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Whoa whoa whoa what’s going on in here what’s going on in here guys what’s going on in here oh for all time’s sake about what you got a bounce s p oh about to bounce SMP oh man Yeah yeah it wasn’t that long ago but yes they were the days of smoking a cigarette I remember better good old days whatever happened to the good old days a good old days for five months ago Jesus whatever happened to the good old days Ross I’m sorry happiness days

I was I was just telling them that uh because they were asking about Pixelmon and I was like well I have news um I guess I’ll tell you Mouse but um I talked to the team and they’re like nobody wants to do Pixelmon because Cobble man is better what what the [ __ ]

Is that yeah exactly so cobbleman is a new mod that is like Pokemon but like way way better and it’s in development right now so we just decided we’re delaying the sorry Pokemon kabumon now server to like probably next year-ish but we’re just gonna start focusing on

Bounce too yeah so the next version of Bounce s p that’s what they’re working on so yeah that’s why that’s what’s happening I’m excited regardless yeah it’ll be good I promise I promise um not the Pokemon one you got you’re gonna get Minecraft I promise oh I don’t know I have to play vanilla Minecraft oh no oh no don’t worry Mouse they snuck me onto the vanilla server I heard I heard you got

Snuck in I did I don’t know how but they look they let me in the server so um what an interesting development what did the development I uh I slipped I slipped him a 20 bill on the side man he really did show you why they called him

Infiltrate wait are you a mid-level boss yeah I’m like like a like an optional one yeah [ __ ] said about himself too that he’s like he’s like the first weak boss stealing my drip I think he’s stealing your drip girl you better hurry up and go get him I think we got a Thunderdome

I think we gotta fight each other you guys gotta fight each other to the death you go thank you you have an eye patch yeah exactly that gives you an age it gives me plus two percent crit I win and you have double two different color eyes

You have x-rays I’ll just knife him with my ears honestly that’s right it just cut his Achilles tendon with your ears just run past them real fast pull out your ear because it’s detachable just nice throw like a boomerang exactly dominate his ass I thought we think so easy it’s so easy

A baby could do it oh sorry she’s she’s playing Halo she’s been playing hairless she’s been hanging out chatting and then she’ll just be like oh god oh oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God I’m playing legendary because I’m I’m kind of weird like that yeah yeah

She’s just a quirky girl I play Minecraft we can we can hop on vanilla at some point and just build [ __ ] make that place usable tidy it up yeah yeah I need some need some tender loving care it has like Zen’s house made of all the same wood and and like a

Frame for haruka’s house and that’s it there’s like nothing else in there yet what the [ __ ] why it’s empty I’ve I’ve watched nazana log on and play a little bit but she hasn’t done any like big builds yet I think she doesn’t know what to build

I want to build something I don’t know what to build though hmm Anya wanted a huge house for all the members so that’s what I’m doing at the moment we should just make these Shoujo headquarters a big Corp of building remember you’re making a giant Beyond since house yeah I

Was I was making a logo I was trying to make the big v logo I was like making out of wooden sand for now and then we could replace the colors later Hmm I haven’t played vanilla in so long I don’t even know yeah I felt weird hopping on because there were like so few Woods to choose from I was like oh I need something a little darker than this and then I look and I was like there is nothing darker

Than this this is it I feel like I’ve forgotten what’s Vanilla and what’s not yeah me too me too I literally can’t remember I remember I walked around I saw a turtle and I went turtles are in vanilla like yeah yeah you were like I saw part I was like dancing vanilla I

Was like wow look at that look at this one we got Turtles up in here what the heck funny to see they respawn the villagers they said oh yeah there’s a village right next to where everyone started building and all the villagers were gone because Zen

Killed all of them so I asked gun run view I asked gun right like hey can we bring the villagers back and then apparently the villagers are at around our place I’m like well they it was close I don’t know why they’re at our place but they’re not the wheelchair maybe I

Can somehow just escort them to the Village oh my God sounds kind of a he likes murdering people you know how it sounds like you know yeah yeah you know what she gets up to you know her whole base And then invite people for collabs and then she plays Halo yep a bunch of Halo stream during the day eat food take a break an hour later she’s on apex or Halo and she’s like thank dunk are you ready to play it’s 11 p.m we see her on toaster stream playing

Please I just woke up oh God if I message her like I need something from her at like 11 and she doesn’t answer I will go to toaster stream and she’s on there like 50 of the time it’s it’s crazy that’s where you can find her

Now you too can bug crap out of her Don’t Mind If I Do what are you guys up to just talking no no playing a game or anything yeah right now chilling just chilling read to me so Ross came in to talk to me about

I feel like oh don’t worry no it’s fine you’re probably doing us a Good Deed by going for college yeah yeah It’ll be worth it Yeah I’m excited for it yeah but I mean hopefully uh new new bounce uh normal bounce but with new [ __ ] uh probably around the same time as the last bounce launched I guess last year I think it was September am I wrong yeah yeah holy [ __ ] wow not that far off not

That far off really we got time to prepare what I need to prepare for I have no [ __ ] nothing just just bring yourself you’ll be fine oh [ __ ] the grunts are throwing grenades you know what we have to do we have to plan several psyops in advance right

Yeah what kind of style [ __ ] I’m not gonna tell you oh did I tell you what they aimed at me who knows I did make the furry art contest so true you did watch out I was a very sexy goat you were I have Buff’s

Portrait of you was named a goat I will never forget I was approached in secret and they’re like Yeah and I’m like uh okay I wrote the instructions in books in game and handed the books to people and they would open it when they would read it and it would be like tell anyone but there’s a furry arc on this you have to draw Ross as a furry

And I had a secret chest I had a chest that was near my house like buried in this little sand location and I gave them the coordinates of it in the book and I was like when you’re finished with your submission you put it in here you’re like like an info runner from

Like a totalitarian government trying to not get caught my God I had a legit like dead drop location for their completed art and everything oh my God no idea that was going on they actually worked that’s hilarious yeah it was so good I got I got a lot of

Help from um from tofu and like the admins on making it work so that in the middle of the Valentine’s event we could like suddenly drop you into our little Museum like a scary Museum that we made yeah yeah I I remember um it was perfect oh yeah I remember that

He went through the tunnel of love and never came out was it coded so everybody appeared there or was it just me it was it was just you so we could all go through the tunnel of love and come out the other side and be fine but then when

You and kiwi went through it would teleport you guys so as soon as they saw that you teleported then they went there and teleported oh okay I gotcha they did like half manually but yeah so that if any of us went through you wouldn’t see us like disappear get confused interesting that’s amazing

Yeah I um I only just recently posted because I thought I lost like um oh my God like so much footage from bounce and then I just found it in a folder recently of that like coin prank I did and then I just like was like oh my God

A YouTube video I just wrote a script put it out and like your model is like your old model and some of the few people pointed out yeah a few people pointed out they’re like how old is this and I’m like pretty old that’s why that’s why I didn’t post my stuff

Because like we did bounce and I had footage from it but then I was like immediately doing the new model I was like ah I don’t want to post the old content with that you know yeah I think you were yeah yeah you were you were because I had that yeah that

Footage of you and us us doing the door knock thing on purple cliff I love the clip so much that was my genius idea when Ross did the [ __ ] Discord thing I was like yes I have a plan and I told him what if you do the door knocking sound yeah to

People and it worked out so well and he did that the tech tone he’s like oh my food’s here yeah because it actually was I loved when you were doing uh the the device disconnect sound yeah that was my favorite you had that sound oh it was so

Funny I know I got a lot of computer problems but they ain’t got Reverb she sussed you out so fast holy crap I’m still trying to recall all my old memories I remember Mouse and I it was the first time we talked for like

A long time we got in a boat and at the time I was on pain meds because it was before my surgery and I was on the strong stuff after stream so oh so she and I were zooted to all hell and we were like we’re gonna go to the end

Of the map we just got in the boat and went we were gone for hours and then she passed out in somehow somewhere foreign I fell asleep and I felt bad when I woke up because I was like oh my God I left her alone yeah that was fine

For you dude now it’s the amount of times I was invisible and then I like teleported to you and found you asleep by yourself in the middle of the map and it’s like I I should I so I’d go back to your house and teleport you onto your

Bed so you could wake up find you and I’m like I think she has a chance of dying here so I would just teleport you back to your house I’ll wake up at my house and I’m like how fun did it get here did I like

Them what oh god I was just playing server dad I was like ah she’s gonna die out here oh we were literally calling it Mouse houses when we would find you somewhere and like we couldn’t teleport you so we would build a little structure around you with like a torch in it You want to make sure you don’t die thank you for saving my life you’re welcome of course but I think after a while like I I leveled up so much and I got like such high armor that like nothing can really kill me yeah your regen was

Higher than the damage dealt yeah it was so funny because I remember one time I fell asleep and then I was like surrounded by like Monsters and I was just I was fine and I’m like what the [ __ ] Oh God literally like I don’t know nothing could go wrong we could just leave you anywhere and you’d be fine yeah that was I was a bad girl you know I was a Kingpin and uh I had a lot of business dealings and a lot of interesting developments

Uh I still have a lot of money invested in the economy and the bounce SMP a lot of chests with a lot of stuff I love when the smalls would try to recruit Mouse into their Shenanigans and she’s like but I love the talls Joe fudge was one of the funniest people on

There show Not only was like he funny but he brought me to see his castle and he was like yeah do you remember that that room he made like a a mausoleum with like all of his dead royal family members and then he had they’re all pictures of himself as

Different Game of Thrones characters on the front of each one for me you hit one of you I was crying and I’m like why is your face on me and you’d be like no that’s my ancestor yeah oh my God this is so funny that was really funny I just love getting into

Like little tiny like a little [ __ ] uh debates with him you were there I was like yeah these recipes these are my ancestors I’m like oh how come there’s no how come how come the cat like they’re empty this like you don’t talk about that for example yeah you kept

Asking too many questions and he had an answer for everything somehow it was incredible yeah perfect [Laughter] what I needed to do yeah and then I remember because my house was in the middle of everybody that thought everything would happen around my house remember that yeah like

Joe would be on top of my room going all right we’re doing a ritual on my house I’m like why are you doing the ritual on my your house is like it was in this little spot that was right in the center of all of our houses and like we didn’t

Have a proper Town Square we built like a tiny one but it wasn’t like a seating area so everyone just ended up using your roof next time Town squares would be great in all the little communities I agree that’s what I’m thinking I think at the beginning like we should just tell

People encourage them to do it and have them like Mark out some spots and put signs and just be like oh don’t build here it’s gonna be Town Square later and just like yeah for sure yeah maybe maybe like make little neighborhood Maps I know I think my favorite my favorite

Thing about bounce was the uh that like little town at the at the start and it just like I felt like um uh Lim yeah yeah I always say Lisa comes into my head I don’t know why limsa yeah yeah it looked just like it and like I love how it looked like this beautiful town all the shops showed up and it was like filling out bit by bit and then you

Look up and there’s like a weird picture of some dude in the in the window you know like yeah it was like serious but not serious oh it was great I missed bounce SMP me I mean it’s still up just nobody gets on I’ve been trying to slowly revive as

Much as I could whenever I get on yeah all right you pulled my chain I’m getting into the shoulder server hop on Minecraft Mouse Minecraft really quick you say wow I did a lot of convincing four hours I wanted to play I wanted to play a game but I didn’t know what game

To play yeah start there’s a lot of different games Homestead or something once you spawn and you’ll be able to see where we live right away oh my god well I haven’t seen the server at all so no I just connected but I never like went

Well today’s the day okay okay one into the server uh because uh I don’t know I just I was so busy like planning for like Celadon and stuff that I just didn’t have time because I knew that if I started Minecraft I would never get anything done and yeah there’s

No way so I am not gonna load anything I’m not even the day I installed Minecraft was the day of my Silverton hmm because I knew that if I would have installed it before I would have [ __ ] myself yeah yeah yeah I’m glad that you know yourself I know I

Know myself and I know that I am dangerous I would have let the demons win no I can’t I can’t I have to be responsible I understand I don’t know how to beat I’m finally in the second mission yay how many times have you died I probably

Died like 70 times I’m playing legendary oh wait wait which which halo three oh I love three three is so good yeah I was watching a speed run three from the Summers game done quickly quick thing for I really really love this game so I want to play it so that’s

What I’ve been doing today yeah it’s it’s so fun it’s a shame that like Halo infinite didn’t really well yeah it had it had potential I’m just yeah I felt like the ball was dropped so hard what even happened in infinite I don’t even remember I I don’t know I don’t

Know man Halo Halo 5 was Insanity plot God ever since Bungie went out of business or was bought I don’t remember I no Bungie’s like separated from Microsoft I think it’s it’s separate now and then they they had multiple things where they kept handing it back and

Forth between Studios and now it’s like three four three years back and all this stuff and yeah bring it give it back the Bungie they know what they’re doing with Halo they’re the one who made it yeah they got destiny now Destiny good luck uh and don’t [ __ ] it

Up oh yeah you see you already know where we live huh what is this so that’s Zen’s house but Giga is putting a giant v on it that’s a secret that said doesn’t know yeah it’s the visual logo at the bottom of it and so the long line

That you see henya and I and Zen were [ __ ] around and she was trying to run away when I was trying to kill her and she made this giant stack and I was like you know what I think we’ll use this as a point to find our place because we

Don’t we can’t teleport or set waypoints or anything so she’s like [ __ ] we’ll just leave it there oh I see yeah I’m gonna have nothing and in the white house that’s gonna be the vishojo mansion that I’m currently making and I’m going for Henry yeah for Henry she was I was asking I

