EPIC Final Battle in Dragon’s Keep! King Arthur’s Legendary Minecraft Adventure

Video Information

Hi guys so there are actually two gauged Wizards that I missed there’s one in this little cave area that I went into but then I fell off and died and just didn’t bother coming back here and then the other one is in the Crypt yo what’s up everybody I’m King

Arthur legendary and welcome back to another video of Minecraft World of Magic in the last video I entered the realm of the Dead In Search of the Primal ore which had been stolen by the sun god Anubis and I had to defeat him retrieve the ore and earn the title of

The Flame Prince and in this video I conquer my greatest challenge yet by heading into the dragon’s keep which is being guarded by tons of ghostly Knights and my goal is to slay the dragon and finish what the dragon slayer Knights couldn’t this area was incredibly hard

To beat I endured so many deaths so I hope you enjoyed this video Master wizard you were not ready to face the dragons of this world I mean that literally the dragon residing in Dragon’s keep has terrorized the land for too long it is time to take up the

Unfinished work of the Dragon Slayer Knights the dragon’s diamondlike hide is impervious to Common weapons but your powerful magic should be good enough good luck Brave wizard we are counting on you all right so we have a new Quest go to the Dragon’s keep oh hello there’s another Quest dude you’re a master

Wizard right have you been to dragon’s keep grab an egg from there and see if you can warm it up Dena thinks dragons could be friends to wizards remember to hatch the egg with a fireball spell you can use the gemstone I gave you to tame the hatchling take this gemstone once

You get a dragon egg from Dragon’s keep you can hatch with a fireball spell use the gem to tame the hatchling ah perfect thank you so I will be doing just that all right so as you can see I got a Dragon Fire Gem a gemstone embedded with

The fiery breath of a dragon used to tame a baby dragon so that’s exactly what I’m going to be doing in today’s video so let’s get started so I believe the dragon place the dragon’s keep is in the dark Academy I think honestly I might be misremembering but I’m pretty

Sure it’s in the dark Academy so I’m going to be heading to the dark Academy and you know go to face the dragon okay okay um now that I’m here in the dark Academy I’m starting to realize that I don’t think this is the way to the

Dragon’s keep area hey guys so I was actually mistaken on the way to the Dragon’s keep and so I ended up taking a little detour here’s how that went first I found a cave that I didn’t notice before which led me along this path where I actually ended up finding the

Last cage wizard there a cave over there well I’m finding new Secrets look at me oh look it’s a cage wizard is it the last one it’s the last cage wizard side is complete yay yay I completed my first side quest yay okay now I just got to

Get back so I think I had to go to the Eternal winter but since I don’t want to take the long way around I’m just going to swim up this water oh look my wolf is still here there’s another one of my wolves hi buddy long time no see second

Third I found this other path that led me to this house where I found some nice loot fourth I finally made it to the Eternal winter where I ended up finding something special I oh my goodness wait is that a spell wait is that a spell is

That is that is that a spell spell ooo look at at that it can hit multiple things at once fifth I noticed a path up this mountain and at the top is where I found something else special all right look at this I’m all the way to the

Summit of this mountain oh hey who are you Shia man the white I Come From A Distant land a land also filled with magic and dangers I feel great potential within you we will meet again in another adventure farewell okay bye bye see you later we have another spell look at this

Wait this is the the Whirlwind this is our second to last weapon all right okay I can test it out right now oh it pushes them up in the air and then drops them down and they deal fall damage but they even they also deal damage as they’re

Going up wow okay I like that all right now I got to go all the way back down all right so I believe this way is the Dragon Keep yes okay cool so this way is the dragon’s keep as you can see with the color change of the ground I’ve been

Here once before haven’t done anything with it only saw the gate couldn’t access it at the time but yeah look there’s over this way o chest fire stone a hot and shimmery Stone used to Res the Phoenix yay I got it now he got to

Return back okay um um let me do that real quick hold on I’ll bring a phoenix hi I have everything you need the Phoenix is made just as plan it’s quite beautiful isn’t it why not take it with you it might be useful in your adventures try taming it with the

Firestone side quest complete yay look at the phoenix look at the Phoenix you want fir Stone here you go yay oh my going to fli it makes sense it’s Phoenix all right now I will head back to dragon’s keep after I show off this Phoenix you going to fight it are you

Going to do anything it does it burns it that’s so cool that’s so cool it actually fights with me holy crap there’s a bunch of mobs in the water it actually fights with me that’s so cool oh what in the world yo when did I get

Three totems of a dying that vase I swear to you just dropped two of them cuz I only had one before rases can drop totems of undying that’s insane okay I’ll take it anyway I am back at dragon speed hello sir you do you really think you can do what the dragon slayer

Knights couldn’t go on ahead then okay okay I am ready to begin let’s go into the dragon’s keep and let’s slay the dragon as you can see this bridge is wiped out I cannot get across I have my Phoenix with me so hopefully my Phoenix will be of help more Mana definitely

Need that too the last episode almost ran out so I kind of need a lot of Mana holy crap I almost fell off the side okay let’s go over this way hold on there’s a chest right there how do I get to that chest wolf hello wolf okay go

Over this way and be don’t fall off the side okay there we go and I’m I’m across the bridge now yay I didn’t have to actually fix the bridge I could just get across it all right um I saw a chest I can’t fit over there there we go there’s

