EPIC Minecraft Base Build: PristineFrog Goes INSANE!

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Foreign Why are you crying oh not that good if that doesn’t get a plane ticket go beat somebody up foreign do be like that sometimes foreign foreign what do you know I do that too much you think about this time I would know not to do that but no no no um

I did post in Phantom verse did it not post it oh I have to actually press enter strange Foreign yeah discourse is just you know just like be there like come on Discord like come on Okay our FPS is doing pretty solid look at that look at that look at that FPS right there Beautiful beautiful beautiful okay so what do we need to do we only have wings now because we have tis’s wings just donated are we donated Wings to us because we lost ours when we died the other day which is hilarious but also sad what are we gonna do

Oh yeah I’ll stream elements welcome in so the new updates for twitch are a little bit out there but I mean I understand them but I don’t like them I don’t like them at all I can understand some of the changes but at the same time like come on

Being a little bit controlling my dudes just a little bit yeah I mean I can understand some of it I’m not gonna lie I can understand some of it but uh at the same time there’s it’s it’s really restricting wow hey wow stream stickers this is my stream go away stream stickers okay

Oh Bill were you here when we finished our our building area over here our our storage area we’re here when we finish this I don’t remember foreign so we finally built the back room back here look at this we now have shulker storage on the top

We’re gonna have all the candles on the bottom all the candles are going to go on the bottom and on this side we have all the colors all the colors are here this one you get easily dyed stuff if you want to like we could dye leather we could just

Come in here and dye it and then we have this and then like if if we run out of uh look at this check this out I have the best infinite water source in the world but you know you’re just like going around grabbing This and like you run

Out of look look we’re out of water how are we gonna get water how many we can put drip Stone up here and get water right but but check out this oh infinite water [Laughter] oh God that is hilarious I love it I 100 love that

It’s the stupidest way to get water but I love it the red soap oh the Redstone Port is just the Redstone for it is literally just like a button with an observer back here and and like three uh Redstone repeaters and some I mean we could have just built a two by

Two square and and have infinite water source but that’s not fun you know this is fun actually this doesn’t go that doesn’t go up there I forgot this actually goes in those barrels over there that’s why we have the barrels but yeah those are that’s not a fun way

To get water this is this is a fun way to get water I love it any eyes ate some really amazing uh Alfredo it was chicken alfredo this time well it was pulled barbecue chicken alfredo and let me tell you it was delicious also look we have our first Griffin

Thing however we do have the requirement on our thing now you have to wait 24 hours before upgrading to the next level Griff sped run that so this will take a little bit more time for the newer viewers it will but for for long-term viewers it was like it

No I hate when I get like that yeah sometimes I’d be like that sometimes uh it’s just like me and then I sleep it off I’ll sleep it off I’ll I’ve had I’ve hibernated before for a couple of days but you spend your points yes exactly see waste

I think it’s a waste obviously you utilize your points for for a good cause the perfect the perfect cause is what you utilize your points for Part not waste not oh boy I kind of sort of forgot to do my German homework yesterday I didn’t start doing it like right after class no no no we’re not gonna hit Uncle Bob Uncle Bob is safe I really need to start doing my homework for German class like right after the

Class because she has a weird time like it’s due the next day at three on so on Monday’s class we have to do the homework by 3 P.M the next day well I don’t sleep before my German class I stay awake for my dripping class right

And so I get to the point where it’s like okay I’m done with class it’s time for me to go home and go to sleep and relax and then I stream at night and I completely forgot about it and then on Tuesdays today I have two classes I

Didn’t really have I didn’t have time I don’t have time in that little window to to actually do my homework so I I gotta start doing it right after class like no waiting right after class it’s got to get done no if fans or buts about it it’s just

It’s got to be done fast because if I keep forgetting uh it’s troubled um because you’re technically you’re not supposed to miss a single homework assignment that’s strict you cannot miss a single homework assignment not even one if you do you’ll fill the class that’s their that’s their standard that’s their motto

Very strict very strict and it’d be cool if like it was actually helpful homework but it’s really not the homework is really not helpful all right I I I am in trouble I gotta I gotta stay on top of it because uh I’m pretty I was pretty close the other day

I was like um but it’s not necessary it’s not necessary to be that strict I get it you want to be uh uh you you want to have like people actually doing their homework and everything but like at the same time you can’t it just can’t not like that come on now

That’s that’s just a little bit extreme in my opinion very extreme I think my shop already has uh hold on let’s bring these with us just in case but I think our shop already has uh what what what was that called again amethyst oh wait do we want to grab the

We want to grab uh we don’t have any we don’t let’s go grab some okay we’re gonna grab a fortune and we’re going to grab a sub touch and we’re gonna go Harvest our geodes yeah and it’s not even the other classes aren’t like that we don’t have homework

None of our classes do we have homework I mean technically you’re kind of supposed to read some books too but the books are like optional especially the books are optional it’s not like oh it’s optional if you want to pass the class it’s like no you have to

Come to lectures and listen to me talk and then take the test there is no uh like oh you better you better read the book now the books are 100 optional and you do not have to read them in the past which is beautiful but the book material is useful regardless so

It is so good to read them but it’s not a requirement I gotta be really careful this what is that how you doing welcome in I’ll have you know your wings are still safe your your wings are still safe I I promise but I I hope your day is going good

Doing well nice nice nice I’m trying to be very careful here we’ve already we’ve broken one and I think it was Emmy Emmy broke one too so we’re trying not to break any more of our crystals it’s kind of hard when you’re running around with another right pick it’s hard when you’re running

Around with another right pick but we really need to harvest these and I don’t have another pick right now wow yo hamster welcome in buddy how you doing hope your day is going good we’re trying to be very careful here as we Harvest our our crystals

I’m gonna get some I’m gonna get some full ones here too we have a soap Pig right here oh I’m doing pretty swelled we had a head class today which is always always fun but also just aggravating at the same time but it is going nice

Oh we gotta be very careful here very careful so careful we must be so careful you found chips chips yay chips for Bill chips are delicious what kind of chips exactly exactly what kind of chips are these these are Belle eat chips that’s the flavor the flavor is Belle eat chips okay

So we do have a problem here our oh you know what let’s let’s fix that too right now how about that how about that we’ll fix that too lays made wavy chipset is a fun onion flavor bunion flavor Lays chips I love Funyuns those used to be my favorite chips in

The world right there it’s Funyuns those little buggers are good okay we need rels right 20 we’re just gonna grab a whole stack of them we’ll grab one cart and we’ll grab I don’t think we need a powered rail we’ll grab one powered rail we’ll Scrabble whole stack of power

Rails just in case and some torches and then we’re going to need blocks oh nice yeah yeah if it does that the week um you we’re gonna grab you I don’t know how far we need to go yeah Funyun flavored Pringles are Lays I’ll I would take it down I would

Totally take it down 100 percent yo we Ave Okay so if you guys remember we have a problem with our with our system here it’s not gluten-free though no ah okay that was a lot closer than I thought the wings are still safe for now I didn’t think it was that close I didn’t think it was that close oh my

Oh you know what here here here here come on right there right right right right right with the powered rails right there wow what’s up how you doing welcome into the Stream we’re we’re repairing our our silly our silly broken uh train system for our uh GEOS

Oh you know what we’re gonna need even more power than what we just did dark matter what’s up how you do how you do uh let me see here we need uh more power rails because we have to actually come back up this way too right

It’s not just one way the the train has to come back up so we do need to be powered uh and power decently but I think that should I think that should do it all right I think that should do it also you know just put one more here it’s not gonna hurt

It’s not going to hurt to have a little bit more power a little bit of more oomph you know what I mean like it’s not gonna hurt to have a little bit because that power it doesn’t look power to me it was now it is that one is dark matter

Okay I think we’re good now I think I think now we’re good hold on let’s double check after hearing uni Rave about spicy cheesy Korean ramen noodles I figured out a way to read oh true yeah you can’t do it with the noodles it was Long Valley

