EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Edition HESU:D STREAM NOW LIVE!!

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Ladies and gentlemen it seem like I’m alive and I’m stream streaming not cubecraft today I’m streaming h.org actually it’s a it’s an interesting server I I play a little bit from it and I was thinking what about this lunatic here is actually I’m talking about uh

What about we stream a little bit here so just see what we can do here I know it’s very weird I know this is Ser is not Cube CRA but I’m I’m yeah I’m thinking what about you just watch it out just look at it hello album how’s it

Going give us some credit how’s it going Sant Violet and S and S Z that’s a really cool name I like the name all right everyone let’s go moveing we I’m already in a game it seems like some of my friends are already um in here I

Don’t know but sky is here I didn’t even know sky was in the server but yeah I I don’t know I usually don’t play a lot of other servers on this channel but I’m thinking what about we challenge this up here and do this anyway all right so

Let’s see what we have so basically I have playing this game mod a l one in Earth Arch Jesus um and I really like this a lot because the placement of blocks are so very shell uh I’m saying that I died but it’s really chill I’m figured we could just

Go look around here and see what we have she she kill me so fast the game but yo it’s Sant gaming oh my God everyone I wish you having a wonderful day today and I don’t know I feel like I need to just quickly like H I don’t have a lot

Of space on my computer here I’m thinking I’m waiting for to to turn Friday it’s like less than 2 hours and then after that I’m thinking what about I just casually eat myself some chocolate all right I gave myself my sister some mother some money like $20 uh to buy chocolate and Coca-Cola

And uh that’s what I did so that was really sh is this is just because she she killed me before U but if you would want to join you have h.org it’s basically how you spell it basically how you can do it and yeah that’s that’s that’s what

You can do um if you would want to it’s very chaotic but this is one of the coolest things that you can have like a limited like blocks in this game mode this means the block placement I swear is so shell h i play the c a lot but the

Block placement there is not a shill and just beautiful and smooth like this here and it’s the same with Hive but you know you don’t take you take some fall damage I think you do take some fall Dage I don’t really know uh we have CBS boom

Boom you you spawn him in uh ender pearl this means you can either you can gapple up and you preapp and you get yourself going like killing this guy over here need to concentrate a little bit boom wait look they they use the ender pearl just to or they di

Anyway um or for example you can do this so it’s I’m thinking we we should they have like even a combo mod Jesus that scared me even a combo mode wait what was that what happened what happened I heard something something I heard something it scared

Me yo wait a minute wait a minute hi salty Shadow how’s it going man I you you became a member hey cool um how’s it going bro oh why you slow this pris but yeah I was thinking today that um we should I I don’t know I just like play

This and I want to check it out and uh I’m just saying like I want to check out more server star not CU CRA I like CU CRA I I love CRA cool hash please don’t demote me uh but I I like consider playing a little bit more other servers

Than Q crab I don’t know I just love to go around there it’s so cool I don’t really know I think sky is streaming I’m a little bit unsure but I don’t really know o ooh ooh oh it’s a sword wait is this is that is that demon wait it’s demon it’s demon

Get him get him boys okay I got him wait I didn’t he didn’t die okay um I didn’t take follow okay sorry wait saf I didn’t know wait I didn’t know you stream wait I didn’t know sky was streaming wait a minute I got a notification he was streaming I

Didn’t know he was streaming hes wait wait okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry oh my God I’m sorry for screaming a lot I was very confused I didn’t know that sky was streaming hesu uh at the same time I was think was streaming as but okay cool um should we uh we should

Definitely like do something it’s called is this stream sniping am I stream sniping him when I’m when I’m streaming wait I think I’m stream sniping everyone um I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t even know I’m stream sniping but apparently I’m stream sniping what oh oh

I almost I don’t know I can do this so long I have like a worst time oh I have five um level five why are you targeting I didn’t know I I I was just I was just punching you but I didn’t Target you I swear all

Right so you have like fa you can do builds uh we have Sumo notable I was playing around with uh if you go here wait training and you do aim practice I’m I’m sure this is I this is one of my favorites like you can how you start it

Is to basically Crouch you crouch and you can you can decide a lot of things you can just basically like do this here boom boom so I I I I this is great practice I love this practicing because this is really like make you trying to

Think uh I can even I can change like the duration of how long I would want the training to be and also if I would want to like I can I can change even the sound like I I put I love this so much I haven’t taste I haven’t tasted all I

Have B you and the B I think but not not Crystal I would like to test it out actually wait and then afterwards duration I had I played around with 10 seconds and 15 seconds yesterday but I’m thinking we’re going to take like I don’t know maybe a minute just to like

See how how many we can get right and how to start it again we just Crouch like I don’t know I just like how how how we do with this basically boom boom should I buy like a rank or something here I I don’t know really I

Was think to buy a r for for Hive that would be very useful as sometimes a stream hive but very very rare why this music making me sleepy I don’t know but everyone I wish you having a wonderful day too Al is anonymous or F show how’s it

Going I don’t know I I played this a bit and I was like I want to stream a little bit I don’t I I was just I just want to stream and the funny thing is um Sky he streaming at the same time I didn’t let

Me know he was streaming in the same time I’m I’m being completely honest I had no idea I didn’t see that he was streaming but I didn’t know he was streaming here so uh but I really like the aim practice here and the FFA how the block how smooth the server is is

Really I I appreciate it a lot definitely used to server I’ve been playing around with my friends with and also used to Ser I used I don’t know I used to like oh I got S I missed six oh I missed six of them oh that’s that’s

Interesting I uh by the way how’s your day uh so I what are you doing so what I’m doing right now is I’m in his.org and basically just testing out aim system so if you for example like you can change u sound duration but I would

Just want to I can show you real quick 10 seconds this is how you can practice your aim really quick here in mro I I really enjoy it like look boom boom of course you can do it even faster I’m us being very very careful uh I don’t know

How in know if that worked but apply like I didn’t I don’t move that one I’m missing some I got I got four misses ah so it’s like think about like having sea in the same time that not wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait Arch just having like an

Oo don’t that please I didn’t even know oh my day track that’s a cool name GG I I I have really uh I have really really like I don’t really know how the advertisement system works here so I’m like being very quiet quiet I’m like I’m not here I’m not

Streaming I can’t say what I’m doing all right I don’t think saf knows I I don’t know what you’re doing I have no idea I don’t know we can do like different things here but what I like most is build because then you get an access to the blocks and you can just

Mess around and yeah you can have really good like I that like like you survived I don’t like that I don’t like you Sur oh yeah us sword all right never mind on okay okay we can even do like uh like some some boxing matches should we like

Should we do them I don’t really know should I I don’t know wait Sky do you know like um how best battle Rush oh oh okay it’s like a lead board I didn’t know that uh I don’t know I don’t know if sky like he he advertise or he doesn’t adti I

Don’t know it’s so many people here just I’m saying I think they’re doing parties I’m a little bit confused kid selection wait uh build wait I can do like different wait I can oh oh okay this changed my view uh I would want to have my kit like this because I’m

More used to it if it makes sense yeah I’m more used to having like this and just pass it here I want to click on Save boom and then when I access this I want to test it out I never done that before but oh my God it work no way I

Wish cuer had that I so much wish that cuer had a feature imagine having that all my days it would be so cool I honestly it would be really really cool oh my this uh I’m not get getting better though yo mixup how’s it going War uh

I’m just testing out um this beautiful Ser here oh demon is there should I should should I should I beat up be demon I’m just I’m going just going thing demon want to one one combo or or fist I don’t know I actually don’t know I’m typing too fast to ride

But yeah W has it with you man oh my is wait how do you um how I don’t I don’t I don’t know how to um how to like is it like SL du and then the name I never done this before so let’s see if I can do This and then I then I want to do Sumo wait no boxing boxing is better we do boxing all right I agree yeah but I did see a lot of hackers in this game wait I can move on oh I can Al Listen in.org by the way everyone I slept so many

Hours today I slept like I slept like 12 hours or something I was sleeping at like 6 a.m. and I basically um yeah I I don’t know and then I slept like 12 I continued to sleep like p.m. something there like 6: and 40 p.m. yeah I’ve been

Sleeping good lately wa I today that today is the only day I slept good uh for like a long time oh no no this mad man is H is’s catching up we don’t like that we don’t like that we don’t like that we don’t like

That oh my God my fingers are like I don’t know I took like 13 or 14 hours for like was it 2 days ago or something and I played with a lot of my friends in FFA I played so much FFA on CU it’s crazy might want to concentrate a little bit I

Like to commentate when I play but I often uh I I lose my focus real quick when I’m comment but yeah let’s see what we can do here but everyone I wish you were having a wonderful day today I did see some people having a media rank or

Something like that wait D I’m just going to move away so we don’t need to be near the wall we don’t like the walls you like I lag oh my rival ping is too high P Jesus it could be demon for me for me I’m pretty chill oh demon

Demon look some on here yeah oh level six oh uh but I’m trying to install Linux put on very old laptop I got you it must been a long day yesterday anyway have you you been doing I don’t know what what what you doing do you what I’m

Doing at the same time as this wait wait what wait oh do uh we can do another dual I don’t really mind wait I need to do dual accept and then I need to like do in Demon or something there I’m just need to have

Your name because I get I don’t know I I don’t know I’ve been I’ve been joking around when I’m playing play CC with the demon uh they’re like elino do all my days do L I can’t even spell that this is pretty recorded oh my God everyone do

You know I I I found a celebrity in FFA H was it like two days ago or something and I’m I’m I’m just saying that you really said that on stream are you I didn’t know I did but I I for a celebrity in in

FFA uh and uh and uh yeah and uh the person is really cool it’s named duck bread I’m not kidding they were really cool and uh yeah it actually made me so happy I was naked and playing around with some some of my friends and he’s casually seeing uh duck of bread he

Casual there I was like hey I know this guy I don’t usually say a lot of my friends in FFA when I’m next and especially what I didn’t uh yeah what is oh my God oh my God I might join in like 30 minutes all right oh yeah the more

People we Hammer the more people I would want to do well I usually don’t do du on my streams but as this is like a very uh interesting uh interesting stream I’m I’m I’m I would love to like actually uh see what we can do here this means you can beat me

Up demon demon where are you my music is St when I walk wait what Happ with my Fireball what happened with my Fireball where is demon demon oh I was about to jump off Demon’s over there no go away go away oh oh no U that was a port of the plan that

Was a port of the plan um that was not Port of the plan Oh my Jesus wait I got another kill how do I get kills I don’t know how that does not make sense wait wait should I I don’t know I did see some people with media ranks so

Yes yesterday me and Sky we were in stream and they were really really cool was friend to Sky they were an admin or or admin or a management uh and honestly that the guy seems very very sh and there were one person with media rank should I apply for media rank I don’t

Really know but I do like the concept of this practice server it’s really like making it more funnier uh like similar to Sea a lot of actually sea oh my is elino no go away he she got me oh this I can’t believe that uh should I cover my

Egg I don’t know my coughing has not been very very great well not should should should I I mean I mean I mean I don’t really know I never really this this is the first stream stream on this but media rank on on a practice would be so cool to be

Honest go away demon monkey monkey I I’m I’m I’m screaming like a monkey okay I got him I got him I us was about to fall we what oh my God sorry I’m screaming like a crazy person here AR shoting want to do a fireball I don’t know if if I’m going to

Cry about that go away wait wait wait oh oh wait how no way that was sick I didn’t okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to go here can protect his uh no oh wait I don’t have more I don’t have any more Fireballs oh that was painful I usually

I don’t I don’t know wait where’s my blocks what okay okay okay okay I need to stop I need to stop I I need stop I I am dying like crazy right now I I need stop I didn’t stop um okay we doing this here so this

Don’t switch over to um to Fireball right I need to tell myself that my God oh my God oh no get him get him Fireball okay didn’t get him but go away go away go away go away wait what oh no okay I I got him I should should have

Fireball fight I definitely ain’t 7on leaderboard you’re 7on leaderboard Jesus hard if not like we we can get like a lot of easy leaderboards if you y in and you actually going grind it having L I’m lerb cuc but leaderboard here I feel like that would be

Cool oh they have my space b and finally working again oh my this that is good I heard space board is really good wasn’t that a perfect shot that that was that was really away got him soup and Fireball I AR we should definitely do soup all right we should

We should definitely do soup uh sorry demon it’s cold I killed you I don’t I don’t have anything wait oh I don’t I don’t have anything I don’t have any blocks I don’t have a fireball is is it’s painful life is strange you know um Stone there we

Go I’m I’m second on soup nearly first oh my tast hard Jesus I should I should should I should I should we just turn the stream to like me just grinding for a leaderboard should I should I do that like I’m just wondering like I think I think that would be really cool

I don’t I don’t really know um if it’s going to be good or bad because I don’t even know what what leaderboard to go for but honestly like one leaderboard I’m just getting going I feel like uh it would be cool or someone else would just grind me instead like that could

Happen I think demon is flying around like oh Oh my is oh wait what how did you how did you so fast just spawn back it’s insane oh oh oh yo yo no no whoa no go away oh it’s otic on the server uh I don’t really know what that is for for a sorry you wa oops going to go hey

Say we work in like 10 minutes oh okay I demon that’s really fun all right let’s go arch really want to do uh oh everyone disappeared toasted by leap Yeah question mark here Fireball fight oh wait I promised Arch that would be really fun though but I promis my friend Arch to uh

Do Arch to make maybe maybe in a bit all right wait I don’t wait play is not pH where’s Arch Arch wait Arch she just poed I I stream snipe you sometime oh you do no way oh my days I didn’t know you stream snipe uh I am

Mode I I am mode congrats on 2K body hey B one thanks so much um you hacker say me once I did maybe I did I’m sorry man if I accidentally did or when I did is that Ry no way is that Ry it is Ry how uh

Yeah um but yeah I apologize so much there I but wait I didn’t V AR that’s not as done a CL that one6 make on your stream all right I I’m sorry I you know I stream so much so I don’t remember uh actually but but hey okay I’m sorry uh

If I banned you or or something like that I I really wish you like you can make an appeal I really sorry for it right that was it’s nothing personal uh ar ar what was that that was painful but yeah yeah just so you know it’s never something personal I would

Never do something personal all right what we doing what we doing what we doing when she’s distracted we should we should definitely take the opportunity uh oh no that is painful oh yo Max Lord MC how’s it going with you Max Lord I wish you’re having a wonderful day

Today you’re so bad no don’t say that that’s not that’s not not nice but yeah everyone show I’m a wonderful day today I don’t know really what we doing here but except for I’m just playing this beautiful I I I I really like this

Server I I play a lot of C of course I’m a C Mod but Jesus no orange no go away okay good see all wait oh no I have a hole here I need more U no more Stone but yeah yeah but you know changing from Q to this is very

Interesting I need to see if I can get media I don’t really know what the requirements are but that would be so godd dang funny and I’m going to die oh this is going to be painful but yeah yeah uh Max Lord I’m doing perfectly nice today and Mar just

Died that was perfectly uh for her not for me not for me nub nub nub nub uh not for me it was not perfect it’s not perfect not perfect at all okay go away Arch go away go away I got you go away no you punch that away that is oh

Oh no okay um GG that that that just happen wait I want to see the later board uh I wish they were like a leaderboard feature wa toasted by leap is on leaderboard here Jesus that’s sick best HQ best of I want to see your build like is it like a build

One best soup wait arches in the second Oh my days is that wins or is that points or experience I’m just wondering uh best rush so far so far yeah do SL leaderboard oh my God thank you so much that was very sish of me leader board leader

Board board I can’t spell leaderboard wow leaderboard oh wait someone want to see boxing dang is that like kills is that um not kills I’m just wondering um should we do like uh where is so wait wait so build is not here so this basically we can do

It by doing this here all right I would love to do soup to be honest should we do use Q into soup and see if someone actually would want to do it wait no wait they has B never can some can someone please sple with me

Please okay sky seem to be uh seem to be U doing it I don’t know who we playing against but wait we playing against Arch oh my this no way no way I I I don’t wait it’s one instead of I think SE it’s like two layers here and it’s the same

Feature we have only one okay we need to think more strategically I like that I like that feeling this is going to take probably like a very long time but I’m a little bit unsure I just wanted to do like sple I I love SPL some

Joining uh SE used to do spli he chilling oh my wait she is she is she is she’s no one heard what I’m said I’m poofing that stream wait what I’m so confused really what what what happened here but can you only host Su events wait how

Do you host Su Mo events like oh imagine if you can punch them off like imagine you can punch a person off in here there would be changing Pro like imagine if you could com like you punch them and then you like used snowball basically oh my God no that was painful

It what’s painful James games oh that’s a cool name I think I did see a little on somewhere are you still mobile wait are there SPL F board I hope there are any split F boards here it would be so cool I didn’t Shake Though is it like winds or is it kills or is it time they’re they’re counting I I don’t know actually oh I got him I got her I got her GG I I think she kind of gave it I’m just going to check wait split wait they don’t have split oh okay

Wait GG’s uh I’m going to see if or want to do like Auto maybe she want to do like duel um I’m like I’m go should we do boxing and then you do soup right I feel like if we do boxing and then we then Arch can show that she’s a leaderboard You’re dashing no way it’s Dash how’s it going Dash I slept like the whole day today uh and we playing on H right now how’s it going my friend you’re that actually really cool by the way I should every you should definitely join discord.gg here so I should just I

Need to fix something real quick uh there we go thank you so much thank you so much thank you where’s bamboo no way I want that I want the bumo I want the Bumbo actually that would be cool oh okay I mean I do like the sword

But the sword is not really wait is it like pixel AR in the background okay okay I need to wait is it power wait a minute is it power puff power no I get distracted or she’s trying she’s she’s like about to toss me and I’m getting

Distracted by the background I need to like like I need to step up my game here like okay I’m just going around I’m a little bit not too used to the combat uh system here so but so far I really like it oh okay I think this is my fifth combo uh

Like session you go up to 100 I don’t know if they have like 200 but it would be so sick I’m going to check the chat in a bit I I I don’t I don’t know if someone have written but if you have I I

I I I really wish I could check the sh in same time I’m fighting it’s that’s not really how my eyes works I I need I need my two eyes on like imagine like I can have one eye fighting and one ey used reading I’m so glad you slept oh my

God thank you so much I I don’t know but but yeah I I I did sleep and I promised you I would sleep Das so I slept I slept really good actually um snowman so oh wait wait wait uh I promised Arch to do where is soup where is soup you know

My friend she usually uh we’re like back classmates she um oh my God Peach that name is so cool I’m not kidding Peach full like instead of peaceful and Peach I like it oh my this yeah yeah someone getting coughed here so what we do what what happened uh I I

Should be checking the chat but yeah would you play on C I don’t really know uh uh thank you so much Sky uh uh you didn’t need to uh donate that was really nice of you uh um I’m going to HT it hero good night Arch I don’t feel so

Well right now I’m going to I’m going to be FK on the realm I don’t know yet why all right uh thank you so much Sky again if you want a refund just let me know and I will be happily giving you that wait should we do soup or oh yeah we do

Soup fight it’s going to take forever but we like we like things taking forever oh Oh my Jesus that was the notification that was the notification Oh my Jesus oh I think I threw it away do like the combat system like how how the combat and how smooth everything

Is is very I like that what I’ve seen a lot of servers is that it usually usually I feel like the system is not the smooth and so I really like it up if you can uh DM later up to you I I haven’t checked really Discord except

For I have seen a lot of people D me and I will be looking over it is that par plaus Well Bar the pl that’s what I don’t really recall all the all the lines but shcking I have been I watched every pH of episode and every movie that they ever have created

I’m sorry I sorry I got distracted I got distracted everyone I got distracted if you’re seeing like the feet and the Beautiful hat of a beautiful uh oh media oh my is here is vult V that’s that’s a really cool name I have no IDE but I’m just I’m just

Saying it is cool name I like it I like it a lot Yeah o it’s really used to getting comos if you just know how to do it I’m I’m a terrible fighter myself so I don’t really know you should definitely not take any advice from me especially not off 5:00 a.m. I I’m just saying that 500

A.m. for my time no you should not take any advice from me definitely my friends and uh yeah people that really know me you do you know how uh quirky I will be at night at least for me afternoon for you guys some of you at least that was brutal all right I

Should was the second one that’s the thing if I just turn a little bit quiet then we have it uh I everyone I’m going to check this stream chat in a bit oh I fig it’s see demon there I think AR just letting me having all the combos to be honest right

Now I don’t need to I don’t need to have the soup going I don’t need soup I used to need my E I need my confidence I need my confidence my fingers is hurting like I don’t know it’s because like I don’t know I got him GG Arch GG oh my this

Turn uh W turn cool name oh my this that was a really cool name that was Jesus H S I tried to message you uh today but I figured you were as sleep oh yeah I I was sleeping I was sleeping I’m sorry if I didn’t see you your message

Here just me is important all right it’s why I deleted okay I got you uh per my platus uh were you in Germany uh I I I I don’t know um I just felt like you today I don’t know I actually don’t know vune how many steps do you got oh

My days oh my this almost 3K dang I wish I had a YouTube wait had sorry had all Right uh oh my is I guess everyone check out vult right CH nice oh my days someone hit 300 Subs that’s so cool I think I think I think I’m just going to queue into like normal uh should be like wait why you hi top fight stick fight P

SP can we do sp wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need to get out wait wait we should we should definitely do like uh we should do uh soup I want soup soup I want soup okay sorry I I I should not repeat soup every time I’m feeling

Quirky wait it’s 1111 for me right now Arch is spectating no no teon should we use Face Fight Shadow or should be uh fight but everyone if you would want to see more or if you would want me to have media rank I will see if I maybe can get

It I don’t know what the criteria is wait a minute I know that guy um I recogniz the name uh just yeah you can like and I will see what I can do Jesus demon is demon demon installed uh something he’s getting hit wait wait demon should I ask Sky to

Do like an L Nino montage I’m kidding kidding wait this reminds me of FFA you wait for media you need 500 for media you need 1K oh wait so I can apply wait where do I apply wait AR thank you no way I didn’t I didn’t

Know should I wait I should apply them probably oh accidentally drank it no I don’t I didn’t need it I didn’t need it oo I don’t like that I should be joining the Discord uh Discord server and probably get media oh you wait I don’t wait something happened

With my stream oh oh I hope wait what happened something happened with my phone what happened I can’t believe it phone you good did you die no way I can’t believe it my phone is dead my baby is dead my cursed little baby is

Dead I don’t know oh my I’m just very H oh wait was what was there fum futurum oh I see oh my this by the way I I don’t know I told you this but I kind of broke my my mouse uh so my mouse I have peeled off

Like the plastic on the left click as I’ve been clicking so much with it and I kind of have like peeled off the plastic thing this is this is hard plastic that’s like supposed to I think protect I’m trying to check in the same time trying to fight demon I don’t know why

I’m doing that some Jerry I don’t know maybe maybe I just I don’t know really what the requirements are except for hav that toasted by Tom oh my it is toasted can’t wait I need to say toasted by a to cool name that’s a really cool name I had never

Heard some of the names I don’t know if I pinged them or if I didn’t but toasted by ad wait I’m so confused toasted by to I love wall I hate walls me and Demon had like a very extremely nice conversation was it yesterday demon about walls and you know

Like I had this hate and love relationship like I love them I hate them and it just now I’m showing like how how much I really just hatte it but yeah oh no got didn’t even with about I’m going to check your new Montage later oh people do

Montage I probably need to read the rules better um wa like for like advertisement so I don’t accidentally do something wrong I don’t like that to doing something wrong when I yeah I think this e you p uh it’s very good against demon no here a montage here’s a mon

Should be I don’t know I’m seeing a very great future with this server I’m just saying that this server uh you should definitely get on join the Disco server and just see what is this I haven’t joined the Disco server but bet is the are really really good I bet it

Is uh all right over there oh what is I was doing moderation yesterday I was I was interesting um FFA I was so funny so I was P Fighting by by some of my friends Cube C and I was really interesting you epic yo how’s

It going epic I I need to yes go away demon I don’t like the wall get rid of the wall I don’t like the Wall go away from the wall you’re eating a lot of mushroom son should I should I’m going to move away from the wall actually I don’t like the

Wall I thought it was sea all right but this is uh hair of.org first this is the first time I stream it I usually stream qcraft or other things Jesus uh but so far I really like it oh my this we playing what what we playing this that

We’re not supposed to do we supposed to kill each other no I don’t like the Wall go away or I will stab you to death instead all right demon you have a choice we fight in the middle like so normal normal human beings or I kill you with the sword if you go

There okay we do it in the middle all right good I don’t like walls I don’t like walls that’s why I’m living I’m playing this by the way outside of my uh outside in the forest wait wait wait demon what we do what we don’t do okay what what we do

Like we can use one mushroom soup and then after that we need to actually finish the game all right all right from now from now one on gu good hello I have to go already but I still wanted to join and say hello all right I got

You all right you ready you have only one mushroom stew all right only one mushroom to and then yeah okay should I ask if advertisements of servers or or no servers I mean um like yeah I should I should just ask uh the corer real quick if you’re still

There after this fight all right so we have one one more mushrooms open then after that we will be wait all right he cracked one of them he cracked one of them he you can’t use another one demon orever kill you use them that’s okay okay okay he’s using them

