EPIC Minecraft Expansion – CRAZY Shizo Adventure!

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All right welcome back everyone to another episode of the deep end it looks like some folks might have jumped in the spawner since I was here last time because there were more skeletons or there should have been but now there is not that so it’s okay we’ll just get a few more levels

We’re at level 57 so it’s like we’re fine we can enchant 9 books or do some we actually do need to do some repairs but we’ll see I’ve decided whether or not I want to do books or if I want to do repairs on my existing armor or how exactly I want to

Play it in any case though hey for everyone watching this on youtube this is again a live streamed episode I’ve been trying to do it more often so if you want to catch the live streams just I recommend following on Twitch and if you’re watching us live and you’re not

Following my twitch account you probably do that twitch.tv slash CaptainSparklez also linked in the description of the videos and you can also follow me on twitter twitter.com slash CaptainSparklez if you haven’t done that already so those are my recommendations although I have been trying to occasionally post videos on Kevin

Sparkles to letting people know when I am live so I guess I’m trying to do that as well anywho cool so we’re all good 57 levels I guess we can head back home the nice thing to see if there’s been any more progress on the whole nether area

Oh and then also it’s uh it’s Amazon Prime day today probably we’ll still because I think right after the stream is done I’m gonna upload it to youtube and i’ll probably be public same day so um you know if you have Amazon Prime and you haven’t done the whole like linking

It to your twitch account so you can do the prime sub and all that you can also do that and again don’t have to sub to me whoever your favorite person is it’s fine if that happens to be me cool like that’s pretty dope but I don’t I don’t

Expect it regardless but yeah that’s that’s just a thing an Amazon Prime day if you have Amazon Prime you weren’t aware that its prime day dude you could go to amazon.com slash shop slash CaptainSparklez it’s actually link below the stream I don’t know if I have it

Link below the YouTube video but I should do that and a lot of things that I use on a day to day basis or or the things that I actually have them I set up like my monitor my camera and now it’s keyboard etc etc I just

Have all and one easy convenient place it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool so you do that too and there might even be prime date prime deals on that stuff as well I don’t know what’s going on here in the nether what this thing is that they’re trying to make it more like

Oceanic or something is this my portal like right smack in the middle of it which one it’s not mine Hank mines over a smile over here we should portal is mine I always lose track of it dude but I bet they’ll be like nice and labeled

Some that’s a blank sign oh is mine this one over here I was like dude I think it’s a little bit further away enchantment Oh God dang it it’s a different layout and I’m losing track of where things are is this me no where’s my portal I don’t know how my

Portal II is crazies jungle gym okay so I should be like just where’s my poor little dude I mean I could just go back through one of these and I could find it that way but I don’t know where my portal is it was near one of those near

The glass stuff or wait was it over here I don’t think it was this close to Lama Lam but Joel and Lee’s would hate am i dumb cuz I think my portal was facing the same direction as one of these not not that ah oh god if I have I am an

Idiot have I totally passed over my middle it is is it this one it hate it hate a sign on it is the middle hold on a minute hold on a minute am I like am i front and centre here just give me a moment let me see this what the heck

Damn dude I’m just I’m just right smack in the middle Wow okay we need to real able this actually I’ll never forget now that it’s just boom I am oh skeleton works with oh wait wait that sign was there for a long time ago

Um alright I guess I have I have a fancy portal now I’m just from just right smack in the middle no don’t mind me just like my head my skull and the spawn area was like right on top dude it’s just don’t you no need to stroke my ego

Too much here I mean jeez alright anyway what up ugly how you doing my man’s let’s do some inventory clean up not only shells I don’t should put those but I know they have to do with like making a conduit even though I already need to make any of those God my

Inventory is so full up right now of stuff good god okay alright dude if you missed the last episode we did some serious escort missions it was sick you have no idea how sick if you didn’t watch it okay we got courts we got Magnavox sponge I

Don’t even know where to put some of this stuff but anyway let them me see we got you I don’t really need the bow there’s some stuff I can just toss remember I have my actually you know it yeah these don’t need they at the Terra

Bow it’s like terrible but it’s a Terra bow haha alright oh wait I have another one of those from the grinder boom there we go sorry we’ll catch up on the people who were doing the subbing give the prime day and all that stuff it’s pretty dope actually dude we could hit a

Thousand today we were when we started we were at like eighty-five away now hurt like 64 away ho my god things are cranking out here you guys are our kind individuals I appreciate you all okay here this cousin destroyed animal I can make a chicken farm today maybe that’d

Be a good thing to do kind of neglected making any progress on my island for a little while so I don’t destroyed mob nautilus rotten flesh he’s causing the weapons which god I have so many arrows it’s just ridiculous a lot of bones can

Do a lot of bone meal if I want do I really care about section three dips Strider not really it’s on gold don’t really care no smelting I can do in this sponge and then Flint how many Finity boats kind of only need one of these and let me see where did I

Put the Flint and miscellaneous Sega sponges would be musical aeneas as well or I could make like an ocean block that’s what I should do shouldn’t make an ocean block chaste dog that would be a smart one dude also in case you’re wondering I’m the only

Person on right now so nobody else we can we partner up with I was thinking though definitely heating people’s requests I should definitely do a join episode with grazer at some point for sure I bet I could learn a thing or two from from the man’s the myth the legend

Let’s see aquatic and anyway but he’s not on right now surprisingly usually is always on when I’m on is there anything else I could put in the aquatic chest from any other places that’s all miss miss yeah alright but maybe we’ll get some more aquatic stuff like prismarine

And whatnot I can put in there which actually have any prisoner icicle whatever anyone’s found an ocean monument hmm hmm anyway I’ll dude I need some more food I I’m actually gonna have to go yeah I’m gonna have to go ripping pieces some cows also do some repairs on

This stuff my diamonds are still looking pretty good in quantity but yeah let me think unbreaking 3 would just be like really good to apply to pretty much all my stuff if I have it you know especially my sword okay so let’s go let’s go r.i.p

Some cows they don’t get some books from that and then I can work on enchanting some books maybe repairing some staff we’ll see how it goes man we’ll see how it goes dead ok so oh the dry kelp I could put in the aquatic chest for sure

All right let me let me catch up really quickly there has been a lot of activity oh my goodness I think Alice oh Gnaeus IG Oh with a gift idea with a gift Tiki Kat dad poor Oh Lily Blade Shabab metamorphic mike dark dark shriek ooh

Woof the core ax IG Oh with another gift bibzy Junior Nell Line Celtic love eroding blaze Andrew composed music GT dark cry i g o with a gift again Johnny boy thanks for the subs and Pat tour and ridden Slayer thank you for the bits I

Believe we are all caught up with that’s pretty dope pretty and we are now 57 away from a thousand not bad we’re making some progress here all right god I wonder what IG owes count is at this point it’s got to be wild I know it

Displays every time it he he does the thing I just haven’t caught it because I’m looking at the game but the man’s is a myth and a legend alrighty then we okay let’s replant with my 65 ain’t the worst I should have just made it like 60

Instead of 65 or yeah and continuing could expand my farm except I’m like you know what I’m not really hurting on food so it’s not a pressing matter tend to you know we’re on like 1.9 pre-release well now it’s on 9 every day for the last several days there’s been a new

Pre-released like God last night I swear to God at the start of yesterday we were unlike pre-release eight and then I get kicked off the server when I was afk the skeleton spawner it’s like now we’re on pre-release 9 and then I get on today and I just click the latest version and

It’s one point with prerelease 10 and I go to the server the server is still pre-release 9 it’s like oh my god how many different pre-release can we possibly do good lord it is ridiculous alright cowboys let’s do it up here let’s do it up oh this is just a mess

This is a mess so sorry I’m gonna I can’t even move around in here it’s just so jam-packed I’ll just use up all the wheat that I’ve just gotten you may as well come on let’s do it up over here let’s do eat up I’ll put a water block

In the middle of my farm to make it 64 oh I couldn’t do that I could do that if I wanted dear maybe but yeah we’ll see alright cool well here we go I’m so sorry to the babies that are gonna be caught up in this mix but good huh sorry

Guys pretty sure I have mob volume turned down because this is just such a cluster this is an inefficient way to do it after I just bread you know with this amount of cows it might actually just be worth taking a few out and then breeding after that way don’t accidentally kill

Any of the bee bees I just broke a torch okay I’m stuck in a corner I’m actually being like shoved into a corner right here dude nobody shoves you boy in a corner all right I’m out I’m out I’m out II whoa snag that back 19 leather 27 raw beef

I’d say that’s it’s all in a day’s work ladies and gents I’ll get us a few more books to enchant as well as some more foods because we were running a little bit low you want me to expand the farm more I think rather than expanding the