No it really wasn’t that boring it was a little boring but not too much um we have a we have a midterm next week and that was yesterday today today I had a German history course and um what what did I do here note to self I do not have free cam in

Bedrock Um but yeah so today we had German history and uh International political economy uh I I almost fell asleep in both classes just because they were so long but okay let’s test this out I just I just I just want to come this way buddy okay so that kind of backfired there

We’re gonna go off that way um oops foreign oh wait we put it on a long timer that’s right pick that back up hold on okay let’s see what happens if we go to the next station let’s make sure we can actually get through this tunnel

And eventually we will have to fix this tunnel too obviously going down it’s going to be easy whoa that’s not gonna secret tunnel secret tunnels No this is our geode farm this is our geode farm so this takes us to all of our geodes hypothetically they change the Redstone timing a little bit it appears like they’ve changed the Redstone timings a little bit which is thrown our whole thing off off kilter the flag yes

Oh God we don’t have the we don’t have the mining uh buff no more which is good that’s good so we want both we want both types of crystals we want uh the shards and what full um I don’t think the little ones sold oh no who did that

Kathy what’s up how you doing okay scared me hey I’m just happy I haven’t broke one of these yet we’ve already I don’t think we’ve broke one in this Geo just yet so we have a lot of geodes it’s overrated anyways don’t worry it’s overrated don’t worry

So I’ve come to I’ve come to a conclusion on that camera I bought and I said I shouldn’t have bought it so I put it I put it up for sale I put it up for sale uh because if I do bring it back which I can’t it’s within the time limit

If I bring it back I will lose the approximately 100 that spit on ND filters because there’s no way Amazon’s gonna take everything back there is no way Amazon’s going to take it all back 100 Amazon is not going to take it all back they’re going to complain

They already complained last time I bought stuff and sent it back they’re like hey you’ve used the return feature too many times like it’s not my fault this time it is my fault because I bought something and I don’t want it now but uh it’s also not my fault because it

Didn’t overheat a few times it also did overheat a few times which it’s not supposed to do so that’s going to be the basis of my return and uh but first i’m gonna try to sell it that way I can recoup the cost of the ND filters because those were about a hundred

Dollars so if I don’t so big look at that um but if I don’t resell it then I have to try to sell the ND filters by themselves out of at a later point like and that’s going to be problematic I already had one person message me

About it but they never messaged me back after I messaged them back so it’s like I think it was just one of those little scams you know I think it was a scammer Bravo close up yeah I need to do a zoom in like that’s just the that’s just to make it big like it puts the big the the camera bigger it doesn’t actually zoom in I’m gonna make it zoom in on one of them I’ll have Channel points back too I can

Make it a channel Point Redemption haha the benefits of that is there’s cooldowns and stuff like that but I kind of like having the big just there unfortunately swap doesn’t work still because the the software I was using for the swap is uh borked right now it does it doesn’t work

You see Cola oh you see Michael love stash speaking of cola not in the geode Farm oh no oh I would poop all over myself no oh my God no hola super they’re they’re one liter bottles in the fun fact there’s a 25 cent recycling fee

Right oh I my uh cart probably went by now it did I wonder which way it went I lost my car my cart went bye-bye I think I think it went back to the start the timing is messed up on that Frankie would be proud um give me one second

My allergies are kicking my butt this is my little allergy spritzer Schloofen spray I don’t know why they call it sprays let’s be called it’s supposed to be a spritzer Anytime you use it a spritzen well maybe it’s not it’s not it’s not a you know hahaha heck yeah I need to I need to finish well I’ve never finished watching One Piece never at one point I was watching it and then I caught up where they were at and I was

Like okay you guys are taking too long taking too long taking too long okay I’ll just I’ll come back eventually and binge it but how do you how the heck do you binge over a thousand episodes what is it at now I don’t know I mean what it’s at now

Like 1300 1200 I don’t know but like how you can’t binge that 1060. that sounds about right yeah gear five loopy is about to hit you think I can but was that before was that before you started streaming like between school and streaming I I don’t know if I can from East blue to why not uh no we’re soaking some yeah we’re

Soaking some of them and we’re fortuning other ones I don’t know why we’re doing it right now we could have just taken all the crystals and soaked and Fortune them later instead of wasting our space now but you know frog will be frog look at that look how many freaking buds

There are in this thing there’s so many budding Amethyst in this in this thing I love it we’ve actually destroyed one in this in this one right here we’ve actually destroyed one it was on accident it was on accident but you know we did destroy one

Oh you know what I’ll just pick up any no okay good oh did you see my Discord uh picture that I have on my phone now we have bleach It’s probably hard to see we have Ichigo in his uh from the Thousand Year blood War uh Arc so

I really like I really like I really like what they did with that it’s excellent beautiful beautiful they really did a good job with it oh my goodness they did but now I’m just waiting for the second part right because they’ve only done the first part so now we need the second one

I know I said I know I said mountain today and this is not obviously this is not a mountain but you know we will get to the mountain I guess yeah I see the the chest did go to the other one go to the other direction when the second part releases yeah

They’re not they’re not they’re not timing it like they’re not uh you never finished bleach how no it’s fine how could you not how how dare you I think we have another geode over here and yes we ran out of crystals so I I I kind of want to decorate this

Whole tunnel with amethyst foreign like all the way through to all the geodes I want to decorate it with them with amethyst not gonna lie I’m kind of tempted to yeah that checks out that checks out it would be right it would be super pretty

Got this nose dude I swear I swear by the thumbs are in light we will not die to Lava today and lose our wings again I promise this the amethyst unit of the end portal yo yo I’m on RuneScape what’s up welcome to the stream hope you’re having a good day

Hope you’re having a wonderful beautiful day in Portal there’s like two in one oh nice I still gonna go to the end on frogonia um dude I miss I think my weapon if I can just teleport okay it’s not modded Minecraft today and I’m kind of feeling the pain of it

Kind of feeling the pain of it I think we’re supposed to go the other way I think it’s safe to say we were supposed to go the other way yeah I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say we’re just go the other way baby oh wait are we gonna find it over here

This is most definitely not the right way I don’t think today on frog today on frog stream how do we get lost a million times a million different ways to get lost in frog space nope okay let’s go back to where we came see what I mean see what I mean

But yeah uh we’re gonna go back over this way hey creeper wow what happened hey diamonds that’s not what we were going for but you know what oh my God it’s right my face that was good timing that was good timing Fortune Fortune some diamonds diamonds baby yeah yeah see that was a

Good sticker that was a lucky sticker right there so for those of you who switch streamers out there they’re changing a lot of things for twitch which is it’s aggravating and interesting at the same time A lot of people are like nah people are gonna more people are gonna

Be forced to leave now not forced they’re going to leave because they want to but that also opens up potential for other people buy cool if the if the big streamers go I can I already know from when I switched from uh or when I switched from

YouTube to Twitch not that I’m a big streamer but when I switched from YouTube and came to Twitch only a small percentage of my viewer base actually came with me the rest of them moved to somebody else on on YouTube so I anticipate the same thing happening to

These larger streamers who are going to be leaving because of the new twitch conditions I imagine they’re gonna leave but their viewer base is only going to partially transition which means that there’s potential for other streamers in the field so it’s potential that that those of us still here and streaming on Twitch

Could see a little bit of growth from it potentially people are picky on who they want so they could go no yeah a lot of the a lot of streamers are going back to YouTube um some are going to kick and there’s also another new one there’s another new

Platform out there I forget I forgot the name of it already um there is another platform there is another new platform out there that is compete trying to compete with twitch not kick um what was that called um what was it called it was noon I literally just saw it earlier today [Laughter]

Belle I don’t know what kick is I’m old pick is a pick is another streaming platform that started that got started by a casino company it’s a betting company it’s not a really bro you’re gonna come that far hunt me down bro jerk it’s actually it’s actually a gambling

