EPIC Minecraft Anarchy – SilentRager’s Insane Journey!

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Hopefully this time everything is working everything’s working I have no idea though so we’ll just hope we’ll just have to hope all right so okay I think now if I check the channel should okay let me set real quick at the thumbnail and the description of course foreign Let me just make sure thank you there’s a night by in here he is here finally okay okay okay make sure that the custom command is working there we go there we go okay my bot is in the Stream finally here we go all right we’re chilling we’re chilling

So we can we can get this we can get the show on the road I only do okay so then there we are we are real quick just um advertising the Stream there’s more viewers in here and okay play the game now let’s play the game now we got um

Here we go we got the nightbot working I want to see I didn’t want to check if I could request a [ __ ] playlist like it here if I [ __ ] okay dude oh my God okay Matthew’s [ __ ] spamming Instagram reels notification [ __ ] I wanted to see if I could song request

This um playlist just to have it doesn’t work then we’re just gonna have to chill with my kind of music but if it does I think if we do this this playlist will nightbot actually plan Um there’s an error has a song Nobody found today I guess you have to play songs individually which is kind of annoying or stop the echo my bad anyways Um well we’ll just chill online Guy music it don’t matter that much but in fact let’s actually hop into the game I’m getting notifications for one okay well I think that construction outside is done luckily I was kind of waiting until it was done so I could stream in peace and yeah all

The can you know all the dudes are gone so I think I think we’ll be fine we’ll be chilling but we do got nightbot set up so do um exclamation point and Discord for the command see the Discord And we’ll figure out how to get um a playlist going so they’re like actually have you know I’ll play background if I can figure that out but I don’t know uh when I when I got off stream I was um strip mining until I think I ran out of

Iron pickaxes which this is my last one I don’t think I found four diamonds Whoopi [ __ ] do okay whatever Go back now the most amount of food on me I don’t know when I missed that but we’ll gladly take some [ __ ] iron so uh what I think I remember from last time I played is um I went strip mining for diamonds I found

A cave and it was an awful so I stopped but you know maybe you have some iron so whatever we’re chilling in that regard but we did we do got um you know a couple things to do this stream um I don’t feel like mining right away

Looks like that’s way too boring we’ll do mining later uh I think mainly we should start off with um um this is my main here’s my main tunnel I was confused like I don’t know I didn’t remember spinning that both ways so it’s I I wish I had to throw a playlist on

But I guess not um I could throw on some other [ __ ] sort of like individual songs but I don’t got the time for all that so I think I’ll I’ll try to experiment with it real quick the best thing I can do a real quick experiment

Um I don’t exactly know how the the night [ __ ] auto DJ thing works okay hold on hold on I think we’re cooking up I think we’re cooking up playlist on let me cook throw this in here can I like share this thing there’s an ad um dude okay

Let me have to go through here dude I don’t wanna stop just stop okay copy this link paste it in here hold on Foreign I don’t think that’s working so I’m just gonna I’m just gonna disable some requests that’s unfortunate I do wish we could have some song requests but we’ll just have to chill with [ __ ] whatever in game music until I can somehow figure out how to get that to work whatever

So let’s just get let’s get everything back on back up what I was saying was um probably gonna go exploring as exploring is pretty useful I get a lot of loot from exploring now especially you can go [ __ ] find like some newer generation it’s like some of

That actual updating stuff because we I mean we did have some of it but really there’s only the experimental stuff like um things that are already in the experimental options feature and we put it onto the server cell we didn’t we didn’t have anything um sorry if quality is just completely

Off right now once again like I will say forever any routers in the basement it is not my choice so this is more unfortunate if anything but I think we can talk off the stream by the street um probably go back to base actually if I’m going to be honest here we’re

Probably gonna go back to these because um we have way too much stuff on us to go exploring right now uh exploring as we’ve seen previously exploring can end up in a pretty full inventory All right let’s get this show on the road uh how you guys doing uh lately you know I’ve been pretty I’ve been pretty fine um I’ve just had a lot of things in my hand recently uh with you know daily streaming it takes a lot of time out of my day so

Finding time to do other things is a bit difficult but I mean most times I can I can [ __ ] figure it out so it’s not the worst uh um I just have ended up losing some sleep over a few things because I’m trying to squeeze everything into my day it’s difficult

As you know I do that you try to sleep through the morning the one thing I hate the most in the morning I I I try to wake up around midday best like you know best case scenario wake up midday um as that is probably the better time

To wake up if I’m gonna be honest here I know people like to make the most out of the daytime but if you ask me the night time is a lot nicer for doing other things um you know I don’t have much responsibility during night time so if I

Want to just lay down on my bed and watch [ __ ] YouTube I can’t do that during night time and it’s it’s a lot nicer personally just being able to have some free time because where No One’s Gonna bother me it’s just night time it’s just awesome bro

Um and also at night time staying up like that if I ever do want to [ __ ] you know play with Seth or something I can [ __ ] you know I can I can make time for that although it can be difficult at times when he you know he has school trying to