Crops we should do a chicken area and we should try maybe we go on a pig escort mission try to get a pig farm going but I ain’t you expand my island in order to do that as a whale so I don’t I don’t know yeah make the farm make some farms

Over you are it’s funny you’ve decided to occupy the other side now you start over here and now you’ve been like aw dude I’m done with that side a little bit yeah I got tired of that it was just not enough variety all right I need to

Just go over to this side check it out dude it’s all great pretty dope pretty dope okay that’s cool dude I’m glad you’ve decided to switch it up okay so what we need here is Vanita little bit of uh I need a little bit of paper which

Would it be actually up there wouldn’t it yeah for sure but we do need to get some smelting going I’ll just throw them all in there no urgency no rush and then we’ll go back to I think I keep my paper in here you know I’ll lose track of

Things sometimes it’s not the best yeah yeah we got our got our pop paper oh wait I might need to you’re just you’re just clicking this non-stop now you just want to make noise and be kind of obnoxious I get you Wow we are now 50 out we

Started 85 away and now we are 50 subs out that prime day though my man’s okay so let’s okay now you’re just gonna block this so I can’t get in but I do need some more sugar cane okay just economy of our self agriculture chest

Would be a lot of one shirt where’s my sugar cane can go on aquatic though for sure but wit he’s machinery came did I used a hall uh no I mean it’s fine there’s I’m sure I have sugarcane lying around somewhere but y’all just go get some more that’s fine um that’s cool

Everyone’s gonna start yelling dude your sugar canes in whatever chest it’s in and I’m like it probably is but you know I haven’t harvested this in the wild so it’s kind of just been sitting here unloved and unused I may as well fix that you know your wood gal let’s get

Some more growth going on here my dudes oh hey you want to know some exciting news has nothing to do with the deep end or minecraft or anything the sorts more vlog channel and just life in general so if any of you caught the vlog that I

Posted few weeks back on the ones I wasn’t living last week kind of it was like deciding on what the next supercar purchase should be a hip made a decision on that matter and it will be revealed probably tomorrow I think the vlog will be done tomorrow

But yeah dude I am deposits in everything it’ll be a surprise but it’s in progress it’s in progress like delivery still ways away it’s gonna be a process but uh you know it’s it’s a thing the wheels are in motion well not yet it’ll be a wheel always until the

Wheels are in motion but I guess you’ll just just have to find out oh wait and see but it’ll be okay anyway I just like the idea of like from this point you know bringing you along for the ride with all the with all the stuff all the

Future cards it’s gonna be dope I should make more actually should I do all these into books I don’t know what else we’re going to use a letter for all right lots of books boys Auto books up in here enough for one more okay so question is

What do you think do I make another another helmet and just crap you know what I’m gonna have to do work the hint my hints room broom that’s my hint I know it gives away a lot of information very oh damn damn what do i

Do do I make a new helmet because we’re gonna have to make a new element in order to repair this but I could also do that but you know I’ll just do the books I’ll just do the books we’re gonna have to do books regardless so let me just do

The books and we’ll see we get from there and then it’ll it will we’ll see what’s going on today we’ll see what’s going on here you order we have loyalty three that’s that’s a good one for a Trident which I should check on the Trident farm I wonder I won LT three

Power three Protection three some options dude some options knock back – not good options do not good options how about you know what if it looks if it looks bad then we make another armor thing and go for the combine maybe it’s a hard decision it’s a real hard

Difficult decision but oh wait I have my diamonds in my inventory what am i doing what am i doing I could make a new helmet right here let me see feather falling three that we already have feather falling for on these boots and these boots are just gonna be we’re just

Gonna repair them basically is how it’s gonna go I’ll make another helmet because eventually we’re gonna have to repair anyways it’s like I have to make a helmet I don’t have to do more strip mining at some point anyway let’s see we get one put it in here aqua affinity you

Know what I’m down with that because we can combine aqua at the very least yeah that’s good cuz aqua affinity gonna help me mine under water which is actually gonna be like pretty useful would have been really useful for those your escort mission so you got aqua affinity and

Then whatever else it gives me and then I can combine that with protection for if I want to and then so I’m talking about it’s when we go in aqua affinity respiration to protection 3 okay now unbreaking 3 would be great we have an unbreaking 3 book don’t don’t

And that’s a pretty good book right there so I don’t know that I want to use that off the bat that’s fine you know if we get an unbreaking 3 book and that would be dope bane of arthropods for fire protection 3 channel nice let me see let me see we

Combine the two we get protection for do we want to do that and then just wait on like ok what’s this gonna cost to do it combined on this what are we gonna get what are we gonna get it’s gonna cost for that’s not bad at all ok so your protection for your

Respiration too then we just need an unbreaking 3 out of a book alright and then what about boots are good and leggings should I make new leggings and see if I can get my leggings really like you just get protect is there anything else that you can get on leggings other than

Protection and unbreaking thorns you have a thorns eats it up really quickly doesn’t it thorns eats it up trying to think hmm that’s fine let’s do another couple of books where we got punch one that’s a lame body that book sucks that book sucks about you what about you fire

Protection 3 again mmm I’m brave 3 there we go my boys alright well this is gonna be a good helmet this is gonna be a good helmet let’s get that rocking and rolling there and there unbreaking 3 yeah Fire Blast protection thank you there we go

That that’s a helmet that’s a helmet and a half these are boots and a half that’s pretty good Oh mending rights right mending is a good one too Oh mending on the pants yeah cuz the other is like we want to take advantage of all the stuff we got going on here

And we’ll just repair because they have unbreaking so it’ll take a while but the pants we do I’m breaking and mending yeah mmm I like that idea same with the chest plate we can just fire protection for is good protection for is good or you do blast protection

For but that would require like a new we would need a new one for that anyway here let’s just do one more one more book we’ll see what yeah def starter 3 that’s it that’s it that’s all she wrote alright anyway uh we wanted we get one more

Actually we do one more we may as well we may as well we got another level 30 in us you know just see what we got here bane of arthropods for why all the bane of arthropods Jesus man well that’ll that’s it that’s all until we make another run have the enchantment the

Skill of farm but that’s gonna be a little ways away you know all right you know at least uh we got a pretty good setup going on regardless here I’m breaking three oh yeah on the sword too I’ll need that at some point let me see what the I don’t

Know when it comes to repairing these and stuff though if it’s better to do preparing with a full thing as opposed to individual probably is better to repair with a full thing rather than diamonds individually because then I’ll be able to repair more unless I just

Want it you know I’m only I only really care about repairing the boots and a helmet right now anyway because the others are just like it’s not a big deal so anyway all right we’re set for now we’re set for now on the enchantments we’re all good

So yeah I’ll have to do the afk fish farm at some point but you know for now I think I think we’re okay you don’t want to watch an afk fish farm stream do you well let me do a quick catch up on stuff because things are going just off

The hook today all right let me see pretty sure we left off at Johnny boy potato balls Crimson three snow Emily amber at ice cream boy drunk Nome Clare Trent Mackenzie J Higgs pie chicken Oliver jots XR flow at eke idea with another gift miss April css3 x IG o with

A gift idea with a gift idea with a that was a resub gift dang The Vic Henry I feel with another gift pickled gamer streams Robbie hip way clockwork tempos and hi Gio with another gift oh my gosh that’s fifty oh my god he’s given fifty what holy crap okay

Dire angels zero and loan will thank you for the bits just my god fifty this man spans like Oprah with the subs out here I think I’ve made the comparison already you know we’re using it oh my god well anyway ah let’s continue with this and

Do things you know do I want to do I want to take this as like a personal day and just you know you know what I should do is I should sleep because I’m the only one on the server and I like to sleep with a sword impaling my face

Definitely yeah okay so stop the rain let’s get it going all right so I’m I’ll take a trip to the garage sale oh also the reading farm that’s right about you okay let’s see if we have tried in the farm active it would be good go boat go

Garage sale and then we go into the trident farm it’s gonna be sweet cuz I thought I saw something about the Tri Department actually being ready to go maybe I’m mistaken but maybe I’m not cuz dude not be that’d be great that would be great the Trident is actually never

Gonna be spun good God all right garage sale time here we go what do we got what do we got Oh 16 Oh 16 per diamond oh look a zine just add into the garage sale up in here you know what are there any other things in here

I use for my sword smite for loyalty three unbreaking 3 we got protection for let me think let me think in here we could just get on breaking blast reduction for last times before is pretty good I’m reading three sharpness three I’m Braille just straight-up unbreaking threes I could snag it dude I

