EPIC Kraken Build on Homie Server! Watch SmoLCatzZ VOD

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Hello everybody hello hello welcome in welcome in silverfish hi silverfish welcome in GG’s on the first how you doing today silverfish I hope you’re amazing hi Melanie hello hello welcome in welcome in welcome in Federation rebeles hello hello welcome in welcome in welcome in how’s everybody doing tonight

Scrm we are we do be scramming out here I’m scramming hello everyone welcome to scrm town population scram 2 one let’s go scram all right guys we are working on the Kraken build today Kraken time yay yeah yay but there’s something I want to do really quick first which is so this

Is the beach by Dame Village uh on the homie server and this was a big pit like this cuz cuz what happened was is when the server started somebody dug up all the sand to use for stuff but so I’m fixing it so we’re going to fix it really quick

Because it’s been bothering me for like two months actually like forever it’s it’s been bothering me for a very long time so we’re going to really quick fix it with some dirt and some sand because it’s upsetting so I just feel like it cannot stay like

This and what better block to fill it in with some dirt and put some sand on top and call it a day and then we’ll work on the uh we’ll work on cibus oh I forgot something uh very important I forgot it I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I

Forgot okay that should work now there we go I forgot it’s it helps to like turn your PNG tuber on it does help yay lazy terraforming Hey listen sometimes you just got to lazily terraform you know it’s got It’s lazy but it would be lazier if I just

Covered the hole with one layer of dirt on top and didn’t fill it in but I feel like if I fill it in that’s not lazy hey B cars welcome in how you doing tonight I hope you’re amazing oh crunchy dirt ASMR got to go get stuff done scramble hopefully be

Back later see you small all right bye silverfish good luck with your doing of stuff do your homework or your things whatever your things is go do them it’s always so nice to see you Mr Stone all right I just want to finish this really quick like it’s been bugging

Me and I haven’t had time to work on it but I now have some time so I was like man I have time to do this like what if I did this thing that’s been bothering me for like months so I’m just doing it and then there won’t be a big hole in

The ground over here and it’ll look so much nicer crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch so does anyone else do this thing uh I have a Kindle unlimited subscription because I leave I read a

Lot of Bad Romance Books I do that too I fill things in instead of just covering it bugs me yeah right it bothers me if I don’t fill it in I I really just hate knowing that there’s like a hole doing well giving the ground a bit

Of a trim just wish TNT worked on the server I’m on sometimes oh no TNT on the server interesting is that so that people don’t grief it or do you mean like TNT duping doesn’t work just out of curiosity um but I was saying like I I

Do this thing and I wonder if anyone else does this but I have a Kindle unlimited subscription because I read a lot of trashy romance books as for fun as one does you know when as one does when when you want to do that uh but I do this

Thing it’s in the anti- grief software oh gotcha um but I do this thing where like if I don’t use it for like a couple weeks cuz I just don’t have time to read any books then I’ll cancel it and then an offer I follow will

Release a new book and I like resub on it like I I renew my subscription after having canceled it for like a month and it’s like this terrible habit that I’ve gotten into of like reads all the books that I’m like are out and that I want to

Read and then like nothing is out for a little bit that I want to read and or I’m too busy and I don’t read so I cancel it and then I just renew it again it’s like a vicious cycle I’ve gotten myself into of just having to like

Constantly un renew and renew do this silly subscription it’s very annoying I don’t know if anyone else does this but I but I do that it’s very silly crunch crunch crunch crunch there’s something very satisfying about placing a lot of dirt says oh we just got an

Ad oh an ad is starting in 54 seconds oh gotcha gotcha gotcha Goa got you how are you doing says it’s so nice to see you yes I’m a vampire for Halloween you know you got to sometimes you’re a vampire for Halloween but I hope you’re

Amazing I do that with my Star Wars MMO sub amazing amazing I’m glad it’s not just me who does stuff like that it’s like if I’m not actively like reading anything and I’m not getting value out of it I’m like oh well I guess I’ll cancel it like and then I’m like you

Know if you just left it it would have cost the same amount of money like it’s just a silly silly silly thing doing good still working so we’ll stay here lurking all righty enjoy your lurks thank you for stopping in and saying hi it’s so nice to see you look at this Turtle

Turtling homie is just hanging out turtling I can’t wait for this to be done it’s going to look so so good it’s going to look so nice there won’t be this Pit by the beach anymore Pit by the beach sounds like a really bad version of like a Sex on the Beach like

Uh you know the the drink like Pit by the beach sounds like the drink you drink when you’re going to fall and twist an ankle just like a bad time oh who did this over here here who did this to this dirt I was just thinking it sounded like

A metal band it kind of does it kind of does honestly I’ve heard weirder metal band names like I feel like that could work maybe some metal band names are so unhinged that poor turtle is beached I know it’s okay Anar we’re going to rescue him Stardust hello hello welcome

In oh BRB ad time okay J Hilton thank you for the follow how you doing today sh to the Roaring Cage the Elephant is still your favorite metal band title that’s a pretty good one BCG hi BCG welcome in how are you doing I hope you’re amazing oh and since

We had an ad J Hilson thank you for the follow if you didn’t hear it cuz the ad was playing BCG how you doing today I hope you’re amazing it’s so good to see you oh my goodness oh my goodness we’re literally wasting so many blocks

Doing this but at the same time I don’t care I just want to mindlessly place a few blocks before I actually have to think about building today was a very long day I feel like I need to just like turn my brain off so I deleted the snow

Biome world I was in oh yeah did you get sick of everything being covered in snow 24/7 cuz I’m imagining that’s what happened like cuz that’s what have what would have happened to me snow snow wouldn’t stop building up oh No that’s actually very funny did placing torches like not help at all that’s what I would have done you can path the grass to prevent snow true but like on the roofs and stuff the snow brain isn’t braining fair birthday King glad birthday it helps but there’s torches everywhere yeah that’s kind of

Irritating and that’s like old Minecraft everywhere has a torch because of reasons kind of nonsense it’s worse on Bedrock because snow builds up you have to shovel it or lights sources yes oh that’s actually really annoying my forever world is in the ice and the

Snow I do like the snowy aesthetic to be fair I mean I am building the the Kraken our big octopus boy in a snowy biome to be fair is this Turtle o okay this guy has not moved like at all are you all right sir I don’t think he’s okay people

Shy like I don’t think that turtle’s all right the kids aren’t all right yeah you’re on Bedrock that’s true Melanie that’s true I do like the leaf text when it snows on bedrock and it turns white why can’t we get that on like we should have

That on Java that should be a Java thing give us that give us that feature please thank you it doesn’t really make sense that that’s not a Joba thing I do like the leaf texture yeah I read that I’m sorry I can’t read he’s watching leave the turtle cook yeah he’s

Just vibing he’s vibing he’s chilling it’s the Java thing in mods yeah but if it’s in a mod then it’s not like a Vanilla Java thing if it’s a vanilla Bedrock thing give it to me think just just give me the thing pretty please can

Has guys I placed so much dirt I feel like the dirt sound is like etched into my brain at this point welcome to dirt placing with small cats where we’re just placing dirt Stardust when I first saw the white leaves it freaked me out because you’d

Never seen it before I love that Mel’s just like witches like just freaked out dir block ASMR yes yes crunch crunch crunch it does make like a very satisfying crunch sounds you know what I mean it’s like that Tik Tok meme of the cat like eating a rock you

Know there’s that cat and it’s like crunch crunch crunch crunch like just eating real crunchy snack my favorite noise is insta mining deep slate man people wish people wish one second if only I’m using some more dirt because I don’t really feel like placing that much

Sand to be honest what is this biome Beach oops oh well it’s going to be dirt oh well rip Turtles so hard to be a turtle it’ll be fine see that Turtle seems to be turtling but that turtle is like stuck wonder if that turtle’s path finding is messed

Up like it can’t comprehend the idea of like going to the actual ocean my favorite noise is the cute little popping noises when you pick something up oh the like that’s a good noise to be fair you know Minecraft sound design sometimes really gets it right and sometimes they make the horse dying

Sound and they really get it wrong but it’s fine the plurp is would you call it a pop or a PLP it’s kind of like a wait wait really important sorry for science yeah it’s like a ploop or like a but not as high pitched it’s like

A like a plip yep it’s a flip that’s Flip Flip yeah that I would call that a flip that’s actually pretty accurate I would say oops I just accidentally open light works no light works no okay I know light works please okay plop I love it I love it flip plop plop flip

Minecraft noises are great or they’re like slime and mud noises moist yeah like the whole Warden sound design H Chef’s Cas horse diey oh scram or like The Observer clicking sound just truly painful like the noise of an observer like Fast clicking like so irritating truly I will perish Warden

Sounds like wet fart when it pops out it’s still good sound design J says plop it might be a plop it’s a plop or a plip for sure there’s not really a PLP it’s not a PLP the industrial noises are super accurate to be honest oh yeah that’s why they’re irritating

