EPIC Minecraft Adventure! Join Ethan AF on his Journey to the West!

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He Go This is my intro now just doing weird noises on the screen all right damn it uh let me do this let me do that wait me do this this right I got a bgm now and now it’s time to start the Minecraft which which is it this one all

Right good got it back again with the vestia Zetta make sure this bgm is on Loop all right it is on Loop okay so oh my health is not no not myal help my Hunger is not very good uh all right I’m going go I’m going go do something do something real Quick this is how I solve my Hunger what I said in the last episode boom and boom got it right now my Hunger is back to full let me get my armor boom boom boom boom boom right uh for this episode I feel like I’m just going to do some interior

Design I am thinking maybe some uh chandelier and maybe do some with the flooring that’s about it let me go get some weed first for my cows got to move them out boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom all right I got more seeds let me

Get my hole where my ho at there you go bing boom bang this this this this this this this this this this this this this oh uh this this this this this this this bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang

Bang uh what else so we can go three lines right it’s a little weird what all right there you go boom boom boom boom boom okay I got more wheat I’m make some fence My Stream working all right it is okay what I want to do again uh I need I need some

Wood I have no wood I have 31 go get more wood spro sprous why are you there come down H boom all right got to got me some Spruce saplings I don’t think I need uh wait right there’s one and there’s two all right now I’m going go back and make

Some fences I’m going to lead the cows out just because I don’t want them to be a little bit of Burden what I’m trying to to shut up God damn it boom boom Oh this is got okay boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

Boom right got a lot of I only have 19 wait what the [ __ ] I only have 19 Hello all right I got 28 build this where did I where should I put it right here okay I’m going to get my shovel need one more shovel get iron iron shovel one more and good now I need a now I’m going to make it bigger I’m going to make it

Bigger for the cow’s sake the [ __ ] are you doing right Here Yeah that look good uh bit more right here maybe I can make it bigger now gosh I’m so indecisive okay boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop okay now get the cows ouch ah God damn it Pickaxe right come here cow come here one by one don’t squeeze on the door thank you where’s the other one right Here no you’re not late fit you’re just here I’m only doing something I’m I’m I’m just [ __ ] I can’t speak all right come in you know what I’mma just I’m just do this all right come in come in all right close you guys up got stay in there be good cows and

I’mma do I have wolves do I have wolves that’s a real question I don’t okay it’s fine uh I need to sleep no no no no no before that before that let me do let me do this let me do that that that this thanks I’m going do this This do this okay now I have cobblestones burning let me do some interior design so for now I’m going to need to do this this I’m going need to see where uh let me do it right here how’s my day going I pretty much just woke up I watched a couple episode

Of freen freen uh s Sono freerun I don’t know if you guys watched that anime yet or if you even know what the anime is just watch a couple episode of that and now I’m here playing Minecraft pretty solid life if I do say you on

Myself I’m here for H yep thanks I chose some good bjm hopefully Hajime don’t start to copyright that [ __ ] cuz if she does I my my my Minecraft Gameplay will be doomed maybe I should wait wait wait let me do this it’s fine my around my house is

Pretty bright so I don’t think there will be any mops here do that uh I’m going to do this I’m going do that and I’ll go out later so make babies give me your cows give me your calves and now free R makes me f fell asleep it it is kind of a

Really soft really calm anime but it does have some Dynamics to it so yeah the anime and character here for everyone to that anime and character tier for everyone too good in 2023 yeah yeah maybe maybe I don’t know I never actually look into M I’m just like whenever I’m trying to look

For the SE or I’m just bored and I’ll just go to m other than that reason I probably won’t go there so I don’t know what’s my favorite anime I have a I have a list of my top five uh my top one would definitely be

Slime a lot of people is going to be like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you why did you choose slime as your favorite I don’t know I just like that anime and uh it gave me a really good memory I’ve watched that anime ever since I was in

High school and it kind of brought me out of high school which I’m really glad and my top two will probably be what my top two is my top two I I like a lot of EA guys especially when their when a story is like different from the others so I would

Say mushoku tensei that one will probably be my second and my third will probably be my third will probably be AK can makea kill which is an again another controversial one because not a lot of people actually like that anime but I like it because that is the first anime

