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Welcome to episode 1 of black City season 19 in the last episode rageelixir and his family were being hunted down by a Hitman hired by Jim Davis and now they’ve gotten captured watch the entire video to find out what happens Next Oh my head hurts oh gosh what happened to me and where am I and wait what the heck oh gosh I was knocked out by one of them wait a second a wakey wakey yo where the heck is my family please tell me where my family is oh my gosh please

Please please don’t hurt my family man your family is in a safe place no no no no no please please I’m telling you I’m telling you I’ll do anything I’ll give I’ll give you guys my life if it means I get my family back or or if it means my

Family will be safe just please just please just put that knife away man you don’t have to do this I’m telling you you’re a really good guy I can tell I can tell I mean I’m looking into your eyes looking in your smiling wait it’s

You what did you do to my family so you’re awake what do you want with me you already told me you were hired by Jim Davis and he’s awake boss listen listen listen whatever you want I’ll give it to you okay I just I’m going to ask you questions about Jim Davis wait

Why are you asking me questions about Jim Davis shouldn’t you know him you’re the one that got hired by Jim Davis to to get rid of me to hunt me down and my family apparently oh my gosh my family I really hope they’re okay because I’ve

Never seen him and you know him a lot wait you’ve never seen him wait so you’re just telling me he just paid you to hire me I mean to to hunt me down so who is Jim Davis well um to be honest I don’t even know all right the first day

Of my high school I was trying to go to school trying to graduate and well I kind of took his ID card after he dropped it and because of that it led to so many really dark events and he wanted to seek revenge basically uh-huh that doesn’t really explain anything to me as

To why you’re hunting me down just how did you ruin Jim Davis just that um not quite I mean do I really have to go into details aren’t you just a hitwoman okay well listen I took his ID card I uh I graduated using his name everyone

Thought I was Jim Davis and because of that he wasn’t able to graduate his family disowned him and next thing you know he got rid of his parents and after that he’s been on the Run since and he’s been seeking Revenge ever since that day

So that’s basically it so can you let me and my family go right and why is he after you and your family obviously to ruin my life after ruining his you know I mean I didn’t mean to ruin his life it was an accident I even tried to give

That ID card back H it was all a misunderstanding that went left basically yeah and he hasn’t paid me too yet wait wait Jim Davis hasn’t paid her yet wait that makes sense does she not know that Jim Davis is in jail wait wait wait wait um listen listen hey can you

Come over here I have something to tell you I I got to make sure the gym heads don’t hear about this cuz they know I think they’re trying to hide the fact from from her H hope it’s not a trick wait here yeah it’s not a trick I

Promise you okay listen listen come closer I promise I’m not going to pull any tricks all right you see all these guys over here they’re obviously working for Jim Davis they have like a weird fascination with this Jim Davis guy you know they they’re calling you boss

Because you know he hired you and well I need you to listen to me okay I don’t think you know this but Jim Davis is in jail there’s no way he’s paying you the money and guess what he’s only aead right now he doesn’t even have a body on

Him and he’s in jail for a very very long time so you’re not getting that money anytime soon yeah right oh hold on oh wait she’s getting a a call on the phone okay maybe I can use some of this information okay yeah I kind of like pee

Wait what what is he talking about all right well she got a random phone call all of a sudden maybe let me try to EES drop see what she’s talking about I can’t really hear her what whoo whoo wo wo wo what what’s going on are you

Kidding oh my gosh why is she screaming and stuff what what do you mean wait wait whoo whooah wo wo what the heck is going on once he’s out revenge is inevitable yo these guys are so creepy they like in love with Jim Davis this is

So weird oh man what the heck is going down there like she’s just screaming at the phone I think some sort of deal is going wrong I really really hope that you know my family’s safe at least hey hey you two over there what are you guys

Talking about can you please get me out please yo these guys are just so creepy none of your business here oh my gosh please my family’s downstairs and they might be getting hurt I know you guys aren’t evil right you guys AR AR evil come on I know you guys have a pure

Heart H things can be changed all right you guys don’t have to wait what’s going on oh goodness that guy smells he really does smell wait what is he what are they talking about oh my gosh I did take a little leak cuz I was scared oh no

Anyways uh what the heck is going on downstairs you ruin our boss’s life so stay here now stay quiet oh man all right I’ll stay quiet oh crap hey uh lady over there H is everything all right man I’m I’m literally stuck in this chair gosh they literally tied me

Up to this chair I can’t go anywhere really want to see your family yes of course why wouldn’t I want to see my family please please that’s all I asked for right please sniff PE you wait what oh my gosh all I did was pee in my pants

A little bit grunt stay here oh no hold still oh gosh all right okay they really let me go okay you know what I can make a I can make a run for it ready three two one ah oh gosh I got out okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry okay okay please

Please put that knife away it’s really scary oh oh my go they’re all ganging up around me okay okay you follow oh all right all right I’m sorry I’m sorry I promise I won’t try to run oh gosh it’s so it’s so close yet so far all right

All right don’t play with me okay okay please stop stop looking at me like that like you guys are going to hurt me oh jeez okay just got to follow this lady down oh man I really hope my family’s kept in a very very safe place because

I’m really really scared for them oh I really hope they’re okay down here oh gosh I really hope this isn’t a trap this looks really sketchy I really hope my family’s actually down here uh why don’t you go in first oh they are all

Right okay I got to go up here I wait there’s a gun right there I might be able to grab that and then take them out wait what the oh gosh it’s like she read my mind oh no there we go okay where the heck is my family

Ashley Eli why does this place seem so familiar oh gosh rage oh my gosh rage Junior Amber rage please save us oh my goodness Dad Dad okay okay please please calm down calm down you guys I’m sure everything will be just fine all right I promise I’m I’m going to make sure

Everything turns out okay I’m not going to let them do anything to you guys all right Ashley I promise I promise the kids will be fine all right oh gosh what is that lady over there doing oh crap uh he hasn’t paid me still wait so it’s

True Jim Davis hasn’t paid her at all oh man ashy I promise I’m going to make sure everything turns right what’s happening dad this place is scary I want out please please listen everything will be just fine oh no Ashley’s not even saying a thing she seems really worried

Oh gosh uh how should I say this um yes can you come here for a second wait what come here for a second I really don’t want to leave my family after I just saw them I’m really glad they weren’t hurt or anything but there seems to be blood

Everywhere I don’t think the blood’s coming from them though uh yes Miss because I haven’t got paid yet I need your help wait what you need my help what do you mean you need my help you guys kidnapped me and my family yes you

Okay you know Jim uh kind of we have an interesting relationship and Jim needs to pay up um okay in favor I will let you and your family go wait what freely wait what isn’t that your job to to get rid of my family you know what I’m not

Even going to question it all right I’ll do whatever to um H let me see what my family thinks rage don’t Dad it’s a trap it’s a trap I’ve seen it in movies don’t do it oh gosh they’re all saying it’s a trap but you did promise with no harm I

Promise I’m saying please what the heck do you really need that money or something all right listen if you promise to keep my family safe I don’t care if you keep me safe you can you can like capture me or what whatever you need to do but keep my family out of

This I’ll help you out I worked hard on this and it’s not free okay well I guess I’ll help you out then well just letting you know Jim Davis is at the police station thank you so that’s what happened with Jim and now in jail I’m really surprised that she had no clue

What was up with Jim even though he’s like the most famous criminal in Block City unless she’s not from Block City well and said nothing to us about it hope he Nails I don’t know Miss all these guys knew about it it’s just you that didn’t know anything about it I

Guess I’m going to be headed off to the police station now huh I’m supposed to somehow convince him to pay you those grunts will take you there okay are you not going to come with me I thought you wanted to see Jim Davis I will stay with

Your family just to make them safe wait what what do you mean you’re going to make them safe oh I don’t really I don’t really like the sound of that okay whatever save from harm she’s the one causing all the harm in the first place

Get in the car buddy hey you better free our boss you scum all right I’m hopping in the car okay until I get the money from jym oh no all right here we go to the police station this is going to be rough oh gosh we’re here at the police

Station I wish I could just report these guys to the police but Ah that’s not what I’m supposed to be doing today crap get out okay okay please uh move now you better not try anything funny well it sucks that you guys can’t get close to

The police station huh get us that money we’re watching crap they’ve got weapons though oh man they really are watching from the Shadows crap I could just tell them and report them right now but this is not going to look too good for my family they’re going to do bad things to

My family if I don’t even try okay this is really scary my family my family’s lives are in danger it’s always Jim Davis it always comes back down to Jim Davis why will it never end I should have moved out of Block City when I I

Had the chance we’re here back at the BC police station oh no okay okay let’s head on in and see what’s going on wait sir Bridges please sir that lady ruined my aquarium they ruined my reputation sorry sir but without evidence I can’t help you what wait what’s going on oh

Man well it doesn’t really matter I got to worry about my family oh gosh no evidence no help but there are witnesses I swear hey um sir Bridges um it’s nice to see you there man oh gosh oh no what do I do uh there’s Chief Sanders right

There rage I’m sure you see that woman right I don’t know I don’t know at all sir I don’t know anything you’re talking about right now oh gosh I got to talk to Chief Sanders about this I’m really nervous I got to somehow get to Jim Davis the police doesn’t even do

Anything right about it what are you here for chief Sanders um I I have a a big favor to ask you okay I know you’re probably not going to allow this because uh his jail says says never ever open never could I please please talk to Jim Davis I I here here

Uh let me give you a case I don’t know rage the sign is pretty clear please Chief Sanders let me make it clear to you okay I’m the only one that knows a lot about this Jim Davis guy all right I’m the one who brought him to you guys

I’m the one who took him into jail so I should have a reason to be able to talk to him I’m telling you there’s a lot more deeper deeper and darker things that I need to talk to him about please please I’m sure it’ll help out with the reputation of this police station

Especially with what just happened all right I know you guys are probably going to lose officers after sir Bridges you guys turn down sir Bridges all right you win oh all I had to do was say Sir Bridges so am I allowed to talk to Jim

Davis I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk to the most wanted criminals only 2 minutes though Max crap only 2 minutes you’ve got to be kidding me okay I’ll take I’ll take any time all right um Brad could you get rid of the um the

Barricade for me I think you got to use a crowbar huh oh I guess you’re just that strong oh man can someone open this for me please oh jeez H useless body useless oh there he is there’s Jim Davis hey Jim I know I’m probably the last

Person you expected to see but oh look it’s rage Elixir I wonder how you are still alive I just remember he basically has no contact with the hitwoman oh wait I might be able to lie to him and say that you know even though he hired the

Hitwoman I can probably say that uh I took out the hitwoman um listen Jim Davis I don’t know what you’re up to but I saw right through you man I’m here at the at this police station because I have reported to the police after I took down your

Hitwoman she failed she failed to take me down in my family we were able to take down down the hitwoman and guess what I have all the all the evidence I need I reported it to Chief Sanders and now you’re serving a longer sentence here in this prison cell it seems like

You have a rough out here man you only have half a cell and uh well no no no no no this is not how it should happen oh gosh I should probably leave now I will get you rage hey wait let me out what the why’ you guys okay okay you

Guys should probably barricade it again oh my goodness he’s going crazy in there all right all right all right you’re you were right Chief Sanders you were right uh maybe it wasn’t a good idea for me to talk to him oh goodness gracious see I told you no more visitors crap but I

Can’t leave from oh no if I leave from the front entrance the gym heads are going to see me crap all right let me go ahead and see if the gym heads are still there because if they are it’s not going to look good for me oh crap it doesn’t

Seem like they’re around anywhere which is wait no no no no they’re still there oh crap oh crap oh no I got a HH I know there’s a SE secret entrance in one of the bathroom stalls but I hope the police don’t see that I’m going into their bathroom cuz this is their

Official bathroom I just got to sneak in there it is there it is oh my gosh okay into the sewer we go oh it smells disgusting in here oh I’m going to I’m definitely going to be stinking after this I got to find a way out ah man I

Got to sneak out and somehow get back to my family oh no where am I supposed to go I feel a little lost okay you know what I’m going to head over to this direction I really don’t know if I’m going the right way right now but there

Should be a way out somewhere nearby I think this takes me behind the bank if so I’m going to be able to escape without them finding me okay perfect this is right in front of the bank maybe I can oh crap I’m really about to commit

Another crime ah this is the only way for me to get back to my house or back to the gym heads HQ without me getting caught all right now I can get back without them noticing oh God go this is a really bad idea but this is the only

Way I’m going to be able to protect my family I can’t believe these guys haven’t gotten caught yet their base is so giant I guess they’re not really doing anything illegal technically all right I’m just going to park over here I’m in my disguise I think I’m ready all

Right it’s time to become ninja rage and pull off this Mission Impossible okay got to get through this house somehow I know that Jim Davis or some boss figure should have their own room right so hopefully no one’s guarding this place too tightly I got to somehow sneak into

This house without getting caught um maybe I can go over here oh man this place is so nice can’t believe oh wait they’re literally walking around the the house right now oh man okay I got to sneak past them somehow I am supposed to

Be a ninja so I got to be sneaky wait they just left the front door open oh wait there’s a doorbell wait a second I have a plan where should I hide I’m going to hide right over behind that plant dingdong ditch here we go all

Right I rang the doorbell I rang the doorbell okay all right let’s check okay okay they’re looking over oh gosh I got to sneak past right now go go go go go okay I’m in the house I’m in the house all right and I’m going to close the

Door on them and lock it there we go perfect wait there’s another gym head right there let me see what he’s up to oh he keeps circling around that table what do I do what do I do I got to somehow get past him crap I got to get

To the stair somehow um oh gosh oh gosh where is he going he’s going to the kitchen looking into the fridge all right that’s when I’m going to sneak past him M food food food okay okay anyone downstairs okay no one’s downstairs right now let me go upstairs

Hopefully I don’t get caught I need to somehow find a weapon I should have brought a weapon but these guys are so dangerous they have way way more scary weapons oh gosh he’s looking around wait so tired wait I think he fell asleep okay this is perfect I got to make sure I

Don’t make any noises oh gosh without getting caught ow oh crap I hit my knee oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh he did he wake up oh gosh oh no what oh no oh no oh gosh there’s another gym head over here oh my gosh this is really bad I didn’t

Even know there was another one over here oh okay okay uh I’m going to lay down right here oh jeez oh jeez oh jeez please don’t look over here please don’t look over here oh my gosh that guy was in the same bathroom I was that was

Really bad wait a second is this oh gosh he’s walking around oh I got to make my move soon before it’s too late oh gosh oh gosh he’s right there oh no no no no no no no no this is really bad where’s he going did I hear something usually

Bosses have like a weapon right beside their bedside right let me check their bedside real quickly must be the wind I really hope he doesn’t look this way oh gosh I got to circle around as well oh I was so close to checking inside of his bedside table all right he’s on the

Other side now oh man there’s so many of them who let the door open oh gosh let me check this bedside there’s nothing wait there’s literally a pistol in here okay I’m going to grab it I’m going to grab it before they notice okay okay

Here we go all right charge up this gun oh oh gosh hey hey get away from me oh gosh I’m really bad at I don’t know how to use a gun but I think I heard him oh shoot I shot his leg oh I’m so sorry man

Uh-oh I just made such a loud noise with the gun oh no oh no oh no oh I got it oh God got to get rid of him too oh got him got him oh my gosh wait he got a poo oh no I feel so bad for him I think I shot

