EPIC LIVE Bedwars with Chat! 😱🔥

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Hello hello chat guys I can’t be as loud as I normally am you got to where’s my music widget what the freak where is it there it is it’s not playing the right song but it’ll it’ll catch up it’ll catch up um Benny hi geez you’re the first one here you are you

Literally got here before the stream even started which is wild it’s just sitting there in the you know anyway I’m going to send this to the server and then we’ll get Going okay we’re good now sorry I that took took a minute anyway um yeah so today we got to be a little bit quieter than we normally are and we’re streaming a lot later than we normally do but but we’re balling we are absolutely balling um I also need to make sure that

My stream settings are correct or my hot keys they are okay we’re good I really want to get OptiFine so that I can zoom in on things cuz I be so silly okay oh dude okay I still do not know how to pronounce your name hi welcome

Back how do you want me to pronounce it do like one of those like Google pronunciation things all right guys this is probably the last time with the Christmas skin until next year this is so sad oh I love the Christmas skin it’s so silly and fun

So okay cry cry DEA I think you told me that honestly I think you told me that I think I just forgot cry DEA I’ll I’ll do my best I will do my best to remember oh okay yes okay okay I understand I understand all right will we ball

Tonight it’s okay you’re just old I’m literally not old I’m I’m so not not old I’m so in my Prime okay it’s not even funny how in my Prime I am you just you just don’t realize it TBH okay um oh wait we should get more wool a little

Short wait how how what can you invite me to the party I can invite you to the party hello go away please okay that didn’t do anything to you I will I I will invite you to a party once I’m done with this guy he’s being a little goofy ooh okay that was

Quick we got it we got it we’re good oh no ain’t no way he just did he just 360 on me did y’all see that did y’all see that homie just 360 I know that’s in the wrong chest we’re not going to worry about it he’s coming back isn’t he V by I

Don’t know I don’t see him right now maybe maybe not uh we go up we just go up uh oh uh oh uh oh hello you’re up here now that’s so crazy what if I just like knock you off oh you’re not going to be able to do that change my

Mind has been OMFG can I join now you can join now tmy your name is just what it is is I still have to invite uh CA Oh there’s just no space there please invite I will I will oh okay your name was not tmy I understand though okay I invited I invited CA now we need to invite triy that is a tough name to spell too uh Valk yeah like that okay cool did you guys both

Join I got to look in the chat uh yeah you guys both joined oh I still have yet to claim my Advent calendar thing I I did not claim all of these honestly I think I claimed three I there were multiple days that I

Was on the hive and I just did not claim it yeah I’m here okay cool guys ignore ignore the creaky chair oh wait why am I going into bedw war solos that was so autopilot I need a new chair so bad I’ve had this chair for like way too long and

It’s it’s not bad it’s pretty comfortable but it’s not like it’s not a gaming chair but okay okay listen listen listen I’ve heard horrible things about gaming chairs okay I’ve heard like I’ve heard horrible things but I’ve always considered investing in one um but you know are they worth it is the real

Question no Asen they won’t explode from gas what when did that’s really old sketchy chairs from China are you talking about the gaming chairs dude I don’t know I I’m not saying they’re going to explode from gas I’m just saying that I’ve I’ve heard that they’re not comfortable I I said nothing about

Explosions or gas you’re you’re really on something else honestly oh I’m talking about old office chairs that could explode office chairs could explode since when I want one give me an office chair that could explode that’s what I need Guys how is the how is the stream music is it okay oh we have enough to get over here that’s so great you deaf don’t want one why don’t I want one it sounds like a great experience a chair that explodes come on like that sounds great oh hey we

Got blue coming over guys uh do you do y’all know that I know I know I know tmy does I know tmy knows uhoh the lag spike is wild oh he just got absolutely handed he just got everything handed to him oh we have 12 okay we can afford nice armor

Now very great very great um okay let’s put this away I was going over to the diamond gen which is where we should go back to oh what was That uh oh we have five I know we can buy something with five what can we buy with five five diamonds H H buy something oh no we should go over here TV H oh we can buy armor that’s not bad that’s pretty good actually tbh tbh is pretty

