Video Information

For That’s all thank you so much thank you thank you I appreciate it that’s all thank you you’re too sweet you get a heart Hello everybody welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day you know it’s so see you again no cucko I won’t be using the

Original model but um you will kind of see her Kirby I saw your comment I was like okay no more skull just cake I’m so nervous guys I do have a special video it’s 12 minutes long um and as promised at the end of the video there is a recording of me

Singing kind of somewhat singing and I’m very embarrassed by it you guys know I’m not a confident singer um I have made it clear you can very much tell I am not a confident singer in this audio I sound very Sicky wobbly Out Of Tune but I kind of tried for

You every next year you’ll get a better song for me maybe sometime this year year you’ll get me real song cover who knows ready for the questions of my go it’s been a years since I read a song I figured it was only right to use this song Once

More not be a confidence singer you’re definitely a confident singer I don’t think So I will wa just like another minute or so and then I will play this God awful video for you it’s um it’s very nostalgic I I it’s so cringe and lame I got a little teer eyed when I was like finishing the video cuz I was like oh man it’s really

Very year that I’ve committed to something it’s really hard for me to commit to stuff because I lose my um confidence very early on into it but I’m still going with streaming I didn’t think I would I thought I would stream a few times and then give up what I me it’s so

Crazy we’ll catch them no matter what I’ll say know hello everybody Welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day well it’s so way to see you um I’m not going to link the Q&A in chat just in case you know cuz this is a Minecraft stream there’s a possible

There’s a possibility we will get some bad apples like we used to so if anybody wants to add more questions to the list the link is still in the diary channel in the Discord so feel free to add more if you want to but other than that

Yeah glad you didn’t go out me too hello food welcome welcome R welcome welcome I hope you’re both having a good day so play back three let’s go yeah the return of played back three does this mean chatting screens are coming back oh my God no way they are when next

Week well they be long chatting well I don’t know if they’ll be like hour long chatting screens like they used to be I guess it just depends on how I’m feeling everything but the chatting screen will be making a return next week finally let’s cook some that apples yeah think I got more

Questions like I said if you guys want to add more the link is still in the diary channel on it’s best to avoid putting it in chat because I don’t know if somebody nasty will pop in and ask something bad on stream pres I hope you’re having a good day

Well so see you again more chines SP pong yeah okay I will play this once at the start of stream and once at the end of Stream So if people who aren’t here right now don’t see it right now they’ll see it later probably but now I’m going to play this

Very very embarrassing video okay still aw R qu broom pist you need to Sleep did you get more questions in this commity than last commity yes I did okay guys here we go I don’t know how good the audio is by the way um so you you’ll either have to turn your audio up or down I have no

Clue but yeah okay I’ll see you in 12 minutes okay hopefully yes the stream goes I’ll get more talkative but right now I am very very shy shy me one eternity later I would love to do a smothering you with a pillow ASMR not going to lie I really want to go

Somewhere that has pigeons and just steal a bunch of them okay you’re not going to choke Mama b i call this sheepy blocked my number can anybody help me sheepy blocked my number can someone help me I miss her come back sheepy sheepy where have you

Gone ra X3 eats garlic bread ooh it’s so warm where can I get one uh I don’t know I found her on the dark web y i cream [ __ ] I mean oh wait I just swore on stream no I wouldn’t mind making an ASMR where I just bully the eyol St hello

Friend thank you you’re so sweet no what the hell there it is hey you sh sh shy for 20 Minutes very good try to hit me 100 times or more if I hit you three times easy excuse me oh no suspiciously empty I don’t trust this I was right to not trust it oh wait I need to show you my sh hello I’m here you I missed you so

Much there’s a chest over there Piggy make our way there let’s go piggy so cute I don’t care if I get arrested now I just want to kill you I’m not going to go collect pearls for you what do you think I am shut up get away from me get away

From me stop talking to me a good One no it’s not actually that’s actually a good size I don’t have enough money I’m sorry I’m Sorry I don’t think I can go in there I don’t think this is appropriate so I may die and that’s going to suck grow okay let’s die our house yes Pro gamer Pro Gamer so you can I’ll just sound like likeit can I do that why if I hold my nose Dr um

Actually oh ouch ouch ouch ouch oh OU no I can’t even go that way no Alan we’re going to die we’re going to die buddy it’s only my fault too give your baby out shut shut the door walk the door I feel safe now Li I don’t feel safe at

All now I feel are you sure about that her scum she’ll be in the Fire no the Welling they’ve stopped it up you you must make it to the Wellspring and let the waters flow no how do I how do I how do I strip I took a picture of that mirror long ago very cool very POG pogy

Wy up the oh how it’s hard to see youy big enough for the two of us I’m sorry I’m sorry did just shoot you oh no he can he can Sho spine oh please get me out of here me I don’t like you thank God he has an eye patch that way

He can’t see me wait no oh I thought he was going back I order a pizza please okay pizza pizza I choke the water stop standing around nobody move can he smell me yeah yeah he can smell me are you serious they have guns no wait I’m wait yes

Yes stop climing on my shoulders no no no try just smack it a few times and wash the hand huh shut up what you going to do about it sir what you going to do I can see up your Skirt I can’t believe that works Sto my heart sto my heart trapped my soul I the last audio was really nasty but the last um picture was beautiful right oh my God the memories though going I hope you guys liked it I know it’s not like um it wasn’t like edited super great cuz I I’m using this like free editor I still barely know how to

Use so I just morphed everything I like feeded everything together for transition Shing kind E I like your face yeah the drawing of you guys is really cute um REM me to post that in Discord after stream actually no that’s over with I can’t wait to play that again at

The end of the street okay I think now is the time for questions right I use open shots awful really I use um video proc vlogger it’s kind of Weird everybody who just joined though welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over well is you again for the people who weren’t here for a large portion of the star of this channel I hope that gave you some good um background on me to see how far I

Have come from the shy Bean I’m still a shy Bean but I’m I’m not quite a sh as I lost the First Street um when we have karaoke under this probably not if I ever have karaoke streams it’ll probably be limited to Members but um oh like public karaoke streams I’m kind of scared of it’s okay I’ll say it’s a possibility I’ll just say karaoke streams are a possibility ility but it’s not a promise okay there you go congrats years old y I’m a baby still but I’m older

Now can’t wait to replay that 100 times no do we really have to answer questions I’m scared yes we have to answer questions they grow up so fast happy University thank you you’re slowly but surely progressing towards a deranged being I thought I already was I’m coming out of my deranged

Shinness show I guess your Lou room for is pretty good yeah it also helps that I have a better microphone now I like throughout the video you could hear like the uh quality difference in all my microphones I hate that what hope to see a seconders in the future I’m sure we

Will unless something terribly wrong happens to me or terribly bad happens to me I don’t plan on stopping streaming for another year two I don’t know what’s going to happen I don’t know what the future holds but I’m just going to enjoy my time while I’m

Here anyways let me turn some music back on how my Ears uh just don’t graduate um like I said unless something like in my life happens I don’t plan on graduating um if I became a corporate YouTuber guys I wouldn’t consider it a graduation I would consider it a holiday so if I ever announce to you

That I’m going on a holiday for a um undetermined amount of time and it ends up being like more than a year um just expect me to be somebody else but I don’t plan on graduating for a while D know you missed the um you missed the anniversary

Video too bad for you but I’ll be playing it again at the end of stream loc streamer openly PA to find more viewers to like subscriber basement yes yes all wor D if you don’t see it at the end of stream you can just look at the V just watch the V later I believe it is time to answer questions momy since when is streamlabs comment in the chat oh I found out streamlabs has a chat bot goo so I made some Commands there’s no bot I’m cry Spar it’s all gone I’m sorry if you guys really want me to I’ll just upload the video to the channel Channel after stream I’m going to hate that but I’ll upload it if you want me to happying thank you socome welome I

Hope you’re having a good day hope you’re do well it’s always you guys okay I’ll upload it after stream she what do you think about this one year anniversary just have a video on the Discord well I could put it in Discord be a little embarrassed if it

Was on the channel even though it’s on the channel now because it’s in a stream but like the stream will have less Traction in the video like I think we’ll see by thank you okay now I’m going to answer your questions I’m really scared guys I did hide some of these questions

Because I was scrolling through and I saw a lot of filler questions like why are there so many questions who’s spamming questions who’s asking questions at the same time as me so I hi those super see being go through any ups and downs just through your channel

Alone and was very emotional for me looking back on all of it you’re granny now yes always happen could be the only M for to I don’t know maybe like maybe for the second anniversary video you I’ll do something for members if we’re at one ke and then

Also I highly apologize in advance there will be some stuttering in my model and in Minecraft because you know it’s Minecraft this game hates me YouTube studio and Minecraft are fighting each other for the power so stream might stream might have some stutter issues stream issues

So go on Discord see the video will be much appreciate okay I’ll put on I’ll put it on YouTube and then I’ll just link it in Discord there we go that way the YouTube dollies and the Discord doll can both you yeah okay let’s see I hope you guys can read

These is that your tell me are you hungry yeah I’ve had dinner and everything but I’m just so hungry again I might have asked spamming Questions okay I love how this is the first question guys uhoh uhoh uhoh it scrolled it scrolled don’t look okay here we go Question um that’s a lot questions like yeah this one has way more questions than my first Q&A but a lot of these I feel are like very simple questions I can just be like yes no don’t I’ve already answer the karaoke stream thing though because um like I said I I’m not going to promise you guys a karaoke stream but it’s a possibility I’ll why did you choose to be a vtuber because I like anime and I don’t want to show my face but I want to have a face online there you go will we get pet cams it’s very unlikely that you will get a pet

Cam I’d love to have a pip and cam but it’s very very unlikely that I’ll be able to actually do it any song cover possibly can we you do 10 push-ups no I have noodle arms when I try to do pushups but I can lift a couch it’s really

Weird can we expect to be in collab with big creators I don’t know any big creators so no how many model or alfha changes can we expect this year Well I have the final model in the works right now still because I’m trying to make sure I don’t want to change my mind on her later so you can expect one like model change don’t think she’ll get any extra outfits this year except for them when she deuts with

Um other than that you’ll get the chiby model a possible second doodle beanie model and that’s pretty much it for this year I guess next year is probably when you’ll get like another outfit for the um final model but yeah I’m not starting the rigging or anything on the model I’ve

Been working on until I’m like fully satisfied I um I have been making a lot of ches to her that I felt like I would change in the Future how did you come up with the name aini Idol well I was trying to think of a cute name that started with an m and I was like I don’t know and I got to thinking h I watch Vanos a lot he makes that

Houdini joke a lot I want to make a Houdini joke to I want to steal his jokes What If instead of Houdini I was mbini and then Idol is just short for Idol idol I don’t know um which is just like a phantom because I was originally supposed to be a ghost

Tober so yeah that’s how I came up with that name I liked the sound of mbini idle too much to think of a new last name so I kept it Commander I don’t I don’t I don’t know who that is also we can make the joke you know I don’t with I Don’t I mean the first when I first got back into contact with sheepy guys I played with some of her friends on fobia and they were asking like how to say my name or whatever and the first thing I told them was it’s like Houdini but mbini so I really was sticking to

Stealing that hood thing I you remember this I forget har I never would have thought that it was link to Hoodie Yeah I very long washes my hair is he pretty how did you meet she uh Mii and sheepy I met them both online um I met mul or Mii through sheepy kind of because I discovered Moi when somebody recommended moi’s Channel and sheepy server started watching Mochi and

Then I decided I want to be mochi’s friend so I started messaging or like messaging in her stream chats and then we added each other on Discord and now here we Are CPM at in a online chat room game we’re not going to discuss that anymore at all the JG has gotten old oh he’s decapitator oh theber clothing store can you pin Dino which perc of your IRL wardrobe is covered in pet here 100 as a pet owner of several

Animals it is impossible to keep pet hair off of them I’m sure any other pet owner would Agree hello Christopher welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good dayett well it’s always to see you again thank you thank you when will grandpa be put out of his misery I’m very hopeful that this year he will be put out of his misery and will become a younger

Man what’s the goal for this year 2K Subs in merch it’s actually still 1K Subs that I’m aiming for if I hit that before the end of the year then I’ll aim for 1,500 and memberships yes merch I’m not sure about you do you trim the giant bee on your