Could snag it I almost think I could do that and then I could just I could have unbreaking on my sword because this sword I like looting to sharpness unless there is a better looting in here is there a better looting the only what if there’s a looting unbreaking one that

Would be wild uh-huh would be pretty there’s a fortunate Oh actually if I put fortune to fortune to with that I want to do a test really quickly this is a temp this is a temp I might I might not let me see okay so first one two three four I don’t

Have to get more diamonds at some point I’m taking fortune three just so I are fluting three so I can see if I can combine oh hey that’s fortune not looting God and I’m dumb all right we want looting duh it was the wrong enchantment because you already afford

Two three so we don’t need that there’s no fortune for ah man there isn’t eluding in here come on man looting just see if I missed it did I miss it gonna miss it people who be calling me on the shot if I missed it don’t think I missed

It it’s no looting it’s not there alright it’s not there I would have been getting called out if I missed it so it’s definitely not there fair enough okay well unbreak three I can apply that to Yanam brain there we got unbreaking there I don’t really care about these we

Don’t to apply on braking yet so we’ll just get the one I multiply I’m breaking to the sword whenever I get back there’s no rush on it though actually it might be a rush because yeah the sooner that I do that the more use I get out of it so

Let’s do that I’ll apply that real quick first look yeah I especially do if I’m going to the trident farm I want to have unbreaking on my sword first sorry guy I have something stuck in my teeth pardon me it’s kind of gross but you know question for you if you weight top

Left has loot oh my god top left Jesus Christ did I did I really miss it that I really I’m so sorry I’m sorry I’m going it now I see the error of my ways I cannot believe I haven’t done this god I’m so oblivious sometimes my poor

Diamonds though maybe I just wanted to pretend I didn’t see uh what are you talking about top left loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty loyalty what are you guys all about wiki’s on the bats none will see loyalty loyalty what are the loyalty and loading oh my god you read

Read read read read a book literally read a book dumb oh my god I can’t believe this has happened never ever listen you’ll read a book okay anyway I was a vowel was on a train of thought what the hell like you know food in

Their teeth if you have a piece of food in your teeth like and it sticks there for too long say it’s like a piece of fish or a piece of chicken or something something that can spoil can it spoil in your mouth and then you accidentally

Swallow it at a later date and you get sick from it that’s something I’ve thought about before it I’ve never liked sought out the answer because I just haven’t googled can food spoil in your mouth before but is that something that can happen because it seems like a

Legitimate concern you know that meat scary if your food could spoil in your mouth like that no don’t don’t try it don’t try it but I know it’s gross but it’s it’s legitimate thoughts you know some legitimate thoughts what do we got here dude hm it cost six looting I’m

Bret how much does it kind of cost well wow that’s an expensive repair my dude whoa alright and how much does it cost for like a sword repair well I’m not gonna make a new one anyway so yeah anywho hey anyway it’s food its food for thought

Literally literally – we are now 24 away from 1,000 subscribe ski doodles that prime day though it means that a month from now when all those prime subs expire it’s gonna be like I just Hank and I’m gonna forget I’m gonna be like whatever would hate me no dude I thought

We were friends you say my saliva would break it down would it with the enzymes in my saliva be like no no no it’s fine we’re not gonna let this spoil in your mouth we’ll break it to look it shelby’s place is just my goodness what is this some kind of like underwater

Entrance over here let me see this so you can oh wow it’s like a old Ivor’s pool there that’s pretty cool it’s divers pool except you can’t count all right Mele Nate’s wait oh I know no it just doesn’t just hang it out you just can’t get out

That’s important it’s a one it’s a one-way divertible that’s the thing okay anyway to make the water but over here we’re checking out the trident farm I’m sure there’s so many build up if I if I went around everyone’s places I just check all the amazing things that

Everyone has done meanwhile I’m over at my Island looking like a caveman but that’s fine it’s just how I roll I like to look like a caveman let me drift and get some 27 bone meals and grow things a little bit alright let’s see if our escort mission

Is still paying off here I’m gonna be so so sad if we do not have a villager in there I will be distraught absolutely distraught alright how are we doing here how are we doing yeah we still got our boy in there alright that’s what I like to see our

Boy is still in there let me just oh god it’s gonna be a pain to deal with this but okay wait okay see we got in here see if I’ve caught him about to get assaulted no don’t ride no it’s not the ready yet at least our boy

Is safe at least our boy is safe and it’s all good alright that’s it’s fine let me uh let me go back through the nearest portal over here so that I can and get back pretty easily what is this Lauren’s portal oh yeah Lauren so Lauren is like she got on very recent

Well newer addition to the server I should like check this out okay it must be like kind of nearby to Tyler’s place let’s see what we got over here dude let’s see what we got hey what are you doing here I’ll see you later okay well I mean you

Know it’s a it’s a reflection of the the recently added deal and still whoa what up sea turtles and llamas she got a diamond though at least probably further ni was the point also a pretty pretty dope farm actually better farm that I have that’s what I should do I should

Make some islands and then I can add some chickens to one of the islands I can add some pigs to another island I can’t really move what I have already with the cows and sheep because there are too many of them don’t mind if I just grab both really quickly okay thank

Y’all thank y’all I bet you can make no boat the very easy very easy indeed all right back over here well uh so no Triton farm also yes I’m aware that the Trident Azim got was from a drownded that I was the one who killed

And then he got the Trident and I even hesitated for a second because I was like oh that kind of looks like that didn’t want to spawn a trident and it kind of oh look the conduits down here and it did and I was dumb but folks said

That uh it’s 1.5 percent chance to do a spawn oreo of a trident there has a drop from a drowned boy so if I just if I just all you know kill like 50 of them should eventually get a try and you know what a lot of them around here and we

Got conduit power so it’s like I almost might as well just fight them off a little bit God that sort of been so great to have on our escort mission because breathing was one of our big issues hey buddy how you did now very good okay give me Trident please thank

You so much thank you so much that is not try dad I want to find it are you are so not janitor it’s oh my goodness hey you drink anymore drowned anymore drowned boys over here come on if the Drowned can’t see the villager that is not my that’s not my deal just

We made we just wanted to get the villager there if modifications need to be made to make itself drowned are actually trying to the villager I have no idea how that goes but it’s just don’t worry about it I could go over da FK farm the fish farm

And just give it a few goes see if I get lucky with a mending goes wouldn’t that be sweet hey buddy oh you have a fishing rod that’s lame dude you still give me a triangular right you know still give me a trident oh no it’s all dark I don’t you don’t

Want to do that for me no you don’t of course why would you want to be nice hey buddy how you doing how you doing come on give me some of that good good give me some that good good you’re not gonna do that because why would you you

Wouldn’t you wouldn’t dare oh so the condo he doesn’t like give you air back it only prevents you from losing anymore didn’t realize that hmm are you sure it’s someone’s saying it’s like a 1.5 percent chance if they’re not holding a trident that they can drop one so hmm

Maybe right though oh there’s a trident boy over there is it 1.5% if they’re not carrying a trident or if they are carrying a trying because that’s the case no not today boyo not today not to how you are don’t be even the lame give it to me give it to me why

Can’t I hate you now letting me hate you hail give it to me no I can boy didn’t give it to me dude can I pick any of you tried and I can get no of course you aren’t of course you oh is that a trident boy over there

No that’s fishing rod boy I need some more Trident boys Oh 1.5% if they have a trident Jesus that’s that’s too low that’s way too low oh my god that’s ridiculous dude also we are only 14 away from the 1,000 my goodness I’ll call out I’ll call out the

New peeps in a moment 1.5% they have a trying to you kidding me this like you have to kill like 50,000 my god zine just lucked out on that off of my work my own work well okay what we’re going to do now is we’re

Gonna pretend that then I got a try day even though I didn’t and we’re gonna we’re gonna go home which way we’re gonna go home that the way and we’re gonna go home and we’re gonna work on our farms and get some chickens and we’re going to get some pigs and then

We’ll have all farms we could ever need okay well I’m on my way let me just catch up real quick what do we got what do we got what do we got oh my god we got a lot to catch up on dude I think it

Was oh I think we left off at the ijeo gift annoyed gamer thank you for the gift Umbra cata llama bread after the master wub not Ark Paragon annoyed gamer with another gift white he the mic I know a game without a gift should be

Zephyr with a gift a know a game or with the gift Fox tails and lace that voice though annoyed game with the gift ft nough LMNOP sushi Gore boat a Stuka Mick Marky Mark parasites and piss pit stop TV thank you for the subs and then hold on control knob Ed’s

Stolen fun can you say happy birthday to my mother my buddy Brett for me happy birthday Brett full-auto thank you for the bits and zine put ugly on your balcony you Savage shut up I wouldn’t dare do that because he belongs in my house pole Ferrer and Ryu of the mist amaze connait

