EPIC LOOT in Creothina – Minecraft ATM9!

Video Information

Hey Minecrafters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you’re new here and to episode 15 in our all the mods 9 series I have something a little crazy planned for today so grab a drink grab a snack whatever it is that you get

For while you watch videos and let’s get on with the fun all righty I am I’m laughing already because I know I had said I wasn’t going to do this for a while but when you guys see the video that’s actually going to be going live in the morning I’m recording this um

Before last episode goes live but when you guys see that video you’ll understand what gave me the itch to do what I’m doing today so I’m not going to tell you right off the bat you’re just going to have to watch but I do want to thank a couple of people so Mackenzie

Had mentioned I can use pine cones to tame the reindeers now I’m not sure if they mean reindeers in the Overworld or if they’re reindeers in in Blue Skies but I will have to double check what they mean by that but thank you for that tip because reindeers in this game are

So cute and William had actually answered a question now I know spell had answered it while I was recording the last episode and I had checked the comments about melon power so William kind of like uh went into more detail on that one and said if I remember

Correctly you put melons in a Crusher to get biofuel when you put them in a pressurized reaction chamber you get ethylene putting that in a gas burning generator makes stupid amounts of power even when nerfed it’s still really good I have a setup that uses potatoes so

Thank you for that cuz I was really confused about the whole melon power thing which you will hear in the video coming in the morning but uh yeah so thank you for clearing that up very important and and and and for our adventure today I made sure that I got

Life steal on our main sword and it already had the life steel gem in it but I wanted extra life steel because I’m going to need it so I’m sure you figured out where we’re going but I said I wasn’t going to do it for a while but I got the itch

After doing the last thing that I did in the last episode um and I mean I feel it’s so weird I’m like okay so is this rushing but it’s not really because like we’ve barely scratched the surface of the pack and I’m still living in a villager house and I just want this

Gear and I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know where to just going wherever my brain takes me I promised we’re going to go build that area I found um that’s definitely going to be like a stream thing where we’re going to spend a bunch of time

Hanging out while I dig out that area and figure things out but don’t worry this this series will be going on a very very very long time so I just really want to go to this place and I I just I can’t stop thinking about it and I want

To go so don’t judge me but anyways um yeah that’s the plan for today and then we’ll just wing it after that we’ll see how long it takes in said area I am going to bring some buckets I do need to bring milk milk is going to be very

Important um I don’t think raids trigger when the guys are in their little uh easy villagers thing here however um uh brain fart I am in a village so I don’t know I don’t know if it will so I’m just I’m not going to take that

Chance I do want to make a couple more stack upgrades just to kind of beef this up a little bit I don’t think I have enough to do um the netherite ones but I am going to bring all these backpacks these are going to be very very important oh and I

I did some organization so obviously the things were over here before but I wanted to set these up to a look symmetrical and B so that I could get them kind of properly Juiced up and stuff like that for the time being with these these generators so I have wither

Skeletons going in here for the coal and then I have zombies in here for the um gold gold yeah no the zomb piglins oh these guys are going to be iron for now and then of course the wither skeletons in here I still have some zombified

Piglin things left from the last time oh my God so many so many zombify piglin things but yeah so that’s all done you guys will see that in the episode coming tomorrow I’m going to make some more torches so let’s get all of this going so first things first torches let’s

Do and I’m realizing that I’m moving around in my chair again so I apologize oh it’s so funny I’m like the Cole situation is so bad oh maybe not okay everything’s just in blocks there we go let’s make some torches thank you thank you thank you thank you there we go that should

Be I need torches to Mark where I’m going in this place so we’re just going to make a whole bunch of those rods I I don’t know if the torch glitch has been fixed so I’ve just been religiously using Stone torches because I I don’t want to risk it but okay now

Upgrades oh we have quest to turn in I’m still feeling a little bit off so again you guys are going to hear in the video coming tomorrow that uh I’m still sick and I well I didn’t say still in that video I was sick in that video I’m still

Sick now but it’s not as bad I have a little more energy which is nice um but I’m still going to be a little off but that’s not going to stop me from doing what I’m going to do today cuz I’m crazy apparently oh man why do I do this to myself oh

Flux points I’m so disappointed that the windmills are so dooky okay so upgrades oh what am I doing I literally didn’t even turn in all the quests like my brain is just so focused on these dang upgrades um what do I have to turn in here

Oh okay oh cuz I was moving all my storage stuff around and I guess something had popped into my back like into my uh inventory or something like that that had didn’t register last time okay so we’re going to make 1 two 3 four five diamond ones cuz they do stack

Which is really nice um I’m not going to do like the backpack in the backpack wait what I thought I turned over oh I didn’t oh the zombie arm oh from doing the okay okay okay okay from all the zombie booping okay what was it oh God my brain’s not working

Um so the upgrades but I just I literally just thought of something and know my brain is just like and okay oh my God brain please should I bring another Backpack the debate is real I wanted to set up machines and stuff today for like industrial for going and everything but I don’t want to be making all these crazy machines like I know they’re easy to move and stuff like that but I don’t

Know well I I have to plan it out a little bit better but like I said I’m still feeling off so we’re going to make some more of these and honestly it’s so funny to think that like it’s very backwards I mean maybe it’s the same with other

People as well where building a bunch of machines and doing stuff around the house is a lot more calming but for me like it takes a lot of brain power for me to remember and then learn on top of what I remember for all these machines

It’s just so much easier for me just to go in and like swing my sword at things and loot things when I’m feeling a little foggy is probably the best word so uh I know it’s a little backwards for some people and it may take them a little

More energy and like brain power to like fight things and stuff but for me it’s complete opposite like I’m fine going in and smacking things around with my sword it it takes a little more reflex ability but I have my jetpack on in there so

It’s really not that bad for me but uh yeah that’s a little explanation of how koo’s brain works so how many of these did I say five five should I do more than five should I do three each or two each am I going to have oops am I going to have

Enough let’s science this I don’t know if I’m going to have enough iron I’m not going to have enough iron that’s exactly why I did these dudes we’re going to take this oh no we’re going to take this take this and we’re going to go like this and then we’re

Going to go like this we’re going to take like that I thought I had more iron um I thought I had more iron let’s see oh I forgot to turn off the other backpacks oh crap okay good it went in here anyways let’s see what do we got

For the iron s here oh we got some here definitely not enough get oh actually what am I blind I mean yes I wear glasses but I need to set this up on like a you know what actually hold on I’m doing it right now I don’t care about the XP from these

Anymore um and I realized I just did the thing I said I wasn’t going to do with the backpack so I don’t care right now uh oh goodness okay hold on let’s put all this way did anything go in here no okay put this stuff in here uh-huh

