EPIC Caveblock Base Progress! Day 6

Video Information

Hello hello welcome in let’s have a look and see who we have here with us today we got Mr Wiggly Bot Master crafter Mr Wiggly H Potter fossil bot programmer Jeff taliano hello that’s all so far welcome how art we all let’s go straight into this let’s have a look at

Uh um stuff that we haven’t done we can do a brass mesh and an advanced brass mesh but apparently there’s not really much point in doing those um I guess it’s time to make oh we need Solium machine frame a Harvester of Sorrow we need some

Polished black stone we need hay B when you Court slab okay so there’s a couple of things that we we aren’t running um one of them is we’re still not making any um gold we do not have gold so we might need to start making some more stuff there um this thing’s

Rotating away at a decent click stress capacity of 65 5K um so what I think we might do is we might dig out the underside of this building and uh redo the Jeff how are oh whoops how are you Jeff I forgot I forgot about that part oh

Whoops um yeah cuz we had uh oh oh um we had stuff growing under there how’s things how’s things they’re doing okay no complaints no complaints in Rea welcome yeah I forgot about this so so these are rotating using the power of um water so we’re going to change that and

Use the power of rotate cuz look how fast that’s going and look how fast that’s going so we’re going to change those over that’s going to be step one we may even uh re Reiger the uh the rotational speed that’s totally a word okay so um yeah so these are going actually quite

Slow and we have item um item pipes now so we might be able to get these sort of happening more efficiently so let’s go and work on that oh it’s quite dark down here so how is everyone’s day off have a good time bad time mediocre time have I made deployers in Precision

Thingies yet uh I have not I I’ve done uh nothing of the sort MC it was it was relaxing uh we’ll leave that oh whoops I guess that means we can take this out this gives us access to where we want to be anyway survive the dentist

That was good always worry about the dentist anyone who’s Keen to make a living by shoving their hand into other people’s mouths something’s not right something’s not right emus has watched five streams in a row thank you adamus I appreciate it relaxing with a side of productivity Jeff you will be pleased to

Know that I have implemented a uh a Fade Out music system um I actually had already had a Fade Out music system previously uh but I think that what I had done is I had made the the interval Too Short cuz the music plays at uh volume of

0.4 and I was telling JavaScript to fade the music out at 0.2 so uh it was 0.2 per per second So within like 1 second basically the volume was already at you know at a very low point so um I’ve changed it now so it goes at Point

02 I think it was and hopefully we will see if that makes any difference we will see You’ use a spoon and rip out the tons of children that’s that’s the kind of uh oh Sno that’s a kind of dentist I remember that sounds good oh well that was quick snooze dude 52

Months snooze is a 52-month Andy snooze was trying to get on TV at the Grand a opery the grand o opery is that right he he was snooping around all the TV places some baseball thing at the at the grand old opery and he was he was snooping around there

Trying to trying to get the Opry Land resort hotel resort oh did I get them both I must have got them both and rever is watch five streams in a row hotel resort and not Cino you cannot gamble there as much as you would like to okay so we’re hooking that

Up let me let me take this down we fill that up we should probably fill that up too oh hang on how many that’s got 44 in it 430 one okay so we’ll we’ll um run the cables through first snooze I’m doing all right dude pretty PR uh pretty sad what

They’re saying about Twitch in Korea that is a shame um lots of lots of sad streamers today that I saw yeah I watched I watched a couple of streams and like H chubby was crying um yeah Hat’s uh um hatu asked mizki on stream today

If uh if she could come and stay with him for a little while dude dude get this uh the twitch is shutting down operations in Korea because it’s too expensive it’s it’s just way too expensive for them um so they’re just shutting it down there I’ll I’ll explain more about it but um

Uh yeah so Miz she was in a voice call with mizkif on her stream today and uh she said can I come and stay at your place until I sort of figure out exactly what I’m going to do and he said yeah of course of course when do you want to

Come and she said uh 3 days and he went seriously do you do you want me to buy the plane ticket and uh and she went no no of course I can get the plane ticket and he said no no I’ll I’ll get the plane ticket for you and then he donated her

$4,000 $4,000 live I saw it happen it was live was crazy it was crazy she could stream in career but she has to get paid somehow she need to have a way to pay taxes than us yeah it’s it’s complicated is the the way that I’ve seen it explained many

Many times is that uh in order for it to work properly it’s it’s quite complicated how you doing hermit how am I going to get a rotational power up to that I could do that and then put a a a rotational thingy in there some sort of rotational

Thingy um but yeah it’s it’s it’s all it’s all very messy and um lots of lots of angry people and lots of um lots of upset people and um jinny was saying that she’s going to be doing something and uh there was talk of setting up a company in America some

Of them um and then using that to uh to generate a bit of um income that way and splitting it out and like I mean who knows at the moment yeah so Jeff the way that it works right is um and this is this is only my understanding of it this could

Be wrong is that if you are sending traffic internet traffic into Korea then the isps in Korea charge you for the traffic that you send so um so most places don’t do that so it’s fine for them but in Korea if you’re sending like massive amounts of data in

There like twitch does then you um you your costs are much higher than anywhere else so they said in in career is costing them about 10 times as much as it does anywhere else just purely because of the um the traffic requirements and there’s nothing they

Can do about it yeah it’s weird ISP regulations like I don’t know if you remember but when squid game came out in um in Korea there was a big thing about the bandwidth being used and um uh Netflix having to pay because because you know it was it was massive Korean TV

Show being played in Korea so Netflix ended up having to come to some sort of agreement to be able to stay in the country I think there we go okay so those are now both rotating or techy like Esports National parttime like football in US yeah so twitch shutting down right means that

The uh the Esports industry is actually going to take a bit of a hit cuz Esports is quite often live on Twitch um quite a lot of the Esports viewers are based in Korea you know there’s um there’s a whole thing that wrong wrong carea MC these guys are in the

South yeah so a lot of people are upset and I get it and some people were blaming Dan Clancy and I don’t think you can blame Dan Clancy for that that’s not his fault um they tried to make it work you know there was a point in the past

Where they they turned off vods in Korea so that you can’t watch any Korean streamers vods uh but that wasn’t enough so they they’ve had to make this call it’s unfortunate um I feel really sorry for some of the streamers though there’s some people that are like really really

Gutted so I do feel sorry for them but what can you do B is going to try kick yeah I don’t think Kick’s the right answer Kick’s going to have the same problem right cuz cuz a lot of people go to kick like it might it might start out okay for a

Little while but it’s going to end up having the same problems where where they have to pay they have to pay so much for everything they won’t be able to afford it so it it might be a good short-term solution but in the long term

That’s not going to work um I I believe and I might be wrong about this too that they uh Korea doesn’t charge the fee if you are streaming from within Korea so they would be better off going to somewhere like um like Africa it’s too care is who did

That who did do that arid did a it AR thank you for that evening way to make an entrance I think your lightning struck me when I was on the um on the torch there yeah so yeah I feel I feel for people one does what one

Can one does what one must because one can yeah it’s sad it’s sad for a lot of people you know um uh like a lot of the people that I saw that were really upset about it were saying like you know this is my livelihood I’ve lost my job

Bigger streamers will survive on other platforms but many of them will have to probably move on yeah like um like hubby was did a a dual stream today she was on um YouTube and twitch and she was she had like 300 people um um she had she had 300 people

Watching on her on her twitch uh on our YouTube Sorry which is quite a lot quite a lot is this the right one hey that is the right one MC coincidence was it a coincidence the answer is yes yes it was a coincidence all right I need a couple

More spru uses and a dotted Oak plank behind you that’s right Boo I was behind you this whole time moving platforms mean you lose all your subs your entire Community unless you’ve already branched out yeah so I know um I know that there are there are a lot

Of people out there that are that are going to struggle you know cuz because you have to a lot of them will have to sort of start over again um some of them will be okay you know like their um their people will follow them over but but others will not

You know it’s it’s really unfortunate and you got to feel sorry for them because you know like nothing they can do it’s being taken out from underneath them but not twitch’s fault uni Bal tongi yeah um I saw uh Yugi today was saying you know it’s it’s fine you know we’ll we’ll

Figure it out so it was uh it was interesting watching the different reactions to it because uh also har had to shut down hatu m so she she’s obviously upset about having to shut down hatu mod as well okay so if I go like that we can feed Cobble into the first

One yeah so um hatu was keeping that running essentially from um from her twitch money but it’s it’s just become too expensive um so uh so she’s unable to do anymore all right so that’s going to be Cobble to gravel I don’t know where I break that

So that’ll be gravel and then we were saving what were we sving over here dust so dust hang on so that’s Cobble Cobble to gravel gravel to sand sand to dust all right so one rotational doohickey should make that whole thing go and then we can like sort of daisy chain them to

Each other so if I do oops not that I do that I’ll do that to there and then if we do that that will go that way but we’ll also put one over that way too all right we need more cabling no want more pipeling oh whoops it’s not what I meant ah

Ah oh em pipe we need item pipe so two droppers yeah so so sad news for people from Korea um some people are just sort of taking it in stride and just going you know what we’ll figure it out um some people very upset which is fair enough uh I need the

Wrench wasn’t for Korean streamers I never would have got into twitch because of way right oh this isn’t going to work oh hi one had a funny feeling you’d be here today didn’t even have a Twitch account until she started I knew you would say that anyway changing

Subjects anybody uh anybody check out the trailer to um GTA 6 any thoughts okay so let’s see so that that is going to go out of there and into here that will rotate that and that so some of those will go this way some will go that way then that goes into there

And that goes into there perfect watch the trailer but very hard to tell much about the game since it’s all cut scene type content yeah exactly uh met guy my gastroenterologist name Mr Wiggly you must have had ABS is that what you see them for sound

A bit sick I am not 100% well I’m better than I have been um but I am not operating at Peak efficiency at Peak Wiggly okay so we need we need that to go up there watch the GTA 6 trailer the um the most disappointing thing about that trailer for me was the

Thing that came up right at the end what did I think of it I think it looks really good um like if that’s if that’s what the graphics are going to look like I did tono I have um I have two sets of them actually so you’ve made a

Good point here I I don’t need to be wandering up and downstairs I got a uh a set of black elevators and a set of white elevators um but yeah if if the game is going to look like it looks in the video then it’s going to look

Incredible but that’s that’s the big thing about it is it going to look like that and they’re saying that it’s only going to be for the nextg consoles hey sub hey Sub sub subie so it’ll be interesting to see what the what the conversion rate is like how how accurate to the

Um yeah we’re talking about the trailer for GTA 6 the hot ticket right now everybody’s talking about it what what do you think so I mean obviously you would have you would have watched it not coming out on PC right away so that that’s that’s basically Tradition

Now if uh if they make a PC release it’s normally like a year later that going to work it’ll do think that’s the thing right people will talk about stuff as if they know yeah 100% this is this is the way it’s going to be yeah back in Vice

City but yeah there’ll be there’ll be people out there saying yeah 100% ah this is going to suck because because of X but we don’t know anything about it we know nothing at all going to take this out I’m I’m looking forward to it but

