EPIC Minecraft Adventure – Episode 31

Video Information

Good morning m city happy Monday I already said that hi hello it’s Hayden’s mom Bram grabbing that first what’s up Pidge hello fend I have no idea if I’m saying the name correctly but hyper hello how are you hello hello hello hello you guys all know the routine we’re up Live on

YouTube as well if we can get as many people over there uh right away uh they appreciate it obviously I’d rather you watch here on Twitch but if you can help us out and try to get us partner over on the YouTube that’ll be greatly appreciated as many watch hours and

Watch minutes as we can get right away other than that how the hell y’all doing happy flipping Monday let’s hope that’s even working somebody want to give me a test in the chat in the YouTube chat what is oh my goodness a little early on Monday we’re getting an extra half an

Hour in today’s stream cuz I was awake anyway we normally don’t start for another 19 minutes but I said you know what it’s Monday the people need their coffee the people need their Monday morning cartoons so here we are so here we is uh oh looks like it’s not working uh oh

Uh oh what broke probably this may be broke uh somebody give me a Hello on the YouTube there now please if it could I see molten fire wolfa Got Away Bram Scotty malt members try again oh no oh no there it is okay it’s working okay just the I updated the

Extension I had a you don’t have a YouTube account cuz you’re ancient I don’t think ancient the right word b with the boob test okay way too early for that I can do some grumpster though I’m going to watch from uh the Youtube for me uh I prefer you to watch

Here if you can have the YouTube open up in a second tab I’d appreciate that or if you don’t want to listen to music YouTube doesn’t have any music so you can listen to your own music over there if you like we have that option for you I’d rather you watch from twitch

Obviously but if you happen to be able to have like two tabs open and just like keep this the YouTube on as a second T that’s ideal but you watch where you want to watch you’re on mobile yeah I would say just stay here I’d say just stay

Here like I said if you’re on mobile and you can’t do it don’t worry about hi Lizzy over on YouTube hi sour cow on YouTube as well it’s not like needed or anything you know hey God your stream [ __ ] board today’s going to be a long today we

Start we start the grind today chip hi blue Jack good to see you man on your way to work hey hope you having a wonderful day at work hope we have all you good stuff going let’s get into Minecraft and do some things uh yeah we got a long day

Today the the stream grind begins now the New Year’s resolutions start now I never I always like start my New Year’s resolutions like a month early and don’t wait until like I get a little Head Start what I like to do so uh our New Year’s resolution start today the first

Monday of the month 10 hour sh fa hey I’m doing 12 today it’s far as streams go so going be fun yeah what up vertex no I didn’t uh I don’t know what I’m doing as far as I goes to be honest with you briam I don’t know what I want to do

With it uh I was trying to do it I was trying but I I really don’t know what I want to do as far as that goes this is vanilla yes see I don’t know what I want to do as far as variety stuff here on man my game we’ll see we’ll see

We’ll see try harder I’m trying my best bro it’s not going to worry about it too much basically it’s just like I can’t do enough my so my problem with the YouTube recordings is that I can’t do enough yet I don’t have like the time cuz like what I’m realizing is I have

Like I could fit in like two hours a day but I think I’d rather stream say sketch Hub oh sketch dabs god Patrick like I could do it for two hours a day but I I don’t know I’d rather spend that time like live streaming hey nice see me we were just talking

About the other day it’d be nice to have like a new bill Guild just a new SMP that like hype maybe someday maybe something until then we’ll just have fun doing our thing pretty much yo big crowd in here already ladies and gentlemen thank you for showing up uh karmic with a tier

Three part of the Creed of Might City we don’t talk about the Creed tier three subscribers 79 months Alexa how many years is 79 months 79 months is 6 years and seven months oh my God I’m a 69ine bro yeah we’ve been at it a while huh we’re old man we’re old

CB the what the cre oh right sh right sh it’s weird they’ve been around for so I’m I’m so many people’s first it’s weird it’s nice it’s really nice feeling them like I love that I love that that’s especially cuz like so many people can like ReDiscover

The stream like oh man I remember back in the day I remember back in the day dud you know it’s a nice feeling cuz not everybody gets to experience that on Twitch that’s for sure you know I mean there’s been a lot of streamers since then too and like a lot

Of a lot of people do have that with a lot of different people but we have it you know with a lot of people been following since 2014 that’s so insane and the good news is we’re just getting started as the dock would say we’re at the tippity top of the mountain and

We’re only halfway up oh by the way I got my do shirt on today speaking in the uh by the way you guys should follow KY I’m going to get a little self-promo out here it’s our after dark Channel exclamation point key uh we do stream on

That quite a bit and right now I’m currently doing a playthough of cyber Punk which has been a ton of fun so KY I mean if that’s your sort of thing Oho V what are you doing what you doing with that 100 bits you’re on the leaderboard

Now baby wait why are we close to a hype train chat are we doing a hype Train Early Morning hype train do it bits or sub or something check see if we got a golden campet train imagine a golden Camp trate right in the very beginning early morning sorry I get interrupted xation

Point KY or after dark channel uh I’ll be streaming on there today for like 6 to eight hours so go give that a follow very chill over there right now uh yeah I’ll be live on there a little later on a Vaso thank you for the 100 bits Dy you Dy with the

Booty oh you guys don’t want to do KY I’ll do exclamation point key there you go go follow the sex symbol of Might City the technician of my City radio who is playing these wonderful songs for us right now thank you KY appreciate You am I okay what do you mean I’m doing great I’ve already had a full coffee I don’t know if you can tell and I’m drinking my second coffee now speaking of thank you for reminding me are you okay how you doing when not the stream on Saturday I

Don’t remember what did happen on the stream on Saturday oh Saturday was supposed to be the variety day uh oh the I can’t do I can’t do those the way that I wanted to do them unfortunately uh we’re going to do what we’re I was going to call a variety day

And record the YouTube as as I was streaming but I’m asking too much of my current video card to do that so we had to scratch it this the streams uh crashed pretty much or OBS crashed recording YouTube in high quality and then also we’re not recording yeah recording

YouTube in high quality and streaming high quality is just not going to happen so it crashed the OBS asking too much in my it’s only a 1080 that I use for uh like local recording and the YouTube streams so it’s a little bit older of a GPU so I

Can’t handle what I want to throw at it which is a lot I mean it handles what I throw at it perfect like we’re streaming on YouTube right now at 1440p uh 24,000 bit rate using nbbank uh which is the video card and we’re also we got a replay buffer

Going which I think we are dropping frames right now aren we we are dropping frames right now hold on you guys are dropping frames are you guys noticing like buffers yeah you should be a I can see myself droing frames okay one second I’m going to crash the

Stream but it was a pause in the Stream for a few seconds yeah yeah I can see myself uh buffering so I’m going to give myself a quick uh a quick crash here and fix it Sure maybe I don’t have to do that in one second I forgot I change some of the recording settings and I didn’t change them back that might have fix it actually some small buffers every now again yeah that’s exact what I’m talking about so I’m drop I’m buffering and

Stuff now and what I was going to do is add locally recording the entire stream on it to upload for YouTube episodes so I was pushing it I’m pushing it a little bit hard right now with the YouTube streams and also the the replay buffer settings because I can push a

Button and record the last two minutes yeah so like okay so we’re good now I don’t actually have to crash the stream thank goodness oh no here we go again she’s going again okay I’ll be right back all right crashing Nap okay I should be back right I’m back okay let me make sure YouTube’s good think YouTube’s back as well and I got to make sure Facebook’s fine yes so this is what happened to the stream on Saturday uh Facebook to for I wonder does Facebook have a live

Stream protection so this is what happened to the stream on I guess it does okay cool okay we should be good from drop frame stuff now I switch the settings back Daren are you here Quantum is being annoying and looking for you uh folks on the YouTube can you give

Me a uh test in the chat if you could please cuz I had to reload yeah we should be good uh from Dr frames now should be good I should be good keep an eye on but yeah we should be good again I was messing with the

Settings to try to do what I wanted to do and I forgot to change it back we should be good now should be good now should be good now be good now should be good now uh which Speaking of actually because I can’t do it how I

Want do it we are officially adding another Minecraft day to the schedule uh we were only doing Minecraft Monday to Friday but we’re adding Saturday in we were doing Saturdays like anyway like just as like bonus stuff actually I don’t think uh I don’t think it’s working

On because I crashed it it didn’t save my settings uh but officially all right give me a test on YouTube again officially we’re adding another day on hi Daran Darion did you add Billy Talent I’m going to throw some Billy Talent on just cuz one of my favorite songs ever you

Ready there you go thank you m Ruchi stream isn’t working what do you mean it’s what do you mean what do you mean stream isn’t working count to far anybody having trouble the stream stream’s working fine maybe Daren needs refresh my all good all Gucci okay it’s a good

Thing I started early today because officially the stream starts in 1 [Laughter] minute I’ll go there you got four open ah Gucci thank you yeah not I’m not dropping any frames anymore either so say think should be fine [Applause] now wait how would she hear me oh I

Guess she didn’t I guess she seen Quantum gamble time oh there’s first loss of the day oh okay night for the rest of my life Silent Night for the rest of my life there you go Daren got me all freaked out there we go there’s a win now we

Back baby now we back to the win column the cadberry favorites is that like a like a selection of a bunch of them this is Bly Talent by the way Daren should totally add to your list because this band is incredibly [Applause] underrated ground FIS whisper don’t make

Us sound your bed is made it’s in the ground there is no bad Billy Talon son neither all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream we’re at official start time now we got a a bit of an extra half an hour going on stream today uh we have

A pretty simple goal today uh 10 subscribers you guys want to help us out if you’re sitting on a prime sub I greatly appreciate it if you could help out been sitting on a prime or you’ve been thinking about subbing for a while oh maybe now would

Be the time to do it or if you’re feeling extra generous want to gift a sub or two or five to your favorite people in chat give the gift of adre viewing and 45 amazing emotes man right there I’ll shut up I better use a go gift card to buy bits ah

Maybe I don’t know you’d have to try I have no idea to be honest with you you let me know playing some old school RuneScape hey stomping on men okay oh oh I would say that I don’t think that means what you think it means but I

Think you think it means exactly what I think it means now is M obviously be used to elsewhere don’t worry about it hi alizabeth good morning Creed memb Elizabeth back about how you doing this morning whoa who our boy TR Monte we only got another layer of dirt

And then we start on the stone CH and then we start on the stone oh you did lie you little liar F fibby chat just like that we’re two out of 10 Deuces mugle [ __ ] M fire welcome back 20 months using that Prime baby look at you go look at you

Go you little fiber little you don’t let your M thanks so much for checking on it now you got our dude for a whole month no Ed oh Mama oh Mama you knew you had it see you were lying you are ly you little teaser you little teaser dude yeah little pie

Uh I guess iron farm is going to have to be the next project after we get this to the point where it’s flat huh I have to go Mark out the spawn chunks and stuff remember how to build the auto solder thing in a

Jam worth it oh worth the get me all red up and teasing me that what he saying I see I see how it is see how you got your jams on I see how you get your Jingles worth maybe I’m not okay today maybe I’m not okay feel like I’m too hyper

No no it’s not me me it’s the children who are wrong uh we are working on the creeper farm this is going to be like a super efficient creeper firm so we’re doing a perimeter dig 256 by 256 uh our only goal right now is to get it flat

Though so we want to get it down to the flattest point which is like where the water line is so I’m just getting everything down to this right now to the point where we can come over here if we want to waste some time and get some work done on

It so we only got a couple layers to actually go it’s not going to the only thing we do cuz no matter what it’s going to take us a long time to dig it out so it’ll give us something to do every day it’s a big

Project if we need it but we also got to build a gold Farm or not a gold Farm a uh iron farm and a whole bunch of other stuff but yeah like I say right now we’re just looking to get this just looking to get this flat so

We’re going down I think it was 64 so we got two layers to go pretty much oh it’s going to be huge it’s going to be y d it’s going to be y ain’t no do to boot it I get strick with working out again today

Too last couple of weeks I’ve been a bad boy about it but today Monday time to get going get an early start on them New Year’s resolutions go wait in man uh what are you guys jamming on lately what guys got jammed going on huh what games you

Playing oh my goodness I also just remembered tomorrow chat uh what time is the GTA announcement tomorrow we should be able to we’ll be able to do that on stream tomorrow wow too huh you doing hardcore wow or just retail or classic CH we got the GTA 5 announcement

Tomorrow or I mean GTA 6 oh my God I’m so like PTSD about Grand Theft Auto 6 I called it five we got the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer tomorrow the teaser trailer oh God I hope it’s epic 30 minutes before I end I thought it was 30 minutes after I

End make a look real quick wasn’t it 9 a 9:00 a.m. eastern yeah 9:00 a.m. eastern 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 no half hour before I end half hour before I end I end at uh 9:30 Eastern class I could just start to play along for the first time ever I want to start

Talking to the guy a few weeks ago he plays but boo him but got you in the Whow anyway yeah so you’re playing like what they call retailing get you hooked up the wow crack and then gone wow oopsie I know I know me too I forgot it’s

Tomorrow I forgot it’s tomorrow dude I wonder if they’re going to live stream it or they just going to drop a trailer on YouTube I know I’ve seen that Rockstar is going to be Pissed I seen that I don’t want to see any leaks personally i’ been avoiding it that’s right Darion that’s right how do you lose that game WR paper scissors speaking of fumbling do you think do you think we’re going to get a release date tomorrow oh I’m I I’m I forgot that it’s

Tomorrow tomorrow CH we get a trailer for grand theft 6 tomorrow teaser trailers normally come with release dates right yeah we should Grand Theft aut of six you know I get the shovel I get the shovel don’t worry about the shovel dud don’t worry about the shovel I got the shovel don’t than

Bro and they thought of six oh my God I’m very excited you think so you think next year you think we get it next year I still feel like it’s going to be 2025 it’s it’s I don’t feel like we’re going to get it next

Year oh D I’m going to live on that game I live on the game for so Long I I shouldn’t even get my help myself hyped for this cuz like we say that we said that about Starfield this is different that’s not my fault Starfield lied to us it’s not my fault have Fable too I’m definitely way more excited for Grand though I feel

Like we’re allowed to Get Hype for grand theft 6 a little bit there’s no way it can ever match the hype though like that we give it individually and what it’s going to get collectively like there’s no way it can match the hype but I still think it’s going to be

Awesome uh I don’t even care about delays honestly it’s broken on release is what I care about I’d rather They delayed the next Elder Scrolls release I shouldn’t be that long cuz I know they’re working on it and now that Starfield is flopped and done they’re really going to have to push

Something so they can be excited for how broken an Elder Scrolls is yeah Fable game coming out new Fable game uh I’ve not actually played any of the Fable games so it’s going to be a new experience for me when I play them as well well it’s a teaser trailer at that

A lot of people aren’t realizing I hope they make it a bomb teaser trailer though cuz you can do teaser trailers really good but people are expecting the full trailer right now so I feel like there’s also going to going to be a lot of negativity on social media like that’s

All we got that’s it we waited all this time for Grand Theft Auto 6 and then that’s all we get we get a minute video that’s it it’s a teaser trailer not the full trailer but you can do teaser trailers really well so hopefully they give us a bomb as teaser trailer

I I I mean I hope it’s 2024 I hope it’s 2024 I have a feeling it’s going to be 2025 because I don’t think it’s that far long in development it could be hope it is we don’t know I guess right no I mean the trailer is not going to be that good

Feel like we need something good though but he’s good people are going to trash Target no matter what anyway but January 2024 you’re right lose my mind High all days scam days Minecraft days is 5:45 cold launches to no never no way no way they do

That cuz I don’t think they would want to risk breaking the record you know or breaking any sort of Records got to get people to save up for that I’m going to say November 13th 2025 guess it was the weather now 13 13th then hi Dan good morning oh

So I’m just so excited cuz like like Grand Theft autle 5 is one of my favorite games ever for one like just like the story mode itself but then also just everything that you can do in the game like side quests Collectibles but I only ever played

