EPIC Minecraft Build Battles with Austin PWRS!

Video Information

All right one sec are you in my party or it says you joined does that mean you’re online or you’re in my party okay I have to do the intro right so you doing a video as well okay do you want to do the intro or should I do the intro

Okay okay uh which yeah I did uh go to Lobby selector and select B build battle Lobby one actually let’s go to build battle Lobby 5 go to build battle Lobby 5 just cuz there’s no one else there what what what is the build one uh it is crafting table

Okay okay it’s loing and then go Lobby selector and then Lobby five Okay hello purple Grimace McDonald sh okay hey we’re actually kind of similar we’re both purple okay uh I don’t know I don’t know okay let me take a screens can we go back up to the come back up to here real quick WR wayd person Grim it’s kind of funny stand in

The middle okay yeah can you how you going I your name it doesn’t matter okay stop moving stop moving I’m so confused what’s just happened something happened to my screen and I didn’t get it doesn’t matter oh CU you can’t take screenshots on Minecraft okay do your interuption then uh let’s

Let’s move for my intro Let’s uh go go uh I don’t know just go like here you could do it here in of the info and you change F I don’t want to do that do it here okay hey guys we’re doing we’re doing build battle with uh Grimace here Tommy

G Austin Powers not really but that’s his channel name no you’re silent yeah I don’t know you just say something make the intro more spicy woof woof he says woof all right let’s let’s go play we’re going to play build battles uh to teams and then click J as

Your party leader you do that we’re going to win we’re going to win let’s go let’s go a oh no no it’s fine it’s fine hello it’s a funny skin we’re both purple that’s cool I literally people oh I’m just I’m just there get I’m magical look at

Me I’m a slug I don’t know what I am actually my brother made this skin well he edited another skin uh cabin jellyfish R Car barbecue tiger got jellyfish for that one cabin could be good I kind of want to do cabin actually do jellyish have a good idea

Could give us aost to win all right let’s do jellyfish oh race car okay I’ll make the floor black we can put the right lines for make make a road that’s what I’m saying so I’m going to make it black and then I’ll put the white line

Track I need to know what blocks are allowed trust me I’ll make it black for the L I’ll make it I’ll do the I’ll do the FL all uh I just do caret for okay I’ll just build a race car somewhere I don’t know where I have to

Find the middle uh so this is the middle okay is that I was going to do I’ll do the you do the race car in the middle and I’ll just do oh I might make multiple race cars by make small ones cuz I’m going to do like a a race trap

Going all the way around the floor all right going make a grand PR I don’t really know how to build a race car it’s fine I’ll try TR me it doesn’t it’s not done I bet you someone’s going to build like Mario Kart and win oh I

Same someone did a good job at Mario Kart this is going to look so bad I can’t race car I can’t race car I can’t no Uh no that looks bad ah it doesn’t matter it’s a side one uh it looks so bad ah who cares it’s just a game yeah yeah look at that grand that is I’m leaving us here don’t worry the race car yeah that is something else you know what they say

It doesn’t have to look good as long as it works well that’s a good point ah maybe you could make it look like it’s crashed out of the track I could do that with another one I could make it so it wheel has like falling off kind of wait see the one

You’ve already built yeah put a sign above it like put gold below it and it’s like the winner and it starts right in the middle of the track it’s like the winner of the race I don’t know how to do that where do I put the

Gold how how long do you think that would take you to build again I don’t know could you do it in minutes should I build a ring of gold around a car or something what do I build I was going to say I was going if you build it

Again build it on a Flor then driver on the top I’ll just get an astronaut MPC that will work is there I think so oh if not I’ll use all right NPCs no I don’t think so astronaut works okay that’s see that’s the that guy and then I’ll build a crash

Yellow car like at the side I was going to wait explosion wait don’t blow anything up please one two three oh yeah yeah yeah okay don’t do anym that’s enough that’s fine I’ll let you do more when you’re done okay I’m going to see what wait

Usually quite a lot of races when it’s like raining that would be quite cool quite a lot of them when they’re raining let me don’t n don’t think n kind of don’t put weather put it clear why can’t I do it not where they’re sunny I have to

