EPIC Minecraft Automation with All Mods 9 – SystemCollapse

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Hey guys s be and this is ATM 9 I’m myself I’m having a wonderful day hope you guys all are as well go jum forward to get back into this amazing pack every between episodes went ahead and worked on our hostile neural network setup like

I said I was going to went from 15 simulation shaver to 32 right so the first five rows here actually all dedicated to Withers so we have 12 more of those data models which is not too bad I was able to make those all at the

Same time too just by making three of the deep Learners keeping them on my bar here so just uh six more Withers all I had to kill there so that was easy see here these are actually processing all the materials the optimal setup for this

Too uh I guess with the maxed out uh data model so when these got up to 95 point or sorry 99.5% is 4:1 ratio on the loop fabricator so that’s why I have them lined up like this so they just going to work out perfectly when they finally get

Maxed out there and be able to process everything right so back here we have um four modular Riders powering everything I didn’t really need four but I wanted to make sure they didn’t fall behind it at any time whatsoever cuz these things are a little bit of a power hog here

Then I I guess back here the way I have this wired up now is with integrated Dynamics using a bunch of logic cable and then their item connectors and these ones here what are these called item importers so the item importer is pulling all the projections out of here

And putting that into the back of the machines as long as they have an item connector on there so that’s great not doing any filtering at all whatsoever the machines are pretty smart so I don’t have to work about that on this one here this one has an item exporter so it’s

Just pulling in what it can with the drawer it’s filtered and locked of course so it’s pulling in all the matter then the actual I guess the predictions when they get produced get pulled into the back of the machines via the um actual item exporters here so this get

Pulled in have to filter them inside I guess individually just to go in here clip once you’ve done that once it remembers uh what it’ll actually need to process every time it kind of comes in you only have to do it the one time that sets the filter then outside that I

Guess there’s one Morey cable on the bottom not connected to this little Network here is pulling all the Finish items into this at which point I have a storage bus right so just working out really well really clean and uh quite happy with the setup here I wish there

Was a way to turn off those lasers I don’t know if there’s a way to do that not sure if there is cuz really is there’s no need for them I mean I know where everything’s going if I could turn it on and off it’d be great right but

Anyway that is good there and that is the I guess new setup for that is much more efficient and that gets us a lot more nether Stars which we need the other thing I think I did was this here I would had to added a bunch more of the

Uh what are those things called I can’t remember these things here oh I just broke everything I just destroyed the Christmas Christmas is over go to grab this puppy more induction cells so we are good in that because we are completely I guess we’re completely full

On Power and now we’re not it’s going to be filled up again have to graft a bunch more of those but I’ll kind of get that worked out in time and then I would ahead set up a bag here to get everything we’re need for a automation

Today so first thing we’re going to work on I guess is the wiccan supremium furnace I guess automation so the first thing I want to automate here is going be the cognizant dust so before we do anything I want to go ahead and make us

A agel ring with that we’ll be able to have I guess creative flight which seems like a very nice idea we’ve been using the jetpack I guess the entire pack and I don’t really want to deal with it anymore I really don’t like hover it’s

Just not a good thing so this one right here is a player reaches XP less than one so this one here the current form of the inel Ring requires experience right I don’t want to deal with that there’s this one though as well the energetic in

Ring this one just uses RF which is no problem at all so let’s go ahead and grab that one try that right there you will need a light to set this up but really easy in that regards that should just get automatically powered though and I believe there’s a slot down here

At which point I should be able to take off our jetpack now not use that anymore this will be a lot slower I guess on our jetpack but at the same time this is real creative flight so I don’t have to deal with hovering one of my biggest

Annoyances with uh I guess the jetpacks I guess is the hover because when you’re like walking downstairs and all a sudden you’re floating it’s so it’s so discombobulating so I’m quite happy to have that then I always have my jetpack in here and I’ve have to kind of guess

Fly across 5,000 blocks I go ahead and switch that but for the most part I’ll be much happier with this we movement around the base so quite happy I went ahead and did that so let’s go a and start this automation here right so what

We’re going to do is have a setup to do kind of on demand crafting for the dust right so we’ll have to have a way to I guess get the Wither kill the Wither pull in the items and all that jazzz right so we’re use a Ender Chest here

