EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Update: Finding Trial Chamber in Survival!

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixel riffs and welcome back to another Snapshot video and this one promises to be very exciting this is Snapshot 23w 45a another snapshot which has included experimental features for Minecraft 1.21 and this time we’re going to get a look at trial Chambers and the breeze mob now

I’ve been excited for these since they were announced at Minecraft live 2023 these are going to be procedurally generated Dungeon Crawl style structures that appear randomly throughout Minecraft’s Terrain in kind of a similar way to how you’ll find strongholds and other structures like that generating so

I think the important thing to do with these is to experience them in survival I expect a lot of people will go and find one in Creative in their videos but personally I want to take the survival approach I want to see where we can find these things exactly how difficult it is

To find one in a fresh world and this is a brand new fresh survival world with experiments enabled so we can be guaranteed that we’re going to find a trial chamber somewhere in the world around us now basically all we know about Trial Chambers so far is that

They’re going to be found underground and I would expect that they’re going to be found around where the Deep slate levels of the world start generating there is a snapshot change log which I will link in the video description but I haven’t read too much of that already I

Kind of want to go in a little bit clueless here and see what exactly presents itself to me as part of the gameplay experience in terms of the level of equipment I want to go in with I’m thinking I probably want to have at least least Iron Equipment U maybe we

Can find some diamonds in the underground as well so if we stumble upon some diamonds I’m not going to completely ignore them but one of the things I’m really interested about with these trial Chambers is whether or not it will be possible to go through a trial chamber in its entirety without

Any equipment and just Salvage equipment from the chamber itself in order to complete whatever surprises it has for you I assume going in with no weapons is not going to be the best idea since a lot of them involve combat trials but I will be curious ious to see if they give

You any weapons as you travel through and pick up any loot chests that might appear in there but for the moment I spot a shipwreck over here on the horizon that might give me a decent opportunity to grab some early iron and potentially some other resources and

Then we can find a good old cave system and go looking for our first trial chamber looks like there’s a handful of iron in here along with a couple of other bits and pieces some lapis and some emeralds and the captain’s cabin has a buried treasure map along with a

Bit of armor Trim in case we want to use that lapis for something I guess I’ll also grab some food from this chest at the front yep we got some carrots in there perfect and it seems like the treasure map is heading Southwest so I guess we’ll head in that direction and

Hopefully this will give us a bit more iron looks to me like it’s leading us out to this little sandb bar over here and I think if we get to about let’s say there that should be where we start Finding the Treasure Chest yep there it

Is right on the Block next door let’s open that up got a couple of diamonds in there a bit more iron and some more food okay let’s take all of this and run so that should at least be enough iron for an iron pickaxe we can also probably

Make an iron chest chest plate and that will do for the moment I suppose with two diamonds we should probably also make a diamond sword so that can go there in our weapon slot and maybe the TNT will come in useful in this trial chamber as well that’s kind of a fun

Thought I’m going to grab enough oil for a bed as well and naturally managing food is going to be important if this is going to be a combat experience let me throw out this treasure map as well I won’t need that but I will need a shield

Thinking about it so let’s quickly cook up with these two iron that I managed to salvage from a nearby Hillside there we go always feel a little bit more comfortable when I’ve got a shield on me and over here I did notice this really cool shelf of terrain which has a water

Logged cave underneath it I might start diving down here with a couple of doors to create air pockets which we can still do in Java Edition thankfully and as we dive on down here we might get a little bit closer to deep slate level now I’m not expecting to find a trial chamber

Just by exploring the water logged regions of the world but we might get a look at the outside before we see what’s inside I still don’t know enough about how these structures generate to really get a feel for what one’s going to look like when we encounter it it but right

Now it’s very very dark down here but I at least know enough about the rest of Minecraft that I’m going to spot anything that looks unfamiliar to me so here we are emerging into a cave system and hopefully somewhere around here oh we’re finding some diamonds but

Hopefully we’ll also lock into a trial chamber as well and even though this is the rarer form of diamonds the stone diamonds I’m going to take them as long as I can stand still hello there we go save you the annoying bobbing up and down let’s dive after that diamond and