A chest okay it’s actually not that good of stuff I mean the man is good I don’t need dagger I’ll come back here in case I do need it but I don’t think I need the dagger there’s a multiple paths ooh sturdy belt I might need that I’ll leave

It in the chest in case I need it later if I do I’ll come back to it and get it but for right now no well there goes my wolf and my boots took a lot of damage cuz it couldn’t take them off I’m back here again maybe it’s best not to bring

My wolf actually now that I think about it and now I can go two ways I can go either this way or this way uh we’re going to go this way cuz you know I want to right you know it’s my decision to make so I’m going to go this way all

Right what’s over here anything special for me hello guys how you doing hi how you doing oh my goodness you guys hurt wait oh my goodness you hurt you really hurt no no no no no die that did not work wait what wait wait wait what the

Fireball didn’t the fireball did open B the fire the fireball did nothing oh hello yeah no the fireball does nothing on you guys all right I will try my best to defeat you guys then ah okay go over there over there I have weapons of Awesomeness and destruction oh God I’m

Going to die again I’m I’m going to die again oh my goodness I’m so going to die again oh my goodness I don’t want to keep eating golden apples like this where’d you go oh my goodness these guys are strong they do a lot of damage so

The fireball doesn’t work but I can t you off the side ha ow oh God oh God oh God oh no oh no come on man you can’t even run from these guys Fireball literally does nothing okay I don’t think the fireball is going to be much

Use here I’m going to put the fireball away sorry Fireball this is not my main weapon yeah die die yes die die die okay you did you did damage I’m going to die though okay well I’m going to I’m going to do this I’m going to do that I’m

Going to do that I’m going to do that I’m going to do that swirl move swirling swirlers think that actually worked a little bit wait yeah they got tossed in the air but they’re not dead yet oh spiders warm oh my goodness they’re not doing anything spiders do nothing either

Spiders do nothing either oh my goodness man okay you will either die by my sword or get pushed off the side one of the two just die okay oh I killed one yay what’s in this chest don’t one them dying I’ll take it sure okay does the Phoenix even fight these guys pretty

Sure the Phoenix hasn’t done anything yet another totem of the dying I’ll grab another one of those I’ll probably come back here in case I need another one if I need more I’ll come back to these chest but right now I don’t um okay I am

Going to heal oh no oh no oh no does this work this does do something not very much though oh my goodness why is this so hard I feel like I can’t do anything because I’m constantly dying my helmet and Boots aren’t looking so good

I need to kill you I want to kill you I want to kill you I killed him I killed him yay okay perfect I see you guys I see you I see you guy over there enter this house climb up the stairs open the chest a golden sword really there also a

Shield that I could take but again I think I’m going to leave it for right now speaking of Shield I completely forgot that I have a shield on me and haven’t been using it run across here like that oh Golden Apple thankk you oh Phoenix oh no I ow my goodness you guys

Hurt oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness okay hold on hold on hold on hold on die just die you didn’t die die there go you di just just run just run just charge charge full force charge get him off the side yeah he’s off the side

Oh no more spawn ah no I just activated it oh my goodness bro and to answer your question sir no I don’t think I can do it I don’t think I can do what the dragon slayer Knights couldn’t I don’t know why I did that swap boots swap helmet and swap legs die

Just die oh my goodness oh my goodness there’s so many of them there’s just two but that’s enough to be so many of them okay I made it over here there’s a a thing right there a thing yeah this thing I don’t care about those vases get

Me up here get me up the ladder please okay am I safe I don’t know there’s actually a lot of them down there what about on this side there’s actually none over here but I’m sure they’re going to spawn in die okay I killed them I killed

Him this thing’s pretty good actually oh you I the freaking knock back is too much knock back is freaking too much oh my goodness did you just die from your own explosion oh wait no that was my fire oh my goodness this knock back is actually insane swirly swirly SW oh my

God ow okay this might go by easier now now since I have this weapon and this weapon’s pretty pretty cool I how’ you hit me oh God that broke that broke that broke that broke dang it okay I got this Shield perfect I got a new Shield oh my

Goodness I almost fell off this time oh god oh no this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this isad blah blah blah oh that broke well I’m dead now now I have no Shields you know what you know

What I’m going to do I’m just going to run for it I’m just going to run for it let’s see how far I can get I’m not going to get far mind okay all right oh well I did not get very far at all die I dare you dang it dude ow no

Die please die no no get out of here stop it stop hitting me please no come on bro come on you will get knocked away so far away there you go stop that who’s hitting me oh my goodness go just run just run for it just run I will get there eventually

No come on why do you guys have to be so mean why do you guys have to be so mean why do you guys have to be so mean wait wait wait wait I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I’m

Going to do it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it now I don’t care I don’t care how you die just fall off as side just fall off as side I don’t care how you die just fall off the side I don’t care how you

Die just fall off as side you will leave me alone you will leave me you will leave me alone you will leave me the freck alone I am running for it oh God this is a bad idea this a bad idea this is such a bad idea oh my good this such

A bad idea okay I think I invaded them this might be the boss it might not be I’m not sure if there’s anything else Dragons Keep oh no oh no oh no oh no this place is cool oh my goodness there he is hi hello do you want me to go over

Okay I’ll go over here then passage of Embers in any Cas I went back to get my Fireball spell and um yeah don’t ask how I did that I don’t want to talk about it any I got my Fireball spell cuz I figured you know I might need it

