EPIC Minecraft adventure continues – PS4 bedrock!!

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Unfortunately I don’t know what happened I guess lost internet for a minute so this be part two part two hopefully notification will go out and it did Perfect all right we’re back we back again for you know actually I think this time I’m not going to have the music going cuz hii again

Hello I had to restart the PlayStation because I guess I don’t know WiFi died so I didn’t know how to access the Wi-Fi so yeah so I just restarted and that’s fixed it it seemed like oh my gosh I think the controller is good ah it’s low again God damn it lovely yep

Okay okay yeah because the PlayStation like when I was trying to start the stream again it was saying like you have to be connected to Internet I was like okay well seems like the PlayStation disconnected from the Wi-Fi I guess which it happens sometimes so hopefully

It won’t happen again if it does happen again then I’ll just probably end stream from there but so I have been playing this for a while now so yeah any I’m not going to play the music anymore I need a little bit of quiet so you’ll hear be some controller ASMR most

Likely all right going to go to sleep okay zzy okay he’s right under there he’s trying to get me bro what where did he go wait do I have a bow what okay okay bro for if you want K we could VC if you want I just have to do it off my

Phone I’m back man got little bored so hoped on LOL all right welome back Richard ow oh [ __ ] help help help help yeah I had to restart stream because I had to restart stream Richard because well it crashed so I had to restart again so we

Back sorry what did you say before Oh I say so what’s up uh nothing much just been playing over here and by the way okay I was I was saying we can VC if you want if you’re bored it’s up to you though the stream will hear you don’t worry but this

Microphone actually is really good at hearing background noise so like you can literally hear me playing on the controller you can literally hear me playing and you can literally and you heard how well my phone got picked up when I was playing music on it earlier

Like you heard how well it was picking up the music in the last stream nothing much either there from Ricardo logos sh I like how you made it say your name sure all right hold on let me get my phone up over here o the new Discord layout is cool wait how do

I oh I need to make sure it’s on speaker hold on speaker hello hello can you hear me all right yes okay good LOL sh I’m so tired so tired I’m so tired I can hear you actually clearly that’s so weird I mean it’s a headset so yeah yeah headset so yeah

Yeah a [ __ ] the controller charger fell out again there we go so hello Kate hello how are you nice wait I can hear you you guys can hear Kate let’s go my voice died right there oh got baby pig over here what should I do to

It chat what should I do what should I do to the B baby pig leave the pig alone Alone didn’t do anything to you that’s Fair wait why do you sound like MC a little bit through the microphone I don’t like that wa speak again I don’t want to I speak again I don’t want to okay no you don’t sound like MC you just sound a little similar right there you’re

Fine I mean remember that one time when I couldn’t like tell like I thought like MC was you for a minute cuz your your guys voices do sound identical a little bit I mean MC is from Manchester so oh yeah yeah I mean it’s in a [ __ ] name [ __ ] MC is

Manchester you guys can definitely tell Kate likes to swear a lot so just letting you know on that she’s Cal mine too [ __ ] sometimes you tell me not to swear well you you do it aggressively sometimes yeah so do you yeah whenever I swear it’s always needed oh really excuse she’s making excuses

Uh I don’t make excuses M no okay I think we all do I just speak facts sure sure sure Texas speech is so funny though on this thing yeah I was abusing it earlier you were and I was you were just making me I could like I could not stop

Laughing at one point it was so funny and I had a feeling you were laughing too yeah I still have it turned on right now but like no one’s chatting so it’s not saying anything right now yeah it is l oh Richard just said it is

Funny um okay so let’s go oh what is over here it’s been a pretty chill day I would say it’s almost 2 o’clock wow I’ve been live for like almost two hours pretty much if you think about it yeah cuz I’m pretty sure when I joined You’ been streaming for like an

Hour so yeah I’m just having that much fun on a PlayStation yeah it does feel weird though I won’t even lie it feels like I never thought I was going to be able to like stream on a PlayStation but my sister allowed me to she’s so

Nice my parents just left but I don’t know if my sister is here or not she probably is but I don’t know your music keeps going uh H uh turn it down no it’s fine I don’t really mind it okay it’s just funny though it’s going uh

