EPIC Dragon SMP End Fight Survival LIVE

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Sry All right transition did work I just was muted all right so I’m going to turn my music down a little bit but um we’re going to be doing our base it’s going to be fun it’s going to be great we’re going to see what we can do

Now but it will be fine the I have to look and see if everything’s covering up cords let’s see if I press it should be let’s see if I go over here will it show I just need to know before I start doing too much stuff yeah it covers it up let’s

Go we got the live chat people want me to join the VC but I don’t really want to join the VC uh hello Elliot hello chicken welcome to the stream um all right um I’m not in uh dragon though it’ll be kind of weird H it’s just a fun stream for everyone so

This is the base currently it looks amazing I see all the cords no you don’t that no no you don’t that the sub count covers it up bro that sub count covers it up all right as long as sub count stays there we’re fine all right all right let’s see what we can

Do so we probably want to expand this thing a little bit see sh you don’t see me what but all right I’m going to we have to expand my base out a little bit and get a lot of uh stuff around hopefully hopefully we could see

It nuh I can see through are you magic bro is Magic he is magical I’m just going to have like one light just put it right there just just for the heck of it see Jim can I join uh you did apply but I haven’t uh started

Accepting apps quite yet x-ray goes hard what all right we’re just going to expand this place a little bit because it’s kind of sad it’s just a hole in the ground because I just after the end fight just went across but uh what do you guys think of the thumbnail I need

To see everything I can help you expand your base H not this time chicken not this time maybe a couple days ago you would but uh not this time here we go we’re going to grab some of this we’re getting a lot of uh those little heart emoji things that are popping up

On the screen that’s cool I have this chat overlay that I can see and it is really nice honestly I’m not going to make some huge base like we had at uh me and chicken’s Bas just because I just don’t want to worry about it

So aspect what do you mean what do you mean all right we’re just going to um break this out a little bit I might make an upstairs a downstairs type of deal but I want to make do I have like a grindstone or anything I need to make one do I have a

Crafting table that might be that might be helpful um do I not did I forget to bring any wood down here that is something I would do that out of anything that is something I would do all right I’m just going to put some of this stuff up um there we

Go so um we’re going to pick up some of this I need to grab do I have the iron needed for something do I have no wood really I have 10 of this chiseled stuff but you know what here we go see just because of chicken I have made this wonderful

Wonderful amazing type of deal that I have that I can go Boop and top secret time and now you can’t see anything other than top secrets so when I go up to the surface to get something none of y’all can see where I’m at so this is a the

Podcast bit of the stream let see aspect says he’s a dog jeez okay aspect that’s kind of it’s kind of weird all right we’re almost up to the top here see you had to be secretive because uh we got chicken man in the chat you know and you never know what chicken man

Will do so I’m going to grab some of this wood I know y’all can’t see it but I can see it so we’re going to have some top secret stuff that pops up just how it is you know we’re going to grab just a little bit of wood I think I have iron

Down there but just in case I’m going to look around to see if there is any just buy me I doubt it yeah there’s none so here we go let’s head over here and then let’s go back into the base and then we can just uh look down

Real quick and it should be back at the normal screen yeah it’s back in the normal screen look at that I am the smartness okay we’re heading down we’re going to see what we can do here I got the wood I need so so now we can make ourselves a crafting

Table so now we can put the crafting table down see how much would it cost how much I need a stone slab two sticks so stone slab I just have to go up a little bit to grab Stone I think it’s like three stone I could be wrong I probably am wrong

Come on break there we go come on break perfect there we go I’ll have to I don’t even think I have a furnace so I’m just going to break some of this out here and then this could be the upstairs area you know we have to get everything where it needs

To be do I want a VC not at the moment just in case if something gets leaked you know just preparations okay we’re going to turn this Cobblestone into a furnace do I have any fuel whatsoever I have a stone cutter what am I doing I’m stupid okay

Um see what do we want to turn it into we’re going to get we’re definitely getting this for some of the floor there we got that when my mod looks at this build I promise you he’s just going to throw up that’s all he’s going to do and I will

Never hear the end of it let’s see we’re going to grab some of these I have to go so have a good stream by thank you see you in a little bit I guess um let’s see we’re going to grab some of these bricks as well there so we got our building

Materials chat but we’re going to see what we can do here because you never know I definitely need some sort of lighting all right I got I got some stuff so we’re going to hang up some of these lanterns and then put torches where we don’t have lanterns because I’m cheap

Cringe yo Dragon should I hop on if you want to if you want to hop on um let’s see we wanted this to be the floor because this looks good so we’re going to mine out the floor really quick and then we’re going to place some things

Down so I’m going to see if uh SMP streams get as much views as Hive streams I doubt it but you know you never know right you never know uh lern wants me to join as P chat but I don’t want anything to get leaked so we’re going

To it’s going to be it is what it is is what it is so I’m not sure if I want to stream SMP for a while it’s just it’s an experiment you know but um we’ll see we’ll see if people like the good SMP streams because if you haven’t already already seen my

Most popular long form video is my first SMP video in a very long time and it’s not even that greatly edited and people are loving it so I mean take what you can I guess so I’m going to fill out this area with some more of this deep

Slate oh I missed a block here we Go yeah I need more uh do and then we can grab more of this polished deep slate I just like the look of this block I think it looks good at least for like a base standpoint at least for my type of color scheme you

Know but we’re going to see what we can turn it into I know know that my mod is going to uh change up a few things if he sees what this looks like but um we’re going to see how things go this looks decent all right then we can

Add do we want the chiseled or the bricks we’ll see what it looks like we’ll see what it looks like so we got a cave under us so that’s always a good start because if we got a cave under us then we can um then we can build out a strip mine

And we can have an easy access to some stuff which easy access is good you know um we can nibby welcome to the stream we’re going to uh fill out this D doop doop doop I think we’re going with the bricks the bricks look good so I need just more

Bricks all right we need oh but these little deep slate tiles look good but it’s too late for that now let’s see we’re going to finish up adding this so we’re going to just use this real quick I don’t think these will get as much retention as someone else but it

Might get more views let’s see someone grief mine and Jay’s base uh the old base like base one h I mean I don’t know who would do that I mean not a lot of people are on so it’s definitely not me because I have zero reason to do so um chicken might

Have and I don’t really know anyone else who would just purposely do that isn’t grief yeah griefing bases is not allowed but you can steal anything you want to it’s just griefing it you just been so much time doing something it’ just be kind of messed up to grief it um here we

Go there we got this first part this kind of looking like a dungeon some sort only you me and chicken knew our base well people do stumble upon things all the time so yeah you got to keep that one in mind as well uh Minnie welcome to the stream we

Are building out the base here it’s pretty interesting I mean right now it’s just a um just a box but eventually we’re going to add stuff hopefully we can get some good stuff this stream I’m not doing Hive today just for the sole reason of the experiment cuz

The experiment for the long form videos kind of worked out I mean crazy amount of views crazy so and it’s not even like it’s that well edited so that’s the one thing that gets me it’s like it wasn’t that well edited when my hive video I tried my best on it’s like hm

Oh I did not mean to place that one uh which one do we need we need these bricks uh hello welcome to the stream Dino I’m just going to call you Dino you’re gaining Subs fast I know I know it’s amazing it’s great oh there goes cringe

I think I I don’t know we’re going to make the um revive things easier to get but the new people they have a harder time let’s see hello everyone welcome to the stream we are this is a start this that’s all I’ll say this is a start so um we can make the

Roof something different um but this is this is fine uh Ethan can you invite me uh it’s a private SMP to the point that um but you can apply you can apply to uh be in it uh public Discord is in the link in the description also the link in the

Description we have our Dono link we have my Discord link and a lot of other stuff if you want to check it out see nibby says Dragon could you revive me cuz I you revived everyone like day one ago and I died today uh can you make it a Christmas

Present chicken I Died For the First Time um I’ll make an exception I’ll revive I’ll send out free revives here in a minute I’ll don’t know why I have to do free R revive so many times you know it just kind of kind of crazy um we need to