Eventually oh my goodness now you guys again help ah ow don’t don’t make me use my to and die please I don’t want to use I don’t want to use it I don’t want to use it I don’t want to use don’t kill me please don’t kill there’s so many of you guys

Okay I’m just I’m running I don’t I want to explore around here but yet I don’t at the same time or oh no oh no oh this is a horrible spot to go ow let’s go run just run as fast and as far as you can just run up these

Stairs holy crap are you guys still you guys follow me oh ah jop up run up the stairs I don’t give a crap about anything anymore just run just run screw exploration it’s overrated anyway eight Golden Apple holy crap I think I’m at the top okay anyway oh what

Is this unlock the door and obtain the spell anyway yep see told you I told you I needed the fireball spell oh why it’s orange now I figured you know let’s just go back and get my Fireball spell cuz you know last time I pulled my teleportation spell in an ender chest

And I turns out I needed it so I was like let me go back and get the fireball spell cuz I might need it and sure enough I do and uh it was a struggle getting back here honestly cuz I had to go all the way back to the freaking uh

School since I threw my Fireball still away trust me it was something I don’t want to ever have to do again I will take these bases though cuz there could be more rooms and I oh and golden apples too and I do need all that stuff all

That deliciousness okay there we go the door opens oh really does it now all right well I guess I can go through now do I get a new spell who are you please tell me you what is that what that that a winter here no one ever reached this

Place before because of the Dragon you must be very skilled with magic I mean yeah I guess you can say pretty skilled where I failed you can’t succeed take this spell and wield it in the name of the dragon slay nuts okay thank you yay

Do I have it in my inventory no of course you dropped on the floor give me it yeah awesome look what I got I got the sword dance the spell of Sword Dance Now what you’ve acquired the sword dance spell find and slay the Dragon oh my

Goodness what is that oh take this with you as well use this powerful weapon the Dragon Slayer and chase after him we the Fallen SE VES F this with our bitter tools good luck Brave wizard is that what I think it is hold on hold on a

Second I need to prepare myself I need to prepare myself what do I need all right well there’s a trident right here I got the dragon slayer oh oh my God this is yeah okay oh it’s a trident it’s a trident oh that’s so cool okay let’s

Go where am I now oh wait am I up here no oh I’m up here no way that’s so cool okay now I can climb oh wait there’s a chest right here also several vases hold on what’s in this chest oh my God this is serious this is

Legit serious holy crap okay um don’t need that then nine attack oh my goodness okay you’re my main weapon sacred dayon a rare treasure from ancient times wearing it will double the HP bar it’s beer too much stuff let me organize my inventory real quick all right I’m putting everything in the

Chest and I’m going to organize my inventory and put the best weapons first all right I think that might be good now I’m going to check the other side cuz there is indeed another chest could have more good loot indeed it does holy mother freaking crap the berserker’s axe

I don’t have enough room for this we got two high wizard cloaks holy crap all right putting these on right now there we go I have full armor bars now are we actually good I have all that on that side all that on that side tot’s of

Dying I have my runes my axe Trident or dragon slayer nice blade I think I might be good I think I might be set to go anyway now what I’m going to do is I’m going to heal up on Mana I’m going to eat this golden apple and then I’m going

To use this all right and then I’m going to end the video right here just kidding that would be mean of me all right anyway I’m not sure if oh here we go Bridge of the Abyss I sir one of three phases Health you look weird

You look like a weird dragon all right why aren you attacking oh there we go maybe I should have gotten um The Shield this is doing some decent damage on him I’m feel confident in my abilities here feel confident in my abilities that I’m that I can do this he’s not even

Attacking that much anyway so oh my goodness he’s not even attacking that much did the dragon slayer kns really couldn’t do this this is easy come on now this really easy ha there we go oh wait hold up ah oh that did some decent damage wait sword sword attack sword

Attack ah sword attack oh you’re over there dang it why do you have to move stop flying around you’re so annoying get over here oh my God hit the wall hit the freaking wall get over here don’t don’t breathe your fire I know you’re draging but don’t breathe fire I suck

Holy crap I can’t aim ah let spread fire at least I dodged it at least I dodged it he doesn’t attack that much get over here bro you’re so where are you going dude I can’t even reach you from there this thing is really slow oh God no

Ow no stop that that’s so annoying well now I’m down to my other health bar I really kind of don’t want to be either but I don’t I want to save my golden apples can I please hit you I can’t hit you for the life of me oh my goodness

Can I go up somewhere can I get some High Ground as well I can oh like more Health perfect yeah now I’m bet I almost ran right into that fire oh my go you look kind of scary actually but not a dragon I would expect you to look that made me

Jump St doing that to me I managed to dodge it once I can’t Dodge it again you quit flying I mean I know I know you’re a dragon how did that hit me okay you’re close to me no no what in the world was that that went in slow motion a what in

The how what hit me oh my oh my no no no no no no uh wait wait wait until wait until wait no you’re still firing you’re still firing that is not good okay no healing orb right now you are still are you still really still firing stop it

That was insane bro that was can I knock those back somehow I might be safe here actually am I safe please tell me I’m safe I’m probably not safe it’s only the first phase hey I’m surprised none of that hit me yeah got him okay he’s almost well first phase is almost dead

Stop it that is so annoying I I’m starting to think maybe it’s a better idea to be down here cuz uh CU how I don’t know why I did that cuz at least if I’m down here ow stop doing that cuz at least if I’m down here I can you know

