Video Information

Hello hello let’s see is it up and running are we live yep I can hear myself how are we doing today chat how are we doing it is on low latency very very good very very good my mic is not muted um hello Meridian believe that is who you are unless I am

Mistaken I’m going to is it night time nope it is daytime because I’ve recently slept um welcome back to the hardcore World it has been some time since I’ve been on here everything’s looking um little mildly crappy but you know I will continue looking at if you em Emoji

You’d be a laughing emoji because I just gave my toaster a bat well that’s not very good that usually results in uh adverse situations uh such as electrocution mostly electrocution yeah that that is mostly what that does little little zap hello welcome HP I’m going to send out the Discord

Announcement now yes I’m going to Ping a bunch of people I don’t care anyway um let’s see get some pumpkins I am not entirely sure what I’m going to be doing today I believe I have all this to complete hello teeth how are you doing today in fact how is everybody doing

Today I am doing all right personally feel that uh I don’t know what I’m doing today bit yes that’s that’s me just about every stream sometimes I have a plan most of the time I don’t have a plan and when I do have a plan the plan goes wrong so

There’s really no point in writing a plan say writing but I don’t even when I have a plan it’s not written I’m not putting that much effort in I am trying but I’m not writing plans or my my streams unless that is part of the plan unless it’s all scripted it’s all been

Scripted all along doing quite all right cam how are you I’m doing pretty good I’m doing pretty good cannot complain I get to play some Minecraft today and uh you know have fun hang out uh work on this world also welcome random videos how you doing um I’m going to probably make some

More pumpkin seeds so I can fill out this row I don’t know if that was meant for um melons or what but I’m going to go with pumpkins for now I think I can get more value out of this if I do this instead of doing it in my inventory I get the

Same number of seeds but now I have Jacko lanterns oh well carved pumpkins I guess I guess jackolanter jackol why am I pronouncing it like that I guess Jack is this vanilla or modded this is vanilla well it’s technically modded but the only mod uh I have in here is irus and sodium

So not really modded technically modded but um I would say not really uh it’s just mod to look nice and hopefully it’s not laggy or or glitchy or anything for you guys um it’s fine on my screen so hopefully it’s not uh giving any of you issues um to watch and hopefully it’s

Nice you read what I said it’s a song um I don’t see any other messages from you I am currently in top chat which filters out spam and and whatnot so I’ll switch over to top uh to all messages uh I still don’t see anything so um and I already read

That okay where would I put sand I think perhaps in here with the dirt always got to have a dirt chest very important why did I have so much Str string oh no matter I do have that much string so but what I don’t have is any more cherry

Saplings cherry blossom tree saplings I don’t know what the technical terminology is I don’t think they’re necessarily cherry trees actually the cherry trees grow cherries and and and they’re not growing any cherries um oh that row is not done either wow oh out that row and then I guess I can just compost

These there we go okay I should uh put some torches and make some glowing carve pumpkins what do they call them I guess they call that a Jacko Lantern once you put the actual light in now unfortunately um I’m going to need to cut these down they are here for

Aesthetic purposes but I need more saplings so I can plant more of them that way it can be more aesthetic also if I was going to put trees here I would have would want to make uh more custom trees those are cherry blossom trees that grow flower yes um so that’s what I

Was asking is if it was called a cherry blossom or or whatnot I think it is just Cherry in Minecraft though oh I didn’t mean to do that it was actually after random video said hello before as was modded I don’t see it I’m I’m sorry I’m

In I’m in all messages right now and I really don’t see it um I’d be glad to read it um potentially out loud no guarantees if it was there but I not see it it might have gone autof filtered if it was not good so fair warning I guess

For that um I think I’m out of I am out of spruce log so I need a bit more of those so I can continue building uh the aesthetic for my base I think I’m going to get rid of these trees down here because I might terraform down over here and having a

Bunch of trees here won’t really work plus I need to make these leaves go away um might get a little more kitted up today get get some diamond tools and stuff um I don’t know if I’m going to do villagers or or enchanter enchanting table enchanting not I haven’t decided yet

Villagers are way better and I’m pretty good at doing villagers but I don’t know it’s just uh kind of not necessarily sweaty I mean this is a single player world there’s no reason not to to have the best gear and stuff CU you can just uh relax but I think

It’ll be uh I think it’ll be more fun if I don’t have have the best gear and I kind of have to be a little on edge about things cuz I think if I get like the best of the best gear I’m going to get a little too comfortable and I’m