Anyway you using so many of them how many are you using how many do you have left I’m so confused how it good with you man oh my I should add a c picture actually by the way if you like most you you like light like H we get more cat

I have really oh some of them air generator that I got they’re so cool imagine if they would have like added like the armor could break that would be interesting oh are you in a doing a sword all right I’ll run don’t run you don’t need

To run this is this is interesting you’re doing good hey great all my is I was checking what is what is no we don’t like that I don’t like that you shouldn’t do that oh okay GG no that wasn’t easy we we said one soup and you you like choked like

20 but yeah g it was fun oh I still have to send some cat pictures to you in this oh my God thank you m I would I would love that I know everyone this server seems very different and I know a lot of people uh may be like why you’re not

Streaming c c we don’t kind of like you streaming on the service it just I want to check it out and you know all right it seem like we we might have a hacker here uh I think Annie is a hacker by the way he Gojo what’s it going I I don’t really

Know I don’t know I just recognize the name from qcraft uh I’m a moderator I’m just I’m just saying I don’t say the person is a hiker I just say I recognize the name and it’s a similar name but but hey I’m not mod here so I don’t really

Mind uh yeah yo my God goio how’s it going that’s a cool name uh by the way how’s it going goo I send you some now and maybe some later thank you much play Minecraft uh good I play Minecraft you have to put code Miss mcraft uh mesc I

Never seen that before wait what what is mcraft people at let me ask should I like wait is people still here wait rich is here I I want to do like uh oh I don’t want to do that uh should we kill I don’t know should we just like beat people up oh

You’re using a lot of Swords here oh my guys website you can PVP oh I I didn’t wait you can like it’s like a website where you can PVP oh I’m stuck in a cob got him oh I die that way but I got him all

Right wait it’s a green name uh wait it’s The that’s a cool name color I don’t really know I remember I’ve seen it but I don’t remember what like what it is oh wait the green is vulture all right we got that got him hey demon no go away demon

Um yeah you should probably run you should you should run from me you should run oh you hi oh my this this monkey is brutal this monkey is brutal okay I thought we could be friender but no we couldn’t what is ooh I got demon I didn’t wait I didn’t get demon oh

Okay there’s tiny things like this that I really like I really Yoy wait who’s this oh wait it’s oh okay oh wait I oh no I I didn’t even know wait Ares there uh and yeah I sayen hi to my friends just killing them uh ooh ooh I don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t like that Imagine if you have like a bow here that would be interesting got him I didn’t kill him though because he’s such a pro okay okay that’s never mind I got punched out I don’t know some people were talking about stats can I like SL stats stats yeah wait I can

Ooh wait you can get tokens total play time is 2 hours in here I kill streak oh 41 deaths oh my this this is interesting I never seen this before lell stats so is this like how many like uh how many Kill no it can’t be kill so

Like you’re get experience but I don’t really know how you get experience on the side I have to send them later all my pictures vids are deleted or put on my PC see all right I got you my friend you you do that right you don’t need to

Stretch yourself but everyone if you would like would like you can you can like but you don’t need To oh wait is this Theon wait I’ll go away purple man okay there we go did I get you I wait I didn’t kill you oh oh I don’t like That got him oh no that was painful get go see I see you the Minecraft see around my friend okay we should definitely go over here oh oh okay is it toasted it is I no qu with you said we’re going to ban you for at the end of the huh I’m so

Confused I think I killed the toasted uh the green one oh I almost G him ah when is I miss one person uh but I don’t I don’t know if oh I was about to say the name Jus da should probably is is say okay good good good you already gave Yer

I’m so confused wait the monkey is here what is monkey is almost every time I feel like what was that oh there a rim sneaky yo I’m just trying to cell brid oh wait can I do like two uh stead by Tom what is the rules rules for like adver advertisements of

Streams as I am streaming right now just want to know I just want to know it wait I need to show to message oh is it better I hope it is the yeah it’s but wait what is the server IP and portch the portch is the same and the

Server IP uh seemed to be hu. org it’s on the right side of the screen if you can see uh it’s uh it’s right right on right side little box thing there and I don’t know other person in that ticket where people do tickets uh I’m so confused with Sky though but I

Don’t know he was streaming before uh let’s see what we can do I’m going to go return to do like more building uh I personally like it’s so smooth out my I was about to fall I fall anyway all I was about to fall immediately Falls afterwards oh my God I can’t believe

That that was painful this brutal oh okay I can do anything oh he’s going to for me I can do the the blocks are there wait wait I can like practice more I was streaming not anymore I deleted oh wait do you want to wait you ding wait are you wait I’m are

You face what was that Noise H Um Everyone what’s happening I’m calling sky here my friend yo Sky wait yeah I think people can hear you hello everyone all right so we are we are currently live here Scar the crap out of me gave me the Christmas ringtone I was not ready for that I’m not going

To lie Christmas ringtone I W it is how no don’t just don’t I’m peaceful I’m peaceful but you don’t hit me oh never mind that didn’t help wait a minute Alber to your Goin that’s a that’s an interesting name uh I guys so wait I I I didn’t I

Didn’t know you were uh you were streaming uh uh wait M oh wa I I don’t wait I don’t I don’t know why I don’t know did you know that advertisement rules or something I don’t want to accidentally break anything oh is uh advertisement uh you

Need to get media first once you get media you can advertise all you want although seem like some people want people have media I AR media honestly honestly you can get the highest media Rank by 2x because media plus and it’s a th000 you can easily get it because it’s

2K yeah and media rank gets all rank oh God it’s fine hey yo how’s it going man I wish you having a good day today uh it’s just a hacker I’m just going to Na by the way H is still beat up be bugs yes inde captain

I’m justed uh I’m just I’m just checking right now it’s no work it’s just uh there’s some old Pals from Cube C that would say Su you Dem has a gold man wait pleas do on yeah wait I can go higher than that okay I’ll make it more fair it would be

Interest it would make it fair for you you not for me wait I have this whole space for myself this is this is actually pretty good like I’m not going to lie that let’s go up here God I got worried I thought he was saying he’s Banning me I was like huh no

He’s not Banning you he Banning I do I got I got worried yeah he’s Banning a random hacker wait a minute how the hell is Arch walking around walking maybe just walking around Arch died that interesting maybe a glitch I don’t know just playing around there this is so sh beating someone up

Yeah Arch how uh make it for fair are you e but man I’ve seen you by the way I think aren’t you in some other I don’t know I recognize your name I’m in na right now W oh my w here we take pepper oh oh my this wait

No I that didn’t mean that I didn’t mean that immedately to see warle and I react with fighting uh sorry just I don’t know it’s just beautiful just uh smooth wait I can continue though oh wait I’m going to go and quickly go down here and then I’m going to see how fast

I can like uh I don’t know I’m kind of happy about that because I don’t want to have to buy another freaking Elite rank for what I don’t want to have to buy another Elite rank I’m still waiting for R get hers all right wait is is Media better than Elite

Or I don’t really know what media has to offer Jesus oh my this I just like the block placement and everything it’s just so shill uh yeah we should definitely just um this fight hey don’t do it do not no no no no do not she’s going to buy Elite

Rank again damn it don’t don’t buy it again just wait it out all right trust me I I did that before uh I I bought like I bought like a was game pass on the game or something where the hell she go where she go no no I know I know I

Know I know I know she why already gone Dam no don’t you dare you should just walk off into vo this next event oh wait Dam just di join up S join up wait do Event Event wait I can do that I need to be in spawned there wait which

One at tournament co gladi wait wa I’m not in the same region by the way I just going to tell you that this Spen dog Spence dog no way no way this Dam event right now yeah no way this SP I need I’m going to need you I’m going need as much

Force as I can ritzy where the are you ritzy uh ritzy where the heck are you are you in any one or two uh I don’t I think it’s the last one I mean wait dual uh people SP dog seven oh my is could we

Like could we do boxing I’m going to I’m going to get toss though but yeah Dash by way s s I applied for Tik Tok rank Jesus that’s interesting I didn’t know wait wanted do Fireball uh I already um gave I kind of needed you into this dang event

Um um for what reason I kind of needed you uh I’m have to pay five ranks pay five ranks what did you tell me soon I’m going to have to give five ranks up stand still oh okay sorry oh my God soulman oh my God hello has everyone you didn’t hear anything you

Didn’t you didn’t hear anything did no one did no one did hear that I didn’t do that sky is just shocked I didn’t do that what happened he didn’t even hear it oh my is he didn’t even hear it this is good this is this is this is what we

This is what we like is what you said I just didn’t really care I don’t like myself right now H follow us on Twitter H yo hi hi hi everyone also will you be in CC soon uh right now I’m going to stream this because uh this is the first everyone if

You haven’t already if you want to see more or if you want to see me test more random stuff just Minecraft general or or servers be my guest and if you would want to you can also like T torur you can you a disc server down below if you

Would like to don’t freaking event this is so torturous torturous do SL spectate spectate I don’t know I want to cry welcome to my now I’m kidding my finger hurts so much get off get off get off imagine you’re a boy not a girl wait I I didn’t

Know that oh thank you soulman I’m I’m sorry I didn’t know Jesus bro I hear that oh my God uh I mean I could actually just disable the shat to be honest I could do that but I’m too lazy to do that wait how actually I just

Wondering I know they can see uh that I’m trying like doing it I usually don’t do it but I could do it but I don’t really do I really care or do I not care nah they used uh they used random hackers they nothing all right let’s

See chess loot wait is you can you can practice chess looting I’m going to test that out actually actually need to crouch wait we just like some kind of map here all right oh wait this is actually wait oh this is useful this is useful 12 seconds wait we can do it even

Even faster actually I’m going to try and actually aim a little more I did this in Skywars and the practice really paid off a little bit better I tried to do 78 78 we Tred to do for 78 I guess guy I’m just wondering all right if I would stream 48 Hours what

What what do you think would happen I’m sorry what I zoned out what oh yeah accidentally started I I not heard a the entire time I’ve been silent I’ve straight up not heard a single word any of y’all any that you have said dang entire time I’ve been quiet I’ve have

Not heard a single word um there we go try to do for 78 wait try to do for 78 wait I can try it um 4 78 there we go wait it’s like it’s like around there we go 78 hey there we go I don’t this is I usually I a

Beautiful Skies going but like that’s what I I don’t really know I do it sometimes I definitely don’t do it at all it’s like because of the resource you didn’t win uh what is it I don’t even know wait do how TB even enabl uh there we

Go wait a minute yo Jo has a back best server I agree wait you toasted yo toasted you’re cool how’s your there by the way um how you Ser thinking about it camera Sensitivity I like camera sensitivity is 100 I think I’m going to turn it down to just

90 around there and then I I don’t know this is my B basically like this is what I have unassigned menu I think that’s I don’t think that’s um audio I don’t know I usually don’t have any music on because I my own music but

Yeah here build wait we do build we do battle rush we can do battle rush I don’t mind dual except uh I don’t remember your whole name and it’s really wait do I wait do I actually do it no wait I can’t do it because I’m in a training game wait I

Just want to do this one time one more time yo everyone that joined I’m just saying hi uh we doing 4 78 right now yo that was felt like quicker actually felt like quicker was purple one uh I’m going to go and quickly get myself right up

Here should we just like just do this here oh oh oh oh oh looks like look at this look at this look it just worked oh no so this is 478 this is interesting I usually don’t have this for by the time of here I will be scoring

Bo all right I S out again what the heck happen I don’t know man you sound like me when I haven’t slept for like two days oh I feel like it trust me well uh Sky how was your day today exhausting exhausting guard I don’t I just sleep oh I’m going

Go all right man no demon go away I think you got it I think he got it Tom real quick hang on he didn’t get it yeah I’m g go harass toasted by Tom well what have to what have uh Tom done he existed that’s what he did he

Existed all right wait so what we doing here oh where is your stream of his that he said he has where is it wait he’s streaming oh that’s cool no go away go away go away go away go away I don’t I don’t like that I don’t

Like dispenser I don’t like dispenser oh you killed me Jesus it’s like a free second delay there ooh I wish I had like um wait we should probably switch and you do this here okay they he will get mine all right that’s completely fine for

Me and then I will be you doing this get rid of there bed and now we are SC yourself up here don’t worry about it okay hello hi how’s it going we waving with swords I see wait do you you don’t have enough blocks you don’t have enough

Blocks uh I want to play with you tomorrow on the server please I don’t really know what I will do tomorrow tomorrow is another day but I don’t really know if I like this sper to be honest like I don’t I don’t know don’t mind that got him GG Spencer

GG I’m also I know I’m not an NA in there I think 81 will be good so wait so I should probably like do 81 well people I’m about to drop something on a Tom what wait you going to donate wait I need to check if his what’s your his YouTube channel has

New cpses is YouTube I want to shake it out oh oh oh oh stff oh do I not regret anything I’m about to do I’m just laughing already oh my God you are streaming streaming two I would like I would like the stream and I’m going to subscribe everyone you

Should definitely search up ha of clips and then you can subscribe and check it out this sky is going to do a massive uh I don’t know what you will do but oh yeah no no it’s GNA be a big one oh it’s it’s GNA be a big one

Um and you you have it enabled he have it enabled you can do it he’s about to regret it let’s just drop a few uh let’s just drop a few 50 few 50 right I want to shake it out I totally forgot that I myself was streaming um I should I should probably

Uh wait what what server uh every I switch into nor America again na I have zero fuding regrets let’s go oh my you censor that that’s insane oh we go man oh RX pick Rex Pi Cool Pam cool name for this reaction I’m watch I’m listening to it yeah one I was like I don’t think you all about is I’m hearing myself I don’t like that I don’t like that I don’t like that it’s done it’s done it’s done it’s I I want to see

It I want to see it it’s done it’s done I’m just saying that you should he should check his own stream yeah all right what are we doing I think I’m going to do little bit I’m going go Arsenal in world all right everyone I’m just uh oh that was not

Good um Sky when is when is the notification going I don’t hear it I’m getting panicked fine I’ll do it the other way then fine dang he will wake up and have a lot of money later I can’t believe it he doesn’t have it

Enabled oh no no no test me I’ll make it I’ll make it show one sec imagine if he works though that would be sick add a gift add add a gift one second let me just add this real quick people I killed two people in the same

Time that was interesting you sponsor by the way sorry I I want to place some build ooh I’ll make it I’ll make it show okay I make it show oh it is oh D I’m just seeing someone just fighting oh hello lady sorry you um you kill me there I hope no one clipped that that was a Oh I regret my ex existence right now no regret I regret my existence wait is he hearing the is he hearing the reaction or oh did they react no I I don’t know I I I haven’t heard think but prob be sick

Though got him just just pinged them your W was there no way got I got waffle no I didn’t get him I didn’t get him Jesus waffle you’re really uh I’ll do yourself this is this is good for you I almost I almost got you there nice that was I don’t

Know I’m going to check on the Tom stream there what is Tom doing did I donate yeah yeah what what is Tom doing I’m I’m just wondering oh my God wait wait wait wait wait I think he’s saying something he’s saying something man he’s I think he’s saying

Something I’m a little bit confused but I don’t first two almost Jesus okay oh my days resolution that’s a cool name I do like that oh my God it he said thank you hey Sky the reaction is just Flawless get him boys okay sorry I I died

Anyway I really wanted to kill him though oh spun Sho Su SP oh you’re sending through the floor I don’t like that Tom all right by the way nice stream s keep going and see I see you s man how’s it going how’s it going I I really wish you you’re doing good

Good all right now want check too much of the stream there I like I’m I’m checking his stream more than checking my own stream I’m going to stop it but just really really funny so that to seem to be a corer that’s really interesting indeed he seemed honestly like a nice

Guy oh I did not glitch through that I thought he actually kind of dead but he didn’t Bo I’m in the game there there we go but we continue to practice everyone because that’s what we do this what we doing today wait how late is it for me oh it’s like

Soon Friday I promised myself I would eat some chocolate when it’s Friday so I actually have a sh already prepared so I’m thinking that I will be cloudly eating that oh wa Spencer oh my this oh my God oh my God oh I I can’t okay Spence

I I just I just witnessed that yo ice briging on top wait wait wait we should um we should uh we should F fight oh wait oh we survived I got I got you no way I I thought if I time it correctly I I can get that and now he dead

Jesus no regrets oh it’s a sword we don’t like swords we don’t like swords we don’t like swords oh I did not have time to land the P pal pal man if it was I don’t know how much should donated but if if you donate that

I would probably shave my beard no beard I mean hair what say beard for be so weird I’m kidding I’m kidding no I accidentally said wrong hello Spencer oo no no I I didn’t die I didn’t die though I didn’t die uh never mind I I kind of died there oh

Wait oh that was not quick enough that was mute real quick sa all right all right Captain you you do that Spencer Spencer come here come here I got him I got him I got I like I honestly I I have like almost have this feeling that would I

Would love to join back to my disco server and like oh wait I I think I need to sort that out at least wait could I possibly just sort like wait wait wait can I sort out uh wait wait wait I think I think it’s easier if I would do wait wait we

Do build and then I would probably changed position of the things here yeah I think I think that’s it’s much better sort of my cough there hello everyone how’s it going today we shelling on h.org I’m thinking about playing for media rank here as it seems

Very fun at least for a practice over maybe I don’t stream this a lot in the future but at least I would love to um Everybody skying call he I don’t know he he don’t it again no o go away demon I’m not used with

This fall here so this is uh I I kind of like the feeling no spener oh I got it no I didn’t get it we thinking about the same thing oh I don’t I don’t have any CS I thought I had had some pearls here but I did not have any pearls

Okay I accidentally used used that yeah that was painful no that was painful got him I got oh wait I got B on him at the same time wa I got level S I did not know okay I don’t know wait he just uh got him got him got him got him got

Him got him uh that is not good should we used to like should we do du we should definitely rank du I I don’t know uh we should do soup wait would someone want to do soup we I na I’m going to drink some more for my it’s like strawberry

All right right let’s see what we can do ladies and Gentlemen let’s see what we can do by way if you haven’t already go join on disc server smack the like but and if you haven’t you can subscribe you don’t need to it’s just there hello divon come here

Wait I can’t I can’t switch over what was that that was painful for some reason my oh taking off my my armor got him oh my is that was that was intense unranked I don’t I don’t like it I don’t like do ranks but I like ranked one

Maybe we can do more uh By Us r no not ranked I don’t know uh is it like experience gained maybe if it’s if it’s uh if it makes sense that like lead board wait I I spell little board wrong lit board imagine uh imagine not be able to do

Oh it’s demon again hello demon no I was just thinking imagine I don’t I had like when I play This Server I feel like I would want to be in a voice chat just play with like people if it makes sense that would be cool probably hit some YouTu friends up

Oh okay so far so good so far so good oh he’s eating his uh I’m clicking the wrong ones every time got him okay GG demon all right so what I was thinking about doing was leader bird and then um super so I think it’s because I think

Experience is the way they’re counting this I think I don’t know I think sky is still in cold but he’s muted um there we go all right thanks want to do a bit of dueling uh yeah I’m doing soup dueling right now um because I want to

Really I don’t know I feel I think you’re counting the experience uh soor I was I was writing to to some people I don’t know now build head you is really interesting but I think I prefer to do more here but yeah yeah so I’m doing I’m doing uh

Mushroom mushroom mushroom I usually don’t but you’re silent doesn’t going silent we are uh practicing on this here how are you doing St I’m doing good uh the cough is still with me and I have I’m waiting to turn to Friday I think it’s Friday

Already but oh no Spencer got me I can’t do anything I’m dead I’m dead I can do anything wait wait what is top fight nice one nice oh my this I can’t one 5 five7 there hey I can I can now your name just just without thinking but how

How you doing today silent and everyone else how you doing today top fight what is this is I don’t really know I think we just going to stab really oh I don’t really know I what I I’m I’m confused so it’s like you get points by killing the people all right that makes

Sense just I I didn’t know I thought it was like maybe you need to score or maybe like I don’t know I don’t know what has but today is my brother’s birthday oh my days can you say happy birthday happy birthday for me I don’t

Know you don’t need to say but I really wish she having a wonderful day today I have a bed here wait wait demon can you break my bed wait can you can you break it well you can’t oh wait oh that’s strange yo that’s weird I thought I could break

It all I I’ll need to check that in case put because there were a bed there I was like maybe you you were supposed to break it I don’t know so I can Jo I got you don’t worry don’t worry my friend top fighter seems really

Interesting I I I do like the concert up top fight so like like you you’re get to get up and then you place blocks used to stop the other person and then you could basically try to knock them off into the void or just casually Bight them like

This my P PVP is washed crit spam I don’t know I you I I don’t really think what I’m doing it’s more like I’m doing it uh if it makes sense oh you placed it at the same time Jesus now us something I dweled over

Time just playing a lot of FFA because I have like in C I’ve seen a lot of people doing the same thing so I was like he I’m going to test it out and then I used to like casually got it into my PVP style and I it’s know a lot of people

Don’t a lot of people don’t like it I’m sorry for that I don’t know a lot of FFA did it oh we finding up there there we go o ooh demon is Uh he’s always faster than me but I plac more hey I won Yoo dang I didn’t let me know I was just killing that was interesting let’s go and do some uh build maybe what you doing boxing wait wait wait wait we can do boxing we can do booking This Ss

Actually This Ss really fun uh du will accept for fair uh H I don’t I don’t recall the full name Ed okay 40 wait 20 I it was 20 oh I F about 21st wa Play No F wait did I Warfare oh wait can I like do it

Without this wait I can do it without that that’s that’s sick all right we doing boxing I think warle will be tossing me if I record correctly but is a yeah he will he will do it oh like still the skin is really cool like I really really yeah okay I’m sorry

I’m looking at more things that are not fighting oh I I don’t know what if F that I’m using right now is not usual f i using and it’s definitely making it harder to try to navigate as everything is just Z in much more that I’m used

To I should probably change it off off this uh uh game here ooh think I kind of make maybe have saved it I don’t know wait waffle is getting me waffle is getting me oh I don’t like the walls I don’t like the walls I don’t like the I don’t like the

Walls because people living in my walls wait a minute hasht I need help uh wait I didn’t is it doin Smo it is doin Smo imper PL us if you’re an old Watcher and you watched some of my streams and back in the day you probably remember the stream

Where I used repeatedly at sounded like Doin smoth was like two years ago or one year ago I don’t know really I I don’t remember should I maybe go for combo leader board I don’t know actually all right GG waffle oh my God it’s August no way dang August you have

SE like two okay that is very very interesting I think many have like I’m just going to like do a fast um before I do anything I’m just going to go and see wait streaming oh almost 2K yes indeed but August how are you doing today how was your day

Today all right I’m going to check how many points Mini have because I think Mini have like Mini have she is she have Mini have Mini have over 10,000 oh my God dang Min have over 10,000 she’s placed in six on the leaderboard a good what with you oh my

It makes me so happy to hear that you’re doing good I am doing fantastic myself meid fight oo I did not know I’m going to say wait Spong dog Spong dog I think I have you Spong dog yo let’s go she got a lot she got a

Lot I would say I was about to say quirky but uh I mean uh Carly oh didn’t I didn’t change my f oh she she got over 20,000 wait before I do anything can I just change my fold it’s very annoying um I think my fall was around

There or something there oh my days this is good should we just fight each other with like this or something wait oh yeah yeah we should all right I don’t like the wall I don’t like walls uh but I’m doing good myself uh uh streaming this uh I I’m saying I

Don’t know oh my Jesus I don’t like that you’re styling on me on stream wait a minute that’s a cool flag I don’t recall you know I remember back in the day in school and I remember all the flags that EU you um yeah I do remember that and the same

With contes I got I think I got every country right an examination I had back in when I was a kid I got an A on a on it Flags I remember there was some Flags too but I I went through every flag and every country I don’t remember all of

Them though so I don’t recall stuff it’s so annoying okay Spanish will definitely win this I I am very low I never played this one so I’m pretty happy that we can at least test it out I think the combo he got in in the beginning is that what’s going to get me

In the end because the combo was insane and style on me also oh wait look at this is this painful you just kill me I’m going to go run around and just kill me kill me kill me I want you to kill okay I great I was like I can’t stand this I

Have one heart oh wait all right oh my you got two I hit you one time you got two heads oh my Is ah dang I almost got you I don’t know how low he was but a that was that was fun oh my is G are we on the same level oh my is wait I need to I want to check my stats there we

Go I have some 100 kills oh my this I did not know session play time uh I don’t know if this is good or bad wait my kills highest kill this we is 12 okay I I didn’t know wait wait wait we should probably change the the

Region should we go back to North America uh we should definitely oh my God wait it’s Friday I can eat chocolate oh my God oh my God I have like four chocolate it’s like one uh dark chocolate and the white chocolate and like oh no I dropped one

Of the chocolates on the floor I dropped one of the chocolates on the floor what was that all right I I have like Mar caramel golden caramel chocolate or we have like milk chocolate there oh my God Minnie she almost got me uh like we were talking about chocolate

And she’s said I tested that maybe you should uh you should send it over and I was like yeah like if if I know your your your iPad and you know like everything I was thinking about sending over chocolate because me and many we were talking about it

But she was so sneaky she she wanted me to send it over so she can check what where the package wasone from I know it’s so sneaky she is so extremely sneaky my friend oh my God okay I need to like kill you to get a oh no I accidentally used that

