EPIC BUILD: The Great Spawn Wall on Sweet Anarchy!

Video Information

So Do all right now that everybody got sick and tired of hearing music and left we are about to get started what’s going on guys tony from tough place here we are hanging out today on the sweet anarchy anarchy server over here on minecraft and we are going to be continuing our wall build

Of the giant spawn wall holy sound check what is up uh we are going to be still working on the giant spawned wall so let’s get a little bit of background music going and uh and we’re gonna we’re gonna go ahead and just get started on this thing

There we go just uh just a little a little tinge of background music going on here how’s everybody been doing today hopefully you guys have been doing fanfantastic um we we just had a little bit of a uh attempted grief going on over here which was kind of fun

Um our our lava wall is actually uh being targeted right now by another youtuber streamer so this is uh this is going to be a good time and great oldies so we gotta actually kind of fix the uh the that uh that has been going down

In the off time and uh make sure that everything is uh good clean and pristine it ain’t gonna be clean at this point this is gonna be uh built but uh we’ll get it there man we’ll get it there um we’re gonna go ahead and add a lava source here right no

Actually we’ll do this let me go ahead and chill down let’s see what’s going on let’s see at least your music isn’t complete garbage yeah just uh mostly garbage just not complete garbage there we go let’s see what that does that that that has done a whole there we

Go that should do something there we go so yeah there’s another another youtuber named duper trooper who uh who swears to god that he is going to take down the lava wall um so uh we’ll see how that turns out but we’re gonna we’re gonna keep it going we’re gonna keep building this

Wall as a big wide and far as possible what’s going on michael how’s it going man there we go let’s go ahead and plug this back up grab ah grab some more lava oops grab some more lava buckets here there we go and let’s see where i want to put this

Actually that’s kind of blocking the way right here so yeah i am going to be adding the lava to the lava wall and then uh we’re also going to be working on building it up as well so we just need to i need to pop one

There and that should spread there it is okay cool cool hell yeah what’s up michael i’m going to land over here here we go give a little bloop there we go and then at some point we’re going to go back and we’re going to make the uh the taft stream

The taft kits for stream number four um that’s going to happen um as well so we could get some of those handed out if anybody is interested or wants them why did that not transfer over i need that to be solid i don’t want anybody kind of scooting through right there

Uh hold on let’s see what michael says there’s people doing giant uh singing another side of the wall sure yeah well let’s see what kind of is going on over here we’re gonna take a detour guys and probably die i don’t i don’t trust people not even in my own group sometimes

He’s over here freaking michael jackson moonwalking And we’re we’re getting we’re getting texts that i can’t respond to right now sorry there we go yeah how’s everybody doing today hopefully you guys are doing awesome it’s been a uh it’s been a crazy week for your boy man i’ve been super sick tested for promotion on

Probably the hardest test i’ve taken so far for promotion which uh probably is not going to spell great for your boy but it was worth it uh made some great progress on the wall so far cleaned up the wall a couple times from a couple people trying to grief it which

Was kind of a pain in the ass all right let’s see what we got going on all right we’re just kind of going let’s see let me get rid of that bucket i don’t need it stay away from that damn crystal yeah i guess we’re just gonna be

Following along yeah by the way the the upper part of this wall is freaking extended what’s going on welcome to the live stream glad to have you hanging out over here see what’s going on over here yeah the wall is still going right here that’s the upper layer of it

We’re gonna follow michael and see where uh where he’s gonna be taking us kind of cure what is that somebody put glass on the wall what the fudge what is what is up over here what is going on here huh huh what as a uh how is it doing isn’t it here

What is this i don’t know what this is going on isaiah where’s the wall the wall is a thousand blocks away from spawn there we go i made it so you guys can actually see what’s going on in chat now jesus stardust has placed a lot of freaking weather skulls

This is a sing okay what’s going on benzor how’s it going all right i i’m going back to work back to work for me What the hell’s he throwing down why is he throwing spider webs why what i don’t like any of that all right so let’s go ahead and head back over to the wall and uh and i get moving on it i didn’t get it in time [Laughter]

