Video Information

E E Welcome ladies and gentlemen boys and girls Spartans all around the goddamn world how are you guys doing today 24-hour stream is tomorrow yes Josh what’s going on man Alpha good to see guys what’s going on man how are you all doing jack tomorrow man tomorrow we’re starting bright and early

Just letting you guys know and on top of it you guys get a specialty 2 hours of chair stream just an FYI I’m at work you know I’ve said that sucks I don’t like the night times I hate the N time shift I hate it yes you guys get it you

Guys get a cheres stream you get to Cher cules you happy okay look here’s the thing I don’t know I don’t I don’t know how to do this because technically I can only have eight people so can you please move I can’t see the chair Okay you know what forget it you guys get a chair stream Tonight Enough chairs you guys ridiculous you guys are ridiculous okay listen I got big news um no bro you guys listen you’ll get it two hours tomorrow a whole two hours CH needs to get paid more you know what I agree with that 100% definitely agree with that guys Donnie Donnie’s got some big

News Donnie’s got some pretty big news and man I’m I’m actually I’m happy no I’m happy for him I’m happy for him Donnie’s not sus he’s not sus he’s cool guy My boy Donnie ladies and gentlemen my boy Donnie here okay Donnie met somebody at least you didn’t get satad on that’s true yeah it’s cursed it’s not cursed guys it’s not cursed it’s fine it’s fine it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good but but he did meet somebody he did meet

Somebody her uh her name is uh is uh I forgot I I can’t remember what her name was it didn’t come with shipping and handling tags she’s from overseas um we got to give her a name Bonnie b b Donnie and Bonnie that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool

Annabelle no we’re not name no absolutely not what the merat absolutely not what the hell no no no no we’re going with Bonnie no no God no Bonnie we’re going with Bonnie Annabelle are you on there’s no way in hell Karen not we’re not going to name it

Karen I will call her Annabelle no it’s we’re going Bonnie guys say hello to the new member Bonnie she I mean she’s what are we doing with my life what am I doing this is this not Annabelle murder that thing no it’s fine it’s fine Bonnie Donnie and Bonnie

Ladies and gentlemen Donnie and Bonnie Donnie and Bonnie okay Donnie Bonnie Donnie Bonnie Donnie Bonnie Donnie Bonnie Donnie Bonnie they love each other hey they look related they’re not they’re not they’re not they’re not they’re not they’re not they not okay she’s got to go all right Donnie never thought of that okay

Anyways she did say she was from Alabama so I don’t know Um let’s get into some fortnite cheers everybody uh if you guys want to become a member all you got to do is hit exclamation mark member and if you guys want to get on the wall it’s the highest tier membership that’s uh get on the

Wall but keep in mind I think I’ve said this actually that I was going to redo the wall um I will eventually okay here’s the thing I can only get I can only get eight people on This Server so what do I do good for some reason you put Timone next

To my name it’s a mircat bro I mean yeah yeah I guess so um so the servers are only eight people large chat and right off the rip I’m bringing in uh a layer in Vibes guys don’t spam me I’ll tell you that right now don’t spam me um

Layer are you on there or you going to be getting on in a bit my name is mer not Mir well whatever you get Timone just be happy I’m I didn’t put Pumba you know guys stop spamming me bro every time I come on just to play

For fun with like you know Vibes in the lay this is what happens like nonstop nonstop nonstop DCH invite invite invite invite invite oh man it’s Crazy can I turn that off by the way chat does anybody know where are you why can’t I see you Vibes if you see her could you add Her oh I see her never mind G okay uh Brock you don’t show up on my friends that’s not a bad thing might have to download fortnite Lego itself Um there was an Update code name chaotic okay chat I don’t know I did it this morning oh I sent you an invite what are the chances I can play with so this but this is the thing guys I know a lot of you guys want to play the question is what in the world is that

Skin oh man okay um how do so but like how do I get who wants to like I don’t want to pull in certain people and then you you know certain people don’t get the play you know what I mean and that’s what I don’t like

About that I wish I was able to add a bunch more people like we could have like a really big server um I just don’t know how to do it how do I do it someone tell Me yeah Max is eight that’s what I mean max players is eight so how do I like how do I do it like um maybe a queue and then the first like six people that jump in I guess that’s the only way I can think of it we are going

To be doing a 24-hour stream tomorrow so what I could also do is we could play We I could make other worlds and play with the like add other people too so could do that you Know I like both okay all right I mean I’ll open up a queue sorry one sec guys um okay so it’s going to be like the first six and then whoever doesn’t get in I mean we’ll we’ll start it up again we’re going to be doing it again tomorrow I

Just wanted to really try this out today so and technically technically we’re not supposed to be streaming today today is one of the days that I don’t stream so you know I got one more spot one two three four five or first five shoot never mind I

Lied five I can’t do math sorry Math’s hard Math’s hard so I got operator Luke uh Kalen 2K Melissa and Dino I got you guys in for today the rest we’ll uh do it again tomorrow I guess I don’t know yeah we got 24 hours tomorrow I’m starting I am starting early I’m

Telling you guys this right now I’m starting at 9 a.m. 9:00 a.m. tomorrow just letting you know okay we got crazy toast Luke um code name RL plays is is uh L right right right 9:00 a.m. sharp roughly 9:30ish I got to drop my kid

Off RL plays RL plays is L RL plays okay yeah then we got Luke Melissa okay so we got operator we got Luke um ruin I’m ruin okay we got ruin and now we just need to get Donny chilling like always John what’s going on man and K I’m code named chaotic this is not you it’s been a while since I’ve been in your stream hey man we’re here we’re having fun I’m glad you’re here wait weren’t you here like a couple days ago I swear you were let’s go best emote ever this is you right

I mean it says your name so I’m going to go ahead and say yes all right okay listen I can’t accept anymore for tonight but tomorrow tomorrow guys it’s a 24-hour stream it’s starting 9:00 a.m. sharp so I’ll start a new world again and we’ll get a brand new group so

We’re just I’m just basically I just want to see what this is all about I just want to see what this is about you know so we’ll see Brock’s World um do you guys have Storm Trooper I’m going to create a new one new world dude we can have so many okay new

World slot okay this is good be with these guys I guess I don’t Know survival you have to be have to do it no no whatever we’ll just do this everything’s on cool cool cool cool cool wait override seed how do I change the name I guess you can’t huh whatever who cares who cares let’s take a look let’s see what this is all about Man let’s go okay um everybody ready Up settings audio how’s everybody doing tonight sound effects oh sound effects up damn it I just want to lower the voices a little bit it’s a a little loud in my ear okay sorry oh my God I’m Lego oh my God so so this is just basically straight up Minecraft just in fortnite

Is that what this is all right uh I got to do something settings what the hell audio voice chat here we go 40 play okay I guess let’s go right okay I’m first time playing as well so I have no clue okay okay let’s go okay I know this is cool

We have to talk to this person where am I who are you who am iote okay why is that sound familiar I’ve never fallen into a brand new place like this before I’m glad we fell together okay it could be dangerous out here we should prepare ourselves just in case bye oh [ __ ]

Okay great how do I get a somebody make campfire we’re very cold my friends the Sun is going down Soon why do we want a campfire I’m on it okay dude am I going to die it says I’m freezing guys we I think we need campire my not really good I think I’m going to die I think I’m going to die uh already I’m almost dead oh oh my god oh

Dude uh I may die yeah I think I’m already going to die that’s a very welcome surprise oh there’s fruit guys I have campfire I have campfire oh do I have a fruit I need to eat no I thought bro all right we we need a death

Counter yeah I think we we may need a death counter oh Mark you L okay so you respawn this guy literally you took my backpack do not ask how I know this oh man uh Mark we I just started it uh but tomorrow like I said I’m doing a

24-hour stream tomorrow and I’m going to have um I’m going to do another one so I’m going to get you guys who’s not in on this one on that one tomorrow I’m starting at 9:00 in the morning uh where’s the fire you guys stole where’s the I think we got to make

One I’m sorry bro it sucks but but I’ll get you in Tom oh there was one what do I have to do oh there’s a fire right here there was a fire where did it go oh it’s right here oh there it is can you guys hear me or am I talking

