EPIC Mekanism Reactor Setup in SkyT!!

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Everybody and welcome back to Sky T in the last episode we worked on passive crafting we got ourselves all of the different infusers here settle for making each and every alloy and they’re stopping at 20,000 I believe isn’t that yes so they’re all completely done and

There’s a lot more machines in here that we had since last episode over here if we look now we’ve got this guy here a crafter the whole reason why we’ve got this going here is because I was looking through what kind of extra fluids we’re going to now need for getting into like

The end game stuff one of the things we’re going to need is hyper experience so I’ve already made about 40 buckets of us but looking at it we need hyper experience bottles for making the crystalline ingots and crystalline is used quite a bit in the ultimate crafting section and if we need the

Ultimate Ingot here we need a bunch of those now as well cuz they are used for making the infinity ingots and the infinity Ingot is needed for a singularity and I need 300 of them but that’s going to be quite a lot so trying

To make much of this so I can and the way this itself is made is you need to use a glow ink sack with lapis and liquid experience in a super heated mixer and it only gives you 10 at a time from a whole 100 so it’s divisible by 10

Which is not great because it means it requires a lot just to make so much so little of it and I’ve been trying to get it this way so basically right now our ore Crushers like the big crushing Wheels over here they are currently crushing down random ores that we’ve

Been mining see all of the stuff in here here and by crushing this stuff here you get a chance of this experience nugget and this guy can go through a disenchanter and deposit a little bit of liquid experience now if you actually compress him to a heap he will deposit

12 that’s what I’ve been doing other things as well in here you can actually have turned jelly babies these guys here into nuggets of experience 4 to one but I completely forgot we need a Jelly Baby Singularity and that requires 4,000 of them I’ve used up all all of them I’ve

Been only now starting to save some so we’ve only got 50 so we might end up having to make a way bigger mob farm I don’t think this little 5×5 Square over here is going to do the job we might need to go to the nether or the end or

Something and set up like this crazy Enderman Farm I don’t know we’ll soon find out other things I’ve done if we go to the void Dimension we’ve done done a little bit of work here cuz last episode we got ourselves our vaporation towers and a sulfuric acid going and I’ve

Actually doubled the process here but the only issue is we’ve run out of sulfur cuz you can see I’ve made this monstrosity which is just a bunch of chemical oxidizers all of the sulfur that has ever made goes into this guy here and is separated between all of

Them and it goes into this qu Quantum and tangular Porter which then gives it into each one of these chemical infusers and makes us a sulfuric acid and yeah we don’t really have a lot there’s 21,000 buckets in here which is a lot so it might be enough to do the mechanism

Reactors now today um but the other thing I did was set up two more evaporation towers and these these guys are just making liquid lithium so what I want to do with that now is get a chemical crystallizer so essentially the way this is going to work is we’re going

To pump it into a rotary condensator should be nothing in there so you’re going to turn it into a gas then you’re going to be Auto outputed into this guy here so no items actually there will be items will say Auto output out the top into like an ender chest or something H

Gases input from the left this guy here is going to say fluids input from the left and gases output out the right okay and we just need to give these guys here some power there we go they probably need upgrades that as well but we put this right here and just tell it

To extract oh it’s on wrench mode there we go so you’re go in there deconcentrate into lithium and then when you fill up with enough you will make solid lithium and that will be used to make our induction Matrix later and there we go now we’re making plenty of

Lithium so we’ll just leave that run for a while back towards mechanism uh if you look over here this guy has been going very well we’ve almost filled this entire liquid sodium tank which is very important for now for today so hopefully I’ve got everything right in between

Episodes I have been working on Gathering all of the needed materials for this guy so basically I have the area F uh fitted out uh it’s the exact same setup we had in Al the mods 8 if you haven’t seen that and that’s on my

Channel if you want to go watch it and what we want to do is use this dink that I got here all of the ingredients we need and all the blocks we need is inside this guy cuz of course I can’t fil my entire inventory with it but at

Least the DK can be used with a copy and paste Gadget now I’ve pasted this a few times to make sure everything’s correct but there’s a few slight modifications we need to do for example we’re going to have to move the waste output but we’ll

Do all that after we pasted it so let’s paste it and see what happens that glass breaking is just um It’s thinking the quantum uh link like this guy over there is supposed to be here but of course we didn’t place it all of this extra tubes and cables and

Stuff they can go because we’re going to be doing something different right here originally this is where the sulfuric acid and the fuel production was going to be for each one of these uh reactors but that’s all going to be moved over to the side here and then just pump one

Long cable instead of having individual setups and the sulfuric acid is going to come from the quantum tangle por over here so each one of these guys are working so you can see they are built so we can open their in interface which is exactly what we want over here now each

One of the thermoelectric boilers are going so that’s good add a lot more stuff we’re going to have to figure out over here just to make sure everything’s working now these guys here are not built now I don’t know if that’s just because they don’t have the turbine