Stay up until those kind of times is Nicole do I don’t want to put anything else in here smokes wine I believe yeah we are My [ __ ] pot is like maybe that’s a bug but I don’t know my pot was completely empty so I don’t know what happened there maybe it was from one just getting updated I don’t know but that is kind of annoying I did I did like having that pot you

Know it was pretty cool I didn’t take time out of my day to [ __ ] go find it so a bit disappointing that it doesn’t work anymore but whatever what can you do anyways um just kind of go to explore um I do want to just try to find some stuff

Uh I want to go try to find um you know a couple things let’s go pick a direction that we haven’t really gone in also hello welcome to the stream with a new viewer how you doing how you doing uh yeah talk on the chat what’s up what’s up

We’re just kind of chilling on the Minecraft Anarchy today I’m the only one on so we do kind of have the ability to chill out click I don’t know anyways um I think we’re doing fine I’m just kind of choosing a direction we haven’t really searched

Like I think let me more this way Oh it’s Luna what’s up what’s up how’s your day how’s your day I think I’ve actually gone down with negatives let’s maybe go over this way no no hold on I want to go in first one negative and then the next one positive let’s go like search that direction

Maybe yeah maybe this one let’s go this way there’s good I just got home from school how was yours um it’s fine I did wake up later than I thought I would uh because when I woke up um there was [ __ ] construction going

On so I decided to just take a nap and I ended up spending another what like three or four hours in bed so uh I mean it’s stuff is pushed around unfortunately the stream did have to be pushed later but luckily now when I start a stream uh the construction was

Gone so that you know that all that obnoxious shouldn’t be you know ruining the string but I think we were doing good we’re gonna try to explore today uh because the new update just dropped and you know I want to see all the the new generation because I mean sure we had the

Experimental stuff on but I want to see what the actual update has to offer I did try to get a nightbot is working but I did try to get the uh song request thing working and then that wouldn’t that wouldn’t budge I don’t know exactly

How the songs just works or if it even does work on YouTube but yeah I don’t know in the water most likely from that uh shipwreck down there because there’s a change in leather there would be no other in someone that Enchanted the other armor on them except for

Looting a shipbreaker ruined so I don’t know maybe someone maybe something’s been through here what is this talk about oh yeah yesterday um yesterday I think it was pretty good for streaming um we did do pretty good I wish I had an eyeball set up yesterday though um because we could have probably

Profited a lot off that about some more subscribers some more you know traction off of that but I mean what can you do uh I bet if I do another brawl hauler stream I put probably also dude just as good as it did as that one did but I

Don’t know I don’t know just kind of depends sometimes I I think I’ve been to this area actually let me get on okay no I understand I’m understandable I will uh you know see you have a nice one Senior Day type shade foreign I think I did explore this area last

Time but I don’t think I explored it too thoroughly so we’re gonna come back I remember like there’s like a trailroom cow moving what’s up cows um this is an interesting generation just a little [ __ ] line of leaves it’s pretty sick pretty sick but uh yeah if anyone if anyone’s

Watching guys want to join the Discord just do exclamation point Discord and then you know maybe I’ll send the link really and I bought such a nice thing to have maybe we should we can return to the water actually get some cold over there too finger pool oh sure we’ll grab some coal

One thing I’m scared of is um Matthew uh I was looking at a stream uh one time for like a couple minutes and uh he did have uh almost nearly Max enchanted diamond armor when it comes to like prop four he is [ __ ] decked out I know

Those fishing streams are because of it um so uh I’m I’m a bit scared of him if he does log on I might just hide just like just never show my face because I mean if you see me he’ll probably want to kill me unless of course I can strike up

And deal with him that would be um something maybe something different though dragging up a deal with Matthew would be kind of difficult because personally I understand the general is already in a difficult task for some weird um these areas have some pretty weird in a generation dude it’s like [ __ ] far land

What the hell what is this outside of corns what is this well what the hell or what I was fine fishing island for the fish three three rhymes this is Matthew’s base interesting I’ll take some off the shells uh oh I wouldn’t say bass but I mean I would say Bass

Dear I don’t know if the average human would call this a base but I would call this a base when it comes down to it it’s it’s the fundamentals of a base whoa whoa okay dude god dude holy [ __ ] oh my God it’s not as complaining by accident too

I just wanted to explore [ __ ] we’re gonna break this bad move it went over and I mean damn I mean [ __ ] I was not expecting to find this but I mean this is this is the spot where he fishes I was just trying to [ __ ] look for [ __ ] all right

Well I guess we might as well break it all and when you come this is basically a base I mean let me try to let it all these but actually not gonna burn it all cut the thing I want okay that’s an interesting point interesting find start off the

Right off the [ __ ] play session today but I mean if this is all here uh I do wonder if his base is somewhere nearby like his actual base and I mean unless that is his just his base I mean which would be cheating but I don’t know

If you’re trying to find some sort of trail of its existence because clearly I mean he sets up from where he spawns to this little fishing spot so maybe he does have a base like somewhere within cords that he comes from so I mean we didn’t find them trees