Was like oh do you know anyone build and she was like I’m not good at building and I was like I’ll try I’ll try my best Girls this place is a disaster that’s Zen’s house by the way my house is better Tia that wooden house that is all one color is just Zen’s house because she did not go out of her way to get any like different materials just to just Oak and just slapped it down here I

Will I’ll jump in Minecraft and give you the tour of my Mansion oh yeah yeah I don’t know if I can open mine girls what the [ __ ] is this sisters I wish I knew girls I don’t know I wish I’d use the third it’s all kinds of facts I have no weapons surely

Open mine gets funny when I try to use it on VPN in like certain locations so I’ll see if it’ll work I need to start making [ __ ] click I’ll jump into Minecraft give you schmalt or my vision it’s preparing it might be working audience waiting on install question mark yeah mine was doing that I just ran it as admin and it seemed to work better I’m uh I’m just playing Street Fighter beating up random civilians right now

Uh I got beaten by a mime kind of embarrassed about that oh okay yeah my Minecraft is working okay I’m gonna I’m gonna feed my cats quick and then I’ll be right back all right we’ll miss you I miss her already it’s like I can still hear her voice I know can I I’m Gonna Keep Halo a [ __ ] it I can have Minecraft and Halo running I’m a big girl I’m a big girl I can do it player I’m just hiding from a thing

Are you being oh I see you hey Guys he’s dead I want to kill your trees or anything you could put them there so oh yeah so this is the this is the mansion in the making so this is what my vision is going to be like very nice very nice yeah this is gonna be the big living

Room area in this area here and then this one will be a dining what’s this thing up there oh that’s the point I was talking about the long line and then hold up hmm there you go so this thing that’s the oh my God thank you for the long line Thank you for

The Rock we had a wonderful stream hello you see it Mr Ross on my stream yeah yeah so Zen was running away from me and she made this this long line and I burned some of it down and she fell and died so I decided to leave it

There as a little pinpoint to where we all live huh that long line wait I was gonna have a dining room area here a kitchen and then upstairs we’re gonna have a nice bedroom we are right there Mouse yeah I’m okay you better not die on me um

Yeah you never die we die in Minecraft I don’t think so do you need any food or anything Kenny has like a bajillion bread oh my god I think I’m gonna need some food we can take some of her bread he says it’s mine it’s like a bajillion bread that we can steal

I wonder if anybody’s tried to create mouses your own Minecraft you know what that’s what I’m gonna do oh I’m making my room I figured it out I was gonna make my room in Minecraft oh where are you gonna make it uh let me see if I can have bread for you

Here oh my God I’m starving where are you my queen I’m right here help me I’m hungry I’ve got you oh my God thank you thank you for the breads we can eat bread now we don’t have a species all right let me see who’s coming up beautiful what the what is this

Also we went spelunking oh we had to climb up okay okay oh creeper [ __ ] all right uh what I got some dirt if you’re there wait where’s nazana’s place oh far I really don’t know I think she just lives by the village oh okay well that’s smart she took the village over yeah

I guess I could live I’m out of dirt out my feelings uh what’s your place that says where is everybody else living well the plan was Tanya wanted this to be everybody to live in but uh you can find your own spot I mean I don’t think anyone’s living here I wish you look

Let me see the village go see the village are there villagers in there now I I asked staff to put some villagers in there so maybe Tim I mean oh who made me these Birch planks that’s so sweet of them I just want to find a bed

Still open yeah I want a steel bed just for me I could see if we can make you a bed uh we have enough hey welcome back ruse sorry I our cat just [ __ ] threw up all over my my wireless keyboard oh no yeah I just like I heard Cuba going no

And I was like what’s wrong oh it’s so nasty oh you can’t okay yeah he’s fine because it’s just cats they they just throw up everywhere how [ __ ] is this is your keyboard gonna be okay uh so the thing is that this is the second time it’s happened and this is the second

Keyboard I’ve bought what happened why does this throw up on your keyboard I don’t know why the key for it that’s why I’m so frustrated at him right now who threw up on the keyboard no a direct like like like yeah like on the like into the keys like

Oh god what the [ __ ] huh this cat has it out for me I swear to God he knows all according What’s Happening Here why are there so many villagers oh that’s the villagers I was I asked how many did they spawn in a lot and they’re all together that’s good that means like

Somehow get jobs yeah they’re having a poor bun meaning you son of a [ __ ] oh well well well look who it is the infiltration expert General gigas here that’s me I’m getting it shut up instead of a [ __ ] whose Farm is this what the [ __ ] is going on in here on

This day wow and she’s so resourceful oh yeah this is moving quick there’s a [ __ ] villager farmer hanging out here who in the [ __ ] invited you here who bought this guy okay okay Um I’ll build my room yeah I’ll build a demon’s Castle Satan’s Castle oh yeah I would live there where over there way to build the demon Lord’s castle over there demon Castle do you see me pointing over there or a giant cinnamon roll of course I’m gonna not today not today

The cinnamon roll is the castle she lives in it James cinnamon roll what am I trying to do here brain spread all that Halo oh I guess I could just use right iron I need iron everybody needs iron bro a few moments later son of a [ __ ] a few moments later my butt Once you have to die who are you killing nobody oh I don’t know what you’re talking about I was gonna sacrifice myself for me what yeah for you what do we have we have henya’s Farm we have the building harco’s working on we have Zen’s House are there is there anything

Else no uh no okay so it’s it’s the beginning it’s the beginning of the end they’re gonna do nothing but Minecraft for two weeks more like two months yeah yeah yeah yeah um a few moments later Birch floor yay for the living room because I was gonna

Put the carpet and stuff I think I do yeah yeah I like it should it be the entire Birch floor good hideous gold no maybe change it in in the other rooms upstairs I love that game oh project Zone boys yeah like in the camp Chan the kitchen

Will definitely have like a white and black tile maybe checkerboard yeah and then maybe this will be more like a I don’t know I’ll make a sign yeah that’d be cute oh my God I’m about to [ __ ] know what the [ __ ] is it the mouse’s cute son no

I wish we had a a proper map you supported me in my bed I just see you jumping and I was like I’m gonna get you oh don’t get me Miss Giga I’m just I’m just out I’m just a boy just a little guy just a little

Night I like the signs every words Waka robot Zen’s house my favorite cyborg dial and then for friend house for everyone what friend house for everyone um I was building the friend house [Laughter] what the [ __ ] she just built a wooden box with all the same color as like it’s beautiful

Everyone come here and live it listen who would where would you like to live the sauce house or the Woodhouse I mean I wouldn’t mind living in this house oh you like to live my humongous the among his house why not Haley so many cats also there’s a sign that sends it says

Zen’s pet Enderman but there’s just a boat with us yes I was like what the [ __ ] I have a feeling that tehenya is doing I think so what is happening in this place this house is so weird it does look haunted actually this is like a like Airy Roblox map I mean she

Literally has an elegant another portal underneath The house this year again that’s true oh yay oh yeah I still remember the one that you made it was so good I love haunted house oh yeah um what but I’m gonna go adventuring there’s one cool where are you gonna go yeah I don’t know I was just gonna like walk

In a direction to see if we find anything I want to go with you get other trees yeah what’s your vision hit me up so division this is the bedroom right yeah so did I could this be the floor for the bedroom because this is gonna be the ceiling as

Well from the kitchen oh the white concrete yeah I think it could look nice yeah open oh my God Where Are You Gonna upgrade my [ __ ] though I’ll get you behind it can you see me are you guys gonna go adventuring oh my render distance is low Let’s walk in a direction and find [ __ ] okay I can stay here in case you guys want the coordinates to come back oh wait wait wait uh hold on to borrow wait you made a compass I made a few I could use that looks like they’re not there anymore

Do I have any redstone she loves Minecraft That’s still sense and um this doesn’t have any I gave her one because I remember I had one but then I exploded and I died I lost my compass yeah inventory so hopefully dark in here there’s no compass in there well there’s there’s redstone all right I’m sorry I’m

Sorry I muted but you want to know something I I freaking love Minecraft so much it’s my favorite game I just want to let you guys know that because it’s my favorite game well one of my favorite games I have a lot of favorite games but Minecraft is

One of my favorite games but you know what else I love nordvpn You know what else I love nor VPN and you too can get nordvpn if you go to nordvpn.com iron Mouse you can get a 30-day money-back guarantee I mean what else do you want what more do you want out of life nordvpn offers a new feature of threat

Prevention even when your device isn’t connected to a VPN server it blocks ads trackers malicious weather sites scan suspicious files from malware during download but wait wait oh baby my baby Nord baby anybody who purchases nor PPN will get exclusive discounts the Nord pass you

All know how much I have a problem with passwords it’s a password manager you never have to worry again it generates and stores strong passwords and a secure ball and you get in the locker which is a secure cloud storage service that keeps your files encrypted and accessible from

Anywhere so what are you doing go to nordvpn.com iron Mouse to get a two-year plan plus four months for free baby you know free is my favorite number and my favorite color okay I’m done how’s that you like that go to my link now go to nordvpn.com

Done did it all right sorry I had to do something I’m ready to Adventure where are you what are you doing where are you let’s go ahead all right about the greatness of nordvpn do you know that North VPN saved my life saved my life save mom

Save my Internet safety yes oh God it’s raining here let’s let’s get some uh wheat some tweet and let’s uh make bread for us to have I’ll come join you guys on your adventure soon I just want to see if I can surprise you need some assist home

Don’t worry we got him and I have a I have a hoe oh my God what’s her name I’ve been hoeing around these parts oh my God my host name is giga that’s pretty good she’s my favorite that’s my favorite house it’s my favorite little haul my favorite hoe real nice

Yeah I plant potat okay oh I almost ate a raw potato oh my God that’s poison Yeah go I think it’s beautiful I think it looks nice wonderful Wowie here we go I’m making progression I say as I fall easier I broke like that too it’s in our DNA a house is making progression I’m back would you like to make some bread oh God I jumped on the crap

Oh it’s older okay ruined I was for sure you saved it um clicking it bread oh I have fallen I couldn’t get up all right what direction are we walking in uh hold on one second let me turn on the music here my own music um playing uh the knife normal music

Let’s go that way that way oh wait no this way okay let’s go I’ll come visit you guys soon my nose smells Adventure I forget the one phrase it used to say it was like where’d you go around here I’m right here I’m fighting a skeleton oh oh no not the skeleton yeah

He’s looking at me shoot me he’s gonna I’m gonna die to a skeleton I’m gonna kill that skeleton you just started the you can’t you can’t die yet I killed him nice all right [ __ ] that skeleton he looked at me weird he was odd that was a weird duck weird fella

I don’t trust him no no no no no okay there’s two over there ooh cows sheep ooh baby this River or ocean I wonder if the other researcher server still working there should be but I don’t know the medieval yeah I wanted to to do um oh what is the server lag

Are you kidding serve a leg hey I yeah yeah you’re one less bar than Giga knife what the [ __ ] why you are at Four Bars why am I at Four Bars no I’m not downloading anything maybe restart Minecraft because it’s being a little silly Maybe what the [ __ ]

Master bars oh my bars somebody help me I don’t got bars how can I be a good rapper oh no she’s got no bars Oh mouth I can’t see [ __ ] guys oh my hey sword broke what the [ __ ] is that gonna help me maybe maybe maybe might as well try what happened um they’ve been restored through your bars oh well yeah she can bargain she had a skeleton I’m running past them

Just pretend like you don’t see him just pretend I don’t know I don’t know him I don’t know you we’re fine we’re fine we’re good we’re adventuring yeah we got another one it’s supposed to be daytime what are they doing out here oh it’s raining yes

This is a woman server so all you nasty monsters that don’t like women get the [ __ ] out here I swear to God really man all right what are your mouse eyes see I feel a bunch of blah blah and there’s lobbler everywhere I love you so much let’s go this way

Better not die I’m gonna swim in it for the level no no no Giga you can’t swim in the lava but I wanna swim you cannot swim in the labeler holy [ __ ] careful you don’t die in there bro we have to go in here thank you so much for the five gifted substitute Let’s go this we can like make a staircase down somewhere over here or something Maybe oh yeah oh my God this is very precarious oh I don’t want to shovel on um I’m making a shovel I’m gonna do it thank you so much for the 20 gifted subs thank you Well what 14. the timer yeah I think I would be happy unless the timer is at 57. the time to raise the time [Applause] [Laughter] Jesus and girls oh my God Oh my God praise that [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] yeah [Applause] yeah um what can I do to help raise the timer achievements it’s all because they helped me raise that hammer honestly be good chant because you raised that timer she was able to get a pickaxe I entered the Stone Age

Because of you guys oh my God I gotta enter the Stone Age too oh [ __ ] but I don’t have wood [ __ ] wait I have five Subs right now she’ll find one thank you thank you I’m a professional tiger thank you so much for the five goodness holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] my timer

My time I’m so sad my camera my cobblestone it’s moving but oh oh what happened you better not we’re not there what happened Mouse I need to make a stone pickaxe quick I can’t survive off of this wooden [ __ ] do it right now oh there’s the drop here um oh no oh

This Anonymous thank you for the five good episodes what the [ __ ] yeah oh my God Chad did you see the rain stopped because of you the rain stopped because of your gifted Subs champ dance your gifted stuff made the sunshine in Minecraft it brings a tear to my eyeball I’m

Crying right now what yeah what the [ __ ] if you keep gifting so I also get a stone pickaxe all right oh yeah you can be manifested if you believe if you believe people get a stone pickaxe right now it’s crazy I’ve seen it happen all right I’m gonna give us a weird staircase

[ __ ] where the [ __ ] are we I just want to make a staircase down but I keep finding pits all right hold on do you have a crafting table yeah yeah I’m gonna borrow it thank you so much here we go we have 15 hours chant I think I see 16 in the