That got me into watching anime so that’s why I like that and also um aot aot is also up There if I got to go with like one last one I’ll probably say Toradora that romcom show that one I like too oh thank you for the Super Chat uh the [ __ ] is wrong with you uh apparently I am not you so I’m not wrong you’re just being

Hypocrite I know you say that as a joke but U yeah whatever I like slime also my favorite is Diablo my favorite is literally Ruru I just feel like especially when it comes to like um Ruru when he was going to be the Demon King uh spoiler

Alert [ __ ] I’m sorry um spoiler alert when rimuru was about to be the demon king um he has to kill 10,000 people right and that is when I actually feel like that anime was so different from others because when we’re talking about like hero usually they will just like spare the

Enemies like Tano or something like when they when they’re about to kill uh a demon an Oni he is going to be like Oh I’m sorry to do this or whatever what what the [ __ ] and slime Ruru just literally be like oh you killed my family I’m going to kill you back that

That is like the attitude I want from the main protagonist okay makea kill is good good afternoon first time Super Chat that that is the first time Super Chat not going to lie what do I got to do with this do I make a stair would that be better I don’t

Know let me clear the dirt first I’m this this episode of Journey to the West I’m going to do just interior design and just speak with and just talk with my with you guys I guess that’s all I’m going to do yo is easily to be Demon Lord also but he was

Chosen to be loyal servant he sees potential in Ruru respect man oh my God I’m playing heart mode and easily my health just went back to three I hate everything I really need food but I don’t have food but if I starve to death I I’m sure

That it won’t be a problem yet since I’m still in my house I don’t need armor um after I done with the interior design I feel like I want to do some room I want to make some room for myself one is the bedroom one is the chest room or

Storage and I probably need a furnace room as well because I feel like I’m going to be burning a lot of stuff especially when I’m trying to upgrade my base when I’m trying to upgrade this place I’ll probably choose something like netherite for that not netherite NE Nether Nether Nether Brick not netherite

[ __ ] uh netherite I’m I’m not Kyla so if I need to do that I probably won’t going to find uh what was that called again probably need a I’m probably not going to find a place where Blaze is from I don’t know what that called I

Forgot uh and I’m just going to mine some Netherrack and I’m going to burn it into nether brick so that’s why I need a furnace room woo I found coal in my house that’s Cool nether portal um probably not this episode cuz this episode I feel like I’m just want to I just want to do this least give me a nice place to sleep at you know um I’mma do I’m going do this I’mma mine one more down is this boring yet guys is this boring Yet it’s not all right thank God haima what haima looking to collap with Kyla in Minecraft this project going to be big is haima good at Minecraft I I don’t remember a lot about haima she was taking a break ever since God knows when so I don’t really remember a lot about Haim

Anymore how is got here in building whoa Okay and what am I though am I like a am I like a dead fish in building MAA is Gods here in technology all is Gods here in art they’re all gods here in something Holo life really do got the eyes for the talents I’m mid I

Know I’m not going to deny that like I know that I’m in especially when it comes to Minecraft this collab an MC fan what do that supposed to mean MC fan Minecraft fan God damn it I was I was literally like thinking are you talking about like rappers or something what MC

Ah another one broke iron shovel is that weak it breaks really easily uh new on Kyla something nether Farm what about uh-huh new on X do you guys really call it X Now he X sounds weird that yeah X really do sound weird call it Twitter ah God damn it I’m going to make a I’m going make a stone one since iron is kind of like wasting a lot of stuff and I literally just bring one stick God damn It they literally dig the same speed why didn’t I just use all right fine oh got stones Boop I got another Stone uh I forgot how to make that [ __ ] I forgot how to make a stone cutter is it like this yep okay got it uhop this it’s good

Enough true so weird but most mostly Holo challeng say x instead of Twitter well they are dumb I have a lot of these half Stone plank stone brick slap but I don’t know if it’s enough I have a lot but but I don’t know if it’s enough ah [ __ ] you Oh my God I don’t think it’s enough I still have a lot of places I need to fill in well uh I feel like I need more so boop boop okay once I got glow stone my floor is going to be a lot better but right now I can only use

Torches I guess that’s that then okay it’s definitely not enough Uh wow I still have so wow okay it’s definitely not enough I feel like I’m going need to get more cobblestones so uh let me do this change this with wood oh gosh okay um all right let me start doing this oh I need to put my respond Point

