EPIC Friends Statue Showdown in Minecraft!!!

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Today we have to build each other in Minecraft oh that’s easy let me just uh there we go now I can start working on a little statue of Dash just like that what that is not what I meant we have to build big statues of each other and then

Build houses in them for each other to live in oh okay but who’s building who we can use the suspensor to tell us who we’re building so here I’m going to go first and I got Kim oh Dash you better build a good statue of me oh oh yeah

Don’t worry I’ll build a great statue of you well I want to go next and O I got Dash and that means I got Ruby O Okay well anyways I know exactly what I’m going to build for you K all right well I’m getting started work on the Ruby

Statue o I have some ideas for dash o okay okay and Ruby you better build a really goodl looking statue of me oh yeah I’m getting so many shades of purple let’s go let’s go all right but anyways Kim I’m starting on your build right now and hold on a minute what do

You look like where are you at oh there you are okay hold on a minute I need to see what you look like again and okay your pants are black and your shoes are white and your hoodie is white all right that’s pretty easy I got it yeah I’m

Pretty cool I know I think I’ve already forgotten what you guys look like and oh yeah wait Ruby you kind of got a hard one honestly I don’t even remember all the colors that my face is not just that but your legs how many colors are in

Your legs oh yeah that’s going to be a tough one it’s mostly just like blue purple turquise those sort of colors um is there a pattern to it uh not really it’s kind of random oh dear all right but anyways Kim I’m building your legs right now this is actually looking

Pretty good I’m going to make this a pretty big statue so I can have lots of room on the inside for the house and I’m working on Ruby statue right now it’s looking pretty nice all right well anyways I think this should be about good for the base of your leges cam now

The next thing I need to do is actually like make this go up since it’s the leg so here let me just grab a magic wand really quick and let me select this position and also this position right over here and now if I look up I can run

The command SL SL stack uh 20 and boom there we go instant legs okay I think your legs look like this oh gosh it’s going to take a while and O yes Ruby I’m not going to lie you kind of got like the hardest build of us all yeah well

I’m going to do a really good job all right all right but anyways now I just got to go ahead and build in cam shoes so I just got to put down a bunch of white concrete over here and wait a minute I got a really funny idea once I

Get up to Cam’s head what if I build a new face on it that could actually be really funny it’s got to be revenge for cam killing me earlier so here let’s just go ahead and finish up the shoes first I got to put a bunch of this white

Concrete around here and in fact I can do this with commands as well let me just select this position here and also go over here in the other corner and select this position and now let’s just do SL SL wall concrete and boom there we go instant up choose oh gosh are you

Already that far yep I’m already pretty much done with the lower body now I need to start working on like the chest and then the arms and the face yeah it should be pretty easy here I think what I need to do is stack up the legs a

Little bit further so let me just select all of this and then look up and let’s just run SL SL stack 20 one more time and boom there we go and ooh okay okay I think that’s looking a lot better all right but anyways now it’s time to build

Your body cam I’m just going to build a bunch of yellow Das you better be building a good statue of me oh oh yeah yeah it’s actually looking really good so far uh but just wait till I get to the face wait what are you going to do

The face uh uh don’t worry about it I’ve got a pretty creative idea uh okay but you better not pull anything funny on me oh yeah don’t even worry about it it’s going to be a great looking statue but here the next thing I need to do is

Stack up the body real quick so let me just select these positions and then look up and let’s just run SL slash stack uh 30 this time and ooh all right that’s looking pretty good and oh man I’m not going to lie the statue is kind

Of big it’s kind of going over the walls oh I can’t can’t see it from here okay okay good as long as you can’t see it that’s good but anyways let me just uh build the arms over here that’s the next thing I need to build and uh hold on a

Minute uh I don’t think I’m going to have that much space for the arms Kim your arms might look a little bit wonky what are you doing on my arms don’t worry about it it’s just like they’re a little bit smaller than uh they could be

What does that mean Dash uh don’t worry about it it’s going to look great but here let me go ahead and stack up the arms really quick I’m just going to select these positions and look down and let’s do slash slash stack at 15 for the

Arms there we go all right that is looking pretty good and oh wait a minute hold on part of Cam’s arms are also white I kind of forgot that you you have like that white hoodie thing on the inside of your yellow hoodie actually it’s a it’s a white long sleeve shirt

Underneath my uh hooded shirt yeah yeah that’s what I’m talking about I’m building the white uh part of your shirt right now I just got to put down a bunch of white concrete over here and in fact let’s just do this with commands again let’s select these positions and then

Let’s do SL slash stack uh 10 for this part yeah there we go and all right now I just got to build your hands so this should be pretty easy I can just use a bunch of this white terracotta okay I think I just finally finished the legs

And uh they’re not even and oh gosh wait how are they not even it’s not that hard to make them even what do you mean your legs are so difficult yeah Dash your legs are very difficult you have multicolored and they look so weird yeah

But it’s not hard to make it even you know just put the same amount of blocks on both sides that’s way easier said than done though all right all right but anyways Kim I think your arm is done and hold on a minute this actually doesn’t

Even look that bad I thought it was going to look kind of small but this actually looks pretty good but hold on a minute I I think the next thing I need to do now is add another arm on this side so what I can do is just use my

Oneand to select this position and then let me go all the way up over here in the other corner and select this position and all right now if I go down over here let me just run the command SL slash copy boom there we go and all

Right now let me just go on to the other side and here check this out if I run the command SL SL flip and then SL SL paste boom there we go we can just instantly copy and paste the arm to the other side and all right Kim I’m not

Going to lie this build of you is actually coming together pretty good kind of looks exactly like you it better be it is it is okay it’s looking great but here the next thing I need to do is set all of this inside into some yellow

Concrete so let me just select all of this and let’s just do slash slash set yellow concrete boom there we go and all right now it’s time to build the face so here the first thing we got to do is build the head and you know we can build

A pretty normal looking head but then once we get to the face it’s time to draw in a noob face it’s going to be crazy but here let’s go ahead and just build the head out of some of this white terracotta this should be pretty good we

Got have it sticking out a little bit like this I’m pretty sure this is what normal the heads look like yeah they’re kind of like sticking out okay I’m making Dash’s hoodie now uh it’s magenta right and oh wait my hoodie uh I’d say it’s more purple no I’m going to build

It out of magenta oh all right well I mean magenta’s similar to purple so it should look fine but here I just got to go ahead and keep building up this head over here let me just use commands I’m going to set all of this into a little

Bit of white terracotta all right boom that’s looking pretty good and all right now it’s time to build the head going up a little bit so let’s just build up over here like that and let’s select this position there and then also select this position down over here and now we can

Just do slash SL walls white terracotta and boom there we go this is looking pretty good all right hold on a minute let me see how does this look from the outside and oh wait Kim your head is kind of looking uh rectangular I’m not

Going to lie but uh wait hold on a minute I think I know how I can fix this my head’s looking white hey don’t worry don’t worry I’m fixing it here I just need to stack it up a little bit I think I need to make it a little bit longer

Let me do like slash slash stack uh 20 and oh uh that might be a little bit too long hold on what are you doing to my head don’t worry about it don’t worry about it hold on let me just undo that really quick let’s try doing slash slash

Stack uh 10 only and hey there we go okay that looks a lot better I think we can go even further than that too let’s try slash slack 15 and ooh okay okay actually never mind that is a little bit too long let’s undo that let’s just

Stick to this for now I think this should be good uh cam I think you should be a little scared what what do you mean I’m more than scared okay there is nothing to be scared about okay don’t worry your statue is in perfectly good hands but anyways the head is pretty

