EPIC Minecraft and Splatoon 3 Stream Fails

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Okay okay you can introduce the stream I just started it go go hello everybody my name is mar okay for real I am Shard Oba from the lyc a LC a lyc a dumbass ly no first thing no no you scuffed it already Okay well well it’s a 13 plus stream now it’s

A 13 plus stream now we’ve been age restricted YouTube has now claimed this video to be age restricted you you’ve done it now I am I am the I am the the stupid Lyricist from another YouTube channel called Shard OB you don’t have to put me in the credits but if people

Don’t check me out on their stream I will break their legs whoa whoa whoa in Minecraft in Minecraft in Minecraft in no in GTA in GTA okay okay oh yeah that makes it so much better much more graphic oh yeah it’s so much better no I will

Download the Jenny no I will download the Jenny Mod on your computer oh what oh wait could you like um party me by the way could you oh wait holdy me okay guys um for those who those who are just tuning in um and for for the

Past 30 minutes I’ve been calming down from the the wreckage of my last stream that I definitely didn’t have happen a few minutes ago um so yeah um so me and Char jumped in a VC and started talking for a little bit so to calm myself down anyways um you’re

Welcome by the way thank you can I get out my L I have a giant list of skeleton puns nice thank you thank you I know I’m not ugly I’m just I hate my own face cuz dysphoria um that’s the real issue what do you call a ghost with an

Invisibility or hold on what do you call a skeleton with an invisibility cloak a ghost that one was so bad I did like it took me two minutes to like realize what the joke was I think Sans would be impressed probably he would smirk at you and then walk away

Like yeah ad boy you this and a pacifist sand boss fight I just thought about it nice oh yeah um I know here here’s not exactly how it would go it’s just like since he’s a century 2 he’s gonna at least try to attack you oh wait like an

Extremely old Sans would try to fight you yeah I know since he’s also just a sentury so you wouldn’t be like like Frisk or nothing you’d be like a previous human or something oh wait no wouldn’t it be like a future human or something or because like wait is it sans’s Bud’s

Old or sans’s Bud’s young what is this little tale or are we talking about like um like the after effect one where I don’t know are we talking about like where chion’s fighting Sans the skeleton from like the um from the frost game I invited I invited you to sorry oh

You already did oh I’m so unobservant I’m so sorry I’m so unobservant I got I think I got to join the same game that you’re oh no bed War don’t be lagging on me no please please don’t do this to me okay it’s totally normal that you don’t

Like your own look you’re always your own worst critic yeah that’s true I I do do that a lot but it’s fine it just that my mustache is more prevalent and I hate it cuz like whenever I shave it off it just decides to re exist after 3 days

You know it’s like the it’s like the um resurrection of Jesus um you know after the third day it rises again and then that’s where I go and get the razor and make sure that religion stays in the ground no one cares about religion we’re closet atheist

Year um yeah actually yeah that would be technically true my mom is Rel I wonder what happens if I turn on my homemade xray am I allow to just freely because we’re pg3 now no no you’re not no like just like the f word is off

Limits the f f word and slurs of any kind or off I’m gonna say the N word no I said no slurs no slurs no slurs listen listen I’m about to say it right now no no no no never never never never never a good ending actually what did I think that

Was gonna do what did I think that was gonna do hold on I did the good ending I did the good ending version oh okay I never I said never okay I was I actually was going to try to like mute myself while you’re like mid doing that

But like I just realized wait I I have very bad trust issues okay remember I told you stuff like this remember I have terrible trust issues I don’t want to admit it but I have too much respect for you to do that oh no why I have like that how you you

Feel however you feel like it well thank you I guess um time to go uh time to go get some oh Green’s coming Green’s coming oh yeah that’s fun uh give me I need more iron give me this uh stone sword so I can uh help you do something about

Them okay in a few seconds I’m probably going to knock him off oh you you you you what have a feeling they’re just going to what have a feeling they’re just going to uh we can’t go any higher we can’t go any higher on yeah know I’m

Going to connect my thing to yours okay I’m waiting for them to walk over I’m waiting for them to walk over or try to hit me oh okay watch this you manage to fail I’ll I’ll run at them if if you fail okay just run run jump I’m gonna die if I do

That you can just you can jump to their platform now yeah I know but I could die I don’t want to die I have stuff Hello di now I have to deal with them I thought I got him I knocked off with me I knocked them off with me

Nice okay I’m we’re like I’m too stressed and I keep accidentally doing accidental whatevers if if I keep accidentally swearing I’m going to freaking not have a stream anymore yeah no more screaming privileges no be a little careful how where would I put my queerness

Now oh no oh no the que my gay I’m going to lose my gay you lost your gay privileges it’s like remove removes your entire body from existence dead you know back when I back when I thought I was gay I saw this one meme that was like if

You were born in June then you have to be gay and I was going to go you fool you weren’t already I’m going to try Sak my way oh yeah if you’re wondering who’s talking it’s Shard shards in my um in my VC on Discord um no green green green uh oh uh

Oh Green’s doing a no no I’m getting combo no no I hit them I hit them I killed them yes we did yay we’re gaming we’re gaming we’re not useless anymore yay well I’m still useless but whatever hey don’t be emo in this house no emo

Allowed I’m not being emo I’m just being edgy of a certain degree I really need to update this Minecraft skin or something or oh yeah I just realized I’m not using my texture pack should I use the should I use the X-ray version I’m very very unsuspecting I’m

Right under them when I mean the X-ray version I mean the attempted x-ray version that doesn’t work what will what will they look like then what oh you absolute see okay you no okay I knocked them towards it I’m an idiot let’s go get let’s just survive

Yeah but we have to take care of this one first want to build want to just cover ourselves in like cool blocks we’re just going to barricade ourselves into a base and hope we don’t die oh anyways they’re about to return in 5 seconds uh you should buy yourself

Some actual gear or something give me a second I’m G to go buy a fireball to go and shoot that’s what I’m going to do oh you absolute be I’m dead oh no oh no oh no I’m dead I’m sorry they are running golden golden hey golden golden after this want to

Do uh want to do like the diamond fire saver sure um there’s the um there’s a new Sands fight thing I think we could possibly try there is oh shoot wait hold on I have to go and join a different version of Minecraft 1.2.2 never mind

Yeah give me give me a second oh wait I was on 1.2 no I’m on 1.2.4 because of the server remember the um the other server oh yeah the um the crown SMP I was going to join that and then I was like nah I’m I’m good like I’ll probably do it tomorrow

Already in yeah I know but I mean like I’ll do it on my own time because like if I want to socialize whatever I I accidentally reopened the game in 1 20.4 I forgot to switch it uhoh when already in the LA uh oh why are we so

Scuffed why are we so bad at this I watched the new Godzilla movie is dang good out of 10 wait there’s a new Godzilla movie wait a minute what new Godzilla heard about that I was never a big fan of Godzilla so I oh outdated client what

1.2 I have to do 1.22 and two oh that’s absolute try 1.20.1 I already I was on 1.20.1 I’m Angy all right I’m going I’m the Angy I’m Angy all right I’m on I’m on two right now you said there’s a new Sans thing so yeah pretty much um not

Like a new sand fight thing but you know the creators that made the original um one that we keep fighting on right under the uh I forgot what it’s called not the undertale one but the one where you get to become sakua and stuff and the and other stuff oh so uh the

Indie game Kit PVP yeah they’ve recreated a new version they got a version two I’m I’m back here and I’m in Sands I’m sans’s body already so pretty much if you get enough undertale kills you and you can become Sans there’s way better K so Frisk actually now does something instead of just

Having a knife with sharpness they actually gain like more health and strength as you kill people so technically if you get the ball rolling Frisk can become an Unstoppable Force which is horrifying fun fact stans’s Dodge does not work on the fireplace what undertale kit PBP like you go into the

Fireplace and it will just kill you after two hits oh every time okay so okay the world that we’re joining is okay where is it where is it where is it I’ve lost it I’m in undertale Kit PVP at the moment undertale Kit PVP okay um

Where is it where oh it’s Indie battle okay so type in Indie battle like on the thing it’s called Indie battle thing yeah um so basically yeah so it’s yeah would caps caps no spaces no just caps no space and then it should say that with two weird black marks and yeah okay

There you go hello okay I want to test this out so apparently there’s undertale and look at that you can become Sans by getting six undertale characters um kill six undertale characters as first in one life okay so I’ll let you kill me six times so can we take yeah yeah we’ll

Take turns on this yeah all right turn around turn around okay turn around kid it’d be a crime if I had to go back oh wait a minute isn’t this copyrighted here I don’t I think it is no it’s stronger than you it’s stronger than you is made by Rebecca sugar so I

Don’t think we can use that that’s sugar remember that this is a parody this is a parody song so you can’t uh it’s a okay maybe maybe they’ll let it slide by like a smidge how many how many times do I killed you yet uh you need to kill me six

Times I don’t know how many times I kill you though that’s your fourth that’s the fourth time okay go oh okay so it says you have a kill streak of five so I just have to kill you now okay how much health do you have by the

Way um I have three I have eight heart or one I don’t know I need to count one two three four five 6 7even 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 also do you recognize this area that we’re in um hold on no so this is actually

You know um so unfaced air uh do you remember the um the one area in um in the Moss area in Hollow night you know the one with the bench at the end where you go and get the funny um the gem that allows you to crawl on the ground when

You’re healing yeah this is the area this is the area it has the poison water and everything but I barely play it oh wait should I play holl night on stream like um maybe next week or something I don’t know sure all right kill me kill me

Kid it takes way more hits to kill oh my gosh you’re level seven oh I’m going to turn in so basically you’re strong enough to like oh oh wait wait do you have like a thing where wait hold on what happens if I kill you and I don’t break the heart

Oh wait no it shatters on its own I I just never hit the heart I hit the heart oh yeah it just shatters on its own oh wait I do gain levels when I kill you so do I do stronger hits or oh wait no I do get Hearts I got

Three extra monster candy has a distinct non- liquorish wait so when I kill you it basically allows if I kill people it allows me to get random healing items all right who we can both be sanss now we can both be sanss now well you can try being sanss now

We hey bro hey bro how’s your day oh it’s a nice day bro oh my goodness you do have like the the effect oh I died fast damn damn crazy you can also become Chris Chris has X slash um where am I yeah it’s isma Grove

Yeah I’m in like I’m not where you are when I became Hollow night hold on let me slash play hold on yeah it must have changed I’m changing to delter no I found it I found it I found it hey Chris hey Chris I’m Jesus Christ you’re strong oh

I didn’t even do anything yeah I know I stepped in the lava I mean not the lava the freaking like acid River and I died I’m over here Chris Chris you love to be B je B what was that what what happened you just disintegrated oh you have oh my God the

Health bar look at that look how large a health bar is oh God the health bar is freaking huge what to go become a sand wait you gain levels in Delta run you get delun levels Sans is actually pretty bad me and my friends are having a debate on

Whether uh nether not AB Radiance could be could beat the entirety of undertale um I would say azrial would be an exception if he’s in his God form azreel is the help when I I just see s a skeleton trying to pull a move and you just walk into the acid and just

Disintegrate no what know what it is is I’m taking fall damage oh oh and fall damage kills you instantly cuz you have one heart no it’s no it’s because it’s forcing me to dodge and it’s throwing me into the lava oh okay s is broken oh he’s not even good really I’m

Chis he’s not really how many times must I teach you this lesson old man what is the other ones it’s Aus why is there AI try out Sam he’s really and everyone seems to spawn in different areas oh I’m on top of okay so I see what killed you

I see what killed you now I see what killed you down I’m going to die I’m going to die when I hit the ground this is not okay oh oh I told you he sucks I’m going to go oh why do I keep spawning in the ceiling this is not

Okay okay I made it I lived I lived I lived why can’t we turn into among us we can’t turn into Among Us wait right click allows you to warp KR ignores inv partially ures invulnerability frames oh so I can just hit you with basically I

Can hit you but it like does a bunch of damage so I can do this no oh you’re not doing you’re not doing anything to me I still have a full heart set what what sand sucks cuz I’m not feeling anything I the point is you’re supposed

To like click a ton on people the best is to knock me into the acid why is Sand’s bad okay all this all the undertale characters have the same uh all the undertale characters have the same heart thing also when you died You Dropped a monster candy oh so whenever a player

Dies like it gains mon you gain monster candy no I know it’s just you happen to have it I think I think it might be like rare something yeah they might be a rare drop because like if you kill enough undertale characters they get like special drops or something is it

Interesting one you’re already low no I I can’t spam click like you I’m not spam picking I no I just can’t I just can’t fight I just suck oh hey you got candy o piece of candy oh pie C oh you heal cheater cheater cheater pumpkin eater how do you think fris insult

Someone wait what you think they call him a poopy I would risk insult someone imagine not being non-binary and be stuck to binary gender imagine not coming back to life after you’re dying imagine imagine being imagining imagine imagine imagine having imagination and imagining imagining imagining imagine your imagining imagine having an imagination

Imagining and you’re imagining that you’re imagining where am I oh I found you hello did you right click to do that no what did you do to actually do that am I withholding information from you maybe oh oh yeah that was a real hit buddy you really hit me why is the Tall

Grass give me give me your soul no you don’t get my soul I get yours no I’m gonna play megal strikes back no no wait I don’t think because I don’t think Toby Fox’s okay with that imagine I just see your Minecraft skin and then I just

Like so you gain levels wait so when you gain levels after kills like there’s only certain characters that are allowed to get health afterwards got it so everyone gets kill markers got it oh yeah oh yeah I see I see I see what I hit you behind you Chris is

Right there who’s this who is Chris they Crispy Cream they bath in they bathed in the acid they bathed in the acid water in the acid pool like in Del run how do I relight my candles [Applause] I know how to relight my candles oh hey hey hey no

Bad if I kill you 10 times I’ll get sped oh let’s just keep destroying each other until we get enough kills I die Delta hello Chris from delar run hello knight from Hollow Knight oh I ended them oh Chris commits murder also what you play um we’re playing um I forgot it’s

Like Indie battle or something that’s what it’s called uh you know the creators of the like basically they’re the creators of the um whatever thing where you got to play a Sans or Sakura um pretty much that it’s indie game battle but like better it’s been optimized pretty

Much oh yes the one piece of grass making sure that we can’t fight each other yeah that’s [Applause] how many how many times have I killed you as uh AI no damn it no no no Chris Chris don’t do this wait I so much s lip

Dies I know um Chris please don’t kill me I just snowball them in the face and they just die I’m going go and be play be me you have nothing to live for oh what why does Sans have no special powers um he is dumb yeah I know

He doesn’t have like a blaster or anything it’s weird is this like pacifist Sands or are they working on it it’s like wait I killed you like how many time that was four kills is r oh I just got Papyrus oh Papyrus has the blo

He he has the cool attack I didn’t see what it did well I don’t want to know what that did I don’t want to know what that did stay back Papyrus stay back oh I I can do it multiple times I want to see what it does oh o oh it tosses me

Upward so I take fall damage oh oh it’s the oh it’s the blue I made you blue you’re blue now hello man why did like half of my clothes disappear you have no Rich you’re not allowed to say that on stream to be honest at this point we’re

So stressed and such a mess that to be honest I’m I’m caring a little less but like you know that’s it still matters for stream sake I wonder what I get is Hornet I want to get get Hornet I’m just tring to kill you 10 times so I can get

Hornet ow ow why is Pap have a better ability than Sans I’ve killed you twice and I have only have two and a half hearts I knew your health so I just shot at you and you died I can you can do a little better human I believe in you oh damn

I how I just suck for some reason the code’s broken on this cuz like when you gain Soul your entire thing break oh what why am I in Snowden I just got teleported yeah I also got teleported we are now in Snowden ow look it’s hit my legs oh wait

This is the dog wait come here come here come here I I fell off the thing and I don’t move don’t move it’s the dog it’s the dog you can’t see you if you’re moving you’ll never catch me on the ice I will smoo you’re blue well you’re not blue n yep now

You’re blue man the Knight is kind of overpowered yeah the knight’s kind of overpowered try being the Shovel Knight it’s actually even probably even more broken if you’re like good enough at it I’m just wait I’m just waiting so I can get hored I love that okay there we go it’s

Working broken the mechanic’s working so basically when you’re the Knight um your HP is only five but you have extremely limited whatever yeah when you hit the ground you get put in the ground I got you out of the ground for you you thank you well you should try

