EPIC Minecraft Adventure with Anne Munition!!

Video Information

Hello everyone and whoa my camera’s not on wait a minute hello welcome to the broadcast almost like I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years uh cozy cozy Friday I’m you know mental vacation already always uh we’re going to play some Minecraft today we’re going to chill

Just Vibe out have a have a cozy time Nixie is on but she’s AFK and then and um yeah I don’t know I’m going to take some time off between now and New Year’s just to I don’t know if I most of the time when I take time off

It’s when I’m like I have to go somewhere um so it’s like traveling and I’m not just hanging out at the house so this year I’m doing I’m G to let myself have a little bit of a break just at home to work on stuff and like catch up

On projects and things like that so there’s just so many things to do like I have to so it’s like turn on the computer turn on that light turn on that light turn on the camera start OBS on this PC start OBS on this PC send OBS to that

PC start the game that took the whole starting the game starting FTB Revelation took the entire intro basically so takes a long time perfect time to do the PC thing oh God I forgot about that you know I think it’s fine I think this PC is working do I have sound I don’t

Know oh I do have sound I just remember my footstep okay it’s just quiet um oh that’s why cuz I was using my other headset so I turned down my game or I turned down uh this PC what what PC thing what do you mean uh what I forget what we were going

To do you wanted me to take the stuff out of my old streaming PC do a fresh install and put it in the in the case and then what what why were we I forget why we were doing that just cuz this one has issues oh God I totally forgot the

Entire Saga of things that I went through off stream holy [ __ ] okay hang on I have to tell you guys this story because I had the most unhinged series of events that a Minecraft streamer or Minecraft player goes through this is like classic Minecraft hang on I’m going to sleep and

Then I will I will retell you the tale of everything that happened so now that’s more like it hope you all have a me you know how I was let’s see here’s the valley okay we were doing this right where we were going to make uh like this

Thing and I was moving all those beehives because they were pissing me off I found this really cool fence um that you can make with this I don’t know it’s it’s Spruce and Birch and so I made this little like fenced in farm area and I was like okay

This is cute so I started moving all the beehives right all the beehives that I could find in this General vicinity because I hate the beehives and I was like rather than me taking a TNT to every single beehive why don’t I can use the moving one wand which it’s like this one

But it’s the other it’s uh that guy you can move use the moving wand to move the beehives all in one place and then blow them all up at the same time okay I was like great good idea let’s do that I had a moving

Wand uh I had one moving wand I don’t have it on me right now I went over to a beehive and when you went when you want to use the moving wand you have to right click the thing to pick up the block and then you right click to place the block

So I used the moving wand forgetting that I had picked up a skeleton spawner and there was a skeleton spawner inside the moving wand remember the ones we found in the desert under those Hills so I tried to pick up a beehive and instead I placed a skeleton spawner and freaked

Out that was fine so I was like okay I have to make new SK I have to make new moving wands because this one has something in it but I can make the moving wands cuz they’re actually pretty cheap right it’s two ender pearls a piece of redstone and

Then these two wand cores each wand core is three blaze rods and some gold nuggets pretty you know not it’s not bad so I was like okay I’ll just make a couple of them but I need blaze rods I didn’t have any blaze rods so I was like

Okay well if I want blaze rods then we could go fight some blazes but maybe it would be a good idea for me to make some new armor that would have better fire protection so I made a whole new set of armor and with these fire resistance

Plates I was like cool these stack on a modifier so basically if you have one modifier open you can just stack as many of these fire resistance plates as you want and each one is like 4% fire resistance you know as you just like keep stacking them up so I was like okay

Probably it’s like level three or something like the rest of them it goes to level eight level eight so for each one of my pieces of armor I could have eight of these plates on them and each one is four blaze powder so then I was like well I don’t

Have a I don’t have blaze powder because I need blaze rods to make the moving wand but I need blaze powder to make these res fire resistance plates so I was like okay well is there another way that I can get blaze powder uh yeah if you want blaze powder you can

Pulverize well no hang on where was it what did I oh yeah this I was like if if I want blaze powder I can put liquid XP into sulfur and get blaze powder for it it’s like okay well I only have like 10 sulfur how do I get

Sulfur uh okay well you can pulverize Netherrack to get gravel and then there’s a 15% chance that you get sulfur so I like all right we have shitloads of of Netherrack let’s just pulverize a bunch of Netherrack so that we can get sulfur to make blaze powder to make the plates so

That we can go fight places in the nether then I was like well it’s going to take a while so I may as well make my machines faster so I augmented it this one I put two of these secondary output things and then I made all my machines faster better stronger

Whatever to make to pulverize Netherrack to get sulfur to put sulfur into a fluid transposer wherever the hell that thing is oh it’s right here with liquid XP to make blaze powder to make the plates to make fire resistance to make my armor fire resistance so that I could go fight

The blazes in the nether to make the moving wands to move all of them together all the beehives together so that I can blow them all up at once and then I I went I made my moving wand I went back to the valley I moved

The The Beehive and I was like okay that was it was like it was like hours of work just to move the beehives but we did it and now they’re all in one spot and I now I can blow them all up and you can watch me although I don’t think I

Have gunpowder but I think gunpowder is sulfur so hey look we have H sulfur how much sulfur do we have now cuz I used a lot of it oh we have like a stack of it okay that was was I was like I went through that whole thing and I was like

That was the most Minecraft nice experience holiday that was the most mcraft and heart I wish you all good health and for the world to be a little Kinder next year keep being wonderful everyone let’s blow up some beehives yeah let’s blow up some beehives uh is the industrial TNT

Stronger it should be it’s three TNT we should definitely make the industrial TNT right oh I only made two hang on gun powder do you think it’s going to be too strong nonsense I’m sure it’s fine I’m sure nothing bad w’t happen oh [ __ ] I made four I need five

Can we still set it off with this makes four though not too strong just strong enough are you just saying that so that I feel confident using it I it it takes three TNT and makes four so I feel like it’s got to be weaker if anything right that checks out

Feel like that makes sense this is the dog that worried the cat that chased the rat that ate The Malt that lay in the house that Jack built exactly that is exactly what happened to me and every time I was like flying around I kept finding more and more beehives it’s like

Why are there so many there’s so many beehives look at how many I ended up with and I’m sure there’s still more like around here that I didn’t find nice happy holidays everyone in I would nevery Time family and friends well let’s use two just to be

Safe no I’m sure it won’t be that big of an explosion oh wait what was there even an explosion I know I’m sad what what just happened it just it didn’t even make the sound of it blowing up what did the beehives just completely muffled the sound of it

We even got got some beehives we got robbed yeah what the hell I made that whole stack just to show you guys what it would be like the beehives are actually they act as silencers apparently well I’m sad I’m sorry chat that was a let down I’m I’m I’m dis appointed

Too I thought we were going to get a cool beehive explosion and instead it was completely silent but we learned how to make silencers if that you know just just do it again that’s weird because then I placed it and it didn’t it did make the noise so I think it was

Just because it was inside of a stack of beehives Maybe I don’t know aren there mod packs with nukes let’s just find all the beehives we can and then learn how to make a nuke well that that was very disappointing okay so we made this little I made this little like fenced in

Area I really like these fences a lot um finally a use for Birch that I actually liked so I made this kind of little like free roaming Paddock thing um I was thinking what we could do is in here first I want to have more animals but I just these ones are

Already here and so I was thinking that we could put some of the like ranchers which will shear sheep and stuff um just kind of like randomly around and then they will happen by them but we don’t have to make it like I don’t want to make like a 5×5 box

And like shove a thousand sheep in there you know I wanted it to feel more like they’re just vibing you know and then we’ll get passively we will get wool from it yeah free I wanted I wanted free range animals so that they have a little bit of freedom because I’m taking over

This Valley and so I figured it would look weird if we only had you know just little tiny boxes for them cuz I want to build a house here and then I think that looks nice and I wanted to put more like trees and stuff in there cuz it’s kind of empty I

Planted some more trees on this side so it felt more like enclosed kind of yeah we’re going to sell our eggs at uh Minecraft Whole Foods so we have to treat the chickens nicely okay well I’m really disappointed that we didn’t get a cooler explosion but at least the bees are gone

That’s all that I really cared about that was my main concern was getting rid of the bees the entity cramming cow Farm the one where they’re all like stacked in a one by one box and just being attacked by a knife underneath them constantly that’s the one somebody made that in our server

With some one of the servers we were on somebody made that whoever had they had like an iron farm urza thank you so much for the 10 and it says hope you have oh a meowy meow Miss kiwi thank you for the 70-month resub good health and for the world to

Be a little Kinder next year I would you know every year I wish for that I so far my wish has yet to come true but I also wish for that keep being wonderful let’s blow up some beehives sad the game code kills them for free because there’s too many of

Them the sheer number of them makes the adults die oh that’s sad yeah see I don’t that makes me feel sad Valkyrie thanks for the 39 months thank you so much for your continued support chickens and lava see you guys are looking at me sideways but some of you

Man I don’t know why I bother checking to see if that thing has fuel or not every time time I go in there I’m like what if it is out of fuel it’ll just never be out of fuel we could also make a void or Miner if we

Wanted if then we don’t have to move the Quarry also this armor I don’t understand all the stats perfectly but the armor that I am wearing is like I am so strong I I was like leveling It Up by standing on these plants which hurt you you know

And it makes the XP of your armor go up and I took like no damage for the entire time I was just standing in a cactus forever was great you like the cave home oh yeah we’re gonna keep we’re going to keep both I’m going to turn some music on now

That I’m done with my story oh this tab is muted that’s why I need let’s see moods dreamy laidback there you go is this dreamier laidback no vocals okay great um okay so now what are we going to start with I started making um I was farming Enderman

A little bit and started making resonant Ender so that we can use to um make our machines even faster if we Wanted um we could set up the thing I was talking about where I want to do the like Ranch Rancher machine which is this one I caught some of the bats and I was like What if I in my house I made like a little cave like an aquarium but without

Water in it you know like a terrarium but it’s a cave and I put the bats in it so we’re going to hold on to those Um No it’ll be it’ll be like a cute I guess if we were going to do that we should do it in here cuz this is the Cave the bat cave that would make more sense rather than you know I’m going to make I want to that like Valley is I

Want to build a house and stuff like that we’ll build a cave underneath it um so the animal Rancher power and we can give it a range add-on this is from IND industrial for going and these are the range add-ons Yes I have not decided what type of house I want I think we need to look at um Max tier five so plus five like that one don’t know uh I think I need to look at like pictures to See okay uh flux point will give power Ender Chest for items that are going to come back here and maybe we’ll need a item duct of some kind I’m not sure if this thing Auto outputs so we’ll bring it just in case and then I want to use yeah we’ll

At some point look at I’m going to look at some like screenshots and we’ll or like pictures that people have posted of Minecraft Builds and we’ll see if we get some inspiration I’m going to relocate these sheep to the new oh yeah I forgot these ones you have to

Like hold up you have to like ye it at them it’s like an actual Pokéball trying to catch the bats with these was a challenge wa they’re different different sheep for some reason they’re also like onetime use I don’t know why this one’s okay there you

Go I also flew so far to find a mega Spruce Tiga look at this see how far away that is oops I wanted to find I’m just trying to click and drag and it’s like freaking out I just wanted to find a mega Spruce I got to

Cut down spruce trees and that was the closest one cuz I used the nature compass and it was like that’s this is the closest one we could find it was like 9,000 blocks away it’s crazy what’s up seuck thank you I’m looking forward to I’m looking forward to next

Year I got cool things planned these um these things are like one time use uh but there’s a chance you get it back or something is what i’ I’ve noticed it’s like I pick them up and sometimes we get them back and sometimes we don’t so we’re going to

Just pop one of the Ranger is just going to kind of go or not the ranger the Rancher is just going to go kind of in the middle and let’s see we’ll give it power my network uh oh we just heard it work so there you go nice perfect that’s exactly what we

Want okay so now we need it to Output I don’t know if it outputs it’s oh okay right so output top but I don’t know if it’ll output automatically or if we need the duct for it I since it’s not moving I’m going to assume we Need okay it’s milking the cow I think but oh yep it just it it milked the cow cuz the cow is standing there okay okay so maybe we need the Wi-Fi milking yeah that’s pretty weird huh um I’m going to put it out the back

Of it just cuz then I can put the chest here and not have it stacked so this one like that and then may we put a Servo on it no it’s still not working okay so how do we how I get you to Output this pauses is it this is I don’t

Know what that button is supposed to be For huh well what you doing buddy do you need a different type of conduit will you not work with this one for some reason I feel like that should work I’m confused nice 2 hours of work left for 2023 h 2 hours left of work for 2023 dang you

Get the whole next week off that’s nice uh the Rancher is on Redstone signal I thought I set it to well let’s double check hang on nixia wants to see the uh the Rancher or sorry the reactor I need to get more XP too I

Guess if we set up like a farm like an Enderman Farm or something then I think we get XP from that they’ll probably drop the like solidified XP holy crap that feels like I shouldn’t go in there oh she has one yeah the factory blocks are really cool Factory blocks are dope She’s looking at my lights I think she’s got goggles I think she has those those are like you can zoom the there’s like different types of goggles that you can H make Zoom night vision and soul sight yeah now I want to make a void or Miner just as impress n

Yeah cuz the the multi block things are really cool when you like finish building it and it all makes like one big texture you know and that’s how the void or or the void or miners are they like one big block just there’s nothing up there it’s just my

Bed I do want to replace these lights though I think because these ones see this is the one that I’m holding um and then these are the flat lamps which I think are cool but they require a redstone signal so there’s a bunch of levers that I put up there that I just

Like flipped all the levers on um and I mean that’s if you wanted to you could like wire them all and then you could have one big onoff switch uh which actually would be kind of dope we could do that with these too I think if we just connect them with redstone

Um and like maybe a lever I’m not sure let’s try that and then that would be kind of cool if we could just like have a light we turn on and off I don’t know exactly how these guys work they might require like a cable to

Turn on oh actually these guys have the lamp controller and then I think the lamp controller what um so actually additions has the lamp controller that we stole from a village um and I don’t know exactly how this guy works because this is new to me I don’t use actually addition stuff very

Often oh oh yeah there’s no netherite I think the red thing has to face into the block and then you should be able to connect them maybe this thing needs power actually don’t know don’t think they had I don’t think there was any power okay so then I can I connect these

With redstone to turn on No I feel like you should be able what if we had Redstone conduit just conduit work no they don’t even connect maybe I have to turn it on and then it’ll it’s it’s like one of those light switches in your house that or like a light that activates from two different places you

Know like that no h she’s admiring my bookshelves lamp controllers powered by Redstone and when a lamp is it’ll activate that lamp so it’s all lamps that are like adjacent to it right but what if I don’t want to attach them you know that’s what I’m saying is like I want

To have it be uh like spaced out so that’s what I was trying to figure out how to space them out but still have them be connected to the same Redstone thing that was what I was experimenting with but I’m not sure exactly how those guys