Wait 2 seconds to do it there we go but plot time is night cuz the happen at night doesn’t have to be too realistic don’t worry about that too much uh okay what could be a good barrier you can’t do a barrier just now we can’t fence I’m going try to do a

Fence and it look like that just broke the barrier your car like the B here right I’m going to do this but there’s going to be like a gap like that look so like just smashed through the fence look so just like smashed through the fence

There and then okay I don’t know if I have time to do this if you can try help me the fence it’s more important just or if you get time a sign next to the astronaut and Lou Hamilton uh yeah this car is really broken right here on next to the

Astronaut yeah we’ve only got 10 seconds uh I don’t think I’m gonna get the thing done no I’ll get the sun in time no I was so close to getting the fence look close I was to getting the fence Oh my days this is really cool

It’s okay it’s not that good it’s okay it’s got the whole stage and the no this one’s this one’s pretty Good’s awful that’s a race car but it’s not I’m good symmetrical it’s looks finished uh he’s just F1 F1 he’s literally just F1 at least he’s stuck to the theme but

He’s getting a poop oh no he built a car but it’s it’s really bad uh that’s not a race car I’m telling you now there’s half not even done oh do you not see it there our see F finish the f boies is uh no it’s not looks like a like a

Van well that looks cool but it’s not a race car and I’m gonna vote it super po actually never mind that’s that is no it’s a guy from that movie built traffic lights his traffic lights do look a bit ancient though I will say Felix 16 Minecraft it’s not finished

Uh it’s just a big it’s a Big Blob of blocks that say racist and whatever okay that guy won was an all right te oh it’s going blown up no no why is it get blowing up I don’t know it’s it’s this wind thing probably palm tree dinosaur elephant

Dragon backpack palm tree we got to do palm tree I have such a good idea come on palm tree Dragon okay uh dragon red and black get red and black wool all right uh black wool uh cobone I’m going to make the tower wait you make the dragon projecting the

Tower I’m going to make the tower here yeah oh it’s going to be kind of hard to build though oh where do I build the Dragon don’t really know how to build a dragon dragon in the middle that’s that space okay I don’t really know how to build a dragon but I’ll try

Uh it’s got to be flying or you could build it in the air and then use the explosions underneath it looks like it’s like the one below it fly something it be cool to have like I can have lava coming on the sides of the tower like you can’t escape that’s

Why I bet you someone’s going to build the Ender Dragon and it’s going to look really cool what if we just put the end drag head in the middle of everything someone’s going to have a hole just black page I bet you there’ll be one person is yeah yeah there’ll be a

Like a giant ender dragon’s head probably I think we’re predicting what the results would be like okay uh o that’s a bit off uh yeah we’re going to want to keep that and extend the other one okay there we go black more black well here I might as well just do that right

There actually H see I don’t know how much ah I think it will just end up being a dragon’s head you know okay that that’s a good that’s a good mouth I think for a dragon it’s scary it looks like it’s going to eat you and I can’t make it fire breathing

That take way too much time uh so an option 2 minutes it’s all right it looks so goofy let me move the eyes back one no I’ll just keep the eyes how they are there’s not much I can do have a slap what no I have a slab it’s all

Right it’s not all right this Dragon looks really funny so far got a funny Dragon it’s it’s already becoming what Mr donkey and shre no no no you can place a donkey if you want somewhere make it like a Shrek anyway uh that’s the front of the Dragon done like the

Head I’m just going to build a body with wings and there’s no chance this is going to look good I don’t have enough time to finish yeah I neither it’s fine don’t worry about it you can see inside like the prin help let me out ah I can’t do take

Unless I want to make it kind of spiral a bit but I don’t think I’m going to have time it’s unfortunate ah oh it was going to look so cool too see like 10 minutes was five yeah that would have been good but they should make they should make it like a game

Mode where you can have more time it’s not like no one would play the normal one cuz it’s pretty popular game right here two minutes I might yeah I’m not having time I might get bed bed I need the wings that’s like one of the most important parts Imagine a Dragon without