His leg too oh no I think everyone heard this uh where did they go oh my gosh oh I got one I got one oh my gosh this is really bad I got another one oh no oh wait how did he not hear this you know

What I’m taking him out as well a I wonder what that commotion is uh crap I should have let him live oh no this is really bad ah man they closed the safe door how am I going to get down there now my family’s in there oh maybe I got

To use this gun to break this safe ready in right to the center all right let me try to open it a there we go here we here we go I got to save my family okay I got to get down here somehow is the coast clear oh gosh

There’s no one watching my family oh my gosh Ashley Amber Eli R junor I’m here I’m here it’s me it’s me it’s me sh sh sh you guys have to be quiet okay let me untie you Ashley let me untie you let me untie you as well Amber you too Eli and

You too race Junior uh you’re back I am I am I came to save you guys oh my gosh this is not looking good we have to go we have to go we have to be quiet though before we get caught all right let’s go

Let’s go come on you guys come on come on we got to go we got to go we got to go come on okay I’ll drive don’t worry about driving Ashley we have to leave we have to leave come on what what the oh my gosh please please just let my family

Go well well well rage hey hey I promise I did talk to Jim Davis okay but deciding to backstab no I’m not I’m not backstabbing you I promise I promise I promise I’m not trying to backstab you okay and where is it I don’t see any proof you guys run downstairs right now

Run downstairs oh oh gosh okay I shut it I shut the door everyone go go go hide hide hide hide hide oh gosh she’s trying to break through the door right now crap this is not looking good oh gosh she’s shooting through the door oh no oh no

Wait the door’s starting to crack oh gosh it’s open oh gosh oh gosh I got to close this I got to close this door I’m going to die I’m going to die oh I can’t close it oh no oh no please please I really don’t want to shoot you well well

No no no please please I I I really tried ma’am ma’am I really tried you know you can’t escape this I know I can’t please you know what’s funny crap my gun jammed I can’t shoot it oh no I have to destroy a whole aquarium just to

Get you and you know what what ma’am oh no my poor family they’re just a waste wait no please please I really tried to get that money for you but Jim Davis wasn’t cooperating he started going crazy I promise I really did try yeah right oh man I wish I could shoot right

Now but I can’t the gun’s jammed you lied to me no I didn’t I promise oh no this might be it I just have to accept it and I’ve had enough a my head oh gosh I’m bleeding who should go first wait what not my family no no no no please

Please take me out instead let’s go with your wife first no no wait what the wait what security oh gosh wait what are you doing here huh oh my gosh I really thought I was going to lose Ashley boss I got her wait what is the coast clear

Oh gosh let me grab this gun oh my gosh I’m so glad you guys are safe you you stay down oh my gosh my gun jammed and I couldn’t do anything oh my goodness wait sir Bridges oh my gosh wait what are you doing here oh my

Goodness this is so so unexpected is everyone all right yeah yeah thanks to your security but what the heck are you doing here sir Bridges you have some explaining to do were you working with Jim Davis or something we’re saved I assumed there was something up when you

Came into the police station oh yeah I did seem really nervous didn’t I I mean they they kind of forced me into that situation I had no choice I couldn’t tell anyone either so I had my security follow you wait what you actually did that to help me out oh my

Gosh I don’t know how I’m going to repay you sir Bridges also this is the one who ruined my reputation again oh yeah that’s right she was pretending to be an aquarium worker and and basically wait so this is all about you and not about me then technically but uh you know what

You saved my family’s life I really appreciate it man thank you so much bit of both now let’s get this cleaned up and get you home safe thank you so much here here I don’t need any of this please I I didn’t want to do this but I

I had to do anything to save my family you know Ashley Amber R junor come on we got to go we got to get Eli as well come on you guys oh my gosh we got to head home I’m so glad you guys are safe I’m

So so glad you guys are safe oh my goodness I’m so glad you guys are safe good thing you didn’t free Jim Davis I it it was scary I’m not going to lie I’m just really glad you guys are safe but we got to go home we got to go home I’m

Going to let sir Bridges and the and chief Sanders take care of everything oh my goodness I’m I can’t wait to move out of Block City this really might be the last straw oh my gosh oh my gosh Ashley are you done with the food oh my goodness oh

No they’re already on their way we’re going to be late it’ll be ready when they’re here rage no they won’t oh my goodness we don’t have much time we don’t have much time Ashley what are you doing rage no just wait no no no no no

Hurry up you want you want me to help you cook or something here let me ow ow oh gosh he just slapped me rage first of all you need to calm down okay okay I’m just really nervous I haven’t seen them in so long Ashley I haven’t seen them in

So long you’ll be fine okay I’m going to go get the kids ready oh my gosh Ashley has never hit me like this before but you know what she woke me up for a quick second uh let’s see let’s see R Junior Eli oh my my gosh they’re playing video

Games you’re so bad that’s not even how you make a cake Eli race jior oh my gosh you guys need to come downstairs I’m making a house Grandpa Ray and Grandma rage are on their way you guys haven’t met them before oh my goodness aren’t you guys excited to meet Grandma rage

And Grandpa rage oh man I’ve told you guys so many stories wait not really Grandpa Grandma all right R Jer go downstairs right now you better not embarrass me go downstairs right now oh my goodness way downstairs in the living room fine all right I know Amber really

Really wants to meet them Amber what are you doing oh she’s watching TV right now Amber your Grandma and Grandpa are coming oh my gosh not Papa Jim and not Mama Bernette it’s Grandma yes Grandpa rage and Grandma rage yes go downstairs and wait in the living room oh my

Goodness I really really hope they behave because if they don’t I am so screwed everyone sit tight okay everyone sit down on the couch and behave all right sit sit perfectly with with perfect posture you can’t you can’t make me look bad in front of my own parents

Okay bro oh my gosh that must be them Ashley are you done cooking oh my gosh they’re here they’re here rage all right Ashley get out of the kitchen right now we got to we got to meet them up front oh no all right all right got to meet up with them oh

There they are oh my gosh they’re here wait rage before you open the door uh yes Ashley oh gosh I’m so nervous my Palms are so sweaty ah first take deep breath okay okay okay okay okay I think I’m ready I think I’m ready oh gosh I’m so nervous

Oh it’s my mom and dad I haven’t seen them in so long okay okay uh Hey Dad hey Mom uh what took you so long boy rage uh my knees are weak oh come on in come on in I’m so sorry for that oh gosh how was

The drive you guys how was the drive let me turn off okay hi Mr and Mrs rage glad to see you again well uh this is my lovely wife Ashley you guys have met her before one time um but I hope you guys are doing all right rage is really good

To see you how how is your drive here long oh my goodness I remember you guys moved to like this city called Pocky uh Pocky Berg or something it’s so far at pixel town oh pixel town that’s where you guys moved to Pokey Berg I don’t

Know that’s what I thought it was I’m sorry pixel town well anyways you don’t know where your parents live I’m sorry I’m sorry we haven’t talked in so long now Papa rage and Mama rage come on over to the living room you guys haven’t seen the kids right you guys haven’t met the

Kids oh my gosh Ray Junior Amber Eli come on stand up and come greet your grandparents oh my gosh I’m so so happy to see them kids wao three kids he has my eyes well I have your eyes too dad I mean that’s how we all got our eyes

Right uh well hello my amazing grandparents wait what R junor wasn’t even excited to see them a second ago oh my well you guys don’t look over the age of 20 wo wo wo Ray Junior can you stop oh my goodness Grandpa rage Jor your hair is messy I remember you had rage

Jor back then but now you have three yeah we do oh my goodness well anyways uh uh mom and Mom and Dad come on and sit down on the couch please and everyone sit down on the floor all right let’s have a nice little chat you guys

Haven’t you know really gotten to know your grandparents so it’s going to be really really great to catch up and you know talk to you guys woo my back so you guys said your drive was really long right so long spent a fortune on gas well I didn’t know you guys lived that

Far away well you guys didn’t even tell me I would have came and picked you guys up you can’t be letting two old people drive uh you never call old I mean I mean you guys are kind of old now but I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m a terrible son

I’ve just been really busy with these three kids you know like it’s not easy raising three kids you guys only had to raise me I’m only uh in my 60s maybe 70 I forget Dad how How Could You Forget how old you are well anyways lock city is dangerous

Here so you guys need to be really careful Ashley you didn’t need to tell them that oh my gosh they used to live here but it wasn’t that dangerous dangerous oh move to pixel town it’s a much safer City well I mean pixel town is there even anything fun to do in

Pixel town I swear that’s where all the old people live we got space in a minivan well I don’t know about all the kids right right I even fought Wars Ray Junior don’t tell that oh my gosh yeah I shot so many monsters with laser guns R

Junior you’re not supposed to tell your grandparents that they’re going to yell at me oh my gosh give it to the give it to the kids to make me I was kidnapped oh my they’re making me look terrible in front of my parents you letting your kids fight monsters kidnapped H okay

Kids kids oh gosh this is going to be bad mom dad they’re just talking about video games all right they love playing video games and stuff so uh this is really bad a cloud monster takes care of us when Dad is in here who Ray

Jor shush oh gosh why not tell the kids a little bit of a story time a story time uh oh no ooh we want a story okay yeah yeah yeah let’s do a little story time so they don’t start talking about all the bad things I’ve done oh my gosh

Let me get lunch okay Ashley you didn’t finish cooking did you okay good luck good luck Ashley while we do that oh I did oh okay okay all right well anyways it’s story time what kind of story are you guys going to tell everyone Story Time any embarrassing stories like maybe

When he peed his pants first wait what oh my gosh no nothing like that embarrassing stories please no embarrassing stories about me dad and mom please please Dad stop stop oh our boy has been a pee PE pants since his first day oh gosh not again but I have a

Better story a better story what’s better than me being a peee pants oh gosh please Dad please spare me one time rage faked having a baby no no no no no no no no please not that story not that story oh gosh what that’s insane what

Dad uh-oh oh boy what a time it was oh gosh what did I just hear oh no Ashley remember the time we faked having a baby it was in our old house about 7 years ago guess what Dad I’m married now oh man what you’re married I’ve been

Waiting to tell you is that my little rage all grown up my boy I’m so proud of you ask if rage has kids already uh kids uh-oh um Ashley my dad’s asking if we have kids already but if we don’t have kids they’re going to be very very

Disappointed in me what do I tell them what do I tell them oh gosh I know how my parents are they’re going to look down on me and they’re going to I don’t know what we should do oh crap should I just lie to them and say that I have a

Kid we’ll figure something out uh yes Dad uh yeah we do have a kid already that’s perfect rage yeah yeah we’ll see you as soon as we can you’re going to what you’re going to come and see me soon I mean yeah uh sure sure you you’ll see my lovely wife

And my my my kid see you later dad our boy is a father oh my gosh uh-oh you had to say we had a kid well Ashley they’re going to going to be so disappointed in me if I told them no oh gosh Ashley I promise you we’ll always make things

Work out I promise I promise oh crap Ashley we got to find a way to like I don’t know borrow a kid or something for a day to to make him seem like they’re arid what Ashley please please you have to understand my point of view like we

Just got married I will slap you later what Ashley come on but we need to have a fake baby uh yeah yeah we do or else you know my parents aren’t going to be proud of me I got to make sure they’re proud of me yeah this is a really bad

Idea oh no I know I know it’s a bad idea but this is my parents we’re talking about oh gosh this is my first time you’re meeting them too so you need to tell them the truth rage Ashley come on you don’t understand like you can’t lie

To them oh my gosh Come on Ashley you know what come with me come with me I think I think there’s a adoption center somewhere in Block City oh man we got to find a way to like adopt a kid for a day or something something or maybe like

Borrow them or something I don’t know H come on Ashley I’m sure we’ll find a way to make this work I think that’s the adoption center over there so let’s park over here Ashley I don’t know about this rage Ashley why do you keep second thinking everything just trust me all

You got to do is trust me you married me for a reason right we’re going to make sure we have a great great longlasting marriage look at this adopt me Center ooh this is perfect wait very old Terry uh yep just finished signing the paperwork see see Ashley it seems like

Everything’s going well other people are getting adopted and stuff a dang they’re getting adopted that’s so sweet of them uh you’re all set and you and kid one have a lovely time all right you ready to go uh I guess uh congratulations on the kids sir bye-bye let’s go all right

Hey hello there so this is the adoption center here in Black City yes it is our first and only adoption Center ooh that’s perfect because you know my wife and I we recently just got married and you know we’re interested in uh um you know adopting a kid aw uh is there

Anywhere we can go to see if there’s uh any kids available we would love to take a look of course wow this lady seems so sweet right Ashley she seems very very sweet oh wow you two look so cute by the way a thank you so much sure all right

Ooh okay okay this is perfect Ashley check this out this is going to be great it’s it’s all going according to plan here are all the kids all right we’ll be we’ll be right out okay okay okay let’s see hey hey buddy um hey buddy is everything all right oh my goodness

Ashley he looks kind of scary hello mister um H this kid seems really nice too ooh Ashley this kid seems really nice hey buddy what’s your name hi mister um my name is Luke ooh you have a name I think his name is just kid well uh hey hey little Luke um you

Want to come with us come on come on Ashley I think this this kid will be perfect he looks very kind and gentle I think my parents are going to love him I guess so too what uh come on Luke come with us a man come on Luke all right all

Right let’s go talk to the adoption lady uh are you going to adopt me uh something like that just come with us just come with us all right ma’am uh so uh we we found this nice looking kid right here and we were just wondering Ashley I should ask her right um okay

Let’s see how it goes something like that rage uh yeah yeah uh oh kid four oh his name’s kid four so listen I don’t know how adoption stuff work around here but we were just wondering if you guys have like a a one day deal where we

Borrow the kid and just bring him back like rent him out or something uh one day deal yeah we would just like to rent this kid out for a day and we’ll be back well we promised to bring him back so you know rent a kid it’s it’s for a good

Um borrow rent rage this isn’t going to work no trust me trust me it is uh kid 4 go to go back to the room for me wait wait wait ma’am ma’am ma’am ma’ ma’am we can pay you extra fees you know uh anything like that protection fees and

Whatnot we’ll make sure this kid comes back safe all right just just please I don’t want to be with them wait Luke oh gosh oh no this is really bad uh way to go rage I mean we’re oh my gosh you have 5 seconds before I call the cops wait

What why oh all we were trying to do is borrow a kid oh who rents a kid I I don’t know that’s creepy wait no no no no that’s not what I was no that’s not oh gosh weird you’re a creep weird oh my goodness H you know what I’m not even

Going to explain the situation to her cuz she’s bad hair oh my gosh Ashley how are we going to get this to work oh no my dad and mom are going to be so disappointed in me oh jeez Ashley what do we do well you should have lied well

No but uh that’s what I’ve been doing this entire day haven’t I I’m tired of lying Ashley but we can try to go to the mall yeah I guess we can go to the mall and try to figure this out we can get some coffee or something yeah we need to

Brainstorm this oh gosh this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be here’s some coffee thanks Dave I really appreciate it a man a nice hot cup of coffee oh I’m definitely going to need this after what just happened oh my gosh

So we can’t go back there or else that happens yeah I think the adoption center is out of the question at this point and you know that the mall’s pretty empty here too so I don’t think we’re going to find anyone and you know we don’t want

