EPIC Finale of Minecraft PE 0.6.1 IOS Let’s Play!

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Okay I’m back sorry about that it’s just you know I’m just going to have to like start paying attention more oh I’m just going to just have to just start paying attention more like when my uh you know when my crap just like is low or just is like on low on battery

Because you know obviously eventually the problem is just going to just get worse and worse you know get out of here stop stop nagling me annoying so yeah it’s just it’s really really annoying honestly and just utterly just aggravating yeah like I said if if I have to make another part I

Will not come back so you know yeah good you know I got to draw the foot down the line somehow because this is really frustrating to me you know now that we got have two parts it’s just it’s complete BS um so yeah but I’m back I’m here um you

Know gotta make the thumbnail again gotta add all the hashtags that’s all right there will not be another time nope this is it this is the second day in a row that this has happened so you know third day that this happens I will not do this again nope aggravating so

Angry yep now all the views got to be split this and that just BS that’s all right because if I get a desktop then I have a power yeah I’m just going to just have to get a better laptop wow same Kira my birthday is in two months yeah you already said that

That’s great um good for you congrats had to do something dude these mobs are just like cocaine enhanced all right um let me see here give me a second okay now you shake hands and become birthday friends why are these mobs so Arro get away are these mobs so aggro at me

Anyways okay go get away okay we need some food but that’s what we need all right no more dying on me computer this is it for the stream I want an iPhone 15 Pro for my birthday really how come we’re just asking that’s all I mean good for you though yeah that’s great

Absolutely good all right um what was I going to say I can’t even remember um yes and hi Rory how’s everyone yeah I’m doing okay how about you you know oh that was really close Okay well thankfully we stopped at just in time that that would have been that

Would have been that would have been ugly yeah all right let’s see if let’s see if this stream can get at least to an hour today feeling shat today how about you Alex yes yeah um I’m feeling quite aage but hopefully Alex is doing good this the spiders aren’t somewhat annoying

Oh it out of here okay oh there’s more mobs holy cow all right same thing I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit I get hit app should just call there yeah I’m doing good

damn I’m just getting raped in there nice woo all right doing quite bad yeah as you walk could tell I’m annoyed about that I have to make a new stream there’s a way to like not like make a new stream like there’s a way to actually bypass

That um yeah it’s just you know um yeah I don’t know it’s just it’s weird how I just missed it but that’s okay cuz um like I said this will not happen again tomorrow no um but like I said we’ll figure it out you know y all I mean I’m probably just

Going to just have to just crack my head against the table honestly got like I just got to start remembering cuz I do everything else like um perfect it’s just I’m just going to just have to like probably just just I don’t know just have to just

Make sure it’s plugged in and it’s charging and and all that cuz it’s kind of really annoying that that happened Apple’s just next iPhone phone yeah exactly it’ll probably s well too right oh all right one more time in this farm and then I’m just going to what was I

Doing before this BS happened um yeah okay that’s what I was doing right yeah um all right so I’m going To smelt some stuff why am I so low on iron I thought I smelting iron I don’t know where it all went but that’s okay um that rhymes I’ll be honest yeah exactly iPhone that should be called IA cuz phoning means calling and phones means called so it

Should be call I call 15 yeah exactly right exactly um that is that is very very true yeah but the problem is with a desktop you’ll get a power search that’s the problem that’s why I don’t want one yep and and like here’s the thing with the stream I’m going to again if

There’s a feature that you know with the stream like it’ll be like up to an hour that the stream will just stay instead of this stupid twom minute Mark crap then I’ll I’ll definitely get a desktop over a laptop plus two how do you get a power

Search like your power is out your power’s out like what do you what are you going to stream with your uh your phones uh sellier connection and just waste money and data I don’t know hey what’s your opinion on Japan what’s your opinion on Japan I like

Japan you know I I’ve said I want to visit there one day you know because of that Nintendo theme park and Tokyo and all that so yeah what’s your opinion um n out of 10 for me yep that’s it um being honest it’s not not clickbait I’m

Actually being really real here oh yeah absolutely yes yes you got that right um yeah again I don’t know it’s just you know I feel like with the iPhones and like even Android like there there’s nothing new anymore like how else could you like be Innovative with the phones

Like you really can’t be Innovative with them anymore it’s just the same thing uh let’s playing the Minecraft 1999 edition no oh no about the Minecraft on the Super Nintendo did you see that or what was it someone made like a fan video I don’t

Know if it was the Super Nintendo but it I think it was the PS1 or something people know who the rock is Chad no Roy and blink yes besides Dwayne Johnson absolutely yes thank you appreciate the extremely nice comments that you gave to us oh thank you and I I I appreciate

That too Titan cameram i g cancer what what are you talking about let all right let’s not joke about cancer um yeah I would be careful because I I have I’ve had family members of cancer so let’s not go overboard thanks yeah um it really hits home it

Really hits me home pretty hard um especially now so yeah that’s all that’s all that’s all I’m going to say kind of like a warning um yeah I mean I would never joke about cancer especially now um you know child cancer and all that yeah it’s just it’s pretty pretty deep yeah

Uh ah I mean it’s not better but I mean I I guess you could say I’ll just accept it you know um I mean I mean I I mean I don’t want to correct you like a thousand times either so it’s better but you know whatever just just be careful

In other places cuz here I’m kind of like a little more lenient still you know I’m just saying that’s all I’m not angry uh you know y yall could tell if I was angry you know uh will you be here longer because of the thing yeah exactly um yeah I guess I

Will Anthony I guess I mean I do I have anything else better to do before I go to work I don’t think I don’t think work’s going to really be that busy today anyways I mean hopefully I can at least get my double shifts and then I

Can just like go kind of like that but you know if I have to stay a little more than I have no choice um but yeah it’ll be 8:30 or 9 at least um that’ll tell you the rock is so fam everyone knows not so many people know Ro people who

Know the best YouTubers which are blink be like yeah exactly exactly I appreciate it Alex it’s because of people like you and plat and everybody else why I stream please Scot stop sending messages about the rock please SC why what what’s so why are you a

Hater of the rock he’s wonderful yes all of us are chance sup newbie hey what’s going on newbie how are you I love love do Johnson anyone who hates him I don’t know if we’re going to get a long yeah he’s just he’s just that

Person I was 9 seconds ahead of my TV plus until I scan my Bowser IMM too early General that wasn’t you right who recommended me do that 2D Minecraft or whatever um like does anyone have any like L suggestions you know General um I don’t know arm man like would any of you

Like to see Mario Sunshine uh like as like a let’s play cuz I feel like you all would like to see Mario Sunshine I mean I’m going to struggle in it though so um I’m probably going to have a mental I don’t I mean not a mental

Breakdown but for for skill I skill I’ll probably break down but we’ll figure it out Mr CTA please don’t do uh please don’t tell me what to do CU people could do whatever they want that’s appropriate yeah I was just going to say that appropriate don’t mind then

I’ll some people call the Rock the Dwayne Johnson I call them both you know um yeah I mean you know again um now I like him you know I don’t care what anyone says about him I like he’s one of my favorite actors name of Kevin Hart I

I just like generally I just like the generally people you know those are those are the kinds of people that I like the most yeah absolutely so yeah there you go yes yes uh quick take this brain of salt the title’s a lot shorter to just

Use um I don’t know I feel like it’s just how like the algorthm works but I’ll consider it though we you make it also how’s it going I don’t know how to pronounce your name uh is it mehaul I mean you know I know I know I just made that ch

But is it meall how do you how do you say just CU you jok about cancer messed up a lot people have died from cancer which I probably shouldn’t even be mentioning you can mention cancer it’s fine but I told them to stop Alex and I

You know it’s all right I mean it’s fine now cuz I told to stop or not joke about cancer um yeah like I said um I’m making a bridge it’s not really a bridge it’s more of just like um it’s kind of just like um you know uh you’ll see it’s just

Something that’s just going to hover over the entire it’s it’s like glass and Cobble it’s kind of like a mixture of that it’s going to be like in a 3X3 Dimension um you’ll see it’s really good too um yeah it’s just for like DEC for like DEC War you know decoration you

Know whatever you want to call it um it’ll be beautiful um shall see Anthony Ken Kenobi yes LOL why do you say yes LOL you’re too much what why did the audio break did did you all just hear that why did the audio break did anyone hear that that was

Weird just please don’t joke about it yeah that’s all you know but I already told him Alex it’s all right you know um you know I I honestly think Chill Bill gets it right right chill B he still here you all heard about the recent Star

Wars um and yeah I don’t care if anyone likes Star Wars or not like it doesn’t bother me anymore I mean you’re missing out that’s all that say you know um I’m not going to be rude or freshh about it but you’re just missing out that’s all it’s your lost um

You know Star Wars is one of the better series you know like your reason for not liking it is kind of inid sorry I’m I’m that big of a fan of it like if you can’t watch one episode honestly just I don’t know I don’t know what you can do

Your um drama to be exact yeah I have I have heard about that yeah I’ve heard some drama about it um I haven’t really followed that much I’m have to read more about that later Darth Vader cooler than Darth Maul in my I like Maul too but Vader’s just T

Better but no I haven’t heard about the drama no why um not to mention luk Skywalker is the infamous Joker yeah exactly right yeah I don’t know it’s just there’s always drama now with like production and stuff you know especially how the current world is you know there’s always some like weird thing

That’s going on you know um you know unfortunately um I agree Alex though my personal favorite is dark Tyrus her work floor is obsessed of her work come on Star Wars girl what I’m joking that’s all right if you don’t like Star Wars you’re part of the dark side ah if you

Don’t like I don’t mind if you don’t like Star Wars but I mean it’s weird I run into these people that just don’t like it as much I don’t know why Oh weird like if you like Star Trek better I don’t know I don’t know so Star Trek’s

All right or left H he could be he could just be watching Laura like I don’t know like I don’t want to be like rude but you you can’t really confirm as someone left if you don’t know the actual that that’s why I stopped doing that um my

Favorite Star Wars character is dark that’s the only Star Wars right now oh well it’s all right not it’s I mean not everybody has to know about everything else you know uh you know we weren’t expecting you to be some you know and even if you are a nerd

I don’t dislike nerds I think you know I I honestly call themes they’re just like Smarties yeah CU they’re not nerds I mean they know a lot you know they have a lot of KN so you know anyone like more har is Joker here uh upgrated Alex watch the movie

Episodes 1 to six don’t watch the L as hell really wow okay uh then after that watch the Clone Wars after the Mandalorian I watched all them I mean I I’ve never watched the the show Mandalorian I mean I watched it once like at my grandfather’s house a few

Years back it was okay I I didn’t really enjoy the show as much as the movies I enjoy the movies more than the shows I’ll be very honest with you all on that I was never the biggest shows f for Star Wars I don’t know I just I enjoy the

Movies more I guess just say that the movies are just a lot better in my view that’s all through Mandalorian season 3 is M I’ve never again I’ve never watched um that yet but I definitely will check it out one day um you know I mean I’m

Sure the mandalorian’s not bad it’s just I’ve never really watched it yet just besides like once you watch Wars plus I’ve watched all the movies I I’ve watched all the movies too um I only know fortnite chapter season two chapter season 5 I’m planning to get something on Amazon oh to do

Something Amazon oh what what are you doing plat what’s your latest not plat mix I met Kao what’s your latest scham now why did I say plat mix that was so OD that’s all right y all knew on what I was saying all right I personally uh say Darth Vader is cooler than

Amando yeah I I think he’s cooler than him him honestly I’ll agree if you want that yes I will all right these furnaces need to go to work yep they need to pump out pump out some oxygen okay I’m joking yeah I don’t think so all right

Um yeah we’re going to have to mine a lot of wood Wood’s going to become our essential friend here for the next hour and a half but that’s all right if we don’t finish the project y we don’t finish the project this is this is just something fun that I’m kind of doing

Right now know like just for myself at least yeah exactly all right okay we’re just going to fill up these uh furnaces with sand here yep that’s it all right Um okay um I personally love the most easily the best Star Wars character for me I don’t really have a favorite Star Wars character I mean it’s kind of weird but I I just don’t have I don’t know why okay I was going to say if you can’t

Mi charcoal together with that then there’s real problem with that okay well that’s good that you could at least do that yeah I mean thank yeah I mean it just makes the most realistic sense I know I know I know often the Minecraft sometimes things stupid for no reason exactly all

Right if you all want to waste or Cobble on uh stuff then then just clearly waste it on a first that’s clearly what I’m doing right now yeah exactly um I’m an OG and I have the OG gold trooper I also have tidy and RAM bous tidy hasn’t been seen since 2018 and

Ramous is the one the rarest most really okay I also have the purple skull Trooper you know that style Splat are you talking about fortnite oh you’re an OG fortnite fan I mean who I mean fortnite served in 2018 so I mean I’m not saying you’re wrong it’s just you know

Like fortnite serves kind of like after or like later than when it initially came out I feel like that’s how like any game is you know it’ll be like out but then then it’s not going to be like known until like way later you know because it’s like I guess you could say

Like later surge um which is actually interesting too yeah extremely so here you go why am I so itchy all right I have this all right I’m going to get a lot of wood okay everything on this side is good this side is kind of looking a little rough um where’s the crafting

Table there you go all right let’s do this um I do not I’m only familiar with the death Troopers you even play fortnite I do I do not play fortnite either plat so and that’s okay um I’ll K butt and brall at time so yeah brall is fun um no

You’re no you’re no less than 10 years old that’s all right I mean you know um I mean anybody could play fortnite but you know it it does attract younger people to just like most things okay all jokes aside I really can’t lie I started in Chapter 2 season