Much done the next thing we need to do is add in the hair so let’s see what type of blocks could we use for that and oh wait hold on what about some gray terra cotta this looks like it could work pretty good what you’re making my

Hair gray I’m not that old and well no no no it’s not actually gray it’s called gray terra cotta but it kind of just looks Brown I don’t trust you what what is there not to trust just go search up gray terra cotta you’ll see it’s literally just brownie all right well

Let me just go ahead and search it up gray terracotta and oh okay yeah it’s just Brown yep exactly so here let me go ahead and just build the hair with that right now hold on are there any other types of uh the brown or gray blocks

That I could use for the hair and ooh what about some brown terracotta we can use some of that uh H we can also use some brown concrete we can have a little bit of variety in the hair right and H no I don’t think your arms are like this

Wait are you having problems with the arms hold on a minute let me see if I can help you uh I mean my arms are pretty simple it’s kind of just like purple and then like blue green and more purple ooh okay so purple and super buff

Right oh oh yeah yeah yeah also that I forgot to mention I’m like super super buff I have like uh very big muscles yeah how’d you forget that that’s super important yeah yeah yeah exactly thanks for reminding me but yeah that’s that’s definitely going to be important to

Build okay I’m going to do my best let’s go let’s go all right well anyways the hair is actually looking pretty good on the front I’m not going to lie this actually is turning out a lot better than I expected here I’m just going to put down a few more different types of

Blocks just to add in a little bit of variety all right this is looking pretty good and okay I think that should be about it for the hair that actually looks really nice now what we can do is just go ahead and select the entire hair

So let me just uh select these positions like that and then stand right over here and run the command SL SL copy and then we can go over to the other sides of the build run the command SL SL flip and then paste it in boom there we go and oh

Wait hold on I don’t think that pasted in properly hold on let me go ahead and slash slash undo that really quick and hold on let’s try that one more time let me just stand right over here and run the command SL SL flip and all right

Let’s try pasting it in one more time and oh wait a minute hold on that also didn’t really work but wait it pasted it on the back I guess we can go with that let me just go ahead and break off this excess part over here and let me just

Build a little bit more stuff over here on this side and all right there we go now we’ve got the hair on the front and the back but we still don’t have it on the side so here let me just try copying and pasting it one more time let me just

Select all of this with my wand all right and now let me just stand right over here and run the command SL SL copy and then let’s go on the other side here and all right now let me go ahead and run the command SL SL flip and also SL

SL paste and okay hopefully this works now and yes okay there we go we got the hair pasted in on the other side now we just got to pasted in on one last side right over here so let me just paste it in and boom there we go that is looking

Pretty good and all right for having the same hair on every side of the build this actually looks pretty nice wait Dash you copy and pasted the hair on all sides it better be really good and oh oh yeah yeah don’t worry it is actually great but anyways now that we got the

Hair done it is time to make the noob face so here I’m pretty sure all we need to do for the noob face is just add in the eyes over here we got to add them like way off to the side of the face so that it looks super funny so okay that

Is looking pretty good hold on I think we have to move this eye a little bit higher let’s build it like two blocks higher up over here all right there we go that’s looking pretty nice why are you laughing so much uh oh nothing it’s just cuz uh your build is looking uh

Really good yeah that’s usually not why people start laughing well what do you mean yeah it is you know whenever I see a really good build I start laughing at it and O Okay this is looking really good now we got to build the mouth okay

And uh oh gosh Dash I can’t understand your face at all it’s pretty simple my face is kind of just like you know a a normal goodlooking face uh with a bunch of paint stuff splattered all over it oh so okay paint what oh yeah so it’s a

Long story I was like playing a game of paintball and you know I forgot to bring my helmet paintball that makes me think of something okay okay but here I’m almost done with the mouth and okay this is actually looking so good here let me

Go ahead and grab a little bit of this pink terracotta and we’ll just make this side of the mouth over here out of some pink terracotta like this there we go this is actually looking awesome wait what part of Cam has pink on it oh uh his mouth but anyways this is actually

Looking so good Kim your face is actually looking amazing I have pink in my mouth no I don’t yeah you do everyone’s got like pink in their mouth like on their lips and stuff no I don’t uh well you know I’m making like a super realistic build of you so the build has

It yeah oh okay then oh Dash I didn’t know you were an artist oh oh yeah yeah guys I’m a very professional artist but anyways the next thing we need need to do is add some drool so let’s just go ahead and put down a water bucket right

Over there like that and okay that is looking pretty good all right but anyways now that the cam statue is pretty much done the next thing I need to do is start decking out the inside with a house and hold on just one second I already know exactly where I’m going

To build the entrance why don’t we build the entrance going up this water stream so if you want to get inside of Cam’s mouth you have to climb up all this drool and ooh wait a minute hold on I know exactly how we can build this

Entrance let me go ahead and grab some of these ghost really quick and let’s just place them down right over here like that and pretty much what these ghost blocks are they look very similar to normal pink terracotta but you can actually go right through them so this

Is going to be perfect for our entrance let’s just go ahead and place back the water over there like that and all right now let’s go inside of the house let’s go all right well anyways the first thing that we got to build now that

We’re on the inside of the house is uh let’s build a little staircase over here let’s make the inside actually look pretty good we can just have like a little staircase going down like that all right but anyways let’s see what do we need inside of a house oh what about

A grill in the bedroom wait wait what you want a grill in your bedroom yeah of course that sounds awesome uh okay I guess I can build a grill in your bedroom hold on let me go ahead and grab one really quick and wait wait you

Really want a grill in your bedroom do you not realize that there’s going to be like smoke everywhere yeah it’s good smoke it smells amazing what I I don’t think that’s very healthy but uh okay I guess I can do that for you but here if

You want a grill in your bedroom the first thing I got to do is build a a bedroom cuz I haven’t really built one of those yet so here I guess I’ll just build the bed right over here we can make it a pretty fancy looking bed we

Can have like uh some slabs around it like that with some fences on top there we go o yeah okay this is looking pretty fancy but anyways I guess the next thing we can have is um some grills we can put down a few grills right over here wait a

Minute can you actually light these things up let me grab a flint and steel really quick and all right let’s try this out and uh wait it’s not working yeah you got to put coal in there oh oh wait you have to put coal inside of it

Okay let me grab some coal blocks and uh how do I open it up how do you put coal inside of it do you just like put it in yeah you just put it in you don’t got to like put it inside of anything uh I don’t think it’s working are you sure

You’re using it right uh I’m pretty sure I’m trying to put the coal inside but nothing’s happening and when I drop the coal nothing happens either you know what hold on I’m just going to build my own Grill I don’t need these grills wait you’re building your own Grill how is

That supposed to work oh oh don’t worry don’t worry there is going to be a great Grill it’s going to be way better than whatever that was here I’m going to build a ginormous grill right over here in fact actually hold on instead of building it over here let’s build it

Right next to Cam’s bed yeah there we go this should be good we can build the grill out of some netherite blocks because netherite is super strong and you know we’re going to need some strong blocks to keep the flame contained so there we go this is looking pretty good

Let’s go ahead and add a roof out of some more netherite blocks up here there we go that is looking pretty nice and all right the base of the grill is pretty much done now the next thing we need to do is make a little opening

Where Cam can put all of his food in so here I guess we’re going to have a little opening right over here like that and then wait a minute how are we actually going to build this Grill I’ve never really built a grill before o wait

A minute I have an idea hold on how about we go ahead and make a little wall right over here like that and then on this this side of the wall let me grab a few Hoppers and also some barrels and all right check this out let’s have h