Head it’s like birds and feathers you know how they like um their they pull out their feathers and grow new feathers that’s what I do with my beat thought you guys haven’t seen it it’s some it’s in the process of regrowing right now does Pippen have a giant pee on his hand

No can beanie touch the tip of her nose with her tongue no I have tried several times during my lifespan to try this but I can’t my tongue is too Short when will we do a cover of your sgiv your I’ve kind of done it before here I’ll do it again for you ask this question sh out your Gat for the rler you’re so Sky you’re so fan on tax I hate who ever asked this question

Because they knew I was going to do That worst movie you ever watched some people are not going to agree with me hereditary was the worst movie I’ve ever Watched I really hated hereditary exclamation mark dinel spacer spacer spacer SP hereditary it was so boring the most boring horror movie I think I’ve ever seen never seen don’t breathe I’ve seen don’t breathe but I still think hereditary was worse which percent of your IRL wardrobe is similar to what V2 beanie wears

Like 1% I actually have a very tiny wardrobe guys and it mostly is t-shirts um and leggings because I haven’t bothered to go clo shopping in years um but I have like a few dresses I have some skirts and stuff that match the a B I was one who asked about your scar yourself tax don’t B me I’m not going to ban you I kept it in there for a reason yeah I added a bot for commands don’t spam the dino team or guys let’s hold off for that for a while is there some good questions

Yeah can you perform fom of the Opera shap beest a you canot oh that would be so funny when will only see 3D beanie um if you want the honest answer you probably never will um Unity is still completely broken for me I can’t um yeah well actually I could

Probably put her in VR chat but you’ll never see her in for like a stream um but it’s possible someday when I get a VR headset you might be able to get a VR chat video like a VR chat is somewh with her or something we’ll see I have to figure this out

Still I ever thought about doing more streams on Twitch I have been considering doing um a stream on Twitch next month just like the problem you know I’m so used to YouTube and my audience is used to the YouTube streams I don’t know if people would want to watch a twitch Stream um I don’t know if it would be worth it in the end to do a twitch stream it’s something I might do but I still need to think it Over I can’t doal stream cuz I don’t think my internet could do that I’m not sure how much of an effect it would have on my Wii but I I’ll consider a twitch Stream boming traps your tunnel ASMR part two one um I’ll see if I can think of something for it how did you re to your biggest mistake and what was it Oh God you guys are going to make me cry my biggest mistake was for sure not doing everything I had planned to do for Lily before she passed away um there was still a lot of stuff I really wanted to do for her outside like I wanted to um build a

Really nice big dog house for her I wanted to get another Pool for her I wanted to make a garden for her there is a lot I didn’t get to do and that’s my biggest regret well yeah biggest mistake what’s your favorite hairstyle for men and women well um

I think I’ve stated enough times that I prefer a man with long hair and I really like a man who wears a messy ponytail um for women H it’s kind of a hard choice because if you’re asking for me my personal preference like to wear myself would be like some kind of long

Hairstyle like a half up half down kind of hairstyle with the bangs and stuff but on another woman I really like women who can pull off like short haircuts like Bobs or something like styled Bobs yeah messy bunnytail um like where they’ve got pieces of hairs like down in the

Front um the PS a little bit loose You it’s getting really cold I don’t have a beanie would you mind being moini this year moini this year um I would mind sorry be honest do you ever get sick of everything getting spun into one big joke yes I do how do you feel answering so many questions I feel

Um fine right now but by the end of this I’ll probably be tired top five favorite scary movies Evil Dead Army of Darkness um um oh Oh Huh H what do I like a lot other than that um I do like scream um I’m just going to list all of these as like the but like all these movies as as one so evil Bad scream um what else I do enjoy the Insidious movies a

Lot um I’m definitely not a like a sh for like Patrick Wilson no I like those movies a lot um I like the Saw movies um how many was that four um what my fifth one be we my f one it would probably be like um like the Mist maybe yeah there you

Go what kind of guys do you like the fictional kind the Mist is not a movie yes it is Sten King’s The Mist Mist Mist the Mist uh how do people r remember actor’s names um I only remember them if I like the Actor M was a good one likes the book more I’ve never read the book is do be behind you right now no can you lend me some money can you lend me some first so I can lend you some Idol what’s an idol I don’t know see what I did

There and we expect ra Shadow Legends I kind of really do want to stream R Shadow Legends realistically speaking how do you feel about how far you’ve come and how far you’ll go of youing um I’m I’m proud of how far I’ve come I’m not really satisfied what i’ with what

I’ve done my first year I feel like I could have done a lot more but I feel pretty confident in um continuing this for a while 41 can you give Chad a hug that we can have a short intermission um I come wow I’m

Hug very limited to what I can do as a 2d person Guys About you being B really satisfied the way you handled Joseph by subscrib oh man jph can’t wait to see him again I don’t consent to hug that’s too bad signed a contract can you punch chat in the face I’m trying to be nice to you guys today so I’m going to Refuse any tips for upcoming YouTubers or streamers be prepared before you start streaming make sure you have everything finished before you start streaming take it from somebody who didn’t really have much stuff finished before she starts dreaming make sure you have a clear list of goals that you’re aiming for

Um figure out how active you’re going to be able like how active you’ll be able to be with streams advertise yourself like crazy somewhere I don’t know where twitch or not twitch uh Twitter Reddit I don’t know somewhere Tik Tok what’s your name out there first build your audience at

Least a little before you really really get into streaming can you do a backflip kind of I can get on my bed and slowly um maneuver my way off of it into a back flip position does that count do you spy on a side it’s part of the contract I must know

What you’re doing at all times can we expect more ASMR content in 2024 do you have any ideas for it um I am going to be doing more ASMR content um I don’t know when I will be starting this it will be like within the next few

Months I start posting at least one or two every month I don’t really have ideas just yet but I will be working on this for sure serious question who did that serious question why are you so freaking cute no you what was the most memorable moment of 2023 to you um probably

My probably the uh uh I’m going to be honest this might be Che I think the most memorable moment was the lethal company event we had in my Discord server because it was the most fun I’ve had you know a long while like that was the most fun game

Night I think we’ve had so far and I’d really love to do it Again is papaya best girl yes what were the Inspirations when designing mbini um Gothic Lolita Fashion um vampires um you know my just to stff I’m into like horror um creatures um you know I’m very heavily into the gothic um world so yeah I’m scared I just heard Mama outside making

Like a turkey noise on my dad I Think yeah bunny is are part of the Inspiration yeah I don’t know what’s happening out there but mama I just made some weird turkey noise I don’t know if it was on my dad or if it was at the cats I’m really concerned right Now are you going to Bubble SW these questions I don’t know what that Means what does bubble sort mean um since I don’t know what this means I assume no what is your favorite snack of all time how dare you ask me the hardest question I think I’ve ever had to answer you start them with bubbles oh the not CL she on toast that sounds nice but that’s not my favorite s um I guess it depends on my mood okay I’ll answer for two kinds of snacks cuz if I’m feeling like something Savory or something sweet okay for sunny Savory my favorite kind of snack is usually a

Chip so um like Garden SAU is Sun Chips um but I’m thinking of something sweet probably like um so sweet I want to snack That’s so hard um probably like got oh probably yogurt covered raisins would be my biggest goto for I sweers KN yes oh God my favorite video from Vanos I don’t know how many people watch Vanos I don’t know how many people have watched older Vanos but there was two videos actually

That have been my favorite one of them was like um they’re both G On um one of them they’re in like a classroom and I think they’re doing like show and tell or something it’s been a long time since I’ve seen the video but where wherever they’re in a classroom um that one and there’s another one um where they’re they’ve got terrorizers

Model and somebody from um somebody from Dragon Ball and they’re doing some weird stuff with these models the one with the weird with the models is probably the one being me off the hardest of all of his Videos but yeah those are like my top two favorite I don’t know what they were called but if anybody’s watched them you probably know what I’m talking about apple slices are yummy apple slices with some peanut butter I watch more delirious and in cartoons I used to watch a lot of

Delirious but then I started looking really back into venos my favorite was the banana Buster how do they call uh ban buan something like that I don’t remember I love the old venos videos it’s made me happy that their format for their videos is kind of going

Back to how their old ones used to be it’s been Nice yeah that you Too fav was wild cat cooking show like a little Underdog in the group Noles gr I love all of them in that friend group but I think my favorite videos are when it’s on you know obviously Vanos um Terrorizer wild cat Panda um Nola um and

Moo I think those are like my favorite videos when it’s those guys and Delirious of course I do love Delirious we don’t talk about anyone no well they’re going back to G right um venos just has such a good Ed he really does favorite person from the cre

Movie Death RS are fire yeah they Death Room vide is lately I’ve been getting really good again um do you like anime if so which enime are your favorite my top favorite enime will always be inas but I’ve actually yesterday I started watching a um another anime and

I think is quickly becoming a top favorite um it’s called my uh my lovely marriage or something my happy marriage my happy marriage um on Netflix oh I love it so much so far I’m on like the last episode already though but I’ve been watching that one

It’s so good it’s so cute I don’t usually watch a lot of romance anime but I love this one um and also aonga of course um y y I’ll say it very Well but yeah ones like that I like Blue Exorcist Black Butler but any shall always stop all these for me I watched Theos series and movies way too many times I still need to watch the new one though with the daughters I haven’t watched it

Yet I didn’t know that was good yeah if you guys are into like romance anime watch my happy marriage on Netflix it’s really cute like it’s actually made me it’s made me almost cry a little because the main character is such a I feel so bad for her she’s so sweet Fing to the Moon is best Mar I’ve not heard of that one hello Caro welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good dayett well so I see you again oh and of course I like um I like Studio gway stuff too like my favorite gway movie is house Moving

Castle so there you go there’s a small test of my favorite anime thought your taste in eny would be basic but I’m glad I was wrong fuses have an excellent good music right I love the opening songs yeah it’s funny cuz I don’t know if there’s like more blue ex to sist or

What but the first time I watched through it I got to up to the last episode and I decided I’m done as long as I don’t watch this last episode it’ll never be over right oh I also um another one on Netflix I watched was uh the devil as a

Part-time or something like that I believe something along those lines that one was good all girls of house like boys like I can’t help it with house it’s it’s not just because I’m AUM for him it’s just such a I love the whole story it’s cute that like you know

Throughout the whole movie he he like knew that it was her blue lock is good too I haven’t watched blue lock I haven’t watched Um Um those one work at McDonald’s yeah I liked that one uh have you g to watch Shiki yet Shiki No remember reading the devil as a parttime one a long time Ago I can’t name oh my God best you guys be cring happy one year not been here long but it’s always enjy to catch your streams thank you me I hope you have a good night have a good H me have a good day tomorrow thank you so for being here having you Bye how you watch D with sheepy or any other friend um I’ve watched D with friends before but I haven’t watched one with sheepy Um man cry baby was so awesome though I haven’t really like properly watched your double man cry baby um but I like the music for it I really love the music look for it when will you make a broom paste plushy whenever I figure out how to get

Plushy merch guys I promise you broom paste will become one of them we’ll have a doodle beanie a broom paste a beanie um an eye doll a ping but I still um haven’t figured out how to get uh plushies and stuff here does you name Pippen because of the

YouTuber Pipkin pppa and do you like her content no I named Pippen after Pippen took from uh Lord of the Ring or no yeah from Lord of the Rings um I’ve never really watched pipa I’ve seen like shorts from her but I haven’t really watched her a Pippen’s named after a H what’s your favorite fruit from an honest fruit my favorite fruit is banana um I keep changing my favorite fruit like I’ll go I go over s bananas strawberries and watermelon a lot but I do always go back to to Banana because I really like peanut butter banana sandwiches and chocolate covered

Bananas what would you do if if wake up andish streaming games on a computer I would be so proud of him that is all I want for my son to do I want my son to be a streamer I’d be kind of scared but I would be amazed when anything I think

That he’s playing video Ed so you know the muffin man the muffin man the muffin man if you were teleport inside of a movie what be the best and worst movie to be in oh god um I feel like the worst movie to be would be demons honestly cuz that song I would have zero chance of survival in demons um the best movie to be in all oh what are the rings I know there’s like Wars and stuff but I want to live in the

Sh how do you goope up with negative emotions I don’t uh the sad truth is I let my negative emotions overwhelming sometimes I’ll kind of like bottle it in and then I just it just like floods out randomly unlimited budget what do you make um a lot of