To get in trouble for kidnapping someone that would be really messed up we shouldn’t do thatth let’s just take a sip of this coffee try to figure this out Ashley you just don’t know how my parents are this is going to be my your first time meeting my parents and you

Know I want to make sure it’s a good good impression you know wait a second again that’s nice son wait what’s going on over there there’s like a mom I think with her son Mom I wanted Cherry ice cream that’s nice son oh my goodness

That lady looks so tired I I wanted that red action figure not the green one oh no that kid is so noisy H but wait a second that kid is loud I can hear it so far away wait Ashley I have an idea I have an idea how about we offer to

Babysit that kid so cool champ I want chocolate oh no I mean babysit that kid Yeah Ashley I think this this might be the only chance we have cuz my Dad and Mom they’re going to show up sometime soon and we don’t have much time left so I don’t know about this

That kid is picky uh Ashley you wait here I’ll figure this out okay uh I hope this goes well pay attention to me I don’t know if this is going to go well or not but I’ve got to try right C thing champ hey uh excuse me lady um is

Everything all right oh man she seems really tired that’s nice I mean what uh I was just wondering hi mister Hey kid um do you need any like babysitting services or anything like that cuz I would love to take care of your kid for like a day if possible just for a day

Yes yes oh wo wo this is like the most energy I’ve seen from her this entire time I want his jacket please wait what is this contact info oh uh okay well thanks for for giving me your contact info I’ll pay whatever oh whatever okay

I’ll I’ll do $500 uh for one day and also um you’ll come and pick him up tonight right tonight is perfect cuz we don’t need that much time uh oh you’re pcking me up front uh okay well I’ll contact you and tell you where to pick

Him up so hopefully you can get some rest ma’am I know raising a kid can be tough of course good night wait what she’s just going to sleep here what the oh kid what did you do to your mom hey come with me kid new person sh routine

Give me candy okay okay come on come on I’ll get you candy and stuff all right well she seems happy hey Ashley uh I managed to get this kid to you know be our son for the day yay all right this is going to be a long

Day but Ashley trust me my dad and mom they’re showing up sometime soon so all right kid let’s get you home all right all right come on I hope this works it will trust me come on kid we’re about to head on home I want candy

Oh my gosh this kid has so much energy he’s been running around all this time and always asking for candy asking for this and that I swear I better not have made a mistake ow oh gosh you know what do we have candy somewhere um oh wait we

Have some chocolate okay I’m going to give him some chocolate how about that hey hey hey I I have some candy for you here’s some chocolate for you okay we’ve got you some chocolate lots and lots of chocolate okay now come over here come over here okay you’re going to stay in

This room for now before my parents show up all right just stay in this room okay just stay in this room and enjoy your chocolate candy okay okay oh my gosh Ashley I’m so sorry you still think this is a good idea I don’t know Ashley this

Kid is already at our house and we don’t have much time my parents are already on their way they said oh gosh goodness gracious this is really bad Ashley he’s so loud and so annoying I swear okay okay you know what we’ve already went through with this plan and what did I

Say I know I I know you’re always going to say I told you so but wait a second that’s their car oh gosh Ashley uh okay okay you’re about to meet them for the very first time so smile okay smile uh do you have tea or coffee ready just

Just have tea and coffee ready okay just offer it to them uh Ashley I need you to come on over first oh gosh they’re here oh no uh yep there they are oh gosh I’m going to hide back here um oh no where is Ashley okay okay you ready hey Dad

Mom you like my house house oh man my boy hey Dad hey mom come on in come on in so uh this right here is my lovely wife you’re so tall I got slightly taller you know this is my lovely wife Ashley Ashley this is my mom this is my

Dad uh introduce yourself let me close the door uh nice to meet you Mr and Mrs rage oh isn’t this the girl from your school yeah yeah you remember her all the way from back then uh how come you never invite us to your Mar oh our

Wedding you mean uh you see the wedding happened a little too quickly that’s why I’m sorry you guys I’m sorry but uh anyways uh uh too soon yeah well anyways come on in come into the living room and Ashley you have something to offer them

Uh go ahead sit down Mom and Dad right here on our um you know she’s got a good grip you got to keep her thanks Dad would you like some tea sure all right Ashley go get the tea ready more of a coffee man yeah and coffee for my dad uh

Ah we really like you Ashley why thank you okay so far I’ve made my parents proud they’re approving of my girlfriend I mean my wife man I still haven’t gotten used to calling her my wife God good morals how’s your coffee Mr Rage I hope it’s good I hope it’s good oh man

It’s delicious well Mom Dad um we’ve we’ve been chatting all day and stuff but would you guys like to take a look around the house I would love to give you guys a tour you know I worked really hard to get this house you know I got

Really lucky with the lottery and you know all that stuff so come on over so here we have the kitchen you guys haven’t seen this just yet and you know I have a really nice job so far so you know managed to buy myself a car very

Nice looking car right kind of reminds you of the car that we used to have nice job uh what do you do well Dad I kind of worked as a McDonald’s worker and also I got really lucky with some sort of you know lottery ticket kind of thing so I

Got a lot of money through that but you know um the usual That’s My Boy Thanks Dad come on in come on in we have more things to show you guys so you know the living room nice and spacious we have the backyard over here very nice very

Spacious as well uh we also have the upstairs of course oh gosh I hear footsteps coming from my bedroom oh gosh okay well if you guys come on upstairs uh you know this is a a nice little room uh to start off with we also have the bathroom of course bathroom nice little

Bathroom if you need to use the bathroom you guys can come over here uh does your kid live up here oh kid uh yeah yeah uh anyways uh come on downstairs oh gosh now they’re asking about the kids ooh a nice little room for a kid is it a boy

Or girl uh come on come on dad mom no need to rush now come on I was just getting to that now sit down uh okay what’s their name oh crap Ashley what is their name um uh let’s say Tony Tony’s the the name Tony’s the name of our kid

Uh their name is Tony wait I want to hear the kid say oh yeah yeah about that um okay yeah their name is Tony oh gosh what if their name isn’t Tony uh-oh okay hopefully the candy put them to sleep cuz they were zooming all what what the

Waa whoa what the yo oh my goodness uh old man hi Tony oh wo whoa whoa wo stop stop oh my goodness the son oh gosh I I totally forgot to let the kid know that he was was supposed to act as our son stop stop oh my gosh this is not going

Well Tony uh-oh uh can you calm down Tony candy give give your grandpa a hug hey uh Hey kid kid give him a hug give him a hug kid uh-oh your kid is obsessed with candy uh yeah he kind of ate all that chocolate oh no I shouldn’t have

Given him chocolate wo wo wo calm down hey wao what the yo it’s hitting my dad oh my gosh hey stop stop stop wo wo wo wo kid where who where where are you going oh my God gosh where’s that kid going oh my gosh stop it rage wa your

Kid is out of control a word dad mom um give me a second okay what is Ashley going to say I haven’t let her say anything the entire day I’ve just been controlling the entire day wa you need to tell them no Ashley if I tell them

I’m going to be in big trouble you don’t understand it’s already a mess oh no should I really tell them that that kid wasn’t ours you see what that kid did ah you’re right and plus we’re we’re up one $500 we just got to find that kid later

Okay Dad Mom they just let their kid run away uh listen I haven’t been very truthful with you guys okay where do I begin so Ashley here she really is my wife I did get married to her but um you know you know how much I want to make

You guys proud all the time right I didn’t want to disappoint you guys and you guys were asking if I had a kid already so I decided to lie and well that kid you guys just saw is just the kid that we met at the mall and we

Offered to babysit them for a day just so you know you guys wouldn’t be not my idea by the way hey Ashley just threw me at under the bus uh-oh M oh gosh I hope you’re not mad at me dad you should tell us the truth you had to do it uh-oh Dad

I’m sorry I’m sorry Dad please rage oh gosh it’s okay wait what what do you mean it’s okay you’re not mad at me of course not oh I’m furious oh oh God I’m sorry I’m sorry d Dad I’m sorry but you’re my son uh-oh H calm down and I’ll

Always Love You woo phew that was a close one just be honest with me uh okay I’m sorry I I faked having a baby H at first I was going to tell you I was pregnant but bring it in boy all right all right thanks Dad I was going to tell

You I was pregnant with a baby and uh that wouldn’t have made sense so I went and you know I wouldn’t believe that you were pregnant uh yeah you’re right you’re right but mom might have believed me oh gosh what did you say about my wife

Oh w w w w w I’m sorry I’m sorry Dad oh gosh oh gosh please I’m sorry I’m sorry and now we’re here today you know that story wasn’t as bad as I remembered it to be and Ashley why are you laughing we had to go through the same thing

Together oh my gosh why are they laughing so much Dad I can’t believe you did that oh gosh what a crazy time well man it’s kind of sad seeing you guys so old now but I should definitely visit you guys a lot more often got to always

Remember to tell the truth all right Dad and Mom I promise I’ll always tell the truth I I’ve been telling the truth since then okay I miss my dad Ashley oh gosh I just forgot uh you haven’t been calling I know I know that’s the truth I

Know it’s just I’ve been busy with my family you know you guys only had to raise one kid and it was me you can always visit us in PixelTown okay we’ll come and visit you know sometime soon you haven’t told him have you no well anyways uh you guys should

Probably head to bed it’s getting really late bed sounds good I need my 16 hours 16 hours oh man that’s what it means to be 70 years old huh my golly well it’s bedtime for you guys as well so go upstairs and sleep now okay oh I finally

Finished all the spaghetti okay good night you guys 64 oh yeah here you go Ashley thank you so much for the food again I hope you guys enjoyed uh you know Ashley’s uh lunch and everything where do I sleep boy Mom Dad uh since we don’t have any extra rooms oh they’re

Going to take a while to get up here aren’t they H come on dad come on Mom up the stairs oh no I feel so bad Amber can you push them up oh gosh we’re going to take you guys to Eli’s room there’s enough space for both grandparents to

Sleep uh Eli wait race Junior no why are you laughing race Junior you we got to sleep with Eli tonight oh my gosh wait what no no yes you guys are going to sleep together tonight now Eli grab your things and go sleep with Ray Jor all

Right Dad Mom all right you guys can sleep here tonight all right it’s a very comfy bed that’s for sure you will have to like it R junor and Eli Eli’s feet are cold it’s okay it’s okay that’s your little brother take care of him I don’t

Want oh man these two are a handful now dad mom I stepped on a Lego oh gosh oh no I feel terrible for everything I’ve done I feel like the worst son ever Mom Dad thank you guys so much for visiting blo City I’m really going to

Miss you guys Ashley and I really loved having you guys over oh man this is so sad man I’m aching to see you guys again a dad give me a hug give me a hug it kills me having to leave my boy next time come visit us at pixel town sweetie

Okay okay one day I’ll come over to pixel town it was an amazing time you guys need to come again I know I know Ashley but block city is very dangerous especially for older gentlemen so oh man give me a hug Dad I know you barely give

Me hugs I’ll see you again soon my boy I hope so dad I really really hope so oh man goodbye mom it was really nice seeing you but wait just a second the kids Grandma and Grandpa do you really need to leave bye Grandma bye Grandpa

Come on guys go give them a hug hug okay go give your grandma and grandpa a hug you to Ray Junior bye bye blonde boy blonde oh no Amber’s crying oh my gosh I don’t want them to leave it’s okay Amber they’ll be coming back soon or we’ll go

To pixel town one day to visit them oh my gosh I’m really sad that they have to leave but it’s all good oh my gosh say goodbye all right call us when you make it home yeah make sure you call us home all right uh mom make sure you call me

Okay cuz Dad doesn’t know how to use a phone I swear so bye you guys all right now kids all right enough hugging we have to let them go it’s getting really dark and you know I know my dad can’t see very well during the night so hopefully mom drives okay so mom’s

Definitely driving goodbye oh man I know you guys had a great time Amber don’t cry it’s okay we’ll see them again soon all right what oh my gosh Ashley you remember no not dinner do you remember tonight is family movie night oh my gosh okay Ashley you get the dinner ready

I’ll get get the popcorn ready everyone it’s time for movie night let’s go I’m so excited for family movie night oh my gosh Ashley what’s taking you so long the movie is about to begin oh my gosh here we go oh man the family’s so excited pizza pizza oh my gosh I’m so

Excited for some pizza M I’m so hungry right now I can eat all day oh wait I got a call oh okay Ashley just make sure you come back soon okay I just started the movie oh man it’s about to begin I’ve been waiting so long to watch this

Movie with my family this is an alltime favorite uh rage rage uh yes Ashley uh get over here wait what uh the phone is for you wait it is hold on let me get the phone real quick um uh hello wait mom is that you did you

Already make it home that was so quick wait m mom why are you crying mom wait wait what you and Dad got into a car accident oh my gosh okay okay I’ll be right there very very soon oh my gosh oh my gosh Ashley Ashley don’t worry

Don’t worry can you watch the kids please oh my gosh apparently they got into a hit and run accident race Junior Amber Eli calm down okay uh we’ll be back I’ll be back you guys enjoy the movie Ashley can can you uh oh my gosh I

Will I will oh my goodness I can’t believe this is happening oh no I really hope my Mom and Dad are okay I can’t believe they got hit and run oh man some people are so heartless oh my my gosh I hope my Mom and Dad are okay it didn’t

Sound very good on the phone oh no oh no wait is that themb oh my gosh oh my gosh Mom Mom Dad what’s going on oh my gosh gra thank God you’re here Dad Dad oh my gosh what happened to Dad what happened to Dad what happened to you guys oh my

Gosh let let me atam oh my gosh they hit they hit my mom and dad and just ran or something oh it happened so suddenly wait I promise you guys I’ll find whoever did this to you where are you are you where are you wait a second the

The gym heads what the no oh my God there’s no way no there’s no way they did this to my family no no dad I got to get you to the hospital oh my gosh Mom are you okay you are driving right oh my gosh okay please please please help Dad

Get into the car I’m going to park here real close okay I got to get you guys to the hospital right now oh my gosh keep your mother safe Dad I’m not going to let you die right now okay get in the car come on come on I need to get you in

The car all right oh my gosh dad you already have so much strength oh my goodness all right mom get in the car we got to take him to the hospital I can’t believe those guys oh my gosh where did they go I promise I promise I’m going to

Get revenge I really hope my Mom and Dad are okay why is this happening to me oh my gosh out of everyone the gym heads decided to to maybe maybe maybe it was targeted oh my gosh please please please wait doctor doctor oh my gosh please tell me my parents are okay please

Please okay so I got good and bad news wait what bad news no no no no please please tell me the good news first I need to hear good news right now after everything that’s happened please doctor please oh my goodness the good news is that your mother has minor injuries okay

Okay that’s that’s good but but but what about my dad oh my gosh he was bleeding so much bad news your dad yes what about my dad Dr Juju what about my dad what about my dad man please tell me I’m not sure if he’s going to make it wait what

Do you mean you’re not you’re a doctor man you’re supposed to you’re supposed to save his life we lost so much so much what so much what man oh my gosh so much blood oh my gosh please tell me I can still talk to him man I I I didn’t see

Him for so long I’m I’m such a bad son please Dr Juju please tell me I can still talk to him there is only hope my gosh no no please tell me my dad’s awake Dad Dad oh my gosh he looks so so bad stay away from my wife you wait Dad Dad