Future 16 hours right 16 feels about right I think 16 is a good number maybe yes it’s dark that’s 16. I ain’t found no coal yet I saw coal it’s right across the bus oh no it’s right across from Muskegon oh [ __ ] that’s over there so much of the five good themselves wait

A minute by the way you gave her stone pickaxe with your gift that sums you helped with your powers with your powers hold on I’m gonna make us uh I want to do what’s called a Pro Gamer Moon what’s the Pro Gamer move check this [ __ ] out

Oh oh [ __ ] let’s go oh okay now we’re talking now we’re cooking we’re cooking we’re cooking I’m picking up the get up take it with us wow look at that we made it we made it yeah all right I saw I saw one one coal oh look there’s no coal down there

Oh [ __ ] wait my hand if I do skeleton oh God she’s gonna kill me not if I kill him oh it looks like they’re you’re dying first I’m going this way oh there’s iron oh oh God they’re coming oh lord they’re coming no Jesus Christ I’m gonna eat my bread in the corner

Explore them into the light [ __ ] I like how you when they switched your bottle you’re so small now so now you’re so small oh I just noticed that I’m super tiny I think that was I think that was really funny that you’re like no no I turn around you’re just so tiny

You’re a tiny little guy smallest mouse I ever did see they don’t stop talking because they don’t stop coming okay oh [ __ ] all right she’s [ __ ] dead no oh my god do we lose all my stuff does my stuff stay there like on the floor on the floor after like oh my God

It’s gonna despawn I don’t even know where you are oh thank you uh the coordinates are you kids having fun um um Minecraft at least have an enabled teleportation at least wait where I don’t even know how do I find what you press F3 Jesus Christ yeah welcome to old school Minecraft

Remembering what vanilla is like I hate this I don’t like this [ __ ] I think maybe we can ask staff to enable teleportation yeah oh my God and there’s an Enderman She knows where she’s going she can sleep where are you I am I’m I am where am I I’m back home where is your home you don’t buy my house you know oh let’s go I don’t think we’re gonna make it no no no we can make Queens do you want

More bread on the journey give me some bread me stop I’ll give you more bread hold on I’ll Bridge you bread me bread give it a bread I’m trying to find more brand here I have potatoes do you want some potatoes and tater me y’all Tater you there you go

I didn’t get anything a little Giga took the taters I Tater to her instead oops I’m bad at aiming I I breaded her thank you for bread I’m ready oh my God okay what the [ __ ] no way we’re gonna make it in time our [ __ ] is gonna be gone no I believe you

Don’t know how I listen I haven’t played vanilla in a long time but I do remember that once you die and you’re gone a long time your [ __ ] is gone I can make it I swear I don’t think we’re gonna make it oh no no it’s not far we can do it

I don’t think we’re gonna make it man oh girl we’re gonna make it working We’re not gonna make it oh I was on Echo legs [ __ ] and I’m running I didn’t realize no no it’s okay for me it’s haunted okay okay we’re almost there yeah maybe if we

Raise the timer they can make it exactly well right John if you give me five results right now they’ll make it raise the timer I gotta heard a creeper explode behind me Oh my God It’s again no you’re seeing things here we are her model does not change there’s no way they’re still there It’s gotta be Maybe No no no oh no no no wait no it is no way oh there it’s all there’s all there I’m grabbing it oh my God you’re [ __ ] me I cannot believe that what I got it I got it okay oh my God are you guys okay over there we’re doing great we’re doing great we’re honestly you guys sound like yeah yeah yeah we’re doing great okay well okay I believe where are you told me I heard that what I thought I’ll ask

I’ll ask the staff people to enable teleportation yeah yeah oh I got him okay okay ah hold on with him why does he look like that oh okay okay wait here’s Some like you’re having a really good time you’re doing great honestly yeah I’m having a great time playing vanilla Minecraft I can’t tell what’s here so I’m just gonna give you all of it you know I’ll be the Pack meal I’ll hold the rest if you need anything you tell me and I’ll give it to you okay I’ll let you know oh God Oh my God this is so bad we’re doing great oh are we yeah yeah it’s so good check it out look see it’s great down here yeah we’re doing like what I did with the place do you like the Ambiance I love the ambiance for you kind of layouts nest candles this is

Great wow you’re such a romantic holy yeah I have that effect on people Nice okay come around get them I’ll get him look at him can’t climb up with your little legs huh look I can’t see it where’s the can you change the field of vision uh I think probably horribly where is f-o-v dynamic what is dynamic fov mean Dynamic fav changes I don’t know

That means a field of English not bad feeling about this there you go so true bestie um um where’s the coal um I need more coal um okay okay it like changes how zoomed in or how far away you can see like easier with your perspective with your perspective the one that changes

Are you good yes girl okay how about oh my God this is this is like I’m in a nightmare running for my life shaking this vanilla thing ain’t funny guys but you love Minecraft oh my God I can’t I cannot I can’t this is gonna make me motion sick what the [ __ ]

Is it is it the the FLV you have it set to click Pro yeah mine’s at 90. yours at 90. yeah it should be yeah oh [ __ ] is that better I think it might be a little bit too big for me oh you’re trying to make things like your UI smaller no okay

Oh how do I change my my GUI scale ah that’s in options yeah video settings and then GUI I have mine at three me too there should be GUI scale Auto ah oh God zombie [ __ ] you I like it this way I like five five okay it depends on how like your resolution

Of Minecraft I have mine at 19 20 by 1080. so I have the GUI scale at like three so I can see the game better actually six is fine all right I’m six is very normal actually yeah actually I’m six is um my preferred I think I like 80.

I’m going to make us a safe hole I look I love holes I love safe hole it’ll be so nice so pretty he’ll have good Ambiance don’t worry I love ambiance light it up with some candles I’m going too far take the Capper where where where oh God you can’t see us

Yes okay okay and then I’ll make a uh one of these and then uh door it’s a safe hall right there oh Mouse there’s a hole where oh God cover it up cover up your holes girl but it’s mine you’re not allowed to have a hole don’t take my hold away

But that too bad thank you well I’ll come home wow what a beautiful home do you like it I decorated it I love it all I needed is a nothing nothing is perfect it’s a diamond oh oh Kyrie my waifu okay no side baby you’re swooning me with your Japanese

What the [ __ ] chest Village yeah out of my house get out of here I don’t want your [ __ ] I’m tempting perfect perfect let’s put some [ __ ] beautiful yeah oh [ __ ] we don’t need you know what I’m listening to everything ‘s working out pretty well the vision your vision yeah my vision

Is it all coming together I think so Vision Vision so what are we what are we searching for now um stuff just grab some stuff and then go back we’re gonna go look for some stuff it’s a stone sword yours I think it was yours there you go oh thank you thank you

Okay I have some signs we can play Signs I have a I don’t know if we need this exercise I’ll just hold it me it’s all the Sun Okay okay I’ve taken everything that looks uh important ish what what is important is to you like um um um like um uh like uh like a a string ah string and um like uh uh like uh uh uh a fishing rod yeah fishing rod and

Um uh Like A A A Birch door I could use that one ah yes a birch door you like it I have one right there I like it allow me to demonstrate do you like what you see I see some fun craftsmanship at work here them hinges work real good

Oh man this is a sexy ass door you make this yourself no way how long did it take you to make this so-called door well you see first I thought about it for about 10 years then I measured everything for about three hours then I took two seconds to make the door so

Most of the tile was just thinking you know you can you can’t rush Creative Vision it’s true about the process that’s what it’s all about a lot of things and now I use this door to go outside that’s pretty I love you so much see

What I’m going for I used to go inside pretty creative and again I can go outside oh but what a concept girl so wait a minute if you go back there is that called Wing inside oh That’s a concept I have never heard in my life it’s a useful tool what are you gonna call it [ __ ] around and finding out there’s so many questions I’m getting nervous oh I’m sorry I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to make you nervous with your creative genius

You can’t make creatives nervous or they can’t work we don’t work under prey we don’t work well under pressure definitely not Who was it I stepped on the spikes oh no oh no clear oh no the condensation place is so dark somebody turn on the lights I swear to God well I’m out of torches I’m gonna take this one and I’m gonna bring it over here oh my God wow what Innovative gameplay

I wish I had more coal that would be so cool I have coal but it’s back at home uh I have five coal oh yeah yeah I have eight sticks oh [ __ ] that means you can make a few coal no no no check this out 28 torches holy [ __ ]

We’re in business bro we are innovators oh what the [ __ ] oh I hit the God lapis lazuli you got lapis yeah and I also got running the [ __ ] away and who’s after you where are you here where’s oh hey sweetie I was trying to make my

Way down but uh it’s scary oh okay don’t worry I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you what if we go in the water yeah Okay okay oh I found iron okay yeah all right there’s something the mind in this goddamn game huh finally we found a jackpot well oars and [ __ ] that’s right everything I love in one place I got my oars I got my horse I don’t see no diamonds down here bald with their jumps

Come on you think there would be any diamonds around here well where are we it’s possible How long did they start appearing let’s put negative 41. we’re at negative 41. so it claims yeah so I think they’re possible yeah I don’t think there’s any down there back up the water mmm why is giga on the social server well other club-a-thon guests be there

How many times do I have to say it guys I took a crisp 20 dollar bill and I slipped it into gun Run’s pocket and I said you’re the lady if you don’t let me and I swear to God and my friends family an offered that he couldn’t refuse I know I know

That’s called business baby it’s a business move yeah yeah yeah in business that’s called a power move it was all calculated and Technical world that’s called a gamer movie actually I went into Mouse and I went um can I have this happen yeah and I was and we were

Friends I was friend and I decided no Zen was threatened pretty bad that she had to ask actually Zen threatened Fuji Zen was like happy what he threatened smoothly yeah if you stop stealing things then [Laughter] that’s that’s I’m not [ __ ] here that’s what these it’s a very jokingly matter but I think

That’s a threat she kept stealing [ __ ] and they were tired of it so they just let me in we gotta do something about the Zen problem man giggle get your ass in there babies that are all the time we need shifts whoa I get her off the weekends

Yeah she gets on the weekends I get the days um Zombie zombie he’s a zombie he’s not walking around is that a zombie find diamonds here my pickaxe broke no no I heard it I don’t have anything um this is so [ __ ] up I’m just gonna kill myself all right it’s okay I’ll miss you I will miss you yes

I was like there’s nothing I can’t convince her we can’t get this or not to home base oh my God wait there’s no way we’re gonna live so far don’t worry how are we gonna make it back I’ll make it back okay I believe yeah yeah you’re fine it’s right here God

Look at that look at that oh okay it’s not as far nah it’s not bad at all I’m making progression look at you go okay I’m gonna do I’m gonna do Um um I’m I’m like another one too knowing through Cobblestone with it wow uh beautiful stone pickaxe oh for me come here yeah thank you you’re welcome I’ll put the sticks back in here I don’t got much I don’t got much but you can have it [ __ ] you scared of town what the [ __ ] telephone here I named it I named our house do you like it where’d you name it oh let’s go this house let’s go it’s the [ __ ] house wow yeah the house for [ __ ] me and my [ __ ] in the [ __ ] house

You think you could sit with us in a [ __ ] house do you think you can live in the best house for a day well you know what you think wrong you wouldn’t last one day in the [ __ ] house you wouldn’t get it you’d never be able to survive in our [ __ ] house

No no no no this there’s only a zombie TV show and you can never be a part of it thank you we have to do like those cutaways oh my God I can’t believe it took my [ __ ] from the chest I I don’t I don’t understand I

Will film pickaxe with all of my Cobblestone and she didn’t even say thank you I can’t believe this Jesus Christ I hate this I don’t even like it here Hey [Applause] are you guys okay you guys are having a lot of fun over there I love Minecraft I love my crap Minecraft oh my God I can’t believe it looked at me funny when I picked up the [ __ ] arm and I just don’t know what to think anymore I don’t know

What’s gonna happen to our friendship but I I mean it’s not working whatever we’re doing it is not working oh my God you guys sisters we gotta stick together girls are tearing us apart the other day I was walking in a straight line and you put a torch right

In front of me I almost stepped on it I cannot believe this do you think it was the sign do you think she was trying to tell you something guys she was trying to tell me something sisters I have something important to tell you I found the compass

The compass yeah they were in the second large chest I’m just blood oh [ __ ] so if you guys come back home I can give them to you Mary [ __ ] in here giga whoa whoa whoops oh wait he keeps going down holy [ __ ] it’s actually like okay okay never mind

Maybe I’m feel I’m feeling it I’m feeling it I’m feeling some hope feeling some hope right now I believe I believe on the Rocks bro the rocks they’re everywhere it’s all rocks it’s an epidemic it’s a rock epidemic I don’t like these damn rocks everywhere redstone every day oh God every day every day [Applause] again tasted in the lambler oh my God Giga pushed me in the lava

Oh my God I can’t believe this I can’t believe it oh my God this is that [ __ ] I’m asking staff to remove it from the server earthy Pace to get in the server then she pushes her in I swear to God I am gonna remove you from the server

I don’t remember how to get to you oh you gotta go to 660 660. yeah about that me no numbers and know how to read I don’t think so you gotta find uh the way where both of the numbers go up okay walk in that direction the loss of iron Mouse he died

After doing a steering why do you have to do a baby cry why why is it ever am I even going the right way what the [ __ ] I believe in you maybe I don’t know where I’m going oh my God it keeps going how deep is this

Guys it’s kind of scary down here I’m on my way if I if I’m actually going the right way which I don’t know if I am ladies there ain’t [ __ ] everywhere I go there’s nothing this is what happens when you play vanilla I missed the mods that was weird I feel