To myself all right I got my old world anyways I know I got to do another one I have one solo I actually I haven’t started it Though Yo oh oh shoot okay we need wood I need more wood oh okay what is this is that poop the bushes get poop okay oh okay can’t do that I mean on the bright side you don’t take damage so how do we get like how do we make

Tools a snow shake what in the is that out of voice chat okay that’s mine’s broken apparently bro um hello hello hello yeah it’s broken oh man I don’t hear you Brock I know I think my voice chat for fortnite’s broken again do you have put oh oh dude it automatically just Sables

Up we’re like a settlement or something here where’s all this fruit where’s it going it might like have your mic off oh is that it oh I guess it is oh there we go think I have some food in my backpack no it says push the what

WEA wood raspberry and oh I do have I have raspberries hello hello hello work hello hello if someone needs some uh raspberries I can give you some and what okay what’s the point here what do we got to do we just got to survive I’m going scavenge and I’m going

To see what I can find for food I guess oh we got a house dude Okay I need a w this ain’t even fortnite no more this is just his own game come here cow get him get the cow get the cow collect Granite this very peaceful thank you there’s a spider there’s a spider dude I can’t protect myself does this thing Chase it

Does chat what do we do how do we how do we defend ourselves hey we got a torch got a crafting bench y’all oh that’s go oh there’s a spider no I don’t want it you want access to my world how do I give that uh we’re over by the fire if you

Don’t know okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming um how’d you guys get a torch how do we already have a grill can’t in in the rain oh you can’t use it in the rain what well we had a house somebody broke it by spiders that is so stupid make

Tools I mean we had a house screw yall I’m going over here I’m going to make my house long ways okay I got some wood we can try to build a house you need a bed chest no uh I don’t have the recipe for a thing or for the building go to players

Players start invite players oh seven keys remaining oh that’s cool okay okay okay I’ll do it with my other one cuz the other one my being CH by jumping spiders so my personal one I’ve specific people that I would like to play with there’s three of them merat broke house

Liar how do I get a torch good day I would like a torch oh shoot okay guys we need a house man what the hell’s that there’s more spiders yeah I don’t have the thing I don’t have the recipe so how in the the recipe make a house infinite oh there it

Is there’s a rainbow how do I nudge it up see y’all later I see a bug I’m chasing after it’s rainbow CH how do I nud oh I don’t get my stuff oh wait I do never mind never mind I’m cold mistakes snap mode I’m holding it

How do I can I not make it flush with the rest I need help what the [ __ ] what was that is that Valor okay hang on this is not working this is not working chat how do I make it I’ll build the crafting bench oh crap I need wood I need someone

Dropped me a wood there’s wood here wood there wood here oh thank you oh crap that’s perfect okay watch out this oh wait no no shot I’m I’m Frozen watch out y it might be because this Purgatory someone help oh there we go there we go three wood and

Three Vines oh great I need to go get more wood CH this is where you guys got the bear stuck and now I’m stuck in dialog I can’t move what is that this as hell Chad what is that sorry you’re cold D what is that get the Barun St oh

My God I’m going die here perfect oh I am cold so we got to wait for who broke that I still can’t move uhoh oh they R just broke the crafting bench I can move I’m free I don’t have the materials what is that run faster you’re

Welcome put back the crafting bench who broke that no don’t that’s not what we need is a crafting bench I’m make this whatever this is oh I’m going to die you don’t need a fire oh this one has a pickaxe bro oh we’re dead we’re dead we messed up we messed up we’re

Messed up this guy’s he’s got a pickaxe man oh dude oh man I need help chat guys I’m coming back and I’m bringing up posy I got this i got this just letting you know who is man what are you doing I don’t know you’re destroying my [ __ ]

Dude I’m don’t know but I’m coming back and I got uh quite the POS can’t be used in Rain building another one in here watch out cuz it’s air help me there we go now it can be used oh they’re coming they are com is that a wolf

Uhoh guys this is not good don’t worry I got you all right see you later enjoy it come here you little Skelly he’s chasing me yeah run run guys I’m we’re bringing good luck they’re throwing stuff all right okay how do I make an axee wood and gr our man oh

[ __ ] nice where’s all my stuff didn’t I have all the stuff did I leave it in the chest W wasn’t there a bunch of stuff oh man four stack and pickax let’s go another how do I get wood do I have to just find it on the floor for now I

Guess holy crap oh dude I’m freezing bad jeez this is not good this is not good this is not good okay oh there we go it’s daytime okay all right 15 granite and eight wood oh thank you okay um okay here we go what’s that more wood I feel like you

Guys are already ahead of me and I am behind yeah we all need wood I’m just trying to get a pickaxe you know or an Axe Whatever It Is a wolf coming towards us no right you’re cold do I have a enough can’t go out that far that’s weird dang dude can’t go nowhere I’m stuck here oh let’s go my first weapon ladies and gentlemen anyone got saplings or anything guys I got it I got it I got it

I got it I’m kind of chilling right now I got my axe okay Chad why am I not doing anything I found pumpkins cannot do that now what do you mean J why can’t I cut down trees what do I need do I need to talk to this

Person I need to make a pickaxe or a torch yo new house let’s go oh shoot a double Shack oh let’s go oh look out is my pickaxe not good enough and a marker hell yeah oh oh watch out y’all there’s a wolf that’s so crazy [ __ ] excuse my language but I need

Vines how are you chopping this down but I can’t chop down a this tree what the so you can always chop down certain trees okay okay what is this thing come here ah yeah look at that man oh I got an extra heart I have an extra

Heart can I make my thing now what is this a health charm okay so we’ll leave the C marble and a shell become so this is how you make okay you so I have a torch now anyone got any food cuz I need some need some really I need some really

Bad how do I split stack CH how do you split stack oh thank you oh split split there’s food oh thank you very much Brock that is or wait what’s that Brock yeah there’s food here I know whoever dropped that pumpkin thank you no there’s food here

Too oh we do have an inventory [ __ ] okay oh I just saw that dude stream so behind for me it’s still there oh you need it here it’s gone all right boys we’re upgrading split there you go it’s here can I Mark oh thank you okay oh that is awesome how do

We they got me back interesting so what’s the move here ladies and gentlemen what what what is it that I need to do what should I do no come here give me my rock the steak my rock I love this it’s so awesome this is definitely something

Different corn oh I can collect corn oh expand and upgrade your base tools Etc Okay okay okay I got an idea I’m going to build a little Hut over here do we have a weight can like can I just collect as much as I possibly can like is there a weight limit or it’s just Unlimited oh y’all get back it’s about to get CL

No I think I can build a house though CH I want to build it right here I’m going to build it right here I want to build it right here I want to build it on the Rock I’m build my own little place oh is that lightning can you get

Struck no way ain’t no way right what is this doors you know what rustic floor why why why why toast why why why why I’m going to go out and collect some wood and I’m going to make my own place now I can’t get up here okay Farm nobody but I went venturing

Out and I think I just found the mega spider uh log shed we should just build this right something nice and simple oh [ __ ] can I not build this here why does it have to be on a foundation wait hold up what the oh why is it like

This uh I got axes and pickaxes okay so I’m assuming I got to build a foundation whoever they were right I can’t only imagine oh man okay okay this what we do okay okay okay got it oh oh that’s really good okay so Foundation bushy kind of looking trees Foundation wood foundation wood

Foundation wood foundation oh okay here we go Bro come on man um hey Brock you mind if I come over to your village and hang out with you yeah come don’t bring that wolf here though okay whatever okay we have whatever this thing is where’s the houses again oh here we go a shack why can’t they place it what

The oh it’s cuz I have no wood is that way okay that’s some mad materials man oh also I don’t know if me but stream appears to be lagging oh crap oh we’re lagging a little bit yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I see it I see it lag is it bad

Chat is it bad I’m not a fan of that okay what am I doing here what do I have on um uh I got plenty of wood and food is it still streaming alive is yeah it’s bad uh cuz I just now heard the is it bad it’s good on my

