EPIC LIVE: Let’s Build a Mall in Minecraft!

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What’s going on guys wel back to another video and last a shopping mall in Minecraft and the journey over there this epis number 16 and we are live I should use the right ear that would be smart to actually make sure my audio is working I have well I don’t

Have to but I usually use the right cuz the mic is on the left and I don’t want to shove my phone speak into the mic because then you would get the Echo and no one likes Echoes anyway oh yeah I forgot I was making an aquarium hello

Proto boy well you’re early and also here we’re almost there don’t worry uh look me I’m assuming that’s me6 yeah it is me6 whenever I have a ping in my server I just kind of assume it’s me6 if it’s around that time I should say if

It’s like at 8:00 p.m. I’m not really expecting it to be me well you never know hello me hello Penny hold on let me turn on my phone Brandon cuz it’s a little dim so I think our main goal at this point is to not let my phone fall

Is to do the mini golf because the mini golf is the only thing that’s staring at me as daunting frankly I mean everything else is easy well the arcade is another one that’s going to be weird maybe I’ll add a bowling alley maybe I won’t what am I

Doing today okay well have fun Mis in the in the corner you get five minutes yeah the audacity PR boy not I forgot about that I’m doing good how are you Penny hope is having a good day or night I guess I am for the most part I

Don’t actually know if I am uh okay I got to find the wall here that was not very hard maybe here this will be a gift shop I can actually just punch out the entire bottom that might make more sense yeah I feel like that makes more

Sense just take out the bottom three rows uh this is well I I’m kind of punching out the rough area for a gift shop and then I’m going to do the rest of the mini well not the rest of it but get somewhere on the mini golf so

You’re late you’re not actually you’re on time I’m just thinking right now because this is the nether the nether will probably seep into this area a little bit more because I don’t want you just going in the Fortress and leaving do I want another Overworld section before the end I don’t think I

Have room for it that’s true TJ also hi um now Skittles of course uh then how do I want to order this because I feel like my thought process is I need the portal room that’s an obvious I need the wait maybe that gave me an

Idea I I could do something with that later or something else with that I guess I’m just thinking about that final hole I can make like like an ender dragon dead on the floor and then have you shoot into its mouth I feel like that’d be pretty cool spider’s in his stomach Jesus

Christ I didn’t need to know this on a scale of 1 to 10 no I am building them allall this is true good luck sleeping yeah how many like like a colony like what are we what are we talking here I am kind of curious why is it

Lagging it was good for a little while and then I just broke again anyway this needs to be a little mountain here with a flat top cuz I already have cave I really just oh my God that was instant I really just need a strong hold out of the

Overworld stuff and a house that’s what’s going to go up here right I forgot that was an idea that I had scary facts I don’t know what’s less surprising the fact that it’s Australia or the fact that I don’t even know what I was going to say 31st of August

Yeah like scratch marks inste of a coffin oh God hello bus Guy thanks for ruining my day I’m just kidding by the way I don’t care that much it is kind of interesting to know do I have a glass block those are actually pins uh so I guess no that’s not wide enough man you’re still on that man that’s

Crazy yeah I need that to be a little bit wider for the house to work and for you to have a walking well a walking Space I’m not sure frankly that wasn’t even the series was it no maybe it was no it wasn’t that was Sub City alive I mean I don’t think those living well there’s probably there’s probably at least one animal that could live in a person’s stomach and Thrive

Enough I don’t know what it is but I’m sure there’s at least one it’s like the old melon seed thing I was watching I don’t remember what I was watching something but it was like the rumor where it’s like oh if you eat a watermelon seed will’ll grow in your stomach some guy

Had I forget what it was but he like swallowed it might have been a melon seed down the wrong tube and it went into his lungs and started growing it grew a watermelon in his lungs and uh yeah so when he started to be like I

Can’t breathe too well he was like let me go to the doctors and there was just a giant water a whole watermelon just inside him I’m pretty sure it was a watermelon it might have been like a kiwi or a cucumber or something but I feel like it was a

Watermelon and I also don’t know where I heard this so don’t ask for a source cuz I forget hey Mama Freer come here give me your liver imagine just like Mario of all people being like give me that liver like if if Mario came up to me and asked

For my liver I think I would give it to him cuz what else am I supposed to do there like oh no it’s mine they do from I have no idea I don’t remember that I just remember hearing this was a thing I’d imagine they cut it

Out I feel like that seems logical but I guess there are also other complications because you can’t just like cut into someone’s liver without other problems I’d imagine I don’t know I don’t cut into people’s livers very often unfortunately so I’m not really really sure but I’d imagine that that wouldn’t be

Good uh Penny I cannot make statues to save my life I could try but doesn’t mean it’s going to be good hardest year for you I feel like this year’s been hard for me only because why would I do work fire man Sam I don’t know what these

Are you could Google it I’m sure hello SE eating Reese’s nut Rees bar that is a weird name I’m trying to figure out if I want want to yeah I do want to r on the sides it doesn’t actually matter cuz this can go over the edge it’s going to go down

Anyway W sh a nerd my game is freezing oh wa I kind of forgot about this okay T Jun to be fair I realized while I was saying that I say things in the most like strange ways so it does make it a little more interesting I guess but but I did

Realize while I was speaking that I was like God I really say things in ways for sure that aren’t quite normal but it makes the story interesting I guess so no complains at least in my opinion I don’t know I can’t really say that freeze when they get hot that’s actually kind of

True thanks for that logic ah what is that I just got like a random pain in my ear yeah but that’s a different conversation t G you won’t understand the pain unless you’ve been there I’ve been there a lot with uh Len too I’ve had those moments where I’m just like oh my

God I got to work on that soon I talk about it yesterday but hello Shadows I thought about doing yesterday but what did I oh yeah I played rocket league and I feel like I did something else but I don’t remember what it oh yeah I

Actually got the video SP that I needed so that was fun I guess yeah but after you build like an entire neighborhood think think of it this way uh imagine the trees that I had to make after making like 20 or 15 trees you’re just done it’s over game over see

You later I’m pretty good how are you Shadows but like I just I can’t I mean I’m sure I’m not the only one that’s like this but I I cannot do more than like a certain amount of ones is that center that is a one block Center which can actually create some funsies

For me here sure we’ll just go with this whatever I don’t know what I’m doing I mean I’m building in Minecraft but like besides that part I don’t know what I’m doing uh the fog is coming I can’t I can’t do that well I could I don’t feel

Like it though it’s a lot of work I’ve had my fair share of talking today not really well depends I’m a good mix of talk a lot and also not talk at all which is nice yeah so he doesn’t want to do it for you skill isue do your I will say one word I will say one word revived not in well yes in context to you actually I know I saw that I wish I could play it but freaking psvr2 scam um yeah I’m I’m debating like because I mean I have enough I could technically

Go and buy a psvr2 right now I would rather not spend $600 but I could I I am thinking about it I’m because I do really want to play help one and two and there’s probably some other VR games I could find that I would be down to

Play good mixture yours is a curse uh mine’s not always always good uh trust me Biro boy all right so I need to do something I’m going to try oh so okay fair enough I I don’t even know anymore again Minecraft wake up it just froze again on

Me not for as long as I was standing still but it froze I’m pretty sure it didn’t let me break break the block so I don’t know what else it would have been oh this goes above the that’s fine I say hi do you C fan

I don’t know if I did trying to remember I’m going to make a weird decision here But yeah don’t don’t spoil the game I I start got to got to see I I’ve gotten a bunch of YouTube videos so I I know some of the stuff but I’m so mad it’s such it’s a game I was so excited for I I am really hoping I’ll get a

VR at some point yeah that’s fine that doesn’t actually look that bad because of my Pro gaming skills hello Christmas dud I don’t know why I was looking at your name and I still almost forgot it I for some reason the dark oak is not good on my eyes yes Shadows that’s I

Think my name I don’t know don’t wear it out GGA you’re weird respectfully you’re weird how do I go about this I guess I had another roof here but then what do I do if it’s taller than that roof I can get a little freaky with it not in that way specifically but

Maybe in that way you never know it is literally a half a block taller if I’m correct it is not on stream Shadows it’s my only response to that it’s about all I can say donga that’s an appropriate reaction I guess I don’t even know I

Don’t know what’s a logical Rea did I do that wrong no I I can’t do it wrong cuz it’s oh my God okay it’s fine I’m just a little slow I got there though liquor what I mean maybe I am but also that’s not your information to know watch what

I watch what I am saying I’m not saying much me four I I have not watched a Minions movie Just B with me in a while not on stream Shadows that’s all that stare one in doubt just say stare no one will suspect a thing phone number oh yeah let me just like

Slide it in the chat not really I know that’s probably not the context of what you were saying I just feel like it’s a logical enough stare hey don’t do that that’s rude is it last one or was there one more Hello anxiety and I suppose now

That you’re here it’s a good time to do member shout out uh anxiety and it’s Ral still I had to remember for some reason I got to use my brain cuz I’m not looking at it I just I checked it on the bus today and I was like okay if anxiety