Good um okay are you kidding me n get out of here uh-oh you’re setting me up you’re setting me up bro n why are you why are you kicking my butt oh hey get get out of here I don’t want you here why can’t

I build up please oh no don’t do that oh did y’all see that do y’all see that how do I do that how do I do that oh my gosh Espen what is your greatest fear curious needles I’m so terrified of needles it’s so bad needles are just so scary

Like wait are you guys pvping in there was that my teammate oh okay that was my teammate wait we’re okay now we have nothing to worry about I I think I hope okay yeah you’re my teammate you’re my teammate cool good stuff um all right let’s get a fireball and some more Wool we can put some of this other stuff away too see we’re we’re being really risky going to Mid but we’re going to do it Anyway um who’s here blue is that both blue I think that might be red over there too blue blue came over and took our bed so they’re a little worrying um oh wait where is everyone or where’s the generators um I know we have one over here there’s nothing in it something’s

About to drop oh hey you kind of feel like a hacker watch that it’s not going to do anything to you but it’s a little silly okay we have one more teammate left who’s left um tmy trims is left uh ma’am oh why okay trims is in a

Box okay wait no I don’t want to spectate you wait no wait no I can’t get out of it no TR no I can’t get out of the box dude let me out tmy let me out of the box Ma’am why needle it not even scary

No needles are so terrifying I oh they just uh oh I’m so trash man I’ve been doing dog water this past week I’ve been doing dog water since day one you’re okay I’m telling you I’m worse I’m worse I’m so much worse tmy I’m literally

Stuck In The Box dude I cannot get out of the box what am I supposed to do I need you to like I need you to open the box to let me out cuz I can only oh my gosh I can’t get out triy please thank you thank

You I’m out of the box I’m out of the box hey I’m finally here hi Lenny I’m out of the box I’m out of the box uh if you calm yourself it lessens the pain when you get a shot because your muscles don’t tense up I know that

I know but like oh needles like the thought oh I can do it it’s just I might pass out um where’s everyone else tmy really is just not fighting it oh no they’re coming I’m sorry but this guy’s just giving off hacker energy he’s a hacker he’s giving he’s giving off the energy

Oh he’s going this way he’s going after green or you know tmy what are you going to do what are you going to do oh trim is lagging lagging bad no tmy that’s crazy the lag absolutely killed them Comet festive why not which one is this oh oh I actually I

Like this one I mess with this Oney is triy hitting a horrible lag Spike right now they’re just chilling right there of Premium free and learn more what are we thinking I think this I think this is fine I think we’re going to do great I think we’re going to get

It I’m sorry I’m laggy and I hate no it’s fine I thought it was a little silly guys is the music all right is it too loud or is it too quiet do you even hear it uh hopefully this music isn’t copyrighted no okay so it’s it’s uh it’s

Lovejoy and Lovejoy like works with streamers so they won’t copyright us it’s great we can just listen to whatever we want well no we can’t do that things do get copyrighted uh ZX D3 hi welcome welcome uh it had music playing okay so you you do hear the music that that’s all that

Matters batnick hi what’s batnick doing here that’s wild Guys we have like a different crowd right now because we’re not streaming as early in the day um I could recommend a song I I would say yes but the thing is like almost everything is copyrighted the only like music that I know that’s like mainstream and I can

Play on stream as far as I’m aware is mxm T and love joy so I have a playlist of just them two but today I’m just listening to love joy honestly I’ve kind of just I listen to Lovejoy all the time um and then I’ve just slowly stopped

Listening to love joy on my own and I just save it for the streams but not that it’s getting old I just save it for the streams now so it doesn’t get old you know I I look forward to listening to it though um we should go to a love

Jooy concert together aspin we should we so should guys for context Lenny and I know each other Lenny and I know each other very well Lenny would you go to a love joy concert with me I want to go to one so bad the closest one is Wisconsin I think

But that’s not exactly close that’s a drive they’re all on the west side right now or I know they at least were just on the west side cuz I was looking up their concert dates yo hi Shad yes I would oh please go to a love joy concert with me pretty

