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Let’s go kill him bro yo get off my property you freaks what’s wrong with you get out of here this is my house oh God I’m going to die my Hunger idiots there yeah bring it back to your house Stu yeah it’s also because you keep ringing the

Bell hm the bell I think just scares them uh like it scares all the villagers to hide crap I need my food situation sucks bro I no we need to make food at spawn because the spawn chunk yeah I’m down you know what let’s do it if we uh we could Corner the

Market and uh sell like a stack of beef for a couple diamonds or something Yes except not really because I’m struggling really bad I want to move these cows where’s my wheat I got some yeah let me let’s let’s break down this fence here sure are you guys home hello anybody

Here there’s a bunch of wheat seeds all right I’m stealing some of those oh that’s cool they got like an attic and everything this is so spacious whoops it looks so much better than mine I really got to get my house in order I got to find the biome though I

Got to find that Sakura biome that uh D found oh my God there we go slowly starving to death just watching my life flash before my eyes thank goodness for all this melon which is surprisingly efficient hello oh dear God yes you guys weren’t at your house I stole some

Wheat oh nice I replanted but that’s go sharing is scaring I guess yeah we’re trying to get a community Farm set up here so that we’re not all starving did you guys build that to yeah yeah neck we need we need one of these at our

House bro I just pop this down somewhere you should have told me earlier just steal it and put it by your guys house yeah or like if you guys made it oh God oh God someone sleep please oh no run bro you can do it there sound is breaking here they come

B give me that membrane I’m going to need it later I’m just going to stand under this oh Under the Umbrella yeah yeah it’s working bro come here you idiot come here dumb Dum Jesus Christ good Lord hard Mode’s fun man I like it the Ender Dragon’s going to

Suck he’s going to one shot us man it’s nice though cuz it adds an importance to uh like enchantments and everything the skeleton took his armor okay coming I’ll be or B where at yo oh no we I got it back I punched him to death

Oh I thought I thought Z was somewhere else okay yeah we kind of like this was an entire War right here looks like it good Lord there’s quite a few creepers well now you know there’s a secret cave right there by your base oh yeah does it keep going uh

O nope it stops Ah that’s unfortunate you know you have a mod installed where you can just hold a torch out and get light right yeah but that doesn’t prevent mob spawns you don’t need to prevent mob spawns when you’re that good at PVP man I’ve never

Died PVP isn’t the same as PVE don’t tell them Stu how did you miss both those no I it’s for comedic timing all course uh back to the community Farm ah yes how’s it coming along it’s working now I just got to fill up the water on the side so it

Doesn’t spill out to the side over here oh with the dirt or full oh full um I got it yeah I got it there we go oh Val do you have the cords for the Sakura Fortress or Forest yeah I haven’t uh I just haven’t

Marked it yet you want me to mark it real quick yeah like if you can send it just cuz yeah I have one but it’s like it’s it’s probably close to D but here I’ll try to get this real quick Uh and then yeah everyone’s like so spread out I mean I have to relearn how the uh there you go thank you okay I have to relearn how the freaking um nether portals work what’s up ladies and gentlemen uh we back again for some more Minecraft on the multiplayer server

Ronin Craft um I died my first death and uh it was just at spawn here Val and me were um Val and me were setting up like a community uh area oh God oh uh so just to summarize like we got all these animals here that we’re slowly

Working on and uh a wheat farm and then a baby zombie came out of nowhere and just killed me super duper quick I tried picking up the valuable stuff yeah all good all right here you go I got to say as much as I enjoy our

Tiny little house it is just that way too tiny shy there we go that’s much better isn’t it it didn’t take me hours to do this no no why would you think that uh so to update you guys on a couple things um I’m trying to remember the last episode

I’ve done so many little odds and ends and things like that but basically uh we’ve got the map mod now so I can kind of keep track of uh where everybody’s houses are and stuff like that uh lots of people are quite far away I made a

Path over to vals because he’s kind of our neighbor at the moment uh and then otherwise we got our new we got our new Abode so I’m I’m trying to get uh trying to get my resources a little under control uh you know we got like a little

Farm set up here so that I’m not starving to death I’m trying to get chickens I could get other animals but it doesn’t really matter too much fences block us off and keep us safe and then otherwise here’s my tiny little gazebo it’s fairly plain right now and most of

It is just set up for storage and you know I kind of got things uh all nice and uniform um it will eventually become a problem and then we’ll end up investing in like a basement with probably like a proper Auto sorder or something like that but that’s going to take some time

To do why are you in there uh and then here’s my little bed with my chicken head um I also had where is came over and dropped um we we’ve been having random lots of people have been joining the server and kind of coming and going as they pleased because of time zone