Interesting to know trees broken down obviously not just finding trees or anything but we found chop down trees it was recent because the uh the stuff and everything are still there so within five minutes they left which I mean could you build that tall of a sky base within five minutes

Maybe you came up with them some dedication but I don’t know anyways uh I do feel like being a bit devious I think what we’re going to do is light this off four four is on fire got a couple fires over here a little fire never hurt anyone

That’s just a kind of Mark as um with fire if you come back repeatedly you can tell uh how much how much is spread by uh you can tell player activity so if if I ever return back and see either the entire fourth is important or the entire version like half burnt or

It’s fully burnt I can tell how much player activity like this area gets so like it was like if it’s like a little bit of player activity like maybe it’s a little bit more than what I’m left it with but if it’s a lot it’ll be like very burnt very scorched

Um so I mean it’s a decent way to track kind of you know activity and it’s a pretty smart way a way to be annoying but you know it really can come in useful trying to find someone but speaking I’m trying to find someone um where would he put his base

Now when it comes to on top of really high hills that’s pretty good so but just saying that he built this base on top of a high hill is a bit of you know it’s a bit of wishful thinking actually knowing where you put it is the biggest problem here

And I have no idea so does this turn from Shilling into a base hunting so I don’t know I I am feeling here I thought that was a [ __ ] chest no food just around me damn well that would have happened you best believe that wouldn’t have happened

Well I mean we do have extra stuff in here so let’s just kind of suit up so we’re gonna we’re gonna run back uh I I don’t believe anyone would will get on the service I said I’m Matthew and then go take that but it should be fine

Uh main problem is it was [ __ ] nighttime man I don’t know why I didn’t slept sleep well slept [ __ ] your phone at home I don’t know why I didn’t sleep but I mean I’m very welcome sleep we almost sleep right now and then hold the creeper doesn’t have bushes

Um if I if I yeah if I didn’t just run out of Sprint and it actually made on top of that tree well you would have been fine but um Minecraft Well of course again they’re like negative a thousand uh positive like 400. look over there just like that this way actually from here you can probably just go the train this way what’s crazy how we just drink bad mouth use um fishing base Oh yeah you guys let me talk about uh how do you guys feel about Bagels uh I know like they’re like a staple for some people but I’ve just recently gotten the bagels and when it comes down to it bro Savory Bagels like Bagel sandwiches are pretty good

Uh sweet bagels are still terrible than ever like you get like a bagel like Fruity [ __ ] cream cheese in there something like that I don’t I that’s just [ __ ] nasty to me I don’t know how people eat that [ __ ] but yeah at its Basics uh like you know a few

Bagel sandwiches they’re pretty good pretty [ __ ] good make like an egg egg sausage sandwich for the [ __ ] bagel that’s pretty good make a turkey and cheese you know Turkey no turkey and cream cheese sandwich underrated this book throw some jalapenos on there [ __ ] is baller I’m gonna go back to our we’re gonna

We’re gonna continue searching for um you know for [ __ ] foreign you know things like that but I know I know I didn’t get remastered and then there was a show made up on it I mean the show follows pretty similar to the game but it makes sense that they

Of course makes cool things because you know why can Netflix I think it’s on Netflix I think it’s on Netflix once again I could just be hitting on Netflix but I mean Netflix just followed the hate on anyway so here’s but yeah I mean when does Netflix ever get anything right When it comes to video games didn’t they make that um interactive um movie for the the Minecraft story mode and uh I’m pretty sure that [ __ ] was um we could only let you do two options either a or b instead of A B C or D like the the

Original game you can choose out of four options but Minecraft does the story mode on the skin Netflix synclists like only two options so it’s not like you were getting the full game because there’s definitely different paths and different you know um like emotions with each character

Just based on your relationship you know with them and you know there’s only so many relationship options when instead of four options you get two either you’re happy with them or you’re sad with them you know or you’re mad at them you know type [ __ ] but I don’t know

I don’t know if the Last of Us show is even like interactive or not but I mean if it is that’s cool but if it isn’t then there’s also okay I feel like it’s one of the games that you could make interactive things what are the Netflix uh interactive things but

I I don’t own Netflix so I don’t know what it’s like to make one of those if it’s difficult or if it’s easy and then also don’t know if it’s um if they ever retain a few words or not just because you have to choose instead of

Just being able to watch the show I mean you do keep um people watching it you know engaged in the show that that is a good thing you know people are watching they they get you know sort of more sucked in because you you need to make options I feel like you’re more

You’re more driven in the direction of it one and two uh you you kind of you you gotta stay there and watch it instead of just you know turning it on watching your phone or going to sleep or something like that that’s what the

People a lot of people do they put on a show and they just watch their phone the entire time or sleep and then they say that they’ve seen it like they say they finished it and it’s like I don’t know nothing about it should they’ll walk like a couple like

