EPIC Fabrics and Redpaw Madness in Minecraft #7!

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And we’re going to play some Minecraft yeah and I I’m going to empty my inventory where did my map go gave my dog some M yeah want to close the door son sure what I oh yeah of course my phone tells me when uh this Channel’s Live Well I’m going to not take

My diamond pickaxe with me in case I die again oh you’re going down in the mine no I’m not going down in the mine I’m going to go looking for you going in the deep dark no oh why what do you mean why no ah oh come on that is just not

Right no good thing you did take your downam pickaxe it would just be outside but still my only oh my gosh what the what you got to be kidding me another one I didn’t die this time no because it wasn’t close enough oh my God it’s probably there’s probably a block in

Between you and him which that is enough to Shield you from the Blast by the way block yeah any more creepers want to blow up on me cool gamer here hey cool gamer I just got blown up twice yeah what’s up with that now there’s a big

Hole oh well I better put my clothes back on oh man I’m out of iron pickaxes do I have any iron of course I got some IR all right now I got to fill in this dog okay I guess some Stone picks to I’m only going to make the top

Section cuz oh man I’m out of I’m out of wood well we’re surrounded by trees so I’m not what you got no excuse I’m not surrounded by trees these trees won’t grow well that’s not my fault if you don’t have a green thumb hey can how’s it going there something I’m missing

Sh I am missing I got blown up and now I’m repairing a hole that a creeper has put into my into my front front like it blew up part of my house too look at that that’s just not right Okay that yeah okay so have a whole lot of dirt left in my let me make okay well I have made all that I can what I you do yes and now I have enough pickaxes go J but I should make one more Stone one

Before I go out so I think the creeper blew up my wall on my uh this in there shove this in there oh it did where’s the rest of my fence uh it’s going you got to make some Newen a you can use a stone cutter by the well

I the thing of it is I don’t think I have any regular cobblestone on me go outside to do something and I get blown up what’s wrong with that I I kind of made this Crosser before but I’m just G to get rid of it wait wait wait wait wait I have extra Walls good I am glad there extra Balls okay now put the extra walls in there go over there oh oh there it is your uh one by one M it doesn’t matter it’ll at least tell me how to get home from where 100 blocks away yeah but first I have to fix this hole

It’s going to bug me if I don’t fix the hole okay so let’s drop this this actually we get so much of this prob huh p is going nowhere I probably should switch dirt with uh that uh dark Cobble I don’t know what that dark Cobble is called what do you mean deep

Slate is that what it is that dark Cobble looking stuff the the Cobble that’s deep yeah that’s deep slate deep slate okay well that stuff deep deep deep slate it’s basically deep cobblestone and then there’s like deep people late I think is like the it’s just like it’s just like it’s good as

No yeah sure okay well I’m going to go look for some water you saying it’s good as new but there’s Cobble in anything like whatever it doesn’t matter yeah so it won’t blow up as easy when I get another creeper when you get another creeper you’re not saying if you get

Know well I get spiders all the time so I’m feeling like okay I don’t know why that holds Good by me anyway I get spiders all the time so why not creepers I’m and besides that’s like the third creeper Rd Bishop Rd Bishop holiday

Greetings sorry I I I said R Rd I think was actually R well we’re sorry you feeling lonely you’re more than welcome to watch us we’re playing Minecraft yeah a game my channel is very familiar with I am out looking for I was I looking for wood I got I

Forgot what I was looking for what were you looking for water cuz wait wait um um the stuff that makes Paper I can’t find I can’t remember what it’s was called anymore it’s called sugarcan and the sugar cane sugar cane yes but it’s not going fast enough

Enough only if only should i p can make grown with bone meal I it can’t no like does kind of oh speaking a bone cuz it can’t grow an extra block so much like as the okay I what you mean you can grow the vine all the way but you can’t grow

The block oh I get what you mean it’s also you know what while I’m out here I’m going to do some hunting all what was it the bamboo it can probably Row the bamboo to one solid block of bamboo how far away are do we the water here uh probably pretty far I

Know oh that sheep just turned into two sheeps one sheep two sheep one sheep two sheep sheep two sheep sheep right sheep sheep there we go all the Sheep all the dead sheep I got you got dark yeah was dark speaking of dark I better go back to the

House same here I just got about almost a stack of wood I feel like I just we just started and slept even how come it’s getting dark again already we slept before we started the stream I know but why is it dark again already 8 minutes wait wait 8

Minutes oh wow I did not realize we’ve been ging that long what for 8 minutes isn’t it doesn’t it Go in 10 minute Cycles or no you don’t know I don’t remember it’s been too long remember it’s been too long since you’ve timed it timed it I think it’s not supposed to be

8 minutes though that doesn’t make maybe it’s 20 minutes should be 20 minutes maybe oh you know what time is probably going while I was putting in the words description yeah yeah yeah that makes sense now yeah I think I think that’s what was going on is I like 10 minutes

No I don’t want the zombie it takes so basically it takes 10 minutes to get to the next day 20 minutes because 10 for the day 10 for the night and that’s when when it opens up so it’s 20 minutes could be you could be on a 20 minute

Cycle yeah each times every every 20 minutes it would go to the next day time it find out but I don’t remember it’s been a long too long since well since I’m here I’m going to get some bones and take them with me cuz if I run into a wolfy I want another

Dog this yay wonder what happen but probably all right let see I have a stack of wood yeah what are you going to do with your stack of wood well make tools with it you do that this and this and make another pck there we

Go what I want I’m going put this down here and actually this pick should be so I can use it not a stick make a bunch more sticks you’re making sticks I’m doing that on purpose I need sticks hey look a zombie graciously died in front of my house sticks with coal makes

Torches and I need torches to he’s going to go to sleep now well you have a good night or nap whatever it’s day or night I don’t know so I have 13 I torches 13 I feel like I should pick another direction to go but I know that going that would

Be I just don’t know where the nearest water source is for us over this mountain over the mountain you mean under the mountain behind the mountain dude I was trying to go through that mountain oh that one’s off the map okay know off of your tiny ass map hey

What you can say anything but that your your your channel is family friendly mine is not not I’m supposed to be stop it your child probably mine’s not well I don’t care you shouldn’t be cursing anyway it’s not good for you why why I don’t care I know what is

That what’s what is that a baby villager all the way over there yeah why exactly why yeah that’s a great question I don’t know they why oh well I I guess they’re going back to the Village yeah go back to the Village kid I need some blocks let me go get some

Cobble should I brought a bed with me actually I don’t want to I I have decided that I’m not going to do that I’m going to respawn in my own bed uh uh you wouldn’t want to respawn somewhere else dude it is a pain when you respawn

Back at spawn point okay not I’m glad it’s not for you it is for me follow the coordinates I’m glad you follow the coordinates that’s nice for you and I craw them too but we’re so far away from spawn point it’s not even funny besides all I’m trying to do is

Find a river or the ocean or something man man oh Pig hello Pig yum well I mean I guess I can go this way but that doesn’t help me just way need go underneath the block which that’s not easy to do go underneath the Block in any sense of the

Word going underneath the block serious I need to go downward why is that we always have like water everywhere see this is why I wish I my other map cuz like I know near see there’s that deep darkness of the deep dark you’re going to fall no I’m not

You’re going to fall no I’m going to f the sunflowers wish start going out here and maybe like a staircase from here chicken calculate maybe I go up there I’ll see some water I got an idea use math to get me out of this problem you’re really a little bit not

Too much math math will get you out of this problem okay so if I go so this is coordinates of okay so this is that one we don’t need to worry about it is okay so 1143 so 1143 is exactly where the staircase is for all my staircases o too

Bad I didn’t have a what’s it oh gosh I fell a little bit okay I’m sorry you fell a little bit hello be I have a 40 campfire I steal your hive 43 this is exactly where the staircase is not a good Vantage Point what the