Falling and then like getting stuck in the ground and then uh and then have me launch you out oh no how dare you have spawn resistance spawn I just hold on wait all I have to do is do vengeful spirit and then just B you

Twice so what I figured out as the holl night literally all you have to do is um like hit them like at least twice or something and then you freaking like steal some soul from them and you hit them again wait you can steal oh wait when I hit you I steal your

Soul oh yeah that’s just like old time yeah it’s like actual part of the game yeah I love the part where you don’t have to like hold the button down so you don’t have to do that I love what I’m just kind of just just kind of running

I want to get you high enough to where you get stuck in the ground oh that’ll be fun actually wait am is my Hollow night like what level oh no heal heal heal faster no you made me lose HP how dare you I think I think oh

Finally I killed you there goes my five levels oh I’m stuck in the ground I was going to try and launch you in the air while you were in the ground oh you tried that for it didn’t work I need to re my game pass you already

Up game are you playing like Xbox or something to play Java Edition me no I’m taking about like sandwich I don’t know what what they’re doing I don’t know learn use my powers okay I’m going to go and change the Shovel Knight I want to see what see what the C does no

Okay shovel drop when you hit the enemy below you bounce upward oh ooh what plus 175 I shift right click open I need you God dang God damn look at this oh oh okay eat my shovel Gris is kind of good ow wait I got money every single time I hit you

What why do you going are you what are you Spanton no but I’m I’m getting money off of you so it doesn’t tell you exactly how much money you have so it’s like what you I see a live system on what wait let me try killing you one

Time I see a light system on you really yeah hold on oh right yeah that’s a health bar yeah no no like right above there’s a live thing with like three four red circles four red circles interesting and it say live hold on let me turn into

Shovel now I need you to kill me I give you full permission to kill me oh okay I still believe in dies right now see see what I mean oh oh wait no it’s styled as the game it’s styled like the game they’re from I love how I would fly cuz Shovel

Knight is like um a video game that has their uh Graphics very like uh whatever based so oh you just B me over the head and I died ooh ooh oh you finally I made Hornet what oh that’s so cool you missed you didn’t even hit

Me o wait oh I’m I’m I’m super speed breaking the uh ground oh I can see I can like throw the needle in a different D oh wait do I get thread if I hit you oh no I don’t or is that how many times I can

Throw it I I need to how do I only have two kill oh wait I need to kill you as possible night yeah oh wait you can negate the drop if you uh if you if you uh if you throw a snowball as soon just right before you

Fall you mean throw the vengeful Spirit damn horn strong oh wait no I have thread now look at this look at this look at this wait oh wait you heal whenever you’re oh but oh oh practice this fun oh I’m not allow to Stu want to jump down and fight each

Other damn it okay I think hello die little bug okay sister yep okay sister yep you heard it I suck I suck at this game oh so shift right click to heal okay oh wait we can right we can shift right oh oh I can do that yeah but yours takes

Forever that’s the difference no I’m trying to no I’m all out of skulls I now have five kills on you why am I so good at this game I’m just trying to I only have two kills on you theight the holl night’s a really easy kit I’ll even I’ll won’t even heal for

This one no you’re going to kill me anyway yeah oh wait oh that’s cool you can actually stack you can stack your thread does it do more damage what um I don’t know you did one single heart to what I love how how that looked with you just kind of backing [Applause]

Away it really should give Hornet like speed or something I don’t know like the last one like they gave silk song aspect so you get thread want to go to uh what’s it called the other PVP game why the PV PVP game what I forgot what it’s called it’s the

Other Indie one where sand is like really broken oh the one with the Blaster yeah the water bucket yeah the water bucket Blaster that you want to play that one yeah cuz that one I have a chance he’s like PC that’s why I have Minecraft

Spam 10 Rivals OG oh you have SP Rivals of ether ah I want to make I wish I could make my I wish I could make my Persona into like a boss and a playable character on the um Rivals of a Aether thing but I know the coding is absolutely

Monstrous what’s the only your only move is hustle wizard control a tricky magician interesting oh leaders is here oh all right time to play as Hornet all right I’m going to um indie game K PVP wait don’t leave yet hold on leaders is here oh my goodness oh my God it’s the

Creator of the game the creator of the game is here oh my goodness he’s so strong what the they probably have some extra special powers yeah they try Super Meat Boy and they’re so fast they’re so Nimble what the no stop no stop me boy I’m playing I’m playing all the

Other characters where they go they just disappeared hello oh what hello oh that’s you g to hit leaders super me I’m secretly uh secretly oh goodness no oh goodness no okay I’m gone yeah their knockback is ridiculous the heck he’s doing way more damage than I’m

Doing what is the what I can’t hit shots I can’t hit shots with how ridiculously fast he is why we should probably leave no no leaders Got To Have Some Fun leaders Got To Have Some Fun up in here okay what do this do knockback four and sharpness two that’s all they have

Okay wait I can place this down none of us are doing anything cu we all we’re all too Godly no because we’re so fast and so bad at this game no no no no I’m running I’m running cuz I’m a coward die leaders die I’m

Going to hit you as this person oh I got leaders I got leaders a hornet try and kill me damn it no no you can’t catch damn it you’re lucky that I can’t aim what it’s I’m going to become fris how are you become fris how did they okay oh my goodness

Theer bye Frisk no super mean boy s this this undertale Au is great this undertale a is kind of cool the glass shattering sound effect really sold me on this game I don’t even have sound effects on oh no oh no please please let me hit them once let them hit yes

Heal wait oh I got leaders no no no leaders I killed I killed leaders yeah frisks gang up on leaders get leaders go go get them frisks go go nonbinary icons go no Go Gang on him on yeah actually don’t do any damage if you

Spam you actually have to let it wind up yeah I know it’s dumb because in the previous one you could just do that it’s fun no no wait he’s back he’s back he’s back he’s over there get him you’re going to die in like a slap Grand Life

Time what no personality icon the anime isn’t real icon wait no we’re King up on him when he towards back oh what you’re headed to wh spit and it’s like oh changing maps and then I died why have you done this leaders leaders no why are you so

Fast why is leader so fast you can you can slow him down by launching him into the air I’m out of soul be of high R quick quick quick you can slow him down by launching him in oh I will once I oh I got him I got

Him on where’s Le leaders is dead I killed them why are they police person oh wait no they’re the only your only move is hustle person wait that means they got like a 10 kill streak or something oh wait they’re easy to kill or they’re the leaders is easy to kill

Or no the the uh the your only oh what I mean what oh yeah they have a low Health yeah their health is low as heck what the heck or were they what were they they’re attack I don’t know I’m going to become Sans for the heck of

It look how weak Sans is look how weak you made this character it’s your fault leaders it’s your fault wait what wait so is it possible wait wait so Sans does do damage oh I can make you do you don’t do any you don’t really do

Damage also I make you do ball damage which forces you to dodge so wasting your your your poers so all I have to do is just Spam the launch oh did you just disappear wait s I’m your brother dust like dust trust oh wait your health bar is like

Your health bar has like a limit thing on it it’s crazy so that’s like how many times I actually have to hit you there’s like a health bar of actually what you have and then the health bar that’s displayed oh I I I launched him even higher yeah his health his health is

Actually pretty low you just do one damage whenever you hit somebody with the bone that’s the difference with sands sands you can kill anybody with it it’s just that you have what did you just kill me with go hornet they’re uh Hornet yes wait let’s turn into Hollow Knight

And gang up on them hopefully I’ll get Hornet okay gang on them gang on the no not you I killed you both lount imagine not being Chris no I’m getting ganged on this is unfair before they can level up before they level up I can’t

Hit them and there you go I’m going to become fris now I am also Frisk Frisk beats up Frisk Frisk beats up Frisk steel kills trans icons all kill each other we eat each other in the end in the skeleton war is I’m not like other trans F I eat them just

Kidding I’m not like other trans uh so is every Frisk just a different transgender no they’re a form of transgender the transgender is an umbrella term used for like people who want to like not stay with their consistent original gender that they were ass signed to birth that’s uh the definition of

Trans what it would be funny if someone decided if Toby suddenly said yeah brisk was never meant to be trash uh it wouldn’t be funny but like it would be interesting because like their gender is whatever in the and all up in the air because no one freaking knows I wish

Leader leaders chill leaders chill I need to get this kill no why is Frisk so strong so bad oh you didn’t make sense that’s that’s that’s fair leaders had health leaders has Health what I know we’ll be fighting in this judgment Hall forever I know you that

Each time I beat you but I will be right back here to meet you I just die instantly as Sans I just got hit once and I died come at me come at me with all your transgender might yeah I I killed you I love just watching you in the

Air yeah I know and then I take like no damage and I just keep walking towards you I’m all your stands to be fair So eventually you’re just going to I’m going to Keel over but like I’m just going to keep spamming at you until you

Die I’m GNA get myself carpal tunnel and it’s GNA be worth it to go stand verusus the battle this is the greatest game I’ve ever played wait Tim’s here Tim is here oh who’s Tim Tim remember the the guy the owner of the uh SMP oh okay

Neat wait want to go into the uh BC uh no no not really oh Tim just got obliterated by leaders leaders is having a freaking ball leaders is having a good time oh my God they’re so high level o it’s scary they’re level 16 oh my goodness they got they got the full

Murder level oh my goodness oh my God oh my God the horror the horror the horror oh Jesus Christy Super Meat Boy use that Super Meat Boy Powers come here I have come here get him no I don’t like it what I hit you I I hit Tim twice and didn’t do

Damage you sure you don’t want to get into VC with him I’m I’m sure we go into live yeah if we don’t if we go into live we don’t have to worry no I don’t I still don’t trust the swing oh my goodness why am I

Frozen What did The Wizard do to meing than I what did The Wizard do to me he doesn’t even have a name it’s just a health bar well yeah that’s the video game it’s a simplified video game with tactics as thing he’s not even doing oh my goodness what what happened what what

Happened oh that that was Tim wait what boom that was Tim why am I still frozen I still have like the Frozen effect like I guess it’s permanent I’m just going to kill myself you’re going to [ __ ] right now all right I’m going to keep myself

Safe this this worse to play as the night oh I got that also sick I need to kill a bunch of people as as the night only if you know how to fight people as the night not really I oh my good go Hornet they they jumped into the pimp

Just walked into the [ __ ] eat myat my freaking spear go oh wow Tim did a lot of damage oh who is Tim right now uh no no no not the lava gas no no not the lava please I didn’t even kill you oh did I

Just walk into my into the lava my own accord think I might have probably oh yep boom killed him no I said it was my win oh it said my way oh really oh oh no oh no I killed him on accident uhoh uh oh I killed him sorry sorry he

Was like crouching and I like my brain he was crouching and I killed him no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry well now he’s gonna B no no no I can take that damage I can take that damage you could not take that damage in fact that you died you could not take

That damage in fact skin on what no that’s leaders skin no no Tim’s in the lobby right now oh he doesn’t even jump yeah he does he’s right oh Jee he insta kills me oh my God he’s level three no no no no you launched them in the air come

Here papirus yeah no no I don’t feel like it you’re going to yeah you’re going to die in a second hold on come here thank you no no oh hey oh hey PE candy oh hey candy oh hey PE candy how can I say no how can I say no

Am I right how could I say no I love launching everyone in the air it’s just fun oh my God I wonder how much kills like it get as as just Frisk itself I like how they you can you can actually get really good with Frisk as long as you got your regen

Good I’m gonna go become a a cool character oh don’t worry I’ll become that other cool character that stands behind you no wait are you behind me maybe let me kill the wizard first I got an extra kill on Hollow night which means so close I need some spirit I need some Holy

Spirit oh leaders leaders is Shovel Knight uhoh you’re going to let him fill you up with his with his no no no hey hey hey hey hey hey not that joke no you can’t make jokes now no you can’t make those kind of jokes dead you can’t make those kind of jokes you

Can’t those kind of jokes are illegal they’re AEL can’t make those kind of jokes they’re legal no they’re not uh I can’t make that joke Tim is probably probably we’re not making those kind of jokes oh the downside of downside of beat saers yeah yeah your risk gets

Really sore yeah why is there so many frisks oh hi leaders come on H hit get in the lava damn it no I love the holl Knight for the fact that you just Spam people technically if you got like one person against [Applause] you there we go people just trying to leave getting

Absolutely destroyed give me your I like I didn’t even get to finish my sentence before I killed you oh we’re going to Snowden oh yes we are oh no I’m being abused you’re like oh no I’m being abused oh I just I just I just shot my

Spirit at him I shot him with my spirit eat this Tim eat this Tim eat this Tim oh I missed hey Leaders Eat This Tim damn it oh I’m gonna die actually eat the Tim yeah yeah give me that I need to kill someone as the hollow Knight cuz I almost have

Enough come here leaders no you can’t even can you even attack while you’re healing no you can like to defend myself you can’t You’re vulnerable golden I just need a few more kill and then I won’t [Applause] suck I’m just going to how many kills do I have at this

Point I don’t oh no okay actually yeah Tim just got revenge yeah yeah come here no just need to have more hits dang it boom I I use Chief trickery to kill somebody I wonder where uh aeny is like they haven’t been stmed at all like I even tried to go early but

You know that didn’t work very well okay that’s not a very your your Social Security isn’t going to be very good with the name like that no I’m meant to sh please please die please die please die kill him kill him I need you to thank you than I something good leaders chill

Out oh I’m out oh no I was out I was out of spirit stop trying to do that stupid oh my goodness oh I just turn around I die no My Boomerang or my thing just came right back at you oh yeah you’re right if I do throw a snowball it stops

Me from having getting stuck in the ground my boom mine R just instant kill oh my goodness it does give you a knockback effect oh that’s good you can actually manipulate that a lot I like how you can actually do like funny glitches like you do in holl night and stuff it’s

Good uhoh got a weapon it’s pretty nice I’m trying to do cool stuff but I can’t well like stop I’m just getting ganged on this is this is unfair getting ganged on it’s not fair when you suck at the game how are people this good at combat I swear who plays Minecraft that

Much apparently these people oh I kill you just now did I just kill someone I don’t know yeah it says you killed me oh why am I stuck in the ground oh because I didn’t hit the thing for the ground everyone just like fighting in the water there’s just underwater battles going on

Right now oh no oh I missed I missed I missed no no go go should should give me my heal no leaders don’t do this leaders don’t do this leaders won’t be doing it no you’ll be doing it CU you’ll be I’m squeaky I’m G Tois why why are we all Frisk no

Idea I have no idea I’m still I’m still the soul gather I’m level four kill him you’re level four kill him I think I think that’s the person that keeps killing me as the hollay they got a lot of hollow night kills that’s all I know I’m just gonna I’m definitely not

Being cheap by hiding on the mountain for the hollow night players oh oh oh my goodness leaders leaders almost ate me alive oo piece of candy oh wait no oh someone already took piece of candy everyone’s realizing how broken Frisk is technically if you get enough kills as her I mean as um

All right oh leaders leaders leaders no leaders is everyone down there yes yes everyone is Frisk everyone is Frisk right now everyone is gender amb ambiguous everyone’s gender is now ambiguous you cannot tell things I couldn’t even hit people my ping is bad my thing is garbag I’m trying to become frisan and

Try to what the no why is the first person I face Super Meat Boy I’m just turning around and getting obliterated hello it’s me Crispy Cream Delta room you have you’re you’re probably really you’re a really bad character Chris you have no personality I have more personality than you my personality

Is that I’m being controlled by another person that is my personality you mean emo you’re going to go wake me up W me up inside I healed I healed that’s unfair you’re just going to go my life oh my goodness I’m getting comboed getting comboed it’s unfair why

Is everyone frisk in the corner dueling it out like a freaking like whatever thatone just dueling we were all beating up Papyrus we we literally ganged on Papyrus put him in a corner and start what is going on what is this game this undertale Au is pretty good if you ask

Me I love this a I’m going to definitely write about this in a fan fiction oh oh a piece of candy he’s SC you can’t why Frisk why are you beating up Frisk aren’t we supposed to be the pacifist ones in the head cannons no oh pie of gy

No I missed the piece of gy no leaders leaders why are they all ganging up on me literally they aren’t even trying to kill each other they’re all after me no idea wait is that a helper there’s a helper in here there’s a helper joining in on the

Massacre that’s nice it’s good to know oh piece of candy I got a piece of candy nice I think this is the only map where you get pie of candies no I got a piece of candy in the last map you just didn’t cuz I got all the piece of