Get villagers we need to get a lot of stuff all set out to and a lot of farms hopefully and that would be that’s the goal for today making the base as great as possible uh dino I’m not monetized yet the only monetization I get is if people donate through the

Donate link below but uh that’s the only money I get I’m a little bit away from having like um having fan funding but I’m quite a little bit aways from uh the ad money but it will be here eventually we’re going to be it’s going to be there

Pretty soon if things keep on going how things keep on going and if everything gets more and more in the future I give myself maybe the end of the school year and I’ll be uh fully monetized at least that’s the goal 1,000 subs and monetized by um the end of the school

Year this year I don’t have any money to donate I don’t blame you I have nothing as well um we need to uh ohie if I log on do I get revived uh how did you die again I might just give out free revives honestly oh yeah you did die earlier yes

You can hop on and get revived oh Indie I forgot I forgot let’s see all right here we go uh let’s finish out breaking out this top layer here uh you died to fall damage yeah oh see him thanks for joining the stream this is just going to be a good

Chill stream honestly it’s not going to be crazy like hi streams usually are we’re just going to see how things go and it’ll work um let’s see I’m going to break this one out so we have a good little section here we can probably put villagers and

All that here which that would be fun all right um so there’s the main base let’s see what this my guy what see I never died once I might go for the whole season you might go for the whole season I’ve only died once this whole season but um chicken I

Wouldn’t I wouldn’t be too confident if I were you if you know what I mean um we’re going to break this out some and this is going to be our first floor while the main floor is our second floor so hopefully we can get some farms in here and some uh other good

Stuff uh which this Discord the uh public Discord uh it’s the one in the description that says uh I think it literally says um public Discord on it I need to grab some more Wheat Farm I’m very confident and I will be prepared if you say so all right here we

Go going to break this out here let’s see you will I will not build a castle for you uhoh king of the server will get mad about that I’ll cover that up break that out so this is going to be our farming type of District here

It’s event it’s going to get bigger soon but um for now this is how it’s going to be here going to build that out but we need more Bricks all right let’s see let’s get ourselves some bricks this is actually pretty fun I like doing SMP type content Hive is has gotten a little boring cuz I do the same stream every freaking time but um I think this is going to get interesting let’s see let’s build this out

Here see there’s only app for staff what no if you look a little bit more uh and # applications in the public uh server that’s open the video applications let’s see uh dragon if I if I would help you with something could you give me gear I’ll give you peace and

Not raiding you this season um maybe maybe so I might talk to you more about it after this stream so um remind me here in a little bit once the stream’s done and me and you will talk um here we go we need more bricks the bricks are running out really quickly

See cuz I don’t have anything and I do have something um let’s see need to get these bricks cuz the bricks take up so much space hey there’s mossy oak mossio is going to come over to the base and it’s not going to like it I

Mean it’s oh there he is yep he’s in Emerald spots I need the uh another Shield see yo uh yo Dragon want to try to get into one of the sword 4,000 events next Friday and Saturday um I’m not really sure what that is but um if you’re doing it I

Might I’m going to break that out place a brick there there so this is going to be farming District here you have Java I do have Java I just don’t play it I mean I play it sometimes but not as much as I play Bedrock because Bedrock is the better game you

Know join VC I want to just make sure that this doesn’t destroy anything so if I go you know I’ll just do this swap it over full screen scen here hello let’s transition back okay there we go I liked your stream last night thank you you’re welcome oh hey uh is that my

New armor yeah it’s green it matches uh your personality I guess at least your name yeah and and I got and I got a shield too yeah the shield looks good and a banner look I made chicken give me a banner nice is that uh chicken’s Banner

Like for his um Empire or something like that no no this is my banner oh okay he has his own Banner that he made I gave him some materials cuz I want everybody to have a banner yeah I would make the game there there are three banners um I have

A banner you have I have a banner he has a banner and the crown Breakers have a banner yeah just let’s see um are you happy I dug out this base for you you’re welcome it wasn’t dug out too much so I finished up some of it

Because if you come down here we got this here yeah this is the bottom layer right this is this is the area that I dug yeah this is the area where I um I need oh that’s a that’s a nice pair of boots so do I have any moreing five

Piercing four sharpness four loyalty three sharpness four efficiency three punch one loyalty One Quick Charge two and and power four yeah just power all by itself and the elah with no meaning so sad uh chicken says does Mossy know I killed C why now he

Does um what nibby says uh dragon will I build chicken’s Castle hopefully you won’t because we’re I do not agree with forcing people to do stuff so are are you streaming right yeah I’m streaming oh hello everybody yeah so and aite and a why you throwing Endy have because it’s

Yours I accidentally picked it up oh here have one of my banners all right over there let’s see um nibby says sorry I don’t want to be enemies but lore is lore okay bye guys bye see do I have to be a content creator yes you

Do I don’t he doesn’t he he’s an accept though let’s don’t ask why no you cannot get an exception I need more I did a little bit of REM in the three all right there we go now we get you have your cord blocked out right yeah you

Have your chat out correct okay cool see what did you say dragon hopefully not yeah hopefully he doesn’t build your uh Castle because that would be that would be bad you know um I need to grab more deep slate I need my phone why is chicken not

Online right now what’s going on because he’s sitting in my chat right now uh he accidentally killed C why he uh like punched him he only punched him with his fist when uh see why wasn’t in any armor and he uh three shot him with his

Fist oh wow dude that was that was lag was am I lagging that bad dude it was it was like it happens sometimes it happens I have to find like the best uh quality for streams without stream delay being too much and without it lagging my whole thing let’s

See I didn’t even get down over here hey I’m back home yay yay back in my base now I can organize all the chest since no one else lives here yeah here we go let’s let’s finish up building the uh floor here okay I don’t know who thought ink

Sacks iron bars lapis or dirt was food but okay who knows are you back at the old base or uh like at the one at spawn yeah yeah I’m I’m at I’m at I’m at the three CR place which has been remodeled in the 10

Let’s just hope no one goes in and tries to grief anything there’s not really a whole lot in here to grief other than the villagers yeah if anyone griefs the villagers I’m going to be really mad is that took a while to do yeah I’m hiding the entrance to the

Gold farm so no one gets down there all right CU that’s kind of overpowered honestly it pretty much much is let’s see uh Ethan says he could beat me in a one V one it depends what game if you try to beat me in Hive SkyWars you’re probably going to

Lose one V one me in fortnite right now we don’t care about fortnite fortnite is weird he would win you’re weird how am I weird you I’m just going to leave that little spot open if I ever need to grab some more stuff I can just go in here but

This can just be some open room all right um let’s get back over here and we can make ourselves some of these more floors not sure how many floors I need that’s not the flo okay see Ethan says who said fortnite 1ev one it wasn’t me I

Swear I didn’t do it I just have a name tag you just have a name tag it says Jiminy Billy Bob Jiminy Jiminy Billy Bob but I named my camel oh you got a camel now that’s pretty nice yeah it’s over at se’s base I think chicken stole it he probably did sounds

Like something you would do he tried to steal it so I had to kill the first one CU he tried to steal it so then chicken’s ever since the infight has turned into like a huge villain just on the server an absolute Thief he’s not

Even a villain he’s just a thief he just steals things from everybody cuz he thinks he’s better than everyone else now I know he can hear me I know he can hear me that’s why I’m saying this I’m not sure if he’s even on the stream right now what happened to my

Torch it’s just like it just decided to go away chicken if you can hear me come to three Crown base One V one meet right now he can probably kill you unless if you’re in creative mode don’t tell my secrets what happened to these torches they

Like what okay kind of buggy what music dish should I have flying in my house think I’m thinking other side maybe Relic let’s see we’ll see what we can do with this base here I need to get some villagers down here and yeah I’m not helping you do that

Sorry villagers are the last thing I want to deal with right now all right we’re going to get I think the top layer should be the Villager layer yeah I think you’re right that would make the most sense is it wood the torch is gone yeah the torch is

G um to get villagers I’ll have to do some other stuff uh green says is this Java and Bedrock no it’s just Bedrock only because you know Bedrock YouTuber as you know Java and Bedrock doesn’t exist it does exist it does yeah there’s crossplay servers all the

