EPIC FAILS! Fix 73 Minecraft Blunders NOW!

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This is everything you should stop avoiding in your Minecraft world starting with organizing your storage now look no one likes clutter but way less people like cleaning up clutter and I’m one of those but the sad truth is that organizing your storage in Minecraft is disproportionately useful

Now I know it doesn’t sound like the most enticing afternoon but just being able to find all of your resources could save you from a lot of unnecessary search to try and find the things that you need to craft with and the good news is that when you have an organization

System that you cling to it’s a lot easier to keep in line with it and that way the next time you go mining you don’t just throw all of your stuff into a chest willy-nilly but you at least know that the stone blocks are supposed to go in the stone designated chest and

Until you have all the iron and Redstone necessary to make an automatic sorting system I think taking the time to do this yourself is still worth it when you’re planning a big build that’s where most of your focus goes to but as much planning and care as that takes you

Should consider putting a fraction of that into the little things around it and so just by putting in a little bit of effort to add a few bushes maybe some lights a pathway you know nothing crazy that’ll really be able to tie together your build to its surroundings because

Let’s face it it doesn’t matter how cool of a base that you plan on building if it doesn’t blend well with its environment then it just looks like you cut and paste it from somewhere else and I’m usually in favor of stopping your builds from looking like a bad Photoshop

Job but maybe that’s just me and for how much cheaper these things are to do both in time and resources the returns you get from them are actually pretty high it’s worth looking into once you beat the Ender Dragon in Minecraft it can feel like there’s no other goals to

Achieve but actually the truth couldn’t be further from it and really if you just open up the advancement tab you can see that there’s so many goals to achieve and maybe I’m showing my cards here but I’ve actually never taken the time to go through and do all of them

And I would guess it be the same for a lot of you too now granted some of them don’t exactly sound super fun but by taking the effort to go through this task list and do them all one by one you get to explore parts of Minecraft that

You would probably never come across regularly and what you might find is this is a great way to make some of the more boring aspects of Minecraft into some of the most exciting when you pull them off and even if you’ve done this in the past they add new ones every update

So maybe you should check if you’re up to date even your Farms are good but they could be so much better since well get that it technically Works to just plant your wheat bamboo and carrots in the same way by just spending a little bit of time to automate them into a

Proper design not only will your returns get better but the time to do that chore will get less and less and plus I think there’s just something really satisfying to the idea of just having this great of a return out of your crops even if it’s just a simple automatic farm like this

Micro farm and with things like bamboo getting a lot more useful in the 1.20 update we’re going to need this a lot more regularly so it’s worth increasing if you have the chance and just as it’s important to focus on the details outside of your build you also got to

Worry about the ones inside because let’s face it if you have a really cool looking house or base your friend isn’t just going to want to see the outside they’ll want to pay you a visit too so just by taking some of your leftover materials and stairs from the roof and

Using them for things like chairs bookshelves maybe a couple tables even just some plants inside too all of those really make your home feel like a home instead of an empty box and a block game I mean after all you’re going to be spending a lot of time here you might as

Well do yourself a service and make it an enjoyable time to spend instant mining with a haste 2 Beacon’s a lot of fun until you do it for too long and then just like every new stimulus gets a bit too boring and he craves something more but before you start using this as

A gateway to the harsher stuff like TNT explosions let me put you back on the straight and narrow and show you why this might be still worth doing since even if it’s not technically the fastest way to get yourself the different ores that you’d like it could still be

Incredibly rewarding in the different kinds of stone and building blocks that you get not to mention opening yourself up a large floor pan for any kind of Farms or whatever that you want to build down there I mean do this inside of a slime chunk and then you’re killing two

Birds with one stone fishion in Minecraft is boring or relaxing depending on how mean you want to be and it’s only gotten more relaxing ever since the changes to the treasure luden 1.16 but while that was bad for our AFK Fish Farms I think you’ll find that if

You go and do this outside with the right conditions you can still use this to get some pretty useful stuff like if you were to enchant your fishing rod right and then go out during a rainstorm you could have a solid shot at getting enchanted books and Nautilus shells

Which will put you one step further to the conduit to go live with the fish though after how many of the brothers and sisters that we brought up to the surface they might not want you to live next to them since with enough of those Nautilus shells we’re able to build

Ourselves up the conduits that we can use to make our own underwater city and well it already gets cool enough to live underwater if you enlist the help of a couple of dolphins you could also use this to make a really fast travel system down here and then you not only got an