Every stream you eat chocolate um majority of the times oh my God oh my God dash dash dash dash dash I I asked my sister and she uh oh my God she she had she bought I gave her like $20 to just buy stuff and she she took

$2 I like uh she could buy she bought myself bought me 10 drinks 10 Coca-Cola Banas or sugar I’m going to go and drop salt in that Oak smok salt is actually flakes oh my God so lovely and uh no ELO no elino stand still stand still oh my

God yeah I got it and I also have got chocolate um so I’m pretty happy I accidentally used that a waffle no waffle go away waffle okay dang I’m dying like crazy right now crazy am I crazy wait I don’t know actually man I don’t know if I am

Crazy I feel like someone is behind me no one is behind me demon you see demon going there in the background like oh I killed someone wa I think oh yeah I did I didn’t get him wait I clutched on his side of block how was that even possible oh

Media wait people nicked always seem like people know this community I I really this seems so friendly I quite enjoy this community so far yeah so what behind streams I will be uh see if I can join uh have a media thing going apparently I don’t really know but oh my

Is oh wait he jumped over it I don’t okay this is I can I can go in Forever this is so satisfying I’m just killing people I can I can do this forever I I I don’t know wait demon just left demon just what demon even do oh nice Pearl that

Was nice Pearl I I’m say oh no I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t do that I don’t know what a good set setting are on this server but I yeah which you can nias media that’s good to know that’s good to know can nickas online player go to

Profile setting gam play and enable Arena spawn so you wouldn’t respond back fight into it wait wait wait so go to profile thank you by the way profile we go to settings settings we go to game play and then Arena spawn will be enabled oh my God thank you oh my

Thank you uh waffle this is uh going to change I hope I hope can see the difference really quick you can leave I can Nick you Nick as you wait that is sick you can you can impersonate people then I like to impersonate people I’m joking by the way

I’m going to make that really quick uh really really clear wait what oh oh wait I I thought I I thought I I thought the blocks were the Pearl uh I thought the Pearl was the the blocks were pearls I got it no way oh dang good how are

You oh my days can you not capitalize or what I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m just reading by the way got him okay good I don’t know I don’t know this this server is like by the way can you pause for P for the floor with the Pearl to

Clutch oh yeah you can like you can use the Pearl to basically get yourself through the bits here and that’s how I did I thought I was dead for sure but I just clutched it I knew it I knew it I knew he was there ell no go don’t go away it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine okay there we go oh oh wait I did it no I didn’t that I did not do it thought I did it I I thought I clutched it but no I got one all right you just there um my green friend here is like kind of

Helping me never mind they’re not helping me this means you can you can train with your pal basically or your friends basically yeah like a lot and in the same time you can also like you can have a good time and also get experience for it wait ooh no I’m escaping I’m escaping

No I I got tapped o Green Man waful green man just St the kill I don’t I don’t though I don’t if I like that o waffle don’t waffle don’t wle oh no I accidentally threw the Pearl oh my is Minecraft Minecraft wait I I don’t know I’m like sometimes I

Switch over and sometimes I click but some it doesn’t doesn’t work I think I’m too too fast to just yeah I need to wait a little bit wait someone is believeing that someone is reaching that’s interesting it’s kind of kind of kind of chill to like play not Q Crow because I

Don’t need to do like moderation right now if it makes sense like the best thing everyone else is like taking care of it wait no it didn’t work H oh wait I I just seen a person punched him apparently I got him wait a minute that is oh that that person just C

Him I don’t know I feel like it’s pretty equal like I kill them they kill me it’s not like a huge difference and I kind of like that sorry people I’m just uh almost done don’t worry yo sky sky how’s it going man were you Shilling no w oh what is oh I

Got he Sonic how’s it going oh my Pearl doesn’t work sometimes I don’t like that it’s like I take it up but I I clutch on the stairs oh oh light Lord how’s it go man we do want to playing a little bit H here and I personally I I

Do enjoy this server it’s really cool how are you I’m doing good I’m doing good going to need some Chate later as it’s Friday for me and I’m in call with sky and sky is really cool Sky you’re like really cool wait a minute wait a

Minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a I think the music is turned on me the music just decided to be like an own uh it’s like beautiful Zelda music it is beautiful but it wasn’t the music I wanted but yeah light Lord how you

Doing I think they are just grinding right now wait I got this here wait it didn’t work yeah wait I just walked off now there we go there we go sorry now I’m on back here I would have fixed the music at least oo wait no what what the end Pearl just went

Where what was that got him he just one tapped him yeah yeah yeah so I’m good good oh I didn’t do it no I didn’t do it hello wol I got it I got it wait what how did I get hit like that got waffle it literally saved me I

Would have died if I didn’t kill waffle kill him kill this Minecraft kid wait how did he wait what demon how did he kill you I’m so confused right now I’m so confused how did I actually kill you I I I did I hit you wait oh no imagine if I accidentally hit

You got him both just got um I needed to kill I need to kill someone just to get um I didn’t get him ah okay so far I’m still alive for some reason that is really interesting immedately going to die though but oh wait no way okay this is

Interesting I can’t believe it I can’t believe it got him Hi where is my my just disappeared wait a minute you’re can even try to Avid him or trying to go through brute strength wait level eight oh nice I didn’t even know it was level eight wait oh no oh no oh what is so far I really I really like this

I’m so God dang concentrated no okay um this oh no I missed it I I like the concept they don’t I’m going to that they don’t have any um they don’t have any bows in the same time I would love that but in the same time I feel like it wouldn’t I don’t

Know I I feel like they would really fit if it makes sense can I glit myself through here wait I can technically but I don’t want to do that that would be abusing of of of bugs or oh it’s an end P I’m like just watching this chaos going around wait a

Minute this I was watching the chaos and now you’re stabbing me instead all right dang that’s what I get for watching people die and I should not do anything myself person Di wait my end PE didn’t work end didn’t work oh no oh my days this is this is fun like

You can technically do this to spawn wait oh I forgot I had an under Pearl oh no go away I have a I have a gapple I need po J okay what are we doing I need a I need some health so I need to kill someone

I didn’t get him or I just die wait I got someone and and they died but I didn’t kill them though that’s someone named Samy Nikki Sam Nikki all right demon demon I think prepp is probably way to go here as you have more health and if

You walk in and it would be like almost an equal fight you can yeah you can basically get a lot of out of just pre apple right now wait what oh no it worked it worked it does not work it doesn’t work get a cobweb so oh wait I missed it wait

How did I get another one got him um I’m going to that was me falling prom teach me how to iy I briding on on this server is really yeah I feel like it’s really smooth come on step one cheat like you guys are really really really interesting no bomed you

There wait what okay that was not good oh wait oh I got him I didn’t get him saire where are you uh I am in I don’t know what’s what Lobby region have you been killing people I have level 9 or something like that wait what server are you on he right

Now all right then then it should be on play it should say like playing on and then na1 na2 eu1 eu2 it should say that right on the um on the uh thing right below practice on the very right I don’t know wait waffle no oh I I did make my maker

There I’m actually going have to go check this any I held up I man I’m I’m still streaming just uh this here could you do SL spawn real quick uh spawn you die no I’m not dead I have like out to you can out to enable so you

If you die you come back quick I know I know I know I know no no type SL spawn as soon as you get all combat oh yeah or as soon as you die like El Nino will kill me ELO will kill me oh you killed me all

Right I’m now in spawn na na1 man man I love being friends with the owner now I’m fake the Discord wait I’m chill the owner now everyone that’s a w all right totally didn’t just get Arch her rank one get her her rank two get me my

Uh get me my rank three donate $100 four then harass them in events that is that’s very interesting this was a very successful day and it kind of just boosted my mood a lot I’m happy good ho I just bullied people I just did the one thing that the one thing that

Makes me happiest besides being with Arch and that is bullying children ah you had never bulled me though so that is Cap you had never done that yo you’re honestly like you’re really nice except for doning a lot of money when I don’t want that but I am I’m I’m

Making the video now I am making the video I held back I am making the video of Zea but like now like it’s like no there nothing right it’s nothing the 45 hit combo is getting posted s it’s fine it’s fun oh we pink please no please

No all right I need to I need to kill people now I’m on a loosen streak if I have I don’t think even I had like a wi streak we like we like Shield just swinging swords no go away I I’m I’m I’m very slow n i don’t man like the thing like

You me you can fight me I don’t see that as bullying though but I don’t know I like I’m starting to think that you donate money when I donating money when I don’t want that it’s kind of bullying but not really oh I accidentally used

It waffle wle wle oh wle just killed me Jesus all right where we going where we going we going up here fastest the turns all right no I did that I did that I did that I I F for some reason I was dead there all my days oh it

Days have better turns than uh wait who who are you oh you really don’t like me I see Jesus wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Jesus um ink suck does this this person know how to fight this is this is terrify oh my who’s that that’s that’s not is that who’s

This person I can’t see the name because of the color but there we go wait they just Lo lost to 20 kill streak oh my this how did he get 20 so fast who is this person’s name safy Taffy so how is The Laffy Taffy wa wait wait

Wait who St St St St St so how so St how is The Laffy Taffy I don’t know I just Sky St how is The Laffy Taffy I I died of it I don’t I don’t wait what did you Nick yeah yeah you died to me sneak wait a

Minute wait a sneaky W1 is not me I don’t know who that is actually I don’t know who the wne C1 wait a minute wait a minute I don’t know I’m sorry what’s up I tell you that is I also don’t know who I have bad internet is I

Legit do not know who they are who I who’s this person I’m not joking about that either I don’t know wait wait wa wait the person I was doing this with right is gone wait wait wait this person name changed name wait a minute is that harch It’s you can believe it this I can’t believe it oh my God God it’s Arch it is Arch no way Sky Arch is full I I swear I was shaking I know I I I saw I was like am I I was seeing like sneaky or something and I was like I

Seen you blink it’s like why did why is it Sapphire have all been Sapphire I’m turning insane I I was like wait a minute what I’m doubting my sanity I’m like how long wait what what did I drink I I looked at my Coca-Cola vanilla I was like what did I drink

Again oh my is I I swear I you put me in combat wait who I have to remove my disguise to be a message damn it can just anything happen to your ill there Jesus hello everyone all right Seth let’s redo this shall we it’s going to be so terrifying all my days

No hate I so I wanted to be banned wait AR did you get banned yeah yeah me me and Zea got me and ARS got banned for ELO boosting on Zea like friend that is interesting bro we weren’t even ELO boosting that’s what’s funny we weren’t even ELO

Boosting I I have really no idea but it’s St team it’s I I don’t know I don’t know man plus it’s just a bunch of biased people and Z well who cares all I I just play games because it’s fun I don’t really mind who who’s who’s behind

W like could be literally like a giant dog just just just casually like being oh wait it’s you oh sorry I I I sorry Sky I over here trying to text the owner can you leave me alone I’m sorry I I didn’t know I I I I was punching stabbing me

Turn to mess as the damn owner I’m sorry man I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I was I was so into like stabbing so I was like I’m seeing someone that stop like oh I can’t really see because of the red name so I was like wait a minute oh it’s

Oh shoot I killed him oh my this wol was just clutch there uh I think you have some people that are targeting you I’m lit stop children I think I think there are some people that are targeting you B everyone how’s it going I know yeah you think I know this

Is not a you think one’s in your stream uh I open demon back up no elino would never do anything like that not El Nino demon no yeah El Nino no no no no no no no no no no he is el stupido no I don’t care he’s taring me I

Literally just see him in the right behind me Swinging the damn sword at my freaking butt like God oh my this oh my this ier may idot not idot idot wait wait wait what happened there idot is for a girl H with a oh

No do what did she do what did she do what I toasted no to I just watch that no don’t kill me he’s my friend I’m not sorry what did you do what happened I’m so confused monkey that didn’t help want to in for like a minute of otic wait what is otic

Mask no no no no no no no no no no no no or you’re just wonderful but I can I can see it’s you I can see it’s you it’s not me it’s not me you can see it’s Arch is playing the cob is going off me

Oh my J did you T the corner oh my God dang I really love this corner this corner is like so cool please don’t hit me what else I can do with this I want to be peaceful I want to going to build a cat I want to be a millionaire so freaking

Bad How can I I’ll play with you what region we are in na1 and we are playing on the server h.org if you want to see more streams like this I’m going to play for media I don’t really know if I’m going to get it but it seems like Aron over some criteria

Thing I accidentally throw the ender pearl I want to just know this server is really funny I like this server I I’m I’m I’m not kidding I can go for this for I can see it’s you I can see it’s you I can I can tell from how you fighting also oh my

This I can’t believe it wa if you buy you can basically get nicked all my this uh if you get Elite if you get Nick also if you get media you get Nick I should up very muchly for elite for media media plus gets has the low

Upgrade media plus has the lowest uh event cool down wait so what can I apply for the highest one by the way the cats friend how it going I still you can get the highest rank yes you can get media plus which by the standpoint of what I’ve

Seen you can literally just like all right look look look I’m gonna talk to you about that later okay and it’s not it’s not Fabs talk if I we’ll talk about media plus later okay oh just Ju Just In fact in fact real quickly check your DMs it’s real

Quick don’t worry it it won’t take long it’ll take like 5 Seconds it just is very informative I I died oh my days yo oh my God meie oh my days meie how’s it going can I play with you oh I got to

Go I’m Sor no worry it was so fun to see you here mey I wish you doing good good you what up pizza hi sneaky how are you sneaker I finally before till I’m finish all my lessons and finish history too oh my days you’re you’re you’re in school

Right now oh my days I really wish you um you’re right history I like history this but yeah don’t worry megy and the same time was bit I’m just saying like H what’s up P like I’m just saying that like what’s P I mean uh the camp friend

Like your name is so cool I remember watching uh your uh the P or Pal there oh oh he’s here yo wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait I can’t believe that that is sick actually should we like do another pole or something I’m not allowed to throw

Anything uh on me right now today sorry it’s so I’m not allowed to H are you I’m doing very good me how you doing today maybe if I would play this some more I would maybe buy ranks and stuff like that but right now I I just want to like really

Experience the game without any buying stuff uh as I don’t like buying stuff if I don’t know what I actually would get for it nicking if you would buy that would be sick um but I I would I would like I would prefer to have the media rank going instead of

Having yeah no it’s a Swedish flag best best to go media but saf saf saf that’s the thing that’s the thing sth look that’s the thing I cannot change uh uh I cannot change constantly doing this right I only have I have that Rank and I

Have this rank you can you can switch between two ranks you can have Elite and you can also have media dang I didn’t know it’s do do SL rank switch oh wait oh or just do SL rank just slash rank oh mine just got me Jes

Mine scar me you slash rank do you slash rank you you get two ranks SL rank uh your primary and my secondary oh okay well I want I want media I’m good thank you oh that’s awesome dear me it makes me really happy dear hi Sky make saying hi to you

Skye oh oh it’s a child I threw into the vo with a fishing rod hi there how are you I can’t believe it we have YouTube we have paramedics everything everything is sorted out we have param paramedics and and we have paramedics we have the police with everything right it’s it’s we pares

Matter that violation was too damn much wait should I ask not even the therapist could save you from that one SK should I ask the co-owner uh to take a if he and I can take a PR screen I actually he he’ll do it probably I don’t know can I can like can

I say do it do it do it it’s for streaming but he wait he knows no he he he he knows I don’t know believe me believe me believe believe me believe me he knows I didn’t I didn’t know believe me he knows I told him you told

What did you tell him yeah I told him no no I’ve beening your damn stream all the time I don’t care I me I dare you I’ll buy them ban are didn’t even I go around and anytime you’re live I go around advertising it I

Don’t care thank you thank you I I uh you see me on Cube copy and paste your exact lineup the order of sapphire stre streaming on YouTube I’m just asking if you want to take a PR wait is Arch gone I I don’t know but I was thinking

If she wanted to do uh soup DS that’ be my guest you know Arch is gone I I hope that doesn’t count for I I’m not trying to do oh yo hey I might just uh do this all right spawn all right uh I honestly wait a minute wait

Wait wait wait do you CL do we ask Tom if he wants to join the stream H stream call uh I he’s very chill I mean if he’s chill I I I want to mind yeah sure we we can wait where’s Tom oh Tom just disappeared or in the hob wait

There I I I really wouldn’t mind uh if he would want to if he would want to then sure wait uh wait I think you was one or something are are toasted all like all like do you mean toasted by LEF it’s toasted by Tom did you ping the wrong person

Maybe wait wait to is here oh he disappeared oh dang I really wish I could like just uh like just take a pry I just want to take a pry uh I want to take a pry uh if you he cous wait what sadly cousins oh my God my here dear

My heart dearness my heart dearness is just way to go wait toast is there yo toast I love brother St wait wait I’m just going to toast wait what what did I do I I I don’t know oh wait I think I got it kind of all right hey screen you

Got it everyone that was the that was the quickest uh Prince screw ever thought about Al uh my still in game wait something wrong Sapphire am I still in the game uh you are check for my freaking IGN um my computer might just shut off no you’re

You’re here in in the events uh section okay okay I know I such a big fan but I am I I have my first impression on the whole server I am so happy to got you you decided to like invite me to play with you and also like

Arch because this this is funny like I I honestly like this server is funny like I I like it killed my PC and it came back alive what oh my days so much toasted by my PC shut off how am I here I don’t know that’s what I’m asking

Every day my PC is officially off it’s fans are sto have stopped running I’m calling on my PC and playing on my PC I don’t know I every time I wake up I’m I’m I’m like thinking am I no wait to Carly oh my God my favorite person

Carly oh my God Carly how are you how you doing Carly Carly car get on Carly get on Carly come join us get uh oh cat friend you’re you’re screwed if you’re on h.org buty how are you doing today Cy how you doing Today come here people I’m G toab you all come here people who’s ready get it stabed you now I’m right how are you oh my God this makes me so happy here that you’re doing good sorry about that car I’ve just had I’ve just had way too much sugar today

I’m not going to lie you I’m eating my sugar right now you’re Sugar Sugar St I just ate like a ton of sugar like I’m clicking s hey Sky I want to tag you wait I wait I’m doing good by the way I’m doing good I’m doing

Good sorry I got Li strike there super wa Super Sonic gamer Sonic Sonic to Tom is tosing Tom is tossing no stra is almost just as fast normal as a tiny bit more mement wble we we he he played V when it was alive yeah wait call is asking hey what

Is that flag Sky what is that for a flag Sky oh what what flag is it huh Co what flag is it huh what flag is it would you like to tell me what flag it is yep we would love to know I I wonder Ty flag it is car I

Wonder I wonder what kind who is uh who’s knowledgeable enough in this flag to know what it is what is it yeah yeah yeah am with your new about come try and take it where you at come try and take it it’s mine now no I’m

Taking it I’m taking it give it come here come here no I just a first first first I steal your height second I steal your brain cells three I steal your freaking flag what you g to do about it uh you’re stealing my flag I’m going to

S go ahead no no no no I am folding I am folding I don’t care I’m jumping I don’t care no no I’m not doing that I’m folding damn s just f it on stream everyone it’s not difficult to beat me look this person gonna do it

Maybe you oh my god toxic no I no that get off my Mountain no never a off you go get out out get out I came in one CPS then mobile what the I’m going lose I’m going to I’m going to lose I’m going to lose I’m not

Even joking I’m going to lose so funny I can’t believe that you stream before I absolutely hate Mobile Jesus no mobile is good I’m good thank you oh my day is Double B Double B we like people we like people no way okay so sky

Is going to help me see if we can get media rank on this media plus this is going to be very interesting this is my first ever stream on this and I totally love this I could be going forever uh but just to make save your eyes for like

A couple of years um I will probably end the stream I don’t know when no I don’t want oh I died anyway oh my this imagine that die on Discord I’m going to go on to Discord thank you so much wait I thought I was in party oh my God

No wait wait did I work uh did you can send links yeah send put that link into put that link into your Discord chat with me and then watch watch watch watch wait can you send it on on the stream uh you have per perms to send I’m join

Too yeah yeah uh then then other people would love to join then then yeah just SketchUp or I just I I would love to use I need to I need to Y it everyone enjoy did you wait it’s not a link that’s strange yes it is if they copy and paste it into

Any search engine it will take them over to the Discord server and it will work oh I didn’t kill him I didn’t kill him okay oh I died completed toast it first bit or five times under the server completed Jesus you you definitely made it yeah like I’m I’m

Like I I love this this this is fun Should we kill this guy we should wait we should kill people here love who killed me where not you don’t tell me no I literally saw I Lally heard you just say kill Sky no wait stream did I say that I want I went

To D on God you did no I did I didn’t I didn’t on God you did no I on God you did I KN who else heard kill Sky who else heard it how much Sher did you say you took it he didn’t demon are you sure I didn’t

Why would I say that no I’m I’m I’m rude but not that rude Sky Jes wait I’m going to go and join the Disco server right now oh 2,623 members uh I would love to join did I continue to Discord did I join it think

I joined it wait I need to check I have no remorse I did I owned it thank you so much I have more caruse what are you what are you going to do now getting scared s s Peak remember I did your server my server I’m not there remember

I did to your server remember that you remember what I did to it oh you going to do it in his number 15 do you remember what I did to your server remember yeah I remember I remember you’re going to do it Dash is writing K yes kill sky excuse me

Woman I’ll kill you well sorry my uh I’m notp now for that uhuh I refuse what what no I agree wait uh you going hello I have proposition propositions depending what it is now we are playing the h.org I I want I want I want to get level nine level n

School wait is this Tom wait oh no I accidentally killed Tom oh I did I killed the co owner I’m sorry I didn’t I didn’t mean it I was trying to hit uh demon and then I kind of forgot about that that D even existed uh in the game nah wait Z

My Boost are dying no i’mna transfer some of the Boost over from actually wait no you don’t care theer boost do you wait wait how many boost do you need uh okay so you should one second but I’m going to boost this I’ll be able

To tell one sec I’ll be able to tell one sec one sec I’ll be able tell so I should be good to remove couple Boost from yours so that should be good hang on uh uh hang on uh I’m not regretting this all right I have the top

Bits I have a cult I need members we believe in Fred yo I don’t wait you mean Fred oh wait a minute what do you for this wait Fred you mean Fred like you mean or Pal FR you know I’ve been a I’ve been a sleeps I would love love to join

Cults Sky I’m I’m joining a cult no reaction seem like I’m I’m allowed to join Colts all right we got it brilliant Freddy movie Freddy movie wait a minute more people have seen the movie this this is interesting but of was only me I’m going to run away I don’t want to

Die oh I got someone oh no go away go away El this go away go away demon go away no no wait no okay I’m messing up like 100% Norway oh the langu the flag of Norway um oh I accidentally through that it’s a good movie wait is it wait a

Minute can we like a professional uh review from Carly here what did you think about the this dude uh scared me a little bit o o oh no I I saved myself I saved myself I am I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m

Not alive I I am alive I’m alive I’m alive how am I still alive this is so interesting well here we go boys incoming wait what no no no don’t don’t don’t just don’t just don’t just don’t just okay Jesus they scar me wait toasted kill me toasted I I I

Have a vetta against you now I’m going to kill you I killed you two times before but now I’m sorry where did you oh no no oh um um well everyone Todd no sorry te I’m not going they said I was joking what he’s saying that he joking they really thought I was

Joking they really thought I was freaking joking how close can I get this to my uh heesu okay yeah that’s going to be a pain in the ass fa well we’ll do it okay let hard okay wait can I get can I get banned for targeting the owner the coowner

He a tiny bit not not entirely I don’t like people that just in entirely would do that oh they just noted oh no it’s catfi oh sorry cat wait what guy no you did it I’m doing it right now did you he literally used to Sky you you literally boosted the Discord server

Jesus how many how many boots did you get 60 60 what say the number wait wait I’m going to see 60 I’m going to check real quick tell tell tell them 60s incoming within the next uh the next week well next week it will be 60 wait in the next

Week wait weak home I can’t I can’t spell weak oh my God there we go sorry oh my oh my yeah by the way Sky I have some uh 12K uh kills in in freefor all I know it’s not a lot but in on C but still I’m pretty happy about

It I think level 9 or something here oh my Jesus demon you scared me brother okay never mind you’re freaking him out right now you’re literally you oh my days that was brilliant 12K dang yeah so so I have like I don’t know I’d be playing a

Little bit you know what I talk myself some I don’t know over 10 hours of just playing face fighting I mostly but yeah oh no he went through the blocks go away go away I’m not interested in you right now I’m interested in running away so I don’t

Die oh there we go it worked great just give some distance and then yeah just run over here no never mind oh my it is I forgot I have under pears I go to 3, k yesterday oh my God dang you know uh de would have soon de

Would have like for over 30 2,000 I think here me over here with my 495 boost sorry but I’m at him yeah please just don’t swear so much man sorry sorry don’t worry don’t worry I that’s what I said too tired my God yeah I curse a lot when I’m tired and

I’m sorry about that maybe you should sleep I slept like I slept 10 hours no more than 10 hours I sleep later I’m not I’m not sleeping 12 hours sa I have to work at 6:30 tomorrow of which I’m going to work for two and a half hours then go

Back home there’s no chance I’m sleeping for 12 hours I slept 12 hours that’s what I said and it really made me extremely happy wait wait a minute 30, now I actually got realization Jesus corly you have been grinding die demon I’m dying so many times but it’s

