EPIC Minecraft ComputerCraft Coding LIVE! 🎮🔥

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Um hello I think it works I think it’s live this time I’m aware that I am live this time I’m actually like I I did it on purpose not on accident I’ve actually done it on purpose this time so I can’t I deleted it um I

Deleted the the vs so they’re gone um I was streaming by accident for the last 38 minutes and I didn’t realize it so I guess here I am again I just thought you know I I only found out that I was streaming because someone followed and

It scared the out of me and so because of that yeah that’s that’s how I found out I was streaming and then when I realized I was like oh flip um because I I’d been showing my desktop the whole time so I’m going to I’m going to go ahead and just

Not do that this time but oh that was I can’t believe I did that I can’t actually believe I’ve done that I meant to record and I just started streaming and that’s yeah so I guess here we are here I am again you know I I guess

It’s just better time than any I guess oh my God I cannot believe I did everyone I’m Cube and welcome to the stream oh uh I’m so glad that and I also would like to mention I’m uh I’m gonna just save this clip right here real quick

Just um but I am I also so glad I need to move that I am also so glad that I I muted the music um because I muted the music um thinking I was going to you know thinking I was just recording and all that and thinking it wasn’t necessary

Anyway and I was you know going to play a bunch of non a bunch of copyrighted music and then you know I ended up streaming and so I’m so glad that I muted the music because if I didn’t mute the music I would have been in big trouble because I played so many

Songs 38 minutes 38 minutes is a long time to play a lot of songs I’ve played Citizen Soldier and what Alan Walker and all that stuff that’s nuts I cannot believe that I was streaming for 28 minutes and didn’t realize it I mean it’s I I guess I got I

Was so focused on the thing like I didn’t realize because I didn’t have the streams and stuff open like the tabs for YouTube and all that I didn’t have that open you know but I gained a followup from coding and stuff like that’s what I

Was doing I was coding I was coding some uh computer craft Turtle for for Minecraft trying to figure out how to get something to work with it but um yeah that was um it was unintentional I did not mean to be streaming and so because of that um I’m streaming again

Now because I realized you know what I cats out the bag you know I might as well start streaming again now you know we might as well start streaming again now I mean now seems better time than any I guess so you know but um yeah I don’t know how long I’ll stream

For but you know I’m kind of coding something right now but I’m trying to hold on what was I doing I was going to try and set up I was going to try and figure out how to set up some uh I was doing some coding stuff

Right that’s that’s what I was doing I was doing some coding stuff bunch of coding stuff trying to figure stuff out and uh so you know here I am now doing some coding stuff you know might as well um but yeah here I am actually doing it on purpose this time um you

Know oh damn I did not mean to like damn I did not mean to be streaming I can’t believe that happened to me so stupid oh it shouldn’t be like hard to notice but like you know I only have one monitor I use the laptop monitor you know and all that so you

Know uh I could have had my webcam on actually like I I debated it but I was like nah you know like I could have had it on because I was recording a video for someone else someone I know and uh so I could have had my webcam on that

Would have been terrible that would have been really bad but regardless I deleted the footage because it was um yeah it was it was not great not ideal so you know but anyway I’m G to go ahead and just um so I’m how do I can I no can I hide the

Uh hold on here okay yeah so I don’t necessarily know how I would go about this I guess I could technically save this file new text file I could save this somewhere else so I could save it in what uh so it’s l L guess I could technically save this

Here and then I save this folder as and save it on what my drive maybe on my drive my backup drive and if I save it there and then I just go I just put in the coding folder I guess why not Minecraft computercraft tweaked code there um and then just call

It mine staircase V3 right just do that and then it’s there yeah that’s much better and then all I need to do is just open this in a completely separate yeah open this in completely separate window right and then I just choose which window goes into this thing

Right I just choose which window shows right and I can then I only show one right like let’s see let’s do this real quick if I go here give it of this go here window window and I grab this one and put this as this one here yeah like that nice and

Then I grab this one here which is Minecraft yeah uh Minecraft nice but then if I if I minimize this one and I grab this one here if I minimize this one it removes it from the screen but then if I unminimize this one does that pop up on the screen no it

Doesn’t and so then if I minimize that unminimize this and just go uh here right just uh there okay and that works and that does work okay so I can technically share that is there anything bad in here don’t know my V is the visual studio logged in or something

Like no no no accounts okay no accounts on this um so if I now just go to the other Visual Studio grab the code to I get into this one save and then you can see this if I just start yeah stop virtual comma and now

You can see that if I just show the thing there and now you can see the code that I’m working on cool nice now all I need to do is just kind of go here real quick and just transform uh fit to screen okay no it is

Fit to screen so in that case go to transform edit transform stress to bounds there stress to bounds and there we go and now I can code huh wow um yeah okay so I’m am here just doing this now I’m figuring this out so uh the plan my intention

Is intention is that so I’m trying to code something in Minecraft let me open up the Minecraft window real quick and just minimize this here I’m trying to code something in Minecraft right now using a um using a a mod there’s a mod called computercraft tweaked and I’ve got that

In a mod pack right now and I’m trying to code something it right now it’s kind of complicated it’s complex and I’ve been using chat GPT to help me code stuff and all that other stuff you know so yeah but now I’m in I’m in the game and

So basically what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to get this guy to mine for me right and it’s kind of complicated because uh so it’s kind of broken it works if I just do my staircase here uh line one two4 hold on one two four right

Here what happened oh wait is it up here somewhere what am I what am I doing wrong it’s line 204 one one two1 sorry line one 121 would been mining proc here line one two one one one one two sorry one one2 is it on

One two wait where is the line which one is it again one two one one two one that’s the line the line I’m looking for is one 2 one which is here one uh hold on CU yes what is wrong here there’s no end here that’s what it

Is there’s no end here there needs to be an end here nice I’m gonna play my music again because you couldn’t hear it the other one so you know here I am I guess I’m streaming now you know I mean I might as well if I’m doing this I might as well

Did that work no mine no so what have I done Club up what have I done It’s I was on to something I can’t quite remember what I was doing though like what I did oh God I can’t even undo okay hold On go here what’s wrong in Minecraft again it says BL died here function process yeah 204 to mine repetitions expected end of block here2 4 line 204 it’s expecting the end of the block at line 204 204 but wait there’s an end missing 121 it started here right yes what the [ __ ] is going on here okay hold on I’m going to just copy this code into chat GPT real quick okay I’m going to copy into the chat TPT what’s wrong with this code hold on I don’t know how

Works uh I noticed a couple of issues in your code let’s just the Poli torun is called before the repetition is Le which places the torch before any mining you want the first torch to be placed after the first no repetition VAR is not been used and you might not need it here’s

The modified repeat mining process no I asked you to tell me what was wrong not not change my code C the issues I found your um in in the condition if web it is not necessary to check if web is not equal to repetitions Loop already iterates from one to so the condition

Will always be true except for the last generation that’s the point modif Cod you have any specific questions okay so what is so what have I done I broke the code and I don’t know how to fix it no no how what did I do what have I done wrong four

If this one work right it was this if then yeah oh god um I’m in trouble I don’t know what I’m doing I don’t know what I’m doing I broke it and I don’t know how to fix it hold on okay hold on so if I do this if I do this

Clear oh you know what you know what I know why it’s not working I know why it’s not working I know exactly why it’s not working because I have two Visual Studio codes now not one so it wasn’t changing anything when I was saving in this one

Because I’m using two now because I can’t show certain things so you know now if I just type in mine staircase V3 3 3 five okay one boom this box not supposed to be here so this torch is supposed to be on this block come on please work come on come

On come on come on son of a [ __ ] damn it okay it went down it made it to three one okay two three but but it didn’t mine on this last one which means there’s a problem and I know where the problem is now it’s here somewhere if is Okay if repetitions is not if rep is not equal to repetitions oh wait does that work I don’t know if that works but we’ll see just going to go ahead and paste into the other Visual Studio code go ahead and save that yes and then just minimize that go

Here all right does it work now three three five that’s one wait no oh my God this why why don’t you work you should work you should work I don’t get it why don’t you work why won’t you do this for me is there something in here that’s causing me problems like I

Don’t know no it’s literally only here Any wait a minute am I calling the St I’m going the city you I’m going Bunny and without you okay rep is not equal to repetitions okay plus one minus one minus oneus oneus one there rest in peace of each by the way come on said you follow me wait did

He what I looked away for like five seconds my guy 5 Seconds that’s it oh you turned off I looked away for 5 seconds and you did this like what the flip what is what is your problem he gets a bit weird when um there’s no blocks he does I might have

To I’m going to have to fix that eventually um you know he like goes off in weird directions and stuff so you know mine forward distance stop mining uh okay if R okay wait wait wait wait wait no wait hold on what what is that what’s causing the no way I

Mean that could be what’s causing it that could be what’s causing him to be weird I’m going to turn this off remove that remove this there uh mine staircase three three five you place a torch okay and he went down okay that’s good that’s that’s prus and back and down and

Han I hate you why do you do this why do you do the things that you do it does not make sense if web is less than equal to yeah but this one should run if is So wait so does that does that fix it I don’t know I think I’m doing this wrong I think I’m doing it wrong can you see this no you can’t I didn’t minimize it that’s my bad there we go um three three five one two three okay back down one two three

Back one two still not the right amount say 98 okay Come on that just that didn’t do anything it didn’t fix Anything less than if it’s less than This right if it’s not less than that but this is just you know chat GPT wrote all this code well most of the code I’ve changed a lot of it now but like you know so I’m blaming this on chat GPT just I’m just kidding um I need

To explain myself a bit better for chat GPT to write it proper you know it took long enough to get just this working with uh with chat gpt’s hop so you know damn it no no it was so close no it wasn’t it there was no difference why was there no

Difference if what that’s for my petitions then M Forward wait okay so if I just I minimize this hang on looks like the real world is calling um um I was going to check in here wasn’t I I was going to check this so it says one two three one out of three two out of three three out of

Three but it’s but this this doesn’t appear to be this isn’t being used anymore if R is so it is last than it for a bit right let’s see let’s good right if I change that to zero and tweak the code here paste this in here I just want to

Finish this a little bit of code before I go um for a little I got to do some real life is calling you know zero one two and that’s the third one but somehow you still mine down what why I don’t know what I’m doing wrong why does he still mine down this

Shouldn’t be able to run if we not to repetion oh my God hello man night hi I’m Cube um I’m the I’m the guy that accidentally streamed for 38 minutes without even realizing I was streaming so then I just stopped streaming deleted the stream and then start it again then hi I’ve been

Here for 25 minutes now 20 25 26 minutes already really what Jesus okay yeah no I only realized I was streaming because um someone uh followed and I get the out of me it scaped me so bad so um yeah I’m currently cing something in Minecraft um I’ve been doing this all

Day um the plan wasn’t it it we weren’t intending on starting streaming so soon um like you know I I was we were going to give it a few more days but I guess hey uh whatever I guess you know you know I do have to go in a minute though

I think um I might I have to read my sister’s story um because I do that every night but I’m trying to finish this bit of code first and I think I’m right there so this if rep is not equal to repetitions it will go down because

I’m an idiot it will go down because I’m an idiot because rep will make it to two not three so o okay okay okay so what I do instead is I counteract it and the way that I counteract It Is by making it so that

When I do type the repetitions in I then make it minus one right I take one off of the number that is written in right surely that works right that’s got to work because if I take one off then it means that it will be the last one right and

That should fix it I hope I’ve been working on this one problem for like 6 hours okay zero out of two okay there so that should fix it right oh please please I’m going to flip and freak out if this works damn it why why why do you do this why do you

Do the things that you do I don’t get it do I have the right one open do I actually have the white one open because it seems like I’m doing the same things like it seems like it’s doing the same thing right do am I sure that I have the right one

Open open yeah I do right oh whoops Jesus Christ hang on I’m going stop flipping showing all that stuff all right um got to be careful with this because if I open up the wrong tabs I’ll show I’ll dox myself or whatever you know I don’t want to do

That um come on so here it is um you know anything about coding metan night do you know anything about cutting let’s see point and so so this year it it worked it took off the number that I wanted it to take but then it still broke why it’s not equal to

One okay wait wait In theay sit down together and laugh with each other about these days these days Dam it give me okay one one out of two it R it R once wait yeah oh wait wait it mines forwards three times but only has to go down once and twice only has to go down twice

Which is why it’s causing problems because it’s going down three times oh my God I might have just cracked it no I probably didn’t um then if I do this if rep so I need to take this rep repus oneus oneus one equals no no no so this number needs to

Be down for this for this specific one it needs to be down one because it only needs to go down three times two times it only needs to go down two times and at the moment it’s going down three so all I need to do is make it go down two times

Oh okay so if I do I go down here repetitions and I want to go here just go local amount to mine down equals I’ll do this way I’ll do this here and then what I want to do is inside this function here before the for

Loop on a set a mount to my down equal to I want to set it equal to repetitions minus one minus one and that should fix it right like that should actually fix it this time like for real I mean it I I mean it that should actually fix it this

Time uh what am I doing wait ah minimize and uh check this okay um here three three five come on come on please no no no no don’t turn off damn it okay hold on I messed up somewhere here Wait if I do this and then I go amount to M down equals amount to my down minus one that work I don’t know if that works I’m going have to find out that’s just a thing with coding I just copied the code from the other F Studio code my

Bad take away what’s I just copied It Again by accident I didn’t mean to do it that time I didn’t mean to do it the last time either but you know uh my staircase 335 no stop no run away robot okay damn dude it’s up been oh God this is just a so

Painful it could just work you know one of these times that’d be awesome you know if I could just work one of these times I I’d be super happy about that but it’s not working what song is this oh Red Line okay cool all right um okay so why did it break

Here I’m out to M down wait oh oh yeah okay so it’s because I need this to be amount to M down if I just do a mount to M down is amount to M down equals zero right if am Mount to M down is not equal to zero if it’s not

Equal to zero and then at the end here right oh no when I do this right when it runs when it runs this I want it to then go amount to M down equals a l to M down minus one and now it should mine down right three three five come on don’t

Want up don’t want up no no no no son of a you I hate you this thing is so annoying dude why can’t you just work the way you’re supposed to oh wait oh yeah it’s my bad I didn’t even paste the code into the to the bot I I

Literally just fixed the code on the one that I that you can see but not the one that I need to use um equals equals no okay so I need to set this to the amount and I think the way that I do that is by going uh is it wait

Where am I where am I here no here God this code is so confusing all the colors are so I don’t know I can’t get it okay there equals what is it minus one do I just do minus one there’s no way I just do minus

One come on really there’s no way that it’s just that because for some reason chpt keeps on always telling me this it’s not or maybe I’m just maybe it’s something else maybe it has it’s relating to something else of course I fing Told You So it’s equals

Minus I think I think that’s what it is I think it’s equals minus then I go here and I just go uh I don’t think I copied that correctly copy there paste there save and then go here and just go three three five could this be the one who knows could it

Be the one oh that’s progress is this the one no it might down two times this time so I’m I’m at the issue I have the issue pinpointed it’s here it’s this guy right here okay so this one need to be equals minus one and now it should work right

I I didn’t copy the code into the actual bot having two visual studi open is a bit weird uh visual yeah Visual Studio codes open is weird so yeah there we there three three five I thought it was going to go further then look at that that’s perfect it’s gravel

Proof no why did it do the same thing what I did copy the coding correctly right print hold on print okay before it runs this code before it runs this code here I’m I’m in the wrong code anyway hold on okay so before it runs which code before it runs code

Here before it runs all this I want it to run a print statement print am Mount to M down and that’s what I wanted to do right I just wanted to do that and then I also want to what dot dot I think that’s how I do it right I

Do it like that and then I go go like this and I just go R oh no this dot dot and these these two numbers shouldn’t be the same right these two numbers should not be the same they should be different if they are the same then I’ve done it wrong

Right if they the same I’ve done it wrong three three five minus one minus one that’s not Good minus one mhm so this one went up this one went up but this one this one is minus one which means it’s not it’s not initialized why is it not initialized what the [ __ ] okay so I think what I need to do is I

Need to do it here right I’m want my down I need to be equal to repetitions wait oh yeah no okay that’s fine for now I guess I’ll have to fix it later but it’s fine for now I do this and just go here go boom nice

I wish that you know I could reset after I mess up you know one Noe cancel nope okay okay here hold on so it’s not correct it’s not correct again which means I need to go here what am I doing come on okay I’m ask chpt again is is there

Anything wrong with this code don’t fix it for me don’t fix it for me okay they’ve identified a few wait and they M to M down you’re using the wrong Syntax for decrementing it should be amount to M down equals amount to mine down minus one or my minus

Equals one now it’s minus equals one you flipping kidding me you’re kidding me now it’s this now it’s minus equals one you flipping kidding me no flipping wonder why minus equals one okay wait so if I do this right and just go let’s do this let’s just go local amount to mine down

Equals repetitions minus repetitions there then I do that right instead of doing this down here instead of having the amount to my down thing down here we just initialize it up here and yeah it works then that should work right my coding brain is a bit I’m I’m

I’m confused what you mean to sign this up what do you mean what do you meanus equals one so this one the amable rep and then inside the loop if you want to for each repetition Okay okay you know what screw it fine yeah I’m going to do a CHT says where is it it’s up here it’s right here where is it right here function right this one right here I go here just go boom be there and now we’re going to try this and see if this

Works if this works I’ll be okay with it but if it doesn’t then I’m just going to be annoyed 3 three five a nil value a nil value God I know what that means now though I just means that it’s nil now which means it’s not good which

Means the code that chat gpg gave me is not good equals amount to M down minus one equals amount to M down minus one minus one I also want to go here and just go print amount of M down dot dot is is how far is my amount to mine

Down there if I do that now it should show me like I should know if it’s not correct or not right I don’t know maybe not three three five there two is my current amount to my down two there one okay there wait wait it worked it didn’t go down

Again however I did choose three for it to go down hold on let’s find out find out if this works huh let’s see three three five oh wow well that’s progress that is prog that is the first bit of progress I’ve seen in so long okay that’s the first bit of

Progress seen so long so that is good all I need to do now is check here what okay so now I go here and just go so it worked it worked it started mining forward as well so all that means now is that if that equal to zero so what happened what actually

Happened here hold on what happened here let me check so repti so repetition one out of two so there and then it went to the second repe repetition right so what it means is that wait so Z who is the m to M down so somehow one that’s two

One two then zero again right and so the problem now is that wait a minute wait hang on if I if I I mean it seems fix if I just is my down if no wait this is this this is still important then go like this if this

Is greater than is just put it as greater than zero great than greater than or equal to zero right if it’s greater than or equal to zero and then we try it right and then we try it and see if this works who knows maybe it does some magic you know

Maybe it works and if it does work I’m going to have to figure out how the hell how the hell it works but you know okay so two is my amount to my down one zus one why did so and this one here is less than or equal

To yeah if it’s less than or equal to and now it should work right theoretically now well realistically now hopefully it should work three three no um here three three five it apparently throws an error when I uh don’t type in a value so that’s my bad one Z

One I mean wait one two I mean it worked right it worked but it went forwards again why did it go forwards again is it the same thing equals so rep if rep is okay how many so how many did it m down I’m going to watch it this time I

Want to watch it this time cuz I don’t actually know how far it went down that time let’s see ready I can’t quite remember EX L how far it went down so I’m just going do this just go boom three three five okay so it’s one one row here two right