Let’s go looking for unfamiliar structures well a very familiar structure here we’ve stumbled on an abandoned M shaft and I’ve immediately got myself cornered by some skeletons oh but if I can fight off this horde of mobs here there’s a couple of diamonds in the cave that will prove to be a

Worthy addition to my armor set I’ve already found two geod and looking over here we also have a huge iron vein so I can definitely fill out my armor set with that and hopefully these trial Chambers are a little bit common down here and I’m not supposed to look for

Them in a specific biome no okay I did just look this up and it says they are relatively common throughout the Deep slate layer of the underground it doesn’t specify a biome so I’m not supposed to be looking underneath mountains like you do for the deep dark or anything like that let’s make

Ourselves some diamond boots since I got four diamonds from that there we go and we can supplement the rest of the gear with an iron helmet and probably some iron leggings as well and you know since I’ve got it I might as well use this

Armor trim and Smith up a little bit of decoration for some of these let’s put the coast armor trim here on my chest plate and on my helmet as well awesome it is unlikely I’m going to keep this world around but why not do some smithing since we have some smithing

Templates all right that is the full armor set and I have enough iron for an iron ax as well that’s the only one of my tools I wasn’t able to upgrade to Diamond so far so yeah we’re going in pretty well equipped for like mid game I

Would say now back to exploring we’re going to be looking around every nook and cranny down here for some sign of a trial chamber structure and I don’t know if we’re supposed to look for an entrance or if just a corner of the structure is going to make itself

Apparent to us as we travel and then we have to dig out the the entrance from there all we know is that it’s going to be made out of the new tough bricks and decorated using copper that is the extent of what we know about these so

Far and wow that is definitely a dead end emphasis on the dead okay let’s try and go another way then ooh little cheeky pocket of diamonds down here don’t mind if I do we got a couple more now that is something to note then I guess we managed to get full diamond

Tools at least before we have found a trial chamber I wonder if this abandoned M shaft can actually lead to a trial chamber that’ be really fun if the two structures connect somehow but honest it’s worth exploring these right now for a chance at some food these glowberries

Will have to do oh and we got another little vein of diamonds here as well that’s excellent we got four more from that it looks like so is that enough to upgrade our armor well we’ve got just the four I suppose no that’s one more Diamond over here which hopefully this

Creeper won’t blow up ah we got a couple more in here okay that might be enough for a chest plate yes okay Diamond chest plate territory now feels bad swapping out my iron armor when I already trimmed it but maybe I shouldn’t have gotten attached to it so early and we’re out

Here finding even more diamonds okay well the diamonds are fine and all but I would really love to find one of these trial Chambers maybe I am searching a little bit far down here cuz I am digging around like the negative 40s and negative 50s or so is where the world

Starts to bottom out so perhaps our goal should be to head further up into this cave to find the area where the stone layers and the Deep slate layers meet honestly the diamonds are just throwing themselves at me at this point and oh I didn’t even notice that in the corner we

Have found a regular zombie spawner dungeon well that’s not that’s not quite what we were looking for trial Chambers are really like the new dungeons which is why I’m laughing so much at this but hey I’ll take the golden apple there’s a bunch of Bones down here as well I might

Have to start growing potatoes Honestly though how funny would it be if we got one of these spawners generating next to the entrance to one of the trial Chambers where there are some new spawners for us to check out well we now have enough diamonds to make some

Leggings and we are most of the way to a helmet as well so I’m going to have a full set of diamond before we even encounter one of these and if you folks are also going to play around in this snapshot I would love it if you let me

Know when you found your trial chamber how far into a freshly generated snapshot world did you find the trial chamber assuming you were exploring it in survival that’s enough for a full set of diamond though that’s our helmet covered as well so even though we

Trimmed that we are going to have to let it go and we have full diamond equipment now I’ve even got enough diamonds left over for another pickaxe or a hoe so I think we’re actually all done up on diamonds okay I’m now at the point where

