EPIC Minecraft Adventures with Tess! Don’t miss out!

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Live on both platforms I’ll give it a second for you all to join hello Bosley hello Bosley wants to join in as well he’s saying hi to everyone what you doing oh you pulling my hair apparently okay Bosley’s uh joining in on stream today he’s going to help play

Rin Tin Tin how we doing welcome you f first person to comment on stream today what you doing bosel what you doing are you looking at everyone saying hello are you are you going to play today should we uh load in we’re doing our Christmas world today um you’re first to like again

Yes hey brone as well welcome into stream are we loading are you joining are you going to play can you play you going to push the buttons you push the buttons no you’re just going to sit there and demand attention are you I see no I do need my hand on the

Controller though if that’s going to be an issue I’m going to send you away yes I am no don’t kiss up to me no kissing up to me hey Eva hey Willow hey Ry oh my gosh no no get down that’s enough now cuz you just nearly knocked my coffee off nope

That’s enough thank you he’ll be down for about a second and a half and then he’ll be back up I’m sure but uh don’t particularly want to have to clean up coffee from everywhere and it’s quite full at the moment so yeah um hey Daniel sup it’s how are we

Doing right shall we start off with our Advent calendars we’ve got two that we’ve been doing um so Merry Christmas to you too Maddie number nine I believe today is isn’t it it’s actually Phil’s brother’s birthday today I believe so and we’ve got another pin badge today we’ve had a pin badge the

Last three days and this is day four and today’s one is a little fox you see that we it’s a little fox yes that’s cute right that’s that one done let’s see what’s in the candle one not Minecraft related but I like candles number nine number nine I see number nine it’s

Here except I can’t get it out it’s one of those small ones that it’s like really dug in there we go I’ve got wax all in my fingernail again and it’s still not coming out they don’t make them easy you see all the wax stuck under my nail now and

The mark you just saw a bit of wax fall off oh that smells gorgeous I don’t know what that is but it smells good it doesn’t say on the small ones on the larger ones it tells you the scent but on the smaller ones it doesn’t but it smell SS

Good um oh can you hear that I’m just putting the thing back on so it sort of Clips on I get the wax from under my fingernail right should we get on with our build um does it say on the box it probably does on the back actually

Because there’s a whole lot of text going on so I would assume it would tell you exactly what’s in there and how many grams of which one it is cuz obviously the smaller ones are less grams than the bigger ones which I do have one here

Somewhere don’t I oh right over here cuz I’m going to put them out on my fireplace later so these ones are 37 G I know the large ones are like 600 and something grams aren’t they the big jars um have you ever had a Crispy Cream I

Have I have I do like them they are very very yummy but they’re not good for my waistline so um they they are something that going forward I will have very occasionally but when I do I will enjoy I’m sure I quite like the Nutella ones

And the ones with like the white cream inside I don’t know what flavor they are but they’re nice too um yeah num nom so yeah right I think today our main thing which I’m planning on doing today hey Poppy in twitch Sparky in YouTube and twitch Sparky everywhere um [Applause]

Yeah maybe it’s UDA spark I think it is it smells gorgeous do you smell gorgeous as well I don’t know I’m gorgeous you’re go Tyler’s gorgeous obviously we’re all gorgeous in this room I know we are I know we are so that’s the plan is getting where we’ve got this dirt wall

Here to actually give it some color and we were giving some suggestions yesterday of kind of doing it sort of uh candy cane color or Coca-Cola color christmy colors um rather than just doing it Stone so I’m going to try a wall one one side of the wall I don’t know which wall

We should try first maybe this one cuz it’s a decent size we can take a look just to see if it’s too much um because it might be but it might be awesome as well and the only way we’re going to find out is to actually

Do it right so yeah they’re not gorgeous they’re not gorgeous yes they are they’re jawdropping they’re jawdropping Guys Tyler says you are all jaw dropping hey AA how we doing what is the plan it is to do the this dirt wall so it’s no longer dirt yesterday were were

You guys here yesterday summer thank you for the flame hearts and the monties it’s thank you for the roses and summer thank you for the first we’ve got the shape of this Santa’s Workshop in it’s very plain and boring here because well we’ve got

Nothing in in it in it yet we need to uh do the whole Decor but we do have the sleigh there going into the tunnel um that is supposed to be Santa sleigh and that is the sack of presents lots of presents there in the back um

And we’ll yeah it’s a building progress isn’t it but I I would like to get that outside bit done today um because every time I go out and I show the outside it looks really awesome except for all that dirt um it really does let the look of

It down at the moment but I think once that is not dirt and it’s actually a design of I don’t know exactly what the design will be but once it is a design of something um yeah oh guys I forgot I forgot hang on hang on Christmas music for you in

The background let me know what the level is the volume level if it’s if it needs to be quieter or louder obviously I can hear it in my ears I can’t hear it how you hear it um it’s thank you for the Roses yay Christmas music yes unfortunately I can’t use like

The Christmas classics and stuff because of copyright and stuff so it is just kind of instrumental um Christmas music but it still kind of gives the whole Christmas Vibe especially when it’s snowing guys Look just appreciate for a second how is the music let me know if it’s good so Sparky says your draw dropping as well Tyler can you do a tour I can do a tour yeah should we do that should we get a tour in for those people that haven’t

Seen the world first what I’ll do is I won’t go into every elf house we’ll do two now and we’ll do a different two later and then probably later a different two as well so you know continue watching you’ll probably get to see all the elf houses but we’ll we’ll

Do a few at the top there is our gorgeous Christmas tree which you can go underneath and have parties and dance and yeah um oh we need to do a dance party we need lots of characters under here don’t we all dancing at the same time wouldn’t that be awesome

Um do Metallica Christmas music T oh my gosh it’s so I do appreciate your love of rock though because um I have done many parodies Rock Style parodies um you should add branches under the trees I’ve got kind of the lights coming down and it kind of from a distance it does

Look very christmy I don’t think that one needs branches but I do want to do some more custom Christmas trees is not quite as large as that um that’s more of a statement piece but um yeah oh benches not Branch why am I reading things wrong recently I did it

Twice yesterday as well didn’t I what what what’s wrong with my bre well I don’t even need to ask what’s wrong with my brain it’s my brain that just that’s it oh it seems to be getting worse though how are you today Tess River I’m mental how are you like seriously

Yes oh my gosh just just know no no no no I I mean turns out I can’t read today but that’s fine who needs to be able to read oh wait I’ve got a whole chat to read um yeah I’m going have to get someone to sit next to me soon and just

Read the [Laughter] chat you already knew that but apart from that uh apart from that I’m short River and also I got a message from River today do you guys want to know what my message was my message was that I’d lost the game mhm I lost the

Game what are you making we are making uh the North Pole um so yeah which should we go in this house with the first one um these are little elf houses and every single one is unique and different um nice little fireplace um very bright very colorful

Cuz although I am the height of an elf I’ve never actually met a real elf um ooh no thanks let’s um we’ll have clear that’ll take the snow away which is fine but it’ll stop the loud noise of Thunder um Yeah don’t need to you are an elf thank [Laughter] you I hope that comment didn’t affect your Elf confidence my elf confidence this is fear when his dad jokes cuz normally you’re quite Al assured he hopes the comment didn’t affect my Alpha steam cuz normally I’m quite Alpha

Sh just now where’s the willly Hat with the elf The Woolly hat with the elf is it’s here I wore it on stream yesterday I did you yes I mean what should we do today guys shall we do give feel loads of presents should we do give feel loads of presents

No we shouldn’t do that but we have Rudolph here is we have an elf hat or we have a Santa hat um but I will take the mustache cuz it does have a beard and a mustache attached to it um but it will be just Santa which one should we do

Today which one shall I wear let me know in chat thank you also potato for your follow I love the name it’s an awesome one um I want to know uh any other one of my big projects is a mini game I don’t know what you mean by that is Christmas your favorite

Holiday um I like the feelings that a lot of people feel a lot of people have a lot more happiness in them I know some people have a lot more sadness at Christmas time but there’s also a lot more joy and I like to kind of live live my life through through my

Feelings elf. santa santa santa Santa elf elf. elf elf um do you know what I’ll do on Tik Tok um they there is a poll section now so I need to work out how to do it um H it’s only got two options can we change that oh yes I think I love You new pole 3 okay I will call it hat question mark um add an option yes the poll will be for 5 minutes Elf Santa or reindeer okay and can we start that is that started guys is that up on the screen I have before a poll wasn’t a thing on Studios but they added it like about a month ago so and I haven’t really utilized it yeah so we’re going to have to

See yes it looks like you’re all uh voting that’s really good yes vote on which hat I should wear and whichever has the most votes is what we’ll do there’s no reindeer on the pole is there not okay it just automatically comes up with two and it says add one which I

Did h maybe it’s a glitch with the new pole thing on Studios um right we’re going to look in one more house AR aren’t you can you show the whole Santa workshop BOS lay down no take your ball um my dog I’m sorry if my dog is

Making your dog bar bark um we’re going to get to see it all as we go through but we’ve done one elf house haven’t we I’m going to go in another elf house and then we really need to get to changing this wall because it’s it’s ugly isn’t

It let’s let’s be honest it is ugly we are going to change it um should we go do this one let’s do this one bye Tyler if you were one of Santa’s elves would you like to live here I don’t know I mean there’s no toilet is

There so I had a very strange dream last night and I’m going to share it with you it’s not a great dream but I’ll share it anyway because they know you they say your dreams mean something but literally I can’t fathom this one Tyler Phil and I were stopping away

And we were in one room like I don’t know exactly where whether it was a hotel or somebody’s house or something and it had like a toilet in the room but the toilet was actually in the room it wasn’t like an on Suite it wasn’t separated and I went for a really really

Really really like huge poop and that was my dream and Tyler was like let me look at it don’t don’t ask me don’t ask me that’s just my brain like what even would that mean does anyone do like you know dream analysis cuz they’re supposed to mean something but oh my gosh

Like has anyone ever had a dream about doing a poop B stop barking let’s stop that ther again shall we um like I have no clue what that could mean but your dreams are supposed to mean something I don’t know what that could um yeah Bosley yes I’m sorry about

Him let me look at it yeah what what even was that I don’t know and why I would sit and do a poop in a room in front of Phil and Tyler I’m not sure it wouldn’t be a nice experience wouldn’t it for me or them uh I shouted your friend Tegan out