Heck man so if I start building up a staircase from here look at that there’s no water to be seen not a river or anything how are we surviving we not I know there’s water near us somewhere I just don’t know where this is too far back actually for A go over here I hear a mummy I mean a zombie zombies keep dude wouldn’t that be scary if they start making mummies I thought about it well if we want beehives I found beehives and Wait oh here’s some sheeps get the Sheep get the [Applause] Sheep there we go huh huh H these cows suck they maybe I’m going say maybe I’m going Sol maybe on this one maybe look at this big Crevice there’s water oh man there’s no way I’m going down there what the heck ow I hear an Enderman even if I went down there there’s no way there’ be sugar can zombies are two shot with a diamond sword why is it the water I found was just terrible oh CU thees look at that there’s no way I’m going to find sugarcane down There too low but if I go up higher help the staircase that way so Mo up I can build the staircase downward Up just a way of looking at it so if I remember boink boink no I was plac Bo Bo place that you’re you’re adding your own special effects I get It oh that looks cool look at that look at that that looks really right that looks neat GL glot and that looks so cool like I feel like we could like reshape it and make it look like a skull well that’s how as far as my journey

Goes from here I got to build I got to get my way back up here down I don’t see any sugar canane from up here maybe I’ll just follow the river for a while hey Mr zombie took some damage didn’t you if not if not a two shot then a

Three shot from the from the diamond sword chicken chicken huh still no sugar cane more water though so maybe I’ll find some this is a long way to go to get some paper around here yeah well that’s one’s fault that’s just how Minecraft work that’s how Minecraft do things and

You need to respect how Minecraft do things I’m looking for sugar can I know what you’re looking for I know it’s look at it’s all there not even over there um Mom if you want to find sugar can I think we left some in the old house that’s nice how’s that help me

Here I don’t remember I don’t remember how to get to the old house house anyway I would oh I forgot wow that is actually perfect work with that I forgot you can’t swim when you’re swimming you’re actually house over there maybe there’s there’s a village over there I’m going

Go over there first oh no I dropped a piece of I don’t care got a piece of I found few pie ha I’ll go to that Village and I can stay there for the night I you well I’ll look for some paper too but I doubt I’ll find

Any there might be a bunch of bookshelves bookshelves doesn’t give you paper oh but it’s up you can’t rip apart a book to get paper no but books are useful mom you know what I might I don’t tell you different books are useful in Minecraft well yeah for um the

Enchanting table the enchanting table are you in your house no I’m not why the heck not I’m not help I am in the mines building a staircase down oh man oops we have been here before ha you’re going kill my zombies okay this a I’ll say I’m more interested in what’s

Happening with you you’re just bouncing zombies everywhere oh you’re going to die you might as well just die man no wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait okay fine fine fine fine oh wait what monsters are nearby why is there mon well then I’m not resting if you

Can’t sleep no I’m going to steal this guy’s bed you can’t sleep there’s probably a room I’m going down there I need to get my stuff where oh he’s right there okay got you man I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I’m stuck I can turn the chat off you know

That right oh now there’s monsters going to BU ow hey stupid villager in the middle of the night my damn stuff back oh my gosh I can’t even hit the guy with the armor because he’s wearing my armor my armor has a thing rest real

Quick no I can’t I need to get my stuff but I I can’t because he’s got the he’s got my Thorn’s armor on him I know rest that’s not going to help me he’s got my armor don’t get it don’t get it you want to wear some armor let’s wear some

Armor let’s use the gold sword here you go Huzzah huzzah I’m going to get my dang armor well get your dang armor I’m not going down that way that’s stupid I want take damage ah that’s my sword give me that right now give me that right now ah gosh did you die again what was that

Noise that’s uh Thorns oh the sound effect Thorns makes every time it works oh so every time I punch that guy Katie I take damage shopping traveling even if it’s wor arrows I still take damage and you know what for all this trouble I’m going to use some some

Bottles of enchanting so my levels go up some what bottles of enchanting what bottles of enchanting you throw them in X comes out bottles oh my gosh I didn’t know what you were say where you getting these bottles of enchanting I founded in the dark you found them in the deep dark

Even if I use arrows against him he’s still not going I’m still going to take damage you take damage even when you shoot arrows at him yeah that’s true I did not know that oh that’s armor yeah that’s why I had it okay wow this guy angry little

Guy oh not this again oh no oh did this makes a different sound for a bow bow damage get away from me you stupid spider you are not a part of this he is now did you get your armor yes I got it I got I got my Thorns armor okay but I’m

Almost dead Oh no you’re almost dead is all the other stuff I lost I found some lava I think hopefully uh I hope it’s everything I’m taking myself a hole you’re taking a hole you have food yeah I I saw my food I grabbed it

Okay okay I got my diamond sword my my you know other swords that I grabbed the one thing that’s missing is the other pair of leggings that I brought with me my th leggings is still here uh my food’s here uh I think that’s all of

It I will know better when I sort through it all I’m still not finding any sugar cane all this water no sugar P my uh Shield broke when I was down in here so your Shield broke yeah so I the diamond sword was there I came down here just now with that

Axe I had spare pick shovel a sh spare pick shovel axe which one is it what it sound like you were making up a new Tool that’s what we need we need we need moang to invent the multi- tour okay yeah I think that’s all of it yeah that’s all that I brought down here okay okay I heal up lovely River one thing I hate most about zombies is they can just like pick up

All of your stuff and wear it all of my effects work at it isn’t that what makes them fun No makes him terrifying because if you have full enchanted diamond armor and you die and they take your stuff it’s going to be and they just have your sword you know what I said just as hard is it to kill you as as to kill them you know what I say to that

What don’t Die I’m ready to get the hell out of here okay we’re not even in Hell anymore we haven’t gone to Hell yet no oh oh oh Wolfie wolfy you can get your dog I but come here wolfy don’t run away oh I’m sorry I have a bone I have a bone come

Here puppy come here yay I got a new puppy so who’s willing the but how long this puppy will last uh a year I’m going give us Sol like one year how long is a year in Minecraft I don’t know you calculate how long the days are I wonder if somebody’s

Ever done that calculated how many how long it takes for a year to pass in Minecraft like honestly I’m I’m sure somebody has right so I’m looking around to see if there’s more wolves cuz I’m sorry but I yeah go get him go get him whoop

Me I see sunlight why is it still so Dark back look around and see if there’s More I Fight Fire with Fire get a good sword you going to fight fire with fire and get a good sword it didn’t work out oh I’m sorry it didn’t work out oh oh dude my dog scared me yes okay hey wolf tell me if there’s more around

Here what that’s oh here’s a c oh that’s a baby cow I’m not going k a baby cow why not you’re mean I don’t kill baby cows right what’s the point of killing a baby cow you don’t even get experience from it you do actually no you don’t yes you

Do no you don’t yes you do no you don’t yes you do no you don’t prove it you no no no no you don’t no you don’t no you’re just trying to trick me you’re trying to trick me into killing a baby cow no I I hope it was the The Ward and

Going to kick your Ass you telling me this whole Forest only had one wolf well you you you poor thing no wonder you wanted to be my dog really quick was all alone no one what’s around him I don’t see any sugar can uh Okay was trying to escape how far away am I it’s going to take me forever to get back isn’t it not that far BR you’re like a I didn’t touch that what happened you’re like 900 blocks away that’s oh I see what happened you happened all right I got my little deep

Slate mine over here you have a deep slate mine hey it’s your father hey it’s Rook Hey Rook yes I was more excited for Rook just kidding honey just kidding why why you want to yourself what I’m kidding okay Warren was more excited I was not excited I cannot find sugar

Cane of course not it doesn’t want right space to do you’re mean I know I am you know what that’s why you didn’t find red flowers forever no I found a fewu flowers I know after you didn’t need any more flowers no no I I I still grab flowers

From it ah I found some Hey Sydney [Applause] cat wow that is so weird what’s weird what’s weird about that what do you mean what’s weird I can hear my voice in the other room cuz your dad’s watching oh oh oh that’s scary scary I’ll show you after I get

My oh that’s not that’s not right where I am standing in a spot where you just look down you’re in Rook stream too cool wait wait wait why you that wa yeah oh no I just dropped my sword don’t come back up dang it don’t come back up don’t

Worry about it I always push the wrong button come back up don’t worry about oh no no it won’t I’m inan like of pulling it down it’s it’s pushing it up see it’s right oh is it okay okay like no no this is scary look at this look at

This no no no no this is scary look at this okay yours has zombies everywhere the threat of falling down there and look how many SP and it’s super Godzilla hello Super Godzilla and zombie baby zombies with diamond helmet Superior sorry Superior Puppy all right I don’t know if I got enough sugar cane nor do I know which way is on let’s see here blue guy or the white I’m the white guy or I yeah that way is okay I think oh no not a creeper oh wait