Brownies if I had a limited budget I would make um a really amazing room set up for pipping I would build him such a nice like play area and everything I hear you saying Mega emoes instead negative emotions embracing n emotions is only human don’t wor that’s why we here the

For she to be happier you guys definitely have made me happier um I’ll be honest when I um when I was out of high school like I I had severe depression in high school um and it kept getting worse and worse and when I got out of high

School I spent years doing absolutely nothing with myself I would just sit in my room on my computer all day which it’s funny cuz I still do that kind of but I was sit in my room doing absolutely nothing with myself I had didn’t really have much to look forward

To I had friends and stuff I spoke to but I wasn’t happy um I wasn’t happy with myself until I start streaming you guys have really made a very positive impact on me any P pees or the I um I think my biggest peve is when somebody won’t listen to

You like you tried to have like a conversation with them but they just don’t listen you know that’s my biggest peppy with people the EG um I don’t know I guess just a typical like I don’t know I don’t know glad you found a spark of help I really

Did I did that I continue to do that the only difference is that I’m a corporate slave no make you happy hope you found your calling hope you’ll be famous I don’t care if I a famous or not I mean it’ be cool I course want to keep gr

But I just hope I continue to have a good Community that’s my biggest um hope for all of This Um it is when someone puts their finger in your ear oh no I hate that of growing up since more happy being alone slowly those eyes being bully look at the pink H I’m not going to Bully D anymore he’s already got torment can you also bully M I already

Do can you let me out of your basement it sells like BL and broom past please I need to go see my family no can we bully the people that bully Dino thank you yes appreciation time what are five things you like about Dino um I really like how positive he is with

People um it it’s it’s it’s a breath of fresh air when you see somebody being as positive as he is um um it’s pretty funny actually like I don’t think there’s been a moment when I’ve played games with him but I haven’t left um um he is very caring he does check in

With people and it’s very sweet how he does that that’s three things I have to do some more still um I don’t know it’s very I have very generic answers I just think din’s great everybody here is great hello Ricky welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day hope you’re

Doing well it’s over to see you again um din’s definitely the most most positive person I’ve seen online he was like love for that right I do I I really admire how positive he he is even if it’s not truly what he’s feeling let’s get this question I’ll keep it very simple okay

My religious belief is I am Christian but you know it doesn’t really matter I don’t want to really get uh religion yes will be you as Christian that’s all you get from me no more interrogation I’m a nun guys of course I’m Christian I really appreciate all kind words you have to

Say we still try to be like Dino yeah can I please have your social security number 555 22269 I don’t know if that’s a valid number but there you go favorite ice cream flavor Min chocolate chip would you have our audition for a vtuber CP and if so which one would you

Like to be part of it’s something I still I still have interest in being a corporate YouTuber yes if I were to audition I would be more interested in um idle Corp because they seem like the most Ideal Company for me also Ren is in there and I love Ren and

Rolls definitely not a v I clicked out anyone we need best girl no best man does d have a boyfriend girlfriend no she eats them people stop diing her because she keeps eating them but she does have a crush on doodle Bob I’ll skip the questions I want to skip don’t worry I don’t mind answer on these let’s chat member would you cooking you first Dino I’m curious what dinosaur meat would be like who do you like to bul like Bully for most least I don’t really like bullying people

Um but the mods have to come first because there is an understanding there between the mods and the stream does Pap T better cooked your grow I haven’t had the chance to find out yet but I will let you know when I find out can you roast tiger no that’s my

Child I’m not going to roast him going to keep asking questions you can’t stop me haa by the way how do you feel about simps they’re okay I keep the channel going why are you small why are you alive I’m sorry that was wait no I take that back that was a

Little too harsh of a of a comeback um I don’t know Go have a nice long guys happy anniversary of fire being let’s enjoy this New Year nonsense and Sh all Christopher have a good rest of your day night have a good H you meet me when you do have a good day tomorrow thanks so for being here it’s really lovely having you bye

Bye see I didn’t mean for that one to sound rude but then I thought about it for like a split second I was like wait it was more of like um you know why you alive dummy you cuz you’re alive and it’s like why are you short cuz you’re

Short uh but no that sound really Mean can you shut your fist out like a robot no I tried will you be the voice actor for the mbini anime no what job would you like to have if you weren’t a beanie tuber I would like to uh work in a pet store you just um stock the shelves feed the

Animals take care of the fish I think my biggest done desire would be if I worked in a pet store I’d rather own a pet store that way I can make sure those poor betta fish ride more than just a tiny cup it makes me so angry to walk into a

Pet store and see these poor beta fish just either dead or sitting there in a cup it’s cruel so that’s why I would like to do if I was no YouTuber like can walk in pet store that’s not in mhm cringiest experience of her um the the one year anniversary

Video that I played today shelter would be better pet stores are usually very bad to gals that’s why I would like to own the pet store that way I can make it very good those will be my babies until somebody adopts them hello John welcome welcome I hope

You’re having a good day over day well it’s always you again beta fish not I really want to get another beta fish they’re so cute happy univers thank you stop scrolling me Down you perform the song of your People there go that was the full s it ends in that that um painful ground who needs to get life the most here me would you fall in love with the sparkly vampire if I was 14 what is your favorite song by The Beatles Yellow Submarine most powerful be move to destroy your

Enemies um the Wawa Shuffle she goes Mo go that’s not what Moi does but it keeps scrolling me down What sound this movie make y I see no a l a W I don’t know it’s it’s Between W I don’t know I make a lot of noises Miss sorry if you guys hear p you sh on cardboard go all gone I just say a god lunch I I have a big a big variety of Beanie Noises this what are your plans to revitalize oh my God people stop asking questions while I read uhoh will I read a question you vitalize your brand and keep up with the growth expectations of your investors I’m going to sell the Company serious question to become a better of YouTuber what flaws do you feel you need to work on everything I think my biggest flaw is my confidence I’m very lacking in my confidence um you know um I’m not confident to push myself to be the ASR song covers upload videos

I’m not confident at all so that’s my biggest F I’d be a lot bigger of a Channel right now if I had that confidence what is the weirdest question someone has asked you um I don’t know probably everything G laga has asked me I’m not going to watch the questions J what is m is it a Vampire Doll is a grandma prain to be a Vampire Doll is it even a Vampire Doll will the world ever know find out next week was this Q&A a mistake no I’m actually pretty happy we’re doing this um it’s been a while since I’ve done a

Q&A I felt like it was an appropriate time to do so and so far the questions aren’t too much have you heard this vtu called M Idol she’s so POG I think you should collab with her I blocked her can you bully Papaya Can you take a hydration break thank you I haven’t had anything to drink yet I don’t think papaya got a command did you ever thought you would get close to 1K Subs no I thought I would be like at most 500 I never expected to get close to

Mony can Pippen take a hydration break Pippen go drink some water he’s laying down he says no if you can add a single zero anywhere on your life where would you put It what oh I would put It oh at the end do you roll yourself in a blanket to become a bean burrito I do sometimes to be honest does it hurt when you go out and see the Sun every time can you fit be to a coffee cup yes you think this going to be a long stream

Yes when is your birthday September 3rd can you feed PPP in a snack right now I don’t have anything to feed him right now he ate all of his strs do you own a yoga ball bounce bounce bounce um it’s not mine but we do have a a yoga ball in my parents

Room I like to sit on it sometimes because it’s fun how’s the cafe Quest going I finished it I finished the ca question can be be become a Serial mascot sure what does pipp and Orel have to say about your Oney year anniversary they don’t care are you going to fix your sleep

Schedule nope never how did you meet Dino um Shey Shey sent him over here to watch me one day and that’s how I met him exercise stream went never please don’t man version of mbini I personally think he would be so hot I would even pay for it how much are we talking

Here if this is a lot of money yeah I’ll make a mad version why will m i don’t get a be model she um she’s not going to get like a full-fledged model I don’t think but I have drawn her a character that she asked me to draw which I’m planning planning on

Redrawing it eventually when will you marry sheepy never I’m Mar to M change sheepy and I we have decided that path of life is not not for Us when will you marry me again this year totally not wait is this really Mochi I’ll marry Mochi over and over again of course anytime I I would love to have a VR chat buting with Mochi come on Mochi marry me I am on one knee right now Moi somebody clipped us in

Sendor will Chris Pratt be the voice actor of the M Idol anime yes I think he would make a fantastic M hello M welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over with you again M you me we are chat marage yes Who’s your favorite twitch streamer chill chaos what are five facts about pipping um he’s fat he’s a bunny he eats a lot of food he likes to give me kisses and he doesn’t like to be helped banser stop squalling where final question mom when when will

You um I don’t know what to put here I guess what type of coffee do you like my favorite kind of coffee is a hot mocha coffee um yeah hot coffee You say the think of his got no 20 b for a boy V happy one year thank you Mi is that it for the questions no more are we done this is your last chance to add a question guys I’m going to addde this this is your last chance I’m about to end the thing if I can figure it out that was a good q& a

That was a lot more questions than I thought I would have I thought it would just be like you know small handful there’s another question in 1 minute when that clock says what when that clock says 10:40 there will be no more questions so get your last ones in now if you you

Mar was yeah let’s see we’ve got one more how much money are you going to spend on a wedding ring for mulch as much as she wants as much as she wants I will spend on her Is papaya cool sure sir when he’s in the refrigerator how much heavy breathing is too much heavy breathing um when it’s so much heavy breathing that um you’re light headache YouTubers you look up to okay um I could say like the obvious sheepy Emoji um but I think for like big vtubers

Um I think the one I look up to the most is probably like um probably you know like Sal just because of how much she does you know or like Alvin because Alvin was like one of my biggest Inspirations for youtubing both from Ninja Sanji if you don’t

Know oh God the nin Sanji vtubers are my hugest Inspirations when we do the next chat playing and game will be I don’t know yet to be honest oh thoughts on New York City um I don’t really know I’ve never been there but I’ve heard it’s some really crowded and

Stuff and I don’t like crowds so I don’t think I would like New York does we listen to ASMR as sleep I don’t listen to ASMR asleep sleep but I have listened to ear I dis disobey instead question at 10:41 what will you do about it I’m deleting the event right Now it’s gone in just a Second the event has been deleted there’s no more questions oh God why yet time to keep brething heavy is very yeah long for this B time coming Soon they both asked me before like YouTubers have inspired me and stuff so it it’s usually the same answer you know what this means now guys Minecraft yay Minecraft I could do something I could put I could go take a break to get more drink and stuff and play the um the video once more while I am taking a quick break or I could just not take a break and get into the

G I don’t know how many people are going to be leaving so I will give people a chance to see the video again if they aren here by the end of stream cuz I’m not sure how long stream will be going for The stream is POG miss all right well I’m going to go take a break then and I will put the video back on so give me just a moment guys the video is 12 minutes long if you want to stick around for 12 minutes if you’re

Leaving then yes you’ll get to hear me seeing at the end of it um but yeah all right give me just a moment we’ll have a break everybody can go grab a drink or food or whatever you need to do and I’m going to go get

Myself if you leave though before I come back I hope you have a lovely rest of your day or night have a good H when you do have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for here having you bye okay the video Let’s Play now I’ll be right back

Okay hopefully yes the stream goes I’ll get more talkative but right now I am very very shy shy one eternity later I would love to do a smothering you with the pillow ASMR not going to lie I really want to go somewhere that has pigeons and just steal a of

Them okay you’re not going to choke mama I call this sheepy blocked my number can anybody help me shapy blocked my number can someone help me I miss her come back sheepy sheepy where have you gone ra X3 eats garlic bread ooh it’s so

Warm where can I get one uh I don’t know I found her on the dark web I mean oh wait I just swore on stream no I wouldn’t mind making an ASMR I just bully the eye dos though I’m old friend you cute you’re so sweet no what the heck there it is

Hey you can share share at shapy for 20 minutes very good try to hit me 100 times or more if I hit you three times easy excuse me oh no suspiciously I don’t trust this I was right to not trust it oh wait I need to show you my

Hello I’m here you I missed you so much there’s a over there piggy can we make our way there let’s go piggy so cute a I don’t care if I get arrested now I just want to kill you I’m not going to go collect pearls for you what do you think I