Grand Theft Auto when all that [ __ ] was discovered you know what I mean like you know like all the like the missing story like the the story pages and stuff the UFO pieces like where like I can’t wait for that sort of stuff I can’t wait for that sort of

Stuff in Grand Theft out of 6 when nobody knows where the stuff is and got to discover for the first time you know I mean just even as a stream thing too uh are you playing games while you’re watching twitch that could be it might want to turn down

The quality on the stream maybe Darion somebody type that out in chat for me games like Grand Theft Auto I do not necessarily 100% but thoroughly play it not necessarily 100% although we’re going to be doing a 100% run of gr theft autle 5 soonish yeah just remember your your uh

Your graphics card is also trying to watch the stream maybe turn down the quality of the stream a little bit maybe also chat exclamation point YT live if you guys want to help out the stream in a very free way going to sell out uh watch the

Youtube stream if you can watch both I’d rather you stay here on Twitch if you’re on mobile don’t worry about it uh but if you happen to be on PC and you can load up two streams uh load up the YouTube stream as well just have it in an extra

Tab and uh that’ll help us Farm watch hours we need 4,000 watch hours uh so uh every minute watched matters greatly appreciate Sorry exclamation point YT live I’m sure you can get to the live stream from that link but the ex Point YT live will get you direct link to you don’t have a GPU well you still have a graphics like you have integrated Graphics kind of thing whatever is running your graphics

Is also running the stream right the video’s running your video it’s running the game in the Stream at the same time so there you go thank you guys thank you and thank you him and the issue would be that you don’t have a an actual practice [Laughter] sh time for an upgrade Oh my god dude what’s all the drama with no pixel is no pixel actually like dead dude that is so sad was even trending on Twitter yesterday actually like insane what hey we got a stack of people in here right now congratulations welcome everybody there’s a ton of drama in no

Pixel apparently they’re banning people that are like supporting a new role play server that’s coming out onx I don’t know it’s a good question guessing someone was a jerk multiple people apparently and coil rued it I mean I obviously don’t want to Trash Talk anybody I’m just legitimately asking

What the hell is going on ah so did I yeah I was a lyric is who got me into it Armor 3 life baby Arma 3 life high five CB yeah I’ve been watching RP for a long time long long long time yeah lyric back in the day got me to

It I remember lyric uh role playing with bod oh you had a damage 47 oh so you are getting some upgrades hi Pepe over there on the YouTube appreciate you guys watching over there oh it’s not insane it’s nothing crazy it’s only 85,000 right now 11 thing we’re just getting started

Homes it zombie barricades remember zombie barricades uh those guys are really cool actually if that’s what you’re talking about ZB only even started yet really just clearing the dirt layer yeah I met zombie barricades his brother too obviously block by block made a Minecraft uh

Server hub for me back in the day those guys are some of the nicest guys I’ve ever met real life I met them at the first twitchcon Super like approachable just super nice guys big smiles on her face talking to him Stu zombie barricades remember zombie barricades when he’s doing uh uh H1Z1

Survival Daren coming on back in for two months in a row welcome back salute beard salute that’s three on the day I Daren thank you thank you thank you appreciate you Seven Subs away chat you want to help us hook up hook us up with that check see if you got a prom

Available maybe gift a sub or two or five no I haven’t uh I know zombie barricade still streams and stuff I I don’t really get time to watch anybody’s stream so yeah I remember uh zombie barcades on H1Z1 survival when that was a thing friendly friendly friendly friendly they [ __ ] people

Up just run up to groups of people be like friendly friendly friendly just use arrows to kill them while they’re using assault rifles friendly friendly friendly friendly hi Kate Hi Mason good morning friendos Kate how’s it going Mason how’s it going friendly friendly friendly I still say friendly to this

Day I never watched any of his rust streams but I can only imagine they were funny I never really get in the rust friendly friendly I I’m pretty sure I remember a time where I I was playing survival and I heard him in game running up remember the church area

Uh and like I was going to go up and like start looting and try to kill a couple of people and I hear friendly friendly friendly I’m like n absolutely not I’m not going up there I know who that is I ain’t getting up right now friendly friendly

Friendly currently running a new gas line or new gas line is called outs like wait what does that mean does mean you don’t got heat right now is that you’re saying I win seal you can buy bits with the gift card well what are you waiting for drop them basically oh

Oh you don’t you don’t eat enough food either so you’re you I ain’t got no fat on you fenes you couldn’t jump over yep that was before Battle Royale was a thing as before H1Z1 BR was a thing and before the whole BR thing took Out lady cupcake Chad it’s our friend lady cupcake raiding us a a lot of food and drink a lot of beer you don’t eat enough need to get drink your apple juice I have some more sandwiches uh do we got a mod that can run uh give a shout out to Lady cupcake

Big Friend of the stream what we playing today lady friendo vippy vippy if not I’ll run it hey thanks for Waring it whoever did that I can’t see who did it but H probably Dan oh the new fortnite season how is that it’s actually looking pretty good

E Minecraft builder too yeah yeah he built a um I probably have it around here somewhere I got it loaded up yeah block by block uh he built my Minecraft server hub for me back in the day uh him and his team back in dude back in like 2014

Thank you Dan uh please do get involved in the Stream ladies and gentlemen in the community I’m choking onit and uh click on that shout and go give lady cupcake a follow please do please do please do you want to support me support the friends of the stream

Too get involved takes two seconds you don’t got to go look at her now you just go follow check her out sometime get involved a it’s gamit time ah there’s a loss okay okay okay who’s in the lead m in the lead right now also chat we are very close to a new

Mayor for the first time in months CU sniper down has a million Health not actually million but might just as well be that is the stream boss we have a mayor here I don’t even know how to explain it anymore it’s been so long mayor becomes temporary mod as long as

You’re mayor you’re mod you get to add quotes to the quote bot you get to change the currency name like what we’re gambling right now is dir ders you get to name that whatever you want to name it add quotes and just have some fun in the

Chat you become the mayor of m city until you’re not in order to become the mayor you have to defeat the the the current mayor you have to thrown the current mayor which is sniper down you don’t want to do exact cuz it’ be easy to take you down

And you have to have uh 2500 Health minimum to become the new mayor that way we’re not cycling through Mayors like crazy but we are very close to a new mayor sniper Down’s been mayor for months literally and met a new mayor in so long who shot the

Sher it was me but I did not shoot I’m in first place now baby is myth here myth are you here did you lose a bed or did am I just doing well too late Darion too slow I’m I’m doing great today lat c

T do you have to donate uh you can’t do it on YouTube this is a twitch thing uh although maybe you can do then but actually I think I can enable that for you guys on YouTube we haven’t had the to worry about that before let me hold on oh my God you

Can I think I have do I have the tip link on over on YouTube it’s yeah so this is via bits and uh tips so I think you could technically if you’re over on in order to take advantage of anything though you’d have to be on Twitch like to rename our Channel points

Although I guess you can do it I can do it for you if you’re on YouTube but the channel points thing is uh a twitch thing I don’t know if I have oh yeah this the link is in the description for stream L if you really wanted

To I’m doing good lady cupcake I got great sleep yesterday got a little bit too much sleep so that’s good but I I only woke up like 45 minutes early today we’re live 30 minutes early get an extra half hour of Minecraft today and uh yeah today’s the start of a new

Week so my New Year’s resolution start today the first Monday of December is when I start my resolutions planning my life schedule for like the last week or so and uh I get to implement it today so I hope I get a good day in today cuz

I need to happy Monday by the wayy Monday Monday Monday what do I got the minimum set to so gorgeous what’s this KY klam got more than 1K views on Instagram good job kify his first post on Instagram to like how I talk about KY like he’s a not

Me KY did his first post he got 1400 views on Insta ky’s my after dark Channel 2,800 on the on the Tik Tok which is actually pretty good for first post what you get on YouTube YouTube short what did he get 1900 and 100 likes oh my God hold my good good job

Cafe I talk about key like he’s not me are you a morning person death not at all I’m only talking like this and got this man of energy because I got got a l coffee no I’m not a morning person at all I mean it depends when I wake up no

If I get up at like 10:00 like it seems like my body likes to wake up at like 10:00 a.m. like naturally if I get up at 10:00 I’m a morning person but not getting up at 5: like 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. is like my body SK hates it like my circadian

Rhythm just does not like it any other time of the day like any other schedule I know cuz I tested them all any other schedule like wake up time time like that’s not 500 a.m. to like uh to like 9:00 a.m. I guess like 4:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. like

My body is fine and we’ll just I’ll wake up without an alarm I’ll wake up without an alarm like if my schedule was to wake up at 3:00 a.m. I wouldn’t even have to set an alarm if it was to wake up at 5:00 p.m.

I wouldn’t have to set an alarm like my body would just get up uh I have not been we’re just coming back to Minecraft we’re just back on the Minecraft after a couple of years of not being on it and a couple years not being on the morning stream either I’ve been testing

Out every other time slot in the [ __ ] Galaxy no worries l a cupcake uh yeah just um just a month ago we got back on the early mornings and uh back in full-time Minecraft as well as we’re changing as multicasting has been coming a thing and uh I’ve been testing out

Different like ways of doing variety and how I want to do variety things have just recently changed yeah it’s been a while since we done Minecraft long time I haven’t even been in death rdge for two years now well February February next year will be two years since we uh drop

Death drop the death Ridge brand do I stay here or Matt do I go out or stay here and watch your stream I stay here watch the stream obviously only little woes go outside right Mason Mason knows ky’s an entirely separate entity thank you now I don’t feel so

Crazy want to go outside who wants to go on the outernet yeah you’re just going to spend money spend money here speaking of we have Seven Subs to go for let me stand up ah time to stand a long streaming day so we got to be standing up while we’re sitting down

That doesn’t make any sense but you know what I meant speaking of mtic casting have you thought of streaming on stream from non- Minecraft klam klam klam baby wait what Dan say that again speaking M have you thought of streaming on stream for non-minecraft you mean like the variety stuff for M my

Game oh streaming on Steam oh no wonder that didn’t make any [ __ ] [Laughter] sense ah no I don’t think I’d want to waste the resources streaming on Steam because that’s also gets really weird I think through how they do the streams on Steam does KY refer to Matt in the third

Person he does actually says over on Matt my game when we’re talking about the Mt my game stream so yeah he does actually I’m even saying he does yeah I’m not sure wait my sound is at a sync I’m not dropping frames or any I no drop frames anybody else

Having Japanese dubbed problems right now no I haven’t done I mean is there a reason like why I would look into it have like you been looking into a damn I know some people have done steam uh you could only do it with specific games right oh yeah for non Minecraft you

Said I mean if you can do it it’s probably not a bad idea to do it every viewer counts right if you can get one viewer over from Steam it would have been worth it cuz that’s all it is man just about appreciating who you got there and maybe

One new viewer day or something you slow growth klam Dar klam Quantum klam klam klam klam klam klam klam klam klam klam klam klam we have a force fire when did that start because broadcast show up on the game page yeah is there a chat does steam have a

Stat a what am I saying a chat does steam have a chat there is chat I’m definitely not against it Alexa tell me a joke why didn’t a penguin trust his flight instructor cuz he was black and white he was kind of a Dodo do that have do

Penguins I am chat wait what is that what does that mean I am chat but not a group chat or globally I mean oh like You’ have to use like a like your own group like your own steam group no I know what I am is I’m old

Too hey no we’re not how dare you I mean no I don’t what is I am mean I don’t know that AC who what you so old for dude yeah I mean it’s not a bad idea especially if you can tap into something that’s not like super over saturated

Like I say if you did one person over hey well I remember using MSN Messenger and MC a lot back in my day everybody’s hanging out in hash team pool party and then we have Team pool parties on Twitch and hot tub stream My God full circle there is a stream chat on

Broadcast uh how would I get a stream key do you know how to do that Dan like have you looked into it to be able to set that up I can probably just set it up and go live now well I guess I couldn’t because I H it stream not

Minecraft is it difficult to go live on Steam you can go live on Steam yeah I thought I me just jamming it my say radio yay me too me too yeah I’ve seen some of them before like I’ve looked into it like wondering if I was want to do it

But I think they work in like a weird way too though oh they do they didn’t have that chat last time yeah they didn’t have that chat last time and some of them weren’t even live they were like a YouTube overlay how on what does this

Say let me open this up real quick let’s just take a look oh you got to be partnered though do you from your apps landing page click landing page I don’t think I have this from your oh games app so what if I was doing cyberpunk well well I’m only I’m only

Suggesting that because it says partner. steamgames.com uh steam settings broadcast oh oh status not broadcast casting private settings friends can request to watch my games anyone can watch my games 1080p 1080p 3500 bit rate how would you even go oh you got to do it from the same machine

Though no it doesn’t look like you do have to actually how would you oh record a video from how would you go how would you go live though yeah that wouldn’t really work could kind of work though if you use uh ndi from this to OBS how do you actually go live

Though yeah it’s like you can’t do it through OBS I stream my stream from OBS maybe this thing it doesn’t seem like it’s like a like kind of like a weird and stream overlay oh the steam overlay and you go live from the steam overlay

Right I mean you could do it though cuz you could do an ndi like capture this OBS on my streaming PC ndi it over to the gaming PC oh it would just get it from the steam overlay right I mean not the worst thing in the world though you can do it from

OBS yeah DM it damn it to me baby oh God dang it I got to sign in actually I can just use the steam guard thing make this easy signning with my phone with a QR code oh so you get your rtpm rtmp token and stuff settings update failed

Though I can’t actually click on create rtmp token can you might because it’s on a browser not the app there’s already had a token oh really are you logged in on the browser or through the app [Applause] interesting yeah like I say probably it’s probably not the worst

Idea you know what I’ve seen how well Tik Tok streams are growing yeah but Tik Tok is [ __ ] though I mean I don’t mind Tik Tok I like Tik Tok but streaming on Tik Tock I would if they don’t give you a stream key you have to use their

Software you have to use Tik tok’s streaming software and it’s terrible it’s literally so chunky and clunky and uses way too much resources but it’s not even worth it for me to go live and them I need a third PC to go live that’s not a joke that’s what a lot of

People are doing not game specific yeah that’s what I mean it seems like the the overlight thing might be the way to go if you were going to do it yeah I would like to go live on Tik Tok but I just I won’t use the program we’ve tried using

It it’s so Camp if I could use OBS to go live on Tik Tok I would but no it’s good Dan I have considered that in the past but I just I I haven’t considered it in a while I haven’t considered it since multicasting has come out uh but yeah I wouldn’t mind

It I wonder if that wonder if that extension program I use for multi chat includes steam oh I can use a custom URL though so I guess it would technically but there there is a chat though there is a Steam Chat that’s all that would matter

Hopefully it has like a link that you can do something people don’t have to use their software but those are Americans and I don’t think you can get a a stream key anymore uh when they were T first testing out the Tik Tok lives some people could get

A stream key for OBS but that I I don’t think you can do that anymore and those people were from America it is only the US that could get a stream King I’m from Canada so big unfortunate but yeah yeah I I just won’t use the program I just won’t use the

Program too clunky DEA like I’ve even tried like no yeah it’s from us you can’t but I don’t think you can anymore I think that Google that you Googled is old information cuz it’s only recently like in the last couple of months where you can’t get a stream key

Cuz they were even Shadow Banning people that were using OBS they wouldn’t push the stream you had to use their software in order for the stream to get pushed is stupid one more song you got to want to add to the playist wait to your playlist or my

Playlist relaxing it doesn’t seem like it to mine hey we know can do albums not singles three gift to your a th000 Bitties you know how it works sellout mode baby single song yeah we don’t do that cuz if we do a single song then somebody else might do the

Album and like four of those songs might be added from the album or whatever so we made a rule it just has to be the album but it’ be the same price anyway see might as just add the album just had a curiosity what song is it

Why you mining up dirt uh we got get it fled we’re mining everything in the area we’re getting rid of the dirt layer because the dirt layer is first we’re making a super efficient creeper Farm over here we’re doing a a perimeter dig and yeah we’re taking everything down to layer zero