Uh-huh uhhuh we’re just going to take this out of here uhuh uhuh uhuh Okay some did go in there that’s fine that we’ll do that and we’ll just do this where did my other furnaces go oh there they are take that and then we’re going to do this

Hopper B bam chest so we’re going to make I’m going to show you guys how to make my my my pretty little Diamond chest here so you want to make the chest From what who is it sophisticated storage so it’s a chest and Redstone or you can do a redstone um torch and planks so we’re going to do that so it’s going to be four oh good gravy um 12 I guess I could just match what I did

For the thing okay so but before I take them out and do the upgrades I’m going to turn them into white chests like so and then when I put them down and I put the upgrades on them we’re just going to set them up first so this that’s one of the really

Great things about sophisticated storage is you can dye your chests and then do all like the upgrades so you can have like the really cool like uh corner pieces looking a certain way but you can also dye like the trims on them so just like the sophisticated backpacks where

When you dye them depending on where you put them in your grid it’ll it’ll either dye the trim of the backpack or the backpack itself and you can have like mixed and matches of colors which is really cool I love that they did that so you can do the same with the storage

Chests which is really really cool and the storage chests also like the backpacks have slots for upgrades depending on the size of them and you can also do like smelting upgrades and pickup upgrades and oh my gosh it’s it’s wild so boop boop I just realized do I

Want to just these are going to look ridiculous but you know what I don’t care and another good thing about these chests is they can be under a full block and still open so they don’t have to be under a stair or under a slab they’ll open no matter what which is

Awesome so go boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop okay our furnace Behemoth is now set up I don’t know why I love doing this so much but I love making furnace behem okay let’s see I should have tons of coal but actually I think I ended up

Just filling up all these remins so oh I did the thing with the backpack again whatever are you oh there you guys probably ate some Okay so let’s grab this grab this I’m going to have to do some more uh coal getting that’s going to fill up the furnaces with the coal and

Then we are going to make the upgrades for the chests which are super easy to make I will show you and that is not what I meant to type upgrade um I have some here so basic to iron iron to gold gold to Diamond so

That means oh my God I need 11 more oh no why didn’t I do this between recording okay that oh it’s already oh I already have it marked of course I do there we go and there we go okay so 11 of these God dang it that’s right cuz I was making the

IR okay I’ll be fine oops oops oops I’ll be all right I’ll be all right I’ll be all right oh I like I like a up I like a up like so and get all those cooking away get some more going in I know I could be using the hammer for this and

All that fun stuff but iron is really not that hard to get especially now that I have the um the neural networks going so we’re going to let that cook give it a sec trying to think if there’s anything else that I’ve updated or done oh yeah I filled all these up with

Coal oh yeah that’s where all my coal went oh this is so much better yes give me okay so now the 10 more of these perfect and then 11 of these seriously I need Redstone torches there we go and then a dount oh everything’s in blocks there okay so

Now we’re going to do this and go boop boop boop boop the iron one doesn’t really show that much CU it’s white let you go boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop and then I like how it looks with the netherite as well but I’m not going to

Be spending netherite on doing this so yeah now those are all upgraded nice and big to match everything else so I might like do like purple or something at some point in that but we shall see now what was I doing the backpack upgrades right that’s what I needed the iron

For so give me all of those give me all of those and I’ll take of those thank you thank you bloop and then turn you into these now how many um help was I even able to make oh maybe not okay so 10 of those oh for Pete’s sake I should have

Tons of gold oh yeah look at all that gold oh yeah okay and then bam so now boop boop boop boop boop boop and where’s our other pack packs there they are and then boop boop and then boop boop so now now everything should stack up like

I think a diamond is what like 512 so yeah that should be yeah okay we should have plenty of space now oh man I am nervous though I am so nervous cuz that place is a mad house um do I have enough food on me this this is definitely something like you really

Want to plan for maybe I’ll make some more toast I’m going to need like a stupid amount of the stuff for when I start M colonies that’s actually really annoying I didn’t think this through did I that’s going to be really annoying anyways um and I also need to get more

Of the wheat going and stuff as well because those guys are going to be eaten up a storm so I was playing on my non-recording world and I thought this was absolutely hilarious so they spawn in Raiders and stuff right so when they spawn in Raiders they come in like sometimes in

The water or whatever they’ll come in from camps encampments and stuff like that they spawned because where my mind colony is it’s only got a river in front and behind it so it spawned a boat of pirates on top of the trees and it spawns in the water blocks with the boat

So it flooded the entire Forest everything was a mess like oh my God it was so bad and all these like Pires were flying out the ship cuz it was a one with like the three spawners on it four spawners or whatever and it was just a mess it was an absolute mess

So I had to go in and use my my building wand oh that’s what I wanted to build in a building wand but um I’ll do that in a second I went in with my building wand and put dirt underneath the to get rid

Of all the water blocks and oh my God it was just GH it was awful so uh since I have some nether Stars I’m going to make an infinity building W because this thing doesn’t break and it’s going to be great I just that’s what I was trying to remember

What I wanted to do earlier now I remember what it was it was that uh did I only make oh okay whatever that should be fine that should be enough there we go I wonder if there’s like a better version of this no probably not a okay still missing my Burgers but this

Avocado toast has just been so much easier to deal with oh wait did I not take my there we go okay so we should have everything I’m going to this place on a mission I’m not going to do the whole place because it is huge but I’m going

On a mission to find a template if we don’t find the template there then we don’t find the temple there might have to find another one but that’s fine I’m not doing two today but yes there’s going to be a weird cut there I’m so sorry I hit the stop recording

Key that’s going to sound like my laugh was cut off I am so sorry um I keep forgetting that I I rebound that but let’s see am I ready am I ready I got life steal on that oo do I want to put do I want to try I have prop five on

Everything um which one of you has the least amount of luck only one of you has luck interesting interesting interesting I don’t think I’m going to have enough uh experience for this anyways I just want more luck dang it I want I want some luck for those chests

Man but then it’s too Lu but I don’t get nervous when I see that red um you know what we’ll we’ll leave it for now I don’t want to spend any more time doing this so let’s go over there I’m so nervous I like I know it’s

Not that bad with this gear it’s just going to be the cluster of insanity I kind of want to bring a lava bucket cuz I’m lava proof I’m fireproof but they’re not I kind of want to bring a lava bucket because when they get really groupy I can just like drop down some

Lava although I have to remember to keep an eye on my health and also I need to um remember to smack them with this sword I’m going to get do I want egg booper on here oh no I forgot that I took off oh no I turned the sword into an ancient

