EPIC Lego Fortnite Skizz ACTION!!!

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And I say let’s get right into it let’s get right into it how are you all first of all first things first can you hear me can you hear me and I have a reason for asking that yes okay good ah all right thank you very much dony allette Astro little

Rick’s cat Josh Powers everybody saying we can hear me uh Sammy stuffies that’s another good name I’m asking I was doing a little test like a couple days ago this like a test I was like recording oh I know what it was wait oh I know what it was uh I was

Testing uh so I’m putting together so I hope you guys liked I don’t know who I mean it’s a long video but if you watched the uh The Secret Life the movie that’s great I’m putting together the most epic moments it’s a big it’s a big

It’s that’s a big lift right but the epic moments of the secret life series I’m doing it and I’m like trying to record something it’s not recording my my system sound I’m like what is happening like all the settings are correct so I got to Fig I’ll figure it

Out I’ll figure it out right but now we’re going to be getting into Lego fortnite having a little sip out of our Kevin bubbles Kevin bubbles Malone refrigerator Jimmy okay that’s that’s the mug I’m drinking out of so let’s do it little sip here it is pretty early we’re BR get

After it Eliza Lynn with the tier one thanks so much ragn now with a new one we got a new sub in the house let’s get some new sub emotes going for rag now uh Melissa with the tier one that’s 20 months curious introvert and her cat 7

Months you’re amazing hope you had a wonderful Christmas I hope you did too I did I had a great christm we’re going to talk about that uh and then petus with a tier one 13 mons I can’t believe how much has happened in the last 13 months

Thank you so much for all that you have done for me’s Community this year thank you petris uh lag L Le like it’s like league but lag Lago Lago with a tier one that’s two months Chris Iris that is our oneyear anniversary on your birthday happy Birthday bir happy birthday uh it’s the splash with the follow thank you so much and then Ace with a tier one eight months I’ve been trying to get decked out to run bailing so far yay keep at it because it’s so much fun and if you need help well you’re

Looking at the wrong guy I would not know how to tell you how to do that uh all right so yes I hope you guys had a great Christmas um I feel like this was one of the best Christmas I’ve ever had now why do you ask well Christmas Eve

Went over to my in-law’s house love doing that and Christmas day went to my mom’s house it was pleasant like I don’t like doing a lot of stuff but it was like super Pleasant was wonderful and um Christmas morning I had me my wife my

My son and my daughter all at my poker table and that’s where we did our stock in and her gifts and had breakfast and it was just wonderful what is she looking at what what is happening only you can prevent v-bucks scams I don’t even know

What that is so we’re going to move on R go how are you I’m eating blueberries right now I haven’t had breakfast but let me be very clear here I have eaten enough in the last two days that I’m not going to have to eat for like a month oh my God

They not unbelievable all right themo wish you could stick around you have an amazing day as well okay uh guys I can’t believe here let’s I I’m going to inventure that the let’s do this really quick let’s turn down the music just a little bit um just a little bit not not too

Much I just want to turn down the audio just a small amount uh music just just music just not the volume just done to about there let’s see what that does for us yeah apply there we go that’s a little bit softer I like it uh look at this move

I’ve not done this on an enemy yet check this out Swing Swing pretty good right how abouty one of these I haven’t done it yet how have I not done that I don’t get it I think green even putting it out I never even used it Mama shave with the tier one

Enjoy your games kids not a fan of fortnite need more played up know dude I can’t wait to get back to played up with uh top and hopefully Jimmy Jiggles but uh Mamet this is not typical fortnite we’re doing Lego fortnite it’s actually I honestly I almost didn’t put a game on there

Because it’s not fortnite that we’re playing you know what I mean but we’re going to we’re going to keep at it here right it seems powerful now I just need an enemy okay so here if you guys remember uh first of all let me see I

Think I want can I upgrade this again we can upgrade this again we need copper obsidian and we have a brute scale just going to put that out there we have a brute scale people okay I am beining it uh to to to get to Epic tools I want epic tools

N I don’t know if impulse would play play up he might I actually think he would like it it’s it’s a really fun game tango and I just have like too much fun playing it it’s official okay so I here’s something I need to can can

Anything else be upgraded I don’t uh I think just the bench Can yeah and I can’t really do much until I okay couple things we need to look I want to upgrade our village and we can’t really do that until we up our rating we know that right uh we have to

Wait I did it I don’t remember get I don’t remember upgrading the okay let’s go so not rooting gr it I can do that right now not rout Plank and granite let’s do that I’m going get a bigger town here real quick not rot Plank and granite and let’s grab this guy here

And and then let’s go Bop and change the recipe and I what it say 15 or something I don’t quite remember but let’s just do 20 do 20 get that going and then we need granite was it granite slabs or just Granite I think first of all can we just

Take a second look how organized I am can we do that huh do that Blossom phone six with a new tier we got we need we need a new sub emote for blossom here thank you so much Skelly jelly with the 100 Bitties one of the rare times to

Catch us K I know and and and don’t look now but I may I might be doing a dual stream today maybe a couple things need to uh happen for that to to well to happen so we’ll see how that that plays out let me get

On to my my mod server I can’t believe I didn’t have that open uh Blossom home 6 with a th000 Bitties thank you Blossom ready up ready up skids uh OMG says very Christmas I can’t tell you how much you and your streams have meant to me this year you’ve been

More than entertainment you’ve also been a tremendous company wow thank you for that I love doing it I really do I feel in tremendous honor oh I feel I should knock on some wood and say this I am still on Old my old um Network Hardware all my new stuff

Is supposed to show up sometime today so we’re going to stay helpful that I’m not going to drop packets so far we’re at 0.0% I’m just saying I shouldn’t be saying that stuff cuz we started to loose packets a little bit last time it wasn’t nothing crazy but we’re going to

See what happens there lady W the tier 132 months you’re amazing thank you so much closing in on three years woo and then guys I’m going to do this okay if I do this I want you guys to finish this for me looking at the chat putting on the fritz says allette

That’s right on the fritz with the tier one 17 months happy day after Christmas sir uh hope having the daughter home is amazing it is amazing and wait till I tell you what my daughter did for my wife and I for the birthday wait till I tell

You okay wait till I tell you okay narl Sparkle H 100 B hey SK couple months ago you and Scar were discussing being little brothers and you said a smart man learns from his mistakes but a wise man learns uh from the mistakes of others I

Laughed so hard but thought it was great so great that I used it during an interview when discussing my experience for a role involving mentoring that is something I like to call what I’m talking about naral Sparkle that was cool I like that very much all right let’s get that

Granite into our hands and let’s get these planks that are probably they got to be done now right all right take these and let’s go upgrade our village huh let’s do it you guys ready for some greatness so what this is going to upgrade level rewards okay one more

Person uh forgers for higher villagers can be asked to forge nearby resources refining wood that’s pretty cool unlock five new rewards to build and decorate with okay okay okay okay okay okay vill location give me items let’s go oh this would be level three this is level three okay gotcha

Gotcha gotcha okay popop popop and oh I need not root that’s my bad need not rout going back we got junks in the house what’s up junks I need not rout Uh Wood which I don’t have any really so I got to go back up I only

Have five I need 10 and I do have a good pick on me so let’s go back where this will hold on hold on everybody hold on for a second I got my I got this I have what I need to make the ramps let’s we got to get more not rot

Wood really I thought I had enough I’m double checking I really thought I went nuts on that I thought I got enough of that I guess I made a lot of rods with it I need not root wood all right we got to go back in the

Cave we got to get out root wood we’re going to do it going do it going do it so let me tell you my what my daughter made for my wife and I she had this made for us you ready for this I’m going to pause we’re pausing tell the story no

I’ll keep working uh she had what looked like a little vinyl the vinyl if anybody do know that’s a record and it looked like a 45 and it wasn’t an actual 45 it was a makeshift 45 in the center was a was a circle picture of my wife and I

When we were very young dating like very young and uh under and then at the bottom is our names with our um our anniversary date right and there’s a what looks like a like um like a music signature like like Soundwave it was an actually a UPC code and when you scan it

Using modify it plays our wedding song yeah are you kidding me right now how thoughtful is that is that amazing is that amazing the answer is yes you’re going for a yes that’s amazing I was blown away absolutely blown away and pleased that’s regular wood I know it

Was so funny watching my wife like open it and look at it cuz I I be I personified my wife’s tear duck I’m all oh and I and I Channel braveart I’m all hold hold oh I wanted to use it check this out what’s up well that’s not as good as

I was hoping it would be where’s my partner I guess I left her out to dry there why am I facing the wrong way hold on let me let me clean up here this place is a mess get out of here spider all right hold on everybody let me let me

Let me get myself sorted here is this spider kidding me I don’t like that that jump swing didn’t do that a whole lot all right oh there’s some right there okay not rootwood give me it’s probably too high there you are all right I’m going to have to build some stairs here

Uh just so we can get up to that right there and then we’ll turn it down or we’ll tear it down rather do I not have the wood for this I don’t have the wood okay just take just be cool be cool yes all right dang it all right this is the

Worst I need wood if I want to make more stairs I thought I brought enough what’s that over there I don’t want to go down there I’m going to get I’m going to get stuck I’m going to get stuck down there I don’t want to go down there oh no I come down

Here there’s not root wood right there wait oh here we go that’s not rootwood no it’s not is it I don’t even know get it there we go this might be regular wood but that’s also okay because I can get what I need to make the stairs I don’t want to go

Back home just to get what I need this is regular wood okay let’s get some ah that may have was that enough to make stairs may have been derps with honor Bitties says a guy broke into my house last night and was looking for money so I got up and looked with

Him I like that you’re robbing me if you find anything let me know Rosemarie with the tier one 16 months thank you so much guys I don’t know if you guys have blueberries but it’s very very they’re very healthy okay I recommend blueberries every day not a ton or

Something my trainer back in the day guys want to hear a funny story my trainer back in the day we were talking about like a strict diet we were talking about doing the Whole 30 and stuff like that and I said to um what do I

Need why is it why can’t I build this oh cuz something’s in the way something’s in the way yeah name that you’re like I can’t cuz it’s awful um I’m talking to my trainer we’re talking about doing like the whole 30 and just there’s a lot of

Restrictions when you do the Whole 30 diet and it was as years ago and I said well I mean he’s like you got to get sugar out of your life and we’re just we’re covering a bunch of topics okay and uh we build it what is happening right now why are