Like I’m having a good time over here holy [ __ ] where did that come from I’ll miss her every day I think I went the wrong way I’ll come get you I’m so lost I don’t know where the [ __ ] I am she’s doing her best I’m coming

Can you please can you not can you not zombie baby no you’re not where the [ __ ] am I oh the Rocks hurt They hurt my feet my delicate toes um um um um I’m gonna be honest I don’t know where I am I’m on my way don’t worry guys I’m a Minecraft expert okay oh by the way you smell like oh crap this [ __ ] smells like Minecraft you

Smell like blocks guys I don’t want to turn F3 on you want to know why it’s too much text I don’t want to look at that wall text in front of me it’s a lot on the eyeballs it really is it’s an assault on my eyes it is domestic

Violence on my eyes no true bestie like at first when you play vanilla and see it for the first time it’s very overwhelming with info so I no shame um hold on oh my God oh my God I’m hungry and I’m moving very slow and uh uh

I’m on my way back oh my God what the [ __ ] he plays Minecraft like a baby you’re a baby cry you’re a baby cry you won’t call me a baby cry you’re a baby cry you’re a baby cry you’re a baby cry you all are baby cries

Baby cry I’m not a baby cry ing do you want some food yes please and I’m not crying because I want food I rock rain all right baby Dear baby cry that should be enough big babies y’all babies babies in the chat baby crying babies yeah look look cry more cry baby little

Baby cry only babies cry most ain’t crying laughs I mean I’m a baby I cry a lot if I’m such a baby breastfeed me now shut the [ __ ] [ __ ] off I said the line two years I said that line a year ago you can’t say this to me

My house I’m so thirsty help me I’m drying up she’s turning into a dried raisin now some shriveling away the only thing that’s awesome it’s a little beard of your time and middle could save our lives kill what the [ __ ] we’re not I was like I was like really

Feeling not good but then when Mouse Brett has fed me on stream I was really okay you are a mouse thank you thank you what is [Laughter] sure to guess there’s no milk coming out of these titles the pickles not my pets my iron Mouse impression [Laughter] I told her to hone her impressions sure you could do it I’ll [ __ ] punch my I’ma punch the air right now go punch that air punch oh [ __ ] where are you I would run faster but I don’t have any milk Oh help me I run back that’s why that’s why I’m getting a [ __ ] breast reduction I guess we’re dying of thirst then oh God day four of Iron Mountain the breast milk incident I can’t believe this ladies if you missed this moment here’s the time stamp exactly

You refer to the spreadsheet if you need more information and then you go to YouTube and people are making documentaries the brand smoke incident during our Mouse’s subathon something magical happened he would not believe it thank you wrote that gift and so so sorry you have to hear about all this craziness

All right I’m outside the houses I’m here hey babe I missed you where are you wait do you want your compasses come past would you like Compass yes All right thank you hey hey I’m here all right here’s your compost there you go I have a lenient in case we are there any is there any stuff we need did you save my stuff I feel like you need a shield we just punch some trees we need some trees well I can give you some I can

What kind of tools they need I can make soon I need Stone That’s my true arm I have no oh I have some rubber stairs all right you need some sword you need a pickaxe she needs everything it all burned in the lab oh my whole life burned before my eyes Mars my cousin from my second family Oh yeah yeah sounds like a skill issue it was when I saw him burn I was like this is a skilly issue and I laughed and I laughed at his face I brought his girlfriend too and she left God damn it throughout the whole neighborhood stand around and laugh at him

It was hilarious I thought it was funny I wonder how he’s doing right now on the hill did you lock him for your troubles Madam yes all right I’m giving a guy I am beating you guys up right now what okay you guys are gonna beat them beat me up

Maybe all right where are you clowns I I got the [ __ ] next to Zen’s shitty house honestly really based opinion all right here’s a sword here’s a pickaxe uh here’s an X and then here’s one for you Google you appreciate it thank you we [ __ ] stay together This one’s for the [ __ ] that shoots yeah why did you do that what are they doing you what are they what do we tell him shut the [ __ ] up and then This North okay okay so North North and a little how about you guys get yourself some shoes you don’t care where are we going we’re going on an adventure we’re going back so we can grab our [ __ ] I think you guys are going back to hell [ __ ] that [ __ ] together stay together

Oh yeah we are the [ __ ] that [ __ ] this way this way if you guys come across a like can you tell me so I can find some tropical fish yeah thanks [ __ ] you’re welcome [ __ ] see that’s love and affection right there that no one else can get yeah

All right we got girl that poops we got [ __ ] that shits my chat has added a hoe that goes and guy that fries [Laughter] I like that I like that I like that a lot I like you a lot we’re on our way I’m gonna conquer that

[ __ ] place and I’m gonna kill every single block of lava I’m gonna kill the lava dead I’m a good question I would uh well well I don’t think you could actually ah okay later I’m gonna kill it like any good Christian would I believe her she’s very Christian

Yay the lava in Minecraft that’s El Diablo yes Diablo Diablo seven exactly so Chad if you if you get her to 35k right now she’ll show up for Christian models oh yeah exactly you don’t get to eat all my ask me why I did the same thing that you

Just did at least three inches but okay you’ll never lead me a stray of course not of course oh here it is now No don’t jump don’t jump you lost your stuff last night I got the traitor here oh God that motherfucker’s here I’m gonna kill him kill him and eat them pick his llamas [Laughter] I took the lead it’s mine good okay oh leather oh we got leather baby okay okay okay worth

They get when they mess with us with the parabola I just love the fact that I’m just building my house and vibing and you guys are dying yeah we could bring the good stuff back and why why don’t you combine the chest I get a big kiss I could I could have could

I have to do it and then the chest is gonna get back pain no no no over here big chest is only big only ridiculous [ __ ] I guess we’ll go collect more stuff and then Bring it back it used to make a strip mine yeah we’re gonna strip mine this [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah this whole server gonna be over it’s all ogre it’s all poker for these [ __ ] all right I’m excited to see the world ending [ __ ] I have four you know what let me

Let me see if there’s any any oh fine coal does it stop spawning below a certain point I don’t know I don’t think so I don’t remember so long since I played vanilla I don’t understand I don’t know anything that’s happening man everything I know is modded I love this horror podcast I’m listening to right now what if we what if we do it we play Minecraft but we’re not allowed to say words we can only do that on YouTube as like uh uh you know like maybe JoJo sounds oh yeah oh yeah yeah aired in

Minecraft girls playing Minecraft in ASMR whoa whoa I’d be immersed uh that’s where you died I went this way I turned around what I thought you remember where she died Giga are you okay it was like it just happened oh you need do you need help it was like it

Was yesterday do you want a hug or something she’s looking at the spot in which she died my chat said tell iron mouses chat to raise the damn sub timer let’s go say that [ __ ] Iron Man oh you you better you hear from that guy

Yeah the guy said it so you want to we just got one guy oh it’s their first message oh Jesus thank you thank you very much one guy you’re right individual you’re correct you’re valid let him chat raise your timer for the boss baby baby crew why are you baby now

Baby boss baby I think it’s super close to the five gifted Subs I am not boss baby she’s a Google remember that time on stream when uh iron Mouse said Google gaga yeah I remember that I remember that moment welcome to watchmo games are listed in the top iron Mouse baby

Cries with watch Mojo Together what is happening baby I don’t know it’s really hard to move around baby I’m an adult woman she’s big and strong I’m big and strong she could suplex oh do it you’re never gonna have my tailings I regret to inform you that I’m out of torches uh oh we’re so good we are so [ __ ]

No I can’t get it looks like that no no I mean can I ask can I say something what’s up even if we do find diamonds we can’t get it because we don’t have iron if you shut your mouth let me let me let me dream oh [ __ ] happy criminal thank you

Thank you for that what the [ __ ] we don’t have iron picking up so girl we can’t we can’t get anything right now we came here for nothing nope you’re on but we got iron in his chest we just need to cook it again yeah we need to let it cook

Let’s do a little cooking I’m gonna do a little bit of cooking there you go we gotta cook my ankles at a cook Mouse we got a good look I am the one who knocks who else is actually the Hat man I am what the door oh I hear somebody

Where the [ __ ] are we oh man I’m so lost Mountain parkouring my ass up my hand hurts from holding down the boat home you’re not your hands on my hands please I need them to support my bosoms Which I will never have forbidden [Laughter] I’m so mad Carnation are you [ __ ] insane right now ever have the mouse did you neither I try everything what did you say must work Something else what oh I can’t complaints I can’t burn flanks in here oh well does it have to be logs Vlogs what do you mean for fuel cool yeah it gotta be cold oh no we don’t have any call okay um strip mine right here right outside

Our door I have to take my medicine really quick and then I’ll I’ll join you oh it’s too dark Oh I thought I found oh I found cold what happened hey oh yay thanks [ __ ] God you can burn the wood sorry that was me just trying to spread them down I’m not sorry

The part where I asked it doesn’t need to be loud oh I think the person that went through attack came to my chat and don’t understand sorry Giga that was me just trying to describe the good word of Satan and know you’ve got a great Community I will give the sub sorry not

Sorry what the [ __ ] Well thank you for your sentiments foreign People uh I could do the iron with just that but it’s the iron Mouse bit more efficient to do charcoal like turn things into charcoal and then use that to power the furnace or was it fine to just power it with coal I can’t remember what’s efficient man

That same guy came back and gifted us up oh my God you don’t have to Thanks man I appreciate it I just don’t want I think I will use this money to force I run Mouse to stream more like what did you say [Laughter] you all right I’m trying to keep the mouse like on you so that people can can watch while I take my medicine without

You oh they can watch my dance your little dance you like what you see champ you like what you’re saying yeah you’re so funny she’s so funny and like so cute and so funny you’re like so cute you’re like so funny and I think like when you move back and

Forth in like Minecraft and you like walk towards the side I just think you’re like you’re like I can’t believe it yeah iron pickaxe X yes isn’t it iron pick oh thank you for the 25 gifted Subs cribe Excuse me I looked back like something could have happened but you’re just interested to get a closed room she’s just um yes oh my God Beck is like I’m a girl dude I’m sorry I didn’t know you know you’re a girl come over here what the [ __ ] is happening oh my God

Cannot be on the internet at all oh my God every time there’s a girl in my chat we roll out the red carpet yeah we gotta roll off the red carpet because these those are rare people start raising them up red carpet for a lady

Who can a girl are you alone in this chat are you perhaps wandering around here looking for something looking for love are you available because I’m here and I need a drink There’s a zombie oh did you tell the zombie to go [ __ ] himself no I didn’t but I think he’s kind of doing it on his own okay good he just kind of jumped in a circle and it was sad it feels like that’s me the vision is coming along smoothly how’s it looking

Well what’s the prognosis doc you better come over and Shake him I’m a zombie on you no way take care of it yourself you’re a grown woman yeah you said you wanna baby babies don’t take every zombies you want to be an art Club you have to

Defend yourself exactly if you want to be part of the Dungeons and Dragons Club You Gotta Be You Gotta destroy that zombie on your you gotta do it yourself okay we only take strong women exactly we only take girls that [ __ ] into this club we don’t take girl that

Poops we take girls like [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah I wish I can get my [ __ ] together but I’ve been having trouble this one doesn’t work on it I forgot that I was streaming and I almost said something that I shouldn’t have said Mouse you’re streaming by the way I for I I almost said something that would

Have like made me die inside if I were to set it on oh no good thing you call it yourself As you can see that was the gremlin in the wild it couldn’t be me mm-hmm I wish I had my [ __ ] together are you laughing about I think she’s losing her [ __ ] mind going crazy gotta be terrified Same that’s nice if you want to see my house you know where to go [Applause] grab me stuff I have some processed iron I got lots of processes meat oh it’s good so much to roll up the red carp there we go oh come back hey welcome back All right I’m collecting [ __ ] I am how much [ __ ] are you collecting quite a bit I just wanted to get a seed like group of stuff so that we have like some iron and things and then we could probably just set up a strip mine underneath everything at home that’s what I’m thinking

Them’s my thoughts I like your thoughts they’re pretty cute like my thoughts yeah like your thoughts a lot well that’s good because I got plenty so much anything for the queen okay here we go I’m gonna try and escape and run back and mouse is not gonna know how to get

Home but you know what it’s okay I’ll run back yeah it’s funny Gonna die oh I don’t want to die oh oh oh oh oh I don’t think you’re done I think I’m out of sight so it can’t it can’t get me okay perhaps I should make a shield I literally don’t remember let me find out let me figure it out you get one iron block and then you gotta get a bunch of planks surrounding it yeah kind of like

In a shield position and a little in a little circle I love you so much you have to do that it’s not that Chad how do I do it again Block it’s a it’s a it’s a oh I’m an iron block a [ __ ] sorry sorry no no you’re fine you’re fine I know it’s not then and you know it’s not bad it was like here look at my super sick I’ll tap

And show you and then I’ll do it I’ll do it oh I’ll find the rest of my feet oh it’s in that um you gotta like go to the crafting table and top and smelled it’s in that it’s not funny formation yeah so you gotta like think

Of it like a big boat but then have like a one in the center at the very bottom I got it oh it’s okay oh Come on I got him he’s actually so cracked I’m actually insane and mine correct Minecraft I’m insane all right I head back I bring the stuff back and then I could see your vision and then I can make us iron tools a whole shebang that’s insane oh [Laughter] this direction

I’m running I’m on my way back I want my queen and bring if I oops if I if I run it like all speed all the way back and I have a an animal Tethered to me will that be too fast for it oh kinda back Quiet sheep oh she’s a donkey do you want a donkey I’m trying to bring this donkey back to the aquarium there because I would like your opinion on the vision when you come back hit the Sheep I keep hitting my own sheep because this spider does not position itself