Though I’m not upset that they’re accurate I’m upset that they’re annoying wait what is what are you working on what is magma doing iconic Minecraft noises his and oh Magma’s removing the end pillars that is f to actually so boring so boring bur yeah which which is Burr cuz his obviously a creeper

The like that noise and then the her is the villager oh like a the zombie noise zombies oh hey Jimmy the beard to go welcome in welcome in how you doing today yeah kind of a B I really appreciate that everyone is typing these noises very differently we

Can’t apparently agree on what they type like I like that the magma is literally removing all of the the obsidian pillars and people are like so what if we uh respawn the dragon what are you making okay so right now I’m really quickly fixing something that needed

Fixed uh because when we started the server in August um people mined this beach of all of its sand uh for some projects and but now we have a sand duping machine so I’m really quickly fixing it and filling it with sand but my main project is we’re actually

Building a kraken uh so a very large octopus uh over in a different area which we’re going to go over there in a couple of minutes I just really wanted to finish this project really quick while I had the sand and was thinking about it and so we’re just kind of

Chatting and vibing before I go over to uh to cibus which is our big octopus boy poor Beach got destroyed it truly did it truly did uh it was really funny because when this happened people were like yo who did that and why and think it might

Have been zesty I don’t remember who did it it was like so sorry I really needed sand and we were like well like this is busted until we get a sand duper and now we have a sand duper and uh I worked from home on Monday and

Gatekeeper and I ran the sand duper for like I don’t know 4 hours maybe I don’t know it was a really long time and we had like 90 shulker boxes of sand so we were like oh my goodness I can fix this beach let’s go J Price oh my goodness

Hello hello welcome in how are you doing I imagine zombie noises are just hung over Dude Bros like BR that’s actually quite possibly the most accurate one so far you’re just chilling Jimmy I’m glad to hear it depends on how well our ears work and if our headphones

Are in use or not yeah that’s a lot of sand it truly was a lot of sand ah come on I hate it here did you bring me a piece of Apple oh my goodness what a cutie guys my partner brought me some apples thank you I see

It I see the Apple I’ll eat the apple I swear he’s like pointing at it like eat the fruit I’m like okay I will I swear J brace how are you doing I’m fighting a bit of a cold oh no J Bry oh I’m so sorry but otherwise you’re good oh I’m

Glad I hope you’re feeling better soon I heard that giggle yeah he’s a funny guy loopy oh my goodness guys it’s loopy oh my goodness I’m not okay it’s loopy gatekeeper oh my gosh gatekeeper I was just talking about you and how we ran the sand duper and how I’m currently fixing the

Beach and filling it with sand because we ran the sand derer okay keeper how you doing loopy what’s wrong uh-oh uhoh what’s wrong poopy I’m scared I’m not doing anything fancy to this gatekeeper I’m literally just filling it with some sand doing great place in sand blocks L everybody’s plac

In sand are you doing the uh the walls on the storage area the Egyptian theme everybody’s out here placing sand today like what’s going on how’d this happen yes nice we’ll fly over there and take a look in the in a second cuz that that area is coming together so

Beautifully have you seen it recently I did see it um maybe like an hour ago when I flew over to get this sand out of the end uh but I didn’t take like a close look at it so we can absolutely come over and and give it a check out

Once I’ve finished placing this cuz I’m I’m almost done to be honest it it looks like a lot but it’s actually not that much oh my goodness all the homies are in the chat all the lovely people are in in the chat this is actually taking

Longer than I thought it was I I literally just said that it’s not actually going to take that long but now that I think about it this is has taken me half an hour of my usually 2our streams oops oops oh well there’s no rules I can do whatever I want

Sand I can do what I Want any sleepers sleepers oh thank you you the jungle VIP reach the top I had to stop and that’s what’s bothering me I to show oh my goodness the turtle is alive he moved rules right do I want to be like you I want to walk like you talk like you too it’s

True like me learn to be like someone like you at least sand is fun to place I want to play Minecraft so bad I haven’t been able to since I had my son been watching streams to make me feel better about it though uh well you know even if you’re

Taking a break now like you know you can always come back to it like some with some revived creativity you know maybe when you’re feeling a little more rested and of course you can always hang out and watch streams like you said so that’s you know that’s nice I find that

Like like watching people stream Minecraft like really revitalizes my desire to play Minecraft like personally it can always make it like nice to come back to the game cuz you can be like oh I saw this person do this cool thing like what if I gave that a try you

Know I want to be like you guys there’s a Wednesday cat the cat is under my chair oh my goodness oh my goodness cat alert cat alert we cat alert learn to be like someone like you my son loves playing it with me see oh and that’s something you have to look

Forward to Jada is then you know when your son’s old enough you can show Minecraft which is like so much fun I’d be way more interested in Minecraft if my favorite M stream Minecrafter ever streamed uh BCG truly I am trying so so hard to stream

More um work is just kicking my butt so badly uh and it’s really not been Pleasant like if I could stop having to travel literally constantly I would be streaming so much more okay important question for the group if I have a camel on a leash can I

Get in a boat and drag it through the water without it drowning if you’re in the boat it should float on top of the water like a horse as long as it doesn’t have any passengers so like as long as there’s not a player riding it you should be good to

Go yeah he’s one and a half I’m pregnant again so it’s going to be a while oh no well but congrats though what type of work do you do uh I’m a mechanical engineer uh but my job involves a lot of like travel and working on mechanical equipment uh

So yeah I’m gone a lot it’s and like I have a n kind of roll and it just requires even more of me zooming around so let’s grab them that sounded like those quizzes from school you have a chicken and a wolf and a corn and one

Boat yeah you got a fox a chicken and a bag of grain how do you get all three across the river without the fox eating the chicken the chicken eating the grain or the grain getting wet you have one hour Loopy’s jamming right loopy right

Y okay because I built a two- wide slab bridge for hundreds of blocks and I’m over it oh no J Price oh no right J Price H this feels like this just brings me back to Rubik’s and I drag or like and City rating with a camel and it was so funny

Um your husband does something like that for oil and gas and we were just at a hotel for over a year oh were you doing like a startup or something yeah I thankfully don’t do startups if I did I think my partner would go crazy as would I hooray Engineers look at us

Engineering look at this go like literally I don’t think anyone in my company could ever convince me to do startups I truly could not desire to be in some middle of nowhere cornfield that they’re putting a steel mill in and then being there for like 6

Months a yes the fox chicken and bag of grain riddle with only one thing at a time being brought across at a time and can’t leave behind one thing that will eat the other yeah exactly that well-known riddle that we all know for some reason gatekeeper homie this is amazing

What in the world thank you Tad oh we love Tad pull milk and bonked wait no T just says no wait I can’t see it one sec uh render distance break my computer gatekeeper this is Wilden yay Engineers is not an engineer it’s fun sometimes I transport two campal before Oh no

Gatekeeper this looks so good he was a nester there for when things broke but the company he worked for ended the contract because they weren’t paying the company enough oh gotcha gotcha gotcha it’s a tadpull milk hi tadpull gatekeeper this looks so good where are you placing sand right now is

That the towers I love the towers this is so good is this sand or Sandstone what is this oh oh this is bch oh if you need more Birch by the way gatekeeper I ran the tree farm over here of birch there’s like a shulker and a half of birch Lots in

There so if you need Birch there’s Birch but this looks so good oh I love the scarabs the scarabs are great what’s up with the leaves just some borch I think sand might fall due to gravity hey that’s what string is for this is going to look so good when it’s

Done how are you going to bring this down to the level of the auto sorder though what’s the plan here oo I like the uh I I don’t remember what these symbols are called I I feel like it’s an ank but I could be wrong you build a tree there

And it caught on fire oh an ank yes thank you Anar anari knows Anar is a noer this looks great though I’m so excited to see what you do with this wday what are you doing guys the cat is criming the cat is criming clerkin this is sick right I love seeing

What the homies are doing so many cool things we will have stairways down to the storage okay sick I love it Mega builds are so rare love it right Ginger hi Ginger welcome in how are you doing the fact that the uh enst are made out of lapis blocks makes it better I

Agree I think the lapis is such a good choice uh for that oh I could have gone into the to the end back there or to the nether I’m dumb uh you know what let me let me put all this away who messed with my storage I’m going to perish I fixed

This I just fixed this uh it was almost certainly Huggles and Huggles probably had a very good reason uh okay so I have a lot of empty Sher boxes what’s oh that’s wrong nope that’s also sand where does sand go this is your first mega build ever it’s honestly turning out

Amazing I’m so excited to see how it goes well weren’t they traditionally painted with purified lapis maybe Wednesday that’s my sticker book hey give me that W that was a crime guys Wednesday’s criming Bam Bam cuz lapis is lapis Lai one of the Sacred Stones of

Ancient Egypt oh there you go that was loud crime right yeah so my partner okay so guys I have this thing where I buy cute stickers and then I never stick them on anything because I can’t emotionally commit to sticking them onto something what is this what is this why are there