Three yeah now it worked then it returned and went back out so let’s check the code okay starting the return to starting position thing is it’s this right it’s this but wait I know why this is go back uhhuh hold on find I go where is it return to

Start return to start doesn’t need to be run here this is just going to cause problems so if I remove that oh my God this is this is the closest I’ve been and I’ve been trying to do this for hours oh my God please please I didn’t place a torch here

Because you know it’s fine I’m so glad that didn’t land on it wait wait moment of choose moment to choose moment to choose I mean it stopped it stopped and didn’t go back it stopped and didn’t go back so wait so so when it goes back to the start

Hold on so when it goes back to the start oh so when it goes back to the side does This but I already have one for going back so I don’t even need this code here so if I all I all I need to do is this oh wait no yeah no all I need to do is put instead of having that I just put go

Back and then distance to mine minus one and then it works no distance to mine literally just distance to mine right if this works so what I want this to do when I do get this actually working properly and all that what I do

Want it to do is I want it to tuck itself into the wall instead of in the floor because I think that’d be cooler you know like it just turns goes in the wall and then just turns and faces this way you know like puts itself

Away kind of thing I love that that’d be awesome you know three three five so it seems to be mostly working now for the most part but I’m still it’s still there’s still issues will it go back will it go back will it go back will it go

Back ited oh my god it worked it worked oh my God oh my god it worked it actually worked the oh my God the C worked yes I did it it worked oh my God oh my God I’m so happy okay and now all

I need to do is store in the wall and I think that should actually be fair easy if I just want to store in the wall all I need to do is go like this right just go Um uh hle no Turtle turn left right and then I go like this and I

Just go P do dig turt right is it is it is it that is it turn right let’s see what do we got it goes back go go back hold on trying to find out where it it turn turn left right turn left turn right I think

And then I do that again I just do this twice right twice like that and then that should be it right that should be it this should be everything it should tuck itself into the wall just fine does it work all right we’re about to find out one of two three three

Five okay combine that nice keeps going oh well that’s that’s my bad okay looks like we’re going this way now I guess um all right anyway so find now just go here real quick uh dig Turtle do forward and then I get it to turn right

There and now if I do this again just go here three three five come on come on you can do it the little to that could come on wait now yeah wait ready and oh I that’s my bad I forgot to I forgot to past the code into the the

Turtle itself did I did I forget to face into the thing yeah yeah I did forget to face into the thing there we go yep there now it is in the thing okay so now I get to actually now we get to witness to see if it actually works or

Not so here let’s put this here right and just go boom three three five there we go and now I will put that there nice and it goes down and Moment of Truth Moment of Truth Moment of Truth oh my look at that it worked it

Worked so well oh my God oh my God um oh my God oh my God I can’t believe that worked oh my God yes oh yes that worked it worked oh my god it worked okay okay so now what I want to do is I want to do I want to do

Like a reinitialize mode right where so basically what I want to do now is I want to allow it to reinitialize so I want to I want to add a script to it that reinitializes the turtle basically all it all reinitializing it will do we’ll pull it out here place a block

There right and then make it face this way and then you can go again right and then the tunnel code can go again right so now if I just go Edit in it in it I’ll call it in it edit in it there go ahead save exit nice now what I want to do is I want to go grab the code from that yep there and so now I want to go ahead and just save as just save this into the

Same place as the other stuff here uh here okay nice oh God damn it it opened the wrong one again whatever fine here so now if I now go where is where did I start it again I need to open it in Here here this one this one nice there I do this way and so then what I do is I do all this stuff right do all this stuff but I need to move things right so the hardest part is going to be getting it all to work properly but literally

All I need to do I think is this right move this keep the refu turtle one in here yes move this one uh remove this one remove this one this one iove this one from here this one too nice this one as let’s see and now all I need to do now

Is so all I need to do is this right just grab these right go here and then just delete everything inside here or delete this whole thing here right let’s go here this and then change this and I don’t even need to do this I just need to go here and just Go ining initializing dot dot dot there and then I’ll I’ll literally just have that there right yes and then all I need to do now instead of doing any of this stuff right just remove all this stuff here right and just do this right and I literally just go

Turtle dot move uh do forward and then tur Turtle do turn left and that’s it right that’s it that’s all I need for this code literally it so then I do this real quickly I want to go ahead and just do this real quick I need

To oh no I can just copy this code and just drag it into the thing where it’s supposed to be right just copy it paste it in here right just paste place the F there go nice and then I do that and now all I

Need to do now I do this yes I just there you can see it again and now go back here that’s and now if I just do this just go in it Bo when it’s ready just like that you know and then and then And I I’ll have okay I’m going to go edit stop right and I’m going to have a stop command for it too right so it’ll be going forwards the whole time which means all I need to do is just grab this code here paste it into

This other location I need uh here boom starting to get the hang of this now paste here we go and then I just paste no not that okay well whatever anyway so I do this yeah I do this and then what I want to do is I want to I want to put

It Turtle dot so I want it to go ahead and turn left so I going to start it by getting it to turn left then I want it to detect if there’s a block there or not right so then Turtle so ifle do detect thereal two equals two

Then do this and just go oh wait hold on it’s in here right some code here so try using this code right right now right here we go nice like this we just literally just copy that code that’s it that’s all we do we literally just copy

That code nice well turtle detect here and I just need to drag this all up here a bit right yeah while detect do Loop until there’s nothing in front of it yep and so that’s gravel proof too and then I do turt forward and then I do turtle do turn right I

Just nope not that get rid of that tried copying it but it didn’t work okay anyway there turn right turn right boom and that just literally does that right and so now if I now go ahead and just copy all this stuff here right go ahead

And uh copy this copy the stop code paste it into the directory where it needs to be they go in here right and just go go into Minecraft go ahead and just stop look at that and I just go in it stop look at that and then wait hold

On let’s just in it real quick and let’s just go ahead and place a block there and then we do this and go stop it works oh my God that’s amazing that is amazing oh it’s so good oh my God you know I can technically get the

Turtle to go back the other way now now that I figured out how the end works and stuff I can now technically get the turtle to do another sequence that t takes it back up this is amazing oh my God I’m so happy about this dude it

Works and they’ve almost got okay let’s try let’s try doing this real quick right here so I’m going to go ahead and just go in it no in it and then let’s just go mine let’s do it like what like 10 actually 10 is probably too 10 is

Probably way too far I mean I haven’t tried that that number yet so you know why not I’ll do it 10 and then I’ll do it 10 uh 10 and then I’ll do torches five five Plus okay that works it’s going down oh didn’t uh it couldn’t place a chest there because I um that’s my bad it couldn’t place a chest there because I uh yeah I kind of had um I was kind of standing in the way there go now it should be able to place the

Chest look at that this is dumping all the CH all the stuff in there oh my god it works it works all the code for the for the turtle works I’m oh my God I can’t believe it I could also possibly get the turtle to place a torch above itself if it goes

Too far you know cuz this is like a big tunnel here right and like obviously it’s pretty dark there but I don’t know it it should Place one it should Place one like here wait a minute like right here when it comes back and goes back down it should Place

Another one here and maybe it lights it up a bit that seems fine look at that it’s working it’s offici I’m I’m waiting to see the end part though because you know that part’s the part that I’ve been struggling with for so long I’m excited to see how this

Works come on please tell me how it works which one is it on hold on 7 out of N I will fix that the number problem too um at some point I just I H don’t know if it’s a I don’t know if it’s a good idea to do it

Now because I just fixed that and and I you know um so that’s eight this is the eighth repetition it worked look at that okay I need to go back up though real quick I need to go back up because there’s a there’s a there there is one at the top

On the surface that uh has something that I need from it code oh I I mean uh hang on it doesn’t matter I don’t need to go up and get it I can just me just go here real quick just go boom turn this off real quick let me

Just go back to here just need to go out to here which one is it is it this one is it this one is this one I think it’s this one right no it’s not this one okay not that one I try go further down here maybe this one this one here okay

This one here this is exactly what I wanted so I wanted this and now I got this so basically now there’s a bit of code that I’m going to add to this now that’s going to make it even better so if I do this now and just uh start here

So you can see it again my uh phone thing turned off there yeah if I um let’s see if I uh here if I go here and just boom go ahead and so there’s code here there’s a bit of code that I need to add to this one right so

Basically I want to add some code right here somewhere right like I think it’s right here it would be right here right so I do if I do it right here yeah let me do that and then basically all I need to do then is uh paste this code into the

Thing so just go here to my staircase three nice and I just uh paste it into the current current computer that I’m using right now paste yes Place nice awesome and now all I need to do now is literally just minimize this like yeah and go into Minecraft go ahead and go oh

Jesus suffering think feels likeor if only I had someone else to blame my bad hang on um in it there we go sizing nice and then I got to go and then I can get it to like you know uh link like I can get the N code to run

The other part thing I just don’t know how to do it yet but I can figure it out later on um now if I go uh mine staircase enter um three three five again there look now it has a percentage bar look at that see now it’s 50% done you see look at

That yeah no that’s that’s wrong yeah but look see now it’s now it says it says 100 and all this stuff it says the numbers hello George Ro welcome to the stream look at that that’s cool and I can add a little name to it too

But I need to fix the the elephant in the room but first I have to go read my sister a story and it won’t take that long but I’m going to have to leave the stream unattended for a bit for a few minutes or so um so you know H Joo is

You doing um okay so before I leave I will explain um basically I’ve got this Turtle thing and I’ve been coding it right so basically for the last few hours I’ve been trying to code it so that I can get it to mine a staircase uh that’s customized you know all

Customized as much so I can get it to be customized right and then you know um so basically um I’ve basically just got it working so if I do a knit and then I write I write M staircase and I CH I can choose how far I want it to mine

Forwards so um the examples I’ve been using is three um so then if I use three and then I use the amount of times I want it to repeat so I can say six and then I can say five which is the amount of distance it’ll put the Torches away

From each other and it mines down and it does all this stuff you know isn’t Minecraft modding Norm done in Java no um so this is a mod it’s a mod here um that I like it’s not I uh this is a mod that has the ability for

You to code these things so you can code these things like this is a coding program here a coding window you can literally code it in Lua so yeah um so the mod is probably I’m pretty sure the mod is coded in Java but you know and

Then it STS itself in the wall see but um yeah no um if I was coding the mod oh it would be a whole different thing but you know I’m not so you know but yeah it took me a while to get that to get the

To get it to actually M down to the correct level and then go out you know it was hard but I’m going to try and fix this one thing real quick before I have to go read my sister story um and I think if I go down

To so this one here um what I need to do is I need to change this to be uh so this one still needs to be this right which one do I change which one do I I change I believe what I did was I

Changed so I Chang this I’m going to say copy this real quick just before I before I mess something up because I know I will so if I remove this now right that’s three and then I put it from I move this from zero to

One right and then I do that and then maybe this does what I want it to I don’t know um but yeah know um i’ be happy to explain everything a bit more when I get back from reading my sister’s story but you know I need to do that soon um you

Know because I r do a story every night um I normally am not streaming at this time I’m only streaming now because I was accidentally streaming earlier and I thought you know what fine why not take your time yeah um let’s see hope you don’t mind waiting when I

Do go to read my sister’s story because you know uh I mean if you know if you have anything better to do then you can go ahead and do that but you know uh let’s see yeah uh mine oh God uh for three three five 33% oh there we go it’s I think

It’s a bit more accurate now is it please tell me it is come on says about 100% that’s not I maybe go to sleep oh yeah that’s fair and that ladies and gentlemen is exactly why I didn’t want to fix the code that is exactly why oh that’s the

Wrong thing that is exactly why I did not want to change the code okay okay it’s almost 3 in by now so yeah it’s 1:44 in the morning right now so you know um yeah um I appreciate if you’d follow though that’d be great yeah that I would appreciate a follow

That’d be awesome and we’re working towards affiliate Jesus Christ that was loud um I didn’t actually expect I didn’t actually expect it to be so quick but yeah um thanks for the follow uh let’s see three three five does it work so the percentage is a bit

Off I might actually have an idea on how to fix that so the percentage is a bit off which one is set down the repetitions is Fus percentage rep how do I how do I set the percentage to be accurate oh yeah this one is this one is

Useless this line of code right here is useless firstly yeah how do I make it accurate I don’t quite know know how to make this exactly accurate um oh you know maybe you know what I don’t even need a percentage all I need all I need to do

Actually if I’m if I really think about it all I need to do is this just copy this code and put it over the thing right I really don’t need all the other stuff I just need this right like like this is all I need if I leave I’m going

Join another time so please forgive me if I do so no it’s okay I I I you know you have you know if we will you can leave leave whenever you need to you know I won’t I won’t like hate you for it oh no how dare you Joor Ro how dare

You leave my stream you know like that’s okay you know don’t worry about it um but let’s see I think I got it I think I got it working the percentage should work now oh no this might break it in it mine uh 3 three five oh

Wait okay hold on so I need to fix it a little bit more because I did it wrong so firstly I just have to get up in five hours and I have have my fair share of work to do tomorrow yeah that’s fair that’s completely Fair don’t worry about

It don’t don’t even worry about it if I do this right so get rid of this right here then go like this and then just put and then just put a slash right there repetitions there and now just uh copy that again right uh go here just grab this C and

Then paste it in here Place nice and this should be it so now if I just go here and then I also want it to reset its name at the end too but I’ll set that up in a minute uh mine staircase 3 three five Z of two look at

That I could get these numbers to change actually look at that and it just goes there there’s nothing there but look at that oh my God it actually works and then I want it to change its name to Idol when it’s done what did I

Just what what did I just do I don’t know what I just did but anyway when it’s done I want it to change it name to Idol right so let me grab the name code the name code here this is the name code I want to change the name to idle when

It’s done so I do this just go do this and just idle there we go and now I just copy this code in and it should be perfect oh my God I’m super excited for when I get back from reading my sister a story to continue working on this robot

Stuff it’s really fun you know doing all this coding stuff it’s really really fun and I wouldn’t have been able to get any of it done without chat chat GPT for sure I mean now I’m kind of confident in doing the code myself but you know every

Now and then I ask chat I ask chat GPT for a little bit of help look at that ready and we’ll see if it goes to idle see see Discord no there is a Discord it’s um look at that it worked oh my god it worked but yeah no there is

A Discord it’s um it I believe it’s if you scroll down on the stream you should be able to see it there is a Discord um it’s in the about for the twitch or whatever I haven’t got it so I I didn’t even think to set that up but yeah know

I should totally set that up like I command to do the Discord there is one um I if you can’t find it I can post the link in chat but you know um yeah it’s uh currently a work in progress though you know it’s currently work in

Progress I was working on trying to code a bot for it there is no link in chat yeah um I think if I just go in the bio there’s no link in the bio are you kidding really that’s my image hold on let me go Channel let me go to channel real

Quick uh edit p what okay yeah no there is there is a there’s a community Discord thing that’s what it says it says Community Discord if you just scroll down it says Community Discord you should be able to click it um I don’t know if it works on

Mobile it should um regardless I’m going to go ahead and just copy the link and just post it in chat there you go that should work I think I think you should be able to do that wait I went back too many pages oh yep you got it there we go cool

Nice the Discord is a work in progress It’s very new so um you know and the rules and stuff haven’t actually been set up yet it’s you know incredibly new the Discord is very helpful at the moment the Discord is mainly used for um letting people know when we’re

Streaming you know and letting people keep up to us keep up to date and stuff with all the stuff we’re doing but you know um but yeah know it changes the idle afterward that’s that’s amazing I love that um next next I’d like to um

I’d like to get this Turtle to link up to a computer somewhere and then send its status to the computer you know so that we can know and then like maybe give the the turtle the specific Turtle it’s own name as well you know or like

Initials like uh you know so that this stays short or whatever but you know that’d be very helpful but you know anyway so um no P but you wanted to do something with yeah I got to read uh read book I’ll be back um I’m going to

For now I’m actually going to just I’m going to go to my netx playlist just so you won’t get sidetracked yeah I’m not get I’m not going to get sidetracked I really need to do this um give me a second I’m going to put the music back

On so you can hear it and then I’m literally just gonna wait what can you hear it oh son of a [ __ ] you can hear it oh you know what I’m gonna get a copyright strike for the stream God damn it you know and it’s going to be fair it’s

Going to be a fair one God flipping damn it can you hear the music you can hear the music right can you there’s no way hold on can you hear the music God flipping damn it okay yeah no I’m gonna get a copyright thing for this

Did the YouTube stream get taken down no it didn’t okay well I’ve been playing some copyright music yeah yeah no I just paused it okay I’m going to go real quick I’ll be back I’m going to go ahead and just that’s the one key hold

On okay I will be back after reading my sister’s story um you know what I’m going to do this actually this is the best AFK screen if I do this if I just turn this off and then turn this off and this off nothing to see here there we go

There that’s perfect okay I’ll be back F TR Dre That are stuck in my head I’m sick of wishing I could just forgive and forget I’m sick all these thoughts that are stuck in my Mind are I’m everybody’s I could Are and I am back okay um no idea if any if you’re still here but hey I am back and I’m just going to go ahead and just welcome back oh hi yeah I I read that story so quick was like a a Christmas book or

Whatever so you know um okay and now if I pull this open is this still working cool okay so um what I’m gonna do now I want to I want to save this code okay I want to save this code where it is and then I

Want to work on a new version this is V3 I’m going to work on V4 now okay um but first first there’s one more thing I want to do I want to make the number actually correct okay um because it’s three right not two so I want to make the number actually

Correct um where is it here this is not yeah this is not here get this uh so I want to make this number actually correct which means okay hang on so both numbers are down which all I which means all I need to do I think is plus

One plus one does that work I don’t know if that works we’re going to find out we’re going to find out if it works or not um I’m hope I hope it’s fine if I ask but would you please explain this to what to call you and what P to use the whole

Onl honestly just call me Cube um I’m Cube and Amy is Amy you know um I am guy and she is girl and that’s it’s just that simple you know um yeah um she normally streams actually she’ll probably be streaming with these mods and uh she plans on streaming with these mods and

Then messing around with the turtles and stuff in her next Minecraft stream that she does I was just I just happened to accidentally start streaming before we were ready which is fine you know I started streaming had to delete the stream um I didn’t realize for 30 minutes until someone followed and how

Um there’s a voice changer um that we use um voice changer and she has her own uh her own vtuber model so you know um it’s very easy to tell um you know it it’s very easy to tell so yeah don’t worry about that um yeah most people actually don’t

And most of the people who’ followed recently don’t actually know about me because I only I don’t stream very often on here you know um normally it’s Amy because she has so much uh passion for it all I have passion for it too but you know I’m a she likes playing games I

Kind of you know I don’t necessarily play them the way that she does so you know she enjoys the games more because she plays them in a very unique way compared to me where I’m like when I play Minecraft I just try not to die and

If I die then I just feel like it’s over like it’s there’s there’s no point in continuing because the goal of trying not to die is over you know sorry for all those questions but are you one physical person with a split person uh yes I wouldn’t say I’m diagnosed with it

Though and I wouldn’t say that I have split personality disorder it’s a thing that exists um it’s just you know Amy is just there I don’t actually know what it is but um you know there’s two of us and that’s all that I’ve I’ve decided to

Come to to with that no none of them are offending I see none of us none of us uh have any problems with people asking and clarifying more things because you know that’s important you know clarifying is important um I was going to go into oh yeah no I was going