You being all silly why didn’t you just build it I don’t understand why I didn’t just build it guys what is happening why you making me build it piece by piece you built it before what is happening but I did pick stairs up I do a thing hold

On I don’t understand why it’s doing this to me like I it I would just click and the whole thing would build why is it all of a sudden I have to build a piece by piece I don’t get it anyways um so I says so I says to Mabel I says

Who can tell me what that is um this is really annoying why is it having me do this like this I don’t like it you done are you done I just don’t get it why can I hop up on here there we go that’s regular is that not rude you better be not

Rootwood you better be it all right give me my stuff back I got to build this I got to tear this whole thing down like this like a chump we got to figure out what went wrong there something obviously went wrong this is making me upset what is

Happening what like all of a sudden anyways so I says to him I said to Maple I says uh listen you know should I not be having fruit that has sugar right and he’s like yes and I’m like so should I limit my fruit intake he’s all listen

Skiz America didn’t get fat on strawberries okay I just lost it you can choose the stairs and pre-build instead of building Parts you can choose the stairs and pre-built oh okay very good I knew that I was testing you good job you guys past proud of

All right so I have what do I have I got nine and I think I need does anybody remember what did I need like 15 right I think I need like 15 so let’s uh let’s let’s look for up there’s some right there okay so let’s do this let’s go

Prebuilds um is where’s prebuilds this here is that no no no like what’s the difference this is something I can’t believe I didn’t already know I shed something down the hole okay did I write down in here thank you all right so now

I’m at 10 I think I need I think I need five more not prebuilds not prebuilds so like if I choose this guy here rustic stairs oh that’s because they’re rustic bop bop bop bop yeah this should do it can’t see the that’s that’s the one all wasn’t it was something was in

The way something’s in the way let’s go how come there’s a thing there oh I built two of them I’ll tear them both down all right let me get this good stuff here yeah baby all right give me that good stuff give it to me wait is that regular wood it’s regular

Wood how come not root wood and regular wood would the same to me what is that about phone’s going off a lot and we’re looking we’re looking we’re good wasn’t that absolutely an amazing gift that my daughter had made for us wasn’t that amazing uh this looks like not rude

That’s not rude right check this out let ready ready ress let’s we’re going to do a little little science okay that was six I was still six what is the point of that swing I don’t understand it okay let’s get that all right and Bop and Bop

And and this should be good pop here we go up we go all you give me this is not root dude by the way I am getting I want to get we got to find out where to get copper does anybody know where I got to

Go to get copper cuz that’s that seems important something’s in the way yeah n and snans that’s regular wood and now I can actually tell the difference I feel like should I get these mushrooms dude feel like I should get them I feel like I’m just like it’s something I’m

Going to need later or something all right all right all right uh we have for not rout we got 15 I think we’re good let’s go do this we’re going to update we’re going to upgrade the village and it’s going to be glorious first I’m going to eat why am I

Eating these like a chump some steak some steak up in my belly you know what n you eat steak I’m going to have blueberries is in the M the the massage lava caves what wonder man you got it nice nirvana in the Mesa that’s where I got to go in the Mesa

Well first things first let’s go back and upgrade this Village make us feel accomplished and then apparently we got to go to the Mesa okay are you guys ready to upgrade cuz this is a little something I call what I’m talking about you know what I’m

Saying oh I only needed 10 anyways all right and N people we have upgraded to level four okay don’t look now villagers can ask a cook stu oh look at this what’s this Ranch and now villagers assigned to wood cutting will produce more wood types

Okay all right let’s go let’s go put our stuff away and let’s start to Trek out towards the Mesa apparently right is that where we got to go I need to know if you guys know you had a barbecue steak for Christmas dinner that’s what I’m talking about true Pat

That’s amazing that is amazing um all right let’s put some stuff away um no no no no no no no no no no no uh let’s uh let’s just put that in there put that thing back where it came from or so help me and Bop and what else

What else can we get rid of here we got a couple swords that we like we’re going to keep those uh these are all mob drops that’s right I’m using the phrase mob drop n I got to do that this is I’m oh that’s right they Max at

30 that’s my bad uh Bop okay Bop see what I mean stack it stack it on my body ghost Dave for the tier one 6 months you’re amazing embrace the storm 29 months thank you so much lenire 52 months that’s a lot of months good morning skid I hope you had a lovely

Christmas same to you lenire Ayah and Goten uh which I got to tell you that just reminds me of a band name and I’m just forgetting what’s the band name I’m thinking of when I see that everybody 21 months merry holidays and to you Ayah and goat that reminds me of a band

Name but I’m forgetting who is somebody’s going to know hos no somebody’s going to say s a gar funcle I know it it’s not them name of God no Jam in the Scots that’s the one okay now we’re putting stuff away um let’s put this over

Here and anything else put that in there let’s put that in there I really feel like I should take some of this no we’ll find wood on the way I feel like I should take it not going to do it take it don’t take it we have the pick I feel

Like people I feel like I should make another proper pickaxe I just I’m feeling it in my bone face for the copper I feel like when I find the Mesa I’m going to want to load Lo up on copper do you guys feel the

Same look at this look what I can make I got to go get more sand claws look at this thing I no more of these joke pixes we got to where do we get the sandclaw remember we got the sandclaw was over here wasn’t it I forgot where we got it

Where do we get it where do we get the sandclaw cuz we need more of them and remember those guys hit like a Mac Truck so we got to be careful this was this was kind of a this was this was no joke we got empty our pockets we’re going to empty our

Pockets we’re going to get some logs we’re going to go close closer to the winter place we’re going to set up a spawn point we got to get more sand Claus the beach whoa that’s right it’s the red wolf all right Wolves at night on the beach okay that’s what we got to

Do take the turkey you know I haven’t had pork and I don’t I I I eat pork so overwhelmingly and frequently It’s relatively safe I don’t to say I don’t eat pork and Albi Amy with the tier one 16 mons thank you Al Amy uh and there was a

Big juicy ham it looks so good it smells so good but I didn’t have any uh all right um got plenty of wolf claws okay let’s there is a place in here to no no no we’re not talking right now um right let’s put these in there

Put that thing back where it came from or so help me uh snowberries put that away I don’t remember can I eat these I forget I can eat these okay are these I’m I’m going to keep them I feel like I should keep those on me for some reason

I’m doing it am I doing it I’m doing it should I do it no I’m not going to do it I’m not doing it I’m going to put it in here okay let’s put away the granite uh let’s put away the corn where’s the corn go that’s the fun stuff where’s the

Corn that’s these are drops I guess it would be here I should probably make another chest and put it in front of it right let’s make another chest people what is happening here we go oh remember I can make the medium chest I’m making a medium CH wait what

Can I do it wait what do I need for this ah no just making oh I said I’d regret it I said I would and I’m going to but I just don’t have time to ah get the planks get the Planks on me see what’s happening see what’s

Happening one thing this is just like Minecraft dude one thing leads to another and here you go you need this you need that you need that you need this now is that too close no that’s good that’s good okay Bop uh all right um let’s go ahead and

Put the corn in there or keep the slap juice on us put the granite away and this is building materials put the not route away I said I was going to make another thing we are going to make another thing like oh good another thing look at my Sanda Claus my Santa

Claus what are you doing in there oh you’re a shell that’s my bad you’re not something I would grow uh we got slap berries we got slap juice I feel like this is all stuff I’m going to use later uh for like shakes and stuff you know what I mean I’m just

Feeling it in my bones so put that away this is junk junk got to keep that on us okay we’re looking good okay all right keep me safe I’m go blow my nose because I’m apparently disgusting human be right back you know that’s another thing is I want to uh

Eventually I’m going to move the camera I’m going to move everything around good news the earpiece came off my thing here so that’s good but I have I have more tuisk you saw that was in the what if series oh that was good lasagna you know what I made let me tell

You what I made I so I so for my mom’s place so so for both places my wife made um she made cheesy potatoes and my like the the the cheesy potatoes that my wife makes is just really good and then for my mom’s place she made like cheese potatoes but

I also made a dip that I make with cream cheese and salsa it’s I don’t recommend it it’s so good but it’s like oh here’s some dip if you want to you know have a heart attack in 20 minutes but it’s really good get on my thing

I’m trying to get this thing look trying to put this on my thing this is the thing for the for my earpiece and it won’t get on on there you jerk okay I don’t have time for this Mr ear thing did you get on it got on see

All I got to do is show the uh earbud who’s boss that’s how much Authority I have in this world earbuds Nova scorp with a 333 great timing skis I just finished watching your previous Lego fortnite VOD and you started streaming thank you for this Christmas gift hope you have a good one

Thank you Nova scorp okay we’re going to keep moving here is the Lego fortnite Survival game or does it also have Battle Royale you know what it’s a survival game but if there’s a battle royale mode I don’t I haven’t I haven’t looked for it I don’t know all

Right so the question is this something tells me okay something tells me that if I I if I make my way to the Mesa and I find copper ore I’m not going to be able to really get it until unless I have this pickaxe which means I really think I

Need to focus on getting more sand Claus are we in agreement good I didn’t even wait for an answer Pikachu the PHD with the new one let’s get some new sub emotes going for Pikachu Pikachu All right so let’s go we’re going now we’re going go to the beach

And we’re going to find some red uh we got to find some red uh red guys actually let’s go north well we’re going to go this way we’re going to find some red eye wolves and we got to get some more sand Claus we need those those

Wolves are they hit like a Mac Truck but we we need those sand Claus if we’re going to make all the right stuff okay so this is not really a beach here but we going to keep looking like it’s at the point to where when I see the look

See like see that guy right there by the way uh I hit C like I was playing Minecraft to zoom in as a joke and it zoomed in a little bit it’s cuz I’m crouching I didn’t even know you could Crouch see that’s a yelloweyed wolf I don’t even really care about

Them I want the Redeye wolf red eye only see another yellow eye up there nobody cares I want red eye wolves I want the sand claws they’re just so hard to find but those claws are really valuable is he did he pick a fight with us okay all

Right well it didn’t have to be like this right these guys used to be scary not so much anymore because it turns out I’m amazing that’s how I got my my first uh date with my wife she’s a senior I was a junior I asked her to prom ow

Asked her to her prom and she said why should I go with you and I said cuz I’m amazing apparently that did the trick so here we are 20 plus years later come on we got to find a red eyed wolf Place something in the

Way oh good yeah look at that we call that a toer Karen giting a sub there thank you so much Karen hey sheeps listen it’s in your best interest to tell me where are the Redeye wolves okay not going to mess with the shell guy because I don’t know if you