CH some favorite Song Hold up uh things change wait what albums that on Chey oh that is the album add to might City radio let me update it in the dord uh song favorite song Oh that’s oh that’s the name of the song Dar thank you for the Thousand

Bits I appreciate you so much a Hu Mac I don’t think I’ve ever heard Huey Mac things change add by and S want is favorite song is favor song your favorite song it is 100 bits don’t listen to him oh it could be whatever you want there’s there’s a whole ton of country

On this playlist there’s even some joke albums like Tenacious D and uh Lonely Island stuff yeah whatever you you want we got Dr on the F you know uh it’s mostly like rock like heavier stuff but that’s just what people add it you add whatever album that you want

Again this this playlist is the sound of Might City you guys add whatever you want don’t don’t think like what can I add that people would like you add what you like I how we get diversity in this place whoa the lights on I’m shy hello Zachary Ryan my self-confidence chocolate cuffer the

Fral beans now fill with caffeine y what’s up Nat 332 days left to Halloween and the count begins over we can do we can what we what what we can do absolutely not it’s not recorded to the bods or the YouTube anyway so why not Ork also Quantum if you’re not going to

Be doing bits yourself don’t be asking other people to do bits please all right we don’t need anybody pressuring anybody spend their money if you’re not going to spend your own money I mean even if you are going to spend your own money don’t pressure other people to spend money

Please thank you thank you thank you thank you appreciate your time oh Dan rolled 100 Dan rolling the hundo get out of here Daniel hunds a 5x I mean let’s be honest though this is this song is a Bop me as a broken oh there we go baby 400 D the

Ders uh Darion thank you for the Thousand bits thank you for adding an album now any song on this album can show up at any time as we’re playing and listening see look we a got Michael Bo was there’s another kind of favorite song if you know what I

Mean oh yeah this is after like a a night out with fancy dresses and a suit you know what I’m saying the boo the bo bobly the bo bo bo don’t forget about the boo Bo baby cuz this is my favorite song oh yeah it’s going to look really weird in

The YouTube cuz there’s no music oh my God sipping on Whiskey and stuff right then bro hi Dam by the way sorry the chat chat’s going crazy today sorry Dan can we get some I mean sorry Den bro I’m hyper today also bobly boobly Jeff five was same

Message I’m not going to do that not going to do that hip motion harryc conic junor never heard of him TBH same Vibes though yeah told us to play this is diverse man you never know what you’re going to get in m city never know what song you’re going

To bang to I mean Jam to where’s my Subs at Subs where’s the Rus where’s the r r I’ll start the r r and it is Christmas music time though isn’t it no you know what music time it is and Grand Theft Auto sick music time we get a trailer

Tomorrow chaos and smut music is an everyday bug the songs tend to be a little bit too long for me though listen b your songs don’t need to be four and a half minutes long okay they could be 3 minutes we don’t need to M any longer than that right we get

It we understand come on Bo I need to go get food and a red wine oh boy did he fumble haven’t had a drink of anything in so long he like having a little bit of red wine in the bath my Lush bubble bombs or with some steak and some food

But I just rather not to use it as like a food enhancer he used to use it as a food it’s not that I don’t drink it I never do drink water make it sparkling that’s not wine you know there’s other things besides water like coffee and soap soda and

Juices water sucks it’s nice to quench your thirst when you’re thirsty water’s stupid unless it’s San pelegrino and then it’s delicious but it’s all sugar there’s good diet get yourself some Coke Zero bro Zero caffeine as well then who knows what you’re drinking who knows what’s in

That you’ve had Co no you feeling better though yeah like need water for your health I’m b day so many people on YouTube right now what’s going on on the YouTube stream got 12 people watching on the YouTube over there thank you guys very much dude the YouTube’s been blown

Up that’s going to be a hell of a lot of uh watch hours over there thank you guys for hanging out over there the average on YouTube has been going up it’s lovely to see be partner full partner on YouTube before you know it do with numbers like

That thank you guys for hanging out both on Twitch and YouTube there’s so many people talking on YouTube well I I’m just noticing people talking on YouTube normally like I it takes me a couple of minutes to read the chat cuz it Doesn’t move a lot but it’s

Been moving enough for me to be like looking over it CO’s been kicking your butt on oh my God that I can’t handle the excitement we have Grand Theft Auto 6 teaser trailer tomorrow do you ever wonder I just want to release that even more than anything and hopefully it’s not 2025 but

I feel like it’s going to be which is fine I guess but good night Elizabeth yo what up gaming emmo good morning to you Elizabeth good night good night good night oh we got some Skillet some Skrillex in the chat I mean in the music in the radio thanks

Kippy I just did a pair without without thinking wait what wait what what are we paring for H I’m not that big a fan of Skillet to be hon with you they’re okay uh they have a couple of like really good bangers I like though I don’t know tend to like a

Little bit too much like all the strings and stuff in the background for me like even in this like I I’d much rather none of that seem to be like a little much you know or I mean that’s just me they’re not bad or anything like I like I do like them

But it tends to be a little too much and sometimes a little bit too cheesy they have a lot of cheesy songs actually can you tell me I can tell you maybe mayhaps what are we doing we’re uh making a creeper Farm we’re digging out a perimeter of 256 by

256 taking it all the way down to zero we’re digging a big hole we’re Diggy Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole no not the Bedrock Bedrock will be crazy because of the tough and all that garbage hi Mr R good morning to see you again seen you every day lately even on

KY many times you attempt to do this hole well we’ve done it once we’ve actually made the creeper Farm once uh we did one with Sketch and we died on that World um and I think two other times on a single player world so with that four all together I

Think it seems like hell of a lot more than that cuz the amount of times that like or the amount of time you have to spend to actually do it yeah what’s up Mario good morning yeah we’ve completed a creep firm once that was before the new update

Though that was before the new update where we have the uh new like levels or whatever we’ve completed a perimet dig once and then attempted it three other times we did one with Sketch we died in that world say like three four times something like that four I think four

Minimum Alexa tell me a joke how does Mr gingerbread make his bed in the morning he makes it with cookie sheets oh okay that was pretty good actually with cookie sheets well over 4 million blocks to mine Yeah we actually didn’t have any big Hills or anything thankfully the area where I at

Uh is pretty pretty even yeah I guess I don’t think for this like for another perimeter build we’ll use TNT to go all the way down but I don’t think for the creeper Farm we needed me I guess we could update it later on but I don’t think we’re going to need

It cuz we can what we can do is make the AFK spot above the creeper farm and then that takes away the lower levels of mobs spawning anyway right the bottom layer where the the the the bottom layer say Creepers Are spawning on level five we can make this the AFK spot 32

Blocks from that and we won’t even really need to because cats are going to scare them anyway so and then that takes away most of the blocks underneath us yeah I don’t really care about maximum efficiency this would be incredibly efficient and like I said you won’t have

To light them up because it’ll be far enough away from the mobs won’t spawn in them anyway no that’s not true I’m thinking about it backwards that’s actually not true I’m thinking about that wrong too uh we make the we’ll make the AFK spot above the creeper Farm like we did last

Time but we’d have to make it up from we’d have to make it at level 128 but we wouldn’t have to worry about it because creepers are going to run into the portals and stuff anyway from cats so we only have to bring it down to

Layer zero build it on layer zero but our AFK spot we have to be 128 above the farm so all the creepers will still spawn but nothing underneath the creeper Farm in any of the tunnels underneath us will be spawning but the creepers will still be getting pushed into The Nether

Because the cats will hear them so we don’t even have to light up the caves I was thinking about that backwards again it’s been a while it’s been a bit or do we get a w rather Alexa would you rather would you rather have plants grow

At 10 times their normal rate when you are near or for people and animals to stop aging when you are near them uh people stop aging while I’m near them what a weird question I feel like I be some sort of like I feel like I get [Laughter] kidnapped don’t tell

Anybody I want my dog to live forever yeah but you know what would happen is cuz you’re going to age so your dog’s just going to stay a poer you’re going to age and then you’re going to die and then your puppy’s going to be all alone don’t forget about

That no idea how much time it’s going to take to complete uh especially because we’re not going to be focusing only on the build I want to be doing other stuff like we have a we have a iron farm we have to build a gold Farm probably as well in the

Nether uh so we’ll be picking at this as we go plus we want to develop our city like I don’t want to spend months just digging a hole kind of thing so morbid thought you could bury the dog with you then it will live forever just have a big food supply

Just get buried in like a underground tunnel and just have a thousand years worth of food that the dog and e but that’ll be aone forever yeah so what we’re doing right now immediately is getting this down to the point where it’s flat so this is

Going to be flat and then we can start taking out two layers at a time so our first goal is to get the dirt cleared down to this that sand layer where the water was and then we just got a little bit of stone to take down and then we can start working

On working on this when we like have nothing else to do or like whatever so it’s definitely a long-term project okay we we’ll get up the sand trenches as we go might be a good idea to get rid of them first wait a little bit of a lake to

Clear there but it’s not very much might take us what 20 30 minutes to get this sand you’re super cold I was super cold yesterday that’s but that’s probably because it was cold I said and it is Canada H I wonder if those two things correlate I wonder if they cor

Like excuse me hi Dark Water minus 14 woo that’s cold we ain’t that cold yeah that’s down there yeah what up Ken good morning good to see you brother dude brother man turn up posty for lady cupcake there she is Lady cup had 20,000 hours listen to posed last year this

Year old boy texted you why do I feel like you texted him and your saying that he texted you you can’t get nothing past you boy all right cuz you you’re a wine drunk so do you pop off do it I think you’re going to end up accepting a booty call

Though that’s what I [Laughter] think I think you’re going to want to pop up off and something else going to don’t do it he’s no good for you apparently and you’ve been listening to smut music you can do better obviously ghost him just don’t respond to him at

All the that’s the play get him out of your life you don’t deserve you I give them any time or energy whatsoever you know just be kind be the bigger person just move on not even worth the energy it’s a good song isn’t it bopping to it we vibing to

It yeah just say [ __ ] him don’t even message him you get the him this is a good song isn’t it love some posty over here dude you know what I’m waiting to come on randomly it hasn’t come on yet is one of John bam song we have all the Bam’s volumes on

Our playlist now it hasn’t come on yet no John B songs have come on randomly yet this a good song too though oh hey you hi YouTube where you can’t hear any music hello twitch vods where you can’t hear any music and I’m just doing this for absolutely no reason probably

Talking too loud because the music is really loud dmca from all the humming [Applause] good music to be digging dirt with is it that’s totally me right now lady pick I’m aosmith that’s cuz it is aosmith yes silly goon it do because it is it is because it

Do it do because it ain’t and it ain’t because it is I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore need more coffee no I don’t but I’m going to have some I can’t I just can’t stop thinking about Grand Theft Auto 6 tomorrow that’s probably why I’m so

Hyper it’s Grand Theft Auto 6 teaser trailer Eve we’re going to have to record my reaction for that and throw up on YouTube maybe we can get some watch hours from my reaction I’ll make a Grand Theft Auto 6 reaction video perfect timing too CU it be right

At the end of the Stream and after the video we’ll end the stream and I’ll go like make a YouTube video out of it get on that content drop right away we go ahead Vasa oh I see what you’re saying shut up that actually pretty good though that is

Pretty good yo spring cow uh a guys black Ranger 84 thank you guys for the follows coming in on Twitch if you are new please do hit H that follow button uh we got ads coming in in 5 minutes so I’m just going to do my Spiel please do

Check to see if you have a prime sub available and if you do maybe use a here if you’re already subbed maybe consider giving the gift of adree viewing to your favorite people in chat because ads are stinky boys and nobody liked ads uh we

Are on a sub goal of 10 today we’re seven away so if you want to help out with that give some subs using your prime or just subing regularly would help us out greatly appreciate it chaos shut up it now for like another 30 minutes there I said that as fast as I

Could to just remind people hi Fair Shadow over there on the boob tubes I miss Fair shadow in push oh no I never role play element again apparently there’s aging it is is rumored that there’s going to be Aging in it ah sorry I didn’t mean to miss your fair Shadow I love

You I have a feeling that they’re going to want to keep people longterm to Grand Theft Auto 6 I mean because like I mean look at Grand Theft Auto 5 and how long that lasted like with online stuff I feel like it’s going to be more

MMO yeah like it just like a imagine like a Grand Theft Auto hardcore run like Perma death and like aging and stuff uh cuz I know they bought I don’t know if they bought 5m Rockstar bot 5m or like whatever they did but there’s some sort of relationship between them and like the

RP servers and stuff so oh it’s not going to be online only there’s no way it’s going have a campaign doubt that they’re going to have a campaign story mode or whatever no Reas why they wouldn’t but I feel like it’s going to be like like that sort of vibe I feel like

It’s going to be like an MMO Vibe where you have characters living for like a long term all right Dy well there’s lots of games that do that but there’s really no reason for thought to do that I’m a winner now look at me go lady cup

I’m being I’m not going all in I’ve been gambling my points cuz I’ve been very smart because I want to be a winner gamble time chat for anybody who wants to gamble I’ve like getting my wins and getting out and if I get my loss then I chase my losses

I’m starting with a two Gamba and if I lose that I gamble five if I lose the five I gamble 12 if I lose the 12 I gamble 30 hopefully I don’t lose any more than That oh Bram trying to go crazy Bram trying to go nuts is it going to pay off it did not or I’ll do a big gamble I’ll do a 75 gamble oh and he gets the Win that’s a big one Mystic no you’re a wooer like lady cupcake go to the wooer corner it’s okay I’m sure I’ll be there soon enough oh no another w just kidding you’re not actually a woer you’re not a loser you might be a woer but you’re not a

Loser oh I lost that one though see if I can get it back real quick see if I can get it back oh Campa time’s over okay I went down 12 at the end but still look at your boy in first place by over aund by over aund look at your boy

Look at y’ boy I’m not a wooer anymore I’m a winner I’m a winner you missed it Daren Le I’m not cheating how am I cheating I lose all the time just being smart about it not gambling all anymore don’t let your cigarettes burn hold on your forehead this cry my

Tears oh my my I blame it on the delay oh yeah Sure don’t crash in other country I don’t mind some I don’t mind this kind of country actually two types of music I don’t like like money rap where they all they rap about is how much money they have and how many [ __ ] and hoes they got don’t really like

That uh and I don’t like depressing country where it’s like oh my God I lost everything my wife left me today but she took my cat and left me the dog that’s disabled so now me and my buddy just go in my farm truck but I crashed it and he died

So like I like all kinds of music except for really depressing country and like I said money [ __ ] and hoes ramp I don’t really like it’s like it’s not my go-to like this is wouldn’t be my go-to but like when it comes on in a playlist like we have like I don’t mind

It sometimes I’ll just like nope I need more energy cuz I’m falling asleep uh but this time of day it’s two hour in the streams you know can jam to this there’s only so much country I can take also there’s some country I really do like more than others which I’ll

Throw on right now since we’re timeing to boot it like Johnny Cash kind of country or cult or wall like I love me this kind kind of country cter wall baby daddy wall more like it Red Dead albums yeah great Red Dead music It’s Only Time for only matter of

Time before Cowboy self-driving truck leaves them yeah most music I like I can jam too my favorite stuff is like screamy screams heavier stuff obviously like I really love Memphis mayfire right now like that sword is like my jam Jam Billy Talon’s my favorite band of all time but like panta

Slayer like death tones a lot like that sort St Cowboys are bottom tier oh oh very and spicy tonight saw in the concert dude I bet you they’re good huh I looked up a couple of videos of Memphis mayfire live and they sound really good and these

Were from like shitty cell phone videos too you don’t have a favorite anymore my favorite just it has to be Billy Talent so I listen to them too much and I vibed to them too much they’re so underrated both in the Rifts and like how they like what’s in their lyrics and

