EPIC Minecraft 1.20 SMP: WHALE OF A TIME!!

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N He Nah N [Applause] well hello there good morning friends Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans who celebrate happy happy Thursday to the rest of us how you doing you having a good day are you chilling and partying like rock stars I hope today I want to finish off a major Milestone which is the entrance

Lobby to the mega Museum a project that we’ve been working on for quite some time but we’re getting so close and my goodness it’s looking so very very very good so yeah I suppose we should just crack on into that I do want to let you know however while the game slow loads

In the background that this stream almost didn’t happen today there is 5 cm of fresh snow that fell overnight and I almost I almost I mean I had I had said at some point that um in the event of fresh snow I might take you know snow days off and go

Skiing that’s right this channel now has snow days but I had a had a terrible night’s sleep last night I didn’t get to bed until almost 2:00 in the morning so I was like all right I’m not getting up at 6:30 to drive out to the

Mountains I had an alarm set for 6:30 I woke up I checked the ski report and I was like maybe did I almost abandon you for fresh powder yeah if there had been slightly more snow I’d have done it if it was like closer to a foot oh jeez I’m here

Huh could have been closer to a foot a fresh snow absolutely gone in a heartbeat feels a little quiet there we go uh let’s put that away let’s that put that away I definitely don’t need these I sorry to hear you’re not feeling well Zed hope it

Passes all right what else am I doing here here trying to get my my life in order oh yeah by the way if you didn’t watch minoc clock on Tuesday we made a farm we made a very pretty farm look at these ooh they’re so frog [Laughter] likee neat

Huh uh we made a Frog Light farm and this is the amount of drops we got in 2 minutes it is extremely efficient um and I’m very happy that we have one of these now I don’t know if that’s going to change any anything that

We’re doing at the build but you know it uh it sure does exist and that’s cool all right our warm-up task today pardon me our warm-up task today is uh we need more Sandstone I foresee a tremendous amount of sandstone in our future so here’s what we’re going to do

Um we’re going to we’re going to go to the desert on the way to the desert I’ll actually stop by and show you the Frog Light farm that Uno I built on Tuesday uh and then we’re going to fill up a couple of shulkers with uh sandstone and then we’ll get to

It what is a frog light a frog light is a new light source that they added in 1.19 and the way to get a frog light is you need a frog to eat a magma slime which is not that easy to do cuz frogs are found in the Overworld and

Magma slimes are found found in the nether so you need a frog to eat a magma slime specifically only the smallest form of magma slime uh and then there are three colors of frog that correspond to the three different colors of uh of frog light so

If you want to get all the colors you also have to get the three different kinds a frog into the Overworld so yeah this is the farm it’s um not too fancy so we’ve got a box we got a box full of frogs they’re all chilling yeah this is

Vanilla look at them Froggies and then we’ve got two iron golems and we’ve got a bunch of Spawn platforms and then way up here we have an AFK platform and now if we look down to the Frog spawn yes he is the frogs spawn and they get aggroed towards the iron golems and

The Iron Golems um reduce these slimes to a smaller more frog bite-sized [Laughter] size uh so if we had down we could we could show it off a little here and then yeah you can see right there the frogs uh they m and then uh and then they do a little

Poopity and out comes the Frog Light it’s an all you can eat buffet Om Nom Nom yes Feast Feast delicious and nutritious magma slime hey what’s up Bri and bacon first sub on the day thank you for the 27 three whole saos oh my goodness I don’t know if I’m ready for

That much responsibility can barely take care of my precious idiot frog children isn’t it neat Good Hop good [Laughter] top and then yeah so we got in that time we were sitting there about a stack of each color which is kind of wild to think about seems much simpler than the

Snowbed Farms I’ve seen which require Ender Portals yeah anything that requires an Ender portal is a lot this design was so straightforward I mean other than the fact that we had to get onto the roof of the nether break a piece of Bedrock uh get frogs into The

Nether uh safely transport them to the roof of the nether uh the actual Farm was pretty straightforward hey what’s up Jude Happy Thanksgiving to you indeed chat have an extra little bit of turkey think of me it’s 5:00 P p.m. where we are so this

Counts as surge after dark oh that is a that is a separate thing that we don’t talk about sh sh sh Secrets oh all right sandstone a clock H good morning m all right what should our morning conversation be what’s our morning topic what’s our morning ice breaker let’s go with favorite pizza

Topping despite all the fun flavors I’ve encountered over the years I think I got to go with good old classic pepperoni kind of basic like that sausage spicy or a different kind goat cheese really goat cheese wow got to say you enjoyed watching Joe Play mino’s Night Market amazing favorite parade

Balloon I don’t know if I’ve seen enough parades that have balloons that might be like kind of an American thing I guess yeah whichever has the biggest potential for Destruction says Joe from the other room wasn’t there like a really famous thing like in New York City a giant minion

Balloon got loose or was it like Barney or something like that there’s these amazing videos of like a giant Barney face peeping around the corner walking around downtown in the middle of a giant urban center or did I just was that like a stress stream I had morning aussy Rob

Be a terrifying stress stream that’s fair I mean most are like wait wait wait it’s happened multiple times multiple years uh one year in high winds grabbed a Snoopy and eight people off the ground oh my God why do they keep having parade balloons also can somebody confirm that

I’m pretty sure that is like a very American thing most infamous balloon mishaps from the Macy’s Thanksgiving they parade Felix is released to the giant cat model in the sky the mighty M balloons deflating oh my god papy wow uh okay high winds caus the cat and the hat

Balloon to strike a lime post okay wow oh my God I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen a balloon in a parade in Canada do we I think we have floats instead which are safer but way less exciting oh you Americans have floats and parades as well oh I imagine

So you’ve only ever seen as an American you’ve only ever seen balloons in the Macy’s day parade okay most other people have learned to respect and fear them Ma’s carrying on their dangerous tradition delightful I don’t know why I’m taking the extra time it needs to like carefully carve around this section when

I could just find pristine untouch section section of sandstone just mine it I do however really like the shape of this Quarry you know the only parade you regularly watch is the Rose Parade what is the Rose Parade I don’t know any of these things

All right uh you are for sand you are for Sandstone delightful there was prayed is near New Year’s Day and is all natural materials and the floats are beautiful what what where in the world does that happen interesting yikes no ow that scared me caught just a little bit of fire there

Ow playing with fire there Jagger literally a Rose Parade float uh oh wow oh my God that’s stunning what oh that’s really pretty okay yeah Fair uh so where does it happen though California Pasadena interesting LA or pasadia Pasadena [Laughter] pasadia the uh Italian part of California pasadia happens on January 1st that’s

Wild that’s very pretty okay I had no idea good job California you have a tradition of taking down your Christmas tree and then watching the Rose Parade neat morning trick hope you’re doing well friend oh friends I am so excited so my goal for today is I want

To finish the grand entrance which I think is going to look really cool and do like a little bit of texturing and final touches on um the main entrance to the museum and then I want to start basic I it’s going to be a little tricky I want

To start at the very Le putting in the walls for the exhibit rooms uh but maybe the exhibit rooms Are I kind of want to box them in so that we have like a a um a canvas to start with when we start you know filling in and making the exhibits really pretty and I don’t know if I’m going to use the walls and the floor that are in there

You know like when I make the cave room I want it to literally be a cave but I feel like it’s still important to get the framing down so it seems kind of silly cuz like I’m going to put a bunch of blocks down that we

May or may not even see or use ever and I don’t know how I feel about that sorry I just got like seven messages one second please oh there we go happy Thursday thank you friend you know it’s really pretty me I don’t know suddenly getting very

Real I don’t know where that came from thank you I’m just supposed to say thank you when somebody compliments you today in honor of uh American Thanksgiving I’m going to be eating leftover pizza hey good morning Mar Margie RG pardon me oh maybe maybe we make the whale oh my

Face maybe we make the whale today ooh maybe instead of making a bunch of blank rooms that you’ll never see maybe I just make whale what do you think of that oh that sounds so much cooler do you want to design do you want to help me design a giant whale

Skeleton a giant wheel skeleton sorry sounds like a whale of a good time oh that sounds way cooler all right today is whale day never skip whale day it’s true you can tell the people who Skip will day it’s really embarrassing people point and stare and they say wheless Behavior SMH SMH my

Whale whale whale whale as someone south of my border I prefer eonian coined by Frank Lloyd Wright because Canadian Thanksgiving is also and American Thanksgiving I think I missed a piece of context there so instead of calling it Thanksgiving you call it eonian not quite sure oh call it eonian Thanksgiving instead

Of American Thanksgiving interesting all right um look at the look at this it’s actually kind of neat that’s so much materials need to get back to cooking but wanted to share that this stream has sent me down a deep YouTube rabbit hole I’m now addicted to a channel which looks at

Abandoned and defunct canals in the UK incredible dgma am I going to be charging people to visit my museum No it should be free because when an exhibit like a giant whale skeleton you can make a Krillin off of ticket sales oh yeah Krillin huh ah there I thought for half a

Second I might be having a genuine conversation with gunar not that he was setting me up to get me again again this guy hey good morning dude Le do ah uh good old Ender Ender any guesses in chat how many Ender how many endermen do you think we have un alived at this

Point 10,000 30,000 how many Ender Enders how many Enderman have we ended did yes at least one or I forgot I lost all my experience from some unfortunate nether incidents 100K I don’t think it’s 100K I have I actually have no idea how many level do you think you’ve gained

From it over time oh my God I mean the problem is um I normally do it to repair my stuff too right so it’s not even like how many levels would I have gained if mending hadn’t grabbed them too you know I’m really curious 10,912 and I’ve been killed by one in return once uh Joe was right with 10K good guess Jojo you reset your end got rid of your Ender Ender now just use a guardian Farm Guardian Farms are other than the Thorns they are remarkable W look at this I’ve killed

One Iron Golem and return been killed by an iron golem once I think that happened on literally the first day of this server day one yeah I’ve never been killed by a pig 50 3 to one for pigin brutes that scans you’ve never been killed by a llama Trader thank

You 67 to1 on vindicators zero warden kills one Warden death yeah that’s that’s fair died to zombified piglin once interesting that Iron Golem DK is where James set you up yeah I uh I was doing the early game thing where you pillar up and then you hit them for iron and then

James put down a block so it got up high enough and it one- shot me it’s very cheeky ow oh right uh one sec Uno restocked his store with bones delicious and nutritious bones um I need them all I actually have no idea how big this whale skeleton’s going

To be but let’s take nine stacks of Bones you know just to be safe for SK a skeleton the size of a whale I mean it’s probably going to be a couple stacks it’s definitely not going to be nine but that’s fine it’s a little dark right here pardon me

Been searching for more well pons to make it ain’t easy they’re hard to fin all right so first things first head back to the base and I’m going to put I think we’re going to have to wait for two more Stacks to make it through the super

Smelter and by two more Stacks I mean two full two entire full shulkers of sandstone let’s get started with that first before we organize other things I gave up inviting whales to do things that kept bailing what does that mean is that isn’t that the organ that

Whales have that lets them float float or not float float isn’t that called the Bing no oh I tried wait that’s their teeth the giant gills that they use oh no okay that worked I was terrified for a second I just saw I just saw uh nothing happened for a second and I

Panicked is that the big fan thing that they use to like catch Grill is that a bailing said instead of their teeth but I don’t quite know what that means either yes they’re Krill eting fan things their eyes like way back here or something man whales are so

Whik wait at the top of their mouth not the F yeah that right wild whales how do they even work am I right all right so what else do we need from our base here I think we’re okay for now I need to um well I got a bit of

Time so I bet you I bet you mine: clock is three weeks away from finishing the got to catch them all collection and do you think minoc clock will want to design any rooms or do you think that is something that we should do by ourself you know what I mean

It’s tough to tell I me we could just do everything it’s going to be fun to do a bunch of the exhibits but maybe I could do like a couple of test ones and then let them participate and help decorate a couple yeah we want to do at least one

Room on m: clock that’s fair the easiest one or the hardest one that’s the next tricky question I mean the first one I can I mean I guess what we should do and this is kind of interesting I guess what we should do is we should brain um we

Should lay out the whole like put all the boxes in and then make like a floor plan of what the museum is going to look like you know what I mean and then from there we could start planning the route that people walk through it also sorry while I’m saying that I’m literally

Thinking about expanding these these have been just a little too small it’s very close but I feel like I want a third one of these or something or to expand them a little bit further I just don’t quite have enough lava production to always keep this topped up whereas if there was

I mean if we did the Fuji SLO and we just doubled it I think we’d be in a pretty good spot All right I don’t know what I want to do while I wait for this to finish cooking this is cute I mean I guess I could remove these I never actually ended up using these huh there’s some random sticks in there I could remove this and then extend that out

Further the be kind of nice and then actually I could take these shelves I mean the shelves are a good way to sort of fill the space Right h no oh I’m so easily distracted tempting though it’s very tempting all right um we’re only halfway done not even whatever let’s look at other stuff we’ve got it loaded let’s go to the rest of the base and we’ll uh think about our life choices and try and make

Sure we’ve got everything we need all right we don’t need the stone box anymore that’s good we’ve got the box of mixed sand and Sandstone um we could do something else with that oh right this is leftover materials from the farm too put that all away good

Uh I don’t need theare rail box anymore either okay there we go there we go got lots to do put that there rocket noises top that up put the rest of the TNT away in the Redstone box as one does cine goes down there glass goes over

Here uh this little bit of iron goes in a little bit of iron section good Oak in the oak box Cobble in the Cobble box levers in the lever box sure why not all right let’s grab two more empty shulkers it’s always nice to have a couple on

Us oh my goodness I just realized I didn’t watch another episode of Scott Pilgrim last night I ended up streaming too much anyways skulls for the skull Throne yeah ow I did a I did a bonus stream last night on the secret Channel definitely ended up playing video games for like 11 hours

Yesterday and forgot about uh watching an episode with Joe now I feel kind of bad for Jojo on the plus side I’m really really really enjoying death must die if you’re a fan of um vampire Survivor likes you should check that game out it’s awesome oh he gaming

Yeah you know what let’s just take what we have and then uh get mosy in that’ll keep cooking when we load it next thing I need to do is I need to dye this shulker box orange bing bong all righty to the museum let’s get going W for wum woo thank you