I haven’t found a trial chamber yet and I’m going to have to turn this patch of dirt here into a little potato farm so that I will have enough resources to survive so I’m making a diamond hoe cuz I’ve got 23 diamonds to spare so two

More is not going to go a Miss we’re going to plant the potato here although I guess I have to do that with adequate light and I don’t have any water to hydrate the Farmland with but fortunately I have enough bones to make a buttload of bone meal and that has

Left me with over a stack of potatoes so now I need to go and find some coal so I can smell them but at least I’m back up to full health again and I have a stack of potatoes on the way oh is that it I

See a line of bricks that does not look like a natural cave formation I think we may have found a trial chamber yes I see trial spawners popping up in the subtitles there are new sound effects and I don’t really have a chance to hear them right now this is tough brick which

Means that somewhere around here must be an entrance either that or I’m supposed to just break my way in yeah I don’t know for certain if there is a formal way of getting into these things like when you find a woodland Mansion for example it has an entrance right like

You know which way you’re getting in but with these things I don’t know if the entrance to it is supposed to be a specific place if it’s like marked out in a cave somewhere I think that’s one of the most confusing things about this whole experience so far is that I’m not

Sure if I’m breaking into the last room or the first room or if there’s really meant to be an order you’re supposed to tackle the structure but I guess we’ll just treat this like a stronghold and dig in wherever we find an inn so uh

Yeah let’s do it we’re going to dig down through the wall and we’re in we’re inside a trial chamber and already I love the copper block pallet so much but there’s a spawner right here here which has bones and I’m poisoned and I don’t quite know oh gosh these skeletons have

Poison arrows that’s fun that’s already kind of blindsided me actually I did not expect them to have potion tipped arrows already and look at this the trial spawners are just going to spawn mobs while we’re in here the poison is kind of a curveball which I was not prepared

For I don’t have a bucket of milk or anything so one wrong move down here and I’m kind of toast which is daunting actually but I wonder if that’s what the mushroom here means it’s bone blocks and mushrooms does that mean that the arrows are going to be poisonous we got a

Barrel over here what’s this got for us hanging signs and tough blocks okay great is there anything in this decorated pot oh there’s some copper in there they have loot tables of course okay okay we have a door that leads down further into the structure there’s a

Couple more barrels let’s break the pots and see what they have just precious resources it looks like although did I just put my pickaxe in somewhere no okay that reappeared in my hand that was weird it looked like I lost my pickaxe there for a second man if one of these

Barrels gave me something that I could use to cook stuff maybe I can cook stuff with scaffolding I’m pretty sure you can use it as furnace fuel I just need more potatoes at this point yes there we go that’s going to cook with about the efficiency that bamboo has so that’s not

Really all that helpful to us but man if only one of these had some coal or something in it that would be really quite helpful and if only one of them had a bucket of milk a bucket of lava is not going to help Me of course we’ve taken a look at the Copper block palette already but it’s so cool seeing it used in a structure like this we’ve also got the copper bulbs which we can actually scrape with an axe to make sure that the lighting up here is adequate and we’re close enough to

One of the trial spawners that we are lighting it up I wonder if maybe I can get a couple of shots on these skeletons from above but trying to fight a skeleton in a sniping contest you’re not going to do that well there’s also a lower level to this which I’m not sure

What’s on here this is oh this is the corridor right I believe this was mentioned in the Minecraft live presentation as a kind of key area that you’re always going to find in these trial Chambers and there are occasionally supposed to be traps around here although oh Amethyst in that one

Okay so the pots seem to pretty much always contain Gemstones of some kind although that may just be a temporary thing for now I’m not certain if they’ll change that up in future but this Corridor actually leads further down here the problem is having just jumped

Into this thing I have no real way of exploring it systematically but this is huge just look at this we got one room over there we got this giant Corridor leading down to a spawner on that side and these steps that lead upwards take us into another little supply room and

There’s some beds with different colors oh so you can always have like teams bamboo planks in here that’ll be perfect for cooking our potatoes oh man I like this already the vibe of these is very like classic adventure game for some reason it’s kind of taking a lot of the