All right let’s get back over to the wall so we can actually start laying down this lava let’s see uh was that trey screaming um that was trey singing a um what is that it’s uh it’s a big feat song that he’s been singing it’s kind of weird but he likes it

It’s from um the hell is it from from um it’s like an advertisement on one of the peppa pig dvds they’re singing as a bigfoot just singing about how big his damn feet are and it’s super funny to uh to hear him singing it because that kid gets

Into it he’s like oh big feet humongous [Laughter] that kid is freaking wild man by the way guys if you’re hanging out in the stream feel free to jump in the chat i swear our guys don’t bite too hard sometimes they do but not most of the time

Um no not blippi thank god blippi do god that oh blippi man i am no i am not a fan of blippi all right so we’ve got dang they uh so this is where that goes to that’s cool all right let’s head over to where we actually want to go

Sorry i wanted to see how far this trench goes uh it doesn’t go all the way to bedrock but i wanted to see how much it was actually like built on can netherright be exploded by an in-crystal that’s actually a really good question uh apparently the answer is yeah yeah he

Went from blippi to peppa pig but he’s still uh he still gets down on some blippi unfortunately i’m trying to wean him off of it as yeah i’ll be on the path and and i see so much weather i’ve made yeah right and go up a little bit in elevation over here

All right so there’s part of the wall coming into view can’t go up too fast the server updated 116 i haven’t adjusted my settings too much for flight so if i if i gain too much altitude too quickly it’ll kick me and then i have to log into a single

Player world to disable my freaking my eflight and then have to come back onto the server it’s a pain in the ass all right let’s get up here and land and then we’ll get back to work over here land some of these lava buckets down let’s see where did i leave off

Well i told you guys we’ve been doing some freaking work man we’ve been doing some work over here on this wall and uh hopefully we can continue to get it going because this thing is this thing is mega and it’s just gonna get bigger and i can’t wait

To see uh the attempt to try and take it down it’s gonna be hilarious to watch all right let’s get this lava bucket ready so all right is that my thing hey real cheese what up dog all right let’s keep this going this way and i may need to actually build some more

Yeah i’m going to need to build some more tracks on it too all right yep so we’re gonna hit one there i gotta get closer no not there ah that’s fine i’ll just throw that right there good enough there we go and then one there one here one there there there there

There we’re working on the fun part of the wall now it’s all eventually gonna be filled in anyway but it’s easier to just make the template first i uh noodles was making one of these a couple days ago and i jumped the gun on him and i just

Ruined an entire section of lava just like a complete idiot i felt horrible i was like no i’ve got to fix it and everybody was like no dude dude it’s fine calm down it’s fine i was like oh it’s so ugly now but it’s okay it’s working now yeah

Making withers is fun man definitely a lot of fun especially just hearing the bong go across the server it’s freaking hilarious there we go and i’m gonna need more obby let’s go ahead and pop one of these over here too right there looks good and bring it on back oh calm down tony

No no oh come on there we go all right i have to get like in a good line so i can just start laying this down there we go all right we’re cooking with gas now there we go you can get a little bit higher up here cool doing good

So yeah guys if you want to uh to come hang out with us help us build this wall head on over to sweet anarchy uh anarchy server we are uh we’re we’re doing some serious work over here man this is probably one of my favorite projects so far it’s a lot of fun

And it’s pretty relaxing believe it or not until people start attacking the wall in this not relaxing anymore there we go boop boop throw that down in here oh there we go all right get rid of that now that was weird somebody just spawned in a ton of weather’s just glitched [Laughter]

Everything just freaking glitched that was wild all right i think no that’s a e chest i’m trying to remember where i put ah there we go the lava shulk let’s see can i help make the wall that’s fine as long as we can trust you not to screw it up there we go

There we go go just burn those things and this wall is eventually going to wrap all the way around spawn that is the main goal of this wall which is gonna be freaking epic and by the way guys if you missed it we also posted a video today about two hours ago

