EPIC BUILDING: City construction with friends LIVE

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For for I yo it’s stre I just made a server so if you want to join up what’s good bro I appreciate you coming by I’m just in the Discord server so that’s why it’s kind of no like no commentary so if you want to join up

Just let me know right now CU I can invite you I’m just saying that’s why it’s no commentary for right now but appreciate come by what good bro I’m on Fort have you got one yet on Fort bro all hold on let me tiny te no that’s stra

Mean all right yeah we’re going to put on speakers so where y’all can hear bro turn it off like no like you can keep it on I’m just saying that’s very loud like you can leave the stream on I’m just saying bro like just turn it down

So I can’t hear myself echoing through Discord I’ll mute you oh my God I’m going leave bro good God like y’all are so freaking loud bro I’m not going to lie you know you see how loud they get in Discord I don’t like being sometimes being groups what’s

Good what is Con what does that even mean turn down my stream yo just turn it down I don’t need to hear myself yes I can hear you on Discord with my stream open I know you’re watching my stream and all I appreciate that but I’m just saying I don’t want to hear

Myself I’m about to leave the Discord call bro like just turn it down all the way oh my God bro like I’m not going to freaking join back and I call it’s too loud because your playing so freaking loud and so annoying how you been doing strea if you’re still watching stream I

Appreciate come by how has your day been all right so we only got one person I don’t know what he even did at all yo sorry my guys I’m a playing for it I know bro I’m just saying how’s your day so far let me make a party so where I can

Talk to Puma good man that’s good to hear bro y’all just give me a sec sec I know y’all can hear me and all I’m just inviting people yo are you going live today chin again yeah I’ll be live tonight I bet that’s up to you like I said be

Yourself like if y’all me and uh Burger agree with each other on the call just be your own self bro I’m just saying like be yourself if if you want to change your username you can what is this I’m not going to lie this is so annoying I like the New Movement it’s

All right I guess the New Movement it’s all right racing yeah no if they actually do that I’m going to I’m actually going to play race and ranks if they actually if they add that to fortnite I’m actually going to play the racing with ranks tomorrow the Lakers Got Game

Are y’all ready for the new uh GTA 6 trailer that’s released in tomorrow just let you know to why I can’t be in this stream but I can still play with you sha is not streaming right now so let me know like Chad do y’all want

What should this room be cuz I’m still wondering what this room should be but I do need to change let me save a clip because I got to change my uh name to this world be just my world hold up oh the sound is is just me switching stuff on the PlayStation

Shut up dog I don’t know who you are like God you’re so freaking annoying dog there’s something R the dog that box up oh my God it’s so annoying Chad do y’all hear the dog Barking I do bro the dogs is so freaking loud I’m not going to lie I’mma go finish dancing killing kills all right appreciate you coming by B killing oh that’s funny no B is actually just B you always make kids mad I’m not going to lie you do make them mad super

Easily when You Face them appreciate y’all come by and enjoying the stre bro but yeah chin well I will be um doing a with my girlfriend stream so that will be fun I don’t know when but it’ll be soon sorry to end stream very early yesterday is because my girlfriend

Wanted to play some fortnite so I just at to time I didn’t really feel like streaming again all right invite I had not looked in the Stream yet for a few minutes so that’s why I’m just standing still just for a few moments so yeah I’m sorry wow bra

That’s my favorite part to make him cry mad that’s funny I didn’t even see that can you invite me in your world sure bro if y’all want to join y’all just let me know I’m safe from the name Bunger here you really are when you’re I’m just saying in general

Like when I when people join like it’s usually cool man who usually calls you freaking Bunger I don’t even know who else calls you Bunger I don’t cuz I’m actually nice Shea knows I’m nice it’s just when people make me mad I’m mad but I’ve been controlling my anger so

Yeah so I’ve been peaceful and nice bro let me actually invite him to the party I actually forgot to do that while my head out and maybe Play With You rabbit don’t forget to leave a like while you’re atdi it man I’m somewhat trying to act like

Freaking um CH I came sound like him I’m just trying my heart hard is to sound like Chima almost just to be funnier what’s good bro what’s good my M you’re actually the first person to join finally I see you was it playing uh or U making a YouTube video yeah you have

Discord uh no why I would invited you to the Discord so yeah you just don’t have a deep enough voice thanks for watching that’s my deep voice I can’t really do his voice Chima if you’re watching I’m just trying my best all right bro been uh the man just call me Xander

Xander how’s your day been good what’s good uh s sopath stands I hope I’m saying it right I’m probably ain’t but what’s good welcome to the stream appreciate you coming by remember to look at the pin y’all like when y’all join the stream bro like

Y’all just read the pen what should I uh oh what happened to my stand appreciate you come by rabbit what happened to my aror stands bro um are you subscribed to me by any chance no let me subscribe right now you might not be able to find it but

Oh what’s your what’s your name on here it’s fan 483 but it’s sadly going to pop on my other channel so I think it’s just going to be do exactly what my message says like if y’all want to join bro like what’s good so just friend just friend

Was it him just friend him and he will invite you oh so are you let me actually text you this and then is this a school there’s no school yet oh I added all right appre the server is going to be okay I see it

Uh yeah I’m not going to try I’m not going to try to pronounce that okay I’m going to invite uh the viewer right now now sub we go so uh go on Chima stream hello hello uh can you give me a sec I uh I am good are you subscribed yes

Oh appreciate you appreciate you sub subscribing yeah just join I like new viewers joining bro my fault well tur is not my name but still yeah we’ll invite anyone that wants to build you can friend me yeah I invited you I don’t know if you got the invitation just friend me I’ll invite

You in I got you 71 Subs yes sir yes sir Burger you know how it is okay it doesn’t work I got you Xander so go on Cha’s Roblox stream down it should say a week ago and then go on his description of his Roblox stream and it

Should pop up at Mr Le or something yep I got it I just friend yeah just put high in the chat just put high in the chat all right thank you bro yes sir by the way what up what’s good fan what’s good

T if you want me if you want me to like name you something else I don’t really care so if you want me to name you something else to just let me know if you don’t want me to how are you I’m good bro I’m having a BL day just

Playing with just having some fun and new viewers so it’s good about you it’s fine all right you like in the house I think I should add more I think I should add more like uh okay I want you I need you like if there’s already buildings that are not

Finished okay I’m right here I’m in this dark house hold on hold on Xander come here in there so if you want to build stuff just like it’s up to you I’m just saying because like don’t finish the builds that are not completed okay second floor

Okay yeah I don’t know what to put so like a put black screen or something yeah let’s do it yeah I’m going to put like Caron stands let me just get some of these windows out I have a balcony so oh those are where the armor stands

Going to be at oh not that so yeah someone broke them so I put overpowered armor over here but someone broke them so I had to remake them no he’s talk there’s a like broken down on the bottom floor all the way just be the

That what you guys need to so I’m going help me can you help me build a house because I’m not good at houses as you can see let me show you this is my only build that I’ve built so far and this is the worst build I’ve ever

Made well I’m just saying I didn’t add anything cuz I didn’t think of anything I was just SP it actually looks pretty good A this is not mine this is like I built this over here too I’ve only built like couple things not that much this is it’s a green

House that’s why it’s all green I like your skin I’m not a big fan of it but I like the Skins instead of like watching the show I used to be a big fan of Star Wars actually if you watch the show of Star Wars I’ve watched I’ve watched

Everything the new ones they’re they’re great I mean they’re awesome I watched them before so I’ve watched every single one except for the new the new one yeah I’m a big Star Wars fans that’s good burger hey burger if you’re going to play My Stream I’m just saying if you

Can hear me right now I’m just saying bro turn down your stream and then I can get on the Discord call again but I’ll put you on speakers so just you can turn down my stream I don’t really care if you keep watching I’m just saying in general

Like I don’t know what to put in here yeah that’s that’s what I’m going to put in there but I’m gonna put these so command if you’re wondering why hey Commander if you’re wondering why I don’t do really anything cuz technically I’m like almost like a director really

Doing nothing I’m just seeing what y’all can build but I’m still going to build some stuff okay I’m going to cover with dark wood there we go okay yeah that’s do that you can build whatever I don’t really care whatever you want to build I don’t really care but just don’t build

In a proper stuff I’m not surprised because I have I like that okay where should I put this this should be dark I think I think this glass table should be dark like dark slabs so come here real quick so does this look good with uh was

It dark slabs with glass just show him after after you’re done with the or it just looks too thick yeah I was thinking of one of those couches but it looks cricked me to the car all right but I’m just saying do not play My Stream out loud because it gets annoying very

Annoying it looks good but it’s just this is too big the excuse me can I say something um I’m just saying before y’all talk and do stuff um like like I said I don’t really do anything but I do build stuff and I do hop around just

Sometimes I don’t do a lot of stuff I’m just watching like you feel me like I’m just doing some stuff so y’all just go back to work whatever I Xander just call me that thank you for subscribing H this does look good hey I’m in the uh server so uh

Burger if you want to join you can but just don’t play My Stream out loud it gets super annoying I’m ain’t GNA lie okay that’s why you don’t hear my stream out loud when I’m streaming because I just turn it down all the way I don’t need to hear

Myself cuz I know it works it looks like a boat but it does look like a little tank if what all right just don’t play out loud I’m just saying it looks like a boat but it does at the same time it looks like a think

So are you going to use green uh everybody excuse me for one more thing I’m just going to say one more thing I will be going to on Discord on my phone so I won’t be able to talk so my stream will be no commentary but they’ll only hear y’all

Okay it does look good I didn’t say anything he says he’s not going to really talk because he’s watching YouTube videos I just need him to get all the way okay yeah I just did he’s just looking at now let me put you on operator so you can have a ability