Just like I don’t know it’s fun oh my this Tom were really going for us Tom really going for us the cat from just start oh no I clicked but I did not click I I I clicked the wrong thing I I clicked on my I pressed my the btom on my keyboard

When not actually like um oh wait instead of how did you interesting 40 boost okay people are saying if you can you can gift them Jesus no demon go away I don’t like when you’re doing that oh my is h no don’t you dare I got him Jesus man heck

I’ve done I’ve done 42 oh my this I can’t believe it I I’m really happy man this yeah this Ser is I would love to see a future in this server to be honest oh agreed I agree I I’m just saying this from not me playing a lot and I don’t

Get anything from I I I just I generally think this server have really done good like great it’s got amazing potential I nearly cursed yeah I I I would I would have allowed that man just just yeah one sec okay one sec no don’t the day I Cur stream is the day

I’m just I’m just uh I would be too embarrassed add oh Jesus oo cat Jesus cat cat is getting me cat is killing me oh my this and that’s why I never had any never had any dogs when I grow up I never had that staff I regret absolutely nothing Jesus man

No no no no no no 40 come on Tom I got him I got him I got him this what I for okay bro bro he like a freaking mild p attack right now Jesus she I don’t know but uh okay demon is there oh okay a demon seem to be have killed

Me oh my God I a oh my God can not hit I cannot hit a single thing except for that one my computer accidentally th that then just happen I didn’t accidentally thr uh Sky don’t shake shake stream please don’t shake stream I you didn’t you nothing ever happened at all I’m

Like I’m I’m I’m honestly like really happy right now uh uh yeah think ding ding ding ding well I’m going to go and see if I can boost this over later a bord took over Jesus man just sound like me sometimes I’m like I’m too bored let’s play 14 hours in a straight

Without anything thinking I’m too bored I’m done tapping oh man yeah caddy caty oh my is I remember uh was a friend of mine her name was named caddy and I I don’t know I every time I was supposed thinking about it like they were oh oh we got him

Jesus why am I popping up today why why am I why am I the ye no I’m kidding I’m not I’m not the ye wait a um okay I think Tom is righting to you Tom and Jer think you think you think yeah I think he’s he was fighting

Me and then just quickly turned away no words I can’t believe it man uh you made his his day at least extremely much oh I didn’t get him oh I missed that that was that was that was wait I killed him I’m I’m very confused I feel like

Tom is kind of going towards me but I’m a little bit unsure sometimes he doesn’t care sometimes he does is I feel like he’s running at least oh no go away oh it’s demon thank you my guy that literally hit the hits me so I could see the demon was behind me oh

Wait rip Arch I didn’t I didn’t know that she was gone evident p huh wait a minute we were kind of laughing at him and in the thing we were laughing at his reaction about about the whole being shocked and stuff who’s evident evident p uh who’s that um I’m very confused what’s

Happening there anymore to report seei God this a s moderator this is crazy like so many people just going it’s semi sorry sorry pronation words is not really good I think people just died that’s better WS that is I can’t believe it she has check it to now I can believe

It or whatever what do you mean that looks like a I don’t know I don’t really what to say Where’s a demon there hi demon got him good tone there you go Tom again uh Sky I think you you made him being so shocked so I I just kill him over and

Over please land no it didn’t oh wait didn’t me started wait didn’t me wait it did no way wait I know I don’t actually think I don’t think so there right we go let’s go over here I don’t usually play like this when I stream I usually just like had a shield

WIP I hope it’s not too much me just playing around and just like use Corner run and I don’t really know but it’s really fun all my is this is really fun I would I would really recommend if you that you join in please no I didn’t

Hit it no that was not really really good hello my friends oh okay okay yeah sorry oh oh I don’t know I don’t know what happened what happened nothing happened I just died and when we playing cubecraft not today not today uh today we playing h.org

Don’t but I really wish you having a good day today wait up yes indeed I was disguised join we event let’s go join an event Bo EV tourament uh Sky let’s go we are in here if I win I’m doing a surprise it’s going to some okay bye uh have have a great

Grade so everyone so in in this event if I win this event I’m donating $350 to Tom in his next stream people will not make it easy though demon shut the up sorry shut up where we’re Banning okay shut wait would all right he just told them what what it was C demon

Please sorry saff no worry no worry I heard nothing Tom’s Frozen Tom’s just sitting here just like help he’s like I need to win this if I don’t win this I will be losing a lot of money if think he’s like I think he saw he’s he’s H oh what is

Tom I’m going to add another another picture right there I’m sorry I so yo Tom Tom are you in the Stream Tom by any chance Tom are you in the Stream it’s a hack here somewhere hello everyone wol that’s a cool name let’s see what we do have we have

People fighting in the middle Jesus I’m hearing my sister in the background see if I win this event Tom 350 is going to you this is interesting I’m just take a pre scen don’t mind me all right fake evidence people are calling I don’t know he’s still shocked oh it is

Man wait did n you did more than 1, 530 I Swear I I I I I I can’t believe it yeah it’s around more like 1,800 but like yeah yeah yo I already guys are going I have a track meet tomorrow and I no at least it’s not you Sky what at least it’s not I’m not F no

I’m going to die I’m gonna die STX is about to be going crazy yeah we’re going to go crazy today tell me when it’s my turn tell me when it’s my turn tell me I’m tell when it’s your turn this is going to take forever wait what how did person wait how did

Wait what I can do different he almost got me I got him though I got him do switch rout I don’t know what’s happening do it I can’t do anything all Ric Ric I hope everything gets better for you though I I think I almost got him before

But the thing is it’s lying a little bit so I can’t uh it’s painful tictic I really hope it gets better for you okay that’s really nice sky for uh I can’t really read right now I’m try I’m try I I think it’s like two

Times at least on my screen that I can see I was I was very very very very close just get him but like this here I can’t really I can’t really do anything as I got him Sky it’s your turn sky sky it’s your turn oh yeah yeah life ain’t going well

Like R I got you uh you have a m and I have a fever oh all right I really wish the fever can disappear man I I really I understand your fevers are not really nice but yeah Ric except for that how are you feeling today how you how are

You feeling and everyone else how you feeling today you might have Co oh I really wish you don’t have that man no this guy I like fighting him it’s your turn everyone is is not fighting I know it’s my turn I don’t I can’t fight his wait no it’s

Yes let’s see demon let’s see oh my God 196 got him I don’t know man Ora what’s on the line here we have uh have the coowner here he’s going to get something if he wins so we need to stop him everyone wait did he Place himself so no one’s attacking

Him could be man that was toxic gets paid but I can’t I can’t believe it no cat no cat I cat love you okay we Tom wait I’m I’m still in the void oh wait gu I died come on Cat come on can’t you can

Do this can’t you can do this can’t you can do this can’t you can I believe in you I believe in you I believe in you no no no no no I don’t think he understands what I mean by keep looking I read to sh about anyways how it going my favorite

Swedish friend oh my God I am your favorite Swedish friend I can’t believe it I’m doing really good um so I usually stream usually stream c crab but then for let’s let’s see if we can do ha you know and this is the first ha stream I ever

Done in my life I don’t think I’m trying to see if we can get some media ranks going you apparently you can get that I regret nothing I want to level 10 saf I regret absolutely nothing what did you what did you do don’t worry about

It oh I can I can your name just just like just U I didn’t thinking but yeah I’m doing good but how you How do you how you doing today haric my favorite uh orange just try wait you need to score wait you don’t need to

Score oh wait it’s like what are we doing again what we what are we supposed to Do’s here Carly no way om it is I need to um you should definitely do you should I flag I got your [Applause] flag I don’t like I don’t like this I

Wait just need to go to bed what’s the game we call um hit something I never done this before really wait demon that’s painful I got your flag I got your flag wait what did we went through it he went through my my hits go away demon go

Away I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m sleeping in bed I am a sleeper okay okay is too short she can’t see me that’s EV Char my lawyer are you that are Carly are you that blind I’m like behind you I

Think go God you’re really slow come on sry lady you just kill someone what do you mean just kill someone he’s a murderer I need to I need to put him down sorry te where you at Carly where you at Carly I think you’re too small I

Can’t see you but me mega mey mega I call you mega mega sorry me how you doing today like you’re doing good I know what I before but I’m just wondering oh it’s this C wait oh no lady sorry oh I didn’t get him oh oh my God

No way no way I killed two people and I survived that that is insane that’s insane that’s actually insane I can’t believe that I can’t believe that how did I actually manage that I don’t know how in Earth that worked I’m good nice got him and I I have full Heth and I’m

Just continue the streak of uh men menes got him I’m going to go and just throw that Pearl I landed it I just did what did you do what did you do what do you do I I I brought Carly over to over to the over to the river

Right yeah and it said Carly look as as I jumped into the water with a flag on my back okay Jesus and and then and then I said don’t worry I’m just watching it it was a bit dirty from all the blood I’m running away from this

Dude this dude is a um this very very interesting but yeah I’m doing good myself but uh hey it’s not so bad I was finally able to log into Discord oh my is let’s go let’s go oh we you friends on Discord I think we are I just uh I

Just can’t do anything right now though I got you Captain God oh no I’m going to die oh oh oh I saved myself but I couldn’t do with it should got it I think can you find me Carly okay here car give you a little bit of

Help I think it might have got people I’m a little bit sure I’m just hitting people right now trying to coordinate my my attacks got him accidentally fell inspect element is legary inspect element I can’t use my event F that’s interesting oh no get up get up I how did I

That oh my God I didn’t jump but I got someone someone lost his cill SG is that cat over there where I can I can do this forever this is this is so cool I really like this is insanely cool cool but I it’s it’s very enjoyable

Oh my this like I had a I’ve been trying to like get this feeling for like I don’t know I don’t know how long but when I play games sometimes it’s just not very funny like it’s supposed to be it’s supposed to be but like it was

Before so actually having this it’s like changing a little bit and like you you need to think more and it’s not repeatable every time okay I can’t do that got him there we should probably your damn flag bag I’m not letting you get it oh

What you fell I fell for you wait a minute oh no right here well well well well this person is a attacking interesting got you there I got him hello lady why missed you oh than there we go yeah can you help the child where where is she CH can you help

The wait what where how are you Mom Z can you help the child zth the child asked you a question can you help the child yeah oh I’m crying God I’m so happy wait wait I’m just talking I don’t know who this person is so wait wait Elite that’s me you dumb Dum

Wait oh co e no never mind that’s wait wait it’s it’s you named how are you Mom yes and I said I’m your dad oh I’m your dad okay wait what why it’s see now see it’s you why do you ask if she is your

Mom no no it’s the only girl person I see what no you’re a Jesus she is going crazy um add another C for that for that for that for that for that for that for that Carly for that no no no no no no dang I used

Accepted it I used I was like okay yeah you can you can except this except what oh my God F no wait oh it’s a elite guy over there Irish or Angi that’s what demon demon or we just say oh I killed someone I missed it lady are you punched

Lady you survived wait a minute we can’t tell that I’m so I’m sorry I’m going to check stream shat stream shat oh hi okay never mind then I was trying to be nice and saying hi to you to say nice to you wait sorry

Did I get it no wa I didn’t get it no please please I’m peaceful I’m peaceful I’m peaceful I don’t know this is very addicting wait wait a minut I should I I was supposed to shck shot but I’m just going to this this is the last time I’m going

To I think I got over 200 kills for now oh yeah let’s see uh okay I’m going to go sleep of this uh disease virus whatever it is C yeah you you sleep around my friend I really hope it’s uh that uh I really hope it can disappear my friend wait Sky you

Good mhm no fine don’t worry about me dude all right dud should I continue to stream or should I just end it Sky you deci streaming I stream all right well then then I do that I’m dead bored my friends decid if I stream got him is this count of spamming

And spamming oh no oh hi get oh no get no I just witnessed that I witnessed a murder of murder oh I love this block placement like it’s just I just like I I don’t know like I just I don’t know it’s just very nice it’s very nice like yeah block

Placements it just blocks are just extremely nice wait it’s going to get me wait he didn’t get me got him okay wait oh got got are you good this guy oh no wait there another guy there no war night dang who’s that I feel like a kid is playing around

With with my toys right now aren we yeah level 10 wait I we’re all children what are you talking about bro bro I boosted the server 55 65 times G freaking G boys that’s insane they the server though it’s really fun oh my days this server is

Really really funny I am not kidding I am a big huge fan I am really a huge fan I I can’t explain like oh no ooh no go away no go away go away no go away go away You’re stabbing me I don’t like that F everyone how you doing today I

Don’t so I need media wait are there like a ticket system set up on the Disco server or on their Discord what’s up wait what what happened Coy oh my it is I can’t believe it I’m dying I can’t believe it okay Buddy Jesus Carly come here you

Have a come back where’s your lawyers are you can do this girl I believe in you beat him up with the with I don’t know what you’re any more than just a lawyer on that one get back get back to get back to me in in three business business years

Shorty I can’t believe you’re hearing from a lawyer I think you name lawyers uh I can be moral support I kidding terrible just uh y’ll be back okay Sky oh boy is can’t in next 30 minutes 30 minutes oh my for racer I can’t believe it this is so fun

I I I’m I’m like I’m like happy right now um I have a chocolate and some beautiful soda by way let’s see if we can do actually like I’m going to attempt an ice bridge I usually don’t do stuff like this on on streams but uh I did that really good

Little bit better before but I I suppose it’s not really oh wait you’re going to me falling trust me you should play you should play egg Wars um the Fallen map all right are you are you saying that uh because then you can make this R moment

Right dang seem like I fall I I fell in in the falling map because I fell for you yo scorer how’s it going scorer oh wait what happened there it’s been a while pal oh I will sh let’s see if we can fight them both

Of them we can we can we can’t oh no I accidentally a thought I could isn’t this um actar this is h.org a new server and a really really extremely funny so in my opinion it’s really really good I really like it and also it got boosted like crazy by

Sky yeah insanely a lot boost why that no it’si uh this is his Org the more you saying the more is here the dark you can see side uh how you can y it there we go I didn’t kill you oh my I thought I

Did there we go my friend I didn’t kill you though but still like I punch you up you turn into here so I don’t really know what that is but yeah where the bomble come from I don’t know I think it’s it’s a there a thing

Thinging is it a demon wait a minute wait a minute demon have a cape Jesus I didn’t I didn’t even know we have a cape all right they call just disconnected because we mean it’s Sky left to call I got it wait fell wait oh accidentally the GU

Here is server list in actory all right that’s interesting I I actually I don’t know but maybe it is I don’t know I just played before dang it I’m trying to move away I you survived always the C though he is funny Jesus cly the mouse

Cly you need to stop that’s evil that’s so rude oh my she’s not that short not like a mouse oh but yes score how’s it how’s it going man how’s it going with you and I was about to ask how another uh person is doing you probably know who

I’m talking about um your uh your employer in the what MCC chilling I think how how’s he doing I have never heard I haven’t heard anything from him no not from since he since he ditched me but uh H I’m used to people ditching me yeah who I’m talking about maybe you ask

It’s a beast I’m talking about how Beast doing if you don’t know if you don’t know then I don’t know sorry then but if you do know then I would love to I hope he doing good even if he might just don’t like me for after you done towards

Me but uh going on here sold the server to someone that’s a beasty move my pal I hope you I I I’m just saying this I hope you kind of uh that that you kind of read on what he did in against show cat and Q CRA I

Don’t want to talk too much about it yes you know but I’m still like very interesting um a lot of people don’t know everything he does but he really manipulative and he really manipulative and you just wanted my fame I don’t even have Fame but apparently that’s what he

Wanted because that’s what he got hello everyone how’s it going how’s it going well I don’t know I’m joining to the calls uh I don’t know yeah I was talking about score score he was a he was um wait what call he C Jared Carly car Carly anytime tell me if

I’m going too far okay it’s a you know how it goes it’s a it’s not funny not you no you have no saying this it’s up to Carly I’m just saying it’s it’s not funny it’s yeah I’m just it’s fine it’s not Funny she finds it funny she’s okay with it understand are you saying it’s not funny but at the same time it’s extremely funny no I’m meaning I’m mean I’m sarcastic sorry yes it is really really funny fine it is really funny but don’t try to hold in

Just laugh at her she doesn’t mind it she she doesn’t mind it I know I know I’ve asked her plenty of times I know I know I know know I do always feel like I do upset with no I don’t I say I was thinking about saying hi to

Scorer wait oh no oh scor I’m sorry I I accidentally killed you I didn’t know it was you I was just it’s it’s someone me R red name I didn’t know it was you I’m I’m I yeah that was I did not intentionally do that I’m sorry but

Yeah it’s uh yeah sky so score he was co-owner with beasty before beasy sold the server for $10 you know this server that I was Staffing and uh Beast basically ditched me and uh got early release and kind of gave the Tex back to a lot of hackers um because he’s friends with

Them yeah I can I can go on and say that I know I’m sorry everyone oh no but then then score you you worked with him and you supported him I remember in DM so I can show the DMS but I wouldn’t do that but I don’t know why you didn’t side

With me my friend I don’t know it’s kind of your own fault why you sold the server for $10 $10 is nothing $10 is nothing yeah but yeah everyone as a go sorry I’m going to stop no oh my God spawn spawn all right we can do that as I’m in

Combat wait I’m in combat oh wait I need to die first or a suru wait what demon look at demon look at the name it’s a cool name probably is one in tall Oh I thought you meant Demon’s name sorry no my name your F just said

Demon’s name I was like I was looking I was like huh where is oh there’s the creature hello creature how are you I I feel I feel like um uh I feel like uh I should I should please no uh Dem bro what I can’t I can’t can’t do a oh

That’s stupid bro I I can’t do a bro I can’t do it sad okay one sec there we go give me R is it okay if I play like this where you at playit what can I play with this name wait look at me turn around where

Are you oh sa Sapphire oh that’s completely fine all right event time people I’m I’m Miss I’m Miss Arch Arch broh you’re uh she had to go oh she won’t be coming back for the rest of the day self advertisement I’m joking by the way yes

Lovely what should we do what should we do what should we do I can’t you can’t oh hey I’m trying to make an event one sec I’m trying to make an event one sec wait I can host wait can I or can I not host no you cannot yet oh I know what

I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing I

Know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing what are you doing wait I didn’t um tournament colic event wait I can’t I can’t please just you’re you sound like you’re obsessed or nah I’m obessed with bullying her yeah it’s fun for can me just ask it where I can apply

For should wait I can I can self advertise should I self advertise the stream I don’t usually do that but I think I can use her entire actual name wait what I hope I not uh wait me like like St stff I think I can do the XC QR i y

I think I can use her actual name I think wait you can wait you can’t use my name though sneak one is like already taking know actually actually no no no no scratch that I need to test something out once we in this one B okay I’m I’m I’m just toying around

With this person now I need to actually do something I don’t know it’s so funny St hope we know stff do not run for me if we fight no I’m not running you did last time no I didn’t run I didn’t run that’s evil of you oh

Cat friend I P you I can play if you want me to I would love to yeah join in my friend I just need to I need to message some people about to meate rank thank you so much thank you so much the tiet C media Plus application do I need Whoa wait I’m I still there wait it’s me no I’m going to die what the hell was that uh I can do anything that was quick no that person Su that was um I’m going to try something sth wait I just need to send my I I’m trying to do this

Application for for um for media rank in the same time I’m streaming BR I can’t use her okay one sec let me try this one H one sec uh wait hold up uh sth yeah what’s up pick a name pick a friend’s name that is actually I know

What to do hang on what’s Ritzy’s IGN uh I don’t remember does anyone remember Ritzy’s numbers in the IGN wait I don’t want shirt 0839 uh I don’t remember or is it 4839 remember I swear it has a four in it you never you never thought I would

Apply for media rank in the same time I’m streaming hu everyone you never thought about that you maybe you were like all right this dude is is randomly streaming something I never seen in my entire life all right it’s reasonable you know I look I I I don’t know I’m

Kind of random sky can you can you scale me to like a random can use it when they offline J log Carly Carly re log real quick please uh yeah I can uh I think I got this media my got but is there like funny thing I am

Streaming in the same time I are all right no one is in the staff team everyone so should we just should should we should I Sky should I stream until they give meame iname it’s call here oh my God wait what bro no work oh my God look at the flag oh wait

Wait sorry oh my God no way no if they are offline I can use their name if they log back on I can’t I can’t I can’t believe this you could technically that is insane actually I could I could not do your name I cannot do your name your name’s too damn long

Oh wow really really it’s four it’s four to 14 and you have more than 14 characters oh dang uh I think two four six eight Yeah by far please so uh Carly life guy I’m just going to check it out there it’s like a lot of oh okay never mind how are

You all right I might Sky I just TOS my game damn imagine I’m sorry M that was so quick wait a minute I thought was wait wait a minute is that is that is that uh is it uh my extremely cool friend this is fun you guys are such

Nerds hang on I’ll do it wait what oh wait wait wait wait that demon look got it oh no I I’m doing this until Mega feel uh I I don’t know I I get I don’t know how many matches best to 10 but I don’t know

Demon I think I won three matches right now look out my rank oh is I’m Canadians this is the fifth match we do best to tan I don’t know what we’re doing to we can do best of uh fam I mean uh 10 sorry I think that’s the fifth one that’s the fifth [Laughter] One I’m try I can’t do safs it gives no it gives me no no no bow to do anything no wait wait can you wait you can’t have theorder sappire I’m just wondering is that too long this the six one it is but it’s way too long just the order

Sapphire is too long not including the order and like L literally just order and Sapphire is to this is seventh match Sapphire is is nine and then the order is five I believe Sapphire is all right this the seven one I came make are you sure you want to

Continue this because we we are now on the eighth match and so far I have won every match you know what I want to do slash du X Carly oh my is I want to I want to see that actually we should we should we should uh ready it up ready it

Up there we go I think that’s the eight one all right so I think it’s two two more matches or should we yeah we should we should probably spectate spec TI uh D except I want to see everyone spectate the spectate everyone this about be brutal demon because you’re not special like Carly

Is to me at least don’t mind me I’m just watching from a distance don’t mind me I’m there demon I’m just telling you the truth right I’m sorry I can’t fight hyping players bro D so war is looking pretty good all right sky is fighting cley Carley is

Getting some hits there sky is getting more hits than cley but some is going to between here I think sky are leading right now but I mean I mean I’m definitely leing yeah Cary have her Irish flag so this should probably be good Sky doesn’t have the flag right now

So this could she might be clutching it because of the flag sky is taking the hits with the sword right now they’re looking really fancy with the elite R you can get um and basically just fighting over there you can see like a lot of like what a power power puff like

Around there yeah sorry I don’t I watched that when it came out back in I don’t know when it came out get teleport on girl b b you like stop there sky is still hitting Carly Carly is is still hitting Sky I’m trying to commentating the same time it doesn’t look really

Really good as competation are not really extremely exclusive here as I can see technically the hits that permitting already they getting it would be really cool if I could see the hits in same time then I can actually like had doing a difference but I can’t really do that

Right now so that’s why I’m comping when you’re hitting in sh we doing swing could stream at po I mean you could stream if you would want to and then we see here sky and Cy they are fighting I think sky is leading I don’t know how

Much and there we go sky has finished that with a Finishing Touch and boom sadly gone that was quick Jesus oh okay I did I’m doing something else come here spectate spect wait wait who youting a random yeah hey he’s got he’s got about the same ping as me spectate spectate

Spectate the people spectate uh okay I I’m going to go in um in uh except a duel with mega uh there we go wait why not dual with me no you’re too dangerous wait a minute oh this it’s monkey hey big monkey wait big monkey I feel bad I feel

Bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad I feel bad wait what’s this life bar beer wait bear sorry oh my God no way what is that show called What’s that

Show called I remember ah it’s not Pokemon ping this poor oh my God oh my God that’s brutal that’s where’s that from it’s 28 28 Jesus wait that’s even what did you get on me oh you got some wait I looked away from I looked at the chubby little bear

Yeah look at the beer beer I’ve seen beer I need to stop like Jesus all right duel accept Magie gamer girl she wants it I’m I’m recording this one you going to record it oh what is yes she’s getting recorded you’re going to like give me a

Second uh I think that’s I’m going I’m going to obliterate her no maybe maybe I’m not holding back I’m going to obliterate I don’t really know what he could is but with Carly and the rest I did not want to clip this one I want to

Oh know wait what is wait he he got wait he get like is like hiah here wait he get not here he yes he he could yes could oh my God s spectate spectate spectate spectate spectate my days sorry sorry I was having the time of life and incoming the

Pity here here we go here we go let’s go not do I need to get some salt in my right there there it is GG put some salt in my oh my hit didn’t register I’m putting some salt in my soda can huh I said I’m putting some salt in my soda

Can why because I can don’t back out my combo you don’t get to back out no no backing out of my combo yeah I will catch you smack and Jab no J four R wait how do you see you’re on the leaderboard like wait sky is it

Experience on leaderboard or how do you get on the leard you need to be ranked you need to be ranked yeah you have to do rank rank it I’m not trying to fight detractor oh wait oh he cheats my py crashed off that but you scy you made me’s py

Crash L I can believe that how dare you L like I love my one reaction just L come here demon oh no hacking stop I don’t have like please I don’t have like time to like even look at the things here let look behind you wait where

