EPIC Minecraft Community Event: Cobblemon Madness!

Video Information

Hello hello everyone how are you hope you’re fine okay I’m late I’m already late so so here we go oh I forgot to to activate this people will be angry if I do not do it so we’ll activate it but yeah hope you’re fine heo ner heo

Meu congrats on getting the first and second and and hello everyone else hello Haz and hello all the people who actually haven’t talked yet I’m late here we go I’m late I’m late I’m late congrats meu on getting the 35 I’m late I’m late I’m late I’m late I need to

Hurry here I Go yeah I can go here so hope everyone is doing okay we are here on cobal Mo on the on the server the private server so yeah here we go and community events I don’t know what that is but I hope that will be fine that will be cool we’re almost there Only oh do I have to take my I’m here I’m late I think he’s my favorite hi Grace worries just themselves I see I see I’m leaving now there too much CH hello you have my name is pronounced Lena I’m German it’s not L Hi l hope I

Everyone you you are V someone called a wallo um I’m the one with the dumb Pokemon um but my favorite is a bullig because that’s the only one I actually know no I know nothing about Pokémon so I’m a farmer I mean you don’t even know

Pikachu I mean I know of it but also we have different names in German for all the Pokémon fair enough fair enough that is true yeah yes Lina did you make that skin yourself yes I did it’s nice very pretty thank you okay PR next let the know what else

To say okay next because I heard B I’m AI I’m also B and if anyone wants to find fight the the Army I I have over these oh my God that’s a lot of bees my gosh Army of bees at bees so many bees and me and R I have

A berry bar so if you need berries you have all the berries almost we’re working on getting them all oh wait thank you for the deliveries thank you oh yeah thank you does anyone know um which button F1 is in the controls cuz I’m trying to change that

What button F1 is it’s F1 F1 is uh hide interface yeah yes hide interface it’s default it’s built in I don’t think you change it okay I’ll have to change it OBS I’m I’m 90% sure you’re able to change it okay hi my name’s Ryder but uh you can also call me

Weird uh I am yes yes yes I am the name of my uh vtuber anyway uh I am did you just give me eight diamonds I am a little bit I’m a bit from everywhere uh I yeah I grew up in South Africa now I live in Europe

Uh and yeah my favorite Pokemon is luxray oh wowy woohoo he’s cool oh my God his eyes are glowing that’s big Jesus that’s big cat if you want to be confused by a nearly European language you’re more than welcome to come and speak to Mei all right well uh hi everyone my

Name is Sir wanko uh also known as gentleman Maniacs my favorite Pokemon is Infernape we got a sort of community Hub we got a community up B backwards and uh yeah uh I’m as Dutch as can be and yeah hi what’s your favorite Pokemon you already said that I said

That it’s this one this B the monkey with a fire hair do monkey monkey ah some someone’s asking if you’re Bob Ross with that uh yeahor ah anyways I’m demon I’m a Spanish guy with a huge ass uh just confir um um I love arson and this is my boy nice

Okay AR we who doesn’t love arson explosion Dam the Bas okay nice and Demon hates that I have a golden helmet [ __ ] you you want to go first or H hello I’m Tina I’m I’m I’m giving everyone borgers on This Server I’m love you did you get one I I I I I I I I maybe I maybe have a oh wait wait uh everything in order my favorite Pokémon uh I think are bosom and lilligant a not spaghet not spaghet I’m sorry I’m sorry I I can show you all spaghet though this

This spaghet oh my God I locked up and it just kept going I love the Gira so Big that’s my chimney look at him not that’s what she said and I I I have I have onion and radish on my shoulders my my cute little Tu bossom St trying to I I I I I might have me and Tina built a house together she’s mine

That is that is true I have to confirm that a German um wow just [ __ ] wipe me from existence got it got it and and I might have a little a little thing to show right now because I do have a dragon scale that was my do I okay I I have to

I need someone for for a quick trade okay okay that’s it I’m excommunicating Lena from the harm oh my God this is now I think new should be able to evolve yes I love watching Pokemon evolve in a blink of B ey Years big that is a big n n it is a big n n is there anyone else that wants to go on stage oh hello I’m AR red I’m a bear pirate although my skin doesn’t look like it right now cuz this is all I have

If you couldn’t tell this is my favorite Pokemon [Laughter] [Applause] I I got the other version of him uh hi ARA it’s nice to see you it’s nice to meet you again hello uh I live behind the big Magik up over there yeah anyone know no Long’s

Placea go to the big Magik yeah take take this as an apology this is beautiful let’s go that’s fine I called you Lenny I think it was over there all right does anybody else want to go to the middle and introduce themselves um your mom let’s go GI woo go on you need

Calm a a armor off armor off SC SC damn two swords can people people hear me yeah we can hear you you look very British with that knife I one of so yes my name is uh GI death um also known as Aaron um I know a few people here

I’m the guy that’s been doing everything bar cmon so if you need any Farm of any type I have it I have a question slaves I have a question yes why did you go so far away uh I needed to find something uh a certain biome and I found it so I was

Happy and I stayed there I see we’re going to have to make a road to you no no no I’ve made a I’ve made a never uh transport for a lot of people so if you go to is that where the massive Bridge came from that’s like 300 blocks long

All right got it got it so BL Farm iron farm villager farm I have a question R bomb yes is there a slime farm too I am making that slimes don’t spawn naturally yeah that’s the reason that’s that’s the next thing I’m making I’m currently making a drown farm

So if any of you want Trident that’s coming up yes please o I have I have something to say thank you for Theon Farm no um I feel like with all my Farms I’m kind of I’m kind of like the the bad guy I feel like very Team Rocket if I can

Find a way exploit Pokemon I probably would but um yeah so my favorite Pokemon would be oh that’s the wrong button just my little because this is my I was here when I first British when I played uh Pokemon Red this is my this is

My Pokemon are you going to evolve it or not um no he’s only level 13 a so he’s been he’s been with me the entire time watching me build and do things um yeah but he but because I’m so far out the Pokemon there are way too overpowered so usually it’s my knife

That does all the work understandable don’t don’t [ __ ] with me that’s a real grd yeah hell yeah like stabbing I think anyone else I have a couple things I need um hi I’m J those who haven’t met me um hi j i Haven I yes mother is over

There I I was adopted into the farmland and now my mom’s mad that I moved out um but there was something I wanted to ask everyone we already have one guy that does a lot of farms I don’t know where he went here wait where is he [ __ ]

Oh there no no no not not not the IR one I I I know you you appreciate how Farms work so I know you’ll you’ll understand the want of a tree farm oh how are you going to make that um but I have to get approval from

Everyone according to fishy but I have to abuse a bug that make TNT blow up trees over and over and over and over and over again and that’ll make it accessible for everyone it can do every type of tree except jungle you can do jungle yeah you’re no

Completely free for everyone you just have to a there for a bit okay hold on are you blowing up the jungle because that’s that’s my area no no no no no no it it’s I spawn a tree and I break the tree and then I spawn a tree and then I

Break the tree okay um it’s because I have a project where I need like 8,000 Mangrove logs and I don’t want to farm all of that oh there a bit Farm here I do not mind using TNT tuing yeah it it’s referred to as TNT tuing great oh

Everyone’s saying yes but I I’ll also put a couple other farms around there it’s not too for the Ser either my favorite Pokemon isn’t even in the game so I can’t show you it’s rock Ruff but my next favorite my next favorite is spare nuts also know

As GL God I have never seen it’s either this guy or a plumbus w w I love his dead eyes with with this you have you have permission to make that that thank you I’ll also put a moss Farm over there because people need Moss or some anything

Else yes I love them also if anyone wants some Villages please come and take them there’s way too many of them now so many villages can I ask for transportation river right below you just kind of grab one put them in a in a in a boat and then say

Okay all right cuz I need to get it to over there that sounds highly suspicious but okay there’s a lot more people that can introduce themselves but uh I would not want to waste too much time uh because the the challenges are going to take very long

Okay I traveled 8,000 blocks for that give that back hey I can’t see face yeah I can only see tree so I have made inspired my secret life please stop sping uh a whole bunch of challenges for you all and they are all secret I’ve put

Them all in that bookcase but don’t take them just yet there’s 42 in total and each of you will get a task to perform okay the next one that’s spons Pokemon I’m going to put in a ja oh no what CH where I want I want that Vex you might have

Seen some some shops around uh each challenge will give you a token if you succeed it which you can then change into some of these building blocks or some of those items over there you can take a look at them if you want yes please yes please the challenges that

Take longer like for example two hours the those ones will get more tokens just say now uh the rules are let’s see once you’ve got your secret task you cannot tell anyone about it it’s a secret if you tell it then it fails you just fail if someone guesses what you’re

Doing then you don’t fail but I will make you do a punishment next event and the punishment will be something like on being on stage please punish me just so you know I really didn’t oh my God wait what do you mean what nothing happened don’t worry about

Yeah the only thing missing from that particular statement was Daddy no no no it’s more like we got to really get into the role I have a question yes I’m brand new to Minecraft what the [ __ ] is Secret Life what do you mean don’t look at your task

Stream you a challenge in a in a book and it will describe what you have to do for example uh I’m going to give a very bad example steal everyone’s front door without noticing it writer you man to do that who’s typing next and you do people shouldn’t look at other people

I realized cheating all yeah you know anyone no watching streams no watching streams once you’ve succeeded you are you can come here and press a little button for some fire the pop off that give it back to he’s all face I love him and then I will reward you buy

Stuff well will take two hours so that will Mark the end of the session if people have to go that is fine uh some challenges will not take as long so I will suggest also also also I would’t be participating but I will be the only one

You can talk about with your about your challenge if there’s anything that’s not clear and you can come talk to me gotcha okay uh yes Professor I will be hovering around invisible just recording some people just so you know cheating you’re going to be cheating basically no bad words

Either if you could record if you could record your perspective that would be awesome cuz I would like some clips and and some some stream okay stream BS are fine too I will I am going to say I am also at the moment recording for YouTube so oh hi YouTube hi

YouTube what up YouTube subscribe to gentlem Mania can I God the editor is going to have a [ __ ] ha with this go ahead can I do a performance go ahead is there any questions by the way R D2 um yes you you said you you mentioned something but there’s going to be like

You more tokens than just one or something like that if if you do it if you do a long task for example some of them take actually 2 hours for the whole session I will give you more tokens because you can you couldn’t get more challenges than one you don’t have to do

More than one but you can if you really like them oh my God so so what I’m hearing is that I can do two long challenges if I really want to uh the the session ends two hours so if you do one 2our challenge then you only get to

Do one but you get more tokens for doing that one can be exchange our CH okay yes if we don’t have as much time as examp uh you can talk to me about it yes however how it’s going to work I’m going to get someone here let’s start with with

Tina uh go ahead and pick a book and read the title for yourself not out loud yeah yeah not not out loud and then you can decide if you want to keep it or not anyone anyone who is watching my stream please look away or actually actually I

Will go to my to my uh D screen hello hello pick a book yeah and then see if you like the title if you don’t you can put it back take a different one um I I’ll actually no I will put put it guys stop fighting please I want the purple one there yes I will pick this one all

Right then then you can go off uh ghost it on wait how do I read the book again it’s uh if you hover over it with your mouse and you can see what it’s called do you like the title No let put it back oh [ __ ] how do I put it back uh

Right click on on an empty slot oh I see how many times do I have cuz this one doesn’t seem much better uh you can put it back until you like one all right all right all right all right until you like one oh that’s no all right this one

This one’s my book this one’s definitely my book all right go ahead leave it oh God yes you went in front of me I don’t know what it means but yes all right go ahead then you can go off and the book everyone that has their book please move

Away though yes h i tell to read the book right click it but maybe thank you especially if you want to read it out loud thank mute yourself by the way all right I will okay who this oh g go ahead yeah g oh I I really wonder what that have Tak

Oh I have to not look to left now can I brush your hair a little bit I do this I this on the items I have I can do this all right uh I wanted to ask by the way can there but can there kind of be and Chloe

See each other’s Tas we kind of sit right next to each other I I want to brush her hair I I could not hear you brush in this game yeah but but they’re saying they’re sitting right next to kind of yeah we kind of see

Screen just don’t look at it I guess for those of you the for those of you can you guys just like let let fish be able to talk cuz I know that a lot of us are excited but like I keep hearing everybody talking fish and there’s people that may have

Questions and it would be really great if you guys would just you know give fish chance to talk to everybody please and thank you okay I cuz I know some people need to hear fish and it’s really hard when everybody’s talking over everybody yeah otherwise it’s not possible thank you you’ve CH you’ve

Chosen your book y yeah I just I I have my book yeah okay loose go ahead all righty mama big just activated did I feel bad no it’s a good thank you so much don’t be no okay don’t be so basic before I start all of this keep in mind

I’m still a Minecraft Noob also quick shout out to Luxy she’s not here right now but she helped me that yesterday really well no worries do do you think you like the book title yes all right then you can press R somewhere but but read it somewhere else so you don’t

Accidentally say that loud you know R is to read it or or mute yourself that could also help I have a quick question yeah uh you said to record ourv if I recorded you would you rather me have my YouTu on screen or off screen cuz I can take it off you

That’s totally up to you okay I’ll just keep it okay um oh God this was wrong if you if you read the book then it’s yours by the way you can’t put it back then have you read it oh no yeah yeah sorry sorry oh no go come on uh all right just

One oh what are you looking for huh I don’t know this one that I like this this one looks uh kind of funny uh freaking uh okay come on not we’re not going to go through all the F man all right I is this salty no it’s me oh me go ahead

Uh I do not know if there are enough challenges for everybody uh exling yo um how do I know what’s harder than what’s easier you don’t know that you I’m sorry my was out that’s s like SE my dog H you I didn’t even know

Dog he lost his mind oh my God okay maybe I shouldn’t have hav’t given a Ru to okay of them no no I I’ll do this one this one was funny okay a rider you can do both at once there a couple okay I’m happy with this okay I think

