeah those people I don’t know who they are I’ve never seen them um but uh it’s pretty cool to uh to see

This community become a little bit more public and um share share the enjoyment that we have because um um it’s uh it’s it’s pretty fun to uh to experience stuff like this and um sharing it with oh that was what did I hit there oh I hit a corner or something no

I don’t know what I hit oh was this oh there’s a there’s that block right there that one um very sure it’s also a bit easier to wall up a few blocks early okay I’ll try that too trying to get a few more laps I don’t know how much time it spent here

Compared to we’ll try and keep it even I don’t care I’m tapping look at that see I don’t oh jeez I was I was looking at the I was looking at the little a bit too why so much blue propaganda uh because I’m streaming that’s why wife

And uh Jolly goes crazy I guess jol’s cool they like all the way up here maybe yeah maybe I don’t know I guess this is this is why I skill issue and why I only have one wayn I don’t know we just huge fans exactly exactly they’re surprised I’m on boat

Labs that’s why they want me to keep coming back but um yeah so normally I’m on prospects and um you know we it’s not like there’s competition um or if if any of you guys had that idea that there’s like competition between the two servers absolutely not um course oh there they

Are look he’s coming oh my gosh that’s so cool uh of course it’s on a bad lab too so that means we’ll make the Gap yep cuz it’s on a bad lap and uh we’ll go again for all you practice we are on beloved in the rank tracks U so yeah for

Those of you who joined since I started we are doing boat Labs rank which is uh a little thing the server set up a while back and um they set up five tracks to uh set your fastest times on and the best uh you combine all your best times

Between all them and uh you get oh no and uh that run that run was the good spot to all have I don’t know which run it was but I think I know a little earlier when I was confused about how early it was right here maybe but um I doubled it but

Whatever um oh my gosh I need to break so much early there um yeah what was I saying all I remember was talking about the competition there’s no competition um uh most of us share the two tracks two servers sorry and um of course everyone has their preference um I am a

Frostex guy and uh it’s mostly because of the Ping ah dang and um reliability and it’s also the one I grew up on pretty much um grew up on but you know I stayed with boat Labs is newer uh significantly but um they feel like they’ve been around Forever at this

Point and um which is not something I grew up on pretty much to all right I guess they turned L into a blue supporter as well that’s cool that’s cool hey nothing wrong with that um but uh yeah uh you know I I started on the old AB we were talking about this

There’s a there’s a for post on uh the ab Discord that was talking about some of the stuff that happened like you know it was uh I think it was C done or someone else like that who uh who asked you know what was it like long ago and

Uh it was pretty cool to uh uh you know reminisce I mean I do it often but uh talk with people who are actually asking who are actually wondering instead of me rambling to people who uh maybe never asked and I just want to talk about it um about the

Old stuff and like I said I um you know I was a part of the AVG community and uh well boat laabs andx is an extension of it I feel like the AVG is home to me oh let’s go let’s go I got a cookie from the want

A bad LP uh where’s the cookie there it is uh closest cookie awesome I don’t I don’t know what I I don’t know I expected it to do something but uh yeah okay what does it do anything no close this cookie and it’s huge hold on did you see

That how big it is huge um second uh you’re be uh yeah if you’re wondering like who what unlike normal streamers you don’t have music on yes it’s because I set it up yesterday uh I got to figure out a way to do that um I know you just grab a bunch of

Uh what’s it called um royaltyfree music and just shove it into One MP3 but I don’t know uh I feel like I had to do that for quite a quite a while in order to get like a long enough playlist that it doesn’t seem repetitive and songs that I like a very particular

Um probably took me like 30 40 minutes to find the song that I used for the open the the starting soon screen and um I like that song but uh yeah I got to find stuff that fits the mood I’m wanting and isn’t too weird oh here they are

And oh my gosh and of course we’re on a good run and uh there it goes he was a frost frostex guy she was a boat Labs girl yeah I don’t know instead of reverse entering the bridge you can W tap the chain interesting okay uh I don’t remember where the chain is

But we’ll find out bad okay it’s fine uh wall tap the chain oh there oh no right there I see it right ah that down I see it that’s hard like you can’t even see that well like zoom in to find it okay we’ll do like a few only a few

More laps here and then uh and then we’ll uh oh my gosh yeah that is hard all right maybe we’ll come back to it how about that um I can’t even find the free cam mod what is it called I think it’s just called free cam and uh yeah free cam um

Yeah that’s cool I can just press X and uh you know do whatever I want that’s how I make my thumbnails too it’s just freak can um most of my thumbnails a little Insider all those most of those people are me I just put on different skins and uh paste the

Um uh paste them all together that is difficult so it’s uh yeah that’s how I do it um sometimes we get somebody else on if like I think lapis or Sonic has helped a few times um but yeah that’s that’s why uh I use it so often and we just use

A quick oh my gosh I’m going way too early okay let’s go back to this hopefully I remember what to do we’ll go to something else and come back to it so we got 39th which is that better no no Blood Out no it’s not I think it’s just

Because I’ve spent much time on it oh no well today anyway um oh hello taku does he have he has proxy on what’s up man which one should we go to uh Carina’s cool invinci let’s just do invincibly let’s get it out honestly of course um uh

This track is it looks like the only decoration is this which this one’s backwards uh oh and that I this is one of Laser’s older tracks and um I don’t know they picked oh that’s not powdered snow that is concrete oh my gosh time to set up is this is this oh my

Gosh uh yeah normally most tracks are ped snow but this one’s old enough where the white is not so I can’t skip over it I don’t know yeah I don’t know why whoever picked I’m pretty sure mcin picked them not be wrong the boat Labs rank so they picked this track but

Um maybe because I don’t know I’m I’m pretty uh pretty good fan of decorations on tracks uh oh my gosh that somehow work I don’t I don’t really know how it did but yeah um I’m on the uh the track Review Committee which are the people who uh who paste who uh

Review tracks that are wanting to be pasted into prex that’s also why we have like 300 tracks um and usually if if it doesn’t look good I don’t really care yo go all right first lap in see where we go we’re got gold uh 50 First there you

Go definitely do better I’m oh I just saw in chat uh 1.7 seconds away from Diamond we can do that not an issue it’s probably because this section I don’t know I thought I did pretty well but I scraped at the end oh never mind yeah this is much

Easier it says that’s awesome reminds me of um what I used to do uh whenever whenever he had an fc1 track probably towards the end of the 2022 season and the beginning of the 2023 season of fc1 and hold on I got to pay how much to my fans what’s up guys

This is di it is it is it’s 1.1 second I think we got it we’ll see we’ll see oh maybe not let’s see NOP no not yet not yet other side other side other side what wait the man I don’t know guess these guys spend their time just watching

Me um oh what was I saying I was saying reminds me of when I just I just put literally these signs these probably these exact colors white and blue on um on the old fc1 tracks and and you can find them they’re just like a small advertisement spot on some of the old

Fc1 tracks and oh um and uh yeah they’re around you can probably find them every now and then I know Monza still has one or two maybe what’s up guys oh my gosh Hess up bad LP uh I do went uh from the weey to having full on streams hey you know the

Weey the bad weey is still it still happens it’s not as much uh we got better internet provid great lot people on uh for those of you if you just joined us we’re doing boat Labs ranked which is uh something that uhu and the boat Labs team set up we have five

Tracks to uh oh my gosh um set our fastest time we’re going to see what we can do at all in one day uh most these people had a few months and um but not here we spend one day on it I don’t know we we do another one I

Don’t know we’ll see for now it’s one day and uh see how far we can get I don’t expect to get any top he’s here he’s here yo here go I was just trying to think on Frost the WEA we maybe try let’s see if we can do the block

Stop here oh maybe not maybe not oh it was an improvement by oh one tick there we go we improved or not wait no that’s just checkpoint said that’s very confusing I don’t I don’t know what all that means I hold on we messed up what is this the

One I have you should have just start end and start I don’t know what these three mean I don’t is there a way to turn those off for bow anyway what was I saying oh yeah ranked um yeah I don’t expect to get any top times or anything like that um mostly

Because I don’t I’m not a time trer and also they’ve had plenty of time to set crazy laughs like we were talking about fanty earlier he was uh he was putting in about six hours on each track with a total of like 25 on all five which is

Um uh quite a lot not something I would even try to do I’ve done it once six hours on a track we kept a lot of speed on that turn but it a little bit wide so we’ll see what we can how we can

Do to finish up the lap we’re we’re on a good lap yo what’s up double Blue double blue glad they’re having a fun time uh that’s that’s the cool thing about proxy let’s see hold on before I make that statement oh let’s see no we had it oh it was

There it was there we had half a second and lost it all in the last turn very nice um let’s try again um let’s just restart a bad turn I was saying about um right little proxy chat and um I still don’t remember the first

Time we ever got proxy chat uh it was the Australian I think no was it Australia I think it was the Australian GP yeah and um just about everyone on the grid had it and I still have a video up on it um you can go look at

It oh no we screwed screed uh my gosh chat is going crazy thank you guys um but uh everyone had it and I still remember that time during the qualifying we had two Heats or I think two Heats yo let’s go that was some of um we had uh two qualifying Heats and

I was in second uh I was no I wasn’t even I I wasn’t even C with these guys but uh Reno and Gustav would run around the track and uh do something like that where they would just just like go set up in a spot and just um you know give

Give encouragements and and cheer and uh it’s fond memory I have of uh proxy oh there we go that’s a faster way when it was uh when it was in its prime or I say in Prime but when it first came out everyone had it and it

