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My name is wolam that’s it goodbye all right let’s start this uh Mission um uh get my music Playing don’t worry time you see this I’m going to be so gone like gone gone like oh go go go gone I should have probably checked my quality of my old videos you know what that’s probably what I’m don’t this I’m going to move it anyways but The horse how you doing today uh I’m doing good wait why you lying I love that no course for you um give me one quick second if anybody checking in out PR assuming nobody is but just in case somebody is give me a second I’m kind of trying to

Figure out how my uh video quality is on my old streams oh they don’t look that bad it’s just when I stream or when I’m streaming they look like crap all right cool that’s all I need to know um oh wow why is my screen look so close

And so weird I don’t like it okay so I’m going to write this course down cuz I’m going to go on a big search and then I got to get move all this stuff over there the search so um um I hi I’m new currently just uh uh not

Ready to build still but currently just hang out and chilling with friends while uh in the VC hey guys I can finally say have friends I can say have F I’m so locked in right now how many books can I make only 12 that’s what’s wrong what’s happening what the freak

Where my where’s my leather leather leather Lea uh be uh you’re going to eat all I just read your message but I’m doing get I don’t have any paper that’s why ooh it’s some juicy stuff all right guys so um hey horse yes you know what I forgot

To do what kind of hit your base so I can get uh you know the map you are blocking the cords right me yeah yeah my cords are blocked no wolf yeah I Am hor tell me do you know the way I’m like no I don’t know a way I’m just say well although you might not be affected as much like I’m not showing the map on my stream since uh I I know to Stickman but there are people who like use the

Map to try to like triangulate where they are compared to I didn’t realize that yeah I shouldn’t yeah I’ll do that another time then I mean I could just go searching for uh what I’m looking for by the way guys if you guys uh um if you guys Wonder to what I’m doing

I’m currently making a water base or above water base which is going to be connected to an underwater uh underwater base and above water meaning sky base it’s going to be a huge project U I’m going to start off by getting kind of like a dirt and a tree kind of planting

It breaking it apart kind of expand it from there making a platform and you know trying to create a nice uh platform um again I haven’t played Minecraft in an actual good minute where or at least tried to play Minecraft sorry notf uh I’m taking uh you’re

Lost uh no that’s not a good idea because one that happened at the old base uh a griefer destroyed everything so I don’t I don’t I don’t think I’m going to leak the cords course I’m robbing give your wood what wood can I take uh I already took the wood I need

For the uh building stuff out so uh take what you need I will take I have a chest with the stuff I’m using for building uh sit up on the island so all right so what um horse so I currently have this whatever Peach Tree whatever this thing is um I you can

Tell I haven’t played in a while let me see I check it right now I know it’s happening uh it’s um cherry tree like uh give me a second give me a second I’m going to move a lot of things uh jungle tree H at me

Um I’m pretty sure those that is Spruce and Oak I currently have uh around me what should I make my first tree uh Spruce pass some spr actually you have Spruce I was going to see Oak and Spruce are what a lot of people use but

At the end of the day that’s kind of your call but I also know you have no idea what the cherry trees look like probably I’m looking right at it no I’ve used the the tree before I’m just saying what should I go you know I’m asking for opinions

Like should I go oak uh spruce oh I also got um bris Bur I normally go with like oak or Spruce that’s just my go-to I’ll go with Spruce Spruce looks kind of nicer compared to Oak right now so enchanting table also hope and again thank you for The Mending uh book I use it for some my armor and uh

The pickaxe I’m just holding off on one piece because I haven’t have have it Enchanted yet so but going to enchant that one piece and then I’ll put it on the last piece of armor horse yes I forgot to tell you I’m I’m finally so excited cuz I I reach a a

Th plus episode on one Piece not like not the not the cringe one that you know hides all the uh fillers I at like the actual one piece yeah did you just say cringe to hiding filler yeah I mean you’re not living the adventure if you’re just hiding the you know the fun and boring stuff what fun

Stuff dude I I there’s been times I’m like I hate this so much and I still keep watching that sounds like torture it is but it’s it’s every second was worth it every second was worth it I love torture because it makes me not fun anymore uh hi cck uh you need

Saving no let me not what’s wrong kid the horse in the Stream is staring into your soul but but look the the horse is making sure you know that like those cords will not be shown you have a soul cool now that I’ve expanded my storage a slight bit

Yeah I think a bit uh I think my after after I get my armor fix up a bit I will need a lot of stone and also uh andesite so I will have to go so I do have an need to go cave diving no you well if

You need to go cave diving you might as well like bring me you know Like oh I’m getting armor and a have armor na right man I’m I’m such a professional YouTuber yes Queen professional you do some off camera mining huh listen listen me throwing shade Crazy nah Reaper he would never do that he’s an angel from hell I don’t you mean an angel in hell like Lucifer no no you’re an angel from hell that doesn’t make sense it makes sense for me cap okay listen even Luci or even the devil has his own Angel his demons

Are his angels that’s not the same thing yes it is listen I I know you’re too young to understand I can be your devil or your angles to say it SS like one of those like odd frats that come off wrong or like a weird flirt I don’t what you guys talking

About just I could be your your devil your angel if you want but uh uh there’s this girl who’s sitting next to you on the bus and you’ve hated them since last year and they don’t even go to your school like not do that that sounds like you’re a bad

Person okay being bad can be good if you be good well being bad bad for disliking someone what yeah well that’s not what that’s not the word they use they say they hated that person oh okay yeah that’s a little rough and like have you even talk

That why’d you hate them maybe they hate you hey horse can I make a house here no yes maybe as long as it’s like more than like uh 10 blocks from someone’s house oh yeah that that is a clear spot so yeah you could do I don’t know where

He’s what oh yeah that’s he’s literally over there that’s fine actually I’m not sure stream open so it’s fine but like this kind of like tress area here probably not going to get more Trees all right let’s go look for a base you should you should look for and then come to the base what not your base I’m looking for a base you should look for lapis well I don’t really want lapis say I I don’t think he’s at the point

Where he can make use of it yet I well you will be if you get lapis I’ll let you use it I don’t want to use it I want to find a base water want to use it but I don’t though why do I require lapis

Without the equipment that I need to use the lapis on uh you know to get the equipment you need but I don’t have the equipment I need he he doesn’t even have the equipment to work with you don’t have iron bro all you need is like a fortune 3 Iron pick bro you

Good but I don’t have portion I’m unfortunate yeah that’s why you need to get laid ooh look at this water tower I’m not just changing the top because you know I don’t have lapis and keep ringing it up for no odd reason I’m just looking at the tower all right

Uh I’m going to create some torches light half them there pass me a torch so I can but well I got to make it first let me grab wrong oh was I I have them color coded and I still Mi them up can I pay you like 52 cooked beef for

Lapis who you talking to me either want take de that sounds like a h i have a stack of lapus uh how much you need uh you’re going to use it too so how much beef you want uh I say most of the stuff most of the stuff I need Enchanted is already

Enchanted so yeah but like when you die damn you’ll need it to be reenchanted hey uh hor You’re smarter uh I have an issue uhhuh I want to create C you don’t want to create anything well I want to create many things but um that’s true I agree I want to create uhuh so I want to create AR water base but after my water base I also want

To go to the nether the issue with that is is the portals are they all connected or is there a certain amount of blocks they had to be away from to be connected to a lot of them within like I want to say a thousand blocks from Spawn are

Connected I’m not I don’t think I’m not sure if every single one’s connected though I hope not I’m going to make an under an under lava base though what you talking about that that actually were I was Jing around with wolf going oh you can make it under lava base in the nether

4,000 lava though to like I 4,000 lava have to clear out like tons of lava cre case to make sure it doesn’t get in and like fig out how you’re going to get only one layer like if it’s only one block neath the lava then it’s pretty easy to find you

Know need to be like pretty deep under lava oh I forgot like I said if you uh shift while uh over it uh it’ll put in your off hand or well well you have to do it before you pick it up oh so hold shift and like walk over it also it somehow