Know this but you are on the menu tell me where they’re at I’ll take care of them just saying okay let’s look at the map let’s keep going this way let’s let’s uh let’s get to that beach shell guys so annoying so annoying oh my goodness puka how you

Doing PS puka gifting five Subs you’re amazing Aaliyah Goten gifting 10 Subs you guys thank you Puka Aaliyah thank you guys guys if there’s any chance at all any chance at all but you don’t know who PUK is I don’t know what you’re doing with your life one of

The greatest animators ever Minecraft animators ever like just absolutely captures he’s our go-to when we uh animate Minecraft moments like naked and scared which we haven’t done in a while I know hook thank you for that goodness me thank you hey yeah what’s up okay by the way uh

Sunflower I’ve noticed you have not eaten a whole lot you got me worried okay what are you doing are you starving yourself for societal expectations is that what you’re doing you’re gorgeous have some steak eat some steak did you eat some steak let me see give her steak

I wonder hold on um take this no I can’t give her steak I thought it might be cool um let’s go where is the beach I’m close to it it’s right there Beach is right there if I can find myself a redey wolf I’d be happy

Why is it got to be so dark remember we’re going to make a bed over here eventually okay what kind of wolf is that that’s a yellow eye you were not threatening like in the slightest jeez why don’t you get something real H I really want to dance all right let’s

Go over to that beach over there we’re going to go far away over to this be I should have made a I should have made a thing I should have made a boat hey buddy what’s that buddy that that swing should really mean more I’m just saying give me that we’re moving we’re

Moving look at these guys look at these idiots hey guys oh I enjoyed that maybe that was the first time they were actually going to be polite they’re like let’s try something new let’s try to not piss him off he’s swinging out of time we’re dead

Pikachu the new one again I can’t get over that did we get the new cot we did look look look look look look that’s the one okay that’s the one we got to take them down are you ready here we go let’s this is a big deal they take a long time

But this is important J Bob and weave they hit like a m truck there we go yeah baby okay so now that gave me sandclaw uh uh that’s amazing okay we’re going to keep looking we need we need lots of them Kevin bubbles did you hear Kevin bubbles down

There barking away celebrating he’s very pleased with my performance in that last fight I’m just saying uhoh do you guys have bombs are you going to be like bombing and stuff okay make sure okay easy it’s raining now what is this what are we dealing with here oh

Good okay I want more you look like you’re pretty dangerous actually well you’re the actual like Captain I just took down Captain Jack’s Bar the same okay don’t get struck by lightning okay I know it kind of goes without saying but just don’t do it if I could find another wolf I’d be

Happy happy happy happy I’d like to get some more Santa Claus before I go home okay more Santa Claus just saying what else was in here I don’t really care about too much here meat grain pumpkin nobody cares all right let’s let’s uh let’s at least get rid of this

Garbage all right let’s get some more we got we got wolf claws I need more sand claws we got to find look run Oh I thought it was good never mind I thought was about to be another lightning strike don’t mind the Panic see that guy right there look at this

Guy look at him look at him a Wilman didn’t he didn’t he R A Wilman hey buddy going to shoot at me huh who you your aim is garbage yeah you better run all right come on quit messing around so maybe it’s becoming daytime is that the problem might become a daytime

Oh oh we got a you we got uh who is this Tissa or TSA way deep dime that’s a hard thing to say but happy birthday Birthday Happ a birthday joke from Randy what’s the hardest part of being a basist having to get the keys out of the van when the drummer locks themselves in how dare you how dare you okay drummer and for the record if you’ve seen uh hands up if you guys have seen

Uh that thing you do don’t get hit don’t get hit don’t get hit don’t get hit I don’t know if this is the guy that’s like the real deal or not yeah this guy hits like a Max truck too doesn’t he I really can’t afford to die run you cannot

Run woo okay what kind of shell was that let me see I know I know I know hold on let’s get rid of this and pick it up are you going to pick it up or what what is happening right now I took rid of it did you pick it

Up Sand Shell regular Sand Shell hands up if you’ve seen that thing you do you never seen it the drummer is a smart one I’m just saying that’s what Hanks that’s what Tom Hanks there their agent said same that thing you do is a great movie yeah the drummer is always a smart

One just say okay I was in a rock man I was a smart one I wasn’t but I bet I was pretty smart actually my singer oh he was a sharp dude I will say this basis here’s what a basis always is no question always the most lovable one I’ll tell you

That my basis was one of those guys that I was like I hope this guy’s in my life for the rest of my life I love him so much and and then the guitarist believe it or not is one of my best friends of all time and I met him in fourth grade

How cool is that I get to actually say that I met a buddy when I was in fourth grade he was in fifth grade and we little Bown to neither one of us in the future we would have our own rock band we would cut two albums oh it’s amazing

Amazing it’s amazing hey to the hunter betties guys have you watched any of the uh replays of you getting killed by the ice cream man I’ve seen I just you me what it landed on me uh you’re talking about um lethal company you’re talking about when it landed on

Me I hear a wolf hold on I know I hear a wolf where is it okay what what color are your eyes homie there yellow nobody cares about you um although I feel bad leaving that Sheep by himself okay is it too late to save a life it’s too

Late my brother was a drummer and I’ve shared you and imp Drummond he’s watched your podcast now nice oh I just dropped all my blueberries hold on I’m in a fight Mr of course you would wait till I drop my blueberries hold on the good news is there was like maybe

Five left they’re in the garbage now all right berries down indeed hey me okay I’m not penting you right now we got to we got to focus uh guys do the red code blue do the red wolves only come out at night on the beach can somebody confirm that Lily

Nintendo with 100 Bitties saying skid buddy you have saved my life thank you so much for help help in someone in Wisconsin without even knowing well goodness I hope everything’s okay but what a nice thing to say thank you granite slab just saying um what else what can I

Get rid of here we don’t need this I mean I could eat this real quick now forget it get that take that and yes we got a granite slab on us okay Grain Mill let’s go now why why all of a sudden can I make a Grain Mill I

Already had granite slabs are you are you for real or what are we doing you’re a regular nobody cares about you dude okay all right inventory full that’s a Sand Shell oh I did get a Sand Shell earlier let’s go okay okay okay you guys hear that

So do is it at night only but the see Yellow Wolf come on I want red eye wolf this guy still wants a piece he’s like clearly not paying attent yeah uh-huh look at this you’re getting destroyed by sunflower just putting it out there get

Out of get out of here with that okay you need a better weapon I’m so sorry sunflower you are doing great you need something better than this look take this let me give you a long sword there you you go now what does that leave me I

Still have one it’s not doing great but I got one I’m going to swap these two and we’re going to drop this there we go let’s get out of here all right so yes only at night okay so if I want more it’s going to be at night that’s a

Bummer let’s I really want enough I have four sand Claus does anybody remember how many sand Claus I need I think I need four to make that that amazing pick I would really like to take two to the Mesa cuz I think I’m really feeling like

I’m going to need to get a lot of that copper right so I feel like we should let’s do this sunflower come with me we’re going to go home and we’re going to drop our stuff off and we’ll come back by the time we get back it’ll be nighttime sound good watch yourself

Easy easy okay watch that first step it’s a deucy oh three per pick okay so maybe I just need so two more would be glorious that’s for true might as well collect some stuff over here let’s go dang okay another another yellow one nobody cares about you wolf

Okay run and you live fight and you may die let’s go going back home now I’m going home this game’s got me game’s got me hooked putting it out there YouTube’s getting polluted with the Decked Out runs that’s what I’m talking about oh that’s my buddy top taking the World by

Storm yeah we’re going home then we’ll come back to the beach and we’re going to we’re going it’s it’s not night time yet it’s just rainy what’s up going home velvet says skis man where can I get this game I you’re going to find this on epic games that’s what you’re

Going to want to take a peek at epic games I’m not even SP I’m not even sponsored for this game I just I played it and I liked it and I keep playing it it’s so it’s so aesthetically pleasing the moves to me are so fantastic Al and entertainingly so comical and I’m

Invested you know what I mean that like there there is a path at first I didn’t know if there was really a a line of sight um to advancement and stuff but there is like right now I got to get this I got to get these sand claws

Because I want to have a couple of these like really great picks so I can go find a Mesa get the copper so I can get that sick sick upgrade on the bench and I want to I want to be basically like I’m thinking like once I

Get that it’s going to be like decking out in like netherite you you know what I mean going gray says watch the McBean vid you certainly make that video let me tell you something uh if you don’t know what go gr’s talking about my buddy McBean and uh Fight Club girl have their

Own series that they’re doing and they asked me to come play with them for a game it was it was too much fun and that came out yesterday I believe yes yes yes yesterday and I felt I wanted to push it early in the day completely forgot that

It came out so I pushed it last night if you haven’t seen it um in fact if one of my mods could uh be a doll and put that in there put put the link to that video it’s on mcbean’s channel uh it put it in there and it was

Just it was just a fun little Cameo I just did one episode with them but it was they’re playing the they’re playing something called oh something Caverns I don’t really remember what it is but it’s it’s it was kind of fun thank you Orcs it was

Kind of fun you know what I mean not know it was it was really fun what it was and so I just played one installment with them easy peasy and super fun and I’m really glad I uh I was honored to be asked to even do that to begin with so I

Think I think I think you’re going to like it all right look what we got going on here people we we need to consolidate okay this place is a mess this is embarrassing I’m putting stuff away now I got a lot to put away for the record

So we’re emptying our pockets let’s make sure we’re getting this done we got the sand Claus now we have that means that we have we have six maybe I can make two maybe I can make two we’re going to check that out in a second uh let’s put

Away the Sand Shell which thought I had more sand shells than this to be honest we have to organize this we’ll do that at another time um let’s put okay Bop really wish let’s go ahead and merge let’s let’s get it’s this they will fix

This I I believe in them they will see wheat grain wheat grain come on come on let’s go let’s go Ken Senor with the 420 yeah uses hey skiz you get sand Claus from the desert wolves find a desert and you will be streaming wait oh and will you be

Streaming the day after uh New Year’s meaning the 2nd of January that’s my birthday I sure hope so I sure hope so the day after New Year’s uh January 2nd I hope so I’m probably going to be back at work that’s my first day back at work

In like over a week so it’s going to be crazy so we’re going to see we’re going have to play that uh by ear off to March the tier one 10 months thanks so much 10 months sub that’s I’m talking about wait 10 months of Subs yeah that’s amazing thank you so