Time I didn’t know that was possible yeah it is possible all right here we go we’re on the top secret slide forgot I just have like a buttload of stuff just in this in this Sher box from when I went mining with z Oh I went on one survival mining spree

And got 38 diamonds in a Solid 5 minutes and like four stacks of iron all right um green says okay it’s Bedrock how do I join if you join through the um if you join through the public Discord I did not get then you can um apply if you’re a content

Creator I’m going to make a boat real quick normal gravel I don’t really want the glass so I just have to keep this top secret piece here I mean I could show this because right now no bad idea so he doesn’t know what type of biome I’m

In yeah because chicken’s the smart type really good at that he’s smart he’ll find it he will find it cringe died to a zombie dang get Four Feathers I know I didn’t kill a chicken oh it’s from when I excavated the trail room that’s it let’s see I need to find four golden

Apples what I need to find a good villager I did way too much archology come on where’s the good villagers I’m protecting this village where did I get hit by oh okay andom come on little villager hop in the boat run little villager run we’re going to take a

Trip in our favorite rocket ship sure why not yay NE says he killed chicken nice probably not on the SMP because he hasn’t died on the S SMP quite yet quite yet I love the quite quite yet not quite yet but it’s going to happen it’s going to happen sooner rather than

Later let’s see we’re going to have to break this right here the Ender bro welcome to the stream top secret yes because you’re too good at finding bases chicken so once we get some of these people’s huh once we get no villager can can we can we be smart please villager

Please no villagers are not smart come on you should know this I forgot to place one block to cover them up and he found a way to get around me okay freaking villagers are annoying Villers villager please for for For the Love of everything please please cooperate cooperate

Cooperate do I have any water on me I do have some water on me okay we’re just going to have to do this the hard way get in the freaking boat and candles up there CU I got a bunch of candles we will go up here up up up the stream

No okay going to collect that up the tube up the tube yeah see aspect welcome back anybody understands that reference tell me I do understand that reference yay he does let’s go does anybody else get that I want to know all right here we go we’re just

Going to block the Villager off deis that’s nice why do I have 15 anent debris what what have I been doing I mean you do have Creative Mode no no no this isn’t my Sher box whenever I did stuff in survival all right let’s see I need to 52 bones I

Need to fix this back up real quick and then we need to grab my trapo and no zern left the realm yeah zern did leave the realm I did not do that right I want to get see cringes uh that internet unless there’s

A lot of mobs oh bye Ethan I guess I was on the um secret tab for too long that people are getting bored okay here we go now I can swap back so I should be swapping back now yay I’m back all right see boom boom boom boom since villagers

Are just going to show up at the bottom here I might just trap them on the bottom floor and keep the top floor to being uh another thing while this secret room I’m going to put over here is going to be for the villagers aha you’re

Trapped you suck let’s see he gives iron and stuff stuff like that so see how many emeralds do I have I have 32 so I can uh level up some things I have a maxed diamond sword nice I have a maxed netherite sword aha I have a Max netherite sword

Too that one’s my backup all I’m going to put your banner up right over here by the villagers oh cool all right here we go we need to since Z’s confused one villager is trapped I think we need to uh grab another villager and then once we have two villagers I will be

Good so and I need to get some um some of the stuff this don’t go great let’s see and then I can get the tools the uh tables and then make them whatever I want them to be let’s see y yay yay your job has already been chosen your job has been

Chosen all right uh we need to go to the top secret slide it’s top secret time again what if I just tped you over here I would get really mad if you tped me oh there’s a tiny cat over here nice so hopefully uh the these type

Of streams can go well but I doubt that S&P streams will get as much traction as um as Hive streams would be well let’s just hope they do yeah that’s a good hope to have always hope never give up hope cuz that’s how they beat

You a creeper just blew up side of this place and I’m mad Freaking Creeper nobody cares about you Bri I don’t FR this is annoying this freaking Creeper blew up the side of this place yeah it is because I have to try to rebuild the side of this

Place and the freaking ladders are broke I just don’t feel like it I hate that the ladders are broke out of everything the ladders why the ladders not the ladders I’ll have to sit here and make ladders I hate making ladders it’s very annoying I’ll be back in just a minute all

Right okay let’s cover this up okay what am I doing I’m uh getting villagers and I don’t want chicken to see uh what I’m doing so that’s that’s why I’m kind of just not I’m on the certain tab right now okay we’re going to Boom ladders have been

Crafted so I can rebuild what this freaking moronic creeper did okay now I can get some more villagers because villagers are the top priority so it just I can’t let anyone see where I’m at so I had to make top secret slide just because why not freaking

Creeper okay uh little villager you can come with me can you hop in the boat and not just stand on it please thank you beep beep beep beep come on you can do it boat okay now we need to go to see I need to make a pathway I’m back he’s Back all right we need to make a pathway up to the top of this so I can create what I need to create uh I need to grab my water bucket I wish I could stream this but half of this is just going to be top

Secret nobody can see because um we got chicken man our sworn enemy wanting to stream snipe up up there we go grab the water bucket I’m bored why are you bored you’re in one of my streams you can’t be bored it’s impossible all right up the tube up the

Tube come on jeez this thing is crazy am I allowed to use replay mod for cinematics if you can find a replay mod for Minecraft Bedrock go ahead but for me it’s kind of I found it impossible this villager is refusing to go up too much top secret L yeah but

This villager is taking so freaking long to go up this mountain because apparently villagers want to be annoying if you can believe that oh can we make it up the hill come on I think we’re going to make it we made it chat we made

It all right place the water in the hole up up up no villager up no don’t go off the side of the cliff no freaking villager you’re annoying seriously if they could just if I could just lead villagers no do not fall off the cliff again you stupid villager I just want to

Kill you so bad right now but I need you so I can get stuff off of you this villager is refusing to be a good team player so I have to keep this thing on freaking top secret mode because I’ve got one man who wants to stream snipe

The stupid villager who doesn’t want to go up a hill to save its life I just had to break out the whole hill and it takes so long to mine things while you’re in a boat come on up up no apparently up does not exist for villagers villagers need to be smarter

That needs to be an update the smarter villager update and not the freaking we don’t create we make and Nerf villagers update okay now we need to go up the hill we have one more Hill left buddy one more it’s not that much to ask so I can get off of freaking top

Secret mode no why did you get out of the boat okay I’m going to hop out here where’s my dirt I need my dirt we’re just going to have to do this the difficult way because this is the difficult villager okay push push him I’m going have like zero viewers

Honestly uh jump jump jump jump quick click there we go now we can just try to push him you stupid villager can you get out of this corner he is come on stupid villager please get in the hole go what why are you jumping just go down thank you it wasn’t that hard

Villagers make everything so freaking difficult okay now we can flip this up hop down and now we can go to the normal screen hello everyone villagers are annoying see no secrets bro if I don’t we’re going to have chicken man find our base and just destroy everything so I’m

Not going to I’m not going to get too off right now now Shadow welcome to the stream see this stupid villager man calls me a lot of pain go in look it’s that simple you could have done that to get in there jeez bro should not be stream

Sniping I know right but I mean it just happens dead stream probably probably I’m probably can stream Hive tomorrow but we got our two villager peoples so we just need to go up and grab beds and when we grab the beds then we can decorate this room and get everything all set

Up but we need to get uh some of their I mean they don’t even have their items and they’re still there because they want to go up and get their stuff but mm you don’t you don’t you aren’t allowed to they are not allowed to we’re going to trap them real quick

So we’re just going to wait for that guy to choose a corner any corner I don’t care just choose one come on villagers can we be smarter choose a corner please and stop running around choose a corner Any Corner please choose a corner not both of you one of

You choose a what are you are they playing a game of tag or something what what what are we doing no I don’t want to punch you then your prices will get lower come on people get into villagers are too difficult bro cuz what are we doing here I’m getting pretty

Annoyed come on you know what I’m just going to when they run past you I’m just going to place block block block look now they’re just boom got one I swear if you fall in the same spot I forgot to place one more I should have there there’s