Blades inside which I do have so let’s just slip inside and put them down and it’s just simple as right click on until we filled up the thing and if we put back down the glass oh yeah everything goes back into here and let’s take everything out now since we’re no longer

Going to need it yeah we hold on to the structural glass so if we put this back down does the thing build no that means there’s something missing on this guy we got the the rotational speed controller I’m not entirely sure what’s wrong with this um might take me a second to figure

It out but I’m just going to put down the turbine blades on each one there’s probably a missing block inside this guy I might need to open them up and make sure everything’s there so that could be the issue cuz I’m not 100% sure if everything did paste so let’s just open

One of these guys up cuz none of them are working so let’s see okay everything seems to be good in here I’m just going to empty it out and refill it oh what happened here they’re not supposed to be gone did they past the wrong block or

Did I accidentally dig those house I’m not entirely sure oh okay some we’re missing some electromagnetic uh things so uh electromagnetic yeah we’re missing this thing that’s why I think each one of these guys gets three or four yeah they get four each I think that’s what was

Missing so if we put back down these guys right here yes now it worked okay so yeah they’re just missing these electromagnetic coils let me put those in all right each one and every one of them is now ready so uh in terms of configuration this was supposed to be

The SPs thing so we’re not going to be doing that here so let’s clear this up I believe this was supposed to be for the nuclear waste and we are going to be moving that to the front over here cuz this is coming out of that there so I

Want to grab out some fision reactor blocks and replace these guys here with actual like we’re going to move the port to the front and now we just need to remove all this tube okay I think we have all the cables more or less routed

To where we need to then around and made sure they’re all on extract and insert where needed and hopefully everything here is ready the only thing I need to do now is just grab it a few uh sinks here and oh I haven’t crafted any of

Those should I make a pattern might as well I like two sinks to start with and that should actually no give me three cuz then I could hook one sink to each boiler and they’re going to be like right here so I’m going to put a sink

Here and then we can use entangle blocks for the rest uh I don’t want these connected here and all I want then is just the sink to extract and that’s just going to slowly fill each one of these boilers and it seems to be doing doing

It evenly also make sure for each one of these turbines just turn on dump excess because if they fill up with steam they could cause uh a failure and explode more or less and you can see how slow this is extracting that’s why I want to grab out entangled blocks and just

Attach a bunch more sinks onto it so just do that and then just do this and then tell them to all to extract and if you wanted to we can actually put it across the top then as well for more input there now the things should have

No issue with running out of water and any excess water will just be dumped by the steam turbine at least that’s how I hope I remember it I need to make a backup just in case before I turn the system on let me do the thing setup for

The other two okay all the boilers are filled with water so the only thing I really need to do now is fill the actual reactors here with our sodium now that is over here in a liquid form so we are going to have to turn it back into a gas

Um to Rotary condensing trators so I guess we might need to do that now uh how am I actually going to do this yeah I’m just going to have to set up a bunch of rotary condens trators and just turn it back all right all right so

Essentially uh I’ve just used an Tangled block instead of having to bring the whole tank over we’re going to hook this up like so each one of these guys have maximum upgrade so we’re just going to tell this guy here to extract each one of these I think has to be flipped there

We go and that should be making sodium and we should be able to just pump it in into the reactor right here there we go coolant tank so I don’t know how much this thing is going to require wire probably due to the size of it it’s

Probably going to be more than what this tank here already has in it but I guess we’ll just leave this fill up and see what happens we’ll come back to it later and actually let’s just actually start making the fuel now while we’re waiting

Oh yeah I need to S our safety uh um measures as well that’s going to be using a piston some observers Redstone can’t remember if it’s a redstone repeaters or not I don’t think there was repeaters in this no it’s just a few blocks of redstone or a few pieces of

Redstone dust and gravel so essentially how this is going to work if we just grab out some concrete just to build with we almost want it so this guy here is going to be say high temperature output a redstone signal when there is a dangerous temperature okay that’s going

To go into this piston right here face you up the way that’s also going to go onto this guy here and I’m going to need another block right here and we’re just going to put the Observer here they are facing out the way that shouldn’t do anything just yet I forgot to actually

Set this guy here to activation and so put this back down put this right here and I break this it’s not actually going to do anything because well the reactor doesn’t have any power or fuel in it so it won’t turn on also you can see I put the actual

Fuel waste Port right there and that’s going to come out into these uh tubes right there so more or less than Redstone going to go here so when it reaches a high dangerous temperature this guy will flick on and activate this piston pushing it up the Observer then

Will read the Redstone signal or the change in whatever block is looking at and set a redstone signal into this guy to turn him off which is exactly what we want now I need to do the same thing here on these guys oh yeah and by the