Was such a cool experience nowadays it’s not used by everyone uh I hope one day we can get that back oh screwed little but hopefully we can get that experience back cuz that was one of the funniest races I’ve been a part of apart from maybe Kota Kota was pretty fun nice come

On let’s SC blue last year kot was pretty cool as well but um that was one of the funny funniest and most enjoyable races simply because everyone had proxy chat you know you could yell at each other uh you know as you’re passing them

And we can still do that there we go PB by another tick fantastic moving up one tick at a time looks like but um oh my gosh you know um such a cool experience we had so hopefully if you guys are watching after and you’re I don’t know

If you’re in fc2 or FC you know fc1 drivers turn it back on man like leave it on who cares if people can hear what you’re doing um we’re not that serious enough where we’re going to on your an and what we going to do know when you’re

Going to pit a lap earlier okay whatever um yeah so that’s that’s kind of why I think I think it’d be awesome to have back it’s great for even the commentators to uh be able to go in Du FL Bros did I I guess um for even the commentators to hearing

What your strategy is it’s super cool oh this is a good one there we go we got the diamond point 4 up 41st Place not too bad um but yeah I’m not going to lie oh my gosh so we got two chats going we got um

Gotta read both of them it’s kind of hard would say oh swag says Su what’s up man um you must be new because I don’t recognize your name unless you’re an old or something but uh we’re doing Bo Labs ranked and uh we’re vote Racers who uh

Who compete over silly things like this and we’re going to reset there but we’re pretty good at what we do I I would say we’re pretty good at what we do and uh pretty pretty much every everything I post stuns at least one person away like blows their mind that we’re we’re this

Quick at it cuz I mean um a lot of people like their experience of boat racing is something super small on the smallest uh smallest tracks and they try it once or twice and then they they stop I would say just about almost oh no no

That was such a good lab let’s see if we can recover oh yeah a little bit um a lot of the experience is something small and they only do it once or twice and they don’t fully understand it before uh yo I believe yeah yeah um and uh hopefully we can get

That’s a good good one on going Focus here oh nope oh we still improved there we go point two up stay same position okay but we’re under uh 59 seconds which okay hold on let’s see what’s the fastest time here it’s MC’s 559 fantasy Ty with

Them uh like I said we are far away from the top and it will probably not reach there oh my gosh um but I was saying most people’s experience with with boat racing is once or twice I feel like just about everyone has done it at least once and um you

Know when they come to any of our channels really like Adams Rena’s mine um Gustav at times as well other people uh it’s um they get they get blown away by how fast we are and honestly getting to a good enough skill level isn’t that like that will blow people away isn’t

That hard you can already see a lot of the fc2 drivers most of them they’re on their first or second race which is pretty cool um and it’s just one of those things that first step is the hardest step in Ro racing so if you’re thinking about wanting to join us

And like you know start and uh and start doing races and stuff like that it’s easier than it looks on that first step I’m not kidding that first step is is super hard but once you get there you’ll enjoy it so much more cuz you can stay on the track

Cuz that first step you’re just running around trying to stay on the track and not doing it well you’re turning too late and you just end up going straight into the grass every single lap um but once you understand it and are able to stay on the track it’s so fun being able

To can you put my drive around the corners you know set faster and faster times and uh eventually get into big races and uh you know I everyone has pretty much an opportunity through fc2 to get through you know a race with like 15 or more people every week which is super

Cool to see um uh didn’t expect blue to grind go go go yeah um I hey only on certain occasions do I really put down uh put down some hours but um by that meaning only pretty much fc1 allst star and uh and offseason of course occasionally I’ve done a few tracks

Uh there’s a few tracks out there that put in some extra amount of time oh no let’s see we can do better though through here or not let’s see where the update goes should it be faster I think yeah there we go um but yeah so those for those of you

Who are just absolutely Blown Away by how fast it is it’s not that hard just the first step is a little bit difficult and uh hopefully we can get more people in because um the best thing about uh the boat racing Community is when and well

Right now it’s I mean I say it’s small but compared to I mean you’re you have to be comparing it to other Min Game servers and what that goes to is like Hypixel and stuff um we’re pretty small there we go another PB it’s only a 10

Though and we made up two positions oh 39th but um yeah so just saying it’s it’s relatively small so we have a small community like all these people I know every single one or I mentioned earlier there wasn’t some of these people all these people who are

At least cheering me on they’re my good friends I’ve known them for quite a few years and um you know um some people like Adam he’s one of those people he’s been able to uh actually go around like tour the world and uh and uh visit a lot of these

People he’s gone he’s gone to Europe like I don’t know three times or so just to visit with these guys and it’s so cool to see that Community but uh when when when it does grow hopefully it will I don’t see it not gr you mind

Sending the codes for the names and uh when that happens uh it provides more opportunity for those PE those newer people to race with other people because um you know you see it with uh BWC right now it’s most apparent there that um with growth there’s more of a gradient of skill

Levels and um and you can see that between like league b drink that uh you know there’s more opportunities like with more people there’s at least going to be someone near your skill level that you will race against and with more people we’ll have entire leagues dedicated to something like that

Or everyone’s super close maybe and and stuff like that because I mean fc1 is I mean it’s at the top but a lot of these people are pretty darn close to each other we uh we rarely lap some of the TP guys um no I don’t really think there’s much you

Got to make use of from this Rome was actually great um but yeah so it’s as the community grows we we’ll see more more racing opportunities um like I said right now everyone just about every oh okay just about everyone nowadays can can race in at least a 15 person race no

Matter your skill level U and of course that will change depending on your skill level um you know faster guys have more opportunities to race and more they can race and the permanent 21 roster of fc1 um and stuff like that but uh through fc2 through oink oink through uh

Coastal cup there’s so many opportunities now um to race and before it was always One race uh which was fc1 that was main it was fc1 and brwc were like the two Leakes um and uh you know if you weren’t fast you’re stuck in the back and you

Will be left and uh cuz you’re preped against the guys who’ve been doing it for years but oh my gosh who that was but yeah it’s pretty cool to see the community grow like that and uh you know with things it’s uh you know we we take

Some things in our own hands things like content um Oh I thought that was going to be something good apparently not though um lu bye mzin thank you for uh joing see does want say anything he met up with Adam yourself I’ve yet to um I’ve met up with laser that’s the only

Thing I’ve done but everyone else not yet um I’m not in a good position to go travel um so if it were to happen most time they’re going to have to come to me so that’s probably why um what was I saying but yeah thank you mzin uh

Everyone she gives more props to mcen you guys some of you guys probably don’t even know that mzin is wicked fast um but he chooses not to race which is quite interesting and um you know most these competitions uh he doesn’t take part in he would probably win almost every competition he

Is one of the fastest guys we know and um he would probably win a lot of the competitions and uh but he ch not to which is quite interesting and I think um I don’t know about nowaday I haven’t raced with him in quite a while but when

Probably like you know seven eight months ago or so it’d be cool to see more traveling within the community but sometimes life gets away yeah of course it’s kind of expensive too um but uh and especially For Us in like North America or whatever who we’re all pretty spread apart

Um and but those in Europe you know all the estonians they they hang out all the time I know uh like Maran and Vicki they they hang out all the time Rena’s in there too Rena and Kevin I haven’t seen Kevin in a while hope he’s still around sure he

Is um but uh what was I saying earlier about oh yeah muin it it’s really when but now he’s he’s not you know taking part in all the competitions it provides such a wide range of people who can win and it’s great to see cuz um you know there’s there’s quite a

Few people who win races it’s not the same person every time I’ve won one Mark’s won one which was cool for him for me and um I’m talking fc1 anyway and uh you know it’s while well we do have people and even teams that uh that stay on top uh you know rocket

So would a Crusades that type of stuff um there’s always there’s always competitions um you know we knew uh you know we knew we pretty much knew Rock was going to win but there was a chance that he couldn’t um I don’t I don’t want to spoil os2 but uh os2 is pretty

Interesting too I know I can I can now uh os1 we couldn’t spoil but uh os2 we can we’re allowed even if we want to uh um I I just I just won’t for the sake of it um because some people are still interested crafties is still making

Videos on it and providing that story of of of surprise so I’m going to keep that information uh up to him but yeah that one’s pretty interesting and um you know I one was cool too it was it was so cool that one’s I mean

That one’s out uh Ren cost great job he amazing story from him it’s it’s his uh is it his only yeah I think it’s his only uh League or like League win oh he’s won Elam I think that Almost Doesn’t Count though um so you know we get we get lots

Of variety and um I’m not saying mccuin don’t race if you want to do it but I don’t think you will but it’s it’s an interesting as to think about hey Jolie all right we’re getting nowhere with Invincible blue so should we move somewhere else

Um I really also want to meet with some other people around the world this fantasy and Sam you guys you guys just stayed in Rome didn’t visit legendary um yeah I mean another thing is that like you visit places for things other than meeting up with people um they got here too

Dang why am I surprised um some is that a button I don’t know what that does okay um but yeah usually you know it’s out of the way I think uh fany came around near me at one point uh pretty close to my university but uh you know

He was there for other reasons so uh we didn’t have the time to uh connect it’s okay you know it is what it is let’s see oh he was he was showing there was a wall tap there and I got I totally I totally thought there was one

There like oh get some line info from someone who’s May been doing it for a while nope no not at all that was not a wall tap surprise um I think I’ve done this track a few times on Rost I think I remember it yeah I I’ve done at least all these

Tracks once it’s not like they’re brand new to me so that’s why I’m not like gawking at the scen but this one is pretty cool we got to pay attention um this one’s built by cardcraft who doesn’t actually race on tracks he uh he only builds them uh well he he