Yesterday but I shall shout them out again yes uh can you tell me something of course you can um right sorry I’ve got my hand I’ve got a dog right here he can’t actually get up on the store because I’ve put these should I move them and then he’ll jump

Up and you can see him and he will be a brat yep you coming up yeah are you joining in are you joining in on stream as long as I can still have my hands and you don’t try and knock my coffee over again we’re good if you try

And not my coffee you’re going to get tow off cuz coffee is very important welcome back pops good to see you again today right Let’s Get on um and we are thinking like Reds and whites and greens and Golds maybe I don’t know um what do you reckon guys Santa won the pole

Santa Santa hates thank you oh it’s still got the price table tag on £££ from tesos it’s got like a beard and uh mustache that goes with it like full Santa thing but I’ve I they’re like clip on with poppers I’ve taken that off um but I actually really like this

Hat I think it’s cute um as a woolly hat to wear out in public I would totally wear this I actually really like it and it’s quite thick as well it’s not thin it’s it’s good so I recommend if you are at tesos and you like Santa hats hello

Are you back again can we can we uh Yeah for the wall do you like red and white like candy can but going around yeah that was suggested wasn’t it um and I was thinking something like that but because of the candy cane things I didn’t know if it would be too much and we were going to try just the one

Wall um to kind of see what it looks like but I think I want the green I I kind of want to do the diagonal but with green in it as well um no Bosley naughty barking he is going to be a pain all stream I feel it so I I am pre-

Apologizing for my dog being a brat that is wool I think we’ll have concrete and maybe this nice is a nice kind of green isn’t it you’re going to come back okay Mom you’re hungry okay um go get yourself some food then what did your last slave die

Of so it’s very funny when I was little um and I would say Dad can you do this Dad can you do that he’d be like what did your last slave die of and I’d be like not enough work so I’m just making sure you get plenty you’re

Welcome your mom used to say that to you yeah I say it to Tyler as well it’s strange what things you know like Tyler’s always ask asking me Mom do this mom do that I’m like would you like me to Fan you and feed your

Grapes as well and he’s like yeah if you would cheeky [Applause] Right that’s the powder not the actual Concrete the Road Angel s so if that’s going to be green that’ll be there and we’ll have white there and red there right and above green is a Red I’m going to do a bit more of the wool than what we’ve got but we’ll see what it kind of looks like doing diagonal Stripes ding dong really thank you for the flame Hearts that’s so kind of you Merry Christmas T I’m back again Merry Christmas to you too we are working on our Christmas world so yeah we’ll be doing this now right up until Christmas um Christmas Day I am planning on having a special

Stream where Phil will be doing my Phil is my husband any of you that don’t know he’ll be doing a speedrun and it’s kind of special because he doesn’t play computers he doesn’t play Minecraft he doesn’t even know how to use a controller so it’s going to be interesting and you have

Full permission to laugh at him um and I think we’re just going to be silly and have silly conversations and do silly games whilst we’re doing it just just a little bit of entertainment if you get bored after you’ve done your whole Christmas thing and I know a lot of you

Might not be able to be here because you are doing your family Christmas thing and that is fine because it will be recorded and it will be uh on YouTube to watch later if you aren’t available at that precise time your streams are so relaxing to watch thank you you’re absolutely

Welcome um that is that’s my aim whenever I stream I I hope that people leave the stream just a tiny bit happier than when they came like I can’t fix everybody’s problems I can’t fix the world not that that’s not what I’m able to do if I could I definitely

Would but if I can make you know you just forget your problems just for a short while while you’re in stream then that’s that’s great right is that what you want as well oh thank you for my kiss that’s very nice I’m getting lots of doggy kisses you’re mad why are you

Mad jokes oh okay I thought that something in upset you Um uh do you make a massive bar in Santa’s Workshop like a a drinks bar we’re doing a hot choc Cafe type thing where the elves can get their own hot chocolate you love that pattern yeah it is actually I’m liking it and I don’t think it’s going to be

Too much but we’ll do the whole wall first and look at it from a distance um before we decide um because we’ve got to rip down this wall anyway and make a wall so if we have to rip it down a few times then

We do to get it right but we’ll get it right your accent is adorable thank you um can I have my hand back is that is am I allowed H can I have my hand back mate can I can I can I have my hand back thank you very much sit down and

Chill no you’re going to get down again is off is off uh what are we white now aren’t we have to get the colors right Bosley’s uh putting my me off my trajectory of thought which isn’t difficult is it because let’s be honest I always go off on a

Tangent in my thinking and then I’ll go back and I’ll be like oh I said I’d do this and I completely forgot because I’ve gone a million miles in a different direction you’re so creative thank you you’re Canadian awesome um yes I love the diversity of my following

Bosley can we not you’re making you’re going to make all the other dogs bark that are watching lay down lay down uh lay down I’m not talking oh apparently I am talking to myself do you know he listens to Phil and Tyler he doesn’t listen to

Me he just doesn’t I have to get mad and Shout for him to listen to me oh I don’t know why he won’t just unless I’ve got treats in my hand and then you’ll do whatever I say he’ll be like okay you want me to sit I’ll sit

You want me to lay Olay want me to roll over yeah I’ll do that I’ll even play dead but uh if you haven’t got a treat in your hand you want me to listen nah have you ever been to Scotland I have I have been to Scotland um I have

Family that live in Scotland um on the orne Isles in floter um and I have actually Scottish Heritage my maiden name is actually a Scottish name um and uh yeah my grandparents were Scottish and I went to Scotland for a holiday in 2018 and it was really good really fun I

Think that’s going to look good I mean ever seen Cliffs that are that colored before I don’t think they get they’re like that naturally but we are in the North Pole and it’s so magic I think uh we do get ones like that maybe we should do every now and again

Some H glow stone or something like that as lights or the shroom lights or something just a DOT here and there in the pattern every now and again to light that wall up um let’s get the main wall shape in first and then we’ll decide how we do

That you’re doing okay Tess I am sunflower how are you today the things you’re making up beautiful thank you I appreciate that it is our Christmas world it’s it’s magical it’s special should we go to sleep um just to get rid of these um Phantoms really I mean it does look pretty at

Nighttime but yeah place the white with hello Lantern hello Lantern I don’t know what you mean oh sounds like something’s getting on alived Villagers oh dear should we save the Villager there you go you going to save your now you’re just going to turn invisible and let your llama die really we’ll save the Llama as well shall we I know it’s creative did I just hit it and

Or did it die of natural causes I’m not sure if I was the cause of that or not um hey tan I did message you on um the the word is in my head Discord I messaged you on Discord because um the message was there I didn’t see your

Message yesterday but brione sent me that message because it’s an awesome idea so thank you brione and tan thank you for that message so I have yeah I have I’m I I have written that down as a suggestion as an idea to get in there so

Um but I did want to cuz I missed the message yesterday I wanted to you know thank you for the suggestion so yeah and the word I’m looking for is Discord so yes um yeah um so test glow lanterns um like these or light the shroom lights um

These which ones are we thinking B can you please see the world we are going to have another tour around in a little while it wasn’t too long ago we did the tour around how about when we get this side of the wall finished cuz um yeah we need to get some building done as well but

Absolutely once we’ve got this bit of the wall done we’ll go for another tour around and each time we do a tour we’re going to go into two different elf houses um so hopefully by the end of the tour we will have done all of the

Houses um but we we may or may not cuz there’s quite a few elf houses and uh we’ll see how long we are live today um I don’t have anything to do as such well I’ve got a few things to do but um nothing that is sort of I’ve got to get

This done or you know I can’t do this or I can’t do that or I can’t do the other um so yeah so a few of my things have sold on eBay which is great um no that’s not right is it that’s so that would be red

Okay and now we go on to Green okay that’s it’s easier to do it like that isn’t it for me for my brain anyway and now we’re Red are you excited for Christmas I love Christmas um I have 90% wrapped all my presents um there’s a couple that I still need to wrap um and then I’m done I have two more presents to get as well but they’re just um little ones from the supermarket my my

Best friend her son who is 27 now um he is he’s older but I’ve known him since he was really really little um he has Down syndrome um so he the sort of things that he likes are quite young normally because he kind of has the mental age of

A four-year-old and he’s always going to um sort of be there mentally but um since he’s 18 he likes to have a Cider at Christmas um so at Christmas he likes a cider so I get him a bottle of cider every Christmas um as part of his

Present so I need to get that um yeah but the main gifts I’ve already got and they’re done and they’re all wrapped the glow lanterns oh I know what you mean now why am I being so dumb they’re actually the glow lanterns test where are they

Um here we are the sea lanterns is that the ones you meant I’m pretty sure that’s what you meant um it’s just me being dumb yeah that’s what I thought you did I was I don’t even know why I I didn’t get that um that could look good actually let’s do that

Um let’s do a a few rows of that and see what that looks like what am I like oh my gosh guys you’ll never going to be surprised by my brain power are you or lack thereof should I say it’s never going to surprise you just like oh

Test came out with this oh yeah that’s random what you’re not surprised no it’s Tess it’s Tess we don’t get surprised by what she says or does anymore um he Tess how are you hey ccg how I am very well today um other than going slightly crazy which is is

Common I’m misreading everyone’s comments like I’m reading benches for branches uh grass for glass and yeah I just I mean like they they look similar the words are similar that I’m reading I don’t even know my brain is not um braining today at all um so um yeah other than that I’m great

How are You do you also play on servers um I joined um a server a couple of weeks AO go but I haven’t played on it yet um at all and that’s uh J plays server um they have a creative server um uh they are also a Minecraft Creator

And streamer so you could go check out their page and you’ll sometimes catch me in their streams because I am actually a moderator for them as well um but they’re they do creative and most of the the time but their builds are really amazing um they are so creative it’s

Unreal so yeah I definitely recommend them if you enjoy the creative side of Minecraft if you’re not into the creative side of Minecraft they’re probably not someone that you would probably watch very often but if you do like um the creative building side um yeah they’re definitely worth checking

Out uh what are you building you love his builds yes yes me too um I’m building the North Pole because why not it’s Christmas it’s Christmas let’s build the entire North Pole Big Challenge yes are we afraid of big challenges in this stream no we’ll take on the world next time we’ll build

The world today we’re building the North Pole tomorrow the world that would be actually cool uh at some point to build a real representation of somewhere in the world um I know snazzy did I think it was Los Angeles he did but then he actually lost it I I’ve