Underwater city but also an underwater Highway ever wonder why so many mobs will spawn in your Sky Block Island if you just leave a dark patch well it’s the same reason why you need to spawn proof all the caves in you’re built since when there’s such a limited

Spawnable area it really creates an effective mob farm and that’s why albeit boring you should take the time to go light up the nearby caves when you’re next to your Farms folks this could easily double if not triple the rates that you’re getting out of your mob farm

But through the help of one of the many x-ray glitches that Mojang seems to add to this game we can use that to track down all of the caves and essentially turn our entire spawn into peaceful mode except for importantly where we want it to be hardcore then the results get

Pretty wild Ander chest are great for storing your stuff but how much stuff you store is something you should consider since while you could easily just use the 27 slots that come built in if you were to fill up each of those slots with a different candy colored

Shulker box then each of those slots gets multiplied by another 27 item slots once you go through and name all of these in an anvil you basically won’t need a storage system at home because now you’ll have your entire gear saved up in the cloud which could be great for

When you want to go build something new far away without making constant trips back to the restock Farm most of us like to just dump all of our resources into a chest and then only look at them when we need to it’s because you’re not taking the time to compress your blocks where

You can and it’s worth the extra step of just crafting all of your base resources into the blocks except for nether W that’s a mistake that you can’t undo but for your iron diamonds Redstone all things like that it’s worth a couple of extra seconds plus that’s how you know

When you’re really rich when you start counting your riches in blocks instead of ingots exploring caves in Minecraft’s fun and it better be but preparing to go mining down in those caves I’m not going to lie it’s not as much fun though it’s extremely important so as much of a

Chore as it might feel like to get all your shulker boxes torches and back up on coal and wood before you go in it really could be a necessity I mean even just remember to bring down a crafting table can mean that your mining session could go way longer since then you can

Actually store all that raw material that you’re getting inside of blocks and that way you can keep your inventory free for the actual parts of why you’re going mining in the first place to get the rare stuff so that you can keep doing it and then if you’re only looking

For specific blocks you should just fill your inventory with those kind of materials that way you don’t have to keep throwing out Stone and other junk that keeps clogging up if it’s it’s not what you’re looking for it shouldn’t have a slot in your inventory simple as

That when you start to uh hire villagers into your trade most of us will go straight to Librarians and completely forget about the other ones maybe a toolsmith and an armor here and there but I think you really shouldn’t be ignoring the Mason villager for just the

Cost of a stone cutter one of these Masons could be incredibly useful as they’ll provide you with different blocks that aren’t easy to obtain such as quartz bricks glazed terracotta and after a few run-ins with a zombie you can get those down to really crazy cheap

Prices too I mean clay isn’t exactly a very fun material to get a bunch of so just being able to save yourself the step and get two of these blocks already made for it that’s worthwhile in my eyes alone if you’re someone who likes to build then it’s obviously a lot of fun

To develop your base but spawn proof in that base to make it usable let’s be honest it’s not the glitz and glamour of the screenshot they you get for Reddit but also very true is that nothing’s going to make that build look even worse than if you have a creeper dive bomb you

From the rafters and all a sudden you got a huge hole and you lost your stuff because what you really should stop avoiding is just going around and hiding lighting underneath things like carpet and leaves by just mixing together light sources with transparent blocks you can make your base safe from any monster

Spawns and still have it look nice for the actual visitors that you want to come visit I mean with the changes to mob spawning recent updates you really have to light up a lot less so while it’s born it won’t take you very long and it’s also a lot easier to appreciate

That build of yours if you can also see it the nether in Minecraft is annoying but getting to the nether could be even more annoying and not so much in building the portal but in linking those portals up so that they go the right way

Though is true as that is it’s also true that going through and spending the time to make a proper nether Hub and using a calculator to line up all the coordinates for your portals right that could save you a lot of time in exploring the Nether and also be a lot

Safer too I’ll be honest I’m guilty of this one too I spend way too much time on my server just flying in between the different portals and although flying means a lot more gas that I have to deal with it’s just not necessary if you’re

Willing to spend the time to set it up right finding the right real estate to build your dream base is easier said than done and really with the changes to the world generation and the world height it’s SAR to come across any piece of flat land especially if you don’t

Want to live inside of a pl’s biome so that’s why it’s worth it to just take your shovel and do the hard task yourself excavate the land flatten it out and you’ll have the perfect canvas to start up your build plus plenty of temporary blocks if you need to use them

As scaffolding and plus insta mining is just fun so if you’re willing to get your hands dirty I think you might enjoy this one one of the best ways to make your base come to life is to add actual life to your base so while most of us