To P in here but yeah um yeah we don’t have a problem with it don’t worry don’t worry you you can you feel free to ask whatever questions you want to ask you know besides I love I love answering the questions and clearing all up all the

Confusion you know cuz I know there’s a lot of confusion I’m still super confused but you know it’s fine get that just didn’t want to get that wrong yeah that’s fair um anyway so uh in nit and then I want to go mine staircase uh numbers must be in one of

The following formats 1 2 three Okay so I have a new plan new plan okay what about how about I do this if I just go local and just call it current Cur rep equals rep plus one local rep wait no um and then I’ll just call this reps equals uh

Reps plus one there and then I just change this to reps instead I just change it to that right so go here just go uh there space in between there and then put repetitions this is my first time coding with L by the way I’ve never

Coded with this before um so you know um I that’s why I had to use chat GPT to help me with like a lot of it because you know like without chat GPT I wouldn’t have had any of this running but I did a few hours ago I stopped

Using chat gpt’s help because it it kept on rewriting all my code you know and I would fix things and stuff and then it kept on rewriting it and at some point it actually just kept giving me the same code you know so I just kind of yeah I I

Ask it every now and then I ask it for like general questions about laway or certain things but I don’t ask it to do to rewrite the whole thing because the script got so big that you know it took so long like how how many lines is it

Now it’s like 216 lines long and it got so big that it took chat TPT so long to write a response to it and then add more to it you know so yeah like not that long obviously like a few like 10 15 20 seconds but like you

Know time is money you know anyway this should uh this should work now I think right three three five one of three look at that and that that works two of three and then we do two of three two of three okay yeah I’m okay with that I’m okay with that look

At that it works and it in the wall that’s so cool I love it dude I love it uh i’ recommend get coil catch for coding and yeah um yeah I I I’ve considered using it but you know I this is my first time coding and I’m really

Trying not to dox myself like I have a I have two uh Visual Studio codes open right now because my directory has my real name on it for some reason um it’s not my full name of course and I’ve accidentally showed it a few times in

This stream um by accident so you know but like you know I’m trying not to dox myself you know I don’t want too much of my personal information getting on the world I’d rather stay as Anonymous as as Anonymous as possible you know for my

The sake of my privacy and you know my family and friends and all that stuff you know having all that privacy too you know in case I blow up which you know it probably won’t happen but you know um I’m at least trying hoping to make a

Living out of this you know so yeah you know I don’t intend on ever doing like a face reveal or anything because you know I kind of like the anonity Anon I don’t know how to say that word but you know I kind of like the what comes with being a

B tuber you know and not having your face on the internet and stuff you know I kind of like that it’s nice besides it ruins the magic you know it would ruin the magic you know the two different different personalities are doing the magic you know if you know

What we both technically look like because we share the same body you know so so did it work what was I doing it worked right I think it worked yeah it worked I think it worked just fine so now I I want to get another one to

Mine like strip mines and stuff right but first I want to finish this one this one needs to be bigger I want to be able to extend the staircase right and also place a torch in a very particular loccation and I think I know where I could place

It I want to place it here right like on this block here right like the top block but I don’t know how I would do that okay yeah know I I have an idea on how I would probably do that but anyway so now I’ve got this so I think

Everything works just fine so all I’m going to do now is I’m just going to copy all the all the code I’m just going to copy all the code just go new new folder3 uh mine their case the three I just put all this in here right and just paste all this

Stuff oh I can’t copy it because I copied it and moved it okay there there we go and paste there now I just want to call this B4 nice now the idea now is that I’m going to go ahead and grab another one by itself this one works so now let’s go

Back to the surface oh is it full I wonder if it’s full no yeah all right but this one safe here for now I think I should I was going to say I should probably turn it off but I’m not going to do that but now I have to go

All the way back to the surface wait what did I just oh no okay yeah I would consider Code Pilot but like you know I kind of so the idea the reason I started with chat GPT is because I had no idea how the language

Worked and how to code a turt and stuff but now that I have a bit more of an idea on how to do it look at all the different holes I have like you know there’s so many different holes that I’ve gotten like I’ve messed up so much

You know actually I started over here but one of the attempts um it wasn’t doing a staircase it was just like when I asked chpg to get it to make me a staircase that goes down it just made a staircase over the snow like this

And I was like what and so it it ended up it initially it basically just ended up over here then and so then it just continued that direction you know and then I moved over here and uh here and then there you know but Elway it’s a

Pretty good language for bring yeah no El is great I mean I know some coding so you know um I can’t even remember which cave I came from I think it was this one yeah anyway so now let’s go ahead and set up another one of these this this

Was originally earlier I was was testing I was doing stuff like hello world and stuff you know I was just I I started following some tutorials U do uh the Dark Wolf or something um but then I just kind of gave up after like not even

Finishing the second tutori I was I was like 3 minutes into the second tutorial I was like you know what n these are all 18 minutes long I can’t be B so I just started using chat TPT and it helped me so you know anyway edit wait hold on so

I think if I just go here I should just see the new I don’t okay so first I’ve got to go ahead and uh edit test there and then just go here save this boom and now all I need to do is go out here go to 20 yep there it is

21 go ahead and paste in all this code uh Delete the test code paste in this okay and now if I now go ahead and work on this one okay V4 here’s V4 nice so now what I want to do is I want to work on this so first I want to make

It I want to figure out how to get the init code to go straight into the bot right straight into the bot oh wait hold on to jop a bit when I started uh I started jum a bit when I started coding one four years ago there was no chat GPT

Yeah that’s like you know I’m kind of like like chat GPT is in in my mind chat GPT is basically just the same as like Googling except you know um it’s not sometimes it’s less reliable you know most of the time actually it’s less reliable when it

Comes to like the kind of coding that I do cuz I can’t be bother to type out a full-on sentence that tells tells exactly what I want you know because then I have to like I have to specify everything to The Last Detail and if I don’t do that then it messes up

Somewhere or something or remove something that I added with chat you know or gives me an older version of the code or something you know so I mean I found that it’s faster because of the fact that you know when it comes to the Turtle stuff like

It’s very hard to find stuff on this I mean there’s a whole coding documentation on this stuff but I like I don’t know where I would start what I would do you know like I don’t I I’d have to look at everything to figure exactly how to do one thing which is why

I’m using chat GPT cuz it’s helpful cuz it just tells me oh this is you need and it does kind of know some coding so you know that’s pretty helpful but let’s see um what am I doing uh CH how do I run another script one script another I’m looking up with

SH okay so if I literally just do this does it work let’s see so first first I need to grab uh this gra the init code here and then grab the stop code and then I just go into the init code and what I do then

After this I go here and I just go run and then I call it what so what was it again it was sh. run and then it’s the script name so literally all I need to do now is just type in mine stair case4 nice does it work we’ll find out

I’m about to find out if it works huh so if I go here just go in it oh wait yeah it wouldn’t work with it hey at least I can get it to turn now yeah um it won’t work because um I didn’t I didn’t paste all the new code to the to

The bot let’s go here just go boom paste there okay there and boom here minimize this go here and just go in uh it look at that it works oh my god it works in which case I can actually just get the instead of using the instead of using the code that

It’s already in I can just get the stop code to run at the end right let’s See let’s see let me go here real quick I pull this up right let’s go to the one here it’s here right it’s right here this is the stop code so the stop code is so it goes back and then I just run the stop code here instead right instead

Of putting this here I just run the stop code let go X there and just go shell run stop there and then that should work that should just work like that right this is cool I’m I’m starting to I I can finally use like multis scripts and stuff you know can use multiple

Scripts instead of just one which means I can finally I can segment a bunch of things out so that it’s not super complicated and stuff like you know it’s very difficult to navigate everything but let’s see in it three three five it has no fuel in it my bad I need chests too

Chest I also needed to get I need to get it to check for all these items before it tries to run because cuz at the moment it doesn’t and so you know um this game is so loud by the way compared to the music the game is so

Loud can I turn that down hold on let’s mess with the game audio where is it game is here oh um by the way is the music overpowering me because I pretty sure that it might be a bit loud turning it down a bit you know I

Because I realized that I don’t actually hear the music at its full volume so you know anyway enter nice there we go nice it’s one of three nice it’s fine okay I turn it down anyway just cuz why not look at that and it still works oh my god it works let’s

Go let’s go wow in which case I can also do the in which case I can also just make this stop code like you know um I can change it to do this just do this right hope you don’t mind if I’m just if I’m just looking no I don’t mind I don’t

Mind as long as when I ask you questions you know you you respond you know that’s all I really care about um yeah let’s see so now I just do this and just go boom there oh computer and then I copy all this again you know have some work do yeah that’s

Fine I mean it’s even if you don’t you know answer the questions or whatever even if I ask you stuff and you’re not available or whatever you it’s fine pH from scratch and stuff wow cool that’s like big stuff you know wow cool um anyway let’s go here just go in

It three three five oh that’s so amazing I love that that’s so awesome oh my God that’s so cool that is so cool oh I love it so much it’s so cool H the unfortunate thing is I might have to rewrite it like make a new bot like recode a new

Bot you’ll be able to do that as well one day probably eh I don’t have the patience for it I mean this is you know I I feel like this kind of coding is rewarding because this kind of coding will help me get diamonds and stuff you

Know when playing survival and stuff so you know um using this mod you know using the computercraft mod it’ll help me get diamonds and all stuff you know and I won’t even have to like I literally just won’t have to do anything you know um so yeah but that’s cool so

That’s that um that’s V4 there if you can learn that within a day you’ll learn that you can if I can learn this within a day I’ll probably learn how to do make a form and all that stuff huh yeah know I mean I can you know it’s I I work

Better off of things that have already been made you know because like that have been made by someone much smarter than me you know but not super complex stuff you know like I couldn’t use some of the code that’s already written for the T the

Turtles cuz I had no idea how any of it worked but you know but that works so now you know what I’ll come back to the one and tweak it a little bit later on but for now I think I’m going to work on one that’ll strip mine for me that’s why

I think I’m going to learn work on that now I’m also going to initialize this real quick just in it and then just what six and then what uh times to repeat 60 and five there we go and I’m just going to let this go for a bit now you

Know I’m streaming in the VC and you laugh on me on how simple that stuff is to be honest oh you’re streaming with the VC oh yeah cool because you doing great well thanks um anyway I’m going to let this run now look at it go oh my God it’s so

Cool okay okay okay let’s start strip mining now let’s start like getting a strip mine setup we’ll do it down here actually we’ll do it in this mine because this makes no more sense to do in here I wanted to I needed to patch up this

Hole um oh actually while I’m here let me go ahead and just put a to-do list at the top right just like a little to-do list at the top so I can remember what I need to do das Dash make the turtle replace the block after it leaves after added the ability

To choose how wide the theire is there and I’m going to do that for now and I’m literally just going to grab all that just go ahead and copy all this code in again one more time here just go boom paste through place nice awesome

And now I’ve got that now that I got that I’m going to go ahead and go uh here and minimize this and I’m going to go ahead and work on the uh so that’s mine staircase so I’m going to go ahead and just new fer mine staircase V4 there just go ahead and

Drag all this code in here right and then what I want to do now is I want to copy all this code again and bring it out because I definitely can’t just do this from nothing so I’m going to go ahead and bring the code back out again

I’m going to call this instead I’m going to name it what strip mine V1 there strip mine V1 now I want to go here go boom close this keep those open this all right so trying to figure out how to strip mine is going to be I don’t know possibly

Difficult but as long as I work up with this code I should be fine so let me go ahead and open up one of the other codes too just so I can use it here there so I can use this as a reference now here’s what we do so let’s

Start by setting up the turtle because we need a turtle first we need a turtle to be practicing this with all right so we’re going to go here so we’re just going to grab a turtle here place it here right um we’ll put the tur

Here no no we’ll do this we’ll do this here we’ll put the turtle here and what we want to do now is we want to go uh we want to go so we’ve got all this right now I just want to go edit test right save exit and then I just go

Here and past in all this code that I just added P all this code I just added to this new one yeah I’ve got 23 in here by the way like I had i’ I’ve tested with 23 things not all of them were Bots uh not all of them were that were turtles

But you know most of them were for sure but you know let’s see oh yeah um I need to change my my follow goal don’t I oops forgot about that not new goal 40 there we go nice start goal there we go F0 nice did my follow go disappear wait

What follow go is here right wait what oh it’s not here that’s my bad it wasn’t on the screen that’s weird but okay wait do I have why do I have two oh okay yeah I know I know why I have two there we go that’s fine all

Right so now I got that I forgot about the fog here anyway um yeah I joined the join the VC to see what you’re doing but uh I uh probably wouldn’t understand it that well I do know a little HTML kind of barely but you know um but also like I have to

Focus on the game and if I’m in the VC I will not be able to focus so like I need to focus on all the coding I just need to yeah so yeah but anyway it’s pure go right now wor about it yeah okay anyway so now

I now do this so what I want to do is I want to mine forwards so this one this one is fine so distance I believe is set someone else let’s see distance is set down here right so okay this is going to be difficult I’m

Working on the back end so no HTML CSS oh okay cool uh let’s see so post mine actions so for now all this code down here is the code that I need right so I’ve got forget this so this is the main pram M so distance to mine distance to mine so that

Is um um main brch main yeah Main brch distance main branch block main branch size do this right I’m just going to go ahead and replace all that yeah main branch size and then I got main BR size now I now want to do ENT the distance to M for so

ENT the distance to M forward before launching off before launching off there okay so I have this method that I do and it should be fairly easy to replicate with this so you know like I have this method that I do I we both tend to do it

When we strip mine so you know in the distance to the sides ENT the distance of mine to the sides before buching off no to m to the sides so this will be Side branch size there so we got that right I’m going to grab this one too

Just want I want to grab this and just replicate this so that we can validate it too nice awesome I think I want to do this one next right I want to put this after here I think and then I want to put this one after this one up on the

Top right otherwise it it probably won’t go off correctly I don’t know yeah input the number of repetitions so the amount of branches so this will be how many times the helmet I don’t know how far it should go in size okay no yeah so repetitions I’m just going to call it

This for now I’m just going to keep it named this but I think it’ll be something else this will probably be repetitions actually this will honestly probably be repetitions because that’s fine and then we got torch repetition which is perfect because we can use this to detect how far the branches are too

So if we use this we copy this do the same thing here except this time we just go uh here um nope all the way to the bottom again uh let’s see side petition maybe something like that right and I just do this yeah I’m about to

Fade away cuz every time I wake up I feel like it’s Monday with all the chemicals up in my brain all of a sudden I don’t look at everything the same way got to build up of my thoughts sitting in a that so it won’t start like this right it

Won’t start like this the way that it will start is different right so first we want to do a full loop right and then so we wanted to have the progress stuff again we want to keep the progress stuff we want to get rid of this because this is being used

Yeah this one is also not being used yes get rid of that nice now I also want to comment this code out nope comment the code out there we go nice okay so what I now want to do is so it m forwards right it mines forwards so the

Amount that it’s going to mine forwards is going to be so I do this right I just go so first we want it to mine forwards four right that’s what we want to do first first we want it to M forwards four which you know it’s going to be

Interesting to figure out but let’s see okay so this main B say this should be it right this should mine forward is four I’m going to go ahead and get rid of the rest of this code except for the inventory thing because that’s that’s you know useful let’s go ahead and just

Get rid of this real quick right this should mine forwards right it should just mine forwards on its own like it is right as it is I also want to go ahead and grab the init code and change this to strip mine B1 nice awesome yes and then stop it’ll do the same

Thing right but like move to the side so it’ll probably be weird but yeah let’s see so now if I now go ahead and just copy this code here just go here copy that code paste it into here paste there and let’s just go ahead and run the init code let

Run the init code and see how this works okay uh init ENT the distance of mine so four and then this distance to mine to the sides and that would be five five the number of times to repeat this process let’s say three repetition

Uh um I’m going go to bed now all right see you around um thanks for stopping by and saying hello and stuff uh and see you around yeah thanks for following as well it’s awesome appreciate the follow anyway let’s see maybe I’ll uh maybe you’ll stop by again another time that I’m streaming

And I could show you the stuff I did the stuff I’ve done you know here we go okay so do that and now if I just go here it’s going to mine that way that’s unfortunate I forgot that it was um you know oops okay fine okay so it doesn’t mine

Up so for the moment it just mines forwards it’s not going to come back I just realized it’s not going to come back oh wait what oh okay I just about to say I thought it was actually doing it itself I was like wait what okay so now it’ll

Mine this way so what I want to do is I want to get it to mine the blocks above it too which means all I need to do is if I go to strip mine here I go like this so there are tot that detect up right I think there’s a turtle that

Detect up so if I do this just go I go here I just want to go like this just go while to that detect uh up is it up is that it dig up there and now we try this again and see if this works I don’t know so theoretically it should work

Right theoretically it should work but I don’t know uh this one needs to be copied not that one this one here paste paste yes place so this should mine the blocks above it as well right it should mine the blocks above it now but I don’t

Know if it will or not like I don’t know if it’s actually going to do that or not in it uh four five oh my God it’s working wait I don’t know if it’s actually going to M forward though okay so let’s just do this real

Quick just go ahead and put this in my off ah I need to turn my can I turn my shaders on can I do that can I turn my shaders on enable apply come on please let me turn my shaders on I can’t see in

Here okay there okay so if I now go ahead and just put I want to fill this in here like so right yes then I just want to go here and just go and it 4 5 3 six six there it’s working look at that it’s mining correctly the way it’s supposed

To go which is awesome so then the plan is right so every three blocks it goes forwards I want it to plant every what is it I think it’s every three blocks it goes forward so it’d be like what it’d be one two three so every there’s two

Blocks there right so we do this we go here put a torch there one two so it’ be three out here then it’ be there 1 2 3 4 five yeah and then it would be like this right and just go here just go this is not ideal for us um hold on

So it’s one that’s there so it’s like there and the bunch is right here right so we go like that there we go one two three four so what every four blocks then it would be here right the torch would be here right yes one two three every three block from

Here it’s one two so the starting one is two blocks right for this right so let’s just say the starting one is different right of course the starting one is different um now this is going to be facing a different way I I can’t like change its direction or

Whatever I mean I could change its direction I could choose which direction it mins I can add that as a feature hold on here added the ability to change to change which direction it mins in before starting there um but I’ll have that later but

Let’s see so for now it mes forward then what we then want to do is we want to go one two so for I one so let’s see I is the number so I is the number which means there so then it goes if I uh what is the thing here right where

Is it torch thing where’s the torch thing the torch thing is here somewhere right kind this so I do this right I just go like this and I just go boom so instead of this it would be right so now I go here right this code actually run here this code doesn’t

Run now so I go here and I just go up here grab before it moves forwards I want to check right I want to check it here and see if I can put something in here right here boom but then go like this and just

Go wait no hold on I do need to put something here and there nice it’s time to break up with the life you made of okay so what I do here is I just go torch counter equals I I right that equals I and then it just

Go like this to repetition equals Zer so then it would be three apart right and then it would place a torch right and it would place the torch above it it’s already coded to place a torch above it so then it will move forwards so now if we

Try going ahead and just copying this code and seeing if this works I don’t know if it will but we’ll find out place the thing there nice and go here and just go boom does it work does it work here in it four four and then just go here and just go five