Thank you and yeah thank you for the bits enjoy Rosie thanks for there you said oh alright we are all caught up and we are only 10 away from 1k my goodness and make that nine six seven six Rex it’s mush appreciate oh boy deep breaths deep breaths here we

Go let’s um let’s make that farm what do I want to make the farm out I guess grass probably good idea I could still touches some grass actually that’s the best thing ever I could do is I could just get a grass seed block and I don’t know why I did

This that wasn’t the smartest but anyway we need some dirt for it for our floating pens we’re also gonna need some wood and fences to feints them in for our captive animals who will love being captive and all that good stuff all right uh yeah actually I mean I guess it

Doesn’t matter for pigs and chickens to be on grass but I guess it’ll look more cohesive that way and they will be little floating farms and it will be nice I see is there anything any really consider in in doing that so that they know now I’ll be fine figure it out as

We go also some eggs this way you just make the chicken farm happen off the bat and I don’t have to worry about anything and then pigs are gonna be the only difficult one you don’t have any pigs we’re gonna have to import them like a

Real island what up ugly you enjoy being in the house you don’t need to go on the deck why wouldn’t you ever need to go on the deck ever it’s just ridiculous the notion of that zine you’re so off dates completely off base all right you know

Why you just I mean just this is bothering me right here the fact that there’s like this this like monsters can just like wander in because of this here so it’s alright I just kind of want to separate give it some separation you know also these poor Turtles are used

But also then mmm no if I break this creates like a more separation here but then the water is I don’t know autumn now did that’s fine that that’s and then I can put some more you know what I shoulda brought some sand you do this

Yes and this is just a little bit more separate it’s like they got different pens and I’ll add a couple more islands out there because I can’t really move these at all you know also the llama is totally stuck in there I can’t retrieve that llama

Because then all that all the sheep will just like explode out yeah I can’t lift me get some sand right quick I’ll do that and that’ll why is there what is this who thought this was aesthetically pleasing like what he’s going on that was a prank from someone apparently I

Liked it you know it’s gonna be so crazy if we just add a couple of fences on the side he’ll get pranked so hard dude hashtag pranks it’s definitely no it’s good okay sands and a little bit more sand just just in case okay Oh fish out the llama what at work well

Excuse me would that actually work I’m fishing the llama Alan let me try it if you guys want me to I’m able to go let’s see we got fishing around in the tools I’m breaking three luck of the c3 what’s the other one actually because I might

Be able to apply an enchant let me through I’m reading through the luck of the sea what was the other one that you can apply lore oh dude I could do this and make the best fishing rod possible actually that might be good yeah oh yeah

I’m bringing through the luck of the c3 Lord three mm-hmm mm-hmm yeah for sure oh that’s that’s the best fishing rod possible that’s definitely the best use a lead and build oh I could just do the hanging mechanism oh I’m gonna need some slime balls in order to

Do that right but I got some from zine yeah I could do I could do a lead dude I could do a lead and lead some dude boys up need MIT Oh a need mending on the fishing rod oh can you put both but you

Can for for you before for you know you put for their for their so you have a fourth so we get mending on it it’ll be great so almost almost the best will put Mulla mending on it and and whatnot so it’s it’s cool it’s fine we’ll be good he’s almost bet wait

Do not put lure with luck of the sea oh really oh you don’t want both that seems dumb why would they make it so that you don’t know that and then all right well it’s fine if I made a mistake it’s not my fault it’s never my fault I’m gonna

Sleep too so that we don’t get hit by du Bros oh I’m breaking and mending don’t work I don’t know the actual answer to anything I don’t wanna has different information to put it off to figure it out later dude I’ll figure it out later okay anyway I wanted to make the lead

But fine alright well make our islands first so we want to make it dirt island and then we’ll seated out with the soak touch so let’s make it kind of like match the contours of our land here you know kind of will give it like a one

Block divide once make you’ll make it match here and then we’ll kind of go like more rectangular and stuff be like yeah I’ll be it’ll be cool and this one can go by bike and then we’ll go this and this and this and this will be I don’t know chicken will probably do

Chickens first because we have them here we can get that rolling okay it’s gonna be weirdly shaped but it’ll be cool we’ll do kind of another we’ll make it just oddly shaped why not it’ll be cool it’ll be COO and then what we’ll do is we’ll make the next one kind

Of like jigsaw puzzle piece together with with the stuff yeah dude do like that bring it back over here bring it back like this it’s gonna be like the jigsaw puzzle farm it’s gonna be cool do that oops God why are you oh there’s a I’m

Like I swear I’m putting this in the right place it’s just that’s nice all right there we go this will be your chicken farm ah significantly larger than any of our others so there’s that and then um do we need our chicken farm to be this big probably not

I’d say probably not but whatever we could divide it in half actually you know that might be a better way to do it is we’ll just keep this going move the boat out of here and then we’ll divide it in half be easier that way because this yeah this

Is looking a little bit to pick I’ll be honest with you I’ll just bring this in buy one and we’ll just keep it to like kind of following the contours and then they’ll just break it in half and that that’s how we’ll do it all right that’ll be cool and then bring

In half along here or something like that cool that would have been fine other than where I messed up right there and I’m gonna have to fill that in with water and I okey bucket I don’t that bucket out here probably should have done it if I didn’t already yeah we’re

Actually super close to stuff right now let me catch up Joe wait Oh pillow pets go Mel victory shouts Ultra Nubian with three sub full-auto and pat tour thank you for the subs much appreciated we are now four away okay this needs to be a little bigger for sure

You know I’ll expand them just a little bit more god damn it yeah because yeah once we actually get the fence on its gonna bring it in a little bit cool that’ll be better all right so that’ll be yeah pigs and chickens great we good we good

All right two away from 1,000 sting what a milestone dude what a milestone these are about the same you know actually the the chickens can probably be like a little smaller so we’ll do the chickens in this one and I need to make a few

Fences right now did I really get rid of the crafting table out here okay let’s put that back and cool so it’s all right let’s start with that see how it goes and I evil in the water later it’ll be fine that is not really necessary there we go

Sorry designing things has never really been my forte also yeah that’s that’s not gonna work that little two-block thing because it’s completely unnecessary so um forgot about that whole idea can’t really be any to block things if we want to surround it in fences because otherwise it doesn’t do

Anything for us right you know what then maybe screw this whole following the contours of the island because that’s not gonna work whoops okay so much for that whole plan it’s gonna have a two block gap in there is otherwise it’s just not gonna work and we’ll just make the entrance right

Here we’ll just have to make if I need to make two fence gates anyway don’t I all right here let me oh dude we hit it hey thanks everybody uh we are now a thousands dude that’s pretty sweet Ryu thank you for the bits chibi Zephyr with the gift

Mumumu thanks for the sub chibi Zephyr with another gift Jack Skellington and Nck thank you for the subs you have pushed us over the 1k mark that’s pretty sweet it’s in about a month of like you know some some serious effort at streams and stuff like that so much appreciated

Everybody it’s nice welcome back and probably a few more fences as well to go along with that wait oh yeah you go in the middle and then cool hopefully that’s enough but I don’t know we’ll see that is not are you are you dumb you think that’s the way I wanted to put

You down there you go nice job why would I ever ever why would anyone ever want the fences to look like that silly all right chickens go there pigs gonna go here see how it goes where should I put the entrance maybe right here cool although I guess I don’t really need it

If I just do the goddamnit I guess I don’t really need it if I just do that that thing you know that you know the thing that I’m talking about with if the carpet yeah I think I have plenty of potential to make more carpets if I need them

So anyway actually you know what might make things a little bit easier is if I just do this for now I’m gonna do that maybe do that and that way it’s just gonna like make things a bit easier to get into and they can still be islands

And stuff like that we can still stick to the one walk on tour and do that there we go that’ll work fine I think cool now let’s seed it out with block of grass couple of blocks of grass may as well one more let’s do that I get three of

Them okay sweets all right I’ll work dude we got spots for our chicken spots for our fish let’s see if we can which one do we want to make this will be chickens is a little smaller Hey there we go come on come on come on give

Me chicken number two so I have to lead those dudes over from the boat come you’re gonna for it you’re gonna you’re gonna make me there we go – we got twinsies there we get holy we just got we’ve got quadruplet no no no no no no no go back in there you’re

Quadruplets you must breed with each other as quadruplets it’s your duty come back holy crap quadruplets come over here has that ever happened before have there ever been quadruplets out of an egg in a history are you kidding me come here come here oh my god

Oh my god and that that’s that’ll do it geez I think we we got a world record right there folks we have a world record oh my god that’s neigh if that’s happened to other people is never happened to me never in a million years