Work yeah I couldn’t could never I kept trying to find these These are the the Tinker construct and the armor construct books but I could never find them in my storage system so I just made a shelf and put them over there um um see you later th happy holidays

Hope you have a good holiday as well well thank you for being here um yeah so I was trying to figure out how to like daisy chain some lamps together and I’m sure there’s a way just I don’t know what it is right now so all right

Um what were we doing we were moving our oh yeah I was trying to figure out why that wouldn’t um output oops I always ye myself off of that spot right there um and DB said maybe we had it set to Redstone always active see these these buttons I swear

To God every single mod they do this active on Redstone signal active without redstone signal okay so that should be good right yeah see but it’s not it’s not sending the items out into this guy and that’s what I am this says Redstone ignored so why won’t you do

It active without redstone signal but I feel like that’s the whole machine I feel like the output it should just go okay so which side is it that it oh I can’t just put stuff in it well that’s the back isn’t it this is the front that’s the back back isn’t

Back apparently okay well we’ll just set it to all of them whatever it doesn’t really matter we’re not going to connect anything else to it that’s goofy okay well that that one you know that’s not my fault I won’t take that one that’s silly uh so yeah I was thinking we could

Just do that and have I mean one is probably fine they’ll just passively walk in front of it and then we’ll have wool it’s I don’t use wool for a lot sometimes we need string for Stuff uh but it’s not going to be super important okay

So what are we going to do we need to figure out what kind of house we’re going to build um there are a lot of wood types in this game but I feel like a lot of the ones that they’ve added are like these pink pink

Ones uh and I don’t or like this this one is like a purple so I still feel like some of the best this is like the best wood color uh I didn’t really care about the milk no I guess we could like we could either leave it or we could probably filter or

Something um the eucalyptus wood is like wait what those are different oh it’s a different type of eucalyptus wood but they’re both eucalyptus it’s just that one is biomes of Plenty and one is Benny’s extra trees oh yeah it was still it seemed I mean we came back and there were more naked

Sheep than there were the first time so um so yeah I don’t know dark prismarine for dark prismarine oh this what do you make like the rest of the house out of for that we would have to go find an ocean thing right could probably do that I don’t

Remember how that works we just have to go down there and fight everything and kill like the big bad guy I don’t even know if I’ve seen an ocean Temple we’ve probably flown over one at some point I would guess I don’t know if the probably the nature Compass doesn’t help you find

That there’s probably one in here we could do that just to have something to do puffer fish for water breathing okay so actually this helmet I don’t know how long this lasts but I put this thing the modifier uh on this one gives you the amphibious trait and

That I don’t know how long that lasts it’s not long okay it’s just like an extra buff oops I just want to open the page so amphibious I guess it’s modifiers extends underwater breathing Time by storing a tank of Reserve air stores up to a minute okay so it’s only

One minute which is not great because takes a while to fight those dudes okay so what gives us water breathing in this pack besides potions is there another item that we could make um oxygen tank I don’t know oxygen bucket just bring a door oh then they P this is patched now right

Because or like it’s not in the game anymore because now you water log the doors right batania yeah there probably is okay okay I’m going to keep these Things on me actually cuz we’re going to need to find first we have to find one right and then after that we can uh go fight them cuz yeah I think now you the doors get water locked so you can’t do that trick anymore oh what a she doing just making gears

Um okay well let’s see where are we this area probably counts as ocean let’s check that out we’re an old Minecraft this is let’s see if we go direct East structure Compass um I’m not sure is that the name of it struct structure void block no meteorite Compass bibliocraft drafting enchanted book nature

Compass there a few days ago if you but like in that’s what I’m saying is that in this version Minecraft it it still works but in the new versions now blocks get water logged and so you can’t do that anymore it’s okay there’s um we should

Be able to see it like from the air right uh I’m going to actually refill my XP because I use that for the teleportation wand when I need to get more vertical and that way we won’t fall in the ocean while we’re searching um I need this guy

To put the XP back the other way all right so we want to go East which is backward uh I actually have played Sky Factory like once it was pretty cool don’t remember if I have slow fall on or not let check it over water yeah I turned it on

Okay all right keep your eyes peeled CH chat um help me find a let’s find an ocean Temple this is this um biome is ocean but maybe it needs to be I don’t know if it needs to be like deep ocean they’re usually lit up from the

Sky so or like lit up you can see the the prismarine lights underneath so see ay see you next year this is a cute little spot too oh damn check that out there’s so many cool little spots in this game that I found and of course it’s filled with Beehives Okay we’ll see you next year ay hope you have a really good holiday just tried the door underwater and one 1.2 and it still works really that’s crazy it definitely shouldn’t I feel like cuz unless I’m Mis remembering how the water logging works okay so I don’t

Really see a temple in this area let’s look at our map and see where else we can check deep ocean okay so I think if we go this way toward I know I definitely passed there’s a pirate ship here there were some like deep ocean stuff like we could check that spot and

See it’s just very far south we want to go Southeast so it’s actually toward the valley I could go I could oh my [ __ ] God I could teleport to I put a Way Stone here for the Spruce Tiga so we could go there and then check this area

Maybe so let’s go to the mega Spruce tiger which is here and let’s go up here so we don’t get jumped by mobs while I Orient myself okay so then let’s fly cuz I I’m pretty sure this area was like deep ocean and probably more to the West as

Well so let’s keep going west um but First I think I have oh nope that’s on my other set of armor I don’t have a bed with me here it’s okay um great now it’s raining perfect I don’t know if this is going to make it harder or it might be actually easier to

See underwat I feel like I can see deeper in the water than I could before but yeah this is this is categorized as deep ocean around here those are meteorites underwater by the way pirate ships hello oh there’s pirates on them I think yeah there’s actual people there

Hello is that a temple or those just those might be underwater hives hi oh they’re shooting at me great well now I’m shooting back what’s up hello it’s like what the hell look at me I’m the captain now heck you Pirates string hell yeah always need string what’s up

Oh yeah just single file through this little door that’s that’s great you’re zoom in hey I found beds and gunpowder all things that I needed this is great I hear more skeletons there were there was another pirate ship like right next to us too where am I hearing this guy

Nice oh my God we could use a morb and we could capture a pirate we have to do that well I don’t know if they’re below you guys underneath no where the hell are you I hear them maybe they’re up I what are those look like the prismarine lights but they’re not super

Weird oh hey he’s right there you’re coming with me oh they just keep spawning that’s why hello now I have a pet pirate this is great there’s more over there I wish I could turn my ship and shoot at them but that’s not an option I don’t know maybe we should have

Two should we try and get that we should try and get the captain right he looks cool he’s got armor on H let’s see he’s got a Parrot oh the parrot’s free oh okay I fell hang on oh I need Um hang on I don’t have enough hang on calm down oh my God they’re so fast now they’re shooting each other need my TP wands cuz I can’t get out of the water this is why this wand is so useful my God they keep hitting me and

It like knocks me back and then I miss the thing that I aiming at I’ve been using slime boots no I have a slowfall I just need them to stop shooting me so that I can actually aim at where I want to land do you think the bird just flew

Away no I still hear him do I have another morb maybe we can pick up the parrot if we can find it I’m not sure where it went I hear him somewhere oh jeeez I don’t have food hang on one second everybody chill for a second my inventory is just a disaster of

Crap I don’t want that I want to figure out where this bird went where’s the bird I hear you but where are you where’s this bird there he is no gotcha ha wait where did that morb go oh no we fall so slow there it is you will suffocate if

You teleport there uhoh I thought I could teleport wait we can teleport out but I can’t teleport down because they don’t want me to go in the water okay then [ __ ] hell I’m going to die because I’m just doing some dumb [ __ ] hang on eat your potato underwater I

Just want this parrot and then we can get out of here it’s just the slow fall was making me fall too slow and then I didn’t have it on so then I was hitting this thing okay we have saved the parrot that’s all I really cared about

Right now okay you know this the whole time this whole plan was for me to find a Ocean Temple and we have just picked up everything except for ocean temples okay let’s figure out where we’re going um it just should be around here somewhere you will not be having a white Christmas me

Neither it’s overrated don’t worry about it okay this is only ocean this doesn’t say deep ocean anymore maybe we should go back the other way actually do kind of miss it I think there’s like a certain kind of nostalgia and like emotion associated with oh God server please load the

Chunks that I am in I’m scared oh God we don’t even have sound uh I can’t use oh Jesus Christ it glitched out so bad well that was terrifying it is so hard to see because of it being rainy this is the worst this also only says ocean

So I’m surprised we haven’t found one yet I feel like they’re maybe it’s just that they’re more plentiful in in like newer versions I don’t know it’s crazy with as many things in this game that we don’t have uh we don’t have something to help us find structures

I just wish it would stop raining down one okay we found the temple it is there uh where are we here okay yeah it’s right there yeah it depends on um what you guys making that noise it sounds weird server backup started long you don’t restart the Server okay my doors the Dank null take blocks out if I need to place blocks yeah I know DP found that one are you guys like coming at me I’m always scared to do this because I am scared to be in the water blocks can take a long time to break yeah I

Know that’s my like fear right now going in here is that I’m going to just I feel like we should before we do something like this should try and find um like you said puffer fish to make the underwater breathing so that I don’t drown because I I’m I feel like I am

Definitely going to drown Um cuz this gives us eight minutes of water breathing and that we just need we just need a puffer fish and I feel like that’s worth it to make um I don’t know if I have a waist Stone on me right now but we’re not far from stuff in general

Cuz I have the one here at the mega Spruce Tiga it’s like right there it’s just that we had to fly around a little bit trying to find where the temple was but now that we did we can I can do that and come back and I think that’ll be

Worth it just for the peace of mind cuz right now it’s giving me anxiety to think about going in there and also maybe we could sleep and then it wouldn’t be uh you know Nether wart yeah I have that um I think I also have have a brewing stand that I took from Somewhere okay so first we need some glass bottles fish don’t know it’s raining but I do and it’s bothering me cuz it it’s mostly it’s like makes it hard to see it’s like foggy and so we don’t have a puffer fish is the thing so we got we got to find a puffer

Fish can we find puffer fish in this pack or do you have to kill the Elder things to get it a Fisher when plac over a pool of 3×3 pool of water just fishing like regular fishing okay so we want to make a potion of water Brea Uh so Nether wart puffer fish and then Redstone oh and a blaze rod for power or is it just blaze powder my bad it’s blaze powder it always I always think that it’s a blaze rod because the way that it shows up in the the UI of it I’ll show you what I mean this thing this like horizontal

Yellow Bo always makes me think of a blaze rod so I always think that I’m supposed to use the Blaze Rod will it work in just this I feel like it will yeah in 1.2 it will be fine or do I have to go somewhere special for fishing oh yeah it stopped raining

Now we just have to get lucky uh seuck R st for the four years I don’t know I think they said that they were just stopping by um Weebles thank you for the 55 month resub thank you so much for the 55 months and N moose thank you for gifting

A sub for a San come on puer fish [ __ ] pams got to add more fish to the game never got an enchanting table set up no cuz I haven’t bothered enchanting anything I just went straight for Tinker tools and armor stuff yeah that’s fine you know it wouldn’t take so long if Pam’s

Harvestcraft didn’t add 14 fish to the game they just go to they got to add so much of everything yeah people used to do like the whole like AFK fishing rod thing where they would just set up have like a little setup that you could just try and get

Mending and enchanted books and stuff like that from fishing P fish we did it okay that didn’t take too long that’s not bad okay into the Brewing s with you puffer fish and then we’ll add Redstone to make it last even longer while I’m here I’m going to empty

Out my backpack of all the stuff we got from the Pirates Okay I put the parrot in The okay I’m going to put this stuff in storage Okay so so now we’ve got our potions so I’ll feel better going underwater with that give myself more sharpening kits uh this guy is okay warp Stone we’ll keep here this can we in here do okay yeah it’s not I mean it depends on what you’re trying to get out of that

Especially with a just a regular level like that was just a plain fishing rod you know so you can obviously get oh I am going to need that I forgot cuz we don’t have a way Stone right where the temple is you could probably just bring one I do have spare ones

Okay now we go back to this and then we’re going to fly over to where the temple is which is the other direction I’m going the wrong way I also think I don’t have my thing on slowfall is not on okay have to remember to turn that on

Obviously if you’re trying to get the more more intense stuff or more valuable things take longer obviously so okay here’s the temple what’s it called ocean Monument is the actual name of it I always call them temples I don’t know why Door so we want to get in and fight the like main dude right I don’t know how far these things go and okay they don’t go anywhere in water that makes sense we got to go fight like the main man somewhere in here those those have like no range at all

Hello that thing always scares the [ __ ] out of me it’s just like in my brain okay we have mining fatigue we do oh boy well we got a sponge off of that guy there are three of them okay will there will these little dudes keep spawning if you kill the end the

Elder Guardians I can’t remember how that works they keep spawning okay you just ran into me how do we find the big ones it’s just that the big ones are the only ones that gave you the sponges So mining fatigue it’s 3 minutes Jesus Christ noise is terrifying yeah there is a sponge room somewhere it’s just that I have mining fatigue right now so I can’t I got to go around because I can’t go through like I want to Temple Wings mine down from outside if no mining fatigue

Okay it’s just that we have mining fatigue takes a long time for it to go away oh getting attacked through the walls not every monument has one okay nice I think we’re just going to have to wait for the mining fatigue to go away before we can do anything cuz this is

Painful let’s see what if we go down here okay this is underneath the temple so this isn’t we could use this to find our way around if we wanted cuz I went in through the top um okay so like in here I think like one there and one there we think

Probably I always forget how these these guys are shaped like a u kind of all right so how do we get in this thing of course there’s no holes on the bottom of this we only have Min for another minute so we might be able to wait the static nois is Stressful oh mining fatigue 5 minutes okay never mind it just comes back I didn’t realize okay well then we’ll just go back in the front door [ __ ] you guys then how do you how are you supposed to mine this thing if you is it only the Elder Guardians that oh

Jesus [ __ ] Christ is it only the Guardians that give you the mining fatigue and then the other dudes just hurt [ __ ] off God you guys are so annoying here look figure out the doors while I’m gone okay I don’t know how to get anywhere because of the way this is designed

Once you kill them the mining fatigue is gone okay I just can’t even figure out how to get how do you get to them if you can’t mine any of the blocks and then the blocks don’t lead to where you want to go this is

Also there we go I was like this isn’t working TNT or Dynamite that sucks because I did not bring that which means we’re probably going to have to leave and come back which bugs me a lot so I I can’t I can’t get in there CU I don’t

Have I don’t have anything to blow that up and there’s like no other way to get in there apparently it’s really annoying we light TNT underwater oh we’re falling detonate it inside sand so Place sand Place TNT on top of sand and then well if we bring milk then we get