It’s me it’s me it’s rage oh my gosh I really hope my dad’s okay I I know you’re going to make it Dad you’re a strong man rage my boy yes Dad please tell me you’re going to make it I missed you no no no dad you just saw me you

Just saw me in my family please don’t please don’t lose your memory I I can’t lose you too oh my gosh Ashley lost her dad and and and now me oh my gosh I don’t think Papa’s making that out of this one no no Dad Dad please listen to

Me boy yes Dad you’re going to make it all right just stay strong you’ve got this if I’ve learned anything in my life oh no no stop talking like that Dad you’re not going anywhere you’re going to stay with me and my family it’s live happy have peace what do you mean and

Always always what dad always help others oh no Dad Dad please don’t tell me please don’t tell me this is your final wish dad never hurts try to be nice Dad Dad I’m sorry to tell you but this only happened because I ruined this guy’s life I ruined Jim Davis’s life but

Always be kind you what Dad no no his heart rate’s going up oh my gosh no what Dad Dad no no dad doctor doctor oh my God doctor I’ve got good news is actually uh if your father is actually going to make it what happened

Here I don’t know Dr Juju I I was talking to my dad and he had a heart attack or something the heart rate went what did you do wait I didn’t do anything you what oh my God is it my fault please don’t tell me it’s my fault

I need a moment no no dad oh my gosh what am I going to tell my mom what am I going to tell my mom oh my gosh Mom oh my good I can’t even I can’t even look at my mom in the eyes right now what is

He doing what’s all this paper oh my gosh so I need a favor from you what do you mean a favor my dad just died I just go home you want me to go home all right I got to tell my family about this what happened why is there paper wait I

Didn’t even know another doctor worked here at this hospital and I was a doctor here at this hospital before Oh My Gosh I’ll tell you about it oh no I guess I have to head home I feel like I made things so much worse oh man how am I

Going to break this news to the kids oh man what am I going to tell them how am I going to tell them oh gosh they’re still watching the movie it just ended hey you guys and wait why why do they have traffic cones on their head oh rage

Guys I have something uh I have something to tell you guys and I need you guys to stay calm okay oh man this this is really bad just a few years ago they lost their other Grand parent Amber Eli Reay Jr Ashley I’m really sorry to

Tell you guys guys but Papa rage he’s no longer here with us I’m sorry they got into an accident and he lost too much blood and he couldn’t make it no Eli he’s not back at home well I guess he is back at home now he’s in a very safe

Place what do you mean no longer here how did this happen I don’t know Ashley there was an accident that happened oh my gosh oh no Eli oh crap oh no I’m shaking I feel so bad my dad told me to live a happy and peaceful life I know I

Know what my dad wanted he wants me to never never seek revenge or anything like that but I can’t just let this go knowing that the jym davises were oh my God the gym heads the jym Davis minions they were they were behind all of this I

Don’t know if they meant to do this or not I don’t know if it was targeted but knowing that I basically I basically caused all of the dad yes Amber crap what am I supposed to do oh gosh what about Grandma Amber grandma’s okay she she just she just got a few minor

Injuries she she got scratches here and there and she’ll be fine Amber so don’t worry too much okay she lived but no grandpa yeah I mean she was the one driving but I guess the car hit the wrong side or something Amber go back with your mom okay how who did this

Amber go okay I’ll I’ll figure this out on my own oh man all right well you know I need to seek Justice I knew I know exactly the people who were behind this so I’m going to go and get some evidence I’m heading back to the crime scene no

Matter what Ashley says I know she’s going to say it’s way too dangerous for me to go out right now but I need I need to do this all right I’m going to go you guys I’ll be back okay your dad was just so cool rage by now just like my father

He is with my dad now um I’m going to I’m going to go okay no please listen to me I’m going to get Justice for my parents okay you know what I just need to get enough evidence and report it to Brad and chief Sanders I really really

Hope it’s enough evidence so they can fight finally get arrested once and for all it’s going to really hurt me going back to the crash site but I need to get enough evidence in order to report this to the police oh my gosh I can’t I can’t

I can’t even look at this oh it hurts me it hurts me so much okay I got to take some pictures of this all right I got to take a picture of this crash site over here got to take another picture from this crash Zone let me go ahead and take

The picture just like this okay I took the picture this is where it cracked oh my gosh of course my dad got most of the damage it hit his Corner oh my gosh there’s so much blood and everything okay I got to take a picture of this angle as well oh my

God okay I think this should be enough evidence I got to head back to the police station oh man I really really hope they finally get arrested once and for all because they’ve been causing so much trouble oh my gosh they did the same to to to Frank oh man I’m finally

Going to get Justice it’s raining so so hard it’s so hard to drive right now oh my gosh I’m slipping oh jeez oh oh my gosh I almost crashed okay okay I finally made it to block City Police Department okay okay got to look for chief Sanders Chief Sanders oh there’s

Brad over there hey Brad where’s Chief Sanders man oh my gosh what the heck the weather’s so bad Brad Brad Brad I need to talk to Chief Sanders right now man I have some breaking breaking news I need your help man oh my gosh oh my gosh wait

Chief Sanders oh my gosh Chief Sanders chief Sanders W I needed that oh he must have been in the bathroom Chief Sanders I really need your help man oh gosh oh gosh my 4 hours what what do you mean 4 hours oh my gosh uh Chief Sanders listen

My mom and dad they were hit and run and my dad ended up dying and well uh I went to the crime scene and I took the pictures could you please please take this evidence into consideration and please arrest them I know I know who’s

Behind this it was the gym heads it was the people working for Jim Davis man I feel bad for the gener janitor that has to clean this up I’ll see what I can do all right thanks Chief Sanders oh my gosh please please please tell me tell

Me they can finally be arrested I literally saw them I saw the gym heads run away from me when I caught them they were the ones driving that other car my gosh please tell me Chief Sanders is actually looking through the evidence thoroughly wait what that was quick

Please tell me you can do something about this please Chief Sanders please I looked through there’s nothing I can do wait what do you mean I I took so many pictures no license plates on the car no no people no no James Sanders nothing to track what the heck oh my gosh you’ve

Got to be kidding me I’m sorry what do you mean you’re sorry you’re this is your job you’re supposed to take care of the civilians here oh my gosh this is really bad no my gosh Justice is not going to be served there’s nothing more

I can do oh my gosh go home rage what the heck oh my gosh they can never do anything Jim Jim Jim Davis what the heck are you laughing at at man your PE you’re your people man oh my gosh the rage how does it feel what do you mean

How does it feel let me in here let me in here oh my gosh I’m going to get rid of you I promise you how’s your parents rage you’re done for you’re done for Jim Davis once I get in there you’re done for you’re done for I’m going to get rid

Of you this is just phase one of my final plan phase one what does he mean by that what does he mean by phase one of his final plan there’s nothing you can do about it what the yeah let me in let me in this

Door oh my god Ra stay away from the cell I don’t want your stupid barricade what are you doing you guys can’t do anything for me so you want to get locked in there with him he’s the one behind of my parents he did this to my parents man what’s wrong

Rage you know what you know what my dad told me to live a happy peaceful life and go you know what that’s it my dad wouldn’t have wanted me to get this mad I’m going to live a peaceful life I’m going to do what he asked me okay I’m

Going to go home I have I have more important things to take care of than focus on Jim Davis right now you were such a good father Dad I’m really going to miss you oh my gosh I feel so bad Eli next time take your sweater off oh my

Gosh I’m going to miss you Mr rage rage Junior I know you really like your grandpa oh my gosh I feel so bad for them I’m going to get the people back for you okay Dad I know you didn’t want me to get revenge or or or you know do

Anything bad like that but I really want to get Justice for you I know you would want that D dad I love you dad I I’m always going to remember you you always helped me with everything you helped me growing up you did everything for me you

Gave me good advice and I’m never going to forget that I’m never going to take that for granted dad everyone say goodbye to Papa rage all right I’m out of here okay oh I can’t do this anymore I just can’t oh rage Ashley I can’t be here anymore kids come on I

Don’t want to be here any longer I want to go home I I really want to go home hold on to Hope hey mister can you help me find my Dad wait what who are you my mom is and I have been looking for him what what um you’ve been looking for

Your dad I never met my dad once um I don’t know kid I don’t know if I can but I know he’s there in Black City I think kid I don’t know if I can do this right now B I’m in a really really that stranger danger

Rage can you please help us we’ll find him sweee I just lost my dad and remember what your father said I know I know please please help us Mister you know what my dad would have wanted me to help these people I’ll help you guys what’s your name kid and ma’am what’s

Your name oh man they seem really beat up and they’ve been just standing out here in the rain oh gosh I hope you guys are all right I’ll help you guys out my name is Johnny Be and oh that must make her mother be well uh it’s really nice

Meeting you guys I I most people just call me bee well you guys can hop in my car then I’ll I’ll help you guys find your parents what type of name is Mother be Amber be nice okay everyone let’s go home and we’ve got to help these people

Out come on you guys let’s go Johnny B and mother be was it I promise I’ll help you guys find who the real father is and please do mister I really want to see my dad I I know I know Johnny Be oh man my my dad really

Would have wanted me to help out others so please do we need all the help we need we have nothing left to lose well I mean I can tell you guys aren’t doing very well but it’s okay uh I’ll help you guys get back on your feet if anything

So come on come on uh we’re going to stop by the cafe if you guys want any drinks let me know uh hey Noah I hate the rain today oh hey Steve um Noah Noah uh could you help me out please could you put it on your tab or put it on my

Tab uh if anything cuz um I’m trying to help this uh level family out Johnny stand still they’re trying to find their real father and stuff and they don’t seem to be doing well so I’m just going to help them out can you just give me three coffees

Please they don’t seem to you know they they seem kind of hungry right now so please okay then rage okay Johnny B mother be come on over over here uh let’s take a seat okay let’s just calm down relax and we can we can sort this out okay let’s start from the beginning

All right so how did this exactly happen after I had given birth to my bundle of joy the father was taken away from us and I have no idea what happened wait what what do you mean he was taken away my son oh no oh gosh wait my love where

Are you going oh gosh well I’m sure you don’t know because you were probably laying down in bed giving birth so and obviously Johnny ve has no clue oh go oh uh um excuse me rage hey Noah oh you have the coffees oh the coffe is ready

Thank you so much man thank you so much uh I got you to some hot coffee to keep you guys warm I know you guys are you know a little cold right now and the weather’s not the best oh my sir I can’t accept this it’s just coffee don’t worry

About it thank you mister uh wait rage um yeah Noah I think I can help wait what I mean you could try do you mind uh sure I mean if you you can help us think of who Johnny be’s real father could be you know oh man let me drink this coffee

M let me H remember wait rage uh look what wait what look is that Frosty man I love being mayor wait a second Frosty oh my gosh look it’s frosty wait a second Frosty might have special powers wait Noah could you go and get him real quick

He might be able to uh like be big help to us so thank you man uh mother be Johnny B we have a special friend that has like really crazy powers and he might be able to help you guys out uh maybe if he you know tries to help you

Out somehow uh okay bet I got you all right let’s see if he can help uh you guys stay here don’t worry uh Frosty so let me explain this to you uh so this lovely family this mother and child they’re actually looking for the father because they were separated at child

Birth and I was just wondering if you have any special powers to help them find their you know their dad oh that’s so sad I can read their minds ooh may maybe you can see their memory right uh try and see what the dad looks like oh

Yeah yeah yeah um I’m obviously the the sun’s not going to know uh okay mother be um is it okay if uh Frosty uses his special powers on you oh man I’m kind of scared but I’ve never seen Frosty do this but uh good luck to him awesome

Okay here we go they’re doing the test all right anything to find him just going to hold your head careful careful all right all right Johnny V don’t worry um what’s that Frosty guy going to do no no don’t worry don’t worry uh oh wao wo

Wao he’s reading the mine well you can tell he’s actually doing his special magic right now wo woah wo um please tell me this works please tell me this works woah woah wo what Frosty ow wait what are you okay man oh wo wao what the he just got hurt yo jeez

A maybe he can’t go that far oh I feel weird I don’t know what that was oh no uh they got some mental block oh dang you guys must have been through so much huh uh don’t don’t worry don’t worry I’m sure we’ll find a way too traumatic it’s

Okay Frosty you can go back to doing what you were doing before it’s all good man man oh wow Noah has ice cream sandwich for them hey oh my gosh he’s so nice hey he’s helping somehow that’s for sure oh man mother be Johnny B I’m sorry

He couldn’t do anything to help you I don’t think we’re going to find dad in this place no no Johnny B please oh gosh sweetie oh man I feel so bad for this family I’m trying my best to help it’s okay please oh no someone someone please

Help where the heck did did Steve go oh my gosh Noah where did Steve go maybe he could have helped us oh man oh no oh no this is really bad I don’t know man oh gosh how do we make this kid stop crying

Oh no I’ll go look for help no it’s okay man it’s okay oh jeez uh someone oh oh W floaty what the floaty Skye hey guys Frosty froze me oh my gosh of course he did I swear he hates you for no reason well floaty do you think you can help me

Out right now man uh this family like they’re they’re having some issues right now so come on man please help me out please help me out I’m on a date rage no no I I I can see that I’m sorry I’m sorry to disturb you guys but you guys

Are our only hope so listen Sky High Let Me Explain the uh you know the situation to you guys so I met this family this mom and this son and they’re currently looking for their dad and you know they haven’t seen their dad since childbirth

Since the kid was born so I was just wondering if you guys knew floaty any ideas please oh man come on someone they’re starting to lose hope and it’s not looking good floaty so oh come on please rage later no oh man you’ll understand if you actually saw the

Family I guess I got to give up then crap well thanks for helping guys wait wait I think I know something wait what you do uh please please if you know something come come come oh my gosh mother be Johnny bee I think I know something I think I know something come

Come come h no can you stop giving them so many sweet man oh my gosh okay okay so listen to this girl right here listen to this girl right here I know float’s just mad he has to help us out oh my gosh did you know Dad I heard there’s an

Old man at the gas station okay okay there’s an old man at the gas station and he kept yelling about his son wait that could be it then that could be it right that sounds too good to be true his son that’s all I know thank you so

Much sky thank you so much okay okay see they still care about you guys I know I know we can go we can can go anytime floody Waits all right Johnny B it’s time to find your dad oh my gosh finally finally we can finally see your dad oh

Man it’s getting really late uh mother be Johnny B it is getting kind of late so do you guys want to try tomorrow instead I don’t know if you guys want to try right now no uh oh oh uh okay of course I can’t thank you enough Johnny

All right all right we’re going to go tonight then don’t worry I know how much you guys love your dad or want to see your dad really badly the and you guys seem like you’re at your Wit’s End so come on hop in the car we’re going to go

To the gas station and try to find your dad Johnny we could wait for tomorrow this man has kind of done enough for us already don’t worry mother B Johnny B everything will be just fine okay all right come on out apparently there’s some sort of dude or some old man that

You know is looking for his son so I’m sure we can find his son here uh come on mother be oh man come on we got to find Dad all right all right mother come on uh we got to look for some old man H

Maybe if we go yeah let’s go into the let’s go into the gas station and see if we can find someone um hey hey there worker uh hello I I just heard a rumor from a friend of ours that um apparently some old man is around here talking

About his son or something old man wait yeah oh wait you know something about it come on mother be Johnny B I think he knows H oh that crazy old man uh okay so you do know something about him running outside the the station wait what really