Quadra it’s a sign dude as a sign if that was the correct approach for us okay I actually need to light this up that’s another thing that would be a good idea before we a lot of hand over here all right anyone telling me that has happened before they’ll ruin my

Dreams don’t don’t go against my narrative how dare you my stream is a place for Maya narrative and my narrative only okay I need you to buckets and I need to get some pigs hands of carpets shears out here okay don’t let me forget buckets pigs sheep

Oh wait yeah buckets pigs and cheers that’s what I need bucket pig and shear is okey-dokey least I’m good on everything else thing no clear out our inventory so before I forget we need a bucket ain’t shears and then we’ll go get pigs later than sooner been here I should say

Already it’s more dirt realized er it’s kind of in short supply around here isn’t it agriculture Mladic bone know there’s an agriculture right carry around a stack of cobble like I usually do in case of emergency and there we go okay hey let me uh let me catch up real quick

Kay Creed final skates galactic Hershey big in Iggy’s Mon thank you for the subs very much appreciated and shockwave thank you for the bits yes I am going to that’s why I got the shears so that I can use carpets and have easier access into the places but for the time being

While I’m before I get the pigs I don’t wanna do the carpet thing because that would that would sort of get in the way of being able to get the pigs into the place but it’s all good just gonna get a few little wheat for the time being oh

You know I need to do what I need to if you need to put some dirt here don’t I otherwise the sheep are never gonna grow their fur back how would I do that I could go in I could do like an underground mission to replace the

Blocks with dirt and then and grass huh well anyway don’t need to worry about it like right this second but actually all I need is to yeah I do need to get dirt in here God let me out yeah I can’t move okay so you got a green

Carpet it’s gonna be green folks that’s just how it’s gonna be and let’s see we’ll put you down right here in the middle of I got rid of the fences that was smart oh I can do that actually I can have a multi-purpose yeah that’s cool oh you do

Both well anyway leave that one open we can add this later on that’ll be fine there we go got our five little chicken babies we gotta wait for him to grow up and now it’s time for a pig escort the mission what do pigs like again oh god

What do pigs like they like things like we right they don’t like wheat then well my mistake oh and also the water a lot for me refill this thing back in move the Sheep into the Pigpen yet no that’s gonna not be a thing because that will

Take like ten years to do with all the sheep that I have so it was a suggestion but it’s it’s one that I don’t think is going to be oh there we go okay we’re good so that’s all nice and smooth now very good Oh carrots right uh oh I don’t

Know if Carrie did I know if I have any carrots let me go check real quick dude I actually don’t know yeah hey thanks again for the thousand subs and also again it is prime day so if you do have Amazon Prime just as a topical reminder

For you link your Twitter name is on accounts then you get the free sub every month but is the thing okay so let me see I already I probably already had some did I already have a carpet that’s fine doesn’t want to do this I’m gonna grab

Another I got the fence anyway just to have them on me and yeah I have I have one carrot at work I’ll follow me for it I’ll be fine but I should plant that I should get some more shouldn’t I that might not be the worst idea ever

Okay it is time for the big escort Michonne whose pigs am I gonna steal but not before pre actually can’t really read them because they take care of so I have one carrot mm-hmm well this is gonna be a little bit of a theft without replenishing but I guess what can you do

Who has the nearest pigs whose place can I go there were pigs over here right at one point hey buddy oh you know I tried and I just don’t care about you cuz all I care about our Trident so get out of here if you don’t

Have them nobody cares about to you okay piggies where are you AIDS now everybody cows anymore over here well has piggies hey man don’t knock the escort missions okay they are important very important also oh I need I need the lead that’s what I need to I should have

Made one why didn’t I do that oh dude that’s actually what I can do okay hold on I’m gonna make a lead and also yes because I have all this bone meal I’m gonna bone meal some carrots to grow them genius absolute complete genius it’ll be so much easier and then

I can actually not feel badly about taking a couple of pigs mm-hmm so we’re gonna do so let me see yeah I’ll be great because I do have fifty billion gazillion bones might not literally be that much but it may as well be because I have more than I could ever use

Even though where did I put the bone meal that I made and I use it all I’m why I use it all anyway that’s that’ll be fine stack yeah that’ll be cool that’ll be cool we’ll be good let’s just love that I think um oh and then know

What else was gonna be what else was like I totally forgot the other thing that I was gonna do but that’s cool oh yeah make a lead all right of course of course I’m gonna put the slime that I got from zine mmm was that a Miss Elaine

Oh right the slime in there and then what was it what was it in order to make a lead I totally forgot I think it was like and then and then sign ball nope not like that no like that I know how to make things I know how to make things

Like Lea you know I’m gonna try to use this for the first time ever because I’m an idiot and even though I’ve made leads in hey oh it’s that I was close I was close just just forgot cuz I’m dumb but don’t worry about it I can minecraft every now and again but

Not really cool we got more food great great alright so which let’s just make some carrots for ourselves right here dude and another carrot boom if only you could do they’re just holding rightclick thing oh god it would be so much easier wouldn’t it no I didn’t want to do that

Shoot I’m a dude I may as well just use like the whole stack of bone meal on this it’s like there’s no reason not to we have so much so much I need to like coordinate I bet you could make this an algorithm that you could just program your computer

Assuming you had like a limitless supply a bonemeal you just program your computer to repeat the clicks so that you could just do this infinitely indefinitely as the word I was looking for not infinitely I used to think infinitely and indefinitely were the same thing but that’s not accurate at

All no it’s not almost there and we got lots of carrots oh wait oh can you do the offhand thing wait oh my god brilliant I forgot dude I forget all the applications you can do for off in my bad that would’ve been a smarter way to

Go about it but then again I’m not a smart man anyway clever god that makes it so much easier to use that Wow Wow all right well we can steal pigs with leads now anyway but the question is where are where are the pigs now where are they because their honor I think

They’re worse I’m there at one point but now okay hey um wonder this will work can I get the llama out of here all right man escort mission time let’s do this boom you on your way out my boy hey that’s what we do now you out you’re

Out here come on get around yeah yeah yeah that’s how we do it all right you’re out and you will never be subjected to that wild enclosure ever again that’s my silk touch don’t need to do that we made it all right how you feeling you just chill you walk around

It’s good to be free isn’t it because you’re not gonna go anywhere that you’re not supposed to you’re gonna you’re gonna yeah yeah it’s toad dude Luna what up well name the llama Luna Luna long it’s definitely that’s his okay oh let’s go you’re saying Lizzy might have some pigs use the nether

Portal to find a pig what do you mean how the nethers actually gonna tell me the direction of the pigs let’s see well oh yeah there were a lot of pigs over here though I’m pretty sure she had like setups for all the stuff so that’s that’s good

Ah let’s see castor HD sailor Mikey es Katelyn pure Kon silver gun FF trip thank you for the subs much appreciated in Rachel I Anita and silver gun thank you very much for all the bits I appreciated I’ll use another for transporting pigs yeah yeah I don’t

Think we need to do that you can just do do we boat we import with boats are there pigs yo what’s actually with the lack of oh look at their little tide pool that’s pretty cool it’s enclosed within there nah no pigs none whatsoever what are we dude we’re okay if it’s far

Away yeah oh oh oh there we go good thing I brought some carrots along cuz yeah I’m on eBay and guys make the babies make multiple babies cuz I actually need to take two of you yeah okay you made two babies we’re good dude I can just do my I can

Do us so good you just do this no you get one out of here I just do the whole lead situation here you go here we go oh god where’s my other lead no you took my lead there we go okay there you go buddy you’re you’re breaking out dude you’re breaking out

Let’s go come on come on there we go my dude I like the way you think I like the way you think come on we’re out of here dude you’re out of here on a little escort Michonne ain’t nobody need the nether ain’t nobody need the nether not today dude

Not today we’re going follow me to the land of not freedom at all but also it’s cool because it’s you’re with me now you’re gonna be my Pig friends forever let’s get out in the boat hey yeah do it even breaks the lead for you that’s so convenient all right

Did we out here escort missions for days and heading home look at that look at that Thank You Troy shadow for the sub much appreciated while everyone’s out here eh if you haven’t followed the stream here on my Twitter channel you should probably probably do that me it’d be

Helpful you know you’ll be notified rather than having to rely on YouTube videos going up our tweets which you may or may not see because Twitter a sorts of things algorithmically okay so you’re going to can I don’t know I gotta break this then we can lead you up here and

There we go thought for a second I might accidentally ripped oh okay you you just you are asking for a life of captivity and I don’t understand why you’re doing this to yourself llama I don’t I don’t get it this doesn’t make any sense okay well I’m a boy