Candies got all the candy hello CL no does your stream hey stream if you’re watching this how good is my online personality they haven’t responded yet so I’m guessing they’re not watching because they’re all in here with you maybe that’s the first thing you see is super no no no no no

No no you stole my kill how dare you stole my K oh no the only move is hustle person no no how am I still alive exactly how I have no idea I was being hit so many times at least this is making me way better at sword PVP

Actually I don’t place I use axxe so this isn’t helping me at all it’s helping me beat some up with redstone I guess that counts like Frisk is just your basic option and it just progressively gets more upgrades as you kill people with it’s basically just the frisk in the other PVP

Game this is I think it’s just because like um they’re all here because literally because I’m streaming here they’re just like o cool you think they’re what you think you think the Creator is watching the stream no I just walked I just walked to them I

Stabbed why am I bullying Tim this is not okay this is not okay I’m just going to not kill Tim and let Tim kill me for a while no let me kill you no but I didn’t kill you on accident I’m I’m beating up Co unless you want to make it an

Accident man I am broken as Super Meat Boy what the heck happened oh oh dead hey Tim got the revenge I accidentally opened my inventory how’ you do that oh I was pressing W oh I see we’re on Inkwell aisle so from cuphead so we keep falling off the

Map I predict this game will die in like 4 days probably uhoh Tim low Tim low the where everyone dies every day also um I died and lost all my stuff in the SMP so I’m just about on the same level as you oh so I can kill you

Now yeah we’re the same remember yeah I like the difference is I have a diamond axe and you don’t so the power trip is insane I’m I’m the Executioner um you know I have the axe of peace and uh to keep the peace I must have a piece of your

Flesh and we’re just not going to speak any words after that okay oh Tim just became Super Meat Boy when Among Us is when is Among Us getting letter I didn’t make the plot okay leaders didn’t okay leaders was the old Creator so there’s like someone new

Okay so it’s TJ the gamer King TJ the gamer King is the um owner of the entire thing yeah leaders is just like person that joins the game a lot what I just stole him kill nice I’m just no Super Meat Boy Super Meat Boy power

Just run in a circle no one will ever catch you go sand go sand go s I can’t even hit you because Super Meat Boy is too fast I want to see if I can prove that Sans is good all the me ones fight each other what all the big meat

Ones all the meat I feel like you’re horrified by what I say what I feel like you’re horrified by what I say I have no idea what you just said in the past 30 seconds my brain spaced out or just Associated so to speak I’m going get some good kills I’m

Getting good kills with super me boy cuz he’s broken yes he is and I wish he wasn’t oh boy I just got skewed I can’t even really hit anyone cuz if I do I’m going to hit them off the edge so well you still get the kills so

Hard wait I do okay hey you want to go over the edge no no wait no wait wait hold on I think I have enough yeah I have enough for the guy oh oh oh uhoh uhoh uhoh I messed up I messed up wait what character are

You it’s uh when you get 20 kills in superat boy oh what is that ninja I don’t know what is called scarily Fast Ninja oh so that’s what they were so if you get 20 kills as Super Meat Boy um you uh get that hello we duel we duel we battle

Tag you’re it you say tag and I freaking fly off the edge tag oh my goodness I’m almost dead the most wholesome most character you’ve ever hold on Papyrus and Super Meat Boy are the perfect duel because pyus can slow down by doing that you’re going to die in a second

Yeah there we go I know yes Papyrus leaders is just spinning Yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait it very temporarily slows them down which is why it’s overpowered especially when you have super me boy and then it’s just like oh no I told you that and you and you turn into Papyrus wow stealing my ideas wow uhoh oh come on leaders come

On Face the music I hit someone oh I made Super Meat Boy go hi oh Tim is strong Tim is strong I’m not going to live another hit uhoh oh wait oh that’s nice to know I’m like oh I’m not going to live anymore and they’re like I’m not alive

Anymore I love just pressing that just so fun even though I’m not actually playing what uh oh no more like more like I’m not really doing anything oh Jesus Christ his knock back it’s crazy go face me Sans the skeleton I’m going to shred your HP right now get off the

Island I ran off is no I pushed you I hit you once and you just I got someone in a combo though so that’s how Sands could be broken just run into someone and just Spam this get them in a combo and you can’t get out

Unless you’re Papyrus when I hit you and then you just happen to dodge off into the air that can happen you’ll just dodge off the island but if you jump into the water do you do you just constantly Dodge around for a little bit no I just instantly

Die sand is good as long as you’re like spam clicking after you walk in a Direction so you can like combo them the point is that you’re supposed to do constant one Whatever damage how would you live how did you live get back in there get back in the

Prison get back in the prison get back in the hole get back in get back in the hole I’m going to be the one was the one who killed Sans am I Amazon Prime cuz it’s all in the delivery anyway oh my I love when you go flying I’m

Like there you go no back back in back in the water we killed each other why do I keep spawning on the ceiling that’s that just stands a spawn bodybuilders in like the lava ow stand there l l Rao I keep hearing the gaster Blaster sound effect and I’m

Like and then I realize Oh wait we’re not on that one oh d i I think I just something cool I hit someone but I threw out the thing or no I threw out the thing it hit someone and then I fell down super me pretty

Useless so no one’s it’s like so weird to see everyone in regular skins and then once everyone changes everything we all just murder mode like we’re all friendly at first it’s like FL it’s like oh we’re friendly at first and then we just stab each other later friendly first stab

Later that’s like uh ask questions later fire first I want to become sand keep from fire fire from heat heat fire your kindness gun kindness gun it’s called you are good and then you hug someone so hard they suffocate oh oh wow I don’t do I don’t do

Nothing I need to actually hit you like a oh wait you do have a limit on how many times you can dodge yeah you have a Dodge limit so it doesn’t seem like impossible you have a bar oh like you can see a bar yeah when

Like I hit you you see happens when I jump when I jump down the Dodge activates start me everywhere it’s like playing as Frisk is like playing in an action movie you just take out one by one person and then you freaking like go to the next you know it’s like those fight

Animations where you get to see them like like battle for a little bit and then like all of a sudden they’re like oh sand sucks I’m being the Shovel Knight why did I just go flying as soon as I joined he go hello

Hello oh no oh no oh no oh no I’m being gigged up on this is not okay this is not okay no no they’re attacking me this is unfair it’s unfair this is not right I you how did I live for so long I was at like 2 Hp and no one killed

Me him killed himself no get back in the river get back in the river no get back in the river no also me boy has almost no knock back what do you mean his knock back’s hella crazy or no I mean he gets almost no knockback yeah it’s

Weird I just hear human skeleton on the side inside of that what the heck human skeleton no I’m a skeleton covered in flesh a human skeleton and it’s like I’m human too I am a skeleton they’re like yeah but skeletons shouldn’t be able to talk either how do you think Sans would hold

On here’s how Sans would actually sound since he doesn’t have bulu cords it’s just going to be Jaws clapping it’s just going to be you can’t hear it but it’s just no it’s no his his jaw would be rattling you know I I found the perfect

Way to make uh to make skele to make skeleton noises just get a bunch of hangers put them together and start and start shaking them actually I might use that for like a reference for an animation later yeah yeah that’s that’s fun let me see if there’s any hangers near I can

Show you what okay it’s because they make the little click sound effects right because like ribs it’s a real rib ticka after this joke I’m going to rib you apart bodybuilder you have stolen my candy my piece of candy I now have three kills oh there we

Go listen I’m back with a bunch of hangers is that what you’ve been doing no my piece candy my piece candy no skeleton noises you hear the skeleton no I think it’s because noise suppression why were you staring me dead in the eye no want to just hang out in the

Lobby want to like play a different game uh sure like what um hold on let’s slash leave I’m gonna go and choose one of the random ones we got here so so we got like in your history or just uh PVP we got the death run we got o one shot’s a good

One uh type one shot one space shot one space shop oh which one um it’s it’s the capitalized o and n e shot yeah it’s a snowball okay okay um I I’m in yeah I saw you for like a second but you’re invisible okay just click

Join it should tell you your uh what to do um so in one shot basically it’s gun game oh oh oh oh I know how to play gun games well basically you get to use a gun of multiple varieties and you get to shoot people um hello why are you just

Ahead why are you just ahead let me look myself I got 22 oh that that’s a lot of kills actually I got a lot of kills why my gun sucks because you didn’t change it and also you didn’t buy it so oh the basically the better the trick shots the

Better like you can’t buy anything until you get enough kills I have never played wait is this the bathrooms no where are you oh wait what this person’s also just ahead oh oh oh that range oh that range that absolute range that I had fck at this

Game I I don’t want to play this no more okay shift right click for your um for your shotgun I mean not shotgun for your sniper rifle um shift left click should be your um your shotgun I have a completely different set of rules so I replaced my normal

Shot with a bounce shot because it makes it way easier for me to get really cool trick shots oh I heard that oh oh oh that was a close one I’m not even doing anything trick shot I’m like trick shot and then you actually hit it would

Have been funnier if you missed but then I started laughing at you but then you hit again and then it just it bounced against the floor and it killed you oh I’ve been shot by a sniper rifle someone shot me with a sniper how many kills do do I need to do

Something please you need gems you need to get more like basic shots basic shots give to give you two um any other ones give you one so you can technically get more gems than you are killing people with I’m not good at any games to be completely Honest I’m the I’m the Jack of no trades no matter what game you put me in I will be bad why did you try that why did you try that don’t why did you stop it stop trying to shoot me I see smoke in a general direction I’m G to go after that

Hi how’s your day going SN no no no no why why does that scare you are way better than me already slimeball level I love when you just I I fell off the edge what oh now now they’re on the other side of the wall I’m going to try to launch that

Over the wall where are you oh wait that works wait I can do that hold on oh finally I did something yay your spam shot worked like I’m not underestimating you by any means that’s why I’m running away so I don’t die cuz I underestimate you you get free kills uhoh uhoh

Uhoh why am I why is my head invisible this person isn’t even run they just sniped me I they just turned the corner and went is there is there a Minecraft Prop Hunt option um actually that I think that’s only in Hypixel no I can’t curse us a bad word

It oh my goodness I got lucky that person was just about to hit me with a gun they were about to whip their gun at me and I and I just avoided it you think anyone’s playing murder you think anyone’s playing murder mystery right now probably

Not want to go and jump into Minecraft murder mystery sure like we just go Hypixel play Minecraft murder mystery yeah no more Splatoon IM actually yeah actually I could play wait wait wait wait oh yes um okay so hit DF Splatoon oh wait oh wait is there a option in

Here okay so what you want to do is do that and I’m going to play my main um join DF Splatoon Capital DF and then splittin there is no spaces just DF splittin the the the blue concrete yep well not really the blue concrete it’s more of a blue head but I gota

Learn yeah can’t you go into it the ink somehow or something like that you can but um I don’t see you where are you tutorial oh you’re stuck in the tutorial level well man to be fair I got to learn that’s fair you do got to learn how to play

Splatoon like oh that’s really cool I forgot that they had a level for that so it allows U new people to play the game where even are you um I don’t know I used the ink but that’s all I was able to oh oh as soon

As I go in I’m just right there uh when you shift click um you’re able to um go into the ink that you’re using oh wait I have to ship to use my weapon what or no not Shi more just uh oh never mind right click to use your

Weapon yeah yeah you’re not shooting and nor are you able to shoot your weapon that’s out of ink wait I can’t climb walls you can if you shoot them and you also have to shift to like be in Squid form first that’s a lot of people that are in

This game now that I’m suddenly in here there’s a lot of people that suddenly decided to follow me there a lot of people that suddenly decide to oh oh so I’m guessing you’re part of the stream I’m guessing that you uh decided to follow me I’m guessing oh the game’s starting

Uhoh well I just finished learning the tutorial so how do I actually join the main game oh little late we’re in wall High Warehouse we’re now playing Splatoon yay oh 2v one I guess I’m sorry but you’re about to get destroyed I’m sorry Gamers but I’m about

To destroy someone in the oh my goodness I remember this map oh my goodness it’s been forever since I played this map oh my goodness oh and it’s all the all the all the fun special is ready I now have splash down I want to be

Blue oh wait are you in the shooting range yeah you’re probably in the shooting range okay I finally learned how to play okay you got to sit in the lobby and wait or spectate right now cuz we have a two-minute timer and we’re messing around oh I’m I’m I’m going to go uhoh

Uhoh my teammate is dead my teammate is dead singot spectator I’m just stuck in a single spot really yeah do you have an overhead view of what’s going on right now yeah overhead oh they just quit the game all right well all right um well whatever people you’re joining in on

Whatever um hello hi what color are you I am Colors oh I don’t think I get to choose how on a scale of trans spam how trans spam are you yes I am colon 3 levels of trans spam nice so fan booy levels got it yeah

You you once you’re trans them you know oh you’re on my team we’re going to win yay yay they’re like what oh no I’m bad at this game why no oh you’re not getting carried anymore you have a chance yeah the person who’s actually played Splatoon I’m getting

Towards your base at a rapid Pace surprise oh oh you just ran you just ran over okay I need to fill up on my ink oh no I got splattered oh wait I have ink strike wait a minute I misinterpreted what my special was I have burst bomb and bomb Rush oh

Nice yeah burst bomb is broken like for any game of Splatoon it’s just broken every why is everyone so bad everyone plays Minecraft but they don’t play Splatoon like the heck I guess not everyone’s queer oh yeah that’s why I was doing this so I can get more clothing options okay the

Real reason okay just to let you know sandwich I mean not sandwich um golden to let you know the real reason I’m I want to play Splatoon is purely so I can get more clothing options oh yeah you were saying something about wanting to uh like gain power I got [Applause]

Splatted I love that I love the footed um I don’t like that what kind of context you’re trying to put it in no no I’m not trying to put in as bad context like genu I love oh okay yeah it’s it’s a goofy phrase it’s goofy it’s goofy it’s a goofy

Phrase they’re sneaking into our base oh what if I used a bomb on them uh they’ probably die where are they I just feel like this place is a little too blue hey I sprayed that why didn’t it Work yeah the double the double like yeah I got a two kill weapon it’s unfair to people who don’t know how to play Splatoon maybe I’ll just get shooter next time so people don’t die instantly on me I have slashers so I literally just spray ink everywhere and it’s the broken

Item no I’ll play support next time I’ll play [Applause] support oh game’s over I think we won that y we won that was so so unfair for I think I’m fin do you think I got I just flat riding so unfair for you I’m sorry okay I’m going to go change my

Weapon to sniper so I can go and um yeah there we go Splat charger cuz I need to be nerfed it’s because you have skill I don’t yeah it is so unfair well anyways whoever gets me next time is going to be I’m going to be a sniper or you two are

Going to be against me which is going to be an absolute ball I want to see this oh come on hello I think it’s because we’re friends Ah I have a gun now to literally shoot you can I my job is to literally just uh snipe people I’ll make sure you’re defended and it’s really just you against You I forgot about this place I can’t believe they made so many Splatoon Maps it’s really nice I haven’t gotten to play this much you try to start spraying ink everywhere because uh I’m having trouble Moving because I’m the only one spraying Ink you you’re going to face it you’re going to it right as you say that oh you’re going to get splatted and then immediately I just I just see you just like oh you’re going to get splatted and immediately just see you just absolutely get Destroyed I just I’m just bad I’m literally chose like a neutral kit this kit is so neutral you’re so you’re so gender neutral right now it’s so gender neutral no that’s what they said when I was eating at the lunch in but whatever wait actually I’m joking ah no

No I use that on you I don’t even oh my special’s ready I’ve never used it uh you have to click on it click on it and you’ll use it uh what is it it’s a bomb Rush Oh Yeah you have to right click that stuff it’s really

Broken oh yeah I need to start taking care of orang stuff like literally am I like the only person who’s actually played real Splatoon in this Lobby like for real probably I really got to start start bringing Full groups of people here please I want to see what happens if I

Actually try to shoot you oh I’m never doing that again I feel guilty wa you D me I was testing Sorry I was testing I feel bad I’m sorry you got me too no no she can just win the match I don’t care she can win the match I you

Two go at it I don’t care oh yeah she got the slasher she win in this game oh I’m actually going to die oh oh who do you I think I pass oh that’s not even close I won I won because I just explored a little

More yeah and I think it’s because I sprayed a little bit and used my bomb special I also use my bomb special yeah that’s probably why I I want to use a kit that I’m actually garbage at what is what would be a bad one roller is kind of

