EPIC Final Fantasy XVI gameplay – You won’t believe what happens next!

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It was Moss the chronicler who said that the land of Alesia is blessed in the light of the mother crystals and that it was this light light which finally LED our forbears out of the darkness yet what they saw in the light gave rise to Temptation Temptation that ever lures us back into

The crystal Shadow and thus did our journey begin All The Show it’ll be light soon both camps have begun to stir you all know the target shiva’s dominant and only the dominant no one else where’s the fun in that how do we even know the girl will be among them our kind do not question orders we follow them try to keep that in

Mind let’s get this done Focus wyvn you are key to this mission’s success yes sergeant I said Focus Wy we don’t have time for this all hell is about to break loose time to move we’re just in time oh these high blood are more Beast than

Man while this is going they won’t need this new dominant of theirs what to the gates quickly move what do you mean you refuse did you not pledge your sword to our cause come now Marshall the king of wude is Our Guest and you have his Majesty’s answer

I wonder that you summoned us at all have you so little faith in your own men it was the dalic who drove back the Crusaders in the battle of the twin Realms was it not or am I mistaken besides your dominant has yet to take the

Field and when he does our knits would only get in the way we would be fools to underestimate them buger their Knights what did you say should this Citadel be allowed to fall the capital will lie exposed and I doubt the Crusaders will wait for the good King’s porns to line up before

Taking to the board which just leaves me the iron blood will rule the day they set foot on storm this game is over you [Laughter] [ __ ] Benedict take care does the lion take care when he chases the hair or do you think me one of the letter no my love you are a

Lion you’re my lion I’m not afraid of a little Frost benedictor but I will need someone to warm me when I come home the front lines are gone this is our chance the chaos will conceal us Tre And quick and deadly as always take the van wait something’s not Right Titan so the DX finally grew tired of being slaughtered and look who’s here to greet the Bastard come On again Oh Your You don’t get to Die Here Wy Move this way she’s right on top of USU anytime W who’s going to stand There [ __ ] w w I told you before you do not get to die here brother C get up live do you yield well if you’re not cut out to be a shield there’s always work for you in the Stables unless of course you think you can defend your master while sat on

Your ass in a puddle of pig sell I’m sure he finded away my brother always looks after me right go on you’re sure to hit him eventually don’t give up now two arms it wouldn’t do to disappoint the Gallery let’s start again from the beginning come show me your form Very good such swordsmanship will serve you well in the field but can the same be said of your spellcraft the Flames of the Phoenix burn within you now let them burn without come C rain fire down upon me keep them coming well done you wield the Firebirds Flames just

As a first shield should you flatter me my Lord would you rather I flattened you can’t be arranged let’s see if you can elude my blade after all your attacking prowess will count for not if you don’t live long enough to use it on your toes Lord rossfield

How did you dodge that I was sure I had you that was Amazing good remember Clyde your blade is not your your only weapon quickness of thought and fleetness of foot are indispensable arms in any Shields Arsen but you are not just any Shield are you show me what sets you apart from the rest you have been blessed by the

Phoenix granted the use of its power call upon that power now to close on me well I’m waiting Impressive but even the most agile Shield cannot hope to escape every blow and death may come by a handful of cuts as easily as it comes by a thousand there is only one way to ensure that you do not fall give your wounds mended and your energies replenished speaking of which my Lord

You seem a little worse for where now that won’t do at All that’ll have to be that’s better battle is a succession of pivotal moments wherein life and death can be decided at a single stroke you must be ready to utilize every tool at your disposal if you are to navigate a path to Victory or at the very least to

Ensure that you live to fight another day enough practice it’s time for the test you’ve recovered from your soaking I trust you want to kick a man while he’s drowned I thought you’d never ask come then nor rossfield spar with me if you believe yourself worthy to be

Called Shield of the flame then prove it as you wish my Lord have at me boy make proof of your strength go on you’re sure to beat him this time you can do it C just stay calm nice Try you’re taking this seriously going C that it’s time I took my own advice I used all the tools at my disposal not quite He won see I told you he could do it bested at last it’s taken me long enough that was a display worthy of your father you are a true Shield of the flame and let no one tell you otherwise including me what are you L gping at back to your drills