Three now chapter 5 which means I’m still an old player I mean like what year was that Alex that’s the thing like I don’t really know like when that came out no I mean I barely play fortnite enough anyway so you know um yeah I mean I just I I barely qu you

Know the genre so I remember watching videos of chapter 2 and translation of chapter 2 yeah I’m sure you did I’m sure you did um you know um yeah it’s just you know it’s just it’s just something I haven’t really um checked out in a long

Time so 2020 I was 7 oh wow okay so I don’t know what date that was I’m assuming maybe it started at around Co maybe I’m wrong I don’t know um but yeah I mean you know um that was like four years ago you know

From January 7th um I don’t know why but the cube always interested me I remember watching two videos of chapter one and a translation of chapter two oh yeah um yeah I mean the cube was interesting you know especially like at the end where you know I don’t know just you know you

Got to start moving into the middle I think that’s kind of like a cool concept it’s kind of something that batt I don’t know if battle war games have this I’m sure they probably do but ones that don’t they should have that it’s really good it kind of forces the competition

And then it just keeps the game going um in my view hey Alex what do you play besides fortnite he play he plays way more than just fortnite you know I I don’t I don’t touch fortnite that often uh you know unless if it’s like with friends yeah

Exactly that’s really about it for me yeah exactly exactly all right let’s do this didn’t even know you were three years later I was born in your Channel The Legend born your channel also your friend blink’s Channel Loy you became a mod you became every game yeah well I

Appreciate it dude and and and that’s why you’re a mod you’re a perfect example of a mod you don’t have to be here every stream and I guess sometimes you’re busy in your life but at least you come when you can and at least like you know you come like to every game

That I do or you know like no matter like what system on or genre or whatever you know um yeah I mean all I can say is thank you I mean I appreciate it you know with the deepest of gratitude yeah and I mean that too now I’m I’m not just making a

Speech I’m I’m I actually really mean in like what I’m saying yeah from the bottom of my heart thank you yep cuz without you I would never be doing this game okay that part’s just up but the rest yeah exactly yeah we’re easily going to get 64 saplings easily I’ll be surprised if

We don’t um I play way more Animal Crossing Mario Kart Mario Party Pokemon Legends Mario Mario Golf Mario star you name it I haven’t bought those teames yet I’ll buy one of them eventually yes you are welcome you play balla I don’t think he does but if you want them to could I’ll

Consider playing it yeah I mean it seems fun uh no no he doesn’t at this current moment um darn yeah not as of now things could change you never know you know hey if he’s the next if he’s the next multifan gamer like me then hey that would be

Perfect cuz I’m honestly a multi fan gamer too you know um um oh I’m a big one it’s all Mario true Mario Royal fan really all right well remember that speech I gave yesterday about the Nintendo Allegiance yeah no thanks for me on that I’m not saying you are but I

Was like man there are no PlayStation fans here like y’all would rather choose Xbox no thanks and I do like Xbox don’t get me wrong but PlayStation I just like better just in my view and this is something that’s been going going on for like 3 four years it’s really been a

Foure thing anyway so used to hate PlayStation despised it not anymore nope that’s it getting a lot of spiders I don’t know why yeah it’s really OD uh I only have Mar honesty I’m the lesser of all it’s all right you know you know you don’t have to buy every

Game those are two great games anyway so yeah an odyssey Odyssey I love to you know remember Alex I don’t know if you remember in I used to have like a co-op let’s play like you know I’m wondering whatever happened to that let’s play um cuz we never really

Finished it so I’ve been playing a lot of Spiderman shattered dimensions a lot lately hey how are you Zach how’s it going it’s going okay how about you uh just had to make a new stream but that’s okay something else happens I’m done like I just I I I can’t anymore

Um but yeah how’s it going for you it’s only been has even been 30 minutes come on stream is going by so slow well it’ll be going by a lot faster when we start finding stuff to do hey fast food reviews my God come on

Now yeah we are we are slacking I don’t know I don’t know how much I hate game wait what what are you talking about uh oh you’re talking about that yeah I haven’t played that game before but I’ve heard some good stuff about it yeah I have um yes I

Have yep you got that right you put that right yep exactly all right Um let me see here oh we got a lot of saplings here nice uh you know what quitters day is Roy no I don’t why let me guess does that have something to do with me nope not me not more than that nope no oh please oh it’s not quitting I’m just I’m

Not I’m not I’m not going to make three streams like it’s just you know I told everybody this this isn’t 2022 yeah and yes I know it only happened a few times in a while but still um I have every right to do this

And it’s 223 I wish I can go back in time play Everything I did in 2023 are you kidding me really 2023 that was just like a little bit ago it’s one people break their New Year’s resolution so it means they tell you what theirs is oh they get 2023 at

2017 excuse you flatx um in 2018 forget 2023 every year every year has something good out of it those two years were eh they were okay 2017 was average sorry but you know it was Middle School all right you know look if I was if I was in high school it probably

Would been better but that’s okay oh well not everybody is going to have a great year every year no wow I didn’t even get 64 look at this I only got 59 yesh it’s not as much as I had thought I’ve had so many memories in 2018 too huh

2018 was a better year for me 2017 um oh God yes 2017 was a banger eh no it was all right Amazon deserves to go bankrupt wow a lot of employees that will be fired Yik I I wouldn’t want to fire anybody and I’m not being negative it’s just

Like tactical sof ruining super yep that’s game developers for you not all of them but I guess if you want to say those those game developers not all I’m not I’m not being negative today I don’t have the energy for it how about 2020 uh I it wasn’t as bad as people

Made it out to be but I I don’t want another 2020 that’s all you know talk about 2020 yes we do I’ll talk about it I’ll talk about anything this is something that this is I’m like one of the few people that’ll talk to you about anything I don’t even

Care that’s just who I am you know um yeah I mean I’ll talk about anything I don’t even care controversial or not uh terrible for me we had spent six months off school education oh I never had that but um you know still I I did that

Virtual crap um and then I did semi virtual crap which still wasn’t great uh I feel bad that you lost six months of Education which is unheard of to me I’ve never heard of that no I have not um all right let me put all right let me go to bed first

Oh nice I’m going to get myself some LA to see in a bit we’ll see you hope the stream doesn’t end all right well I’ll see you byebye um I’ll be honest still chilling back at home was great Alex not for me bro 2020 was the worst year ever

No one cares or talks about it like no offense we couldn’t go out of our home just because you know what oh I did oh I did otherwise I don’t you know I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t listen to the me or whatever nah I I still did I didn’t care

Yeah like we would go out and get a bite to eat obviously we we wouldn’t be able to dine in you know we would take a mini drive you know um like yeah I I I didn’t I didn’t care honestly um I still saw a family that uh obviously that you know

Uh how do I say this I can’t talk to this is awful I still saw saw a family that you know wasn’t really afraid or didn’t really care oh I I still did some stuff I didn’t do everything like obviously I want to go to a bar out to

Eat but I did what I could um you know um I mean I just I don’t really care how much longer will you be streaming for uh Zach I really can’t give you an answer yeah actually I can about an hour and a half how does that sound do that sound

Good Zack an hour and a half yes it is the hour and a half of time um so yeah that’s how much longer um so just for your FYI um so yeah there you go all right um this is kind of like a medicine cabinet yeah right it’s a good hotel if

I don’t see you today I might see you tomorrow yeah exactly I mean I will I mean I’ll be streaming less tomorrow but don’t worry Tuesday or no shoot all right well don’t worry Zach uh we’ll get a few we’ll get a few days next week where I’m going to stream

Don’t worry it may be a little weird like smash maybe on Saturday which would be kind of weird but well we’ll figure it out there one day at a time I’ll figure something out y all don’t worry maybe I’ll do 3D world like very early in the morning on Saturday again um

That’s kind of like my plan um hopefully Tom will find the stream to next time then he’ll be able to join and and then and then we’ll talk about play I’d like to see him on the streams more and hey and if and if he’s willing to

Help me out on the Zelda game he wants to see a game that he wants me to stream then we we could talk it too um you know when will you do a viewer game not till like Wednesdays um Alex unfortunately which sucks cuz tomorrow I’m going to go

To dance house house um Thursday I’m going to do a viewer game I don’t care if I’m like tired I’m still going to do it you know it’s only five it’s I’m only working six seven hour that’s not um so but yeah don’t worry Alex I I’ll

Get things squared away with that you know um so yeah you know there you go yeah exactly all right some part of me is just telling me to just save this I’m just going to use wood instead nice Saturday would be great yeah and Sunday too um Alex so don’t

Forget about that too um all right you know because I’ll also be doing Sunday too you know uh just as like an FYI you know like if you wanted to know yeah exactly so yeah you know there you go all right sorry about all the

Rattling you all but yeah I just I don’t want to waste the Cobblestone when I or the coal when I could just be clearly using Uh Wood instead which is a much more far renewable source of uh not of energy but just of uh of just

Smelting so I would rather do that I get a promotion I like BL names uh I’ll give it to you this week I mean again you don’t have to be here for every stream I’m not like that you know I mean ACF um I mean like I I only have him as

A standard mod he doesn’t always stream and I know he always can but it’s kind of something a little deeper that I’m going to have to go into with him but it’s nothing bad it’s just you know I don’t know I I mean I guess you could say I question

Yeah but like I said you know it’s not we’ll figure it out um I mean I’ll have to see um I’ll have to ask him about something game War 20 can you do the Persona 5 LP um I’ll definitely think about it Toby it is um I mean I do like persona

But it’s something I’m going to have to like get into yeah like that’s the thing like I want to do a trust it’s just I don’t know how good I’m going to be at that you know I’m not familiar with Persona 5 but I do while Persona 4 three

Yeah exactly um I don’t know much about the Persona series that’s the problem I kind of forgot the story though yeah I mean I never really played persona but I mean I can try it like I don’t minding something new you know cuz you know you

Know me I like trying anything so what’s system is persona for besides PC let me guess it’s for PC right yeah exactly oh shoot I just hate like digging out like come on um I know right all right um this is a lot of uh s to mine out here

On man it’s going to take a little while huh it’s all right not the end of the world um yeah I mean what is everyone’s favorite Persona those you who play it again I’ve never really played person that much which is the only problem so um what is it you know have

One cuz I don’t really have one but for those of you who do what is it um I’m going to go now if you want more plat chatting don’t forget to like And subscribe uh okay all right I won’t forget all right well I’ll see you later

Okay take care man see again brother um I’ll be here for a while if you yeah again if you have particular game that you want to see then let me know and I don’t know where General went um he has to stop disappearing like that

Um well I mean if he has a reason a good one then that’s fine that’s all right um where’s Arman is he still here I didn’t even know you were still here Anthony I’m glad you’re still here that’s great yeah I mean I’m really glad to see here Alex is still here

Right you still here buddy you still here you know I’ll be here for a while um yeah you know I mean just you know there has to be like a quicker way in doing this cuz I don’t mind doing this the long way but I

Mean there just has to just be a quicker way again so I’m going to have to figure it out cuz I’m sure there is a quicker way yeah still here all well good AR man that’s great well hopefully you you don’t too cuz if you leave I’m going to end the

Stream yes I know I’m I’m being so serious oh look at me so bad all right I’m joking obviously yes I am all right um come on where is the thing here all right there you go H got to do this a long way all right this this is just so much

Easier yeah and this will just take like way less time too hey how are you what’s going on Dom hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up dude what’s popping had nothing much in yourself uh good for you Dom that’s great dude glad to see that you’re

Almost at your Milestone nice man also what’s going on hopefully you’re having a nice day CU yeah mine has been okay and yours this looks like this looks like the Wario admiration every time I look at that I don’t know why it just gives me such a distinct reminder it’s so it’s

So weird but true yeah right it’s it’s really odd but just it gives me that subtle reminder it’s odd true yeah very OD yes all right there we go right sorry about that everyone we just had a little bit of a problem here now we

Good well I mean well now it’s good but before it wasn’t all right I don’t know if I’m going to use all this necessarily but I do want to use so go um but yeah that’s great Dom I’m so glad that you’re 11 subscribers away and

That’s good that you got more subs today too you know um yeah R man when did you start playing Minecraft dude you know like why don’t we have that as discussion I’m Mar my mov vi% if it’s double view sometimes view count go twice in the view so sometimes

Go down that’s really weird joh I don’t really have that anymore but you know I had that one on like my arm man remember that crashing compilation that I made or the power compilation that I made yeah for some reason I kind of had that like happened to me like a while ago

Um yeah and then like all of a sudden um like how do I explain this um I don’t know it’s just you know um yeah I mean it’s just it was at like 100 and it like was at 50 and then it went up again D so that’s obviously

Happened to well I mean it’s very annoying isn’t it kind of discouraging but that’s okay you know what you know you know we work through it and you know we obviously find the solution so yeah you know there you go but that’s great that it’s at 70 views

Dude and hopefully it gets more views I don’t know I’m definitely going to have to like watch the whole thing you know like when I get a yeah absolutely thought that would be great yeah very good and is that the and is that the thing that

Um and is that the longest video that you’ve made too um D you know again just thought that I us yeah of course of course of course cuz I mean from what I’ve seen I think that is the long thing made right or something I would think so

Yes all right I’m going to have to go back and go to sleep in a minute and smell this we have a lot of stuff to smell as you can see course I mean you know we’re digging a lot of sand I mean you know like let’s

Just put it as that we’re digging a lot of sand no no okay made something longer uh well what’s something longer that you’ve made cuz I don’t know I mean I can’t think of really anything else that you’ve made that’s a little shorter or whatever yeah of course of

Course let don’t tell me it’s an hour and 30 minutes LMO don’t not tell me that well all right I’m going to have to make like a little thing to get back up here all right all right here’s the nether portal react or here’s the nether portal which