Two Hoppers going inside of the grill just like that and then in front of them we can have some barrels so there we go and now let me just grab a sign and okay on this Barrel we’ll put a sign saying uh put food here and then on the other

Barrel we’ll put down a sign saying uh get food here this will be where the cooked food comes out of and all right check it out now in the back over here what we could do we could literally just put down One smoker over there like that

And here now we need to have our Hoppers going in and out of the smoker as well so there we go just like that and oh wait wait hold on we also got to make sure to fill up the smoker with a bunch of coal and all right now our giant

Grill over here should be functional we can grab any sort of raw food that we want and all we got to do is just e that inside of this Barrel over here and then we should get the cooked food over here in a few seconds and hey there we go

Check it out we already got two cooked steak let’s go cam I just finished your grill this thing is actually looking awesome o okay does it have any smoke and uh any smoke uh no not right now do you really want to have smoke in your

Bedroom yeah of course I want the smell of what I’m eating all right all right and hold on a minute I think I know exactly how I can do that let me just grab some campfires and let me just put down all of these campfires right over

Here like this there we go these will like give him a lot of smoke any let’s also go ahead and put some netherite blocks on top over here just to cover them up and all right boom there we go cam now your grill has smoke this thing

Is actually looking awesome okay okay I finally finished the outside of my statue and wait wait Ruby you actually finished the dash statue wow okay that’s impressive well just the outside um uh you’re already working on the inside though right I have to catch up and yep

I’m already working on the inside and anyways let’s see what should I build next inside of the cam statue and wait a minute I have a really funny idea what if I make it so that the head can take off take off what do you mean by take

Off uh well what if I go and just turn the head of this uh build into an Airship that way I could fly it around and it could be super funny wait does that mean I have to see Cam’s head flying everywhere yeah it’s going to be

Awesome uh I think I’d like it if my head stayed on my shoulders please yeah that sounds a little disturbing no no no guys trust me this is going to be a good idea pretty much all we got to do to convert this head into a flying Airship

Is just add one of these Captain’s chairs over here and then we also have to put down one of these physics infusers over here pretty much what this thing is is the control box for the ship this will let us like turn it into an Airship and all that so all right this

Is looking pretty good but hm how are we going to look outside it’s going to be kind of hard to drive the airship if you can’t really have a view of what’s going on outside so let’s see what could we do about that o wait what about some

Security cameras if we just have a big window over here in the front of the build that’s kind of going to mess up the face so instead why don’t we have some cameras over here on the corners these cameras will be like barely noticeable we can have one right over

There and let me link that up to my monitor and we can also have another one right over here we can have like a full view of what’s going on all right in here now let me go inside of the build and all right let’s see can we look

Through these cameras let me try it out and let’s go we can see see exactly what’s going on okay this is perfect all right well anyways now the only thing we have to do is actually take this thing for a spin so let me go ahead and turn

On the ship really quick and okay okay we should be moving let me hop in the captain seat really quick and let me pull up my camera monitors and oh wait hold on what’s going on there my camera monitor break oh no okay I don’t think

The cameras work hold on let’s just go ahead and like uh break a little hole over here like that and wait are we actually moving and W let’s go I’m pretty sure we’re flying let me take a look at this and oh my gosh this is

Awesome ktim I turned your head into an air shed how uh it’s pretty simple but hold on I’m about to take this thing for a spin let’s go this is actually awesome and oh wait a minute hold on it looks like the water on the face didn’t really

Uh fly over with us that’s kind of a problem and oh gosh now there’s smoke coming out of your face wait what okay hold on hold on wa I need to go park this maybe your head is better used as a head and not as an Airship uh yeah just

Maybe all right but anyways now I got to park the head down so here this is going to be kind of tough I have to park it in the exact spot where we left off so uh over here kind of uh I think that should

Be about good let me just go ahead and disassemble the ship there we go and okay let’s see how did I do for parking did I managed to park in the right spot and oh wait look I was only like two blocks off for the parking that’s

Actually not bad let’s go ahead and use some commands to move the head back into its normal spot cuz right now it is kind of disconnected from the body let me just go in each corner of this head and just select a position on it with my one

And all right now all we got to do to move it back into place is uh let’s see let me just look this way and let’s run the command slash slash move two there we go and O Okay that looks like it moved back into place hold on now we got

To move the water let’s put down the water back right over there like that and hold on we also kind of got to move it down one block let me select the entire head again and all right now let’s just do slash slash move while looking down and okay there we go that

Is looking Perfect all right but anyways I think that should be about enough for the Airship part of the head uh I don’t think we should really do any more of that for now the final thing we got to do is just add a little ladder over here

To get up to the Airship area but anyways now let’s see what else do we need to build inside of a house and wait cam what what else do you like uh let’s see I like uh I like grills and I like fishing and puffer fish and oh wait you

Like fishing and puffer fish right right right I forgot about that okay well I have an idea why don’t I make your left arm a puffer fish aquarium what yeah yeah I’ll just fill it up with a bunch of water and spawn it a bunch of puffer

Fish um that sounds cool but in his arms I mean where else am I going to do it I can’t do it in the head I already built a grill in here good point it sounds good to me all right well pufferfish aquarium it is here let me just go ahead

And build a little staircase going down from the head we can just have a few stairs going down like this there we go and all right now let’s go ahead and dig a little door into the left arm so there we go that is looking pretty good and

All right I guess the next thing we got to do is just uh fill this entire place up with some water let me select this position right over here and also this position down here and uh let’s just run the command SL SL set water there we go

And ooh all right that is looking pretty good and oh do wait hold on the water is kind of leaking in a little bit but hold on we can fix that pretty easily let’s just grab some signs and we can put those down right over there like that to

Block the water from coming in perfect all right but anyways now the next thing I got to do is spawn in some puffer fish so here let me grab some puffer fish spawn eggs and all right Kim there’s going to be a lot of puffer fish in here

All right oh yeah that sounds awesome to me Yep this place is actually going to be crazy and anyways I think that should be about enough puffer fish there’s so many down here damn I don’t understand why you like puffer fish so much and hey this one’s getting out get back in there

Because they’re awesome and they go okay that’s kind of weird I’m not going to lie but hold on a minute the puff fish can kind of just Escape right now I don’t think having these signs over here as doors is good enough how about instead we use one of these hanger doors

And oh my gosh this P just Escape get back in there instead of these signs over here as our doors we can just pull out one of these hanger doors over here and just put that down like that and check it out okay that is a lot better

Hold on if I open it is the water going to leak in and oh wait the water’s not leaking in okay that’s perfect and hey yo pu fish get back in there don’t try to escape anymore all right but anyways let’s see we we’ve got the aquarium what

Else should I build inside of the cam statue and wait a minute hold on I got to build a washroom how can I forget that that is like the most important part of a house if there’s no washroom then where else are you going to pee uh

In the aquarium what no dude that is gross you’re not supposed to like pee in pools and stuff like that who says that what do you mean who says that that’s gross uh no uh yeah dude they’re literally meant for swimming what are you you’re not supposed to swim in your

Own pee yeah you don’t swim in it you pee and then you get out and you let someone clean it what no dude okay that is actually this I’m just going to build a toilet for you okay you need to quit doing that you’re just missing out bro

What okay okay well here I’m just going to build the toilet over here on your right arm because there’s a lot of empty space here I’m just going to have a big hallway going from your left arm all the way over here into the right arm there

We go and all right here I guess the first thing we can do is make a little floor so let me just select these positions and let’s just do SL slash set yellow concrete boom there we go and all right now it’s time to build the