Never got to see it but that would have been something to see um so yeah that could be cool like building like an actual representation of somewhere in the world um I mean maybe we could add I’ve have actually looked at some images because I live in warshire uh in the United

Kingdom and uh for my Tuda build there is lots of um sort of um chudy style builds uh buildings around this area in Warick and Stratford and um areas like that um but I was looking at some of the ideas at wari and we could actually maybe build a

War um but maybe get some old images and build it like a few hundred years ago wari I don’t know that idea with the lanterns is such a good one it’s such a good one Belle thank you so much that looks so much better than the white and it adds the LI in

Perfect it’s so good it’s so good see I need you guys in my life I need you like if if I wasn’t streaming to you guys my builds they’d be all right but you guys make them so much better you just do you’re you add in little ideas

Because that looked okay it didn’t look bad but that looks so much better so you should do Paris oh my gosh the Eiffel Tower that would be so difficult ult oh my gosh that would be difficult has any of you built like any World Monuments like famous style World Monuments in your Minecraft

World let me know have you look seen the pattern in the sea landons look closely oh yeah it’s like pulsate in circle Ripples oh I’ve got like soppy thoughts cuz cuz I have soppy Thoughts with the Christmas theme and all the love that’s in the room the ripples that you can see in there represent kindness in the world and when you do one little act of kindness it sort of ripples out

And touches other people and then that Ripple touches other people people so you may only do one really small act of kindness but it could make a huge difference should I stop being soppy now do you have a dog I do you can hear him in the background can’t you I’m so sorry

If my dog is making your dog bark hey mad man how are we doing today welcome into Stream The Cliffs have been wrapped in Christmas paper it does look like they’re wrapped in Christmas paper doesn’t it oh my gosh that actually is a real good explanation of how they look that really is Toby uh K I can’t uh cal cal I can I just call

You cow I cannot pronounce your name and I don’t want to buter it thank you for the follow um it’s cuz your dog is asleep I am so sorry if my dog wakes you up he is a little brat but um he does join in stream quite a lot

He’ll jump up and you know knock the controller out my hand cuz he’s demanding attention um and at the start of stream he nearly knocked my coffee over I was not impressed you know like jump jump up me scratch me to pieces that that’s fine but touch my coffee

M you’re okay what about me I am good I am also good I am very good I’m really enjoying the Christmas build I love it it it gives me so much joy um and hopefully it spreads joy to you you guys as Well you can make a really really good chicken statue like a human humous one we have one on the egg pire didn’t we that was made by trilage not me but yeah we we have on on one of my uh worlds a huge chicken statue called Jerry um no stop barking stop

It he’ll listen for about a second and a half and start again um can I see your dog come on then come here up a come then up a come there we go here is my dog he is the one making all the Noise uh maybe you can make some presents that is what we’re going to do we can havee we’re going to have presents dotted all around we’ve got already got some in a Santa sack inside Santa’s Workshop um and we’re going to have loads in there we we haven’t put

The conveyor belts in we’re going to make like conveyor belts for all the toys and stuff like that the internals of the workshop aren’t put in yet but the basis of the workshop is there now um hello right can I know I’ve called you over it’s my fault but I’m going to

Put my hand back on the controller now not on your head yes your dog is so cute he is and he knows it which is which is a pain cuz he acts like hey I’m look see he’s like you’re not using your controller I’m the cute one here you

Must stroke me not entitled at all are you dog my dog is very entitled and he knows he gets away with it um I do baby him completely so it is completely my fault I can’t I can’t take I can’t give the blame to anyone else but um yeah it

Was it was 11 years ago and I said to my husband let’s have another baby and he comes home with a dog so I don’t think he was keen on the idea of having another baby but if Bosley’s going to be my baby substitute he’s getting babied and that’s it

Um you should do a letter letter mail room yes yes we are going to do that I’ve had that um uh suggestion already that was yesterday that was the suggestion that I missed um which was an awesome one and we are going to add that it’s written down on my paper um but

Yeah any of you that do have suggestions definitely definitely add them in and I can let you know if they’re already sort of suggested and noted down or if that’s a completely new suggestion and I’ll be like Yay cuz uh I’m one brain and we’ve got

84 people over in Tik Tok at the moment and we’ve got 11 in twitch and YouTube so yeah we’ve got nearly 100 brains in the room and I’m just one so yeah any ideas any of you please please do share That is looking so much better I just had to get the Dirt away because when we were doing the tours just the dirt wall was really really bugging me it’s a job that needs doing and uh well all the jobs eventually have got to get done I

Know the whole digging out and doing the walls in Santa’s Workshop was pretty boring um to I actually found it quite therapeutic um personally but I know some of you was like really would just diing an area and putting a wall up it’s

It can be a bit boring um to view but it has to be done to get the finished product um yeah thank you guys so much for the follows if you’re new here you’re so welcome in I’m Tess we’re building the North Pole and uh I hope you become regular because it’s nice

Seeing the same faces come back over and over again and some of you have been coming back I’ve been streaming for a year and a half and some of you have been coming back and back for a year and a half like proper OG’s which is

Crazy um sort of before I had a FaceCam and uh before I even really knew what I was doing with streaming I didn’t I mean I still don’t know what I’m doing let’s be honest as far as Tech goes like I often get asked questions and I’m just like I

Don’t know the answer to that and but they’re kind of like but you do it and I’m just like yeah I don’t know how I just do it um yeah you’re back welcome back Haley how are you doing you don’t have a brain me either I’m with you on

That um like I often feel like the Scarecrow from Wizard of Oz so maybe we should build Oz on a stream and uh like I can actually go and visit the wizard and get myself a brain that would be a cool build wouldn’t it actually Oz with all the yellow brick

Roads and the Emerald City and all all of that that’s actually a real I like I love that idea that would be a huge build I’d probably want to do it in um creative cuz getting all the materials for the Emerald City and that would take way too long um in survival but

Yeah you miss old Minecraft do you know I like a lot of the new blocks because I like building and I mean look at some of the things on this build that you would not be able to do on the old Minecraft but the Simplicity of Minecraft back way back um was really

Good as well so I get what you’re saying because it just had a Simplicity about it that was just just was um but yeah I remember back in the day um there was the whole thing Minecraft is definitely taken off more than some of the other block games but a lot of the

Ideas um for Minecraft that were brought in um were on um Forge Miner before they were on um Minecraft like the Nether um that had the whole lava um area as you got further down and stuff like that um so that was that’s interesting that they weren’t the

Leaders in the Market at that point but Minecraft is definitely the leader of any block game now that is out I would say I don’t know of another sort of block building game that is bigger than it um your cat is watching the live hey what texture pack do you use I said

I was going to find that out didn’t I Um cuz I couldn’t see it um my user is Minecraft with test on all platforms um so yeah oh my username on Xbox is mermaid um Behavior packs resources packs um active fateful there you go got it up today it’s called fateful it’s called fateful um and that’s the

Only thing that’s on everything else is uh standard creative um I just have a texture pack on which I don’t normally run texture packs do I I normally do it fully vanilla um but I guess last Christmas we found that this gave a little bit of

Extra it’s just it does actually it just adds a bit more depth to the blocks doesn’t it what about the skin I haven’t changed my skin yet my skin is called cotton and it’s a marshmallow H skin pack I need to put the Christmas one on you

Uh uh I need I need you to send me a message on Discord to remind me cuz you know what my brain’s like oh and I probably still will forget you know that right I will still forget um but yeah we’ve got some Snowman I’ve got some snowman skins I’ve got a

Pack of snowman ones so we can be the snowman um which could be cute why is my messages not coming up in chat again let me just refresh my twitch and YouTube chat so if you are typing I can see it coming up on the corner of my

Screen but I can’t read the words fully and it’s up for like half a second but it’s not actually coming into my chat it’s doing that a lot recently and I feel like I might be missing messages cuz I don’t know obviously if people are sending them or if they’re just being

Quiet um but I can actually see they’re being sent test yes that came up now thank you Sparkles um because obviously I don’t want to miss your messages I I I try and get as many messages as I can I do miss messages sometimes when the room is

Super busy XXX thank you for the hand heart um it didn’t make it noise it’s doing that where it’s sometimes making noises and sometimes not so uh if you do gift and I don’t say thank you instantly please please shout at me in chat and say Tess I gifted or dingdong ow thank

You for scratching me super appreciate that yep Bosley says Hey um your cat’s watch ing the live but your dog’s outside my dog is right here um so can I can I can I can I uh start to continue to build that’s it just bang your head on the table you numpty Dumpty oh my dog is so intelligent he

Just whacked his head off the table he’s fine he’s jumping about and his Tails wagging so he’s good um and he’s squeaking his toy also that’s going to make some people’s dogs go crazy isn’t it I apologize again for that not just my dogs barking here’s toy squeaking right we have completed that

So I said we’d take another look around once we’d finished the one wall before we go on to the next ones yes Bosley I agree hi welcome into stream mix M even not mix there’s an N there I’m reading people I’m reading everything wrong today I don’t even know

My brain is like spaghetti literally so we got we got a little Smiley ball so let’s throw that for the dog that will keep him busy for about a second and a half you love the tree yes yes it is really kind of magical hopefully um same here I’m I’m not alone

Then with with a mad crazy brain that is just spaghetti then you’re in excited for Christmas yes B Sophie welcome to the stream thank you for the Follow what’s the dangly bits under the tree this is a whole area where people come and they celebrate so they’re like lights and you know you come you come out here and you do little dances cuz yay I agree Bosley pick it up then I can’t throw it if it’s under where is

It where is where have you really you’re an absolute pain in the bum off you Go yours is always spaghetti brain can you show the tunnel and the Santa’s Workshop I can Santa’s Workshop is a little bit empty at the moment but some of it’s done and it’s quite brightly colored um we’ll go into two more houses which we’ll go into this one which is my

Favorite for whatever I don’t even know it’s probably the smallest but I just think it’s really cute and cozy and it’s a little elf house cuz the elves need somewhere to live Bosley lay down lay down I apologize again for my dog I don’t know how many times I’m going to

Be saying that this is a small cozy space yes um and should we do this one we’ll do this one each one is slightly different three elves live here um yeah um the tunnel at the edge which you saw which was around here is um here you can