Don’t want to waste our time trying to get the proper flowers and Shrubbery to decorate if you really do take the time to add some Greenery and gardening around your base it not only adds Sparks of color but it also makes it look like it’s actually blending into its

Surroundings and hey you might also want to keep some of those flowers on hand for when you need dyes there’s nothing more annoying than when you need to build with a colorful concrete and you not only need a bunch of sand and gravel but also the dyes that you’ve been

Neglecting to get to this point iron Farms are a great thing but accidental iron Farms then I think we’re seeing too much of a good thing in action and what I mean by this is when you have villager breeder up like so where they start just spawning Iron Golems outside of the

Breeder it’s weird it’s clunky and they don’t even offer that much protection to you anyway it’s most of the time all they’re doing is just policing if you’re being nice to your villagers so if you clean it up so that your villagers aren’t being terrified to spawn one of

These golems in then you’ll have to do a lot less cleanup going forward and you can keep the Iron Golem spawn rates to where they’re actually useful in the proper iron farm Minecraft’s a Sandbox game so it’s easy to play around with a lot of different fields but I’d also

Venture that I’m not the only one who suffers from starting a bunch of little projects and then I never go through and actually finish them up like I’m supposed to and well it could have looked great if I actually finished this project in the first place leaving a bunch of half finished unanswered

Questions around your build yeah then it’s not just a to-do list it’s a junkyard and so let’s take a page out of ethos book every now and then you just go through and finish up the little things that you never got around to they’re not as exciting as the big stuff

But if you’re able to finish a bunch of them in one go then that could add up to being a pretty major change to your build and if you really don’t want to finish it just get rid of it trust me it’ll look better than just leaving it

Half empty look I get it after building up your mob farm you’re very likely not looking for another chore on top of that but if you can get around to it taking the time to actually go through your mob Farm’s chest and sort out with an item

Filter then you can save yourself from having to build a huge storage Silo like this one and make sure that you’re only getting out of your farm what you want to get out of that farm it’s a lot easier to store your stacks of Bones and arrows from your skeleton Farm if

There’s not a bunch of half-used bows clogging up the space and the same goes for gold Farms maybe even more so all those gold swords from the piglins yeah toss those into lava or something or if you really want the best returns you could have them go back into a smelter

And turn into golden nuggets but really if your cold Farm’s working out all right I think those extra golden nuggets would just be a rounding error the most common chore that you probably avoid doing in your world is also the simplest sleeping which I get it when you’re

Going and exploring the world and trying to look for a certain thing you probably don’t want to clog up one of your inventory slots with a bed or you don’t want to lose your spawn point back at your house but making sure to place one of these down and sleeping in it every

Now and then would be a big help if you don’t want to deal with Phantoms especially if you’re playing on a multiplayer server it’s just common courtesy after all I don’t deserve to get insomnia just because you’re trying to finish up your base if you can spare

Three wool and some planks it’s the nice thing to do for your friends and you when you’re first exploring your Minecraft world you want to keep this one in mind since while it’s easy to get caught up with the structures of the rare things that you’re searching for

You should also take note to grab every single sapling type that you see that way when you have enough of those built up you’ll be able to build yourself a proper tree farm at your base and open up a whole new color palet of wood types

That you get to build with after all it’s pretty lame to be limited to just what’s around you so while you might not want to settle down in a Tiger Biome you should grab the spruce saplings just in case the wood looks nice even if you don’t settle down there and it’ll save

You from having to go travel thousands of blocks back just to go and find one again sorting through your Shuler boxes can obviously help out with your inventory storage but what do you do with your project management once the project manages to finish well at that

Point as boring as it may seem you should go through and take away the color and bring them back to a proper name after all you don’t need it to be called Tree Farm 1 when the tree Farm’s been well and done for over a year and I

Think what you’ll find is that if you have these shoulder boxes ready to start your next project you’ll want to start that next project so you’re not only cleaning up from the last one but you’re also setting yourself up nicely for the next one and I think that’s pretty

Lovely this one pixel can completely ruin your builds because as soon as we convert our grass blocks into a path block then it goes from 16 pixels tall down to 15 and with that one pixel gap of visibility now we have to consider any blocks they’re seeing behind so so

In this case the proper way that we should be doing this is replacing the block that’s underneath with the same block that’s above it otherwise our build’s just going to look unfinished and since we went through extra effort to make sure that we even had the path

In the first place I think it’s worth following through so that the rest of the build doesn’t look unfinished this TNT trap works but we can do so much better because by just adding five iron to the base of that TNT we got ourselves a TNT mine cart that does the job