Am shut up get away from me get away from me stop talking to me that a good One no it’s not actually that’s actually good size I don’t have enough money I’m sorry I’m Sorry I don’t think I can go in there I don’t think this is appropriate so I made die and that’s going to suck grow okay let’s die our house yes Pro gamer Pro Gamer see you can just sound like like can I do that why if I hold my no Str sound

Like um actually oh ouch ouch ouch ouch oh out no I can’t even go that way no Alan we’re going to die we’re going to die buddy it’s all we F too give me your baby out shut shut the door walk the door I feel safe

Now Li I don’t feel safe at all she’ll be in the now I feel SI are you sure about that her scum she’ll be in the Fire the well they’ve stopped it up you you must make it to the Wellspring and let the waters flow No how do I strip thank you I happy that mirror long ago very cool very POG pogy boy it’s hard to see big enough for the two of us I’m sorry I’m sorry just shoot you oh no he can he can shoot oh please me out of here me out I don’t like

You thank God he has an eye patch that way he can’t see me wait no I thought he was going I order a pizza please okay piz Pizza I choke the water stop standing around nobody move can he smell me yeah yeah he can smell me are you serious they have

Guns no wait I’m wait yes yes stop climbing on my shoulders no no no try it just smack it a few times and the handore huh what you going to do about it sir what you going to do I can see up your Skirt I can’t believe that Works sto my heart sto my heart Minecraft we get some music There we go so CL music also cball thank you so much thank you thank you iate want to play it again thank you happy anniversary careful thank you thank You to start the show brast yeah I didn’t really um since I was so embarass by the whole song I wanted to end the video with something more me um more funny so it was just brw paste on fireworks my piig is so cute I’ll post the pick

Um I want to post the picture in Discord and on my YouTube Community tab after stream because I do have a message for my dollies after stream and I’ll also post the if I don’t post the video tonight I will for sure post it tomorrow um yeah I don’t know if anybody noticed

That I made the music in the um I made the music volume in the cover louder than me just to kind of hide my shape I was trying to drown myself out with the music being a child Souls like a Zora storm yes got to ask this question but what

Will we get foring screen chat back um since the chatting screen will make a comeback next week the ending screen also will be making a comeback next week I will get working on that over the weekend I didn’t notice first nice you have the technology to high your voice from the song

Don’t I beg you not to do that so po we love your cover I hope not I hope so I do really hope to at least give you guys one proper song cover this year though that is a um another goal I have is to find a song that I can

Properly sing and do my best of time papaya thank you so much thank you thank you I appreciate it you good heart thank you oh a good mix of Dino papaya bowling and a lot of funny questions in between overall um din dying papaya eating out of 10

Nice Like I said before guys um Minecraft still has fre Shields just because of the CPU that I still have but I am looking towards getting that fixed closer to the end of the year um so this year is going to be another year of scoffin probably um but

Yeah so I apologize if stream looks kind of um bad it’s simply because Minecraft and YouTube Studio are fighting each other for CPU I have traversed the land in cre up found a village to call my home because I spotted a chry Bost Vela good mix of Dino and papaya

Bullying and a lot of funny questions in between overall T-Rex Comet mango for knife sl10 oh yeah I I did go around in creative mode um looking for an area just to make it a little easier on me um I found a very cute Village near a Terry bossom biome I haven’t explored

Yet though I just I found the village and then I I landed Ed and I’ve been hiding in their house now but um will be no cheats there will be nothing like that this game play will be 100% Survival Mod I will figure out how to turn chats

Off later I’m not sure how to do it right now um but yeah we will possibly have a pic in the future but that’s not my focus right now the main focus is to build a giant dollhouse mango papaya is not a papaya at all he’s a mango

Wow oh my God guys remember when I said that Mama made a turkey noise outside earlier yeah that that it was mama but it wasn’t her like doing it then I forgot my my tablet’s notification sound is H making a turkey sound and it just did it

Again I need to go turn this off because a while ago I discovered I could to make a custom notification sound on my tablet so I was like Mama make the weirdest sound you can think of right now and she made a turkey sound I forgot about that oh my God

Anyway killing making a come back that’s a good bad horror movie it’s a good mom and I have been waiting to watch it turkey I don’t maybe Thanksgiving you know what I could do like a Thanksgiving stream where it’s a hand Canam where I make one of those um hand

Turkeys that’s something I could think about like making hand jkey but give it doodle Bean is first it’s really bad it’s great I got to watch it The frames I can tell they’re already going to be awful oh they’re bad on me right now not really sure what settings to turn making this better though GT thank you so much thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you you get a heart something tells me this year is

Going to be the best great googly googly mugly I hope so Huh h Um something tells me this year is going to be the best great googly mly great googly mly 24 hours W it’s a good time up yes School get some H Will this help with my friends I don’t know I hope you’re having a good day so see you again I am having wonderful so far well I’m proud of you for all you’ve done this year thank you for being you thank you GLA wait G GLA gir before you

Go I need to do something for you I don’t know if you’ve seen it yet I don’t know if you saw this or not it’s you perfect have a good night good have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here you I am trying my luck with shaders once more

It seems to be not going very well so far my performance Mom I’m not sure oh welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day hope you’re doing well so he again oh God it’s doing that slip and slide too how do I do how do I stop the SLI

And slide stuff from happening Oho Carlos welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day always you again thank you I need to turn off the shoers yeah I stole someone’s bad I do it again it hasn’t really performed or uh improved my performance but we’ll see how it

Goes I don’t know if there will really be many Minecraft shes this year and I figure out a way to fix the frames and stuff how do you feel after the video on the C even I feel better than I thought I would I thought it would go worse than

It did um but it went pretty well I’m happy part was about to sleep when a certain cuire came house his it should lock his doors he chunks is what effects this the most but hav play Minecraft your chunks I want to turn the shears but G they’re too

Pretty there probably ches right now it’s fine what I of this B is Distance yeah I probably do need to turn that down someday I’ll be able to play Minecraft with big a big render distance I’ll fire from the player the chunks and are being do 10 for ball this does um I don’t know if I saw but hello fire

Welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over always always you you again uh I’ll have to make a papaya one eventually we’ll probably have a command for um majority of people who are here very frequently or people who just W one Um let’s see how this does for the performance if I have to turn it down more I will it’s fine if I have have To me yeah um I’m not going to make any more today um cuz I don’t feel like having out um but my next like Friday or Saturday I’ll probably do more so the the Cherry Boston biome is over there that’s why I want to go check out that’s where I want to

Live I’m not going to read them just yet I did take s i I need the bread all right C Good Luck Good Luck have good day night have a good H do thank you so much for being here having you bye one ter B was perfect and fact it’s

Across from the village is even nicer I can make a cute small train station to put between us don’t worry us I’m not going to kill these villagers these are going to be mine my family that’s like um a valley though I believe yeah very big L look how pretty that is

Though look there’s sunflowers and there’s a flower Forest I’m so happy this is a this amazing world I don’t know if there’s um a city anywhere nearby but we’ll find one eventually I’m not worried about it right now we’re going to have a peaceful game for a little bit for now it’s

Um Landscaping farming building a house and then we’ll get into the the crazy stuff I will remove this tree from the pathway because it’s kind of obnoxious don’t right Pap I I slept in the bed oh CL dog welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over it’s over

You yes this is a single World I’ll take my now hope everyone have fun this stream also I have to make one for you tooa but all right have a good night have a good long have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here having you Byee don’t worry guys I am i s the one in the house is I I’m not going to I’m not going to take that bed um cuz I I don’t want to lose it hi why are you in my face Jesus all I want to fix the roads too I don’t like

How messy it is because last time something right I I’ve learned for my mistakes in my time playing Minecraft on stream villagers is wondering why you are to facing public property cuz it’s slime House have a crafting table no I like this house I hate those long Go squ words

Why what have they ever done to you Papaya I can’t wait to build a tree wall around my villagers you guys love me my tree walls they’re my favorite just I see one crafting table what a li Village but where’s the the crafting table I should a go after me after accidentally hitting our kids are you sure it was an

Accident hello oh I get emeralds for ramen fles nice I’ll get plenty of that what a tree wall it’s so giant wall made of trees it’s my favorite kind of Defense to build it’s my go-to just put a bunch of trees around the perimeter boom tree wall you’re

Safe okay I’ll clean this one then maybe it was an accident but still uhhuh don’t ju a this place is so good for the villagers will be Mak the basement a there will be like a prison yes for those who wrong me they will be thrown into the pit it’s a pit basement

It’s a pit but not quite a pit you know I was hoping there would be some exposed Stone here but there’s not do we have food yes uh you get r on flush uh the to be jerky around oh here we go can I be in the pment

Sure I will name villagers after my viewers so hello shy welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good always I hope your stream was fun sh as out till now how’s how is aniversary it’s really good so far sh they heard me seeing sh well kind of see it’s more like

Speaking and seeing way but I’m very embarrassed I should probably go to sleep the game seems to be running well now since I lowered the chunks or whatever so all is well right now Alex sheepy I’m living near a lot of you you’ve taken over my Minecraft world what’s more

Uh only know weird questions have watch it was so bad no she your shoulders SK I wasn’t going to use this but it’s a lot faster Doeses something just clip through my world or am I going crazy is that a black cat guys I’m sorry I have to cheat I have to cheat I have to there’s not enough time this is a rare chance h I didn’t want to cheat at all but oh my

God I never see a black cat spine I got I’m so happy my first day of Minecraft and I got a black Kitty I will put you away in a safe place baby come on come on does you hear the cute little chps and stuff it was doing oh my gosh Come on Kitty come on no get in here come on come on come on uh I don’t know what I’m going to

Name it I don’t want to name it Oreo because I do want to get a black of my cat team ore um so I need think of a different one for this one Noble Cheating I am going to keep my eye off for new time so now I really have to find out either a dungeon or a city okay what was I doing no I’ll get some more Stone first uh where was it it was down here slim I how

You you know what I should do I should get um whenever I get my base set up I should find a polar bear and figure out how to kidnap it so I can kidnap Mo we with one up the by and I really want some Oreos I can’t think about her without

Thinking of the cookie I really wish that I hadn’t used her Oreo but it’s too perfect for her and she responds to yo-yo I gave her the nickname yo-yo and she actually responds to it what type of cake is on your um I don’t know it’s whatever the Minecraft

Cake is what kind of cake is a Minecraft cake is it vanana I know with strawberries why does the cake have strawberries if there’s no strawberries in the game CU somebody answer this I think I should have f S good ide I hope you have a good night now have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here love me having you byeee Long we to C her that’s right we’re going to cheat is there no other way to get a polar bear do you have to cheat to get one being kidnapping M she be Minecraft just like in real life I wish I would love to kidnap one of them to just hang

Out I want to go shopping or something with sheepy I want to go to the arcade with sheepy I want to play air hockey against um she see who the real gamer is um banana cake banana banana cake with Van sounds so yummy blue cake

A you can have a cup oh okay I’ll try that this just I’ll contact sound wait what you should that sounds a a boat okay I lost my shovel don’t think it counts as cppy if you say Shippy Shippy watch life I’m talking about being sauce oh it’s not sauce it’s just

Stone it’s a girl P oh this poor person’s house I could condemn their house or I could fix the ground for them I’ll be nice hi I got rejected by a stone gun I just wanted to give him flower we sleep once more I feel like the D is going by really fast

No I won’t be violent I won’t be violent why are you sparkling hi you’ve heard of ir will here’s iron W cuz he likes you there’s no space for you s do you see Sparkle see I want to do this part the ground Stone’s extra crunchy for some reason is it always this crunchy something Last uh this is a song called Sparkle and it’s from a YouTube channel called per tune uh I have the link to their channel in the description can I eat the grass yes haven’t played Minecraft in three three months that’s true I just play Minecraft play Minecraft it’s honestly nice being back

In of Minecraft um I’m not going to play it as frequently as I was before but I will be adding it back in into these schedules um every so often I I think doing it every single week before is what burnt me out so much every single week for like six plus

Hours each time it was too much now if I call Minecraft can me me too I’m honestly thinking I’m trying to get some mods for it just to make it a little more interesting but um I don’t know what kind of mods I would get I don’t really want anything that

Would heavily change Minecraft um maybe some more survivalist type mods why I have to like eat and drink or something well what I have to drink or something I don’t know um I have to look at much I I I’m hly not familiar with L kitties we’re