See just will be removing the snow and putting tracks and also um spiderwebs down so it stops the snow from settling eventually when we get to that part this is a train track that is running around the edge and it’s going through Santa’s Workshop or will be as well so and it’s

It’s going to be functional and when it gets to the end um it will be coming out there somewhere when it gets to the end at when it finishes it’s going to go into a giant um train station that is going to look like the Polar Express hopefully that’s

The plan it’s a big build um but we’re just putting it all the way around the mountain at the minute coming down in the spiral sort of thing um yeah we’ve made the goal yes woo let’s Chang the like go guys thank you so much for 20,000 likes in Tik Tok you are

Awesome uh I’m going to up it to 30k and uh yeah let’s see how healthy your fingers are today cuz it’s you that control the likes not me Um yes it is a so it is uh this is my solo stream in fact sometimes I’ll have friends on my other streams but um this one I think no one has joined before this is 100% me this one um I do stream sometimes where people can join um I’ll do community

Streams um so um I will post out on Tik Tok and Discord a couple of days before I do those um up here we’re going to have the hot chocolate area um there’s going to be little tables where the elves can sit and enjoy their hot chocolate on their

Break um and we’re going to have all hot chocolate machines because that’s what elves drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream so yeah um and there’s going to be some workstations here it’s all very bright at the moment and that’s um done on purpose cuz it’s Santa’s

Workshop uh we’ve got a snowflake here we’ve got some decoration on this side and we’ve got the large Santa cubes there um sort of thing and then this area is still very plain it’s not um being done but we have got a sleigh at the bottom a

Giant sleigh with Santa’s sack of toys in the back um which you can see from here um that is the sleigh of toys ding dong ding dong ding dong boys 50 roses 50 Tik toks and nine F wow thank you so much that is a lot um that is so

Kind um but we’ve got the walkways we’re going to have like conveyor belts with um workstations and stuff for the elves um to work and then the the conveyor belts are going to go down towards here where the the toys will get loaded into Santa sack um and then this is going to

Be a huge tunnel it’s just it’s not done yet but we’ve sort of started it um yeah I’m giving you a tour Finn this is the tour um this bit is quite empty but it’s still got lots of builds to go um but this is Santa’s Workshop um inside the

Mountain yes Bosley please stop barking I I must throw his ball for him that’s what that meant in dog language my ball is there Mom throw it oh it’s night time and it’s snowing the tree looks really cool at night in the snow or I love it your live streams are so wholesome

And H sweet not many people stream Minecraft nowadays yes yeah a lot of people um I know a few uh Minecraft streamers that I would say you know definitely go watch but there are some also that um are not as wholesome um so you know I like to think

That somebody can sit here with their child and sit and watch with their child and it’s a completely safe space for any age of person whereas some streamers it’s not um you know just because of the nature of the conversation or the language that is used and stuff um so

Yeah but there are still quite a few but there’s a lot of i’ I like to watch Minecraft streams in my spare time and there’s a lot that is just um ones where people are breaking blocks or you know gift this certain thing and you’ll get this up here and um

I don’t get those because they’re not they’re not at the actual game um but the actual game there’s loads of different streamers that play different versions of the game which is great um at in a good Wholesome Way which is which is good you’re almost 50 and you play

Minecraft there you go bones I’m I’m not too far off that I’m 45 so I’m not too far from the 50 and I play Minecraft and I stream Minecraft so I I’ve taken it that little step further boys oh my my gosh 21 six tick toks and four roses thank

You so much where have you put the ball you’re barking at me to throw your ball but where is it pick it up where have you put it is it behind me how am I supposed to throw your ball when it’s behind my chair you numpty Dumpty put it on the store

Um check out your latest video you posted yesterday do you know I will forget to do that because my brain is like while I’m over 40 you know what that’s like seeing your moments continually um but if you tag me you add me in on the messages if you add my name

Um it will show in my feed and then I’ll go look at it um anyone that wants me to check out a video of theirs um if you at me in your messages um then I can go check it out um you love playing m you play on your

Switch yes yes I’m playing on Xbox so this is bedrock Edition um I have tried Java Edition cuz I often get asked why don’t you play Java um but it lagged for streaming um so yeah I love that at night I love it I love it should we get should we get

Back to building guys where is the wall that we started on is it this side yes that W looks so much better than just the dirt doesn’t it just just a million billion times Better we’ll do this diagonal one round Now Heavenly Host thank you so much for the follows as well we’ve had 40 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are so welcome in um and hopefully you’re having a great time that is the plan and I apologize if my dog is making your dog

Bark my dog is a brat okay this top one is Stone and I think I’m going to keep it as Stone so I need to get stone on my uh inventory bar as well Bosley go to bed now bed get to bed he’s so na he’s literally gone right

Next to his bed and laid down in a really stroppy manner he’s like I’m not going to bed but I’ll go right next to it so I’m going to half do what you tell me to he’s such an naughty boy so like girl are we there guys thank

You for the likes 2 two thank thank you for your roses and uh delaro thank you for the flame heart and let’s change the light goal in Tik Tok we are at 30,000 likes so I’m going to up the light goal to 40,000 um last was it last Saturday or what I

Think it could have been we we uh or it could have been Sunday no it wasn’t Sunday because I was out on Sunday last Sunday I went to see my mom which I don’t see her very often so it was a really nice thing um but yeah last Saturday we got

220,000 likes that is awesome we got 220,000 likes last Saturday so uh you know I wonder if we can beat that today guys that’s your challenge get get those fingers TA in that would be an insane I put one down not two that would be insane wouldn’t it it’s crazy getting those

Numbers Tess remember when you got 12 million likes I do I do we had 12.2 million likes that is my highest amount of likes I am asked sometimes what is your highest amount of likes you’ve had in a stream 12.2 million and that’s unbelievable but

We had a lot more than 53 people in the room for that um in fact we had about 4,000 people in the room um so it was uh insanely busy to say the least um uh yeah it was it was crazy but oh my gosh what an amazing

Stream um I had never hit over 400,000 before that point um so I was a little bit emotional and I did actually cry on stream when we hit the million and then 2 million and then every just I was just a bit emotional because it was really really insane um the amount of

Likes you guys were giving I was just a bit overwhelmed um so that is why I cried cuz I am quite a sloppy person um sometimes people say I’m too sensitive but I say B to that there’s no such thing as too sensitive Minecraft Christmas theme yes

It is a Minecraft Christmas theme we are building the North Pole because uh cuz we want to cuz we want to basically I love Christmas I I love the magic of Christmas and I know I just don’t think you’re too old to feel feel that magic magic and Joy inside that you just

Aren’t there’s no no age limit on that um it’s and this helps like keep that magic there because Tyler’s older now um so Christmas is very different um it’s more magical when you are young or when you’ve got young children but when you’re not young and you don’t have

Young children anymore that magic is it’s slightly faded but doing things like this just gives that little bit of magic back in your heart you’re never too old to feel the inner child again yes absolutely and I refuse to grow up you all know that I’m not very mature

But in mcraft I made a house but it looks nothing like yours Tess that’s I mean wouldn’t it be boring if everybody’s builds looked exactly the same though that’s the point that’s the point that you can build things that look so different um and a great examp example of that is did

You guys watch the video from Halloween where I gave my mods a challenge I gave them exactly the same blocks I did a double CH two double chest full of blocks and they all had exactly the same blocks and they had exactly the same amount of time and they were given the

Theme Halloween and they had to go and build something none of them built anything identical um and that’s the point with Minecraft it’s really individual and it’s your own imagination um Yeah is that a stellar shift controller it is the uh series X controller um it’s actually the Microsoft Xbox One um but I really like it it is very very good I don’t know um the Stellar shift one is it is that a good one I’ve not used one

Of those I used to have a scuff controller before this and I quite like the scuff one um you should add giant Santa balls outside the thing like um bull balls that’s an idea we could do that on cuz there’s the great flat piece of land outside the

Front that is an idea I’m I do have bubls but I will write that as a specific location cuz I do quite like that I took my pen over there I’ve only got a felt pen so it’s going to and this one’s kind of running out a bit so it’s

Going to be a scratchy red one Bu I’m spelling bu balls cuz it’s like Au U l s is it something like that I don’t actually know um but I’ll I’ll understand I don’t think I’ve spelled it right completely or at all not even completely very incompletely misspelled bu balls outside Workshop I spell outside and workshop

Correctly I’m pretty sure but I’m pretty sure bubles is spelled incorrectly but yeah um yeah massive reindeer stable yes boys we we have that we’ve got that um noted down we’re going to have like a pet in zoo and it’s going to have um a stable with all the animals and especially the

Reindeer in being um Christmas so yeah that is that is an idea that we’ve already we already have but yeah that’s a good one is the now updated yet the now Um you’ve pinned a post River but it doesn’t pin for me on um Studios that’s really strange I can see that you’ve done that but I can’t see what the post is that you’ve pinned when are you next streaming um right now um tomorrow hopefully as well

Um because of how I’ve been this year with my Kidney Health I haven’t put back in the schedule times um I’ve not added in a schedule just in case I’m not able to stream because I haven’t been the best with it this year um whereas the

Year before I had a really good patch where so I added a schedule and I’d be like I’m going to be here at this time and um on this day and such but um when I got bad um sort of the end of last year I felt really terrible cuz I felt

Like I was letting people down by not being here so uh to avoid me feeling that way I have said okay I will be here when I can um and it’s going to I’m going to try and do it every day but that might not be you know doable and there there could

Be spaces when I’m not here well my longest period is 2 and A2 months where I’ve been away um yeah you volunteer to be an elf okay job accepted you you have the position um I suppose I should have asked you what elf experience you have

Really shouldn’t I but do you know what you have the job you you are an elf I’m the height of an elf so that counts right uh toon thank you so much for your follow on Twitch welcome In Daniel thank you for your follow on Tik Tok you want to be a reindeer okay you can be a reindeer did you know I’m going to forget what you all are you’re going to have to keep reminding me whether you’re an elf or a reindeer or whatever what what else is there that you could be in uh the North

Pole I mean we need a Santa but that’s kind of that’s like a premium position isn’t it Santa so don’t know who could we make Santa Tess did you see my comment um I said we could do a Halloween challenge but make it a Christmas Version okay

That’s an idea I could get the mods to do a Christmas one so I mean I know I I think I’ve got three or four mods in here right now let me know if that would interest you Bosley stop barking or I’m going to cut out your