Uh okay come on come on apparently he’s outside uh don’t forget to close the door cuz that worker gets mad every time um wait son I know you are here son wait wait wait wait here there he is there he is Mother be Johnny Be come on Hey Hey

Sir looking for son hey uh uh sir I I think we found your son right here uh you know Johnny B I don’t think that person is my dad well you’ve never met him before Mother be does that look like the man um that you had a kid with uh no

No wait what that’s no son wait what what kind of son are you looking for what the heck son is gone oh no maybe he really is a crazy man is he talking about the Sun in the sky those son are fake he’s definitely crazy oh my gosh he

Had brown hair and a great beard oh no oh crap oh gosh I know my son is real come out son wo woah wo wo oh no this is bad wait uh hey there man uh I found the guy that you were talking about can you

Get out of my station no wo wo wo wo wo oh my gosh it’s always here when light no my son yo yo wo wao wait wait guys guys guys where the heck is this guy going yo yo is everything okay oh my gosh what the what the heck is happening

What is he doing he’s just running around in the middle of the street dude get out of the oh my God no oh my goodness Oh Oh my he just got hit by a car Wait sir Bridges oh no why are you in the street oh my gosh this is bad

This is bad they just got hit sweetie don’t look oh no let’s get him to the hospital pick him up still has a pulse put him in the back oh jeez oh gosh drive him to the hospital take this money to pay oh man all right I’ll be

Back sir go go go oh jeez I didn’t think this would happen oh gosh thank you so much I mean well I mean you did hit him actually but oh gosh the car’s coming back I don’t even yo yo watch out watch out I don’t even trust s security

Driving no more watch out oh man is the old man going to be okay I think so I think so Johnny B I’m so sorry about your husband wait what husband please let me pay oh whoa whoa whoo what no no he I well uh mother be Johnny be just

Take the money it’s the least I could do oh jeez um I didn’t mean to hit him I promise I’m good now to the bridges it’s okay it’s okay relax you weren’t the one driving hey I know this may be a reach wait what huh but are you William wait

William no no ma’am his name’s sir Bridges what how do you know that wait what who are you wait what what do you mean who sent you wait sir Bridges is your name actually William yo oh my gosh it is you my love wait wa what my love

What the heck do you mean my love the dad what love uh oh my gosh what what’s going on son dad is this you remember me your son oh my gosh oh my goodness yo you guys are okay I actually had no idea that sir Bridges has a kid I mean I I

Guess I didn’t know much about Sir Bridges please my dear calm down I miss you so much Dad oh my God gosh I’m so sorry for all the lost time I can explain everything wait what what’s going on Dad where were you all this time rage you helped my family I mean I

Didn’t know they were your family but uh yeah I I guess I did well thank you thank you thank you oh uh of course man of course uh well I should probably get back to my house man I just lost my that huh come with us uh okay well I guess I

Can come along for a little bit have a lot to explain oh no oh man welcome to the bridges Mansion come on in you guys don’t have to be scared wa this house is huge this is big too big yeah go ahead and head on in come on

In my beautiful family I guess I’m part of his family now well uh yeah go ahead and take a look I guess not my house but oh guests yeah something like that wow Johnny B looks so curious he’s just walking around looking everywhere these are my family wait your family oh wow uh

Treat them twice as good as you treat me for real wow this is this is actually going crazy I didn’t even know sir Bridges had a kid or even a like this entire time what what let’s give us a tour oh okay okay uh you guys can take a

Tour of course this is going to be great I don’t I don’t know if I need a tour man I’ve been here already thank you so much again of course sir Bridges anytime dude I’ve always helped you as much as I can right look I know it’s not much but

Wait what what the heck is this uh not much you just gave me you just gave me a million dollar and said is not much I can’t thank you enough either what the I can finally pay off the house I wish I can repay thank you so much Mister we

Owe you a lot um okay well sir Bridges you can probably uh sir may I go on break oh uh security just hit someone and now he wants to go on break well I guess he needs a little mental break I guess go to the hospital check on the

Man uh okay well I guess you got to check on the man now okay well uh let’s go and take a look um uh let’s go outside oh this might be perfect for Johnny be there’s like a water park and stuff outside look at that there’s so so

Many toys and stuff for kids look there’s a water slide there’s duckies and wo wo wo wo oh my gosh please don’t crash into me yo he’s driving so all over the place get in son go oh wow well uh sir Bridges it’s getting kind of late man and I have a

Family of my own as you know I got to go home and you know take care of them so if you don’t mind I’m going to get out of here all right right right well uh again uh enjoy your family’s company man of course of course I’ll see you later

All right see you later a glass of water sir uh sure thank you wow man I swear it’s so nice to be rich huh if you need anything I I’ll let you know of course of course wow dang it must be nice living a rich life oh my goodness uh he

Has a money Fountain that’s kind of crazy and wait what the heck why is there a car in the tree oh my gosh ah security definitely is a crazy driver that’s for sure H I guess I got to call Uber or something that’s for sure oh you

Guys have been taking such great care of me after what happened to my dad and I’m starting to feel a lot better it’s obviously not going to take the pain away but look at this guys I still can’t believe that sir Bridges gave me this much money for helping him here

Allowance for you Roo money donut money for you Amber and there you go Eli you can get some more money for Legos you guys can have lots and lots for yourselves and Ashley feel free to go on a shopping spree honestly just have a great time see what you get from helping

Well yeah I mean I was just doing it to make my dad happy as well you know of course I did it from my own Goodwill too but oh man Legos and food this is the best day ever Dad can we share a chocolate uh sure Amber thank you so

Much M yummy yummy uh maybe you should go check on them today yeah I’ll go check on them right now uh well have a have a great day Ashley um make sure you take care of the kids I’ll be back soon okay just want to see how the family’s

Doing thank you Ashley thank you uh let’s see see how you know the mother and the kid is doing so far seems like they were really happy to finally see their father you know I even brought flowers for sir Bridges oh my gosh hey security gardening is so relaxing this

Is nice hey uh security do you think you can park my car for me please here here’s some tip take some all right well uh anyways have a good day man oh yeah for sure and please don’t park my car like you did in the tree like last time oh my God all

Right oh man I can’t wait to see their family I hope they’re doing well it’s only been a day but you know I’m sure everything’s all right what’s taking them so long um wo wo her dress looks amazing hi Mother be uh do you think I

Can come on in oh rage hi there um oh wa and Johnny P dang you guys cleaned up real nice come on in come on in WoW Mister uh yeah thank you again for finding my dad hello hello there ma’am nice to see you as well uh where is Sir

Bridges I’m looking for your dad or William Bridges as they say oh man oh he’s a little busy oh there he is did someone say William I did I did hey uh sir Bridges hey man I’m back again um I wanted to give you some flowers man cuz

Uh you did a lot for me you really helped out my family with the money you gave me yesterday I just want to say thank you hush now I haven’t done much dude $1 million changing is anyone’s life come on thank you so much man money isn’t worth anything you’re right family

Yeah family is everything you’re right you’re right well speaking of family I should probably go home now man oh I just wanted to you know check up on you guys that’s all you should stick around uh are you sure uh I want to make sure you’re enjoying your time with your

Family you know you just you guys just reunited and I don’t want to get in the way look how happy Johnny B is oh man he looks so spiffy in that outfit come on all right all right fine I’ll stick around some coffee uh no thank you I’ve

Had way too much uh but thank you oh man I guess I’ll Stick Around man thank you again for the flowers not a problem sir Bridges that’s so funny oh my God sir Bridges I can’t believe you laughed at my joke I guess you do have a sense of

Humor um wait what the S security why is he blocking me in wo wo wo wo sir Bridges what is the meaning of this wait wait wait what what’s going on oh my gosh what what is going on outside what is going on what is going on we are

Under attack wait what under attack what do you mean uh they hit the front my garden it’s it’s ruined wait what hold on hold on hold on wait what the ow ah ah what the heck is going on oh my gosh what is happening wait it’s the it’s the

Gym heads oh my gosh oh my gosh sir Bridges you really are under attack what the heck are we going to do oh my gosh these guys are going crazy lighting everything on fire Final Phase Final Phase wait what the heck are they talking about final face oh my Go sir

Bridges my God my family oh no my bundle it’s okay what what’s happening oh my gosh I just got them back oh no oh no what are we going to do sir Bridges oh gosh they’re literally burning everything down this is bad this is really really bad what the heck why is

That one riding on a rubber ducky what in the world is going on sir sir wait what what’s going on it’s been in honor wait what what do you mean it’s been in honor what are you going to do sir Bridges oh gosh it has wait what no way

No security please please please I don’t know if you can oh my gosh he literally just ran through ran through fire oh my gosh what the heck what the heck oh my gosh dude he’s on fire oh no oh no what the no no no what’s going on what the

Heck is going on uh sir sir security wait wait what oh god oh gosh oh no he he’s gone wait sir Bridget sir Bridget I I got to take you guys upstairs mother be Johnny B please please follow me follow me these guys are trying to break

Into your house oh my gosh this is really really bad come on you guys come on oh let’s go over here let’s go over here let me hide you guys in here uh stay in this room all right you guys please please please holy crap they’re literally burning everything down right

Now let me add them oh my gosh I locked the door I locked the door okay oh my goodness what are we going to do what’s happening someone please explain Johnny is crying why are they after us I don’t know man oh gosh why did they just suddenly start attacking this Mansion oh

My gosh they’re just outside right now we want rage we want rage wait me wait what the heck are they talking about they were talking about Final Phase and that’s exactly what Jim Davis was saying oh my gosh I just got my family oh my wait whoa whoa wao sir Bridges please

Don’t jump out please don’t jump out man what the heck are you going to do oh my gosh wait dude oh what the yo holy crap he just threw a glass bottle at them sir Bridges please calm down you’re just going to make them more angry and

They’re going to try to break into your house man all right all right all right listen okay listen I want you guys to know that those guys right there mommy’s here it’s okay oh gosh you’re right man oh crap they’re after me because Jim Davis is also after me and I can’t put

This family through what what I’ve been through oh my gosh sir Bridges is so stressed out right now I do bad things always have to happen oh man Johnny B and mother be have been like they’ve been through so much together and I can’t let this family go through what

I’ve been through no no please don’t say that are they ringing my bell wait sir Bridges please please listen man okay mother be Johnny B please listen to me whatever you guys do please don’t leave this room okay lock this room barricade it with this piano with this vending

Machine whatever you guys need to do okay what are you doing listen sir Bridges those guys they work with Jim Davis and Jim Davis he’s after me they keep mentioning f final plan and that’s exactly what Jim Davis was mentioning they’re after me so I’m going to do the

Only thing I can think of and the only right thing sir we can’t ask you to do that please you’ve done so much for us mother B Johnny B I’m really glad I could help you guys find the the the father of Johnny B thank you for finding

My dad you’re my hero no worries Johnny B just keep your head up man okay sir Bridges I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave man you’ve helped my family as much as you can financially we’ve been able to pay back our home now we’ve been

Able to you know help my kids and stuff so a better man than I could ever be don’t even worry about it man just barricade up this door use this piano use this couch whatever you guys can okay just make sure this door stays shut

Oh man here we go got to give myself up I can do this I can do this oh my gosh they’re breaking in wait wait wait wait listen listen listen listen listen all right all right you guys want me right rage rage rage listen man if it’s me you

Want you can have me all right I’m coming with you guys don’t worry don’t worry just okay hold on hold on just listen to me real quickly okay just don’t hurt the family inside all right whatever you guys want I’ll give it to you I know you guys are working with Jim

Davis you guys want me to go back you know to your headquarters and whatnot so I’ll go back with you guys peacefully you know you guys don’t have to do what we going to do with this man sium wait what what do you mean sium wait hold on

I thought this was going to be peaceful you’re going to have it yeah ow what the ah that really hurts ow what the heck these guys mean ah these guys mean business I got to fight back somehow oh gosh they’re actually doing so much I’m starting to pass out man oh

Gosh okay okay I’m going to die gosh ow oh my gosh I give up I give up please please gosh I thought this was going to be peaceful how does it feel rage we got him Block City will belong to our boss oh please what the wao what the heck is

Going on wo wo woah oh wait what the huh what is happening right now wait security I thought I thought something happened you man I thought you get up Soldier oh gosh it hurts man thank you so much for helping me up man I thought you got destroyed by them you literally

Dis disappeared in front of us oh my gosh your eye dude you’re bleeding everywhere man those punks no way oh man well I just got to let you know sir Bridges and his family are upstairs right now man oh my gosh it hurts too

Much gosh I’m so glad you saved me man I really thought you were a goner let’s head over there now all right gosh oh I’m really hurt right now but man security looks like he’s in worse condition I feel really bad for him man he would he would give up his

Life for sir Bridges and that’s really honorable sir Bridges it’s going to be okay stay away from my family oh sir Bridges turns out sir City’s alive he’s alive but he’s really hurt right now man sir oh my God sir oh man I’m so glad you

Guys are okay oh man I tried giving myself up we need to take him to the hospital don’t worry I can do that sir Bridges I’ll take security to the hospital all right you guys stay here whatever happens you guys will be fine as long as you’re inside of this Mansion

I’m sure you have like secret access and like secret pass passageways that you can hide in we’ll do our best all right thank you so much security you’re going to come with me all right oh man I hope you guys take care of the family I’ll be

Back sir oh man sir Bridges I think I’ll have to head back to my family as well so you guys stay safe all right of course all right security come with me please ah man they really really smacked the heck out of me ow all right well

I’ve got to drop off security at the hospital first come on security I know you’re really hurt right now man but you’re going to make it I promise you I know you’re too big for this car but we’re just right beside the hospital I can’t believe those grunts were at sir

Bridge’s house as if they knew where I was wait have they been following me this entire time oh gosh I’m really scared what if they like start targeting my house next what if they start targeting my family as if they haven’t done that before but I don’t know

Anymore I got to be quiet and I got to stay safe man wait a second grunts oh my gosh what the heck are you guys doing here what the wait wo wo wo wo wo wo oh my gosh there’s one more he trying to

Enter my house oh gosh oh gosh oh no no no no I got to cut him off I got to cut him off oh my gosh I got to get into the house oh my goodness oh my goodness oh go shut the door oh my gosh locked it

Locked it locked it oh my gosh oh my gosh Ashley oh my goodness Ashley Ashley Ashley where’s rage at this Ashley oh my gosh the grunts are outside the Jim Davis grunts are outside it’s not safe it’s not safe oh my gosh lock the doors lock the doors where’s the kids where’s

The kids oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no Hamber where the heck is junior he takes forever in the bathroom Eli Amber oh my gosh get down here right now it’s dangerous it’s dangerous where the heck is R Junior R junor oh all right all right rage Jor can stay

In there oh my gosh rage what happened to you list oh my okay listen you guys Jim Davis grunts are here to attack the house it’s not safe we need to barricade the doors yes Jim Davis is here R junor are you done wash your hands oh my gosh

Come on come on hurry it’s not safe you guys okay okay okay all of you guys need to oh my gosh it’s still outside you’re going to give away our position wait what the oh my gosh I’m locking this door everyone into the secret basement now now now everyone down here and hide

Hide okay hide I need to barricade everything oh my gosh I got to make sure my family is safe no one knows about the secret basement why the heck do they keep what the oh my gosh they broke through the door oh no oh no no no crap