Times one I chose one okay oh okay hang on five three three three there it place the torch right there it broke the torch that is actually perfect actually it is facing the opposite direction torch and N value okay torch counter what the f repetition hold on wait is it line 20

It’s in line 20 let’s check line 20 line 20 is here oh okay hold on kind of toti so I know I want this to be distance yep there does that work it was this oh no it was here wait torch kind of uh is this distance what no okay

No no no no no wait I Want To Be My Own Worst Enemy don’t TR anything in order to do this correctly right I’ve got to do it simple right let’s see if I wild turn on detect D so I then also want it to check the block

Right um computer yep tep so I’m going to go here quick and I’m just going to look into twe glad that you asked me okay so what I need to search is I need to search up uh turtle right switch up Turtle scroll down and find there’s a block there’s a

Thing that identifies a block right yeah check if there’s a block but then I want to check what block it is right inspect get ination Block in front of the turtle inspect if has this go block that so so get information the block the T table the Block in front or message explain

That there is there is no block yeah okay so basically what is going on here how do I do this how do I how do I get the turtle back to check for a t hold on up you can use the turtle function to Y check if there’s a torch from the

Turtle function is tor ahead local success data equals turt back if success then return data name Che the Block in front has the same name as a torch okay so there’s there’s some code here that CHT just gave me and if I go here right and I just go ahead and put a

Function right here yeah just put a function right here yeah just go like this and just go now I just want to go like this and just go boom oh wait hold on so now what I want to do here right is I just want to I want to call it like this

First right first I want to do this I just want to go first I want to go like this and just go if is torch ahead is torch above I’m going to call it his torch above instead right I’m just going to go like this then then right and I do this go

Here end there nice now what I want to do now is I want to change this I just want to go inspect up wait I think that works right Tor above there nice I do that let’s go true so I want this to return true has same as a

Torch okay yeah so that should work right okay here so now I try doing that right is tor above then yeah and so if T about equals false then we do that right and now and now go back here just go ahead and just put the code in let’s put the code into

Minecraft real quick I don’t know if this will work but we’ll find out there just go here just go boom then now it’s facing a new Direction which is great this is great for us so if I go clear this and just go in it nice and now it’s going back back this

Way okay well that’s fine value is torch ahead hold on did I do that did I do it correctly it’s torch above oh it’s torch above my bad oh it’s Tor above there that’s why it was in the wrong place that that that’s not even supposed to be there but you know I’ll

Leave it there for now okay let’s go back in here let’s go back in here and just do this just go in it now we’re taking that rout and now if I go here ENT the distance to mine forward before Ming off five four five three and the reputation inal to place a

Torch three three nice to count of no okay what okay hold on let’s check this real quick right just uh ask chat GPT to check the code let’s see what’s wrong with this code let’s see what chat GPT says code seems to to the way you’re the to in the

M function let’s fix that the function is local I I changed how Tor is to correctly represent number of irations without placing a torch as the torch is placed after can you change it so that it places a torch after moving a set amount of blocks instead

If you want to play Tor after mov blocks you can modify the M forward function upd function I okay the Mind forward function takes an additional which a number of blocks to move before placing a torch when following this function you can specify this okay cool nice awesome

So now I just fun I just uh grab this in here right grab grab uh this right here yes go boom nice and now I call mine forward right so when I call mine forward I call mine forward and when I call mine forward I also go here and just go

For repetition there and I do that and now I do the same thing again right just go here just go boom here paste past nice now go back in here and just go boom in it no I don’t no let’s cancel in it again there let do this so we can go a

Different direction yeah that that way is much better okay cool now go like this I just go four five five three three not placing any torches okay hang on so why did it not place any torches the FL okay oh because it moves before it does it moves before it places the the

Torch which means it can’t place the torch here let’s go here let’s put it here right yeah it moves before placing before it gets the chance of plac a torch so you know but that actually makes more sense the placement of this makes more sense nice and now if I go back in

Here in it nice uh four five three three three oh well that worked no that didn’t so before placing a torch before placing a torch I needed to go into so go to place torch real quick where’s Place torch Place torch is down here somewhere right so before placing a

Torch I want to go here right I’m going to go turle dot forward and go here and then just go tur dot dig up yes nice and then T Turtle dot back there and then it should now place the Torches correctly right it should now place the s this correctly I

Also need to make sure that it does it right here hold on yeah so I don’t want to place this here right I don’t want to place it here I want it to be at the start okay so I don’t want to place it I don’t want to

Call it here right I don’t want to call this here I don’t want to call this place torch one here right nice like that nice and I want to go here and just minimize again and just go back to here okay here so so here’s what I’m going to do I’m

Going to go ahead and just go back into here right back to the game real quick and here we go let’s see ready try it so now it should go forward enough and it should then break the blocks right so it should it should place a torch on the

Third block there ready in it four it worked look at that and it plac the torch there’s no block there though look at that and it works okay it works all I need to do now is make sure that it places blocks underneath it too as it goes so I want

It to detect so I now want it to detect blocks below it to see if there’s any any blocks below it and if not I want to place a block from its first slot right from its first slot that’s what I’ll do I’ll get to place a block from its first slot

So just go here quick we got the torch right we just go here it’s this one place up place down so we do place down so I want to go like this I just want to go boom nice awesome and I just want to go

Like this just go boom and nice go like this just go let just go okay just go nice like this do turtle I don’t need that there I just need to get rid of that there and just do it like this just gra place up and just grab one there Turtle select one

Turtle dot place up nice actually I’m going to make it 13 oh no 13 yeah 13 there um yep that should be good and then it does that and then it continues right so now it should place a block right but I will need to load blocks into

It um and then I need to I need to adjust the chest code too 14 hold on so I need to adjust the check for inventory slots slot slot and Slot his inventory empty here I know where this one’s this one’s down here right 15 12 there we check through all the

Slots up to 12 there we go this is so easy to do nice this is this is going pretty well so far actually I’m like I’m actually quite proud of myself already because I’ve done like the fact that I’ve even got this F is kind of nuts you know then I go uh

Here now the rest of it shouldn’t actually be too hard like I don’t actually think the rest of it is that hard so now if I go here just go boom boom nice it four 5 three three three nice oh wait I think it tried placing a block

But it didn’t actually get it because there was no blocks in there they nice I want to try this again right let’s just do this again just go boom and it four five three three three no it didn’t work didn’t work okay fine Why didn’t it work so I do this right

Oh you know while equals false that’s why it wasn’t working because it wasn’t you know it needs to detect the block first and then yeah my bad okay so now that I’ve got that done now it should work this time like this time it should work

Paste there nice awesome and now if I go back into here yes minimize this go here okay so I’m going to go ahead and just mine a bunch of blocks underneath right and just going to go ahead and Bridge in this a bit right just go here

So it seemed to work which is really good you know it’s good progress you know and it four five 3 3 three B [ __ ] what are you doing oh wait I know what’s happening okay hold on wait hold on let me just write uh one stop real quick

Stop there we go we’re good okay cool um I know what I did I know what I did wrong detect yeah it’s just detecting a block in front of it and so uh what I want to do is I want to go detect down nice and then I want to go place down

Down there we go nice there and now it should work oh the amount of errors and stuff that are happening right now it’s kind of nuts there’s a lot of issues you know but like it’s you know that’s the whole thing about coding you know there’s always going to be issues okay here

Now in it four 5 3 three three oh it worked look at that it’s working it’s in the gaps in the floor let’s go it worked look at that it worked all I need to do now is get the branches which shouldn’t be too hard I might it

Out oh didn’t mind that lost block so if I do this if I just init if I theoretically if I init right and then I do this and I just go four I just go five and I just go one I can’t even do one okay fine so

Just stop there okay so I need to get the in get the thing to work so why is one invalid why is one invalid less than or equal to zero if not main BN size or main B size oh said by FR size is less than or equal

To is let’s say greater than zero right is greater than zero right and that should be good and then I want to check at the end where is it so at the end it goes back to uh it goes back to thing right so it goes back in here back me so

Here on the last one it doesn’t mine above why is it not mine above on the on the last one right see um dig up yeah dig up I don’t even need yeah no I do need this actually I do need this here I need to go here okay

Um okay I I’ll work on fixing that later on but for now I’m just going to try and make sure that this works properly I need to be able to just do one branch right that’s it I just need to be able to do one brnch in it oh

Wait stop I did it wrong that’s my bad I did it wrong I need to um need to go down here I did it wrong so this one my size is um less than or equal to zero okay yeah oh okay yeah know and I know why that didn’t work anyway so now

Repetitions needs to be greater than zero yeah oh no less than less than one let’s say less than one and then that should work now right I know I keep saying that should work and then it keeps not working but you know I got this and it’s always thinking that they

Can break me they better of getting their own words like pastries hate me and you better find some safety I’m coming in damn it son of stop okay there let’s try this again why is it not working if not repetitions what’s wrong with this code

I’m going to ask chat chat GPT and it’s gonna tell me what want look however it might be useful to more cont code okay let’s see it looks fine repetition is less than one L than zero I don’t know if that works or not you know my you’ll be

F oh um let me add another thing here actually I did the ability to made the code go back to the NIT code after after finishing up um what am I doing then huh what was I doing so go up here go down here Qui right where is

It so down here right it’s what wait oh this is minus one which means I need to do this this is minus one which is a problem right repetitions that so if I do that now maybe it works I don’t know so that that was minus one which is

Probably why it ended up being lower because it always changed my original input which meant I would I was supposed to do two to get you know that part or whatever you know so let’s try it just make sure that I minimize this we go next in it one there and five

And wait hold on terminate stop stop in it okay 4 5 1 three three nice so that worked but this block here was a bit last block here is a bit unusual three one two three it never made it over there oh so made it to

Here mine that block walked in and then walked out again okay so I needed to mine that block walk in and then mine above so is it it’s this this is the one that mins forwards right and then I want to do an else actually

Here so I just go like this and I just go wait I just go here instead of this I just go else if or just do an else right else I think it’s just an else right I think it’s literally just an else and I do this

Just go like this right just go boom and then just do another end here end there I think that should be it right I think that’s it I’m pretty sure that’s how I do it I’m pretty sure that that’s how I do it else never try this just go here just go in

It in it four five one three three see it you shouldn’t leave any in the middle now this time right it shouldn’t leave any at the top and if it doesn’t then we have problem it did it left one at the top okay hold on so why did that not work that take

Out why don’t I get this code to one inside here right why don’t I just do this right and just go here SC graub all this code here right why don’t I just literally just drag this code into here right oh no let’s not do that

Let’s not do that keep this Cod out here right if Tor is false right if Tor is false then it’ll do this right while Turtle do up do turtle. take up right and it ends what if I do this instead right what if I do this instead I just go here just go

Boom nice instead of doing this what if I just do this just add an if statement in here right like this right I just do this instead and then just put an end end right there yeah and I go rid of this one here let’s do that right and then we got that

Right oh wait maybe I know why because I’m pretty sure if the turtle goes forwards it’ll dig forwards automatically like I’m pretty sure it will automatically dig forwards so even if let’s try and change this real quick what if I change this to Turtle do forward just to test my theory right

Just a test my theory see if it digs forward automatically right we’ll see if I if I if I can confirm this or not then it’ll help right it’ll help me a lot okay nice let’s see in it hold on stop it’s helpful that I can just do

That now you know to return it back in case errors happen is it 913 oh if yeah that’s that would do it that would do it here right ready and in it P 5 one 3 okay no my theory was wrong my theory was wrong okay

Stop okay so now that I know that my theory was wrong I can fix this now I could just dig nice I mean why did I just put this here right just put this here does that do anything I don’t know if that does anything at all

But I’m going to try it see cuz then it it can run after moving forwards which might make more sense five one three three oh it worked oh it worked let’s go all right and that’s it that’s one branch and now I need to do the branches on the sides too okay

So let’s let’s let’s get into the really complicated stuff well not necessarily complicated but let’s see so we do M forwards right went forward here down here yes so we do this right and then I just want to go like this and I just want to go mine

Left pleas right I just want to go side BR size yes I just want to grab this function here just grab this uh original forward function yes wait I can use the same function I can use the same function right surely I can use the same

Function all I need to do is go down here real quick right go ahead and grab so I do this right I go here and I go like this and I just go so I do this and I just go mine mine forward and all I need to do now is just

Turn this right just go here and just go do turn left right I turn left and that’s it I turn left and then it works and then I do the same thing right I just go turn right okay wait so if this works right

I don’t know how this is going to do it but we’ll see right T repetition side so what I think this should work the same way right I think it should work the same way as the other torch code we’ll find out if if it doesn’t I’ll have to

Use a separate thing for the side torch thing I mean I I already have one set up don’t I I think I already have one set up I’m just not using it yet it five uh one three yeah this is probably for the side ni I that for limit must be a

Number wait distance what okay hold on stop what the stop okay there we’re fine we’re fine I guess does that work yeah that works nice there we go so anyway now I need to mess with this a bit right so let’s see what have we got up here

Right sideb size sideb size is a number right in right size toch repetition for distance right what is it that it said exactly what is it it said exactly it said liit must be a number okay let me just ask chpt what’s wrong with the code see if it tells me I like

What’s wrong with this code place a toch both above and below TT but you’re encountering issues with the placement logic I know it’s few in the mind forward function you’re using to check if there’s a block below before placing a torch however you are not moving the turtle down after placing

The infinite Loop you should add down no okay no no so it’s not yeah no it’s not enough Point Let’s just point that for now let’s put it and see see what it gives us huh let’s see huh in it four 5 one three three uh-huh it’s nil I thought

So why is it nil I don’t know but I’m sure how I’m going to find out why repti said repe main B size oh okay oh wait what no wait this one does ah I got it got it got it side side one size there I just need

To add side brch size in here that’s all I need to do right I just need to add side bch size in here because it’s not it doesn’t exist right now all right like right now it does not exist there and now it exists see and

Now it should work that’s why it wasn’t working because it didn’t exist which is why it was nil because it was not even there it didn’t exist so yeah and now for just stop no stop stop stop and then in it 3 Let’s see huh so now it should be able

To turn oh there we go I was wondering why it was coming back for a second I was like what I was like wait what does this work first try no way this works first try and well almost that’s I mean it works I guess hold on stop

Stop if I go like this stop again stop there we go better that works cool nice okay anyway so now I need to do now is I need to make it so that it’ll go back right so when it goes forwards it needs to go backwards so after it moves

Forwards here right yeah it needs to go back and I actually have a code I have code for that actually so I go here right and I go I just go like this right let just go go back nice and I just want to go side one size then turtle turtle dot turn

Right nice and then I should then just be able to I should just be able to get this to happen right uh twice right just get this to do the thing twice nice nice and then it go like this and then I go this code again

Yes just run this code again so it turns right twice yes and then I get to go back again right now I can obviously minimize this code later on um but then I go like this and I just go turn it off no Turtle do turn left nice and

Then and then it repeats right and then it just repeats huh that should be good that should be it the only thing I then need to do is um the only thing I then need to do is just go like this and just put it set repetition side repetition yeah so repetition and

This instead of doing I need to add another one of these here real quick right just go here side torch repetition nice I just got this have live a wake up same different day make a wish call it PR am I sick am I okay stay up late night still in okay

Here so now I want to go like this just go into the to place torch watches now I do that and then I do the same thing I just go up here right I go here instead of doing this I just go uh side torch repetition nice I just

Grab the same thing here right let’s do the same thing here nice awesome and boom and now it should be good right it should be good let me check let me go confirm it let me go confirm and see if this actually works now I mean that should be it right theoretically

That should be it if this works that should be it should be all I need for this I do need to rewrite the way that the chest placing works though you know when it unloads its inventory and stuff but otherwise it should be fine is it four five process one three

And nail Valley it’s a nail Valley again okay hang on stop oh yeah okay there yeah that normally does that tell anyway so now it’s a n value again oh yeah I know it’s n value hold on I’m an idiot I forgot to drag this on here

Too the same reason as why it was a nil value before it’s the same reason uh there we go yep and uh here boom paste boom now if I just go back into the game do that yes and innit four 5 one three and four let’s see does it work Moment of

Truth does it work okay it’s going in will it come back please come back please do God come back oh it placed in the right place look it’s coming back and it turns and it it’s working it’s working it’s going to place on the right side D whatever that’s fine and then

It oh my God look it works it actually works oh my god it works and all I need to do now is figure out the chest thing and now it should stop right okay okay well it Dro me in here but you know stop thank you here we go so I needed to

Come up here and I wanted to stop inside this wall or something right like stop like here right so when it goes to a thing I wanted to go back one and then in right so let’s try that let’s try and do that so let’s go here just

Go but that worked that worked really well like oh my God that was that was insane that worked so well oh my God like it’s almost done oh my God and it’s placing oh my God this is so cool I love this I love this so much it’s so cool that works so

Well there anyway let’s see oh it’s 3:00 a.m. Jesus wow how long have I been streaming for now oh 3 hours wow okay all right yep okay anyway just casually brushing that off you know um so after after that after the thing here it goes back

Right so it goes back it does a stop code but what I want to do is I want to go back one I want to go back one so instead of doing this go back one there I want to go back one and then it’ll stop and it’ll go in the wall

Right that should be it okay now let’s see huh so once that does that and then what else was there was there anything else only other thing was the chest but I think I know how to do that so if I do this and just go

Ums so what I want to do is I want to place when I go to deposit an item right when I go to deposit items yeah when I go to deposit items I want to go ahead and go I want to do it in a very specific

Place right like I want to do in the middle if possible Right so how do I get the the thing to only do so okay wait okay here’s what here’s what I’m going to do right here’s what I’m GNA do so I can detect how far away it is right inside

Of uh here instead of being forward I’m actually going to do this and just go can place chest and this is going to be like false on this one and two on the other one no two on the main forward one right so I

Go here I just want to go like this just go boom complex chest there nice so right now go do down here I just grab this and I just grab can place chest just do this yes so the idea is that I will allow it to place a chest

Here so what I do here instead is I literally just do this I just go false right set these to false on the side branches because we don’t want it on the side branches do we we want it on the main branch not the side and then we

Want to put two here right two here so then we want to check Min process check this right if we need to deposit it okay hold on so here’s what I’m GNA do I’m going to move this code up here I’m gonna move this code up

F after this one right I move it up after this one nice yeah so I’ll do that right I’ll move this code here and then what I can do is I can go to here right I can go in here and if I need to

So if I need to deposit items I can get it to instead of turning left instead of getting it to turn all the way around all I need to do is just get it to uh go uh go back three dra back three yes and then I get it to

Turtle turn left right and then I go here and just go check the chest code let’s see what we got s 14 dig place oh um also before I do this as well I also want to go here turn left I then want it I then want to go here and just go

Turle do dig right I just want to dig the oh no I want to want to dig the block I want I want to go here Turtle dot up up yeah to lot up I think that should be it right and then I dig and then I go

And and then I dig and then go Turtle dot down right Turtle dot down like so right and then I place the chest and then I do that and then I just do all this 12 there 12 yeah there nice and now I do this and I just go and then they

Go all this stuff backwards right so it’s facing right so then all I need to do is go turn right yeah turn right then I got to move so I want to grab this this script here right like this code here I want to grab this code here and I want to change

It to make it so that I can go forwards too right so instead of doing this just go go go forward there and I do this instead I go forward nice there and then I can add into the area where I was just now wait hold on here and then I

