EPIC Botania Gaia Guardian Battle in Modded Minecraft!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today I show you all the tips and tricks that you’re going to need to get through the entirety of batania hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more Al the mods 9 today I want to get into

Batania that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it because to me personally it feels really like a tech mod but we’ll get into more of that later on as one of the first things we need to do is well start automating things so what exactly is batania going

To be used for in this pack well it is going to be used for the alamont star but we have to beat the guia guardian which is the in-game boss that batania offers outside of that there’s really no other items that are going to be super necessary however I don’t want to

Disregard the usefulness of batania because it does have some really nice use cases such as being able to transform certain items from one type to another very much like project e can do but it can also duplicate items so long as you’re giving it a sufficient Mana so

With that my goal today is to take on the guy Guardian this is going to require a lot of steps and it’s going to really seem like a fast forwarded process of getting through batania but I’m going to try my best to explain every individual part that you need to

Know in order to succeed and get through this mod now the first thing that we need to know how to make is more of these mystical flowers and we should be able to at this point throughout we should be able to make tons and I mean tons of flowers if we have mystical

Flower essence but how do we get mystical flowers in the first place now that is going to actually come from the floral fertilizer and to be honest we are not going to need a ton of flowers so even setting up the mystical flour is not necessary because we can just use

Bone meal from our mob farm so if you have plenty of bone meal this is going to be super super easy for you so we just need to turn this into white dye all of our bone that we’ve been producing and just make a bunch of these

Like might as well so we can just make a ton of them like this and then we can combine that bone Mill just like this with four Dy and we have tons and tons of this floral fertilizer that we can then just start placing all on the

Ground and we can fill this entire area up with tons and tons but I’m going to go ahead and break all of this right and collect it all but something to note is you can duplicate the pedals so if you actually wanted to set up the traditional automation for this you most

Certainly can all you have to do is convert this into a pedal and then place the pedal down on the ground and you’re going to notice a little bit of sparkly particle effects and then with that you just simply bone Mill it and now all we

Have to do in this version is just punch it and we’ll get a tall version and that will convert into four so essentially we just took one pedal and turned it into three more pedals now believe me when I say these pedals are going to be insanely important as this is how we’re

Going to make tons of the functional and generational Flora that we are going to need in order to progress to this mod and also make our Apothecary which is one of the first things we need to make so now that I have all the petals I

Could ever want we need to start using this to just generate flowers and I want to make this as easy as possible because this petal Apothecary can be quite tedious because you need to place in uh water and then you need to craft your

Item and so on and so forth so to do this it can be quite rough but we have our inferus chalice right and that will fill this up but can we automate this process I actually think we can um so in order to do this we’re going to use an

Activator module with modular routers yet again the the amazing mod is showing up and I can place this just right underneath now inside the buffer is where we’re going to put our Emperor’s chalice and on our activator module we want it to say rightclick which is by

Default right click up and that’s all we have to do and that should automate this so right now we see that it does have this here but if I go ahead and place it again notice it just filled right back up again this is going to make crafting

Seeds a lot faster oh yeah and speaking of seeds you’re going to need a lot of them so make sure you have a nice supply of wheat seeds now the first thing we actually need to craft in this is called the pure Daisy and uh there’s something

Actually missing I you know what I should turn this back on let’s do this let’s go the option skins and I’ll turn my back on there it is there it is this flower that’s on top of my head this is actually a supporter perk for supporting

Vasy who does make this mod and this flower right here is actually the one that we’re about to make and so to be able to make this it is just going to be few uh four white petals and a seed so this is our first craft and we can right

Click or we can drop these in just like this you are going to physically drop them into the world like that and then you just simply drop in the seeds and there we go we have a pure e now to automate this notice it says right here

It says right click with an empty hand to add back the last recipe and so I would just right click and then I would place the seed right but what we can do is we can just go ahead and toss the seeds on top and then just right click

And so long as we don’t have a magnet on that’s pulling the seeds right that’s where having this autofill can allow you to make things a lot faster now this is going to lead into one of our first automations and that is just automating a pure Daisy now I didn’t need four of

Them uh because I can get away with just using one and I’m going to show you all we need is Stone so we just need some stone blocks and also some logs of any type thankfully we have Essence that makes this pretty straightforward and so