Broken inuka oh oh yeah that’s bad no I’m just GNA stay the sniper I was GNA change my thing but I’m out of time oh golden I’m alone I’m alone it’s time it’s time golden your time is up please if we were ever friends please don’t do this and it’s playing the funny Music it’s playing the funny music lamu I I don’t know I’m not actually listening Music no I suck you’re going to kill me is this highgrade bullying if I know how to play the video game more than you guys this game cost $60 I’m more bgeo Z than you that’s that’s my pure reason of I’m better at the game it’s I have more money than

You you’re richer than me I’m just financially staber yeah that’s a word financially stable where are you I’m just relying on I wonder if they realized how broken that this is this would Be Death from Above please let me B this is Hilarious how bullying is it if you’re not calling it bullying I’m not bullying this is I’m purely existing Your Existence bullies me that’s what the trans fob said that’s what the that’s what the Transam and the Karen said that’s what the trans phob said no I’m going to lose

Because you’re so good at the game and I’m so bad at it am I not allowed to shoot oh wait no I am oh okay I missed I oh low ink uh-oh uh-oh play the bucket it’s so much better just play the Bucket just straight up I’m telling you just play the bucket what bucket I don’t have a bucket yes you do in the equipments menu when you like enter like the game matches you can choose what weapon you have you go to equipments and it’s like this little piece of armor and then it

Allows you to change it like whatever you have let me have this let me have this small little area want to see your little area when we’re done with it I’m Lo it’s so sad I’m terrible I’m a terrible human being you’re hor you’re a horrible person

GG I picked up some I picked up something cool okay okay go to equipments and then choose one of the four equipments cuz like you don’t have much time I changed it don’t worry okay good oh I’m alone yay I can actually I can go

Full all out uhoh oh you did it stupid and now you’re spectating uh-oh uhoh golden we’re fighting one-onone now I can unrestraint myself from all Liberties of being uh morally Incorrect and that’s what makes us scared of you oh no golden golden there’s a problem I’m

Just I just run the other way as soon as I you heard me and you ran I heard your you just snip me instantly I got the ink which I think might have been a bad place no you have a broken kit um the problem is is that you don’t know how to

Use it very well that’s the problem I can’t I hate that you have to wait on the ink no you don’t have to wait you don’t have to stand still just move through ink that you already Placed like if you need to retreat do it but like I don’t like how I don’t like how slow it gives me oh damn the codee’s huge on this map do you recognize any of these Maps oh 100% I remember them all all Splatoon 2 I played forever I had like over 500

Hours in it like not even joking it actually says 200 200 like over $500 hours and stuff I loved those like equipment Stuffs I’m just trying to get more territory hello hi bye bye by have a good time how did I still get you I need that bow I need that stupid bow well can you aim that’s the thing can you also aim no well then don’t use the

Bow cuz on the off chance you’re not actually going to be able to hit me I have a specific oh Tim’s here Tim’s here hey Tim Tim he can’t hear you no he’s watching stream probably be funny I don’t think they even know I don’t even think they know

Who you are aside you’re a scamer that too come back here come back come back here this is going to look so sad again oh hey hey hey you’re escaping hey o o oh yeah Skype R oh over it’s look sad I don’t want to say anything

Anymore wait why are you on my team as well how’d you get points there wait I got points yeah yeah you got points on my team as well how did that happen all right I’m going to come um the splatter shot and can see how well I

Do without just hitting people at long range uh no stay I hope my move set doesn’t suck golden and I’m by myself again oh I’m also by myself again and I have splatter shot now oh I got oh no it’s humpback no humpback is’s a terrible map I hate

Humpback hump back’s just designed terribly that’s that’s why we hate it the entire Splatoon Community can agree I had to play this map so many times it’s like Angy me every single time like whenever I play this map just why I love how it’s like little blue

Buttons so whenever you fired out or or Acacia whenever you’re like trying to shoot At least you won’t be able to turn the corner and just see me kill you okay never mind I can just do that can you I don’t think you can get rid of the uh the uh oh you can in the regular game just shoot at

Them but this isn’t a regular game this is just a regular game of Splatoon for me this is fun ah this reminds me of destroying my other cousin in Splatoon this is great I just had dues and they had a splatter shot and they weren’t fast enough with reflexes it’s

Great I wonder how long you’re going to run around for before I find you again I’m just spers around and hoping for the best wait I did not I’ll be completely honest yeah the did you know that if you hit throw two burst bombs on a person it instantly kills

Them no yeah that’s what I’ve been doing that’s why everything with the burst bomb is broken that’s why Splatoon 2 um in Splatoon 3 they nerfed it so where it’s now um a suction cut bomb instead um because it was too broken um for Existing cuz it existed and that’s why it was bad oh so that’s your quit I mean your kit no I hate I hate being I lose wait there’s a skull emoji oh I have I have think zuka I think I only put up a little bit of a

Fight when I have this kit very I had in zuka so I just started I I so as you as you notice I just started blasting there’s no strategy it’s just bling there there’s strategy you just need to know how to play your cards right a I’m Ling don’t take this from

It’s less sad less sad it’s so fair it’s so fair someone who plays platoon all the time versus someone who’s never played Splatoon okay I’m playing roller next I’m playing roller what are you playing actual Splatoon after this maybe and then you got guys get to commentary I want you guys like to

Commentate on what I’m doing right and wrong I wish they added Blaster oh hey it’s the it’s theone Oh hey my special’s ready already maybe it usually takes a good good minute to get in the match to actually get your whatever ready try to Use uhoh that actually might kill me Uhoh oh no oh no in that in that tone it was it was great I need to fill up on my yeah same you’re you were right here I did not see you turn up get behind me so I just yeah um this is what we call the curling bomb technique it’s

Very obvious in regular game of Splatoon someone will throw down a curling bomb and then follow behind it to um Escape it’s a very common technique basically I’ve optimized all the movements necessary to actually play Splatoon properly against real people that have been playing this game for

Years even the kids that have the games know how to play this game right goodbye yeah I’m losing this I’m losing this unless I can is someone just watching me destroy you probably that’s just bullying at that point yeah I I said then you said I was

Wrong who says I can’t be hypocrite every once in a While ah my base isn’t painted use more paint I forgot that I could just spread out all my paint and there wasn’t a flick um that existed back then forgot about that cuz regular Splat one didn’t have that let’s see what the base looks like I’m getting very slightly

Better mhm I you just need to optimize you just need to optimize your stuff how are you still my team that should not be there okay wait Tim Tim join the game Tim join the join the queue join the queue the block so you can

Join I’m GNA go and get slasher again so I can go and U mess around my full Peak power I was about to pick sler I was about to switch I’m alone again I’m also Alone Again this time I’m just going to go full murder no way please

Easy go easy on me please that’s what I that’s what I told my cousin before I destroyed him it’s like when you when your little brother asks you to play um I have no siblings there is no fact way I have a brother as I an only childing to teach

How to play P fight you tell to go easy on you before you destroy Him please [Applause] stop I’m trying I’m not going to win I know I’m not going to win it’s like your chances get to be our our next to none you’re placing a person that has ranked um that actually has reached a rank in actual ranked battles of Splatoon before I’m even competitively

Good you’re probably you’re probably mad at me for being bad if it was like an actual spon game yeah I would be like bro come on actually be good please I’d be like yelling at you for like the fact that you’re like losing and our team’s actually losing score and we’re going to

Like get demoted in the next time that we don’t win the next match well I kicked out of x- rank because we’re so bad you mean I’m so bad I’ll get no if you’re bad everyone’s bad on the team everyone so you’ll have to so you’ll train

Me so I I would have to train you yeah as in you’ll beat me up pretty much hey unfazed erir welcome back to um bullying with Splatoon um I’m going to absolutely destroy destroy someone real quick uh just give me a minute minute yeah please give give me a whole

Minute before you destroy me no no no wait L wait Please wait please I love how high pitched I go yeah that’s going to be gone in a little bit once you’re um testosterone kicks in or something oh I lost yo become gigachad voiced basically simply please please let me out let me out you’re surrounded and now you’re gone there’s no

Go this is how most of my games in regular games of Splatoon used to be it’s wonderful and that used to be with teams of four I did this with teams of four before that’s how it usually looked but except there’s four little streamlines of people all converging to the center and then merging out and then all the rest of the other side of the base would be just gone and they would be unable to

Move no worry that’s how everyone feels like in Splatoon 2o just select the block but please Tim join the game join the game Tim yeah it’s joining hopefully he’ll be on my team then please be on his team I want to see oh wait we’re against on your team I think are we

Again oh wait no I’m alone yes yes I’m alone yay I have a challenge tell me you’re good at this game tell me you’re good at this game please lamu they’re probably not all right I’m heading straight over to you guys okay have fun please Don’t Tim Tim Tim Tim is dead one down we’re both calling uhoh I’m Injured oh wa I injured you I’m not invincible No wait you’re not Immortal no no which makes it Worse isic makes it worse you’re dying to Mortals I’m just good at this game you fools you smooshed together oh Tim Tim got me yay he killed you no way he’s not bad yay Tim actually has no a way to shoot the Gun yeah there some excuse me what the whoa whoa what the heck whoa whoa whoa whoa what’s that hashtag Hey yo hey yo what the heck is that hashtag in my chat what the hey yo what someone say I I’m not saying that you can say it if you want

I’m not saying that that’s not okay that’s not okay no not in my chat uh-uh we’re not degenerates here well I’m not a degenerate here you guys are whatever we hey hey okay that’s a that’s a that’s discri that is that is in why do why do I always get these type of

People why because we’re your friends no I would rather not I would rather like like move away with a six foot pole or something what kind of pole like a freaking pool stick or something I was going to say like a a specific kind of pole no no unless you mean like a

Fishing pole or something where I could just like smack him with like the rod and then scrape them with the flesh I don’t think dance around fishing I think we might actually win this ah uh that doesn’t do anything eight strike sucks no it does you just got to have people that’s the

Issue what does it even do yeah I think oh it strikes people but the problem is you got to be in proxy first please please let’s say we won please no maybe maybe that’s about right yay 58% I got a challenge oh no yay I wonder what happens if I play

Sniper what if you try placing the block no wa don’t don’t you’ll UNC you I was trying to see if I can place the block you can’t if you do it will unq you I know preparing the M oh Reef yeah I love this map this is the map that’s

Played on like the trailers oh no oh oh no oh no I’m being I’m going to be a I’m going to watch what Tim’s going to do I’m just going to sit on the sidelines and just like see what happens I want to watch what Tim

Does thank you for not killing me I just whenever I hear this song I think of the weird Doritos commercial it’s like like it’s like it’s ear wormed into my brain and it’s like the ’90s something animation okay I’m just watching from a distance of what’s going on so far it

Looks hilarious I’m walking Over oh oh the battle’s intense um Tim shooting at absolutely nothing and uh oh oh oh oh and Tim you need to full charge your shots to kill I think I it I I was like oh I wonder what this weird reticle is going on and then like also next thing I know I’m dead because I freaking stood in like the way of your uh nuclear

Weapon o I killed him I we both killed each other nice that means I get more time to retake whatever we want yay good thing I can quickly come back same I also quickly came back and I’m already at the center after you ink stried me you know

How easily snip you are right now I know because I’m just trying to claim as much land well that’s the problem you’re not like you’re not sharking you have to like shift to stay in the ink and then come out for like 2 seconds to just like spray everything

Around you and then go back and ink really fast that’s how I’m traveling you do that and then you go back in the ink and then after you shoot again um that’s how fast you should be like playing the [Applause] game no I got I was in the ink yeah I know you’re in the ink you’re not Invincible you’re weaker actually that’s ready that’s nice like all of the like music notes are just playing in my bottom right with subtitles this is great me Me K Me I’m going to lose indefinitely it’ll be even funnier all right I’m just going to go and cover the rest of the area so it looks more sad we all know if you have any heart if we’re if we’re really friends you won’t I’m not even I’m gonna drink my

Poison oh my God I love this I love this game I love this got more than I only got one kill that game ah I did so terrible oh no I think yeah that single time you sniped me yeah was that single time I killed you one second I don’t even know

We why would you I hate this I I I don’t want to be friends Anymore ooh wait wait oh yeah there we go there we go me with a sniper versus you two better me and Tim beat you so like you almost beat me last time you were pretty close actually like I was actually going with a runner up of my my I was actually almost challenged

Almost with you two against me at the moment I’m just covering as much round as I Can oh my special’s ready I know where You I don’t know how to place blood to and please forgive me oh she’s over There oh come on I got Tim though I got Tim we’re still going to Win yeah I should probably stop laying back be the for one I’m not going to be the one who looks I probably still going to be sad but it’s not going to be because of Me did you m your your video game what game I’d appreciate oh is it because the music’s annoying yes oh uh videos music jukebox to zero better let me run away please you’re like run away I’m going tow away because I’m a degenerate Tim just gets killed don’t

Ask how that has anything to do with this oh I just realized I have my special Ready oh no Wa wait are we going to still win wait maybe wait maybe maybe who knows okay let’s see let’s see let’s see I think we might have won by a little bit I won you’re just you’re just so cracked at the game like I hold my own very

Good I once took down a team of four 50 times I have to get are you gonna help me out when if you and me ever get the same team again sure y might happen next game who knows a while I Warehouse a this is the this is the map I figured

Out you said it you said it you jinxed it you jinxed it it’s good Jinx though that’s the problem you’re you’re focusing too much you have to aim upwards aim upwards you’re aiming at the ground aim upwards oh oh yeah that’s way better yeah that’s why you play the slasher aim

Up yeah I’m getting a lot of ground here I’ll work on more that’s why you’re not doing good because you’re spraying the ground like a like a literal Noob I’m spraying it like a like it’s spray pain can okay you’re spraying it like you’re like a Splatoon one player

That just freshly picked up the game I am technically well at least if you ever buy the game you know how to play a little bit Yeah wonder where he went also my ready he like was going to do a listen to viewers song recommendation stream and then I remembered I

Have zero view oh no life they have no viewers oh well at least at least you have us you have us it’s like it’s fine it’s okay ow you hit me in the head like he shot me and I oh there we go Tim’s going over time Tim’s going

Over Tim’s going overtime Tim going strong man the bow is powerful like you know how to use it it’s actually the splatter shot the way it works is that it zooms in and basically you get to one shot shot your opponents when you’re at the fullest strength and you can do like

Sort Taps when you’re whatever get some High Ground batch up our floors oh I got youal several vles play Splatoon in real life by trying to cover up their ENT cover up an entire roller blading ring up with paint that feels like something somebody would

Do yes you have a special and it’s not bad and I killed him well you should see me when I actually am playing Splatoon though I’m pretty good I’m sure no wait Dam save me save me I mean I’m clout riding you after you after after you win this I’m going to

Say I did all the work okay you win this yeah I did all the work I did nothing oh wait I got oh you got one point more nice Ang you actually did more you actually did more than me interesting for once for once in your life you did more than

Me I had caps I can hear the voice of Tim like even though he isn’t here but I think that’s just my imagination like doing crazy stuff really should you should just let us join the VC all together uh last time I did all a sudden I got a bunch of ear

Rape no have you turned off everyone’s soundboard yet wait you can do that yeah you can turn off you can heal people’s soundboard you can mute people sound oh my goodness you didn’t know that no I know more about Splatoon than I do about Discord okay oh yeah this thing only has a

Certain amount of range yeah this is my new favorite weapon oh which weapon the slide the slasher the slasher yeah yeah the slash is really good for that it’s basically a blaster but for Splatoon one is it broke is isn’t this the weapon that got patched um no that was The

Umbrellas The Umbrellas are garbage so after this let’s try to get into Tim and a VC cuz you now know that you can uh mute soundboards it’s right next to the just regular muting People how have I I’ve have not killed a single person well you mean a single person you just means him because you know you’re not you’re you’re not getting me you know mainly because I don’t go after you cuz you’re just too good you’re just too bit you’re you’re getting shot at from

Like two different directions to let you know I know and I’m somehow Still Standing I didn’t even get to sing my I didn’t even get to sing you died before I could even start singing standing after all and then you died is that song copyrighted yes it is you can only say

