EPIC Gregtech Steam Age hijinks in Modded Minecraft!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we jump into the steam age of Greg Tech hopefully you guys are ready so last episode in all the mods 9 I ended up setting up a way to sort of Link our refined storage to a new

Applied energistics system that we are going to use to craft things with Greg Tech I know it sounds crazy but believe me this is going to work out really really well and today we’re going to be crafting our first Greg Tech machines but first let me kind of show you what

I’ve done to the base thus far to prep for this so after reading all of you guys’ responses I’m sticking with Greg station you guys all seem to kind of like that so let me go ahead and show you more of the station as I’ve continued to complete this now I’m using

Illuminated panels on the roof I’m using clear glass for the top so that way we keep some residual light and then I’m using tinted glass everywhere where else including on the bottom here um and so I have extended this quite a bit um and I’ve also got all of my airlock doors in

And this is kind of cool something cool to note is every time I show up to this location these doors open up um and I also went ahead and used a matter receiver this is from RF tools and I’m now using an advanced charge Porter basically you make the advanced charge

Porter shift right click on this and then this now has a uh ability for me to see the destinations and I can set up to a few of them and we just click like set and then we can travel for example back to our main base that’s all pretty cool

At least I think it’s pretty cool the only thing that’s not cool is how absolutely enormous this item is when I’m holding in my hand look how big this thing is okay let me now show you us going back to Greg station this is pretty darn cool so when I teleport back

It makes a cool noise but the doors just open up that is so fancy um so let me talk about more About The Base building that I have done uh now I don’t have a good way of getting back out as all of this is now fully enclosed I hung out on

The Discord and I hung out and live streamed this over on the Discord by the way so those of you who are watching who were there thank you for being there and chilling out and hanging out and talking that is that does make this process go

By a lot faster but if you haven’t checked out the Discord discord.gg chosen architect and join the amazing community over there it’s absolutely a blast hanging out with you guys so anyways back to this yes I spent the time building this all out and I just absolutely love walking through this and

The doors being open I really like but these are all airlock doors kind of fitting the whole theme and this takes you straight out to space so let’s look at this yes I built out more modules as you see right here out here and I have

Placed in my tall versions of my rooms and they are connected to this innermost part and you might notice something over here I have some orange laid out these are going to be two modules that I end up using for our first sort of stage of

Gregtech and I want to color coat things so I think what I’m going to do to color code them is exactly what you see here um I’m going to put different color concrete as the main sort of line down the middle and this just looks really

Really nice and as you can see I have my rooms here for all of our Greg Tech stuff we’re going to be putting in and I also just like having an air lock here cuz like for example if I just want to sit snack Salle out the airlock Boop

Goodbye snack Salle and close the airlock and now snack lottle is just gone no no I I got to pick him back up I can’t can’t come back SX lle is my friend having this in my inventory just makes me miss the whole inventory pets mod I just like

Having it just a pet to always be there it’s a lot less lonely now I know a lot of you have been thinking chosen you’ve just been postponing the greif that’s of course what I’ve been seeing in the comments and I do appreciate all of the

Comments to today we are not going to postpone anything we are going to get started with the steam age of Greg Tech and keep in mind I am very new to this so if I make any kind of mistakes or there are better ways that I can actually accomplish these things in the

Future let me know in the comments uh because that’s how I learn and I love learning from you guys just don’t be super hateful about it I typically don’t do well with that now I’ve gone through and I have sort of read most of the things that are in here we’ve already

Made all of the base tools and we’ve made everything except for the plunger here however we don’t have the stuff to make plungers but we should be able to make it today even though it says it is not yet implemented so that’s something to note now all of these different uses

For the tools I think are kind of important here um for example the mallets say they will pause and resume machines from working when you right click them I feel like that’s an incredibly important thing to note um I did play around with some of these machines and tested them out a little

Bit but let’s dive into the steam era we’ve already technically made bronze plates and I’m going to show you right from the start if you missed last episode how we can actually craft these on demand so inside of my terminal I have set up crafting recipes to craft

All of my different tools for example all the iron variations of our different components with a plot energistics we are able to craft plates and by the way if you have some in stock with a plot energistics and you want to be able to craft unlike um refined storage where

You hold down control and shift with app PL energistics you middle Mouse button to request a new set so middle Mouse you push it in and then that should allow you to request more items if you already have them in stock so let me show you

How this is going to work so if I request more than the 128 durability that our Hammer has vers of plates we will see that it is going to actually request more hammers so there’s a hammer here with 13 durability there’s one with 15 and then there’s one with 85 it