Differences and uh uh where is came over and gave me this horse head and I’m pretty sure he killed the White Horse that I tamed over in that field and then randomly two seconds ago I had nick uh come over and give me this is zuer head that apparently gak got from them

Because he like I guess he snuck up and pvpd them just to get their player heads or something I don’t know um but yeah so things are you know things are getting a little bit more under control here uh I do have to kind of expand my sugarcan

Farm and then I wanted to experience this journey with all of you before uh before we end up getting into some multiplayer Shenanigans what’s basically going to end up happening uh with this series from here on out is more than likely like what happened with the first episode where I’m playing like I’m

Actively playing this server and kind of grinding stuff uh and I want to include that adventure with you guys but my primary goal is to do stuff online with others uh that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always going to end up being online my point being is I’m kind of sitting

Here thinking well what’s what’s the big difference between this and my single player series the single player series is a lot slower let’s let’s give it that um so I’ve been having fun with it anyways I came down here and I found this Moss cave yeah so that’s nice cuz I

Desperately needed Moss uh my goal right now though if I can manage it I saw that Skelly down there lava lava lava lava lava lava I want to get um some obsidian because I need to get like an enchanter running and stuff like that what what is going

On they’re fighting each other oh uh another thing too so uh this is something that’s more like server side it doesn’t really affect you guys too much um but one thing that I started trying to encourage is that uh all of us would not wear helmets this

Way uh we can tell who is who when things get a little bit busy and out of control um cuz I noticed last time like when I was chilling with people uh you know and they had like maybe their full iron armor and stuff like that it was

Really tough for me to tell what was going on so uh I’m just kind of encouraging it not enforcing it that when we’re uh playing alongside other people I’m just trying to watch out for this Skelly we’ll we’ll basically whoa not be wearing a helmet uh but they can wear

The helmet while they’re playing solo if they want or whatever you know I’m not too picky about it excuse you I had my shield up and now my shield broke good can’t put torches down on Moss or at least not that Moss weird all right well there goes my shield uh for me

Though I’m just going to play without my helmet on because I’m actually really enjoying Minecraft hard mode like everybody’s dying left and right myself included I’m getting my butt kicked and it’s it’s so fun like I didn’t know Minecraft could be this difficult uh baby zombies are now true

Pain I didn’t know that they were that uh difficult to deal with as far as a mob is concerned okay uh so anyways the tradeoff for us taking our helmets off in a server where everybody is dying constantly uh is that I put a gravestone

Mod on it’s actually part of a data pack so it’s actually vanilla friendly and not actually like a mod or anything but basically when we die um is going to put all of our stuff into a tombstone and uh you can just go and grab your inventory this prevents you know prevents the

Inventory from despawning uh after the 5 minute mark and um means that it’ll prevent items from dying in lava and stuff like that you know which might be a little bit cheaty and not necessarily like vanilla friendly but the goal of this server is to be kind of vanilla with some quality

Of life stuff oh my God and the tombstone thing I think is a fine enough tradeoff because wo oh it’s raining diamonds bro I think I think it’s in fine enough tradeoff because um uh a lot of uh people on the server are actually like in the UK and EU and

Stuff like that so they have a lot of uh connection issues not really like server lag or anything but sometimes they’ll have the they are having a war uh but they will end up having um like random disc connects and stuff and you know that’s super frustrating if

They die and then they lose their items because of that so it’s it’s kind of a nice little tradeoff again you know I’m not against if they end up using their helmets and stuff like that cuz I know I know quite a few people can be like

Really um frustrated about the idea of not having helmets in a server where we’re dying all the time but it’s kind of whatevs okay uh I thought this would end up being wor some nice lava was I mean oh my God is that more diamond we

Got nice lava here but it’s not a source block so it’s not very helpful that is diamond oh my God uh-oh the only thing with the fresh animations mod is uh the uh hit box of the zombie I’ve noticed is actually like a little further ahead than him um it’s

Like in order to end up having like the fancier animation they made the zombie lean forward a little bit I hear you so hit detection like I was having a really hard time smacking zombies as you might have seen when I was uh chilling with Val in the caves so I’m kind of

Getting the hang of it to just two whatever I mean honestly this is really lucky I’m okay with this gravel is something that I should probably get my hands on where is this zombie I hear him I hear him and other things I’m kind of worried oh there’s a Skelly oh boy did

He spot me I think he might have okay uh where are you at zomber okay that’s not doing it I need ranged I need ranged really bad it sounds like it might be dude if I had a spawner that would be beautiful okay this is going to suck cuz