Rid of our water breathing too which is cuz it would it would do both we don’t want that yeah what she said well it’s annoying I wish there were just like paths you could use to go where you wanted to go instead of having To do this okay well we still have two water breathing potions so that’s good Um we need sand and flint and steel just like how many more items can I try and fit on my hot bar at once okay uh okay sure I just won’t use my glider thanks video game God you guys are obnoxious I can’t wait to blow up your

Temple the sound is pissing me off holy [ __ ] there’s so many of them oh my God why are there so many of you what the [ __ ] why are there like 50 of them you see how many there are okay I hit it here oh [ __ ] off all

I’m going to blow this place up you can’t I can’t wait if only I could [ __ ] swim there’s so many that sucks you guys are there’s just too many of you calm down what the [ __ ] that’s way too many Jesus Christ yeah well enjoy that how about that

I that didn’t do anything that hurt them and it didn’t blow up the actual structure sand on top so it falls into the TNT I thought the TNT was supposed to fall into the sand oh what how is that any different how’s that any different

That’s the same it ends up the same okay you know what that that seems like the same thing to me but both the blocks are like inside of each other Jesus Christ dude there’s so many of them holy [ __ ] this is annoying oh God I’m hitting them with the wrong thing even

This is why I don’t like the Traveler’s belt cuz I always end up using the wrong items all right just trying to let my like Health recharge but these guys keep like swimming around over here and then I can’t get to them because they’re so [ __ ] far

Away yeah see that [ __ ] you you specifically I want to die cuz you keep pissing me off just trying to like block it off so that they can’t fly around this corner and shoot at me while I’m trying to wait for my HP to come back my range weapon like doesn’t really

Work underwater because of it being something that kind of requires like air time you know come on we have um okay finally Jesus Christ okay two down how do we stop these [ __ ] from spawning that’s the next question I don’t I no TNT to kill all of them uh so the Temple I want to go west which is that way oops I tried to light the sand on fire it’s not how it works okay he’s gone there’s so many of them I hate it [ __ ] hell no stay down there [ __ ] you guys oh God see then I this is why I

Don’t like this Travelers but I always have this problem I like switch to the wrong thing trying to switch to my Sword oops [ __ ] hell he swam right up to it and that didn’t kill you somehow all right Jesus [ __ ] Christ dude I can’t oh my [ __ ] god there’s just too many of these things this is crazy this is way too many of these things you have to be joking [ __ ] off that’s really

Obnoxious that is just extremely OB obnoxious well that’s what I’m trying to do but there’s like 50 of these [ __ ] things and they’re just constantly shooting at you and they’re always just Out Of Reach okay so we did that side I don’t know I don’t think that I don’t

Know if that torch will work here or not okay so over here it’s just there’s [ __ ] lasers in my eyes the entire time and I can’t I can’t see [ __ ] and then by the time I figure out where the [ __ ] I am there’s like 50 of these things still attacking

Me and I can’t see anything so I’m just like trying to figure out where I even am underwater before I can even start to think about plac things God I hate this um let’s see let’s go back over this way because I’m like kind of disoriented about which direction I’m facing now

Because of the way this is gone so the problem is just trying to place the blocks before I start just dying because of how many of them are shooting at me at one time so let’s just take a pause for a second there’s just way too many of these

Dudes bury the whole monument and sand for rating it takes forever though yeah I’m just going to I I just need to get into that other side there to start with it’s just it’s hard to see underwater when you’re trying to do this you know I’m like struggling

To tell what I’m looking at sometimes okay so we did this side I need to do this side just try and do this quickly so TNT sand and then click okay and the Elder Guardian is not here and there’s 40,000 of these dudes okay holy

[ __ ] [ __ ] you guys oh I threw that by accident I don’t there’s Z Guardian he’s over there it’s just also 50 of these things so [ __ ] off like why do they have to also have thorns so that I can’t even attack them they can attack me I can’t attack

Them my range weapon does nothing under water Jesus [ __ ] Christ I need you guys to chill out man you’re really annoying just like Ultra annoying can kind of hit them with that since they’re close-ish there [ __ ] you spam that thing at him no you die see but those ones are way too far

Away so I can’t hit them with my range weapon cuz they’re too far but if you come closer there we go [ __ ] you tired of your [ __ ] they they go like 3et in the air in the water and then they just fall straight down okay so we still have mining

Fatigue at least this way if I do this then I don’t uh take Thorn damage or whatever it’s called oh my God you just keep coming how many of you do I have to kill before you will leave me alone okay that one vanished I don’t

Know Jesus Christ on a cracker this is Annoying okay oh that one was behind me I thought he was hitting me through the ground I only have one TNT left use it right there um don’t know [ __ ] there’s so many yeah there’s all these holes in the floor it’s just an it’s just really an annoying

Process cuz it’s like you can’t attack them directly they have this like huge ranged thing that they do and then they just swim in and out of your area and like I can’t swim very fast it’s just like compounding issues okay you know what I’m leaving I’m going

To go make a shitload of TNT and I’ll be back I’ll see you guys soon you’re not going to like it but you’ve pissed me off and now you must suffer the consequences you have angered me how do I make a nuclear bomb just kidding uh let’s see what about this TNT

What is dark utility TNT is it even bigger than regular TNT night vision potions right uh I don’t know what is the best type of explosive we could make for them my new friends in the ocean Monument squid beak gross I don’t know what other types of bombs there

Are yeah there’s the there’s like unintentional bombs right there’s you can force a draconic reactor to explode but that would I would have to learn how to make the reactor cuz I don’t know how to make it Guardian spikes I don’t know we’ll check just wanted to clear

The mining fatigue cuz it was taking forever to get go away 36 and we can make a charm where the Guardians can’t see us oh I don’t want them to not be able to see me I want to blow up the temple I don’t wish to be invisible to

Them I want to uh and also I only have one so I’m just going to make TNT I think for that we need gunpowder I want them to be able to see me blowing them up yes that is I want them to know I want them to know it was me okay uh

Pulverizing Sandstone is a 40% chance polish Sandstone 40% chance white Sandstone okay so sandstone uh so this this is for glass oh we had a detector this one is making of uh making sand I want to set that to yeah let’s set that to 5,000 just double

It okay so that thing is going to make a sand we’ll use that to make sandstone and then we will pulverize the Sandstone to get um salt peter I think it was and we only have one sulfur so we should pulverize more Netherrack as well which is

This and we need to pulverize coal as well Machine doesn’t accept item oh maybe because there’s already stuff in it and that’s why pulverized charcoal not pulverized coal we need charcoal uh okay so we’ll toss logs in a furnace to get charcoal and then we’ll pulverize that to get pulverized charcoal and then

We’ll make that into gunpowder and then we make that into TNT and then we go back to the ocean monument and we blow those [ __ ] Skyhigh Minecraft love it I love Minecraft you’re such a good game uh let’s see so charcoal let’s grab more logs and we can throw them in the other

We’ve got three furnaces over here or even more than that actually that one that one she has a dream and she’s following it that’s me there’s like nothing I really need out of their Temple anymore either I’m just mad and Petty they just annoyed me enough oh right we have to take the

Charcoal still let’s see charcoal toss that into the pulverizer where seabed low oh yeah that’s actually you know we’re flattening them 26 we’re going to need more than that also we’re going to need more sand because the sand is going to be for um that stacking thing we have to do

Which is going to be annoying but we’ll figure it out might take a little while because actually because we have to do it like All if we we can’t place redstone dust underwater right so we can’t make like one big explosion it has to be we have to do it like Brick by Brick basically cuz is there a way for us to chain the TNT together underwater I don’t know if the conduit will work I

Mean for TNT oh yeah um rails don’t probably shouldn’t Place TNT in our house I guess I was just about to place it in the middle of the floor to try it she’s so smart no that’s just if we wanted to activate one that makes

Sense Oh I thought I didn’t have one I’m just blind I guess powered rails I don’t know how that would work cuz it’s not really like a redstone signal that we want it’s just maybe we could just make big piles of TNT you know just do it one by like area by area

And just go around and uh actually you know I’m probably going to want to make more um water breathing potions so maybe we should see if we can get another puffer fish or two while we wait for the sand lever on the Redstone conduit oh yeah actually you’re right why didn’t I

Think of that cuz then we place the conduit we activate the conduit rather than and then we have To but we still have to put sand on top of each one okay I don’t know if the conduit has a limited signal length I think it doesn’t because otherwise it would be like regular Redstone you would need a uh you would need Um repeater yeah well there there’s the reactors that can melt down and they make like huge explosions I really felt like there was a better TNT TF Ln oh maybe it’s disabled cuz there’s the whatever this one is in dark utilities but I don’t know if that is a bigger explosion or

Not yeah that’s why I couldn’t but I don’t remember it’s made with flint and gunpowder oops that’s industrial TNT which we used but that didn’t really seem like better than wait explodes save for mining what’s that what does that do besides explode do you just throw

It only one f one way to find out what makes a bigger boom you just ye it I’m scared to throw it underwater though because is uh as you saw throwing things underwater wasn’t super great can use the Redstone Conduit on the TNT with the button sucks to configure the sides

First oh that’s annoying yeah we could just drop it on them you know of course it like went right over the hill where I couldn’t see it that’s we’re zero for two on watching explosions today what the [ __ ] it went right over the hill like by a pixel God [ __ ] damn

It I hate my life today what is going on it went so much further than I thought it was going to too it like actually went flying okay well it’s cheap we can just go make more and then see we’ll throw it somewhere where we can actually see it this

Time oh uh hands of money sorry about that thank you for the sub welcome to the Armory have some am burgers thank you for your support thank you for joining us I appreciate it okay all right this time we’re going to throw it directly at this that’s pretty big I mean that’s at

Least as big as a right actually no I think it’s bigger than a TNT explosion okay the question will be throwing it underwater we could maybe just throw it straight down you know if we just if we just hover above them and just eat it this can only go wrong all right I’m

Still I still want more TNT is 3×3 right that’s what I was saying that one was like 4×4 at least so they’re like depth charges yeah exactly nice I still want uh water breathing potions use these to she’s the ender dragon fight that’s I mean yeah that works pretty well it seems

Like that was a pepper fish wasn’t it yeah easy okay what the hell is that oh it’s an eel oh actually we only need those two can I get water from flowing water no oh but we have an opus accumulator over here what’s up burning chalice how are

You doing thanks for thanks for the raid we are going to need Nether wart and Redstone Again Stone doing well cool good to hear looking forward to the holidays and all Terraria expert mode run Terraria seems like Minecraft but scarier for me Andrew thank you so much for the 7 months welcome back thank you for the 71 months it’s good I got pissed off by

Some uh the ocean Monument guys I forget what they’re called so now we’re going to go blow up their house cuz I’m Petty NPCs to find gear to collect yeah see stuff like that I don’t really care about as much it’s like the adventure um adventure mode it’s like

More combat base yeah there are some there are some mods or mod packs in Minecraft that are designed for stuff like that where it’s more about um like progression through certain things and some of that I find fun but it’s not my main thing it’s not the main thing that interests

Me about Minecraft so but it’s cool it is very cool okay let’s make more of these those seem pretty good I think if we just drop them we’ll just eat a bunch of them at them and then what do you think three stacks that should probably be enough y

Minecraft X Legend of Zelda we do four just in case all right we got our potions I have I don’t I’m actually not going to need that but I do want more XP so that we can make sure we can get back I’m going to wait for it to be

Night time and I’m going to sleep because the Sun is going down right now then it’ll be daytime and then we’ll go blow them up hello I’m back remember me That works perfectly [ __ ] you guys tired of your [ __ ] oh I forgot to have my potion before I come down here what why am I still taking damage oh cuz I okay we’re fine I don’t care you can’t stop me God you guys are annoying you’re so

Annoying it’s so weird how it like flies forward and then just stops I do wish I could swim faster that’s like one of the better things about early like more recent Minecraft or I don’t know if I said fly or Swim I meant swim wish I could swim faster so so Slowly see how see how they like go forward and then they just stop and they just go straight down that’s is vanilla dip Strider that’s for you specifically oh we actually like launched him out of the water he lived we hit him with a bomb

And he flew out of the water and then lived see and then you can’t even like I’m trying to swim away from this dude he chasing me what do you want okay I’m glad I made four stacks I’m going to need more bombs Chat at what point do they stop spawning because there’s just not enough for this to be considered a temple anymore or an ocean Monument or whatever I need more I need a lot more I have TNT but Um I should have sand in my dankn so we could do some of that they will spawn forever [ __ ] I hate you guys so much I hate you I hate all of you they’ll spawn even if there’s no see look I can’t even move God you’re so annoying who designed these creatures

No I just want to I just want to make a point you know look how I just I can’t even get into the thing I can’t even move cuz you guys are you know what I’ll be back it’s the water that allows them to spawn okay now you guys can’t have water anymore

Uh let’s make a flux point this is when I just get to use all my I get to use all my tools and the things that I spend all this time building and Mining to make fun things um okay so if we have the pump output to a

Tank bubble elevator to shove them in another death hole oh oh what oh what um then we need to put the water somewhere I don’t really want to store it here because it’s kind of a lot we pump it into a trash can sponges no fluid void void pipe destroys fluids perfect

Excellent what is that thing pipe sealant okay fluid void pipe fluid trash whatever yeah I am draining the ocean now blowing up their house didn’t work so now we got to now they’re I said they’re not allowed to have water anymore I’m using this is a

Pump it’s a ranged pump we could do that or we could use the Builder Builder might be faster I don’t know how fast the pump is when supplied with like infinite power how does that I don’t know if that’s faster or not and it doesn’t really tell you so should we

Use actually you know I know how the pump works let’s just do that and then we’ll set it to do that that’s power we don’t care about the water let’s see if this works um I can’t right click this why can’t I right click this to get XP out of here

Builder has a fluid card okay I just don’t know which one is faster the [ __ ] what hello Builder is likely faster okay fine but I why can’t I do this I don’t know that’s super weird I should be able to get I should be able

To just right click it to get XP out of there I’m very lost oh actually you know what we have um this I have some of this in my dankn as well nice happy holidays to you and yours and 7 I got my card yesterday and yay an heart

I don’t know if maybe the level is just too low but I feel like what it I feel like we should definitely be able to get XP out of that the way that it is I don’t know so we think a builder is faster with a fluid card and then we set

It to export to the fluid this uh oh my God Nixie I just teleported here but I don’t see her that’s was freaky shift right click will use all uh no control click there we go oh cuz it’s I I swapped my the other one

I can see that I see her name and I can see her like footsteps but I can’t see that I can’t see her that’s super freaky uh okay so let’s go grab the Builder cuz it’s going to be faster and I had plans to do other stuff today but you

Know all right so give me that still feel like I’m like like moving in slow motion now okay so we’re going to need to make a fluid card you say shape card pump clearing pump uh the coolant use or the reactor is using liquid or gelled cryotheum yep