Dodge his attack better using the healing orb okay you dipped your head down I thought and I thought you going to shoot some Fireballs oh there you go ow what in the world oh now he’s on the ground now he’s on the ground I knocked

Him out of the sky now he’s on the ground hold on wait you’re on the ground now that means I can do this do it ooh oo wait did that do a lot of damage hold up how much damage does he have before and booty bang ow you need to stop doing

That sir that is really annoying sir ow stop that stop knocking me away going going in I’m hitting you with the butt let’s go while you facing that direction ow well he knocked me near the fire and then I walked into it I don’t know why you’re still down there stop knocking me

Back okay fine if you want to knock me back I will use my sword ability on you I don’t know how much damage I did ow stop sir you’re so annoying more okay well at least I got one more hit in this is honestly not too bad right now but I

Wonder what the third phase is going to be sword dance has 6 seconds left to it so I can do this and I kind of want to look up and see how much that does a lot of damage holy crap the sword ability Is Awesome The Sword

Dance is so powerful it does a lot of freaking damage right I’m going in for the kill die oh oh there we go what are you doing what are you doing what oh well I should have I don’t know why I just stood there I just D they’re looking at

Him is this it really are you stuck holy crap you P Wither on me do this do that at least KN him on the floor at least he’s trying to fly can he fly he looks like he’s trying to fly but I think he’s stuck I’m not sure though oh my god oh

Goodness healing orb healing orb use healing orb they just keep hitting him over and over and over again I can do this this really ow that hurts oh no he can fly he was just stuck uh what you want to come here you want to come here

You want to mess with me I kind of missed you you want to come over here is that really what you want to do do you know who I am Mr Dragon sir actually you might be a lady cuz I think you Dro an egg you really oh that was good idea I

Don’t know why I did that that was yep mhm why did I do that what are you doing you’re almost dead I miss oh where’s my freaking thing ow stop that okay all right okay I can use my healing orb it’s fine ow stop it well I’m in the zone you

Of course oh my goodness you put the freaking thing in my area he fired the fire in my area where I was healing the heal stop it oh my goodness I better not die with all this good stuff on it would seem like impossible for me to die I got

You that time come on he’s almost dead come on man come on he’s almost dead or she’s almost dead again I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure the dragon is a female cuz it drops an egg I don’t know the dude said something about an egg egg egg

That clearly went through your face also how come your head isn’t even attach to your body oh my God I did it I finished him off with that haaa oh my it is done thank you the dragon has been defeated and has dropped an egg by the bridge

Okay anyway I defeated the dragon in without dying too although I almost died several times don’t run into the fire please which oh wait that bridge oh you know what I see it it kind of went the opposite direction I found the egg oh yeah side quest right okay so I got this

The Dragon Fire Gem 55 wait I can go higher now I can go to 55 in Mana oh you know what he said to use the fire on it and then tame him with that okay there we go hey wait wait where you go where

You going get back here yay I CH the baby dragon look at the baby dragon all right let’s go where’s my Phoenix my Phoenix is gone also I just realized my Phoenix didn’t come with me through all that look at him run toward me look at

Him run toward me yeah do you have anything special for me cuz I literally just saved the day no well screw you then I thought you’d have something special to say apparently you don’t and as you can see I have every single spell in this map and also every single pet

Trophy and I have defeated I every single boss there’s something he’s burning them alive yes he does fight perfect I’m going to die though wow the baby dragon is still fighting these guys all right in any case I’m going to be ending the video right here so thank you

All so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video and if you please make sure to leave a like and to subscribe if you haven’t already make sure you have yourself a very fantastic day and I will see you in the next video all right peace Out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: World Of Magic PART 6(FINALE) – Dragon’s Keep! Dragon Boss | Minecraft Marketplace…’, was uploaded by KingArthur Legendary on 2023-11-17 22:28:11. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:02 or 1322 seconds.

In this video I’m going to be playing an ADVENTURE MAP called WORLD OF MAGIC from the MINECRAFT MARKETPLACE… NOTE: This Video is going to be Part 6 and the FINALE of my World Of Magic series… SECOND NOTE: There are still other World Of Magic Maps that I still have yet to play, but will be played in due time… SO STAY TUNED!!!