For the recipe guess we just need some fluix or something do have any fluix I do not go hunt down fluix here go got 32 right there which is fantastic how many channels do we have left here we have oh we got enough let’s go ahead grab you

We’ll just do a provider guess right here grab ourselves the Ender Chest this set to a black white black Channel not that it really matters there then I guess the recipe we set that up right here go ahead and Hunt that down so what

Do we need for the recipe so we have to make like a custom one right because we want to make this stuff right so let’s go ahead uh open next ternal go ahead grab you can actually put that in there again I want it over there though go and

Do this here there you go so that would be the output we can change the amount right so I think we’re get about 10 per kill we can tweak this later we’ll find out how much we’re actually going to get on average right then there’ll be I

Guess for the actual I guess the recipe will be wither skulls and then Soul Sand right we’ll have to get the right amounts in there go ahead grab that then the Soul Sand so this would be four for a Wither and this will be three right so

That would be kind of the idea there and that should be a working recipe that we test out until we know the exact amount of dust that we’ll actually be getting per kill right so that’ll be our recipe there that’ll actually just sit in here and if actually called for one of those

Uh recipes right now I should just put the stuff in the chest as long as I set the recipe correctly right good dust uh right there there you go till to make one and those should just end up there there you go so it’s a working recipe go

Ahead and test it out and D that should be fine so to do this setup you’re going to need yourself a what call there a mystical agriculture sword so this is a supremium one it’s 24 damage but it’s kind of a little bit of multi-stage crafting I did make a couple of the

Augments here I guess one of the augments I made the strength 3 one then I have this book we’re go ahead and make it as powerful as possible I forget the table we need to put in the augment though is that the let’s go to Mystical here there’s like a taable thingy put

That down is it this thing yeah tinkering table we need this stuff here oh I don’t have any of that right now do I Solium I’m not sure if I actually have Solium we may have just had an issue no we have Solium here Solium or there you

Go let’s go ahead and grab a couple of that and it was just smelted down right there we go got some of the Dust with that we grab our it was called a tinkering right tinkering going to grab one of them fantastic which point we just put that down put in

Sword do that and pull that out and that’ll be 44 attack damage now so that’ll be really good there we’re also going to throw a bunch of chance on here so I guess on this uh book here we have Smite 10 mystical Enlightenment n so that’s going to be the one that actually

Gets the drop of the Dust when we kill the Wither he got looting eight don’t even know if looting works on this but I’ll try it out scavenger three again don’t know if it’s going to work on this but why not try it out sharpness and

Vpal eight so got sharpness 10 on there as well so quite a beefy book there it’s going to take 70 levels which is nothing with that we’re up to 49 damage plus all the other stuff as well so pretty cool there and with that we’re going to set

This up I think inside of a what you call there a hyper box so let’s go and get this set up so we’re inside our hyper box here and uh we’re going to set up inside this have the I guess the working area being shown for this thing

Just showing up there doesn’t really matter too much need to build a little kill cage here for our wither right so let’s go ahead get that done very quickly shouldn’t take uh very long to get this done actually let’s do that there now I guess the router will be

Sitting at this side and it’ll be where we actually kill the Wither right so that should be good there going to be using this module it is a activator module it’s going to be the one that makes it so it can actually attack the Wither what we want to do here I guess

To set it to the front probably want to I guess the looking we don’t care about that care about attack nearby entity I guess and then is that the one we want yeah attack nearby what was that one there oh right click no attack nearby and it doesn’t really matter there

Random or nearest shouldn’t matter either one so anyway let’s go uh drop that off in there then we’ll want to put the sword in once that’s powered it’ll probably start hitting us as well so I’ll have to worry about that we’ll have to power it so it does use some power

For this so 150 Fe we use this to power the Wither Builder as well I think so it’ll be probably the way we do it Go and grab the distributor and uh that up I guess to this right go drop that in there which point will’ll have to give

This some power right so do that we’ll wait a sec actually because that’ll start attacking me wa let’s go ah W this up a little bit so that’ll be two levels three levels four levels on the top level we’re going to put a layer obsidian uh so we don’t have to deal

With u him getting out of glass sometimes they wiggle out of glass transparent blocks I don’t trust Withers at all whatsoever I’ve had it happen way too many times to bother so just going to put a layer of obsidian here so that should be good that should be a good