TP it does look good you’re really dangerous too that’s the other thing too you could build build a the whole tire base under there he he disappeared what’s this hold on let’s see this real quick prison oh this is prison gear okay it shouldn’t be like this me just fix this a little

Bit yeah he has prison gear that looks orange now but I’m just fixing a couple holes that he had so if they escape okay I’m coming get it takes a little bit okay now I’m coming that looks like a tank just more designs that’s it looks good though I’m going to finish

With my design real quick I’m just going to break those after I put the picture wait heck H should I make a bigger TV that looks nice that is true but the smaller the TV is the harder yeah cuz I can’t put the picture in that’s a picture is going to be

Hard I can just do may I can do this like different pictures looks like it’s bugging out now looks good oh no oh there we go now the TV looks glitched like you’re watching different things now U so what’s the next thing should I do I already made the

Closet I already made a TV room that I’m going to watch and what else I already have glass stairs that looks nice I have a Christmas tree I’m going to put underwater axad and fish and it will not look empty so let’s just finish with

This hey when I leave I’m going to still I’m going to join back it’s just I had to get some groceries real quick so how old are you uh how old are you 12 about to turn 13 in January don’t worry about it he’s not even on mic he’s right now watching

YouTube so you’re good when uh was it you’re good to cuss it’s just when uh was it who what’s that kid’s name it starts with G and S he he’s 14 and he’s not allowed to cuss me he’s not allowed to hear anyone cuss ooh I’m about to put this as

A yeah I know yeah but he’s like he’s like 18 and plays Minecraft still Minecraft is fun it’s just when you play it for a little bit is just it gets a little boring yeah that’s that’s the important thing you make new friends why Mo Jane and all

The game creators make other games like col of Duty that’s mainly rage and all that but you still make friends at the end okay now the Axel a cage look decor check out this okay boom boom boom now we all we need is axelos good fish where you fish at fish

Egg ashtag or whatever fish there not silver fish tropical put some fish everywhere make it look nice and then like couple axles in here now we’re good water looks crooked Go my Bros get out with it get out with my Bros there’s some exles everywhere they had fun put some other things like presents gold diamond and emerald get our gift going I need a debug stick that’s what I need a debug stick I don’t know how to get that though in and

Put some random chest or actually I got something that might work that might look nice chest some chests for presents things so it looks nice it looks like Christmas hasn’t came yet but will and then we can put a little chimney up here little chimney up here for fire

Chimney talking about or actually I’m just going to put the chimney here to ooh this going be hard chimney chimney chimney actually I’m just going to do it normal up here up top the roof I need it like right here like that and then we get our blade

Going actually we’re going to cover this with Like that I’m on the floor give me some more like that Keep FL like that me some like that See my Sh who’s Cam that Samurai like that I’m on floor like that I’m on the floor like that me some more like that like that I’m on FL like Flo you’re back have some r no that’s some random kids trying to grief so I had to trap that kid so yeah

Brother I’m going to trap the kid so he can stop ging yeah oh I’m guessing he did gri griefing on acent can you invite him real quick friends with the cam dude can y’all invite him yeah that’s you right oh okay I’m just going to give him a little

Warning can you text him the rules a little bit left okay good let me just hey I’m if you want to keep watching this stream Burger I’m going to go back to my talking I’m going to talk to my other friends on the party so if

You want to just keep watching my stream yeah okay other buildings oh the graves we just put random Graves to make it look nice but if you want to remake it you can okay okay I got a question uh because I know you’ve been helping him but could

You help me maybe with a little bit of the garage a garage I’m making a parking garage over here I just haven’t been working on it since I’ve been too lazy that’s why there’s a big black Square why are you oh my God so okay I got you

Oh hell no you’re gay nah that’s some gay ass crap right there bro doesn’t look good but you can just do this Flor can you do the other side can you do the other side cuz I can’t think of like oh the chimney looks nice you like the chimney boys yeah I do good you can a little B yeah I’m going to do that I just put a fire oh was a fire

Camp yeah I put oh was a h so it makes it farther Butan oh okay like that I’m on the flo s please okay Sorry that that’s hold upst it’s hard to make like little particles any direction go in One Direction so like this direction for you can just Spam it if you want okay casually make it go smaller and smaller oh when I crouch uh Xander it just mean I’m saying thank you well I’m

Saying you’re welcome to like was helping I was just trying to uh a little bit too much I’m going to lie oh no this is how much you’re supposed to have at the bottom to look like this oh I don’t really need my fire Camp

Then we are at seven likes thank you all so much for all the support let’s get more likes BR okay yeah I got to remove that and cover it with Wood and then yeah this can be my was it smelter oh sorry about that I’ll make that this can be my little smelter area so you really want to make this can be my chimney you’re uh Hey Xander if you’re wondering why like like Chad if y’all

Are wondering why I don’t upload YouTube shorts no more it just it’s kind of boring not going to lie there’s nothing wrong with that what I built no I was just saying that dang that’s crazy I mean it’s tough It’s really good I like it I know G man you sent the

Christmas tree if you’re watching the stream bro like I seen it I like the image I a going lie that building what you build in fortnite Burger was fire we can cover with trap doors y’all should have done on the very bottom I’m going to lie y’all should I can cover with trap

Doors make it look reality usually at the top Flor at the top floor big pause what oh my God stop taking it the other way godam oh I was placing them cuz I think he fell too lazy to build more stairs and stairs yeah that definitely what it was supposed to

Be no it’s good and then we can put that looks nice all we need to do is that and that looks like a real nice chimney and then we can cover with a block underneath that so it doesn’t go all the way hold on uh let’s

Do like this and then put a brick right here there we go so it doesn’t have to go far away let me see if it worked yeah it worked it didn’t go all the way so it looks realistic now hey remove my tank because I don’t like

It in out in the open no it’s no hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on you can do this it’s fine it’s finey a little bit you can do this you can build like a is it a camp like a military camp they’re just patrolling

Okay does anyone know how to do commands no I’m not good at commands title drops yeah is that I’ll clean off yeah it gets to that annoying part wait hold on hold on MH yeah okay I’m I I put a little lava area I’ll burn it for you burn that real quick easy

Peasy yeah I was not making this some random kid was making it so I was just helping you just need to make it more realistic that’s it yeah wait so do you know how to do is it what is it called you know how to do uh command blocks

Okay like uh uh like infinite box like when they break it they uh was it the block respawns back sorry CH if I’m not uh like doing anything because I’m just trying to like I just I just wanted to know because I have an area where the was it the prisoners had to

Work uh how many how uh should there be like parking lots in the middle Commander yeah and then we can make this our lunchroom here let me just iron door yeah but we can put them on was Adventure or we or we can but like at the same time you need to put

Them prison a little bit more before y’all do F stuff so uh Commander let me explain this to you because you you haven’t you’re new so I want to explain it to you so how it works is if like somebody explode stuff like Jojo did we

Could have done it but I decided to kick him out because he always does bad stuff all the time but like if you do something bad Commander you put yourself in survival you’ll be everybody will be an operator but y’all put yourself in uh survival then we put you in a visitor

And then y’all have to stay in here for 5 minutes no I’m just saying like on what I mean there’s people reallythe how they do how they do yeah what’s good G man welcome to the stream bro appreciate it remember uh put that thumbs up like the stream bro continue Yeah okay now you’re ready you’re good I just made the prison look a little nice I made toilet said g just call me on the phone when you’re able to join so and then we can make this a button here if it’s not right now just like just put

Okay I don’t really like a hidden button here or liver just put okay like if all right because it’s much easier than just saying no I can’t be on prisoners get out right now I understand y’all can’t be on right now but like just put okay just if that makes sense friend all

Right bro Burger you have fun hey send me your link to your stream uh Burger so I can join it okay I’m going to create the food like cooks and all that uh should this person be a little bit much bigger I think I think my friend is

Making a better prison soon but he isn’t on right now so just like if yeah I’m just saying so don’t mess with the builds that are under construction like if you see stuff are not like completed I was I was finishing the build with one of my friends so I’m

Allowed to was it touch it real quick uh no not exactly yeah he said if you have any other ideas do it so I’m doing it right now that’s why I’m fixing that’s why I’m fixing there’s some freaking skeleton creeper head thing with the music box let me teleport to

You oh um that was supposed to be another trap that was like a trap that you’re not supposed to get rid of so you might want to just put it back as it was it’s not under construction I just like just leave it there just because sometime will PE

Them here just put just put barri blocks just put Berry blocks and then put glass over it oh wait what that was R so just get back up I don’t know I’m just going to make them like random things like not just potatoes in there cuz potatoes really do suck they

Do like peanut butter jelly sandwich and all that stuff yeah we at eight likes are you able to man just call me okay I wasn’t talking to you you said Zan the man no I said God man oh my God okay there we go okay come on so

What’s the problem with these outfits what do you see wrong with they’re all orange hold up oh they don’t have names what what’s wrong with them oh yeah the H yeah they don’t really need hats okay okay if you [Applause] can be ready be ready be bo hey I’ll be

Back I’m getting we’re not leaving yet I’m just saying be ready okay all never mind I’m going to stay here just wait I have to [Applause] wait I’m going to put like steak right here or honey they do need drinks right so I’m just going to put like a honey in

There they don’t they just walking bare feet okay can make that black though uh let me just get like the usual things I’m going to invite you to the game I’ll give him like five apples for like who dogs is barking God Dam that’s not my dog I don’t even have a dog

I have a cat and a dog I have a cat and a dog my dog my grandma’s dog don’t bark my cat just I can’t get out I’m just twerk yo what yo yo hey yo sussy impostor over here is somebody going to stream uh I don’t know my I just turned