Going to be walking like oh yeah I’ve got I’ve got Max Pro four feather falling for aqua affinity respiration I got all the best gear and then I’m just going to be not paying attention and die to a creeper or something because I don’t have blast protection and I’m

Being like over confident just because I have have Max enchant so I don’t think I’m going to do that because I’d much rather uh be able to stay a little care careful I’ll put the song back up uh yeah I think I think it’s probably getting filtered

Out because I cannot see it that happens to me yeah so I’m gonna I’m G to try and avoid that because know it’s a thing that happens it’s very common just like you said ridian it it does happen it happens to the best of us happens to the best of us

Get distracted and oh oh I was doing melons in this row okay wait are all of these melons wait let me use F3 what am I pointing at BL pumpkin stem wait this is this is melon stem now I’ve made these pumpkin stem are these supposed to be melon stems

I think those were supposed to be I think I’m pretty sure these were probably meant to be I mean is three was how to die huh guys is not the dumb was to die song okay a little confused here but all right take your word for it I guess bit

Of a waste of bone meal since I bone meal some of those um going to bed cuz hardcore I’m not risking it I’m just going to right to bed I would like to fix my front door because it it was Night Time game come on don’t don’t do me with that it’s nighttime

Come on come on come on let me sleep really was it not becoming nighttime it it’s definitely come on well on the microwave and it will give you super powers no it’ll just start a fire it’s not really a way to die it’s pretty hard it’s pretty hard to die to

Putting foil in a microwave it literally just make it just creates fire it’s not like you don’t die it just burns the microwave which is bad it could cause the capacitor to catch fire which is really bad but it still probably wouldn’t kill you unless you like

Hugging it and then then at that point I feel like there’s e easier ways to die than putting oil on microwave use toaster in the shower I mean again um not really gonna kill you probably um because shower doesn’t shower is not how shower work see the trick about a

Shower is that the water’s in droplets in the air so it doesn’t form uh a complete circuit and therefore it won’t electrocute you it would probably just short circuit inside the toaster and then the toaster would just break really I wouldn’t it might but there’s actually there’s actually uh types of showers

That use um heating coils basically identical style heating coils to toasters in order to heat the water right it’s coming out of the nozzle so not really the best way of inducing arm obviously it’s not an experiment that needs to be done I got a lot of

Carrots that was crazy to a man yelling about how kill I’ll give you superpowers oh amazing see this is why I love the internet what happened my melon did I make more melon seeds I feel like I didn’t make any more melons where did I put the melon did I eat

It oh right I don’t have silk touch okay well this means I can get lots of melon SE so let’s go for that I forget I don’t have so touch there we go let’s fill out this row and then start up this row because I think that’s the style I was going for

Um work in the outlet that can actually kill you there are protections against it in most modern outs though so no yeah that’s what I’m saying Mr skull that is uh wild in today I got one more cherry sapling I think I’m going to use that to farm the rest

Of them and over here Let It Grow yeah yes yes I get it I know it’s not a good song it sounds like a really really boring song I got more Spruce logs I want to fix my front door because I don’t like it right

Now do not I do not like it right now at all very much um needs to be improved I need a wood chest all the chests are made of wood but I need one to store wood SS is as he’s dead okay not actually dead it’s not can’t it’s

Not say I’m just tired chat normally I’m conf I’m both confused and tired mostly tired right now very very tired Chad good job it’s been not even a quarter of an hour and I’m already exhausted a wild Kath iseed yes Kath please save me chat is being very cursed today I

Don’t appreciate it I already have a lot of diamonds where did I get 31 diamonds from when did I okay well I forget how much I did in that one stream um Mo going very very cringe uh Ninjago save me from Ninjago please I see now yeah exactly

Hey did you see my song it’s not it’s not a song it’s just annoying also the real fast track to getting you your account suspended on YouTube so I would probably lay off that if I were you no and I don’t want to ever ever want to give me

The bone meal so I can grow up the melons cuz I have less melons than the pumkins head back up here I’m seriously I’m going to time you up just just stop it’s not you know the the comedy it does not exist um you hadn’t noticed that’s not how I get the comedy

So don’t just don’t it actually has uh an adverse effect to what you want again a stop be that doesn’t even it’s not it does doesn’t it’s just bad it’s just low quality I think I’m more bothered by the fact that it’s low quality than anything and I don’t know what I expect