Here just in case if I die in my house I don’t know how but I Might oh [ __ ] oh no no no no no no go back oh my [ __ ] god he hey the [ __ ] are you doing He You only die when you’re hungry right yep why waste food when you can die and Respawn do I really need to make the ceiling better since this is the whole concept of this is literally I’m living in a cave But A Better Built cave I don’t know if I’m just saying that for laziness excuse but oh my God it’s night let me just go to sleep let

Me go to sleep let me go to Boom wait oh okay caveman I am a caveman what are you talking about the spruce Forest I got a lot of spruce wood let me just get more Spruce Wood instead the whole reason why I want the spruce wood is because the door

Literally look like something that a caveman would use a lot of dirt in my inventory where the [ __ ] did I have seeds that my wooden hole so I guess I’m going just plant more Weeds Ah [ __ ] [Laughter] Saplings y my floating items one two oh okay if I’m using my coal like that my coal is going to get done in no time so if that’s the case I have an idea but I need to go deep down to get some lava in the meantime I need to not in the

Meantime before that I need to get some water bucket to give me another plane of wheat planting spaces where my bucket at where my bucket all right there you are I can’t run right now I can’t Sprint cuz I literally can’t just want to ask if there any kind of

Song that’s stuck in your head even though you don’t want it to be happened uh do you know that song by Mory uh what’s it called again IIM bully yeah that song that song got me dead like literally dead I can’t do anything unless I I have that

Song because I’ll just be like oh my god get that song out of my head but I like that song though I like that song so much that’s why it’s stuck in my Head and I found a sheep I’m going to co them up later right now I’m going just do my wheat farm first since they won’t go anywhere except that place oh my God I can’t run this is wasting my time wasting my energy God damn it okay

Uh I’m almost there I’m almost there I’m almost there I’m almost there m m m okay got here right I’m here this better than be BBU what and big BBU trigger what the hell is that one two Three Where my seats all right you are right dabs leaves cool thanks tier for the dabbing okay now what I need to do is I need [Laughter] To what Spruce Wood Go I ran out of spruce wood um yeah I need to do this first let me just grab let me put this down let me put this down and I’m going to make another chest one more chest one more one more that’ll be enough got four chests boom

Put my dirt inside put everything inside for now except my ax and I’m going to do this all right good now I got the other chest boom boom okay No more floating chest sorry no more I need to move them down for efficiency or something like that I don’t know I don’t give a [ __ ] and now talking about efficiency I need to run and to be able to run I need to die Because of my Hunger ah wrong place God damn it this is wasting my time wasting my energy do I have anything on nope okay not here Jesus okay okay I got a sapling got to plan the sapling first Bo ah God Dam I half Health but boom thank you

Right okay now I’m back with uh I have I have Stones I have Stones now let me get my stones stone stone and go to stone cutter bang bang and bang all right thank you torches boom why is there a [ __ ] okay where’s there [ __ ] hole [ __ ] like my ex with that big

[ __ ] cut that out oh wait this is stream what is that bgm uh it’s from Hajime from reglos hajim bgm thing there’s no name for the bgm here you didn’t hear anything wipe that out of your memory okay you can listen to what I said when when it hit April

Oh are you m uh yes why why was that Question [ __ ] it may not seem like it but I am I am I think I talk about that when I was doing the rule 34 video gosh get the [ __ ] out leave my wife name out of your [ __ ] mouth all right close the door please I don’t want no creepers creeping inside my

House will this be enough now I still have one stack I hope so really do hope the [ __ ] [ __ ] with such a calm bgm you just have a random Malaysian guy just screaming [ __ ] hell [ __ ] oh no it’s not enough it’s not enough snow still need a couple

More uh I think this one will probably be enough now right right right 46 probably yep okay done the [ __ ] hell nope it’s not done it’s not done it’s not [ __ ] done it’s not I hate you Minecraft and there’s a ad there’s a ad coming boom building needs patient that’s why I

Hate building that’s why I’m in the last episode I told you guys I just like find a villager’s house and I’m just staying there like building is definitely not my thing okay so now what I need to do is I need to do this this and this so this will be the