I’m kill everybody all right that’s a basic gu I think I’m going to do two people at once just speed it up a bit um no thank you uh fishy sorry about this but I do have a question real quick because some people are definitely going to be later

Than others um will they be able to like come here afterwards and you you’ll explain it to them because I know I know a couple people that are going to be L that’s fine I I’ll see uh Grace and Mooney does it start right now or is it

When we’re all done grab not books say again does it start now or when we done grab a not book you’re you’re already doing it oh okay okay oh uh you want to go over to the roller coaster and uh screenshot it we let’s go all right um Muffy go

Ahead it’s like picking a book out of the library I don’t know what to already H who hasn’t gotten their book yet Sal are you the and someone else probably just pick one is there anyone else that still needs a book I I I got something oh [ __ ] me is that an open

Invitation yes all right I’m so curious I kind of don’t want to stream cuz I want to see your perspectives but uh but I guess I’ll be I’ll be lurking I mean you did get a yes from I did that’s because I is there um there anyone have a question about their

Challenge yes can I switch okay oh my God all right you have your challenge sorry fishy I have a question but I sent you a private message like I also have a question about mine oh uhh interesting also hxi how are you hope you’re fine uh my Game just crashed okay interesting I’m

Stuck oh why are you stuck what’s happening and also thank you burger for the follow welcome to the storm sorry for not like uh interacting as you can see uh I couldn’t find my I couldn’t find the button to mute myself I don’t remember which one it is and uh and

Yeah so yeah I have to do big work and move a lot of things so I have a little time off now oh I see I really hope you will be able to to find some time if you can if you cannot don’t worry don’t worry fishy all right cool fishy yes Bread’s

About to get on like any minute now that’s fine you can you can still join yeah yeah yeah did other people crash or it was just me I think it was just you just okay then okay I will okay nice I suppose is that is the challenges clear

For everyone y I understand so what happened when I was not here uh people all got their challenge just and now they’re I guess I’m doing I guess they’re doing it oh I see what about the games the games which games games I mean if you do your

Challenge you get a token that’s how it works oh right now mhm how do you know if it’s like a two hour task or like a it will say it yeah it says something in the book yeah isn’t a 2hour task how no no

Wait no no it’s not it’s not a 2our tax you can do 2our some challenges you can do like if if they if they work right and then you don’t need a time might is going to take some time yeah but some of them might take a while

If your goal is to steal front you could do that in 5 minutes or you could do it across yeah I do have something I wanted to do okay let’s just go your understand we have to do okay that’s my my butt mic uh for the moment I cannot say am

Of yes I was but the hard challenges will say that they are hard challenges no no don’t worry don’t worry what’s going on what’s going on what’s going I’m just I’m just asking people they have a hard or easy uh but mine it will be hard but it’s because it’s particular actually

The end of this session it’s very particular and even my chat want to know what it is but I cannot show actually I show chat chat knows yeah but it’s because actually there is like people who cannot see it in my chat oh yeah that’s why I said

Earlier if people are participating they shouldn’t watch streams that’s cheating yeah but uh but for example like there is lxy in my chat and I don’t know if she will if she will come later today so I don’t know I don’t think so cuz the thing is just 2 hours right

It’s just 2 hours wait yeah that’s what fishy said uh I thought that he he said that it was like 12 hours but like uh how it’s called some task will take 2 hours to to be done actually I thought he meant it’s just 2 hours that’s why the 2our task give you

More choking you one yes I just asked it’s just two hours right now yeah yeah you have to do it right now oh oh my gosh you were so cute stage hey thank you and I think I’m the only person who was shaking even if I was not on stage

Actually I I I’m so scared about that like to be in front of people oh than I love you I I need to ask something to wait where is fishy I need to ask him something I I need to I need to find something I will I will uh I will

Come back two seconds good luck everybody good luck to you too good luck okay I need to ask fishi about something where is he oh Bread’s on because that will be really really hard The Magik yes a Magik is amazing I don’t know where fishy is actually oh fishy fishy I see

Him oh okay he got he got somebody there L she look like a me I see like nope no um the ones that I got one of them I should have picked the other one but this one seems more funny hello hello I’m here after some time say

Professor fishy I’m going to need your help at some point oh my gosh mine will be hard mine will be like super super hard you’re not luxie luxie just to to to know you’re not about to come to my to to the server in the two

Hours right cuz I can’t I can’t really show you just know that it’s kidnapping someone actually did I don’t think so then look at this this is what will be hot it will be hot because of that thank you Sak for the follow welcome to the storm why do you throw fish at

Me so yeah oh my gosh uh oh I need to sink I need to sink sink sink sink sink sink big big H I’m okay I need to find L it too I do not have jungle like a whole jungle if you need

Me a help by the way cuz like I I need I’m not saying anything but like I kind of do need bar still yeah yeah yeah you need bar and dirt dude I got you bar and dirt you can buy those off me dude I got so much

Oh yeah that’s what I saw but the thing is that I don’t know if I consider my gym as my house you know what’s going on here oh hi sorry hi how’s it going yeah I wanted to ask you something yeah um be quiet I yeah yeah maybe go on further let’s

Let’s try MC the chat so um so I wanted to ask don’t say it don’t say it cuz people might be EES dropping so just drop me the book yeah for this yeah what’s your question there’s a little little problem do I consider my stream as my

House if if you would consider it then it count otherwise you’ll have I live in that so yeah I can do it like that okay thank I don’t think it’s an easy I don’t think it’s going to be an easy challenge for your oh don’t worry don’t worry I will

Find a way thank you see you have you play I okay okay something’s definitely going on here I need to activate like a Chrono to be to be sure it will it is 10 minutes actually my game Rec crashed I why do you think I should like do a crash

Simulation and tell them to actually like not not leave I’ll just close that why is my game crashing seriously I I will become Gremlin at this point if that continue crashing there is no reason for it to crash and who are you samak who are you who are you hope you’re

Fine okay okay okay okay okay take the Chrono the stopwatch one of them’s really good like just been crashing so much I got to read all of it you know what I’ll go for this one okay I’m I’m really curious what you guys have think all right let me let me read

It now that we’re kind of we’re kind of we have yeah we have to be kind of civil [Laughter] now we’re being stalked no not at all I don’t know what you mean just said I look like a minion yeah she said that on my can’t can you

She said that on my stream too she don’t worry L because that’s actually kind of true no I don’t know I think you still do no without without D I think they do wear overalls that’s true and they are yellow I need I need to work on my gym too

You’re adorable but I’m sorry oh you need to leave well I’m going to go find some people okay me a I see oh what there redone I need to work it to Grace betrayed lon’s feelings yeah yeah I know I I need um I need

Redstone oh wait was I I was muted all the time amazing I love being muted hello in H the tree again nothing has Chang I need Redstone I that seem kind of weird wait what is this that’s cool that look cool uh I need red stone redstone

Whoa those are a lot of char I some of that they allow Me and me who thought that will be the fine stuff oh that will just be easy and now I don’t have like my my freaking thingy think my Bob oh my gosh okay okay okay um the thing is that now I do not have the plans because because my second Minecraft just

Don’t want to work now will that work I hope that will work I hope that work okay oh that’s loading oh that’s loading oh P Mouse that’s serious Press on to enable theator Okay no not this not this not this get out okay okay then I will have to to do to do the old Strat that mean um this then I activate the first one it load it load um then play then when it launch I need to launch um

The oh Freak The Curse Forge okay this one works yes sir okay now I laun this one yeah yes there is another instant of Minecraft I know uh I already have my ideas for for this meu the only thing is just that I need to to speedrun to actually just

Speedrun cuz I think I have until um 18 to do it maybe I hope uh okay that’s this one okay so logically I need to do this I need to go in fishcraft okay where is the part where I got all my red stone okay Okay okay um okay I got all the red stone I got all the oh I need torches like normal torches oh my freaking God no because you know my challenge unless it’s just a ruse and I’m actually doing it right now oh there is nolax there is

Nolax it’s a j but it’s good it’s um um you should make the roof out of a different you should make the roof out of uh Birch yes Stone Birch Birch stone stone all right bir okay I can I’m so dumb I can do that

I can do that on my own what am I doing do I have any coal in here no I do not time to get some trees I do not have enough space I will have to make more Chest okay slime Dam Bam Bam Bam Bam howdy hi how are you I’m fine I’m just struggling making my gym I’m sorry what gym are you making uh I’m making like an electric gym ooh pretty nice yeah and I’m struggling right now like I only got the entrance ah I

See not worry I just need to replant them afterward because I need I need like torches and all because it’s kind of dark in there there hello how are you I’m all right how are you I’m good does he need to say hi to everybody

Oh that’s going to be super fun that can be super funny or maybe he’s just polite I don’t know one of the two I’m disappointed Grace what don’t worry like seriously for the moment I got this okay I got like I got like this what do you want me to do with

This you say Howdy and you didn’t say howdy partner oh my bad my bad okay that was this one was my fault actually yeah that’s right my bad for this one uh h Okay uh I can put the honey here actually and this too uh I need now to make the entrance of this that’s so sad that there’s this block and I can put like another one because actually need to to go back uh I need Redstone

Torches but I don’t know how many wait I will I will count how many I need actually so one two Three one two three one two one I suppos do three over There one two three one juice free oh okay I need a lot actually amazing oh my Gosh I need a Pickaxe oh wait that’s right I do not need an iron pickaxe because I already have like a a diamond pickaxe in the Cy I see wait is that like like this the entrance wait one two three 4 yeah that’s like this so I just need now to to increase the size for this

So there is one two three four five six seven eight okay there’s eight so maybe I can do you see nothing and that’s normal don’t worry I will go up and I will take uh charcoal and we will put like some some light in our life okay um so now okay two two

No then now it’s 1 2 3 4 5 six like I expected and now logically that should be eight They’re just coming and going ow Plusle you little [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m I’m buing you little rat oh hi hello are you doing uh who’s that Pokemon it’s Pikachu oh no wait it’s uh it’s meow correct let’s go and who is this Pokemon as Marina it also does say the

Name I knew that but it does also say the name yeah and this one that’s aolan exeggutor the B [ __ ] yeah and I just want his brother the Pikachu but I cannot find it because it’s so boring have you visited my well the beginning

Of my gym I I’ve seen it I’ve been past it a few times I’ve seen it it looks pry cool do you do you like it I don’t like it it’s it’s Prett cool huh Can You Stand like here oh sure this isn’t suspicious at all okay can you throw an item here

Uh Whatever item you want a little bit further oh F Isn’t that cool wow yeah actually I need like some help for adjustement because actually here it will be like the entrance for like my gym mini game but I actually want to want to know like how how to actually

Put like the the PC and all that because I don’t know like if I should put it like here if I should put it at the entrance if I should put it like a I think the entrance makes sense for them to be able to switch the Pokemon around before they go

In yeah that makes the most sense yeah like like uh above like you think or or like here because here actually like I will I will put the thing like I thought maybe of the PC PC and healing station here or or here like I actually don’t

Know how are you going to have it be like a mystery of how it actually ended the gym or are you once it’s done you going to have that just be open yeah that that’s what is is actually like kind of kind of hard to know because in logically like you have

The the Pok Center you know in the games but in here like we don’t really have a poke Center we just have like healing station like spreaded pretty much everywhere and yeah and for gyms because actually wait are you a gym leader I don’t know I’m I am going to be I am

Going to be I haven’t started working on the gym yet what what type what type ice ice oh that’s nice very very funny the only unfortunate thing is I’ve kind of realized a lot of the good ice types are not in the game or the good ice types in

The game don’t have like good abilities and [ __ ] I have a question for you hello uh so knocking before entering oh you haven’t saw the door you’re very far around mhm what is the question so do you do you need do you need me do you need a lot of structural support blocks

Especially this one this is a very rare one and I I found I found this place where there’s a lot of it and I can supply a lot of it to you right oh like lot of dirt do you know the name of this no a lot of actually I will need like

Some some kind of blocks but I don’t actually know which one I knew that I needed like prismarine and all but actually accept that we we haven’t we haven’t gone that far out yet we we need we need it’s a small business help me please oh small

Business this so far right now I’m running a small business we we’ll expand out into those B some point oh okay but but but basically I have a lot I have a lot of this very rare block here mhm and I’m willing to sell you a lot of it I

Have a lot of okay okay let’s just say no one on this server has as much as I do think ever had as much as I okay would you be willing to partake in a little bit of a business deal where I will supply you with this I’ll Supply a

Double chest for one diamond for one Diamond do I have one Diamond a whole double chest a whole double chest of this rare double chest yes not not not not not not a not whole double chest but a whole whole double chest I see I see

How do I get out of here by the way there’s a button there’s a button yeah there’s a Buton there’s a button thank you see you see you good luck I love you bye love you bye by bye wait we we call back the the elevator um yeah actually I don’t even

Know if I’m like that rich you know it doesn’t even have to be a diamond all right it could be 32 iron or something like that so just just the equivalent so wait I I heard that okay wait so like the price is a diamond right a diamond for a double chest yeah

Gra I like this this elevator is pretty cool I don’t know if I that rich to actually like uh have a diamond on me right now wait wait wait um but yeah if if you’re willing to partake in this deal it’s a double chest for a diamond it was one chest for one

Diamond this is a special deal it’s two for the price of one at the moment oh okay it’s on sale in plus oh that make it like super interesting I think I will I will take special deal just for today just for today just for today oh my gosh yes can

They pre-order too that thing hear I hear them I hear yes you you can either pay now and receive it later or you can pay when you receive it can I also receive something oh what’s going oh oh do you want a double chest of dirt for

One Diamond it’s a special sale going on today I don’t have a diamond though chest of dirt yes yes you just press no you just press this button do not press there’s a bottom here okay okay okay yes do we have a deal pay now later we can have a deal