Chipkin guys who did this you know how I feel about chipkin crime okay tasty BBS BPS BBS BBS all right we’re actually going to go work on the project wait you’re not alone in the sticker issue okay well I have the solution for you guys my partner bought me a reusable

Sticker book and it’s basically like a little uh binder that has sheets of sticker paper like the the sticker like the paper that you peel the sticker off of right it’s like that really kind of like Smooth plastic paper and it’s got little sheets and it goes into the book

And and if you peel the sticker off of whatever it came from you stick it onto the sticker paper and this sounds crazy but it’s a real thing and then it comes with yeah it’s like waxed yeah uh and then it comes with like little flat

Spatulas so that you can press all the air bubbles out so that they don’t like oxidize and don’t ruin the stickiness and then so like you can store your stickers in the little book and if you want to move them you can peel them off it comes with like little tweezers and

Stuff and you can move them around mine hasn’t fallen off Ginger it’s been like a week and they’re still vibing but like I’m literally having the best time cuz I took all of my stickers out of like the bazillion drawers all the stickers were in and put them in the

Sticker book and now I have just all my stickers in place this is a great this is great my partner got it for me for my birthday and I was like this is an excellent present thank you very much you jumped IRL and in game oh loopy oh

No ow too much work for stickers be lazy by two of the same use one save the other no no no see that that just contributes to my sticker issue oh um but for people who were asking what we were doing earlier um like what our

Project is this is the project this is caribdis the guardian of the sea uh he is a big octopus boy and we love him he’s a good octopus boy guys I fixed the shaders by the way I uh finally actually went into the settings I got rid of like the light

Filtering Rays the light rays and stuff and now caribas looks so good because you can actually see for farther I got rid of the fog and the light rays so like this the uh mini packs both lose their mind dink donk somebody DM mini packs right now this looks amazing thank you thank

You you got 100K Channel points finally oh my goodness BCG if I sometime this year finish all these biome then maybe you can get a biome woo says Tad hi Tad be lazy what is it maybe the technology has improved maybe I mean so far it’s working okay if Wednesday would stop

Knocking my sticker book on the floor I think it would be better but I’ve got like these really funny I’ve got like a sticker of a posum and it’s holding a knife in its mouth and it says today I choose violence I’ve got another sticker tentacles oh God loopy another sticker

Uh of a shrimp and it just says legalized shrimps if you get that joke then then you’re a knower uh I just got uh one of from blaz ball ah no what is that ravic hi ravic thank you for the Bitties I’ve got one that

Says wise up with a little uh wizard hat if you know what BL ball was and you know who uh bevon the wise was then you get that joke but I got so many little stickers I got all these little Bulbasaur I got I I have all of tadpole

Stickers I have all of our emote stickers Deni sir please this is a Minecraft stream please don’t don’t be like this no no no you need to show you the posum sticker I got at my local Pride event I’ve also got a posum sticker uh Rebels

That it’s just a posum on a by flag or by pride flag and it just says I’m bisexual and it’s screaming and it was very funny cuz I was just like yes you love it ravic I hope you’re amazing you look away for one second that’s how it be that’s how it

Be literally always always always I don’t know why but yeah we’re going to actually do some work guys we’re actually going to work on on our little octopus man ax would love this somebody DM mini packs actually no don’t don’t you don’t have to bother mini packs but

Like you know just saying somebody which button is my shaders jiggling okay we need ah ravic please please I’m going to have a heart attack sir Please jiggling I love possums scram is life or possums Rebels oh my goodness uh my partner and I went on a trip the other weekend for our anniversary you already messaged them oh oh scram um and we went into this we were walking around town and there was this store and

It had a sign out on the corner so like the store was like in the middle of a block we were like perpendicular to it and it had a sign and it said come meet our posum mascot and I was like babe to my partner I was like

Babe we got to go see this posum right now and he was like What if it’s not a real posum I was like I don’t care if it’s real or not like I’ll just be upset if it’s not like I need to see the posum

If it’s a real posum so we went into the store and oh my goodness the Apple my partner bought me I forgot about and so we’re there and they have a real living posum it’s a rescue posum like it got hit by a car or something so he can’t

Can’t go back out into the wild and live his wild possum life so instead he gets to be an inside possums and he was wearing I you not this posum was wearing a tiny wizard hat and Crocs like Crocs for babies but on psum feet imagine imagine with your brain possum

Are they weird angry boys do you not know what a possum this is yes this is very crunchy one minute we’re going to look at the posum we’ll talk about possums one second this is a possum so there’s uh there’s American possums which are the ones in the middle that have like the

Little scrummy face and then there’s Australian possums which are the cute ones that are like fatter and fluffier we why do we not have a picture of s posum because it said no pictures I didn’t I didn’t want to ask it said no pictures I didn’t want to ask

But he was wearing a wizard hat and tiny tiny Crocs it was very cute they scare me oh they’re so cute they look like rats but they’re actually marsupials yes so uh North American possums are the only North American marsupial um and they’re actually awesome oh the babies

On the back right so cute um How Could You Forget the crunch ble I know my Emos are my boss himself I truly love it rebel I truly love it so much you have great emotes but yeah so what’s really fun about possums is that um they’re actually resistant to rabies

Their body temperature is too low for rabies transmission so they’re like one of the few mammals that can’t have rabies and they eat ticks and other bugs so they’re great to have around and they’re cute little Trash demons and they love to eat trash so they’re just wonderful they’re basically me in posum

Form I think I know the cute version yeah so there’s Australian possums which are different that broke your brain b cars didn’t know about them with rabies yeah it’s really fun fact like they they can’t carry rabies so possums are the other kind of trash pandas yeah um possums do eat

Trash as well but I think lots of animals will eat trash if given the opportunity because it’s easy small eats ticks confirmed I mean gross no I’m eating a crunchy apple though yeah what Stardust said because they like really don’t they’re really more afraid of

People than they are of or you are of them honestly crunchy I just sent you a pick in Discord of the sticker I got all right I’m looking I’m looking oh my goodness it looks so offended I love it this posum looks like it’s having a crisis that’s amazing crunchy

Right listen I just love happy birthday is it xan’s birthday it’s perfect welcome to share one second I have to save it we’re really distracted today guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened got to got to feel good I don’t know what happened today I’m just so

Distracted guys look at this POS look at him look at him he’s so he’s blossoming he’s so offended he’s like gasp he’s so cute I love it okay for real though the Apple my partner brought me was so good holy oh my goodness that was an amazing

Apple someone ate the piece of trash it was me it was me all right we’re going to actually work on this uh I want To I did some of the circle okay yeah I did the circles on the back side of this uh or sorry the front side of this tentacle so I want to finish the circles we stop distracting to be honest nothing anyone can say or do will probably stop

Me from getting randomly distracted by it’s just not really possible like we can try like to be fair we’ll give it a we’ll give it a good TR try but like it’s probably not going to happen I’m eating honey barbecue chips and apple was probably a better choice ooh

Yummy I want but I cannot has I want but I cannot has IE uh for dinner I made pumpkin carrot soup the other day in the crock poot like I just had some pumpkin P Frozen small is distractable actually so true oh my goodness the grite is here uh you

Know what that means you know what that means means there’s a black cloud around hi black cloud Tad by chance did you ban that chatter earlier or did they slip slip out or slip past the the nonsense cuz I know I hit deny on the message but

Yes ah thank you Tad you’re a wonderful human being and I love you Tad mod best mod it sounds so good it was so good yeah so it was like uh pumpkin puree and fresh thyme and rosemary in the cro pot with some onions and some

Garlic uh and just it was just so good it was so good and so I heated it up for dinner tonight and it was fantastic absolutely no regrets wait what was that message squishes the black clad with the bacon o I see chaos has arrived it’s true oh

My gosh ravic is on ravic is chaos for sure ravic was scaring me you all heard him he was spoing me with the sounds six th000 of a 1 million obsidian aware life wow that’s that’s rough I don’t even have like a good response to that just like that’s rough

Homie that’s too much obsidian just run the bartering farm at that point like all deep no Sky heyo where’s deep Sky Miner what is that dang it I keep doing this I keep forgetting that like that’s wrong that’ll be fine I keep forgetting that I get

Uh guys what’s it called when you mine real fast guys what’s it called when you mine real fast help help I’m having a moment help help I’m scrubbing help help help help help haste I keep forgetting I get haste from the the underwater Beacon thingy insta mine yes roughly

Haste I’m a disaster help I’m scramming help efficiency or haste haste I was trying to think of haste and failing miserably um Ginger what’s the secret tunnel secret tunnel to Gober hi black clad how are you doing am lurking but love your faces H love your face to Black clad enjoy your

Lures something that does not exist see the thing is ginger you say it does not exist but I feel like we’ve seen a lot of conclusive evidence to to the existence of the secret tunnel based on the fact that the secret tunnel keeps getting mentioned you know what I

Mean like it makes it feel like that is real it’s not a secret anymore it may not be a secret anymore but it is a tunnel why is this so weird why is this so lopsided is it because it’s lopsided yes excellent well that’s just going to be what that