Uh cuz like the microphone’s trying to pick it up but it can’t really yeah I got a better microphone over here I’m using I’m using the headset that my sister got for her PS4 I’ve always had like these moments where I’m like oh wait I forgot I’m not this isn’t my own

PS4 or PlayStation 4 oh there a found a ruin portal over here see what we got um okay oh got some flint and steel take that thank you very much oh wait what no I don’t want I didn’t want to do that someone just sent me a

Snap I heard it Buzz oh you did yeah oh it’s just a black screen bro they were probably doing streaks I don’t know anyways so yesterday I want I’m going to tell you guys what happened yesterday so there’s like this person right I’m not going to say any names obviously but

Like he’s he’s he’s funny and all like he’s chill and all that stuff but like he’s not chill at the same time he’s very energetic and he’s kind of destructive um so basically what happened was he got like really like he was just he just gets really excited a little too excited

Sometimes and he’s like he’s like the same age as my sister and like 15 so yeah and basically like he was throwing stuff around he it was a little funny but like at the same time it wasn’t good because he decided to go we have like a guest room and uh he decided

To flop on it and he broke the frame so the FR that bed’s [ __ ] broken now oh gosh and like um in my sister’s room like he would throw stuff around he almost broke a bottle of glass Jesus like a glass bottle and like he almost broke a mirr like he’s just

He’s just so goofy like he doesn’t even mean I don’t think he really means to do it like um purpose purpose but like he still does it like he just gets too wound up and I it was it was getting honestly annoying but it was still kind of funny

A little bit I got some videos of it can you die please skeleton thank you oh my god spider piss off they streaming for freaking okay okay so what are you doing right now Kate I am painting my nails oh yeah I forgot like your nails how you doing

That Richard are you still in stream I don’t know if he’s still here or not he’s probably just listening oh [ __ ] I missed ah thank you oh okay almost almost freaking got killed right there my gosh says I have three viewers oh Hey skeleton stop moving got him oh what’s down here now she’s mocking me Oo this TV like when you’re in a darker area it like dims the screen a bit and when I’m in a lighter air the screen gets a little brighter like it’s a little more realistic it’s cool actually like it auto adjusts tired Sho um Chatters chat I don’t know what to

Say you guys can probably you can tell I’m probably getting a bit bored now but it’s fine I have I have nothing to do so I’m just going to keep playing it’s Sunday you know I got to relax on a Sunday yeah SCH tomorrow no me to but my birthday is in 10

Weeks or almost in like a week and a half almost now like I think it’s not this Wednesday coming up but next Wednesday is my birthday by the way buddy if you’re thinking of getting a wheel and pedals in the future I’m selling my thrust Master handbrake for PC only let me

Know all right sure Richard I’ll think about it for sure y you oh my gosh mold I did that all right and this goes to everyone else how’s it going noie the great gay okay shut the [ __ ] up mold but it’s going all right how are you

Doing don’t know what’s going into old and her calling me gay was I’m not nice DTS yes Texas spee yeah it’s like a chat reader thing I have on does it say nagger whoa whoa whoa whoa mole do not say that holy [ __ ] Mo just made it say the N word

Holy Mo do not say that again holy [ __ ] that’s why that’s the only that’s why I had that’s my only fear of having it on people saying like stuff like that do not say that again mold oh my God that’s oh my God oh I’m not sure if I should keep it

Turned on now God damn bro but it’s fun yeah but I don’t want people saying the NW in my freaking stream bro I mean the thing is mole didn’t even say the m word it just pronounced it as like that and I don’t know why

I mean it’s nice to have it turned on but I don’t even need to look at chat yeah okay that was actually funny okay yeah yeah it was a little funny yeah but like just I don’t want my stream to get taken down so don’t say that again

Please there’s nothing down here I’m getting out of this stupid ass cave oh boy but I want to say it now I’ll mute your ass if you say it again wait Kate did you hear it like what it said I didn’t hear it no I’ve got stream

Muted but I have it up oh okay well basically mold say made the Texas speech say the N word God no is gay you’re gay you’re like you like Draven why do you always keep joining draven’s streams huh do you like him do you like it do do you like older men

Why do he joining his streams H H I’m kidding by way relax hi I’m TTS and I agree Nolan is gay son of a [ __ ] bro a stupid ass controller keeps unplugging there we go that’s crazy TTS agrees you made it say that you doofus I’m going to be real with you