Tick Tock edits and like you know be caught up all the way but like you didn’t experience it in the show I feel like it’s a lot different uh whatever you know you watch a show if you pay attention or not it is it’s different it’s not the same if you don’t

Want to show and then do something else that you just look at all the information it’s not like that I believe at least I believe it with shows or animes or something like that you know you really got to be watching it to be able to pay attention and

Actually understand what’s happening and know because you know often are often more often than not when I watch a show and someone else you know pick it up like uh Ryan for example uh I I start like Edge Runners all right so I’m like a very good anime I finish

It uh all in once I think I watched it was it was very good and then when it comes down with when he watches it first of all he never finished it second of all uh how am I supposed to know that he ever actually truly watched it if

Uh at the end of the day he was most likely been swatching his phone the entire time so I mean it I mean it’s not like you can really relate or connect with any of anyone who does that type of stuff like they basically watch it quote unquote

And they don’t really just [ __ ] watch their phone while it’s on I mean sure you can kind of watch it that way multitasking skills but at the end of the day you most likely will not remember one of my new details because you just didn’t watch the show you didn’t watch it

You listened to it and it’s different I know people will say you know foreign watching anime there’s only really one good way to do it there’s a bunch of ways to watch anime but when it comes down to it all right at the end of the day the way the cookie

Crumbles is watching it sub because then you fully pay attention you know you actually know what they’re saying exactly word by word because you had to read it and I know that those [ __ ] dub dualists those damn dub doohickeys will come into the [ __ ] new ideas

That’d be like you know dub is actually way better because uh vaccine you get to watch it in your your native language instead of trying to read it and you never miss anything it’s never too far never too slow and actually um you’re just stupid and you like dubs

And that means I mean you like Subs so actually uh you should be put in prison and uh no that’s not how it is um realistically bro most people who just say sub is better or just being real instead of just like they’re just like me writing to a [ __ ] Japanese

[ __ ] uh I guess Tunisia Senpai Antonio Code like no one really exactly like that in fact those are more like dub Watchers but I mean whatever yeah so you want dog watchers y’all watch the worst version of a show on purpose anyways I mean it just depends who you are how you like to watch

But I mean when it comes down to it I realistically speaking here sub is better than that sub is almost always better than death dub has its moments I will say that at the bare minimum dub has its moments uh there are times when dub is just better or funnier than the sub

But when there’s only one or two good moments instead of just watching the entire show and having good moments because dude watching like Jojo for example a very good anime everyone should watch no one should ever skip out on jojo it’s always been like it’s gonna

Be Pokemon Forever one of the best anime since you know it’s still going right yeah eventually uh one piece is good because it’s still going JoJo’s is still going all right JoJo just finished up his [ __ ] you know sixth part in the anime and guess what they’re starting up

Their seventh uh you know probably sometime in a year or two for the animation and guess what part nine in the in the manga has just just just been dropped recently so you know JoJo’s still going strong in a couple years I will say part seven will probably be out

And then it comes after that party will be out to watch and then after that part I won’t be able to watch it and guess what that’ll probably be it but boy golly will everyone be satisfied because that [ __ ] will be the best [ __ ] watch Ever

All right watching JoJo is going to be just so amazing when you can finally see the story uh at a nice uh stop in the story like [ __ ] part nine part nine most people believe will be the final part because it concludes all of the entire legacies of all the

[ __ ] you know main JoJo’s and I like this nice [ __ ] little um metaphor I guess could be a nice word to say for you because if you don’t know the alternate universe after part six is uh it’s not connected to the main Journal Universe at all in any way it’s

Completely separate but uh what it is it’s sort of a retelling of every every part kind of um you know all of its characters Rewritten and everything he’s kind of giving away a second chance to shine and be in their Glory again and you know it I mean it is pretty good

Right part uh part seven you can you you put uh Joseph joestar Jonathan jokestar you kind of put his chivalry in his sort of a he’s a honor and he kind of twist it and in a very like Vengeance sort of way like kind of like Batman like if you think about like

Batman like you know I mean he gets Justice he gets Vengeance but uh you know Petty Crooks you know get do the worst you know habit into them you know they get Batman on them and you know while it’s like you know all all crime is bad there are definitely different degrees

To crime and you know all if all crime is just met with them getting [ __ ] chased down and beat the [ __ ] up and it’s not always the most Fair so it’s just kind of umbrella and everything and that’s kind of what Jonathan or Johnny Joe star does in part

Seven uh you know instead of having a nice chivalry and honor and the 1v1 and you know the whole you know fair fight thing uh Johnny has said his honor and chivalry comes from him wanting to do the right thing all the time no matter

The cost no matter who it comes down to if he sees it as the right thing he’s gonna pursue and always do the right thing and I feel like it’s a way cooler dynamic uh you know instead of him he’s always being this [ __ ] Englishman who’s very honorable and very

Respectable you have this man this American freaking skin uh man who cannot walk and he’s like I will do whatever it takes to be right and you know if people don’t think I’m right then guess what I will just make them think I’m right so we’re just gonna [ __ ] destroy