Off my phone let me just get some other uh I I I technically can if I wanted to I’m still not sure about water bottles here and car making my dinner right now I said I said I said making my dinner right now not lunch they’re talking about the prison they’re talking

About the prison oh why did you just G man yeah I know I should be joining shortly I was the first person to join that’s the special part who Xander was the first person to join my server so when I my mama asked you that’s not what your mother said who

Who that’s what my father said dummy when he asked you you sure are I thought you were to go get get the milk you’re not funny you’re just so mean sorry sorry sorry that’s bad puns I know bad puns that looks nice yes the lunch lady outfit looks

Nice too oh I’m not sure if you guys realize this I have a pool I wish we had custom mob U like mobs like like with a hat like a chef Hat yeah and with like okay yeah I understand that it is hard so did you guys see the FNAF movie oh I haven’t watched it there was Cory kenes I heard Cory kenes yeah that’s that’s there’s this line I always come back that a great part yeah I like

Him crazy thing is I hey G G don’t spoil for him because he hasn’t seen it yet just saying I I I thought I thought that lie was actually in the trailer I don’t know for sure no yeah don’t spell it don’t don’t spoil it because I haven’t

Seen it I’m plan on watching it today so it’s on peacock yeah yes oh is God I have a question just saying is Godzilla online chance who that looks nice Godzilla uh that looks nice bro hey give me one of those real quick she is but I’m put

Near my house I don’t think she is now all friends oh 34 friends are online come on mate tell me mate oh that’s interesting because a land Lincoln stopped that war oh he was it that was World War I right that was way before okay yeah so he never did stop

It the penny that’s crazy the banana okay so what should we okay I got an idea so if the if the prisoners are real bad like they blew up everything we’re going to give him like something bad for him all right yeah I want to hear this I

Want to hear this so we’re going to give him potion of weakness for four minutes I had to go I I’ll be back I P time I’m plan adding the third floor well I’m just helping with this side because you like you don’t need you just follow the stair steps you don’t

Like this part is fine I can actually fill in in just a little bit if that makes sense all right did I end live no I didn’t okay um if I was on PC I would have streamed on everything like if I wanted to switch to another game I would have streaming

Done without like if a if PlayStation allow me to switch games while streaming that would be actually cool because I yeah I agree I guess you don’t to and just keep streaming without ending it so yeah oh you heard be ignore that that’s um that was um my microwave my dinner

Done actually G you can just like delete the part of the roof that you need to build the stairs at I’m just going to fill in just delete the parts that you need the stairs at if that makes sense all right all right actually I got a

Better idea let me do this for you um so let me get it out um where is all right so one I want stone bricks it’s okay oh oh oh that that actually makes sense that actually makes sense it actually makes sense but we have to add

Some sort of barrier though um hold on that’s um hold on how far one one more oh where over here there a there’s a giant Brick House oh shoot I messed up but you like we’ll just put fences we’ll put fences after so I don’t want fences I want it

To match oh it actually kind of does look good with that yeah so you just fill in and fill one more piece out so I can yeah got it one more stair steps and that’s it wait actually no hold on I just that’s hold up hold

On all right that oh shoot we might actually I can actually yeah some help these blinds oh let me uh Hey can Commander can you move thank you I’m not being ruin anything but like all right there I can’t really have Windows right here I had to restart stream

Uh why no not me my friend did oh I was on a Discord call that’s why I was on no commentary at the beginning of oh it was like uh few days uh yesterday I was just no commentary for a few minutes what you doing uh helping out my

Friend GS upstairs that’s about it mainly that’s what I’m doing oh I accident yeah it’s not my fault I misclick it’s it’s sometimes very hard to do that yeah come here what you going to work on question I know you’ve been who is this over here the garage the parking garage oh

This is a parking garage this is something else oh no don’t worry about this don’t worry about this it’s one of somebody’s builds like if y’all see builds that are not even finished just leave it alone all right I was suing this is um a girls cuz of the pink right

Here uh I would say yes but at the same time I don’t think it’s hers I think somebody else use it I made a prison today that’s good all right all right so all right there you go your stairs are fully done thanks I actually plan on

Forest that’s how the case if anybody wants to sleepover oh well in the role play there will be a lot of stuff yeah I do wish Dominic was on to help us more he did help us out like literally yes Dominic was on God man like two days ago he was

On the game with us D he uh steampunk worked on this thing so if you want to go underground you can uh is that gan’s house the brick house yeah over here yeah my house s the side my house is all the way over here

Well I live with u my friend this over here is going to be like this now this is the parking garage right this yeah right there with the hey come go man come here so this is going to be a restaurant SL like store ah this is me and like like it

Says Nate Dog and dog cuz I’ve been friends with them for eight months okay I’m going to put some torches on the outside of the store unless you’re friends with me for a long time like nay has then then yeah but I picked his because his house actually look very

Good everybody’s except for mine my builds are ass hold on a minute I have an idea where’s there sign sign sign sign that’s my that’s my restaurant thanks perfect don’t say that you’re builds are good my builds are bad that’s what I’m saying oh what what what’ you find a

Chicken oh yeah that’s supposed to be a bunker yeah why wait what what are the Nazis here no not be I say it look like the Nazi symbol that this is a Minecraft if it if it were here we got to prepare for war your builds my builds

Are good my builds are bad that’s what I’m I know it’s not the here mine and my friends but he built this so my friend Nate Dog built this hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m scar real quick this is uh I’m just

Saying I do need to give you stuff so you just stay here for one second cuz everybody gets this every time they join I gotta find it is It sorry I see you escaping you’re not slick oh wait I can just Escape like this I mean I wasn’t building anything so my ears oh well that was come in Stop shut up why I can’t do the Darth Vader voice why not what you want a part after uh it Depends I guess I could really use help I’m Zing a hang world oh you are yeah I’m building a hang world for hanging around all right but also I’m also making another world for a role play but it’s a really big project this is a big project that’s uh but my project going

To take a year it’s midband if you don’t know what midband is then you’re not a like Star Wars fan I but if you’re a Star Wars fan you’re not like a full Star Wars fan is one of the planet oh yeah popiz what what planet did a lose his

Legs okay so that name it but Mustafar yeah Mustafar that’s the I am actually a huge Star Wars fan yeah as well as a Godzilla fan godilla my God uh the original idea was for Japan yeah I mean no I mean like the 2014 uh I think that was the 1998

One no fact in 1998 was the first Godzilla f American film at least I don’t know exactly where that take I haven’t seen that one yet Really the minus one basically versus Godzilla was the first act yeah but the first actual Godzilla versus King K we have it in 1962 with King K vers Godzilla the show era yeah i’ actually new type movies yeah yeah the yeah the legendary the legendary but actually too the original

Producer of Godzilla is still producing movies yeah I know they just they just posted one three days ago yeah movies are have you SE all on the what the what is that Western movie no it’s on the never heard of that one it’s a World War oh I be interested

In that stuff he’s all about history I I suck at history to be honest oh oh sorry chat my thing would keeps like disconnecting because um yeah my died so that’s dang yeah just POV point of view gotcha please tell G and mute his mic

Why you don’t need to be so rude I’m just saying burger he don’t need to mute his mic even I can just turn his mic down that’s it I guess people don’t want to hear my voice I guess I do but my friend doesn’t it was being

Loud oh wait hold on I can I can fix that I can fix that um that’s why I was trying to tell you that’s why I was trying to tell you quite a little bit down yesterday I was being rude about it I was being nice about H I gotta hold on um

Oh hello no there oh that better yeah no it was my mic uh Burger my mic was glitching oh I was going to say my M my adjusted voice was way too loud SPS right now unless yeah oh you’re a YouTuber I how how many videos my oh I’m sorry how many

Subscribers my first one almost 2K almost the 2K one that’s impressive this the uh 2031 that’s good I got it’s good it’s good I start my when I first start I actually have two channels oh wow yeah sorry to hear that um my I have 192 Subs on my on my M yeah

I I start on my other channel uh like my friend was talking about Mr 2K that joins the stream and say hi that’s my second account and technically used to all right but I’m just saying that was my it used to be like every other channel I always called it my main

Channel but this is going to be my main channel for real for real but I’m just saying that channel got 107 Subs this channel only has 71 so appreciate all the likes and subscribers let’s pass up my own account bro I know for a fact we can we’re

Almost passing up my uh other like my other friend 483 account so yeah but yeah I’m going to try to pass up my second account uh my other account has 78 Subs with no videos we are at 1 hour and 47 minutes oh crap I forgot about my dinner

Before Believe it or believe it not I have not ate today at all like you not ate breakfast lunch or dinner dang bro you just got to eat something bro I’m not going to lie you just got to eat something I’m not going to lie bro just eat

Something I just found this what the [ __ ] is this [Applause] I’m making some I don’t understand how y’all know my username so quickly I don’t know why it’s not popping up Mo Buckle but at the same time how y’all like when it does say move Buckle I don’t understand how

Y’all can add me when it doesn’t even show my real username it like it makes no sense how y’all still find my username this Ro needs to get better I’m going to invite everybody who’s online that is on Minecraft who is on Minecraft wec when I saw your your change the name I

Didn’t know who you were oh if you not noticed my username on fortnite is Phantom Forces 83 I’ll be right back chat oh on what I did but I don’t really pay attention to stuff oh what’s good Dominic chat I’m going to put it on the blue screen so that’s why you’re not

Going to see anything but I’ll be right back and if you doing leave the stream burger just I’ll let you know when I’m back hi Dominic so my stream is at on the blue screen for right now until I get back but if you want to join you can Dominic hold up