Entrance of the cave later on I’m going to mine some above one just so I can build a stair and it can be a lot more convenient to walk down and right for now I can’t do that yet cuz I need to build this [ __ ] shut up

Cows you guys want more weed though I got some more wheat give me cows give me steak steak is a lot more tastier than bread have sex with your own mother cows thank you and um more of these okay uh right now I got this as a base so what I should do

Now I can make a I I want do you know why doctor always calm because there is a lot of patient yep you’re right you’re right I can’t deny it you’re not you’re not wrong oh my [ __ ] God okay so right here is the limit of my storage room on the left

Side one two three uh let me let me do this 1 2 three only four four two actually uh if that’s the case probably maybe I don’t do my storage room door right here but instead of that I do it right here you’re right here so I have a wider

Space for my storage room that’s what you called sweeping the potato chips under the [ __ ] couch to not let anybody anybody see it you know that’s what you call Lazy you a big storage room cuz I need a lot of Chests uh right for now I’m what should I made for the wall what should I use for the wall do this oh thank you Uh going to make for the Wall this look dumb but kind of stylish n I’m just going to say that look get a stylish don’t they so I have I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 and right here is the door 1 2 3 4 good got It and I have a door right I think I have a door not oak door I want Spruce door thank you hey Ethan Winters I don’t know I don’t know B oh hey Ethan Winters talking about like the the Resident Evil person don’t know play Minecraft as well as homie Man I don’t understand mining just keep mining now um I need more Stones actually wait wait I I already no where’s my bucket where my bucket go where my bucket at bucket go down go down there more coal here I’m going to mine those later right now I’m feeling a a little bit

Lazy I’ve been playing for 1 hour already what I haven’t done [ __ ] where the Lava wait where where is the lava where’s the Lava oo wait wait can I make this the wall instead can I oh this is what that is is ahaa that’s why only 1 hour I watch Kyla play for 12 hours I have stuff to do okay I’m not like Kyla Kyla can make a living just by playing Minecraft I

Can’t there you are lava nice to meet you come home with me got to put some torches just in case it’s going to get too dark after the lava’s gone shut up zombie no time for your [ __ ] where’s the entrance there you are do you know Kyla Gods here and Jinx

Every game she play ye yes I think I think you know sometimes doing stream what I like about doing streams even though sometimes I don’t really commit but when I do streams I usually don’t vape and that is like something that helped me stop at least for a Bit so I feel like stream is kind of like a two Stone one bird kind of situation sorry man just that your name is similar to Ethan Winters from Resident Evil my bad I only have Ethan in my name I how many people out there Nam Ethan can I do this oh I can oh what is what the [ __ ] is that Ethan that’s [ __ ] yep that’s my name baby that’s my name my stone pickaxe let me mine all of these [ __ ] down bang bang wow this Stone really takes a long time to mine I shouldn’t

Have built I shouldn’t have put them down that easily without even thinking about It oh my God okay and put this down take this I’m going to make a lava room or furnace room at least I mean should I do it here no no no no no no no no I don’t do that there uh I’m going I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m

Right sure sure okay I’m going do it right Here but though I need to don’t not don’t don’t care about that yet don’t care about the [ __ ] [ __ ] yet uh don’t care about the wall yet let me just do I need I need my furnace back need my furnace back I need to make funnel as well I don’t have that much

Iron though so I don’t know if I have enough to make the funnel I only have 17 that is not a lot I need chest right I need chest Uh how should I do it again Hopper sorry not a funnel it’s a hopper um a little I kind of forgot how to do that uh let me let me just do the the lava thing first need a drip Stone I I want to make the automatic furnace that’s what I’m trying to

Do oh my God hunger okay let me do this first let me do this uh wait what use This um uh uh uh I forgot I need a cauldron but I don’t have Iron need to get more iron it would be damn good if I can find a village that’s for sure how do I make an automatic furnace again I really don’t remember so I put a furnace on top and I put a furnace on the side and I put chest yeah I think so

Let him talk that uh I need sand just so that I can see where my lava’s going sup what Su moral how you doing I think that’s Enough uh where should I go up it’s 10 p.m. here great do you have work tomorrow oh TI is still here I thought she’s gone so I need my furnace I go back to work next week yeah I’m also like back to school next week so that everything is