Much uh okay Bop let’s put this am I hungry is that what told me always hungry in this game I got to feed all these muscles let’s go on the way and let’s top off some berries or complete meal there we go all right um that in there I’m still I still want

To empty my pockets here get get organized there we go put that there oh I’m really looking forward to the day that they they fix this that you can just click and it’ll and it’ll merge accordingly that day is coming telling you I believe

It okay a lot of wolf claws here that we don’t really necessarily need right now we’re just going to put those away and oh we got explosives that away there we go I don’t know why you don’t stack and wheat okay we’ll grow we’ll grow something later that’s that’s

That’s another a tomorrow that’s a tomorrow me problem okay check it out everybody um we have okay so it’s time to make this guy here okay Santa Claus and flexwood oh flexwood where do I get flexwood from where do I get flexwood from same to you Sal

Taker who knows where I get flexwood from in the desert we got to find desert gosh darn it okay where is the desert we we’re yet to find a desert and I can’t move around on this oh yes I can I got to right click okay here we go okay but I haven’t

Explored over here there’s the frost lands I guess the desert would be this way let’s do this people let’s go north let’s let’s make a bed and let’s go north we’re going north this is happening we’re we are we are going to venture out in fact so much so I’m going

To go ahead and and take all this I got a lot of meat on me and we are going to go north like it’s nobody’s B okay Frozen lands over there we’re going this way okay we’re going north every time you say Santa Claus I think you’re I know it sounds like I’m

Saying Santa Claus doesn’t it how long has this been here okay apparently long enough I already rided it I’m talking about all right we’re going north come with me sunflower do I have the sand claws on me no they’re they’re in the chest okay going north we got to find flexwood

We’re doing it it’s happening well it is that’s a yellow wolf that we don’t care about I really should keep this guy on my heart bar though that was a nice slide dude we’re going towards the Aurora Borealis oh Aurora Borealis at this time of year in this region localized entirely in your

Kitchen yes I see it no okay this what you want didn’t have to be like that we I could have domesticated you you and Kevin bubbles malum refrigerat Jimmy Madan could have been friends you should see how he’s friends with drags just same look at this guy do you want to be

Friends with Kevin bubbles that looks like a no all right I really like I really like sunflower putting it out there I don’t have time for you either you know what I mean this is ridiculous I don’t this we we’re moving on I’m moving on uh we’re in the grass lands going

Towards a Roar boy Alis dog yawned I just stuck my hand in his MTH I love doing that I always do that I do that to my dogs when they yawn all the time uhoh she died oh she’ll be back she’ll be back I always come back oh oh

No no no we don’t want to me no no no no no no no I don’t want to play I don’t want to mess with you for the record I already took you out once no this is bad oh okay this is bad what is happening what is happening what is happening oh

My gosh okay just we just be cool this is bad we’re in a bad spot here a really bad spot oh it’s you okay okay that’s the Beast I don’t like that guy we’re going around come with me got to avoid him we’ve we fought him before took like 20 minutes we

Won those were amazing but it took too long took so long I put so many arrows in him I don’t want to mess with them I don’t want to mess with that brute let get all of our hearts back here let’s go okay I guess we already

Have them okay those are buffer Hearts okay the problem is I want to go north all right let’s go here we go keep going don’t worry about the Bones come on where’s that Beast see him dude see him see that Beast over there dude very dangerous extremely dangerous that guy’s

A one hit kill type fella I mean we can go take him if you want but I just don’t want to look at the these guys need rescuing I really don’t want to mess with him but I got to go that direction actually

I got to go this way hold on I got to go this way we’re going this way okay ready slide down this mountain there we go hey buddy and are you Red Eye I’ll take yes let’s dance woof jerk let’s go give me that sand claw give me

That Santa Claus and where is it did I get it where is it where is it where’s the sandclaw that was a red eye oh right there hey look look how sunflower has my back okay don’t get mixed up with the monster don’t do it we’re going to go this

Way another red eye this what I’m talking about let’s go wo give me that baby all right okay hey don’t let that monster near us dude we got to keep going this way keep keep going keep rolling we’re getting Santa Claus left and right feeling pretty good another red

Eye another red eye hey [Laughter] buddy all right keep going please don’t let that monster near us please where is it it’s way up there that see that that’s the monster I think all right here we go ah am I going to be at a dead end here what what biome am I

In I’m on the shore all right oh for the love okay oh you jerk I’m okay she’ll be back with me momentarily son the moon’s going down I would not mind the moon going down what’s that what is this what is that oh that’s the captain oh why don’t you

Bring it yeah come on come on Cletus come on Cletus you’re walking over but you’re limping back all right there we go took care of them took care of them that’s what we do we do around here look at this belt fed Joe giting out five Subs get those

Butter bombs rolling for belt fed Joe that’s a fun name to say belt fed Joe belt fed thank you very much belt fed all right well done you’re back okay welcome back we got to go we want to keep going this way I guess let’s keep there it’s just the

Ocean do I have to make a butt how am I where’s the desert guys I don’t know where the desert is I I’ve no idea how to find the desert and I cannot swim this far wait a minute okay so that’s North how we bite here okay whoa what’s up let’s get those

Hearts back Pronto let’s go I love the way I eat this Berry that’s how you eat a berry uh all right people I’m I’m worried here that’s North I don’t think I can do this like that’s the ocean do I have to build like a big old

Platform on the I’m not going to make it it’s going to teleport me to Lane maybe I can touch this rock and reset my water thing here right ancient Deborah with the tear two 20 months it says okay let’s have a little look see that looks like something over there happy holidays skiz and chat love catching the solo stream have fun ancient Deborah thank

You I love the name ancient Deborah like ancient debris all right so we’re going north I don’t know where the desert is I have no idea how to find it no rafts in this game as far as I know let me see something here there has to be a way maybe toys

Wait where’s Toys where’s the toys toys h i mean I can make a thing that go through the air but that’s not going to really be practical right now I can make a butt look at this fine bed a Charming bed what’s that going to do I love it we’ll make that

Later Charming bed you get in bed it’s all hey you look like you had a hard day want you Rest by the way I think you’re great um well I don’t know what to do that’s where I got to go uh I know it’s I’m on the trooper I’m

On the the trooper show I’m on The Truman Show Trooper Merry Christmas to you poster a floating platform with an engine is that a thing tro p a floating platform what’s a floating platform I mean that’s what a boat is this guy here can’t imagine any of these would actually

Float let’s let’s go let’s come to here for a second let me just see something real quick I can’t imagine this is a reality of any kind I really don’t want to build a the world’s longest bridge that’s just the ocean let’s go over there let’s see

What’s over there let’s go see what’s over there come on come with me sunflower keep jumping keep keep jumping keep jumping keep jumping keep jumping keep jumping keep jumping this is the way to travel on water I’ll tell you that cuz look what happens to that progress bar if you do

This it’s like the same speed but if that thing Runs Out teleports you to land okay but we’re going to make it this time okay here we go come with me sunflower let’s go see what’s over here the torous sus surviving in the water I love it all right look out behind

You I love how I get a whole leg of steak out of one of these guys the grass biome is between the desert and the snow biome so you have to go to the middle of the map and go the opposite direction yeah and that’s what I’m doing default I

Like I went North cuz uh the the winter thing is is south of it so what do you want from me dude I can’t see you yeah baby now was that a Sand Shell cuz that was a Sand Shell let’s go all right good job sunflower okay going over here

Now those sand shells if I’m not no the ones in the snow biome they hit like Absolute Mac trucks give me give me um excuse me guys see that what a jerk what a jerk of a crab get out of here jeez trying to do stuff let’s get our let’s get our stuff

Back here okay hold on there’s some TNT don’t need to worry about that right now I don’t know why I’m filling up on soil I don’t know what I’m doing that for in fact come on let’s let’s be real here drop it all right going around let’s see if

That house is that goes a little further north I should be shooting East right now if I’m not mistaken no I’m going south there it is that’s where I want to go okay we’re going to see if we can Island hop here let’s see what this does

For us maybe this will get us to a desert eventually no what is that what are you doing why did that happen what was that let’s let’s see if I can swim cherry pie you know what I’m saying cherry pie saying they’re in the same

Spot Shee my chair oh oh that’s got a monster over there there okay I don’t like it coming back I do not want to fight that monster what I don’t like that I’m drowning over there okay we got to think about this where am I supposed to go maybe that’s a

Desert over there maybe that’s a desert over there right let’s go over there let’s let’s go to the zoo we are so far away from home I have not laid to bed yet uh that’s what I’m I’m wondering if you can craft a butt I haven’t seen a butt um as an

Option we might have to take a break here and check that out okay let’s go I’m going to have to make a bed this is we are pretty we’re relatively far away from home aren’t we well actually not terribly far away but we are far away really dude get out of

Here you going to throw something at me now what do we got somebody’s going to have what do we got nothing I care too much about looting looting looting don’t care too much about the loot in here all you’re doing great back here by the way I just want you to know that

No these guys they hit too hard they they they hit too hard they should not be a that’s those guys are one- shot kills Lego platform float but you need a motor so that would be your that would be your butt okay okay now I’m on the move here we go

Where’s my where’s my bag there it is over there see I’m not too far away I went really North and hit the ocean that didn’t uh boat well for us it says you can make a boat okay we might have to make a butt I’m going to

Have to just face music here and make a butt let’s go get my backpack first that thing is important we should see the uh the beam of light that is the backpack pretty shortly here right oh this way she’s My Cherie oh good well I don’t have weapons for you

Buddy get away from me where’s my backpack hurry hurry Sprint okay where’s my backpack still this way oh my gosh we’re going to go in the water what is that I don’t know when that happens I don’t know what to do we got to go around sunflower and it’s going to

Be nighttime so you know good news there really grateful that the backpack does not despawn little word to the developers please don’t ever make that a thing that is a rage quit moment where it’s happening there it is see that beam of light that’s my backpack have you eaten anything you’re

Impressing me you need to eat I don’t know how you have all this energy here we go that’s right storm that’s what I’m talking about if my backpack were to despawn it would be a not fun component of the game best way I can put it

Oo I do like all the threats I will say that I don’t like that these some of these shells are one shot kills I don’t necessarily love that there’s my backpack give me okay got It kind of wolf we dealing with over there where was I headed I was headed this way come with me I really think that we should make a bed and then try to make a butt we go as we get some of this blackberries all right all right it’s nice little gig