Mostly does like other stuff but occasionally he’ll put in a new ice track and it’s pretty cool um I mean you can see wash around the scenery and stuff how cool it really is here um but yeah it’s pretty cool that people like that I know there’s a really

Hard block stop right there I just don’t even want to bother uh this build Labs rank thing when does it end uh I think it ends in a week if I’m wrong on that okay I think it’s six days yesterday was may be a week but um it

Ends in a week if you’re just starting now good luck trying to do it all uh unless you’re really good I don’t at least put in I don’t know compare yourself I guess but don’t expect to win anything I’m not expecting myself to to get top 12 or whatever even

Close there’s proba wall Taps through here you don’t do the wall Taps I don’t know it’s been a while I I’m sure there’s some here I just got to find them first also I’m not too much of a fan of I’m not fan I’m sorry I should

Say that I’m not a user too much of of the wall stops and the block stops I’m I’m much more more of a consistent driver and that usually means not having uh things like that trying to remember where they are I know there are some there are three in total I assume

This means on um calina um that’s not one of them I’ll tell you that um okay what else doing I heard Italian but I can’t be too sure yeah fantasy is Italian or not fantasy um legendary interview withot spot nuh says Hot Spot awesome there are three in

Total wait only do one where you’re doing something wrong with it fantasy probably knows it’s a fourth or something and there’s another thing oh yeah this this track has x amount of block stops or whatever but only a few of them are actually reliable um something like with

Singapore uh was one of those notable tracks we like yeah there’s like I don’t know stick seven wall Taps on the track but some of them are so hard to pull off that you don’t even use them I mean yeah if you’re if you spent plenty of hours

Doing it yeah you’ll you know eventually start using them of course um but for consistent race you’re not going to no so they’re never really using so like well what counts as a wall tap so I don’t know uh for those of you who don’t know

What a wall tap is U there might be some of you wall tap is hitting the wall so that way you like change your momentum um pretty much stopping all momentum on a turn instead of you know uh turning around and holding W like what I did

There um it’s instead hitting the wall instead and um uh doing it it usually is quicker um you just got to find a wall doesn’t have um you know anything in front of it uh as opposed to a block stop which um instead of hitting the wall on the outside is well usually

Usually they’re on the outside um a block stop is on the inside and um you use the the extra friction of a you know a regular block not ice to uh slow yourself down it just slows you down in general it doesn’t you know do it in One

Direction but uh slow down so you don’t have to turn around and uh break can be useful very useful and all the top times use them and it’s really hard to find a track that doesn’t have any of those find where the dang wallts are I

Don’t know where they are last corner I do a block yeah that last corner is where I think I was a p i don’t know uh it looks like last time I sent it I uh I set at time on this track I didn’t have

Uh didn’t have the Delta thing set up uh which was a while ago so that’s why I’m getting like that red uh when the timer turns red it means I missed uh I’m higher my my time is longer than whatever I set I can see my little

Like my logo like glowing in the caves um yeah but yeah the last turn blocks off yeah that one’s obvious it’s obviously it’s there but it’s kind of hard if I remember right both of carinas this is B2 um I think I remember the first one better um yeah they whatever reason they

Both have really hard last turn blog stops like h i I took it really deep but it’s essentially that you don’t know oh my gosh get some water says there the last corner wall tap I didn’t see one but could be wrong H spot so on this corner what are you

Hitting obviously like there’s significant is it maybe on here no where would it be it’s not faster to the Blue Ice Line and turn all right thank you there’s a wall tap on the last turn that’s faster oh what okay I don’t know I didn’t see

One yeah I this track I’ve I have some difficulty with and I don’t know why it’s I you could probably find something about how I form my lines that the GI tracks like these more difficulty for me uh but there’s some random tracks that I’m better at than others oh my gosh

Yeah this one’s going to be I feel like it’s going to be harder to set a good time than uh what’s it called Invincible even um another reason why the delay I I’m just remembering another reason why the delay is so bad is um instead of getting live chat even

Like my I I haven’t set up I don’t even have a second Monitor and uh so I’m reading the chat off the YouTube video itself um which is probably also delayed so it pretty much doubles my response anyway and also you know I’m not looking at chat all the time otherwise i’ be

Sitting well I don’t know if I wasn’t then um maybe I sit in good times but and there’s another thing I’m heavily distracted by uh talking um I should talk about it more like maybe a video or something but um how to how to actually practice on a

Track like if you really want to get good at of track uh you’re GNA have to don’t yeah don’t talk um maybe put on music I do but um don’t talk don’t watch videos like where’s the wall tap where am I going uh we’re trying to get I don’t know it’s

Going to be hard we’re going to get one lap in on calina good one and then maybe we’ll move on uh because maybe it looks like I’ve set pretty good time for my own skill level see like legendary’s doing a blue I I don’t know I should trust fantasy I should

Trust him he’s he’s he’s the best here on these tracks oh I just saw him look at that bam okay bad idea bad idea it probably works I just did it late stealing lines let’s go like it’s uh we’ve gone on a while how long has it been I started at about

11:30 been an hour and a half I’ve been doing pretty well hey look at that I talked for an hour and a half by myself I can can talk to myself for an hour and a half there you go there’s a there’s a record I didn’t know I could beat

Um maybe eventually we can bring some people if I get tired but uh for now I think we’re fine I mean at least in fc2 like if I you know need something it’s only it’s only pretty short and uh well I’ve only done it twice but I can rely on the co

Commentator to just speak oh my gosh I not do what has any my been times been close no well that one that one’s pretty close yeah that’s is also confused on the last Corner W chap man where is it I don’t see it looks like the the hype of the stream

Is dying downless you guys are doing which is okay uh we’ll get a lot of views from the replay and you know for those of you who are just watching this on replay you know chill out we’re not doing anything special we’re not really probably going to do anything more than this uh

And you guys get the opportunity to see how long I have to go maybe I’ll end it right now I don’t know everyone live won’t know but those of you watching you can you can as you’re tapping your screen right now how much time is that yeah you guys

Know is there an hour left these are two hours left I I don’t know and uh that’s the thing like that’s the Curious Thing and I’m sure like all your you know if you guys are stream watching people I’m not actually I don’t really watch streams but

Um for those guys you do do um you’re probably like oh yeah you know this guy does it all he does like every day and stuff like that um you know it’s I’m sure he probably they probably don’t talk about how how they run it too much they’re it’s probably just normal for

Them this is this is new so uh new to me so I can I can share the inside or weird weird Oddities that I don’t understand like apparently you have to entertain people for doing a starting soon screen and not just ending on the OBS screen um as you probably know if

You watch the fc2 replays ending on the fc2 oh ending on the OBS screen sorry I just didn’t bother ever setting something up um oh my gosh yeah now now we got a um starting screen which I think is really cool I mean come

On can I can I hear what you guys think of it I don’t know if any of you guys here even saw that but uh you’ll see it at the end maybe I don’t know um I think it’s pretty neat so much that was a good turn I don’t know

If you saw that that was pretty nice pretty nice nice nice neat nice there we go hope we get a good lap in because haven’t been able to I’ve been waiting for the the PB sound the the belov achievement get or whatever I don’t forget what the actual

Sound is but the the personal best sound um I associate with that now instead of I think it’s actually an advancement oh my gosh uh what so I yeah dang come on I need something good uh yeah I associate with getting uh getting record so whenever hear in the

Game like oh PB oh no never mind and I forget what else there’s like other servers that use that sound for like hpix or whatever um and I get so stared I’m like PB no something else kind weird CU I mean all servers use it frostex BC and

UHS use the same sound hopefully you guys can hear this I don’t know I don’t know we haven’t heard in a while so I guess you can’t check it keep going wi in that TR okay let’s do this lap I don’t think yeah it’s not going to be okay we’ll

Come back to this and hopefully do better let’s let’s go I think we got one more yeah just Loop Lake and um I believe it’s the inside line uh that they set up um so this one’s my track I built this it’s my most recent

Track and um see we can’t oh we can see the whole thing it’s mostly built to have two loops and going to cut off right here in my map but um there’s like this inside loop and then you go around the other way around the entire Lake and

And then back onto the island and this outer lap is supposed to be like all blue eyes you can see the blue right there and this inside lap is all packed eyes but um I believe they cut it off so yeah they cut it off right here so you

Have to go straight across um only doing the inside so I’m I’m I fancy told me there’s there’s tons of wild tests based off the uh another signs everywhere keep that one you know that’s my track so you can keep that one there forever I don’t

Know but yeah it’s all packed I so the inside lap is pretty easy I say that hopefully I don’t mess up but oh there you go there’s a mess up that’s pretty quick too oh dang oh my gosh I am so bad um okay we got more laps we’ll do it

On another lap but for now we’ll just set one in and hopefully um since this is the last rank track that I haven’t completed um hopefully it’ll let me know that I got rewarded a a new car which maybe we can pull out there we go oh got

Gold apparently and uh maybe not let’s see uh what is it it’s just TT no it’s settings I should say I got a new boat and uh I didn’t is IT Cosmetics or something oh yeah great no need you need to add back buttons muen o know I don’t I don’t really know

How to get it I’m pretty sure I I earn a a new car maybe that’s at the end maybe maybe when uh rank is over I get it or something I don’t know um but hopefully is there I wonder if there’s another way to get I want I want

To use one of the new cars that they have so I about that meaning a boat skin uh for those who don’t know it’s a little little skin that changes the uh the model of the boat I’m pretty sure uh there’s like quests yeah oh yeah here’s some here’s some