Tongue yeah I’ve said that before I still haven’t done it so uh before any of you call like animal protection I’m not actually going to cut my dog’s tongue out doesn’t mean I don’t feel like It enjoy can you be Santa you have a Santa skin do you know I think I have a scanta skin as well um I’m sure I do I’m sure I’ve done a video where I am Santa in it so I must have the skin mustn’t I how many mods is one person allowed

I’m curious do you know I’m not exactly sure I’ve gotten um a a bunch of mods that I feel that is the right amount for me for how busy my streams are sometimes my streams I might have have quite more mods than I probably need to be fair but

Um sometimes I do get very busy streams um today we’ve got around 50 um in Tik Tok and nine over on Twitch and YouTube but um back in the summer I was having several hundred per stream and this amount of mods that I have at the moment

Is good for two to 300 people in the room at a time I believe um my mods are awesome I mean I can’t thank them enough for what they do um yeah I wish I wish I could do more for them than uh what I do but I just Yeah you volunteer to be a snowman yes you’re going out now thank you for being here Sparkles as always have a great time whatever you are doing um so and uh much love to you Emma and Amelia you can’t be an elf you’re too tall ah but actually Forest elves Santa’s elves are short aren’t they but Forest elves like in um fantasy and stuff are actually tall aren’t they so you know maybe you can be an elf maybe you’re just a different breed of

Elf and I mean look at will faroh he’s got to be at least 6 foot right and he’s an elf so you know are you more than 6t you can be an elf at any height we’re not in the forest wait there’s a tree there’s a

Tree it’s a forest there you go you’re in a forest I’d like to watch that again like to watch it again that needs to be watched Before Christmas um Phil and I have been watching Christmas movies um we’re probably doing three or four a week at the

Moment um but yeah elf is definitely one that needs to be done um for sure cuz it’s just one of those that you have to watch every year um cuz I love it Santa I know him you always watch Home Alone yes um my friend and I have a thing about it’s

Not a Christmas movie but we always watch a Christmas and we used to have hot chocolates with marshmallow and cre um but um there’s there’s a really funny story about last year’s um this year I’m not doing that because I’m I’m off um those Foods at the moment because of

Losing weight but last year um I was um not eating meat at the time and I was just like okay so I need some vegetarian marshmallows for my hot chocolate cuz marshmallows um that the normal ones have gelatine in um so I was just like right I need some vegetarian

Ones um so Phil did an online order and got me some vegetarian marshmallows and he was just like well Christmas is a big time isn’t it so I’ll buy four packets of these marshmallows for her they weren’t marshmallows at all it was marshmallow um body

Wash so I had four four packets of this marshmallow body wash I mean I smelt like marshmallows for months but you know it was hilarious it was just like really so the thought was there though wasn’t it the thought was there but I don’t think he read the description

Properly so yes I had um I think it was Imperial lever um marshmallow flavored body wash for for months bz stop lay down do I have to shout at you and tell you to go to bed again go to bed lay down no don’t come and kiss up to me I’m

Telling you off I’m telling you off you’re supposed to be scared and go and lay down my dog is just not scared of me at least you smell nice like marshmallows I did I smell like marshmallows for ages um can we not oh careful don’t hurt Yourself oh my gosh go away he just sort of was jumping up on the scoot stall and kind of fell I’m always a little bit overprotective with Bosley because of his hip um but I think that’s understandable because his hips bad T can I add you um on Xbox or uh is

That what you mean yeah you can um with Xbox I don’t add people back anymore the reason being is um I’ve got like over 300 friends and I can’t find anyone because when I first started to stream I was adding people back and then I was specifically looking for someone one day

And I was just like I can’t find them there’s just too many people on my list so I’ve decided because with Xbox people can add you and it makes no difference the only thing difference it makes is I can’t see what you’re doing um you can see what I’m

Doing you can send me messages I can send you messages all of that um so I was just like I’m going to do that from now on because people can still add me and message me and stuff but um it just means that um like if I am looking for

Someone I have a better chance of actually finding them um you want to add me because you want to join me on this world you won’t be joining me but I do community games sometimes um and when I do those anyone can join um yeah I know a lot of people ask

If I will um play with them like off stream and stuff and um I don’t do that because I you if I was to say yes to one person I’d have to say yes to everyone and I am just one person and I can’t I

Just don’t have the time to do that um but I do when I do have some free time I occasionally will join people’s worlds and take a look around and see what’s you know cuz they might have um you know that sometimes people want to show me

Some stuff um so I do I do that like I will join their world take a look around um but I don’t sort of stay on there and play um because I just don’t have the time I wish I did I wish I did but um

You know I do I have a family and I have a dog that is currently trying to stick his ball on my lap you going to give it me then so I have to look after my family I have to look after my dog and I have to work as well so yeah

Join your world at some point if I’ve got spare time um you’re welcome to add me on Xbox and um message me like at points um now and again and if I am about an I’m free I’ll be like yeah sure I’ll take a look around but a lot of the

Time I have my Xbox on but I’m not actually there so some people before have got upset with me and thought that I’m ignoring them and that is not the case um at all all it’s just I’m often not here and sometimes I have lots of messages and sometimes I don’t have very

Many and at points when I’m getting loads of messages as well I do answer all my messages at once so I can get through them so there could be sort of 20 messages there waiting for me and I’ll wait I’ve got oh I’ve got an hour

Free now so I will reply to all my messages um if they are ones that are replying to if there ones like will you join me well and that was sent 3 days ago well there’s no point in to replying to that one um sort of thing does that

Make sense I think that made sense that made sense in my head um you have a marshmallow related message now okay I look forward to reading that hey battle cat how we doing today CeCe welcome to the stream thank you for the follow oh thank you for the

Follow as well Kate also thank you for the follow we just had three followers in really quick succession then so welcome to the stream I am Tess I am building the North Pole um and this is what I’m going to be doing in my streams between now and

Christmas and what we don’t get finished this year we will continue next year like this world we started last year and we didn’t get it finished so I’m continuing it this year and the same thing will happen next year if it’s not complete and even if we do get quite a

Lot of it complete we could just be like well actually let’s just keep adding to it let’s instead of just doing um this little part of Santa’s Village Let’s do an entire town or um don’t know it’s just as far as our imagination will take us really um

That’s the only limitations on Creative Minecraft isn’t it the only limitations are are you and your imagination and I’m very very lucky and blessed that there’s a hundred of you there that you know give me ideas and inspiration and I and such so I’m it’s not just my brain that

Is building this so like the lanterns on here we were using white blocks and although the white concrete looked good the lanterns looks better and I would not have done that so you know we’re at 40,000 likes in Tik Tok as well yes guys thank you so much for those

Likes I’m going to change the light go I’m going to fly up so we can look at the tree as I do so you’ve got something pretty to look at whilst I am um changing the light go I’m going to up the light go to 50,000 we’re at

41,000 in Tik Tok so I can only thank you for that that’s insane you guys are awesome I apologize for my dog bar in he has been like this at the start of stream some streams he is like this some streams he is fine lay down naughty

Barking and he’s not like this when I’m not on stream and I don’t know what it is um because he’s not like it when I’m playing on my Xbox as well so I’m holding my controller I’ve got my headphones on I’m talking to my friends

And such he doesn’t react this way it I don’t I don’t quite get it the tree is so pretty thank you I appreciate that and guys also thank you for the follows we’ve had 55 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you are so

Welcome um s thank you for the elves and Don thank you for the heart me that’s so kind you guys are so kind we’re on the green aren’t we we’re doing here um did I change the light go I did didn’t I did I please say I did my

Brain is not working I did I did I’ve just had to move cuz I’ve got my chats up at the side because I have one chat for Tik Tok and I have a multi- chat for YouTube and twitch um so I’ve got them next to each

Other so I can read the comments but um it’s it goes over over my uh panel for my Tik Tok so I can’t actually see my Tik Tok panel so I just rely on you guys to tell me when we are at the light goal and stuff because it’s kind of covered

So I can’t see it with the chat screen um L thank you for the elves yes oh it’s locks boy sorry not L I don’t know why I read you see names are all wrong um have you got a ski lift on the thing I haven’t actually that is a good idea

So I need to turn the page actually we’re going full and I’ve only got this silly red pen today but it will do it writes it works um I took my other pen over to buy over there um I was using it earlier ski LIF um thank you for that

Idea um and I’ve left it over there so it would be better in a brro but you know who who who cares it it works it does the job can see what it says that’s all that matters Right add cable cars and stuff yes we do

Have an ice rink that is that is one of the ideas we’ve got um like a ice rink kind of with sort of in a shape a bit like this I think is going to happen with like this around it with the but it will be made of ice not wood

Um and we’ll be adding some some of the snow I want there because I think it adds and some of the snow I think is too much so what I’m going to be doing is clearing the snow and adding some string so um it stays clear um that’s that’s what’s going to be

Happening I Think you found my YouTube yes I do have actually on my Tik Tok link tree um and on link tree all my socials are on there but I am Minecraft with test on all platforms so yeah you can just kind of search Minecraft with test and it should

Should be me there are a few fake mes so if it’s got numbers or letters and stuff at the end it’s probably not me um so but um yeah if it doesn’t then it is me so Texas story thank you for the follow and welcome into the stream I’m making the North

Pole bye Tesla see you later take care have a good one bu thank you for being here and uh hopefully see you later and if you did want to see how far we get with the build you could always uh take a look on YouTube later

Cuz I am streaming on YouTube as well and it is saved on YouTube you love both my accounts yes I do have another Tik Tok account don’t I um but I don’t have any Minecraft on that that is just kind of me and Bosley and such um yeah and that’s Tess Tomlinson Tess

With One S and then tomlinsom with no h if any of you wanted to look at it yeah I can do but it there’s no Minecraft so if you are watching purely for Minecraft you probably don’t want to cuz it’s got none of it on it’s just uh me doing silly stuff and

Some of Bosley being all cute cuz he is cute and such should make a snowman we are going to do a snowman but the Snowman is going to be inside a giant snow globe I believe that was um one of the ideas last year um so that’s kind of what I’m

Thinking of having a giant snow globe with the Snowman in I’ve got a little snow globe but it’s a lantern snow globe can you see yes Santa can you see that is that is that good or am I over to the side a bit I