One this is way too difficult what are you doing please just no go back go back find find some place to be please please please please pleas no I don’t want to trade with you why did the block just like destroy itself what the heck stupid villager this is why I play The

Hive H there we go I’m not worrying about these little people until a little bit farther okay see could you make a spectator mode for five minutes I need to get cinematic shots for my video I’m I don’t want to give you I mean if you die you can get cinematic

Mode is this a public server um no this is you had to apply to be in the server though Chicken Man welcome the reason why everything has to be um why everything has to be um Frozen on uh some of the other stuff see I’m not a griefer I didn’t say you

Were um so we got the villagers locked up we can uh deal with them later I need to grab some beds and probably do I have stuff to start a farm up here in the farming District hey rainbow let’s see I need to do I have any more dirt because I need dirt

Because dirt is amazing um I’ve got wood I got a grass block but do I have dirt no I do not have dirt that’s kind of disappointing I’m G to grabb this bread though I got sugar cane do I literally have to just go up and try to find some

Dirt looks like I have to go and get dirt no I’m not dying for that bro I please I need It I don’t know because I just I don’t want you to have cinematic mode and then try to search for bases easier um can I oh there we go we’re going to grab this dirt here and maybe this can be um some sort of place that I can be at just go there

Perfect there we go we can mine this out here and maybe we can maybe this can be some sort of like villager entrance maybe let’s see you swear you won’t people have said that before though let’s see we need to grab all of this dirt we can so I can finally get some

Stuff I get this Farm set up cuz all this is going to be crazy there we go 42 dirt should be good this is going to be my dirt section I won’t lie promise H all see there we go our farming District in all of its Glory um we’re going to set H I’m trying to figure out where we should have this we’re going to have this floor set this floor set so I’m going to set and destroy all this there’s a lot of uh

Deep slate I could have not used here we go let’s see we’re going to be good we’re going to be good uh oh Indie I’m sorry uh Infamous and nugs welcome to the stream um we are just building out our base at the moment we’re building out the farm at the moment so

I this is a test stream because I normally stream Hive but um I was just going to see how a good old stream about the server would go I need to swap songs there we go here’s a more fun song all right we got three rows of

Something that we can do and then that’s that could be a start we can grab our uh paper here uh bro bye thanks for joining as long as you did um let’s see we’re going to grab our sugar cane and we can do all of this I love

Hive yeah yeah yeah if you like a lot of Hive content I definitely do a lot of Hive content so let’s see I’m trying to I need to make make an infinite water source let’s see you can put slabs on the water so you don’t fall yeah I could do

That I need to get more water though I need to get an infinite water source down here that in a bed oh the water okay I have to actually have water okay might have swap it to the top secret tab so I can grab a thing of water that that’s

Something okay I have to swap to the uh top secret cuz we don’t want chicken man find in my base because chicken man will do such a thing so let’s see if we have any water in the outside world I wish I can just get water okay because we need the infinite water

Source and that’s the only reason why we’re going out this is Hardcore why do you need a bed uh true I guess let’s see um where would water be water you know I’m going to take this bed though uh this guy’s a lot of bread so I’m going to take that as

Well um going to take that no I have those at home um where is a thing of water I swear if I can’t find water oh there’s water there we go we’ve got our water bucket chat we’ve got our water buckets um let’s head back down

There we go that’s not where I want to place water um let’s see uh let’s swap back to the uh normal scene all right here we go this is going to be fun this is going to be good let’s see if we can get our infinite water source all sorted

Out and it’s going to be good hopefully we can get the villagers to do what we can need to do um I’m back after so much time welcome back let’s see I’m going to set up the infinite water source right here it’s been months yes um we’re going to grab that then we

Can add the water the water water so now everything will be here let’s go I’m a mobile play with a remote nice I’m just sitting here PC player but I just don’t like Java PVP and I don’t like anything like that so we’re controller as people call it yeah yeah yeah again top

Secret am I on the top secret slide right now no I’m not I’m not see oh I see you made it a realm yes I did make it a realm can I join you can apply in the uh public Discord in the link in the description speaking of the description

We have a bunch of stuff in there we’ve got got my tips page we got my merch page still same link you can just hit the uh top three lines then we got uh my Discord and the public SMP Discord so you want to join the hey thank you for subscribing a Public

Sub that’s amazing thank you I sent you a Dono actually will it come in it should pop up because uh if you send me a Dono then it should pop up I don’t know why it’s not popping up it might take a second to process so we’re going to wait for that that’s

Going to be amazing so it should pop up and uh say something cuz I programmed it to do so oh crap crap dang it I put the wrong uh I’m just going to say something for you oie and I’m going to say thank you as much times as I can but but let

Me turn to Top Secret real quick um I have the wrong Dono link because that’s my merch link dang it um I need to go to my streamlabs I need to fix that before something bad happens uh dashboard I need to sign in with my other account gosh that makes me

Mad Lo in log in with YouTube log in with this account bro then the message part is the important part uh once I put this link in there I’ll still be able to see it through the website so I will read it out you got to

Give me one second I hate that I got the wrong thing dang it but thank you so much Indie thank you so much let’s see this is should be this one so if I go to this and go to go to store come on streamlabs can we be can we be good uh

Donate Let’s see we need to there it is yep that makes me mad that that makes me mad uh let’s go here go to edit edit description there we go support stream is here nobody’s going to buy merch so I’m just going to keep it as that uh if

You want to refresh the page the new ones there I hate that I put my old one there you know how disappointing that is see log out uh log in I was I was your 100th Sub in your old Channel by the way actually that’s cool we used to play together

Um when’s the next application for the server applications always are open so it’s just the uh sub rounds are a little bit different see let me read out O’s message let’s see will it show tips one all right where do I see it tip history ohy is this enough to convince

You you’re bribing me you’re bribing me all right I’ll set you to spectator I’ll set you to spectator for like 5 minutes that should be enough just I will give you like a 30 second warning so you don’t like drop out of the sky when I turn you

Spectator yeah you don’t remember me because I changed my username um all right let me change this back to real time subs and then back to Minecraft and then back to here hopefully um oy isn’t mad at me but I will uh set him to spectator slash game mode spectator um o n

YT all right here we go shoot I sent a new Dono you actually sent a new Dono how did it not pop up I see it in my uh tabs though I see it in my tabs it says oy tipped $1 is this enough to convince you for cinematic yes

It did convince me why did it not pop up look I can just go test widget um and go to tip and it does That I don’t know why it didn’t it do that I would have heard if it went but it shows up here why did it not just go that’s weird that is really weird yeah that sucks I don’t know what streamlabs de sign to do because that’s what it should have done it should

Went and it didn’t so weird yo John T $81 no that that was the test that was one of the uh test things that’s what o ind’s thing should have done why the heck didn’t do that it should went that makes me mad it should have done

That it’s not like it was at the top because if I go test it see if I new subscriber it does that and it popped up when someone subbed so when it tipped it should have went like that that is so weird cuz I see in my recently done

Stuff that makes me really mad just sec let me go to Top Secret real quick go to here go and log out and then log in then log in with YouTube log in with my new account allow that’s weird I’m just going to stay here and maybe it will do

The if I’m signed in with this account and keep the website open let’s hope that’s what it is cuz if it’s not that that’s that’s weird and I don’t like that all right we’re back all right uh D dragon have you thought about adding new members to the server I have

It’s just I need to work on a couple different things first see BR it’s on top secret again no it’s not on top secer right now uh how do I apply video application let’s see I need to um since this is growing now we need to set up

Some uh wheat Farms as well so I’m actually going to break some of this out and then we’re going to make the wheat farms and then I’ll worry about um some of the other stuff but thank you oendy so much for the $2 thank you so so much

Like I cannot appreciate how much that means because now I can officially say that I’m a professional YouTuber think about that I’m going to make uh like 20 Community post about it it’s amazing but yes that was enough to change you to spectator mode see how

Long the video what do you mean the uh the video um I made last time the video I made earlier was um I think it’s 16 minutes long my first um as spp video I posted on here well it’s not the first one the first dragon