Not all right I am back what’s good Dominic Dominic are you dead or something no oh guys he Gan if you can hear me I have to refresh my game it’s not letting me invite anybody Dominic yeah are you there yeah yeah I’m there like a robotic it’s my

Headphones oh my God please don’t do that scare me what scare stream and notice it was you all right just try to remember uh burger just try to remember please Burger my friend name Burger God dang wait my fault met anybody Nam Burger you never told me you a friend Nam Burger I

Have a lot of people that you haven’t met yet I’ll say that I have like over 100 people you don’t you don’t even know actually I know 30 people of your friends list I know Brandon BBB or whatever his name is BB I know so I’m going to invite y’all but

Like I need to I know what Kyler’s last name is who’s Kyler I do too Smith did you say myth or Smith Smith s m i t a that’s what I said youing death you’re I hear myth not Smith Smith Smith I’ll say like that just just pronounce his dumbass name

Wrong where are you I kind of just gave your other account 79 huh I don’t really understand why you would do that but thank you but I’m not even going to post on that channel what where are you Dominic I’m trying to find you have you heard of teleporting uh no

But I invited you from freaking I guess what the I’m up here how you joined so fast I’ve been in the server for like two to three minutes all right can you ask all right is there anything else you’re going to work on oh my tower over there what tower

This I’m so confed that oh oh the wood one this yeah that’s what the wood one yes it’s not just wood there’s going to be more Stone I just had to put Stone outline for c for certain reasons all right why does it say zero people he when it does that oh bomb

Now Candice do not answer to that question Connor what what’s your do not do not respones answer Candice who the [ __ ] is Candace Conor no no you did not just respond to that no Connor I swear did you or did you not just respond to the answer I did Conor

Connor Connor do you know say my name so many times it gets annoying who that’s that’s what I’m saying realize what I’ve done do you don’t realize what you’ve done all right what who is who is she or he or whatever it’s a meme Conor it’s like the D’s meme but worse

All right can you turn your mic down God damn why is your mic so loud okay jeez It’s like got you in com mic is so freaking loud y’all are at low and y’all fre y’all are so freaking loud I’m being I’m not talking loud it’s my

Microphone I’m not going to ask how you can hear me with just a microphone wait what happened to your headset oh my earbuds everybody else is complaining about how they’re echoing or how you were complaining how somebody was complaining how loud they were oh we are 1 hour 57 minutes

Hey Burger try to get some people in the Stream bro I want some new people to join up can you see if they can subscribe I will join back in the party in a second but I actually have to join my friend so give me a sec what’s good I don’t have

GTA I told you that a few days ago do you got Minecraft oh I’m sorry go leave but appreciate you inviting me you have a great day actually I’m GNA what’s that noise like y’all need to stop making yo what’s good Florence longer GTA GTA 6

Trailers I have not seen the trailer yet but I will watch it later so yeah appreciate you coming on the stre Bro remember to like uh remember to subscribe why did Commander leave but yeah just remember to subscribe if you want to join bro just let me know bruh appreciate you come

By how how how is y’all all of a sudden being quiet oh my controller is about to die again I’m not surprised Mak so much s I invited my brother and told him to come to stream or I would take his PF PS5 dang bruh Mi hey tell him to subscribe bro

What’s good Nate all right yo what’s good you want to join after 10 years Conor 10 years before we get to get before got GTA 6 trailer Conor 10 years dang how is the trailer we finally got GTA 6 trailer we finally got it but listen how was the trailer I haven’t

Seen it yet but I’m going to watch it good I was hyped no they’re adding they’re they’re adding back City I no um they’re adding a Miami or something like that right I want to see if Michael so I not played GTA 5 listen I not played GTA 5

Because I’m not allowed to but technically my mom did say next year I was able to play it so meaning but like even if they released trailers they’re not going to actually come out so right away I’m just saying I know aren’t you hyped though I’m just

Saying I’m hyped because we finally got a trailer of the game we’ve been w but I’m on the Minecraft world I don’t care if it’s going take a long time I’m just happy we finally got a trailer to look at because isn’t GTA 18 plus game yeah yes it is but sometimes

Sex I’m streaming you’re I literally did not plug in my headphones so technically my I can still hear you so they have yeah but we all knew that so you don’t need to explain more stuff don’t explain the stuff please GT my do you want me to invite you the

Party or just the game I’m not on PlayStation 4 yet but I’m like I’m I’m just I’m just I need a bre because I can you believe it Connor no not really we’ve been bro Conor we’ve been waiting like waiting just to come out they waited like 10 years

Right yeah been waiting really long time cuz they gave it hint well technically one of the who plays as um the characters I forgot what’s his name but he did say on the live Instagram stream but somebody post on YouTube it said the dude the dude said just wait

Patiently like y’all did for GTA 5 y’all wait patiently GTA GTA 6 yeah he said GTA 6 was going to be like very good and he just said wait patiently for it okay I really hope they don’t not mess this up if this not good I’m going to be so

Bad you know yeah yeah it was worth the wa though it was worth the wa I swear to God imagine GTA 7 that’ be crazy yeah they’re making a ps6 very soon I don’t know when but I think they’re going to do it by 2027 I can’t wait for GTA be like I

Can’t wait for GTA 7 bro doc we just got GTA 6 so whoever said n yeah that’s what they’re to do for real GTA 5 came out in 2014 so next year would make 10 years oh that is correct this hold up a second um I got unplug my

Mic so I can but uh what’s good my friends you told me to join your party 247 bro stop telling me to join your party bro all I’m trying play M with my friends I didn’t bro yesterday you literally started inviting me that was probably on accident and you said join my

Party I said that was on acent all right CH I’m back I’m sorry wait wait wait wait wait we have wait wait is your real name Nate Nathan y my real name is me too oh my God bro oh my God d d there’s double in the

Party you actually right now because GTA 6 trailer just got released on GTA but cool we’ been waiting been for like been waiting for like a long time hey burger if you’re still watching my stream just give me a sec I’m trying to clear my inventory and then I’ll get

On my phone to look at the chat GTA 6 cheer later trailer trer relased it’s relase 25 guys so the hype is real guys the hype is real all right um Nate the looer can you actually give rid of this speed if or did you already bro bro just drink milk

Buckets oh my mind it’s already gone how is my phone already 15% what the what the freak guys chat what the freak what the [ __ ] bro you cannot say how come I can’t say sex but you can say the word I just because I don’t want that there’s

Some words that I don’t want on my stream and that’s one of them wait oh no you can curse Nate Nate I haven’t said I can say you can say the f word just don’t [ __ ] say sex bro like it’s my stream got age restricted before Nate all right Nate Nate you got

One more try cuz every time you join every time you freaking join you always have to do some bad stuff bro stop giving me milk never G me the idea all right and Phantom really well Phantom I’m never helping you ever again okay [ __ ] y’all you just said it though shut up

Bro I was just give an example a now I to just to make a new freaking party why is it not working come on oh my God why you leave I don’t understand yeah why why did you leave the party cuz I’m not dealing with him

He always does bad stuff every time I invite him like every time Oh I thought you talk about me no it’s Nate the looer he’s done bad stuff so many times and it’s so freaking annoying oh like you don’t even know how annoying his mic is too bro especially his mic

I’m sorry don’t get mad at me is he British I don’t know I don’t give a [ __ ] at this s Bri talking always she always about um always tonyy Tony you know to be honest I don’t really talk to Tony and I I don’t really care he just seems like he just just

Just kind of annoying every IAL he’s like he he just he just talk like yeah he they yeah that’s what he does to me he talks over me and you just to get to um freaking yeah just get I don’t know it’s just it’s so annoying czys I when

I and Tech I’ve only talked to him on the call like twice bro hold on let me uh Chad let me actually uh let me actually change my party settings towards op where y’all can join it’s much easier to do that but y’all like the party can you can you leave the

Game because I cannot Place yeah what the can you leave the game hold on a second hold on I will in a second all right it’s CU I canot even place it I I every I can’t CL I can’t close a door I can’t close a door

Inside I can close what is going on your thing so buggy for some reason I’m just trying hold on my PS4 needs to charge like P to charge and don’t have no charger for it yo Phantom I gotta go I see you later all right bro I appreciate you coming

By here I’m want I’ll call you back I’ll call you back um I I’m G to join my PS5 like play my PS5 yeah I’m going to invite to the other party cuz freaking Dominic I’m going to tell Dominic I’m going to invite him to but like freaking y

Just I’m playing I’m cuz I’m I literally made the party open have a good stream all right JoJo the party was open when I literally said the party was open you did not need invite to thisy because you have to go to the party section not the notifications no you

Didn’t because you had to refresh your thing hello domic Lord sometimes you just make me mad JoJo I’m getting on the world I’m just saying I had a like my friends that would be and buggy so yeah but like don’t do that again you just got to restart your PS4 or

Something why what level are you inblox Roots I don’t play it no more it’s ass I wasn’t asking you caror why is everything everybody so mean to me you you just screamed at Conor screamed at me scream it I didn’t scream at it like what are you talking

About I literally did not scream it hey Jojo I’m higher level than you hey calm down Jojo Jojo This is why I don’t like playing with you cuz you say racist slurs and stuff to get me a well I’m just saying you get me age restricted all the time so stop JoJo

Calm down with the words you ra you say racial slurs that’s why that’s what gets me age restricted JoJo saying Nate you should not be saying anything you do it too oh what no no no no no no no that’s that’s not true that’s not true right that’s not true

JoJo bro your friend called me said I was who um Michael whatever who’s Michael what’s Micha are you in the game Sorry I didn’t mock you once sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry but why am I keep hearing myself because your mic I can’t what the