Shows up in chat I’m going to do member shout out and he showed up in chat so I did a member shout out tell me one thing okay Fitzgerald I don’t know who Fitzgerald oh never mind in chat I can’t read nor see or write exactly well you can say it on

Stream just can’t do it on stream that sounds weird but you get it oh how was that experience GGA please do tell where is the shout out I just said it I said your name that’s the shout out bunch of hoaxes I’m a hoax Life’s a hoax it was well go

On that is also true shadows and I’m not stopping you the thing is see whenever you start off a set is with the thing is it’s never a good thing that’s all that’s all I can tell you it does not seem what does not seem like that normally is linked with positive

Things oh okay well yeah that’s um you should have told the teacher that and been like yo don’t make me dance with this person I don’t quite fully understand that going to be honest TJ but I think I know where you’re going or where you’re trying to go with

That I want youve in the back not enough I have the farmers in the front then actually and to cry go for it I like crying crying is Fun if I do this are is it going to go through it probably will no okay I don’t understand the logic here but I it doesn’t matter cuz I mean it’s going to get blocked off by anyway but I really would rather it didn’t just cuz so if I did from the

Underside it would well I guess that makes sense hello pink piggies but it would also wouldn’t it water log it too hold on a second here oh well that doesn’t help me very much my floor hold on let me just do this here okay sure no yeah that

That short answer no long answer uh started but not finishing also I have like an entire video dedicated to that you should watch it to be honest I do not party your boy bro what did you do to it help wanted was also 40 wasn’t it or it was

30 it was somewhere between 20 and 40 I feel like it was 40 though yo I’ll take a Crispy Cream donut okay yeah a will it be okay never mind I don’t actually know what I’m trying to say here I can’t speak sentences seeds that’s what I want

Normal beet roots are kind of garbage but whatever carrots potatoes that seems like a good for this is also really weird that does sound like an experience actually voice C it looks really nice why is it like a plank sound that’s weird yeah these crops look better than the actual game Ones or the actual the regular texture pack ones I that’s one of the few things that I like a lot better at least the wheat the wheat looks cool this 30 okay I knew I knew it was somewhere between 20 and 40 my original 30 was right picture going to look at it

You sound so weird when you say that I hope you know y gu why areen they yellow those do not look like well golden potatoes I guess welcome back it froze again it’s not very long it’s just like for like a second but it’s still doing it and I can still notice it

So I just hitting a random floorboard in this room and just like the ball just goes backwards like no I’m not that aggressive I can’t say that without laughing that is not something I could say with a straight face uh thank you DJ you’re aggressive hey yo hello Michael I can also I

Obviously for sure I can tell face emoji keyboard you’re just slamming your face into the keyboard and it’s whatever expression you’re making it’s y 38 that doesn’t count though that’s a separate thing you overestimate my self-confidence Shadows money still money that’s true but it’s separate you are okay

Noted certainly an image yeah in fact it is can confirm um okay I know what to do maybe probably not but what you can do I’m scared whenever anybody says it in my chat my power is like going to go out or something I be like ghost again gonga little little odd but

Go for it I guess I don’t really know and then this section oh for sure do this and then I guess I’ll go I can’t do quartz cuz I’m haven’t to the nether yet that’s fair what these you are okay hello Jack sure this honestly Works

Enough I need to add torches though for lighting boop boop that’s a little too many boop boop boop boop sure that works hope that should be bght enough and then I’ll add no railing cuz we live on the edge here I’m going to use barriers even

Though this is supposed to be a survival house but I don’t care I like got go all the way the r with it but do I even want to be able to climb up it rip I hate that like man I just want to eat my food

In peace all right how on the edge do we want to be cuz like I could technically put the bed here and be like all right don’t roll off I put it put it there bed is too far away good I don’t want to set my spawn point in here imagine

Accidentally imagine like dying and you just wake up in a shopping Mall’s um mini golf course that would be an experience for sure hey look it works perfectly yay ignoring the clipping through the ceiling part it’s also a lot of chests but well not really I probably

Have that much stuff in a normal Survival series anyway I want a lollipop one of the security guards at Spirit one day just randomly gave me a lollipop well it’s small security but it was one of the security guards that was in the spirit he he just had a bucket of

Lollipops and he was like you want want to like yeah sure why not I was on shift so I couldn’t really eat it then I don’t know if I actually I might still have it I don’t know no I feel like I I feel like I definitely would

Have taken my opportunity I don’t get lollipops very often so I also it was a couple years ago when I was trick-or-treating there was a police car just like pulled up on the side of the curb near like some houses and he uh ended up offering lollipop and I was like

Yes free lollipop from the cops don’t okay that’s a little bit of a problem um yeah we’re going to have to send out the rescue crew I’m a little stuck anyway I’m going to put One Singular fence here so yeah so you have to go through the house and one over

Here area is off limits I got to make an executive decision here to use Moss for the at least the end I would love to but I don’t have a lollipop for you so I can’t really do that I could add something under here I eat noodles I could go for some

Noodles sure go for it Shadows I want to hear it all right this is going to be like a cliff any to yeah you and T jock Shadows you are you all are something else I will say that much hello Ender guy we’re getting somewhere that’s so repetitive there e hello

Zach now that’s repetitive but in a different it’s fine yeah I’ll just go with that honestly I I really don’t have much much I can do with these parts this is where it gets a little little hard do a flip oh okay I I don’t think I I can

Unfortunately I don’t think I’m good enough cheesy no go for it I want to hear it I’m curious now uh um something I don’t even know what I’m doing I’m just building share with the class oh God it’s so small oh that’s why I’m struggling that is also what she said by

The way before anybody else says it I I just feel like it is it is kind of fitting for the stream so that is probably what she said I don’t know cannot confirm nor deny that uh average oh okay I’ll still take that that’s it’s better odds than I’d

Expect that is definitely what you said yeah especially to you my bad I know that was a little called for but like I I saw the opportunity I wasn’t going to let it sit there oh my God this is a problem like you’re okay that’s a little that was that was a good

Response well played oh my God oh oh God guess we’ll never hear it will we wait wait wait hold on on I don’t think that’s how that well I guess I could you could just be saying that to yourself that’s actually kind of fair all right the the end of that’s a

Little questionable well not bad just questionable I don’t use my phone as much as a lot of people though I’m going to go on a tangent this is your pH I’m just kidding I don’t care but like a a lot of high schoolers it’s like I always

On their phone I really am not like I’m on it if I’m bored or something I’ll be on it but I’m not like staring into its Soul all the time like I have better things to do hey yo T jock totally real not clickbait dark oak sub cool good to

Know hole should be there and then the next hole will be there you got to line up your shot unfortunately I don’t think a hole in one would be possible because if you’re starting like here you get to well unless you bank it off that perfectly yeah whatever you say

Shadows three-year-old G out I don’t think I don’t think that’s how ages work unfortunately like I according to my calculations um that’s not that’s not how that works just at all all right so here’s the thing if you had a perfect Chip Shot bang but other than that again

Hole in one is probably not possible ho are we On five okay for sure Shadows uh it’s a what actually is it I forgot it’s a mini golf course there we go ho five man did I do that on the right line I would never come out of the coloset to Jack I got to decorate the inside of this

House that would be a thing to do can confirm I’m never sure is this a f a dropper furnaces are up here where’s the crafting there it is I was not finding it for some Reason are you in the closet uh Shadows why did I forget your name I’m sorry just like didn’t click for a second there but I got it two more blocks I might just do a wall of furnaces frankly and then I need a brewing stand on

The I should just put it on its own block I guess put it on a a tree stump criers log in the corner with a brewing stand and then I also need an enchanting table here’s referencing me Shadows with what I just said I said something about

Coming out of the closet I forget Already TJ might make an exception I don’t know I need to make a pathway here I guess I guess you could really go this way if you wanted but I don’t really know and then back down you go maybe sh just not a man hey let let TJ have his have his

Spot too he’s been here longer in all fairness anyway did I figure out the Dome issue I think I did oh yeah right I did it it still looks stupid but it whatever let see if I care yeah you you both so get your get your glory oh man

I don’t know if I need the whole thing I’ll just do the whole thing whatever it’s easier for my little brain I mean I well no I’ll do just the top where case if I need the lower parts which I don’t know why I would I’ll do them I might

Actually need a little bit just for roof purposes I don’t know what I’m doing frankly at all Zach I don’t know what the what the deal is but anyway just that that feels wrong I suppose that’s why I do the freaking other Circle isn’t it that

Would help me wait is it no it should be one block caps yeah cuz that’s oh cuz that’s covered up because of that derp TJ that’s crazy I me I guess to backup Zach’s point I really don’t do much like it’s not like I’m some crazy

Oh who left for where I don’t know huh I just got a text from my mother saying we left but I don’t know who left and where they’re going I’m going just say okay and pretend like that was normal cuz I don’t know what the freak just happened hey relax don’t don’t don’t

Make me get involved hey look djck you’re still my my main man as far as like anything goes Discord whatever that stuff you’re the I mean there’s also Lefty but Lefty isn’t in the YouTube chat so it doesn’t count that’s what I’m trying to figure