Stuff that they put into something like Minecraft dungeons where there’s procedurally generated levels in that with different challenges and really kind of turns that on its head and puts it into the first person Minecraft experience so there’s a spawner over here somewhere that I’m hearing crackle to life occasionally and that’s what is

Generating the skeletons that I keep fighting oh and this room oh there’s a breeze over there in the corner that hasn’t spotted me yet so that’s a good thing but oh this spawner seems to have run its course and it popped out some glowberries for me that’s that’s nice

It’s kind of a a fairly basic reward I guess but let’s see what else we got oh and there was something else there like a copper block or something oh was that where I that was where I uh fell in that’s probably just a block I wasn’t

Able to uh pick up but we can kind of do a bit of Parkour over here and oh this one dropped us a key as well these trial keys are an exciting looking item but they don’t actually have any functionality yet according to the snapshot change log over here though we

Got some emeralds we got a bane of arthropods 5 book and an efficiency axe so potentially you could take that axe through here use it on some of the copper bul s to make sure areas like this are lit up I’m going to leave my trimmed armor in here for some other

Adventurer to find that seems like a cool thing to do if you’ve got a bunch of stuff you want to pay it forward and my question is is that spawner directly below us spawning Breeze mobs and if it is are we supposed to deal with one of

Them before we end up spawning anymore cuz right now it doesn’t seem to be doing all that much the breeze is just kind of whoa that was a a heck of a sound effect and what are you doing my friend oh it’s pelting us with wind charges which is what the Bree as

Projectiles are called and even if they don’t hit me directly they are knocking me back a little bit I wonder if these guys are going to drop anything when I kill them and it’s actually quite difficult to reach them like this whenever you get up close to them they

Seem to throw one of those projectiles at you but I wonder if it’s like blazes where they kind of power up and have to do that once they’re charged there we go we’ve taken him down and he’s not dropped anything as far as I can tell but the game has already spawned in

Another one yeah they seem to be going down pretty easy right now and from what I can tell they are not dropping anything but the trial spawner just dropped something let’s hop up here and see what we get we got another trial key these items just look so cool I’m really

Looking forward to seeing what they do with them but as I mentioned right now they really don’t have any functionality now there are a couple of dispensers around here in the walls which seem to have oh snowballs in interesting and that just fires a snowball across the

Room at whatever is over there does this one also have snowballs yeah so interesting I guess those are just meant to be dynamic things in the oh no that one’s got a splash potion is that a healing yeah that must be a healing splash potion I’m not getting any potion

Effects using lingering potions for those is actually really smart since you don’t know what you’re getting they will just fire them across the room and the Bree’s projectiles are actually going to be able to activate Redstone components so in an arena like this you can imagine

This one that’s full of fire charges the breeze floats down here and it shoots a fireball across at you and potentially catches either you or the breeze in midair gosh this is fascinating as an experience Minecraft has nothing like this up until now I mean yes we have stuff like Ocean Monuments and

Strongholds that are procedurally generated but this really feels like an adventurous kind of environment it feels like a level that you could turn into a PVP Arena and the fact that the copper bulbs are around here and that you can increase the light level maybe bring

Some honeycomb with you so that you can wax them and keep them at that light level that’s really quite cool so one of the things I’m curious about is that the interior of this structure isn’t spawning any other mobs like I’m not seeing a great deal of them and that

Could just be due to to lighting I wonder if we get any regular mob spawns if I walk around taking out all of these copper bulbs of course it is going to be slightly difficult to measure this considering we must have a lot of other

Mob spawns in the cave around me but I wonder if we take out all of the lighting on this side of the room if that’s going to prompt any mobs to spawn in the darkness and this is definitely in the cave biome layers we’re at -25 and according to this the biome is

Forest so I guess yeah we’re just in open caves oh interesting a few of the copper bulbs i’ picked up were actually wack cuz I just picked up one that wasn’t and it was a regular copper bulb but some of these are pre-waxed I guess the ones that are all still regular

