EPIC! Draining Ocean in Minecraft for 2hrs!! OMG

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For for for that those are my footsteps approaching sorry I’m late I uh I la in bed a little later than I should have I was just like oh man it’s it feels like a Monday but it’s not Monday um so Hello Johnny Boy how do oh I’m telling hi Ashton

Hi okay so we’re just gonna jump right into this as you can tell by the title of the stream my name is Mike my dad’s name is Mike um my middle name is Michael what do you know um we’re just gonna I’m just think drink coffee we’re going to just jump into this

This I don’t even care that that’s not totally great it’s coffee and I need it I don’t okay I don’t need it I’m gonna I’m going to be waking up occasionally as we go uh let’s see we yeah we are at Psalm 38 a song of David for remembering oh maybe this will

Help me out like a kindergarten song remembering is good it’s good to Remember it’s okay I’m still have to sleep as well I feel it you know what John you know what all right we’re just going to read to uh we’re just going to read through verse eight um one through eight and then tomorrow we’ll get the the other half

Oh Eternal one please do not scold me in your anger though your wrath is just do not correct me in your Fury the arrows of your bow have penetrated My Flesh your hand has come down hard on me because your anger has infected the depths of my being and stolen my health

My flesh is ill my bones are no longer sound because all of the sins I have committed my guilt has covered me it’s more than I can handle this burden is too heavy for me to carry now sores cover me infected and putrid sores o because of all the foolish things I have

Done I am bent down cowering in fear prostrate on the ground I spend the day in mourning guilty tears stinging and burning my eyes my back aches I’m full of fever my body is no longer whole no longer well I’m completely numb totally spent hopelessly crushed the agitation

Of my heart Mak makes me Gran well see now of course we know that the other half of that tomorrow is going to be um the other side of that you know the outcome of of you know God’s grace and his his mercy and his love I will say

That that does bring into perspective um consequence whether it’s internal consequence in our soul or inside of our body um there’s a consequence to sin and it’s heavy and it’s it’s difficult it’s not it’s just not good so um yeah so before we get started uh Lord bless the

Onion let it makes this a fun time in Jesus name let’s get started let’s get a little lighter than that then shall we what’s up A1 gaming came in here at a great time all right let’s see cows I swear sponges oh my oh my gosh

Cows look at all this coal that I have we’re doing it we’re doing it ca how’s it going bro what’s up how you doing hopefully you’re doing Good TOA just slid off chair new Parliament security breach in India oh boy that’s fun hope they get that sorted out yeah that’s uh that’s a great time not searching Google I I will later on he’s a crazy little one I love when puppies just like don’t really have a an aim they

Just kind of just do stuff you know all right so yeah I think Friday Friday what we’re going to do on the stream is we’re going to take a break from doing this and we’re going to go do other stuff but for now you

Um for now this is what we uh we got going you know I even don’t know that and I live in India we have to watch her like crazy she just jumps off of things I understand that you know what what John you don’t want me to take a break from doing

This I feel like there are better things um to stream than to just constantly be doing this this is something that you you stream for like 10 hours um and your your totally dedicated fan base is watching newcomers might not enjoy it you must keep going until the job is

Complete if you don’t then I will not pay you you are not paying me I own this world this world I created it and I pay Apex hosting $20 a month to run this server little too real little too real huh okay well on that note we have gotten this all complete

How was fast as it’s only been a few minutes all right I know what you’re thinking why do you keep taking your your scaffolding down and then putting it back up then taking it down because so what I do is I put it up only high enough to get the

Sponges that I can reach and then I go higher to get more sponges then once the sponges fall to the ground I take the scaffolding back down and I fall to the and I go to the ground to get the sponges like that I just hope for Ted’s wonderful

Personality oh it’s a little goat I’m not going to scream like a goat people are still asleep here and I would pretty much hurt my throat for doing that I’m doing that so I’ve also uh it’s kind of a off topic but I’ve been uh thinking about

What kind of shorts that I want to start making again and obviously I I like doing the the clips of like the older stuff that I’ve done just to kind of like like a highlight reel of like good morning Minecraft and all that stuff from way back in the

Day but uh I also was thinking like I just plug my guitar in and do like you know what if if Minecraft songs had guitar solos kind of deal that kind of thing it would be kind of like a ghetto rig at first but then you know if people

Like him I’ll start putting more attention into them and I come to question my life choices so do I I’m so tired I forgot YouTube Reals were called shorts I was actually thinking about shorts parliamentary session stopped for two days yeah I hope they get that all

Figured out cuz that that could uh that could cause some problems got to love this stuff got to love it yeah they’re called they’re called shorts so I’ve been thinking about what kind of shorts I want to get you know it’s like you know uh swimming trunks

Um what what is that what is that kind my friend rundo wanted me to get him a pair of these shorts on my vacation one time I can’t remember what they’re called oh Bermuda shorts I think those are swimming trunks right it’s too early and I haven’t had enough G coffee no I

Feel it also trying to finish up all my Christmas cards this morning e we wanted to make we wanted to make our own custom Christmas cards cuz me and me and my buddy Anis are you know in the art mindset so we were like let’s

Just draw it and you know I’ll do the coloring and everything like that and and it’ll be really fun make it like little cartoons of everybody who lives here and like Merry Christmas from you know from from our house to yours or whatever something like that but we

Haven’t gotten around to doing it just we’re we’re very we’re all really busy you know but yeah that’s that’s what I would that’s what I want to do but it’s I feel like it’s a little too late now there’s like you know maybe maybe if we do it

It’ll be for like you know the people that we’re going to see in person you know just like have a bunch of them but where are we going to how are we going print him out too like carbon what’s up my friend curfew near Parliament oh

Boy oh I know you’re not kidding CA I know uh what’s up carbon how you doing this is the first year we’ve done them the ones with a picture of us oh yeah is is Tula involved little Tula that’s the that’s the perfect name that is the perfect name all right let’s

See okay let’s go dry our sponges out maybe you’ll have to see when you get get your car that’s right you know where I live I want to see a stream with Josh also who’s Josh you mean John I know a couple joshes the one that I would like to do a

Stream with is Josh Dunn from 21 Pilots that would be fun but you know I do don’t forget it all right so that’s making coal this is drying out sponges meant John I was like Josh I mean like okay you know I know Josh I know who everyone is talking

About right right right right right we need to play overcooked that we do that we do can hop on to my other channel play some play some games I need a I need a much better uh capture card for the switch though because ah there’s there’s such a

Latency on it that it it’s impossible to play it it works for um Animal Crossing because Animal Crossing is not a fast-paced game or anything like that it doesn’t need much response time but uh everything else literally everything else does so I just need to bite the bullet and

Get an Elgato at some point if Ted is live on Friday I’ll most likely be joining him oh good the what I’m using is $20 at Walmart it’s been great interesting interesting do you have like a link to it or something you just I think I feel

Like we talked about this we have talked about this is the latency good on it like because that’s the biggest thing like I don’t care if it’s you know you know $15 or or $300 like if if I can’t play the game through it then then what’s the point

I’ll send you the link awesome also send me the Zelda as well you haven’t noticed any issues good yeah I’ll give that a try before I you know spend 300 if if it works and you know I can be a little more financially Savvy then you know where you from I’m from

Ohio good oldfashioned Ohio Funny thing I I say that because it just kind of rhymed with Ohio but um 21 Pilots are also from Ohio I actually live like a few hours from from both the guys from 21 Pilots I play the game via OBS also I’m not playing on on an external monitor