Doesn’t work in this game but that’s okay uh it’ll work in 12. which I won’t do let on but well maybe but you know Never Say Never I don’t know why I said that but who knows maybe I will maybe I will Donkey Kong Country Returns let’s

Play oh why how long was that um or you know what was the length of that video or whatever you know again you know just about that ask yeah exactly yeah yes sorry stop all right I just thought we have like 51 of that 51 of that that’s so funny

All right um okay that’s a lot of wood that we made I know you all yeah sorry for all the rattling but yeah I mean this is definitely the biggest project that we’ve made um in a long time I mean I’ll be very honest if you all I’ve

Never I’ve never done this big of a project before out of all the years I played Minecraft you know I mean who knows I mean the the full thing may just be all sand I mean it’s incredible too to think that this is possible but even if it’s not still

This is this is an incredible project to say the most extremely extremely incredible all right all right there you go um hi an hour and 4 thenes not 100% sure damn that’s a big man holy cow oh hey how are you blank what’s going on dude I haven’t seen you forever

Hopefully you’re having a good day man what’s popping how’s the Wi-Fi been has it been better I’m hoping yeah it’s been so long too since I’ve seen you yeah hopefully everything has been well you know um yeah what’s happening did I ever comment on your latest

Video cuz if not then I’m going to have to go do that yeah I I really should same with the Harding comments I got to Heart everyone’s comments something that I forgot to do recently but that’s okay one of these days I’ll get back into it

One of these days I’ll do it again you know it’s just the you know Old Roy here is going to have to remember and blink if you ever want like when you when you get back to being here more if you ever want to see we party and we party stre I

Could always do that too I mean you know I I don’t mind doing those games I like those games I think those games are very fun Um so yeah I mean you know you let me know Um cuz it don’t bother me no it is not no it is yours all right right um hey blank you want a VC uh I mean if you two want a VC maybe I’ll VC you later if that’s okay um and yes I’m still not to move to VC as much

Like I VC every now and then but I don’t know why I mean I got to get back to DC get BL you know I mean I’ve done it a little bit more this year it’s just I don’t know I’ll get back into EV eventually don’t worry um you know but

If we don’t PC I definitely want to DC one of these days again or even next time too CU I don’t know when I’m going to be here next that you’re going to be able to be around we’ll figure it out link XD hey y’all Scott here oh my God

Scott the wise huh oh man I have been doing good how about you yeah I mean better for seeing you I mean you know um I mean I’m glad to see you again you know it’s been it’s been a long time so you know again always a pleasure for

Seeing you now yep and that’s all that I can say all the better for seeing you oh yeah TR cuz I TR need that yeah absolutely yes you got that right you got that yeah exactly um I’m fine my movie is probably around 70 views right

Now that’s all right we’ll get you more views done you know people want I mean I definitely want it and I know Anthony and David and you know all his friends you know want to uh obviously you know support you you know kind of the old

Group um you know uh yeah I called him the Millennials will help you out that D so uh where is Anthony so quiet Come on Anthony you’re failing at the mo just kidding you’re not that bad at the mo YouTube link you’re a great L and blink you didn’t just get up did

You I was going to say I’ve been up for a while I’ve been up for like 2 hours which is a lot no actually no not really what who am I can no it’s not that’s not a lot that’s not a lot on 2 hours is nothing that that’s nothing all right

Let me just make this little barrier here which is it’s kind of like a shell you know it’s kind of like you know just kind of like the protective shell that way you know the water doesn’t be in or whatever um you know as everybody can see here yeah

Exactly all right but yeah I’m going to make a bridge anyways you know or I’ll just make it like flat just kind of like it’s um I’m hoping it gets to 100 XD it will it will I woke up 5 hours ago oh you did oh that’s good okay that’s great

Well have you been getting up earlier recently um cuz that’s great if you have yeah cuz I always like to get up on the earlier side than you know you know me you know um yeah that’s great man you know I’m so happy for you yeah I think that that’s really

Good what time did you get up at like what six oh 11 oh no 98 yeah eight right yeah okay yeah well yeah one now yeah it’s 115 so wait yeah why am I not sure blink no I’m sure I’m um yeah again like I said um we’ll gain

We’ll gain an hour don’t worry uh you know you know I enjoyed our 4our difference um back on the 27th but oh well it’ll suffice again hopefully and who knows maybe it’ll be a shorter difference we’ll see yes that’s right um why are they just Sheep In The

Water yeah they’ve been there for like a whole like episode been there for like the entirety of like two episodes yeah exactly um yeah nice plan um it’s now 25 p.m. no it’s not it’s 1:15 what are you talking about you’re from the Netherlands you’re not from

Greece I mean unless if you moved I mean then congrats for moving but um why is this so slow oh I’ve been up all night it’s it’s 4:16 a.m. here y That’s pretty early um yeah the Netherlands is 116 actually and you’re from the Netherlands I’m telling you if we if we

Ever have a seven hour difference I’d probably just move just just because of that hey Dom did you hear that crazy right uh I’m at 116 all I’m the purple Luna that nobody likes wow blink uh is that true am I right or am I

Right h d don’t you not like the purple Luma I feel like nobody likes purple Luma blink if you want to see Mario Galaxy with stars I can do that like I’ll probably reset the whole game but I don’t care you know I don’t know what I’ll do the GRE Stones either I’m

Thinking maybe like in March or something for April yeah eventually I’m in no rush for it you know yeah that’ll be like the only thing I do for Galaxy this year anyway so yeah you’re not going to see much though BL will you ever go live today

I’m hoping he does eventually like my advice for you blink is just moving stuff downstairs I I don’t know if your parents planing to do that maybe that’s why you haven’t done that yet um I mean my parents don’t care I mean I’m down

Here now so I not saying I have the same issues as you but I think you get my point um yeah exactly so yeah go oh that’s it is toly this is going to be quick all right I’m going to have to smell soon you know you know go figures

You know I have a lot holy CRA I don’t know if I’m going to have enough wood I don’t know I probably will not that’s okay that’s why I just got to cut down a lot yeah exactly right by the way you’ll see in what I’m making to later well that’s

Probably why I had so much iron uh no sorry I’m going to hang out with my friend who you going to hang out with uh uh Mr school friend okay I’m joking no one’s named Mr School friendly um blank if I lived in the Netherlands everything would have to be in the

Morning I’m joking um like oh yeah like I I can’t talk today I know I’m your but my mom always likes to eat dinner on the later side are you like that too like you like to eat dinner later and hopefully you have a good time with your friend uh tell him

That I said hi um yes tell him that I said hi and bye I’m going to hang out with Matthews hey oh Matthews he’s cool I didn’t forget about him he’s awesome I met him before yeah we could always need see too while oh yeah you’re in college now I forgot

Nice yeah that’s great right average person good to see you again how are you uh I need sleep you need sleep well that’s okay uh if you’re from New Zealand I don’t mind you or if you’re from Alaska then I don’t believe um that is completely fine yeah

Of course what does that have to do with anything because it’s it’s early morning in Alaska and New Zealand is on Monday and it’s like 1 a.m. so yeah I know big big time difference I know it’s stupid legislation will come next year I mean that’s what I’m hoping for y’all I

I know I sound like a broken record but I’m going to hope for legislation that just abolishes the standard time cuz I don’t know I mean I’ve seen Europe’s Standard Time or like their time zones change they change a lot okay cool yeah right Dom Isn’t that

Cool yeah Europe’s time zones keep like changing just like slightly I’ll have to send everybody a video to um very interesting too and if I go to Europe this year I’ll probably go to the I’ll probably go to the MOs no not the time I’m playing Minecraft Java now man

You’re in love with that want to see a let’s play on Minecraft Java cuz I’m honestly kind of like this is I have one more let’s play Blink with this and then I’m done I swear I’m done I’m done with Minecraft Pocket after 8.1 like I’ve been doing this for like 2

Years almost I’m done like you know this is kind of a thing that I’m just going to retire um soon BL sml1 yeah exactly be like the Grandy gamer or something something like that I mean I know you don’t know who he is but that’s um so yeah there you

Go um and I would definitely watch yourp your SMP would be better than mine I don’t know I mean you’re you’re just more of a likable person I’m not saying I’m like not likable but I don’t know it’s just it’s interesting you’re just you’re easy to hang around

With we we both would do like 30 minutes and you get like 200 and I get like 50 I don’t know why that’s okay because my commentary is so dog I mean it’s not my fault either but still it’s like it’s all right I’ll work on it you all you

Know we all have stuff to work on sure I make a shut up will see stuff like that is totally going to kill my commentary exactly Exactly that’s all right um LMO no but it’s true though I mean yeah look I’m not bullying myself it’s true like that that’s just how I view it but that’s all right one of these days yall you know I’ll figure it out yes I will figure it

Out uh I’m making a Minecraft world oh you are well that’s good nice and blank which version are you playing on Java the latest remember my LP pzx yeah yeah right the thing that Excuse excuse me totally doesn’t exist oh I remember that don’t you worry I

Remember that title change that we had have and and if you do ever want to do a city Folk um like thing with me you just have to be around watch where getting angry what on what oh yeah I remember yes that was a long time ago too you

Know crazy or not you know BL that that was a long time ago oh those were the days you know man those were the days yes they were nice we almost have four we only have four gold that’s pretty good yeah that’s why you preserve your gold y especially in this

Game have a lot of iron too yeah we do like we have a lot um but yes blink oh I remember and don’t worry I won’t get angry this time too I play on Minecraft 1 20.1 OptiFine OptiFine nice that’s good okay um what is that like a texture pack or

Something or like a or a mod OptiFine I don’t I don’t remember like how it is but I do remember like what OptiFine is like you know I’ve obviously heard of it before um I think it’s a mod pack right I think all right I’m I’m going to start smelting like

Now I’m going to start now yep I am I have a lot of sand though yeah I’m going to have to get a lot of wood um but that’s okay do you ever play the older versions of Java or do you just play Modern I like

Older better but I mean I could see why you would play Modern because modern does have like more to do like than the older but the older for me is kind of more fun I don’t know why I mean I I guess you could say it’s just like my

Thing yeah I don’t know I just I just enjoy the older versions better but again that’s just me you know I mean I’m kind of like a legacy player uh my building skills have improved really oh okay well if yeah if you’re ever around and if you ever want to play Minecraft

And we can always collab to if be wanted to like in the future eventually we could plan that out um and then yeah then we then yeah I would love to see and we could always do like a creative world too if you want um I remember my

Nephew playing the beta version yeah I like I like the older versions better like I’ll play the modern version of viewers which is completely fine hey what’s going on K how are you how’s it going my friend hopefully you’re having a good day welcome to the stream cuz yeah

What’s up nothing much in you cuz all is the same for me hopefully everything for you has been okay k for me hasn’t really been the worst hasn’t really been that bad but yeah nothing really new happening for me how about for you um yeah welcome to the stream hopefully

You’re having a good day I’m honestly just tired of just like just doing digging the sand and just you pretty soon I just want to make the final product which is just the so older version much simpler absolutely and that’s why that’s why I like the older versions better modern Minecraft is just

To it’s too much in Minecraft I I kind of want to sound like critical but that’s kind of like how I do it I mean I don’t know I don’t know if you like the old version better it’s all right if but I I enjoy the old versions like but

Again I’m not going to not do modern Minecraft um it’s just I have to choose I would do like I would do the older M first my Discord is on just in case if you want to VC yeah definitely of course you know uh sounds like a good plan to me my

Friend um and when are you going to hang out with your friend to just thought that I would ask Um cuz I’ll be here for a while so or at least for a little bit um how about you an Our Man and D how about you how about you yeah exactly cuz I shall be on the stream for a little bit you know before

I have to go let’s go I’m so glad that this has broken let’s go or broke whatever you want to say we need some like bigger trees we got we have some small trees here like it’s better than nothing but you know you only get like four pieces of wood

Which isn’t really that much yeah we need more yeah you know they call them the healthier trees we we need more healthy trees watch Ro going to Kinsley mode soon nextd yeah exactly do exactly you know when I start SP when I start smelting all the glass

Everywhere do you know I’m totally going to do that it’s l LMO LMO you know in all seriousness time I probably will soon going to kins mode or hayen or whatever James Kevin Clark you know you know the whole you know you know you know but yes Dom I’m sure that’s going

To happen in a minute now trust me I’m sure it will I don’t know why I’m not mining the birch trees has anyone noticed that like I never mind I never mind the birch trees I don’t know why I just I don’t know I just like realized that or

I don’t know it’s just I I never seen the which is kind of weird Britney mode oh God please no Britney mode or that person’s mode please God no that that that’s the last mood or mode that I want to be in blink XD yay XD XD XD XD what okay

Stop I’m going to stop how come everybody how come there’s like so many mobs oh right you know well that’s because of my 80th mob farm that I’ve done like you know in a matter of two years you know I’ve done so many mob Farms you know and the fact that this is

The last time I’m doing this let’s play on anything sad but it’s all right there could always be a return who knows we’ll see you never know Blinky yay blink what’s going on Blinky Blinky all right I’m joking being sarcastic as always I mean just look at all these bird trees

Like they’re waiting to be Min but that’s okay one of these days they’ll be Min Ju Just Not when just not when everybody expects it exactly exactly all right Um wow we have a lot of uh saplings nice dang we’re doing good all right not bad not bad um okay very very good this is actually going well nice very nice hi blink hi Jo hi Flora hey Joseph did you just get here man how

Are you what’s going on my friend hope you’re having a good day yeah and welcome to the stream by the way how’s everything been dude hopefully you’re having a good day yeah my day has been actually really good and yours uh Joseph cuz yeah it’s been for me it’s