End is it lagging for you Mark you are hungry can I eat the pumpkin I can’t okay shoot we need oh man okay I need more wood leave me alone oh it is Hell lagging for me oh refresh oh I need more wood uh if anyone

Needs some food I got some just let me know oh we got Intruders uh preferably through voice chat because stream is way far behind looks fine for me okay yeah this guy you got to refresh okay it was just problem on my end I was 33 seconds behind there it

Is it was for a while though like it was still showing his live all right coming I’m coming I’m coming okay can I make a crap it thank you I lost my stuff dogs helps SP oh so these are bad guys so you can you can wait can you get

Dogs I’m not going to stick around see what they do oh there we go now we can cut some freaking trees got up nice dang you can cut this too sheesh guys it’s getting cold I’m going to go found my own village y’all uh I will just be over

There yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m not going to go too far though cuz okay I’m by myself DOD not fun going super far get the chicken come here chicken I got to switch can I wish I wonder if I can do a keybind this okay anyways here we

Go no no no no no no what the why can’t I put it there I made a foundation this is mine right okay please no one grab my backpack think that’s that took way too long to get all that stuff okay well excuse me I’m staying on the campfire how am I

C okay one of seven complete how do I build it oh I see got you oh this like basically tells you exactly how to build it huh that’s pretty cool I didn’t know that okay now what that we are making moves right now man safe to go

Now well can I make a roof I can make it uhoh we might have an issue here oh maybe not might let’s go it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine not enough resour is yes made it we need more wood great I need to gobble that up okay so

So how does this work so let’s say I leave what happens does the whole thing go down if we have the key uh we get access oh okay and you get seven keys for each it’s like you get you can everyone a key but you get seven keys world that you

Create oh man ax broke uh yes okay you gets kicked got you um okay so yeah if I get to have that uh key that would be awesome yeah I’ll give you guys the key in the minute here oh na it my house is next to yours did I complete my first

House I did how’d you get a rock oh what the oh I’m throwing them oops uhoh bro was literally throwing I thought I had an axe guys I’m sorry I’m I’m never going to make a joke like that again we apologize even if the owner is offline oh okay nice oh damn oh

Man this guy okay oh I see that’s why nice oh for Shack complete okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine okay wait we need a how do i chat how do I wait what crap bench that’s what we need yes yes okay boom there we go crafting bench

We’ll put it on the inside we need a wood again okay got it okay slow and steady making progress only break small skinny trees with your hands gotcha we’ll take that uh I can get an axe now nice okay we’ll get some more wood fun with a lot of people I wish you

Could have a bunch more though you know these axes don’t last very long okay who set up a camp near me get wrecked who’s K 2K blue what’s going on man how you doing tonight man what’s going on oh you want the Heat play 2K what the heck you want the Heat

I got this Ry what’s going on how you doing tonight how you guys doing places oh oh that does surprising amounts of damage okay just got done a bit ago cold night hey man get in start that fire get nice and warm no got a nice coffee or cold beverage hey um

Okay resonant okay this is what I’m going to do I’m actually going to mute give me a minute uh there’s here we go I can get a shield short sword an axe oh I’m hungry again bro this guy is always hungry man okay this is what we need okay okay

I know what we need how many are in right now eight but I’ll make a new world tomorrow we’ll get a new group in some people that aren’t in on this one do I need like is is this the only thing that I can build oh no I can build a

Bed oh there we go ass signed bed my bed obviously campfire boom can I shut it off no garden plot chat what is that oh a shovel is that what we need what do I need wood and planks how the hell do you make planks oh this is uh I’m just letting

You hey man I don’t personally care to be honest this is not I’m mine that I have is going to be very very very particular people it’s nothing against you guys but it’s it’s just the people that I want so with these ones if you guys want

Me to make it public and get you guys in I don’t mind I make it public Brocks world number one is uh Brocks world you guys how do we make planks how do we make planks you need a saw is this not it no let it I need a saw Spinning

Wheel lumber mill Grain Mill grill is this it builds objects like oh right here right here it’s the lumber mill we need granite okay okay so I guess I need to build a pickaxe then huh make a lumber M got you okay okay all right we got our pickaxe

Man all right let’s go get some Granite there we go okay easy easy easy boom we’re good we golden should be more than enough right now I need wood bro this I mean come on it’s getting late I got to go don’t destroy my base okay I’ll try not to okay planks assign

Recipe the layer stuff is by Luke if you want to go and grab it okay I think I have some planks what was I trying to build before actually what did I need the planks for I don’t even know what I needed I was making something what was I

Making what did I need the planks for for oh shovel wooden rod how the hell do you make a wood is it on here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got it we got it we’re making rods so I can make a shovel boom all right oh wait what take okay oh

Man no cancel okay oh wait no yeah no it’s good it’s good it’s good we need more wood bro this game is so demanding on wood man you feel stupid don’t you oh great there goes my a it’s a survival game bro you’re always going to have to farm I mean

Yeah but you know at the same time let’s make it easy check out my base I will cheers Vibes cheers a layer cheers CH okay I think I can make a shovel here we go all right we got a shovel so what does that do look at that let’s

Go not ready yet not ready yet okay boom wait what and fertilizer Chad where do we get fertilizer you want the heat oh no oh no no no that was close who is this clan where’d you go you died how do what’s the best way to get fertilizer

Oh great there it’s night time now now we’re all going to die sh how do I get fertilizer Vibes are there you guys know how to make a fertilizer or get fertilizer Ken your backpack’s here haven’t had a reason to use it so I don’t know well you can make a farm I

Think so right here the garden plot we have the soil we just need fertilizer I don’t know how to get fertilizer though H how does one get fertilizer okay let’s think how do you get fertilizer in any other game what is fertilizer fertilizer is basically oh fertilizer is basically what it’s like the

Poop from the dinosaurs and then we got to put take that and put it in a bin to make it right take this stuff I think I had some fertilizer oh did you have to leave too I’m kind of full what is this a feather careful the feather I’ll take the axe

Pumpkin you scared the crap out of me wheat take the wheat pumpkin seeds feather no okay I think we’re good we’ll take the seeds so that we can plant them cannot Sprint low on energy I’m good I got more stuff with me okay okay cool I think we can make some now let’s

Go easy okay I need more soil oh this is bro okay we’re good oh man so it takes two for each one got you okay you got to go hey man dude you have a good night all right but don’t destroy my stuff don’t worry I

Think we got a good group here I don’t think anybody’s going to touch your stuff I think we got a good group all right got an egg wheat okay some wheat shell I need seeds though right CH we need seeds right you can’t PL I don’t think you can plant a pumpkin

Um okay no that’s the problem with the public servers Is Nothing is Stopping people from breaking other people’s stuff uh you can find seeds from what I know in random buildings in chests okay okay okay let’s make shortsword so we need rods uh who’s with me on

My who’s with me on my Island here my Island I say Island on my rock who’s who is that who’s over here who is this okay resin okay I got you um need planks okay okay okay okay we’re making moves guys guys we’re making moves we’re making moves we’re making moves right

Now okay we got a sword I’ll make you one as well I need two more oh wait never mind I di I can’t make you one that’s awkward need four more planks back welcome back welcome back we’re making moves we’re making moves so I got a sword I’m going to make a shield

And then we’re going to go venture out a little bit and hopefully we don’t die I just want to get a chest there we go so I could put this stuff can I like quick drop Oh e okay so e is deposit the stack wool a bone I don’t know what the Bone’s

For go explore and you’ll find them okay gotcha all right how do I make a shield here we go cord how did you get a cord how do you make a door ch how do I make a door door Lodge Door oh wait I know I think I need to break this

Right so I needed to break that and then make the Lodge Door instead you can’t replace it with something else bro ain’t no way if you got one more question by the way I’m going to be lurking no you’re good you’re good I’m good right now I’m

Good bro I can’t do it it has to be this that’s awkward okay fine we’re going to okay hello laer um works works for me all right oh why can’t I put it there oh dude that’s kind of Twisted that does not look good that does not look good guys no