Right and that’s I was doing that with animal Crossing and there was like like half a second of delay which like again works for Animal Crossing because N1 Crossing is not fast-paced at all but if I’m playing Legend of Zelda I I want to make sure that things are

Happening right when I want them to happen but um yeah I’ll get to the the chat here in a second this is time sensitive stuff I’m going to drown if I don’t do this properly I don’t want to drown I choose life there we go no

No all right I’m actually running out of air just hop up here real quick yoink uh Ted and I are a couple of Rust Belt boys good oldfashioned rust belt your sister is in Atlanta Georgia oh nice yeah Georgia’s really nice hey dri Fanboy how you doing I’ve uh been been a

Been a minute you’re you’re probably going to drown anyways in the game yeah I know send l in Discord e that hurts like a negative word to my soul that hurts what if that’s what they’re attacking me with mean words just jerk good it’s been a while it has I’m glad you’re doing

Good we are I don’t know if you were here when we started this project or not but uh we are uh emptying out this whole area so I can make G farm this has taken a couple weeks to do because I don’t have enough sponges I had 30 something sponges which would

Have doubled my production time or cut it in half yeah cut my production time in half doubled my speed however uh some of some of them glitched out and I only have half of the sponges now so that that’s good a random furry what’s up buddy how’s it going hopefully you’re doing

Well like I was saying uh earlier on Friday we’re going to take a break from doing this and um we’re going to just go do something else I mean Monday we’re going to get back into it because this is a very valuable farm that will give tons of XP oh jeez

And tons of resources too excuse me I got Minecraft on iOS cost $8 oh that went up I remember when it cost like $6 when I when I bought it like years ago um on my phone it was uh it was $6 everything’s going up nowadays because nobody

Cares I made a new video I think I think I I started watching some of that uh I had to go do something else for for a bit I forgot to get back into it but uh it looked it looked good I thought for a moment when you wrote I got Minecraft of

Coats and I was like what yeah you know Minecraft for for your coat it’s when your coat wants to play Minecraft you know okay stop stop st stop stop stop st stop stop stop stop stop stop okay change the song real quick yoink yeah mine coat coat

Craft all you do is make coats I would play it the coat expansion pack yeah yeah for sure ow listen listen you I don’t understand Oh dolphin is helping me out um get out of here okay now I now it’s hard to move because I’m going so fast okay got

This all right one second guys okay I need air and yink all right you know next year gen oh come on um I have enough money to Su MO you know next year January 23rd will be I would go to Philippines it’s been six years I don’t uh I don’t go to

Philippines oh nice they have really good food over there so I’ve seen on television that would be honestly an interesting game ccraft would be worse because of the Tik Tok FES right right the the the weird stigma about around FES yeah I feel like people would would think it’s it’s something Else okay there goes my uh the door that I had down here but that is fine that is fine and then we’re going to yink yink yoink yoink Y yoink yoink yo y y yoink all right that one’s done He subscribed weren’t you already subscribed weren’t you already subscribed I feel like you already subscribed I’m subbed to myself as well I remember back in the day when I first started the channel I went to my other channels and I subscribed to this Channel with those channels I feel like like everybody’s

Done that who has multiple channels like it’s not like a new thing come on coffee do your thing do your thing all right see look like we’re we’re productive over here we’ve got a whole little ecosystem of cow and wheat you know wait what thing the thing that

Coffee does you know the little the little buzz buzz of energy that most likely won’t happen until after the stream is Over what what was the first time I came into your streams that was probably about I want to say three or 4 weeks ago is that that’s sound about right I need food okay I need to I need to go go home real quick unless I have food in the chest

Here months how many months have I been doing this I can’t remember oh I have 60 steaks I don’t have to go anywhere look cows look what I’m eating you going to put it back to bed okay fun fun fun at some point I’d like to go back to bed as

Well H one of those things but I I I I do have fun doing this I don’t want to you know he those G so Phantom oh boy that is that that’s something else if AAC was here he’d go crazy with that all right there we go sponges

Sponges yoink yoink yoink eight more to go I can make this work okay there we go that needs up there four more one two okay all right that whole the whole like um I don’t know even know what to call it it’s like just a a random spurting out of slang

Terms like that fortnite Riz you know you’re so skibbidy like I I don’t know what to call it it’s it’s it’s entertaining though it is ENT aing all right so this is nice right John that’s nice say it’s nice come on come

On I know you want to no no no no no no say it’s nice go ahead go ahead say you get some snacks that sounds like a great idea I want snacks too I want snacks that aren’t going to give me heartburn though that’s the thing you know we’ve all been there

Right I saw a meme called penguinos el mcar edit on the video there a text there see that that’s one I’m saying like everything is just so Random now anyways yes it’s very nice isn’t it sorry I was looking in the mirror yeah no I’m watching The Stream

Why is my face there oh I’m looking in a mirror for two hours I’ve been looking at this mirror yeah yeah all right yink okay there we are and it’s nice to look at okay every time we go through a a store that has that sells

Mirrors or like in the the lobby at church um those big mirror walls I’m like oh look they they have my favorite painting this guy all right yo yoink yoink yoink yo yoink and I was laughing so hard and my parents you’re like stop laughing so hard oh that’s that’s always the thing

Like um my parents would always ask like about it like what are you laughing at I’m like it it doesn’t doesn’t matter I’m just laughing at something I saw I don’t know how to explain it or like what this just a thing I saw I don’t know H good times good

Times all the oofs oofs in the chat I also got to remember I think um after this one I should go home though and um repair my tools you know we’re doing a lot of this uh shovel usage here a lot of it and I mean a lot of

It all right this is going well all right and yoink yoink yoink yo yoink yoink there we go how long do we stay here to be an OG oh I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know couple years or something you know my parents just slapped me so hard

Yeah uh I don’t know I I mean what does it take to be like what is what does an OG do like you just like an OG subscriber viewer kind of deal like oh yeah he’s he’s one of the O ogs of uh of the chat you know from from 20 years you

Know that would be excessive um all right let’s go home and uh uh heal up my tools there’s the boat we’ll restock on some food too what do you mean well this is nice look at the ocean it’s it’s it’s it’s pretty 20 years no I’m kidding I’m kidding

Channel’s only been up for uh almost nine years now this definitely not 20 probably probably like you know probably a year you know I should have like a nothing too crazy but I should have like a a reward system for like how long you’ve been I see I like on Twitch the

One thing I do like about twitch is that they have like the points you know and I would call them like pepperonis I need to set up my actual like stream um like visuals because I have things that I’ve made um and they look pretty cool it’s

Like I love the aesthetic of a pizzeria you know and not just because of FNAF um The Penguins of medic gasar but not just cuz of FNAF but I just I love pizza and the aesthetic of a pizzeria is so is so cool to me garden of band B release date came

Out ooh interesting definitely going to have to be checking that out freaking Garten of band ban what a game what a game that is is like Matt Pat says it is the game ever H I love mat pad I can’t wait to see him play it hey guys all right okay let’s

Go restock on some food here uh yeah let’s let’s take some steak let’s take some raw steak too because I have um stuff over there I have some wheat on me but I am going I’m going to need some more um let me take these hay

Bales wait a minute hold on a second kind of store this dirt over here what was the the release date for it did they say I mean obviously December 20th that’s that’s in seven days that’s a week it is a week from now that’s fun