Duplicates it I haven’t abuse it but somehow that’s a thing it does I’m be right back the worst person ta out to oh I will say don’t abuse that because that will probably get you in trouble if you abuse that wait what what does uh duplicate uh torches oh I don’t care about

That much right like torches is just torches come on dude this you can’t even use it to like oh it doesn’t duplicate it I’m screwed I I just screwed myself oh shoot I definitely just screwed myself time no like like I what happens is that you pick up one

From Crouching and then you pick up the other six from the original stack well no I dropped one and I equ in my off hand horse yeah so what did I need from the nether hi there m by the way uh to get uh uh the armor uh ancient debris and now although

They’re very hard to find the templates yeah you need like a neite armor template which is usually in a very deadly location is it a smithing template yep I got two the netherite netherite upgrade I went to uh I went to this uh whatever this b b yeah no it’s not B uh

Keep one at all times keep one I went to a uh Pillager Outpost and they had two oh that that’s not arm that’s that’s like armor trim for like decoration oh it is trim okay cool oh yeah yeah know you have to go to one of the deadliest locations in the nether to

Uh get the neite template you got me so happy wolf in your history of going to Bastion that has not gone well dude won I am now yeah I won I’m going to be like Reaper I won I’ll win you want join me Reaper I’m going to that uh

Onek just give me a second to replace my iron Pi or iron sword in yeah no I’m playing a randomizer right now you guess me time to I’ll put the lever in your base gives me time forgot to uh uh do you have a sword anywhere

Specific or why me just throw it to you uh it let me those are yours now this chest okay what’s up Matt it’s been like 10,000 years since I talked no he’s been talking I said it’s been like 10,000 years since I spoke to him why did you just go what’s up like

He wasn’t here cuz I was still processing what I was trying to do and not die try not to die for once in my life you uh that sus I if you’re uh uh when you’re on the bus of someone you don’t like exactly all I hear right now is

Tiue TI just liking a person is kind of cringe you know they telling me even if it’s someone who sound like the most heinous things like press control Al Le and they gone we talking in game right yo Nintendo 64 controls are so weird bro uh like being that this pickaxe I plan

On keeping although it’s not in the greatest condition uh you want the silk touch pickaxe whatever you collect I’ll break for you so you get more this is not a bad area to create a base how can I do again oh there you go that’s not

That bad of an area wait so you’re not going to want it no more or uh I’ll probably try to me I’ll probably ask for it at one point but for now I’m mainly using a like I have a fortune pick with a mending still one sec I am

Struggling that’s new I have mive amount input delay I’m not going to lie why do that I’m just collect like besides like you know just iron and stuff I’m also collecting building material so that’s fine oh I think yeah I think that should that so that’ll be

Kind of like the center of the base disagree but sure uh Turtle helmets help you breathe longer in water right yes uh I believe so uh don’t know by how much but e how many helmets you need like how much uh the how many uh scales you Need oh damn I got to get rid of this I didn’t realize how far I was until definitely going to collect Gold Ms horse are you going to come down here uh I was checking a small like side Cave quickly I’m collecting coal since we do need coal oh and there’s lapis too I’m very oh was good for I went into the side cave even if it’s not deep enough

For the good stuff yet it has a lot of good stuff all right now I’m on my way you see my name tag right you mean it’s the best to put up oh I I didn’t I was talking I wasn’t talking about barbecue in that way but man song about

Oh barbecue is great when you’re about to uh be a cannibal the best way to eat a human oh that’s like a su so the only way to get rid of uh Pillager freaking thing is by either dying or going to uh okay yeah either death starting to

Raid or you don’t go to the Village vill for like an hour basically um milk bucket people or milk bucket if assuming you have a cow in a bucket assuming you have a bucket I have a bucket that’s W that’s W I say something but I stayed quiet cuz I’m like trying to

Be bye-bye humanish all right I’m trying to find a good amount of water but I can’t find a actuallyit if we wait a bit go into lava there we go Byebye who’s in the VC I’m currently in the VC with my friends wolf Fame Reaper who’s right ahead of me and uh oh actual yapping oh that so cool right now dude my brain is developing stuff or ideas to I know your brain still not developed bro stop playing develop man

It was even form I can count the amount of folds in your brain bro Yo man who who who needs to get roasted we got Reaper here he’ll do it for are you hey horse if you ever need to go on a roasting battle or rap battle just just call Reaper no the way insulted that one ogre to the point of where any distraction I

Tried to do was basically pointless oh I found a good amount of water yeah I did find a good amount of water let’s go oh humans looks like yeah not much of Interest oh never mind oh damn oh damn okay let uh I think I should oh yeah there’s diamonds over

There uh through this oh like the lava somewhere yeah no no no like here I just don’t know where they are uh did you spot like came down here last time yep and then I covered the lava with got covered before I return to Stone there they are found them you Reaper Reaper you know I said I needed bombs and the entire seed would open up for me right yeah I just got bombs oh easy SE just a second my cat’s trying to get in the room just a second don’t get just second by I found

The land where I want to create my landu on head land where you want to create land all right bro what kind of American type this is my land this land is your land type [ __ ] sure fool this man talking about is on point new yor land I be like years old now

Right huh I don’t know land is my oh there D that’s probably a long time ago oh that’s I I I just walked back but it was literally only and a zombie knocked me into lava oh my oh my my headset hit q and it dropped in the lava I just lost a

Pickaxe oh that’s that’s that’s actual pain I I just lost like a max out pickaxe you get it back and I literally just put mending on before the stream you get it back and I told you to pull Ming on too that’s ow I’m sorry you get it

Back that oh no that’s great that’s literally the worst I literally made sure I went to a safe part of the cave and I assumed like when I said I be right back you might keep watch I get back I’m at four hearts in lava as zombies are hunting me so here’s the

Thing right there’s zombies hunting me like they hunting you right but like I don’t got the type of type of accessor you got so I’m struggling I’m pretty chill but still didn’t think it struggles to the point of where you couldn’t help me and I nearly why if I

Didn’t get back when I did I would have lost everything and I mean everything look bro Minecraft’s a serious game if you you can’t defend yourself I can’t help you yeah I literally said like I have to I have to let the cat in like I said I I was walking

Away guys well I found my place all right well now there’s no point in me being down here because I just lost my pickaxe another green oh my God I finally found the place I’m trying to create my base so now please kill that creeper I can’t I can’t forgot that

I kind of needed uh it’s a complete and utter skish you but I can’t get around the skish you I need bones this skue is called input delay y but yeah and now like there’s no point for me being in the C I can’t even I can’t even My that work but still like like honestly I just lost a lot of my mood to play Minecraft after that that that was like it’s okay horse it’s going to be all right and Li said literally if I didn’t get back since Reaper didn’t cover me if

I didn’t get back in time it wouldn’t have just been a lost pickaxe I would have lost all my armor all my tools and all my resources so I would have been at Ground Zero how many levels you got not a lot of levels but what Li the main

Issue is I lose all of my gear all of my like iron diamond stuff don’t forget I don’t put it away because you know people who steal no like how many levels do you have right now uh five like all my XP is going towards repairing the armor and stuff at the moment

So I’m getting C I think the best way you should go about winning when it comes to like um you know like kind of be if you’re in the cave and all that is definitely not die by the zombie uh dig like a two hole and then you know

Put yourself in the hole and then cover yourself up so you’ll be protected I was far away from stuff that should have been like danger so I thought it’d be okay but uh you’re playing with the most dangerous person you know me what and me if anything that that meant

Like you’d be able to out danger anything that it was literally only 15 seconds I walked away from the keyboard and everything went wrong 15s 15 wardens could have spawned bro like oh let’s go guys I got my first tree on my land uh why do we have many

Uh so many chries uh no uh someone else planted that uh while I was offline probably Luna go to me yeah say you haven’t even been to the face yet yeah huh I’ve been in there like four times game over how unfortunate what why are you currently