Where uh the finders keepers video over here on sweet anarchy where we’re giving away kits and a base and this one is um a very very special base it is a uh direct replica of one of the buildings from my 2v2t base so um yeah definitely get out and hunt

For that base hopefully somebody finds it um and hopefully they enjoy it as much as i enjoyed building it because it was a lot of fun what’s going on man welcome to the wall go let me go ahead and plug this crap in yeah this takes a lot of freaking lava

Buckets man that takes so many lava buckets um the the server ip is in the description below and i have fun getting out of spawn because um there’s been about a 300 weathers or so spawned in the past couple hours there we go kind of dump those in here

Look at that we are already an entire shulker of of lava down and we just started go and we are rocking and rolling again let’s see what the heck do you use fly um rusher i’m using rusher right now there we go all right we’re we already got a little section brewing

Over here that’s kind of off though all right let’s kind of get it back on track over here there we go oh i’m messing it up now all right we’re back on jack we’re back on track again there we go can you get a little bit closer to it boom boom

Boom hell yeah all right and let’s go ahead and pop that guy right wrong one why why is that in my damn inventory let’s get this one no that’s that’s the wrong one too well hmm i need to do a little bit of refill action don’t i

Cuz i don’t have any more i don’t have any more okay that sucks let’s go ahead and do this go ahead and get rid of our wall home and we’ll do that we’re gonna we’re gonna hit up the base of operations real quick a thousand blocks out from spawn

All right so let’s see what we got in here uh lava lava lava lava hell yeah i think i can i can pop the tnt back for now two three and perfect go ahead and pop that there that one can go back there we go we gotta head back home uh

Kylie what’s going on welcome to the uh welcome to the to the to the to the like i can’t even talk right now the live stream that’s what we’re doing we’re streaming right now oh welcome to the stream glad to have you hanging out with us tonight

Um yeah uh rusher is one of the uh one of the clients i’m using right now all right and let’s go ahead and i think this is the block that we’re aiming for yeah yeah that’s the one we’re aiming for right there geez we are i forgot how fast we powered

Through freaking lava on this wall that is ridiculous all right let’s go ahead and just pop this guy right there that’ll be a big help and i also need my obsidian there and let’s head back over here and do this freaking huge lava wall going up huge lava wall

Like i said i i cannot wait to see the attempt at the uh the attempt for these guys to try and take this thing down and it is it is gonna be freaking hilarious to watch because we’re just gonna come right back over it and uh

And fix it and make it bigger so it’s going to be incredible there we go perfect and then now we can start laying down the lava without it getting all screwed up looks like a massive dupe server not no not so much a massive dupe server there is an active dupe but now

Hit this right boop and there we go there we go okay just gotta keep an eye on people i don’t trust people oh god there’s a hole in the wall oh you just disappeared there we go bam i want to get rid of this one though because i’m not

I don’t like it hanging down like that so that’s the fun thing about water is um whenever people have been hitting this wall with water it hasn’t uh hasn’t done much to it all we have to do is just carve off one or two pieces of uh

Carve off one or two pieces of cobblestone and it just flows right back [Laughter] that has already been tried and it did not work out well there we go and there we go just kind of get rid of this guy pop that guy right there and get it going again

There you go uh if you want to see more about the hadoop then uh go ahead and get on the um the sweet anarchy discord server and uh they’ve they got a channel over there that explains what’s going on with it there we go pop that there we’re moving again

And now right now i’m using a mix of uh two different clients i’m using uh impact and uh rusher both on 1.12 i need to get them to 1.16 because the server right now is running on 1.16 but i uh i’m too damn busy to uh to get all my

Settings in order so i’m just kind of rocking this one until i get a little bit more time on my hands and then we’re gonna fly right there we go pop that in there there there there you get rid of all this crap there and there just getting rid of lava right now

Yeah kylie how are you doing how’ve you been kylie is like a master disappearing act [Laughter] there we go all right getting close to the edge of this wall or this section at least let me get rid of that coming on down here and i think that’s the last one that