Mold though I mean like I know obviously you’re joking and all that stuff but I I actually do get a little uncomfortable when people call me gay and all that stuff cuz I’m actually not so that’s not nice is it all right if you don’t say that please actually was it I don’t

Really like to be called that so that’s not no I know I’m sorry I’m so sorry and what did I even say oh I said no don’t call me that either I don’t want to call that either you can call me I’ll let you call me nly still I don’t like that

Either you can call me noie still I’m fine with that just don’t call me gay and fan booy because I don’t actually it makes me uncomfortable a little bit be no not that either mole just freaking listen bro oh my God you’re so bad listening bro I am

Listening all right just so don’t say it again then don’t call me don’t trans okay can you actually please stop MB no you’re good I’m just asking you to stop calling me these things that’s all I know you’re joke like I know you don’t actually mean it but like still that’s

All you can still call me noie I’m fine with the noie part I find it funny does TTS say you oh it kind of did say it right there actually it kind of does you kind of just made it say it y oh okay you should hear what the taxi

Speaker say right now it’s funny oh oh oh it said that perfectly W Yes W indeed smile oh Oh hi up hello gamer 151 oh my gosh mold I’m sorry to say you’re sounding a bit like a fury right now I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking I’m joking you’re not you’re not oh I can hear my replay on stream from UK TTS is a free got exactly

Meow sorry Kate what did you say I don’t have your stream um un oh I can hear it Kate it’s muted is it now muted no it was muted before yeah okay just wondering what other nicknames do you got to call me like are you asking like

What n nicknames um other people call me I was about to accidentally say a really bad word right there but I mean some people I don’t know why but some people call me Dave yeah noie is one nickname people always called me noie or Nolly bully um y you

Um and some people call me Dave for some reason I don’t know why people call me Dave that’s like one of my friends call me Dave at school or some people call me null I don’t know I usually like to just be I I usually just prefer being called Nolan

But I don’t mind being I guess I’ve GTS and I’m gay oh my God but um what was I going to say oh yeah um yeah people I don’t I’ve gotten used to people calling me noie I don’t know I don’t know everyone just calls me

That now it’s just like I’m I’ve gotten so used to it now the thing it’s because of school my teachers call me it sometimes your teachers call you noie yeah they call me noie bully ravioli and I’m like why a bit weird no no there like they’re just they’re special teachers they’re

They’re they’re not they’re not your average teachers right here you know they’re actually really fun though and now mold over here is calling me that so I’m like okay great now I have another person that I know kind of um I’m saying kind of but I only know

You online LOL what the hell I know right I don’t know why they call me that I’m fine with people call me I guess if people call me noie I don’t mind it hi noie byly ravioli you said that perfectly mold props on that props on the spelling my goodness

[ __ ] anyway sorry the the charger fell out again actually how much battery does the controller have oh it’s fully charged kind of I don’t know I’ll wait till it gives me a little battery warning again I don’t think Kate ever called me noie I don’t think so no I don’t think

You do you just call me Nolan and just Ren me wait what God damn and one I going to say oh yeah I used to call K Katie by accident sometimes yeah you saw my name was Katie that’s one no but that’s like back when we like first

Met yeah yeah but it’s Kate Kate Kate Kate at my school who thinks my name is Katie it’s [ __ ] Kate get it right God if my parents wanted me to be called Katie they would an I but obviously I don’t have an my name is k a t uh yeah

Yeah wait mold say Draven again I think the Texas P I think the Texas speech said Draven Draven it says Draven oh there’s 5 z messages LOL yeah it counts to how many messages are in chat that’s cool I like that yeah it’s nice I think on the PS5 they don’t have

That feature the PS5 is a little more fancier I don’t know well we’ll have to find out one if I even get a PS5 for right now I’m using PS4 I’m going have to make another sword God damn it what the flip dude what the flip dude

Sick um yes pretty cool isn’t it Richard yeah it’s actually kind of nice because then I don’t know oh I already had a sword the whole time [ __ ] I just wasted iron oh well I’m just blind dude [ __ ] dude said that so casually does it do Emojis yeah it actually does say out

Emojis wink wink Emoji Quant oh my god oh [ __ ] emoi Okay Hand Emoji Okay Hand freaky skeleton bro bro died Emoji hammer and pick all right Emoji smiling face with sunglasses Emoji sport utility vehicle bro cannot get any freaking Emoji hammer and pick Emoji hammer and pick Emoji hammer