Playing playing I’m doing I’m doing a Ocarina of Time with ge’s mask randomizer don’t know what the heck that is yeah basically there’s two Zelda games combined into one and all the items from both games are randomized and each of the games can have their items in each other so like

Got to go everywhere explore everything or else you’re going to miss something okay that makes sense I the grass pches and the pots also items in Them I just need like 30 how does one join console you got good no there’s no I don’t I don’t know what method s if uh if my friend Squad was here I’d be able to go like oh he could tell you how but sadly I don’t know I I

Know to join servers on Console you need like some type of like third party app to uh be able to join servers outside of like the featured stuff but I I sadly do not know the steps yeah I’m not I’ll probably try to DM him later and try to

Figure out how though so I can like tell others already been over here spare lapis and stuff away in here for now anyways Matt you should join I’m playing a time I’m playing Minecraft M craft the mines uh you planted the trees they duplicate like a wildfire right see

Like but uh I do hope you’re having a good day so far wanted sadly I don’t know the method to be able to join servers on uh console POG can actually do [ __ ] here now let’s go hey no cursing let stream no Cur all right sorry sorry sorry wow Reaper responsible that’s

Scary I know just wolf being like wait you’re being responsible what’s going on I was going to say it’s this an alternate universe or Something get bro Reaper how I get um this is TE the plan that I have for you get the of Independence I got I got a shield from a grass p and open the chest and I get another Shield what am I going to do with this

Shield the better yeah I was going to say use it I can’t I can’t even use it without a sword bro oh my God I don’t have a sword the creeper creep I can use it we’re good so basically what I’m going to do is kind of like have kind of like you

Know when you do Sky Block it’s like a one block and you you know the tree and you build around it something similar like that and kind of had like the main tree like the starter tree in the middle and then the base kind of going around

It isn’t it underwat no it’s above water and then I’m um after like I have floating island yo uh under then it’s going to go underwater and then it’s going to also go above water so it’s going to go Sky uh water and then underwater BR think you going to have a million

Block one million billion blocks emotional damage Lun just goes if you want if you want the Declaration of Independence you need you need to get with Nicholas Cage Nick Cage has no clue what he’s doing when he’s dealing the decoration with I it faster a green rupe for 10 rup get out

Of here and a slight bit more inebriation what did you just say someone offered you like basically like $ free do if you give them $10 wait free money if I give you yeah I heard MCO like like free rupees if I give like 10 free rupees for 10 Rupees how many free rupees one rupee for 10 rupes bro that’s ridiculous makes sense oh that’s even worth one so you pay 10 to get one

Dollar back kind of us IRS bro what the that’s that’s basically just a tax collector just randomizers or everything is randomized I know it’s just funny how basically the randomizer just basically trade the IRS ah yes taxes even in video games taxes are inevitable very nice very nice Yeah so what’s happening right now is like I’m in a cave the worst part is I can’t even get the XP to try to reenchant my uh a pickaxe yet because all my XP is going towards fixing the armor I got your pickax not do this right now that’s

Unfortunate I just wasted an entire bomb Here Comes the Boom here comes the never mind definitely cop yeah that’s why I stopped apparently that’s copyrighted too and it’s like not even a real song It’s a Tik Tok sound it’s so well there are a lot of Tik Tok things

Are they’re not it’s not even like an official song made by an official artist it’s just a combination of people also I remember seeing a thing that uh I think a lot of music on Tik Tok has like by the companies and stuff have started getting banned like

Copyrighted so like a lot of like the common like for I saw a clip of someone making fun of it or like basically like uh how uh like some of the like popular songs like Tik Tok dances you are band so they proceed to make fun of it by

Doing it with like uh Wii music They removed all the good songs time time to pull out we I’ve seen like a couple of edits where it’s just like what’s it what’s that one musician called bro uh that doesn’t have so many musicians in the world musicians I don’t use Tik Tok myself so no no no no no

What’s it’s the the guy who made monkeys spinning monkeys bro know a thing oh my I think the silence spoke loud there y know nothing about monkeys spinning monkeys bro dude I didn’t even know that was even a thing y I forgot I randomized fairy fountains bro oh sniper monkey but sniper monkey

Let’s go dude oh yeah I forgot this thingy make a load oh it’s Kevin ml thank you or Kevin McLoud uh you’re cook just get in the just get in the water just get in the water oh no I’ll be good I’m just trying to kill it you got two

Shot I did I have not lost any health he lost all the health he got two shot Enderman bro that end was even easier to kill that screen was very delightful man screamed like 10 seconds after he Died scream at you from Hell bro bro like bro War like before I actually tried doing YouTube like actually dedicating time to YouTube and stuff and not just doing whatever random thing low effort I would use their uh the music once in a while by that that music be Qui like heat there’s nothing I can do oh my god do you have any uh any um advice on uh what to do for my base make money thanks dude I’ve never really made underwater bases so can’t really I’m above water currently uh no that’s another Cre sounds like you’re having fun I I literally ran away from a creeper into another creeper I don’t I don’t see your name tag but I heard the Explosion bro invisible I’m back in the cave diamonds diamonds guys oh my God you found diamonds you should give me those diamonds no I I sadly only found one I think uh I’m going to head top tight so I can try to get uh you never heard charity Reaper

Uh Stone and andesite bro I do not believe in charity just giving the people who need it I give to them directly bro how am I going to trust a charity like if I was a charity I would take the money okay then give it to me

Directly look you telling me that a corrupt leader wouldn’t take the money like the only reason McDonald’s has a charity is because they wanted as a tax right off how a rich stay Rich stop playing you ain’t wrong but I was also why usually do research to make sure good donation

Things cuz there are a lot of shady ones out there 99% of them are shady honestly most Charities you will find are kind of shady now I’m trying to see how to go about so I created the platform now I’m trying to figure out uh ooh ooh ooh I can do that that

Million amethyst Shields is this the way out all right grass patches are golded bro there’s no way I just got a major item from you know I just realized that I kind of doomed myself your fault never mind this person saved me never mind uh I created a base that has

Zero light and I have so much room in area that things will definitely start spawning to for yeah I definitely got tortures or make sure you sleep before it goes full night Then unless you want all the the easy XP and potential of death dude I’ll be like Reaper I’ll win that’s what I’m saying bro Los g i I’ll collect some of it with there y’all be wondering why I made my character Gojo sasher I don’t think any of us was wondering saser

Gojo is my inventory full yep put away the ores go uh okay at least I still have a good amount of diamonds I can make stuff with but definitely going to try colle them as uh ores until I can get Fortune again I keep seeing this like type of

Content where it’s just like if you could put anything in your soup what would you put in it and it’s just always like1 billion dollar and one billion more dollars so funny because it’s never just like2 billion doll it’s just one billion dollars and another billion

Dollars I mean not oh my God diamond oh my God guys diamonds I have the worst luck in existence surely you want to I was going to say you want to compete with me bro I have got nothing but green r i Mean quack Diamond what’s I’m currently playing in the spor uh CH with friends and uh mining trying to get stuff for uh building what’s 35 – 15 like 20 I need 20 20 more diamonds uh you said 35 15 yeah uh 15 or how’s how’s your day going so far or

Uh or I guess night since you’re in a different time it’s going splendidly dark like my hopes and dreams want to go and just why can’t I just find all diamonds that I need were those oh my God that scared me what I I popped out

Of like the area I’m currently at and I jumped up like cuz I’m I was on I’m on water obviously and I created stairs so when I jump up to the stairs I looked up and it was just a green figure there so I thought it’s was a creeper I’m like oh

Shoot and then I realized it was a sapling I got so terrified I’m like oh my God Doom crazy me when I Heard you hear why yeah I about to say what why you hear you know you can’t do the uh the creeper whisper on Discord cuz noise suppression you know you can take noise suppression off real quick and do it I’m in Minecraft I’m not doing that then no complaint yeah