Go go forward and then I do the same thing I go three and boom and then continues right so now I got to get rid of this too right yes okay nice this is progress this is I’m I’m confident about this okay I’m confident about this I’m sure that this will

Work or like I’m sure that it’ll almost work maybe not you know work immediately but I am confident that that it will work stop there we go that’s good nice and now I go ID don’t no I mean in it there four five one three four nice and now we see now

We see if it works huh and it should now stop here right let’s see if it stops here come on it should stop not here but it’ll stop over there it’ll stop right here right so when it goes through one more time it’ll stop here it’ll go back into the wall here come

On oh it’s so cool I love this so much it’s so cool and in the wall it worked oh my god it worked okay okay so now I just need to run it again I do it with a full inventory right let’s try this right do this real quick right

There let me do that right now go like this now I just want to try this right so ready in it four five one into the repetition internal uh three and four and now it should go here any minute now it should check right yep I Mee kind of worked I mean it’s

Dumping its items so I guess that’s Progress it almost worked it was close it was two blocks off so I wanted to finish this first right okay hold on I think it’s because of the w right I think it’s because of the while here right not okay yeah I’m going to do if if not his inventory empty do yeah

And then I’m just going to do this then right we’ll do a then there and we’ll see if that works right that one should work I think that one should work right so I go here and just go to ah there oh it’s yeah I got to let it

Run so that I can you know that would go nice paste very nice it’s going to mess up the thing a little bit but it’s fine there see the strip mine is fixed already just like that I mean it did go and do exactly

What I wanted it to do it just didn’t do it in the right order or it it just went too far backwards because it wasn’t you know it wasn’t at there so the idea is it needs to be here when it comes back in which case it would go here oh

No okay I want it to go in the middle which means two two back yeah okay hold on and now I want to go in it it’s the distance to M forward before punching off four five one three four I mean it’s mining pretty well though you know did do it

Correct I think it’s going to go all the way through first right before yeah so now it’s just dropping items so wait for it it should get to the end of this now there and then should go back and make a chest it worked and actually you know

What I might be okay with that n you know what no no we’ll change that we’ll change that we also want to make sure that it goes into the wall here oh no we’re outside now I really should be testing this underground right like really really far underground I really should be testing

It there it should only so it should come back and then it should go into the wall here I did look at that oh my God that’s perfect that’s so good I actually kind of like the chest being here because then it it adds up but then I think the

Only other difference is that this should break it this should should break the block above its head right and then it should place the block again after it comes out right which is something I wanted to do right I wanted to I wanted to do that anyway so if I go

If I go in it right when I initialize before I do that I want to go here I want to place any block right any block I want to uh Which slot do we have items in in in this one we will have items in slot

13 right so then I want to go here I just want to go Turtle select 13 forward yeah and then I want to so I want to do this again right turn left left nice and do this and then I go here and then just go Turtle do place and then I go

Turtle dot turn right there and then it goes right and then when it goes into the to the wall it’ll do something else it’ll go turn right turn right so forward turn right turn right forward yes so first it digs it digs first and then I want to do the same

Thing I want to grab the same thing as up here I’m going to grab this thing where is it detect down detect up I grab the detect up code real quick because I want to make sure that it does this correctly cuz imagine you know I need it

To be gravel proof you know if is tor B so let’s get rid of this one I get rid of this one here let’s do do and then just get rid of this one too right I ain’t going back I’m not falling I’ll push all my chips and call all in while

Detect up do T dot take up no yeah to take up nice and then we do that and now should work exactly how it’s supposed to right boom and then oh my God okay this is so cool working in these different scripts is so cool I love this I’m

Having so much fun doing this okay here now if I go in it also it dumped everything in the chest except these blocks which is amazing um four 5 one the to place a Tor three four also I do need to fix this because it is bigger than than it’s supposed to

Be it is outside now though I will have to take it down in a minute I can always add oh my God I could always add the other code to it too I don’t even if I need to go down I can just add the other code to it

I’m going to add some code to get it to turn a specific Direction I think as well and it idled in the wall I think it broke the block too but let’s see so now I’m going to add some code that lets me move it now okay

I’m going to add some code that let lets me move it okay so Bally in the inet in the inet I want to get it to inside of the init code I want to go down here and grab this stuff down here right just go boom

It I want to go like this and just go boom it’s going to go like this and just go which direction which direction said the turn no which direction should I go now yeah and then I’m going to do this and just go boom just grab D there D and I’m literally just

Going to do this and it’s literally just going to be two number two string so what two two two string think right two string read I think it would be read right oh no left or right this want to go if there right turn turn left there equals left equals right yes then

Turtle do turn right you never G make it I just want to call this so I want to call this set up start pause there I’m going to call this set up start pause right I’m going to go ahead and put in the dur variable right just going to grab all this right

Yes and I’m just going to go like this just go boom nice and then I’m going to call out from here I’m just going to go like this and just go set up start PA hold on set up start pause nice I just go like

This just go D nice and then I want to go left right left right and then if I go here just do this one again right back backwards backward back turn turn back and then turn right twice turn right twice nice I do that and then I go here and

Now if this works then that would be great and then I want it I want it to go like this and just go I wanted to ask me if it if this position is good or not right I wanted to ask me if this position is good good should I go

Now is this good y n and then I just want to go local start pause confirm confirm right just go like this go to string radius I just want to go ahead and do the same thing right and going to go oh no hold on there just go here just go so

I got like this again right this is good and then if start confirm equals y then this here right there and just go here just go boom and then then end nice no no l if I just want to go start equals set up start

Pause then then I just I just want to run it again no if if if there equals right then then this can go right if it equals null then it could do that right which direction should I go now stop pa then set up start pause oh

No put this here actually I should put this inside of the Sub Stop Plus thing right here yes nice awesome I should do this right do that right then I go here then I just go like that just go I don’t need to put this in here anymore right just do that right

Yes never be to anything confirm yes if stop confirm equals right then set up start pause again there and then after this then it should run it again right it should run all this code again so now I’m going to now try and see if this

Works okay I don’t know if this is going to work because I don’t actually know if that’s how you set up strings like the strings for the input and stuff in the thing but we’ll try so let’s try doing it should I I should see it immediately stop H hold

On ah yeah there we go just end and then do another one here oh no I don’t need another one there nice and just put one in here though and there nice and that should be good now all I need to do is just uh update the code again let’s see

Okay here and now I end it wait yeah no if I just open it up again innit stop pa God Dam it I’ve done it again haven’t I so stop pa if if and oh yeah I need one here and I need one here for the function there we go

I mean I just wrote a lot of code without testing it you know so if it works after you know fixing these little issues then that’ll be impossible should go now oh uh right who left it works oh my God what so it didn’t run that other code though so let me

Just let me just do this real quick just stop it real quick do this so it didn’t run this code oh yeah that’s why it didn’t run this code okay whatever here there do this yes so that’s cool though it actually worked it actually worked what like it it actually worked I can’t

Believe it worked that’s a amazing oh my God I’m proud of myself for that I wrote that code without testing it and it worked that’s awesome I’m so proud of myself it I didn’t place the block look at that I forgot I added that

Okay okay I need an option so hold on uh stop hold on okay it didn’t W it didn’t register anything so I need to go back here right and what I need to do here is I actually need it to go here when I do this I need I need a null value

I need null value so I just need to go here I also need to have one for if it’s nothing right if there’s nothing written down which means you know which must mean that it’s good right and then we just do this and just go boom that’s it PR direction

Is I’m just GNA go turning left there I’m just going to do this and just grab this for these right turning no wait hold on I didn’t mean to do that here turning right right there nice let me do this turning 180 there nice and I go like this I just want to

Go up sleep fall asleep direction is fine there and I do that right and if this is fine then I’ll just skip if this is fine I’ll just skip it right like if if the direction is fine I’ll just skip skip the confirmation right and we just run

Straight to the strip mine one right that doesn’t make sense right there now there and I just do that nice save this yes so the idea is I’m going to strip mine back that way into the mountain that’s what I’m going to do in a minute but first I need to actually

Fix this code to make sure that this works right um I need to allow myself to turn to change the direction now in it wait hold on uh yeah yeah there that’s good that should be fine and now I just keep going oh my God this is the coolest

Thing ever you know and this the most rewarding coding experience too you know for me like in the snow like it’s the most rewarding coding experience place the block and then if I just go back good yep okay and then I could just go here I just want

To so I can do this for this for all the other ones right so here’s what I’m going to do so I actually want to go like this actually I just want to go here let’s go in it oh no stop I can just just stop and go into

Any wall perfect there and then it’ll just you know fix itself automatically but let’s see so first what I want to do is I want to get I want to give myself an option right because I’m going to add the Mind staircase thing I’m going to add this

To the thing to the code right add it to the code so that this you know it can be used in this one that’s what I’m going to do next right so let’s do this right just go boom paste it in here right and now we’ve got

The code in here and all I need to do now is just go to here go to in it s it then it’ll point right so it it’ll do this but I want to go let go here just go boom then I just want to go here would you like me

To strip mine or make a staircase there and then it’ll just go one two one SL two there uh and then I go here and I goom confirm confirm mode and I just want to go like this going to go if confirm mode equals one equals

One I think or is um this one no this one I think or is this one or confirm confirm mode hang on let me just look it up real quick just to make sure just to confirm how do you make if statements statements with with multiple or

Conditions in L UA let’s see how do you do that H how do you do if condition then so here’s a s example then also Al if to check additional conditions you can use logical obsti and or to combine combinations okay okay yeah cool nice that’s good so

It’s it’s literally just all it’s literally just this it’s just or one or then I do this way otherwise else if my code is getting so complex now and I love it like it’s getting so complex but I’m I’m in love you know I love this so much fun okay

Change this to two and then stair case let me do this and I just go here y one run and I do this and I just go mine their case V4 nice and then we do that right and then I go here and just go and nice and now this should work the

Way I want it to right oh my God I’m I’m so excited to see this I’m so excited to see how this works okay okay let’s find out let’s find out if this works huh let’s find out if it works oh my God just paste the code for the strip mine

In here too because I didn’t put it in here yet paste there place the pl destination nice and boom and now if I now just um yep if I do this and just go in it so should I go now is fine no nope that didn’t work conf Up hold on wait I don’t want to do this not here yet not here yet no do this right let’s just continue it like this there we go that’s why it did that there we go so let’s just go ahead and copy the code in

Again and it should be good now I was wondering why it was skipping past that one part I just realized that’s why I was being an idiot that’s why init yes you like strip mine or make staircase second the distance to M forward um six times to repeat the mining process that’s safe

20 um and then we’ll put five it worked oh my god it works let’s go oh my god it works that’s incredible it’s working oh my God it’s working ah screw you will see you later I’m going down with my buddy look at that I already placed uh

Tor there what level is it yeah perfect look at that look at this it’s perfect it’s working so well oh my God it’s it’s working so well it’s so good I’m so proud of myself I coded all this stuff on my own I added all my code together and it just

Wow obviously I had some help from chat TPT for sure you know I couldn’t have done all of this without chat GP gpt’s help when it comes to like figuring out what most of the code does you or like what how to do certain things but

Um yeah thanks to chat GPT I managed to do this pretty easily oh God I place a T I didn’t mean to there I’m so proud of this little guy he’s doing so well these Point statements don’t need to be here anym but wow it’s amazing dude it’s so

Good I love it I thought I placed that then I was like wait what how did I place that and then I just realized oh yeah they placed it the bot placed it that’s awesome he placed it a he this one’s called Diamond minor 74 oh my God it’s so

Cool Amy’s going to love messing around with these when she streams you know I just got to set them up first you know so she can use them to do all sorts of things you know I got I want to set up a

The next one that I want to set up is a bridge I want I want one to bridge uh mainly for the nether right I want one to like do some bridging and stuff in the nether cuz that’d be awesome right bridging across things look and I made it to the bottom and

Boom the only thing that’s going on here is that didn’t necessarily place a torch there but I think if I was to initiate it again it would right it’s fine actually cuz you know what if I just go in it go now keep it normal it’s good yep on uh full

Five three which means it’s four three and four look at it go wait slash game mode spectator oh my God look at it look at it it’s so cool oh my God it’s so cool my hard work is finally paying off look at this oh this is

Amazing blessed so we should have we should have four rows of this oh look at my weird staircase you can see them all look at all my weird staircases that one was the one I was at earlier when I was messing around with the other one that you know when I finalize

This see it doesn’t bother me that it places it the opposite side but I could get it to place it the correct side like this way right on this wall that might be something I change in a minute cuz I know how I could do it I could literally

Just get it to turn and it would uh like if I get it to turn before it places a torch then it’ll place like on this side specifically if I get it to turn but for now I think it’s good so that’s what one two three this

One should be the last one it does and then it should dig into a wall this game hold on wait y it should dig into a wall now you know what no before it finishes it should um it should automatically put a chest down it worked let’s go okay so I want

To get it to put a chest down before it finishes digging and also uh maybe get it to rotate to cuz the Torches in a way the Torches kind of indicate which way is to the entrance of the mine right like in a way they kind of they kind of indicate

That right if they’re facing the right way which they’re not so you know so on this left side I need to um so okay let’s mess around with some code real quick right so first I want to go here right just want to go here so when I stop right when I

Stop where is it turn left so before stopping in the strip mine one in the in the strip mine one before it stops where is it it stops here right stops somewhere here go back once so before it goes back before it goes back one I want it

To go ahead and run deposit items right I want it to run deposit items and then instead of doing that I want it to go go forward two there and then I R stop right so deposit items back three yeah oh wait but then it goes back right

Yeah so then we just keep this we just literally just keep this we just keep this because it it resets itself doesn’t it so yeah that’s awesome nice and now I get that right and then what I want to do is so I

Get it to do that and then I want it to inside of the mine right so I kind of want to grab one of these let’s see I want to grab one for the side right one for the side so I want to go here I just want to grab

Another look here I want this to be what turn left left is the one that we want so then we go here and we just go true right and then I go here and just add another another thing here add false right so go here go false and forward there so that should

Be good and then that should be so this should be false down here right this should just be false nice then I got to grab one more here right forward I want to add is left and then I want to go here as well

So when I go here when it goes to place the chest I want to go like this and I just want to go if is if is left equals true then and then I want to go Turtle dot turn right then I want to grab this code

Again grab this code again and then just go end there and then after placing the Torches right after placing the torch I then want to do the same thing right all right do the same thing here just paste this in here and then just go turn right turn

Right or turn just turn left again turn left again to turn back around the same way that it turned around left right and then it works right that should work now right that should work we’ll find out uh won’t we we will just find out copy all the code paste it all in

Here okay okay here uh continuing on let’s go here just go boom nice okay now if I go here right and I just want to go in it yep yes one 4 5 1 3 4 it place the block back you see that nice it’s a bit stuck

Now uh oh I think my headphones are close to dying it’s not good um they just did a beep at me like a I don’t know how I know if they’re close to dying or not I can’t I don’t know if I can check can I

Check remaining does it say it says 50% remaining update inst family okay I’m hoping that that’s fine but I don’t know I could plug the um I can probably plug this in while I’m here like that that this is this is one of those revolutionary headsets the

Headset I have is one of those revolutionary headsets that like charges while you like that can CH while you’re using it so you know it’s amazing I love it it’s a good headset gra all this real quick oh that’s plugged into my quest okay the only USBC cable that I have to charge

This is uh my quest one because it’s a really long cable you know Blast Off faster than NASA okay okay there I got the cable nice and now I just this new desk is great uh hold on it’s beeping again at me it’s still beeping at

Me the cable slot for is here I think there we go hold on it does appear to be charging so that’s good It beeped at me twice so yeah it was definitely close to dying anyway now and my phone is probably my phone is pretty close to dying too I think

Stop anyway so I messed that up I think I know what I did wrong though so it’s running every single time it goes through it’s running every single time that goes through so here’s what I want to do I want to go like this just go local

If is left right I do if is left right I’m just go equals true right then I just want to go here and this want to go so I want to go local local has been left it’s been left was false I just want to go here I just want

To go has been left equals true right yes and then I want to make sure then that at the end of it at the end of it once the full loop is over right so the full loop is here yeah once the full loop is over I want to go here and just

Go if is left equals two then true set this to false there nice so it sets to false after doing it so now it should work right hypothetically hypothetically speaking it should work paste nice and let’s see right I’m aware of the danger Adit left there we go and yeah yes this is

Good one oh expect it in a block here okay hold on hold on here ready and now I just go here where is it right where is it this this where is it expecting in a block hold on wait what has been oh hold on so I think it’s literally just in

Equals I think it’s just an equals here I think that’s all that is these songs are so good love NE effect okay here now if I try um and right there we go yes oh wait hold on what equals equals two I think it I think it needs to be set like that

Okay damn D again it’s fine it’s fine I got this the little tweak to the coder fine right in it uh right right yes she like me one okay there that works four 5 one it’s a torch and the to place a torch um three and four place a torch

Here there we go nice now it almost has a full inventory but wait it worked oh it was it was a bit weird but it worked what the [ __ ] I think I know how to fix it though this is the last one right and it

Should you know it’s a bit weird I I’ll fix it for sure um so I think I know why it’s doing that turn right turn right so if I go here right if I just go inside here right I need it to be inside here right

I need to be inside here like this I need this to be here and inside here too right like so nice there and that should now work much better and it shouldn’t do what it’s doing right now where it’s doing this weird flipping oh wait you about to miss it look it’s

Placing the thing and it’s putting all the items inside how did it get a stick what and now it just goes here it worked nice okay so I’m going to go ahead and uh copy all the code in again and work on that and see if see if this

Works now so it should work now it shouldn’t be weird this time I hope it shouldn’t be weird this time hopefully here so in it way yes one four five one three and four out torches it R out of torches that’s why that’s why I did that oops my

Bad okay maybe uh it works this time it should go out even further because it’s not you know it’s not one even though I want it to be one it’s not one so you know I need to fix that though that’s a bug that I do need to fix for sure there

We go now it’s placing torches again okay wait witness it nice um it didn’t mine the block forwards though which means I definitely need to fix that hold on let’s watch it let’s watch it come back okay there it comes back it’s going to put a chest right here nice look at that

Put the chest right there it and know all it’s Loot and boom and there nice and now and then it can replace it with the I could just keep it selected on oh my God if I just keep it selected on the Block that it grabs then it you know but let’s see

So it works but it didn’t destroy the block above which means I need to change the code a bit go to where is it sh mine here go to place torch right go to place torch I think I need to go into the place torch code first right so it goes forwards so

Firstly is left right and I I want to do this code I want to use this code here too right yes and I just want to go boom and just go if is left equals true right then I just want to do the the code from

Up here right I just want to do the code from up here grab this nice here nice and go down here do this just go boom nice oh wait yeah do this right go boom nice then I go call my therapist I’m a little too much I’m a

Little too lazy sometimes I get why you could hate me but I get so angry so now I do this and I just go is left so I do I just pass in that his left value from here right get rid of this and get rid of this so now it

Should be decent right now it should work just fine oh wait yeah know first hold on before I do anything else I’m missing something there’s something wrong down here so first I need this grab this yes before placing it I put it in here I put this here

Nice there and that should be perfect that should work exactly the way it’s intended to and then I you know I can slim down the code later on I don’t really care about doing that just yet you know um it’s not that important you know to S down the code right now