The Sheep is going to be low health uh oh well what’s done is done he still loves me up yeah yeah we’re besties it’s fine all brought believe you all right you think so bam you’re doing great it’s feeling good look at him wow

So young and spry and yeah not mad at me fighting with the sword he’s doing great don’t forget you could use your Camp ass I don’t need it I believe in you my professional professional professional yeah oh [ __ ] oh the lead on the shape broke that’s fine oh

The lead on the sheep broke oh my God they’re gonna kill my aminals no Well I believe all right kill my [ __ ] bounty man I just got him I just got him it’s okay we could probably about it together They’ll be fine guys I dive right over there don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry don’t worry I died uh direction is the was it this way I don’t remember we should probably go to sleep some pull there’s paint and slide yeah it’s past the farm no way okay okay okay

Where the [ __ ] is my stuff I was nearby enough that I could see uh I could see the homes but um this way isn’t it it’s right over here isn’t it oh [ __ ] I don’t know where it died where did I don’t know what were my coordinates when I died can’t help right

Uh let me think I was going towards 660. which means it would have been this direction it would have been somewhere over here there are too many things here oh my God let me know when you’re all ready I’ll be right like okay oh my God [ __ ]

I have to find a creeper hole but I have to also not die to everything else what though why why are there so many skeletons no no no no I want to like look around for my stuff but I have the Sprint I could see the houses in the distance

Right so it was probably closer oh my God okay okay I was being shot at oh I don’t know I don’t know where the [ __ ] was I oh God do you see it I’m just sweeping I’m sweeping the area I think this is too close right

I don’t know I don’t think I was near the village I don’t think I was this way right oh I don’t know I don’t guys I’ve got a blast I look for yeah yeah I’m big welcome back I’ll go run around over here with me oh

I’m coming over to help I just don’t know where you are but your coordinates saying oh my man 390 600 ish I’m looking for a blast site with a bunch of stuff in it I householding all the good stuff oh this is where the lead was so I was going this way

Oh I was going past this oh it’s looking familiar it is looking familiar I can’t run anymore oh oh I found it oh you did I found it yep where are you coming oh no yeah oh my God there’s a baby right now there’s a baby oh God if I can find you

Behind us it’s directly behind us the back door there’s a baby after me well we don’t like babies in this house I don’t like babies they’re coming I’m coming come on I’m coming I’ma jump and I’m jumping oh no I’m gonna I’m gonna win I’m gonna win oh

[ __ ] I just got here I just got here stay back son of a [ __ ] oh come on all right get him Ah get on the bed your [ __ ] broke okay I’m a sword there we go you saved him from the Peril I’m gonna cook up this iron now yeah What do you think of the Visions before I think it’s beautiful yeah I don’t know if I should I think the only difficulty would be like you know like filling in these hats maybe or something changing this into one giant window there but I don’t know because it feels

Weird having a window here and then a wall here and then when you go upstairs you see this um yeah [Laughter] Ah this [ __ ] creeper came out foreign it’s too dim it’s too dim in this damn place it really is thank you I don’t know if I should get rid of this aquarium and turn into a storage unit or you you could you could you could another thought is if you don’t have

Much to put here you could make this a thick wall and make it like an aquarium where you could see through both sides that would be the corner hey where were you thinking right here like put the aquarium like when you’re going up the stairs you could see the aquarium right here

Not me that’s only if you want one in the house that is that is my thought it could work Maybe it’s a solid Maybe okay oh these chests are not organized yeah I’m gonna be organizing here soon with all the clay balls it’s like a row of them

All right there we go I think the candy is doing I think so too I remember her putting stuff in this dress okay and the lapis the lapis um do you think you’ll make this into storage Maybe I mean it’s a good spot foreign Oh yeah I think it will work yeah there’s an aquarium Just Fish storage that’s what Ginga said yeah also that one yes yesterday the last time we’re playing yeah that’s exactly what you said you said is that fish sword technically it counts you know I think mm-hmm ings um

Stuff away in the chest but it’s a it’s a little it’s a little disorganized um or I would just hold shift and just to follow me go for it you have to put up with the fact that it’s gonna be disorganized for a while it sure will be it sure will

Yeah and I’ll start working on maybe making like an entrance down to a mine and doing a strip mine Just get whatever whatever it’s very Rusty I think that’ll be nice okay 2 000 Cobblestone stairs ah wait five thousand five thousand you heard right geek mm-hmm I found them five thousand I don’t think minimum man I don’t think you need five players I think I do I think I do I I’m

I think I do all Ronald no I think I do we can have five ways yippee all right I will make the mine entrance somewhere I’ll do it the tenuous Farm I will do it uh underneath I could do it under some cells I could do it like out the side

Oh wait she has a basement oh there’s an n and portal no there’s a there’s another portal there I almost went in it and I was like maybe we’ll make this the Minecraft but no that’s where Hanya put the nether portal yeah Thank you you go up or down here and then we can make a path going toward that later I’m cooking I got ideas Let me go make a little path looking thingy like that yep yep I see it I see it you see the video I have it in my brain she sees the vision yep the design juice is the flowing holy moly I could see them oh yeah

I’ll make it three wide but I won’t make it three wide all the way down for now that’ll be for the future I’ll just marked out as like a little uh a guide a guide for Leo yeah I don’t know what kind of um floor I should do for the dining room um

Like a birch in the other area I don’t know something darker I guess maybe Spruce contrast maybe a dark oak that could work and then I could use concrete and then black concrete the kitchen I like that all right wow it’s beautiful this entrance was so good you’re so good

No you’re so good no you no No yeah I think it’s evolving I I just want everyone to know that this when we’re off stream this is all we do literally yeah I have no shame there’s a there’s a point where you like you talk so much on stream that you become kind of brain dead after it like

You’ve exhausted your ability to say much of anything so you go into chill mode and unfortunately chill mode just sounds like that yeah yeah like I think I’ll just hang out with the girls for now and they’re like on the mic if that’s not true friendship I was watching documentaries and going

We’re watching documentaries yeah I was exposing uh Erica to the horrors of North Korea yeah in documentary form I was like oh I think you’d find this really interesting because we’re talking about like historical documentaries and things yeah and then she was learning and it just it was honest

She sent me for anyone who doesn’t know she sent me like voice messages because you know you can do that on Discord now and the whole time’s just like me do what how does this work and like Scottish voice messages I might it’s funny that’s I did them because I was like you

Know I don’t think text doesn’t Justice I said I gotta do it boys it was good it was good thank you what out of it why why would they do this why would they do this why would these do that oh nothing’s funnier than just getting like

A [ __ ] ton of voice messages from someone as they are astonished as they first watch documentaries about it is really interesting though genuinely like genuinely I I I I I I like it it’s interesting this book yeah it’s [ __ ] hysterical yes dog yeah my My Little Wolf Dog remember I

Had two kids and they got lost yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember I sure do I remember I was so sad that you didn’t I would never they said you lost the birth Lottery if you were born there North Korea honestly I think I was born in May dear Canadian yeah

Even though it’s a made-up planet it’s a shame it’s not real you know it’s it’s such a shame Canada just sounds known so nice but you know kind of weird yeah it is what it is it’s not real and you know it’s only a nice place like that would

Be made up in our minds and not in reality yeah sorry I am shame it kind of sucks oh I like the window I did here I’m gonna be nice I found more cool Canada is a social construct yep I can’t agree yes you’re so right

Canada was made by our minds to comfort us as a place that sounds nice that we always wanted to live in yeah and do you think is this conspiracy it’s a psyop You needed gravel right Oh okay I also need [ __ ] to make black a diet with so come here squid the lack of the eye okay if I can get any I won’t give it to you thank you I’ll need a whole bunch in the future for the the logo because it’s like we have a bunch of

[ __ ] squids here God yeah it’s gonna be very black very pink I still remember that’s so weird how like um Black Ink was so hard to find and bounce s p oh my God it was impossible but they had to make it like a item you can buy

Am I in a protected spot I can’t I can’t destroy these blocks oh maybe it’s server leg at 119 590. Huh I think it’s a conspiracy by North Korea I think so too um there’s something above maybe just maybe if I go up I’ll find something cool oh yeah oh it’s a cold oh what are you gonna find I don’t know but it’s something well that’s where your thousands of [ __ ] cobblestones coming from

Thank you oh man I have too many I hit dirt oh I think what I’m gonna do I’m Gonna Fill everything with concrete for the floor and then I can plant it accordingly with where I want the black concrete to go um yeah let’s plan it out oh there’s like nothing special here huh well I can’t place stuff here can I

No I can maybe the staff [ __ ] up did they make a little spot where we’re like like the spawn is protected I don’t know maybe maybe they did that I think it’s the only logical inclusion well it was a great run it was like could have been lava didn’t be

I just go the other way now I make a strip mine in the opposite direction what about the mouse is she is she gone let me check let me look at her stream so go over I was dealing with some medical [ __ ] okay all right fair enough hey yeah um on Mouse stream

Anonymous gifter thank you for the day Thank you guys maybe I’ll I’ll pop out Mouse’s chat and put it next to mine there you go the mods are like miles lambdas Oh no you’re hold on let me put uh where’s where’s my pop out button not actually wait can I pop out someone else’s chat there’s a way yeah

There we go there we go I want to see both that chat and my chat next to each other oh yeah there we go all right Mouse’s chat I can see you uh you’re a little compressed but I can see you next to man all right this is now an Ama

Ask me or ask us anything uh myself and Haruka and we will totally 100 truthfully definitely answer it all for real we would never like joke answers never never ever the gig I can’t see us yes yes I can I’m looking at both you’re right next to my chat you’re physically placed

There and like the same spot you go what’s the video you’ve watched the most oh do you have one Hanukkah a video you’ve watched over and over uh biggest recent video I did on my YouTube Shameless plug put out a video of me and Zen and haraka in

Sons of the forest it’s part two and then part three we’ll have Mouse in it because she joined us for for that yeah Yeah the bring out mate uh do you think Mouse is a [ __ ] that shits our girl that poops um I was just doing an AMA sorry no you’re fine I found out that one of my meds like ran out oh no yeah yeah the mic like an emergency call

Yeah yeah so they can come and bring me my [ __ ] because I don’t have any are they bringing your [ __ ] yeah they’re gonna bring my [ __ ] okay good but I like have like a mini panic attack because I swear I swear it had more but I checked

Everywhere and it’s not there so I called them and I was like uh I’m like oh yeah we only sent you half and I’m like what what I don’t know what they do no I need that now they’re like okay well we’ll get on it and I’m like okay so hopefully

Oh my God I know what I need because I’m feeling kinda okay right now hey yeah yeah I’m sure you’ll get it well if you need us to just sit and babysit at any point we can just do that yeah yeah I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I

Think I’ve come a long way from back then I feel like if I want to miss and those have been late I would have been debilitated to a point where like I can’t do [ __ ] but now I’m kind of okay okay now if I miss two doses that’s the

Problem yeah all right yeah oh I get you and why they do that there’s a short there’s a medicine shortage happening right now in our country and it’s because of all the effects of covert 19. yep and I was getting my my [ __ ] as well

When I was unwell over the winter it was like the biggest pain in the ass to get everything that I like needed and it was not that bad when like the last time I had an issue yeah I was like and think about it this way think how bad it is

It’s not just medicine there’s a shortage on alcohol wipes there’s a shortage on needles on syringes yeah everything everything is in shorted on lactated ringers like at their Shores on everything it’s like what the [ __ ] there’s nothing and then they they were like oh we gotta send you some some uh

We’re gonna send you uh these syringes and [ __ ] and I’m like oh yeah can I have the X another I’m sorry we don’t have enough to send to you and I’m like what ooh how the [ __ ] do you expect me to put on my medicine they’re like we’re gonna

Send you these and uh we know they’re really big but try to make them so send me this big ass [ __ ] huge needles that are not for administering medication they’re for drying out medicine and putting them somewhere else and I’m just like what the [ __ ] what am I supposed to

Do with this game if it works it works again Jesus I’m like oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] am I gonna do oh God but luck only locally i i in the past so stash I have a statue of stash of supplies because I know that every couple of years it

Should happen every couple every couple of years a big short has happened so I always stockpile supplies yeah and I hide them because I know that it’s gonna affect me and if this has already happened like three times and I’m like bro I will never be caught [ __ ] up again

You’re so smart yeah I I save all my supplies uh yeah if you are if you are a healthcare professional please look the other way honestly Oh no you’re I do the same I used to do cat rescue and because of that I had uh access to like a lot of

Medical supplies because you kind of use the same stuff for people and animals a lot of time like syringes and everything a lot of it’s the same and I just I just like grabbed extra I just have extra like everything yeah I I I have a show

Everything I have so much I have extra of a of a whatchamacallit thank you I have a freaking flush is safe too because that [ __ ] oh goes out too yeah I’m feeling Connor really kind of kind of [ __ ] up right now God damn it oh no

I’ll be okay I’ll be okay I’m just experiencing some discomfort yeah okay okay let us know Abby where where is everybody came back and I’m running up over here do you want me to come get you oh God I’m all alone [Laughter] get to now I’m never gonna breastfeed you my chances

Went down the drain looks nice that’s great thanks man you’re never gonna suckle my title leaves what the hell am I gonna eat yeah time to starve baby now I’m wasting away I I can’t do it no more can I start crying niosis where the wall tell that to the jury

The thing they don’t exist S what is that um I Heard I’m on my way if Giga comes to save you because she have the drink I heard of her yeah that’s probably a zombie are you gonna promise me the goods are you gonna give her the goods after Maybe oh [ __ ] but I can’t promise a thing