What I’m going to do is I’m going to place like this material around now you can place one single type but give this a little bit of time AKA like 2 minutes or you can accelerate it if you have a time in the bottle and this will convert

These logs into their living Vari variant uh so at this point you see it just happen right there I want to automate this with refined storage so to do this we are going to need to use some interesting uh like mechanics that is not used a whole lot in refined storage

So refined storage has an Annihilation plane and it also has a Constructor or deconstructor I’m thinking Annihilation plane that’s that’s applied in stics has a a Destructor and it also has a Constructor both of these things are pretty use and I’m going to show you how to use them now making this particular

Setup look good well that’s just going to have to be a thing that we disregard for right now because these planes and the way that we’re going to be setting this up isn’t the best looking thing in the world um let me go ahead and show

You though so down here I have my cables and then we have our planes or I guess you can call them the the deconstructor and Constructor and what we’re going to want is we’re going to have to tell these few things what to place and then what to break that’s pretty much it

That’s uh that’s pretty straightforward forward now the the uh Destructor this is going to break the things so I’m going to place those last and then we have the Constructor this is going to place the block so let’s go ah and place down some Constructors and then we’ll

Tell it exactly what to place that seems pretty straightforward so inside this filter we’re going to want to uh place the item that we want it to construct in this case it’s going to be logs and so it is going to go ahead and place logs

Now something to keep in mind if we are placing logs in here we’re probably going to need a crafting card just in case we run out of logs it’ll go ahead and automatically craft them for this place now this can be used for a ton of

Things so anything you can come up with ideas for for constructing or placing blocks into the world this can do it now the other side well that’s going to be Stone now up top here this is going to be super simple we’re just going to have a a the uh

Destructor uh basically tear these blocks down but without plugging it in uh if I was to plug it in right now it would just break these because there’s no filter set but what I need to do is set it to Whit list mode and then we

Need to tell it to break these very specific items notice I’m going to go ahead and break these things right here uh and it’s placing down the stone but what we need to tell it is we need to tell it hey only break underneath the whiteless mode these logs just like that

And same for the living Stone now believe me once you have this in place you are going to enjoy it it is going to make things so much better for you also we need to make sure this is set as you see right here there we go once you have

This in place things are pretty much golden from here uh we will be automatically generating all these resources and this is going to be necessary for getting in further through this mod now something to note at this point batania is huge it may not seem

Like a whole lot but this mod has tons and tons of things to learn right it it just has a lot so if you’re looking for more than what I’m just spouting out today right you can check out by by just searching in YouTube you can straight up

Say chosen architect and batania and I have tons and tons of videos that I’ve made over the years and where I’ve explained how all the Mechanics for the most part work even add-on mods for this and well nothing has really changed with batania so they’re all still relevant

Today so now with that being produced over there we have our Stone and our wood we can start to produce the Mana and yes Mana is actually quite easy to get um especially in this pack all we need is some coal some sort of fuel source that’s burnable even logs

Technically if you have a tree farm could work with this and we’re going to be using endof Flames for the start to produce our base set of mana and so let me show you one of the most simple ways that you can actually automate this all

You’re going to want to do for this is find a center point and then go out one two three and go ahead and place down holes three blocks in in the corners away from where you’re going to have a central sort of Mana area then you’re

Going to want want to just place down some barrels just like this so we want to place a barrel down just like so and there we go we’re good to go next thing we need to do is place down some exporters but this is where things get a

Little bit more fancy we are going to need crafting cards on all of these and we are going to be sending to this coal blocks specifically coal blocks because they last a lot longer and so if we do coal blocks we can just drag coal blocks

Directly in and because we have coal um automated with mystical agriculture it should be able to just create that once we have the recipes set up in refined storage once everything’s hooked in we now have blocks of coal going into a barrel and that’s pretty straightforward right the next part is

Where it gets insanely easy normally you would set up some sort of redstone Contraption or even use modular routers for this but there’s no need because we have the create mod so long as we are using regular funnels right we can just use regular and aide funnels and these should be a

Able to automatically send up uh once we have it configured right so if you just right click this on here it’s going to automatically put one up only ever at a time that’s just how they work it’s going to send this up and then whenever something takes it it’s going to try to