Wait you’re not too far away is it better to blow him up in the water cuz he can’t hurt you uh he can hurt you he just can’t do any damage to the blocks aha he doesn’t do that much damage to you either he barely touched me yeah

Need be worri about the sand uh the creepers maybe that it might have some cuz there’s a way to get TNT to blow up in the water it’s really creepy to try to walk around in by the way did did did you know he about that time that

The TNT blow up in water and actually worked TNT how do you blow up TNT in water uh with sand wait what do you mean if if the TNT is on the sand if if the TNT and the sand are in the same exact coordinate how do you get the TNT and

The sand in the same coordinate TNT Falls when you when you light it it falls TNT so does the sand so you goodness gracious you come on did you Place sand on top a piece of TNT light TT they both fall down the same block and the TN let’s heal you up here

Puppy there you go are you fully healed yet I think yes okay now I got to eat no I can’t eat wait till it goes down I’m looking a Shy okay how do I get need some more Cobble my home creep I might be able to use slabs but I’m not going to resort to that yet slabs for what uh the staircase I’m building oh why don’t you slaps would it be better no why not because slabs half

Slabs do not make for great staircases they don’t they don’t I thought they did well if you think about it if you place a half slab and then a half slab next to it it just makes a regular staircase without stairs oh well that’s true and in some cases if you do

It wrong it just makes well what what are we doing it wrong now am I going up a mountain I don’t know you’re you’re not that far away I think we’re on the other side of you’ve got you went so you went 9,000 blocks just for a bit of uh sugarcane apparently

I feel better protected if I did this why can’t I go up you getting shot at You me probably me ah yep me where is it boy get him yeah get him no no don’t you dare kill my dog oh spider good boy good boy oh [ __ ] why did my dog

Die again yeah no oh look it’s B hey how’s it going oh I have no luck with dogs man I’m never going to be the leader of the pack gu you will why you’ll get it after I get it huh the the day after I it you’ll get it

The day after you oh [ __ ] I gotta run there’s a freaking skeleton after me and I’m I’m like dying ah no and I blow up no no don’t blow me up don’t wait how come I can’t move how come I can’t move a lot of ir

No I was about to look your ordinates but I guess you’re okay so now there’s two random chunks in the world that have a bunch of your stuff just sitting there awesome great that’s just great isn’t it I I’m uh in the village there’s literally two chunks you’re not in

AR no but I’m not as far away you are literally there are two chunks in the entire Minecraft world that we’re living in that have a bunch of your stop just sitting there you know I need to go get that stuff yeah but you don’t have a full map you you went 9,000

Blocks for Hurricane and you don’t even have any of your stuff left I don’t know what to tell you I was trying to get back home and if I had a map I don’t but my stuff despawned a long time ago yeah because it was in the deep dark and joined us

Yeah I’m going to stay out here until that thing dies Villers die too who yeah but I am disarmed now why is there dirt in the Cobblestone chest why is there Netherrack Oban in the wrong chest I can’t help you so this is deep dark NE uh deep dark

Stuff this is King FN nether who says donkey nether stuff obsidian and there also going we’re going to make it there okay I don’t remember which direction I left this Village from I’m kind of glad you uh left your diamond pick here here because right that’s what I told you I’m

Leave my diamond pick here I think I went this way I’m going to be totally lost in this place all right you know what I’m going to do we don’t have that much water here and there’s a spider at my door still there’s a spider at your door at your

Door I don’t care there’s a spider at your door at your door okay okay I remember the river okay I’m hey the sugar grou oh good all right so if I just pi two of these this is a technique I I I’ve I’ve know it for years uh if you do you know

It for years huh this this you make a four 2 by two area like this you want to watch this you want to watch this infinite water trck you see this infinite water trick okay yo right here and right there and it’s infinite water forever yeah I know it’s infinite water

Forever it’ll never go away King lava doesn’t do that King Finn wants to eat a d okay you know they don’t give you donkey me why not you’re asking me why not I didn’t make the game I now I have a a few water buckets I mean there’s a donkey for you though

Which hi donkey buckets are now all separated so you can’t stack them anymore so if you want to come here and eat this poor little donkey go ahead that’s not how it works in my house I know I can’t she was youy 6:00 p.m. at night uhoh I hear a spider sneak up

Behind could have been on could have been the one on my screen sneak up behind me okay I was going over a mountain and I’m thinking suspicion it was this mountain so you know I’m going to go and see if I can travel over this

Mountain dude if I had a map I would love to explore with you but I cannot I can’t explore I don’t even know where you are let alone where I am she hear out the rain actually I am wait what I heard my horse well you’re the one that has a

Horse without a stable hey hey hey I didn’t say now why watch the movie cool I’m need new Shield actually so I’ve been trying to get my kids to watch a movie with me for days I’m I’m I’m happy when he lets me play Minecraft with me

Man are you going to finally make your poor little horse a stable Cherrywood stable and it’s going to have roof to it and a roof nice I’m generous okay I do not remember my Mountain having snow on it so I don’t think this was the mountain I was up

Climbing um you’re heading away from home so you’re going the wrong way no away from home is where I was actually no you’re heading towards home wait I’m heading towards home go walk forward and stuff uh yeah yeah that that is heading towards us that’s heading towards me not

Too close but heading towards me so that means you over there I’m over I’m over so maybe this way ow ow that spider tried to kill me he couldn’t okay so if I okay um I think I missed the movie actually I need two gates there hang on so this can’t

Work saying hi there there we like it when everybody says hi to each other see I don’t think the mountain I was climbing over would had snow you sure no yeah I don’t I got maybe I should just go home I’m not very good at traveling of course not I can make how

Many doors Mom I don’t know but we need another contest look at how many doors I can make how many doors can I make um 18 no that’s chop doors um 36 Jerry door specifically that’s the three I can make 27 hey we got more followers and then make a bunch more

Sticks we make Bunch these okay wait wait there’s some trees so maybe I was on the other side of this maybe oh no I did not want to go down need some uh dirt blocks dirt blocks huh I don’t have very many dirt blocks I have a lot of dirt I have a

Chest full of dirt who do you got dirt on I got a chest full of dirt on who on everyone on everyone full of dirt on everyone okay everyone’s dirt everyone’s dirt everyone’s dirt watch out wait what is that is that a building that is a building it’s not a

Witch shot is that a village that’s not the village I just came out of no but it could could should I find a new Village maybe I’ll go you could have without a map or anything else that’s what I get I’m lost in the woods guys I don’t know

Good chall oh it’s almost perfect too I finished the the Gated off section of it now it’s time to go helping Kate with character good idea actually not down here because I’m I’m kind of stupid about this I’m being stupid I’m being irrational to get that out of my

Inventory check out this Village um need hello Village save me from my my uh lostness well at least give me some cool stuff food or something this one I have no idea man I got totally that’s a Stairway to Nowhere yeah build just weird villagers are weird yes armor oh nice and a

Sword I am armed know if could my could have got new stuff already but I don’t know where I’m at I know where you’re at you’re kind of actually get you are kind of close you’re you’re only like like maybe only blocks away who hello wait you’re only

Like 300 blocks away look at that look at the coordinates I’m only 300 blocks away I found a village we’ve never been in and I got bread right just totally treat me out man I’m TR regular scaffolding but I guess I’m might to use dir scaffolding okay so let’s Che that one that

One some pumpkins wait mom how much dirt do I have I I I don’t I don’t know in my inventory right now how do I have 15 no that’s good oh um four no that’s iron oh oh oh um um one no you have I have 27 what no you don’t 9 [Laughter]

26 are you building your roof now you near bed maybe we can get rid of this it’s not thund no it’s not no it’s not thunderstorm we can’t see no I’m looking means monsters won’t spawn in thunderstorms they doless it is night do why we can sleep oh man that’s

Fine got I’m going to see if we can sleep wow they got some really yeah we can sleep go to bed go to bed go bed go to bed does that mean you want me to steal this guy’s bed yeah well he doesn’t mind He does care fine I’ll

Steal this guy’s bed for your satisfaction he wasn’t standing there all night I’m also going to steal his his wood and his potatoes he wasn’t standing there all night no he wasn’t standing there all night staring at me angrily no no no no time just skipped ahead Should pass the 6 not sure what the 00 wh means before the end of the year though the 66 W oh 600 something hours maybe I don’t know what a wh means so I don’t I’m wondering if that’s working hours oh how cute this has a little

