EPIC Gingerbread House Build in Minecraft! 😱

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Hello everyone and welcome to my winter world we are going to be doing some more decorating in our area and we’re going to make some gingerbread houses in our village so if you’re just watching this for some fun or you have it on in the background as you work or get studying

Done I hope you enjoy this cozy little Long play with commentary now in our last long play we’ve recently made these candy crop fields so if I go into free cam you can see that we have three crop fields that have wheat and potatoes and a second wheat

Field with some giant lollipops some candy and some gumdrops lining the edges of all of these and this is kind of us starting to develop our gingerbread Village a little bit more and we’re going to be working on doing even more building in our gingerbread Village W

Today as we’re going through things now it’s about to be dark so I’m just going to you know camp out by my bed here but I did want to show off my new little christmy skin that I have here we’ve got a little Christmas tree on the back of

The skin and if I go into free cam we’ve got some ear muffs on the top of my little head here and we even have a fuzzy lined white fluffy kind of like hoodie liner and then the front just has some cute little snowman shoes so if I

Just back up here you can actually see them but there they are some little snowman shoes and some christmy overalls so I’m very happy with the skin that I got commissioned it was from banan blocks from Twitter if anyone is curious but we are going to take a nap here and as you

Can see there’s some Netherrack in front of me and this is kind of going to be the outline of where these builds are going to be now if I go into free cam today we’re going to be working on making two gingerbread houses and the first one is

Going to be here this is a 7 by 9 shape and then we’re going to be taking down this house we’re taking down this little Igloo here and these two right here side by side we’re also going to be moving the animals because I want to build my house literally right where these

Animals are so that is going to be another project that we’re going to do first I am thinking that we’ll build an animal Barn right here so we’ll probably move the animals over kind of where we have these torches this is kind of like a main mine entrance I have right now so

Step one is to get ready to move said animals away but I first need to make sure that I have extra fences ready to collect all of these guys so we’re just going to run back into our starter house area I’m going to clean up my inventory

So I have an extra slot but we’re just going to run back and grab some extra Spruce fences and today once we get the general layout of where we’re going to be building these we do have to do a lot of resource collecting once the animals

Get moved and then we’re going to start working on the little houses I think for as far as like how we’re going to build in what order I think I want to try first building the outlines of all of the houses and then doing the details so

We’ll get one house done first with all of the like exterior the walls the different roof variants all of that and then we’ll go back through and detail both of them like one after another so it’s kind of what I’m thinking we’ll do for the process of this all but let’s

See here we’ll just start uh making our little animal pen maybe like right here I feel like this should be good this is much larger than what they have right now so they can’t really complain if I’m giving them a larger space right that’s not how it works you can’t

Complain if you get more space and we’ll get rid of these guys and I don’t know why I accidentally grabbed this so then we’ll put in a fence gate right here and we’ll put a fence gate in the middle kind of right around here I feel like that should be

Good we might do two just because I know all of these animals are going to be difficult to get in to their little spots cuz they’re all going to be clamoring for space and all of that but we’re just going to light this up with

Torches on the sides as well and I do oops there we go I do need to make sure I shovel the snow out because I don’t want my poor little sheep to not have snow or to not have grass because it’s covered by the snow even though this is

Going to be an ongoing issue we’re going to we’re going to do our best we’re going to see if we can get this uh to maybe work for them we’ll see maybe they can actually like eat the grass through but you never know so we’ll we’ll find

Out okay now I’m not too excited about this but let’s put let’s get all of the Sheep’s attention oh my gosh they’re busting out of the seams here hi guys follow me hello good to see you all enjoying the wheat oh my goodness literally so many of you but this works

You know this works out all right yes don’t crowd everybody come on there’s enough wheat for everybody well once I you know harvest the fields there will be bro are you stuck come on you can do it I Believe In You There we go some stray sheep coming in okay and

Let’s get them all to this corner quickly and Then okay now we go for wave two oh there’s chickens getting out out and everything else getting out okay hi okay so now if I do the pigs at the same time chickens might not follow me but at least the pigs maybe would oh boy this will be interesting

Okay are they literally just like crowding look at this I’m surrounded by animals I’m literally like shoved up into the corner oh no oh no oh no okay okay we’re doing good it’s fine everything’s fine okay I need to collect these wild Piggies really quickly come

On guys hello come here little guy the pigs go so fast when you have a little snack in your hand for them it’s so cute I love it so much look at this maybe this isn’t enough space for them maybe I like add a lot more layers here let me

Put these hey Piggies let me put these potatoes in my off hand so you follow me yeah maybe we just do this um I don’t have another one but I’ll get this other Pig here come here buddy hi we got to move all of you guys yep got to move everybody yes little

Piggies hello hello the pigs are so cute I love the Minecraft animals they’re just adorable Okay so we’ve got this I’ll remove this one and then I literally need to like sneak my way out of here and then oh I should have just stayed in

There Hang On Let’s uh let’s put a snow block cuz then I can get all the other animals to go inside here just by having something are you oh I thought you were inside the little pen I was like excuse me sir slime that would actually be helpful you know lately the wandering

Traders are actually like kind of helping me out with things like they’re giving me things that I I would actually want okay now what else is around we’ve got some wild some wild little uh sheepies so I’ll clean this up and this will give us more of what we’re looking

For with the fence gates and all of that which would be great okay we’re getting it cleared up it’ll be nice once this is all done okay and now I need to get let let’s see we’ll get the chicken we’ll get the sheep and the cows to all follow me come

On guys hello yes yes come with me come on guys yep let’s go it is kind of fun to just be like completely taking apart the previous Village because like the previous Village builds because we get to make it our own you know make it more special which is kind of fun

Now let’s see if they follow me I think that worked for everybody just about this sheep needs to come up the stairs though come on seepi you got it you can do it there we go good job you’ve done it and then I’ll just clean these up okay I’m removing the wheat because

This is a little chaotic again no sheep no come here no sheep no get back in here you little stinkers hello Pig you know come here you little goober Piggies sheepies all of you come on it is so hard to see in this thing look at this so many little

Guys they’re so funny look at this oh my gosh so many animals ah okay I feel a little safer now that I just have that there all right will you leave me alone now okay man I didn’t realize how many animals we had oh no no I don’t want you

Going in there you silly silly dude nope nope don’t want you in there against the rules not allowed let’s actually just like remove some of this so that I don’t have to deal with llamas being in there when I don’t want them in there but I

Think this is pretty good okay so the animals are moved I like it okay oh wow so quiet now they’re just not around oh that feels good okay well we got a bunch of eggs now from all of that nice okay so we’ve got a bunch of wool

We’ve got all the wheat and potatoes and everything that those guys would want now I’m probably going to leave the fence gate stuff in here as well I’ll take this uh little carpet guy and we’ll put them like over Here oh that did not work that’s aw clean that up oh I did it again okay okay okay okay I need no why isn’t it going oh I think there’s like literally like too many animals ah there we go okay okay so the animals are moved which

Is great so the next thing we need to do is actually like tear down all these buildings because one house is going to be there and the other house I want to be 1 two three we’ll put this in our off hand four five six 7even eight and it’ll be

Nine like so nine and then one 2 3 4 5 six 7even and then we’re just going to have this build kind of be up against this I wasn’t like exactly thinking that that’s how I would have it I might like push this in a little bit but I’m trying to

Keep the like walkway here like a pretty tight walkway this is in the way literally like I don’t want my pads to have lights in between them I’m thinking we’ll put some like fence posts and like banners that kind of like go between the houses is something that’s like a little

Bit nicer around the area but we got to first get the hous is in and I think the house being against the crop field shouldn’t be a big deal but if we look right here this is kind of like the entrance so what I’m going to start

Doing little by little is I’m going to start building out the gingerbread Village just in the front area so we’re going to work on the first two houses taking down some of the ones that are right next to them and then I do want to start like kind of blending the road and

Path that’s going to be in the gingerbread Village in with our kind of like christmy hollyberries candy cane type of a walkway and then we’ll blend those together so I do have a palette in mind of what we’re going to make our kind of roadway look like but I I I

Think it’s fine if this is right here like next to it I don’t have a problem with that but we’re going to start just uh taking down these little four houses here and then we’ll start collecting up all the resources that we need once once we get these taken care of but I’m

Excited to actually start working on this area I think it’s going to look so cute when we’re done so I’m going to do some recording just so we kind of can see some before and after but we’ll start with taking down all these little cute uh default kind of generated light

Posts I am excited to definitely have more lamps just from this so that’s always nice but I do like how these houses are probably like the easiest ones to take down just because they’re literally just snow like we’re pretty much already done clearing out one of these which is nice

I just need to make sure that I like keep the ground nice and pick up everything else how do you like get the snow off of it oh oh my gosh you scoop it that is so cool oh my gosh I didn’t realize like

That’s how you do it wait I want to try this again so I can scoop this and I right click to scoop it off because picking up the slabs with the snow on it literally takes so long like if I try to collect this right

Now there’s my slab right and if I try to get this slab but I scoop it off and then get it that’s so cute kind of oh my gosh that’s cool actually I’m a fan of that I just got to scoop everything off of here SC roof scoop is basically what we got

To do first do some roof scooping I actually think this adds to it cuz that’s literally what she would have to do in real life is literally like scoop off your roof and like everything else that would be on your roof while it’s like snowy so kind of cool I’m a fan of

That I actually don’t think I even looked inside this house this was the one where we had the uh the fish fisherman living for the longest time before I kind of had to move them where’s the oh I was like where’s the polar bear I can hear them very

Loudly so this is the fisherman’s house so I’m also kind of just using replay mod to document oops what we’ve taken down so far and what we still haven’t taken down so that kind of just helps out with everything okay I’ve never actually like transformed a village fully before I think the last

Time I like started the process was in I did a hardcore World um I lasted for episodes because I oh there was a cave under here oh this is where all the villagers were ending up that’s what’s that’s what this is I was like what is this but I I

Lasted like four episodes worth because I didn’t realize that the Iron Golems will just straight up attack you even if they’ve never seen you actually hit a villager the villagers will gossip and be like this player is hurting us and killing us like Golems go get them I didn’t know

This was a thing that they like kind of gossip about well other the player so I ended up accidentally dying because of that so I was in the middle of living in a village and kind of transforming it and I also kind of had like a winry Vibe it definitely wasn’t

Like my best work because I was still like learning different styles and like figuring out a new style but I had a lot of fun with it still but it was definitely one of those like okay like learning something new but I started a village transformation project but never

Actually got to finish it so this is kind of like a a fun kind of christmy winry reboot of getting to transform a village over time but I think it’s super fun to do this during the holidays especially making it like a gingerbread themed place I just think it’s really

Fun Okay so we’ve got this one cleared out we do have to clear this giant one out as well but for now let’s uh move all of these in here we’re going to have so many like snow blocks from all of this which is kind of funny get get

Doors we’ll just move all of these out of the way for now and then we’ll work on scooping this house up too oh look it’s snowing oh okay let’s do a little lookie I love how it looks when it snows in this area it’s just so pretty and the

Fact that like we have these giant like lollipops for our candy crop Fields is like making it feel even more like it’s going to just like I don’t know it’s just it just feels good you know it feels like we’re transforming this into exactly what I wanted to making it a

Little gingerbread house place and I love it so much unfortunately I do have to uh break all of my good my good ice blocks because I don’t have silk touch yet but I do I did find one of those little uh like iglo and there was two villagers

Under there inside that spot one was already zombified and so I’m kind of thinking it could be cool if we just uh I do have a zombie villager right here inside this little dark oak and kind of stone mess but if we decide to move that

Villager over here down that way I could use a splash potion and end up being able to get like three villagers converted which would be great because then I could get silk touch I could do some mending finally Unbreaking it would just be great so I kind of feel like I want to

Do that for something is just like take some time and just like move over some of the uh the villagers to that area but for now we’re just going to leave it oh I found a wild chicken oh the eggs despawned I’m just going to Cur away some of

This oh and in our last long play I mentioned that we had a creeper explode and destroy a section of our snow globe I I fixed it on a live stream so the snow globe has snow golems again and it’s back to normal which is really nice actually so that’s uh that’s looking

Good again doesn’t look like a crazy mess which is nice okay and then going remove this go like so now we’re just going to pick up everything okay I’m just trying to make the ground even okay there we go since we had all the the wool in

Here okay well this feels good to have a lot more area and space cleared out I think what I’m going to do is I’m okay if we’re like dropping this down a bit but I do want to curve this a little bit just so that our crop Fields don’t just look a little

Sad just kind of like on the edge cuz this looks a little like funky I want it to be more like rounded and I think it could be cool to have some like mini spruce trees decorated along the sides I think uh I also want to have

This area be like the town center and Town Square cuz there is the bell and once our town is like safer I do want villagers to be able to roam around again but then this is like a frozen Fountain so we’ll do something with that

But I just want to kind of like round out this path a bit more so we’ll just get rid of this go like so and now we’re going to get rid of that other house here because now we have our full shape so now let’s uh start tearing this guy

Down the little Minecraft default furnace oh got to get the snow off so we can actually get to cleaning this all up scoop it away okay good scoop away all the snow off the roof because then it will be easier once the snow is not on the roof as I do this

I’ll just be able to like clean this whole area up a lot quicker but what will be interesting is we will have snow that’s just going to like be forming as I’m doing this it’s kind of funny but then we’ll just get this all taken care of scoop the snow

Off scoop this snow there we go I was using the wrong button and we’ve got window panes that need to come down I have to make sure like there’s nothing yeah okay I was going to say nothing just like hanging in the air cuz it’s definitely

Possible okay we got these guys I love this uh mod that just kind of like adds some like snow dusting to the top of the slabs and stuff it’s definitely like a really cute little feature I really like it okay and then I also really like how this place

Looks at night it’s so cozy like granted right now I’m kind of in like a dark area so we could have some mobs spawning so maybe we put down um a torch or two around here but it does feel nice to just like have a cozy little base area in in the

Nighttime and then we’re getting this taken care of getting all the blocks picked up going to put down a torch here because I can see some guys starting to spawn that I don’t want around me there we go okay we’re getting it all cleaned up scoop this and scoop the front stairs

There we go okay so this is all cleaned up we’ve got all four of the houses taken care of so I’m going to sleep quickly I love my little overalls they’re so cute I also realized I wanted to turn up the volume so you guys could enjoy some of those classic uh block

ASMR noises as we’re going through this got lots of snow blocks figures okay so we do have a bunch of spruce which is nice we’ve got lamps which is also so good but I’m just going to pick up the last bits of things and grab some things over here as

Well oh it was the polar be I like saw something and I was like that looks a little scary okay so as far as oh this is the other build that needed to go down it’s nice when these in are just snow cuz this comes down so so

Quick and then we scoop scoop and now we can take them down and this is all wool so then we just pick these up I think once we get uh Unbreaking and mending I want to try adding those onto shears because I’ve never actually like used enchants on the shears but I feel

Like it would be super helpful just because then the shoes will like last longer but I’ve never actually like done that for anything I think it’ be kind of fun Okay so we’ve got some more space here all right look at that lots of space and I’m also thinking we might put