The thing is if I want to play it I’m going to have to buy a PS5 or a um or an or an Xbox I don’t have I don’t have one of the next gen consoles yet where’s the bubble gen that I made oh it’s over here

Yeah that’s the catch down here so I think we can get away without this here cuz these are staying full I think the the thing is right it’s it’s not coming out for 2 years so or it’ll be at least 18 months right so it’s it’s going to be 18 months

And in that 18 months we have to um we have to find out if the if the ps6 is coming you know or the next the next next generation of um uh console you know like is the next uh is the next Xbox coming out yeah so so the big question is do

You do you get do you get the new version now or do you get the um you get the other one if there is a new console they’ll probably take even longer to make it for that they’re probably will but I think the fact that they’re

Saying that it’s that it’s going to be coming out on those generation consoles now means that the next generation of console is not for a while you know it’s it’s going to be further even further down the line than that game is because GTA 5 came out for

PS3 not that long before the PS4 came out you know it like it was oh how long like a year or so this is never going to keep up so they might they might do a PS5 version and then when the ps6 comes out or whatever whatever they call the next

Generation p uh PS PS 5 to ps6 um then uh it’ll be interesting to see what the next thing the next thing actually is PS5 25 the PS2 extreme Edition extreme can I reach no can I no the switch to yeah that’s still um like why isn’t that not doing

Anything it’s because I have not uh currently linked that up at all PS5 part two super ke for play GTA since PS1 yeah I’m Keen I I really like GTA 5 they getting a nextg uh nextg version yeah I’m all about it um I don’t even really mind that much

That it won’t be coming up for PC or or when it does it’ll be you know like another year down the line I don’t mind I’ll quite happily wait I I’ll probably end up doing what I did with the um with the current and I bought it on

PS3 and played it and then when the PS4 came out I played it on PS4 and then when it came out on PC admittedly this one was because it was free on Epic but I got it on I got it on PC as well and Tra and uh play through on PC

So yeah I’m all over it all over it five is just a culmination of everything they’ve learned to that point chance of them dropping the ball now is unlikely so we would like to think that the next one even better like you would hope so right you’re going to go to bed

No worries one I need to make a new Barrel I think the only problem about it is do I stream it or not but I’ve got two years to decide see you one sleep well and yeah they absolutely could drop the ball absolutely yeah everyone will be streaming it that’s that’s one thing

Right that’s that’s part of the debate as to whether you stream it or not is because everyone will be streaming it so do you want to be one of the many people streaming it and lost in the crowd or you just keep doing what you’re doing

And playing it in the off time and I mean it’s going to be full of swearing and stuff so it’s uh it’s it’s against my normal stream stuff anyway so like do I want it do I want to do it I don’t know I don’t know but I’ve got I’ve got

A year and a half to decide assuming twitch doesn’t decide to close down in New Zealand as well all right give me those okay thank you I need to expand that barrel size let’s do that real quick right now I need to make a new Barrel let’s check firstly if we

Have slabs we don’t okay so we’re going to make us some new slabs why did that make a spruce Barrel um but yeah I think even if it’s even if the launch is not good or anything like that it’s still going to have a massive launch and everybody will be

Playing I wonder if I connect another one up here or if we go down this way hey they’re famished is that a Mr Wiggly it is it is me okay we’re going to we’re going to reaj this it needs rejiggering this needs to come out all right so that’ll go that

Way that’ll go to there right so that is making oh no it isn’t oh no it isn’t now it is so that’s going to make gravel and then we’ll go gravel into uh then that will come out into a third one so I would like to do

That right so gravel goes into sand sand goes into dust dust goes into machine okay I think I got it uh you hi again hermit there we go tried GTA a couple times long ago but never got into it you take that back take that back uh

No it’s it’s fun I I quite enjoyed it um I thought it had a good story there were good characters I enjoyed it 10 out of 10 would play right there we go so that’s filling up so I would like to make another one of these another compacting

Upgrade we made that we’re not going to make the crusher we’ve made that we’ve made that what else have we done over here the millstone oh a hamburger great enjoyed it for the story not the online mode uh the online mode no I did not enjoy online

Mode um what I had my experience with the online mode was I logged on and there was some dude like I was just starting out there was some dude driving through the streets with a tank right just blowing everything up and I ran and hid inside a building and some other

Dude just hovered outside the building in a helicopter just like waiting for me and I was like um is this really what I want to do I never really went back to it after that yeah just camping just camping outside the building that I was in in his

Helicopter okay so I need to make that which means I need to make that which means I need to make that and those right let’s get started on that thing then do I have I think I have still got upgrade bases somewhere I could be

Wrong oh I got this today too when I opened up mysterious gift cannot be opened before December 25th so that’s just going to live in there and then the question is do we ever actually get to open that thing up all right so we got the upgrade base already

Now we need Pistons we need Pistons oh there was four Pistons uh yep I knew that compacting upgrade then we need two gold and a diamond two gold and a diamond come on come back anything even these hey there he goes all right so that frees up those two a

Little bit and they’re going way fast look how fast they’re going so that’s full that’s not that’s full all right so that’s our our um setup running much smoothy smooth that is now empty so we can take that out and there we have it um so we need to sort out

Lighting um I’ll probably put oh hang on let me just check and see if I will put an elevator in there yep I I did not happen to leave anything in that space so I can put the elevator there so I think we’ll do the the black

Elevator in that room uh then we need to look at a better storage setup than what we currently have there’s my black elevator there you go now you can actually see create um so basically what it means is this thing here is running only these machines

Here that one there is running off its own sing single um rotational doohickey in the back room um a water wheel a water wheel is what it’s called that’s running off the boiler that’s downstairs so is that and so are these and I think if we’re going to get

Into stuff like making Precision mechanisms there hasn’t really been a reason for that yet um then you like none of this stuff is strictly necessary that’s for a train there’s not really any reason to make a train oh the Rolling Mill I don’t have that hooked up to

Anything put the Rolling Mill over here um but yeah there’s the the rotational thingy for that okay Quest book getting started so I’m still on getting started it’s like day six or something day seven day six six day six okay let’s let’s start by making a

Flopper oh whoops I’m going to take that down cuz I will forget that I don’t need to go out that way anymore I gu guarantee it uh either way would have been fine right one Flopper Quest complete no rewards okay then it wants this ice

There’s a few ways to obtain ice but the easiest way is to go through batania to obtain snow than turn into ice uh let’s do it a more difficult way a blast chill with water in it will work we need packed ice to make a blast

Chiller snowball and water in a mixer we we could maybe look at at doing that maybe packed ice from a Wandering Trader I haven’t uh haven’t been lucky enough yet that’s saying snow block or snow ball snow ball in a blast chiller is possible you know when it’s been too hot

For too long then you hit a cooler rainy day which is a relief but now your joints hurt more I wake up with a really sore knee this morning I don’t know what I did obviously slept a funky way um we also needed to come come up with a storage

Solution where’s storage on here there it is so I don’t believe that we’re ready for like refined storage which doesn’t even appear to be here anyway what are these okay uh so let’s start with the storage terminal oh you can bookmark the recipe I didn’t know my old carpal tunnel injury has my

Hand all num and tingly I don’t like it sir I don’t like it one second and why do I still have cold symptoms it’s been a week still I was ready to make refined storage I just put Tom’s crafting terminal directly on my sophisticated controller I’m thinking of um doing

Something just like that arid I have the materials to do the storage terminal um I don’t currently have the um the controller but that’s not difficult to do and then it’s just a matter of upgrading my storage and having it all connected up um and then we could we could even

Try and do the the wireless thing keep it all close together maybe we can put storages in the corners here thanks for the informative company so far I’ll be off doing more in Shore things but still listening don’t worries hermit enjoy Tom’s Wireless recipes were removed but the stor sophisticated storage Wireless

Thing is still available remember what he called it that guy the storage link if I make two of these yeah I’m going to make two of those uh right there’s two chests I made a list are you checking it twice hey nuggy Nea how you doing oh hang on a second

Sorry rid of that rid of that happening in here all right are you late uh depends on what time you intended to get here there it is okay uh I need quartz do I have quartz oh no all right we’re going to hold on to

Those uh right so I to make that I need to make four of these aha all right that’s fine a wizard is never late Harry wait what he arrives precisely when he shouldn’t have said that should not have said that okay so that part is done so I need four stone and

Four spanks spanks four spanks oh it has to be one of those chests so we can do that right okay two storage controllers then I need one of you you and you go together so now we have storage links oh there’s a quest as well under storage there they

Are are you and you Ratatouille nice don’t I need do I need this storage tool a okay another ender pearl two more sticks perfect uh then I need a one of you excuse me right can I make that now no I’m missing a iron now make that go

Storage tool right so if I say you no you right so that’s linked now right so I should yeah I can see the stuff that’s in there so we can do that three times with our storage link and have stuff connected together so my suggestion would be that’s number

One how are we going to connect them between sides though H maybe I can’t put them there uh how are our hallways do we have framed drawers oh no we have sophisticated so if I made 12 we could link them just by sitting them in there and have them all look like just

This this block but what’s the point of doing that let’s have a look so what if we put them in here thank you John be cursed enjoy the yes yes you too okay I am back thank you John for the explosion that was uh unexpected thank you sir

I don’t know what I was expecting but it definitely was not that yeah so what we could do is we could come in here with um with some Drawers some um some sophisticated storage and Link it all together and then no one need ever know because it’s hidden inside the wall I would never remember which corner it was in spent all my channel points on trivia questions trivia Rivia okay so let’s see how many of these do we

Need let’s just leave that there for a second so if we’re going to put them here that would be 9 so we need like 18 have to start the PC first off for more trivia it’s 18 trivia oh there’s one cruise control first trivia question of the day

Who was the first Formula 1 World drivers Champion br The Stig Spears Dale erard Jr baby I I can tell you it was not Dale nard Jr that that one I can definitely tell you that’s funny what was the question who was was the world’s uh who was the first Formula

1 World drivers Champion honestly have no idea now that made me laugh too I like that the because the confidence they Lear her Junior baby all right I’ll give you Clues it was either Alberto escari Jack Bram one Manuel fangio or jeppi Nino finina oh fio was on the list but no he

Was not he was not tono FIA there was an old ad in Australia a Toyota ad with him in it Bina is correct hey there it worked it was jepi Nino Bina my finina so if I go thly that is the incorrect wrench there you go so now those are

Linked So currently they should have nothing in but we can start storing stuff in there can I Hopper into that like if I stuck a hopper on the top can I just flick stuff in there never actually tried that you can I know I have a hopper a wooden

Hopper you hear about the wooden car wooden go yep that is working h okay so I need to make a Toms I actually think that I’ve put that backwards and that realistically this would be the way that I approach this most often so I’m going to turn this around you know what in

Fact I have a feeling it would be faster just to do it this way or didn’t mean to leave that’s okay there there’s no rules here you need to leave you need to leave I mean There Are Rules here does okay sophisticated have like a a