I don’t have a shield do I have uh I didn’t bring any wood with me crap amateur mistake that’s okay I’ll kill him anyway even though I don’t have a helmet woohoo come here dum dum idiot okay Paving is so freaking deadly dude oh hi boys so that’s where you

Were the thing is what I’m noticing like so often whenever I end up playing Minecraft everybody just kind of Skips to the end in terms of uh difficulty and stuff like like because we’re on hard mode it actually makes like higher end gear and even enchantments more valuable which is what I appreciate

Because otherwise I kind of felt like a lot of that stuff in all my experience of playing this game vanilla on normal mode uh you know that that higher end gear didn’t really serve much of a purpose also mobs actually spawning with Enchanted gear is cool even if they don’t often drop it

Uh hey I got to be careful oh my God bro what is this luck just a single diamond yeah lame okay I got to find I want I want to try and find my way into a lava cave is the thing cuz that was my that was my primary goal was

Um where you at to get an enchanter woo they hurt so much melon kind of sucks but so far like it’s it’s a really good food very manageable Redstone is actually something I am going to desperately need sorry I noticed some type of mob up there it’s so stressful

Dude oh something burned in the lava beautiful wait there’s more diamonds up there bro ooh okay you guys were probably yelling at me about that there we go there we go do I even have any blocks I guess I got the Deep slaves so that’s kind of helpful this may be a

Mistake I’m just trying to listen just trying to listen for a Skelly a single Diamond dang it okay there is a Skelly over there as much as this is like so freaking cool and all I really want to get my hands on uh I I really need like I I desperately need

Um an enchanter like so bad dude even if just to get some base level enchantments ah I thought this would have been it but we did get nine D nine Diamonds oh my God okay uh okay let’s let’s kind of I’m I am running low on torches but let’s see where this goes

Oh oh there’s lava okay not this spot that does look really nice though though looks like there could potentially be a lot of goodies oh gold I love that this resource pack makes the gold shine like that like the the particles or oh no that’s not the resource pack that’s visuality mod oh

Dude that’s so dope yeah cuz uh most of the people on the server are actually using complimentary shaders which I’ve used in the past and it’s you know it’s very easy on your computer and basically just adds like a little bit of nice Dynamic lighting into the game Zombie Invasion coming the

Greed oh no he was slayed my an Enderman I know I could be doing crits I just don’t care cuz I would rather not get hit that’s why I’m being like extra cautious okay we’ll save that area for next time cuz this is what I need this is actually this is all my

Gold was was was to get this going don’t do it whoa okay so there’s more there I’m going to mark that with moss and then let’s see do we got lava underneath that no we don’t okay time for uh time for the funnest part of this video game mining obsidian I’ll see you

Guys back at the surface not today sucker not today oh you know what I also realized oh God uh so my brightness is at 75% I’m going to put that to 100% you guys let me know how this looks in the video if uh if you

Guys care just cuz so here’s the thing uh just kind of behind the scenes stuff I am recording I’m recording at a uh a weird video type that essentially has lot uh it’s higher quality while being uh lower file size and for a while I was recording in 2K resolution

Now I’ve swapped back to 1080p because it doesn’t really make much of a difference and Frankly Speaking uh uploads take way too long uh if I end up doing them in uh in 2K so that’s kind of the main reason I traded off anyways the point that I’m getting at is recording

In this video type like the the form at for whatever reason is very very dark so I I know most of you didn’t even tune into it but I had a video of uh me playing Thief which uh is a stealth game where 90% of the game is Pitch Black and

I had a heck of a time going through my settings and adjusting things constantly to the point where it was uh to the point where it finally became something that was like watchable you know I ended up figuring it out about halfway through cuz uh halfway through that Series so my

My main point is that for me I can see I can tell what’s going on but I hope that that’s reflected in the video because when I look at it on my OBS recording like it looks really really Dark I’m so easily entertained okay uh so it seems like my farm is growing which is very nice we do have some potatoes ooh that’s very nice I’m going to have to set that up so that I can get some books going um decent amount of iron not

Really that much decent amount of gold again not really that much uh let’s see if I can make I Could Make Some Enchanted armor and stuff but I really need oh good lord you scared me with your head man look behind you hello I’m I’m kidding what are you what’s going on

Like I’m just seeing the chat and you guys are like fighting and stuff like we do a little bit of trolling yeah oh that’s zuck’s face that’s why you look different that’s funny yeah I’ve been trying to get my stuff back it’s down in your minds over there