Okay I won’t complain then all right you do that then yeah I but what wait are you saying don’t complain or complain don’t complain I didn’t say either I said I won’t complain another green rupee what’s that like five rupees one one dollar and I already have the max in my

Wallet s like a real person if I could get anything from this grass I’d want it sounds like you need Pockets billion R and one billion more rupees yeah yeah um Lally just one with thing of copper would you like sir H I would like 10 Whoppers and 10 more Walkers Burger

King I piggy I walk to Burger King then I walked home from Burger King okay I created my first Bridge which looks like trash yep I agree with that that looks like trash I like how re just going yeah it’s trash without knowing to doesn’t even see it or

Anything TR trash okay or do you what do you would happen to have wood thanks I’m going to be stuck in this cave aren’t I your pickaxe broke didn’t it no not yet but it is red it broke dude it broke I have no idea where you are I’m

Like back at the entrance just collecting iron that’s my cords out loud you know I think that’s a pretty uh uh goobery homework time all right hope your homework goes at least a large magic draw that would normally restore my magic would be nice if I had

Magic I I’m going to make it I know where I am I don’t Magic’s overrated for turn to Bon I literally am using a STI a boomerang as a weapon right now bring bling blong blong bling blong blong what worry okay okay so it looks not as as yes looks bad I

Disagree so you’re saying it looks good I was going to say you saying it looks good no you said it looks not as bad I think it looks even worse no I said it doesn’t I said it doesn’t look not as bad and I’m like no never mind it looks

Bad did not say no never mind looks bad I did though uhuh uhuh no uhuh yeahuh what you mean Matt agree with me cuz you’re my friend he didn’t say uh he didn’t say look bad course agree with me cuz you heard it agree with me cuz I’ll give you $20

When I go to your house to get cookies yeah yeah yeah yeah of course I agree with me because I ask you to agree with [Laughter] me you know I’m to go to your house and get 20 cookies when you make a batch of cookies so oh you’re able to find out

How to join nice I’m glad you’re able to get in wanted I guess they really wanted It of wanting something when are you going to make your very high IQ debate next week indeed I’m going to baseball practice now so it’s like got first a little bit got a little bit of up that’s bro my pickax is like less than red at this point bro there’s like a pixel

Left freaking skeletons that’s a that’s a creeper oh man give reap oh my God and once again this is why I used toress to Mark the way home mark the way home well apparently it sounds like you’re lost in the cave and your pickaxe is almost broken lost

I’m at Stone level I’ll be fine you know I’m in and when the pickaxe bre another green rupee how nice of you game that’s like two and a half Rupees at this point uh oh I have a ton of like yeah get get out don’t need all this I realized I’m dumb

CU I should probably put my bed I agree with that Reaper shut up I agree but don’t agree Huh I agree you’re able to find a way to join I’m glad you’re able I will try to make it so that info is more available in the future but I I’ll have to ask uh the one friend for like the exact steps now no no i’

Agree no i’ agree I wish you could make I wish reer huh huh huh yeah guess what I got I guess guess what I got is it is it a blue rupe a green rupe whoa you it doesn’t even add to my wallet because

I’ve already gotten a n n Out of 99 out of 99 R in my inventory my dungeon map for a temple that I can’t even go to that sounds personal honestly the final map of the second game what do they want me to do with that good you

Found a map for a different game that’s no there’s in this randomer two games are combined into one so items for this game could be in that game so like oh my gosh that sounds like that sounds like you could just get like soft locked if you have bad luck no

It’s logic I could have done that if it was no logic if it was no logic then I would have been it’s a randomizer that’s how randomizers happen that’s what happens to randomiz sometimes luckily this is logic and it works based off of logic logic

Exactly guys see you guys get it I do get it cuz my IQ is 103,000 that all the grass patches in both games are randomized a pot just like Toto what’s his last name no I was about to say Al and I was going to slap myself for saying

Al yo Matt what’s that what’s Toto’s name full name toori no from J oh Toto oh oh I don’t remember I was about to say Al meate Toto and I was going to slap the [ __ ] out myself bro the stone of Agony that does nothing for me it’s

Agonizing the game just like hey we know you’re suffering so here have some Agony all that does is what all that does is a rumble when I’m near um a bombable hole Rumble Rumble is that another Deco Shield that I’ve already have and more green rupes you shouldn’t have but they did

Oh uh are you uh are you allowed to build a XP farms uh there are people have made them I say if maybe just not too overboard I haven’t heard any offici rules on XP thing so I mean I see like a lot of X stuff yeah so as now say it’s

Uh I gotame Man this ain’t no fun no more 400 piglin portals turning on and off is that yes sir I’m making 900,000 gold nuggets an hour or a second my bad is that is that I was going to say it’s kind of exessive that kind of scale probably

Not server it’s a lot of people the more things that is activated as obviously it causes about two day of input delay uh is a lot two days worth of input delay no it’s not that much it’s only two days louder like what all right I’m just

Going to have to go to the bottom of the well this is my least favorite place in the game oh well it’s still full are you serious Ser is it should be accessible all right whatever br oh well well really I mean you asked you said oh well I couldn’t go into the

Well I’m out where the freak is thisius but damn I still hate you what timing was ingenious but I still hate it’s okay I like being hated it’s fun yeah I escaped but horse I’m at your Island so what you’re saying is I’m going to have to spend time like

Covering up a giant hole no not that giant not that big it’s only 300 I just slam upwards and it was out oh I think I know what you’re talking about then yeah I plan to cover that up eventually but for now until I can actually start building the

River Oh Oh I thought you were talking about like like on the island there’s like holes you can swim up from orp thank goodness no the whole river is right next to a cave you going cover never mind I thought you were saying like you dug up

On the island not in the river by the island no no no I dug up right next to I got access to d f the damn bro why did you make a damn oh damn uh I did not make a dam oh that’s second J I’m sorry he’s you guys are like

Makeing easy right now at this Point are we though yes yes yes you are I’ll be out soon too as I’m collecting the uh I found a massive thing of andesite so I’m collecting a ton of it how much how many uh punts can wolf make before he ends stream we got two out of Unknown yeah I have no idea who built I I assumed I was like I am be all right we know him I was I thought it was like you building I didn’t realize it was Luna right a freaking cow bro a mask that gives me nothing how you going to get past like That I was so close but then I realized I’m missing one block I don’t want to 100% R I’m not going to do 100% R it made I’m so sad inside oh I got burnt to a Cris to a Cris dude this sucks I’m trying this this whole me creating an island and kind of evolve him from there that’s going to be so much creativity that I don’t currently have as a right

Now I found the red tunic nice that’s fun honestly can’t be match found a solution just for how many uh how much xp do you have at the moment uh Reaper me 24 I got one you’ll probably get the 30 before me so let me know when you do but

Make a pickaxe and you know give it to you so I can try to get the fortune free back I don’t know I need an XP form Matt you should join the server just to build the XP form and then DP awesome oh my God all right that that that should be enough

And sight I think I’m just going to get one more stack of stone oh shoot damn as I keep picking up the junkun oh is not M that’s also a copyrighted song why did I I need to I need to start Mee bro what’s wrong with I bre again me oh no

What what for you bro you don’t know what Is no uh horse said what I said what while I saying what to what mat oh okay I thought you were saying to me I’m like what what I say guys you’re cooked it’s so over for you it’s over like you’re not making it bro dang horse you just going to take

That right in the secret place huh like I don’t condone it but like you could just you know start rope maxing like honestly at that point like not even KN don’t you agree uh map he was going to say Reaper for a second don’t you agree me yes I

Do do you think about that one Reaper yeah you you saw right Reaper like you are all the time I mean he kind of like he said H H Matt he kind of like consider saying Reaper then he’s like wait tell that’s funny Reaper I had to search Each corner

Of my brain to find that name bro okay so okay I got a foundation but should I go building a house route or should I go uh building a farm like a food farm yes yeah I agree with that you guys are helpful I appreciate that which one should I build firstc