Send another item so it’s supposed to right so um if it has the item to send for example this one will notice it just sent one up and it’s going to keep sending them up just like that only one at a time for it to be consumed by what

We’re going to set up which is indo Flames man I got to tell you the more I learn about create just the more I absolutely fall in love with that mod it’s it’s just beautiful now starting out you typically wouldn’t have Mana steel but because we looted a bunch we

Do have Mana steel but if you didn’t you could go ahead and just set up one Mana pool and then start to fill that Mana pool with Mana spreaders which is what we’re producing right now I’m going to be setting up eight of these um getting started but right here we have a

Splitter this is where I’m going to place it in the center and then I’m going to place the Mana pools for like this this will allow us to build up mana and split it between four Mana pools uh which is going to be necessary because

Later on we’re going to be using about a half of a Mana pool just to do one single craft so now let’s go ahead and get our Mana spreader set up and I typically like to use the petal apothecaries these are actually kind of nice decorational pieces and I’m going

To place them around like this and then we’re going to PR place the uh the spreaders right on top of them um and that should look pretty nice I think this is going to be a rather nice setup so once we have these placed we can just

Place these directly on top and whenever they’re turned and stuff they actually look and fit on here quite nice then to turn them we simply need to make oursel a wand and you can change the color of them however you want like so uh but yes

We need to send these by shift right clicking on them and then shift right clicking onto the source we want just holding down shift while right clicking we’ll get these set to the position that we want them in so now we get to put our pedal Apothecary to use and to do this

We’re going to go ahead and make ourselves some Endo Flames uh Now the recipe for this is red gray and two brown and then we just give the seeds and this is where the automation is going to come into play so we need an empty spot in our inventory make sure

Our magnet is turned off which it is and then I’ll just toss the seeds on and then with my empty hand I can go ahead and start crafting this by simply right clicking as soon as it fills up we can just craft and then makes it so simple

Like even to the point where I could technically I guess uh hold down right click but there we go uh we just have to have the seeds on here and every time I see it fill with water it just makes it so I don’t have to use a bucket every

Time now I definitely made a little bit of an extra amount of Indo Flames cuz I think we only need like six per spreader at this low rate um and so in reality you probably get away with like 48 of them uh because that’s how many we would

Need but for right now let’s go ahead and get six put down down per uh now to do this we’ll just go 1 2 3 4 5 6 that should be fine 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 and so on and so forth right and the

Cool part is is these should automatically link to the nearest spreader um so we shouldn’t have to worry too much about its positioning and these will all pull directly from this funnel and should consume that charcoal block which is uh definitely going to be nice and there they go they are all

Starting to work and we’re now starting to get some mana and this is going to produce quite a bit of Mana early on uh definitely until we can get cakes automated and start to use a korus now something to note you don’t have to use coal or charcoal or anything like that

If you don’t want to you can just use any burnable thing and that also includes blaze rods blaze rods would work fantastic here if you just had a mob farm and that would mean passive Mana generation simply from your blaze farm now I know why this is building up

I I want to talk about a couple of other mods that are in here that would be really cool to get into potentially may maybe later on or if you use applied energistics at the start and that is the applied bistic so you can actually use this and

There’s also the iot patania which makes uh some of the tools have um like the the multi-use tools um but yes you can actually store Mana from this mod in cells and you could teleport your Mana around a whole lot easier than it is to do by default because by default

Transporting Mana is kind of a pain one of the best ways is by using uh rail carts uh but aside from that it is quite a pain without having like massive chains of these spreaders everywhere and they don’t move them very fast now at this point we get into one of my least

Favorite parts of batania and that is the Rune crafting process now automating it isn’t too difficult to do uh but our case we’re not going to really need to automate it we just need to make the first few runes that are required for our progression in order for us to get

The glomeration plate which is how we’re going to make our terce steel once we have terel and we get a certain amount of it I don’t know how much we need uh how much tertill do we need to make the seeds so we only need four terce which

Is the equivalent of two full Mana pools and then we can make a Terra still seed and then we’ll have pretty much infinite Terra still which is the how we’re going to be actually able to summon in the boss in the first place so the getting

The seed is going to be necessary but so that that just kind of puts in the to the point that we just really need to do the base crafts of the Rune it would be interesting if the pack did require more Rune crafting then there would be a need