WORLD OF MAGIC… This is a story/quest based adventure map with characters, enemies, bosses, pets/mounts, and most importantly… Magic… STORY: You are an apprentice wizard who is first starting to learn magic and were sent on a quest to explore the unknown and gain strength with your magic, as well as trying to stop evil magic users from taking over; and as you do so, your magic becomes stronger until you become a master wizard… But Your Quest Doesn’t End There! VIDEO: In this video, I take on the last known threat that the world has faced; but first, I must prepare myself because this mission won’t be easy… I entered the “Dragon’s Keep” fighting my way through hoards of Ghostly Knights which were by far the strongest foe I have ever faced… I eventually made it through where I was greeted by the Ghost of the “Dragon Slayer Knights” who gave me special armor, weapons, and artifacts powerful enough to take down the Dragon and do what the Dragon Slayer Knights couldn’t… THIS VIDEO GETS VERY INSANE!!! ———————————————————— 00:00 – Freeing Caged Wizards I Missed 00:11 – Intro 00:49 – Main Question From Master Metheos 01:14 – Side Quest From Apprentice Ashan 01:33 – School of Magic 01:47 – Cursed Forest 01:59 – Dark Academy 02:09 – Voice Over Detour 02:22 – Last Caged Wizard Freed 15/15 02:45 – Voice Over Detour 02:53 – Spell of Chain Lightning 03:02 – Voice Over Detour 03:06 – Shalman The White 03:24 – Spell of Whirlwind 03:42 – Eternal Winter 03:56 – Fire Stone Found 04:07 – New Phoenix Companion 04:40 – Overpowered Vase Loot 04:55 – Dragon’s Keep 06:04 – Attack of the Ghostly Knights 07:25 – Ghostly Knights Are INSANE! 08:36 – I CAN’T DO THIS!!! 08:50 – Fighting off the Ghostly Knights 09:38 – Dragon’s Keep 09:53 – Just Running For It 10:01 – Death Montage 10:45 – Dragon’s Keep 11:02 – Dragon’s Keep: Passage of Embers 12:11 – Fire Spell Crystal Puzzle 12:55 – Ghost of the Dragon Slayer Knight 13:16 – Spell of Sword Dance 13:42 – The Dragon Slayer Weapon 13:57 – Preparing Myself For Battle 15:07 – Ending The Video… (just kidding) 15:17 – Bridge of the Abyss 15:22 – Dragon Boss Battle: 1st Phase 17:49 – Dragon Boss Battle: 2nd Phase 18:51 – Dragon Boss Battle: 3rd Phase 20:24 – Dragon Boss Defeated 20:43 – New Baby Dragon Companion 21:05 – School of Magic 21:20 – Treasure Room 100% 21:30 – Baby Dragon Fights 21:38 – Outro ————————————————————

#minecraft #minecraftadventuremap #minecraftgamingchannel #gaming #minecraftsurvival #worldofmagic #minecraftmarketplace

This map was amazing and has an amazing story… I had a lot of fun playing this map, as well as, editing this video and playing through this area/world… I put a lot of funny, cool, and weird edits into this video… SO I REALLY HOPE THAT YOU ENJOY THIS VIDEO…

If you enjoyed this video and want to watch some of my other videos… LINKS ARE RIGHT HERE…

Minecraft: Mutant Caves Part 1 – RABBIT HOLE MINES! Mutated Foremen Boss | Minecraft Marketplace… https://youtu.be/gkrPC0PItng

Minecraft: Mutant World PART 1 – MUTANT VIRUS INFECTION | Minecraft Marketplace… https://youtu.be/uznYYZ3THh4

Minecraft: Dungeon Adventures(PART 1) – INFILTRATING THE CENTRAL TOWER | Minecraft Marketplace… https://youtu.be/DMmsVG52gHQ

Minecraft: World Of Magic PART 1 – THE CURSED FOREST! Giant Spider Boss | Minecraft Marketplace… https://youtu.be/E2JaofTfcIk

Minecraft: DINOSAUR BATTLE TOURNAMENT – BATTLE TO THE DEATH | Jurassic World PART 4… https://youtu.be/Jlof2L4BUiA


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    Netherite Hunt: Minecraft Survival Day 23 The Hunt For A Netherite Template – Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play (Day 23) Embark on a daily journey through the world of Minecraft with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames). In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon delves into building, exploring, and collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. But there’s a twist – natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge. A Relaxing Escape Unlike high-energy gaming content, Solomon’s let’s play offers a calm and soothing experience. The focus is on unwinding and enjoying the gameplay, making it… Read More

  • Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery

    Red Shulker Hide and Seek: A Minecraft Mystery In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, We’ve hidden a red shulker, can you find where it be? Join us on AresMine, where the fun never ends, With updates and giveaways, we’re the best of friends. Our server holds 400 players, all ready to play, With a wipe on July 10, it’s a brand new day. Don’t forget to like and join the fun, On AresMine, the adventure’s just begun. So come on over, to mc.aresmine.ru, Where the rules are clear and the community true. Join our Discord, our Telegram too, For updates and events, just… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins

    Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins Minecraft Skin Nasıl Değiştirilir | 2024 Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin nasıl değiştirilir konusunda bilgi veren bir video paylaştı. Bu makalede, Minecraft oyununun skin değiştirme özelliği hakkında daha fazla bilgi edineceksiniz. Alper TV’nin Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Videosu Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin değiştirme işlemini adım adım anlatan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, oyuncuların nasıl kendi karakterlerinin görünümünü özelleştirebileceği detaylı bir şekilde gösterildi. Bu video, Minecraft oyununu oynayanlar için oldukça faydalı bir kaynak olabilir. Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Özelliği Minecraft, oyunculara kendi karakterlerinin skinlerini özelleştirme imkanı sunar. Skinler, karakterlerin dış görünüşünü belirler ve oyuncuların oyun deneyimini kişiselleştirmesine olanak tanır. Oyuncular, Minecraft’ın skin… Read More

  • Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong

    Buying a Theme Park in Minecraft Gone Wrong Minecraft Theme Park Adventure Gone Wrong Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with Daosao Gamers as they delve into the world of theme parks in this exciting short movie. Join them as they navigate through the ups and downs of creating their very own theme park in the virtual realm. Building a Dream Theme Park The Daosao Gamers set out to create the ultimate theme park in Minecraft, filled with thrilling rides, attractions, and surprises at every turn. With creativity and determination, they bring their vision to life block by block, crafting a world that promises endless fun for… Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

    Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune In the realm of Minecraft, we find our delight, Crafting worlds with blocks, under the moonlight. Updates and news, all in a rhyme, Spinning tales of adventure, every time. Join us on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As we explore the depths, without any fear. Meditation and wisdom, intertwined with glee, In this world of Minecraft, we are truly free. So boost your luck, with every rhyme we share, In this world of creativity, beyond compare. Embrace the joy, let your spirit soar, In the realm of Minecraft, forevermore. Read More

  • Aussie Survival SMP 24/7

    Just another survival Minecraft server!Feel free to join this if you wantNon cracked players only!Open 24/7SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hey, creeper, you want some beef?