Here knock knock oh what you got okay oh there’s the pepper seed dude we got we got to grow that stuff we have to grow it so that we can go really Dive Into the Wilderness or into the into the winterland because you need to stay warm

And the torch and the campfires don’t uh they don’t well they don’t do enough so there you go anything over here I care about let’s go all right bop bop put away this guard Gage give me that uh we got I love this I love

This um oh wait let’s make a let’s make a bed let’s let’s stop messing around here we got to make a bed really quick so we have it and I will make a fancy bed later but for now is there a roof anywhere no hold

On oh here we go we’re going to put a bed in here this is temporary okay there we go we go now that’s our new spawn point and uh let’s keep going north if we can it’s northish let me see if I get around this water bend will that keep going look at

This that maybe the desert’s over there dude all right let’s go look at that let’s get that saturation snans all right we’re going my sword seen better days I have one more but it’s not great uh-oh okay it’s a yellow yellow eye nobody cares about yellow eyes he

Only picks on sheeps feel like I should rescue that sheep though moving on go south you you think I should go south but if I go south I’m going to hit the winter wonderlands unless you think I need to get on the other side of the winter warter lands you think

So let’s go a little bit further you might be right let’s go a little bit further and see what we’re dealing with here okay we’re on the shore no I don’t I don’t have time or patience for you get away from me these creatures are hostile let’s

Go I want to take care of him cuz he’s bugging me snowberry seeds I already have those we’re not no more seeds no more seeds for us okay hey more water where’s the desert Cherry pot you just found a desert all right well good for ouch wasn’t even even have a beef with

You no no no we’re not going to pick any unnecessary fights okay we got to keep moving here now it’s getting late at least we set our spawn point a little bit more realistic area and we are still on the shore we’re going to call this Jersey

Shore now what was that noise what did that noise mean what what is that recommend oh what’s that okay this guy here last time I followed this guy I gave up cuz it just took so long but you you show me something hey where we going where are you taking

Me I’m following you I don’t know where you’re taking me but we’re doing this where we going better be taking me somewhere good cuz I’m kind of getting pursued by wolf are you with me sunflower oh yeah I need my my torch give me okay I what just

Happened what the heck just happened man slap juice that was just like a little prize I like prizes all right what can I get rid of here I have so much junk I think we’re done with the bones good job let’s get that slap juice going hey what the heck

Um I got to get rid of some stuff um there’s a slap juice slurp juice let’s go ahead and let’s just let’s do this okay let’s go to the zoo let’s and do this right here I like it pick that up now we have slap juice on us uh that’s junk what is

This here this is bread I don’t care about that uh all right so that was just a little gift stack the TNT I should hit merge huh see if it Stacks anything not much we got two spots here um all right I’ll take the bread and that’s four Stacks nobody cares

Okay so that’s that guy just led me towards a little prize I I’ll take it I appreciate that let’s let’s move on I’m keep going this way find I need a desert find me a desert please I need a desert to get flexwood

So I can make a proper axe so we can go look for copper I I’m not going to lie when I when that little flashy light led me to that area I was hopeful it was going to be like ridable so we could really cover some ground that’s what I thought was going

To happen it did not what are these green lights what’s that going to do all right now where am what am I I’m still I’m on the grass ouch okay okay this is happening unbelievable these guys are such jerks they’re fireflies I am reading chat

Sometimes I do read chat some oh good I don’t really think I actually want to beef with these guys so let’s let’s go around let’s go around please don’t slip is it raining now come on now where am I at I’m on the shore again that is

Going to go right into the water we got to be careful here oh my God go I read chat I do my best I have to look at the screen sometimes please listen chat the desert is west of the middle of the map not north of the base okay so if I

Go uh so west of the middle of the map so where’s the middle of the map like okay so Bop so you’re saying this is what I’m hearing okay I’m hearing that if this that it’s over here I need to go this way right let’s do it let’s go back home and

Let’s shoot West I thought I already did you’re but this if that’s look I’m confused because if this is like like uh uh that’s as far as as far as I can go this cannot possibly be desert here right now you’re saying East the exact the exact opposite so let’s let’s go

South let’s shoot South and see what’s down in here and if it’s if there’s not a desert here then let’s go ahead and and go Wes huh all right all right I’m in I’m in so Bop uh we got to go this way all right we’re going this

Way we’re going south we’re doing it getting some wood going south I don’t know why these skellies have such a beef with me now if there’s a desert over here that means that it’s east of the middle of the map just saying all right here we go now contrary to popular belief you

Guys might some of you might think that it’s like the the back seat oh my gosh okay didn’t have to be like this we could have been buddies too now you’re dead uh I I actually I like getting advice from like feedback from you guys it’s helpful sometimes it’s not

Sometimes it is what’s really not helpful is when I’m sitting running in circles like an idiot cuz I don’t know what I’m doing but let’s keep going now are there people here okay are you going to shoot at me I’m literally just this guy’s are rude I’m literally just walking by I’m

Taking one of your berries I’ll tell you that take a little leak in here there we go yeah enjoy that here we go taking your berries wouldn’t wouldn’t do this if you didn’t shoot at me just say and we are still still going south here we go wait a minute okay still going

South I peed on their berries I’m not even taking the time to loot these guys Ace says I’ve watched the gigs where you are bling 182 video so many times and I keep saying Blink 182 not blink that’s what I thought dude I I’m just I love sunflower such a great teammate don’t

Really care about any of this okay and I have no inventory space for it that’s for true okay still want to go south here we go and there’s a yellowy wolf up there we don’t really care about him see that look see that there’s no desert in this map I mean

That’s that’s all I got that has to be the case I’m going to take it out on this wall all right give me that give me that beef and the claw give me both oh I miss you that is such a good song oh I should probably help out ouch good job

Sunflower my swords seen better days that’s for true now I’m going south I’m going towards the winter wonderland okay this is happening but I thought see what I mean everybody do I need a how about this look this whole area is a winter wonderland I’m just going towards right now wait a minute

Yeah I’m just going towards it right now you haven’t been South so the desert might be there I’m going south oh Jenga uh all right I don’t know why I keep going towards what’s obviously the cold place all right you guys I’m just I’m just moving on don’t need to bother you you

Want to pursue me you want to dance okay I don’t know why you guys do this to yourself look at you sunflower you didn’t even give him a chance all right moving on oh I like these berries oh now I’m cold again get out of here for a second see what I mean

That’s what’s going to happen I can’t go that obviously the desert’s not where the cold stuff is we can live like Jack and Sy if we want but you can always find me well now I’m cold can’t really go in that direction torch is not going to keep me cold warm

Enough oh my gosh why is it so difficult to find this desert all right let’s let’s come back here and regroup real quick all right let’s let’s get some berries let’s grab a bik fight let’s think everybody just calm down by everybody I mean me and sunflower okay sunflower sunflower you

Got to relax okay s just get hold of yourself she’s all completely calm all right here we go let’s let’s look at the map here guys let’s let’s uh let’s let’s think with our faces here’s our home we went to the winter wonderlands down here then we were like well the

Desert is maybe you know in the opposite direction so there’s a lot of a lot of stuff over here I feel like we should go east but we went up here and it’s just ocean right came over here nothing come back further south and we’re back at the W

The it feels like the entire South is the winter wonderlands so I’m kind of now I’m thinking that the desert is over here in the East I need the desert because I need to get flexwood so I can make a proper pick by the way I have I

Don’t even and I got to go to the Mesa maybe we might even find the Mesa all right spider caught me sleeping who thinks we should go east you still say further the problem about going further west is that this is as far west as the map goes is this here so

Unless like in this corner right here there’s desert that’s no good I feel like we need to go East so I’m going to do this this is happening okay we’re going to make a bed I’m going to put it right here I’m going to do this and do

That now that is our now we spawned we’re going east I’m going east well I am we’re going to that’s North we’re going to go East what is happening okay we’re not going towards the winter I’m going east we’re going east this is a thing the edge you’re seeing can’t be

The edge The Edge you’re why you think so so if I go like uh uh wait hold on uh uh and it stops you’re saying the that that’s not the edge see that uh yeah go to where you have it uncovered that’s good advice look at this guy let’s keep

Going not the edge it’s several screens wide really it’s the end of the world as we know it all right let’s how about this let’s go explore maybe what we’ll find in the East is the Mesa at least so we know it’s there right so let’s keep

Going east make sure I’m going east yep let’s keep going east and I feel fine I don’t know the words I could find a Mesa maybe this where copper is in fact I’m in the grasslands all right I just went opposite direction in my world says Nelly it’s like Minecraft map will only

Show you a little bit of the time all right so then we should be able to go further west is what I’m hearing all right so let’s go ahead and explore East yep those are lyrics Let’s explore East and just see what we find cuz like I said if we find

The Mesa then we’ll know that’s where we got to go to get copper I believe going around Mr Wolf he does he can’t take a hint clearly get away from me and another wolf why don’t you guys fight how does that sound and I’m hungry this is great can I eat

First there we go all right good job good job thanks for doing that cuz my my sword’s not doing great all I want to keep going east we’re going to keep going east oh boy careful careful careful okay it’s the end of the world gosh darn wolves everywhere huh keep going

East there’s Christmas from Illinois skiss hope you and your family having a wonderful new year right back at you Liz well I’m going east right now just we’re going to see what’s out since we’re so close like to uncovering this part of the map we’ll have a look

See and then we’ll probably turn around and run back and then really go west cuz I’m hearing that what looks like the edge of the world is not the edge of the world you should be able to go further so that’ll be fun we’ll go check that out

Oh Wast oh I yeah that is from something I thought you said Wast I I know what you’re talking about oh good I just got you want me to annihilate all of you wow okay I was just passing through this is this is what happens this is what happens why don’t you try

Peace for once idiots I was just passing through now I’m going to ra you now I’m going to see if you have anything to care about okay you do this to yourself what just happened was that a trap chest got bread here nothing else I really care

About okay well good job losing your lives protecting a bunch of garbage okay you too do you want a piece ah okay I don’t know why these people mess with us we’re so good I’m a little afraid I walked by a mirr the other day I was like oh oh jeez it’s just

Me uh all right let’s get these arrows arrows are good pick it up should not have to tell you to pick up the arrow oh yes oh man you know what I should do dude we should make a like a mob farm with one of these guys right could just

Collect arrows like a boss they had TNT in there fizzle you’re right bop okay we’re we’re still going east I think that this is really driving home uhoh sword’s done that’s not good that’s not good sword’s done all we’re going to have to go home eventually