To automate this and I think the automation process of the runic alter is actually more fun than going and fighting the boss now I will go ahead and show you one of the simplest ways to actually get the items required to put in this alter if you’re if you’re using

Refined storage that is cuz I don’t know if this ABS I don’t know if this works with with apply energistics but with refined storage what you can can do is you can simply click on the Rune and you can just make sure you have these items for example we’re going to need Redstone

Right uh so let’s go ahead and convert some of this with some Redstone um so we’ll make some of the powder just make sure you have the items first and foremost uh but yes you can use this in refined storage and Rune to go ahead and

And pull the items out so you need a fishing rod go ahead and make a fishing rod so on and so forth and you can click this and notice it just pulls the items right out but if you’re standing on top of this I believe that if you have this

You can just click the items right onto this by hitting controll q and there you go you’re ready to go now we do need a spreader uh in order to send Mana to this um or what I typically like to do is I just take this spreader and Link it

Here and this spreader and Link it here and then that will be enough to get this started temporarily but notice look at this it’s filling up so that is probably one of the fastest ways to actually craft these items and then when you’re ready you just right click this on top

And then you click it with the wand once so we toss it and right click with the wand and there we go we have runes so let’s go batania and then Rune and then we can do this again let’s do it for the fire Rune this is really nice so make

Sure you’re looking on here open up your inventory pull the items in and then control Q them into the altar probably the easiest method to do this manually that is so it is now a glomeration time this is the plate that allows us to make

Tertill um and so we are going to use it for that it does require a little bit of a multi-block setup to get started and our first introdu introduction in how to actually move uh Mana around um so making it is not just as simple as just

Making it as we like I said we do have to make sort of a multi block uh but that’s actually pretty easy as well we are going to need a little a little bit of living Rock and four lapis in order to do this so let’s go ahead and place

It right here might as well um I’m going to use my Atomic disassembler which is so good at breaking through like every other thing it’s just a nice such a nice Tool uh but we’re going to place it just like this with the lapis blocks right

Here and then in the middle even though you can’t see it on the diagram if you were using the batania book you can place that right there and then the glomeration plate on the top now to make this really really work we’re going to need to get into two Sparks that’s our

First introduction into a spark um we are going to need a little bit of Blaze just like that but two Sparks is what we need well we can actually use more than two Sparks um if we go ahead and place a spark on each one of our pools here we

Should be able to make this a little bit faster and it’ll also distribute all of our stuff and what do I mean by placing a pools well first let’s go ahead and place a spark here and we can actually see that spark barely but we can see it placed right above this plate

Uh and then we can also Place one right here right here right here and right here also what is this effect what is that I’ve never seen that before am I being shot with Mana that’s the I I’ve never seen that before that must be something kind of

New I have no idea but now that we have the Sparks there it will pull whenever we craft something it’s going to pull from those Sparks now this does have a range um and I think it’s under 16 blocks it’s not very far actually the default range on how it connects but to

See what it’s connected to we can rightclick on this and uh if we click and jump we can see that it’s connected to all of them or fly right and that is pretty cool just by right clicking we can see everything going on here um now you could also build networks with these

Uh you can change the colors and all kinds of interesting stuff but the main thing I need to do is I need to get diamonds we also need ourself some iron and we also need some ender pearls um now I do already have the converted ender pearls

But these are the three items we’re going to use to make terce still and we need to essentially drop these in right and if we’re going to be making four teril which I don’t know if we have enough just yet we’re going to need four of each of these materials at least and

It’s kind of crazy that we’re already getting into making terce still but yes we should should be able to make our first Terror still by placing these items or right clicking these items onto this platform and just like that it is going to produce tertill yes you just

Need to make sure that you have at least a half a Mana pole worth and there we go our first introduction into one of Banana’s most powerful ingredients now I actually think we have plenty to be able to make all four that we need to make

The seeds so I’m going to go ahead and get all four crafted that’s actually pretty cool that we already have it with this small setup and just like this this is our fourth one perfect so now we can take this and let’s go make ourself a tertill seed so perfect now ignoring the

Frame rate here oh goodness the frame rate is not good here we can go ahead and get this all set up rip my FPS uh but yes the same way that I’ve been doing all of this if we do Essence uh and we just search up uh