And pick Emoji hammer and pick don’t be annoying don’t be annoying mold if you guys are just going to spam it I’ll just I can I can easily just turn it off oh man how did it say laughing yeah saying laughing when you say l which is laughing my ass off but

It just says laughing WTF what the [ __ ] Emoji Quant I ain’t doing that when it says Quant it’s it’s funny yeah Emoji wood wood Emoji flag Israel LOL man I haven’t felt this comfortable streaming but I I usually sit in a gaming chair but I’m actually sitting on a couch while playing

That’s that’s that’s the best part of playing on Console why do I have a chest plate of a freaking oh I know they say don’t mine at night guys but I’m mining at night there’s literally an entire Minecraft parody song saying do not mind

It now no I know that that’s why I said that Emoji toilet toilet toilet oh okay pause ow 9:00 oh my God this stupid spider is messing up my aim okay calm down God damn bro oh my God ah get out of here boy die oh my oh no got attacked by a

Curtain where the scream wa I rehear that scream I just did wait is TTS gay stop it [ __ ] [ __ ] stupid skeleton oh [ __ ] I have go for a little bit LOL have fun maybe later if you like we can play together Emoji grinning face okay 51 I

Am about to die right now Old Times noan by okay see you g 51 Emoji hammer and pick Emoji hammer and pick I swear to God a [ __ ] I’m back at the [ __ ] jungle again yeah I’m not going over there Emoji waste basket I’m going to die bro this isn’t good Emoji flag

Isra okay why does it say isra I don’t know actually why it says that because it’s goofy it’s goofy yeah like me for real Emoji Quant the op Hammer pck thing is getting a little Annoying yeah mold’s just being mold Emoji hammer and pick Emoji hammer and pick

Exactly emoji quason Emoji Quant Emoji Quant mold why why you like this o more iron Emoji monkey how’s your nail thing going Kate just waiting for them to Jo now oh nice Emoji ax okay oh you can hear my iPad a bit emoji cow yeah I can that’s what I was

Saying Emoji first quarter moon E I can myself emoji horse that’s great Emoji soft ball emoji softball balls balls no hey get your ass back here here we go laughing for real for real for real for real Emoji baby oh okay Emoji toothbrush oh toothbrush guys make sure to brush your

Teeth Emoji egg egg emoji hammer and pick yes oh my God Emoji Moi Emoji hammer and pick the hammer and pick is actually getting annoying bro the delay of stream is so bad what do you you mean it’s not that bad emoji flag is Wii flag isra I mean

I’m all the way in England M what the [ __ ] you expect okay calm down godamn woman pick Emoji hammer and it’s not even my Wii it’s just of how far I live K guys Kate’s bullying me such what oh you’re in England I know yeah kton yeah wait you you want me

To say it what like someone said oh you’re in England yes I am in England I am and I’m in Canada oh [ __ ] we go Emoji Fox I’m from Canada Cade Emoji unicorn Emoji peacock no oh [ __ ] why does it split peacock I’m not sure I heard your phone vibrate Emoji spider Emoji spider web Emoji mosquito oh I [ __ ] hate mosquitos bro they’re so annoying it’s my mother your mother yeah what does she want it wants me to come downstairs oh Emoji cowboy hat

Face emoji hammer and pick emoji hammer and I swear to God if you don’t shut the hell up I’m going to turn off the goddamn Texas speech oh my gosh Emoji hammer and pick oh my God LOL that sounds me oh yeah I’m G cook This Mother Emoji hammer

And pick Emoji hammer and pick emoj hammer and pick stop please oh my gosh Emoji hammer and pick I’m about to turn it off bro I’m about to turn off the Texas speech bro I’m the damn Hammer pick driving me beep crazy LOL please for real Emoji hammer and pick mold stop

Stop for real Indeed I think Kate went to go do something I think her mom also talk to her about something I don’t know Emoji automobile Emoji automobile Emoji automobile Emoji hammer and Ranch Emoji hammer and Ranch hammering wrench bro what God the screen is so freaking bright actually holy crap I’m going get out of