Is no server restart we just started building life I just started actually building life life in Australia I know it really is very life in Australia right now sorry that was my hop sound I don’t know what that was but I did it Su sh Stardust has only gone and found a

Christmas kiche from blackcloud whilst exploring the uncomfortable and unreasonable location of the necessary cable why no scam emote we should get a scam emote that’s a good point we should get a scam emote H H scammed what do we think do we do we get a scam emote oh this is wrong sugar

Sh a scam mode no wait a a skote yeah it’s a skote you’re right whatever that is all right I’m actually quite happy with that in the general sense that it doesn’t look bad let’s pick up all of this stuff I think that looks quite t uh I’m

Not going to say what I was about to say I think that looks very much like a tentacle kich looks like vegetable pie I mean kich is just egg pie it’s just hot egg pie pie to be fair oh I’m so tired e happy birthday Zan cat gun

cat gun I’m going to add that on 7 TV it’s a kiche under the mistletoe hey I think that looks good though right like that looks like a that looks like a tentacle right that looks very much like what a tentacle might look like if a tentacle tentacled yes

Yes see all right well I’m just going to accept it I’m just going to say I like it who did this I don’t know uh yeah we’ll go with that small Yes Yes actually probably best if we just go with that yeah my Wither Skeleton stand who did this oh I

Don’t know totes not sus I’ve literally never done a sus thing in my life I have seen enough anime to know where this is going hey hey hey it’s not that kind of stream hey hey hey hey you should look up a pick on don’t we’re not

Doing this again they are slight only slightly suspicious tot’s not sus yeah is this where you tie up hens oh no that’s only on Fridays like a maniac It does this look weird no actually that looks fine hey fire run welcome in how you doing I don’t know what’s going on there’s chaos in the chat today okay thank you oh I’m so glad to hear it I’m so glad to hear it lur all right Ginger enjoy your

Lures we’re going to keep working on this this big octopus boy see I’m perfectly balanced and totally not suspicious I don’t know why everyone walking around in free cam is odd yeah Fu hi fazu welcome in how you doing today I hope you’re amazing by count test of chaos J Price

Has only gone and found an Endeavor that is endless whilst exploring Halloween Town oh my goodness it if he joined it if he’s online oh my goodness everybody’s getting online and the server is literally about to restart andar ready our hands perform some gestures and incantatem at the Target dummy and they

All hit dealing a total of 15 Force damage very nice very nice ah guys I’m doing a bad job of this Stardust is doing popcat and charges the remaining magic energy cast a very powerful magic Missile of the Target zumy and the poor foe is annihilated o very nice let’s

Go guys actually though that Apple my partner brought me release the scrm we must scram hello welcome back I saw deathly mini come in and just say what welcome in welcome in welcome in sorry we had to release the scam or the scram the scrm is or the strm is already

Released swo small the small must swo okay one sec I got to log out really quick because uh it’s uh server reset Time SCM Pepe La release the small AKA make the small LGE small must become big big scrum fire runic thank you so much for redeeming release the scrum much

Appreciated sometimes you know the scrum has to be released it has to you got to let it out you got to let that scrum out you got to it’s actually the law you got to let out the scrum scrum server restarts scrum welcome and deathly mini how you doing today I hope you’re

Amazing it is probably good for your health too I think so I think so not too good on sorry to hear that I hope things get better no Halloween costume tonight I thought it was on earlier oh yeah J Price it was on uh whenever you re-release the scrm it

Switches over to the scrm version of the emote for a little while um so in a few minutes I’ll switch back over to the uh the Halloween one so it’s just temporary it just said like this server is still connecting to this SC hyri I shall make sure you click

Record I will I’m a good noodle I swear I’m a good kitty just thought you were losing your mind I mean yes but no well no no no you’re not you’re not it’s fine we’ll uh all we’re you’re not going crazy it just looked weird for a minute

All right we’re GNA record as black clad reminded me cuz thank you black let’s grab let grab okay guys building on a diagonal is so hard you’re a good noodle or something the only problem is that likely I am not going to be able to use any of this footage of me building

Underwater cuz it’s like really hard to read so it’s going to look real weird oh wait I screwed this up jiggling tadpool are you jiggling guys Tad is in love with the jigglin emote stardus has only gone and found a wild pumpkin oh very nice oh little deathly mini explored for

A while and didn’t find anything oh sad that’s rough is very jiggly it truly is loot o on the diagonal has gone and found a braak R of conies whilst exploring an ocean very nice what’s a Cony is that a fish generally if you say it’s a brace

Of something that means it’s like a fish right cuz it’s on a line now I need ters I would love a potato and not has black CL Wonder no tadpool is jigglin is D no no rabbits oh those might be rabbits also High silverfish welcome back welcome back you’ve missed so many

Crimes what if everybody kept their jingly bits far away from stream just throwing that out there any any of those you got just keep them anywhere but here what if we did what if we simply it is Tuesday that’s a good point that’s a good point silverfish has a good point

It is Tuesday you know what nope I’m sorry uh I’m just G to we’re going to say no what the heck oh it’s just a whole thing at the minut it’s a whole thing tadpole’s got dangly bits he likes to wiggle them about it’s a it’s a personal problem we jiggle all the

Bits removes the truck nuts from above chat absolutely not listen I can put up with a lot of nonsense but I will not accept truck nuts that’s a no I was thinking if con’s chill wait chili dogs with cheese oh I think it does mean if it’s a brace of conies I

Think that is silverfish is right and that’s in reference to bunnies are they blue stop all of you are so cursed today what happened who hurt you why are we so cursed right now what happened who did it why are we criming Tad literally chose violence

Stop no no no it is a Tuesday okay but like it’s it’s a it’s a lot cursed for today Zan it’s a Zan have you seen the large trucks around here sir yes I I know what I I know I know I know I know what the trucks are up to I

Know about their nuts I’m sorry I just realized what I said and it does sound very suspicious uh uh [Laughter] uh blue or Chrome are the popular choices why though what about those ones in particular cuz arrested for public indecency yeah sorry Tad you’re off to it’s jail time you’re going to

Jail no no no no no no no no no no no scary scary piglins no no no we’re literally underwater in the Overworld there are no piglins here they can’t get me the piglins are not here well naturally Tad has those around him because worst state ever yeah I mean that’s Ohio for

You we all know what kind of State Ohio is it’s honestly not even fair it’s just the worst hey old corn welcome in welcome in Chrome because who does not want shiny nuts I mean that’s how I like them I’m sorry what huh restaurant and I’m your M I’m

Um I’m going to jail what nothing a shame if someone qu that what if you don’t what if you don’t what if you didn’t oh man so many sus Clips oh it’s Tuesday elorn you came in at the perfect time for really cursed commentary how did we start talking

About truck nuts yeah exactly I’m literally talking about truck nuts guys like if I had a truck and I was putting truck nuts on it obviously I would want Chrome ones duh it’s nothing inappropriate it’s we’re talking about truck nuts shaking my head oh no scrub never had a friend like

Me I mean that’s just obviously what we’re talking about restaurant I cannot clip this fast enough uh I can’t wait to explain to my partner what got clipped today I’m going to be like hey bab so uh this clip I swear I swear it’s innocent I swear shiny androme

Stop maybe you’re just really into trucks I love trucks oh good double clip it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m fine I’m not molding it’s fine oh yeah I mentioned that and forgot what the answer was your stream title indicates alien biome lies no it doesn’t it doesn’t at

All it says uh it says uh I feel that your partner would know better my partner would just be like why are you like this he would literally just be like why do you say these things and I’ll be like I don’t know I thought it was funny at the

Time you would literally just feel like why are you like this moss moss moss moss moss moss moss hi Moss welcome in it did say alien biome for Ali yeah I forgot to change it to be fair I actually updated it in OBS and then didn’t save It I was confuzzled uh yeah I’m just bad at streaming to be fair I’m bad at streaming an alien Kraken yes yes big alien fish boy listen it’s probably better that it’s not an alien Kraken because people would be weird uh you know how they feel about aliens Tab Two Nuts what is

That truck stop clickbait H not on purpose sausage I know very right now why does tab have a nuts emote can someone explain please I would like an explanation because I’m GNA have to be like tab people are posting your emote in my chat with nuts

And why not I’m scared have one I one it’s actually pretty funny to be fair how is the stupid Grim oh he’s lovely he’s very dumb he’s still quite dumb to be fair he’s still being real dumb but he’s a good boy oh I forgot to do this

End break ended my community is back she also has a sound Commander three that are sus we’re definitely getting more sus sound alerts as we go like I just keep saying dumb to be fair oh well you guys still love me I kind of want truck nuts OT now you’re not

Getting one I’m not going to get my account banned so you can have a truck nuts OTE I’m sorry I I draw the line at that he hasn’t gotten smarts no he’s still big dumb Pepe hands don’t don’t Pepe hands me what small but small get your Twitch

Account banned but small but small truck nuts but don’t Pepe hands me you’re not allow you can’t have them put them back I feel like a mom in the grocery store being like put that back you know what I mean like can’t have it was tadpole wants truck nuts just like a different