Ben thank you for the 41 months happy holidays to you too fluid trash can on top of the Builder well we made the fluid void pipe so I feel like that should be fine oh I got paid by Twitter who wants to guess how much I got paid oh there we go oh

Well bearing in mind that I used to make four figures from from uh Twitter the pipe might work fine okay well let’s try both I’m going to bring both with me so we don’t have to go back and forth $12 and 26 Cents Rich streamers hey that’s that’s how much Elon Musk has

Driven Twitter into the ground if I was like consistently uploading clips and stuff which I was kind of bad about I could E I could have made like 7 8K in a month if I was consistently putting up videos that were um getting like views and stuff like that now I make

$12 that is that’s how much that he has ruined twitch or Twitter isn’t that fun he’s got enough money what does he care okay so we need a shape card and I need a bucket of water make it into a card and then I’m going to make it a

Clearing one cuz I’m we’re literally just going to empty it uh so what is it trash can probably both nerdy fluid trash can it’s like a combination of things okay Builder we’ve got power we’ve got the card we’ve got trash can um I don’t know if we’re going to need a fluid

Duct but I will bring it just in case just why is it always nighttime when I want to go deal with these stupid things it’s probably both and now they’re like begging people to give them money so it’s like was okay just not yeah it wasn’t like super profitable

Um but now they’re like please buy premium and we’ll show you less ads maybe okay and then we’re going to need to build a little platform on top of it which I can do with that it’ll just be annoying because these guys are really [ __ ] annoying

Hope you guys are ready to live in a desert [ __ ] the hell is this song My Chill Vibes are being ruined Jesus [ __ ] Christ okay all right Builder clearing pump do I need to define the shape of it or will it just oh my [ __ ] God I

Can’t wait for you guys to not be here anymore I need to make a shape for it that’s really annoying I wish it would just do it what you’re a fish go back underwater where you belong get out of here um I think are you [ __ ] kidding me dude Jesus

Christ can I just be left alone for four [ __ ] seconds so that I can destroy your home in peace I think that we can actually open the gooey not like that um like that and then we can just tell it I’m going to mute this because these

Guys are really annoying me I don’t is this chunks or this is in blocks right no one is having yeah they I they’re like what if we called it X instead and everyone was like that’s the dumbest name I’ve ever heard I’m just going to call it Twitter

Uh so 5x five chunks you’re thinking is let’s just do 100 by 100 and then offset negative 50 that’s 15 50 20 25 how deep is this do you think that’s probably good and then we’ll make it so that’ll start 25 blocks under where we are

Right that should be enough I think I actually don’t know how deep these things go maybe we’ll just make it let’s make it 35 just to be safe and then we’ll do taller okay how do we know if it’s working notive 50s on the 100s wait what hang on

I need to mute this stuff because it’s too much noise and I can’t think it’s hurting my brain shape is formed around the Builder would go above the Builder but Dimension is the size yes offset shifts the shape yes but it’s not centered on the Builder that’s what we’re saying so

We need to do not 50 where it’s 100 we need 50 here right well the other the preview thing like I it didn’t work for me so I don’t know how the preview is supposed to work because it it didn’t show anything when we tried to do it although I think

It was Underground when we tried click the preview preview is bottom right button no oh you meant this one I mean but we’re not going to be able to see anything if it says negative -25 you know Orga – 35 and I don’t know if it’ll

Show the I don’t know if it’ll show it if it’s like under the under the copy button is preview preview mode enabled oh wait something changed oh okay there we go wait so what is this oh that’s different that’s highlighting the thing that okay okay So what is that that didn’t even change anything I don’t know it’s not it doesn’t look like it’s changing anything that’s why I’m confused huh I’m scared I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s taking away the original preview and that’s what’s really confusing me now because like these blocks aren’t going

Away so I can’t tell what I’m looking at because I have like both previews here why doesn’t it hello take this away what is wrong with You go away why you don’t even exist how can I stand on you this is disaster okay there’s so many things that I could be doing instead of this and yet here we are I don’t I don’t know and now it doesn’t show me anything unless it’s down there and I can’t see

It this is very peculiar here there go to the sky so that I can see you yeah okay great so oh god4 Z what the [ __ ] you think you’re wrong and it is centered I don’t know I just want the blocks to go away so that I can see

Yeah I think it is centered I’ll relog and then we’ll see that’s okay I mean it’s hard to know if it is like there’s so many different blocks and so many different mods and they all like treat things slightly the same but also different and

So it’s hard to keep track I can’t keep track of all of that I can’t I imagine that you would be able to either you would just have to be a genius have to turn off the preview oh okay so when you move it so

When you want to change it turn it off change it turn it back on oh God that Rel logging didn’t even fix it I Mean how do we get rid of it now that it’s here is the new question now that if it’s not going to go away even when we relog just climbing these blocks that don’t exist and now it’s night time again so it’s dark how do I how do I fix this now

Like I can’t tell which one of these is the right Square now because there’s just like four overlapping things and it doesn’t go away if you relo so now what look at this mess what I I don’t get it maybe yeah maybe if we take that away

Nope what the [ __ ] what is this garbage come on man who did this make the shape huge toggle on off I don’t know I’m try I’m so this is so weird like why would these blocks not go away it’s just this one that or no it’s

Not I [ __ ] don’t know man I don’t please just stop your existence there’s so many things overlapping I can’t tell what is what I can’t these blocks won’t go away why do the yeah why do these why is there why is preview mode not just a preview of like why why

Can’t it just be like the like that you know why are they blocks why are they physical blocks that I can stand on and interact with that’s so weird I don’t know how to fix I don’t know how to fix this now because I can’t yeah like why why did they make it

So where we could actually walk on them this is so dumb all this is terrible and even breaking the Builder doesn’t get rid of them I hate it I don’t know that’s that seems really poorly made or like designed because now it’s just that’s [ __ ] weird Okay so that is right where I

Am let’s do 60 I hate these things I don’t know what I don’t know how to fix that either it’s really dumb how ridiculous I’m still not sure how to tell if it’s doing anything cuz I can’t see that it is doing anything and with as much power as we’re

Giving it I feel like we should be able to see if it’s doing something oh wait no there we go it’s kind of doing stuff I think it’s just hard to tell what I get XP from breaking these I get XP I get XP for breaking these blocks that don’t

Exist I wonder if the water is filling itself back in with Source blocks I don’t know that’s what I mean I’ve never done this before so I’m not sure how that works to use the Builder to Clear Water yeah I know I know that the copper

Is giving me the XP it’s just I I don’t think I should be getting XP for breaking blocks that don’t exist I just can’t tell if it’s doing anything because of I mean it just doesn’t really look like anything is happening still says it’s doing stuff they do exist because the mod

Inputs them in the world okay I don’t I feel like you’re not understanding or I’m like not it’s just meant to be a joke it’s not really supposed to be serious there’s supposed to be like Phantom blocks just to show you the outline of the thing they’re not

Supposed to be like actual blocks that you should get XP for but I was just trying to be funny it really doesn’t seem yeah see it’s doing like the [ __ ] is it doing so it’s not actually clearing I thought I mean I I thought that’s what clearing would mean

Would be clearing and not replacing with water like if I tell you to clear the liquid will be removed from the world so like why would it replace it if it’s specifically called a clearing thing wouldn’t it wouldn’t it clear instead of just like a regular one the water is regening itself as

Water does that’s not how Water Works in Minecraft though doesn’t it like if you remove the source block yeah but shouldn’t it be removing it fast enough if it’s removing like a line of them at a time shouldn’t it be removing it fast enough that it can’t refill it that

Fast Source blocks are filling in the empty space I know but that’s that’s what I just said is like shouldn’t it be doing it faster then this thing can the water has time to fix itself space still has two pieces of water source on either side I don’t know

I don’t know if it’s doing it a row at a time or what it’s doing I guess it is okay mute my computer again because the sound is pissing me off um um what then if we do so then put a bubble around the temple pump the

Water out of the bubble yeah that’s not going to work either cuz it’s just going to refill we have to fill it with something but I don’t think we have anything so weird to me that the The Shield blocks replace water I don’t I don’t feel like we should need that as the

Thing like that seems I don’t want to make a shield generator for shouldn’t this just be able to place the thing is even if we use the pump it’s still going to just isn’t it still just going to the water is just going to fix itself

No matter what pump we use it’s not going to pump it out fast enough that the water’s not going to just fix itself right so it’s like none of what we do is going to work the way that I want it to it’s I would have to do something

Completely else the pump knows to work top to bottom left to right so the Builder so the Builder is not the play the pump is the play because the pump okay so that’s what I was going to do originally Um we can still use the trash can right we just don’t use the Builder so if we don’t use the builder then it’s fine it’s just that the Builder is the problem because the Builder is working side to side or something this is so dumb okay well Builder get out of my

Life okay I do see water going in there I don’t know how what the range of this thing is either this is so dumb I can’t believe that it does this and then the block just stay there Forever that’s terrible who designed this what is this mess you’ve created free XP though all the XP I could ever want you guys are so obnoxious they could not have made that noise just more annoying I think that’s crazy supposed to be a cozy Minecraft day and instead I’m just getting really

Pissed off at how everything works or it doesn’t work I Need Cobalt well it’s it’s Hollow is the thing I just wish that it would go away when the Builder isn’t even like the Builder doesn’t even exist right now I picked it up but I don’t know whoever made this mod didn’t see fit for it to remove the

Preview blocks if you do things slightly out of order I guess I don’t even know if the pump is working your only guess is it’s not working right in this version I guess I would be surprised if such a like kind of large bug is left alone in in a in a

1.12 that’s like I don’t know it seems like one of the classic version numbers so it’s weird to me that they unless it’s just my version specifically that or like my my game specifically that’s bugged um which is also possible I’m just kind of I’m doing this

Because I’m just waiting to to see if this thing is going to work or not and so I’m going to give it time to do stuff while I don’t want to just sit there like staring at it so Sor your version this mod is in 1.20 and it functions the

Same way okay well then it’s just dumb and that’s it yeah I’m not I’m not going to use the preview mode ever again cuz then it’s going to do this this is horrible this is really bad I’m really annoyed by this this is like actually really just pissing me off

That now I have to like go and manually clear this whole thing are you kidding I should have just used the pump this is what I gave for listening to chat no it was my idea too I thought it was going to be faster to use the that thing cuz I know it’s

Faster yeah that’s what I was thinking is that I could probably place the Builder in the air to like Quarry it I just want to see if this thing is working like I said I’m just kind of killing time waiting to see if this thing’s actually going to do anything or

If it’s also going to not not do anything uh it’s turn turning it into stone could you does it is there a way to tell it not to turn it into stone and instead just to get rid of it there’s not really add-ons for these guys I guess the explosions well the explosives

For for this stuff you mean yeah um yeah cuz this is look at how ridiculous this is this is terrible right C the preview blocks should remove them and all connected blocks thank you son of a [ __ ] now there’s going to be like floating ones too cuz I was destroying them with my

Tools remember doing that before but I know remember oh yeah cuz see this is way slower and it’s turning it into stone man this sucks why doesn’t the clearing one just clear it better you know like if it if the pump is smart enough to know that it needs to go up

And down then how come this guy’s not smart enough or the Builder’s not smart enough to know that it needs to go up and down like you know it’s called a clearing Quarry you know what we want to use it for clearing fluids so why like why does why does the clearing

One not know what it’s doing but this thing does like if if it’s possible to tell the machine clear vertically then how come we can’t it means the config file for the server yeah okay I have an idea take this not doing well clearing Mass amounts of water

I mean yeah but that’s what I’m saying is like if if it’s possible to tell a machine in Minecraft clear straight like up and down then it’s weird to me that when you were designing something that is supposed to be for clearing specifically clearing fluids and fluids that we know can regen

Themselves if they’re cleared left or right Then why wouldn’t we we do it in a way that makes sense I don’t know anyways okay um I have an idea but it’s going to require a lot of us a lot of time waiting right how much sand do you think we need 20K more 25 okay 45k oh my God

That’s a lot can also uh let’s see this I think we’ll no that’s Sandstone that’s what we don’t want just 45 45 exactly I feel like that’s not enough let’s find out we’ll do the math um song is stressful what is this I wish I could just set the server to be permanent

Daytime so is also annoying I don’t know if you and I have the same definition of the word laidback hey I hate all of this I have to mute my game they’re so annoying I am not touching a draconic reactor I am so scared of blowing myself up and I would blow myself

Up okay new plan because I’m not a quitter we’re going to make a large Stone platform above this thing and then if we make it with stone we have to break the stone how do we place something to fill it with stacks of sand yeah but

Then we’re going to have to get rid of the stone is the thing right because I can’t place floating sand on my own so how do we break it easily yeah we just tried that fig Jam that does not work it doesn’t know how to clear water from like large section

Cuz see if we put Stone underneath it we have to break all the stone you know actually hang on I think I have another potion that we could drink yep cuz we’ll have to break the stone for the sand to go in and if we do that

We have to do it like section by section basically which is going to be annoying scaffold I’m not really worried about the amount of stone we need I’m trying to make it faster the thing use the preview blocks hell oh my God you are so annoying you’re so

Annoying oh we’re one on off whatever Um I hate that you can be like multiple blocks out of the water and they’ll still just be like shooting at you from somewhere else I don’t they’re just like sitting on the surface of the water shooting up at you It considers that I died on the side where the water is but okay but we hit it just enough for it to kill me just enough for it to to to kill me great it’s just it’s not my day it’s not my life um I just realized I need blocks to

Get out there because I can’t fly so yeah so the Builder doesn’t know how to do large portions of water we just tried that and it doesn’t work so we’re not doing that because it’s a mess it doesn’t it doesn’t work it works for like small things but it doesn’t work for large

Things use it for the sand use what for the sand and the stone use what what what are you talking about though like what are you use what the Builder to do what to remove the sand could be used to place a level of sand midair will it

Place I don’t know if it’ll float or not though is the thing and I’m not willing to oh of course I don’t have enough to get there um I think I’m going to do like this I oh yeah I don’t have magnetism either [ __ ] hell you want it to sink

Anyways I don’t I don’t want it to sink when I place it is the thing because I don’t know if it’s going to place it it I don’t know if it’ll place it midair and then it’ll stay midair or if it’ll place it midair and then it’ll

Fall and I’m just not listening to chat’s suggestions because of us not being 100% certain about how the things work and if they’ll do the things that we want them to cuz I’m not even sure we don’t I it’s we’re like zero for nine at this point

Of things actually working the way that I expect them to so that really is silly to me that the Builder doesn’t know how to clear like large things of water that should be exactly what that’s for and it’s doing something weird instead hi what’s up no thank you

Yep okay um I don’t remember what I was doing why was I up there how did I fall oh yeah we teleported out of the water because I was placing these blocks okay what do we need from the temple uh Revenge I might actually die again yeah my uh thing wore off

The water breathing I keep having like this and I keep thinking that I have water breathing because of that um but I don’t and it keeps like the like particle effects and stuff they keep making me think that I have have water breathing active can we