Aligned guess that’s a good thing I’m here right cool eight glasses is more than I need but now what I need though is I need iron which I don’t have anymore let me go back down to the cave and I need wood I need wood to be

Able to go down cuz when I’m down there I don’t have no wood and if I have no wood I can’t do [ __ ] my God this is killing me I really don’t have patient guys God damn it’s night ah need some water let me get some let me drink some water hydrate yourself

People drink some water One I have a lot of spruce now I feel like it’s fine if I don’t plan plan back to save time and safe space if you can replace charcoal with lava in the furnace that’s what I’m trying to do I know that cuz that’s what I’m trying to

Do that’s why I need unlimited lava right still I can still cut down one more yo little gamer what game you play Roblox okay uh now I can do this for here but instantly assume cuz who else have would have that kind of name little gamer great name though don’t get me

Wrong all right now I have what I have so I need my shield God damn it where my shield at God you sh [ __ ] and two stacks of wood I feel like that’s more than enough to go down the cave I don’t know that I still got my

Account is this a server nope it is not a server it is just mine I don’t even know how to make a server got to be honest I was in tier server though rarely play on that server Anymore oh my God immediately I’m getting Hungry okay so now I need to find a place to be able to find Iron I didn’t even bring my torches God a ADHD ADHD ADHD I hate ADHD I hate ADHD I Hate Everything dang Ethan calling you out here what what am I what am I supposed to do like are are me and tier not friends like just telling Momo Momo that was a few

Months ago moral I’m I’m going to tell you right now that was just a few months ago I Hate Everything do you guys do you guys need some friends I got some friends for you guys they’re right here I need new friends all right I need torches and I also need some

Food about part two to that video sure but I need enough people to play it though I can definitely do it get Armen back to I can if he wants to that’s for that’s that’s a thing cuz like even if I want him to come back doesn’t mean that he wants to be

Back he keep saying that like I I I really want to get away from these uh vtuber stuff I want to do some anime stuff like that’s Armen right now [ __ ] you vtubers vtubers aren’t [ __ ] [ __ ] is that’s how Arman sound right now I have this but I need a

Cauldron I need a cauldron I need a cauldron that’s what I do I roast everyone yeah if you want to be my lover got to get with my friends Ethan Bill bullies all of us reactor behind the scenes tier I’m going to tell you right

Now if you want to snitch a village what the [ __ ] it was right here all along I don’t need a mine iron anymore I got what I need but though I still don’t remember how to make a make an autom iron farm so I probably need to do that off

Screen I need to do that off off screen and um I’m I’mma watch some videos on how to do it I am not going to get cancelled Morrow I am inevitable all Right Ethan roast me yesterday just because I I that wasn’t a rose I’m just shouting you out now it’s not my fault if you think that is a rose cuz I that was not my intention is a nipple Stone started dripping lava anymore I don’t have no cauldron though

So I don’t think that is a roasting is my love language I love all of you guys I mean like what is there to be friends if you’re not going to roast each other right this roas thing is fun just like how I beat up kids I roast moral the most cuz

Like I [ __ ] wrote a thiss track for him it’s just not out yet brutal that’s me baby that’s me don’t be surprised love language is physical physical damage I mean touch how was that a damage then where should I put my uh one two three one two three right here water bucket [ __ ]

You and you didn’t tell me why do I have to tell you if I write a Dis Track like am I supposed to tell you like hey moral I diss you like how about you roast Zen in a stream I roast him every time I mean me and Zen was so cool we

Can literally joke about anything and we can just forgive each other like in the next minute like even if we going too far we can just like all right bro you’re going too far A little there and another’s saying oh I’m sorry and that’s it that’s

The end of the story and now we’re friends again that’s literally our relationship I don’t know so I can respond sure go ahead thiss me I I was always like craving for someone to diss me cuz I want to know like what do you what will you think about me if you want

To diss me that is something like I’m I’m not a masochist that’s not not what I’m saying I’m just saying that um I you know that now I won’t be hungry anymore since you said you were like 30 minutes you said you were like 30 minutes ago what ass was me I were