I keep dying oh the one way over by the bridge I’m down to help just uh let me drop off all my stuff oh jeez I didn’t even know this was generated by me yeah I mean I dug my way down into here but I didn’t know this was here

Okay do you need water I got a water bucket that could help that’ll get me that get me pass the bucket I can just jump down get my stuff and come oh oh oh that’s what you meant uh well there’s a water stream right here oh that’s cool the gold armor

Actually immense particles and immense light oh great skeleton yeah unfortunately I didn’t think to make a shield but whatever this will be fun nice there’s an Enderman on the right watch out what are you guys even doing down here oh dear God he’s so enchanted too like okay drop

Your gear give it to me careful nice oh he dropped something gold helmet respiration nice wooo I got my stuff back finally okay sweet we were going to we thought you were down here and we were going to come down here and Crouch around corners

Until uh you found us well I kind of was but not in this location and otherwise I’m done caving for now cuz I just needed to get obsidian I don’t have dude have you seen no I have not I’m sure he’s decked out he played for like 15 hours

Straight dude I uh I took his nether highway to his base and it it’s absurd oh he’s got a highway already jeez well I built a highway to his base and then I realized he already built one so I like wasted an hour doing that so

Nice yeah I’ll uh I’ll get around to checking this place out when I have time oh God bro stop where is he I can’t see him he’s killing me I’m going to die maybe not tell ho woo he made it somehow God skellies are just evil I don’t think I’ve seen gck a

Single time he’s just kicking about doing his something yeah his uh I don’t know if he shared this I’ll share it but uh he’s very far south yeah I have this base way pointed but I don’t I’ve never over to it cuz it’s so far I know I know

We got to get the nether stuff set up which now thankfully I finally have enough to make a portal but I don’t know I like I got to relearn how it all works because like can’t like isn’t valves base too close to mine uh not really no not at all okay

Okay cuz I don’t I don’t I don’t remember how it all works cuz it’s something like what 100 blocks in the nether is a th out here or something uh no it’s I think it’s eight blocks is a one block in the okay so it’s maths good I mean I have to look

Into um I know you can do it with a data pack to add like some custom crafting recipes cuz I think uh I think we should make it so that we can craft Saddles and um crying obsidian and stuff even if expensive yeah that would be nice otherwi sadd yeah especially Saddles cuz

All these horses would be super nice why is there so many cuz nobody Sleeps on the server oh god oh thank you oh you just got flashbanged by the light oh Discord light mode oh my God that’s a that’s a baby zombie on a chicken nice give me your items no

Okay oh my god dude I’m here but just try to kill the zombie and not the chicken don’t get out of here don’t you third party us what are you saying someone put a puff fish under our door so it poison who did that that was that was

Definitely why are you guys why are you guys in a war with him uh because he was using our nether portal so I slapped him around and then he slapped me and then uh if you come upstairs you can see how many times he killed us before we were able to kill

Him one time ah oh that’s what you meant I didn’t know it could attack through blocks jeez for a second uh can I go through the leftmost door yeah kid whoa yeah this is [Laughter] a that’s good this is looking pretty swag I didn’t know about using those for

Vanity blocks that’s nice oh I just realized it’s statues that’s cool you need uh to complete the look with the lightning rod you need that to be uh copper fences I don’t think copper fences exist do they do they not keep forgetting about that damn puffer fish

Yeah all right I’m going to go uh back to drop stuff off troll I’ve ever seen in my life yeah that’s beautiful wait I got a water bucket hold up where is he whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa watch out bro capture him and then we’ll put under

We’re going to put it under his base now oh there we go yes you got a bucket I’ll trade you a lava bucket for that sorry all right catch you guys later okay there’s our book um grab some diamonds and finally can make a freaking enchanting table oh beautiful I’m just

Going to put it here for the time being cuz uh Frankly Speaking I don’t well how do you how do you even make bookshelves um it’s really hard isn’t it like it’s really expensive oh it’s three books okay okay uh I don’t have a lot of these resources leather in particular I’m

Really struggling with I want to be very cautious with that not let it get too out of control let’s do that how many bookshelves can we make three not bad not bad at all uh where do I want to put this I could just put it here in the

Corner but ultimately that’s not going to be good in the long run and up here doesn’t really work unless I put it right here it kind of ruins my Funway that I got going on but I guess I could do that for the time being I’ll I’ll just

Put it up here not bad okay uh what level enchants can we actually start getting let’s see Unbreaking efficiency I think Unbreaking like let me see if I can cycle this out for something worthwhile let me you know what I’ll make a diamond sword we got enough Diamond that we can