Washroom and here I guess we can build the washroom out of some quartz blocks and we can build it right over here yeah this should be a pretty good spot let’s just build a nice little room right over here for the washroom there we go that

Is looking pretty good and all right now we got to grab a door so let’s see I guess we can just use one of these Spruce doors for the washroom this should look pretty good let’s put that down right over there nice and all right

Now I got to grab a toilet it’s toilet time I’ll grab a toilet also I’ll grab a sink and also a countertop and all right this should be everything for our Twilight let’s go ahead and put down the countertop and sink and everything right over there that’s looking pretty good

And then I guess we going to have to toilet over here on this side and ooh wait a minute let me also go ahead and grab a lever and a dispenser wait why do you need a dispenser in a washroom well uh Ruby where else is the poop going to

Go I’m going to need a place to dispense it out you what guys what do you mean I can’t just leave the poop in the Twilight that’s not going to be good so here what I can do is just have a dispenser on the outside right over

There and now whenever I flick the lever to flush the toilet uh it it’ll send everything in the toilet out that is that it works pretty good um if you say so that still sounds really gross that sounds horrible says you Kim you were literally talking about peeing in pools

Earlier okay this is infinitely better than that yeah but you’re putting poop on people that walk by in the streets what cam I don’t see any streets around here but hold on a minute uh this is kind of going to be weird you’re kind of going to be pooping out of your right

Arm up so uh yeah that’s even worse somehow what okay dude this actually perfectly fine we’ve got the washroom we’ve got the flush and we’ve got the sink everything should be good here and wait a minute hold on one last thing we need inside of a washroom we need a

Shower I completely forgot about that let’s go ahead and put a shower down right over there and we can also have a shower head over there and all right check it out now we can like uh clean ourselves up all right that’s pretty cool all right but anyways this washroom

Is looking pretty awesome but anyways now let’s see what else do I need to build inside of this cam statue and wait a minute hold on I have a really cool idea cam how would you like to turn into a robot okay um you’ve got my attention

All right all right well I was thinking what if I just build a bunch of of cool crazy weapons on the cam statue and then it’ll become like a tactical cam statue wait that actually sounds awesome what are you going to do give him laser eyes wait a minute I wasn’t even thinking

About that but that is actually a great idea Ruby thanks for the idea here I’m going to put down some dispensers right here on the eyes like that and all right how can I uh make these eyes like shoot cool stuff are there any cool laser

Fireballs I can use in whoa okay hold on a minute there’s a lot of cool Fireballs we could use wow what in the world is this it’s called a spectral bolt charge okay let me grab some of those and also a lever really quick let me just ye

Those inside of the dispenser is this going to look like it’s firing lasers out of the eye and waa okay that actually looks really cool okay okay we should definitely use that let me go ahead and put a bunch more of those inside of this dispenser and also some

More over here in this dispenser and okay this is actually looking crazy and okay now the next thing we need to do is go inside of the build and what I was thinking is we can to hook up the dispensers together with some Redstone and we could just make them go rapid

Fire so that it shoots like super quickly that could be awesome the first thing we got to do of course is connect them with redstone so let me just uh connect both of these dispensers up with a little bit of redstone we can just have like a big bridge connecting both

Of them with some redstone on top of it just like that looking good and then what we got to do is build out a little bit over here behind the Redstone line and let me grab a few uh repeaters we’re going to need some repeaters and also

One sticky piston in here now what we can do is build an infinitely repeating Redstone signal let me just put down two repeaters over here like this and now if I connect these together with Redstone and activate it check it out we have an infinitely repeating Redstone signal

That is actually awesome and now what we can do with this is connect it to the dispensers over here like that and okay now the dispenser should be going rapid fire let me check this out and yep that is actually looking awesome wow this is actually the most OP Noob statue I’ve

Ever seen but wait wait wait hold on we don’t want the dispensers to be always going off we need to add a way to turn it on and off so what I was thinking is let me just put down a sticky piston right over here like that with some

White terracotta in front of it and then let we put down two repeaters right over here like that and then finally we can put down a lever right over here and check it out the only way that the Redstone is going to power the dispens

Now is if we turn on the lever let’s go now we’ve actually got a wait for turning it on and off this is actually perfect all right but anyways now that we’ve got the dispensers on the eyes let’s see what other types of cool defenses could we build on the cam

Statue and wait a minute what if we build some TNT cannons on top of the arms that could actually be really cool wait TNT cannons uh are you sure you should have them that close to my body oh oh yeah don’t worry these TNT cannons are going to be perfectly fine they’re

Not going to blow up the statue one bit but here to build these TNT cannons instead of a normal TNT cannon how about we build a slime block TNT cannon here to build a slime block TNT cannon I’m pretty sure we just need to have two

Pistons over here like this and then let me grab a lever and some Redstone and all right now let’s just go ahead and connect both of these Pistons up together so there we go something like that I think this should work and all right now let me try putting down a

Button over here and now if I hit this Buton button it should activate both of the Pistons and yep okay that works pretty good here I guess now the only thing left to do is test this out with some normal TNT so here we can just have

The TNT over there like that and then let’s go ahead and build a little Redstone line going into the TNT just like that and I built this one out of obsidian so that the slime block doesn’t move the obsidian and okay I think this should work let’s go ahead and test it

Out but wait wait before we test it out let me grab a water bucket just in case it doesn’t work I’ll be able to stop the TNT so here let’s press the button and all right hold on a minute oh the wait oh it’s not working hold on we need

Water we need water and it still blew up the side of your head yeah C Dash I told you what dude okay okay well hold on that was only attempt one I’m going to make this work hold on I need to fill in all of these blocks that I broke there

We go and let me just go and clear this water really quick oh no okay you got to be kidding me that thing literally destroyed the entire TNT cannon I don’t even know what went wrong okay hold on a minute I kind of have an idea how about

Instead of having two Pistons we only have one we can have one piston in the back over here like that of course with a slime block on top of it and then we can have the TNT right over here and okay this looks a little bit sketchy I’m

Not going to lie but I think this should work let me grab another button real quick and all right let’s put that button down right over here and all right let’s try this out in uh 3 2 1 let’s go wao check it out that actually worked perfectly wao okay that is

Actually awesome check it out it even did like a little explosion down here on the floor okay okay let’s go that is actually crazy but wait a minute can we replace the TNT with a dispenser so that we don’t have to replace the TNT manually each time let’s try putting

Down a dispenser right over here and then inside of it we can fill it up with a bunch of TNT and okay is this going to work let me press this button over here and check it out that actually worked perfectly and wait a minute the best

Part about this design is that we can literally spam it as many times as we want let’s go oh wait the TNT cannons actually working did you blow up Cam’s head yet yep guys check it out look in front of the dispenser I’m blowing up a

Bunch of holes wait hold on let me take a look and wa I see it well me too Yep this thing is actually awesome I can spam So Much TNT but wait wait wait hold on on just one second instead of only using normal TNT would it be possible to

Use some of these crazy TNTs okay hold on just a second we got to try this out let me grab one of these fiery TNTs real quick and let’s just try replacing all of our normal TNT in the dispenser with some of these fiery TNTs and all right

Here we go let’s see is this one going to work let me try flicking the lever in three 2 1 let’s go and oh wait a minute hold on it kind of just shoots the TNT out as an item what what is the point of

That why is the TNT shooting out as an item okay hold on a minute instead of having a dispenser over here what about we just have the Redstone directly go to the TNT this way we’re not going to be able to have it like automatically reload with the dispenser and all that

But let’s see is this going to work and check it out that actually works but wait what’s this TNT actually going to do wait hold on did it even do anything hold I I don’t think that TNT even did anything what okay that TNT was kind of