Pusher like can I can I push directly out from this thing Advanced Hopper pulls items or pushes them to block below pulls from a block on top and or pushes them to a block below all right Tri question what character did Val Kilmer Michael Keaton and George Clooney all play packing tape

Hey opper upgrade there’s topper upgrade Batman Batman is correct they did all play one Pablo Batman drafting upgrade stack upgrade P is for fuel hi scratch how are you compacting eating so there isn’t a native way to like if I put a barrel this is what

I’m thinking right if I had a barrel sitting here and having it output upwards instead of downwards then I could leave the storage controller there and fire stuff straight up into it but it doesn’t look like you can go upwards you can go down uh I’m doing all right scratch recovering from

Illness but alive that’s the main thing that’s good it is good right that’s what I thought too okay so this one I’m going to I’m going to leave the food behind I’ll take out stuff like seeds the nether W can stay actually most of those seeds can go too let’s be

Honest uh grass seeds can stay there’s no better feeling than emptying all your chests into a storage system right just finally getting that that step underway I could finally get rid of all of this junk and have something else handle it for me right you take all of these oh you

Can’t all right we’re going we’ll Circle back to that one uh not you this one probably makes the most sense to do next might use these actually to upgrade our wood there it’s n this guy should be done by now T you have that okay now this that means we can take these

Out how you doing over here almost empty eat a food one thing left oh no you didn’t give me the peanut seeds he seeds I should have checked if I had peanuts oh cocoa beans no we want to hold on to the cocoa beans too we were talking about dying some of

Our glass um Brown so we would need the cocoa beans for that you have them then these are sure to follow there would be one shot sorry I have to keepi my fluids up still a little bit sick okay so that one is done you can

Come out of there which means that these can come out uh then aha more seeds SAA seeds corn seeds strawberry barley amaran andish they’re not red seeds they’re radish so some of these actually we’re going to have to keep um do I have a hoe anywhere pretty sure I had a hoe

Oh I thought I found it no okay do not appear to have a hoe did I break my hoe I’m sure I had a hoe there it is okay to the bad cave the Farmland so we dug this out right because we’re going to make it

Bigger and try and make a lot of farm space in here yeah um but we need to look so we got tomato we got eggplant we got bell pepper tea rice potatoes flax and Industrial Hemp oh so I did not have um the peppers uh the peanuts hey emeron

Hey thought there was something wrong with that corn crop but it grew that’s a radish are you a Bary you’re a Bary come back to Wiggly twerking for crops that’s what I do Cava the cassavas don’t grow all right the rest of that will will grow on its

Own so let’s throw some seeds away okay so in the future this will be sort of filled out that’s that’s future Wiggly’s issue not mine uh so how you looking you’re full so now we’re going to start moving this stuff over uh corn can go into here that oh hello hey there famished

Who’s this future Wiggly guy when does he stream uh he streams tomorrow always tomorrow forever and ever tomorrow uh that one that one probably what I should have done here is made sure that I have the simple storage set up so Wednesday and Sunday sure sure all right storage terminal so

I need two more comparators I need those a planks that’s just a chest and that’s just some glass okay well I happen to have some glass on my person so I will keep one then I need Two quartzes I do not appear to have quartz okay so we’re going to check in here again looking spef specifically for quartz I’ve got one [Applause] quartz dang man how’s this draw system in here doing oh okay okay we’re definitely seeing improvements in here wow wow getting any better by the way bit

Under the weather not really actually it seems like today I feel like a I feel blocked up again I feel like kind of the same as what I did before very strange okay so we have to sift Soul Sand which means we need to get sand I think I put my sand

Away so getting sand is not that difficult assuming it shouldn’t be too difficult either the problem is now this thing runs much quicker than it did before can I get sneak some in there yeah I’m I’m staying fluidified but see the thing is at at work today I felt

Fine so it’s one of those stupid things where now after work I feel wonky but but at work today I felt fine like I felt almost well again but it’s only been 9 days since I first started showing any symptoms so normally they say it’s like 10 days to 2

Weeks so I’m I’m definitely on the outward slope like I’m I’m coming out of it but um I’m not out of it symptoms of what hi hi ET um just just the cold symptoms like last night I felt that like I slept well for like the first time in in a long

Time um but now I feel tired like I I almost feel like I could just pop off and have asleep let’s just have a quick look if I do that okay that is not a heat Source colleague was sick for two weeks came back for three days sick again for one

And a half weeks I’m hoping that it’s not something like that you know something that I that I can just get over real quick I don’t want to be sick I don’t want to be like long time sick especially this close to Christmas what would Santa say

Right okay we’re going to eat more cake because we need to get rid of the cake um we need to get some sand so that we can Soul Sand it what what’s cool is now you can actually see fully the whole word of create the r actually does look all

Right this this character here that was a good find by Aroda there we go so this thing actually is it’s chugging along right this is this is doing really really really well nice okay so I’ve got my two thing my two thing I need some of this

Stuff we’re going to have to sort out storage from here can I undo quartz I can’t undo quartz dang man but I can’t slab it and I do need quartz slab so we’ll do that where is it there it is you make that into those thank you so uh

Over here we needed quartz slabs for this machine ah we need three of them of quartz we do anyway uh we need some sticks o hello monkey border I need six sticks seven then we need Stone oh I need to fix these up now cuz this doesn’t have to be this way

Monkeys watch seven streams in a row thanks monkey right so what do I need I need need some Stone there’s some I need six of those A Fire TV Twitch app doesn’t have chat so it doesn’t seem to count it ah oh I see I’ve heard of

That nobody watch on TV while having from breakfast I appreciate that dude I’m getting so spun around in here cuz everything looks the same okay so I got those I got the glass I need a chest and four planks and a glowstone there’s four planks but I need

Four different planks because I need these for in the wall here okay well the chest and four planks easy good way to start the day thanks man you know how I started my day remembering a song from the 1990s by a little French kid named called dear de the

Baby dear de baby it’s hard to be a baby it was like a 1990s Club anthem asked this German girl for a number and she said nine I can’t wait to get the rest so excited hermit remembers do you remember that song for some reason that popped into my

Head this morning out of the blue why let us not ask why if you watch it on mobile and you’re watching picture and picture doesn’t count I guess it’s kind of like you know you’re not technically watching it on um you have to be actively watching to

Count as a viewer I guess same sort of thing okay so there’s only one size does this not have a crafting grid oh there’s a there’s a new terminal for crafting all right reward Cog wheel so now we can now we can fire things directly into the storage system oops um

Bruce oh I only have five of those okay I should have re H you can zoom with C that makes sense um crafting ter terminal I need to make that oh that’s easy Google that never heard that song it it was a little bit of a hit for some reason in the

1990s PE people in the ’90s understood that it was hard to be a baby but I remember I had a friend that loved it he was like all about how difficult it was to be a baby so of course that meant I had to listen to it because he liked

It who is me you know what I didn’t do this drawer at all went to all the clubs in the ’90s we don’t need to do this anymore we can just Biff them straight in all of them maybe it was only big in Australia okay so Diamond wise oh diamonds are over

Here I need four of those I need to make planks I have planks so let’s make four crafting tables uh and then we’ll put them into this F reth you rafting terminal Mr nafka how you doing all right that is now made and what do we get we got cooked chicken

Cups oh jeez de did Hello thank you for the raid I’ve got chicken cutlets in my hand hang on let me eat them didy with 100 bits thanks de yeah that still didn’t work if I replay it that’ll work Dei thank you very much for the raid how are

You how was the rest of the cat game was it perfect what song uh I was talking earlier toal guest um about how I woke up this morning with a with a song from the ’90s stuck in my head and it was it was by a little blonde French kid named

Jordie and it was called dear dear DET baby got the bits working oh actually I hang on did I no one says twitch username do they there there it is like it looks like it says but when he says in the in the chorus he’s saying de do it all

Right did anything even spawn ow I’m not even sure if anything spawned just then never understood the kid I mean he was speaking French but he was only four at the time uh did if if if you’re okay with that we can do one more oh I think nothing

Spawned so let’s let’s wait until we clear these out so we can confirm if that’s okay cuz that was working the other day ohona yeah see nothing has spawned at all there okay thank you Tona thank that confirms it so we we did a little bit of offline tweaking to see

If we can figure out why it wasn’t working and obviously that tweaking has um has broken things so let me give me a second once got up and had a song from the 60s stuck in my head I quite often have um funky Co Medina by Tone Lo stuck

In my head I don’t know why I don’t know why funky called Medina oh you don’t know me by Leslie G that’s at the beginning of um Eminem song Untitled which I quite like I just feed the pigeons from Mary Poppins the original and one time I woke up to a

Different song in my head for weeks okay so but nobody spawn anything else at the moment I’m going to I’m going to fix up this bits thing so the first thing I’m going to do is I’m going to see if I rerun the bits does anything work

Okay so first things first here we go we’re going to rerun one of the bits okay so now we get the message up but we don’t get the mobs so in here no not in here in here it’s under bits so the test now works like it was before so

I’m going to disable this and we’re going to go down to mobs so let’s get color and get random number then the outcome H oh I know that’s why it’s cuz I when I was doing it I changed the cuz I had random mobs and random number uh and uh random mobs in

Tier one one mobs I was like this needs to make more sense than this so I had to change random mobs to random number just to make it make more sense but then I forgot to change them in here it didn’t it didn’t work so but

It’s because of this I think I think it’s because of this cuz I I changed all this over in the subs but I didn’t do it under bits that’s T2 that should be tier one and that should be tier two I save and exit let me rerun that and there they are okay now they say twitch username but I think that that is because I am not grabbing the username now little spider fella interestingly it is using the correct

Color so that part’s still working all right so now what we do is we go into here and under conditions we add another constant condition and we say get twitch username uh get username save and exit yeah I have to check on the other one cuz that still didn’t do the you

Know this this the text the chat message that didn’t work on the live one but it worked on the replay let’s see okay there’s a live sub and the text does come up on the sub boom 31 Corona yeah hard to be a baby and he says my name is

J and it’s hard to be a baby tring to thank you for the 31 months of Subs man 17 in a row yeah this guy’s going to kill me oh I go I tell you what he’s down to like one hit which way is he that that way

Okay okay okay okay right so now so now I’m going to replay DD again this time they should have the name they do okay I’ll be back in a month the dad joke that’s a good one today isn’t it see you Corona thanks for the support Corona I appreciate

It it’s it’s way way up there oh looky it worked okay so now now we need to check on a live one so it is does anybody have 100 bits oh there you go D and name worked perfect but but the chat message didn’t come oh I turned it off I turned it

Off tied all those constants into one constant that calls the others that I think that’s that’s the ultimate the Ultimate Gold subie is to have it so that you only you only do one thing and then uh and then the library handles all the all the rest of

It so I’ve got to make a library for the um all the spawn and the range conditions and stuff oh jeez it’s tyon to Ry rogy my sub is constant my sub is constant oh my God ah I just cannot hit them little things Ty hi