Apartment over here I kind of want to steal this little cute little blue bed you know what I’m going to steal this cute little blue bed oh look at it it’s beautiful what oh shoot that’s that’s scary that’s all right that’s better barely touch that it’ll probably drop okay hang on let me

Go get oh the sugar can’s grown up oh good keep getting the sugar can because that’s kind of what I was going out for and I haven’t gotten any hello IR pie of sugarcane and a new spot to grow sugar another house down There this Village is oh look at a kitten hello kitten yeah see watch hours I was right yay I win woo oh no I did not want to blow up that poor little creep uh that little kitten all right I now have more sugar can growing in the

Garden but now I need some wheat shh there’s a creeper nearby I don’t care oh you didn’t know yeah cat dude not only do they have cats you can tame the cats and they can be your cats I I was saying are all this one here is a kitten

Though you can’t tame the kittens ah I got blown up I got blown up um I was wondering if all the villagers were dead in my Village in our village this I don’t know are they all no no no we got we got these two guys right here oh

Stations so we got the stone Mason we got the other guy I think everyone’s out their work well at least I protected the kitten from the bomb there it is See’s look at the kitten yeah everyone’s at their workstation right now time hey hey show off your cap um what color C did

You get anyway it’s white it’s it’s actually you got a gray kitty yeah I’m in the middle of looking for and what’s really cool about the cats in Minecraft is when you when you go to sleep and you let them you let them wander around sometimes they bring you Presents they train you which house was it which house had there it’s this one yeah you have to give them fish for them to be friendly to you oh where is it where’s our weapon Smith why is this place got two door oh hey there’s a a hello weapon Smith where be

Gone this house uh open that’s a really strange house it has two weapon Smith I’d like to level you up where’d you Go two doors that’s so weird who puts two doors on just to get into their house that’s just so look at that this one too the tree that I grew has a beehive oh oh nice keep it I want put a campfire underne well then move

It you get you put a uh thingy underneath and you can uh what is it the the smoker I didn’t know that this could happen you didn’t know that could happen no I’ve had that happen to me lots of times look at my shiny pants mom shiny

Pants I have shiny pants Oh I go under the water I have shiny pants okay oh hey this is nice is there any uh look at This oh hey it’s nice specially designed Village hey there’s horses in this pan do you want to tame one I do I want to tame one I’m still I’m still going do out over this I have a horse I already have a horse Adam is my horse I’ve never seen that

Before what a cool place though look look you you put the oven in the middle like that and look at that that’s like keeps the whole place warm see look I’ll be this is a cleverly designed house I need I got some hay Bals anything we doing sh off oh hey hey welcome to sugar cane I got you some hay Bal I got you some hay bales on that’s Adam that’s right you named your horse Adam I got use some ha B okay I I need to know which way I’m

Supposed to going where are you all right so now now my horse can wander around in his pen he’s jumping on the hay bales like wonder if he can jump out oh gosh it’s a bad idea oh we can okay well I personally am looking for sugar cane to expand my map however

I died in the process so now now it’s in the ground so so he doesn’t jump up and almost out of it hey wait a minute so now it’s pointless the top of the wheat texture that’s the same as the block texture look at it I did not

Go in these houses what it’s the same texture just color different as what the hay bale and the and the grass it’s the same texture just color different oh I didn’t know that good observation hey got another follower on the on friend reest oh friend request see I don’t know how to answer

Those uh it’s in notifications I’m pretty sure wait wait wait we don’t have pumpkins I got pumpkin seed we don’t have pumpkins you’re right actually do we have pumpkins I might have grab some at some point oh well I got some pumpkin seeds now so we have some pumpkins we

Can have all the pumpkins we want now let me see uh well I had pumpkins I found a new house house or was it an old house that I just didn’t check the oh I didn’t check the upstairs upstairs that’s where they hid the chest right I left all the Snowballs wait wait

Wait wait what’s this a pumpkin pie oh how nice I never had a pumpkin pie appear in the in the chest before we can make those I another friend request from bosma 101 C’s doing some NBC stuff oh that’s funny oh gosh I’m hungry hey it’s R hey

R how’s it going you know what what the anage of riding around on the horses you don’t need to eat food at all wait what when you ride around on a horse you’re not using your legs you’re not getting hungry really yes this has been proven

With one of Stampy’s series that he did recently it was called the knights challenge where we had ride around on horse the whole challenge you couldn’t move without being on horse that’s a weird and so yeah I know it’s a little weird but he had some special things he

Wanted to do with it but when he was riding around the horse he wasn’t eating that often and he realized he doesn’t have to eat unless he takes damage because then the hose goes down so if you ride around on a horse you don’t eat food that’s riding around

Doesn’t the horse eat the horse eats but not as often as the people do the horse eats the grass on the ground what is this a f i fs are useless I’m stealing all the Villager bread okay I got some pumpkins and I got some iron do you want to make S this

Vill You Want to Build a Snowman ah no ah baby zombie on fire ah ah no ah did he die did he die oh no he’s not dead no come on ah oh Oh I am hang on it’s really loud I know it’s your dad Hello what this oh it’s you I have a pumpkin on My Head sorry we’re playing a game right now Mom oh sounds good I heard a um a zombie die by G yes clearly no you’re fine all right I got a pumpkin on My Head yes I do you’re fine that’s Cool we’re playing a game mom skin actually works with the okay sounds great my custom skin does not work with helmet I do not know maybe Chris wants to make yeah know maybe Chris wants to make something with it I don’t Know I love tater tots it’s technically food even though it’s disgusting sounds good okay sounds good pumpkins are pumpkins are okay sounds good love you too byebye I can tell who it was who was it it was uh yes it was your grandma this man just Ste slipped in my bed oh hello

Hi are you looking at my skirt um oh it says there’s monsters near why oh oh oh oh oh you can wake him up there’s a zombie outside your front door I don’t want to deal with the zombie outside my front door okay we’ll go to a different house kill it kill it

Out okay now that you’re dead I’m still your you come home at some point I’m trying You’ been following my the coordinate system mom yes I’ve been following the coordinate system oh I already stole everything you haven’t got any closer really look at how many blocks away you are they start in

Australia what do you mean Australia says I cross the planet and can’t get away from Savage Garden I don’t know who they started in Australia I think Savage Garden is a band why is there cold I I I don’t know why is there wait coal Dr see cment here is a full grown

Kitty but I do not have any fishies so I cannot make this here’s a kitty this is my kitty that one’s your kitty she’s adorable she she is adorable you have an adorable cat name the cat you’re naming the cat I you name it I name the horse look there’s a sese kitty

There’s a sese kitty Adam the horse we have Adam the horse and we have barie the dog but we need apparently I have an arrow in my hand I think this is oh oh okay I thought I was going to fall okay I think this is going towards us

Right or is it not let me see no oh no no I’m going the wrong way okay wait wait wait this is the way I was toward us that’s your turn uhoh hello oh flaming zombies I didn’t end that I didn’t hang up they because they heard you your voice and

Like nope that’s not who I want to talk to okay I think this is the way to go back home like I’m not that far from that wait where are you one one four wait kitties okay so this way okay this way is going to be towards our

House kittens hello we have kittens the cat kittens you named your cat kittens well I mean I guess cat tment was like saying kitty kitties so I was like how about kittens we have kittens the cat Bary the dog and Adam the horse yay I prefer real kitties well who

Doesn’t prefer real kitties what episode we on by the way uh I think we’re on six or seven I don’t know it’s one of those but I I’ve I’ve done I’ve gotten better I’ve done the this way I’ve Advanced the game more than my personal survival if any of you have

Seen that I’ve gone further because I didn’t leave the Tundra we left the tundra cuz it was easier to get through but I didn’t leave the Tundra in my save so it’s I’m still in the tundra I have an arrow pointing next week I have an arrow pointing at people

And I’m not afraid to use it I have a shield I I’m gonna get a sheep where’s our blacksmith our smithies armor Smiths are youing them up and I want to but I can’t find them neither Nei neither of them are here can’t find them R had a cat named

Kittens was that going and she was cheetah so she was cheetah kittens here or was it kitten’s cheetah we got an idiot look at this it’s a village idiot a village idiot we got a village idiot he can’t do nothing he doesn’t have a job oh he’s a