What I forgot what I said can you tell me again what I said there’s horses there’s horses in this Village wa oh okay Dang Dang Dang d d dang D that I am M now um now TI um my I’m going to get me some pumpkins give me going to get me some pumpkins pumpkin is good pumpkin is good for your health pumpkin is so good speaking about pumpkins have you guys ever had pumpkin pie huh huh

Pumpkin pie is good right or some pumpkin spice latte that [ __ ] is like some white people [ __ ] but it’s good it’s good cuz it’s white people everything white people do is good because they steal from other cultures do I have any chests in here can I get some

Chests I know what you’re about to say fit so shut the [ __ ] up oh my God oh my God all right maybe I can do some crafting Tables boom okay now I got more bread than my I got more bread red than My my hair got messed up um um um can you trade what can you trade 22 carrots for one emeralds I got carrots I got carrots I got carrots I can do that I can do that now what I need to do is I need to

Make sure I hope I don’t die cuz this is going to be dumb as [ __ ] boom boom boom o l l here’s Johnny you’re going to die you’re going to die [ __ ] all right vanilla ice cream pie you mean a vanilla I cream [Laughter] pie you know Vanilla Ice is a rapper right

Oh no ST I need to go back to my [Laughter] house oh Gosh tiar Vanilla Ice is a rapper for for the context Where’s my house there’s horses there’s so many horses I need to find I would I would definitely need to find a saddle but where my house at I forgot where my house is I forgot where in my House is right here hope it’s right here all right it is right here okay oh my God oh my God oh my God I heard a baby zombie I heard a baby zombie I heard a baby zombie I heard a baby zombie I heard a baby baby baby

Baby baby I hate kids I hate kids this is why I hate kids wear condom guys don’t have kids wear a condom Holy okay oh bye moral hope we have a good night cuz I know I’m not going to anyway um yeah I need iron I need iron do I have enough iron for a cauldron I don’t think so I don’t think So uh They are going to bully me they got to thing twice before they do that I got a chicken I got a chicken I got a chicken chicken you need iron ironically that is not a good joke uh-oh cheer diss track coming soon no no no weal we talked about it we

Talked about it I’m I’m not going to do it unless tier something tier did something like super horrendous unless I’m not going I’m not going to diss track I’m not going to write a diss track for her what the [ __ ] all right I’m I’m writing a creeper this track oh my God

This creeper scared the [ __ ] out of me like literally my [ __ ] it was given my [ __ ] was out the window oh my God l all right I need another one right here one one two three one two three uh one two wait wait one two three one two

Three so I can do it right here yeah water water I need some Water H excuse me for the BP whoa What oh sometimes streaming really makes me want to vape but I commit unless the stream is done I’m not going to vape I’m going to I’m going to stay until then yeah Vape what you didn’t know I Vape but up is there any new Iron Golem irn Golem well congratulation you earn you

Learned something new to the tier 32 rotten flesh I mean it’s it’s it’s good but oh Minecraft I thought you were going to play Holo kir because you were so in the previous stream I might I might play in the next stream you never know

Oh [ __ ] so you got carrots and you got potato but the damn you sell this [ __ ] I mean okay but I mean don’t right I’m okay I can play Holo cure if you guys want but tomorrow I’m just going to say that tomorrow me and tier is going to play something else not Holo cure What’s that name again what what’s that what’s that game

Name name game super super bunny something that’s what we going to play right t t you’re still here right help me a little bit what’s her name super bunnyman yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s the that’s the game we’re going to play that right right right right right right right okay Cool okay so now what I what I can do is uh I’m I’mma keep my pumpkin in keep this in keep uh this in keep this in keep this in and I don’t need that I don’t need this I need my torches I need my bread I can make a little bit more

Bread just in case put my weed back and let’s go down and mine some iron cuz I need iron to make children that’s a sussy game I know but I I saw like the the reason like I got so hooked on the game is because I saw Mark Wade

And Bob they’re playing that game and I was like wow that game sound kind of fun and I also saw Michael and Lily play that game those are fun Ena and SAA play that as well I I Think I got torches I got food can I go down can I can I can I the lapis lazuli laas I got laas I got laus right here got blue laplus lapis lazuli right that’s yeah I got iron I got iron I saw a couple clips from Hol life

So I’m I’m going into the game kind of something that hard that YouTube Heart thing keep blocking my my comments like can’t see it very well just seeing the rabbits fall into the abyss yep that’s the game you see rabbits falling to the abyss exactly