Don’t know I can’t I can see my YouTube camera I can’t see my Tik Tok camera and they’re in slightly different places so um yes snow I got my sister’s snowman again as well cuz she makes um One of a Kind wo things so and uh she made this

For me last year so he’s back out is that there so is your Discord Minecraft with test it is that is my Discord um my Discord is in my um Tik Tok thing um but some people have issues and I know I have on someone else’s for whatever

Reason joining Discord from a link can uh not work sometimes but yeah you can try and join directly from the link or you can search Minecraft with test and that is me so our Discord is pretty active and we’ve got some really cool areas it is

Not just Minecraft in there but it does have obviously a lot of Minecraft related things like there’s a section for you to um meet friends to play Minecraft with or show off your builds or sort of ask Minecraft questions and stuff but there’s a general section which we talk

About everything and anything um and we’ve got a section for you guys to put pictures of your pets because we’ve got all sorts of pets and oh my gosh a cuteness overload uh pre-warning if you do go check out the pet section just cuteness overload it really is

Um and uh we’ve got an art section um where people can share their art because I don’t know why but a lot of people that do Minecraft also have a really artistic minds and do a lot of art as well um and we’ve got some fantastic artists I mean crazy fantastic could

Make a a very successful career of their art not just you know oh that’s good you know more of a hobby there is some crazy skilled artists um so yeah not much coffee left we’ll have to run and do one uh do a coffee in a minute 50,000 likes yes guys that was

Really quick that was a really quick jump from 40 to 50 um do you know what I’m going to give you a challenge I’m literally going to challenge you because that was such a quick jump I’m going to up it to 75,000 do you reckon you can do that I think

You can I’ve got full faith in you I’ve got no doubts that you’ll smash that um but obviously if that is too much let me know because like I say it’s your fingers not mine so you know up to you up to you the pet section is where Tess tries

To eat the animals I do have a thing about noming all the animals but they’re so cute I want to num them up um yes they are just just Gable I get told off by my followers they’re like no you can’t n my dog no

You can’t num my cat leave my dog and cat Alone but I’m like but they is too cute I must num them That is looking so much better it is a bit bright but I think it’s Okay I think it’s Okay you’re my favorite streamer thank you gaming I really appreciate apprciate that because I know some amazing streamers so for me to be your favorite that is so Awesome so I was thinking of doing a uh video because I get asked a lot and I I’ll ask you guys if you would be interested in the video or if you not so fast I get asked quite a lot who my favorite streamers are and such and I

Was thinking well maybe I can do a you know my opinion on my favorite streamers SLC content creators of 2023 um in my opinion obviously it’s only my personal opinion cuz I may not know all the streamers and there could be some amazing ones that I have not found yet um

Can I have a sign please place with my thing do you know if I did that I would have to do everybody’s and then that would take way too long thank you for me being your favorite though but I am thinking of maybe at some point doing

Some sort of thing where we do have I don’t know whether it’s um a challenge in chat and stuff where people can get their name put on certain things and such um like where we do one or two different challenges each Stream So then people can do have that option but it’s not

Taking up the entire stream um I think that could be a good idea I think people may like it I don’t know um yeah you think that would be good but I don’t know how I would Implement that at the moment I’ve got you know a few

Ideas but I’m not sure I think that’s a thing for the new year though naughty and Nic less with presents and coal underneath Ooh maybe we could do a a scroll on the wall because we need to decorate the walls inside the uh Workshop maybe there could be a giant scroll on one of the walls and that will be like the naughty and Nic list um or we could have the giant scroll on

The wall and then underneath uh we could decorate like a bookshelf and have a lectum with a book on that Santa can go like look at personally and check has Santa got a house he does not yet but he will have um but I am going

To write that down because I like that idea and I will forget the naughty nice Naughty Nice List what you doing doggo you’ve pulled my astronaut off again you are a vandal yes you are you can make a stable with Santa’s reindeer yes we’re going to do that Nina

We we’ve uh got planned out we’re going to do like a pettin zooo and that’s going to have the Stables with not just the reindeer but a mix of animals in like farmy type animals um so yeah maybe we could do a smaller version of the barn that we’ve got on the egg

Pire I know I when I designed that Barn um I didn’t quite realize how big it was going to be and then I I I I’m like this is the animal barn and people are like that looks like a mansion cuz it’s so huge

Um it’s no NOP this is this is just for the animals and they’re like where do you live Tess well I live in a hole in the wall of course but the animals have like this big mansion Barn yep that’s that’s about the scale of it yeah oh thank you for knocking my

Hands thank you for eating my hair as well yeah off you Go hey Aviation how you doing put the mods on the naughty list I think some of them will be on the good list but I mean I don’t know there’s that River and that bioni I’m not sure I don’t know don’t know if they’ve been good don’t know how good they’ve been

They might get on the naughty list don’t know hey lemon how you doing today good to see you back into the Stream coal mine for naughty kids and Candy Canfield for uh E’s food yes we’ve got the candy cane lights haven’t we I loveed the lamp post it was such you know I love them they just look they just look right they’re just perfect I don’t think I could change the light

Lamp post out for a different lamp post that would be more perfect for the North pole um Bosley says Worth love Minecraft music today the Minecraft music is Christmas music jingle all the way oh what fun it is to right yeah we have Christmas music going On but try sort of still chilled cuz that’s kind of our Vibe except for the dog barking in the background which I do apologize for so much guys my dog is a brat no pick it up go away lay down I apologize so much I don’t know

How many times I’ve apologized for my dog bark in this stream probably about 15 might even be more so yeah your singing is lovely too thank you so much that’s really kind um sometimes we do sing songs don’t we in stream um so I do enjoy singing to you

Guys um it’s it’s absolutely hilarious sometimes when people have joined stream from one of my parody videos and I’ve been singing and they’re like was that you in the in the parody and I’m like yes they’re like but you can’t sing but you can sing um but I have to explain that the

Parody videos I actually sing terribly on purpose cuz it’s it’s like um cringe it’s supposed to be cringe and uh I know you guys love cringe and I don’t understand why you love cringe but you do um and uh yeah it’s it’s great Fun so nice hat thank you Phil so geek philli in the Stream did act buy me this hat super nice I’ve actually just pulled the tag off it we did a uh a poll to see which hat I would wear today and we got Santa hat so and I

Actually think it looks good I’m going to be wearing this out in public this is this is my winter hat now I actually I like it h and it’s not a dress up hat unless you wear this with it and then when you wear this with it

It kind of becomes a dress up hat right but without that it’s it’s actually really cute and I love it what are you building I am building the North Pole it’s the North Pole yes we are building the North Pole today so um well not today between in my

Streams between now and Christmas we are building the North Pole um yes so we’re just getting this wall done because each time we look at it from above and we’re like well that looks awful with that wall like that of dirt but we’ve got uh the wall a little bit

Brighter now and it kind of adds quite a lot how long did it take you to build the tree it’s amazing do you know I think we did that in one stream didn’t we um it wasn’t too long the tree itself um but it is kind of a statement piece

We’re going to be doing some more smaller trees dotted about Christmas trees but um not as large it was less than one stream s Bri is my brain today Phil needs to be the on the top of the naughty list okay Phil you’re on the naughty list that’s

It it’s not me it’s not me putting you on the naughty list it’s Willow Willow’s putting you on the naughty List so Ella thank you so much for the follow welcome to the stream you know guys we have had 66 new followers this Stream So if you are new to me you’re absolutely welcome in I am Tess I play Minecraft I at the moment between now and Christmas we are doing

This we might get a speed run dotted in here and there that is the wrong color um so I do speedruns sometimes although my last one was the most horrific speedrun I’ve ever done I reckon I died about I’m going to go somewhere between 30 and 50 times it was horrific it was

Awful and it took like 7 and 1/2 hours as well so it wasn’t exactly a speed run um yeah it was it was comical it was just like how are we going to die now but to be fair our spawns in the Nether and everything we just just they just were like

Yeah um that’s the wrong one test yes will I did work it out in the end I got there in the end end got there it takes me a while sometimes I’m always making mistakes guys aren’t I but do you know what I’m human and we we all make mistakes don’t

We we all make mistakes um that’s one thing you’re probably never going to see from me is perfection but you will see genuine you see genuine from me and it’s not Perfection but are any of us perfect I mean I’m close I’m really really close like just just just that far away but

Not you know not quite you said the wrong Lantern oh did I see so I’ve misplaced this block Third Time Lucky Third Time Lucky thank you than you for that I put frog lights in instead of sea lanters I’ve got a ball placed strategically behind my back because if

It’s placed strategically behind my back I will have to throw it right oh Christmas tree oh Christmas Tree oh lovely are your branches Magic like do you remember Labyrinth when they do the thing with the ball yeah I can’t do that so I’m not even going to attempt it it will like fall off and hit me in the face or something but that’s just what that reminded me of so I thought I’d share that with

You but by T love the wholesome stream see you in a later one yes have a good one thank you for being here um yeah and I hope to see you at another point I have a dog being in a pain might give you away for Christmas

BOS don’t do that it will go under the table and then I will have to get up because you will not stop barking the entire stream ah anyone want my dog I need a dog sitter don’t I for when I Stream Willow drops ball on your head yes my dog does that sometimes uh when Phil is away I have Bly in the bedroom with me when Phil is home I don’t um but the one morning like sometimes Bosley will come along and drop a ball on my head in the middle of

The night while I’m sleeping the one morning I woke up and I had Bosley next to me I also had 12 Balls next to me 12 because one wasn’t enough your tape Bosley stop barking pick it up go and lay down go and lay down lay down that involves

Laying oh my gosh my dog ding dong Lucas thank you so much for the heart me um yes cuz one ball was not enough I had to have 12 there Um oh Christmas tree how lovely are you’re bres ding dong thank you Lucas for the potato yes I don’t know how far down we need to go here cuz we haven’t got oh supposed to be red haven’t got the floor in properly do we here

Yet so we haven’t got the side of the building In I think it looks so good at nighttime as well the way it lights up and it’s very christmy colors isn’t it very christmy it’s looking amazing so far thank you thank you yes North Pole I actually named the world sant’s Winter Wonderland cuz Santa santes and I am called Tess kind of play on words is sort of I don’t know supposed to be a play on Words you love Minecraft yes see I love Minecraft as well um it’s it’s a game I always go back to like I don’t know if any of you are like me but you can be sometimes a fatty with games um like you’ll play a game for a bit and then