We got our house baby I mean we’re making moves we’re making Moves what where’s all the other emotes all right let’s go explore I got my sword so I’m good okay not every emote Works in Lego That’s rip a you could edit oh what the hell hey it gave me milk oh Jesus oh no no no you want some to what I found hello

Hello there a chest up here oh let’s go there’s big chest wait I don’t want to break it I don’t want to break too much my sword’s going to break oh getting kind of full here guys CH we’re getting kind of full what is this I mean we got a lot of pumpkins Man we stack him bro you can stack oh my God okay guys we need a better sword I need to go back and make another sword two seconds later dies dude I bro I swear imagine honestly let’s go explore guys and then boom can you pet sheep do they give you

Milk I’d like to pet you oh you can what do they give you they give you wool okay okay all right CH we need another sword how do we upgrade swords that’s the next question to upgrade a sword what is this silk thread oh wait okay crafting bench this this a

Grill a spinning wheel that’s what we need we need wooden rod and planks okay okay we could do this 12 items okay we’ll let that go oh here we go right here’s the seeds corn kernel welcome back p a cow it gives you milk I know I know I got some

Milk you just got to be nice nice and gentle and they give you stuff wheat wait no split K we’re making moves nice and gentle didn’t you end okay I killed two of them okay killed two but it was for good purposes it was for good purposes okay sometimes you know oh there’s a map there’s a map oh this place is big oh this place is big oh this place is

Huge oh dude we haven’t even oh man wow who’s this who’s got a pet wait can I give wait this map is huge gent Gent un alive them no Rock them to sleep ever if I give a dog a bone does it become my

Friend if I give a dog a bone does it become my friend in Minecraft yes in this I don’t know only one way to find out I mean I guess a lir poked somebody oh did a lay die guys I think we got to we got to save a layer here hang

On there a sword okay got a better sword somewhere here it is okay I’m coming Aair I’m going to protect you I got you don’t worry got you boom there it is is this a lair it is a lair that is a air okay you’re safe now you’re welcome oh how do I get out of there stuck can I put it here oh how do I oh no oh no bro all right try to do nice things guys you try to do nice things and then you end up dying ow bro get yeah take that okay guys this is not going as planned okay here we go oh oh I think we’re safe

Now no we’re not I mean we I mean you’re kind of safe you got five people in your world mind if I join and teach you the way we have five yeah join jump in can you nobody’s got a key I mean yeah jumping actually I’m going to jump Vibes

In a layer I’m going to jump in Discord if you guys want to if you you don’t have to you don’t have to if you don’t want to you want to just be quiet cool I’m going to jump in the Discord if you anybody wants to join as long as you

Guys aren’t like going crazy let’s try you know I’m okay with it um um sorry how do I invite sorry you did go to the map go to people players invite players right Mark oh Brock they have a crowd control mod for lethal company do they seriously oh man okay I’mma look into

It oh that’s going to be twisted that’s going to be like that’s impos that’s going to be sick you have seven keys have they do oh my God Mark if I bring you in through invite players wait we go invite the party party invite sent like that I joined DC there you go

Okay what was I doing hey yo okay I think you’re in now I think did you get in on man okay did you get in were you able to get join yeah I’m in I’m in okay um they building here no hear this way way right we got a spinning wheel

Now silk thread cord a drawring we can make some Speedos wait is that what the drawring is wait maybe not never mind mind did you mute me I muted game chat yeah cuz before there was a bunch of people and they were just like I just I don’t have any

Vines I thought I had like a million of them I do W no cords where you at I’m like right next to you on the bottom Hill oh was that you on the Rock no I’m I’m wearing like a red and white skin oh okay I see

You if you need wood I got a bunch over here I think oh wait never mind I li I no I got 24 oh oh that’s why I M it it’s uh I muted because I can’t I can’t like I can’t talk in the game for some reason it won’t let me

Talk everything is set up that’s why Jimmy sh what’s going on that’s me oh you’re on the Rock got you you heard you heard me talking in the game am I going crazy okay then got some stairs right here so it’s easier to get up oh I can those zombies go up these

Stairs turn off push to talk um I don’t think so but if they can you can just EAS it might be push to talk okay it’s not pushed to talk because I’ve done it before where I’ve taken it off and for some reason it doesn’t work see watch can you hear me

Now see it’s just like it’s broken for some oh oh oh it’s working oh it is working now yeah what the okay all righty then oh so then Mark’s going to hear me twice then I can just turn off turn down stream um I can only hear you once okay that’s

Fine uh what did I need this stuff for that we set up a village uh Square yet oh what Village Square in your bus also if you want to come over and check out my Village feel free to very humble but it’s it’s a little it’s a start I’ll come check like how

You upgrade and and like establish your base oh I didn’t know that where is that it gives you like upgrades and you like uh NPCs can come along okay here we go there’s fire basically how you upgrade your it’s basically how you progress in this game oh should be marked on the map

Yeah yeah yeah it’s really cheap to make you can place it down T wood ten grite where where is that where is that uh you go into build mode and then the first tab under utility just scroll down on under Village uh figure out oh the map marker oh no Village Square right

Here oh wait oh oh yeah and then it puts like a big oh right right right okay um oh was it oh wow I am not near I guess we need a base no no you can place it anywhere but not letting me place it

Down hold on let me see this one I got Gran it hold on let me see you okay yeah since you’re on a hilly Rock the H boxes are off so can I build it like a base I guess well if I put it put it anywhere you could put it down

Here I mean does it work for you uh some uh no I just need to find you got to be careful where you put it cuz it’s weird sometimes a really bad area to start a sometimes it likes doing it and other times it doesn’t

I can’t even put it anywhere I got I got no wood to do it either so let me get some wood actually hold on crap that’s a new Village as long as you place it within the your actual base you should be okay yeah yeah okay okay what if I put

It I have one wood also I’m not sure if you’re aware but you can jump attack uh that I did not know yeah doesn’t do much more damage if any but uh it’s a you can use some strategies how much wood was that that was one

Wood wow I can’t put this thing anywhere too close to another Camp can’t place them too close to that’s why I’m so far out like so so this other I won’t let be ble to put it because he’s too close to me yeah you might have to relocate your

Base I’m going to have to do that now yeah like right around here to go way far out I’m all the way I’m all the way over by Landmark it should be pretty easy though you can just take itow build it shouldn’t take more than like five minutes

Yeah it’s peaceful out here though don’t get any player attack a all right um shoot that’s awkward okay um where did I need all that stuff for what’s this what is this a small Thruster oh apparently you didn’t even finish your base by the way I I found

One more piece to make boom powder is there yeah I here if you come over I can give you some let me make this oh I see I got it yeah just put it up there you got it there you go oh black powder I can give you

Some po all right there we go done it’s funny there Village brick thanks you’re getting roasted by your own chat when do I not I guess that’s fair all right uh what was I going to make oh these builds uh they’re just templates so you can make your own build if you

Really want yeah that’s that’s knowled that’s like mid a late game you should probably Stu in here probably like much later um but I will do that for when I play um the other server my personal server let me guess you’re you’re going to select that uh

Server to like your mods and stuff like that uh that server not necessarily I’d have particular group in mind okay right doesn’t I mean vies a layer for sure but everyone else I that’s oh come on BB you don’t want me in I understand it’s nothing

Personal yeah fair enough no no I get it bro and I have we have this server we have I don’t know how many servers that’s basically just for like oh uh just a f uh farming in this game is not even that important you don’t really need to farm since berries

And corn and all that are on the Wild and they respawn very quickly yeah really need to farm but it just makes and also uh meat you can get a lot of cows and stuff and farm them and they give you a lot more uh food hunger about

This I should be able to add them to my Village Rock plays favorites foring isn’t really needed yeah 100% this ain’t [ __ ] Middle School I’m not yeah Village level a oh crap got increase the knowledge level to add another villager dang it all right they favorites a lot that’s just him

Yeah lots of favorites uh how do I upgrade the sword oh upgrade the sword need the uh upgrade the uh Ben planks you need planks and shells planks you know how to get planks and shells um you had to go to desert to get the rollers I need to