You’re so you guys are horrible yeah which rout should I go yes I oh my God I spent 20 bucks to get six all right Bro bro is not a successful entrepreneur was not making it out of the Rat right all 100 collectibles in this game will only lead me to six green rupes and one another token wonderful stuck in the rat race forever Linator 100 collectibles in this game they give me one of the actual Collectibles And yeah God I love it right very go got a lot of andesite and stone for the future uh there’s more small stuff I need but that’s like the stuff out the way or like Reaper what should I go with Farm or house you ever going to make it like

Here he’s making his own base thought you going to come here I will but not during stream not ever bro he’s not making it I just can’t yeah L L’s really just like ran a like a home in the river at this point I am

Bieber so house or um Farm uh sure man I hate you dude so much ask you for a simple thing yeah yeah yeah sounds Great another green rupe oh your it could be worse he could have gone like house or Farm pineapple no no like nothing that even fits what you’re asking how’s your farm yesterday was not the best day how’s our farm 27 and a half Hey Hey listen listen I’m just glad he’s I’m

Just glad he’s not asking me hey what is this new Village that we’re at what do they produce and make a list of what they produce like do they have arms or do they like or do they get a shipment they’re like oh it was important bro I’m

Not getting was important why wasn’t important bro was trying to tell me he didn’t have apples bro all he produces apples he only make apples Reaper just goes like does the Geneva Convention exist yet how far is a war crime what is the definition of War

Crime how hard do I have to Target a civilian before it’s a war crime also I just want to say that that that transition with with no other input so anyone listening to the streams are probably just like wait what I were to indiscriminately put down a that could kill has nothing

People would that be a war most likely hi parkon hope you’re doing well and also hello if it’s depending on the population of that individual then it’ll be more it’s kind of like you hitting a cop versus hitting a civilian hitting a cop is more uh you know

Bad hitting an army man is better than hitting a civilian well hitting a military individual you’re gonna get taken down M much faster than if it was just a regular well that’s not a war crime though uh I don’t know kill a good amount of people War might occur or at

Least you might be hunted and your want poster might go higher well that’s not what a war crime is a war crime is a crime that’s committed during war well there’s oh I was going to say I was say it’s no war but then I realized there is

A war there’s a war like everywhere it’s like hundreds of War bro like I don’t think there ended yet Wars don’t end they just Begin yeah I agree with That he’s out of line World War I cap he’s not wrong World War I World War II they didn’t end we still we still fighting the the the Germans Bro yes we still fighting Germans we got uh where am I here I’ll give you here I’ll give you coordinates for uh the new base but we had to move cuz someone uh griefed what are we gonna send next bro Jesus Christ so the issue is we’re still

Fighting with the Germans it’s just in a a different way that’s not true we’re fighting them in a different way now longer we yes we are lie listen we’re trying to see which who’s smarter americanos or uh German germanos bro is in love with cap I’m the fact you just can’t handle the

Truth you anert wolf conspire bro you’re an expert of Japanese bro broen [Applause] huh I thought more Dr horse bro spinon what the hell are you talking about bro BR what the Hell well I the dam does look good and you made it so there’s a passageway for boats and stuff too which is nice yeah I know right like the house like the house beat the house are making the top of it the door well it was going to be out of

Dripstone blocks but I ran out of dripstone so it’s out of wool Now using some pointed for The land this here this here we’ll do like this right here I just there’s like some people trying to make like nice detailed things and then there’s like yeah so the so the house is made out of like a quo of a tiny bit of dirt of an oak bit of jungle dirt

Wool oh random piece of cobblestone so hor yes got ask the question I didn’t hear your question I’ve been asking it for like 20 minutes at this point cap cap cap cap ly love to lie love to lie we live we love we lie I asked should I make a house first

Or should I make a farm first 22 I hate you so much 22 21 Land The house’s probably more important so you know you have somewhere to avoid the the monsters the Germans in like 1945 are pretty bad People I think they’re pretty nice no no no really no no that’s not an agreeable statement we can’t say that well we can say whatever we heart desires it’s just not true you can’t say that U you know we can say whatever we want just don’t get

Caught okay yeah and saying it public not the not not the best way to not get caught all I’m saying bro yeah I mean they don’t know my name my name is William H sure bro I was just listening to you guys chat as I watch as I just watch

Luna spin in place for like three minutes oh I’m getting a text message really I guess I guess I guess they found out it was me talking Oh no you’re losing your job now I’m losing my job I don’t think that that’s my makeup’s turn my makeup’s turn it’s how

They thought that was me I don’t think job is to where I was going to go with it oh finally W FLIR although it doesn’t have the best luck to see another Green Ruby if I do this uh what’s cheaper that’s six green definitely not combining that

One well ladies and gentlemen I love to continue but I got somewhere to be if you have any questions please hesitate to ask has to be 2et away from please hesitate please hesitate to ask what was that I man just turned into a cat uh UNH the byebye byebye welcome back now thank you I’m glad to be back well you’re I have a better fishing rod now so do you want to enchant a fishing rod Reaper or yes I mean if you’re giving it a

Y if you’re offering it does have curse of Vanishing but well it is a fishing rod I would never die bro I would never die continues to die two seconds later I never died in my life no I literally just said welcome back before I I asked the free for one

The fishing rod you have you’re that or wait don’t tell me my stream’s being goofy with to ah now I got to go check cuz now I’m going be skeptical I I’ll check it I’m right here uh yep I can say number from 1 to 64 64 63

That’s a lot you sure want to do 63 okay I mean it depends what are you’re doing it for like uh let’s just say gem ah diamonds all right yeah 63 okay I got to figure out say they were diamonds it only happens during the SNP streams why does the delay go up

With the S&P cuz it’s laggy but that doesn’t explain why it lags to stream cuz you’re connected you’re streaming off your PC but the SMP doesn’t affect my entire Internet it’s not like I connect to the S&P and everything start my goodness my goodness you my goodness what oh great Heavens like

Bro my lordy Lord goodness gracious uh do I have a bucket if yes can I borrow uh yes uh it does have lava in the the last time yeah so uh horse look at my house said 63 63 cookies lovely yeah now I I literally responded going like welcome back and and like you’re just being like hey you haven’t it is uh nuh I I responded EV then you said that like either you got to check your volume or I know my mic’s working on the

Street wait that might hit us uhhuh here comes the boss keeper water temple I hate that place where do you ever again but here uh cookies hello uh I hear hear W uh Reaper say um here it comes and I’m like I say cookies and then I hear it through the

Stream and I accidentally think it’s you know he said it again so I said cookies again good [Laughter] job a and a Boop what y thinking is it RZ is it Riz is we existance uh oh I I literally just put away some of the deep slay I had remain silent bro

Well I’ll be back uh I’m going to go pick up a girl from her job and if you guys need me uh you know where to find me no no I don’t so my house is next to another house next to some trees a road and and cars um they the houses has

Bricks and it also has wood in the inside the bricks I’m going need to REM more okay okay yeah yeah so the house is about yay big all right bro all right all right bro F big hey there we go XP is going to the

Fishing rod now I got a new one I finally repaired the armor I’ve be the most specific I can get I’m about five 6 hours I never knew you were an ocean wolf you didn’t know I was an ocean I would be about as specific as I can get

I’m about five to six hours I’m didn’t know that dude I didn’t know I perf the house oh my goodness goodbye humans I’ll be black no you you’re no no you’ll never be able to say the N word actually I have many times it’s okay huh huh huh oh

No oh no you can’t cancel it won’t cancel itself the N word yeah neutral all right all right bro sure man I love what I do for a living problem people you did not do this for a living bro you make Z an hour you’re W you make

Nothing that’s more than I have right now get your job now money bro you could be investing in stocks I I already am I’m already am yeah and I’m doubling what you’re making bro insider trading bro stop playing with me you make nothing what do you mean I’m making