Way the reason why we’re using gravel is so when the thing uh is back to normal the gravel will fall down and stop this thing from trying to read another signal and there we go so let’s get the fuel going so for fuel we’re going to need a

Couple of things we’re going to need some isotopic centrifuges so do I have a pattern for those I don’t let me make a one 10 should be more than enough how we looking so far 8,000 oh wow that’s barely made a dent uh I think we might

Need to set up multiple I might need to make a 100 of these evaporation Towers cuz I even upgraded them I don’t know if I showed this part I’ve added some resist of heaters to increase these guys to the maximum output which is one bucket and 20 mli buckets so they are

Currently outputting their maximum but I I don’t know if this is actually going to be a to keep up we are prob need to set up even more of these towers so we’re just going to run these guys across the front here I think they also

Can use some upgrades as well how many is that there 10 so that should be more than enough for now so the other thing then is to hook up more tubes across the back and then we need to configure them so we want to say this guy here nothing

In the top cuz it can’t have anything no items gases though are going to be input the back output out the front and that’s all we need to do and I think they already set are set up like that so we’re just going to grab better configuration Tool uh this one here not

This one and we’re just going to shift right click and then paste it into each one of these guys oh yeah and they do require power so we have to give them cables underneath so working back the way then for the fuel if we have a look

Here so we need uranium hexif fluoride uranium hexafluoride is hydrochloric acid and uranium oxide uranium oxide is made by using a chemical oxidizer and yellow cake uranium so we’re probably have to do the same thing we did over there for sulfur but uranium oxide and uranium oxide I think go from crushing

Or or enriching uranium for yellow cake uranium yes we need enrichment chamber over here I’m just going to think now since our system access is all the way over there um I think we had an Ender Chest for yellow which was meant for our honeycomb so if I just grab out a a

Yellow green or something like that we have a bit of cake there I think I got that a quest reward so we say this guy here is going to be H yellow yellow on the S side and then the center is going to be green and this is where we’re

Going to pump our yellow cake uranium into or just the uranium ingots that we’re going to get from over here so all I want then is a pipe and uranium we should be a to just pull it straight out of this guy here and we just want to

Make sure this guy here is set up with a filter just for uranium and there we go that’s all we want and you are set up a filter only for sulfur yes so working back then for the machines so this one here requires chemical infuser there

There’s no odd number here um give me one more or let me just take away one of these guys here probably don’t need 10 of them to be honest so you are going to go there hi configurations that’s whatever tube there and now to go into this guy we need hydrofluoric acid

That’s going to be fluorite and sulfuric acid now fluorite is another block we’re going to have to get over here now so chemical dissolution chamber you’re going to go there and you’re just going to items in the top and actually items in the right and then

Gases out the left oh yeah and some gases will be in the top which will be from the quantum tangle Porter so you go there and I’ll just set up all this we just want gases output allo eject on and we want sulfur G is input the top why are

You not going in do you not Auto eject oh I set it for fluids there we go now we need an Ender tank here with uh fluorite okay so we’ll go with a combination of gray white gray and stick these down right here now this process

Is probably taking a l longer than what I wanted but this going have to be the way it’s done and CHS you connect there and then over here same thing enrichment chamber and then we’ll have the chemical oxidizer probably going to need a few of them lined up this way now everything

Here just needs power and we should be good to go and then we can go work on extended crafting cuz we need to get that up and running now all right everything here is up and running and we are making ficial fuel I will not be pumping it in until the coolant tanks

Are full so I’m just going to let this guy build up and then when we’re ready hopefully by the end of the episode we can turn this guy on there is actually still one last thing I want to get set up in here it’s not necessarily

Important as of right now but it will be used later on and we just want to grab out say like 10 of these pumps here we’re probably going to want the upgrades in it so that’s taking so long oh okay I to make the machine uh frames

What we want is to make a uh water pool so just grab out some deep slate and where should we do it doesn’t really matter we can do it like right here and we just want to fill this up with water so give me out some buckets and then

We’re going to want some cables over here what going to use deep SL for the placement but cable should work fine H we just need to hook it up to the power right here okay and then essentially oh wait we didn’t want to put Power on it

Just yet uh okay hang on I need to fix that cuz I still need to add some filter upgrades to these guys so we want to put the pumps down like this okay I have two more crafting there’s one and give me the last one now there we go so what we

Want to do is grab out some filter upgrades so I’ve made 12 so 12 filter upgrades there we go and essentially then each one of these guys will get the filter upgrade and instead of extracting out water as which is what’s under it it will actually extract out what’s called

Heavy water and then using that heavy water you can wait did I not oh I didn’t grab them all out okay um yeah so that will make us heavy water and then I think using electrolytic separator so if you look up heavy this heavy water in here will be separated into oxygen and