Go out and explore and uh okay that or you can you can still find them in the open like this but they’re quite rare not very Comm exchange something for it you know the ones that like roll into you yeah yeah they charge up and oh there’s like a bunch those are

The ones you want to go after since they drop shells there’s a bunch here yeah they’re quite common in some areas but they’re most common in deserts a lot of wood uh I don’t have a lot of wood only specific places are common I got yeah

You can easily just go chop down some trees for that that would be great dude cuz I just need to build my small shack move my table and you can EAS down that I mean yeah two two you got two options you can chop down trees or you can come

Over here and get it uh yeah I can come over there and get get a you know what I got two axes on me I’ll be fine this guy okay lazy hey I said I’m coming over he doesn’t want to build his own stuff he just wants to use yours he’s

Awesome what you laughing about what so funny oh man there’s meat in there if you want it I think I have corn too make corn no no no I’m good I have raspberries yeah but the grilled meat does too oh that’s why okay so if you

Grill it it does two hearts okay now I’m down to one axe okay we got to get yay civilization other than mine that’s a skeleton oh by the way um just the FYI um Health charms and night Shields are really good that upgrades your health your hearts right

Possible those upgrade your hearts yeah Health charms uh depending on what Rarity you get uh increases the amount of Hearts you have and Sh it’s just a shield you know it’s nice to have anyway Goa do you have wood oh and also if you’re not aware you can put your torch

In your off hand oh can you do that here oh thank you thank you very much D yeah you can put your torch in your off hand go and head back to my Village that my oh yeah it is oh yeah the off it keeps you warm uh

When you’re out exploring I got you also prob some light okay very handy and it never burns out too so nice all righty well thank you very much for the wood I’ll be on my way a bird enjoy does that even do anything or is that just for like decorations that’s kind of

Twisted that for okay cool when is it going to be daytime I feel like it’s been night time for like 3 hours here nighttime day cycles are the same time uh roughly I’m not sure exactly the time FR but i’ assume it’s like 15 20 minutes I don’t

Know I know the day you can’t sleep through the night either longer than the night cycle though so that’s that’s a plus it makes it a little bit more interesting you know yeah I want to upgrade this thing so I can get a steel sword all right let’s see how my build

How do you up I’m not even sure oh bench upgrade here we go uh you click on it and then yeah bench upgrade uh eight planks and three shells oh did you I need one more things to get the shells oh let’s go get it it’s got to be here somewhere

Okay just just go find it then yeah need one more I’ll STI next to you since uh I don’t have a torch on me oh there’s a whole party going on over here yeah what the heck is this yeah at the bottom of your screen you have

Coordinates by the way that’s her own uh Village who’s this an NPC oh do Village upgrades yeah if you upgrade your uh if you upgrade your uh’s village Village yeah if you upgrade this uh you can get uh NPCs that come by and they can fight or oh that’s cool oh layer’s working

Okay all right where’s that rolly oh there uh just FYI if you think this game is really easy it took somebody with a pair of eight people working non-stop around the clock to get a Max uh level upgrade in 12 hours really oh man you got the last one 12

Hours eight people to get a Max you got that last shell oh I got the last one yeah you got it oh my bad no no it’s good it’s good it’s good come come come let’s go upgrade this thing and we’ll get some just just pick it up okay fine I’ll pick it

Up and then we can go get some uh we’ll make some steel or stone axes I’ve actually not upgraded to my next bench up I’ve been so focused on making my world look good yeah I don’t blame you me and my friends are going crazy making this world look good so don’t

Blame you don’t blame you at all I haven’t even got my crafting bench in a permanent place yet upgrade boom there we go it didn’t even upgrade the sword that’s Twisted tools doesn’t give you better it g i mean it gives us a pickaxe you got the cool headed charm

Now you got the cool headed charm now that’s pretty good cool headed oh that keeps us cool no do they make us freeze oh yeah it increases resistance to hot temperatures but you don’t have to if you don’t have to have a torch on you uh during the

Night okay it keeps you War make dynamite we can make Dynamite’s not really that uh important you can definitely kill enemies without damate but like for bosses it’s pretty useful okay so Granite is I guess what’s uncommon yeah the crossbow is also really good you might want to get that the crossbow Sand

Shell yeah sandclaw marble slabs I need one more bone and wooden rods so I got to make a okay I’ll make a crossbow can I make two crossbows uh you could but there’s not really a point to that wooden rod well I was going to give you one you also need

Arrows you need to make oh man we need feathers where’s those damn stupid chickens don’t be mean to the chickens I mean we need the chickens oh I see a chicken he dropped you some f oh wait I bet you oh my gosh I bet you if I were to pet the

Chicken uh Kanan dropped dropped feathers what um right here on I’ll drop it on I bet you thank you if we pet them they give us I almost guarantee you they probably do an egg never mind kill the chicken oh they do okay kill this sorry man but you don’t give me

What I want time to die bro bro look there’s two options give me the feather or die you’re messed up in the head fair enough jeez that was violent listen rival the fittest man fair enough but still this man’s live on a Thursday I mean look I have to

Play it man I I I didn’t play on thday I didn’t play all day I wanted to play but I was like no I’ll wait see my message about this but uh on yourap the things you can see right now like like you can pan out and like go to

The edges but that’s not even all of it you can go far beyond that I’m honestly this map is this map is huge it’s probably like two three times bigger than the actual fortnite map itself really yeah probably yeah yeah cuz like you’re always going to have new stuff to

Explore okay I got you if you honestly explore every single bit of your map then props you since that takes forever I mean I want to build that thing that makes you fly Oh you mean the balloons this thing is juky stop killing the chickens bro I mean shoot I couldn’t

Even kill the chicken if I tried bro thank you you need help killing oh storage it’s empy uh I’m going to go to a cave actually started to play Lego and got Town level four h about a sweat that’s not even that hard to do okay bro come on I’m

In I know I know there’s a cave right here though want know where you are um hang on I’m like right behind you just look around you you’ll see my username let me just make some arrows here okay I got you I got you oh I did

Not just do that I’m stupid oh I got to craft them individually I can’t just stack them up bro uh Pro tip guys stack of 16 right there they’re in pairs of 16 I’m just saying you know wait what yeah you craft them in pairs of 16

There’s dirty right there crazy IDE you have to eat you have full inventory oh that’s why got you I need to drop make a chest I found out that your things I think rain’s coming in I was quite literally St and that or getting dark yeah okay uh I am out of Tools give to me a pickaxe milk eggs bone bones you can stack we have some feathers I’m going take these out we really need some silk I don’t I know we need the milk for something I don’t know what it heals you that’s it um I’m pretty

Sure okay here’s a chest by the way your chest if you want to store some more stuff in there we doing this 24hour streamed yes also before we leave uh you might want a a a green Rarity axe to cut down the things in the cave a green Rarity axe okay yeah you

Unlocked it on the next bench upgrade I’m getting you three rods right now oh oh I got three rods rods right now I got three rods oh you got three rods I had I’ll drop you three bones come on I’ll you oh wait I think I have bones

Too oh wait I only have two bones I got I got two I got two I got you with one I have a b i canop you one I think we’re good I think we got enough only I just need one bone yeah there we go there we go the forest axe

Right I’m the green one yeah all right nailed it all right let’s go to this cave it’s right I can’t really ping it uh just follow me oh you’re good here okay A’s going to town right now talk about deforestation a you just FYI can I get some of that wood later

Hits the environment it’s confirmed oh it’s right here all righty a little walk path up to my H it’s interesting they went to Minecraft Survival this stuff what’s that stuff it’s not root Vines it’s pretty uh actually no this isn’t the right stuff that was a chance drop what is

That yeah that’s just wood we need to find the actual thing this wood okay uh it’s a certain type of um was it this I equipped actually let me get the actual thing yeah I’m pretty sure this is it you you can only break uh this is used to craft the new

Pickax and for their uh things they what yeah oh better okay okay I got you there a chest right there right there per one oh uncommon shovel find a skeleton right now hold up what did I just unlock appreciate that are these should we take these what is this let me build some