When will that uh when will that be deliv within 2 hours within 2 hours I see Hi H sticks I think I think we can we can make a deal have boobs in your skin do I have boobs um no I have a shirt that’s meant to be I love bread

It’s the little two pixels I can see it I love and then oh wait wait I I haven’t saw it I just saw I love but I didn’t saw like below the little two pixels underneath be a loaf oh that was looking P my boobs

Thank oh sorry sorry yes we we have a deal within within two well before before the end of the session basically before the end of the session H we can we can have a deal something um yes Mom I’m I’m running a business and it’s not

A pyramid scheme I’m selling a very rare resource to people yes you should sell it toim is the one expanding the island wait is that a scam no go away go back would be a scam here no no scam are you sure about that no okay it’s it’s a very rare resource

But the actual payment is for the manual labor going into it there there’s business happening here wait scam would give you a diamond to P right what the [ __ ] gave a DI over here you need to come over here that’s right you need to

Go up here you need to you need to not meddle in my business the modern day people people are leaving before making a deal like what the heck what is this kind of people the way tell you I might have a second thumnail um wait that talking about sunnails

Yeah you know you’ve been alone for a while you definitely need someone it’s fine I’m happy about it I have a brother I might also talk four wies now o okay that’s fine but yes do do we have a deal one Diamond one double chest yeah come

Down here then at wait wait I send you the Elevator okay mom’s leaving I love you guys why are you crying feather Ping’s great I haven’t taken damage yet for for two second I thought that wasn’t nice okay take the diamond okay within 2 hours you will receive your payment okay okay thank you for coming no

Worries hey J I need the [ __ ] speak to you right now I tried okay I tried but I I don’t I don’t want it to overextend it a 7 minutes wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I in your house for at least 10 minutes okay I need to

Speedrun I need I need to speed what did I had in my hand I won’t take this I need to speedrun that bro it’s not like if I add like anything to say like what the heck why do I put that why do I put that

Here and I know I’m a bad business woman I already know that make business I know I know I’m bad I know I know that I’m bad at it I need I need the prop stuff at random you know what I just need like the I I will send the the elevator up

Uh about 15 iron every hour D dropping it get back stream hope you’re doing well thank you auka can we get the shout out for auka please and thank you for the headbut too oh you are playing uh momodora oh that’s amazing momodora is really

Cool but my thing just don’t want to to stay here okay I need wood I need wood I need wood I need wood why is that so hard to build a gym hi wait hello are you building a gym yes I’m building my gym actually it’s a my gym mini

Game a mini game yeah oh that’s fun what what what are you going to do I don’t know what gy you just uh I I’m like a electric type and I’m going to to make a maze that’s so funny to see like fishy flying above everything yeah help uh yeah that can be

That can be cool actually because I need like to to collect a lot of things and that’s kind of kind of annoying okay I need this uh do you know how to enter my gym my gym mini game uh no okay then wait have you finished this okay then I can show

You okay okay uh I see you put those of them around everywhere yeah so stand stand in the middle here and throw an item at this block oh wait wait what like you stand here and you throw an item at this block oh wow yeah Isn’t that

Cool yeah Isn’t that cool oh my God that is so cool and if you want to to get back your item you can you can get it back here sorry oh wow so what are you going to do down here then uh here actually that

Will be the beginning of my of my Maze and actually if you want to to help me a bit actually uh you have like a diamond pickaxe that can be faster uh not not a pickaxe not pickaxe okay that’s fine uh because actually I will need like to if

You can help me to like replace all the stone blocks by by butd planks if you can if that if that’s not annoying you of course well I’m getting called in chat so let me oh oh I think they want me to meet them at the at the Harlem place oh I see

I’m so sorry how do I get out oh here it’s me Hi Minnie who is here there is a button here is great and who’s who’s with you Chloe Chloe do you know this Pokemon E oh he’s cool do you know him no okay

Can you help me do do you know do you know I need I need I need I need someone to to help me evolve it can you help me B by trade so we trade and and uh wish and Pokémon and you give it to me back you see so it can

Evolve okay it’s okay wait so are you going to give the one I give you back yeah yes yes of course yeah are still in my house oh no sorry I didn’t want to do battle oh no how do I I think I can do

It oh wait what wait I me okay change yeah okay this one like this I’m going to give you my wer okay the wopa okay change back [ __ ] is cool try it again I got my w back let’s get oh no wait I think you did on talk can we do

It again yeah yeah uh I was pretty sure it was one of the Pokemon that you have to do this with oh can we just do it again like this yeah okay oh it doesn’t work oh maybe it doesn’t work in the game oh okay thank

You it’s okay I’ll find another way yeah okay bye I think you you’re awake I’m wanted by my wife yeah I don’t know how to get there though oh okay bye she she did sh the she I think I did but I don’t know where

It was she CH the location in the chat inside the yeah oh okay I see I see it I I’m really not lucky for this kind of things don’t tell me like for this one I was not like super unlucky like don’t tell me I was not like super

Unlucky uh okay so one two three four five six okay one two three 4 5 6 okay uh one two one two three so one two three I’ll just like destroy the blocks while I’m at it oh my gosh I’m not that popular that do not help that Tru do not help

Put this and this and this and this too okay uh one two three four okay one two three four okay uh now I can do maybe another one one two three four five six okay one two three four five six okay okay I will just take back

My my freaking diamond pickaxe good it will be that will be better uh okay that’s a long line one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay just now

Uh at 12 I need to do one here I need to do one unlock after that and there is also something here and then there is one one three blocks away one two three here okay uh I will do this one one two three and then there is one two three four

Five one two three one two three okay one two 2 3 4 five wait if I hold a torch does that light up No uh one two 3 one two three oh wait okay it’s because I I calculated one too much uh two three is one good one two three oh I calculated four oh because I it’s like this okay okay okay okay okay okay it’s like this it’s because it’s like this okay

Uh I should I should just build like this build a two by two like all the time so I don’t get mixed into into Oblivion okay like this uh on this side or on this side I don’t one two three four 5 six 7 okay okay okay one two three

Four wait 1 two 3 4 five 6 7even okay uh then uh one 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay 12 so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay okay okay okay uh how many blocks is there uh wait 1 2 3 4 okay from the back one two three four okay here uh I’ll put the torch here here and here and here one two three okay one 2

Three okay one 2 three four five 6 7even eight okay one two three 4 5 6 7 8 okay okay also guys I hope you have fun and I hope you you really enjoying this I will put my I will put my stone oh my gosh oh it’s night oh it is night Oh my gosh what are they all doing in the in the Goble Square um okay all right I don’t remember oh freak uh what’s that one 2 3 4 five actually I need to do this I think that’s that’s a middle one yes uh one two three one two three and then here Logically here we go nice nice nice nice okay uh one to three okay one to three two Three okay one here oh no that’s what actually me you who tried to to like fill out absolutely everything um okay one 2 three four five six 7 7 s s 1 two three 4 5 6 wait 1 2 3 4 five six okay seven

I have to animate the gun in blender I’m not making an FPS game understandable okay uh Grace yes wa wait Grace could you get the elevator up please okay no problem for us kind kind gentlemen we have your order well sort of well you know to come down business deal

Um yes hold up I do actually let’s go was even Dro also uh if you want to yeah to get back your item it’s here okay okay um we we have a new business model what what we’re doing is because you paid up front we give you half now and

Then we go get the other half right just just to show that we’re not scamming you or anything like that so we have half scheme you get the full thing it’s not a parid scheme Tina leave us alone so what happen is is you get the full

Thing right but just to show you that we’re not going to rip you off or anything you get at least half it’s um what’s it collateral basically uh-huh but that’s that was not the deal the deal was I give you one diamond in exchange of like

We’re going to get we’re going to get the double chest our storage is is too full but we don’t have enough vehicles to move the payload all at once is full of like the goods we have nothing we even have if you want grass because I know a lot of people don’t

Have the tool you know yeah a lot of to get a lot of people don’t have the tools to get such fine grass okay oh a grass grass I see I see this this is this is topnotch grass okay you will you never better yes and legal what because there is illegal

Grass yes there is and our business will not deal with that we will not shame our name like those pant that are in the dirty business of well logically you’re in the dirty business too no no no no no no this is a clean fair business okay

Don’t slander us like that okay don’t slander us we we’ve already got we’ve already got half for you and we’re even throwing in something even better something even more rare and hard to obtain which is Desert grass dude you this desert desert no one knows where this desert is okay except the people

That live there but basically this is the finest Oasis dirt and grass that you’ll ever find okay uhhuh so grass in the desert yeah it’s it’s unbelievable we we found this place we looked around it was deserted it was it was in a desert it’s so cool yeah it’s like name which is

Like Oasis right that that it it like almost makes sense it’s like it’s like destined to be right yeah ah I see so there is an oasis in the desert High Rider there’s not I would name this Oasis no I would name Wast there’s no

Wast in desert he name he story it’s a story oh that it doesn’t exist it’s a it’s a fabled thing you know not actually I see so there is no wases in the desert because it’s your name yeah Okay no Okay it’s like Australians they

Don’t exist yeah oh I see I see okay I understand better now yeah yeah yeah we we you want to come back there great great grandpa he he gone down through generations okay that’s how long this business has been standing and the business I’m sorry but the business has

Been it’s been slacking a lot lately my dad he he got he was very bedridden very ill and all the funding is going towards well most of the funding splitting it in half and it’s going towards his his his better Healthcare of researching dirt

And how to obtain it better I see I I me I mean fine Brown material structural material mhm all right so um if you could if you could uh Supply us with a chest to put it in this would I do not have chest for

The moment on me like right now I do not I told you that we needed to do this I told you all no no no I I I can suppli this with a chip it’s just a little bit so here Grace Grace P for the

Meanwell I needed to hold on to this cuz I have no space oh oh that’s even better is it what I orange juice it’s orange juice don’t don’t orange juice can I can I use it on you no no no never mind okay wait back give it back give it back give

It back hold up I have another item you can you can get keep onto that for a second do not use that on J please um he’s he’s he’s been very protective lately um after he found I I told him about what happened to my dad and he’s

Been he’s been very protective you’re die that die to Lava no no he’s just he’s just very bed and very ill so he’s very frail and it it’s a genetic thing it runs in the family so he wants to take care of me what he make with lava though you

Have a do you not have a crafting table on I I don’t know why I don’t know why table I it’s not it’s not lava it’s orange juice you have one no I haven’t I don’t have like a crafting table there we W past it congratulations next time get in the

Elevator before like accusing it please please do not be rude to to my staff members would be much appreciated he’s a novice yeah he’s very new I see I’m helping him out with his business he’s helping me out with mine I see he got the crafting table

Let’s go where where do you you didn’t even ask where where they wanted it they might not want it down here where do you want us to put the chest oh down here is kind of cool oh okay never you know you you already running the business yourself okay this

Is this is half of it roughly um oh that roughly more than it to be honest oh okay okay okay this roughly half we we we only need to get you a little bit more I think that’s that’s even better than roughly half of it I think no maybe I can offer you

Something I actually like you can see behind me have like a lot of like Precious material materal also useful for construction named Stone maybe I can give you some for like some dir some more grass I um you you want some more grass is that what I’m here yeah cuz

That can be useful grass is that the problem that I want some grass no no no no no this is this is this is great news this I didn’t think that we get this far we’re already expanding out of dirt we’re going to Grass I’m so happy with this information

I think grass is like a a beautiful business it’s growing my business wait get that trouble back actually wait no no you don’t you can keep that you can keep that I can keep that oh same yeah cuz you’re our first customer uh well you’re the first

Customer oh I I I’m your first customer no you’re not you’re not you’re not no no they are technically technically speaking they are our first customer we are incredibly credible company and we’ve done this so many times before Oh so I’m not the first you’re the first with dirt let’s

Say oh what did you sell you’re the first with our Oasis dirt Oasis new new with the new D this is this is very good oh basically our old place it got overrun with this thing called cor it’s yucky and it’s oh so that’s like First

Quality this this is this is this isn’t even like top tier this is above it this is SSS plus here oh god tier God yeah no even God doesn’t have this D God wishes he had this wait but I’m a goddess you wish you had this dirt trust

Me hold that I wish I have it know you yeah no you wish you had the means to obtain it this is you cring it’s a limited Supply and we’re giving it I’m not crouching anymore I see I see I don’t know why we open this chest like

We we are scared that the dir disappear you should be you should be people once people hear about this dirt everyone will flock you got to use it up stand you got you got to hide it okay don’t don’t let people take it because that’s always T

And what you grass is even rarer oh I see like it’s at least like eight times rarer than the actual guys I’m I’m gonna have to interrupt quick is Tina man Chance’s cosplay am I I I just love I would [ __ ] you well then you have to [ __ ] the three

Of us he C like how how did how did you come to that idea zigy you know ask zigy is that zaggy oh let’s go let’s go I’m too strong I’m too strong for that would you mind if I told Tina to punch me yes please don’t do

That get away get away get no no you don’t want to do that bro leave me alone oh wow that’s a bodyguard I didn’t know that the hell’s happening down you I will I will cosplay convention cosplay Les armor every single time I see you what’s happening

Uh why there a boat next to you you were wearing pants last time I saw you I remember that I don’t know what you’re talking about we got to we got to go we got to we got to get the rest of the supply for the customer was always that

Always wait in the payment the payment the rest of the thing come back here no no no no no you’ve already given us payment 15 minutes yeah what it it depend I think that depends per challenge sure it does cuz the session was like 2 hours the what was I talking

About have you not been participating in the challenges oh yeah but that like I don’t know like uh I don’t know like um how many time we will we will do that when does it stop uh minutes 15 minutes in 15 minutes I think I think it was 2 hours total we

Had to to to do challenges oh I see I see D and me who need like to finish my my Min game did you manage to get any of yours done at all actually like for the moment I’m just like carving the Maze and now I will I will try to to make

Everything clean and cool and and pretty and and all that nice but yeah if you want to visit later you’re always welcome yeah yeah I will definitely be checking the gem out yeah excited see it my stormies are are doing our their work let’s go I’m so