Detarium detarium then will be mixed with tridium which we get from solar Neutron activating lithium which we’re currently turning into a dust at the moment once we made enough dust we can start turning into trium combine these two together to get DT fuel then rotary condenser to make the liquid DT fuel

Which is then needed for making our vum uh liquid which is needed for making ourselves our blocks so that’s why we’re getting this set up now so we actually have a big amount of it going so we just grab out a simple also premium tank ender pearls oh cuz I’ve turned all

My ender pearls into resident Ender whoops hang on a second yeah you can you can stop making that we might remove these two machines now soon and replace them for maybe making hdp I guess I have to wait till some ender pearls build up ah they’re already there and one last

Thing we’re just going to give all these guys here some upgrades then as well speed and energy should do oh okay so some of these guys did actually suck up water due to having power in my inventory and that’s okay we just use a gauge dropper and we can just delete the

Water out of by shift left clicking uh didn’t mean to put that in there but anyway we have our black hoal tank which will go right there and then we just need to hook up the pipes and then just run it right here they should be straight up making heavy water nice and

Then later on we can centrifuge that out how much lithium we you made so far oh nice okay we should be to make the actual thing soon right extended crafting time so for extended crafting we want to do it upstairs I think the first thing we’re going to make is the

Combination crafting so let’s go to extended crafting and we want combination crafting so we want this crafting core oh yeah the Lumin Essence I forgot about that let’s get that set up right here so for Lumin Essence let’s have a look here we need a mixture of energized glowstone and

Chlorine pretty simple so all we want to do is say Quantum rangle border go right there we’re going to configure you to have no items so we have a gas coming out so we want this to Auto output out to the right and that is going to be

Chlorine okay and this guy here we want to say fluids no energy yeah we need energy so gases input on the left fluids are going to input in the top we’re also going to need an em pattern provider who is going to go right here and we’re

Actually going to change this instead so we’re going to say fluids are going to input on the right and items are going to be in and out throughout the top okay so if we go in here to patterns and we look up luminesence that is going to be

Made in here just using a blazing capacitor put that in there grab out a cable and it’s hooked up and last thing I want then is an interface or you know what just go about an extractor or an exporter we’re going to hook this up not

On the front on the side here and you’re going to be glow stone don’t forget some acceleration upgrades and just hook you up right there and you are device online energize glowstone and now all we have to say is luminescence so now we can just go back to Extended crafting and

Request an a crafting core oh black Iron frame uh I thought I made a pattern for that I guess not I think you are maxed out in speed upgrades right yes you are and now we’re making luminesence so back up here then this is where we’re going

To be setting up the extend the crafting core uh what taking this so long oh it’s just taking a long time to make the iron black Iron slate okay I guess we can make the pedestals I don’t know how many it needs um it’ll probably tell me cuz like

The way this thing is going to be needed we have a look in here so for Ultimate upgrades we need four ports or four components in here we’re going to need 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and in here then we’re going to need 12 again 12

Again and 12 so you know what we need two more go why is this taking so long is it literally just a black Iron slate just taking that long to craft I think it’s in here oh there’s no upgrades in this guy that’s why that’s that’s more like

This so if number one’s going to go here two three probably want this kind of a pattern no that that’s not right at all yeah that works and how do I set the patterns oh okay shift right clicking found 12 pedestals and no recipe found

So I think once you input the main item it needs um let’s have a look here so say we want to craft I don’t know ultimate pipe or something but we need an ultimate universal cable and if you right click that on uh no recipe I’m not sure it’s been a

While since I used it I think I use this in Stacia um we probably are going to need xnet to tell what pedestal has to have what item all right at Le’s just get everything here connected up I need some more blue cable and everything here should be connected up now so

Essentially then one’s going to go there Cable’s going to go up another connector then the controller and the controller is going to have uh a connector going into a chest I think we’re going to have that go there into a chest so another connector is going to go there we don’t

Want it connected to anything things we just want it face up okay and then we’re going to have a pattern provider here and this is where the pattern is going to pump into the chest and then the controller is going to feed it to wherever it needs to go so if that’s the

Case h the controller does need a point okay so give me a second to configure all these guys cuz I don’t know what patterns we’re going to need for this one you know I think it’ be easier instead of me just going try to search through each and every one of these guys

I’m just going to make it so the pedestals Can Only Hold one item at a time and I’ll still have to filter them but at least then when I have the item in my hand I can just select a random pedestal to put the item into I think

That would be e easier rather than naming it cuz I’m have to nameing this guy here like everything um just so I know which one that is uh then again actually it’s St guy there so I don’t really need it so what we want to do is

Say item create this guy here is going to be insert priority and it’s only going to have a maximum of one in its inventory at all times and then we can set white listing for everything and then we just want to say copy this connector and paste it down for each

Every one of these guys now same thing for the chest but this guy is going to be an extract and we’re just going to extract that single at a time and that’s more less it so the last thing then to do is say in here is item create and oh