Stuff I like T I didn’t like Tool’s latest album though the one that they just put out that took them forever to write I didn’t actually like that album very much m v a great live I feel like the whole thing uh what’s the guitar player’s name Kell McGregor who writes

Most of the Rifts yeah I just love that sound that’s my that’s my James oh the whole the whole band is great it’s the great thing about him I only just got introduced to Memphis May far 2 there’s been a bunch of bands that I’ve been introduced to on this playlist

Like I keep saying uh meire Memphis mayfire stands out a lot I got to listen to more I Prevail too I Prevail is another one that has come on that I got introduced to on this playlist and I haven’t listened to enough but every time I come on I’m like

Who the hell is this and I look over it eye Prevail like oh yeah right Crown The Empire a yeah I like I Prevail too I think we only have the one album of I Prevail on here yeah we only have the one ey Prevail album let’s throw on some eye prail

Since we’re talking to bit uh yeah by the so we do song requests here in a different way we have what’s called might City radio you guys are might City that’s what our community is named and we have a playlist based around uh like a radio station exclamation point radio thank you demo

Already on top of it if you want the playlist if you click that and it doesn’t come up it’s just a Spotify link that we have like forwarded uh take the S of the HTTP if it adds it automatically it likes to mess up the

Link uh but if you would like to add an album instead of doing a song request for like 500 bits and then the song’s gone forever ever what we do is 1 th000 bits or three grifted Subs uh you can add an entire album to our playlist and this is the playlist

That we listen to on stream all the time we currently have what I’m going to add another I prevailed song to it what do we got on this playlist right now 20 uh just about 2700 songs 170 hours of music and that’s our stream music

So if you want to add an album to somebody you think I would like the stream would like or what you like it doesn’t matter what it is you can add it we just don’t do live albums or best of albums and that’s the only stipulation I like live albums but it’s

Not very stream friendly when you got like crowds kind of going off that I Prevail is good in AR uh cohe and Cambry is another one I got to listen to more this demu suggested [Applause] them I think we do have I think we have some Falling in Reverse on this playlist

Too don’t we that name sounds familiar oh no we don’t why do I know that name oh I can choose a f I just had a thought that I can choose a photo uh oh oh my Lord hold on I’m going to put key on this

Thing do I have a picture of Ky on This computer though oh we’re going to use the m city Banner for this oh yeah cool I just had a thought that you can change that oh that’s that should show off for you guys now dude that looks sick actually can’t get the site to Lo if it says

Https take out the S and https I just changed the image of the play this now looks sick it has the might City uh the might City logo might City Labs logo go I didn’t think he I don’t know why I just thought that he could do that but

You guys should be able to see that too okay you two okay you two calm down hold on I got to look up Ronnie rad ke now oh yeah I see why okay I get it I get it you see the picture hell yeah that’s the official logo of Mike City

Laboratory mommy sorry Mommy sorry Mommy sorry have you heard of Slaughter to Prevail super heavy I have not I have no oh I heard this song too this song’s a good song Slaughter to Prevail huh hey we’re always looking for more music for M City radio baby Ash cell [Applause]

Mod in a basic mid Blue Collar man like who who’s an example I need to look this up basically mid Blue Collar red hey there’s always an exception to the rule right don’t make me Bears mess up no we’re doing it we’re doing right now come on we need an

Example you’re talking like Michael Sarah is that you like is that your style I need an example it’s not blue collar and you got a blue collar look I don’t really know what that means that’s why I’m asking for an example I mean he has a blue collar look to him he

Doesn’t look like he’d be a celebrity that’s not blue collar you mean Cowboy head I mean dude sexy though I think blue collar I think like ordinary what does blue collar even mean oh like a working dude like Dad bod working dude like a working class man manual labor kind of

Dude picks up a hammer not talking about his penis or maybe I am maybe you’re thinking about that that’s sexy oh look he’s looking at you Darion he’s looking at you I need more tattoos bro that’s a good look why would that embarrass you white collar’s office work so blue

Collar oh I got you that make sense hey don’t come at me I was asking this is why I was ask for examples so like a scaffolder so I used to be blue collar what am I now you’re just a dumbass that’s all I am now just a

Dude you’re just a dude now mat true I guess oh this a good song too we do need more ey Prevail on this playlist but you’re our dude our dude our dude but you’re our dude you I’ll be your dude I definitely need more tattoos I cannot wait till like

Move hopefully 2024 we get the BC and then I’m [ __ ] getting so many tattoos it’s going to be ridiculous got a wizard a wizard MADD I don’t want to spend any Mone on tattoos right now and also I don’t like the artists that are around me in my small

Town I was looking at some and just like nah but BC has so many of them my music takes and hobbies don’t allow me to pursue that sure it does opposite the trct just be like hey look at the books I read satanic listen the skillet what kind of snowflake was

He how can you be said Skillet is like a literally Christian [Laughter] rock aren’t they Skillet is like positive CHR there a Christian rock band all way positivity like one of my favorite songs ever which is not on this playlist by the way maybe I should add

It call me satanic because I think it’s one of the best [ __ ] songs ever immediately I didn’t even try to do that just immediately my [ __ ] I get the metal chin [ __ ] love this album so much it’s literally got God hates us all I don’t believe that obviously it’s a very misunderstood

Album even Tom araria said obviously God doesn’t hate us all and by singing about this he’s acknowledging that God exists uh and what they’re singing about in this is that people have turned into [ __ ] that God should hate us all [ __ ] great song bro it’s a really good uh really good

Interview to sit down and listen to him actually rip Jeff hanman imagine calling somebody satanic CU they listen to Skillet my from P to the playlist we might actually have that 1,000 bits from dusi and now what did you say vet uh we do have a 21 Pilots album but we have blurry

Face do you have a song you’d like to add uh or like listen to right now and we’ll listen to it after Slayer the one follow oops uh thank you for th000 bits thank you for adding an album to might City radio we now have 2 21 Pilots albums and bu

Dusi uh Guns For Hands wait what that’s a song wait what did you say oh there it is I see it that’s a [ __ ] crazy song I Love It Guns For Hands I don’t remember what 21 pilot sounds like actually they’re not like super heavy right this is more like mellow kind of

Music aren 42 Pilots some quick math right there that’s some quick math I’m proud of you it’s 20 impos is like chill right I’m not even that big of a Slayer fan to be honest with you but this album I think is one of the best albums ever

Written start to finish a lot of the other albums like I like like a a a couple songs here and there from Slayer but this album is just so good they need a more in that in that sound Slayer like no I slay her God you’re going to horny jail

Today police police horny jail you’re going to horny jail I don’t know about that oh I do know about that where’s my horny jail music not even touching mine nope not that one how does that [ __ ] feel nope I can’t see [ __ ] n there it is the freaky this horn

Jail just making that up right now call the police I don’t know what that means I do like 21 Pilots yeah that’s Sierra Sierra and I had a competition we were playing some mobile games while she’s at work and we did first to 10 wins and we got nine to

Nine what did we play I think she beat me in [ __ ] Battleship and she was at work which is one of my favorite SS ever so she sent me a text a voice text or whatever and since she was at work being a nurse in a baby

Hospital she couldn’t yell so she went how does that [ __ ] feel she yelled as loud as she could because she beat me 10 to n f Sierra’s a nurse too yeah and she just got a new job uh like at a pediatric center I thought you knew

That wait what must have been a nurse thing quiet yelling she she couldn’t yell she was super hyped because she won how does that [ __ ] feel my favorite sound ever I love it how does that [ __ ] feel hey hey hey got like one layer to go this is a good song Guns For

Hands I mean that sounds like a heavy metal song though doesn’t it it sounds like it would be a Slayer song nope this is it like hey our nurses different oh I have such I have such respect for nurses you guys are literally superheroes uh it is literally not

Something I could do I I couldn’t do it a thousand 1,000 bits or three gifted Subs it’s up to yourself cheaper to do the bits though cheaper to do the bits yeah she was like working in like uh like er like normal hospital and stuff and then that was only not even that

Long ago like two months ago I guess uh that she got a new job working in yeah ped Center which super happy for because she doesn’t have people like yelling at her and [ __ ] anymore don’t have crazy people works with babies and kids I forgot about that [Laughter]

Emote not horrible I just I couldn’t do it I couldn’t do it there’s no way I bet I bet you’re while got you have different type of mentality for that sort of thing you know oh how we got slider going on right now oh Udo has been pretty good too I’ll

Put on another that 21 pilot song was really good I want to listen to another one I hope that’s okay DKI I’m going to put on uh the run and go there’s a lot of nurses around here that’s what I like there’s so many nurses uh we have another nurse and it’s

Sierra you and uh why am I blanking on her name right now I haven’t seen her in a little bit since we uh changed to the earlier time oh Hannah I don’t know if you know Hannah or not I forget the her last part of her username Hannah is a nurse

Also yall work at might City Hospital officially whether you like it or not you’re all nurses at might City Hospital uh Kayla’s unbanned Kayla just gets here late Kayla just gets there to like the last hour stream yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah something like that Unbaned her like Friday night or something yeah Hannah P actually she’s probably in the Discord I can to look up her name hold on move out the way my stand I don’t see it immediately I I think that’s correct though oh gamit time gamit time Darion so you don’t miss it there you

Go going in with 12 on this one I’m going in on with 12 uh oh not good I’m going in with 75 I’m going in with 75 come on baby big win big win big win baby yeah there we go we got back plus some plus some more can reset back down to

Five uhoh another loss going to go in with 12 again look could you go Darion uh oh another loss all right I’m going in with 75 again going try going to try to make this up right now boom boom I mean oh no all right I’m going in I’m going all

In chat I’m I’m all in I’m doing an Allin with 475 all in here we go yay Boom Big Win what am I humming right now what is that song oh that’s the [ __ ] Mario star song big winner lady cupcake big winner and since I just won big I’m going to gamble 69

Cuz another win on 69 can’t touch this I’m a winner look at me I’m way in the oh Dem coming up on second place though demo sneaky sneaky I see you sir I see you sneaking we got to we got to hold the fort then bro we got to take everybody

On oh the midnight this is a this a cool artist too actually CH have I been dude I’ve been standing for an hour and a half where did the last hour and a half go I’ll make sure nobody gets last no they’re not no they’re not going to

Be nope not anymore I got to figure out something else for variety for myo game n it’s it’s too unstable to be recording it and doing it the way that we were going to do it so cancel that uh we are adding Minecraft to Saturday stream though instead so instead of Minecraft Monday

To Friday we’re now Minecraft Monday to Saturday long as I don’t finish last I’m good oh hold on I need the jail Song police shovel yeah we still got a little bit little left still a little red on it if you ain’t last you’re first that’s my mentality think about it if you’re not last you’re first that means so long as you don’t come in last place you’re first that’s the mentality everybody should

Have cuz if you’re not last you’re first you’re good daring don’t worry better we don’t punish for that around here need go get food too need a command for broken pickaxes okay fine okay fine hi Panda over there on YouTube s I’m getting to you late 3

Minutes late before I seen that comment on YouTu a broken P I’m not going to break any I do like this music though I yeah so we should be adding a Saturday stream for Minecraft since I’m not going to be doing the variety thing other song Jason let me see if we

Have it on the album list Chase on let’s see if it’s here it is here I’ll add it to the cute the only thing I can think of though when I think of Jason like that name is ruined for me the name Jason has ruined it forever I’ll show you

Why uh by the way I’m going to sell out just for a minute chat we are Seven Subs away from the GOL for today make it happen please get a prime you want a gift you do whatever uh and also exclamation point YT live uh if you want

To support in a very free way we’re looking to get YouTube partner so if you can if you can open up in a second tab I prefer you watch here on Twitch but if you want to farm some watch hours for us we need 4,000 watch hours and we’re well

On on our way to it so if you can do that I’d appreciate it okay I’ll shut up now for like another hour um lyric Jason oh I don’t know if I’ll find it because YouTube is stupid oh well I even be able to find

It what the name of that song chat or not song what’s the name of that game Heavy Rain yes thank you wonder if we can find it wonder if it’s in this one probably in the first episode right and way too much weird I know he’s in the mall oh here we

Go I’ve ever laughing my ass off at this back in the day dude gone he was here a second ago Jason Jason sure no problem whoa this is wicked loud I love this so much probably not even as funny as I remember it but I just remember lyric laughing

At but anytime I hear Jason like my brain just goes to this scene lyric Heavy Rain doing so if I ever go Jason Jason dude his hands are huge did you see that Jason [ __ ] Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason so Jason Jason Jason there might be I don’t

Remember that I remember this vividly Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason wish we had chat cuz chat was losing itas Jason yeah well that’s what he says he was here just a second ago Jason like turned his back for one second Jason Jason okay I’m done all

Right uh Jason what the [ __ ] where’s my son he couldn’t have gone far he was here a second ago like that’s the whole type of story it’s like a weird like we clown dude oh there he is Jason Jason Jason Jason dude how do you [ __ ] lose your

Kid Jason oh there he is Jason Jason Jason I can’t say it anymore he’s still trying to do it what up you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] grounded for a week you really shouldn’t want the know awful lot of people in here please dad can I have one I really

Love to have one please Dad come on the acting is so bad when I the I do that happens to me all the time hey what’s your name Jason which balloon would you like Jason uh the red one Jason here you go no son of mine likes red [ __ ] grounded

That’ll be2 sir Jason wait for me wait for your dad son wait for your dad son what the [ __ ] [ __ ] paying him I’m out keep the change he’s gone are you serious it is impossible to try on a pair of shoes with this crowd where’s Jason he was here a

Second turn around just disappear doesn’t even sound like a real name anymore disappeared do you mean disappeared stay here I’ll go get him I’ll be right back Jason Jason that was yelling iton the [ __ ] is wrong with this kid Jason is this what uh I don’t mean to offend anyone

But is this what autism is Jason Jason lyric Jason oh God I don’t remember that oh dear Jason it was a different time back then chat it was a different time Jason okay this is like 2015 Jason 7 years ago Dude whatever that was okay that guy’s like all right sir are you going to buy something can you stop saying my name my name happens to be

Jason what do you wanton that guy’s like all right sir are you going to buy something can you stop saying my name my name happens to be Jason too what do you want Jason Jason Jas Jason Jason it’s so dumb this [ __ ] I need to go downstairs Jason [ __ ] Jason stairs stairs Jason I saw the arrow saying stairs are here Jason that’s an ATM whaton an at hold on let me read that Again oh here we there’s an escalator escalator that’s ANM he’s so funny dude I Love lyrics so much I can’t believe I got to do this but for anybody that doesn’t know lyric oh God one of the biggest variety streamers if not the biggest variety streamer on Twitch well besides like excuse those like that mainly does games and [Laughter] stuff like I say anytime I hear this Jason anytime I hear the name Jason this is where they go this this is where my brain goes Jason uh oh that’s not him am I right oh my [ __ ] god uh what did I do the worst Mall ever hold on chat I unplugged

Something God damn it Jason Jason Jason Jason wrong way Jason Jason oh himas oh God that’s not Jason Jason that’s not Jason there’s another one Jason Jason okay we’re backas move the [ __ ] over God damn it oh my God Jason oh my [ __ ] god dude hold on [ __ ] [ __ ] Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason sorry my stand up desk pull my HDMI cable or my display port Jason Jason no Jason there goes the balloon we should play this Game Jason so anyway that was my point anytime I hear Jason uh that’s where I think of so without further ado let’s play Jason by midnight Jason Jason dulo Jason Jason Jason Jason sir are you g to buy anything can you stop saying Jason my name happens to be Jason

It says the stairs are over here that’s an ATM Jason did the Kid die Jason’s dead Jason that’s an ATM oh dude l is so funny watching L one of the first people I started watching on Twitch he’s who got me an RP watching L play Armor 3 life and

Stu fing song singing Jason now nobody canot hear it Jason tell me what you chasing Jason this is a good song though I know it doesn’t Jason isn’t real there is no word or anybody named Jason trust me where you going Jason Jason where did you go Jason Jason it’s so stupid