Copper but yeah in theory this environment should be capable of spawning mobs now I just need to be at a far enough distance we’ll notice that the trial spawner here is burnt out these take a while to break according to the patch notes and they cannot be

Obtained using silk touch they will just break in the same way that spawners do and you don’t want to break these because these actually give you back items every so often the other neat thing is that you can see through to the interior of the spawner and that breeze

That was in here is completely vanished now and so I wonder they were hinting at this in the preview of trial chambers that came out earlier in the week but I am kind of curious if we change some of the blocks in this trial spawner is it

Going to spawn different mobs or if we remove those blocks what does it default to cuz I’ve taken the Chisel tough out of this area now so that kind of Whirlwind texture that you see on the top might be related to these being intended to spawn the Bree like this one

Has bone blocks around it for example and we saw bone blocks around one of the others what if we swap these bone blocks out for the blocks of chisel tough that we found down there will that end up spawning skeletons we’ve got another set of bone blocks over here on this side so

Let’s give that a try and I wonder what happens to these spawners if we do this Switcheroo here I’m going to put these bone blocks around the outside there and did we raid this chest I’m fairly certain we did oh yeah now we had projectile protection boots in there

Which might be useful against the breeze I suppose I don’t know how long these go on cool down for there doesn’t seem to be any kind of built-in timer that I can see from the debug information that’s probably behind the scenes info really but we can take a look around some more

Of this I’m going to grab the rest of these baked potatoes that we’re cooking in the furnace over here and in one of these well there we go we do have some honeycomb in there that might be useful for waxing some of the copper bulbs around here I’m going to drop off our

Copper bulbs I’m going to keep the trial Keys even though they’re not all that useful right now because we can potentially see how many of those we would get just by exploring this area a bit more and running into some of these trial spawners but let’s drop off anything that isn’t especially essential

We got all of these bones and stuff which maybe we could use to edit what the spawners end up producing we will see but with half a stack of potatoes let’s go and explore some of the other rooms down this Corridor and I suppose we can just tap some of these copper

Bulbs with an ax so that we can see where we have been oh and I’m hearing a couple of more oh no is those silver fish oh gosh okay I’m hearing a couple more trial spawners flare up up here and Y we do have some silver fish fortunately no silverfish Stone around

But that’s just a stone brick around those spawners so that’s kind of fun I’ve never really had to fight the combination of silverfish and poison arrow wielding skeletons before so this is kind of a new experience looks like we burnt out that spawner there as well

What did that give us another trial key cool oh yikes I’m getting cornered by the skeletons here this isn’t going to be good let’s have a couple of them fight each other there we go just going to sneak up here onto this railing and see if I I didn’t bring enough wood

Really to repair my shield I wonder if there are any handy Supply chests around here maybe some of these barrels are going to have something that will help me repair my shield we got some more torches in here and some ender pearls which I really don’t fancy using when

I’m poisoned don’t really want to take any excess damage here and yeah we got a couple more skeletons spawning in but we can definitely Dodge those and allow them to attack each other so a few more ender pearls in here and a bit of tough and Scaffolding once again the

Scaffolding is going to be useful climbing around in here actually but it seems like this spawner here isn’t going to spit out the rewards until we actually go down here and clear out the rest of these skeletons oh and here we go there’s a zombie that’s spawned in

Here that doesn’t seem to be part of a set of spawns unless maybe oh no it must have come from here that’s the mossy cobblestone spawner okay well there are several of them down this Corridor there are a bunch of spawners in this structure that trial spawner gave us

Another trial key okay so it’s mostly giving us these Keys instead of the diamonds and emeralds that we saw in the original presentation the zombies are swarming the bottom of the ladder here but I can attack them from the ladder which should hopefully give me the edge

And a couple more AR going to spawn from The Trial spawner over here it’s not really spawning a ton of mobs I do wonder if we’d get like pack spawns and stuff if we ended up clearing out the blocks around them but that’s an ender pearl from that one and down here this