Yeah we’re going to have to set up a connector to pump back into this guy uh so you go there and item pipe go up don’t connect to the South connector there we go and this guy then here is going to be an insert and this guy here

Is going to be an extract now we just need to craft the first items which I don’t think we’ll be able to do today but just having everything ready should be good so the other things we’re going to want is the other uh crafting tables can we craft this thing no we need

Ludicrite right I guess we’re back to the void Dimension to set up I keep hitting are to set back up bigger reactors or extreme reactors I’m not sure what it’s called in this version and we’ll just do them probably like over here somewhere so yeah it’s bigger

Reactors we want to say craft me 100 of this casing we going to need reactor fuel rods um might just need to make a pattern for each and every one of these guys here now I think I’ll just hook it up right here we don’t need anything

Massive so we’ll do probably like a 5×5 one so 1 2 3 4 five and then five if this isn’t enough we’ll go with a 7×7 one all we want this thing to do basically is just turn uranium into Cyanide and then we can turn that cite

Into plutonium so we’re going to need a lot more reactor casing than that H so I don’t know do we actually even need like an actual coolant in here H cuz we want this guy you know what we’ll just put a coolant in there what would be the best

Coolant for this guy we’ll just use bucket of water for now cuz I have no clue what would be the best option so on top of each of the fuel rods is a controller and then you just fill the rest in with the casing all right so on

The front here we’re going to have our controller and then we’re just going to have our access ports here and here and this one here is going to be for output of waste we’re going to put an interface here with a pipe and you are only going

To extract out uranium just need to hook this guy up there and this guy should be full of uranium now we just turn it on now you can see the thing is flying up with temperature good thing about these reactors is that they do not explode and

The radioactivity is what we want the most of now we are producing power so we’ll just grab this give this guy a plug of something or a way to store the power and for now we’re probably oh yeah we don’t have a power tap on this guy

We’ll put the Power tap right here okay in this part of the video the actual recording glitched out so the only part you kind of missed is just me talking about we need the induction Matrix right now which you can see it’s built up there but uh just so you know there

Wasn’t any big cut the recording glitched and you didn’t miss much I was just talking about let’s get ourselves the induction matrics made and I started crafting everything okay back to the video all right we have a few of them being made so what we’ll do is we’ll

Scrap out all this now and actually build the frame now so we said we’re just going to make like a 5x 5×3 I think um just get rid of all these chains out of the way okay so 1 2 3 4 5 so it’s pretty much the exact same size as right

Here so it would be very small on the inside but that’s fine so we want our induction providers like that and then we’ll stick the rest of these like that um you know what I don’t actually need that many um definitely probably going to want to make this thing bigger in the

Future but as of right now we don’t need it that big so there’s a few things we actually need to do now and that’s going to be make ourselves uh oh we already have a plug okay um we’re going to stick a plug onto each one of the reactors

Instead instead of going straight into um the Nitro capacitors think it’ be just easier if we did it this way all right so we’re going to have one induction Port there and another induction Port right here and then we’re going to put a point on it there and

We’re going to make our own new network uh called like main power new Network so we’ll do like Main’s power in and that is going to be blue okay uh it’s not going to connect cuz I’m not finished building the thing yet and how many more

Things do we need in here two there’s one and we should get the second one down in a moment there we go so connected all in and there we go so I think we can use our morphing tool here and yep so that will be an output and

That’s going to go onto this plug right here and that’s going to provide Power to everything then so if we just come over here to power and you know what it just probably would be fine this plug is going to go into this guy instead uh bypassing Limit Oh I think

The guy up here needs to be changed to bypass limit we’re inputting 30 million at a time wow and then this guy here will be outputting all the power then that we all need and now we have it all being stored in here so we’re inputting in 10 million which I

Believe is all it can do are these guys all empty yeah they’re slowly emptying and we could probably replace it down to just one but yeah cuz these cables are only capable of doing 10 million in and out but all the power that will be made from these guys are going straight into

The induction Matrix and then that’s providing power to everywhere else in the base so that means we come back over here now to our other reactor we can put the P plug right there aim power in disable the limit now all the power that this made is going straight into the

System so we can turn it back on and leave it run okay we want this radiation to be very very high actually no we don’t want that we want the production here so it’s using about 1 Milli bucket a tick yeah so I think this when gets to

A bucket it exports out a cyanide Ingot that should go in here yep and we just want to pump that then straight back into the system so pipe like that and there we go how is our reactor doing it’s been a while since I’ve checked it

Now it’s only half full but it does have 200,000 buckets in there and that’s half full so that means this thing can hold 400,000 buckets uh little under 400,000 and this okay we have plenty of sodium to work with right we don’t have to worry about

It then it’s just going to be getting all the sodium into this thing which is going to be the big problem if I have to add more of these guys I will right there is a couple more things I want to do just getting the rest of like the