Freak you can say that you can say that bomb you don’t need to say what the freak why you can’t curse okay buddy okay guys this is crazy but this is crazy guys uhhuh uh-huh GTA 6 I’m going to bet you’re going to say that again czy

Domic I know you’re always lock me in a room a no that’s actually you for real I Ain going to lie that is you you go any like you go insane straight up bro straight up real let me reinvite god man cuz he he was just eating so yeah

Cuz whoops we know that I think we knew that I think we knew that what’s good spy okay you have to keep it on you have to keep it on everybody gets armor except for I’m in a party I’m a G I’m a party with a

G pop out pop out it’s from Little TJ and uh little freaking whatever his name is Polo G Polo G sorry sorry sorry I forgot I’m the wake up in the morning I got murder oh my Conor wait never mind never mind you can’t get P5 or Playstation play PlayStation 5 I

Played on PS5 before so it’s really better I don’t like I don’t like PS5 have you even tried it on the PS5 I’ve played on PS5 actually look smoother right now actually look smoother the graphics are really nice on PS5 I don’t know why but a lot of people

Say they’re going to play you know all my friends say whenever they get the C buy the forest okay if even though it has a better graphics card the forest is going to look the same on PS4 and PS5 it’s not going to change anything cuz the forest already has low quality

Graphics but um PS5 can PS5 run can want run on 12 FPS because if you have like a if you have like a 12 120 HZ um monitor you can run on any like okay Mr nerd copy and paste it over and over Okay for what’s good I’m back all Conor action um when we finish if we finish thep um finish the um the city will we go on survival mode uh yes makes sense makes sense why what is oh you don’t know what you’re doing uh Conor do have that thing enabled for

It for it to work for that what is this get rid of this JoJo what is it oh my God like y’all always spawn stuff y’all don’t need this makes me mad this is why I don’t like making worlds with y’all cuz y’all like to destroy the

World and make it laggy so whoever is spawn in it I don’t care whoever is spawn in stop it makes me angry and you’re just trying to get me angry uhoh uhoh uh oh look I fell I accident look what I did I accidentally fell I destroyed the Bedrock on accident

He I got it I got it thank you Dad I’ve not seen mine since last for July my own father why were you wait why why are you in survival okay guys guys what was the last time you seen your own bi biological father I don’t have

One like can you all right JoJo what I’m going to tell everybody this whatever is built and that still has progress don’t worry about it I’m just saying JoJo like don’t ask if if even if it’s not finished don’t ask about it you can ask when it’s

Done I’m just saying don’t worry about it until you ask who when they’re on I’m just saying um if you if you guys if you guys Subway you get nothing on it pepper I don’t I don’t eat I don’t eat that talking to my dad lucky have I’m sorry I’m

Sorry whoa whoa whoa okay Cal he he does have a dad he does have a dad yeah last time I seen him was like last Fourth of July was a whole year now N I only get to see my dad in the summer my parents are

Divorced Sor I’m sorry for all you guys me like that my bad guys like I’m just telling you especially you JoJo like both of you are usually the ch I’m just saying yeah like I’m just saying like I said to Nate just learn better like learn what I accident mistaken Joo why

Is your mic so quiet like you are so [ __ ] quiet would you rather have it like this yes okay it sounds loud CU I can hear it myself and it sounds loud to me so it’s pry I have to hold it like this I can’t sorry so sorry I

Didn’t you don’t get you can hold your why can I not stay still for one time uh don’t ask because somebody named had invite me when she could have freaking restarted her own freaking PS4 so I can pop up in The Party Guy I’m sorry I’m sorry

No then stop I’m sorry he freaking decided to start the party when he could have waited and restarted his PS4s where he can join my freaking party that was open Conor I think you need well I haven’t all since y it’s just a play like y’all make me so stressed out

Every day and it’s so freaking annoying like shut the [ __ ] up everybody me no not you like the people who is always love just [ __ ] y’all just so [ __ ] annoying me that’s my doneo Dominic knows how much I can get very angry super easily so I’ve always

Dominic this just like like just quiet downar like don’t talk too much I’m just saying it’s so [ __ ] annoying um Conor yes about what what are are good things yeah I know how to enchant stuff this is not your oh remember why did I teleport you g oops you’re welcome Jojo

It’s sharpness but different why do you always do it every world like can you stop with this like build something straight up not this crap I’m just saying it’s me being honest my build is all way over there I know julan let to chill on your for

Right now oh I can just destroy it any second it doesn’t take help for after done with might oh I didn’t put this here this was a Godzilla oh wait who’s okay that oh oh my what the uh is it uh all right I just watch I have a pool my

House see if my girlfriend would join me and her are able to go in the pool and not y’all wait your girlfriend on now joj are you good at redstone who who’s play is this what you say G oh don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t worry

About it like people’s been making stuff Dominic stop building that just actually build somebody something I’m just saying don’t have you realized have you even looked over here have y’all actually got progress done I I have oh wow you actually made three you should have just made one not three that

Kind of a little bit too much I didn’t make them connect but screwed up uh I’m going to use okay I have an idea I have an idea I’m going to create a little templ that was for something else Connor that one Creator part wait can I no I can’t move that into

There guys everybody listen up for one second I’m going to tell everybody this when y’all join I am just a watcher I will build and help so like I’m just saying if y’all just see me teleporting to y’all I’m just see what y’all building all right almost like a

Director if that makes sense yeah that’s fair gosh look sick you understand everybody yes you might want uh I can help with this Conor can you come here quick come quick uh what is it I want to show you all right but then I have to help with the road I I

SM hold up I’m just clear my inventory see this my arm my new armor have health not Enchanted I know I know I’m can you like can you give me this stuff too have this you can this hey guys question y all put glue on your Cuts do

You all put the glue whenever you get like scratch on your thumb or your fingers no I put glue on it so it’ll fully seal I do you got a chest for upstairs it didn’t hurt me no it hurts whenever ibody have a chest does oh can you add

Another one so I can put it down yeah I had to fix the stairs I had CHS for the pool yeah cuz technically I am living here too so I do need to make an extra room I’ll make one two three five for me that’s fair Honest all right another armor all right JoJo thank you so much for um actually um helping my my AR my sword thank you so much why is so quiet now uh because when when I do this it means I’m just concentrating so when I’m quiet I just

Like this is what I like I just like peace and quiet I know but it’s just like everything like everybody’s like just yeah it gets creepi and like where’s everybody oh have you ever been in a party of 14 and it’s being like this dead silent I’ve been in a party with n

Uh 16 almost said 19 I think party for like 18 I no no 16 the max no like being in a party for that that’s very very quiet oh yeah yeah one time I was in no like the party that I was in it had like 12 to 14 players I don’t

Remember how many yeah har yeah nobody was else talking everybody else everybody was in party chat not everybody was in party like everybody was just being quiet when we were playing Minecraft everybody a you look like the samurai from uh war zone I ain’t gonna lie I’ll be right back all

Right I need get one two perfect have two different locker rooms for the pool are you a house making a house for you well I have a pool that people could use but you need my first my house now I do like specific locker rooms yeah just so it’s like not

Creep because that’ll be pretty creepy to see a a boy see a girl changing oh just thinking about it gives you just say think about gives you crates I can do it I can do it I can do it that’s the wall right there one is this sh yeah I need where’s the

Enchanting so put my stuff no you don’t use that that’s for repair you need to put the enchanted stuff yeah you can there’s a CH book you can use I know what to do but I’m just saying it’s I prefer using you can actually do a lot of stuff

Lais uh I’m going to have a little cookie here Thor I want prot need look now you can enchant your stuff chest plates books but it’s be hard I know I’m not making the books I just get the books from the thing no book you need book so more CH stuff get more

Bookshelves all right give me a secs that’s why that’s how that’s how everybody does that all right yeah a little Bit something hey guys can y’all check the oh wow it’s the same freaking thing wait who who’s that’s your are you using your Microsoft account that’s why your name is like different yeah my name’s different because umic go I’m going to teleport to you all right wait hold on Dominic

Texted I think no my mind you didn’t wait no you did number one woman are scary what wait what come here come here look at my enchantment you give me idea to add Redstone to my NE pretty lock room where’s your decorations where’s your decorations at place it down yet

Make it’s on mod so it’s not was that pretty I kind of messed up on I’m going to change it to easy so wait no I’m going to change it to hard and then I’m going to put on normal put it to like your own self because technically I I put peaceful now

I just want to test out how op my sword is actually pretty cool you could test it on an animal I’m not testing on animals I’m going test on moms test it on like a llama llamas have a lot of Health they like first like 12 Hearts no horse test

The horse I have like 12 Hearts right well I already I already put on peaceful mode wait what the heck what’s this what what is this what is what rip my operator who who make this oh I forgot I got to delete my uh my death my death oh yeah because you exploded

Godzilla’s lover um house remember so far I haven’t died yet I’ve beaten death yet so far yeah forg I decided to come back because sh is boring without Mr Le stream thank you bro I appreciate it appreciate hey Conor you might want to make the uh grave site a little bit more

Longer is that IDE yeah I think the grave yard was kind of a little bit too small Nate Dog Nate Dog can you come here can you come here for a second I need help Nate Dog I need help with the armor like the red things can you put it

Back so I can um reenchant my armor cuz it’s all the same is stupid I got you want me help you with what uh the armor that I have on like this without the enchant stuff all right cuz I don’t know how to do the red

Stuff do not leave holes in the ground that’s how mobs spawn all right okay secret this is one two three four five hey Jojo want to take a look I’m working on I’m here I’m I’m GNA put a texture pack on resources um yes yes don’t ever sing that

Song I’m think about the guy who Dan and not even try to F are you us your hands whistle wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait please tell me how to do that yes how do you do that what happened I found a glitch uhhuh go my house I found a i Lally just found a glitch Conor might kick you out be