Out Z well I know where they came from I don’t know where they’re going like what sorry that just that really like caught me off guard cuz I was just you know I’m casually just doing my thing playing some Minecraft and I just get a text like oh we left I’m like

Huh I doubt you’re getting an answer Shadows oh I’d have to have two I can’t do animatronic guy like that though or XD Frick but XD I I don’t I don’t even know with XD but not to say I don’t want to talk to him just I don’t

Know I don’t know how prominent he’ll be in 10 years which is not the timing that it would be but hello the end now I’ll just say 10 years for purposes cuz God I would be old in 10 years God I need to stop getting old movie yo you should go watch that

And not be on my stream to be honest feel like Five Night Freddy is more important can it be more than one I don’t know I’ve never wedding have I I’ve never even been to a wedding which I like to keep it that way I don’t really well for

Now I was going to say until somebody I care about gets married but that would be wrong until like somebody in my age group gets married I won’t be interested somebody that I watch like 20 times well go for 21 come on man I messed up it’s fine it’s literally one

Block TJ’s not going to answer your question I’m just telling you that now Shadows cuz I don’t even know almost 10 that’s yeah I’m not ever hitting that number of friends in general frankly no is kind of the answer I was expecting yeah I figured I kind of want to know because

It does there are questions that have been raised cuz I I was having a conversation with animatronic guy and you were brought up TJ not in a bad way you just were and yeah it does kind of RIS questions but I forgot what we were been talking

About well I know what we were talking about I just don’t remember what start of the conversation yeah no old man I hope not he could secretly be 30 that’s why he’s hiding his identity I mean I I don’t really know I can’t say but it’s a

Possibility which I I don’t like that thought but it’s a thought still we’re just we assume that he is of legal age to be have to be making these jokes yeah exactly I wouldn’t like we’re talking bad about you we’re just talking about you in

General okay let me let me see here I thought I messed up but I Didn’t well don’t I don’t want his age being guessed I I do kind of just you know again there there are questions that get brought up about that leg on YouTube that is but like the only question is are you younger than 18 CU I that’s the only

Thing that I want to know I don’t care about specifically I’m not going to start guessing every number but like you know I I have my assumptions that’s all I’ll say oh my God my fingers my fingers are not enjoying this experience hello Sonic fan I hope he’s not that old Shadow I

Hope he’s not that would that would change a lot of things but no I I don’t think he is I should have copy pasted it that’s fine my fingers will just Burn yeah that’s precisely my point I mean I I’m not that I’m that old but I’m getting somewhere with my

Age again I’m probably not older than well I’m probably older than a lot of you but not that much older what if you have no age that would not what yeah we’re going to assume like you know of legal age well not legal age should have this discussion I

Suppose has happened before can confirm Sonic fan not a great feeling I might be a year or like no I’m I’m a little younger but I think I don’t freaking know oh lag again I don’t know what the problem is with this world might want to turn down the simulation

Dist you’re 100 million years old oh my God he’s an elf with Minecraft oh that’s saving system so different though than Bedrock it’s like half a year or something wait yeah about half a year H Shadows but I’m I’m so ready to graduate honestly so ready and now I’m slowly slowly thinking of stuff I I will say again I’ve said this before I’m hyping this a lot because it is just an announcement but members are getting an announcement for next year’s stuff which will include

Something wild you’re not going to know it the voice correct you’re not going to know it you’re not going to know what it is you’re just going to know that it exists and then when it actually gets fully announced you you’ll see which I say announced because it’s not it’s not

Just like a video or something like the other things will be it’s one of the crazy things that I have planned for next year it’s one of three that I have in my head probably like five will happen cuz I’m expecting to hit 5K which is a large

Number 5K is not going to matter as much as other numbers though for reasons 10K will be a fun one if I can get there um this cat song I do tall I am just kind of tall though to be fair for sure TJ yeah wor about that instead come on man

But uh 5K Channel birthday and then there there’s some other things going on that I’m not going to spoil because if I even mention them you’ll probably get an idea of what I’m doing but uh yeah I I have to start writing scripts and stuff too it’s going

To be a fun time it’s going to be a weird weird year uh I’m at least 6 feet I might be 61 I don’t know I haven’t like checked in a hot minute but I’m somewhere around six let make sure that it doesn’t actually go around one more

Time CU it might no it doesn’t I’m probably 61 but I’m somewhere around there back give me Nostalgia not really back isn’t that old to give me Nostalgia moderator discount I can give memberships I think I thought about like doing it but I I got to look into

It more cuz when I I clicked on the thing in the email it did not send me the place that I thought it was going to I’m I’m a little bit again I’m taller than most of my friends but most of my friends are also the opposite gender so yeah

Except for a few but even most of them I’m taller than except for animatronic guy I think he’s taller than me he might be I don’t know how does it work I don’t know that’s why I clicked the thing to see what it would do and it didn’t give

Me the freaking answer I was like oh here’s a here’s a support page I was like no that’s not what I clicked that for I clicked that for answers it’s almost 2024 I know I’m so excited that’s what I’m talking about next year plans members will probably get the announcement sometime around Christmas

Yeah again that’s that’s a round where it is so your birthday imagine makes the person pay that’s how memberships work in general yeah I should be able to like set a moderator discount though that would be nice I want to make multiple tiers and stuff and get more crazy uh once I have

Time if I can actually ever find time that is I don’t know again I got enough going on I might just take with the one tier because the one tier is I think enough content and stuff all right now these are interesting unbelievable T 16 days 30th thought it was 31st unless I’m

Stupid the Stampede start doing this hello Ginger it hows in it’s howls instead of Co no it’s coals you just can’t read all right I’m on the wrong side Frick 30th okay I thought I don’t know why I thought it was 31st I guess I’m delusional there was my teacher called themselves

Delusional I was like interesting I’ve never heard a teacher actually say that think it was a teacher yeah k o h sorry sorry oh my God tach truck back rooms on how that’s kind of wild looking actually the black kind of makes everything like faded oh T get your head out of

There well or don’t dyslexia teacher not exactly what teacher was it and why I don’t even remember for not too fair I can’t stop you well I guess I could but I’m not going to could and wanting to are two very different things how do I make this look nice and

Inviting at least from the inside I can make like a little castle I can’t make castles though and will not confirm or deny this DJ True I uh again I would really like to go to a VidCon one time that’d be fun that doesn’t really look like a castle but it’s fine I would to if I were you TJ don’t worry that’s true Zach Big Mac no what do I want to make the floor out of definitely

Carpet I was actually looking at the LEGO store to see what I did the floor in there that’s all I’m kind of scared where there’s question where this question is going Shadows don’t get him that’s true that is that is true if I like walk in my room one day

And you’re just sitting there I don’t know what I would do first off I to think stranger who the freak is this guy and how did he get here and that’d be about as far as my thinking would go you uh you what huh what did you

Do think that’s the first time you said you’re not into something DJ I’ve gotten I gotten what huh oh yeah funny story not really uh today my bus was late in the afternoon so I where like sit outside the school and wait for like it was only 5 minutes but it was still

Annoying yeah I figured you were going in the bus Direction which is why I mentioned that so that was fun the amount of times that’s happened though it’s absurd it’s honestly absurd like I don’t even know how that’s fair TJ that’s fair I feel like there should be no back room in

Here well maybe a little one I feel like employees need at least a break Room one Diamond spirit I don’t know why can you not be threatening him please Shadows for 5 seconds but I don’t know why I decided to do this but I had a break it was the only I think the only break well no I’ve gotten two breaks or

Three I think two two breaks I got two breaks this year cuz I don’t usually work shifts long enough so I had a little break so I was like you know what they had like bags of I don’t know chips and stuff so I had a bag of chips

And then I literally for the last like 20 minutes of my shift I just laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling one of the managers came back and was like okay sure cuz he was not he was not expecting me to be there but I don’t know it’s

Kind of nice to just like if you’ve been walking for like I don’t know it’s like three and a half or 4 hours at that point cuz it was towards the end of my shift that I took the break it’s nice to just lay down but

Then of course it’s a hard floor so my back did not exactly appreciate that so that was funny Among Us that’s true but you you’ll never know how it truly feels unless you just laid on a floor just flattering your back it’s such a such a

Nice feeling for no reason even if it’s a hard Flor it just it’s nice to just lay down in the most weird spots ever unless that’s just a me thing it probably is actually but still funny by the way this is a bathroom I just figured I would add like

Eight other rooms before the bathroom because why not I am the devil jokes on you I don’t commit crimes I am the crimes it should not be funny but nevertheless I guess it is I’m Gemini a bus Guy what’s that on bricks surprisingly soft yeah just you

Know I did the other morning listening to a sad song cuz it was a song that just came out and I had time before I had to go to the bus stop so I was like lay on my back in a dark room and just listen to music it’s like laying on your

Bed in dark the darkness but minus the bed part how are you both solid I don’t even think I could no I could probably SPO Cornucopia corn ucopia I’m GNA hire a hitman to tickle you to death how about that and I’m not going to be the Hitman before you ask cuz I