Risk it and do it at the moment and that’s going to be a huge upgrade for me so Ashworth uh I know it’s probably not a good idea to put the enchant on um what do we got knockback Unbreaking knockback that’s it what was this again Unbreaking you know

What I’ll put Unbreaking on it hopefully we got good en chance ah just Unbreaking that’s it lame what about you Unbreaking and sharp sharpness nah not great still an upgrade though um I could bump up to just iron tools in general which would be nice or I mean diamond tools uh but I

Think I’m going to I’m trying to think what else needs Diamond that I would want that as a priority maybe we’re just going to focus on some armor at the moment uh let’s see so can’t make ah I can’t make that and booties you know what I can make some

Booties and these could be like temporary ones and maybe we’ll see what’s going on CU because I don’t want to make a helmet right uh so let’s see oh feather falling oh that’s actually huge yep that’s feather falling too as well I don’t care I’m getting it hopefully we get some

Better enchants on top of that but that’s going to be a big deal for me at this uh stage in the game requires level 10 no okay okay uh I don’t know why my door keeps breaking okay I do not have like a mob farm or anything let’s make a shield

First put that away put that away put the obsidian away uh anyways I’m just organizing stuff I’m going to have to go into a cave and fight some stuff for a little bit I guess unfortunately this cave is kind of the closest thing that I’ve got to like actually be able to

Farm cuz we don’t have any like mob Farms or anything set up which I’m okay with it’s just kind of kind of sucks uh let’s see this is kind of risky and weird but whatever where’ that zombie go I heard him I heard him okay uh whoa that’s very

Dangerous actually you know what this will be the perfect opportunity to go to uh this other spot down here that I saw when we were getting the obsidian dude I didn’t even bring any torches I’m so dumb oh God Diamond though and you know what it’s fine that I didn’t bring

Torches cuz my goal right now is to kill things anyways where are all the mobs at bro the heck is this are we sure this is hard mode and now not easy mode oh my God uh okay I got a spider spawner at my base beautiful so I can set up a

Farm kind of regret that I don’t have any torches right [Laughter] now oh boy uh okay and grabb what’s in the chest go go go go go Diamond horse armor name tag that’s huge those will be very very helpful for me oh that’s huge that’s so cool that it’s like right

Under my base I wish it was a uh Skelly spawner instead so I could have got bones and arrows and stuff but at the very least I can start making bows for everybody dude we got two sets of gold horse armor and Diamond horse armor which looks so good in this resource

Pack heck yeah man that was such a lucky find okay uh let’s get that feather falling on this bad boy come on give me some IR enchants bro projectile protection is actually huge as well because the uh freaking skeletons are killing us left and right oh I’m happy I’m a happy camper

What do we get cat nice oh that’s what I need a diamonds for a uh jukebox beautiful okay that’s enough of that now wait I thought you had Netherrack that’s diamond right yeah I’m saving the um netherite until I find mending books oh you’re right cuz I got some pretty loaded

Enchantments on them nice all got to take a trip and get some leather from The Hub these uh these armor trim things look pretty cool oh are you wearing them yeah I got some from a uh from the nether yeah hold up let me this this is the one called

Rib let me see cuz I was using a resource pack oh okay that looks pretty cool yeah with my Shader pack too the um complimentary shaders it makes it Glow it like yeah the trim glows ooh looks really cool okay Um oh thank God there we go okay uh so just we’re wait mob drops yeah there it is uh just FYI guys I just added a couple crafting recipes to the game for Saddles and name tags and stuff oh here we’re going to it’s uh this is this is a secret game of

Handing this to people that I wanted to start so uh we’re going to kind of do tag with it on the server so basically like if you find someone and give it to them you can explain it to them and then basically like what I want is I want to see that

Nugget like slowly Circle the server in people’s chests and stuff I just thought it’d be funny where it’s like no I got it back you know yeah just make someone dies in The Golden nuggets in their grave yeah I mean if that happens then we could just

Get a n one but this way like like people can leave it in storage and stuff but it’s like kind of a way to my idea behind it is it’s an excuse for people to travel out to see each other’s bases to like leave it there and

Stuff yeah hopefully and then just you know obviously can’t like you can’t give it back to me but you could technically like give it to Val and he could lazily give it to me but I got you yeah anyway I’m going to grab a horse along the way if uh whereas didn’t kill

Mine oh I was dude if I had a saddle there was a uh thunderstorm earlier on that spawned one of those skeleton archers so skeleton horses actually spawn with saddles they do as far as I know you can even kill them to get saddles Oh I thought I thought once you

Killed the Archer on top of it you can’t ride it like you need maybe so so I might be thinking of uh something that is modded I really don’t know also why can’t I eat this why can’t I eat this glistening melon glistening I don’t think you can