Terra essence we can go ahead and drag that in and this is a great way like I use to be able to take the items and place them into our drawer Network just like that so at this point we’re going to dive into another part of this mod

This is sort of like I would say the in tier uh so once you have terrail you’re able to use this uh technically just one to open a portal to Aline and that’s what we’re going to be doing so we’re going to use these nuggies here uh to

Not only make Natura pylons which we’re going to need too but we’re also going to need to make the glimmering wood that you see right here and then we need to build the portal now the portal isn’t too difficult to build you’re going to place your gateway right in the center

And then you’re going to use regular logs on the bottom and then I’m going to use a log here and a log here and then I’m going to place these glimmering living in the center section a log here and a log here glimmering and then a log

Here and a log here and glimmering you don’t really need anything in the corners technically but I do like to add these in the corner and if if you really wanted to get fancy we can go ahead and grab an Axe and we can strip this all

Away so we can actually strip these and make it look a little bit nicer now this middle Gateway core cannot be stripped but you can strip the rest of it and I think that looks kind of nice now putting the pylons on here well I would recommend filling these up first now I

Have these pointed directly towards this but another way you can do this is by using a Mana tablet and you notice whenever you have a wand here you can change this mode you can change it from fill to receive and so you would just set these Mana

Pools to send to your tablet and you just drop it in and then that would transfer the Mana and then you would send it over here but in my case I’ve let it fill up enough so this is about all you need to start this up so we’re

Going to place our pylons on here like this and in this position and then we just need to click this with the wand right here and that will open up our Gateway and there we go now it’s not a dimension we can travel through under fortunately however there have been uh

Add-on mods that I have played through that did let you go through them and um it’s just a place that we can trade and kind of the lore is is that we send the items in for the alhim dimension disort of research and then they send us uh

Advanced versions of those things back um which is kind of interesting so in uh with that in mind we can for example take like a Mana diamond and toss it in and we get ourselves Dragon Stone uh and this does cost a little bit of Mana each

Time time you do these operations and we’re going to need this to be able to make the structure or the pylons that we’re going to need to technically take on the Gaia Guardian something else I can recommend once you get this done definitely send your lexic patania over

That way you can be graced with the knowledge in this book that we talk about the thing we’re about to do so now that I have everything I need I want to fight the Gaia guardian and I think this is going to be the best Dimension to do

It in which is the all the mods mining Dimension and that’s because it is absolutely flat and it is so nice having just a flat area to build this in uh and how do we build that well that’s where the Lexa batania is going to come into

Play so if you go under the alpha mancy section and then you go under the ritual of Gaia you can just go ahead and place down a visualizer um and we can go ahead and actually sink this into the ground just like this and then right click and

That will give me the visual indication of where this needs to go and yes you’re going to need to basically build a basic tier Beacon you can make it a full Beacon if you want that’s really nice to get some regeneration if you were doing this without the insane mods that we

Currently have and then these pons which get placed on top of blocks in all of these four corners here so just like this and that is going to complete the structure that is going to allow us to fight the Gaia uh pretty nice so that is

Done and so to actually take on the Gaia well let’s talk about that you don’t want to use any type of flight so flight will uh will kind of be negated you can fly within the bubble but if you fly outside of the bubble uh you will get

Kicked out of the bubble if you leave the bubble that’s about to spawn in um it will kick you from the fight so there’s a lot of stuff if you die it cancels the fight and you will lose your terce still so it does cost a ter still

To start and yes we should be able to annihilate this guy pretty quickly now I do want to test some things that is going since we have like unlimited Terror still I want to test some things I want want to try capturing this thing with a dmy um I don’t know if that’s

100% possible it should be possible um but it will require some weird things that we’re going to have to figure out like the exact Edge border and see if we can’t get them to spawn in the Border without a mob going in there all kinds of interesting things that we’re going

To figure out uh cuz I don’t think you can place things inside of the Arena after it is gone it could cancel the arena so we’ll see how that goes that’s going to be something worth testing uh but I don’t know if a dgy could even

Farm it even if we did get it into a jar um so without further Ado let’s go ahead and fight this thing so you just shift right click on the beacon and that is going to summon the Gaia guardian and there’s going to be some epic music and with our Morgan it

Should be quite easy to take out this guy um so yeah just a couple of hits this does have like some insane damage reduction vorpal tends to do a good job at uh pretty much removing that effect like uh yeah knocking it down so we pretty much two-phase this if you had a