Garbage I’m not going to lie hold on are there any other types of TNT that we could use hold on what about this mining TNT over here guys I’m about to activate a very strange looking TNT so if any of our builds blow up then uh I I know be

Careful what don’t don’t blow this up this might mess with our build I’m hoping that it doesn’t but I just flicked the lever so there’s no going back now let’s see what’s this mining CNT going to do it wa what in the world oh no is anything broken uh uh I think

Our statues are all right but oh my gosh that TNT was actually crazy it just dug straight to bedrock oh no be careful with that okay yeah I got to be really careful with this I would not want this accidentally going off in my statue okay

You know what how about instead of using these crazy TNTs we just stick to our you know a trusty dispenser filled with normal TNT I think that’s a lot better that way we don’t have to manually reload it each time and also I I think it’s a little bit safer yeah I agree

Yeah I think I’m just going to be sticking to this for now but anyways now that we got this build done let’s go ahead and copy it let me just select this position over here and also this position down here and let me just go ahead and run the command sl/ copy and

Now let me go over to the other arm and of course let’s go ahead and paste in another one of these TNT cannons right over there like that that is looking pretty awesome and here’s what I was thinking what if we connect both of the TNT cannons together so that we can

Activate them at once that can actually be really crazy here what we got to do to make that happen is dig into the head over here like this and all right all right here we have to bring a little Redstone line going into the head just

Like that cam there’s going to be a little hole in the side of your head but it’s for good reasons well how is there a good reason to put a hole in the side of my head uh trust me okay it’s a very good reason just think of it as your ear

Okay uh okay I’ll try but that doesn’t sound normal at all what what do you mean it’s very normal everyone’s got ear yours are just uh really low to the ground uh okay that does not sound normal at all I’ve never heard about anything like that before okay okay well

It’s fine okay you can barely even see it but here the next thing we got to do now is build another one of those infinitely repeating Redstone signal things except this time I think we should put down two repeaters so that it goes a little bit slower we don’t want

This one going too fast or else it might break the machine and just spawn in too much TNT and yeah it would just be a big mess so here let’s just go ahead and have another one of these going there we go that is looking pretty good all right

Now we got to build another one of these thingies over here with the piston and the block so that we can you know turn it on and off so let’s just put down a piston and a block right over there like that and all right there we go this will

Be our switch for turning on and off the TNT cannons but hold on a minute there’s one last thing we got to do before we can make this work we got to add some repeaters cuz otherwise this Redstone line is going to fade out so let’s just

Add a few repeaters going over here like this there we go all right but anyways now let’s go ahead and make a little window right over here so that we can actually see what’s going on and all right I think we should be good for a

Test let me go ahead and flick the lever really quick in 3 2 1 let’s go let’s see is this going to work is it working and check it out that is actually working so well I’m not going to lie I kind of got nervous there I thought the TNT may have

Like blown up and messed up the entire machine but it’s actually working perfectly all right well anyways now that we know that the TNT cannons work let’s go ahead and cover up this hole and let’s go ahead and quickly turn this off cuz we don’t want to waste all of

Our TNT but let’s go now we’ve got TNT cannons on the cam statue anyways hm we’ve got TNT cannons we’ve got the weird dispensers shooting stuff out of the eyes but let’s see what other types of weapons do we need to build on a big tactical robot statue and wait a minute

I think I know what we got to build what if we build a missile launcher out of Cam’s head whoa whoa wait what yeah yeah you know just like a missile launcher out of your head you know that’s a pretty normal thing that uh uh statues

Have on them I’m pretty sure uh I don’t know about that but uh Dash it sounds like it’s a bit much you know what if it you know accidentally blows up while I’m inside my statue oh oh don’t even worry about that it’s not going to blow up or

Anything it’s going to be the very safe all right I guess I’ll Trust you yeah yeah yeah it’s going to be really nice here I’m just going to build a nice little room for it right now there we go that’s looking pretty good and all right

Now we got to add a way to get up here so uh let’s see I guess we can just have a lad it is a little bit messy in here I’m not going to lie but it’s fine it’s fine you know the more stuff we have the

Better I guess let’s just go ahead and build a ladder going down all the way from the room down over here to the bottom of the head there we go that is looking pretty good and all right now it’s time to build the actual missile

Room in here so here the first thing we should probably do is get a strong door just in case this thing does blow up we don’t want the explosion getting out of this room so here let’s go ahead and use one of those hanger doors again we can

Put one of those down right over there and all right that is looking pretty awesome now the next thing we need is one of these launcher pads and now we also got to pick what missile we’re going to use so H let’s see there’s a lot of different missiles here but I’m

Thinking we go with the red matter missile yeah okay okay this one looks pretty crazy let’s put that down over there and it’s kind of scking out of your head cam but uh it’s fine it’s fine oh no dash it’s going to be fine it’s

Going to be fine here let me go ahead and grab a few trap doors we can just put some trap doors over here on the head like that and whenever you want to activate the missile you can just open up these trap doors there we go all

Right but anyways we’ve got the launcher pad down now the next thing we need are some other stuff to actually control the launcher pad so here let me grab one of these launcher screens we can have one of these launcher connectors let’s just grab a bunch of this random equipment

And we can just put that all down right over here like this and here let’s just put put down all of this equipment right over here we got to have a bunch of machines for controlling the missile there we go that is looking good wait wait wait since we’re going to have a

Missile launcher inside of Cam’s head we should also probably add some sort of Escape Route just in case something does actually go wrong with the missile and you know you got to escape so here what I was thinking is we can just dig off over here to the side of the missile

Room and here let’s put down another one of these hanger doors and all right pretty much what I was thinking we could build here is an elytra launcher station that way if you ever need to escape you can escape pretty much instantly so here let me grab a few dispensers really

Quick and all right here the way we’re going to build this is uh let’s dig a little bit into the ground like that and let’s just put down a few dispensers right over here like this there we go and then the next step is to fill up all

Of these dispensers with some TNT there we go and finally let’s go ahead and put down some water down over here like that with a fence on top of it like this and okay now all we got to do is just hook everything up with some Redstone should

Be pretty simple all we got to do is just put some redstone blocks going around the entire machine just like that and now let me grab a button and put that over there and okay I think this should work pretty much the way this works you have to stand on top of this

One fence over here and whenever you hit this button it should launch you way up in the sky but hold on a minute we can’t just like launch ourselves into the sky all randomly like that then we’re going to like hit the ground and splatter what

We got to do is grab an elytra and let’s just grab another chest as well and fill up a chest right over here with a bunch of elytra there we go that’s looking good and here now let’s also go ahead and just make this room look a little

Bit nicer let’s go ahead and just uh you know put some walls everywhere like that there we go and all right here let’s put this to the test let’s put down a staircase over here for actually getting up to the fence and all right let’s hop

On and okay let me grab an elytra and all right let’s test this out hopefully this works and doesn’t blow up everything inside of the build and okay this looks pretty promising so far come on in oh wait a minute hold on that kind of worked wait why didn’t it eat me into

The air wait a minute hold on will it work if we destroy the fence let me try pressing the Buton button again and just hopping down over here is this going to work instead come on and what that still didn’t work okay okay how about if we

Get rid of the bottom row of dispensers over there and instead we only have four dispensers is this going to work let’s press the button really quick and okay this looks pretty promising I think this will launch us come on and H what are you kidding me it didn’t launch us okay

Okay hold on you know what instead of having TNT Kens what about instead we try using some levitation potions I think these might actually be better than TNT cannons cuz they’re not even going to do any damage to you so here let me grab a dispenser really quick and