Ty did you guys know that Ty is Ty is one of my oldest subs and one of my oldest Subs did you did you guys know that oh yes bits work now yes they do talo hey and hyped oh jeez tube and knuckle Anonymous giting a

A tier one sub to tube and knuckle which is apparently subscribed for four months before but I don’t remember ever seeing that name everybody Welcome to the hype train yes hype train time 100 bits or more get you into the hype train it is working now

Uh you can spawn some mobs on me and give me a real bad time just like these guys are thank you so much everyone that’s contributed to the hype train thus far 1,000 bits from Dei thank you for the th000 bits time have the sub dude it went all

Right and re gifting five subs and we got five chat messages thank you and Rea for the five gift five gifted Subs so DD giting five tier 2 subs and they all came up with the correct info as well perfect okay but what they’re coming up is just

Single gifted subs and not groups that’s interesting DD thank you for the five gifted tier twos tier twos that smashes us through into level Something b b swing H Ty we finished level six level six of the Trivia trivia from tono nice work yes um further than I expected to get Tai so I I am not unpleased right reserving a trivia card what I remember oh another helper mob there too talona with 100 thank tono now yeah so the idea would be that in the

Future all of the stuff that I have tied up in the bits thing moves over to its own Library that’s called like and and it just calls one action bits so then I can just plug and play new things into bits that that would be

The plan you know one one action to bits one to subs and everything’s just just processed in its own little thing separately oh jeez did he with another thousand I’ve missed too many parties another thousand have some fun thanks de have you had an issue with his pack

Where if you try to break the Cobble deep slate in starting Island your client crashes yes Ty the fix for that is there is a mod there is a mod installed in the pack called Fusion if you if you uh update the version of fusion that is installed then uh that problem goes

Away DD thank you very Much this got cheaper oh yeah they repriced bits tono so in a lot of places they went down a little bit talona with 100 bits thank you and I heard the music speed up so therefore we have leveled up I’m not sure what level level four are we at level five

Already oh yeah we’re at the beginning of level five welcome to level five People you’ll notice that every time we level up Mr Wiggly at the bottom of the screen he slides back to the left side and slowly works his way back to the right because he’s our progress bar further across the screen here is the further through we are if he makes it

All the way across to the right side then the hype train is complete I went to high school with a guy named conplete never finished anything oh we get to see if the music Fades out at the end of this too so hopefully what should happen is when the hype train

Finishes um the music should slowly fade out instead of just abruptly stopping so that’ll be interesting to see if that it actually works hey but we still got 4 minutes 3 and 345 left in this current hype train at the beginning of level five now level five who you

Boo not exactly sure how to update just one mod though I can show you Ty what launcher are you in guys what I’ll show you it’s it’s not complicated ohy jeez H away with a Crash I say busy I’m I’m a little busy but only for a couple more minutes ow oh jeez D getting 10 Subs did we just hit level six I think we hit level six or so you thought so it’ll be a couple more minutes longer than than I thought did

We get we did get 10 they’re all tier twos did with Excuse me sorry did with 10 tier tws pushes pushes us pushing us into level six level six of the train thank you very much didy we’re 60% of the way through level six now o t with 100 bits thanks

Talona and the chaos continues I’d love that the music gets faster now that’s so that’s so [Applause] cool t with another trivia question right it’s reserved I got I got it sitting standing by sitting standing by that a word oh ow God there are so many dudes in here playing

By how many levels before the music turns into extra tone well it speeds up 10% every level I think this might be as fast as we’ve gotten now whereby it’s interfered with the Windows update and it had my PC all kinds of stuff up fixed up now though

Nice glad you’re back in the random potion I didn’t even get to see what it was before I died Ow ow oh I killed one I killed one I killed one Ow oh God some of them is still got like almost full health sorry Ty I’ll be with you in a minute 2 minutes 49 left in the hyp train that’s the one Ty that’s the one connected textures Fusion because it’s the connected texture that’s that’s getting messed up they update that one

Good to go now we looking 2 minutes and 18 seconds left in the type train with twitch’s timer that’s 2 minutes 10 counting down o TTD with 100 bits thanks tjd oh another 100 bits from tjd thank you tjd again and another 100 bits from tjd thank tjd and another 100 bits

From tjd thanks tjd and another 100 bits from tjd thanks tjd oh speaking of I went to McDonald’s for lunch today which I don’t often do but I went there today and I swear the drive-thru speaker sounded like it was AI had the Blackstone griddle down there no

In fact we we don’t even um have the word griddle really that’s not really a thing um because like I asked I asked for a burger right I asked for a burger and like a combo right so I said can I cuz there’s a um uh a burger a New Zealand specific

Burger that it was called the Kiwi Burger um that uh went away for a long time but it came back it’s on a short-term re-release and I was like oh I could have a kiwi burger right so I went down and I asked for a kiwi Burger

Combo right and then the voice went okay and it said um and what drink would you like and I said I’ll have a Sprite and it went okay like exactly the same way and I was like H that was like the exact same tone an inflection as the first okay one H

That’s inter really weird real kiwis H so a kiwi Burger is um it’s like a I know did you have MC Feast it’s like a MC Feast with an egg and a beetroot on yeah beat one slice of beetroot you’ve gone too far ze’s gone too far what is that

That would suggest that the fix did not work hang on let me Um let me kill that I was not killing oh God oh God um there you go I fixed it okay so that didn’t work that’s what what that’s meant to be doing is that’s that’s meant to be turning the volume down a little bit at a time clearly that doesn’t work all

Right geez that was a little bit crazy all right so thank you very much that’s the end of the hype train it didn’t it didn’t um it didn’t finish like I was hoping it would uh but let’s see uh hype train DD got us kicked off in the hype

Train let’s see with the one two three lots of 100 bits thank you very much for helping us test that out DD talona as well helped out with 100 bits too cronal live um did a tier one sub 31 month 17 in a row Diddy with another 100 bits

Taond Roger subscribed at tier one for 62 months in a row tyona with another 100 bits Anonymous gifting a tier one sub to tub and knuckle DD gifting uh did 1,000 bits and R did five Subs they went to myself low Ray lab Mr Block and Matt

Massie and emis 448 tyer with 100 bit DD with five tier 2 gifted Subs near the Weir the jaria Tasser and Nate Nate 420 tal with 100 bits DD with another thousand excuse me uh t with 100 bits DD gifting 10 tier 2 Subs to Swan tiers

Angel shine dark oo got one Speedy Nighthawk Running With Scissors it’s JD cool geek and kitty creeper oh and scopy buf T with 100 bits and d uh TJ D finished us off not djt tjd finished is off with five lots of 100 bits thank you

Very much everyone for the hype train I appreciate it Ty Did you sort your thing out do you want me to show you or you your uh you got your thing figured out hello would anybody like me to show you how that works just just in case if

You’re not sure how to do it still stuck on beat rout in in Australia right if you go to like your your corner takeaway joint um basically every Burger comes with um with a beat rud on it can I explain it in French uh it’s it’s hard to be a

Baby so Cur watch you open up your pack oh yeah go away um this this annoys me I think you I think you have to make sure that this is on but if not you go into Mods and you find any mod and you push this button

Here this one so you find the mod that you want to update uh this one is called Fusion so i’ I’ve already updated mine and there’s a little down arrow you just click on that and then the update should do it restart the pack everything comes up

Can’t remember if any of the burgers I had in Sydney had beetroot would be interested assume it’s cooked or pickled um I’m assuming it’s some sort of pickled but yeah sliced beetroot was very common on burgers in Sydney at least when I did there not from like fast food joints you

Know like like McDonald’s didn’t really do it um yeah it was it wasn’t a McDonald’s thing uh it wasn’t a a Burger King thing still crash not meant to play huh cuz it it it was crashing for me tight and then we were like or maybe we

Just we don’t touch those blocks in the corner but I updated that one mod and it’s been fine ever since I try and start picking a couple of these dudes off so many still so many ah just won’t touch them I mean that’ll work if you just leave them

Then then you won’t have any issues it’s just you got to remember to leave them but yeah if you go back into the list does it still show the little down arrow next to watch the video of people ordering food at a fast food place and the AI would

Repeat back everything they ordered as a question yeah so that’s that’s what happened to me today um and and you restarted the pack oh someone died in there oh it’s TI I of know that that is weird um but yeah so uh at the drive-thru

Right so so I said can I have a kiwi Burger combo please and it said okay um a kiwi Burger combo and what drink would you like and I said uh Sprite I went okay and I was like hm that that sounds like an AI and I was like okay if if

There is a guy at the window right then maybe it wasn’t an AI cuz it was a guy’s voice um uh but then there was a guy there if I thought if it’s a girl then hey maybe it was AI if if it’s a guy maybe

It wasn’t it’s just a guy that just just sounds like a robot um sorry and uh when I got there there was a guy and his voice sounded different but you know he wasn’t talking to me through a speaker anymore so so I was like um I I don’t

Know I don’t know if if I was speaking to an AI or not but if I was it got my order EXA exactly correct uh can I show you McDonald’s NZ that is a kiwi burger and that is a kiwi Angus which is basically the same just kind of Angus me

Thing and then we got chili cheese bikes those are new I didn’t have any of them a Kit Kat Kit Kat McFlurry and this one threw me for a loop Frozen lift and a frozen LIF mcfl but yeah that’s that’s a kiwi Burger so so there’s your beetroot and

There’s an egg and then it’s a tomato lettuce onion your meat Patty There You Go Frozen LIF sounds good yeah it was very tempting to try it this is not a sponsored stream by McDonald’s but if McDonald’s wanted to been smuggling too much KFC that still makes me

Laugh in uh in Co times right when New Zealand was in lockdown or when when or was in lockdown some guys from just outside of or like some gang members tried to sneak some KFC across the across the border into ockland which was being locked off by police so the police

Caught them and stopped them uh and then they took a photo you know like in uh some countries when they do like a big drug bust and they put like all the drugs out on the hood of their cars and take photos of it they did the same thing but with with

KFC so there’s a big New Zealand police car sitting there with these bags of KFC arrayed across the Bonnet it was really funny can’t eat KFC do the MSG additive 621 I don’t mind KFC sometimes I understand it’s very different here to to what it is in the

US man there are still so many of these dudes look at look at the space in here oh I killed something 145 deaths dude we’re going to get past halfway just from this room it’s not consistent I think that’s the biggest issue need to try a mushroom and Swifts

With anger beef a mushroom and Swiss I don’t like mushrooms S I don’t mind mushrooms I’m not a fan of oh I killed two things ow stop it stop using pressure cookers years ago I wonder what they use over here I heard I heard there’s one thing um

Apparently at at KFCs in New Zealand right they’re saying that it is cheaper for them them to like when their The Fountain the soda fountains die it’s cheaper for them to not repair them anymore and just switch to bottled drinks so they they’re talking about switching to bottled drinks because yeah

The the maintenance cost for the soda fountain machines is so high that it’s it’s just not worth the time to repair them anymore I don’t know if that’s true it’s something I heard it’s just a rumor depending on how old the machines are yeah so that’s that’s the question