Thing I can hear the Tad full voice here but small like that but small I can’t do a good tadpull impression because my voice just doesn’t make that noise it’s not my fault but small here wait I can tadpole can be on stream guys give me like one second tadpole can be

In the chat give me one second it’s really important did that play oh I have to unmute Discord sorry listen it’s really my fault listen it’s really my fault listen it’s really my fault it is tadpole’s fault actually also I love the crunchy sound right after that that’s actually makes it so much

Better listen everybody go to Tad’s chat and type exclamation mark listen in Tad’s offline chat please right now puts the truck nuts back into small chat they’re there stop no truck nuts no no no no no no no no no no no No you’re not getting truck nuts stop trying to make truck nuts happen if you insist tp’s voice I’m sure it’s your fault since Tad uses firebot he’s probably safe I tried P just hates when I have fun oh it’s happening I hate it here Stardust has only gone and found

The terrible sleep sucking monster insomnia whilst exploring P Roth car well rip to your sleep done thank you Moss thank you thank you you’re really doing the work today Moss is out here doing the true important work which is uh typing listen and tadex uh offline chat you heard the

Alert trigger amazing truly amazing scrim L red Hello thank you for the meow for scratching meow how are you doing little red Tad Tad Tad oh you know what I should go type exclamation mark listen in Tad’s offline chat actually now that I think about it that’s actually super important I should do that too

Twitch.tv I got to go type it in because I’m lame twitch. tv/ tadle milk everybody go over there right now type exclamation mark listen in Tad’s offline chat thank you really important there it goes I posted proof in the Discord beautiful thank you Moss thank you thank you thank you no my offline

Analytics oh my god well as uh your mod it’s my job to harass you sorry Get Wrecked hello to everyone Hi l red we need more Tad appearances I love it right I should just be in Discord all the time so I can just like boast silly

Noises sir I’m busy can’t you tell hey I I’m literally busy ma ma M you’re not my mother you’re not the boss of me oh oh Moss is out and about moss assassin watch out guys SAS MOS is out ass say tad yeah you got to watch out for sasos that’s that’s spooky scary skeletons right there listen oh my goodness all the homies are

On look at all the homies on the server so many homies are online I love to see it m check truck banana no that’s not it not samic will do uh truck banana is worse guys what if I bought a car just to put a no wait stop I’m not doing that

That’s a bad idea I’m not going to do that I’m sorry I’m not going to do that I forgot that grite triggers if I put the emote in the chat yeah grite will automatically do it for you genuinely tadpool black clad sent that to me and I

Was like that’s the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life like a banana truck yeah it’s a delivery of bananas I am SAS MOS and Stony baloney I’m here for a moss I support you do it I will not I simply shall not why is it

Raining okay I’m I’m angry I’m a little Angy it’s fine I’m sorry I didn’t mean to shout I feel like I have been shadowbanned from using the emote I mean that would be very funny or oh no okay I see I mean you love it guys my polar bad head uh Tower is

Increasing Discord thank you for doing the Discord command little red listen love it Moss wait what was that Moss charge your phone Moss charge your [Laughter] phone Moss charge your phone wait guys I can’t even talk my phone’s at 7% imagine not wanting to use the listen Bo

Your polar bear Tower is scandalous it’s beautiful thank you want charge your phone Pepe hands I know Dad I know I messed this up listen the polar bear Tower is just cuz the polar bears really like to hang out small Moss did you charge you’re not

The boss of me I mean that’s true Moss but I’m still going to try leave to charge your phone as a habitual phone not charger charge your phone okay so that’s Tentacle okay so that’s this one small charge your phone okay M’s got a good point I should charge my phone it’s said 7% I don’t know where my charger is to be fair I truly have oh I have a charger in here okay okay wait there’s a charger

In my desk I’ll genuinely plug my phone in it is on 7% battery not even a joke not even a lie 7% battery right now not even a lie why do I have so many notifications what’s happening oo guys I’m being followed on Twitter by graphic designers how long

Before they send me a DM so what is worse banana hammock truck nuts banana truck or a nuts hammock absolutely nuts hamic not himic is Vian it truly is stop sit like shrimp okay listen I was I was absolutely sitting like shrimp all right but I don’t why you calling me out

Like this why why are you calling me out like this okay I’m charging my phone buy my designs please hello please am graphic artist please buy design like nope sorry nope your C yours is currently plugged in J pra the most responsible out of all of us it’s like those underwear that

Have a pocket now I have to figure out what they’re called oh no I don’t like where this is 77% for me H why is everyone better at charging their phones than me guys to be fair I forgot a phone charger at work like I forgot to charge it like I I like

Forgot to bring it so I couldn’t charge it 27% I’m at seven I’m doing so bad it’s probably 8% now oh my gosh guys what’s your phones at tell me what your phone is is at Moss is just telling me every time Moss’s phone goes up by a single

Percent is everyone better at charging their phone than me oh we’re out of of stuff 100% okay Mr Fancy Pants tadpole milk 28 29 okay lorn’s also in the the bad charging phones game Lexi babe hello hello fu is a very respectable and responsible 86% well no one calls so

Ah I get so many messages like it’s literally just discords blowing up all the time so many DMS 694 20% based answer based hey endless welcome in that’s a base answer to be honest Lexi babe how are you doing good morning to you taple milk where’s your proof my

Phone’s always either 100% because I ow ow sir child child child yeah that’s what I thought we’re not getting a truck nuts OTE my phone it’s either 100% because I forgot it on the charger or zero because I forgot it off the charger that’s a mood boar say 100% oh my gosh so

Responsible proof I’m dying I just got up and started watching twitch so you’re 97 we all get all those weird calls Stardust people literally from all over the place are always calling me and are like okay let me talk to you about your cars extended warranty and I have to be

Like homie I don’t even have a car like you’re you’re can you tell your marketing team that you’re calling the wrong people try calling anyone else literally any other human we’re mine is only charging so you can stay on the stream that’s fair also a base dancer I appreciate you guys who are

Charging your phones so you can hang out I appreciate you so much did Endless just not answer the question about truck nuts because that’s also a good choice no I just have it on sea charger too much no no pole wait why are the two options yes

And nuts yeah that’s rigged that’s a rigged pole tell them that they you have a hearse and they’ll take you off the list no Tad that’s a that’s literally a rigged pole that’s rigged the pole seems to be broken I hate it here stop voting nuts yes D it

Watch stream and eat breakfast but still sleepy so chance I’ll fall asleep with a food in one hand and sell in the other well just don’t drop your phone in the cereal and you’ll be fine fine seems fair to me it doesn’t actually I feel betrayed guys this is actually coming

Together look at this octopus boy go you’re just tired that’s fair well restricted these two options I think we’ll go nuts yeah I hate it here bacon and eggs and hash browns I mean that sounds amazing I remember having one of those promotion calls about some Life Alert

Thing that I don’t need so I was like I’ll get my information hung up and never called them back that’s actually probably the best way to handle it just hang up the pole seems to be very close at the moment literally how close can it possibly

Be who voted 79 times for nuts yeah honestly all of you need help oh it’s the cheaty Bowl wow it is cheaty it’s literally such a cheaty poll I being scammed I’m literally being scammed right now scammed live on stream probably me Moss How Could You

Moss I can’t believe Moss would do this to us guys can you believe that Moss would do this to us probably tadpool yeah literally it’s just it’s just black lad clicking nuts yeah 50 times would be my guess also I know I’m not recording and I don’t care what rude I’m right

Though you’re just mad that I’m right I mean I voted nuts yeah Dam where’s your proof daddy boats thank you for the 500 Bitties medice how are you doing Daddy ones please disregard the pole that’s currently uh going off it’s it’s not important there’s there’s no

Need to look at it just don’t look at it um dady just don’t look at it it’s just honestly better if you don’t acknowledge that it’s there it’s just better you know it’s better for everyone mostly me but it’s better for everyone are you okay do you need a

Hug wait small yes I chose to stay out of the truck nuts convo hi roing chat um yeah unless are you okay I’m exhausted what kind of pool um uh the the not dancing kind you there’s no dancing it’s okay get to relax honestly endless you’re probably making the best decision

Here of staying out of the pole it’s a rigged pole anyways it’s actually a scam don’t live you sway at me I imag that 691 169 is not a 3169 split well get wrecked that is a cut Oto okay it really looks like we haven’t done anything but I swear we’re working

On this build I swear we’re working on this okay I’m fine um I swear we’re working on this grite contributed 90 Channel points that’s cheating you can’t just have the Grey Knight contribute Channel points that’s cheating that feels feels illegal that feels criminal why not the grite is a bot that’s why that’s

Cheating elorn is feeling 72% chaotic that’s pretty good I don’t know it just feels like cheating bye Bobby I can’t believe nuts ya one I hit he here grite for the win right talk goes the clock the people have spoken the people are not going to be listened to to