Bom he doesn’t he doesn’t trade look at this I can’t trade with him I I have a feeling oh man I don’t want to go through a what you got man I don’t really do all these Trad probably going to die in the snow I know where you are I’m in the

Mountain on the other side yeah I know that mountain that mountain is not that big I don’t think you can go around it and it’ll be fine isn’t cheetah a tiger I always thought I was a tiger you are a tiger okay I’m hoping that none of the

Snow will make me fall through and die hoping that some of that sugar cane grow grw grow grw grow where that sugarcane go did you kill the sugarcane I got it I found it it’s fine okay I’m going to go steal your cartography table I’ll steal my cartography table that’s me for like

Two seconds wait wait I think I see our village you sure I think I made it home yeah that’s definitely my castle Your Castle why did you adjust it I it’s definitely different way oh do I need a piece of paper to do this bull crap oh come on is the arrow

For defense yeah I’m going to defend myself against flaming zombie babies you give W of course I have wool paper no I don’t have any paper even a single piece no I was making a a cartography table out I mean a well first I made a cartography

Table then I was going to make a map and why does this tree have a bunch of uh that’s cuz that’s M that’s mine I I know but but why does it have a torches yeah cuz I put the Torches around it so that

Why I one I know it’s my tree and I need to scw random trees and uh two so it grows in the middle of okay wait wait wait so are you saying that you are marking the trees that are specifically your not just that the Torches specifically hey look I see

You yeah oh I don’t really you right here oh hey there you are hi I’m home I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive would you like to trade with this good sir right here what with what uh coal do you have any coal

With you no I lost all my coal if I trade him 15 15 coal to give me an emerald I got a pumpkin pie which is actually really worth it because to be honest coal comes by really much more than emeralds emeralds are that’s that’s actually a good trck look at this one

Seven emeralds for some says an arrow shaped Shield but then eventually gets to uh emeralds for diamond armor oh if you get it good enough you can get so it’s one Emerald per if if if he is after some meat cuz I got some meat especially chickens um then I have

That but I don’t have coal lot of coal I I have to start mining again to get coal I’m out I have 10 coal I I have 15 coal 15 coal do you even steal my coal did you no I steal your coal did you steal my coal I didn’t

Steal any of your coal what you talking about you went all that way for sugar cane and you didn’t need to cuz we have sugar cane at home well it’s nice that you put the horse in a pen now look at that horse he’s happier now he won’t get rained on no

More look at that you gave him some water and some hay it’s a nice little environment for him I I’ll use that water as well so I can get some different water I don’t no you can sit down how many kids will have coal tomorrow all of

Them no I’m just kidding F how do we make no there’s still some good kids out there I I know some good kids so he’s not one of them hey so three sugar can is one paper how much sugar cane do you have right now um

Three sugar can is one paper I don’t even have one paper okay can you give me can you give me one give me give give me my give me give me a piece of make sugar a piece of sugar one sugar one you can have all my sugar

Cane uh you didn’t drop anything what what do you mean I didn’t drop anything oh it went right back into my inventory what the heck because you grabbed something no I did not wait you’re pressing the wrong button I did press the wrong button wa wait wait Circ Place wait wait

Okay there you go boom there you go has some have some sugar Canan that’s the sugarcane I got for my troubles all that just for a little bit of sugar I know oh man and this one just grew as well so well at least the sugar Cane’s now

Growing yeah well it’s cuz I’ve been here and I’ve actually expanded the farm Sol fine sure can’t what are you going after dude are you going after the kitty cat what is he he’s just walking around that was weird he just walked around they walk around randomly I tell you

That yeah he was running usually when he runs it’s like he’s trying to get something yeah but maybe he thought there was a maybe there’s some spiders underground or something be cave underne I go look at these kitties it’s a gray stripy kitty borrow your photography

Table go ahead do you have a compass yes I do he can’t run I already ate my coal yeah I remember that throwing it at my Father-in-law funny there we are that is true what oh it’s getting dark I think I need to open the map um yeah you have to open your map you can’t just put it in there oh what your icons I can see yeah the icons are bigger on the smaller

Maps you get to see my lovely face on the on the bigger one here s here you want to sleep over wait bam uh wait you don’t have a map anymore do you no I don’t okay never mind then level is that that’s Lev one so this is

Level two map I have a level two map cool that’s the map we start with actually we start with level three I going to sleep over I see how you are what no I was just using I can make you a level two map tomorrow okay you have a

Compass there’s a dude in your house it’s an Eskimo wait that’s a traitor isn’t he yeah what the what the his llamas are what the and you’re killing his poor llamas well he was stuck there Mom he was stuck besides they invaded my my house I have the right to kill them they

They came into my house they don’t stay in my house no the Knight is not your friend in this game it is your enemy for sure get out of my house please I will the monsters come out at night during the day they they light on fire thank you

Goodbye let’s see if we can find some see look oh you missed it he was on fire over there though the only monsters that do not light on fire during the day are spiders but they’re friendly during the day and see there’s a spider so he won’t attack me during the

Day and then um creepers creepers don’t light on fire either but they blow up on you all right now make a level a level two map for you well I would like to hope everybody’s been good also I’m going to give you some bones cuz I just picked him up some

Bones bones oh I have not been very good with the doggos because you keep bring them with you the doggos have not been been I’ve not been uh uh it’s not my fault I I I want to be good to the dogos you can borrow my table anytime

You want all right now you want a pie I got a pie hang on I’m going to name this map so you’re going to name this map oh probably going put some words up there are there brother Treasures huh well you can use the monster parts for things

Like when you kill a spider he gives you his eyeball whatever reason why Always creepers near your house and string and string is used for lots of different things what character I’m not sure what character he’s talking about all right so I have my map and I have your map yes and

They’re the same map okay so here you go good here’s this map it’s a level two map oh I love it thank you so if I get more paper I can make get a level if I get uh it looks like maybe six surane I

Can make it a LEL four map have that would be amazing to have it be that high of a level of a map yeah but now we have our maps and not only that they’re named so they’re named Maps so my map has my name on it and yours has your

Name so if we go together at some point which might happen our map by each other Warhammer a are pretty cool actually Santa Warhammer now I haven’t seen that uh just with most games dangerous areas or times you get rewarded going there well yeah you get experience points and the experience points give

You levels and eventually we’ll have an enchanting room where you can use the levels to make magic uh Scrolls want I made a campfire so don’t need to tap that flower okay wait what the what the [ __ ] oh Cali skul sensor that’s been a while I’ve never used that well I haven’t I

Haven’t messed with it yet okay you said we had pumpkins but where I have some pumpkins in my chest in the basement oh pump but not growing okay so I’m going to grow a couple here we got this look string anyways we get guy killed um wait I you don’t want to

You got to be strategic cuz the block has has to grow out extra yeah it’ll go over into these little wood blocks uhhuh but it could also grow onto the dirt which it likes to grow on the dirt by the way um I’ve never had that happen

All right so it looks like logs a piece of coal and some sticks okay and who cares if it does ooh we’re going to miss those two pieces of of uh wheat Maybe maybe there’s a whole field of them and it looks like the villagers are are uh planting wheat they don’t

Always see you later R Merry Christmas all right dud a campfire campfire okay well I’ve got a lot of meat stuff here let’s see I now have a campfire I’m going to make pork chops okay so if I remove this torch there I put this here there we go now if I grab some

Shears or uh you know something else actually I’m going to grab some I do I fear was like that is true if you guys are busy happy then good for you do I make a bottle again B exactly I’m not busy so I need to find stuff to do

And all I got to do is since the campfire is there I can eat this I know have some honey yeah exactly oh you going to make those honey bricks those are weird those are kind of weird Be Our Guest I got an achievement yes ah see

See some honey oh you can eat it you can eat it now you can drink it yeah I’m you weren’t able to do that before were you I think it’s cuz I’m hungry though oh you might sour some Hunger I don’t know how much but I don’t know cuz you’re not

Hungry it looks like so I’m going to pass this to you if you can still eat it doesn’t H wait are you saying wait what here take it there’s a PL okay I’m I’m performing an experiment what am I doing if you can’t oh you can drink so you just drink honey

So interesting I don’t know if it restores hunger because of well you should have tested that here wait but you can drink the water though if it was in it what ises what does drinking water do nothing if the water’s a base for a potion well I know that but okay