Everyone and that’s basically what he does that’s probably why he gets one of the most powerful abilities in all of Jojo because his just sheer is she like pursue of power and you know wanting to be right Injustice really bring him to a point where he just [ __ ] oh man he he

Really gets up there uh you need [ __ ] eventually you know towards beef with some really [ __ ] big characters and you know it’s crazy things in history almost 1v1 some of these people and you know I mean it is cool it’s cool I like seeing that you know their brain

Did Johnny’s do-star in this way uh but also another thing uh in part eight they did uh Joseph joestar uh Joe Terrell and josuke all in the same character and I like it I feel like it’s a good combination as they are all very I mean when it comes out of it

Closely related all right first of all uh what’s your name uh Joseph joestar is the grandfather of Joseph and the uh the dad to Joe’s gay so I mean he he’s already those are basically his um his son is so to say It’s like got a pretty tightly knit blood relation

And you know josuke is um is it JoJo’s uncle uh so I mean it’s pretty I mean it works um you know he says uncle oh thank you I mean it’s a weird it’s weird it’s weird it’s so weird all right the way that it works out but whatever you know it’s weird but I think when it comes down to it the family tree lines up and it’s [ __ ] this is not cool but anyway they’ve all

They all three of them got a very very tightly knit blood relation they go they all know each other about equally I’d say uh looking like in retrospect uh so it’s really uh you know that it makes sense to combine them all it’s like one character and it really shows

In um in josuke in part eight I mean he keeps on Amazon he keeps 100 of the name Joseph it’s completely South yeah he does he just keep that so I mean he’s just gonna talk but uh you know they kind of combine them he’s kind of like this um you know

What the what’s it thinking just game part eight he sort of like this um this is uh is this teenager all right as you know most of them were I I think like you know I mean originally when um I think it’s a good way to kind of put them all

Together because I think when all three of them originally debuted uh Joseph he was a teenager back in part two uh JoJo you’re the teenager back in part three and then you know Joe’s getting like in part four he was a teenager so it it is

It does make sense to keep him as a teenager sort of in a party but party basically uh he he’s basically just trying to I don’t know he’s more like trying to fix something which definitely makes sense for his is she’s just King side he’s trying to fix something he’s

Very very powerful and powerful and determined like uh Joe Terrell he’s also got the the witty and you know the the funny sense to him like uh Joseph and I think all three add up to a very like well-rounded character and Joe’s game party adds up to be like this song

It’s really like smart funny powerful and you know nice like nice heart nice nice nice kind character like like well-hearted very like you know it’s like a cool dude basically he ended up to being a cool dude and this shows it’s very apparent you know when you watch it or not watching

When you read it you know he’s like he’s always you know trying to he’s always trying to fix the main problem he’s never really like doing things when he doesn’t really have to sure he does get into a couple like you know Misfit things but when it comes to when it boils down

Joe’s game is always just on this journey to fix uh the problem and while it is very subjective the problem is only really uh centered around him which is very uh Joseph or you know in Georgia oriented you know Joseph Angelica they’re always fighting a save Holly

Um on a timer Joseph is dead I mean Joe skating instead in part eight uh uh you know trying to you know fix this thing that’s on a timer as well but it’s like yeah it’s different he is saving people though I don’t want to give away too much I

Don’t want to spoil a party but I mean to be honest most people probably forget party you know like what I say now compared to like the time like what he used to put a josuke as well it’s like this sort of like this all hidden underground looming threat you know

That is kind of trying to kill him you know passively their goal is to just kind of make sure that this thing never gets out and you know when he when he does pursue it things get bad but it is also good because um the villain of part eight is sort of

Similar to um Kira in a way uh you know he you know Keurig has already appear in the in the manga as a as a normal human instead of like a an enemy can you hear that the main enemy is similar to like the alternate the main enemies in different aspects right

First of all they are all changing after him trying to find him you know pursuing him and that is mainly where his ability comes into play uh I I don’t know if you know the Wonder of you like the uh you know the stand but it is very very

Powerful you know when it when at the end of the day he can do some very very bad things very very simply just by you being the wrong place wrong time basically and you know it’s very very powerful and they do overcome it right it’s a very powerful thing like think

Dio it’s very powerful but they do overcome and you know they do end up killing it man you know it’s a nice defense revelation and then we’re part of my assistant um we get our sort of Duo Joe Stars be it an adaptation of Giorno as jodio and

We need to get an adaptation of uh Jolene as in Dragona and uh these characters are very interesting very interesting uh as first of all the trigona is a transgender and it’s very very odd and you’ve never had something like that [ __ ] uh you know JoJo’s we’ve had I mean kind of similar

Uh we have um you know sexualities I mean like pretty suspicious if you have like Saucy looking character designs you know very odd interactions you know between them but overall the difference is like something like that and I think it’s just uh more than the time frame that

The park takes place in it’s um and it takes place in like what like modern day like 2020 something like that 2022 but it takes very it takes place very like very recently and uh you know it’s about a it’s not a dude fairy self-centered in his goal and you know