Let’s Luna you don’t want to like for captivity okay it’s the whole point of me rescuing you from inside the sheep enclosure was so that you don’t do that okay that these uh pig number one what did I owe ya broke the boats in my inventory so we don’t need any more

Carrots let’s go get pig number two here we go here we go I don’t think pigs need grass at all um but I just wanted to look nice and farmy looking because yeah you know mm-hmm and there are lots of turtles in the Sheep and not just one

There they’re kind of everywhere so yeah anyway yeah they’re their faces like really pretty and I like how their house is eternal it’s it’s kind of nice actually no let’s just go over to the big side that way we don’t have to do a full-on escort around the island boating is

Faster and we’ve replenished what we’ve taken so everything is a-okay all right import mission and number two you guys ready to join me one of you who’s gonna be the lucky one you guys are all ready for this right yeah you’re ready for this let’s do it boom you are the lucky

Individual who gets to join me back in my base it’s basically like the best retreat ever for a pigs you dude come on man let’s get it rolling let’s get it rolling come on get on and get on out of there get on up okay don’t take damage

Wait take damage crazy oh you’re out you’re out you’re free for five minutes okay ain’t onto the boat let’s go here we go let’s get on the air we are do the boat transport mechanic can you imagine if we were trying to do this before the the

Aquatic update how bad it would be if you couldn’t just stick animals and boats like this hole boy and someone’s about to inform me actually that mechanic existed back at one point twelve so I just imagined before that you know before that definitely before that you know my my house looks a little

It kind of looks majestic don’t you think dude you’re staring at it I feel like you think it looks majestic as well from a distance it kind of it’s just I’d like the high point of the island and it’s just it’s dope you know I’m actually kind of happy with it I feel

Like we don’t need to do any crazy renovate maybe we’ll we’ll make little tweaks every now and again but it actually looks kind of cool okay 1.11 got it I’m down I’m down with my Island look yeah whatever it existed before I don’t need any of your facts not out

Here dude this is not a place for your facts jeez they’re not guilty big and here we go we were going to Beckett okay now what we’re gonna not do is you’re gonna not have you escape the instant I come over here okay okay your friend is coming in you guys are

Gonna be happy as happy can be boom now we shut the gate on you actually though it’s gonna be better if we don’t have a gate there for accent old purposes right accidentally do bad things so let’s do that all right you guys you’re chilling

It your new home now it’s so much better than your old home don’t really know why it’s any better but but we’ll just say it is okay you guys are just so ready to jailbreak this as soon as I break it aren’t you mmm boom and you’re good hahahahaha you’re

Ready to jailbreak that I was too fast for y’all what you know about that okay very good hey now he appends for everything except turtles turtles we don’t have question is do we want like it’s gonna be a there’s there’s no way that I’m ever gonna be able to go in there and

Retrieve the turtles they’re just kind of stuck unless I ya know they’re just they’re in there they’re in there for good definitely in there or good alrighty then so we have to wait for them to grow up or well those guys not grow up but you know stop they’ve

Already made babies pretty recently so we can’t cause them to do that again but eventually and yeah alright do we got all our got all our farms this is this is dope yeah I can’t there’s no way I can do the lead thing on those those

Boys in there there’s no way you think I can do the lead thing on them no because I can’t do it through the fence it’s not working actually can you even lead a sea turtle you can lead a sea turtle to water but you can’t make it drink

Something like that that’s totally a saying yeah no yes they’re stuck in earth is there’s no getting out of that situation I don’t think it’s a lost cause all right I need to empty out me and can you move ugly you just love to prevent me from getting into they’re

Already put the leads and we kind of like miscellaneous wouldn’t it and you go Amy you know let’s just get some more bone man I’m going we can put it in the agriculture chest so that it’s all ready to go um could plant some carrots but it’s not

Really that big of a deal the time beam okay all right pretty sure that we are good to go on everything here oh you know what I wanted to do a quick trip to the afk fish farm let’s just see if we can get lucky it’s worth a try I’ll just hit

It a few times with my rod which I might have just you know made a terrible fishing rod but maybe I didn’t sell mm-hmm no thank you sob arose for the sub appreciate yeah there wasn’t so the AFK fish farm that was set up I’m pretty sure it was over

At Long Island if I’m not mistaken even though they kind of change the where the nether portal was so I don’t know if I’m gonna figure out from the new location where where it’s at yeah all right everybody who’s curious I just have to be very central nether portal

It’s pretty cool I’m just surrounded by all the building going on very important very important individual over here okay Lama Landy’s Veit the portal over there I feel like someone should build a Lama avatar kind of thing over the llama land portal but lighting it up with a bunch

Of torches works too I suppose zelda fan’ thank you for the sub much appreciated today’s been pretty poppin off dude okay Oh grazer will Stacy Shelby and Lama land all have the afk whoa okay I feel left out so I don’t know where to get how to

Get to it from oh whoa it was on the other side of this right wasn’t it the old location of the portal that was over here I think Kat the dragon thank you for the sub and shockwave thank you as well I appreciate ya isn’t here right and II

Might him wait trying to be all sneaky and covering up the entrance and all that okay I thought llama land was all about community but sure also sneaky too okay let’s see what I can remember how to use this things just like you wait you stand

On this again no it’s just wait seems different the last time ah what am i what am I missing cuz I’m pretty sure that this is working differently right what is happening here I think they changed it it used to not be was it attached to a piston oh there we go

Oh got it God I got a guy I got it okay so got a pufferfish come on lure luck to the sea let’s see we in combo wombo it I see Paul over thank you for the bits come on there we go there we go we got some okay cool that’s

That’s the spirit it’s how it works three redstone dust two tripwire hooks one two three string and one no block in one trapdoor I will make one at my place eventually is this like ass is this really ASMR there you go if you want to add some army swishing water around my mouth

Definitely that nope and then I just barely god it’s like so finicky there we go Boston rocks thank you for the sub we got anything oh we just got a bunch of fish see I already mending so I’m sure there are no mending and here’s some what a snag that

Like immediately protection for infinite efficiency for power for Aquitania loyalty hmm actually be like I guess if I just sat here and did it and I saw an ending book in the chest eventually then I would know that I’m the one who got it there it also my fishing rod probably

Expired pretty quickly at least after like 60 catches so maybe we’ll do is like next episode I can make one of these things I’ll be kind of the focus is making an afk fish farm over at my base and seeing if I can figure out how it’s done because yeah I

Really got I guess I can kind of get the idea of it right now but anyway when I make mine use an iron door and not a trap door it works better than hot all right I’m sure that there’s like some YouTube tutorials I see that I keep I

Keep like only oh you get an ending on your fishing rod so that you can like use this forever basically that’s a clever idea so if you get mending first invested in your fishing rod in that way you can kind of just focus on this forever noise I keep only getting fish

Which is kind of making me think that it’s not my luck of a/c and lure like might have canceled each other out because I feel like I would have been getting more things than just fish you know if things were really working I’m just I’m catching a quick glimpse at it

Before it falls in the hopper and it’s only fish so far so I don’t know luck and Lord don’t cancel a time I just like really unlucky so far only getting fish hmm all right I just have to like sit for a long long time okay you guys are

Saying my rod is good all right luck inator thank you for the sub maybe you’re gonna maybe you’re gonna give me some luck Oh Lord makes it so you get fish where’s is lucky oh there’s a lily pad okay I got a lily pad that’s different than fish fair enough no I

Don’t know so maybe you lure causes more fish to happen where as lucky the sea is for other kinds of items yeah I I get why that would totally try cancel out so might need to get another fishing rod at some point so yeah or does lured his lower time in general

Hmm all right well anyway I don’t know I’m just going back and forth based on different kinds of information being presented to me in the chat and as we all know the chat did read loyalty as looting so sometimes has to be taken to the grain of salt because loyalty and

Looting are not the same word at all not even close anyway all right you don’t want to watch this for the next hour or so so I can just I’ll have to figure out a program that I can use to just basically hold right click down for

Myself and then I can kind of keep it this for a very very long time and then next episode we can worry about making one of these at my house just so that it’s easier and I don’t have to track other people’s spots so anyway I’ll seal

This up and some apparently so there you go with this little sealed up now uh yeah super underkill mega minored and KO geet yo net memoria thank you for the subs much appreciated Oh sealed for moms I gotcha I gotcha you know you use a door to that that kind of

Works anyway whatever um all right I think I am gonna wind things down here for this episode thanks everyone for watching – appreciate it chica or Chicho thank you for the sub appreciate it and if you missed any episodes of the deep end feel free to check out the playlist you’re watching

This on youtube catch the streams follow twitch.tv slash CaptainSparklez also if you haven’t done that and you’re watching live do do the same thing and yeah dude thanks everyone for helping break a thousand subs today that’s pretty sweet that’s a quite the accomplishment so um anyway I have to

Record some other videos that’s we want to wind down the stream and all that but yes anyway that’ll be it I’ll see you next time

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The Deep End Ep. 15 – Expansion’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2018-07-18 01:15:13. It has garnered 179297 views and 3575 likes. The duration of the video is 01:21:53 or 4913 seconds.