Better Morgan sword there is the potential of you being able to one phase it uh but this is going to be the first tier there is another tier Gaia after this one this is kind of interesting this going on honestly I don’t hear the music um unfortunately and it might be

Because do I have music is it underneath the music section oh that’s interesting so I’m not even hearing the uh the Boss music typically you’d be able to hear it even if you had your music turned off it’s actually kind of kind of weird not having Boss music so now with that

Phase done we can go ahead and take out our guy here very nice so we should have all of the items that we just got from that being Gia Spirits which is we get eight of them from that or we just got super lucky and I think you do get eight

Of them uh but we’re going to need to use these to make the next Ingot which is the Gaia Spirit Ingot this is the one that’s definitely worth fighting it’s going to be surrounding a ter steel so you need to consume four of them but it’s way worth it you’ll get runes and

Everything from taking on the next tier boss and I’m wondering if this go around if it’s actually going to have some music that’s kind of interesting that I didn’t even hear any uh so let’s go ahead and do that let’s craft this Ingot and you don’t have to modify this in any

Way it’s just going to work which is really really nice and let’s put this to the test notice we have four in here let’s go ahead and we should get I think 16 or something like that it’s it’s significantly more that we get from this

Guia fight um like I said and then we also end up getting a dice of Fate from this so yeah this one is exactly the same for the most part um so as far as phases go except for you end up getting hit with these like fairies uh it shoots

These bolts At You of magic that can hurt quite a bit if you’re not prepared for them yep but it looks like I mean for the most part this is pretty much the same it looks very simple though because of how powerful our current gear is and how powerful our sword is and

Yeah I I know more phases of mobs this is probably the most boring part of the fight so after the waves of mobs we just simply take this guy out which is believe it or not our self uh which is always kind of funny to think about it

Definitely is our self and we should get 16 guia Spirits like I mention we even get some Mana steel and some Mana diamonds and we get these runes so we get the Runes of sloth autumn summer these are very nice to get and we get

Ourself the dice of fate and the dice of Fate like I said each time we’re going to fight this which I do want to fight it enough to get each dice of Fate we get a different type of uh Relic and this one is not as useful it is kind of

Cool that we can summon if we had Mana which I don’t have any Mana in my tablet this will summon a bunch of weapons that shoot out at the Target which is kind of cool um definitely all this is is definitely anime references just this whole mod is full of anime references

But now that we have that we can make several different things that are cool cosmetic and all kinds of stuff like we can give oursel Wings even though we don’t need the flight from the flugal we can still get the wings and stuff from

It which I kind of want to do um but yeah I notice that this is like 12 blocks out so let me get some iron blocks and we will map this out because I want to try see one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 I want to try and on this block right here I want to get that ritual going so the ritual of containment is what I want to test out and we’ll get ourselves some jars so I’m going to place some jars just to make sure that

We have enough jars actually I need these jars to be on the outside so just like this place some more jars over here and then we need ourself a Brazier for the ritual and then we need uh Source jar so let’s put a couple of jars back

Here just make sure it has enough and then we’re going to activate the ritual now it’s probably going to pull this thing in so that’s one um let me go ahead and remove this I’m going to add some more jars and I want this to be

Just right on the edge uh now I don’t think it’s going to allow me to farm it in any way but it’s definitely worth a shot and if anything it’s a nice little thing to have on display um but yeah let’s go ahead and take our Gaia spirits and let’s try and

Capture a Gaia one or a guia two so gu2 let’s get this going notice it’s right here on the edge but the Border should be within range and what we want to do is try try and get this to go right over here I have a feeling that it

Will work we just need to get it to teleport over there in some way it may take some time but the hope is that it will teleport over here right here on the edge potentially it’s very close and we may be one block off we probably could have moved this

One more Block in you know what I was just thinking about this what if I put the ritual under the ground here and I think its range is able to work here um so I will do some jars right we need some Source jars I do have a couple of

Extra and let’s see if we can’t do it here okay cuz it’s not going to the edge but I activated it and it is in there oh my goodness okay so yes it does stop this fighting but look what’s inside this jar that’s right we have ourselves