That’s very similar to journal and you know the whole the whole uh Joe Starr and you know D.O kind of uh thing comes into play with his uh names that’s a silly thing to say but I mean that’s about the only relationship we know uh no one really no one really knows too

Much because he’s only so so much like his uh Anonymous and from what we like you know from what is actually written so far but I’d say you know it’s it’s pretty fair to say that he’s probably not related to Brando um though he could be

And he might not be but he it’s possible I guess as you know it was a long time ago when that steel ball run did take place I do think that uh it might be possible but overall grand scheme I don’t think that he is related to Brando I think it’s supposed

To be more of a way to tie in the do aspect kind of in his name but it could very well be a brand of Brando by the line and that would kind of show but he does have aspects of do and uh you know Dio

That’s what am I saying yeah the aspects of dioxide so he’s more he’s more Dio sided than Giorno because Giorno is like Joseph and Dio mixed but I think Jody has more Giorno and Dio mix which ends up in less uh less jokes are than there is dio so

Uh if you think it kind of makes sense to make a more Dio because it’s more interesting uh Giorno in uh part five he he is um he self-centered in his goal but he’s not super self-centered he’s still fighting for good uh when it when it comes to jodio and part nine he’s

Still self-centered I think it is what he’s doing is very very bad very very bad uh you know Giorno is very anti-drugs and guess what jodio is very for drugs that’s how he makes his money it’s kind of his business it’s what he does

I don’t know I think I like that more I like that it’s like instant Giorno but it’s more of the the flip side of Jordanelle if if jordanell had the do side more prevalent and he was like more of an enemy if we were to throw Joe in

Part nine it’s uh jodio and JoJo would be in the museum because he and JoJo he fights for what’s generally good again jonio fights for what he thinks is good JoJo fights what he thinks is generally good like just overall positively you know you can always fight the enemy

You’ll always take down the enemy but if something doesn’t seem right I think he’ll he will try to do the right thing and you know when it comes down to it you know he might he might cheat to defeat the enemy you know you’re not the

Most chivalrous man but when it comes to winning he comes winning for his friends second of his family think for everyone so he he is doing what’s right if you’re gonna throw Jose against Jody out there would be some problems there’d be there’d be some some major problems

Between the two yeah I don’t think they’d get along and it would be interesting to see jodio versus jotaro uh maybe not uh like jodio right now but maybe like later on when he gets more built upon in the later in the manga you know he’s

Written more but I think it would be it’d be cool to see kind of where he places up against Jojo and also because it’s a very it’s a very big Trend with most the uh the recent uh JoJo mangas is um kind of seeing how like like how is

The building is powerful and you know what it does when it does get powerful like you know because most of the the the the the the new uh JoJo’s they have very weird stands on part seven had the Tusk and it’s like a Evolution sandwich

We’ve never seen in like in a Jojo I mean JoJo you know he had this evolving stand and it got more powerful as that thing begins and you know learning this ability to make it his ability better you know he’s learning spin to make his stand better and then in part eight spin

Carries on as you know it’s how his ability yeah is so powerful and how it gets even better you know I want to see if how part nine might incorporate spin or if it doesn’t physically drops spin like uh part three eventually drops Jamon uh the only hormone callback was through uh Joseph

Uh JoJo never learned come on because mainly because you know there was no need to there was no need for hormone as it was there was only minor upsides from learning it you know and using it all the time like just to slow the aging process and

Uh you know make make him make a little more powerful but when it comes down to it you know regenerative properties and you know slowing aging sure it’s cool but it’s not the most important when you’re fighting a [ __ ] vampire and plus uh do already knew how

To counteract the hormone and he knew about it he he fought a man who all nearly killed him using someone so he he knows he he reflected on that clearly he’s in the coffin you know he made sure that he would never once again never be hit by

Blow of homeowner or anything like that so you know Dio did learn to go to learn yeah that is so that is a fact uh but yeah I don’t think JoJo Ever Needed alone not once I think he accidentally did use it though uh as you

See it is sort of a small very it’s very small hinted thing and part four but when he did that that big deep breath in before he just completely rushing uh uh Kira he breathed in to see that all that yellow uh like [ __ ] shiny stuff again

Building up you know he gets all that flashbacks and then he just goes [ __ ] ham go straight Hog Wild on Kira all right like I can completely pulverize him and yeah well that’s a goodness of course be um choice of Animation choice of effects but I do think that that very

Well could be you know it’s a sign of how long inside of jotra as we did see hamon is carrying down uh you know at least partly through um you know genetics just in general and uh well hold on let me find here we didn’t see uh harmonious carried through

Like a genetically uh as we saw from Jonathan uh when when Giorno or not Jordan when Joseph was uh born he said he was always able to use jamon and there’s like a thing that is like a tool that he was able to use also blue bed is interesting

Who usually we see fishing we see a blue bed though that’s not usually what we would see out of Matthew as well hold on so we’re fishing for this area that I’m in gets more and more suspicious as the days go by so we got a piece of wood here