Okay I’m I’m I’m here for it I’m here for it what’s this issue number two I already have an issue number two I I I haven’t been home guys I haven’t been home home let’s go ahead and uh ah d c all right let’s uh give me a wait wait a bottle of

Water all right oh right right is rain I can do that I give you a bottle water what’s going on guys do go here oh boy oh you’re welcome you’re very welcome good oldfashioned bottle water all right so we are healing up our tool TOS healing them up doing the stuff you

Know oh no not the cows again look at all this food I’ve got wow yeah all the all the leather too I don’t know what you’re talking about A1 gaming the there there’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing here come on be a good sport absolutely nothing nothing wrong oh good we’re still

Operating I got a little congestion going on there good Lord I don’t have stuff for them for for those things okay I’m going wheat and I need XP I’ll be doing some trades too to heal my tools up you know oh I hear an Enderman is there an Endy around here Andy

Hello are you there please and thank you show yourself yes please sir all right so I feel like I should do um Fletcher trades because I can make tons of Sticks what we got down down here I mean we are definitely not lacking on on beef that’s for sure speaking of beef or beef like substances so uh my buddy anthus as you know who you see in the chat occasionally he um he’s one of the the people that that

Live here and um he made Sloppy Joe’s last night not not with a canned sauce but he made his own sauce Sloppy Joe’s with uh with ground deer meat and it was so good can I see your Minecraft avatar maybe hey he’s all christmy right

Now I made this myself I found out a tutorial so it’s not exactly original but I did make it I’m a little elf I want to get like I want to get uh like next week maybe um for the build up to Christmas I might uh I might get a a texture pack

That’s a resource pack that it’s like all christmy and stuff that’ be fun I don’t want these eggs man I don’t want those all right so yeah I love I love Christmas um we made a bunch of Christmas cookies a couple nights ago too they were they were so

Good um let’s see so I might as well oh I have these trees here that I’m harvesting so I’m going to get these and I’m going to make a bunch of sticks and I’m going to trade these sticks to the Fletchers and they are going to uh give me XP

Points for a moment there I thought you just Chuck stuck them all under the one under one tree and I was like wow I guess the chickens will have a little leaf leaf top home now no I mean that’s what it did look like it did look like that I appreciate your Keen

Eye do you have kids not yet not yet I’ve been married for three years and um we’re we’re we’re hoping to get uh get our own place um before we venture off into that that whole Adventure but um yeah I mean we’re we we’re happy

Where we are but we want to have a a house of our own you’re married yeah yeah and sometimes that’s why it takes um 7 to 10 minutes for the stream to start um because my wife is leaving for work and I’m I’m saying goodbye giving her a kiss

And all that stuff you know then I’m also making my coffee and then as soon as she leaves I close the door grab my coffee sit down boom good morning everybody but I want to make sure that this that the stream is up and running and and and

Stuff um because that that takes couple minutes to get all that set up so I get that set up and then I do everything else while it’s you know we’re at like the welcome screen but yeah yeah marriage is a blessing it really is oh so I got sticks you know what that

Means Fletchers that’s what that means hey guys I’m coming for you oh no he’s he’s here oh no all in unison hello sir do you have friends on Minecraft yep you’re looking at them Thomas these are all Thomas no I do I um I wouldn’t say I I have friends um in

Minecraft I have a lot of friends that play Minecraft as well that I’ve met before um playing Minecraft and they all play Minecraft so we we all play Oh Thomas yeah and and you thought those Thomases were fun what do you what do you see where do you see these

Thomases your question is do you have friends in real life no no I don’t they’re all a bunch of Moochers no I’m kidding I’m kidding oh the real question is what did my friend split SE SEC get me for Christmas John you’re always saying you’re a figment of our

Imagination aren’t you an example of IRL friend yeah John what’s with that you’re my IRL figment of my imagination got 20 more sticks well I have I should probably plant these saplings again cuz this is actually a pretty decent place to you know Farm the trees from Farm to Table from Farm to

Tree but yeah let those grow insatiably large I I I don’t know okay these are growing surprisingly slow I’m really surprised at that I thought I was but apparently according to T I’m just a random guy who shows up his house most nights not even

A friend you didn’t know that I have no I have no idea who you are but you’re fun so I keep you around that did start a fight no the fight started six years ago like flashbacks the fight started six years ago what have I become

Ow didn’t I just say the most random stuff to each other all the time that’s right cabbages you know they’re a thing quite healthy actually ow this is not I need these for trading ow it’s fine hi Thomases lack of Thomas all right you there I need XP and you’re going to give

It to me oh you got to go okay I well hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow hopefully we shall see you tomorrow my friend what is the full form of what what does that mean Papyrus from undertale I don’t know hey C again that’s crazy pineapple Apple pen the full

Form I have a pen I have an apple apple pen that guy’s my hero for sure Academia my hero Academia good show finally able to log back in right do that mean you’re going to make content on the channel again w w wow W give me

These please and thank you all right I need more things to to to sell so okay let me go put some St away we’ll see Ted we’ll see Tobuscus I don’t know Dad I don’t know you’re not the Lord of Destiny son I don’t know Dad I don’t

Know oh I love that bit that was from one of his happy wheals videos long time ago like 10 years ago uh let’s see emeralds I got nine emeralds made a killing and then dirt uh where’s prismarine stuff over here prismarine stuff look at the underwater stuff yo eggs get out of here

All right this is going well I think Super swimmingly I should say as well as as as well as U do I do I have a chest for sweet berries or did I just put them in here they don’t fit in here you know why because that because we I had the trade

T this is going as well as my love life that’s not good what I I don’t know Dad I don’t know um but yeah so iron production is going well let’s take these out of here yo yoink yoink it’s so cool that um I finally have this you know made there we

Go oh there’s some more I’m going to take a bunch of these and make some uh iron blocks real quick there we go just uh it saves on Space you know okay R folage you don’t know Dad wait so if you’re my dad and I’m your

Dad and that means it’s true I Am My Own Grandpa all right I got to be up early just showing off the keptic kid is back for the moment hey I I I I love it I’m here for it the the YouTube lore is is happening here and I’m I’m all for

It I don’t know why I start talking like that but yeah have a good evening my friend the words of Rose I love you I say that a lot oh Kaku what’s up Zebras all right I should have enough I’m not really worried about it but I’m going to go Harvest some stuff so I can trade some stuff besides kepin is kiraku by the way John just in case you were wondering yes I know all I hear is the is Emperor

Palpatine from Star Wars yes I know go to the sanctuary Moon uh good oldfashioned Emperor Palpatine great villain great villain ah I never finished watching Revenge of the Sith but I’ll probably do that um tomorrow that’s what you now think I sound like huh I have will smoke you

Buddy not if I’m not a ham boom what I’m not a ham so you can’t nor am I bacon ham actually sounds pretty good but B bacon sounds a little bit on the better side as bacon usually does you know as big bacon usually does all right so we got uh two three

Four five five stacks of um of beetroot I feel like we’re going to be getting more too because there’s some that I haven’t been able to pick up yet but I figure I’ll wait until I plant all of these seeds to get a final count because like that keeps refilling my seed count

But for the most part you know we got this yeah we go okay come back come back come back uh that I keep getting restocked so any crazy plans today guys any wild and wacky plans take over the world or something like that you know for me I am