Extra fluids made and that is going to be nutritional paste we want this guy right here and he’s going to turn any type of food into like a nutritional paste and we need that paste then for in this guy here so I guess we’ll just hook

It up and have it pumping into the system and it should have a location to go don’t actually know where to hook it up I guess right here we’ll do and what type of food do we want to pump out I think zombie flesh Works yes it does so

We’ll use that oh do it makes a horrible sound oh wait how are we going to pump this back into the system I didn’t think about that um hm how are we going to pump it back in I didn’t think about that part uh you know what we’ll do it around

I don’t know where to do this thing I think we will do it here instead so we’ll do items in the top and fluids out the left that means it’ll go into this guy and back into the system then okay and we just need to somehow pump the uh

What’s it called the rotten flesh into it so we’ll just use an export boss screw it all right so you’re good just need some upgrades this thing makes an awful noise and you know what where’s muffling oh that’s so much better so now if we come back upstairs to our tanks we have

Nutritional paste don’t know how much we need but just going to leave it run until I don’t know make a couple hundred buckets the other two things we need is sludge and liquid DT and biofuel and refined fuel okay so same thing bioreactor similar setup that

We had over here this guy is just going to be pumping in any type of item like uh similar I think we can nearly do the exact same setup that is here maybe we’ll do the same thing with flesh what we’ll do then is instead we’ll grab an

Interface and we’ll put the interface right here we’ll disconnect that there and what we’ll do then instead is say this guy will input items on the right here you extract and now one we can say is pipe the ultimate pipe give it an upgrade why not the ultimate pipe will

Go here disconnect it from there you are going to extract out of the top give it an upgrade and give you an upgrade and you should get rotten flesh oh does not rotten flesh not work for you make sure it’s connected to the network okay so

Bio reactor what will you use then sweet berries any type of dye okay maybe I’ll use any of the the fruits that we’ve been grown over in our boty pots 37,000 sweet berries sure um I think this guy might need water to also work oh yeah it

Does uh so I’m just going to use an export bus water like that and we just need some add-ons and okay now we’re making biofuel okay and I have given it like nine different types of different fruits and veg and this guy here I’m just going to continue exporing out like

This yeah that’ll do and for this guy then how are we actually going to get into the system if I have to export water out that way uh I didn’t think about that you know we don’t need to set up here anymore if we do we can just put

It back down and as of right now I don’t believe we need it so if that’s the case we can just pump it back into the system like so why are you oh you can’t be pumped out because you don’t have space in here for it of course so we’ll just

Use an import bus I don’t really care at this point but now we just need to make one last thing which I believe is the refined fuel so refined fuel how do we do that just need a fractioning still and we’re just going to pump the crude oil we are

Producing uh from our B into it just to start uh centrifuging it up more or less actually you know what since this Cable’s already there we can just s another one on so we want to say input here output um what should we output into cuz I think we’re going to need a

Second fractioning still yeah cuz we’re going to get heavy oil and light oil I think we want to pump the heavy oil in and that will also give us Tower boostable what do you mean by boostable oh light oil thing seems to actually be better okay how do we just

Pump out light oil then okay just to make things easier on myself I have heavy oil being stored here and I have light oil being stored here and then I can just use the system to pump it out into another the fractioning still because there’s literally not enough

Room here to do any of that so what I can do then is say you go here and just give you some upgrades as well okay then I can say pipe fluid pipe and I’m also going to need another fluid pipe anti wait how am I doing this okay you know

What I’m going to move you to here actually yeah I’m just going to leave you there just going to grab an interface hope I have enough channels here for all this I’m going to stick you there and what going to say is input to Top Auto input and then I’m just going

To say uh output the top actually we’ll do input and output pull and push and that should work so we want the light fuel coming out here and we’ll just max it out there we go that goes in and that should automatically get pumped out as refined fuel there we go right that’s

Passive pretty much so the last two is going to be sludge and liquid DT I don’t know if we really have time to do sludge today that’s just going to be set up a simple like Farm in the void Dimension let’s just have a look and see if we can

Start uh making our DT fuel how much sign have we made so far 23 not bad we should have loads by next episode you know what I’m actually going to set up the plant gatherer now and we’re going to use the maximum size add-on which is tier

12 and if we look at the area of that pretty big and we’re just going to trash all the items it makes except for sludge and we’re just going to use probably an Ender tank and just pump it back over there so let’s mark out our area Okay

And then roughly the center should be right here okay now if we turn this off and put this in here will it be be the same size hey I’m spot on okay so we just need to somehow get saplings into you so saplings let’s just go with uh

Basical Oak why not lock the inputs and what we’re going to say is a drawer for X drawer and just going to give it some upgrades use a universal pipe so we can pull out items and fluids at the same time where’s my rench gone and then the