Here oh oh God hi I’m going to go oh man all right byebye Emoji hammer all right and here we go oh come On no I’m not ending stream mold I’m just I was saying bye to Kate you’re getting mad at Emoji Hammer I’m not no I’m not I was saying bye I was trying to talk over the Texas speech but Kate was saying bye to me you doofus no I’m

Kidding if I mess around with you guys for a little bit like if I mess you sorry I can hammer and pick mother fu anyways if I mess around with you guys if I call you guys doofus or whatever I don’t actually mean it I’m obviously just joking but

Like people like mold for example I’m definitely going to say it to her because she doesn’t shut up with the freaking hammer and pick and shiter oh you son of a [ __ ] Emoji hammer and pick I’m turning this off bro it’s getting annoying Now there we go Turn it back on no I’m not letting you guys saying that stuff what time is it holy [ __ ] it’s 2 o’ Wow oh [ __ ] I kind is pretty cool yeah whoa that was actually kind of cool how they both exploded like That all right um I might go a little bit here guys because I do have some other stuff to do or I mean i’ I’ve been playing for like almost two hours and like I’ve been doing nothing but this so I’m probably going to do something more productive when I’m

Done I do some chores or whatever I don’t think I ate yet they went far no oh cool I’m not turning it back on it’s actually gotten annoying I I want to turn I’m going to keep it off for now oh [ __ ] okay no but you’re going to keep

Spamming you’re going to keep saying hammer and pick hammer and pick now you’re on way to play in a termin terminate ter I can’t [ __ ] speak holy [ __ ] well good luck with that hope it goes well you suck yeah I know I do [ __ ] I think I found a ruined portal over

Here by the way if anyone’s wondering why I’m streaming on a PS4 it’s not actually my PS4 it’s my sister’s so don’t freak out I didn’t buy myself a PS4 don’t worry I’m not not that Stupid oh my God I’m not turning it back on bro no no you like Draven mold you shouldn’t be talk no I’m kidding what L dven exactly bro that’s what I’m talking about do it or you don’t okay bro got hidden do it or you don’t like dven well

I don’t like Draven so I’m not going to do it [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that actually lagged a bit well if you hate him so much then why do you join his streams all the time I mean I guess I could I mean the real reason was probably just to troll him but still

Anyways oh [ __ ] God I am so bad at playing on PS4 oh oh my God I can’t oh did I pissed off the Enderman I think I just pissed off the Enderman by accident but it’s raining so you can’t get me I’m actually going turn off the music

For a little bit it’s getting annoying especially the ads too God damn oh my God bro can’t do anything oh my goodness I’m going to go back to spawn here because I’m think I’m going to get ready to end stream because I’ve been live for

A very long time hello M welcome to the stream yeah I’ve been streaming for two hours in total my last the stream I did earlier crash so I had to start again but yeah I’m going to get going uh so thank you to everyone who joined do appreciate

It um I’m going to go sleep here first so yeah anyways see you guys later I might play or not play what am I saying uh I might stream again later but I don’t really know cuz I streamed like twice today so I don’t know if I’ll do one

Later probably not we’ll see though anyways see you later have a good one is a creeper freaking God damn okay all right see you guys hold up wait I forgot how to end the Stream

This video, titled ‘Starting a new world Minecraft Ps4 bedrock part 2’, was uploaded by theSAXman on 2023-12-11 08:00:34. It has garnered 39 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:51 or 3771 seconds.

Hi! My name is Nolan and I’m a saxophone player and also a piano player! I’ll be mostly posting saxophone covers on this channel so I hope you enjoy them!

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    Outsmarting Minecraft's Glitchy World Minecraft’s Broken Worldtype: Deleted Chunks Challenge Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with the challenge of surviving in a world filled with deleted chunks. Join the journey on Youtube as the player attempts to navigate this unique and challenging environment. The Challenge Today’s mission is simple yet daunting: find diamonds in a world that is far from normal. The landscape is filled with unexpected obstacles due to the use of a specific datapack that introduces random deleted chunks into the game. Explore the link to the datapack provided on Planet Minecraft to understand the mechanics behind this altered world… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Trapzen vs. Creepy Shark!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Trapzen vs. Creepy Shark!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey TAMED Creepy SHARK and MADE HARD GAME LVL to Monster ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Trapzen on 2024-09-09 22:20:27. It has garnered 1683 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:06 or 1806 seconds. How MIKEY TAMED Creepy SHARK and MADE HARD GAME LVL to Monster ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • Hiding from Man in Minecraft