    This meme is like a creeper in the night – silently sneaking up on you with its hilarity and exploding with laughter. Read More

  • Crafting a Ride: Realistic Car in Minecraft Tutorial

    Crafting a Ride: Realistic Car in Minecraft Tutorial In Minecraft, a car, so realistic and neat, Craft it with blocks, make it complete. Viper_Playzz shows us how, in a tutorial so sweet, Gaming in Hindi, a language we greet. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, Viper_Playzz’s videos, a true gaming highlight. Email for business, for collaborations bright, In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity take flight. Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme #gaming #memes Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Witch Carnelian in Minecraft Tarot Session

    Unleash the Power of Witch Carnelian in Minecraft Tarot SessionVideo Information This video, titled ‘KADACRAFT 6 – NEW RP HANGOUT MINECRAFT SERVER + TAROT SESSION’, was uploaded by WITCH CARNELIAN on 2024-05-04 17:52:47. It has garnered 1617 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 05:29:55 or 19795 seconds. SUBSCRIBE! #witchcarnelian #kadacraft #kadacraft6 #minecraft #tagalog #filipino #philippines Read More

  • Ultimate Hiding Challenge ft. Poppy Playtime Monsters

    Ultimate Hiding Challenge ft. Poppy Playtime MonstersVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 MONSTERS in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ And Mikey Best on 2024-05-26 18:25:24. It has garnered 571925 views and 2868 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:00 or 1920 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 MONSTERS in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Maizen and Mikey, also known as JJ and Mikey in the Minecraft community, are a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack! #gameplay

    Unlock the Ultimate Cobblestone Farm Hack! #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make The Simplest The Cobblestone Farm In Minecraft Java/Pocket Edition #gameplay’, was uploaded by MasterXyt4 on 2024-02-22 09:22:38. It has garnered 449 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. #gameplay #minecraft #cobblestone #farm #pvp #hardcore #flatworld Read More

  • Insane Deco Skills! Watch Todd13 Dominate Interior Design in Minecraft Ep.186

    Insane Deco Skills! Watch Todd13 Dominate Interior Design in Minecraft Ep.186Video Information This video, titled ‘Interior Decoration! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.186’, was uploaded by Todd13 Plays on 2024-04-12 16:30:13. It has garnered 129 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:49 or 1369 seconds. Interior Decoration! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.186 In this episode we put some interirors together for our Jungle Compound! ** Join Todd13Plays to get access to perks! ** https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCE75BPtDS2iOcDob7wQM6w/join ** Visit the Todd13Plays Discord: https://discord.gg/pt9RaCCt75 ** ** Buy me a Coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/todd13 ** This world was started July 2020. I play vanilla survival Minecraft with a few data packs. My videos are… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW #shorts

    Shocking Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Click NOW #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘⬆️ Klick hier für das ganze Video ⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by InnocentYT on 2024-02-23 20:46:54. It has garnered 527 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Bhalu the Builder: Can He Fix It LIVE?

    Bhalu the Builder: Can He Fix It LIVE?Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Bhalu the builder, can he fix it? | Building with Bhalu Live’, was uploaded by BigBhalu on 2024-05-21 21:13:51. It has garnered 39 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:11 or 9071 seconds. Welcome to “Building with Bhalu” join us as we rebuild Ursarosea on the Nations and Nobles Minecraft SMP Live! What is Nations and Nobles? This is an awesome Minecraft SMP server that will be similar to the concept of the popular and famous Empires SMP! Be sure to check out our community discord to… Read More

  • Insane GOLD Crossplay on Minecraft SMP!

    Insane GOLD Crossplay on Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Crossplay Minecraft SMP!!! (ip)’, was uploaded by GoldShort on 2024-05-28 01:49:44. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 06:28:04 or 23284 seconds. all my social medias: https://linktr.ee/goldshort #twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchtv #twitchgamer #twitchgaming #twitchvtuber #vtuber #vtubers #streamer #gaming #youtube #youtubechannel #youtuber #youtubestream #youtubestreamer #youtubegaming #youtubevtuber #comedygame #sludgelifegame #sludgelife #indegames #indiegame #indiestreamer #indiegamestreamer Read More

  • Unbelievable Luck in Minecraft Mysteries – Collab with @SenpaiSpider!