A little like Market stall place here and same with this spot here like I’m going to have my Fletcher living in one of these and my little farmer as well living in one of these so it’s just kind of like giving them some base to live somewhere giving them a little home

That’s all cute and cozy I’m trying to like condense all these snow blocks and put them away okay so we’ll keep these in our inventory and then okay so as far as this goes this one could actually be a little bit bigger so if we wanted to do

One two 3 four five six seven eight nine we could go out to be nine and then we could make this one be we’d probably like stretch it out this way so if we’re doing one 2 three four five six seven eight N9 10 11 so then we bring it out here like

So and then we just clear out the middle area like that and then bring this out here okay so then we have a 1 2 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 by 1 2 three four five six seven eight nine cool okay so looking at

Shapes now that’s a pretty nice sized house I like that and then our other one is just going to be a much smaller house but we could fit at least like two beds in here maybe more but the main blocks that we’re going to build out of is

We’re going to have the walls be made out of spruce Ro and then the roof trim is going to be dark oak and the roof itself is going to be made of just regular Oak cuz I kind of want the roof to kind of look like a gingerbread roof

Like a graham cracker roof we’re going to add some like dotted wool colors around kind of like what we have here around our little crop Fields with little like gum Gumdrop things that I was trying to like replicate so I think now that this is cleared we just have

Have to start just uh getting some of the blocks figured out and go collect some resources and this is 1 2 3 4 five six 7 8 nine so 1 2 3 4 clear this one out and this is our way to get into the

House but I think this will be good so yeah we could almost move this a little bit Further this way but I honestly think I might also make um my little cow Crusher like leather Farm over here and I think I want to replicate another snow globe and put a snow globe right in here so I think I’m just going to let this be and

Then this will kind of be the like cow Farm spot like So there cuz we could also honestly it could be kind of cute cuz like I have the same shape of the snow the snow globe but we could make it like a gumball machine because it’s more like Santa’s Workshop candy you know like gingerbread is Vibes so we could make

The same shape but then just fill it with like little polka dots of colored wool that could be super cute but I think I’m just going to leave this open for now and I think it’ll definitely be helpful to have the like cow Crusher leather Farm over on this side because

We do have our crop Fields full of wheat that we can pull from to feed them and just keep breeding up the population which will be nice we’re also going to need a lot more wheat because we’re breeding up these sheep so that they can

Be in our wool farm that we’ve got the build over there but I want to get these houses done first so we’re going to get some supplies now so I can take some of this back but let’s move some of this stuff out of the way actually I’m going to make another

Barrel I feel like that would be helpful so we’ll make another barrel and all of the stuff that’s related to like the animals and food will pop over here beetroot seeds I don’t think they’ll like eat those but we’ll move all of these just like so so that’ll be

Good and then this can stay here okay sweet now let’s go grab ourselves some Oak and I’m pretty sure I have to just like mine up or like resource collect a ton of Oak because I don’t really I haven’t used Oak yet so I think that’s going to be kind of like a

New thing to add we got all of our little poppies that we’ll put in here we’ve got some bone meal already for the trees but we’ll definitely need more than this but we’re just going to go out here I’m going to stop our little replay

So that I can keep track of that but it’s not going to just keep playing now we’re going to go see what we have for dark oak cuz that’ll be our roof trim I think since the walls will be Spruce and we were just taking down a bunch of

Spruce buildings like we’ll have a little bit to help us out but we’ll definitely need to plant a lot more Oak okay did I have Oak in here no yeah kind of what I expected not a whole lot but we’ll bring it with with us there we go these things we can all

Bring okay nothing else is in here that I need at this moment um I’ll bring some dirt just in case we need to like pillar around and everything but let’s go down here we’re going to go over to where we have all of our like trees in the field because

That’s also where I mined up a bunch of spruce and dark oak but we’re just going to spend some time also getting a bunch of Oak cuz literally the trees I have are like these ones so we got to change that make it uh a little bit more useful

To have all these trees around here so we’re definitely good on dark oak I’m going to bring the little bit of spruce that was there we’ll also bring this but I think I need to just drop this off and then we’ll come back for all of the oak

That’ll probably be the easiest we’ll just take down some of this now just so that the saplings can start dropping while we’re walking over and like we do also have tons of Oak that we can just go harvest in the fields and stuff but I

Kind of wanted to just be able to stay around here it’s a little bit easier but we’ll let those despawn there’s no other okay there’s nothing else that I need to like look out for here so let’s go drop all of these guys I am really excited to see this like

Gingerbread Village come together I also need to figure out the type of like wall protective barrier I’m going to put here because I think that’ll really help to just know what that’s going to be like okay Um put all of these here the only ones I really need are these ones for Spruce for now at least we’ll put those in there as well okay this will be good I also need more fish I’ve been living off of fish okay fine I’ll get you some

Emeralds okay I’ll get you some emeralds so that you can be happy okay one moment hi guys excuse me I need to get some emeralds from you guys thank you very much and thank you very much and we’ll put this away if the wandering Trader like leaves again like he did

Last time I was literally about to like hand them it did it again I was about to hand them the emeralds it literally did it again oh that’s so annoying oh I’m so sad okay going to bring my bed with me because we’re going to be spending some time or resource collecting

So we’ve got what where where did you go in the hole is that where you went oh my goodness you did you silly silly silly okay blue ice I don’t really need brain coral could look kind of cool if we have some of that but I really care more about your like leads

I’ll I’ll get a boat though I was tempted but I’ll get a boat I’m also going to sleep right here and then I’m taking a sip of my coffee okay now we go and collect up a bunch of Oak there we go look at all those saplings dropping that’s what we wanted

To see lovely I’ll move my uh slime and sticks out of the way as well okay now we see how this will work didn’t want to dig through that we’re going to try the whole like all them in a line thing and see how this works I’m also going to just like create

A little edging around all of our trees feel like that’ll make it a little bit easier for them to just grow and not have to worry about anything okay now we bone meal okay we got one tree out of all that love it nice okay well we will be here for a little

Bit I’m going to go back into our house because I know I have a bunch of seeds that I can use to Bone get some extra bone meal but I have a feeling this could take quite a bit otherwise oh I took them out oh no okay

Well not what I expected but that is okay we can just see how this bone meal is doing that we just put away I think we’ll probably just end up uh going into like an oak forest area and just taking some trees from there that’ll probably be the easiest thing to do okay

18 and then we’ll see what bone meal we get from this I feel like I’m only going to get like one or two yep okay one love that yeah Oak is going to be slow going we live like all around Spruce and dark oak but then just when we need the

Oak the oak is not close by I wish oak trees made like the 2 by twos that would be wonderful okay this is getting us somewhere nice okay that’s way better than I thought it would be okay nice there we go now we wait for

That didn’t get quite a full stack so I think what I want to do is now that I got all of the saplings from this we’ll probably end up just you know planting them back down but I’m probably just going to go out somewhere and look around because this is going to take

Quite a bit so let’s just go looking let’s go finding some got some big holes around here oh why is that too deep oh it’s three deep oh my goodness even even larger of a hole than I thought I have these like random little like spots that just like aren’t filled

In oh you just spawned in I just saw you appear no thank you not interested no thank you why are you spawning in I don’t think they saw me but I’m just going to run this way just going to run away don’t want to deal with them right

Now don’t have to go looking for a cow either oh look at that you can just see the little like lollipop suckers from far away I love it it’s so fun I don’t think they can see me right let’s get a little closer you know they are kind of facing

My direction like they did see me which is unfortunate I also forgot to grab food when I was back there so if they come towards me that will be interesting but I think for like as far as because our roof is going to be made out of of Oak we’ll need a decent

Amount but we’ll replant once they actually start uh giving us some goodies oh there is a cow over here okay I just would need milk I do not want to start a raid can you imagine starting a raid oh my goodness that would not be a cozy little little video anymore that

Would be me freaking out in pure chaos not what we want I mean entertainment value for sure but like different kind of entertainment right not the same cozy coziness I would say that’s a very different vibe we’ll go right there I’ll collect up the apples just so that

I can like get some decent uh food while I’m doing this hi cow oh I didn’t mean to hit you sorry dude I actually didn’t I was trying to just whack the log excuse me didn’t mean to whack you I’m sorry I hope you can forgive me

Okay we got saplings coming down which is good o why is there a cat out here this isn’t even like a Village area this is just like the Great Wilderness it’s kind of funny where you end up finding the the cats and animals you’re like I don’t think you should be

Here but somehow you are here here like that cat I thought they would like despawn kind of quick so it’s kind of funny to like have oh I almost just went for that ho nice but it is kind of funny to just have cats over here when You’ think that

They’re okay I did fall in the hole nice I just wouldn’t think you’d see cats in the middle of nowhere because they usually just despawn like that’s what I’m confused by more so than anything just going to taking all of the trees off the edges planting them down when I’m able

To get some saplings okay there we go we’re getting a lot more saplings now which is good so just fill in this area there we go look at all the trees are adding to the area lovely apples are going to be my food source while we’re out here as well so

We’ve got two stacks and 22 because we’re going to have both of our roofs made out of this I’ll probably let’s just say we’ll collect up maybe four stacks and hope that that’s enough cuz we’re going to turn a lot of this into just like planks and stairs but I think

It if we have four Stacks that should be good I feel like that is a decent amount we’re going to pick up all these apples as we go because I will need food to do this and then we’re going to set up our bed so that we can

Sleep I’m going to take a sip of my coffee okay put our food back in our off hand our inventory hand oh wow I got attacked this tree just grew right as I was walking over it that is crazy I didn’t expect that to happen bizarre I’ll take it I need the trees

But like what are the chances of that timing right okay I like having in my inventory just the like four stacks of like items that I’m going to be collecting like if I need four stacks of Oak I like put it in my hot bar so that I can see like how close

I am to actually getting the amount that I was hoping for so I really like doing that as like a kind of like a helpful reminder like a progress report of like how close we are to getting what we needed you know how far away all of that

Is just kind of kind of cool then we go up again and now we sneakily come this way and we come down again there we go I do want to grab these um these beehives once they get silk touched that will be nice okay we’ve got these guys collected now we’re going to

Go get some more we’re almost at okay so we’re at almost three stacks that’s good getting closer and then back into the woods we’ll kind of just start traveling that way look this is doing good we’re getting what we need we’re halfway to three full Stacks which is great or four

Full Stacks we have three and a half right now so we’re more than halfways There collecting resources is probably one of my like favorite things to do but I think sometimes I do still get kind of impatient that like okay this takes so long especially depending on like what the block is or like what I’m working on sometimes it’s just too much like I

Wanted to go quicker I lose patience but I also know that it’s like if I want it to look exactly how I want it to look I need to be patient like I need to just take my time make it happen Okay let me grab these guys okay we’ve

Got sweet we’ve got exactly the four Stacks which is awesome and now we just make our way back through everything oh we’ll grab some more saplings to plant at home I think that’ll probably be the like best thing to do just collect them all up to bring them

Home and you know I’ll take the sticks cuz we’re going to be trading with Fletchers so having extra sticks is never actually that bad of a a deal what I do want though more than anything is I really want to get the uh oh I lost my train of that I really want

To get the all the saplings all the goodies but I’m also just like so excited to just like start on this you know like actually get all the resources collected actually make it fill in our gingerbread Village area and start working on it cuz I definitely had the oh I need my

Bed as well I definitely had a balance of like okay I want to find all of these cool things and explore this world but I also need to make sure I’m like making some of these things okay I have a blue bed now where did the blue bed

Go who did I pick it up oh my gosh I picked it up okay I was so confused I was like how did I just not get this okay giant cave we might explore later but not today we’re for now going back and I think what I want to do is

The the oak was the really the last block that I needed before we could start building the frames out of these houses so we’re going to start working on getting these houses all laid out looking cute and we’ll probably just like fully build up the like walls and the roof and the

Inside floors and everything for this first one that’s larger and then we’ll then move on to our second build and I think it’ll be really fun Okay so we’ve got everything we need for everything else I’m going to just put away these random things let’s see if we

Can get a chicken out of this one though I’m kind of curious hi yeah nope oh sorry dude didn’t mean to actually whack you and I’m going to go check to see how my food situation looks on the inside but since we have all of this Spruce

Like this is so so helpful I’m actually really glad we have this so these will be our walls and then we are going to mix in some of the spruce planks as well so having these is great but I want to first see if we can get some other like

Food food that’s like a little bit more important to me is just extra food but then once we have that in place we can start working on the roof which is going to be these dark oak guys and then the the actual like roof is going to be just solid uh

Oak and then we’re going to mix in some dotted wool to kind of make it look more like it’s like a gingerbread roof with like polka dots of like gumdrops and things but I want to first see if I can get some new shears and a solid food

Source there we go my shears were about to break so I was going to fix them but let’s go see about more food because I don’t want to just live on apples this is why I’m trying to get my uh my little uh farmer to level up and

Give me some actual decent food um let’s do some bread I feel like that will be better I’ll save the apples for when we actually have you know better options like literally uh I just want golden carrots I wonder if golden carrots would look like kind of special

Here we’re going to quickly just trade some of our last bits of uh iron for Emerald oops right here thank you and thank you and are you going to do a quick little uh switch your trades cuz if so I’ll take more emeralds from you it’s a

No trying to drink my coffee have a little moment but you’re not into it I’m not willing to give me what I’m looking for that’s fine okay let’s go get us some Emerald trading for some golden carrots soon oh that I had so many apples oh my

Word I didn’t realize I had so many okay I was curious for the suspicious stew type we had in here okay let’s see what we get oh gosh hi weakness for like 7 Seconds not exactly what we want okay that’s good to know but now we know right now we know um

You okay I’m just going to buy cakes they can’t stack I wish I wish cakes would stack that would be amazing okay but we’ve got a cake guy which is great because cakes will actually look so so cute like I gave our zombie villager guy a piece of cake and it

Looks like it’s a little gingerbread kind of a cake so I definitely want to have like a bakery with like cakes and cookies and things that’s one of the things we’ll have but okay yes there we go golden carrots all that good saturation hello okay that feels good we’ll leave

These here for now and I honestly also want to start breeding you guys up again so there’s some bread enjoy yep go take it yep there you go going to do your thing oh okay um I don’t think you’ll eat apples oh okay you’re going to sleep

That’s F you can do that you’re allowed to do that okay oh don’t take the bowl okay I didn’t want the bow all righty well we’re going to sleep by our main area and then we’re going to get building I’m so excited okay so I’m going to get this in my

Offand these things I don’t need so I’m just going to move them out of the way don’t need the hoe everything else will leave in our inventory for now I don’t need the sticks but then this is going to be all of our Spruce we’ll make a dark oak door as

Well there we go dark oak we’ll make a door ahead of time and now we can snooze and then we’ll start getting to work on building Okay so we’ve got efficiency see okay so let’s uh do some replacing of these I love the sound of just placing

The blocks it just sounds so good and then for these we’re only going up four blocks which is kind of nice so we’ll just go one two three four and we’re going to be putting Some nice little uh we’ll have some windows in here as well and I want to start using like colored glass cuz I think the biggest pieces of this gingerbread Village are going to be lots of color like it’s going to look snowy but there’s also going to be a ton of