Kitties bubble my first night on here I F I got a black cat can you believe it of course I had to cheat to get the fish but um can you believe me I never see the black cats spawn vampire mod comes to mind but I that changes a lot vampire mod

I miss Ser with none other than grass himself I’m going to be talking to J soon and we’re going to be completely wiping the server and restarting since we have more new people who seem interested in playing on server um it’s not going to be something

Limited to streams it’s just going to be something that we do us like something in the Discord to make the Discord more active but um I want to make sure Jay can give the save the world save to people if they want the world save since

People have put a lot of work into some of their structures but I would like to just completely wipe it and restart with new people old people you know sounds exciting enough for me since I haven’t seen any gameplay since like 2016 that’s not tooo Exciting as much as she installed over 200 plus mods on 200 oh Jesus I don’t think my computer would survive with that M what kind of computer does she have I never found the cat I only found Creepers Creepers are cute too you can keep those as pets

It’s a dangerous pet to have but it’s a good pet yeah you just don’t make an enclosed space for it with fences or something that way um like make two two block tall fences around it and it won’t explode on you then you can have a creeper

PCH her computer barely works because of it oh my God what kind of mods does she have I mean I’ve seen some of her Minecraft streams before and I know she’s like Furniture I like giant pumpkins or something my God what’s see I laptop would start fly I kick play Minecraft with

Friends stream will be the second stream a positive affir stream well funny I get remember exist because the pon was correctly but I can’t remember people’s names that’s okay I would maybe like to look into getting a um texture pack cuz I I do like vanilla Minecraft

But since I am using shaders I wouldn’t mind finding a texture pack to use I would obviously like one it’s still that’s not like like overwhelming or anything it doesn’t really change how stuff looks too much um maybe one that like kind of Smooths out the textures a little bit um cleans

Them up or something I need to look into that I so much stuff to be so different that I don’t know what it is want to try the realistic textures but I can never get it to Work the real realistic texture see sounds like it will don’t destroy your computer unless you have a beefy one hello SI J is the 200 plus mod CA GRS to completely collapse and a positive affirmation stream would be shorter because you run out things to say after two minutes I mean I could drag if I I’m never going to do one but if I did I

Could like drag out what I say okay why I say a lot I I don’t plan on doing that though I’d rather keep posi and stuff to like an ASMR video h no that’s cool there are all trolls oh it’s all good all good beans in chat don’t remember what mods M demo but they gives more Graphics mods and gameplay mods a

Mine isn’t to be but cannot beat the on 4 KS I’m still jealous of you I can’t run video on L graphic settings without running into one of the invisible walls oh my God this isn’t your badge I’m going to switch the music back to the coffee music I’ll play Sparkle against this seems like my speaking of some kind of like really chill Nintendo you like so you play on the Wii ORS I don’t know why hello tiger welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over you so

With you again you shouldn’t be not go to your sleep s not to want perfect I know I just like playing those songs people like H everything about playing personal five um I’m interested in Persona um I used to watch one of my friends play Persona I think it Persona I I don’t know which Persona it was actually I used to watch one of my friends play Persona and I thought it was cool I’d be up for

It I still have um two Corpse Party games I need to stream but I don’t I don’t know when I’m going to play those I might continue to save Corpse Party for October I was meant to do them last October but then a lot of other stuff popped up for

Me you believe believe you R 4K ging some time we believe theep future also I got 4K for Ric this oh my God that’s Amazing seriously last 24 hours is healthy tiger how are you been a functioning human at this point can I get a slice of cake on your hand yes go for It here’s this schal for the stream is to to make a a cake but in the Stream we have to have a cake function off W in despair ah welcome to the club is there any iron down here Ah that’s not come on I’m not sure how long stream is going

To be um I don’t want it to be too long Really I’d say at most 5 hours unless I start to get really into the game you body only needs 4 hours to S the Function but you function well off of 4 hours the skeleton really rattles your bones yeah beanie in the thumnail looks so happy because beanie is just happy at that emeralds I should get the the plug-in thing that let me see their health bars that would be really useful I’ll get this

First with the w pickax play do combat properly no tiger you’ve been watching me for a while now you know my combat is um you know my combat’s not Great being a smil wor P all right tiger I hope you’re able to sleep well go Minecrafting thank you get sh me here have a good night good have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for popping by I was very love to see you Bye me and the gods of daming are on your side no they’re die be is the advance combat Str yeah I know what I’m doing yeah my game audio definitely sounds off I think it’s my headphones I think it’s getting closer to time to get a new pair of headphones

Because these are um really falling apart kind headphones are currently using I don’t know it’s just it was like a $20 pair off of Amazon oh they’re Bluetooth I want to find a pair of that’s like Wireless but not Bluetooth you know but I don’t know what to look

For I’m so sick of the Bluetooth why is it called Bluetooth but um I don’t I know what to search for for what I want cuz I want I want the choice of it being corded or Wireless I like I walk around with them or you not walk around with

Them think hyper is a good pair wir those headphones never seen headphones are not bed Really Logitech G for p i just got them for work they got a dongle oh yeah that’s what I want is a dongle are they expensive though I recommend doing research on the some quality of headform they can make a big difference yeah the problem with me like I really

Still don’t understand like Techni so I never really know what I’m supposed to be looking for for a good like quality headset or Whatever teeth cuz his teeth are blue oh why are they blue I have Logitech as well they worked for like eight years where you have Amazon oh it’s still Bluetooth I’ve really show my headset though because of the Bluetooth there’s like um there’s like a weird delay of the

Audio when I’m recording or something well not recording but um when I’m see if I’m playing music right now right my maybe it’s a streams issue actually but there’s like a delay between me and the music so every time I try to record me doing ASMR there’s like a few seconds of a delay between my voice in real time versus the

Computer and it’s only with this headset my other headset’s perfectly normal and it’s very frustrating trying to record stuff with the Delay only Bluetooth works me yeah I mean I really just want to be able to get up and walk around with the headset if I’m in case I’m like in Discord or something you know and I want to still hear what people are Saying but if if wired would be better for streams I’ll look into game well I have a wired headset but it’s very uncomfortable it’s too tight like um it’s big on my head it’s so weird it’s big on my head but it’s so tight it doesn’t make sense like the headphones are massive

But they’re so squeezy oh shoot I don’t really like the material of them anyways they’re very um they feel pretty cheap this SW is going to be in my bed again I’m going to be mad I see him Monster seems I need to look in the Logitech I do need to get a Logitech webcam for sure that’s what people keep telling me like a for a webcam for better quality Cube will be hard match yeah that’s my biggest reason I don’t really want a wir head set is because of

Pippen cuz my qus do tend to fall off the tables um and if Pippen happens to grab it you know it’s game over for that g that’s why I tend to grab a wireless headset um Yeah have some okay I’m probably going to go steal a chest K management is always op p my so M yeah I pushed my Cubs out of the way with my monitors they’re like pushed back to the the wall just so I don’t really have to deal with them Anymore the cables on my floor look like spaghetti oh no a don’t get a glass desk top it’s such a pain que almost every day I’d be so scared of breaking a glass dkp no I’m breaking a glass desktop seems like my un one anary just human being

Here have a good night cuckoo have fun with for Dad and have a good H me you do have a good day thank you so for being here h t sheep H You I’ve never seen that color sheep before it’s cute I need to figure out where I want the entrance for the the CH place to be let’s see if I can find any closer spot I might turn this into a small pond as well for them to be fishing and stuff

I want to make this Village really nice I’m not going to live here I want to make the village nicer they’re going to be connected so they can actually um there’s going to be a train station which is pretty much just for me to use to either transport a villager to me or

Me to get there faster uh but there’s also going to be a bridge so they can actually go visit me where I’m going to live to the bridge is AES cuz I’m going to be stealing some of these animals probably TR to we a good spot for CH be May

To like I said this run it’s wholesome no murder unless people do wrong we’ll see how long this last for new year new be I’m whome now all Li have a good night have a good have a good day tomorrow thank you so for being here so having you I like

Violent we we still play Violet games and stuff but for now I want to do well with these villagers if we find another Village we we’ll burn into the ground and kill them but this one this one is ours this is where you guys are going to live for okay

We a different village will be king yeah we’ll kill the competing villagers this is our cult uh in we kill the other Colts in go burn to the ground oh my God at least H before they of course I me that’s already mer unless you want to be made into

Sleep we might kidnap some of them convert them to the the CH I faite kind of stone like I dude I’m literally standing on the bed make them into followers not possible get off I’ll be back later Kitty no I’ve been sleeping here watch I climed It I Wen Tru I can rest somewhere else I want like a little Island right here for the Post h the stream has been chilling no B apples no trolls is nice I’m very happy that there’s not trolls get happy anary thank you m I hope you have a good night have a

Good H have a good day tomorrow thank you be here You hello K welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over well it’s always you that’s a cute little island do you know how to use Redstone uh barely it’s something I want to learn how to like it’s something I want to get into I don’t like the very very basic stuff

Of how to make like a basic Redstone door that’s it I’ve made like um a roller coaster before that wasn’t too bad but it was still very basic so I don’t know if that would count too much why does the tree look gray on my screen some look kind of gray looking it’s

Weird like that right there looks great all my monitors have like different col colors it’s really really really stressful I still on this floor graduates just lighting time should Be oh it’s so pretty I don’t see any special Tru I assume flower force is nice though my favorite biomes Al all my favorite bies in one area I’m so Happy okay like the ples metal flower Force t blossoms sunflowers I really just need the um um wash cave and I’ll be so happy computer science equal in oh am I ugly foring it no why you not Come have a good night have a good time have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here love having You well you have to first read a few books about clothing what why can’t I just see a video that’s like put this Stone here put that stone there put this book there put that book there boom you know red stone now why to recing that’s

Stupid you guys think I have time to read no that St requires M I want to build redstone contraptions I’ll just watch a video tutorial on how to do it I don’t care about m that stuff I have TR maybe I should make a deeper okay I so oh more Cobblestone there’s actually a hole right here this is a good little mine area let see if I can like seal this off into a actual like M shaft kind of thing just avoid villagers wondering around down here

I prefer them to not get killed I’ll put Tor right here scar oh my God why did that Jo scare me so bad oh my God icraft Is So Hurrican a bad shot oh please don’t be any monsters down here learn so you can make everything being going to make a castle

No I’m going to make a giant dollhouse um it’s not going to be like a a amazing dollhous this be like a generic um just box with rooms to look like a doll house it’s going to have like an open side on want on on one

Side so like be able to do a peekaboo inside please get out Minecraft scar than Outlast to chill every time you say something they hit you I know I hate it Monster was h a lot oh monster No Why am I hungry me that is a pickaxe I’m using today sorry I might get like like a piece of BR ping of butter in a little V peanut butter sandwich Yumm we I wish I had marshmallows or bananas to put on it though do you guys like peanut butter

Banana or peanut butter marshmallow sandwiches too was a childhood Fav how can it be as cool and pretty as you you are you Are never papaya best girl I like Reese’s clubs they’re pretty I think I prefer Reese’s piz though over your clubs how about you papa no I’m not really in a mood for papaya right Now those the same different sizes oh oh the racist pieces are like m& uh you the candy showell never heard of peanut butter marshmallow sandwich it’s nice you just put on Peanut Butter some marshmallows not too many marshmallows just a little bit that’s a really nice little sandwich

It’s more like a dessert sandwich it’s really nice just P and J was a people child to lunch PE and J’s are so nice every once in a while when you’re really hungry or something you’re feeling really peckish I feel like a PB&J is the Best peanut butter banana sells really good right about now chocolate strawberry sells good too you know guys I’ve still never had a chocolate covered strawberry hello luy welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over well it’s over see you again look dessert yeah I’ve still never had one I want

One I keep like telling myself I’ll have one but I never do every to ask toid questions yeah you can ask whatever you want as long as it’s like not inappropriate washing your hands good good good good are you injured never had one either I don’t eat much chocolate they don’t like

Chocolate really yeah this whole stream you guys are like we’re done with the um the live ask thing that I link to Discord but you guys are free to keep asking questions if you want to keep asking questions till stream ends if you want I don’t care ask as many as you

Want please let please let some chocolate strawberries you know what I’ll do a hand cam stream eventually where we make chocolate covered strawberries we’ll decorate them and make them look cute we’ll do like chocolate lunch like white chocolate ones and like have stripes we maybe put sprinkles then I’ll eat one and I’ll