Quests oh it’s like finish okay so we get like stars for doing these oh the this expires in an hour should we do that or two hours sorry and they are in use so here I’ll tell you um these all earn you Stars which are pretty cool and I

Believe what is I forget what it is uh maybe someone can help me whoever’s in here to tell me where do I get use my star is it a shop or oh my gosh there we go yeah so you can earn the barrel which is uh I believe if you spend like 10

Stars you can get um uh you can earn a random car I can’t buy the barrel um maybe should we should we take a take a break for second and uh try and get some of these quests in maybe and uh earn like this one gives you 10

Participate in a Lobby Until the End SL Lobby join I don’t know I don’t remember what this does We join the lobby we got eight minutes you want to do this for eight minutes and then we’ll get oh hi Neato hello uh we’ll do this for eight minutes

And uh hopefully get a new boat and then I don’t know what this does am I just doing laps on this track oh yeah oh my word let’s do this let’s let’s do this for eight minutes and then when it’s over we can um uh we can hopefully open a new boat

And use it which is something I haven’t done before as you can tell so it’ be experience for me as well um then I I think I know how everything works but that short l oh Diamond let’s go much easier than the other ones man I 8 second though oh my gosh

People people have put time into this track oh my or a lot of people at least put some time oh my gosh like kind of scary like so am I the only one who set a time are they just not doing it or haven’t set one oh I just completely

Missed oh there there there they are okay so I guess we got to compete against these guys uh that’s cool oh there’s another one who joined what what’s up um I guess we’re going to compete against these guys to get see if we can get the fastest time think we can

Do it I don’t know need’s pretty fast head spot’s a good time trailer too so be tough and they’ve maybe done RS I mean they’ve already oh my gosh they’ve already beat me by two few seconds so uh I don’t know I don’t know who Enz is um he is new to

Me what he left oh my God go these little oh little little things I’m resetting a lot cuz I want to try and beat these guys you know get a fire lap watch that spot see what he’s doing he is cutting it close oh there he

Goes is it all packed ice I’m pretty sure there we go that was good here we go we’re second now huge and we’re 18th on the leader word wow how much that has changed it’s it it probably is because this one’s a newer track it’s probably

Why those other ones have huge I mean I was what 40th or something uh just because they’ve been around for a long time and they’re unranked so uh that would that would be why they seem so much harder go get up see there we go so we’re almost up to high spot two

Two or so tense faster we got one1 pretty close only take Away where’s is trying to find time he’s he’s gotten a good one he’s pretty close but not close enough yeah we got to start really getting getting tight Corners in uh I feel like that other lap was pretty darn fast so um now comes you know a real a real grind work

Every little bit matters every every you know meter shaved uh en is asking I don’t know if he’s in chat but if how how do I go up using a boat uh you need the mod um yeah let’s talk about that for a second Open Boat utils

Um for those who don’t know what it is it’s a mod that allows you to go up blocks yeah there you go stuff answer room and uh unless you go up blocks and stuff uh pretty neat to see and um has some weird other side effects to it but

Uh uh up up blocks and down blocks at a reasonable speed um very cool very cool thing that we’re allowed that we’re we’ve been able to develop um I believe initially developed by Kevin I want to say or something and then um I forget who built the the open version um I’m sorry

I don’t remember who who it was but somebody else uh remade it is this 07 moon or something like that I think um yeah they uh they rebuil it so it had some extra use and that’s what we use nowadays and it’s pretty cool to uh

Hide and uh looks like hpot got away a little bit more we got we got less than three minutes left uh this this is actually pretty cool to uh to do um I haven’t done the lob I know it’s been around for a while I just haven’t done it but

Uh pretty cool to see and I’m glad there’s other people around who are are making it interesting instead of me just doing ROMs but let’s see what we’re can do we got two minutes left we got to try and see if we can be head spot by a few C and nope what

Good oh no I thought I had that oh Neato got to 22 flat he still weighs out but anything can change and uh yeah uh looks like the the Quest for this earn 10 Stars so we can immediately buy a new boat with this which PR cool we’ll spin the wheel see

What we get and uh we’ll use it of course I’ll have to use it um they’re pretty cool they I I don’t think any of them have no h spot doesn’t but um they’re pretty neat uh originally developed by uh rocas actually um he built the first version I’m

Prettyy sure he’s still the only one who’s who’s doing it but uh he built the he he built it up and uh he uses some weird thing with holding something in your hand or no it’s a villager in the back of the boat that’s textured weirdly

Oh my gosh we tied again um six we have 50 seconds left which is maybe two laps uh I’ll see what I can do but uh it might stay here Neato is only a tick away from me now and heads spot moved up the two10 quicker so hope hopefully I

Don’t know I don’t we to beat H spot but uh maybe I can hold on to Neo unless he gets a good lap here doesn’t look like it he’s got to keep going oh he messed up there I did too got 20 seconds left this will have

To be the last lap I’m pretty sure I think it’ll kick me out before uh oh dang it yeah I I don’t think I’ll be able to do it again let’s see I don’t know maybe I start another LP I’ll let me there’s a countdown hopefully you can

Hear the little beeping yep there we go Quest completed I get am I in second place yo what’s up what’s up Guys why does this one have like snow on it well this was close that was pretty close look at that he almost got got me by a tick oh I finally figured out the line like he just kicks us out what is this oh it’s the next one all right we’re not

Going to do this uh let’s go back to spawn that’s cool I I’ve never done that before so that was car opening blue car open car opening right now exactly yeah yeah um where was it it was in shop um you need you need to tell mzin

Too uh to add back buttons to all these things because I can’t like a bunch of these things I have to like go back out and type the command again so uh yeah oh well I mean you have a menu you know with the everything yeah I don’t know

Okay all right we’re going to open a barrel uh Rocket’s telling me I’m a little quiet thank you for being the first person to remind me let’s uh let’s turn up I think it’s this one hopefully that fixes it all right let’s open up a barrel

Let’s see what happens I don’t even know what happens I you can’t buy the barrel to Bar barrrel barrel barrel barrel barrel barrel Quest barel why can’t I open the barrel you need to go to slash C and then you’ll see crates crates oh I have one oh I just didn’t realize it

Okay all right here it is we’re opening the barrel right here right now let’s see what happens oh oh my gosh what is he going to get I get blazing Orange Clean Subaru oh damn cool damn awesome now it’s oat to show off of course of course

We’re going to check out the new boat and uh we’re going to equip it and uh take it out oh yeah let’s go let’s go that’s pretty neat I think I like this one I wish it was blue obviously but as you see you get more crates then

You could get a you got a chance of it getting blue you see hotspot has the ex exact same color but your color oh can we trade when when is when is boat Labs adding trading soon TM MH soon TM as in whenever we can get Kevin on

It whenever whenever Kevin can yeah awesome that’s Cool n how many how many boats do you guys have two two you have two yeah cuz I did the fun event at all stars got three stars there and then all the daily quests oh you should the daily Quest now I could m i could just um skip skip the

Ice bath one for your own sake you know no no no that one’s easy I I haven’t even heard of skip that skip that one no ice path is super easy no no no it’s it’s actually easy if I can do it so um yeah I suggest you don’t waste your

Time and don’t go a nice bath do every other mhm okay sure no no no no no it’s super easy you can do it let’s see so how many can we earn out of all these four six seven so we can’t earn another one oh this one oh this is participating

Oink Co oh that’s cool um so we’re going to earn seven today possibly so we won’t be able to earn another bow okay well we’ll run these um they don’t seem too hard it’s just finishing a time uh we’ll start with our dare how about that oh we have

To I think okay update I I and I’m putting oh this thing looks cool um it’s a little bit different though get used to it but um uh if mzin I know he left earlier but if he watches on replay I think there’s some some few changes like you like

Quality of life like like the back button I was talking about and uh um if it would be awesome in the quest you could just click on it and then it would send you the TT of it so that we uh we know or we don’t have to like remember

The name of it or anything or go out of the menu and type the name you know’ be cool to just uh just click on and I know something I won’t be able to do like the one yeah we can’t click on it and then

You know I’m TR through the start of the wi bun race butol I I’m excited to see how the the Stars progress further because it’s pretty neat um what do is that over there sure and we’ll finish the lap here I think we only needed

One there we go Diamond easy oh we need to do two okay uh what place we get 36 there’s actually that first one uh rocket you said I’m a little I was a little quiet hopefully did I fix it I don’t know I can’t really tell because um you know I’m

Talking I hear myself in my head crazy and that unfortunately is also is way too loud I don’t want to hear myself I’m too annoying I have no idea Line This is a beautiful Track by the way it almost it was nominated for uh one of the best

Tracks of the year and there one I voted for um I think it’s really cool um but I I think something else W I don’t remember what it was yeah this was built by Ludo I think Ludo built it there go we’re actually another good lap bam there we go 27th we completed

All those trees very nice go back and Quest while that was so much faster uh oh it’s gone now um bipq circuit yeah we can’t do that bipq circuit I haven’t done this this is new I’ve done our a I think I was just

Did on Frost X so that’s why oh this is hard to see yeah this the tough okay so I was talking a little bit on is it a Google was it a or an AGG form or something where was it oh no it was um

It was how we raided uh how we rate tracks and uh I was talking a little bit one of the things that goes unnoticed when um the sing on the the difficulty of a track is its Vision like this track I can’t even see where the next turn is

I’m just guessing where I think it is I’m going look at the the mini map oh there sure got there um but uh I don’t really know where it where exactly it ends so makes it a little bit harder um another thing I noticed was um

Another thing that I oh no um the thing that was hard was how you handle turns and blue ice because blue ice is fine unless the turning and um tracks that have blue eyes on the turns are significantly harder than tracks that which is something that’s like Oh yeah