Careful why I’m the party leader we’re talking about in the game we’re talking about in the game I can kick people I don’t know I don’t it’s a bird whistle do y’all not notice I can’t literally check what y’all doing because Nate does know what I’m doing I’m

Literally enchanting my armor so y’all just whing noise you made that was a bird call oh freak hold on I messed up all right can you stop with the bird Stones kind of annoying JoJo come here uh fire protection they’re all the same it’s so freaking dumb dog pH JoJo follow me I

Found a glitch okay everybody wait outside my base until everybody’s here see Tech I’m allow to go in I’ll tell I’ll tell for guys it’s it’s it’s a it’s a giant brick house and the only one that’s brick don’t go don’t go inside don’t don’t I’m allowed to go in there I’m

Allowed to go in here this is my world I know it’s my house look at this glitch what glitch there’s two single chest next to me wait what no no here’s how no here’s how I did it here’s how here’s how I did it w w w here’s how he did

It that that’s a that is a weird glitch that is a weird glitch there go I fixed it thanks thanks guys I have another entrance over here so one more to go it’s hard thecon you might want hey you might want to add Pathways to this area like make a

Drive-thru kind of thing almost what is the glitch it’s like two you know how two chests are connected together they were split up on accident so I had to fix that no no no no it was a glitch that I found that I thought was pretty cool so I decided to show you

Guys it but yeah I fix what is that redone what’s that what’s that what’s that red stuff on your armor Phantom that’s mostly red St you put on there it’s oh yeah it’s red stone but it’s Redstone material you know what I’m going to get that for my armor

But yeah that’s about it the glitch was just two chest that is supposed to be split up but it’s supposed to be together but it was split up on accident you know what’s so funny people are making reaction videos and they’re getting copyrighted that’s the funny part they’re getting copyrighted because

Of the trailer what the GTA 6 wait what I’m GNA re I’m gonna redo this n why you leave Circle when I Had Dominic remember when I did the text pack it it went wrong don’t answer That all right that’s a US old us [Applause] name bro your dog cat Nate don’t say I’m Streaming uh you said you almost said neighbor he is white just to let you know Jojo hey hey calm down name your dog cat what name hey Minecraft dog C what are you trying to build okay who’s microphone is that that’s probably mine let me let me fix

It Dominic is this better is it what yeah all right I can say the word because I’m black oh my God stupid nice person bro Nate [ __ ] calm down calm down calm down bro hey Burger he’s trying to say the N word without the pass oh okay I almost got this done now

I just have to fill it over pass you don’t have the pass no more you only got it once that’s crazy neighbors hey Conor you want to take a look I’ve been working on in a second is arcade arade what arcade arcade guys what there’s no

Arcade if I teleport to you there’s an arcade what this a an arcade oh this is a gam stop this is GameStop GH stop it’s called GameStop get it right I don’t fing care hey yo yo yo yo you don’t to be saying that that’s too far I’m not going to lie just

Too far bro funny yeah josea thinks everything’s funny I’m not surprised hey oh hi bro just a giggly man you like my table oh I made it so wrong I it’s pool where’s your pool you walked right past it it’s over here whoa you have to take off your hey go to

The W Walker room are you sure read the sign yeah hey they trying to go the locker Road y’all messed up the like letters the road I’m not going to lie whoever’s doing the road it’s did it very wrong I said I said okay hey calm down what’s this s a merit

Ceremony right here or something why are you acting like a pig all of a sudden what the oh my God stop sing for real bro snorting crackers n for real just tripping bro is snorting pixie sticks he’s standing underneath his briad he’s not like he’s saying gang bang

Who’s okay who’s saying that structure who’s is this I’m going to mute Nate I’m sorry Nate but you need to stop you need to calm down this is why I tell danana stuff and I know you get angry about that but that’s get bro you just need to calm

Down I’ll break somebody’s knees hey don’t break this this is my friend’s no I didn’t I did it’s not hidden it’s not hidden it’s just a like a underground stuff this is his like so basically so basically it’s a zombie yeah it is it actually is so basically the buire is the zombie

Apocalypse crack come on cracker am I on crack yes you are always on crack oh oh that’s SM barrier blocks that’s some song that’s eared room are not P all right go go go go look look on Wow you shut the door wow that’s rude this is Minecraft not reality oh my God

And here is the storage room or something yeah yeah I went here earlier check it out destroy anything no oh my God G man stop shutting on me sorry that’s like the fourth time you’ve done that is this Godzilla’s house over here which one the White House it’s yeah this is

Godzilla’s all right I’m not gonna take it I’m not I’m not g I’m not going to take anything I’m not going to destroy anything I’m just going to take a peek if y’all enjoying this series so far make sure to drop a like no I have a

Girlfriend I have a girlfriend JoJo so at least I’m not I think sing I really do I think he is like uh Jojo Jojo I think he is yeah yeah what do he say what is he saying what is he saying oh uh JoJo what are you making just

Curious what oh you’re making it ACH table in the Stream all of a sudden you usually uh ohed out so so so the dark purp is The Crow City the light purple is the a this and the black is the coal you know this so out which is which is which is

Which oh my God that reminds me I need it reminds me I need to wait wait guys you we s you know we should add I a Christmas tree farm we should do that oh um I do have to make on my project all right guys whoever is in my Discord server I’m

Going to send y’all something and I need help with it because it’s for a project and I need to show my teacher list so yeah and I have to build I want to build a uh what you whatever you want to call it a Santa Claus Factory or whatever

Something what it what is it called cuz I’m dumb where’s the image but did y’all hear me if you you guys are on my Discord server I’m sending image but if y’all not then yeah luck I need to build everything like so I can earn points G

Man God man what look at the Discord for a second I need to help with that it works upop oh thank you oh my god L I’m in fortnite oh what what what I have to do a project in in class and I need to build a like

Holiday like a Christmas kind of a workshop wait why does this look like cp9 flag what the so if y’all looking at the image um on the Discord server that’s what I need help with like a workshop with so I’m going to explain to everybody because some people don’t have

Discord so I have to build aeme oh so I have to build I have to build a moat in a workshop or something walls Towers drawbridge living quarters grey Hall and St that’s my Minecraft holiday projects that’s what it is Conor I’m a child I don’t know what to do

My Jo do you got Discord wait wait wait wait living quarters is that that is isn’t that basically the house houses what it needs to be like my teacher said it can be like a workshop but I need to build everything so I can get each point

If I don’t build everything I don’t get all the points if that makes sense so yeah I do need help with that wait hold on hold on hold on o got a better one you have a Minecraft Project why does everybody say lucky why like why it’s I don’t want to

Do it I really don’t I’m kind of lazy to do it careful here this bunker is going the way that I built just to let y’all know the wood one no my bunker the oh all right uh oh my game just uh oh what it almost did giant yeah that it happened

Yesterday when me and Dominic were playing it just kept it’s not the buildings it’s just like always a lag [ __ ] canag for for some reason and I hate it so much same here sorry I’m not very active right now it’s okay bro but I appreciate you watching the

Stream whoops oh my God now I just figured out it’s getting laggy over by me when I’m destroying my bunker it’s just getting so much laggier ah so I don’t really know and we have hit 3 hours and 2 minutes on my stream so appreciate Whoever has been on this

World this year all I want for Christmas is my Girlfriend oh bot and that’s a fact because I love my girlfriend where the L uhhuh shut the [ __ ] up about that that’s not always true not always like bro my my friend my friend justtin told me that y’all need to shut up about that just because I have a girlfriend

Does not mean you to say that it gets so [ __ ] annoying I know it’s like if I listen if I wasn’t da anybody then I could agree with that but I don’t hole over here there a there’s a weird hole over here what hole oh where

Don’t that’s a trap that’s a trap oh is it like is it a uh it’s it’s it’s basically shaped like a book oh hold on let me look at what you’re looking at cuz if it is that what I know oh yeah I’m building this don’t worry about it oh all

Right like I’m still building the garage I’m still building the garage and stuff so like leave everything alone that I’m building like oh Phantom I have a surprise for you and your girlfriend I have a surprise for you you guys it’s going to be it’s going to be in my house

For me and my girlfriend yes it’s going to be in my house uh one little problem one little problem she don’t have a Microsoft account and she’s not able to join because there are mult player just stupid you she a on Playstation wait doesen she has a PS4 but her family is

Using it right now until they get a PS5 then you can’t play Xbox without microsof shut up for a second let meing speak JoJo oh God let me talk first before y’all start interrupting trying to tell you her multiplayer is stupid I lit you said I will make her a new Microsoft account

Because she don’t I don’t know but I’m just saying she has a PS4 but she can’t use it because it’s technically her family’s family like me and everybody’s allowed to use it but she barely uses she uses Nintendo switch H but listen I’m trying to tell y’all when her family

Gets a PS5 she will get the PS4 to her own self does that I know I actually know that I know that so my girlfriend watches my streams from Nintendo guys real I screwed up so much time you know that’s crazy guys I actually hold on oh my God what

Is going on with the lag spikes I actually had a comment from one of my real life friends what did he say or she it was a she I’ve never I never seen her comment on any of my videos at all what did she say well it was during a

Broadcast so I don’t quite remember I got to look back at the broadcast which I forgot which one it was you like a Christmas tree I like it in real life but this is not really a Christmas tree but it’s still nice well there is no there is no

Lights so it’s kind of hard this the this only thing I could think of but you could why is there two doors this is so bad well I well that that’s funny Zoo said oh he’s AFK that’s you realize you just went to the woman’s locker room right H I don’t