Just color so that’s why I want to make a wool Farm that’s why I’m grabbing different dyes but I also want to use colored glass so it’s not even going to be like the same colored glass for all of it it’s just going to be kind of like a mix and

Match but for starters this is going to be a window so we’ll get that popped out and then this is is going to be a window as well what we have oh I need to move okay silly me okay we’re going to move this over because we don’t need this so one

Two three four five six seven8 nine 10 11 so one two three four five so this is actually our doorway yep okay and then our windows will be a little bit bigger we’ll have them be like so and then we can just finish this and then we are going to spot this

From the outside with just a variety of the spruce cuz I think it’ll just make it look really nice if we have more variety just some texture for the blocks is always nice so if you’re ever trying to figure out like man I wish my build

Wouldn’t look so just like the same just adding some texture with similar blocks to what you like started building it out of will just make it look a little bit extra a little bit better I’m I’m not always good at like adding a bunch of like texture and detail into my builds

But whenever I do like it does look really good so if that’s what you’re trying to like figure out and think of I highly recommend just trying to do some more like texturing I think there’s some really great uh creators that are really good at like texturing the builds this might

Be a little too much on the texturing side if I’m truly thinking about it but we’ll just finish this out and then we’ll see what we think I’m not trying to like super texture it okay this might be a little too much so we’re going to add some of these back in

Here I also don’t want to have the texturing that I’m I’m like taking away be on the same like areas okay that I’m good with let’s check this side a little too much let’s remove this one and we’ll remove this one okay that’s good and this front again a little too

Much on the texture so let’s get rid of that and let’s get rid of this one there we go I just want like a little bit of texture I don’t want it to be too overwhelming so I’m going to actually change this one out as well but

Then we can pick up all these extra blocks and we’ll use that for the other one but now we’re going to replace our flooring so let’s grab this this floor on the inside I wanted to have just be some good old oak I think that will just help it look a little brighter

I literally love that I combined all of these shovels to make an efficiency 4 and Unbreaking three it literally goes so much quicker like such a relief that it’s just this quick honestly there we go just like so there we go I love it okay and then I’m

Going to put a torch down in here just because I don’t want any bad guys spawning in here now we’ve got that done so let’s do some of the roof trim and get that worked on so I don’t need any of this Spruce right now I will take a

Bunch of the oak though that’s important and we’ll also put our door in place always good especially if I’m going to be like working I don’t want there to be a bunch of like an Little Critters coming in we need to add some glass here so that the

Critters don’t come in but let’s grab some of our dark oak we’ll convert this fully into a bunch of these guys I need a bunch of slabs and stairs put that together put these together and I don’t need the spoon so then I think just the blocks will be good this looks like

It’ll be great okay perfect so now this is where we start in the corner and then same on the other side this is like a roof shape that I just recently learned that I actually really really like it’s very simple it’s easy to learn and I’m really enjoyed just like

Trying this out so it’s been nice so I found this on Pinterest like someone just like kind of made a diagram of like how you can make this look better and like actually turn out good so that felt uh real good that I could just find something so we’re just going to put

Some of these guys down oh I guess I you know don’t need there to be like water inside the house you know we’ll just cover that up over here but now let’s get this going and then we’re just going to start working on this so this is how the roof

Shape goes so you do the upside down stair and then you do a full block on that full block you do a stair and then you do another stair upside down and then the full block the stair the upside down stair oops that’s the wrong way the upside down stair the full block

The stair upside down stair full block I’m on the full block right okay yeah full block stair stair now I feel like I’m kind kind of centered right now so I’m going to jump down here and we’re going to come up from the other side so we’ll go like this so it’s

Stair stair full block stair stair full block oh hang on I don’t think this worked okay so sometimes I get a little bit ahead of myself so it’s a stair it’s full block stair stair full block stair stair full block stair stair okay I did this one all right I just got

Carried away here so it’s full block stair stair full blocks yeah okay mess this up then this is stair stair full block stair and you just keep doing this the whole time and it gives you a very like elevated roof which is really fun so if you’re trying to find like cute little

Elevated little roofs I think this is like definitely a really great option okay so then this is just going to be a full block and then we go like so we go like so and then this is kind of like where the roof comes across at so I’m just

Going to bring this all the way across and then this bit of the roof just goes out one block further so this looks like it’s the same block as the Full House and we just make this go one block out right so then we go like so or excuse me this goes down

Here because then we can go like this like this cuz what this is going to look like is this stair is even with this it’s even with this so now we go up on the other side but this is a roof shape that like I’ve started doing recently with

These Christmas builds and I’m a huge fan of it it makes it just feel like it’s a lot easier to do roof shapes that sometimes would feel more complicated to me but I actually feel like you know like I can I can do this it’s not too difficult but that’s part of literally

Just like practicing right like I had to practice a bunch of different roof options before I was like you know what this one feels really nice like I like this one it’s simple it’s straightforward it’s just a good example of how I would like to do roofs and I

Think it’s like a fun shape itself I might need to get more stairs we’ll see oh this is supposed to just go up we’ll see how this goes and then here okay so then this is like right here there we go okay and then usually we put the the full block

Here and then we go like so and then like so oh I can’t even put them there okay so then this is okay perfect that’s exactly what I wanted it to be so now I’m going to go sleep and we’re going to fill this roof in aloop oops I missed

Okay but after doing this roof I did this roof shape on our blacksmith and I really like how it turned out so it’s just this exact same shape where it’s just like the it’s like the full block stair stair full block stair and then you just have the stair

Be there but then it’s the same kind of shape and I think it looks really cute just very simple but I’m going to try to like do the same kind of roof decorating here but change it up a little bit since we’re trying to do more of our gingerbread style but I just

Think it’s going to be so fun like look at this we’re already getting like our first custom build inside the gingerbread area and I just think slowly transforming cuz like I’m just going to like do a little bit of the inside like intro entrance area and then as we like

Oops come through we’re just going to start builds come together then we’ll add even more here we’ll add some Life we’ll do one project we’re the town center it’s a project and then we’ll just start scattering the builds up and around here adding Decor all the goodies it’s just so exciting it’s just

Fun I’m very excited to be like working in this world like to me this is just so much fun so I’m I’m glad that you guys have been enjoying this winter World whether you like watching the the long plays more so with this world or you actually like doing more of the the

Let’s Plays but I’m just really glad that I’ve been getting like so much feedback on people just really enjoying the coziness of this winter World cuz I’ve been having a blast like this is just fun hello Okay so let’s start I want to go out here first quickly there we go so

Then I’m trying to think oops that’s a full block so we’ll go like this go like So okay there we go I feel like I just needed to like kick start it a little bit there we go okay and then once we get this little edging done makes it just easier to feel like like I can like walk along the edge and then we go like so and right

Here there we go and then we can add bunch of the little stairs then we jump up here do some more Stairs oh I just want to fall imagine if I fall I feel like I would definitely uh take a fair bit of fall damage might even end up dying by accident if I try to go too hard okay let’s see if I have enough stairs for this

Side okay perfect and then we go here I should have just enough I feel like if my calculations are correct I’ll have one stair left for this side because this is 11 wide aha look at that exactly one okay and then if we step back we can kind of

See it’s a really tall roof we’re going to add some polka dots to this so that it adds some color but this is going to be like a main like sleeping house cuz that’s the bigger one so I want there to be a lot more little uh

Fun sleeping house type stuff like more of like the the dormatory area for all of the little villagers to like sleep oh look there’s a little guy did you see that there was a little villager I need to keep an eye on them because they’re definitely going to get eaten

Yeah he’s literally like walking around okay he’s literally just asking for danger because he’s walking around the zombie villager not that they’ like get attacked or anything cuz they like really can’t do that but like not exactly a smart move but you know the kid just wants to have a good

Time you know find some friends maybe who knows not safe but you know they they do what they got to do and then we’ll get rid of this one okay and then we’ll go like so there we go add the edge oops there we go getting Swift snake would also be so

Nice but I’m in survival like I was doing a fun like autumn Long play world and I was in enjoying peaceful mode you know I could go into the ancient city wardens don’t spawn at all it was a great time just getting to see the space

But I would definitely die if I tried to go looking around where I shouldn’t okay now I need to get down we land on the wooles that’s safer looks like it is do I have more okay can you imagine if I was already out of Oak I’d be so

Sad oh that would be terrible but we mostly have it figured out like I’m pretty much done with this roof at least like the base shape of it right like I still have some of it to do but like the base shape like we’ve still got to do

The trim but the base shape is looking good now the base the like default roof shape that it tells me to do is leaving a a full block there but I’ve been doing the slab because I like the roof Edge to have a slab like this so this is what I started doing

Instead but you can definitely just leave it as like a full block but then we just run this along Here like oops that’s a full block again go like so I was running into stuff over here and then we put the half like so looks like I need more Slabs go and then this we go every other like so because then the lanterns can actually like attach to the edges of my roof so that’s also why I have these there and honestly this uh where’d you go buddy hello yes this will just stick here it’s

Literally just like sitting on the wool like it was before but we attached to the roof instead and then this is an every other type of a one as well and there we go and then we just fill this in with dark oak all the way around both

Sides there we go looking good and now we finished this so we’re going to go up here jump up here oh that actually worked really well and now we do the full block jump up here and another full block oh man this is the part where it’s hard

When you like act accidentally like fall and then you have to like fix fix what you were doing okay and then the last little bit perfect okay we’ve got the roof done yay for that getting all the blocks collected up that we have had and then jump down

Here now it is time to work on the inside and the floors we already got in place now the other thing we need to do is fill in these walls here like this get these all filled in and then we’re actually going to like run this

Across because this is going to be kind of where some windows are but we’re also going to just like fill this in in case we’re going to just have the walls be here instead of like Windows in Creative I kind of decided to put some windows there but I think I might change

That and I want this floor to be dark oak cuz I think it’ll look really nice so we’re just going to add in our flooring and our our it’s our ceiling and our floor what would you call that the Seal Seal slor seiling floor sounds really funny but you know

We can have some fun with it no idea what You’ actually like combine it as now I also want to have a staircase going up so I do need a few more stairs so we’ll just do here and if I I need to like remember how far up I want

The walls to go because this is just the straight layer and I think I’m going to block this off so this actually would probably be the good spot to put this but I also one two three four five six 7even one two three I also like the idea

Of it being like Central right like having this be here so then it’s just open like that just to walk up into here I’m going to quickly put a torch down before I get creepers and things spawning inside my house I also need to sleep soon so we’ll just do one more

Little stair here and then with that stair here I think this will be good so then oh look at this we’ll have like a nice little view of the main Square from here if we do windows and this is honestly such a pretty view minus like

The sheep and animals but if the barn is there we got to make the barn look pretty but I love how you can see the little snow globes I love it so much but I think I do want to keep the staircase right here I think that’ll be nice just

To keep it clean okay so now we’re going to go sleep and then most everything else on this house is going to be just decorating it on the inside and like we’ve got the floors in place like we’ve got the basic the Bas basic shell right cuz like everything else would be a

Giant like decorating session but I want to get both of these done and make sure we’re ah head on that but I’m going to open this up so that we have Windows in here cuz I think that’s important um it might be a little bit you know smelly out this window with all

Of our little animals but I think it’ll be okay you know I’m not too concerned I think we’ll be just just fine I’m going to swap these ones out and same with these ones just so that it looks nicer all next to each other now you don’t

Have to like just see the the inside of the log so we’re just doing a little bit of clean up on those there we go okay so since the shell is done on this one we’re going to wait to do some decorating I might add some like Windows

And things over here like we might might do one window like right in here I feel like that would also look nice and then we’ll replace these so we don’t have the the logs with the hole you know showing through and I guess I didn’t even

Realize but our ceiling was like that as well but this isn’t so that’s good but yeah now we’ve got some nice open Airy window spaces and now we’re going to move on to doing the other one so I’ll need a lot more of the spruce we’ll put

Our Oak away for now we’ll pull more dark oak stairs cuz we’ll need a lot of those for the roof edges but this should be good and then this will definitely need more dark oak that should be good now but we’ll leave some in our inventory we’ll make another crafting

Table we’ll get rid of that kind of just like processing what else we need to have happen here I’ll leave some of this honestly in my inventory but then we’ll grab these guys cuz we’re going to build with Those we’ll grab these those together combined those will be our walls we’re going to decorate with some of these We’ll add some more in here if we need extras but this should be good for our roof I would imagine um but let’s just grab some extras just in

Case okay sweet so we’ve got a stack so I think this will be good so then we can start working on the other house there we go I don’t like how the snow layers kind of just like prevent you from like easily replacing the blocks and you kind

Of have to wait until the snow is like done just like hanging out and like falling which you know makes it interesting but you know it is kind of cool to just see how like gravity is working as well with this so it is it is kind of cool so this

Is one two three four five six seven eight nine so one two 3 four okay so this is the metal block so if we’re doing the same kind of a flooring we’ll do this as our floor so we’ll do another one like this and then this could be

Kind of like our first like in info little shop like if you want more information about what’s around town and everything one two three four like that could be there but it’s kind of just fun to like get some ideas you know ideate like think of what else we want to put in

Here I will say making these build builds in Creative first hugely helps with just me feeling like I’m going much quicker in the building process so if you feel like man like red is just going so so quick on this it is because I first was messing around with some ideas

In Creative so I already knew kind of what I wanted this to look like so if you’re trying to figure out a build like highly recommend doing it in Creative just to give you kind of like a base idea of what you might want to do with the

World and then it just makes it a little bit easier to be like okay yeah this is this is how I want to make it so we can easily just you know change things around we’ll have to grab some more Spruce here some more sprues but this is looking good so far

And then just like knowing that we’re going to like walk through these builds is just oh it’s going to look so good that’s also what’s like fun about it is like getting to imagine like what it’s going to look like you know after you’ve like done the work but then it’s

Like you have to do the work but it’s going to look good when you’re done so it’s worth it okay and then we add more sometimes I like put items in my offhand but then they don’t actually like go into my offand like I go I move

Too quick maybe I don’t know but it just like doesn’t go inside my hand slot and then I’m just like excuse me I’ve I’m waiting for you to do what you’re supposed to do and it doesn’t do it did I have any more Spruce cuz I

Don’t want to have to like go grab more Spruce I did not have any more do I have any in Here no but we’ll see how we can make this work okay well this is all just the same color palette so we’ll do some changes here and honestly I think this will be enough like this is more than what I was needing to finish this

Out like look at that there we go we got it all okay and then we’re doing the same kind of flooring so let’s scoop this up I’m still just so happy with how fast our shovel goes or not our shovel yeah know our shovel all of our tools are

Much quicker now but I was our shovel is just nice to have Unbreaking that’s like one of the things I’m most excited for about that now for this one we’re going to do the same kind of a roof shape so I’ll put these other blocks out of my inventory

Since I don’t need them right now and then we go like this put that little Edge guy there clean up all our other blocks and then we’ll go up here and we’ll have this one grab that well like So all right yay okay literally like just the fact that I’m like going pretty quick on this makes me just feel so proud you know because it’s like I have I’ve struggled with roofs if you uh have been on my channel been a part of any of