Working and then I’m going to eat lunch and then I’m going to work again and then I’m going to go to church and play the guitar probably actually stay in class this time unless I hurt my back again oh wow that oh that wasn’t growing already I just subbed with my five other

Accounts oh well I appreciate that thank you we definitely surpassed the uh the, 1550 now we surpassed that number GNA have me a protein bar that actually sounds pretty good sounds pretty good yeah that’s actually going to help out the algorithm a lot you know how about the subscriber

Count that should help out the algorithm look at see look at I already got 47 more iron ingots 52 I stand corrected all right um grab these I can use these I I have so many so many beetroot seeds now bye so let’s go um let’s go feed some

Chickens some chimpin you know what I’m saying you know I say you know I say hello all right this should give us some good oldfashioned health on our uh pickaxe there or pickax cuz I can’t afford for for my diamond sword sword you can not afford for my diamond

Sword I can swing my shord actually this is uh working very nicely cuz I am the lord lord lord of sweet sing sword swords welcome to my M man Swing Swing Swing My Sword I don’t want to pick them up just let these despawn like for real like I nobody wants these all

Right Dam I my pickax is almost almost ready though to be honest let’s go over here to my other chicken farm and we will uh you know yeah cuz we’re doing this with um the beetroot seeds and we are also um going to be um trading the beetroots for more XP

As well and we get emeralds too you know you know and like with this I get chicken I hope cuz I mean you just you just never know what these Contraptions flipping eggs go everywhere how’s the protein bar John how is the protein bar I don’t want those eggs stop giving me eggs

Okay I’m just going to throw all of these on the floor like oh I suppose I should go back over this way do not pick the eggs up don’t do it this is my uh my chicken farm XP farm SL I guess Egg Farm it takes advantage of entity

Cramming it’s it’s it’s definitely not very uh Humane but I’m it’s just it’s just a a it’s a mechanic of the game that I’m taking advantage of and uh you know I get XP for it come on come on all right I guess I’ll go over here now just go over this

Way yeah there we go now spread out spread out and underneath is a hopper and a chest so they will all get collected there you know totally fine there’s nothing questionable about this I don’t I don’t I don’t know what the what the problem is totally nothing wrong with

What I’m doing here you know I’m just fixing up my tools like a good oldfashioned Minecrafter does you know pay no attention to what I’m actually doing this actually is a a very um I mean so if you’re gonna have an animal farm you’re you’re gonna you know process them

Anyway this kind of takes the the blood off of my hands um I mean physically just maybe not metaphorically need it’s just these eggs these eggs bother me because I can’t get any of the the things I actually want like these because there’s so many eggs just sitting around get out out of

Here and if I had an item sort that put eggs into into like a garbage can then that would be great but I don’t have that okay this is good this is great this is fantastic you know ow ow it’s weird to not be able to hear anything because there’s so

Many there are so many um noises over there that all the sound effects aren’t processing properly okay we got this I think I finally solved the uh the problem of the the Golems spawning on that part of the land over there I haven’t seen them do it

Yet my pickax is pretty much all the way better now I need to uh work on my shovel you know let me swap these out yoinker beta Diggy Wiggy you know so that’s what that is it’s money no in a way I can I can sell that chicken for emeralds hey friend bye

Friend all right I have all these beetroots M all these beetroots heck yeah I should still the pumpkins too hello all right you want beat roots and I need experience I’m going to see if anybody else has beetroots that they aren’t uh all the way up yet no you’re all the way

Up oh everybody’s up all the way okay doesn’t really matter then I guess it matters if you’re out okay this is this is why why farming is is great you know cuz cuz you get you get to do stuff you know and now I have 21 emeralds and I need to go

Harvest some pumpkins because not these ones these ones are naturally spawned here and I want to keep them there because they’re nice bye friend it’s money I see all those uh those emojis I see them all got an auto clicker on there again get you got an auto clicker on there gun like

Bro all right uh let’s go down here no no no I’m not clicking any of those oh wow interesting interesting grab these these have to be melons full-fledged yoink I don’t understand why this is how you have to do this this CU it’s kind of weird you know I got 21 of those

And I’m going to have more when I go over to um you know what let’s go ahead and just plop these things into the uh into this up here yo yoink yoink yoink yoink yoink and BRB all right have fun bebing my friend all right yeah that’s that’s

Really all I would need to put in there just let those make some bone meal all right uh eat and then we’ll go Harvest some pumpkins my shovels you know got healed up pretty pretty quick though for what that is you know trading is I think one of the most effective ways to

Um you know maybe I maybe I don’t have to get any more pumpkins I can get potatoes let’s just yeah let’s do potatoes cuz they have a lot of potato trades over there and that should um put me at at least a a comfortable place with my um the health of my

Pickaxe and and my uh shovel you know it’s my shovel that I’m working on right now but you know whatever it’s f i I said it I said what I said jeez stop staring at me all right there we go but I don’t want to stop okay well you know look in the

Mirror you’ll be distracted I can make a quick getaway just look at the mirror go away let’s see how many potatoes is this that’s a decent amount you know yeah you know okay might as well grab these pumpkins though because I’ve only got uh 43 of them this

Is this isn’t going to be a lot this going to be I really should but I need to do this with the rest of this hi guys I need to find out what to do with those things make everything work for me you know make everything work for me okay

That Perfection and it’s finest and its most perfectness you know say you know I say boom look got another one came up over there interesting interesting as they say in China know I don’t I I don’t know boom did you hear a boom because I heard Jon shout boom but it was it

Wasn’t like a like an auditor audible shout it’s more like a mental shout like in in my head you know like I feel like John just speaks mentally not like in a weird like demonic kind of way just a it just talks in my brain you

Know it is my great power you know what that means it’s also your great Responsibility keep that in mind all these pumpkins good oldfashioned pumkins you know pumpkin muffins sound really good right about now Allison if you’re watching this make me some pumpkin muffins cuz that’s how that works all right you want pumpkins I got pumpkins for you you got XP for me please and thank

You all right anyone else want pumpkins aha I knew it oh that’s that’s it okay um potatoes just going to go till you’re out my friend or until I’m out either one comes first that actually did a lot for my uh my XP I have anything else to sell at the

Moment actually I do okay give me that XP we’re doing we’re doing good feel like it’s right about now I’m able to go uh collect this wheat and um get my uh what do you call it um my cow’s um bread again welcome back A1 gaming thank you for coming

Back I was so alone yoink all right 54 emeralds that is not bad this is not bad oh wow we’ve been we’ve been collecting some iron okay random foliage goes into here I should put a uh a storage unit over by the flower Forest where the the

Bee Sanctuary is cuz then I would be able to uh um you know then I would be able to to uh have a storage facility for Just Flowers I can keep that keep that uh safe I guess I don’t know keep that away from everything else cuz that chest is going

To fill up really fast with uh poppies you know oh my gosh there is one over here hey Buckaroo come here I’ve been watching you Dad ain’t that cool I’m your buckaroo I want to be like you come on come on at least I I I know how to fix this

So once I get some more wool which I could easily do but I don’t want to get sidetracked I’m in the middle of something I just don’t want this to ruin how do you jump onto this thing oh my gosh he’s not an iron slave the pit of Destiny calls his name that’s

All that’s all it is he really wants to walk over this way doesn’t he he’s not going to you know why I’m in charge here buddy I’m in charge it calls your name you must you must it is your destiny all right I’ll I’ll see you later wait what’s this all right