Company it’s not a uh it’s it’s not an actual like platform for 4S you know I mean like it’s not it’s not what somebody would consider a streaming platform for real live space there’s another one another one coming up trying to take over the twitch scene called live space

And it looks it looks decent it looks decent but again and they’re off their main competitive offering is that it’s cheaper uh not cheaper uh that the streamers get more of the revenue but like oh BRB see you when you get back but like it’s not gonna be

Any different than like what Kik is doing right kick was open at first and now the requirements are even harder or that that one I only heard kick and twitch yeah but now the kick requirements are even harder to get affiliate than tick than uh YouTube or twitch so like now the

Requirements are a lot harder so uh you have even more requirements so like the the gravy trained to get into affiliate status early is over for kick feels confident that they’ve secured their position and so now they’re uh now they’re like okay now we can up the

Uh the ANSI a little bit and uh make it a little bit more lucrative for us I have no idea where this is I mean we’ve been here obviously we’ve been here ah I remember this place now yeah we actually died nearby here where was it we died here one time

And like I couldn’t get back in time and we lost all of our stuff yeah I remember this place this looks as a death trap has Minecraft logic Minecraft logic right there there now it’s more of a death trap but yeah I mean you know if they leave all well

I don’t think I don’t think twitch is gonna have a hard time with it plenty of people over here and and I like I like twitch so far I mean I’ve always liked twitch but uh the exclusivity now everybody affiliate or not has exclusivity for the platform

Uh so like they’re saying nope if you’re streaming on Twitch you cannot stream anywhere else at the same time uh which is always though huh this is this is where I was at before which has always been a thing on anyways but like yeah I don’t know

I like the option I like the option I was streaming just be able to just uh a few weeks ago we were streaming on both of them right oh about a month and month and a half ago and now we can’t do that anymore but I’m gonna start streaming uh mixed

Content on my on my YouTube channel so for uh when I start up Elden ring again next month probably I’m gonna be doing it on uh YouTube YouTube exclusive uh variety get out of here okay nothing else here I think I might just have to dig up or you could do

My bots are on YouTube no the problem is I don’t I don’t want my I don’t want my twitch channel to be a variety Channel I’ve already had already had my twitch Channel as a variety Channel and it didn’t work out it wasn’t fun it wasn’t entertaining I didn’t like it

Um we not that stats matter anymore because we we’re arguing to fill it so stats really don’t matter but when we play variety here on Twitch at best we get like four viewers at best maybe two usually it’s like two two to four at best and it’s not very it’s not very engaging

Like not a lot of people are talking and hanging out so it kind of kills the vibe whereas if I’m on YouTube then it doesn’t really matter but not my father my vods for twitch are already going onto YouTube um they started the other day yesterday actually

So uh yeah that is going up that is going up on on YouTube I’m like why can’t I put those in there why can’t I put a shulker inside a shulker huh oh no did I get chicken did somebody does somebody come by and burn me lunch thank you

With a flaming sword that is perfect I don’t know if those are natural or or what but you know what I love a good chicken appreciate it for those ah okay now we can work on the mount the thing we were supposed to be working on this entire time

Now we can work on it oh my neck my neck is feeling better today I last night when I went to sleep I actually like consciously thought about how I was sleeping instead of just plopping down and going to sleep I actually thought for a little

Bit on how I was I was positioning myself unfortunately apparently I’m old enough where I have to think about how I sleep so yeah welcome to the old Club frog you’re old oh Jimmy Cricket I am telling you how dare my body make me actually pay attention how I treat it so unfair

Next is going to make me start eating properly what a pain that’s gonna be I don’t know what I’m gonna do when I have to actually start eating properly hopefully it’s still like another 10 years away hopefully I’m hoping I hope I’m hoping it lasts like another 10 years before I

Gotta start caring about how I eat arguably you could just start caring now frog and avoid any issues that would come later from not eating properly but that sounds like adulting and I don’t know if I’m cool with that on a side note this August

Uh when I when I read after I renew my uh student uh paperwork here in Germany to stay another year uh I am going to try to also get my uh those two options I’m gonna try to get my freelance Visa but also maybe just my self-employment Visa as well and we’ll see

We’ll see if they accept that if they do you finally found a oh a house I thought you said a hose like like you were gonna super soak your grandma I’m like dark matter I know you I know you have dark in your name but come on bro come on [Laughter] At the zoo welcome in hope you’re doing good what’s up did you already come in and do something to me what happened I’ve been lurkin was reading over the patch notes oh yeah the patch notes lovely patch notes oh you played Osama didn’t say nothing ah gotcha gotcha gotcha

Yeah the big the big Skies gets removed big Skies gets joint and there’s not really anything else a benefit that I saw yeah most of it wouldn’t affect it I didn’t really see anything else so um I’m waiting for something that just screams like good yeah bug fixes improvements mostly did

It talk about the iron did they fix the did they fixed the ore because that’s also a potential problem too depending on how they fixed it we work a replacement with vanilla materials um I wonder how that’s going to affect it I might I might have to try to um

Switch over like a personal world and see what happens on my personal world make a copy make a copy of the of the game under the link the first line is except expert ones those I lead up Toco because I’ll mess them up remove vanilla items from ee just replace F6 okay hmm

Yeah that’ll be that’ll be interesting yeah we might update later if if there’s a uh something else that comes up that’s more important I don’t think we have any real bugs right now not really there’s a few times some things have gone a wall uh like the map the map Coming Undone

The other day that was pretty fun but that was you guys you guys broke the server um you did we’ll ignore the fact that frog broke the server did Emmy tell you about that I made a list on Discord of the major stuff I noticed all right cool did Amy

Tell you about how I broke the server the other day yes for some reason yeah I I had it I had it set up properly but like it filled up faster than I thought and what’s funny is now it’s draining faster than I have so like it wouldn’t have happened but whatever ah

I thought it was saying it was just a cool uh filters or sorters logistical sorters is what I thought it said which is the the auto crafting things right the little filter so you put on the pipes all the treated sticks thing oh we solved that though

Did it did anybody find a way to make those just an annoying one right expert mode all over again but you can’t directly make them from sticks directly you mean like in the crafting table with uh with the oil in your hand or something the oil treated stuff

By clicking them in the fluid ah you have to drop them in or what yeah I’m not to that point just yet so you have to do the planks and got the planks and the sticks oh okay I mean that’s still not that bad of a workaround yeah that’s not you could actually

Probably automate that it’s just making the the planks first yeah oh because you have a million sticks yeah oh from the from the drag me or my bad the whirly spring the drink means mob squirrely Fergus nature yeah we need uh foreign I’m trying to build here and you’re being rude

Oh oh my goodness all right let’s go race up the Phantoms let’s go reset the cousins what are you saying look at this we got one mountain almost done we need to finish that and finish this on but we’re almost there let’s go reset cousins mm-hmm Yeah it’s it’s not out of the pipe work anyways yet it’s still it’s still an uh beta marking for first Forge Which means curse forage won’t support the update anyways so good wait for that to still come out that’ll give us time to see uh if there’s any reports that to be concerned of there’s already been a few a few reports and Discord that are concerning I like the Texas person

No yeah if you go to the Discord there’s there’s uh there’s issues with it yeah yeah there’s there’s always gonna be new issues um whether or not they’re uh that worrisome I’m not too sure I didn’t sit there and read through them yet I read through enough of them to go yeah

Maybe not yet oh I have more I know you’re going to come after me so let’s get rid of you now understand Yeah I gotta run get to Aaron yo later enjoy your larkage let me see here I’m already dying over here you ain’t gonna kill me again man what you doing who was that nice nice I like this who did that who did that big head big head who was that that was athlete you got them coach wrong game Like this he just oh no why is the Creeper’s gonna show up bro why come down here personally if you set on fire that should instantly make him go boom not that I really wanted to go boom on my Mountain but like it should right they’re creepers it’s gunpowder