Where are you wa te you can do wait what are you doing this this end uh this Pearl thing I’m crying don’t look at the banana don’t look at the banana do not look at the banana what huh it’s a banana where oh it’s just a bird what are you talking

About it’s a bird look I don’t know what you two are talking about I’m so confused it’s a bird over thereon I was Ready I’m so confused can someone tell me what’s happening you’re too innocent stff you’re too innocent I don’t know what you’re talking about I’m confused you’re too innocent sth sth sth the words sth the words you’re too innocent I am so confused Cary do you understand it um wait let’s do a doal

Banana wait can I like do that no I can cheat the system I need to actually know who I’m requesting uh the cat friend the cat friend the cat fing no demon I’m not going over there I will L just sit over here I’m back now

Hey uhhuh uh boxing who the heck is this oh that’s uh wait I should prob I don’t know what I’m doing demon demon if you don’t if you don’t have this fight ended within the next 30 seconds you aren’t getting the rank wait you we get

Ranks oh my God sky can you gift me a rank I’m kidding hey Ryan doesn’t give you the rank dum dum oh my This Server is really I I have five ranks bought that I can give out oh my how much does the rank cost I’m just

Wondering $15 I paid 105 and I have five confirmed unused ranks that I bought for AR but then they just didn’t go through until I have them to Spares that’s crazy oh my is violation violate violate violate violate violate violate the violate violate violate violate violate violate man what are you talking about again too far it was it was too much oh Magie oh me uh I don’t know a half of what this guy is talking about to be

Honest sa sa you distracted me I’m trying to kick uh the cat friend this just nudged him with the fist one no Take that saff I want to fight you no I’m not going to do it please no ST come on St I everyone else if you do

It I’m buying you both rank wait wait what so if you get me it I’ll buy you the one rank it’ll eat and then you get media uh okay do you really I mean we could just you sure you won just accept it damn it okay I see you in spawn

Accept it okay okay okay me what wait how I I want to get rid of these R quick okay Jesus man you really expire oh what did you do actually because they expire S I didn’t know man SN have you checked your DMs yet I’m hurry up and get I have

To hurry up and get names to I’m I’m going to I didn’t know doing it now okay I didn’t I didn’t know um all I should all right I haven’t checked it I I will check it when I have time I I haven’t checked a for a long time I’ve

Been sleeping like the whole day today that was so nice damn the actually first challenge I’ve had I’m not going to lie I’m not I’m not good man saf is actually a decent player to have to fight against like like even not a main at I’m not good you

Are nor am I what do you mean I’m not I’m not good what are you talking a beautiful jump reset wasn’t it I can’t do anything I tried why why did you try that you admit though I almost had the thing I regreted accepting this so much

Right now I get I get oh I got it no way no way look at hit look at hit you got me are you sure you got me sir are you sure you got meit you I think I think you’re back in the air put me down put me put me

Down what was that I can’t believe it oh God did I just 360 you you just is that crew over there grew grew oh my God still recording you’re still recording oh my can’t believe it I can’t believe it you caught in was recording I can’t believe it I I forgot I was

Recording you did you lured me into the dud because you said it’s going to expire I completely forgotten I was recording I’m dead serious I completely right because I went to look down y back record this right I was about to back record it right but then I looked down

Like oh wait I’m still recording crap I forgot about that f not get that please don’t reach it’s pretty funny you know me will you stop spelling my name like that please demonic please I’m wait Sky I’m just I’m just saying demonic thank you thank you what do you mean you still

With okay that was interesting I don’t know I kind of like lost my touch here like I I I did so bad to do and you don’t need to get me the rank you don’t need to spectate people me Carly I I I I okay after I after I off I’m

Dead I just said that and died wait oh hey bro oh car almost combo me car almost had a combo on me that’s that’s nice she is really good at the game spectate oh God spectate spectate I can’t Dem was attacking me S this is bad s this is bad S

I wait wait wait wait wait wait where oh God look at this commentation oh we have Sky we the beautiful flag right there attacking Cy with the uh with with with with with the I feel like C is like some kind of military or something I don’t know

Looking cool um all right look at this we have sky and Carly can’t Banning and show I don’t really know how it’s going right now can you get a commentated sky is this going good is it going good for Carly no is it going good for you

Very and I got this all recorded um I’m trying to drink my salt Coca-Cola vanilla sh sugar and I that’s this is this is what this is what happened by way I play for media plus rank in the same time I was streaming sort of for that

But I think the staff team is over they’re not really ready you want to redo I want to see it I want I actually I want uh she wants to read you everyone she wants to read you everyone this is all going to be one solid clip I’m posting on

YouTube I want to say it it’s fine it’s fine go ahead go go ahead go go go ahead go ahead Carl go I going get I going to drink something real quick I guess see call is running towards come on short legs come on Sky you’re mean come on feather

White come on feather white come on a pixel weight is always the one that flies I’m trying to find dash dash dash there it is she can’t she cannot take my left Strife for shoot she could take she can take my head on slow she also can take my right

St look at that yeah Dash I know what you’re talking about okay I need to close this on my phone oh my God wait Sky by the way I was thinking future content all right future content I was thinking Bears is still there I is cute

Sorry I know the Bears are so adorable I know honestly W in my no in my opinion those bears are more adorable than controversial say more adorable than Stitch yo no Sky no he can’t say that it’s true it’s true if dies the next five three four

Five stage rocks what are you talking about hash I did not get bribed hasht I didn’t get paid hasht I didn’t just get $1,000 just into my bank account for saying that that no no that was me that that was probably you didn’t hear what I said did

You okay I did better she did better you hear I said did you wait oh my just scar me did you hear what I said she I know I thought she left oh God I thought she I thought she left for a second I was like oh God no I’m sorry wa

Moon go away go away go away who the hell pereus is bad oh well stab it with a stick well yeah your skill I can’t uh I sound like a be right now be moving oh hell I’m about to lose man on 171 ping I’m about to lose yeah

GG demon is there styling with 170 ping as grew wait what I died spectate I can’t I’m trying to survive uh spectate if you want to see grw beating my ass grw grw yes it’s kid grw kid grw oh oh yes SP I’m serious but yeah uh Dash I have been

There I know what you’re talking about my friend I don’t really know 7 I don’t I don’t I don’t really know what but there was really really cute uh what’s it called oh you just sent over a picture of bro I’m getting 720 yeah Sky I’m trying to F sorry there was a

Picture of um I’ve never been s in my life before now oh my God yeah but yeah oh my sky I was thinking I don’t know if if you would be up to it but me and some other people were thinking about basically creating videos

That’s why I been all my I shck through like FFA I played so much FFA and I was in Q crab and I was thinking yo what about I would set in like you know like you see a lot of videos like C best best people against this this thing and that

You know but I’m thinking the best FFA player against a YouTuber or something like that I think that would be a decent and cool video thing so that’s what I was thinking uh that’s why I’ve been Rand I don’t know if you maybe have been added but I was thinking to do

No yeah no we don’t like it against that but yeah I don’t know so that was literally what I was I will say this I will say this right now okay I wish okay I wish I could have 16 characters as a disguise cuz if I could

I could use AR I think you can write my name my name is yald my name is yald I cannot I do not think oh okay pretty sure re real quick Rel so I can try it oh yeah yeah yeah relo I’m going try and do s k wa I can’t somebody’s

Killing me I want to be living living is great no no I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t it’s too much no okay I’m I’m leaving uh let’s goog no you don’t have to you don’t have to it’s too much say it was too much too much is

It no it’s uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 characters this like or or 14 less than one join event or no money I oh my God I want money you’re not going to get money I’m just saying you’re you’re Brokey if you

Don’t join the event I I already have money no I’m us Ying Scot by the way I I just uh I don’t know but I would like you to like it would be funny to see you if you could beat one of the media ranks or it would be interesting

Though Sumo wait someone’s in suo here wait I want to check out this reminds me of sea kind of a little bit but I do like this ha what is the elite rank for is someone here I my Del it is someone there it is someone here hi who

Are you I bried it I bred a media plus rank to join this freaking event he’s using reach oh okay never mind then who is uh for you in the event are you in the event are you in the event I’m not in you’re slow sorry I didn’t get in is here I’m

Sad wait that should you need to go to bed I I got your Cs on road but I hope you’re sleeping good and uh yeah yeah I I really hope you’re sleeping good my friend she I I know I know my sister is like how do you get how how you going

Like she and I be going outside I’m like going off and someone is like sister is like how do you know everyone I’m like I don’t know everyone I just like that’s an old teacher that’s an old classmate like that’s the mother of like one of my

Friends I I was friends with that’s my grandma I’m not I’m not kidding some sometimes my grandparents are outside uh like they’re going into a supermarket wait minute who are you good luck demonic I I’m very confused there buddy I’m going to take a PR screen buddy

Bro Carly Carly look Carly look Carly Carly Carly Carly car no I want to steal this I want to steal Sky help me steal the gold and diamonds and the emeralds I want to I want to fit I shouldn’t have eaten the cake I shouldn’t have eaten the cake I can’t

Fit through the bars I bars I want it is over there I’m keeping this disguised now one sec I don’t know I feel like they they just like wondering what we doing right now but should I use should I use follow of this guy what is it what is he up to

Wait what’s this uh oh wait I got so instantly distracted okay I should never this is my no no this is my new one I don’t even care it’s stay this he just runs away I I’m just like Carly is one foot nub you just left oh God you shouldn’t stalk people

Sorry I was just working by the way uh no not the dog is uh uh you should probably take it on the stream if it’s important uh but I really like what is uh what the dog picture and also what you sent afterwards Jes it really made my

Day where you at Carly wait wait I should just see if my application from a media no the last spectate D oh there oh there she is everyone everyone no no no no no did she just Rage Quit wait what happened what the fudge just happened I don’t know but I’m writing

Some the you guys stay with me all right I was about to say something really funny no I hate this map wait Scott you wait you God you mean go you know G like G where is this child wait wait wait there she is there’s the hello how are

You don’t say it out loud please don’t say it out loud I I will I will be I will not be happy did you did you read it I got a better idea I was so close to say that and happy I did not say that look at

My you see the picture of the cat I sent you after to the dog yeah I did I did oh is it was so cute wa wait wait wait especially the flower on top of the cat like uh like the head it’s perfect but honestly like I I don’t know

Staff I’m going send you something okay staff I’m going send you something okay wait what look at look at look at what I’m about I’m taking I have to take a screenshot one second wait wait because my PC sucks and taking a screenshot sucks all almost say is this St the

Amount of letters this takes is beautifully Perfect all right count the letters will you yeah yeah I’m C don’t send it out in the server man I would not be fud bro wait what thing lagged wait you didn’t give me a second okay okay me and sky are having extremely fun things here

But yeah g f oh yeah we are s this is be my new Nick all right what’s your Nick what your Nick what’s your Nick what’s your Nick what’s your Nick I want to say wait what you no that Nick is cool I like that cool you can’t oh

No this would be just so perfect I’m trying to think of a way all right let’s see what we do here wait I should I know way best sup player never loses I was imagine real life though best soup player it works it worked no way no

Way hey yo Carly look’s behind you I can’t I can’t believe it I can’t believe it no did it actually look behind you is this Minecraft yeah this Minecraft no look behind you would uh advise you I would want you to die a little bit wake up short thing

Wake up short thing na yes we you are I don’t I don’t even know what you what are you wake up what he died that was painful at least he died is that me it is me wait I should just kill them real quick wait oh no I because I place the part Therey wait oh no someone hit me kind of there we go no go away Carly can you hear me if you can turn the hell around turned it you mean turn it off where you at St where where I am I am getting killed and chased down by

People it’s like relatable it’s like in real life stop it l St it is Imagine loo is that a boso Jesus yeah so I was thinking I I I just need to find a group of FFA player in free in cubecraft if you would be interested just DM me on Discord and I’m

Going to oh it didn’t work and I will see what we can do because I think it’s going to be really funny b a demon how did I kill demon where where are you sky you spelled perfect wrong I had to you had to spell it wrong

I see I see why I had to it was too long but I didn’t sorry I was trying to drink my dream wait a minute did I oh no I accidentally got rid I just ripped away one strand of hair Coca-Cola and salt I need more

Drinks wish to drink that where to drink That wait I can’t do that wait drink I need a drink I need drink what is Happ I thought we were all just three emo looking I’m not emo what are you talking about I just like to boy we both look emo we all three look emo I like the I

Is I like my characters just I don’t know I don’t want to say why I like this character I don’t want to say why I like character Sky you good you look you look like you need to talk to someone I’m here if you need to

Like I don’t want to talk about okay okay I got you well no well no incorrect incorrect right incorrect I’ll just DM you it um all right I was I was yoking first but yeah sure you can DM me off that sounds good that sounds good I just dm’ you right now okay

Me gamer girl there we go c f did I oh wait I spelled meie wrong Let’s see we can we can toss me a little bit real quick I’m so evil it should not be allowed sometimes I think um there we go wait go away wait she directly went for this all right

No I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I can’t believe it I can’t believe got Poland okay whatever we in what USA again useless wait what I already have USA I don’t need another one wait make it was make I’m just very confused I’m a confused person right now wait I’m

So wait wait wait how do I accept invitations me meie gamer girl isn’t that your name meie gamer girl can actually being gamer girl I’m in a que wait oh yeah I’m dumb Jesus meie gamer girl yeah I wrote right but I was I wasn’t a queue I I I I don’t

Know go away go away no no no I’m sorry no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry as always I always I got it I got it got Jesus shorty could stuck the W St no you already guys going Jesus you have three you have all 3, points that’s

Insane stff come here stff we can’t pull her out this time come here where wait where’s come here look she’s too short we quite literally can’t get her out of this one no I if you just reach a little bit hard no really you’re just proving a point a

Point you’re you fit in there she is is proving a point she’s moving freely in there H there oh my okay I okay I got to get another 17 p i liter Sky I I literally couldn’t breathe I was trying like hey something’s wrong yeah I I don’t have air oh my God

How did you even end up there how did you even up there how I can’t believe it how did you end up in there how do you like physically get how like is like where how I am so confused right now I I need air I oh my God

Look at this this weird creature I can’t I just can’t I just can’t I’m I can’t move demon demon move demon move demon move demon move move demon move move going to turn you’re trying to break her out you’re trying to rescue her I’m feeling Dy right now I can’t I

Need can’t there oh my God try to crawl try to to help you’re trying to break crawl get to Reacher you’re trying you’re trying to flip again I you TR the Min out oh my God oh my God I God so just I oh my God I I just I don’t know what’s

What’s oh I I’m I’m scratching my eyes with salt I don’t know I literally almost did that I can’t believe it so Sky I took salt trying to put in my S I can I scratch my eye my right eye is hurting almost this is making me want to get salty my

Eyes I don’t know if this can even save Carl let me try real quick on I oh no it can’t it’s too long name I’m sorry you’re stck can’t can’t you guys is going to kill me I don’t know what to do I need air okay I can’t wait to show this I’m

Car I can’t wait to show AR because I’m have her laughing at you SK SK she wrote you all Giants I’m I’m I’m I’mma show Carly I’m show ARS this Carly and I also Show I can’t oh my God please like okay okay no no no no no posting this stream uh this stream onto the heesu and Cube Discord I’m have a Time Camp to this exact moment wait I don’t think you’re allowed to do Cube but

Try me what they going to do ban me what they going to do ban me what they going to do ban me they going ban me no they ain’t I’m allowed to I’m allowed to advertise in the Discord yes I am good I guess I can’t spell

It watch out move move move out of the way move out the wayve out the way move out of the way I want to be an ant wait wait wait wait wait wait wait pie can you like move wait wait good morning you me cat saying good morning to

C wait how did they wait wait what wait I I want I want to get down wait oh my God wait how do I get in not to get out I don’t know wait for it I want I want to get in I want to get in sorry saf you’re too

Sorry saf you’re too big morph I’m play I’m too pig that’s so brutal wait I was in three theise spotter this is so I can move though I can’t see people trying to Fed into the same hole in like in the stairs I think this is this is this is a

This is beginning to uh look a lot like the noise wait what like the noise Sky DMS what happened zap I told you didn’t I no you didn’t no look Sorry tiny there you go I um I um me’s literally just too big look at this then I I want to apologize for for yeah yeah your DM s wait DMS again it’s nothing bad don’t think at least all is hello everyone we are now

Stuck in a hole this is all right I’m going to go and make this this intro really stop cof man all right every the outro so that you can leave and go and go like sleep and eat and Sh that I need to eat can we like end stream please can

I need to eat badly just go and eat no you wanted it in the Stream anyways I don’t want to continue until they give me the meded r my parent is going to hate me though get over here there’s the get over here hello mey I’m going need to move

Away from here wait how do I get move how do I how do I actually wait Sky how do you how do I escape from this I’m stuck uh break block wait I want to get out of here imagine Skye I’m stuck elb I don’t know how to get spawn dorks

Oh you guys are dorks I swear to God every last one of Y dorks just a tin of bit no no no no every last one we do are DS Jesus everyone join the event wait uh when it comes up all right I was first it’s actually wa oh my there no

Way Wonder yes way cool skin that’s a really cool skin Oh my days everyone you should definitely Yin the disc server and maybe subscribe if you hav’t already maybe like you don’t need it but it’s there it’s there as a person that had a couple of hundreds you

Don’t want to check my dad he have so many don’t I hope he doesn’t hear this because he’s probably outside but I’m saying that he have so many people he he subscribed how do i y so you casually do slash and then event you need to do slash

Event event I can’t even spell that event wait oh don’t no no thunder you can do this dude to teleport tort the teleport crashed me see this no no pressure wait what happened well whatever where am I the teleport crash oh well Skye wait what happened with you I have

Got teleported in I’m a I likeus I likeus I’m so confused what happened with I nicked yeah my stream just crashed not my stream my Minecraft just crashed Jesus yo oh my God I like the stream oh my God it’s KY wait wait if if Carly wins this uh I

I I I give 200 points yeah yeah wait oh that’s unfortunate K how’s it going with you but is this Ser is.org the owner con the mods and everyone is there is so cool I applied for media rank actually in the Stream um so on Discord server

So uh let’s see if we can get it um Mak me hosted oh I don’t know why sky Steve sky is like just Steve oh you’re Steve your name is Steve by the way no no I’m not in the game what do you mean you’re in the game oh we

Have 20 likes everyone you you know what we should do we should add another C I am most definitely not in the game I no you’re in the game I can see you bet one sec wait wait wait wait 25 more likes we getting out

Of cage dang I I so much like the a generator CES they’re really good really really good no no no s sa sa sa sa one sec all right one sec right fer fer funer I’m betting on the big one I don’t know who who is that

But I think this Sony can do this I think Sony can clutch this Sony Sony Sony Sony yo look at this son’s yeah you want to um you want to tell me that I’m uh that I’m in game again one sec check the stream Scott like yeah yeah yeah but I’m not

Physically there anymore but on my end I’m not wait you’re like theing what playing St I’ve been crashed ever since that first match oh come on Sonny come on Sunny come on Sunny come on sunny you can do this you can do this wait wait wait someone said they

Were top sup player I want to be top Su player I’m kidding I’m kidding bored Sky you’re in this game that’s Mega said that that’s what Mega said uh fluffy is online oh my God look at my look at look at your DMs DM Char this is what I

See just this just the black screen that’s so strange mhm yeah wait I should probably wait wait is the St here wait all right I don’t know wait did I get wait what a n I’m so confused to so many people writing oh my good hi what’s

Your name I’m going go ahead and go eat and all right I’m going like see I’m get to sleep yeah do that my friend see y’all everyone goodbye stream byebye like like subscribe and yo by the way um Carly you’re about me you misspelled something there we go i’ take a Nerf

Pullet for you Loi what do you mean pull it pull it like now goodbye people need to point that out of course you need to point it out imagine that wait okay well guy he just left us not like he died but he’s not dead trust

Me yeah by the way I’m going to go and use the copyright system and strike down some videos later so you better watch out okay sorry just I can’t say that without with a straight face it’s is so funny um wait I don’t know really how long I will

Be going for how do I Yin you uh you can go and join into where we were landed if you want to you can reatch the stream I’m I’m actually like alone in this this is this is kind of sad but works this stream is really really I I really

Like the stream um as the concept of like streaming something that not Cube Crow but even that we also got a lot of people for example some hackers as moded people that seem to be uh really enjoying the server I mean at least there people and by them joining the

Server they are advertising the server and that’s what kind of like Sky wanted at least I don’t know I just stream this because I thought it was just funny I didn’t really I did I didn’t even know he was streaming in the first place uh the

Server so I was like okay okay but uh wait I should Pro I can just go around and spit blocks here it’s pretty chill wait can I like just SP could I can I possibly like do dual and then I do Micky gamer girl but I’m like a far

Away pling of fun yeah because I’m alone hey great I think that means I’m a Loner oh I don’t have I don’t have any UHS I don’t know if you I don’t think we get any experience for training in the server but yeah I would not checking wait oh I died in

The laded B how do I invite you to um my wait to my party I actually don’t know read drit I I don’t think drit works really there oh I think I just tged it but yeah yeah but uh um very very very nice you can see for example it was

A little hacker there he uh I strike it down his video as he was hacking U and you know against a lot of lot of people he’s been trying to harass me with creating different accounts he’s saying a lot of things so I’m going to say this

Just really clear you know like I just find it really funny sorry but it’s really funny uh all this work just for one video Jesus man it’s really fun so if you want to stream St I don’t really mind I I’m used to it and at the same

Time you’re also giving me V hours so you kind of like not really doing something you’re just like if you’re thinking about it you you’re um how do I explain this more like you’re uh advertising the server by joining the server uh you joining my stream gives me like more

People will see the Stream So what are you’re doing is helping me if it makes sense maybe it you don’t see it like that but I see it as eh whatever it’s fun and then you’re making videos and uh using my stream footage I’ll be taking

Down your uh videos like I’ve done with so many people as hacking is not allowed in the same time you you know you were stream sniping me so you know of course will take you down the video man oh my God this sorry but I can’t say all of

This with a straight face it’s just so funny all right I’m just running around I just I don’t know should we should we probably stop wait I’m not going to go yeah Le do that there we go hello my friend wait are you trying to stop me or oh oh I did

Didn’t I was thinking about just Hing him he’s hitting uh wait I can’t drop the items uh so that means the redeem drop doesn’t work wait I can join Megan’s party wait I got an invitation that’s interesting uh the end disappeared Okay Christian How’s It

Go um I don’t I don’t think that was the plan here but that that was more of a plan should I join the party I I don’t know really uh it would be fun though wait how many hours should be streaming I don’t know I be streaming a lot I should probably get

Some sleep yeah I should I should probably but I’m I’m really happy that so many people seem to be enjoying this like a lot of people join from cubecraft uh to be in the server this means that the numbers and also the statistics for their their

Server right now will be going up this means that we can support them so literally like everyone that’re watching this you support you’re build you’re supporting and giving this s a better future if you better future but like Improvement if it makes sense not improvements but like yeah I I

Don’t know but I honestly I I I like this movements and placement and how we do this and uh that’s honestly why I would say that if you stream snipe it really helps not only me it really helps the server so yeah continue doing that strafe no strafe it’s my party all

Right can I do like party accept then maybe gamer girl question mark uh something we wrong you been invited to own a party uh party accept I don’t really know actually party something I actually don’t know but I’m probably going to take it between the streams and see if we can how parties

Works I I don’t really know but it would be really good to know well look at this look at this everyone yeah there we go e someone’s running all right there we go wait wait wait I should probably check how long I be streaming for and then take a

Break and I’m I’m I’m probably going to go update on if I get to Media if I don’t get a media no worry like I don’t really mind it wait Mig here yo migy Jesus migy um you’re you’re tossing me Jesus yeah you toss me there well let’s see there we

Go I didn’t kill you though Jesus okay I thought I thought I actually thought I killed her um there go we good good good uh I should yeah I should check out stream for um it is for um what is it like 4 and a half hour

Under yeah four and a half h on there wait she H it no I thought I could kill you which just oh no I but let me put music on it’s too quiet it’s too quiet wait a minute oh no go away go away oh wait oh accidentally went to my inventory side

Jesus the hiker was so dumb so it was not going against me and it’s going against meie oh my got imagine all right right wait I can’t do region oh that’s interesting so far so far I enjoying this this is pretty fun and all of this

Because of a video Jesus man you really don’t know how to just accept stuff oh my God you could what you could have done my friend is to get rid of my part of the video and then you can just to re re-upload it like you could have done

That but like I said it’s nothing personal it’s uh it’s just yeah my work and it’s really funny Jesus hello migy there we go other uh G the hacker ah it’s fine this is some people I got rid of the video and uh they’re just a little bit

Angry it’s a tiny bit and it’s so funny actually I know I’m repeating a lot of time but it literally if my video would be going down and someone would like you did relo it oh wait I should probably strike it down then uh by the way you should probably uh definitely put

Credit wait I should be ending the stream in like 12 minutes around there and then after that I think we stream like almost five hours I’m pretty tired so I’m going to get her you know get some cocaa going s it’s like 3 and 1 a.m. around there by

The way I it was so funny I joined into a stream where there was a streamer that basically got he got like he got targeted by the same people uh and all it was I didn’t I like what I’m saying is uh it’s like it’s a game