Happy oh you I was going to say you could put some lightning rods on this to have lightning like zap around the Lightning gym since that’s nether with they shouldn’t catch fire right oh yeah that’s right what is this oh I think someone had a challenge

To do that I didn’t notice it until a few minutes ago I don’t know how the hell they did that with nobody noticing but what the heck in plus like the worst is that the hello actually it’s like backward or not even backward it’s like backward upside down like

That’s so that’s so strange I think it’s it only looks right if you if you look at it on the uh on the map oh yeah wait but from below it looks wrong oh yeah okay yeah on the map it looks it looks okay oh my gosh oh that’s so weird oh my

Gosh but yeah damn that’s time flies man like Ser feel like there been 2 hours since we started God damn yeah but that’s so so fun like I’m not used to actually like communicate with people yeah but yeah when we got the occasion like Sly it become way easier

Than to just like try to find people to talk to them and to to see if like they got the same games as us and yeah that’s what I love about something like Minecraft it’s so easy to just have a bunch of people play together and and it’s just yeah it’s so

Easy to get a server up and have people on it and actually be to play together in kind of collabing ways and and all that it’s so much fun yeah exactly and even like we don’t even try to schedule a collab like we just like run around

And then we’re like hey hi for you yeah yeah but yeah you’ll have to to catch the Flying Fish yes how’s it going Grace how was your challenge it’s fine it’s fine can I can I talk with you yeah and then you can go press the button I can press a

Button let’s go if you succeed you press the button let’s go did you did you buy the dirt or not actually yes to make stay I’m done fishy yeah press button I tried to apologize for being a bad wifey me theu go think we need marriage counseling this is don’t forget to press

The button very curious about this I already did okay than defitely not going to work uh to tell you what it was I had to come up with a nickname and two people had to say it really I’m so sorry for the team oner an idiot oh

Myy and it works it was a jo at Le it don’t seem like that 47 minutes that doesn’t seem that huh naming two people I don’t think that difficult actually yeah they just have to say it are you on stream this is my second challenge can I

Buy something fishy I got like I can’t do I just take it off the wall or I’ve been recording this whole time oh man that was fantastic crying right now do you hear me scream I did it C off right as you blew off I I want a fire stone please

Fire stone I so loud Felix came over like are you okay and then I have one more Point yeah I have one more Point can I get some yellow froges please yeah I’ve done two challenges I’m so proud of you Lina oh that two challenges oh wait do

We get rewards oh that two challenges yeah yeah yeah you have what do you mean by point you can look at the at the the STS is there a reward to one my Pokemon thank you wait there was two challenges wait wait what’s what’s the uh where’s where do I look for my rewards just on the on the market St mhm the stuff can you give me back uh the book second h no

No no the the Second Challenge would have been one from the bookcases after you completed it oh I see yeah I you could still take one but I don’t know if there’s enough time still do it oh stop rubbing your hands W I love I want to

Take another one I’m just not sure which one like a weird the time is limited fluffy you know I’ve read that one before so I’m not going to say anything but I do love just you helped me with my second challenge which was give someone a nickname and have two people

Call points you can buy like one anyway yeah worked out sh I had crumble GI the ballman for the longest time and no one joined in you got like a blue a pinky color it won yellow I want the pink one pink one yeah oh not the

Sushi I gave you or the pinky colored one yeah yeah I did my second one yeah sure ask you but I was like can you tell me what my Twitter name is I know all right give me that was it oh I not it was best friend I was just you don’t one

Lordish awesome I you have a second point maybe uh did did J already got what he wanted he didn’t come back yet oh okay uh fish uh I still have my two points I come back yeah this one this one right what did you use me I heard in the background that you

Used me so yeah can you say it can you say it again rub your head rub your first chall huh does that count I had to delete okay did you did you get what you want that’s go challenge yes okay okay yay I will very lucky I will fly up

Here cuz I need to eat uh um I’ll be back in 10 minutes okay okay okay not this man not forgetting to eat oh get Myas my task was to someone to I like my God I would have just called you my queen the when the challenges

End tell you what it was so I was like oh your Twitter oh my God that is so smart that is so smart yeah that yeah that is the thing is I don’t help him in this situations I don’t know what yeah we we could try and help you but we just can’t

Ask you can’t tell us I don’t know what you don’t need to help me you don’t need to help me don’t need to help me I’m doing my challenge oh is it just rubbing your hands you have to rub your hands 100 times no I’m just doing my

Challenge you don’t need to know what it is call them out on it no no don’t see that I’m going to to build my gym after several several hours of doing this maybe one day I will finish it I will try to to do this quest in the meantime because actually it

Is we have still 19 minutes so I can do this in 10 minutes that will be really hard but I will have to do that to talk for 10 entire minutes hoping that nobody will see me that nobody will talk to me that everybody will forget

Me with dream to be to be finally what I want to be I saw lenie Hi lenie how are you hope you’re fine what are you doing here I just finished my two challenges I’m I’m on my way home you finished your two challenges and nice I need to still do some because

Actually enjoy thank you nice and bye to to L that will be harder than I expected there I say to myself and the question I wanted to ask myself in is who will I do this without being noticed who who the freak am I supposed to do

That but I will do it because I’m not a coward and also it’s only 10 minutes only 10 filthy minutes I need to do that I need to watch the map of my maze I’m lost in the map of my Maze and I need to find where is this

Thing hopefully I do not need to be in company of anybody to do that because it will have been very very very scary and I hear somebody hi pocket who are you howdy you who are you who are you I am good I’m sorry I stuck into your base oh

You stuck into my base and that’s very very easy there’s a bottom here a it’s a a slime block launcher thing that’s so cool exact can I send it back down yes you need to wait uh I can I can do this because I’m on

My but actually I will explain it to you you need to throw an item at this block Whatever item you want a little bit more to the left a little bit Fer and here you go ooh that’s really cool yeah and now you fleed well not fleed but you understand what I mean it’s really hard I I actually I’m thinking I don’t understand what does that mean everything do I need to say like I talk to this person I am

Digging I am counting I am I am actually watching the map of my of my maze to try to find where the freak I am uh where the freak I am where the freak I am here I am okay meu you didn’t understood that’s okay 1 2 3 4 5

One mining five blocks that’s my challenge if you do not understand that’s my challenge look at it this is the challenge I trust in you you read fast um so yeah and because of that I will actually be able to to maybe purchase uh frog lights that will be

Very useful one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight uh mining eight block from now 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 eight and actually I’m now thinking that actually I always wanted To to to to to write a book actually never add like the the patience nor like the talent to do it but I always wanted to do that I’m mining is free blocks and there is a problem what is the problem wait oh that was one to three

And I and I made four off freck one two three oh that was even one two oh that’s one two okay then Waypoint called wayo I’m reading why do they do that I will add that into my my Rory for some reason I don’t know why that’s a

Way point that go way point but I don’t care uh how many blocks I need to to mine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight I need to mine eight blocks one two 3 4 5 6 seven eight amazing uh I found a Thunderstone I mind a

Thunderstone I that’s so good that’s so good I’m so happy I’m actually super happy right now yes what is is we have everything set up I see you there you go okay has been made open the chest Let’s Go sing that much blocks is amazing thank you thank we do have we

Can we can take some of the dirt and replace it with more grass if you really want uh yeah maybe the one line of dir you can replace it with one grass I don’t I don’t have that much I say you don’t have that much it’s no that’s a bit

Extra payment you know we’re doing you favor by replacing a little bit that is that is that much there you go I I gave extra five Stacks okay I think that’s fine that is fine okay okay that is a good business deal we we deal future reference we won’t be this lenient sadly

Now we have to go we we got to go I need you got to go so I I say bye to you goodbye bye you bye-bye now I go back in the mine and uh and yeah and I need to rewatch the freaking freaking map one two three okay

One two three one two three one two three I watch the stopwatch and I see that it’s like 8 minutes and 30 seconds why is that that long um I am thinking I am thinking I am thinking and I am thinking that actually I should maybe make the long road so that’s a

Corridor made of 1 2 three 4 5 6 wait I recount one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 corridors that maybe a little bit

Long I said to myself uh 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 oh my gosh 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 17 19 uh 18 19 20 21 22 24 24 because that was 23 25 let’s go and now I go out I now go out of my Maze I go out of my maze I press the button I wait for the elevator I repress the button and now I go to the cobal square where there is a lot of people there a Cobalt Square I go so you have one point and you can get

One of this in a stack or wait and like R you can get one of these wait these are singular no I said do you know what you spend your uh token all right how do I get the I I need so how do I how do I thank you for the little

CP was like the beginning I’m glad you’re happy did you do it did you do it I’m not a lot with and stuff don’t worry about that someone’s already I’m I’m going to count as the wi okay is fishy it’s here fishy have points I have ready for my Thing I’m interesting cuz I’m like thinking fishan I finished I finished my second thing yeah I did it awesome I was really expecting that nobody that nobody actually come come up to me like during this time but there is people who came in and I was like

Uh so that was odd but I did it actually I because because I thought that the thing will finish like in like 10 minutes earlier but when you said that there was like 19 10 minutes I was like okay that’s my time okay okay what’s fishy fishy come here

Uh how much for the beacon that’s one token you have okay three you have three so uh I Beacon and two master balls wait I saw you have a h someone gave it to me because Reas I actually let me check check I don’t know that’s personal information

I’ve been giving stuff to people and they like me so they give me no how did you get I have to be very careful I gifted H St of diamond today and they were like hey I can get something for you if you want and I said

Now I need to know who it it cuz you can’t get that oh oh gave it now yeah yeah okay wa wait wait come back come back back I bought someone like earlier ah no no no we just bought it for okay let’s see uh oh there’s still four minutes people

Wait can I get a token or another item oh there’s no physical all right can I can I buy a beacon yeah how do people demon how do you have three points because I’ve been as the battler of bter for an hour but I thought you what is

That a hard chask oh I guess was an hour are people going over to Water by the way well my task was also going back there where is the uh where wait there’s a lot of people that just went away what happened yeah where is the

The it’s a hole in the ground and actually that direction oh God no I picked up I picked up parkour as my very first task and I was like yeah no I’m not doing that one parkour well where fishy I want my beacon and my two moner

Balls yeah we have we have the way it’s fine it’s fine oh seriously why do you do that no you’re burning your armor it’s fine I’ll put mending sometime or another I need to obtain a beacon Hello’s not here if somebody say the parkour challenge has been completed oh nice

Nice I would like a beacon a beacon yeah my I demon was first trying to buy something it’s fine here you go thank you imagine something somebody I want the bacon I have two tokens right so yes you have two I was like I see your

Panties over there first of all then I also see a beacon I I was like What if I get those yeah you want my P my panties you can take them off the the wall you said it’s a with people I thought we had a thing I’m selling them thank you ran

Ran thank you for the follow welcome to the store I someone can I get spot out sticks to spot the panties I’m framing them somewhere no one will ever know why you should have Asked what you what you say that glowing though that one’s glowing though but that one’s glowing must just stole I mean it’s a one of a kind I’ll take the item for him that it was displayed in it you know it’s fishy residue I don’t know here you

Go you love it I have aot in the Game Minut Mania no no no Beacon makad we need we Need I had to like make a list of stuff I had wait can you can you drop can you drop the Pokéball real quick and I’ll drop it back oh wait how do I how do I get everything it out I will as well um bread and then you Dr

Pleas me every everyone touch everyone touch baset everyone touch the purle B dude everyone touch my ball we like I didn’t know you put on your shoulder so cute Right what did you guys get for your I have completed this challenge I didn’t spend my point yet did oh my God I got all the evolutions now it is it I’m giv my highlight thank you my highlights was I officiated a wedding had my fortune red

I aided building a Geodude and I GA someone yeah you got three points the whole on your on your go um may I please have a beacon a master b and a fire stone yeah you can take the fire stone of the of the picture well both of mine only worth

One fishy wait hold on uh here thank you my thank you I just mine will only worth one each uh because some of them are time restrict yeah one of mine was timed it was like 30 minutes 30 minutes yeah yeah uh how much points did they give you I don’t

Know I I think one maybe and you’ve succeeded two yeah yeah I’ve done two I didn’t this guy okay thank you I have succeeded yeah yes uh I had five five people tried and Tina succeeded I mean if you I’m going to give two two yeah do I get a point two for

This I think I think you made it yourself a bit harder yeah I I didn’t realize I thought map like multiple Chambers but it was actually a lot of fun making have done it here for example that’s make a fair where you don’t die n it’s fine I think

He okay okay fishy I have a question succeeded you Jud is that thing I I mean I have not heard I have not heard you speak about I I I I mean I’m I’m impersonating them even that’s true it’s very unfortunate that you spoke to the person who’s faite

Pokemon I will give you a point for it should judge for yourself uh wait did demon do his quest thing his mission yet I I’m I’m not sure what demons was anymore he was he was following me like a puppy dog oh I think you gave him points for

That yeah demon already demon already paid his things I think he already bought how do I like get my put in my tokens he just talk to me but but it’s very cha yes I I got all the evolutions while this was happening do I get an

Extra point no damn it what would you like take a look you know Lena maybe if you become an I I would like a Moonstone one that was my second Quest by the way yes just not Eevee can I make someone no no no zig zigon I would like a Lea Stone please wait I I didn’t I didn’t do this oh don’t have any food left I need to eat oh my

Gosh I got two points I Think someone needed food let’s go someone said they needed food on top of my house and now I don’t know they where they are I don’t know I was making food you don’t have to but it’s some extra stuff going to happen challenges now right yeah no we are we what if you

Finish okay so my first one was I had to get three people to make animal noises so at first I was just kind of going around making random animal noises hoping other people would just you know do it back um okay instead I just started asking

People to name this cuz it’s starts with me which worked eventually that’s that’s why I that’s why I asked you what if you knew what it was called I thought you were testing my awfulness an knowing names okay I finally got three people see it and then my second one was I had