Instantaneously since by mixing together TNT Minecarts with powered rails we can not only explode our victim before they know what’s going on but we can also pack up certain amount of TNT into that one rail making our machine a lot deadlier without actually having to scale up the size you should never leave

Blocks missing in a place of a build where you won’t see them because even if you can’t see it you’re still going to know it’s there and you’re definitely going to hear it when those mobs start spawning in the gaps to you left so to prevent that it’s worth filling in the

Gaps with something that you have on hand even if it’s a cheaper block that’s at least going to be better than having negative space in the open air and that piece of advice doesn’t just go for the regular builds that you’re leaving on hand because for the same reasons you

Never want to leave your terraform Terrain Hollow as well because while this custom Hill that you built might look great it’s going to be a real shame when a couple of mobs start to spawn into that dark space and even if you were to light it up all it takes is

Break in one block and you’ll fall right through the middle of that open air so instead if you’re going through the effort to make your Hill look realistic why not actually make it realistic and fill it all the way in if you enchant like this you’re doing it wrong because

As nmon lays out there’s a way to properly use an anvil to allow us to apply more than 30 enchantments to an item and considering there AR 30 enchantments in the game this basically means that we can get any enchantment that you want onto that one item without

Ever seeing the too expensive screen show up and the reason for this basically comes down to a different point system that gives different values to different enchantments but if I were to list them out for every enchantment right here we’d be here all day so I’d recommend checking out n Bon’s video to

See more about how the details are done because while it might take a learning curve to figure out as soon as you’ve got it your tools are about to get a lot more powerful and more importantly you’ll still be able to repair them why does this lava look so ugly well the

Unfortunate problem here is that we didn’t use lava source blocks for all of them and as you can notice cutting Corners here is just going to make for a mess which really is true whether you’re using water or lava features but at least water tends to fill in the gaps if

You leave it for long enough but since lava’s renewable through dripstone now I think there’s no reason to leave any of your lava pools looking this bad so if you’re going to do a job you got to do it right normally a night vision potion might seem excessive but while you might

Not want to use one of these inside of a cave you should try drinking one of these the next time you go to an ocean since with regular brightness settings by drinking one of these you can see straight through the ocean and that giv gives you an easy cheap way to find

Things like geod Ocean Monuments and the real kicker shipwrecks which themselves can lead you to a lot of food as well as a lot of berry treasure and after finding enough of that you won’t have to worry about finding cheap Hecks you’ll be pretty well to do on the second floor

We’ve got a beautiful hot tub but on the ground floor you’re not going to like it as much since the ugly truth is that only having a one block thick floor underneath a water or lava feature means that all we’re going to see from the bottom floor is a bunch of particles

Dripping down from the ceiling I’d rather just make the floor too thick and not have to worry about it never type out this command but instead you should just hold on the F3 key and then use the F4 to scroll through with this simple shortcut we don’t have to waste the time

Typing out the command and we can seamlessly switch between the different game modes that you might be doing while you’re building a map and if you’re a veteran player it might take a little bit to get used to but as soon as you do you’ll never want to go back in the

Older versions this is a building sin that even Green’s guilty of since while it’s easy to get excited about building up the beautiful front of your building since after all that’s what most people are going to see it’s when you neglect the back of the build and leave it on

Finished that you start to get into a problem now I get it in survival mode it’s easy to run out of materials to finish the job but if you ask me if you’re only going to do half of the job anyway then you should shrink down the

Scope of the build to half the size and do the whole thing it’s a lot more impressive to have a full job now we’ve talked in the past about using moss as a way to clear through deep slate and that’s still true with bone meal and a

Stone hoe you can eviscerate The Depths but I want to add on another reason for why you should try this since while the Moss is able to convert deep slate it can’t convert the ores and just as that little stick sticking point we’re able to find the ores that might have

Generated down there much easier which is great for diamonds considering that those have a higher chance of generating underneath other blocks anyway so what you can instantly mine away the blanket that the diamonds were sleeping under that’ll be a lot better for your time and for your pickaxe then not to mention

That just Moss by itself is a really useful block as soon as we get our hands on this from something like a shipwreck chest that gives us an easy path to have 10 new unique items that just come from one single block things like a zel and

Its variants as well as oak wood leaves hanging roots rooted dirt all that just from one block not to mention that you can grind a lot of that down in a composter to also get more bone meal repeat the cycle it gets pretty crazy stop using redstone dust in your builds