Eat the glistening ones wait really so I wasted my gold yeah that’s for um potions oh right okay no yeah he did Kill My Horse there was a beautiful there was a beautiful white horse here that I tamed and then and then no no no no no it’s

Not that one’s poop it looks like a cow there was a beautiful white there was a beautiful white horse I tamed and then while I was building my house whereas came over he’s like here you go and it was a white horse head and I knew I knew

Wait what other White Horse would he have seen except for one in the spawn field crap no JB well I mean if this guy’s fast enough oh he might be a fast one come here come on you can be jabas you disgusting you disgust me you stupid Cow

Horse I actually got a name tag too so this might work out uh can you stop bro no the horse doesn’t like you there we go he has a reckless Spirit like me T oh my God he’s fast oh my God this one generated really nice it’s really fast okay well uh I’m

Sorry Cow Horse oh no I need like a lead oh yeah do um uh do I have to rename him or he’ll despawn or is that only for hostile entities uh that’s only hostile okay well hopefully no one steals this horses don’t despawn I’ll see you at the Hub

Cuz I got to get some uh cow stuff anyway you’re so is that what it’s like to have a white horse in windcraft oh I guess so so it did actually generate like look he can barely do like three jump oh so it’s a fast horse but it

Can’t can’t jump high apparently they changed um like the way horses work now is uh if we find like a high jump horse and then we breed it with this one they’ll retain stats of the parents now oh yeah not like always but you can get them like really good well you stay

There please don’t die please okay this my first time going in here actually oh my God you have been busy unless this was them uh this was mostly me I’m in the um the bus station which currently has no bus because zuer was AFK on the

Track but um you can run up there or there is a single mine cart in here if you want to take it oh bye-bye oh bye oh there it goes it’s okay we can just walk there you don’t uh you said you had packed ice though so isn’t this like for a boat

Road an eats Road or whatever they call it yeah this gets you to the ice spot um I didn’t have enough to complete this area and there it goes oh never mind I’m pushing it uh so gas can see us and shoot at

This yeah I got to I got to cover it up a little more oh okay that’s why I made this part out of obsidian so we can at least stand here okay nice here it is and I wait did I even bring a boat oh damn it bro I forgot I

Put mine carts in here instead of boats well at least we can get back easier here’s your boat oh nice I mean you do realize there’s two seats in a boat right oh that’s so true place a boat yeah I keep forgetting about that how do

I what you got to kind of get it in the middle is it because I have my shield on maybe no if you stand over here and like click directly on that corner yeah there it is uhoh forward March oh God as long as you keep it like going I I can’t

See go to the left no I can’t see dude turn left I I I can’t move I’m this freaking game dude like I I was stuck I was stuck inside the wall well that was the first death on the server since we added a death counter what did it say uh suffocated him

W oh God all right there he is please tell me you have food I have 14 potatoes oh beautiful um gam oh there we go your uh Your Grave is here yeah I’m coming I’m coming I just I was starving to death yeah so uh maybe get rid of this extra block here

Bro which one this one I suffocated and I for some reason so to be fair it wasn’t letting me go left I don’t know why that’s weird how does this work think right click shift right click oh with an empty hand okay oh okay prepare yourself huh I’m driving oh no all right

Man uh uh bro no you’re good you’re good oh I guess it just doesn’t work with two people he’s so fast he’s left me all right uh I’ll just make a bamboo boat that’s cool come on there you go hey man go bro I’m good now oh no oh no oh God we’ve

Collided that’s okay kind of wanted you to die you’re evil wait which one like I’m I’m the first one on the death counter man everyone else died so many times I only died like that’s my second death which way is my oh there we go

Yeah yeah yeah I know see like it’s it’s weird yeah it’s a little finicky with more than one person yeah we just won’t do that with more than one person but my God that makes a difference wait a minute oh you have the netherite you’re just saving it for mending

Yeah God it looks good hold up I want to see even even in vanilla cuz I haven’t seen how it looks now oh wow that is the vanilla look I always thought that was modded yeah it’s a pretty cool looking armor yeah it looks so good like lucky

For me cuz I’m playing this game for fashion but this is my favorite armor so uh but you may as well throw the helmets out yeah yeah not really I don’t care no I’m I’m so the no helmet thing wow dude I like this resource pack continues to impress me dude you open

The barrel and it’s like a 3D object I can see inside it oh that’s dope oh my God you even have copper what’s wrong with you is this so is this your basement for those yeah pretty much this is the workshop oh that’s a upstair little claustrophobic but a neat