Knowledge Speed 2 sword but then I lost my hits mobs in a certain oh crap um oh no Loop pinata okay that’s actually kind of cool oh no I am so dumb I lost my chaining because I wanted the [Laughter] other oopsy do I want to just do it on egg Poer um not really oh man I made a boo boo I didn’t mean to do that crap well I may have effed myself a little bit with that one didn’t I I guess I can stick this on egg Boer and just use that if it gets too crazy

But man why do I do this to myself I don’t I don’t know why I do this to myself oh man I was so happy to have training on it but uh yeah any who let’s go let’s let’s let’s go do the thing let’s go make sure that these are nice and

Stocked up to charge those oh God I’m nervous okay where’s the I forgot that I moved my way stones going over here oh boy why am am I doing this to myself oh that’s what I wanted to do I wanted to turn down lava brightness because oh I forgot buckets crap crap

Crap see I knew I was forgetting something uh first of all emissive lava brightness we are turning you down there because that freaking lava is so does this help for this lava okay it should okay that’s not as painful on the eyeballs I need to grab

Some of this lava though so hold on I need to grab some of that you know what I should also make I should also make one of those waist Stone thingamabobs whatever they’re called like a little piece that goes in to the way Stone so I can just teleport back to a away

Stone if my thing’s un cool down Okay so we’re going to go up here these towers are freaking insane okay I don’t don’t think I’m ready for this help oh God already oh these look different oh is it cuz there’s trees on top hold on hello yes you guys can spawn in and

Be crazy all you want going get rid of all the oh my God hello yeah I can fly because I do not have the patience to do this on the ground am I withered blazes I don’t remember blazes being here before okay so I’m going to work my way down

Because there’s a bunch of spawners oh my God these trees are in my way go away I can’t see anything there’s a bunch of spawners uh not just right here but in the middle that are going to spawn a crazy amount of fobs and I’m already losing my voice so

This is going to be fun hello oh God I need to turn down uh particles there we go there are way too many particles Happening Here folks there are going to be a bunch of spawners in the middle here right here so if you’re wondering where all the insanity is coming from it’s

These I remember when I first came here and I was so confused cuz I thought I cleared out all the the spawners nope nope nope nope nope nope uh but we’re still not done and this is just one Tower there is an insane amount of wrap in here

Too where is it there they are in come boom booms no no boom booms so that’s one Tower cleared angry creepers that are just oh God very explody I’m going to light that up so more don’t spawn down there these trees are the biggest pain in my butt

Out of this entire thing please go away hello okay now we get to do it for three more Towers there’s not really any loot in these I mean they’re really not there’s no point to do well I mean unless you count at the top where the nether R is

I’m kind of tempted to just not do these but I don’t want an absolute mad house up here when I’m looting around downstairs please go away thank you bye-bye I don’t have time for you today I would love to do this whole dungeon if I can but I don’t know if

That’s going to be possible because these places are insanely massive but honestly like kudos to the all the mod STS yet again for this because it is when you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into it is an absolute crap show oh I didn’t mean to break him with

That pick but that’s fine I have enough spawners oh oh my game was not happy with that oh and you can’t uh uh what’s the word I’m looking for um Tim mine those blocks look at all these Steve what did you guys do to Steve what did he ever do to you or

Steve so you can aline the wood but you just can’t Tim mind the um the Stone ancient stone oh my God it’s a mad house look at him go look at him go oh God whoa I forgot the draw speed is increased on my bow look at this W wo woo wo

Woo I’m a turret Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam not efficient but still fun I’m a human turret hello creepers boom boom boom boom Oh I love when little demon babies go away yeah you little psychos why do I hear zombies to the right wait what the

Heck where what what what oh are they up freaking or the vindicators crack me up that was a bit of a delayed thing there Mr creeper I should have put you know what I should have done I should have put a wayy stone down below Hello Goodbye so you could very quickly run

Into issues downstairs it may seem a little little little little easy up here but trust me it’s it’s going to get crazy this is the this is the the Cal before the storm and by Cal I mean less enemies it’s about to get a whole bunch of

Wild but honestly it’s going to keep me awake because I have Sicky brain and I don’t feel good well you guys get out of my way yes line up boys there we go thank you I need these trees to get out of my the trees are literally the biggest pain

In the butt not not the the bad guys did I clear out all the things in the middle I don’t think I did nope got to get rid of all these boners hello hello hello hello hello hello oh buddy now you know why I wanted my Jetpack have I done all the towers

Now no question mark no question mark I have not that one it’s raining zombies that was delayed Mr creeper are the zombies setting up the creepers what is happening huhuh H that should be all the spawners up here unless I’m missing some I think just this probably fill up

My backpacks oh my God yeah all the Spawners the spawners are literally yeah like it’s wild how I might have to just go home and get rid of all the spawners first cuz good grief I am going to have to make sure I have a Way Stone on my

Person oh a snow Travelers backpack because Um I’m going to need to block myself in and empty every now and then so I should make sure I have some blocks on me as well cuz I’m going to need to take little breaks throughout the dungeon to go and empty my back it it’ll be nice when I have um

Whatchamacallit a remote wait I thought I did this one already I did did I just miss all that I think I did okay I think that should be all of them oh my God it’s a it’s a conga line hello hello hello hello hello hello goodbye hello one of these I did not

Light up this one I just want to get rid of all you guys so I can go down below without you bugging me out of all of the Minecraft sounds I think that is probably one of my favorites if we’re being honest okay are you guys ready for this

Insanity cuz I know I’m not I know I’m not okay I’m going to go home and I’m going to empty all this crap that I have already hello I’m Back m I hear you ooh okay this is a good find already just going to block this off cuz it’s going to get crazy I hear you I definitely recommend blocking things off or you’re going to be dealing with insane insane ins amounts of dudes just coming in for

You oh look I can go over here but can you and you guys can but the other guys can’t hello come here you stinky little I need to turn them down good grief Good Golly Miss Molly don’t toss them into the lav Creo look at that loot though oh my god oh

There’s a diamond back there hello oh there’s a diam whoa there’s diamonds whoa like squeeze me look at this freaking loot oh my God I don’t want to toss it out like I normally do because uh it’s going to go straight in the lava so we’re just going to go

Here we going to go like this so it Stacks oh you guys don’t do nothing I think we got everything that that is a really good room to find right away but that is not the room we’re here for we are here do we

See oh my God oh my God my god look look look look this is the room this is the room this is the room please please please please please have what I’m looking for please please please get please please please please please please please have what I’m looking for please where’s the

Spawners get out of my way you stinky little butts spawners spawner spawner spawner spawner oh if these chests could please please please please please wait do you have luck on you please please no you’re not going to have it are you oh no please no so if you guys don’t know the library