Little kill cage there at which point we could probably go ahead and actually power that up to too so let’s actually turn on the power so that is good so that’s getting power there it’s waiting for the Wither skulls let’s do a test here it should be able to kill it now so

Grab that and grab ourselves some Soul Sand just like that then go ahead and pop a recipe in think it only take the exact amount won do stacks or anything but it should spawn him in and if we have the set right it should automatically kill him as well so

Hopefully everything is set right also I threw a loot on this too cuz why not sometimes we’ll just get a big bonus guess you go to sh that’s actually not too bad at all I think we got our drops there did we get dust though that’s really what’s

Important see here I did not get dust wait oh did it end up in here ah there it is we got it in there okay cool I was all worried for a second I was just like this thing’s not going to work but it looks like it is so we’ll put this

Somewhere over here somewhere grab ourselves this could be the chest that drops off the recipe so do this here and I think this is the front of it right so on the front of it should be able to set the the sides go to the Wither skulls front should be a

Pull and then we should be able to put skulls in here now and hopefully I get pulled so that’s good so we do the same thing for the Soul Sand here so the front that’ be a pull and then we do a four that in there test it out one more

Time uh four I said fantastic and everything should end up at here this time and we’ll have to set the filters and stuff but outside that I think we’re good look at that and then we’ll just have to pull out of there I guess we should grab an experience obisk

Maybe a tank as well deal with the experience that’s saw that that’s actually pretty that one shot that wow that’s actually really good when it works right and then we have our stuff I here right so one thing I want to set in here I guess with the filter

Automatically let go to Coral uh Coral is it Coral or Coral I always call it Coral probably butchering it doesn’t matter what I grab from here though we’ll go to uh match mod and just delete that I don’t want anything from that then I guess from this one I’ll do a

Couple more here just test it put the other filter here we’ll do bobbly hearts I don’t want anything from that mod we don’t want anything for parag glider and we want this looks like we’re getting 12 per kill too so that’s actually kind of interesting do that there I guess that’s

Going right back in there should have deleted it right go ahead and try some dust though we should be able to actually queue up the recipe now and make it happen right so I did one of these I could change that the 12 this correct as well that should be going in

There actually building the weather there you go and get automatically killed and then I just need to do pickup like I said it’s a little tweaking and we’re done I’ll have to put this in the filter too wait wa we see if uh anything else drops

Here go done look at that yeah we’re getting 12 per so I can change the recipe from 10 to 12 looks like it’s going to be the 12 every time and I just need to I guess move the items into here that we’re going to be uh I’m going to

Run a few more tests here first I guess just to make sure there’s no other drops I don’t want to filter off first but then I’ll put everything into here and there’s already a a chest with this set up being pulled into the system so my white Channel already automatically puts

Into the system and that should be everything right that an experience obesum will be pretty much finished oh um experience tank or tank for the backpack as well so I guess the last thing we need to do is actually just tweak this recipe right so let’s put

That there set that to 12 this time set that right and then pull that out put that back into here this is our return chest here so anything I put in there ends up back the system then we should be able to head back over here actually watch this make sure everything’s

Working right so I just added in the chest for collection then chest over here I guess not chest but the experience Crystal for the experience and then I should be able to just do to uh cognitive cognizant not cognitive do that that should actually work here just make sure everything’s working right

Everything’s flushed out cuz that’s so we have this done it’s actually pretty cool it’s really simple too it’s actually not to bad I could always speed this up too but I don’t think but the one and two shoting that it really matters very much but anyway seems like

It’s working out pretty well you know did the thing everything added up in here nothing’s in here which is good I’m not going to speed that up at all cuz I don’t see a point and everything’s good in the world so that’s going to be our

Guess dust automation not too bad at all right actually quite happy with that and with that dust done we can actually go ahead and actually automate the ferus it’s actually done I’ve already done the recipes got them kind of all flushed out everything is working it’s doing all the

Stuff and things that these do there you go it’s actually making the furn there so the only recipe I guess not even recipe the only thing I had to add to the distributor module was this here I had to actually make one more I should

Say so this one here is just sending the dust to the four pedestals so it just knows what to do with that then these ones here do tweaked right so I had that the one with the vibranium block I had to add the wick and supremium gen zones

This one here the unobtanium block I have the wien supremium igots and then this one here that puts the items in the center had to be set to a supremum ferti which is just this here so I just kind of craft it all up had to make those