We have a bed that is so interesting completely amazes me like whoa this area this has high player like traffic overall I just really feel like there’s there’s someone living somewhere nearby as I mean every day I hop on and there’s something different about this area very very very weird thank you

Harness I mean clearly someone visited here outside of me I visited here recently to um you know get some obsidian someone else recently visited here to To fish a little spawn box smelted something went fishing placed their bed down and that’s kind of the end of that but I mean there’s got to be more there’s got to be a certain path that leads right somewhere anywhere to where they live I think that’s that’s something we can follow me

Uh I know I don’t remember let’s just say all right let’s just follow this kind of how they would have been on here do you think they log off here and who would use a blue bed so when I think of blue I think of Joseph I think of Ryan um

It could be um a few visitors that joined the server just for a very short amount of time but I don’t feel like they need to go fishing maybe no no maybe we need to go fishing but then again two people who joined the server just to

Visit was uh Luna and Karen even that neither of them are you know you know like the lovers of blue so I don’t know why they go out of the way to make a blue bed it’s interesting interesting Joseph and Ryan comes into mind now I don’t know if

Either of them have been on the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on okay now this is just interesting Okay so we have this uh this this right here either Joseph or Ryan no one else or orc iron but once again he only visited the service road

Or not but that door being on the inside is on the outside really leads me to [ __ ] someone else but okay now this path makes a lot more sense looking over here fished and then I mean build their bed there logged off for maybe I don’t know that for sure

But it seems possible blue reminds me of Ryan Joseph or it could just be Chiron not just you know settling for blue instead of going for green but the delivery Choice make it blue it’s just really interested me that’s already been over there but wow digging into the wall

Could be Joseph it could be Joseph who I just found does it make sense I have seen him I have I have heard of him building AFK boxes he left his furnace there which is very interesting uh what could be him it was by accident fished uh he’s on massive

Streams he could have fished he could have made a base in the wall because I know that he doesn’t exactly know the rules so he made that come over here placed his bed buy a tree blue makes sense his favorite color logs off that’s what I’m going by

Though I don’t really care because it’s Joseph and it’s not anyone else I really care about so I mean I don’t know when if you’re never gonna hop on I don’t know when but I mean we could just kind of came here and wait you know until he logs back in

And I mean I couldn’t just jump and pull into logging in an economy spawn camping that’s not really fair it doesn’t give any chance of you know fighting I guess we’ll just keep it in mind though this area is I’d say mainly run by Joseph which I guess doesn’t count

Before everything else has happened here it does count for everything else it accounts for the lava accounts for the random blocks being placed willy-nilly that accounts for um the blocks that are placed you know just a little past that Hill I’d say that overall when it come down

To it it makes sense that this area is like Joseph’s area so that that is interesting to me that is interesting to me I I’d say overall this is probably the doing of Joseph uh so I mean now that we do know pretty much someone lives

So we can go back to base kind of call it a day go back there put everything back and it’s kind of you know keep note of that keep note of Joseph Interesting um [ __ ] loud ass vehicles on my ass but okay and then we do that we do we do think that is Joseph that’s saying overall when it comes down to it I think that that is Joseph out of everyone in the server it makes the most sense being

Joseph instead of anyone else foreign This is mine let me see if this is still I’ll get it I think this is still like okay it’s still standing let’s get to know that’s good to know that my air my area isn’t completely destroyed I am glad that no one has um no one has at all tried to uh

Grief the force they live in so they’re going to be completely jinxing myself there but I would say this whole bar this Forest seems like a pretty safe place to live the most part is I mean it’s close to spawn yes but I mean that that fact sort

Of drives away people thinking that I that I live here so I look for in my portal my camera table and my base and my team they’re all still standing they’re all still here perfectly well now haven’t been grouped yet so I think we’re still running short because we’re running strong this area

Isn’t bad I mean this chest right here is already like hidden Wellness in itself the only way you would find it is if you were either looking for it or if you were sniping which I mean there’s obviously a problem of sniping on the server which is

Unfortunate but whatever I have to deal with it there’s not much I’m gonna do against the sniper the snipers are um you know on mostly on the side of Seth but the recently have been um you know calls to uh trying to put an interest and just typing in a way or two

So I mean that’s that’s nice that’s some clarity that you know snipers aren’t free ranges now yeah snipers will be targeted by the entire server if they are yeah anyways that was probably the end of this stream uh it was nice it was nice it’s about like an hour long pretty

Decent length for a string uh if you would enjoy all right let me snitch check if this command works I don’t think it does okay that makes sense but was it this so you know if you want to go on the Discord go ahead hopefully not will actually post the Discord link

All right maybe maybe it’s not working all right so that’s the end of the stream we’re just going to enjoy life comment about that function cool um yeah yeah do all the function you know notifications making sure you know when I’m streaming is very very good view so you know that’s

That but you know come on

This video, titled ‘Chilling on the Anarchy! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by SilentRager on 2023-06-09 12:07:30. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:19 or 4219 seconds.