Anyway um okay Cobblestone I’m ding up my uh my inventory so I can get a bunch of wheat Cobblestone gravel over here yink um melon slices go over this way uh doors I don’t need doors anymore there we go uh eggs oh that’s what I was doing I

Was just getting rid of the eggs you can’t have doors John you lost your door privilege remember what happened last time yeah you you know you know you can’t have doors what I just opened it yeah it was supposed to be closed at all times who knew the Chupa copper was

Going to get out the government duh it’s a crypted the government knows about this all right let’s let’s hop into bed here real quick and then we’re going to go Harvest some wheat uh and we’re going to go feed our cows and that should give

Us up to a good point where we can head back to Cow Island all right it’s just it’s incredible the things that you know you have to do in order to you know keep going there are three creepers over here I’m going to go around even though it’s

Right over there that I need to be you know what you know what let’s uh let’s let’s pick these guys off one by by one okay there’s one all right and yoink yoink okay that could have gone better there’s you this guy come over here please and thank

You jump up here yep yep yep yep yep yep come on oh okay I guess that’s another way to get XP as well is to slay the monsters hey come on I believe you want a piece of this a piece come on let’s go yoink all right

Why is your level not increasing because I have um my shovel in my hand and it’s got mending on it that’s that’s what I’m doing back home as I’m uh doing trades and um uh breeding animals so I can get XP to heal up my uh my

Stuff so I’m going to get these and I’m going to go back to my cow farms and and uh my sheep farms and you know we’ll be we’ll be good as we good as uh good as gold I guess you know an automated one of these would be pretty

Good I actually have an idea for one that’s really really simple so if I had a couple dispensers and like a redstone signal like a a line of redstone like going across here and a couple dispensers here and uh I would hit a switch and water would

Come down pick up everything and take it down to a line of Hoppers into into a chest that would be pretty cool but it is kind of satisfying to come out here and just do it by hand you know just do it by hand okay there we

Go there we go there we are are so I’m not going to have a lot of time back at Cal Island but at least we’ll be able to get back there you know what I mean yeah hi okay you guys have fun there we go well there’s another Chicken around

Here now that’s that’s great that’s what I needed just more chickens you know I don’t need so many chickens we should on on Friday I think what we should do is go on a chicken hunt I think if if if Anis is able to join me we should go on a chicken hunt

For sure you know execute them Execute Order Chickity chick I’ll certainly be joining you for for the chicken hunt yeah if if if you guys are uh when you get when you get in your laptop John aren’t you like supposed to be getting it like any day now

But um yeah I think that that would be a a good thing sometime within the next couple of weeks so sometime within 14 days that would that would that would be the next couple weeks yeah so are you are you paying for it or is it there someone getting it for you I

Can understand why it would be like on a on someone else’s schedule if they’re getting it for you but I’m just just curious some with sometime within the next five years yeah yep that makes sense all right there we go let’s go ahead and just use up some of this get some XP

Yoink because why not yeah I can’t believe I died a couple days ago and I was at level 50 something and it’s like that’s the highest I’ve ever been in Minecraft I it’s kind of ridiculous but it’s still I don’t take it as seriously as some other people who get

To like level 100 or something like that because they they make all these systems that get them there and I’m like that’s really cool and I would love to do that but I I just I’m just here to kind of you know be silly have fun do some cool stuff you

Know well it it’s my Christmas present I I’ve been haven’t been asking I haven’t asked for anything for like five Christmases straight so I asked for this one thing don’t feel too bad you weren’t at my funeral so you know A1 gaming with the nothing with the nothing in the chat that’s bizarre

You were at my funeral yeah I was you know wouldn’t miss that for the world huh let’s go back over here to the uh to the um the cow Farm cuz I find that beef and leather are more valuable than um than the chicken stuff anyway I’m over here thinking about all the

Appetizers and snacks I want to make for Christmas and New Year’s oo yeah I need to I need to think about I don’t I don’t know how Christmas is going to look I think I think I’m having uh like at least like a Christmas lunch um with my mother-in-law I

Think um I’m I’m not I’m not going to I’m not like visiting a lot of people on Christmas uh we have we have a lot to cover here you know our our tree is packed full of presents and we have all kinds of ideas of things we want to do for fun and

Um we got to figure out what we’re going to do if if we are actually having a Christmas dinner we got to figure out what we’re going to do it’s mother finally my messages are loading oh good oh good good my mom’s here so we can talk

About the uh the the hum the humaness of what I’m doing here with my cow Farm guy loves life hey guy nice hat oh thank you for New Year’s Eve we typically do snacks uh shakeri or derves and play board games that’s actually sounds pretty fun I know for a fact we need

Trone Ritz crackers and uh swiss cheese I know for a fact we need that I was saying why are I message is not loading oh well I I I couldn’t be able to tell cuz they weren’t loading all right we got a lot of leather and beef over here I’m glad

Those things are refrigerated because otherwise the beef would go bad that’s that’s the head cannon that I’m going with you missed out my chat that I left especially for you you said howdy howdy oh it’s a long story everyone involv some baked beans oh yeah yeah yeah yeah are you

French I’ll probably go to ALDI and get some stuff there they’re pretty reasonable pricewise right yeah that’s a hint if if Dad’s friend has the homemade trail baloney I’ll take two I already told him that but I just to reiterate that stuff is the best trail Boney nothing that I’m aware of

All sudden Ashton’s like oh we all right so that’s all I really need to do with these tools um so I’m going to put uh all of these seeds into the Qui Qui Gon Jin Jedi Masters are French too and oh no no no no no that’s valuable we don’t we don’t do

That I said you said Qui Qui instead of we wee I think that that might be how you spell it we aren’t French Italian and a bit of other stuff no French I know it was a joke I can just hear like the big sister tone that I know it was a

Joke I’ve gotten that tone quite a lot in my life sad really all right so I guess I can take this uh yeah you can pie don’t take that seriously huh huh put this wheed away I have I have wheat over there and I don’t really need

To breed the cows anymore over there cuz there’s uh a lot of cows on Cow Island so we’re going to eat some steak as we do and I’m still pretty uh chalk full of steak here I’ve got two more stacks and uh two stacks of raw that I

Can cook up over there so we Gucci uh you’re you’re the parent though you’re the one that yells I’m kidding I’m kidding don’t don’t think that seriously sisters are the one that gives me the tone and the attitude and they still do as if what I

Say is stupid or something even though I say a lot of stupid things I actually I feed off of those reactions you know I I I love to I love to uh annoy them it’s it’s fun you know how like the whole thing about you know mess around and find out

Yeah no I know I see hold on a second hold on I I I I am I’m an adult I’m 30 years old I can easily not stand in the corner yeah I’m digging myself a hole aren’t I an is like woohoo that’s how I read that I have an

Old I have a I have a joke um from a while back from one of these streams where me and Seth were making a dirt Shrine to Bill Clinton so we we were like I built my house on ground of wooho woo well you know Ashton is kind of like

A big sister anyway so I guess that would make sense no I’m not trying to win anything I I’m not I learned when I was about five that I will never win anything like this and I accepted that I accepted that when I was 20 I’m on

T I’m going to be I’m going to vouch for Ted here Ted does does not belong in the corner he’s too good of a dad to have such punishment I’m a dad what haven’t I been told me and John will start a a corner party