Duh but you know thinking at a at a clinically um objective level it’s kind of hard to uh to find what tracks are hard and what tracks are easier and this one as you can tell kind hard uh it’s also about uh abouty Tails uh which is um pretty neat so this

Is in action going up blocks we’re going down blocks the only yeah the only thing is you can like go up and over rails and stuff like that wall Taps are harder because you can’t um they have to be like two blocks high in order to be a wall

Tap or you have to be falling down um which is a really weird thing if you’re falling uh you can tap off one block if you’re falling down and it’s hard to do but some people have managed to to pull off you know wall tabs where there’s no walls

It’s quite crazy so that’s one of the extra artifacts and stuff man this is a long track I didn’t realize great messed up a few times but everything else been pretty quick so it’s not going to be that quick it’s okay oh no three minute track maybe oh my gosh that is

Not not where the turn is um so yeah visibility is definitely kind of hard on this track also a little bit hard I mean that remind like one of those to tracks man it’s long oh there it is there’s the end we made it off do this twice all right let do that

Twice one more oh might work I’ll try and be our time I oh my gosh not doing so great right now though you is there’s that shortcut forgot about it again kind hard to tell I don’t everything looks the same so I to tell where it

Is wait this isn’t Manina 3D no it’s bit Q circuit I think is what it’s called um I assume built by bipq oh no I thought I had that I’m somehow improving I don’t get it I feel oh there it goes no that’s no never mind that’s not

Improving about halfway through maybe a little less see I can recover it I did pretty bad in the second half last lap maybe this time we could do better we’ll see improved a little bit yeah this is not Mount Lina 3D what did that say that was his

Biip I was reading it and I messed up of course why would it say anything else good you yeah the walls are kind of like uh M Kina oh the walls in the fences in there but certainly not certainly not oh my gosh what did I

Hit yeah it’s going have to pull this back especially if I keep doing stuff like that oh my gosh yeah no way no way 3 seconds slow no shot s i I let you down I guess I don’t know oh my gosh um but yeah um I see some of you

Guys are still some people are still on that’s great uh hopefully if we do this again I’ll I’ll invest some time into uh more basic streaming things instead of you just looking at my screen like you know um think a chat or something on screen and um and stuff like

That music oh yeah that’s what it was it was music especially cuz I feel feel feel pretty empty without music oh no I I didn’t think that was going to happen oh well all right but we did it we got two stars from it you should definitely do ice bath welcome alre

Um I’m told it’s hard that’s what I’m getting let’s do Candy Land and then we’ll look at it how about that were there three laps in Candy Land no two forgot there’s a can land too I don’t think I’ve done it before maybe once no I don’t even recognize it is it just

Backwards I think it might just be backwards yeah it’s backwards backwards can land one just retextured pretty sure no never mind this that’s I think it’s the same shape yeah it is let’s do I think it’s said three laps of canland 2 and then we’ll go on to uh

We we’ll try ice path I assuming by what you guys are saying it’s really hard um but uh yeah we’ll uh see what I can do if you complete ice breath you should make a short out of it okay so so it’s that scale okay

Sure we got a gold we we’ll try and aim for Diamond I forget shoot I didn’t see what chat said how how uh far away is Diamond from from that time I mean I messed up a little bit so that was the first lap but uh can well can land one really well known for being uh unnecessarily grinded

And uh for being such an easy track it’s pretty much reached a maximum of how fast you can go down it and um probably reason why k 2 was made and it’s probably been given the same treatment I don’t know but big Improvement no diamond though

This is last lap I might might do another just to get the diamond we’ll see just laughing I see you guys are typing in shat here look at that look at that Improvement half a second up on the last lap which is a half a second faster than

The other we can do it we can do it you believe I believe not with that exit though okay lost a little bit no diamond how much was Diamond I was one and a half seconds 1.1 seconds away from Diamond before wait hold on uh believe PT oh gosh I’m going to find this we got gold I know that land two oh I need one tick oh my gosh um okay uh n it ain’t hard it just

Annoying if I’m honest unnecessarily grinded N I won’t allow that slander H okay NE Neato is one of the people who who grinded a lot more uh I say unnecessarily it was it had so much time on it it just oh my gosh I don’t know it uh it was something else for

Whatever reason this this track was there Pand one was chosen I don’t know why trying to Focus here so we can get on with diamond and and get and get out I me I you can’t leave it hanging there one tick away from Diamond I I

Can’t believe it we got to do another lap for it I don’t know if it’s going to be the Run maybe May the exit’s better here come on there we go easy that was easy what do you mean here we go neita says it started off as a meme and

Then ended in Pure Love okay sure uh what was it called ice bath let’s try Okay welcome to ice bath demon level made lizer the leader board is there it’s about 14 seconds long let’s take a look a jump a door oh I’ve seen was it Rena that did a short on this

Some some tricks some more tricks getting around blocks around troll heads more things like this this’s this cluster apparently a door oh it’s going to be hard and we finish I bath completed but why all right let’s try it oh boy all right I

Guess oh my I see why I see why you guys want me to do this I hey that was pretty good that was like second lap or second try how far I made it oh dang it I don’t expect to go fast at this I’m not trying to get on a lead

Just just trying to do it but feel like holding W will make it easier as I don’t pay attention dang that was decent hey you know I’ve I’ve done things like this oh no now we can’t get back to where that was I think maybe the trick is to like

Snake go left and right on all these that’s how far like go right here I me obviously on these two but then swing back there go to this side go to this side oh I missed it can I worth an attempt like that last door one’s going to be hard though we’ll see

By way all strips are possible by just going back no need to do it all in one go well then that’s that Feats the purpose of it right what why would I I don’t know I I guess like if I mess it up I can just

Turn around and do it again I don’t know I feel like it just be just reset maybe on the last one if I’m desperate and I’m tired and I don’t want to do it anymore I’ll do it but I don’t know like oh I plus I mean I can make it a short

Free short you know I don’t know so like think I could go backwards oh my gosh I’m bad we got it though oh almost almost I around there yeah I feel like going around going backwards is kind of like cheap I don’t know there’s no

Reason not to I guess but you know these guys did it all in 15 seconds which means they went straight through um is neato’s here Neato I have a question do you get the boat that you earn from doing all five tracks of uh ranked you get that when ranked is over

Or do you get it hold on oh got it or do you get it when um once you get it because I didn’t I didn’t think I got it we have to wait till rank is maybe over they probably all do it in one go because it includes all the

Um uh people who won and of course that’s not settled yet oh this when rank is over yet okay cool no yeah sorry if I don’t have music on I feel maybe it’s pretty quiet but like I said working on it working on it uh it’s first I don’t know I would

Say real stream but like you know traditional stream fc2 is is something it’s something else and I feel like there’s more action to go through than than having calming background music you know so at some point I’ll have to uh to find some stuff you guys know places

Where you can get royalty free music easily I don’t know let me know I’m not paying money though if I can’t find anything I’ll just make my own about that oh like gosh I don’t know two hours of music that seems hard good music anyway I get two

Hours of Music it doesn’t have to be good hours a good music no there we go oh I messed up I I I didn’t decide which side I want to go down and I just didn’t go down either okay but how close hold on

How how close did I get so I got to the amethyst and I fell off there oh there’s only like one more left so we got pretty close clap with bit for the music no no no hopefully bu watching but don’t really it’s funny sure his music is

Funny but it’s not uh not something I would enjoy casually listening to it’s like mean songs oh how did I live that oh no almost almost we’ll get there you think we can I think I can do it watch you see B come in chat like what is that

Slander doesn’t seem like it he’s in he’s in the game I think is he he was oh I almost cheated feels like it I just missed i l just forgot to try all that’s where car is a lot more focused than the other tracks uh which is probably I’m quiet but

Um yeah I don’t know I’m back says mzin welcome back we’re we’re we’re attempting ice path I got pretty far I got to the amethyst uh not too long ago and um oh here we go no inflict I think I could do I don’t think it’s that bad I think I’ve seen worse

Um what is one obviously void Gloom terror is is painful I feel like tracks I don’t know I’m trying to remember you try I I didn’t feel like you told me to you you entic me to try and what uh how about line I I I since

Removed it but on Frost X we had a track called line when I was testing myself so I know how to like create tracks with a Timing System I just did some testing and one was just a um out and back but I was with evil and we started messing

Around with with the track and it became this like hell of a puzzle one block track like this um and uh oh my gosh and yeah okay we’re we’re gonna we’re going to go backwards hello Cookie Monster muin equals dictator what I do not think

So this one just says oh it says seven all we’ll try again oh no oh my God go I Tred to tell him not to but he chose entertainment entertainment we’re doing pretty good though it won’t be too much longer I say that because we got to the

Amethyst we just need to do the door I I I need to get to the door to understand it I don’t maybe I can do it in one try but um it just means I’m going have to get to the door a few times I don’t know what to expect from that

From the door how long we been going for oh shoot it’s 1:45 start 1130 how how long has it been more than two and a two and a quarter hours wow time goes fast longest video ever confirmed no way oh my a I lost it I was struggling toward the entire

Lap of that one oh man yeah I’m I’ve been enjoying my time on the new boat Labs pretty nice pretty nice I haven’t had to race with anyone so uh you know no real lag problems but yeah we had uh we had some complications yesterday with uh can’t

Get past the door dang it uh complications yesterday during the allstars race where uh people with uh people further away from the server having significantly harder times racing and uh it was it was a huge disadvantage of course me being the furthest away on the west coast it