My live streams even the roof shapes is always the thing I struggle with the most like I just it’s just hard for me so I’m just very happy with like finding this roof shape really liking how it looks and just being able to get super comfortable with it and then I’ll just

Be able to add on to it so this is the full block so then stair stair oops that did not go where I wanted it to Stair stair full block and I think this is even so we’re going to jump down again and Boop and run from right here we go up

Go up again and go up here okay so this looks like it’s good so let me just make sure this is all even cuz sometimes I just get thrown off okay so this can go away and this can go away and this gets placed right here

This goes right here this right here and then the slabs which I need to put more out but the slabs go right here I don’t think I’ll have quite enough to make it all the way across but it’ll be just about even almost what I need not quite there but we just need

Like we’ll do 18 should be good because we need to do some around the outside edges of our roof like down there oh okay yeah it’s fine just we’ll just go up from here okay so let me go up there we go Bam Bam Alam and because we always put a full

Block here so that we can get the downwards one the upwards then like that then we jump our way back down beep other side jumping there we go okay now that’s in place now we swap out our inventory and we’ll put some of these guys in there

Instead and if I go I don’t want to like fall off I’m trying to make this even there we go I definitely need to add a torch in here cuz there’s no doubt in my mind something will decide that it wants to spawn in my house and I will not be too

Excited about that and we’ll add some torches outside here as well and on the sides just in case somethings wants to come through just in case I actually should probably sleep just so I don’t have like skeletons like sniping me off my roof took another sip of my

Coffee so I know that we’re into December but I’m curious what you guys are like using these long plays for if you’re kind of getting ready to like study for finals and everything or or if it’s just more for having something nice on in the background or if you have this

On like while you’re at work getting projects done around the house I feel like kind of depends on my mood of like what I’m working on oh we’re definitely going to need more let’s just grab more now but I think it’s interesting to like note when people are using it for

Different things like I feel like at different points it’s more of like I definitely use this to study because I’m about to be in finals and all of that but at other times it might be something different so I’m curious what you enjoy using these little long plays

For okay and if we come up on this side we’ll just come right here and jump and go like Here there we go okay we’ve got our full roof in this feels good okay now we’re going to just jump off here and we’re going to work on the dark oak for our insides and we have our our little spot ready got the crafting table ready there we

Go oh I totally forgot this entire side of the roof excuse you red what are you doing you silly goon literally forgetting just didn’t want to do the work like okay we’re done no more roofs we’re done that’s too funny I was like wow this one

Went a lot quicker like how did that even happen that’s cuz you didn’t finish the whole project nice and then we add this I hope that if any of you guys like also struggle with roofs that just being able to like watch in a Long play format

Me like struggle through the roofs like get the shape correct you know all of that that actually kind of can like help you guys out cuz I know sometimes I’ve had people like ask if I’m doing like a tutorial for some of the builds that I’ve made and while I’m not going to

Probably do like build tutorials on my channel cuz that’s not really like a part of Minecraft that I’m like passionate about creating on my channel I think that long play are probably the closest thing you’ll get to a tutorial is just literally me like placing it block by Block it’s not like

A a highly edited version of it but it still gives you you know like how the build is getting built and all of that so hopefully that can at least help with anybody that’s like trying to figure out what I’m doing for my builds okay we’ve almost got this done

And then now we can actually put the dark oak on and I kind of I want the roof to be a little bit taller actually so we’ll put our roof right here against this Oak I think that’ll be good yeah I like it just a little bit

Taller there it gives us more space in here which is so so nice and then we’ll poke a little window on this side and a window on this side and I do like the idea of having just a large window on this side but I might change that we’ll

See but it is kind of just nice to have like more of an open concept I also think having a window here could be nice maybe not I thought it was going to like be right at the level of the crops but it’s kind of just like tucked to the side

More so it’s not the same effect but it still gives you some like light so you can see things but I think this window is probably going to be my favorite just because you are like literally like looking into town and that’s going to be so pretty but the

Other thing I need to figure out how to do is like where am I going to put my little stair case so if I open this up and go upstairs quickly I’m probably going to make the walls come like down and fill these two blocks so this is actually the

Perfect spot for it it so then if this is right here then if I go like right here that’ll be good climb the stairs here there we go okay then with the roof palette here we can kind of just like create some nice glass we can have our bed be on one

Of these sides I am curious though if I can like block this off or if that like gets in the way okay I don’t think it does perfect okay this is actually super helpful so now we’re adding these in on our walls go and then we’ll make our ceiling just

A little bit more flat like so there we go and then I’m curious to like look out here oh yeah I don’t like that being right there so we might do like a different little bit oh yeah that’s definitely the play that looks way better sometimes on these

Edges just some like upside down stairs you know just makes it look so so good okay I love that I actually might change that on the other side too but it’s a very narrow room so this is not going to be as much so our like main area that we’re going to be

Like sleeping in I think this one isn’t going to be as much a place where like we’re going to be having villagers sleep as much as it’s going to be kind of just like a little like info place I feel like this is definitely a lot larger for like having

Extra beds in here like we can do like villager bunk beds in here and make it super cute but I’m really happy with how these turned out now if we look at this oh I’m so excited and just like the giant like lollipop suckers being there and you’re like walking into town and

Then you just see even more large just like candy sticking up we’ll get some like giant like gingerbread men and what I’m really excited about is keeping this as like Main Street because when we walk into Main Street I want to have a giant like Christmas tree right in the center

So it’s going to literally be like right in the middle here so if this is 1 2 3 4 5 like I I want it to be exactly as you’re walking into town so I think this is perfect but I’m going to stop this recording so that we can kind of just

Chat through what we want to do next cuz we’re going to do the decorating part next right okay so if I have things here let’s move this right there there we go okay so I’m trying to like aim this in the center so if this is the center of

Town 1 2 3 4 5 I feel like as you walk into town though like this is the middle block so I’m literally going to just like make a marker that literally like right where this Fountain is is where we’re going to build the tree so this is just my like

Note to self of like this is where we’re going to have the tree be cuz that’s just going to look so cool like oh I’m so excited okay so next what we need to do is we’re going to start decorating these guys and I also want to get some just dark oak

Slabs around here just since this is going to be our little our little step up area oh and look at that oh here this is super cool guys so you can take a snowball or maybe it’s a snow slab I think it’s the the snow layers I’m

Pretty sure it’s still snow layers but you can just use the snow layers okay that’s what it was it was for sure the snow layers and you can like add some snow onto these like that’s just so cute like I can put Snow on these and obviously like as it gets snowy it’ll

Have that same effect but it’s just kind of cool that you can like put Snow on them like look at that it’s so cute I love that and then it just adds a little bit more of like a wintry Vibe and then we’ll add some colored wool so it looks

Like there’s gumdrops and Candy sticking in the little roof bits but I do need to Shear a bunch more sheep to also get that so that’s another thing we’re going to do but now we’re going to decorate I just want to uh see if I get a chicken no

Okay um did my bed okay I like moved my bed and now I’m like um I don’t have my bed on me anymore so what is this okay perfect so I’m going to go and grab a bunch of glass because I want to color the glass and I don’t think I have

A lot of glass anywhere else I think I cleaned up most of my chests but we have a ton of dyes over here so we’ve got a ton of wool and a ton of dye which is going to be important Okay so we’ve got wool right

Here and we can use some of the concrete if we want to as well but I like the texture that the wool has so I think I had yeah some wool in here but we’re going to take some pink we’ll take some lime we’ll take some orange we’ll take

Some blue and white so that we can make some other colors but I also need to combine some like I need to get more bone meal so I think we’re also going to just work on that but we’ll get some of this to just add that and then we can

Make some we’ll do light blue Wool with these ones there we go and then we’ll do lime as well there we go and we’ve got tons so we’re just going to go and grab some nice little wool from our warm little sheepies hi guys how are you hello oh there we go

Thank you sheepies I appreciate all of your warm wool for making our houses both cute colorful and of course you know just making sure we’ve got the the warmth inside okay got you too I think that’s all of the wool yeah look at that we got like 40

Plus that’s amazing okay so now I need to make some orange wool so let’s just add some orange dye in here next we’ll get pink get some pink ones next we’ll we’ll add some more of the dark blue I think that does look kind of cool um I think White

Lime I want some more like pinks and things so I think we’re going to leave this here for now and let’s uh oh wow I had so much more wool in there amazing okay so now we’re going to go we’ll put all of these guys away cuz I don’t need any of these

Right now um I do want the stack of dirt CU I’m going to scale up to get places uh we’ll see if we get another chicken oh I’m sorry sheepies okay now we’re going to go grab some glass for dye we’re going to go oh I need bone

Meal bone meal so I can get more red and I also need more purple so I think I have some lilacs somewhere like so and put that in there and then we’ll slowly get some bone meal but let’s go see about getting glass while we’re waiting and then once we get

The glass I’m also going to grab some more I just like constantly want to be grabbing emeralds from these guys when I’m able to just cuz it makes it easier for me to have emeralds on hand if like a Wandering Trader stops by that like I want something from them it’s kind of

Interesting usually I never like having wandering Traders like stop by unless they’re like good for leads but I feel like I’m at an interesting place where like the early game things that the trader is like offering to me are like kind of actually helpful like I’ve found a bunch of dyes

From the wandering Trader like things I couldn’t find elsewhere okay here we go lilac I think this will give us magenta this will give us some different colors as well but this blue what is this blue does this just do light blue oh the orchids do light blue that’s super

Cool um I don’t think I need anything else I want red but I’m going to use like d for that so I think I should be good lilac will give us magenta which will be nice to have that yeah this will be good this will be great and then I thought I

Put my little like peonies somewhere oh I needed glass we’re actually going to just cycle through some of this sand here oh I found some gold in the Mesa but we’ve got a bunch now which is great love that for us so we’ll just get some glass

Going okay that was a good little reminder and and we found some other goodies recently we can do some Coast armor Trims on our armor that we have on our diamond armor which is kind of fun um okay here we go we’ll do some red stained glass we’ll just bring it all

With us we’ll put that away I’m bringing the emeralds down um I don’t want to use my lapis we’ll bring the concrete as well I didn’t want to use lapis for anything cuz I don’t want to end up like accidentally just not having having enough lapis when I actually can

Enchant cuz right now I’m living off of villager villager trade in enchantments which is not very much but it’s something it’s not nothing okay we’ll bring some of these with bring some barrels okay actually while I’m here we’ll just grab some more glass there we

Go I don’t think I’ll need like a a ton of glass I also want to take a peie with us so we’ll take this guy cuz he gives us pink dye unlimited so this is a peie right just like a normal flower Too Tall which is

Kind of fun it would be cool if they had like textured the lilacs and the rose bushes as well but I think it is pretty fun that you can just like have some snowmen around it’s interesting that the like block size of the peie like worked best

At least I’m assuming it worked best but it’s just kind of fun to like have have some of those guys but having the snowman in the world literally makes it just so cute it’s adorable I love it so much we’re getting a ton of iron as well holy

Moly that is a lot but it’s just because we’re like doing projects in here like that is literally the main draw okay looks like did I have anything else in here okay so now let’s set up these flowers we go like so like so and then

Like so what’s fun is when I bone meal the peie we’re just going to get lots of different um snowmen look at it’s so cute I love it so much so adorable Okay so we’ve got Reds we’ve got magentas and we’ve got pinks and we’ got

Another Barrel so I’m going to use this bar to be like all of our dyes and things I think that’ll just be much easier and then we’ll put a crafting we’ll keep a crafting table on us actually but we’ll put that in there all the little decorative bits okay I also

Need to finish this roof Edge I just remembered so we’re going to just grab some more of these guys finish our roof trim there we go cuz then we have our lights our little lanterns and I think I had more in here yeah there was seven so

If this instead of a full block is just a little guy then we can go like so oops um hello can I go up okay never mind just take you down as well it’s fine okay and then this will become a half and then we can go like so

Keep on just like bumping into all the things there we go there we go and then we need more oh okay now we have a whole stack Nice Okay now every other we’re just going to another slab because we can only have the lanterns when we have a full block or it’s on likee the bottom black it can’t be like a half slab that’s like a top slab if it’s a half slab that’s a top

Slab I could have the lantern sitting on top of this but that’s about all I could do we’ll grab these as well but now that we’re getting these lanterns in place I won’t need to worry about just like mobs spawning and getting everything like making it at least more dangerous so that’s always

Helpful and there we go perfect okay awesome so now I can do lanterns here we’ve got a lantern there we need a lantern over here and one over here CU all of these are pretty much done and this is one two three four five six seven so we could stick another one right

There there we go I’m excited to like add some more of the like cute little things like the Gumdrop like wool bits I think it’ll make it look super cute and this is the same size like idea but I want to have a lantern be there instead

Actually I kind of like how this looks not going to lie like so kind of makes a nice little jet out this kind of like makes me think that it does feel oh that’s too much but it feels more like it’s I don’t know to me like

The front of a hotel kind of a feel um might be kind of like a weird thing to say but that’s kind of what it reminds me of so I’m going to leave it but we’ve got tons of glass now I’m excited okay so let’s see what glass

Options we can make let’s make some magenta we’ll make some light blue we’ll make some pink I think we’ve had like orange and lime yeah we’ve got lime and we’ve got orange we’ve got red amazing and I’m going to sleep quickly don’t want anything getting us okay so now we can convert this

Into some of the agenta I like the idea okay of having so I want light blue next so light blue and then we’ll do pink so having all of the different stained glass panes I think will just be really nice to just make it look cute Okay so we’re going like

So and then I kind of wanted there just to be like a little bit of variation so it looks different but this is like we’re just going to have a lot of colorful glass added around and I think it’ll be fun like it’s different like I haven’t done anything like this like I

Usually just use the white stained glass so this is definitely like a different thing that I’ve done before but I I like it okay so now we’ve got that one in it’s kind of nice that I only have like two little magentas left because I could literally just go like popop popop

Poop bpop also whenever I think of magenta stained glass I always think of Sev because she loves to use magenta stained glass for building and so I’m definitely just like this is like a Sev brand type of glass so it’s kind of fun but we’ll put some let’s do blue right

Here and then just all around this go like so I like it and then where did I put this full one okay the full one’s right there so let’s put the full one here for orange nice and it’s just colorful this feels way more like gingerb Vibes which

I really like now I have to figure out how I’m going to make this upper area look so I’m just going to add the glass to the other build as well so let’s just go like so oh I kind of like that actually that actually looks kind of cool and let’s go over

Here let’s make it beat this one and then we’ll go like so do that and then all of these other ones have like been used up but I want to add more so let’s do some let’s do magenta over here and then we’ll do blue right

Here I just love the colors but I really don’t like that I accidentally put these uh right next to each other maybe we do red let’s do a red one and then we can have red there we go okay okay this will be good so then we’ll

Just replace these with some red ones red and orange oh I could have done red and green that would have been cool too but I I think it’s kind of fun it’s just like very colorful you know not what you’d expect but also like if this is truly like a

Gingerbread like place this is going to be very colorful so I’m a fan but now we’ve got a bunch of the windows filled in I need to figure out what we’re doing on the inside that is the next goal so then I’m going to take a bunch of