Joe thank you for wooing ow right all right if you hadn’t seen this in a while bam this is what we got up to in the last stream and boy oh boy do I like that view did it get bigger since the last time we were here it does feel pretty Grand

Huh so one of the things that I’m curious about is if I go from this side it looks like I should be putting an arch in here but if I do that it will make this area smaller and is that okay I think it kind of has to be I

Can’t think of how else I want to frame this if I don’t do that right so if I wanted to keep it consistent with the other ones I would be making a wall that lines up with this Joe’s joined oh you don’t have a screenshot yet Joe doesn’t have a screenshot for

The YouTube thumbnail so I might actually hold off on some of the work let’s do some planning we can move it so it come to here on both of these sides right which will make the view smaller somewhat but then again when you walk in to

Here you still get that which is kind of cool hey Lilith thank you so much for using your Prime here friend really appreciate the 14 months of support so that’s still pretty big right um and then we get sort of this interesting you walk through here and there’s actually a

Hallway uh so I guess what I would do is I would make another Archway on either side of this oh and then this walkway is on the inside too which is kind of neat so then I guess what happens is there’s like another wall here hello here we see Joe

Hello she’s invisible she’s a ghost uh do you need me to like move stuff and pull it back further so you can see sweetie you got it all right so it look like that and we put another Arch and that lines up with that pretty well that’s kind of

Cool um that means I’m probably getting rid of that which is fine H I think this is doable I think this is all all very doable yeah maybe I get rid of that we’ll see all right so let’s do a test uh and I need a ton of um what’s the stuff called

Netherrack I hope I like this it’ll be a little unfortunate if I don’t you know so it goes oh you know what I’m I’m going to move some of these shulkers as people keep telling me to do I’m going to move some of these shulkers all right grab that grab that going to

Grab that and that it’s time you win do we get a canal different different different Victory [Laughter] condition later later maybe right I’m a little bit nervous this is a big change hey happy pants what’s up friend thank you so much for the 500 Bitties Happy Thanksgiving to you as well all

Right do you hate that by don’t you know I don’t think that actually disrupts The View too much and especially once we give it an arch I think that’s going to be totally AOK oh no oh no ah what a start you could tell from the other room just the sound of the

[Laughter] sigh it’s okay it was just a test was a test to see if I wanted to move all of the other arches turns out the other ones are are where they want to be it’s good it’s good A little bit of due diligence here into the stair right into the

Stair was bound to happen this particular construction project was going to Vex you no matter what when it comes to structural design it’s your arch nemesis how dare you me and this Arch go way back all right I describe us more as Frenemies all right all right uh like that like that

I mean actually hold on torches up here is a very good idea I should grab more like wait a second a good morning narwhals how are you friend all right up we go Layer Two wait layer is maybe the wrong word ah whatever it’s a good enough word oh they’re

Upstairs I was like wait a second no zombies like I’ve done a good job of Spawn proofing the inside of this thank you very much and then I realized I haven’t really spawn proof the uh the [Laughter] outside uh the roof of this build might be the world’s single largest mob spawn

Uh in existence mob spawn M mob farm all righty so now now I want to grab Stone and I want to grab um walls and I want to grab this image from Gunner only you can prevent wall zombies God that’s that’s old school isn’t that from like um the jerdine Industries build wasn’t

That the meme dour okay I need to go up um is this wde enough yes submitted to imer 4 years ago good Lord I mean that timeline does does line up doesn’t mean I need to like it though okay so from here cuz we lined it up we do

This and then we do this and we go up and we do this and then we go up two two one sounds like it’s daytime outside judging by the fact that I hear zombies on fire and then we do this odd way to tell the time some people

Install daylight sensors I make a mob farm and simply listen to the zombie alarm clock listen for the zombie alarm clock pardon me so one two no that’s that’s wrong one two one two one one two one two one two one one two and then I need to put another wall

There is that correct yeah or nay except for that side and that side hold on [Laughter] what there uh I need to fly to the other side and double check two two you haven’t seen this build in a while what’s up Zag yeah it uh certainly coming along eh

Not really paying attention but based on past experience it’s probably off by one yeah that’s fair and it hurts doesn’t hurt any less two two I’m thinking you know have an implicit appreciation from the hermit’s Boop or time lapse a huge build in 3-day period between episodes I mean I’ve made big builds

Before but I don’t think I don’t even think somebody likes scar this is a uh a single time lapse kind of episode you know this build is huge this build is absolutely enormous this is a [Laughter] lot I’m thinking I think actually I mean it’s weird to do comparisons on stuff

Like this but I think smallish beans might build on an even larger scale than scar does which is kind of absurd to think all right uh something I want to do now while I’m still up here let’s start doing a little bit of texturing no I trust me I have never

Underestimated um how much time and effort they put into their [Laughter] builds deck out wasn’t built in a day yeah it was so bright H H don’t like that if you’re curious this is what it takes to texture stuff I try and go pretty light with Sandstone now and actually let most of

The texturing be done by sand which is a lot subtler and I’m a big fan of it so we have before after and I think I think a textured pillar just looks so much better just so so so much better than just a plain one MHO

But holy moly does it take a lot of [Laughter] work so it was an interesting willpower check this morning to see um how much snow and how what the math is between snow and sleep to find out before I take a day off what’s up techie turns out 5

Cm and 5 hours of sleep was not enough to cancel a stream but this math we’re going to be we’re going to be checking this math a lot over the winter you appreciate me being here I was going to do like an afternoon stream or something like that I wasn’t going to

Take the whole day off I was just going to cancel you know the morning portion yeah it was really tough I think that was the big part um can’t do math even first thing in the morning so I was kind of destined to fail that’s too much of a

Pattern of course I can’t use sand oops at the very bottom cuz then that happens Happy Thanksgiving thank you very much James the dabbler appreciate you friend oops goodbye forever oops goodbye forever oops goodbye [Laughter] forever hey what’s up pharmacist judge good morning friend hope you’re having a good work day all

Right things you’re thankful for is that a thing Americans do is there actually like a moment where you where you like have a discussion on things that you’re thankful for I’d only ever seen that in the movies I don’t know if that was like a a thing that

People did in some homes yes neat oh jeez yeah that’s right Alec American Thanksgiving today mostly it’s each person saying it there’s no discussion afterwards oh wait hold on another Thanksgiving Day Parade fail you know that’s not too bad I mean the hat looks fine actually kind of

Deflated I wouldn’t call that much of a fail when you do Thanksgiving in Canada in October you also say what you’re thankful for really huh interesting the hat is Iconic that’s fair that’s fair all right I guess it’s a bit of a fail because the straw hat was a little flat all

Right oh wow Joe said for Japan I’m sure it’s a great embarrassment so the next thing I want to do is I want to grab a couple of these stair blocks and I want to mirror one 1 2 3 four five 6 7 um one four five 6 7 is that

Correct they’ll never be able to show their face and Akihabara again wow 1 two 3 four five and then that’s there so why’ I count to seven all right so you’re in here that Arch is there that Arch looks fine uh I think I actually man how do I make this look

Better I think we actually just end up covering up the um the pillar on the inside there and that’s a lot of materials I could get back if I needed them oh wait hold on hold on hold on is that deflated one piece balloon like live and happening right now no way

Well that’s uh oh oh o that’s wrong this is wrong again it was right the first time man surge you got to you got to trust yourself here so I think what I do is I think I take this out just to save materials I think I’m going to pull this

Out oh that’s at Macy’s right now wild okay huh hey what’s up Starlet ghost oh my God Nintendo 64 months you got yourself that uh full stack dang all right so if we pull all that out let me go grab the um the brick box which I really should have died Brown

Now that I think about it Starlet ghost that’s wild friend that’s such a long time thank you very much what up dangerous safety wait all right uh I need this here and I need Birch I need the birch box so my plan is to completely wall off this

Highway uh one of the things that I’m starting to do to make things easier in the space is not having to use every existing wall and I think closing this off is just going to help so much right so bring that straight up and then

We just need to do a little bit more of an arch there and I think that’ll help a lot right so if I let’s say what if I what if I just did this you mostly work so it’s been a while I mean that’s super flattering as well right

Though it’s really dark in here though that’s fine we can add lights so if we do this right and then actually I think it needs to be um some uncountable amount of blocks higher and then if I just did this no uh no no no no no no we use Spruce

Spruce Spruce is the roof color we’ve used in other places there’s only some way to count that high never counted in my life I don’t plan on starting now right so now how does this look other than being very dark right so you walk in I need to moose moose what up moose

Hold these thoughts uh I want an aite for stairs and then I want what are we doing right now go her please wow that’s a cow not a moose that’s their name that’s our moose em security what are you uh polished Bassel I’m moving everything upstairs aren’t I

Serge since I’m alone for Thanksgiving I’m roasting you instead of turkey wow dang all right all right so something I have been ignoring for a while is that you know what no oh my God I didn’t bring the andesite box with me yeah all right uh so I wanted to make

Lights in here because it’s too dark bro seriously I didn’t ah hey what up Tanuki I broke it but I didn’t pick it up I’m actually really glad I got back to there before it despawned because that would have been very distressing then we grab the old iron trap

Doors hit them with a little bit of this very nice oh maybe interesting you’ve made so much progress on the museum thank you um I wonder what I should do for the floor here it could just be andesite when they walk in kind of similar to that you know what I don’t hate

That I’d have to go back and get more andesite though I kind of hate that I’m slowly but surely bringing everything over I promise it’s just taking a while you know so this is flat andesite and then we change that as well ow all right so the new plan is what if

I just do what if I just do this no yeah all right and I just need a little bit of Polish andesite in there uh eight ought to do it yeah that’s okay I don’t know thoughts too busy do you like it I kind of like I

Kind of like marking where the door is oh on the outside it was uh it was just textured it was never actually a pattern all right so memorize this right and now we could do something like this oh jeez all or we have this instead oh I think I like that

Better yeah I think I like that a little better except uh that block needs to move this one to go here instead the subtle shift and pattern in the entrance provides a nice transition to the more orderly interior that’s kind I thinking too right oops I just took a picture of that

Netherrack floor and you walk in here and it’s all Grand so the next thing I need to do is I need to maybe just continue this actually I have a I have a pretty nice way to break that up um which is I grabb the pal I grabb the polished

Bassal and the way that pattern continues is actually from here um which gives us a really nice way to sort of break up the ceiling there you know what I mean hey what up Shay so we do that and we hit them with this right and then if I want to make the

Roof higher or lower it’s actually pretty easy right because we got these lights in and that’s symmetrical which is actually great love symmetry big fan uh and then the question is you know what I can make that door higher so that it lines up with the outside which is kind of

Funny appreciating being home to enjoy the stream than at work and constantly being interrupted by work yeah welcome oh derp so make that one Higher um and that means I need a couple more trap doors and this is this is what I’m talking about with like sort of a faux interior exterior

Right like that looks great from in here and you can’t tell it’s not the same on the outside right nope definitely can’t make that jump now the problem with symmetry is now I have to do this on the other side as well I could take all of this back I

Don’t need it though maybe later all right so when we walk in here it’s a little dark could definitely use some details right as you walk in and you’re like where am I and you’re like oh oh oh my God that reveal what oh goodness I don’t know how to add more

Detail here though the roof is a little flat did I add cross beams in the section now that just that just lined up really well right I have benches I have flowers I could add some flowers can put like a sign on the wall with arrows or whatever

Yeah I don’t love that this window doesn’t line up perfectly wait is that too thick hello we’re not open yet so that doesn’t look better but it does frame the window better which is kind of funny I don’t know how important that is hey what’s up jlc oh my God 52

Months what if bigger I will end you no too too big so like what do I do here I want to add texture to this hallway but it’s so small already man it doesn’t frame the window nicely either which is extremely frustrating yeah I was thinking maybe

Walls Shay cuz they are they are thinner but this is really awkward what if I just move that whole wall by one can I do that I mean I can then my step down is kind of ugly what did that fix what what did that change

Oh I know I know I know I know then I take this whole thing and I move it over one and I make this Arch one bigger can I move this wall oh my God I’m so smart all right go with me on this journey and then we take this whole

Thing right we take this thing all right I’m cooking we’re starting to cook here uh and then we go from here and then see now it lines up right and then I could add a little bit of little bit of H so you walk in you’ve got a nicely framed window on

This side the step is still nice there um that’s framed and that’s symmetrical and then that wall just works and it actually makes the approach to that staircase look way better what do you think of that huh it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary to have a second set of doors as well

It’s not a bad idea I think it works you know and it gives like a nice little transition from this in so you’re like okay what are we here uh 1 two 3 like opens up really nicely too where’s The Cafe restaurant going to be The Cafe restaurant is going to be

Underneath the mezzanine so you’re going to walk around to here then I was thinking of using this space for The Cafe restaurant all right so then the final step would be to take this Sandstone all the way up to the ceiling and then cover that and

Then probably tie it in with that Ridge so what we’re probably going to end up doing is losing the windows but keeping the door pardon me it’s had a random thought I don’t know if this is going to look good or not oh yes okay no those candles oh my God I

Thought that door felt a little empty look at that yeah all right no that was a good call cool all right uh give me a second I have to use the washroom so I’ll leave you with this view which is you know what even though we added um even though we made it

Smaller I still think that looks quite good doesn’t break up the view nearly as much as I thought it would all right I’ll be uh right back hello I return hi hiya some people want to rent in here bold all right so if this is done and we’re

Happy then I should do the same thing over here damn I do that all right so first things first oh jeez what if we’re happy but we don’t know it clap your hands wait hold on do have have Birch for this I think I

Do I have to put some stuff away for now though um I don’t need so these are really dark uh I need to I need to pull all the mud off the wall so let’s put this away first definitely don’t need this much Netherrack that’ll really free up some

Space in my inventory all right if you’re happy and you know what it’s your meds clap clap yeah that it has you know it scans scans uh that’s enough of that I need need some more of these hey duing oh my goodness thank you for uh using your Prime here appreciate that hope

You’re having a great day let’s put that away let’s put that away it’s been far too long since I’ve been in a live stream happy Turkey Day to all to celebrate otherwise happy Thursday thank you friend one two three four five six seven means I’m going to need 14 I have 17

Good all right first order of business h did we get rid of that Sandstone pillar as well yes we did and we take that as well then we put a torch here okay next thing next I need some andesite but let’s put uh let’s put all this away first

That away put the brick away but is all put away good uh so I need andite for the floor a little bit of polished so it’s like that and then that’s gone is that correct hold on yes very good uh and then I need to punch a couple holes in it like so