Realizes that after it runs out of durability on these it then needs to craft a new hammer and this is super important because this is something that refined storage just cannot handle but Applied Energy sticks can which is going to make crafting so much easier and I’ve also gone in here

And I have uh applied acceleration cards something to note about if you’re messing around with upgrades and things like that keep a network tool in your inventory the network tool when you open it up puts uh the you can put your upgrade cards in here and that allows

You to open up something like this and just simply shift right click to insert the cards in makes it a lot faster to upgrade your machines and for example for speeding up crafting that is one of the fastest ways to do it now to continue on to make this autocrafting

Process more understandable we ended up setting up last episode a way to link our refined storage to this network and so what I’m using is a storage controller and I have an exporter from my refined storage that is exporting the items into these storage drawers and then these storage drawers are then

Using a storage bus to then link to the applied energistics system giving it items to work with so um if we need any items in the future to be able to make certain things from gregtech I should just be able to add them to this list

And I can AutoCraft right here and uh we should be able to request and all kinds of other St stuff with importers and exporters from applied energistics so now with all of that said let’s actually do the thing that we were setting up to do in the first place and that is craft

Steam machines so let’s put the plates the plates in our inventory and that should complete our Quest and we’re going to get a couple more in return now it does note that Steam Machines need to vent Steam and it also notes in here that steam uh you do not want to burn

Any or generate steam in these boilers without putting water in here first uh because if we have it heated and then we put water in without the water being in first then the machine will blow up and we don’t want it to do that um I would

Hate to do that that’ probably be the worse kind of explosion cuz it would be very wet and hot that sounds awful um so instead what we’re going to make sure is we are providing this with water constant water and uh we should be able

To do that with just a sink now here’s where things get interesting um so it does talk about these different pressure sort of uh boilers here so right here we have a low pressure steam boiler and it says 6 LT I’m assuming that’s lers per

Tick um and then we also have a high pressure steam boiler and then we have low and then we have high my understanding is that the high pressure steam boiler is going to require like more fuel and water to produce more steam but they’re going to be faster

Whereas the low ones they are going to be slower but don’t require as much steam per operation and then as far as these different variants in like their leader capacity I’m assuming that’s also going to be just how much more of the steam it can hold and produce so yeah

After some education on my end yes uh exactly what I was was thinking this is how this works so um this is going to produce more it does say produces right here I guess I could have read that um but yeah these are going to be faster the high pressure versions and then

These are going to be slower the low pressure versions um now the high pressure is probably what I want to make but there’s a couple more steps to making this than the other version requires so um and and then also the quest is sort of built around us

Honestly going off of the low pressure um I don’t think that we can mix and match actually for the quest line so it might be better to just follow the quest line you know what and make the low pressure stuff and get started with that um because technically it would be a

Little confusing if you didn’t actually know how rot iron was produced by the way if you want to know to make rot iron it would be kind of confusing because you don’t know you have to go to the Nugget route but you actually produce raw iron nuggets from Iron nuggets being

Smelted in this pack so that’s how you get those we’ll get into that I hope you’re still following so I have gone ahead and I’ve applied or bookmarked to all of our machines that the quest actually wants us to make and so I do need to start making the recipes for all

Of these items um so if I hover over this you can see in blue the things that we already have crafts for technically we also have a craft for the hammer it’s just not showing up here but if I put this in we will see the hammer does fill

In and it’s the iron Hammer the things that we have in our inventory so I can now make a bronze brick casing and uh this is going to be very helpful like this is just so nice that we can AutoCraft this it’s going to make life so much easier cuz I couldn’t imagine

Trying to do all of this by hand in a vanilla crafting table oh my goodness that would get old because just look at the crazy recipes for example this low pressure here this isn’t even getting crazy yet these are like very very simple but this is our low pressure

Steam boiler that is going to be the 12 l a tick AKA Milli buckets a tick I assume um which is going to be convertible and take a look at this one this is the rock Crusher this requires some diamonds and also also requires us to make these small bronze fluid pipes

Which we’re also going to want to get uh ready to go and crafted up we’re also going to need the casings here requires the hammer so a lot of different recipes like a lot of different things to get put in thankfully I have all of the

Items I did take a look at all of these and I went ahead and pulled in most of the ingredients that we’re going to need to craft most of these items and just like this now I have the furnace and so I just take it one step at a time and I