Jason hey Jason gone Jason Jason Jason Jason why are we the way that we are chat oh we got to do this whole hill I forgot about we’re on the last layer I think Chad the last layer l oh boy keep on Jason Jason Theo Jason doesn’t exist Jason press X to

Jason keep on Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason sir can you please stop saying Jason that happens to be my name this is a good song is it I seen I seen that music video well that was like a really really popular clip back in the day like because of

Lyric like it was actually like a meme like that’s like that’s so crazy funny the lyric was moment was Jason Jason Jason where’d you go Jason I think I ruined Jason for everybody here welcome to my world where there is no such thing as Jason yeah thanks J sorry to any jasons

That are in the chat so if anybody ever comes in with the name Jason chat you know what to do well I’ll just are yell Jason in random capital letters is there actually drei oh my Lord Jason’s doesn’t exist this is a no Jason’s club we can have one Jason no

Jason’s and most certainly no Jason’s Sons Jason Jason buing an i video on it oh my Lord it was a thing back in the day it’s an ATM don’t worry stream’s not end Jason what you start say that you can’t you can’t not say it once you know what it is cannot on

Here fix another glass of wine oh you going all in on the wine this morning aren’t you sir Jason Jason Jason Jason Jason just going to ignore them hopefully they turn out like Jason Jason [Applause] Jason oh you got box wine you want that box wine life don’t drink in

Jason yeah Jason is turning into the new klom isn’t it oh you’re thinking it’s Sean oh I think I know which one you’re talking about now actually I do think I remember what you’re talking about JC Jason sounds like the radio guy Casey Cas JY Jason dude Jason isn’t

Real red blender on your gaming desk hey I always like the I like a dry red wine stick to your tongue kind of dry uh yeah oh really this a game I’ve always wanted to play as that heavy ring we should play it as a meme something jeez oh look it’s raining

Speaking of heavy rain yeah I forget what there was a wine that I used to drink it was it was cheap it was only like $12 a bottle and that’s Canadian it’s like eight bucks a bottle American it’s been so long oh Black Label it’s called yeah that’s the

One uh yeah Mulligan uh oh no mcgan mcgan mcgan Black Label if you’re looking to try something new show you what it looks like mcgan Black Label uh it’s a red blend it says so you might like it cheap too and real good that was like my go-to I don’t know

If it is it Canadian I don’t know if it is Canadian or not is it I thought it was Australian for some reason it is Australian Southeastern Australian it’s an Australian mine actually I like that too yeah I’ve had that before I’ve had that before later cupcake I GRE really

Good I I don’t crave alcohol at all I used to like it with food and like I’d have it like for like cheese and uh cheese and meat trays and stuff like that like i’ use it as a food naner I never I never really like getting drunk

The most I’d like would like be like a a little bit of a buzz get loosened up kind of thing I don’t like being drunk though I really don’t like being drunk it’s not not a fun feeling like a like a light Buzz to

A heavy buzz but not at all drunk I just don’t like it I mean I’ve been there I’ve been black out drunk before it’s just not fun uh but like since jeez for probably like the last 15 years I’ve been using wine as like a food enhancer like with

Meat and cheeses and fish and stuff but I haven’t had to drink alcohol well last time I had would be almost a year actually my dad bought me a bottle of Scotch for Christmas cuz he knows I like Scotch uh and we had a we had a glass

Together and that was Christmas of last year is I had any sort of sip of alcohol I still got the bottle of Scotch on my [Laughter] counter never been blacko drunk uh twice I’ve been blacko drunk there’s one time uh I ended up pass out drunk in the McDonald’s drive-thru under the

Bushes I woke up looking at [ __ ] roses woke up and like a rose bush I like can I get baking an Egg McMuffin please what the [ __ ] is going on here where the [ __ ] come I in and I got drunk because it was an I remember it was an Appleton rum Appleton

Rum and coke with ice my budy head and it was way too smooth yeah Scotch should be pretty picky with because it’s so strong uh my favorite Scotch I’ve ever had is a Lefroy Lefroy quarter Casas is really good super like pey like you can taste the smoke out of

It Appleton Estates yeah was an Appleton Jamaican run it’s way too good but just like I don’t even like crave it I used to like crave having a wine every now and again but yeah like I say it’s been a year since I’ve had any sort of Sip and it

Was a probably a year before that since I’ve had a sip since my last sip I always say it’s not that I don’t drink it’s just that I it’s just I never do same with the weed it’s not that I don’t smoke it’s just I never do a lemon blueberry infused water no

Carbonation 4.5 I’m not I’m not against like either of it long as you know done responsible Merry Christmas oh it’s not that close yet all right we’re in the holiday season but a little too early to be saying it Merry Christmas though merry crimbo happy Chrysler how many times have we listened

To this Jason song this Jason song has been on repeat I think Jason Jason next song please have we listened to it like four times it does Spotify does that when I search a song and then play it it’s only second time okay J one of my favorite fool fighter songs here dear

Rosemary in Denmark we say it all Christmas all December oh I was just joking I don’t it’s the Christmas holiday season you can say Merry Christmas every day we you’re Jason Jason VES Jason sedki Two tur it up Chad cranking [Applause] it you think going to change the way you die Gambit time and go going in with a 75 to make up for the last two gambles that I lost way got away got away from me uh oh screw it chat we’re going all

In I’m going all in 957 going all in with a 957 yeah that’s enough talking about let’s go baby big wiener big big wiener baby like it come on lady cupcake if I can do it you can do it don’t be a wooer r Mar your part of me you know you

Are you are you are Rosemary please Parton me you know you are you are you are Ro R Mary please pardon me truth ain’t going to change the way you lie you think going to change the way you die dear Rosemary was no orinary life YouTube was over there like

Please stop singing with we have no music you sound like a dumbass Gone it’s such a good song such a good Foo Fighter album your boy needs another coffee I’m going to get a coffee in like 30 minutes maybe uh ads start in 25 seconds and do a very quick Spiel if you like the stream if you’re enjoying the stream please do

Help us out and support keep the lights on in might City keep the stream of the dream alive if you got a prime sub get rid of those stinky ads or if you’re already subb please do gift a sub or two or three or five to your favorite people

In chat so they don’t get ads oh my God ads coming in 6 seconds I don’t have anything else to say exqueeze me okay ads are starting Daren you made the leaderboard oh my goodness you’re in fourth how did that happen away from I’m going to please I’m going to

Please Den BR right now how about this then bro good RNG I guys you’re a winner TR ain’t going to change the way you lie you ain’t going to change the way you die I love that lyrics I love that course hey thank you all for being here

Though I really appreciate it you guys are epic you guys are amazing you guys are awesome having you guys here every day is something special thank you for being a part of It j h we on the last layer chat before we start taking out two at a time I think what we’ll do is after we get this layer done well we got to take out the stone first but before we start like we’ll take out the sand that sand is

Just going to be really annoying to deal with once we get the stone down also take out the S though patience ah it’s only because I’m streaming it and listening to music and goofing around with you guys I’m not even paying attention what I’m doing I’m barely even looking at

Minecraft that’s what’s so great about Minecraft is you can do some pretty cool projects like some big projects especially while you’re streaming it and just [ __ ] happens but then you’re also just hanging out with cool people so Minecraft is such a good streaming game you know like Minecraft is background noise pretty much

But at the same time you get to do cool things really I’m just listening to music and holding down left Mouse and turning back left and right while looking at chat talking to you guys really at the end of the day Jason that’s why I love streaming Minecraft

Man that’s why I love about the might City radio playlist too really helps out time flies when you’re like listening to music and music that you’re not like normally listening to you’re saying we’re cool yeah you the coolest of cool baby don’t you forget it you’re the coolest of cooly

Cools why is waiting on something on to AutoCraft yeah it’s like great right like that’s what’s so good about Minecraft it’s just a conversation you can have and like you’re literally just hanging out with your favorite people uh other games are like that too I’m

Sure like I’m sure a lot of wow people are like that like just as a rating doing their dailies hi MCX chases what’s up dude sorry I’m seeing you late over there on the YouTube one glass of wine left uh oh what you going to do you’re going to have to Uber

Something door Dash some wine I can’t wait to move so I can have door Dash and Uber Eats and stuff I’m never going to leave my house bro I didn’t realize the amount of stuff that you can do with door Dash like you can do anything cuz we don’t have that [ __ ]

Around here in my small town I thought door Dash was just like delivery for food Uber some wine at 78 p.m. you mean a.m. I mean yeah why not driving 30 minutes W not after drinking you or not you go yeah you can literally like I mean I sound like like such an

Old person it’s not my fault we don’t have this around here but I thought it was just like cuz like if I order a pizza right the pizza shop has its own delivery driver or like a company that they’ll call to come get it like we don’t have Uber Eats or

Door Dash or anything like that so if we call for delivery they call somebody to pick it up and then send it over R which I’m sure many of you are probably used to before door Dash and stuff but I that’s what I thought door Dash was I thought door

Dash was just a company that like is the same thing as that but just like a super popular one but I didn’t realize like on the app like Sierra was showing me I didn’t realize in the app like you can just like [ __ ] get stuff from Walmart if

You wanted do they can door Dash like literally anything like it’s not just food it’s like [ __ ] like everything which I can’t wait to move just to have access to something like that is that that actually blew my mind Monday morning which means you’re best [ __ ] oh you really want waffles now

Don’t you you can’t get it out your head damn it now I want waffles beer delivered through door Dash I don’t know if you could do that here maybe though cuz here in uh well Nova Scotia I think a couple of provinces are different but I know NE brunic is the same and

Like here in Nova Scotia like you can’t just sell alcohol anywhere you have to get it from the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation there specific stores same with weed and uh any sort of like cannabis same thing like you can’t just go to the grocery store and get liquor I’m from Nova Scotia

Yep sure am why Nova scotian as a gets get up in Cape Breton oh I is oh we’re just we’re just repeating Coheed now come on Spotify keep up you were your lineage is from oh really I didn’t know that didn’t know that from K Britain talk funny theyy things like Guai and

Scribbler it’s a French I don’t know French at all it can count to 10 I can say bour really funny bour I don’t know why I say like that bour b b cat scept we I don’t know French French is more of a New Brunswick thing new brunic in Quebec you’ll find a

Lot of French speaking people but other than that there’s not that much in Canada K back obvious VI L and then new Bron’s like there’s a lot of French freaking people one thing I noticed on YouTube if you are a member to someone they emotes don’t show up we’re on other channels oh

Really interesting second grade did not well when I um French for me didn’t become mandatory until grade nine but then it was way too late I remember yeah grade n was the first time we had French like where it was mandatory and we took it and it was a goof off class

Because they knew that like none of us really knew French uh but it was mandatory when I was in grade nine it was mandatory to start taking French you had to take it and then in grade 10 I took French and I still remember to this day I was like

Well I might as well take French cuz it’s a stupid class I wasn’t a very good student like I’m taking French again cuz like you don’t do [ __ ] all in French so then grade 10 was high school so grade seven and N was Junior High and grade 10

12 was high school now it’s different I think you got Grade 9 through 12 now I think for high school but anyway I went to high school I took uh French in grade 10 and then like I I remember sitting in the class and the class starting and he was getting everybody to

Introduce themselves in French and like telling them uh like I about their summer in French and I remember sitting there like oh I’m in the wrong [ __ ] place and I stood up I like I’m out what do you mean Ro like I I’m changing classes cuz in high school it it wasn’t

Mandatory but like up to grade n it’s mandatory in high school it’s elective you don’t have to take it but I was taking it to like as a goof class and no this is like no I can’t be here I don’t know what’s going on you guys are speaking French

Like you guys aren’t counting just 10 anymore like no I need to change classes immediately yeah it was the wrong neighborhood cuz I I remember I waited for like five people too I waited like five people to introduce themselves and every one of them was like speaking like fluent

French I was like oh no everybody here knows it like I’m the only one that can count to 10 in French and say toilet toilet in French is just toilet yeah that was the wrong place for me I was like see you later and I got my CH class

Change that day and they didn’t want to let me do it either I’m like I’m telling you I can’t do this class there’s no way this is so Advanced you guys are crazy like dude they’re speaking French I can’t speak French they change my class I just no

I don’t really like French either like I feel like if I was going to learn another language it wouldn’t be French I first I would like to learn American Sign Language would be great I feel like but like a a spoken language if I was going to learn like another spoken language probably

Spanish from the most southern us talks more fluent French I don’t know well I’m an idiot I’m a dumbass so it doesn’t help I was a terrible student dude I flunked every year I had to take summer school for grade seven and then in high school I had a 33% attendance [Laughter]

Rate just skip school and go drink and stuff but I did go back to school just to prove something to myself I took a year off and said you know what maybe I do want to go to university hey W boy mate you know thank for the raid dude

We’re talking about being dumb asses 33 yeah I only went to high school 33% of the time I went just enough where I could learn what I needed to pass and I was such a like a good kid like every teacher like love me and my brother was a really good student

And teachers love my brother but teachers Lov me cuz I was like a sweetheart like you know I don’t why did does wag mean something I don’t know what it means uh yeah I was always like know I was like a good kid like it wasn’t bad

Or anything bad I just didn’t go to school I just didn’t like school I I was extremely social anxiety is what it was I had a couple of friends that I could be around and they were bad kids they weren’t bad kids but you know they played H all the

Time so I just skip with them and hang with them was really hard being in school with severe soci good a good kid I was a good kid man I was a sweetheart mama’s boy almost I was a good good kid I think I’m even a good man now you

Know no I was a good kid like get along with everybody get along with teachers and stuff and the teachers were like I went to school enough just to get a passing grade which was 60 but I would get like 55s all the time but they would pass me anyway CU they like

Me and didn’t want to fail me of course we got Tim Orton I could walk to Tim Horton right now literally Tim Orton’s a two-minute walk it oh thank you Jackal Landon I appreciate you I don’t know why Auto mod got you nothing wrong with passing no I disagree

Because I remember they did that to me in grade six remember they said uh he’s going to fail grade seven if I pass him we want to hold them back my parents didn’t want to do that they didn’t want me to like you know and then sure enough in grade s and

I failed pretty pretty badly but my birthday is weird too like I went to school like a year early so like like I started school when I was 4 I guess September baby um but no I don’t I don’t think it was very good I don’t think it was good for

Me but I did go back to school I did go back to school after high school it took a year off and like I said maybe I wanted to do something cuz I’ve always felt stupid as well like I always felt like a stupid person uh even through Junior High and

High school well in junior high the teachers wanted there’s like a they call it a slow school I guess I don’t know what you call these days in 20123 but we called this slow school then and uh again my parents didn’t want to but it’s just I just didn’t pay

Attention I just didn’t care anyway after high school I was like you know what maybe I do want to do something with my life maybe I do want to go to college for something so I went back to high school and took on a full course load and all I did was show

Up I I showed up I sat in the front of the class and I paid attention and not once did I study like I didn’t study I I still didn’t do like uh like I did the homework that was assigned but like I didn’t study at home or anything and I

Was top of my class except for math cuz I’m just terrible at math even still today but every other class that I had like the the smart people that you know that were in your school they were copying off of me which was a really weird experience

For me but all I did was just I applied myself I wanted to be there sat at the front of class and I just had 100% attendance right instead of 33 and it was a teacher hey good night dude thank you for the raid I appreciate you Jacker

Thank you for bringing the people over appreciate you uh it was my English teacher that uh uh is the only reason that I went back and I still like thank him I still dream about him like and like saying thank you because I never actually got to properly thank him for

That but I remember he uh kind of emotional even talking about it to be honest uh September 9th and I’m 38 uh I remember he said Matthew see me after class we called him Mr G who was such like such like a TV thing hi pit cat over on

YouTube he’s like Matthew and he was a really good teacher too and he’s like he’s really like well-liked by the students uh he’s like Matthew I want to talk to you after class and I thought it was really weird cuz no teacher has ever done that here’s of the eighth hey there you