It should definitely go boom the second that you you put them on fire like okay light the fuse put them on fire make them go boom boom that’s totally be a thing that was longer than a BRB I’m back yo what’s up welcome back there’s a mod for that and an add-on

Yeah we’re vanilla here we’re vanilla here so ain’t no ma gonna help us out with that welcome back Belle Ville welcome back trash that’s no fun delete my Twitch account I’m done I’d rather have my Twitch account I can finally have it in and out oh In and Out Burger yo in an

Upper respire I love it only really an issue you let it become one skirt skirt found someone being treated like trash that’s no fun I would rather be I’m done did you die already I don’t know why we’re just running around killing things but you know it’s fun yo Let’s uh delete this because that’s not supposed to be up and active and it would be my first time just a basic Burger definitely get

Definitely get a shake though oh no which definitely get a shake their shakes are delicious what do you have those empty that was not a seller that was not a sound alert that’s not a sound alert get out of here so um the milkshakes are really good

And just a regular double double a two by two a double double is really good ready for the advanced stuff you’re not you’re not ready for the advanced stuff the animal the animal style homies oh the homeless see my problem is in my area

You have a lot of home there’s a lot of homelessness in the world anyways but in California there’s a lot yeah and they’re more likely than not suspended on drugs anyways thank you but hey to each their own but uh it’s a total mess like we need to do

Something in this country to to really do more in this country than what we do now but you know in the US we need to do more than we do to help solve that homelessness issue yeah you don’t know if they are or not and it’s hard to tell yeah it’s hard and

It’s also hard itself to even need it you know there’s all those scammers out there especially the ones with their kids out there like yeah and they get they get in their car and go home it’s so hard like you want to help you want to help people but are they going

To use it for drugs do they need it do they even need it like it’s so it’s so hard to tell but the fact is it shouldn’t be on the citizens to help correct this uh it’s a societal problem for you know our government should be helping to resolve

If not full-on helping then they got to do something because like even the homeless shelters that we have uh are really restrictive and hard to get into uh the ones in my town you can’t have any drug issues which come on uh you can’t have any mental health issues which come on

Um it’s really restrictive on how you can and cannot get access to the homeless shelter that we have you know and it’s like you’re pretty much saying nobody so a lot of them were still left open when I left Cali a lot of them were open like they built a whole new system

Of like uh micro houses these little tiny like sheds with bathrooms and AC and all that and over over like 80 of them are still open because they couldn’t get people that were eligible to come in because nobody that was eligible needed it I was like come on But yeah definitely do something about it there you do see homeless people here in Germany too and you have curfews yeah We’re talking the curfew is not bad anyways because what are you doing outside at you know midnight what are you doing outside at 2AM in the morning you should be you should be getting some sleep and rest so you can get up the next day and go get some stuff done exactly drugs

So the curfews are not a bad thing I I don’t I don’t mind the curfews the curfews are a good thing uh you know it teaches some responsibility gets them back on their feet because now they can spend the daytime looking for a job or getting cleaned up something

A lot of them have like drug treatment programs they have to go to and stuff too but like there’s got to be more there’s something more done but also I know I know some of them just aren’t even motivated they’re like why why am I why am I going to stop doing

Drugs and get cleaned up so I can go to go to a job all day every day still not afford to live and still worry about going homeless so a lot of them just gave up they’re like why there’s no point and I can’t say I fully blame them

I can’t say I fully blame them on that front but like but I’d rather have something than nothing nothing is hard at least something gives you some no something yeah I mean Yo you and me both you and me both I cannot wait till this mountain is done We’re getting there like we already have we have most of this done like from from right there from over there this whole side of the mountain is done this whole side is done this is all done over here all of this is done until we get to here

So all we have left is this mountain right here and the back part of it and then the back part down here so we’re almost there with the building we sell a lot more to go for Designing and building stuff in here I still have a lot more to go

But uh you know we’ll get there we’ll get there we’re almost there got a little bit more to go it’s taking a lot longer than I thought it would but it’s a pretty big mountain so so and I don’t build off camera on Phantom SMP um I don’t pretty much do anything at

All off camera offensive SCP so uh it takes time it takes time because we do it all here uh fresh on stream on stream I think the only thing I ever do off camera is sit at my uh iron or slime farm Exactly you just gotta wait for the stream delay you just gotta wait for the stream delay belt but yeah that’s all I do wait at the slime farm or the iron farm stop yeah see see I’m already a step ahead no uh but uh oh going back to the camera

Situation so I’ve decided that like I want a proper I want a camera like I want a camera I want something I could take pictures with and record with and like vlogs why animated frog many years ago You bought my PNG tube Oh you mean how to do the swap how to do the command for it or how to do the animation or how to do the actual usage of the frog or the uh the PNG too eyelids those thoughts that aren’t invited um

Hold on we need to fix this oh the actual PNG tube I could I mean there’s already a lot out there for that it’s just this piece of it’s just a piece of software and the software will walk you through it the software is called the Deo tube

It’s acting up with my computer right now so I can’t use it unfortunately but uh yeah it’s just a very it’s just a very basic uh system right here yeah yeah Stone ocean I know you guys might be saying Brock what’s the stone for frog frog frog

What’s the stone for frog trust me Why does it keep moving Whatever makes you appear foreign hang out with you you know I’d rather play getting over it yeah just a few things We need a sea wall we need a sea wall here now technically we probably don’t need to go all the way down we’ll texture it later we’ll texture it later But for now it’s just gonna be playing actually hold on that one can stay there and a good camera is a gx7 those are those are expensive aren’t they I don’t know so uh oh yeah going back to the camera thing they have they have these little vloggy cameras

That aren’t like super expensive but not super expensive but they are a little bit on the pricier side but like I think I think that’s what I’m gonna go with like it’s a basic camera enter in into the field right really basic camera but it has everything I will need

Right it has everything I’ll need um reporting good video good uh pictures the question is do I grab one of the cameras that has uh detachable lenses or not you want some of this bro you want some of this bro so the question is do I get almost a

Detachable lens and worry about lenses as well or do I just accept one like a basic one Um but yeah uh I don’t know I’m still looking I’m still looking at uh cameras and stuff but I found a couple of them I might want to grab they’re probably about like total six to six oh six to eight hundred someone’s around there 600 800 dollars

Yeah the problem is is that the the detachable ones are a lot more expensive we’re talking like buy another couple of hundred dollars um plus the lens we’re talking about just the body here like the body itself is expensive so they have thank you you just give me the smackdown y’all saw that

Dude was giving me the smack that hurt bro be nice um yeah so the problem is that the like the cheap ones probably for like 500 600 dollars uh you get the what’s it called the uh display capture go Scott this one right here see

So this is the this is a newer one it is a vlogging camera though it’s not like a proper camera with a detachable lens but it is very good quality it does have very good quality on it and uh the kit here does come with like the the little sock or the wind

The little car the battery the bag for it some cleaning tools but it is it is a decent camera I’ve seen a lot of people talking about it a lot of videos on it the problem is that it’s not uh it’s not like a full-on thing I mean like there’s no lens

Yeah yeah this is this is this is my choice this is what I want but look at the look at the price tag 538 doesn’t matter but it does come with uh it’s like it does come with a good SD card and a battery but and a bag but

It’s on the they keep yelling at me my my Amazon order is not uh my prime Amazon Prime is run out and they keep yelling at me uh this is also another bundle that they have available this one has like the stand for it right and a mic

But this is us we need uh we need Germany here with this guy so see here they’re they’re we have 550 it’s not too bad that’s not too bad the other one the other one I think it’s this one right here actually that has a changeable lens no this one’s not this

One’s the uh this is the E1 um yeah this is this is the one with the changeable lens so this one does have a lens you could change out it does have a lens but oh no this is the expensive I was looking at the wrong one 3200 no