To follow someone around or I had to make a 5 minute documentary like nature documentary about someone and I couldn’t mute my microphone while I did it and I wen’t allowed to notice me doing it which I eventually did manage to ah so that’s why you okay okay fair that’s why

I was creepily in a bush at one point watch from a distance that was part of it right what happened to your pants then yeah why are you wearing less and less armor don’t cuz that wasn’t part of the challenge you just did that oh yeah Grace Grace

What was yours uh mine was at actually to to make somebody stay in my house for 10 minutes or more and you actually did that we were there for 10 minutes yeah you were there for 10 minutes I’m going like the second time there as well J cuz I had to keep

You safe for an hour yeah he had to keep me safe for an hour I had to convin that had a monopoly over dirt and I did are and I only agreed because I had to stay there for 10 minutes yeah of course that was all part

Of the plan all right let’s go to square now by the way cuz we have to go there like I think everyone does oh we need to get that’s made wrong big PC guy you have arrived the squad is here did you finish hello

Squad yo you got a lamp I got a lamp you’ve got some of your slime need yeah I need less now something already you could have not spend on I’ll give it to you later you um um to late now to late now now I have focus on that

Only need these we can have a future s later yes please just not in the shack yeah I no the sh gone and and yes my TK was to make zigon my whole identity thank you specific yes specifically Zig zagon that’s kind of funny actually I like that someone had

The I need who had the dad jokes one endar cosplay was it walking around like you know what I’m doing say I love you backs of that yeah my social awkwardness has made it okay my badish just just temporarily why one people who said Thank and I have slime blocks the slime blocks I think I said thanks Mom that’s basically saying I love you you have a second point So I’m sorry I me I app to you was it just one or a few three wait wait did they do it in the end yes tin in the end did say I love you that’s why I ran away so you could kiss me again I needed you to say it

Love that’s aunny yeah oh my God be in the light now Jesus in the sky bro that’s a lot of who made the piss be or is it h excuse so fishy how was your challenge I didn’t have a challenge how was your challenge fishy I wish I had a challenge challeng

How was your challeng with all of us fishy please mute yourself fish how was your challenge please mute yourself let’s see is is anyone not here uh GI just walked off G vixon is coming with silver okay let’s see Shiny is that your shiny mu Tina I mean idiots they they’ll

Probably hear it I’ll wait like a few minutes yeah nice well that makes perfect sense we need to mute are they all shinies I don’t is here oh my God so many what the [ __ ] why need to join as well so okay what do you have so manyy I will can I

Do let me know if you wish a TP I can speed it up I don’t think crumble is here and Aki is not here but I can I can just say it afterwards oh I think Aki is there all right uh thanks thanks for

Joining me I hope it I think it was fun a lot activity was going around uh I would love to see all your perspectives cuz I I’m sure I’ve missed a lot i’ I’ve caught a few things like uh the grass situation the the wedding was was pretty cute but there

Is but there is more uh I have not I have brought you here for a reason not because not just because to give you a good time but I have discovered a secret about this place there have been things that I’ve seen legendary Pokemon that roam around I’ve I’ve done

The research and I would like all of you to figure out where these legendaries are but legendaries are one of a kind whoever finds it first gets a chance to catch the legendary you all get a fair shot I’ve hidden Clues at oh my God what what’s happening oh

No what’s up son of Ay quick rip this place apart guys stop like I have Pleas that’s my job how don’t kill me what’s up oh God bun you remember the remember the bunny huh bunny he made the Bunny Run Run the Bunny what Happ going up this is great there a wrong one weird I tried to just follow the M for some reason where’s where’s where are my Clues h H oh maybe I can just not open okay I can just not open this oh is that the vacon not the bacon I love everyone who’s running around and the speed of sound oh that’s cool think you’re the only one I’m missing come come this way thank you did like my zon cosplay yes I do I think I have to goone byebye way cat Happen Vulpix oh my gosh oh that’s what’s the forour I see I think that was a parkour I don’t try to to S too much like I’m just I’m just BL blah blah blah blah I tried to think a bit but uh not really that easy actually that’s really weird because

Like there’s people people already did like a lot of stuff and I haven’t done like that much so I don’t know if I should quote unquote lose my time to try like to find this thing even if it’s really Interesting if there’s a clue leave it there Guys no taking the clues Sho thank you thank thank you for the for the raid how are you hope you’re fine key I found that too where are you I also want a basement key how are you how are you how was your stream hope it was

Fine where did you find the basement key I also want a basement key yeah me too basement key okay B found something oh I gu key or fish’s basement probably fish basement we go to fishy now to all check out fishy’s basement you know I was supposed to take

A break and have some food we’re lookin Pokemon did you find the basement you need the key for do you a basement key I do where did you get the basement key well tell me where the basement is and I’ll tell you where the I’ll no no you tell me where the key

Is and I’ll tell you where the basement is what does the book say all we can we can walk away all right we’ll walk away Bo you why you taking the book I pressed the wrong button be fa take this Book okay I just I I see you have one the book is gone I see it wait cumo you guys left me cble yeah where are you at I have Professor fishy oh I found you oh is fishy alive again officially it says you can take the book

Soble did take it I made a scum to it yeah yeah yeah I’ll take I’ll put it back I’ll put it back I it says there I could take it so I took it I was like I didn’t think everyone would find it once okay well there’s already another

Book there so I’m going to take this one oh man will you will you just stop and not that passive reading guys come on go I’m still on page two the basement is under what okay I have the key already that’s the fun thing yeah me

Too she only put one one in there can I can I just take that one uh I kind of want to make more Poké Balls I actually think I know where the basement is that’s where where is it back I will follow my my idea without talking to anyone because talking to

Anyone is we be the sword no I’m just kidding I stole that from NE all right’s all right to the Bakery okay uh I can’t jump over did someone find anything yet huh I thought I knew about it oh well there yes I think we have to St wiing okay yeah I see now bye a okay I’m off have fun guys bye we thought there would be something

Diary place but wasn’t really no there wasn’t anything um what about you no nothing absolutely nothing I went basement key yeah but he might have later wait wait wait wait wait need to analy thing start playing Cobble Mo to yeah but that’s a server like logically in that there is nothing thanks Master

Fishy U B has a grow LIF for you if you ever appear again oh I I just looked at him until uh do you have a normal boat no but I can make one I wood with me okay oh I’m out of food not as fast the basement is under There hi Gra hi do you have any idea where the basement is I don’t know oh oh oh my freaking gosh wait combo can I have something that I cannot use actually yeah let’s back the basement is under you like a fun how I’m also play comeon yeah it’s very fun

It’s not this maybe it is wait wait wait wait wait wait Wait I don’t want to BR force it but uh I don’t want to BR force it apparently we can do that without the without breaking any blocks I thought for a moment it might be under the Cobble Square because there is a stair that leads downwards to the water but there

Tina he’s somebody has food Tina do you have food thank you for the boers uh do you want do you want do you want the I don’t know what I can give you I don’t know what I can give you do you want

STS oh oh I’m sorry I was muted I I I don’t need them you you don’t need to yeah but but that’s because like my my inventory is [Laughter] full I’ll take okay take sorry I need to organize my my inventory better oh the weather is very loud I

Have to turn that down sorry for doing my job huh uh but yeah what do you think like the legendary will be actually I do not know I mean technically I’m part of the wives but hello Moone hello I’m just starting the the thing the next thing um

This should not be this hard right we Tina did you find anything yet I have a key a key yeah there is a key oh miss Grumble hello hello crumble do we are we part of the lesbians very much a female and I like other females being let’s goans let’s go they

Know they know what do you mean they know they they know these guys know something follow them no they know that we’re lesbians oh I want to be a lesbian no you can’t you’re not you can’t if i violence is not the answer guys come on it might sometimes be in this case

It’s really annoying that we’re not able to take book you know it doesn’t say anything though it just says beastman is I know but I would like to read book to understand more I follow my ideas once again executed icon look like SpongeBob well uh the actual executor is not really like

SpongeBob I will say and even like in the in the team thing oh my gosh help ow hey hey oh freak uh yeah where was it where is it here is uh I Leen the key of the basement in the pool in front of the Arena the basement is suspicious house

Yes what do they mean base basement where is this basement oh I [ __ ] missed this I’m a found the secrets congrats I’ve the key of the basement in the pool in front of the arena is there an arena somewhere yes in the in the Park Center oh wait okay okay that is it’s

Under what does he mean by that because there is nothing except this huge ass Cave what does they mean b like I said I don’t want to brute force it but That’s not it that’s not this either wait what is this oh that’s private I don’t think I’m allowed to to actually read the interviews one person is very hot what do you mean by one person is very hot what I’m sorry fishy I hope just that’s loud I we just throw the

Feathers not useful hey very sad about that one person is very hot what did what did he build is that like uh oh why did I have a why did I have a Boost I have a boost for some Reason wait what where did I wait what where did I add a boost for some reason I add a is that a boost that we get here wait wait what we get a boost here wait we have a boost here for some reason okay bye-bye thank you for joining hope you had

Fun Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and Bam basement Key ow actually that’s not even like an enigma like they just like a try to guess this is funny but yeah like we do not have like anything else and just oh it’s somewhere you freaking Serious cave moment the thing is that it’s a basement so it’s not like a cave right that’s a thing that can be disturbing is because it’s it’s not like a cave if it’s a basement and I still don’t know why we get the movement speed boost here where else so wait are

They they are in in here okay let’s check the let’s check the arena one more one last time that would be kind of on the nose well that’s that’s still it’s underneath but we we checked the arena fairly well I have I have an idea let’s get into a group so

We can spread out sure how do you do that I’m going to create the group what what button is it g i uh G yeah yeah yeah okay wizard boys you have the lesbians that’s great why are there so many people in that group I’m just going to name our group us good

Good just not the script structure structure okay okay I’m going I’m going to the e oh wow and I love how one time he said like uh oh somebody is very hot And the thing is like what do we search Hello zero husband how are You wait you not with the rest actually I’m not really with the rest like have fun and tell when I say hi okay them they H everyone so good luck you be scared of social of course I’m scared why sure me I’m just going to ask fish real

Quick cuz these guys all just took all the books yeah that’s was that easy somebody will have discovered it earlier if on the right side oh no not that there it’s just I just realized it what what the [ __ ] hi Grace how you doing hi oh there

Okay gra this way where oh clue two never mind I found one you found clue number two message fishy on Discord the following okay I I’ll message fishy I’ll also message you the message clue three I found a clue three wait how did you get down

Actually uh it’s on the side of the actual building itself not under the water okay what am I supposed to okay you have to send that to fishy that that’s what you have to send to fishy afterwards let me let me let me go to fishy real quick and send it them

Oh then let me send the second message as well I don’t know if we’re allowed to look in group um here you go I I don’t care though here oh okay okay so clue two goes in this one once you’re done with it you need to put that back in there

Yeah you have to put it back up there wait where is the clue one the clue one was the first book right the one I’m guessing yeah yeah I’m not sure either oh wait clue one right here wait I’ll be back in a wait no no no clue one

Is here we [ __ ] up clue one this is clue one okay uh just here take that yeah sorry I just realized okay CL One all right there we go clue one found clue one clue one clue one clue one one one they’re allue one I send them three messages is that is that what it is have you checking your Pokemon yeah we’re doing that right nowed there was a lot of people that’s a

Lot of people that’s 30 so J I found clue one by the way here look at this it’s in the in the bookshelves here oh okay okay clue one what a cute Paragon okay okay I need a I need a fishy hold up fishy told me to

Wait is it the clues or not I um oh wait wait okay uh one who need the clue one wait I have the the three Clues already wait Brad what was the thing I was meant to say the okay so in terms of line it is what

A cute poron then it is just Magikarp then Pikachu yeah you’re the cutest magical there you go I don’t know how po gon that’s my that’s my clue fishy sorry that was probably really confusing I don’t know put the clues back yeah but I don’t know where you took them actually

Over Jay your picture is wrong cuz you have a different one oh mine’s wrong yeah your yours is different cuz you found it earlier you know okay this is yours you’re looking thank you have a good luck much appreciated all right there we go yeah done cleaned

Up hey better gra spin this around a wa wait I haven’t I feel even like uh old spin it around yeah I already have a around the world around the world fishy fishy what what so I have to go to a different place is what you’re saying is

That the different yeah you need to find something else you’re going to be separated okay bye I’m to like I’m I’m assuming I allowed to stay in a group with friends like chat yeah that’s fine okay okay thank okay what are the clue two and three because place I haven’t said them to

You oh my gosh um fishy is bir allowed to help me with yeah but you cannot help him but I cannot help him okay okay okay okay you’re allowed to help me but I’m allowed to help you oh okay have I yeah oh I have to go traveling by boat there have you found the other ones uh the the the clue number two and three not yet oh they didn’t show you no I see but the thing is that I see that but oh I think they didn’t put it back to be

Honest oh oh oh I found I found something there’s this one tw is the last one what oh what was that you’re cutest magar uh true there is I thought it was done no it’s not done it’s not done it’s not done oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I I sto I stopped

Looking or so what do you mean what is the thing underneath the structure help me please I don’t understand what structure the thing underneath the structure yeah we got like a book with day 19 or something um have you found the basement I found the basement key not the

Basement I sose okay um you are very close to it I will I’m very close to it oh oh oh I’m at the PO Center under oh basement okay wait but but where is it B okay here we go here we go pretty sure it’s over Here what this what this oh my gosh but I haven’t visited the map so much oh ah that’s a disadvantage I haven’t visited the map that much it’s just close to water not that much do I have a boat I do not do I have a boat inside of this I do

Not I will stop at the bamboo bar to to use like a crafting table oh my freaking gosh are you freaking serious bro what the heck I knew I feel cill out of everything today take care of the raging Storm yeah sorry just doing my job oh my gosh I don’t have