Crap crap crap crap okay oh my gosh oh my gosh what the heck am I supposed to do oh no no no no what the no stop oh my gosh what the heck am I supposed to do okay I’ve got to hide upstairs before

They see me oh no no crap oh it smells so bad in here but I got to barricade this off oh jeez okay okay I barricaded off should be good now I’m going to hide in the bathroom I can’t believe they really got in oh this is

Bad and they find my family it’s over oh my gosh they’re really burning down my house right now I just hope my family’s okay please tell me they didn’t see me oh wait what the no no no no no oh crap they’re they’re right outside I don’t

Think they know I’m here though oh my God this is really bad why is this happening to me come on Final Phase what are they talking about what is this Final Phase that they’re talking about oh my gosh they’re trying to burn down everything I just got to stay quiet I

Got to hold in my breath okay okay just TS the place what the heck oh my gosh I really hope they leave without seeing my family please please oh gosh okay okay I think they’re about to leave oh my gosh they’re actually lighting everything up though

Okay okay okay once they leave I got to check up on my family I got to make sure they’re okay what the they just lit themselves on fire oh no oh no my house my house oh crap no no no no what the heck I got to start the I got to stop

The burning I got to stop the burning they literally lit everything on fire oh my gosh ah it hurt it hurts it’s it’s too hot it’s too hot oh my gosh they left they left the house after burning it down oh my gosh oh my gosh I got to

Make sure my family’s okay oh no oh no I got to hide this crap crap is everyone okay oh my gosh this isn’t the time to dance oh we should chill in the basement more often this is so fun Block City are you with me hey you guys need to stop

You guys need to stop listen okay there’s really bad guys outside waiting to hurt you guys okay so whatever you guys do stay in this basement all right uh you guys can play all the games you want I’m going to take care of it all right I need to use the bathroom again

No Ray junor there’s you can’t use the bathroom right now I’m sorry who would want to hurt us I don’t know Amber but I’m just letting you guys guys know things aren’t looking good okay are we going to be okay as long as you guys don’t leave this place all right and

What about the door oh Ray Junior don’t worry about this okay just leave that alone I wonder what is that door nothing Ashley just leave it alone all right um it’s supposed to be uh used for decor and stuff it was supposed to be like um

Access to you know something so uh just leave it alone all right ashleyh Ashley I know this happens way too often to us but I’m going to have to leave again all right I just want to make sure no no no no please please just listen Ashley I always do this for my

Family you know that wait don’t why do you want to leave dad listen listen you guys I just want to take I just want to make sure you guys are safe okay why is this happening my mind is mixed you can’t go alone dad let me help no Ray

Junor Ray junor you’ve done enough okay you’ve done enough to help me in the past just take I’m a man I know Ray junor I know you’re a man I know you’re capable of helping everyone out but look your little siblings Amber and Eli are really scared so please you’re the man

All right I want you to take care of them okay all right you’ve got this right okay when I’m not around anymore you’ll be the one who takes care of your siblings all right your brother and sister you’re going to take care of them okay I’m fine now okay don’t say that

All right just promise me you won’t try to help okay okay I will come back you are coming back promise me rage rage please and this happens way too often but listen you guys I’ve always come back every single time Ashley I’ve always come back to you every single

Time so I don’t want you to worry about anything all right I’m going to I don’t want to lose you this time this is serious you’ve never lost me and you never will okay just stay down here and you guys will be fine honestly I don’t know if I’m coming

Back this might be it I’ve said this multiple times we’ve had many experiences where I thought it was the end and I’ve gotten lucky every single time but this time the luck might have ran R out but you know what I’ll never know if I don’t

Try oh gosh what do I do what do I do all this is happening because of what the heck is happening over there wait frosty snow wait what’s happening over there is that wait a second is that wait no no wait frosty snow what the heck

Happened over here oh my gosh there’s no way no they oh my gosh what happened to his eye oh my gosh Frosty are you okay man I don’t know snow Frosty I’m so sorry it’s my fault they wouldn’t have attacked you if it w for me I tried to

Protect her W I tried to teleport but it was so close listen Frosty listen snow I know the people who are who are trying to get to me Frosty you know that Jim Davis has been trying to get to me for years now right they keep mentioning

Final Phase and I he’s back I don’t know man I don’t know last time I saw he was in jail and now he’s planning some some sort of evil thing and and all of his grunts they’re attacking the entire city right now and they’re all after me so

I’m going to take care of this okay I’m so cold Frosty you used your powers too hard Frosty please take care of everyone you know all right I’m going to God I just don’t worry about it Frosty I’m I’m going to make sure I take care of

Everything myself it’s all my fault so I’m going to take responsibility for this oh my gosh look at their look at their place block city is so dangerous oh no we have to visit my dad now Frosty wants to leave blo City because of me I’m about to lose another friend this

Can’t be happening all right you know what there’s only there’s only one thing I can do at this point I have to tell the police I have to tell Chief Sanders about this and hopefully they can finally do something about this because I don’t even know if I have enough power

To do anything oh gosh I really really hope they can help because they have not been helpful recently and I feel like this could be the end of Block City here I am at the Block City Police Department help Brad Brad where’s Chief Sanders man

Oh what’s with the rush I know you have no say when it comes to to to everything that happens here so I need Chief Sanders here Chief Sanders please oh my gosh there he is what the chief Sanders Chief Sanders Chief Sanders listen to me listen to me okay rage rage what’s wrong

Listen Chief Sanders okay this this might be the end of Block City if you don’t listen to me Jim Davis is about to like do some sort of final attack to block City man and and everything is going to go go down Jim nonsense Brad please trust me Jim is already locked up

Here here but he’s locked Jim I don’t know what you’re planning man but I I know it’s not good man you’ve been attacking all my family you’ve been attacking all my friends everyone I know the hero seems to be on his knees can you listen Chief Sanders can you not can

You not see what he’s saying him and his talk wait what do you mean his talk he’s being serious let me explain to you my family was just attacked sir Bridges the one who donates a lot of money to you his family was just getting attacked

Just now he’s just making stuff up Brad do you not know how many bad things have happened to my family I know I commit crimes here and there on accident but but that doesn’t mean I’m a criminal I’m trying to tell you guys the truth here

Please believe me yeah uh I didn’t get any warnings what the heck oh my gosh there’s the hitwoman from before that worked with them a crap why won’t you believe me Chief Sanders you know something could happen to you guys at any moment as well right oh my

God because the war ended oh my gosh just because that ended doesn’t mean we got what we need just because that end it doesn’t mean they can’t attack again these guys are crazy besides Jim is locked up in this level of security you mean these two lasers these two lasers

Aren’t going to do anything he’s he’s made he’s half robot can you not see oh my gosh you guys are so dumb you guys are so stupid you know what I’m leaving this place I’m sick and tired of of of of all this oh my gosh you know what I’m

Going to take care of everything myself at this point they can’t do anything I swear I swear they’re going to hurt everyone in Block City what am I supposed to do oh man I should just get out of here at this point oh my gosh where wait what the heck just happened

Did I just hear an explosion come from wait hold on wait what the Brad Chief Sanders what the heck happened oh my gosh ra what happened Chief Sanders oh my gosh there was like a huge explosion that happened wait a second there’s Jim Davis wait

Jim oh my gosh what what can I do what can I do oh my gosh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry they blew their sell out take wait what you want me to take this into my own hands oh gosh they really got him out you know what I’ve suffered too much

Everyone I know has suffered too much here we go hey Jim damis this is it man boys this city is the palm of my hands you know what you know what you guys are going down get out of here yes I hit one of

Them I hit one of them hey get back over here get back over here oh my gosh oh my gosh wait I got two of them I got two of them hey where do you think you’re going oh my goodness no no I can’t believe Jim Davis Escape he’s escaped jail all right

Here goes nothing oh man I’m not ready for this Chief thanks for letting me use your gun Man without it I don’t think I would have been able to do anything you didn’t scratch her right I don’t know man you probably scratched her by um falling onto the ground after not believing me

But you know what man I I still can’t believe your having a doctor treat his wounds after what they did get your hands off me jeez I won’t talk all right Chief Sanders let’s get started all right you’ve got some questions you need to answer right now listen man I’m

Demanding answers from you right now please tell me tell me what this final plan is about all right you guys and Jim Davis you guys just keep blabbering about this final plan and apparently hey speak yeah you better nope can’t tell you you better tell us everything

Everything we need to know before things get ugly man Dr Juju take it away man listen if you kill me you get nothing who said anything about killing you all right Juju we’ll let him handle everything maybe helping your wounds was a bad idea huh yeah take it away man let

Me fix that who who what oh yo what’s going on what wait wait wait all right sit back down man sit back down and start speaking please please don’t hurt me well I mean you’re you are already hurt to begin with get in that chair all right now start speaking what is this

Final plan about and what’s going on okay okay I’ll tell you Chief Sanders come back here again man but it doesn’t matter you can’t beat him what do you mean chief Sanders can you uh plug the uh lie detector in him all right let’s let’s see if we can get some truth out

Of him boss is preparing an army an army what do you mean an army a huge Army that block City stood no chance wait what do you mean I just want to make sure he’s not lying to us our army will attack Block City at midnight that

That’s tonight we don’t have a lot of time left oh gosh what do you mean they’re going to attack Block City no no no they’re building an army we will be all over the every single place in Block City no no not my friends not my family

Oh gosh I’ve got to do something about this he’s not lying you can’t stop us rage how did Jim Davis even contact like the hitwoman how did he even like create this plan in the first place when he was in prison Chief Sanders I thought he was

In prison this entire time he was in the jail cell right he didn’t even get out it’s simple wait what this place has WiFi so what what can Wi-Fi do our boss can bypass the firewall wait what what do you mean how with our boss he can

Access the Wi-Fi he’s able to contact us all no that’s right he’s a cyborg oh my gosh of course how dare you try to disobey our boss’s orders oh no oh no I forgot he was a cyborg he can literally have access to any technology we’re done

For we’re done for no this is it for Block City this is it for Block City I have to save my family I have to do something Chief Sanders it’s over man I tried doing everything rage calm down Hey listen what do you want Chief Sanders what do you want man we have

Your back us the police force oh Chief Sanders so all of a sudden you have my back you didn’t have my back a second ago when Jim Davis was in prison before any of this happened you’re only sorry because I was able to help you guys out

I’m so sorry for not trusting you now that everything is at Rock Bottom you want to trust me now I can’t believe this man Hey listen it’s either you go alone into an army or you have us I guess you have a point I still can’t believe this is happening you said that

You really you’re telling the truth right they didn’t tell a single lie we’re here to help crap why is this happening to us no lies you know what take care of this take care of the grunts man I got to go home and I don’t

Know who am I going to get help from do I tell my family about this am I supposed to go to penan Henry or something like that oh my gosh wait sir Bridges mother B what are you guys doing here it’s dangerous I’m so glad you’re

Alive why are you guys out and about you know that it’s dangerous right now I needed an update what do you mean you needed an update you guys were safe in the house grunts were gr gone from our house ah that doesn’t matter though they

Could come back at any time you guys saw what they did said something about meeting up wait what meeting up no no wanted to check with the police bridg just I just got really really bad news something about a bomb listen security Bridges mother be it’s not safe here I

Need to keep Johnny safe so we needed to know the worst possible thing just happened in Block City just now the police station it’s no longer useful Jim Davis he’s escaped prison the grunts came came here and uh they just yep they got Jim Davis out he’s building an army

Of hundreds hundreds of Grunts and they’re planning to attack Block City tonight at midnight what do we know I can’t stay here God oh no I need you guys to stay safe okay oh no oh no wait what a dude you can’t keep smashing glass bottles man I I can understand the

Frustration listen rage yes Bridges no matter what I got your back I have the funds you know I appreciate it but I don’t you’ve already done enough for me man you you’ve already helped me with my family like look at how much money you’ve given me I’ve told you we don’t

Need your help anymore man but I really really appreciate it I just want to I just want you to keep your family safe now uh but security you think you can join and help us out just in case we need it if sir helps I help I heard you

Say something about those lab boys pan or and Henry or something yeah yeah I’m I’m actually about to head there right now to see if they can help me out with the weapons and science stuff I’ll fund them really okay I’m sure they have something cooking up so I’ll talk to you

Guys guys later all right honey hakin Henry not that hard to remember sending money now all right well I got to head out of here before it’s too late time’s running out time is literally running out so I have to go and ask panic and Henry for help I really hope they’re

Able to help out this time because they haven’t been paying me for so many years now and this is the least they can do at this point because Block City this could be the end I really want to check on my family to see if they’re safe but I don’t have

Any time left midnight is coming up very very soon man wait rosty oh gosh they were they were finally able to take out the fire almost all gone oh thank God frosty snow oh my gosh I’m so glad you guys are okay they haven’t came back to

Attack you guys right I just want to make sure you guys are safe no no okay that’s good that’s good but I have the worst news I could possibly tell you guys it just happened it just happened Frosty I know you’re the mayor and all

And I’m sure you wanted to help but this just happened I went to the police station trying to ask for help and Jim Davis got broke broken out of jail the grunts came over they blew up the police station and I’m sure you know you do all

The funding for the police station and things aren’t looking good Jim what yeah Jim Davis is now out of jail and he’s building an army an army of hundreds of Grunts and they’re attacking Block City tonight at midnight so I don’t know anymore I don’t know if oh gosh oh gosh

What do I do what do I do I got to head on over to the lab right now you guys Block City isn’t safe then I’m gearing up my magic your magic Frosty no you’re the mayor man you got to do your job as the mayor I can’t have you getting hurt

Man massive Frost spells dude I I really can’t have you getting hurt I know you want to go into battle I know you want to help out but I can’t have you man like man Frosty think about this all right well anyways I got to get going I

I got to see what panic and Henry can do cuz at this point ah this is our last hope I’ll see you later Frosty if I don’t try we all might poof oh gosh okay you know what I got to head over to the lab because there’s not much time left

And this is the least I can do at this point block labs this might be the last time I come here but let’s do this Panic where is panic where the heck is panic oh rage oh my gosh panic I need to tell you something man I need to tell you

Something I got the message wait you did I don’t have to say this all over again so so you’re telling me that Bridges a message dude right the bridge fellow yes yes okay okay so he told you about this well were you able to do anything about

This yo I got so much so much money in the bank oh my gosh is that all you care about did you not get the message that black city is going to be under attack tonight at midnight Henry Henry I used it already attacked wait he didn’t tell

You about it wait no one told you about oh my gosh listen listen Okay block city is going to be attacked by Jim Davis’s Army tonight at midnight all right he was broken out of jail today just a second ago and Henry I know you remember

Him you were the one who revived him as a cyborg and if he wasn’t a cyborg none of this would have happened but he somehow got access to the Wi-Fi in jail can you believe it WiFi I already used that money Henry reload your bank oh man

If you didn’t steal his ID none of this would have happened well what did Jim Davis tell you that cuz you were you definitely weren’t in the city when that happened oh man hey not it’s not time for this Henry you do know this is your

Fault though at at this point you told me so much time trap oh yeah follow me rage what is this about wait hold on no way way you guys were able to make this in a s short amount of time war time all right well just make sure everything is

Prepared oh that’s what that noise was all right well I need to warn everyone about this because I don’t know how things are going to be soon and I don’t know what to do anymore I got to take care of my family midnight is coming up