Besides it’s efficient and it looks good you know like it it works really well and it replace and it replace the block I didn’t hear it replace the block but yeah keep going yep one four five one three four I mean that worked it didn’t necessarily go the correct way though it

Was a bit weird and boom look at that that worked cool so um is that a bug or what I don’t know okay that worked see that that worked fine look at that oh my God it’s so cool it’s so cool and now it now it now it works

Perfectly the torch is place exactly where they should it’s awesome this is a chest and those all that stuff goes here awesome now if I try it again right in it why one four five times to repeat the mining process one three and four it’s a bit weird at the

Beginning why is it a bit weird at the beginning oh it’s this one that’s why it’s a bit weird at the beginning because this one is um but this is false right wait is it what is this white no this isn’t white this code isn’t being used

Right no this isn’t even being used I don’t think right so that so why did it only move a certain amount of box nice I just go here just go I mean it works every other time a bit we I mean it’s already stopped look at that so it works perfectly it

Just the first one is two I mean I can probably fix that easy right if I just set okay if I just do I could probably fix that easy just by doing this so if I just go here and just go my size one right does that work I don’t know if

That works going to find out does that work I don’t know it here so should I go now oh wait no actually I have an idea I know exactly how to fix this stop I know exactly how to fix this all I need to do inad doing this cheat code

Stu all I need to do is change the init code change the init code right turn right Turtle dot forward boom and there and that’s it now it’s fixed right it’s fixed because it’ll start right there where it’s supposed to start it’s not supposed to start where

I’ve been making it start recently it’s supposed to start over that other place maybe something that I did with the code made it weird yeah in it one um let’s also fix the thing where it’s like saying two instead of one um because that’s a bit annoying my CH never forget what it’s

Like to be in stepped in the back B I show you what happens okay hold on here so I go down here real quick right I go down here and just grab size so what’s going on here huh I don’t need this anymore right I don’t need this anymore I don’t need this

Anymore I don’t need this anyway one that should work right that should work exactly how it’s supposed to yeah knew it from the start you had problems with me and the things I could be I just wish I had pain you already know turn that to G my

Money show I got these things that I can’t let go watch me turn this life into something that you could never R it’s pain you already know so in it there okay there and just go keep it that way uh yes nice one okay so then it goes four 5 1 three and

Four say two or two okay so it should stop after this one right after this row it should stop right we’ll find out please stop come on stop stop stop stop stop stop let’s go it stops let’s go we did it woohoo I did it I did it

Nice wow I might as see that doesn’t look very smooth I want it to go back into the wall a little bit better so let me go here quick right where is it uh go back put the items here going to go here quick right yeah yeah let’s go here I go

To the other one here where is it here so I turn right and I go forward three but I actually want to go forward two I want to go forward two right then I want to go down to the other one and I want to change this to

This and just get there like that right and now it should look much nicer right we’re going to I’m focusing on optimizing the code now you know making it a bit smaller let you know some of these functions can probably be replaced you know like M forward can probably be

Changed to instead of having you know mind forward uh I mean eh I mean I guess technically it works but you know we can probably I can definitely slim this code down a bit for sure right like I can definitely do that um anyway life right

Like I could just die any minute going for a ride down the PC country limit I don’t need a guide follow lights take me where I want to visit are you alive or just breathing cuz I’ve been living life right like I could just die any minute

Going for a ride down the side PCH country limit I don’t need a guide follow lights take me where I want to visit are you alive oh just we then actually let me undo this real quick right stop I should fix that I should fix that real quick wait hold

On let me fix that real quick let’s just go here when the stop code runs it’ll it’ll turn left right so when the self code runs it’ll turn left oh yeah it’s supposed to dig the block above it isn’t it huh I just realized that that’s not even

Working it’s supposed to take up the block above it I mean that’s fine but yeah so first it goes it turns left so first I want to go turn left twice right turn left twice right there and then I want to go here and just go no no no no

No that doesn’t make sense that doesn’t work that doesn’t work if I just see this quick so yeah no that doesn’t work because this stop code needs to be different for the too because you know I’ve just realized it needs to be different I’ve changed the stop code and

Now the Mind staircase one might be different and it might not work properly does it work correctly I don’t know yeah know this seems to this seems to work fine yeah know this this should be fine okay let it go I’m My Own dream ccher

Wait what was I GNA do oh I was gonna I was going to fix this actually because these don’t need to be set up here now right my own dream catcher and I want this to be zero right make this zero and see if that works so

Now make it zero and see how that works right I’m My Own dream catcher honestly I I understand you know the stream not being very active because um it is literally 4:45 in the morning right now so you know I would not expect anyone to be sitting here watching me at

4 in the morning you know I mean I guess that works that’s cool why one 4 5 one three and four zero of one there we go look look at that zero of one nice and it works look at that all I need to do now is make

Sure that everything works correctly see it displays it correctly oh my God it’s so cool it’s so cool I love it oh my God there’s iron look it’s found iron not Let It Go I’m My Own dream catcher okay yeah no so that doesn’t work

So so I think I know what I need to do so I need to this needs to be one but this needs to be one by default right but then I need this one oh yeah no that should be fine yeah no I’m just over complicating it I’m over

Complicating it for no reason hold on wait I pause the game because it’s um like it’s doing the little thing it’s dumping its inventory we go nice nice let’s do this again right let’s just go did I did I did I paste the files I

Don’t think I did let me paste the files real quick here we go nice and now if I just go here just go boom uh in it why one I want it so if I don’t select something I want it to select a default

Right like if I click enter it I want it to just default to something right um the distance M forward four five one three and four that’s already okay wait oh wait I know what I do I know what I need to do I just need to do this right I just need

To go here and just go instead of uh so this it needs to be minus one just yeah wait no minus one yeah no definitely need to be minus one there we go I need some space now so I can it should stop here now right there go y go back

Here place the chest and knows its inventory goes back over here and stores itself nice awesome and now if I just go I fix the code a bit just paste the new code in I’m scared of being Bor scared of being lonely but I’m scared of being

Bored sometimes I get really angry and I don’t know why sometimes I really do hate me can’t even pick my own side yeah she like me h four five one three and four zero or one oh wait almost there was almost there is it uh reps yeah yeah know I almost there it

Was so close it was it was so close oh wait reps is this one hold on k equals minus oneus one yeah that’s equals repetitions equals repetition yeah no that just needs to be it this right that’s what that needs to be it just needs to be

That nice awesome and that should be good now if I just go like that and it stored itself already seriously it’s this thing is so fast like I I was just looking at the code and then looked away and then boom I looked away looked back

And boom it was done I mean it’s working pretty well now you know it’s really cool it’s really really cool I can’t wait to see this isn’t all that these Bots can do either they can do so much more like they can do farming and stuff

Which I’m gonna look into at some point and that’s going to be really cool you know Z of one there we go look Z of one it works let’s go yeah like me take a hold of your life and like me so you can put the nightmare to sleep like me

And I play that and I stay de maybe you’ll get sick of being a monster out of my head under my bed thinking something out of my nightmares standing right there but if I lay down and I play that and I stay that it didn’t it didn’t update it hold on what wait

I know I didn’t update it um hold onsu like my if I initialize it with a z a value of minus one right if I initialize it with a value of minus one equals minus one seeus one if I just equals minus one if

I just do that right and then I do and then I can do this right and then it will be correct right if I initialize it with a value of minus one this and then I got to go equals correct no equals this yeah know I think that’s

It all the that you did that you said I don’t think you understand what you doing and my heart’s and Theo I feel like when I’m with you I’m Los I feel like you think amus sitting gas andus was it me is sorry the conclusion even though I have all of the

Solutions like I love you it’s stupid I’m alone with you I wish I wasn’t struck by I wish when I first saw you I knew this okay that didn’t work wait wait yeah no no no no no no hold on here so I think what I do here instead

Instead of doing this right car equals rap right yeah we minus oneus one no no that doesn’t work okay you know what no I just go C equals car rep plus one if I do this nice like this yes I grab this I go like

This then I go here all I need to do then is go down to the bottom right before depositing the items it does this right and it updates and it’s going to update this right it’s going to update this as well right that’s what it’s going to do it’s going to update that

And that should do it I don’t know I don’t know if that does it but you know who would have thought this part would be the hardest part like who who would have thought that this part would be the part that took me the longest like what the

Flip just fixing the numbers and stuff who flipping who would have thought oh my God okay yes one four five one three and four I mean it’s minus one I mean it it we’ll know if it works if it sets itself to zero okay when when

It gets back here will know if it works I can fix it now as well in a minute just give me a second um if I just set this to zero yes there and that’s fixed that’s fixed so now it should work the correct way let

Me just go ahead and just go here quick grab the code paste it in here it should work the correct way in a minute after after this one after this one run it should work the correct way um we’ll see it though we’ll see if

It works or not in minute now we’ll see if it works in a minute now if it gets back here reps a nil value reps is a nil value oh God okay wait hold on so yeah now previously yeah let’s just change this repetitions there rep repetitions there there’s a n value

It didn’t work anyway it’s fine if I let’s see cor equals cor plus one yeah there that should be good and now all of this should be good and it should all work now well what keeps you up and ey yeah make all the demons cry yeah we were bu to thrive

Yeah you can see the riding on the pavement kids growing up in basement um right right there we go yes one four 5 one three and four that’s zero of one there we go look at that and now when it gets to the end of it now it should work

Now this should work correctly too as well should should work the exact way they supposed to well wait no wait no one one there we go one one nice look at that and it works that’s going to dump his inventory and boom and it’s going to

Name itself is look at that oh my God it’s so cool and it worked it’s perfect it’s it’s perfect now all I need to do is test it even more and I also need to add the ability for it to detect when it’s slow on torches make it to the end of

The row and then go into the thing right um because I don’t I don’t want it to end up with like low torches so I need to detect the amount of an item in a slot hold on let me check how do I get the turtle to check the am amount the

Amount of an item in a slot to check the amount of it in a specific slot of the to inventory use to get item count slot aha okay cool so I just do this so all I need to do is go in here right uh let’s just go in here go into

The code right and so what I’m going to do is after this I’m also just going to check so what I want to do I want to run this code if not so I want to grab something here right and just go boom I just want to go

If just go here let go if total dot get item count what is it it’s 15 15 equals is less than three right because it needs three for a slot right oh no it’s less than less six less than six and it should keep it

And then I should do this and then I go then then I get it to do this and just go deposit items right I just wanted to go and deposit items if you and now what I want to do now that should work right so it

Should check to see if it has enough torches and if it doesn’t it’ll return and then after this after this it’ll go here after this right it will then it’ll then grab one of these right there’ll be one of these here right so after that it’ll just go insert torch is

Low please add more torches to slot 15 that torches low please add more torches to slot 15 then hit enter enter then hit enter there we go now just go like this just go boom conf confirm look go confirm there nice and then I just want to go here let’s

Go I think it just needs to read I think it just needs to read this right just just read I think that’s it just need to read something right and that should be good right and then just go here just go and nice no wait we’re fine okay let’s see now right so

Now what does I just do I made it check for torches yeah I made it check for torches so now if I now get it to go six there oh yeah um firstly actually I there’s one more thing I need to do so once it deposits items right

To yeah know I should go forward three actually I should go forward three and then I get to go back one right yeah and then just go go back one I remember why I did it now by the way why I did it this way because

You know I can always confirm where the turtle is but if I do it that way and it places a turtle then it won’t when it starts mining again it won’t you know and then I’m got to go to yeah let’s go here and just go so I do this right

Yeah yeah know that should be good now right that should be it it should just stop in here it should just stop in the path right and then it can continue again right so now all I need to do is go boom nice let’s see let’s do it right so

If I just go here just go in it yes one four five one um this is going to mess up for sure hold on oh it worked though it worked it detected that it had less than six torches please add more SL 15 then hit enter oh my god it

Works it dumped it items in here just broke the chest and then placed it again okay that’s kind of cool though you know I picked up all the items inside of it and then yeah again but let’s see so now what I now want to do

Is add um so I got to fix it going to change songs actually I’m going to go ahead and change to a different play this yeah I’m going to change to different play this cuz NX is you know yeah anyway so now what I want to do

Here I don’t want to deposit items right I want to do this I also want to change this label I want to change this label I change this label right so if I change this label just go like this just go ass just go like this just

Go I want to change it to idle again right just change it to idle Idol right yeah and it’ll be obvious you know it’ll say idle and it’ll be obvious right that the thing needs help right or what torches low ID don’t torches low there we do

That right we just do that and then once it sets it back up again we do the same thing right We do the same thing res set it back to what it was right once this is done we do this right and boom and now it should work right work the exactly way that I want it to nice and now if I go here we go let’s do ready and just go

In it yeah in it I think I did it correctly oh it’s so cool it’s so cool one four five one to place a torch so I need to actually grab most of the Torches nice now just go here just go three and four now this will change right this

Name tag will change in a minute right I torch is low right and then I do this and then I go ahead and add this in here right do that and just go boom and then hit enter oh my god it works look at that it’s so

Cool and it’s back to normal look at that business is usual oh this is so cool and then I’ll come over here and just and boom one of one and idle wow this is so cool and that’s that’s basically it all I need to do now is add what was

It what was it I need to add I need to add something I had it in my mind I know it I know it was in my mind um I wanted to add so I’m going to add uh so I’m going to do the bridging mode next by the way like that’s what

I’m going to do next I’m going to do the Bing mode next and then um you know like I’m going to set up the buing mode next and then I will set Up and then and then I’m going to set up uh the ability to send data uh to a computer from the turtle so that I can you know keep the computer updated and be like hey this is this Turtle status or something right like that’d be really cool to see you

Know to see the data from a turtle and all that stuff to see the data from multiple Turtles actually more than one Turtle you know and then it would tell you like so the status that I’ve just written here idle Tor is low it’ll tell

You you’ll say hey this this is torch is low whatever you know I mean it’s not necessarily designed to have it’s not necessarily designed for it to be used with many turtles like maybe just a few you know if I did do that so you know I

Guess I’d have to go check on them manually but eh you know that’s fine what was the last thing I wanted to do you what in it I’m G get to do this real quick I’m just going to get it to a knit and I’m just

Going to get it to go a bit Ah defaults I remember now one four five one three and four there we go yep see that’s what I was going to do I was just going to do that to test it so I to to try and remind myself and

I did remind myself so I want to set up defaults now right go to change which direction it Mes in before starting ah done no longer needed there it’s turning look nice and now if I do this I just want to go boom uh dash dash added default theault

Settings so now what I want to do here is I want to go uh here so it asks here right so instead of doing this right I want to just skip right so instead of doing all this stuff like here let’s say here right so I want to add a function

Right just a function right function use use D defaults then I do this I just go how do functions work again yeah that’s good there so want to go here and just go use use the defaults there nice then I’m going to go like this I’m

Just going to go boom and I’m just going to go if use defaults equals equals true then then it’ll just go and set all of these so I’ll set it to main one size equals equals use BR size equals four right main BR size equals four yeah

Let’s just do the same thing here right just go boom just go side size equals five repetitions I I’ll have it ask the repetitions last right because then you can you know cuz defaults is fine but then repetitions is this thing that you get to choose right so then torch repetition so torch

Repetition equals three side torch repetition equals four nice and then I go here and then I want it to add I want it to do this one right so first I want to put all these validate ones at the bottom right because I think the validate ones can be at the bottom

I’m pretty sure they can be at the bottom so we’ll do that we’ll put all these up here so that we can initiate these initialize these or whatever to start with right because we want to initialize these um otherwise the thing won’t be able to

Use it so yeah we need to initialize it otherwise that function that we just made will not be able to use it which would suck cu the function wouldn’t work because it wouldn’t it would be a nil value or something you know I need to pass oh I need to pass in

All those values too damn it fine okay anyway nice now I do that right oh wait no I don’t yeah yeah I definitely do I definitely do need to pass in the values hold On nice awesome so repetitions can be made in here instead right so if I do this now just grab enter the repetition interval yeah right yes in put the number of repetitions number rep of times to repeat the mining process yes here this one here

Nice then we go like this we just ask now we got to ask this thing yes nice like that right and then I got to go down here and grab repetitions there it is nice validate the input for repetitions so all repetitions is less less than zero oh yeah less than zero okay

Cool less than zero less than one so I want to be I want it I want to have a default for the repetitions to right so then I want to go like this and I just want to go if repetitions equals nil equals nil if equals

Nil if rep equals z I will set it I will make it so then repetitions equals one yeah equal equals one there I’ll make it I’ll force it to be one right and here and we also want to put an end here right so just go boom

End and then one more end there nice and now if used default is two so this is only if used default is two right now we want to grab all this other code here actually we don’t even need to pass in all the other code cuz we’re

Just going to take this from here and put it in the function huh we’re literally just going to take it all from here and put it in the function nice we’re just moving it out moving out you know I want to go here right if and so

Then I just want to go lse if and just go use defaults equals false then no yeah then you know this stuff all needs to be moved over a bit end and there nice and now I go here I want to put this outside of this if outside of the if statements so

That it can run no matter what so go here right and just go boom nice and then I’m want to go here and just go end nice awesome we do that this nice awesome and do I also get rid of this I don’t know oh wait I need to put it here don’t

I I need to put it inside there this is a pretty good progress nice and boom and now you get rid of this just go boom nice now everything is in a function so then this one asks it asks all the stuff for it yes oh you know what screw it we’ll do

This actually we we’ll do this this will help us much more if we just do this and literally just put it down here instead like in the same place as this boom there let we just do all this right there we go nice see boom this is so cool okay um so the

Defaults will be there right yeah let me do that nice and now I don’t even need to pass these in anymore I or like pass them I is it pass or like pass them in I don’t need to pass them into this because I don’t need them in here

Right so all I need to do now let just go I didn’t necessarily think this through how am I going to hold on mostly this would be out here right be here which would be outside of the if statements there right and it would be inside the function scope right

Yeah there then I’d grab all this code right i’ grab all this code right and i’ go like this go boom and now I do want to have this here I do want to have this here this is important here this is this is really important

Code to be here right it needs to be here because it’s very important because yeah I need to do this and I do need to pass in in all the values right I do need to pass in all the values so let’s do this right go

Boom the reason I need it there is because I need it to run and and it’s also you know it’ll do all this but then instead of passing all the values into that other one instead of passing all the values into that other one this one

Here we’ll pass all the values into this one so use defaults right so just do this just go use we’ll validate here actually we’ll validate uh so see we’ll valid it inside the use defaults function so here use defaults right yes boom nice now there

Of this boom nice there and then I also want to go here and I just want to go so now I just want to go if oh yeah no I just want to go if Point wait no I don’t need it what am I talking about

About this can all be inside here what am I talking about this can all literally be inside here because I’m being an idiot all I need to do is just go here grab one of these right grab one of these things here and just go boom go like this just

Go boom and just go like this literally just do this just go use default YN or YN I just want to go here and just go should use defaults nice defaults and I just want to go here and just go to string nice and I just want to go if use defaults equals

Y then use defaults true wait do I have the things been passed in no I don’t okay set this to true and then I do the same thing the other way Around else if should use default equals n or so I want to do this and I just want to go here or or nothing there and use defaults so if it’s y or nothing and then let’s do another else as well use defaults true right we get yes or no okay you know

What yeah yeah uh this needs to be false false there so otherwise though we will use defaults and that should be good right so now do this yeah I’m just adding defaults you know so that I can just click you know just click and just yeah set up without having to do it