It’s the American way empty promises Can you make barrels and vanilla can you what yes I could pick a barrel this entire time yep yeah yep but we bought more storage yes instead I think I could do something food hmm I’m on my way coming back at me free Me me [Applause] What the [ __ ] is going on in here In Minecraft because yeah we’ll play Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft what are you guys doing in Minecraft right now I’m building the friend house that apparently that you didn’t get the memo that I was working on I’m surviving you’re doing great Mouse what is the memo that I’m taking the friend house not

Your stupid [ __ ] wooden house that you’re making I’m surviving whoa it’s [ __ ] up I worked hard on that wooden house uh-huh I think the shape is beautiful wet and tears into it well I want to say that guys previous ly I mean now I guess I’m gonna show you

Grab anything you want to bring back I grabbed most of stuff already What are you gonna show me you’re gonna love it oh I don’t need anything in here okay where are you I’m right here it’s weird I almost forgot I had Avengers going on in the background did it almost picked up oh I would have been hearing the

Entire lines from Avengers end game oh God not avengers end game oh no all right now let’s run across this bridge real fast what and then wait let me get this coal first mine didn’t I just watch you guys yeah of course I’m trying to level up in

Street Fighter 6. oh I want to play some of that later this shit’s so much fun yeah you know I did after we hung out last night Mouse I sat in bed and I was like I need to watch something and I put myself to sleep and I just watched that stupid video

That I sent you like over and over oh my God it’s so funny for you son hold on then you would like this video so much help me Oh no I got it okay I’m sending it to you then you have to watch it oh okay and you have to tell me your

Thoughts it’s only a minute but if it doesn’t make me laugh then you have to do it your account delete my account what the [ __ ] Mouse come here where are you my hand look over here what go over there water he was here when I came here he was just

Chilling what is he doing here he has a crossbow I don’t know but he’s stuck oh my [ __ ] God I saw this video on Twitter I did you it [ __ ] was so stupid um what happened I was trapped oh no despair what are they looking at oh you guys

Want to see the video again you can show it to them it’s so good did you put in a chat uh it’s like if you go in general and scroll up it’s like not far out I was right up there yeah yeah oh my God oh This way he wants to clap my cheeks Oh my God that looks so nice put this Oh you like my hair yeah America’s Friendship House I don’t understand how you guys get it done so fast I mean builders I just have devotion to my understandable what what is this line in the sky I don’t know man what the [ __ ] is that who made that what is

It okay okay I have a story to tell you okay so Zen was running away from me okay okay oh no Kenya was also in the game and Santa thought to make a giant giant lion up there and so Henry were like wouldn’t it be funny if we just start burning it

Down and then it started burning it down and then Zen jumped off and died and then the burning stopped and I couldn’t even be bothered to remove it so I was like you know what we need we need something to know where our home base is a reminder of our past sin oh

I mean I guess you could see it from afar that’s good easier to make it our past hands will never be forgotten to it oh yeah nice I like this yeah this is gonna be the dining area how to make stairs here what are you going to make in the dining

Area well there’s gonna be a giant table right here I’m gonna have some chairs maybe get some potted plants I’m talking about food well that’s why I have the storage area wait who’s gonna be the cook uh we all yeah we all take turns yeah not you oh me yeah

That’s good I’ll have you know I love you so much I’ll make a good burger and steak burger is that the only thing that you know how to make what and even better tacos there we go Abel has been set I think that’s in the center almost hey there’s there’s there’s

An iron in here I felt oh put it all in there I’m gonna spin it I wonder if I can make whoops go ahead and steal it I won’t cry about it oh I gotta make chords I will cry for you Don’t Cry For Me Argentina oh my gosh she’s actually crying for

Real The Cry For Me Argentina Give me a house tour I love Minecraft music I love you too close right now Oh [ __ ] throwback drawback go back so messy you should join us on our next JP Adventure eat lots of food and buy us Gundams I was like is that Ultraman by that is Good okay Oh my God I don’t know if it’s big enough but that’s nice Huh okay that’s one okay okay no yeah Am I missing has three then another finger Mouse it’s nine it’s nine it’s nine it’s nine okay holy [ __ ] you can count you have enough it’s ten you can place people nine nine nine all right do you want the house to announce them yes please so this is the front house it

Looks a little sussy but we don’t talk about it you really would do that oh no safe no no better sleep um do you have a bed oh I’m not here uh I have an idea I’ll leave you sleep John May in the bed oh no I slept with giggle

On stream on stream Oh my God my stream title tomorrow about yesterday dot dot that would happen guys can you support our relationship the truth oh now I was wondering if I should stay in this relationship Here is about leaving for you and then this is the dining room and I was gonna put some chairs because this would be like a little island too if you want to eat here right on them I see Thank you are you over there please I come inside I come inside today hello hello I like your house just casually rolls a boat into a house perfect do you like the house I like the house I’m here to help you yeah hello Oh weird

Oh yeah so xaner this will be the bean the bedroom we’re gonna have nine beds beautiful house you’re a beautiful house I like to eat on the table oh hello sisters gather here sisters and have a major opinion on the vision I knew my opinion so I don’t know what I want I don’t know if I want to leave this open or do this

So I put a wall here or do I leave it open open face like a sandwich oh a baby sandwich people in my family sometimes a ball no openings but you want to open all right oh yeah put a hole in there there you go okay

Is that how big of a hole do you want let me see or I can just you know what um hello the hole is too small forward oh my God I’m sorry oh God the car mom you’re not supposed to Mom I know you did them back in the 18 years but

You can’t do that anymore here Mom ah yes I like this shape it’s like letter L for loss there there we go I do this yes hi mom I’m trying my best to please you I por favor don’t Mr Fish y you want fish yes fish tank I you where

Do you want the fish the fish tank I I will put more of both the first thing before you want it I wanted you want me to put a fish tank in the hole with a shark there too oh yeah you want me to put a shark in

The fish yes I can’t do that like the bars have been put in place I can’t put a shark I want two sharks in there right now by Manana or I mean oh God please don’t disown me Jesus Christ I’ll put a shark in there think about jellyfish foreign foreign Mom I can’t put the fish in okay Glasses put the fish in the glass Haruka I want to see the fish every morning okay okay I will think of something okay this morning I want to see the fish when I wake up when I go down the stairs I want to see that please okay what’s down

The stairs she sees the fish she’s happy okay are you okay make me happy you make me so happy the fact that your your decisions and my Decor is astounding mom I can never say no to you okay all right Mom I don’t know if I can put

The fish in the glass but I can I can do something because it’s broken the Bible I understand please please I want the fish mom can I thank you for this Telemundo episode why do you like my girlfriend More than me your girlfriend told me she’d do it for me yesterday your friends are gifts from God oh I’m not a gift from God S that came late I oh okay all right okay okay because the fishes are not in here okay um all right all right all right Mom do you want here’s the thing okay I’ll break this place you see this no I know I know you love me I love you

So much all right my our relationship is so amazing I love it you know I know you no I know you I know if you love me you put the piece in there I will do my power to put the fish in there Mom okay I listen damn fish in the tank

Right now water it right now I’m kind of low in money where are the fishes listen listen if I look out of waiting here look I kill you Brother to walk in and cause for more drama sorry I’ll get off the table okay okay Man like Now where’s the fish all right okay so I have a solution okay I it will have to be I don’t know it will have to be a very small aquarium I don’t know if I could fit the fish in it if you loved her you would make it huge

I love you so much that my heart is big like the universe yeah I know your heart is bigger than God himself I know but I don’t I thought you didn’t like the universe mom what the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh sorry don’t listen don’t listen to my girlfriend

You didn’t like space mom where was this coming from don’t listen to my girlfriend okay she’s talking to [ __ ] right now okay I where were the voices coming from wow and now my aunt Lefty and mouse where are you where are you yes it’s a problem why are you running huh Just like me for real I just wanted to show you what happened what what a dad walks out on his family he left us 15 years ago mom why did you bring it up I just laughed and you’re like oh [ __ ] him and all that [ __ ] do I have a story to

Tell you then Dad no there were skeletons outside come back with the skeletons and there’s no fishing then listen mom I will aim I am making it happen there’s gonna be fish damn it Thank you yeah But here at my promise it’s too big now no it’s perfect no more is more I okay okay sorry Mom I know you don’t like those sounds around your mother I I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to I need to make more I need to be nice to my sister okay

Okay I’m sorry be nice be nice I I will be nice I promise I love you so much Mom I have I have an issue I’m out of sand yeah I’m not upset bomb I need to make more sand it’s right outside it’s right out there

I I know I I just need to get more sand I’ll be right back I hate sand I it’s rough and coarse and gets everywhere there we go there we go that looks a bit cleaner right there all right I’ll go get more set off there should be some

Milk there should be some water in the fridge for you guys I’ll be right back what’s so [ __ ] funny I just want the face please don’t worry I’m getting your fish thank you you’re so nice she needs them foreign I only had a budget I can only do so much oh this is nice thank you like what you’ve done I thank you Anthony like the decor thank you so much Something needs to be changed right question mark no I am satisfied it just needs the the water in the face I mom I have to go find the fish oh yeah all right I don’t like her I don’t care she’s crying she’s crying Mom if I leave for fish I’m not gonna be

Here for the next few days Why would you leave your mother like this [Laughter] Kim Kardashian that’s an insult mom I can’t believe you would do this to me Kim [ __ ] Kardashian Jesus Kim Kardashian Bob you know I’m nothing like her we’re even if we’ve been friends for a few years but I stopped being friends with

Her because I realize that she’s a bad influence mom she doesn’t support Jesus don’t worry Mom I made sure to stop being friends with them [Laughter] when will the drama end what’s up holy [ __ ] I’m coming he went on a [ __ ] roller coaster bye guys I guess we’ll see you later

Yeah I want to go in the water all right I want to go in the water that’s where ducks [ __ ] ass it’s where I’d be long we’ll stay wherever this way oh God now they’re doing karaoke outside I’m probably gonna get noise complaints Oh God The boys Jack I can see my house from here whoa Chad I could feel the wind in my hairs you have hair yeah all three of them all three of them Jack paint me yes you got it hello Satisfied from my mom you won’t come to fertilize me right [Laughter] [Laughter] laughs I can’t do this my friend was going so when are we gonna start doing Jersey Shore next oh God the other day and I just did not like what he was saying to Sandra and I’m just very upset I’m waiting for my Jersey Shore episodes honestly

Honestly the drama I was not happy yesterday at the beach I was not well I was talking to Paulie did you see what that situation came out in that shirt that had hottie shirt you know he’s wearing the Ed haunted shirt and I said Paulie that shirt doesn’t look good

On you we’re going to the beach did you want to look a little nicer and he said ma it’s fine and I said no it’s not fine wooly it’s not fine you gotta change your shirt you’ve got to change a shirt it’s it’s not we’re going to an event we’re going

To an event he said my fine L.A they like Miami shirt the [ __ ] like and I said poorly it’s not it’s not okay and you just wouldn’t have it he just wouldn’t happen you know that’s why I kicked him out did you see that the situation didn’t put any gel in his hair

Today I was so offended I made him go right back and put some gel in his hair I said if your hair is not crunchy you can’t sit with us that’s it around your neck crunchy hair and a spray tan if you don’t have those three you can’t sit with us that’s it

Plain and simple it’s a done deal um auntie I need y’all’s opinion on on something here Wally yeah I need your opinion what do you need what I I my mom told me to put in the fish tank and I don’t know if I should do slabs or Vlogs listen to your mother

What do you want me to tell you listen to your mother do what she wants why do you need me to tell you what to do what do you do they want do I need to always tells you it’s always gotta be poorly huh it’s always fun

What do you think about my fish tank Paulie do you think I should go for blocks or slaps probably got to I don’t have Fortune touch no blocks it’s fine I’ll give you a good fortune thank you for watching so if I break this glass it’s not gonna go away no oh

Yeah everything she says is Real and True I’ll believe in her [Laughter] help me what you told me the class would disappear if I break it oh uh wow how did all this glass get here that’s crazy who did this place your mom’s crazy yeah what the hell

You live with your mom Molly no she she likes to come visit a lot she lives next door she doesn’t want me to move out yet but I did anyway one again I did I I I I gotta be independent you know um hmm I’m Gonna Be Independent but you can’t

Finish this fish tank will they wear with the fish I gotta get the fish Giga where are they in the lake that’s not the side fish she hasn’t even tried yet you haven’t even got to get the fish it’s cause I gotta make sure I get enough

I want to make sure if I’m disappointing the family Haruka glad you got your medicine mom you got her missions who are you talking to I found your mom what I thought you said your mom would live next door yeah where’s your mom Hanukkah yeah what are you talking about sorry

I’m hallucinating he just reminded me of my mom did you know that she still hasn’t gotten the [ __ ] fish [Laughter] or blacks layups are black um I think blocks are fine okay do you think it’s just right I think it’s just right all right well I like it I like it

I don’t like it there’s no noise Now oh God I should talk about her she is a great person that’s it then smell for really bad it just smells like insanely bad I don’t know like really bad I didn’t want to say anything oh my God no my kind of gross she smells like rotten oil smells like all right

I’m making the progress I’m getting fish tank It’s very important you can’t finish the rest of the house until you do the fish tank I I have to do the fish tank that’s required okay it’s required to do this okay what well um I don’t want to disappoint I know I’ve been doing that this entire day so far but

Uh I gotta go find the fish [Laughter] [Laughter] if you haven’t left me my dad did when he left to go get the milk I have a question yes you think um I should put white vlogs at the bottom too or it’s just time because I thought it was cool to have this border but I feel like the Border