Anyways we’ll be line at home and then we’ll go west but that’s in a little bit let’s go a little bit more East what what I’m in grasslands still ay JW the tier one that’s three months you’re amazing all we’re going still going still running pretty impressed with my Candy Cane’s cardio

Here by the way first time in any language that that’s ever been said you’re all here a witness impressed with my Candy Cane’s cardio never been said we got to we got to hear it for the first time ever okay is this a Mesa sure not sure s you are sure

It’s the end of the world as you know it I thought you said whe is that SpongeBob that feels like SpongeBob oh gotcha Ed okay so if I’m like low on stamina and then go into the water that’s no good get out of here you too bigle hope you had a great

Christmas the episode where they go treasure hunting okay total SpongeBob love SpongeBob I thought you said weast okay more people that probably have a problem with me over here I’m just I’m just walking by have a great day how hard was that oh what’s that over there what is that what is

That what do you think that is I want to get there I get there not what do you think that is did you just get out of here all right at least it’s I have plenty of food that’s good um how about this why don’t we oh

Good I don’t like this guy if he kills me I’m going to be very upset move move h h h hop hop spawn point get up okay we have spawn point now all right now whoa easy there you did not woo yeah see we’re destroying my

Friend uhoh let me put a let me I think I might need to put a let’s make like a a shack here something like a just a simple Shack that I don’t what I don’t how do I not have enough wood for this how’s that a

Thing how how is that a thing I don’t want to set up a new home over here okay give me that I’m going to make a shock I make a spawn point here oh good good for that good for explosions simple Shack okay not good oh why is it it do

That I don’t I don’t want to I want it to just build itself can you just build yourself that be great oh I don’t enough ah hold on give me that give me this hurry up hurry up hurry up give me give me give me give me we got

To hurry move out of the way okay do I need a roof on this mug it’s complete there’s no roof on it there we go stop it there we go okay so now I got to put another bed in there wait do I need more

Stuff on here I don’t need more stuff oh my gosh it’s still not done getting upset here what is happening what is happening build it please oh no no no no can’t get up there I can’t see over my stupid candy cane head ouchie jerk give me that okay no more

Fighting I’m doing something in fact maybe I don’t need to maybe I can just go and build my bed be done with it can I okay you get right there I don’t have no resources gosh this is also I can just set a spawn point that doesn’t break in water

Give me all that wood okay I got to build that last piece there I don’t know why wouldn’t build it I don’t want to build a whole Shack I’d rather just build the the the the I want to finish it my gosh what is happening I don’t know I don’t how to

Finish it I’m hitting e i point at it I hit e and nothing happens e e e q e e nothing wait a minute e e nothing it’s like it’s it too far away can I I maybe it’ll work anyways maybe I can still put a bed here

Yeah I can still do a bed that’s a roof a roof’s a roof we’re good okay we’re good all right now here’s I’m going to do I want to go see what this is all about the Aurora where is it I want to go see what that’s all about in the

Other place over there I don’t know if I can make it let’s have a little look well good start oh boy I need day time don’t I where is it Moon wrap it up trying to do stuff the problem is if I make another um if I make another for example

Um another bench do I have is it going to be a foundational bench actually where is it where’s here we go crafting bench will this be a level one I assume I think it’ll be level one won’t it it’ll be a starter bench gosh darn it

Okay that’s okay look at that idiot over there let me come up here have a look around there’s a cave here okay here comes daytime all right let me see something I see that there’s a cave this is what confus yeah there’s a cave right there

Okay now we are in grassland still I’m drinking slap juice I’m doing it I need inventory space and then I’m going to eat this guy okay see that over there this over there I want to go see what that’s all about I don’t want to get over there I don’t

Think I can make that swim I can probably most definitely not make that swim right I don’t think I’m going to make it is the island moving away from me if I run out of stamina I’m just going to pop back onto the land here desert cave is

Reddish yeah apparently I can make like a platform but I got to put an engine on it I that could be a thing I just I’m not going to make it gosh darn it I I’m definitely not going to make it back that’s for true maybe I’ll teleport to that probably not dang

It that’s so bad that is so bad that’s so bad my backpack is in the water that’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my life this is this is no good what am I supposed to do oh my gosh Let Me swim towards it oh my

God that is really really really really bad that is the worst place for my backpack to be and I have very valuable resources in there this is a rage quit moment oh my gosh sunflower come out here and get it so swimming’s not going to get it done all right well now we

Have some science now we know that oh all right how about this let’s let’s do this we’re going to we’re going to swim to these rocks reset our stamina and then try to try to get that and we’re just going to have to inch it back this this this went

Poorly this went really bad this went really really bad let’s get up on this rock and reset our stamina somehow oh my gosh these are the worst rocks ever okay here we go okay ready I got to get my bag and like just turn around and die and just inch it

Closer and closer every time I’m able to pull this off it’ll get closer and closer to me this is the worst H bubble boom with the tier one thank you so much for sprite with the tier one 41 months maybe build a bridge too oh it’s smart yeah if only had wood

Oh it’s in my backpack have to start all over here turn come on go go go get there get there jump jump jump jump jump get it jump okay go go back I got my backpack go get back it’s I’m going to die again but it’s at least going to be

Closer gosh darn it this is so stupid all right we got it we got it this is this is what this is this happened we have have to be cool with it I’m not upset at all all right yep yep yep yep all right sunflower why don’t you to stay put I’ll

Be back you don’t have to this is my mistake you don’t have to be a part of this part of my stupidity here we go use these rocks to reset our stamina boy swimming in this game leaves much to be desired that is for True okay res set that stamina

And we’re going we’re just inching our every time we do it it’s going to get that much closer and we’re going to be able to cover like we’re going to be able to cover more and more ground what’s that blue what do you think that blue is over

There I don’t want to look at it cuz I’m going to what do you think that is Jump oh my gosh oh there’s waves in the water it’s messing up my jump gotcha okay come on back jump jump jump jump jump going right back from our launch Rock oh lunch

Party go go jump yeah the waves are making it really hard to jump all right that’s it this should be the last one that blue smoke are oh they’re loot crates okay thank you okay let’s go do it get our backpack back and then we’re have to be at piece

With it ah I don’t really want to build a platform all the way over there but I might have to we don’t have to do this everybody we might have to build a platform all the way over there if we want to go see what that’s all about that could actually be

Kind of fun believe it or not like bridging across a void you know come on SK I’m 100 years old I know this taking forever in it oh come on got stamina back no I wasn’t ready all right water travel no good get that stamina you don’t get up there right now

I’m going to freak out there we go okay here we go look at that look how close it is I bet you I can make it all the way back come on come on move so amazing how I can jump out of the water like a dolphin but I can’t let

I can swim like one foot an hour okay here we go let’s get back here let’s just swim back all right we’re going to get back we got our stuff so I’m happy about that we got our stuff what is this that’s something I care about is that a

Feather all right now I do Wonder should I could I just build a platform all the way over there that’s a long track but this has the potential to be kind of cool so let let’s see let’s let’s let’s mess with it right if I did this

Here get this wolf out of here I’m busy I’m working can I put you can you take care of that wolf I don’t want to deal with him thank you okay well maybe I should get my weapon in order here my weapon’s almost done this is not good okay

Jerk all right let me get that Claw at least okay so let’s do this if I do this guy here can I can you really what is happening why you being a jerk okay now can I put you right no oh I don’t have wood I need

Wood H let’s get some wood nurse Jerry gifting over five Subs let’s get some butter bombs going for nurse Jerry there’s Jerry thank you very much for that use the cheapest platforms is that an expensive platform so it’s that’s one this is two but the thing is these are really small

I mean one’s bigger than the other yeah in fact what I should be doing is maybe this guy here is it just as long and just do like a long thing let’s do that let’s let me do this everybody the thing is let me do this the thing is okay hold

On wait okay let’s get some wood and let’s see what kind of magic we can make happen here here woodwise all right get all this wood I want to just get this started to see if this is even worth pursuing I want to see what’s over

There why is the weather so bad all the time ouchie oh man what the heck is happening all right take care of them all right I got it I got it and There Goes My Sword all right that’s fine wasn’t even worried about it all right let me get my health back

Where is my food I have so much raw beef dude oh my gosh going to get my health back here boom okay let’s get this wood I’m just I want to do this just to test it to see if this is even worth pursuing right by the way I’m freezing out

Here oh my gosh is this guy for real I don’t have a proper weapon yeah you better run okay oh my gosh with the wolves with all the threats I don’t have the stuff for this okay let’s see if I take this can I go okay let me see something if I do

Like oh my gosh that did not just happen Okay put that there now can I put this on the end of this what I’m just going to get higher and higher this is the dumbest way to cross the water I’m not doing this the answer

Is no I’m not doing it all right lesson learned I was hoping I could just piece them together that’s just not that’s going to take me a month that’s going to take me a month tree with the tier one thank you so much okay so I say we go back West

What do you guys say right Mouse to snap let me see oh it’s a beautiful day out oh okay let’s go let’s go right right is it go around will that go all the way around hard to tell is this guy serious you’re not even a red eye get out of

Here stay away from my friend all right so let’s see let’s let’s see with the right click right like do this guy here and oh like this shut up Why didn’t it just let me do that with navigation so no way oh let’s go why why am I walking all crooked

But they don’t make this easy I’ll tell you that all right this kind of cool if I do say so myself now the question is if I were to drown out here would it tell or run out of stamina out here would it teleport me to this is this considered land h h

That’s the desert right there let’s go all right I’m having fun like this is cool all right uh who who made the right click suggestion cuz it was clutch right that was Ador Ador thank you I’m sure I’m sure several people said it to just me were talking about here but hey at

Least this is working I thought if I moved it around enough it would just eventually do this dude this is no joke look at this bridge I’m making D I’m going to have to go get more wood man that’s okay we’ll go get more wood and all right here we go I got

More wood here we go going to get more wood now let’s go I love it yep exactly the one block bridging over the nether V Vibes no question no question okay uh let’s get some wood and uh let’s get back to business I’m going to chop down all

These trees I’m going after these trees up here well I am I wonder it would be great if my bridge shows up on the map I doubt that’s the case dang it all right we’ll go get that later are you going to help oh you’re out of your axxe broke did it all

Right look at this guy there a lot of wood here dude okay let’s get all this wood we’re going to need a lot of it each one of these is another uh another Plank and I should probably build one that’s a little bit underneath to make a