Joshua I was just tired the Phoenix’s Flames are a gift you mustn’t waste them it isn’t a waste my Shields look off after me why shouldn’t I that’s why you were coughing this morning too you shouldn’t be outdoors I’ll be fine it’s just a cold don’t push yourself his great has returned father’s

Back your grace please this is no place for one such as you I would gladly Brave hell itself to see my darling boy gentlemen Rosaria thanks you for your indefatigable loyalty thank you your grace we live to serve Joshua you should not be out of doors we we have discussed this I’m

Sorry good day to you mother come Joshua your father will be expecting us Lord Murdoch your grace what a way to treat your own flesh and blood I know it’s not his fault not everyone can be born the Phoenix we should join them For Rise my Friends welcome home father thank you Joshua you are well I trust yes Father much better today jul and I went to the Bailey to watch C Spa is that So quiet tole stop it boy not now you’ll make a fine Hound one day father lift up your head girl thank you your Grace the capital rejoices at your safe return Your Grace war is coming my boy we must make ready is the situation truly so grave come to the throne room we will talk there yes f Your Grace Shields dismissed to go where do you think you’re going

Clive here is off to see the arch duuke Right it’s trouble Brewing I’m not sure I need to speak with Father make sure you get a good Edge on that eh I Know no one is to enter the dungeons including you my Lord Preparation is key we must be ready to Mar all right let’s get stuff unpack before The Duchess calls for our heads the Phoenix will be with us those Savages don’t stand a Chance make sure all the crystals are accounted for for For H good isn’t you forgive me Lord marquest pray do not concern yourself with this bungling C bow to him you fool what I say to speak it was no trouble really oh do not indulge him to be allowed to stand in your lordship’s presence is more than

His kind deserves why neither the Empire nor the Republic treat their bearers half so well it was lucky to be born in your father’s Dominion very lucky as I remind him every day stand please start I trust his Good Fortune will continue of course if that is your lordship’s

Wish don’t work too hard remember it is for the good of the duy that you serve as do we all my Lord as do we all come along now back to your duties Looks like they’re getting ready for supper I think someone’s Hungry well don’t you make an anome PA I’m having my Bearer fill around my Lord best to save what crystals we can e wheat harvests down again apparently this war ends up draging on Nice and quiet in here isn’t it there’s Joshua You will put Joshua’s comfort and safety before your own my lord it’s not how it looks I’m um inspecting the castle walls by order of the Duchess Clive I are you worried about the war the soldiers will expect the Phoenix to help them but I don’t know if I can don’t worry Joshua father will guide you and I will protect you always I know thank you Clive do you understand the power of the Phoenix dwells within Joshua and Joshua

Alone if any ill should be him it will be on your side do not good luck you commanded my presence Your Grace how may I serve you all right you can stop licking my boots mother isn’t here do the territories Fair any better most lie under a pole of

Black in just these few moons the blight has taken eye on all of the northern reaches it is only a matter of time before it crosses the Border by the Flames nearly every available bed in the capital is already occupied by those fleeing the deadlands even if we were to send them

South to Port iselda more would only follow in their weake every day we delay brings us closer to disaster we must move now against the iron Kingdom we have traded blows with them for too long it is time to end it at the very least we must secure Drake’s

Breath without the blessing of the mother Crystal we cannot defend our realm from the spread of the blight the iron blood will not relinquish it easily this will be a bitter fight we ride for Phoenix gate tomorrow there we will listen to the words of our ancestors as tradition

Dictates am I to go with you as Joshua Shield there is something else I would have you do first Rodney you will have heard the reports I’m sure of beastmen from the north being cited within our borders goblins in the still wind marshes I know of the

Rumors yes then you know what must be done I will give you two good men while we ride North tomorrow you will journey to stillwind search it and clear it then you will join us at Phoenix gate your strength and shut your mother up for good I will do my duty your grace