From Chad you know what sorry I shouldn’t be lobing you all together I don’t know what I expect from you ninjo but get get better material all I’m saying better material better material yes we get it I also get that I have this magical ability called put user in

Timeout I it delete all of my messages this bothers me well I guess we won’t be seeing goath for a while anyway uh not Kath Ando well all those messages got deleted good thing there wasn’t actually any important messages in there I am I am bother that deletes all the messages

Instead just like hiding them until the time out is done but it does so this is what I have to live with um that was one way to stop us I mean yes yes it was I had hoped I had hoped just threatening would have been enough but

It was not so yes I had to place my foot upon the ground and put an end to this shanigan R of which you are so Keen to partake in think I should like it to be about that wi or perhaps this not doing the precise math

Here step by I chat before you go that spru block it’s it’s 2.7 millim off really care I’m just I’m just just building the staircase okay yeah just building the stair that’s not a staircase this is a ramp um I can at least say the right thing that I’m

Building very low bar there I’m very good at missing low bars anyway let’s see it snow oh no look I’m so stupid is it snowing no cherry cherry tree it’s not even the same color as snow it’s pink it’s a light pink though trying to justify my foolishness doesn’t

Work only four needs to be five n that’s the wrong block there we go okay then up the stairs or plenty of oh man this Bend is a little too tight um I think I I’ll work that out I’ll work that out just got to I got to I got to get more

Wood almost going chop down one or two trees and then go to bed so that hey am I right I said something in the Discord all right gotta go um okay that’s all right then um okay get the logs um and then get to the house before mobs start spawning because

Nope much nope and I shall respond to that in the Discord after this stream is over but I go up in bed here oh okay I got to wait just go to just got to wait come on okay there we go okay morning and I can finish working on

This so um we’re going to have to I think I am going to have to do bit of this going on here because I need this to I need this to kind of work out properly yeah as opposed as opposed to it working out improperly which I don’t know why I would want

That if possible I think I’m going to that’s to or five and then two good thing terraforming is free and cheap and easy not expensive hard annoying hello again welcome back thought you had to go go but I had to got to go all righty um I’ll send you

Here um uh I do not I’m not in particular need of assistance but really I just the sentiment is more than enough enough ice makes me very happy to see and uh it is more than enough just a sentiment so I appreciate that welcome back to

Live time to talk have you been I’m doing all right um all things considered of course um in general though I mean but I’m streaming Minecraft right now so no need to wallow so you know I’m doing pretty good doing pretty good for the stream to hang

Out and play Minecraft so what’s not to like about that idea um but no anyway as I was saying I am not in need of an editor or anything but you are certainly allowed to make ban edits edit Clips whatever whatever you want to do as long as a proper credit is

Given and whatnot I’m not going to be mad over that um in any case just sorry my brain um yes that’s getting along all right that feels good I like how that’s looking um bit of more performing is probably needed I want it to flow into

This corner a bit better but uh it’ll do with how it is now I can I can I I tell me nope don’t need to do anything um honestly to be entirely honest I a doing this channel is a very much in a similar light for me it’s a hobby uh to

Keep me in a good place mentally and give me something to do and work forwards towards and uh having people be happy and enjoy and watch the Stream and whatnot is plenty enough and makes me very happy every single day just to think about it so really all that I

Would ever need from anyone or ever ask of anyone is that you just stick around and have fun and uh just try and help me improve the channel in any way you can and obviously like I said uh feel free to make whatever fan edits you

Want um as long as proper credit is done work for towards I tried to say work work for I don’t know I’m English hard okay English hard I’m try just like be nice okay okay cide I’m trying I’m trying my best out here nice nice hey you just misspelled grammar nice grammar

Gam right people sometimes call me grammar right let me turn block sounds down that’s better English yeah it’s hard English is the worst here we are man the sand is so bright really want to sh I feel bad nope that’s all right perfectly fine I mean I mean I’m just saying you know

I’m not not not too uh shamelessly self-promote but if you were to perhaps uh like all of my videos and streams ever you know I mean yeah it’s just a just a minor ask just a just a small ask no I’m just kidding but of course that would always be appreciated like

The videos just guys help me out call it gamar because it matches with your name please nope very adamant about this very very adamant perhaps one day if I’m looking for an editor but I’m not right now um CU I do not have any um I’ll Val you

Um going to make another chest I do have 16 um I need a vegetables chest vegetables chest so I can store that’s not a vegetable I should just say crop chest cuz not all these are vegetables I got I got uh squashes I got I got grasses I guess canes of grass um