Please I I definitely if I were to go to one I need someone to go with cuz I know I know some people um some irls that like love joy but I’m not close with them and that would be a little awkward uh how you doing I’m doing all

Right how are you uh I don’t even listen to love joy but I know you like them a that’s sweet you you would that scary you would go to a love joy concert just cuz I like them it’s okay I would I would go to a ghost concert with you

Lenny all right we got to go up and go back cuz I I just got uh I how many diamonds did we get we got quite a few um but but I know we can ball with what we got yeah that’s nine that’s a good

Amount oh we got we can get a sword upgrade that’s great uh listen to obsessed by Kanan is it Kanan am I saying that right um I will listen to them off stream red incoming from where from where oh up there um yeah I will listen to them off

Stream CU it’s most likely copyrighted and like the whole thing with copyrighted is it can get uh I can get punished for it if the if the Creator directly oh get screwed if the Creator directly copyrights it you know otherwise it’s just a copyright little thing and I don’t think I get money

Which I’m not getting money either way right now so I don’t care uh mysterious hi welcome oh where ooh wait they have they have some stuff over there bro tmy just went offline bro what is happening oh how did that happen what we need to go we must

Move things are happening things are happening we need to go go over and get green now for that just for that do you remember AMS I do remember AMS are you AMS I’ve seen mysterious in streams too oh [ __ ] we got obliterated we did we absolutely did uhoh better be careful

Where are they dude they just that was so pointless so incredibly pointless what they just did block clutch oh that didn’t work okay that hurt that hurt we’re just going to pick this up why not hey level up wow um h no I don’t believe it copyright

It’s music from the Caribbean yeah but it can still be oh oh oh I get what you’re saying no that stuff is still copyrighted hey you saw him you saw him oh you are low you are so low I I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take the fight

Don’t worry about it I’m okay you’re you’re worrying about it okay I there’s no point in going going over there right now we we don’t have anything to break their bed oh diamond diamond we don’t have anything to break their bed yeah where is she or he huh I’m a

She if that’s what you’re asking Espin we’re surrounded we are oh I mean a little bit no let’s just go back to our base nbm red left okay I I I’m stuttering I guess I saw that late uh um we’re just going to go up oh wait oh no oh

No gasp I’m dropping down uh-oh there was no point in dropping down uhoh we uh oh hey hop off bro okay let’s let’s go up okay I don’t I don’t really know what’s happening right now but I’m definitely out of wool ooh wait do I

Have just enough to get back I do oh that’s a far drop oh that was painful that was really painful all right let’s get some stuff from our generator because stuff has been spawning for a minute what’s with the random wood I think that’s from the other Island over

There but that’s that’s really random um okay what can we buy let’s buy two gaps why not um green always wins we’re yellow right now we need to be supportive of yellow um dude I am so out of the 1.8 Sprint what is okay genuinely I know

That the Sprint is different but what is the difference in it cuz I cannot pinpoint it uh bent do you have a boyfriend oh that’s classified that’s classified syndrome wait sorry dude I’m oh I already read that uh I need to get back into it yeah I I don’t personally understand it at

All okay I think wait no I I lied I lied we need to get a Sprint not a Sprint oh my I okay we need we need to get an axe that’s what I meant we need to get an axe um oh tools no I’m only saying an axe because

Was oh I didn’t want to upgrade it to Diamond but I guess that’s fine I guess uh why don’t you have a quick shop or whatever it’s called what is that I don’t know what that is is do that something that could help me I have no idea what a quick shop is

There’s a lot of new things that are being presented with by chat like the other day I learned that guilds were a thing I was asked to make a guild I have yet to make make the guild uh quick buy I okay I figured that’s what it was but I wasn’t I wasn’t

Too sure um I’m single by the way nice uh you don’t have a fireball nuh-uh oh we clutched we clutch up uh-oh I can’t see okay bye-bye that was so unfortunate uh it’s been here always the quick buy I don’t know how to set that up what is the quick

Buy how do you okay I think I I think I know what the quick buy is but I don’t know how to set that up you can change that by the way what can I change wait what are you saying wait uh are you implying what are you implying