Platform in case I fall in the water or something am I cold seriously I’m cold where’s my torch you get there okay Shane the gooner with the tier one 14 months you’re amazing thank you Shane the gooner yeah baby H all right uh let’s pick up all this

Random wood around here that’s always helpful okay this guy here give me give me give me all right what do we got now we got 54 that might be enough to get us to the other side but in case let’s just do this I really don’t want to lose my

Axe I really don’t want to build bench that’s a red wolf dude I don’t have a sword dude I don’t have a proper sword anyway should we get them should we take them let’s take them let’s do it let me grab a bite here you ready you ready You Ready sunflower

Let’s go let’s do this oh jeez okay ready or not I guess oh I’m out of I’m out of stuff okay good good job I need to get this give me give me give me oh seriously with this guy I have no more patience for you homie I’m sleeping can’t bug me not

Allowed time off game off all right did I get that claw yeah 16 dude by the way putting it out there feeling pretty good pretty good about that okay let’s uh let’s get back to work here huh what is that what kind of shell is that that a regular

Shell I’m getting back to work I really do think I should make a platform underneath this if at all possible so let me do this let me go Bop and Bop and then I wonder can I put it underneath can I do that no not not so

Much I’d be happy if I could put underneath that would be good like that okay so that’s like a if I fall in the water ideally I can grab on to that right okay we’re going to be we’re going to stay hopeful here hopefully I can pop

Up onto that I don’t know how much how high I might that might be too high hold on can I go any any lower I should test it you’re absolutely right I should test it I’m close and this is I should test it okay right here

Okay let’s do it let’s test it very smart so I’m like oh no I’m in the water sunflower help me and she’s like what do you want me to do boom there we go people beautiful okay let’s keep working that was a big brain moment right there folks well it was here we

Go we are cooking with peanut oil now is a heck of a please tell me no it would have been great if it showed up on here you know just thinging keep going we’re cooking with peanut oil I about peanut oil am I gluing these Legos to each other is

That what’s happening because there’s not it’s not really following the standard Lego logic just saying just saying robin bird the new tier one let’s get some new sub emotes going for Robin yeah this’s game called Lego fortnite and uh I played it just with some buddies of mine green and Scar and

Impulse uh just just just one game and I was like I’m gonna ah pooping okay I just messed up I’m gonna get rid of this I it’s got to I want it to be clean well there goes that wood I’m not I’m not jumping in after you I’m not doing

It anyways I played play this game with with uh green and Scar and impulse it was super fun and I was like I think I might check this out again and I’m glad I did because it’s just to me it’s got more layers than what I originally

Thought so I’m going to we’re going to stay with it for a little bit oh I did it again very upset about that we’re going to do this quick check this out okay give me the wood though dang it no I do need to check something real quick

Here twitch didn’t show my message with my resub this is from TR TR says Hey skid it’s been 34 months holy thanks for a great year of amazing content here’s in the next year thank you very much TR which I’m sure I’m saying wrong uh

Tri hady B with another joke how do you know when the band risers are Level the drool is coming out of both sides of the drummer’s mouth getting a lot of drummer ha today you a lot of hate I’m f with it orc saying uh skizzle face always

Have great words I’m scared for my neighbor will send pick in Discord you’ll understand uhoh uh oh somebody tried to break in that’s very upsetting I don’t like that whole thing about SK you know most people don’t like thieves yeah that’s another level with this guy uh all right and Boop and

Bop and Bop and Bop we’re going we’re moving we’re moving oh there’s something else I need to check hold on uh give me a second bpop bpop and and good okay so there will very likely be another stream today homie Bon hold on I’m going to read that through that

Later okay there will very likely be another stream later today so I will be taking a break in between streams to grab a bite I’ve taken the whole week off of work off of my actual job so I think SK is going to be doing a lot of

Streaming and tomorrow I’m taking my brother out for his birthday I’m very excited and I was like I said I I I my wife and I were out the other day and she was like this would be so good for your brother and she had this good gift idea

He’s like he likes to make cocktails at his house and this is like a really cool thing to where you can like make the cocktails smoke you know and it’s really cool so I like oh we’re I’m getting that for him so I got it for him I can’t wait

To give it to him I’m going take him out for dinner and drinks tomorrow and then he’s like you want to go to the casino and I’m like is if that’s what you want to do that’s what we’re going to do so we’re going to go gambling together too

And it’s funny cuz I was like can we sit at the same table cuz we like to play poker I’m like can we sit at the same table he’s like uh maybe you can’t really mandate that and I’m like and see and I’m like well I want to spend time

With my brother you know what I mean but I’m like it doesn’t matter if that’s what he wants to do that’s what we’re going to do so that’ll be fun all right look how close we are I’m going to have to go back and get more wood I don’t want to

Risk this cuz I’m kind I’m kind of at the point of no return right now to the point to where I kind of think where’s that platform that platform form is pretty far away I feel like I should just go ahead and bite the bullet and in

Fact I’m going to do this check this out are you watching why not look that’s that we’re going to go minimum platform okay that’s what we did we just enjoy the sound of that I love it I love that sound I love it I love it Heather says

Love your content skiz and the podcast keep making people smile I will I will thank you very much I think it was two years ago I had operation double the laughter right for that year that was my New Year’s resolution was the and since then the growth has been astronomical so

I feel very blessed for that mon with the 500 bit says spent the last few hours or the last hour rather trying to find my first diamonds with no luck turn on a skizzle stream in the background and boom diamonds you know what I’ll

Take it I like it I’ll take it I’ll take it right now there we go there there’s a name it we did that name it the other day I’ll take it I’ll take it right now sunflower got to go that way sunflower I got to go that way sunflower got to go

This way sunflower oh my gosh we have to go back I got to get more wood that’s right bebs I’ll take it I’ll take it right now all right let’s go get some more wood and then we’re dude we’re bridging all the way across I love this this is

Awesome I’m loving it welcome Raiders come on in playing some Lego fortnite probably going to be playing for another I’m probably going to play for like another 25 minutes and then I’m going to take a lunch and then I’ll be back to stream what’s looking like fasmo with impulse and possibly

Others and uh so stay tuned so it’ll be great that should be working there’s no guarantee but it should be working look at my poor axe okay look at this I can’t even go over there I am not suited up to take that guy on I’m not fighting that

Monster right now not doing it we’re going to stay the course believe me I want to and there goes my axe now I got to make a bench oh people this is the worst I have to make a bench okay this is where we’re at cuz I

Don’t have any more axes right I do look at me all prepared and stuff I wasn’t even worried one scared you’re scared two is that cuz it’s water logged why was that so much different that I would like to know I am curious what kind of saturation Bread’s going to give me so

Let’s let’s have a little look here I have not had bread yet ready wow uh that was no joke that’s the biggest one yet leave that one let’s go okay did you guys see that lovely pun mate all right let’s keep getting that wood and let’s move

On two why am I getting hits of two what what am I missing here it used to be three why am I getting two damage every time not going to lie I kind of want to go in this cave I do but I’m not going to we’re

Going to stay focused okay scaring the cow the tier one thank you so much thanks for my sub it says oh gray is the one that gave that sub and then nus the tier one 21 months that monster is is is begging me to fight it I’m in no

Shape to fight that thing I mean I have this it’s half power and all I get out of it is a brute scale now I do need those those are important but I me I have one already it’s back home home and I needed to upgrade my bench am I using a

Different oh it’s a common axe it’s just a common axe okay I didn’t know that all right I gave her the nice axe well you deserve it you’ve been nothing but fantastic pick it up get one log out of that one log out of this gy okay um by

Okay well how many what is that what AM we dealing with here get out of here problem is I don’t know if I have the tools hey oh it grew you were the the worst this thing is the worst and I lost my body and once you roll into oh woo yes

Thank you for the wood okay mob farm tickling the brain right now I mean a wood Farm look at that bridge dude we’re going we’re going we’re going I think we have what I need 39 that’ll that’ll finish the job I got to get over there I got to see what’s

Over there I think this might be desert that’s that’s desert dude I can see the cactus from here how about it all right we’re going over we’re going to get ourselves some flexwood we got to remember this spot I think I’m going to put a uh we got to

Put some sort of flag here to be like this is where our amazing bridge is meanwhile I think I somebody was right I could have gone all around but I’m not doing I like this better sunflower Reach Out grab that wood please just not going to do it she’s not going to do

It and here we go let’s finish the job stay till the job’s done oh this right click business is the best the absolute best oh let’s go we’re getting there people it feels like the Island’s moving further away I’m just saying if I am gluing these together it

Is the world’s most impressive glue I’m tell you that right Now I think it might be a time for a platform we’re doing it this a little one no big deal no big deal everybody’s chilling here we go just in case that’s a little safety in case you fall off it’s called being smart smrt no I I didn’t mean to eat my

Bread I did not mean to eat my bread that is a lot of saturation hopefully it goes over Nemesis with a 314 piece of pie thank you very much for that Nemesis okay I’m very embarrassed how that played out I’m just now realizing there’s a better way to make a platform we will

Cross that bridge no there isn’t it was perfect the way I did it’s got to be underneath that’s right maybe I could jump up on here I don’t want to test it platform’s way over there ah oh she’s peeing okay yeah she’s peing it’s okay take your

Time welcome to skiz the grown Manchild I’m out of wood I don’t want to try to make that Trek gosh darn it should I try to make it I’m trying to make it should I try to make it don’t do it don’t do it should I

Do it I’m doing it I’m doing it oh oh whoa I’m going to make it I’m going to make it you only live once that’s true okay here we go so we made it oh we are officially ladies and gentlemen welcome to drive out valy I’m assuming that means

It look at this little guy what are you H prob be some sort of idiot whoa you take a couple swings do you whoa okay let’s get some wood let’s make a bed that thing was no joke all right what is this okay is that regular wood that’s

Regular wood let’s get some Flex wood there’s people over there I don’t really feel like messing with and I don’t have a sword I don’t have the goodies I got this this one’s good take them with this all right let’s make a bed real quick bop

Bop so katano say skiz I hope you had a good Christmas thanks for all the laugh this year recently you managed to get here she comes to wreck the Day quote stuck in my head recently uh again thanks for the laughs I hope next year we bring more laughs thank you

Sooka she comes to wreck the day Mr re sorry H oh I love Liar Liar now I just want to watch it okay let’s make ourselves a bed quickly popop and Bop nope not enough resources oh I need much more okay did we even get wood from that I