Should match it up right there perfect get a few more and this should finish out this section of the wall um very very careful with the settings very careful with the settings a lot of trial and error and it’s still not a guarantee i still get kicked sometimes

When i get a little bit uh a little bit overzealous with how fast i’m going and going through new chunks and it uh it gets wacky all right we got michael over here look at this michael is over here doing freaking god’s work look at that just destroying that wall man that’s

What i’m talking about and there we go one more that was obsidian that was not my lava come on there we go boop all right and that should even it out very very close to perfect yes that’s what i’m talking about perfect and we’re good right there so i’m gonna

Go ahead and pop these guys in here oh grab a hold of that guy and we’re going to fill up on some hobby and get rid of this guy as well there we go all right so we’re good here so let’s go ahead and cap this off

Let’s come and go down here a little bit oh we got some weather’s coming in and we’re going to cap it why did i do that that was stupid there we go and that’s what i was looking for yo what’s up man welcome welcome to the wall all right sounds good

There we go kept that bad boy off i almost went too freaking far on that one hell yeah hop on hop on all right there’s some there’s some hobbies yeah get to work [Laughter] all right here we go let’s hit this one and get a little refresh going throw that down

I went way too high with that awesome skirt one more one more i am a thousand blocks out [Laughter] no no that’s all i’m gonna say i’m a thousand blocks out i don’t i don’t know you i don’t know if i can trust you we were going to show up and crystal my

Ass and i’m not prepared for that i have to cry and get michael to come help me speaking of michael look at this this dude is freaking just killing it right now that’s right we’re about to be going and doing pretty much the same thing so

And okay yep we got plenty of bobby so we’re gonna head down over here actually no i completed this side didn’t i okay yeah yeah i did okay yeah this side has already already connected that one all the way up down all the way down to the uh to the corner

Over there so we’re good here perfect let’s see uh you nearly flew off like yeah i know i know so i actually gotta go this way yeah i’ll start over here i will go a little bit further than him right about there yeah that looks good nice

And here we go back to building the wall oh who’s not playing with axe all right who do we got hanging out above us there we go let me plop down there who who was that what is that anyway all right so let’s get our obsidian back over here so we

Can uh pop it down on the side right there perfect and going up on the worst elevator on the planet again fine that was a lot of weathers [Laughter] jesus that was a lot of freaking withers as a uh or yeah i had to go play some weathers

Whoever plays all those withers that was freaking ridiculous that was insanity there definitely should have been more though [Laughter] all right let’s go ahead and pop another there we go perfect good i like about two gaps i’m sorry i’m reading stream chat and game chat this is this is funny there’s funny stuff

There’s a there we go huge fudging wall man but yeah i’m hoping to get a uh i’m hoping to get a notification tonight that somebody found the base from today’s video um so like i was saying earlier today’s video was actually um the finders keepers video that i posted

Over here on sweet anarchy where i build a base and i’ll leave it up to you guys to find it and take the loot that i leave inside of it and um today’s base i left 10 shulks in there 10 shulkers full of stuff and a

A written book of the entire history of the basin itself um so it was pretty cool and um but yeah i actually uh the coordinates for that base are actually hidden within the video so that’s uh definitely something that you guys should be trying to find

Uh yeah i’m a little bit tired man oh all those were all those withers were you benzer that was awesome that was good um but yeah man so the base that i built today um or in today’s video actually uh believe it or not i got back from

A two hour trip to go take that test um and i spent all day out there with that test and then i took the test drove two hours back home got on and recorded yesterday’s video um it was exhausting i didn’t get it done and scheduled until a little bit after midnight

Last night and then i had to be at work at four this morning so i had to wake up at three so it was just last night was brutal man it was so brutal getting that video out today um i was hoping more people would watch it because it was

I i built instead of you know i built that that bass blog for block and um just like i did over on 2b2t um pretty much just like symbolic to myself and um yeah it was it’s a fun it’s a fun little build now it was out one of 15 builds

That i have out there on 2b2t in the uh in that complex and that was i’d say one of the medium ones i’m debating on if eventually maybe if if we make it to episode 10 on this if people continue to watch these and like it