Like I would say three words before scam you can say you can say like the opening bits and then you have to stop before YouTube decides to copyright you you could never know what it’s like y yep that sounds about Right oh wait what oh I I still got more than you wait is kitten still playing oh wait no not anymore yeah kitten’s gone yeah I’m trying to get to all right we’re moving to the crown SMP live oh The match is starting oh hey I’m against you guys again ooh what’s this map oh it’s this map nice it’s um the one with the massive whatever is in the it’s the apartments the apartments map nice that one’s this is a rare one hello I think you left thec yep you left

PC I had to figure I to turn soundboards off hold on give me a second let me go and mess with that let me fiddle with soundboards okay okay let me fiddle with soundboards open soundboard how do I mute that yo guys how do I how do I mute

Soundboard you it’s basically right click it’s the exact same thing as on what on what you right click their name on the call oh when I right click on the call oh oh I guess you and you can see it’s right next to the uh just a regular

Muting okay anyways um I’ll go and sit in the corner after I just ended you both am I the only one who’s played Splatoon before Oh no I played Splatoon before um I was going to do it but then um so good I don’t know I I don’t know

She might have just played this no I played Splatoon before I’m the only one here who oh wait okay so all it says is I can mute channels hide names open chat copy link or invite people that’s all it says I can are you

Are you on this are you on are you right clicking the the icon slash the name icon SL the oh wait oh mute soundboard why can’t that just be an option for everyone why can’t I just mute everyone if it makes it feel better it’s really late for everybody so like I

Don’t think you got to worry oh too bad well I’m still doing anyway cuz just in case I’m doing it for stream reasons yeah say hi to uh her stream I got to introduce it and I butchered it so badly yeah after I had like a panic attack but like whatever hello

Stream it’s like n something I I’m pretty sure no one’s even there probably but hey I’ll probably be playing Splatoon in a bit so yeah so you guys get to go and yell at me while I’m like while I’m playing games yeah this is my warmup yeah just quick warm up before

Really a warm up you’re just better at at this game than us a I’ve played Splatoon like three times in my entire life I’ve played it over a million times oh wait oh we won we won oh actually yeah you might have won a my team lost oh no I was fixing technical

Issues two against one dang that’s just too easy for me oh and I did all I got so many kills I don’t know what that’s talking about I’m changing to slasher because I’m not winning oh it’s how much you paint oh okay yeah it’s how much you painted also

Slasher so it’s GNA be slasher vers slasher or slasher and slasher vers bow yeah well that makes it kind of easy for the bow person though is it random oh hey I’m alone again oh and you spawned on top of each other yeah I’m trying to

Realize are you ready to go kill her or him I forgot your oh okay thank you he like I’ll I’ll personally attack you if you I don’t know pronouns well so I’m just going to just say she thank you you thought I was a girl when you

First met me that’s because you sound like one I was doing the Elmo voice no you still sound like one yeah you’re in falet not really to be honest anyone that’s young sounds like that when they’re young it’s Fine I get some help there’s a pro coming after me here um they’re after me actually um actually um I thought they were on the other side I think I I didn’t know you guys were streaming I I swear to God it was not looking for you guys I was just

Trying to I was looking at for some new games and I was just like oh I guess I’ll and then all a sudden you saw my like my stream tab open and just said oh I just was like oh I I haven’t played on this server in a while I guess I’ll

Just try it out oh so you just found me yeah I found you guys in the one undertale thing with the other characters and I was like oh that’s that’s the old owner of that game was playing why can’t I leave my squid I’m stuck in my squid it’s not letting me

Leave because you’re in ink you’re in the Bad Ink there’s bad ink yeah it’s called me oh you’re behind me nuclear bomb go my shift key doesn’t work I I don’t actually might I don’t even have a shift key on I’m just clicking a little button on my

Keyboard yeah we lost this round I’m I think we actually might have this got get no we lost this we lost this actually I think you guys might have won that because I haven’t gotten to the center yet just try and take over the the this area I saw the particles for

Once o o o why can’t oh I ran out of that’s why come back come back I’m good I don’t want going behind you guys guys what’s the problem guys what the problem I’ve just been going behind you and cleaning up all this ink I know this

Is so I thought like I’m like oh this isato I I know how to play Splatoon kind of and then suddenly now I’m playing this thing that somewhat like and you don’t know how and just like suddenly all of my ideas of Splatoon have somehow been erased and Inter reparable I think

We won I think we won yeah actually I think you guys won you don’t know the Splatoon names I got find what they look like yeah my team my team lost yeah you guys are getting real good we won I’m just goodon I’m not bad you guys

Are doing really well at tag teaming me it’s good I’m not good by myself I get destroyed I’m going to go and get the sniper rifle again cuz I think that’s the only reason I can like even handle tackling you two both of us both of us if I was

Playing regular Splatoon you guys would have died so many times because the bucket um has terrible Collision in this game it depends on what Splatoon you’re talking about Splatoon 3 oh I’m [ __ ] I oh shoot shoot shoot sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry uh it’s late it’s we’re a

Few hours into the stream just don’t try to say it again I think I I think said almost the same word like I don’t know a good 20 minutes ago on accident cuz I was like stressed sorry yeah my bad that’s my that’s my fault it’s it’s okay

Just try not to say it again that’s literally all I can say it’s just so hard being kid friendly for me bro like I’m not a kid-friendly channels that’s fair PG-13 you don’t have to be kidfriendly I don’t even think it’s D 13 anymore oh I was just trying to get early Early

Head Start I guess that’s that’s fraudulent now um but yeah I’m not really a kidfriendly channel so it’s kind of hard I I just damn you’re a sniper damn I’ve been practicing bow on 1.8 I don’t know that’s not like a Splatoon thing I’ve just been practicing though

Yeah I know CU Swindle keeps saying I suck get mad every time cuz SW keep headshotting me in just normal PVP matches and I get so mad we WEA reclaim I land I think it’s just called my my freaking brain is slowing down so like um little did you guys know I have

6 hours of sleep in the words of the pirat excuses excuses I can’t see particles I’m just going off of what I can find oh I think I’m dead here no it’s I turned off particles cuz I was playing 1.8 and then I decided oh I

Haven’t played on this server in a while I switched to 1.2 and I was like oh you know maybe uh maybe I’ll just go play this and see what games they have also I was telling uh her I was telling her earlier but I love the oh my

God it’s just that term you Dam it’s like right as you say that boom I didn’t actually die when I said it that this time you didn’t die that time oh every time I end up saying it I always end up dead or someone ends up

Dying the arrows go by the way I noticing that they don’t go the same exact way as in vanilla Minecraft oh you you you nice I’m just claiming every area that you haven’t claimed I’ve been trying to distract her but it seems my teammate is too slow to steal

Land I know I know I’m stupid but I think we won dang yeah I’m pretty sure you guys won yeah yep we won yeah as long as you have someone like keeping me distracted the entire time like with a sniper yeah I’m usually dead yeah I’ve play Splatoon you need

Just start being a bit more valuable to the team from now te me bro you took forever to take land I wasting her I was the one that tell that to the point score yeah cuz I was distracting her and you took two million years

I think I think the last Splatoon game I played was Splatoon one oh you’re an OG nice my sister bought it um and I was like oh that looks like a bad game and I was like I guess I’ll try it out and no it’s like it’s basically baby’s first first person

Shooter I played TF2 the first first shooter game that’s adult’s first person shooter yeah that’s no no no no that’s college student no that’s college student first person shooter oh you’re oh the N word N word N word N word hey D iy hello oh my gosh has

Anyone seen that video I have my favorite video he’s like oh you’re streaming N word n n oh I’ve already lost this time to Giga blast Giga blast now oh Jee got blasted you got blasted by her by her ink it’s time to get Giga blasted you’ll never face my Obama hamaha

Oh I’m B she bends my machine till I ink stop stop stop that is a joke you’re not allowed to make here stop it hey go away they man I’m dead man I’m dead skeleton emoji hey can we talk about this I don’t think we can can we just

Talk miss all my I’m being on right now we we won we won this is a i this reminds me back in back in the days I played regular Splatoon this is great where everything was unbalanced and I could just murder people in 20 seconds been a while it’s been like I

Think a year or two yes but 2 came out and then there was splat 3 your orange colored ink he like King’s Rusty you got to let him cookon racism is real octolings octolings canonically being bullied canonically needs to be saved you ain’t going to be winning why

You even trying cuz I don’t like to lose go Mega Blast oh no it’s not ready yet why did you walk to so we’re still going to win we could probably just stand still the rest of the round and still win oh why am I oh that’s why I’m dying

You why am I about to die oh my gosh she saw my plan she saw my plan have three seconds left to my giggle is horrifying to some people really now you see why yeah that wasn’t a challenge oh you had 2% of the land I’m playing against two people oh

Look at Golden butter doing nothing again that’s why you lost I think I should not I I don’t think I should legally be allowed to play splattershot that’s just it’s just a legal now ink zuka is too broken I’m gonna try that ink zuka is broken as hell if you’re really close to

People it’s just a shotgun and it just kills anyone in 30 seconds oh not this place again wait I’m still on one oh no oh no oh no wait my health is not going back wait I’m still on one one part um go in

The ink go in the ink and your HP should return to normal just like shift in the ink and you’ll just should be fine it’ll recover on its own right okay yeah I got it now thank I was I was hoping you wouldn’t kill him that time for the two people play uh

Splatoon versus the one person who has not played Splatoon this this is like me like whenever I play on like a late night it’s just like all the kids that decide to stay up late just like face reality and instantaneously wa wait wait wait you actually might kill

Me no I died no wor you were never in real danger because you know why because I literally have a a a Splat roller and if I hit them once they die instantly awesome I paint the most so I don’t want to play no more I don’t play no

More you don’t want to play as soon as I’m actually kill you no you still own my land I’m the British man I don’t want to lose my land I’m I’m the British I don’t want to lose my land just one more Colony man just one more Colony you know just come

On when the Americans actually won that War I don’t want to play no more man I don’t want to play no more they’re cheating like oh those Americans those Americans are cheating it said the British play no more they got guns I don’t want play no

More yeah also they stole my cannons and my boats I don’t like that I don’t like that I can’t believe they’re playing so unfair guys they’re not dying it’s almost like they know how to use the Weaponry against us it’s it’s crazy guy maybe you shouldn’t be using

Swords they weren’t using swords they’re using boats and cannons BR I was talking Cav pandas and I was like if you you were at my house and I had a clock and you had a knife who would win he said and he said him and I said how he I just

Throw the knife at your head and I’m like bro what you’re you will die as well you would also die Mur mystery rules no it’s murder mystery rules the murder mystery rules is crazy crazy bro I forgot I’m not orange yeah I also forgot I wasn’t orange and then I got obliterated a

Bit Yeah it keeps happening so used to being on the losing team yeah now now you’re on now you’re like on the winning team and it’s just like it’s great a couple times with the golden we we I don’t think we’ve lost it all specifically me and Tim together

Yeah we have just every game ago literally a game ago I have Dien I’m sorry you died to the gamer girl huh defend the gamer girl I don’t want to play this game no more I don’t want to play no more you’re you’re you’re just better at

Okay let’s see let’s see yeah that’s about right probably did not help much yeah that let looks about right y look at Tim over there being useless golden got more like space area but like couldn’t cover all of it I didn’t have any like weapons I didn’t have a bow so I couldn’t

Snipe yeah you chose a slasher but it’s fine it’s fine it’s like slasher is only downside it’s only good for close range only I’m going back to sniping I’m going back to slasher I’m staying as the roller K them oh oh you’re by yourself well I’m

By my can you un did you unready yourself oh you’re by yourself oh wait I’m by myself no we’re all by ourselves well we’re all by ourselves in the end in the end it’s kill or be kill flowy rules in the end I don’t know why didn’t

Know matter how hard to try to deep down parkour parkour parkour I’m just imagining like the dust trust like remix of um like of I don’t know uh remember when I recommended like Hydro or something in their music for um the dust trust remix right yeah I’m just singing

That it’s like has like 20 different songs all matched together of edgy different edginess wait you were here I kill you what happened I keep thinking I’m blue man you got to remember to look at your colors you got to remember you’re not you’re not blue it kind of helps if you

Play it kind of helps if you play in third person oh oh yeah oh my goodness just like in the games I’m stuck [ __ ] I’ve been playing in first person but it doesn’t matter I’m playing in first person oh my point no I don’t know if for Sniper I think it would be

Bad no I hate this I hate this I’m going back andake me up up no I got my revenge I got my revenge just like hello oh hey you can super jump in this game this is amazing I can super jump to you in your inventory you can super jump

To your teammates so I just jumped back to you okay I’ll keep that in mind next time me and are working together so you could just respawn next to each other if one of you guys go too far I’m just going to stay up here this

Nice no no not nice anymore no D I’m getting abused I’m just trying to spam it I forgot I have ah ah no no why am I oh I’m ink I’ll save you I did it yay thank you I need to get good at this game I need to

Playl recommend SPL one uh you can’t even play anymore you need a Wii U and also the servers are shutting down oh wait is it actually yeah like the servers are shutting down no I was bro I have a Wei right my sister broke the remote though so I can’t even play

It yeah like the actual servers are shutting down like even the Splat scon players yeah they’re like sad they’re sad damn imagine only 5 25 sorry I got the best player here uh they do almost all the work I can’t do anything I did more I did more work than

Imagine cuz you’re on one team like I still did more work I’m bored I kind of want to talk okay again PR ER all right after after this either we could probably try playing bedwars again since we have three people now or you’re going to playl I thought you guys I thought

You were going to say cuz we have Tim I like oh yes our secret weapon we have Tim we have Tim he played bedwars once he played bedwar once he’s our secret weapon no worry guys he’s our secret weapon and that’s why we will win though

Bed war on bed on like 1.0.2 sucks cuz you can’t um can’t you know who I can’t speak today you I got the boat I don’t know I don’t know how to I’m horrible at Bow can I teach can I teach my teammate how to use the

Bow okay look look look you see the bow right you see the bow watch this you point at upwards not the ground B bam you can shoot look at that sorry I had to teach my teammate how to play I need more ink I need to I need

More ink all over my body what nothing my man’s going crazy right now crazy I was crazy once they locked me in room room with rats and rats make me crazy crazy that was crazy once walked in the room room rub with rats and rats make me crazy all I’ll

Stop die why aren’t you dying thank you I was trying to slowly crawl away yeah I know and I was like why aren’t you dying I should have killed you by now what is this wonky game play I tried to save you absolutely silly gameplay this absolutely silly

Goer oh I missed my shot by an inch yeah it’s like this game is so clunky than the actual game of Splatoon I can tell I mean it’s Minecraft what did you expect Minecraft in perspective the bow like I thought I wouldit that I think it’s just this game

Oh that does so much damage I think I think this is the one round we’re going to lose it’s going to be the first I’m not used to this map what even is this map um I think it’s like I think it’s the whole t m thing yo golden you going to stop

Sitting over there and actually help get rid of the orange I need ink I’m out of ink then run through it as you’re walking I’m waiting for the moment the moment to strike the inevitable what inevitability they’re going for they’re going for you they’re going for you I

Know I know I know I know I know don’t die I that’s a difficult piece to it die that’s a difficult piece of advice to uh to he I before you said it [Applause] now I think if we’re lucky fingers crossed yeah that does that look like we’re lucky

No I still got more than I still got oh that’s actually that’s kind of low actually game I’m mad I feel like I did so much better oh my HP is so low all right we going down to some bedar going some bed tried this yet um just to let you guys know

Um um when I go and plug in my switch to go and play Splatoon um yeah my um one I won’t be able to play Minecraft for two um my uh Discord will well be dead like I will not be able to speak um that’s fair enough like I wish

I could to be honest but I don’t know my speakers wound up weird oh what is blue fin wait the blue one I won’t I won’t be on for once I won’t be on for long uh I just decided to hop on because of you know fun fun Giggles that’s fair oh what

The heck oh oh my gosh I almost fell in yeah I know I was like what the heck is this map it’s the new split it’s the new map that got remastered for Splatoon 3 I forgot how dumb it was because you could fall off at any moment it’s so dumb

Oh this paint roll is good yeah it’s it’s good but the problem is you get sniped so easy and there’s so many places to fall off cuz it’s all made of lapis made of lapis I know the meaning behind the and careful being careful is only a suggestion like the laws of

Physics hold on oh my God I’m so good at this game Sorry I I had to head shot you there you had to do it to him I had to learn I the map yeah this map is just good for getting getting yourself game ended it’s just that