Is we don’t know only have Burger uh bottles of Burger King that might be for the same reason they just over time they’ figured out you know like the soda machines are okay but in order to keep them running you know we need X bell is rumbling sorry to raid party

And run thank did I appreciate it enjoy your food thank you very much for the raid of course and and for the and for the many subscriptions enjoy your food all right we’re going to start losing a few of these guys not maybe not right now but soon soon

Oh help a mob slent red R thank you ow there you go one down two down oh tell you what Red Run you take care of the spiders I’ll get the big guys no you get the spiders help oh I got the spiders ow oh

Respawn is that it did we do it I think we did it sliced onion and mushroom sauteed in a brown butter production slathered over a thick slice of Swiss cheese on a piping hot thick black anus Burger on a grilled bio bun not halfway though we came

Close not as close as I was thinking we were going to get where is that spider oh this way there we go replace the Angus with good beef a lot of people think the Angus is good beef you have beef with Angus can’t see the spider for the

Painbow yeah the um the old map there is looking pretty red oh I think he’s in the storage room he is in the storage room it’s tie my old nemesis taona riggy rogi should have known Tai that’s interesting de mod developer you found a slight bug with

Your uh interface hanging out in there planning your Escape you’ll need to plan hard other than that sir right I’m going to eat this corn I’m going to eat it raw okay so we still got all that in there ha thought I was doing really

Well that’s empty so we take this out we got to remove those death markers too we can’t we can’t do anything in here with this all right while we do this it’s trivia question time we have two of them who plays the character Michonne in The Walking

Dead who plays Michonne in The Walking Dead someone knows this what is Bob Ross Bob Ross plays michon and The Walking Dead Britney Spears is it Deni guira Zoe cravit squa Martin green or Natalie Emmanuel Dani gerera is correct wandering Gemini correct and then uh trivia question number two is a what’s

The next line of this song song what is the next line what comes after this line he can play Honky Tonk just like anything saving it up for Friday night what is the next line you heard David gter oh hello what are you who are you and who are

You oh oh wait there’s a dude there I see him oh he’s got an axe it’s dark coaster Play the song of The Piano Man saving it up for Friday night that was in that he can play Honky Tonk like anything saving it up for Friday night what’s the next line after

That saveing it up for Friday night with the Sultans the Su of Swing that is a great song better even than you remember if you remember 21st night of September do you remember the 21st night of September thank you very much for thez for the hype train and welcome Rhino man with the raid hello Rhino man a fan of Diggy Diggy Hole you are a

Dwarf and you’re digging a hole Diggy Diggy Hole DIY Diggy Diggy Hole Super Mario Super Mario see you in reava thank you very much for the subs got all dire streets oh almost had the rhythm going never mind oh these go over here so we’re going to have to get gold

Production going cuz this chest is about to fill up like my friend from high school hang on bone blocks can come out they do not belong in there they do not belong in there they do not belong in there that gives us a bit of space uh they do not belong in there

Phillip yeah yeah good old fill up okay right so one thing that we do have now is a lot of iron ingots um so I know that we need that many then we need some Redstone oh I need some food too do I have food lying around I do not I’m

Going to eat bell peppers just whole bell peppers oh that didn’t work Rhino thank you for the raid and the lurk I appreciate it dude hope you had a good stream oh pisca with a heel the heel thank you very much oh my nose oh my nose one

Second I swear my nose is getting more and block now how is this happening why is this happening when is this happening no’s running you better catch it before it gets away right okay so I made all of that and then didn’t make any of the bits that I needed I need some

Sticks you got any sticks over here for me I can take these out actually and then we can go into there and um give me a stack of sticks living in a cave get some sunlight sunlight it’s crazy talk okay so I need to make redstone torches this needs to

Be redstone torches I need 18 of these Sky Blocks that’s a good question KY look at her she’s indigenous to these PS Roy so we do have block of sky but we need um hang on we need amethyst is there a way to get amethy IST there’s normally a way right maybe

Not Cy look at her she’s indigenous to these PS it’s it’s like he’s still with us there are geodes okay so we would have to hopefully find a geode somewhere what is what is this what is this oh you are still with me MC with a

Cookie so that’s a dungeon is that in that direction which direction are you in you’re behind me behind me behind me it’s this way so that’s down there all right so we’re going to go and look at that room then I guess wow okay that didn’t break like I was thinking it would

Uh and what I probably should do yeah I should make another Hammer firstly I should make some torches some torches oh hang on auto search torches torches stack of torches uh put these a away make another one of these then uh I need to uh sophisticated

16 oh because I made a new I made a new thing 18 that’s more like it all right so I I have weaponry that’s upgraded I’ve got a wiggly mob to take with me uh I’ve got a lot of tomatoes for some reason that’s helpful right you me come with

Me come with me you all right we’ll start building a little pathway down every time I pick up a torch the lighting is just so Dynamic I am going the right direction right I am going the right direction do I have a mega torch I do not have a mega

Torch it does not look like Mega torch is a thing trivia trivia is though oh it’s another what is the next line of this song oh won’t you stay with me cuz you’re all I need so did I toal guess actually I must not have gone far enough

Away by the way I did not say that at all in the rhythm of the song oh won’t you stay with me cuz you’re all I need no guesses oh jeez okay got to is that the Sam Smith song it is it is the Sam Smith song that that is correct

Sing us the song of The Piano Man pretty good crowd for Saturday don’t know it okay so the song is called stay with me and it is by Sam Smith so Ty is right in that regard but what is the next line oh my nose is getting

Worse this ain’t love it’s clear to see there’s Davey still in the Navy probably will be for Life yeah Ty that is correct yes this ain’t love is clear to see but darling stay with me stay with be stay with be stay with be I think that’s that’s pretty accurate to Sam Smith

Right spot on thank you I didn’t Shuffle these up very well did I they get lots of stuff together like twins stand there with you sometimes Arnold and Danny but still TN hey jez oh what the oh that was interesting don’t know how I managed to do that who did that Britany

Faith I tried to put out the fire and it broke the blocks next to the fire okay we can see the thing on the map can he pick it up for me he can’t all he does is he helps me fight all right backpack hold I have a trash slot no hang a

Left here it is is that a dungeon where I I do not appear to have a upper left trash [Applause] is there anything in particular I need to do to activate this or just just a random spot on the map with nothing in it yeah whatever it’s meant to do now I’ve

Broken it I do have dire right here though yeah maybe normally there would have been a spawner underneath it nickel hey andesite too no Granite though the one block type that I actually like genuinely actually really do want actually and it’s not here yet it’ll probably be someone I I’m

Using Granite to um fill out the top part of my base in in the roof hi pug cuz think Ty how how often do you actually use granite in a build right it’s not that often there is a recipe to make it yeah but it uses um Pebbles and I haven’t figured

Out a way to to to automatically make Pebbles I tried so yeah if there was a spot where we had them get get my little red buddy to punch dirt for me I wonder if that would be the type of thing that he could be programmed to a

Digger this does feel like the type of spot where if we’re going to get um oh good shot if we’re going to get some Granite it’s going to be around here somewhere [Applause] right [Applause] maybe we score the roof maybe I can like I can get scoria

All right time to head back oh whoops things are not going so well all right let’s go I don’t have food so bad no command like locates Granite it’s cuz nobody wants Granite not really that was creepy and weird uh but yeah see I’m using polished granite in

The roof but there are big chunks where I don’t have any granite but I do have polished cut scoria so maybe I could make a scorea build instead Next pack I think next pack used to be a command um Granite uh yeah nether quartz and Dio make granite oh it’s not going to work uh do not have a barrel can I make a barrel yes I can trying to Rhino yeah slowly working our way towards it but now I’m thinking

Maybe I just change it to scoria instead like if if we did that maybe not but maybe are there uh we checked the ignas extruder and there’s uh there isn’t a recipe the easiest way is definitely fire um uh the pebble method but I have not found a way to

Automate the pebble method I’ve I’ve got machines that that should do it but you need to have something in the buffer for them to use to to right click the ground maybe that’s not the right one ah that one can’t be connected what do you reckon chat excuse me

Does it look better as is as is light or um with the the Cobble on the right the left side or right side trivia lava trivia coming up Wiggly is willing to look into automation for it you can make clay the ex Theo way cook it into terra cotta

Grind it and his grindstone into red sand mix it with the Flint and lava to bit involved alternatively there mystical egg that’s true definitely the Cobble it doesn’t look right does it all right trivia question who said I have learned over the years that when one’s Mind Is Made Up This diminishes

Fear is it because that is the contrast is too much like if that was a darker block would would that would that look better Kermit the Frog that sounds like something Kermit would say how you doing AR Britney Spears okay I’m going to try it with the darker

Wood Rosa Parks taond Roger is correct it was Rosa Parks too much Brown I think I agree with these back I was just thinking for a second how did the water get in here okay uh mostly American trivia um no there’s there’s a mix of trivas

There’s definitely a mix of stuff but um I suppose like most things that has a slight American tilt something darker than scoria that means tyon to riggy rogi is off for the evening thank you Ty thank you for hanging around with us good to see you as always

Oh slightly darker than what I have now okay I’m I’m with you now it’s good to be seen it is good to be seen yeah we could we could break it up a bit and like even like we’ve got themed glass we just haven’t got the

Themed glass down this way yet but we do have themed glass in each Direction so if we had um if we had sort of a a wood that that set off against the glass A little bit better I think that would probably be okay like if if I replace this with

Scoria for example Birch I I don’t have Birch at the moment but I think Birch will be light that that is a bit better cuz it it sort of gives a bit of a flow but the score the rough scorer is a bit too much suffer and just get the Pebbles

Manually what is that cut scoria polished please let’s try this he your orange I don’t hate this get out of there he’s helping is he can’t leash them I can make him to sit down sometimes I like to let him wand stretch his legs I think that looks better

Oh I don’t have diamonds are over here trivia trivia what about different scoria for different orientations like polish for north south and some kind of smooth scoria for the East West we could try different like totally different blocks uh sit down was a 1991 hit for which group

That feels like it’s a uh a European uh question that one all right just let’s let’s take these leave that in there and we’ll undo those and pop them in there actually is there any reason to keep these in here at all Doris is correct it was James correct James which group James

Group yeah I think I think we’ll put these into storage cuz there’s not really any reason to hold on to them oh I got lead need this back Abba featuring Britney’s be nether W block oh no can I undo nether W block yeah we might need to turn that off that’s

Actually running maybe a little bit too efficiently oh and I forgot to tell this to Auto input oops whoops right okay so we’re going to go back down that hallway uh and continue our Explorations we would be able to undo that with a compacting drawer I yeah I do have the upgrade for

That still I didn’t bring food create is in this mod pack yes I have a whole room dedicated to create uh that’s where we got the scoria from uh it doesn’t totally guess no look create create a car I can create a train but then I’d have to create the tracks and lay

Them but if I SL set home see there’s no set home command oh I’ve still got a a backpack full of stuffs you know what most of this is just straight up food I’m going to um I’m going to put the food into my backpack the rest of it can go away and