Know you’re gonna I rage a lot I always rage you looks on you not really I’m not that much of a rager is your move oh see you later Shadows I make that like composter like I normally do anyway this looks like a compost in the regular texture that’s my

Excuse you actually have a point there DJ oh the memories I oh I forgot to did that it looks good when it’s in except it doesn’t actually logic because why would a paper towel be coming out of the top I’m hit Manning Shadows Shadows is hit Manning T jock I

Think I don’t actually freaking know what the heck what the hell is happening anymore I was going to say heck but I feel like this is a good time to bring out the other word car is a lot in life I don’t even know anything about Gemini other than a

Split personality but I don’t have a split personality as far as I’m concerned I mean would you know if you had a split personality like hypothetically would I just like have that conscience or would it just be like H I didn’t do that but you actually did like

What is the what is the deal with that you would okay I figur like you I fig you would but I don’t know it just it’s just weird white stairs for toilets yeah I normally use smooth quarts but smooth quartz is not like Smooth quartz in the normal game in this texture pack

It doesn’t have the or it’s not smooth it still has the like tiled look which is not very convenient guys I’m driving it Oh into a wall unfortunate looks like I got to work on my driving skills other than the fact I couldn’t see another fun story for the day I guess uh

So I need more no so I maybe maybe you know maybe you don’t know I have these musical snowman Inflatables cool they’re they’re fun I I enjoy them this morning when I woke up I went to turn on the Inflatables and they did not turn on along with one of the other

Inflatables which we’re both supposed to turn on obviously because that’s how Inflatables work um neither of them turned on so I was like well Frick and then I when I I ended up turning it back off cuz there was so much ice and crap on them I I literally

Could not could not get them to do the thing so I was like okay I’ll worry about it later a later comes uh when I get home from school and they actually work just fine I don’t know what the freak happened but yeah so that’s good

At least I don’t have to worry about that cuz that would be really upsetting cuz that musical snowman’s probably my favorite inflatable I own and I would rather not have those just like explode I never lose that’s the thing Zach I know you’re talking about your

Sign but I felt like I just had to add that into the mix Magic School Bus is in the building yes sir lights how bright That checker game no don’t do this that doesn’t count that didn’t happen you have no proof that’s cringe too j Mega cringe why am I tired not usually only sometimes you know what will heal my sleepiness also I remember Nathan saying on yesterday’s stream that if he wasn’t

Talking in Shadow just cuz he was hiding in the shadows the fact that he didn’t show up today is a very ironic um situation directly after the stream he said that in I find that very funny I know he’s not hiding in the shadows cuz he would at least say

Hi unless he is and just trying to throw me for a loop but I I also don’t think he would do that he doesn’t have the intellectual my bad he doesn’t have the intellectual abilities to do that no offense but also I guess you could take offense I don’t really

Know how do I go about doing this I guess if it’s a toy store I should just do shelves son of a witch whoa language even though I actually repeated it and it also has no language but I suppose that’s the point isn’t it I actually remember to turn on the

Christmas life before I started streaming today first time actually second time I have I usually am so bad actually I think the last time I was when I was doing a normal video so I wasn’t even streaming looks okay thank you it’s just a wall so there’s not really much

Happening I wonder if I made the shelves line up with the wall pattern like the blue b or I guess I have to do two different colors to make it better like gray bottom yellow top or something or gray and orange maybe gray and orange might make more sense although orange is

Kind of a weird color not in a bad way just the gray is easy to find like whoop but I guess this is orange technically sure why not yeah that’s much better thanks Z thanks for fixing your language maybe the Epic bro box over here is there that’s fine TJ just like my

Freaking ruin content yeah imagine wanting the tour on the top shelf must suck I can also no I’m going to leave the floor out loud I was going to break it and put the other thing there but yeah it’s a lot of work and you know I’m not doing extra work if

I don’t have to why is the cut smoother than the smooth what is this who is this why is this all of the questions is that even that’s probably not even even five 1 2 3 4 5 six now also wait what did I just see in chat spoilers for sure H2O

No not quite one two three four two three four five six that’s actually probably fine two three four okay that’s just going to be a little weird in spacing but that’s fine three four five six seven except six cuz that needs to be there so that counting was useless but

It’s fine it it did the job oh is it going to have this problem like that is so much brighter what the heck maybe it’s just act the angle maybe it’s and it is still brighter but yeah it’s not that bad that’s cringe TJ fired on the

Spot no but enjoy not being here cuz I know I will or wood prob wood would make more sense there wouldn’t it and the stream is dying that’s cool live Action oh it’s back I thought it actually died permanently but we’re good I uh imagine maybe I’ll just making less streams that week coincidentally no I actually I’m going to do a two video week sometime soon because I have kudoba plus kudoba interior and I need to upload both of them well

Kind of I guess I already have them uploaded technically bring the axe what are you going to do cut out your eyeballs like what what’s your plan of action here Chief oh my god dog I my bad I got angry I just heard her bark just one One

Singular bark which is like the only time I’ve ever heard not a slew of oh oh mine is the me in there and there goes the other dog great awesome there’s just be I don’t know could be balls could be a lot of things I can really just place these

While I’m in here that’s crazy help I’m trapped was dying or was a howl not a bark they’re different if you have a dog that hows you would understand they are something else maybe a dog was dying you never know just my disguise anyway that looks kind of cool in a weird

Way I like there should be candy under here or something so all have little shelves that is weird it works so no complains but it is weird don’t get me wrong that’s fine now I just got to finish up the back room which is not going to be

That hard well there’s actually two back rooms but whatever I’ll just add a counter in this one and then I need to add a ceiling that would oh I need out of ceiling and both this one’s small though so I can just go a fear y yeah I’m such a

Fury hey I actually line that up probably not going to line up this oh it actually does line up this way let’s go that’s like the only time I get it per it’s like a 177% chance to get it perfect I just did that math in my head

Cuz there a 33% chance to get it right one way and a 33% chance to get it right the other way so combine those you get like 177% or something I don’t know I can’t count to 17 you’re also not the first person that’s called me

That you’d be surprised I don’t know do you never just like howl like come on man not that I do it on a daily basis but okay they’re back from wherever the freck they went earlier I still don’t know where but suppose I shouldn’t be asking imagine to

Dock and you know the drill barrels you can’t even walk there’s so many barrels there’s not even that many you can walk okay cool I just wanted to see how long it was for that probably was broken I imagine the amount of times I’ve run out of this

Long of night vision and L and two is kind of wild though do a barrel roll I wish I could not really I would get no no one would care if I could do that like that’s not that’s not a skill you train for to be like oh yeah look how good I

Am what who just like popped one out yo digging it through the glass sure why not no questions asked except for like all of the questions asked I do I am kind of curious actually all right they buses no I think they’re forklifts or some sort of vehicle like that dog go

Bark what is she even barking at like what is there to bark at she’s in the house I don’t understand who’s trying to like break and Enter or it’s the arrival of the people’s back that could also be it oh my God I don’t want torch flower seeds

Everywhere stop stop no you’re not supposed to do this no you oh okay her Shadow yeah that’s about it that’s a that’s a beigle move oh my God it’s me bark finally Nathan oh my God hello I was trash talking you earlier and you missed

It s how ironic it was that you said you were going to be here every stream and if you weren’t talking that you were just hiding in the shadows and then of course the stream after you say that you’re not here and I was making fun of you for it

Oh okay you’re reading but no one how long does it take you to eat man that was an hour and a half add more sniffers no I don’t need this many torch flower seeds stop TJ why would I be mad at you think about it why why would I be

Mad yeah I know but like an hour an hour and a half I don’t know man that’s a little little long also I’m just bullying you I you should know that I do this I don’t care that much T no is this really this thick oh my God

Why for literally three blocks that’s not even that bad I only joke about being mad if I was actually mad that you weren’t here that would be sad frankly like you all have lives I have no life but like I I shouldn’t be mad if you aren’t here that’s just Dumb like oh look at the nerd finally deciding to show up like I know I know that guy that is fair Nathan that is fair I can’t even argue with that cuz that’s that’s definitely true you did say that or didn’t say that I guess I don’t know some logic like that

Yeah but I can still bully you doesn’t change that this mole would get absolutely wrecked in a tornado there is so much glass and so much freezing of my Minecraft I want to see if the stream lags when that Happens no it just freezes okay I’m laughing at something unrelated by the way not going to say it for a lot of reasons but I just I just I just had a memory you know I yel hide under the glass you’ll survive Maybe I mean like this room would be nice like

You just like go into the like the corner here maybe hide in the oh you can’t even hide in there like hide back here open the frick frick that’s not going to work actually there’s glass there too so not that would just I mean that might shatter from the pressure but that

Wouldn’t just shatter for no reason it wouldn’t shatter from the tornado maybe it would I don’t know enough about tornadoes to be like yep yes actually uh 20 17 there 2017 we had one happen it was a little after Halloween I think was the Friday after