Stairs up here I’m building some stairs should we take some mushrooms do they do anything uh you can if you want wait I don’t think they give you anything I’m kind of happy that my uh fortnite went this route to be honest yeah this is actually really I

Mean yeah BR is not going anywhere but you here we go I found some new seeds raspberry seeds and weak oh I got another SE Tooing is not really that important anyway snowberry what is that I don’t know what that is oh that’s really good that’s actually really good is it I what is that yeah you can craft it into drinks that gives you um that gives you some Buffs oh this thing is oh these guys are

Strong okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you don’t die where where’ you go to go get some oh stay alive stay alive I’m going to try to get you you go actually never mind one more you went this way okay oh shoot a those

Things I I have I have no clue where you went I went uh so where you where we were cutting down that one Vine I kind of went around uh yeah where are you I’m where the chest is where you looted the chest I’m yeah I went I went

This way behind you right here okay I went I went this way oh okay bre the Le company Crow control dude that’s doesn’t always work that is going to help so much what did you get uh I got a whole bunch of recipes for uh a huge wall I can build nice

Nice got after Donald Trump with the US Mexico border oh scorpions what’s that oh man there’s a lot of stuff down here holy cow this place is huge there’s an eny here so I’m going to leave good okay is that enough to upgrade okay 5 10 5 okay so I have two

Where was that big boulder hey what’s going on man there you go oh you got two on you got to watch why is Mario oh there’s three Mark why are you down Mark’s not down yeah like he’s under the map or something yeah we’re in a cave oh okay

That’s what finish what’s going on dude how you doing tonight bro what are you doing tonight what’s going on and time to get back home CU it’s spiders we’re getting deep in this cave yeah let’s go man there got to be something good oh roller roller where you

Going I got hit hard I’m going heal yeah he’s almost dead he’s dead do you have food I’m out of food yeah yeah uh here I’ll drop half of it all right oh thank you traveler thing or travel guy oh I can’t pick that up what is that oh get rid of

That what am I watching besides bald um Minecraft basically but in fortnite I mean I kind of like it I’m not going to lie behind you by the way is that a dead end oh SK down we go oh going down okay oh that’s uh what is that yes I can

Upgrade what is this level three Village my thing is going to break I’m pretty sure at least what’s that oh your thing’s going to break is that just Granite yeah I’m pretty sure it’s just granite a man I thought it was like kind of different Stone nice there more people in my Village more slaves St sub

Slavery trying to knock this guy off I on my own house damn damn dude there so many here um this is a huge cave okay let’s go down how’s your pickaxe looking uh it’s got a common one he was huge dude okay what’s in the cave blast powder and we got the raspberri

Take that oh oh oh okay I need and there’s one more thing in there which is build some walls not root Rod is that good not root uh yes that is very good just for crafting Rees yes okay I’ll just okay we’ll hold on to that for

Crafting recipes oh dude I have a freaking crossbow what am I doing oh my gosh oh there’s another chest here it’s in here marble slabs there you go you can take all that stuff in there oh that’s really good there you go there’s more marble slabs here actually cting recipes

I don’t have a pickaxe though is this Marble Slab yeah that is marble slabs uh yeah I don’t have a yeah we need the upgraded pickax for that I’m going drop the egg I’m going to grab the blast powder oh wait actually oh take the the curv crossbow oh there’s another chest

Right here why don’t you take the crossbow uh there’s another chest here oh oh the crossbow there’s yeah take the crossbow and I’ll dang I’m dead okay I’m going take it I have arrows I have arrows I’m fine oh you have okay fing died di him wait a minute Wheels [ __ ] can we

Build cars sorry just said more slavery whatch of slaves right yeah that’s what we want corn kernel wheat grain I really no way we me this is it there’s no way oh I don’t have enough resources we reach the bottom bottom Prett I think so no way all right now we just

Got to navigate our way out how’d you get up oh I got you all just get up here oh wait wait wait wait wait I’m going try how much is this pickaxe what’s wrong no I want to try and uh and get this other marble stuff you can’t rest you you can’t break

It without the oh you can’t do it yeah that’s Twisted upgrade the pickaxe and then come back okay okay do we have the pickaxe upgrade on that one yeah we do we do we got CRA oh y it’s light out now I can go collect wood yeah yeah we we going get

Back and C oh dude look at the much marble there is here oh yeah yeah we need to come back and get this stuff oh wait over here yes how do I make stairs I don’t care how long it takes get me uh you press uh you press your uh craftting

Menu then you go to I got it uh building parts then go to the stair icon gotta yeah there you go there we go oh really I did all that for this my gosh what there’s another chest over here though I think we already did we or no right

Here oh I got marble there you go take it oh wait Marble Marble if y have uncom a I might have to get out of here okay I’ll take the Blaster all right we need to get out of here we’re kind of lost right now I know how do we get out

So I mean up right we need we just need to keep going up yeah just keep going Up’s up over here doodly dog what’s going on man you just call me a wiener what you good on food yeah you should be right yeah I’m good on food yeah okay I

Got enough for another oh there’s another chest up here oh there is okay I’m going go around this way oh yep I found it it’s over here okay I’m going build this I found the way up okay no I got it I got it the

Chest oh wait never mind I got I’m on the chest right now [ __ ] I have a quest you have arrows and seeds oh there’s one right there see that one see it I don’t have any more wood though there’s no way I got I got you hold on oh hold

On there go go get it oh you oh I didn’t know you buil it okay oh slurp juice that’s good right nice nice that heals uh that heals health over time yes okay um all right that’s basically Minecraft regeneration gotcha all right so come around like go around this way and then go

Up and this way I guess yeah yeah we think keep going up this way oh what the no thanks no thanks no thanks you can go now is it is it that way we’re going back down yeah we just keep going we we kept we went through this way I you just died

Oh me I just died yeah God uh okay don’t worry I’ll stay here I’ll stay here make it back pretty easily I’ll stay here uh just don’t die it one shot me so it will one you too exchanging FEA wood got one uh right there I’m pretty sure that cave over there gotta

All right I’ll just stay here and wait for you I’m pretty sure you can uh if you have enough inventory space you could pick up some of my stuff I have no space it out of there um have no space okay I can drop I’m just going to make it back fine

Oh no no no no don’t don’t don’t bother I’m things are throwing stuff at me yeah yeah move around uh try to play around them they will one shot you one shot me so that cave or that cave it’s that cave 100% okay the heck yep that’s

One uh Vibes and a later are deforesting your the entire region right now yeah I taught them well sons of the forest baby it should be down here you see a tree it’s got to go we shouldn’t have right I have no torch this is going to be extremely difficult

Okay I got no torch this is going to be extremely difficult to navigate uh I can come to you oh you’re right there oh I see you I see you yeah see oh we were kind of so we did go the wrong way no we did no we went the right way I

Was no we were going down yeah but it’s like just up here out oh what the did we grab this chest I believe so yeah and out we go and out we go na it all right yeah Vibes and the later are over here just deforesting everything they’re building a never mind

They’re over there building houses they’re building a city look at them um okay uh all all right rods for the pickaxe so we can Farm marble now okay yeah second TI your pickaxe can I add deposit okay I got six going uh snowberry can we plant that there we go

Got it all right cool and we’ll plant this one too boom what you doing man do snow berries what are you doing this is his property bro you got to move out I’m giving you an eviction notice hey uh you’re not allowed to die that’s not a thing you’re allowed to do

Not yet um all right so I only got this one teeny tiny little area layer yeah I’m going to visit and Vibes they’re making mad progress actually they’ve built like seven buildings Jesus for no reason there’s no reason to have this many buildings building a village man other than to make it look

Good 100% or nothing you know what what oh they’re they’re level three right now they’re grinding okay okay so yeah you’re going to have to relocate and place it somewhere where it’s not too close we need the uncommon pickaxe right so you’re going have to take

Down uh yes and then we’re going to have to take down everything uh and move it somewhere far away so that way we can actually make progress um you have one an uncommon pickaxe you do I do yes I do and this dude is building on your

Property so you might want to give him an eviction notice building on my property where right right here see oh that’s fine he’s building right next to you that’s okay how about it um okay I need to build like another chest how do we build a bigger chest we is there bigger