We will start a corner party you bu a shrine to H never mind I I don’t I do not vou for that it was all ingest I consider Ted like the little brother I never had right yeah we we all we all justest this is the jest wow Mom over here being possessive

Again kid I’m kidding I’m kidding all right I’m going to cook up some steak these should have been done by now but they weren’t uh chunk loaded I guess my hair is getting caught in the velcro of this thing and it worries me start a corner Party Corner part that mean that sounds

Fun there won’t be a lot of room but you know going have cake you know hey can you imagine the chaos in the chat if my sisters were here just realized I’ve been demoted demoted to what oh wait you’re not uh wait hold on a second there you go you’re a moderator

Again I think is this a different a different account this is the same account right yeah I just realized that it’s back okay yeah I’ve got some steak Brewing here let’s go to sleep I’ve got about 25 minutes left so we should be able to get at least one of these

Done I left the dirt at home that’s weird that’s the wrong picture no I’m not glad that they’re working I kind of want the chaos I thrive off a it my Maus has always been with me since the day Ted gave it to me and then I accident remember when I accidentally

Deleted all all of the mods luckily I didn’t it was able to not save it was I was able to not like save it and go wrong account wrong Scout you know to do fish I’m the doof we all know that why don’t I get a little Blu

Wrenched by my name because I don’t think you know how to how to work it again I’m digging myself a Hole uh I mean so these are my chat moderators if someone you know is being a little bit racist or they’re being a little bit inappropriate a little untoward

Then you know know they they block the chats and stuff like that yeah no do it do it this will be a interesting thing and have Dave chime in too it’ll be just like the all the arguments you had to separate when we were little we put the banhammer down or hitting

Italians so you’re gonna ban yourself John I see I so okay so the amount of viewers that I get we’re going we’re going to be a little on the real side here the amount of viewers that I get is not a lot even though I have nine right now that’s is a

Bit much um it’s not a lot um and I have like three moderators and the chat is never crazy active like a lot so if I I need one if I need another one your name’s in the Hat so it’s all business here you know them’s fighting words yeah you’re

Gonna get a smack in the back of the head drowning marinara sauce not actual drowning though like cuz you can easily eat the marinara sauce as as it you know pours over you so you have the the opportunity to eat or die can I also be be one sometime soon

If I need if I need more um I’ll consider you yeah no one’s hting Italians not at all Ted If you say anything we will have some problems John hates Italians he hat Italians I am I am really in a mood crushed by a giant meatball there are worse ways to

Go there are there are worse ways to go because I mean again you have the opportunity if you’re if you’re still alive you could eat or die I need dirt um give me all this dirt here all right let’s go back I wasted like five minutes because I forgot dirt

Time is money or something look at that Ted typically only picks people he knows so he must really trust you which based on every everything I’ve seen is understandable yeah A1 gaming he he behaves you know good sport I don’t actually hate Italians no worries John hates

Italians this it’s just like that like innocent like I don’t mean anything by it like oh yeah no John hat Italians like wait hey no stop good person for sure a very good person you still break up little monkey monkey fights why are you in the jungle you can do what you

Want just swinging around on Vines breaking up monkey fights you know see that needs to be a shirt John that you have goofy joke skills just I’m John and I have goofy joke skills if I actually hit Italians then why would I spend so much of my time

With you to plot to gather information QQ beam welcome my friend I used to play Minecraft yeah me too I used to play it all the time now I play it all the time so I guess nothing has really changed but we will have to make that shirt I am one of the

Monkeys No Nonsense I was always a llama mhm what information Italian information come on jeez what do you think this is I think I think the shirt needs to happen but I think it should be the picture of the the SpongeBob Meme where it’s like I am I have Goofy jokes

SKS there’s pickles down here how did I not know that wait wait a minute what the ooh a goat horn what why are the pillagers here hey what’s up storycraft I don’t think I’ll be able to give up Minecraft ever in my life I feel it I feel it you

Right I just whenever someone says you uh you right I just hear Markiplier you right I literally ask you for more love advice than anyone as well well uh you and your wife were the first people and we were the first people wow I thought Adam and Eve

Were I must not remember that very well and so far really only people I’ve told oh I see uh told who I think is the one what I tell that to someone I hate yes to gather information no read it read the rest we were the first people oh my gosh

Impressive you know what for that I’m going to I don’t really like that one cartoon John for the T-shirt yeah I could probably do that put that in away because it’s kind of annoying let’s go back and uh finish up one of these things because I’ve

Wasted like 10 minutes doing all of this wait why is my boat oh because I got intrigued by the pillagers and the pickle a lot of quotes this morning there’s a lot of intrigue surrounding the Pillager and the pickle you know what I mean okay

Let’s finish this up shall we ow ow oh my go okay they’re all attacking me okay the Pillager and the pickle I built my house on ground of woohoo so in case you were wondering the shrine to Bill Clinton was literally just a dirt figure that I built and I

Just said it was Bill Clinton what plugins do you have on the server I have um uh on on my on the client side which is on my computer I have the mini map which you can’t see because it’s well it’s behind my face um and this way

Points and stuff but I have um I have uh Multiverse portals and the Multiverse core plugins and I have the the player head drops and single player sleep that’s the only real thing I I want to add a couple like little fun things in and I needed some

Stuff to for the story that we’re telling there’s lore here and how people are with lore nowadays thank you Matt Pat for for raising awareness you ever slept I feel it I almost did actually I almost did but um what was I saying uh yeah I have just

Just a few things I want to keep it as vanilla as possible with just some stuff that help out the um the lore so it’s pretty much that it’s just some fun stuff for the other team members to to have fun with like if I could if I could

Wear anth this’s head you know how fun is that you know did I start doing two of them wow okay I started working on two of them they have our two with them okay stop it there really is no distance here I need Ted to join me if I’m going

To to the corner I didn’t do anything wrong this time I didn’t I didn’t do it I’m innocent totally innocent I never stole David’s Doritos never okay so I took a handful but so what he didn’t know can I join the corner yeah Corner party we love

Cake you’re literally making me into the enemy of battalions why it’s the spaghetti isn’t it I’m sorry spaghetti and bolones yeah it’s good but I can understand why it would gain uh enemies I I get it yeah go away fish thing one likes you okay okay stop stop

Okay it must be like a weird shaped room it’s a lot of Corners I’m saying by you saying I hate Italians the Italians are going to hate me therefore they’re going to throw spaghetti at you and I understand then that’s going to make you hate them it’s

The spaghetti it it’s all comes it all comes full circle oh show one cool plugin I know is that alls you to deal damage with snowballs the players me knock back oh okay well I might have to install that one without anyone knowing of course so wait you

Want me to hate you and all the other Italians no I’m saying um by the Italians hating you they’re going to throw spaghetti at you that’s going to make you hate the Italians you know or it’s going to make you just cry to yourself cry yourself to sleep and wonder

Why either outcome is is as possible you know Thriller how’s it going my friend wait but why I don’t know I’m not saying I’m just saying if you did then that’s what would happen I’m very good with theories you know theoretical uh Society um or something like that people science it’s

People science you know stop let me clear this up John loves Italians he’s in the corner for goofy jokes no no no no no I think I’m I think I got this right you subbed oh thank you I appreciate it a lot of subs today kind of makes me hungry for a

Sub um where do you live I live in Ohio in the US a lot of good stuff happening today that’s a lot of fun you know there were some quiet moments but then things really kicked up and I dug myself a hole you know talking about I forget