Recipes then a supremium block right so it is uh working out really well if I want to uh just make a wick and to I just do that right right so just go ahead do this that this right here you go got our Wicked supremium just like that super super simple super clean

Quite happy weeed did that automation a lot of people are telling me to just go and do that manually you know what I mean with the weather there and that just didn’t feel right we’re playing modded I want to fully automate it quite happy we did it these ghost blocks

Though are driving me nuts but that is done super slick have to say really enjoy that that is actually really cool I need to put this back to the system I don’t need this any bar this is when I was uh making a lot of seeds I guess by

Hand so I’ve gone ahead and made my myself a bow here I’m just finishing up the gems that we’re going to be using on here do that this is Flawless I’ll make that up perfect hopefully go ahe oh I need to have the next level of material

In there go and use that so we’re going to be socking this up so this bow here is the wicked supremium one so now that we have a wicked supremium you do this super easily right so you do that you have to craft all this up first right so

More multi-stage crafting I just made a bunch of recipes because I’m really lazy so anyway that’s the thing it’s good to drop that off I don’t think I need you there you got it Enchanted as well I guess with pathosis so on hit effect inflict Grievous wounds and then on hit

Inflict poison which cool then I have a I guess a book full of enchants here as well and uh we’re going to go ahead and get it Enchanted so the enchants we’re going to put on it are pretty crazy as well what are they here we have flame

Infinity poison tip seven so apparently it’ll be double poison Power Nine Quick Draw five so it’ll be able to draw super fast true shot increases the accuracy and Dam uh sorry accuracy and speed of arrows allows them to pierce so that sounds pretty cool as well so go ahead

Grab that with that this bow should be pretty much insane actually why can’t we do we have to keep an arrow on us now these days I thought you didn’t need it with uh with this I didn’t think I was going to have to keep an arrow on me but

If I do doesn’t matter yeah the draw is pretty much instant it’s just instant draw which is insane right so this bow already has 33% damage 31% velocity 125% draw speed and then 30% speed so we actually move faster where we have it the gems we’re going to put on it are

Pretty nifty as well so let’s actually head over here so the jam we’re going to put on it oh that’s the wrong thing let’s head over to here right do that so this one’s a unique so we’re only put one but this just flat 50% more damage

So that’s really cool there then we have these ones here and I want to try them out cuz my understanding of vanilla bows is more velocity have equals more damage and that’s 55% velocity this 55% velocity and that’s 55% velocity so I’ll have to try this out but this thing should be just

Insane [Laughter] that’s actually crazy and then I have some more gems I want to do here for our helmet too so we have our helmet here and they’re going to actually help out with the bow and our weapon as well so this one here I wanted to put this one

In it’s another unique so you can only put one in but this one is 50% more Arrow velocity so we got that one there and I think we got two more slots right go ahead and put this one in here what was this one going to do this one is a

Flat 20% attack damage so I want to try that one out and this one’s a flat 20% attack damage as well now kind of F I guess fill out the helmet then the only thing I have to figure out what I’m going to put on here I guess it’s going

To be our boots but that’s pretty crazy all around I think that’s really good what was this one here light weapons 45 crit I don’t know what I had this one for I don’t want that all oh that’s more AER velocity but yeah that should be really really good there and this bow

Should be pretty crazy actually kind of curious how strong it is so with our new gems here it looks like our axe is only at 52 damage didn’t do much for that but for our sword it’s at 154 now which is awesome and then I guess uh over here we

Got the the bow so the bow is at uh 600% velocity so I’ll have to see what that equates to I guess but it is uh not really visually working right either if I kind of shoot really fast it looks like the arrows are going that way right

So it it doesn’t make any sense but on the back wall it’s hitting what it’s supposed to right so they’re all going straight there this is kind of weird visual glitch that it’s like they’re curving that way they’re coming back and then they yeah it’s just weird how it’s work

At a either way they’re ending up where they’re supposed to just different places where I tried it out right yeah looks like it’s going down this way and they’re ended up out the reactor either way really cool really awesome I’ll have to try out and uh see how damaging that

Is pretty soon but the only I guess gems we have left to work on are going to be our boots there isn’t a lot to choose from for boots though so if anyone has some good suggestions for the uh boot enchants let me know I just really don’t