Should be able to get all these recipes all right I know I’m postponing just a little bit more the steam generators and everything and getting into that but I think to make things a little bit easier on myself I went ahead and set up the wireless access terminal I want to be

Able to actually just while I’m over there if I need something I just want to be able to craft it uh while over here so the best way to do that is by just having a terminal thankfully in apply ristics there’s also a pattern terminal and everything that could allow us to

Build up patterns but I’m going to want to come here most likely if I’m going to be adding any more recipes so uh let’s let me show you this this is kind of cool so to be able to actually utilize the wireless terminals now in appli energistics in the newer versions We

Actually need a wireless access point which you normally needed before but now you no longer need the security terminal because we can put this right in here instead of the old security terminal I don’t even think there’s a security terminal anymore there might be a security method thing still but this has

Now taken that place and then we also have our range boosters here there’s a whole lot of other stuff that you can do as as far as with your uh your Crafters you can set hotkeys to these I’m just going to keep this one in my inventory

Because I have my refined storage grid set up to a hotkey so uh what can we do to get range extended on here well it’s not actually called range um it’s called a booster well a range booster actually or wireless booster you would normally fill this in and you would build these

But we do have access to an add-on mod that gives us infinite range and also infinite cross-dimensional range so I should be able to request a dimensional card so card right here and I should be able to craft one of these dimensional cards and this should give me cross-dimensional access to the this

Grit from anywhere um so no matter where I’m at I can request them so it definitely in my own Dimension here I will be able to achieve that so that’s going to be pretty cool and there we have it we now have oursel a dimensional

Card and that can go right in here and now we have an infinite range and I cannot believe the energy usage apparently is only 9 AE that just seems absurd and does not seem right uh that should be way more the refined storage Ones cost like 8,000 RF to run so now I

Have access to this everywhere throughout the base oh how nice this is going to be so let’s head over to this area and also down here by the way I have also ran some applied energistics cables so I also have access to our applied energistics stuff all down here

Ready to go and this is where I want want to start our steam generation so I’ve now crafted up myself a low pressure steam boiler so I want to go ahead and get this set up now this is going to be one of my first interactions

With this thing uh but apparently it has a couple of slots here we have a temperature slot we also have this one which I’m assuming is going to be some sort of water and then possibly steam here and then whatever this bar is but I

Have no idea just yet what this is all about um until I start to put water in now before we put coal in we want to put water in here cuz apparently that will cause it to blow up if we don’t do that

So I will take the coal but I do have a sink here and I’m thinking about placing the sinks uh and filling this with water possibly from the backside here in some capacity um so I can go ahead and put my sink here and then I’m going to use

Universal pipes for right now um and this should be able to just send water into this so yeah I’m just going to use the universal because they’re pretty in my opinion um and there we go so now we have water going in here and so now we

Should be able to also give it some sort of fuel but I’m noticing this low pressure steam boiler doesn’t actually have a slot for coal interesting ah so I think I’m getting it now this one is a liquid boiler that was the difference that I wasn’t reading in the name so

These are solid boilers and this is a liquid boiler and I’m assuming that that means this will take like lava maybe uh it doesn’t really appear so I’m probably going to have to scrap this one and go back to using just the Plain Jane regular solid boiler at least for now

That is oh with that resolved and out of the way now I do know that there is a difference so this actually has a solid slot this is what I was expecting to have in this machine um so I should now that it has water in here I should be

Able to put the coal in and that should start producing Steam very slowly but it it still should be producing it okay that’s interesting and I could feed this uh through the bottom um I think the tops have a lot of uses um so if I open

Up my grid here I think one of the best tools for me to have in my hand is going to be the wrench so if I just have the wrench in my hand I can like rotate the machine and I can rotate different sides and this is kind of cool because like

For example if I have a port that is on this side I can actually move that port to the top it’s kind of cool just by clicking these sides and changing that orientation that you see here like this would allow me to flip it to the other

Side and all kinds of weird interactions there’s all kinds of cool things that I have kind of played around with when testing in the steam at least so same goes for moving the uh the PIP the steam around so this has not produced steam yet because the temperature is still

Building up but it will eventually start to hit that uh that temperature goal and will start producing Steam and that’s where using these pipes to send the seam around is going to be helpful now the quest shows a couple of optional things like making the low pressure steam Forge

Hammer also making a steam furnace and making ourself a steam Rock Crusher all of these things really we don’t need right now we really just need to focus on how we’re going to get to this final thing which is going to be the electronic circuit so this is going to