Smpp video I posted on this channel see I’m close to 100 Subs W the first 100 Subs is so fun to hit but right now I’m on the road to 1K see so if I donate does that say I can’t see it because I’m not sure if it

Says 500 bucks oh that just says five bucks five bucks I can get creative no you’re not going to get creative mode you have to download like you have to Don like 50 bucks to get creative mode because you’re on the server it’s basically cheating see oh

Oh you mean the application yeah it’s 1 to two minutes well 30 seconds to two minutes 1K yeah I’m on the road to 1K uh 50 bucks bucks for yeah 50 bucks for creative mode if you donate 50 bucks I will give you I will give you creative mode for five

Minutes only hold up only 50 if you donate 50 freaking bucks then yes I will give you I will give you creative mode I mean come on I’ll give you creative for a good little bit if I see that you don’t owe 50 bucks holy crap I just got oh he’s actually

He’s actually thinking about donating 50 bucks to get creative mode on a Minecraft server I mean uh I mean I mean yeah you can donate if you want to that’s totally worth it see that’s sick I like the anime I like to animate videos so I do like the video then animate

All see how do I join the SMP join the uh Discord Link in the description not my Discord join the public S&P Discord and you can do it let’s see over over it like funny moments I animate oh okay let’s see that’s a lot of blocks

That I just can’t pick up at the moment uh do I have any dirt on me I have six dirt I need more dirt see that’s a lot of hearts that popped up let’s see put me back in survival all right slash game mode s o ND YT there we

Go let’s see are you able to VC after stream I don’t think I am just for the sake of I’m going to party after this stream so I’m probably going to stream until like 6 just for the heck of it um we’re going to play some of this I have

Zero organizational skills whatsoever so um it’s going to be great my uh my Mod’s going to be really mad at me let’s see well I can’t right now maybe later I have Christmas presents oh yeah yeah yeah understandable but that would be insane all right see repon Point set how does

The applications go do you need to be playing Hive uh no you just um you just submit a video saying why you should be in the SMP what made you want to join the SMP what qualities you have and all that I think my bank is ready for this Dono $50 USD what

What honestly that would be insane how do you make that style of thumbnail uh it’s a lot of uh free free look uh green screen shots like I just uh do that with I do like this and then I have free look and when I have free

Look it does this free look isn’t available on Realms sadly but um you have that and then a lot of screenshots and then put it all together through canva see I suck at Minecraft so do I so do I but it’s fine it’s fun um

Let’s see what was I going to do I was going to grab dirt but you have to promise me you give me game mode creative I will give you game mode creative for five minutes if you do so and you can get anything you want except uh that

You can’t grab like command blocks and all that because you won’t be opt oh man I can’t oh dang okay that would have been so funny I could have made a YouTube short about that that would been hilarious all right let’s see we’re going to grab some of this dirt see is

It okay if I if you see the mobile controls on the application yeah you’re fine you’re fine a lot of people have done that before so I need to set up a new sub uh addition to things and kick um players that have been inactive so that’s what I need to do

Here later after Stream So 10 USD equals 1 minute no that’s that’s not how that works CU you can get a ton of crap in one minute it’s just I was going to make it so 50 bucks is what you get for a minimum now if you

Download if you do 60 I’ll give you 6 minutes 70 I’ll give you 7 minutes I guess but it starts at 50 I guess because that’s what I told um chicken but uh because game mode C is kind of overpowered I tell you what if you do 10

I’ll give you g game mode see for 15 seconds all right 15 seconds for 10 30 seconds for 20 a minute and a half for 30 uh 2 minutes for 40 what there’s no there’s no freaking way I’m dead bro holy crap there is okay that’s kind of weird I CLI that okay all right just ju holy freak holy crap all right 205 he Holy you know what I’m going to turn on the funny mic I’m going to freaking turn on the funny mic because see filters edit filters holy crap 50 freaking bucks what is this stream bro I’m going to stream SMP all the time we’re going to turn on funny mic and just holy

Moly who is hitting me okay I’m going to turn uh this back to bro ow my ears we got the funny mic the funny mic chat that’s what it is the funny mic let’s see I really want to join this SMP if you apply then uh I’ll look at

The application I’ll look at everyone’s application but holy crap bro 52 bucks this stream I’ll actually be able to get U my friend a Christmas present this year let’s go this is amazing I am like going to spam oy in my uh Community page holy moly and

I hope it helps my channel and makes people happy I hope so as well I know I’m happy right now holy crap this SMP has done so much for me holy crap bro holy let’s see all all I do dragon I’ll leave like I always did and not return for a couple

Streams okay I’ll see if I can Don know maybe I need to go to Top Secret real quick so I can get into this call with uh MOS out ola hello hello all right we need to um I’m in surv by the way nice see I

Need to try this see look I can’t fly nice you can’t fly good job slash at except I have wings Falling In Style I need to get the um thing some Rockets oh thank you now maybe you can come to my base cuz that’s how many I used getting over here all right

At at o n d YT Show Me What You Got by dming me on what what is indie doing in in Creative what all right see good make application just be good at YT yeah get good make application just get see look at the message on Discord hey uh dragon I

Finished something very important that I can’t tell you what it is on stream um um Mossy did you see how much I got Dono no I did not how much did you get 52 bucks 100 bucks oh dude that’s crazy that’s why oy Had Creative Mode for five minutes

Because I was playing around with chicken we’re rich yeah we’re rich I mean I told chicken if you donated 50 bucks you can get creative mode for 5 minutes because I was just playing around right I thought it would never happen and then oendy went give me the creative mode like holy crap

Bro bro’s about to have maxed armor now dude what are you doing I I said it is a joke but I couldn’t I couldn’t go back on my word I couldn’t go back on my word one time deal no one else can do it no one else can do it but

That was a one but I I couldn’t go back on my word you know because I wasn’t going to be that person but I mean dude you need to make your helmet look like the rest of your armor it looks stupid yeah but I’m trying to find I mean it looks like a

Crown with red stuff so hope this server got no war oh war is definitely coming on the server it’s soon look at Discord all right uh let me go to top SEC oh it’s still on stuck on top secret I forgot to swap it dang it uh oh that’s a

Lot of DMs I have it it was definitely me all right blood got a lot of stuffff holy moly blood got a lot of stuff what did he Max his armor uh he didn’t show me his armor but he has full netherite tools um crossbow bow uh 11 no 10

Totems uh one two three 4 5 six elytras and then two extra sets of netherite AR armor and tools unenchanted I’m about to have to go kill him not in creative mode but you have you can kill him if you’re in survival mode show it to stream I’m not going to

Show it to stream just because it’ll screw up uh the little text thing I have uh let’s go to new scene oh it it is already screwed up um um minimize here no we do not want to see the Lady Gaga performance tickets show me my uh sub count okay thank you social

Blade for the ads um but holy crap okay because I couldn’t go back on my word you know cuz I couldn’t say nope it doesn’t apply for you it only applies for chicken after he donated that would kind of be rough right so I mean I just I had to do what

Was done right you still there hello yeah I’m here okay I didn’t think that uh my thing crashed okay um but holy crap that I was not expecting that um I I built something yesterday and I think you’re going to think it’s kind of cool all right oh Wy says I’m the goat

That’s a onetime thing a onetime thing it’s just because I didn’t want to go back on my word because I don’t do that so I I have a question dragon is see why permaban now uh no he’s not permaband I’m going to revive him because I can’t just free revive him

Because he uh he died of lore so he’s he’s officially a lore death right now now so I need to I need to look at something all right uh he says when you finish stream look Discord messages and send one back um see that’s not there that’s my does

Um I don’t know which one uh you are so I’m just going to go back here we go I don’t know uh your Discord DM name my villagers are just stuck in cages at the moment see let me grab my hose real quick how dare you at least I gave them

Beds yeah but you know how difficult you know how difficult it was to get them down here you know it’s easier if they have a bed they want to go to yeah but they’re they’re just really difficult to work with at the moment I need to go grab

Their tables because they’re still TRC to the tables above us so so don’t look at the private SMP Discord and channel art what’s what’s terrible with the channel art that’s my question oh no uh can you look at the channel art and see if something’s bad oh he probably he probably put a