Idea yeah I needed it to be Compact and I was like I didn’t want to do a water elevator cuz it was kind of lame yeah so I just went with that welcome to my I really like this that’s a good idea I like that yes it’s like a wallpaper

Woo dude dude this biome I know I love this the grass too in this resource packet looks so good oh my God and the tree particles are vanilla give me oh sorry I no you’re good just okay these ones aren’t part of it I I realized like I

Was just about to like chop down this tree and everything I’m like uh-oh please not the tree yeah wow yeah that’s cool what the heck is that thing that’s the uh load Stone oh okay the compass oh you got a cave right there too man alive no wonder you set up

Here that cave is bro you want to check out the cave I mean I want to check out the biome but just take a take a little Pi I want to jump I kind of do too we need elytras oh right campfires I keep forgetting about those yeah I put those

In my roof I currently have no way of getting to the second floor which is kind of funny well you don’t need it yet but you could just make your uh staircase go up there yeah um so what else is around here oh I see

Let me also do you do you have a marker for your base that you could share or am I just pin uh yeah I got one it is called home though yeah that’s okay I can rename it on my end can you help me chop these trees they’re all connected so they’re

Not quick Leaf decaying oh yeah I got you maybe it’s just this one where’s my axe there we go oh there we go some of them anyway so wait these trees just grow like this that’s so funky I like it yeah yeah I love how they grow like

They actually generate really nicely I can put lanterns on the branches and stuff and it looks really cool yeah without having to design your own tree ah yes yes where there you are there one more Block in there ah beautiful yes oh I realized you probably have a bunch

Of this already that I could steal right uh I might have some that I threw in my chest yeah I mean if you didn’t Farm a bunch of it that’s fine yeah I’ll probably I’ll probably stay in my bamboo and uh just steal the trees and stuff oh I should

Steal I need silk touch for the grass don’t I I think we should make this a new world spawn honestly no it’s so beautiful yes I know biome yes I know eventually when we start doing magma gigantic like collab builds we can just build team pixel from

Trove ah yes um to get this I need silk touch right on a shovel to get the gr the grass block block or does the grass block uh just convert to whatever biome it’s in I think it converts to the biome right yeah I’m thinking of Trove

Whoa so freaking fast I heard that magma slime back there oh my God this is like actually hurting my eyes we’re going so fast good lord well they’ve been pretty busy okay I don’t think they’ll even notice I’m stealing their amethyst shards cuz I want to make the freaking binocular thing

Oh the uh telescope yeah they they got like amethyst blocks and stuff so it’s fine all right find your head dude oh my God yeah their house is looking pretty good oh head acquired oh leave uh I was going to say leave the calling card of the chicken Nuggie but we need

Like a book and quill or something to mention how it works where is that coming from I don’t know but it’s beautiful they stole it from me is it down here there’s a basement oh does this just go to a cave it sounds like it’s upstairs is it

Just in the floor knowing them probably it’s in the floor they set up a Contraption oh it’s a it’s a Loops repeater oh so it only set it only went off cuz we were in the chunk yeah why don’t they just make a daylight sensor I’ve never messed with not blocks

I should do that day night sensor for day and night I mean small stuff here and there is fine like at least at least it’s just and you will regret it they don’t know me son no you’re about to have full netherite I mean your armor will compensate wow your head just

Got bigger big head mode here I’ll take it I’ll no it’s m no give it to me I’ll I’ll give it to B oh here actually I was going to go visit his base anyway I don’t know where it is um oh God it changes okay there we go it’s

Enormous uh yeah I’ll show you where Val bace is if you can keep up I tried to get um Dynamic map to work on the server cuz I think that’d be cool but what’s that do it’s like the um the one that creates like a local hosted

Site as a uh map of the server and you can just see where everyone is on the map oh like wincraft yeah it’s pretty neat but you can’t figure it out you said it’s just not updated for um 20.2 ah yeah that’s okay we don’t really need it well we have

Arrived we’ve arrived check the equipment and get prepared before investigating there’s your head Village Loot and steel why did you take the head huh I didn’t Nick did we stole it back ow what are you doing bro oh my God bro trims this is outrage

Already got a trim it’s the uh it’s the one from the nether you just you just look like you’re wearing a leotar one good God D is the is the Transcontinental Highway uh yeah it’s done he just showed me his base and stuff so yeah so are you moving there

Over there no I just need to go over to the mountains I need the mountains to get stuff ah yeah dude we finally got one I I love these things cuz I don’t have any mods that allow me to like zoom in or anything I’m not using any