Require several different things making wood pulp making raw rubber pulp producing rubber itself then producing the sheets and so there’s a couple of things in here that we’re going to have to kind of mix and match also making glass so I think we need to kind of

Break this down into parts and just make the machines as we need them and I think another good idea is make a machine per part required I think just overall that would be a better idea than thinking that I’m going to be using one machine for multiple different processes so now

I’m going to move into my first machine this is a low pressure Steam midor and I now have a little bit of steam so let’s go ahead and just pipe this in over here um now I do know some things from reading the quest this grid Port back

Here when working with the seam is kind of important and I did find that uh you can actually rotate this with the wrench so if I am going to pipe Steam from the top um or anything like that then I probably should move this like to a side

And I think it’s fine where it’s at but if you did want to pipe for example to the back you can move this just like that and now it’s on the top and this is what I was meaning how this the phase still stays the same but like the area

That this is rotated on changes uh that is just kind of cool and I think that’s a pretty neat little thing that this little face is changing now I’m actually going to be feeding in uh materials I think from the left and pulling out from the right side and

I want to feed the steam into the top and so to be able to do do that the leaving the back is just fine after every process apparently these steam generators or Steam Machines need to vent some steam some excess steam so uh you have to have that uncovered to do

That let’s go ahead and get some steam moved over here so this is kind of interesting if you hold down shift it’s going to send it to the the actual pipe but I noticed if I go ahead and I just place for example a pipe right on top of

Here um it doesn’t always just connect so you actually have to use the sort of connection grid that you see right here to sort of snap things into place and just like this notice it’s not connected right here um you should be able to use the wrench I think to then link that

Together like that um and if you want to disconnect you can just click on two of these sides and that will disconnect or you can relink um pretty cool you can even make it connect without even having a connection here but there we go we now have Steam and now this machine should

Be steaming up and what I want to do in here is I want to put some logs um for example Spruce logs in here to kind of show that it’s going to start working and so now this is using steam to crush this log into what is going to

Be pulp which is our first thing we need to do and then we need to take this pulp and send it into a steam compressor to produce the uh the actual wood planks that we’re going to need later on through this progression line so this is

Kind of where I want to set up some applied energistics and I should be able to make more of these boilers as we go along uh but what I should be able to do here is I should have a cable that runs up through this and we can feed items

For example the logs into here and then we should be able to export the items back out of here so I will use an exporter let’s also get some coal down here sending to the bottom of this I think that we can export coal into the

Bottom here um and if we think about our channels this has uh this is carrying 32 channels so each time I add one of these off the side this has the ability to hold eight individual channels off of this um and so what we should have is

The one channel being used right here and I can go ahead and say coal that is in our inventory we can send that into this machine and that should hopefully fill the inventory with coal just like you see in there now just like you see here I have my exporter set

Up and ready to go and I’ll just take some of these logs to set the filter and uh let’s see make sure I actually grabb them there we go and then we’ll put this to Auto export and that should now start to fill this with logs because in my AE

System over there I have made sure to provide it with some our Lo with some logs from our refined storage system now right here’s an example where I may not want to use a importer for this particular application um I actually might want to just send it via a pipe

Directly to a machine to be turned into planks I don’t know how much wood pulp is going to be used later on looks like like we have not that many recipes here for Greg Tech related stuff um it can be used later on for this um so maybe later

On we can change the recipes or not change recipes but change our layout so that way we’re like requesting these items with higher uh tier machines cuz these are still just our lower tier and we’re just trying to work our way to at least the next tier machine these

Machines are pretty dumb they don’t even have exporting options it’s just sort of you send it in and you got to figure out a way to pull it out so this actually might be the perfect example to show off the universal pipes again uh from the

Pipes mod and you could use uh you can use mechanism I think uh all of these things should work but this should be able to send the items from here as we’re pulling it out from the side and send it into this machine and uh now we

Just got to give this some steam and then we’re going to start to see something interesting as we start to add more machines to our measy one tiny little machine notice the steam steam is going down we are now running two machines off of here and the steam usage

Is going to start to go up and we may not have enough Steam and this is where we might reach a critical sort of critical failure Point here where this is not producing enough and these are going to start to burn out o we’re just barely producing enough it looks

Like but once we have more machines well that’s going to change I think o it does seem like it is staying pretty consist though and is now going back up by the way remember earlier we can actually pause the machines with this soft Mallet by the way look at that we have the

Ability to turn them on and off that is so cool you know I’ve never really played with this mod but the more I look at it the more it’s actually not that bad of like a mod I I expected it to be like this kind of just grindy for