Carrots which are root melons which are a um I guess I guess no but weed’s more of a it’s a grain but it’s also it’s grass we heard of devour it’s an amazing thing in Minecraft no I have not that sounds interesting um perhaps I will look into it me some pumpkins

Here go I should make more bread I’m kind of getting low on bread found a better song um good for you hour ah yes the classic KN nuts joke Hardy hard hard hard such Immaculate Immaculate Immaculate Immaculate skill in making me fall for such a devious trap AUM yep good job chat

Congratulations you’ve done it ladies and gentlemen we got them uh still my decision yes yes um and my decision is still no but of course feel free to participate in the community have fun I’m check the disc regularly so you know I will not be going anywhere

Anytime soon so no friends you’re lucky you have some friends well you know always goals to work forwards to work forwards to I did it again I did it a second time I got made fun of it the first time by chat and then I did it

A second time as soon as as as soon as I would to say it again um yeah but that is all right say words but say them with passion somebody’s mom somebody okay what why was mu quality 160p dang that’s such low I don’t know but what I do know is I do

Have shaders on so the stream quality is going to be a little rough but hopefully it looks fine it’s look fine on my end this whole time actually look pretty good probably sorry for my gamar uh no you’re not that’s not a thing you can be that’s not how that works

I’m just not really here to make friends I’m here to make people happy but really is is just a hobby I will certainly continue to try and make people happy but I’m not in the business of making many many many any individual friends there we go no Deco doing this strategy the feel

Bad strategy uh yeah I guess little confused on the goals here but I want to do something to um decorate a bit here um hang on let’s go up to okay let’s finish off these actually I think I need a bit more uh wood not

Doing the feel bad I just feel bad well yes that is that is h a constant in life and that’s why you cherish the on when you don’t feel bad I always strive to feel better wait new iron ax I knew it was going to break all the wood eventually I’ll farm

This stuff but for now I just want to clear out the surrounding areas there’s no reason not to uh DeForest a little bit a little bit of healthy deforestation especially because I don’t want my B burning down or anything you know is is Batman Kath GNA show up or

Whatever I don’t even remember how this where bat Ninjago Batman I’m so good good at this guys that’s best streamer streamer Awards I’m going to be there this year streamer Awards I just registered that I totally missed um whatever it’s called okay never mind it doesn’t really matter I can’t even

Remember the name it does really matter um this oh come on here can’t not yeah I I I get mental exhaustion it’s it’s it’s really really really annoying um and I the only thing I can say is Hobby help this this is my like only hobby my only and Main hobby so it

Definitely has helped a whole bunch so I cannot recommend it enough as always to find something and stick to a consistent schedule because it’s the only thing that can really push past mental exhaustion doesn’t always 100% as you know as everyone here knows I sometimes end stream a little bit early

And that’s probably because most of the time without fail is probably because I’ve have been feeling mentally exhausted at the time so just don’t worry too much about how good you’re doing it or what you’re doing just find something to do because that will make everything better and this has made everything

Worse um wow that’s really ugly really really silly too where what’s the best fruit in your opinion h Huh I like pineapple but I also love mango at the same time don’t know if my I don’t know if I would say I have a greater love for one

Or the other mangoes are definitely sweeter but neither of them are in fact neither of them are mangoes though and I really like not neither are pineapples though a good Pine you can’t beat a good pineapple so I think I’m going to have to go with mango

Go right all right byebye have a good day melons um no I mean I like I like watermelon I like cantaloupe I like um like rain turn on can anope and honeydew I like honeydew um lots of good melons to be had in the world but I just personally

Would probably go for this is bothering me see that could work but absolutely not that that’s best um and I can put this on the and then that’s nice and so no not Mel I think mango proba in my opinion anyway what that was a

Waste get back up to base put away some things okay then I’m going to pop around here to do this I need a cra crafting table out here in case I need to make some things namely slabs in case I need to make slabs space lab making Tech would be

Required coal and copper in here but I think I’ll leave it be since not really in that high of demand building anything out of copper anyway oh that was a mistake a very big long wide open section here but that’s all right I can put on

In um we’re going to ignore the under Carriage of this cuz I’m going to cover it up anyway you’ll see chat you’ll see this build is going to be the best build that anyone has ever seen um no questions as for sure best starter build on any world

Ever this well that’s five inter how many is this then it’s also five interesting very interesting I I don’t understand but interesting best wood in Minecraft Spruce easy easily Spruce dark Oak’s coming in at second do that I do that go for that I don’t think it’s really much of a