The guardian of Gaia in the containment jar so after running a quick test here you can definitely see it is not actually giving us anything other than experience but it is kind of a nice trophy I think to definitely have in the base that’s that’s super cool look how

Jiggly and Wiggly he is I love it it’s actually just my skin but still still it’s actually amazing now thankfully we don’t need a lot of guia spirits uh we’re going to need at least 18 to be able to make the be itself because it’s only used for the dragon souls from the

Looks of it um so guia Spirits are used down here and we almost have enough but I do want to continue fighting this because I do want to get each of the relics so I’m going to have to fight it it looks like five more times at least

To be able to get all of the dice of Fates and thankfully the you you get a new one each time so you don’t have to worry about getting duplicates but you will get duplicates after your first dice of Fate once you have all of the relics that

Is and just like that I’ve now completed even more of them so now we have all the dices of Fate that we will need in order to get all of the different relics this is pretty cool so I’ll open this one open this one this one oh it’s so nice

To be able to open all of these at once there we go and there we go so that is technically all of the relics as you can see and then we ALS also end up getting a legendary reward we can get a Trader llama spawner why would I want a Trader

Llama oh we got God Forge pearls I’m I’m actually kind of happy with that um but yeah everything else we can go ahead and maybe accept Oo we get some Imperium some glyphs oh this is all nice another dragon skull okay so that is for completing all of the botania related

Tasks the cool thing is though the Ring of Thor and the Ring of Odin is some of my favorite Rings Loki not so much even though I absolutely love the show um and then the Lugal is kind of a way to teleport you can set a location and

Right click and teleport it does cost uh Mana um and same with these I believe they might cost Mana the fruit is a uh basically an unlimited food source so just kind of explaining how a few of these things work we should be able to right click this and right click this

And that should give us even more Hearts so yes now we have purple heart canisters at this point and we haven’t even touched the mod that adds even more Hearts we are looking at a total of Max health of 102 Hearts that’s uh that’s

Quite a bit now back at the base as far as Sky Spirits go we have 76 of them and that is more than enough for getting through the allod stars and actually getting all of them that we need so I would call that a very quick introduction into the entirety of all

B’s progression so that is ultimately the final boss and then after that it’s just having enough Mana to supply some of the other things that this mod can do such as duplicate items and uh also kind of swap items which is a really nice feature but is limited to only a certain

Amount of items so guys with that I hope you enjoyed today’s episode and if you did be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven’t already and give this video a huge thumbs up also comment down below what’s your favorite part of batania and or what’s your favorite

Relic that’s something I would love to know let me know down in the comments below and guys it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and then that amazing thans is going to go out to if I can spell right there we

Go thans is going to go out to go go fo thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the Discord and becoming a Discord premium member and supporting in one of the best ways possible guys I thank you so so very

Much and I hope to see you in the next one and as always thanks for watching bye

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP35 Botania Gaia Guardian In a JAR’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-01-16 17:00:47. It has garnered 23875 views and 1134 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:36 or 2256 seconds.

Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience with All the Mods 9 (ATM9)! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds, featuring an expansive collection of nearly 400 mods and a multitude of quests awaiting your exploration. Craft the elusive ATM Star and challenge yourself to conquer the formidable Gregstar, an endgame experience unlike any other.

Originally created as a private pack among friends, All the Mods has blossomed into a sought-after gaming sensation, offering everything found in popular packs while introducing a unique blend of newer and lesser-known mods. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, ATM9 provides the perfect balance of familiarity and innovation, ensuring an immersive and thrilling Minecraft journey.

Join the community and embark on an adventure filled with endless possibilities. Unleash your imagination, tackle challenging quests, and discover the vast array of features and surprises that await in All the Mods 9. Are you ready to craft, explore, and conquer in this ultimate Minecraft modded experience? Jump in now and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

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    EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #hanumanji #pixelart #minecraft #algrow’, was uploaded by AX OP GAMING on 2024-05-29 11:43:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Lord Hanuman Ji Pixart in Minecraft || How To Make Pixelart in Minecraft I make hanuman ji pixelart in minecraft give title … Read More

  • “Ultimate Herobrine Chase – INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation” #viral #shorts #clickbait

    "Ultimate Herobrine Chase - INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation" #viral #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-16 06:30:11. It has garnered 2105 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos,… Read More