Because the truth is that this is one of the lacki Redstone components in the game especially when you continue to power it off and on and in Li of that you’ll find it much more efficient to use powered or activator rails instead which there you go cost the same amount

Of redstone and at least for that part it should be an easy transition to make as long as you got a gold Farm bone meal and saplings pair together great but not when you’re decorating trees since as you’ll notice from the small Forest by my house having a bunch of bone me

Saplings makes for a really Samy looking build and instead You’ be much better off by chopping down those trees and using the materials to build up some custom ones of your own that way you can have much more variety and you get a set of trees that’s worthy being placed next

To your beautiful house potions are an underrated part of Minecraft Survival and while it can definitely be a chore to have to brew these up here’s a way to cut back on that since by just placing a hopper over top of one of your Brewing stands we can essentially queue up a

Play list of all the things that we’re going to be adding into our potion so right after the Nether wart finishes it’ll put in your ingredient and then put in the modifier after that making this cheap and efficient both adjectives that I like now there’s nothing wrong

With this building but rather what it’s built on or lack thereof cuz when you start to zoom back you’ll notice that part of the building is hanging off the edge of the terrain and this just looks really amateurish I mean there’s a reason why even Tony Stark’s Mansion had

These giant supports keeping it to the Malibu Coast even if gravity doesn’t exist in Minecraft you at least got to make it look like it does and by either adding in supports or just expanding the terrain to cover underneath your build that’ll make the whole thing look way

More realistic never take the first horse that you tame because while it does take a while to finally get a horse tamed and actually start using it if that horse ends up being the slowest of the bunch then you’re going to be wasting that time anyway so it’s worth

Testing out any and all horses around you and taming them to see which of them has the best stats that way you can make sure they’re not settling for some subpar Ste if you need a lot of blocks fast dirt is a good go-to it’s easy to

Dig and it doesn’t burn up like leaves and other things but you don’t have to worry about getting an overpowered diamond shovel to be able to instamine this since the real truth is that if you just have a stone shovel enchanted with efficiency 4 that’ll be fast enough to

Instantly mine grass dirt and sand and well sure the durability is nothing to write home about you have to remember that we’re homeless so we don’t have much of a home to write back to anyway and that could still get you plenty of dirt that you would actually need

Especially for when you need to bridge in other dimensions or you could use that same Stone shovel with that snow golem to get a lot of blocks that way and even if your stone shovel is unenchanted you’ll still be able to instantly mine all of the snow layers at

Its feet to get constant snowballs for making snow blocks stop using your obsidian for blast Chambers instead use water lock blocks since 1.19 lets us now water log our leaves and Mangrove roots that water inside will keep these from exploding and while this does work with

Any kind of water log block I would recommend using leaves instead since at least that way the water’s self-contained it’s not going to flow out of the block which could be a problem if you’re using something like stairs instead K Vines and glowberries make for a beautiful decoration to put

In your belt but as we can see from this tree on the left it would look a lot nicer if we actually trimmed them so if you’re going through the effort of using cave Vines and nether vines in your base you want to also remember to pack a pair

Of shears to do the job right and by clipping the ends of these we’ll make sure that our decorations never get out of hand and hey you can even do the same with regular Vines if you add in string to keep the bottom trimmed as well that

Way your ivy league stays up in the top percentile this Redstone works but there’s still a problem with it and as you’ll see that’s because we can well see it in a lot of ways having visible Redstone is a recipe for disaster since not only does this make all your

Circuitry vulnerable but I’d also Venture that whatever circuitry you got going on here does not blend well with the aesthetic you got around it so instead we should treat this like a maintenance closet and Tuck all of our important cabling behind closed doors besides if you’re building a redstone

Casino you’re not going to want any of your customers knowing exactly how much you ripping them off when you place a log faing the wrong way it’s usually easy to tell that you messed up but when you’re using the six-sided wood block then it’s a little bit more difficult

Cuz with this case the texture matches on one face but it doesn’t on the other and that’s why when we look close to this building it starts to look off considering that some of the wooden blocks that we placed have the wrong orientation so the next time that you’re

Building out your log cabin keep in mind that it’s not just about the amount of wood that you have but how you use it XP is a valuable resource to have so you likely want to get a lot of it but getting a lot of XP doesn’t mean that

You need to build yourself an XP farm since the simple truth is that if you head over to the nether there’s plenty of XP lying around in the floor by just mining nether quartz ore I think you’ll find this is one of the most effective

Ways of gaining XP at a very high rate it’s a lot safer than having to kill a bunch of mops Plus plus nether quartz or generates frequently and in pretty big veins both of which means that you’re going to get a lot of this stuff too so while quartz is a crafting ingredient