Uh yeah it made it pretty hard so I got what I get like 19 no I got like 22 oh almost so and that’s because I think one of the reasons we were talking about there was a Hu M this whole debrief of it which is pretty

Interesting to hear about uh about you know how ping works and proxy servers and stuff like that and uh yeah especially because we moved well boat laabs moved to a German based uh server it used to be in Finland but now it’s in Germany somewhere uh Well’s here now which which

City in Germany is it in is it in like Munich I’m pretty sure that’s where uh uh vwc is in Munich wrong oh my work there we go oh almost I’m surprised I clipped that I don’t know what that pressure play is doing but it makes a noise every

Time I run over it and uh it just does that I’m curious to know though guys was this was this a good time to do it because it’s I I started at I think it’s like 6 o’ for the Europeans oh I fell off uh I want to say

Somewhere around there when I started um and of course that’s like early for me it’s uh it was like 11:30 I think it’s when I started oh oh no way oh no almost almost there it was it was there oh my gosh almost we got it though got to get far around

It these ones only need like little movement that one oh my see I did it did it all in one go too so why are you saying oh you can turn around no if go faster it may make it a little easier maybe not I’m losing it all of it muscle memory is

Going oh yeah let’s not go back oh that No all right only a few more tries and we can move on to something else what should we move on to because uh you know we did we did the ranked we did the quests we did we did a time trial Lobby what else could we

Go if people are on Frost we can do some quick races there um Bo doesn’t really have quick races so we got to move over to the frostex server could just end it too I don’t know uh we’ll how about how about this we’ll end in 40 minutes or so let’s do

That and uh call it three hours yeah cuz uh you know eventually we all have to go our sever RS and uh do life for a minute myself just walk through it oh yeah we can just it doesn’t even start is my oh gosh after the start I it it stops your

Time you can’t uh I heard to do that oh no I think I said only a few more runs a while ago huh it’s been a few runs like to keep going but it hurts after a while you know we did uh we did an endurance race yesterday for all

Stars that yeah yeah I streamed it um and that was a 50 minute race and yeah it was uh a little bit challenging being in that mood of constant uh you know constantly thinking constantly uh focusing after an hour it worked for me it doesn’t work say it just stopped

So I don’t know what you’re on about some secret tactics okay um how about this let’s do something let’s take a break from it for a second let’s um let’s talk about cuz I want to talk about it and I haven’t been able to cuz I did it

Yesterday let’s talk about the um the starting soon screen so we’re going to move over there hopefully you can still hear me and we’ll talk about what I did for the um for the intro and just talk about the clips I did I chose because most of them are related to stuff and

Probably you a lot of you guys don’t know what it’s related to um I don’t know some of you do you’ll probably recognize a lot of it it uh because they made up videos it’s mostly filled with Just Clips that I just rally had um but

Um I think all those clips have made onto a YouTube video so let’s let’s move over there hopefully that’s the wrong button uh hopefully you can hear me as we switch over uh OBS is saying it it does let me know um but um so yeah this is this this

The new the new starting soon screen um uh on some music for it and uh down for a second we talk but um yeah so each of these clips uh about few 10 seconds uh they all mean a little bit of something to me so let’s start uh with

This one fc1 Obby Doby of course was the last fc1 race we did is where I went um 40th to uh uh 40th to uh 20th in the first lap this is this is a clip of when I won my first race uh that’s at Xander rout last year

Or this year oh my gosh it’s quick to go through BC 23 the race where we had 100 people race that I organized and set up um I chose this clip it was a cool cinematic shot that I was able to get um I this hasn’t made a video but uh maybe

It will I don’t know it’s kind of it was a while ago but it’s a cub GP um a cubed con which is like the digital thing oh my gosh it’s so fast we’ll get back to it prwc g full ring this is the first

Video I ever did it was a Showcase of like how how much how much lag I had um it was the first one I ever did uh osgp is Iconic most people still remember this clip um it’s where I lagged so much I got kicked out of the race nicknamed

The Duke of leg because of that um I think this was just a clip I had Miami of 2022 yeah I think I just had it and I threw it in there um uh fc1 of Kota 2023 this was the race where my entire team of five in the call

Went 1 2 3 4 five there greasy gaming the American team goes first first in the American race um this was just a clip of PA car that I remembered R and I were battling and he got blinded because of bloopers it was a cool race nothing really special that postal cup cyber

World 2 um this was the that was quick oh my gosh uh we’ll talk about that one um that uh that track has like a has like an inside start and you don’t want to go on the outside because you always run into people so uh I I did that

Anyways and I didn’t run into anyone and it was cool but so yeah so here’s another clip from xandt here’s another BCC clip um this was during the test race we had to do a quick test race to make sure everything was working and no

One was lagging and so we had all the commentators join the race and it was super cool um and I think we’re back at the start but we’ll go over them again the ones I skipped did I skip any let’s see I don’t think

So but uh yeah I I’m so proud of this thing and uh it’s pretty cool there’s BC so yeah that’s that’s what I spent all day yesterday on pretty pretty neat um yeah so the cube GP was was pretty nice it’s like the it’s like a virtual minec con and uh it hosted

Everyone and we were our community was able to convince them to uh to add an entire track and ended up becoming an entire race in a section of the uh of the the Cub con which was super awesome to be a part of that and

Um yeah I forget what I place I want to place like fth I think is what I got but uh yeah these are all except for the ones I noted um are all somewhere on YouTube and they have their little name in the bottom left of what they

Were I think everything uh cubed wasn’t on there um and the coastal cup isn’t on there yet maybe I don’t know we’ll see but uh yeah so that’s what we got um power card I think yeah it’s on there that this is specifically also in a short as well but yeah that’s that’s

What we have pretty neat huh I think it’s neat and uh move back to the screen there we go so we got 30 minutes tell me what do we do what do we do we can go back we didn’t do too much time on um Loop Lake

Let’s uh let’s let’s do some looop Lake while while you guys tell me because um we can do 30 minutes of something whatever you want I don’t care uh it has to be on Minecraft though because um everything set up for this game nothing else and probably boat racing I don’t

Know I don’t think people will be coming here to not see boat racing you know yeah that first bit was fun when we had everyone uh hanging out uh it was super cool to see everyone like Jolly Mariana seeing them and that was really cool uh really really show that they they

Care so and that uh you know I should be doing this so well maybe we’ll do it again well I don’t know I do it Tom tomorrow I don’t know we we didn’t get that earlier but we did diamonds on uh on Loop Lake uh 58 which um yeah it’s okay that do

Better but at least we should have a diamond on every rank track which is pretty cool and um there’s lots more Diamond uh Diamond tracks to go uh maybe we can do that in the future we just get diamond on on a track and then move on to

Another one and just keep doing that that’d be cool um I’ve done it I mean it wasn’t on a stream or anything or a video or anything like that where I just did that and that’s how I got all the the the original Diamond tracks um by just doing it in all in

Like one sitting pretty much maybe there like two or three but still or I just grind them out just like that and uh maybe we can do that again but uh you know on stream that’ be cool um that I don’t think I could be doing ranked again and as much as it

As cool as it is and stuff I think on stream it’s not it’s it’s hard a it’s it’s kind of hard to man AG because you know if if I were to really do this like you know if you really want to see impressive times for me I would

Not be talking I would be sitting there concentrating what I’m doing and you would just watch you know watch it happen without any sort of audio which would uh it it seems pointless to do stuff like that and I I know there’s a lot of people who who

Live off stuff like that um I don’t know like those the speedr runners or whatever who just focusing on the speedrun I don’t talk but uh you know it’s a concentration thing and uh either I give okay times Well I say okay but like you know all

Right times and um entertain or we set down some pretty cool times and uh don’t talk at all so I’d rather chill out it’s more it’s it keeps it longer for me uh um one thing there we go another PV huge another thing that um when practicing here’s here’s another tip for

You when you practice don’t practice a track for like hours on end um because eventually you will lose your concentration and um when you do that you’ll never improve because you’re not up to your best and so um and eventually you’ll hit a wall you just can’t you’ll never improve yeah

Maybe eventually you come in ways but like man people need to take breaks and not do those like you know I say three-hour sessions but I mean on one track you know this at least I’ve switched up quite a few times where um and I’m not you know trying to to get

Better at these tracks I’m just trying to trying to do a little good um see what I can do I don’t know what the start end difference means I’m I I don’t know but that time was negative 1 which is green and everything else was at least red

So I don’t know um somebody can somebody can tell me what that what that does it’s not on Frost X I don’t think oh look at that block stop hugee oh yeah look at that we’re up we’re up go go go go two all right not bad not bad boom

43r um yeah so we’ll do this for about 30 more minutes something for 30 more minutes and then I’ll call it there um yeah uh see I’m on a good lap but someone says something in chat hold on it’s Sonic what’s up Sonic GL to see you

Around uh for those you don’t know Sonic is a team adviser for greasy gaming and uh he helped he he helped uh contribute to my uh my first win and the one 2345 he was there so oh wait was he there sh I’m sorry son make if you were but I

Don’t remember if you’re there for their one 12345 but he’s there for a lot of it and uh a lot of the season so it was cool to see him help us decide when to do all the the strategy stuff the pits and the you know discussing gaps and paces and oh

No I have that yeah you have okay what did he say when can we expect the video that was recorded yesterday all stars I got to figure that out man I haven’t done a single All Star video and there’s three races um um but that race was 50 minutes long mind

You and it was not that it was I don’t know there was action at times but it wasn’t that entertaining for me I um the videos that I do do are always entertaining and I’m always proud of like what I did during that race