Grindy sake but there’s actually some really cool machine mechanics now while that’s all processing let’s talk about the next part and that is going to requ require us to make raw rubber pulp which comes from sticky resin and it says a slime farm which we already technically

Have because you can produce this from slime balls uh we just need to set up a recipe that makes that sticky resin so if we take slime balls and we take a look at what they can be turned into by smelting we’ll see that this this gets

Produced and um we have a very very fast smelter so I’m just going to utilize the things that we already have to make this go a lot smoother so I’ll just simply add it to my list right here grab one out and make sure I put it in here to be

Constantly requested and sent into the storage here so after a little bit of AE magic I now have the sticky resin going in here and turning into the raw R pulp and now we need to make some more machines so we actually need to start producing the all loyer um so one of

These in here there it is the low pressure all loyer I get that crafted up real quick and I’m going to go ahead and place it right here because we’re going to be sending this raw rubber pulp directly into this machine but we’re also going to need something else that’s

New and that is sulfur um to be able to make the rubber itself we also need some sulfur dust and thankfully we also have a mystical agriculture Essence set up for that now with sulfur being exported into here and then this being converted just like that we should now have this

Set up and we are now producing rubber which is going to be a key component that we are going to need quite a bit of I do believe so there we go we have our first raw rubber Ingot I think we might actually need some of this in our

Inventory there we go to be able to complete some of the quests and there we go look at that fantastic I’ll actually take some of that as well now wow it actually looks like the alloy smelter is used for quite a bit um so it looks like

We need to make these um case molds for making the rubber sheets so it’s going to take two rubber ingots and uh that can be made with this it looks like some steel and some tools we can make these empty molds and then turn those into different types of molding and then that

Just takes up a slot in our alloy smelter and produces plates interesting so now I should be able to place my mold in here and then I’m just going to use the pipes to just send this right on through and there we go so now we’re sending that over here and that is

Producing those rubber sheets okay so um are we still good on Steam because it does look like at this point we are now no longer producing it doesn’t show a visible amount of steam in here and this is actually going really fast so this is using three EU wor worth some

Of these use one some of these use three okay interesting I just I wonder if we have enough here all right so move on to the next section now that we have this running and that is to produce glass tubes it does appear like we have everything else in this

Chapter um so there we go we’ll put those in here and what else do we need to make so glass tubes require glass so we need oursel some dust which comes from uh a murator we take glass and we mate it which I have going on right here

So glass going to this producing glass dust into a low press murator there’s a lot going on here and then that needs to go into another alloy smelter with a uh a ball mold which uh is made just the same way as we just did and then that

Should produce a glass tube so yet again another alloy and we just send this over here and then I need to make the glass mold so there’s the glass mold ready to go this goes in here and then we get this hooked into our pressure system which

Like I said I still don’t know if that’s enough on that one boiler still kind of crazy it’s it’s supplying all of these machines um but then I just need to send that glass over here and there we go we now should have that oh here we go so

Notice right here I think this is now saying that we do not have enough Steam in order to supply this so this is where we would need more of these boilers at this point um and then we can go ahead and turn this off with that Mallet that

I had showed before and if we shut that off then we shouldn’t end up with that like craziness that is going on with its inventory slot so now with two more boilers I think we can have up to six of these boilers just doing the math um

These pipes can only hold 40 mbuck a tick and if these produce six then seven would produce over 40 and six would produce right under 40 um of these boilers so technically six of these would be like the exact amount to have these pipes fully functional um but yeah

This should now be able to run now that I’ve gotten these up and running well at least once their like internal temperature increases up to where it starts producing steam okay so I’ve ran into one of my first problems um and that is this has actually uh like slowed

Down in production and this allowed sulfur to build up in here so using an exporter may not be the best solution to this problem here uh especially for things that have more than one inputs in this case and a way of solving this is to actually say hey only keep for

Example one sulfur in stock and to do that with a plat energistics um there’s a couple of ways we can do it but I think one of the best ways is by using a item or em interface now this looks like a normal block but I’ve turned it into

An interface item and what this lets me do is lets me say hey only keep a certain amount in stock and we can actually change I believe oh sorry up here we can actually configure the amount to keep in stock so for example I can say always keep 16 in this machine

And it should always keep 16 in here well that is if this wants to play because for some reason this is sending more items but there we go so the sulfur should always stay in stock and what I what it should do is it should see that