I thought I thought it was the synth 600. this is the one I was looking at interchangeable lens right here see when you get to the interchangeable lenses you’re not gonna find one under six and can I I can you also use this webcam so like I get a really good webcam at

The same time but like is it a cost I can justify I don’t think I can better place I don’t think I take good enough pictures to where I can justify uh that much which is why I was trying out the action cameras but because they’re cheaper but it’s not really feasible

It’s not really feasible to uh take good pictures or videos with with that come on come here but yeah I’m still looking I’m still looking we’re in the market still uh I went by some of the stores today and they they have some they have some for cheaper

Uh so they do have some for cheaper inside of like the local stores here but like now if I buy used or buy from like a a questionable shop now I have to worry about shutter uh shutter counts like has this been used a lot now they’ve been taking a lot of

Pictures with it you know what I mean like it’s a little bit dangerous so I’d rather prefer to buy new so if this can’t if the one I bought sells again uh I’ll be happy if not I’ll have to take it back I’ll take it back to the store and take

The kit on the uh the filters problem it’s only really an issue if you let it become one now I can spend my money on what I want to be treated like a piggy bank oh my God Undone we have no trauma from dating no matter for my help hey horsey or donkey s maybe I’ll get some some supplies thank you miss you if you let it become one I’m better off without someone dreams treated like trash that’s no fun better off without someone

And then oh let’s actually put this well this is the responsible thing and put this up how about that why do I have so much rotten flesh I don’t know uh uh copper ingots yeah yeah okay now let’s go oh wait do we have rockets in here we do okay

All right so we’re gonna get this seed wall built and probably a little bit more past that but we don’t have much longer to go because we do have class in the morning and we’ve been awake all day so it’s not like uh it’s not like Mondays where I

Can stay awake until class but truthfully I probably should but instead of streaming all that entire time I should be like studying oh armor stands you asked me a stand I’ll get you your Atmos stand sorry for some reason it didn’t show up on my other screen

It’s not on my OBS software and that’s usually where it pops up at we need to get a uh a Redemption thingy alert hold on hold up I got I got you um let me see where was I’ll forgive you this one time don’t worry it will never happen again I can

Guarantee you watch this watch this Open up your eyes where why is this like this I want voice I want a voice why is it so hard to see a voice will you stop walking on stuff It was some hard not to redeem farts [Laughter] boys not long enough not long enough it doesn’t sound good doesn’t sound good um no we’re looking for You Can’t See Sound by what I can’t see sound what I can’t anymore what happened um this is horrible

All right it’s not gonna find there I’ll do that later you can’t see sound oh I mean you know if you use your imagination enough oh they’re there armor stand please tell my Hit the Floor we’re gonna put you right here next to Griff you’ll be right next to Griff and like this

Spark Spark bathrooms I mean if you try hard enough I’m gonna put Bel Air Bell air it’s your option or not for the numbers do you want the numbers do you want your full gamer attack on there that’s up to you the numbers are up to you the actual name is not but the numbers are Okay cool yeah I give I give people the options for the numbers the name is the name is the name there is no there is no changing your name from from not having you know from not having it but it is your choice on the other part of it

Because I know sometimes we put the numbers on there just as an afterthought okay we have leather we have leather welcome back to another Bel Air 13 a 1389 stream no no that’s fine that announcement was only before you know we’re going live right now bye that

That that’s the type of thing I was talking about but obviously I talked to I talked to all the streamers in here anyways on the constant basis it’s not that impact yeah okay now you need uh still in our soundtracks a shield and we have a wooden sword we do have a

Wooden sword that guy and that guy oh you can’t do both the same time on bedrock oh that’s so stupid why that makes no sense that makes no sense you can’t have both of them huh that is so stupid how can you have an armor stand without

Without all the other stuff let me close my window by the way your parasite I really need to go get a haircut it is so annoying don’t come crawling back to me when you see me at the top yeah I hate it normally I chop it off normally it’s all chocolate one second The Luscious of locks okay guys we’re gonna have vocabulary today we have what is this word that’s right it’s bug eat some food flies look look like a frog head where is your armor stand there it is okay cool see belly Bellaire 1389 mine Griffin

When I say when I say Griff’s full name it’s like she’s in trouble Martin Griffin what did I do baby Listen to this song I will fire on you no regrets no regrets by the way we will have an elytra course here too guys there will be an electric horse here um it’ll be very easy to see where you’re supposed to be going it’s not gonna be a trick electric horse

It’ll be very easy to see where you’ll just be going but we will have an electric force on and around the mountain a lighter course yo I love Elijah forces they’re so much fun and nobody does them like nobody builds them and I’m gonna build one so we’re gonna have little Rings we’re

Gonna have rings in the Statin for people to go through doesn’t mean no real way to like judge if people aren’t cheating though which kind of sucks but like Bedrock is like that Bedrock is always like that because you don’t have access to all the good stuff all the good tools but

We’ll trust people’s we’ll trust peoples you’re gonna make a park word game themselves I’m gonna do different levels too we’re gonna have a beginner’s level then we have intermediate and then we’re gonna have that expert level we remember to take my meds and the Rings are gonna get smaller and

Smaller as you go and they’re made out of different materials so we’re you’re totally gonna be able to see uh which ones you’re supposed to be going through at the right time Um mm-hmm no no no I can’t remember to take my meds and help me remember to take my meds I gotta remember to take my meds we don’t have them no more take my medicine we quit oh buggers what do you want dude are you serious right now bro you want some of

This oh yeah shoot your own buddy come here come here you want some of this you want some of this I don’t care about your Exile bro who do you think I am I swear something problem of foot Personally I think that uh all affiliate and partner streamers should get uh Amazon Prime for free we should all get Amazon Prime for free if you are a streamer if you’re an affiliate streamer you should totally get affiliate status freak I mean uh which I mean Amazon Prime for free

It should be one of the perks also if uh the Affiliated links for free too if you guys don’t know you actually have to make a certain number of qualified purchases in order to get uh the ability to use your to use uh affiliate links and if you don’t make enough purchases

Runs a bit with grip about whether Fargo will start to read at its base oh I will 100. we’ve already done that we’ve did that the other day wow it was actually pretty fun but then again I’m a little crazy about that though it’s actually where we got our totem

We’re using right now I swear there’s a bug crawling on my leg and it’s so annoying wow that’s the problem with leaving my window open I gotta get a screen for it windows don’t come with screens here you have to like go find find somewhere to buy them separately

We have like water breathing or something on here aqua affinity and respiration oh earlier I don’t know how people like going outside and like sitting in the grass and chilling in nature like how do people do it how do people do it like I was sitting down and next thing you know

I have I have ants crawling all over me in my backpack and I’m like are you serious right now now I got ants crawling on me and I’m like how how do people enjoy that and if it’s hot so you know you’re sweating and you’re like yo did uh really bro

And you’re like wait did it just crawl down my pants I Got Ants in My Pants like like what what’s going on here like how how do you how are you cool with sitting outside in the grass with bugs crawling all over you how is that a thing

How do people do that like I I can’t I physically cannot do it I was literally going crazy thinking that that the ants I didn’t think the ants were going on but they were I don’t I don’t see it I don’t see it as fun I like outside I just don’t like outside

With bugs all over me everybody so yeah that was fun not really I mean you know answer your pants doing boogie dance is always always a fun thing Oh also we’re gonna start using witch’s uh uh alerts feature soon the twitch alerts I want to try them out they look kind of cool ah sorry my leg itches oh no my right leg and my left leg on my ground okay so the sea wall is gonna come all the

Way up here yeah right exactly exactly I don’t know it’s the weirdest thing ever I really don’t understand people like that I mean I could be outside and walk around and enjoy it outside but I can’t sit on the grass like I can’t sit and just let bugs crawl on me

I can’t do it like outside cool that’s fine I can do that all day I’m good but like not the Bugs yo not the bugs really you want some of this bro oh yeah when I do get my camera you’re gonna see thank you I blame gravity