Care this is my world that makes you a um shut the shut the freak up shut the shut the door door I said shut i i s myself entirely so I wouldn’t be mean about it me sh [ __ ] God dang it y always had to ask for your opinions when I didn’t even

Ask yeah especially JoJo especially JoJo’s I’m always stressed yall make me stressed and I don’t appreciate it Dominic doesn’t give me stress unless he actually has to say comment that’s unnecessary like you do all the time almost some comments to me so it’s sort of fair you do say stuff to

Me I say stuff back to you why does your voice sound like robotic God dang what better yes you like bro why is it why is the tree big the tree is very very Big well a’t my fault I have to Jess my microphone certain way and whenever it gets too close it starts doing that so that’s have have it down y’all complain it’s too close or you can’t hear me so I’m sorry I can’t do anything no I have to build an actual

Building not like a Christmas tree itself I forgot to tell you what do you have to build so I’m going to send it uh I let me invite you to the Discord server if you have your phone right now so hold on let’s see do i s you out no you don’t

Bro who mic is moving so much it’s getting annoying mind get my see I make this point and you all getting upset me how I’m too quiet or I’m too loud or this happen so no I’m just saying something I’m not upset I’m just saying an what what’s yours and your girlfriend’s favorite

Color I still need to find her favorite color my favorite I don’t have a I would say black and red all right I don’t know her favorite color so I’ll just have to find out but yeah I need I’m not good at building so I hope like filling in

Sander is finally back after an hour gone oh my Lord Where Have You Been hey stop playing that Xander Xander stop playing that Xander Xander stop playing Xander Xander I’m muting you until you turn off that music oh my God I’m muted everybody y’all just oh my God I cannot hear what the

Mic moving so much and it’s getting so freaking annoying so let me speak Zander turn off that music it’s getting so annoying and I’m still streaming let you know is this man hearing me I don’t think so uh I’m trying to tell you turn off the music and your background cuz

There’s music in your background Xander he just said he can’t oh well then I have to keep you muted Jo just tell me what he says cuz I can’t I won’t be able to hear him because I have to keep him muted so I don’t get copyrighted what are you building what

Is this long thing well it’s going to be done once I’m done why do you need this all right I guess I will I guess I’ll have to build a stand Workshop by myself because y’all are not even doing the right thing it’s a building not a Christmas

Tree I’m trying to tell y’all this isn’t the right thing where I’m trying to ask y’all to help me with they freaking Santa Conor your one friend’s telling you to unmute him Xander I already muted him he’s tell yeah he’s telling me to you to un him oh

Hello okay hey so I have a potion of weakness for prison potion of slowness and a splash potion of poisonous all right I just in okay that’s fine I’m just saying cuz I’m not trying to get copyrighted so I’m letting JoJo what you say JoJo is the translator cuz I have to

Keep you muted but I’m saying somebody needs to help me with the Santa workshop because I need to get all the points on my project and on Minecraft God can y’all just help I don’t I don’t know what to do a Santa workshop yeah I don’t know how to make

One I don’t know what one looks like I’ve never seen one okay I don’t even know what they even look like so all right fine whatever I said I don’t even know what they look like you okay good God oh what a Surf Club for what all right I’m sorry Dominic but I

Have to keep muted with that mic moving so that’se like meaning literally everybody Gan is just being Gan Nate is being go Nate like y’all are just AFK or something God dang Nate oh my God this is not even good where Where Have You Been go

Man who wants to be the translator for Xander cuz I have to keep it muted so I don’t get copyrighted be the translator for Xander X and the man that’s what I said did you hear me now like I need somebody to be the translator God is that basic okay he

Left yeah I know I can’t change that right now uh right now five five right yeah hold on I’m so confused what I just did wrong oh two three all I don’t know how big that is okay need this this uh like Jojo you don’t even know how much

Stress I get because y’all play y’all Lou y’all are your mic is so loud like Jojo you’re fine I’m just saying in general like people play music in the background I know it isn’t their fault or anything but just it gets me and y’all are just so loud I cannot even

Talk to y’all because y’all just blabbering blabbering blabbering just shut up for one day God dang this is why I don’t like playing with friends no I’m not good I’m thank you for asking but I’m not good bro like I’m done playing with people like y’all are

Just going to get so freaking annoying and loud it’s not you Burger I’m just saying it’s just in general everybody else is just oh Lord do I even I don’t even know if I have any friends I said don’t burger like burger and Chima and JoJo are fine no one cares

What I said what about me you’re getting tired I at the same time yes I am I’m trying to get my girlfriend to answer so I can end the stream very soon cuz I’m getting tired playing Minecraft she want to talk to my girlfriend so Chad I’m going to unmute

Myself for a second I will be right back let me call my girlfriend see what you want to do okay okay I’m going to sit that in the corner actually okay um all right I’m back but y’all just like y’all need to like please you’re your girlfriend’s room is ready

You want to come see it in a second but I’m gonna I’m gonna get on the call with burger for a second Burger get on Discord and call me bro like I’m just getting to strs down I want to talk to somebody and I can’t my girlfriend is not answering so

I’m going to check out what’s me and my girlfriend’s room it’s up here is very special very special just for the two of you this is beautiful thank you bro yeah I you w i i look look at the chest oh wow uh you should put both as

Netherite oh all right what use this one I use the coast this is I’ll let her have well actually hold on let me actually redo that what you what you going to redo just to help out all right back to coast and going to nothing right burger just get on the Discord please

Bro oh that makes sense I’m getting exhausted and tired bro and I just want to talk to somebody on the phone hold on that’s I need another sword now okay this oh thank God yo you there oh hold on Yo phantom phantom pH pH pH phantom phantom all

Right I was going to say I fix the armor hey Will a couple more rooms okay oh okay now their room is very okay I have a room for Phantom and his girlfriend do not go in it I specifically put aide do not enter unless if you’re Phantom or his girlfriend uh

Oh hold on here here here I I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea watch this watch this what are you doing I had an idea watch this ready oh but that’s the best I could do for a star that’s the best I could do for a star all

Right okay um yeah that’s the prison I’m going to go back over to the house just on it I’ve actually played with F’s girlfriend she seems nice everybody move back from the Christmas tree I got to take a picture of this for a second so finish the Touches for uh ni

Got move actually I can whoever hey Jojo can somebody remove name tags please on it well actually it’s it’s oh my God y’all cannot know how to do all right then turn it off H I think I think it’s only for like one I think it’s only for like one

Person I think I don’t know I haven’t even done it where is it where is it um it’s still on so you go to your settings all right you head down to video and you see in game name tags in game tags that’s what you go to look for

All right there we go all right so oh freck why did I do it like that that I didn’t mean to I need to take a picture of my phone all right there we go all right y’all can continue it’s for the project so I’m sorry

Oh I’m not going to be able to record tonight I just realized that now h i tell supposed to be off right now but was I here to catch me so I can stay on till she gets back from from League Phantom you talk about Phantom oh oh yeah

Yeah that’s right I need it do here too the reason I doing this Phantom is because so I have blinds on both sides of the wall uh I don’t want a three High yeah wel to with the stairs but this the last dire is going to go in yeah there

Yeah I’m going to head back downstairs do something with the here okay that that’s going to go there okay dang that’s a big enchantment table my guy all right it be crazy if we could actually like wait oh this should be an Chi table shop what do you think that

Sounds like a good idea CH table shop with oh all right ah yeah okay oh I will not be here this Friday by the way guys for yeah an idea actually um back over here I actually have an idea um put a i for this wall over here okay there we go

Okay the wall okay buttons Now store button a painting good keyboard for the remote a to Rel leave it you’re so insane D oh I to raise that roof up there see hold on a minute I have to do something real quick it takes extra building got I have to fix this

All right so can y’all do me a favor please yeah like just like bro I had to talk to my shut up Jojo for a second you like you always interrupt I don’t care when I’m the owner I’m not talking about the party in general I’m talking about this world I

Need help with this project so I like the Christmas tree but I need help with the workshop it’s not done yet I probably only get like maybe two to one point off of this so I have to retake this photo so everybody uh stay away from the tree whoever’s going

Walking Nate stop going past and over and over I got to take this I have to go on this side well today oh torch oh okay all right there go where’s this Workshop I just need help with the workshop that’s about it what the heck is this a mo is a water like

Around you whisper want to make our own world world okay the whisper not working is insane what you can see is whisper oh no that was Dominic who did the whisper but Dominic whispered to me yes I have a pet why are y’all leaving stuff like clear your is we’re in Creative Dominic

You can clear your inventory not like just place it everywhere I’m just saying I I plan on getting some pets anyway I’m live NOAA oops who who’s that who’s that I don’t know who POA whatever I then I can’t answer the question if it’s not person it’s like

Oh I forgot to read the Chat they they were retaliating at Minecraft because everybody wanted all the things instead of just one you’re free to call me if you ever get chessed all right thank you bro but what JoJo know how in on Tik Tok when theen I don’t want I don’t have Tik

Tok you can still explain I’m just saying I don’t watch Tik Tok let me unmute Nate I don’t know why I keep oh wait Nate are you there like you keep moving around but you’re just yeah there you go oh Phantom oh whoa whoa whoa whoa hold

On hold on I need to refix that it’s a little bit too echy but what what’s good Nate hey I need a bedroom man stairs like I can live underground all right go what do you say got me I want you to teleport to me but not

Right now I have a little I have another surprise for you and your girlfriend okay you can teleport to me now fre my thing is so buggy cool look you and Elliot can eat you your can eat have a pet and your own TV put the chest over here like it’s too

Squashed out oh all right is nice and all but like you got to place here yeah no no right here there oh there all right so now you your girlfriend can now eat that’s I did more armor for you by the way Cas that all right I’m going have to take all this

And put it in the other chest oh all right move these animals over on this side it’s not a little bit s gotta JoJo is you good or who is sign breathing so hard in your mic bro like who is breathing so hard and their mic sounded like they’re getting a

Little bit too angry darn it I to do this sorry is that your mic he may or may not have who brick building is behind Godzilla’s house because I’m still wondering I’m going hop on with a then they would be a really not every dude is I’m not I know

But like the way they were texting either they’re a girl or game they’re a girl it’s fine if they were what about G like I’mma hop on so that makes how oh oh what I’ll how how did he get the rare how you get the rare oh crap

Crap I spawn went outside by accident um wait that sped a blue one I think I just spaed the blue one why go I sped the blue one and another one and another one okay the fish tank is back oh crap that’s a lot what thanks what too much fish hey here’s

Godzilla hey Godzilla wait that reminds me I got up a Godzilla room T Qui what uh I don’t know to be honest okay uh I could have I’m going to get a not me I’m working on my house

This video, titled ‘Live – Building A City In minecraft Part 5 With Friends’, was uploaded by Phantomforces83 on 2023-12-05 01:43:36. It has garnered 71 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:49:07 or 13747 seconds.