Might not be so useful if you’re not building a house or Redstone even if you don’t keep any of the item itself I think this is still worth doing in your next playr whether you plant your sugarcane on dirt or sand you’re both wrong since instead you should be using

Mud Odd as it sounds the mud block is actually the best candidate for one particular reason it’s shorter than a full block size which means that if we place Hoppers underneath it we get 100% collection efficiency so every item that we break from our sugarcane Farms can go

Right down to where they’re supposed to be and honestly when the alternative is building one of these using Hopper mine carts and a whole other set of Hoppers I think you’ll find that just by using a few water bottles you can get a much more efficient solution as icraft MC

Shows off we’re able to grab the big hit box of the gas and pull it right back down to our level at which point it does not take very many hits with a sword or axe to kill this thing off and if you want to make things even easier and

Quicker just put the fishing rod inside your off hand and you can dual wield your way to Victory by using the same material for your walls floor and ceiling it’s tough to see the separation between the different parts of your build and instead you want to consider

From the outset what’s going to be your foundation what’s going to be your walls and what’s going to be your roof since that allows you to break up your build and on a lot more variety to what would have just been a really monotone looking base copper is a great block to build

Your roof with at least it is for right now but the only issue is that over time since we didn’t wax this copper we’re going to lose that orange color that worked so well with our build in the first place now we do have the benefit of copper oxidizing really slowly when

It’s packed together like this but slowly doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen so if you’re already going through the effort to mine up all the copper to do this I’d recommend just getting another bee farm as well and preserving your build in the state you

Want to keep it at this table has one crucial flaw and you’ll notice that as soon as we start to try and set down the plates see when you decide to build a table using something like a bottom slab block or a bottom trapo then we’ve just set ourselves up for disaster

Considering that we can’t place item frames or other blocks for decoration and if you ask me a dinner table that doesn’t let you eat dinner that’s a pretty rough call I think you’ll find it’s better to just build your BL blocks in the top part of the slab stop using

Shears to collect your leaves but instead you should use a hoe no joke because in recent versions The hoe has gotten a much bigger bump to how you can use it and while it does cost some extra experience to get the silk touch on your hoe to do this the trade-off is that

You’re going to get a much better durability than using some shears and considering all the other blocks that we can break quickly by using this tool I think that’s more than enough reason to switch out your shears for a new sow while you are technically supposed to

Use an axe for harvesting coar flowers I wouldn’t say it’s the right solution since instead it’s much easier to collect these Flowers by shooting them with a bow Trident or even a snowball and that also eliminates the need to go and pillar up to them saving you time on

Both fronts which I would say is a good deal let’s face it rails aren’t cheap so instead of spending all of your iron ingots on just getting a couple of these I think you’ll have a much better time if you just take the time to mine some

Of these when you’re down in a m shaft that way we could save our iron ingots for where they actually matter stop building your crop farms like this but instead you got to do it like this and that’s not just personal preference but it’s actually coded into the game where

The crops grow faster if they’re planted in row so to fix this problem problem what you should be doing in your Farms is either alternating your crop rows or leaving about one block of space in between and no joke because of the secret feature you’ll see immense

Increase your growth speed and when you go to replant your next Harvest you’ll want to keep that in mind when you’re living like a nomad that usually means you’re not torching up the area very much which also means you have to deal with a lot of creepers that is unless

You take the time to tame a cat since by just grabbing yourself a feline friend that’ll be enough to keep all these creepers away from you and Phantoms too which when you’re not regularly sleeping in a bed that’s also very appreciated and while sure it might take some fish

To tame them initially they’re an investment that pays off and a cheap one at that too and luckily for us we don’t have to just settle for one pet since by killing some of the skeletons that are giving your problems and using their bones to tame wolves we can grab just

Two of these and then breed them up until we have our own personal Army and since we’re not getting any trouble from creepers now that we have our cat these wolves will be able to deal with the other mobs that are giving us troubles you just might also want to dieye their

Collar so that you can keep track of them Minecraft’s only got the one breed of wolf they can get pretty easy to mix them up this how house might look nice but it’s got a dirty secret it’s dirt dirt’s the secret and while it can be

Easy to fill in some of the gaps with a cheap block like dirt all it takes is someone looking at the right angle to know that this house is built off of something pretty cheap and that especially won’t do you any favors if a creeper were to explode so for that

Matter Minecraft doesn’t need insulation I’d recommend against having this stop using bubble columns or rather stop using these bubble columns since while a Soul Sand bubble column could be incredibly great for getting up fast using another one with Magma blocks can be incredibly slow and instead it’s