Uh there’s only this amount that’s kind of what I want to test here too pulling this out will it send anymore so notice it’s now not filling up that slot which is exactly what I want it to not do is start to fill that slot so by putting an

Amount in here it should not do that it should go down to 16 and should only stay at a 16 fill level and this is where a planis stics can be a little bit more complicated sometimes than refined storage because you would just use a regular regulator card

On your exporter and so needing to use this is a little bit more complicated now the cool part about this Emy interface is later on we can actually use this as an insert and we can also use it to Output to uh because this is basically two in one and takes up only

One side of a machine and yes Greg Tech believe it or not will actually let you export from the same place it is being inserted from just not these super simple machines so looking there now we have our first glass tube and we are on our way to make in these circuit boards

Because I think the rest of this just requires us to have some of these things for example charcoal dust that’s actually something that we can make in a crafting grid and all of these individual components we can make resin we have paper all of this can be made we

Need to make copper wires that is just simply cutting things together and um I even believe these resin printed circuit boards are done inside of a crafting grid look at this this is pretty straightforward and it’s just a matter of having these items in stock and ready

To get so it’s just a matter of getting my import buses on here and that should start importing these into our plat energistics system and for example the glass that is now getting put in also these wood planks are getting put in with an importer this is the cool thing

Too about a PL Logistics we can actually have importers and exporters in the same block space and we can have them in all directions which is really nice um and there we go this should be the entirety of the first chapter technically done the the the rest of it is just off

Spasing basically crafting so now we should be able to make vacuum tubes and there’s our vacuum tube very interesting looking vacuum tube and then we have a resistor and I think in the quest it does say uh on the resistor thankfully we don’t have to make different kinds of

Resistors it says don’t worry you don’t need to craft resistors with different resistances that’s probably a good idea good thing um but yes we should be able to craft these um we do need to set up a recipe for crafting uh charcoal dust so I do have charcoal in here this will be

Utilized that iron mortar and so there we go that’s pretty straightforward um and then I guess I can use wire since I’m already producing copper wires might as well not worry about making the crafting recipe for the fine copper wire everything else we should have and so

That is ready to go I have paper automatically being sent to this um so resistors are done then we have our boards I think it’s best to use this recipe right here to make three of those I think it uh uses the same amount regardless but it just makes more and

Then we can go ahead and craft this there we go that makes our breadboard basically and then the final thing is the basic electronic circuit which gets us out of this basic mode and utilizes all those components plus this which is red wire this is going to be something

That is actually new um that I haven’t seen yet so red alloy cable and I’m wondering uh is this going to be like some sort of expensive thing that we don’t have access to red alloy ingots where does this come from is it a nugget smelt thing like we smelt Redstone no it’s

Probably going to require me to go through some process that it didn’t mention aha yes it does so we are going to need some Redstone and it looks like copper so Redstone and copper produces this Redstone alloy in another alloy smelter so to get this up and running

I’ll just simply send it to an interface right here and that should hopefully send both things in uh at least it should try to in it doesn’t really seem like it is do I have to put the items in first Oh weird maybe I will need an exporter specifically for this is this

Oh wow I guess I was all wrong about those interfaces okay so interesting so what I might have to do is for example for this because uh for some reason the Emy interface isn’t actually sending the items into here which I did expect them to actually do um instead what we’re

Going to do is we’ll use our export bus but I think what I’ll do here is instead of sending this I’m just going to import this into the system and then I’ll just use this export bus down here to uh to round robin because you can set these to

Round robin mode and so just like this that should be able to now round robin I’ve just got to get this set up with an importer and then we should be ready to rock and roll so that’ll put it into the system so a regular old importer should work

And then we just need to tell this to take for example the raw pulp and the sulfur and we need to get those to be in round robin mode over here so I’m actually going to take this out of here for now and then we’ll set this to

Export round robin mode and then we’ll make sure to put sulfur and put that in there and then that should start to equally distribute those two things perfect now something interesting I just noticed is I can actually go through all of these individual machines and I can

Mute them by just clicking the hammer on them this mutes all of the machines making it so much quieter here even though I do like the immersive noises if you don’t like them you can just shut them all off now it’s incredibly quiet so after doing a little bit more testing

I did go ahead and add up to I think we have now what uh six we have seven seven of these solid boilers now running because this actually costs a bit more to run and so I was needing that and then I also discovered that our system

Of round rining is still not exactly the thing that I want it’s not like refined storage where you can actually have a limiter that would limit how much it actually keeps in stock on here and I didn’t really see anything like that that is a part of AE aside from doing