Be you’re not getting a truck nuts emote I’m sorry don’t Pepe hands at me you’re not getting a truck nuts emote it’s just not it’s stop trying to make truck nuts happen I’m sorry in fact actually I’m not sorry I’m not sorry actually small you make the pole then it

Was rigged I didn’t even make the pole but small man you make one silly truck nuts joke and chat just just really gives you crap about it for Forever Wild Wild how that happens but small would we do that small yeah you would you absolutely would don’t even lie I

Know you would I’m literally watching you do it right now make another pile but small but small it’s so cursed in here like what why small we’re in is it sure sure so innocent the temptation to add truck nuts is an encounter don’t you dare or at least is loot

I’m never going to be free trapped in here they say don’t get carried away someone should have told me that before I made silly jokes yes loot truck nuts loot wait till poor Ginger sees that in her so the only problem with that is that some poor non-f familyfriendly

Person is going to see that in their familyfriendly stream and uh and then you know we got that to contend with you see what I mean like you see what I mean like we couldn’t we couldn’t do that we couldn’t we couldn’t have that user has gone and found swinging

Truck nuts in the corn fields of Ohio gives the worm stew to tadpool yeah give him that I can split the difference what’s that mean what does that mean what do that mean dance no romance dance no romance Dance free FF list and non- familyfriendly list oh gotcha that’s

Actually smart or just just have the clip of the out of context angly bits and truck nuts it just posts the clip you don’t have to keep like posting it it’s okay you don’t have to no one’s making you licks and sticks of marshmallow on small wow did I seriously just get

Marshmallows I can’t believe this is happening right now Moss just mowed me sorry was on the wrong tab uh-huh uh-huh sure sure sure sure sure you were definitely 100% wrong tab was meant to go in the Discord uhhuh uhhuh they sound the same uh-huh uhhuh is this just revenge for all the

Cursed nonsense I’ve done in Tad’s chat am I the problem no no it’s definitely T nope also nope it’s definitely Tad Tad’s definitely a problem this is to make sure you keep I can’t read it wait this is to make sure you keep the curse content

Up maybe I should stop being known for Cur content what if I stopped that might be a good idea yeah like what if I stopped being known for Myers no ravic hi ravic hello how are you doing thank you for scaring the heck out

Of me like what if I just we would have to cover for you yeah but then like I couldn’t be clipped out of context yes I’m a gremlin stare okay so like we want the curs content I got to fix this this looks whack he sad jrace is actually such a gremlin guys

You just don’t know but ravic thank you for the 20 Bitties how are you doing oh my wings oops but small but small J Price is Theos chaos Gremlin J Price is certainly a gremlin it’s actually so true Lex and six of marshmallow and Tad yeah get mowed get

Mowed can you guys hear my partner just like really loudly talking on Discord he’s so loud shouting my partner just like has one of those voices that illan starts talking to someone you could just hear him from like six miles away do I need to fix this this snoot looks

Weird I’m not wearing my wings Ah that’s basically my partner on the phone yep homie I almost called him homie man is so loud no idea literally so loud for no reason I love him for it but he’s very loud do Kraken have snoots I would say yeah for sure all things have

Snoots that’s better that’s much better this is so hard hard to do by the way building the tentacles is so hard what is that black lad what is that you can Boop him on the beak yeah you can him a little Boop give him a little snoop Boop listen everybody likes

A little Boop on the Snoop guys look how good this is it’s turning out so good ah okay I do need to fix this now this looks a little strange you don’t okay no no Snoop boops for moss moss doesn’t want a snoop Boop that’s fair

Throws a mow at small thank you I would love a marshmallow Okay I need I need to scrim guys I’m running out of things I’m running out of blocks and Sanity help scram I know life’s hard why did I make these walls so tall I love gatekeeper just being like why

Did I do this to myself Uh the family of mum what’s a I don’t know what that is uh the family of M glare at their foes they’re glaring all right okay okay why do they not attack probably because we don’t know who you are truly have no idea what a m

Is sounds like a bunch of cow looking creatures they do sound cow CSH cow cow esque if you would like they sound very cwish it’s so hard to do this because the cylinders are like not perfectly perfectly circular like does that look weird oh actually like it’s not it’s just the

White stripe looks funny but like actually the the gradient is pretty even okay well a quit sticking marshmallows to people moss eat the marshmallows yeah Moss don’t play with your food okay I will go get that in a minute no no nuts okay this is harder to do without wings

But I am like flying around being a disaster l so like that’s good dang it I knew I missed something and I was like I do not know where this is it looks funny though give that thing a little swing give that thing a swing you you li it like

Vanilla where I just W to miss you Boogie wogie Shoes get into the groove I got to get the thing and give that thing a little swing dang I thought it was going to be really funny I’m jamming boie shoes get into the groove give that thing a little swing that thing a

[Laughter] swing you want a boo shoes G to give it get it get it give it to you get it into shoes okay I need to make that white get in Boogie Shoes Smalls jiggling I’m living my best life thank you just living my best life oh what is

That emote Moss that’s so cute everybody I got to get the thing I need get the thing little swing do cars and like the cars movies have nuts H I don’t know I don’t know don’t ask me I’m not an expert I don’t even have a

Car I couldn’t even look if I wanted to I don’t [Laughter] know my Boogie Shoes I’m get into the silverfish don’t oh no oh no squid squid no oh my boy okay he’s fine see you later boy I will not play this game I truly I I don’t know like I truly I

Don’t I don’t know I truly I I’m I’m D I’m de do okay this is bad nope nope we are definitely not talking about the anatomical bits Andor Bobs that cars do or do not have from the movie Cars we’re not doing this I absolutely will

Not I draw the line at weird car talk see you later boy I will not play this game it’s exactly as bad as you think it could be and we’re not going to do it I forbid it I forbid it no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no nope no no no no no no no no no no no no well some of the cars do and some don’t why is this a thing that you know jprice no I’m trying to ask I don’t know Moss please Moss please I don’t

Know all right we’re gonna definitely end this conversation TOS I’m calling to uh I’m calling uh to on that to see you later boy I will not play this game see you later boy did somebody sleep don’t make it weird small I’m making it weird it’s too late it’s

Weird we’re just trying to answer the important questions to life the answer is 42 solved simple done you don’t have to worry anymore Almond Joys obviously obviously not banana related thank you no I really love this because it this is my fault I started this and now I don’t want to finish

It I started curs Tuesday it’s gotten out of hand and now I don’t want to deal with it I wasn’t recording I hate it here I wasn’t recording I wasn’t recording did I hear banana are we talking about tp’s manini I truly hope not ravic truly

Please no on this most cursed of days was it you who started it I feel like it was either way it started in my chat and now it’s out of hand it was Sally it probably was Sally to be fair we can blame Sally that’s fine Sally’s not here to defend himself

So we can blame Sally Al Joy has nuts m don’t a meltdown rather I’m having a outelt down ow child infant stop these children these days some people’s kids # blame tadpole I do like hashtag blame tadpole you have to sing that what do I need to sing Tad’s manini sounds very concerning

Truly silverfish you don’t want to go there truly you don’t the truck nuts song Almond Joy has nuts M St because sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don’t I’ll I’ll do it alond Joy has nuts Ms don’t because sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you

Don’t do you not know this no I truly don’t I truly do not I truly don’t I have no idea what we’re talking about I’m just only when I drop something is not the correct answer to that question tle never in my life have I been so

Scared LS it’s the jingle on enjoy Mounds really that’s their jingle somebody in their marking Department went hey what if we made a nut song and they did all right that’s a decision if the person who named walkie-talkies named everything exactly Moss exactly stamps licky sticky the fibrillator is already starting yes wow

How have you never heard the jingle I don’t know thing ringing ding ding ding hi pug welcome in pug how you doing today welcome to Cursed Tuesday it’s very cursed up in this Tuesday we’re really really really pushing the envelope today on this Tuesday help me please help me help please

Help W Moss all right Moss I think we get the point we have both Hershey and Eminem Mars located our states small I know Jers I know there’s something new something just for you you literally know everything I am truly so dumb tadpole when you were when I was in your chat

Earlier today and you were like small is so smart small knows the things small small small small you were like hype you were like hyping me up for no reason I am so dumb there is nothing going on in here it is it is emptiness and BBS that I’ve eaten Moss that’s enough

Please I know every once in a while a thing or two I am so dumb truck nuts emote banana hammock Vibes and Tadpole jiggling bra over the shoulder Boulder holder check your DMs I slid right in a hello oh you did you truly did okay one sec I’m going to listen to it

Why is it to this tune sometimes you feel like a nut like it’s so specific okay I’m done I can’t anymore I’m dying I give it to you I’m scared I I don’t know if I was ready something new something just you I slid right in well here’s Cur Tuesday oh

Oh no pug sorry to hear that hope you’re doing okay glad you’re okay pug yeah all the hugs for pug po pug why is it always raining on This Server why is it always raining yeah I’m Not Dead on Tuesday well that’s probably good all right guys we need to really