Then we’ll make a we’ll make a feeding upgrade oh wait hang on Oreos get the project e flight ring anyone pre-order home World 3 I can confirm that yes I did not pre-order home World 3 okay uh that can go away that can go away

This shows us what we have e and what we had yeah I have maxed my heart my hearts uh another Hammer is a good idea are we looking over here yeah that’s still working um okay so second hammer earlier when I said can confirm I did

Not mean the baby song I meant your stream is a great way to start the day oh okay as I listen instead of watch on TV there still great stuff to help get the day going I was thinking H that somebody actually knew that song Oh to see if anything is left in

Storage I see uh no that that is a good call um all right so backpack is full so we want to make the feeding upgrade so let’s look up feeding upgrade so in order to make that we need H we can’t make it we’re missing all of the

Things never mind all right well we have a back a backpack full of food anyway let’s just eat handfuls of tomatoes while we wander down this way and try to find three or four stacks of granite baby uh Granite no no it is it is not possible to make

Granite with create in this pack scoria however plenty of d right here yeah what like Rhino man said there is actually there is a way to make it but it involves several steps in automating stuff other stuff that I don’t have yet either I wasn’t clubbing in the ’90s more

Obsessed with Dinosaurs but I may have heard the song I will listen to be sure yeah it needs to specifically be red sand um like I the only reason that I know the song is because I had a friend that liked it and it was not my thing at

All but yeah so that that makes it even weirder as to why it popped into my head this morning but you know what he says it’s hard to be a baby finding excuses I see hey sometimes an excuse is just the truth wrapped in a nice blank Mr T has songs he’s

Done found it on YouTube and stopped after 15 seconds it’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect um for that type of sort of Euro poppy sort of music it’s it’s it’s not special that’s true Rhino I mean we we did just find this here which is got you know

There’s there’s andesite down here diorite scoria tough so so there there is things down here and I did need a bit of scoria to to build that hallway out but I am going to explore a little bit further rep of Roads dissolving and the Teen trying to hit me and scratch my face

Yeah so so we found this thing here right there was just this one thing sitting out in the middle of nowhere aha see now this now we have this so now we have something to to work toward WS back back when I lived in Sydney her

I’ll tell you this thing when I lived in Sydney I had a dream this this is the same guy that liked the the baby song um I had a dream uh we were both couriers at the time we we went to school together and then we ended up you know

Looking for work at the same time and uh working at a career company and when we got there um he had a car at the time when we started out he had a car and his car was painted this really funky green color and I had a

Van um and then after a little while it when he work for them for a bit then he went and got himself a van then I had a dream one night and in my dream uh somebody was stealing my van right there was somebody stealing my

Van but for some reason my van was painted the green that his van used to be his car used to be right and uh it sort of when I uh got partway through the day I remembered and uh and I rang him up and I told him dude I had the weirdest dream

Man that that somebody was trying to steal my van but it was painted the same color as your car used to be and he said you know what’s nuts I just came back from a delivery and when I when I got back to my van somebody was standing by

The door and they were trying to break into it coincidence yes yes it was a [Applause] coincidence you know what I’m going to do I’m going to put this into break that switch that out going to have to start leaving some of this stuff behind anything else on the map that

Looks like a dungeon right it’s like a um oh a dank did I never even check for a dank uh no danks oops stack upgrade we do have once streamed about lying in a small stadium on a mat and some Runners running around on their lap some years

Later exactly that really happened still not sure if my mind played tricks on me I think it happens you know like you have a dream uh and then everything just sort of clicks into place and then you oh my God like I dreamt this but did you something I learned relatively

Recently sophisticated backpack and sophisticated storage stack upgrades stack oh I changed my line accidentally whoops reading chat uh my dad drove to work in his car at 2: p.m. the police turned up he’ driven to work in the neighbor’s car which was identical his key worked as

They were both old everyone laughed in the end I’ve heard of that happening too people getting into the completely wrong car had a bad concussion it’s crazy though like your mind can come up with some interesting stuff that is a good call do I need to

Be digging down oh this it’s busy in there so that is that oh wow y 75 it’s up a little bit from where I am it’s only up a couple of blocks oh I’m down fellas not even there yet participated in a high jump in a sports festival cleared the bar missed the

Mat heading back first on the floor where I went hey it’s it’s Lorenzo going I eat that Apple I don’t need to eat the apple okay that appears to be full of zombies oh so it should be straight ahead uhhuh okay that is definitely hey there’s some gold there

Uhoh okay so I think the explosions is mobs in here are setting off traps okay so we’re going to come back mostly because my inventory is completely full and I don’t have any torches left and look how many we left on the ground too so we’re going to dump the majority

Of the uh the Cobble that we have when we come back through this we’re going to end up with more Cobble okay oh no get that sword back out put that one away uh that and that and we don’t need that for now they can go back so can you the RO B

Likeed and you have all of those okay so we don’t have a dank do we have like a Dev null pocket storage oh we got a pocket piston and a pocket lightning rod another hamburger I also don’t have any armor on there we go bit more space in

There oh we haven’t loaded this chunk have we um I guess I guess guess that’s correct uh okay so we should we should take some armor in there I got 116 diamonds right I need a stack of torches do not have a shield all right it’s time to go let’s do this um

Exploration bucket o lava it’s not a bad idea you never know I might I might take a water bucket as well one water one lava I think that scory is going to look better as the floor in here too going to look better as the Flor here

Actually we can use that lava as a trash can too get rid of some of this junk cuz around the corner here there’s going to still be like stacks of um Cobble on the ground unless it’s despawned which is possible looks like it might have only two things left on the list

Nice are they twoo easy things or twoo complicated things I have a tendency to sometimes leave the the complicated things till last [Applause] right what did that give me a ring of slow falling sticky piston in there too and a lower floor of danger I wouldn’t say complicated the

Last things to do on my list is always washing dishes and often postpone that but today I should really do ah dishes get a dishwasher she is the dishwasher how about the BR Squad you are the brute spot see this is where the mobs have been tripping the the things hi

Guys yeah get him yeah keep getting yeah nice work meu worth every penny oh yeah you did go for the creeper first wait I’ll take it right you ready let’s get out of here oh they’re falling down from there oh whoops okay well we’re down here now it’s rain zombies Hallelujah hello

When uh when Avatar came out the first avatar my brother and I went to watch it at the movies and he bought one you know like you know you get like a themed mug or a big a big a big cup to drink from so they had an avatar themed

Mug so he bought the Avatar themed mug and then when we got home we put it in the dishwasher did not go well it had a a straw that was like attached to the bottom of the of the cup and when uh yeah when he when he

Pulled it out the straw had basically become straight it’s completely straight oh all I didn’t want to forget the uh the lava uh so a couple of people saw a Wither Skelly skull somewhere couple of people with better eyes than what are there it is yeah I found it he scary scary

Oh thought that was him squashing me in okay so there is a thing here that would have blown that up doesn’t feel like a very big dungeon does it little bit disappointing I got a ring and a helmet and a bunch of skulls this this kind of looks like an entrance

Right like this this would normally be where the entrance would be there are mobs in front of me some o problem is I don’t know if they’re above or below me I feel like they’re below I can hear them I can hear them wait uh mining tunnel here they

Are what’s another another oil patch this is a much bigger one than the one under the base but no granite yeah I got my slow fall ring um slow fall ring and the fertilizer stuff that I just put on the other thing left on my list to do

Is my little workout which is more fun but I’ve also neglected the past couple of weeks yeah open flickering torches next to a pool of oil what could possibly go wrong so I think that’s it that’s that’s that whole dungeon which is a little disappointing but hey we

Know I don’t know if this is any quicker tried lighting it with flint and steel does it work I imagine it doesn’t be funny if it did no uh never mind my nose H crazy thing as I was actually feeling better today and now I feel

Worse like I can feel how much more blocked up I am now than I was at the beginning crazy why all right we made it we made it home hey right dump those have these check Quest book oh diamond wand and then under artifacts we got the

Fertilizer slice of apple pie and the Ring of slow falling basic fluid tank wa tactical platypus the 500 thanks tactical oh wait no sit sit sit why won’t you sit down sit sit sit sit sit sit did I say sacal platypus did I oh man the slow falling is messing me

Up is it because of the torch no he just didn’t want to sit down why I don’t get it it my actical is just fine I hope okay um I’m going to rerun those now now that now that he’s now that he he is sitting down properly

All right I’m going to take off that ring we’ve basically been on a static plane anyway so where is he I’m down at half a h oh I’m dead thanks well thanks Tactical for the 500 bits dude I appreciate it oh ow may as well use it

Right okay ring oh I was also wearing armor okay take that off take that off okay so they can go away I want to see what difference uh wearing the the fertilizer does oh who what does this thing have durability dude just standing still now yeah this this definitely seems to

Work um let’s Abandon Ship uh I’m going to move this rig into that room so that we actually have room to put things into it if you can make a repair Talis that is a good call um I do have to make the cillan dusts hey

Oh man I’m just going to have to take those out uh may have found slight issue oh that’s right I don’t have coal I have charcoal but I don’t have coal Coal uh that will slow things down a little hi hi did Welcome Back happy and fed hi

Wolfie this this this uh Bal thing that I’m wearing is a little bit crazy I can just stand still here and it stuff grows around me not even moving oh no oh no kind of loaded baked potato but I chop up the potato and nuke it nice hi d m

The idea is to try and fill this room with dirt but some of my stuff has disappeared from here like I had hemp growing over there and that’s all gone excuse me one second I think did it was because I was um B mining the ground here to clear the

Grass and I suspect that it it went around the corner when I was standing here in Vin mining it it it grabbed the stuff that was next to it as well that that would be my guess like uh I might not wear that be cool if I could give that to you

Though how’s the pack treating you I actually have been enjoying this pack so far any other cool trinkets I can craft so that’s that one’s from Project e uh well we have a lot ring of dolphin ring of flight uh so we can’t craft the Rings trivia can’t craft those it doesn’t look

Like we can craft the majority of this stuff I would say human Jack hi ke Del street is a secretary for which fictional character oh Del street is a secretary for which fictional character oh Dela Street’s not a place no idea that is incorrect hi ke how is your

Stream I got another copy paste Gadget that’s my fourth copy paste Gadget now Perry Mason is correct it was Perry Mason hey used to go to high school with a guy named Perry Mason oh my God that’s like the first time that’s ever actually come up with a name that’s actually a

Name uh you’re empty I’m going to put seeds over here for now we’ll we’ll come back to those and we’re going to take that back off go back into here D misters watch three streams in a row okay so we should have got we didn’t

Oh we did we got more hemp so we’ll put the H back down then we’ll plunk this fell back on and now this will grow the brown bricks they’re just Spruce bricks with chisel on them tono what was the first rap song to hit number one on the billboard

100 yeah so they just Spruce planks bricks from bre chiseled and there you go that’s what happened before uh the mod that needs to be updated is called fusion fusion getting jiggy with it still s bugged I actually feel worse now Kim than I felt at the beginning of