Halloween we had one and it it closed our TJ Maxx for like two whole years that thing was just like dead and then they finally freaking reopened it and yeah that’s all really that happened and it also wrecked a farm in the area but the Farm’s chill the farm

Also had burned down recently but they’re still chill they don’t they’re absolutely Mad Men like they they’ve had a fire happen they’ve had a tornado hit them but they’re chilling also when the fire happened like people started to go fund me for them and they literally turned down the GoFundMe they’re like n

We got it which that that takes not necessarily gut but ultimate respect if you can turn down money you know this it’s a game bro that’s why I make copies uh Nathan often very often I never want to lose like more than an hour of progress because like doing something twice is

Just not it this built different yeah they really are they’re like a local thing too it’s not like some like massive chainer not there’s many massive chains of farm Farmers Market stuff but you’re wild not Farmers Market Farmers Market is a different thing but I guess I guess like Farms like

That yeah they have really we also had it was like 13 in one day in our state or something absurd like that a couple years ago none of them are I don’t think in my area specifically but you know we still want in a tornado lock down or drill not

Drill tornado lockdown whatever it’s called in school and uh yeah we just kind of sat there for a while and I want to say we I think it was a beach ball or something we were throwing around it was kind of fun we also had a tornado lock down 2 years

Ago except I don’t actually think there was a tornado there but it was really windy Nathan what you do is every time you get off the world to go do something you exit and then make the copy that’s what I do I usually don’t in the middle

I mean sometimes I do I do if I’m going to do something risky or if it’s just like you know if it’s weather or something like that security breef room where I made like 30 copies in the one stream that was pretty funny I know it’s a good idea Nathan I

Do it trust me all righty this is where things get totally tubular more glass to fill in in a row it is in a row I thought it’ be out of row for some Reason I remember that tornado specifically too or at least the farm thing about it because I had to make a song in a class and I chose to make it about that tornado I don’t remember it I I just remember the the thing about the uh Farm but God that was so

Cringe I’m playing on PlayStation 5 sometimes I’m on PC sometimes I’m on PS5 right now I’m on five PS version the fifth PlayStation that’s true that was a nice tree as somebody who has who has lost progress on trees before I can relate there is nothing worse than

Realizing you lost like an hour’s worth of tree everything else is like okay that sucks but whatever but no losing progress in a tree like that’s that’s a different level of pen uh you can the end I’m not going to put my username in chat but if you want

To if you want to find it um I don’t really care I have a lot of friend requests also so just let me know your username when you friend me because I don’t normally check them or accept them or anything unless I know who they are who it’s

From they a lot of them just sit in limbo and wait for me to do something with them yeah again I I definitely did mention this when it happened but I lost some tree progress on Len to oh my God that was so bad it was painful cuz it was it wasn’t

Even like making the trees it was texturing the trees that is so bad texturing leaves is not fun deny or deny I I would definitely say accept cuz uh yeah there what it happened where are you what the hell is my dog barking at this time Jesus Christ except is an

Option too bad I’m making it an Option I think my I think I heard my dog bark I don’t know it might be my brother again they both sound the same respectfully respectfully he might be on my stream or somebody that would tell him that but also like it’s funny so it’s funny cuz I’m oh my God I messed

Up so bad okay I just make sure that lined up the way that it should and it does which is nice that’s true but also like Nintendo switch not it PlayStation is nice cuz it restores data for you so like if I just lose like two hours of progress sometimes I can

Get it back which is you know very nice don’t make me call up uh I don’t know who the owner of Sony is unfortunately but don’t make me call them up cuz I will did I fix the top over here when I was screwing with it I did apparently okay did I

I guess so I did not consciously do it but I did it that’s not at all what I said I did not say that I said he sounds like a dog just a friend request and what about it yeah but it also there’s like certain things about it like if I lost progress

On something that I was streaming then it wouldn’t matter that much probably but also like I do kind of know you’ll know the guidelines and the the ropes of what you need to do a little bit better which is nice that is definitely definitely one of the one of

The things with rebuilding that doesn’t necessarily make it the same amount of time like I I know how it would work better the second time than I would the first time yes I would T well depends who it’s from most people know but I do make exceptions sometimes

It’s not Nintendo it’s just being a mobile little console like that it’s it’s not as powerful as other things so you’re going to get crashes and stuff happening more often but I had it for a while on Playstation like you guys know how many streams I had end because of a game

Crashing I feel like even with the option to do times I always pick five minutes don’t know why Freddy’s killing people I’ll see you later see it’s completely noral I’m sure okay so here’s where the fun thing comes in do I make another Outlet like back to back on I could

I forgot about that that’s true TJ that is that is a fair counterargument I can’t even I can’t even argue that honestly that’s fair yeah mine does too I don’t think I mentioned that but I was going to mention it I I had intentions of mentioning it last stream

Intentions and remembering are two different things oh yeah I I was saying this to one of my friends I multiple of my friends but there was something I wanted to do earlier right and I remember it like in the middle of lunch so I was like oh let me pull

Out my phone let me set a reminder I pull up my phone get the reminder time set and then I’m like wait why did I want to set a reminder what was I doing I I completely forgot still haven’t remembered by the way so I don’t know what I needed to do

But yeah clearly it wasn’t that important because it’s been like multiple hours and I still haven’t remembered but but you know it it is it is a little bit concerning that I still haven’t okay shut up D J that was a little unnecessary I told like two of the three

People that I actually consistently talk to animatronic guy being one of them and then some well do I want to say that no I don’t want to say that you may know who though TJ well unlikely but I’ve mentioned their presence in existence before to you and GGA I guess but he’s not

Here all right look Nathan the fact out of anything in that conversation I’m getting sled about is the fact that I have friends that is wild hello G but anyway there’s a couple Reasons I’m not going to say but you know I’m going to remember like 2 a.m.

Or something it’s going to wake up and be like oh my God I remembered but I’m probably not it’s probably not going to Happen clearly wasn’t that important yes you are a little bit late that’s fair Nathan but yeah no 2024 oh shoot I didn’t do that thing that I should have done a while ago it’s fine it’ll it’ll come to me well okay it’ll come to me eventually maybe probably not okay see you later

G I wish you showed up I don’t know how much longer I’ll go frankly shoing is a weird series it’s it’s really weird yeah no it’s not going to be relevant I wish thinking about something music related and then it came in my head I’m pretty sure and I feel like it

Should be music related then cuz that’s how logic works but I know it’s not but I don’t know what it is it’s annoying me like what the freak what the freak was I trying to do I have no idea I’m never going to it’s never going

To like leave my brain the fact that there is something I need to do I just don’t know what oh well it’s fine I’ll be like on my deathbed like the final moments I remembered guys that’s going to be that’s going to be it like 2086 I’m going to

Remember for security code there so silly goofy did I remember wait I might have remembered hold on I think I remembered let me put it let me put it as a reminder real quick before I say it out loud but I think I remembered oh it’s so dumb too it’s so

Dumb so okay I need bread rolls for my school lunches and I wanted to set a reminder to remember to get them out of the freezer and I just now remember at least I remembered cuz if I woke up tomorrow morning and didn’t have one I was going

To be I’d be upset e [Laughter] spaghetti oh my God at least I remembered I guess that’s that’s something it’s dumb but it’s something I’m pretty sure that’s what it was I don’t know what else it would have been cuz the context of it would have also made sense at at lunch at

School r on Console jokes on you PS4 user PS5 PS4 they’re all the same PlayStation user there we go okay how my spawns every time I misplace a block is just okay okay okay just increasingly getting more agitated hello black Pama hello cookies oh my God all right five minutes didn’t do the

Drill so uh we’re going for 10 this time if I’m even streaming for 10 I should been I’m doing good black Pama can’t complain it’s almost Friday which is nice and my second collector’s minion shift today which is nice took it long enough that’s my favorite djck I love F balls

DLC oh my fast balls Gregory do you see my fat balls on the floor have you ever heard of Among Us gory I don’t even know how that makes sense but it’s funny enough so you need to impost so goofy such a city Goose Gregory Gregory what are you doing I

Can’t Freddy very well P door not at the moment but just a random glass is there actually no there’s no pet store in here I to think about that there is a pet store somewhere in the not the mall the city so hello uh bride I’m going to say

That wrong I’m just going to stick with bride so I don’t offend you on accident butter butter is a very very good review that really gives me the context I need to understand this game a little bit better so glad I could be informed with such Wisdom uh The Edge is there to there I think that should work without screwing me up to it can I do black stained glass do I have to do the stupid thing oh I can do the thing okay that’s nice I’d rather not do the stupid thing because it’s

Stupid in case I wasn’t obvious by me calling it stupid originally C BR already you got it boss So Bad Grandpa on eBay perfect oh I’ve done that a few times heyo Bri all right this is uh turning out as something I guess I don’t really

Know I can actually do this side as well cuz this will be easy I just have to do the glass to here and Then yeah I’m going to do that real quick cuz I won’t be very long amazing I like McDonald’s that answer is it’s plural actually can’t forget about all of the other ones obviously except the fact that it’s hyphenated that’s not the right word is it no it’s not welcome back ping