Going to be much faster and simpler for your elevator just have your player fall into something that breaks their fall like powdered snow or a water block that way we make sure that we have the best amount of speed going both up and down instead of crafting a new bow every time

That you need a dispenser it’s worth mentioning that in recent updates you’re actually able to craft them with bows that have as little as one durability Point left and that way you can save resources and recycle those old bows that you’re getting from skeletons here’s why you need to be breaking your

Crops with a pickaxe because Odd as this looks it’s actually possible to have the fortune enchantment applied when you break certain crops like carrot to protect potatoes and you can see the difference in gains between these two examples it’s pretty significant oh and you could also use it to get more apples

From the leaves that you break and you don’t even have to use a pickaxe this could be any tool the fortune enchantment applied so whichever one you got on hand that’s now your farming tool better start using it this bridge could be the death of me because even though

It’s easy to build over The Lava using Netherrack all it takes is one gas flying by and shooting me with a fireball to completely destroy it so even though there’s a bunch of Netherrack to use in the nether to build I’d much rather prefer using something like Cobblestone for a better

Alternative and that way you’ll at least have a chance of surviving the fireball instead of having a definite fall to your doom there’s technically nothing wrong with this store but when we zoom out I’m sure you can see the problem because while asymmetry can be great for

A build in many cases it’s when you start to have something like a two block doorway that’s built into an odd-numbered wall that definitely feels like a sin but as long as you remember to count this is an easy one to fix so I’m not that worried about it if your

Villagers keep escaping from your trading Hall you need to use honey blocks since silly as it may seem no mob’s able to jump off of a honey block to get enough height meaning by just tucking a couple of these inside your trading Hall your Villers won’t be able

To escape anytime soon and then for some added defense you can even add in Honey blocks around them so that mobs like zombies and more importantly baby zombies can’t even jump into attack them keeping them safe and in place both of which are important sand is a useful

Resource but digging up that sand is a tedious chore so to solve that don’t waste your time or your shovel mining sand since the truth of the matter is that if you just place down a single block of TNT you can easily collect a stack or more of sand with each

Explosion and especially if you happen to cross a shipwreck chest or one of the structures like a desert temple you’ll have plenty of TNT anyways so this will be a worthwhile tradeoff it doesn’t matter how nice your build is if it has a two block tall ceiling no one’s going

To want to come inside let’s face it two block tall ceilings are just annoying to get around and without the ability to easily Sprint jump between different places of the build it’s really going to feel claustrophobic for anyone who comes inside so if you ask me three blocks

Tall should be at least the minimum that way you’ll have more room for everything you want to do which is quite literally going to be less of a pain in the head stop worrying about getting a netherite sword since the truth is that if you were to get yourself just three

Cobblestone and two sticks you can actually deal more damage in fact if you give them both of them sharpness five the stone axe will do 12 hit points per hit whereas the netherite sword only deals 11 and I’m not saying that enchanting table’s cheap I will say it’s

A lot cheaper than a netherite sword especially one that’s also Enchanted so as long as you keep your distance from mobs and attack when your cool Down’s gone down I think you’ll find this will be plenty well for you especially the game here’s my big issue with modern

Staircases because as great as the design is the issue comes up when you start to actually try to climb it and with these stairs you have to jump up every single step to do it instead of using I don’t know stairs which just let you seamlessly Sprint and walk up them

And really I’m not trying to turn on auto jump just so I can climb up to my second floor and honestly it more so Feels Like This Modern solution just created a couple of modern problems I’d rather stick to the oldfashioned way if you’ve ever wondered why the screenshots

On Reddit look so much better than your own here’s the secret you got to use a low fov now don’t get me wrong playing on fov 30 is a nightmare but when you use it for a screenshot it gives you a much better flattening to the image and

Then if you Max max out your render distance you’ll be able to make that shot look so much better and then immediately turn off those settings because we actually want the game to be playable from the front this sign post looks fine but once we move over to the

Side then the physics start to get a bit wonky unfortunately the game’s coded in such a way where item frames and signs will float a little bit off of certain blocks those being fences glass pains and even chests if you look from the right angle so if you ask me it’s worth

Building around this fact and considering ways that you can place these items so that there isn’t an annoying Gap that breaks the illusion or at the very least just make sure that no one can walk over to the sides to see your problem finding your way back out

Of a cave can be tough and while leaving a path of torches is definitely possible that’s also burning through quite a bit of the coal that you’re going down there to mine in the first place so instead silly as it may seem we should actually