Anything I need to search for it oh that will be so freaking sad oh my gosh I I think it’s over down there or down there yeah I think it’s that or I go completely the wrong way and oh you’re following me do you know where it is uh no I’m

Searching yeah I’ve been sing for ages I don’t know where it is yeah a frak wait the fire bird oh that was that was Mol oh yeah but I got the disadvantage I don’t have the map I don’t have a lot of the map is there more or is that Ow and that was a really really good time though for two second I thought that come that came from the from the game I’m not mad but I’m kind of sad because actually I haven’t explored Bo that much right I didn’t got like a lot of chance to to actually find the the

Location of it so I’m kind of Sad I want to find the location at least but that’s not a clue Grace that’s a base yeah no I know but what I close to it cuz apparently you catched it congratulations Grace all I’m saying is if you go kind of that way you’re closer yeah but you you catched it right yeah

Yeah yeah yeah there’s multiple there’s multiple go there’s multip wait wait wait there’s multiple there’s multiple please Z do Z do I swear Z do how do we enter that oh right you already have have mol right that’s bread start you can’t just fight me with all the special

Pokemon you said whoever finds a GU to throw a Pokéball my your parkour is a little too difficult no it’s easy you know what Lena this is I’m I’m I I think I’m going to I think I’m just going to go back to building my house yes that’s all I wanted that’s all

I wanted which one the torching I’ve been looking for a Tor I have aor by way okay I’m so I’m so frustrated moner I don’t want to do it anymore I’m done I swear I will not cry I swear I will not cry I swear I will not cry I

Swear I will not cry I swear I will not cry I swear I will not cry big big hog Right this map is big yes why do they decide to build a bridge in the middle of nowhere bito 1,982 just subscribed for four thank you bito for the resub thank you thank you who are you I swear I swear get out of my way

I’m fine except that of course I died at the worst moment ever but yeah I’m fine I’m fine a thank you Z and you how is your base uh how is your day actually I swear if there is nothing else when I when I arrive I will just freaking

Cry I can be very emotional when that when that happened to me when I’m about to win but actually like people just come and and say ahuh actually know I can be kind of weak for this kind of moments I will say what are you looking for actually

There is a challenge that um uh to to find like um legendary Pokemon but the thing is that he said that actually like uh there was only one legendary and I don’t know if actually that was true or not so yeah I will still try to go to it

Even if I was literally right next to it and I mad because of that and I love how it said like I just need like that do or if there is regi actually I want like regi if there is Ray oh a frak I will

Have to make a choice oh no oh no I will have to make a choice oh frak if there is reg key should I pick up reg or should I pick up Rayquaza my my my love Pokemon or my or or for my for my

Gym if there is a choice and if there is not Ray quadas then then yeah I will I will just uh I will just it will just take like an electric Pokemon electric likey or Zora something like that no way I’m doing this I’m just going for for whatever I

Can getes anybody you against oh um I don’t know I might oh I do not they’re all level yeah they’re all level 50 people are asking for a PC fishy we would like PC please if you brought one then you can if you have one you can use it if

Not you got to go get one hello I am I am ready where’s the exit by the way not going to go easy on you you got this Tina I believe I love you can someone close the door behind me please yeah this is this isight fishy

First well you can’t just capture it okay mol you go down Tina might have a chance do you just go some high level Pokémon yeah I I can’t do this Minecraft she probably B need a Minecraft she can’t need a queen oh you you say I might have a

Chance you don’t know which Pokemon I have on me you you only have grass types don’t you yes you know red team is getting yeah I’m going to get swept by Moltres this feel so sad J they’re all birds too so all of the flying Titans are super yeah I know come on

Surv isn’t fireing a move no fire wi is not there’s some flying fire type move I’m pretty sure to be fa it is oh no I’m think I I hate him all right who’s the M I should be not but after next okay yeah you definitely me I remember that

Cuz I pushed you out the way yeah on on on the wall I’m sorry about that I just rushed I’m like I can do it I have one question is there is there more after the the room which one would you like for the stting I might do um the to week

Slightly overl were you able to get in yeah I think you’re going to do just fine I’m still I kind of I I kind of want the shiny star to any Don’t Run Away Don’t Run Away Let me I’ll give you a monster B cuz the other one that I isn’t uh

Fishy getting myig yeah okay poor fish I cont this one I don’t think fish plan for this many people to participate I don’t have any my leftovers on me none of my Pokemon have items look so cute when it’s shiny yeah so cute don’t know how to do

This thank you anyone else want to have the shiny then we can we don’t have to fight then um I’ll take the shiny since I only have a team of six rolu which one would you like uh may have a shiny Benin fish there’s no chance I’m going

To be able to to fight so I can have a shiny star 100% take I’m so close I can’t get there moy I believe in you you want a tip Moy for the first one do not jump just run to it just just yeah just Sprint onto

It which Pokemon would you like I believe in you can do it money um voices coming thank you fishy you’re my favorite look at him8 yep go thank you 8 8 Z is anyone else not going to fight there’s an exit here if you well 50 58 I did it yay oh

The water is a bit annoying yeah make it very wellden 808 what inside now so did she go with the vines yeah she got with the vines no what what’s happening BR is’s just like if you cannot fight uh uh question um who needs an endar just to get here we have the

Choice between quit the group there is too many people no no no no end will be cheating we have the choice between like the between the three of them right I believe in you Mooney you good thank you I’m okay there’s also people offering uh is there a lot more people

Than you thought I just I realized I’m going to have to be high level Pokemon don’t hit you got to jump from this is anyone here for a shiny starter and that’s it they said had to run okay I’m still decid running on the thing how long do I have time to get

Back here I want to challenge you to go for PC or no that one you have to though you can but there’s only two legendaries left I can yeah like if I fail if I do lose I still get shiny right or do I just have to stick the shiny okay yeah

I’ll be back then I’m going to go and get a PC okay you kill me anyone want to kill me can I try to to have the then you’ll have fight yeah somebody’s fighting him I’m I’m I’m next wait I can I cannot understand actually what for the

Legendaries you’ll have to fight me and win and then press fight you and win slip off h yep I’m ready you want the fight not going to be a thing crumble do you want to fight or I’m going to I’m going to tryy and help Mone get across first you want the

You did it you did it next one is easier the yeah the next one’s easier since you don’t have to go 0 that’s the ex do I have to run again might be behind you don’t wor jump late so you don’t jump too early do you have jum oh that hurt jum

Plate I’d probably run yeah that’s good because you’re going to have to fight get if you don’t win you still got a shiny starter but um do this one would recommend yeah fing you Mone I’m follow you until you do it thank you pressure other ways

I feel like good I feel like I mean there’s probably other ways there’s a lot around here oh guys should I fight him I’m thinking is this side maybe oh the thing is that I really want the Z do what do you want to I really wanted that way I

Did this side might be want you give yourself a to place love provide guitar monkey and I’m dead that’s fine oh me too me too um what do I go M zap this wait no can I flip a coin yeah sure I’m going to flip a

Coin wait fishy fishy question no we we need to fight you with the team or you with like the legendary heads so heads ISS oh okay okay okay can I try oh we got heads we’re going to we’re going to get a m if that’s okay I try to fight you

With maybe maybe after shoes it’s too much it’s too much here do someone have food though come down here I don’t I don’t oh my God to walk foress SP press m is trying to to run away thank C all right extra Grace do

You think you can beat me oh no I hope I hope what’s your highest level uh my highest level is primarina with 62 but down my team is clearly not clearly not balanced oh my freaking gosh uh wait we need to fight you battle over there yep okay

Here okay here we’re going to go up this you’re going to go straight up yeah get to the very top yeah and we’re going to go straight across don’t stop yeah oh yeah yeah yeah you see you see yeah yeah yeah you just got to do it really quickly so

Smart I love you I love you I love you I love you so much you have no idea I love you I love you I lost I’m sorry yeah no oh freak I’m so dumb well I’m leaving out the door again guys okay I’m sorry I come back

A did you find your way back I didn’t have a PC so I’m not going to be able to much I’m going to share the coordinate in Discord for you please be m but uh how do I sh the way point in the because I don’t want to put it in

The chat well there oh yeah I was dumb I was dumb I was dumb yeah people help me do the do the jump but we I don’t we don’t have to jump I’m so mad a I’m so sorry you can still get a shiny star there I don’t even know if I want

It oh my gosh I’m super mad you I did it I was oh my I really want to try but I don’t have my PCS the MU the MU has been here oh it’s just zos vixon are you still trying no she can him yeah sure I’m glad I could see it

Wait I I Cry pishy yes can I can I get can I get something you can get the a sh starter or you can try for the but fluffy is before you can I get to Shin which one what theck come to me come to me to

Me no no no no no no no trust me trust me I don’t even know let let me look at this look ma do you have strong Pokémon yeah come straight down here uh I have a 57 Lucario that’s my highest okay then I think we’re going to go straight up to

The top space yeah I once you get straight up to the top we’re going to go to the to the left all the way and just really fast how do I can I can I shiny Eevee logically eeve e daughter in let go Eevee you see that’s true I feel like on I Shin Shin I don’t even want the shiny I’m just happy I got through the freaking parkour I still have to go through the parkour I’m so sad I one shot

Aruda I might have to go back through oh sorry what is that a leg oh so they’re actually shiny oh to do Anything well this really shows who’s been actually playing the server for the server I will be right back well I I’m done for this point not great uh is there shiny Litt yes I cannot do it in battle though oh think you have a chance here why this is you oh

My I need I I CH you fishy in a bit I have a random po my team this is good Is hello BR who are you don’t think that adorable and fluffy or good word to describe Me Maybe adorable who knows For is the event over I don’t think so For Yeah it was fun yeah I enjoyed myself a lot even though I got lost in the desert for ages yeah sorry I’m trying to look at that’s okay where do you look at where do you look at the St just looking at I didn’t even want this the shiny I’m

Just I’m just happy I got through the parkour yeah wait where did fish go what do you mean was there a back entrance no this was the exit or a quick exit oh here fix there go that hurt um I think here hit the hit r on

Me it’s going to help your Pokemon don’t worry I think I’m going to go with the S okay the which one do you have that was level 30 again that was my Victor but I don’t did you get your starter yet Grace I was thinking about it I think it’s

Your turn and I still haven’t decided okay sad oh oh you know what happened I went to I went to go get other the Pokemon so that I had a better chance with the zap and it got taken that’s attacking pretty much give her a chance for a

Meww yeah you give us one Pokeball and give us one chance at the meww what loose does it have VX um Aqua GRE or be water p uh do a beam if you see can I fight you anyway B just keep doing it are you sure

Cuz if you win you might feel worse you no I I want to I want to see if I would have won I don’t think I would have won but I wanted to see we can Try I can’t move press r it’s a lot faster than Me if you press are you can actually turn around to watch what they’re doing behind you if you want did I win uh to kill the rest of them oh [ __ ] yeah I didn’t think that’s full maybe I should have did some more research on Pokemon themed games Is that the last one no there’s still on top of that one I might out of loops Yep that works um B is probably going to jump in level by the way no but I don’t know by how much no it’s okay have you pict your started Grace no still thinkinking sorry for taking that much time it’s okay I uh okay I’m going have to use Thunder

Whip it’s going to paralyze the it’s not going to damage all right so you’re prob almost level 39 what is it now 40 something that’s kind of covering it sorry oh 43 nice wait my Squirtle ready to evolve uh it probably got some experience from one of

Them so probably went from like level 1 to 16 or something like that you immediately F fishy mix and Heap I want you to know fish but next time I will kiss you understand my words fish hey look at me smile I can I can I can sense it I

Can sense it I feel like I failed fish you did not me on the other hand I did let’s go somewhere we can here no I have to wait for for Grace to pick her starter well when Grace picks her starter you’re calling me right now on Discord

Okay I can sense it I feel it also fish my Vaporeon is level 43 fight me [ __ ] fight me okay I Chen can I have like tiny po Leo Yes there you go here’s a little purple Pokéball okay I can just throw it to him right yep just right click it let’s go thank you no Worries I should have played better but I was not expecting that I was expecting a race yeah and if I would and if I lost a race like it would have been like okay like well I would have been a bit mad because that normal but um why am I always like

This always trying to rush things instead instead of taking it Slow it’s not that it’s not that like it hurt me that much it’s just that I was like you know who it is with me and defeat you know like I just feel bad afterward because I’m like oh I could have done better and that’s right I could have done

Better and I lost an occasion to have like a better team for my for my gym just just because I’m stupid I could have done so much so much more but no no I just I just tried to rush it and and I lost cuz of

That thank you thank you I know like I I don’t like to be like that on stream like seriously that’s like I feel bad for you watching me and plus like if I watch it yeah like I try to just to just like be like oh no that’s fine like haha be

Entertaining be the clown that the people want you to be and but no no that’s I cannot I cannot be like that I know that some people can actually be like that you missed but actually like I cannot I cannot be like that I cannot just be like Oh okay that’s

Fine I just lost like the legendary that could have make my team completely better and that could have improved my my capability by like 200% no no that’s fine that’s fine and plus one of the one of the legendary I I love the most because it’s a

Bird and plus that I reflect like pretty much everything on everything I do I’m always like oh I’m bad oh I’m I suck oh you’re you’re trying to rush everything oh you you you’re not patient oh you until I just say oh your life is [ __ ] oh you you’re not entertaining oh

You should kill yourself at least I got the Poo I need to level it up so I can become like a primarina actually shiny primarina is kind of cute So so yes that’s not that’s not that bad but seriously I was I was close to literally say no I don’t want I don’t want the shiny because I’m mad but that will have been stupid that will have been like completely stupid I need to farm I need to level up my

OS who is who the other one I got oh yeah I need a magnone and and MGA where can I find a m i don’t even know like I don’t even know if there will be a next one and I don’t even know if the next one will be like as as good