Oh oh just a random hole there you know as one does all right next up and I believe it was right here we do a whole thingy of um strip Birch right yes oh wow isn’t it neat how this looks like a lighter color than this even though they’re the same

Wood lighting’s wild yo ah and then it’s one above that so I do this I believe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 one 2 2 3 4 5 six and the seventh is behind there all right seven high is correct all right so the next thing I do

Is I believe the lights go here on top of the lights we have these hey what’s up anime Kitty hope you’ve been well friends it is good to see you please I just want to put a staircase down oh doing a little uh disco dance there there we

Are been noodling on your phone in bed for a little while nice having a 4-day weekend oh my God how fancy so I don’t remember what I did here or how I did it either well there’s my first problem off by one maybe maybe so I think I did this

Right so I think it goes longer there and then shorter on the other side okay the metal bar goes across the whole way so it steps in and then it steps in so the metal bar goes the long way which means this is gone there and this is gone the whole way down

That that feels right and then I do this yo what up Viking good to see you friend and then I do this all right and then we get on top and we uh we Spruce it up a little that joke never gets old how’s the museum coming along oh anime kitty it’s

Art as soon as we’re done these little entrances we’re going to be designing a giant whale skeleton which I’m actually really excited about why a whale uh there’s like a super famous Museum that so famous uh the Name Escapes me that has like a giant whale at the

Entrance and that seemed kind of cool I don’t know you don’t think it feels like very Museum to have a giant like whale skeleton hanging over the entrance way yeah Gunners got it that’s not the skeleton though right something like that but made of Bones which is the museum with the blue whale

Skeleton yeah like look at that the Natural History Museum in London so things are going to need we’re going to need it’s little little flippies it’s going to be a lot of work but I think we can pull it off man imagine if after all these years the thing that got Gunner

Banned was a whale hello Ender friend we are not open yet hello hi yeah um we’re not open yet okay so just just chill thank you all right good talk I think that’s done did I miss anything here I don’t think I did we’ve got the

Lighting we got the entrance we got the stairs we got the arch now what I need to do is I need to take this bad boy all the way up we about to burn through another shulker box of this probably all right hello not open yet bad

What I thought I just kicked you out of here we’re closed come back later some people Serge how do you think you’d manage with no health regen oh God like if I was on secret life oh I’d just be dead so I think and I wonder if this is too low no

That’s way too low I was going to say I think I wanted to close it off and line it up with here but that’s too low let’s go up to the ceiling for now you know what I might just do a second Arch that might look really

Pretty maybe I can keep these windows all right hold on hold on what up Red Dead monkey goodbye going to be honest I was tempted to put Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving sure uh in the Stream title but then it’s like only only just over half of you statistically are Americans

So I was like H maybe not I don’t know what the point of that story is to let you know I thought about it confusing everyone else would be kind of funny a lot of the Americans don’t even celebrate I mean that’s fair too yeah and I’m not even from the

States I don’t know ultimately that’s why I didn’t I could have made it cryptic that’s fair that’s true happy day well I didn’t want to I don’t know the other thing too is I don’t want to like make fun of it either right happy completely ordinary Thursday looking at you Americans like ah

Hey what’s up atarka welcome on in friend all right so now let’s drop down a lay refill on sandstone happy Black Friday Eve wait is Black Friday the day after Thanksgiving what day has better sales if I was looking to like I don’t know pick up stuff Black Friday or Boxing Day

Right boxing day is I guess Canada only I guess the Americans don’t really boxing day do they Black Friday sales are mostly fake oh right I keep forgetting that that’s not an everywhere kind of holiday it’s been proven that Black Friday sales are heavily manipulated to seem cheap

But are actually close to regular prices oh my god really wow interesting black boxing day has better sales but Black Friday has more things on sale just not as good of a deal uh fascinating neat all right uh the next thing I need to do is I need to extend that until it

Completely covers everything so oh there’s no platform uh there’s nothing to land on there fascinating all right uh neat wait you’re starting to get Boxing Day sales even though you’re not Canadian hold on time out wild you get damage if you bon walls yes the death meth me meage the death

Message that you get if you collide with a wall too quickly is something like uh surge experienced lethal kinetic Force I believe is what they what they say there are some fascinating death messages in Minecraft wait anybody remember the old brick boxing commercials where they had people with boxes on their heads fighting

No that was a thing oh my God are you okay Joe that was such a sad noise you just made Poor Joe Joe is uh having to fight the good fight for YouTube copyright strikes somebody tried to put a copyright strike on our YouTube channel for literally the Minecraft music Poor

Joe all right so uh the next thing I need to do is I need to put another one of these arches in so my thought is oh ah is that going to frame really nicely maybe I do want to cover those windows heck I don’t know if those yeah those

Windows are going to get partially obstructed YouTube’s copyright system is completely borked agreed can’t believe John L Minecraft is so litigious H yeah remember when somebody sampled pigstep and was copyright claiming everyone who used the song for a while yeah Lena rain had to fight the good fight because Minecraft creators were getting

Dmca for playing pigstep even though they didn’t own the rights to that song just the dmca system was so broken that it didn’t quite work there all right uh give me a second I need to I need to think about where these arches are going to go because it’s the

Main way to the St the stairway uh most of these walls have an arch and then an immediate false wall and so what I want to do is ah I need to count my least favorite thing to do ah it’s after 11 to everything is terrible

So I think I need to cover these windows which is kind of sad but if I cover these windows here right then what I have access to is if I go in by one I can do that again moose thank you so much for the 100

Bitties so what do you think of this I need you to do a bunch of of of like picturing in your mind’s eye I’m going to fall on this Gap so I’m just going to fill it so picture the space in here right we’ve got Gap Arch Arch Gap Arch Arch Gap wall

Thought uh the other option which I like less is we just do solid arches but I don’t think that’s as nice or if that feels very empty uh no no no I think two arches in a gap will work uh but what I end up having to do

Is I might have to actually take ooh oh maybe I have to go back through all of these I’m going to have to go through and put um brick behind it just to line in that space solid wouldn’t be as good yeah I think what I’m might do is I might do

Something like this in the center so I do two big arches and I do a little support in the middle all right so that means I need brick and that means I’m going to have to go back and put brick in all of them mud brick no thoughts head empty it’s the

Holidays that’s fair where are my stairs there’s there’s the stairs um I need a sawmill cut cut table I need to craft a sawmill cut cut table uh what’s the cut cut table called is it called the grindstone no chat what’s the chop chop table called

Please oh Joo from the other room the stone cutter thank you sweetie uh three stone one iron uh there it is oh you’re dead to me this build is Big have you not oh my God Adam and kitty have you not seen it from the outside all right give me a second

Let’s go let’s go sleep all right let’s put some things into scale here so it needs nine Maps oh I haven’t done another map yet work weekday and I don’t watch the VOD so it’s been a while yeah yeah uh so that’s it from the outside uh we are so far just working

Inside of this middle section need a banana for scale yeah all of those chests were from removing the mountain behind it to make room for it uh that was where I originally thought it was going to be far enough yeah that was a mistake so uh got a little bit of

Terraforming around the outside that we still need to do do we have an item layout no we don’t know where all the exhibits well we know roughly where the exhibits are going to go but not the plan for them yet so you’ve just been seen sort of the

Lobby this is just the entrance and that’s where the big skeleton’s going to go and then once we actually get into the museum proper so you go down the hallways this is where the exhibits are going to go right so we walk into here and then

We’ve got uh two floors so we’ve got like an upper level and a lower level and so this room will be one exhibit room and then the lower floor will have one and then like maybe we chop it up or not so as it stands right now we have 1 2 3 4

5 six 7 8 uh room for 16 exhibits um and according to my Notepad this hasn’t been um completely locked in yet we’ve got themes so we’ve got the Botanical biome the aquatic biome the Nether biome the end biome the or biome stones and deep dark so this would be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 uh we have anthropology uh 8

9 10 11 12 gear uh Mob drops goat horn and then we’ put this in the cafeteria hold on what is this if I so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I guess that works in 16 which

Is kind of like what we have if we don’t want to do SUB areas but like we could do SUB areas for the big rooms like we give gear a huge area and kind of divide that up there um and then we have the cafeteria

And the gift shop so the gift shop is going to have the books and the records and paintings and Maps the cafeteria is going to be where all the foods and Potions go so the uh the cafeteria is going to go in here uh I don’t know where the the

Gift shop might go in there as well this is going to be the lobby so we’re going to have like a a ticket counter here we could also put maybe like a little gift shop in the center we’ll see there’s a lot of space and then all the exhibits

And all the wings you know it’s pretty cool and the canal will be outside please please Center is clearly for a whale and a sizable round check-in desk for all the visitors yeah can’t believe Gunner said he’d boycott any Museum that doesn’t have a canal hurtful TBH

There’s no Canal yet there’s settle down with your Canal chat goodness you’ll be okay I promise all right uh first order business that is not enough mud brick so one two um so we go one two and we need one two again and then we do one and one two

Your auntie Canal your uncle was attacked by a canal I hear canals are actually responsible for the most amount of infrastructure related deaths every year so now I have to go back into all these other ones and put mud in huh we going to go one two I got to go one

Two and I do one more wall here and here I run all the way back and I do it a here and here now I want to do this like a little teeth that’s right Atara tiny little teeth yeah oh that looks great oh that looks

Great um and then maybe we try and get some more hanging lights in it we’ll see all right chat’s chanting teeth oh no truly we are straying further further from the light of from God’s [Laughter] light actually while I’m up here still I should texture we should textur FY

Next up chat’s going to try and fight god wow this anime just keeps getting weirder and weirder I thought you were just a bunch of boat enthusiasts so does that work you know what it still feels a little plain um I can’t quite tell yes that is that is a little plain

That that line is a little plain um I need at least one more Arch no windows are going to be weird because I have another window behind it and they don’t line up you know what I think it needs it might need one more pillar I think I need to take a version

Of this pillar and put it right here because I’ve got those I’ve got those very thin ones right now but I think if I replace those with these thank you Jai I mean it works you know so if I started trying to replicate that I would need some of this oh

Buckets right so for five be like here and here and then I do this and then I would do this that is just absolutely the wrong block uh and I need the mud hey what up snackpack right and then we do like this and that and this and that and a

This and of that and then one of these one of these one of these feels kind of thin oh right okay and then I need what are you you are just bass uh just B polished now this is a room oh thank you so I believe I need to do like

This and then where does the behind the stairs is where the mud goes like this I believe directly behind the stairs yes oh no uh you know what I’m I’m just going to go ahead and uh no there and if I do this now it should be perfect oh it connects

To that which is kind of awkward you know what maybe that maybe that gives the door enough framing substance right maybe that’s enough wait wait wait wait wait wait no we do that and then we do that we that yeah okay hold on it’s working

So what do you what do you think what do you think so far of the idea of making these like big pillars oh that’s supposed to be a light in the center oh my God I got the pattern [Laughter] backwards uh and we put a light source in the

Middle which was just a glow Lantern I mean it could be literally anything I’ve learned whatever I’ll keep it consistent are you digging this what do you think do you think we’re on the right track do you think we’re on the a terrible track are we regressing are we

Advancing this is a lot of work if we don’t like it feels flat well it’ll be this huge pillar that goes all the way up right free the windows the windows don’t fit Unfortunately they are uh they don’t line up with the interior in a way that’s going to make sense

Might be a bit much I could push it back one it’s out by one which is interesting so the problem is when you view it from here right it’s hard to tell because you got that red line in the middle but like here let me let me remove the

Scaffolding because this is this is the problem I’ll show you from a distance hold all right so it’s very dark but as you can see right now it’s very flat right um just sort of the existing footprint on the right we’ve got this pillar and it goes up and it’s just it’s

Just kind of there and then and then the the roof just kind of ends suddenly and so the thought was you know what that might be a bit much it overshadows the door I think that’s too much but I do feel that currently it’s way too flat

The other option is I can leave it as it is and just add some detailing up there actually give me one second I need some water I’ll be right back think this over hello you like the right hand inep but it does feel flat yeah so something we can do um up here

Is you’ll notice that these walls glow so if you put wall blocks in and then light behind it the light passes through and so it’s not as it’s not as flat and it’s not as dark so like yes uh I want to add color to this I want to add a splash of

Texture you just notice the flooring isn’t the floor pretty yeah all right reset reset ah okay so I need some color it needs some color here’s a random thought uh let me check how much depth I have in this wall God I’m so smart okay are you ready for this move oh

No are you ready for this move please hold dying no no no no no no no just a test what about a painting I I don’t I don’t think that’s quite we’re looking for like a mosaic or something like that I don’t know um all right here’s my

Plan that’s actually not a lot of space for a mosaic either cuz stuff in Minecraft has to be huge so that’s simultaneously too small for some stuff and too big for some other stuff it’s a really awkwardly sized space Oh it’s going to show wait is that in line with that it

Is really curious how this would look what do you think it’s just a straight nope from anime Kitty why so the idea is interesting because it gives depth right so attaches behind it and then something we could do as you can light behind it so then as we go up the whole

Way it’s it’s a light source hold on let me let me do it the whole way to demonstrate top of the door need something yep we’ll get there one thing at a time the whole the whole area is flat it is all one giant blank canvas all

Right so the idea is we we add something behind it and I could use a different color of wall but it has to be a wall specifically what about frog lights frog lights wouldn’t work uh a they’re way too bright like way too bright uh and be

They flat so it wouldn’t have any depth to it so what we’re trying to do is we’re trying to do a little bit of a call back to some of the brick that we have there and so we have a light source that goes the whole way up along the

Side it’s very bright compared to the door now what about stained glass given it’s already a light source so the problem with stained glass is to work it needs to have a room for um glow Len to be placed on top of it and I really do like that

Wall yeah I don’t it’s an interesting idea to explore I don’t love it you have a good one happy pants thanks for hanging out so I think we say no to this for now but we revisit it shortly also uh jod has brought me leftovers so I’m going to have

Leftovers it just goes up too far well it goes like the the height of the pillar I think it’d look weirder if it if it didn’t fall that it’s an interesting idea all right let’s uh let’s leave this for now and let’s have lunch hi welcome to lunch everybody I’m your host