If we make it to episode 10 i think the uh i think we’ll do something a little bit special i might build the uh the main build from uh from temple mound out there on 2b2t i’m just a main tribute i think that’d be pretty cool

I see a whit gave that burp a 5.6 and martin gave it a 12. by the way what’s up martin welcome to the livestream glad to have you hanging out with us over here on sweet anarchy um yeah if you want to come play uh anarchy server i think it’s a good

Anarchy server to get started on uh if you don’t want to sit there and wait in a you know 12 hour queue to get on 2b this is a that’s a good little spot to come hang out on uh we got some players that played on 2b that hang out over here and

Um of course you got myself over here doing big ass projects for fun [Laughter] all right so we can go ahead and get rid of that uh right now we are working on building the uh the spawn wall that’s gonna eventually go all the way around spawn

But instead of just a lava curtain we’re doing a uh a straight up obsidian wall that is uh gonna be drenched in lava which is awesome because let’s see gonna go watch it hell yeah um because not only are they gonna have to get through the lava but now they

Have to worry about mining through the obsidian as well which is just it’s not impossible it’s just more of a pain in the ass which uh that’s fun to me [Laughter] all right let’s kinda who’s up here oh yes michael i need to friend michael because this is this

trips me out every freaking time come here michael all right gotcha i keep seeing him turn red and i’m like son of a who is that i don’t trust people even though it’s a uh even though it’s a a good server i still don’t freaking trust people there we go

All right he’s over there still building up let’s see yeah i’m gonna go watch it yeah nice come catch this missile what’s going on by the way awesome freaking name all right let’s get this wall back there we go damn i’m gonna i’m gonna have to go back

For obsidian pretty soon i’m running out of that too running out of lava and obsidian this is this is a disaster actually let me go get a quick refresh real quick before i get too high up there and then have to come all the way back down

There we go ah that’ll work you know what i’m just gonna go from here and right here that looks good it’s good to me he just jumped on my head why would you do that now i have a migraine thanks thanks a lot for that there we go

Just told somebody to eat ass everyone inventories forever oh that’s cool oh hell yeah there we go he’s doing some freaking work today man that’s a uh can i use 32k on sweet that’s a good question i have no idea you could try who knows i haven’t tried

I usually um i usually don’t go get right in the middle of pvp too often um i did um i did kill play around a little bit earlier today though um let’s open throw up a ton of withers because why not there we go oh where’s my hole there it is

All right i almost got lost my own freaking hole going up so not this week coming up but the following week’s live streams are um are going to be hit or miss but i’ll keep all you guys updated in the discord i’m going to be having another surgery so

Uh not this monday but uh next monday so i’ll keep you guys posted to let you all know how things are going there we go just kind of pack that full oh my back is itching like a son of a there we go all right oh oh yeah

We got through that section a lot quicker than i expected to like so much faster than i expected to so let’s go ahead and back over here and so that goes there that goes there ah that’s gonna be helpful that’s gonna be super helpful

Now i don’t have to go all the way back over to the uh base of operations to pick up more sharks oh yeah thanks michael appreciate you dog and i’m gonna go ahead and fill this one in there we go uh yeah hit this side as well

So what this is doing is this is pretty much um this is pretty much how we’re blocking off the water that’s how that’s working out as long as i don’t place it in the wrong freaking spot again like a complete idiot yep that is correct what they’re um they’re actually going to be

Doing three different implants which is going to be awesome uh portal dupe no i don’t think so i don’t think you could do portal do but then again that’s that’s something that i haven’t tried yet i’ve been too busy doing this uh working on this wall

My video series on the server where i’m doing builds and also a uh i’m also working on a pretty mega pretty mega build out in the end right now as well splitting uh like five projects and working on all of them at the exact same time it’s it’s wild

I can’t even hold my oh i got stuck there we go okay we’re good oh all right we’re good now we’re good rocking and rolling there we go why did i oh because michael made it to the top already he connected it i was so confused i was like whoa whoa whoa whoa