Remove and I keep having to mute my game so then I don’t even notice when I start taking damage from being underwater because because um these their like sounds that they make are like annoying me so much just put the whole thing on so I keep muting

It because I don’t want to listen to their like weird static noises are you [ __ ] me I like broke the thing behind the thing that I was pointing my pickaxe at no stone break the [ __ ] grave are you kidding me what is wrong with you for yeah cuz it was

Underwater so I saying they make that like weird that like static noise and when there’s a lot of them it’s just this constant cacophony of just garbage sound and it stresses me out like these there’s like lasers pointing across my whole screen it’s just it becomes kind of a lot okay

So now we’ve got that great let’s um go over here for a second fix oh I was like what how do I have two backpacks I don’t I don’t have two backpacks it’s just bugged because it’s confused okay I got to fix my inventory what why did you place them backward okay it’s

Weird all right new plan hang on I’m going to experiment to see how I think if you do this it’ll fall yeah okay well we could do that and then just make one row of it and just do it like a little more manually rather than

Making a machine to do it since the machines are failing me today upside down pyramid with torches and sand yeah see but I feel like that is going to be a lot more setup then I’m going to I feel like if we just grab a

Shitload of sand and then we just do it with that because I’ve already wasted like three hours of my life on this so I don’t know how much more time I want to waste on something that has no meaning cuz then I have to like place

All of that by hand and that’s really annoying diamond wand can place a lot more blocks than the one you have now there’s um this one is that does it function the same as this thing okay Okay speed I could make one of these this is what allows me to use the ous extruder to make sand so we could technically put it on here and then have that one do it too but has durability yeah it does have durability but that’s okay right it’s that’s that’s really

Cheap it’s very cheap we also have a shitload of gravel we could use gravel I’ve been um it doesn’t have to be sand it’s just whenever we have been um what is it called pulverizing the Netherrack it to get sulfur it gives us gravel as the

Like main product that you get out of it so I have actually a lot more gravel than anything else for okay it would have been more fun with explosions but there’s a surprising lack of explosives in this you would think that there would be more in terms of like actual bombs you

Know I guess we’re going to have to make a thing to go this way too because otherwise I won’t be able to stand on this or we will be once it’s all gravel we’ll find out we’ll just do this to start oh this does place a lot more can’t

See well my wand is broken oh but it worked okay it’s right here it’s just hard to see great we’re going to need a lot more wand and a lot more gravel the durability goes down really fast huh I was surprised by that too it’s pretty

Quick one wand yeah well the thing is that that road that we were filling in was completely empty so there was like nothing at all for it there was nothing for it to land on at all you know sucks if they don’t stack requires another star I don’t know another

Star BuildCraft Cory does that very well nope we tried the BuildCraft Cory or not the BuildCraft Cory we tried the Builder I’m not trying any more machines I’ve given up on machines they don’t work they don’t do the thing that I want them to do I just wish you would stack why don’t

You stack you’re so weird if if there’s no like it’s perfect durability just stack okay why are you being weird we’ve tried the machines they don’t work they don’t do what I want them to so I’m just not I’m not bothering with it anymore been disappointed by the machines for the last time

Today I no that was loud you good this is going to take a lot longer than I thought chat it’s just the water is so deep that doing this feels like it just takes so long cuz the water it just goes down forever I really just wish that the

Clearing thing would work the way it’s I expect it to instead of doing some weird [ __ ] instead I don’t know if it’s faster than figuring out the machines at this point especially with how much gravel and stuff it’s going to take CU When We’re have to craft all of it at [Applause] [Applause]

I just I feel like I’ve been disappointed so many times there’s like first there’s not bigger bombs than the like there’s the throwable ones those are fine but like they also don’t make that big of an explosion and then it doesn’t even stop the things that live in the monument from

Spawning and then the pump is turning everything into stone which I don’t want it to do and then the Builder is not able to clear water for whatever reason so I’m just I’m now I’m just sad cuz nothing is working I’m going to do it again holy [ __ ] [ __ ]

I don’t I don’t know I it’s cuz I want to go down in the water and for the slow fall makes you fall slowly in the water so I turn it off and then I go to turn it back on or I go to like teleport out of the

Water and I forget that I’ve turned it off because I wasn’t flying and then yeah it’s just a whole mess of crap oops um anyway anyways so if we The Shield generator you were saying prevents it from I don’t know how that’s like even if we encircle this whole

Thing in in gravel right let’s say we make like a whole big wall around it the water is still going to fill itself back in so I don’t know how I don’t know how that is going to work or I don’t know how that would work [ __ ]

Hell quickly draw all the water from an infant yeah but it’s the problem is it’s turning it into stone it’s not just taking the water out it’s actually turning it into stone that’s why I wanted to use the Builder with the clearing card but the clearing card doesn’t [Applause]

Clear so that’s kind of my new like I don’t oh right the BuildCraft pump I always I keep where it’s called the Builder and there’s the pump and then so now it’s BuildCraft pump okay so the build craft pump but we have cuz we have the Builder which is

From RF tools and then we have the other thing which is the range pump which is different um oh this does this okay you know what’s cool about this um this oneand pulls from the Dank null the other one doesn’t so I’m glad we made this one too

Even just for other stuff cuz I it wasn’t um the the other wand we made does not pull from this storage so that’s good good [Applause] so Jesus NOA you scared me what are you doing am I working on I’m destroying the water temple thing ocean Monument I guess is the proper

Name that I always forget what’s up foxy wait what but now I can’t place it there what we can’t can we not place it underwater are you [ __ ] joking we can’t place the blocks underwater with the want you have to place them above water and drop them in even if they’re already

There we can’t just use this to extend it I swear every single thing I try there’s something that’s working against me there’s just one thing that’s got to be [ __ ] no no matter what I do it’s just the story of my life isn’t it dope great now I can’t just place blocks

From the side which would make sense but apparently I’m not allowed to do that for whatever reason um Sponge from open I mean there’s sponges yeah uh from open blocks I don’t know if I’ve ever used isn’t that just oh there’s this is the vanilla one

Man I didn’t think I would run into so many things that don’t work in the span of like 3 hours that’s kind kind of crazy so what do we do instead we were talking about the BuildCraft query what’s it called quy that guy I was going to make that oh

I did make one of these we just never used it cuz we started using the other one Um Builder doesn’t work we tried it nice it is in ATM 9 I don’t know what ATM 9 is uh we have the Builder it doesn’t work for what I want to do Leon thanks for the 39 months appreciate it thank you for the 39 month resub

We already did that and it didn’t do any it didn’t do what we wanted it to do so this person says that you have to make Corner pillars so the ocean that it’s staying in doesn’t reconnect and fill it all back in in order to use the

RF tools Builder but that doesn’t make sense to me because even if we do that it like we would have to make Corner pillars every other block basically for that to work so I don’t understand why people think that that’s that doesn’t work perimeter wall but even if you make

A wall that doesn’t make that doesn’t make sense with the way that we’re saying that the water is getting filled back in right that’s the problem even if I make a wall all the way around if if I’m understanding correctly how this works it’s not going to it won’t

Work because the thing is like even if from the top right even if we do this if we make a wall around and this whole thing on the inside is the ocean like it’s going to try and clear out this but these blocks will fill it back in

Right because it fills it goes side to side so I don’t know I it what confusing to me is even looking at like Twitter or not Twitter Reddit and stuff like that people are like use the RF tools Builder but it doesn’t it doesn’t work because if it’s going to dra if

It’s going to go in like a horizontal pattern like it was doing then these are just going to get filled back in again like these these squares are going to fill it in it’s just going to keep going like that and so I don’t get

It I mean I was using a clearing pump card so I don’t know what other type of card would do you know I mean that sounds exactly like what I wanted there’s a shape card pump there’s a clearing pump and then there’s a placing liquids one and the rest of

These are clearing Fortune clearing silk clearing Fortune I mean this is the one I was using a clearing pump so I mean are we supposed to use this one collect all liquids in the configured space collect all liquids liquid will be removed from the world the liquid will be replaced with dirt I

Don’t want to replace it with dirt I just want you to remove it from the world but if we do that’s what I did the water fills in faster than we can take it out So how the [ __ ] does anybody think that that is the solution I’m so lost for this why does people are like use the RF tools Builder but it doesn’t it doesn’t work because it fills it in too fast that’s why I made that one because I was like we want

It fill it in first and then clear the dirt yeah I just didn’t want to do that because I thought that this card which says it clears liquids would clear liquids but it doesn’t clear liquids it just it like does but it doesn’t do it fast enough because it lets them it lets

It replenish and I don’t want it to replenish but that’s how Water Works in this so and it’s not smart enough to do it vertically it does it side to side can make a giant wall of gravel above the water and copy it with the wand so the water wall of gravel will

Drop in the water yeah probably works perfectly fine for non-infinite liquids I mean but that’s what I’m saying is that people are people on Reddit even are saying how do I clear the ocean monument and they’re saying use the RF tools Builder just make a perimeter but if I make the perimeter

It’s not like that’s not going to work because that’s not how the thing works because it doesn’t know to do vertically it goes side to side which is useless against the ocean um yeah you could make like a giant wall like you said or like the other person said turn it into dirt

Using the regular card and then use the shape one to clear nice I wonder if we another round seven I I don’t know if we can clear just dirt like can we mine just the dirt with the builder maybe I know there’s you can tell it not to mine dirt at

All I just don’t understand the point of the clearing pump card if it’s not going to work against that there’s filter options I don’t know I’m asking that’s why I’m asking cuz I don’t I don’t know because I don’t know how it works and like I said everything that I have

Tried that I thought would work has just not worked at all nothing nothing is working the way that I expect it to work I’m getting sad and frustrated by it because that’s way harder than it needs to be and the machines just they’re saying that they’re doing something that they’re not that’s

Annoying and that is annoying Me okay that one turns everything into dirt right or turns the water into dirt I guess I can’t believe that I can’t place it in the water like okay you guys are so obnoxious I just I can’t believe that that this thing won’t let me place things just in the water

Either that’s so silly okay so this is the clearing one which doesn’t work um if we do this one it’s turns it into dirt instead so that would work and we need to give it power and then um we have a fluid trash can so

We could still use that for this part of it right because it’ll put the dirt or sorry it’ll put the water in there and then it replaces everything with dirt on its own okay so if we do this we want it to be I can’t this is on a server that I don’t

Have control over so I can’t I don’t have any control over anything like that okay so okay now the preview doesn’t even work at all what am I doing maybe it’s because it’s offset hang on let me put the lever on it well now we know how to get rid of

The that thing so okay that’s close to where we yeah you’re going to Ru the day that you did that because now we know we turn it off and then it it’ll turn itself off if we actually do it the right way uh -40 I just wanted to be able to see

The bounds of it that should work I think probably start over there but I can’t see anything it’s weird that you can see in there when it’s like nighttime you know oh wait or is that where it’s starting because I didn’t place that right yep I was just trying to avoid filling

In the entire thing with dirt but I guess it’s what I’m left with now it it took me a while to figure it out but you guys will Ru the day that from a few days ago when you upset me that one time remember do you remember because we’ve all forgotten

You shall Ru the day from a month ago when I was here last man that’s crazy I can’t believe how many things we found that just like don’t do what I would have expected them to do hey free loot you just stand here and loot pops up to the surface that’s kind of

Nice ow [ __ ] hell no bro I wonder how big we’re going to have to make this to actually get them to stop spawning I feel like we’re going to need to make it bigger cuz this is where my edges were um what’s Su Crusher thank you let’s do a little bit more oops

Oops yeah oh you know what we’re going to need to do uh is put like torches here so that we don’t have regular mob spawning too the wands will be useful for other building stuff so I’m not too worried about that part and at least if we put

Them in our storage then they will stack please open the gooey Hello thank you don’t delete the outer wall what do you mean don’t delete the outer wall Um the mega torches in this pack I just don’t have it I don’t have one right here so otherwise the ocean comes rushing back in yeah but won’t it just h i mean it’ll still be it’s not going to fill in right because how would it it would just

Make like the sides would just right that seems weird to think that that that it would like yeah like it wouldn’t restore it would just be um it would just be like a whole big thing never can to have enough dirt that’s true nice oh tell me we didn’t make it deep enough

Oh hello wait what no that goes all the way down doesn’t it why did this do this though huh that’s weird it’s just this one that we wait oh cuz see that one’s going all the way down why is this one oh I think CU

This is the one we stopped like in the middle of it I feel like it’s taking a lot longer than I thought it was going to hello oh it’s doing this side nothing’s happening do stuff come on I’m impatient you’re off till next Wednesday nice congrats oops I’m falling in the water

Classic um no please place the block so we can climb thank you fill it in fill it in I don’t know why you have power what are you doing nothing has changed in so long there’s no limit you have power you’re just not doing anything oh no that’s still not doing anything

Oh there you go finally oh aha yes fill it in fill in the whole thing uh it creates dirt out of nothing yeah trash can has an input limit or something I’m not sure actually I don’t know why it left these two holes here but that’s easy enough to deal with I guess

Suffer you cannot hide from the dirt you know how much quieter notice how much quieter it is now the fewer Temple dudes we have suffer as I have exactly now you know what it feels like not being able to breathe and being attacked at the same

Time now I just got to shine a flashlight in your eyes and see how you like it okay well I’m going to let this run and let’s see we’ll probably have to chunk load it oops and then we will do the thing you said to alter the size of it down so

That it will be smaller and we can and we’ll come and take this stuff we’ll take the things we want okay so chunk load please okay um slow fall is On let’s go over here we go home goodness what a been streaming for four hours by the way we’ve accomplished nothing it’s not even a satisfying Victory because it took so long to figure it out um all right I would like to set up and let’s set up an Enderman

Farm let’s do that we started making a thing down here for it and we never really finished that whole thing and now we have power Wireless power and all that stuff so this is in a chunk that is not mine see how it says Wilderness in the center of the screen

It’s because I exited my claim and put in here yeah we play we made like a spot for it but I didn’t have power before we didn’t have like a good Wireless power setup now we have all that um we learned how to make the

Plastic from the latex so we have that I think I already had some of the machines ready let’s get all this out of my inventory okay um let’s let’s see we had the mob Crusher oh oh I need a ghast tier that’s why we haven’t done this yet

Because I need to get a ghast tier in order to make the mob imprisonment thing this so that we can um oh what are these creeper drops wait I can just craft it oh my God perfect great excellent mob imprisonment tool I didn’t know I could craft that that’s great

Okay so we have the mob Crusher inside the mob Crusher we put the mob imprisonment tool if iall correctly no just kidding no mob it’s uh not this one this is what kills them we need the duplicator which I think we also crafted um that’s the tree food

Extractor it’s not in there I’m just checking and make sure cuz I feel like I had maybe I had made it maybe I didn’t maybe I didn’t get there yet because we Um weren’t ready okay so we have that we need the flux point for power and then we’re going to make another Ender Chest that one and we will use lapis and red dye to sync it to this thing um I think that the crusher is going to produce also a fluid uh okay