Been okay you know can’t really be complaining it’s been decent days been going by fast you know um blink hope how’s everybody in your family doing by the way is everybody doing good you black you back when are you going to stream hopefully sooner rather than

Later I mean you know BL Dan got better wi-fi so I’m hoping you get better wi-fi too um cuz I’m not going to lie blink um you know you and some others and mainly you are probably the only reason why I touch sports or like any of the Le games

So I thank you for that yeah cuz I am I am going to get party eventually um that is something that I’m going to get uh you know I’m doing good about yourself yeah okay thanks for asking J just okay you know just steady you know

It’s just a steady day today no Wi-fi progression but still ill I’ll probably stream like downstairs yeah good you should cuz um I don’t think your parents care I mean your dad probably doesn’t care more than anything you know or your mom you know I mean they don’t seem like

They would care anyway I don’t know they just don’t seem like those those types of people mine are like that too just don’t be too loud that’s all exactly which I I I actually was loud back in the day because I didn’t have a capture card and you know things

Were kind of phony but nowadays things are a lot better here so which is a good thing you know we we we made a lot of progress in the technology so I mean at least I have and I’m sure you have too but yeah again um that that’s just obviously like

More yeah exactly yes yes um all right let me see here uh blank the Wi-Fi is now in the bunny XD yeah exactly and and in the turf Duck game too or I’m going to say Turf duck or no I’m going to say Turf group yes how come it’s called

Group well uh you see someone was kind of like ra sash blink and they were kind of like salty so yeah um I’ll have to I’ll have to send you the uh uh the photo or whatever um yeah it’s honestly kind of embarrassing but yeah that’s how the

Person acted for some unknown reason no well it’s not unknown but you know I’m just making a joke out of it yeah I heard addition story yeah and her too Why sorry about that and blink I’m actually using real Hardware um I am not using nox player anymore yeah uped from that yeah it’s it’s a lot better like I don’t have to use mouse keyboard anymore it’s a lot nicer it’s more I could play mcraft time now which is honestly a big

Improp blank XD I mean I I had finished mopia let’s play because I didn’t know necessarily what to do but mopia is fun don’t get me wrong I mean it’s a good game it’s just H again my knowledge of it was kind of poor so that’s all but mopia is not a

Bad game I think it’s pretty good Roy X Minecraft oh really Joseph let’s see how the second half of the year goes CU trust me I could take long breaks from Minecraft I mean I again I’ve done everything that I needed to do like the idea of starting a let’s play sounds fun

But it’s like you know Joseph like once you actually get to it eh things I guess you could say just kind of change and sometimes not for the better um yes I know I sound negative but it’s not true there you go there’s the 80,000 zombie that I killed man mobs spawn

Outside man you know I have my mob farm trust me all the mob farm isn’t this thing anymore but that’s okay next next Let’s Plays is going to be big and when I say big it’s going to be wider you’ll see when I upgrade burdens uh no my Galaxy my Empire XD exactly

Exactly Dom uh that compilation will come out this year don’t worry you will see that compilation it will be a thing I promise you and if not then I will be saying it myself without a compilation so my failure toact anything I mean I do hope to life comes to the

Switch or to the switch to I would love to see that um you know I would be very excited too if mopia were to or no if to life actually come to the the switch or to the next console that would be that would be freaking great I would

Definitely do a let’s play on that I mean I’m not the best at it but still I don’t even care domovy online wait what uh isn’t that more of a bu thing um but I mean you know I mean I guess I could say you know you’re half right J but but not

Completely right no I you’re definitely not completely right but uh we’ll give you about a c on that yeah exactly uh Joseph Joseph how many skeletons do I encounter like what is this how many SK how many skeletons do I have to encounter same with the animals that sit in the water

Same with zombies yeah skeletons zombies blink how about the Strays remember them um can’t stand them either yeah exactly yep yeah what was I going to say blink I can’t even remember um yeah I mean I have no idea oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah blank x I care

I’m joking I know you care trust me I don’t always show like enthusiasm for when I care about about everything trust me it’s it’s completely it’s actually fine sometimes I prefer it you know just trust me I care but I don’t like always care like an enthusiastic

Way I trust me you know it’s a lot of energy to care about everything such a good way so I don’t I I don’t how long have I been mining wood for AR man how how much pieces of wood do I have by now like come

On like I I probably have so much wood that my inventory is going to be full soon yeah I mean it’s just like endless abely endless yeah look at this 52 53 545 56 we still don’t we still haven’t hit 64 which is unbelievable in my view

Of it no 64 yet I don’t know why probably because we’re planting so many back down blink X to life yeah exactly DX game yep that’s it me ex gaming uh blank x he comes to the streams and yeah um and yeah blank I’ll have to give you a

Shout out to later but I’ll give you like a community post shout out because I I don’t know how many videos you’ve been in but you’ve been in a lot like a lot which is a good thing I’m glad but you have been in a lot let’s just put it

As that which is good actually and that’s great yeah cuz you know I mean hey you know you definitely deserve it so you know I mean I don’t see why not link where is Sonic friend Cooper oh him I keep thinking you’re talking about Animal Crossing Cooper but they’re

Actually talking about like coer which is fine I mean you know hey it’s it’s just Roy being confused no it’s not Roy is learning like everybody else nothing wrong with that nope I just love how I’m like in this part of the world like I’m never in this

Part of the world like until like now it’s it’s kind of funny too but hey here you know here I am oh these trees are tall they give off a lot of wood all right all right hey you know I’m going to have to going to have to consider getting these trees more

Yeah right whoa I have a lot of wood holy cow you know instead of strip mining y’all yeah I’m pretty much just strip mining wood at this point holy crap wow it’s a lot of wood I mean I would say um wow yeah bers yeah exactly all right um let me see here

Nice all right let me just go back over here just to see what’s going on just to see how many how much more saplings I can get w we have a lot of stuff going on here yes we do uh blank a Roy ad Joseph Kinsley and Sydney XD

Exactly I don’t know how many times I’ve said the word exactly but I’m G to say it again exactly fictional fictional all right I’m joking no I mean you know you could say Sydney for like 2020 to 2022 and then you could say Kinley for 22 to

Present um CU I think that’s kind of like when I have had like a Fanfare with that name right um I don’t know cuz cuz that’s when the whole craze started um I mean you know I don’t know and and it’s not even a name that it’s even

Italian I think it’s an English name too yeah it’s not you know not the most Italian made out there but it’s so cute and don’t forget about painting everyone the underrated one sh same with same with James I know it’s nail but still y all get the point yes you

Do all right um y all get the point got that right all right let me mine some birch trees that way we just get more wood cuz birch trees have a lot more wood which is honestly really fascinating too yeah it just kind of surprises me wow all right y’all we’re going to

Really have to start building that bridge soon now just aren we yeah I mean you know we have so much glass too so you know I’m going to have to check it out yeah exactly yes I will all right um but yeah um what else what else does

Everybody want to talk about Dom arm man blink you know whomever may still be on on the stream like what shall we all talk about CU I honestly have no idea what the talk about all you know um I’m trying to figure out something but I’m

Like I don’t know it’s just you know today’s uh today is a very relaxing day for me so you know um I’m trying to you I’m wondering myself you know like what should we be talking about you know if anything specific nice we got more Birch

All right I think the Birch would go better here yeah I I think it would be better here too um yeah Dom what else are you going to work on or what else are you going to start working on soon you know just thought that I would ask um so

I honestly really don’t have anything to work on right now I’m being honest with you um yeah you know maybe just like a few compilations for me like when I find the time and motivation to do it I mean that’s really about it for me you know yeah exactly

Exactly all right here’s this ridiculously tall building here along with this too all right more mobs of course more mors yeah nice more Saplings all right nice um hey Kurt fan we getting a plusy episode of Super Mario Wonder oh that’s good nice oh great Super Mario wonder I still haven’t played that I don’t know if you played the yet blink but you should try it out eventually if you have

It’s actually a really good game from what I heard I’ve just been waiting on Dan to play it but eventually I’m just going to play it like myself um but yeah Kurt fan like what’s going on with you my friend cuz I did get it on release day um I just never like

Played it basically no I did not um and that was the day that I want to can to um you know just if everybody even cares um so yeah what’s up what’s going On see nothing much in you yeah a lot of wood here you all right and now that that’s over with woo that was a lot of wood holy cow I know all right I’m sure you all are happy that that’s out of your ears but nice Tom uh when are you going

To start filming it um I appear again hey balls it’s been a while that you appear again on a separate stream what happened well we well we’ ran into some issues let that I’m just going to put it in the short version unfortunately but oh well I will

Suffice and I will continue on regardless yep of the issues yeah balls it’s good to see you again my friend what’s up what’s going on it’s like I’m mining all the world’s glass and just keeping it to myself that’s really not what I’m actually doing um you all will see on

What I’m doing soon yep I’m actually going to be starting a project soon um like very soon I’m planning on a Super Smash Brothers bra I’m planning on Super Smash Brothers draw probably in a few days balls appears in HDs I’m back how how is Minecrafting yeah it’s not going bad

Thanks for asking plat Mi you know I mean all that I’ve really been doing is just really just tapping the screen a thousand times it’s kind of the only League game I can play oh okay well that’s all right my man no big deal is

It good did blink just leave uh I don’t know I think he’s still here I mean I mean I hope he’s still here Dom but I don’t know if he left I mean you know I was honestly wondering that myself too but I think he’s still here do and if he

Did leave he’ll come back it’s not it’s not you know he shall be back you know as always you know I’m sure it’ll return to there we go all right we’re basically just spewing wood like a wood machine yeah exactly I’m still here oh good blink The champ is still here I do

Have some other we games and some game games but I can’t play them the being stuck in the wi oh really yikes that that’s really not good okay well hope you can get that issue resolved sooner rather than later that’s terrible wow sorry to hear that that’s that’s really bad my

Friend big shame big shame yeah unfortunately but hey it happens you know uh we all have issues with some certain stuff sometimes so that that’s okay my boy that’s okay I’m sure he’ll figure out a way to get it out hopefully um and if not then

I don’t know what we’re going to do scream and panic yep CU that’s totally logical I’m joking it’s not completely that’s a very illogical thing I wouldn’t cuz people would be very people would wander and be very confused by it um damn I know right like did you get

Any more plushies no I I I got I got all I got all Easter plushies okay I’m joking why did I say Easter because of the bunny bunny boy but that’s too bad boss I mean that’s such a shame um now um how long have you

Had your W for again flat mix what systems do you currently own um cuz I haven’t asked you that question it’s felt like in when did I last see you before um yesterday’s stream was it like five months or something it was a while

Ago I know that um yeah I mean it’s been a long time which ones did you get yes oh we got more plushies Pacman Pacman Pacman I actually do want to do more Pac-Man gameplay BL um you’re also kind of drifting me to play Pac some of you

Are too but um link is the main reason why well honestly it’s really just myself um be honest but you know you all are a part of the reason why I do game and stream yes all right all the sand is gone okay I mean we don’t have that much sand

That’s the only problem so yeah that’s the only thing um but that’s okay I’m going to uh I’m going to go to that hon biome and I’m going to well first I’m going to make a little Bridge um yeah it was pretty good oh that’s good nice Mario giant Yoshi

That’s so popular and paratroopa I’m going to have to get giant Yoshi paratrooper is awesome they’re all awesome um yeah I played a lot of Among Us during that time Among Us Plushies are awesome too I like them they’re pretty fire yeah it’s Among Us y’all game that’s overrated we all say sus

Plays it so there you go yeah welcome back Zach good to see you again my friend what’s going on what’s happening cuz uh does everybody know the wood people from Mario Galaxy uh if I turn my face cam on I’m going to look like the wood people

From Mario Galaxy or the guy from uh the uh whatever the series is called the movie series guard yeah Guardians of the Galaxy I’m going to look like him or the people from Mario Galaxy who have like wood heads um I’ll talk like them and and I’ll lose my

Ability or you should do a let’s play of Sonic heart Pac-Man Party XD yeah I should actually you’re right and I want to do other Pac-Man Let’s Plays too um Dom that’s actually a very good idea again that that’ll be something that I’m going to consider doing in the future so

Thanks for the suggestion cuz I no I’m being actually serious I mean I know I don’t sound serious but I will do it in the future trust me I will you’ll see you’ll see Don you’ll see you shall see could you imagine this in real life

This would be the this would be the worst this would be the worst looking bridge this I mean it’s not my fault I me I don’t bridges that much still it’s like what the the hell even is this this thing look at it I mean just look look

At this corner thing I’m trying to hold the bridge up as if it has gravity um which it clearly doesn’t have gravity uh what’s your next stream blank I hope your past life has been good about me being here your past life W you know I never knew BL

Back in the colonial days must have been different yeah exactly you know yeah tell I said hi okay okay um when’s your next stream can I be dramatic here yeah that’s fine it doesn’t bother me you know sometimes you all have to be like that yeah of course of course 64 64 64

64 all right I’m going to I’m going to stop soon with all the glass cuz we have a lot of glass that we should really get to using soon uh all right blink when are you streaming uh I mean I’m not going to answer for him but I’m gonna guess

Probably in about maybe like about a week or two I’m not sure um I am so sad I’m about to cry why are you okay Spanish man stol my handle wait what what do you mean please don’t cry Plax yeah right Zach come on now I I think he’s just I think he’s

Toying with us oh well I got toyed oh well did you oh I guess that makes the sequel I feel like that’s what what all the kids say that’s what makes it so equal well Sherlock goms you’re not kidding um and Jones’s Brothers I’m I’m not sure well hopefully soon or rather

Than later man because I miss you streaming you have high quality streams yeah I mean you know and by the way I got a new capture card blink so you know uh Mr Mr Terry uh we don’t see Terry as much anymore we get a little laggy blank but we don’t