    Unbelievable Luck in Minecraft Mysteries - Collab with @SenpaiSpider!Video Information This video, titled ‘Collab with @SenpaiSpider in Minecraft Mysteries!”‘, was uploaded by it’s Lucky on 2024-02-09 04:30:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Collab with SenpaiSpider in Minecraft Mysteries!” 1. “Epic Minecraft Collaboration with SenpaiSpider – Insane Builds, … Read More


    EPIC MIND-BLOWING KUSHI C418 11 REMIXVideo Information This video, titled ‘C418 – 11’, was uploaded by Kushi on 2024-03-20 21:00:02. It has garnered 574 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:10 or 70 seconds. #c418 #minecraft #minecraftmusic #11 #eleven This is 11 (Eleven), one of the music discs in Minecraft. It’s was made by C418, the creator of most of Minecraft’s music. Credits to ​⁠C418​⁠​⁠, for creating this and many other masterpieces. Subscribe to the channel if you liked the video and have a great day! Read More

  • Giantcraft

    GiantcraftEntdecke bei Giantcraft.de eine faszinierende Welt voller aufregender Spielmodi, darunter das packende Knock FFA und das kreative Build FFA. In unseren einzigartigen Spielumgebungen erwarten dich unvergessliche Momente, die deinen Gaming-Erfahrungen eine neue Dimension verleihen.Unser Build FFA-Modus bietet dir die Möglichkeit, deine kreativen Fähigkeiten unter Beweis zu stellen. Errichte beeindruckende Strukturen, setze deine Vorstellungskraft frei und messe dich mit anderen Spielern in epischen Bauschlachten. Tauche ein in eine Welt, in der dein Baugeschick und taktisches Geschick gleichermaßen gefordert werden.Die Vorfreude auf unseren kommenden Survival Server steigt! Bald kannst du eine vollständige Survival-Erfahrung genießen, bei der du in einer dynamischen Welt ums… Read More

  • TrekCraft SMP 1.20.4 Towny McMMO Economy Custom Boss Mobs Regular Events Auctions LWC ArtMap Jobs

    Welcome to TrekCraft! TrekCraft is not your average server. We have a welcoming community that hosts weekly events and helpful staff ready to assist you. Our server is packed with game-enhancing plugins like Towny, McMMO, and Mythic Mobs, along with features like custom bosses, ArtMap, Jobs, and more. We’ve been around for over 9 years and continue to expand our map for the latest updates. We are a family-friendly server with strict rules against swearing and inappropriate behavior. Our server is no raiding, no griefing, with PvP off in the wilds. Our friendly community is always willing to lend a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting addiction at its finest”

    When someone asks you how your day is going and you respond with “I have a meme with a score of 94, so pretty great actually.” Read More

  • Half-Heart Hero: 50 Days, Still Alive in Minecraft

    Half-Heart Hero: 50 Days, Still Alive in Minecraft In Minecraft’s world, I embarked on a quest, Surviving 50 days with just half a heart, I put to the test. Facing mobs and dangers at every turn, Strategizing my moves, trying not to burn. With wit and skill, I navigated the land, Avoiding disaster, with a steady hand. Each day brought new challenges to face, But I persevered, with style and grace. From battling creepers to mining for ore, I tackled it all, and then some more. The Half Heart Challenge, a true test of will, But I emerged victorious, with a thrill. So join me on this… Read More

  • MineCraft MeMe: Hotter than a lava pit!

    MineCraft MeMe: Hotter than a lava pit! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Speedrun Seeds: Minecraft 1.21 Java

    Speedrun Seeds: Minecraft 1.21 Java Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds for Minecraft Java 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Java 1.21! These seeds are a game-changer for any speedrunner looking to enhance their gameplay experience. Packed with villages, blacksmiths, portals, and more, these seeds offer a plethora of opportunities to expedite your progress in the game. Seed 5: 281474984710659 Seed 5 presents a unique landscape with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Navigate through the terrain strategically to uncover valuable resources that will aid you in your speedrunning endeavors. Seed 4: 5000087 Seed 4… Read More

  • MineCraft Servers: Still Worth Playing?

    MineCraft Servers: Still Worth Playing? Minecraft Servers: Exploring the Fun Are Minecraft servers still fun? That’s the question @ginobwan and their friend set out to answer. With memories of iconic servers like Mineplex and The Hive, they ventured into the world of Hypixel to rediscover the joy of Minecraft multiplayer. Exploring Game Modes Upon logging in, they delved into a variety of game modes to test the waters. From BedWars with Lucky Blocks to Sheep Wars, Guess the Build, and Build Battle, the duo experienced a whirlwind of challenges and excitement. Encountering Cheaters? As they navigated through different game modes, the question of encountering… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Magic Showdown: Poor vs Rich!

    EPIC Minecraft Magic Showdown: Poor vs Rich!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich Magic School in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Paper on 2024-06-06 18:15:00. It has garnered 17486 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich Magic School in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: https://shop-maizen.myspreadshop.com/ often – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Security Build Hacks vs Mikey in Minecraft! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59CL6CIKS4 Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Big TNT Creepers in Minecraft: Insane Rating!

    Big TNT Creepers in Minecraft: Insane Rating!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: BIG TNT CREEPERS Rate from 1 to 10 🤯’, was uploaded by MR. TANMEY GAMING on 2024-07-09 09:09:25. It has garnered 10085 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Minecraft: BIG TNT CREEPERS Rate from 1 to 10 🤯 tnt,explosion,bloque,gigante,mega,minecraft,como,hacer,juegos,juego,españa,español,argentina,latino,america,hardcore,survival,creative,music,legends,dungeons,wunba,sandiction,acookiegod,builds,build,modded,mod,house,redstone,day,days,challenge,update,nuke,bomb,explode,world,record,castcrafter,chain,reaction,rubegoldberg,die,lag,death,100 days challenge,1 million subscribers,special,subscribers minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mod,minecraft mods,shorts minecraft,minecraft survival,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft speedrun,minecraft pe,minecraft seed,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft rarest,minecraft update,minecraft hardcore,camman18 minecraft,minecraft op,cash minecraft,minecraft meme,minecraft 1.20,minecraft java,minecraft 1.18,minecraft 1.19,minecraft scary shorts,shorts break,youtube shorts,shorts break channel,shorts feed,trending shorts,priyal kukreja shorts,dushyant kukreja shorts,shots break,ytshorts,shortsbreak,shortsvideo,viralshorts,trendingshorts,waitfortwist,cartoons for kids,penalty… Read More