Or just just just one just one otherwise it’s just too right like two blocks and then it’s kind of not much of a human room if you don’t like it later uh you change it yeah I guess I’m killing fish tonight great and fish tonight yeah

See that’s the sound my mom makes when she’s singing in the shower an hour I’m gonna wash my body okay no I’m not going anywhere oh um thank you very much thank you Rico thank you like how we are Simply the Best I’m you from the aquarium

You’re doing it you’re really doing it I’m making stairs oh [ __ ] we can strip mine I want to strip mine I want to start my strip mine with the girls I’m making uh I’m making a mind for it it is partially done sorry I fell down fell down I fell down girlies

I know she fell off I really did oh close myself [Laughter] ever since I died I fell off hahaha ever since she died she really hasn’t recovered oh my God you’d be like the person that I used to know honestly true bestie you’re not the same

What makes me upshade the fact that some of the water ain’t being filled with poop excuse me Well then fix it can you pick that whale or is it like a little weird wow wow wow that’s always thank you so much thank you I’m so glad Mouse has been doing yippee I like yippee I like it hello again I like it I like it Wicked my theory for coming along Natalie I’m about to drown in my own aquarium not again I just realized something hmm I filled this [ __ ] up ah there’s no way

For me to escape oh some screwed you might have to I’m gonna have the time you might have to die for it you might have to throw all your stuff out and die in the fish tank honestly worth it for the fish oh that was the sound of an Angel an angle

Yes and exactly 35k Subs an angel probably descend 11. yeah at 35k Subs Jesus himself Jesus himself where are you giga I’m military I’m building I’m building I’m I’m built I built I’m over here um where if you walk out of the house I’m across the lake oh I see you

I’m making a a tunnel it’ll be a mine let’s go I’ll help you I was just about to ask it was The Tunnel of Love yeah why are we underwater I gotta fix it although there’s this uh mine down here that’s all lit up and I think Kenya was down here oh yeah

I can’t stop falling Meaning I’m crying right now I forgot how to make a chair wow foreign Yeah silly whoa I think we’re gonna find stuff here today oh yeah I can feel it in my boner you feel it in your barn I do feel it in my boner I think that’s nice do you feel it inside your bonus Trapping you in am I an idiot that’s a little spoon momentarily It has to happen please don’t trap me in please I’m begging you I’m begging you I have a question sisters can you make a chair in vanilla Minecraft I can’t remember uh I don’t know how about that’s a good question okay or is that I want to sit don’t worry I can make this happen I can make a sip last thing I [ __ ] do I think people just Place uh stairs and sit on them ew did I get wooden stairs or yeah it’d be cute cute but I would use Oak and long tanks hmm do it

Uh here we go oh I can make a long chain I’m being perfect Yeah yeah yeah bro are you down to your mouse yeah of course I’m down here I’m just checking what about you where are you I’m down here you’re down here too uh-huh where’d you go um who’s this finding Waldo you have to find me you have to find me in order to prove

Yourself as my friend I can’t find you then I guess there’s cancer God damn it but she’s so small I know when I see her What if you die do you know how to get to where you are no But guess what I found a skeleton and it might kill me I am not going to die today uh okay I have a question oh no stay you can say it please wait sisters I have a question yes is being able to sit on stairs a mod or of an elephant I think that is vanilla um it’s a mod it’s a mod worst timeline squid the mod uh oh it’s okay you can always change elsewhere healthy where’d she go I don’t know what you are in this damn cave I think it’s okay where did she go down here

Oh my God oh my God where are you um rocks oh God Around me I am right where we dropped in from near it do you know where that is oh I think I do hold on skeleton over here too oh god oh I see you see me oh I found you welcome back wow and continue the stairs and then have it

Wrap around and come back out here what I was gonna close this this yeah because the stairs are going down and then have them like turn around so you still end up in here oh I’ll make the next story and I didn’t want to close you in coming along

And people thank you for the 10 gifted stuff to me Angus beef thank you so much oh Do this I will figure it out strip strip mining yeah I I started strip mining over there a little bit and I wish I had a map a mini map oh I hate that we don’t have the mini map I want the minimum thing I want my baby back back Okay uh water don’t go this way oh is it I think I know where you are yeah do not go that way I found it too oh are you telling me that I could install a mini map on my own on vanilla if you have OptiFine I think which I do

Oh this is just embed that oh [ __ ] I have to find his nail ready for 1.9 times I want one of them yeah how do we get it [ __ ] Taylor we’re doomed I think I think you just do regular regular uh OptiFine [ __ ] right yeah you don’t need OptiFine oh

My God for the shaders I don’t I locked that up back at home I always get off to find just for the zoom and also for the shooters too one thing I dislike about the zoom is that I’m not I don’t like this motion blur on it like like oh it makes me

Throw up on the carpet yeah I’m so used to zooming it on Bounce yeah oh I can’t do the the placement oh my God I’m so used to mods when you could play stuff by by like hanging the cursor over the edge and you can place it a block lower

I miss it this is pain get water very nice so painful vanilla if we can survive this we could survive anything where we go okay I’m being a Minecraft expert right now oh never mind thanks for duckies a sabza oh my God it’s so dark oh see here torch on the side

I’m gonna be just like those speed runners that use water to do everything all right I’m gonna get uh yeah yeah I’m installing it oh my place is oh I hate this why do people like this game this game this way hey I have a problem that’s what I like is this problem

Just one just one little one oh my God I’m done rip don’t worry I’ll be fine I’ll just go downstairs and get my [ __ ] I’ll like your opinion gig before we go I have to get my stuff first and then I’ll walk him up in

I think it takes like a few minutes to despawn but it’s fine I’m not playing with that not messing around was that all messed up I can’t tell I think so Maybe oh welcome back sister oh sisters bring me the book the [ __ ] at home I left it at home oh no

Our book baby uh uh I’m trying to find this [ __ ] uh minivan [ __ ] to download yeah it should be a little like client-side thing yeah just a little teeny thing I don’t remember the name but I but I know what it is I know it is I know it’s out there maybe possibly

Oh boom oh my God did I do it did I place it oh I’m cracked I’m cracked you’re actually quick I’m insane with it I’m crazy like it doesn’t come off what the [ __ ] is that a curse for it I would think of all places it is like I could see it on

Like the website but I don’t see it on the app thingy Oh weird the [ __ ] you grabbed it yeah I don’t know I just don’t know okay I’ve successfully traversed the weird Gap I did it the stairs are looking good now I’ve been down into here oh yeah make a funny Corner stair

Well I think this looks just beautiful I think it’s coming along matter fun Mouse have you ever seen Pootie Tang have I ever seen Pootie Tang yeah uh uh I I’ve okay so I think I’ve seen like half of it but I don’t know I know about pootie thing but like I

Don’t remember it but everybody’s gotta know about Pootie Tang I know about pootie bro I made there was one time where Zen had a movie week and uh normally they pick themes or like they let people from the community pick and I was like can we do Giga week where I just

Pick all of the movies and they’re like all right and one of them was Pootie Tang I swear I think I watched it but I was uh not a sane mind yes I was in an altered state when I watched it is it is a good movie to watch like that honestly

So I can’t remember the movie because I was in an altered state she was somebody else yeah I was somebody else a different Mouse another me the real me watching all right staircase into the cave complete it’s looking good yeehaw Looking knife it will eventually be three-wide but for now as good enough sister yes I need your opinion on location okay you inside I’m inside now it’s coming along I’m making the kitchen over here I’ll be the fish glove glove give me flakes okay love gloves fallacious I’m having trouble with your freedom the sink I think right here is this is the right spot this one yeah good yeah yeah then I can wish she’s doing the kitchen prickly doodle me me oh good

Thank you oh you use barrels for the cabinets I do hmm that’s where the food can go I like that okay I like that a lot I sure do there we go check out the kitchen she’s still going through the front here she comes wow yeah look at what she’s doing it’s gorgeous

Gorgeous gorgeous table oh yeah I’m just working on this I’m working on the oh [ __ ] Come here Mr Panda come here yeah I have some words for you or we could sleep we could sleep it’s me I’ll move the boat out of the way don’t worry oh I was worried about yep come in your mouth I’m coming I’m coming me me me did it I’m very nice

A new day has risen it’s a new day it’s a new lab and I’m feeling better and I feel alone So I can make a bootang oh I don’t know because that could be for a faucet something it could be a faucet it could indeed start I’m gonna start organizing now watch this bam oh that’s not really it uh-huh oh is that the faucet I’m trying to remember how I did it

What are you trying to do yeah she wants to faucet above the sink I’m trying to remember how I did it you probably did the um the trip the trip pliers yeah yeah it looks good right do we have anything that would look nice I think I used them all for eign

Just one more we gotta go find some more iron before Oh [ __ ] okay okay um where in the hand did I put my [ __ ] here There we go sake yeah you did it looking good it does look nice yeah and I like it I don’t like it too I like it I like it too I think it looks nice food w ow you can always put the Flames we can always put the food up on here

Yes we have an extra storage you’re right okay I will consider it in the future I was gonna be like how much are you considering in the future yeah what do you mean by Future I will put the food in here actually I’ll take the wheat I’ll put wheat in the plants

And then this could be something else let’s make this we’re putting what seeds over at the farm yeah we can put plants and seeds yeah I’m putting seeds in there zombies Okay um I’ll say Stone but it will be I think it will be a Step Beyond Stone a little bit beyond you should maybe you should name it that way a little bit beyond Stone and more Stone and more opponents like the accessories okay I just realized we need a smoker oh [ __ ]

Yeah that’s how we’re able to cook food faster instead of the Furnace yeah we do we do need it I guess we can have two furnaces two smokers are we gonna be cooking that volume well probably not but if you wanna I mean if you want it just

To have it go for it yeah because we have friends I know we’re gonna have three furnaces yeah I might as well use one of the furnaces turn that into a smoker see you you see us yo what do you see let’s [ __ ] hey Mash hey I’m making the staircase big

Making it large this big oh nice three wide and then at some point I’ll make like a store room down there maybe something like that I think it’ll be good the other’s gonna hop back on they’re gonna be like what the [ __ ] happened that’s my favorite part yeah

I liked when we were playing in bounce and um I would log back in and there would just be like some huge thing blocking my view you know what I mean like like out yeah you’d be like what my windows I was gone for like a day like a

New neighbor moved in oh yeah I remember that I remember like At first I would be mad I’d be like why are they why are they like right there blocking my view man and then I’d be like if they if they removed their house to move it over I’d be so sad

Like let’s go the very disgruntled neighborhood I remember I remember when I was there all of a sudden like I I was like yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna move in here and then all of a sudden like all these people sorry I’m moving in around me

And there were a few times there were a few times when like I would be there and like it would be like somebody would show up and be like whoa what a coincidence iron mouse that you’re here and I’m like uh and then like sometimes I’m not gonna say who or anything but

There there have been instances where I was being followed or like somebody was like hiding like in like a bush like watching me and I was like it was me I was hiding in Netflix if you want to talk to me just go say hi

To me I’m gonna be so nervous that they just sit there and look yeah oh no and it’s like I think there was also one instance where I was just like somebody just like was like oh yeah I just want to like move right in front of

Your house and I’m like oh what oh I remember yeah yeah because I lived across from you yeah I was like but but I claimed this land and then like I went to bed and I woke up and there was like different stuff everywhere and I’m like oh my God

I remember when I claimed my land it was that little area because I liked the flowers I was like I’m gonna go live here and then I went to bed and I woke up and there was lots of things surrounding me and I was like oh what

Happened when I was gone oh my little house yeah I regretted like not claiming more early yeah same yeah so I was just like oh I’ll just claim it later like I’ll build out from here and then yeah I basically thought because I was near the

Water I was like oh no one like all this ocean space I can I could just build out that way right like I’ll build out the other direction and then Joel just like claimed the water behind me and made an island and I was like oh yeah

Mushroom Island and I’m like holy [ __ ] it’s a huge mushroom I mean look you was dedicated it was so good though yeah I didn’t mind because it’s troll you know like I know yeah fine but I was like if this was someone I didn’t know I’d maybe like hey man

This is my spot I was gonna build there totally I wasn’t gonna start a project and not finish it I promise yeah I promise I never finished building that house I thought your house looked good I just never was on the beach but then you moved right yeah I moved I ended up

Moving it was too laggy so I also moved I had two handles there’s one by my close friends and one box you guys yeah I finished one of my Islands completely and then I like themed the other ones but I didn’t do like Builds on them because yeah just the lad was

Too much and I was like I want to do this but it looks like poo poo I’m really happy with the house that I live with my friends you know in yeah it looks good the house we have together that one um I remember you gave me the tour

And I was like how do people build like this and make [ __ ] look she knows she looks really correct yeah how was the construction worker I just got the materials but yeah there was a bounces in B2 I’m gonna miss the house or hopefully it’ll get transferred over that’d be kind of

Cool I think it’d be neat if they would let us uh copy and paste you know the schematic Cannon yeah if they would let us use it across bounce one and two and like let us copy schematics of stuff we built and like like just just shoot our houses out

Of the schematic Cannon you know into the spot that we want I think that’d be really cool so we still have to gather the materials but like we could place it yeah but I’ll have to find the same exact area if we’re copying over the map over

Or something I don’t know yeah I found it we found a really nice area I think they’re I think they’ll probably do a new map entirely I don’t know I think so interesting hmm I believe so any tropical fish out here tropical fish or the fish tank yeah

My mom came over and she was like go on your puppy Sheen glass I was like I will do anything wrong yeah your mom’s crazy what it sounds nuts I swear she really loves me damn this I know what the [ __ ] I don’t know I don’t know how I feel about that lady