I i’m pretty sure i didn’t just run out of spots but nope because michael freaking just came in clutch and finished out that section of the wall hell yeah we’re about to start laying lava again and then i’m gonna have to keep track of these because we’re we’re off by one

There we go fill these bastards in okay so let’s go ahead and do a little bit of cleanup over here pop this bad boy down start laying lava so that guy is hanging out there so we want this one here and that’s going to spread there so we want that one there

I’m gonna block that guy off block this whole bad boy off here let’s see i just wanted the whole video i just i just was i just watched the whole video i think i’m slow i’ve not found anything i know so um you’re uh if you’re looking for where the coordinates are

Uh in that video i i i do 100 hand them out exactly as i said but um you’re you’re gonna have to uh you’re gonna have to watch that video very very closely to get the exact cords of it but it is doable i i made sure of it i i

Spent way more time editing that video than i’d like to admit to make sure that uh that the chords actually do show up when and where i wanted them there they’re in there man they’re in there i promise you all right skip one skip one skip one nice all right

There we go cool just cool of get rid of all these buckets here and where are we going with it now there we go we’re going here one one one was that all the lava out of that i think it was yeah it was you are useless to me

And right here here we go okay perfect i had to make sure that’s exactly where i wanted it to go i confused myself for a second there which uh that’s actually way too normal for me and i think that is gonna end that one there and there yeah

All right so let’s get some more obvious we could continue this thing so we got that that’s just obsidian and we will do that awesome let’s see i was going to say you live in the confusion city on your right uh what’s going on uh what’s going on sean how you doing man

Backstreet gorilla productions ever in the house what’s up man hopefully you’re doing fantastic this evening it’s friday night so everybody should be having a good night if you’re not then um you’re uh you’re a debbie downer and uh put a smile on your damn lips yeah do that try it out

All right let’s spin that let me come flying all the way the hell down here and uh we’re gonna hit this guy here who’s that okay he’s he’s been hanging around i think i might be able to trust him for now for now at least wow oh what the

Why is that there all right so let’s kind of there we go and we’ll extend that out just a little bit there it is all right look at that hell yeah that thing is freaking still coming together look at this thing man this is this is ridiculous completely unnecessary and is just

Getting bigger and bigger every freaking day man love it love it love it love it from build limit as you can see all the way down to freaking bedrock dude that’s dope all right so what i need to do now is lay a little bit more lava because you know fun [Laughter]

There we go ah now i can see what i’m doing a little bit better there we go boom boom boom and a lot of this lava wall build guys is um is being recorded while we’re doing it i’m hoping i can make a uh a pretty good edit of the uh of the

Entirety of the wall being built whenever it’s done and i’ll put that out there for you guys to watch because uh you can see how much work went into this damn thing oh what are your frames i don’t know i think we’re i think we’re out of lava again

I think we’re out of lava again we are oh that sucks that sucks okay so we’ll just fill some of that in oh sounds like there’s like five fire trucks outside there we go get a little hide on me you just fill that in that’ll work and filling this one in

Oh yeah i might be able to hear it and the cop [Laughter] jeez there’s some crazy going on outside all right i think we’re good there let me kind of disable that all right i’m gonna go watch it okay yeah yeah you’re definitely gonna wanna yeah that’s it good good on you benjor

For figuring that out you are definitely gonna wanna watch it slower yeah i told you this is crazy out there man uh the world the world’s going to monkey master what’s going on i said i should go write my essay i’ll be back yeah you should

All right hold on hold on um i’m gonna have to do something give me one second i’m gonna have to kind of uh do some asmr no you don’t want that um i am not gonna be able to actually i will be able to see the chat because i’m gonna be uh

I’m gonna be doing something else over here i’m gonna be doing like four things at once all at the exact same time but i’ll still be able to see your chat because i gotta because i got my stuff going all right so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna go

I’ll be right back guys don’t freak out i’ll be right back i got i gotta do something i gotta do something all right and then let’s see what we got over here nah what i’m looking for i still have stuff from my build from earlier so what i’m gonna do is this