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    xMagicyMC EXPOSED - CRAZY SECRETS REVEALED 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘True right? 🙄👀’, was uploaded by xMagicyMC on 2024-03-05 13:27:34. It has garnered 5284 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Java: play.oreo.gg Bedrock: play.oreo.gg Port: 19132 #minecraftserver #minecraft #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpservers #publicminecraftserver #minecrafthardcore #survivalminecraftserver #minecraftshorts #minecraftsmp #smpserver #lifestealsmp #minecraftearth #minecraftshorts #minecraftmeme #minecraftsmp #minecraft #lifestealsmp #smp #minecraftserver #minecraftsurvival #dreamsmp #minecrafthardcore #minecraftlifestealsmp #minecraftserver #server #minecraftsmpservers #publicserver #publicminecraftserver #schoolminecraftserver #survivalminecraftserver #servers #minecraftshorts, minecraft server,this minecraft smp wants me dead,school minecraft server,this player,it took months to kill this player,smartest player,if you see this player,on this smp,if you see this player log off… Read More

  • Insane RLCraft Challenge – Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuy

    Insane RLCraft Challenge - Day 3.5 LIVE with BlankGuyVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 3.5 – Hardcore RLCraft attempt’, was uploaded by BlankGuy on 2024-09-14 04:40:39. It has garnered 107 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:01 or 16201 seconds. deez nutz #minecraft #rlcraft #gaming tags: touhou,touhouproject,touhou project,2hu, 2hujerk, 2hu project, touhou fans be like,touhou memes,touhou meme,touhoumemes,hong meiling, meiling, eosd, sakuya izayoi,touhou fans, touhou funny, touhou shorts,fumo,fumo memes,東方,東方 project,紅錦,zun,zun memes,team shanghai alice, embodiment of scarlet devil, touhoujerk Read More

  • Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]

    Insane Build Hacks to Blow Your Mind! ✨ [Minecraft]Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 15 Mind-Blowing Build Hacks of 2023! [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Cubius on 2023-12-30 18:33:15. It has garnered 40463 views and 828 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:03 or 663 seconds. Minecraft: TOP 15 SECRET Build Hacks and Tricks of 2023 in your Minecraft World! Today, in this Video I will Show you the 15 Best SECRET Builds and TRICKS in Minecraft of 2023! This video will help you to make these Builds! These Builds will be working cool in your Minecraft World ! 🙂 This video will help you to make these… Read More

  • Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥

    Duo Survives 100 Days in Minecraft Hell ft. Yaxi 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 Days Duo with Yaxi Part 2 Days 7-16’, was uploaded by Cerberus-Alastor on 2024-09-28 01:50:58. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:31 or 9571 seconds. we got the bastion looted and more diamonds mined but we are going to have to get even more looted up in future episodes so stay tuned and i hope you enjoy — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/cerberusalastor Read More

  • Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shorts

    Shocking Confession: PandTeddy Exposes Fake Diamonds! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘I hate fake diamonds #shorts #notvixios #skit’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-24 15:43:55. It has garnered 9556 views and 170 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft… Read More

  • Rtrix

    RtrixMINIGAMES • Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Train your PvP against realistic PvP Bots and get ready to fight! • Modern Practice – Get ready for exciting fights on various kits whether 1v1 or 2v2. Play new PvP and kits like Crystal PvP and more! • BuildFFA – Kill as many players you can and get coins for special items in the shop or buy cosmetics. • BedWars – Play Solo and Doubles modes like on the popular Hypixel server. You can also practice Bridging, MLG and Fireball/TNT Jumping. • BoxPvP… Read More

  • Abyss SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Whitelist

    Join Our SMP Minecraft Community! Looking for a laid-back Minecraft community? Join our almost fully vanilla SMP with mods for better quality of life. Read the rules, fill out a form, and join our Discord! Rules: No Bullying: Treat all players with respect and kindness. Respect Boundaries: Respect other players’ wishes. No Stealing, Griefing, or PvP Without Permission: Follow consent to ensure fair play. No Nether Roof Travel: Stay below the nether roof for a challenging experience. Modlist: Server Side: Sodium, Lithium, Ledger, Leaves Us In Peace Server and Client Side: Simple Voice Chat, Universal Graves Fill out our entry… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!

    Minecraft Memes - Check Out My Epic Movie Poster!Looks like the only thing this movie is starring is a blocky character and a bunch of creepers as the villains! Read More

  • Subscribe and Like for Minecraft’s Delight #shorts

    Subscribe and Like for Minecraft's Delight #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Creativity and adventure, always to be found. Join me in this journey, where the story unfolds, In rhymes and emojis, let the excitement be told. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every moment in Minecraft, we always adore. So hit that like and subscribe, join the fun, Together we’ll explore, under the bright sun. With each new update, a world to explore, New mobs, new features, always wanting more. So stay tuned for the latest, in every rhyme, Minecraft news and updates, every single time. So let’s dive in,… Read More