Ender tank is just going to be dyed purple so two last things then is I need to hook up this power so we’re going to run the pipes down like this so that’s going to be filtered to only extract out saplings like so and then we’re just

Going to run this over this way to you and then we just give it some power using a point okay for some reason the um ultimate pipe wasn’t working so I’m just going to use fluid and item pipes instead and see if this works no why isn’t the items here being pulled out

Will it not pump straight into a drawer I know it is working but it’s just it only works as it collects it I do not understand what’s going on here I don’t know what happens if this thing gets full it won’t extract out maybe something’s broken here I don’t get it

Okay I figured out what was wrong with it even though I had the filter set the only extract out saplings because of was using an ultimate pipe it was also trying to pump it into him into this guy here but I also did try the destination

Filter and it still didn’t work so I’ve just replaced it then with an item pipe and gave each one of the machines their own point for power I even tried using a logistical transporter pipe to see if that would work but didn’t really do anything but it is working now and this

Guy here is getting all the saplings so that’s pretty good all right quick rack fire now since we’re just about out of time we want to start turning this heavy fuel now into DT so we need a separator so separator here uh oh that has stuff

In it so pipe there you extract terium made we want to dump the excess oxygen tererium then will go out over here into a chemical infuser which I’ll just put down like right here get a tube that will connect it to there now we need to make sure

We’re putting this out uh this out the right side so dark blue theerum tell it here to extract oh that’s a cable Oops I meant a tube they look identical but there we go so now we got the tarium in here this guy you know you can stop

Making crystals we don’t need it anymore and then the pressu right tube can come out this way in there oh wait no it doesn’t go straight into him yet it has to go into a solar Neutron activator and I think that goes in the back no doesn’t matter pressurize tube

And you just tell this here to exract can you configure this guy oh you can nice I think I a pass you couldn’t input output and now we’re making DT fuel now this needs to go into another rotary condens trator so all we have to do now

Is give this guy here power should be fairly simple there we go and now this is making DT Fuel and unfortunately our interfaces are over there so I guess another Ender tank you know what actually I’d say the purple one could be used as well sometimes sludge gets put

In but I think if we were to say fluids Auto eject out the right instead DT fuel should get pumped in there sometimes as well no okay maybe not we’ll spice it up with a bit of pink wait why aren’t you out oh cuz you haven’t even made it cuz

You also need power my bad there we go liquid DT okay so if we look up Liquid DT do we have it yes we do so that is pretty much all of the fluids that we now need the only thing this thing needs is a few upgrades all right now everything here

Is working uh I don’t think we have enough time now this episode so what we’re going to do next episode is finally turn on our reactors and then we will finally start making antimatter and we can finally make the final few machines now there be like another

Couple episodes but I think we might be able to finish this in the next two to three episodes The Next Episode we’ll turn on the reactors get the rest of these machines and then we’ll finally be able to start draconic Evolution cuz then once we’re done tronic Evolution

That’s mainly it once we get the chaos infusing crafter we’re done and we just need the quantum compressor and then finally make our final Parts which will be the Overworld uh portal so I think we’re fairly close to having this finish so I’m going to end there hope you all

Enjoyed if you did don’t forget that like button subscribe if you’re new and hit that notification Bell you’re on it then as well so without any further Ado Goodbye is over really a good round though

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SkyT Ep.11 Getting Mekanism Reactors Setup’, was uploaded by Shadow_wolf1900 on 2023-12-18 18:00:26. It has garnered 216 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:00 or 2460 seconds.

Today we get mekanism reactors setup ready to be turned on and we also get the rest of the fluids needed for end game. Don’t forget to LIKE/COMMENT/SUBSCRIBE! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Previous Episode: https://youtu.be/oEMHRhu4NVc ►SkyT playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLO5XKO7F40uNSGX1fuUcMLkovabYFv_9V ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWd-7CJhHs-657S3Nj77-5Q ►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shadow_wolf1900 ►Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shadow_wolf1900 ►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@starwolf1900 ►Discord: https://discord.gg/dMsMA4f ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SkyT is a questing skyblock 1.18.2 modpack focused on Technology with some Magic and Exploration. It contains more than 280 mods, 700 quests and tens of block and custom items. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, SkyT is made for you. The beginning of the modpack is easy but the difficulty becomes more and more complicated. The hundreds of quests will guide you during your adventure. The modpack is technical, however many mods will allow you to have fun with friends or to decorate your base.