We could just put down one dispenser over here and then let’s fill it up with a bunch of levitation potions like that and finally let me grab a fence and a pressure plate and just put that down right over there like that and check it out now we’ve got a levitation potion

Escape Route is awesome all right but anyways now that that is done let’s go ahead and fill in these extra blocks that we don’t need anymore in the ceiling so there we go and all right I think our escape room should be complete and anyways with that being done I’m

Pretty sure now my entire cam statue is complete let’s go and my Ruby statue’s done and my Dash statue is done o let’s go let’s go and anyways now that all of our statues are done we got to take a look at each other’s in whoa wait a

Minute hold on cam I’m looking at yours right now this actually looks pretty good yeah I know I made it look exactly like Ruby wait I’m coming over right now and oh my gosh I’m so cute waa okay wait hold on Ruby stand next to the Statue I

Want to see how similar this looks then wao okay this actually looks like exactly like you that is awesome wo I actually do want to live here let’s look inside oh yeah I can show you guys are around if you want we got to go down

Here first all right and wait hold on why do I hear so many chickens just don’t worry about it but uh this here Ruby is your bathroom Okay Simple and Clean I like it I like it oh wait I have a question where does the poop go uh

It’s underground it just goes into the the dirt but uh anyway over here as you can see we have your kitchen area so you can make your food oh it’s so open and there’s apples and carrots all my favorite foods uh rabbit stew w Wait I don’t think Ruby likes rabbit stew yeah

I kind of didn’t know what you like so towards the end I I just started throwing stuff in there oh yeah sweet berries and rabbits too I can tell that you just kind of threw stuff in there all right well anyways this kitchen does look pretty nice but hold up what do you

Have inside of the fridges is the most important part and H the fridges are empty oh yeah the barrels have the food the fridge is down all right but if you want to follow me this way I can show you to your bedroom Ruby o my bedroom

Okay let’s see and there’s cats and waa wait there’s a bunch of cats here and wait a minute hold on you’ve got all these paintings here does one of the these paintings lead to a secret room or something oh no they’re just decoration and there’s supposed to be a lot more

Cats I don’t know where they went oh huh well these are cute I’m going to find the secret room it’s got to be somewhere here uh Dash don’t touch the paintings you’ll ruin them yeah you’re going to be here for a while but uh if you want we

Can continue on with the tour and okay fine let’s go but hold on a minute there’s like a hole upstairs to this build that we haven’t even seen yet what do you have up here and oh wait this explains those chicken sounds ours hearing yeah Ruby always likes petting

Zoos so I made a a giant chicken area and there’s a a bunch more up there come on let me in let me in wa I don’t think you should open yeah they’re all coming out look I got seven extra from that that’s pretty cool oh gosh I feel like I

Can’t move there’s so many chickens here and yeah wait cam how many is this uh I think it’s like 100 and something what oh no okay that is a crazy amount of chickens but hold up a minute what’s on the next floor let’s check this out and

Oh wait you got some pigs here what’s on the next one oh you got some cows nice nice they’re so cute and of course we’ve got some sheep in the arm oh I see you have a nice pit of sheep but wait how do

You get out once you go in uh you’re not really supposed to go in uh you’re supposed to just look at them but then how am I supposed to pet them from here uh I guess you could just like reach down here I’ll put a ladder down Dam I

Don’t think you’re going to be able to fit a ladder down there uh yeah there’s no way I can fit a ladder down there uh the seep are pushing me around here I think the best way to get out of there is just to use some ender pearls but

Whoa wait is this the living room yeah and over here some wolves what yeah there’s a lot in here it doesn’t look like it but there’s a ton oh my gosh wait every time I go in they just like bounce me around wao what is going on

These wolves are going crazy well wait why are their eyes red I think it’s because they want to eat the Sheep oh yeah wait I think these wolves are hungry but uh anyways what’s on the next floor there’s still so many floors left and wait wait wait wait before you go up

You should let Ruby go up first oh all right all right yeah Ruby you can go up first I kind of got a clue of what it was oh okay um let’s see here and uh what the heck wait Kim did you put these here just to scare Ruby yeah there’s a

Bunch of scary signs and everything get rid of them get rid of them Ruby that just says boo that’s not even the scariest sign here this one over here says do not enter but do not enter where there’s there’s no door this is the worst room ever yeah it says don’t enter

Because you can’t enter is it’s like a joke a prank I guess don’t enter what what happens if I enter let’s just move on to the next floor who what is this this is the evil Ruby Room huh what is that my brain why is our brain so small

Wait yeah why is my brain brain’s so small I I I made it to scale what are you saying that I’m um uh uh here now my brain’s bigger your brains are not actually that big Ruby it’s it’s it’s actually if I think it’s more like that

What okay okay well um let’s just move on to the next house now I’m not going to lie this house was actually pretty nice looking but uh I think I’ll rate it a solid uh 6 out of 10 I’m giving it an8 out of 10 because he made my brain small

Oh okay well that puts my total up to 14 yep and anyways cam now it’s time for you to check out your base check it out it’s right over here what do you think oh all right let’s check this out and dash why does my face look like that

What the what do you mean that’s exactly how your face looks like d why is he so tall okay well I’m looking at your guys’ statues right now I thought you guys were going to build giant statues as well I know well uh that’s what I built

And anyways guys there’s also a house inside of here believe it or not you guys want to try to find the entrance well wait where is the entrance he’s just drooling is it down here at the feet uh no I don’t see anything oh I bet

It’s in the arm no it’s not here it’s kind of in and you kind of got to look around maybe at the head and o wait wait you might be on to something it may be on the head I don’t see anything on the

Sides oh wait is it at the top he’s bald up here oh oh wait I forgot to put the hair here but no no this is not the entrance this is a the Escape Route but you’re actually really close here I’ll just show you guys it’s over here you

Have to go inside of the mouth e what I that’s so weird why would you make that the entrance well that way it’s super hidden and there’s not going to be any enemies getting in but anyways this is the inside end cam I made sure to deck

Out the bedroom with all your favorite things we got some beds here uh we had some beds here I think they kind of got uh destroyed during flight because uh this thing can fly and we also got a grill what a grill Yep this is the grill

It’s a big industrial Grill you can put your raw food here and you can get cooked food here oh this is the grill I thought this was like a I don’t know like a helmet what no it’s not a helmet it’s a big super Grill here you want to

Try it out just try putting like any food over there and then you can get your cooked food out oh yeah I’m going to put some raw large Meat in there o all right all right well it should be done cooking really quickly let’s see an

Uh wait hold on it spat out charcoal I I think your food kind of got overcooked how H must have been all these campfires I put here they probably added a bunch of heat but uh anyways uh let’s move on to the next part right over here I got

To show you guys the TNT can and check this out here let me just go ahead and open up a little window here so that you guys can see and uh just look outside you you’ll see something cool in a moment okay let me just flick this lever

Over here and all right check it out the TNT cannons are now going off what wao Kim you’re throwing TNT yep I added TNT canons to the arms this thing is awesome uh it doesn’t look like it’s exploding on the ground though and oh yeah it is

Exploding but it’s kind of already blown up everything down here okay this is actually kind of cool yep but wait it’s not just TNT cannons there’s a lot more stuff here why don’t you guys follow me right up over here let me just go ahead and open up a little window here again

So that you guys can see and all right let me flick this lever and check this out you can shoot stuff out of your eyes what is that check it out it’s called the spectral bolt charge I’m pretty sure it’s super op wait hold let me spawn in

Like a zombie or something o good idea good idea I haven’t tested it yet let’s see what is it going to do all right let me grab the zombie spawn egg and let’s see what does this do and oh it just damages it no cool effects or anything