Spawner should give us a couple more zombie spawns so those will be nice and easy to take care of but I imagine if these spawners can be programmed effectively to have skeletons with poisoned arrows spawn I presume that’s what the mushrooms are supposed to indicate I wonder if you could also

Somehow configure it so that you had zombie wielding swords or shovels or something oh and that one did give us a couple of emeralds that’s nice man these structures are huge and there are spawners all over this Corridor that’s wild there’s another one down there as well and there’s probably some zombies

Sneaking up on me at this point this area is really zombie Central too it looks like well I kind of want to go back and see if we can double back to that breeze spawner and see if we’ve successfully edited it to produce skeletons instead of the breeze curious

To see if it’s been on cool down for long enough at this point no it does still seem to be burnt out okay well we’ll leave that one for now and continue down zombie Corridor getting all of these zombies to follow me down here would be a cinch if I had sweeping

Edge and sharpness on my sword they would not last very long at all and this place just continues on and on and oh there’s a tree here oh that’s actually really nice I can use that to repair my shield and in here we have some more honeycomb and some arrows perfect

Considering I didn’t really come down here with any ammunition I’m going to take down the tree replant a sapling here so that it will grow another oak tree it’s even got some water next to it so you could start a little farm if you need to that’s kind of

Sweet and now all I need is for one of these zombies to drop an iron ingot wait a second oh is this a crawling section are we able to we can crawl through the air vents we’re like John mlan in Die Hard this is perfect and it looks like

This section here actually has a door behind it what’s going on there’s a little secret area oh and now we can test whether or not zombies break down copper doors an enchanted golden apple and some diamonds oh hello protection fire protection chest plate Thorns chest

Plate an area we can set our spawn point I guess I am playing on normal difficulty here so zombies might not necessarily be able to break down doors on normal but they can at least still get that breaking animation to them on normal I think but yeah look out for

Little hidden areas like that in these trial spawners that’s so cool they’ve obviously put a copper great down there as kind of hint that hey this extends beyond that it’s got the transparency that you can see through it that’s very clever that’s some of the stuff I really

Love about video games is just like how easy it is to hide simple little secrets like that that even younger kids will be able to figure out but they’re so satisfying when you find them not to mention the fact that that one contained an enchanted golden apple I think that’s

Really really cool I think we have triggered a couple more of these to get on cool down and there’s some more glowberries for us incredible work and from what I understand these trial Chambers are going to come in a variety of shapes and sizes so every time you

Encounter one of these they’re going to feel different I expect the decor will end up with these things feeling kind of syy after a while but for now at least yes we got some iron ingots perfect we can repair my shield or at least craft a new Shield that is wonderful cuz my

Current one is ner ability only a couple more arrows and that Shield would be done for but yeah the replayability or the variety that you can get in these things is absolutely huge and the fact that you can see through these copper grates to different areas that you might

Be able to explore is really quite cool oh this one’s interesting we got a couple of these that have already burned out somehow but the uh ones up here seem to still be spawning skeletons plus a little bit of extra food for me which is nice there’s a couple of diamonds in

This chest here those two are fighting each other so I can take a look in here Unbreaking and Fortune pickaxes wow and there’s a lower level to this room as well that I hadn’t even spotted until just then right I think I need to eat this enchanted golden apple I’m feeling

A little bit too poisoned for my own good here and that should also allow me to pick up these golden carrots which are going to be a better source of food than the potatoes I’ve been eating so far and it looks like this is still going to spawn a couple more skeletons

But unless more of them have ended up down there this thing should burn out shortly and there we go we’ve defeated it it pops out a trial key and burns out for the moment well that’s awesome I really like these places I’m not normally a PVP kind of guy I’ve done a

Little bit of like miname PVP in the past but I’m never all that great when it comes to combat challenges this stuff though has a little PVE challenge kind of throwing you some curve balls every so often this is really quite fun maybe it’s the fact that it’s a new experience

Maybe it’s the fact that it just gave me a fortune ax and a silk touch and a mending book all in the same chest but I can see myself doing these a whole bunch they not only have a loot that is worth coming here for but they have a bunch of