Whatever I I I just realized I’m still caring around I remember some cursed Minecraft images where you can put cursed Minecraft images put lava in a bottle but you can’t what makes these um oh my God okay what makes these images cursed oh you know um creepers that look

Like pigs pigs that look like creepers that look like pigs chests with Um chests with uh other stuff on wait a minute I’ve swed something what I don’t know if it ah you can empty a bucket no no no no it has to be on I think Dirt there it is this is a new thing oh look what you did you made a hole in the village so what I got is some mud I got a mud block I got a block of mud a lot of cursed Minecraft images I got a block of

I don’t know what that means I got a block of mud look at it it’s mud oh I didn’t know you can make a block of mud you can what’s the block of mud for I don’t remember it’s been a while so you basically grab a a water

Bottle and put it onto dirt and makes mud uhhuh that is generally how mud is made true I don’t know why I have flowers in my freaking chest here any more flowers in this chest you want some flowers I got plenty of flowers I don’t want the flowers in my

Chest you should make it you should make it organize your chest you should organize your chest mom I’ve organized some of them like I’m putting wood in in this one I that somebody’s put other things in it looks like actually I’ve put crafted things in here so maybe I should

Why is there dirt in here I as myself all the time why is there dirt in this random chest why is there dirt in here it’s just so funny SP dirt we don’t r all right sticks what were you making sticks so I’m going to get all my crafted stuff out so this

Thing this thing this thing that thing this thing this thing this thing shouldn’t be in there anyway this thing this thing that thing that thing all crafted stuff Spruce slabs why do I even have those white die okay there’s rabbit in there I got an egg what the

Heck what what’s the me doing in here okay I think the campire I’m glad full meal B meal can stay there no not not no I can’t I can’t do that in Bedrock bck I like hey what be knce Bedrock addition I don’t like it especially since in in a lot of versions

Of the map you can put a map in an item frame and it fills the whole block and people have made like green rooms and red rooms and stuff but you can’t do this oned rooms and red rooms you can’t do stuff like that in bedlock cuz look I

Can’t place it in this item frame next to this you know I would love to make an omelette out of the egg but they don’t have omelettes in this game you can make cake do you need eggs for pie yeah I think so you make eggs for

The cake pie so so you can make it uh a cake a pie what about cookies you don’t need that for cookies do you maybe it’s that just flour and and chocolate Chips no no I don’t remember anyways I think no you do need uh wheat no no you don’t need an egg that’s I’m saying an egg no you don’t need egg I’m pretty sure go to sleep I’m busy anyways fun fact with the eggs if you throw them

There’s a percentage chance that a chicken will come out of it there’s also a percentage chance that a uh four chickens will come out of four uh yeah how do you get four chickens out of one egg uh it’s rare no not everyone’s seen it but it is possible

Huh go to bed I would like to I can’t find this weird monster where the heck is it what weird monster there’s a monster apparently near my bed but I can’t find it mister you can’t you can’t uh have monsters I just like usually oh man I didn’t light up the horse pin

Okay time to grab the Torches go to bed I’m busy oh there’s a there’s a I have a guest oh no solicitors no solicitors goly I’d love to oh now you got to go a spider I think it’s cuz I met a roof on there there might have

Been a guy up there a guy up there there there isn’t anymore but there might have been might have been a guy up there you can’t place the no you blew up your fence haris no no Adam I mean I don’t I forgot his name Adam you named your horse Adam Adam

No it should be fine hopefully he did take damage it looked like uh is that what the hay is for or do you have to feed directly I don’t remember it’s been a while I got to I have to De with this later yeah hopefully I can sleep see what

Happens we got a message of a person who says h h i i hi hi can you only do one letter at a time is that why no right that seems weird right he’s doing that oh look why do with the spiders want to be on the outside of my house oh

Goodness gracious this is going to take forever to fix okay anyways let’s put all these crafted things in this CH then I will have some semblance of order wait wait wait wait wait wait oh man a man Adam hey hey hey buddy would you like a some wheat how do I feed

You I forgot how to feed these guys see you later have a good night and a Merry Christmas what’s oh you didn’t take it a damage he’s fine it’s cat tment say bye to cat tment Okay bye Adam the real Adam the real it looks like um horse didn’t

Actually take much you are the real Adam my horse didn’t actually take any damage so he’s f good I’m glad your horse not take any real damage only one Cherrywood plank broke off I need get SPID on your window SPID on your window window is that a reason why this window is missing

Oh I forgot creep the creeper blew up out there oh to have extra window pan for just such an occasion creeping up picking up creeper Explosions no why no not again got to go into your house I need one dirt block how one I’m cursed with creepers outside my house no I just I’m going to have to oh why well at least have a more dirt this time so I’ll just dirt everything oh my

Gosh I can’t believe this happened again well I fixed my path I just need to get some fences and stuff I think I’m going to make my fence out a little further so I don’t have to worry about Creepers maybe you should surround your house that’s what I was going to well no

I don’t want to surr my house well so that the spiders aren’t closer to your house well actually they will always be there yeah yeah yeah I’m pretty sure the spiders I I don’t know why but I don’t deal with spiders apparently with we’ll always be there

Okay let’s see how far away does a creeper blow up um well if you look at how big their explosions are that’s how big they can go that’s their distance I don’t even I don’t remember they have to be like uh maybe five blocks away from you broke my pick and get another

Pick four or five blocks away okay so I’m just going to make a bigger front front fence area uh let’s see you cre ah I’ll fixed up for you Adam need to torch this place up you know what’s most annoying about fences you know cuz glass panes to work

With them they’re not as bad as fences you want to know why fences are horrible to work with go away spider what’s wrong with fences I’m sorry what fences are so bad to work with because you can’t jump on them you can stand on top of them but when you’re doing that

Block jump up thing like this you can’t do thatp like this this build up where you jump on a block and then you play you jump up and then you place a block underneath your feet you can’t do that with fences at all cuz fences are technically a block and a half slab

Speaking of fences he blew up my gate we’ll make another one that’s just messed up I had a cute little pink gate and everything should I put a door there instead no I’m just kidding that’s middle that would be weird right okay so I got more fences wait do I have

Chood oh I forgot I put all this stuff in here right this looks uh professionally torched up looks professionally torched [Applause] up and there we go I won’t have to worry about monsters spawning up there or spawning in in Adam’s pen Adam’s pen yeah you know what I’m

Not going to sleep this night because I’m going to torch up the place a lot better the more you torch up the place the less monsters get in the more you torch up the place good safety yeah but it’s better to do it at night so you can actually tell what’s dark and

What’s not oh isue okay isue over Luna wants in oh LUN Lun can come in whenever she wants by the way what do you want me to call Max for closed the window she’s now inside L came into the window oh from outside okay like oh

[ __ ] hello baby hello baby she came into the I know I could feel he’s not answering maybe she maybe he’s out there I just thought I thought I heard oh my gosh I can’t believe you scared me with a cat it’s just a cat hey my house is better than that I

Need some more lanterns my house is better than torches your is better than torches there’s there’s two torches left in the house I use lanterns this looks a lot better speaking of torches item friends I don’t have Any I got to do some mining that’s some that’s some that’s not right all right I’m going to have to go down well I mean how am I supposed to I don’t know how are you supposed to so huh hello baby hello I know we had a puppy

Over that scared you today huh hello baby hello hello oh yeah good girl that stuff goes in there you know she was a really friendly puppy though no not Ry and flesh is not food get out of there where you going no don’t go the no okay

Get her away from yeah that’s nope that’s that’s not that’s not happening wa you can look at the tree on the floor but don’t we don’t want you looking at the tree there because I’m afraid you’re going to jump into it and that probably that would not be cool she probably

Will no get down see this is what happens when you take your paper away from the tree you stole her paper you know that I put a roll of paper in front of the tree so she wouldn’t tear up the presents and she would have her own

Paper and it was working and now you took her roll of paper and I know you were helping us clean up and all so that’s HH no no no no you I know where you’re you’re going no no no no no no GI toes for you no no GI Jo for

You yeah I know where you’re going I know you think the platform is your house huh you think it’s your bed but that’s not your bed that’s over there you see you see that tree over there see that tree over there that that kitty tree everything on

That kitty tree is yours okay go over there that’s getting dark again what oh the window she can go the window yeah she playing with that tab foot in that window a long time ago TW there yeah when when your bed was right here when you did that yeah no