The stream when I was at work today I felt fine and now I’m like completely blocked up again I was fine earlier and now I feel awful I feels awful BR a body I’m fine I’m fine guys I’m fine just punch the top half yeah that’s

Just like if I’m standing in that room because there’s not enough space there and try to uh like if I stand here and just try to vein mine the grass it’s also wrapping around and grabbing these guys as well that’s that’s all it is all right let’s get some

Scoria add the Chisel de lady bab why the those medoc it’s from Mad Max in case anyone was wondering jez tactical platypus gied hey giting 10 subs thank you Tactical for the 10 Subs oh I died oh they still coming out they’re still coming out oh god oh

That tactical thank you very much for the 10 gifted Subs random luck tnd leg bearded gamer that uh the mustard cat airus Madam Giggles Kel zimat called the potato and cathars cathars I think if I say that name three times I’ll summon Something thank you thank you Tactical ow I’m glad I’m not wearing that slow falling ring anymore ow oh brother bgy oh it’s an anonymous gift of gifting to brother bgy he’s hit 34 months sub subs thank you very much for the tier one gifted sub to brother bow thank you thank you a money

Moose I died I died again oh are we going to reach halfway halfway to our record ow for a very dark world tonight the um I think the the the starting area thanks see W starting area was already sort of dark so we’ve ended up sort of just extending out the dark

Theme but I want to fix up what was that oh was de Dei gifting five tier 2 Subs thanks Dei thank you for the five tier2 D oh again is there tax PL with 100 T only with 100 bits and another hype train is underway welcome back everyone hey well

The music restarted correctly this time so that’s good oh that’s cuz I refreshed it okay so what will happen is the end of the hype train the music will break yet again I know how to fix it this time I even have the screen open already but everyone have

Welcome yes you two can get on in this action 100 bits or more get you into the hype Tri we are already almost all the way through level four and oh y there it goes we have finished level four level and party time again let’s have some fun

Didy thank you for a th000 bits s thank you for 100 bits oh my no 100 100 bits the more get you into the hype F spawn some Mod zombie like these guys the more you contribute the worst the mods are and the more of them there are up to and including ravages

That’s right ravages are available ow tactical with 100 bits thanks tactical and Z with a help of mar I didn’t see it oh there it is there there’s empty wfat what tal with another 100 bits thanks tal trivia and a trivia question oh we didn’t even answer the last one did we

Oh Stella’s here with the braid oh God Stella gaming with the braid as well in the middle of a hype train it’s already chaos now it’s chaos squ Stella how are you thank you for the raid welcome in welcome oh tactical plaers with a th000 bit thanks Tactical with a th000 Bitties

Ow welcome everybody joining us from Stella stream how are we all how are we hello we’re we’re mid hype train here and uh hype training chaos um I think we going oh jeez index King 10 Subs oh God oh God oh of course they come through as

Individual have they oh I did he get the did a sub as well at the end there thanks de for the tier2 sub Pella gaming thank you Dei I think that’s level six level six level five complete oh and a leather couple leather lightning in there too

That’ll help thank you very much for that one uh to gas thank you to gas whoa sorry sorry oh put the fire out Jee put the fire out ah oh they’re burning they’re all burning isn’t time thank you I appreciate it Ow oh tactical with another thousand bits oh he just getting beaten up I’m getting beaten up thank you Tactical for another thousand bits 40% of the way now through level six God oh there’s so many so many of the 224 deaths went very very close to getting

Halfway halfway to the record deaths per stream so we’re definitely going to pass it it’s only like seven more oh no it’s a lot more than that like 30 more Stella how was the stream thank you for choosing with your raid I appreciate it oh jeez oh de’s gifting 10

Subs thank you de for the 10 gifted Subs is that level six complete it looks like that is level six complete thanks de oh that music starting to go crazy stream is amazing got some building done today that sounds nice oh that’s awesome Help I’m just stuck in the corner now I I’m I’m dead I am dead so much CCI chaos I love this we’re we’re fighting our way through 235 deaths now closing in on half halfway to the record oh I feel a cough coming on one

Second better oh a tier two sub from DD for o alien Ow let’s do this let’s do this approximately 20 more deaths gets us to the halfway point ah oh God barue guys plenty of me to go around oh oh I heard someone die I heard someone die oh there’s another one how we looking we got 3 minutes left

In the hype train 16% of the way through level St on it’s even a tier two it is it’s trueth it’s true it’s true oh ow my face my beautiful face 248 that halfway point looks like it’s pretty well locked in help the up from Russell K thanks Russell Oh another 100 bits from tal oh no tal oh no ah mini map is just a giant red pupil yeah if if this continues it would just be just a big red strike through the middle tactical platypus with another 100 bit that what thank you tactical platypus

All your helpful moms are now dead they only last for one minute wolf cat they they last one minute they’re they’re inv vulnerable for that one minute but after that they uh they get despawned so that somebody else can have a chance to bring one in challenge complete Village Defender

What did I just finish a rave how check that quickly he killed 50 Raiders okay that’s different halfway we’ did it chat we did it we’ve reached the halfway point this is half as many as our highest number of deaths in a single stream 258 now ow oh there’s a wondering Traer here

Good timing buddy orang bear here now to Orange with 58 months 58 month streak Stickman almost Stickman almost Stickman almost Stickman almost Stickman almost Stickman almost Stickman almost almost Stickman almost Stickman thank you orange bear for 58 month wa 100 bits from tono thank you tono mo mo orange

Bear Mo Mo and thank you very much for your continued support 58 eight months that that is a commitment and a half commitment and a Half right little spider fellas hey hello oh is this it is this it last couple Oh oh that’s it that is hang on I need to fix that hold up sorry sorry this did this before I’m sorry there you go it’s fixed that’s it hype train is complete level seven hype train thank you so much everybody that helped out with the hype train H hello

There you are Train’s over woo so clear clearly that bit of programming is is messed up there’s another spider should just leave it like that sorry sorry but welcome in everyone that came in with Stella’s uh stream welcome I can hear a spider I can’t see him he’s over

This way somewhere there he is we will say thank you for the hype train people too stop moving around so much I’m trying to trade with you bro 55 emeralds great plate of Eternity protection five projectile protection 5 mending Unbreaking berserker’s Fury dude hey random block that’s actually not bad

How many emeralds do I have uh enough yeah I’ll double check what that last one was the Berserker one where is he hang on let me sleep now we also we didn’t answer the the trivia question and then there was a second one that came in let’s have

Another look at that that is berserker’s Fury become enraged when taking damage that’s all right Though does it have to be a full one you wait there you wait right there is it cheaper just to make a a a a thing I think I’ll make a uh an anvil oh yeah I need these two and well diamond there you go that was cheaper seems it

Died a couple of times maybe one or two great plate of Eternity yes Please oh yes so we we’ll put that away for now we don’t want that hanging around with us uh these can go away Too all right let’s see who did what in the hype train because that was crazy that was crazy all right let’s see we started off with tactical platypus gifting 10 Subs might be able to take it off later if you want um I probably won’t need to use

It unless I’m going you know hunting for stuff again all right here we go tactical platus 10 gift Subs they went to cathars didn’t cathars get one in the last thing weird cathars Bob the potato zimad krub Madam Giggles everas uh the mustard cat we already read these right bearded

Gamer and Tin leg and random block that’s why I remember Anonymous gifted a sub to brother bie didy gifted five tier 2 Subs they went to MC wolfcat Sammy uh Lucy lavender Scarlet blue uh and Trum Trum tactical platypus then came in with 100 bits talona with 100 bits Dei

With a th000 bits talona 100 bits tactical platypus 100 bits tono 100 bits Stella gaming with the raid in there in the middle 167 people thank you so much for joining us tactical platypus 1,000 bits indexc gifted 10 Subs they went to CLA Zulo mellow shade Wolf princess Charlie Pratt bethod princess lissy

Numbers got one there too Cher in Panic wetwear it’s man PR and Stella gaming then got a DD tier 2 Sub tactical platypus another thousand bits uh DD then gifting 10 Subs as well they went to panty raid rejected tanker tricks uh driz Duran legendary Z Bigfoot Artic

Saber Noob forever lol 36 steel aut double time o alien got a tier 2 sub as well tyon with 100 bits tactical plat was 100 bits orange bear with a 58 month tier one sub thank you orange bear one of my oldest subs and one of my oldest

Subs tyo then with 100 bits to wrap things up thank you very much everybody we died 98 times that one that’s not so bad help a mob there from Udu thanks Dean and the uh true trivia questions the first one was what was the first rap

Song to hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 I will give Clues it was either Ice Ice Baby Jin and Juice you can’t touch this or New York State of Mind make your guesses chat are you still here Dan still don’t touch this New York State of Mind somebody is

Correct I mean you pretty much guess them all now but somebody is correct it is to gas with Ice Ice Baby Believe It or Not Ice Ice Baby Apparently that is crazy who who did that who out there made Vanilla Ice the first person to receive a Grammy for a rap

Record who did it I know you’re watching Billy Joel song Excuse death Rotel received the first Grammy for metal that’s true and then when and Metallica W up the next year the first thing they said is obviously we need to thank Jeth rool for not releasing an album this

Year Jethro T like the one with like thick as a brick on it it’s actually a good song I I quite like thick as a brick but but still it’s not a heavy metal album before the record company got a hold of him he was a very popular rapper in the

Clubs and they ped him uh preted him up and he lost respect yo VIP wh let’s kick it he had to defend using that sample from underpressure and he said it’s not the same as under pressure under pressure goes and my song goes It’s Different notot Different notot

Different yeah that extra base note you can’t argue with that there’s one extra Bas not in there it’s not the same where did the Z’s come from do a vanwinkle okay we need more scoria please do I have more scoria I do have more scoria Rob and swinkle swinkle trivia oh a trivia

Question oh we still have okay there was still another one wait so we got two more trivas uh gentu chinstrap and AD adelay are species of which animal everybody here should know that everybody pangling is correct they are pengling eggplant eat penguin someone’s been on the internet

As Benedict cumber bash said that’s true all right and the next one which NFL star has a pet giant tortoise oh is that it I did a whole stack and we just had to do that one corner Britney Spears wellknown NFL star Britney Spears no idea I’ll give clues in a

Sec what was the question the question was which NFL star has a pet giant tortoise and it’s either Pat Mahomes Colin kernick Von Miller or Aaron Donald I don’t know any of those people for all I know they could all be the same person that’s how far my knowledge of the NFL

Extends the first one Pat momes that is incorrect incorrect it is not Pat Mahomes keric is correct also a well-known antivirus maker I feel so Terrible right apotheosis make an anvil done so what do we get we’ve got chorus fruit and a book of obliteration obliteration uh let’s put those away and that away uh what else we were looking at doing something right maybe we can do some of that it’s kaic is

It looks like CAPIC if anything it looks like CAPIC K AE paper dick it’s right I don’t know the dude it’s never likely to come up again in a in a conversation so kernick it is oh jeez Britney oh de it’s a de again Dee thank you for the gifted sub to Britney