Is the only at least to my knowledge is oh there it is Sir do you mind the library is the only room in this dungeon that will have the unobtanium template I mean I’m done I don’t need to stay here anymore but I I want to loot a

Little bit more because look at all of the goodies that we get oh my God look at all of the stuff okay I’m going to keep my Jetpack off for the time being uh which way do I want to go which way did I come in that way

It’s is wild okay so G that way okay so here here’s here’s something funny so the the levels are very weird so some sections have like some below some above some don’t they’re just one level I remember and I’m not going to unpause it because it’s good I don’t

Want to deal with that right now but I saw like a little I guess the top of the flag of the uh Vindicator or whomever had the flag on them I was like what is that I hear a bunch of guys but what is that little thing sticking out of the

Floor oh my God I should not have done that I broke the block to figure out what was there and an entire like Fountain of bad guys just spewed and I’m not even OV exaggerating they spewed out like a fountain of water out of the

Floor and it was so funny I wish it happened maybe it’ll happen here I don’t know I hope it doesn’t cuz it was insane but they like fountained out of the floor and I was overrun by so many of them it was wild I’m kind of hoping it doesn’t

Happen there’s always ones in the walls here too so you guys want to be super careful about that you guys need to go away I am I going to eat my words when I say this doesn’t seem as crazy oh yeah I’m about to eat my words I hear them

Spawning all those little demons I just need to get rid of all of these spawners here give me that life steal baby oh God there’s just so many things happening on my screen my eyeballs I guess I’ll do this dungeon until my eyeballs can’t handle the flashing

Anymore but yeah don’t forget to get the spawners that are in the walls cuz those are just going to keep popping out baddies at you I hear you down down there I don’t have time for you right now though I’m busy go away go away I think I might have

To keep some stacks of cobblestone on me though cuz it’s going to get to the point where I’m going to have to like block off like this while I loot because they’re just going to get way overbearing definitely recommend bringing torches hello you may enter you guys may not hush oh God I’m

Blind I’m blind help wait okay I was about to say wait oh it’s you we mention how much I hate those guys go away that’s one way to deal with Him oh God I can’t remember which way I went oh frick there we go oh those I can’t see passive bitey boys do your [Applause] minds I need to go take care of those oh God I need to go did he just get killed by the Buddy boys that’s awesome

Oh I don’t think that’s supposed to be like that oh oh no I don’t think that’s supposed to be like that I’m not going that way oh no you guys hear all that Madness below me hi you guys like lava I know me too oh I missed one oh I’m

Speedy grab that grab that grab that it is insane in here so I think what I’d like to do is we’ll do this for a little bit oh there’s another oh my God there’s another Library we’ll do this for a little bit and then we’ll um oh crap and

Then we oh my God can I click the right freaking buttons please and then we’ll go to the ends and grab some alium or not alium oh my God unobtanium and then we’ll get our stuff upgraded to unobtanium if we can I’m so fre like I on my

Non-recording worlds I went to three of these or no was it three no was two two of these places and I went through probably about five or six libraries and could not find an Alum template so the fact that I just found that in my first library is

Wild and the best thing about for those naysayers are like you put that there you can’t do that with looter chest I’ve seen people’s like Series where they’ll have people in their comment section and they’ll be like oh you did this and oh you like no like you

Guys don’t realize you can’t do that at least I don’t think you can so just let creators en like obviously call out the people who are idiots but like the ones that are blatantly cheating but like don’t call out the people who are just having fun and actually playing the game properly don’t

Be that guy nobody likes that guy okay so I didn’t get another template but that’s fine because we can do these where did my template go where’s my baby where’s my baby no oh okay there it is oh the precious the precious Bean we must protect at all cost is this another

Library are you are you are you joshing me right now you guys need to go away I’m busy it’s fun not being fireproof huh fun not being fireproof it’s fun being fireproof for me I just deal with you stinkies this way oh baby look at all of these

Libraries let’s freaking go oh I forgot about these oops you need to stop sending your bitey boys to bite me rude is it going to have one in here is there going to have one in here look at all of this amaz what was that sound what the heck did that Vex

Just like pop something on me like what the heck oh my God there’s so much purple gear what the heck hi stinkies oh I’m going to have to remember to drink my milk oh uh did I not bring milk I brought milk right you guys are the literal worst go

Away the fact that they run away from you makes it so much worse cuz I just want them to chase me so I can can put them in lava like this bye stop running away you big baby you know what you know what I hate that they run away like big

Chicken poops oh we’re going to do all listen we’re going to be big and tough but we’re going to run away like big babies where’s the other ones are you up here hello stinkies what’s this oh that’s to the outside oh yeah I have fire on my sword

For about that hm sucks to suck huh boop boop boop boop I’m busy go away no oh I need torches what’s this I don’t want to break through the wall go the legit way he stinkies by stinkies bye what BL Hello is another library or is that just the one from downstairs no I think that’s just the upair stairs from the one downstairs if that makes any sense man you guys have the most interesting noises like I wonder what they were thinking but moyang was thinking when they were like what sound

Do we want them to make H do we want them to sound like grunting old men sure that works I can’t see anything trying to loot go [Applause] away so much loot a loot goblins dream in here definitely a lot of uh reward for the

Risk though I do love that oh baby let’s freaking go you need to stop summoning trying to hit your feet there we go got to got the spawners down here spawners there there’s a spawner there oh this needs to be blocked off you guys need to bugger

Off thank you I’ll get my lava back thank you oh hello don’t think this dungeon was meant to be that broken what do we got up here so you guys see like the the luck with the allodium template is wild absolutely Wild I’ve only gotten one back here you big

Baby come take your punishment for being a brat absolute oh my God they’re pushing me out oh my God oh my God now it’s getting wild you go away you can also eat those berries that you guys are seeing on the vines to give you night vision

Oh my God no no my anxiety I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t nope NOP nope NOP no NOP no no oh freck freck freck freck freck okay you know what I’m trying to put blocks down get the freaking Vines out of my way oh my God go away

Oh my God I’m trying to block myself in help oh no I forgot to grab my lava back no okay nope bye oh God you can see how crazy that could get so quickly like no oh they’re following me oh my God go away oh I forgot to drink the

Milk literally how many times did I tell myself to drink the milk yep yep oh shut up where are you forgot to tell myself to drink the dang milk I mean I told myself to drink the dang milk and I forgot to drink the dang milk oh no they going to be stuck