That’s where I had well yeah our bed was there and I had a carpet running up into the window still there now the carpet No the toy yes the toy in this yeah hello Luna oh where you going oh no oh oh oh Domino is where she going no get her

Domino get her before she dominoes more stuff excuse me doing that noes SE I don’t know where these go well your dad knows where they go yeah yeah it did at least none of them fell in the water uh yeah none none of your GI Jo’s fell in the Water I’m predicting by the time uh the timer at the top says 150 oh come on why um why you in trouble no no no no now come on yeah come on come on follow me follow me follow me follow me like an Idiot so that’s what that’s what you got to do you see a creeper I didn’t see the creeper it just blew up when I walked out my door I kill why do you think I’m trying to put a fence outside my door so the creepers won’t do this anymore

Surround your house in the fence what do you think I’m doing the whole house I’m going to kick you in the Pants I’m totally going to kick you in the pants why Keeps like bricks wow my gravel put that gravel back did I get I got a stair all right you know what I’m going to do I do not know what are you going to do going to use the stone cutter in a minute it’s not my house I forgot about that cuz the

Mr Stone Mason came into my house many times and I wanted the sty so I put it all next to the that’s so shocking okay so you have a hole in your house oh wait before I do this how many uh Cobblestone did I just put in the St

C uh 42 no no no just say that say them word say the number the number say 27 what is my number it makes me allergic not allergic voice yeah I am didn’t you hear me sneezing oh gosh how deep SL you can make your stuff what’s that it’s your

Mama deep slate tiles I can make tiles out of this stuff tiles what kind of tiles what they deep slate tiles yeah they actually look really nice yeah these deep FL bricks turn into tiles St is that new oh is that with a stone cutter yeah I making some tile walls oh

Oh my gosh look at all this what is this is that more tile wall I’m out of dirt that is more tile wall so C deep like and regular St bricks can all turn into a tile wall I’m out a dirt oh and they oh you can do polished you

Can polish wait you can polish stuff from the stone cutter yeah why not makes perfect sense that makes perfect sense I’m making a bunch of walls I’m happy for you walls oh I I got more Cobble walls I’m sad though because mine not working Stone Cutters are way better

Than crafting at all because you know you don’t lose anything you have exactly what you want my house has got a hole in it I don’t know what to do where was my my property so sad my a steak that’s what it is this way I just go

Like and of course I need more windows this going to turn into uh how long can we keep our house intact U Mine will be a lot longer than yours no I’m building a wall around my house my property I’m glad you’re building a wall around your property I’m going to put

The beehive in my property okay be priv property okay noble man oh here this is my property this is my home this is where I live property there are some bits of the wall that people might be able to I am hoping this will be far enough away for my

Entrance that I won’t get anything else blowing up I’m putting another thing there just in case I put one there as well okay I need to go get some dirt what kind of a world do we live in where I need to go get dirt uh the kind word dirt is not asol

As you thought no see like like the creeper blows up dirt like like like they never come back those blocks are gone yeah they can disae like that all right let’s see if this was enough dir go in this yay with one dis spair woo I don’t think thing about why

Not I just don’t think why not having only one spare yeah one spare what is this that’s where all my stuff is then to break all right I don’t know how I’m going to get anything with four torches hey look Mom how many MOS do I

Have let’s see here nine 42 42 why do you need that many oh that one has some moss on it did you put moss on it on purpose no how come I got Moss on it then cuz you stole it from an area that had

Moss I just had a bunch of M com I turn a bunch of stuff into walls so I can finish this trying to itch my head and there’s something in the way but you know I’ve changed my mind on this I don’t like this color this color is just off I don’t

Have enough to finish it like that so what if I just get rid of this actually I don’t know what if you get rid of that this here I’m going to mine for work today Let’s see we got to go where some Cobble is actually I don’t even know if I’ve

Explored down this cave before whoa that’s weird I placed it on a sunflower and it placed behind me and above something interesting hey get out of the chicken that’s weird isn’t it it’s weird he’s holding flesh means a zombie died near I know it’s sad he’s holding a

Flesh of his own bre I know that’s weird right yep and look at that no one can enter this is M I now have my house walled off your house is I am finding oh cool cool that is exactly what I’m looking For oh you’re still it’s BT Hey Bert oh oh who’s killing me who’s killing me ah get off me get off me all right that’s quite a bit of coal I can actually make a lot of Silence silence a lot of Silence silence oo creepy ass fire but more

Coal that spider Stu there maybe oh my gosh oh my gosh look oh my goodness it’s a baby zombie riding on a zombie I’ve seen that before but not not recently where’s rud when you need a good joke oh wow uh yeah that’s fire dude I thought I was going to get blown

Up again I heard that sh it was from me I know it was from you cool coal you want me to go to bed or you going hey you picked up the gunpowder how nice of you you’re going to die put foot okay so no one can walk in so

The zombies can’t jump in like I can all right oh [ __ ] so now I have a wall got a wall I got a wall all I need now is a gate or two actually let make three my three gates oh that’s there we are one there one there

Perfect who shot is that you that your my I’m like I’m thinking it’s yours skeletons are the only thing that can really attack from here creepers but they can’t really do it most well now I have Gates into and out of my property I feel very safe that gu’s got gold

M doesn’t mean he’ll drop it on you care he’s going oh could still climb over and get you go quite a bit of coal in this let’s See ouch oh we better go back we’re going to go out in like 5 minutes well for one thing we’re going to be eating Soon That zombie killed the Skellington for me that you zombie that guy was really annoying I got torch up the place make it look a little brighter L of torches but I need more is this a sign that there’s like maybe what’s there is a lead going through my house what what the this isn’t a place for you to be oh it’s just blocking oh my gosh I’m you kill me Oh I dropped Lea that’s fine I can sleep I decided next Gunpowder is really useful pow is really useful in hot days yeah I could be useful I can I’m glad you can blow things up I need make More behind why you breaking Tores I’m going back is that’s SM that’s not SM what do you mean that’s not smart that’s how you find your way back no one that’s actually a bad idea it’s your mine the mine that you started because if your mine is in your fenced off area

Those guys will just like clim right up my area is this is not where that is oh you did put that in your with f stop area oh FS off your your M’s outside no my M’s in my house I know you’re weird not weird a lot do a m Shack but I

Don’t know I don’t do m shss a little bit of space here something wrong here gu that is that’s what I thought all right think if I wouldn’t have done that I would have known where all my stuff is aha see there is oh I actually want to keep that

There my property looks nice happy for you this l little part of the village is now mine forever and no one can get in but me and maybe you but oh like I can’t get in well you can how do you prevent me from getting in I can’t cuz you’re also a

Player not just player you’re the okay well let’s go to sleep and actually we probably should say good night here because we have stuff to do well it’s already I can’t sleep now but that’s cuz I slipped just now side of the fence you got go around and make

Sure they can’t get in your side of the fence outside they can only walk so well anyways go into your house and save and go out so we can stop I need to organize my inventory and all my stuff yeah no we don’t have time for that yes

We do okay fine take five minutes we have plenty of time to do that we have all the time in the world oh I don’t know about you but I’m hungry and I want to go upstairs and eat I’m not that well good you don’t have I’ll I don’t know what that’s for

There oh I feel so much better having so much more coal thanks for being in here everyone you have a Merry Christmas and take care my friends I agree with that wholeheartedly I hope everyone does have a merry Christmas I do not know when when we will next play but I’m sure we

Will last night while I was uh adding torches to the place I noticed uh-huh you you notic the sugarcan is grown I think it might be enough for me to upgrade both our Maps Okay but we really got to go we don’t really no we really

Do no we don’t we’re not going there we’re not leaving the house well no we’re not leaving get your house Stu in the house what what no it’s fine why okay fine I’ll let you I I’ll give me two piece uh make give me two pieces

Of paper and I will upgrade my map and then we will go because I really need to go you don’t really need no I really do really there’s nothing else to do I there’s not much to do I have to do stuff cuz you know I I I have extraer

Thank you I’m glad you have extra paper cuz we’re probably going to die and have need a map anyways okay see that there that there that there I have a level four map haha oh it’s empty this is level three uh cuz I haven’t put it up yet once you first

Open it you can just keep putting it in and out as many times as you want it’s like no oh I have to start all over wait yes we do I don’t think what dude I think it’s in a different spot no it’s the same one that is the

Spot we had before don’t worry that is the spot thought we had before are you sure I’m positive it’s the same map we had before no I’m pretty sure we were going I was going that way you were going that way we we found this Village right here

I we were going around the edge wa wait wait is this a is this really a level four map yes it is let me see oh okay well well this is the right spot don’t worry okay well go ahead and save and we’ll we’ll uh out I don’t want

To well I thought trying to record yours nobody’s up there uh I three a time yes but I have stuff to do like what I’m not telling you tomorrow’s Christmas oh really why don’t you think about that yeah pres the W or something why are you making all the

Villagers go inside you meany it’s my B there’s no yeah you just all right and then all right guys we will see you next Time I

This video, titled ‘Tyger and redpawer minecraft #7’, was uploaded by From the Hildt on 2023-12-24 23:41:27. It has garnered 41 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:01 or 7441 seconds.