    Hiding from Man in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE From MAN FROM THE WINDOW, POU.EXE, SONIC TAPES, Lunar Moon in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by JJ and Mikey №1 on 2024-09-18 16:00:12. It has garnered 11703 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:13 or 2413 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE From MAN FROM THE WINDOW, POU.EXE, SONIC TAPES, Lunar Moon in Minecraft! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Original Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Read More

  • “CRAZY REACTIONS! Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live” #minecraft

    "CRAZY REACTIONS! Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Public SMP Server | Minecraft Live | #minecraft #minecraftserver’, was uploaded by SMILING GAMER on 2024-07-30 01:19:26. It has garnered 70 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:31 or 9211 seconds. minecraft live,minecraft,minecraft live 2022,minecraft mob vote,minecraft live 2020,minecraft live action,minecraft mod,minecraft live 2022 mob vote,so i triggered my minecraft live stream,minecraft smp,minecraft but,minecraft map,minecraft funny,minecraft update,live minecraft,minecraft dungeons,minecraft live 2021,minecraft live 2023,minecraft live 2024,minecraft live event,minecraft live trailer,minecraft lore,minecraft live music 2022 ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram : https://instagram.com/smiling_gamer07?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ== 🔉 Discord : https://discord.gg/DzPMDa3C9h ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ 💰… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pe Survival – Rebuilding HEROBRINE SMP Portal 😱

    Insane Minecraft Pe Survival - Rebuilding HEROBRINE SMP Portal 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I Rebuild HEROBRINE SMP Portal In Minecraft Pe Survival🥰 | Minecraft Pe Ep 5’, was uploaded by NotSpedy on 2024-06-22 05:45:41. It has garnered 799 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. ⁠ _________________________________________ 🌺 INSTRAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/not_spedy?igsh=MWZvdTRzd3JnaWNqcw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 🌺DISCORD: https://discord.gg/UB65sbrs __________________________________________ 🌺Hastags : – #minecraft #minecraftfunnygameplay #minecraftsurvivalseries #minecraftsurvival #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftgameplay1 #minecrafthardcormode #survival #survivalseries #minecraftlive #minecraftbuilding #isurvived100daysminecrafthindipocketaddition #gaming #games #minecraftlongvideo __________________________________________ 🌺I request you 🥺 : – 🌺HIT LIKE SUBSCRIBE BUTTON ❤ 👆🏻 👆🏻 🌺Like aim 50 likes ☺ __________________________________________ 🌺My Video Editing Apps 🥰 :- 1.Pixellab And… Read More

  • EriCristian Bros – INSANE Minecraft moments! #shorts

    EriCristian Bros - INSANE Minecraft moments! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Momentos más graciosos de Minecraft parte 54 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by EriCristian Bros on 2024-08-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 11740 views and 205 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Funniest moments in Minecraft Funniest moments in Minecraft part 9 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 10 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 11 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 12 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 13 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 14 Funniest moments from Minecraft part 15 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 1 Funniest moments in Minecraft part 2 Funniest moments… Read More

  • “Real Elvish Kids Discover Demon Creeper?? 😱” #MinecraftMadness

    "Real Elvish Kids Discover Demon Creeper?? 😱" #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper real and devil face #minecraft #trending #gaming’, was uploaded by Elvish Kids on 2024-09-15 07:58:48. It has garnered 432 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. Read More

  • I SECRETLY CHEATED in StuffyCraft SMP 😱 #Minecraft

    I SECRETLY CHEATED in StuffyCraft SMP 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I didn’t go into creative mode in StuffyCraft SMp #minecraft #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by StuffyPack537 on 2024-01-13 21:38:42. It has garnered 75 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Exploring Insane Ghost Town in Minecraft

    Exploring Insane Ghost Town in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘NEW MINECRAFT WORLD’, was uploaded by MrDakota on 2024-09-09 03:23:34. It has garnered 434 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:12 or 12672 seconds. just started up a new minecraft world #minecraft #livestream #livegaming #justchatting #GAMING #livegaming Read More