All underground and crap aren’t they they’re not the brightest AI that’s what happens when my anxiety just wants me to get the F out of there where are you guys at H hello hello um hold on I should turn hostile creatures back up Hello is it because I have a mega torch down that they’re not spawning do Mega torches stop raids I mean clearly they don’t oh no when I go down here the raid bar disappears but when I go over here it appears again um uh help do Mega torches stop them from

Spawning even though the raid triggered I don’t see them anywhere I see villagers and trees like idiots uhuh huh okay so what do I do next do I just ignore the raid bar at the top of my screen like I mean ooh Lily Pad of fertility speeds up

Growth of crops but is that going to work around Bonne P oops B pods I want to go in and look at the loot that we got but I mean the villagers aren’t really important but um show about that raid oh no oh I forgot that this axe has

Chainsaw and I forgot that wood was attached to the house this is literally what happened to the first one I’m not dealing with this right now it’s an open open concept house now I’m not I’m not dealing with this right now I’m not dealing with this right now nope

Nope I have a broken raid I have a broken house I’m just nope I didn’t look at those enchants oops my bad okay so oh wow okay that’s an interesting helmet use Mana stuff look at these oh my God all of these enchants so I’m definitely

Going to enchant Bonk all of these not right now but cuz I I want to go to the end and get some unup Anum so I need to get my first piece of unobtanium so I can make unobtanium sight because unobtanium is a royal pain in the butt

To find so oh God I don’t want to stick all of this in here do I need to make another chest I think I do um I think I might actually make a few more I’ll have to deal with this later on because I do not want to waste any

More time dealing with gear and enchants and all that crud I can’t I’d like to say I can’t believe that happened but my brain was so hyper fixated on this broken raid that I completely forgot about that oh oops oh man what backpack just at whatever that right

Now what oh crap I didn’t wait what oh because I’m dumb I was using the wrong one oops everything must match okay so we’re going to put all this stuff in here I the amount of face paling that I could feel is going to happen is

Wild just trust me I am I too am face paling at myself at the moment oh my God like I said I’d love to say that I can’t believe that happened but yep yep uh it’s me so I can definitely believe that happened so let’s get all of this stuff

Oh my God look at all the aium all the vibranium is this raid bar just oops is this raid bar ever just going to go away because um yeah that’s going to get really annoying is there like a command to stop the raid Um I don’t even I know a lot of commands I do not know if there’s a command for that there has to be but put all that in there oh my God we have so many things to take a chance off of let’s freaking go and actually it makes the place look uh

A little more roomy I guess oh my God whoa look at these enchantments XP boost five efficiency six fire protection six power six oh my go what’s on my bow power five um yes yes please thank you yummy yummy yummy yummy but the yummiest thing of all is that template

That we got which I have to find in one of my bags it was the best loot out of that whole place but oh my God my anxiety it’s definitely not a thing that I can do for that long but I’m glad I got to show those of

You who don’t know how insane that place is how insane that place is because it is absolutely wild and I forgot to drink the milk you know what apparently it doesn’t even matter because Mega torches I checked the config file for those and I swore it said that

Um that’s um whatam who’s it raids and stuff were included but I could be wrong and I could be thinking of a different pack because my brain likes to mix things up so who knows oh I think no I think it say a vents or something does that mean like zombie

Rids or something I don’t know I don’t there’s just so many things changed in so many things and I’m just like okay well it’s hard to keep up it’s definitely hard to keep up another whoa I mean not that we need feather falling but if you guys don’t

Have vibranium gear which you really should not be going to that dungeon with at least vibranium gear feather falling what is that what is VII is that seven I think that’s seven I could be wrong wrong though lots of NE right oh these reliquary charms apparently those make something where you could be

Invisible to uh to those certain entities or whatever let me just look that up really quickly hold on charm I think so if you go like that yeah oh that’s that’s holds all the mob charms armored Frost Spirit can’t see you with this so if I make the charm

Belt ooh so if you can get your hands on enough of these you could make yourself invisible to the vindicators does that work if you have gear on does that work if you have gear on I wonder I kind of want to for science this and put down a Vindicator spawner

Oops I want to First science this this wait oh do I have to put this belt okay hold on let’s grab a Vindicator spawner and let’s go down to where we put our spawners I want to test this does it work with gear on cuz if you could get your hands on

Enough of those he sees me shut up okay so if you can get your hands on enough of the those charms before you go you could probably actually do that Dungeon um so if you get like say um Vindicator and like does it work if it’s not on your belt slot though I don’t I’m not going to go back and test but um if you get enough like Vindicator and aoker ones like if you can get an

Egg with something like egg booer here and then you know Farm the the spawners and stuff like that that’s actually a pretty legit Strat for that that’s actually another way that you could do it oh crap that’s other another way you could do that because um you obviously can’t

If it only works in your belt slot you can’t avoid like the wither skeletons and stuff but those aren’t the ones that like get really crazy it’s the obviously you saw the vindicators and the um and the evokers that get insane but I’d like to finish emptying

These so we can go over to the end and get our unobtanium because that is going to be very important now I clicked I clicked on this to start putting things in here and it broke again so I had to reload my game I don’t think I have any gear in

Here so it might also happen with gems like I have this stuff is that still considered oh maybe it is I don’t know anyways we’re going to get a apotheosis uh applied energistics going ASAP but yeah I’m not worried about that right now I have stuff and things to

Do and I also got rid of the raid by doing apparently you can do the game rule to raids true to get rid of that if that happens so and that is what I did because the raid isn’t happening because the mega torch is preventing it

So that is oops I was like don’t put the backpack away that is why that is like that should I even bring I don’t even think I need all these backpacks to go to the end with honestly oh my God look at all this gear delicious love

It wonder if the spawners is also cause it too cuz that’s a lot of data somebody will know I’m sure this our baby look at it we’re going to oh I don’t know if I trust putting it we’ll put it right here I don’t want to lose that to some

Glitch oh wait don’t you need um vibranium to upgrade that upgrade upgrade that brain aha you do okay Tempo we got four eight so now we have 12 that should be plenty so now we need to go and get unobtanium so I can make an unobtanium

Charm that is what we’re going to do for the rest of the episode we’re going to be goobers in the ends and we are going to go and get stuff so oh gosh my throat I just kicked my freaking chair again owie these legs are so long oh crap I

Have stuff in here too I keep having to stop to like drink water and my throat’s going all borky and I’m moving my legs around like a giant dork it’s just oops just going to be one of those Days like I mentioned in the video you guys are going to see in the morning I don’t like to miss recording if I can help it like if I’m really really sick like this isn’t obviously really really sick it’s just icky sick but I think maybe once or twice I’ve had to

Just not record at all because if I can’t talk I can’t play like I I I could make a silent video but I don’t think that that would be very fun okay so let’s see we’ve got our jetpack on I don’t know why I’m using that when