A vanilla survival series in the new Aquatic Update with a whole bunch of other people oh boyyyyyyy Dat Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez Streaming it sometimes: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez The Deep End Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zw43x5MsGXZhYH78OY8FrYP

● Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/captainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Amazon Shop: https://www.amazon.com/shop/captainsparklez

Lots of people: Aphmau: http://youtube.com/AphmauGaming Cupquake: http://youtube.com/IHasCupquake Draco: http://youtube.com/xXAzianxBoiXx Funneh: http://youtube.com/ItsFunneh Gold: http://youtube.com/GoldenGlareify Grasses: http://youtube.com/Graser10 HBomb: http://youtube.com/HBomb94 Joel: http://youtube.com/SmallishBeans Joey: http://youtube.com/JoeyGraceffaGames Lauren: http://youtube.com/LaurenzSide Lizzie: http://youtube.com/LDShadowLady Log: http://youtube.com/LogDotZip Lunar: http://bit.ly/LunarEclispe Meghan: http://youtube.com/Strawburry17Plays Rainbow: http://youtube.com/ThePaintingRainbows Scott: http://youtube.com/Dangthatsalongname SeaPeeKay: http://youtube.com/SeaPeeKay Shelby: http://youtube.com/Shubble Stacy: http://youtube.com/StacyPlays Will: http://youtube.com/Kiingtong X33N: http://youtube.com/X33N Yummy: http://youtube.com/yammyxox

  • Memory Challenges in Minecraft

    Memory Challenges in Minecraft Minecraft: Memories from Different Eras Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks are the building blocks of imagination, and where adventures unfold in pixelated landscapes. Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, continues to evolve and enchant players of all ages. Exploring the World of Minecraft In the realm of Minecraft, players are free to explore vast landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle creatures. The game offers endless possibilities, from constructing elaborate castles to embarking on epic quests. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the… Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

    100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse! Surviving the Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse with 100 Players In a thrilling event organized by @Protagnst, 100 players entered a Minecraft Fallout Apocalypse to test their survival skills over 7 intense real-life days. The aftermath of nuclear devastation brought scarce resources, dangerous mutants, and desolate landscapes, challenging the players to build bases, scavenge for food, and avoid becoming victims of the ruthless apocalypse. Exploring the Post-Apocalyptic World As the players awakened in the wasteland, they encountered various locations such as Huston, Junction, The Vault, and Tricolor. Each area presented unique challenges and opportunities for the players to navigate through the… Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

    Soul Juice in Minecraft Minecraft: The Essence of Souls Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come alive, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, players delve into a universe where imagination reigns supreme and possibilities are endless. Let’s explore the essence of souls in this captivating game. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is a creator known for his child-friendly content that focuses on humor and joy. As a dedicated Minecraft animator, 方块轩’s channel is a hub of original and entertaining videos that aim to spread happiness… Read More

  • Barely Surviving in Minecraft

    Barely Surviving in Minecraft Minecraft: Half A Heart Challenge Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Half A Heart Challenge! In this intense gameplay mode, players must navigate the blocky landscapes with only half a heart of health, adding an extra layer of difficulty and excitement to the game. The Challenge With just half a heart to spare, every move becomes crucial in Minecraft. Players must carefully strategize their actions, avoiding enemies and environmental hazards to stay alive. One wrong step could mean the end of the game, making each decision a matter of life and death. Survival… Read More

  • Crafty Sausage Man Unboxes New Supply Box in Minecraft

    Crafty Sausage Man Unboxes New Supply Box in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, Sausage Man is the name, Bringing updates and news, it’s all part of the game. New supply boxes and events, free candy to find, With gameplay that’s thrilling, it’s all in your mind. Follow on Instagram, TikTok, and Discord too, For more Minecraft fun, there’s always something new. Donate if you want, show your support with a cheer, Thanks for watching, Sausage Man is here! Read More

  • NightmareCraft: Minecraft’s Horror Encore

    NightmareCraft: Minecraft's Horror Encore In the world of Minecraft, a horror tale unfolds, With shadow mobs lurking, and mysteries untold. The Nightweaver awaits, a powerful foe, In this datapack, fear will surely grow. Download the mod, if you dare to play, Experience the scares, in a whole new way. Subscribe for more, block game delights, Join the adventure, on spooky nights. FAQs answered, for those who seek, The secrets behind, this horror peak. Crafted with care, using tools so fine, Creating a world, where fear intertwine. So dive into the darkness, with courage in sight, And face the challenges, with all your might…. Read More

  • Minecraft: Story Mode Finale

    Minecraft: Story Mode Finale Minecraft: Story Mode – A Journey Through the Minecraft Universe Minecraft: Story Mode is an episodic adventure spin-off series developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios. It takes players on a thrilling journey through the vast and diverse universe of Minecraft, exploring iconic locations such as The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Players are immersed in a rich narrative that unfolds across multiple episodes, each filled with exciting challenges, memorable characters, and epic quests. From battling dangerous creatures to uncovering ancient mysteries, Minecraft: Story Mode offers a unique and engaging… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS Read More

  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

    Gingershadow's Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22Video Information This video, titled ‘MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-08-24 22:00:29. It has garnered 2654 views and 169 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:07 or 3427 seconds. Minecraft Naruto Mod Review (Narutoto Mod) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbx05etE90g MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs MAYBE A CHANGE OF DEVIL FRUITS WILL HELP?! Minecraft One Piece Mod Episode 22 #OnePiece #Minecraft #OnePieceMod Also big thanks and shout out to our… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun 🔴🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers 🔴 (VOICE) 🎥’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season💔😢😭’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

  • Termina – Towny Raiding SMP, Raiding, PVP, Crossplay

    🏰 Will you be the hero or the villain?! 🔥 The choice is yours on TerminaMC.com – SMP Towny, Community, and Adventure! Java Port: 25565 and Bedrock Port: 19132 Please take a moment to learn about us. We welcome all players! 🌍 Decide your path: Termina is more than just a survival server – Will you build a peaceful town, supporting others in the community? Or will you rise as a fearsome leader, declaring war and forging a nation built on conquest? 🏙️ Build towns, create nations, forge alliances: With Towny, you can make your own town or nation; working… Read More

  • ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | www.minecuby.com ⥈ Discord ⇴ discord.minecuby.com

    ⥈ MineCuby | (1.16.5/1.21) | www.minecuby.com ⥈ Discord ⇴ discord.minecuby.com Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: My opinion vs yours

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: My opinion vs yoursWell, I guess we can say this meme is a 102 out of 10! Read More

  • Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits

    Crafty Cuts: The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Video Edits Welcome, gamers, to Scarlett’s domain, Where Minecraft videos are edited with no strain. I’ll spill the secrets, make your content shine, With tools and tricks that are simply divine. Cut and join scenes with precision and grace, Add effects and transitions to elevate your space. Music and sound effects, a vital touch, To make your videos pop, oh so much. Whether a beginner or a pro in the game, These tips will surely bring you fame. Subscribe, like, and ring the bell, To stay updated and do oh so well. Share your thoughts, your own editing flair, Let’s build… Read More

  • “Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition” #minecraftmemes

    "Tiny Holes Challenge: Mobs Edition" #minecraftmemes When you realize the smallest gap test in Minecraft is harder than trying to navigate through a crowded mall on Black Friday. #minecraftproblems #watchoutforthatcreeper Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! – REACT

    Ultimate Minecraft Mining Guide! - REACT The Best Way to Mine in Minecraft When it comes to mining in Minecraft, players are always looking for the most efficient and effective methods to gather resources. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, knowing the best way to mine can make a huge difference in your gameplay experience. Strip Mining One of the most popular mining techniques in Minecraft is strip mining. This method involves digging a series of parallel tunnels at different levels to expose a large area of blocks. By systematically clearing out these tunnels, players can uncover valuable resources such as diamonds,… Read More

  • Levitating Washing Machine Prank!