Their Ben benty yeah I’m I’m I’m wondering the same thing shift click shift click shift click no I don’t know what you’re talking about listen I’m I’m wondering again the same thing same thing that CA just asked or krya my bad I I really want to be able to get armor right

Now left click in the shop what I’ll go back I’ll go back they’ll never know they’ll never know where the bed is we just made that bed defense so long okay uh right click in the shop wait no shift click shift click where hop bar manager is it that melee blocks what

Else can I put in there utility I want to put the utility there cuz that’s that’s Fireballs isn’t it that’s where I put my Fireballs Compass I don’t care about the compass I’d rather not even have the compass in my inventory to be honest tools why are we doing this right now

On an item shift click on an item okay fine shift uh click I think that just makes me not I have no idea what that just did empty slot bnck what did you just make me do bnck what just happened now why is there no why is there no iron there now

I want my iron armor are you messing with me right now empty slot no I don’t want that to be an empty slot I want that to be the armor on a different item no dude we just experimented with that that was so not cool I so do not trust what you’re saying

Now um I think you know exactly what I’m implying no no no no I’ll pass I’ll pass thank you for the thank you for the kind offer oh get screwed but but I’ll pass oh go crazy oh okay okay yeah oh oh wild okay we got to go help our

Teammate now or no should we stay at should we I don’t want to St our base I kind of want to go out and do things I want to be one with the world man they’re going crazy over there oh are we going to get their stuff I think

They have endstone Doe they oh hey that is not oh oh yeah you go first you go first I need to be able to see what I’m doing hey we got it we got it oh I’m going up I’m going up I’m going up oh

I’m going over hey hey hey what are you doing what are you doing oh he’s got thrown absolutely thrown oh what’s up uh-oh I fell back a little bit it’s a brawl it’s a brawl it’s a brawl I’m I’m going to lose oh they’re going to take

Him on okay I needed to step back from that I’m glad that they were there I I was not I was not ready for that we are all so low right now should I just like sacrifice myself and like jump off oh no he got him go

Off why why are we still going we’re all so low uhoh I should have just throwing myself off okay I need to I need to read chat um that’s weird why are you join some random girl stream and ask to be their boyfriend you don’t even know how I’m how old I am

Um uh now this guy now this Ben guy prostate Lover from the back from the dead who uh go for armor and then shift click dude we just experimented with that uh Aspen do you remember um the dude from twitch days oh my gosh I do know who you’re talking

About oh dude Lenny I totally forgot about him guys there was this there was this dude in my chat he was like he was like in his mid-30s and he had the wildest name I don’t even know if I can say it I don’t even know

If I can say it on YouTube oh my gosh it was it was so oh you tried you you tried your best guys this guy was so unhinged okay listen YouTube is a better place YouTube is a is a better place filled with better people okay I’m considering

Like oo I’m considering streaming on both uh twitch and YouTube TBH um I don’t know how to do them simultaneously but I’ll figure it out not what you like o I did not even make it into your bed that sounds so wrong that’s not what I was implying

Guys this not what I was implying oh my gosh benty how old are you real real beni’s a minor real even realer even better n no no please stop asking and leave her alone his name was Big Ben too oh my gosh was it really I don’t remember that part

Shift click the fireball no we already we already experimented with that ban him aspin I’m gonna find out what happens right now honestly I’m not too weirded out by it right now guys guys there was some guy in my chat a couple days ago that that made me

Oh my gosh he made me so uncomfortable guys and I I honestly did not even realize how uncomfortable he made me until after the stream oh I will not name names but but we but he mentioned some mature mature content okay yeah and and I was not messing with

It oh my how do you have diamond armor what are what are you on bro that’s so silly of you that is just so silly message deleted by simply Ace go off simply Ace wild mahik good morning hi dude it’s it’s the middle of the night for me th

This is morning for you wild anyway simply Ace going off now okay we still got one more player alive who is it oh it’s ca ca I keep saying it like with a with a Midwest accent like how I how I just simplify everything oh we’re dead now never mind good morning where

Are you from I think they’re from India if that’s right I I think they’re from India thank you Ace amen amen uh I would have done it myself but I have yet to make my moderator presentation and that Aspen told me to make guys I I think it’d be very funny

So I tell you all to make like mod presentations whenever anyone asks for mod I think it’d be really funny if we just did like um a stream one day where I react to all the mod apps I think that would be a little silly it’s 9:00 a.m.