Yeah once I get my camera you’ll see you’ll see um I’m probably gonna get it soon like really soon uh because I really want to start taking pictures and videos and stuff and the thing is is I have the Deutsche fun I have the Deutschland ticket I got

It I got it the other day which means for the rest of the month I can take the train anywhere from Germany for free I’ve already paid for it unlimited rides on any trains buses uh Subways all that cost 50 50 euros a month it’s a little bit pricey but like

It’s everywhere in Germany that I can go so we do have a bank call today coming up here um Thursday so maybe tomorrow I go return the other camera and the problem is that the other piece of it that I have to send back to Amazon is going to take uh

It’s going to take them like a week to give you back our money from that should be fine I don’t know if they’ll take all of it back so we’re probably gonna be losing not losing we will have the items still but like we have to wait for it to sell later I think I swear sorry once I see bugs bad then the hair

In your legs move at all because you know there’s wind in the room it just feels like there’s a bug crawling on you usually the only that fixes that for me is shower go take a shower and then I won’t feel the bugs no more

And don’t let it drain I had to take one I got home earlier because because of the ants those ants are gnarly out here they look horrible like nothing’s dangerous here like nothing’s gonna kill you there’s no spiders are gonna kill you over here in Germany well maybe one will but uh it’s

It’s really rare it’s rare that it’ll kill you not that it the spider itself is rare but uh yeah it’s not like the US where there’s like 10 000 bugs that will kill you or Australia where everything yeah including your mother Oh down here thank you ibuprofen yeah the sea wall is going to come all the way up here because I want this to be this High all the way over here see what I mean like every time we come and build at this place it’s something else DN like

How do you like 5 a.m We don’t have to fill this in though we can just we can just block that all off I do need to put some porches down there before we do that all right we put some torches later it doesn’t really hurt

But I think it’s better if we do it now so I’ll forget about it later right there because I want to turn I want to turn uh is it right here no no it’s not here uh we’re gonna have a port we’re gonna have a pork closer actually

Is that industrial right there I think it’s industrial out of the side of that we’ll have a go we’ll have a go look but I want a uh port to be over here for the industrial area we also got to redo our logging area and our our uh our wood Farm

Our tree farm is currently borked it’s broken um I suspect Foul Play but you know that that uh there’s a certain Union on the on the server but you know it is what it is [Laughter] that’s seriously none of us would have touched it no no but it makes for a good story

[Laughter] no it’s just it that rock it’s Bedrock that did it but it’s easier it’s easier to you know like an actual person uh no it’s it doesn’t it’s out of order because the Redstone the Redstone for it uh the timing you know how Bedrock is bedrock and best

Just like Bedrock servers and timing uh it’s horrible it’s God awful and that’s what happened is the timing just randomly broke it’s always fun to blame somebody else right exactly um but no the the Redstone it just it misfired it completely misfired and now look at it it’s a bloody mess

So I’m gonna fix it and reset the uh reset the timing on everything make sure the timing is all right out of her yeah yeah you have to add some you have to add some time it takes some time away and like ah this one’s chunk aligned and everything

So like but still have the problem with the the timing of the circuits which is hard because there’s no there’s no clock to adjust on here you know I mean there’s no there’s no block to adjust on this one yeah yeah it’s right there okay this is how high it’s gonna be

The sea wall is going to come all the way up here we are going to decorate the seawall it’s not going to be it’s not going to look like just that but you know for now um but before I could do that part of the

Wall we do have to uh fix that that seed wall up a little bit Actually do we have any more I don’t think we have any more Stone here nope oh wait we have one more Stone I think that was it yeah we have these ones okay that’s fine yeah we won’t do that let’s keep let’s keep all of our miscellaneous stuff in in like

Miscellaneous chests together oh more stone look at that oh yeah okay I love that we can make stone bricks by our hands like how strong are we how strong is are we how strong is the character because Megan stone brick with our hand pretty op if you asked me Um technically no but we go this way we can here we’ll fix the buttresses later to look look a little better there will be a design on here involving a dark oak and Spruce as well probably but uh dark oak for under the water because it looks like it’s wet and

Spruce above it should look good I mean it’s all I needed oh my goodness you see what I mean like every time we come here and build on the mountain we’re like oh we have to do this first we have to do this first next thing you know this mountain goes

Over to the spawn we’ve built a mountain range back to spawn [Laughter] all the way up to the to the to the fans of no build Zone like just like right up there ah stop it all right I might not be able to go for much longer oh I gotta go shower again

It’s pretty it’s it is pretty warm today the the heat wasn’t hard right the Heat’s easy for me like I’m from California and a part of California that gets in the hundreds on a regular basis and uh like my hometown right now has been hitting the hundreds

Um mid to high 90s average but it has been hit in the hundreds as well it’s like I’m used to the hundreds but it’s the humidity right now it’s getting me not really kidding me but it makes it feel a lot worse than it is

I think today we were at uh like 75 uh degrees Fahrenheit and uh the humidity was like 65 percent not the worst humidity ever but pretty pretty gnarly uh it could have been worse it could be in the 90s it could have been the 90 uh degrees and still be like 50 humidity

And then Cali and my part of Cali at least I should say uh what is it yeah it hits 113. but our humidity is like five percent at that time I think right now it with the uh current temperatures I think the humidity in my part of Cali has been like uh what

13 14 humidity I think it’s been So Oh did I tell you all about the meeting I had to go to for study abroad where they made me go and listen to the to the same diatribe that we’ve heard every semester they they were telling people straight up if you’re currently dating somebody you

Should break up with them or or uh take a leave of absence from each other because if you’re connected to somebody back in the States while you’re here in Germany it’s gonna be hard for you to just stay here and experience it because you’re always going to be uh

You’re always going to be like locked down back together back to California with a significant other and you’re not going to be able to focus on the experience and pick everything up and learn kind of callous of them to say that to students uh but also it’s not that wrong of a thing

Like like me here with streaming I’ve definitely not taken full advantage of living in another country and experiencing the country I really haven’t because I do spend a lot of time creating content and streaming and you know being a derp but at the same time I don’t say that it’s a bad thing

Obviously I want to learn German better than I have been feeling solid I don’t think that keeping keeping hold of your reality your your life is a bad thing when it brought it it can slow things down but I don’t think that it’s like the main cause so surprised

But you know it is what it is ah we’re out again at bricks we don’t have any torches do we want we’re gonna fill this in we’re never gonna see this again we’re never going to remember this oh you know what we can do hold on it’ll get a little dangerous a little

Spicy but like it’s better to have no light up here than to have no light down there and have stuff spawning down here stop bouncing yo ReChat yo Rudolph nose oh we almost fell down we almost stopped on the whole that would have uh not been good

Uh we fill this in that’s fine I don’t want to use more torches on that uh towards this easy peasy let me jump mama who’s Joe yo mama oh twitch fan twitch fan that one account that came in that one day the one the guy whose account said your mama

I don’t think it was that I don’t have a name but yeah which fan them I thought it was funny yeah they got banned they got banned by twitch has my twitch control panel showed uh it showed uh invalid invalid or or uh a known user for the person who subscribed

Or who followed that day and so I went back and looked at my uh at my twitch control panel on my on stream elements on my OBS software and the only person that followed that day was uh yo mama and so yo mama got banned completely I

Clicked on their name and checked it their name their name was messed up it was gone I wonder if they filed an appeal they could have filed an appeal too I don’t think it was that man you know it’s just it’s silly it’s stupid but you know it’s just it’s just

It’s just show Mama like I don’t I don’t think it’s bannable but I guess it is somebody at twitch was like you ain’t talking about my mama they gotta understand that some Mama saying we’re talking about Hey I saw big I saw the text for big and I I fell oh dark matter how the heck did you scare me with big like out of all the things you could have scared me with just scary with big [Laughter] I mean I scared myself when I look in