    Levitating Washing Machine Prank! Levitating Washing?!? – Minecraft Create Mod S3 #3 Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Create Mod Season 3, Zedaph explores the fascinating world of levitating washing! Why wash items on the floor when you can wash mid-air? Let’s dive into the exciting features and events of this episode. Levitating Washing One of the standout features of this episode is the concept of levitating washing. Zedaph showcases how to wash items in mid-air, adding a unique twist to the traditional washing process in Minecraft. This innovative approach not only adds a fun element to the game but also demonstrates… Read More

  • Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid Game

    Insane Shizo Clickbait: Telos Realms Pro Guide Mid GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Telos Realms – New Player Progression Guide Part 2 – Mid Game’, was uploaded by cebmofroz on 2024-09-21 19:00:07. It has garnered 1626 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. Yoooo what’s up guys been a long time huh? Anyways if you wanna play this server its vanilla minecraft newest version of minecraft (1.21.1). and the ip is telosrealms.com If you enjoy make sure to like and subscribe! I stream daily on twitch for 10+ hours a day so come check me out there! http://www.twitch.tv/cebmofroz This will be… Read More

  • Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!

    Unleash SonicGlare: Ultimate Herobrine Mod-Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!!’, was uploaded by SonicGlare on 2024-09-01 12:30:56. It has garnered 2174 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:10 or 130 seconds. This Is the Best ” Herobrine Mod/Addon” For Minecraft Pocket Edition 1.21.20+!! DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/order-of-creepypasta/ Credit: @CloudLightning …_…|..__________ __________, , ……/ `-___________– _____|]THANKS FOR WATCHING …../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/ SUBSCRIBE 🔴 …..), -.(_(__) / ….// (..) ), –” …//___// ..//___// -Chapters- **Tags:** mod top minecraft pe modpacks minecraft pe 1.20 popular mods mcpe must-have addons best minecraft pocket edition modpacks mcpe… Read More

  • Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in Comments

    Unreal Duping Hack on DonutSMP.net | Mod in CommentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to DUPE on DonutSMP.net Minecraft server! | Mod in comments’, was uploaded by RealDuper on 2024-08-23 17:21:59. It has garnered 2333 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Link in the comments! ► VIDEO INHALT 00:00 Intro / Showcase 00:50 Block Break Dupe Methode 01:05 No Remove Shard Dupe 01:18 Showcase Tags(ignore): DONUTSMPDONUTSMPMCREKRAP2CPVPDUPEDUPING1. pvp,crystal pvp montage,crystal pvp texture pack,crystal pvp server,crystal pvp bedrock,crystal pvp guide,crystal pvp texture pack 1.19,crystal pvp mods,crystal pvp texture pack mcpe,crystal pvp practice server,crystal pvp packs,crystal pvp asmr,crystal pvp addon mcpe,crystal pvp advanced… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEXUS NOVA: MINECRAFT'S 1.19 BEST SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short’, was uploaded by NEXUS NOVA on 2024-05-10 07:16:58. It has garnered 484 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. MINECRAFT BEST SEED 1.19 #minecraft #gaming #trending #short #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftmyanmar #minecraftanimation #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraftbuilding #minecraftroleplay #minecrafthorror #minecraftsmp #minecraft #animation victor #minecraft #pvp #shorts •артемчик – мкпе• #minecraft #shorst x_ cyber samurai _x #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftsurvival #kids gamer pro 2015 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #jump #gaming #running #drama pixelmon #minecraft #shorts #minecraft #evulation bencosme #minecraft animation #minecraft #fantasy #story minecraft the quest… Read More

  • INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 – Iron Everywhere! 🤯

    INSANE Twist in Minecraft SMP #77 - Iron Everywhere! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77’, was uploaded by Blitz Byte Play on 2024-05-29 15:00:50. It has garnered 249 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:38 or 278 seconds. This World Is Full Of Iron 🤯🤪!! Minecraft SMP #77 share, support, Subscribe!!! follow me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sachinverma11748 business Email: [email protected] About:this channel is made for gaming videos comment me the game which you like to watch. Thank you so much for watching❤! #shorts #minecraft #gameplay #bgmi #gta5 #freefire #residentevil Read More

  • Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and Friends

    Secrets Unveiled in Minecraft with Ray and FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Start of a Whole New World | Minecraft with Ray, Chibidoki, and Nagzz21’, was uploaded by BraggAboutIt on 2024-04-28 17:00:03. It has garnered 14216 views and 468 likes. The duration of the video is 06:58:08 or 25088 seconds. Recorded on April 10th, 2024 at http://twitch.tv/axialmatt Crew: Ray: Ray: https://www.twitch.tv/ray Chibidoki: https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki Nagzz21: https://www.twitch.tv/nagzz21 Follow Matt Bragg on Twitter! https://twitter.com/axialmatt Join the Mage Discord! https://discord.com/invite/RBUeWRG Follow the Mage Community on Twitter! https://twitter.com/SharkMages YT Team Sky: https://twitter.com/Skyboltt ArleyDino #minecraft #multiplayer #twitchvod #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴

    Insane Minecraft Launda LIVE | Join Public SMP 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live | Join My | Public LifeStael Smp | Java+Pe 24/7 Online’, was uploaded by Insane launda on 2024-07-07 23:24:33. It has garnered 224 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:07 or 2107 seconds. Hello Everyone Welcome to my stream … Enjoy!!! If u are new here and wanna support me do Like share and susbscribe and don’t forget to click on the bell icon.. for more ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________ For Business and Brand Deals Mail✉️- [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✅️ Old Device 🥵viovo Y20g 4|64 ✅️ Current Device 🥰 IPad… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Design! 🌸 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Cherry Blossom Nether Portal Design! #shorts’, was uploaded by GGnxtz on 2024-03-08 07:18:13. It has garnered 6216 views and 193 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. How to build a Cherry blossom Nether portal in Minecraft! #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial #minecraftshorts Read More

  • ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle – Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #Minecraft

    ANUJ GAMING 43: Insane Witch Battle - Who Will Win? 🔮🪄 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob Vs Pro Vs Hacker Witch 🧹🪄 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by ANUJ GAMING 43 on 2024-02-22 11:52:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. subscribe to my channel for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro … Read More

  • SSMP Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 no grief no whitelist

    SSMP: Survival Multiplayer with no Limits SSMP takes survival multiplayer back to the fundamentals. Enjoy creating large scale builds and redstone without limits. Features: 2 /sethomes + bed Easy /spawn access Developed server infrastructure Rare head drops Player-based economy Permitted: gravity, TNT, rail, and string dupe Join IP: SSMP.io Active Discord Server: Type /discord in-game to join. Supports bedrock connections. Use port 63809. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft 2022: Hilarious Livestream Moment!“Looks like this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score!” 😆 Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That’ll Have You Crying… With Laughter!

    Minecraft Mayhem: The Short That'll Have You Crying... With Laughter! Welcome, gamers, to a tale so divine, A short that will make you laugh, it’s time to shine. Grab your snacks, settle in, hit play, For this Minecraft adventure will brighten your day. With humor and wit, this short will amaze, Bringing joy and laughter in so many ways. From FNAF to Sea of Thieves, the fun never ends, So grab your friends, it’s time to hit send. Watch the chaos unfold, in this epic delight, With characters so bold, it’s a pure gaming sight. So don’t miss out on this hilarious creation, For it’s a must-see for your… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: When Steve Meets Brawl Stars! 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She kept blowing up at him!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #lol Read More

  • Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft

    Becoming SenpaiSpider in Minecraft The World of Minecraft: Becoming SenpaiSpider Exploring the Minecraft Universe SenpaiSpider, a popular content creator, has captured the hearts of many with their entertaining videos. In this Minecraft adventure, the player takes on the persona of SenpaiSpider, recreating some of their iconic moments within the game. Embracing Creativity in Minecraft Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and imagination. From building intricate structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can truly make the game their own. By embodying SenpaiSpider in Minecraft, the player dives into a world where the only limit is their creativity. Unleashing Fun and Entertainment With no… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

    Sneaky Sister Returns Home - Minecraft Ep. 1 The Tale of Minecraft Zła Siostra – Episode 1 The Story Unfolds In the western part of the Azylu realm, resided the Royal Family, including the twin daughters of King Harold IV and Queen Elisabeth. When the king fell ill with a mysterious disease that could only be cured through special magic, Victoria, one of the king’s daughters, sought to save him. However, her desperate attempts led to a curse that ultimately destroyed the entire kingdom. Veronica, the other daughter, managed to escape with survivors. Now, 11 years after the catastrophe caused by the cursed Victoria, Veronica returns to… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in Minecraft

    Mikey and JJ EXPLORE Creepy Titans at 3am in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Raizen on 2024-09-16 20:05:54. It has garnered 2307 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:52 or 1852 seconds. How Mikey and JJ GET INSIDE Creepy KISSY MISSY and HUGGY WUGGY Titans at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More