Uh wait hold on it’s actually kind of slow I’m not going to lie wait it’s really even doing any damage okay hold on you know what let me turn this off really quick I need to replace these charges in here wait wait wait what are you replacing it with uh uh don’t worry

Just give me one second let me just uh swap out all of the stuff inside of these dispensers and all right Kim transpa in another zombie oh you got zombies let me flick the lever real quick check this out let’s go poop charge well I think this one might be

Doing more damage e game you’re literally shooting poop out of your eyes this is actually pretty funny gross and oh it died the poop was more op than those purple things e yep I think poop is always the most powerful all right everyone inside I got some other stuff

To show you if you would follow me right over here up this ladder we have the missile room theile room where does the missile come out of his ears oh no it comes out of his head but this is just in case there’s any uh you know big

Targets that you got to eliminate you got a big red man missile right over here and you can open up this trapo whenever you’re ready to fire it I think I saw this on top of his bald head wait bald head I did you make me bald oh yeah

Cam I’m not going to lie I kind of forgot to put hair up here Dash you realized I’ve got a full headful of hair right yeah yeah yeah you know it was just a mistake okay I I forgot all right that’s getting rid of some points what

Okay well I mean you have a little bit of hair over here this brown stuff counts his hair this is like a reverse bald spot okay okay well anyways this is the missile room and then right over here we have the Escape Route just in case uh you know something goes wrong

There’s a bunch of elytras here and then when you want to escape you can just walk into the pressure plate and get a levitation potion W that’s cool yeah that I I guess that works yep but guys there’s one last thing I need to show you everyone let’s grab a milk potion so

That we can get rid of this levitation and everyone follow me down here we got to head over here to the captain seat wait Captain seat and yep guys remember I made this head into an Airship let me just go ahead and turn it on real quick

And all right guys check it out we are now officially moving let’s go the head has turned into an Airship wao wait what we’re actually moving what the heck wait I want to look out the window and wa yep guys check it out we are disconnected

From the body end wait a minute hold on someone try flicking the lever to activate the dispensers are the dispensers going to work right now oh I guess I’ll flick the lever let’s see all right and wait I I I don’t think it’s working heal because we were on top of

My base yeah it’s not working I think the redstone’s glitched hold on Kim wait you mind going up there and fixing it real quick this could look really funny yeah give me one second oh there we go I think I got it working wait hold let’s

See this wa check it out look there’s poop coming out of the head now this looks so weird this is actually the most awesome statue ever this is so gross I would say it was the most awesome we still have to check out rubies and oh yeah yeah you’re right you’re right this

Is probably going to be the second most awesome because Ruby statue was a statue of me so uh Ruby let’s go check out your statue now uh okay we can’t you stop shooting poop everywhere oh yeah hold on let me just flick this lever real quick

All right but anyways here let me just go ahead and park the head really quick there we go uh did I park it good and oh uh yeah this this kind of works out let’s go see your base now Ruby and whoa wait is that my head uh yeah what what

About it what wait why do I look so short what do you mean you look short I built you taller than me did you get squished in an anvil but it looks like my head got squished yeah and oh okay uh I’m not going to lie this doesn’t quite

Look like my face and who wait a minute hold on one thing I will say though These Arms look very nice yeah I tried to emulate muscles wao okay okay yeah this is pretty good these are some pretty big muscles looking pretty realistic I will say yep so the entrance

Is down here and you go up and then there’s a ladder that goes all the way up here and then you go into the head and O all right all right well here I guess let me head in we have to go in through this arm over here and all right

All right let’s go up this ladder yep exactly and then right into here and wao wait is this the bedroom and wait wait hold on what’s these dispensers on top of the bed oh um that’s just a a little wake you up so if you lay down on the

Bed and you just need to wake up in the morning arrows I thought it was going to be like water or something don’t you think there’s like a little bit much to to wake up um I mean you can avoid them if you wake up on time right and oh oh

Oh I see so you just got to like wake up 1 minute before this alarm goes off every day yep isn’t that great I mean I I guess so I guess it’ll keep me waking up on time but wait a minute hold on what’s this Bedrock room over here for

Go in go in and uh all right I guess let’s go inside and oh wait is this a bathroom yep I made it super strong wa okay wait why do you make it out of Bedrock though uh you never know what might happen in the bathroom and oh oh

Fair enough all right but uh anyways that’s looking pretty nice hold on let’s check out the downstairs I see you have a ladder going over here and wa wait is this the kitchen yep so over here we have all of the kitchen chickens wo chicken that is awesome and then over

Here we have all of the fridges look inside o all right all right let’s see is there anything actually in inside of them and we got some meat let’s go I thought that you would like extra protein ooh yeah this meat is actually looking awesome this will make my

Muscles look even bigger and then you can cook it all over here wo okay this kitchen is actually awesome I’m not going to lie this is actually sick wait is it only raw meat inside of these fridges well I thought maybe he would want it uh a little rare and oh yeah

Wait ramid is fun I can just cook it myself but anyways hold on we got to check out what’s on the next floor it looks like there’s a lot of floors here and wa wait is this the gym Yep this is so you can live this is actually awesome

But oh wait hold on Ruby I think you might need to add a little bit of weight to these dumbbells let me just grab a little bit of Bedrock real quick and uh just go ahead and make these a bit heavier there we go all right now who

Wants to see me lift a dumbbell how can you lift that it’s Bedrock oh oh don’t worry don’t worry I’ve been training here let me just get ready and lift in three two one let’s go come on come on yes I got it okay that’s actually pretty

Heavy I’mma put it down now come on there we go well how did you do that like I said I’ve been training you know heading the gym seven times a day oh my gosh seven times a day that’s a lot and over here is the water found if you need

A drink and ooh nice nice but anyways what’s on the next floor we got to check it out so on the next floor we have the entertainment room wow wait there’s so much stuff going on here we got a desk over here we got what is this a fridge

With pineapple juice Yep this is a little gamer bar what a gamer bar and wait are these arcade machines waa wait hold on what games do you got and wait Tetris hold on hold on I’m about to pop off in Tetris let me just uh select the

Level and all right here we go whoever builds the tallest tower wins I’m build no that’s not how you play Tetris and I play Pac-Man anyway and hold on hold on wait I’m about to pop off in Tetris let me just build this Tower and yes let’s

Go that I think that’s a new world record I just beat it in like 10 seconds I don’t know how to play Tetris but maybe you won yeah yeah let’s go but anyways hold on what is this exit here hold on what is this for and oh wait is

This the Escape Route and oh wait you got some electrc here nice nice yep the Escape Route is um uh the behind the statue oh wait it’s got oh wait it’s it’s on the butt all right I see what what are you talking about a dash you

Get to escape through the butt that’s hilarious okay okay well you know that that makes sense okay I guess that works but anyways what do we have next there’s still so many floors left actually there’s only one floor left oh oh wait oh yeah just one floor left it looks

Like there’s a lot of floors though cuz it’s a long ladder mhm but down here oh you’ll see all right all right let’s see what is this and wait what’s inside of this chest and wait paintballs and wait paintball guns what the get ready you

Guys oh wait are we playing a game of paintball okay guys I’m an expert at this are you guys ready to lose oh yeah I you’re going down everyone send yourself to survival let me do SL game mode survival really quick and all right

Hold on a minute uh do we each start in like a corner or something uh yep choose a corner everyone all right all right I’m going right over here you guys ready to go down and what you got armor yeah I I told you I’m a pro what the all right