►Download the pack for yourself ►https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ►Music: YouTube Audio Library Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/112xm6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #minecraft #skyblock #skyt

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  • “Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!” #minecraft #tnt #gameplay

    "Insane Minecraft TNT Explosion with NO lag!" #minecraft #tnt #gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploding 512 TNTs without lags! #minecraft #tnt #minecrafttnt #minecraftgameplay #lag #mod #memes’, was uploaded by DEffet on 2024-06-02 10:30:15. It has garnered 351 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. #minecraft #tnt #explosion #minecrafttnt #minecraftmemes #minecraftmods #boom #explosive #minecraftvideogame #minecraftfunny #fireworks #funnyminecraft #steveee #pc #funny #minecrafttntmod #minecrafttntexplosion #memes #hardest #weirdminecraft #tutorial #water #minecraftcursed #how #mryeester #22magnum #record #gameplay #pcbuilding #22mag #17hmr #pctips #22wmr #intro #tntexplosion #megamanny #videogame #spectatorminecraft #world #ram #stopmotion #mod #bombs #minecraftbut #computer #minecraftshorts #alexareal #watermelon #howtomaketntminecraft #nuevatntminecraft #minecraftdetonator #minecrafttnttutorial #detonatortntinmcpe #minecrafttntcannon #tntminecrafttrap #tntmodminecraft #minecrafttnttrap #howtousetntinminecraft… Read More

  • The Ultimate Iron Golem Battle

    The Ultimate Iron Golem BattleVideo Information तो आज इस मॉब के अंदर और आयरन गोलम के अंदर फाइट होगी देखो ये मॉब तो धूप से जल के जल जाता है लेकिन आयरन गोलम को जब तक मैं स्पॉन करता हूं कमेंट में बताना आपके हिसाब से कौन जीतेगा और वीडियो को लाइक और चैनल को सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर देना और देखो आयरन गोलन स्पॉन हो चुका है और इस जॉम्बी के पास जा चुका है और देखते हो आयरन गोम भी तो एक पं जॉम्बी गायब हो ग हमेशा के लिए This video, titled ‘Iron Golem vs Scary Mob 😨 #minecraft’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮

    INSANE! HellG searches for ultimate Minecraft biome! 😮Video Information al [Música] te tengo al lado y me siento solo el miedo me come y no entiendo como razones no faltan para querer irme pero si me voy quizás falte todo ella me llama y me llama y no sé qué hacer llama me llama y si Volveré porque tú eres mi pasado y lo mejor que me había pasado también y me llama me llama y no sé qué hacer llama y me llama y si Volveré el no poder entendernos es lo que no logro entender cómo voy a darte mi mundo entero si no estoy… Read More

  • Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft – Epic Gamerz Gameplay

    Insane Gold Farm Build in Minecraft - Epic Gamerz GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Build a mega gold farm | Minecraft gameplay #5’, was uploaded by TAMIM HASSAN GAMERZ on 2023-12-25 04:39:05. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:49 or 1009 seconds. I build a mega gold farm in Minecraft gameplay #5 Read More

  • “Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!” #shorts #viral

    "Insane Day 2 in UNFILTERED SMP!" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Manish Unfiltered on 2024-04-05 13:23:36. It has garnered 1621 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:15:33 or 11733 seconds. UNFILTERED SMP DAY 2 | JAVA + BEDROCK | #shorts #shortvideo #viral #shortfeed #minecraft #smp #publicsmp java – MANISHSMPOP.aternos.me:62208 bedrock – MANISHSMPOP.aternos.me port- 62208 IN THIS LIVESTREAM I AM PLAYING MINECRAFT GAME WITH MY FRIENDS 🙂 WE ARE ENJOYING THIS GAME A LOT THATS WHY I THOUGHT I SHOULD STREAM THIS GAME . SO YOU… Read More

  • GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shorts

    GHOST in Modern Minecraft House?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modern House #shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Ghost Speler on 2024-03-08 19:17:36. It has garnered 731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #gaming Read More


    AMAZING 3D MINECRAFT PIXEL ART! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART 🎨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-04-30 15:12:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shorts

    Ultimate Banarasi GAMER2 vs. Epic Minecraft Mob Battle! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts’, was uploaded by Banarasi GAMER2 on 2024-04-14 15:55:13. It has garnered 489 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Minecraft Mob Battle #shorts mob battle,minecraft mob battle,carty mob battle,i cheated in a mob battle,mob battle compilation,mob battles,minecraft battle,cheated mob battle,minecraft battles,cheated in mob battle,insane mob battle,mutant mob battle,ultimate mob battle,dinosaur mob battle,i cheated in a skibidi toilet mob battle,build battle,mob battle minecraft,minecraft mob battles,maizen build battle,op mob battle,mix mob battle,void mob battle,dark mob battle minecraft rp , minecraft rap , minecraft rpg , minecraft… Read More

  • Grotex: Insane Twist You Won’t Believe!

    Grotex: Insane Twist You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘WTF just happened!’, was uploaded by Grotex on 2024-03-26 06:02:45. It has garnered 108 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin pack: in the middle above Mouse: Bloody A70 Keyboard: Redragon K552 red switches Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight… Read More