Serge today on the show oh uh today on the show leftovers sorry I’m just communicating with JoJo we’ll play around we’ll make it work until we have something that is very pretty where’s my music there it is hi what’s up everybody how you doing oh I actually love

That uh from Raven if you feel comfortable sharing post your uh Thanksgiving feast in the Discord you’re building a dresser you end up picking up that sofa in Slayer no Feast for you until this weekend that’s fair no midweek turkey coma do you have to work tomorrow is tomorrow holiday for the Americans

For some people yeah all right that’s tough not officially but a lot of people do all right oh no Alec rest up bud definitely not a holiday for retail right that’s Black Friday right for some people it’s a holiday for some people it’s a nightmare partner and I aren’t going anywhere so

We’re cooking lamb for dinner tonight delightful um rest up Z here’s an interesting question how many of you do your own thing right like how many are you the hosts and how many of you are the the guests cuz it’s really interesting my parents um are always the ones hosting

Thank you so much sweetie my parents are always the ones hosting like all the major things my dad loves to do the whole like turkey and everything you know Raven is always the host interesting you don’t have the energy the host my house is too small that’s

Fair where does that Division come from I wonder you want to condo and Vancouver I’m expected to be the host I’m also the main cook and Entertainer in your friend group wild you live with the host for both yeah it’s not fair yeah you feel like Parenthood in the size of the house

Or you’re a guest with hosting ambitions My Buddy Joe desert bus Joe Joe trolo is a natural host it’s wild when Joe first moved to Canada he was as an American he was kind of sad this time of year that he was missing out on Thanksgiving and and so we created a little

Holiday just for him that we called Joe’s giving and I um I hosted the first time it was a feast of Korean fried chicken and having a bunch of people over and he’s like okay I like this idea and he just started running with it and now he hosts but he hosts everything

It’s wild yes Joe lover of dogs Joe well two things one he loves to host and two he loves to bake so the other thing that he’ll do for any event that he host he’ll make like a um a baked pairing to go with it you’re like

Dude I would just describe Joe as a host and a baker but not necessarily always a cook maybe that’s wrong I don’t know I think he likes to cook but I think he loves to bake would be my read on him hey what up azer shock welc come on

In oh interesting your family’s moved on to the adult children borrow the parents house to host and now they do all the cooking so my sister has kids Joe’s very sweet and she brought me seconds thank you Joe I love you sweetie now that my sister has kids

They’re starting to be like a little bit of tension as to who hosts what cuz my dad has traditionally hosted everything thing but she’s got uh two two babos two little two little ones and as such it’s always kind of a pain be like all right

We need to eat at like 3: in the afternoon cuz the kids have to go to bed or whatever and then and then we’re like well what do we do does my dad cook the turkey all day and like drive that over to their place it’s tough

Lady atarka I love to bake I hate to cook I’m on team baking is a very specific skill and it’s very it’s a very precise thing and you know me I don’t do precise tremendously well I I’d argue myself to be an above average cook but I I just kind of you

Know I look at like a little bit of this a little splash of that little little Salt Bay you know when I’m seasoning stuff cooking is art baking is science very true baking is not that precise you get like one gram of salt wrong and your bread Falls flat and it turns into

Soup how am I to my kids uh I’m probably or to my to my uh my niblings I’m probably like a medium Uncle I don’t know like I haven’t really grown up next to the kids they’ve been around for years and I live in Victoria I’m an absentee

Uncle we’re warming up to each other there’s no there’s no there’s no tension it’s just a little bit of strangeness on both sides they’re small I’m big neither of us really knows how our brains work you’re the ant that gives all the best gifts yeah yeah I need them to get old enough

They start playing Minecraft and I’m going to be so cool but like the other thing is my sister’s like stop buying my kids stuff we have so much junk so I don’t want to just like get them stuff you know hurtful that’s hurtful anime Kitty how dare

You as a parent the stop buying my kid stuff is so real yeah my sister’s like they have toys they have clothes they don’t need stuff my house please my closets are so full right oh there we go yeah I just need them to get old enough to start drinking

Coffee and then I’ll be the cool uncle look this is a long-term investment I don’t need to win over a two year-old all right they don’t know what I am let alone who I am I just have to get in there before they think I’m not cool that’s the secret

Oh just get him candy there we go yeah really really start a a war with my sister Hey sister I filled your kids with sugar and shook them up and toss them back to you catch ah wait fun fact sugar has no proven effect on hyperactivity in humans is that true no way

Really do the niblings know how to play Magic they’re way too young they’re like barely even reading at this point the going theory is it’s just observation bias really the sugar hyperactivity thing is a myth based off of exactly one study no way huh huh teach the kids how to play Magic so

Then I could I could crush them delightful I can’t beat wheeler but I can sure beat up this four-year-old oh I hate that oh no got to get that win rate up oof oof huh all right another thing is people who give sugar to kids tend to not enforce as much discipline

Wow teach the kids to play Magic and then strip mine lock them wow we really just want to bully children in this chat don’t we I saw a tker earlier saying she’s the kind of ant that gets the loud toys for their kids while you are evil including the bar ambulance

Unbelievable gift them all of my duplicates since I’m a Singleton player but that’s how I afford to buy more singles gadora no see it’s an engine I crack packs I sell the duplicates I buy more singles I can’t give it to kids hey AER shock thank you very very

Much for the gift sub to gadora I appreciate that amazing all right well well this conversation took a turn in a weird Direction suddenly I’m bullying my niblings all right Juran F&M modern I got matched with a kid whose deck was just the cards he had and I felt bad that happens

Sometimes man I was oh I was judging a Legacy Event and I was also playing with it because it was just like a 12 person event at a at a card store and I was I there’s no other way to phrase it I was like crushing this

Kid and like this can’t be right can I call a judge and I had to look at them and be like I am the judge oh and it felt so bad that was not a good moment I am the judge turn one thought seiz and you’re

Like oh no yeah yeah all right um I’m done my lunch I am the law I’m done my lunch give me a quick second to wash my hands I’ll be right back all right everybody I need you to send some good vibes over to Joe I had to give her a b

A great big hug out in the living room because she’s having a tough day YouTube monetization strikes from malicious chap channels she’s like she hasn’t had lunch she hasn’t had coffee she’s just been fighting malicious claims this whole time she’s struggling Poor Joe Poor Joe thank you for the Good Vibes

Friends she deserves better oh thank you for 100 Joe’s the best Bitties thank you AER shock all right this again H this again all right so we have all agreed we’ve all agreed that this this ain’t it yep still don’t like it all right good talk

Hey a serious moose with 100 Joe Bitties as well thank you friend all right new plan I got a new plan I got a new plan all right hold oh both ends both ends with 100 Joe Bitties Joe Joe they love you sweetie not even a yay

All right I got a new plan I got a new plan I got a new plan you’re going to love it I [Laughter] hope ink Slayer ink Slayer got those joob Bitties did I not get any of the walls no I didn’t sure didn’t uh oh Jojo Alec with 100 Joe Bitties

JoJo ghost valve thank you friends she’s having a tough day this is you’re wonderful you’re all wonderful thank you well maybe we can go get donuts or something afterwards Jo oh my God she just said from the other room she’s like I was just thinking Donuts bud bud bud

How did I know 15 years sweetie Joe from the other room and she said these are all dut bits there you go all right all right well congratulations we’ve convinced her whoa JoJo 5,000 Joe donut bits 5,000 oh my God aara thank you so much friend that is so generous holy

Moly that is remarkable thank you thank you thank you friend we’re getting the bougie Donuts now wow that’s a lot of donuts thanks you oh my god Joe ink Slayer with $20 of dut direct deposit dollar dues dang friends Dang Dang Dang thank you thank you thank you thank

You I hope that helped sweetie that was a lot of very good vibes from folks there there you go there there’s Joe’s response me eating the donuts uh both ends thank you for another 400 Bitties okay fine here’s some more lift Joe up Bitties y’all are very sweet

Your partner you’re approaching 10 years oh my goodness atarka atarka I’m sorry anime Kitty and a tar I sometimes can flate your names I apologize congrats all right um what do you think of the new pillar is it too bright is that too much it glows it uh it’s very bright suddenly

But is that sort of the depth you’re looking for what if I went into that and I and I have the light like I put light every third block or something like that I kind of like it uh we’d have to fix the top as well

To make it a little bit thicker like the bottom you just celebrate 12 years with your partner she check with me through my coming out six jobs three injuries wow wow congrats that’s also very sweet all right y’all tell me when you hate it which means you don’t hate it which

Means we’re going in the right direction C here 10 years with your and ero in 2020 wow look at all these cool people and their cool Partners I will not mention our 40 years together oh my God the flex 40 years together good for you that’s wild

All right we took out oh that’s way better we took out like half of the lights and now it um it’s not a giant Beacon H that’s better 40 years and you’ve loved every minute of being with them that is so sweet the pillar feels too tall uh okay hold that thought

Definitely looks like a pillar nailed that there you know what’s kind of funny I think it should be one taller I think that’s too low now but is that better or no no no I just Arch it I just um angle B one taller or if we just add a little bit more

Curve I think if we curve it’s fine yeah that’s a good height all right hold on ow ah think you’d remember how commands work ah they’re aspirational by the way that was like that’s a pretty Pro MLG move there to fly yourself into a wall and catch up yourself with a block under

You can’t believe no one’s clapping there don’t know if I love those walls I just accidentally clapped into the desert bus [Laughter] channel so uh we’re going to be doing more details up there up there uh because it’s a little blank right now we just want to make that pillar look good

And I think that’s good thees saraphina still hang out here uh she’s busy with work uh but she’s still active in Discord and stuff so yes there is still there’s still a saraphina in our life I think I think I’ve got a plan where I’m going to extend something down

To the top of these pillars and then I’m probably going to do something like this in the center just for some light I’d like you to know I’d like you to know that somewhere whispered within the Brew Crew the words Serge craft 4 have been spoken well that makes a very satisfying

Noise there’s no timeline there is no scope but the words have been uttered do that information what you will you love to play along whenever we do those all right um uh how how how how do right now I can’t focus on my work are you too excited about Serge craft Serge craft

4 did it come down one how many more did it come down Serge craft 4 A New Hope Serge craft 4 Serge craft six in Japan um wait wait has no has that been asymmetrical the whole time how did nobody tell me this entire time that that block was missing

Hello we’ve been staring at this for hours oh my goodness we said anything you wouldn’t you would brand I wanted to see how long you take notice oh my God is the entire building off by one I refuse I refuse if it is it’s too late or never fix

It all right uh so now I do this right stairs are at that height that looks symmet symmetrical adjacent that’s how that works right one can be symmetry adjacent oh we’re getting into science Burns now the mama so base she makes sodium hydroxide look neutral interesting the mods are like maybe not

The Yo Mama Jokes uh I guess they do have a tendency to escalate yeah how you doing Lysander good to see you friend all right so next up we do this right nope next up we do this Good what up solder did I leave a gap in the pillar on purpose oh no I sure didn’t nice Catch all right let’s take a look at it Now that looks so much better that looks so much better oh my goodness uh I feel as though that base is a little too chunky though okay I guess I’m just going to fly up P her up want to hear a joke about paper never mind it’s terrible well let’s hear

It I won’t judge you even if your joke is bad so you’re taking all the air out of the joke is that is that the joke was it an air joke but I thought it was a paper joke Parable yeah I know it’s a bad joke but but what is it oh [Laughter]

No I would just like you to know that Joe was like Serge how dare you troll chat after the donut kindness I have been I have been I have been told off all right I’m sorry I would like to apologize to everybody that you have been very sweet

And very supportive and you deserve better that’s the joke but yeah no no no thank Joe’s like sometimes people can’t tell when you use your your your straight face voice if it’s uh if it’s a joke or not but that’s fair I should make my sarcasm more obvious we need a tearful apology

Interesting are the Light Pillars uneven somehow no we’ll get there in a second I literally forgot what I was fixing oh right I was fixing this jail for 10,000 years how dare you Joe I’ll be so lonely as punishment no donuts for surge all look let’s let’s not say anything we

Can’t take back all right ironically we’re going to take the old design that we had which was just these wait oh that connects though oh uh what do I do here how do I make this cute maybe just that if I go all the way up it gets kind of

Weird right I think even just that’s fine and I put like a light on it or something oh wait I know hey AER shock thank you very much for that gift sub to therapy for narwals all right what if I did this I thought about Lantern maybe but we’re

Not using lanterns we’re using um the the glow spikes but I think that’s kind of cute I just a little bit of a detail and then Above This what I do can’t stress enough how thoughtful and pl this chat are I mean we we try really hard

Is it’s not the sort of thing that kind of happens by accident but yeah no thank you I mean shout out to the mod right like they are they do it all I think I like that shape better I’m just the face it’s true Serge what do you think you uh

Bring to this operation look management has asked us to start cutting uh trimming a little fat in the old organization here and uh can’t help but notice a little little redundancy what what do you what is it exactly that you you bring to this channel uh uh I’m a people

Person yeah we got a lot of those I own the computer management would like to remind everybody that uh everything you see is in fact company property good at Coffee pong so this is what we got now this is what we got for that door oh thoughts

That a lot of buzzwords there kits do we like this doorway are we happy it adds a little bit of light I’m not entirely sure about these but maybe they’re fine they’re just a little a little highlight you know it looks like a yawning face thanks

Matt what if it looks like an old man with a mustache right there’s the eyes and there’s the old man mustache and there’s the a great big mouth they’re like no oh oh good let that be a lesson to you what anybody else see that creeper for like a

Second that was so cursed what all right you know what I like that I like that a lot I think that works all right now what I need to do is we need to do a little textur ification on those walls actually before I do the texture

Fication on the walls I want to do a little bit of texturing on all of the the Brick not a ton wait I already brought it with me where am I going so I really hope this looks good I need to break it up just just the teeniest tiniest little bit

Right textfic as a word hurts your brain what word would you use instead textur FY texturize we just making up words now textfic yeah thank you kids got texturize sounds too close to moisturize oh buckets that’s why I didn’t use that word because you’re not allowed to moisturize in

Alberta part of the provincial identity is just to be dry it’s the Prairies after all all right what do you think about operation texturization I think that so much better like that flat and boring that it’s subtle right and I think that I think that subtle makes a lot of difference agree disagree

Thoughts that’s some good texturization ification thank you texturization ification I nailed that the only downside is I don’t have access to um texture aick uh walls seems good agreed we need a textfic Ator wait was I supposed to have like something here do the smaller job here these are