That will be all rest well we ride at dawn yes your Grace This war we mean to wage it isn’t only for control of the mother Crystal above all else we cannot allow those iron blood Savages to gain a foothold on storm I know I would sooner died and see them darken our Shores again I wish you a safe journey tomorrow and I you

Clive may your blade strike True We drove the iron blood from our Shores once before but their Patriarchs still dreams of spreading his message to storm and when the Crusaders March they move a dam sight quicker than the blight ever did so we recapture the mother Crystal end their Ambitions and secure the

Touchy only the light of the Phoenix can guide us through these dark days but that does not mean I’m happy asking this of Joshua look after him won’t you even if it costs me my life life let’s make sure it doesn’t come to That How long will you be away this time not long 4 days is maybe five and you will be taking Joshua but I can’t exactly leave him behind can I the blood of the Ros Fields runs in his veins before going to war we perform the right at Phoenix gate it’s our way

You know that and only the dominant can enter the otry so yes I’m taking Joshua go to hell with your way the boy is ill you you think I don’t know that but the boy is also the Phoenix the heir to the throne you can’t keep him in swaddling clothes all of his

Life elwin don’t worry Clive will watch over him though he is a youth of about 15 years he’s already a fine Soldier you will make a splendid Shield you see more in him than the Phoenix did he was rejected elwin our household has no place for

Such a failure he is worthless a man like any other as am I my dear nonsense you are the arch duuke of Rosaria not this again you know as well as I do that I only sit upon the throne because my father was taken before his time I am

Merely warming the seat till Joshua comes of age you are your father’s firstborn son and you sit upon the throne all is in its right place un likee some you have not disgraced our Noble blood without men like Clive to keep us safe your precious Noble blood would long since have graced the

Gutter we have an early start I’m going to sleep this is it then time to prove yourself Wishing on a Star I’m a little old for that I should get some sleep right you’re going with them tomorrow aren’t you I I am Joshua’s Shield I’m sworn to protect him he takes too many

Risks I only wish I could save him from himself Clive you I have another mission too father has given me my first command There’s going to be another War isn’t There since coming here I’ve begun to take peace for granted I assumed the war between our would be the last but it never really ends does it No the next war will be bigger than before but you’ll be all right won’t you Clive you’re a shield of Rosaria after all and blessed by the Phoenix It’s getting cold we should go in bye lady good night Clive for Sorry Ambrosia we won’t be hunting Today don’t worry I’m sure you’ll do brilliantly I’ll try good luck Friends we ride for Phoenix gate May the blessing of the crystals go with us and shield the fire flame forever his grace departs open the gates Lord rosfield allow me I shall see her safely to Phoenix gang thank You We’re ready to depart my Lord may I say what an honor it is to serve alongside you this is to be no mere investigation if there are goblins in stillwind they won’t leave willingly the beastmen are a fierce foe we underestimate them at our Peril not today we

Won’t so Wade said Tyler let us do our duty with pleasure my Lord as you command to the marshes then and may the blessing of the crystals go with us Keep your eyes open for those Goblins the reports placed them in this area it’s all swamps from here what your step my Lord and everything else not exactly the most well-maintained path and who do you imagine would maintain it they’ve all fled from the blight it’s hard to believe that anyone

Used to live here the old village of still wind is ahead not that there’s a lot left of It w with Me goblins so the reports were true we should press on there may be more ahead Welcome to stillwind have care my Lord there’s More farewell worried my Lord Yeah Watch out my Lord some of their number spell and what a number we’ll all have our hands full Here nice TR work suici my Lord We should be nearing the Old Village Square it might not be a nest of goblins sneaky SS we’re trapped my Lord I’m working on it he’s the leader but we’ll have to take care of his followers First Care to thin the H as if you have to ask of and then there was One uh [ __ ] he’s inviting a friend on your feet Sade here it comes founder that’s a swing and a half be ready to move when it wind up for another don’t not to tell me to Us Yeah come on Yeah nice try couldn’t have done it better Myself come back and fight you coward after him before he summons the rest there he Is damn It this ends now what’s in there bloody hell War ball is your South keep clear of its War my Lord that thing’s breath is worse than its Bite come on Nice try come On where’s it going your guess is as good as Mine Now before it Recovers nice Try it won’t be gone for Long cannot fall here now for the final push my Lord come on not quite I think we made it angry father We Made It Die fine Work My Lord thanks never thought I’d see it not just goblins in roseria but morals too I’ll petition his grace to send a Detachment if we don’t stop them here they’ll be at our gates before long we should get moving we don’t want to be caught out here after dark if we