So first let’s let’s make a chest because we want to make sure that we are and also we’re going to need range add-ons so what is you are Max tier 5 we don’t care about the duplicator we just want this thing uh um so we want a range card I guess

Industrial now that my brain is dying less let’s put the music back on so it says plus five but it goes up to plus like nine oh it goes even further but this one the max it does is plus five if I’m reading that correctly

Oops I made a chest so that we can just dump stuff over here because I also want to make the room it’s in not look so sad or just like make it look cooler but right now it’s just like a dirt room should make it 11 by 11 okay

So we’ll need that we need all that stuff power both machines will need power so we’ll have to Route it underneath I Assume I recall how I’m doing all of this shaders get weirded out by that that’s okay we can kind of see it it’s better than nothing wait didn’t I have two cards yeah we left one there okay okay we’ll move it over one more block like right

There I can see it enough for it to be functional that’s all I need is just to be able to see that yeah yeah but at least it’s not full blocks that prevent me from doing other stuff at least we figured out how to um how to fix that without it being too

Much of a hassle this is why I stopped carrying the Torches in my off hand they do that okay so how far back do you [Applause] go right there um I’m going to dig one block around cuz I’m going to replace the walls with something else I’m not sure yet I’m kind

Of thinking Factory blocks like some of the more we’ve got the same blocks that we’re using for our uh reactor room but maybe some of the other ones run a cable down here to import drops along with another crafting terminal to make if making multiple rooms another crafting terminal well I

Was going to run the cable or use the flux point and I forget what all drops this is going to have be like that I don’t really know how many other rooms we might need we’ll see I guess toggleable lighting well lighting I don’t think lighting will stop the mob duplicator

From working though right cuz it’ll just duplicate them anyways I’m yeah I think uh what we could do is set up something okay don’t step inside the preview area because it hurts my brain got it yeah regular spawning well that’s how we used to Do oh it’s it’s collecting the XP that I’m dropping on the ground even though it doesn’t have power I guess just whatever um what we used to do is get the like tainted Earth or whatever it was that would uh mobs would spawn on it like

Crazy and you would just fill this room with like scary dirt basically and tons and tons of mobs would just spawn so in that case that would make sense yes um but since this is a powered spawner uh I don’t think I think we would want

Like a like a switch to turn it off which we could do probably okay so this is the room one bigger so I want to make um like I said I think I want to make like Factory blocks liquid XP to spawn stuff um yeah

So you just pipe it back in you make like a little like it’ll get liquid XP from killing things and then um because it doesn’t use a lot erod doll thank you for the 77 month resub thank you for the 77 months live voids thank you for the 34 months mess

Thank you so much for the 15 months welcome back thank you for the reubs but I think we can I think we get enough XP from killing the mobs that it’ll be it’s like enough to it’s enough to give you for it to run like on its own

Basically all right so do I want to use these blocks as the walls or do we want to use I usually go for these these ones cuz they’re like a kind of nice plain pattern whereas this one has like a ton of contrast and so it I feel like it looks like too

Much where is this is like a dark block hi Briggs how are you and then I’m going to make I love yeah I love these blocks for for some things I feel like the the design of them that’s so nice yeah the sound is is nice too huh oops

The animated fans are cool yeah oh I did this no cuz we’re going to fill this in cuz Ender are three blocks tall so we can fill that in in it looks really like low but it doesn’t really matter Um so for the spawner do we want the spawner to be like centered in this room the replicator I guess it’s called you there centered okay Um can we yeah do we just put it in the like in the floor like that and it’ll spawn things above it okay going to need more Factory blocks okay so we’ll need to run power to both machines we’ll put this one here and then we can they can share a flux Point

Um and we want to run where’s the this guy power in um I just don’t remember I think this guy yeah so we have to give it some Essence right which is liquid XP there’s both versions of it duplicator is going to need power and liquid right

But then I think that this thing also gives us yeah it transforms The Experience orbs into Essence so it’s like this one uses Essence and power to give us items this one so like we can do both both need fluid in and out not enough to keep it running all the time really

Really feel like usually get a lot out of it is there a card to get more maybe Fortune to get more uh like Essence out of it couple regular mob spawners to make sure you get enough Essence okay so we know where there’s regular mob spawners

We could set up small rooms and I can use the moving wand to bring them here like we were going to because those ones don’t require power oh okay so the cursed Earth thing it’s called cursed Earth I don’t know if that oh it does

Exist why don’t we just use that why am I using any of this crap that’s what I was talking about is the this thing right click soil with a drop of evil from one of these dudes we just need to kill wither dudes to get one of those rare drop from wither

Skeletons good for extra Essence okay so we could we could make one room with cursed Earth I didn’t know that the cursed Earth was in this that’s why I was like talking about it as if it didn’t exist so we could make a room with cursed Earth that gives us XP and like

Miscellaneous items and then pipe it into that guy to power it right and then this one could just be Enderman and that’s it for ender pearls and stuff um make the floor of the main room cursed earth like in here you mean and it’ll spawn Enderman pain to switch out the mob and

The mob spawner yeah we’d have to go probably from underneath we could also just make two rooms it’s not like we don’t have space and it doesn’t really require anything we just need to we just need something to collect the items which oh but this thing will do that we

Just need another mob Crusher mob Crusher over here yeah I think I would rather do separate rooms like we could could we stack it all in one room you could do I want to not particularly I think so and that will mean we’re going to have to try and fight wither skeletons

And just get lucky which is not my favorite it but and the cursor spreads too right only fire can stop its spread okay but will it it’ll only spread to other dirt we don’t need it To we can surround it with like Stone and then it won’t spread past that I think not to Stone or anything right okay so we’re going to need another mob Crusher okay we can make more of the Ender iio conduits which I do like them because

They um they will take the same block right and then we can just configure them before we set the whole thing up hopefully it’ll and then hopefully it’ll work properly so here’s energy conduit fluid conduit item I’m just going to grab all of that yeah multiple connections and it

Has to like do some funky back and forth stuff so I think it’ll be worth it for sure um we might need to make more and probably we can make this I just need to know how to make that which I think has to be in the smelter there’s not a not another

Way that’s maybe enough for wait energy conduit is going to be between the two machines let’s just use that that’s fine for now we can always change it if we want I guess or can we turn these ones if we do that we need less ingots I

See okay so wait what was it Redstone glow stone and gold we don’t have a lot of Glowstone we have a ton of red Stone actually we need the Cobalt in there what am I doing invar how do we I guess we can make a nugget oh can we just output it to a tank just realized oh wait what if I

What if we grab what we have in here can I pump it in with a tank um but it probably has to go into the controller I guess actually let go of the button my bad okay the output blocks what the drains uh where’s my backpack

Did I put it in here by accident oh my God I did backpack no why is this music so stressful sometimes okay try bucket to controller you can’t use a tank why wouldn’t I be able to use a tank no it has to go in the

Drain that makes even why are there so many weird things today what is going on why can’t we use the tank to put things into the controller and then why are you bucketing things into the drain the drain goes the opposite way ridiculous okay well just yeah the things that we want

To put in put into the smeltery put them in the output got it makes sense all right so we made three blocks and three ingots I know I’m finding like all the things that just don’t work I don’t like the color of this thing oh that takes a long time to dry

Look at the percentage of the top of the screen woo that takes forever Ever a drain yeah it’s like fluid they would have to they would have to change the name of it it’s like fluid interface block or something so I I kind of get it but at the same time it’s like I feel like the controller should have the functionality for that too okay

Well uh oh that only makes this one we don’t want that actually I just realized we want to mix it with Glowstone St so that it becomes the other one so oops this one and then we put the glowstone in there that melts fast okay so now we mix that with this guy

Right wait glow stone plus wait but how do you get it to if it’s going to turn if redstone and destabilized Redstone is going to turn into that oh it’s because there’s iron in here it it merged with the iron before it did the other thing okay so we

Need to get the iron out as much as we can so there’s three blocks three ingots let’s dump that out of there I forgot that we what we wanted was actually not that so that’s fine there’s just a bunch of like junk in here I don’t know how we’re supposed to

Get the like mill buckets out of it that’s my one thing is like like this has four nuggets but then it has six mil buckets so if I take the four nuggets out how do I get the Millow buckets out pour it into a basin and break the basin

Okay since it won’t make like a full block so you just pour what you have into the Basin got it okay I’m going to get this thing out of here cuz I stopped it before it was done the Cobalt is in there because we use it to make our sharpening kits for

Our tools so I want to leave it in there mostly um but some of this other stuff is like okay so it’s like four nuggets of molten Constantin I’m just going to get rid of it just so there’s less crap taking up space in here it looks a

Mess molten copper yeah it’s like 13 oops 13 mil buckets I don’t need 13 Milli buckets of molten copper thanks though steel we’ve got three ingots yeah we can make a nugget cast but I don’t some of it’s not even there’s not even enough in there to make

A nugget so and even if I get the nuggets out there’s still the mill buckets which is the main problem is I want to get rid of all of it okay so the molten iron we still have a block and an Ingot and then we can pour the rest into

The Basin to get rid of um the conductive iron we could get rid of as well okay so that’s eight I don’t want to do that one because it’s going to get confused so this guy it’s glow stone iron no not iron red stone and what was the third thing that we

Needed gold okay so there’s already gold in here we need glowstone and red stone okay we need to put more Redstone in there and okay so you’re done pour out the rest of the iron can we make chicken nuggets if we put some chickens in here

We might be able to okay that’s all the conductive iron great okay I feel better this this like rainbow of crap was starting to really stress me out I was like I don’t know how to get rid of all this stuff that’s in here uh so we could just toss some

Redstone in there that’ll melt we don’t need this I can get rid of that for now uh we need to grab more oh actually like I said I don’t need that we need the glowstone we already put in there the gold is already in there we can put the chicken in there

But that only gives us blood we don’t get the actual chicken out of that that’s the disappointing part okay great now let’s put some Redstone in I’m not sure how much it’ll make so I’m just kind of I’m going to toss in a little bit and see what it gives

Us see if we can get perfect okay two blocks and two ingots oops had a back room with tanks where you stored all the random fluids and you pulled a lever to pump it back whenever you needed it that’s kind of dope and by kind of dope I mean that’s super

Dope I just forgot about how much we’re actually going to need to use the smeltery for some of these energetic alloy thingies and stuff like that you have to actually use this whole multi- block thing you can’t just put it in a machine you know should go check on the ocean

Monument I think by now it should be done oh okay now let’s make these which will transfer our power faster which we like nice did you name your nightmare bear carry also High friends and seven dude that I was so freaked out by that dream I hated that uh instant fluid

Teleportation instant you say and this will induction smell with ender pearls can Metals alloy inside of a tank I don’t think you can put multiple Metals inside of one tank though so like you would just have multiple you know multiple tanks filter pipes yeah store them all like like we would have

One tank for each fluid basically and then you would designate which one you wanted okay so uh this mob Crusher we’re going to need probably more fluid conduct it as well let’s do that while we’re here I think this one should be fine but we need to make more

Binder which is that now that’s more like it set into a furnace yes okay cool uh to shreds you say muscus thank you for the 55 month resub and thank you also for the bits I appreciate it thank you yeah that I mean that sounds like I

Said that sounds dope sounds like a good idea if I wasn’t doing some I wasn’t already in the middle of like 14 different projects then okay fused quartz that’s this one the alloy smelter I think I picked up the alloy smelter yeah it’s not here anymore so we

Need uh you know what else I want to do I want to set up a quarry once we’re done with the builder doing the uh thing with the ocean Monument we should set up the Builder in the nether to get nether uh quartz and like Cobalt and stuff so I don’t have to

Mine okay we need I think I had picked up the alloy smelter because we weren’t using it and I was moving stuff around yes here it is put there oh there’s already fuse Quartz in here nice okay you can make more just to have it

Uh I forget what I was making oh wait we wanted to make more of the fluid conduit not upgrade it this one oh it’s three okay got it void my yes it does have we or miners does that work for nether ores like will it will it work for it’s never just one

No we’ll need some item conduit as well but not as much cuz this will just be right here okay yeah I’m just not sure if it will work for nether stuff or how yeah how that works I’m not sure yeah they’re they’re they’re very cool I I already said that I wanted to

Make one cuz I had to impress nixia with more modded stuff you know and then this is going to take us a second to figure out too because we I don’t know if this this is the same mod pack where we tried the thing with the

Like sending the items out the back and it did not do that so we’ll have to figure out why it didn’t do that uh and I need more Factory blocks as well but yeah the voider miners are really cool and it’s nice cuz it just keeps

Going and you don’t have to like move it somewhere new and like re you know now I want to mine on this other place nothing like that but yeah see now we have 90 wool because it’s just passively collecting wool from the the Sheep over there um we want to make more Factory

Blocks to decorate our walls not that okay and then this wall I’m not sure what we’re going to make it out of well I think I want to use one of those glasses that one of the types of glass that DB usually tells us about but I forget which

One and for this we don’t have to make this room as big as we made we made this one pretty big we can make one of the smaller um Range upgrades dark and effable glass I think dark and effable glass is the one that I can walk through but mobs can’t and it

Blocks light I just want to make sure that I use the right one if we’re going to have a bunch of mobs down here you know um before I start doing that let’s go make another range card we’ll make a smaller one yeah it’s just that like I said I I

Remember the names of the glass but I don’t remember which one does what I don’t remember if I think ethereal glass we can go through but it doesn’t block light or something so there’s I just have to figure out which one it is cuz there’s like a bunch of different types

Of glass and I forgot what I came up here for I was going to make the range card for industrial for going which is one of these plus four let’s do like plus three that one yeah I don’t remember which one is which okay so we’ll place

The crusher thing around here see how big of an area that gives us uh I think that’s actually exactly where I wanted it yep cool cuz I’m going to fill in this wall with the same blocks that are on the other side maybe we should make it

Bigger cuz this are going to be spawning just on the dirt maybe I should just make it the same size as the other one [ __ ] it why I have glass you can walk through instead of like walls in a door cuz I want to be able to see through it to

Make sure that it’s working so I want to be able to look through oh I’m going to make a I’m going to I we already made one of the bigger up upgrade so I’m going to just go grab that I thought that I was going to make

It smaller but now I don’t like it now that I look at it so I don’t really care about being able to walk through it so much instead I just want it to be glass but I don’t want the mobs to be able to go through uh which means we’re going to

Need to move this a little bit like it’s not really important to me that I’m able to walk through it’s more just that I want the mobs to not be able to come out obviously okay perfect cuz yeah technically you could just fill it in and like you don’t have

To look inside of it ever um but I just like to be able to see inside to like know that it’s working and just to be able to so like people can see in it and know what it is know what it’s doing that kind of stuff okay more oops

To oops click the wrong thing I’m really happy that this W will pull from the DL and I don’t have to do it manually or like put it in my put the blocks in my inventory for it to work that’s really nice uh so let’s figure out which of the