Um that one I I don’t know like yes I would love to have something like that you know show some allst Stars content but right now I am not feeling it um I felt I felt pretty miserable at the end getting at what 20 second

Um but it takes it takes quite a bit of time to uh put these together and uh put on like a lackluster performance is kind of it makes it makes the video lackluster right it’s the content that matters and um I don’t know I could sure I could like

Hype it up I could I could say oh my gosh I might get eliminated from All Stars if I don’t do well this race um but obviously I mean it’s not necessarily the case but it definitely puts me in a really bad situation um I’m currently in the elimination Zone

Actually um I am so bottom six going to eliminate each round and uh now I’m in the bottom six which is quite a bit concerning um because uh I thought I was in a pretty good situation no I wasn’t really actually before uh but that yeah that last race

Did not do any favors I was expecting to to get out of the out of some sort of Danger Zone look we’re improving by there we go um get out of the Danger Zone on that first race but it just it didn’t come to me

And I could go over a lot of the reasons why it didn’t so go so well I think one of them I didn’t put too much practice time in I was I’ve been going on like trips and vacations and stuff all month long and so I haven’t had time to really sit down

And put some put some time I think I only had like an hour or two on it and that was the week before it was most of my practice time was a week ago and um obviously when you sit there and do nothing for a week it it doesn’t doesn’t

Do anything you know it doesn’t help it diminishes your your musle memory of it um oh of a setto Corsa oh yeah I I don’t know that was pretty cool um uh for those you don’t know a bunch of us did uh some oh some um asto Corsa

Yesterday I’m not very good I’m I’m terrible but um uh there were five six of us or so who uh who all joined a uh a set course a server and we started doing some cart racing and some stuff and I I enjoy myself I would do it again um I’m

Just not very good and um I have to think about it I uh it could be something I can edit together but obviously you know I don’t know it’s a boat racing channel so like yeah I mean it’s other things I do but like if people are here just for

Boat racing they’re not going to care and um well and and I’m bad I don’t know like I feel like someone would enjoy watching good people have fun than bad people have fun I don’t know I I think I could do it though I have to think about

It I don’t have any real plans I don’t have anything in the works right now I tell you that oh but yeah that’s that’s kind of an Insight on it those those are the reasons why reasons why not I think the reasons why are more vague but more

Powerful so um honestly it was fine I guess so it’s not I say only bad things but saying it’s kind of hard to pinpoint good things because the the experience was so good oh that was a good first few turns I missed it out oh my gosh theay is a start there’s

Also that little start right there I don’t is that the that the lag situation thing am I too fast or something there I don’t know there it goes I don’t know I don’t I know how the the lag um uh detection works I just don’t know what that number is exactly essentially

Share it essentially Works um there’s a second there’s like a checkpoint pretty much um because you can see like I run through all these checkpoints and I tells me how my Delta or whatever right but there’s a there’s a special uh checkpoint right after like a I don’t

Know I don’t know exactly how far away it is but a few blocks away from the start line and essentially if your times of those two match or get really close to it means you kind of ski you know time for that right because obviously you can’t travel a few blocks with

Um no time or uh you know no time between them and um I think that’s and that’s how it decides if if those that those times are equal or really close to equal it’ll just kick you out of the lap before you start it which is good it

It will not um kick you out at the end of the lap um so it’ll it’ll still count the last lap finish which is good I know a lot of people get confused by that like oh my gosh it kicked me out I was on such a good lap no it counted don’t

Worry your lap counted it just the start of your next lap doesn’t count cuz you know you start between those two times quickly and you started the clock later which is different from you know when you actually start um for those if anyone’s still around who still

Knows uh is there a way to see how far into the leaderboard I got I know there’s the the full leaderboard or not the full the the top 15 or whatever of ranked on the uh at spawn but is there a way to see the entire leaderboard because I think it’ be

Pretty cool to see how far I get in one day compared to all these guys been doing it for months so I don’t know um be cool to see because I know frostex has a cool uh website that um that you can see like a average time

Of all tracks which is really neat to see it’s so interesting to see like how much time or how much uh how good people are in terms of time traling um and you can see like well this person’s first because they got first on this track you know and second

On this track and fourth on this track versus this person who only got second third and fifth you know OB also that was a pretty good lab uh let’s see SL ranked leaderboard okay all right well actually we’ll we’ll wait till the end uh we got 15 minutes and we’ll wait till

Then and we’ll reveal how far away got let’s see okay so only got 15 minutes let’s um which one is our worst so that one’s 30 34 40 27 and 39 so let’s go back to invin the blue and try and improve our time we only got 40th and then

Um and then we’ll continue there until uh till we average out you know how we get rid of the easier ones right get get good times and easier ones so we can improve just a little bit more and hopefully jump in position oh it’s great am I still up no okay let’s reset

Thank you Neato by the way he’s been helping out with a lot of the questions I’ve been having because I don’t know um like I said I’m a a frostex guy in a boat lab’s world that’s a quote from somewhere I don’t remember what but um yeah so oh little shave there but

We’re up for now oh here huge half a second that could be huge if I can hold it oh I think there’s still some salvaging no oh that sucks yep now it’s gone I think okay we’ll just we’ll just continue to lap and start the next

One the pain of time tring got a good lap mess it up repeat bad there we go I shaved on two corners there oh all right we’re to reset I’m just a small town girl living in a lonely world yeah that’s right yeah huh from song from the 80s what is it

Called I don’t remember what it’s called don’t still oh yeah it is don’t stop leaving yeah yeah is it yeah it is I think so at least it’s at least by the same guy I don’t know I should brush up on on some of that I should

Know yeah there we’re not going to do it from there man that half a second though was there huh or whatever it was was it was looking like it but uh we just going to have to chase that again huh I’ll get it eventually just going have to take some uh Focus

Huh and not thinking about 80s hits there we go things like that is at least we’re even fine you’re the music guy I know I know uh yeah hey but sometimes um you just forget songs right I don’t know it happens all the time what is that from

What is the name of the song I know it that’s all the time I mean there’s so many songs can’t know all of them and all their lyrics There we go no right Threw It come on go thing boat ah it was there it was there again that the chicane bit pretty

Difficult all right we got about 12 minutes until um so we find out where we are how about that uh my time 2:30 we’ll uh review the progress we made and uh um I don’t know maybe embarrass myself a little bit by uh thinking how bad I am much of other

People I mean come on I got I got seventh and um what was it called uh fc1 uh the overall standings I believe I got seventh which is wow um pretty dang good the fact I got I got one first place and one last place that goes I am

I the only person who’s done that I don’t know I think Mark’s done it oh no I didn’t get last place I got second to last that’s right Mark was behind me yes he is the only sorry he is the one who’s only gotten first and last I

Think part like disconnects and stuff but yeah um also was the first season of a league where I did not I believe um gain time over qualifying I think I don’t know have to double check but I certainly didn’t do it that well um there was a few races where I just

Like stumbled you know I got I would get like qualify like 10th and then follow way down to the last and I was like well because of the first lap or whatever and so I lose you know things like that but I you know my qualifying to race finish

Position most time is always up and um hopefully uh hopefully next season we’ll we’ll get for that that statistic is probably my favorite goes to show who I am you know how I drive come on show me the green is okay there we go get through this though we get

Through this cleanly it’ be fine oh yeah look at that huge point two can’t mess up the last bit oh okay shaved a little bit there well no way that what what nuh that was not half a second I refus to believe it and that was not

Another half a second what happened what happened oh no okay be that way V the blue should be good at this has my name in it I’m not I’m not good at this though all blue eyes oh yeah you see that clean sh a little bit on the exit

Though I don’t think it’s going to be enough to fight for that last last bit try really hard nah what did I do on that fast lap on this last section I did quick Miss all right we got about 10 minutes or so until um until uh till we

Reveal and we’ll end it there um we ended up ended up not going uh you know talking to other people but um it’s okay well I’ll do it again with that I’ll do it again eventually I don’t know when that’ll be maybe be tomorrow I don’t know but uh

Yeah we I’ll do it again um and then we can maybe talk to some other people I know all you guys were coming out and just Wasing hanging out together that was on a good lap wasn’t it only got a few more laps laps left I think I’m hitting kind of a a

Skill wall here just about had it oh no that wasn’t going to be no that wasn’t it that wasn’t it looks so easy right just just hit the Apex of all these turns it’s so hard too oh yeah look at that oh that was perfect tell me it wasn’t

Perfect that wasn’t perfect I think that killed it oh reach the next check let see pleas y that’s fine we’ll do the last two turns remember how this block stop goes and do it all again that sucks on such a good run shame to see it go

Okay there we go see we’re on another one just like that okay shaved a little bit but should still be in green yep oh my gosh that was way too close for comfort there we go oh clean all right last Corner oh yeah that’s it that’s it let’s go 65 huge

25th oh my word not too bad huh that’s 25th 582 what I say the top times oh I’m still five top times were 559 yeah not too bad I mean 25th one day I could have saved another maybe temp or two the beginning of the lap but hey that’s cool um

Let’s what’s our oops let’s do one more which one might have worst at Bel it yeah Bel it all right let’s do it just a little bit back here again and um we try and oh my gosh my computer did not like that that was not the

Stream So fantasy was talking about a while ago yeah I don’t know can tap there but I don’t see it I mean yeah I know I know where you have to hit it but it’s it’s hard it’s very hard all right uh let’s see are we over three

Hours almost we’re we’re at 259 I think so let’s let’s do it let’s um there still in the scenic spot let’s go back to because it’s cool um let’s I believe I took the uh the thumbnail here too if you’re curious where it was it’s

Here it’s going to do this I just want to get around okay let’s do here all right you ready so was ranked leaderboard there is their top 18 I’m not there I don’t think I shouldn’t be oh I see my name 28th how’s that

28th for 58 I’m a tick behind ELO or not a tick a uh the 10th not too bad uh looks like your on here twice you card or maybe not yeah I know he is he’s right there the 28 not too bad I’ll take that that’s pretty cool

Um so I got a 450 in order to get top was it top 12 I think that got an extra thing neita oh Neo you’re in the 12th spot man you’re on the cusp could not you you could not earn a cool boat uh Neato is

443 I got 7 seconds and I don’t think I got it I don’t think I have that in me um but uh I think uh I think we’ll end it there um thank you all for supporting me at the beginning and uh you know spending three hours of of a random Monday

Morning afternoon evening whatever the case go W here um whatever it is for you or on I don’t know or replay you guys at the it’s at the end of the video now by the way and yeah thank you all for doing it we’ll uh we uh we’ll leave it at that so

Thank you all one stream yes it was I’ll do it again and uh yeah cat you next Time I got lazy with this end screen it’s the same way just thanks for watching I’ll change it later maybe I don’t Know

This video, titled ‘Boat Labs Ranked | Minecraft Boat Racing Stream’, was uploaded by Bluleader64 on 2024-01-09 19:28:53. It has garnered 152 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:24 or 11184 seconds.