Money I got 17 bonds you got what stop playing bro I am the CEO of Google yeah Okay why do you have a random slime block in your house on the side of your house don’t worry about it it’s perfect I’ve seen the vision since day one I’ve seen the vision what Vision did you see all right goodbye nice window Bye uh do you need to friend me for mean to come uh like reach here as that I’m keeping the coordinates to like close friends and stuff being that uh there have been some people trying to grief uh in the past like we just recently moved uh to this SP you’re going to

Die Wa yeah I do hope you guys have been enjoying the stream by if you are please like any support always appreciated uh I just love how her both trying to like be like can I come in now uh you while I continue fishing a Bit Uh uh I won’t be able to start the build today but I might try to at least get like the zone for where I build set up uh I got go check if I I believe I andite for the build I was trying to

Do uh I got Che bu a corner this is just Unfair getting mine oh okay I need a mix of andesite and mainly polished but a bit of uh normal andesite Too here you what I’m going to Li it I did say it last stream but I’m going to say it again I it although I could try being like Oh I’m the greatest builder ever this is 100% uh do I you’re asking me if I can give permission to go in someone else’s

House I’m pretty sure that’s going to be a no sadly no question mark So hor I think you’re an absolutely one wonderful Builder after all you you’re the one that creat have you seen H that cut off I mean have you have you have you seen

Hans man Hans is wonderful I just love how that cut off was so just made it seem like you had a like like you’ve built uh uh H Hans yeah Hans Hans yeah that go great I mean have you seen him anybody who sees I for can I make it polished into

Stone cut or am I going to have to put in furnace polished you already have stone or what uh well well currently I mainly I’ll use the stone eventually but uh polished uh andesite yeah you should be able to put it in the stone cutter oh the want to

Just put a freaking diamond block someone would 100% try to steal that eventually oh it’s so funny but it what cause the only way be funnier the only way it’ be funnier is if he put it loged back in the next day and it’s replaced by a block of coal a gold Block bro downgraded me bro it’s crazy by neite block instead y go not the other no just find a way to make it so a sheep is stuck in that one block space they freeze a sheep there and just take it yeah L literally just like they

Take the diamond and just put a sheep oh wait I I forgot I got a most of the flattening done but still got a bit plus I may mess around with the grass layers later but Plus uh but might as well have a flat canvas for building them uh where’s the

Dirt literally only like 15 seconds I already have a stack of dirt 26 levels yeah by the way when I ask you how many uh from from 63 to whatever uh that was how many amethysts I put in my house oh uh do we have an enchantment table uh

Yes there currently in not for you window you’re not getting no enchantment table all right uh all right before I even start replacing the blocks let’s make sure uh let’s see andesite ah is this bro on my house oh yeah cool I can make it polished all right for for now I’m

Literally just getting like I’m about to I’m about to beam bro what’s wrong with him you really think I don’t see him that’s the crazy get Down what happened what was that laugh he was on my house and I shot him and he died oh my God it’s not my fault bro was invading on my property bro just up I was protecting my land don’t come back off my like everyone’s working together and you’re just like nah murder

Broke my window and then tried to invade my house all right oh no he deserves that them bro ain’t no way let’s see if I do it here I I got double check so this need to be 17 so this being only partial so like one two three uh

Six uh 7 8 9 10 11 12 little W gr next to do stop oh yeah that’s plenty as I’m actually going to move it over to the right a bit more oh by the way I used the super bow that you gave me and then I shot oh

So oh so you annihilated them basically 7 8 9 10 11 yeah that work and there you go no oh wa wa I I was supposed to put the regular uh or the polished one not the Whoops then on the corner uh the stretches 20 blocks so two three four five six seven eight n all right another jackpot room wish me lock let’s see what I get skipped one and I got to recount two four six and number one has G’s mask 16 17 18 19 20 actual W

Uh this extends out 10 block get out of here spider next one has 5 6 n 10 and then it goes here seven more everyone has a piece of take uh 12 this way 2 three four five S8 9 10 11 12 BR really tried to break an

ENT and told me that I’m in the wrong for not letting him in my house bro tried to invade my House what’s wrong with you kind a sense of entitlement but you’re just mad you can’t use the Enchanted uh mro room let’s do that say spacing in the thingy but oh well here let me let me murder of stuff trying to kill me and then I’ll worry about your fingers added onto my house and everything bro okay now let me check chat uh uh oh my God m thank

You big SW big I can explore the future now hi Spirit uh sorry I couldn’t read the message earlier uh so I we are doing well I’m currently just trying to build uh sorry that I wasn’t reading chat for a bit uh you’re stuck in a hole at

Spawn I’m sorry I can try to help you out of there uh was just first uh uh yeah I will say it is it is Goofy nice just like Banning people from the enchantment table in in a group where everyone’s supposed to be working together invaded my house

Yo can enter yo yo this place how am I he illegally tried invade my Property an americ to my house and hasn’t compensated me see I this respond is going look I trespass not break and Enter yeah yeah yeah I’m a you like the like it was an accident and like it is stupid that like they ban you and killed you for a

Window well I didn’t kill him because of the window I all that like put in perspective that be like if you did something like random in the uh DND D campaign that we didn’t all agree with and and my reaction is okay let me fully kill your character like like see how

Yeah you’ve almost done that though I mean you’ve come the closest to almost killing anyone bro one you’re saying that when someone has died wait yeah uh not permanently don’t worry about it but like come on come on that was before I fully knew how to weapon and how like controlling it

Worked and free I told you it was going to kill me oh and free you’re all that started when you attacked me for trying to tell you don’t eat a cat was important To like just Goofy uh all right I’ll here after that here let me there’s I know there’s still one or two messages I missed uh you’re going to be at my base when you do your plan huh I don’t know if he means the old one or if now was like starting to threaten

Because like I didn’t respond to message when I have bro he’s trying to oh my God and I know he’s making a mess at my house bro oop can equip Master Sword as a child I’m happy um what you can equip the master sword as a child I’m

Happy I now have a sword I’m happy easy W uh sorry but in your it’s stupid that uh you won’t let a person in the house to use an enchantment table because they broke a window but if Jackie like literally like stole something that’s not what happened he tried to invade my

House after I told him he can’t come inside But but your main reason was that you told me just now was they broke the window he hasn’t even said sorry he’s just yo I was just waiting for him to say sorry bro like that’s all it would have taken something not even like a my bad Noah you just you just okay Bro no apology nothing like that just like but I didn’t do it on purpose you still did it just Apologize and Jackie saying they they didn’t invade it like they didn’t go in like with the intent of like I’m going break in and do whatever I want like just apolog oh my God all I’m looking for in is apology right now like Jesus Christ there two

Rewards I’m sorry that’s it well now if you if you’re going to do it just to get the enchantment table that’s not Genuine Uh okay so there’s a line There wait did I do the spacing wrong oh I messed up somewhere uh okay the measurement’s right there uh that’s Right one two three four five six yeah how’s it off huh oh no I see so like wait no but yeah there’s supposed to Be okay this is supposed to be 17 so 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ah I was off 16 supposed to be Here so I got to shift everything over Now all right I’m also trying to do a build thing so I keep having to close to chat uh either right we we moved the enchantment table or be Uh yeah no matter what my plan was to move it eventually it’s just Reaper was the only one who had like an actual base build so like uh he said there for Now uh I just want him to do a proper Apology wrong One I saw that vision from day one bro from day one of Bas building I knew that that that slime block is on me right there wait still one no it’s still not wide enough what 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 yeah the measurements are Right what hey Cas that okay like let me let me to check the is this first where am I going wrong like I said it’s supposed to be like 21 by 17 and it is 17 blocks like going from like the edge Here uh 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 yeah why is it different in the instruction thing then Uh this is yeah this is six blocks which is right and oh I dumb mtic I feel like an idiot now boop boop boop Bo I didn’t adjust that one after the Fix Uh well I said it’s kind of like a log happen type of thing uh I said I am using a video thing for it which I know some people find goofy but like I said it may find weird but I’m admitting on the stream but like I’d rather be honest