Good and you wonder why not why a lot of people didn’t like this kind of map get up oh oh oh my goodness I one I’m not going to lie I had like no ink I had like oh did you end each other I was kind of scared

Then you remembered it’s golden butter so you stop being scared a moment of remembrance I missed yep a moment of remember I am doing none of the work by the way I just killing golden butter for funs for funsies that’s very you’re such a good friend

Tim I haven’t talked to you in like ever since that last stream we barely talked we’re such good friends oh I fell I fell to your domain and I’m still alive yeah because I splash down him I might have like no chance at all but I’ll fight on like until my last bre

And words of that one sand I love that song to be fair I I just love that song I don’t blocked again talking about oh undertale songs it’s called close to inevitability it’s something like that the only undertale game I know is undertale yellow and I haven’t seen it come out

Yet so no it’s out it’s out now sandwich played sandwich played it they cried is it oh yo iide I could probably play it it’s good it’s emotionally heavy it’s good game jol is it on game jol have no idea I really got to go back to and see if it’s available find

It when you find it s it to me I’ll probably check game jolt first yeah game jolt is where undertale green was um I’m gonna guess that this is another we’re gonna do another game of this and then bedwars yeah you two can do bedwars and

Then I’ll try to see if I can get Splatoon running so I can go and get this going at least today’s stream has been salvaged extremely well like despite of all the trials and tribulations why is it the same map oh hi we’re going to beat because you’re

Our secret weapon I the secret weapon that’s very obvious I’m the adorable secret weapon I want to play this game hey what happens what happens when uh what happens in U um yeah your secret weapon with the murderer what have been what happen of your what when you the

M I forgot that I actually that I have an actual special attack now I actually have to try oh man oh my goodness the the whole entire other side of the map is already covering orange the town orange instead of paint the to Red oh my God the boat does Not oh that does so Much all right this is where I get bullied okay man I’ve been getting I fell off the map again I F I’m inside wait wait guys I’m I’m wait I’m swimming in the water uh-oh listen I’ve been being bull wait wait wait get close get

Close I can help you with that hold on hold on hold on can someone save me I’m kind of stuck can someone shoot where are you in the water don’t see you where are you I’m not dying oh I see him I see him he’s he’s

Shifting I was shifting tell your name I see him him let me get him let me get him don’t kill them let’s just win let’s just win no no no my I have a good I have a good honor System come here here no you don’t it can’t it literally can’t

Reach I have kindness okay wait genci I literally can’t die damn it I can’t die why are you you immortal you became you became Frisk undertale for real they became Immortal what supp to do okay last chance I’m going to use splash down to try

To I also have splash down I can’t play the okay stay there stay there I got splash down we’re going to see if this works splash down if it doesn’t work it I’m actually just you’re stuck down there I can’t kill you and can’t kill me this is

Terrible no one can me this ISAT do you like fall on that eyeball I fell right next to my little like area and then I just swam over to you guys orange win I’m glad I couldn’t get the play we literally claimed all the land we possibly could because we can’t go

Higher that’s true all right um yep uh yeah sure y you guys or02 I’m on2 I’m going to go and try to get this thing started all right I’m I was already in bedwars oh wait what Lobby oh I can just invite you never mind I can just invite

You try to yeah yeah we’re all right um hopefully you guys are watching the stream because that’s the only way you’re going to be able to hear me from now on on um actually you might want to leave the call then because we’re probably going to be talking a lot over

You it’s like you’ll probably be able to hear me if you have me on the background all right I got the stream up okay cool I hurt myself you good all right Tim let me know when you’re joining in uh I’m probably gonna mute

K or we or me and Tim could go to VC I’m I’m gonna M myself streaming oh they muted themselves also deafen yourself yes so you can’t hear us by Way by way I want to hear you guys oh wow my boot is very deep I did not know

That your voice has been deep your voice has been deep sir oh yeah has it been deep I I always thought I sounds like a little heing boy okay never mind they can’t hear me could do a you could probably a pretty good sound they can’t hear me it’s a little late for

That oh wait why isn’t it working oh their stream’s delayed they’re just responding to us saying our deep is our de our voices are deep shoot no it’s doing the thing again okay you need to Deen yourself fine fine I guess so fine anyways you going to join a game or what

Right sorry fine I guess I guess I’ll like whatever like oh my God okay give me a second guys I’m going to go and cover my entire screen so I don’t acally do this again and accidentally leak myself I I swear to goodness if I accidentally swear I leak myself again

Because like I can’t play video game okay it’s working oh my God oh my God it’s working oh my God oh my God I have a attack oh my God I’m over dramatic H I’m problematic what is a problem anything okay give me give me give me items you’re time to

Practice now time for the actual Splatoon section of this game it’s just I not did right now something is like my favorite my scratcher I don’t know either uh I guess you guys can like give me a challenge or something like with like I could use different like whatever is at the

Moment I’m just going to jump into a random game and just play with Blaster I’m like decent right now even my frames are bad all right since I’m like whatevering I’m going to go okay never mind I don’t have time to get water all right no J

Fresh I can’t read behind my own PNG tuber this is great ooh oh that’s a o I don’t know about that one Chief all right let’s let’s try our best team all right operation kill operation kill we go okay never mind hello hello hello I’m currently dying in Splatoon

Cuz I have just started playing I’ve been like playing mock Splatoon in Minecraft because it’s way easier for me and my frames no come on kill kill dang it get actual damage in there hi can I join um like if I’m able to get this working please don’t kill me

No I’m trying to upgrade like my catalog cuz there’s like good clothes and Stuff uh-oh yes okay there we go we got one finally finally oh no uh oh uh oh inside inside the shield inside the shield we leave we leave we leave we leave we leave no no okay okay don’t kill me don’t kill me

Don’t kill me no no no no no no no no no okay okay we are no longer in in a in a science not science in a movie okay and I’m dead like to play online but I won’t give 20 bucks an incentive for horrible online uh my online’s pretty decent actually um

But I think that’s just actual Wi-Fi connection and yeah when I record Splatoon this is what happens like I will not be very good for like the rest of this stream just because like literally whatevering barely able to play video game while streaming like no wonder they love stick

And controls no I can’t do even game properly I game it twice the frames per second what is this I game it like 20 frames per second what level are you on what level am I um 45 level 59 that’s fair you play way more than me that’s absolutely Fair

This guy do not play very much the actual prices are so much like higher like 70 yeah with like other games yeah ooh ooh no no no ah so close Okay I bet we lost we lost probably mexic much like o yeah shoot take it how does one gamer when frames are

Bad actually hold on maybe I could open okay let me check color range default buffering Auto detect full range limited or flip vertically rotate B camera data if there’s anything use like opt out of using covering data color space it’s like FPS match outputs FPS oo so that’s what it’s

Producing okay never mind okay I’ve lost two battles today oh I’m about to lose a lot more it’s going to get real cringy yep I’m usually way better offline but I wanted to play online today just because I wanted to play Splatoon and I need an excuse

To like to stream and do this at the same time spotted against the wall cuz I have like cuz I have no have not played Splatoon 3 in a while that’s fair there’s a new catalog which has all the new clothes and stuff you you don’t

Have to pay for the DLC for these clothes it’s good problem is it’s like level 100’s like like near the best stuff and everything below 50 is terrible and I’m fortunately only level 10 in the catalog which is why I’m trying to grind it so I can get at least maybe level

20ish Maybe by end the stream I don’t know maybe that’s wishful thinking though I’m probably not getting there anytime soon okay nope okay we leave I’ve gotten level 100 for the catalog same but the problem is that uh difference is um I’ve gotten consistent wins once and then I didn’t this is when

Crab Meadow was still going that’s why I was winning and also I wasn’t streaming which is also I have this terrible terrible habit of pressing the Y button with my thumb at with my nails cuz they happen to do that yep he was like hello baset boy

Hello he like I remember my entire online nickname when he like she was called princessness nice getting killed I’m getting killed detect there is nothing to detect good detect go go my minion detect you detect things for me this girl needs to figure out where

The no no no no no no n n no no dead no no I’m doing decent I’m doing decent oh my team’s actually winning I’m not a burden yay yay I’m not a burden for once I’m actually doing good while on stream this is amazing uhoh go go get close get close

Please yes no enimo is like the 100 award for catalog for this season I’m I’m saying like everything like closer to 100 is better like everything above 50 everything below 50 is absolute garbage no Okay I agree yeah it’s like the clothes and stuff is way way good I want like the boots the boots are nice okay that’s why we’re losing okay place that down place that down you’ll never take this land you’ll never take this land for America no for America

No why did my respond take forever it’s absolutely garbage absolute garbage all right that’s pretty good yep look oh shoot I dropped I dropped my sand like most clothing items I have in games so I get refunded for cash instead nice yeah I was kind of surprised after

A while that I would just get like oo there we go that’s another one all right we’re already at level almost at level 12 end of end of the next few matches hopefully get me to level 12 it’s like I’ve estimated four to five um like wins or something in um

Tur four is good enough to get me through um one catalog level so if I technically lose 10 games I will still be making progress cuz otherwise I would not be streaming I’m also currently in a VC right now where I’m like supposedly saying stuff but when I’m

Not I don’t even know when I’m in that VC if I’m not being heard and or hearing anything so I have no idea like only 10 minutes ago I was like playing Minecraft Splatoon and I was destroying everyone and now I’m just like have like half my frames per second

And everyone’s actually good at the game yay it’s like he’s like welcome to the real games and I’m like oh yeah stuff I’ve been preparing for okay flick flicker flicker okay I really got to anticipate the the lag that I’m getting on this end of the PC this is not

Okay okay we leave we leave no no no no no no no no bad come on come on no I hate how it doesn’t like explode the second it hit the floor hit the flag and explode okay okay I’m being shot at okay when you accidentally walk into a

Boo bomb yeah I just accidentally walked walked into someone with um the new uh the new special which is now running rampant um Yeah and it’s like oh yes the video game I I put in the title is finally being played amazing yeah I do that sometimes same same I literally just walked into a different person special like 10 seconds ago okay okay we deal with that we deal with that

We deal with those no I walked into someone’s booy bomb and you just predicted the future nice congratulations you’re a psychic now you’re psychic no there is no denying girl you’re know pych you’re not tell the future uhoh yeah that’s good like I have

Nowhere to run so I try to get away with the same area but then I get splatted yeah it sucks yeah no no no aha surprise you’ve been fooled oh okay this is yeah my my reactional gameplay is not fitting my actual gameplay this is great not again not again no all right

Going towards that everything’s just covered again come on hit things dang it I can’t game what is this okay and the entire map is gone we lose yep anyone missed old Splatoon where you could just like have everyone cornered in like one section of the map and then

You just destroy everyone anyone missed that it’s like crazy before everyone just like had panic buttons and now everyone just like ends up like ending each other like too fast yeah I’m trying to M OCT brush Neo it’s like right now and I have four stars for that weapon oh damn

Actually I usually have the rule of just you need to try it once at least because then you get the Sheldon license for it it’s like that’s my rule for like when I’m getting items like I don’t have to master master it cuz like if I play one weapon for too

Long my brain just dies and like melts on the ground oh boy I can he feel the heat fatigue I’m going to go get some water yeah I’m pretty chill oh boy oh I had not had a cup of water in two hours oh boy and I’ve been constantly talking oh

That I that feels great and terrible at the same time oh boy I need to drink more after this match cuz I’m like I’m having heat sweats it’s not a good thing yay physical health is dying yay oh and there’s a sniper on the field

That’s me okay I was a pixel out I was a pixel out my IRL voice I’m a trans F like yes this is like IRL voice is like when I’m tired of something whatever but like mostly I’m trying to do this most of the time it’s voice training whatever

Yep if you want to like know what my real voice sounds like it’s mostly dead inside just to let you know it’s just sounds like your average um person who’s in their like 18 somethings and they’re like I’m going to college I’m dying inside I have nowhere Direction in life

Oh no such a travesty you know the the deal the H being no no sh sh like emo and like emo yeah pretty much it’s pretty much emo I can like pull it off pretty well I like screamed and then I just got enveloped in like whatever and bumped into the

Umbrella hilarious Absolute Comedy come on explosion oh hi oh come on leave leave dang it emo and and like emo kid yeah pretty much the emo kid yeah also I can do like a good narrator voice so if I need to like read dialogue from like a game or something I read it

Like it’s like you know imagine like um your average narrator sitting in a chair with like their um in red robe and they’re just like vibing they’re just reading you this nice story like like how a grandfather like tells their children their stories from more it’s like like as their Travelers

Traveled across the land they never saw this coming as all of a sudden the villain whipped out the most sinister smile and absolutely destroyed them with their ultimate power a gun no no no I’m digging Co 44.8 yeah yeah voice acting takes a lot of talent yeah they only recently like told some

People like like the funny abilities I can do it’s great this is like all a sudden I can like hey guys how’s it going and then I’ll be like make like a serious like whatever tone so it’s like and it’s like would you like a sandwich yes I would love a sandwich a

Sandwich would be a great delicacy at the moment and then I would be like what and then I’ll just switch back to my chipper and bubbly Behavior just like oh that’s great y mhm like thank you and they’re like uh uh and it’s great because like no one

Wants to mention it but they’re like H and it’s hilarious Absolute Comedy for me um all I’m going to say just don’t search a voice trolling until you’re like 16 it so I’d love to join um once I’m done with this one because then I had to figure out how to let you guys in okay so yeah see the dude and thinking of changing my weapon to Roller in a bit because it’s way easier

To get kills that way or it feels like it cuz I feel like I’m doing bad with the with the Blaster don’t feel like I’m doing good job no no dang it why did it press y why did you press y no okay so can you add me okay um give me a

Second like with friend codes and stuff oh oh okay okay well that happened ooh there we go that’s the kill we were waiting for now that’s what we’ve been waiting for oh oh a I’m running on 6 hours and 30 minutes of sleep so my brain’s super tired my dream is on

Fire oh oh okay that wasn’t I wasn’t escaping that no yep not that crazy spectacular anyce [ __ ] come on no ow it’s only 1024 where we are oh yeah you’re like an hour ahead of me dang somewhere Midstate I believe yep or Canada I probably don’t matter come on come on no the

Sniper ah and they have the respawn Punisher and I’m wide awake and I can’t m tone in ah yes that’s that’s Fair like it usually helps to like make the body and the mind like absolutely exhausted first I’ve already exhausted my entire body already it’s just I need to like exhaust the mind which it’s currently already doing so yeah I deserve so yeah oh that’s that’s fair yeah yeah that explains a lot

Yeah it’s kind of difficult to like sleep through stuff like that I’m sorry if I’m like pushing too much sorry oh shoot okay that was way too close that person almost got me please please pleas okay thank you I don’t know how much percentage that was like 30 46 46 against two 2%

Yeah so confused why people have that it’s fine yep that’s another win but unfortunately I don’t have enough like gold whatevers to really take much for that at least I’m grinding a bunch of like level stuff I’m going to go change my blaster instead of having um the

Protection Blaster I’m going to go and and take this custom Blaster custom Blaster has the new um whatever on it like the only difference though is that um I don’t have a sub anymore that’s the thing I have Point sensor um it’s good for locating people but that’s kind of

It oh shoot I just REM I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m my brain is drifting to too many places H my brain Tire okay hey buddy you look like you’re about to drift and you’re about to turn into mist in 30 seconds you good mate you good you good okay good you’re back okay

Cool cuz like there’s too many disconnectors oh boy I almost got sniped that is not okay that not okay not okay not okay okay oh yeah heavy edit sing I literally zoned out while reading my school report card damn crazy that’s fair I would have probably done the

Same it’s like like difficult to even like whatever it it’s like all it is is just like reading numbers but the important numbers though uh uh no so close so close yeah I think I need like more insta kill weapons when I’m like whatever no please please no please no

Ow it’s like I got good percentages though oh okay yeah like in my elementary um you didn’t get percentages you got grades just the numbers like and letters that was it it was harsh it was a harsh very harsh system and nor was I doing well so like which was fair for elementary

But like yeah that also because like little did they know I was like demotivated in all life aspects due to the fact that one not knowing that I was trans that’s why I was dead inside the entire time or two um like literally just disinterest in everything what oh oh my goodness they

Lag to the side yeah but the lucky thing I don’t have to do homework at all damn crazy I got Kuman which is like homework on top of homework which is like this funny little company that basically said homework times two and then just made me smart as heck