But some people take it to ser seriously and some people really think I’m either hating people or uh not hating people I should probably do aim I think I’m alone right now yeah I’m alone let’s see there we go there we go why missed missed one time that’s

Kind of sad and he will be joining in and he will be writing something so you just ignore that he hey me let’s good you trust me after Banning a couple of hundred of people like that oh my Jesus you got you’ll learn stuff you’ll learn

Stuff but I don’t really mind right now because it’s it’s no Cube Craft so like I don’t need to do anything like I said he uh he kind of yed wait I I accident I can’t get out look at this another cat we doing another cat yo yeah we have four cats

Right now I’m just having fun it’s like uh yeah for me I I can do this forever like I can do this literally until you can’t but it’s just I want to sleep so you know it’s it’s like yeah it’s over 300 a.m. well I should be watching your uh

Your little video then see if uh you just watch it but if it’s completely fine like I I I not do anything where did you go I’m just going through a lot of servers because this hacker is uh can’t really take that I struck down

His video like trust me he trying to D me and the first thing I did uh first thing I actually did I blocked him oh my God and he did not like that so when he he trying to like get into streams create on accounts I used hide

Him he Ys in I hir him and oh my this it’s uh I don’t know I I find it really funny you know trust me he’s not the first one that done that and every time it’s the same funny thing like and I told you he would join

In and he would be writing trust me hackers are so predictable they do the same thing again again but the thing is if you would like actually do something that are like not that everyone else have done there would be better like they would be actually

Like I would be impressed but as they doing the same thing again and again like they just get in WR down little bit things get out and just trying to Target and you know like they have the same hacks it’s like I’ve just seen a couple of thousand of people like

That please get some skill brother in like at least like you know you could um like download a hack client that not a lot of people are using and I like you know actually use it proper and make something that are like yo this is me

And like trying to get a nich on it because a lot of hackers I seem like they trying to make like a YouTube channel on it but trust me if I would I can create a channel with that like have a hacker going and get people watch

It but the thing is they can’t they don’t know how to do it and that’s the funny part but if I actually did see like a hacker then like I’m just saying this right I’m saying this as a person you want to give tips I don’t care if

You’re hackers or the hackers I’m just saying you need to like stand out a little bit because if you don’t stand out then literally like everyone is just going to ignore your video watch someone else to doing fun your hacks or some something like that you know like you’re not going to

Get any clicks on it but you’re going to get some clicks of course because I mean that’s how the system works but not actually proper good clicks I would say not good clicks but like people watching through the whole video just like staring it like ha and then it’s like nah that

Wasn’t funny enough I’m going to watch like a hacker boy 2000 or something like that but yeah yeah but yeah also I’m just wondering how you doing today my friend H if this this uh conversation would be one-sided I’m going to just say a little bit quick I am doing very good

Myself today like today has been really fun like I slept a lot and all that I just basically went on Q uh well I went to q but then I was just playing on H I didn’t know sky was streaming um but trust me that was I was really fun

Um he’s sniping told me to leave you don’t H this just a hacker that thinks he have a lot of power trust me if I would want to I can download a hack and I would exceed I would win the thing is why I know that because I actually do

Have some skill the hackers they just don’t let it hack think they have a lot of power going around like a little kid to have like a stick trying to back whack people you know like yeah but if you have some skill actually using it I would be more impressed and actually

Maybe a little bit more frighten I don’t really know if that’s uh that’s what we doing run up part you right now I’m running because you can’t beat me in a one V one we don’t hacks do you like do you know how like how interesting that is like you need

Hacks to kill me you need you need hacks to kill me dang I’m so I’m probably that dangerous then Jesus my friend uh but you didn’t answer how you doing today you should probably just like you know create another account on YouTube and then you can you and I can have a

Conversation and then yeah I know I I don’t really mind this a one SED conversation like I’m used to it but like Jesus man you don’t really know how to like speak to people I was was mey I thought was a tiny hockey boy wait he’s here oh no

Worry but I don’t know I’m I’m doing completely fine I can run forever man I can do the whole stream just running because I know I will win in the end because you will not but I only think this y St me is me sleeping right now whoops oh my

This this is so funny this is funny Jesus okay everyone all of this because he either would want to like do a video on me again or for theia strike down that is a very extremely much who would want to like no why I stri it down and

I’m not going to tell you everything of it this the funny part uh if you would want to I was actually thinking also if you would want to like have a call and talk about it like you I’m I’m not you I’m not kidding I could uh unban if you

Would want to I get unblock you actually but uh yeah I mean what do you do right now like I I I was thinking about it actually today I was like yo maybe I should explain why and maybe he like understands and you know like I don’t have anything against you like

Personally you I think you’re a awesome guy man I think you justed talking me some stuff so that’s why you joing the server the other server that you’re helping to gain more people watching so like they long them going here they more views uh and more things and more watch

Hours I will get for you just watching the whole stream this means if I stream for 10 hours straight you will watch it this means I gain money you you’re helping me and you don’t get nothing except for tiny Clips my friend I don’t know would you also just

Be honest like would you want to have a call about it n you’re probably going to be muted and not talk like that’s often what hackers I talk to at least or like because I have nothing against you like you human you nothing against you

Um dang I want I wanted to uh see if also was there maybe he’s uh maybe he’s just uh joined in I knew it I knew it oh it is man you are predictable like everyone else but yeah uh I don’t really remember your Discord could you please uh say

It actually turn to the same one oh my God yeah I I I just click clicked I was like hey at least you didn’t notice it there we go and now you’re doing the same thing again and when it’s going in I’m going to go do the same thing

Again wow I’m a c moderator is running away from a hacker the C moderator doesn’t have any any hacks at all never thought about hacking in his entire life and uh yeah there we go by way I’m going to make it very very sure I’m very very

Secure I am not angry I just find this really funny my opinion is uh I he could just left it um you’re not cheating right now really I’m not trusting you man uh two seconds later your freaking flies Mega agree like actually a like I’m I’m wondering would you want to have

A proper One V one except you will be using HS that’s the thing that’s what you’re going to do because that’s what usually people like you do so I understand that if you want to stand out like would you want to talking call not on stream no no I don’t think you’re I

Think you’re too sh for that nah not really here like I told you I will not do a one one in stream because honestly you’re just going to turn the hacks on and just like yo I killed the guy no worry man like I can also just install hacks and

Kill you and make a video look I kill someone that’re like is defenseless Jesus you’re pathetic at least get some skill like if you had skill and then download hacks I would respect that a little bit more because then you maybe would want to like actually do

Better but as you can’t even do that like man you need skill to be good my some of my friends they can even they kill like S as a mod like hacker for people there b basically because they were dumb enough they just basically like I don’t know like you

Just bad enough because they can’t one one without the hacks so if you would have the skill without the hacks and then using the hacks afterwards you would actually be good look at you you’re already here son but I know I will beat you when when you like

There we go but you’re not going to get a One V one because you know obviously you’re going to record it and you’re going to hack and you’re oh my God I want one I Moder trust me man I’ve seen so many videos like that so it’s

Just be do something better people will watch you if you actually have some personality into it but man you’re never going to get people to watch you and that should like earn money from it if you don’t stand out trust me I’ve been doing YouTube for

6 years that’s how you do it but I didn’t do it for the money though but you probably do for the money and the fame and I may ask you what’s Fame are you compensating for something Jesus man but still if you want to watch the

Stream be my guest I can stream forever um and you you do it for fun I do forun I see man I’m doing this for fun because hey also should we do this more often like you maybe for you know thought about it he just told me you know little bit

You legit 4 hacks cuz you’re bad not really I I don’t I’m not the one to just hack is it random I’m like I I can you know I’m joking about it sometimes and of course I’m not perfect so I do sometimes you know accidentally ban

People yet but I majority of the times I do ban people there are just completely ra uh just out of just hacking because I mean that’s literally what I got train to do but I’m not perfect so I do my my wrong things of course but yeah [Laughter]

Oh my God Magie Jesus I can’t believe it this is so goddamn funny again like meie by the way you literally help me so many times to avoid him of course’s he’s going to go after me the thing is like if he really try he

Can try to go for you the thing is if he goes for you I can see it go for you if you join my the lob be I am in so like Jesus man like I said you’re so predictable man Stand Out little bit at least this is going to make a

Really good video if you’re recording this so I don’t really mind that because it’s just going to show like how pathetic you really are to the point that like you can’t beat me without hacks and that’s why you follow me around like I oh boy days this just proves that I’m

Better uh I don’t think I never thought I am better but actually like come on you don’t need to install hacks to kill me but it seems like you’re too afraid of that Jes the only vid he’s got is me telling the only vid he is got is me telling him to get Scared oh my God me oh my is oh boy this that’s going to be a very long video like a half an hour video of you just telling him to get skill and he’s just been so mad cursing you out because he can’t like use his toys okay all right

Well I didn’t know what to say oh my God at least I mean h got like the more views we got on this video uh this stream and more like hours the more I’m going to get uh the media rank if it makes sense I I rather here U his bike

Oh I don’t know thank you so much I can’t even see what he’s riding Jesus here I have he also you need to be a little bit faster I can’t even see what you’re writing before I’m leaving like bro you need to be faster so I can at least like read what

You’re talking about like if you would want to have the one one and talking in call like like I said I had nothing against you I think you’re you’re a really funny dude like it’s it’s the same with chesco and some other people like I know some other factors but I

Don’t think they are bad people I just found them really funny some of them like even simp he is complet I’ve talked to him in a call like in voice on the o stream he is God dang I I like he I don’t know he has this ARA that like I

Don’t know I have nothing against him personally but but I don’t know I think he’s really funny like to be honest but apparently they just hate me because I’m CU Jesus wait what happened if I would retire I’m just wondering hey also could you could you explain that

I’m in eo2 by the way also so you can explain something before I’m leaving wait you need to write it fast though because before I’m leaving he said still talking about me and want H this not going to happen honestly if you you like went in I said even hi to

You because I knew it was you before you hacked on me before if you remember I don’t know if you even have like volume one but I’m just saying this next time at least talk to me before hacking if you actually would want to have the one V

One uh May used to ignore him he doesn’t know how language works you know I mean oh no she’s I can’t say that but yeah I can do this forever this is very good practice for at least to bridging that’s why I like build a lot build is

Cool Jesus all right so also you’re planning to do a video about you just cursing out meie wait I actually you should send that in Discord oops you can’t because I blocked you oh my this I’m not talking bad about you it’s just how you do it it makes me really

It’s so funny and honestly thank you also like I’m saying this thank you man I find you a hi how’s it going how’s it going hi where’s U where’s my man I thought he would answer me at least no I can’t find you oh you find me

Nice I think me just annoyed ASU Jesus well I’m going to have something to write to Sky and some other my friends he said I want to fight sapper and hide my account no oh wait really well at least if if I wait everyone should I wait should I

Upload this on YouTube I should I mean it’s already on YouTube so in case he would you you’re like I can I can strike down this video if I would want to but I think this in itself actually like would make a really funny video like I’m I’m not kidding I’m not

Kidding I should do that I just I so I should probably tag you for the video so you can at least see it if you don’t need to it’s there but I the like I don’t usually do a lot of videos um so it might I might need to

Like you know do footage and do everything there like I said this really makes made my day thank you so much man I can’t believe it it’s so funny oh well by the way I am in lobby Tobe as so very very nice Mega saying yes all

Right I mean I could use just bring up a poll like yo I trolled the hacker he thought he could use the he thought he could just hack on me on another server so I just wasted his time running around in different servers and I also got I earned from

It you said you’re scared I’m not scared the thing is uh I don’t uh I don’t you know talk to people that are like hacking but I do have some friends that are hacking of course but they really really funny uh I think U is honestly

Really fun if I would be really scared I would have relogged the game if it makes sense because he’s here and I can just do this and look that’s going to be awesome you V go uh we have also a hacker just chasing it down I’m wasting his time me too 23 in

Front of sleepy I can do this trust me I’ve been awake for over two days as honest and I think also here he’s so much want to get clips for his new video and trying to get 10 10 views I mean if you would get a 100 I’m pretty happy

About that man I’m I’m not wonder I’m like you know just so know I like when it’s going good for other people so if you would get 100 views be my guest like I honestly I would be happy for you but like you need to do it better

Everyone I trust me everyone does this I even myself watch people hack over people because you know like honestly like I need to study them and then I can just keep B them afterwards in case but they they don’t stand out that’s the thing but if you would actually stand

Out and do something because this is making me like want to make a video about you doing this because it’s so funny like imagine like having a title saying I troll a hacker that got mad by Me by me copyright striking his video and then how here trying to write

Discord I blocked him and then after that what a title Jesus man I canot play you I got you Victor when he join say something he wants to tell you something I see so if you said one one him and he’s a legit and he’s telling me to and

He’s not and he’s got 4K I don’t really know nah I just going to waste this time also if you wanted to do the One V one why didn’t you tell me first I said hi to you in the beginning when you joined in why didn’t you tell me you

Wouldn’t want you why you like you could just told me man you could have told me I would have said yes but as you hacked you didn’t think yeah one more say you messed up I would have said yes it’s not my server so why would I

Say no then I the Q CR is not even my server so like hey but honestly this is funny oh wait me is going kill me wait monkeys over there I I was going to escape from her uh he was trying to to a second ago

Oh Bo I know he asked me to One V one but the thing is man continue to watch and we get more watch hours and This Server will grow much bigger than C now I I don’t really know that but please continue to watch hacker like I need I

Need more content I need more content oh boy T look at this he’s I know he’s talking I want to do a One V one and this is annoying him so much it is so funny I can’t stop it like I said I can do this forever man because it’s that

Funny you should have definitely not have hacked on me man if you really wanted to had it one want you could have even have recorded it you could have recorded I I didn’t hack I legit killed the C moderator like that’s a good title because people would be oh wait wait

Wait he doesn’t need to hack and kill the CU moderator I would watch that man I would watch that but you didn’t you didn’t think you need to think before you can get it because that’s what I’m doing on my videos and streams I actually think about the title I actually think about

The description I actually think about people like what they would enjoy watching you don’t that’s why you’re going to you can take all of the tips as a told you and then you can be successful and when you’re doing that like honestly man if you’re a successful hacker and you get money for

It for you I mean honestly when you do that be my guess like I would love to um make a video with you if you actually get monetized I’m not kidding he lost everyone he’s probably going to go and bring his little hacker gang the thing is I can just escape from them

Also like trust me like this I can continue this forever I am not joking and I uh just gain for it Bo wait if you get premium I will get money from that if you watch the ads that are sometimes there occurring I get moded for that this means if you

Continue to watch by the way everyone if you’re watching this uh I usually don’t speak like this is but it’s just I’m so I can’t control it because it’s so funny like I can’t it’s just oh my God I mean I have done this so many times against so many other

People I’m stuck where you stuck but every time I’m doing it it’s so funny oh my God wait there you go yo yo uh the camer how’s it going uh he said please he said please wait I’m begging wait wait I’m making the hacker beg for a One V one that’s an

Even better title that’s an okay yo man I you need to stop it’s going to look even better for you like I can see you from there boom like you’re begging me for a One V one I I didn’t know I was that good man

Oh my God I another cap because went on I mean uh I mean right now I’m uh hanging out with the hacker and meie and I swear he’s legit he’s legit I killed him and him bad why would I do one one against him then if he’s

Bad Magie like hey could you like I don’t know if you have recording software but could you record I need I need some clips on him like I need and then I’m going to upload it and also I’m sorry if you would want to off that like

I would love to have your opinion about it uh I don’t know how to well uh you can buy a recording server or you can get a free one I some I think you can use like streaming some sometimes like what I do like I I stream and then

After that I go like I can upload it to my computer and then I can use it if I would want to do I done some clips you know yeah Yeah by way everyone what’s happening I’m dying laughing I know I we still live have we been 5 hours uh cvin

Uh I’m I’m trolling a hacker he got mad because of copyright strike his video and now I’m just getting content yeah he want he he begging me to two a One V one so bad so I can get just I get is isn’t just so ridiculous oh my God I don’t know how

You’re a super but people laughing at you like people are laughing at you not about me no people laughing at you oh look oh my God you won you won the One V one I didn’t even participating look man you should upload that on your YouTube channel I everyone we should definitely

I don’t know like I usually don’t I know this I know we awesome he made a video on stream spping me uh and other people and he uploaded on like 25th of December my time and I took to video down and he DED me on Discord and I blocked him on

Discord I streamed he he made a lot of accounts I used hide him I said like I I just even like gave him like I have nothing against this man by the way I have nothing against him he just he really likes the stream of me because I’m a cute CRA mod

Like oh my d is hacker one and he’s not here like hacker one one him I’m like Oh my days he won by the way I I I’m swear like that one one was too painful he’s too good like oh my God he’s too good I didn’t even participate

In the fight but he won anyway I uh I know him very well well interested I know him also it’s nothing like if you really wanted to stand out and make videos like everyone you know everyone have a personality and every hacker I man is the same thing like simp is the

Same thing biop pass is the same thing everyone is just the same but if you want to do some people watch his videos he’s messing me look look there’s even more content everyone I think I definitely need to make a video about this oh my God why would

Like also you need to stop I trust me it’s not going to be better you’re just looking like a fool right now like you go to straight One V one what do you want I didn’t even participate in look he’s here he’s going to hit me I can do

This and I can go in this forever hello demon I’m alive you are alive what’s his YouTube I didn’t know he had one I don’t even know his name say kind of hide his Chanel accounts it doesn’t have a lot of content I think he would reuploaded like

A video he did or something like that but like that’s a video I got rid of so you should C if you know him you should definitely just like I don’t know check him his failure trying to stream snipe me like like come on guys I have streamed over 25

Hours over 25 hours straight and I I beat prick five record on Cube so man I can continue forever and you you probably need to go to work go to you know school yeah you should probably get walking son because I can I can continue this forever until you fold and when you

Fold I’m going to get a lot of content from this man oh my God oh my God he said I want him to do it but he’s a I take a PR scen of that I need to use that hi meie how’s it going where’s U

Really so badly want to do a one one legit he can’t oh my God he lost again he did oh my this yo demon yo by the way you have a hacker uh I got rid of his uh like his video he got really mad about that um because he

Co Strike De yeah we got hi demon hi demon and then I don’t know he’s just tring to stream s me and it’s going so bad right now it’s going so bad um yeah so he’s mad he was mad he wrote on Discord I blocked him on Discord he

Wrote on the channel when I was streaming you know what I did I just hide him his accounts he making another account I’m just hiding it look he he just literally joined in and look what I can do I just left oh my God this Mega gam girl I know

Where that’s what Dean says so that’s what literally what happened everyone and the longer he’s going he’s telling saying like uh swear words like a lot of stuff there and now I’m making him beg I’m making listen to this I’m making him beg for a One V one he’s chasing me down

To trying to do a legit One V one oh my God and he’s going to make a little tiny video with this and this is going to be so funny and I’m going to laugh so much oh my God H I can’t this is just so

Funny this made my day man by the way thank you so much and by the way he didn’t answer me like I I asked him like how is his day and he didn’t say a single thing that’s so rude Oh my days not I don’t really mind it because if he

Would right I would just hiding on YouTube on Discord I would just block him like Jesus man you can’t do anything this is making me you just want to do it more and more and just like go and change lobbies until you just literally give me even more content like

Man that’s how it works I’m going to win eventually I’m going to win I mean I have SE I’m already seeing it like I’m winning because you obviously want to find this is I’m an na2 by the way I’ll see if you want to Jo he Snipes one of

My friends from Cube and he leaves one he realize he’s about to get banned that’s even more pathetic because then he can’t like I have seen better hackers than him that l actually don’t care if they get banned but also seem to actually care and that’s the saddest part oh my

God oh I can’t this is so funny everyone we need more people here so we can continue to just look I I’m I’m like looking for him because every time he’s just leaving is every time I’m going to get even more content oh my God this is like oh my God

I troll the hacker real bad a made him beg for a one me One demon is sniping uh I don’t really mind even D is cool I mean I don’t say a is not cool also you’re cool by man I know you don’t like me saying that but I honestly I think you’re a really funny dude BR ging content he’s trying to do this opposite

I know he’s looking for the hacker like he is literally making me getting more content this means I can use the clips on My Stream is nothing illegal nothing weird I’m not trying to do that to make fun of him is just I find it really

Funny like I have CLI like trust me megie I can make like a whole half an hour video with just Him leaving just him begging for a video like if you did okay I’m sorry you know like I maybe I’m just really really really like I’m so I can’t have this is so

I was oh my God man he literally made me my day so much oh my God a thank you so much my this this is this is a great start for like Friday man I have something to tell my family I made a hacker B for a legit one

One because he couldn’t take me off say thank you for the content him I should do that I already done it he he’s listening to this and the funny thing is is he the more he’s going into the servers and the more he’s going into regions is more he’s he literally

Helping This Server out I’m said he’s a baking oh my God Maggie no this that would be evil oh my God that would be evil but yeah so I want to make sure everyone I am not angry I not sad I am really happy but it’s true

S oh my God and he’s trying to even walk to me to trying to kill me when I didn’t didn’t participate in I one one oh my God he’s saying that I’m I’m afraid of him no I’m making I’m literally making content right now man bro laughing he’s

Trying to do yeah literally like man I don’t I read it again I I’m trying to listen uh I can’t oh my this man you I can’t he helping I know he’s helping the stream so people will get this into recommended he doesn’t know statistics it looks like from YouTube the more he’s

Watching the more people will watch this and make think this is funny and the more he joins into the server and turn to stream snipe people is the more he’s basically helping the server out this means more people will y like before I streamed we had like a lot

Of people that I recognized that were hacking we’re stream sniping you’re saying yo subscribe to simp you know like that for example um like people will not subscribe so sleep I will probably watch in time let sleep I but I can’t play I talking chat okay you don’t

Need to play it’s fine uh but yeah I want him to join in so I can leave again so I can make him like I can even get more but honestly guys we we should we everyone I don’t us should say it this but you should share the stream like I’m

Not kidding I like it oh dud he loose again oh my this man like I said I streamed over 25 hours I beat prick of fire record and if you stream snipe him he maybe give up I don’t know if he does but like especially you would have

This one he’s saying that I’m scared he’s scared to fight me legit and now he’s begging for a legit One V one man I was prepared to give you a call if you didn’t stream in the Stream I was even thinking about it to like hey

I should probably like talk to him you can even record this and make a video but I don’t care I was thinking about it but the thing is he started to hack on me I even said hi in stream when I said I was see him because I recognized his

Name and I was like yeah he’s going to yawn in imagine if he’s watching this again and giving me even more content and more money you know I don’t care about the money because I just like streaming and this is why I love streaming so much oh my

God uh I done so many things on YouTube and like so many things are Cube and othero servers this is like oh my this this is same thing so what I’m trying to say with the pixify I can go on for hours man I can

Go on for days because I will win you will never yo can to oh my God T you kill a lot of hackers can oh my God I’m just saying this we had a hacker I know him he made a he made a video on

Qcra when he when I was streaming and he made like a lot of things he streams on a lot of of people I took it down yeah I to I I stried it down and he got so mad so I like he decided to literally P how

You doing I wish you having a great day I’m laughing so much sorry I need air uh and yeah he he begged for like a I don’t know I’m just going to start from beginning he made a video of stream sniping people he used footage on my

Stream I got rid of his stream well his his video and he got so mad so he decided to directly when he went out I’m going to T off I I like about to oh my God I’m not kidding I can’t even concentrate on the game yeah yeah sorry

I need I need to remember this so basically what happened is yeah I got rid of it he got mad he did he dm’ me on Discord I I blocked him he got mad again and he basically just he decides to make like accounts on my

Streams so I used hide his accounts and my people hide accounts this means he can’t write because he was like oh my God and then he joined all streams of my friends they were like why do you why what is your opinion about like uh people abusing the copyright system I’m

Using it right man the think you don’t know it like Jesus and yeah and now uh he’s he decided to like go on here because I’m I’m a cre crew moderator uh and he’s he’s like literally trying to targed me I think he lost for sure he’s not here dang I want

To I would needed more content uh so what I’m trying to say is we have he’s stream staring me I’m escaping into the I’m literally going into the to the servers he’s trying to make a be on me this means I just get more content because I said he can’t even One V

One literally he can’t even One V one me legit and then that’s where he beginning to beg for a real one legit One V one meie killed him in a legit One V one and he’s no good oh and he’s messaging Maggie because and he cursed her out because

She were just like saying what he was doing and he got so mad and and I I I’m just saying this just to like make sure I’m not making fun of him I have nothing against him I’m used to this I’m used to this but like I need to like stop

Laughing and I need actually get air because I’m like feeling dizzy for laughing too much man and yeah what is so basically he’s just giving me content that’s what I’m trying to say and I mean I have a good title if I would like make video hacker begs for doing a legit One

V one because he can’t handle he just lost oh man this is so funny I can’t believe it can I call you uh what is really late for me yeah I don’t know really what’s really late for you what’s up wait what oh he killed me yeah I sorry I need to concentrate

Like it’s 3:00 a.m. oh it’s like uh it’s almost 4:00 a.m. for me and like I said I can go on forever so please also can you continue to stream snipe me so I can can get even more content if I don’t talk I’m sorry no no