Go I’ll remember that now too so anyway he closed the door and he sat down and I was just standing in front of his desk and he looked at me dead in the eyes and he goes what the [ __ ] is wrong with you and I was like whoa what the

[ __ ] why is he saying this to me I was like uh what do you mean I was just like I was so unexpected I like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like why are you goofing up like why are you not applying yourself he’s like you’re not

Stupid like why are you failing my class he’s like I know you’re not stupid because I’ve been paying attention to you and he was like showing me on the on the tests uh and on our assignments and stuff and he was like when you’re here when you’re in my class every

Answer that you put on the test you put exact what the answer is and everything when you’re not here when you’re not attending my class you make up some [ __ ] as an answer he’s like so I know you’re not stupid so what’s going on why are you

Not showing up the class there’s no absolutely no reason you should be top of the class I I just don’t like school man like I don’t know I’d rather be doing anything else so like he had that talk with me and it stuck in my head since

That too and that was like grade 11 so grade 11 grade 12 I was like I didn’t clean up my act at all cuz I still didn’t want to be there but after I graduated you know I got to contemplate and stuff I was you know what [ __ ] it

I’m going to go back I’m going to go back to school and I was I was taught in my class except for math cuz math sucks but I even did pretty decent in math like more better than I than I normally would have but every other class I was my

Glass all I did was pay attention so I it’s just like yeah I still like like eternally grateful to him because I I don’t if it wasn’t for him I’d still feel stupid and that really changed like the trajectory of my life really like with in a lot of ways for

Just like I’m not an idiot I can do anything I can apply myself to I just have to want to be there and that that’s gone through every job that I’ve had that comes into streaming you know and being a full-time streamer for the last 12 years if I

Apply myself I can do anything I just have to want to be there and want to be able to do it so like just that one small little conversation that he took his time out and he didn’t have to do that either like literally changed my

Life cuz uh you know going back you know this there’s no confidence issues in as far as my my intelligence stuff goes you know I’ll really L to Cupcake yeah 29 I’m 38 I’m an old man now I’m starting to get gray hair and my beard

Too I think I lasted long enough with color it’s time to go Gray so anyway chat I believe in you you can do it you just have to apply yourself and want to be there I believe in you too don’t let anybody tell you different hece Nine

Kills it’s weird weird how someone can have an effect on you like that eh and that’s the best of people too people can be [ __ ] but man people can be awesome it’s one conversation changed an entire life you know oh I’ve had some bad teachers I’ve had some pretty bad

Teachers remember my biolog teacher was a dick [ __ ] hated that dude you showed up late for his class he would uh he would put you outside of the class he take your desk and put it outside you’d have to listen to class from outside he such a dick

Dude and again I was such a good kid like teachers [ __ ] love me like I like was such a good kid that he never wanted to like do it to me but he would and remember one day I shed up BL for a test so he took my desk instead of

Putting it outside he put me right up to the front and dude I I [ __ ] bomb biology so bad at biology because of him well not because of him obviously because of me but because like I didn’t like him I shot up to his class even less I

Bomb but I remember this one test I got a 100 on it because because I showed up late for class still I still remember his face to this day bro and I’ve told this story on stream before too but he took my desk and put it up to

The front of the class so I can do my test cuz you know that was like his thing that he did and as I said sit down in my my desk and I’m looking at the questions and I look in front of me in front of me is next to the chalkboard to

The right of the chalkboard it’s just like a bulletin board with stuff pinned all over it like from the class literally the answers to the test like all the like the valves of the heart and like everything that was on the test is right there literally right

Front of me and remember he came up uh and he was looking at my answers and he he looked at me like [ __ ] eyebrows down like what the [ __ ] and then he looked in front of me and he looked at me and he goes I was like you y not my fault

Bro thanks my bolog teacher and Junior High that you passed oh really a feel like a most people have like a good teacher story there’s some good teachers out there dude I remember when I went to summer school oh that’s where the bad kids were man I remember this young teacher she

Was fine too should be saying that cuz I was in grade eight but uh oh dude I remember her trying to teach and uh I think I had a good influence on her too though like I think I think my one gesture to her like maybe made her stay

Being a teacher cuz I remember she like started crying remember I was just sitting in class and like everybody was just talking she was like okay everybody got to sit down get sit down you got shut up and just like nobody was like listening to her she try to teach and

Like talk over it and people were just throwing like [ __ ] paper balls and spit balls through straws and [ __ ] is it [ __ ] like chaos bro uh and I remember I went up to this cuz I felt so bad I went up to the front of the

Class um cuz she was only young too she’s probably like 20 21 like just like trying to become a teacher teach in summer school she wasn’t like a full teacher yet I remember I went up to this front of the class and I sat down I put

My hands on my desk like this and I goes like that and literally the class was going crazy uh she started teaching me and then it was almost like one by one the whole entire class just like started shutting up like one by one people would start turning around paying attention because

They see me paying attention feeling bad for her and then eventually the whole class shut up in like in like 15 minutes it was a really cool moment actually I felt proud of that yeah a French teacher to quit his first year with us oh I’ve had I’ve I

Remember some teachers quitting in school dude I there’s no way if I was going to be a teacher because that’s what I was going to be I was going to be a teacher before I realized how [ __ ] expensive to be a teacher I wish there ain’t no way it’d

Be elementary elementary school no no way i’ be teaching Junior High in high school I ain’t dealing with kids like me and my friends that’s a [ __ ] jerk what’s up poock by the way good to see you a long time no see oh yeah I don’t know

How people teach high school high school kids not t want to hear sh Shenanigans of course we do I supposed to get a coffee right now but I’ll drink my cold coffee for another minute you bullied them in a retirement teachers man they don’t get paid enough they do not get paid

Enough going to think of some other stories uh had some like students like fight people and stuff like witnessing that crazy [ __ ] high school kids man see like I was like like like I was a good kid I just like I didn’t go to school got a man to call your mommy Jesus

Christ Jesus uh oh yeah just ghost them now over 2,000 points I don’t remember any like bad teachers dude I remember a teacher I had what grade was it this grade five teacher I think dude she was [ __ ] Corella DeVille like she was like six like three

64 uh and she was [ __ ] look like Cella DeVille like not not the new Cella DeVille my not my girlfriend Cruella like that was her like she [ __ ] look just like that she had the same like bone structure in her face and everything I mean that’s Mommy right

There but no she looked like the cartoon Corella DeVille like she even used to like kind of wear coats like that and like in the winter time crazy actually well I wanted here I like I like tea I love the tea it’s my favorite thing

I just said ghost of now that you got to call your mommy te is the best dude they live on it I don’t partake but I need tea in my life just other people’s eating on my own what the [ __ ] ah that hopefully that guy went to

Jail uh it’s going to be a creeper Farm in this area so it’s a perimeter dig going to make a super efficient creeper Farm hey we just broke 100 viewers for the day too chat G flipping cheeses I forgot to do my uh sub routine before the ads played so we’ll wait for

Ads to play uh and I need to stand up breaking a coffee too so we’re going to go grab that I’m not a ghost to BL my board yes will I still message him once a week maybe it just wasting your energy though don’t waste your energy on people like that

Too good for that apply your energy so many other places that’s okay you’ve had a lot of wine don’t worry about typos just going to end up making yourself like depressed I mean I would anyway I guess I would much negativity man oh no there’s a priv

Chicken make things that’s why I like vanilla actually I like the inconvenience of vanilla Minecraft uh like mod it’s cool and stuff main reason I I like playing the latest version of Minecraft too but one thing uh I like about vanilla Minecraft is it’s very inconvenient even to the point where you

Can’t middle Mouse click to organize your inventory like you have to move everything manually so for me I like the latest version but also I like the inconvenience of what vanilla has whereas modded you know a lot of times just makes it easier now one is worth it well if

You’re spending all your time with [ __ ] boys and spending all that energy with [ __ ] boys you’re not going to find anybody worth it you cuz you’re spending all your time in the wrong place you know what I’m saying I don’t mean to be advising you yeah what up metal glint I mean

Giving you advice while you’re on the wine think about it you know I can’t I I’ve lived I’m just a pretty positive person anyway you like when it comes to like uh bad Vibe people uh I’ve even learn to be even Kinder these days normally my my kind would be to cut them

Out not deal with them but I’ve recently learned uh even just even just be kind even even just more kind you still don’t have to uh really like deal with them but like if they’re in your life in some sort of way you can just just be

Kind especially if feel like you kind of have to or whatever you know but my idea of kind before was like oh if you [ __ ] around then I just you know I won’t deal with you and I’ll ignore you or whatever when your Math teachers your best friend’s

Mom dude I remember I was like the whole time it’s such a like like it sounds like I’m making it up but like I was legit the talk of uh the talk of the school like as far as teachers goes because it’s called upgrades you can go back to school for

Upgrades and and uh like a lot of people do it but they don’t change their habits they don’t they don’t go back and they don’t do any better you know they’re doing it because they’re trying to you know do something with their lives but they’re just not changing who they are

As a person and remember all the teachers were so proud of me uh they L like make an example to me like like asked if I can they can use my test scores and send them to different schools and like use them as an example for like different students stuff like

You if you come for upgrades you can improve yourself look at this student how bad he was his entire Junior High and high school career and look what he’s doing was a weird experience it really was oh I believe you are daring Hicks I I believe you

Are I mean we all get to that point too right we all get to that point with people we’re just like [ __ ] you dude but I don’t know like I say I guess the older I get the the more my [ __ ] you is just like my piece is not

Worth me hating you so my [ __ ] you is more kind you know cuz the way I operate too like I uh I think it was Matthew MCC was on Joe Rogan I think some sort of interview Matthew MCC was on anyway which really resonated to me and also there’s a DMX

Quote that I heard recently but Matthew mccon was like uh you have 100% of my trust until you don’t because there’s a lot of people that they have a lot of walls and barriers up when it comes to people and they don’t trust uh they don’t trust at

All like from people in their whether it be in their past and relationships ex-girlfriends ex-boyfriends or whatever like when you get into a new relationship you have so many walls up uh and to prevent yourself from getting hurt like so it makes sense you know but

Kind of that you have 100% of my trust until you don’t mentality and like I’ve I like to think that I’ve lived it with everybody that you have 100% of my trust until you don’t but when you break it you’ll never be at 100% again and then the DMX quote was what was

It trust people to be who they are something like that like trust the snake to be a snake like you don’t have you don’t have to cut people out of your life you don’t have to be consumed with negativity when it comes to people but

If you know a snake trust them to be a snake you know if you know a lion trust them to be a lion good-hearted kind-hearted people kind of thing you know but they’re still not worth your time and your energy see that’s that’s what that’s the

Way I used to be too brand but I like you have 100% of my trust until you don’t even when people that I don’t know but if you break that trust then you’ll never be you’ll never be there so even new people if I if I meet

A new person now you have 100% of my trust I I’ll welcome you into my my arms 100% but if you [ __ ] it up you only have one opportunity to not [ __ ] it up but you have 100% of my trust immediately cuz it’s too much it’s too

Much energy like it’s so much energy giving putting up a 50% barrier to people cuz you’re always watching are they going to [ __ ] up when are they going to [ __ ] up I got to really be careful of this person who is this person really I don’t

Know them I get so much energy to do it but I just you are who you are I’m even with the keano I’m even on keano side when it comes to like you’re at the point at the point in your life and at the age where if you

Say 2 plus 2 equals 5 I’m just going to say yeah you’re right go ahead and keep believing that I’m not going to deal with you we’re not going to talk but yeah sure yeah you’re right 2 plus 2 equal 5 all right no yeah you’re you’re

Right I do need a copy in to stretch but conversation’s too good right now well no you can see those people pretty pretty immediate though right especially if you’re like uh like I consider myself an empath I can I can read people pretty good you you can tell people pretty

Quick if they’re going to be a problem or not like if they’re creepy and weird and somebody tells you something about them like or whatever you know you obviously that 100% trust goes away because they’re creepy like that gets away from that trust they don’t have to do

Anything like physically to you or yourself but like you can see how people like are and like oh that’s not a person I’m really going to be wanting to deal with like if you say 2 plus 2 equals 5 then you lose my trust and you’ll never get it back

Like like it’s as simple as that right but and then you just don’t deal with that gun person right ex yes but exactly exactly BR that’s my point because I’ve had that too obviously right in in the past you’ve had you put your people but

You can’t like if we were to interact or if you were to interact with like uh this is really important for relationships too uh to have a really healthy relationship so we’ll just use that as an example if you get into a relationship with a new girlfriend

You’ve been hurt in the past before you’ve been cheated on by every girlfriend that you’ve had and you get into a new relationship and this might be the sweetest the sweetest girlfriend that you’ve You’ ever had in your life and is incredibly loyal but you have a

50% barrier up to her which is going to push her away and it’s going to be a lot of energy for her to deal with for the mistakes of other ass hats and that’s not fair to her it’s not fair to them boyfriend girlfriend whatever and that’s just that’s so so

Unhealthy like that’s not really like a a a nice way to live you know cuz that’s the way I was as well and I just found like I’d be more depressed dealing with people as I was more of a recluse you know more antisocial with that mentality it’s because I wouldn’t

Let people in at all CU people can suck but I I made a promise to myself that I would never blame I would never blame people for the mistakes of other people CU that’s a [ __ ] way to be to people so I kind of went with like kind

Of naturally with you have 100% of my trust until you don’t and then I heard Matthew MC say that I’m like that’s the way I am like that that’s a quote that like I live by it’s it’s not fair to people you know they’re not the they’re not the people of your

Past they are not the people that made you mistrust but if you’re going to mistrust good people they’re going to mistrust you and it’s so much such a like I say just such a waste of energy in my opinion whereas you can still like you can accept people

In but if they [ __ ] up then your walls or go up you know yeah and it’s not it’s not a it’s not a light switch either it’s not just something you can flick but you can meditate on that thought like maybe I should let people

In maybe I should let my walls down a little bit that doesn’t mean to be vulnerable that’s not a weakness I think I think that’s an Incredible strength to to be that way to allow people to allow people in your life with 100% trust just immediately is so much more

Difficult uh this is going to be a creeper from Shay music world uh I am my wife’s second husband and her ex was a real piece of crap uh to her before she got divorced and I go through the same thing thing uh when we got together you just have to be patient

And know the most of the negative reaction is just trauma response yes it is yes it is but like I say like definitely like you have that trauma response too but if you were in her shoes it’s not you know it’s not fair to you to be you’re not her ex-husband you

Know and what most certainly is a trauma response that’s uh you know that’s on you to be able to accept that from her and trust her too because you know because people have trauma there’s no there’s no way to get around that right even if it’s not fair to you you’re all

In you know and like there’s there still has to be an understanding when it comes to that sort of thing as well but if any means possible you’re not her ex-husband sort of thing you know yeah you have to understand people’s mental health CU especially when like there’s abuse like real

Abuse like that’s that’s that’s really not something you can just flip in your in your brain as a switch you know that is that is lifelong stuff and you have to realize that people do are going to have barriers people are going to have walls up cuz again people are [ __ ] you

Know but if you can practice and meditate on a lot of that stuff too you can become more healthy yourself more mentally strong cuz again like I say that’s like for me for me I don’t think that’s a weakness trusting people I think it’s a much harder thing to do to truly open

Your arms up to new people uh especially when you have trauma because I do you know it’s not like abusive trauma but like with relationships in my past you know that’s that’s why i’ I’ve meditated on these things and saying it’s not fair to it’s not fair to other people that

Other people were shitty to me and close off those relationships when I don’t like I’m blaming them for something that they’ve never done or may never do you know because of other shitty people Yeah well yeah absolutely you and you do have to work through it

Right and you know I’m sure even with trauma like she understand understands that too but there’s going to be more barriers up but but like I say that’s a strength if you can work towards that it is such a strength cuz it ain’t easy it’s not easy trusting

People but it’s it’s more of a positive energy that gives you the strength and energy to go through more things I find like I feel like it you’re mentally stronger forgiveness too forgiveness is another thing uh which is incredibly hard to truly forgive somebody but man the weight off off your