The little details that go a long way into making a build this big have a little bit of have a little bit of Soul these blocks are really expensive though so I’m going to go grab them I going to have like one or two big texture cracks in the walls is an

Aesthetic thing I could do that so a lot of the texture I’ve been adding to the walls so far is just like a little bit of color and breaking up flat surfaces I haven’t been doing and I’d argue that that’s sort of a um like a higher level version of

Detailing is sort of like the narrative version and stuff like that and I don’t know if I’m if I’m quite there that’s that’s more how like um BDubs D100 I really look up to as a builder it’s more in the in the style that he typically does yeah very creative Builder uh and

One of the other things you do as well is um you could use different color to imply like weather fading or like water running and stuff like that and that’s not quite where I’m at I’m at the level of like hey I don’t want my walls to be one giant flat

Color and he’s at the level of like I I am an artist and everything is in my pallet and you’re like okay we are not the same okay you’re terrible at the not flat builds I want to I again I have to show this every time this conversation comes

Up uh pardon me for one second here brain this build so this build that he did is flat this build is not textured in the theme of like there’s no blocks there uh all of this weathering is done purely through shading which is absurd which is absolutely absurd to think

Of like look at that when you get closer um it it like illusion I don’t want to say it falls apart but it’s best viewed from a certain distance but as you get closer you can see that there’s no breaks there like that’s flat those are just flat pillars and there’s a vertical

Line there and there and everything else is just done with color trying to remember if he did uh there’s this amazing shot he does in a video where he this is actually where we got inspiration for the the door as well where he shows a filter applied over

It yeah there look at that so he he put on a filter to remove all the color that’s what it looks like right that’s that’s what the blocks are that shows what color can do so before after it h a lot my before and after is kind of falling apart here

After right so yeah you’re like I want to add some texturing to stuff I’m doing baby texturing all right ah yeah like that that up there is also just flat that like lettering looking stuff man so there’s some nice aspirational stuff that’s happening so anyways yes I’m

Doing texturing I’m not doing I’m not doing a lot yeah I do think um breaking up that brick a little bit helped a bunch I think that is a a cool and good change surge derp why is real shark just as appointed why sge I’m expecting some type of like knock knock joke

Right why was the real shark disappointed oh there’s supposed to be a oh it’s right there all right Serge excellent excellent textfic good good texturing good texturing to you tips hat all right now I need Sandstone got it and sand got it and some more Netherrack got

It so I I think I just want to go straight up a reminder on the way up we do sand Stone on the way down we do sand Wrote the song for you Chat i’ question use of sand in the build but I guess you know what you’re doing that one got me more than it should have there Gunner I it I kind of hate you for it that should not have made me laugh as hard as it

Did don’t you applaud for him why are you clapping F Y red monkey that Emo’s really cute what is that Missi Mischief of mice cute it’s a very good animated one yeah I just think a little bit of texture on a wall just goes such a long way right I don’t know I don’t know about

Y’all I know this is a a sort of a newer thing I’ve started doing in the builds but I uh I like it a bunch there we go nope sand no sand sand time to test a recipe for air fryer bread for tomorrow seems good see if it dos any

Good yeah yeah God a little bit of texturing we need one more texturing session and that’s along this face around the stained glass and then it’s whale time all right everybody clapped joke Destroyer Fiend I apologize sometimes I read things literally I don’t know any better you looking forward to the whale

Part of today okay so much so that I opened up Wikipedia to find some whale facts disappointed by how incomplete the article on the subject is seems like every other paragra has a note saying citation noted citation needed oh no see all these jokes are too smart for

Me I don’t need to I don’t want to have to have a biology degree in order to get jokes in this community what should I do about this I don’t want to low hold the delivery no um uh uh and just like that chat turns on me finally laugh politely and change

Subjects all right where are we going from here back this way make this easy for myself and I have to eventually climb back up Serge You Dropped a sand there uh uh oh oh Poland wall was an odd Choice look I’m trying this new thing it’s called Uh der Le it’s inspired by

Zoolander thoughts that hole it was made for you chat that too oh no I don’t make mistakes chat that was that was merely an opportunity for engagement my designs are flawless oh my God coffee sweetie oh o o did I tell you the other day that we bought an extremely fancy

Coffee that ended up being kind of mid we got an accidental blend which turned into uh an accidental gift from my my parents or like hey we got some we got some coffee that we think you’d really enjoy you haven’t had coffee yet today atarka are you okay what is Aro even

Doing no you’re not okay you know it was a good run while um all your 10 plus years went with your husband but looks like he’s finally he’s failed you for the last time he’s sitting behind you playing Dort Fort and not making coffee wow wow you think you know a

Guy think you know Guy ow I meant to do that he’s just laughing now maniacally evil laugh where did you share it buddy Joe says there’s a video we all need to see hold on first off everything is muted part a part of me look at this they’re just patting these dogs

Bellies I tried so hard to make sure that um Discord was muted that I accidentally muted my microphone wow oh look at these jws wrinkles for days very good thank you for sharing that sweetie all right these walls textured that’s a good looking entrance you know

Yeah I do feel though that it’s maybe still a little dark no that’s okay it’s Moody it’s Moody that’s looking good uh this right here is a little flat still though can you add a small window above there the problem is it doesn’t connect to anything that makes sense

Maybe maybe I try and do it straight through hold on let’s sleep first cuz I noticed it’s night time I’m outside the door’s going through a dark and Moody phase that’s fair it’s not a phase Gunner okay Punk’s Not Dead all right ow ow

Uh uh it looked weird if it was a window there so we got to remember that it like yeah I don’t think that look good as a window and this chicken killed everybody it’s all right if it’s a little dark secret entrance I I mean technically it’s all good

Oh all right a little bit more texturing uh we just need to textur this side and then it’s whale time can it be a messenger pigeon hole maybe possibly how many messenger pigeons do you think we uh we should be expecting here yes that’s not a number but I respect that oh jeez

69 that that is a number all right I I guess I did ask for that I did ask for literally n number and it was delivered thank you thank you good how else is James going to contact me James doesn’t try to contact me ever it’s very sad actually

First time catching the build live but I’ve seen some of the vods and things are looking great thank you so much it’s really starting to come together which I appreciate actually ironically um I just got a oh it’s an at channel from James it’s not even a real at Jame from

Message from Serge Pard of me this is what I’m talking about James is never like hey surge he’s always like hey Channel I have feelings too you know not even a call on poutine debt he’s always the one who owes the poutin I’m always the poutini not the pouer oh I just found

Out what in the what Joe just kicked open the door and she’s like gunar where’s my poutine on the Ritz joke wow Joe that was powerful good Lord uh Gunner you have been put on blast apparently she says she knows she can’t demand puns from an artist and yet oh that’s bad

Need that torch to stay there Gunner says sorry Joe I was busy looking at images that remind me of door I have no idea but I’m a little nervous now TBH you ever just think about door Joe oh that’s a problem isn’t it uh

Ah uh can I get a clean look at the door for a second oh of course uh do you me to get rid of the shulker boxes too or is that good enough something a bit ironic about dark interior spaces encased in hundreds of torches of light for places that people can’t see

Yeah it’s deep all right last little section here oh you love the stained glass windows thank you I too am a big fan they were a suggestion from chat I can’t even take full credit for them there was like Hey what if you did stained glass windows and I was like I

Don’t know then we did them we’re like yeah okay they look beautiful you win this round wait since when do we have an exclamation chat command Hello rocking my brain trying to figure out what block it is it’s glazed terracotta with um with glow Ling on Top remember Serge will always skim chat unless you misspell a word no I’m probably going to skim that as well must confuse the streamer you’re not who whose side are you on a does twitch chat show you if your words do you get like the red underline like

If your word is going to be Miss bels does it try and save you from yourselves twitch chat yes it do oh and yet some people still decide to press enter that’s that’s amazing isn’t it amazing to think that at any given point somebody could just hit backspace instead of

Enter yet they choose not to you frequently back space I’m proud of you Matt right I just keep doing this I’m not wrong it’s the line that’s wrong that’s fair I wouldn’t trust a computer either what do they know mine’s mostly confused if I’m trying to write in English or [Laughter]

Swedish Fair how we doing here God James James I need you to stop slacking me he’s adding me about so much stuff all right uh let’s look at this I’m going to land right here and that is that is a textured back wall what’s James slacking about now uh

Something called uh week 48 2023 schedule exhausting hey so other than the whale uh and please if you notice something let me know right now other than the whale does everybody else feel like I have everything in right now like is this room done cuz um if yes holy moly right

We’ll put in the information desk after we want to get the room done before we start adding the museum touch yeah the room is done not necessarily the details uh there’s some stuff for example um I might want to put like some plants here or maybe a bench here in a

Bit like we’ve been putting a lot of benches in corners and there’s some green down there I don’t have the lava flowing from the ceiling but other than that what uh this is um kind of wild TBH I mean that torch right there kind of once we add the whale maybe we’ll

Need some ceiling lights yeah maybe yeah like that’s not bad huh all right these aren’t this is needs a little bit of work as well yeah the the ceiling rods are kind of cool eh they’re asymmetrical but you don’t even really notice it’s looking fabulous thank you so much honey banani

I do feel like I need a block there maybe even there instead of a whale what if we made it look like a star starry night interesting maybe I don’t know I the whale is so iconic though all right thought number one from Gunner who is that old man that’s pretty

Good is that from um a Miyazaki [Laughter] film oh my god oh is that from the new Miyazaki film that’s about to come out wow huh incredible incredible stuff all right uh it is time to do duel let’s go to one of our earlier no whatever let’s go to the final version here

Whale time whale whale whale you’re thinking onion kicked onion oh my God the onion King from overcooked yeah that’s a good mustache what about the um does that one work hold on hold on hold on sorry please hold yeah yeah or nay the glasses mustache and the beard Master [Laughter]

Roshi uh Alice duck whisper thank you so much for five months almost halfway there I appreciate it all right anyways we’re going to make a whale so uh the so the main reason I chose here nope was so we could get a rough idea of how much space it is right because we

Have like we have this to come down from right um and let’s use the red we can do some cage here also thinking of genas Khan as the final option eh are we going to have a whale of a time I hope so do I leave any of those

Whale photos was open I did all right uh this is going to be quite challenging specifically because bone blocks are directional and I can’t get that much curvature into here so I think the first thing we do is we break it down into thirds so my assumption is going to be

How many blocks do we have here um we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and I managed to somehow get that off 28 one of these is off by one 29

30 30 blocks what about quartz instead uh quartz is harder to get all right so if something is 30 blocks long uh then we have access to 10 let’s just do it on the ground first um so we have 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 2 3 four five 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 that’s kind of cool how do I zoom out uh uh uh ooh uh uh

Oh so okay it’s not quite the even ratio I wanted I was kind of hoping I could go 10 10 and the rest but it looks like it’s actually 50% tail 50% head and and shoulders What if I made it slightly more rounded it’s a good start we’re getting there you know we’re getting there I’m just kind of freehanding this I don’t really know what I’m doing I think it’s working though which is maybe the wildest part of this if you’re going for ribs those look like

Ribs smoking a somebody who sees ribs every day atarka works as a um a radio a radio is the wrong word as a um x-ray lab technician she is very smart uh we need little spiny bits we need little spiny bits here radiologic technologist and MRI technologist

Dang you go to school for those titles uh so this is what I was talking about before like maybe maybe it feels like it needs to have little fins like a tail fan but we’ll see uh all right the next thing it needs to have is it needs to have like a shoulder

Blade oh it didn’t get small again I made it too big shoot not getting a lot of room for head here am I it’s going to look like a turtle now I need this huge head God just like the absolute size of this Noggin all right we are way over scale

Uh we’re way well well now we need the the bottom jaw which is just two too big too big big tuskes all right all right uh I have no idea if this worked or [Laughter] not uh what do you think does it scan the face looks a little weird I think

The rib cage looks way better than the rest of the body I’m missing two Nubs floating at the back what does that mean I’m missing two Nubs floating at the back these no I’m I’m not putting those in uh I I don’t think that would

Scan the fins also seem to be a little bit Lacking one two one one is it possible we’re too small we don’t have a lot of space so the problem with the eye holes is they’re only really visible from above too many ribs at the back it’s mostly tail I think the rib cage just needs to

Scan better I think the rib rib cage looks really good even if like even if the whale is mostly tail on the actual skeleton I think this looks weird in Minecraft if you make the tail that long I don’t know I mean I can maybe get rid of these but I

Think looks kind of weird otherwise I mean the biggest thing that’s off for me is the head and the head is is really challenging cuz it kind of looks like a bird right except when you go in that direction from this direction it looks like a bird from this direction it’s definitely

Not a bird this is a dead skeleton I know oh the head is really challenging here does it look like a bird from the side profile maybe does that help I mean from the side now from the side now that looks good I mean we could make it longer if we

Change the perspective but also trying to get this to curve in the air is so hard you know what I mean like um as it is already with a curve here if we wanted to somehow make it curve down in this direction to make it longer that makes it like multiple times

Harder so much harder uh I do think the skull reads better now though especially from the side profile but yeah when you view it from the front kind of a mess oh all right so how long is this from front to back this is now 1 2 3 4 5 6 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 it is now 35 blocks long so let’s do like 37 just to have an intro this is the skull of a sperm whale in

Comparison yeah I don’t think that’ll make it any easier 35 m is actually whale scale so we know that that is 30 so if we go down a little bit uh 30 s is a Minecraft block a meter yes every block in Minecraft is 1x one meter

Cubed probably want to go down lower than nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 have the skull Point downwards again just talked about that it is significantly more challenging if I try and angle everything uh such that it would be at a different perspective that’s so much

Harder to build I don’t think I can do that just simply angle it down forehead oh my God how yeah uh diagonal building is way harder than it’s like uh doing if I were to try and do this whole build at a 45 degree angle instead of a straight on right like it’s

Doable uh so for example that’s a DI that’s the diagonal version of that window right like it kind of scans but it’s way more challenging a similar example is this is the same distance right so from straight on three windows from the side two windows but that is that is a

Like the proper symmetrical shape from above yeah angled building is really hard in Minecraft I’m not a good enough builder for that all right uh anyways this is where the spine goes so at this height I would have god um this is so hard one two three four five six 7