Thanks For Watching Peice Bye Bye Subcribe Ya Boy Out

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    INSANE NETHER ADVENTURE with CasualPrince8!! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE NETHER ADVENTURE | Prince plays MINECRAFT (Part 34)’, was uploaded by CasualPrince8 on 2024-03-22 23:25:12. It has garnered 84 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:57 or 11217 seconds. Join the Casual Discord: https://discord.gg/Z7m9mBsTfr Donate here: https://streamelements.com/casualprince8/tip Part 34 of my adventure into the ever-changing, ever-brilliant world of Minecraft! Read More

  • Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)

    Summoning The Goatman in Hardcore World (#2)Video Information This video, titled ‘I added The Goatman to my Hardcore World…(#2)’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-05-24 16:29:33. It has garnered 87880 views and 4362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:52 or 1732 seconds. THE GOATMAN IS HERE! Hardcore Minecraft in a haunted, empty and desolate wasteland. This is my hardest and scariest challenge yet as the Steve dweller or mimic dweller and now the new goatman update is set loose in this hardcore survival world. Herobrine is also scaring me 24/7. Dangerous mobs roam the land while no passive mobs, no wildlife no vegetation spawn… Read More

  • Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraft

    Fersse77 EXPOSES Shocking MINECRAFT MYTHS! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rompiendo MITOS de MINECRAFT #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Fersse77 on 2024-03-19 13:22:20. It has garnered 7699 views and 378 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Today we are going to play minecraft #shorts #minecraft #minecraft #shorts ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ SOCIAL NETWORKS: Instagram🧡: @fersse77 Twitter💙: @fersse77 Tik Tok 🤍 : @fersse77 ———————————————– —————————– ——————— ————————————————– —– Contact information: [email protected] ———————————— —————————————- ———- ————————————————– —————- #minecraft #minecraftstories #minecraftshorts #youtubeshorts Youtubers that I don’t copy (I inspire) are: Awita, Jardred, Bobicraft, danomc, minecraft 1.20, xturbo, minecraft animation, bobycraft, mcjardred, minecraft challenges, minecraft myths, minecraft… Read More

  • “INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft” 🪑🔥

    "INSANE Sofa Transformation!! #shorts #minecraft" 🪑🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘is your Sofa Looking Like This? ||#shorts #minecraft || Voice Credit: Space antiquity’, was uploaded by Ultimate Edits07 on 2024-01-06 11:40:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Voice Credit: Space antiquity Design Credit: Space antiquity. Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Item OP AF – Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #Dreamsmp

    Unbelievable: This Item OP AF - Stronger than Creative Mode! #Minecraft #DreamsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘This ITEM is stronger than CREATIVE MODE #minecraft #dream #dreamsmp #gaming #funny #tricks’, was uploaded by panso on 2024-05-24 04:47:42. It has garnered 2321 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. The stronger item in minecraft ——————————– Twitter: https://twitter.com/vibexmc Discord: https://discord.gg/zFTXnQqnJV Server: no sever Resource Pack: vanilla Will I add you as a friend?: hell no Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Villagers Strike Back in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Villager Revenge’, was uploaded by Rama8413 on 2023-12-31 10:40:23. It has garnered 2620 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Minecraft Villager Chase Minecraft Villager Meme #minecraft #shorts #feedshorts #funny Read More

  • Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbait

    Insane 17 Hit Combo in Minecraft PvP! #montage #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘This combo was SO clean! ( 17 hits) !!#minecraft #pvp #montage #shorts’, was uploaded by Flashisgreat on 2024-05-21 21:34:09. It has garnered 630 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Editing Software : Clipchamp, FlowFrames, Tekno’s Blur, Davinci Resolve 19 Recording Software : Geforce Texture Pack : Minemanner.zip, Fruitful, Custom ———————————————————————————————————————– Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥

    Insane Minecraft Mob Killing Technique! 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘La mejor forma de matar a los mobs en Minecraft! 🤔’, was uploaded by Ramix on 2024-05-31 02:00:16. It has garnered 97268 views and 12721 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Did you know these incredible facts about Minecraft? ⚔️ Server I’m playing on → minelucky.org (MineLucky) 🌐Follow me on my social networks! → Twitter: https://twitter.com/NotRamix → Twitch: https://twitch.tv/NotRamix → Instagram: https://instagram.com/RamixMC → Discord: https://discord.gg/Ramix #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #Shorts Read More

  • EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viral

    EPIC Tokyo776 Survival 100 Days in Minecraft! MUST SEE #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral’, was uploaded by TOKYO766 on 2024-02-14 03:40:07. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:08 or 428 seconds. I survival In Minecraft survival 100 day And Hard #minecraft #video #viral Testing CLICKBAIT Minecraft Traps That Are True 12:22 NOW PLAYING Spending 10,000 Rs. In Minecraft 💵 208K views 1 day ago MrGamerJay Background Music By Epidemic Sounds [This Video Is Editing By AG Media-https://bitly.ws/34GDd] New No Download , Click To Play Here has many girl games,… Read More

  • Meowlands

    MeowlandsNEVER PAY TO WIN!!!! The only way to get stronger is to PLAY! Train Abilities, Increase POWER LEVEL, use insane KI ATTACKS! Learn Ki Flight and throw your elytra in the trash! Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0886jlq98GpEVM1E7UYvGQ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SuperMeowgician Discord: https://discord.gg/6jKnsxTTXR Read More

  • Verdania roleplay

    Welcome to Verdania – Your Next Minecraft Roleplay Adventure Begins Here! Verdania is a newly created Minecraft roleplay server! We are looking for players who want to join our friendly community and create their own stories, nations, and even religions in a customized world. Join us today and start your adventure in Verdania! https://discord.gg/NQAG3kUVxJ Read More

  • Bananarine | Server of Dreams

    Bananarine | Server of DreamsCompatible with 1.8 – Lastest & Bedrock editionWelcome to Bananarine! The Server of Dreams.Home to the best server you’ve ever seen (probably not) with many unique minigames and gamemodes!Bananarine finally brought back from the dead! We are hoping to bring some of the old community back together as well as foster a growing creative community of new players. This server has many unique minigames and gamemodes to offer.For those competitive types, we have our Factions server named “Wild Adventures” featuring custom enchants, mild forms of anarchy, and a keep inventory program and for the more vanilla experience, our SMP server… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real or Photoshopped?

    It looks like Dan and Stampy need to switch worlds and see how they cope with each other’s adventures! Read More

  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight!

    MC's 100-Day Flight: Adventure Takes Flight! In the world of Minecraft, the challenge is real, 100 days of survival, a true gamer’s ordeal. Day 8 has arrived, with tasks to complete, Building a horse’s home, a cozy retreat. Join the adventure, feel the thrill, Exploring new lands, with skills to fulfill. If you want to join, the server is here, MRDetox47.aternos.me:33206, have no fear. Subscribe to the channel, for more fun and delight, Tech and gaming, a perfect sight. Minecraft survival, views galore, Join the journey, let’s explore more. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. In every… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit in Minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Magic Machines: A Wild Ride

    Magic Machines: A Wild Ride Minecraft 1.20.1 Modded: Exploring Machines and Magic in Applied Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft 1.20.1 modded with a selection of exciting mods that promise to enhance your gaming experience. From familiar favorites to brand new additions, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in this latest installment. Discovering New Horizons As our intrepid gamer delves into the realm of Applied, they encounter a plethora of innovative features that breathe new life into the game. From advanced machinery to mystical spells, the possibilities are endless. Unleashing the Power of Technology One of the standout elements of… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!

    Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD MY SUPER COMPUTER in Minecraft All The Mods 8’, was uploaded by SpellitOut on 2024-05-30 14:00:28. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Today at the Spellcorp Industrial Complex we upgrade our Applied Energistics 2 setup a lot! With more storage space than I’ll ever need and a new super computer controller, we have all the room to automate everything we could ever want! Follow me on the other big sites! https://www.twitch.tv/spellitoutloud https://www.tiktok.com/@spellitoutloudly #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #episode28 #createmod #create #letsplay #megabase… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: https://saweria.co/Coconat sociabuz: https://sociabuzz.com/didi_xy/tribe discord: https://discord.gg/asrg9RF53b #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2Y52GXA-RoNRWR6vw3aU3cE&si=JfrDpGFR4dA8l0a8 Fakepixel money trick: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2aoTTsc61KbwRzoTn3vKiuv&si=NSckWI4OpLyNRoMj IP to play this server: mc.fakepixel.fun Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More