Wings just be a dinosaur that’s red uh let’s just place the wings here ah really don’t have a lot of time okay yeah I’m not going to be able to replicate the same shape I won’t have time I could try uh okay what’s that okay one more along and Then okay it’s not going to be as bad as I thought except for the wings are completely off but it’s all right let’s fill that in yeah one One Wing is a bit bigger than the other anyway that that’s my dragon it’s good enough it looks really

Funny it’s it’s good enough Thomas come see in the [Laughter] face it’s good I’ve tried really hard I think I did an all right job I tried what is that it’s like a flying lion uh that looks really funny though it looks really funny ah super poop you don’t build a

Monkey with gold with One Wing and call it it’s like a bat monkey thing it’s not Dragon though is it not dragon imagine if the theme I was going to say if the theme wasn’t Dragon it is Dragon no there’s the Ender Dragon man you okay that’s actually pretty good A

Better End Dragon I that okay that’s a good it looks nice it’s like it’s like a friendly Ender Dragon uh ooh is that blue eyes white dragon is that who that supposed to that’s that’s getting a that’s getting an epic no no pixel art when you see pixel

Art instantly it’s a super poop wow uh this is all right but it’s yeah it’s actually quite good like like a dragon that got like fossil that Medusa came and I don’t know oh it’s just a okay this is this is actually not that bad oh this is good I’m giving that a

Legendary well I probably should have given it an epic but what’s this you know it’s it’s pretty goody Dragon it is I think it’s a it’s I think it might be the little green one from How to Train a Dragon uh this is not a dragon it’s a lizard black lizard

Okay this is quite yeah that’s quite good 6131 it’s pretty good build invalid camel actually it’s a snake it’s a snake Okay this guy won uh I like that theme quite a lot get four how did he build that much in that little time a lot if I had more time my dragon

Would have looked epic but I just didn’t have the time I know uh pixel art stamp Cloud sword train station let’s go for a sword here I know people are going to do pixel art for the sword they just build a pixel art sword okay yeah it’s going to be sword all

Right and then to make a massive stone sword and stone uh we should get like purple and stone oh I can’t do that we should get like a magical sort of Sword I’m going to start got Stone oh I can’t get that block Cobble maybe Mossy Cobble as well like

It’s an ancient stone I’m making theer part just noral but then you can change when they get higher I’m doing at the I’m oh you’re building like a rock that the stones in yeah okay make sure to use Cobblestone and cob you can change and I’ll just continue using

Normal I okay let’s build the Rock first then what I’m saying like and then we build the stone no Bu The Stone and then the sword yeah it doesn’t have to be too tall it can go maybe four or five blocks higher I think just do that and then yeah okay

SEC you have the explosions a bit under the sword so it’s like like the explosion effect I have someone like an NPC standing next to the SW pull it out yeah that’s that’s like tall enough yeah then this is fine do join up yeah just just build also fill out the back

Just with regular Stone just so people don’t go behind and vote super poop cuz it’s unfinished or whatever and fill in all the gaps that you see on the surface I think it’ be good if the floor was lava like an old time I think you could make it lava yeah you

Can I’ll do that the end just done okay oh I was going to build like a cool stone sword but I think if I build like a black and purple magical sword we should have like bits of like gold in it as well okay I’m going to see how yeah in

The sword or in the stone like should the sword not be here like in the middle here yeah middle like yeah yeah right there those those four bits I’m going to build I’m going to beat some of these bit more up this bit yeah that’s what

I’m doing right now I’ll do I’ll do that you stop making the sword okay also put regular cobblestone in some bits but don’t overdo it don’t overdo it uh yeah okay and we should have like a s at this front over it it’s going to be a magical sword

Here okay let me see what far away that’s enough m I’ll useal I don’t know if this will look good or not F asapz like if we don’t win that’s a bit on like literally I would say it’s unfair I I mean if like is if is clearly like the

Best one but then we don’t if it is the best one like okay I think I might be done with the stone okay I think we can finish this in time yeah if you can just is a bit I don’t know it looks weird so far but maybe if

I finish it won’t look so bad hopefully I’m going to put an NPC at the bottom I’ll put an NPC yeah make it like a giant sword yeah and have like a tiny NPC I’m going have one here I’m going to have one you’re looking up at it it’s like