Soon we don’t have much time left it’s going to get dangerous oh crap I got to tell everyone everyone including all the friends we’ve made along the way Steve Noah anyone we can think of but we’ll be ready ready okay thank you so much and Henry I’m I’m sorry for yelling at you

Like that man all right I got to get out of here before it’s too late no no no oh man I got to head on over to the mall I just want to make sure my family’s okay too let’s do this this is the least I

Can do I got to protect my friends Noah I really don’t want the same fate as Dave to happen to him I got to let them know oh man Steve how can you get through so many girlfriends I’m trying to hide my pain no way are you’ve got to

Be kidding me are you serious ah Steve and his girl problems man and floaty he always needs his pizza I swear he’s always like pizza pizza pizza Flo I just gave you some hey guys uh I hope you guys are all right um listen oh hey rage listen you guys something crazy

Something crazy just happened and I and I want you guys to stay as safe as possible okay I need to warn you guys whatever you guys do do not stay in this mall at midnight tonight I need you guys to leave leave this mall because Jim

Davis he’s out of jail he’s broken out no no no no Natasha listen I know you work here but not tonight all right BL City might end tonight if you guys don’t take care what’s going on best friend what’s happening okay so Jim Davis broke out of the jail he’s creating an Army

Full of hundreds of Grunts and uh they’re attacking every single place here in Block City so I need you guys to listen all right I want you guys to believe me I know I know it’s hard to believe but I just need you guys to

Trust me okay so please I need you guys to I need you guys to listen all right wa waa Cody oh my gosh you scared me man wait Tony Cody huh I heard about someone is going to attack Block City listen Tony Jim Davis is creating an army he

Broke out of jail and he’s going to attack Block City tonight at midnight so I everyone who hangs out at this mall or works here you guys need to go you guys need to leave ra you’re going to have to get a lot of water wait what a lot of

Water what do you mean because I’m going to be mopping so many floors Cody no I don’t need you to get involved in this I know you’re strong I know you can take out a bunch of grunts but I don’t want you getting hurt I don’t I need to talk

To the manager first are you serious you we’re talking about your life here you don’t need to talk to your manager right now manager uh what’s going on here oh my gosh it’s this money hungry manager of course what rage tell him listen I don’t need to tell you anything because

You’ve been treating my friend really really badly this entire time no one’s going to take the day off whether you whether you like it or not it’s business manager listen Block City Mall is going to be attacked tonight all right by a bunch of bad people so if you don’t want

Your employees to get hurt they’re they’re not staying all right that’s all that’s all I’m going to tell you and no money is worth more than lives that’s crazy no no you’re crazy Mr manager come on Boss think about our lives eh but but yeah exactly it’s business Noah stay I’m

Tired of you trying to say it’s business wa waa what do you mean Noah stay you’re going to make Noah stay here all by himself it’s too much we are humans oh man I have someone I love wait wao wo he just confessed to Natasha no way he’s

Actually standing up for himself for once what what you know what I quit you love oh my gosh Noah calm yourself Noah oh my goodness oh my God Noah calm down calm down man I don’t want you getting in trouble with anything fine hold up Noah fine all right well everyone just

Leave everyone leave we don’t have a lot of time left please guys please we don’t have a lot of time left I got to get out of here oh man I need to see my family I need to see my family now but now that I’ve told everyone I really really hope

They can stay safe oh crap I got to go I got to go man just got to make sure everyone is good to go before this happens tonight as long as my family’s safe that’s all that matters to me I got to get down here please tell me please

Tell me they’re okay oh oh my gosh you guys I’m so glad you guys are safe do you think Dad is alive it’s okay Amber hey guys I’m alive I’m alive but I have really really bad news so crap how do I explain this to you guys Jim Davis he’s

Out of jail he broke out of jail and he’s creating an army and they’re going to attack Block City tonight at midnight oh man no no no no no bad guy out of jail I know I know for the past 5 years we’ve been trying to you know deal with

This problem we finally had peace for once because Jim Davis was in jail but all this time he was planning he was planning to put together an army so I need you guys okay I I I have one favor to ask you guys all right I want you

Guys to watch uh my mom you know Grandma rage I want you guys to watch Grandma rage okay I want you guys to go to the hospital and watch Grandma rage Dad you can stop him right I’ll try my best but I can’t make any promises Dad yes R

Junior can we talk over here what’s up R junor is everything okay what happened let me come with you oh no no no race junor I told you you can’t come with me and I don’t think your mom’s going to like the idea of that if she hears about

About this Dad please I really want to help stop doing this alone absolutely not no R junor your mom heard you and she doesn’t want you to go all right it’s always about saving us what about you I want to save you listen race Junior there’s one thing I want you to

Do okay and it’s to take care of my mom take care of Mama rage and take care of the family if I’m gone who’s going to take care of the family if you come with me no no I I know rage junor but but if

I’m gone who’s going to take care of the family you’re the only one who can do it all right CH Junior but please if Junior goes with you I I could come with you no no no listen okay it’s time to go all right it’s time to go come on ah man

Things aren’t looking too good come on you guys come on I’m going to drop you guys off at the hospital all right uh we got to make sure my mom is safe as well oh Mom I really hate seeing you like this but this might be the last time I

See you oh my gosh he doesn’t know what’s going on in the city right now but I just hope you know she’s okay with a lot of family around her grandma poor Grandma rage oh man uh she’s still injured and you know hopefully she’ll be

All right I’m so sorry rage that has H that this happened to your mom it’s okay it’s okay she’s just injured she’s just injured she wasn’t like you know really really damaged like you know my dad she’s still able to talk but you know I don’t know why you know she she’s just

Not in the mood right now I guess hey Ashley re Jor Amber I want to come outside real quick I have something to tell you guys Amber’s too tired from crying just let her be okay well man things really suck I I’m so sorry guys

But I have to go okay just make sure my my mom’s okay this might be the last time I see you guys but I promise I’ll try my best to come back please let me go R Jun I need you to take care of my family okay stop saying it might

Everything will be all right promise me you’re coming back I promise I promise please come back I know I don’t have any more time okay I don’t have any more time I’m sorry please give me a hug family hug family group hug and I got to

Go I’m sorry I wish I had more time to spend with you guys but things just don’t look good right now come back for us I will I will I’ve got this Dr Juju thanks for everything man I’m out of here this is it I can’t believe the time

Has come but wait a second wait is that is that Frosty wait Frosty what are you doing man what’s going on dude he’s all suited up he’s all ready for battle I’m ready all right Frosty uh you want to head in my car man we got to go we got

To meet up with sir Bridges like we like we had planned originally so come on man let’s head on over come on are you I don’t know man I just said goodbye to my family just now and I’m I’m starting to regret this choice I I feel like this is

A bad idea Frosty do you really think you really think this is a good idea man dude he has ice blazes ready as well I cannot believe this is about about to happen I even had snow stay with floaty that’s how serious it is dude and you

Hate floaty oh my gosh I I can’t believe this is happening man but despise all right well we’re supposed to meet up with sir Bridges and everyone here at this house so let’s get started man the plan is about to begin let’s head on inside hey guys please open up open up

The barricade all right thank you so much woo uh Frosty’s still outside and uh well I think we should have our final meal right sir Bridges glad made it it’s almost midnight we have about 1 hour until it’s time until it’s time all right well I guess it’s time at least

Let’s have our last supper all right let’s do it oh man I’m stuffed sir Bridges man you made so much food a great supper you know this might be the last meal we have ever wait who’s at the door wait wait security careful it could

Be it could be the grunts oh gosh they might be here to attack again I got this all right all right hopefully it’s nothing bad oh gosh everyone get ready everyone get ready wait a second hello welcome in wait what oh it’s me let me

In it’s only us uh let us in oh it’s panic and Henry oh my gosh you guys missed an entire meal and uh we only have like 10 minutes left until the battle oh gosh we don’t have a lot of time left what are you guys doing what

Took you guys so long hope they got my check oh they definitely did they used up all of the money you sent them so wao what the uh that took you guys that long oh my gosh oh thank you so much thank you so much much I really don’t know if

This armor is going to be enough but as long as I’m suited up I can’t believe we’re about to go into battle jeez okay well we have to get ready okay Rage which weapon okay let me take a look um ooh that one looks crazy okay hook me up

With that one and hook me up with your signature weapon as well wo nuclear death ray there’s no way we’re going to lose this battle there’s no way at all okay everyone listen up all right I’m going to go up here so I can talk to everyone listen up everyone all right I

Know I know I know I know things will get dangerous here in Block City but I want to thank you guys for all being here and supporting me giving me your support and making sure that everything goes well I alone can’t do this Jim Davis he’s building an army and

Obviously I won’t be able to fight them myself so I really appreciate all of you guys being here and helping me out especially you sir Bridges I know you’re not going into combat with us but without your funding we wouldn’t have been able to you know provide ourselves with these weap

So thank you so much sir Bridges mother B I’m just really glad you can you know be with sir Bridges and um make sure everyone is safe Henry Panic even though you guys don’t pay me you guys have you know made made countless of memories together with me and I can’t thank you

Guys enough security of course you know you’ve done what you can you saved my life earlier so thank you so much and uh Frosty I promise you you are my best friend you and floaty anyways is everyone ready for battle everyone ready here we go Jim Davis will be once be

Eradicated for good I salute you here we go everyone we’re about to head into our final battle of Block City oh my goodness I still don’t know why Frosty decided to go on his own he said he would teleport to wherever this battle is going to take place dude H oh

My gosh and I have no idea where Henry and panic are uh they said they would follow me but I swear they better not be driving that little golf cart over there they should have been here by now yeah wait a second block City’s a little too

Quiet right now just a little too peaceful I swear they should have attacked by now maybe maybe this warning was all fake maybe this was a setup sir Bridges wait what the wait did you hear that what the heck there was like a gunshot wait what what’s that I heard

That wait there’s like two gunshots wait who who the heck is that yo Brett oh my gosh help wait Brad what the heck dude put that gun down man you’re scaring me the chief is down wait the chief is down I repeat the chief is down wait Brad

Brad what the heck is going on man we heard we heard the gunshots the grunts everywhere oh my goodness sir Bridges security oh my gosh rage dude I think I think we’re too late they’ve already begun whatever the Final Phase they’re talking about is oh my chief Sanders oh

My gosh no way no way in trash man what the heck no way holy crap the Final Phase has begun the final phase this is part of my perfect City the Final Phase oh my goodness the hit the hitwoman Jim Davis and there’s an army of grunts what

The heck oh my gosh Bridges please stay back stay back security stay back Bridges bridges you’re just offering your money man I know you’re not capable of fighting please please stay with Brad or something Brad can you please protect this billionaire man he’s very very valuable I need him to stay alive yes

Sir okay right right thank you so much sir bridges for for offering to help with everything I’m telling you all these weapons will come in handy but I have to show up as if I’m weak you know what I’m going to offer my peace and see

What happens okay okay okay I can’t look like a suspicious threat I have to just go up there and just offer myself the Final Phase here we go guys if this is the end of me I’ve already told my family I love them here we go everything everything Jim Davis I’m finally here

Rage there he is is there he is and the hitwoman oh gosh she has she literally has a red dot sight on me right now I got to be careful it’s you okay okay I have no armor on me right now I’ve just got to stay prepared though just in case

Something bad happens I’ve got to get ready oh man hopefully security is all good to go okay okay we just got to make sure you know no one knows that we have an army on our side look at you what do you want Jim Davis rage the hero of

Block City yeah that’s right I am the hero of block City you have a problem with that this is finally my city oh yeah whatever this Final Phase you’re talking about it’s not going to work man everyone thinks I’m the villain oh no no you have caused so much

Misery to this world wait what do you realize your life is built on lies uh and those lies took everything from me yo yo hey hey man I attempted to give you that ID card back you just kept running man H I had to get rid of so

Many people yeah I know you got rid of your parents man just because they kicked you out of the house for not graduating high school I was trying to help you man I was trying to get you so many lives we lost because of you okay okay I’m sorry man you took everything

From me and you think I am the villain oh gosh dude that hitwoman still has her sights on me I can’t do anything you are the villain so much blood is on your hand well well none of the blood blood would have been on my

Hands if if it weren’t for you I am the hero of this story oh my gosh man he’s gone crazy at this point oh crap at this point he might try to kill me right now everything has led up to this you know what Jim Davis I’m here to stop you man

You took everything from me I I get it man you keep talking in circles I get it I ruined your life I was trying to give you it’s time to get everything back no no listen listen man listen we can work this out hey how many times have we

Tried talking it out maybe this is maybe this is the last time we we can talk it out and and and find a peaceful agreement man you don’t have to start burning everything down dude listen listen it’s been so long yeah I know it’s been like 8 years at this point man

I have an entire family now you could have had a family now but but you decided to to go down this path it’s time to claim everything you took from me RA what man it’s today no no no ah okay you know what I’m putting on the

Armor everyone come on in ah here we go here we go it’s time to attack sir Bridget stay back man oh oh my gosh here we go here we go ah here we go I’m I’m getting shots down oh my gosh thanks to Henry and panic I finally have these

Weapons to be able to use for this battle must shoot oh no they’re ganging up on someone oh gosh oh gosh here we go you will pay I have to do this for my family oh man all the grunts are trying to fight against security right now I’m sure he

Can take them on though oh man he’s a he’s a giant one oh no no no Brad is fighting one of the grunts as well that leaves me to to the hitwoman this is so amazing just me and you rayie boy fight me all right man or

Or or woman wait I I thought you were just getting paid for this what do you mean you’re what what are you doing why are you trying to fight me all of a sudden what am I doing all right I’m going to I’m going to get her I got to

Make sure I get all the shots on her dang she’s so fast but then again that’s probably why she’s a hitwoman because she can move so fast oh my go she’s getting so much closer to me oh my goodness I got to be careful I got to be

Careful oh my goodness must take her out wait is she backing up right now hey get back here oh my gosh I might be I might be getting close to getting rid of her oh God oh my gosh why is she running back to wait come come wait what wait

What is he doing what the heck it’s like she’s she’s loyal to him or something what in the world wait security are you okay oh my gosh I don’t know if he can handle this what the no no no no no no ah no no I got to help him out crap crap

Crap I got to help him no I got to help him out I got to get rid of these grunts you don’t do this to security uh-oh oh no where’s s Bridges oh crap oh no no no no no no sir Bridges you stay back SEC

Security no no no no everything will be fine no I can’t have you get hurt as well he’s your security guard man I know I know you you treat him like family but please please you have a family of your own and and you know do you know how how

Devastating it would be to lose a father they just found again please please just stay back man stay back what are we going to do oh gosh I I feel like you should get out of here dude it’s getting a little too dangerous your Security’s gone and so many people are getting hurt

Uh at this point I know I know you have your own family just take my car man just take my car and get out of here here take this wait what the heck is that a golden revolver my trusty are you sure about that dude this thing looks

Expensive man please be careful thank you so much Bridges oh my gosh drive safe man you don’t know who might be on the road right now it could be the grunts they could have extra grunts wait wait Brad are Brad is still fighting Brad go Brad go your life will end come

Here wait I should probably help him out I’m going to help him out stay away from Brad man oh my gosh Brad looks like he’s no Brad oh my gosh you know what I’m going to get rid of him no I’m too late oh gosh first Chief Sanders now Brad