  • 🔥BEST Minecraft Mod Ever! StarBlaze Op – MUST WATCH! #shorts

    🔥BEST Minecraft Mod Ever! StarBlaze Op - MUST WATCH! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best mod ____🥲😱____#shorts #youtubeshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by StarBlaze Op on 2024-04-18 12:55:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. voice:-@Mc-lol Minecraft gamez shorts Anshu Bisht Proboiz proboiz 95 skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz … Read More

  • The 13th Collective SMP Whitelisted 18+

    Welcome to our 18+ Server! Join our laid back and chill server to meet new friends and relax. Our world is growing with a spawn town/city. Simply reply with your discord username to join! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mincraft: The Ultimate Power

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme #3: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme #3: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Toppling Base Prank in Minecraft

    Toppling Base Prank in Minecraft Building a Falling Base in Minecraft Survival: Day 5 Day 5 of the Vinland Survival Challenge In the latest installment of the Vinland Survival Challenge, our intrepid Minecraft player is hard at work constructing a master fort in survival mode. Day 5 sees significant progress, with the completion of the roof and walls of the fort. The attention to detail and dedication to the project are truly impressive. What to Expect Next While the roof and walls are now finished, there is still much more to come in the following days. The creator promises to share updates on the… Read More

  • Get ready for EPIC adventure on my MODDED Minecraft server!

    Get ready for EPIC adventure on my MODDED Minecraft server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🤗 TE INVITO a mi NUEVO SERVIDOR Minecraft CON MODS 1.12.2’, was uploaded by Vaquero MC on 2024-09-05 22:55:00. It has garnered 1185 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. SERVER con MODS 🤗 NO PREMIUM 1.12.2 [ MODS] MINECRAFT 24/7. NEW SERVER with MODS NON PREMIUM SERVER with MODS for 1.12.2. PLAY on the best MODS SERVER. Chisel mod, Electroblob’s Wizardry, Quark, Hywla, Optifine, Botania, Dungeons, Mobs, backpacks, Spartan Weapons, bloodmoon, VOICE CHAT. SERVER with MODS, SURVIVAL to make friends. +40 MODS, PUBLIC SERVER with MODS without… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Cursed Gravity Blocks in Minecraft

    The Ultimate Guide to Cursed Gravity Blocks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘EASY how to obtain CURSED GRAVITY BLOCKS in survival Minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Targeeet on 2024-08-16 06:01:55. It has garnered 4155 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. EASY how to obtain CURSED GRAVITY BLOCKS in survival Minecraft #shorts #minecraft Read More

  • 🔥🔥🔥 EPIC NEW Meta ChargeSMP Application!

    🔥🔥🔥 EPIC NEW Meta ChargeSMP Application!Video Information This video, titled ‘ChargeSMP application (better)’, was uploaded by META on 2024-07-17 13:31:47. It has garnered 18 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. TAGS: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school SMP… Read More

  • “EPIC Mosque Build in Minecraft | Step-by-Step Tutorial | Watch Now!” #saddiqbuilds

    "EPIC Mosque Build in Minecraft | Step-by-Step Tutorial | Watch Now!" #saddiqbuildsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Small Mosque | TUTORIAL | Minecraft Timelapse | Masjid Building ideas #saddiqbuilds’, was uploaded by MineMuslim_Saddiq on 2024-02-14 10:00:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Muslim Prayer Building. Beautiful nasheed recreation Shader name: Complementary reimagined Texturepack: default … Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Ragecraft IV Map! MUST WATCH

    INSANE Adventure in Ragecraft IV Map! MUST WATCHVideo Information This video, titled ‘The ADVENTURE In This Minecraft Map Is TOO FUN! (Ragecraft IV)’, was uploaded by KVT on 2024-05-31 17:17:32. It has garnered 635 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:39 or 1779 seconds. For this map, I brought two of the BEST CTM Players I know to take on the NEW BEST Minecraft Map “Ragecraft IV: Underworld”. Let’s see how we do feat. @phosr @quillver1 ========================= ➤ Minecraft CTM ➤ Ragecraft IV: Underworld ➤ Map Download: https://ctmrepository.com/download.php?id=588 Map Info Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso Custom textures by cocoacollei Music by… Read More

  • Crafting chaos in Minecraft coop | LIVE with Archityp!