Here having breakfast and your stream notification popped up wow wild it is it is about 11: here 11: p.m. wild it’s the next day for you what’s it like in the future my guy you’re one day away from Christmas oh do you do you celebrate Christmas you might not celebrate Christmas

It’s taking a minute for this game to start we need like single people to join too which is a bit a bit difficult oh they joined we’re all right we’re all right oh never mind they didn’t join they left should we just go to a new Lobby let’s go to a new Lobby

Honestly um how many times all Aspen will save wild today great question that I cannot give you an an act in in Ana an exact answer for oh man I I say it a lot I definitely say it more than I should I’ve got I’ve got a couple words that just filter

Through and wild is one of them it’s just such a fun word and it’s just it can be used in so many different ways just like just like swear words H all right I think I think we should not wait hello I’m new here hi your name is

Just yoga right that’s that’s being pronounced right I hope let me know if it’s not but hi welcome pretty picture oh so happy uh yes I’m Asian we do celebrate Christmas but not too Grand okay I think I understand I think I understand very nice though honestly I feel like Christmas

Has been so separated from the actual original meaning of like you know what Christmas was originally about I feel like it’s been so separated so I feel like a lot of people celebrate it or can celebrate it and it doesn’t even have to be like a religious

Thing you know I don’t know maybe I’m very wrong there uh but I don’t know I don’t know let me know your opinions we’re bridging we’re bridging we’re bridging uhoh wrong way wrong way no no we’re going the right way we’re going to Mid we are literally going to

Mid we are literally at Mid we’re here we’re here we’re collecting the emeralds we’re collecting the emeralds we’re doing it we’re doing it oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m dropping down okay they dropped down first we’re going to build up we’re going to up we’re going up we’re going up I don’t

Have enough to go completely up we’re no it was it was a good idea it was a good idea while it lasted all right we already got the one up there so we’re just going to go back I’m completely out of wool you’re flat Bri or you flat

Bridge I do I don’t know how to bridge any other way so that’s all I do oh my gosh no no no come on I I wanted to block clutch I didn’t have any blocks you could see me go to the inventory spot how how did is everyone bro how is everyone already

Done what yes I flat bridge I don’t know how to bridge any other way dude Valkyrie isn’t online that’s not their name yes Green Oh no they’re they’re back on now we’re okay they’re back on yes green woo green no shut up shut up shut up green doesn’t always win they just win

Sometimes and you just capitalize on it when they win on the couple times I told told you we need to worry about J I don’t know how to say that name and we were going to get mopped we did get mopped batnick what are you doing here bro batnick is stream sniping hi

Batnick bnck One V one me bro cam if you bring anything into my chat dude you’re you’re off okay you’re gone that’s all I’m saying it’s all all I’m putting out not there oh Batman is in our game uhoh doesn’t he have I think he’s got to be in Gotham right now I

Don’t know what he’s doing here honestly not not exactly the right environment for uh for Batman uh if Aspen says wild more than 15 times I I’ll wear an e eag girl skin for Christmas it’s going to happen Aspen blood move why why why do you need me to

Move first time on in months well you stream snipe pretty well hi why do you need me to move I’m I’m just chilling bro we were kind of close to oh we just bought two swords we’ll put one away for later for safee keeping um let’s go this

Way we’re going to do we’re going to do a nice a nice little zigzag bridge look at look at me go look at me go this is so this is is so productive guys this is so like this is the best you’ll ever

See take it for me take it for me I’m a last obviously obviously I know what I’m talking about I’m going to Gaslight you guys I think that’s really funny I think it’s really funny to Gaslight all of you is this Java yes Lenny this is Java hi I’m new hi Tom

Welcome uh my teammate bro is something wrong with your team you’re stranded uh-oh I’ll come get you uh I I have no idea where are you where where are you I don’t know how to get the armor back either in the quick buy I don’t know how to get that