NPC let’s have it what wizard cuz purle purple sword yeah like that cuz it’s a magical sword look at me I made it look up come look made look up up I see I’m just I just got a build real quick uh okay that’s hope these are all symmetrical and accurate yeah they

Should be okay I think if these bits stick out yeah that could look really good and then I’m going to make it how about a handle at the top obviously yeah that’s what I’m doing I forget all right let me go up to this guy and get lav

There wait that should be cool they may do this it’s like see to get this one yeah see to get this one you like parkour over here to get to it oh yeah that would be a good idea yeah I’m making I’m making it like very possible

Parkour the sword isn’t looking the best but if we get the other parts good we can still get some votes background plays a huge look at that that I’m going to do the to make sure we going to do it just to make sure that it’s possible yeah just jum yeah it’s

Possible all right let’s make these longer this two okay and I’ll extend this thing the tube by one it should look all right I hope you’ve done a good job I don’t know my sword is slacking a little bit H you know what it’s not the worst I don’t

Know I know what I’m doing wrong hold up let’s see if I can fix that and also because in the LA means if there is a mistake in the back somewhere they can’t actually go and see it yeah okay 30 seconds can an obsidian sword lava uh it’s not the best that’s

True I don’t have time just going to do something but I don’t have time for it okay yeah not the worst not the best oh I should have made the right this is inappropriate uh yeah um not good it’s not that good to be honest uh it’s no

No okay if it was yeah I’m giving it okay as well that’s just 2D so it’s not much Effort uh I don’t like the bottom of the sh it’s just the one little bit I don’t like the floor the floor is just too plain and the stone is just all symmetrical awful you took geography you know rocks often aren’t symmetrical I can kind of see where that

Sword’s coming from though uh EP getting an epic yeah that’s really nice use lap oh cuz he didn’t finish the guy I would have G him okay but he didn’t finish the guy there’s our okay it’s actually not the worst I just think I should have done a bit more to

Oh we won’t have won it aex two I don’t like your sword got a rock key yeah yeah they got a all right Rock the sword’s a bit big for the rock though this one it’s really bad it’s all un ah this guy won we came F

Yeah okay well I think is that it for the video we do one more one let’s do one more one more and then we’ll end the video yeah it’s going to be like I don’t know how long this video will be I’ll crop it maybe I don’t know

Will I crop it will I edit it heavily probably not I always think videos are better not too heavily edited yeah you edit them a little bit crop some stuff don’t don’t make it everything’s got like sound effects and meemes and I don’t know don’t make it a long YouTube shot

Basically yeah cuz they’re always pretty edited except from that video I made with the guy screaming after squ that was a good long short all right photograph dinosaur balloon windmill uh bike riding be cool people AR going to do it oh never mind I’m going to make the

Blue so it looks like the sky and it could be like have you seen the movie up anyways oh yeah are you going to make a house one make a small like Shack in like the woods hold up I’ve got a good idea I’ll make the floor grass make like

A nice little forest and then make a space and there’ll be a gap and then there’ll be a floating house with like small balloons on it it will be a small house hold up uh okay yeah there we go yeah I’ll just find the center of the

Map which is like here okay let’s do spruce yeah Spruce is yeah do spruce Spruce is the best one and then another one there all right uh okay okay I’m just going to build it floating a bit so not floating too much but floating a bit see place the trees look

Around is okay I’ve take a gap in the middle for the Z but are we going to just do that yeah that’s fine yeah they’re not too close but then in the forest obviously they’re not going to be far apart but they’re not close why is this B not B meals take

Ages for one of those trees and they’re not some of these trees aren’t going up Tak so much B meal just keep bone mailing till they till they grow I’ll put like bits of dirt in the house put this a dirt and then put like see the explosion effect nah there’s no

Need for explosion effect I think I’m going to do the grass first and then I’ll come back and finish the trees I’m just going to make this house look cozy like a nice sort of house that like if I don’t know I don’t know what to say saw a house a

Lonely a lonely divorc person would live in I don’t knowuh I’ve glitched again that’s like the worst part the trees you GL randomly four minutes e uh maybe me for you not as much for Me Maybe I put some animals in the forest like some