Want to do a bunch of speed on that cuz uh I wouldn’t be able to control myself at all I decided to go a and try out our bow on a dragon see just how strong it is and uh there he is I guess he knocked me

Down he’s kind of a jerk one shot two shot so yeah that actually that’s really good that’s really really good I like that that’s good stuff didn’t even have touch crystals so the next thing we’re to go to do is start working towards uh this here the Abyssal sacrifice do that

We need two drops for mobs right so we need this dgy thing so this daggy thing that’s what we’ll call it here because I don’t know how to pronounce it we need a deepling priest or we need a deepling warlock and there’s another mob from the

Same area that we need this here the crystallized coral and get that from this dude over here so we need to go ahead and get these guys get them into Poké Balls then we’ll bring them home and actually kind of get them farmed right actually how would you even say

That coralus coralus I’m going to call it coralus I guess yeah I have no idea how to pronounce that because I want to say Colossus but I can’t because it’s like curls sus I have no idea how to pronounce that either way go ahead and Hunt that down the structure we’re

Looking to actually find here is this one here cataclysm sunken city so once you have that just kind of hunt it down your world we have one just 3,000 blocks away and go ahead grab that throw these guys into a Pokeball also I claimed a reward there I actually get a flight

Ugent which is pretty awesome and then we actually have one of the good rewards too go ahead and see what we get there and we get one of the good swords too that’s a 47 damage sword that’s actually not bad and the legendary reward just go Forge pearls can you get anything good

Out of there that I’d actually like don’t see anything maybe a Trader llama spawner that could be interesting I guess a vibranium be as well I guess you get all the bees too for the uh yeah for the good materials as well so that they might be pretty good as well outside

That there’s not really good things in that list there it’s pretty small list but anyway let’s go a and grab that and we got a gem of the Samurai so nothing too special there so anyway I go ahead fly this area we go ahead and get these

Guys with the pearls don’t plan on exploring this area very much we’re so overpowered that it would be interesting to fight the boss from the area anyway and you need to have one of these anyway to actually go ahead and interact with it so let’s go ahead get this done and

This is the structure you’re looking for here so once you find that you’re good to go go ahead and head inside you pretty much go in anywhere and just going go in through the top here we can go uh through the water pretty easily we

Have shrimps in this pack I I have no idea what mod is that from oh it’s a sushi mod anyway let’s head down in here so what we’re heading for I guess looking for down here are these mobs right I like they’re kind of designed after kind of like water versions of

Ender so Enderman that like water so I guess that’s the thing this is one of the mobs we need here so let’s actually go ahead and grab him then we need to hunt down one of the other ones these guys yeah they’re not very hard so it’s

Not really much of a worry there and uh probably hunt down some other ones as well right I may go ahead and grab some others too just so we have some variety like this guy is a brute I’m pretty sure he can drop uh hearts of the sea so I

Might actually go ahead grab them go get this guy here I can just kill this one too already got one right oh we actually got one of the daggers right there there you go this is the drop we need here and then we need to find where the big guys

I think the little guys are usually mounted on the top of the big guys that’s the way it works there we actually found of them kind of look around maybe go ahead and grab one of these guys too just a regular deeping cuz why not go got one of oops one of

Them as well there you go oh there’s a big guy there let’s go grab him uh we have to kill the guy on the top I believe First actually goad and kill him are you still alive you are too let’s go ahead and grab our imprisonment toll and

Then grab this puppy oh we can’t oh you got on top of them get off get for you then maybe grab you quicker that looks good and with that we already got the four mobs for out here I think that’s pretty much everything we

Need in the area but if you have one of those uh what are they called there the Abyssal sacrifice pretty sure you go down into this bottom area down here and then use it on this thing and you actually fight a boss there called the Leviathan but we don’t have that and

Honestly it probably be about two or three hits anyway so I’m not really concerned so next thing I’m doing here is flying around looking for some of these doers here these are Dr Bees be able to use these to actually f mobs for drops you actually have to just kind of

Run up to them and throw down one of these horns here and he should picked that up do a little dance rush and then drop out some of these shards right these shards will be able to turn into charms that will then be able to use to

F up so that’s kind of what we’re doing here and um we’ll have to do a little ritual as well you’ll find these guys all over the place they’re not very common because there’s so many kind of mobs in the world right so there’s all kinds of like butterflies and birds and