Honestly I forget what we’re talking about oh me not having to go to the corner cuz my mom said so yeah so I’m a I’m I’m I’m 31 years old I’m almost a full grown man I’m 30 but you know the joke is let’s go get some Subway together you

And I together oh okay that is the meme City it is it is I don’t get why there’s so many memes about Ohio nowadays I’m not complaining they’re funny are they true not no not like hardly but you know Ohio does have some weird people though the meme yeah it’s the state yeah

The the city of Ohio you know my favorite City down in Ohio we have farmers and emo kids Farmers that become Emo kids and emo kids that become the farmers everything comes full circle in Ohio so Ohio is hello in Japanese I believe or in Korean I can’t remember uh

What it actually what language that is okay okay this there’s there’s things happening right now that I’m not exactly too fond of okay come here come here get out of here he here here I’m blocking this off I I smarted them but it takes truly strong W and physically I’m I’m going to

Drown I’m just going to stop and read stuff in the in the water I was AFK my fish was drowning oh no wait T truly strong willed person physically strong person to live here the place on Earth with the second most powerful population still couldn’t even close

You come close to stopping us here in Ohio well I mean yeah okay that’s just there was just a lot there you know there was just a lot there I’m I’m still half asleep don’t worry about it but I’ve got my coffee that makes life okay don’t you know it’s going to

Be all right that’s the Beatles they were from Ohio too no no they weren’t beautiful Farmland we get every weather imaginable yeah and in the same day Ohio is always on bipolar menopause has no idea what the heck is going on no they were from Liverpool that’s not in Britain Liverpool’s it own

Country you’re from Britain then you know that Liverpool is its own country yeah yeah tell him tell John inform him that’s when I just get a bunch of stairs not like stairs that you walk on like people staring you know anyway yep you silly Billy I can’t believe this guy come on

Liverpool come on this is a pool of liver I would appreciate you stop hurting me as I’m hurting you okay well that’s not going to be a problem anymore okay there we go go finish these off here all right let’s go get some air H I’m stuck I am

Stuck stop I’m stuck okay here we Go she hears menopause and she returns welcome back Ashton how’s it going um Dolly old London Town no yeah yeah it’s very different from Liverpool pool it’s across the ocean actually I thought McCartney was from Britain but whoever but whatever I clearly don’t know Paul as well as I

Thought yeah no Paul’s actually from Connecticut that’s that’s just how most people in Connecticut talk with that accent you know cuz when the when the when the British came over to America you know the the the you know accent never left so Paul McCartney from Connecticut You’

Never know though you’d think he’s from Liverpool the other England yeah no he’s from he’s from Connecticut I’m multitasking making turkey legs for dressing and making another cup of coffee that I want turkey legs I want I want turkey yeah know he’s from Connecticut you know I was I was I was

Texting him some funny emojis yesterday he’s like right I’m not I’m totally from Connecticut my name is p cotney yeah and so I was like oh really I thought you were from Liverpool like no M it’s not what it’s like over there I’m from con then he started playing like some

Sick Baseline oh sweet what is your uh favorite and lucky number I don’t really have a lucky number but my favorite number do I have a favorite number I I don’t know uh seven do you have a Discord yes I do actually um Can can one of the mods

Share the link to the Discord if they’re able to it’s a fun Discord full of all kinds of fun fun stuff it’s a land of fun and we have we have fun take it from me the curator of fun we have we have it you’re like oh

Gez where am I going to get fun well I got some I offer it at a decent price you know one one like and one subscribe you can have fun you know all right let’s let’s build these walls okay there yeah there’s the Discord why can’t oh okay okay listen

You you get out of here I blocked you I’ve been blocked on Facebook before you’re very welcome Thriller I hope you uh enjoy the random gifts that I post of the Grinch because that happens a lot mainly just the one of him pouncing at the camera when he’s trying to uh scare Cindy

Lou run for your life before I kill again Liverpool is literally part of Britain why why are you still on this John we settled this what is a Discord I only know the legal meaning of the word it’s uh it’s how do you explain that it’s like a chat room kind of thing

Where you can video call people you can it’s it was mainly designed for gamers but I know there there’s several businesses that use it as well um it’s just a it’s a Gathering Place for like the the community here and we all hop in there and chat with

Each other and if I’m doing uh multiplayer gaming I can uh get on a voice chat with uh whoever I’m gaming with and stuff and yeah it’s that kind of thing all right I have seven sponges left that means we can sponge okay okay this is bad this is

Wrong Liverpool a city in the sea sea port in Northwestern England lies forms an irregular Crescent along the North Shore of the mercy Estuary a few miles from the iish sea I’m a Geon nerd well that’s good my head Cannon is is it

Exists no no no see I I I just I stand by it you know it’s that that’s my truth oh boy so these sponges huh oh you’re in the the Discord as well welcome my friend to the Discord I am the Emperor all right what time is it oh it’s actually just about just about 9 o00 my time is up but I’m going to finish this real quick and then we will uh carry on tomorrow morning same time same place that went really fast it did it

Did um so John if you want to come over in a little bit and we can just stand in the corner like that would be good 7:29 p.m. in India welcome my friends to Jurassic P you may leave the Corner no no no he’s going to come over and we’re going to

Get in the corner um but we got to we got to buy the cake first you know I don’t feel like making cake right now so we’re just going to have to buy it Giant Eagle is right around the corner we have a right around the corner oh uh we have

A we have um the means I guess also on a side note we have the I say we have the means my wife has my car but that’s okay because the car that we were borrowing from Pastor Nick he gave it to me so we have another car turns back

Machine on oh yeah I’ll just I’ll send you some Giant Eagle cake I’m sure it’s all right I’m sure it’s good oh no oh oh some like Funfetti cake actually sounds really good I’m going to get rid of this wall here and then we will call it a

Stream cake in the corner yep that’s our that’s our new podcast cake in the corner and it it’d be really good to have a podcast CU you know we need to have this conversation and because the conversation needs to be had we are the ones that have this conversation I think

It’s the time that we had this conversation about this conversation that that we’re going to have on this podcast about this conversation so what time should I be over for cake in the corner I have no idea it’s Wednesday Wednesday is a blur um are you playing on on Steam I I

Do have a a steam account I can’t remember it at the moment um I rarely do um but I do currently I do uh make sure that I always I always have steam installed and I’m always looking for games um that podcast I’m making pancakes in the

Corner pancakes in the corner actually I like pancakes too um cake in the corner is an awesome podcast name I think we will uh pancakes in the pantry waffles in the waiting room oh are you beging the cake now okay uh it saves me money I was just going to

Make John buy it but you know whatever French toast in the fire that’s amazing I really like that one but I feel like that that one could be for for you and Tom though because of the what the french toast Channel like it could be like a kind of an offshoot of

That I can’t help myself it’s fine it’s fine we all need to entertain ourselves somehow must be in the corner questioning My Life Choices yeah I know I know Corners have that kind of kind of effect on people me and Tom what now there was an

Ad oh you and Tom could that uh French toast in the foyer could be um you guys’s podcast name because um of the what the what the french toast Channel I feel like it kind be like a like a branch of that you know if I can speak

English you know as quickly as I want to then I I would do that interesting did you miss my idea for what we talk about on the podcast well I’ll talk about politics think going the world and you talk about culture relationships gaming entertainment I I will be it’s going to