Of different blocks cuz I’m trying to figure out how we’re going to like set this up on the inside oh and we can use another door we can add our door over here as well which is nice there we go I will add a torch inside for now I just don’t know where

Anything’s going to spawn so that’s just our temporary fix but I feel like this is mainly just going to be not necessarily the most like livable space but I’m trying to like think so from the outside it looks like this I might do some of the same like

Planter boxes I did over here just to kind of like set this up cuz I do like how this looks I feel like how I did the berries and the lanterns and everything like really fills it in well so I might do the same concept where I do that so

If I’m just planning for that then this would be where the berries go on these sides so then they literally are going to like line this whole area but then if I don’t want it filled in cuz this is going to be like super super dark if I don’t have some form of

Block but I could also make a little like jut out here and we could do like little balconies that might look cute there’s not as much space here and I wouldn’t want a balcony like right here I’d probably want a balcony like further up here so I might just make a balcony

For the sake of it and then it can be just like a place to like kind of just have like more of like a reading Nook up here I’m just kind of like processing what I feel like would be best for this small space cuz then if we do a jut out it

Would be on this middle area so if I just try to this this is the even floor so 1 2 3 four five six 7 so 1 two three so right where this is is where we would like try it and see what we think okay and what do we

Think that that that could work and then we’d pretty much do the same kind of like a thing here where we just have like blocks so then because our roof Edge is that so what we would do then is replace this like so this is like I’m

Imagining this is how this is going to look the best this might not be what I end up wanting to do but we’re just going to try it out I need I thought I had more of the regular like stairs you know I think I need the

Slabs and then we’ll just do a little bit more with the slabs and there we go I think the slabs and the trap doors will help make it look a little bit better we might do full blocks we’ll just see how it looks we’ll just see but I do like how this looks

Oops wrong one this will go like this like this like so and then like okay come on oh okay I can’t do that okay okay fine then if that’s the case then I can just go like this go here no but what I could do is I put a black

Here so I can kind of like make this an easier slope oh that doesn’t work either okay this could go there right but I don’t know if I’m going to like that being up there but I think this looks pretty okay to just create a little bit of

A I’m curious what this would look like we’re just we’re just testing things out you know seeing what we think it’s different o okay that could kind of look cool and then especially if we just put some of these guys around then it kind of just looks like

It’s oh yeah this definitely looks a lot more like it’s chocolate too o that was a good call I’m glad I like thought of that cuz this is definitely like just chocolate ah look at that yeah and then we’ll have like little chocolate bits oh yeah then with

The colors and these dark oak trap doors looking like chocolate yeah much much better okay so then we’ll add like fencing right here so I will actually remove these and then this I’m going to change and it’s going to be dark oak so that it kind of just feels like the

Floor comes out here and then these spots this is what’s like hard um I can just make this the dark o Oak which will actually make it look better with glass so that’s actually like super helpful to have these flower boxes here now that I’m realizing it and then we go like

So okay cool and then this is like a nice little Archway like I think if can I put a light here not really but that’s okay I’ll put lights like over on the sides here but now we can add the glass on the inside

And which do we have the most of we have the most of Red and let’s make some more pink let’s do no I feel like okay I need to see what colors I put on like the sides here because that will kind of determine it so I put pink and magenta so I definitely don’t I want to do probably

Like blue and green I think would be best cuz what did I put here I did Green here so maybe I put blue here and then on the other side what did I do okay so then I’ll just reverse this so green will go here on this side and

Then blue will go here so we’ll just add some more glass so we’ve got the light blue so we’re good there so I’m going to take these out and we’ll do blue and green so we have light blue and green do I have anything in here that’s useful nope

Okay xant have all these new colors I’m having fun with this okay so then for light blue I only had two wow okay so we’ll go like so and then we’ll make some more that and I need more glass so we’re going to go grab some from inside I’m

Also going to like put this wool down I’m not doing the wool quite yet so I don’t need to like have it all in my inventory and I don’t need that there either but I will keep the blue there we go okay and did I bring any of the

Fences over yeah the fences I’ll need for this thing but imagine just like adding some snow layers to that oh it’s going to look so good so excited and I’m going to need a lot more dark oak just because we are going to use the trap doors a lot because they look like

Chocolate bars so it’s perfect and honestly using the dark oak slabs will or not slabs the trap doors is going to also make it look really like it Blends well with our area so I needed lime green so we’ve got you guys and then we

Go like that and we’ll bring the rest of it just back with usce um I’m going to grab more dark oak from over here cuz that’ll help us out just probably another stack I’ll grab two just in case I literally like collected all of that wood up for a

Different build but now because I’m doing this one first I’m just like adding to it you know we’ll just we’ll just grab from it and add to it later on at different times but I am very excited to just see this like ginger area like the builds start to pop up and come

Together I want to try to like change up the roof shapes just so it’s not all going to be like the same kind of a build cuz these are very just like A-frame e roofs and I want to change that up it will help a lot once we get

The I actually might switch this up and do like full blocks we’ll see but I probably will for sure add some just like stripped oak logs so that there’s some texture mixed in with it but we’ll see if I add and like remove the stairs so that the lines aren’t all the same

Because right now it looks very syy which is why I wanted to like add little bits like that but you know it’s something you just kind of like mess around with we figure it out we make it look cozy and cute I’m also going to put down all of these

Guys for now um I don’t need the emeralds I will take take more of these here we go perfect cool okay so now we’ve got these and let’s first put In our little balcony so we can look out look at that so nice so lovely now I think I need to put blue here yeah blue goes here so we put blue blue oh darn it I accidentally broke One okay then we have blue nice and that’ll just look cute and then we put green over here which ones did I put I put them down here and down here so I do Here and we’ll do there there we go and the middle there we go I really like trying just to like have it be very colorful glass everywhere I do also think I want to change up how like Sy this looks I liked how I just had full blocks over here

Which I kind of had to use because of the snow but it works really well to kind of just create different angles like it’s not all the same cuz this looks just a little too uniform but it’s something that I have to like experiment with to figure out

What I think right and how I want it to look but let’s uh I forgot to grab berries while I was over here but I think I put the berries back in the house so we’re just going to get those figured out and then once we have the berries

It’ll be a lot easier I can just like clip these to actually which is kind of helpful forgot I could just Shear the berries that I do have around here kind of have like a Berry Farm just because I have these literally everywhere but it

Helps I also don’t know why I still have like sheep over here too it’s kind of funny all right I’m going to hurt myself but I’ve got them okay we’re good we’re fine oh that’s where I put my gold I’ll probably move these sheep at some point but right now they’re just

Going to stay here okay yeah I think I want to change the roofs to be full blocks cuz it does look pretty sty right now okay I’m going to do a little bit more recording just make these look all nice and cute go like so beep and then we can jump here we

Go I love using these little like planter boxes I think it’s literally like so perfect to have the little sweet berries it literally makes it feel so so christmy so I really like it I think it’s fun and then over here poop then we add our berries do a little jump there we

Go okay now if I do the same thing over here it’s going to be much much larger of a flower box so I think if we do five that’s probably going to be what we want it to look like and then go like so then on the other side and then like

That nice yeah I think that’ll look good and then on the other side do the same thing I think I need more of these trap doors though trap doors are so expensive I wish that the recipe would change it would be so so helpful okay and on this side as well

We do one two three four five oops we go one two three four five down on that side and then we’ll go down on this side with the trapo there we go that one’s in place love it yeah and it’ll just make it look so cute okay okay now I have to

Figure out the inside of this with the glass and the walls and all of that jazz so right here this doesn’t need to be this this could actually be replaced and be dark oak o could it though um cuz I want this to be okay we’ll just look at it from the

Bottom and see what we think that works yeah I think it’s fine okay we’ll we’ll replace this and honestly like the kind of does give us back some blocks that we can use so I’m happy with that okay cool so then if we’re going to

Do glass for this entire thing this is a lot but I think what would make sense is if this roof kind of like cut across right here here it’s kind of hard because it’s like such a large roof that’s like hard to know like how to make it

Look like this I fully kind of like blocked it all in minus a little bit but I feel like the snow looks way prettier than that but maybe what if we did some snow H that could be good some pretty snow to fill in the sides just we’re we’re we’re experimenting I

Think it could look cool let’s grab these other blocks too there we go literally this could be actually very cute I’m curious cuz like it also if this is supposed to be like a gingerbread theme like frosting we could just have the walls be lined with some like Frost

Yeah ooh I think that’s the play yeah oh I like that so much that’s so cute and then as far as like glass goes we can fit any other colors that we have around here so I did blue over here so maybe we do like an orange or

Red I think that would be cute so if I have this here let’s do orange yes and I think we’ll do another orange okay so then if this goes here yeah I like that with the snow it looks a little funny but I think if I add some more

Like decorative pieces around here it’ll look better so it’s a very much so uh just stress the process type of a an experiment but I think the snow will look cute like I think it’s literally going to help it make it look kind of just like frosting where am I stuck

On owie well I’m not stuck I’m Just landing on stuff okay I think this will be good it’s literally frosting which is even cuter and I need some torches up in here because I don’t want anything to get me and we’ll keep this open so that we can get all of the

Sides like that see see how that looks yeah I think widening it was good I could make a little guy right at the top here let’s see how this looks cuz then it kind of fits the like shape okay yeah I’m I’m a fan of that I

Think that looks pretty good I like that so now let’s switch uh let’s go to bed nothing around here to get me okay we’re going to snooze this is looking nice I’m a fan okay so now we’re going to swap out okay we need let’s do pink did I

Have any pink on these sides okay I had pink there so we don’t want to have pink so I could do purple some other colors we also could do red I don’t want to like double up on too many things that’s the other thing I’m like not wanting to

Do if I’ve already had the colors before don’t want it to become come too much okay so let’s see oh I thought that was something coming after me I was like oh no okay so let’s we’ve got red I do kind of want to make purple so maybe we go and grab some

Purple we just need blue so let’s do some blue but honestly I really think that putting the white was the play like I do want it to look like graham cracker like gingerbread house with the color of this but I think just the white on the sides is the contrast

That we needed and then I am going to switch out these blocks to be full blocks and see what that looks like CU I think that’ll just help kind of make it look a little different as well but I think I want to like have some of the

Slabs still like textured so that like we can have the snow kind of be like sitting on top of them like that will look really good Okay so we’ve got blue dye we can make purple dye which is great so we can make purple and then we can do purple right

Here and then where’s the regular purple glass there we go okay I like it I’m a fan and we have some extra as well if we need it this already I think is going to be the play it’s a lot of just testing it out but look at this all the builds are

Coming together it makes me so happy to see things just like forming over here yay but yeah I love the snow no as our side blocks like that is definitely a way better block pallet like 100% better okay so let’s fix this over here put our

Snow in so where can you see it is it just like over here oops not there ooh M okay that’s tricky do I have to get rid of some of my okay that is actually kind of tricky cuz it starts going into the wall I think though what we do is we

Make the window a little bit wider or narrower excuse me so like this is the wall block as well right yeah it is so then this this this goes away this goes away okay and now we look at it yeah that looks good and then we get rid of

This so then it’s just like a smaller little one I think that looks good yeah okay so that’s what we’re going to do this is still three this is still kind of like That and we fill that in so yeah this is literally going to be the same except these change this stays there this gets broken these go here this goes there and then if I look out this way okay and then we get rid of this one then we’ve got the walls in place

We’ve got the little jet out so now the white is in place on the sides we’ve got the glass still there next thing I want to do is I’m going to open this up so that I can just you know hop around oops we’re going to switch things

Up and we’re going to try this just going to look at it from afar see what we think okay actually that helps a lot I actually really like that change I think it’s much better and then this would have just been like a solid block not a stair

Um yeah I’m running out of space majorly out of space okay well that settles it I’m changing the block pallet from the stairs I think it does look a lot better okay cool well now we know that that’s what we like so we’re going to switch it out Boop

And then all these extra bits we’re just going to leave in here extra dyes I don’t need the dyes on me the whole time I don’t know why I was just like keeping them on hand but the berries we can move as well are we going to put purple glass

Over here was that the idea yeah purple glass was going over there okay well we can replace all of that which is nice to just be aware of a no and then put this all in here let’s put the glass inside the window I like doing all this like

Colored glass stuff it’s kind of fun I don’t use a lot of colored glass so it’s enjoyable it’s different I would say more fun for sure um let’s put a giant glass pane there and then when we look outside t I like it I actually do kind of want to oops put a little bit yeah I literally did that over there so let’s put a little one there nice okay fire effect well let’s go finish over on this one now we can just use the dirt so that’s another uh lesson you

Know like right now I started having it look one way but realized you know I’m not as big a fan of what it looked like so we change it and like I think changing your minds on your builds is the best way to kind of find out what you like

So I’m glad I messed around with different shapes and styles and things but I definitely think the like full block makes it look a little bit better just because now there’s like different height and dimensions on the corners here and that’s what we did on this side and then

Just putting the leaves on top it’ll look really good but I like this a lot better so we’re just going to finish swapping this out and then we’re going to go to the other side and switch it too so I’ve got that and then

That and then I think I got all of these so we’ll put this back over here and then where’s my shovel Then do the same thing so I think like with making roofs also just like trying different things out like what I’m doing to just like see if I like it differently like I made the roof one way and then realized I don’t want it that way anymore like that is completely okay

Here you go down perfect and what’s also going to be fun is once we get the wool like we’re going to add wool to this roof next and that’s also going to look super super cool oh my phone just dinged don’t mind my phone just a little

Ding cool I like it I think that’s super fun all right cool and then next we’re going to get colored wool oops I went too far beep next we do wool once we sleep going to remove all of these extra bits for now cuz really I actually

I need this we’ll remove all of these other guys I don’t need the glass either can I sleep okay I can of sleep sweet okay now I’m just making sure okay those were all for all the animals all of the colored dyes and things we’ll put those over there we’ll

Put the that over here and then all of the dyes and things I was putting in here so the glass and everything but now we want the wool so we’re going to put all of the wool in our inventory all of the dyes and then I want some additional

Colors so let’s see what we have I might need to go and grab some more just yellows kind of like those base colors because I want it to be very bright but I need to make sure I’ve got all the colors oh I had these over here

I forgot about that yeah so I used a lot of I used uh all of my yellow dye on the yellow concrete to make the the lollipops so for other colors we don’t have a whole lot of options but we’ll make some more green wool for sure we’ll make some purple

We’ll make some pink we’ll make some purple we’ve got pink we need magenta we’ll do purple okay and then we’ve got orange which is good and we’ll add some of this blue then we really only have pink and other dye colors we’re good on pink we’ve got lots of pink

Um we’ve got white if we we wanted to make some more lime so we can maybe take some of these make some more lime dye that’ll be good and then I think I do want to go out and grab some yellow but we can just start here right

Like we’ve got options right now so let’s start with just what we have this will be good and then yeah we had some of the just regular white but let’s try this Okay so we’ve got the axe and we’ve got all of the wool colors so we’re just going to move