Piggies I don’t know what the word that I’m thinking of is but it’s not hyphenated it’s possessive I I do actually I have one that was like one of the first things I made in the mall Nathan I can show in a second here let me finish this stupid

Stupid and then I’ll run over there at full speed yeah I did a K Jewelers or whatever it’s called think that’s right K Jewelers that sounds right I could be wrong I don’t know I don’t buy jewelry very often so I wouldn’t know B what teleporting sniffer I actually

Don’t know what that is I’m going to add that to my list of tutorials and look into it uh bride there it is okay nordstom I do not have that I’m also going to throw that in my tutorial list though maybe I I’ll throw it in city that’s Google Maps or Apple

Maps one of the two I don’t freaking know they’re all the same minus the differences tutorials um bottom of the list that’s not the bottom that’s the bottom uh Zar Nordom you read your head on on the class uh it’s always been the lizard but the back the suit thing is uh three years old about three years old I think oh my God T jock that edit is crazy I have a cafe

I think do I have a cafe I should I want to say I do pretty sure it’s over where the deli is unless that’s Burger King there but I feel like I have one somewhere oh you know what no it’s at the back I don’t know how to get there though cuz

Everything is glass all food court I’ve got a couple areas that are food Coury they’re not really food courts but I have food choices this small kind is lame cuz it’s only one floor yeah there’s Cafe I knew I had one Builder bear I do have a builder bear oh

My God youall are making me run around in circles here yes exactly somebody made that for me a while ago actually Nathan I think it’s here oh no it’s on the other side whoop all it’s there it doesn’t have an inside yet but it’s here PetSmart not in the mall but I do

Have one in the the city that is so trippy of course you were TJ your worst night I don’t know if I’ve ever been in a Hot Topic before to be honest grocery store there’s not one in the mall but again there’s some in the City I don’t think any are in range

Unfortunately I have we have Target and Walmart there but those aren’t grocery stores I have a Kroger somewhere over there I thought about it but if I if I didn’t have one literally cuz it’s in that the uh PetSmart is in that shopping center that’s like right past my render

Distance I can drow a little bit of it and I’ll probably actually end stream because we’re about at that time a lot of buildings don’t have insides but I’ve been working on the church a little bit not since last stream here’s an aquarium that I am

Making uh Walmart pet store I have two pet stores cuz I have a petore on the other side well P or this pet store here was I think from before something else and I moved it here I have a few I don’t have that many in the all yet but I have

Some ice cream parlor Target IHOP I don’t technically live anywhere I guess it’s a weird thought yes a gametop there there’s skycrapers stop but I don’t have a hotel specifically I do have houses in this St hold on let me get up fireworks so I can actually go a

Little bit faster cuz I’m moving in a snail face yeah here’s the Kroger next to shake chat I have had chick check fairly recently actually yeah here’s the houses there’s a Burger King car dealership Bank of America firehouse that’s a lot cuz I mean I’ve

Done some if I didn’t do any that’d be a fun idea ping Piggies but cuz I’ve done some I don’t know it’s an interesting special to do McDonald’s yes there’s one over here oh I have an apartment building here too I forgot about that it’s next to the parking

Garage that’s there and I have a hockey Stadium back here which most of you are probably familiar with there’s the McDonald’s next to a library that’s not finished this I guess technically also isn’t finished because it has no inside but so spread out it’s just they are

It’s just how I’ve been working on it I’m trying to do it in sections and here’s the hockey stadium and then there’s a clock tower which is massive and a diagonal building which I don’t know why I did just Arena that’s I want to say a bar but I guess a restaurant over

Here yeah the bottom there nothing inside but it’s here that’s true uh yeah that was over here it’s not finished again but it’s I started it there it is I was making like a little food area in here and then I I stopped the crying obsidian is

Temporary it was just so I could mark it out and realize that it’s not supposed to be the color cuz I didn’t know what I wanted for yet but yeah it’s not really anywhere for me to pray right now unfortunately oh yeah and then I started the staircase so I could

Have the area back here and there’s the mall which is massive that like makes everything else in the city look small to be honest it’s kind of crazy how small it does make everything look well I think that’s a good point to end let me check how long we’ve been streaming

For yeah it’s been about two hours so I do not have a park no not yet City’s not that big it’s getting there but it’s not it’s not that big water park I have a let’s build a theme park which has water park in it it’s not even

A theme park technically because there’s no theme to it but there were thoughts of transferring it over to this world hasn’t happened I also lost progress in the Water Park area of that which kind of sucked it was like literally one water slide but it still kind of sucked because

It was not a fun water slide to make but yeah maybe it’ll get transfer maybe it won’t it gaming Pro was talking about it but then things happened and it just never happened Um I do want to make a movie theater soon as well jumping on the roof part two coming soon I love parkouring on things it’s just fun just run around and just you know on the walls and stuff it’s nice it’s a good thinking or talking spot all right ready

Guys we’re going to do this with snowballs my aim sucks actually that was almost in all right ho in two even though I couldn’t actually see it oh man I think that went in actually cuz I didn’t see the particles for it either way that’s

In my aim is so bad trampoline park I do not I’m counting that I don’t care what you say hold in too let’s go I’m actually so good at this game I think I landed right here hole in two I can’t actually do this one in one

Unfortunately it’s like in the hole what am I supposed to do with that you know what good enough golf but with snowballs three four hoay also not Monty golf oh my God does this look like Monty golf to you anyway as I nose div to the floor I

Think that is a good point to end the stream I’m not adding a beach in the city because I’d have to terraform that whole thing by hand and I’ve terraformed enough beaches in my time I’ve actually done two one has never been shown on YouTube and the other is len

To but that being said thank you guys for watch us get thank you oh my god thank you guys for watching you guys did enjoy this video as I save this into the playlist as per usual where the freak is it it’s not even that low I got to

Finish limbo I should do that soon uh I want to do Among Us rocket League maybe this weekend if my internet decides to work and tomorrow I was thinking Hollow night but I might do limbo I might do hollow night I might do nothing at all I don’t

Know yeah but yeah that being said fin your day or night and I will see you on the next one peace a

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Let’s Build A Shopping Mall Ep 16: LIVE!’, was uploaded by JustMatthew on 2023-12-14 23:02:42. It has garnered 132 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:27 or 7227 seconds.

Discord: https://discord.gg/JU5c4Ky

Planet Minecraft page: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/justmatthew/?suggested=1

  • Shulker Farm Shenanigans: Minecraft Hardcore Setup

    Shulker Farm Shenanigans: Minecraft Hardcore Setup Minecraft Hardcore: Shulker Farm Setup Part 1 Overview In the latest episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, Doc Brennan dives into the intricate process of setting up a Shulker Farm. This challenging task requires strategic planning, resource management, and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics. Shulker Farm Setup Setting up a Shulker Farm in Minecraft is no easy feat. Shulkers are unique mobs found in End Cities, and farming them can be incredibly rewarding. By creating a farm, players can efficiently gather Shulker shells, a valuable resource used for crafting Shulker Boxes. Key Steps – Locating an End… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Trash Can Tutorial Minecraft Tutorial: Building a Trash Can with Zurtox Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial with Zurtox! Today, Zurtox will guide you through the process of building a simple trash can in Minecraft. If you have any other building ideas or suggestions for tutorials on his channel, feel free to share them in the comments section. Building a Trash Can in Minecraft Creating a trash can in Minecraft can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Follow Zurtox’s step-by-step instructions to add this essential element to your Minecraft world. Materials Needed: Iron Blocks: For the main structure of the trash can…. Read More

  • Brother’s Minecraft Debut!

    Brother's Minecraft Debut! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey as we witness a new player, the little brother, stepping into the blocky universe of Minecraft for the very first time. Let’s follow along as he explores, builds, and faces various challenges in this captivating gameplay. Exploring the Unknown As the little brother sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft, he is greeted by a landscape filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Armed with only his creativity and determination, he begins his exploration,… Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Atok Dalang Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and explore the Atok Dalang Portal? Join the adventure as we uncover the secrets of this unique portal and discover what awaits on the other side! Creating the Atok Dalang Portal Creating the Atok Dalang Portal in Minecraft is a thrilling experience. By following the steps provided, players can unlock a whole new world filled with exciting adventures and challenges. Don’t forget to gather all the necessary resources and prepare yourself for the journey ahead! Exploring the Atok Dalang World Once you step… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Lifesteal Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community. Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “My Application For {CHORSMP} Lifesteal SMP.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind server, it got us thinking – what makes a Minecraft server truly stand out and attract players from all over the world? One server that has been making waves in the Minecraft community is Minewind. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP action, and thriving community, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned… Read More

  • Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance

    Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance In the world of Minecraft, a glitch has been found, A multiplayer duplication trick, spreading around. Enchanted items, duplicated with ease, Using a trade plugin, the process is a breeze. Trade your items with a friend or alt account, Then unenchant them, creating a new amount. Stacking enchants, making items more strong, With each duplication, the power grows long. But beware, the glitch may break the game, Creating sharpness levels that are insane. So try it out, and see what you find, In the world of Minecraft, glitches unwind. Subscribe for more glitches, tutorials galore, Join our Discord community,… Read More

  • Can’t Speak Russian in Minecraft?!