Ah yeah that’s fair plus like I’m I’m going to guess like um your attention spam would kind of drift if you had to do homework though which is kind of fair how did we end every single one of them in that fast what or you probably forget probably

It’s like which is fair I kind of Forget homework exists and I also purposely avoid trying to make sure it doesn’t exist cuz it’s just annoying to me that outfits adorable actually just like little glasses whatever like that’s nice oh level 12 let’s go oh wait wait cancel cancel cancel cancel cancel

Cancel yeah you def that’s fair um okay how do I okay where do I oh wait okay hold on yeah we have to do like the friending thing hold on hold on let me go and like friend you hold on I’m going to go into like my

Pause screen so I can go and do this I’m going to go take out my um thing uh you can put it in chat if you want but let me go oh boy my switch is on fire I can feel it I can feel the power of

It I can feel it just like slowly like in engineering oh it’s already in chat um let me see let me see here um oh is it like your um what you use for okay okay if that’s what you mean yeah uh give me a

Second okay what can I do with trying to get this to work okay so I go to my thing and then I go to friends y hold on let me go and add friends okay oh yeah it needs friend codes it’s problem I don’t I don’t know if this is

How it’s supposed to work wait is there like a wait is there an area in the plaza or something that I’m able to do this I am I for how to friend people oh my goodness my brain is oh okay if I go back to Lobby I can

Probably do this it’s like in the terminal probably if I keep making mistakes like this it’s going to be terminal not okay so edit Splash tag Festival regions Battle logs replays get stuff yeah that’s not right okay is there like a way to find where people

Are okay nope that’s Jud Jud doesn’t do anything okay okay and then I go to private battles but I can’t figure out how up I have no idea how to add people oh show me screen I don’t know how to do this give me a second okay I have no idea what I’m

Doing I’m sorry um okay oh let me go get my switch controller back into this hot seat oh go to add friends like I’m guessing on my whatever like on to here or go to friends and then select okay uh give me a second uh I don’t

Really want to show 100% on stream give me a second just gonna take it out to do this okay go to friends and then add friends and then select okay I’m just going to stick it back in so we can have it for this bit and then search your friend code

Okay yeah oh wait did your um I don’t think it’s going through because it’s a bunch of numbers it’s like might be might be being blocked by YouTube’s like own system cuz it might be why why it’s not showing up that’s that’s really dumb you might need to add like some other random

Uh stuff in between the numbers to like keep it in like different words or code words or something because YouTube’s finicky like that doesn’t like links or anything Serge your friend yeah I did oh okay wait I’m looking in chat and I don’t see okay okay I’m looking through chat I’m trying

To look through it it’s not appearing in mine that’s why so in between here there’s nothing here it’s like yeah YouTube does that it’s really dumb sorry like YouTube bans like links and like random jumbles of whatever because they think it’s like scam stuff or something they’re like oh click this code input

And then like you know and but it’s like all blocked because spam and stuff it’s dumb that might be why I don’t know I’m gonna go test something if it’s I don’t know I don’t know if that’s yeah I don’t know why that’s not working okay so

Okay I’m G to go back to this so I can yeah I have I don’t think it’s showing up kind of sad cuz YouTube YouTube’s being dumb how does how does Vic Vivian do this I mean Vic villian or something I don’t know I don’t know what her what her stream

Format is whatever I haven’t been on whatever streams in a while um well not not been on one of our streams but like seen one of her streams really haven’t been on one of her streams at all actually yep interesting interesting interesting why isn’t that working fascinating well that’s unfortunate

Though search for friend code okay so yeah search for people I played with users yeah there’s like that’s probably yeah I’m sorry if it’s like not working out I’m sorry oh that’s why they yeah they have a Discord server that’s why that works they have a Discord server that’s why that works Oh that’s why they have it where it works that’s why that works okay give me a second I’m going to go and give me a second I’m going back to video game yeah if it’s not going to properly do its work it’s really really dumb

Okay okay we back oh what oh we have this issue now oh it worked okay oh so that’s like a oh no that’s stuck there forever now we got a visual glitch now in front of the screen and we can’t get rid of it well that’s going to be great so lesson

Learned never take out the switch like that got it or I can re reconfigure hold on let me Rec deactivate activate Okay is it fixed okay good it’s fixed good maybe try a pool code a pool code um I don’t know how to do that

Um okay um maybe I could try to get that to work I don’t know what code is either okay go to your menu in game in the lobby oh stages status TV tabletop other color lock Lobby notifications I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong I’m sorry if I’m being

Dumb I’m just looking if I can find anything that’s friend related 13 and 14 14 15 they look good that’s good got a good bount build chunks no you’re men you in the TBL Turf battle oh okay menu or table Turf oh the sh Wait the sh Wait might work right no

Oh oh no that’s fair okay okay so we just go to the terminal then on the my goodness and advertisements yay from the the leaders themselves which I’ll be able to skip in 5 seconds okay Lobby you had it in the show What Lobby had it in the I’m getting clues I’m not getting uh you have to be straightforward me I’m sorry I’m I’m very bad at like directions uh shoot Okay lava you had in the sh I’m I’m guessing it’s not the sh but it’s a go to battle cylinder thing

Okay go to table Turf right and then but I Can’t I can’t choose anything else except the one other friend I have yeah she’s just vibing anyways um um I don’t know what I’m particularly trying to get who to do this no it says press plus join pool press and join pool there’s no it’s on the invite

Section oh plus join pool enter the name of the pool you wouldd like to join after joining send the resided notifications okay oh wait what I don’t understand what it’s going do enter the name of the pool you would like to join after joining to send notification of the other players in the

Pool oh okay okay okay okay okay I got this yeah all right just send send me the freaking thing I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know what I’m doing that’s interesting I never knew this feature existed it’s interesting you enter your your own P

Okay I’m going to go and put the Japanese thing for for flowers there we go okay Sakura is going to be the pull code me okay I’m in all right wait how do I like start it up hold on give me a second notifications refresh and okay I’m going to guess

Refresh H okay I’m in I’m going make a room I am in confusion okay if I press plus it leaves the room but I don’t want to leave the room oh okay uh which one oh that’s me all right uh one two one two it probably doesn’t

Matter both never mind yeah I’m like okay ready all right now we wait oh shoot where am I coming oh you disappeared I go oh hello oh shoot yep interesting good to know good to know I can do the pool feature that is a very nice

Thing okay I also need to reset my entire camera cuz it’s looking way too up what I hit them so many times please what do you mean maybe I should have kept my other kit maybe maybe or maybe have a different Blaster I don’t know oh come on

Okay I’m I’m starting to like brain function slowing down that’s not good like 20 minutes and like probably going to have to like do the thing oh boy don’t wonder how long the stream is actually it’s good to know always good to know how long you’ve been going

For at least I know at least my I one have bed head today cuz I I he dried out finally cuz I’m not showering at like 3:00 a.m. in the morning to try to go to bed come on dang it I was so close maybe I should have used the um the

Thing all right oh my goodness no no no no okay okay we got people behind us oh they’re dead never mind I really got to use that special but unfortunately whenever I get it I die it’s like oh yes my special is WR and then dies yep it’s great every single time it’s

Wonderful every single time cuz yep mhm oh Bo all right well we lost yep about right I’m going to quickly change weapons back because I want to have weapon good yep like it’s same Blaster just it has like a lesser ability from the update I’m going to get some more water I’ll

Beb more water I’m going to give my some brain damage okay fair Fair okay that’s fair oh Bo okay that direction no oh come on no and it compensates by destroying the whole wholeheartedly I don’t know Splatoon 3 just got balance updates and everyone now is Shunk that’s all I

Know they can actually go toe to- Toe with me and it’s wead I have no idea how I got that kill I really should have aimed more I really did should have aimed more this also weird how this is not painted just going to quickly do that

And there they go I think everyone here is pretty much cooked at some point cuz either they’re really young and they’re on other side of the world cuz like I have no idea how we’re winning this this is this is not this is not supposed to happen

Ah yes back to the old days of Splatoon yes yes we’re back the old days of Splatoon where the games were good and only on the rise yeah there we go the old days are so good and they are here and now yes the games are good The Kills are

Great the winds are absolutely wonderful they could not perceive such victories ever just make sure they stay yep look at that look at that yep look at that let’s go I would be even more excited if I wasn’t so tired yep bro I was cooking absolutely absolutely everyone did a good job and

Pushed forward like that weapon possessed me absolutely absolutely amazing that’s called the hyperfocus was kicking in where you felt in the zone pretty much you have just witnessed in the zone in the zone you have just witnessed the danger zone that is very very cool

Place and the Brain just all of a sudden a yes all Focus here you got six kills nice that’s actually really good ooh we got oh we got tentas we got tenta missiles oh they also got tenta Missiles little ter was terrible for me oh Bo well I just realized I could probably play Splatoon a lot more than I really should be letting myself like it’s nice oh my goodness that person has the whole setup look at that look at that they’re a full grown

Detective it’s a adorable outfit wish I could have it luckily it’s only in like I don’t know how many levels away just not that far come on come on no there was the roller behind me really I think I might be a blaster man that’s probably why none of my whatevers are doing

Good it’s like I didn’t like roller I like the kill in insta kills but I didn’t like how terrible like the rate was what I went through it shouldn’t have killed me Really Come on come on nope come on it’s like fire is so slow I’m like tell it to activate and then it takes two seconds for it to activate like like I like I command thee to be fired at and nothing happens like why why I wish to have Hellfire rained upon

My enemies and it doesn’t happen why my nail my nail file just keeps doing that to me I Swear there we go finally got someone I’m doing absolutely terrible yay okay Bo okay no no oh yes they ran out they ran oh oh yes they ran out and then I immediately get just absolutely bullied by everyone around me that’s great just like everyone’s like oh yay free person boom just deleted off the map I’m gone yep that’s like a good 45% there I

Think yeah GG’s GG’s like even the person that was fighting us was called Siri they’re like crazy hey I left call to keeping it to keep on stream nice I should probably like check in on call or something thing but I don’t know I I’m going to go check in

On I’m going to go check in on call real quick give me a second yeah everyone left everyone’s long gone everyone gone as heck all right yep I on give me a second switch capture yep thanks than card for um for staying in yep yep

Yep all right um oh I haven’t leveled up yet a and I kicked us out Tim was teaching me PVP nice oh private battle okay Joining or is is that an accident I ah battle time actually this is pretty good I wonder if we get a exp for this probably not but yeah be fun you can change the music too ooh that’s a lot of customizing I like that a this is a little unfair though

Because like literally okay okay well I’m going to put the plan into action then I got the plan got the plan in motion is that just me or I herar a w I’m like what is that sound I can’t tell if that’s just me going crazy or is that like actually a

Sound that the game’s making like I’m seriously like losing it I’m like what is that sound I’m seriously so confused that’s actually the game itself or not okay and there goes the rest of my area I decided to leave for you yay and I got caught in the wall because

I’m not playing my regular oh I guess we’re just dueling I’m guessing for the fact that you’re able to like do that it’s Crazy oops that’s fair that’s you good this map’s difficult to like play on it’s just weird and unpredictable second just going to go and take this area real quick cuz that’s kind of nice that I have this area over here to just quickly take over real quick yes that’s

Really nice oh and then there’s that it’s completely gone and oh I see that’s crazy that’s absolutely crazy that I got out painted crazy who had ever seen it GG I’m going to go change weapons okay what’s yeah sure the new foil will be fine new foil will be fine

Oh you got a friend crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with rats crazy I was crazy H oh rain maker nice oh I’m about to make it real Annoying best map in Splatoon ooh and I’m dead this is great

I think I’ve chosen poorly for this Mission never mind I’ve chosen Greatly And then we just got to should I just name the stream Splatoon or any version of Splatoon maybe oh no oh how do I get them too whatever it’s fine it’s fine don’t question it I guess you don’t question things here not very much I have no idea how I got that and

Win you know how busted this thing is great it’s great item GG yeah the smoke screen combo and then getting absolutely like yeah should have just named The Stream Splatoon it could have been any version no we played a lot of like the undertale thing it’s fine it’s

Minecraft oh oh the PTSD music Oh I like your funny words oh Splat zones ooh no well at least I got a better weapon for it now oh and you yeah you’re sticking with your yeah ah my Superior strength of of being able to see and now oh okay not anymore and not anymore there’s a blanket I’m

Dead I rebranded once in a full moon and that full moon is only a come across three times And they’re in control nice I have the shark more forun I Nate everything I do so whatever yeah you’re probably going to win cuz you’re you have more paint output what am I going to do like all I can do is keep killing you over and over

And over again this is where I have like supportive teammates that get the opportunity to just steal the everything um and I just become the secondary yeah that sounds about right yep there you go so there’s something and then it slowly got lazier with golden butter until it was shardow yeah that’s

Y sounds all right yep GG my name just got Saturn Saturn no no it didn’t oh hey uh split attack or um bomb brush blush or something Oh Clan Blitz yay the team communicated game that everyone 100% likes and or dislikes ow and you have a clam I’m going to die so I don’t like ranked mode spank modes make me Die Oh whoops I’m going to take that oh wow crazy ah come On Wow C [Applause] Yeah bendy versus Splatoon 2o yep now we’re back to Defending there we go okay now we leave now we leave now we leave Place one of these bon bon M oh bomb no and there we go and there we go again yep there goes our barrier one more time I’m very bad at defending cuz I’m

Bad at killing right now cuz my aim is terrible thanks to my switch not being great being decently movement is returning by my lack of sheer will if I could turn a little more my joystick had a little bit more flick in its step I would have actually done

That that’s true I return Gamers hi unfazed ter hello welcome back bro how I was cooking yeah yeah but I got a decent amount I got to have like better joystick I’m going to go and increase my joystick sensitivity okay give me a second I’m going to go and change my Dr stick

Okay motion control sensitivity but okay how good is this stick oh oh that’s good hold on oh okay no never mind I want a little bit more little less little less yeah there we go that’s how I had in my last game that’s how it

Works oh wait why can’t I hold on give me a second I can’t see that ex to swap why can’t I host is deciding teams okay cool I never this good game for how I was really cooking and it was like the song always made me cry that’s true

That’s true that’s it is a good song very good song I don’t know what game the wood this is where’s this game oh it’s tower control oh oh tower control oh tower control I’m like managing a terrible weapon but hey it’s like decent it’s going to take you a while to

Get over there anyway I’m on a great I can’t yeah I’m on a great I can’t do anything if I sink back into the ink I will die my fall do the map Nice oh Bo oh that’s the end point oh oh that’s the end point oh I’ve never played tower control on this map ever there was sweat dripping from my eyes that was fast yeah because I couldn’t literally take you off the tower how was I supposed to the there’s

No way to take you off the tower and plus I don’t even know what game mode we’re playing every single time so I just chos an all well-rounded weapon to anticipate what game we’re playing I’m technically just rolling the dice I feel like I’m playing with my little cousin but it’s

Fine it’s like they they always like change the way in their favor it’s fine whatever FL to boat love how intense the winning animation is yeah it’s pretty fun hey guys should I play like a lot of Splatoon more or like or more more Minecraft or just both I think both

Would be a good amount for streams I guess outside of me just making art or something I think that’ be nice damn I wish I had money damn crazy yeah same then I’ll would be able to play like celest and stuff like that’ll be possible if I ever go outside to buy the

The card to actually get the game but but that’ll be like next week’s thing like the second it hits like probably next week that’s what I’ll probably be doing maybe if I can buy Celeste actually for real for real then I’ll be gaming with that for a

While like celest and then Minecraft or something cuz like I like giving you guys some input I love giving you guys like plenty of input when you when we play these games I personally think Minecraft sells a little more viewers so personally I like Minecraft more yeah so we can just like

Have more Minecraft and then I can play whatever games I wanted to like first and or on the second cuz like I wanted to play Splatoon today but you know you guys come first that’s how I see my things and you’re like oh my goodness how are

You able to like keep up with all this stuff and I’m like yes this is how fast I’m traveling in game IRL time that’s how you were losing oh D’s only round oh wait I didn’t choose dieses I didn’t read that uh no it’s okay okay all right all right next turn got

It Roger Roger uhoh uhoh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uhoh stick shift you’re supposed to rotate when I tell you to rotate stick shift I edited you specifically to move more than usual BR that’s a bro moment oh yep they’ve been hit they’ve been hit with the with the

Colors yep they’ve been hit with the colors they have no idea what they’re looking at they’ve been hit with the colors instantaneously how did I live d bro is okay I make a lot of excuses shush okay shush that’s why I hate this map I hate