Back oh hey oh go crazy okay we don’t need to worry about him oh we did we didn’t hey leny what is that emoji nah nah Tom going crazy Tom’s unhinged no dude I already trusted you once and I already got screwed over oh get fireballed are you oh you

Fell on the bridge you goofy you goof nut you weren’t supposed to do that oh did you just fall off how did that just happen okay we have we have um um Diamonds oh okay that’s fine that’s totally cool I’m here I’m here I’m here don’t

Worry oh I just saved the day I just saved the day you’re so welcome uh you didn’t do it right what no oh my gosh hi scout scout it’s been a minute how are you I SP I said that so weird how are you um have you considered trying Indian

Cuisine I said that I think I said that right I think I’ve tried it Tom with the winky face Tom you are unhinged bro uh you do it in a different tab I think I understand I think I might understand uh I am good how are you

Aspen I am also good we’re vibing we’re streaming a lot later than we normally do but but we’re vibing it’s a Vibe all right we only have five we’re just going to put it away for now um and then we’ll buy everything else I just bought another sword that I don’t want

Or need you got to love it you just got to love it all right we’re going to go this way got another flat Bridge another flat Bridge we’re going crazy we’re going crazy this is this is what a pro Minecraft player looks like okay ready anegg ats.com oh we’re here we’re here

We’re here okay we’re getting we’re getting diamonds we’re getting Diamonds oh one second oh I’m home now by the way American Eagle okay simply I understand um yeah uh shift click on or shift click the iron armor and then select where you want it are you sure cuz like we just we just

Messed I think I’m I think I’m not completely I’ll give you half my iron um I think I’m not completely understanding what you’re saying considering I already screwed it up once and I think you are genuinely just trying to help me I think I’m not Understanding uh positive I know I know you’re probably you’re definitely probably trying to help me but I’m definitely probably not getting it it’s it’s not a problem probably I changed my mind it’s not a probably it is a I am not getting it period I I’m I don’t want to screw it up

More dude I don’t want to screwed up it’s fine how okay I was holding down on the shift I don’t know how that just happened mysterious why do I want to know where everyone’s from very interesting very interesting H uh okay we’ll just take this from there cuz I really don’t feel like

Waiting in the generator um all right I I bought another sword why did I do that uh okay we need to come over here oh they finished the bridge for us did we grab the diamonds we did oh we didn’t unless that just dropped yeah that’s just one that probably just

Dropped we should Rush yellow as a team good afternoon good afternoon all aspin Lenny Lenny is that is that an Al Lenny tell me that’s an ALT Lenny Lenny please tell me that is an ALT nah dude Lenny please tell me that is an [Laughter]

ALT that’s not you no who is it who is it cuz cuz cuz listen I was talking about it earlier there’s that’s no way that it’s him I texted Big Ben and said we missed him though you have his you you have him on a messaging thing it’s Big Ben n shut up

Dude shut up nice late stream thank you iPhone lover no way prolapsed anus fan just walked into the chat oh my gosh mysterious secretly everyone in here guessing the location correctly what um oh that is another language I don’t know that language sorry guys I was I was just sitting at the the

Generator just sitting there I sent you a friend request app prolapsed anus fan there is no way that this is you Hobie there’s no way that this is you oh my gosh I’m sorry Lenny did you send him my my YouTube I would like to converse about

The feat role playay you mentioned what there was never any mention of that what I think you and Lenny talked about something like that I I was never involved I was never involved guys we’re going back to Twitch days right now with this guy okay oh my

Gosh oh how do I say your name zen zen onion I I I absolutely butchered that I already know that uh either way hi uh bet the ending lizard or whatever already what um Lenny I think that was definitely you that mentioned it uh the private video chat we had what what just

Like your father what okay that one doesn’t even make any sense oh my gosh I’m sorry I’m so just shaken I’m so taken AB back right now oh you thought you were going to have it you thought so but you didn’t oh you’re so silly you thought I was going to fall for