There we go and then I’m going to do this we’re going to pop this guy over all right we’re not i can’t see the chat now let’s see uh what is co let’s say uh how your heart is cooler is that good uh because i’m i just i’m i’m

Because i i have way way too too much uh time built in with uh with editing these videos all right i got i got to pick something up from the uh i got to pick something up from my uh the end base i’m working on and uh drop it to myself over here

We’ll do uh yeah we’ll do that what did that that looks good all right what’s up me all right so i’m gonna go ahead and throw that got it all right going back over that’s yeah tony you could barely focus on one thing bro let alone four i know i know

All right so what we are about to do is um we’re gonna have a little bit of fun over here i think i’m going in the right direction i am i’m going in the right direction okay here we go that one cool all right it’s half is this the fourth one already

Geez it is isn’t it i can’t believe this is the fourth uh the fourth one already jesus so you guys actually get to see what i normally do uh before the stream i’m naming all these like different because i can’t i can’t focus on it because we’re about to uh give these

Things out one of the five guys died oh yeah we’ll do that yeah i wonder who’s gonna get the poop book this time i think uh somebody got the penis book at one point in time that was pretty funny i saw that happen in the chat and i was i was dying laughing

They were like wait this this book only says penis in it and i was like yeah you’re welcome [Laughter] that was that was it was so free it was it was a it was too funny for what it should have been man it was way too funny

I there’s no reason i should have laughed that hard but uh i did there we go tap get stream four yeah yes everybody gets to see what’s going on in these kids now all right i already got that one i’ll do add two more two more

There we go tap stream for team wall hell yeah team wall all freaking day man there we go one two three four five fun let’s see uh seen that project sounds like it turned out awesome i can’t wait to see this yes it’s uh it’s crazy unless you’re getting

On never been on this server yeah it’s it’s a fun server man i have a blast on it oh oh too much pizza man all right we are now back at the wall and uh let’s see where we’re going so i’m gonna put one of these there

I’m gonna put one right there hopefully you don’t uh you know break it um hey michael where are you at everybody i’m i’m gonna hook him up i’m gonna hook him up even though that dude is like he he lives with the hook up

There we go and then uh what i think i’m gonna do because we’ve holy i’ve been live streaming for over an hour okay so what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna go to spawn and i’m just gonna drop these yeah yeah that’s what i’m gonna do i’m gonna go drop them

I think that’s what’s gonna happen here let’s go let’s do it let’s just drop these at spawn and see what happens that’s a two force of a burp dude i know it was killing my stomach i felt like i was gonna die i can’t die on a live stream that is that’s too

Cliche can’t do that they’re like oh taft i don’t live stream you know now that’s dumb that’s dumb so we’re actually gonna go where are we gonna go i want to drop this thing i know exactly where i want to drop this let’s see well let’s uh let’s gap up while we’re

Over here with all the freaking withers that were just spawned in here not too long ago and we’re gonna go old school flight all right so let’s see where do i want to put this i don’t want to put it directly on the highway but ow there we go somebody’s following me

Let’s see we’re gonna bring this bad boy right into here because this this place just looks like a like a super friendly place yeah yeah right here yeah so come and get that one can we get that one and have fun with it this is uh this is michael’s playground by the way

I’m over here encroaching on his territory all right yeah enjoy that there we go all right i just uh i just left a couple out spawn and now we are gonna make our way back over to the wall i gotta go in the right damn direction all right there we go

Get a little bit higher on this one look at all those weathers hell yeah a lot of damn weathers up there that makes me happy to see all right we’re gonna head back over the wall now so yeah hopefully you guys are having a great friday

What is that now i thought i found something cool there we go and there maybe i don’t know if they’re still on the wall they probably got jacked already oh here we go hey wall what’s up buddy i almost went freaking nose first into that damn thing

Yeah just for scale we’re gonna fly it we’re gonna fly the distance to this wall so far just because it’s it is unnecessary so this is a gap we’re working on filling right now which uh this gap should be filled i’d say with within the next week this