Everyone ready in three yep I’m ready 1 go let’s go let’s go and all right all right cam I’m targeting you first you’re going like full sweat mode you literally have armor on yeah yeah you’re going down Dash oh yeah oh yeah here let me just charge up my paintball gun take

This and wait how does this thing even work I can’t shoot uh wait mine was working just a second ago wait Ruby I think mine jammed up I think mine did too wait how do I fix it mine is it oh no my CS is the only one that works all

Right GG’s everybody wait wait wait hold on hold on you didn’t hit me yet ow okay wait you know I’m playing with these eggs take this yeah okay uh no you’re going down come here Ruby wait how is my gun the only one that’s not working they so rigged you

Got sniped I I hate Roby let’s go I won okay okay well that was definitely rigged I totally would have won if my gun was working all right well I guess cam won yeah I guess he won this time but anyways was that the entire build

Cuz if so that was pretty crazy yep that was the whole thing let’s go okay well I think I’m going to rate this build a solid uh seven out of 10 I mean the arms are looking pretty good but the face kind of does look like it had an envil

Get dropped on it oh come on yeah I think I’ll rate it a a four out of 10 it looks very goofy what but the inside was so cool H well Ruby that puts your total score to an 11 and wait a minute guys we never rated my build what do you guys

Rate my build oh uh well since you made me Derpy um I guess I’ll rate it a uh seven out of 10 I guess like a seven yeah and wait a seven out of 10 from both of you that means my total score is 14 and wait a minute Kim your score was

Also 14 oh wait does that mean we tie and wait wait hold on hold on no no no we can’t do a tie we have to battle it out everyone in your base got to fight well I didn’t make a battleship that the goal is to make a statue not a

Battleship I I’m not battling well everyone knows there’s only one way to settle a TI with a dual here I need to go activate my missile launcher oh no come on come on and wait hold on where’s my missile where did it go Dash why is your missile coming down wait hold on

Did it go off where where is it I don’t see it and wait did it just hit the ground oh no oh no there goes all of our statues my painful course oh man I knew that Miss was a bit sketchy you think that was pretty crazy and if you want to

Watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘FRIENDS STATUE House Battle in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-02-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 282521 views and 3113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:02 or 3362 seconds.

FRIENDS STATUE House Battle in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are build HOUSE STATUES of each other! Who will build the best one? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash

  • View Shifts & Rifts: IDEK SMP Ep.2 | Minecraft Madness

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  • Minecraft: Memes & Mayhem

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  • Minecraft Hacks: Element X Code Fun

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  • Insane Minecraft Tip: Build Modern House in Seconds! #35

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  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft Stone Age

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  • Epic Showdown: Free Fire vs Minecraft! 🔥🔨 #viralshorts

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  • Minecraft Tiktok Hack Goes Viral! #Shorts

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  • EPIC Minecraft Bot Coitus Metal Talk!

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  • AstralPixelmon

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  • Oakleaf SMP – Origins Mod – Community, Creativity, Fair Play

    Introduction: Welcome to Oakleaf SMP! A Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server focused on fostering a vibrant community and encouraging creativity while maintaining freedom. What to Expect: Community and Creativity: Join a welcoming community where collaboration and creativity thrive. Fair Play: Respect others’ builds, no hacks or cheats, consensual PvP. Origins Plugin: Experience Minecraft like never before with unique origins. Helpful Features: Informative Discord channel, active moderators. Server IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co We welcome new players from all walks of life to join our server. We are not whitelisted, so feel free to visit anytime! Join Us Today: Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/gK8YDcNCGc Java IP: oakleaf.apexmc.co… Read More

  • 🌑NightCraft 2.5 | Vanilla+++ | Europe Server | New Dungeons+ | New Generations🌑

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  • Minecraft Memes – vertical half slabs are garbage

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  • Minecraft’s Stone System: A Messy Quest!

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Subscribe, Like, Share! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone! #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • Turning into Warden in Minecraft?! 😱

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  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft #1 – Spike Viper

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  • Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AM

    Surviving the Scariest Minecraft Seed at 3AMVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-06-07 16:00:17. It has garnered 265768 views and 3905 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:15 or 3735 seconds. Day 10 – We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM.. w/ @Darkomode Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❤️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • She’s CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 – Hinglish Solo Stream with Turnip

    She's CRAZY in Minecraft 🤯 - Hinglish Solo Stream with TurnipVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hinglish Minecraft : 😍 Excited stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by The 𝕮𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 girl ⚠ on 2024-06-06 06:27:37. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:48 or 1668 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Aaliya Thakur ♡ FF Lover 🖤🤞: https://profile.turnip.gg/62yVZh5JePcmRtDo8 Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with… Read More

  • Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber Special

    Exploring Hidden Treasures in Old Minecraft Maps | Insane Subscriber SpecialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft Maps | 50K Subscriber Special Stream’, was uploaded by Dialko on 2024-07-07 21:09:00. It has garnered 5632 views and 414 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:36 or 10296 seconds. Exploring the old console edition tutorial world (TU9 tutorial world) and then playing the classic map Herobrine’s Mansion! Thanks for 50k! Read More

  • Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!

    Insane Hypixel Chaos ft. Rose! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Chaos with Rose! {Minecraft Gaming #1}’, was uploaded by Payton Tracy on 2024-04-28 06:05:25. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:23 or 1343 seconds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check Roses Twitch out its Rose_The_Light ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Video Was for me to get back in the groove of posting and learning how to edit videos… Obviously I’m still not very good but I’m going to keep trying to get better, I hope you enjoy the video though it was a lot of fun to make. #minecraft #hypixel #minigames Read More

  • 🔥 SONIC GAMING – Minecraft Morph Addon 1.20+ UPDATE 🔮

    🔥 SONIC GAMING - Minecraft Morph Addon 1.20+ UPDATE 🔮Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Best 🤯Minecraft Morph Addon New Update For Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔮🪄 1.20+/1.20.82+’, was uploaded by SONIC GAMING on 2024-05-18 12:58:21. It has garnered 8501 views and 113 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:02 or 302 seconds. Top Best 🤯Minecraft Morph Addon For Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔮🪄 1.20+/1.20.60 credit: @CookieDookie145   🌟 Tags & Hashtags #️⃣ minecraft ryp animes, anime magic, ninja skills, minecraft heroes, creative gaming, subscribe now, like button, ryp addons, minecraft worlds, epic quests minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe shader mods… Read More

  • Insane REALISTIC Minecraft Texturepacks – FREE! 😱

    Insane REALISTIC Minecraft Texturepacks - FREE! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Top 10 Most Hyper Realistic FREE Texturepack For MINECRAFT !!! | @NotINSTONE || REALISTIC MINECRAFT.’, was uploaded by NotINSTONE on 2024-02-26 10:17:35. It has garnered 286 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:26 or 986 seconds. Top 10 Most Hyper Realistic FREE Texturepack For MINECRAFT !!! | @NotINSTONE || REALISTIC MINECRAFT. #welcome #mineberry #yessmartypie #bedwars #hypixel #jartexnetwork #pikanetwork #senpaispider #realistic #realisticminecraft #hyperrealisticart Hello everyone this is me @NotINSTONE . Today I showed top 10 most realistic minecrafts. If you enjoyed, make sure to like this channel and subscribe this video. Our… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Car Bed Speeds Up Gameplay #clickbait

    Insane Minecraft Build: Car Bed Speeds Up Gameplay #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Car Bed 🛏️+🏎️ in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Draki on 2024-02-13 01:00:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Car Bed 🛏️+🏎️ in Minecraft If you liked this video, don’t forget to subscribe and like it! Click to Subscribe! Read More