Picture of his stuff bro bro that armor is definitely not unenchanted he has Max Enchanted his armor and his and his all of his tools and weapons I mean I couldn’t you know it put me in a really tight spot you know because I couldn’t just I said we kill

Him and so that he can’t un so he he has full totems bro but that’s a one two three four five six seven eight nine it’s only 10 we only got to kill him 10 times crazy pay to win oh now Zar is talking how yeah he’s there’s going to be people

Mad but I mean you know I couldn’t go back on my word you just shouldn’t say things like that I I was joking because you know nobody really in their right mind would donate 15 bucks to uh 50 bucks to me and I I was just joking around I said yeah

You can get 50 you can get 5 minutes in creative mode if you if you donate 50 bucks chicken and chicken was like hm maybe I will and he was just playing around and then I get a donation from oendy says give me the creative mode now I’m like wait a

Minute wait a minute he says he has full prot three armor sharp four sword fortune 3 Pick and efficiency four on his pick see I didn’t have times but I got decent ones the thing that you got is you can sell those elytras and you got totems

Bro me and uh chicken don’t have totems yet but I need to work to get totems but holy crap bro chicken has totems oh chicken has totems now I need to get yep he’s been doing raids I need to get raids done me and you need to work on that uh not this

Stream me yeah me and you need to work on that because that’ll be fun to do with you like we did on Mia yeah we’re pretty good at those yeah those are really fun to do I blew up in yesterday while chicken was doing a raid I blew up an entire desert temple

Right next to him he’s like you should Place some more TNT like right here in front of me yeah I didn’t fall for it yeah at least you didn’t fall for it I did try and blow them up though yeah all right I need to grab some of these wheat seeds

So I can plant some stuff because more stuff the better you know here we go my wheat see uh Indy says I got eight elytras after I filled up my inventory I got a chest and put a hopper and dropped op loot in there oh as long as you didn’t get some like

Really op stuff then I think the server won’t be too mad but I can’t promise anything Diamond time for episode two of dragon smpp I’m just going to go back on my word that’s the because usually I would say no that’s kind of cheating that’s pay to win but I was

Doing it jokingly the chicken and stairs there it goes but holy crap I was not expecting that I wouldn’t think that you would have you would sit there and go you know what I I’ll do it I’ll do it Dragon open up open the open the chat up

Why sounds like a bad idea I think they’re tricking you don’t do it don’t do it Dragon don’t do it oh Trail room excavation time let’s see why didn’t say he’s bad banned nobody’s banned who’s banned oh know nobody’s banned nobody’s banned see I’m about to hit up my TNT designer

What oh thumbnail designer that’s what it says TN I I didn’t see the other thing okay the thumbnail designer yeah that that would be insane bro that’s insane all right so so we got our wheat it’s good and growing and do I have any

Torches on me I do not I need to make stuff thank you for free cords L what oh he thinks the uh he thinks that um he can see the cords by how you teleported but those are cords to uh spawn me teleporting I don’t teleport to

Anybody’s base yeah you didn’t if you did you would just teleport to the person my own yeah he saw uh your own cords okay so what there’s nothing there for him to take basically everything’s in my Ender Chest yeah and plus everything probably has Deni blocks under

It it does not actually you probably want to do that bro should 4,000 uh his his little thing that he built but it’s not even a base it’s literally just a build that he made all right there’s nothing there of importance yeah there’s nothing also who saw that um when I open

Up chat to type something because when you teleport since I’m operator I get to see the um audits so if you teleport to a certain coordinate it’ll um it’ll just show for me next time tell me before you open up chat so that I can spam chat so that that doesn’t show oh

Okay okay next time tell me all right oh my budd’s online let’s go let’s see what else do I need to make chat uh I’m going to just mine up this uh sugar cane real quick I need to worry about the villagers honestly I just wrote my script for the application

W hopefully everything goes well can’t wait to see it accidentally all right there we go hopefully everything grows up good over here so we got our farming section and we got our main section so now we just need to make a good uh mob farm maybe we

Can build that gold farm and then we have all this I sent it to you all right bet you just need to make it into video um let’s see Elliot 65 says Mossy join Lounge VC I need to discuss business well I see you there I’ll be back in a minute

Yeah I’ll be back in a minute all right it’s just me chat it’s just me here we go um let’s see what should I do see my bed’s there what else can we do chat what do you want me to uh do to the base because right now it’s pretty

Sad we need to worry about some of the villagers so we can you know what I need to make some slabs so I can worry with them right now let’s see can I make slabs there we go slabs I have created the slabs is my Discord user yeah I saw your

Discord user I just didn’t want to read your disc Discord user see I’m going to put this really close here so I can swap it there we go there’s one villager two villager so we can get bread for emeralds which that’s going to be nice and we can get

Um I don’t know how we just swapped jobs okay I can get bricks and I can get some uh Stone stuff from them I told my thumbnail designer nice if you have enough money for Creative Mode then you have enough money for uh there by the way are you subbed to me I

Am subbed to you Min let’s see I need to uh let’s see grab my emeralds I have one weakness pot so I can get a whole bunch of villagers and then make the prices lower so I have one weakness pot that I stole from the old B see we’ll see

What see now I can grab some apples he’s does suspicious stew and cake so that would be that would be good I don’t even want to worry about this guy no I paid for my thumbnail designer $12 for three thumbnails all that’s not too bad let’s

See we can put this back here I need to grab some of these torches so I can light the place up a little bit definitely upstairs see and this would be my third I okay let’s light the place up a bit need it to look a little bit

Better did you look at my message no I haven’t looked at your message yet let’s see let’s hop down a little bit H I would be spawn killed if I joined no there’s rules against spawn killing but um if you did join I would give you a starting

Gear oh O’s got O’s got you covered bro O’s got you covered holy crap I still can’t believe you did that my mind is still boggled control screen lock no I’m not doing control screen lock the blue screen my screen no all right um trying to decide what should we do

Right now chat what do we want I’ll wait for stream delay to catch up but I need to know what we want to do and while we wait I’m going to look at um I’m going to look at analytics we got six concurrence 15 likes I might remind

My stream that I’m back I’m still here how many Subs do I have 500 51 this is this is great people I don’t know how I’ve got to here but there I hate living Australia because it takes too long um yeah I mean we can it’s crazy that

People can still talk from all around the world I’m I’m good at making traps that’s good that’s good um let’s see what do we want to build chat um we got our villagers there I need to get beds for villagers I need to get a lot of different things for the

Villagers you know what I’m going to expand the Villager room cuz I didn’t intend this to be the Villager room but it’s the Villager room now villager room villager room everything’s good when it’s a villager room all right hello I’m going to name this guy farmer Fred it’s going to be fine it’s

Going to be good farmer Fred okay let’s break this out Here Perfection mine a chunk why would I mine a chunk I mean I could but why that would be an insane base though it would super easy to find but it would be an insane base let’s see I might actually think about doing that maybe that would be an

Insane video honestly like after the whole war with chickens done mining a chunk in my hardcore SMP sounds like a really good video you know I need to write that down I’m going to put that in my reminders real quick cuz that’s actually a good idea um let’s see reminder

App um let’s see mine a chunk done all right there we go let’s see good night I got to work and it’s 4:30 in the morning dang well thanks for joining anyways hopefully everything goes well in the morning for you hopefully you have a good sleep all right uh don’t get jump

What all right we’re going to uh mine up this we got some apples which I like the apples so we can make some more gaps because that’s the only way I can survive chicken at this point see I should put uh down for my idea what

Okay um let’s see I’m going to grab this just here all right we need to get more villagers down here but and I need to get tables down here let’s see we can mine out a little bit more going to put torch torch and I think we’re going to go and

Expand out towards this way I still can’t believe that I got 50 bucks this stream 52 bucks this stream that I’m literally going to get an A um picture frame and just Mount I’m just going to just frame it and put it in my background so anytime I turn on my uh

Webcam you just see the framed dollar so I’m going to write the date down for it I’m going to write down the amount I’m going to put a dollar in there that that would be insane you know I’m going to no I’m not going to check right