Gap is going to be filled 100 100 and so we already got it filled up here i’m gonna have to come back here probably tomorrow and um and lava this corner up this is the corner that we were working on last time during the last stream

And then let’s see yeah let’s give it a weathered away all done he got weathered so there’s the corner that we were working on and then that corner all the way to where we’re going right now is a total of two thousand blocks in one direction and each side of it is

Gonna be two thousand from corner to corner two thousand from corner to corner and so on and so on uh completely surrounding spawn so we’re we’re freaking doing work on it guys we’re doing some serious work look at this freaking thing completely ridiculous completely ridiculous but uh super super necessary [Laughter]

I’m lying it’s completely unnecessary but oh all right there it is and we got kicked [Laughter] oh man i went i went too crazy with it i went too crazy with it so we’ll do this well we’ll do what i normally do um let’s see we will go to

My end testing world so i can disable this there we go back to game yeah so that’s our end testing world so now we’re going to get back over here now that uh now that i’ve disabled my thing there we go i got stuck cool but yeah so that’s that’s how big

The freaking wall is man it is insanity utter insanity and you can see where uh you see how the walls all crazy right here and how thick it got just because somebody tried to grief it it didn’t work out too well for them they uh they just kept running

And um and um freaking uh logging off constantly every time we hit him uh big baby man huge baby couldn’t handle it but uh yeah he just kept combat logging constantly and we just made the ball thicker and that’s what we’re doing every time the wall gets griefed it’s coming back twice

As thick because it’s already unnecessary why not make it more necessary um i see um can you show your fly settings um oh who the hell is this oh hey michael what’s up buddy hey i’m not doing anything [Laughter] oh my god help me [Laughter] you’re just flying around me like a

mosquito so your individual fly settings depending on the client that you use and what version of the client you use um i’m going to bebop in a way just dancing the music um the settings could be completely different for each client i completely different i just say mess around with them and

Just dial them in the good thing about this server is it’s not 2b2t so you’re not going to sit here and wait 20 minutes to get on if you’re if you get booted so you just pop back on and redo it i probably spend about 30 45 minutes working on all my settings

Um but i don’t even know what i’m what am i using right now let’s see that’s pretty much it easy that’s what i’m rocking right now [Laughter] goddamn michael calm down and he’s on fire my he is losing his mind so uh but yeah guys that’s um i forgot

To sit at home that’s not good uh i’m gonna go ahead and end it i’ve been live for uh now we’re 11 minutes 12 minutes now so i hope you guys had fun um i’m gonna i just have i’m not gonna keep working on this tonight

Um i have to go and do some stuff with jyn tonight because uh yeah that’s what i got to do god damn that while that wall is getting thick this is getting thick but uh i’m gonna go hang out with jen and then i’m gonna get on tomorrow

Morning early as piss i think i’m gonna be on tomorrow morning at like 4 a.m to keep working on my end project and then after that i’m going to be working on the wall so yeah it’s it’s it’s crazy man it is it’s nuts like as i got on this

Server every single time i’m on the server i’m working on three different projects my in build my next video and this wall and plus whatever somebody else wants me to help them out with so it’s crazy so guys i’m gonna go ahead and end it uh thank y’all so much for watching and

Guys um thank you for helping i i appreciate you you guys are awesome epic sauce yeah there’s some some celebratory fireworks because you guys are great um but guys thanks so much for watching i really hope you guys had a blast if you haven’t checked out the video that i

Posted a couple hours ago go watch it find the hidden cords and go find my dedication base to one of my builds over on 2b2t but again guys thank you so much for watching don’t forget to keep on playing and i will see you guys in the next

Video or live stream i don’t know whatever comes first it’s sunday live stream bye You

This video, titled ‘Building The Great Spawn Wall on the Sweet Anarchy Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by TAF Plays on 2021-05-15 13:34:14. It has garnered 135 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:54 or 4494 seconds.

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Server IP: mc.sweet-anarchy.net Sweet Anarchy Server Discord: discord.link/sweetanarchy

Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Gc2vPZsc4j

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    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More