Who’s next at this point oh my gosh this will become our perfect City wait she just froze wait what in the world Frosty someone call for a hail storm wait what in the world yo yo oh my gosh Frosty’s going crazy right now I’m so glad he’s

Here what who is this oh my gosh no no no no no all the grunts are going towards him now oh gosh I got to help him out Jim Davis you’re going to go down come on I got to reload ah got to get this hitwoman oh gosh oh man what is

This hitwoman to Jim Davis it’s like they’re they’re like king and queen of this city all of a sudden ah I got to get rid of wait you know what if Jim Davis has feelings for this lady I can take her out yeah if I take her out this

Will be good ah here we go here we go we’ve got this Frosty Frosty I know you’re a little late but thank you so much for showing up man oh here we go here we go oh my gosh oh it seems like Frosty has it under control you know oh

My go she keeps shooting me you know what I’m going to do damage to her I’m going to keep shooting her and Blasting her there we go there we go yeah there we go she’s getting she’s getting really really hurt right now oh she’s on the

Ground she’s on the ground ah oh my gosh Jim David is going crazy huh it seems like wait Frosty uh cool me down man it’s hurting a lot man if you have food or something I’m going to die wait hey it’s okay I was right I was right that

Girl has some sort of effect on Jim Davis wait Frosty Frosty she might be the key to to to stopping all of this don’t worry I got you thank you so much man thank you dude this is not looking too good man Frosty you have no idea

Security’s down Brad is down and wait what Cody I told him not to come what the heck is he doing had to find my waited vest time to mop the floor what the Cody oh my gosh I I guess thanks for coming man well Frosty we got we got to

Keep fighting this out man this is going to be the end of Block City just stay there try to recover you know what I’m going to get rid of her right now snipe her out there we go there we go she’s about to die she’s about to die and here

We go I got to make sure I get rid of her here we go here we go wait did she die she’s gone we did it we did it Frosty Frosty Frosty I got rid of her full ice smoke wait what wait what Frosty what’s going on full power what

The heck oh my gosh he’s actually going crazy on them what in the world wa yo I didn’t know Frosty had powers like that Cody back up back up you might get Frozen too uh-oh Cody might have gotten Frozen as well uh-oh dude you’re going

To you’re going to freeze to death oh my gosh wo wo I I’ve never seen Frosty go so crazy boys get out woah woah wo wait what in the world ah they’re all fighting away right now things aren’t looking too good right now oh gosh here

We go where is the ice kid too cold Frosty Frosty is everything okay man are you sure you can handle this dude you’re going a little too crazy right now dude I wait I should probably help them out man I’m going to start getting rid of

The grunts as well I got to help out I got to help out in any way I can ah here we go here we go I got to help out Jim you’re going down man you’re going to go down man everything is going into flames

Oh man I feel bad for Frosty having to do everything it seems like he’s literally giving it his all hey Jim David stay away from him man ah get out oh Cody’s still fighting everyone all by himself oh wait he’s going still he’s going still dude he’s not responding to

Me it feels like he’s out of control right now please Frosty Frosty calm down man calm down Frosty please tell me you’re okay I’ve never seen you like this man this is this is really making me worried right now dude Frosty wait oh God he just turned back to his normal

Self I swear I swear he had like some sort of armor on before wait what no what happened to your hair man my magic what the frosty what’s happening to you n dude oh my gosh this isn’t your fight ice kid it’s better to run than die Jim

Davis you stay out of this man oh gosh Frosty just froze oh no this is not looking too good Cody you’ve got this man Cody Cody here we go no not Cody as well I told you to stay at home see you Muscle Boy finally all those muscles

Ain’t something huh rage they really mop the floor with me I got to do something yo stay away from Cody man stay away oh my goodness oh gosh not Cody as well ow Jim Davis you’re going to pay for this man all you do is stand up there this is

My power dude I don’t care what your power is man you were in jail all this time just to do this I did all of this yeah are you happy with this you’re taking down a city that you grew up in I barely just came in yeah

Yes what is wrong with you man all you did was drop your ID that’s your fault you were irresponsible man all because you took everything are you serious man are you really just going to keep blabbering about me taking everything you could have had a life of your own

It’s always your fault your fault your fault I couldn’t you took it dude I I tried to give it back to you man oh my gosh man is there someone that’s going to be able to help me ah man everyone’s done oh my goodness where is everyone

Else oh my gosh grunts get him yo stay away from me stay away from me oh my gosh wait what the Henry Panic oh my gosh shocked to see us yeah cuz I never thought you guys would show up you guys took forever wait there’s the there’s

The demo dog as well oh my gosh yo yo it’s literally taking down the grunts oh maybe I don’t have to do anything after all man you guys took so long get him boy dang they’re really doing all that oh my goodness let’s go we took him out

Henry wait I remember Henry created cyborg gym you Traer whoo whoa whoo hi halfon yo yo yo Henry why would you say that oh gosh what a good boy oh no what happened to Henry yo uh Dr Panic you might want to go check up on Henry man

He just got hit by Jim Davis with the cyborg arm oh my goodness this is not looking good man already dude you got to go help him man I forgot to charge my oh my Henry you guys took so long to drive over here I’m out of battery you’ve got

To be kidding me your magic is useless hey hey hey Dr Panic Henry please can you guys stop arguing like usual please if you guys can’t help just get out of here man did you bring ammo please tell me you brought ammo Dr Panic please tell

Me you came prepared you gave me all the ammo uh no no no wait can you see if this is even compatible with your gun you gave me these ray gun things but I don’t even know if that’s going to work please tell me that’s the right one

Uh-oh no that does not work well nope a you’ve got to be kidding me this is literally Lally the final battle wait I got an idea let me reason with him uh are you sure he’s like my son sort of dude you said hi halfon and and he

Punched you with this with this robot arm dude my boy I feel like this is a bad idea don’t do that with me listen listen what if we be good my wife is dead you didn’t even show up to a marriage wait the hitwoman was his wife

All of a sudden you got married wait what when did they get married I even sent you an invite where was my invite what uh I don’t know what’s going on random drama all of a sudden I sent you an invite you never came I was busy wait

What what is going on I could have sworn Henry was working with us the whole time leave or I will kill you now wait wao whoa whoo What the heck wait you did have ammo Dr Panic hey back off what no what oh my gosh I think I convinced rage

It worked you convince him the rest wait what you guys are just wait what do you mean good luck man what they’re just going to leave me oh gosh my dog he killed my dog pic let’s go you know he responds let’s go and I will kill you oh

My gosh they better get out of here soon oh no it really is just me and Jim Davis now oh no come out rage where are you oh man my vision’s going blurry Jim you’re going to pay for this man it’s just us get come over here oh

God you’re so weak oh this can’t be the end I told my family I love them you took everything uh please you killed my wife Jim please you killed my grunts please yes please Jim I have a family man I have a family now please I got nobody and it’s all your

Fault now die oh no please what wait what what’s going on huh hey don’t mess with my Dad wait R Junior you half human not again oh oh gosh what just happened oh my gosh race Junior what did you do R Junior what did you do dad are you

Okay oh gosh I can’t see right now I made him go poof Forever Wait what wait what R Junior you did it I I told you not to come though what what are you doing here yippee R Junior I told you not to come here your mom’s going to be

So mad now oh gosh look at him no way he’s literally gone he’s he’s actually oh my gosh race junor you really did it you just saved Block City oh my wait what Panic Henry what the yay that’s great can someone help me up oh gosh let

Me help oh I’m so much in pain right now we got to help Cody up ah dude you’re heavy man God oh my gosh get up Henry Panic r junor Wait R junor where did you get the weapons from please don’t tell me you snuck into the lab oh my gosh

Henry Panic you guys forg got to close the safe all right well listen Henry panic I borrowed it you meant stole oh my gosh Henry panic I don’t know if if this is uh this is the result of what just happened man my halfon can you guys

Please check if he’s still he’s still around we we got to make sure he’s gone completely beep beep he’s doing some sort of device thing science stuff uh which I don’t understand yep fully gone all right well Henry can you please take him apart and just get rid of all the

Pieces or something I know you work really hard on this but still man I’ll rebuild you better so no no Henry please stay away from that Panic I’ll let you handle it at this point because uh if you let Henry take care of this he’s going to destroy everything again oh my

Goodness I’ll build him a new wife no guys please please that’s it that’s it no no no no no that’s it for ah gosh what happened did I did I pass out oh my god Ra you’re alive my family they’re all here oh my goodness dad oh

My goodness I’m so glad you guys are here and Mom rage I couldn’t lose you as well oh my goodness mom mom you’re okay oh my goodness give me a hug oh my goodness I’m so glad you guys are all here oh man rage calm down oh my gosh it really

Hurts oh man I’m just really glad everyone’s here ra sweetie you should lay down for a second H I don’t have time for that right now but thank you for the concern mom uh I’m just going to get up real quick I have a lot of people

To thank and thank you Dr Juju for taking care of me you’re all right thank you so much let me see if anyone else is here it’s Cody oh my gosh Cody are you okay man oh no oh he’s asleep he must have been on sleeping pills or something I

Hope he’s all right man I really want to thank him for all the help oh man and who could be in this room right here it’s Chief Sanders oh my gosh Chief Sanders oh Chief I just wanted to say thank you so much for the help man oh

Man I know you didn’t get to see anything that happened but I just want to say like your your service was very very valuable you you basically you know led the charge Block City won’t be the same I know man but at least we we won

The battle in the end right we won the battle and and I I promise you block City will be better than it was before we won yes Chief Sanders we won we ended up winning uh thank thanks to my son but uh yeah I’m sure things are busy right

Now you and the others will be fully recovered thank you so much man H it wouldn’t be possible without you helping everyone is Cody still asleep man oh my gosh oh wo wo oh Cody you just scared me wao Cody are you okay man dude I told

You not to come out and fight man I’m fully healed now wait what how what in the world this guy is really built different Cody please next time don’t help us out like you know we get it you have muscles you’re very strong but you shouldn’t be going out like that dude um

But you look like being beaten uh Hey man stop making fun of me oh man I tried my best too that was quick so I wanted to help a friend there were some people who tried to get help but I guess it was too late wait what

Really they look gray kind of it must have been the grunts that were trying to get help after Cody beat him up uh well it might have been a good thing that they didn’t get help uh Juju you can talk to um Cody about that whoa whoa

Cody please please uh please no no don’t do that don’t do that we already won the war man but hey how about we all go home you guys rage Junior Mama rage please you guys can come home with me where’s Amber oh gosh come on you guys it’s time

To go home let’s head on out come on Amber oh my gosh where is Amber I’m so tired I really need to go home where is she oh sorry I found I found candy for you Dad sorry for disappearing it’s okay Amber H thank you so much for the candy

Ooh for R rochet my favorite M yummy thank you Amber can I have some all right let’s go yeah I really want to go home and finally get some rest thank you so much for risking our life to help rage and the others sorry I couldn’t do

Much oh no sir Bridges is blaming himself Bridges bridges oh my gosh it’s so good to see you man I’m so sorry I I made you go away and you know you you really wanted to protect security rage uh Hey man oh man he’s so happy to see

Me right now hey security I’m so glad to see that you’re all right I really thought you were a goner thank you rage for saving my neck no worries I tried my best I I had to do what I had to do thank you rage this city owes you a lot

Hey I didn’t do anything in the end of the day you should thank this little guy right here this young man right here he really really put his own life on the line once again uh to to save you know his old man he was Reckless he got out

Multiple times uh also I heard the Cody was there the C yeah yeah the Cody if you want to call him that but you know well I think I should get out of here now so sir Bridges security please stay safe what happened to Jim Davis now

Let’s just say uh we don’t talk about that um so anyways Bridges I hope you can spend some good time with your family because you know I’m sure you really want to see them and spend more time with them take care ra and thank you so much again all right security sir

Bridges I’ll see you later all right giving me a chance of course I mean you you did go to jail and you know you did your time so yeah anyways you you guys live right there so you guys can just walk home till next time rage see you

Later you guys all right let’s get out of wait a second oh it’s frosty wait his hair is back and wait these are the grunts that couldn’t make it oh gosh they just left him out here uh Frosty oh my gosh man I’m so glad you’re here dude

Are you okay you literally ran out of energy and power or something and you know I I couldn’t I couldn’t take care of you after cuz I passed out after everything that happened I’m good just need juice oh what are you here for are you get are you here to get treated as

Well at the hospital nah I do magic don’t need that oh well we’re about to head home man I’m looking pretty rough right now I’m here to give you this wait what wait uh family look at this I’m about to get something what is that as

The power vested in me as mayor of Block City wait what is this wo wo wo I give you the Medal of Honor oh my gosh Amber look at this what is better than chocolate oh my goodness first it was Donuts now it’s chocolate oh gosh no Eli

It’s not food my hero rage wait you got chocolate what hey what in the world wait I got another one what you’re literally just going to toss her a free Medal of Honor after you know what R junor I think you deserve this there you go Ray junor after saving Block City you

Deserve to have this medal of honor all right well we should head home now all right come on guys let’s go home it’s been one heck of an adventure that’s for sure finally some peace and quiet in Block City I feel so much better now and

Uh woohoo I am the hero of Block City oh my goodness R Jor is literally getting ah don’t let it get to your head Ray junr oh my goodness we told you not to leave the house it was too dangerous and Amber you want to watch

Some block laabs come on come on let’s watch some block labs and wait wait where’s Eli oh my goodness oh wait wait here let me get him wait what Ashley you want to watch some block Labs I’m really really excited hey rage uh yes you got

Visitors at the door ah man for once I thought there was going to be peace and quiet but I guess not all right all right here Ashley you go ahead and uh you play the TV with the kids I’ll get the door who could it be wait what what

Hey you know you can change your uniform yeah we need to go shopping rage Steve wa waa what the why is everyone here oh my gosh what are you guys all doing here oh my gosh we got floaty we got Noah Steve and Natasha wait what are you guys

All doing here it’s like you guys are all friends now or something ra um what’s going on you guys rage we’re here to actually thank you wait thank me for what I wanted to thank you you saved us oh yeah that’s right I warned you guys about the attack well Flo Natasha Noah

Steve you guys have nothing to worry about now rage thanks man I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you yeah we wanted to thank you hey it was all a group effort and I’m just really glad you guys listened have a little gift wo woah wo also never say I’m Steve’s

Friend wait what I mean you guys are friends right you guys really went on that scary adventure together and now you and Noah of course you guys are um but have to find a new job now he’s so bad with girls he treats them too badly

But you guys are friends oh my gosh wait I have more oh floaty that’s enough man that’s too much pizza for me all right well you guys have nothing to worry about now there’s now peace in blog City so now everyone live your lives I’ll see

You guys later all right got to spend more time with my family I’m more more thankful for them now oh peace see you later guys and thank you again Steve for taking care of my kids when they were younger all right hey Ashley so what did they say well they were just thanking

You know me and the family for making sure Block City safe so anyways I just want to spend time with you guys and you know finally cherish you guys after what just happened things definitely could have gone South wait what amber oh my God she didn’t even earn it she traded

It for chocolate you’ve got to be kidding me

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BLOCK CITY SEASON 19! (FULL MOVIE)’, was uploaded by RageElixir on 2023-12-18 01:00:11. It has garnered 29600 views and 1201 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:14 or 9314 seconds.


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    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More