Glass there’s the I think it’s the dark ineffable glass we want um it doesn’t tell us what it does uh well we’ll just I’ll Google it it’s not been updated that sucks I didn’t know I haven’t played like recent modded Minecraft yeah I don’t I haven’t

Played I don’t know in the last like what the most recent modded version I’ve played has been not sure sorry that static is really hard for me to look at too but I’m I still like need it just to make sure I’m placing things in the right areas like that yeah um

Um on the bottom we’ll do a line here because we’re going to have the glass on on this like thing but then the rest of this will be the cursed Earth for this side okay turn that off see you later mcis recent modded this is the most

Recent modded that was Target for most mods right yeah I just don’t I don’t remember what I played last that was modded with everybody but it was probably something like this so dark ineffable translucent doesn’t allow light to pass allows players to walk through can mobs go through it though

That’s what I’m worried about scared of the mobs coming through dark glass dark ineffable glass is translucent to look through doesn’t allow light to pass through mob spawning rooms and other structures being able to see without interfering lighting okay cool great so that is what we want is the dark ineffable glass um

Okay and in this room we don’t need anything in the center because it’s just going to be for the mobs I actually think we’re let’s see cuz this this we can’t put the glass here we want to put it here on this on the same like line as the this guy the

Crusher so maybe we want to Do no I kind of like the way it is so nice surprise attack surprise attack what the hell uh DC thanks for the 18 months thanks for the resub you think it should be marble or there’s like quy Stone might have some cool stuff with uh the

Chisel I’m not sure if qued Stone has a chisel pattern it does not well we’re it’s going to have the black ineffable glass that’s for sure let’s do this first I think we’re still under the effect of the mega torch here but I just want to be sure and not let stuff start

Spawning in here dark ethereal glass allows players but not mobs to walk through it so the ineffable glass they can go through I think reverse ethereal glass I don’t even see dark I think dark I think I think e I’m not sure I think ethereal glass is I remember there being

Something like that [ __ ] I don’t remember now um I think dark and effable glass is the Ethereal glass it’s like the same it’s the it’s like the dark version of the Ethereal glass extra utilities yeah see it’s the same mod but I think that they just made it like

A they gave it a different name you know like ineal versus ethereal why birds scared of guitar what um I don’t know loud noises both are walkable through but the dark doesn’t send light through but that’s not there’s multiple there’s multiple things right so one is we don’t want light to go

Through we don’t want mobs to walk through I don’t care if I can walk through it or not um so I understand that dark means light doesn’t go through that’s fine but you’re saying both are walkable through but I don’t care if I can walk through I

Just don’t want mobs to walk through so we’re trying to make sure that this is the one that mobs cannot go through I mean like we can make the one that I can go through if we want to make it so that you can walk through it but

The point the main point the more important thing is we want to make sure that the mobs can’t walk through and I don’t think dark ineffable glass or I don’t think it’s like not called Dark ethereal glass because that doesn’t exist I think they made the name of it ineffable

Glass even though it’s basically the same thing it is like the same thing as the Ethereal glass it’s just the dark version of it and for whatever reason the name is different that’s the thing um so we were going to look at what we could make in terms of like marble or

Some yeah cuz these are the Chisel so we do have marble which we I don’t even know if we have oh I have a lot of marble from the quy okay cool dark ineffable glass presents no obstruction of players yeah well infinite end over running the base would be fine because they would

Just walk around until you looked at them right the problem is uh I wonder if there’s some that have like connected textures to cuz this is fine um oh why are these bricks like yellow gross they like a weird color okay cuz if we make like these but we only

Use oh but it goes sideways interesting okay I don’t want that oh weird I would rather just not have I don’t want to have uh oh that’s why I don’t want to have creepers and things walking around okay there we go that’s what I wanted the big tile

Anderman can pick up dirt and grass they can’t pick up no I don’t think they can pick up cursed Earth either because it’s like a modded block isn’t it they won’t pick up they won’t pick up cursed Earth or like um things that are player blocks terrifying idea though yeah right So we’re going to have to have the glass on this line and then and we got to connect everything so um we can at least get the Enderman part of this functioning today but in order to make the cursed Earth I need a um I need something from a wither

Skeleton which means I need to go fight wither skeletons and that is probably going to take a while so cuz that is just a it’s like a rare drop that we have to get lucky that they will drop it and that’s kind of it um

So let’s see what block are we going to put here where the glass is going to go probably just the marble I think and then I don’t know how I want to do the corners and St stuff let’s go make the glass and then that’ll help inform

Our decision of how we want to handle This uh so we can make dark glass which we can just we don’t have to walk through right or we can make the ineffable glass which I think is worth it just so we can like go in and do stuff thickened glass oh right this guy I forgot about

You I forgot about the thickened glass the thicking glass is cool because it has like a connected texture that looks really nice it’s CED Stone big tile okay so thicking glass plus a black dye and then we need to make a moonstone which means oh right we got to do this

Thing okay I was trying to figure this out oh wait no this is just the res oh yeah yeah resonator okay so uh we got to put it in this thing right I so I’m struggling to understand how this thing works because it’s like

You put this in and then it says grid is overloaded and I don’t know I I don’t really know how this thing works so um I just kind of put it there and then I forgot about it cuz Jesus Christ I don’t know what it means by grid is overloaded

Oh anything else that’s using power from that no is that why it says it’s overloaded but it’s not connected to anything so I don’t really know I just don’t know what it means grid is overloaded grid power 0 15 oh okay that made the thing so why wasn’t it doing it

Before grid power which can be used by any machine wirelessly unless you’re manually clicking there you aren’t prod producing any power but oh but we need 32 but it says 14 of 32 for but it doesn’t go over 14 so how do we get to 32 and

Why so it’s saying the grid by saying it’s overloaded it’s saying that it doesn’t have power make better power gen uh so we can’t doesn’t store power manual generator can only generate 15 Max oh okay so but if I just take that out wait but the manual one will only do

15 and this requires 16 to make one thing of course okay I don’t know how to make better power gen for this thing cuz I don’t I don’t know how it works so can we just we can’t just connect a um we can’t just connect a flux point

To it or something and just give it power given for oh right and this is the thing that you stack you put four of them in like a square okay oh God this is why I don’t like magic things when it’s just like you have to

You can’t use the power that you are using got to make special power by turning this little crank okay so we need a bunch of these which means we got to make that and then we got to put it in this thing yeah I okay so it needs to be

Flowing water right okay but first we need this right and I got to put this thing back on it oops that says 16 but it can only do 15 right so we just don’t use that okay I know that’s just it’s like everything just saacks up here’s more stuff to do

In order to do the thing that you wanted to do it’s just Minecraft Okay so we’re going to need a lot of those right how many do I need for each water mill is five and we need four of them yeah if we didn’t already have like

A a uranium powered reactor which can wirelessly provide Power to like everything then it it would be interesting but it’s kind of goofy when you’re like I could just but that’s the only way you can get this so uh so each we need each one of those

Water Mills I think is five of these blocks if I can remember correctly which means we need 20 of these so we’ll stand here for a little bit totally incompatible with all other power super fun at least we don’t have to hold down the right click you just do it once and it

Just keeps going it’s not too bad we got 10 I think we need 20 if I did I looked at the recipe kind of quickly so I don’t really remember and then it’s like we see let me look at the water mill setup so that I don’t have to think

About how to do it myself uh extra um but it doesn’t have to be like near this thing right that’s what you’re saying it’s like Wireless like it just provides power to the grid whatever your grid is okay the angel ring requires 32 GP to work oh

Okay what it the angel ring is basically creative mode flight right well we could just set it up in then just never use the grid for anything else have 32 GP of water Mills you’re good to go nice okay so water mill so each one of these is for so we need at

Least oops four of them which means we need more of this and then we just plop the lapis in this thing once we get it set up maximum of four maximum of four minimum of four right three cuz each would be for 8 12 16 and I need 16 Who Says Minecraft isn’t

Grindy fools in the pattern of a five on a dice with a resonator well the resonator we don’t have to touch it cuzz it is Wireless so why am I doing that yeah none of this needs to connect for it to work right so just going to get rid of this

Stuff it’s like magic power that just is in the air around you turning the frogs gay where’s my wand doing the what now you know turning the frogs gay that’s what everybody says so we need flowing water um this one it looks like they made a five wait yeah 5x five and just

Made okay so we could Do that’s that’s the real gay agenda you guys didn’t realize [Applause] that first we took the rainbow now we’re taking the frogs you guys can enjoy amphibians makes sense right yeah told you uh so if right now we only have enough to make one of these little spots

But I’m going to set up for two in case we wanted to do the angel rank thing later um but we’re not going to do that right now just going to get this set cuz we’ll do that this will flow in here and wait I made that the wrong size hang

On one too far that way one two three four okay that’s easy enough I know I like that emote it’s cute huh we supposed to put like another bucket of water here cuz these ones only say 10 and these ones say 14 but how do you see how much power is on

Like the entire network if you can’t I guess the resonator oh grid power 48 oh okay but it’s making it’s using it to make this okay well make this thing instead cuz we want that diagonal Source blocks okay one source Block in the center of every outer line wait what what does that

Mean uh I mean maybe we can make more of the Watermill since we’ve just got let’s see how many we can make we need Reds in the corner and in the middle okay um we could just make a bunch right now so that we are just done with it and

Then I don’t have to care about it later while we’re here oh but I got to put the Polish Stones back okay okay okay okay yep okay so in the corners did that one place that looked like it didn’t that was weird oh well why couldn’t you do this when I was trying

To destroy an ocean Monument huh yeah I was right that one didn’t place it got confused okay and then I’m supposed to put them in the center too on the crosses but I assume not that one so like three more buckets one here one here and one there no that would

Fill it in we want one in the center you said one right in the center okay right center Center Center okay I don’t think that one placed either the server is very confused by the water I think there you go okay yeah yeah 16 16 that one still says 15 I think the

Corner didn’t work on that one either servers being funky oops Yeah there you go 16 okay now they all say 16 I this is a really weird I this this mod thing is it’s kind of new to me so it’s fine we’re learning new stuff together

I just want this so that we can make the dark ineffable glass well actually I want this so we can make the Moonstone so that we can make the dark in Epal glass so then we can make our mob farm and eventually we’ll be you know we’ll have completed the thing we were

Trying to do there we go we got eight we only need you know a lot more you can use the overclocker now I don’t know what that is but it sounds cool Oh you mean the speed upgrades that I was just holding that I put in here for some reason that’s true

Go faster cuz now we have all the power overclocking the scene from Malcolm in the Middle where the dad goes to change a light bulb Oh you mean the biography of my life that they made featuring Hal from Malcolm in the Middle yeah they stack too no way oh we have to

Make the gold plates for that cuz each one was like oops each one was one of those oops that’s not what I wanted I craft more of these making more water Mills they need a lot more power okay two I think that is NOP we’re one four

Blocks short to make three more of these or one more of these okay one will go there and then the water there we could fill in the corners I guess while we’re waiting don’t need a waterfall with the five other sources oh we don’t need this if we just do that

Oh okay cool thanks I just I that’s the picture that I looked at but it it’s hard to tell I think they just put them the waterfall and that was it I just looked up like a setup picture because I have no idea what it’s supposed to look like you know

And they made the little waterfall so dragon egg Mill next time I only have one dragon egg only need one yeah but like isn’t it for other stuff like what if I want it for something else what if I don’t want to turn it into into a mill that I don’t really care

About yeah it’s hard to just be like wait so put it one in the corner got to kill more dragons well then I would have to ask someone to spawn the Dragon for me I don’t think I want to bother with that okay water mill last one that we needed there

Okay we’re done with that now turn this into the other stuff so that we can make more of the dark ineffable glass uh we could also make more of the speed upgrades but like you said they need more power so let’s check um max upgrade is

Four power penalty per for level one is plus one GP how much do we have a lot Power drain is 30 32 Max 30 40 46 that’s probably fine we’re not going to use this thing like a whole lot we can just let it Let It Go okay let’s start

Here cuz the glass is going to be how old is this world uh I don’t know let me see I have 74 hours on the server so I’m trying to decide if I want to do this and then put the glass on top like so they don’t break if you mine them up

What the watermills I mean I don’t have any probably not going to move them so the dark glass oh yeah they don’t uh this is FTB Revelation which is a very large mod pack with a lot of mods in it yes more Factory blocks not sure how I feel about those they’re

Supposed to be like metal columns but it’s too much like blue and purple and stuff I’m not really a big fan of it I think can always chisel into something else though let’s see what are these are dark blocks or maybe we don’t use Factory blocks and we use different marble tiles

Of some kind there’s like these they have the columns maybe that would make more sense yeah sure okay uh let’s see the roof thing we got to fill in with this guy one short classic all right this is all going to be dirt in here well it’ll be it’ll be

The cursed earth eventually but we’ll just leave it as dirt and we don’t need a duplicator in here Because it’s going to be the cursed Earth and mobs will spawn on that uh automatically without us needing to do anything once we get but first I’m going to have to get the thing for it the drop of evil and then this will go like that perfect okay um so let’s look at

Wiring it up cuz the first machine one the duplicator is going to go here replicator duplicator whatever they call it um and let’s see It’ll need power and fluid items are not collected by this so we don’t need any kind of item conduit but we do want power

So can find mod packs on YouTube yeah I feel like so that’s kind of the recommendation I was giving to my friend who is playing that it’s like you just have to kind of learn how it works um by picking one mod or two mods and just focusing on that rather than trying

To do too much you know um okay so we put this in here duplicator okay R my flux point on me I might to put it back in the storage while we’re doing all the other stuff yeah learning how it works with the like how to search for things and then going

From there a good call okay there’s the flux point and then this for items we can put like here might actually put it next to it if I can uh I don’t remember if it outputs without conduit or if it needs conduit we can also put it like here in the floor like

There instead so for the duplicator we want to insert the fluid right is the fluid conduit not connecting to this oh it has to connect to a different side I guess okay but if we do that there’s an opening so how do we connect you can’t connect multiple on the same side can

You no only does that yeah see okay so how do we do this so that there’s not an opening thought you could yeah well uh doesn’t seem like it I mean it’s they’re set all in so we’re also going to have to put a flux point on it somewhere so I will

Have to move things out of the way or we could run the cable here and put the fleux point somewhere else but it’ll still be exposed no because look this one’s doing it so why is this one not doing it cuz see how this one this one’s got both so why won’t this

One well will this one work I can’t connect the fluid conduit to it at all is that the machine to allow it I mean it is look all green check Marks there we go okay uh so okay so the duplicator is just going to use fluid and this I don’t really care about I think the power part of it doesn’t really matter if it’s in out right because it’s just going to go like in this network so I think that doesn’t

Really matter um the fluid we want to Let’s see we want this guy To extract look at arrows not the words import export look at arrows oh well I mean but that’s right because we want it to extract the fluid it’s just that we don’t care about in input output of power right I mean that makes export makes sense to me extract from machine