So that’s uh that’s going to be very helpful um I guess I’ll put that in the miscellaneous anyways I made one for uh Valen D and then otherwise we finally have these bad boys so I can uh I can actually get some of these going on

Let’s see maybe like one here I don’t want to go too crazy with it I want to just uh add them like here and there very light L but these petals are also going to be very very nice actually you know what I don’t want to

Wait I don’t want to wait for it I’m just going to plant it and we’re just going to go for it cuz this is still one of my favorite trees woo that generated is so nice too oh it’s beautiful and we’ll put a bunch of these

Around make it look really nice like the trees been uh leaking I know jabas isn’t it beautiful oh my God yeah that that really just that brings it all together dude looks so nice so this is probably going to end up being a waste uh but I did

Notice that um there is fortune and efficiency on our axe uh I got three more bookcases but if I get rid of them Unbreaking I don’t know if I want that though do I want uh I could make another pick and then get fortune on it and then put it on this bad

Boy but that’s kind of a big waste of diamonds and right now I’m not really like looking to you know do that um looking to be like as efficient as possible possible just because I’m really really struggling efficiency or Unbreaking I think Unbreaking cuz I just need a diamond axe to last you

Know that’s it okay okay uh and then otherwise we could possibly I did pull out the rest of my diamonds because I thought maybe for a second like we should probably upgrade to Diamond gear even if it has bad enchants cuz on one hand you know it’d be nice to

Uh it would be very very nice to be able to bump up to Diamond gear but at the same time it just kind of yeah you know what let’s do it cuz we can just make it I I do still have three more diamonds left but that’s it that’s

All I got and thankfully since we’re not using helmets on the server I get to save some money um let’s see if we get some some good enchantments with this unfortunately I don’t really have a good XP farm or anything Unbreaking protection two that’s nice but that’s level

10 projectile protection to that’s also nice but that’s level 10 what if I do this fire protection projectile 2 on level 9 that’s nice and ooh projectile protection two or protection two right there probably do I want projectile protection I do have it on my boots

Though but archers are kind of the worst right now so yeah they’re kind of they’re kind of the real worst let’s do this yeah and then oh that changed the enchant right okay h i don’t need more projectile protection let’s just get Protection One whatever kind of sucks but it’s better than

Nothing and now we’re decked out bro look at my look at my swag it’s getting there it’s not there yet it’s it’s getting there but at the very least now we’ve actually got like a decent axe uh got a decent set of backup gear if I end

Up like dying and you know needing to go into a cave or something like that uh I also really wanted to do this Oop There we go jabas yes my Majestic Steed how are you speak English can you put enchants on horse armor probably not oh God okay so with all of that

Done I want to do a little bit more adventuring cuz I’m kind of desperate to find either I got to find like a really good cave and you know get some Diamond like I’m really really struggling with ores right now but I think that uh I

Think it’d be fun if I can do it with others but unfortunately everybody’s kind of off doing their own thing so that is not the latest death thank you very much yeah maybe maybe I can end up finding where everybody else is and we can end up doing some caving together

This video, titled ‘GEARING UP & EXPLORING WITH FRIENDS | RoninCraft (SMP Minecraft) – Part 2’, was uploaded by Scyushi on 2023-12-14 23:00:09. It has garnered 359 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:27 or 3807 seconds.

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📺 ABOUT THIS VIDEO 📺 What’s up Samurai? Thanks for watching my Let’s Play about Minecraft! This is my RoninCraft server, inspired by HermitCraft.. except I’m the only YouTuber. ✏️ It’s time to go exploring with friends and start gearing up! This Minecraft video was recorded over the week where I took the best moments (along with regular progress updates). I managed to build a new base and get some Diamond gear and enchantment setup.

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    Unbelievable Win in Bedwars - No Idea How!Video Information This video, titled ‘I won this bedwars game without knowing how to play’, was uploaded by HBU mine on 2024-03-27 19:04:31. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:59 or 419 seconds. 1. Join me on my gaming adventures as I conquer the Minecraft world! Watch my YouTube channel for epic gameplay and exciting challenges. Let’s play together! 2. Get ready for non-stop Minecraft action on my gaming YouTube channel! Join me as I explore, build, and survive in this virtual world. Subscribe now for the best gaming content! 3. Dive… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links https://discord.gg/dB85sqEJTH (Community discord server) https://discord.gg/P7uKMQBtXt (Prototype community discord server) https://discord.gg/penguingg (Official SB737 Server) https://discord.gg/dRsZQHWU3A (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) https://discord.gg/jVHSxfknyW (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) https://discord.gg/psa6NqquMF (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST: Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More