Shoulders I’ve been practicing true forgiveness for a while now but again once that trust is broken then there’s walls up but then they just don’t you know just well your loss not mine sort of thing but being able to forgive somebody especially in a relationship like if somebody does something in a

Relationship you know and you say I forgive you you have to mean it cuz you’ll have such a weight off your shoulders and in the relationship but it’s not something you can bring up again in six months you already forgiven them for it if they do the same thing

Again uh then it’s time for probably like either a breakup and not forgiveness forgive but time time to move on at that point you know fool me once kind of mentality yeah I mean people can be [ __ ] man people can be that’s crazy Silvers people are [ __ ] but like like I

Say like the amount of energy you use for walls putting up to people the amount of energy that that requires is insane and the last few years it’s probably like the last like four or five years like since like my relationship ended it’s been meditation and mindsets and you

Know like just really being like at peace find ways to be more at peace and uh I think forgiveness is important I think trust is important cuz it’s just you know it’s so less less tense people are still going to be [ __ ] there’s no stopping that but like I

Say if we’re talking and you say 2 plus 2 equal 5 is like right on pale you’re right 2 plus two is five probably not going to deal too much with each other after that but you you be you s if I’m missing any of these I’m kind of ranting a lot myself

Too don’t be missing anybody’s comments in [ __ ] make Kelly Clarks Kelly Clarkson I can’t think of Kelly CL thinking of 40 y old virgin either so anyway yeah stop texting them Darion is the point of that 45 minute [Laughter] rant to answer your question Darien no you shouldn’t text them

Back 9 years you’ve been married huh so no man stomping see da right now oh man oh fine all right sorry some behaviors are hard to break uh good example myself uh if I don’t feel good or negative heads space or whatever uh my go-to mve is to put

Myself uh on an island so to speak emotionally spent a lot of time alone and so I don’t want to bring anyone else down expressing uh how I feel took me a long time to learn that I could and should open up to my wife uh

When I feel that way and sometimes slip back into the behav well that’s that’s that’s fine too but like that’s the other important thing with the relationship and being open and honest and trust trusting that much in your partner that you’re with and not blaming your partner for past mistakes is she

Can learn your mannerisms and and she can learn your habits and that old habits that you might have and work through so long as the communication is there she can understand and doesn’t feel left out she doesn’t feel like it’s her fault and she knows that it’s a you

Thing and you just need your space right now this is kind of how I deal with stuff I’m working on being more open with you and but that just comes down but that’s and again that’s trusting somebody as well though right trusting her that she’s going to learn how you

Are that’s what I mean have have the trust that she can understand that you don’t have to be perfect you might have your weird ways of dealing with we all do like nobody’s nobody’s perfect but you can at least have the trust and it sounds like you

Do your wife to be like hey this is how I deal with things sometimes I don’t need advice I just going to be in my head for a little while I’m okay sometimes is how I deal with stuff it’s not you and then that’s as far as that trust

Has to kind of go you know what I mean doesn’t have to be any more than that but there’s still trust there there’s still that very deep level of trust and that’s that’s what a relationship is you me cuz I get like that too like I I’m really good at

Giving like advice I find like and I deal with like I people seem to come to me a lot I don’t know if you’re you guys are like that within like your family and friend group and stuff too but friends have a problem or family has a

Problem I seem to be the person that they come to for advice uh [Applause] and I have a couple people that that very very few literally a couple uh that I would feel comfortable opening up with but even then it’s still hard for me because I just kind of deal with it

Myself but talking is such a such a good thing there would be literally like two people I’d be I’d feel comfortable being vulnerable with and not dealing with it on my own I’m definitely more like you know give me all your trauma yeah what’s up King

Slayer give me all your trauma I am completely okay with that I will I will listen to the ends of the Earth and sometimes that might that’s might be all it is is just listening you don’t need to give advice all the time there doesn’t always have to be a solution

Sometimes he just listening but like as far as like people like like trauma dumping is not like a good thing for a lot of people like you people can trauma trauma dump on me all they want it’s not going to affect like my mental health state or anything you

Know I’ve always been kind of like really good with them hi Insanity hey Kings Slayer thank you for subbing over on the YouTube man appreciate you thank you thank you thank you so much I guess I should remind the twitch stream too exclamation point YT live

Chat if you guys want to help out and farm some watch hours uh please do make sure you sub to the channel over there as well take a dump I’m mad all you want okay dude okay bro that’s what we got out of that also midwinter I’ve been ranting

This whole time I love you good morning by the way I didn’t get to say hi to midwinter yet cuz I’ve been on top just talking we’re building a creeper farm this is going to be a super efficient creeper farm that we’re building here uh we’re in a perimeter dig we’re

Digging out a 256x 256 area so we’re just getting the dirt layer down first uh we’re getting everything down to like layer 63 right now and then we’ll be able to just do it like in a square but we got to got to get everything flat first but this area is

Going to be a creeper Farm we think we got to do the perimeter dig first but I can’t imagine anything else that we would need to go here so probably just going to be that creep after 45 minutes the conclusion is we can dump on men ah this is Java I play

Java I Let Go got your door feel like you’re free again yeah well like for me I was in a 14-year 14-year relationship and uh the relationship was fine it was just more we were more friends than we were better friends than we were boyfriend and girlfriend and

Then then that caused a lot of issues within like the relationship but for me it was like a and it wasn’t really the end of that relationship it was more the end of relationships as a whole cuz I’m a relationship kind of guy like I don’t I don’t like sleep around I I’ve

Only ever had three girlfriends in my my entire life and that goes back to when I was like 15 or 16 when I had my first girlfriend but from the time I was 15 to what 34 four years ago now I’ve been single uh so from the time I was 15 till

The time I was 34 I was single maybe four to six months yeah we split on good terms too uh Holly I but I’ve always been a relationship kind of guy and like for me it was a really weird experience I had to find out who I was I didn’t know who

I was as a person so it was a really weird experience for me like finding out what I like by myself with no compromising this is a long time to not be single you know like for my when I had my first girlfriend when I was like 15 or 16 we

Broke up I was single m maybe 2 3 months and then long-term relationship again and then when we broke up it was again same thing like maybe single again for 2 3 months then I was in a relationship for 14 years so when uh when uh broke up in my

Last X was just like okay I’m just going to concentrate on me for a while and that gets dangerous too talk about not letting people in again um I was really not in a good a good spot for that and like I say one all this talk about trusting people and

Opening up to people is only very recent thing for me not like I’ve been working on it for the last four years but really like accepting that again like I said it’s not a light switch like that’s something I’ve medit like literally not like not like a weird

Yogi or anything like my version of meditating and like being spiritual with myself it’s just using the four and four breathing method and concentrating on my breathing sitting in the edge of my bed I’m not like [ __ ] doing Ms and stuff not that there’s anything wrong with

That but like just breathe in for 4 seconds hold your breath for 4 seconds breathe out for 4 seconds hold for 4 seconds breathe in for 4 seconds and just do that for like 5 10 minutes and just focus on your breath and not worry about anything else and kind of meditate

On a try to like medit on a thought but that’s like what meditation is for me it’s not like people hear meditation and they think like weird peace and quiet is addictive it yes that’s the best way to put it peace and quiet is very addictive uh but it’s also like really

Dangerous cuz you can go deep you can go deep with your peace you make up a lot of rules you put up a lot of uh barricades for not uh for like not only people but for like yourself you know hey let’s go Insanity internet upgrade what are you getting are you

Getting like a fiber line or just like a faster upload download I went uh from 5 years to 6 months uh single to 9 years yeah yeah we pretty much like the same thing yes yeah and that’s that’s the other thing too then yeah like

For like as I said like I said like I’m never going to be in a relationship again I kind of meme about it being on stream and stuff too and I’m not against it uh not against relationships or getting into relationships and I’m a lot more open to it like now mentally for

Sure but it’s just like yeah the it’s going to be some important person that I really like cuz I’m GL I’m not like against it it’s going to take a lot though all right so go man good conversation guess I just had to run into her kitchen cuz she forgot the food

And the stuff no we’re having too good a conversation apparently hey Chad look all the dirt’s gone except for this hill right here what did you burn lady cake uh actually there’s a little bit about here what level are we getting it down to 63 goulash [ __ ] [ __ ] some gash right

Now literally [ __ ] with some goulash I meant to say that’s what I meant to say suck to the pot now I want this goulash is so good though that’s my favorite things one of my favorite things to eat I want the poor Darion Darion just trying to have a good

Time while she’s drinking wine [ __ ] around some dudes and then you got Matt going on a rant for an hour I mean yeah sure stomp on them stomp on them it’s fine you’ll be all right don’t worry worry less just do do do you sorry darant a genuine Hungarian

Gulash today’s Monday and the start of my New Year’s resolutions to work out and eat better again I mean I’ve been doing good I’m supposed to be getting a little bit more strict with it today so I got to be good hey just know [ __ ] boys aren worth

Your dime I you better than that bad right the pasta unless I’m not thinking what gashes sponsor by Matt welcome to m city and welcome to m city therapy our offices are open everybody 24 hours a day hey there you go Dar that’s all right you still set your boundaries there’s

Nothing wrong with boundaries that’s for sure but like for like for me the the trust that I’m talking about is telling somebody your boundaries just that alone to trust a person enough to say hey these are my boundaries these are my traumas these are my quirks these are my mannerisms

Like that’s to me is trust that’s trusting somebody that’s letting them know who you are yeah being honest being honest just simply honest with somebody is trust and that’s what I mean like you have my trust until you don’t have 100% of my trust in

You I’m letting you in in any way even just by letting you know who who I am that’s Trust don’t [ __ ] it up no I was supposed to get a coffee an hour [Laughter] ago oops Yeah I I do I do carnivore though uh lady cupcake so a lot of rice

And pasta and sauces and stuff not really a part of me dying not really carnivore but it’s like 95% carnivore might need a beer after this I know right good therapy session that’s a good therapy session D not really I’m not your therapist I’m not a training therapist we’re just

Talking okay we’re down to the level that we want for the dirt so we’ll just wait am I yeah I am okay we’re going to repair a shovel and then we come back we just got a little bit of stone to do oh yeah and that hill right there I

Forgot one more little repair in the shovel and then we’re just going to flatten just a little bit of stone and then this area will be ready to be dug out even a cigarette I don’t even smoke cigar I love this stream though we just talk about anything adult conversation but you’re playing

Minecraft is for children what’s up frazzle been like four weeks I know I’ve I’ve been pretty bad the last month eating a little bit too much junk and uh not working out as much as I would that’s okay just get back on the horses all

Have a vape on my Zin on my hand though that was so boring now I didn’t do nothing I don’t Vape I don’t smoke I don’t do cannabis I don’t drink 95% Animal product diet which is boring AF milk cheese chicken fish sweet potato and carrots it’s like all I

Eat every day I’m so Mor yeah I forgot when I quit smoking it was like 20 2016 I think 2015 2016 something like that cigarettes man been a long time since I had cigarette nasty things I see I started smoking when I was 21 like an idiot I get into a real late

It’s going to started working Alberta started working on a construction site where everybody smoked like I’ve had cigarettes like before that like grown up like as a teenager and like but I never like smoked or bought my own pack of cigarettes then uh I was working in the Alberta oil

Sands and an oil refiner and during lunch break and breaks everybody was going for [ __ ] cigarettes people would even sneak off and take breaks early for cigarettes and i’ be just left to work so I just kind of started joining them for lunch breaks and stuff and just started

Smoking oh dude I was smoking like two packs a day I was smoking like two packs a day in my the worst Glutton Matt the Glutton over consume everything I do look at streaming it’s a good thing is the only thing I consume

Now the time I wake up the time I go to sleep is all I do is think about streaming over consuming it’s just my personality All In I always took a game of League of Legends as a measurement from champ select to end game went through three

Four cigarettes oh really my thing was uh driving used to drive and smoke cigarettes a [Applause] lot yeah I could see myself like I just I’m not a bar type person either so I don’t go to bars like clubs it’s just not my scene at all I

Mean if I was like if I was having a couple drinks and I was at was at a club or a bar or something somebody offered me a cigarette I’d probably smoke it I don’t have to worry about getting back into it or anything like I know that I’m like a done with

It it’s not like an issue I just don’t that’s not my scene always hated bars bars and clubs I’d rather like a like a house party where there’s people that like you’re familiar with and if you’re not familiar with it then it’s friends of friends like but drunk strangers this is not my

Thing at all oh boy Insanity yeah yeah like house party or like backyard bonfire parties type thing like I I like that bars not my thing at all no thanks no tanko CH I’m going to bug you again okay we are on a sub goal of seven today I

Mean 10 we need seven more please do check if you have a prime sub available if you’ve been thinking about subscribing to the stream now be a good time to do it help us reach our goal for the day or if you’re already subbed maybe consider giving the gift of

Adree viewing to your favorite people in chat gift a sub maybe two or three or five uh I do use OptiFine yes I do hey but you can have it hey thanks brother thanks for throwing five bucks in my face Insanity there you go chat four out of 10 just like that six

More to go thank you Insanity keeping the stream and the dream alive uh and yes uh splizzy I am using OptiFine I only I only use it because Minecraft runs a lot better and I can have like a really fur render distance you know 122 will come up for

Op I have no idea I don’t even know what OptiFine oh yeah I’m 121 no I normally like like I’ll stick with 120.1 until 121 comes out I won’t really update like my Minecraft until then cuz I’d rather just use OptiFine you know but no I no I have no clue to be

Honest sorry dude Insanity wel on man swords up Welcome To My City Samurai you amazing dude yeah I I only use OptiFine CU it’s performance is so good like have my render distance set what is it set it 30 chunks beautiful if I don’t have OptiFine I can run 15

Comfortable Bor how you doing Insanity by the way to see you bud oh I’m going to bug you for another thing exclamation point kiffy my after dark Channel where I go live just when I want to go live and basically what I would do be doing off stream

Been having a lot of fun with KY uh if you want to hang out with me later I’m going to be playing some cyber Punk we’re doing a cyber Punk playr and we might even have a pretty long Kippy stream today so if that’s your thing you want

To hang out a little later on probably in like I got a work out and stuff like two three hours from now I guess not that long I’m going to finish the stream up in a little bit and I’m going to work out have bite

To eat and then chill and I got nothing else for the day so I’ll probably just going to be live because I’ve been craving what the [ __ ] is this unusual DM activity detected in m city what the [ __ ] understand everyone activity began on December 4th at 10 a discords what the

[ __ ] Discord is serving capture to all joiners and block suspicious uh joins and DMS enable security actions to review members if needed what oh what’s that sent excessive DMS to non-server members see you later what’s this one engage in suspected spam activity can I see that this is new I’ve

Never seen this before either it’s just seen the big yellow bar come up it doesn’t show me like what they’re doing what is the suspected spam activity how can I tell well that’s good Insanity wishing nothing but Health dude what does this say select security actions oh it just says pause

Invites oh I I only have friends this is just from like the server itself this is from our server so Chris is there from two days ago I’m just going to kick him see if they come back I mean you can tell kind of like the

Ones if they want to come back I’ll kick Discord suspected spam there are definitely Bots and stuff that join this is a cool feature though oh I can on I can sord by this oh okay that’s easier to do marz resolved sure that’s pretty cool to have though I know people have been

Complaining recently about uh getting DMS from people from like shared servers and stuff the juice is loose that’s cool good job Discord I got some of those message requests from my city server but I just blocked them yeah if you get anything like that please do let me

Know the weird thing I thought was people were telling me and they would say who’s doing it and nobody would tell me who would they’re getting the message from like who are you getting message requests from like a couple people complained about it I’m like who sent

It and then they wouldn’t tell me who was ending for some unknown reason by the way Chad join her Discord don’t miss out on the conversation in m city we got a pretty clean Discord that I’m proud of you like our community consider joining it hanging with us after the

Stream hey thank you Dan yeah I just thought know if there’s [ __ ] people in the Discord just let us know they room well screw them join ours ours is the best one leave all of those and come join ours I’m the same way though I’m pretty picky with the discords that I joined