See the screen tearing as much now my tag is pla 47 which is not what flax 47 better yeah I like the numbers on names better I mean I think flat mix is great I I I personally like having numbers like that’s why instead of just being gamer

Roy I have like just you know just gamer Roy 20 would you hold on my comments please I’ve been sending you in the the pass please oh blink well I am uh I’m going to have to Heart your comments too so I I know it’s not about me but I’m just saying in

General exactly all right I’m going to have to make the bridge soon yeah I’m going to have to excuse me all right um I mean I don’t know where I’m going to mine the sand next I’ll just do it right here I it’s close you know it’s this is

Pretty close to here anyway so I guess I’ll just do right here and a little different but yeah I’m I’m still going to do it so go yeah exactly all right see we’re just doing it in a different style call me jackpot baby I’ll have another identity crisis

In less than two months who’s jackpot I thought you met the game what’s that game called it’s not jackpot what is it I don’t remember sure okay great blink uh that that that’s nice of you to do that for Zach yes R yes oh my God hey blink remember your

Favorite person her name starts G blink I haven’t talked to her in so long it’s like you got to reach out to her first like doesn’t that get annoying like I really try to reach out to all of you even if you all don’t respond automatically I’ll reach out regardless

I mean I’m done with the idy N you’re not being an idiot you’re fine you’re just role playing like how are you yeah exactly that’s not an idiot nope not at all um you know a pla’s voice of your Ral would be so great I don’t think you’re

Going to do it but I I think it you know um because you know y’all are hearing my real voice right now so you know there’s not really a need for me to do a voice no there’s not oh there we go Bey uh how much sand do I

Have oh nice not as much as I had thought but still okay really kind of hard to find sand through you all it’s not as easy and straightforward as it was earlier no to me this is way more complicated yes and I don’t have any torches so you

Know if you all are wondering where I um so blank have you done Mickey Yoshi Mario Toad Koopa Luigi blue Yosi plus x man I have not collected plushies in a long time I should start collecting plushies what was the last plusy that I got I got some like uh teeny babies

Thing or whatever or Beanie Babies Beanie what’s teeny babies F all right that’s weird okay I never knew teeny babies is a thing yeah I just all right I I’m all done with the sand I think for now y all you know I think I’ve done all the sand mining that

I could do I mean I don’t think I really have anything else to do so yeah I mean I’m honestly just going to call it day here I mean do I really need any more SK yeah exactly all right but I I mean I would think so D I

Mean I’m not going to answer for him but I’m just assume probably has probably the only plushy I got is a yellow Mario Zach I barely collect plushies I mean I kind of want to get more plushies in the future but it’s just something I’ve never like really made time for but

Again like I am going to consider doing that more in the future it’s just again you know I’m just going to have to make the time for it that’s all but it’s something that I could do um you know it’s just again I got to make the time

For it that’s all um what what is the oh Sandstone I was going to say like huh like what oh there’s iron every every piece of iron has to be in my hands God it’s so selfish I know right um every every piece of iron

Um yes oh that’s cool nice oh great man oh yeah oh you had a Nikki plushy I forgot that you had a n plus my mom had one too when she was or at least the female what’s what’s what’s her name I don’t you have plushies for the sake of

Collection for different reason we to see if you ever visit this channel um and you should make a plushy collection to BL video I think that would very well I would definitely watch it and be in support of it um yeah I mean absolutely you know um yeah I mean again

Um you know um it would do well yeah very good it would do very very good do I have to do an emergency episode and like just focus on the bridge next episode probably will have to do that uh I used to have a donkey really oh what you get rid of it

Or I’ve never I’ve never actually had dony for you know I’m probably the only person that kind of cares about the games besides you know Anthony and and you know the Millennials um or I don’t know I guess you can call them you know the gang of

Um you know not to be confused of Congress but um probably like the only one who probably repl it actively out of all you I mean Maybe I’m Wrong maybe you all play Donkey Kong but I just wish there was like a new Donkey Kong game it’s

Such an underrated series you know I I I’ve tried to have Dan play with me multiple times no success but um maybe after Wonder we can do like I I’ll have a pick between freeze and returns I think he’ll probably pick returns that’s just my guess I mean I

Don’t know I’m not going to for him but that’s just my assumption let me just mine these out here um I have a Luigi plushy and a Sonic plushy plush why do I say plushy that’s okay I was going to get a Sonic plush I think I’m going to get one this

Year but I I I that was back in like 2019 that was like when my channel was like that was when I was still streaming on the old Channel um stormchaser I don’t like plusy I only like action figures what’s wrong with plushies I love plushies action figures are kind of

Boring um at least in my view well respect plushies when they come on the screen I had a friend who didn’t like plushies either I’m like listen buddy get a g you know if you don’t want to see my plushies then just I’ll put them

Away but just suck it up all right this is stupid yeah well you know respect plushies that’s all that I can say yeah I’m a big plushy fan I know I’m 20 I get it who cares um but I mean I have a few action figures um yeah I’ll consider getting

More action figures in the future sorry to break your heart PL but it’s true action figures are kind of not for me however I I do want to get one though just just one action figure problem is I don’t know which action figure I want to get help me

Decide suck it up that’s what she said who me hey come on now seriously Zach seriously br br I just I just got ran over by a bus Moonville Highway LOL run hey Ronnie why you calling me Ronnie I’m not Ronnie on y I’m a big plushy fan I’m

Not going to be ashamed it oh hey you know at least I’m never root any of you unlike some cough and we have one in chat how much longer you be streaming for I have no idea Mr I throw people under the bus uh I I have no idea Jeffrey we’ll see

See I’m not trying to start any fire y’all I’m the one who never starts it I’m the one it but I’m joking no uh I have no idea um all right Anthony just just delete that I don’t I don’t want on here thanks um okay

Um I don’t know I mean I’m probably going to have to do another episode because of the bridge so but that’s okay it is what it is yep then after that this let’s play will be done too late for Del ah no what are you talking about

What no offense but some of you just say some really just confusing stuff all right an plushy uh listen when you trigger me I’ll probably I’ll call you anti plushy for like the rest of the stream I don’t even care anti plushy anti plushy Plushies are awesome sorry it’s it’s

Going to be I’m going to be propaganda now what what the hell what what the what was that what are we out of memory what’s going on here what we out of memory what the heck what’s going on what I don’t know I’m trying to figure that out now Zack what the

Hell oh it’s going to crash again but I don’t care well um I guess we can’t furnace anymore okay well I I I guess the game wants us to start building okay well uh I guess we can no longer put stuff in furnaces for now let’s try a different

One okay all right all right game all right all right okay I think the game is uh I think the game is uh actually propaganda me now I I tried to propaganda my plushies I think the game is now propaganda me to uh to build Bridges okay well well I guess me and

The game are gonna fight for uh for propaganda come on game let’s go fight fight fight crash again fight fight fight um okay that was really weird sorry about that um I’m going to go of course you are Plax all right I’ll see you later Mr anti plusy take care okay

All right bye board boy take care man I’m being such a snot such a child I’m sorry guys I’m not a child do I really need you what I’m saying no um see action man I like look I don’t dislike action figures but they’re okay like I’ll get one like maybe maybe you

All can vote on one for me to get how about that you all can vote on me to get an action figure like you all could decide um like which action figure I get like cuz I would love to get an action figure rattle my brain cells I don’t know if I

Don’t know if that’s going to happen Zack but you know what will happen the game will crash over and over if you want if you want that to Rattle your brain cells we can do that um oh yeah wasn’t there a furnace plg um confirmed anyways in this version

Oh so there you go uh Minecraft PE crash compilation complete uh we have a furnace bug unsettling to say the most does this scare you when apps crash in iOS blank like in the older versions like does it kind of scared me a little bit back in

The day but it doesn’t scare me like when I use the Apple TV because the way it crashes is like a little different um in its animation but it doesn’t scare me at all it’s just now it doesn’t it used to back in the day especially like um

You know when I used to like use things that weren’t like obtainable um until like they were fully added like gas like sometimes the game would crash when I would like spawn in a guest uh I’m doing live streams now you are oh yeah nice how has that been going has that been

Going good um link is your Mario and Luigi plushy little buddy by any chance since there’s the Mario and LU plush I have little buddy is such a great brand um I have a lot of respects for little buddy um great brand and a great company um all

Right everybody uhad furnace bad furnace ready okay my heart’s kind of racing right now so what crashed I don’t know well I’ll figure it out after I don’t want to worry about it now um H okay problem is now I don’t know what crashed um very strange okay well I don’t know

What crashed I kind of had I I already forgot what crashed my game okay weird very strange um H would you like to join my next live stream well last time I got six likes so why doesn’t this one crash and that that that makes no sense okay so

Why does one furnace just crash your game and the rest just don’t I don’t okay that’s not logical but what it’s probably a bug I don’t know I’ll figure it out this probably some coding issue or something um so um I mean if you all want to see how

Much space I have I mean I could show you how much space I have um on here um you know what let me actually go check that right now um while we’re here um let me see how much space I have all right so um all right here’s my space um here’s

How much space I have I have a lot of space left um so yeah I mean um you know I I don’t know I don’t know why I crash but yeah yeah so here you go yeah I don’t know I don’t know why I kept crashing

But yeah I don’t know we’re not out of space um now I know that newer now I know that newer versions had this like improved um and obviously my iPad is 64 GB XD yeah it’s this is a late 2000 um let me type this in it’s a late 2011

Model Wi-Fi only iPad too um so that’s basically what the model is um you know for those of you who are curious yeah this is this is an older iPad um it’s not bad it’s just um you know it’s not you know iOS 9 is not really the greatest iOS for so I

Didn’t realize you had have that yeah I know right Dom and your’s a 64 gab which is I have a 200 156 iPad Pro now but 64 is wasn’t bad for back then that’s actually a decent amount of space um so yeah go figures you know that’s actually really good for an iPad

Can I please be mod Roy I’ll mod you eventually Zach I don’t want to like make promises or nothing but I’ll make you mod eventually how about we just put it at that um you know blink what type of IP ad do you have um what type of what type

Of tablet does everybody have or computer um yeah cuz I just had an iPad it was from like 2020 um yeah that that that had 128 gab which was a lot but now since I IM more and I kind of want to keep videos on my photo albums more about deleting things you

Know 4K videos not running out of space and all that crap and it’s kind of something that I want to do you know oh shoot um I used to have 333 I got a Windows XP Oh okay that’s cool I mean I could try to make you mod for like a

Week SEC see how things go I’ll just make you a standard mod though um yeah Dom again um Dom are you a manager mod or a standard mod still I mean I I don’t know if you like being a manager mod I mean I don’t know I mean it’s up to you

I mean I’ll let you decide I mean you blink are you a fan of being a manager mod AR man do you like I just want to ask all my manager mods while I’m here you know that question in particular um pretty soon this place is going to look

Like the city that never sleeps whoa we have that much glass holy crap and I’m probably going to get more glass too in the future don’t forget y’all we got 8.0 so I may even expand upon this bridge holy cow all right well let’s have a little checkpoint

Here okay I I’d imagine we’re probably just going to fall it just says I’m a standard mod okay well do you want to be a manager mod we didn’t actually die that that that’s a relief okay we have an axe for a reason that’s why I’m going to just have it

There all right this this is this is perfect um kind of built to of slow to build there has to be a faster way to build oh I know there is it’s like this right all right yall we’re finally doing the bridge this was really the only

Reason why I’m still doing this let’s play yep look at all the sand over there with the the corrupted furnace that’s okay if the furnace continues to crash um I’m I’m probably just going to just not use it anymore um you know I don’t I don’t see a reason for it crashing

But beats me you know 8.1 is is less buggier anyways the 6 know games are kind of broke uh sure okay please Roy hello Flora hey how are you what’s going on yeah I could do I could give it to J I mean you know um just as long as

You’re like here sometimes you know um I’ll figure it out Tom you know obviously you don’t have to be here every time you all you know you all know the criteria of a manager mod anyways you know um and I could always see who’s modded and and I could always like unmod

Or like de promote after um you know if I’m not happy or whatever um but yeah what’s going on Flora welcome back good to see you again Flora what’s going on I’m just going to just do this just for the hallway um I mean we have so much glass

Anyways you know if I want to get more glass I’ll just I’ll just get more and grab some later um Zack no I’m cold but don’t worry could you put me as a mod right now I will sincerely not yet zck I mean I don’t want to mod

Everyone right now but I’ll make you mod eventually don’t worry you know I know I’ve been saying that for a long time but you’ll get your day of mod and it’ll be worth it too yeah see that’s the only problem Flora um everybody just wants a

Mod now um and if I were to give you all mod I would just make you all standard mods um like that’s the thing you know um so don’t ask Z well I mean z can ask I mean he has a right to ask for like you know he’s been

Asking for a while I I think it’s only fair I mean yall could ask whatever questions you want you know it doesn’t bother me I’m not a sensitive person I’m doing this with glass also that way um what’s the word um hi Dom thanks Roy no problem no

Problem anytime anytime Dom anything for you wait what did I say that all right I I think you all get my saying here Dom anytime anytime yep exactly I don’t know how the bridge is necessarily going to work I kind of want it just going over like my

Structures only problem is I can’t really do that with a hotel and with a nether court it’s all right I can make it somewhat close um I’m more better good Zach can you stop asking wait what what do you mean better N I don’t I don’t know if

There is a best mod maybe I have like mods that I prefer or that I I have preferences that you know that I would rather have for someone or like maybe I would rather have someone not be a mod over someone else but I don’t know if there is a

Better mod on here like you know blink like I prefer having you as a mod and I think you’re a great mod you too are man um but that’s just like how I do it you know um so yeah that’s kind of like my saying um and blink how is Minecraft Java going