Be like um Kenny blanken ship and Vic Romano Ashton knows who those people are it’s going to be like them from The Most Extreme Elimination Challenge that’s what our podcast would be like we think it’s going to be one way but then it’s just going to be me getting hit in the

Head by a rolled up piece of paper I don’t think so Ken yeah it would be a more appropriate version though it does sound something I would do to you yeah no it does it sounds like something I would more do to you for no reason gets in line to do that

I also it also reminds me of um Home Improvement as well I don’t think so Tim let’s see it really just sounds like something we would do to each other for the memes the memes can I cook dirt no okay just thought I’d ask let’s fill up this stuff here let’s

Um restock this put the sponges in the furnace and uh I think that about wraps it up I think I got to I got to get something to eat and then start Work n More Christmas cars to go oo for the nine viewers that we have today see what I did

There so yeah tomorrow same time same place probably doing more of the same thing and then Friday we’re going to take a break from doing this and we’re going to go um we’re going to go uh what do you call it chicken hunting yes we’re going to go chicken hunting on

Friday I’ll see you later have a wonderful day and I’ll see you tonight why what’s tonight what is it for you oh time it’s uh it’s 9:06 a.m. in the morning you’re further ahead on your CS than I am with mine chickens yeah I I know John I know it

Was it was a joke yeah it’s 9 900 in the morning I need to get started on work and yeah I need to eat something probably an apple or something I don’t know so yes thank you everybody for tuning in and uh chatting and coming up with some wonderful ideas for

Podcasts I kind of want to do that now so uh yeah tomorrow same time same place hopefully I’ll see you all there so your jokes need mental help after all of the abuse you put them through my jokes no no no don’t worry about it they’re fine uh so with all that being

Said and done guys thank you so much for tuning in and as always Lord bless the audience keep him safe in Jesus name ad Bente no

This video, titled ‘Draining An Ocean for Two Hours in Minecraft | Good Morning, DayBreak! | DayBreak SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by Teddicus on 2023-12-13 14:18:12. It has garnered 69 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:55 or 7495 seconds.

Let’s do this thang!

OUR NEW TCG!: https://www.challengersoftherealm.com/

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Nifipoms: https://www.twitch.tv/nifipoms

Splitsec: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP2-YCzerSgKvAUVoQcnAeA

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FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialTedA…

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Thanks for tuning in! Me and Jesus both love ya! 😀

#minecraft120​ #DayBreak​ #Teddicus​ #SMP #minecraft

  • Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft

    Jelqgang FPSMP Game Night in Minecraft Exploring Modded Minecraft with Friends! Join in on the fun as players dive into the world of Modded Minecraft with friends during the Jelqgang game night! This exciting event is streamed on Twitch, offering viewers a chance to witness the creativity and collaboration that goes into playing this popular game. Stream Schedule and Community Interaction For those eager to participate, the stream typically begins around 7pm PST. Viewers can engage with the streamer and fellow players in real-time, sharing tips, tricks, and laughs as they navigate the challenges and adventures of Modded Minecraft. To stay updated on upcoming streams… Read More

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  • Reverse the Verse: Minecraft Animation Reversed Video Fun

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  • Barely Surviving in Minecraft

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  • Speedy Parkour Shenanigans in Minecraft

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  • Lost My Minecraft World to the Ender Dragon!

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  • Nether Quest – Minecraft Survival Ep. 4

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  • Galactic Catfight: Custom NPC Battle

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  • Crafting Cash: Minecraft’s Profit Dash

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  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

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  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

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  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

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  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

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  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

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  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

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  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More

  • Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft

    Most Immoral but Moral Mob in Minecraft The Most Evil but Most Moral Mob in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players encounter a variety of mobs, some friendly and helpful, while others are downright menacing. However, there is one mob that stands out for its unique combination of evilness and morality. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Complex Mob The Enderman is a tall, dark, and slender mob that teleports around the world of Minecraft. Known for its eerie purple eyes and ability to pick up blocks, the Enderman strikes fear into many players. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Enderman has a surprisingly… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Generator – Get unlimited items now!

    INSANE Minecraft Generator - Get unlimited items now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator with Command Block’, was uploaded by Pixelator8627 on 2024-09-27 17:44:16. It has garnered 92 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:15 or 1035 seconds. 🌟 “How to Make a Sand, Gravel, and Anvil Generator in Minecraft!” 🌟 🎮 Welcome, Builders and Redstone Engineers! 🎮 In this exciting tutorial, we’re diving into the mechanics of creating a versatile generator that produces sand, gravel, and anvils—all using the same ingenious process! Whether you’re looking to stockpile resources or just curious about advanced redstone contraptions, this video has… Read More

  • Midnight Minecraft Creepypasta: Eerie Whispers

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  • Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live – Gather Spruce

    Ultimate Mission: JB/Drag 2 Live - Gather SpruceVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Mission to Gather Spruce | JB/drag 2 Live’, was uploaded by JB / dragmotoxboss 2 on 2024-08-08 05:31:24. It has garnered 51 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:15 or 17175 seconds. Starring JB / dragmotoxboss, minecraft Warning: There may be yelling in this livestream! Sorry, no links available for now! Tags: #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftjava I would appreciate if you would subscribe, it’s free, easy, and you can always unsubscribe at any time. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruit

    UNBELIEVABLE! 17 Hearts Left on Leviathan Hunt + V4 Help | ?Join BloxFruitVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt 17 Hearts Left and Helping with V4 | ?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-07-04 18:20:01. It has garnered 212 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:34 or 15214 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89’s LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴

    🔥 Insane Shizo Clickbait: Akidn89's LIVE SLEBEW SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [Live] SLEBEW SMP – MINECRAFT SERVER’, was uploaded by Akidn89 on 2024-01-12 07:45:30. It has garnered 229 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:34 or 394 seconds. because of lag Move to Stream 1 again :v Yoo Welcome to this quiet channel :v help subscribe and like :V https://saweria.co/akidn89 Legion 5 Cross Minecraft Server device that allows Minecraft Java and Minecraft Bedrock to play in the same world. Server Info? Java 🖥️ (1.17-1.20) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id:19132 *enter all Bedrock 📱(Latest) IP: gpnode15.cchosting.my.id PORT: 25568 Join our Discord DC: discord.gg/gqt2xg93cB GC: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LozYIl47GuE1ddKEAs8fUa… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS! 😍Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT mit BESTER GRAFIK😍’, was uploaded by benGx on 2024-05-19 13:42:13. It has garnered 28517 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:02 or 7862 seconds. 💸JOIN ►https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Ohv0u1O6Qz4nSdABvolyw/join 🗝️MMOGA ► https://www.mmoga.de/?ref=61457 ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ⚡ARGONPADS ► https://argonpads.com/products/topography?ref=bengx ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ —————————————– Socials: 🗨️Discord►https://discord.gg/UPAJt8eRc5 🎥Twitch►https://www.twitch.tv/bengxyt 🐦Twitter►https://twitter.com/FaZe_benGx 🎬Kick►https://kick.com/bengxyt ————————————– Setup: Mouse ► Roccat Kain 100 Aimo keyboard ► Rezon x Drexler mouse pad ► Ovenbird topographic map CPU ► AMD Ryzen 5 3600x GPU ► RTX 3070 ti —————————— ———– ⚠️My content is freely available, it just cannot be re-uploaded!⚠️ Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/s7umpi [Discord] https://discord.gg/WW7ayyUY [Twitter] https://twitter.com/luminisklio ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More