Even in a couple that I don’t need to be in but I I had to take a break from Discord for a while it just too much so trust me man I get you good night Dean thank you for hanging out with us don’t forget we be

On KY later I know you’re already following that channel you’ve been been there we might be able to see you over there in a little bit then thank you for the awesome conversation today make sure you drink some water before you go to bed so you don’t have a

Hangover where did this tree come from how did I miss a tree this entire time and only noticing it here and now how did how how that possible like I literally just noticed it right now when I seen it we cleared every tree inside of this

Thing I have my own server on mute yeah we don’t like go crazy like when uh I do like a live stream notification for people that want notifications for the live stream start uh you don’t really need it for the Minecraft stream anymore because we’re pretty set on schedule and

I’ve been super consistent with start time uh like today I started half an hour early but if you really want to know like rewind your clock four hours ago that’s the time we show up for the Minecraft stream every day KY is a little bit different because again KY is

Uh an after dark channel so it’s not going to be on time all the time so if you enjoy me playing other games and hanging out with us there you might want to follow KY on Twitter or allow those notifications in Discord completely up to yourself Orly save your Twitch

Notifications what does anybody else have a problem like like I’ll mute servers and I still get notifications from does anybody else have that issue like I’ll literally turn it so it says no notifications and I still got notifications ises that anybody happen to anybody else happens all the time

Me the ones I’m in now don’t do it but it seems like I got to reset the settings like a million times before it actually like kicks in an extra option now it’s probably it discord’s great for the community so it allows the community to connect connect a lot more and continue the

Conversation more you know we’re outside so it’s nice to build up the Discord the Discord is a headache a lot of times though it’s a lot to pay attention to very difficult to build it’s practically another social media great for the community great for bringing the community

Together but my goodness doesn’t got its issues [Applause] there’s part hill part one that’s all good man it’s all good we’re just providing like a nice place for people hang out in Discord too it’s more it’s more than just about me like we have the dis uh might city is what we

Call the Discord that’s what you guys are might City that’s what our community is I have the Matt m game so live reminder and new videos if I happen to put up new videos and then we just added the one for for KY uh and that’s it the rest is for you

Guys and that’s only for people that want the actual notifications the rest is for uh you know this is m city so General chat uh we have thing for uh selfies you guys want to be taking selfies have fun for your pets might City Gallery just your like

Your life stuff might City Gym if you’re looking for some motivate motivation you want to update your Daily Progress that you hit the gym or you ate good or something that day of course we got the food channel and then the rest is might the arcade you want to talk about games

Upcoming games and then that’s it that’s our Discord very simple very clean but it’s not really about me and notifications I don’t really care about that I do that for the people that want it but but our Discord is like a safe place more for you guys connecting with

Each other and then another way for me to just have people talk to and about gaming news and stuff you know it’s obviously a good way to get like the videos out there and some for the people that want that but for the most part it’s for you guys my city baby

Gam time chat I’m going to try to get a big win I’m going to gamble 30 I just gambled 30 I’m going to gamble 75 on this one if I don’t win I’m going to go in with 300 yeah I like our Discord though it

Took us a long time in a couple of variations of the Twitter of the uh Discord to get it towards that there we go 75 ah I want a 75 with a 72 roll baby should I do an Allin chat should I do an all

In it won’t be all in we can only gamble a maximum of a thousand but who’s the top right now I think even if I gambled everything I’d still be in first I will be all right here you go you [Laughter] ready ain’t nobody coming from my dir d

Boom your boy got the biggest of balls I’ve been doing good of being smart with them I I had two all-in gambl today that I got stupid with but you yeah sometimes you got to risk for the biscuit screw go with 300 oh there’s a 300

Loss I’m going to win that back by doing a 750 gamble though screwed I’ll go all in again Oh GG baby oh you did roll a 99 that’s a triple right there I got some points to play with now baby I got some points to play with now look at that oh demro breaking a thousand though demro breaking a thousand I love our gamble system that

We got here it’s so good it’s so good all right I’m getting out of here time to end the stream what a wonderful Minecraft stream that we had today we hav’t got to get an extra half an hour in uh we normally do Minecraft uh Monday

To Friday 4 hours per day rewind your clock four hours too that’s the time we show up uh however I do believe we’re going to be adding Saturday in is it mods in top three oh my goodness it is mods in top three let’s go baby the

Technicians yeah I think we’re going to be adding Saturday uh so six days a week four hours a day we play Minecraft uh exclamation point KY that’s where I’ll be in a little bit for the folks watching on the YouTube thank you guys for hanging out there today what are we

Even sitting at on YouTube over there oh man we got 12 people on the YouTube right now too that’s going to be a lot of watch hours uh for folks on Twitch we’re going to do a raid and stuff and let’s see what we got for uh watch hours

Today it’s kind of like a fun thing that we’re we’re doing seeing how many we get before we do a raid all right YouTube you guys are awesome thank you for all the support I appreciate you and we’ll see you in the next

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Vanilla • HCMC : World 01 • Episode 31’, was uploaded by MattMightGame on 2023-12-04 14:59:59. It has garnered 347 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 04:22:59 or 15779 seconds.

★Thank you for subscribing and liking the video! Without you, the streams and videos would not be possible! Thank you for doing what you do, for all your support, and being a citizen of Might City!

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    Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT Taking ANY DAMAGE (Hitless Run)’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-07-22 14:00:29. It has garnered 25705 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds. I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE (1.21 Hitless Run) In this video, I push my skills and knowledge of survival Minecraft to their limit. I attempt to beat Minecraft without taking a single point of damage! Is it possible? This is the hardest Minecraft challenge video I have done yet… Minecraft Hitless Run Check Out My Merch: https://bubbo.store Need… Read More

  • ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shorts

    ๐ŸคฏEPIC Minecraft Starter Home Build!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beginner House๐Ÿ  #shorts’, was uploaded by CraniazShorts on 2024-04-05 11:30:24. It has garnered 5731 views and 165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•ฆโ•โ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•ฆโ•—โ•”โ•โ•— โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•šโ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•”โ•ฃโ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•โ•ฃ โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•โ•‘โ•‘โ• โ•—โ•‘โ•šโ•ฃโ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•‘โ•โ•ฃ โ•šโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ•šโ•ฉโ•โ•ฉโ•โ• For More.. minecraft,minecraft funny,minecraft challenge,munecraftsecretbase,minecraft survival,minecraft fr,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft bedrock,minecraft gameplay,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft mais,minecraft java,minecraft 1.19,minecraft phone,aphmau minecraft,minecraft horror,tรผrkรงe minecraft,minecraft videolarฤฑ,mob battle minecraft,clean minecraft videos,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pc,minecraft pe,minecraft nl minecraft,minecraft build,minecraft build tutorial,minecraft building,minecraft build hacks,minecraft builds,build,minecraft house,minecraft survival,minecraft 1.20 build hacks,minecraft redstone builds,minecraft tutorial,minecraft timelapse,minecraft 1.20,minecraft building tips,minecraft building ideas,minecraft building hacks,how to build,minecraft build hack,minecraft build hacki,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody Insaan

    Insane Minecraft PE House Build Hack by Snody InsaanVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan’, was uploaded by Snody Insaan on 2024-01-02 11:16:00. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. How to Make Easiest House in Minecraft PE | Snody Insaan Hello Blue Gang! Welcome to Snody Insaan Channel. You See Gaming Videos. ________________________ ๐Ÿ‘‡Mention๐Ÿ‘‡ @liveinsaan @SpunkyInsaan20 ๐Ÿ‘‡Hashtags๐Ÿ‘‡ #snodyinsaan #liveinsaan #spunkyinsaan #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecrafthouse #houseminecraft #easy #house ๐Ÿ‘‡Links๐Ÿ‘‡ YouTube: https://youtube.com/@SnodyInsaanOfficial X: https://x.com/SNODYINSAAN Instagram: https://instagram.com/snodyinsaan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091743647525 FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552389688304 Threads: https://www.threads.net/@snodyinsaan ๐Ÿ‘‡Keywords ๐Ÿ‘‡ Easiest house in Minecraft tutorial Simple… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Minecraft – Win Real Discord Money Now!

    24/7 SMP Minecraft - Win Real Discord Money Now!Video Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-06 17:57:43. It has garnered 103 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:10 or 9550 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to the World of MineCraft! ๐ŸŒŸ ๐ŸŽฎ Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether itโ€™s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, weโ€™ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft’s Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Surviving Minecraft's Scariest Myths?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Myths..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-04-12 16:00:24. It has garnered 184571 views and 3438 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:03 or 3063 seconds. Day 3 – We Tested Minecraft’s Scariest Myths.. w/ @Darkomode @YaBoiAction Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! โค๏ธ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • Insane New Update in Minecraft PE – Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!

    Insane New Update in Minecraft PE - Riad Craft Lobby 2024 & More!Video Information This video, titled ‘Open Member Server Minecraft PE Official Versi 1.20 Raion Craft Lobby Terbaik 2024 Dan Baru Update!!’, was uploaded by AFKEWERRRR on 2024-01-07 07:32:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP : play.raioncraft.com Port Java : 25565 Port Bedrock : 19132 Fitur : – Vote Reward – Survival Only – Land claim – Pinataparty … Read More

  • Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Villager Battle in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Taufiq Tricks on 2024-09-18 12:30:15. It has garnered 430 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. OP villagers fight in minecraft #shortvideo #youtubeshorts #shorts #shortvideo #minecraft #mimecraftbuildhacks #youtubeshorts #gaming #mimecrafthacks #games #mimecraftbuilds #memes #mimecraftpocketedition Read More

  • Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!

    Unbelievable Royal NRN gameplay in Minecraft & bgmi!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and bgmi’, was uploaded by Royal NRN on 2024-09-11 00:44:37. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds. Pls Sub ๐Ÿ™‚ need ur support ๐Ÿงธ Device-POCOX3PRO ( key binds) pubg live stream / pubg live telugu / pubg live tamil / pubg live custom rooms / pubg live tournament / pubg live room / pubg live malayalam / pubg live kannada / pubg live video / pubg live custom / pubg live dynamo / pubg live lite / pubg live jonathan / pubg /… Read More


    PLEX SMPTHE BRAND NEW Vanilla survival SMP for Minecraft Java 1.21! While this is vanilla, we still have all the useful commands + more! – /echest – /sethome (You get 2!) – /spawn – /rtp – /warp (to shops, spawn, ect.) – and more! We are brand new and would love to have you try us out! Discord: https://discord.gg/FPTD7GD2ca IP: play.notakari.com play.notakari.com Read More

  • TreuCraft | Semi-Vanilla

    Welcome to Truecraft Server! Come join us at truecraft.mc.gg! We are a new server working on growing our player base. Our only rules are no hacking or cheating – everything else is fair game. Enjoy freedom of speech in our chat and use commands like /tp, /set, and /spawn. Check out our website at truecraft.tebex.io. Think 2b2t, but without the hacking and cheats! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft Memes - minecraft trailer if they locked tf in ๐Ÿ”ฅI guess they wanted to make sure no one could escape the absolute chaos of building a house out of blocks. Read More

  • Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3

    Building Our Bastion: Minecraft Vanilla EP 3 In Minecraft Vanilla, we’ve found a new home, A bastion we raise, no need to roam. Sign up, leave a like, share the delight, Enjoy the vision, it’s a beautiful sight. Subscribe to FishingANDdiving, don’t miss a beat, Follow me on TikTok, where the fun is sweet. Watch the full video, see the house construction, In this Minecraft world, there’s no obstruction. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, Crafting Minecraft news with a rhyming zing. Keep it fierce and funny, engage with delight, In every pulsing line, let the truth take flight. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Minecraft Meme: Hot & Hilarious! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚ “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” ๐Ÿ˜‚ #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle

    Ultimate Showdown: Bioscar vs. Dalek in Minecraft Fortress Battle The BD Forteresse: Dalek’s Deadly Fortress Welcome to the thrilling second part of BD Forteresse! Today, we delve into Dalek’s fortress, which promises to be far more treacherous than Bioscar’s. Dalek, a trap enthusiast, has surely prepared some devious challenges for our adventurers. Challenges Await The journey through Dalek’s fortress is fraught with peril. From intricate traps to cunning puzzles, each step our heroes take could lead to danger or discovery. Let’s explore the challenges that await: 1. The First Trial As our adventurers enter the fortress, they are immediately faced with the first trial. Will they overcome the… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server!

    Experience Thrilling Parkour Challenges on Minewind Server! Are you a fan of parkour in Minecraft? Do you enjoy the thrill of jumping from block to block, testing your skills and agility? If so, then you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server right now! With a dedicated parkour biome that will challenge even the most experienced players, Minewind is the ultimate destination for all your parkour needs. Imagine the adrenaline rush as you navigate through intricate obstacles, trying to beat your own record or compete against other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind, where the only limit is your own imagination. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun

    Minecraft Jujutsu Sorcerer Mod Fun The World of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft mods, players can now immerse themselves in the world of Jujutsu Sorcery with the Project JJK mod. This mod brings a plethora of characters with stunning visuals, adding a new layer of excitement to the game. Unleashing the Power of Jujutsu Sorcery With the Project JJK mod, players can step into the shoes of powerful sorcerers, wielding incredible abilities to combat evil forces. From summoning spirits to casting powerful spells, the world of Jujutsu Sorcery in Minecraft is filled with endless possibilities. Meet Iconic Characters One… Read More

  • Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!

    Crazy Anime Secret Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why Don’t You Take a Seat Over There? | Castaway Anime #103’, was uploaded by Castaway Anime on 2024-08-27 16:30:00. It has garnered 304 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:55 or 14035 seconds. On this episode of the Castaway Anime podcast, the boys discuss Twitter vigilantes, acquiring Adobe apps in Minecraft, and the ongoing war between gatekeepers and tourists. Plus, Oshi no Ko turns up the heat, My Adventures with Superman finally gets good again, and My Deer Friend Nokotan starts to fall off. Timecodes: ——————– 0:00 – INTRO 7:25… Read More

  • Terrifying Catgirl Cave Build

    Terrifying Catgirl Cave BuildVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft cave horror project’, was uploaded by Catgirl Iris on 2024-09-08 12:29:01. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:19:32 or 11972 seconds. Read More


    EPIC 1 vs 2 MINECRAFT MANHUNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘1 VS 2 MANHUNT WHO WILL WIN LETS SEE.. II MINECRAFT II’, was uploaded by KhalsaGamingTaran on 2024-08-16 12:12:48. It has garnered 98 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:30 or 7530 seconds. DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/fTyqtXKBqQ LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE . Join us on epic adventures in our Minecraft SMP {Radiance} server! We focus on [briefly describe your channel’s main focus, e.g., epic builds, survival challenges, community interactions, etc.]. Whether you’re here for the towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or thrilling survival quests, there’s something for everyone. SEARCH SOURCES :-… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal Gamerz

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial | Mughal GamerzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building the ULTIMATE Minecraft House! | Epic Survival Base Design Tutorial’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-09-24 03:55:58. It has garnered 142 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Hereโ€™s a full viral description for a Minecraft house video: — **In this video, Iโ€™ll show you how to build the ULTIMATE Minecraft house โ€“ perfect for survival mode!** ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ”ฅ This epic design is beginner-friendly, with a unique style that makes it both functional and stunning. Whether you’re looking for a modern mansion, a rustic… Read More

  • JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ

    JOIN NOW! Epic Minecraft World & SMP! ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 4K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live’, was uploaded by B T O Gaming on 2024-06-12 11:33:12. It has garnered 102 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. **Creating Our Epic Minecraft World & SMP with Viewers! ๐ŸŽฎ ROAD TO 3K SMILES ๐ŸŒŸ | B T O GAMING Live** Welcome to B T O GAMING Live! Today, we’re diving into the creative world of Minecraft, building our own epic world and SMP (Survival Multiplayer)… Read More