Are you still playing it um I would probably imagine that you are you know just thought that I would ask yeah of course of course of course yeah and don’t forget y’all again we have 8.0 so I mean we could all we could always just like finish um

Doing this in like 8.02 I mean I don’t care no it don’t bother me hey there’s the bridge yeah like I said Zack just don’t worry about it you can ask Laura just let Zack ask right it’s just a question it’s not like it’s not like he’s asking

You know for for bad stuff for bad stuff what a great answer I know right totally illogical I just can’t believe that we have this much glass holy crap I know it’s a lot of work to be done hi Flora yeah Flora’s God Dom just said hi you just to

Let you know you know if you didn’t see yeah um so yeah what is everybody’s um what’s everybody’s like favorite game like what’s everybody’s favorite video game I know this is kind of a hard question but what is it um just thought that I would ask yeah of

Course of course of course yeah you got that right yes yes you see like to me this is a lot faster just doing it this way yeah much oh this this is definitely definitely way FAS oh yeah absolutely yes yes all right um Animal Crossing New Leaf how

Come um CU animal Crossing new Leaf is like one of my favorites too yeah it is very I think it’s a great game yeah I just think it’s just I think very highly of it it’s just it’s a very good game you know like at least like in

My view yeah absolutely very good game yes yes absolutely yeah absolutely I’m going to have to replace my armor soon my armor is getting really low too kind of kind of kind of surprising considering the fact that I’ve only worn this for like an episode or two

But it’s to be fair I was in the Nether um I was in the nether core anyway so I fought Pigman in the nether core reactor so I guess you could kind of blame that too whoops because you can make very good towns on there yeah that is true I

Mean you know new Leaf is definitely at least for me like one of the better Animal Crossing same with City it’s really like a tie for me I only say City because I’ve had more memories of it but if I played New Leaf more maybe New Leaf it’s really hard to say

But it’s kind of like my um I guess you could say like inut on that or stats yeah rightly okay it’s night so hello yeah crash crash crash crash back yep furnace crash hey arm man listen ready furnace crash crash crash okay I’m going to stop no but it’s it’s just like really

It’s just you can’t even make it up stupid oh yeah it’s it’s really just the reason just like it crashing earlier is stupid thumbnails are always the same I mean it’s I mean it’s really my I mean it’s my thumbnails so and I mean if you want to talk to Francis or

Harley about that I mean don’t be talking to me about that stuff when I don’t even make thumbnails that’s all that I’m just going to say to you like this is what people got to stop doing to me and even in person too like stop talking to the messenger boy just just

Talk to the actual Source like if you have a problem with that just talk to them like I mean I I mean I don’t know if you have Vengeance and grievance over a thumbnail but kind of seems to me like you do so yeah I don’t know it’s just

You know like it doesn’t matter if they’re the same like I mean I don’t want to have like a different thumbnail for every episode because that would just that would drive me insane that I mean it’s just I just can’t like I mean I could give you

Harley’s Channel if you want to talk to him does he even upload I just thought that they were yours and not theirs oh well um no I don’t make thumbnails um I don’t I think I told you that too last time yeah I mean I’m not being like

Fresh or nothing it’s just you know I mean if you want to talk to them about it then you can I mean um well actually Francis actually made this thumbnail um Harley made the gameplay thumbnails um I mean like if you all want to see like gameplay thumbnails

Related to the game like I don’t know if that’s what you’re saying Zach then I could do like a jelly car thumbnail gameplay or crash crash crash I know I know I’m sick of it’s there you know that’s that’s the problem with these older versions like and Dom and blink

And arm man are you still here listen to this uh you know these older versions just have low memory problems like if you have too much going on in a world eventually and this happened on my a like or my you know Family’s old iPad the

Uh the world was just crash like it that’s all it does it doesn’t open up it doesn’t load I mean if you if you were to like obviously play it on a computer or a newer device it would work but yeah it’s just the device just couldn’t

Handle it anymore there was just too much on there stop Z Flora just just Flora just stop having just Vengeance and grievance against Zack all right just if you don’t like Zack personally then just I don’t know just don’t talk to him I don’t know I don’t know Zach just just ignore

Her you know don’t get into the emotional stuff it’s not worth it sorry about that um thanks Anthony no problem like you know just just just chill about the mod floor all right like seriously it’s just the mod it’s not the end of the world you’ll get mod

Eventually yeah I mean it’s really Flora Zack or not Zack it’s really Flora Dom but I mean I guess if you want to say both then it’s I don’t know I me I’m not going to say you’re right or wrong because there’s really no right and wrong it’s just it’s about just having

They not having drama that’s all well he’s not spamming I mean like spamming to me like if you say the same thing like in one message like 100 times that’s not really like spamming like to me that’s just like repeating yourself a lot like that’s how

I view it I mean you know so you know Flora like I mean I’m not being like fair but that’s mainly Flora oh you blame yourself oh okay a little bit all right well if you want to I guess you could yeah well I know it looks like

Spamming for but it’s not spaming so I I I trust I trust you it’s not I can show you what spam like um so yeah just no no drama well I’m glad you like Minecraft and even even if you didn’t like Minecraft it’s fine it doesn’t really

Bother me no it’s everybody every not everybody has to like everything that I stream you know I’ve told everybody that num I’ve told everybody that before you know um it’s it’s no big of you all you know not everybody has to endorse everything that I do you know um yeah

Like I said again if like I can ask Francis to make like multiple thumbnails like I can ask him to put like like I’ll use this thumbnail but I’ll I’ll ask him to put like 0.8.1 or I’ll ask him to make like a thumbnail just like maybe if like a

Screenshot of me like fighting mobs or like a screenshot of me like walking around I could do that like like that is a like I could start doing that but I won’t have it just as like a specific episode or it could just be like episode

One two Etc you know so I mean it is a good idea it’s just you know the only problem is that that would have to be more thumbnails would be made will have to be made I won’t fall on Minecraft floor just quit it no I will

Not quit I know you’re not talking about me it’s called easing the tensions cuz I I don’t really like tensions it’s it’s not it’s not something something I want um did you make a geometry dasil everybody want really wants me to play that game whoa I thought I just saw

Something shoot I’m going to save every now and then just because of that furnace crap um I do want to make something Geometry Dash eventually Z yeah sure I can do that you know what I’m going to fall on purpose just to get new armor because I have all this iron I

Mean I may as well use it so blank um so yeah you know there you go yes um blink is Blink is blinking his eyes right now uh so blink will have to stop blinking his eyes that that’s such that’s such an awful joke I do this on

Purpose y sometimes I make the jokes awful that way you can me oh my god um I sound like space swff I say oh my God oh my God uh blinko yes but blink I hope you are enjoying stream and yeah how do you have a water mark blink like um don’t

You have like a little water mark on your thing CU I think I can do that too actually there’s like isn’t there an option on like YouTube Studios to do that you know on the computer version cough cough yeah cuz the mobile version just sucks cuz it Doesn’t Really add

Anything no that’s the problem the mob version is just not that good in my view it’s too bad too it should be like the PC version all the features all the it just I don’t know why it doesn’t it’s kind of too bad all right maybe I’ll just make a

Recorded thing of this come on go all right um I don’t know what next let’s play is going to be next I don’t know y’all I mean I could do like a Yoshi game or like a Mario Party game I’m honestly going to think about it I think I should do a Yoshi

Game yeah I’ll do Yoshi’s woolly world and or Mario Party 9 I mean I don’t really care I think that would be really fun yeah I think so too maybe I’ll do Mario Party let me let me think about it first um uh going to go it was really

Nice uh seeing you again I’m going to go look at a car with my parents so yeah it was nice seeing you bye everyone take care Roy bye for now all right bye take care all right see you soon it was good to see you again okay um and yeah have a

And have a good rest of your day Zach all right if I don’t see you and we’ll talk more next time you know um so yeah we’ll just uh yeah that’ll be basically about it you know we shall have a conversation and we shall I’ll talk more in the

Future with the Glitchy furnaces which shouldn’t be glitchy but God only knows why they’re like that mhm yeah it’s just it’s completely Beyond me but whatever it’s just Minecraft has issues like everything else yep it’s annoying mm I I don’t I don’t get why a furnace crash

Um you too worry bye my friend yeah bye bye take care all right man see you soon I’m glad you’re here Anthony I mean I don’t know where the game went but that’s okay they’re probably watching I’m sure they’re going to comment after that oh hi your furnaces suck uh you

Know uh please get me furnaces uh talk more about the crashing Minecraft app all right I’ll see you later Zack take care my man byebye dude um yeah I mean I don’t know y’all Minecraft could be very glitchy sometimes and as a result you saw that today yeah it’s it’s just unfortunate

You know it kind of kind of scares me a little bit like it’s kind here um one two I’m going to look away I’m so nervous three four this is like this is like five nights at the furnaces five I think this is where the game dies six

Yep this is where the game dies W Rox Sonic yep see look at that that’s yeah so there’s clearly something wrong with the data um I don’t know what’s wrong but there’s there’s apparently an issue with the data um with the furnace so me this used to happen like in

Minecraft PE like with the servers so I’m kind of not surprised that these same issues have kind of returned back to me but you know on a single player server it’s too bad but it it is what it is you know what not going to let it affect

Me I’m probably just going to move the furnaces outside anyways R ex son wow Joseph wow so funny Joseph so funny oh my God Joseph oh my God yeah exactly all right um yeah blink what are you doing right now dude um arm man what are you doing uh what is everybody doing

By the way again just just thought that I would ask yeah what’s everybody’s status that’s everyone’s status so I’m just trying to figure it out at these bugged furnaces I don’t trust any of the furnaces anymore they’re all bad woo um I don’t know what else to say y’all

Oh yeah I’m GNA have to get going soon so I mean I’m pretty much I’m pretty much all done with uh with the sand project here um you know um I mean I don’t know it’s just maybe I’ll mind of just some sand just like once more

And that’s really about it I mean we’re we’re pretty much done you know we uh I think we hit all of our milestones in this let play you know we did everything and okay we have an extra one good um and yeah I think we’re think we’re ready to

Upgrade um so when do you want a VC I know I’m going to disappoint you and I’m sorry but listen can we VC um when will you be around next I’ll definitely VC with you then and if far man if you want a VC too next

Time I have no problem VC with you uh with you as well um oh yeah okay so we have sand in there that just wouldn’t I don’t know I think there was probably two much going on for the game so was out of memory that’s just I don’t know

Um yeah you both should VC next time I want to hear you both yeah no we will Anthony don’t worry BL we we willc my stop yeah I mean it’s been so long too since we’ve talked together blink you know like on a on a um on a device yes a

Device very specific I know kind of funny that the game actually crashed without me crashing it you know I honestly kind of applaud the game for you know just just because why not you know hey it crashed without my without my permission um how does that sound

BL yeah how does that sound blank um I mean what do you think like is that good cuz I I can send you work schedule too if you want like and you can just translate it to just you know uh Standard time I don’t I don’t know what

Your time zone name is um I I mean I think it’s like What U UTC um plus one UTC plus 2 um my time zone blink is UTC plus 4 or no I’m sorry no what am I talking about yeah it would have been like it would have been like five for me

Right now I’m sorry my time zone isus and but when I was in Canada it’s 3 um yeah so basically it’s all it’s five because I’m in standard time that’s when I change the clocks back um but four is during the summer or daylight savings time so I don’t know if you’re a

Little confused on that but yeah that’s how it works and you’re you’re on plus two when it’s during the summer or well when it’s like March please don’t actually not crash the game we’ve toriz this game so much today talk Talking Robbie must be in laughter

Right now he must be laughing on the ground that’s funny we we have literally torted this game to death I must say it’s quite sad the fact that it actually saves your item is really scum like Dan could just do it and then he just secretly crash my LOL now it’s your

Fault exactly exactly not my fault was born yeah exactly or is yeah exactly yep not my fault’s born you got that right it’s still not my fault I didn’t do that that’s all right I don’t care hopefully the furnace bug doesn’t jump over here and start crashing

Exactly look at all this Cobble I didn’t even use it a shame that’s all right more furnes that we cannot trust one two three just just kidding I don’t think I think the game has had enough crashing for today I hope yeah flick a black screen on the seconds

I wish Apple had like a little bit of an animation with screen but one day um but yeah who’s still here by the way blank you still here uh anybody else still here cuz I’m going to try to furnace in the next let’s play I mean I don’t know

Like what does everybody think I should do like does everybody think I should uh what’s the word um so yeah so does everybody think I should just um how do I want to work this um should I either start over or just keep my stuff it doesn’t matter I mean I’m not

Really going to have a boat but I mean I would rather start over but that’s just it kind worrying about the game memory a little bit but I mean it doesn’t really matter y all I mean I don’t really care cuz for would I mean what am I

Going to really worry about like no like that’s the thing you know so I mean doesn’t really matter to me I mean I I’ll even leave it up to all of you want I again I don’t really care that much all right back to using a iron

Pickaxe okay well you know I’d honestly never thought that I would see you y we’re back back to the old ways I’m I’m still here oh good Dom are you enjoying yourself because I don’t know Dom would you like to see a Mario Party 9 let’s play or like any other Mario

Party Let’s Plays CU I I have not done four yet Dom and I’ll do that game just to crash my uh virtually we um now I’ll do a let’s play and I’ll like beat it first then I’ll just make video kind of like that um it’ll just be just like a general video

But you’ll see it it’ll be uploadable it shall be uploaded to YouTube yes but yeah how are you Frankie what’s going on did you just get to the stream hopefully you’re having a good day uh you’re you’re late to the party but that’s okay better late than nope that’s right all