Um so now I already has enough iron for my cold so I just came here I came here with two stacks of bread uh well one one stack in three bread and I am all prepared for [ __ ] to go down but apparently I got it who keeps spamming that [ __ ] keep

Spamming the love and all right I mean I let you guys do it it’s Fine you My Some Coal right here oh by the way tier your Minecraft your Minecraft video there’s only two episodes when is the third episode going to come out I’m still waiting for it it’s six Years sad I’m sad now I’m sad now I’m set now I’m going to end I’m going to end stream I’m I’m going to end stream God damn I’m going to I’m going to just kidding just kidding I’m back oh my chicken what are you doing Here you guys got troll damn bad build the wall here let me build the wall here Bu The Wall here and maybe maybe just maybe I have enough I don’t have enough I need six though I only need six right so I think I’m enough I want to make glass plank well muscle

Earlier Ethan need some spanking not from you fin I’m just saying not from you from somebody else maybe not from you you like that thing I like that thing when it’s another person not you fed I can make glass panel now I can make glass panel I can build glass panel and glass

Panel glass panel good maybe I can do one more above Okay what a great view from the window that’s why I don’t want you to spank me fit cuz you will be gentle and that is not fun I hate my life I have enough iron to make cauldron and I can make unlimited lava and I can build my furnace room and everything

Will be good right I need a furnace I need my furnace I need my furnace I need my furnace furnace furnace furnace furnace f f f f all right how do I make this [ __ ] again uh I need this I need a Hopper need my Hopper hop hop Hopper I need chest I definitely do need chest four I think I need four one 2 three 4 o i Uh I need you to calm down right I think right here I need my Hopper I need to put it right here yeah so that will calm down right that that’s the thing and I need to do this no no no no no I need to do I need a do

I need to do I need I need I need I need I need I I I I okay chicken I want to tell you something uh this one is really hard to accept but um Santa Claus is not real so when you grow up you’re going to die I have to go

G something HF Ethan that is for the thing to go down now I need this yep okay too far Ethan that chicken is going to traumatize for life now well that is my that that is what I was about to do that that was that was my intention all

Along now what I need to do is I need to do this and I need to do I I need to make a cauldron so I need I have iron now I need to make a cauldron cauldron Boom boom yeah dripping lava oh I can’t drink some lava now I I can have lava for [Applause] Breakfast all right I’m good let’s go back to the [ __ ] Village no no no no I don’t I I don’t I I shouldn’t be back to the Village yet I need to oh whoa I thought you some [ __ ] [ __ ] apparently you’re a spider hey give me give me give me some strengths stop

Running away ow yep I got one string more strings okay talking about XP farm like who needs some XP farm I got my XP would be wasted anyway cuz if I’m hungry I’m going to die Okay got seeds sign I need I need carrots I need carrots for emeralds and when I got emeralds I can get emeralds and emeralds emeralds is money emeralds hor spider Chan he is meant to be dead for the record uh I got o I got four carrots I

Don’t even I I I have more than I thought I have I thought I I only have one got to head out now okay bye tier OU excuse me why am I there for I’m not I’m not supposed to be there all right fine you know what let let’s just go to the

Nether let’s just go to the nether why not I need a diamond pickaxe so I need two of these I need three of these a diamond pickaxe now let’s go to mine some [ __ ] obsidian [ __ ] it how many do I need I need 10 right Get down get down get down that was a long stair I know that there is some lava right here if I’m not mistaken right yep that is really down Below okay so this one is a little bit challenging let me do that first and I’m going do This who who oh man but the thing is that’s not enough lava for an obsidian though cuz they just one lava for obsidian and the rest is going to be Cobblestone uh this is not a good investment well hopefully I can find more right here diamonds I found diamonds diamonds diamonds

Diamonds two diamonds and my sh apparently two nothing oh yeah cuz they right here okay okay now start mining this was going to be a building house stream but apparently now it became a mining stream cuz I find a damn [ __ ] you know you Know get some IR uh is there anything else creeper and Creeper two Creepers damn it oh thank you creeper whoa did you guys just see that Creer just blew up two diamonds for me if you’re wondering why am I not mining the diamonds yet is because I need this