Tyger and Redpawer play Minecraft

  • Village Madness in Minecraft Superflat Survival

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  • Challenging My Minecraft Goals

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  • Block Xuan: Wu Liuqi’s Minecraft Adventure

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  • The Haunting of Minecraft: A Spooky Adventure

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  • Unbelievable Redstone Farming Tips – Get Rich Quick! 💎🔧

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  • HACKS ACUSADOS en SERVIDOR por TobiiM9 #clickbait #Minecraft

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  • EPIC Battle: Tall vs Short in Minecraft Maizen!

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  • Tandzo dominates in epic Minecraft battle! 16.04.2024

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  • Soul Reaper Scythe in Minecraft Bedrock! OP Custom Weapon Tutorial

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  • Insane Showdown: Caseoh VS Sonic VS Aphmau & Amy Rose Reverse | Piano Tutorial

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  • Hogbrains

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  • Melio SMP Whitelisted No Teleports 1.20.4

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  • Pixelfam 1.16.5

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  • Crafting Unlimited Carpet: Minecraft Farm Fun

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  • Dwellers & Terror Mods in One Block Skyblock! (Ep.12)

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  • EPIC Medieval Minecraft Co-op Server Day 1!

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  • The Kill: True Scary Minecraft Story

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  • Ultimate PvP Showdown with Teammate – McBox #Anarchy

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  • Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!

    Insane Challenge: Surviving 1000 Days in Ultra Hard Minecraft World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình Sinh Tồn 1000 Ngày Trong Minecraft Thế Giới Đá Siêu Khó (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by KienRic on 2024-01-13 04:00:19. It has garnered 241324 views and 3532 likes. The duration of the video is 04:44:33 or 17073 seconds. This is the video: I Survived for 1000 Days in Minecraft Super Hard Stone World (FULL MOVIE) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A few notes 🌟 ✪ KienRic Shop: https://kienricroblox.vn ✪ Please help me reach 500k registration!! Here → https://www.youtube.com/@KienRic04 ✪ Click “🔔” to watch the latest videos… 😍 !!! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Social networks 🌍 📍 Facebook: https://facebook.com/kienric2001 📍 Fanpage: https://facebook.com/kienric04… Read More

  • Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in Driftveil

    Insane Noteblock Dance Tutorial: Toothless Dance in DriftveilVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to play Toothless Dance on Noteblocks? (Driftveil city)’, was uploaded by koshkamatew on 2024-01-06 17:34:00. It has garnered 1697990 views and 18201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. #minecraft #noteblock #toothless In this video, I will teach you how to play the Toothless dancing meme on Minecraft note blocks by hand. This song comes from pokemon black and white’s driftveil city. The difficulty of this tutorial is Hard – can be slightly annoying to play. Timestamps 0:00 Tutorial: Explanation 0:33 Tutorial: Layout 0:44 Playing the song 1:05 Outro funny… Read More

  • “Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!” #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXT

    "Unbelievable Minecraft Battle with Netherite Monster!" #clickbait #epic #GeorgeXTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed#minecraft#viral#gaming’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-03-25 14:22:41. It has garnered 111 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:54 or 234 seconds. I fight with netherite monstrosity Finally Revealed minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy… Read More

  • Borntorule57’s CRAZY Train Obsession!

    Borntorule57's CRAZY Train Obsession!Video Information This video, titled ‘I like trains…’, was uploaded by Borntorule57 on 2024-04-12 03:05:12. It has garnered 8217 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. I like trains… #twitch #gaming #gamer #pc #twitchstreamer #twitchaffiliate #videogames #twitchtv #streamer #comedy #minecraft Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Hell

    Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft HellVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in an Evolved Sculk Apocalypse in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2024-06-05 20:00:16. It has garnered 300054 views and 7203 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:20 or 13100 seconds. I Survived 100 Days against the Sculk Horde – and this took everything I had… The Sculk Horde knows all, it grows, it hunts, and it wants to add you to the collective… This mod takes Minecraft’s Sculk and makes the Warden look like a teddy bear with Sculk Ravagers, Mites, and the Enderman who will obliterate you with a… Read More

  • Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮

    Join the Deadly Samurai Squad: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse! 💀🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed zombie apocalypse | Looking for people to play with 🙏🙏’, was uploaded by Three Samurai on 2024-05-22 08:16:32. It has garnered 171 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:00 or 1260 seconds. “Hey everyone! I’m looking for people to play modded Minecraft with and collaborate on a video together. If you’re interested, let me know!” In a cursed zombie apocalypse scenario, imagine a world where the dead don’t just rise due to a virus or contagion, but because of a powerful and malevolent curse. This curse could be the result… Read More

  • Prosper SMP – Vanilla 1.20.4 – Discord – DiscordSRV – Dynmap – Voice Plugin – No Whitelist – Coreprotect – Age 16+ – Crossplay

    Join our Minecraft community! Tired of smp’s dying off? Our community has been going strong for years thanks to our shared love for Minecraft and our active Discord server. We welcome new members who are dedicated players and who share our values. Join us for major build projects, a mature and friendly community, and a variety of gaming experiences. We have a few rules in place, including no hackers or griefers, so respect your fellow players and have fun! All members must join our Discord server to access the Minecraft server. Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Burly’s Doctor Who Universe

    Burly's Doctor Who Universe—-Welcome To—-public Burly’s Doctor-WHO Universe! publicThis is a Server Hosted And Developed By BurlyTheHobbitNo Whitelist!NO MODS ARE RQUIREDThe Server Uses a Custom Resource Pack Which Replaced Hit SoundsWith Sonic Screwdriver Noise VariationsThere Is a Custom Dark Oak Door Texture For Your TARDISThere Is a Custom Diamond Sword Texture (More Sword Coming In Future)There Is Custom Armor (Only Netherite So Far)And Finally There is Custom Music!warningRULES TO FOLLOW warningDo Not Perform COUNT Any Kind, This Will Result In a 2 WEEK BANYou Have Been Warned!Please Be Kind and Friendly Toward Others, This server isMostly Family Friendly, It is PG-13 RatedAlso Keep… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Items nerfed into oblivion, get it?

    Here’s a joke for you: Itms got nerfed so hard, even Endermen started picking them up and throwing them back! Read More

  • Daredevil Riverswain Tackles Lava Challenge

    Daredevil Riverswain Tackles Lava ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Always follow the lava | Riverswain on #Twitch’, was uploaded by Riverswain on 2024-06-10 03:49:41. It has garnered 10161 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. I know my way around the old caves #shorts #twitch #minecraft #riverswain Read More

  • When you pause time in Minecraft #hilarious

    When you pause time in Minecraft #hilarious POV: You can stop time, but you still can’t find diamonds in Minecraft because you’re too busy procrastinating and watching memes. Read More

  • Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6

    Sakura Dynasty Support Invite in Minecraft Mega SMP Ep. 6 KRESH VÀ LỜI MỜI HỖ TRỢ VƯƠNG TRIỀU SAKURA !! l MON TƠ MINECRAFT MEGA SMP TẬP 6 In the latest episode of the Minecraft Mega SMP series, Kresh receives an invitation to join forces with the Sakura Dynasty. This exciting development promises new adventures and collaborations in the vast Minecraft world. Joining Forces with the Sakura Dynasty Kresh’s journey takes an unexpected turn as he is offered support by the powerful Sakura Dynasty. This alliance opens up a world of possibilities, from shared resources to coordinated missions. The collaboration between Kresh and the Sakura Dynasty is sure to… Read More