Cool ideas they have all these little secret areas and just the fact that the spawners are able to refresh and cool down and refresh again is really exciting we got another couple of books in here there’s a silk touch there and a loyalty 3 book as well that’s super cool

Especially since the proposed changes to villager trading are going to remove Trident enchantments from the pool of stuff you can get from villagers so it’s really interesting that they’ve introduced these potentially as a way of getting those enchantments back well the corridors around here are kind of

Winding so I think I’m headed back in the right direction yes I don’t think I checked out this room yet what’s going on in here okay a bunch of spawners down there at ground level a little bit of Parkour to get to the chests which are

Over here oh and that one has a shield that I could have used to repair my other one so there are more spawners in here we kind of have to weave around the room trying to find our way to the supply chests one of which is right here

That’s got a couple more enchanted books and another shield in there along with an enchanted crossbow if you’re a crossbow user this one’s got some more horse armor of a couple of different varieties and I wonder if bringing a wolf in here once wolf armor is implemented with armadillos is going to

Be a good call with these mobs around I expect wolves would do pretty well at this point though I could really use sweeping Edge on my sword cuz the zombies are kind of cornering me in a staircase maybe I’ll pour a bucket of lava on them next time that happens now

I’m looking around for more of those little secret vents to crawl into and stuff like that right I think there’s some really cool opportunities to conceal stuff in here and I don’t know how affected these spawners are By the Light level around them but I wonder if

You could just pour a bucket of lava on the top the downside to that though is that you end up potentially losing the item that the trial spawner spits out once you’ve defeated all of the mobs so that’s actually kind of you could flood the area around them

With lava but you just got to be careful that you don’t destroy the items as they appear from The Trial spawner looks like there’s just one more skeleton to take out around this corner that one over there is already done and Y we got the emeralds from this one and around this

Corner we’re getting oh a potion is that a potion of strength it is 3 minutes of strength potion to help you through the rest of the dungeon that’s cool so I believe we got all of the treasure that was in this room we’ve at least checked

All of the loot chests and stuff there’s a staircase that leads upwards here but that just leads to this little Al Cove where we found the beds and stuff let’s head back to that other spawner and see if it’s still on cool down or if it can

Spawn some skeletons now nope looks like that one is still burnt out I think it’s going to be a little while before we can come back here and repeat any of these trials but down here it looks like we aren’t getting any natural mob spawns

And I wonder if the bounding box of this structure is spawn protected so that only the stuff that is relevant to the trial chamber itself is going to spawn in Darker areas but for my first experience with these trial Chambers I am very impressed one thing we haven’t

Seen so far as far as I can tell is any other traps anything else like the trip wire Hooks and dispensers that we saw in the demonstration at Minecraft live so I’m curious if there’s anything like that around waiting to trip us up but that is where we’re going to leave it

For this episode exploring the snapshot and I can’t wait to do more of this I’ll probably be checking these out on a stream tomorrow as well so if you feel like popping by over at twitch.tv/ pixor ifs you you can find me there attempting to find more of these Chambers in

Survival and taking them on but that’s going to be it for this episode thank you so much for watching my name has been pixor riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video If you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and I’ll see you folks soon take care bye

For Now

This video, titled ‘Finding a Trial Chamber in Survival! ▫ Minecraft 1.21 Update, Snapshot 23w45a ▫ Survival Gameplay’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2023-11-08 21:00:18. It has garnered 61024 views and 3792 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:29 or 1769 seconds.

Mojang has released the next snapshot for Minecraft 1.21! After their reveal at Minecraft Live 2023, Snapshot 23w45a brings us Trial Chambers, a new multi-room dungeon structure complete with Trial Spawners and a new mob, The Breeze! In this video I see how easy it is to find and complete a Trial Chamber in a fresh Survival world.

First, we gear up and go caving, collecting diamonds and upgrading our tools and armour as we search for this new structure. We answer the question of how to find a trial chamber when, 45 minutes later, we stumble across one in a cave!