Set off now we can still reach Phoenix gate before nightfall damned blight Do suddenly thousands of red eyes no wait till you hear this wait till you hear this his lordship draws his sword the goblin Chief runs off screaming straight down over’s [Applause] G more more Tails drink and be merry boys work on tomorrow must be gratifying to see your student making such a name

For himself the young Lord has a bright future ahead of him I on one of these nights he may even Dain to join us Are you un well no father just a little tired well it has been a long day they all like Clive don’t they I your brother will be a fine Shield we’re all very proud of him father why is it that the D is always born into our family doesn’t seem fair

We cannot live without the blessing of the crystals and the crystals work their magic through us you have been blessed Joshua blessed to be a dominant to wield the power of an icon our family has been chosen to share that power with the people so that is what we must do Wings Louder my friends [Applause] Louder the fire poor Jill she’ll be wondering where you’ve got to so much for you being a fine Hound so this is where you’ve been hiding what are you doing out here I didn’t see you at the feast feasts are the only time Shields are allowed to take their ease

And I’ve never really been one for cakes and Ale it’s the vegetables I don’t Like I hear you slew a moral all the men were singing your Praises they never used to when I joined the ranks everyone thought I was a spoiled little lordling if I didn’t know how to handle a sword I’d be a laughing stock the arch Duke’s firstborn failure you’re the one they really

Believe in I’m jealous that’s not true they don’t believe in me they believe in the power of the dominant my brother the Phoenix ruler over life and death isn’t fair it should have been you I don’t have what it takes to lead our people I don’t have the strength but you do

Every man has his duty as was decided long ago when our ancestors chose to instate the dominant as the arch Duke of raria all to ensure that whenever our nation stood on a precipice the Phoenix would rise from the Flames to drag us back from the

Brink the fate of roseria sits on the dominant shoulders it is your duty to bear that burden what about you I was born to be your Shield that is why I was given the Phoenix’s blessing to keep our future rulers safe No Matter What however hard it gets I’ll never let you down

Thank you cve I know you’ll always take care of me before I can do that you need to take care of yourself right I should go inside it’s past my bedtime good night too for supplies from the capital you took your time sampling the weers were you

It’s a good job the north is full of enterprising Traders Keen to keep us in wine spare bar for the boys what in there Gateway secured Captain we proceed as planned for is that forgive me my prince it’s me Wade you you probably don’t remember me I

Remember what is it we’re under attack I don’t know who they are but they’ve set like to half the castle I must get you to safety your highness very well I’m ready Follow Me Your Highness all

This video, titled ‘Final Fantasy XVI Part 1’, was uploaded by Yuki Emily_Yt on 2023-11-26 05:25:15. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:52 or 5092 seconds.

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Hello I’m Emily aka the YouTuber I play what I like or whatever I want to buy I do a few things for irl to get jobs to get more money but for now I’m just a normal person that has dyslexia please respect my life and problems if you take it to much and be mean I may take action no leaking my information online it maybe because it’s banned to leak but however nice to meet you I never be mean unless you’re mean I’m trying to be nice but don’t be rude to me if you have issues with me I’m trying my best to be nice but yeah I’m trying to get money for myself and family and other people that helps me out I play on Xbox PlayStation and Nintendo console and sometimes pc to play games with you please understand I have been doing my best

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Rules for world of minecraft No stealing = instant kick No pvp No lagging/crashing my xbox if you do i will back it up and ban you No swearing in game or Yelling at each other, No Fighting You can build house if you want, Add User: MaidRem345 No 18+ builds = ban