Faith CU got I have fa SS here now as well with 100 bit thanks Fabs good morning afternoon evening and to you andk but cick this’s a quarterback for the 49ers I’m aware of the name but I I wouldn’t have known why I’m aware of the

Name why is there a random torch on the ground here oh ow my booty now we save that see my grave has a a gift in it hey hey hey come now we a Men of Honor place place do not become us yeah angle but hums the singer that’s

True and that cannot be his real name Infamous for kneeling in respectful protest during the national anthem before game oh was that him Angel shine with 100 bits thanks Angel shine oh Arnold George dorsy MBE there you go called It does it say why he picked Engle bir Hing and he’s still alive and the flowers are still standing K them skills all right where’s my stuff eat Oreos just like real life Oreos give you energy later adopted the name of German composer Englebert humpink as a stage

Name bouncing success after he partnered with Gordon Mills in 1965 there no specific reason why just just because just just as a laugh oh you know what we could do I don’t know why I said that’s so loud but what we could do is we could

Use the extra uranium to heat up the the crucibles downstairs instead of using campfires on them and Biff these in here okay all of our food is done but now I’m going to confused with other sers that was probably his goal and I would say he did uh he did succeed

There we go so this is our create area downstairs by the way for anybody who’s new here we have a decent Siz boiler which is running on lava that’s staying full this give us eight times melting speed for Cobblestone so everything is running pretty much pretty much bang on and we’re using

That to power these which are working at hypers speed we just have to periodically come back and clear them out not the worst thing in the world uh then we have our storage system which is over here in the red the red tunnel how’s that looking change my room side yeah I

Changed it to uh bone blocks to make it pop a little bit more yeah still got plenty of storage but there’s one thing that we’ve been lacking for quite a while now and that is uh gold fix that quickly there’s there’s our sign pretty happy with how that came out

Uh so let’s go and have a look at gold what time is this yeah we got time so in order for us to get gold is there a gold dust Gold Dust I know iridar has told us a couple of times what we get out of the sifter here

It is gold dust so that’s crushed Nether rack through andesite okay so we need to make andesite in that case um we need to crush it and then we need to sift it so there is room to add another sifter on the end here let’s do that first let’s make a sifter

Sifter brass sifter that’s a quest right we there is a quest to make a brass sift or is that just me it does not appear to be no okay uh let’s eat a food Ratatouille oh uh I need to disconnect that hpe am I still wearing that thing I am stop wearing that

Thing okay disconnect that okay so this is just going to be running on its own so I need to make a andesite mesh and then we need some red Stone so start off by doing a mesh string mesh andite mesh the next step in that wow blocks of brass that is not worth

Doing okay now we need to make uh uh Netherrack so we’re going to do a couple of things here first thing we’re going to do is we’re going to get the uranium back out we’re going to get a bucket we’re going to get pipes

And we got to go back into the lava room this is going to be the lava room now by the way oh that already has that’s we doing that okay right so now we need to borrow this did I make another Crucible got I make another Crucible which keeps crashing in

Firefox I have said before that Firefox is not their preferred I’m I’m trying to search for Firefox now uh uh clay okay oh I can’t cook that in there that’s why that wasn’t working cuz I need to make that first then cook that put those back

In I could probably set this up so that it empties from there straight into the storage system too uh right so I’m going to need a chest 30 seconds of slowness thanks Ellie D how you doing been a while while okay so those go that way that go that way

This is going to go guess we could put this here sleeping too much to see you live been good though how’s you been I’ve been all right little bit sick today I don’t know why I should be getting over it by now maybe we need another um another Cobble J over here I

Got to make another Cobble J should be able to make just a basic one Cobble J oh NY sickness be gone while sickness there we go okay so that means now we could expand out we could add a another another machine over here how you doing we got down to 17

Left so we got 37 Netherrack so starting from there we could do 37 uh Crush Netherrack and that would at least get gold started for us I need to get a hammer out rushed let’s go stick that through the thing one two gold there three four bit of Solium in there

Too I could have just thrown them through the the crusher over there oh jeez is that tactical PL platypus tactical platypus giving a gift sub to LEDs thank thanks for the gifted sub tactical appreciate you dude he went flying hello oh get him there There He Go

Skills all right so we got six of those Solium dust doesn’t do anything and netherite dust gu stone dust so we need to be on top of that that means I think realistically we do need another Barrel in here if we wanted to automate that but

We’ve got gold now so we can make a gold something something rather out of gold oh we didn’t even get any um any Quest Rewards porcel and doll all right let’s make we did that we’ve done that how hard is it to make a power

Core not so hard at all uh and then machine frame machine frame power cell that was a quest and we got apples from that of course we did what’s happened to here how long has this been like this oh it’s it’s this thing it’s putting the it’s putting the stuff on the

Logs that’s funny oh I’ve never seen that happen before didn’t know that was a thing that’s neat it’s happened over here too yeah it makes the it makes the dead wood regen all the buck did I did I shave the corners of these now I can’t remember

That that would suggest no that I didn’t but over here it’s definitely here and there wow oh oh no what have I done hey ARA I prefer this to what we had there before least I didn’t do a full log FL that’s true imagine a full strip log

Floor you could follow my pathway through it all all right so the power cell we were going to hook that up we we’ve got one one bit of power in in the whole building so this one thing here is firing uh Fe into the heat transmitter which is running our furnus that’s all

The power work that we’ve done well it was a quest ‘s that’s that’s the thing right if you go into the mechanism page it is one of the first quests is to make one heat generator so we did that we haven’t gone any further down mechanism because I’ve done it a thousand

Times uh but that was one of the first quests in then so as as unhappy as it makes Deadshot there was a reason for it how how’s this looking we’re up to five what is Wheaton’s law if you type in exclamation Wheaten it will give you a

Link and then you can have a look yeah this P’s made for me yeah that is hilarious thank you or or thank will weaton it’s uh it is it is his law mob grinding I wonder if we should make a mob grinder we’re probably getting into the

Point where we could look at doing some of this uh I think I would like to upgrade my iron furnace to Emerald what would Wiggly’s law be it would probably honestly be the same okay so that is gold and then we want to go gold to Diamond and then Diamond to

World okay so now this thing is way faster look at it powering through everything all right doing okay wonder why it doesn’t have any effects going on in the front okay so there’s two things I want to do I would like to check out my

Iron that uh on the side there the item Zoom being that big that’s a a little bit crazy only with coal Flint coal this this is my storage just in case you want to inspect them pixel by pixel it is a bit like that right it’s it’s a little bit like

Insane but it doesn’t do it in here in fact in fact it doesn’t work at all in here I burn uh no it was working before it’s back now it’s a mod called item Zoom yes so I’ve got item zoom in here but that’s it’s it’s just working

In an odd way so like it it should be showing up now but it isn’t And yet when I go into this crafting grid oh now it’s not uh oh now it’s not working at all oh it popped up for a second yes so I I added item zoom in

Right it doesn’t come with the pack by default oh there you go okay so it comes up when I do the result of a crafting thing but why is it so big is if I go into Mods in here and go to item Zoom ji off on Zoom items only from the ji

Ingredient bookmark list overl yes show none of those toggle toggle item Zoom is on Zoom amount 80 let’s change that to 60 okay so still not working over here um but if if I do that now it’s not going to work at all because I I turned off the the config

Thing if we go back into here item Zoom modify that turn this back to off still here huge might just turn it off like it’s um it should be coming up for everything that I Mouse over right like even here it should be coming up not even coming up here so I’m I’m

Just going to disable it oh it came up then too all right it is 10 10 for me in the evening so that means that it is time to wrap things up so tomorrow we will be back tomorrow we need to try and fill out this room as

Much as possible this this needs more filling out and prettifying um we need to uh try if we can to figure out a way to automate our gold production cuz we are not automating gold at all and I think that means automating the Netherrack 2 so this thing over here which

Is slowly working we need to speed this up and the best way to speed this up is just to add more production into the queue so we’ll do that oh who okay apparently we have carry on I forgot about that we do why is this not taking power in

Anyway that is not for today’s investigations let’s find someone to raid shall we uh looking in the Minecraft category I can see elain has just started we got vampire husky we can pass on the love to vampire husky uh is anybody doing modded oh you know who we could go to we

We haven’t been to fluff tapes in like months we could maybe go say say hello to fluff tapes they try to be awake in the morning more hate no worries just checking who’s streaming what about a Dungeons dragons and space shuttle stream who was the other one I said um

Fluff tapes fluff tapes is what’s fluff tapes up to uncap subathon 26 days are he sleeping okay so no never mind not fluff tapes um just checking one more sorry sorry I reckon I got one all right Bongo Bean only within the inventory not gii itself yeah it’s it’s a weird one that

Uh I’ve I’ve never seen it work that way before so there must be something else that’s interfering with it so never mind I’ll just disable it so we’re going to go and hang out with Bongo Bean Bongo Bean says mature audiences so if that’s not something that you’re

Looking for um you don’t have to come along with the raid or just just stick around long enough to send a raid message through um normally what we do is we just throw in uh a couple of emotes in the chat you don’t have to do

That if you don’t want to just pop in there and say hello if you like what you see uh hit the follow button uh I will be back tomorrow it will be just a 4 4ish um hours earlier than whatever the current time is for you guys now

Hopefully I will see you guys then until then thank you so much for hanging out thank you very much for all of the subs so many subs today so many gifted subs thank you for all the bits uh thank you for the follows thank you for sticking

Around after the raid thank you for lurking if all you did was lurk I appreciate all of you have an excellent time zone wherever you are and uh hopefully

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Haven: Caveblock | Day 6’, was uploaded by MisterWiggly on 2023-12-13 11:00:19. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:17:31 or 15451 seconds.

Archive of Twitch Stream that took place on December 7th, 2023 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/misterwiggly

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  • Minecraft Memes – YOUR MINECRAFT DESTINY?

    I bet those 13 people would choose diamonds over coal any day! Read More

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  • EPIC One Piece Mod Update: NEW Gingershadow Adventure!

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  • Insane ARKE deal! Kangaroo for sale? #twitch #minecraft

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  • StreetBallNinja Destroys Ender Dragon with Friends!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Challenge: Finding Legendary Resources! 😱⛏️💎

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  • HypnosMC

    HypnosMCWelcome to HypnosMC (Minecraft 1.21), where your adventure is only limited by your imagination! Our server is designed for players who enjoy a rich and immersive PvE experience, with a host of unique features to enhance your gameplay. Key Features: SpawnerMeta & Mineable Spawners: Customize your mob farms like never before! With SpawnerMeta, you can modify and upgrade your spawners. Plus, all spawners are mineable, allowing you to relocate them as needed. Custom Datapacks: Collect mob heads and trade for mini blocks with wandering traders, adding a new level of depth to your building and decorating options. GriefPrevention: Your creations… Read More

  • Melio SMP Whitelisted Trust-based Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

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  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More