One two 3 4 five then we go down from there what up rabbits and then we want to do one two 3 4 five 2 4 okay 5 2 4 3 2 5 2 4 3 2 5 2 4 three two then we do one two three and then down

I’m actually really proud of myself for how um organic looking the rib cage is and then the next one I did was two and then curved in pardon me so one two three and then two and then it Curves In and then it’s two and then it’s one all right and then I was here right two and then one good news everyone you now have coffee congratulations oh Joe from the other room that is great news she says and everybody clapped all right one two one two 3 whale is so hard I’ve never I’ve actually never tried to make an organic shape like this in Minecraft before this is really challenging it’s really interesting I’m making it look easy oh you don’t see the uh the smoke coming out of my ears as my poor little brain just starts cooking [Laughter]

Here all right uh next up we have the head so 1 2 3 across all right good it’s there now great I do one of these okay I also do one of these I have no idea I’m going to do this in the survival world oh man it’s going to be quite the

Journey so that’s the top which is great and now down here we start at like we go back a bit further all right so from like here and down all right um I think the lower jaw is it flat is it flush it’s flush uh this doesn’t

Look the same oh that’s cuz everything needs to come out by one there make that head longer all right okay so my first thought is how do we hook it to the ceiling maybe it has to go from here the issue is of course the um we have to

Do this giant Cross Beam now right that’s okay there was kind of an empty space there which is a little bit interesting it’s so dark so we can’t see anything just because the way the lighting looks but maybe maybe it’ll scan anyways something like that too thick I mean it has to look

Beefy right if it’s just a little baby iron chain it’s going to look real weird cuz keep in mind this is holding an entire whale up uh so the equivalent for that would be here how does it look from ground level let me finish first I I think we need to

Fully explore this idea I think if it’s too small it won’t even show up you’re thinking five for six little ones so the problem with the little chains is they won’t they won’t really scan is my worry you know also what do the little ones attach themselves

To so if you at least do a big fixture in the ceiling if we have five or six little ones Di Al chains are going to be really hard to do like diagonal chains that go to the side there um we could either do like fence post or something oh that is pretty

Big but like a bunch of little wires are they going to go all the way up to like the very top of the dome right like that that doesn’t quite make sense to me and I don’t know how to reconcile that I beg your pardon what in the what kirked penguin just donated

$100 you are light of streaming and always brighten my day please have a wonderful week Joe Joe we’re breaking out we’re breaking out the fanciest of donuts sweetie oh my God crooked pengu thank you so much friends um I need I need I need all of the hearts in chat please

Wow thank you very very much and I missed their sub oh my God 26 months crooked penguin thank you very much friend sorry I’m in the I’m in the tank right now hi having a wonderful day and I hope you are too I really am thank you thank

You thank you thank you my goodness do it I’m loving this build thank you all right so this is what the big one looks like from afar uh maybe you’re right maybe those chains are too big uh so another thing that’s going to be really interesting is I think I’m

Actually going to do this I don’t know how you feel about that but I think there should be a light source in it and I think the glow Rod actually kind of kind of lends itself to it so I think the skeleton is perfect uh I think the skeleton fits the space really

Well like really really well like I think that looks great can I had one inside of the head instead of the mouth uh I could put it there or actually hold on if I put it in there that might even sell that might even sell the skull a little bit better

I think it does cuz it casts a shadow around the eyes I think that light actually really helps finish the skull all right option number two um option number two is chain I I still actually I actually think we do this God no wait maybe it’s fine uh hack

What do you oh no no no no no no no you’re right oh the smaller chains look so much better we got an artist out here what do you think of that I yeah yeah yeah you told me you told me you told me you schold me that looks way better y’all win

Try out the grindstone I think the grindstone really sells it I think the grindstone really sells it point for chat chat’s been kind of kind of on fire today so yeah you get points for everybody donuts for Joe and points for everybody in chat it’s been a good day

It’s been a very good day yeah God that looks so good you like the grind stones but there might be too much wood the issue is so I mean we could move those we could shift the whole thing okay so let’s talk first off I really like where the wood is

Centered and so we could change the proportions or the positioning of the whale such that the shoulder blades line up underneath there Um and then we have the grindstones line up underneath the dark oak I think I think the cross beams you know what the cross beams could be actually the cross beams could be uh uh Spruce and above and then the other thing we could do is we could uh we could spawn proof

CU that’ll be that’ll be connecting into the bottom of those bars now and we just do this right then we don’t need a light source on top right we don’t need to make it perfect but we could do we could do that and that makes it way thinner profile

You need one more chain in the middle of the whale the hole that’s weight yeah yeah yeah you’re right I do I mean how’d you feel about This so the problem is it is going to mess with uh the domage a little so need one more like right at the right at the very uh let’s put it here I think it’s better spacing wise it’s so dark up here I can’t see hey what’s up UNO how you doing bud

Thoughts I mean realistically realistically uh I don’t even think we’d have two here anymore um I think I feel like we’d have the two on the wings and then maybe one in the center of the head instead like how would you feel about about that you know you like the two where they

Are is it not weird that the head is unsupported the Dome is getting lost yes I mean that’s absolutely going to happen unfortunately like as soon as we want to put supports in here the Dome is going to get lost now mind you the Dome isn’t lit yet either

Right um so it’s it it so far was just kind of a shadow anyways I mean I think I like that the head should be supported but the fins can’t support the weight of the shoulders yeah I don’t know I think there’s a certain point where we have to let

Realism go just cuz if it looks good and if it looks like it scans that’s good enough I think if we put one more between the shoulders it’s just too busy right I think it’s okay if it gives across the idea of what it does without being like just the busiest

Thing we’ve ever seen cuz as it is right now that’s it’s already getting very busy right and then we can still see the Dome so the other thing I can do I kind of like the Cross Beam supports um in that they’re three wides I could try and do two

Wides so the nice thing about uh a 3×1 with a gap in the middle is it’s somewhat thinner the other option is to do one two thick I think a one block wide is too thin I think single beams is way too thin uh I don’t think that that looks

Like it makes sense you know a little bit of Len in the cross beams is interesting it might give more light up top than we want how on Earth am I going to move this over one last question to settle do you like the Y level um I can’t tell from

Now so what we’re going to have to do is um we’re going to have to see what it actually looks like because again the ceiling is way lower in the actual build right like we got the pillars here there’s less room in the actual build than we have right

Now so that’s going to be the next thing to look at like do we actually have to shift it back also if we end up giving ourselves a little bit more more flexibility um as to where the whale goes like the cross beams could be in some interesting spots simply push it

Forehead that’s fair I didn’t think of that all right give me one second I have to use the washroom I’ll be right back hi hi broard thank you for 41 months all right um you ready to try this in [Laughter] survival I mean right let’s give it a go

Jeez sure does look a little different right now huh huh holy moly well let’s uh let’s do a little counting shall we so I need a bunch of this Netherrack um I got torches on me already let me grab a couple extra I don’t know if 23 is going to be

Enough you’re not ready for me to try this in survival I’m ready to watch you try this in survival oh I see what you did there making it sound like it’s a me problem Goodness One two three four five six seven eight no let’s try the side shot the shoulder blades are about there 1 two five six 7 8 9 11 all right uh 37 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 oh ah 37 is so big in survival all right so here’s some question questions thoughts that’s not a [Laughter] question uh you always have thoughts and they don’t shut up yeah

Fair am I building it above or below I think I think that’s the midpoint I think the height would be right about there I think that line would go through its mouth cuz I think if it was above it it’d be too high and I think if it was

Below it’ be too low and I think it’s just right you have the nose on the balcony no no no that’s got to be the tail much like in the real Museum right you have the tail towards that side cuz the head if you think of in terms of

Composition you want the head to fill the empty space in the room right could we try attaching the grindstone supports without the cross beams uh I like that not a lot that’s not how English Works uh I think the cross beams are really important if we

Wanted to we could put the cross beams above the windows uh but that might also look weird I don’t know I I broke the window a while ago or maybe I just never finish that well that’s really going to bother me now sorry no I can’t fix that right now I I

I cannot I’d have to fly all the way back from my base for that because there’s no more glass here I y’all never told me that that corner block was missing like all day and also apparently there’s just a hole in the window that I used at some point and I never

Fixed here you’re asking about the height because on the museum it’s ey Lev with the balcony what so do we want it lower so it’s not too close to the Arches um so the head is lower right I don’t know that’s for the birds that’s

Fair so you think it’s too high I worry if it’s too low I worry that that might be too low cuz if this is the top of the spine uh the tail is 1 2 3 4 five blocks lower than that yeah that’s that’s too low right

1 2 3 4 five the tail would be uh maybe that’s fine the tail would be there if that was the height of the current if that’s the current height of the spine that’s where the tail is and I don’t think it can go any lower than that then

I think that is the minimum height difference right what do you mean by no maybe maybe that’s fine maybe that’s actually just right no we can’t make it any lower I think I think this is as low as it can go which is interesting because originally I was thinking that that’s

Not the case but that if that’s the height of the spine right there right here maybe maybe I could help you out this way there now we’re looking at it the same way right so that right there is the height of the spine which is right

There so the thing that we need to do is we need to figure out actually where the cross beams are going to go because then once we know where the cross beams are going to go then we can position the shoulder blade and then move it forward or backwards as a result

Uh also I just realized I want to texture this ceiling while I’m paying attention to it so pardon my distraction for one second here luckily you’re a giant coconut I’m proud of you sge shoot this is really hard got there a little distracted all right you know

What I’m spending so much time looking up right now I couldn’t it’s something I didn’t notice before cuz you know as a gamer I’ve never once looked up in my entire career you can have a little distraction As a treat it’s my gift to you chat all right so the next question is

Where did the support themes go um do we want them all the way up here so that the beams don’t obstruct the windows and it’s it’s possible that we could do that right um originally we were thinking of hanging the cross beams sort of like right between those lights hello we’re not open

Yet yeah so the original plan was to have the Cross Beam sort of here how much do I have on me got enough so one sec Let’s do let’s do this Cross Beam first as a test right so be there h yeah okay so the first Cross Beam is

There and the second Cross Beam would be basically where the other boxes up above right so what do you think about that do you like the extra tall ones I mean the worst case scenario is I can always Place one and if we hate it we can move it higher later on

Right um I think either way though the beam is in the same place right which is here no I think we have to shift it over one oh oh so here’s an interesting problem if we make the Cross Beam higher uh because it’s a dome it starts to get

Narrower and because it gets narrower it starts to further restrict the places that we could hang it from so um if we wanted to move the whale forward Ward slightly so that the Cross Beam lined up with its shoulder blade um it ends up being either that block or

One back from it and if it’s one back from it which is really quite interesting uh it potentially goes here uh which might be which might actually be quite elegant and then the chain would run down right in front of that middle window and that would be no that would

Be the one that hangs from its head so if we did the top of its head there um one two 3 4 five 6 7 wait that’s the same line that’s the same spot one two three four five 6 7 so that would be all right so go with me on this

Journey if we put the bar there the support beam there or there doesn’t really matter either one it comes all the way down the top of the whale’s head there is where that torch is so that’s the whale’s head and that’s where the whale snout is

So out there in the opening almost at the curve and it’s tail goes there thoughts I think that’s actually really elegant placement I’m curious what you think I think I think that’s as good as we’re going to get oh hold on so what is the spacing between here and here though right we’re

Going to do a Cross Beam down the middle so if we did that please hold we’re going to do a three wide right um is that my center point no that’s my center point so we did this it’s really important to count this all out because if we get this wrong it’s a

Huge pain in the butt after right I had my shift finger down you’re not allowed to fall I had my shift finger down how dare they I feel lied to when did I take my finger off shift never I wrote the song for you chat yes yes yes the museum will open soon settle down settle down I call this song um whale Museum in uh B Minor all right I think we’re on to something here doesn’t sound like any whale song you’ve heard it’s a song about a whale it’s not a song by a whale Gunner please please I think I’m um I think we’re in business I think this works wonderfully and that would be our

Support beam all the way up there so it doesn’t crowd a lot of the view um it it covers a little bit of the dome but that’s okay cuz the Dome is dark anyways right so we’ve got the cross beams so that’ll be well that’ll be where it’s head goes oh

Shoot you know what this doesn’t account for is it doesn’t account for its its little um it’s little finnies it’s little finnies am I going to do light the Dome later I don’t have any plans to no cuz I don’t want to draw you have to

Think about lighting as a way that it draws the eye of people and we’re going to look at two things in here right you’re going to walk in you’re going to see the back and you’re going to see the whale but I think if we light the Dome

You don’t look at the whale as much when you’re down here so it’s okay for it to be dark right not everything needs to be uh an equal focus and sometimes you can use lighting as a way to call attention or not call attention to certain things

Oh I don’t know if this works man so one I don’t actually have a great view of the spine there 1 2 3 4 5 and then one so where would that be It’s like Here place the chains closer to the body I mean it look it I think it would look bad they look good when they’re out there supporting the edgy edge of the wing right I mean worst case scenario I could just do like a little a little scaffolding support out of the top we’ll

Make it work we’ll make it work no I don’t think you don’t want to do diagonals with chains um they have a very particular aesthetic I’m I’m just going to say this is good enough is I’m just picturing this shape right now and I’m thinking to myself about how in

Hermitcraft pearlescent Moon made an enormous organic Dragon built out of uh dragon eggs and I’m just thinking to myself good Lord hey what’s up y happy American turkey day to you as well a very gobble gobble to you and your loved ones I assume that’s the traditional American Greeting to each

Other so five wide should be plenty of space all right um where my bones at it’s not turkey day where you are but you wouldn’t mind any oh big same there’s the bone blocks all right grab these uh let’s grab a little bit of these a little bit more of

These gobble gobble yeeha Eagle [Laughter] noises uh and then just like some y random 70 Sam ye from like Looney Tunes right okay um let’s start trying to do this uh so first things first one 2 3 4 5 67 close that now thank you Gunner for that link did I close my

Images one two 3 4 5 6 7 okay so the back one is where the the torch wants to be then I want to go like that do I keep closing it why do I keep closing it one and we go down and then

It’s and then it’s uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 four five 6 7 8 nine how surge build en Tire whale great question um and then it is let’s see if I can remember was like 52 432 okay 5 2 4 three uh-oh two oh

That’s you know what whatever you know it’s close enough all right all right everything everything is coming up great uh the next thing we want to do is work on what I like to call the ribbies so the ribbies went uh 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3