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my family and I Is low on money had to sold my things a bit, To get more money To prove i did gameplay on Fours sword

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    Dusk_VR: EPIC Minecraft Speedrun Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘MineCraft Live speedruner vs hunters!’, was uploaded by Dusk_VR on 2024-07-30 23:21:00. It has garnered 1690 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:24 or 10584 seconds. I’m live and its Minecraft Time! Join up the chat and join the discord! discord.gg/ZAuBtMaDan … if you dont…i will find you. Hope you have fun!! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! πŸŽ‚

    Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! πŸŽ‚Video Information This video, titled ‘Mario Kart Minecraft – GBA Mario Circuit (@MKTBuilderYT’s Birthday Special)’, was uploaded by Sooty Cat Playz on 2024-01-10 08:45:02. It has garnered 488 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. This Is Part 1 Of @MKTBuilderYTβ€˜s Birthday Special β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Coming Up Next In Mario Kart Minecraft & For Part 2 Of @MKTBuilderYTβ€˜s Birthday Special: SNES Bowser Castle 3 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Version) *Remastered* – This Afternoon 🏰 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIrrr9Ap6_3QsDBF19An3w PokΓ©mon Memes Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCh2ghnpY2rcaZ2ywBMXtbeg Discord: YOU MUST BE 13+ AGE TO JOIN Twitter: https://twitter.com/SootyCatPlayz Twitch: https://twitch.tv/sootygwrplayz… Read More


    ULTIMATE RANKUP SERVER for MINECRAFT! WIN awards, EXPLORE farms, JOIN events, DOMINATE PVPVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOVO SERVIDOR de RANKUP OP para MINECRAFT JAVA e BEDROCK com PREMIAÇÃO, FARM, EVENTOS e PVP’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-07-06 18:26:12. It has garnered 867 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:27 or 267 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft servers #rankup NEW RANKUP SERVER RANKUP SERVER BEST RANKUP SERVER the server goes today at 4pm (SATURDAY) there are prizes, several online players and events every day!! COUPON: OPENING [ 80% DE DESCONTO ] SITE: https://veanty.com/ IP: veanty.com MOBILE: mobile.veanty.com – PORTA: 19132 DISCORD https://discord.gg/veanty πŸ“Œ Contacts: β†ͺ To hire advertising with… Read More

  • JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in Minecraft

    JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mizen on 2024-08-01 12:00:33. It has garnered 5450 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:51 or 2091 seconds. JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his… Read More

  • DragonBlockZ

    DragonBlockZIn this modpack, we have articulated quests that are 100% faithful to the source material of the Dragon Ball franchise, while still honing in on the Minecraft Survival experience. We have developed a prodigious number of quest lines to make it feel like you’ve truly stepped into the world of Dragon Ball, all while developing our own custom questline, only suited for the bravest warriors. We have also articulated our own mods that allow for smooth gameplay and quest rewards, and even leant on other developers to introduce Custom Forms. dbmc.dragonblockminecraft.com Read More

  • Samsara Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Custom Map Survival RPG No Mods needed Cross-Play

    Welcome to Samsara! Dive into Samsara, a 15k x 15k custom Minecraft world crafted over a decade in World Painter. πŸ”— Full Website – Samsara.gg βœ… Join the Discord πŸ“· Follow us on Instagram Game Modes: πŸ₯‡ Survival ☠ Hardcore 🌎 Creative play.samsara.gg hard.samsara.gg Coming soon…. no whitelist no whitelist whitelisted Come Play, If You Want… A handcrafted 15k x 15k map to explore full of unique biomes, structures, & mobs END CITIES in deserts BASTIONS in caves Much more No frills custom survival server Mob heads Voice Chat Landclaim Grave stones Piglins in the overworld Giants spawn A small… Read More

  • SurvivalCraft – 1.21.1 – PhoenixSC – Fantom01mc.survivalcraft.info

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice up Minecraft: Make copper bae!

    Minecraft Memes - Spice up Minecraft: Make copper bae!If only we could trade all this useless copper for diamonds in the game! Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Epic Moment: Gamerfleet Delight!