It’s right here so we should have one over somewhere and I have snipples now that’s great wait don’t I have one M end portal wither cheese I don’t okay I need Emerald or emeralds um ender pearls let’s go to wither cheese B bam and then we will ye an ender pearl

Through Z portal oh my God Hello friends bye oh so these spawn when you kill the ender dragon by the way the rose of the rose of Oblivion the rose of ban help okay yay let’s go okay so you’re going to want your Nature’s Compass because uh unobtanium spawns in the end

Highlands and it is very rare so we need to find Uno piece one one piece please oh and um Whatchamacallit this stuff is really visible here so it’s great so we’re going to do and Highlands start search 63 this way and it’s always good to keep it on your

Person because it switches between Midlands and Highlands quite frequently so like this is actually quite tiny so what I like to do is I like to go down here and see if see it’s already switched to Midlands like you have to be very I always recommend keeping your uh biome

Names on so you can tell like look look at how small that end Highland was you know what you know what we’re going to do do we’re going to RTP and then we’re going to do this really oh Midlands I I typed in Highlands right why is this directing me to the

Midlands game are you are you good small-end Islands Midlands Highlands this tiny dinky little piece right here is the highlands and Barons are you freaking oh my God no we’re we’re going this way we’re going west see what I mean mean by how freaking frustrating that is we’re just going to go this

Way we’re going to fly for a little bit cuz I want my unobtanium and I mean the end Highlands are are quite frequent really game you’re going to throw a boat at me is that a flamingo allows the wearer to swim in the air for a limited period of

Time interesting I will take these though thank you okay no it’s still directing me back wait now it’s directing me over here whoopsie oh so this one’s not that small okay oh God H oh my God Jesus shut up my haste is not I have efficiency six and haste on

This dang thing and it’s still not breaking endstone that well anyways let’s hope we get lucky here because I just want one piece just one just Just One Piece One Piece just one just just one little piece just one little piece and it’s always confusing seeing the azir stuff cuz it looks very

Similar in color just not in design you’ll you’ll know when you see it trust me oh my God come on just give me just give me one one piece just one piece that’s all I need well until I make the charm just one piece come on I want to be purple come on

Oops come on just one just one piece hello I know you’re here somewhere you got to be oh actually you know what I’m dumb normally I find it near like the higher layers so let’s go up here should be searching up this way because anytime I use the charm in my

Other world it’s usually around like this area getting a lot of that what is it imp not Imperium what is it called again inferium I’m going to turn down the enemies though because for whatever reason those Mutant Endermen are like so loud and I have sensitive ears normally

But when I’m sick it’s like hyper extended to like sensitivity come on just one piece please the people want to see the unobtanium gear come on oh my God I’m getting so much of the stuff though love it all the stuff going into my backpack is going to pop out an achievement when

I take it out of my bag come on oh my oh there we go just the one okay that’s that’s fine that’s all I needed that’s all I needed okay uh Way Stone Way Stone oops that’s not the nether Creole okay home uh where did she go she went into something there she

Is we only got the one right yeah we only got the one but that is fine got two pop you in here thank you and then we need to get our mortal mortar and pestl from potions right yeah and then oh I think we put our ends

I keep calling them end crystals oh my freaking God ender pearls we do this and then we do where she be where she be there she be do this and then we do this and then we do this pass you in there I thank you and then our brewing

Stand should still have stuff in it good good Goods uh I need water and then I need magma cream thank you bop bloop oh this is exciting spend the rest of the episode looking for for some goodies actually we have that one piece so maybe I’ll do my my pickaxe

Ooh I think I’m going to redo my pickaxe between episodes and make it so I can add that plus three fortune gem on it so I’m going to save the unobtanium for a second I’m going to maybe I’ll do it on my sword for

Now cuz I do want to do that since we have that really juicy gem so I think that’s what I’ll do I’ll spend some time doing that what are we going to do we’re going to do the sword right look at it oh oh oh look at the

Purple it’s so pretty I’m so happy okay so that’s done but yeah I think I I’m done recording I’m going to spend time making another one of these and then getting that uh other gem in it I can remove these gems but it’ll destroy the object but that’s fine cuz I still want

To keep that experience gained um let me just put that on the list remake pick and remove gems first don’t forget I don’t lose that dang gem okay so the Alm modium Quest has been upgraded what did I just get what is that temp pad what’s a temp

Pad pressing U on it isn’t telling me anything Oh interesting what is that from oh whoops huh it’s like a teleporter or something interesting I don’t think I’ve ever uh messed around with that interesting okay so Unbreaking we definitely need to do the um um Stella stuff at some point too Unbreaking five Unbreaking five

Unbreaking five so let’s do this one and this one I have hiccups HOH un breaking six oh my God if I could type that’d be Great oh my God I forgot it doesn’t do the blit you you you thank you you you thank you all right let’s go back and get some more goodies so I can upgrade my other stuff and obviously like I said I’m not going to do the pick but that means we can

Turn um oh actually that means we can turn those Into into vibranium oh my God I can turn I’m going to wait for silky because silky still looks uh the other one still is vibranium but I can do egg Boer and turn egg Boer there we go cool I’m going to have to get used to the the the visual change

But that’s fine so now we are going to go back oh my god there was two right there and as always you can’t uh Tim mine on OB tanium the same way yeah see how close they are to the surface I don’t think they’re lower um like lower lower into the oops

Didn’t mean to put a torch down and I keep doing it so I know that there’s like other unobtanium like mixture ingots or whatever isn’t there like ones that are like mixed like yeah like the Alloys or whatever these ones here to make the special blades and

Stuff like that like a mixture of all the colors oh I see a big chunk here oh oh so it isn’t just in oh it is a Highlands oh that’s confusing it was like Midlands Highlands oh my God look at all of it I am so freaking happy that we got

Lucky in that first library because I don’t think think what my brain could have handled doing a massive search of that dungeon today I really don’t but yeah so if you guys you know are doing runs of those and you don’t find any in one of the ones you’re in

It’s not guaranteed to be in everyone sometimes the libraries are few and far between but the places are huge so just keep searching um if not just go and find yourself another another dungeon because um yeah there it’s not guaranteed what is that Elite or wonder if I’ll actually have time in

The video to remake a new pick so I can show you guys process for anyone who doesn’t who hasn’t seen me do it already or hasn’t done it themselves I’ll have to double check the recording time after this oh God you guys are so annoying go

Away does that sound really have to go on that long oh my God I just realized I was sitting to the side I’m so sorry you you might hear my audio kind of like tilted to the left you have uh headphones that do that okay we have lot