  • “UNBELIEVABLE – Player caught hacking on Minecraft Java server! 😱” #minecraft #minecraftjava #clickbait

    "UNBELIEVABLE - Player caught hacking on Minecraft Java server! 😱" #minecraft #minecraftjava #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Player started hacking on a Minecraft Java server #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by BanandezXD on 2024-01-15 16:11:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Farm Life pt2 – SHOCKING twists!

    INSANE Minecraft Farm Life pt2 - SHOCKING twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘ជីវិតកសិករក្នុងMinecraft part2/Minecraft Farm Life’, was uploaded by MKR on 2023-12-17 00:00:18. It has garnered 2293 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:14 or 434 seconds. Living the Minecraft farmer life involves cultivating crops, breeding animals, and maintaining a sustainable food source. Plant and harvest crops like wheat, carrots, and potatoes, create animal pens for breeding, and explore for different resources to enhance your farming experience. Do not forget to build a cozy farmhouse and protect your crops from pesky mobs! ————————————————— —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– Sustainable food. Grow and harvest crops such as wheat,… Read More

  • 🔥KRISH KVM Shader MCPE 1.20 – ULTRA Realistic Graphics!

    🔥KRISH KVM Shader MCPE 1.20 - ULTRA Realistic Graphics!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Shader MCPE 1.20’, was uploaded by KRISH KVM on 2024-01-31 13:15:01. It has garnered 24 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:07 or 67 seconds. Realistic Shader For Minecraft PE 1.20+ – Shader MCPE 1.20 ____________________________ Download link :- https://daniblogs.com/BF/980865xy ____________________________ Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krish._.kvm?igsh=MTd3Ynp3bzJ0azBxaw== ____________________________ How to link Open :- https://youtu.be/xZr_qWHKvbI?si=XVgnQiKWMsfot25W ____________________________ My 2 channel :- https://youtube.com/@KRISH_ARMY_OG?si=a5l9OexPU–lvSa7 ____________________________ Discord:- https://discord.com/invite/jj5vZ5WXcg ________________________________ Tags related bsl shader for minecraft pe 1.19, bsl shaders minecraft pe 1.20, bsl shaders for minecraft pe 1.19, bsl shaders minecraft pe 1.20.0,… Read More

  • Unlocking Ultra Rare Characters in Minecraft Prank!

    Unlocking Ultra Rare Characters in Minecraft Prank!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into CASH AND NICO To Prank My Friend in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-05-22 00:45:01. It has garnered 6918 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:28 or 14188 seconds. Today, Floki becomes Cash and Nico Zoey Shady Family and pranks his friends using Nico and Cash Mod in Minecraft! Using Nico and Cash Mod Floki is able to spy on his friends and cheat in games! How will Floki use Cash and Nico invisibility mod without his friends finding out? Watch to find out?! Inspired by Cash and… Read More

  • Insane Find in [Minecraft] – Sakura Biome Search Madness!

    Insane Find in [Minecraft] - Sakura Biome Search Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】#2 サクラのバイオームはどこだー!!【OccultCraft】【Vtuber】’, was uploaded by セールィch【喫茶まほろば】 on 2024-01-15 03:06:12. It has garnered 17 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:39 or 6399 seconds. Live broadcast of Sally Channel! I’m going to play Minecraft♪(⋈◍>◡<◍). ✧💕 This time, I’m going to play the OccultCraft mod pac in multiplayer. #Minecraft Comment app for streamers “WanCome”https://onecomme.com See Serie’s profile here(*’ω’ *) https://www.meish.me/i/cerry419_player Follow me on Twitter(/・ω・)/ https://twitter.com/cerry419_player The channel is here! _(:3」∠)_ https://www.youtube.com/user/tx040a/v… #vtuber #I want to connect with Vtubers #I want to connect with VTuber fans Read More

  • Shocking! LordAres conquers terrifying Minecraft mod

    Shocking! LordAres conquers terrifying Minecraft modVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving The Scariest Minecraft Mod’, was uploaded by LordAres on 2024-03-08 23:00:23. It has garnered 542 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:17 or 857 seconds. JOIN MY DISCORD TO KNOW WHEN I UPLOAD NEW VIDEOS OR HOST EVENTS! https://discord.gg/k5eGffZX Check out my twitch! I might stream there sometime: https://www.twitch.tv/lordareslive Original idea by: @Calvin9000 Thumbnail inspiration by: @ClownPierce Pvp content inspired by Technoblade and ClownPierce Read More

  • Unbelievable upgrades at the Mob Museum + Wither Skeleton hunt LIVE! 😱🔥

    Unbelievable upgrades at the Mob Museum + Wither Skeleton hunt LIVE! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADES FOR THE MOB MUSEUM + WITHER SKELETON HUNT – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-18 22:03:55. It has garnered 2024 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:32 or 9332 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO31D3W6r6I ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to… Read More