Quick go heal our wings cuz they are messed up we’re going to have to walk so far I love this Buck Roger song yep that’s definitely the right yep yep is that the right thing I don’t know do you think I can get back on 48 durability we’re going to

Try TR trient boys are very mean I agree hey magma welcome in they are in fact quite mean guys do you think I’m going to get back on 46 durability do you think I’m going to fall out of the sky and die I hope so what if I did that’ be funny

Four Tad are you typing out the words for the emotes or are they just not showing showing up for me T they’re showing up for me J Price do you not are you on mobile yeah if you don’t have BTV or 7tv enabled you’re not going to be able to see

Them mobile is cursed yeah unfortunately mobile you just can’t see all the things it’s very lame you love them so much I’m just glad you’re having a good time Ted oh I have to fix this part of the beach all right I’m going to do that

Later I’m not going to do that right now absolutely not I’m not doing that right now you literally can’t make me you especially can’t get a good view of tadpole and a manini yeah not on that little Mobile screen not unless you zoom in o thank you XP

Enjoyers oh somebody left all their XP here oh that didn’t fix anything screen too small yep do not zoom at your own risk yeah please just don’t what if you didn’t I’m just too lazy to get my computer out so fair J Price so fair why get back why get out computer

When you don’t have to okay on the diagonal you’re out of spell slots you’re going to have to take a rest now the time oh I forgot about this part of the beach I’m going to have to fix this scr Gremlins oh my goodness look how cute

Car’s house is guys car’s house is like a little Vineyard on a hill it’s literally adorable like look how cute car’s houses it’s so hecking cute look at these little like wine Vats no you no you’re a ky blackl it’s so cute in the group they moved all the uh

Nether tunnels like down and I truly refus to use them so they okay they made these very cool nether tunnels I will show you they made these very cool nether tunnels and like to be fair they’re very cool but I find them very disorienting B so they’re this like twisting pattern

Right so when you fly through them you get this like endless effect of swirly swirlies they’re so cool and they make me motion sick and they are very disorienting and it stresses me out so small I made a hole to get to my portal in the blaze farm entrance by the

Frog farm O good to know good to know revic I I too have a hole in the Netherrack to get to my portal which is on the roof that ID ify made me cuz ID ify was actually checking with people about who felt motion sick because of

The tunnels and was giving people holes in the in the Netherrack for so that other people could visit you but you could keep using the nether roof made a hold of the truck nuts Farm Bast gravic I how much of your base have you or how much at your place have you

Gotten done I should come out there and check it out but yeah so if he made me this hole in the Bedrock like a little just a little hole and I made myself a tunnel I haven’t decorated it yet cuz I’m lazy stay with me oh I need to get some

Lights uh who knows why I was using shroom lights there instead of frog lights when I have literally infinite frog lights truly we’ll never know like what I was thinking getting supplies for it I have a basement frame and a sort of a deole for a basement are you making a scary murder

Basement that’s what I would make uh what sorry nope wouldn’t do that never mind sorry I would never certainly would never certainly would not do so s a thing I’m trying to figure out how to make this connect in a way that makes any sense scary nether base

every time the beacon effects the conduit gets me save me more that looks okay a cat J Price tries to slash their master sword at their fo but misses oh no on the diagonal grips their staff of music and swing sending their foe dealing eight points of damage very nice is very Nice I swear black Li Wanderer programmed me to always miss well it’s possible I wouldn’t put it past black cloud to do something like that they said that it’s random but I don’t believe it you should be suspicious guys do I like it does it look good I kind of hate

It the tentacles are just weird looking should I change it I think I might need to change it it looks weird stop it looks good I think it looks lumpy I hate it I hate it I hate it I’m scramming one block off don’t do this to me I think I hate

It the white tentacles are supposed to be weird looking that’s why cthulu is terrifying I think cthulu is terrifying because he could melt your brain but yes I do see what you’re saying it just like it’s got some weird texture and mine flares yeah but apparently people in balers Gate 3 don’t

Think they’re weird they just want to bang them so it’s fine no I’m just not sure oh look a thing see there’s like some weird um no it’s not that bad it’s an organic so it’s not going to be smooth yes I think you need to do a little more

On either side so that you can see a whole picture that’s fair J Price that’s Fair yeah maybe once I do more it’ll look better this may be like a trust the process issue damn this super cool though like the concept is super cool okay trust the process trust the process try not to scram trust the process cuz a cat’s the only cat who

Knows where it’s at guys do you think it’s kind of weird that they increased like the world depth like a lot but the oceans didn’t get any deeper why is this like perfectly Square just like suspiciously Square Aldi Ginger ryy Federation Rebels EAD hello hello and ALDI hi Aldi welcome in ryy hi ryy hi hi hi hi hi hi hi friends how are we doing how are we doing I am Cat hello hello metherel hello hello welcome in welcome in not just some of the raid but

All the raid double parked all you love to see it all the friends hi Aldi welcome in how are you doing how’s your stream no ad break ah also double par you love to see it you love to see it this is looking so great oh my gosh ryy you just missed me

Having a meltdown cuz I hate it I don’t like it Aldi I hope your stream is amazing guys if you don’t know who who Aldi is Aldi is a lovely friend and a lovely streamer absolutely very very talented go check him out please please please it’s very important that you do and

Thank you for the raid if you have to raid and run I totally understand um but if you can hang out we’d love to have you uh well thank you very much for hanging out why not I I’m having issues with texture I’m having issues with texture and with

Smoothing so like because the white is such a stark contrast to the red in the way it St down it makes the line look like very bumpy and it bothers me on like such a strong level even though like if I go over sideways it actually

Is not that bumpy looking I mean this has a little bit of a weird transition I I got to work on this area but it’s like it’s getting there it’s just doing something really weird right now it’s just in a weird teenage phase texture it’s but small texture is but um yeah with

Grays maybe like around the white maybe still recording by the way thank you tadpool tadpool is amazing what if you light the wine light and the white with another block yeah that’s kind of what pug was suggesting a little bit that’s not a bad idea um it’s just like what block because like

Mushroom stem slabs and stairs yeah maybe like mushroom stem I feel like is the right color but the wrong oh thank you it’s just wrong netherite blocks obviously oh of course other than quartz what has slabs and stairs that’s white that’s a great question bone bone doesn’t have slabs and stairs diar

Is what about calite we cat what if we used so like Smooth Port slabs and then calite but diorite isn’t just white yeah diorite is not just White H says Ry I’ll hang on SEC like the problem child right now for me personally a is this this transition is weird weird

Really bothering me but like this feels like a very steep transition everybody does in fact want to be a cat everybody wants to be a cat no one cares about nature Tad true we do I mean we do but one sec is that better is that better oh my God it’s

Better I am a cat Ginger is a good kitty is that better what are you playing game oh I don’t have my playlist on repeat oops recording oh it we’re we’re troubleshooting we’re troubleshooting it’s fine I mean I think that looks better it’s more of a straight line

Down look it’s a real small cats hi Amberg girl welcome in white snow blocks white snow is such a blue color though pug and I want this to be more of like warm it is better it is better yeah now the trouble is this I think needs to be a little

Different definitely looking more smooth yeah so then the problem is when I am out from this side right it starts to look funky because of the white like I think that might just be a factor of all the tentacles aren’t done this thing is struggling I’m struggling I need to go to

Sleep it’s better I don’t know I don’t know yeah welcome to my struggling welcome to my suffering three two one let’s go I just checked my schedule for tomorrow and I have seven meetings seven that sounds illegal have you told them that like that’s illegal and that they can’t do that to you

Seven meetings for heck is that just the entire workday full of me it that’s what it sounds like assuming like every meeting is like an hour that’s literally your entire day like that’s just your whole day I’m just not sure how I meant to work if I’m in meetings all day you’re not

That’s how they get you so they trick you it’s called an active rest day yeah that just sounds like they’ve decided you don’t have to actually do anything tomorrow by they I mean the bosses bang bang Amber girl what no they won’t be all an hour but I have

Like no voice it’s going to be ridiculous that is just too many meetings I’m so sorry that’s actually so awful right I’m going to not record the back side of this because I’m lazy I’m awake the food is kicking and now so I’ll be more energetic soon let’s go Lexi babe let’s

Go good morning T I swear every time I look away every time why is this side going together so much easier than the other side did like what scr okay scramming I’m scramming it’s fine I’m scrumming a little I’m just scrumming a tiny bit it’s fine I’m scrumming probably because I’m not doing

The right thing it’s supposed to be a white stripe here so I’m just like not doing this right that’s probably why it’s going together so perfectly because I’m doing the wrong thing because I’m in the groove yeah we’re back at early stream playlist again NOP nope NOP nope nope NOP nope

NOP no no no spooky sounds No spooky sounds you can’t get me no spooky zes hi mea welcome and thank you for the 20 bues how you doing today ow it’s fine I’m dying it’s fine it to theall can you lay down next to me and

Bless me with his toe beans so I was comfy and falling asleep almost oh my goodness the beans you got to show us the beans that was so delayed it really was you got to show us the beans please we need those beans please do the Shimmy Shake it’s actually legally required to