But I’m kind of like in this zone of like I really just want to get all of it that I can okay there’s two pieces over there but that’s fine all right so how much do we have oh my God oh we’ve got so much okay let’s go home and then we’ll

Grab like that there grab it from there grab it from there oh yeah look at all that beautifulness oh my hammer almost died okay we have so much okay so now oh oh oh oh do I have time to do another pick I definitely do let’s

See yeah I should okay so let’s get this other stuff upgraded grab these grab these I should be able to do that so that am I happy with my gear I mean whatever I mean we can just go and get more it’s fine I don’t care just do this for now

Oh my God I’m so slow oh look at us oh yeah look at us oh look at that backpack out of my hand oh my God it’s so pretty I honestly even if I could get to the alloy one I don’t think I’d want to cuz this green or like

The teal or whatever it is the seafoam green looks really really nice with the unobtanium now somebody said there’s in the book it’ll tell you exactly what all of the gear does like what the different things are cuz we were already fireproof already had water breathing and already had fall

Damage reduction so what does unobtanium do there should be a book right there should be a book am I like these aren’t these are spell books is there no guide book somebody said it’ll tell you in the book but what book oh does it mean the quest

Book wait what am I missing for this I have unobtanium armor hello to upgrade an allodium tool or armor piece need do somethingi yeah yeah yeah yeah found yeah okay that doesn’t tell me anything what book were they talking about and I have branium ore what

Hello this you see what I mean and like vibranium or has been in my in my inventory because I’ve had to transfer it so oh God it’s it’s just it’s so wonky okay um oh crap what am I doing so I don’t know what this book is

But I’m curious to see let me let me look in the AL the modium website really quickly I don’t know I don’t know what they were talking about but I noticed when I was looking through that somebody was like oh when do you get all you know the AL the modium stuff

You pretty much won the game no I mean we have all this stuff now but like oh wait I almost oh I almost did a thing but uh no it’s not true at all there’s still so much more like look at how tough some of these like dimenstion

Bosses are like no I feel like now I feel safe and protected and now I can continue on with my gameplay kind of thing you know cuz definitely yeah this pack is only just started and it’s really not that hard to like I mean obviously it

Takes time but once you like if you know how to play the game it’s not that hard to get the stuff so definitely not uh not end game breaking or anything like that so or endgame breaking or you know what I mean oh wait I was like wait what so

What yeah like what is the unobtanium gear offer cuz vibranium already had the other stuff so is there something with the pants maybe cuz I know the boots are feather falling the helmet’s water breathing the chest was fire protection so did the does it add something to the pants

H I don’t know what they meant by uh oh I meant to do my shovel oops uh what what they meant by book my brain is breaking that nobody’s surprised I’m sure nobody is surprised oh my God stop clicking a million things the shovel looks really cool by the way

Looks like a paintbrush I love it that so cool it’s like a spatula paintbrush um okay so the pick right that’s what I wanted to to do after I get rid of all of this stuff in my inventory like so so uh Diamond we’ll we’ll make a fresh one and then we’ll go

Netherite like so and then we’ll go oh I have to make that vial as well to remove the gems off of this one too one of those oh I need to dup this one of those one of those and one of those and then uh

Boop I will never get sick of doing this it’s so satisfying okay a Bo Boop a Bo Boop oh wait nope nope wrong order a boop boop boop boop and a boop boop okay so now I need to remove the enchants and gems off of that so let’s do The let’s do the oh I can just turn my magnet off like that let’s grabb our enchants like so like oops oops so grab an anvil wait oh frick forgot to turn you off we go and then we go a booop that’s those there perfect now we need to make that vial if

I can is it Arcane extraction is that what that was I think it was Arcane extraction right hope so oh I didn’t didn’t save it okay so how does one do this use the smithing table okay makes sense goodbye pickaxe okay so now I want you and then I

Want oh where is it I saved it where’ she be where are you You Beautiful Bean or did I not get it yet wait am I thinking that I got it but I don’t have it no oh I think I haven’t gotten it yet H I thought I had it already so maybe

I’ll just leave that until I can get it I will put that on though cuz I’m going to turn this purple and I think I’m going to wait until I can get somebody said you can upgrade these oh can I do this now hold on hold

On do I have enough stuff to do this now can I still use the table underneath yes okay hold on hold on let’s see let’s see if I can oh if I can do this now so grab you now what did it say I needed to upgrade you Arcane Sands and

Gem dust and then to upgrade you ooh oh can I do this Arcane Sands gem dust you where was it this one right wait wait what oh I need another flawed gem to do it okay so I need two for it to go legendary okay am I going to have enough

Oh my god do I have enough for this wait oh that’s so cool okay but now I have to make this into a three stack and I don’t think I can do that I need another God Forge Pearl can I get a three stack with this I don’t think I

Can I need another God Forge Pearl is there a way to oh let’s check the gear do we have any yellow gear oh I saw one one there oh I saw another one one there oh oh I saw another one thank you dungeon okay okay okay okay okay okay

Okay the only issue is going to be levels now o haste three oh it breaks in a 5x five I hate that so much okay we’re going to have to do some tinkering here hold on just so I don’t use a lot of levels we’re just going to do

This and we’re just going to do like a random axxe okay haste two okay 150 levels oh my god oh that one is pretty good but I saw haste three before and now I kind of want haste three but that has 2.5 luck I think I might just stick to

That do we have anything to give me levels no I might have to go and mine for some X petrified ore okay I think we’re going to go mine for some exp petrified ore oh my God I’m so excited so this will give me plus three levels to efficiency and this will give

Me plus three levels to Fortune and this will give me 35 experience gained I think I might just wait on the experience gained and do that one last wait oh I’m dumb I can’t even do that cuz I have to upgrade the pick okay so maybe I’ll just do this for

Now I can’t I don’t even have 30 oh wait oh wait wait wait wait okay I can do this one for now and then upgrade okay but I still need 10 or 90 levels okay okay okay okay so let’s put our gems here that’s actually a really good reroll

Okay put all this away oh crap I just put the oh No oh my God bring please Fortune six and what was the deficiency is it efficiency five or efficiency six efficiency six oh frck oh I don’t have anything oh I have a little bit of bottles of enchanting maybe I don’t think it’s going to be enough is it

Okay okay good so let me just double check this again okay I don’t okay okay okay 90 okay obviously we’re not going to get 90 from this but I mean I guess I could just keep buying bottles of enchanting from my clerics which are missing no they’re not they’re over here

And then I could just keep rrolling these guys with the emeralds the emerald thingamabobs or I could go and farm for expeted ore which could be quicker but I have time so let’s just fill these guys up and then while these guys do their thing so we have tons of emeralds