My mom she’s great she’s a wonderful lady she’s a big heart she told me 20 times she’s a big car she told me every day it’s the truth I always believe what my mind says my mommy’s always right oh Mom’s always right I see um totally surely [ __ ] I hate police and stairs

Stairs hate you figure oh they really do it my [ __ ] broke God damn it again yeah well so it was you breaking yourself pretty good yeah someone says the schematics aren’t they stored client side are they no way if if that mod for the schematican and whatever whichever modded them I don’t

Know if that’s create or something else but if that mod store is a client side then I could just copy like any building on Bounce and then bring it over that would be so good oh I hope they are I think so I can’t remember I mean

That’s how people that’s how people were able to like create stuff in create mode and then they take that schematic and they put it over and bounce yeah I wasn’t sure if that was them like ah you know what I guess that makes sense that like you could yeah yeah they

Were doing that um noted noted I see that was my mistake you know when they had the build contests I should have built it in creative mode and then grabbed it with the schematic Cannon and then like just shot it out that’s what I ended up doing in my house

Yeah I I should have done that I didn’t I like for the Build contest I just built it like straight in bounce and then other people I’d see them literally [ __ ] out a build and I was like what how’d you do that how the [ __ ] did you

Do that damn it I don’t know so much and it was always just them using the schematic hand and I was like oh okay clearly I [ __ ] up I messed up I don’t think I have the energy to go looking for tropical fish up to you

A chat likes your your PNG mousy they like your lollipop oh thank you I like it too I’m glad you like it I need to get some sort of little PNG something I want to get a little something a little little chibi PNG built the family I want to get a little something

Something I think I did a lot of progress on the house I might call it here and get some food I was thinking of it I might also call it it’s a banana for nine hours oh my mom you said you were chatting with chat it’s like it’s gonna be a short story

Yeah I was like oh it’ll be a sharp one today it’ll be a little one we’ll just chat and hang out listen we always say those things but we never mean them yeah yeah I haven’t done a long stream in a while I started like trying to hard cut

It at like six or six and a half when I could that’s what I do that’s yeah that’s what I was doing for the last while but we juice occasionally we go juicing it’s okay we got much done oh yeah I’m trusting the process it’s doing right surprise yeah no it’s looking good

The Among Us house looks great they’ve got a mind being built uh we found a big old cave yeah it’s looking nice yeah Zen tortured us a little bit it was great oh yeah sounds like a good time to me oh yeah oh yeah well ladies well ladies it’s

Been real it’s been a real slice been reused last lately it’s been good it’s been good it’s been so fun it’s been fun I had a lot of fun vibing with you tonight I also had a lot of fun but yeah I always enjoy it I always do I was a good champ Mm-hmm about bread you’re fine you’re fine I’ll catch you on the flippity flip okay later sounds good thanks for having me I’ll see you guys goodbye those you shouldn’t remember raise the timer it’s 13 hours what are you guys doing the only thing that will make me sleep

Well at night will be if you gift iron Mouse 5 billion Subs it’s 13 hours what happened to 15 hours mix it right now I swear to God all right you guys I love you too see you guys next time I’ll follow you guys later yeah okay okay okay

Good luck with the sabathon oh my God thank you for the Five Guys thank you very much what the hell oh hell yeah my work here is done oh my God Jesus they’re going crazy with it I only have to use that much energy at the time and it works

Funny number funny number goes up ooh ooh you love it 25 guess it says let’s go let’s go my dinner will be extra delicious because if you chant just want to let you know if you guys think my dinner delicious now yeah I’ve been snacking snack it’s time

Yeah the main Cafe thing oh yeah oh video comes out like next week or something I think so hell yeah that’s gonna be good yeah I can wait it I’m excited too very excited okay I have a good eat good eat everybody I love you both love you guys bye bye everybody [Laughter] good oh you [ __ ] wife holy [ __ ] Bro oh my God every time all your [ __ ] waffles are trash thing scares me every time every time you still in the game oh God Phantom he can run the Phantoms foreign damn she doesn’t give a [ __ ] I love you so much you have to die she doesn’t give a [ __ ] oh they’re gone what the [ __ ] that’s crazy pacifist Phantoms yeah they weren’t even attacking what the [ __ ] was that hola build a dirt Igloo around her thank you I don’t have obsidian but don’t think oh oh No I’m gonna get freaked up she’s breaking through run oh [Laughter] we plan oh I don’t have a hole Perfect She’s got popcorn I can make foods laughs laughs oh my God Of course you wouldn’t have anything in the thing this is gone oh my God that was scary I just wanted to protect I kind of want to turn on narration narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator narrator narrates chat iron Mouse party says I tried my best herica underscore Caribou says did you

Herica underscore Caribou says sist iron Mouse party says yesh I did harika underscore Caribou says hmmm Erica underscore Caribou says I believe for now iron Mouse party says [ __ ] herica underscore Caribou says [ __ ] iron Mouse party says big Latina titolis Says the big jug milky swilkies iron Mouse party says gozi anus harika underscore Caribou says 777-7-7-7-77 herica underscore Caribou says big dick iron Mouse party says [ __ ] [ __ ] balls [ __ ] and ball torture underscore Caribou says LOL iron Mouse party says nice [ __ ] herica underscore Caribou says [ __ ] and

Ball torture CBT a is a sexual activity involving the application of pain iron Mouse party says sounding definition Alexa please harika underscore karibu says Alexa will now get the definition for sounding harika underscore Caribou says the action or process of measuring the depth of the sea or other body of water

Iron Mouse party says Alexa play despacito harika underscore Caribou says S.I sabes K yalabo unrato mirando de Tango K Baylor Contigo boy d y 6k2 Morata balamando mamustra Mae El Camino kayovoy iron Mouse party says it’s okay Alexa iron Mouse party says oh [ __ ] iron Mouse party says I hope gun can’t

See this chat El pulso oh yeah herica underscore Caribou says yeah Yami estas gustando mastolo normal Toto’s miss centitos van pity and domicisto AK tomorrow underscore Caribou says dude I hope gun can’t see this either iron Mouse party says he’s gonna be so confused herica underscore Caribou says he’d be

Like what the [ __ ] are the girls doing iron Mouse party says [ __ ] and ball torture on a Monday night harika underscore Caribou says honestly my kind of night iron Mouse party says I had a feeling you were up for anything harika underscore Caribou says I’m always up for anything

Iron Mouse party says this pleases me harika underscore Caribou says this pleases me too I love you so much you have to die iron Mouse party says someone said they had christianaires harika underscore Caribou says let’s run off to the Sunset and Shout the world about [ __ ] and ball torture

Underscore Caribou says what says well herica underscore Caribou says they’re not christianaires anymore iron Mouse party says yes time to teach the world about all the mysteries of the genitals harika underscore Caribou says yapi Harika underscore Caribou says omayo it worked harika underscore Caribou says what the [ __ ] iron Mouse party says WTF harika underscore karibu says hahaha h-a-s-h-a-h-a -herica underscore karibu says PE iron Mouse party says herica underscore Caribou says Omaha herica underscore Caribou says Erica underscore karibu says SKS k s k s

K s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k s k iron Mouse party says s h s h s h s h s

H s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s

H s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s h s ereca underscore Caribou says LOL yes iron Mouse party says

Herica underscore Caribou says what iron Mouse party says Erica underscore Caribou says autumn harika underscore Caribou says hey Erica underscore karibu says this is too funny I can’t iron Mouse party says harika underscore karibu says herica underscore Caribou says LMAO iron Mouse party says OMG harika underscore Caribou says

Iron Mouse party says we are adults Erica underscore Caribou says dude we are underscore Caribou says [ __ ] Herica underscore karibu says Erica underscore Caribou says LMAO Harika underscore karibu says I’m [ __ ] crying iron Mouse party says legol iron Mouse party says OMG XD XD Erica underscore kerryboost says xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd Says k e k w k e k w k e k w k e k w k e k w iring Mouse party says mankem and kamensa herica underscore Caribou says Peppa Peppa Peppa Peppa Peppa Peppa Peppa Pig Iron Mouse party says people underscore Caribou says people herica underscore Caribou says kape kapakapa iron Mouse party says LMAO harika underscore Caribou says peepas it’s it Erica underscore Caribou says peepis herica underscore Caribou says pppo oh [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do I open a DOT Roar thing Erica underscore Caribou says

Why the [ __ ] can’t I T say po iron Mouse party says LMAO harika underscore Caribou says does thou need my assistance see Iron Mouse party says oh what you mean laughing face says you said WinRAR oh my God I don’t want to download Rocka underscore Caribou says laughing face iron Mouse party says 7-Zip is that what I need to get 7-Zip Erica underscore Caribou says oh oh yes Evan zip

Tarika underscore Caribou says I have that herica underscore Caribou says it’s very poggers Roar file Aurora file Roar Ika underscore Caribou says a RAR files Seven zip foreign zip I love you so much you have to die I love you so much you had to bye uh let me download the 7-Zip extracting installing seven you’re amazing Mercy you’re the greatest inspiration I have to always bettering myself no you’re the greatest foreign where’s the downloads folder

ICA underscore Caribou says okay after laughing too hard about boboobabi Emma go sleep now laughing face or do you need more help with Seven’s zip uh iron Mouse party says Ah don’t worry I got it iron Mouse party says I love you I hope you sleep well herica underscore Caribou says okay okay

Queen love herica underscore Caribou says I love you too I’ll come bug you later babes laughing face harika underscore Caribou says mwah mwah love Iron Mouse party says Nene love you iron Mouse party says yes come by iron Mouse party says Erica underscore Caribou says yesh Erica underscore Caribou says love

Harika underscore Caribou says chat smells hahaha how Long I’m trying to extract the files extract the file extracting extracting a file extracting uh extracting all right it’s time to end Minecraft foreign for now we’re gonna do something different now where is it hold up uh what the [ __ ] uh uh I’m trying to extract the file right now

Where the [ __ ] hold on Ah here it is is this it I hope this is how I play it foreign Gifted Subs holy [ __ ]

IRONMOUSE VODS on 2023-06-17 10:00:10. It has garnered 4535 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 04:24:30 or 15870 seconds.

Mouseathon 2023 Day 4

My Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/IronMouseParty

♡♡♡Follow me and all my weirdness if you wish ♡♡♡ ♡Twitch♡ http://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse ♡Twitter♡ http://www.twitter.com/ironmouse ♡Patreon♡ http://www.patreon.com/ironmouse ♡Discord♡ http://www.discord.gg/preciousfamily

Channel Managed By Mudan https://twitter.com/MudanTV

Timestamps: 00:00:00 Reminiscing the BounceSMP days… 00:21:21 Logging onto the VSHOJO Vanilla Minecraft Server

#vtuber​ #ironmouse​ #vshojo

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Sneaky Pastor Minecraft Comedy

    Sneaky Pastor Minecraft Comedy The World of Minecraft: A Brief Overview Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, players immerse themselves in a unique gaming experience. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and battle creatures. The game’s open-world design allows for limitless adventures, whether solo or with friends in multiplayer mode. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is building. Players can construct anything from simple houses to elaborate castles using various blocks and materials. Crafting… Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More

  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

    Insane Game Hacks 😱 - Add Blocks in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts#herobrine #tacnogamerz #minecraft #minecraftenderdragon’, was uploaded by Unlimited Gaming 😎 on 2024-07-05 10:30:19. It has garnered 8211 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft But You Can Add blocks #shorts Cradit : @ORANGEEYT 🗿 video made by – @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft but,beating minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft manhunt but,manhunt minecraft,minecraft op,minecraft mods,cursed minecraft,minecraft hardcore,minecraft but every block multiplies,minecraft challenges,insane minecraft,minecraft uhc but,blessed minecraft,op minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft funny,tapple minecraft,minecraft speedrun Read More


    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

    LacoCraftServidor Nuevo! de 1.8 en adelante! Modalidades: SkyWars: On Practice: Off BedWars: off Proximamente mas modalidades!! Entra ya con tus amigos!! ny2.tect.host:1319 Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord Join our Discord server with voice channels Online In-game Map Explore our world: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features Backwards compatibility with the latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java Hard difficulty and custom enchantments Unique gameplay features like teleporting mobs and free fly on Sundays ProtectionStones for land claiming, bartering economy, and no grief Main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in overworld and nether In-game messaging, homes, player teleportation, and Minecraft-Discord integration Responsive staff, voting ranks, rewards, server shops, public market, and tutorial warps Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)

    Minecraft Memes - pov friend steals your diamond (ik, savage)Looks like your friend is about to learn the hard way that diamonds aren’t just a girl’s best friend, they’re a Minecraft player’s best friend too! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Minecraft’s Dark Daze

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  • Minecraft Drug Dealer Meme

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  • Tax Evasion Tricks in Minecraft

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  • Top Minecraft Island Seeds 1.20/1.21!

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  • Insane Mansion Interior Build in Minecraft! #6

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  • Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1

    Terrifying Hindi Minecraft Freddy Story Pt.1Video Information This video, titled ‘mincraft scary Freddy story part-1 in Hindi #viral #trending #youtubevideos #mincraft’, was uploaded by Evil gaming on 2024-03-23 13:14:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. credit-deffused devil mincraft haunted car, minecraft haunted carnival, minecraft haunted cartoon, minecraft haunted car part 5, … Read More

  • “Minecraft Lover’s Insane Railway Track Build” #clickbait

    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: https://youtu.be/r4mUGIJV_3k In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2Oy06iP 💀 Discord! https://discord.gg/XwVraKYRTQ ✨TikTok! https://www.tiktok.com/@riverrain123 👻 Twitter! https://twitter.com/RealRiverrain 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: riverrain.oplegends.com Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: https://oplegends.com/2024/06/15/skyblock-announcement-2024-05-15 Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More