    Can't Speak Russian in Minecraft?! The Thrill of Finding Diamonds in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, every player dreams of stumbling upon the coveted diamonds hidden deep within the earth. The excitement of discovering these precious gems is unparalleled, and the journey to find them is filled with anticipation and suspense. Exploring the Depths As our player delves into the depths of a dark cave, armed with only a pickaxe and determination, the quest for diamonds begins. The echoing sound of footsteps reverberates through the tunnels as they navigate through the maze of underground passages. Unveiling the Treasures After mining through layers… Read More

  • Defeating Minecraft’s Scariest Boss!

    Defeating Minecraft's Scariest Boss! Minecraft’s Most Terrifying Boss: The Wither Storm The Dreadful Encounter SparksXV, the owner of the Momentum SMP server, summoned the terrifying Wither storm, setting off a chain of events that led to chaos and destruction. The server, known for its unique concept of revisiting previous seasons, became a battleground for survival. The Battle Begins As the Wither storm wreaked havoc, Spwiggle and his fellow creators banded together to face this monstrous threat. With lives on the line and the server at stake, they fought valiantly to defeat the boss and save their world. The Final Showdown After a grueling… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of automatic sorting systems in Minecraft. If you’ve ever wanted to streamline your item organization process, this is the video for you. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a full automatic sorting system in Minecraft, making item management a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your storage system or a beginner eager to learn new tricks, this video has something for everyone. But why stop at just watching videos? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level… Read More

  • Crafting Chronicles: Epic Minecraft Builds & Tutorials

    Crafting Chronicles: Epic Minecraft Builds & Tutorials Welcome to Crafting Chronicles! Exploring Epic Builds and Tutorials Get ready to witness stunning structures come to life in the world of Minecraft. Follow along with step-by-step guides to create your own architectural masterpieces. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Let your creativity soar as you build, design, and craft your way through the game. Embarking on Adventure Maps and Challenges Join in on thrilling custom map explorations and take on exciting challenges and survival quests. Navigate through treacherous terrains, solve intricate puzzles, and test your skills in a variety of scenarios. Whether you… Read More

  • Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraft

    Unleash the King Demon in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [音楽] おいおいおい上にが関係や This video, titled ‘Minecraft oi oi oi #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by King Demon K.D. on 2024-07-13 08:15:18. It has garnered 13234 views and 237 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #Shorts

    EPIC Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build!! 🤯 #ShortsVideo Information C [음악] This video, titled ‘Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts’, was uploaded by Twi Shorts on 2024-07-14 14:00:15. It has garnered 24309 views and 1342 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Inside Out 2 Minecraft Build Loop! 🤯 #Shorts ►Subscribe! https://bit.ly/2N6xMG5 ►My Info: https://twishorts.com/ ►Merch: https://twishorts.store/ ►Socials: https://solo.to/twishorts In this video, I place amethyst blocks in sync with the theme song from Inside Out 2, which is a well known animated Disney movie. Disclaimer: I did not build the pixel art by hand. It is an image from the series… Read More

  • “ElManx_ – Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP” #clickbait

    "ElManx_ - Sin Problemas En Minecraft Skywars PvP" #clickbaitVideo Information es como Que Que entiendas mucho lo Que te estoy diciendo no no Hay problema no Hay problema no Hay problema no This video, titled ‘No hay problema.. #minecraft #skywars #maincra #minercraft #minecraftshorts #pvp’, was uploaded by ElManx_ on 2024-01-11 00:07:57. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥

    Insane Pranks in Minecraft Short! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-07-04 15:53:07. It has garnered 10779 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Hahahaha Minecraft short #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #technogamerz Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour… Read More

  • Ametium

    AmetiumÊtes-vous passionné par Minecraft et souhaitez-vous contribuer à une communauté dynamique et compétitive ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Amétium est à la recherche de talents comme vous pour rejoindre notre équipe de staff et participer à la construction d’une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle ! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: https://discord.gg/JKfzKNRuuW About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play, more info about us in our server! Join Us: First join our discord: https://discord.gg/JKfzKNRuuW then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist You can find the mod pack and IP in the severs Info channel Read More

  • [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)

    [1.21] Severation SMP (Whitelisted / Semi-Vanilla / 18+)The Short & SweetSeveration SMP is a Semi-Vanilla 18+ server, whitelisted, running on PaperMC.We have few and simple rules, focused on creating a healthy and friendly SMP experience, such as no griefing or stealing.Server Start: 28/06About UsWhat started off originally as a friend group playing Minecraft together, evolved into a full blown community server, made by players interested in the community and comradery aspect.We like to keep it as vanilla as possible, while still having some quality of life features, such as teleportation, visual features like teams and colors.Our FeaturesShopping DistrictDynmapTwo-Way Chat between Minecraft & Discord ServerInteractive chat commands, such… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell Me

    Minecraft Memes - Is it Fact or Cap? Pls Tell MeFact: This meme is so accurate, even the creepers are nodding in agreement. Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024

    Minecraft Mayhem: Crazy Bow Fight 25th April 2024 In the world of Minecraft, on the 25th of April, A crazy bow fight, watch the players brawl. Sharpshooters aiming, arrows flying high, In this epic battle, who will reach the sky? The gamers are skilled, their strategies tight, Each move calculated, in the heat of the fight. With bows drawn back, and hearts beating fast, They clash in the game, till the very last. So click the link, and watch the scene unfold, In this Minecraft world, where stories are told. Don’t miss a moment, of this thrilling sight, Join in the fun, and game on with delight! Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Robot Memes!

    Hot Minecraft Robot Memes! Why did the robot go to the bathroom in Minecraft? Because he heard there was a Skibiditoiletmeme waiting for him! Read More

  • Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base

    Touring a Modern Minecraft SMP Base Exploring the Modern Beta SMP Server in Minecraft Embark on a journey through time with the Modern Beta SMP server in Minecraft! Step back into the “golden age” version of Minecraft from 2011, beta 1.7.3, recreated in Modern Minecraft for Java and Bedrock Edition. What sets this server apart is its server-side approach, eliminating the need for mods, launchers, or resource packs. Simply join and play to experience the nostalgia of Minecraft’s early days! What is Modern Beta SMP? Modern Beta SMP is an SMP server dedicated to recreating the essence of Minecraft’s beta 1.7.3 version within the modern… Read More

  • Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans

    Sponge & Diggy Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures: Terraforming and Ocean Cleanup Introduction In a recent Minecraft stream on Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarked on a journey to clean out the area under a new tower. The stream was filled with excitement and creativity as the player showcased their terraforming skills and tackled the task of mopping up the ocean. Terraforming Marvels The stream began with Music Free Gaming showcasing a giant tower that needed some serious work. The player had already started terraforming the area around the tower, using stone to create a basic foundation. The goal was to texture the area… Read More

  • Blazeonix – Infinite Hearts Minecraft SMP!

    Blazeonix - Infinite Hearts Minecraft SMP!Video Information फ एमसी से और मैं इस वीडियो में दोनों तरीकों का इस्तेमाल करने वाला हूं हार्टस कन करने के लिए सबसे पहले ऑक्शन से करने वाले परचेज और उसके बाद लास्ट में बंदों को टीपी ट्रैप करने वाले हैं सो अब एक काम करता हूं मैं सबसे पहले पैसे कमाने के लिए जाता हूं ताकि मैं ऑ से हार्ट्स खरीद सकूं और हां इसमें पैसे कमाने के लिए मैं यहां पर करने वाला हूं डायमंड माइनिंग क्योंकि वो सबसे बेस्ट तरीका है जो कि मैंने अभी तक इसमें देखा है डायमंड माइनिंग करो 4t 3 से और उसके… Read More

  • Intense Piglin Head Battle – Minecraft 594

    Intense Piglin Head Battle - Minecraft 594Video Information [Music] oh that music is nice hey buddy oh I haven’t named you yet come with me today feel so nostalgic starting off here with an episode with the trial key our first trial key if you didn’t catch last episode we got our first one we also got a few more can you fly with me on my shoulder oh you can it looks interesting but you’re doing it look at you go look at you these are my retired tools interesting right what was the last one we put up here Tomahawk 16 18 21 22… Read More

  • Insane Parrot Stand Hack in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Parrot Stand Hack in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information I I This video, titled ‘Parrot Stand Tutorial In Minecraft #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Sigma Bhai on 2024-05-31 08:14:39. It has garnered 14709 views and 294 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Lifesteal on 24/7 Minecraft SMP, Join now! [PE+JAVA]

    Insane Lifesteal on 24/7 Minecraft SMP, Join now! [PE+JAVA]Video Information हेलो दोस्तो फिर से आकाम के साथ ना नलाइन हो चुका है और सबको शेर कर देता हं की मतलब सब कुछ सेट कर दिया हमारा क्या उसका नाम सु भाने लगन कर लेता पले कर देता उसके बाद सेट कर देता क्योंकि इधर काम होता है ना तो देख लेते कोई बंदा तो दो मिनट ठीक है दो मिनट आज बहुत बढ़िया स्ट्रीम है हमने सुब भी एक घंटा किया था तो अभी तो दो घंटे का ट्राई करेंगे पता नहीं कैसा होगा इंटरनेट बहुत बढ़िया जा रहा है और उसने सेट नहीं किया लगता है उसको… Read More

  • Dolt’s EPIC Minecraft Server Livestream NOW!