Now I think oh yeah tons of emeralds okay only downside is you have to remove them from this oh this is going to take way longer than going to find exp petrified ore honestly okay we’re just going to let them do their things we’re going to go down and

We’re going to go and find some petrified or because I don’t have the patience to wait for that right now and I would really like to get this pick upgraded uh before the end of the episode so do that do that and then we should have an area Um somewhere I mean I guess we could just dig around here so I says I need 90 now I have ancient knowledge on my sword as well right so I could also put down one of those super crazy spawners cuz I turned them into zombie spawners the

Ones that were evokers let’s see how much I get from doing that hold on oh we also just got a whole bunch more of those spawners too okay hold on we want the ones with the really low stats like here oh actually no that’s the wrong one

Where is it it’s is it the 4120 oh I don’t remember I thought I saw one that was lower than that this one here but that’s only two entities so no that’s not the one no was it this one it’ll say I modified it so it should be in here

Somewhere well it’s not that one was it the zombie one no h I thought it was I thought it was those yeah it is 4120 oops for fck sakes why did I just click oh I don’t want to deal with the voker what am I doing maybe it was a Vindicator did I

Change the Vindicator one well who cares we have a whole bunch of them right here the only downside is now I have to um bring milk but that’s fine I’d like to just get this done and I don’t have any freaking milk oh Brain please like why are you left clicking oh my God help oh now I have to deal with this again oh my God hold on there we go I swear like I well at least we have a nice hole in the side of our house I can escape from

Jeez oh there’s a sheep in here now okay that cow looks a little different okay so now can I stack these no okay let’s go down and see if I can do this quick let’s see how quickly these will spawn guys pretty Quickly but I want to smack them with my sword cuz that has ancient knowledge on it oh my God hello come on boys give me all the levels oh yeah this ancient knowledge is beautiful oh I didn’t get um whatchacallit Come on give me to 90 you know what I don’t need to stand down there you guys don’t scare me oh I got it now not that it matters raids don’t work cuz of my mega torch but you know it’s going to be a lot of evoker death evoker

Vindicator oh man I missed my chaining give me all your goodies give me all your experience thank you thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you still need a little bit more and by a

Little bit I mean a lot of bit oh wait am I still wearing that belt no I’m not okay so yeah definitely steal those spawners and look for the ones with the the stats I just showed you cuz they are like and then get get your spawn eggs

And stuff and turn them into craziness these spawners are definitely amazing especially if you want to level up those neural networks oh God I can’t see a dang thing with these guys in the way this is the I’m using the right sword right yeah I just don’t like them all up in my

Face like that come on I just need to go to 90 please oh my God there’s so many of you come on come on so many of you look at them spawn oh my God there’s so many come on I may just I may just I think cuz they’re

Dying to fire as well I might not be getting the experience so I think I might just go look for some exp petrified or to finish off the last little bit because I don’t have time to deal with this right now go JW speed thank you

Okay so let’s look for some expi or let’s do this first do this do this and then let’s go and try to find some xetri door because I am severely running out of time and I did not even realize it what is all this all theine ore I me

I’ll give GRE Tech this it got some really pretty looking ores I wish there was oh hello I wish there was an exp petrified ore sight that would be nice I can break deep slate this quickly but I can’t break endstone that quickly maybe it’ll be better with this Speck who

Knows how much X petrified did I get oh wait oh my dank oh that’s right I meant to look for my dank it was oh that’s right and then my thing broke oh I remember now okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I need my

Dank oh there she is [Applause] okay okay we got a little ways to go here I really hope I can do this before the end of the episode come on oh my God my mouse come on just want to finish the pick just want to finish the pick oh that’s a really pretty

Sound more exp petrified or please oh all this uh diorite is going to be helpful we start mine [Applause] colonies okay how many do I have eight there 10 there oh my God this is going to take for freaking ever I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do

This before the end of the episode oh I’m only on 60 oh no help oh God I might just have to do this oh you guys saw the roll so you know what’s they waiting for me I just got to get the levels oh I hear zombes but we’re going to try we’re

Going to we’re going to try to get this we’re going to try but I don’t know if I’m going to get 30 more that depends how much should that just give me 14 and nine yeah I don’t think I’m going to I don’t think I’m going to be able to do this

Before Oh I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I’m being I’m being hopeful I really love that sound some sounds are just more pleasing to listen to than others that is one of them come on give me more exp petrify door please o ooh ooh ooh oh you

Stinky I hope that didn’t just I really wasn’t paying attention with the whole fire on the sword thing and I hope it’s not burning the items that I’m getting and probably going to have to fix that too like the genius that I am come on there has to be more come on

Come on come on come on come on don’t have time to deal with you guys and this loots distracting me so I have 17 there one there oh my God oops pressing the wrong buttons oh my good gravy we’re already going to have to be cutting down a bit of this Video there’s no way I need 20 more come on I just want to do my pick please what happens when I go on a mission at the end of the Episode oh hello Oh I see a scroll probably still not going to be enough what are my bags already full excuse me oh my God they are cuz of the stupid the axes from those giant poo poo brains a little longer than a few minut minutes later all right so we’re going to use our scroll

Nope I don’t think it’s going to happen I think I’m going to have to do this between episodes I’m so sorry all right everyone thank you so much for watching I didn’t quite get to the amount of XP I needed but I will definitely have it

Done for the next episode and I am so excited to get more of this pack going so if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like on it subscribe if you haven’t already and I will see you in the next one goodbye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) – Episode 15 (This Place is FULL of LOOT!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2023-12-23 13:00:45. It has garnered 1825 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:48 or 7248 seconds.

Hey everyone! Since the last video I had the itch to go back and loot around the crazy place we went to and I don’t regret it because the luck I had (thanks gear) was insane. Happy Holidays if you celebrate (any of them) and if you don’t then I hope you have a wonderful weekend of relaxing and gaming.

If you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a “like” on it/subscribe if you haven’t already and I’ll see you in the next one!

Full Series Playlist – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqKxJ26rZSM6atZkxjo-z9oaaZ–ubAEZ&si=XMyi8oGVYYre08PV

#minecraft #modpack #allthemods #atm9 #survival #series #episode

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

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  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

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  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

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  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

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  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

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  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

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  • Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP

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  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

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  • Muscle-Bound EFEKAN Beats Up Bad Creatures in Minecraft!

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  • Sneaky Adventures in Wind Breaker SMP

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  • Surviving 100 Days in Enshrouded – Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber!

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  • Exploring Minecraft’s Terrifying Creepypastas

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  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

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  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

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    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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  • Vycital SMP

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  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

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  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

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  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

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  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

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  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

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  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More