The mirror in the morning too but that’s a whole different story y’all should see y’all should see my hair oh my god I’ve actually Melanie does what my hair looks like in the morning because because Belle has dead man so [Laughter] that’s the answer I think Kinder frog knows too because because uh I think I think me me is that me and Zach have the same hair I think no the haircut didn’t happen today it’s a mess oh it’s a mess I mean it’s not it’s not too bad the problem is like

It’s a total pain butt to have yeah there you go the big the big with the hair laughs it’s so look the bad part is this the bad part is this is the really bad part like all this back here like the rest of it’s fine

I don’t mind the rest of it it’s that hair in the back that really gets me yeah it’s the hair in the back that really gets me the back and the sides like it’s not manageable uh at all if it’s wet it behaves if it’s wet the Apes

Into an undercut keep it long true true I’ve done that before I’ve done that before we just cut we just put all the stuff down here on the sides of it almost a fade almost a fade on it it just kept the top kept the top long

Let’s say a haircut my my uh one of my older brothers likes um but his hair I would I would I’m sorry I would I would straight up uh on a lot of my brother for his hair my brother has like perfect hair like it it’s easy to maintain it’s silky smooth

And it’s not nothing different I’ve tried all the same products that he had when he was when he was taking care of his hair when we were living when I was when he’s living at home but nothing nothing would keep my hair like his he just got the jeans yo damn man

Welcome back welcome back to the party Batman how is Age of Empires treating you know I need to play some Age of Empires again I really do Nothing I also need to play some factorio again or some satisfactory either one I still have not beat factorio I’ve gotten pretty close to it like I’ve gotten almost there but not fully um I think I have star I think I have Starcraft on uh my blizzard account

I think my blizzard account has Starcraft on it no do you mean I wouldn’t mind playing Starcraft again or the original Warcraft play Warcraft again I haven’t touched Warcraft oh no my siblings and I have curly hair oh he’s got a verify his phone number oh no wait

Oh cause he’s not he just followed again yeah because I lost all the followers oh is that on still hold on let me turn that off I’m gonna turn that off for a while and like if something happens then we’ll turn it back on give me one second we’re gonna turn that off

And that’ll eventually cut turns out email verification on the phone verification there we go we’ll do it like that so as long as they’ve had their account for more than a month and that’s it that’s the only people that got it some chatters okay I turned it off oh no wow

Yo damn man what’s up how you doing welcome to chat oh no you you can’t you can’t ban dead men why would you pull out the panhandler for dead man [Laughter] hit my serotonin oh no this is too high this is to go back down she’s mean like that right what to do

Foreign Age of Empires treating you I saw you on the earlier on the steam Library um I know I have start you look like me look hey the hair is horrible the hair is horrible it’s going pretty good nice I wanna I wanna play Starcraft and Warcraft again I don’t think I have

Warcraft um I know I have Starcraft on my on my blizzard account yeah but nice to just chill on it yeah yeah uh probably next next month sometime I don’t know whenever I get some free time I’m gonna start playing uh Elven ring again imagine playing no no no we’re not

Playing wow we’re gonna play Warcraft not World of Warcraft we’re gonna play Warcraft not World of Warcraft big difference big difference now I love Warcraft too but we we stopped playing that yeah I didn’t have the time it takes so much time and energy effort and money

Oh my we lose a lot of money on Warcraft on World of Warcraft we lost a lot of money in World of Warcraft um but you know it is what it is the new expansion was kind of fun but we spent more money than we should have on it It’s all atmosphere’s fault it’s atmosphere and uh uh dot I can’t remember names anymore oh my goodness I can’t remember names at all right now anyways let’s blame it all atmosphere my own head yo my dinner tonight was so fire like I want another one but I don’t want

Another one at the same time like I’m satisfied I’m satisfied right now but it was so good I got you know like like you you want to go back for seconds almost but you know you you know if you do you’re gonna be loaded or you’re gonna have ate too much food

And I feel miserable that’s where I’m at right now I I want some more but thrilling burgers grilling boogers they taste pretty good they taste pretty good you’re not gonna lie the question is where did Bill get enough Burgers to grill that’s the that’s the real question

I think she might have run a community collection plate earlier you know walk around the neighborhood and canvas and got some burgers for everybody seriously you’re getting place is that what the llamas are for I mean they can spit of me and moogie so maybe they have enough booger to go around

But maybe enlist the kids [Laughter] oh what’s that little thing called um what’s the what’s the little squeezy thing about your bummer you know what I mean this little thing with the little you know yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s how you collected it gotcha you know you know

There’s Oliver that’s where it came from right oh speaking of burgers hello you ain’t going nowhere just get over here if you thought you were gonna run from me yes so no separate thingy yeah yes the no sucker thing that you’re a bummer I know there’s a term for it I just

Don’t know what the term is that that doohickey the the thing of the Bopper all right think of a Bopper pretty sure that’s what it’s called thingamajigger butter the little the little nose that little thing you know Who You Are it’s funny what the the Auto mod picks up like the autobot is very sensitive sometimes but I’d rather have it overly sensitive than not music music made by me yeah no no we don’t break cars to shop for our phony friends we tell government secrets on Discord

I’m just joking FBI yes yes exactly the the snot sucker bulb thingamajigger bobber I need to go I need to go redeem ass stand man thank you it’s my refraine it’s the best nut sucker around it’s the best nut sucker around oh oh I I just thought of the dogs

We have little Chihuahuas they would go in there little Chihuahuas are vicious man they really like the burger snot you gotta watch out for them they will steal all the burgers this is this is the Frog theme song right here oh no oh are we oh we’re almost out of dirt oh my

Goodness gracious oh oh wait there’s more uh there’s more Stone over here oh that’s a little creepy um that’s fine okay let me reset my Phantoms you are this not sucker right 100 percent hippity hop up aha we’re gonna sleep on the SMP take that no sleep Club take that ah

No you’re just a fox Mr s [Laughter] you like that get out of here with that String you better be BRB BRB better be vibing I wonder if Age of Empire still has the cheat codes well as the Age of Empires was a pizza party no that was that was that was uh Warcraft uh E equals MC 2 squared for the for the nuke Troopers right

Mixed up and now it’s been so long What’s that or was that uh I can’t remember I can’t remember I don’t remember the cheat code so it used to be so many cheat codes I knew I think Warcraft was pizza party yeah I think Warcraft was pizza party and then uh Age of Empires I think it was uh

The EC the formula for the new the em or what gravity or whatever em equals mc squared Trooper it’ll get a trooper there’s also a car what’s that was it that one um it’s been too long since I played my bid games it’s unfortunate the RTS genre is dead

It is so unfortunate the RTS genre died out for new games new games aren’t being made for obviously the classics are still here oh come on why you have to be so mean to me I hate these trees dude I hate oh my Oak is the worst tree in the game

Dude like y’all could get rid of Oak full let’s just get rid of I won’t feel bad just just get rid of eating gravel Ry dude I hate these trees man this is this is when I liked fire tick this is why I like fire tick it’s because of these oak trees

Set it all on fire and don’t worry about it I’ll find out two days I wanna pick it up the lyrics of this song are just like what what were you smoking mama what were you smoking dude get out of here okay uh we’re at the next Point good now we can start going back up again as soon as this tree respawns thank you

Get out of here right there get out of here man I want to get this mountain done you’re back welcome back welcome back to the to the to the awesome amazing mountain build of froggy this is the froggy Mountain build it’s like the best Mountain build in the world

I’m completely unbiased in this opinion completely unbiased not invested at all welcome in this guy with the e I love it Mountain yes exactly exactly how you doing today I hope your day is going pretty good We’re working on the mountain again on the Phantom s p uh probably tomorrow we’ll be on modded Java tomorrow working as usual ill adulting new twitch rule no talking about adulting no um I love eating gravels that song though is just like yo what were you smoking when you made it and