Cave to be a little bit brighter just in case if there’s any mom going to spawn while I was mining the diamonds and I’m going to die so that is not what I’m trying to do I’m not trying to die for context can M some Redstone as well

This lava is a little bit it’s a little bit annoying got you up God damn it I waste a little bit of my diamond pickaxe there’s a lot of iron here holy [ __ ] okay He whoa there’s still more diamonds not diamonds iron there’s still more irons can’t even speak right wow okay this is a whole pillar of iron holy okay cool make a lot of stuff with iron that’s for sure I’m going to mine those diamonds in a sec I’m I need this iron

First cuz when you really think about it iron can make more stuff than diamonds diamonds is only cool because it’s rare but doesn’t mean it’s more valuable uh no it doesn’t mean it’s more resourceful or something like that I don’t know O okay is there more more iron here there’s more up there okay and build up ah He tough let’s tough do don’t fall I didn’t all right where’s diamonds where’s the diamonds that I found I found two right one is right up here oh yeah there you are this is the first one boom one two all right two is good two is

Good enough two is good enough don’t be Greedy what are we going to do with the Redstone but probably do some automatic stuff cuz I’m I don’t feel like I’ll be able to do a lot of things all by manually There’s more iron there’s a lot of irons here but where’s the diamonds that I found there there I I remember there’s a second one that I find that I found all right time to go find some diamonds find the diamonds that I Found I remember I found another one I don’t remember where though ah there you are okay one there’s only one God damn it let’s go mine the two diamonds that I found for because of creepers blowing it up One 2 3 4 five 6 seven seven diamond in a row this is a good chunk of chunk of blocks I have enough Torches Okay but don’t remember why I’m here I’m here because I need to find lava to be able to go to Nether that’s what I’m trying to do uh okay I ran out of torches and I only found one other gold that is right here I don’t have any coal that’s the thing

So I guess that’s that then I’m going go back up and I’m going come back down again when I have more torches I remember I walked here and I yep here here oh oh oh oh oh oh oh got glowberries I got more torches okay cool rail I don’t think I need those

Rails now I can keep exploring more iron cool okay uh should I go back inside and maybe explore a little bit more I Guess if there’s anything else to explore okay I can go up should I should I go up go I I’ll go up later no let’s see I was here before and I wasn’t Here there’s a big mining shaft and I ran out of torches again should I explore in the dark nope nope I changed my mind let me go back uh where did I came from right I got I got a lot of stuff I got 10 diamonds I have 42 iron I have six

Gold I have one full stacks of redstone I feel like I can go back now but there’s one pillar the whole pillar is [ __ ] iron so I guess I’m going to finish mining that pillar before I go back right here I can get a full stack of iron that’d be cool more

Any more diamonds iron diamonds Redstone whatever red stone right here there’s one there’s another one there’s another redstone all right so I guess I’m done I can go back I’m going to melt all my ores and I think that’ll be it that’ll be it for the stream take a nap while listening to

Your stream please don’t scream hey Wu uh the stream is almost done So where did I came from where I came from where oh I came from upwards right right right right right right there there you Are Oh wait I need to go to the nether right right right right right right why do I keep forgetting to go to the nether I need a lot of lava I have a lava right here I’m going to get this for Now Ow oh God I forgot where I came from again uh right here is it right here nope the other way ouch ouch right here yep okay I found it oh He need to go to the ne oh hey chicken nah I’m going to let you live why not do I have the lava yet almost fallen asleep again well this is what it does this lava is not it’s not giving me lava did I do something wrong I don’t think so Right I need to test this out this one is for coal yep and this one is for iron yep okay cool cool cool cool cool need lava for Nether well you know what um I feel like that’s it I feel like that’s it for the stream I found a village I have 10 diamonds uh actually 12 and I have six gold I have a two stacks and a half of redstone I feel

Like this is a good progress I feel like this is a good progress all right I’m I’m going to stop here and thank you guys for watching thank you guys for joining the stream I think that’s it for this stream all right Bye

This video, titled ‘Journey to the West | Minecraft Gamplay Jouney EP 2’, was uploaded by Ethan AF on 2024-01-11 07:14:21. It has garnered 112 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:01 or 7561 seconds.

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  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. play.weeklysmp.nl Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More