Every single time you know CU it’s going to be a pain I mean it’s already kind of annoying anyway let’s try it see how it works huh test it in it yes see if that’s true hold on oh wait what oh this one and there okay let’s see how in it nice Dam

It okay and then right at least I can fix it by doing this yes one easy false yes did it return it returned why okay hold on it returned out is defaults is defaults and this one here yeah there’s this one here one here yes um

Plus hang on let’s try it right let’s see in it right yes one okay it didn’t do anything all right fine so I do need this out here you know what hold on if I do all this stuff right if I just do all this stuff grab

It out here instead right get rid of this LF yes just do this right nice and that’s that right then it should do this right so now it should work right yes okay now it should work I hope I don’t know does it work I might have to ask

Chat GPT um what’s wrong with my code in a minute I don’t know if this doesn’t work then I might have to ask chat GPT what’s wrong with my code in it right yes one oh God okay fine I’m asking chat GPT what’s wrong with this code it seems to appear is incomplete

Function these default function is incomplete you need to the missing part of the function defining them you might want to declare them before using them misuse of used defaults your calling is but the true but the use expecting a named use fult instead you call it like this ults true or ult false

What hold on what hold on so okay hold on am I doing wrong so first first first first first the Ed defaults function is not finished oh that’s why it’s not finished y That’s not finished there that’s why that’s not finished nice okay cool I need to get rid of this actually

Just get rid of this and just go here right should use defaults yeah and just get rid of this right and now if I try running it again maybe maybe it work this time I don’t know I still want to at least set up the

You know the one that Bridges out in a direction you know I still want to set that one up now you know I still want to set that one up before I do anything else before I finish up today you know because that’d be really nice in it right yes

One3 needed check each block ifun only has one I just wait I just yeah okay hold on so and if else and I think that’s good now I think that’s good now just miss that yeah paste here nice this one’s a good song is it right yes

One yes number of times repeat the mining process one it set the defaults oh my God it did it it worked well hey all of that wasn’t for nothing I guess that’s awesome and it’s it’s doing it it’s doing it exactly how it’s supposed to yes and we have defaults now

Yes oh my God it’s so cool I want to have these things right I want to code these things to make a house you know like I want to get them coded to a point where like they make a house you know that’d be so cool how

Cool would that be to get them to make a house you know anyway in it in it here why like me uh mine yes and 10 Z one look at that Z 10 let’s go it’s so cool I’m freaking out about it I love this so much it’s so so cool

Technically okay hold on technically if I think about it technically this code actually works for bridging right like technically this code can work for bridging I’m pretty sure this code can work for bridging look at this I do this work oh no you know what yeah know I’m just going to do this

For now you know technically this code can work for brid that’s not going up by uhoh what happened what did they do wrong what did I do wrong okay because yeah oh oh I’m just being an idiot it needs to be here this doesn’t need to be here this needs to be out

Here right this needs to be inside the the for Loop that’s my bad it was outside the for Loop it needs to be inside the for Loop if it’s inside the for then it’ll go up every time the reason it worked all those other times

Is because it was only doing it once you know I was only sending the the thing out once that’s why it worked all those other times ready here boom let’s see go here quick just go just going to go here Qui I’m just going to wait until it gets into a thing in

Here and then I’m just going to stop it here all right now can I go ahead and just go in it nice right go perfect and then I go here huh found that’s not working properly that shouldn’t be a thing uh wait hold on stop pass stop pass good stop

So have to stop pause again do this yeah right go like this just go boom maybe now it works it’s one here right oh this one here and then and then it goes here right then after this one after that one after that one it does this

Right there and then it does that right there’s a bit of a bug there but it should be should be fine on each one I reflect these lines right my story these places change one we placing like night into morning I miss the opener they’re going anywhere riding with you like we used

To get some better off alone okay I’m going to do something real quick right I’m just going to go here right yeah I’m just going to go like this just boom like this quick right I’m just going to dig out a big gap underneath it right better no that H where the heart

Is all I need to do is remove the part where it branches off the side and then I’ve got bridging you know that’s all I needs to do just move the part where it branches off the side and then I’ve got bridging technically it can bridge in all directions it can Bridge forwards

And then to the side too technically it can do that which could be really good for uh foundations and stuff you know anyway let’s set this to 10 look at that everything still works everything still works this I coded this like the blocks being placed underneath I coded this so long

Ago so I’m I’m honestly so happy that it works see I would like for it to return all the way back to the end right you know I could get it to do that actually I could actually get it to do that I need to count how how far it went

Though or maybe not no I wouldn’t all I need to do right let’s see hold on if I grab if I literally just grab the so inside strip mine right strip mine all I need to do is I would need to calculate the amount based on the

Repetitions right so that’s 4 * 10 right that’ be 4 * 10 and then itd be going backwards right so instead of doing this I could go back right where is it hold on so it goes here right instead of doing this right I can get rid of this code so

Let me comment this code out real quick right minus minus yes nope uh minus minus if I add this go back right and I just go main BR size time and I think that’s times right times repetitions right and that should just work right it should just

Work so I go like this just go turn Turtle do turn right turn right there and then turns all the way around does that and then oh wow what the Jesus this thing’s doing like this is doing so much work you know there we go nice that now now what

I now want to do is I want to go ahead and want to mess with this a bit right so I want to do this and just grab the code right put it in the thing now technically this should work and then

All I need to do if if I if I do this actually I go here right then I just go here right and inside deposit items f up go here just go deposit items right and then I want to instead of doing that this instead of doing all this stuff

Right all I need to do is go all the way over here yes up Dig Down Place chest first slot nice turn right turn right twice just turn right twice yes and then boom and that should be that like this should actually do what I think it what

I think it will right so if I go here and just go C uh paste uh paste it in here yes okay there and if I just go in it right because it turns yep there and then yes one yes two there so now it should go out to right

And it should come back right I was about to say wait that’s wrong but no it’s not oh look it works so nice to see everything working perfectly it’s amazing it’s so cool oh my God okay I’m actually going to go ahead and put okay let me just check real quick right okay so I’m going to go ahead and put some copyright music on now um um because I want to listen to some stuff you know yeah a this one’s so good yep good

Boy L night coding stream this is nuts Thousand Miles okay wait what I mean it works kind of I mean it kind of worked but it was supposed to come up here and maybe put it there or something right um hold on so hold on

So let’s go here Qui let’s just go here real quick so it almost worked the chest was so why did it not work aha that’s why it didn’t work because this one is still here this needs to be here right yes also the stop one seems to go back quite fast

Stop cuz from here it looks the same and SCS remain life can get you down so I just the way it feels okay so in it and N there now nice okay go yes one why and one i’ got to save myself so it should theoretically do a few things it

Did put stuff in there though that’s kind of cool the stranger I needed saving like that it’s the wrong way wait I know what I did I know what I did wrong I know what I did wrong I know exactly what I did wrong I know exactly

What I did wrong hold on if I go here go back yeah no it’s forward it’s not back forward there we go I’m dumb okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s whatever I’ve had these snowballs forever now like seriously anyway in it here we go and then just go yes one yes

One oh now we get to see the thing against gravel too oh my God this is great now we get to test to see exactly how well it works against gravel oh awesome but for now it should come up here place the chest over here somewhere like here whatever

Um nope did not work there repetitions go forward hold on I know so at the end of this it turns left right yeah okay so it turns left and need to turn right it goes forward right uh let’s just check something real quick right how do I multiply numbers in L

There you can multiply using the S here’s okay 5 * yeah okay okay hold on so I go here quick and I just go boom local amount to go back this distance to start equals main branch times repetitions there and then I go ahead and do this and just go

Boom distance to start does for need anything else or just that I think it just needs that I think it just needs that and then I go here go boom the code for the bridge bot should not be that hard I already have most of

The code written you know I just need to you know pick pick apart the specific points that I need you know that’s it but yeah now I get to now I get to actually see it against gravel yes one yes and one oh my God look at that oh my God it’s so

Cool I love it it’s so cool shut this stupid you know what screw this input social interaction screen just turn this to like what page up I don’t even care yeah thank you there we go there we go B damn time I did that honestly okay wait it

Worked so all I need to do then is go to the beginning right go back how many blocks minus two so minus two right minus two turn right yeah so go go back that many blocks like that distance to start distance just start minus two there and then I go go forward

Right then I go here just go boom pass the rings of Saturn across the Milky Way will turn someday so now I got to go uh just do this go Turtle do turn right there it says right twice and then then I go back here right and I go a turtle

Turtle dot turn dot forward two and then no one stop and then it should work this this should do exactly what it’s supposed to here it should store the chest in the wall the exact same way as it did before and it should St itself in the wall the exact

Same way as it did before but it should then return to the start every time so if I go uh init one no why am I why am I typing that in there yeah anyway just put some items in here I guess right in it there one there nice yes why

One yes and one it’s offset a bit but it should hopefully be fine so it should I mean it worked I guess it was a bit offset but you know okay wait and it’s coming Backus two minus one it’s minus one H it seem to struggle a bit

There so anyway but I need to I need to go minus one yes then I go deposit items forward so it tried going that way hold on here turn right turn right one turn right one not twice just once that’s why that didn’t work it’s supposed to turn right once

Not twice there and that should work and I just put the code back in right yeah and no grab this go here boom now I need to there’s there’s some reorienting that I need to do here now I definitely need to reorient this a bit right so in it La H yeah that’s fine one yes one nice I didn’t place the to there because it couldn’t right and I’m to same old song okay so it should come back up here once it’s done that it should come back up here break uh break this block no break

This block then put the chest here and then it should go back there and S itself come on there we go that’s good so far so far so good it destroyed the block above it and I don’t know why it did that oh I know I did that I know I did

That so when I go to the stop code this thing here foret about that right but now I need to change it to two huh did the stream just get split in half yep it did of course stream just got split in half well that’s whatever I don’t even

Care how did I not get any copyright for for the thing on that It’ll recognize it I think that was weird the internet just cut out I think it I think the internet just restarts on its own after certain amount of hours or whatever um but yeah let’s put that to

Three right go here just go boom H go here copy paste what I cannot change I’m dead when I’m dead you’re going to wish you Bel you make me feel like such a burden like my sickness is my fault can take this shame yes one yes one my pain just like a

Cancer not a liar like you say go here what it’s here break this break this in my head in my head what I canot change when I’m dead when I’m dead wait ready chest unloading what why did it only go why did it only go back one I don’t get

It why did it only go back one wait what no there why it only go back one in the home you never I can’t pretend my pain away I can wait go forward two yeah it was two I’m correct I was correct it was two that I needed

It to go right I’m pretty sure it was two I just did it wrong I’m going to need to set set this desk into standing mode because my legs hurt I have not stood up for hours oh my God it’s been like six hours well longer than that actually but six

Hours of streaming so I’m standing up now just for now just for a little bit oh I’m so glad I got the standing desk because now I have the opportunity to stand up if I really wanted to you know I have the opportunity to stand up which

Is great now let’s see right in it go yes one yes one so it should work the way that I want it to now as well so that’s good it is that’s a torch nice oh minut I’m getting a phone call hold on give me a second

My mother just phoning me telling me to plug my phone in on charge because my phone is beeping of my phone being low on charg or something um I’m just gonna ah I have to bring this charger over here I think I mean can I even plug this in here like I don’t

Know I mean I can I can always use Amy’s phone to see the stream stuff yeah I can use Amy’s phone to see the chat I guess I don’t normally use Amy’s phone to see the chat but hey my phone is dying and I my cable is way too short is it

Charging it is charging okay good make it CH well anyway now gonna okay let’s see let’s witness it while I wait for the chat to follow let’s see it worked it worked okay here’s what I need to do now what I need to do is I need to in

It go here and then just go boom yes one yes and then let’s do it what like six Times I can’t even use Amy’s phone to see the chat it’s being weird I mean it’s the chances of someone actually showing up on the stream are like unlikely but I can I can make this always on top I think right if I just edit the parent settings for

Restream make you stay but your Savage love somebody did somebody break your Heart Savage Love okay I can kind of put this on the screen there that’s fine Savage I can guess I guess I can technically put it in the corner there that’s fine okay so it should return back here it should return back here put stuff in this chest and then return here that’s

What it should do oh my God it’s so cool dude how many is this wait one one two yeah this is the third one make you stay but your s love there somebody there somebody break your heart Savage love give but I still want that the Savage Love la la la la I could possibly use the same code that I’ve used to get this to go back on the staircase one I think I might actually be able to reuse that code for it you know that might actually help that might actually be POS it’s 6:10 in the morning

Jesus well I’ve I’ve definitely pulled all later tonight oh my god I’ve been on here so long that it’s Midsummer in game this season is Midsummer oh my God oh my God that’s amazing oh that’s amazing what day is it actually in game let’s see day

35 I can figure out exactly how long I’ve been testing this but on stream I’ve been testing for around about 3 hours so you know I’m hoping you don’t miss it now you can hold this ring watch our glistens there the wind blows involved don’t go and here it comes

Back to right here right come on close enough honestly close enough actually it started here anyway didn’t it yeah no that that makes sense it started here and now it starts here look at that it works let’s go it works let’s go I’m so happy that it works I’m also

So happy that I’m on the complete other side of the house of the rest of my family because I they would all kill me right now if I was being this loud over there cuz uh I would be waking everyone up except my mother cuz apparently she’s

Awake now you know look at that that’s awesome it worked wait what okay this is the one that I’ve been using okay so so if I do this right I’m going to mess with the program now I’m going to actually test out a program

Here ah damn it no okay no no I’m gonna do this I’m just gonna number one yout me off the ground I always want you out okay so now I’m going to go ahead and do this now I’m actually going to add one more script to

This okay I’m done with all this other stuff now I’m going to add one more script to it the last script that I’m going to add to it is the bridge one right the bridging one that’s what I’m going to add to it now I’m going to add a bridge script to

It save as here just go Bridge you want I don’t understand you’re number one when it was just a fling before now you’re the one see all I did was bling twice from my homie to my only number one okay so all I need to do right is remove this right let’s just

Get rid of this get rid of the one that takes it Forward right so get rid of this get this twoo because I Mean yeah no we’ll keep that we’ll keep that right and then I go here one here nice from my me to my only number one so this should just use the blocks that it has right so I’m thinking about this for like bridging across lava and stuff you

Know but yeah so now we do this remove all this right do all this yes now this should just go forward okay this thing here could should literally just go forwards all right if I lay here would you with me and just forget the world okay

So I just need to get rid of Mind down and move doesn’t need to be in here there’s a lot of functions that don’t need to be in here now you know let’s see is torch above keep using this okay so now I should just be able to grab this right

All I need to do is instead of doing this I don’t need the I don’t need the side torch repetition thing right and I don’t need the side brch either so don’t need this either nice side Tor reposition I don’t need these right CU these aren’t important these aren’t the

Necessary things for it right so that’s that side branch get rid of this yes side torch there get rid of that two nice and boom bursting into life so the default is four I’ll just keep the default as four for now I do this for right here just go boom just go like

This get rid this to nice awesome nice up this yes got this boom nice after this I might actually end stream I’ll probably end stream after this yeah because I’m honestly exhausted and it’s like almost 7 a.m. so my day is going to be starting after this so you

Know would you lie with me and just forget the world I’m quite proud of what I’ve accomplished so far though like this is incredible you know I can’t wait to do another one of these coding streams where I do this you know because I can totally do another one now can I

Go in here um I want to add to the init I want to add to the init too I do the same thing I just want to go here just go boom very nice and just go three and just go bridge bridge there let’s go here just go me strip mine make a

Staircase or a bridge staircase or Bridge one sl3 there nice I do that then just do this and just go but uh V1 V1 there nice and now I do that and boom and now I just copy this code right yes and paste it down here okay nice and

Now I add this code into the thing and I try it right paste yes place the thing now all I need to do is just go here just go my mind when we kiss for the first time in the back of your car we passed out Counting Stars prise these years that

Disappeared I never thought I would see you that here after all this time okay in it right just try in it inet nice now so I’m going to try this one actually I’m going try using this one because this one can work right so just do in it yes three damn

It I remember that I was junk on my mind when we kiss for the first time in the back of your car we passed out Counting Stars where did wait what end of block here 260 9 225 wait oh in here 225 oh here yep hold on and I remember that I

Was drunk on my mind when we kissed for the first time in the back of your car we passed out cting Stars promise all these years things that disappear I never thought I would see you here okay here so if I just try this again all right in it no

Stop wait now stop stop there and then in it now go here boom yes three why and six it still works with the Torches though it won’t Place most of them like if it’s bridging or whatever but like it still works like watching this both turn cold and I

Know it ain’t pretty to H get yeah no it works for now you see look at that whoa and it mines look at that and it mines that’s even better you know I mean obviously that was intentional I wanted to keep that of course and then

It goes and then it returns all the way back to where it started oh my God it’s perfect too look oh no almost perfect look at that oh my God it’s so cool now next time next time I next time I I work on this coding stuff I’m going

To add some things to do done oh no hang on added better torch placement when there are no blocks to place a a torch on like when in the air or over a lava p in the nether okay nice added a safe bridge mode that builds two a one by two which

Tunnel useful for the nether okay there see what else we got what else we got that I want to add oh removed redundant code I want to put this on every single script because there is redundant code on every one of them at the moment like there’s there’s definitely redundant code on this

One and we are not alone we walking in the dark I hope someday will hit sit down together and laugh with each other about these days these days all our TR will to done make the tot of a first block after winning in it add of the ability

To choose how wide the staircase is not done yet there is some to-do less stuff here but you know oh uh oh uh who yeah Okay so I also want to add in here I want to add the ability so just go like this just go added the ability to send and receive messages from a computer two two SL for a computer there you’re making a fool out of me okay this is good I

Mean I I I’m quite proud of myself you know in just the last few hours I’ve made huge progress compared to what you know the first two hours were like you know to compared to the first six seven eight hours whatever that weren’t on stream I made huge

Progress right I made absolutely massive progress you know compared to all that oh no the YouTube stream ended too damn okay that sucks all right well been here for five or something minutes huh but intuition keeps telling me you’re making a fool out of me okay this is amazing you know I love

This and um yeah I don’t know I needed this I needed to stay up you know to fix my sleep schedule because it’s kind of messed up right now and in order to get back into a stream schedule you know I’m going to need to fix that so yeah but

Wow this is awesome I’ve done so much when you like when you really think about it I’ve done so much you know what let’s do one more let’s just do a test okay I’m going to do a test now right I’m going to go ahead and just do

This I’m going to do give myself a test right and I’m literally just going to get this to just mine for a bit right in it there and I’m going to put it into staircase mode and get it to go down to try and find diamonds right

Two let’s put six as the distance M forward and then enter the number of times to repeat the mining process let’s see what level are we at 97 oh God okay yeah no in this case in that case I’m going to go 120 cuz I’m such a good

Liar I can’t help myself I keep playing with fire wow all right I guess I’m just going to sit here and wait now you know while this does the stuff yeah whoa yeah also I don’t know what this does now when I when it returns in hold on let me try something real

Quick hold on so does this work the way it should in it hold on here right yes um staircase three three five there I just want to make sure that this still works the correct way it should right I think it does so it should come

Back oh thank God it does let’s go it does it’s always the same way let’s go oh my God I’m so glad to find out that it still works the same way when will you ever be will you me me will you me and will you me and will you ever