Deer mhm maybe I put some animals in the forest like some deer yeah just get mobs don’t build your own animal get EG oh this no this didn’t look how I wanted it to look no no no the house yeah it looks uh from the front it looks

A bit bad I can fix it maybe I don’t know yeah I guess I can fix it a little bit from the front but the front’s going to look bad the sides will be all right okay can you use eggs in this game here uh I don’t know I’ll try I’ll check

You what what is the closest to this in the forest I need a bed that’s what this house needs what did you get in forests uh mushrooms chicken random don’t rabbits yeah rabbit rabbit Wizards you might get a wizard in the forest maybe that’s what’s making the oh wait we have to build

Balloons as well like we’ve been gone completely off topic with the house in the forest we got to remember to build the balloon you know what this won’t look best but it will do oh it looks really bad it looks really really bad it looks really really bad that wasn’t it’s not the

Plan uh maybe we should get to the it looks really really bad it’s kind of funny though let okay balloon timeall okay right I’ve got an idea for the balloon uh I just need colors okay let’s just get wool red yellow orange lime blue light blue purple want make it

Read n n n don’t don’t that will ruin it oh uh well strength no you can’t okay well fences is the only thing you can do I tried a couple other things didn’t work just put a bunch of small balloons in this house Christopher well I built an ugly

House my are down I’m yeah well I’m recording so you PP will be on YouTube it’s not my fault okay you need to go walking though okay in a bit oh Christopher know I know I know a trip a tip to get you to lose all your views

Just sh the web don’t go away with you disgusting no but seriously we have to okay be patient don’t make them all the same color you know what you know what it’s fine it looks really bad the house looks horrible but it’s fine the house looks horrible I should I

Could have put a window at the back as well and not made it I Christopher Christopher you don’t want to know what’s in the background you’re recording okay have to find out and I’m editing and I’ll probably blare it out for anything stupid uh that’s that’s all right it’s quite good

Good OHA this is this is nice that’s what I wanted to do like up like the sky and then the clouds neon wolfel yeah but they built some non pixel Artary bit of legendary yeah you know one time I gave some random guy a legendary and he won wow looks like lollipops it’s all right gave it good this isn’t okay it’s not that detailed but it’s all right that’s just one balloon I’ll it it’s it’s well sh it’s shaped really

Well that is a good shape yeah but then it’s also connect legary for Participation ooh similar similar but not many balloons just and more ugly house well not from the outside but super poop grass is not balloons give it legendary I did we came 13 we still got probably because we put them all legendary all right that’s it for the video I think is it uh

Yeah apparently I don’t know if it’s true but okay bye guys have have a nice day bye guys yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build Battles (not edited)’, was uploaded by Austin PWRS on 2023-12-17 06:58:32. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:03 or 2643 seconds.

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    Unleash Your Inner Gamer with NoHacksBro!Video Information This video, titled ‘3Sides.lt | GODY0LAS | #5’, was uploaded by NoHacksBro on 2024-03-21 21:58:00. It has garnered 679 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. #ez #nohacks #1v1 #minecraft Serveris – 3sides.lt Mano discord serveris: https://discord.gg/RZ7DfGtfrZ TAGS ( IGNORE ): Minecraft PvP, Lietuviskai, Minecraft, Lietuva, McSlime, Mcslime.lt, combos, mcprison.lt, mcprison, kaimux, mckingdom.lt minecraft lietuva, mc pvp, mckaimux, autoclicker, jitterclick, butterfly click, montage, sony vegas 18, fortis, mckoridorius, koridorius, mckoridoriuslt, mcslime community, 1×1, turnyras, lithuania pvp, csgo, miss the rage, 420, 69, nohacksbro, slime, shitpvp, pvpeditai, davinci18, editor, fortnite, omg, mc,… Read More

  • Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥

    Unstoppable Musa crushes Lt5 @Oryxi0n in Wild Apple Mc 🍏💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Some Player Who Thinks He Is Lt5 @Oryxi0n 🤡 In Apple Mc.’, was uploaded by UNSTOPABLE MUSA on 2024-03-16 10:05:23. It has garnered 905 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:39 or 519 seconds. Beating Some Trash Players in Apple mc. #applemc #minecraft #lifestealsmp I DON’T OWN ANY MUSIC THAT I USED IN THIS VIDEO!! JOIN MY DC FOR JOINING MY TEAM! :-https://discord.com/invite/m8jH2Fgq TAGS(IGNORE) #lifestealsmp #minecraft #applemc #livinglegend #cpvp #herobrinesmp #lapatasmp #pojavalauncher #lapatasmpapplication #lapatasmpseason5 #senpaispider #pvp Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱

    EPIC Minecraft Battle - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro vs hacker #short #minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-03-05 07:30:17. It has garnered 9420 views and 555 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Voice Credit @CommerceGamerz subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short #minecrafttoolbox #mincraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge… Read More

  • G-Block Survival

    G-Block SurvivalG-Block Survival | Casual Survival Reimagined | 1.20! Welcome to one of the most casual enhanced survival servers for Minecraft Java edition ever synthesized! Our mission: What originally began as a private multiplayer server amongst a group of friends evolved into what we now know as G-Block Survival. Our server’s goal is to improve on what Minecraft already has to offer by including versatile, innovative features into the game that upgrade the vanilla SMP experience while also staying true to the true style of Minecraft survival. Grab your pickaxe, gear up with your friends, and let the adventure unfold! Join… Read More

  • Createville Server Modded SMP Greylist 15+ 1.19.2

    Welcome to Createville Server! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Createville is a safe and friendly community of players who come together to build trains, sell items, collaborate on projects, and more. Join us for: Shops and custom currency Trains, Cars, Airplanes Create and its addons Organized community area A sprinkle of magic In-game voice chat To join, install the modpack and get whitelisted: Pack: Createville Modpack Discord: Createville Discord Read More

  • CivEarth v5

    CivEarth v5CivEarth is a 1:500 Earth map Minecraft server that is on its 5th version! Join a diverse community and a mature and helpful staff. We have many unique plugins for you to enjoy with a range of Towny based plugins such as Towny Resources and Siegewar with other fun plugins including , MCMMO, a digital economy, auctions, PvP Duels, fishing, quests, vehicles, realms and dungeons and much more!We are available on Java at: towny.CivEarth.net. You can now join with bedrock! towny.civearth.net, port:19132. We hope to see you around! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Freakager Strikes Back: I Needed Those!

    Looks like someone’s inventory just got freakaged! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness!

    Hardcore Minecraft Mini Mansion Madness! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Hanzi builds a mini mansion, where adventure sustains. Collaborating with hanzishanzi, the duo shines, Crafting hardcore Minecraft, with twists and turns in lines. Subscribe for more hardcore Minecraft, the journey unfolds, With challenges and triumphs, their story told. From building to surviving, every moment a thrill, In the world of blocks and pixels, where dreams fulfill. So leap into the verse, where Minecraft comes alive, With hanzishanzi leading the way, let the story thrive. In every rhyme and rhythm, the adventure sings, As the mini mansion stands tall, a testament to… Read More

  • Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts

    Steve in Minecraft VS Real Life: The Ultimate Battle of Survival 🔥😂 #shorts Steve in Minecraft be like: “I can build a house, fight zombies, and mine for diamonds all in one day!” Meanwhile, in real life, I struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. #minecraftvsreallife #struggleisreal Read More

  • Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob

    Ultimate Spooky & Weird Minecraft Mob Minecraft’s Most Terrifying and Bizarre Mob When it comes to the world of Minecraft, players are no strangers to encountering a wide array of mobs, from the friendly villagers to the menacing creepers. However, there is one mob that stands out as both terrifying and bizarre, sending shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned players. The Enderman: A Mysterious and Menacing Mob Enter the Enderman, a tall, dark, and mysterious mob that roams the End dimension. With its eerie purple eyes and ability to teleport at will, the Enderman strikes fear into the hearts of players who… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: Enhance Your Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and vibrant community, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. But why should you join Minewind, you ask? Well, imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build epic structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with other players. That’s exactly what Minewind has to offer! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind welcomes players of all skill levels. With a variety of game modes… Read More