Give a lot of them to my parents I get Sweet Tooth when I eat anything Chocolate fictional superhero would you like to meet oh probably probably oh I’d probably like to meet H oh God would I rather meet Batman or s or Spiderman I don’t know either Batman or Spider-Man are you scared of being trapped in the middle of the ocean well I am terrified of the ocean so I I would rather be dead than being trapped in the middle the ocean I’ll do Itung how did you decide on your theme um it’s just stuff that I like in general you vampire spooky stuff gothic stuff so it was pretty easy to do you like frogs I love frogs do you like Shrek I love Shrek Shrek is love Shrek is

Love what was your first video game I don’t actually remember um I don’t remember my first video game SP around about M architecture style oh oh I I don’t know what like styles are called but I really like the older stuff like um like older I guess like older

Um like the stuff you see um in Rome I guess older architecture in Rome I believe whatever is Rome Italy wait what no Rome Italy um uh Ireland old stuff like that I really like older architexture it’s really pretty um be has a fear the ocean yeah you

Prefer salamanders or Lizards I don’t know favorite superhero angry gamer what do you hope they add to Minecraft um more uh more crops like corn um I want corn fields in Minecraft and I want more like fruits I want want strawberries I want grape Vines I want them to add more farming

Stuff I don’t feel the ocean I feel What Lies Beneath the Water my favorite mineral I don’t have a favorite mineral could say Gothic yeah go Gothic architecture yeah like I really love older like Cathedrals that’s my favorite kind of building they’re so PR when will you be in fortnite be never think mine was Mario Kart 64 I really don’t know what my my first video was are you go yes is go is your not is not your goth girlfriend but she’s your goth Beed over corn in the CL corn in the C can you say no you a farmer I love

Farming I would live on a farm if I could corn a stick with mayo and cheese is the best I’ve never had corn with mayo I’ve only ever had it like butter and pepper I love a nice um corn on like a a grilled corn on the cob butter and pepper so yumy

Jeffrey thank you so much thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you Jeffrey happy one anniversary go three thank you for having a good day Jeffrey for doing well so see you welcome Welcome Farming Simulator stream I would like to do Farming Simulator uh can Grandpa handle that oh you know what I really really would love to do I want to do a farming simulator collab with sheepy and Moi that would be so fun happy oneye anniversary goth

Be all work tonight well I hope you have a wonderful night then good rest Harvest Moon games I do plan on playing Harvest Moon at some point I used to play um it was one of the two towns I used to play that one feel like I should close this part off

I do want to start playing stardo again um I played it once on the stream but honestly the day that I played it I wasn’t really feeling much in the mood for it so it wasn’t a very great stream but when I’m in the mood for it I’ll play it again

It’s still the SL the event cute be I love the bees the bees and Minecraft make me so happy they’re so simple but they’re so cute Beanie I could you know I could make my own Minecraft texture pack that is a stream we could do one day all three Minecraft textures Sor G I have work tomorrow but do enjoy this also happy one year anniversary again thank you n I hope you

Have a good night have a good to have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here it’s really love me having you by B get S my baby going be I have real people reacted to your voice um there isn’t really much reaction to

My voice in real life other than people asking me to talk louder that’s about it people don’t really react to me having a high P voice in real life uh it’s weird it’s weird that people react to it online but not not offline I feel like you would get more

Reactions offline cuz it’s more common for people online to have a higher voice right you hear it more often uh people having squeaker voices you hear we two were girls especially have higher voices usually compared to real life so it’s weird people just don’t care in real

Life a there’s so many Textures in this game it will take forever yeah but it’ be fun it’ be fun to do a stream where I just texture like Bic Stuff that’s it I quit reading super chats I don’t care if I sign a contract go find some mother bum to read chats for you I am done goodbye Chatman voice you are here to stay forever you can’t leave but thank you Pap thank you thank

You I appreciate thank you I was a Sil mon Charles and CH made your text to speech great he can’t quit he’s stuck here ha I have his uh link not link his code it’s there found out the voice for deep voices I’m scared Piy can I see the off long does this lead to a CBE or is it just a little it’s just a little thing but this be a good entrance for a train station though I wonder see where is it lead To i’ rather have A a look at the he’s so cute with his grass Block okay fire forever be we all are we all what fruit do you want to try I really want to try um dragon fruit I’ve never had it before what makes the game fun to you um I think what I look for in a game usually is like how the game play feels

You know um if it’s a game play that I can’t get comfortable with it’s not going to be fun to me I think that’s how it is for everybody though oh if it has a super good story though that I get really sucked into then I can look past the game play

Um if I really like the story and never is super cute h i tastes it tastes like nothing of it oh really I want to try it cuz it looks weird it looks like cookies and cream think you have P too I need to look at It that waterful oh wait there’s two oh that one’s pretty that’s pretty oh my gosh A I think I’m with the train station I go near that waterfall that be nice suppos there’s a lot of emeralds here have train station come around here I I think like there somewhere um I can have like a nice pathway up the hill so wherever I go to

Yeah let me put a marker here keep in mind that this is where I want to go I see I think somebody’s going to my house I can see him how did I cing outside so he kick you out oh my God you kicked my cat out

Dude have you ever found a wild pink sheep I actually don’t remember if I have or not have I found a pink sheep on stream kill scoreboard no no violence I don’t know if I’ve ever stumbled upon upon a pink sheo before are they rare or Something where’s the cat oh it’s a gray and white one it’s not black and white pink she p% SP something oh yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen one in the wild your can out he deserves H that’s true but I haven’t I’d rather put him in prison uh whenever I build a

PR I’ll put them in PR I need some trees look a pink sheep it’s a pick it’s a hairless sheep small sheep and creative in the Tropic see no I don’t want to cheat more than I have already I if I cheated to get a cat

I don’t need to cheat to get up she I really wish you could tame the bunnies it’s so unfair that you can’t what point would you consider yourself a successful vtuber I want to be honest I think I would consider myself successful right now um I’ve I’ve got an audience I have fun

Streaming um I I think i’ I think I’ve succeeded have you ever ridden a real horse I actually have um briefly at a flea market when I was a kid I was on a horse and it scared me they put put me on the biggest horse they had and I was

Terrified it was a beautiful horse it was sweet but it the height the height scared me and I they know voice yeah there’s all kind there’s all B is it like for each biome there’s only like that there’s brown bunnies white bunnies black Bunnies do you have many ground worthy dad jokes on hand hey guys why did dad take an extra pair of socks cing in case he gets a hole in one was that a good one if you guys ever asked me for a do J you have to be expecting that one cuz

That’s my go-to joke now Hew so funny I know thank you it’s a good joke You know what I want to do something might upset people I’m going to leave the treer I’ll come back for it later when I actually have an axe okay we bother to do this I love how my donkeys there are how many be models exist too

Many let see I’m sorry guys I don’t have enough ax right now I don’t I can’t be bothered lazy still kind of scouting to see if there is a um mus CBE to anywhere I haven’t seen one yet my favorite flower in Minecraft um before my favorite flower was um here I don’t remember the names so I’ll just show you in Creative oops so before my favorite flower was this one the Blue Orchid that was my alltime favorite but now it’s since they out of the church very Bloss that one’s my favorite but I

I think this one’s TI still though that was a flower I always wanted every time I would build a house favorite flower real life uh my favorite flower in real life is probably um a lily I think they’re very pretty wow roses are really pretty too I think

Yellow roses are the prettiest of all roses though are you [ __ ] about anti-gravity it’s impossible I like red spider lilies I don’t know if I’ve seen that one or not Let’s go get some after I make the chest time to go by all right kby have a good night have a good have a good tomorrow thank you so for being here having you bye byebye finally free from the P think sheing would you consider yourself a

Creative person um in some aspects yes like artwise yes video wise no music no I only consider myself creative with art like drawing any other kind of art like the music like I said on videos stuff I can’t I’m not Creative I will get in this bed before he can I will be sure of that oh God he’s here no no no what do you mean like music oh I haven’t I didn’t make the music in my streams that’s why I mean I’m not creative like uh music making or sing whatever

Uh do you have any philosophical or ethical hot takes no not really U my brain’s too small for that you are gving not Minecraft that’s true I wanted to try getting into making my own music for CHS but it’s like I don’t know where to start I don’t really

Have a program for it that I could use um even if I did I don’t really know how the work went I would love to have my own original song Someday though even if I don’t like sing for it if it’s just audio like music that would be

Nice feel just staying up on there again he can get over it get his own house he bunk me to someone else not me garage bang go to Fr for a second I thought that flower was a Creeper sa music theory miss playing the trumpet I do really want to get a violin I said that before I live I really want to get a violin and see if I can learn how to play that can we get a fall counter just in case if I start falling and

Dying like if I fall to my death anytime I will start fall counter just for now I’m confident I will not fall and die what do you think about map retiring from YouTube I mean I personally don’t really care you guys already know I don’t I

Don’t watch him um I mean it’s sad that he’s going cuz you know he is such a big face on YouTube but it’s personally not something I have any actual feelings towards fallowing happens once a year yeah see where’s the mine entrance going to be um I suppose here like right here

So wonder why 64 is a Max SK 64 the level wait what level or why all the space Oh I’m stupid I don’t know I have no idea I feel like they should have gone to 100 Right BL a bad interest um how’d you pick your name ohsh I answered this earlier but um it’s cuz Vanos ging has that whole hini joke and I thought it was funny and stuff and I also just like Houdini um so I took cini turn into M and Idol was short for Idol idol

ID that which is uh uh what’s it called it’s a um like a phantom thing ghost and I supposed to be a ghost V Tu at the start but then I changed to vampire and I decided not to change my last name cuz it’s not too

Good as you get close to the edge my anxiety makes my hair so on my neck I’m not scared much but it’s mess me up I’m sorry I dirt makes me sound makes me want to eat it don’t eat dirt it’s not good for you say save goh start there probably is

Somewhere I’d have to really dig through my messages was sheepy find it Though so question your face is serious is your IR face serious as well yes all the Expressions you see my model are matching my actual Expressions unless it’s like the psycho faces I can’t really do those psycho faes it’s really a camera glitched a tracking glitch I still didn’t make a shovel got

Teach can you please psychop face please I don’t know how to do it like um normally the C it usually happens when the camera can’t pick my face up properly I don’t know how to just make it turn the CST here’s how look what’s that build the base right

Here like a bunker style m expression M oh I don’t know the name so I don’t know Clock dark orange have you Le I’ve never seen clock dark orange I have seen The Shining H um I don’t really know what this uh expression is though yeah I’ve never seen H car orange M loves it though hello welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day hope you’re

Doing well it’s so see you again I don’t know why I haven’t watched clock work L um I really don’t know much I watch parts of it I rather all of them mov night house I would like to have a movie night again I know what book you probably be what Book water sh down no no what you plan doing the game for survive I want to build a Coy uh house Coy Village like a good life good Farm I only know about water ship down because mama told me about probably we should watch a FNAF

Movie if we ever do a movie October oh we can do that I was planning to do another movie night for October I definitely want to do a movie night for Christmas is here since we didn’t do it last year I too wish I we put a h farmer living off the L

I don’t mind reading I se the Stu I’m like really interested in so don’t want to read like I’ve said before I really want to do an HMR video where I just read books in Oblivion of in Skyrim I’ll probably make that soon just obliv ASMR reading random Books not really focused on organizing this just yet just clean it up enough Read I would be up for It Oh come On he I’ll get you some iron soon don’t Worry can’t make doors A um do I want to raise the ground here the door villagers are wonder wonder what villagers are going to wonderand in here anyways even if there’s a door but it’s more so to keep stuff in or out like Monsters so and then we drop down and die yeah I’m

Australian oh good day mate a monster chamber I could make a monster chamber I do want to make a mob farm a few mob farm farms at some point but um I really don’t have any knowledge in the mom Farm business should be a such a cute me no

Oh the accent gives that away yeah my accent’s super strong isn’t it I hav been told I’m an honorary Aussie just because of my sleep schedule I operate on sheepy time zone hurry up I just need this Stone that was not much all ho and time have a small base down here for

The mining business like I said before I’m not really worried about making it organized I’m just here to gather enough resources to do some things so I could just right now replace these later work are you going to build a prison for us Idols um eventually when I have enough iron to