Be me me me just let me into your heart let me into your heart to your heart let me into your heart I want to be the one who knows you I want to be the one to hold you just me back me let me back into your

Heart just going to put a torch right here yep right there there we go can I just stand on top of it and let it a I can’t it’s fine it’s on 17 already look at that oh my God what really 17 you’ve come down 17

Damn wow this thing is fast well I’ve got some food here so I should just trying to try and eat this you know what I’m going to go keep my food up okay and I’m back how far we get 32 wow not bad what we got so

Far okay now it should the chest stuff for this should also still work the same so the idea is this comes back and it puts it puts the chest in there it puts the chest here so it breaks the block there and puts the chest there I could

Fix it to uh I’m going to write that in the code uh M second impr improve approved chest placement there we go I’ll do that for now Just for kicks yeah 37 look at that it’s already mining so quickly all right I’m going to eat this food now finally

I’m going to finally eat this food wow this is a really good nice really nice sausage well what the [ __ ] I got to make sure that I’m looking looking at the thing so that we can see when it gets to 69 69 way you know basically Bo I want to add some code that add that you know automatically mines any ores that it detects and mines all of the ore I’ve seen it I’ve seen it done with the turtles and it it’s just like it’s got to check every direction you know so you

Know I might actually be able to take some take a vein Miner code from something actually I might actually be able to take it from the place where I actually saw it before2 okay wow 4790 that’s awesome the hell are you buddy there he is what’s he s huh huh

Okay nope wait not that one it’s going to give good deal deals I’m not going to lie I’m breaking three breaking four C five proficiency six it’s really awesome 60 okay we at 60 now look at this oh no okay we’re about to encounter its biggest enemy we’re about to

Encounter its biggest Nemesis eh I think a is that unless that was just earlier when I you know maybe unless it was just because earlier was weird or whatever I don’t know but yeah game mode creative I want to wait for it to go P me first there we

Go will it do it h will it do it oh I need it to place blocks too yeah it’s working it’s working look at that okay made it Place added the code will now place blocks below a stair case pattern I think I have an idea on

Actually how to do that actually hold on where did it where did it go did it go here where the flip is it did it go through the lava it went through the lava it went straight through the lava huh was like you know what screw you lava I don’t

Care I mean obviously this thing doesn’t care about the lava I can’t see anything I missed 69 I think get out of here this thing is so far now what the flip I missed 69 I’m pretty sure so I also need to Lava proof it right I need to make it lava

Proof somehow right made the code lava proof yeah a I did miss 69 it’s at 87 now damn it whatever what we got though wait did they put a chest down it did right here H it worked look it actually worked and it did it in a STI his pattern too that’s

Awesome all right well next time I I you know next time I play this I’ll I’ll have a lot to work on you know I’ve put a I’ve got a big list of stuff also the Torches would have been there if there wasn’t for the thing but yeah oh

Um while I’m at it I’m also going to put this here for water I need waterproof too made the code waterproof there uh that’s what I need to do as well because otherwise it’s going to just get stuck you know well no it won’t get stuck but you know

I’ll have to walk through the tunnels you know me or Amy or anyone who uses this code will have to walk through the tunnels and that won’t be great so you know feel like something’s bad but hell I’m to that I always turn my back yeah and I always feel something but all

I feel is pain I want to make a change you either pick yourself up or you let yourself down made the turtle return to the top of the staircase when it finishes mining see I know that I can do all these things now but I’m not going

To because I do need to stop soon and I’m just going to let it get to the bottom and then do a bit of strip mining and yeah you know just trying to see how these all work together you know I mean hey this is this is good because

The bot doesn’t you know the bot’s pickaxe doesn’t have durability which is amazing right it doesn’t have durability you also don’t need a diamond pickaxe I don’t think I don’t think you even need a diamond pickaxe you can just get the bot to equip it you just get the bot to equip a

Pickaxe I think I I wonder if it would slow it would be slower if it had any other pickaxe equipped though or if it just wouldn’t work I don’t know but yes the recipe requires a diamond pickaxe for this spot that is the crafting recipe requires it and this ladies and gentlemen is

Exactly why we need to have the ability to add staircases right where it builds a staircase underneath it you know I know exactly how I would do it yeah I know exactly how I would do it I would just get it to when it goes down

Before it starts it would place a block underneath it if there’s no block there it’ll place a block right so I know exactly how to do it already I just um you know I’m not going to do it right now I’m not not going to start something

Else right now you know and boom and now it’ll just go into the wall that doesn’t exist there we go nice and boom and now in it okay it placed the block there wow it must have it ran out of cobblestone okay anyway so now I mean

Hey at least there was a block there that were placed anyway SE go now um left yep that’s good uh strip mine one why let’s say 20 see this one works right this one works already that’s kind of cool to look out though you know it was shaped like an L on a

Forehead now it’s a t or uh a cross now now it’s a cross now it’s a cross okay well it’ll take a bit but we’ll get there oh yeah I was wondering what I was doing and I’m like oh yeah that’s why that’s what it’s

Doing I need to add this uh I need to add some more versatility for this one’s torches too is it add a better torch placement here yes uh M staircase no ST mine there this one also needs better torch placement I’ll add one of these to this

Two it it will make it slower but you know I’ll put like a disclaimer on it you know like be warned this will slow down the process you know like yeah so I’m I’m super sure that YouTube is pro has probably got the copyright thing on me you know hang

On I’m going to go check though I’m going to go check did that other stream get uh oh no it hasn’t ended yet the wait what the stream hasn’t ended yet what do you mean what do you mean the stream hasn’t ended yet oh it hasn’t huh that’s wild okay so then this

This stream will get um stream will probably get the copyright thing on it though you know um on YouTube which sucks because of that first the first two hours or whatever you know yeah what the flip why did it offset maybe the maybe that messed it up maybe the

Gravel messed it up maybe it’s because the gravel fell on him Ah that’s probably why the go must have fallen on it and messed it up messes pth thing up what’s it got though zinc it’s already got quite a few things wait for it’ll be it’ll be unloading it stuff now in a

Chest in a minute it’s almost there yep it’ll be doing it on this next one as soon as it get here ready and now what no no what how Is It reversed what the what the hell it’s going back it’s going backwards I think it’s broken God damn it yep all right fine

Cancel spin been good buddy it’s been good but uh I guess it’s time to go yep now 20 oh it says the name there too that’s cool yeah um where the flip am I go look at that see the Torches helped me actually they actually helped me

Because they were F the right way yeah know um fixed the strip mine fixed I’m in the wrong script here fixed no fixed strip M strip mining so I think the chest messed up somehow I don’t know how but things messed up a little bit and I don’t know what

Happened it was working fine I think I know what’s going on here but you know it tried to leave wait this one is turn right turn right turn right huh okay I’m going to have to fix this another time for sure I’m I’m done now I’m done now

No that looks so cool look at that looks dope especially with my shaders that’s just Redstone cool all right anyway can to go ahead and just saving quit to title yep saveing quit to title and there we go and quit game so that that was a this has been a pretty

Productive stream I I’d say I’d say this stream has been pretty productive let me uh on A okay but yeah um so yeah that’s it That’s All She Wrote you know that’s all she wrote I am now going to go ahead and do what I can I mean what the I don’t even know I’m I might having this joke because I’m not making any sense um uh

That’s all wrot I don’t know why I said that I just I don’t know um but yeah um yeah the stream was pretty productive and I will definitely be streaming some more coding on this Turtle stuff again um I have a lot of things to do next

Time you know next time I do stream this um I don’t know if it’ll be today because um it’s 7 in the morning 64 6:54 in the morning I should turn my alarm off actually yeah it’s 6:54 in the morning right now so I will probably not sleep today which will probably mean

That I won’t be able to do a stream today um regardless um and I did this one anyway and I was up basically all night anyway so you know but um yeah maybe uh if I do get back to coding this again I’ll probably do on stream that could be fun you

Know might is well not waste my time you know but um I think today I’ll probably take an easy day you know I’ll take it easy because I’ve been up all night I’m tired but yeah um take it easy today and then maybe I’ll stream again tomorrow who

Knows but anyway everyone I hope you enjoyed this stream and edit down V of this and I edit down God damn it I always mess up the outro all right everyone I hope you all enjoyed this stream and or VOD of the stream and or edited Down video of the stream and uh

Yeah until next time this is Cube signing off bye-bye by that’s

This video, titled ‘Minecraft ComputerCraft Tweaked Coding LIVE #1’, was uploaded by LifeAsTwo on 2024-01-04 07:10:07. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 06:25:29 or 23129 seconds.

I hope you all enjoy the stream

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  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Mine’s Entrance: Day 13 – 1K Days in Better MC

    Mine's Entrance: Day 13 - 1K Days in Better MC In the world of Minecraft, Day 13 did shine, As I crafted the entrance to the mine. Stone slabs, cobblestone, and stairs so fine, Creating a space where treasures align. Pebbles and rough cobblestone for detail, Adding depth to the scene without fail. A dark amaranth barrel for storage, without frail, Rotten barrel for a touch of dark tale. Join me on this journey, let’s have some fun, In Better Minecraft, under the sun. Subscribe to my channel, let’s be one, In this world of blocks, where we all can run. Follow me on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and… Read More

  • Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21

    Brewing Every Potion in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft Brewing Guide 1.21: Mastering Potions and More! Potions in Minecraft are often overlooked, but they can be incredibly powerful tools in your gameplay. Brewing potions may seem daunting at first, but fear not! This ultimate Minecraft 1.21 brewing guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring you can craft every potion with ease. Getting Started: Brewing Essentials To begin your potion-making journey, you’ll need a brewing stand. Craft one using one Blaze Rod and three Cobblestone. Don’t forget to fuel your brewing stand with Blaze Powder! Next, gather glass blocks to create bottles for your… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information https://discord.com/invite/CANHpTt2This server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Viral Shorts Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes #viral #shorts 😂🎮 Read More

  • Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans

    Sneaky City-Building Shenanigans Embarking on the Journey of Building a City in Minecraft Survival Mode Welcome to the first episode of our Minecraft series, where we dive into the exciting world of building a city in survival mode. In this adventure, we will witness the challenges and triumphs of creating a bustling metropolis from scratch. Let’s explore the essential steps and strategies involved in this epic undertaking. Gathering Essential Resources One of the first tasks in building a city in Minecraft survival mode is gathering essential resources. From wood and stone to food and ores, every material plays a crucial role in… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT - EPIC CAVE CANNONS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cosy Modded Minecraft – Caves and Cannons’, was uploaded by Chris Deals Minecraft on 2024-03-09 02:27:12. It has garnered 346 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:03 or 1863 seconds. Epic Minecraft Adventure with Create Mod, Ars Nouveau, and Cave Exploration! Watch as I harness the power of Create Mod to construct a stunning house, utilizing its intricate mechanics for ultimate creativity! But that’s not all – dive deep into the magical world of Ars Nouveau as I craft mystical spell books, unlocking ancient powers to aid in my quest! Then,… Read More

  • TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!

    TERROR SHOWDOWN: Marvelous vs Superstar in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-04 17:00:29. It has garnered 13315 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:09 or 1809 seconds. All Creepy SUPERHEROES vs MIKEY and JJ ESCAPING Underground at 3:00AM ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • “Dronio’s EPIC Love Story in Minecraft – FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!” #MinecraftLove

    "Dronio's EPIC Love Story in Minecraft - FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!" #MinecraftLoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Любовь в Minecraft – алмаз: красива, неповторима. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 12:30:10. It has garnered 1317 views and 144 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL in Minecraft – DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!” #clickbait

    "EPIC FAIL in Minecraft - DARK Gaming Gone Wrong!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrong Turn #zocken #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #spielen #dunkel #gameplay #game #funny #fun’, was uploaded by R&R Production on 2024-01-10 15:36:22. It has garnered 99 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!

    Ultimate WinterMap Server Madness #916star!Video Information This video, titled ‘WinterMap Minecraft Server #916star #minecraft’, was uploaded by Timself on 2024-01-11 14:46:12. It has garnered 112 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. TLX Network: ➞ https://dsc.gg/tlxnetwork ➞ Founder: Lexo und Timself WINTERMAP: ➞ IP: wintermap.g-portal.game ➞ Version: 1.20 – 1.20.4 ➞ Discord: https://discord.gg/5yKzHxj4mN GamingEcke: ➞ https://discord.gg/SJu84x2Spq ➞ I thank everyone for your subscriptions and your support! Read More

  • EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #Shorts

    EPIC Dream Minecraft TikTok Video! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft viral tik tok video dream on #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR More07 on 2024-03-02 11:30:02. It has garnered 461 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Mr More07 ============================== Instagram➡https://www.instagram.com/_mr_more07_/ Facebook➡https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100056299486427 ============================== Please like the video Please subscribe the channel Share the video for your friends ============================== Thanks For Watching ============================= #shorts #minecraft #mrmore07 minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft 1.20, minecraft mods, minecraft survival, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Bestie! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with Besto Frendso :)’, was uploaded by Sarang Ram on 2024-03-28 20:57:38. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:29 or 9809 seconds. Thanks for joining in. Valorant grind later tonight. Stick around if you like the content. Leave a like and Subscribe as well. Thank yaaa. Read More

  • “Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯” #shizo #clickbait

    "Golden Apple beats EVERY Minecraft food?! 🤯" #shizo #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Not Royalblade on 2024-06-13 10:35:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Golden Apple VS Minecraft Foods #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #viral video minecraft in tangent minecraft … Read More

  • 💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥

    💥 RACING TO 100 KILLS!! InsideMC Sky Battle Madness 💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Toph033 Talks Racing To 100 Kills In Sky Battle | InsideMC 107’, was uploaded by InsideMC on 2024-05-22 15:00:10. It has garnered 323 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:20 or 3320 seconds. In the 107th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast and thirty-sixth edition of MidweekMC, Orbitzz & AJX sit down with Toph033! Someone who is amazing at Minecraft, someone who places very high in tournaments, someone who is good at speedrunning and someone who has a bad KAD ratio in Valorant, wait what!? To kick start the podcast the… Read More

  • Milliumlife

    MilliumlifeServeur PVE revisité dans une ambiance chill. Actuellement toujours en phase de test mais assez avancé pour pouvoir ouvrir ses portes au premiers curieux ! Welcome to Milliumlife 1.20.2 Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that provides a welcoming space for gamers to join together and play various games without the worry of pay-to-win features. Our Minecraft server has been active since version 1.7.10 and continues to thrive. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server offers player protection through a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team. Players start with 2,000 claimable blocks and earn more over time. Pets are also protected. Our admins are always available to assist with any issues. Quality-of-Life Features: Enjoy features like a secure banking system that rewards playtime with interest. Visit the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – April Fools: Minecraft’s Best Update!

    Minecraft Memes - April Fools: Minecraft's Best Update!They should add a “blocky” filter to make everything look like it’s made out of LEGO bricks. That would really throw players for a loop! Read More

  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More


    HEMERALD LIVE: SHOCKING MINECRAFT PROBLEM!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘QUESTO E’ UN PROBLEMA! – Minecraft ITA Penitenze’, was uploaded by Hemerald Live on 2024-06-10 18:23:27. It has garnered 1632 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:28 or 7288 seconds. A GIANT BALL of TNT is created, this is a real PROBLEM! 🟣Live Channel ➜ https://live.hemerald.net 🔴First Channel ➜ @hemerald ⚠️ My Social Networks ➜ https://linktr.ee/hemerald Live del 9/06/2024 MODPACK PROJECT SACRIFICE su MINECRAFT ITA Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2

    Terrifying Minecraft Cave Project: Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cave Horror Project pt 2’, was uploaded by Crisis on 2024-04-22 21:36:16. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:45 or 2385 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viral

    Mind-blowing Minecraft facts revealed 🔥 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft fact 💯 #shorts #minecraft #youtubeshorts #viral’, was uploaded by (RANA) Gamer 64 on 2024-04-19 13:13:54. It has garnered 10728 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • 🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟

    🌟Mind-Blowing Minecraft Exploration with Starleigh Aurora🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 Minecraft Monday #2 exploring the frontier【Starleigh Aurora】✨’, was uploaded by Starleigh Aurora on 2024-03-20 05:48:19. It has garnered 10 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:52 or 472 seconds. Credits: Model – DG Studio art&assets- ahyjay BGM – gannderp Additional thanks – agentf2s ——————————————————————- Follow my other accounts here! https://lnk.bio/SkiesOfStarlight ——————————————————————- bgm: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwOSpQTh9pU —————————————————————— Support me here! paypal.me/StarleighAurora ——————————————————————- #vtuber #vtuberen Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Server in Indonesia LIVE!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Live Minecraft Server Indonesia’, was uploaded by LanEzzy on 2024-05-27 22:00:06. It has garnered 118 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:18 or 3858 seconds. 🔳 **Minecraft Java 1.17.x – 1.20.x** *(Recomended 1.20.2)* “`IP: play.clubbymc.com“` 🔳 **Minecraft Bedrock/Mcpe 1.20** “`IP: play.clubbymc.com PORT: 19132 (Default)“` “` Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙

    EPIC Minecraft Realm Stream: Moon Vietnam & Moonvelion Creek 🌙Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Moonvelion Creek- Moon Vietnam (Minecraft Community Realm Stream)’, was uploaded by KidKinobi on 2024-03-25 11:58:07. It has garnered 83 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:56 or 5276 seconds. Let’s get this Moonrock Flavored Bread Pop in and chat, say hello! Just follow the golden rule: Be Chill! This version is Minecraft Bedrock edition, on PS4/PS5! *If you want to join the Realm, you first have to get into my Discord, then go over to the Realm Add Channel, Put in your Information, and I will add later this week!*… Read More

  • Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!

    Join Sasuke Monarch on EPIC Minecraft SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Minecraft Live Hindi public smp live java + pe || free to join || Sasuke Monarch’, was uploaded by Sasuke Monarch on 2024-01-10 02:35:58. It has garnered 15 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:49 or 589 seconds. THANKS FOR WATCHING……. ignore tags 🙂 24/7 stream 24/7 minecraft smp minecraft 24/7 stream minecraft live thumbnail minecraft live wallpaper minecraft live insaan minecraft live stream minecraft live apk minecraft live insaan skin minecraft live wallpaper 4k minecraft live player count minecraft live action movie minecraft live account minecraft live atlas… Read More

  • Jamesy’s SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!

    Jamesy's SHOCKING Cheating Revelation in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-05-11 11:00:45. It has garnered 17973 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:55 or 13375 seconds. I Cheated with //REALISTIC in Build Battle Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • “Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!” #undertale

    "Mind-Blowing Undertale Music in Minecraft!" #undertaleVideo Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE (OST: 71) – Undertale part 9 (Minecraft Noteblock) #shorts #undertale #frisk #deltarune’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-22 09:00:25. It has garnered 362 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoc1Hg-iaOcH1b-0L9zaKrg/join Tags: #Undertale #frisk #undertaleost #undertalesoundtrack #UndertaleOST #tobyfox #noteblock #FamilyJules #Alpharad #deltarune #Minecraft #piano #NoteBlock #minecraft #music #gnhan5555 #cover #coversong Read More

  • Unite-MC

    Unite-MCRolePlay – Survival – Jobs – Economyשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבהשרת ישראלי, כולם מוזמנים באהבה Read More