    Jackbhaiya's Epic Moment: Gamerfleet Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jackbhaiya’s moment, pure delight. Fleetbhai and Anshu, in the spotlight, Crafting stories, funny and bright. Lilyville streams, with laughter and fun, Gamerfleet’s journey, just begun. TNT gods and funny fights, Bob vs Jack, in epic sights. Anshu’s verse, a work of art, Not just gaming, but a story’s heart. Fleetbhai’s innocence, a charming sight, In the world of Minecraft, everything’s right. So join the fun, in this gaming land, With rhymes and jokes, we’ll take a stand. Gamerfleet’s world, a place so grand, In Minecraft’s realm, we’ll make our stand. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Poi Poi Meme πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚

    Minecraft's Hottest Poi Poi Meme πŸ”₯πŸ˜‚ When you accidentally throw your diamond sword into the lava and all you can do is stand there and say “poi poi” as it disappears forever. #minecraftstruggles πŸ˜‚ Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Zombies, Survival, and More! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft, where danger lurks around every corner and survival is key. Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and face off against hordes of zombies in this popular sandbox game. Survival Mode: A Test of Skill and Strategy In Minecraft’s Survival mode, players must gather resources, craft tools, and build shelters to survive the harsh environment. From mining for precious ores to farming for food, every decision counts in this challenging game mode. Be prepared to fend off hostile mobs, including… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Sprint Tricks

    Sneaky Minecraft Sprint Tricks Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discovering Minecraft Features With a plethora of features and endless possibilities, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience for players of all ages. From crafting tools and building structures to battling mobs and exploring diverse biomes, there is always something new to discover in this sandbox game. Building and Crafting One of the… Read More

  • Who Am I? Amelia Watson in Minecraft Isekai!

    Who Am I? Amelia Watson in Minecraft Isekai!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】WHO AM I!?’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-04 04:17:11. It has garnered 81022 views and 7468 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:52 or 14512 seconds. ermmmmmmore minecraf cute art! https://x.com/Moon_LDL/status/1830455614625001879 Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. https://en.hololive.tv/request-to-minors Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA&t=21s MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-kkCrVZUzc β—†What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven from… Read More

  • Amanda the Adventurer 2: Cartoon Crab

    Amanda the Adventurer 2: Cartoon CrabVideo Information This video, titled ‘AMANDA THE ADVENTURER 2! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Cartoon Crab | Minecraft on 2024-06-13 01:48:45. It has garnered 12730 views and 256 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:35 or 815 seconds. Rainbow Friends vs Amanda the Adventure Chapter 2!! Today in Minecraft Blue is TRAPPED inside AMANDA THE ADVENTURER CHAPTER 2!! Blue must escape Amandas game and make it back to Odd World before MONSTER AMANDA COMES OUT!! β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–ΌSocial Mediaβ–Όβ–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬β–¬ ● My Merch: https://atlanticmerch.com/ ● Fan Discord: https://discord.gg/atlanticcraft Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! BEST FOOD FARM 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock

    UNBELIEVABLE! BEST FOOD FARM 1.21 Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST INFINITE FOOD FARM 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock – MCPE/Xbox/PS4/Nintendo Switch/Windows 10’, was uploaded by Arsh Plays on 2024-08-18 03:30:07. It has garnered 1695 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:59 or 239 seconds. HELLO AND WELCOME GUY’S ON MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL. 🜲 ARSH ➳ { α΄΅ ᡃᡐ arsh ⚚ A MINECRAFT GAMER / YOUTUBER ⚚ } π™Όπš’ π™ΆπšŠπš–πšŽ’𝚜 π™°πš—πš π™²πš˜πš—πšπšŽπš—πš ✦ Mods/Add-on/Map/Mcpacks ✦ Minecraft Builds/Shorts/Hacks ✦ Minecraft Farm’s Tutorial in Hindi ✦ Survival Series/Minecraft Episodes ➀ All Minecraft Version ➀ Minecraft Java Edition ‐ Java ➀ Minecraft Pocket Edition ‐ Mcpe… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Tours + Secrets!