Chests I don’t think you uh right now I believe you can build upgraded chests but I think that’s later on I think anyway see want me to move no no no no you’re fine a this is an issue yeah we can we can get a better chest uh not rout and

Marble Slab we can get a medium chest oh let’s go it’s like green you have enough ax slab I have three wood which is not enough for an ax uh does this work can I oh we need a stone on we need um you

Need a what a spare I don’t have a spare a we need a stone I got Granite Granite we need a stone breaker oh a stone breaker we need a stone breaker 20 not route and 30 around all righty I’m good okay well it’s going to be regular chest for now I

Guess hang on chest can yeah we should we should go back down there in that cave and go get all that marble yeah I just got I want to clear all my stuff ah off my inventory so I need planks do I have any planks you can just

Make another chest and uh yeah I’m I’m working on the wall right now cuz yeah that’s what I’m trying to do I just need make I have four planks I have four I can’t make another about y’s base is you built on a mountain I’m down in the valley

So down in the valley build up a wall have to build up a wall and it’s making me have to cut down 50 different trees I am d I should uh all right I got 10 cooked prime meat on its way you can take five of those I’ll

Take the other five oh I just found some gargantuan Trees what is this wheat wheat doesn’t do nothing let’s put in corn kernel uh uh wheat I’m pretty sure only heals you okay uh do I have anything else raspberry SE oh my God okay oh I here I have eight be so much wood what’s that another chest oh sick

Okay yeah uh we got five blast powder I don’t know what the heck that is it makes dynamite oh is that all okay not rude in there wanted to you can make dynamite in this blow up a village Layer I’m coming a whole War a whole war is about to come out oh no there I heard is there going to be I think is there going to be PVP maybe um maybe uh there’s there’s definitely going to be updates coming to this game so maybe PVP is one supposed

To be a PVE game like save the world but now the most the most thing you can do is blowing up your friend’s base with dynamite that’s so toxic God yeah and there’s nothing stopping them too so you know anybody could do it to

You so I guess Kanan 2K has set up a village just in the middle of the forest and wandered off Clan makes sense no Clan’s over here by me I got I got two people over here I got a bunch of they’re all like uh’s 350 me 15 M away oh he’s probably

In a cave somewhere maybe Mark you can grab that meat this is to say hi and also use your crafting bench because uh closer I oh crap I need to borrow some wooden rods I need oh we can get the the other one the not route uh long sword

Now do I have do we have do we have that oh we have not we have four I think I have four not root rods do we have not root though didn’t we bring you have four I have four rods yeah I have can

Someone grab this so I can do I have not if we don’t have not R we can easily go back in the cave and get some oh I have not R I have 11 I can make some oh let’s go oh Lego peely is just Chef all right R

Plays honestly I agree what you doing what can you do with the spinning wheel cord I need cord the dances are amazing yeah yeah good yeah do you have one extra I made a long sword do you have one extra I’ll make I’ll make I’ll make some I have five

More I can make five more so yeah I’ll get you one three Rs rods rods for what uh then here here you go for an axe thank you hang on you can craft that now uh yeah sorry wait what rods do you need I just need three wooden rods uh do I have

That shoot I do not uh is there anything in the chest oh there’s some there’s four in here all right you can take those all right thank you it’s fine um all right you ready to go back in yeah yeah I just need some

Uh these and uh you have any arrows uh I got 14 wait what do we need to make arrows arrows is wood and Feathers I have feathers I got one do we have any feathers I got one I have two I need wood though I got five here I’ll

Drop you five I need wood uh here’s the five and then you said wood all righty I will I need I need wood I need let’s go get some oh I was going to say let’s go get some wood but you know every tree is what that’s a lot of skeletons I’ll just

Stay here yeah freaking a later got to take it all yeah that’s that does not look F leave some for the rest of us man do you want the Earth to suffer yes Vibes in a later are um protesting trees Sean it’s going good man I don’t

Have much longer on stream but it’s going good though how much long are you going to stream for probably like an hour more do I have a key for this what’s that no good deal so do I have a key for this world uh I know how do I give you a

Key how do I give people Keys um uh open your map then go to um not entirely sure actually no uh wait is it yeah open open map then go to people then you can give keys to people let me look it up you only have eight and these

Keys are meant for people like uh do you trust and they can join your world oh okay I see I see so RL plays right yep and then okay yeah share a key you might want to give this to people who you actually trust like you actually

Know because people will just be off like people ask for keys and then like when everyone’s offline they’ll just get on and grief everything yeah but I think the people that are in this one are pretty good like I don’t think they’re I think they’re and anyways I don’t really I

Don’t I mean I hope that they don’t but I ain’t going to do anything I’m just trying take away the get my Village to a point where I can take it to attack it oh I can yeah you can take it away if you want oh that’s so sick I didn’t know that’s

Boss oh I could just take away keys I can give you Keys it would have been pretty dumb if you couldn’t if you couldn’t remove it you know it’s fortnite anything can happen I mean yeah you’re not wrong but I think the group that are in

Here the the people that are in here are pretty like they’re they’re well behaved you know all right let’s go oh hey it’s right out exactly is that supposed to imply go back to4 station that we’re well behaved what is that supposed to imply someone getting dangerous some people are not

Okay okay there something dangerously close to my Village but it’s slay it’s fine I know they’re trustworthy marble oh there’s a lot of marble up there up there though is that granite or marble I think that’s marble that’s marble right there there’s some on the floor I think

Okay let me build some oh right here I’m going build some stairs up there cuz like why not you okay plus there’s a lot right here anyway oh I built the wrong thing oh man uh there’s wood down here too you can take it from the it’s fine it’s fine all right

I am good with that amount of wood oh there it is like where’s my Village starving how am I starving see you have to actually eat Food yeah collect that not rout if you see it all right let’s see how much Grill yeah like these vines coming out of the walls you know you extra Hearts what all right for future reference grilled meat is overpowered yeah man really crap I need more WS Spa I’ve never seen this

Before I it’s food what does it do though meow Souls uh it gives you two hunger and speeds you uh speeds up your uh Sprint um that’s it oh I not so meow is going to leave oh going to break sad because we can make oh this thing’s going to break

Already dang yeah yeah it’s not very durable not even my a my pickaxe is going to break it’s broken yeah my my pickaxe is broken dang all right I’m going back up I got as much not rout as you can so we can craft these back I don’t even have a ax

Anymore I don’t think oh wait I do I do okay I I guess I’ll get more no I got one I got one one after this we’re going to have to go like get a new cave or something after we clear out this out can I what ax is

This oh it’s a common axe look at the look at the color yeah it’s look at the the color right below it I got to go back it’s fine though it’s fine I got it all right you go back I’m going to be down here a little bit I’m going try and

Make some more I’ll make more rods and stuff and make more by a little bit I mean not even like a minute because is my ax is about to break too all right I got a bunch of not rooted Marvel like Blast Off can I add you yeah yeah you

Can no you can’t it’s against the law I shall not add brokul it is the channel name 19 yeah exactly brocka broi is 19 man the channel name you see and plus a 19 all right we got not rout five okay wooden rod we we he said

What how do I what do we need to upgrade this marble slabs I might be lost uh you’re what you’re outcoming at it might be I think I’m lost yeah oh shoot upgrade available nice I can’t do anything about it but there’s an upgrade I should probably go mining I

See her name okay I’m I’m heading towards her right now yeah you went down instead of up my I probably need to make a whole bunch of pickaxes and go down what the where you going this way what are you okay can I do it with my sword

Actually no I can’t can I do it with this a I don’t know you can’t no it has to be the yeah go try to mine Stone in real life with a sword and see how that turn out gotta me into the party so I got a full

Eight or I don’t know who’s on right now there’s a somebody else I got to give a key to a couple more people that had to leave for this world but I’m going give I’m going to make a new world tomorrow I’m going to be doing a 24-hour stream

Tomorrow so I’ll be playing this I’ll get a new group of eight people we’ll play for a while then I could rotate and play into a new world and or we could do Customs as well later on do a bunch of stuff tomorrow uh it’s just Brook’s 19 Lego