You’ll just be done with it whereas Minecraft I’m never done with there’s never I’m done with Minecraft there’s a I’ll take a break from Minecraft but I always go back to it um does anyone else have that anyone else like that with Minecraft or gaming in general um yeah you’re the Same LVS Once you’re into a game you always go back yeah there are a few games that I go back to but some I’ll play for so long and then I’ll just just won’t play again really or there’s some that I’d like to play again but the player base is so

Quiet now there’s there’s little to no point um for instance I really enjoyed the multiplayer not the campaign at all the campaign was I don’t even know because uh on Mass Effect Andromeda the old Mass Effect campaigns were really good but Andromeda let it down but I really enjoyed the

Multiplayer um aspect um but it they are it’s really quiet on there now um but Yeah I didn’t enjoy the campaign at all in fact I never completed the campaign I got so far through and I was just like I’m just not enjoying this so I’m just going to stop like no point in continuing to play something that I wasn’t enjoying really is

There um hi T I’m back welcome back sheepies how you doing can I sing Oh Christmas tree I kind of don’t know all the words I know it a bit and I kind of do it when it comes on don’t I and the music to it comes on

Um oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree how lovely are your branches doesn’t really go when there’s Uh Oh Holy Night playing in the background does it that’s wrong I’m good at putting the wrong blocks in aren’t I it’s good job I’m not doing tons all at once and only doing like small sections

As we go along cuz if I got tons wrong it it’ just be a pain to rip them all out again what are you building I am building the North Pole that is what I am Building I could be a singing elf yeah I am sure but well I’m not getting any taller in fact I’m getting shorter so I would just accept my heart heart my heart I will accept my heart as well um and my height because I’m not getting taller it’s just

Not going to happen but I am going to get shorter in in time I’ve already started to get shorter so it’s fine some people are tall some people are short it’s the world isn’t It it would I know I always say if we were all the same it would be a bit boring but wouldn’t buying clothes be so much easier if we were the same height okay like with me and clothes the standard leg things too long the petty the short leg ones too

Short so what do I do I don’t know what to do like where do I what you just yeah do I have ones that come up me ankles or ones that drag across the floor that would be that would be good kind of if the world everyone was the

Same height then clothes would be a lot easier for people that are a weird height like me kind of in the middle um you’re in the short gang but you’re not going to sing okay that’s fair Enough whenever you sing the rspca turn up do you know Phil singing’s a bit like that I think last time he sang the neighbors came around with paracet they like is is someone in pain only joking bless him no he is not the world’s best singer by uh any stretch he tries Sometimes no that looks like that goes like that as well does it yeah that’s better uh you inspire me also I was on your lives when you were in the nether I go into The Nether a lot was that recently when I did the speedrun that

Was awful and horrific and I died about a b billion times like that is not my normal speed runs I normally do have you know the the standard amount of deaths um but I don’t even know what my last Speed Run was it was hilarious um yay silent night Holy night oh let’s come hey welcome back Belle how you doing I’m still adding your frog lights well not frog lights they’re sea lanterns your sea lantern idea it’s it’s a big big job isn’t it to fill all that in all the way around but we’re getting close now we’ve only got that

Bit I mean all that will take a while but I’m not going to do the the bottom bit yet the reason being is because there’s going to be houses and stuff onto it that we don’t know where it’s going to go but it’s all up to here so I’ll be going along from

Here probably to here I’ll do this bit around here and then the rest I will leave um and do that at a later Point once we’ve got the rest of the buildings in place if that makes sense Hoy night what are you building I’m building the North

Pole you’re such a good Builder by the way thank you I do remember you from yesterday because I was making sure I got your name right and I did which was great because I often butcher people’s names and uh you know I don’t enjoy butchering people

It’s not on my to-do list but I do do get names wrong Sometimes sleep inly peace sleep In that looks so good thank you we are we’re changing I this is what I was saying yesterday I love looking at the build and doing a little fly around but the dirt just spoiled it the whole side that was dirt so our side now especially when it’s

Snowing looks so much better from this view doesn’t it yeah you just filled in an application okay thank you sheepy Jeeps s Ah Christ savior is I did build this we started last year we’re continuing this year and we’re going to be doing it on the lives between now and Christmas um possibly we will um have and a speed run between now and then if I’m feeling doing a speedrun cuz

I often enjoy doing them um but at the moment we’ve been doing this for a few days again and I I’m just really loving this at the moment um yeah just I just really am so this is what I’m doing I’m actually getting um you know a lot of Joy from um

Building this um and hopefully you guys can feel that from me and you’re also getting Joy from the build um the finished result how it’s looking and stuff cuz that’s that’s the idea it’s just to give people a little bit of Christmas magic and joy so can I pronounce your Irish name probably

Not uh Dorian is it is that how you do say it um I need cira here cira is one of my uh mods who is Irish and they speak Irish and they um obviously CA is an Irish name as well so um how are you I’m good I am good we are

Uh I’m really just enjoying doing this build uh in Honesty do you know the Lovely song called Let The Light in by Lana Del re I I I sort of know that song I wouldn’t know how to know it to sing it but I do I like Lana Dar um Songs when you finish that are you coming off stream I don’t know we have actually I’ve been streaming for ages a lot longer than I realized guys I’ve been streaming for 2 hours and 16 minutes already so maybe maybe not I don’t know for sure um I do have a few

Bits that I do need to get done and it is almost 3:00 but um also Tyler and Phil are both out at the moment so um yes I have a ball to throw the Lord you didn’t get a notification you was waiting okay um Tik Tok doesn’t seem

To be sending out notifications at the moment but Discord on Discord if you turn notifications on before I stream I at everybody um so if you do have notifications you’ll get added and uh it will um let you know I I normally let you know between 5 minutes and 30 minutes before I

Stream um so yeah that’s that’s generally what I do do if you are like ah I I keep missing your streams um and I cuz I’m not getting notified definitely um consider joining the Discord because I will send an ad out to let you know when I am

Going live I apologize for my dog that might be the 50th apologize apology this stream stop Barking next time you won’t be late there’s no such thing as late to my streams you know this it’s fashionably on time that’s what it’s called remember us door here nice Lord Holly welcome into stream thank you for the follow guys we’ve had 76 new followers this

Stream um which is great because that’s 76 new members to our family why does your dog keep barking a lot I don’t get why he does it when I stream um it’s an attention thing he wants it attention but when I’m um playing on the Xbox and I’m talking to

Friends and stuff he doesn’t do it so he must know that there’s a difference um so he’s just a pain he’s a big bottom pain he is a huge huge pain in my bottom uh and that’s why he’s barking cuz he’s a big bottom pain he gets baby too much

I think and that’s my own fault but he is my baby maybe you love once upon a dream from Maleficent yes I like that movie as well how old is your dog he’s 11 so he’s an old man now um he acts like a puppy a lot of the

Time um but he is in fact an old man sheepy thank you for the Monty gift you have to go to sleep what’s the time for you and thank you for being here I appreciate that um it’s nice knowing the times where everyone is your dog’s 13 okay 10:55

P.m. okay it’s 4: and it’s not 4: it’s 255 for me p.m. that’s that’s awesome um my favorite food oh do you know I’m not sure I mean I know what I want to say but I haven’t had any since March because I’ve been die in I want to say

Chocolate but um you know is it my favorite food I don’t know but as in actual food I like Chinese food um um I really really like Chinese um food Um yeah num n but uh I like lots of um I’m I’m very weird with my food I like lots of different foods but I’m also very very fatty with my food it doesn’t make sense but it’s it’s a thing yeah it’s December the 10th for you it’s the ninth for

Me it’s so cool I love the diversity of my streams I love it absolutely love it um we’ve got so many different people from so many different places um it’s awesome I love it I love It [Applause] It’s 2 a.m. for you Australia okay I’ve got some friends who lived over there for a few years they’re back in the UK now but I think they would like to go back over and I don’t know if they’d like to go over for good they really really loved being over there um

They were over there longer than they planned because they went over um sort of they were just traveling the world really and uh when the pandemic hit there was like a lockdown and they wasn’t allowed to leave the country so their visa was kind of extended um so they were over there for

A lot longer than they were expecting to be there but they really loved it um I think they were like given temporary work work visas as well because they were having to stop there so they were able to earn income as well so yeah and I think they really really enjoyed it

There um I’ve never been to Australia myself um it’s just it’s a lot of traveling to go so that’s my only thing I would definitely go if you could just teleport that would be great wouldn’t it um 110 days what was it okay I don’t I

Don’t know how long it was but I know that they were not allowed to leave the country because because of um the covid and they they were actually their visa was changed from like a tourist one so they could work like for a short amount

Of time I don’t know how long it lasted for it wasn’t like a full work visa where you can stay and work forever but um and I think that’s why they’re back here cuz you know they had to he didn’t have a choice I don’t think um but

Yeah pretty cool it was pretty cool 2:59 p.m. in the UK yes it is I am in the UK um Bosley will you stop it stop it Naughty Boy naughty barking it’s because he’s decided he’s going to put his ten ball underneath the table um

And he’s going to be a pain until and you can’t get onto my table cuz all the chairs the only way is to move the chair out so I’d have to get up and move for him to get his ball so he is going to

Whne until I do that um but I think when we get around to this side and do that bit um I think I’m going to go get a coffee anyway so I’ll be getting up when that when we get that far cuz my coffee is empty coffee is

Empty it’s doing the double sound again has it been doing that all stream or is it only just started to do the double sound I didn’t notice it earlier in the Stream but maybe it was because I I’m not St stupid I am stupid I’m not observing

I mean I’m definitely stupid oh my gosh help my brain see your moments Senor moments oh my gosh I used to uh at the start of the year I used to blame my brain moments on my diabetes cuz you get brain fog but it’s really really well

Under control at the moment so I can’t blame that it’s just that I’m mad my brain fog is just that I’m mad and that’s it um yeah that’s it I’m just mad I have no other excuse I wish I did happy holidays to you too Um it’s been double sound since you joined the stream it’s been doing it on and on off okay I don’t understand why it’s doing that like if it was a consistent double sound it’s just weird it’s just weird that it’s it’s doing it now definitely it’s it’s very

Prominent right now but yeah I didn’t notice it a little while ago So yeah it seems to be like an intermittent thing any techies out out there that have an idea why it’s like doing that it’s not continuous though it’s not a continuous double sound so I don’t get it like if it was continuous I’d be like okay well the audio setup’s a bit weird