Worry oh my God no worry okay why don’t you know is YouTube I want to watch this video and thanks for helping Community but out H I don’t really know because I don’t really know his name and I don’t really care uh cat I wouldn’t advise you but

You do what you would I don’t really mind it look Al you got another subscriber I just wish you could get more than One it’s fine I’m just going to take a PR SC maybe report it later yes sorry every I need to stop sorry um all right that was funny I’m going to probably love me myself so much um if he joins again but it seems like

He doesn’t oh my God I think I I think I won against that hacker sorry all right it’s really fun wait we should probably just uh oh oh yeah I was thinking about just changing the region real quick uh Europe uh is it like three here wait who’s actually here five CES aren’t

Enough I know I know it’s not enough we don’t have a lot of likes right now I think we are like 15 or something a drop down but no worry don’t worry I have my fun actually this reminds me I’m going to need some

Shoc well I mean the eu1 if you want to join hacker or not a hacker well trying our simple mechanic down we should definitely do more duel it would be really fun when he owns I’m going to leave I you’re going to you join on your mobile I God you son there we

Go wait play not found wait oh I accidentally had out here let’s see what we doing guys see what we doing hi dream Switzerland Switzerland wait you have Switzerland that’s cool I think I have some friends from the swissland oh yeah yeah we can trade some bads this sounds

Good honestly I want him to stream some more that would be funny there we go I F wait I tried to B it that’s what I F man demon that’s what I thought all right I’m going to see if I can wait I can train bridge wait I want to

See pretty much oh yeah I didn’t see wait so this is like the fastest I can do bridging on that one what would I just like turn this here oh wait okay I don’t really know mod um elevated wait what’s elevator for what does elevated do oh wait you actually we

Need to like do oh oh that’s cool that’s really good training Jesus wait I need to wait it didn’t stop that’s strange oh no oh my God okay you couldn’t fit um I didn’t pass it I think I jumped over oh so so jumping doesn’t work all

Right at least he got it you know the hackers got some fun there I got some fun there I feel like everyone won really let’s see I could I like could I do that’s not I even how it work I messed that up how all right this is uh the last one wait

Everyone is wait mid fight uh wait demon i d you before I’m going to do a a duel with Magie right go there we go oh um let’s see do will wait I can do that as I’m already here okay dual accept except me I don’t know I can play the server

For quite some while you forgot you did that oh Okay I uh will us to this here o she’s escaping this is good going to jump down into the void and now I’m going to respawn back we go Biggy uh let’s do demon wait there a whole uh us pink skin there there we go he like cat friend oh I see hello demon let’s go over here got him right let’s see let’s see uh yeah let’s see let’s see oh Jesus I’m not really good by the way I

Can jump reset there I got you I can’t really jump reset either I don’t really think if I maybe I accidentally do that sometimes when I’m not thinking I I really don’t know I know how it technically Works more like but oh level uh level 11 Jesus okay wa may you want to

Do maybe want to do uh some Fireball we should probably do that you know we should we should oh what is um yeah look look here wait how did wait what how did I get the kill that’s so strange Jesus bro I got to Poland Cape you’re dead no way

T wait how do I I don’t know how I got kills here because it doesn’t what I could use like end uh I mean I want to Sweden you want to Sweden Jesus four freaking kills that’s kind of that’s Canada Jesus wait I recognized that name o wait Maggie got Me well well well maybe you should no you got me Jesus nice mey that was that was good see there we go there we go like it was uh like it’s intended to be wait how did how did it get to kill I’m so confused like soon as

I get kills as as I don’t I think sky sky is sleeping right I killed someone on mobile double that’s really good you know mbls are um got her there I think no Maggie no you died a that’s oh dang I I feel that I don’t take any fall damage so Ooh uh I I’m not very good at this but I still I still like it uh Jesus I was about to Faller dang I’m happy I didn’t it Jesus uh where’s Mega at I don’t know like I think I won o oh almost got me Jesus lady you almost caught me

There you almost caught me no mey I killed myself you just dead you just dead I don’t think I don’t think that was supportable plan but oh oh wait oh I didn’t place the TNT a d I should probably like use this here

And just C my egg a little bit my egg I mean I mean my bed Jesus look at look at who have have like play a little bit too much egg Wars in his days Jesus how do I get the kills how do I get the kills when megie is falling into the

Void like I don’t know how that works I don’t really know what Meg is doing though me you could I think she’s trying to get over with fire charge instead of blocks I think all good all right Captain um I died feel I feel like this can go on

Forever at least when I spawn back I can I can place my uh my end end Stone Jesus there we go wait no wait she died oh no you know I’m pretty happy that sky is not not awake by the way everyone how you doing today how you doing today my

Friends weit have 14 kills I didn’t even see that Jesus iy I don’t think the fire Fireballs uh uh tactic will work on this but I think I think she’s trying to get over with like using the fireball go away hey Magie wait where is where did Mega go oh

Here I’m just okay I’m sorry Meg I’m like I don’t know what I was doing but I was just uh I don’t know this is funny J yes you call me yes you did wait my egg ised oh no my I mean my bed is casually transport back to

Here everything that I actually that I used before is is gone Jesus uh oh no I didn’t do I go off this one okay you do that my friend I should probably uh get myself some sleep actually I think I think that’s a good idea that we can trade this here demon

Spectate mobile is too hard I should probably play mobile I know some people that really want to like want to be to play morile um oh wait this for 20 minutes I’m I’m not even kiding 12 wait what Happ I got her no way no

Way I got her I don’t know I’m just playing around right now just saw my own death that was uh I am so close to get it every time but I’m like I’m just like how many ways can I kill people with f short this funny but yeah yeah make you’re do

Really really good I should probably actually try to get it now I mean yeah she going over there fire ball angles uh nope d uh dream us I know who you are I know who you are it’s very very extremely obvious my friend it’s very obvious nope it’s not going to

Work I’m just voting I hope she doesn’t break it tobly nice timing oh my God by I was like when I jumped there mey how many kills do you have I don’t know how many kills me have but that was GG mey oh my this be at dream no that’s not going to

Happen I’m just going to go a let’s go and get another I was I’m not supposed to uh wait can you kill me thank you so much fire fall heyy br hey Megan it was so good I I’m I’m not kidding J did really good J

Me I bro sorry don’t worry what was the timing was incredible like I was I was jumping like no I’m going to I was like I’m going to lose but Jesus how many times did you try to like get over with def fireable sure bye-bye everyone I got to go

Probably shout off my IAD also you did good too I don’t know know I unranked yeah sure so I’m eating some chocolate sorry I’m using your life right now you’re in one oh yeah but everyone hasn’t come with you I wish you having a wonderful day to uh who’s this H it’s

You not going to happen I know you’re that hacker this so sad you know I’m going to just have a little bit fun here you’re not even good bro you don’t need to be good to play a game but that you need to really like you’re changing the name used to

Basically you you changing like you usually have another account trying it’s not going to work trust me like I know your names like it’s not going to work so and now you not talking about it it’s just making me even more happy about because this is even more content like man

You you join that server because you’re watching the stream this means enjoy the ads if you doing I don’t know but this is like me what me you left wait I don’t know Meg’s here but Mega left and directly he’s back with an account I already know the name of it’s just so

Funny but you should definitely join our disc down below maybe join you know like if you would like you don’t need to but it’s there where steam is there and the funniest thing is when he’s even playing I’m going to think he’s probably going to turn the hacks on

So like if he would get like a combo I remember there was like one hacker I’m on my he yo how’s it going mix was live didn’t connect oh dang hey Tom yeah me by the way uh the hacker still here H he’s disguise does I don’t know

If really disguised because I already knew he he his name is like dream wait could you quick like come in here so I can give you give them the name E1 it is very very extremely simple to know the timing and how the person just

Don’t like the ask can we do one V one and then they were watching this stream this means I already already know they have a disposal of dream accounts because they literally I’ve seen my friends getting stream sniped by people that with that this means that I also I

Already knew that he’s going to go return this means I get more content Jesus man I wish I could it could still play I know me but you need to sleep right you need to sleep tell let’s see if dream comes in there so you can see his name maybe they

Are change name that would be really interesting little bit more like actually funnier uh I’m not going to sleep you need to sleep Magie you need to sleep I know the stream is really funny especially when the hacker they’re joining I know but you need to still sleep girl you need to

Sleep o I don’t like that Jesus I I I accidentally used an bro I’m I’m sorry but I’m sorry M but it’s true so let’s see will the hacker continue with what he’s doing or he were trying to think about something smarter than just following me around in lobes and trying

To beg for all legit one one that he’s not going to get today or nor tomorrow nor in a week if he doesn’t have anything good to offer like Jesus man you should have just like waited I I I I swear I swear I was about I I was literally thinking I’m just

Going to I’m going to stream and then I’m going to see tomorrow today is another day then because I stream a lot of time uh my I was like I’m going to ban him and ask if you want to like talk about it then I can explain you’re like

I have nothing against you my friend like nothing against you at all like you know like nothing I know moderator so may be like I don’t like this dude I don’t like that and that I’m not like them trust me I nothing against them like I don’t I don’t have against

Hackers it’s just my work if it makes sense like I’m I’m like I’m supposed to just not like them the thing is like I have some friends to are like they are hackers and they are really nice really kind of just what just I don’t know really funny

People so like I’m just saying this like I’m not like everyone else that maybe think like that but hey you should have just waited man I should have give you I I I was thinking about giving you to a legit one one but you continued and you continued and continued and now it’s

Just funnier I’m going to save the stream so I can use this footage later if in case I slept last night before that I didn’t sleep for 48 hours that’s not good I know I really I fell asleep make after pH you start getting hallucinations trust me hallucinations not really

Fun Jesus I don’t know who was that but they got me should I use hey it’s cornal hey Coral yo that’s a cool name I should wait wait wait C wait I’m not I’m not in a party C know Co name name by the way that is honestly it is a cool

Name I I know my friend thought I was drinking Jesus um I’m just saying I understand you like someone my friends said are you are you drinking no I’m just haven’t slept for like over a day oh because it’s funnier to like deal with people that are hackers oh my God there we

Go you just clutch down oh Jesus wait I got I got BR him anyway Jesus angles yes there we go wait I landed a pearl though I only have a Roblox on this I random stuff I have to pay again if I want MC I got

It I don’t really call this one V on Cu uh I mean it’s like everyone is every for everyone if it makes sense so it’s not really I would say fair but it’s still funny though I I I like it I like get a lot ches this is

Funny I wish it were a later Bor on just this but people would probably like I don’t know really it’s and I want and I want MC again will you want Minecraft again Jesus I follow it a lot of times like I would so much want to buy like Minecraft

Again but I have Minecraft like I minecra on Xbox One 6X and and my PC but yeah this really fun H hey Cardinal I mean I do kind of know like I think this guy is uh might have killed me sometimes but I don’t really mind it’s just fun I’m going to I’m going to f fight people if you use swords well you’re going to win against me don’t

Worry but I don’t use Swords not right now it’s not fun it’s fun just trying to like punch people off in the void it’s funnier I’m actually killing people on M nice oh my is God that’s really good but way I really think your uh your name is really

Cool oh demon you just clutch that GG B that was good this is like I can go I can just go around and use chillax like yeah it’s give me like a time stamp or something uh how do I really sleep oh my God I can’t spell you you need to sleep

Sleeping is good and then you can wake up tomorrow and do something funny maybe or you know do something interesting look or maybe you I mean you can play some Cube grab maybe you can play someo or I don’t know maybe hi or something I don’t I play some other games

Look that’s a cool Cape though oh wait I actually survived that Jesus wait is a cool name oh wait there we go uh my mom told me to get my iPad but you need to sleep though like like it’s late for you I’m Sorry by way everyone for not

Not checking all the DMs I uh I um yeah I don’t I don’t check a lot of DMS when I’m streaming I even like some Sky really want me to check on DMS when I’m streaming but I’m more like N I it’s I do I don’t think rest died wait demon how you

Good so many people around there wait I was looking at the chat uh yo icy crab YouTu how’s it going iy I wish you doing good good today we shaing on .org we had a hacker before really really funny uh dude I was annoying so

Much and I made him beg for a One V one like a legit one one except like with no hacks but yeah how how are you doing today I wish you’re doing good been turned off YouTube acent turn off YouTube oh dang uh I was reading chat sorry you’ve

Been live since FS yeah do you have media rank on hisu no I actually applied for it when I streamed so on stream uh I decided to basically apply for it so this is the first stream of her so in my entire life that I would

On look look look this person really a lot would want to kill me let’s go on a little bit like like literally like like oh hey Cat wait oh sorry could I I couldn’t stay for long there yeah yeah but maybe I I really

Wish um maybe I get maybe I I don’t know but if you want to give me then sure Sky we talking my friend we’re talking about something that I could get it little bit sure but I don’t know if you don’t want to give me don’t worry don’t worry like

I’m more like I like the server like so many people use casualties want to really un kill me there there we go yeah I I wish should do good uh yeah I’m good oh my makes me so happy to hear makes me so happy to hear wait oh no I excided through the

End pear there I was trying to hit uh Mr go or something wait I got him Jesus look wait I wasn’t even trying I was just I was just trying to like walk run away from them Jesus look they still want to do it and I’m going to Yum down look at

This look he still want to do it all right I I Know Who You Are oh my God I can’t believe that oh my guys oh it is I can’t believe that and I got him again okay okay okay okay okay oh it is they really making me I Love This Server

This is so fun uh but yeah I’m going go to sleep in the sea uh on my brother said something CLI a hacker and so tick and us on Tik Tok wait wait wait wait wait it clipped the hacker and us on Tik Tok wait it did no way he clipped inste

On Tik Tok I can’t believe it oh it’s so funny I can’t it’s just so funny imagine he got a lot of people look look they really like really extremely much like to Target it just very hilarious oh I’m not even trying to kill him this

Funny byebye have a good day hey you have a good day also okay style my friend look I mean this player is good but I seen better players though like de is hitting me also so it’s 2v ones here this yeah this play is not bad it

Would be bad it would at least uh yeah I mean they can definitely run and they really like to have a Target going I mean unless he didn’t get really get the One V one because if he wanted to have a proper one one like Jesus you

Would at least ask for a better one one than here he’s not a one one here I hope he understands that yeah I’m safe I’m just playing around right now wish I have my old time for that trag that would be interesting I don’t know what is a trap

Tag for something like that it’s called I still get him it just works okay I I don’t know I can continue here it’s bgo how’s it going oh she she scared there uh I want to read Shadow for bit sorry everyone yeah yeah um but yeah everyone

To joined how is it going we play on her today this is the first one I had so much fun like it was a hacker before and he basically he begged for a one one and he’s trying to change names and you know do everything like that he’s probably

Still watching but I don’t know he he hacked you know I just escaped you know he want to have a proper one one and I continue to just like Jesus man oh what is I can’t believe it he begged for a proper One V one legit one one but any

Hacks I can’t believe it it’s just so very extremely funny and a beautiful title I will be using that and uh look I don’t need to hit them I don’t know I’m just chilling right now I should probably try but I don’t know I played so much today look look

Look wait o nice Jesus man wait I couldn’t do that GG that was good though oh demon is there wait did you kill my friend I think they did oh I accidentally uh he didn’t say anything oh my god oh I accident I was about to jump

Over I’m sorry I did did not mean to go here I did not mean to go I was trying to jump over I swear I was trying my best has to jump over and I somewhat accidentally fell but yeah yeah everyone cat is there that what I can get

Him oh I jumped over oh nice oh I probably used the end pear then yo actually this is funnier though I I I I swear this is funnier hey I mean it could be a hacker or it could not be a hacker but I don’t really

Mind if it’s a hacker or just a random person that used to like really uh funny like I’ve been missing like having someone just casually just trying to Target me like this this is funnier though like I mentioned a lot of times but I literally I feel this is

Funnier uh it’s not going to Li wait I did you just did How I died but you just did cinal cinal boom boom boom boom boom boom boom wait con died oh no no you almost got that yo IGN you almost got I I I witnessed that hey

That was good you did good oh I didn’t even see you there sorry I did not mean to go over there I should have mean to uh get over here and use like Shi uh wait right here hey this is oh my this this is funny wait now it’s my

Turn it’s almost I would like to do a one one with this person actually I would I would do that I would want to GG oh what is wait oh that’s a sword I don’t want a sword we don’t do it one ones we just playing around at fun that’s the difference

Wait no Cobble I don’t want to be in cob oh you’re stuck there you were stuck there not now but you were before wait going to go down there and Demon just like let’s well at least if you were focusing on your surroundings you wouldn’t get 2

One but I don’t think this person minded you so wait demon got me Jesus came back to a good board hey hi I get uh I I’m trying to reach out at the same time I’m getting chased down Jesus n um yeah yo hey G how’s it going wish you’re doing

Good you relaxing right now I trolled a hacker before and I think I won I think it won no I won I’m waiting for you so we can get up here so we can fight a little bit wait I thought I could like actually reach that side there let go

I’m more I don’t know why but I’m more on the defensive side trying to avoid people uh right now not avoid people but like he’s running around I don’t know I like this map but yeah everyone I wish should doing good good today this is good practicing

Though I mean this Ser is really good practice AR this I think it’s meant to be a practice if I recall correctly never mind then there we go now up there and they you up there do you use swords we don’t use swords here so weird we we supposed to do like

Uh you know like we doing blocks by the way I’m here there you go and now we can continue this this is really good U practice of me used like blocking I do really defensive mod I right now because I I found it’s more funnier to be honest oh you surviv that Jesus

W maybe I don’t really know right now I don’t want to do any one ones but but I I’m always like I would almost want to ask this person to do a proper one one maybe do like Su kid or something like that that I think I think that actually

Would be funny but I don’t know I don’t I don’t really know if this person would be up to so we oh my is and I got that also wait man probably didn’t land GG uh don’t spawn kill please that wouldn’t be very appreciated it’s uh 341 a.m.

Nice oh I got hit from the side Jesus but honestly it is funny like it reminds me of um training with my friends between do Bridges and Cube he’s playing around like not really train but more like clutch training or some you know like that oh what is o

Oh I Jesus Jesus that was good hey if you’re watching this could you say hi the was yeah that we were fighting I honestly this is really fun like it’s like going around and then just yeah this is much funnier than than one we one and and hack here saying that

They’re going to play legit it’s not you straight L how’s it going hello by the way it’s 343 p.m. a.m. for me right now hey nice for you oh how’s it going with you for me it’s 4 and 44 a.m right now for me wait it’s coming to me because he did

Spot me there there we go well guess not going to go up again because to spawned there H that’s smart I I actually thought I would die there got him uh I could do this for hours I don’t know why I didn’t not oh I want to so

Badly when I just read my read a chat um but I can’t wait I can do now H not too bad nice and I can’t why not uh five likes sorry I was reading sorry was reading chat are streaming I don’t you know that’s what I usually

Do like because I don’t I don’t get time to hear I don’t get time to really uh read my shat if I’m not doing nope I am not that dumb not gonna do a One V one my sir but it was honestly really fun to just play around and not

Really how’s it going I’m not dumb and look here he’s proved it oh my God this is so funny hi Cy I’m on iPad oh my God Cy boo nice oh my God cly do you know we had a hacker before and it was really really fun Jesus you don’t

Know what what happened but megie knows and it’s so funny oh my God and this guy I really want to do a One V one I am not going to do one one because honestly I don’t I don’t like it I don’t want some one on before but I

Like honestly I don’t do one ones on my stream so that’s why I’m not doing one of ones on my stream if it makes sense look there almost made it Jesus man that was close but you didn’t do it look per look oh IED I accident H nice one

Hackers sucks just want to say that he’s he’s not 1K on on Tik Tok you got 1K on Tik Tok oh what this this is so funny look look by the way he’s the hacker D what are you doing so all right so what happened everyone it was it it’s

A hacker that’s been uh basically uh going around and he stream SED My Stream sned me before for and look here he’s coming on so basically it is really fun because what happened I strike down his video he got really mad because he streams on a lot of streamers and he’s

Like on Christmas or something like that so he sucks even more so I decided okay well I’m going to strike it down stroke it down he got so mad so he D me on Discord and I swear it was so funny because I blocked him directly when he did

That and then after that he’s deciding to like because he was was so mad like he was so angry literally on me uh so I so you decided to create more accounts like on YouTube and you know got into my streams so what I did was I literally made him

Beg for a proper legit One V one and it was so fun because you haven’t got it so far uh but uh how do I say this a little bit more um so yeah basically does happen you know that uh I hide him hide his

Account on on the channel and uh he he gets so angry because for some reason was really fun it is not a One V one it’s not even a One V one a One V one is when you’re inside there um so I’m going to go give you I

Know a lot of people doesn’t look well he does at least watch it so that means more watch time for me uh so good and you hacked you’re not legit tiny tiny man you are uh it’s like how am I supposed to no hacker like that’s the funny thing

You know I have been beating you know I just going raion uh wait not region uh no I accidentally went region I mean Hub sorry I didn’t mean that but basically what happened is all right so he would angry Angy Angy that’s the guy but we were talking to and then

Angy Angy and basically got herself I I striked his video down he got mad he did message Discord I blocked him there he trying to go around uh someone abused a copyright system I I literally hide him in other people’s my friends so like streams and stuff like

That used to literally like I found it funny so that’s what I did and he trying to like talk in the streams I hide him there and uh I literally made him run after me because he was hacking he run after me and I said I can do this

Forever like trust me so for some reason he did got very angry and he’s trying to curse me out and and you know me it doesn’t work you can’t just curse me out I’m not I’m I’m not going to be sad or angry I’m just very think it’s very

Funny so thank you so much man you really made my day and so I said oh yeah he can’t beat me in a legit One V one and the thing is he decides to try and to chase me down telling me that like I he’s literally begging me for a One V

One and it’s the funny thing he changed over to another account to think I didn’t again there he literally I knew he it was him so I said no and I knew the guy that we fighting was him and that’s the funny thing because he was

Asking a one me one and of course I said no because he’s not get a get one like I trust me I loved so much before and I still I can’t believe that I made a hacker just beg for a legit One V one that he haven’t got trust me because the

Build here is everyone is freefor all it’s not a proper One V one sir and that’s the funny thing because you can’t get me if I don’t do a one one and what would should would I why would I do a one one against a hacker like you need to think brother

Your little tiny video on your little Channel you you could have done it so much better and by the way everyone the funniest thing is uh we should definitely by the way share the stream so we can enjoy this beautiful cont because the more he was chasing me more

I just G more content and he got angerer angerer meie told me he message her and also he curs her out and I haven’t heard anything that he that he take back or anything so I I think that’s it and I have everything in stream so the more

He’s doing the more I get a better video or anything better content that I’m going to laugh my a off so much so he decides at least so that’s basically the guy we were fighting before he thinks probably is a proper one one a proper

One V one but dude you even said you go 2v one and you w in your own rage yeah that’s a 2v one sir not a One V one see you didn’t even get that and even if you would win why would I think you are legit because you hacked you straight up

Like hacked and trying to chase me down because you’re so desperate trying to get a clip or video me because you can’t even make better content Oh my Jesus okay I am I don’t know I I don’t think I can have like another time while just laughing because honestly I think I’m

Like dying inside of you being too like happy right now I’m not kidding oh my God you should have heard me lost before I was like dying yeah but everyone you everyone happens on the streams and uh I just find it really funny because see changed

Accounts used to get that one V one that he haven’t got look he’s desperate I’m like oh my God okay I need to stop U I’m going to laugh even more man you make it a little bit too obvious that you were that guy not because you told me it’s because you

Were targeting me like so much and you have that name so if it was you of course maybe it’s not you but if it was you that I think it is but you know I might be wrong so sorry for that you know you’re not a bad player I’m

Surprised I thought you were like the worst one but uh honestly I can’t concentrate I’m just smiling too much uh and yeah and that’s not a One V one by the way I think you at least look look look here look here this is what this is what I’m

Talking about Jesus he’s using a sword wait it was not even him Oh I thought it was him Jesus I’m sorry dang I thought I thought he was uh going even more except the video with him on Tik Tok has 3,000 views yeah so now we just making uh different videos

Uh of just literally like he like I everyone like I can’t believe this I made a hacker B have a proper legit one one see he tries to make a lot of he man he did a lot of like he have a lot of accounts the thing is I did never accept

A One V one and when I talked about maybe I should do a One V one of course I wouldn’t do I one one with that guy because I know he was the hacker like I was this teasing him like crazy I was not little man run you legit

Is making content oh I am making content from him just uh doing what it do does and the funny thing is he thinks it’s funny because he’s like oh yeah I killed you I rally ran you no man I’m just look I’m running around Shilling like I’m

Literally Shilling I’m not I’m not doing what you want right now I’m running around placing blocks hitting people not hitting people how do you call that a One V one how do you call that a One V one when it’s like 20 people in in an

Game here and you even admitted it was a 2v one that me and Demon did and you won is that a One V one like oh my this the hackers have new um new words for things like Jesus man they’re literally so dumb I’m making me laugh and I think it’s so

Funny I can’t like this is so funny oh Le I get very very good content about from this so so I might just not stop it so please hacker can you stream some B I need more Clips I need more clips that I can give

And just give it to my sister and give it to my family and also my friends because I think I think they’re going to enjoy oh wait I should send it over to some cute stuff like I think they could I love so much y I’m not kidding and uh is that