These and then we’ll just add them in okay I think it’s also just like super fun to have all these like colors you know but I also need to like find ways to like climb up places which is kind of Funny okay so we’re just starting to dot colors around and what’s kind of fun is as we’re like dotting the colors around on the outside we’re also going to see it on the inside which will make for some really fun colors so let’s do a pink so now let’s do some

Blues let’s see where we want to put it let’s put a blue one like right over there so in this corner here let’s do a blue like so we’ll do a a dark blue maybe I want like one of every color here so right now we have

Magenta and pink we don’t have purple and we don’t have dark blue so maybe we do the purple there and like dark blue over here so let’s do like a dark blue right here and then on this side we’ll do purple like right here let’s see let’s let’s put it right

Here and now just kind of like a colored spot I like that and then we can add some yellow I think yellow is literally going to be super super helpful to have in here so I think it’ll look really good but then we’ve got this one and

Then actually let’s just stay here let’s let’s just add to this side right so now I’ll do a blue oh these were supposed to be like changed out I forgot about that like so but we’ll grab some other ones so let’s do a blue let’s do a green let’s do a

Pink oh I did not change this roof out at all yet we still need to do that but this will at least help me get up and about so that’ll be nice so let’s do an orange and let’s do magenta right down there this is definitely a taller roof

So we can have more colors in here let’s put let’s do a light blue up in this top bit like right there yeah and then let’s do a purple like in here beep so where was I thinking like probably like right in here so like that let’s do one more one more

Over so we’ll do purple like right there and then we’ll add let’s do pink over here so we’ve got another pink one and I think I want to do like a let’s do like a green up here oops not there green right there and then I kind

Of want to do the other light blue like down here so we’ll do like right here with the light blue cute nice now it just is looking more colorful I like it we’ll add some leaves in here too which will be kind of fun but I think this is good for now and

Then we’re just going to take our shovel and dig your way down wow fully missed that jump that’s so funny it’s always sad when you do that you’re like I got this no that that is not called getting it it unfortunately no okay but let’s like change this roof

Out too cuz that’s going to bother me that I like forgot about the whole roof and changing it out it’s kind of funny I also my poor little axe is going to break soon so sad okay so that’s fixed and then this one there we go

I had a lot more of these uh stairs than I ever thought I would have because I just uh forgot about how I was doing my roof oh it’s starting to snow again slash rain it is kind of funny doing like long plays inside a world where it’s like yes it’s like

Snowing but it’s literally just like it’s supposed to be the rain but all I have is like just tons of uh tons of snow like you don’t get the the Rainy kind of ambiance of the long plays having that because we just have lots of snow instead just kind of interesting you know

Aloop okay oh no and I have to do this scoop the scoop stairs before the snow comes and lands on the mall and again with the scoop stairs scoop stairs it’s kind of nice to know though I didn’t realize that I could like scoop this off until like

Today I was today years old when I learned for this mod you can just scoop the snow off by right clicking with the shovel right click right click and then you get a little snowball off of it too which is kind of cute okay awesome so then for this side

We’re just going to like add a break in the stair just so I can like jump up here and then we can do everything else so we’ll do a little one there we’ll do one here let’s do Orange Let’s do one here and do like a blue I think doing like a green Here maybe the light blue that’s kind of cute and let’s do the pink over here I think like right here would be a good space for the pink I think adding yellow is actually going to help so much with this but look at this it’s so cute with the

Snow on it I love it okay so then we’ll add some colors down here but I’m going to step down go like that go like that and then let’s see what other colors we want to add in here I think having we need magenta so let’s put like Magenta I think having magenta right there will be good and then we’re going to do a little bit of more these bottom two ones I really want to add yellow I think the yellow is just going to make it look so much better it’s getting really dark appear here too

Um let’s add another like light blue and then orange so maybe we’ll do like a light blue over here so let’s do light blue like so and then we’ll have the orange be over there by this other one there we go and I think this will be good for

Now we just look at how these are looking the snow’s on them looking super cute very colorful gingerbread I think it’s cute and it’s fun but it is getting dark even though it’s snowing and cute let’s take a look though okay look at that oh it’s so

Nice and then these buildings are just going to get taller and more detailed slowly but surely I love it so so fun okay yep just all of those guys it almost looked like the zombie was on the spider just like right oh my gosh oh that was the biggest jump scare

Oh I literally like right clicked and like oh my Gosh oh my goodness look at him he knows oh that terrified me oh I haven’t actually gotten that badly jump scared in a while look at him my heart is literally like beating I like like bumped my mouse and it made me like right click and do that and like

Tab into it but like like I like right clicked at the same time as tabbing my inventory oh my gosh okay yeah that was that was that was great yep hey don’t like that at all wow okay I’m composed I am composed totally and utterly composed yep that that’s me composed

Red nothing could scare me nope definitely not okay color-wise I think I don’t need any more colors I am obviously going to add some other different ones just because I’m ran out of color options but we’re going to just start here a fine and we’re going to

Jump I’m going to just knock down some of these so that I can get to the top and then let’s just start we’ll do purple let’s do the blue we’ll do lime Green there we go yeah it’s a cute little roof now that we’re up here though I do need to have these guys as well just so it makes it easier for me and then let’s see what we have let’s do orange in this open spot right

Here just like so and then we’ll do a pink probably honestly like right where I ended up doing this maybe we’ll do like one more over so we’ll do like that and then okay so the only other color I haven’t used is the light blue all these

Other colors I have used so let’s do light blue in this corner and let’s do a green down there and I think we’ll be good so we’ll do light blue right here and we’ll do orange or what was I going to do green green we’ll do in this opening right

Here and then I probably want to add some yellow but for now we’ll just call this Good yeah as soon as I jumped I was like I’m not going to make that am i h too funny okay for now we’ll leave all of the colors and dyes in here all

Of those goodies this is more just like decoration than color and so this pot don’t need the pot there or or these why are these there okay so that’s good these can all stay over here now but I like that so far I think the colors are

Nice I’m going to stop this recording now the next thing we need to do is a lot more of the Interiors so let’s just start I want to have some of the dark oak trap doors we’re going to make a lot of barrels as well so let’s just use a bunch of

The well we have a bunch of spruce and we have a bunch of Oak so let’s just do some of this and we’ll get some barrels we’ll we make some chests we’ve got a pot so that’ll be nice we need some beds too so let’s actually take H okay what’s on our top

Floor so let’s do a lime green bed for up here just to contrast that and then we have magenta or we have pink let’s do I feel like we’re just going to have a lot more colors of beds so let’s do lime green we’re probably just going

To do like bunk beds honestly but we’re going to have like a bunch of different options of colors so we’ll literally just make those into beds and it’ll be great we got that bed Oh I thought I had more uh wood in my inventory to finish the

Rest of the beds we got orange one purple one lime one blue one purple one there we go and then we can make little bunk beds be so cute just so so adorable okay um I don’t need this to be right there but as far as like how the beds

Are going to be set up I kind of feel like doing it like this will be nice there we go okay now we could set them up to be Higher honestly we could just like lay them out that could be kind of nice right and then we’ve had all these colors actually probably the villagers will get very confused by that so I won’t put those there but look at this I kind of like how you can like see you

Know the colored dots in here very cute and fun I like that so let’s put a put one right here I don’t know where the other pink wool is but actually that works perfectly sweet but yeah so now what I want to do is I

Do want to like cover up this ceiling a little bit more but I do want to add some shelves let’s do cuz then like a pot can go on this shelf right yeah and then we can have some go like this but I can’t open this so we’re going to swap

This go like so so that we can swap it just like so look at that honestly I’m just going to swap out this line to be this cuz this is an easier way to just get all of my uh my full blocks back if I want to like

Build with anything else there we go see now I’ve got some back so we’ll do the same thing here just open this up fully alop I realize I’ve been starting to say like alop whenever I’m like jumping a lot more and it’s kind of like funny to

Be like hm okay I don’t know why I’m doing that but here we are we’re we’re doing it okay this needs to be lower there we go yeah and then we’ll get some like fencing so they don’t just like fall you know so that’s not what we

Want but I think that’s kind of cute they just get to line in the bed over here let’s actually move these two let’s do that over here like so and then they can have like three on each side and that way like this can be more just like shelves and

Things then it’s not going to like be as dangerous for them you know okay yeah so we’ll just add some shelving we’re literally like adding tons of shelving over here too like this is going to be the like main shelf oh I need to already replace my poor little axe so

Sad I’ll keep these open then we’ve got lots of space for things I want this to stay open though and now we oops we can go like this yeah that’s what I didn’t want to have happen it’s just me like drop down it’s kind of funny but not exactly what you want you

Know then just like so he that’s nice and then we can just have some like chests over here little chests there so it’s kind of like just like storage like mostly the bunking room and then if we grab some dark oak just regular blocks

Do we have any sticks yes we do oh hey we try one of these I’m thinking we try to make some signs for the ends of the bed I think that would be cute so let me just get these going and then got the signs but yeah this is definitely going

To be where all of the villagers like sleep I’m going to try oops that is the wrong way to do this I need to shift crouch in place Crouch down Crouch crouch crouch yeah look at that it’s so cute and then we’ll get some like car carpet down here and that will be so Cute M oh look at this and we get like a sunset from this view coming in through the orange glass that makes it even more Sunset I love that Sunset what kind of word is that red what are you saying that kind of funny it’s so sunet like what is

That nice okay so I’m going to just like pill her up here use these to fill in the roof area here do I want to have this be all the way up I think this is good right here nice yep and then as far as like

One two three four wait one two three four five six seven eight nine 1 2 3 4 one two three four middle there we Go that works kind of nice I think though I want to have this be a one single chest and we’re going to move this guy give him some more light on the other end of things just so that’s it’s a little bit brighter around here it’s still like

Pretty dark but I want it to be a little bit more lit up than what have thought okay cool well I guess now I can sleep in any one of these Beds which is kind of fun okay nice look at this it’s so like colorful as well I love that cool okay

Now trying to think what else I want to add in here we’re not going to add any like high up things like we’re just going to leave that plain and blank so I think just carpet’s the last thing we need on that level and then we can just make some

Ooh probably red carpet honestly I feel like the red is going to look the best I also realized that I literally have so much red dye because of the poppies and I just like completely forgot for a second that like sure this is I literally you guys in the comments

Are probably like what are you doing I took poppies converted them into bone meal so that I could then bone meal up some of the Roses to get said red dye instead of just making the red dye I want magenta now but I just I just realized that and you guys are probably

Like what are you doing red you’re you’re being silly too funny I literally didn’t even like realize that that’s hilarious and now I’m just going to clean up some of the iron here get some iron blocks going there we Go I’m also having like snow blocks show up here but that’s fine okay sometimes I just like want to stop by here and just like clean it up you know just to keep it keep it going make sure that if I’m ever just like not paying attention that the iron farm just

Doesn’t get like overloaded um because some servers that tends to happen and I want to make sure that it doesn’t get too too crazy okay we can close that up we’ve got lots of extra iron blocks in here there we go let’s actually wait I want to trade

With you thank you and I want to trade with you thank you appreciate it okay now we go back to work but I just I that’s so funny that I was just like I need red dye but I don’t have an easy access to it literally I have it all

It’s just too funny it’s funny what we like forget about or like not realize you know okay so we’ll add some red carpet upstairs I feel like I want to just like stick with red carpet cuz it definitely is a lot more just like festive in my mind

I’m pretty sure if I block this off I can’t get out right oh I also did it wrong but you know that’s fine if I just this right here and put that like so will that work no it doesn’t let me through that’s a bummer what about this oops didn’t want that

One okay what about these yeah okay okay okay this is literally all I wanted to do put a red carpet on it kind of funny but you know that’s what I was hoping to do well I don’t like how it makes a funky shape just because I can’t put the

Carpet everywhere but I think it still kind of works gives like an idea maybe I like don’t have these things on here we’ll take them off we’ll see how we like the red carpet when we can like actually have it be everywhere cuz now it’s kind of like

A like a hallway type of a placement and maybe we like remove a few here and there just so it doesn’t look too crazy we blend like a few in there I think there needs to be more over here there we go okay and then another thing that’ll make this look a lot

Better is if we add some like Spruce leaves into the mix so I think that’s another thing we’ll probably do but I think we’ll just go over to the other area first o there’s some more carpet let’s uh let’s put you right there there we

Go yay and then we’ll also make this be just like lots of barrels I’m going to end up with a lot of fishermen but I want to have like barrels here and then I want to have just like this be like the kitchen kind of like workspace

Vibes so then we’re going to put another chest in the middle here cuz we’re working and then I don’t have a lot of cobblestone in any of these that’s just that’s wool so I’ll move the wool over there lots of red dye no Cobblestone but we have some Spruce so let’s just do

This go like so on all of the Corners yeah I like the idea of having a bunch of barrels everywhere I think it’s a nice nice idea and then we can make a bunch of the chiseled bookshelves too or by bunch I guess I mean one forgot about how how hard they are to make so it’s literally just like

Planks okay so we’ll put some of those in here they can have some like bookshelves to read some books I don’t don’t have access to books yet but you know we’ll we’ll get them books they shall have some books to read stuff we just got to get the things and this is

Going to break all the way CU I don’t actually want this here I want bookshelves I’m put another bookshelf in this corner here I feel like bookshelves inside their sleeping area makes way more sense so I’m glad I have that aloop there we go see there I am

Again saying aloop what is my like strong desire to say alop it’s kind of funny okay there we go so then there’s lots of storage here which is great we’ve got some extra chests and things I don’t want to like block the windows out with it really so I just got to be

Careful and then we can put a pot so we’re going to have like cooking pots and I feel like this is like a good like we’re putting lots of things I can’t wait till we can actually like put things inside these pots I’m pretty sure in the next Minecraft update I’ve heard

Like that’s something that they’re like working on which is so exciting I love that idea and we’ll get a carpet down in here too there we go and I need to put some torches up on the sides here for now there we go nice all right so we’ve got Torches okay now next thing I wanted to do is we’re going to go and get some we need some like decorative things so we need furnaces we need some clay pots we need some flowers for for decorations and we also need some more of the uh the spruce sleeves so we’re

Going to go and get some decorations next but I love how it’s just like coming to life slowly like the builds are getting taller and it’s just slowly but surely becoming something really cool and I think it’s just great like this is so fun I love it it’s just fun

To see it slowly transform and then like I want to add a bunch of like custom spruce trees that will be kind of like taller mixed in there so these won’t just feel like it’s just like flat land and then just like builds popping out

Which is kind of what it feels like a little bit right now just cuz I’m not I’m not done with the whole the whole thing so okay we’ll bring the stone cutter over there we’ll bring a grindstone over there I don’t think I need a Shepherd

But we’ll bring some more of these over and then I don’t think I had anything else in any of these this chest it’s like helpful um I’m going to keep smelting glass though just because I can always use more glass honestly and then over here okay that wasn’t anything I needed that was

Important so we need pots and we need flowers I also forgot I had glowberries so we can we need to bone meal these or just like Shear them but we’ve got these that we can place we’ll add some Spruce leaves it looks like we really got to go exploring for more of