But the audio setup’s not changing at all but this double sound is happening and then it’s not and then it is and then it’s not and yeah so I’m just confused it doesn’t take a lot to confuse me as we Know red above the green isn’t it and then that will be red and Then To ntion R join the tri of the SK with the Angelic host br clim so that stops there so Um the Angels Sing glor to the new king Oh so red green thing Jo ntion rise so I’ll start with this one as red and it’s red light green red light green red light green so red oh light green red to knock the block out first uh Tess I’m going to buy an electric C and I can’t yes do you

Play do you play already or are you getting it to learn to play for the first time hi you can’t wait for Christmas yes are you going to do a cooking stream um I know I mentioned it before I don’t know I don’t know because Um not on this channel anyway I definitely won’t on this channel the reason being is this is just m inecraft now I’m just keeping this channel to to Minecraft um I do have my other channel but it doesn’t have enough um followers for live stream on there um

Currently so maybe at some point but right now it does Not And that one that channel is just me so it can be anything on that channel my live streams it could just be just chatting and stuff um I don’t know you’re getting a PS5 and a TV yes oh I bet that’s exciting ah I keep placing the blocks wrong and

In the wrong place and everything um so you know the basics but you’re going to learn it that’s fair enough everyone starts somewhere sheepy you’re going to have to do uh some Tik Tok videos of you playing your guitar that’ be interesting I would uh definitely

Watch so and if you do tag me in them because yeah I’d like to see we’re almost done with the wool for now obviously there’s a lot more wall at the bottom but we need to work out where the houses are going before we add the wall

Cuz we don’t want to add loads of wall and stuff in when we’re just not going to use It So all that part is not done but the rest of the wall is that’s made such a difference and I know it’s Tak Us 2 and 1/2 hours but I actually think that’s 2 and 1/2 hours well spent changing that wall from dirt to those

Colors cuz I just think it looks so much better I don’t know what you guys think but I you know my personal opinion is that wall looks so much better than the dirt anyway doesn’t it um I think so Christmas themed yes it we are building

The North Pole the entire North Pole um in Creative over wow however long it takes really I started last year um and we’ve gone back on to it we did it last December didn’t get it finished we’ve gone back onto it this December and I’ll continue up until Christmas and then if

We haven’t finished which with the scale of ideas that we’ve got I doubt we will be finished cuz there’s so many we’re doing a whole um Barn like pet and zooo with all the reindeers and other animals we need Santa’s house we’re doing a giant snow globe with a snowman

Inside um we’re doing the Polar Express um oh my gosh the the amount of scale of the ideas are are insane um but they’re all way too good to not build but they’re just not all going to get done at once but but I’m not planning on

Going anywhere so I can just do it every single December until forever well obviously not forever cuz I’m probably not going to live forever but hopefully I’m going to be here for a while yet I’m not planning on going anywhere yet so um I’m 45 it’s definitely not my time yet

Surely got another 40 years at least So yeah that’s what we’ve got going on um should we go in another couple of houses cuz we have only done three doors this stream haven’t we I was just so into my building really enjoyed it we have had however 83 new followers this

Stream on Tik Tok so if you are new to me on TI Tik Tok you’re so welcome and I hope you become a regular um I’ve been streaming for a year and a half now and I have the same people quite often come back and back and we’re just we’re just

Like a little family it’s really really lovely and you often see in my chat you can see people atting each other um because people in the Stream make friends actual real friends in the Stream which is great that it’s not just um yeah you don’t look 40 at all thank

You I’ll take that I am 45 so I’ll definitely take that um so yes thank you um it’s like I was on vation and I came back to my family yes sheepy that’s the thing you’ve been away for several months haven’t you I’m going to say

Probably at least 6 maybe even 10 you’ve been off and you’re you know you’re loved you know you’re loved you know you are hey Jay how are we doing I was actually speaking about you a little bit earlier J builds um J builds is the person that I was

Talking about um earlier with the creativity um that I really love so if you do like creative streamers uh you like creative Minecraft they’re definitely someone you should uh go check out that it’s you know you won’t be disappointed um yeah so it’s good to see you and

Stream it was around when summer started yes but you had loads of work didn’t you with school and stuff so um yeah I get that you appreciate you’re absolutely welcome you know I I I wouldn’t say if I didn’t didn’t think that um you know I your creative work is insanely good I

You know I remember the first time I was scrolling through Tik Tok I saw I was just like okay this is good Yep this is good this is good this is good this is good I like this I’m going to stay and watch H yeah like it you love it yes that’s a

Nice tree yay we this you can go underneath it it’s candy cane underneath as well look it’s a candy cane tree underneath um it’s where you dance and chill at chras Christmas and everyone has a party I’m going to do my dancing again cuz and I like that dance I don’t

Know why that’s my favorite yeah that’s yeah um Candy you could almost eat it right could you eat I I oh my gosh could almost eat the candy kale so I haven’t had sugar since March so I definitely could anything with sugar I would I’m

There um but I’m still not I’m still not until I’m where I want to be just need to say strong it’s just more difficult at Christmas isn’t it to uh stay focused on your health when the shops and everything is full of all the really tasty stuff that is just not good for

You is it let’s be honest um it’s just not it’s just not that’s uh this is the igloo one I think this is the only one without a fireplace because um all the rest have fireplaces but in an iged Mount and my favorite is the smallest one of all and

I still can’t explain why but this little elf house is my favorite it’s small it’s tiny it’s just cute it’s just cute I don’t know it’s just got a charm about it I don’t know I I I want to live here if I was an elf which which if I

Change my hat I can be and this it oh know that’s the reindeer is that make the ding dinging noise I can be an elf and then I can actually join the Realms of Santa can I and I can be a real elf I

Am a real elf and I can be Santa’s elf that hat is so warm I love this hat I love it I can’t believe it was only £9 from tesos and it comes with the beard as well which you can clip on and it like has these little poppers on it

And you can clip the beard on and be Santa Claus if you want to or you don’t have to be Santa Claus but I’m definitely this is my new winter hat it’s it’s being worn out in public and that’s it um and I don’t care so but

Yeah I’m a bit crazy bit mad bit weird I mean I was walking around the shop the other day hugging this in public just walking around hugging him because I saw him I wanted him I bought him he’s cute he’s called sessle he’s a cute little

Gnome well he gonk gnome gonk gonks and gnomes are the same thing aren’t they really except they’ve just got the hats over their eyes is that the only difference or is there an actual difference have we got any gonk gnome you know people out there that

Know all about you know experts is that the difference just the the hat over the eyes or is there another difference between a gnome and a gonk anyone know cuz I don’t I would just assume that it’s the hat I don’t know I don’t know I don’t

Know but he’s cute he’s cute anyway whatever I don’t care I’ll walk around the shop hugging a Teddy I’m just I don’t care I am a child and I will be a child forever but I’m not actually obviously a child um I’m 45 but I’m still going to be a child forever

Um uh someone else was mentioning fortnite Lego yesterday as well it’s so much like Minecraft I might give it a go I might give it a go I’m not against trying out new games probably won’t play it on stream I’ll play it off stream but yeah have you ever played Roblox before do

You know I have but not for a very long time I played it with Tyler who’s my uh son he’s uh 17 he’s almost 18 now I can’t believe my baby is going to be an adult in just a few weeks that’s that’s insane that’s insane um yeah where is Sparky

Spar Sparky spark sheepy is um he’s gone out he was here a little while ago um but he had to go out he’s he’s obviously he’s got a wife and a daughter so they are doing christmy stuff together as it’s coming up to Christmas um he works

All week so it’s nice for him to have his weekends with his family isn’t it um so here his here his birthday in January yours is his birthday is the 6th of February so it’s just just passed but yeah it’s it’s pretty close to January

But just 6 days over really um you hope he is doing good he is doing good he’s got a poly foot um which had him work at the beginning of the well in the middle of the year for quite a while unfortunately but it’s getting a little

Bit better but it’s still not healing properly um so other than that he’s really good as far as I am aware um no do do I make a cute elf I don’t know so but I think for today I have been streaming for nearly 3 hours guys and I need a coffee we’re

Going to go out and have a look at what this looks like in the dark and at a part where there’s a bit of wall because the wall is pretty just so we can see and chill to the Christmas music but it’s great that you have been

Here guys we’ve had 70 th000 likes this stream as well so thank you so much for those likes and thank you for everyone that’s been here um and I will be back tomorrow morning I believe um that is my plan um but yeah we’ve had 83 new followers this stream as well

So to all of you new and old um and uh yeah I will see you oh no I I know B but I’ve got a few bits to get done before dinner um but I will be back tomorrow hey Molly thank you you too have a wonderful day all of you um have

A brilliant the rest of your day or morning or evening or night or whatever time it is for you and I will be back UK time tomorrow morning I believe it will be morning it was just after morning today but you know it was nearly morning so what time I don’t know

Exactly I don’t know exactly um but uh if you are in the Discord I will act a little bit before I go live so it’ll give you a little bit of pre-warning um it’s normally 10 to 15 minutes today it was only 5 sometimes

It’s half an hour um but I kind of let you know just a little bit before so you can grab yourself a drink and uh sit and chill

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – chill with Tess’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2023-12-10 04:18:14. It has garnered 120 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:39 or 9939 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/enchantinggirlgamer

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Fleetbhai Dar gaye😱#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe and embark on epic adventures, build stunning creations, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, accessing the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a newbie looking to explore the vast possibilities of this sandbox game, Minewind offers something… Read More

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  • Barely Surviving in Minecraft

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  • EPIC Bedwars 1v1 Showdown!

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  • Dungeon Profit Hacks! Dominate Hypixel Skyblock now!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Damage = Survival Games! | Among Us

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  • Felixcaper’s Insane Iron Golem Tick Command Challenge!

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  • Epic Evan’s Round 100 Zombies Guide!

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  • “Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay” #minecraft

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  • UGC SMP – SMP Vanilla 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:

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  • Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time

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  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

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  • Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft

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  • Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft’s OG YouTubers

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifesteal

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  • Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Join Froggygion’s SMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Froggygion's SMP - The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join The Winds Of Change SMP! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Froggygion on 2024-04-26 01:27:11. It has garnered 165 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. discord link https://discord.gg/BE9n4zNkQR Read More

  • SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAF

    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More