  • Minecraft Bible: Armor of God

    Minecraft Bible: Armor of God The Armor of God Explained in Minecraft When it comes to understanding the concept of the Armor of God, what better way to explain it than through the world of Minecraft? In this unique interpretation, players can visualize the spiritual armor described in Ephesians 6 in a whole new light. Putting on the Full Armor In Minecraft, players are constantly faced with challenges and enemies that they must overcome. Just like in the Bible, where believers are encouraged to put on the full Armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, Minecraft players must equip themselves… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Nikki Rei is an idol in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘…in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Nikki Rei Ch. idol-EN on 2024-04-01 22:00:32. It has garnered 6242 views and 976 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:36 or 27276 seconds. #NikkiRei #Vtuber #VtuberEN #IdolEN #idolGenesis If you enjoyed watching, don’t be a tool, like and comment or i’ll use you. Join Nikki’s workshop to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBnmfjpmhGxao6v54fIIMUA/join 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 ⚙️ Tips: https://streamelements.com/nikkirei/tip ⚙️ How to make Jane read your tip msg? https://tts.monster/yt/ucbnmfjpmhgxao6v54fiimua ⚙️ Idol online shop https://shop.idol-company.com/ ⚙️ My Twitta: https://twitter.com/nikki_rei_idol ⚙️Roast my marshmallow, I won’t be mad: https://marshmallow-qa.com/nikki_rei_idol 🧰🗜️🦾⚙️🔨🔧🔩🪛 Tags: ⚙️ Gen: #idolGenesis… Read More

  • SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival Challenge

    SUPii GAMING: Brother vs Brother Survival ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Survival Challenge with Brother 😁’, was uploaded by SUPII GAMING on 2024-03-21 12:00:18. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT PE Dual Survival Series in Hindi Ep 1 | Iron Armor. #mcpe #minecraft100days #minecrafters #minecraftpe … Read More

  • Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!

    Insane fireball battle in Minecraft bedwars!!Video Information This video, titled ‘fireball fight #minecraft #shorts #minemen #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by miwc on 2024-03-03 19:08:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars play,good montages,bedwars,bedwars videos,bedwars extensions,hypixel montage,sammygreen montage,block clutch … Read More


    KILLING MR. WOLF IN MINECRAFT?! 😱Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a certified fo classic oh oh This video, titled ‘logic minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Wolf on 2024-05-28 10:32:04. It has garnered 12358 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More


    SECRET HACKS IN MINECRAFT SERVER! 7 Golden AppleVideo Information हर हर महादेव सो गाइस आज हम वापस आ चुके हैं अपने प्यारे मिस्टर गेमर टी सर्वर में और इस मिस्टर गेमर टी के सर्वर में आज हम खेलने वाले हैं वापस से द बेड वर्स पिछली बार तो गा हम बेड वर्स खेलने आए थे बट हमारे साथ पता है गाइस क्या हुआ बेड वर्स फुल था या तो मैं नहीं खेल पाया था पर आज हम खेलने वाले हैं बेड वर्स सो अभी जल्दी से चलते हैं सो लेट्स बिगन गा भाई पिछली बार की तरह बस वो ना हो भाई ओके लेट्स गो गा चार… Read More

  • Outrageous: You Won’t Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shorts

    Outrageous: You Won't Believe What Big Brother Black Did! 😱 #shortsVideo Information lần ra khơi bắt tương chuyền Sau khi vua hải tặc đô la Mỹ Mỹ qua đời Kho báo của vua hải tặc vẫn còn ngoài biển xa biết bao nhiêu người khao khát danh vọng và tiền bạc đã cùng nhau răng buồm ra biển đó cũng là mở đầu của kỳ Nguyên Hải Tặc mới nhưng trong số đó một thiếu niên ảnh Dũng với ý chí bất diệt đã trở thành tân Tứ hoàng của thế giới là người tạo ra trật tự mới anh ta tên là đại ca đen ha ha ta là… Read More

  • Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!