Those and I didn’t need any okay here’s some clay so we’ll smelt that up don’t think anything else I needed was in here quartz not necessary Currently and I didn’t have really anything else tools on this side yet so I think we just needed some like flowers and things to like go inside the pots so we’ll grab some of these guys some little mushrooms we’ll grab some dark oak saplings um some Lily of the valleys as well why

Not and I think we’ll call that good for now and everything we just need to start smelting up a bunch of goodies so we’ll actually take some of this coal that we’ve been using and I just noticed it’s dark outside so we’re going to sleep in our bed and I’m

Going to take a sip of coffee okay and then I think that’s everything we need yeah I think that’s everything we’ll need so now we’re going to go bring over our nice little decorative blocks and fill up our shelves okay I love how these are turning out

This is so cute and we’re not going to get to this today my main goal with today was just to get these little gingerbread houses done make them look a little bit nicer over here but we need a bunch of clay I’m going to smelt this up

Inside here which is where we’re going to have most of our furnaces oh I still hear that Enderman around here oh my gosh that literally scared me so badly oh man okay maybe I don’t want the pot here actually oh I got too many things too

Many things in my inventory okay but now we can take the clay get some more pots all decorated I feel like we could put the pot right here because this is more just like shelving you know we’ve got some extra space for things now while we’re

Waiting for the clay I feel like if we just like add some leaves in here it’ll just look so much nicer just some Greenery there we go okay and o going down the staircase let’s I’m trying to like find other areas where we could add more go like so and like

That and oh that’s all we have okay well I do think that adding some of the leaves in here definitely makes it better I feel like the walls just feel very like bare so we have to figure out a good way to fix that but I think if we

Just add some more like pots and shelves and things that should help a lot so let’s just make some pots up I don’t want to like use too many of the clay balls up so that in case I want to make like another large pot I don’t have like

Extras Okay so we’ve got some blue flowers next to the purple we’ll put one here let’s make that one be a mushroom there we go I don’t think I can put any pots under here yeah cuz the shelves are here but I think it’s looking good so

Far let’s see about out just like adding another shelf right here and then let’s put a red tulip there we go and then we’ll add some more like leaves in here I think that will look really good but for now I feel like this is this is good you know we’re

Making progress now I don’t have that much yeah I don’t have that many bricks left here we just got two flower pots and that is okay so I’m curious to see what we want to like add into this building this is mainly going to be like

An info place like there’s not going to be a whole lot going on here honestly we could even make this kind of like a like a countertop when you come in like right here and then behind the counter you know we can have different things so what if you can like have some

Barrels and some furnaces getting smelted up behind here oops feel like that could be kind of cool it’s kind of like a working counter right like I think that could be nice just go like so and then we can add like barrels right in here oh well actually I think this would

Look nice yeah for like a counter to walk into I like that so then we’ll just get some more dark oak that Enderman is just hanging around teasing me I still can’t believe that Enderman like came up right in front of my face it felt like it’s like they knew that I would

Be just way too scared just it was so scary okay I need more chiseled bookshelves cuz I think they add a lot so I’ll add more of those actually let’s get some more barrels too can we get some more barrels I think I just need more more slabs there we go

Okay so I think this will look really nice when we’re all done this is kind of like an office so we go like So I think this will look really nice and then let’s actually move one of these I’m thinking we put a bookshelf in here and then we’ll add in a furnace right here because then it’s kind of like they can be behind the counter anybody comes in they want some books they need things

Just like stored we could almost make this like a mail room honestly but let’s try putting them sideways I think I like that a little bit better cuz then it just feels like you’re coming into here yeah I’m just trying to think I’m trying to think if we want this to be

Like the the post office room and then there’s just like more mail like storage up here and then we can kind of like look outside oh those two villagers are adding more iron golems nice but then we can go like so and there can just be extra storage all

Around some extra bookshelves things of that nature but I kind of like that idea we’re like this is just mail like storage this is the post office this is where everything gets stored just kind of sounds cool then we’ll add some of those we can add a plant in here and

Let’s do a dark oak sapling kind of like the idea of having the poppy on the side though wait did I lose that plant why are you right there seriously come on let’s go okay or maybe let’s do a lolly of the valley actually I feel like the white

Looks really nice in here and then yeah let’s put shelves here as well cuz I want this to be very filled with a lot of different we’ll do like a crafting table downstairs but I want this to be just filled with like getting your mail getting all your

Things and then let’s actually hide a crafting table in the that is not a crafting table hide the crafting table in the floor FL I think that’ll also make it look really nice okay and then let’s go back upstairs and then we’ve got chiseled bookshelves but let’s do this again

We’ll kind of like mirror this one so there’s like extra letters going out we’ve got letters that are like written or being written and kind of like have books where we can like keep track of everything I think that’ll look really cool and then we can have a little like

Flower on the counter I think that would be cute so let’s do a blue blue little Orchid there we go yeah and then I want to move all of the furnaces cuz I don’t really feel like they flow as well so we can kind of just make this like secret what if we

Do we could honestly just put them like right here because then it’s like we’re building up a bunch of stuff we’re getting things cooked up when we need them to to be like kind of like prepping everything but I think that looks good and then I’m trying to think what

Else we want to like put in here we got the snow oh here’s some extra leaves We’ll add some extra leaves in here oh I can’t even get in here actually so I can’t put them there got to find the decorative Leaf positions that won’t make it look uh too

Crazy so I think this is good maybe we’ll just like have some like here honestly I think that’s kind of nice so if we come in from outside there’s just some like extra like leaves and bits okay and then put some over here feel like we need to have more like

Counters over here as well but maybe we just like fully set this up oh I know we can make it look like an actual counter that there’s like the little trapo guy that you can like go behind the counter yeah I like that okay that is

The plan this will be more of like the mail room so I like that idea so then let’s make another trapo bit on this side just a little one but I think this will look super cool cuz I like genuinely looks like there’s like counters oops right there

And then if we go like this look at that it’s like an actual countertop and then people can come in get their mail I like this idea and then yeah this will just look so good I love that and we need some more of these slabs for more

Barrels I feel like having tons of Barrels in here is going to look the best cuz we can just have a bunch of these guys around so we’ve got the counters we’ve got bookshelves we can put like another bookshelf up right here we’ll move that oops I want there to be a trap Door yeah and then just along the side even oops nope that is not where I wanted that to go now I have to go get it there we go okay there we go except it’s not like even the direction I want this to face but something okay there we go

Perfect yeah and then this is kind of like the back like stock area behind the counter cuz then it just looks like this is literally like all of the mail you know I think this looks so cool yeah I like it okay fun my elbow just cracked

Do you ever like move your hand a certain way or like your arm and then it just like cracks and you’re like whoa my joints you’re acting like you’re way older okay so I need to get more potted plants because I have all these plants we just don’t have enough clay oh it’s

Dark it is dark it is dark okay take a little snooze ah yes all of the zombies and skeletons burning in the morning lovely let’s see if we get any eggs any chickens I don’t want to hit you guys but you’re yeah literally walking in

Front of me oh no I don’t I need to be in there okay I’m actually like really enjoying just like setting this up I think these are such cute little shops and I didn’t even like go into this thinking that this is going to be our cute little like

Mail room but this is definitely going to be our mail room and since we’re in 120 I I can make hanging signs I just need some chains so let’s go grab quickly some iron I think if I just no I’m going to need to make some blocks I going to say

I think if I put some of these guys in here how do I make a hanging sign hanging okay so it’s just a stripped log so I think we have a little bit oh you wanted some iron trade okay I’ll trade you there we go just a little bit okay

Never mind you didn’t want any that is fine but I think if I just I want to use probably dark oak to contrast this so let’s just take I think I needed six which I’ll I’ll fix the the walkway again I just wanted to get this done

Okay so we take these and then we make a hanging sign I forget how many this makes the ratio of me using six of these stripped down to make six signs compared to using six planks to make two trap doors is insane like what is this ratio two

Versus six and I’m using chains for this one and I get more maybe that’s what it is but I’m just like always so shocked by how little you really get out of it okay yay okay and then this is going to be what should we call this like

Santa’s mail room maybe Santa’s mail room and then we can use some red dye we’ll use white dye it’s right we’ll use white dye Santa’s mail room oh yay okay this is cute okay and then we can add oh we can get put some planter boxes the

Classic you know this is kind of like our new thing that we do is just add planter boxes to the outside of everything but I just think it makes it really really cute in here so we’ll add planter boxes planter boxes can go below this one as well and then right

Here I don’t really think yeah we don’t really have a lot of space to put anything back there for planter box or anything else so we’ll just put some right there and we’ll just have some be right there as well I like how this roof looks like a

Like a cookie you know like the &em cookies or anything else I just think that’s fun oops did not need that to go there okay so now we’ve got the berries so then we’ll just need a lot of trap doors after this and we’ll probably need to get some more berries but I’m

Not positive but I really like how this is coming along okay and put two there two there maybe we’ll have enough I don’t think so actually we might just have a perfect amount yeah look at that perfect amount and now we need lots of trap doors so let’s just fully convert all of

Those I’m going through so much dark oak for these build it’s crazy there we go Okay and like So nice Yeah we’re definitely going through a lot but you know it’s going to look cute when we’re done so it’s totally fine feel like that’s the justification this will take so many resources but it’ll look super cute so everything will be fine I don’t want to like EIP all of my

Dark oak like just with the trap doors so I’m trying to like see if I can get away with the amount that I have in my inventory but it’s hard to tell excuse me torch thank you did I add yeah I added lanterns I was going to say I don’t think I need

The Torches there anymore oh what is what don’t know why I did that but okay but this looks like it was a right amount I’m happy with that that okay so all of the planter boxes I feel like I need to make some out here as well so we’re definitely let’s do three

Should we feel like three would be good and then go on the sides I do need more but we’re going to grab I just need what did I do three so I need six berries can I get you and you and you there we go six perfect

It is kind of convenient that I’m like using berries all over the place because I can just like literally grab berries from anywhere whenever I’m like adding additional decorations which is kind of nice okay we’ve got more this is going to be enough almost okay nice yeah and then the

Streets just look like they’re more like filled as I have to come through here and then we’ll probably put like a market stall here oh I definitely just missed this tire side did I get this back one I feel like I did yeah definitely just forgot about this side

It’s fine but I really like how the streets are kind of getting like more cluttered but it’s like cute cluttered is that a word because I feel like it should be it’s definitely like a cute cluttered I feel like I need more than this so we’ll just grab two two more

Yeah yep I’m glad I needed the extra one yep okay look at that it’s so cute I feel like I need to have the food out of my hand so that we can actually get the idea yeah it’s looking good I’m a fan okay it does feel like it’s still kind

Of plain on the outside but as far as the inside I feel like this is looking good I’m getting like this is looking cute I want to add some like glowberries into these builds though just to add a little extra cuz it does seem like the ceilings just like don’t have a whole

Lot and then we don’t have lanterns in here I kind of want to have like shelves here so I also want to make sure that okay so I want there to be a villager that like lives in here and works in here and we’ll keep them behind the counters but

It won’t really like work so we’ll just just have to have like a a trap door like right here but like a one one block lower right there yeah cuz then they can’t get out and that’s the like main thing and then I can get out

Easily I wish there was a way for this to not be facing down and it could like face up but that’s not how the trap doors work cuz then this just has to stick out here so I almost like need to add some extra trap doors just so it’s like intentional shelving you

Know so like that kind of a thing like so I don’t want it to like be in front of the windows but at the same time like kind of what the other ones doing yeah because then we can like put some things up here I don’t think yeah none of this stuff I

Actually want to like put in here so we’ll just leave it but I feel like getting a villager in here like that’ll be helpful but for now I’m just going to leave a trapo in here so if I’m looking for how to get a villager in here CU if

They’re working in Santa’s mail room that’s going to be so cute and then well actually maybe I don’t I’m just thinking out loud because like if I want the to work in here right they’re going to be able to get in and out of

The mail room but I’m not going to put a bed in this one because I want them to actually sleep like in the little place here so if I leave them with being able to get out of here then they just know that they come and like walk over here to go to

Sleep which is good and then we’ll have like six villagers and then they all kind of like know like I come over here to sleep I don’t know what the like distance that they’ll travel is before they get a little bit lost but I think I just want to add some

Like carpet I feel like carpet is the one thing that would be nice and let’s do some green carpet I feel like that’ll be nice and then we’ll add some green carpet in here just for some little change up some extra colourpop makes it kind of fun I don’t

Need any like carpet back here so much I want it like out here look at this though this is fun yeah just some colorful carpets in here so that it feels a little bit more fun I like that put that right there yeah some carpets in here I want to probably get

Some like invisible item frames but I don’t have a lot of Leather So I think some of this is going to need to be decorated a little bit later on just because I don’t have all of the resources that I need we can go make some more lanterns so I think we’ll go

Do that really quickly and that should be good CU I don’t think I have any yeah I don’t have any goodies in here for that I should get more clay as well but let’s start with some iron grabbing some of those and then we’ve got torches in our

Inventory oh wait we can make some paintings oh yeah I forgot let’s definitely make some paintings paintings will always make it feel a little bit more like alive you know so we’ll definitely do that and then we can add even more lanterns so we’ve got lanterns and

Paintings I think that will help a lot if there was like a letter one oh my gosh if there’s actually like a letter can you imagine that would be so cute and perfect oh wait wait there’s like a Santa that would be cute hang on hang on

Hang on Santa’s maal room oh I I need to I need to like block this off so I can actually make the the painting that I want come on Santa come on Santa yeah look at that I like how they blink too it’s so cute oh wait

Oh my gosh that would have been cute it’s like a little like okay I think I want to make another Santa one oh okay how do I do this I might need to just take this off quickly and then block this off actually gifts would be good I could do two

Santas but I kind of like the gift idea I think that’s really clever look at that yeah and then Santa’s meal room like it’s for Santa we’re getting gifts sent out I like that so we’ll put this back and then we’ll do Santa mail room do I want to call this the mail

Room or Workshop I feel like this for a workshop is pretty small I really like the idea of having like a larger workshop and then we can like have some like mine carts with like chests inside them like running items back and forth like books or different gifts or different random

Items oh and I just realized that I accidentally got rid of our like white dye which I should have more of in here so I don’t need to yeah okay there and then we’ll grab Glo ink as well but look at that that’s so cute yeah that’s

Perfect for a mail room oh my gosh and I feel like this is like pretty well take oh my oh my gosh that was a lot I didn’t expect that to get so large of a painting ah I don’t want it to be that large okay let’s try something in here

And the walls upstairs are pretty blank in some spaces so let’s try to just see what other for Santa that’s cute okay are these the only options Snowman and for Santa okay there’s that one it’s a little much for me honestly maybe we go over here oh gosh

That’s a little too big too some of the paintings that you get are just like a little too much that actually works better I think I might leave that yeah okay and then we’ve got lanterns so we can get rid of all the Torches so I’m

Just going to check through make sure we get rid of any of the Torches okay we got rid of all the Torches now let’s put a lantern here I can’t put a lantern there but let’s stick one on the countertop here and that should be good because this will

Start to get some glowberries which will be helpful and then on the inside get rid of torches and then we’ll just add some lanterns here Here and we’ll add a lantern on the counter I feel like that just adds something and then behind the counter upstairs we need some lights but let’s do oh there’s this one as well let’s just do a lantern like right here this room feels like the most like boring and not like