And be like hey this isn’t like original build plus I will share the link to the uh you know like the original build but I was going to save it for when I do the build as now I’m literally just get getting like the foundation

Uh but if you want to see what I’m going for uh uh Luna I know I can’t send to Jackie uh I can send you the video I’m using uh quickly like I plan on building it uh tomorrow I’m going to stream on the PlayStation

So Saturday or Sunday I’m going to say I still need to get more resources anyway I only have like the cenal ones uh like nine stacks of freaking like I’m pretty sure I still need more a bit more wood since it’s some other stuff but you But yeah that that’ll be for uh for now like I said I at least got like where the foundation to where I’m going to build around so I know like the space I’m going to need so I just got nothing as an item I’m not even kidding I got

Nothing it said you got nothing so fun game fun game game game let me catch up with the chat now that uh I don’t have to swap between the chat and the thing for now uh oh you got the motivation to arrange your uh rearrange your room ni hope you

Like the setup you have now uh are you able to come to the bait like for now I’m keeping it a bit more private to defend against the Griefers uh I’m sure slowly over time we’ll add more people that can come build here but for now keeping it

Private uh Cory have is a fair that you can’t go into someone’s house use enchantment table because you accidentally yeah even people apologize bro I will say like a quite a bit of people in the chat are green it is Goofy especially and like I said even if I

Agree with you I think the main thing is just how aggressive you’re being about it just apologize if I can’t work with stubborn people Uh C Windows replaceable to Champ table it’s hard to get that’s just hi uh Goa hope I’m saying your name right and hi uh n hope you’re both doing well uh uh put away extra enchantment table put away the dirt up and extra food how do I get glass bottles that oh

Yeah the which I killed I love it I see a ma right Here how are your guys St going so far put that there uh loging on hoping Momo Nation isn’t destroyed yeah hopefully not uh I believe uh Momo was on a while ago so I I want to say it’s not but I haven’t been I haven’t been to Bobo

Nation at all only only nation I’ve been to recently was like uh axos and it wasn’t even like actually checking it out I just had to go pass it to fly somewhere else I’m sorry to hear you uh lost your uh family member cour I feel really Uh I’ve had to deal with stuff like that in the and that that is always especially since the way you wrote that I’m guessing that might have just happened who keeps planting cherry trees uh honestly I’m not sure if anyone’s been planting them they might have just been

Growing I haven’t noticed anyone by the trees that may okay never mind there’s a small small possibility but yeah I am sorry that uh weapon court if although I’m just an idiot on the internet and I can’t really help much I do hope you better cor and like I’m

Assuming it’s something recent since you were just chatting about rearranging your room and stuff so like like go like go do what you have to do I know you might not be in the I’m not even sure if they still have a stream open but I am sorry for and I do hope Uh H would you Happ to have a grin Stone uh grindstone uh inside the chat there is it’s on the right side you’ll see it above the Anvil can I have ites yeah that makes sense yeah you can move it uh I’m guessing you still don’t have the

Uh 30 levels yet no I’m at 26 you have a nether portal uh we haven’t built one uh here yet uh we should have obsidian somewhere but if uh at least we should because I I remember destroying one he had back there where fishing but there was a fishing FR I just oh

It’s uh yeah don’t worry about that you move forward as I fig there we Go like a little at He all right for That I hit the wall but still fell in the river I love the drip Stone bro uh just looks like a hole in my House you if I if I fish stuff with useless enchantments uh so I can try to get my Pi I’ll probably pass you like useless enchantment stuff the you know just enchant level up want the quarts to haunt space but no cords for you yeah but I’ve been keeping the Cs a bit

More secret since I know uh but luckily I do know who one the Griefers right now since uh uh Stickman uh uh pointed one out but but it was confirmed it was like multiple people and there’s still a chance it was someone who was at the Base I I’ll probably share the cord with more people who want to move to the merchant skild over time but uh oh am I’m a am I a merchant now this I always decare my uh nation is like the merchant Guild and well you do live here so you are technically within the

Merchants I’m not I should start selling I am going to be selling stuff I just realized I’m going to be selling like rent I’m going to be renting Apartments whenever you know I get rid of the whole you Know I love I love how you’re talking about that but I know in in a while I’m probably going to see you building with another random block well yeah it’s I’m just like building until like like I here uh check something quickly oh I just saw that uh screenshot mat sent I wonderful isn’t it but here uh I can’t make complain I got a a good amount of drops so far but you’re if you’re saying the spawn is still like I know it was an issue when hackers

Attack at one point but if you’re saying there’s like a massive hullet spawn where you keep dying uh I I can go in Creative quickly and uh teleport you and uh try to cover it up quickly just try to just put deny blocks under the spawn or above the spawn or

Wherever if you put deny blocks then you know they can’t place or break anything that’s F yeah but there we know there’s hackers that have like programs that people thought were like stopped now or like they can destroy like pretty much anything like I said when a hacker is

Trying to ruin everyone’s day don’t do whatever they can to ruin people’s St uh welcome back cor I do hope your uh uh things do uh get better for you cor I’m guessing like what you said was like very Reon hook shot let’s go oh my God we’re so here so Jer baby seed bro hook shot is so

Good it’s not even funny uh if you patched up the hole it to spawn that means people like here here Li if there’s holes at spawn still uh if someone’s near to spawn let me know and I’ll uh teleport and fill it in uh quickly here I’m just going to put the

Fish I have away I can’t wait till this building gets to Max y level then just like a studio apartment three emeralds a month or three Diamond a month oh okay uh next uh next is saying they’re near spell okay uh game mode see s It be really interesting cuz like I could give them no rules except like they can’t break past the the blocks and then they can just like rent an apartment and then design however they want uh this I’m not even going to say Nothing bro try to use a spell Emoji in Minecraft is that a new emoticon just skull oh oh the purse yeah I just give Fe out do that uh I’m 30 to get a single rupee yes sir that’s how it person doesn’t know where exactly it is

So well there’s not much I can do if location’s unknown well oh wait no oh yeah some someone someone spent time uncovering the holes I I filed yeah that’s a good thing yeah deny blocks maybe but like I said I don’t I don’t like using the literally I’m only using

The power to fill it in so people don’t constantly die when they join the S&P yeah I think you should be able to use an ey block so that like people can’t change that the ey blocks just don’t let people you know but the issue another issue is

Though is I don’t know if I if the others would be fine with me doing that don’t forget I’m not the owner I’m an admin with and a lot of decisions involve like group stuff I I can tell someone’s yeah I think someone went down there to try to

Take advantage of it to mine like useful stuff yeah not someone but like they uncovered it to mine and then left it which is really goofy because it just lets other people killed uh all yeah I think to make sure it stops I’m just going to have to like

This is going to take a good minute I’m going to have to like uh although I’m just using Stone so it won’t match in like the Deep slate spot I’m just going to do this just just literally fill it in to the top which is going to take forever Almost got to the B There yeah like other people are I don’t know if that person just got to the spawn and fell or but yeah this is literally just a death trap Uh just waiting for cow wait there’s an automatic cow breeder right I’ve never heard of automatic thing for breeding but well I know there’s Farms that are like automatic when it comes to like killing and cooking automatic it’s like pretty easy to make right right pretty sure

Yeah also I don’t know why people I’m trying to fill it in so it’s safe and other people are jumping in y I thank you for the help but I’m not sure why you jump in and risk losing your stuff when you know you can just do it in Creative rest

Y my parents just G home somebody boost them all right see you guys hope you have a good byebye but like I’m just saying someone try to take advantage of it to like get resources but to uncover it so like it’s an issue for people who join the server

Again is just honestly you’re just a bit douchy if I’m being honest like there’s no reason to uncover it besides just trying to get people killed Uh I’m not going for like perfect detail like make it seem like uh no one’s ever been down here I’m just trying to make it good enough to where uh you know there’s no chance that people spawn in fall the Momo Nation okay bro we’ve got to we’ve got to crush the Momo