Right on the reactor it was backward um I think you’re thinking of maybe something else that was like it was the actual block that was being weird it was like the port or no it’s I think you’re thinking of the flux points where it’s like provides energy removing energy from Network or

Something that that was where I got confused I don’t know so okay this music is too stressful um so we’re going to extract the mob Essence from that one and we’re going to extract the mob Essence from this one also and then we’re going to insert it

Into that but what if I want like what if there’s overflow mob Essence right because it’s going to need some to use to make the duplicator work but it it needs eight buckets right so what if we have extra can I get extra out of here somehow and how would I do that

Um and if we wanted to turn this guy off we would need to set a redstone signal um active on Redstone signal and I think that the Redstone conduit we can put here and then wire it to like a lever make tank set add a tank in between the killers and the Spawner and then the tank to okay um so Redstone conduit and a tank let’s try hi Starbucks thanks for the raid hello hello everyone I am I’m like kind of trying to quickly finish this since I it’s already 3:30 um but I am this turned into 14 more

Projects that I I just didn’t realize I was going to have to deal with uh Redstone conduit where the hell is all my stuff my inventory is just turned into such a mess from trying to do all this like random crap and I’ve not been not been doing a good job of

Keeping it all together okay I had a tank I don’t know where it is I’ll just make another one just kidding we won’t make another one there it is found it uh also my Redstone conduit I looked at my backpack earlier didn’t see it now

I see it makes sense okay put that away put that away put that away we have Redstone conduit I’m going to want more of that if I had wasted so much time on that Temple then we wouldn’t have this issue energy conduit what do you what do you want Oh Redstone something

Something oh you just want you just want to put Redstone in the thing and that’s it it’s not mixed with anything it’s just wait what Redstone alloy Ingot okay we could do this uh Redstone and silicon Jesus Christ uh that that okay hey one we need three okay

Great uh let’s go hang on let’s first let’s go turn it to day and then we’ll go check on our Builder that we left somewhere the basic alloy melter so slow but whatever let’s go check on the Builder and see see how that’s doing should be done I would I would think by

Now yes good oh my God they’re still they’re still spawning look there’s still some of them on my map I think maybe there’s a pocket or like a hole over here probably oh wait they’re gone I don’t know eat dirt eat my shorts okay I don’t have the other

Card uh unless I put it in here but I don’t think that uh clearing Quarry that’s going to make a really big hole in the ground I don’t think I want to to do that oh wait can we just tell it to clear no I don’t think we can tell it

Just to mine dirt like only dirt you know this is what we did to kill them yes the green Hopper thing oh right yeah that thing right right right right right okay that’s a builder RF tools Builder like so dirt only so do we want uh Quarry but this is going to turn

Stuff into dirt right so we want the clearing Quarry and the filter which will whiteless dirt only okay okay but we need to tell it what shape to what shape to use and to do that I’ve got to do this yeah the gravel whatever we’ll just uh

We can just put it on I did that right okay um we can put it on the card the filter card right this guy uh oh I need to be able to drag gravel to it we’ll leave the sand the sand is fine wh list items okay we want to

Do how tall do we want to do it ocean floor is mostly gravel yeah uh uh let’s just see how may as well just use that let’s see how far down we go cuz right now we’re at this is 63 okay so we can dig like one level of it

But it’s not doesn’t have to be the whole thing you Know this is 38 oh there’s little pockets of air in here oh this doesn’t feel good I don’t like it the [ __ ] is this noise supped be music I hate it okay I’ve never done it in vanilla no it always it does seem like too much work knew it

It’s like I better fall in the water just in case I mess this up again and I almost did okay so let’s see 63 minus let’s say 35 so -28 for this say -30 how about that and then we’ll make the height 4 40 oops 40 45 44

Um you still need a lot of sponges yeah okay whenever I do that and it I don’t see okay this you need to shut up um whenever I don’t see the preview thing then I’m really confused about where it is if it’s centered on you then you want 60 60 oh this

60 [ __ ] well whatever but I still don’t see it why don’t we see the preview okay there we go what and then wait conf okay oh and now it shows both or something I am not sure what the hell that’s doing what the [ __ ] yeah the preview is super weird I’m struggling to

Understand okay there you go okay that’s that looks good let’s do that great goodbye um I just realized that we should replace what we’re standing on because it’s going to turn it’s going to get rid of it right I think I don’t know we’ll just do it anyways like

That should have a safe spot that it doesn’t mine up yeah I’m not sure if it does or not so I figured we’ll just do that to be safe okay let’s go see our handiwork aha yes very good it’s exactly what I wanted there’s still some water in there but that’s

Fine I just love being able to watch it work that’s great cool nice okay well yeah oh that yeah that makes sense okay there’s still some like flowing water that’s going to get get in there but we can fill that in later if we wanted the little the little pool of

Water will have all the Guardians at once maybe I don’t know whatever we’ll just leave it here and see how it does okay we’re waiting on you so that we can make this so that we can make this so that we can make the lever so that we can turn the thing

Off and we were making a tank to put in the middle of the whole thing great okay so um let’s see where do I want to put the fluid tank if we’re going to have stuff coming from here we could just have we could just have this one touch

The tank right like that and then power conduit Redstone let’s see the red does is that connected yes okay um if I put a block no that’s under the floor I have to remember where the floor is going to be let’s do this will that work or does this have to

Be like some other kind of block or maybe we have to connect it directly to the conduit not sure how that works H okay you can wrench it to connect to the block maybe I don’t know uh ah we’re making it worse how do I stop

It maybe if we wrench the top of it and not the sides of it okay um theoretically that should work okay so like that fluid will go in and out of here the like mob fluid or whatever in and out right um I don’t know if this tank wants us

Like do I have to put the input on a different side than the output or will this work and I don’t know if that’ll freak out or what not really sure um and then the fluid from this one will go out only because it doesn’t need to go in

Extract pipes will work regardless of the tank Kong fig yeah I’m not sure like if we just set this to in out it’ll just do it on its own I think I think um and then this one red stone uh I don’t know how to tell if

That’s working the way I want it to because it doesn’t really say anything input output I don’t know input signal input Redstone signal think that need to be output I I don’t know output signal oh maybe this is the thing that DB was talking about where we got confused it’s outputting

The cable is outputting the Redstone to that thing and here it’s also outputting I don’t know uh input red output also red right that on okay so that’s what yeah so signal going I think that’s what DB was saying was like the thing that we were confused by before okay so how do

We check if my little switchy guy is working Act on Redstone signal okay but see I don’t know how to tell if it’s like are you active without me doing like doing something you know I don’t know how to tell because there’s nothing that says like hey it’s active don’t know a redstone

Lamp Redstone oh like replace the block does it look like well it doesn’t have power but that’s what I’m saying I don’t know I guess if we give it power that’s fine this thing is not going to hurt me right Um the yeah like a just something there to test it oh I don’t know if the mob Crusher crushes the players or not damn it’s already four o’clock I have spent so much time doing this um redstone lamp I don’t think it hurts me we don’t think it hurts the player Crusher

3,000 we’re pretty sure it won’t hurt you uh okay okay forgot I can just do that okay that my switch works hray okay so that’s off silence you we did the thing and we did it properly okay and then we think all the cables are wired the right

Way for now we’ll just um cover up that little hole and we need to take away our torches all right dark room we made it this is going to be for cursed Earth so this does have fluid in it so it should we think it should be putting the fluid out

Here if it’s working right because it already has like the liquid Essence in it um so I think if we yeah set it to always active by default they’re like disabled okay so I’m not sure where exactly that went that could have gone I don’t know if it goes directly to

The um this guy because it like wants it yeah it did okay so it prioritizes that which is fine and then if there’s overflow hopefully it’ll end up in here because that is you know if we could get overflow then that’s good okay cool um that means we just need to grab an

Enderman and toss him in there and then give this whole thing power it doesn’t have power right now we just have the flux point that we got to add on uh which I can put somewhere maybe like right here if we just bring the power conduit up this way

This is what the cable like the covers are good for where you could like cover it up so that you can’t see all this like just stuff underneath here I just want to get it working because like I’ve already been streaming for five and a half hours so um spawner uh I don’t

Know I’m going to use the name from uh from the expanse great range card back in after breaking the grinder the grinder this one no it’s here okay so let’s go grab an Enderman I know it’s not going to work infinitely because we don’t have the other thing the other farm setup the

For the essence but it’ll work for a little bit right just for a sec just so we can see that it works uh end portal who wants to be patient zero this one I think we right click directly on them we don’t try to yep there we go okay

The morbs you have to toss it like a Pokeball but this one you just grab them yoink got a really cool new thing to show you I spent all day on it and this it should be off right now because we wired it right so Jesus [ __ ] Christ it’s not off

[ __ ] well it works I don’t know what this thing doesn’t seem to be working But I never set it to Redstone signal yes I I’m well I thought that I did maybe I didn’t set it to the right one but I was pretty sure that I did Jesus Christ my heart man uh God now I can’t like get to it because there’s too much other stuff

It’s the one thing I don’t like about all the cabling I guess once you set it up it’s done but oh when I broke it it reset [ __ ] yeah active on Redstone signal okay so that’s see it used the fluid Essence that it had but now even though it has

Power we can’t do uh I forgot that I I forgot that I broke it to test okay um so let’s just do that for now we’ll leave this here and that scared the crap out of me I mean at least like it’s an Enderman so it’s fine if we’re not you know it’s

It’s not like it’s going to attack us for no reason but it scared me because it was very loud all of a sudden uh we’ll have to make those like sound Muffler oh my lights just changed cuz it’s 4:00 um we’ll have to make those like sound Muffler things so that

They yeah it does it kills them really quickly um we’ll have to make the sound Muffler so that we don’t have to hear that when we’re down there even because it’ll be loud okay chat um check Crusher for items or fluid oh I got to go back

Down just to make sure that it’s outputting you’re right just tired bra not not you okay so we want it to okay so it doesn’t output automatically we need to put something on it or wait no didn’t we did we use an item Conduit on the other one on the maybe an

Add-on um well we can do I have item conduits here there’s already three things on there how many can I add uh I don’t know if that one that’s item conduit right okay so which one of you which one of these arrows is the item conduit I can’t

Tell extract I can’t see it I need a flashlight in game I can’t see the there aren’t any arrows on this one or oh it’s because it’s this like the defaults to like the hardest color to see okay so we want this to be that way lime yes okay it’s just like the

Green is super super hard to see okay yeah there we go and then always active great now it’s empty perfect so it’s just so hard to see because it’s like Okay cool so that yed all the items out of there okay cool well um I’m going to have to fight wither

Skeletons to get the um drop of evil so let’s see where did I put my clipboard clipboard my to-do list okay okay we did this the moving wand for the hives we still don’t have doors we’ll work on that maybe never one more thing before you leave no

Um fight whoops fight wither skele skellies skellies use drop of evil for curse oh it’s you can only do so much on one line for cursed Earth mob farm okay that’s what we need to do next great oh have a great day thanks I was like no no more things we’re not doing

More things although I will be doing more things because I can’t help myself we have so much storage and it’s only 25% full you know what that means we could make it even more full by farming more things by making a void or Miner maybe that’s what I’ll do on my vacation

I want to figure out how to I’ll try and if I I I think what I want to do is if I’m going to play Minecraft A Bunch which I’m probably going to do because I have not an addiction but an affinity for Minecraft I might try and record and

Just put it up on like the um VOD archive thing so that um like not record as in like a hey guys welcome to my YouTube channel or anything just like a this is what I did just so that you can see kind of the progress you

Know um and that way I don’t have to like stream yeah put it on put an eight hour VOD on Twitter $7 um Auto export all ores for processing doing no good is ores Auto export ores for processing how would I do that would I how Okay describe to me the setup of

That so that I can do that because I don’t know how I you don’t have don’t do it in chat because I’m GNA turn off the stream but um if you want to message me on Discord because then I can I can do that I just don’t remember uh how it works Um okay man that was a lot more than an exporter on a redstone furnace with number of ores in it oh okay an exporter so we add like they have importers already to import but we need export okay um this baby can process so many ores like I feel like I have to

Sneeze I do have to sneeze I don’t have to sneeze I think I’m fine okay uh I’m like I’m just GNA try and get through saying goodbye and I can’t even do that without my body being like what have you had to sneeze at this exact

Moment okay chat I don’t do this very often but I’m going to have a little bit of a station so I’m going to take a couple days off of streaming um yes oh let’s put that on the to-do list check on Temple I’ll put check on temp check on Temple and then Auto

Process ores with exporter okay um yeah so I don’t I usually I only take off multiple days when it’s like two days or three days max or I am going to go travel somewhere which is like not really a relaxy thing you know it’s like you’re traveling and usually it’s for

Work or for holidays um so I’m going to take a few days off just to hang out at home and just to catch up on some other things I have some little mini projects and stuff that I wanted to work on uh some stuff for stream and some stuff just for myself

So yeah I will probably be back I think my plan right now is to take off uh until about the 28th let’s see yeah so a full week and then I would come back on the 29th so just after the holidays um I don’t know if people

Consider New Year’s New Year’s is kind of a holiday not really I don’t know okay so plan for right now is I will see you next time on the 99th is the next Friday yeah the 29th is the next Friday um I I’m really gonna try not to

Go crazy because I the idea of not streaming until the 29th it gives me it the idea of not streaming gives me anxiety like I’m trying to have a break but the idea of not being here for that long really stresses me out um so I’m going to really try not to

Stream for that long it’s going to be tough I’m going to do my best solid what’s up thanks for the five gifted subs thank you so much for the five gifted subs thank you for your continued support thank you for your generosity um just relax or else I’ll just be playing

Minecraft I’m going to try not to play too much Minecraft and because I do have other stuff that I want to work on um and yeah change my stream key but I just find it on my own I would have to find I just have to

Find it in the 14 settings menus that twitch has and that’ll probably take me about a week to find it so that’ll work I guess um so yeah so I will see you all I hope you have a really Merry Christmas I hope you get to see your families and

Um spend time with people that you like I will miss you it’ll be weird for me not hanging out with you guys all the time um and yeah I guess I will see you in a week have a good one byebye

This video, titled ’12 22 2023 // [VOD] Minecraft | AnneMunition’, was uploaded by Anne Munition: The Archives on 2024-01-02 17:00:02. It has garnered 26 views and likes. The duration of the video is 05:44:35 or 20675 seconds.


This channel is used to archive my live playthroughs of story-based games and campaigns. These are almost all direct exports from Twitch so there’s minimal editing.

Check out my main channel – https://bit.ly/Sub2Anne

● Livestreams almost daily – https://twitch.tv/annemunition ● Follow my Twitter for updates – https://twitter.com/annemunition ● Check out my Instagram – https://instagram.com/annemunition

———————————————————————————————————– #AnneMunition

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  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More