Why does it still slap I mean it’s still an interesting song and it’s like it’s what I can of course we could all relate if anybody’s actually done any digging or building on Minecraft you know and you hit those big old gravel patches and they’re annoying as heck

We all know the experience of grappling just falling in our face and that’s yucky That was a song we were just listening to because I love eating gravel by namalama good old name which is an awesome streamer by the way does variety you never know what they’re gonna do I think they’re they’re stuck out one game right now trying to get like an

Achievement or unlock a special character you know that dedicated gamer stuff ain’t twisting yeah I don’t know I don’t know what the game was called though I’m horrible with names of stuff I barely remember my name sometimes like have you all ever signed into a class as frago Pluto welcome in Pluto how you doing I hope you’re having a good decent day there uh I thought that was another Pillager um yeah yeah that’s number one how is everybody I’m doing pretty good

We do have a slight headache coming from that headache but my neck is coming back to annoyance probably because we’ve been sitting here for so long this this how long have we been here it’s only been two and a half hours but we’re almost done because it is

Midnight and I do have class in the morning so I do need to get some sleep oh I did sleep in today so I got I got plenty of sleep today thanks for their stretch oh and the stretches that’s not supposed to pop oh and hydrate the Frog S

I am taking care of myself see what oh I’m gonna go sorry I didn’t see that somehow I missed that bye uh somebody just renamed it I don’t know if there’s a cooldown on uh it was good for too good I’ll check I’ll double check the cooldown timer later

See there’s a pull down on it so Pluto what you doing how you doing what’s up welcome back yo so um I’m gonna put on Twitter later on today uh uh for those of you who use Twitter um I’m gonna ask people about where I should go like some some places I should

See uh here in Germany like where should I go so I don’t know if anybody here has any idea about stuff in Germany maybe a town you saw on TV or something but uh because we have the Deutschland ticket we can literally go anywheres we can literally go anywhere it’s gonna

Be good it might happen and play Minecraft yeah yeah nice by the way it’s your fault happy oh um wow yeah it was your fault it was your fault I started playing wow again yep yep it’s your fault s oh I mean since I went over to the UK

Yeah I haven’t touched it did not touch it again yeah exactly stay away stay away also you missed them yeah damn it was on here for a little bit Dan and I was here for a minute he stopped in took a break from uh Age of Empires

Before he got sucked back into Age of Empires I played more people that play with yeah hey get him there oh he’s in Daddy Mode Dad mode I I come here no no the little baby little murder baby oh where’d I go oh it’s underneath murder baby I had you on the beat he’s like is that Meatloaf oh God I haven’t watched that in so long oh my God that’s been so lost I watched that

Oh my God that’s been way too long for our I did update the tele Network um oh nice okay really you’re out of here get out of here dude run run up and there’s no way we’ll ever see this through oh really okay cool get out of here hey

Oh my god dude get out of here I just I just want to build leave me alone no not one percent and use it though get out of here bro foreign setting by accident but uh should be fine I still can’t believe y’all went and did the end

Now I got to go to the end it’s pretty straightforward YOLO you think I’m Gonna Leave doing nuclear reactors the cops at the end while I’m streaming you think I’m gonna stop when I was doing so good with nuclear reactors no no no we were in the zone we were in the zone

We were in the crafting Zone like we got our nuclear Raptor going yeah while I was already live and doing my stuff you didn’t say like beforehand hey we’re gonna do the in Dragon tip later today you want to come like yeah sure I’ll put the schedule

And like I’m not gonna stop doing what I’m doing when I’m already doing something most definitely not so like it’s not gonna happen oh my neck I think we’re gonna uh I choose not to come because I would have died about it several times oh I don’t

Care about dying it it’s modded we don’t lose nothing we lose nothing except experience which is easy to get oh you’re finally making a house yo what’s wrong with tech on the lawn no I’m gonna start moving mine up to the top uh I’m not moving it I’m gonna

Rebuild the whole system up top after I get done processing and get uh my auto crafting up so I don’t have to craft all the parts to the machines myself it’s going to set it up to Auto Craft my machines yeah I’m gonna do some Auto crafting I’m

Gonna set up my auto crafting for the uh stuff ads what that should be no ads you should see no ads none I guess it’s time for you to subscribe Matthew it’s more important than your bike what oh God hold on of course Bell is subbed on your stream okay okay

I was about to go I was about to go Rogue on that sorry English is not my uh chosen language I always say it’s not my chosen language instead of my best language it’s not my chosen language sorry English is not my chosen language neither is it my native language my

Native language is American ease English English is not my language I speak American News it’s related to English but not really English think too high no no no it’s never our best language English is not our best language even if it is our only language it’s still not our best language

Let me see what the the we only have a few more songs left of NAMI so let’s go back over before we mess up and start playing non approved musics it’s it’s your best and get your worst I’m sure you know like two words in another language I’m sure you know like two or three words in another language and so therefore that one or two words you know in another language is your worst language see see boom see what I mean boom I got a spoon today so thank you

I had some spoons today too but it’s feeling pretty good it’s been doing pretty good it’s not bad although I’m not looking forward to tomorrow my teacher is going to cuss me out tomorrow my teacher’s not she’s not gonna cuss me out but she’s going to give me a a firm talking too

Not looking forward to that because today I was late doing my homework bro we get out of here with that little booby hook but yeah I was oh my good bro yeah so yeah I was late today doing my homework and uh it was still accepted but like technically it’s supposed to be

In by uh by 3 P.M so that she can grade and do all the stuff for it but uh yeah I completely forgot about it but I know I know she’s gonna bring it up tomorrow I just know she’s gonna bring it up tomorrow I’m like uh

I’m already practicing what I’m going to say I’m already practicing the the apology like I’m sorry uh but unfortunately guys it’s gonna be time for us to end here um we’re gonna raid out to somebody I don’t know who yet but we’re gonna rate up somebody so if you guys could stick around

It does help uh it helps us out it does help us out and uh we’ll see who’s live right now but look at this look at this we have we have part of our sea wall it’s not decorated yet it’s not like fully done up yet but it is looking good

We have our Mountain coming up we have this site done almost we just have to do the top there this is all done all of this is done uh this side of the Mountain’s done basically we just have to do this side still we have all of this all of this is done

And everything besides the top of this mountain and the back of it so we’re pretty much done we just have we just have a little bit more to go and then we’re good then we’re solid so let’s go see who’s live and who we gonna raid

And uh see what is up over there on Twitch we have yo Bells Bell gifting a sub to Atmosphere right at the very end um let’s go see oh let’s go see uh album is uh yeah uh Halcyon Heights Halcyon Heights is Liz live today I forgot about that

So we’re gonna write out to Al the Barton right you should atmosphere and it gifted a sub what what was that not supposed to happen Phil oh okay I don’t know I’m I’m Confucius uh Confucius wow oh hey Christine frog welcome in pleasure to have you here

Let’s go say hi to alibar Kelsey and I started today the new world the new world on Halcyon Heights oh you intentionally added him okay okay guys bye it’s true all right I got my screenshot nice we’re also going to bring it to the the portal area perfect

I have a raid that will come in so I’m gonna go ahead and

This video, titled ‘PhantomSMP Base Work – Twitch VoD June 6th, 2023 #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2023-10-18 20:30:01. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:41:45 or 9705 seconds.

Follow me on social media: – Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pristinefrog530 – Twitter: https://twitter.com/pristinefrog – TicTac: https://www.tiktok.com/@pristinefrog530 – Discord: https://discord.gg/Vcpk9K7z5S

Check out my other videos: 1. Why does it feel like Someone is Watching me? https://youtube.com/shorts/EYDqqbmGoT0 2. Twitch VoD May 13th, 2023 – Terraforming on PhantomSMP https://youtu.be/-dFz_YyuRBc

#Enigmatica #enigmatica9 #minecraft

New Enigmatica 9 SMP Server Modded Java New Server Hype Playing on Modded Java

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    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More