    INSANE Minecraft House Tours + Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Our Minecraft house tours (Part 1)’, was uploaded by Mattical1980 on 2024-06-09 18:32:11. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:45 or 645 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Creation: ProBoiz95’s DarkHeroes Series! πŸ”₯

    Insane Creation: ProBoiz95's DarkHeroes Series! πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘@ProBoiz95 Biggest creation ! DARKHEROS SERIES πŸ”₯ #psd1 #lapatasmp #minecraft #edit’, was uploaded by LEGEND Playz on 2024-07-30 13:08:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shortfeed #minecraftshorts #viral #animation #trending #film #shorts #shortsvideo #nizgamer #nizgamerz #laptasmp #psd1 … Read More

  • “GamingSupro009 DESTROYS COMPETITION in BedWars!!” #minecraft

    "GamingSupro009 DESTROYS COMPETITION in BedWars!!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MOST AGGRESSIVE GAMEPLAY IN BEDWARS #minecraft’, was uploaded by GamingSupro009 on 2024-08-01 07:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MOST AGGRESSIVE GAMEPLAY IN BEDWARS #minecraft #gamingsupro009 THIS VIDEO’S TOPICS … Read More

  • Boost Rank with Skibidi Indonesia! Choose number now #muppeteer

    Boost Rank with Skibidi Indonesia! Choose number now #muppeteerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pilih angka supaya naik rank #minecraft #puppeteer #roblox #muppet #games #muppets #funny #puppet’, was uploaded by Skibidi indonesia on 2024-09-27 00:07:00. It has garnered 15812 views and 927 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Bedwars with JoPig – INSANE Gameplay!

    EPIC Minecraft Bedwars with JoPig - INSANE Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Saving Minecraft with JoPig [Bedwars EP3]’, was uploaded by Mont on 2024-06-01 13:04:12. It has garnered 7290 views and 461 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:03 or 1443 seconds. Great Games and Talks with @Jopig Read More

  • Minecraft Noobs DESTROYED – EPIC IJ10 Gameplay!

    Minecraft Noobs DESTROYED - EPIC IJ10 Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft for the First Time’, was uploaded by IJ10 on 2024-03-29 23:18:00. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:56 or 1376 seconds. Reached the age of 18 without ever beating Minecraft. There is a first time for everything. Subscribe πŸ™‚ Minecraft is a hugely popular sandbox video game that allows players to build and explore virtual worlds made up of blocks. Developed by Markus Persson, also known as “Notch,” and later by Mojang Studios, Minecraft was initially released in 2009. It’s available on various platforms including… Read More

  • MCSecondLife2.0

    MCSecondLife2.0We are a Towny Survival server that is dedicated to all players. We are an active Admin team that will assist when needed. Things we have: Towny PVP Arena’s Mob Arena’s Creative (Coming Soon) RPG World (Coming Soon) Much more coming soon can’t wait to meet you all!!! Read More

  • PolyCraft SMP 1.21 GreyList

    Poly-Craft Minecraft Server Welcome to Poly-Craft, a greylisted, semi-vanilla survival server with a focus on a friendly and active community. Here are some features we offer: Waystone Double Shulker Shells Invisible Item Frames Structure Packs by Katters and Qraftys Master Stonecutter Recipes More Food Data Pack Chest/Shulker Previews /trigger gotospawn Command Treefeller Graves Come and join our community by applying for greylist today! Simply fill out the application form here. Server IP: Polycraft.mcserver.us Join our Discord server to chat with us: Discord Link Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!

    The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Quiz: Test Your Knowledge! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft quiz, Where knowledge is key, don’t miss a beat, don’t miss. From the first question to the very last, Test your skills, see if you can surpass. Do you know the updates, the mobs, the blocks? Can you navigate caves, avoid those shocks? Each question a challenge, each answer a test, Prove your expertise, show us your best. So grab your gear, your pickaxe, your sword, Let’s dive into Minecraft, let’s explore this world. Answer with rhymes, keep the fun alive, And let’s see who’s the master, who will thrive. Stay tuned for more,… Read More