All right uh I’mma head out no you’re good dude all right uh let me just uh cuz I’m probably not I might be coming back but I don’t really want to take any risk so I’ll just give you all the important stuff no no no no no no it’s all good

Man take all this okay I need the sword and a bunch of pickaxes all right F snowberry it this oh when did Mario decide to leave oh to go oh didn’t hear that you need to invite us by the way yeah I will invite you guys but like I said this other people

Are in this one and then tomal and I don’t have much more I don’t have that much more longer on here got another about another 20 minutes but you guys have the key so you guys can keep going Thruster the axe wooden rods we could make it there’s three spaces left in this

One yeah but I can’t give you the key to this though that’s the thing oh wait hold up fertilizer it’s nothing against you guys it’s just I don’t want to uh bring people in on this one and then uh have them take other people’s stuff get what I’m saying my inventory is full

Just the way it’s got to be so uh slight issue my inventory is full build a chest yeah that’s what I’m where did operator go is operator still in oh he left oh crap all right so while those planks are going in can not just start working it’s been two

Days what are you total 5 or 43 uh not off the top of my head man are they your friends okay we can get the forest axe get this bad boy sword okay we’re kind of good with that this ax slap holy crap each one of the individual stud pieces says Lego on

It that’s pretty interesting anyway oh the piece like the building pieces that’s pretty cool was disappointed with Lego but why can’t I join though I’ve been here since 202 my dead by daylight don’t have the trust plus Val it’s just the way it’s got to be I’ve known people that are longer than

You’ve been in this Channel and why were you you disappointed you mean okay so also tomorrow rocket league and fortnite is out we’re going to play it let’s go do you know who Xavier is Xavier rings a bell I don’t know the others but the ex Xavier does ring a bell it’s

Me oh let’s go yeah you were you were in here a long you were here a long time ago so you’ve come you you’ve been in here before right where’s Vibes in a lay where’d you guys go you guys have a whole freaking yeah thought it was going to be

A battle royale ex turns out to be like Minecraft for now honestly I think they’re going to make it a battle royale I think they’re going to do it yeah I can see that just got to be patient it’s good to see you Xavier dude how you been

This oh pepper seat I think I just heard someone die oh rip like one of my NPCs just like like they exerted so much force that they just collapsed you invite me to your party I’ll have to do it tomorrow just be I can’t do it to

In this one because uh there’s specific people on this one and again it’s nothing against you guys I’m just trying to keep the people that are in here stuff good you know I’m um excuse me Tre can you like not oh that’s cool oh you Ouch all right uh I no oh okay have a work I think a lot of people I died oh that’s cool okay so it tells me where I died How far are you in your world CU see what the rocket league is going to be like Okay don’t die oh wow this is a this is a village in a half H what the heck is that these guys have bandanas o it’s too cold okay here we go why am I freezing bro okay get our stuff and go back all right where in the world is this mine

Entrance I just want to get some iron or thing or whatever it’s called I have a I have a situation here yep me too there’s five skeletons chasing me and I have an axxe as my best weapon actually may I hope not oh they’re gone come on

Daytime yeah how far are you Mr Lego in uh your world hello come on come on hello oh what’s this oh whoa what’s over here o what’s in here some pretty bad loot all right got to do some damage oh um no thank you oh that’s a wolf that’s a wolf that’s a

Wolf that’s a wolf oh man okay that’s it grab your stuff go that’s it don’t worry it’s not over by you because it’s chasing me okay it’s it’s not it’s not chasing me anymore uh BB may I ask you where the mine entrance is uh it’s literally right next to the

House oh okay right over there right there you see big rock I was just over in there okay why is it always raining oh man who do they oh that big rock I’m I’m all right it’s mine time I I’m going to get back to the

Lobby and I’m going to have like 50 different or 50 different levels I’ve gotten from XP ow or not I wonder if I have go sure Is oh you can’t equip the BS I guess you can’t t a wolf sad Minecraft noises yep holy crap how wait t it’s on your side oh gosh how rare is not rout oh another Village imag this is not route right here and I’m just stupid oh it

Is I think okay so uh y’all don’t worries I’m I’m just stupid chest oh actually I need that I need that shell little on the chilly side okay put that in there put that in there what is this snowberry we can take that oh I’m freezing perfect that’s actually how much I needed

Now I think about actually I need more oh what those look pretty though oh it even tells you whose Village that is oh that’s cool right chickens all righty I think that should be enough for now oh actually there’s some right here I might as well grab it all right I’m

Back in my home but I’m going to call it there I think that works right is it time everybody has the key key key key key key everybody’s got the keys yes all right I’m outy all righty man all right dude you have a great night man hey man you too

All right Cheers Cheers man all right chat guys I appreciate you hanging out for now okay I know it’s a little bit on the shorter end of the stream but it’s fine because tomorrow we start our 24-hour stream which means I’m going to start at 9:00 in the morning tomorrow

9:00 9:00 a.m. eastern time going to go from 9 to 99: in the next day on Saturday uh there will be tomorrow a 2our two I’m going say two and a half hour uh chair stream uh Donnie’s gonna take over so because I I still have to go to

Work I don’t have a choice right so got to go to work I’ll come back and then we’ll jump back into uh probably fortnite or something to the 24 hours of and it’s going to be a combination of majority of it’s going to be fortnite because I know how everybody

Is and like I said always say fortnite just does so much better on here so we’ll do the fortnite and then um later on towards like the overpass of night where basically everybody’s like asleep may switch over to like some Apex war zone kind of stuff um

And yeah all right chat have a good night take care of yourselves be good be safe and I will catch you guys tomorrow Morning

This video, titled ‘LIVE 🔴 FORTNITE LEGO MINECRAFT | FIRST LOOK | ROAD TO 10k!’, was uploaded by Brocules on 2023-12-08 04:02:10. It has garnered 129 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds.

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LINKS: INSTAGRAM: @brocules19 TIKTOK: @_brocules19_ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/4FeRV9E

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What’s up guys, I’m Gary. I live stream most nights after 9 pm EST. You’ll catch me playing GTA, Among Us, Call of Duty, Fortnite, Minecraft, or just about any other game you guys recommend! Come hang out and drop a comment if you subscribe so I can check out your channel!

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  • “EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀” #shorts

    "EPIC Minecraft FAIL: Warrior Disaster💀" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Warcraft Warrior on 2024-09-16 15:22:55. It has garnered 11186 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft Moment Before Disaster 💀 #minecraft #shorts minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush b minecraft banner bionic minecraft bbs minecraft best… Read More


    Welcome to A New World Explore a challenging version of Minecraft where survival is a triumph. Start from the Stone Age and progress through different eras, tackling new challenges and discovering new mechanics along the way. Join our Discord server here to start your journey in A New World. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “That which takes the image of an angel becomes an angel” in Minecraft

    Looks like we need to start a Creaking image purge before they take over the world as angels! Read More

  • Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft’s Melodic Mix

    Raindrops and Pixels: Minecraft's Melodic Mix In Minecraft’s world, the rain softly falls, A peaceful melody, as the night calls. The air is crisp, with a hint of chill, But in this moment, time stands still. The music box plays, a nostalgic tune, Bringing back memories, like a balloon. The crackling fire, the gentle wind, In this moment, peace we find. So close your eyes, let the stress unwind, In Minecraft’s world, tranquility you’ll find. Listen to the rain, feel the air so sweet, In this peaceful moment, let your worries retreat. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.20.1 Guide Exploring the Snifferent Mod in Minecraft 1.20.1 Embark on a new adventure in Minecraft with the Snifferent mod, which introduces exciting new items that can be unearthed by the mysterious Sniffers. Let’s delve into the world of Snifferent and discover the wonders it has to offer! Club Moss One of the intriguing additions brought by the Snifferent mod is the Club Moss. This unique plant adds a touch of greenery to your Minecraft world, offering a refreshing change of scenery. Globar Tree Step into the enchanting realm of the Globar Tree, a majestic addition that brings a sense of… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More