Make a lot of iron bars I’ll make a Present oh it’s dark down there just going to be a skeleton is it there there’s a skeleton ni I’m not going to Die I Shield this part up too GL that was barely anything was there more around here or no Hello this will be the worst place where to die right now I want to keep saying that when I enter a dark spot because then if I say I’m going to die I’m not going to die and I’ll be fine and happy Oh God I take it Back I should probably seal this area oh God my strategy failed me no uh uhoh uhoh uhoh I missed Minecraft so much here CH oh no I don’t have a sword I thought I would be fine my You tactical sco right no so sick of him h More IR let me torch this that’s the ugliest entrance I’ve ever seen some M but it’s okay that’s my ugly entrance the Story secret technique run it’s a good technique it usually Works there still skeleton down there are you serious the say right here I Should you want to come out there with you I you’re a whimp you don’t know how to get out P Stop stop moving the please just out the hole stop no no I pushed you so far for Nothing yes yes yes go go go go no no turn Around just start around holy crap I’m not going to punch you I don’t want to die come on we’re so close just get in the Hole ni didn’t mean to sorry I think this was a misunderstanding on my part or your part back up a little thanks that’s your home now you take care of the things things in there I’ll make another one out here I don’t know if there’s two Golems here if there’s only one move

Way here we go oh my God don’t look at me like that I’m Sorry there we go I lost some levels but it worth it he’s still free he just protects the shaft now this is important cuz if villagers come down here you know he’ll be here to protect them if something went to spawn has what purpose here yeah exactly

A baby villager were to get lost down here and a zombies start chasing it don’t you think it would like to have a a Golem to help I think so for a second I thought I heard a creeper I’m that scared make sure this is like three blocks tall For hello welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over you so with you That’s a good staircase for him should be all right I’ll R this just in case startled we he came running up The hello Soldier welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day hope you’re doing well it’s to see you I be killing a Minecraft I’m expert I be hitting 360 subers I have just a little bit left oh my God so my hydrations three guls I only had one Gul I’m

Sorry s it’s all one me so I have to go going out whatever all right B have a good night have a good have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here it’s hope having you Byeee use all both of things before I make another one I’ve been watching your channel I know you like horor games never seen you play check out oh I’ve already played I’ve played um uh Amia the first one I’ve played machine for Pixar ready I’m still trying to decide if I

Want to play rebirth and the new one that came out I don’t really I don’t really like the looks of the newest one it looks kind of lame to me it looks like one I would probably get bored of sadly I really don’t like the gun I

Really wish you did get a weapon it’s stupid I I liked when you didn’t have a way to really defend yourself in Amia I think the first one is the best one for sure unless my stressful I mean I don’t know I just don’t like the

Gun I don’t want to defend myself I want to have to run away like a coward and solve puzzles that’s what I liked about na I’ve come to the conclusion sleep isn’t real tiger no this one show be by I want to play Minecraft hardore maps

Have fun with the parkour maps and have a good day night have a when you do have a good Day you rip off Your help P give you a gun but gives you more reasons not use it to use it I don’t know I’m just not super interested in in in the game right now maybe maybe in the future but for now I’m just not interested enough what game oh the new

Game I love sleeping through the day and waking up in the afternoon it’s wonderful hello Mal welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over so see you guys play I think the first one might be the only good one machine for Pig was a little l it wasn’t horrible

But I don’t think there’s enough puzzles in machine for PS like the puzzles weren’t very good in Machine For Pigs the the ones that they had the ones they had were kind of didn’t take too much thing isolation World War see that makes it sound more

Interesting but at the same time I don’t know it just doesn’t I think I’m just not super fond of the idea of playing it because it doesn’t it it doesn’t seem like an AM music in you know whenever I think of Amnesia I think

Of the first one and I wish all of them would be like the first one the first one did it really well I don’t want you kill my C Know oh like Graphics machine for p were pretty good yeah you are Extreme Hills biome I’m in a metal all them were like the first one the fans will probably get tired of the same thing if we have series all together I don’t know tiger got to the sunsh I’m in a metal

I’m in a metal is wrong how how has the JY uh this will I I um it’s been a good journey um there’s been lots of good murders happening um lots of good crime but also lots of good wholesome moments I think the journey is a good

One Hello Lord welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day so you guys look tiger a meow wow oh did I take away their only defense get in your house you idiots Jesus are they all dead okay he’s alive they’re alive I don’t feel kind of bad

Now but if they die it’s kind of their fault you know Th members of the family not close I know we’re so close you live in a simulation me it’s been a wonderful year can we just Been Yeah I forgot bye Soldier have a good night have a good H have a good day thank so for being here have you byee just look up that’s why that’s interesting front door yes it is a door to Mark the M shaft that’s all it is let recognizable from a distance so I

Always know this is where the M shaft is call to I go to some this is kind of a cobblestone Tower with some wood added to it sowhat it looks like the entrance to a dungeon Well same Thing I’m getting kind of tired why would I keep going we probably will play Minecraft again next week to be honest um I’m thinking about it at least cuz I I want to focus on horror games again next week so um Alice SM returns um um evil um

There is other stuff but I forgot I go to is the campsite us to carry around Everywhere wish I could sleep just close your eyes uh and um don’t open them go f each other they don’t have to cut the Minecraft addiction will be real yeah why the go oh I was trying to get him inside of here tiger and uh so what I was doing is

I was breaking the two blocks above the doors to squeeze him in and I accidentally punched him when I was trying to hit this one so he was like no and he kill Me sound like you should kill him no he’s trapped in line he’s he’s uh where he should be only for death I can just tra Him say on the server um not yet I’m still trying to figure out what I’m going to Happ hi s The Kill B zombies oh goodness everyone happy first year anniversary you be enjoyed as much as we did bye than you byebye have a good night have a good talk to me have a good day tomorrow than for being here we how You let’s go look for something things why is it not ring all these blocks why are these three blocks four blocks five blocks not getting any range huh why is that one not getting R either what wild of Minecraft I give it where’s the C it’s an orange Booy try fire milk P no I’m working on getting s for Kake right now guess I don’t get the recipe till I get an egg which I haven’t got any ex no blue I chicken is it night Time Wow oh my God he’s going to be on my bed again is this is mine don’t look at me like that oh my God attitude you’ve caused me to push my Cat I didn’t Rob this Village I’m helping Them I’m a village like 20,000 times better than what it currently is I should be grateful there’s so many Beast I’m so happy interesting where are the chickens I need a chicken I also food oh go the Beast have you checked the farm no vampire say when the ter of Village

I’ll help you That I don’t want to take any right now Buton No give me an egg come on one of you will poop an egg out eventually you got read done the best texture Okay how long does it take the oh God how long does it take them to poop out an egg there’s another chicken let’s go 5 10 minutes for next seriously each you know I want to go grab some water wait no I should do that cuz I’ll probably

Die I was going to grab water while I waited but you know it’s not worth the risk where are they coming from they’re spotting there’s Ary so sometimes they don’t pull back y two like a k I have to look at a crafting table fory oh man on let’s go I’ll take you

Guys That’s their footsteps I’ve been trying to figure out what that clicking sound is but their feet oh my God that’s so Cute I love the pop sound when they poop out the ne no Jerry oh look at them in a little line that’s so cute I love them so much oh my God a new home for my Chickens good babies yes come here babies babies I want the babies y the chicken find gross is you imprison them no I gave them a shelter it’s so they um are safe from zombies and stuff oh look at taking your bath oh my God don’t get down they’re so cute

A oh I I don’t know if they can fly away um movie wants baby confir yes bab chickens are they safe from you no I’m keeping them safe from zombies uh also Hello hello welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over with you how do I make a cake you got Orange I black out yeah tiger my first day it spawned so of course I used creative mode to get the fish because I didn’t want it to like

Leave so I creative mode and and got fish but it was just there I was so excited I thought I I could C the cake What oh I wasn’t looking at the crafting table I need three buckets of milk oh God must a full room I don’t have enough for three I need one more piece SK night times I should sleep kill the iron go no he’s important oh God God no

For last but no he’s important to protect the M but to be fair I did that that pretty well I should probably let him back out but um he seems Clos here she like Guy house no it was my house but he decid he wants to sleep in that’s the truth

Y I thought there was more iron around here but I guess Not show the papers have there the papers that I only Asked any sugar no it’s fine I find I can find that stuff anywhere Besides I’m want to make a garden For Oh look welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day well it’s so and see you again happy YouTu birthday thank you oh God go my CH by all have a good night have a good have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being here love having you

Bye we has our own way of PR caring materials Lava Yeah that’s how survived is you know yeah I’m not going to do it though cuz I don’t have any food on me right now The lava looks like B beans B beans I want some so bad that’s not what I Want come on It’s good to know that I have a lava source right Here A a there we Go Cobblestone I ha Cobblestone generators I at you good I think after I get this cake M guys I’m going to end stream um because I’m getting tired and it’s going to flowers it’s not modded it’s just cheaters I well it was just still baby steps to back in the Minecraft tiger I’m

Still pretty burned out on the game yummy I took a bite I could just eat the whole thing out with all be a wasted effort like that beautiful cake is this strawberries or is a Cher is on Top my C I’ll gradually get back into the game tiger and once I do I will have another very long stream eventually we’ll try to do a 24-hour stream but know I’m not going to promise that’ll happen any time shoot but now work oh e oh SE

Are I think this is a decent amount of progress though I mean I don’t have like a ton of s going on yet but I’m trying to not rush to everything this play through this was the best part of streaming adorable yes lay down on the bed come on lay

Down End Dragon next to you right no it’s going to be a long time before you guys see me fight the Ender Dragon I just wanted to take a us today you know cuz like we did C been Minecraft it’s been 5 hours I’m very tired um I need my rest because tomorrow is our our longest stream of the week probably because of the temple that we’re doing just to get another right arm with

Wendy oh why is this is so easy no stream I believe oh my God I’m not I my sit down you did yeah I did for like the first half of stream Goodbye Minecraft it was lovely being back B I’ll see you again later Minecraft yeah had a Cy earlier

Um oh should I play the video again to end off stream or should I just upload it and then people can choose to watch if they want to I’m not really sure I don’t know if you guys will want to sit through that again right now yes I

See here’s I do I’ll will put up a vote a poll how long it’s 12 minutes long hello go welcome welcome I hope you’re having a good day over day well it’s over to see you yeah the video is 12 minutes long so I can either play it to close off stream

Or I’ll just upload it when I end the stream I make a good video here’s her cute guys enjoy it I’ll 12 mil videos F if you want soon I just don’t know if you guys want to sit through that again right now or if you’d rather watch it as a video you

Know to the post all than goodbye K it’s been sitting on my head for 5 hours I hope you’re you’re still wanting to eat it oh another working I don’t like the idea of the this be another work cage maybe I’ll just upload it after stream I’ll just upload the video after

Stream like as soon the stream ends I will go to the upload page set to upload and want to go to HD and then I will post it and then I’ll put a notification Discord so if you’re wanting to watch the one year uh collage uh compilation yeah compilation of streams clips from

The past past year that will be uploaded in a little bit can you here kick kicking me had kick even better yumy speing oh you know it could be be it might be I don’t know I just really hope in the future they come out with like

Another big update for farming give more crops more types of um more types of fruit and veggies and stuff you can plant um I would love if Minecraft had uh like corn corn like I said so corn fields and group Vines that’d be so cool I love beetroot I’ve never had a beetroot

Before is it good is it real it’s real right I’ve never seen a beetroot uh you know chickens have the red C under their boot well that’s why the cake is red no don’t say That it’s played here can I get embarrassed if it’s play here being embarrassing I going to be embarrassed even if it’s uploaded because then it’s like easier to find Minecraft never get a big update ever they’ll give you two two new PCS that’s it yeah I’m still upset about the um the

Birch Forest thing um that picture that they had for it where it had the big Vlogs laying down all the pretty nature and stuff going on but we’re never going to get that I don’t think I’ll build it myself fait are okay it’s good jues you chicken children make the K go

Wrong with the go they weren’t Babies they were just next like your daer D remind me that that thing exists I hate that video so Much well I’m really talked out I talked a lot today and I’m very tired my throat’s starting to actually hurt a bit um I definitely didn’t stay hydrated enough during the stream so I should probably go check some water before I go to bed not um but yeah I’m as soon as stream