Now you know what should I check if it automatically went to my P PayPal or should it um should it see anything else you know I’m going to I’m going to check uh let’s go to um we’re going to go to top secret and then I’m going to uh I’m going to check

Just because why not uh let’s see uh log in log in uh continue $498 it did take a lot of um it did take a lot of things because I have it takes little bits of money out but still $498 it took $22 out of my fees but holy crap let’s see let’s close that out and then bring that down here then we can go scene no it’s new scene and then trans all right but that is insane to me that’s just insane to me I tried control

Scroll lock but my PC’s too alive the blue screen good for you that’s actually a really good thing I guess so we’re going to mine this out here and um here we go all right here here we go I think we’re going to mine out a couple more layers this

Way and we can just try to add more villagers or just I can get a couple more beds from the village and then I will uh grab some workstations up from the village as well and then make them become different jobs we’re going to I think this is a

Good enough space to start out with don’t you think chat see it’s an RTX 370 Intel i7 12 gen uh 32 GB Ram with 2 tbte storage that’s that’s some good specs mine’s an RTX uh 3070 with an R9 um with 2 tbte SSD but I only have 16

Ram so I want another uh stick of ram but um well you know what I could do that with the 50 freaking bucks I still can’t believe that oh my gosh bro holy crap but that just that I just can’t believe myself I can’t believe it

Everyone’s going to go dud Dragon pay to win dud dragons pay to win it’s just I couldn’t go back on my word and it’s like 50 bucks is 50 bucks bro just I was playing around I was not expecting that to actually happen oh my gosh all

Right so chat put ones if you want me to get more stuff for the villagers or put twos if if you want me to do stuff for the farms and I think that’s the and uh if you have any other ideas put something Els in chat seeing soon I’m getting a

Dual RTX 4090 with an I9 with 1228 gab of Ram with 6 terabyte uh storage bro is Elon Musk holy crap those 490s are insanely expensive bro is Elon Musk bro is Mr Beast JR my goodness that is insane to me holy crap I need to grab me my some of my

Sprite that’s a good sound right there good old Sprite if you can believe it I do not drink caffeine caffeine I just don’t like anything caffeine in it so I drink Gatorades power raids and Sprites and the occasional Fanta and that’s it for me other than water of

Course let’s see if we expand the farm a little bit I might be able to do some things let’s see but I think he sells for carrots so I might go up to the Village again and grab me some beds and grab me some carrots do you sell yeah he

Sells for carrots so um we’re going to get some carrots so if we can eventually get some carrots from them see I mean the most famous YouTubers for example DDM has a 3090 with 64 gigs of RAM and I9 those i9s are really good hey creeper uh yo

Creepy 72 thanks for the Public Sub I still every time I look down there and say and see oie has tipped 50 bucks give me the creative it just boggles my mind bro it my mind has been boggled okay um you know what this that’s what I’m going to do I’m you know what you

Know what you know what I’m going to do this I’m going to do this I’m literally texting my mom I texting her right now um there there let’s see what she thinks of that ohy you will be talked about for a long time you got to sleep all right

Hopefully you sleep good holy crap I’m going to sleep good thank you for the 50 bucks okay tomorrow I got my English exam good luck I took my English exam yesterday it was actually really easy so hopefully your English exam is easy as well all right since nobody’s responding

In chat I’m going to um I’m going to get some carrots and that’s going to be my plan how do I join on Bedrock what’s the IP this is a Bedrock realm so I don’t break my budget you know so um if you want to

Join um you need to go to to the link in the description to the public Discord and make a 30 second to 2minute application and then post that in hash applications and then you might have a chance to be a sub and then you can join

That way and sub is for substitution by the way so I’m going to go to the uh top secret tab because you never know chickens watch is going to watch the replay and yes I’m very cautious so we’re going to oh crap we got the advertisement bro on top of this

Thing I don’t care about the advertisement no we’re just going to no minimizing it doesn’t do Jack squat uh we’re going to go to Discord and just leave it on Discord for a sec okay once is the ad done no the ad it’s got like 15 seconds left so we’re going

To go hey green thank you for the Public Sub this stream is going great I’m not going to get ton of watch time but that doesn’t matter if you get a 50 Buck freaking donation holy crap I sent eight messages in a row this stream yeah but I mean you’re talking

About your like insane PC Mr Beast JR that’s what I’m going to call you I’m you’re going to be Mr Beast Jor to me let’s see is it on uh yeah it’s on resume game all right so we’re going to go up to the surface and then we’re going

To um go get some of these carrots let’s see no no no no no no no freaking creeper at least it still dropped that special block okay I hate creepers creepers are the bane of existence okay see Mr B senior all right you’re Mr B senior that’s what I’m going

To call you Mr B senior okay or I can just call you Mr Beast because that’s just insane um we’re going to grab some of these carrots that are just greatly sitting right over here and um we’re want to start us a good old peaceful carrot farm

So we can trade it to our villager friends back up on in the base so it’s going to be good I got to go all right thanks for joining you’ve definitely made my day bye Indie I won’t be able to get over that all

Right here we go we got a my might be able to get some of this other stuff all right I hate that if you have fire aspect you get caught on fire if something hits you again now I’m going to grab some of this iron here some of these

Apples let’s see you still got the top secret thing up yes because I’m sitting over here right now looking at the Village Oh Come come on freaking see why welcome to the stream we’re on top secret mode only because I need to get this stuff um we’re going to

Throw that away I hate this poison the poison just won’t go away um we grab this bed as well I just wonder when this Poison’s going to go away this PO Poison’s just never going to go away all right where are the job tables here I need to find the job

Tables so I can get back to the get back to the spot you know because stream must go on come on brother where is the freaking tables there we got to we can get paper something from this cartography table I guess it’s not the thing I want but I

Guess I can get it see do I have to play a background for the application video or can it be black I mean do what you think is best where are any job tables there’s like there was one blacksmith table at the start of this and I can’t find it

Because I’ve not been to this Village in a while no where is anything in this Village there this Village literally just is kind of bare where are you there is nothing there there’s that man we don’t care about that man this is kind of annoying we’re just going to not have

Any blacksmith or anything I wish I could get a table you know I’m going to make like a blast furnace I’ll figure out and get a black f um this furnace all there we go we can close that door and then we’re about to swap back to the original scene chat so don’t

Worry okay now we can swap back to the original scene uh new scene all right is the ad done how is the ad not done I don’t care about some of these ads bro ads please just end I don’t care about the Blue Nile ad or something there we go we’re back to

Where we can see the 552 Subs about time see this got to be the most popular SMP on Bedrock let’s hope it is let’s hope it is hopefully we can make it to the point where it blows up and becomes something interesting for people all right we’re going to uh throw some

Of these in the thing here see I think top is where I placed the other emeralds yeah there we go we’re going to place this place this place this uh grab some of this dirt here and I think we’re going to be set right now and we can go and

Grab some of this from up here and we can make ourselves a good old carrot farm so we can sell a lot to uh our villager friend no why did you break okay we’ll had to plant that again later okay we’re going to leave that part open

So we’re just going to mine out this here we go this has been fun stream a lot of unexpected things have been happening happening so you never know what things have been this week has been very surprising to me first my SM video SMP video just explodes at least explodes for me my

Definition of explodes is definitely different from other people but it’s all relative I guess and um everything’s been going crazy I think I’m going to just stick to SMP cont really for a long while and just see where the train takes me here we go this should be good enough area for

Carrots I think carrots will be good enough here let’s see all right so we this area down here will be the the water and then we can swap it around hopefully Hive gets a good update to where Hive actually will have bedw wars or something that becomes popular

So I can make a video about it cuz I’ve been looking around the hive community and there’s videos that are just so freaking insane like they are like they deserve millions of views and the thumbnails are amazing but they don’t get any views because they’re High videos and that’s

What just makes me sad because the videos are such good quality and it’s just great to watch and just doesn’t get much much views anymore let’s see we’re going to grab this there we go water here and then carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot there we go one row of carrots that would be