That unexpect or yeah unexpected you to be live hi hi C2 Furious uh yeah it is a late stream today it was a very late stream guys I listen prolapsed anus fan said that he sent me a friend request and I’m not going to accept it but but

For poops and Giggles I might have to check Discord for a minute I need to see if this is real okay does anyone have no prolaps anus man you can’t say that you heck you can’t see that hop on Zea nonan who me am I non are you you talking to

Someone else preferably Facebook okay okay this is feeling a little too real for it to not be prolapsed anus fan trap triggered uhoh why are you inis bro go away I did not ask for you to be here the fact that I’m losing right now is absolutely wild okay fine you bro why

Would I oh why is aqua oh no um the ending lizard to stop Dragon what this feels like a this sound it’s like a de nuts joke uh I have Liberty of it hello hi Sith okay we need to check Discord give me

Okay it in fact I in fact do not have a friend request um from prolapse anus fan I will get to DMS later though oh my gosh they stopped End Dragon I had labotomy yesterday sorry what are you talking about oh my gosh people are absolutely like unhinged

Right now I don’t know what y’all are on about okay Tom is still trying to get Scouts attention is something happening here is something happening I still want enough to get to get armor to get Gucci fire like your dad de what why is this what what is this game it’s so

Weird this is this is Hypixel bedar H yes I have enough to get gold now or Not Gold I have enough gold to get what I want that’s what I meant um I’m Latino in Guatemala and I’m born in the USA good for you man we love we love some background I don’t have any cool background

Unfortunately um we’re just you know we love we love background though very nice uh okay they’re bridging okay you’re just you’re literally just flexing on me what the what the freak that was so uncool of you yeah you do that I’m not going to I’m not going to be over there ooh I

Almost fell that is a little embarrassing all right we’re going to we’re going to cash this in and see what we can get um nothing great Tom Tom no Tom no Tom I know it’s just a joke Tom I know it’s just a joke but no Tom no Tom no sorry hyperfixated

Egg Wars uh what a weird game no this is this is bedwars um so you’re going to get wiped ass Ben why did you leave no you’re still here uh cool background of Aspen mindset what do you mean what background what background but yes it’s all about

The mindset oh we need some mset right now oh never mind tmy tmy had the mindset going okay I I changed my mind again the mind has been changed once again oh what up oh I missed that’s embarrassing we’re going to chase them up here even though

I know that’s what they probably want and we’re just oh no they’re running this is probably not what they want oh okay we got them either way oh did one of our did someone die yeah someone died that’s unfortunate um Aspen you got to lock in

You’re so for real you’re so for Real uh bedwar in Roblox no this is bedwar in Minecraft I would I have not played bedwars in Roblox oh what up oh you know how to PVP oh and I don’t I did not lock in don’t mess with

Me Tom prolapsed anus fan come on man yes let’s go green we’re still yellow we’re still yellow yeah Aspen’s Heart Belongs to someone else Tom me of course nah Noah uh thanks for having man’s back Lenny no what you people no no no no no uh I I never heard heard of Minecraft

What do you mean you’ve never heard of Minecraft this is Minecraft Espen I have a server we should try for a live stream a server a server you say where’s our last teammate krya just started chilling in a VC guys the VC names are so funny in the

Discord server which by the way you guys should join the Discord server it’s linked in my it’s linked in my bio if you guys want to be a part of the all Aspen Community um but okay I I want to read um I want to read

Our our voice chat names sorry we have a VC different VC another VC and additional VC all right um I have dark impulses what don’t worry someday I’m going to become an all Aspen moderator hey make make the make the presentation is all I’m trying to say uhoh uhoh

A this was a good run Tom you don’t know who you’re fooling oh I just hit low battery that’s so cringe um Tom you don’t know who you’re fooling around that’s wild that was so not a good throat clear horrible in fact oh batnick is back uh I’m gonna be simply Ace 2.0

That’s crazy except less color we already have that all right guys um hang on guys I know guys listen I know it was a relatively short stream but it’s it’s 11: it’s 11:00 p.m. here y’all I listen I know we normally stream for like an hour and a half 2 and 1 half

Hours but but it is it is 11: here so I I might need to I might need to dip I wanted to get it in because I’ve been promising a Friday stream um but but it is it is a little is a little late to be live