Show us them beans the beans do it every time I’ll I’ll do anything for a bean literally just love a toin there a whole 15 to 20 minutes oh what a baby do the shim sham do the Shimmy Shake he was like I will hold

Your face and you can’t go to work uh when does that to us I swear she’ll like literally just like get all cuddling cute and stuff when it’s time to go to work and and I’m like I know what you’re doing like you’re not sneaky like we’re we know what you’re

Doing we know we know ravic is alive watch out scar thank you for meow for the 20 bitties I’m struggling and I know I’m not recording but like it I won’t get any good footage of doing the back like this so it doesn’t matter how are grim and Wednesday lately they’re good they’re

Good Grim is still very dumb but he’s a sweee so it’s okay W is good it’s been getting cold so when has been very cuddly recently cuz she gets cold and she likes to be warm and snuggly we were just in a watch party for trick-or treat it wasn’t that scary oh

No was it like a little scary at least or was it mostly just like not scary at all what’s your St St what’s your J Bar to what’s your drive it was a little scary it had some jump scare parts and was General slasher okay you know I don’t really

Think slasher movies are that scary like if it’s just like a slasher I don’t know why they should be I think there’s something about like how fake it is that like throws me off Sunday news slathers are too predictable you mean slashers small is immune to gore I’m not immune to gore

Score like I have a hard time watching like something that has like extreme body horror like I don’t know like I don’t know how crazy we’re going to get but like like some of the parts of like the Saw movies I have a hard time with but when it’s

Like a very like standard like jump scare stab stab then I’m just like oh okay you got stabbed again cool but like if it’s got like some elements of like suspense and and like actual like oh man if this was me like oh scary like I feel

Like the first Saw movie did such a good job of that like the needle pit or whatever and like just like things that like build up the suspense and are not too predictable yeah too over the top unpredictable the story in suspense is the way yeah yeah that’s like the

Torture horror as opposed to slasher horror yeah like totally different Vibes of horror I feel like slasher is very like stereotypically like oh oh there’s a bad guy he’s going to get you like um where like a lot of the like the Saw movies or that kind of movie is like it

Builds up because like the people aren’t I don’t know there’s a lot of like element of suspense involved I don’t know I’m not doing a good job I’m not a movie person to be fair guys which you know like I barely watch a movie anyways but you know what I

Mean oh going to do it I missed slashers are fun horror yes you need to have a decent ratio of story to gory you should absolutely like TM that phrase right there trademark yeah like I don’t like movies that are just straight up like gross to be

Gross but like if it’s part of like the overall story arc then I’m like okay you don’t do scary that’s fair a lot of people are like that they don’t like scary movies this just makes me think of that like do like scary movies audio that’s everybody’s been listening

To I feel like scary movies are fine they’re not something I choose to watch all the time I feel like I have to be in like such a specific mood to watch a scary movie I watched the ring recently was surprisingly good uh the American version though not the uh not the

Japanese version cuz the American version’s on Netflix and I was like surprisingly pleased with how it came out or like with the viewing experience I should say like they did a good job in that movie it wasn’t too bad like I pretty much always up for some scary movies o I

Think we just need to do a scary movie night let’s do it I have like such a Obsession in terms of movies got to run friend take care all right bye Aldi thank you so much for bringing the community over here again I appreciate it so much I hope you have a

Great night uh I’m probably all day if you’re still here I’m going to be streaming hopefully earlier tomorrow than my normal but we’ll be working on your biome because I have to travel for work super early Thursday so I want to stream but I want to do it not super

Late at night but thank you so much have a great night I’ll just I’ll come and just cry the whole time it’ll be so fun that sounds like a blast so we extends spooky toer through the end of the year heyo I Mean stupid work making me trouble if I have a chance to check it out before I leave for volleyball roughing I’ll def say hello okay sounds good just wanted to give you a heads up whenever we’re working on your biome I swear it’s being worked on I’m harming oh are they oh all right so we’re like almost at another layer of the red or the white no no no no no zombie piglins thank you very much nope nope nope nope Noe NOP no NOP nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no help I’m trapped wrong Dimension

Yeah oh no there any blocks down here there are a couple blocks Oh oh it is 10:30 oops oops oops oops oop oops oh I didn’t realize how wonky This was oh he’s so weird looking oh no oh no PO guy oh it is I should probably be getting R for bed also oh Ry and me too I’m GNA

Have to go to sleep I have to work tomorrow my life is hard life is hard here scrum closer all right that actually doesn’t look too bad I’m doing something weird here oh like I started like losing material on this side I’ll fix it it’s fine life bad times life it’s definely coming

Along all right I think we’re going to raid out because I’m very sleepy I was going to check on something for work before going to bed totally forgot about checking until we were watching a movie so now I have to do it before oh no oh no well

Raid time sleepy small cats time always right before I get back silverfish but look how much we got done silverfish we we did so much we’re so good at at this thank you Ry thanks Dad thanks J R right who is live stre what is that tadpole thank you for gifting a sub

To streamlabs I forgot about that for streamlabs you know what I think we’re going to go to Stella how long has Stella been live oh like half an hour okay we’re going to go raid an AI streamlabs didn’t sub the slacker right thanks L red thanks everybody

Thank you Aldi again for the raid guys we’re going to go say hi to Stella who is live playing some Minecraft looks like some modded Minecraft uh doing some Halloween stuff so that should be super fun so let’s go say hi to them everybody you know the

Drill if you have a sub go ahead and cop copy The Raid message uh with the # small raid if you do not have a sub just do the # small raid any cute little emotes you got any and all are fine and wonderful and dandy and awesome um but

Thank you guys all so much for hanging out tonight it was super fun um I’ve been small cats I will hopefully be back tomorrow probably early guys and then I’m out the rest of the week I’m traveling for work all next week no streams I am traveling for work because

Life is hard uh but then satday Saturday the 28th we will be streaming uh on a Saturday which I never do but it’s for my birthday so we’re doing an early birthday stream okay so technically Saturday the 28th is this coming Saturday I’m bad at days math hard

Whatever but this coming Saturday we’re doing a birthday stream because my birthday is technically next Monday on the 30th and I will be traveling for work that day because icky work but let’s go to say hi to Stella thank you so much feels birthday man

This video, titled ‘October 12th 2023 – Kraken Build on the Homie Server – SmoLCatzZ VOD’, was uploaded by SmoLCatzZVODs on 2023-11-24 20:18:44. It has garnered 36 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:41 or 9461 seconds.

October 12th 2023 – Kraken Build on the Homie Server – SmoLCatzZ VOD

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  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

    Minecraft Hack: Trollin' & Rollin' #lit #trollface When you try to hack in Minecraft but all you end up doing is trolling yourself with that troll face meme. Maybe stick to playing the game legit next time! #minecraftfail #trolledbytrollface Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Mods - Must Try Now! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-07-03 11:00:33. It has garnered 43176 views and 1883 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:38 or 1838 seconds. TOP 34 NEW Minecraft Mods Of The Month ! (1.21, 1.20.1) 00:00 -Create: Protection Pixel 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/protection-pixel/files 01:42 -Blood Mages [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/blood-mages-more-magic-series 02:51 -Druids [More Magic Series] 1.20.1 (Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/druids-more-magic-series 03:58 -Integrated Villages 1.20.1 (Forge and Fabric) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/integrated-villages 05:07 -Remapped 1.21 (Fabric) https://modrinth.com/mod/remapped 06:05 -Just Enough Guns 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/just-enough-guns/files/5493575… Read More

  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

    Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Real GHOST 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-9 )’, was uploaded by CRK ki duniya on 2024-02-16 13:09:44. It has garnered 1283 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:31 or 931 seconds. MINECRAFT MOST SCARY ( SEEDS ) 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

    EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘This is a family friendly channel (Hardcore S23-Ep.2)’, was uploaded by Castmann Gaming on 2024-05-08 19:25:21. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Look forward to Minecraft hardcore episodes on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2pm EST!🎉 Minecraft Hardcore Series Rules: The Masons try their best to make the best Minecraft world possible without dying. They must delete the world and start a new season if either dies even ONCE. Every season is played on a randomly generated bedrock edition world on hard difficulty with… Read More

  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

    Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!Video Information This video, titled ‘there is an echo in the cave’, was uploaded by M3m3~Chan on 2024-04-12 14:48:56. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. minecraft beta 1.8.1 Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

    Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 01:30:07. It has garnered 837 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine kill mei mei in davil face | Minecraft animation | #meme #virel #minecraft #shorts #meimei #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I… Read More

  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

    From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with the Minecolonies Mod Cliffs Style’, was uploaded by monster2mermaid on 2024-05-17 11:53:42. It has garnered 61 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:28 or 11068 seconds. – Greetings from Two Towns – Children arrive in Rosa Ouro and one of the family homes gets the living areas furnished. In Prasino; taking some time to solve a building problem on a coastal house and planning for a retail pottery store in town. Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More