Nation this world ain’t big enough for two Nations bro oh you didn’t bro you didn’t hear none of that t coopa say a good portion of people in this world including those who are part of their kingdom are listening since I seone streaming Bro I’m a crazy

Person my house is made of dirt and like wood and like Birch and like jungle and like Oak and like Asia like I’m crazy don’t listen to me like I locked a guy out of my house for breaking a slime block bro like I’m crazy I’m like the Maj period in Japan Bro but yeah I do hope you guys been stream although I I halted what was doing to do this like I said I think this will make it so everyone’s experience is nicer especially those who are just joining because like you wouldn’t want to spawn and then just get caught in a

Loop of falling to your death or falling getting stuck and not having a way out CL what other nations are there I don’t know all uh there’s apparently there is a Venice 4 now so they have been trying to recover after the hackers like yeah I’m I’m part of Venice 4

Yeah so don’t worry uh just be careful about Venice bro cuz Venice is coming for you uh saying is that not about lose another streamer named ax loog size of Kingdom uh I haven’t heard of a official name for it so I just been calling it

A’s Kingdom I believe it does have a name I just don’t know it uh uh fill in this one have elections bro when is Venice 5 coming out hopefully not soon because I said I I do hope Venice is able to is doing well after repairs yeah keep doing that that’s a good

Idea okay there we go all right that’s one hole filled in three bigger ones to go I might be better off ending the stream and uh spending the time to fill it in just flash well I don’t know how to command stuff work and I don’t want to like end

Up messing up the terrain by accident I mean sure man if Clockwork was on I’d ask like because I know clock knows how to do that stuff but I don’t know how to oh wait I don’t why I came here uh sure you can have some of that don’t

Take all of it though why don’t you take all of it oh okay oh you added more never mind thank you go all the are extremely appreciated unless it’s from Jackie you don’t like Jackies it’s just You uh fill in this little Cubby hey it is a little sad I’m I wasted like a far away already spent like 10 minutes filling in the hole in uh I’m nowhere near done and like there’s no one who I know who’s like online at the moment who knows how to command stuff for like

Instantly filling it in uh works so XYZ yeah I I’ve heard how but like I don’t know exactly like what to put in to make sure it fills the space coordinate another coordinate yeah he’s manually placing the Blocks this lava cast just fill it with lava and then fill it with water and then lava water that’ll work that sounds like it be an even bigger process nah you see like lava will spread Though yeah like my brain’s already getting confused just looking at how all the text for the F the command thing it’s not like I can tell the one for like the XYZ stuff but I’m trying to I cannot like the texture is confusing me about how how I do like the specific

Block he here’s how you do it right yeah I’m going to have to go to like the farthest corner like as far down as possible definitely not I’m guessing from like the lowest point to like the opposite corner at the highest point kind of thing or I love how no one

Answer yeah from the lowest yeah from the opposite from one corner to the opposite corner yeah all right so that’s one fly all the way up the diagonal of the rectangle or not rectangle rectangular prism So it be this corner you know I’ll just break the blocks there for a second yeah by the way I’m not making out of this unit Bro uh let’s call that 68 so my teacher just talked to me about what the freaking tangent is bro uh -10 uh 684 tangent is the adjacent side over the opposite Side that’s and then the hypoten I don’t know my God I’m dying uh can I just write the coordinate without like any symbols or do I have to don’t need to do the symbols you just be right okay uh numers after all right cool there we Go uh okay one more uh let’s do from here so uh that one’s this one’s a lot rougher but let’s call that 67 uh Uh 67 And did it work uh yeah I filled the first one uh I’m doing the second one now you’ll do it you got this uh what was the last number there we go uh and now I just actually actually want to TP away until I know it’s uh it

Worked so I’ll fly up top First uh Slash fill you don’t have to mine like 30 40 something iron what unexpected unexpected item in bagging Area there we go and yeah that pretty much fill it up any other holes aren’t oh never mind there’s there’s one more stretch uh it’s small enough that I can just fill manually though it’s not like going down to like the Earth’s Core bro what’s this s bling Go all right just got to make sure there’s no other small ones if then uh that won’t affect anything since that’s not a fault to your death uh that’s just a Creeper Explosion okay yeah all the all the holes are like completely filled now we good Uh and now I teleport to Reaper there we go hello what oh oh yeah I had to teleport back home and back in survival not at all that stuff’s St you think I can have your head what like your head but not the one on your body but like another One you you what just for meme sake well clock has done some stuff that was like memey I’m just doing this for the meme uh how do I get my own head uh I’m I’m not sure how I how I get my own head do you know how to get someone

Else’s head no you got this I can give you a Steve head or like all another but yeah I have no idea how to do that well I’ll find out I’ll try doing quick little search see if it pops up how do you oh i’ have to use like a command to

Get like a special item That yeah yeah that be using the power a bit too much yeah do that but like for only for me and then just like no it doesn’t abuse the power you just can’t do anything you can’t do anything with speed 225 right you just teleport no don’t do that

To me yes but don’t do it to anyone else why is that the only reason I was using the command stuff was to fill in the hole but I do not like uh don’t do it for one second in one second you can go to the other side of the map yeah

No you can do it for me cuz I probably W Mo br it would be kind of oh also your cat’s uh not a kitten anymore your your cats has grown up oh oh no it’s Vernal scat I think well Vernal scat has grown up but here uh

I think I’m going to end soon but for I want to double check the materials I need for I know I have like the be essential but I know I’ll probably need a bit more wood uh uh okay I’ll need to get well I have iron but would have been nice to still

Have the fortune pickaxe uh Okay yeah the main thing I need is iron so I can get uh like lanterns and some other small things and then it’s just the main thing is just lots of wood and a couple of leaves yeah I got I got the I got the big challenge out of the way for

Building so I’m happy with that at least Uh wait what CH problem B you got to not be here then Cherry is not a problem I don’t see the problem I see is Cherry a Problem like there’s a lot of cherry trees spread out where I am but it’s not that bad I don’t see a problem I just see cherry trees and the cherry trees tell me they’re not a problem so how could there be a Problem you know what I haven’t been able to tame a horse and there’s like I think a donkey oh oh you’re talking about oh so in Venice so like the new Venice someone’s just like spamming trees everywhere that is a little goofy just because I know that can uh with the

Stuff it drops that can uh uh uh where’s the lead uh then I’ll just have to make a fence post uh one more wood uh boop Boop although it’s not a horse let’s see how uh fast the uh donkey Is a decent speed uh can’t really jump that well though um I I’ll s bring him to the one spot because why Not There we go but here uh although there was some chaos over the window stuff earlier which did not expect to get that heated uh today was a pretty chill and successful day I think uh but I think I am going to end of course uh will raid

Someone uh here let me put it on the ending screen uh let’s see who’s live uh I’ll most likely be live tomorrow with uh a a game on the PlayStation uh won’t V what until uh I go live uh I’ll say it’ll probably be around like 3 to five I I can’t schedule

It like a regular uh stream because it’s on the console so uh you what uh so you guys are still someone who’s on to S&P uh my friend cool is streaming too uh yeah I’ll send you guys off to uh cools uh welcome back Jackie I’m about to end

But uh I’m sending you off to someone else in the S SMP I hope you guys have a good night any I’ll see you guys next time byebye go show cool love and support

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spork SMP With Viewers | Chilling With Friends & Building’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-03-08 13:11:06. It has garnered 94 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:32 or 8072 seconds.

On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork. Sir Horse continues to gather materials for his future base while hanging out with friends in Discord.

Discord: https://discord.gg/BnRuxb5nUr

Music used this stream is by Tama’s Little Music Shop. For more Copyright Free Music visit: https://youtube.tamamusic.com Full Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2ukDAUSYml690FpDUUMbkP?si=430dd5d9301b44aa

Server IP: cloxxwork.ddns.net Port : 42069

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    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More