If you want to play along, here’s the info you will need for Snapshot 23w45a with Experimental features enabled: World seed: -9216443774065915274 Trial Chamber Coordinates: X;100, Y=-15, Z:650 (approx.)

Breaking into the structure, we’re immediately faced with poison arrow skeletons spawned from a nearby Trial Spawner. We encounter several of these throughout the dungeon, spawning Silverfish, Zombies, and even the new Breeze mob – which knocks the player back and can activate redstone components with its Wind Charges!

We also discover some Trial Chamber secrets, including ‘vents’ you can crawl through, and a secret room with an enchanted golden apple and diamond armour! Throughout the structure we check out loot chests, smash decorated pots for hidden items, and speculate about what Trial Keys could unlock…

Check out the full snapshot changelog here: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-23w45a —-

Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #1_21 #Snapshot #TrialChamber #Survival

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  • frozenMC

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Conspiracy: Game-Changing Theory

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  • 🔥 AWAKEN BUDDHA FRUIT – Solo Challenge! 🐒 #EPIC

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  • Insane Minecraft MineMalia Gameplay with GreyplaysXDlol!

    Insane Minecraft MineMalia Gameplay with GreyplaysXDlol!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing minecraft minemalia :)’, was uploaded by GreyplaysXDlol on 2024-02-26 13:47:14. It has garnered 112 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:38 or 5258 seconds. hai ip: play.minemalia.com both cracked 🙂 click *read more* / Discord: https://discord.gg/97Shx5ByNR Totally not a channel u should sub to: https://youtube.com/channel/UCGbYENXNIQ3J3LuleGIqIlA My other channel thingy: https://youtube.com/channel/UCNdgM3IszkIuLtiJIwQLJBQ My best friend channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCH03UEK13Yfbw-OZuoKbBYA sub i guess Read More

  • 🔥 100k Subs Special: Crafting for Palestine 🇵🇸 #minecraft

    🔥 100k Subs Special: Crafting for Palestine 🇵🇸 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘#100ksubscribers #فلسطين #minecraft #اذا تدعم هذا العلم حط لايك واشتراك وتعليق 🇵🇸❤️’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:31:44. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Ultimate Survival Player Types! 😱 #minecraft

    SHOCKING: Ultimate Survival Player Types! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Types of survival 😲 players in Minecraft ⛏️|| #minecraft #viral #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by NUFF GAMER YT on 2024-05-31 13:30:03. It has garnered 637 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Types of survival 😲 players in Minecraft ⛏️ Your Queries:- NUFF GAMER YT minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft build battle, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build challenge, minecraft build battle cheating, minecraft build house, minecraft build timelapse, minecraft build tips, minecraft build hacks bedrock edition, minecraft build ideas survival, minecraft build the earth, minecraft build tutorial… Read More

  • BreadCraft Vanilla SMP Applications Bedrock/Java

    Welcome to BreadCraft! If you’re seeking a small, friendly survival SMP for builders and content creators, you’ve found the perfect place. BreadCraft is an application-based economy SMP designed for worry-free gameplay without any griefing. We offer Vanilla Tweaks player head drops and Vanilla Tweaks Armour stands+. To join us, please fill out our application form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Axes are broken OP

    Well, looks like Steve is really stepping up his game on day one with that stone axe. Watch out, Creepers! Read More

  • Crafting Classroom Fun: Minecraft Ed Rules Done!

    Crafting Classroom Fun: Minecraft Ed Rules Done! In the classroom, Minecraft can be a tool so cool, But watch out for students trying to break the rules. Predefined settings keep the learning on track, So be prepared for any sneaky attack. To support this adventure, use the Amazon link, And help us keep creating content that’s in sync. Follow us on Twitter for updates and more, But remember, this is not an official Minecraft lore. Stay sharp, stay focused, and keep the fun alive, With Minecraft Education, let creativity thrive. So dive into the world, with blocks and mobs galore, And let your students learn, like… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle of the Sexes: Boys vs Girls! #lit #minecraft #memes

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