Right I’m just going to mine this out nothing to do with this I just wanted just make it look even yeah exactly um Mario Party 3 I’ll consider doing that too um I mean I wouldn’t mind doing the 64s um I mean they’re not my favorite

Kinds of Mario parties but I’ll still do it anyways yeah I mean but Mario Party 3 definitely I would like do because it’s underrated so and it kind of like resonates me a little bit with the underrated game so sure I’ll have that a yep and make sure that

Bowser does not crash the game I’m obsessed with crashing so bad sick sick I don’t care if this game crashes again y’all it’s not going to do anything anyways no I don’t really doesn’t even bother me all you know yeah how’s it going Frankie what’s going on

My friend good to see you again dude hopefully you’re having a beautiful day cuz yeah my day has been really good and yours once we get the iPad Mini up it’s going to be awesome yeah exactly all right let’s see if we could trust these furnaces if these furnaces have turned

Their backs on me then that’s not good because they shall pay the price but that’s okay because the coal shall be free it shall be free it shall be free it shall be free from the furnaces I don’t know you know uh I don’t know if there’s a bunny girl

Furnace version what do you think probably is sure I’m sure there is I’m sure that’s probably what the real thing is that’s probably real issue here so how are we going to smell that’s the problem all right um but yeah again um I don’t know what else to say y’all

I’m like I’m trying to like figure out like what to talk about but I’m like I don’t know why I’m like kind of quiet but that’s all right anybody else have anything they want to share or say or not really it’s okay if you know um cuz

I I’m I’m trying to figure out stuff to say now but I’m like sometimes you you always can’t fill the you know yall sometimes you just got to just have nothing sometimes it’s just good when there’s nothing to say you know just just enjoy the sounds of the games game

And that’s it you know it’s really as simple is that yeah exactly all right um so I guess after um all right Perfect all right this is all that I need there you go all right um so yeah I guess now um all right so you know what y’all

Here’s the plan D I’m going to go in about like 10 to 15 minutes so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to just finish all the glass that I have um and then yeah and then I guess I’ll just be done with that light up the mob farm put

My stuff away and then um we’re going to just Voyage on to just the next let’s play and then that should be it yeah then that shall be it mhm so I’m just going to just connect this part um that bridge over there that way you know I

Don’t have to walk all the way around yeah so let me just go just do that now all right let me let me just go now yep exactly uh I’m going to go you’re going to go all right brother I’ll see you later yeah peace out Dom all right thank you

So much for coming on buddy uh take care dude all right um and yeah hey like I said tell me why you got bored later yeah because you know you all know what I’m going to say but yeah take care Dom all right peace out buddy I just thought about like Anthony just

Like was talking now like Anthony you’ve been so you’ve been so quiet today what’s been going on man what’s been going on um yeah like I said take care Dom and we’ll talk later byebye buddy bye yeah I’m definitely going to plan on doing um a different game like for a

Let’splay I’m probably just going to start with the Yoshi games just so that I just can kind of get back into just doing I haven’t even done like a Nintendo let’s play in like a month it’s it’s been that long so plus two I got a

Jailbreak um my iPad anyways so you know um that’s obviously going to take a little bit of time to figure that out I haven’t jailbroken my device in so long so hello all I’m leaving JK no I know you’re not leaving I know you’re joking that’s all right you all want to go

That’s no I’m joking I’m not yeah um and I’m pretty much done with this anyways so I’m going to I’m going to get upstairs in 10 minutes I got to eat um for a little bit anyways so you know I’m I’m just going to chill for a little

Bit and then then yeah there you go so yeah I don’t know where arm man went I think he’s just lurking I don’t know I don’t know where everybody went that’s okay don’t worry y’all I bet you when I do something more Nintendo we have more on

Here but it’s fine it’s not the end of the world y’all you know um doesn’t matter you know it’s like I don’t know it’s just it’s kind of funny how like PBZ just does better on this channel than like Minecraft I I honestly would expect the exact opposite like Minecraft

Does fine it just doesn’t like it just doesn’t do as well as PvZ I don’t know why it’s just it’s really weird honestly it kind of baffles me too um because Minecraft I mean it technically has more of a player base but the player base would rather

Just um just I don’t know just see Minecraft R viewers I have no idea and plus two y’all I’m kind of getting tired of Let’s Plays anyways I mean you know most of the episodes that I’m going to do in the ne in the last one they’re all going to be

Mostly recorded anyway so you know um yeah we’ll just have to see all right um yeah blink you’re not going to go yet right cuz me and you will both I want you and me to leave at the same time that’s right we got to do

Our farewell at the same time with each other yeah and if we don’t finish this you all I I’ll just I’ll smel this in the next um let’s play um if I you know if I want to yeah exactly exactly we have a bed right we have a bed yes we

Do but yeah I mean you know I’m honestly excited to like record this series I think it’s I think I’m going to enjoy it recording it and you know and I hope some of you tune into this too um give me feedback you know so I would appreciate

The feedback you know if any of you were to have any feedback yeah I mean you know it it just helps me out a lot you know it makes my commentary better you know gets me more views you know makes you all more intrigued to watch no be deal yeah of course all

Right see for I’m just going to just get rid of this now the bridge looks ugly with that stupid piece of dirt all right I better not fall down one more time I will lose my I’m going to promise you down that I will lose my mind you’ll see I’m I’m not

Kidding I promise you I will blank what are you doing now dude it feels like it’s just like the three of us you know me you and Anthony everybody else left that’s all right well AR man I no not AR man but everybody else yes no everybody’s a

Traiter I’m joking it’s all right you know I sometimes like have low energy some days I’m just not as exciting and I don’t and I’m not again I’m not criticizing myself but there are just some days where I’m just like not pumped emotionally no I don’t know all

Right hey Spider-Man super J how are you what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day welcome to the stream good to see you again yeah hope your day’s been okay what’s up what’s happening because I got to go for work anyway soon so I’m going to have to

Leave in about like I don’t know probably like I don’t know time I said I was going to leave a little while ago but yeah I don’t know got a head out soon y’all I’m sorry that’s all right once I’m done with the bridge then I’m just going to just be done [Laughter]

For there Jake hope you’re having a good day welcome to the stream what’s going on good to see you again yeah what’s happening what’s happening that tree grew there nice Oh blank I’m I’m glad to see that you’re not bored that’s great cuz I myself am honestly getting bored at doing this

Yeah I mean you know I’m glad I worked on the bridge it’s just like I don’t know it’s like you know I think I I think I’ll do more of it in the next let’s play and you know and that’s what I’m honestly thinking I think that’s like what I’m likely going to

Do yeah definitely that’s something that I’m really going to try to focus on next finally oh my God saus is just turning to endlessness sh erally all right this is going to be a lot quicker do yes see this is a lot quicker oh my

Yeah we’re going to be out of wood in no time just you all watch just you all watch oh good all right well blink are you actually getting bored cuz I’m honestly getting bored here um and I I don’t blame you if you’re bored cuz while Minecraft is fun like I

Don’t know it’s just to me this could be very yeah like I’ve done so much of this like that’s the thing like I mean it’s like how much more can I even really do you know like I don’t know it’s just I’m really busy so that’s why I’m

Quiet oh you are oh it’s all right don’t worry about it you’re all good man you know no need to worry you know and the Bridge cannot be completed that’s okay it it will be completed in the next let’s I mean we’re done with the bridge

Anyways like we don’t really need it to do anything else if we want to we will but um yeah Ian we don’t have nothing to do with the bridge anyways anymore we are pretty much done um with this bridge anyways so you know but no problem hey

Welcome back Zach good to see you again what’s going on dude uh I don’t think you’d be streaming for that much longer to be honest with you me no I’m not I have to go it’s getting late anyways so you know I’m GNA have to go

Soon but that’s okay I’ll be back I’ll be back uh tomorrow with a different game um for a little bit so yeah there you go so close darn it come on you know if I weren’t for the stupid furnaces then then then I can’t talk then you know we would obviously

You know quote unquote you know have our say but you know the furnaces ruined everything so you go all right um all right this will just kind of be just like I guess a band just like a little bit of the connection kind of under construction but to be

Continued oh shoot I I got to uh wait a minute I got to uh look at that wow I’ve never seen that before that’s so cool all right uh I won’t be here tomorrow because of school depressing I know that’s all right there’s always an

Under day that’s just how I look at it there there’s another day upon the horizons you know man I mean I just I just try to view it like that you know I just look at it as if that’s okay what will you be doing tomorrow nothing Zach

You’re not missing a single thing I’m just going to start a let’s play that’s basically all I’m going to do um I think I’m going to do Yoshi’s wly World um or Mario Party night I think I’m just going to just do Yoshi’s Bly World cuz I

Haven’t really done a Yoshi game um I haven’t done I I mean I started doing one I I’ve never really completed it so that’s probably what I’m going to do or I’m just going to just do Mario Party um I think I think I’m think I’m just

Going to do the Yoshi game instead which is Yoshi’s wly World um because I’ve never completed a yoc game on this channel so and then I’ll go out and buy crafted world and do that after and then it’s all that you’re going to see from Yoshi even if a new one gets announced

That’s coming soon it can wait for a little bit uh so you get remember the time when you got your superi stream you had over 100 people watching yeah I think I had like 200 or something I remember like I had like I had like 200

300 yeah and then yeah then there were 100 watching for about an hour um I mean that was kind of like the Golden Era of my channel I mean the channel did well last year I just don’t think it didn’t have as many like it just didn’t have

That like phase where it was like super super super busy like you know we’ve had 20s and 30s and 40s before but I don’t know I mean the Channel’s doing better better I mean now like it’s been doing it’s been doing it’s been more decent recently but

I don’t know it’s just I just hope we get a pop this year like a big one hey Ro I gota charge my iPad because it’s on 10% but I just want to come in and say hi hi everyone oh all right Francis you know you should really consider getting

Under device if you want to like chat with us more um consider getting a computer um you should get like a Windows or something you know the Del Inspiron is a really good computer I’m only getting rid of it because I never really used it that much but

Um you would like it um that’s kind of like my recommendation for you um that’s your choice I’m going to charge my iPad TOS on 50% oh good you should actually just fully turn it off that’ll even that’ll charge quicker but yeah you can do whatever you want I was just trying

To Sugg yes I was yeah no problem um no problem welcome dude yeah what’s up man what’s going on good to see you again all right I’m GNA stop I’m stop all right um and then I’m going to go see where I want to build my like

House other house and this is going to be for the separate let’s play this is not going to be this let’s play no look at that Steve just gets red that’s so funny it’s a funny it’s funny because why not all right let’s go get

The mobs out of the mob farm and then we shall be good y all right let’s go clear out this hotel’s mob farm and the next uh mob farm that I have it’s only just going to be one but it’s going to be like wide so hopefully

The game doesn’t start crashing then I’m in my car right now oh nice what are you using your cell data or something I would imagine this is really the only way that you’re able to chat anyways so here you go all right 51 we should have more than enough all right

More um but yeah Francis um oh yeah you’re already G oh it’s all right I’m sure he’s watching okay this looks cool too bad that I got to get rid of this but that’s okay that’s all right you know what y’all next mob f is going to be even better and you know

What and that’s a guarantee the next mob farm is going to be awesome yeah a lot of spiders and skeletons yeah that’s what I’m going to focus on first um with the new let’s play all right just it’s coal and you know the next version thankfully the Torches are not

Going to um you they’re not they’re not going to just be um for some reason like they’ll default to the wall sometimes so the next version that that’s actually not a thing anymore um which is good so that I’m very happy about all right you all I I’m just going

To say my goodbyes now while I set up for the next let’s play so if everybody enjoyed this episode this stream this game this let’s play thank you all so much for coming this is this is probably my favorite Minecraft let’s play that I’ve had

Um and not by a lot but it was it was fun I mean really good um let’s play it was great we got a lot of support you know we have a lot of people watching so thanks to you all I’m glad you all were interested into it I mean I’m assuming

You were I mean none of you said otherwise um my dad never came home with the milk did is is that is that actually real or you just joking because a lot of people joke that about that I don’t know why but they do um are you are you being

Serious or you just being funny um it’s been 20 years since yeah you’re joking I figured you were joking all right well the furnaces and I and everybody else here see you in the next let’s play so again see you tomorrow for Yoshi’s W world for those you I’m just hoping it’s

Going to be busy for that game I mean you know if it’s not a big success I’ll just H I’m sure it’ll be decent you know you know I I don’t ever do Yoshi games on here so I kind of just want to just break the barrier with it um it’s

Actually real oh sure I totally believe you I’m joking yeah I knew you were Jing my sense of humor is just flat like my cousin that’s okay not in a it’s not bad flat it’s just well sometimes me and him are just like oh okay that was so fun um

Take care I’m really happy to see you Roy bye everyone take care see you tomorrow if I see you yeah take care Anthony all right good to see you all again all right I’m gonna go now Dom’s last words exactly exactly I’mma bye yeah see you later okay take

Care oh we got to make that a song too but yeah math wizard gamer take care okay we’ll see you on the next stream if I see you and if not you’re welcome to chat with me in the comments section below all right dude all right bye-bye

You all take care and may the animals be released from the water and sent out to the wilderness B for know

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE 0.6.1 IOS lets play episode 8 pt2 The Final. 🌍’, was uploaded by GamerRoy20 on 2024-01-08 02:54:35. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:31 or 10771 seconds.