Bring down a snow golem now hear me out if you tie one of these to a lead then we can drag it along and essentially create snow layers as a path to lead us right back out of the cave which would be incredibly useful if you’re mining so

Long that your pickaxe breaks down in the caves because while you can always dig up to get out of a cave that’s a lot tougher to do do when you have nothing to dig with and plus the snow golem will also be able to throw off some snowballs

Maybe keep some other mobs away from you down in the caves giving you both a getaway and a ride or die when you’ve got a bed but you don’t have a house it can be tough to place it down without having monsters nearby that is if you’re

On land since strange as it may seem if you take your bed and place it at the bottom of a body of water then as long as there’s no drowns nearby you’ll actually be able to sleep down there just the same and none of the Hostile

Mobs that were chasing you on land will be able to follow you down there so then when you wake up and swim to the surface you’ll arrive with a whole bunch of zombies and skeletons burning in the air which is all the reason that you should

Turn your bed into a river bed or at least place it on one and with that folks YouTube thinks that you might like this video so see if they’re right and have a good one all right

This video, titled ’73 Minecraft Mistakes You Need To Fix Immediately’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2023-10-22 13:03:00. It has garnered 473659 views and 12167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:42 or 1902 seconds.

73 Things You Need to Stop Avoiding in Minecraft

Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina

Produced by Jonah Walters Edited by BBelle, NOOBster, and Quentin Tran Research by MonocleMC and Jonah Walters Footage by Frankie Mundo, MonocleMC, Samcraft, and Jonah Walters —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @Antlerboy —— Some music used in this video is courtesy of Mewmore. Make sure to follow their tracks at @Mewmore —— Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2023, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. ——

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  • Unveiling Secret Method to Download Cracked Lunar Client 😱 | Minecraft

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT PE MODS - MUST SEE!! 🔥Video Information तो हेलो गाइस एंड वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो तो आज मैं लेके आ चुका हूं m 1.20 के कुछ बेस्ट मोड्स वीडियो शुरू होने से पहले जिसने भी लाइक नहीं किया वो लाइक कर देना एंड चैनल पर तो डू सब्सक्राइब तो अभी चलते हैं वीडियो की तरफ को तो अपना फर्स्ट मोड निकल के आता है उसका नाम है फ्री लुक प्लस मोड इस मोड में बेसिकली होता यह कि आप अपने कैरेक्टर का 360 व्यू ले सकते हो ज्यादा आपको कुछ करना नहीं है सिर्फ आपको क्राउच होना है एंड देन हिलाना है अपना… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets of Minecraft’s Vexes with HydrAbby’s Evokers!

    Unlock the Secrets of Minecraft's Vexes with HydrAbby's Evokers!Video Information evokers the enigmatic illagers responsible for the creation of vexes in Minecraft meet evokers the enigmatic illers of Minecraft’s world they’re not just your ordinary enemy they’re Master illusionists dwelling in Woodland Mansions they possess a unique power with a wave they summon vexes their own spectral minions vexes unlike other enemies have the ability to move through blocks making them a formidable unpr ictable threat on your Minecraft Journey but why do evokers create vexes simple they’re their loyal protectors guarding their territory with Relentless Vigor so be careful when exploring dark corners of Minecraft evokers and… Read More

  • Aphmau loses it in Minecraft 😱🤪

    Aphmau loses it in Minecraft 😱🤪Video Information baby baby where are you oh no Pierce give me back my baby no she’s my baby now you’ll never get her back no no no I’m not worried about her I’m worried about you huh my safe that’s my girl This video, titled ‘Aphmau went crazy in Minecraft 🤣🤣’, was uploaded by I am a Aphmau fan on 2024-02-07 13:49:18. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft FACTIONS gameplay!!! Join Now!

    🔥EPIC Minecraft FACTIONS gameplay!!! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥Minecraft:JOGANDO FACTIONS!!! (REDE FANTASY 1.8.X )’, was uploaded by YouLagBR on 2024-04-21 00:06:43. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:04 or 4504 seconds. ⛔DESCRIPTION: (If you liked the video, leave a like 👍) 📌Nick: YouLagBR 📌Lots of news and things to do on the server. 📌Click SHOW MORE to see the full description. 📌Server IP: RedeFantasy.com📌 📌Sv Discord: / discord 📌Nick:YouLagBR 📌Goal for the video 📌15 likes. 📌 And rising. 📌Do you want me to share your serving? Get in touch via Discord! 📌Discord: 📌Discord For Subscribers:… Read More