Today I will be practicing different tracks in Minecraft Boatracing! The server Boatlabs has a selection of tracks to practice on with their Ranked season 1. Lets see how well I can do compared to those who have been grinding for months

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    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at http://twitch.tv/axialmatt Crew: Ray: Ray: https://www.twitch.tv/ray Chibidoki: https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki Nagzz21: https://www.twitch.tv/nagzz21 Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! https://twitter.com/axialmatt Join the Mage Discord! https://discord.com/invite/RBUeWRG Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SharkMages YT Team Sky: https://twitter.com/Skyboltt ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: SSMP.io Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • VR Minecraft Madness

    VR Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft in VR is TERRIFYING’, was uploaded by Plooshi on 2024-09-14 20:04:27. It has garnered 490 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:48 or 1608 seconds. Continuing with the Minecraft vr series I went mining and finally created a nether portal to continue our journey This is also the 2nd episode so check out the first one as well follow me on twitter: https://x.com/xPlooshi mod used: Vivecraft Some of the background music was also from doki doki literature club, Undertale and Animal crossing go check that out Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft Loot Day Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8’, was uploaded by MineGaming92 on 2024-08-22 01:19:33. It has garnered 62 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:21 or 2301 seconds. Minecraft Loot Day Survival Series#8 minecraft,Minecraft in hindi,Minecraft gameplay,Minecraft house,Minecraft videos,myth pat,beast boy shub, chapati hindustani gamer, live insaan, dream,mr beast,ujjwal, techno gamer YesSmartyPie,Yes smarty pie,SmartyPie,Smarty pie,YesSmartyPie Skyblock,YesSmartyPie Minecraft,Minecraft YesSmartyPie,yessmartypie himlands,himlands,yessmartypie himlands new video,smartypie himland,himland world,minecraft world himland,HIMLANDS ENTITIES BIGGEST SECRET REVEALED]minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraftbut,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft speedrun,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft facts,minecraft tiktok,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft memes,minecraft meme… Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!

    🔥CRAZY Minecraft Hardcore with DeputyUSMarshall!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft hardcore (Stream 1)’, was uploaded by DeputyUSMarshall on 2024-03-22 02:15:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Group: https://web.roblox.com/groups/32006679/The-Deputy-Club-of-supporters#!/about Join me … Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Gameplay ft. Malik & Friends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live w malik and friends smp’, was uploaded by Just will cool playz on 2024-03-06 04:15:05. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:00 or 1560 seconds. Hi! I’m will cool playz For those who are new to my channel welcome! I make gaming videos, mostly Minecraft, and will do play through of other games such as FNAF hello neighbor. I post daily, and will occasionally post other content like reactions, but for the most part i focus on Minecraft and other games. Hope you enjoy. Read More

  • Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!

    Bubble mayhem: Baby and Daddy flee Minecraft prison!Video Information This video, titled ‘Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON!’, was uploaded by More Bubbles on 2024-04-10 23:00:05. It has garnered 9584 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:40 or 1240 seconds. Will Baby and Daddy Escape MINECRAFT PRISON? Watch Till The End To Find Out! Make Sure To Like And Subscribe!❤️ The Game “Who’s Your Daddy” is Rated for Teens This Game may contain content not appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work: General Mature Content (This video is not made for kids) #bubbles #gummy #bubblesandgummy #whosyourdaddy Read More

  • Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYT

    Step into the Insane Virtual World with BungamingYTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Experience the Vibrant Virtual World A Journ’, was uploaded by BungamingYT on 2024-08-13 02:56:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Join Discord: https://discord.gg/9jQD4PSwZW #minecraft, #Game #minecraftbuild. #explorepage. #roblox. #jokes. #minecrafters. #edgy. #tiktok. #laugh. #minecraftpe. #twitch. #anime.#mlbb #100dayschallenge #cute. #minecraftpc. #edgymemes. #game. #minecraftideas. #followforfollowback. … #spicymemes. #minecrafthouse. #likeforlikes. #videogames. #minecraftdaily. #xbox. … #offensivememes. #minecrafttutorial. #streamer. #fortnite #minecraftmemes #gamer #memes #gaming Read More

  • Minecraft Build Hack – Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!

    Minecraft Build Hack - Gamer boy2.0 Goes Viral!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend’, was uploaded by Gamer boy2.0 on 2024-02-12 11:00:22. It has garnered 2287 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft Build Hack #shorts #viralshort #trendingshort #viral #trend minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 update,1.20 build hacks,minecraft 1.20 build ideas,minecraft 1.20 build,1.20 minecraft,build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 hacks,minecraft 1.20 builds,testing 1.20 minecraft,minecraft build hacks 1.20,minecraft 1.20 builds hacks,minecraft 1.20 secret hacks,testing 1.20 minecraft hacks #short #shortfeed #trending #viral #youtube #trendingshorts #viralshort #gaming #minecraftshorts #build Read More

  • LangStride’s Epic Revenge for Kids!

    LangStride's Epic Revenge for Kids!Video Information This video, titled ‘LangStride мстит за детей #2’, was uploaded by LangStride on 2024-03-24 13:26:03. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Syfadles: Anarchy – No Mods

    1.21| Java No Mods: Syfadles.com gives you the best survival Minecraft experience, prioritizing the open world aspect with no teleports, plot claims, or economy. No Permanent Bans: Syfadles.com will not permanently ban you for hacking. You may receive a short temporary ban if caught. Play Right Now! IP: syfadles.com Website: https://syfadles.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/ThcQJaAYsB Server Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86V155MHzc0 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – STEVE’S SAVAGE JOURNEY

    Minecraft Memes - STEVE'S SAVAGE JOURNEYWhy did Steve go to therapy? Because he had too many creeper encounters. Read More

  • Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥

    Blazing Nether Portal Luck 1331% Moment 🔥 When you finally find a nether portal after hours of searching and it immediately spawns you in a pit of lava – that’s the true 1331% luck of Minecraft! #oops #shouldhavewornfireprotection Read More

  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

    Memory Challenges in Minecraft Minecraft: Memories from Different Eras Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks are the building blocks of imagination, and where adventures unfold in pixelated landscapes. Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, continues to evolve and enchant players of all ages. Exploring the World of Minecraft In the realm of Minecraft, players are free to explore vast landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle creatures. The game offers endless possibilities, from constructing elaborate castles to embarking on epic quests. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the… Read More

  • LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build

    LEGO Minecraft Baby Pig Birthday Build LEGO Minecraft 2024 Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration 21281: A Fun Build & Review LEGO Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for a delightful treat with the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set, LEGO Minecraft 21281. This set, containing 351 bricks of various shapes and colors, allows you to create a charming scene featuring a cake, fox, llama, Baby Zombie, ocelot, Creeper, and of course, the adorable Baby Pig sporting a birthday hat. Unboxing and Building Fun The parts in the Baby Pig’s Birthday Celebration set are conveniently packaged into three groups, making the building process a breeze. While a Brick Separator is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!

    Insane Minecraft Craziest SUPREMIUM ARMOR Crafter!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-09-09 22:02:15. It has garnered 41955 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:28 or 2488 seconds. Crafting SUPREMIUM ARMOR In Minecraft Crazy Craft My Server: play.minefury.net https://store.minefury.net/ https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmonfury.1992837 Thanks for supporting me with purchases on the server! Buy My Shirts: http://www.jeromeasf.store/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/crazy-craft-updated/files/all?page=1&pageSize=20 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti… Read More

  • The Dame of Amel: Seeds of Survival

    The Dame of Amel: Seeds of SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Seeds of Survival ~Minecraft: The Dame Of Amel [S2 E2]’, was uploaded by Cover0fNight on 2024-09-06 22:34:43. It has garnered 327 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:23 or 983 seconds. 💛 Connect with me! 💛 ☆ Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/c0ver0fnight/ ☆ Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/cover0fnight ☆Tiktok- https://www.tiktok.com/@cover0fnight_ ❤️ SUBSCRIBE ❤️ Resourcepack: https://bdcraft.net/downloads/purebdcraft-minecraft/ *The Dame of Amel is a roleplay Minecraft series that follows the journey of Cover, a mysterious traveler who arrives in the tranquil village of Amel, only to discover it shrouded in secrets and haunted by shadows of the past. As Cover… Read More