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    Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21 Exploring the Top 5 Speedrunning Seeds in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Embark on an exciting journey through the top 5 best speedrunning seeds for Minecraft Bedrock 1.21. These seeds are designed to make your speedrunning experience a breeze, offering a range of features including blacksmiths, bastions, and more. Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with these exceptional speedrunning seeds! Seed 5: 5493909195400639913 Starting off our list is Seed 5, a promising seed that will set you on the right path for a successful speedrun. Explore the vast landscapes and uncover hidden treasures as you race against the… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More

  • “Demise – Unbelievable hack exposes player!” #shizo

    "Demise - Unbelievable hack exposes player!" #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘He just got hit through blocks.. #shorts’, was uploaded by Demise on 2024-02-18 08:09:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. trending #bedwars #minecraft #bridge #clean #trending #juke … Read More

  • SASUKE MONARCH Minecraft Live Hindi SMP – Join Now!

    SASUKE MONARCH Minecraft Live Hindi SMP - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-13 02:20:28. It has garnered 17 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:40 or 4240 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown in Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Titanic House Build!

    EPIC Showdown in Minecraft: NOOB vs PRO Titanic House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: TITANIC HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Milo and Chip on 2024-05-29 18:00:23. It has garnered 504285 views and 4350 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:22 or 3742 seconds. A Huge ICEBERG is coming and now Milo and Chip need to build Noob vs Pro Titanic Houses to survive! But what happens when the Iceberg hits? #minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip Read More

  • MAIZEN FACES REVENGE! JJ vs. DARK JJ – EPIC Minecraft Battle! 😱💥

    MAIZEN FACES REVENGE! JJ vs. DARK JJ - EPIC Minecraft Battle! 😱💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Maizen : Revenge of DARK JJ – Minecraft Parody Animation Mikey and JJ 😱💥#shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BLOX GAMERZ on 2024-01-11 08:01:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Maizen : Revenge of DARK JJ – Minecraft Parody Animation Mikey and JJ #shorts #minecraft minecraft animation, kamui … Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival Lobster Pots Custom Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Community Events NO Whitelist NO Resets 1.20+ Java+Bedrock

    Server IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! If you’re looking for a new SMP survival server with a friendly community and classic gameplay, check out Shaded! Shaded offers: NEW! Lobster Pots. Purchase from Aaron the Angler at /pond and sell your catch back to him Land claiming, grief prevention, custom gear, skills, economy, shops, and more Free ranks, kits, perks, quests, events, and challenges Join Shaded today for a cross-platform experience with Java and Bedrock players. Explore our regularly updated server with a dedicated staff team. IP Address: play.shaded.gg Visit our website, discord, and social media: Discord: Shaded Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Served Plain

    Why settle for Vanilla Minecraft when you can have Sprinkles Modded Minecraft? Read More

  • “Sigma boys setting the Nether on fire 🔥” #minecraft #minecraftmemes

    "Sigma boys setting the Nether on fire 🔥" #minecraft #minecraftmemes “Why do Sigma boys always carry a compass in Minecraft? Because they can never find their way out of the friendzone!” Read More

  • Unveiling the Chaos: Minecraft Randomness #1

    Unveiling the Chaos: Minecraft Randomness #1 Welcome to a New Minecraft Adventure! Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft in this new series! Get ready to explore, build, and survive in a land filled with endless possibilities. Unleash Your Creativity With Minecraft, the only limit is your imagination. Build towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or cozy cabins in the woods. The choice is yours! Survive and Thrive From battling hostile mobs to gathering resources, survival is key in Minecraft. Craft tools, weapons, and armor to protect yourself and conquer the challenges that come your way. Discover Hidden Treasures Explore vast caves,… Read More

  • Legendary Minecraft Rap Song!

    Legendary Minecraft Rap Song! Minecraft Efsanesi: An Epic Minecraft Rap Song! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! 🎮🎤 Introducing our new song “Minecraft Efsanesi”! In this fun rap track, we delve into the depths of the Minecraft world, sharing our adventures with you. Join us as we mine blocks, battle creatures, and construct our own world! Don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and like the video! Share your own Minecraft stories and favorite moments in the comments. Happy gaming to everyone! Kolağası Minecraft Channel Minecraft Efsanesi Song Lyrics: Verse 1: Kazma elimde, maden peşinde, Blokları kırarım, diamond’ı bulurum derinde. Gece çöker, creeper peşinde, Fener ışığında,… Read More

  • Drone Learns English in Minecraft?! Click for Free Lesson!

    Drone Learns English in Minecraft?! Click for Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-15 00:15:00. It has garnered 505 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:04 or 4 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com https://dronio24.com Looking for a good laugh? Check out these funny Minecraft short videos! We’ve compiled some… Read More

  • Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft Nightmare

    Surviving the Ultimate Minecraft NightmareVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed…’, was uploaded by AssaultXD on 2024-02-26 12:40:55. It has garnered 3998 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. I Survived The Scariest Minecraft Seed… In this video :- I will show you some Most Scary Seeds of Minecraft and checking If they are Real or Fake. So, Watch this video till end to know the Truth and If you loved this video then please Like this video and Subscribe to the Channel. Business Enquiries email me at : [email protected] Follow me on… Read More

  • “Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft – INSANE TIPS! 😂” #shorts #trending

    "Craft Galaxy Accessories in Minecraft - INSANE TIPS! 😂" #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make accessories in Minecraft? 😂#shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Galaxy space on 2024-03-18 12:23:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to make accessories in Minecraft? #trending #shots  I trolled a Minecraft villager with @DaquavisMC in the new 1.20 … Read More

  • ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trending

    ULTIMATE WATER BUCKET MLG STUNT #shorts #minecraft #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amplified Water Bucket MLG #shorts #minecraft #jump #stunt #foryou #trending #physics #mod’, was uploaded by MINERINO on 2024-01-14 13:00:14. It has garnered 5558 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #shorts #minecraftvideos #minecraftshorts #dream #waterbucketmlg #jump #amplified Music: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/4071-monkeys-spinning-monkeys Licensed under CC BY 4.0: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock World File TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Find Minecraft Bedrock World Files – Full Guide’, was uploaded by GuideRealm on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 3244 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Learn how to find minecraft bedrock world files in this video. For more videos like this then please leave a like. Host your own Minecraft server with tons of features such as 24-hour hosting, modded servers and instant setup with Apex Minecraft Hosting! https://apexhost.gg/GuideRealm GuideRealm is the home of technology-based how-to’s, guides & tips Equipment & tools I use (affiliate… Read More

  • INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon Bingo

    INSANE LUCK! Jerome LIVE Pixelmon BingoVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW WAS SHE THAT LUCKY! Pixelmon Bingo In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jerome LIVE on 2024-06-12 22:00:39. It has garnered 1692 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:24 or 4404 seconds. Someone Check Dropsy’s Computer For Hacks! Buy My Shirts: http://jeromeasf.store/ Follow Luminosity: https://twitter.com/Luminosity ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Join our discord here: https://discord.gg/JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS Roblox – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnZRyqhMZlydNijw_nUpvg Gaming – http://www.youtube.com/JeromeACE Real Life – http://www.youtube.com/Jerome ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JeromeASF Follow My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JeromeAceti Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JeromeASF Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends… Read More

  • INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!

    INSANE!! iGAUTAM Survives 200+ Days in Cataclysm Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘200 + days in cataclysm mod Minecraft 1.20.1’, was uploaded by iGAUTAM on 2024-03-16 21:25:36. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:25 or 2125 seconds. Playing minecraft with viewers live in hindi Played on PC with the highest settings in 1440p THANKS FOR WATCHING Discord Link- https://discord.gg/Y53dQj3 Cataclysm mod minecraft live minecraft live 2024 how to vote in minecraft live 2021 when is the next minecraft live minecraft live 2022 mob vote minecraft live 2023 minecraft live player count minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live action movie minecraft… Read More

  • Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! 🤯

    Battle of Villagers vs Pillagers | EPIC Showdown! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle ||’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-04-07 10:39:00. It has garnered 589 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:38 or 218 seconds. VILLAGER ARMY VS PILLAGER ARMY || Minecraft Mob Battle || #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • “Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!” #viral

    "Gaming Obsession: Epic Minecraft Meme!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by I Want Gaming on 2024-06-14 07:49:11. It has garnered 48219 views and 1905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler meme minecraft version 🔥 #minecraft #shorts #viral – #MinecraftShorts – #MinecraftVideos – #GamingContent – #MinecraftGaming – #GamerLife – #MinecraftAdventures – #BlockyFun – #MinecraftMoments – #GamingHighlights – #MinecraftShortFilm – #MinecraftAnimation – #GamingCommunity – #MinecraftCreations – #MinecraftBuilds – #MinecraftSurvival – #MinecraftPvP – #MinecraftExploration – #MinecraftBuilds for building and architecture… Read More

  • Applbees

    ApplbeesApplbees is a 1.20.1 Java Edition server. It is compatible with VoiceChat, you can get married, claim your land, make friends, and have fun! We always have an event going on, so feel free to join our discord to stay posted on updates! Read More

  • Iperios SMP McMMO Custom Enchant Nation WarsGeopolitics Lore Dynmap Whitelist

    Iperios Introduction: In Iperios, create your own nation, refine your McMMO skills, fight in wars, gain Geopolitical power, conquer new territories, and earn wealth with Custom Enchants. Create your own nation with unique government, laws, and ranks, or join an existing one. Geopolitics: Conquer resources camps in-game for income towards your nation’s expansion. Find the full list on our discord channels with active support. Plugins: Dynmap McMMO Essentials GriefPrevention SilkSpawner CrazyEnchants How to join: Join our discord and request whitelist access. Find IP and starter info in #info-new-players. Receive beginner kit and start your adventure! Contacts: – Discord: Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Is that a Mallet or a Minecraft pickaxe”

    Well, if it looks like a mallet to you, maybe it’s time to hammer out your opinions on Minecraft memes! Read More

  • Survival Tower: Minecraft Base Build Bonanza!

    Survival Tower: Minecraft Base Build Bonanza! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, IrieGenie’s here to show us how to survive. With a tower base, medieval and grand, Every detail crafted with a steady hand. From the exterior to the interior design, Each room unique, a true goldmine. A bedroom, a smelting room, and storage galore, An enchantment room, and a farm to explore. With Faithful resource pack, the visuals pop, Better Leaves Addon, making trees never stop. BSL shaders bring light to the scene, Creating a world that’s vibrant and clean. The music sets the mood, each track a delight, As we watch… Read More

  • Villager Drama: The Minecraft Chronicles #meme

    Villager Drama: The Minecraft Chronicles #meme “Villagers in Minecraft have been through more drama than most soap opera characters. From trading with players to getting attacked by zombies, their storylines are truly riveting. Move over, Days of Our Lives, we’ve got the História dos Villagers!” Read More

  • Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap

    Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where endless possibilities await with the awakening of the MOD System. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds as you freely add and modify mods to enhance your gameplay experience. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the MOD System at your fingertips, unleash your creativity by adding a plethora of mods to your Minecraft world. From new items and tools to exciting gameplay mechanics, mods allow you to tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences. Exploring New Dimensions One of… Read More

  • Insane Luck! Get Chelly’s Lucky Minecraft Seed Now

    Insane Luck! Get Chelly's Lucky Minecraft Seed NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Java Edition | pls give lucky world seed’, was uploaded by Chelly on 2024-05-07 21:42:51. It has garnered 128 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:39 or 12579 seconds. I’m back 😀 – Time for some chill Minecraft, maybe I’ll get a lucky world seed 😮 Twitch ⯈ https://www.twitch.tv/chellyzgamer Discord ⯈ https://discord.gg/NSUDEgftpX Join the Channel ⯈ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiVumZkG_n7Md_C4Dbfx0Nw/join Read More

  • Sly Creator’s 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft Short

    Sly Creator's 15M Views in 21 Hours: Minecraft ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending’, was uploaded by surendra bhai 15 crore views. 21 hours ago on 2024-06-15 08:00:12. It has garnered 0 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. minecraft short video #minecraft #shorts #gaming #gameplay #youtubeshorts #viral #funny #trending #youtubegaming #youtube #gaming #youtuber #youtubechannel #gamer #youtubers #ps #twitch #youtubegamer #gamingcommunity #youtubevideo #youtubevideos #sub #playstation #pcgaming #videogames #youtubecommunity #youtubegamingchannel #games #youtubelife #twitchstreamer #xbox #youtubegamers #subscribe #gameplay #game #instagaming #gamers #gamingchannel #streamer #smallyoutuber #youtubecreator #gaminglife #gamingmemes #youtubemusic #youtubesubscribers #twitchgaming #gamingclips #youtubekids #callofduty #k… Read More

  • Unleash the 🔥 Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddon

    Unleash the 🔥 Falcon Gamer in Minecraft! #gamerfleet #macaddonVideo Information This video, titled ‘MInecraft live stream falco gamer #minecraft #shorts #macaddon #gamerfleet #technogamerz #dream’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-21 20:33:59. It has garnered 1934 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:32 or 5312 seconds. #yessmartypie #anshubisht #dream #dreamboy #ezio18rip #himlands #herobrinesmp #herobrine #lapatasmp #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftnepal #minecraftindia #mrjunior #mrfalanag #minecraftshorts #minecraftchallenge #steelwing #lucon #adispot Minecraft challenge Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our… Read More

  • INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!

    INSANE! DEADLOKED33 plays Tf2, Subnautica & Minecraft Modded LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tf2, subnautica and perhaps minecraft modded stream’, was uploaded by DEADloCKED33 on 2024-02-20 01:03:11. It has garnered 36 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:27 or 8787 seconds. Yo make sure to subscribe and stick around for epic content with epic people! Every day I play and only play when I’m live So hope you all do great and have a crazy time watching my videos Additions because people asked: DONO(Know if you want to do this, nobody is forcing you to, so just know that): https://streamlabs.com/deadlocked33 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/r2bP5TxtAc Read More