Decorated so it really makes me want to do something here okay I think this will be good uh I don’t like this being right here I wanted to have like shelves be at the top here but maybe we put shelves like here and then we can put stuff on them there so

Then if we add a crafting table here then we can make some additional little bookshelves make some extra things yeah I feel like that’s nice okay I feel like there needs to be something here as well like it’s just way too plain but maybe we’ll just have to grab

Some more like sticks get some more wool we’ve got wool in our inventory we don’t have enough sticks though so let’s just just make some sticks make some paintings I’m so happy we have golden carrots now literally it’s so much easier because I don’t feel like my

Uh my like saturation is going to run out as quickly okay yeah got to jump up here no no that the only one that’s going to show up kind of like the idea of the four Santa not going to lie it could be kind of nice cuz then it’s like we’re giving

Gifts to Santa in here let’s try a different one stockings let’s do stockings I kind of like the stockings one and then what happens here okay so I need to put one here you know what we’ll do two stockings I think that’ll be nice and then as far as this goes

I think yeah we’ll leave that that looks nice I do really like decorating places sometimes it takes me a lot longer to figure out like what looks good we and I kind of have to like mess around with it for a bit figure out like where I feel like everything’s going to go

Here but let’s put the Mason’s table or yeah the Mason’s workbench I guess it is our little stone cutter and then this is kind of just like living quarters so maybe does it look weird to put the sign there oh it kind of does maybe I’ll move the Lantern first

And should we call these like Santa’s elves or something but let’s just call these um o this could be like a Santa Hotel let’s call this the ginger bread oh I can’t fit gingerbread oh no it’s not is it really not going to work gingerbread oh sad gingerbread Hotel that’ll at least be

Something yeah and then we can put that there I might honestly change that I don’t know if I like having this there and then the gingerbread Hotel will have be a light pink I think that’ll be nice gingerbread hotel and we’ll get some glow ink cuz that’ll just make it look a lot

Better but I think this is great okay so I think the last thing I want to do is go around and grab some more of the leaves cuz I feel like adding leaves into here is really going to help make it look a lot better more wintry add

Some more in here in the other place but I feel like this is coming together I’m liking it so let’s go grab probably just honestly going to need to Shear a bunch of leaves I don’t have a lot of a lot of other options but I think this is going

To look good I’m happy about it or do the oak leaves we think maybe let’s just see what we think of oak leaves in here just just take a little look see you know ooh okay actually this could be nice for some like red and green

Vibes o I actually think I might like this cuz then it’s just like some red and green Vibe oh the staircase thing is just really going to get uh in the way a little bit Yeah okay and we’ll get rid of this one definitely going to add some more green

I think the green definitely has its own feel to this especially making it feel more like a winter green but I also really like this I think it just feels it a little bit better it feels it nicely oh I like how you can see the Green Glass through on like the

Sunset okay yes I like it be like That okay I will need to get some other green sprues so let’s run out here I’m going to leave this tree alone we’re just going to run way over here quickly we have some just like single trees kind of just like hanging around out here I also think I need to light

This up underneath these trees a little bit better cuz things are definitely going to spawn and stay around if I’m not careful what is this hunk of just Spruce leaves I mean I’ll take this this is what I’m looking for technically it’s just kind of funny oh I wonder if these two trees

Kind of like combined a little bit I was like wow that looks a little funny it’s just like a solid brick of leaves don’t mind me scary dudes don’t mind me just getting some leaves are they following me no okay we’re good we’re good we’re good oh and this didn’t grow because of

Those little snowy guys there we go o that is a spot we need to light up later okay what is hard about living out here where it’s all snowy is you have tons of these guys oh they’re going to the the Iron Golem you got it you got it dude I

Believe in you you can do it good job I’m gonna just step away um going to quick run away and sleep look at this like lollipop Shadow that’s crazy I love that though okay we’re going to sleep but the one thing that’s hard about living out here is all

Of the Strays and it’s not even like a normal skeleton they give you weakness oh wow it is quite um this poor Iron Golem oh my goodness they’re just oh no my iron golem wow that is a blood bath out there holy moly okay I was about to say we need to

Go and like fix up our poor Iron Golem but that’s a lot um I’ll take the iron and the bones though in the string like all of these things are definitely helpful for me I will take them hi bud bye Bud any other takers okay

Oh I don’t want to pick up the fles but I have a feeling I’m going to end up picking up some of it oh stealthy okay man that was a lot we’ll pick up our XP and then we’ll get going all right so we got some bones

That’s good but man I did not expect that poor iron colum to have to take on like an entire zombie army that was a lot okay now the last thing we’re going to do is add leaves to the exterior of the roofs that’s one thing I hadn’t done

Yet that’s really going to help out I keep thinking I’m seeing just like Enderman outside and it freaks me out I’m like so concerned okay I can still open that I just get so paranoid okay now let’s do you I can’t do anything in front of this

Like against this I’ll be able to like put down the block but then it just like removes my painting so I got to be careful about that and then we’ll add some in here yeah just very like overgrown woodsy I like the vibes okay and we’ve got a little bit going on in

Here just a bit not a whole lot and then same in here there’s just a little bit not a whole lot we’ll put some up here there we go now the real thing is I don’t want to add like a ton back here but I do like having our little counters

And the like little like Tuckaway counters it’s just perfect like this is literally like such a little like mail room Vibe I love it but now I’m going to get rid of all the extra stuff in my inventory so that we can actually go up on the roof and get everything done make

It look good we’ll probably need more leaves than this honestly but that’s okay and I’m going to use dirt we’ll just jump up on the roof going to do some recording of adding our leaves out here then me just jump up nice yeah and then just slowly but surely we’ve got the leaves

Coming um um I’m trying to like see where else okay right below this I’m going to put a leave this is what I love fre you C for is just seeing like okay like where do I need to add some leaves where should I take some Away and I feel like I need to put one right here like in some blocks I’m literally on the trap door but I’m not sometimes the like Minecraft like pixel radius that you end up being on is like kind of funny to me okay and then we go like

So yeah I think that’s good and then we’ll just dot this off the side here perfect I’m using this to jump up and now we go to the other side and then so if we look over here we’ve got kind of like a V so this is

Coming off on this shape so then we’ll probably do a v over here but if this is coming on this side and then we go like so off to the side and then we’ll drape this one like right here I feel like that’ll be good and then this one goes off this

Side right there yeah we’ll definitely need to get more leaves for sure okay so then if we’re draping this one over here I’m going to go like so to help me get up here but then we’ll drape this one will go like so then this will go like

This and then we’ll take a little look see and then we’ll just dot this one off right here yeah I think that’s good we might do a little bit like over here just cuz it’s mainly like concentrated on that side but I also think that looks pretty

Good I definitely need more than 28 just for this other roof but we can get started on it at least it’s nice that they’re close enough where I could just like hop from one to the other like I do really like that but let’s see here so

If we have greens here greens here we’ll probably want to put some like right in here I like it yep now what’s interesting about doing leaves so usually if I’m doing leaves I don’t want the leaf like Vine or kind of like like Leaf Branch I guess you’d

Maybe call it to run the entire length of this so This I went a little bit too crazy so I’m going to try to like pull this up and bring it to like right here cuz if it goes like fully across just like an X it looks like it’s a little bit like

Unrealistic but if I have it kind of just like a little bit more up and down versus just like slanted I think it looks a little bit better and realistic so we’re just going to move some of this over so if I look at this where it is

Right now we’re going to get rid of these two and then we’re going to go like so kind of like curve it upwards and then we’ll see if this looks better oops like falling yeah I think this already looks a lot better so then if we go like this

We come over here I’m going to get rid of I need to scoop the snow off first there we go and then we add this one so now it looks I think this looks a lot better and then we can like add another one over here as well but but it doesn’t

Just look as like it’s it doesn’t look too much I feel like there’s a little bit of a balance that you kind of need to find by just like going back and forth and looking at it but the free cam mod is literally like my favorite thing it’s so helpful for things like

This yeah okay we’ve got five so let’s just finish this side out actually then we can go to the other side so if we’re going right here I want to put one maybe right here and two right here so I’ll do like this and then oh I have one

Left this a little too straight up and down so I might do this I feel like if I hop off here and then look yeah that’s better yeah and then they’re just getting covered CED with leaves and snowy bits oh yeah I literally love my

Ear muffs so much I’m so so happy with how this little skin turned out okay now we go and get more leaves I’ll leave that I’ll leave this here so I know like where I was jumping up we can grab more leaves quickly it’s literally about to be night again so

Let’s quickly I have one torch this is the area where all of those guys are spawning so I’m going to quickly put a torch over here I know I need a lot more torches to light this area up but it’s at least something also literally golden carrots are the

Best okay I’m going to start going up this tree so I can get more of the leaves it is really nice to have faster axe just from like getting the Villager traded tools just adds a little bit extra makes everything more easy okay this should be

Good this should be plenty oh and my shears broke so this is plenty because this is all I can pick up nice okay did I have any leaves in here no I didn’t think I did I was just curious all right we’re going to leave our

Spiral tree for now and use a stack and a half almost that’s pretty good we’re going to run back and sleep cuz once the roofs are done and fully decorated I feel like we’re in a good spot you know then it’s like it’s coming together it feels good we’ve got

The full roof done when you’ve added the leaves okay cuz then these are just going to like be able to like fall down on the edges and that just makes it look really good as well then it just like fills this area up even more which is cool I don’t know

I like that I think it’s really fun look at that yeah it’s so good yay and we’ll do the same thing on this other side on this bit Cor right here okay and then we use this I think I’m G to oh I don’t have a

Silk touch but I think I want to just do it like that then we jump up here we jump up here make our way up all the way to the other side now if we look at where this is positioned it looks like it’s kind of starting to go

This way so if we look over here like this kind of just jumps across so let’s start moving this over here and then we’ll do another one that direction so then we’ll go like So and then we’ll put something right there and then we’ll put two down here so two oh did I totally forget about that huh well we’re putting one here anyways so that works out and then we’ll put you right here no we’re going to put this on the

Edge put that on the edge like So okay and then if we’re back over here I kind of want to put one like right there over by the green wool yeah and then we’ll just like drape these down a little bit and then this other one we’ll jump way up start working on that

One now this one let’s do something like right here yeah and then we’ll put one down here two there okay one goes here n falling a little bit and then one like right here and then like so trying to just like feel out if I want

To change this up cuz right now they’re just like little like little L shapes you know they’re the same kind of Arc and I don’t really like that I don’t think and I’ve got 46 left so we can kind of like experiment with things too which is fun

Yeah and then we can kind of just put some over the edge like so yeah I think that added a lot cuz there’s just such a large gap here and then we’ll put something right here and then the other one can go maybe right there yeah like that okay then we

Pull that down pull that down pull that down and that down and then if we do a I don’t really like all of that being down that looks better yeah look at that okay I like it I’m a fan Co okay well that looks good to

Me okay I’m going to turn that off for now but I think honestly with the resources that I have on hand right now I think I want to call this gun I’m really happy with how this looks like so so cute so okay let’s do a little tour

Right we’ve got Santa’s mail room where the gives can get dropped off the letters to Santa we can have our villagers working behind the counters we’ll Shear that up and then upstairs we’ve just got extra storage for some extra letters some extra gifts can go in the barrels we’ve got a nice little

Balcony that we can look outside here from which is kind of like a cute little little spot like look at that nice cute little area I love that but then we get to come downstairs and we get to come across this way I really like how these little

Walkways are very narrow but we’ve got the gingerbread hotel where most of our villagers are going to live we’ve got some like workbench stuff just some storage and things because most of the building is focused just around this being a little place for them to sleep

And I think this is super cute I might add some additional decorations as we get more blocks and different resources in this world but I think it’s really pretty and overgrown I’m I’m a fan and I’m going to box myself in here just to keep myself safe but then we’ve just got

These cozy little gingerbread roofs with the little M&M’s gumdrops around added into the roof very snowy the snow is falling on on the stairs and slabs which is super cute but I think this is a great start to the gingerbread Village area I’m I’m very happy with what we’ve

Gotten done today I think it’s super super cute but I hope you guys have enjoyed hanging out with me today as we’ve gotten these gingerbread houses done in the gingerbread Village area I can’t wait to just keep working in this area but thank you for joining me for

Today and I hope you have a wonderful day

This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Longplay ❄️ Gingerbread House Builds (with Commentary)’, was uploaded by Da Lil Red on 2023-12-21 21:00:20. It has garnered 8618 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:11 or 14111 seconds.

Welcome to our new series, “Red’s Winter World”, and the relaxing commentary longplays we’re doing in this world as well! ❄️ We’re going to be creating some cozy Christmas and wintery-themed builds in this series as we enter the Holiday season so I hope you’re ready to cozy up and enjoy✨

❄️ World Info: Seed: -7056127681595769509 Starter base Cords: -1008, -864

❄️ Resource Packs ❄️ + Christmas Paintings by FernGirlMC (PlanetMinecraft) + Default-Style Winter Pack By Futureazoo (Curseforge) + Christmas Hot Bar by UltraHazardMC (Modrinth) + Soft Weather by Vectorwing (Curseforge) + Cozy Bees by Kobro (PlanetMinecraft)

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🎵 My Music Provided by Epidemic Sound

Recorded with OBS and Replaymod (https://replaymod.com)

🏷️ My Tags #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecraftlongplay #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #dalilredminecraft #dalilredsworld #dalilredredswinterworld #dalilredchristmas #dalilredwinter #commentarylongplay #christmasminecraftbuilds

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    Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill Building a Windmill in Minecraft with Create Mod In this Minecraft video, Ubu demonstrates how to build a windmill using the Create mod as part of a 30-day build challenge. The windmill is designed to produce bread and is powered by a series of intricate mechanical components. Setting Up the Foundation To begin the construction, Ubu replaces Moss blocks with grass blocks and lays out the initial framework using gearboxes, mechanical bearings, water wheels, water, stone, oak planks, and plows. The plows are used to mark out a circular area for the windmill’s operation. Constructing the Windmill After setting… Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► https://youtu.be/Y5FV3J5gdcA ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More

  • Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀

    Epic GamerFleet Reaction: Dev Bhai Strikes Again! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic ‎@GamerFleet  reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by NoteMiner on 2024-06-17 06:00:21. It has garnered 16967 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Dev bhai mauka nehi chhodte 💀| Epic @GamerFleet reaction #gamerfleet #minecraft #shorts Hello Everyone 👋… Welcome🥳 to my channel ▶️. If you liked this video then make sure to hit the like 👍 button 😁… And to watch more such contents, do subscribe to my YouTube channel ❤♾️. 📢Credits:- @GamerFleet (Anshu Bisht)❤ I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC🎶 AND… Read More

  • Insane Singh 2.0 – Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shorts

    Insane Singh 2.0 - Spider Invasion in Minecraft House! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Crazy singh 2.0 on 2024-02-14 11:19:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When a Spider gets inside your Minecraft house When a Minecraft spider gets into your house. And he’s also named Dave. Read More