2 3 three three three two 3 3 3 3 2 great and then oh buckets I missed a very important block uh then we do this what sort of Meat Block could we fill the skeleton with if we wanted to make a whole whale you know what Netherrack the

Block that we’re building with actually makes for a very impressive meat yeah what anime Kitty just said yeah Netherrack actually shockingly looks meaty which was one of the uh the big critiques that people had when uh when they first did the nether update they’re like oh it looks so eaty uh 3322

Um wait I think I’m supposed to do one more rib at the end right yes there supposed to be one more rib here wasn’t there I go too far no that’s perfect just like that yeah okay good to you it looks like Rich clay Rich gravel interesting I’ve made mistakes

Yes I have made mistakes mistakes I’ve made a few there we are okay this thing looks even cooler man it’s so funny how small things can feel when you build them in creative and then you do like one thing in survival and you’re just like oh wait oh my God this is

Enormous right like look at when we run through this now wow um sorry one second I’ve got a I’ve got a message I need to respond to I’ll be right back sorry about this hello I return sorry I needed to have a very important meeting uh with my business manager

Joe about a very important business business thing um such a good shape all right uh the next thing we do which is the shoulder blades so we’re here when are we going for donuts that’ll be after this oh Joe said there’s a doughnut popup on

Friday uh on on Friday oh my God I’m getting so many messages okay I’ve been muted this whole time I’m so sorry I’ve been I Joe brought me water I want to say thank you to her um apologies thank you anime Kitty uh one two three and then we do um one from

There and we do four and then did I put a light on top of those I did not let’s see what the light level is up there all right uh light level of three let’s go we have enough light we don’t have to light there oh I’m so happy

About that a vid thank you very very much for 17 months of support I hope you’re having an amazing day thank you thank you wait I I have improvised uh that’s not what that looked like before what if I did this instead is that an improvement or should

I move it back to where it was so before it was in line but down one uh so I am in fact off by one as is my right uh do you like that better or worse it’s kind of hard to see what do you think keep it keep it or

Uh or fix it big shrug Emoji all right I’m going to keep it there are no mistakes just happy little accidents is there any to position it so it has better lighting it doesn’t need better lighting that’s the beautiful thing again everything doesn’t have to be super

Bright uh and sometimes it’s better if it isn’t uh one two 3 four five now okay I actually really like that it’s not that bright and then we do two one two have we tried using glow Lan instead of end rods uh we didn’t no but uh I really like the end

Rods if we wanted we could put like a little dab of glow Len on the back it doesn’t add a ton of light though all right now it’s time for the head which is going to be extremely challenging so we do three across and then five across centered one behind that

Three uh and then it’s five right yes here let me let me finish building it before we start worrying about lighting stuff I can’t I can’t uh I can’t do both at the same time you know if it turns out it needs more light we’ll be able to tell them when it’s

Done but like at this point who knows you know no point in uh trying to solve something that we’re not even that we’re not even on yet right one step at a time chat let’s build it first so we’re like that then we need to go down a level ow so we’re

There uh and then out of that is its Mighty tusks that are forong such a satisfying block to build with if you build it they will come we got any Wayne’s World fans in the chat all right then what we do is from oh jeez from where where is its

Jaw so that’s the neck which means presumably here here we do a floater and then we do two then in we do another four wait there’s supposed to be another a little nosebone there you ever just wake up and make a uh 40 block long giant whale skeleton you Know is that something uh yall ever do oh I feel like I’m missing an an important piece inside of the head here I feel like the skull is a little Hollow I think that’s an important bone um and then we put a light inside of there to light up the Eyes whoops not again yeah ah classic so so I’m going to try and add a little bit more weight to that skull there I think that’s going to help uh I’m just going to remove this and see how we did so we built it twice in

Creative uh once as a proof of concept once trying to hang it uh and now we just built it in survival and Let’s cross our fingers yeah kind of wild to think of the scale that we’re building at on this project it’s getting spooky oh crap don’t look at don’t look at the

Don’t look at the at the Whale close your eyes don’t look yet it’s not ready whale for Scale all right so so big reveal time you walk into the museum and you’re like okay this is kind of neat oh what’s that that’s a nice little View and you look up ah it’s not quite right Jaws not quite right oh that’s pretty cool though that’s very close that’s very close and

Very cool though okay so from up here oh I left torches on its butt still I think it’s the I don’t think it’s the ribs I think it’s the jaw that feels off so before the the fin bones were definitely back one uh and I think that was an important

Distinction so I’m going to move them back because I think it crowds the head uh and I think giving the head a little bit more space is important so let’s let’s start with that so I think that’ll help because that’ll that’ll give the um that’ll give the jaw a little bit

More room to breathe and then I think I also need to I made a last minute adjust adjustment here I think we need to change the jaw ever so slightly no no we had the shape of the jaw right before uh so I think what I need to do is I need

To just move that back one oh yeah bone block is very satisfying to work with all right so if we move the jaw back a little I think that works it’s always going to look a little bit weird from down below because it is just a giant

Skull but I think that helped fix the shape a little bit yeah that’s a little bit better from the side profile right and then we got the ribs I think the ribs are great I think this is an okay whale friends it is flying currently it is it is a majestic Sea

Bird uh Kaka flying through the air uh and that’s okay actually I need to make sure that the new uh fin position has light uh it has a light level of two which is fine okay it’s very cool to be able to parkour along its back so I need to grab

A bunch of chains now uh so let’s very quickly do that yeah that’s that’s sort of my thought too anime Kitty um all right to the base I need grindstones I need chains I’m very excited about this oh and glass to fill the hole thank you gunar I’d completely forgotten about

That thank you Gunner two glass that’s it I only need two two uh I need a whole bunch of chains luckily uh we’re kind of good to go there don’t think I need that many but that’s fine oh God uh I need a bunch of grindstones luckily I’ve got a bunch

Of those too is there anything else we needed glass chains I’ve got the dark oak I need for the cross beams so I think we’re fine ah do I have enough dark oak let me grab a little bit more just in case that’s a problem well we got bones you

Know we needed a canal this guy I did ask I should learn to stop asking is what’s going to happen oh all right I don’t have the wood anyways it’s fine it was meant to be okay I hope I have enough yikes all right I want this I

Want a little bit of spruce uh I’ll put the saplings in here do we need a water feature around the outside oh like a moat that’s a that’s a novel idea no so we’re putting these down in order to spawn proof cuz goodbye forever I haven’t had any

Creeper issues here yet and I’m not starting now H why did I think that was even close to enough spruce time for creeper hiss noises delightful all right one last beam one last beam and then we start to uh attach this thing from above so dark up here

Okay no I I felt myself falling and then I tried to stop and catch myself and that’s what made me fall if I had done nothing I wouldn’t have fallen ah ooh I guess one thing we didn’t think about is where does the tail connect to

Above is it here that’d be kind of perfect actually I think it’s this one that’s fine all right uh let’s do this up we [Laughter] go so there we go dang it turns out whale parkour is harder than I thought all right so we’re here and you

Know what oh my goodness you know what I think that looks great uh I do wonder if I need to Anchor that support in a little bit better there’s a Sandstone missing neat okay uh we’ll go up we’ll fix that after yeah two grindstones up

Top one at the bottom I need to stop falling please I beg of you all right uh next one goes right at the top of its head it should be here and then so we do a sideways grindstone and then we go on up so now that we’re here we have this I

Need to be a little bit lower we like that just like on that side right yes you’ve never seen a whale do parkour oh man they ging um and then we wanted one sort of midpine which I believe was here ch the only downside to the whale is that

It makes the security cow’s job tougher whales after all have been known to cause breaches o o oh looking very cool I also just caught one of the CDH games on the spike feeders did more of my commander content go live your boy’s been a little busy I have been doing

So much collaboration lately uh of course we just had a big episode #s sponsored episode of uh Elder Dragon hyinks go live yesterday and apparently an episode of CDH just went live with the spike feeders with the spike feeders pardon me that’s kind of hype all right uh this is where I didn’t

Quite know what to do right so now we’re here uh pardon me for a second so that’s kind of cool that’s very cool capsu how you doing so what do you want to do with this should this one just go all the way up or do you think I should bring out

Like a support beam to it attach it to the ceiling it might work I think I need to do this now it looks like a face oh that goes to the outside yeah I have to do that then all the way up is the way to go you

Think cuz then it’ll just vanish into the Shadows yeah I think that might be correct all right so I want to do this no yes what I had on this side one two one two it’s got like a little nose shape there this is wrong then

There all right where was I that block was just missing straight up good good job me good job pass surge that’s wrong again oh my God right wood goes to there yes only recently found your streams also love watching North 100 I thought the whole nicest person to strip lock me

Episode was very fitting uh delightful well welcome on in friend uh I’ve made mistakes yes yeah so ever since I moved to Alberta I have uh been reaching out to friends and being like hey you want to you want to record something together uh and it’s been extremely flattering cuz everybody just keeps

Saying yes which is um extremely cool and extremely flattering and so yeah I’ve been in a bunch of Spike feeder stuff no oh wow nailed that been in a bunch of Spike feeder stuff I just did uh that big hashtag sponsored Elder Dragon H Jinks that they

Did new here love plan survival but I can’t build cool stuff oh I’m sure you can problem with building cool stuff in Minecraft is just takes time but I I Believe In You There we go so Joe from the other room was like I think the first cool build I ever did

Was um we had a mine shaft cuz Joe and I before I started streaming Minecraft just Joe and I we played together she said uh one of one of my favorite builds is I just made like a cool little just a cool little mine cart that just you

Know ran down to the uh ran down to the mines and here I am making giant whale skeletons you know everybody starts somewhere right and now you get mad when I get M shafts I like to make M shafts not find M shafts thank you

Tara all right uh let’s take a look at it okay you know what the Chain’s just kind of going up into the darkness abs absolutely work absolutely works and then also you know what that Cross Beam higher up inside of the Dome genius thank you to whoever suggested that what a great

Idea oh my God this Lobby is officially done you know what’s funny that whale skeleton looks really small look at it in the size of this room oh man that’s so funny it looks like a little baby whale and then you walk inside of it yeah and you got the support up

There hold hold on hold on hold on look at the look at the Sunrise starting to come through the windows up there that’s very pretty wow wow wow wow all right fine I’ll take the stairs yeah there’s the sunrise starting to come through now hello look at all these people

Lining up can’t wait to come into the museum I missed a sub oh it’s only been a minute didn’t do that bad thank you anime Kitty arteris thank you for the full stack thank you for the 64 look at this look look at this view

Oh my God all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on [Laughter] look oh my God all right this is officially the coolest build I’ve ever done like how do I top this like how do I ever Top This build I don’t ad Lavan was pretty great

Adam Lavan could fit inside of that Dome just the Dome like what if I made another whale but had a very tiny hat there we go wow uh just wait till we start adding like actual touches of life and and stuff into here too goodness all right well with that my

Friends uh let’s call it there holy moly what a day what a day what a build so the next s of thing next couple things we’re going to start working on this pardon me uh at some point we need to go outside and we need to do some

Landscaping as you know no build is complete without a little bit of terraforming and making it feel like it belongs in the landscape and then uh pretty soon it’s going to be time to actually go into the sides here and start building the actual exhibits so we have

To start making some like rooms for these so that they have a space to go and we have to start storing all the stuff for this Museum you know holy moly but yeah thank you so much for watching I hope you had a great time I know I did

Um if you’re new and you enjoy The Vibes give a follow I’d appreciate if you came on back and thank you thank you thank you everybody for all of the support uh just a tremendous outpouring of just like Good Vibes and you know doughnut support for the wonderful JoJo as well

So thank you for that we couldn’t do this without each and every one of you and uh it means a lot you know tomorrow is Friday that’s my day off I’m not going to stream I’ve been streaming a lot lately Joe and I are just going to hang

Out and eat eat so many donuts so watch out for that uh Saturday I’m going to start a little bit later but this weekend we’re going to be playing more cities and then Monday we’ll be back with more Mining and crafting all right let’s uh let’s go

Send some love you know what let’s go raid my boss lur just started and uh they are streaming some magic the Gathering oh my God it’s Adam and Kathleen well go make some new friends everybody it’s been a delight I’ll see you next time bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Whale Of A Time – Ep 33 Minecraft 1.20 SMP’, was uploaded by Serge Yager on 2023-11-26 18:02:51. It has garnered 161 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:14:27 or 22467 seconds.

Minecraft 1.20 – Vanilla

Today we complete the lobby of the museum. We build arches with various detailing, and add an eye catching whale bone display.

Broadcast: November 23, 2023

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Music from BigGiantCircles: https://biggiantcircles.bandcamp.com/

C418: Minecraft – Game play

0:00 Stream Start 5:51 Booth 7:24 Game Start 9:22 Frog Light Farm 13:30 Resource Gathering 27:57 Tool Mending 31:18 Shopping District 32:51 Getting Organized 43:58 The Plan 48:00 Arches & Detailing 50:36 Off By One 51:21 Arches & Detailing 1:44:49 Game Resumes 1:57:48 Not Open Yet 1:58:08 Arches & Detailing 1:59:18 Not Open I Said 1:59:51 Arches & Detailing 2:13:10 Museum Tour 2:17:15 Arches & Detailing 2:33:55 Game Resumes 2:41:17 Lunch Break 2:57:52 Game Resumes 3:11:57 Off By One Betrayal 3:12:35 Arches & Detailing 3:16:31 Serge Trolling Chat 3:19:12 Arches & Detailing 3:23:59 Cursed Creeper 3:24:38 Arches & Detailing 3:45:55 Good Dogs For Atarka 3:49:12 Arches & Detailing 4:02:38 Build Review 4:05:01 Gunner Has Found Faces 4:05:52 Planning Whale In Creative 4:06:26 More Faces 4:07:41 Planning Whale In Creative 5:01:44 Whale Planning Resumes 5:02:25 Whale Build 5:36:42 Whale Build Resumes 5:50:55 Gathering Materials 5:53:20 Whale Build 6:08:19 Coolest Build I’ve Ever Done 6:12:11 The Plan 6:12:53 Wrap Up

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    Germe or bazate: Minecraft's Funny Debate In the world of Minecraft, Germe and Bazate reign, Their adventures are funny, never mundane. With blocks and mobs, they navigate with glee, Creating laughter for you and me. From building structures to mining for ore, Their antics will leave you wanting more. So join in the fun, don’t be late, And watch Germe and Bazate dominate. Read More

  • Jagatbhaiya’s Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit!