Streaming um I just wanted to say thank you all for coming I really appreciate you all being here even though it’s really late and it it’s not the normal time uh if you guys want to come back for another stream make sure to sub and you know you guys can come back and

Watch um and if you want to be a part of the community then join the Discord server we do cool things and we’re hosting a little cool event for another stream um and yeah uh I hope to see you guys there honestly I’m pretty active uh

But I hope you guys have a good day or night so yeah bye guys I’ll see you later

This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft Bedwars with Chat!! || (LIVE STREAM)’, was uploaded by AllAspen on 2023-12-23 16:23:22. It has garnered 76 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:23 or 3083 seconds.

Bedwars can be funny with the right streamer and right audience. I believe I can make Bedwars Minecraft funny again. Come tune in to see how I can accomplish this. As a gamer girl new to Hypixel Bedwars on Java Minecraft I’m not very good. I have been playing Minecraft Bedrock on the Hive and that is where I excell, but Java is a completely different game. Today I am testing how bad I can possibly be at the game. Come watch and enjoy my funny time streaming bedwars while I am gaming and slowly increasing in skill. Come chat!

Shh.. Minecraft,Bedwars,PvP,Gaming,Live,Stream,Competitive,Strategy,Multiplayer,Block Game,Bed Wars Tournament,Minecraft Bedwars Live,Minecraft Mini-Games,Minecraft PvP Battles,Team Gameplay,Pro Player,New Player,Bedwars Challenge,Bed Defense,Streamer vs. Viewer,Minecraft Hypixel,Hypixel,Funny,Funny Video,Meme,Memes,Bedwars Strategies,Minecraft Bed Wars Wins,Bedwars Solo,Funny Minecraft,Funny Stream,Funnt Bedwars,Minecraft Community,Minecraft Skills,Trios,Squads,Bedwars Tournament,Try Not To Laugh,Insane,Bedwars Challenges,Minecraft Hive,Hive Skywars Gameplay,Hypixel Bedwars,Fun Minecraft Challenges,Gameplay,Gaming,Game Play

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

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  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Base Showdown

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  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

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  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

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  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

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  • Town Center Construction Chaos

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  • INSANE FIND in DRAGON EGG – Minecraft Maizen TV

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  • “Insane Minecraft Trick that Will Blow Your Mind!” #minecraft #shortsfeed

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  • FantasyMC

    FantasyMCFantasyMC – Created By FantasyProYT (Youtube Channel: Fantasy Productions) This server is non pay-to-win and includes the gamemodes such as KitPvP and Survival with more possible gamemodes coming in the future play.fantasymc.co:2051 Read More

  • FunSurvival! Realms – Looking for girls – Bedrock

    Welcome to our Minecraft Realms server! We are seeking friendly and inclusive players to join our community. All genders and backgrounds are welcome, but we are primarily interested in forming a mostly female group. About Our Server: Our server is set to Survival mode on normal difficulty. We aim to beat the game with maxed-out resources while keeping the core gameplay vanilla. We have a simple shader mod installed for enhanced visuals. What We’re Looking For: Respectful and friendly players Individuals who enjoy cooperative play and building Those who follow our rules (no griefing, respect others, etc.) Players who use… Read More

  • TinyCraft [5000×5000 SMP]

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  • Minecraft Memes – Caves and Cliffs? More like Sizzle and Spice.

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  • Minecraft Mod’s Horror? Not Scary, Just Boring!

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  • “Hot Potato: Traps to Avoid in Minecraft!” #minecraft #meme

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  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

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  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

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  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

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  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

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  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

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    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: https://www.youtube.com/minecraftparodileri?sub_confirmation=1 Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

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  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

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  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

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  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

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  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 https://x.com/FayKuroda ⚙️『Facebook』 https://www.facebook.com/KurodaFay ⚙️『Instagram』 https://www.instagram.com/faykuroda/ ⚙️ 『Treat』 https://trakteer.id/faykuroda ⚙️ 『Youtube』 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz94tYWlEnyfJDy80gKUMFA #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More