    Losing my mind in intense Minecraft battles on Hypixel!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Epic Minecraft Bedwars And Skywars On Hypixel!’, was uploaded by Slipses on 2024-04-29 21:14:56. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:09 or 969 seconds. #hungergames #lunarclient #prison #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skywars #lunarclient #budgetpc #lowendpc #lowendpcgaming #skyblock #pvp #prisons #bedrock #bedrockedition #gaming #hungergames (120 FPS) How To Rod Pvp On A Potato | (Smooth 😍) #pvp #lowendpc #shorts #minecraft #pvp #bedwars #skywars #smp #tryhard #gaming #prison #skyblock #roblox #shorts,#bedwars,#roblox,#skyblocks,minecraft,badlion,#badlion,bedwars,skywars,skyblock,pvpv,pvp,#pvp,1v1,roblox,op prisons,op prisons server,op prisons minecraft,op prisons bedrock,skyward,skywars roblox,skywars minecraft,hypixel skyblock playthrough,hypixel garden,hypixel duels,bedwars live🔴 now,bedwars minecraft,bedwars roblox,op prison… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!

    Minecraft AI Glitch DESTROYS Me!Video Information hey guys wiing here welcome to Minecraft with our AI bot why did you leave for like two seconds what what was that all about uh I have no idea uh well anyway that’s so Random I I okay um here it is here’s our lovely AI it’s uh we got vivv in our Viv my AI in Minecraft here it is pretty cool huh it just left the game we joined the game uh just uh we don’t need to figure out why that happened probably crashed two seconds ago and I didn’t even realize but yeah… Read More

  • 🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥

    🔥Epic RTP Command in Minecraft! Only Commands!🔥Video Information den armboss platziert ihr einfach dann nehmt ihr euch das Namenschild und nennt das dann den RTP dann müsst ihr einfach den platzieren und den Halt den entsprechend RTP nennen wenn ihr das gemacht hab kommen wir auch schon zum ersten command und zwar/ff Typ minecraftarmor Name RTP invisible 2 255 tRUE wenn ich den Schalter nämlich umlege seht ihr dass die Arm unsichtbar werden weil wenn die sichtbar sind das wollen wir ja natürlich nicht wir wollen halt dass die in wie gesagt dann unsichtbar sind dafür ist halt schon mal der erste command da kommen wir… Read More

  • Placeofwar

    PlaceofwarAn amazing war server with 15 guns and many maps. Recently created (Please install CIT to have unique guns models) play.placeofwar.com Read More

  • Fractured SMP – Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 – Bedrock & Java – Dynmap – Discord

    Introducing Fractured SMP Experience a newly released semi-vanilla server with enhanced multiplayer features. With over a year of community hosting experience, we offer a well-developed server experience. Links Website: Visit Here Discord: Join Now Dynmap: View Here What We Offer Community: Player-driven with transparency and input from all members. Welcoming: Creating an inclusive and diverse community. Stability: Using top-of-the-line, dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Some Of Our Features Claims Plugin for land protection and sharing. Dynmap for real-time world viewing. DiscordSRV for in-game communication. Random Teleport for quick travel. Player Shops for trading. Basic Rules We enforce a mature… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “HeroPrime’s Epic Minecraft Adventure”

    That’s a pretty impressive score for a Minecraft meme, I wonder if it’s in the Hall of Fame yet? Read More

  • Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft’s Secure Base Battle!

    Mutant Souka Showdown: Minecraft's Secure Base Battle! In the world of Minecraft, a battle did unfold, Between Dark Souka and a mutant so bold. With knives in hand and teeth so sharp, The mutant sought to tear the town apart. But Souka and friends were not afraid, They built a base, strong and well-made. With obsidian walls and lava all around, They stood their ground, ready to astound. But the mutant was cunning, he had a plan, He spawned zombies and baby zombies, a dangerous clan. But Souka and team fought with all their might, They took down the mutant, winning the fight. In the end,… Read More

  • Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥

    Minecraft MEME (Part 3) Spicy AF 🔥 When you accidentally eat a golden apple in Minecraft and realize you just wasted your precious loot on a snack. #minecraftproblems #hangryminecraftplayer Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Minecraft servers? Looking for a fresh and exciting place to unleash your creativity and have some fun? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and engaging gameplay experience, Minewind offers a dynamic environment where you can explore, build, and interact with other players from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind today and embark on an adventure like no other. The possibilities are endless, and the only limit is your imagination. Connect to Minewind server at… Read More