    Dolt's EPIC Minecraft Server Livestream NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 24/7 Online Server | Turnip Live Stream |’, was uploaded by Dolt on 2024-04-08 01:56:35. It has garnered 16 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:39 or 1599 seconds. 🎮 Streaming via Turnip #minecraft #livestream #turnip #gaming #turnip_live #games #gamingvideos #livetipsandtricks #mobilegames #minecraftlive #minecraftvideos #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecrafthighlights #youtuber #turnipclub Today I am streaming minecraft. Other popular games: PUBG Mobile Garena Free Fire Among Us Call of Duty Mobile Fall Guys Call of Duty: Warzone Grand Theft Auto V Fortnite Roblox Minecraft Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Terrain Gen 🔥 #shorts” 🤯

    "Insane Minecraft Terrain Gen 🔥 #shorts" 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Look At This INSANE Terrain Generation In Minecraft 😲🔥 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-27 17:00:24. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft myths EXPOSED – SHOCKING REVEALS! 🔥

    Insane Minecraft myths EXPOSED - SHOCKING REVEALS! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft myth buster #13 #shorts #shortsvideo #viral #minecraft #short #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mine Core on 2024-01-06 07:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft myth buster #13 #shorts #shortsvideo #viral #minecraft #short #youtubeshorts minecraft video minecraft oggy minecraft … Read More

  • Soul SMP Drama EXPOSED ft @NotGamerEnd

    Soul SMP Drama EXPOSED ft @NotGamerEndVideo Information This video, titled ‘SOUL SMP SCRIPTED ? ft @NotGamerEnd’, was uploaded by ILLEGAL on 2024-07-13 19:11:39. It has garnered 95 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftpc #cringeymemes #edgymemes #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuildings #cursedmemes #spritecranberry #cringememes #shrek #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecrafter #minecraftforever #minecraftdaily #minecrafts #minecraftgamer #minecraftxbox #minecraftpc #minecrafthouse #minecraftuniverse #minecraftedits #minecraftindonesia #minecraftdesign #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftserver #minecrafthouses #minecraft_pe #minecraftps4 #minecraftgamers #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftcity #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuildings #minecraftmeme #minecrafttutorial #minecraftartdo #minecraftmods #pewdiepiememes #mineraftmeme #minecraftpocketedtion #minecraftseeds… Read More

  • Unleash EPIC Elemental Powers in Minecraft!

    Unleash EPIC Elemental Powers in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Have ELEMENTAL POWERS!’, was uploaded by JUNGKurt_ on 2024-07-07 09:00:33. It has garnered 78648 views and 1807 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:22 or 1582 seconds. for sponsorship and for Collaboration: [email protected] Maizen Parody Funny Mob Battle Aphmau RP Parody Cash & Nico RP Parody Panoorin nyo rin sila PepeSan Tv, OLIP TV, Habitat Gaming, Esoni TV, Ar Ar Playz, Sheynnn Playz, Jey Jey, Micolee, Clyde Charge, MoiraYT, JUNGKurt, Mizumi, Tankdemic – Minecraft, Asheru, PlayOfEl, ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ music i used in this video 🎧Cute bgm Yummy Flavor: https://youtu.be/tAaFg2u-i2c?si=icGKBkZINB3RrFOJ Minecraft, Omocraft, Minecraft… Read More

  • Terraforma Zone

    Terraforma Zone¡Bienvenido a TerraformaZone tu destino definitivo para llevar tu experiencia de juego de Minecraft al siguiente nivel! En TerraformaZone, nos dedicamos a ofrecerte los mejores servicios de servidor para que puedas crear, explorar y compartir tus mundos virtuales de manera emocionante y sin límites. Desde servidores personalizados plugins un alojamiento de alto rendimiento para garantizar una experiencia de juego fluida, en TerraformaZone te proporcionamos las herramientas necesarias para que puedas construir tu propia comunidad en línea. Nuestro equipo de expertos está disponible las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana para brindarte soporte técnico y asesoramiento personalizado,… Read More

  • Forged in Iron Roleplay – SMP

    Welcome to our Medieval Roleplay Server! This server combines elements of both a Medieval Roleplay and an SMP server. Players can form towns and nations using factions, band together to face threats, and take on various professions such as blacksmiths, guild masters, farmers, and more. Roleplay with others and experience a range of interactions from romance to betrayal. Features: Low-fantasy setting with hidden lore Custom-made map Plugins including brewery, big doors, factions, and custom roleplay chat Interested in joining? Message me for a link to our discord server or leave a comment with any questions you may have! Server IP:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Peaceful Minecraft Player Finds Himself in War

    Minecraft Memes - Peaceful Minecraft Player Finds Himself in WarLooks like he should have built a bigger wall around his house! Read More

  • Village Wall Thrall: Minecraft Hardcore Ep. 2

    Village Wall Thrall: Minecraft Hardcore Ep. 2 In the winter village, GeminiTay plays, Building farms and walls in her own unique ways. Her hardcore world, a new adventure begun, With each episode, more fun to be spun. Follow her on Twitch, Twitter, and Insta too, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. Recorded with OBS, version 1.21, GeminiTay’s journey has only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hottest Messes #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft's Hottest Messes #minecraft #memes When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole village turns against you like you’re the ultimate bacon thief. #minecraftproblems #oinkjustice Read More

  • WrobeleQ CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server!

    WrobeleQ CreeperSMP - Your Dream Minecraft Server! Welcome to CreeperSMP – Your Dream Minecraft Server! Are you ready to embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure? Look no further than CreeperSMP! This Polish server offers a unique gaming experience that will keep you entertained for hours on end. From PvP battles to exploring new worlds, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast here. Join Our Community on Discord If you’re eager to join the CreeperSMP community, head over to our Discord server at dc.gg/creepersmp. You’ll find all the information you need to get started, including the server IP address. Remember, membership on Discord is required to access the… Read More

  • Wheel Decides My Skywars Victory

    Wheel Decides My Skywars Victory The Wheel Picks How I Win Skywars Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft Skywars, where every move is determined by the spin of a wheel. Join the adventure as players face off in intense battles, showcasing their skills and strategies to emerge victorious in this thrilling game mode. The Wheel of Fate Imagine the thrill of not knowing what challenge awaits you next as the wheel spins, determining your fate in the Skywars arena. Will you be blessed with powerful gear, or will you face daunting obstacles that test your abilities to the limit? The… Read More

  • 🔴Minecraft LIVE! Join our server now!

    🔴Minecraft LIVE! Join our server now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft chill – LIVE – !Server in chat’, was uploaded by Darkmage4 Productions on 2024-07-16 15:19:38. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:39 or 6939 seconds. Live Also at https://twitch.tv/darkmage4 – Chat on screen PLEASE HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON AND SUBSCRIBE IF YOU’RE ENJOYING THE STREAM! ️New to my channel? SUBSCRIBE ️ https://darkmage4.com/s/sub Donate? ▸ SE: https://streamelements.com/darkmage4/tip ▸ Patreon: https://patreon.com/darkmage4 ▸ Paypal Direct: www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=TNGHQUGKU9EGW ️Follow me for updates! ▸ X: https://x.com/Darkmage4pro ▸ https://darkmage4.com ▸ Facebook: https://facebook.com/darkmage4 ▸ Instagram: https://instagram.com/darkmage4pro ▸ Patreon: https://patreon.com/darkmage4 ▸ Spotify: https://spotify.darkmage4.com ◢RULES: -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Livestream with TilaAndSpinkx

    Insane Minecraft Livestream with TilaAndSpinkxVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT LIVESTREAM by @TilaAndSpinkx Part 7!!’, was uploaded by TilaAndSpinkx on 2024-02-17 03:06:27. It has garnered 288 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:55 or 8575 seconds. Today, we are going to stream minecraft!! We’re going to have double screen on the stream too! ♥ [NOTE] You can join too just make sure you have JAVA EDITION!!!!!!! New game is out! (EARLY ACCESS) Mega Fun Silly Cat Obby! 👇👇👇https://www.roblox.com/games/15560206157/EARLY-ACCESS-Mega-Fun-Silly-Cat-Obby [𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓻𝓽 𝓤𝓼] 𝒫𝒶𝓅𝒶𝒶𝓁: paypal.me/tilandspinkx 𝒦𝑜-𝐹𝒾: https://ko-fi.com/tilaspinkx Playing @minecraft games with friends and viewers 💖 Live Donations, Gifts, Random games, and Interactions will… Read More