You no sorry uh I’ll play with your rules s let one you admit he even admitted it was a 2V1 so how did you get that one V one sir and you’re going to keep uh folding what I wanted well he’s going to he got what he

Wanted not really man I got what I wanted I made him so desperate to just get a legit One V one that he didn’t get because I don’t call this legit one one look there people running around hitting you and they can use swords and everything the only thing he thinks that

He did was to make me upset and he definitely did not make me upset he make me smile like crazy I can’t like not stop in the same time like this like I know so today is Friday this encounter today made my day I’m not kidding this a

Great starch that’s why I love streaming but all this the hackers are so oh this they they like every I’m just saying this I feel like this is a commentary um video But like after I banned a couple of hundreds of them they are so predictable so he’s not like I got asked

To do legit One V ones by other hackers you know like some of them are good and some of them are better but I’m saying like I often when I do that I had killed them because they don’t know how to play the game like legit and this guy how in

Earth would I even trust him that he played a legit when he hacked like he joined to the to the stream and just like yo I’m going to hack and Target him because I think this really funny all right cool man but you know like I’m not

Going to I if I actually like yo I actually think you ear it there you go you got me then like if I actually think think you didn’t begin with that you began with hacking so that’s make me like thinking yo you’re going to hack man every time you play every time

You’re here in the game you’re going to hack because if you were trying to challenge me in a one V one before you start hacking you could and you won that is something man that’s a video you can have named it when we want a cuc moderator or you could even

Use my own name like I would actually watch that I would I swear I swear you might don’t think I would support people like that but I do I do enjoy that because that’s funny but if a person just begin hacking and like I got what I wanted no man you’re desperate you’re

Delusional think if you think you got what you wanted man Jesus uh one two is just better than one one to be one one he wanted to one just to on Scream cuing his me out and one one you yeah that’s what he got like literally well I killed someone without

Being moving even but he he go he literally go like a him just ranting and just seeing squar wordss against like mey that’s literally what he what he got and that’s so funny because it’s like every other hacker I’m at look and now it seems like I know

This guy again well I’m not you can kill it it’s fine I don’t mind and look and now he’s returning again well this is interesting hello my friend well I don’t think it is uh beat you on your own region I’m Australian I am from EU I am from Sweden and we were

What what region I don’t know I think we were in na or something I don’t know really but I don’t care because you didn’t even get a One V one man you don’t even like I’m sorry but like I should probably stop but I’m sorry but I

Hope I I can explain this very simple all right a One V one is one person and one person so if you this is very easy math but I’m thinking I’m going to explain it for you all right 1 + one is two so it’s two people not three u i I

Just want to put it out you know I know this may be extremely confusing you know like a you know but I was just thinking I’m just giving you that like the heads up that like one V one is like here are two people not three people

Anymore oh my God I’m totally going to enjoy watching this video that I’m going to do uh uh you only have two one is a better because you take credit for right but Meg like wait what I’m getting annoyed at dodging not her we were on E region oh hey if someone who

Has two people fighting them at the same time wait so if you’re have two dot you two uh two 2 + one basically everyone I think you I think you can understand that 2+ one is free yeah two one is free it’s not it’s not magically

Is like two but apparently it’s it’s too for him well I’m I’m I’m very happy that um look and now he’s doing the same thing again oh my God is you’re so funny dude look wait I actually wait what what was that uh and I just going to

See let’s see if he going for me again he’s not going for me well I’m already confused there um Jo how’s it going elit is there someone as a two fighting them at the same time who’s better two playing Killing the one player I mean demon you

Not we killed him before so I don’t know what’s he own about and you can see him right now oh my God I don’t even know if if it is him but if it would it would be so hilarious it would be so hilarious I don’t know I’m walking around like I’m

Seeing a STI who falling into the void I think it’s him because he can change names he can change the Skins you know everything like that so look he literally did that oh this I don’t it’s not even him but you know like I don’t know I can’t believe how funny I have

Like not I’m not funny but like it is really funny Bo wait can I get killed thank you so much there we go let’s go to spawn I’m a little bit bored to do builds a lot of time let’s see my how the stats do the stats are really good as I’ve

Been not really focusing on killing people but hey it was pry fun hello everyone that isn’t me hard can you give me a shout out uh I don’t really know well you you restart that isn’t even me oh wait B how’s it going how is he still Al I still alive uh but

Be sorry uh we had like you know a hacker he got a little bit wait it’s scarier oh my God no way he got a little bit Angy angry angry but go to strike out strike down his video uh I know everyone you you probably heard about

This but everyone I like it’s so funny so I can’t stop I’m going to tell this to my sister when she wakes up and she’s going to love so much yeah uh yeah I can give you I can give you a shout out it sounds good wait should

I I’m going to check something real quick yo el v kg 11 noise I think you got your name out there oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so basically he stream sniped because he thinks it’s really fun I think also really fun because means to get more content and so everyone he basically

Streams s me and stream a lot of other content creators you had like a video going on like Christmas R there I took it down I stri I stried it down legally and um YouTube have my side on that because they took they took it down

I didn’t do it I just made a request and they took it down so they even them seemed to like what we did there um so yeah and after that he got really mad so he he texted me on Discord I blocked him on Discord he texted me on

On like on this on the streams I I hide him on my streams you know like do you know what this is going uh he even writes in all streams with different accounts like yo uh how do you think about people abusing the copyright system uh and you know abusing it and I

Basically hide in there because like I I I just follow the rules man you you take my content I get rid of your videos like it’s nothing personal it’s just yeah business man yeah yeah I tell me what something I didn’t do so that’s where I was W Serv

No worry blue probably not mine yeah yeah so every one I haven’t been sniping I’m going to order PUO and I have haven’t been sniping you no as much as other people do no so oh and this hacker did see because be M was in the Stream

Before he was hacking and follow me around the regions he got so mad he got angry angry again oh my God and that’s literally what happened like I did you know like I was just going out like he was I’m going kill you yeah I’m like

Jesus man you can’t even take me on without hacks and that’s what he he began with hacks he didn’t begin with legit or something like that because if you would begin with legit I would actually you know respect that I would feel like oh my this this person is

Actually a good player in the same time they are a good hacker they’re not a good hacker nor are they a good player because they began with hacking like when we fight I’ve even said high in you know in ch so you you B basically got that uh and so trying to

Get there and he got so mad um so I’m just going to talk he got so mad so he just trying to curse me out and you know me it just bounces out because I think it’s so funny when people do that and for some reason they think like they can

Curse me out and they think I’m going to be sad and angry no I think it’s funny because you got angry okay yeah and then they cursed out Maggie and they trying to text Magie on Xbox that’s what Mega said I don’t know if that’s true but I I I bet it’s true

Because the hacker haven’t even said anything and the thing is when they joining into the server jeso they he he doesn’t know but like he supports it like he’s he got into literally supported I know even text your ID I can SP yeah literally and uh he support.org boom he

Literally made the server even more popular play it look at some stream snipers from the CU commut for some reason really likes the you know haers to come here I’m like yeah sure I’m I’m not staff I’m not going to do with a thing I’m really happy that the people

Join here because they just just support the server like it makes sense um and then after that like literally boom and he he’s been stream sniping watching the stream for I don’t know how long but because you don’t know guys like the longer he watches this the more people

Will recommend the stream this means if they see the stream they’re going to see h.org and see like yo this server is good this means he’s helping the server is he’s giving me stuff like I can do like he was going on forever I said I

Can do this forever you know me I stream for over 25 hours without any sleep and I didn’t sleep 12 hours before that I was I was awake for 37 hours and this dude is probably in school or or working so you need to go over

There U and this means I yeah I get more content and uh this stream I’m going to I’m going to use this clips and just send it over to my friends and they can laugh about it and we have a video on Tik Tok that uh what Meg’s brother did

That I got some couple of thousand views of her and basically the hacker because he he literally curs around for for just helping me just being a nice person like imagine that and then he was begging he was foll me around not to hack on me or kill me now because he was

Really like I said he going do a legit one one so he follows me around literally just to try and de bag on a on a One V one legit One V one man if you just began with that part and not the hacking part I would accept it and

The saddest part right now everyone like I’m just saying is that he joins with different accounts after that first they kind hacked on and then he wi another one or when you do one one I’m like obviously you you man why would someone just casually ask that never mind and I also

Recognize the name cough you’re seen a lot of awesome names every day because you know like I’m C Mod I I don’t know if you didn’t know know that but I’m joking a lot of times guys um I know they’re really really bad but I’m so done with this beautiful story that I’m

Going to be in print forever and it’s going to make me laugh and smile forever man bit of that he had the last account and that’s where he actually like he went in he targeted me he just want like I I got it I was like obviously man I

Was talking maybe I should like do a one one of of course man I wouldn’t do it a one V one I you said it to te him what did he do he asked about a One V one when he played because honestly like he

He’s not a bad player it’s just like the thing is if he began with that part he wouldn’t be a bad player like but he began hacking so he’s obviously a bad player and then he he killed me like oh I say I mean of course

If he kills me I going to believe he’s hacking because why wouldn’t I believe that it’s like the boy that cries the wolf he’s hacking like I don’t all the times of course I’m thinking he’s bad but yeah I’m soon done and then he

Decides to like oh I I got it I got what I want to like no man you he he admitted that me and Demon to we W him and he won there’s not how one we one I last time I shck 1 + 1 is two 2 +

One is is not two it’s free maybe you need to go back to school brother maybe maybe maybe right I just this is it’s an advice or at Le you use just like a free calculator they free they’re free okay I need to

Stop uh I got d a i I’m also I’m going to repeat this forever I feel like I can’t believe it and he’s going to upload a little video because things are going to be upset a time like no man no it’s just going to make me laugh even more

Like he going to kill me of lter man it a beautiful way to die like I can’t I’m going probably send it over to some mods and going to love hey this hacker follow me from qcraft Arc I want to fight players who play spoil of dream play or whatever doesn’t

Give you the right to pretty anyone train needs to learn to shut I never recorded anything Everyone we don’t need to hate right we don’t hate we don’t like hating all right and I was going to say this I’m going to be completely honest he is not a bad person and I have nothing against him at all it just things he does and says are

Really funny so it just make me laugh and I’m sorry if it seems like I’m very mean or or something like that I’m I’m not trying to it’s just very making me so God dang I can’t stop laughing and smiling like yeah oh oh my God I never had so

Fun for so long like I me I took a break from qra I took a break from like qra moderation I wish I didn’t do that then more streams like this could occur I had nothing better to do dang can I do good that Jesus but yeah yeah be sure but don’t go

To his Channel or if you see him in game don’t hate on him that’s not nice don’t say anything rude or anything bad or anything because he decides what he want to do in his life if you want to hack and just like yeah trying to have fun

With that L man you could use the time to like at least get an education or something but du do you I don’t decide in your life the only person who I somewhat dislike in C is private him cuz he ruins all my my Snipes dang he does

Dang private is cool I I agree private is cool at least with me and we not even start about that oh my Jesus if you’ve been in a community for a long time you you know stuff oh ni and I’m not allowed to say anything so I should not continue to

Talk but private yeah he’s cool he’s cool yeah yeah let’s see we want to do some boxing maybe I don’t know this probably yeah price POS sorry sa but I cannot hate I’m too used to bullies so I hate on them oh my God I can’t believe it oh

Look at that’s is that a is that a monkey oh okay I thought it first like a squirrel but no yeah look at that oh okay I was just going to look at but yeah he he uploads a video uh like oh I one one the K moderator at

Least man I was actually thinking my offering a legit One V one in call but you kind of messed that opportunity up so no not going to happen man for a while if you I mean you could like maybe like maybe I do a one one if you would stop

Like stream sniping me and just show me that you’re not good at the game it’s just the opp like I just be it I don’t see it in a m bad way or like but at least like yeah train better than using hacks you know going to get better with

That and do doesn’t even I have my I have a friend he’s really nice he’s from Spain he’s a hacker and basically that’s what he literally he does he like he hacked he be met on on Q crab basically he hacked like I played one V ones

Legit and I won it was discover DS before I had Le was spawned there he he decides to turn his hacks on he won of course he won because he used hacks and that’s what I was like H this is not it it was before I became K moderator

Um but yeah and he even said he he he like he have a goal to trying to be good uh he have a reason why he hacks and I’m very sorry he’s a very he’s a good friend of mine he’s a good friend of mine really and he have a Recon why he

Hacks and I tell it’s not okay man still but and then I told him like you really show people that you’re good is to train and he trained and he trained and he killed me in like in bridges I think no captur the flag one time like he had his

Goal to that he wanted to really do it and I’m so happy so I mean yeah sorry I need to stop I just smile too much man I can’t oh my god well let’s see here and Demon and I we two want him and even made it I now we’re repeating it

But this is like Jesus yeah I can’t believe it how did I hit you there wait how wait wait wait what I didn’t even know I could hit you from there far I’m so confused I’m just going to yump there oh never mind then Jesus okay should probably trying to score

Sorry I need to shake here moment to how many likes for cat uh I think we had five but we kind of lost like some likes uh random poor mobile player cot chess reach uh wait what happened where’s demon oh there you are oh my God I’m going to change it my this

My we have 21 likes J uh I think we 25 so we need four more to like get it going and then be 30 then I will add another one oh my go all right by the way I’m sorry this is just a special stream that’s why I

I’m repeating the same thing I usually I hope I don’t really maybe I’m delusional but like yeah that usually doesn’t happen but I’m happy they did happen Jesus that’s funny burn down the C blows gun and on the head for it Jesus wait I okay I should probably not

Check the stream with same D and trying to fight against demon okay that’s what usually I do on Cube I check stream uh stream chat and then I even walk off or I die no I don’t know what region are we in we might be in EU or na I actually don’t

Know oh no all right we go I feel like we’re playing SEO but we’re not playing SEO right now wh we love random one having beef don’t uh okay yeah oh no I like I really want to stream more so in case the hiker would

Join we can like get we can I can get even more Clips but I feel like that would be mean towards them so like E I don’t know it’s like 5 and 21 a.m. right now we should probably I’m going to drink up this Lear as his bone he would cre mod apparently

Jesus ding ding ding by the way everyone I think I will actually end the stream here we had I had so much fun in this stream so much have happened so many things that just like bom just come here but everyone thank you so much for

Watching the stream like we been on for like six hours around there I forgot the time we almost seven hours Jesus should we just like get the seven hour mark and just leave it there wait you get you get you get extra like 10 minutes more but yeah oh

Is hacker by the way this is a great opportunity to uh stream snipe yeah it’s is a great opportunity you should definitely take it no stop using the sword like we we using the beautiful blocks here not the sword Lo all right I’m I’m not planning

Sniping you too much cuz I don’t really I I can’t do anything with the clips you could upload it on your channel uh you have my IDE you have my full permission to do that uh it’s the same with em like a lot of people wait is that

Cor I should just um I just uh yeah I should have just took you know like I fell that didn’t you happened sorry car I don’t know if you’re watching this but I didn’t know you were in the game I I thought so many people went off said you were ban

May have fun with minecra or something uh fell what happened there I’m get really really confused here play the wrong look wait what a call Blue pass wait what I’m so confused so I’m going to go hop on Q adios a demon you have a great all right

It was really fun to be here and thank you so much like you you uh you really made the stream funny like somebody like saying a lot of you made it really funny thank you so much rank not again I just read I just read it why did I Read uh wait I’m stuck oh oh no sorry I have the sword I didn’t mean to take the sword I didn’t mean to take the sword I don’t like using the sword here I like it to be equal then like yeah I killed I I got more damage on you more

Like I’m apologizing I did not mean to use that um so yeah and I’ll give you a line friend for talking anymore look look look I think I don’t know right now but this person really want uh to kill me just fell I can’t believe it what oh dang I see don’t let

Me Bo oh that was that was terrifying I’m no kidding there okay I’m I I promise that was the last uh last time I’m going to go say that with with the hacker in the Stream at least wait no way what happened Jesus I seen like her lagging like

Crazy wait Claire oh wait Claire is here oh youing swords I don’t like I don’t like swords I just need to know where the hacker is if the Ang it I get a B More or you can message him or something you’re still alive yo cat friend how’s it going friend I just I just chillaxing here click no click Jesus oh she’s never mind can say that on on high stream it’s been live for 7 hours near 8 I think I think soon 7

Under I’m thinking I’m going to end the stream uh I feel like I feel like I had too much fun and I need to take a break I literally feel like I’m not my body is hurting from laughing too much man I mean I do love a lot but like Jesus that

Hacker really made my day uh oh look look look wait wait there hey yo yeah I actually I think I accidentally killed him before so that kind of makes sense I’m sorry for killing you before I I didn’t even know why I accident did great and tired I’m

Do uh I’m getting random cuz I’m bored go you yeah so I I’m I did apply for media rank it began applying on it when I was streaming before so maybe we get it maybe not but if we suddenly get more hackers chasing us this means we get

Even more uh f funny stories to tell Jesus man that’s a cool name hey Shelly no you’re using a sword we don’t like swords I feel really sick now and mey you need to SLX then all right you maybe you need to sleep you know maybe you need to sleep that you

Need to sleep you know oh my days that scared me so much H you should add another must be we hit 20 likes something uh we have we hit 25 we have 20 likes we have five pitches this means we are five likes and deaths if it makes sense

Um I don’t know I just like like doing this here and you can really practice your trapping method especially with blocks if makes sense I I accidentally just uh wait call got me I just walked in front of her and she kills I I walked off and she killed me Jesus

Jesus easy don’t do that you you’re just existent and that means when I void you you get to kill Jesus everyone like K is like topn she she is alive I if I die she get to kill I sore to death she she she get the kill

Uh uh fire for me and sa she yeah I can I don’t I can do this forever I don’t this this stuff need to up some wait all right everyone we are soon we are soon soon ready to rock Rick Roll and actually end the stream here thank you well I’m

Saying thank you everyone for uh for uh for joining us in this beautiful Stream So I a checking the stream chat I’m going to end the stream alls out here dooom yo all right we’ve been streaming for like around 7 hours there a lot of happened and I want to see I

Want to say a huge thank you for everyone who joined and I honestly I really like this this um this this server it’s something else and it is really something else I Le I’m going to get a really extremely good story to tell and yeah a lot of

Clips so everyone you have a wonderful night today depending on what it is for you and uh don’t forget you can join our disco server like or subscribe and yeah I used I really wish you having a great day and I see you all in the next one bye

This video, titled ‘FIRST STREAM ON HESU:D and random things:D Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2023-12-29 04:49:06. It has garnered 229 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:59:22 or 25162 seconds.

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    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

    Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans Embarking on the Journey of Building a City in Minecraft Survival Mode Welcome to the first episode of our Minecraft series, where we dive into the exciting world of building a city in survival mode. In this adventure, we will witness the challenges and triumphs of creating a bustling metropolis from scratch. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies involved in this epic undertaking. Gathering Essential Resources One of the first tasks in building a city in Minecraft survival mode is gathering essential resources. From wood and stone to food and ores, every material plays a crucial role in… Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot! Minecraft Madness: INSANE Trial Chamber Drops in HARDCORE Mode Exploring the Trial Chambers In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our intrepid player delves into the mysterious trial chambers after weeks of preparation. Armed with a map and nerves of steel, they embark on a journey filled with excitement and trepidation. Discovering Hidden Treasures As they navigate through the chambers, our player encounters a variety of challenges, from spawners to keys, each offering a unique reward. With each new discovery, the anticipation builds, leading to heart-pounding moments and unexpected surprises. The Ominous Trials Amidst the chaos of the chambers, our player… Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

    Cave Craze: Minecraft's Dark Daze In Minecraft, fear of the dark, we delve, Exploring caves, finding treasures, oh what a spell. From planting fences to mining coal so black, Every adventure, every challenge, we never lack. With each swing of the pickaxe, we uncover a sight, A giant cave, a hidden gem, shining so bright. From finding food to battling foes, In this pixelated world, our journey grows. So let’s craft, let’s mine, let’s build with glee, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, you see. So join me in this blocky land, where dreams take flight, And together, we’ll conquer the day and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

    Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme “Why did the Minecraft pharmacist go out of business? Because all his potions were just water bottles with food coloring!” Read More

  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

    Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Nearly Evading Taxes Introduction In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, fosforus embarks on a quest to evade taxes in the virtual world. Armed with determination and a stack of potatoes, he sets out to make money and pay off his dues to the IRS. Starting Small Fosforus begins his journey by planting a humble potato farm and venturing into the mines to gather resources. Along the way, he encounters a traveling merchant, seizes an opportunity, and sets his sights on making a profit. Exploration and Discovery As the days pass, fosforus explores the vast world of Minecraft, raiding… Read More

  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

    Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21! The Best Minecraft Island Seeds You Need for 1.20/1.21! 🔥 (Java/Bedrock) Discover the Top 3 Island Seeds for Minecraft 1.20/1.21 In the vast world of Minecraft, finding the perfect island seed can make all the difference in your gameplay. The latest update has brought forth some of the most powerful and beautiful island seeds that will take your Minecraft experience to new heights. Unleash Your Power with Super Over Powered Seeds Are you ready to dominate the game like never before? These Super Over Powered island seeds for Minecraft 1.20 and 1.21 will give you the ultimate advantage, making… Read More

  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

    Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6Video Information सो हेलो नमस्कार सत श्री अकाल केमच कम ऑन अच्छे तो क्या हाल चाल है मेरे बा आपका स्वागत है एक और ब्रांड न्यू वीडियो में आज आज हम लोग दोबारा से खेलने जा रहे हैं आज ज्यादा से ज्यादा इंटरटेन करने की कोशिश करेंगे हमें अभी बहुत कुछ करना बाकी है जैसे हमें स्ट्रीमिंग करना बाकी है मेन तो हम लोग को स्ट्रीमिंग करना है और आज जैसे कि आज हम लोग चैनल के डिस्क्रिप्शन में डाल दूंगा और क्लिक करके प्लीज मेरे पुराने वीडियोस पुराने मा के वीडियोस में भी एंजॉयमेंट करके कमेंट करके प्यार बरसा… Read More

  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』https://trakteer.id/kyolectio 『 Saweria Mediashare 』https://saweria.co/kyolectio Discord :3 https://discord.gg/Xg63CYkAca ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More

  • We Escaped Water Barry’s Prison Run in Roblox😱

    We Escaped Water Barry's Prison Run in Roblox😱Video Information This video, titled ‘WE ESCAPED WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN IN ROBLOX (OBBY) 😱’, was uploaded by Ayush More on 2024-05-11 07:56:33. It has garnered 388127 views and 6374 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:01 or 1021 seconds. ROBLOX WATER BARRY’S PRISON RUN 😱 Techno Gamerz Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Story Video Game House Challenge Proboiz 95 GamerFleet Anshu Bisht Yes Smarty Pie Roblox Game Video Ayush More Roblox Techno Gamerz Proboiz 95 Frosty Loggy Shivang Mini Brookhaven 🔲 My ROBLOX Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/4342044275/profile ____________________________ 🎯 Subscribe to my other YT Channels: HORROR GAMEPLAY: @AyushMore2 ➤ https://www.youtube.com/@AyushMore2?sub_confirmation=1 REACTION Channel:… Read More

  • Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!

    Uncover Hidden Civilization in Epic Minecraft Village Quest!Video Information This video, titled ‘“Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilization!”’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Akshay on 2024-03-21 03:15:09. It has garnered 180 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. “Epic Minecraft Village Quest: Unearthing the Secrets of a Hidden Civilizatio Minecraft Village Exploration Adventure Gaming Community Build Survival Let’s Play Hidden Gems Secrets Mysteries Discoveries Enchanting Breathtaking Intricate Unique Captivating Stunning Visuals Fun Relaxing Minecraft Hardcore Challenge PojavLauncher Adventure Survival Gaming Series Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Uncharted Minecraft Quest PojavLauncher Survival Guide Extreme Survival Minecraft Hardcore Journey… Read More

  • “INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥” #gaming #viral

    "INSANE! Bro turns creepers into zombies 💥" #gaming #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro started headshoting creepers 💀 #music #musica #remix #memes #funny #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by xardsp on 2024-04-09 22:00:37. It has garnered 33 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!

    The ULTIMATE 12 BEST Minecraft PE/Bedrock Addons!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOS 12 MEJORES ADDONS [MODS] Para Minecraft PE/Bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by JaarXD on 2024-06-17 21:07:44. It has garnered 70712 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:25 or 1345 seconds. What’s up, people? 😁 In this video I bring you a TOP OF SURVIVAL MODS/ADDONS for your Minecraft worlds. I hope you support this video. Take care of yourself and see you in the next video ❤️ ➥ Versions 1.21 ➥ 1000 LIKES FOR MORE! ➥ Download and installation tutorial ► https://youtu.be/Y5FV3J5gdcA ➥ Social networks + Contact ► Contact – [email protected] ►… Read More

  • Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft Streamer

    Yuki Falls into the Abyss?! 😱 | Twitch Minecraft StreamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noo i fell… #twitch #minecraft #mcstreamer #streamer #twitchstreamer #youtubeshorts #clips #gaming’, was uploaded by Spooky Yuki on 2024-02-09 09:00:06. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. FOLLOW MY SOCIALS!: 🌸 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/spookyyuki7472 TICKETS: https://www.tiktok.com/@spookyyuki7472 Read More