    Jagatbhaiya's Gamerfleet: A Short YouTube Hit! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jagatbhaiya op, shining bright in the light. Crafting news with rhymes, a true delight, Keeping the viewers hooked, day and night. With each update, a grin and a spin, Delivering facts with a playful spin. Engaging the crowd, drawing them in, In the world of gaming, where you always win. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Creepy Cribs: 1st Floor Frights in Minecraft 1.21

    Creepy Cribs: 1st Floor Frights in Minecraft 1.21 In the Gothic Mansion, a sight to behold, With Amethyst blocks and Black Stained Glass bold. Polished Blackstone Slabs and Gray Concrete, Creating a vibe that’s oh so unique. Deepslate Bricks and Smithing Tables galore, Every detail crafted, nothing is a bore. Glow Lichen and Shroomlight adding a glow, To this mansion that’s ready to show. Candles flicker, Crying Obsidian gleams, Waxed Copper Grates, a builder’s dreams. Tuff and Basalt, a mix of the old, In this mansion, stories untold. Anvils and Cauldrons, a touch of the past, Moss Blocks and Paintings, memories that last. Sculk Sensors and Soul… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Mini Blocks for Minecraft Masters

    Crafty Creations: Mini Blocks for Minecraft Masters In this Minecraft world, a tale unfolds, Of custom mini blocks, a story untold. The Wandering Trader, with trades so rare, Custom heads and blocks, beyond compare. Download the datapack, from vanillatweaks, Explore the menu, with trades unique. Create your own pack, with blocks so fine, Try it out in-game, let your creativity shine. Join the Discord, for questions and more, Live on Twitch, with content galore. Business inquiries, reach out and say, For Minecraft fans, a bright new day. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting Minecraft news, a rhythm to beat. In every update,… Read More

  • Nether Quest – Minecraft Survival Ep. 4

    Nether Quest - Minecraft Survival Ep. 4 The Quest for the Tower in the Nether – Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | The Challenging Adventure Begins Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft, where Catrophy embarks on a daring quest in the Nether. Join us as we delve into the heart of this fiery dimension, facing dangers at every turn. Get ready for an action-packed episode filled with excitement and suspense! Exploring the Nether In this episode, Catrophy finds himself trapped in the treacherous Nether, a realm filled with lava lakes, dangerous mobs, and mysterious structures. As he navigates through this hostile environment, he must use all… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 https://youtu.be/xHZwRjxwSos https://youtu.be/MfOKq3JdRmw ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: cubymc.net ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: https://discord.gg/cubymc ⭐Web: https://cubystore.tebex.io/ ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCXNVXsyNfwo617jVvviL9g/join 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More

  • UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis – EP 190 – Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 Server

    UNSTOPPABLE PC Gamer in Minecraft Metropolis - EP 190 - Reaching 1500 Subs on 24/7 ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Metrópole – Episodio 190 – Vamos chegar aos 1500? (Jogando com inscritos) Server 24/7’, was uploaded by Midi Gamer – PCImbativel on 2024-07-05 08:35:10. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:27 or 7047 seconds. k Livepix link: livepix.gg/midipro Video on how to join the server —- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVYQuw4ZjKg texture pack link: https://mtvehicles.nl/resourcepack/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/pq7pfzw5j2c3rsy/pack%201.4.7.zip?dl=1 Sign up. Leave your Like. Activate the notification bell and participate in this Channel playing live with me and our group of more than 1335 players. Server: Lobby Released. Server: Anarchy Released. Live… Read More

  • Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!

    Pick the wrong tunnel, FACE ZOMBIE HORDE!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-12 13:00:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CLOSED TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT. Read More

  • Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna’s Fake News!

    Sakasandayo EXPOSED: Fauna's Fake News!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fauna When She’s Spreading Misinformation’, was uploaded by Sakasandayo on 2024-08-14 14:06:33. It has garnered 24364 views and 1724 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:21 or 81 seconds. Livestream:【MINECRAFT】 Did you know there are over 60,000 tree species? https://youtu.be/v-v0VgBDjbk Ceres Fauna Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@CeresFauna Twitter: https://x.com/ceresfauna Thumbnail / Art Link: Literally two Fauna My Social Twitter: https://x.com/sakasandayo Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KazukiSaka Donation, before: https://ko-fi.com/sakasandayo #hololive #hololiveen #hololiveenglish #holoen Read More

  • 🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)

    🔥CRAZY! Starting a New Profile on HYPIXEL Skyblock with 160b NW/Max Skills! (Day 68)Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HYPIXEL Skyblock Starting a New Profile From 160b NW/Max Skills (Day 68)’, was uploaded by Info on 2024-09-07 00:56:45. It has garnered 557 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:01 or 12961 seconds. Hi my IGN is “Info” we are here to vibe have a good time. I stream Minecraft mainly and some other games like CSGO. Youtube / @infowastaken Twitter https://twitter.com/infowastaken Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infowastaken/ Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/infowastaken Discord https://discord.gg/8Pna5ExB3H Kick https://kick.com/informations Read More

  • Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Herobrine Encounter in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-02-18 15:59:32. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Minecraft herobrine animation #minecraft #viral #shorts Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. #freefire #ajjubhai… Read More

  • ✨ Aeltheria SMP Java 1.20.4 Jobs Towny

    Welcome to Aeltheria A realm where fantasy and magic come to life! 🎮✨ Server Highlights 🗺️ Unique Worlds: Dive into mystical lands like Eldoria, Avaloria, and the Twilight Realm with custom generation. Prefer a classic experience? Vanalia offers vanilla generation. Each world is full of lore and hidden treasures! 🌌 🔨 Custom Jobs & Titles: Choose paths like Architect, Prospector, Cultivator, Lumberjack, and more. Climb ranks and earn prestigious titles. Experience multiple jobs from the start! 🏗️🌳 🤝 Immersive NPCs: Meet friendly NPCs like Sunny the Greeter, Lorelei the Librarian, and Eldric the Master Artisan/Blacksmith. Each NPC has unique stories… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live 2024: Recap with a kick!Looks like even in 2024, the only thing we can count on is Minecraft updates and memes! Read More

  • Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse

    Chaos Craft: Surviving SCP Apocalypse In the world of Minecraft, SCPs run amok, An apocalypse of chaos, no time for luck. Surviving the lockdown, facing anomalies grim, In a battle for survival, the odds are slim. From dangerous SCPs to creatures so deadly, Every moment is tense, every step is ready. Can I make it through, can I come out alive? In this Minecraft world, where dangers thrive. Join me on this journey, full of action and mystery, As I navigate through this world of SCP history. Stay tuned for updates, as the story unfolds, In this Minecraft adventure, where survival is bold. Read More

  • The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂

    The Fiery Disaster Friend in Minecraft🔥😂 When your friend accidentally sets off TNT in your Minecraft world and you’re just standing there like 😮💀 #RIPminecrafthouse Read More

  • Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe

    Ultimate Magic Mods in Minecraft Pe Exploring Magical Mods with Ice, Fire, Thunder, and Poison Powers in Minecraft Pe Embark on a mystical journey in Minecraft Pe with the enchanting mod that introduces powers of ice, fire, thunder, and poison. Dive into a world where magic meets reality, and where your imagination knows no bounds. Unleash the Elements With this mod, players can harness the power of various elements to enhance their gameplay experience. From freezing enemies with ice spells to engulfing them in flames, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with thunder strikes and toxic attacks to dominate your foes and conquer the Minecraft universe…. Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Exposed

    Fleetbhai's Diamond Scam Exposed Minecraft: Fleetbhai’s Diamond Scam Unveiled Recently, the Minecraft community was abuzz with the revelation of Fleetbhai’s diamond scam. The incident, which unfolded in the virtual world of FleetSMP, left players shocked and intrigued. Let’s delve into the details of this captivating Minecraft saga. The FleetSMP Universe FleetSMP is a popular Minecraft server where gamers come together to explore, build, and interact. The server is known for its vibrant community and exciting events that keep players engaged for hours on end. The Diamond Scam Within the FleetSMP universe, Fleetbhai, a prominent player, was caught in a diamond scam that sent… Read More


    MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE CHEAT! 😱 (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Daxx on 2024-09-21 14:13:09. It has garnered 2433 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:10 or 1750 seconds. I Cheated In a MURDER DRONES MOB BATTLE! (Minecraft) Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ra1neyX Addon : Tiredy #minecraft #minecraftmod #daxx #daxxandxoe Read More

  • Ultimate Overgrown Storage House Build

    Ultimate Overgrown Storage House BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a Overgrown Storage House | Relaxing Modded Minecraft Longplay’, was uploaded by GlowKing on 2024-09-06 17:01:01. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:57 or 4077 seconds. Hey everyone today we build a storage house because i really need it LOL ill continue to add more I just needed to structure layout first. please leave a like, comment and subscribe if you want to see more! :} Thank you Modloader – Forge Mods Used: Entity Model Features Entity Texture Features Creative Core Entity Culling Not Enough animations… Read More

  • Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!

    Unbelievable 2h2b.org Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why you should play 2h2b.org’, was uploaded by 2hotdogs2buns on 2024-09-02 13:58:56. It has garnered 527 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 2h2b.org 1.12.2 you can join all versions #2b2tpe #2b2tjp #2b2tmcpe #2b2tpe #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #dream #sad #sad #crystals #anarchyonline #anarky #mcjava #minecrafthacks #caseoh #ermwhatthesigma #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme Pugman2013 Crystal pvp config 2b2tpvp.net Future Client FreeConfigs Free Configs Free Config Tuffty, 2b pvp, Pugman2013, 2b2t crystal pvp montage montage, Owning spawn on 2b2t.org, 2b2t, 2b2t cpvp, crystal pvp, 2b2t crystal pvp, 2b2t,5b5t,9b9t,eliteanarchy,fitmc,minecraft,crystal pvp, cpvp, montage, tutorial,… Read More

  • INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #Minecraft

    INSANE MLG Stunts by Mr. Lightning! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft highest mlg || minecraft shorts || #minecraft #gamerfleetfunny #gamerfleet #herobrinesmp’, was uploaded by MR. LIGHTNING on 2024-05-22 10:29:12. It has garnered 14953 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft 9 ways to host a minecraft server 9/11 minecraft 9 minecraft mod minecraft 94 minecraft 93 minecraft 9×9 house minecraft 9/11 8 minecraft techno gamerz 8 minecraft account minecraft 8×8 texture pack minecraft 8k minecraft 8 bit 7 secrets about cash in minecraft minecraft 777 minecraft 7 segment display minecraft 747 64 bit minecraft download 6 minecraft… Read More

  • Zzapz – Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!

    Zzapz - Learn the TOP secrets of OneCraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘3 Reasons to JOIN OneCraft! | Join a Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Zzapz on 2024-04-07 17:49:28. It has garnered 121 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Are you looking for a Minecraft server/ SMP to join? OneCraft is the server for you. With many performance mods, and entertainment mods, you will never get bored of this world. Join OneCraft today and start your adventure. Join us @ onecraft.sytes.net Bedrock port :19132 Discord : https://discord.gg/TAAwV6wU #minecraft #smp #french #polska #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #viral #viralvideo #blowup… Read More

  • Yoshanity vs Anity – CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!

    Yoshanity vs Anity - CRAZY COLLAB LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘NO HARD FEELINGS!! | Anity Callaborations LIVE’, was uploaded by Yoshanity on 2024-04-12 06:03:02. It has garnered 39 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:09 or 11529 seconds. We are playing some Minecraft Dragon Block on this stream of Anity Callaborations Live! Hope you guys enjoy this one! You REALLY like this kind of content? You wanna thrown in a dolla? Feel free to!: https://streamlabs.com/yoshanity/tip THE YOSHANITY LINKTREE IS HERE!!! Linktree – https://linktr.ee/yoshanity ► Stay up to date on ALL of Yoshanity’s Platforms! Timestamps – 0:00 Intro/Waiting 14:13 Just Waiting and… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!

    SHOCKING! Pekora Exposes Crime Ring on Her Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Staff Reports To Pekora About Crimes In Her Minecraft Server【Hololive/Usada Pekora】’, was uploaded by Pekora Clips on 2024-09-08 16:35:30. It has garnered 14916 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:43 or 103 seconds. Pekora Ch. Pekora Usada https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora Stream:[Captain Tsubasa]Complete first look at “Captain Tsubasa RISE OF NEW CHAMPIONS”! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Peko![Hololive/Pekora Usada]*Contains spoilers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUfZYPTKU3s Please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the videos! #Hololive #Vtuber Read More

  • 🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd Podcast

    🤯 EPIC FAIL: Minecraft Movie DISASTER w/ Culture Casino | Salty Nerd PodcastVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Movie DISASTER! ft. Culture Casino | Salty Saturdays’, was uploaded by Salty Nerd Podcast on 2024-09-07 19:10:00. It has garnered 1613 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:20 or 7340 seconds. The Minecraft Movie trailer drops and people aren’t happy about it. Acolyte shills are trying to cancel Nerdrotic, Geeks and Gamers, and Ryan Kinnel! George RR Martin slams House of the Dragon Season 2, and Elon is bringing X to TV. All this and more in today’s Salty Saturday, with special guest Culture Casino! What do you think of… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT RARE MOB!!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie’, was uploaded by 185k gaming on 2024-06-22 16:01:26. It has garnered 6959 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT RARE MOB EDIT #minecraft #shorts @YesSmartyPie o hello guys welcome to new video so first make sur subscribe to my channel and like the video and new topic is very long time I upload a new modern house tutorial on mu channel so enjoy the video so guys mene ek link diya hai uski help se aap without help apnea videos ke… Read More

  • ElementalMC – Network PvP Factions

    4 Elements Minecraft Server Java & Bedrock | New Players Welcome! Cross-Platform Play: Java & Bedrock players unite! Play together seamlessly, no matter which version you’re on. Choose Your Element: Earth 🌱 | Water 🌊 | Fire 🔥 | Air 🌪️ Harness the power of your element and forge your path in our custom elemental world! Game Modes: PvP & Survival: Engage in epic elemental battles or test your skills in survival mode. Custom Features: Enjoy unique gameplay, tailored for our community. Exciting Events: Participate in tournaments, build competitions, and regular server-wide events with awesome in-game rewards! Join Our Community:… Read More