Some crazy janky subnet stuff which is very very weird but I think later on once we get this extractor up and running uh and we get a better version of this extractor in the next tier then this will go significantly faster and will allow us to sort of bypass this

Whole thing I don’t think that will be a problem anymore so with that out of the way we should now have ourselves some rubber sheets and the ability for us to make some red alloy W wire and I think that is the last little bit that we need

And this will allow us to get these red alloy cables which will be used for this electronic circuit that is a lot of things that we just crafted for this one item so now for the real question can we make all of these individual components

For the quest so let’s go ahead and do this we need a vacuum tube and that should be quite easy to craft let’s craft that there we go vacuum tube for the quest then we need a resistor okay resistor coming right up that is not what I need we need a resistor where’s

This goofy looking resistor okay right here bam ready to go resistor done um and I should be able to pull the resistor in my inventory to complete the quest there we go and then we just need the circuit board um which we should be able to request there we go and last but

Not least making it into a printed circuit board which we should be able to send in and make a printed circuit board just like that perfect and last but not least making the 32 basic circuits this one’s going to require 32 of them and I don’t know

If we have the ability to make 32 just yet but I can go ahead and request and it’s calculating the process because apparently this is huge and we are missing the red alloy and that’s the thing that’s missing in this Quest here it didn’t even mention anything about

Red alloy until right now so nice I also kind of did a little bit more work to try and figure out a way to make these more scalable and I think this actually works to make this more scalable so I just moved the pipe back one and then I

Now have these feeding and this allowed me to add for example another extractor right here to kind of keep the bottleneck from happening here and uh yeah this is actually working so two extractors running on the sticky resin and I’m able to kind of stack them like

This making this a bit more module and as you can see that’s kind of one of the reasons why this is a bit taller in here so after getting all this set up and by the time I had all these pipes moved around I think I now have everything I

Need to make the 32 that it wants me to do for the quest and it mentions doing 32 as an example of batch sort of processing or B batch crafting and having these all ready to go so as soon as I hit this button you’re going to see everything required for these recipes

It’s a lot also we could make the plates a little bit more effectively if we went ahead and made the plates without using the Hammers but for right now I’m going to go with this and when I hit start the crafting Madness is going to happen and

We see how fast this is actually crafting all of these things oh boy that is um that is a lot going on right there but it is all crafting slowly but surely all of these circuits and just a think this is only the steam age this is like

The first process it is just mindboggling watching all of this just sort of come together it’s like pulling in the tools and we can start to see like it’s using those wire cutters and everything slowly be sure they’ll Mak it all the copper I think the copper is the

Big bottleneck in the craft here but yeah yeah we’ve already at 10 there’s 12 13 it’s now going up and we’re about to have our 32 to technically complete this Milestone Quest here and we got the notification from appli energistics that our craft is done and we can now pull

These out and chapter steam age complete yes I just want to high five you guys I I know I can’t do it through the screen unfortunately but there we go we now have all these things we get ourselves some tin cables we also get eight more electronic circuits and we get these LV

Machine holes this just needs imagination to use this interesting and so with that I think I am done for today this has been quite a lot getting done and uh well I actually kind of enjoyed it I thought I wouldn’t but it was actually kind of fun especially playing

Around with all of the steam stuff and not super having to worry about all of my stuff going boom that’s the one things that I just don’t like about mods sometimes is when you build out everything and then they just explode on you yeah that doesn’t sound fun but

Between the building today and also getting this whole steam section set up and it actually looking kind of clean I am pretty satisfied and I hope you guys enjoyed as well if you did comment down below what was your favorite part and if I did anything wrong let me know down in

The comments below and if there’s a way that I can improve I would love to hear from you guys and not to mention that be sure to click that subscribe button and also give this video like I said a huge thumbs up and well it’s now time to

Think the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that huge things is going to go out to RPS thank you so much by the way for your amazing support and choosing to support me over on the Discord and becoming a Discord premium member and getting access to those beautiful supporter servers and also

World downloads so be sure to check that out if you haven’t checked out the Discord discord.gg chosenarchitect and join the amazing Community today also guys thank you all for watching and hopefully you’re enjoying this Greg Tech best way to let me know is like I said by clicking that like button I’ll see

You in the next one and as always thanks for watching Bye

This video, titled ‘Gregtech Steam Age EP63 All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-02-23 17:00:37. It has garnered 22714 views and 1006 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:16 or 2536 seconds.

Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft experience with All the Mods 9 (ATM9)! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds, featuring an expansive collection of nearly 400 mods and a multitude of quests awaiting your exploration. Craft the elusive ATM Star and challenge yourself to conquer the formidable Gregstar, an endgame experience unlike any other.

Originally created as a private pack among friends, All the Mods has blossomed into a sought-after gaming sensation, offering everything found in popular packs while introducing a unique blend of newer and lesser-known mods. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, ATM9 provides the perfect balance of familiarity and innovation, ensuring an immersive and thrilling Minecraft journey.

Join the community and embark on an adventure filled with endless possibilities. Unleash your imagination, tackle challenging quests, and discover the vast array of features and surprises that await in All the Mods 9. Are you ready to craft, explore, and conquer in this ultimate Minecraft modded experience? Jump in now and experience the adventure of a lifetime!

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    Unbelievable: Liam Vlogs Minecraft Create Mod with VR PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Create Mod LIVE WITH VR PLAYER’, was uploaded by Liam the Vlogger on 2024-01-08 03:40:44. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join the discord server here: https://discord.gg/NhFtXJ4tAc. Follow my Other Socials!!! Tiktok: Liamthevlogger_. Read More

  • SkillsGrind

    SkillsGrindSkillsGrind is a minecraft server hosted on the platform minehut when you will join the server you will receive a “guide’s letter” with a message in chat explaining that you need to choose one of the places you can go they are currently 4 places : the forests, the dungeons, the farms and the mines. If you need help to choose one of these here is my advice : Choose the forests to get better axes and most likely do more damage to mobs Choose the dungeons if you are well equipped and want to fight mobs to get loot… Read More

  • Enter the Chaos – Anarchy

    Enter the Chaos – The Ultimate Anarchy Minecraft Server Server IP: Java Version: 1.20.4 Bedrock Port: 25565 Why Enter the Chaos? True Anarchy: Experience pure Minecraft anarchy with no rules or restrictions. Endless Possibilities: Explore a vast world and unleash your creativity. Intense PvP & Raiding: Engage in fierce battles and conquer your enemies. Griefing Encouraged: Protect your creations or watch them fall to rivals. Alliances and Betrayals: Form alliances but beware of betrayals. Bedrock Support: Play on Java or Bedrock with the same server IP. Join the Ultimate Chaos Today! Dive into a world where rules don’t exist… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper IQ: 200

    Minecraft Memes - Creeper IQ: 200Well, I guess this meme needs to go back to school and study up on how to be funny! Read More

  • Crafty Kitten’s Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness

    Crafty Kitten's Wine Shed: Modded Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With Kittenish by my side, we’ll build and win. Exploring mods and new biomes, the possibilities are vast, Creating our own story, having a blast. The wine shed build, a project so grand, With enchanting areas, we’ll expand. Learning the Create mod, step by step, In this modded world, there’s no need to fret. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we discover new things, day and night. Subscribe and like, if you want to see more, In this modded Minecraft world, we’ll explore. So grab… Read More

  • “Accidentally summoning chaos in Minecraft” #oops #meme

    "Accidentally summoning chaos in Minecraft" #oops #meme When you accidentally create a masterpiece in Minecraft and you’re just sitting there like, “I have no idea how I did that, but I’m a genius.” #minecraftmagic #oopsiecreations Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight!

    Sneaky Minecraft Hardcore Final Boss Fight! Exploring the Epic Boss Fight in Minecraft Hardcore Season Finale! Introduction In the thrilling conclusion of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, players are faced with an epic boss fight that will test their skills and teamwork. The stakes are high as they navigate through challenges and obstacles to emerge victorious. Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 Map The journey begins with the Agalarla Hardcore Season 2 map, a meticulously crafted world filled with surprises and dangers at every turn. Players must strategize and work together to survive and thrive in this unforgiving environment. Key Players – Guapoins(Kadir): A seasoned Minecraft player who… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Upgrade for Minecraft Animals!! 😱🔥 #shorts

    EPIC Texture Upgrade for Minecraft Animals!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TEXTURA QUE MELHORA TODOS OS ANIMAIS DO MINECRAFT! #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jackcraft Gameplays on 2024-05-22 18:30:10. It has garnered 845 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. In this shorts I show you a texture pack that improves many animals for your Minecraft PE, with new, much prettier visuals, seeking to improve your game. ADDON DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/remodeled-default/ I hope you enjoyed the video! Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the channel, as well as *activate the bell* to receive new videos! To the next! #Minecraft… Read More