All other things usually they’re all over the place but you’ll find them all over the place say one around look for them and U shouldn’t be too hard just go into your map too and kind of highlight things and try to find the ones you actually want there too can’t find

Anything man there’s way oh there’s a d me right there right behind us where’s he at he’s right here he’s here somewhere where you at I have no idea he’s here somewhere he’s being sneaky there he is grab him there you go so yeah you can find them really easy

They’re not too bad probably just going to grab uh cuple more then we’ll head home and actually get this set up here another thing I should probably mention too if you don’t have any of these uh horns right so these are the Wen horns right so if you’re trying to hunt these

Down they actually got moved they used to spawn all over the world now they actually have their own structures so they have these AR duvo Guardian Wilden Den so you can get them that way and I don’t know what other uh structures there are from the mod now there is a

Hunter den and a stalker Den as well so I guess uh one for each of them is what it looks like I never checked this one out I may go ahead check that one out real quick aha this must be it right here yeah there we go actually have the

Den let’s go check it out here I also go capture one of these guys too yeah these ders they used to be all over the place is that the actual one what is that that’s a summon I don’t want a summon what the real mob yeah these guys

There you go got the big guy and go ahead and get rid of them and then you get all the drops and stuff right so a whole bunch of horns and stuff like that depending on which one you’re in so that’s kind of how the our things work

Now so now that we have the shards we can actually go ahead and turn them into charms and get them kind of summed in here so we’re work on the D me familiars here so what we need to do is set up the recipe so just this here I have

Everything kind of laid out so you need I guess wheat there then you need yourself a fish any kind of fish there a carrot a seed any kind of seed and then an apple then you just take The Shard use it on that actually start making

Them for us and that’ll be done here in a second we’re going to do that five times we’re only going to set up five of these guys we don’t want a ton of them they’re actually known for causing a fair amount of lag and I don’t want to

Have massive amounts of them kind of like a stack of them in my world so just going to do the five and then we’ll kind of move on just one more charm to go then we’re good also went ahead crafted up couple more items while I was kind of

Sitting here go ahead and do that pop that in there made us a bunch of Conure so that’s just that recipe here just need to be some of the archwood this ritual brazer need that as well needs a pedestal and Source blocks really easy then you also need the uh tablet of

Containment so you need that there so you do need a manipulation Essence but we have everything we need there now to get these kind of familiar to spawn the world what you do is grab yourself a Mossy cstone kind of like this pop it up wherever you want it to have them kind

Of spawn in on this will be the block that they’re kind of this will be their home basically and what we’ll do is H go ahead and get them in the world here I have them right there there you go and we just use that actually on the mozi

Cobblestone like this we actually just keep using it they’ll spawn in they’ll start doing uh a little bit of a light show there it’ll turn that into a Dy henge now the way these guys work they actually firm from any mobs in a 10 block radius from where their home is

Right and I actually deposit the items into an inventory down below it right or actually could be beside it as well but I’m going to put it underneath I actually already have that hooked up to a storage bus but the way we’re going to do it like I said you can actually have

Mobs just wandering around the world to farm them or you can have them in these containment jars that’s going to be the way we do it cuz it’s much cleaner you also get a bonus for I guess mob variety so we’ll be doing a bunch of mobs we

Don’t even need because it’s really easy to do and they’ll actually drop more items kind of per cycle as well anyway let’s go ahead and grab the uh brazer go ahead pop these down actually do this in a quite large area too so there’s a weird thing with this

Too so I’ll show you with one just by mistake so if I put down this fish and then uh start the ritual so I just start the ritual I do is this here pop that in there I start that up you see there it’s a waiting activation then we just need

Some source so let’s go ahead and hunt down some Source here I think I have a jar in here right there full which is great and actually pop that Dam it’ll actually pick up that fish and put in one of those jars I don’t think you get

Back out unless you use a dispel spell so let’s see if it works here see here the ritual kind of works on an area you see that the fish is there can we actually get that out no well I guess you can you get the fish out I think you

Have to use a spell spell if it’s a mob in there though so I guess that’s the thing so get the mobs in there actually how much do that used to 10% only one bucket so we want to get a mob in there so we’ll get this uh deeping priest all