    Crafting chaos in Minecraft coop | LIVE with Archityp!Video Information This video, titled ‘Wir dulden keine Craftausdrücke! | MINECRAFT Coop (mit Archityp) | Deutsch | LIVE’, was uploaded by SullivanCooper on 2024-06-15 22:41:29. It has garnered 1281 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:44 or 17744 seconds. The shaders are here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/shaders/bliss-shader Intro song by Bensenmusicberlin: https://www.instagram.com/bensenmusicberlin/ Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/D3Jtr35Mde My podcast with Archityp: https://open.spotify.com/show/5cpZI8VN8vsGgJ6ePN0cmP YouTube Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/@SullivanCooper/shorts Merchandise: https://sullivancooper.myspreadshop.de/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sullivancooperyt?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc Spenden (PayPal): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/SullivanCooper697?country.x=DE&locale.x=de_DE Donations (StreamElements): https://streamelements.com/sullivancooper-c145f/tip Mein System: Intel Core i9-14900K 8 + 16 Kerne, 36MB l3-Cache Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Master X NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 24GB | MSI Ventus 3X… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Icarus Challenge: No Armor, No Shield, Elytras

    Insane Minecraft Icarus Challenge: No Armor, No Shield, ElytrasVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Icarus Challenge – No Armor, No Shield, Elytras Only’, was uploaded by Mr.Manu on 2024-06-14 18:00:02. It has garnered 284 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:07 or 1267 seconds. Subscribe for more challanges Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mr_Manu__ (For The Algortihm) This is a true minecraft shitpost minecraft manhunt minecraft but funny meme minecraft funniest mod Minecraft speedrun minecraft challange minecraft but lava rises minecraft but water rises 100 days Hardcore UHC hoplite battle royale minecraft 24 hours challenge moment I am slowly going insane #minecraft #challenge #speedrun #mrmanu Read More

  • Insane Aaironnn Livestream 😱

    Insane Aaironnn Livestream 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Chill Livestream!’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-07-22 22:59:32. It has garnered 998 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:38 or 9938 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftbut Read More

  • Insane Hacker Bedwars Practice Until Defeat!

    Insane Hacker Bedwars Practice Until Defeat!Video Information This video, titled ‘bedwars practice untill i lose (uncut)’, was uploaded by Hacker1o1 on 2024-09-01 21:33:16. It has garnered 218 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:41 or 2621 seconds. sorry for bad gameplay i simply suck at minecraft, also of course i die with 6 pearls two times i hate pearl fight Ign: Hacker1o1 Mouse: Glorius model o wireless (800 dpi, and 60 in game sensitivity) Keyboard: Keychron k10 Mouspad: Black Shark Gaming 47.2×23.6 inches Recording software : Obs Editing software : Teknos Blur and/or Premier Pro Server: bedwarspractice.club Ping: To the right… Read More

  • Ages of War

    Ages of WarAges of War is an action-packed Minecraft server where you can use a wide range of weapons, including guns, tanks, planes, and even nukes! engage in strategic combat and large-scale warfare, all set in a world with an active economy and small events to keep things exciting. To join, you’ll need to u install the modpack called ages of war. Read More

  • Prosper SMP – Vanilla 1.21 – DiscordSRV – Bluemap – Voice Plugin – Coreprotect – 16+ – Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Community! If you’re tired of your SMP dying off, join our community and discord server to stay connected with fellow gamers. We prioritize Minecraft but also enjoy playing a variety of games together. Our community is welcoming to new members and we are looking for dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. With major build projects always underway, our friendly and mature community is thriving. We have minimal rules, but we do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect for other players is key to a positive gaming experience. All members must join our discord server to… Read More


    Minecraft Memes - THE REIGNING ROYALS OF MINECRAFTThey may be the original king and queen of Minecraft, but have they even tried turning it off and on again? Read More

  • Mine Melodies: Guess Minecraft Voices & Songs

    Mine Melodies: Guess Minecraft Voices & Songs In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Characters and mobs, all part of the dream. Guess the voice, the sound, the song they bring, In this epic quiz, let your knowledge sing. From Creepers to Endermen, Alex to Villagers too, Can you guess them all, is the challenge for you. Listen closely, let your ears be your guide, In this Minecraft rap showdown, let your skills collide. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so tight, Describe each character, with all your might. Craft your words, like blocks in the game, In this Minecraft quiz, let your… Read More