That jump I’m like oh yes I can make that and all a sudden oh yeah right there’s no floor and then we complain oh no why didn’t you make the jump and I’m like literally look at the map you literally aren’t supposed to make that jump jump

You’re not it’s a little water hazard supposed to like have you fall off the map I’m like oh all right let’s go and change to dues um let’s see okay we could get emperies but emperies are kind of the worst from this update so let’s change the something a little

More yeah no not those Oh I thought there was like one with rain oh wait no that was the last game no they changed it where it’s wavebreaker now I guess wave Breer kind of works super Chumps kind of would be favorable so yeah and also I get the long range I

Need to get some pokon and also has good end lags so I can move more got good and lag I got good shoves I’m shoving I’m smoing I should probably stop soon cuz like literally it’s 10:27 and I have not had dinner my brain’s running on nothing damn custom sco ah I see

Yeah I should probably stream stream I’ll probably burn myself out way too fast Yeah contested okay just let you guys know as an like introverted extrovert like it this does not make like it does not make my job a little easier that if I if I do have to like overexert the amount of energy that I usually preserve for stream damn Oh come on go go go go go go go go oh come on I’m like move move dang it it’s so terrible because like the freaking struggle the struggle struggle is Real really okay so you have a lot of yeah you have a specifics I’m more of running out an outfit really than an actual okay that’s that’s fair I think she’s just low key just better okay seriously how did she fall off the map already okay okay don’t

Question set up the barriers set up the barriers so you don’t die yeah there we go using your own strats against you okay please let me up the mountain before I die please allow me up the mountain before I die don’t kill me good good

Good no I was so close ah and I’m gone and I’m gone I’m gone no I’m gone yeah so close I’m dying on purpose ah okay okay I’m not good at dues I haven’t played dues since literally like the trailer start of Splatoon 3 when I mean trailer start I mean like

The free version that one they gave like free Wi-Fi to everyone to play this game I’m so excited for like next week I have four band concerts nice hope it’s fun now charger and run to oh okay oh boy it’s gonna m one of them is going to be on TV oh

Nice okay charge your only round nice uhoh okay all right wait are you using Keaton to like screen peakway now I think about it is that like your alt or something feeling that’s your all Nice shoot me I dare you no that’s my friend ah okay GG I’m learning to like actually be really good just while recording myself this is this is a this is good bucket only round okay yeah let’s bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket bucket let bucket

The there’s a lot of good ones this one was broken for a while but not anymore that one’s fallen from grave O A TR slasher that one that one’s good this one I want this one I want that one I want that one oh bucket round oh rain

Maker nice and your bucket is a oh oh okay maybe this might be a little easier than I thought it would be okay okay oh that’s what she chose come on okay yay crazy only like the whole point of buckets to get close and personal and

The problem is that if I’m facing a blob blobber that’s great okay why did I was give me for to make friends chat with people and show new things is it weird or no because I feel like I might be weird no you’re just an extrovert no if it brings happiness and

You want to do it a lot buddy you’re just an extrovert you just like socializing there is nothing wrong with it splatling only R okay nothing wrong with that now what splatling to use no I like this one it’s SC no actually changed my mind change my mind where’s where’s my

Favorite it’s in here somewhere damn it where’s my mini okay there it is i’ love to live in the FNAF 4 house without the nightmares just one big room two halls leading to a living room and kitchens and stuff that just somewhere it’s not massive it’s just there I love

How the camera zooms out like there’s a team there like 100% there’s a team there 100% but not really there’s just nothing there o yeah I knew they would choose something fast yeah yeah Hammer’s bad yeah why didn’t I expect anything why’ I expect anything from anyone oh I’m out of ink That’s

Why Oh yay and I’m not going to be able to yeah there we go yay that’s why I chose the one with the burst bomb so I can actually game in case of that something like that happened so I can in fact do that think I at least scared you off for now

Not saying that I’m mad I’m just saying that like damn crazy which is fair had the I feel like the real the real Splatoon is easier than my Minecraft Splatoon yes it is yes it is very easier than like way easier than actual like Splatoon that isn’t whatever

And then we go and then we travel then go yes damn crazy crazy I was crazy once they locked me in room I ever oh damn yeah yeah that sounds about right yeah and then I’m dead again yeah that’s why I love this weapon all right as me to maneuver [Applause] quickly

Ah ah maybe I should have ah maybe I should have I had it ready Maybe yeah I’m not good at clam Blitz that’s fair I’ll accept that CU I know it’s true not that good at clam Blitz at all but I know how to settle score every time someone says the word rain

I’m not going to expect like to paying attention in context I immediately jolt up and I’m on high alert CU I name Mir may not sound exactly like it o it’s just like ah yes there are definitely four people there 100% camera angle on nothing camera angle and also

Nothing and then it’s just like it slowly puts your person in the back yep sounds about right what round is this [Applause] one oh brush round I know I brush choosing d yeah it’s Tokyo Vania Yeah yeah it’s starting to get real late yeah I have a feeling that we’re going to get through most of the most of the uh random items here oh there is no special game mode it’s just okay nice build it stronger make it brighter and into your Head another can remember for yourself now replay you own and things are cast Away to spread your Terror and stri Way Behind s Of is are just trash it’s just trash talking at the end of the day it’s just silence bre your will but keep fighting still moping for the kill there I stand there I stay hey and that’s why we hate tenta missiles and that’s why we hate them that’s why we absolutely hate them

We hate to see it we hate to see it we hate to see it everyone all right sure this to explore trouble so sure bring your blood what singing regia no oh so there’s a lyrics There’s a lyrics gamer Pro you sure I’m pretty sure it’s just

Called a use tent to mist to displace their movement and then use this long range and fast firing brush to attack them with it was not fair in the slightest like this is a combo brush that’s a good support and good for front line it’s just absolutely Terri terrible

And only good at mid-range like if you have someone who has a um the Gatling gun or the um the sniper rifle you are dead but if everyone’s a frontliner then you are like absolutely going to be dominating the battlefield okay try sing it around okay why can’t I change

I okay thank you I’m like why can’t I change I’m like uh oh please tell me I can change does this count cuz I’m going to guess this counts JK it doesn’t and I swear if you do the same thing I swear to C he said here to sleep yes okay that

Counts nice but I’m not going to do it because I’m not that uh much of a um absolute garbage person am I a garbage human being no no I’m not tuning T to missiles again why because I’m not a garbage person it’s just simple just simply if

One chooses to use tenta missiles you care more about winning than anything else yep whoopy Doo once you know it and here we have it folks here we have it least I paint more damn crazy wow C that’s how you can tell it’s late cuz like I am not Okay Okay there we go should have ran out by now yep sometimes I wonder if my sensitivity is bad or literally I’m not kidding the the flick thing and it’s not registering either I’m getting like drift for my whatever it’s not doing good or something for whatever reason or another

But whatever whatever it is pains me yay yep GG yep totally fair and D 100% tenter missiles are no way broken anywhere or form 100% there is definitely no way I could have had any of the odds in other in other way or form totally fair it’s not like I

Couldn’t choose what the match was going to be about not like I could choose the weapon uh weapon class that well and nor did I want to be uh cheat uh by literally using the most strongest special uh considered by Pro players across the world um okay what what one we’re doing

Now which one we doing now bring it on roller only got it I mean got it I mean I don’t know what I’m doing all right so we’re just going to choose okay at this point like I know we’re playing dirty at this point so it doesn’t

Matter cuz really doesn’t matter at this point not really cuz I know honor has nothing to do with it okay we have one of this and whoops to do who would have seen it coming anyways who would have ever suspected predictable all right the fact that I have an honor code

That just goes out the window once we’re done oh that’s yeah just get on the tower just just get on the tower all right killed me fair and square just get the tower okay I was even though I was completely in the air and like no way should I have been

Hit still it’s the game still registered doesn’t matter yay we love this yay and Tower is returning nice nice A little detail for Thought kill each other to make sure we don’t get the funny strongest thing in the game thing oh wow crazy I couldn’t even run them over that’s

Amazing to be honest I’m more annoyed than anything but like that’s fine all right now we enact oh okay well they already thought of it already great they already thought of that plan already that’s good to know don’t we love split don’t we love it we love spon we love spatoon

Yeah if there was like an actual judge here guns only round okay and so I just started blasting Brock Obama and is Obama blast his Obama ohaha is OB is Barack and Biden with his Biden blast who would ever defeat Joe Biden in his Biden blast you’ll never defeat me and my Biden

Blood oh wait why did I see why did I say that in Obama’s voice you don’t even defeat my Obama Obama hamaha you’ll never you’ll never defeat me you have simply been mistaken you’ll never defeat my Biden black something like something dumb is that something dumb presidential junk that I’m still

Remembering cuz it’s like cringe and whatever Biden blast bro I was going to say Biden blast you’re up to now I only been using a 3% of my power you’ll never defeat me and my Biden black like something is from that dumb animation see sleepy Joe you have only

You have only trap activated my trap card and he was like no you’ve only activated my trump card and it’s like now face my spirit wall something so dumb it’s so dumb why does it exist why did the presidents have anime powers why does this exist why is it

Hilarious I have an idea to have I wonder what other president’s funny moves were yeah why exactly why though why does it exist oh I see I see you’ve gotten that one you gotten that kit ah we’ve chosen rain maker ah I see I see that I’m going to be absolutely

Curb stomped that’s absolutely Wonderful absolutely wonderful absolutely wonderful ah yes yes that one has been gotten through yeah that that’s that’s great excuse me excuse me I have some business to attend toell those at the Vicor I do be to be dubiously late I I quite apologize for my Franks ah I see that’s why youve

Chose I quite believe your statement is quite a valid one my bant BL oh and nice that y anyone looks at the Winner’s homework and just cheats wouldn’t be me 100% would not be me 100% oh boy oh hey I got you on accident nice so close literally one away oh my goodness

Okay absolutely amazing absolutely amazing work absolutely astounding something tells me that I’m going to see you on the bridge and you’re dead wouldn’t you know it now what do we say about this one Chief oh I don’t know what to say about this gym but this is quite an astounding

Match as we go and see as we’re telemarketing our own graph of what we’re doing as we can see that we’ve been just shot down by Bri as we go and see as this gotten down as we go and move back down the stage our connection

Is now un stable and we are now moving closer and closer towards the end game as we can see that the game is slightly progressed and we are moving on to the left side of the map for the fact that we’re almost about to be absolutely shot

To death we must go and avoid our immed Medan deaths and doom in deception as we go and make sure that Bri cannot actually win the game we’re going to make sure to shoot her before she actually reaches the checkpoint as we can see that was just a

Quite Pleasant play from CL as we she as we can see that she’s absolutely tanking through the absolute minimum of amount of the map and oh and there she goes she she dies to Brie as and she’s coming on in with a swift move to go and Absol just take her

Down oh and as we hear as we hear her parents in the background yelling for no reason as we can also see in concur that we can that we have the next closest closest battle yet to date and cl loses it as an as Bri gets another advancement

Into the movement box to go and get another attempt at K’s base as you can see that K left a bomb and that bomb goes off and the trap was set and the dog in the background is now deciding to whine at the most inopportune hours at the latest of

Hours I have not had my dinner yet Jim and I am angry it’s like and as we can see this is a very troubling time troubling time for anyone indeed and we can see that CL has won by a good seven points and that was a good game I’ll see you all next

Year y That’s me commentating my own thing cuz I got bored as heck stop you’re making me dying laughing no wonder you Rel losing I was just being stupid funny okay yeah yeah dumb commentation just like the best is is like just imagine trying to like pick up like trying to draw

Something and then your friends are like Whispering he’s like oh he like oh they made a terrible brush stroke oh that’s terrible excuse me okay I have like one more game before I had to stop literally because I’ve been gaming for like a good I don’t know

Almost eight hours at this point and I haven’t eaten dinner so would would be an opportune time to you know you know to actually eat it before I go to bed like that would be that would probably be important cuz ah yes I would not want to do the normal TransAm

Activity of starving until you are shaky shaky that would not be a good thing okay so we’re going to go and see what weapon I’m trying to get here here where is it oh there it is there we go found it but yeah this is going to be like my

Last game of the night it’s like I just hear my I hear my parents in the background is making me laugh just like for the amount of like Ridiculousness that the dogs are bringing it’s great absolutely wonderful that they live downstairs and not with me it’s great okay time for you to

Ready time for you to ready to rumble I’m probably not going to commentate hopefully maybe I don’t know Bo okay time for you to get ready to commentate the entire match okay oh clam Blitz as close that’ss up to the plate we’re going to go and see what the

Greatest match we’re going to see it here’s like ladies and gentlemen we’re going to go and see it great and done so close starts off with a terrible start as she accidentally shoots the floor with a terrible amount of St and her paint output is absolutely limited for being a blast

De at least like Danny deito she’ll be able to just start blasting for the fact she’s just walking there and she just had a cold on collision with Bri as and they both shot each other what a great great start of this match making a good stalemate

Between the two of them making a good wedge in between the entire match oh when you see here Bri has taking the upper hand and snuck behind CL what a great absolute opportunity this is but oh no what is this an absolute oh my goodness it’s such a play

From CL as and she releases her special and absolutely dominates this part of the section of the map with her Super Slam attack which has been recently updated to the new Splatoon here’s like Splatoon 6 point something update oh and K is defeated by Luna Blaster Neo which instantly takes her

Out with a little bit of hesitation oh and she is almost instantly taken out by a secret secret sneaky move pulled by okay doesn’t matter I’m dead and cl has died once again will she ever recover who never know we’ll have to see you in the next upcoming moments and oh my

Goodness there she goes and you’re like she’s going back at it again oh will she be able to intercept this time who knows and actually she does it absolutely thrilling absolutely thrilling Jim don’t you see this stuff absolutely wonderful like Okay can do hand back Doritos I’m

I’m I’m still I’m still to lose still to lose a little bit here and cl is down after a seeming almost amount of Victory no one has actually moved an inch from the past 10 minutes that was hyper bully if you couldn’t tell because that was an absolute

Lie as we’re using satire and S and sarcasm to actually push our motives for this match is absolutely stale hence the term stalemate and as they’re running around this box we’re going to see who absolutely just comes out on top oh it seems that K is

Run out of energy until she uses her super move and it’s CL with her ability to shoot the shot it seems that K accidentally hit the a button somewhere during that match because she lost her Ball but she makes the mark and actually got it in she hits the ball into the

Goal it’s like finally we’ve gotten somewhere in this map I me back to professionalism Jim all right we’re going to go and absolutely go and check out the rest part of this match as we can see that the absolute disinterest of the commentators has no effect of the entire match 100% as in

Almost we almost have a terrible travesty happen here oh and cl has died after using a actual ping to actually tell where they were unfortunately that does not count for literally not knowing the location and glow has hit them out of the paark oh would you see it that’s a

Great game great game that’s going forever Jim like once you know it and there we go we get another smart move from K as she makes a quick move and Absolut absolutely taking that small and quick opportunity to defeat her enemies and as she goes and takes a

Quick sneaky dive she’s able to get a a few more of those little orbs in to go and settle her score in for the next 30 seconds as in will she hold her own it’s 26 seconds on the clock and she hits another perfect strike wouldn’t you know it it’s absolutely great absolutely

Wonderful have we seen this it’s like the narrator is definitely not dying on the inside wouldn’t you know it it’s like I’m slowly losing it Jim I’m slowly losing it I’m going to jump off this head I’m going to sleep night night all right I’m going to end stream guys I

Literally have to go and eat dinner cuz I is late late as heck my commentary has gone dry with like my entire raspy voice I need to give it a rest for a day cuz eight hours of non-stop like transend talking whatever it’s going to break my voice bye my friend my friend

Byebye that’s fine all right bye-bye bye-bye going to go and put my switch stuff yep I’m going to end it there bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Super Scuffed .:Minecraft:. and =-Splatoon 3-= Stream’, was uploaded by ChloAnimated on 2023-12-10 07:30:46. It has garnered 46 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:02:40 or 18160 seconds.

Pronouns:She/They Feel free to ask things while im drawing (as long as its approprite) I do voice training stuff so feel free to request stuff if u like. ———————————————————————————– Guidlines: Don’t be rude or inapproprite (watchin you guys). Don’t spam or advertise plz.

Featuring: Shardova and Splat2er girl!

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More