You do is put in the ritual area kind of back off so you don’t kind of bother it here you go he’s been deposited here he’s ready to be fmed by the drinkies I can actually do that for a bunch of our mobs and like I said I could be doing it

For a bunch of them cuz why not let’s go ahead grab a bunch more like this this that that one’s already done grab you grab that there and grab this and kind of get these all down cuz this will just all make our drink bees happier happier

D drink bees just get you more items so most just go ahead get them all set up ready to go you need some more Source here but I guess it doesn’t matter too much now I’m actually curious if I can actually just shift and get these guys

Out no you can’t you actually have to use the spell spell so I want to show you that too so I do have that spell here uh my book is in here go ahead grab that just want to show you in case you get a mob in there you don’t want in

There right so you go in here you open up your book you need uh this spell here the dispell I probably just set this one up on a new spell and probably just do uh not a s we want a touch one and we’ll just do dispel and we’ll probably name

It dispel because of a rare creative there you go then if you want to get the mob out uh you do just that right there you see there it came out it got pulled back in for the ritual but actually that is how you get them out if you want to

Get them out there which is really easy and really simple right so that is pretty cool let’s go ahead uh grab a bunch more so Jamies work on any mob around them within 10 radius like I said also the way their happiness works is for each I guess uh Mob that’s around

Them they actually get like one H happiness if it’s a unique one they get two right so for each unique M they get more happy and the more drops you actually get per kind of cycle here the cycle is kind of determined by how many

Dr Bees that you have right so the more you have the faster it goes but uh the more I guess variety the more you get per cycle as well these guys will kind of wander around a little bit when it’s kind of running here too and they’ll

Kind of dance in front of the jars doesn’t really matter too much you will need to have Source nearby so I guess that’s the thing as well if we start throwing these all down we should start seeing drops pretty pretty quickly so it just kind of get them all down here like

This and they should get happier and happier is kind of the main idea here there is a tool to see the happiness but I can’t remember what tool it is to actually see how happy they are I think you kind of use it on them it tells you

How happy they are anyway have to figure that out I guess in between episodes cuz I can’t remember for the life of me right now anyway that’s good there and did we get any drops we already got drops look at that we’re already getting some we already got some of our

Crystallized Coral fragments some of these I don’t even need like I said I just want them here to make them kind of produce more we already got 14 of the daggers that we need we only need like 40 so that’s hilarious you also get these experience as well I’m pretty sure

You just use these too right so probably just shift right click use the whole stack right I don’t know even know if I need those probably keep things like these totems here and probably void off stuff like this like some of these like I said is just to make these guys work

Faster and get us more drops as well so yeah the more you have around them the faster they work right so it’s really cool there they’re pretty nifty but like I said they’re is a little issue with these guys if you have too many they get

Very laggy and I don’t want to contend with it right so I don’t want to put like 20 or 30 down like we did and um was it there F Tob the one with the big big big big boss at the end it was a St

Block there you go so I got this filtered out a little bit not too much I do have another filter here if I need it so we’re good there going to be adding more of the containment jars as we move forward as well to make these guys work

Better better and just make this area look better as well so I guess that’ll be definitely a thing but yeah for now it’s it’s all filtered up and uh everything is good to go in the world right pretty awesome also notice we’re getting a pathosis drop so I’ll probably

Have to run that through a Armory so probably end up doing that outside of that I think everything’s good right we can hold uh 16,000 items at a stack anyway so pretty good there so I think I may go ahead actually wrap this one up here as always you guys like this video

Please hit that like button really liked it hit that subcribe button it is always appreciated you guys all have a good one see you guys in the next video later

This video, titled ‘All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Awakened Supremium Automation EP19’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2024-01-13 15:59:41. It has garnered 9841 views and 485 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:35 or 1895 seconds.

All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that caters to every type of player. Whether you are interested in enhancing the visuals, exploring new gameplay mechanics, or customizing your world, ATM9 has something for you.

ATM9 covers a wide range of gameplay categories, including exploration, magic, technology, and multiplayer. This diversity ensures that players with different interests can find something to enjoy. Whether you are captivated by mystical elements, fascinated by advanced technology, or seeking cooperative adventures with friends, ATM9 has you covered.

All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Awakened Supremium Automation EP19

► Seed: 1237100171439781943

All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9..

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#ATM9 #SystemCollapse #Minecraft

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  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

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