Ends I’m going to get the video uploading um and I’ll put a notification Discord that it’s uploaded and then I have like a few more things to post I have to post like a community uh page thing and then I have to post that in Discord as well so both the YouTube

Dolls and the Discord dolls I’ll drink water after stream I don’t have anymore right now but I think that’s going to wrap up today’s stream um like I said tomorrow stream is definitely going to be longer I predict like a 6 to 9 hour stream tomorrow simply because I have been told

That this Temple this next Temple is very long so and we still have some things to do side quest wise we have to I really want to do the Frog choir I don’t know what you get for it I think probably like a heartbeast or something but I want to do the Frog

Choir at some point I don’t know if I’ll do that tomorrow or the next ‘s M stream we’ll see don’t die get some r tired looking go thing I will I will I will i’ would like to join your Discord Jo yes the link for Discord is down in the description if

Anybody wants to join 69 hours imagine if I was able to do a 69 hour stream on YouTube with without having to cut it up between like 12 hour streams YouTube please let me do a 69h hour straight stream without cutting it speedrun one hour Temple I don’t think that’s going to

Happen I don’t know this Temple I don’t think I’ve ever seen this Temple before I don’t remember if I have or not so there’s no way I could do it in 1 hour No you now I starting to get very itchy and sore so I’m going to stop um I had a lot of fun today though guys is I feel like this was a good anniversary stream I look forward to spraying this next year with all of you

Ouch okay I want to cut it here just so I don’t uh kill my my throat too much okay everybody I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day or night have a good H you me when you do have a good day tomorrow thank you so much for being

Here I’m glad I got to spend this day with you um Happy she there thank you happy anniversary doll UNAM enjoyable gaming yeah yeah more SC too all right everybody remember you good food de hydrated um and please try to sleep if you’re sleep deprived okay good morning good

Afternoon good evening good day good night goodbye bye bye- bye bye-bye bye-bye Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT DAY #01】Mubini 1st Year Anniversarini! 💖 | Q&A 💕 Mining’, was uploaded by Mubini Eido on 2024-01-11 07:44:20. It has garnered 334 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 05:29:17 or 19757 seconds.

so we back in the mine ———————————————————————- ❥ Join Mubini’s Discord! https://discord.gg/dkdwxgwMf2

【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/Mubini_Eido ———————————————————————- ❥ 【Streamlabs Donations】💕 https://streamlabs.com/mubini/tip ————————————————– ——————– 【CREDITS】 BGM: Peritune https://www.youtube.com/@PeriTune

❥Chatting bgm | https://youtu.be/U-PIV594D9o ❥Outro Song | https://youtu.be/CXmEG79kQ5k

❥ Playlists | https://peritune.booth.pm/ ———————————————————————- 【Chat Rules】 ❥ Be respectful. No discrimination, harrassment, or hateful behavior. ❥ Do not chat about other streamers unless I bring them up first. ❥ Do not have debates in chat. ❥ No spamming or trolling. ❥ No backseating / spoilers. (Game mechanic tips or telling me I forgot an item is fine.) ❥ NO AGES IN CHAT ———————————————————————- #mubinieido #vtuber #minecraft

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    Mind-blowing Minecraft vibes! Join us on our Road To 300 Subscribers! 🎮💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live | Road To 300 Subscribers with @ttvelu day 7 #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by Vibe with SSM on 2024-06-11 17:17:35. It has garnered 12 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:23 or 6023 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecrafttopic credit to the thumnail – @chillwithshaurya SUPPORT FOR GAMING SETUP – makhijasunitsingh@okhdfcbank ignore hastags #minecraft,#mcpe,#minecraftsmp, #rd300 #minecraftserver,#minecraftmultiplayer,#minecraftmultiplayerserver,#multiplayer,#multiplayersmp,#multiplayerserver,#minecraftjava,#minecraftjavasmp,#smp,#mcpesmp,#streamwithsubscriber,#publicsmp,#minecraftlive,#mcpelive,#minecraftpocketedition,#minecraftpaid,#minecraftpaidserver,#paidsmp,#paidserver,#freepublicsmp,#infinityhqsmp,#venomscar,#venomserver,#minecraftrealms,#minecraftrealmsplus,#MinecraftIndia,#MinecraftCommunity,#minecraftstream,#shortsfeed,#shorts, minecraft live , Minecraft gameplay , minecraft edit , minecraft topic , minecraft tutorial , vibe with ssm , minecraft topic Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad… Read More

  • Gyomei’s Mind-Blowing Discovery in Hashira Hangouts

    Gyomei's Mind-Blowing Discovery in Hashira HangoutsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hashira x Hangouts (Episode 2) || Gyomei discovers Minecraft’, was uploaded by WholeWheatPete on 2024-08-01 22:00:06. It has garnered 59632 views and 3181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:40 or 460 seconds. Gyomei becomes obsessed with minecraft. Hashira x Hangouts is a Keeping up with the Hashira Mini-Series! Please like and share this video if you would like to see more Hashira MINI-sodes in the future! ——— DETAILS FOR THE KEEPING UP WITH HASHIRA EDIT CONTEST HERE: Join : https://discord.com/invite/wwp Look for Hashira Edit Competition Channel for rules and submissions ——— Obanai: wholewheatpeet… Read More

  • 12th Hour: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Movie Reanimation

    12th Hour: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Movie ReanimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Re-Animated The Minecraft Movie Trailer’, was uploaded by 12th Hour on 2024-09-07 17:05:26. It has garnered 814815 views and 42632 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. It needed to be done… this was a mega grind, pls sub and like 🙂 Socials: Twitter: https://twitter.com/l2thhour Instagram: @ 12thhours Read More

  • New Insane WBC Victorian City Tour!

    New Insane WBC Victorian City Tour!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Victorian American Town & City Planning – Server Update Tour’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-06-08 19:39:29. It has garnered 9801 views and 566 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:25 or 1405 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, June 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. This series will feature the Terra 1912 (Formally the Whiteburg City Builds (WBC… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: HEROBRIINE CAUGHT ON CAMERA!! 👻🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Mr.Ansh.YT99 on 2024-09-10 15:59:34. It has garnered 10135 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft Herobrine Short #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #technogamerz ऊं Disclaimer – Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in… Read More

  • Crazy Planet S2

    Crazy Planet S2This is My Public LifeSteal Smp For Crack Players.Join Our Discord For Best Informations and Real Money Events I Hope You Will Enjoy ! Play.CrazyPlanet.Fun:25584 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 Awaits! Brave Adventurer, Get Ready for the Ultimate Minecraft Survival Challenge! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is here, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a vast world, discover new dimensions, and uncover hidden secrets in this thrilling Minecraft adventure. Explore a Vast World Teleport to unexplored locations using waystones or take a random TP to start your adventure Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas and discover hidden treasures Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!

    Minecraft Memes - The Minecraft Revolution has Landed!Looks like even in Minecraft, they’re tired of the “mining and crafting” system and are ready for some real change! Read More

  • Bob’s Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure

    Bob's Love Abduction: A Minecraft Misadventure In Minecraft, Love kidnapped Bob, oh what a plight, Thrown into a cave with zombies, what a fright. To save Bob, I must beat Love in a fight, In the ring, with all my might. Will I emerge victorious, or face defeat? Watch the video, and let’s meet, In the comments, share your thoughts so sweet, Subscribe, like, and activate the bell, a treat. Don’t miss any content, stay in the loop, Join us on Instagram, where we’ll swoop, Into the world of entertainment, a group, Of gamers, creators, a joyful troop. Brenner’s channel, Nathalia’s too, A family-friendly space,… Read More

  • Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft

    Noob vs Pro vs High AF MLG 😂 #minecraft “Noob: struggles to build a simple dirt house. Pro: creates an elaborate castle with redstone contraptions. Height MLG: builds a skyscraper made entirely of diamond blocks and gold. Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out how to make a crafting table.” #minecraftstruggles #buildinggoals Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm!

    Ultimate Minecraft Super Smelter Farm! Minecraft’s Ultimate Automatic Super Smelter Farm Fully Automatic Resource Processing Get ready to revolutionize your resource processing with Minecraft’s BEST Automatic Super Smelter Farm in version 1.21 for both Java and Bedrock editions. Designed by MineLand, this farm takes your gameplay to a whole new level with its fully automatic mode. Compatibility and Updates This Super Smelter Farm is compatible with versions 1.16 to 1.21, including all subversions. Whether you’re playing on Java Edition or Bedrock Edition, this farm is ready to enhance your gaming experience. Enhancements and Features With complementary shaders, default resource pack, and mods like Replay… Read More

  • Syon Beats Midir – Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Syon Beats Midir - Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Syon is Finishing Midir | SyonGB Plays DS3 | Minecraft SMP Afterwards 3/9/2024’, was uploaded by ExabyteG Archives on 2024-05-05 04:46:10. It has garnered 20 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:11 or 13451 seconds. Oh Midir my beloved. We do Midcraft too, I guess My Main Channel @exabyteg Watch Live https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/exabyteg Read More

  • Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!

    Minecraft Trailer: Frog Tony Sucks?!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft Trailer Dropped And It Sucks? – Gabbing With Geeks’, was uploaded by Frog Tony on 2024-09-08 03:16:15. It has garnered 548 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:20 or 9260 seconds. Tonight the GwG crew goes over the Minecraft trailer, Astro Bot dominating the review charts, MCU films Blade and Armor Wars getting cancelled, several video game trailers, our weekly polls, and much MORE! Support us on Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/TheGeekGetaway198 Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6494317466353664 Join this channel to get access to perks:… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenges When You’re Bored” ||ApexSpectraGaming||

    "Insane Minecraft Challenges When You're Bored" ||ApexSpectraGaming||Video Information This video, titled ‘top 4 minecraft challenges to do when you are bored. ||ApexSpectraGaming||’, was uploaded by ApexSpectraGaming on 2024-05-04 15:10:02. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:42 or 582 seconds. all mode in this video is not owned by ApexSpectraGaming must subscribe are channel. any content you need to share with me you can tell me on my discord and suggest me some games to play on discord discord link:- https://discord.com/invite/SADV6bXE Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Tutorial!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🏡 Minecraft Advanced Survival House 🏡 Build Tutorial #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbuilds’, was uploaded by Minecraft Builds on 2023-12-26 16:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Builds – Inspiring Guides to Create Creative Worlds! Hello Minecraft enthusiasts! Welcome to the “Minecraft Builds” … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?

    Insane Minecraft Live Gameplay #6: Shabirzz Hero or Villain?Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz’, was uploaded by Shabirzz gamer on 2024-09-09 09:20:36. It has garnered 403 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Minecraft School SMP Season 6 Live #6#shots #minecraft #shabirzzgamer #livestream #live #shabirzz 💕💕😍😍 Minecraft Live is an annual online event hosted by Mojang Studios, designed to showcase major updates, features, and upcoming content for Minecraft. The event is packed with exciting reveals, including the announcement of new game mechanics, mobs, biomes, and collaborations. Viewers get a first… Read More

  • shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!

    shocking Cybertron games revival! Joker 2 reviews!Video Information This video, titled ‘Are the Cybertron games back? Concord Crashes. MINECRAFT teaser. Joker 2 Early Reviews’, was uploaded by The G-Show on 2024-09-07 13:34:12. It has garnered 24 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:19 or 8239 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/theg-show Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secret Revealed! 🤫 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-04-30 11:00:42. It has garnered 12142 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. You don’t know!😤 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @aariya.art.dp. @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids @Wuzba. #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage… Read More

  • INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattack

    INSANE FARM START in MINECRAFT! #craftattackVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 Starter Farmen Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack’, was uploaded by RemaKKe on 2024-03-07 17:56:47. It has garnered 14375 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 5 Starter Farms Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftbauen #minecraftdeutsch #craftattack #bastighg #minecraftbuilding #minecraftfarm ►Music in the background: massobeats – honey jam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGMQbVfYVmI Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Villager Cover – FORMIDABLE by LERT GAMES

    EPIC Minecraft Villager Cover - FORMIDABLE by LERT GAMESVideo Information This video, titled ‘FORMIDABLE – VILLAGER cover [Stromae] #minecraft’, was uploaded by LERT GAMES on 2024-03-05 12:05:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. A song that gives goosebumps to any listener – a really beautiful and stunning song by @stromae about life and the hardships of … Read More