As this one seriously zap dos was the one I wanted the most like if that one Raichu I will have been like nah yeah that’s that’s okay but that’s not like incredible either but Z do zap do was the one I need to finish my I need to finish my Maze Hello exteria oh did you did do the challenge too yeah which one did you get this one o kind of funny we both picked the starter we already had yeah have this one now oh ni nice oh that’s the one you wanted because of the

Yeah also Co I I wanted to uh to visit you anyway I just defeated an other kid and wanted to ask you if you need this item uh I don’t even know what it is but I don’t think I actually need it it’s the one to evolve electivire oh I I see I

See I don’t think I need it but I can take it because actually that can be useful if I want to do like multiple thingsam if it’s no use for you it’s no use for me I won’t then I will accept with pleasure thank you happy to help well

Not really a help but maybe maybe it will be some use I I won’t need actually to put like a the multi XP the Exp share oh my gosh I always make the two oh yeah I I want to make some of those too now yeah and this one will be cool

Because actually it will be blonde instead of Blue and pink instead of blue oh wait that means if you have both out don’t don’t only have two fancy ladies at your sides no they even have your hair colors exactly it’s perfect yeah I will have to make food in in Minecraft not in in real life

Me too both in Minecraft and IRL oh I see then let’s go if you have to to make food good luck yes you do bye-bye see you Bye-bye oh wow already level 15 now they level up fast so yeah I hope you guys are enjoying join the stream or whatever it is I’ll have to finish this so what is where it is here it is where was I did I finish this one no I didn’t here it’s good here

Okay one 2 three four five one two three four five here it 1 2 three four five okay one two three here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight one 2 three four 5 6 7 8 I just hope that I didn’t put like a bad

Moon to fishy because I will really feel bad if that’s the case like actually his activity was like super good it was super interesting one two three four 5 six you just me who is like a soul loser one two three four five One two three four five six okay one two one two wait one two one two three what I’m I lost in my own wait wait okay here logically it’s here so here it’s one two three all the way here is this and then there is this okay so I do this they should

Be there should be two I will just excuse to too too fishy a little bit a compartment yeah sorry for my un um Earlier I are sometimes I really need to so that’s not Correct where do that Miss I’ll try to do that at the beginning okay one two one two okay one 2 3 4 5 six 7 okay one 2 three 4 5 six 7 okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay one 2 three 4 five six 7even

8 9 10 11 12 okay one two three four five okay one two three four five okay one two three four five okay one two three four five mhm one two three four 5 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 nine oh wait one two three four five six 7

Eight did iount it 1 2 three four five six seven eight okay one two three four five six seven eight so this is not a problem over here so that’s a problem over there that’s a problem over there there’s a problem here okay here we go

Where it is where it is here it is okay one two one two one two three 4 five 6 one two three four five six okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 okay that’s a problem And hello epileptic how are you okay yeah that what’s a problem okay okay okay um I’m good I’m good thank you for asking I’m still mad that actually I could have got like um a zap do and I just missed my chance I just would loved like to be like oh hey

Actually actually you know what add Zab Doos to my team my gym leader team you imagine but no I just misplayed and I was dumb thank you for the hug what is this Sound like seriously what is this Sound thank you 19 DK line welcome to the storm how are you thank you for the follow okay so now that I sold this wait one 2 three 4 5 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight okay now that’s perfect um I’m fine just relaxing um a let’s

Go let’s go let’s go I’m lost in my own uh in my own maze that’s kind of amazing okay um you seem like a good Bean do I hear snail house uh I don’t know I just know it’s like 2 2:12 2:12 a.m. 2:23 a.m. my bad so

Maybe just link from in4 and switch all let’s go amazing mhm you got it now I will just get out of here uh go over there and start my and start my thing go over there go over here okay apparently I need I need a little I don’t know if

That’s actually like meu who played that or if that’s me I don’t Know because mebe changes stuff and I don’t know if it’s mine or if it’s yours this definitely sound like Yo’s snail house I see I see wait who’s good bean I think it’s me and thank you crucifix and who are you I need to stay like this and not be like

Uh wear it out for some reason one 2 3 4 5 and and I will see the following one two 3 4 5 and thank you for the follow Chris f for you welcome to the storm thank you for the headb I don’t even know if like the headback work the headb

Work I got the verification the headb work okay one two three four five six seven one 2 3 4 Five five six s okay so here I need to do 1 2 3 4 5 uh here 1 two 3 4 and five 1 2 3 four 5 1 2 3 4 okay one 2 3 4 and five and one two three and four I’m lagging I don’t look

So makes everybody hold chocolate oh let’s go that’s so kind of You okay I’m meaning the long Corridor so maybe at the end I need one two three four five six here one two 3 4 5 six how long have you been a vtuber um now it’s almost uh 3 years it will be 3 years in like two months approximatively

One two 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 again one 2 three 4 5 six 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 so yeah I started like streaming in French and then I I switched to English

Due to two stuff 14 15 and then and then now it been like almost three years that I’ve been that I’ve been streaming so yeah 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and I think oh 25 actually there is 1 2 3 4 five at the end so if that

Work one two three or 56 oh my God okay so that’s nice and yeah 19 actually online I don’t know if I shall call you call you like that who should I call you 19 DK or line okay like is good wait let me let me check the

Map to see if actually I missed something uhhuh I think that’s fine I think that’s actually fine now I just need like to call me 19 or DK okay I will call you 19 so yeah actually that’s uh that’s super cool to to be a b tuber I really enjoy

That so that’s why I I’ve been doing that for like the the best three years of course I just hope like uh everybody that one day will be like super popular and that uh people will actually like uh enjoy my presents even to the point that they’re waiting for

Me and actually like I got some people like this and I’m I’m really actually super super glad that uh that I actually got some fans that’s really that’s really really amazing and I think that’s why some people now are just like uh willing to to start streaming CA of V tubing

Because actually it’s way it’s way easier than actually like being being a quote unquote flesh tuber yeah I have like I have have like a lot of of followers even if I don’t know if we can call that a lot but I have quite a lot of

Followers but actually what I say by popler is actually my objective is to get like for the moment I try to have like 25 viewers in average and maybe maybe actually my real objective is to have like 50 viewers in average I do not try to to to push for like the

B or whatever for the moment because first I think for the moment that’s not really possible yeah the beacons the beacon speed and yeah I think she’s oh can we get up here you go down a wall great yeah button to get back up yeah come here

Ah yeah there there was a button actually I will show this button to to some people I’m making my maze oh oo maze oh it’s for the gym challenge yeah it’s a gym mini game actually how was your how was your challenge uh there’s a challenge we

Challenge like the the challenge for the secret one the secret one uh that was that was kind of hard like the first one was kind of hard because I needed to to take a stage like one person for 10 minutes plus in in this space that is not like very very big but

I succeeded and then and then there was did you who did you get in was it Jay yeah yeah that was Jay because actually wanted like to to sell that and I was like uh playing with him so he can he can stay like 10 minutes in my

In my in my house and the second one well that was a narrative one so I just was talking to myself and because there was nobody nobody around like that was kind of easy all right oh kaer hello hello hi your challenge was the one where you had

To like not touch dirt right yeah yeah not touch dirt yeah how did that go oh that’s yeah I was just placing blocks underneath be where I went so I didn’t touch it what did Chloe say when you put all all those blocks on her ass uh yeah

She wasn’t happy about it but I you know what was your second challenge uh the hello in the sky I just build something in the sky see it’s really funny cuz if you look at it if you look at it from one side it says hero if you look at it from the

Other side it says hello I just used the mini map and zoom in on it it definitely says hello you know okay Cris fix okay okay think about the mini map I want see music sound pretty similar oh yeah I see I see I’m undergr I can’t see

It you did great job guys congratulations my challenge yeah I had the cultist I had to I had to um I had to create a cult of a minimum of three people that was really easy for me to do and then I had to go around and borrow or

Steal uh three diamonds from people no you had to convince them to give it yeah I convinced three people to give me a diamond and you also married Chloe yeah my wife used me she used me I can’t believe this she was like she walked up

To me and she’s like you know how you just proposed to crumble I feel like we never got our weddding and I was like like oh okay and then I was like well I mean we can get married I can I can set up a like a little marriage thing I can

Invite a few friends and then she was like yeah but it’s not the same and I was like okay so then I was like well fine how about this I was like pocket like you want to officiate our wedding right and [ __ ] it was like yeah sure and

I was like okay bet so then I walked to the square where a bunch of people were and I was like hey guys you want to see a wedding oh so you didn’t for her cuz she she needed to to get uh someone to make

It official like off well I did it well I I married with her but I didn’t do it for her she’s the one that gathered like she’s the one that gathered like everybody not like gathered but like you know she’s the one that got the idea she

Did the challenge that she I I think from from my perspective she did the challenge I just hopped along on the idea like the dumbass I am cuz I’m so ditzy literally I feel like everybody on the server could have came up to me and I would have just not thought about it

Twice because you know somebody walk up and be like hey do you got any wood and i’ be like yeah I’ve got all kinds of wood what kind of wood do you want and then these probably these guys would probably take the wood from me and go this [ __ ]

Sucker I mean I don’t think anyone wanted someone else to fail so no yeah I don’t think anyone would be like oh your challenges to marry someone actually the most the most hard one the hardest person I inter acted with was demon because I was like Hey can I have a

Diamond he’s like I don’t know it sounds like you got a secret challenge I was like [ __ ] it’s like [ __ ] he knows I thought I was so sneaky about both of mine I was so proud of myself I had to lie and I felt like an [ __ ] after I

Lied I was like hey I’m like one Diamond short of uh my diamond armor could you like give me one and then people were like giving me stacks of diamonds I was like no I just need one I just need one one just one is

Fine all right let’s see we can we can go meet some other people too all right bet you want to come with us Grace or you going to continue I need I need to to finish my gym I see I see no worries thank you for the the invitation still

If someone still needs to redeem any tokens then do do that you know mhm I think graci you did it right uh yeah I did it already I still need a what have you done I didn’t do anything okay nice press the button again what the heck is this sorcery wait

Redstone oh my God how so fancy wait you want to see something even more fancy wait that I come up do you know who to get down when we are here uh no no okay then stand in the middle and throw an item at this block here what wait What but how how are people going to know that uh actually I will I will I was like building building something to to actually say to to throw an item at this block oh okay and to and to press this button because apparently people cannot see it can

Confirm hi bye-bye byebye bye Grace I look at any of my it going on their own Journey that going on their long journey I don’t I don’t know where everyone’s going we’re going to we’re just meeting everyone oh okay asking about what their challenges were oh which one you have

Again um um trading a Pokemon twice three times oh yeah yes three times and um I was so sure it was it because I was like there is no way this Pokemon can evolve because he at his final evolution and when I saw you actually like trading it like three

Times in a row I was like wait wait I I was smiling I saw for not saying anything yeah because I was like witness I had a witness I was like no way at work no way at work but I asked this why I asked do

You know this Pokemon yeah that’s why do you oh no and then I was like this Pokemon can’t evolve what and the other one was friendship like best friend best friend oh wait just speaking with him okay by friend what yeah is it a private thing okay uh I need to make

This uh in bit of wool say I need to pop press the button to go uh back up or to call the elevator no I cannot all to C buet make button from another color no that’s what is funny like they all be like wait what ow how

Did how did that push me throw item here wait throw item here and then I need to emergency emergency button okay so now that that done I’m L it’s Birch on Birch after all I know who there’s like ASMR to sleep to on YouTube my friend just sent

Me one guess the name I don’t know but I’m pretty sure it’s something with girlfriend I’m pretty sure that’s it that is something with girlfriend or something like that he sleeping in trenches during a s uhhuh that’s uh that’s really B that’s really particular I will say Okay Bam Bam

Oh no now that I have frog lights actually now that I have Frog Light I can do this a cool thinging actually I can do this and then do like in bamboo do this and then do do this and that is cool a that’s cool actually the Frog Light

Okay now I just need to okay Bam Bam Bam Frog Light see Frog Light are pretty easy to get huh uh those Dake is arriving oh what do you what do you mean oh my freaking gosh I click only once like what the heck man e too much toast again but it was

Toasty oh my freaking gosh okay now I need for the floor the floora the hot T what oh I see why is I swimming in lava what the heck what are they Doing that’s so sad that they don’t really except like Tina and Tina got like other people who who we know except yeah like Tina Luxie uh who it is uh Mooney a bit like I don’t know that many people I’m just like gigal lost because it’s I feel like there’s a lot of people who know each other and and then there is me you know you know what I mean like that’s so

Weird they’re trying to summon gutina wait what hope that hope that they are trying to sumon gutina uh um B what that’s all trying to S gutina where are they oh how that do trying to summon gutina that’s Hope’s that dog trying to S

Youra oh I I was I was having a blast I I was giving hot chocolate to people and pretended to be a Zigzagoon for an hour how why you made me drink hot chocolate because it’s Yummy Weir and hero Sho how are you hope you’re fine hope you’re having a great day And personally I’m fine I’m just a little bit like mad because I I could have got zap do but I I didn’t because I’m bad I’m Michael Jackson but yeah oh oh was there in the nether wait I will I will ask you’re really trying to sumon Youra I asked are we we’re trying to mine because the thing is that actually like the legendary cannot spawn the thing is that the legendary cannot spawn like they need to to be to be to be actually created so the thing is I really want

Like to see if there is actually all the Pokemon or if like uh because if there is a chance that I got like regel key or something like that I will Trad but you don’t even imagine how much like you will never see me try out like that much

Actually here we go I collected everything uh the saplings Here we go b b b b b b b b b Bam Bam because I will need a lot of it and we’ll need a lot of birch I will need a lot here I go so I will just do this uh I will take this and here we go Kabal mon