Don’t think we did and now it’s night time why not I can’t go near those guys over there just yet let’s grab this wood here keep our distance I’m thinking about regulating with the with the uh what am I doing that for I’m thinking about regulating with the

Crossbow if I do say so myself but really want to make a bed first need two more pieces of wood please that’s not going to give me wood uh hang leave it here we go there we go let’s go oh they’re upset already I wasn’t

Ready for the fight okay let do I got to get my crossbow okay wow you pretty good punch there buddy pretty good punch okay I want you guys pay attention what just happened to your buddy huh listen here cernus we didn’t need to do this woo good throw good

Throw keep loading this I need to load this thing faster I don’t really have a proper weapon I’m okay oh that was kind of cool woo okay yeah hit him hit him did you see this see what happened to your buddy huh idiot I’m stealing your stuff after

This all right very good why don’t you pick up that crossbow uh all right let’s go Bop let’s get all this good stuff here do I make a bed I don’t think I ever made one but I got enough resources now all right let’s do this making a bed

Now pick up that Arrow let’s get all the arrows go around and pick up all the arrows I need them give me I wish they glowed when you were further away from them arrows are in pante sunflower all right give me this we’re doing it there we go new spawn point set let’s

Go see what kind of goodies they had I don’t know why they did that to themselves I was perfectly fine ready to just be a good neighbor and Rob them in the night and they had to go do that what do we got nothing I care about and uh is that

Is that a red eye that’s a red eye oops I really need my sword back ouchie don’t destroy my bed now just get my AC and let’s do this oh I dodged the wrong way no well I made a bed now I’m very upset with this guy spawn

Faster really glad I made a bed hurry up and I’m cold where’s my torch give me my stuff get out of bed okay where is he where’s ‘s that idiot where is he taking where is he I want to finish the job I can hear you dude where is he I can hear

Him here he is let’s go finish him hey buddy yeah baby give me that claw good job sunflower okay now remember we’re looking for flexwood if I get some flexwood I’m going to feel accomplished I get this one oh is it Cactus let’s go that’s I don’t have the Right I don’t have the right axe I I need you to give me oh my gosh okay you are the worst you’re the worst I’m playing poorly I need my good weapons I lost all my weapons and now I’m in Barney okay I lost all my weapons and

Now I’m in Barney and I’m praising let’s go go back there faster than this get your backpack get that torch in your hand get it done corly Jane with the tier one ice kids hope you’re having a loveely Christmas and as always thank you for being you

Well thank you for that hope you had one too aeria and got a new sub here let’s get that new sub emote going Oria about okay do I have my crossbow where’s my fancy crossbow it’s right there people I can’t get this cuz I don’t have

The maybe I can do it with this guy maybe this guy come on maybe no I need to go back home and get the good stuff this is this is the bottom line so here’s what I’m going to do uh let’s see we should have enough what do we got for

Wood here eight let’s get this wood and let’s Bridge let’s finish the bridge and let’s make a marker on the other side so we know where to go I need to get back to my crafting bench unless I I don’t want to make a garbage crafting bench

Here I don’t want to do it I mean how much what does it cost me what what do it I forget Um it is I always forget where stuff is here we go um see I can make it I can make just a little garbage one here and make myself oh you need granite for okay fine fine fine fine fine do this all right just give myself a typical I’m not

Going to up my upgraded bench is back home and they’re they’re kind of expensive to upgrade so that’s our little joke crafting bench here just just to get what I need we’re going to go home get the good stuff come on back get our flexwood really really really really wish I had a

Vehicle and before we go anywhere we have to make sure o Granite we have to make sure before we go anywhere we have to make sure that we can uh that we set like some sort of marker right so we know where we’re at or whatever I’m getting all this wood so I

Can finish the bridge make it an easy trans uh transport back and forth all right doing well a lot of wood over we just pick up let’s keep going here oh I can’t believe I don’t have the right tools I’m very upset with myself I should have

Assumed as much honestly it’s why I actually was kind of thinking clearly because I was like I’m going to if I had to guess I’m going to I’m going to need the proper tools to get the copper that’s sort of what this was all about right so so I need flexwood right now

But I didn’t think I would need the proper axe to get the flex with so that’s on me that’s that’s my mistake let’s get this done I I forgot when we look at this yeah might as well just whatever and snow snowberries might as well take it slap Berry okay oh her axe

Broke I wish I could enchant my axe okay that was cool I didn’t even know that that was happening that fell over and popped off this Granite that’s pretty cool that did you guys see that we did a little Timber action there and it and it busted up the granite yeah

Baby let’s do this let me see can I make all right right here right here right now folks can I make this guy right here map marker okay where is the where’s my bridge it’s over there okay we’re going to put a map marker here see if we can

Name it we’ll call this desert and then over there we’ll say like Bridge entrance or something to that effect or whatever so here we are Bop right here now okay choose the icon I can’t name it huh we make it icon Brown so it’s like brown like a desert

Right we’ll do that and I can’t I can’t name it I can’t do that really come on let me go over here let’s see what it looks like on the map how close is this follow Minecraft not terribly close but close enough to where you can kind of see the

Correlation you know what I mean you’re like well that didn’t answer my question at all look at this guy look at this guy watch this watch how hard this guy hits see that one hit kill you got to give it to him man I don’t want to deal with this guy

He’s is total jerk like you got to stick a move one hit and you’re done jeez why are they so strong over here there we go all right now I would like to build this so that I go can I get this out of the way I cannot what the

I don’t want to what is that up there each biome has a different strength animal yeah I guess so I want to I want to start I want to get back home now like right there is where I need to build this thing this is ridiculous all right what is happening oh I’m

Hot oh when we go ahead and put Mr torch away okay not feeling good here ises it help if I’m in the water I’m just going to swim back hopefully I can pop up onto there uh-oh this is bad uhoh uh-oh uh-oh can I pop up on there

Come on get up there get up there dude get up there dude a that’s not good I would venture that’s really bad all right hurry up and I’m hot I’m hot I’m hot I’m hot hurry up hurry up get that stamina up before you go in the water all right

Go I’m not hot I’m in the water dude I know I love that anything you build refunds the materials if you break it down I do enjoy that sometimes I feel like torn on whether or not I like that but uh all right I popped up here so that’s good

Actually while I’m here am I not I’m not still hot right let’s have a bite there we go there’s that let’s get that Health back sunflower I don’t need you to move I love you but you you’re really in the way okay so I’m going to let me go

Underneath here okay that’s for me move out of the way okay I want to I want to complete this while I’m here remember we got to set a uh a marker on the other side of this this is amazing this is a very long impressive bridge I like it a lot man

Good and why don’t we do this let’s turn turn it good and let’s let’s change material let’s go here this is awesome I love it I’m loving this oh I wish I got it bre I’m hot I’m hot we got to get out of here move move it move all right let’s

Go time to go back home look at this this is a long trk dude we got to put a marker on that side so we know it’s like that’s where the bridge starts let me have a look at this and what this looks like in real world oh I love

It so my home is way back here so we did have to go East maybe there’s another desert but east got us to the desert which is good we’re going to come back we get the right tools come on back get the flexwood gosh darn this game it’s just got a hold

Of me man right Ginger with honor betties the snowberries please eat them they’ll keep you cool do I have snowberries on me I got slurp juice I don’t have any snowberries on me but I got them back home oh right there dude oh yeah yeah yeah wait wait 2

Minutes okay okay heat reduce hunger and temporally increase heat resistance okay very good that’s good to know bring that back with us we’ll bring plenty of snowberries good advice Ginger it’s addictive isn’t it o Wizard Tower yeah like look at that look at that thing we’re going to check

That out oh that might be a next stream type thing we will be streaming later in about an hour and a half doing some fasmo with impulsing company we call this candy cane Crush look at this guy do you really want to really you can’t come on here can

You okay okay I wonder if you die up all right all right let’s let’s leave over here we’re going to lay in the bed over here reset spawn here remember we got to set we got to set a a thing Bop okay so we just reset spawn now oh

My gosh I don’t want to fight these guys right now we have no time for this you take care of it snowflower you’re very brave oh tried to escape I don’t think so yeah it keeps trying to burrow I don’t think so yeah I did I helped you know barely

Up all right let’s go set a thing over here marker okay are you g to ah is this guy serious always causing problems okay bop bop wait wait I forgot was that this guy here okay now this is going to Be I don’t know what to call this I mean we’ll we’ll do this again so it’s be like it’ll just be pretty clear that this is how you kind of get to the island if you will all right so if we go back this way we have a little look at our

Mapop I can kind of say like that’s the I wish I could name it that would make it better but I can’t all right all right this is what we’ll pick up next time next time we got to go all the way home get the right

Tools come on back get over there get the flex wood and keep our game going we got a good bridge over there I like it all right everybody I’m going to take off because again uh very likely going to be streaming again today it’s going

To be great taco Mafia with the tier one 51 months thank you Taco Mafia and uh there you have it so I’m going to go get some lunch and I should see you in a little bit I think can be called this candy cane Crush I sorry not sorry it junks

I’m into it I’m into it all right let’s see who who we’re going to uh raid Bop and who we want to send you to again we’re going to be popping back on here not too long but uh you know oh I got to send you on over to the PS

PS uh did the the the sub bomb earlier but we love PS This is the animation King if PS and uh Rusty K you got together the world would implode is that what you want huh animation implosion if they got together you know what would happen is

Um the the uh the video from take on me I’m going to send you on over to PO

This video, titled ‘Lego Fortnite Solo Skizz! – Session 3’, was uploaded by SkizzlemanLive on 2023-12-28 13:15:05. It has garnered 2621 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:36 or 9156 seconds.

Lego Fortnite Solo Skizz! – Session 3 Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/skizzleman Main Minecraft channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mcskizzleman Shared Channel w/impulsesv: https://www.youtube.com/c/ImpAndSkizz Podcast Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@impandskizzpodcast

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  • KapiCraft – Smp

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    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: https://discord.gg/DJqkayETp6 Those who want to sawer: https://saweria.co/Cepe Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / https://bit.ly/2CnjVWo Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CEpe100-1064… Youtube : https://bit.ly/2ZVw2lD Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/CEpe100/ Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: https://discord.com/invite/Bw2TrffmXX this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

    Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server’, was uploaded by RAPTOR YT on 2024-05-28 01:51:36. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds. Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Minecraft Live | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream #shortsfeed #rcbvscsk ———————————————————————— 24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/qrmhq8smhU INSTAGRAM – @suddenlykrishna Welcome To The Channel Fellow Savages!… Read More

  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More