Good and then we can plant that one seed that broke we’ve got the farming District all set up things are looking good we can actually go and get get our sugar cane now wow that grew right when I went past it okay see break break break break break break

Break this is looking good I need more uh room for sugar canes so we’re going to do that maybe here in a little bit so we’ll see how things go see let’s put some of the sugar cane in the chest there we go and we have carrots that we can get

And sell for Emerald since we got the other carrots good and planted see there’s my carrots I don’t know what I was trying to grab earlier okay one Emerald for all those carrots I can’t wait to feed them to zombies so I can actually get stuff all

Right here we go we can put the carrots up here there we go the Ender bro welcome back to the stream let’s see I’m not sure what we should do right now I’ve got the farming spot set up somewhat so we got carrots and we got

Wheat and we got our sugar cane it’s all looking really good so far then we got our downstairs with two villagers and I’m actually going to fix up these villagers real quick that’s what I’m going to do going to grab that bed there see did

I put I did not mean to grab that um we’re going to grab do I have any where did I put those beds uh there’s a bed there we’re going to create a little bit more hospitable place for these people to live we’re going to place that we’re

Just going to place two highs for right now and then place a bed there so now he has a bed now he’s a happy villager and we all like happy villagers there’s your bed Mister hopefully you enjoy um let’s see we’re going to uh we’re going to

Put we’re going to mine out this area right here so I can give them a little bit more room and then with that room I will give him what should he be I don’t want to be a cartographer I’m going to give him with the stone cutter no that that’s a boring

One uh I’ll give him one of these things there we go now since we have one of these things I can sit it right by his bed and will he change jobs he probably won’t let’s see I’ll probably have to breing break this thing now will he change jobs

Do man that I I want you to be this guy it’s right there but did it make the other villager turn into one of those my goodness you’re not even close to it okay man is confuzzled that’s not what I meant to do sorry all this price is didn’t change okay that’s my

Bad you know what since this man has a ton of room we will place both workbenches in here because you know why not there we go he’s the farmer now now I have to redo all that and now he sells potatoes so my carrots are useless th this is

Amazing but now he has this of cleric so I mean I guess he has all of these so now I can get lapis and some stuff like that I can get glow stone I can get ender pearls so we need to work on getting ender pearls down to

Like zero so we need to get zombie villager down here and get all that all set up but first let’s look at some uh statistics let’s see I’m trying to get a Shader shaders for Minecraft bedrock hard to find but I mean am I on secret

No I’m not just that’s how this thing’s going all right um let go to dashboard real quick refresh 552 Subs things are looking good chat things are looking good I like this this is turning out good the base is kind of ugly right now but it’s but it’s something see Infamous

Nugs I just recorded my application I’m sorry if it has an echo cuz I’m recording in a very echoey room and sorry it’s a bit choppy because I’m reading a script I swear I sound better when I don’t have a script um you know why don’t we take a listen

We can take a listen real quick uh let’s swap over no I can just turn screen capture off for this moment and then full screen I got 32 pings bro 32 pings all right um SMP public oh I don’t see any anything in hasht applications you need to send something in hasht

Applications so I see where you sent me uh the thing in Discord so that’s good let’s see uh let’s see M yoke okay did he call me again he might have called me again but I’m on um do not a Ser mode let’s see this guy says yo bro if I onev

One you and win I join the SMP if I lose you get 40 bucks I might keep that in mind there let’s see just so many pings bro that’s a lot to pings I just don’t like the red mark you know oh I forgot to transition it so some of

Yall saw part of the stuff okay that’s always that’s always helpful um okay there we go see okay I’m done trying to get a Shader nice nice nice um let’s see that just shows the freaking bar I need it to minimize there there we go now we see it now it’s all good

Perfect all right this is good chat this is good I’m trying to decide what else I should do because the base looks decent I can’t do too much without going into the other modes let’s see do I have any gold on me do I have any gold H let’s see I’m trying to think yeah I don’t have any gold I don’t even have anything Okay trying to think if I should just keep on streaming because I don’t know what else to do cuz on hive always have the right thing this man’s looking goofy up here just his little eyes just up here why why you mad little person don’t worry I’ll go over there

Put a zombie in your cage and then revive you and then you will love me until then nothing will happen let’s see I wish you had this opposite where it’s one lapis for one emerald and three gold for one Emerald so I could uh get

The so I can get the gold and sell the lapis but oh well I don’t play much survival Minecraft because I used to do a ton of Hive stuff so so we just need to get ready for some other stuff I might do some raids definitely not on on stream but I’m

Going to do raids soon so I can get some totems and then I have to get ready to beat up chicken because chicken is my biggest opponent at the moment because chicken really chicken he was my teammate and then he decided to betray me once he got the dragon

Egg so we’ll just see how everything goes let’s see how long have I been streaming if it it’s felt more like 6 hours but just it’s not seemed like 2 hours and 15 minutes 2 hours and 20 minutes actually well I guess I can end it here well

We got like 127 views on here it’s not too much since we’re only streaming to two people we’re going to um we’re going to end it here thank you for watching everyone it’s been really fun and this has been a very very different stream I didn’t get as much

Watch hours as I would off a hive stream so I might still stream Hive tomorrow but um this has been definitely some stream but um I’ll see yall in the next stream thanks for joining and bye

This video, titled ‘LIVE | Surviving The Aftermath Of The Dragon SMP End Fight’, was uploaded by DudeDragon on 2023-12-17 10:19:37. It has garnered 162 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:18 or 8538 seconds.

Im Live Livestreaming The Aftermath Of Minecraft Bedrock’s Deadliest SMP, Dragon SMP, End Fight! Today Im Grinding And Building A Base! Before This The Dragon Egg Ruined Minecraft Because It Ruined Me And Chickens Friendship. In Episode 1 I Got Betrayed By My Closest Ally On The Dragon SMP, This Open Public SMP And Minecraft SMP is unique because unlike most SMPs it is a Minecraft Bedrock SMP! This Bedrock SMP Is A Hardcore SMP With Custom Revives With Applications Open To Small Content Creators! This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or LastLife with Grian and MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on. But No Hardcore Has PvP On! Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP and lifesteal SMP, but everything is Hardcore. I hope you enjoy this video.

“This Minecraft Item Controls the World”

Support The Stream! https://streamlabs.com/sl_id_3ad1a119-14e6-3854-a109-3546aeeff1f0/tip

Public SMP Discord Apps Open https://discord.gg/gU2rSQrmfC

My Discord: https://discord.gg/K8etdTtK6a

@Chickenman522 @DudeDragon4444 @JayGamingXD @Aqua92173 @PumpkinCy

#smp #bedrocksmp #hardcoresmp #dragonsmpbedrock Similar to the Lifesteal SMP, Lifesteal SMP Season 2 and Lifesteal SMP Season 3, because when you kill a player you permanently steal one of their hearts.This is like a Lifesteal SMP Application title I Applied to the LIFESTEAL SMP except its not lol! This is also similar to the Demise SMP, with creators such as InfamousJJ, Hot Chocolate, Only_A_Squid, PixelMaksis. Like how when Dabbycat became IMMORTAL and an ASSASSIN This is like this, except instead of the Most Genocidal Minecraft SMP or the the Deadliest Minecraft SMP it’s the Demise SMP! Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh and I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen and Turtilz and itzglimpse and NotNico and Mellomelt and TapL and Technoblade and Grian and Stimpy or Marcel or Stimp and Hurtin and AreuMadLoL and Derpled and Doogile and Purpled and it is NOT minecraft man hunt or manhunt and I am not dream against sapnap badboyhalo and skeppy against 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 hunters and its Not Minecraft But Water Rises or Minecraft But Lava Rises or any other but challenge like that This is NOT a speed run speed runner of Minecraft against a killer assassin and Im gonna steal this from areumadlol I enjoy to watch in the Minecraft PVP Hypixel Bedwars Skywars Blissolic Survival Battle Royale SpeedSilver Hoplite Minecraft 1.20Like ParrotX2 and his LifeSteal SMP Series where he broke bedrock or blew up 2000 TNT.

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    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW https://www.twitch.tv/glidingtheow Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More