Damn didn’t really expected that oh my gosh okay now no no no no no no no okay I will need Pistons can I make pistons I can how many do I need 4 * 6 yeah 4 * 6 24 I do not have enough Stone certainly I have enough Stone okay 16 I just need eight amazing okay 24 Um I need I need to to make another another sign to just say to people to actually take back the uh F your items back okay and hello Maddie how are you hope you’re fine what will I do with the dirt Uh I will need to make bamboo I will also need to make bamboo bro what the heck hello Galia Gia pardon thank you for the follow welcome to the storm are you and not who are you I don’t know why people whenever I say who are you they think I say who are

Youon let’s go uh I need Bamboo I take bamboo why did they do that Oh Cuz I need a lot of bamboo I need a lot of uh a all of the stuff so yeah okay uh time to slime them all first okay and um I will have to actually maybe have more red stone uh I need to put that here wait yeah that’s psh

Planks so here we go need to put that here uh just above it need to put that here okay oh thank you for the little sip I will take a little sip okay here we go who is left oh there is a lot of people who who are left actually why

Did I broke that okay that is Done um we’ll do this one here mhm and now I will be in a little bit right back so I will uh be right back I suppose be right back when I will find my oh be right back Okay I’m back I heard people do king okay wait how how did I did that already um here a I used oh no okay I use I use like bamboo oh my freaking gosh but who will I get this kind of bamboo thank you for the headb how will I make

This block of bamboo to make bamboo planks okay that is that is okay but but how nice oh is it cold so bamboo m 2 A.M vibing let’s go how is it wa bamboo was like Minecraft oh I need to do slabs and to put two slabs

On bro who am I supposed to to know that I need to do this oh not to do this almost did a mistake to do this and then to do this like bro what huh like who am I supposed to do that to know that like right away like seriously okay bamboo mik

Okay yeah actually I have some space so that’s nice uh now I just need to I have what the heck am I supposed to do here okay I’m supposed to do redstone and repeaters redstone and repeaters redstone and repeaters in plus of going up I need also to go down Uh redstone and repeaters redstone and Repeaters oh let’s Go wait actually I will need dirt oh let’s go uh okay that’s nice okay that’s nice okay oh I see is that crumble who said that crumble in the middle of the ocean let’s go wait again use dirt that’s okay I just need repeater okay logically apparently it is like

This and here it is is the same thing like I need to actually Break Stuff here and I need to make something like this Okay do I have Redstone torches I do but I do not have enough clearly it all give me enough Redstone torches okay apparently I need that I need to put red stone uh over there one two three four five oh I need repeaters for that okay understandable understandable understandable okay oh my gosh

Okay for the one in wait I will probably do like the one on the left too because I think that’s the same just need a redstone torch Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and then bam and Bam and like this that’s perfect uh is there any

Wait why is that two and why is the other one is three okay and and this one oh I see okay so apparently I need to break this and I need to put like two thing like no not like this I need to break the one in the middle and to do this

Thing and apparently I need this to do this or apparently I need to Um I need more Redstone oh do I get out of here oh my gosh I need more red stone I don’t want to steal all the Redstone I hate this thing oh my gosh okay maybe I have red stone in this in this chest I do not maybe I have red stone in

In the other chest maybe I hope and I do not okay you know what I will donate like a lot of cobal just in exchange of like of like more more red Stone oh my freaking go like they’re all done at Cobblestone in case people need Cobblestone they got cobblestone because I actually need Redstone I’m so sorry I want to contribute Oh here we go but seriously where is everybody is that serious okay here we go um okay I thought that I I thought I saw a name and they were like wait what Oh I thought that’s what the opposite I need to do I need to reverse everything Because actually it’s like this Okay uh repeater repeater repeater Uh how this one work actually wait actually that was correct confidence don’t you like confidence sweet sweet confidence you need to put one two one two and one two because actually it will be the pressure plates then one two here and one two here oh wait

What butly I need to put it here oh my freaking God I am so focused for this like seriously uh Okay okay and here logically it will be like this it should be like this and where is the okay okay okay I can make this kind of pressure plates wait yeah five Six yeah can do that um now that’s a down one work need to make I wait wait wait wait wait wait One two three four five six seven one two three four five six okay one two three 4 5 6 okay Bam Bam well actually that will work okay and then I need to go one one up wait no it’s not here it’s actually not here okay it’s here and then where is this one need one okay and then need one okay well that was not separated like this in makus

Thing but I will manage okay okay Okay okay Okay Uh this one need a block and redstone I’ll do this Redstone Redstone okay uh actually I think that I need to do this right here uh uh okay no need for repeaters here for this one actually I need nothing I just need to put this here uh and for the last one that will be actually the little tricky

Pot because I need to do This okay here we go here we are okay where is this one this one is here so we can put one here we can put the that block we can put this here then we can go back over here uh and then we can finish it by making another one another block wa

Oh oh no that’s right I can just do this and I don’t know if I said thank you for the little sip uh but thank you for the little sip does that mean that when I do that oh that’s why one two one two one one and here it was here it

Was one or two one what okay actually Le this one need to be on one two one one and logically all the doors will open magically at the same time let’s go oh my freaking gosh that’s not easy but down that’s satisfying okay need to put to put this okay

Now need to put this okay uh I need to make some stairs wait did I forgot to no there like this oh my gosh oh wow oh wow oh that was oh that was not easy that was well that was not like hard but that was that was just draining what you make

This the entrance of my of my maze that’s what I was making and who are you fishy can we get the shout out for fishy please a I do difficult things but at least that’s satisfying To to play I Feel Pretty about bu it my oh no like sincerely like I know it was like an accumulation of a lot of things but I hope you will be able to to go through even if I kind of felt bad because well I misplayed that I cannot I

Cannot say this otherwise like seriously the the the thing of the of the challenge of like the the mystery and all that was super cool that was actually Giga Giga cool like seriously congrats on on making that like that was super impressive and I’m really looking

Forward to to the next uh the next Community event when I when I saw what you just cooked like seriously and also that stay between us but I never was that invested into Minecraft before yours the real I think that mean that work probably I don’t know actually Um um Up Ow oh wow I got four Stacks I’ll just finish that way it’s m my with my bare hands or a birch log that work Too Um okay I’ll just make another axe just make another axe oh my hand okay okay wait is there bamboo I don’t know Oh wait that’s right it’s not here it’s here I will fix that later I will I will need to make some more stairs wait actually I can just do four I think that will will work if I do this and this yeah okay just need to check something Okay oh my go What can I do I can I can just wait for the bamboo to grow and yeah maybe I can finish AA I just noticed that I can do this for uh other kind of oh but you went like Underground okay I know you hear sound but you don’t see it and that’s normal okay oh my freaking gosh because when something is underground I cannot actually like check out to done or whatever so the one on the left is actually like underground and the one on the right is actually like underground

Too but but I think that’s better because I just like a straight line then it yeah that’s just a straight line I think yeah straight line oh not completely okay and then let go up here okay so logically that’s here right if I put it yeah I put it Here okay let’s go um it will be better on this way okay logically the should be the floor and Then and this because the thing should be here okay now need to count one two three okay one two three here we go here LLY there’s a block okay yeah that’s exactly that the block will be here one two three uh I need to count one two three one to three

Okay and how many one 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 heuk how are you 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 okay how are you spoon heo how are you and hi isuka hope you’re fine back as part as the of the as ra

I see I see thank you auka how are you for those who do not know me presentation time mxa Grace incarnation of the storm and uh I’m building so yeah so yeah so yeah so thank you for joining how are you auka hope you your stream was

Fine okay so wait I will count again 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 okay so one two three four five hello cyber sensy how are you 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 okay so here will daddy spoon here will cyber Sensi and he will haer how are you and Huka doing well enjoying the new momodora game quite a bit oh let’s go let’s go let’s go I know that it’s um I know that it’s uh what it’s called Uh

Castlevania a Metroid Vania actually so yeah I hope Mhm uh-huh well that can be a problem I just hope that it will not be too present so yeah and if you have to go to go sleep to go eat to go take care of yourself or whatever thank you for joining and I will see you next

Time and if you stay and I’m also happy I’m good you all I’m fine I’m fine I know that you cannot see like that much and I’m so sorry but actually I’m doing like some Redstone stuff I’m doing some Redstone stuff cuz yeah

Wait how many until 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine okay nine 1 2 three four five 6 seven8 nine then I put the repeater one 2 three four five six seven eight nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1

What I don’t even have enough rad Stone I’m going to Len being every now and thenuh I need to get my wifey up to our study group oh good luck Good Luck Good Luck okay uh how many 1 2 three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 one 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 and here logically there is a Repeater okay and apparently one two three and then four here Okay uh well actually we we advenced so much actually on that so now we will keep the surprise now that will be locked for everyone until I open it up even if they come in actually they they will they will be like oh what the heck uh well good like the stone here

The birch wood here too uh I will just cut the this because I need a lot here we go b b b b b b okay bamboo is there some more B I don’t know if there is some more bamboo apparently not here we go wait I need to plant some bamboo

Again so yeah here we go 64 bamboos just like this hope that will work and yeah I think I will I will leave I will say I need to leave to go eat see you to you soon people never leave without saying goodbye to people there actually yeah there is there is some

People okay so let’s go disconnect anyway intermission Time here we go uh so so so so so so so so so so so so so what are we going to do who are we going to raid Down who are we going to raid who are we going to raid there is Guru who is playing monst on the world uh there is Tina who’s playing Minecraft uh there is D who is playing Bel gate right of course of course we will do that every

Stream every stream a little a little raid to exter a Grace and that will be nice I think we got rate Tina I think we’re going to rate Tina who is also playing Uh yeah I think we’re going to do that we’re going to rate Tina herey W Joy how are you well you’re coming at the you’re coming at the end but yeah um you’re coming at the end but can we get the shout out please can we get the shout out for bwii

Please one of the moderator please please damn I recruited like two new moderators and that’s still not enough thank you epileptic and thank you meu anyway we’re going to Rite Tina so like always uh yeah there’s like two new mod and I’m still the only one here I don’t know maybe because like

School um school is back 1640 g640 geml nickar 1640 geml nickar 1640 Gremlin xar 1640 Gremlin xar 1640 Gremlin xar 1640 Gremlin I don’t know why you put like if the emote was called like 600 640 Gremlin and not just Gremlin but who are you B chy hope

You’re fine well you’re just in time for the raid just in time for the great it’s tradition just like this okay I see I see I see I see okay we’re going to raid uh we’re going to raid plant we’re going to raid uh we’re going to read um

Tina Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 640 Gremlin Cherry 64 G Cherry 640 geml Cherry 640 yeah I’m going to I’m going to shout out um the person I will raid don’t worry about

That but anyway uh to raid we actually need to raid because uh without trading we cannot trade by raiding raid you understand shout out PL exactly I don’t stream only there’s 40 Gremlins 4 600 exactly X is and hoo welcome to the storm thank you for the

Follow hope you will enjoy your your small stay here or hope we will see each other like next year probably but yeah the thing thank you all for watching I really hope you enjoyed my stream today I know there was like some bad mood at some point I’m

Really sorry for that I need to work on that I’m really really sorry but yeah thank you all for watching I really hope you enjoyed uh take the red messages do not forget to join my social media so my Twitter my YouTube My Discord also my Twitter by

Extension you know you know you know the drill and uh in case you you wonder no I will not open a Tik Tok maybe I will start to do shorts on YouTube but I will not do a Tik Tok I refuse categorically to do that we’re going to raid uh

Tina who is also playing Minecraft and yeah thank you all for watching I really hope you enjoyed I will see you tomorrow or not tomorrow Monday for a collab with B on Balo Gate 3 So yeah thank you all for watching I wish you all an amazing morning afternoon evening day night

Whatever you want thank you for watching and

This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Cobblemon again ! Time for community event ?’, was uploaded by Extaria Grace on 2024-01-15 16:01:18. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 06:06:02 or 21962 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/extariagrace

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    "ホロライブ 切り抜きあじまる! Akutan's rage in Hololive finale!" #clickbait #hololiveVideo Information せっかく なら えっとえ 申し訳バカがよ お前なんで来たんだよバカマジで危ねえ だろお前どっから来た よこわ えマジで 危ねえ防具してなかったら死んでた ぞ普通に This video, titled ‘ホロ鯖ハードコア最終日のハプニングにマジ切れするあくたんww #ホロライブ #shorts #湊あくあ #minecraft’, was uploaded by ホロライブ切り抜きあじまる!【hololive】 on 2024-05-20 03:00:08. It has garnered 10322 views and 301 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #hololive #hololivecutout #hololive #MinatoAqua #Minecraft #HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft ▼Click here for the original video▼ #8【Minecraft】HoloServerHardcoreMinecraft! Final Episode!!![MinatoAqua/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/YJhhYn1xnnM?si=1ECh3xBfm3GLJod6 ▼Main Channel: Heppoko Striker’s Monster Strike! URL:https://www.youtube.com/@heppoko ▼Official Channel▼ ・hololive Official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololive ・hololive DEV_IS official:https://www.youtube.com/@hololiveDEV_IS Read More

  • Shivam988’s HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣

    Shivam988's HILARIOUS Minecraft Tips! 🤣Video Information टम फ्रेश भाई मजा ही आ गया सो भाई मैं तो एकदम नीचे डिग डाउन करने जा रहा हूं देखते हैं क्या होता है अरे भाई कोल मिल गया एक सेकंड गोल्ड भी है ओ माय गॉड आयरन एंड भाई देखो डायमंड भी मिल गया यार आज तो मजा ही आ गया अरे एमसी लाल सुनो हां क्या हुआ बोल तुम तो क्रिएटिव मोड से सर्वाइवल मोड करना ही भूल गए अरे भाई रिकॉर्डिंग जल्दी बंद करल This video, titled ‘Minecraft funny🤣 #shorts #minecraft #funny #subscribers #viral #trending #tips #gaming #shivam988’, was uploaded by shivam 988 on 2024-05-07… Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79RqWcLuyRg Custom birch forest by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qHJt9JYr9g Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HvYAddQKI Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: https://www.youtube.com/@Linkzzey Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywD6V9U9Xs… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More