Challenge honestly there’s not a better can’t name better two wood typ there isn’t there isn’t one those are the best two Woods then after that’s probably um cherry wood and then after that wait am I forgetting a good wood type actually that way Oak and then um I

Think I’m going to put Birch weirdly high up on here because I dislike Birch but uh in my years my many years I have transformed um and become a little more fond of it I wouldn’t say entirely fond of it but I definitely am able to to

Visualize and uh implement it in more areas Birch oh I didn’t even read that I was just going off on my own without realizing I was actually responding to your question um yeah no Birch Birch um not greatest fan of bir but uh nowadays having become a lot better Builder and a

Lot more uh veteran player I think I got 10 years under my belt now I think I have got solidly 10 years under my belt um I I would say Birch is not as bad as I would always uh make fun of it for being and like trash on it and throw it

In lava and whatever um because it has its uses it’s good accent it’s a nice soft but lighter wood I’ll put Oak above it probably but maybe not um because Oak’s kind of generic I I don’t know they’re the basic Woods I mean uh originally yeah Oak was

Definitely better but Birch has its uses and it’s kind of underrecognized Builders recognize it not all of them do but I’d say it’s it’s it’s a it is a valuable wood to have in the game and it should not be Miss Mis begotten Mis begotten let me

Check that I’m using that Miss Miss Mis begotten badly conceived designed or planned uh I don’t know if I’m really using that word correctly there but you my point so it doesn’t really matter um I need more Spruce but that I’ll have to wait till the morning so I don’t die of

Mob first of all however I’m going to work on that corner because that’s going to be an The Loft I lose viewers for talking for not talking trash on Birchwood you like Birchwood unsubscribe dislike cancelled on twitter.com challenge kill a creeper um okay yeah I should do that maybe maybe I should do

A last life style thing where I pick a clever make someone’s clever Challenge and then have to do it perhaps that could be interesting it’s not last life it’s not last life it’s it’s um what’s it what’s the current one going on it’s like i’ i’ basic i’ i’ I was I’ve been

Like binging like all the videos up from it while I was I’m working on the throne fall video which by the way coming along very nicely I have uh doing quite good um in any case I need more Birch planks mad birch logs though that’s the good stuff what excuse me

What this is the most rare appearance of you ever on any of my streams and you come here to tell me birch logs are better than Birch planks I think you’re just trying to invoke a reaction here hello no what huh birch logs I think are are commonly

Accepted as the worst looking log the MRA Community thinks they’re you agree what what huh hello birch logs are literally like the worst looking log in the entire game they’re worse than Acacia logs cuz at least you can use those as like a good gray color what are we what huh okay

Well make a house out of them stripped stripped birch logs are good regular birch logs no ah okay well strip bur okay yes oh man yes okay strip birch logs are good oh man I was like what is this opinion what is this opinion you just

Come here to make me angry that’s all you’ve done I was like I think I’m going to have to do some disowning right now no yeah strip birch logs are good oh man H got my got my blood boiling a bit there oh man yeah no

No no no no yeah well not not fully boiling you know communic effect whatever anyway yeah no yeah plain birch logs are good for replicating plaster actually that’s true that’s true that’s true they’re not bad for that I I will recognize that they have usage but you

Know every block in Minecraft has us usage so you kind of kind of got to be like you know a little bit relative with it cuz if you’re stretching for uses for the wood is it really a good like if you’re stretching for uses for a block

Is it really a good block like if there’s like one thing is it good at that it’s good at e like diorite no one likes di right get it out of there it’s used for like bathrooms you can make bathrooms maybe kitchens and bird poop and that is it the

DI it’s not terrible like it’s not a bad block uh ah the usage it does not exist go up here for this grab some of these oh give me that also is I thought you’re I thought I thought it was Zelo but it’s zel Zulo Zulo

Di is good to for floors but otherwise I really use di is crafting into anite true Bine with some Cobblestone get some free anite also how you can make uh some good old extra andesite when you’re playing create mod if you can’t find any andesite good way to get it you

Have to do that decent amount of time andesite is bad andesite is not bad take that back right right now and only is it a great gray color it is so good for any stone brick or stone builds or accents or or shading even you can use it with concrete

Industrial it’s made up uh it’s a madeup nonsense name I made up because I didn’t want my real name to be associated with this Google account ah okay fair enough no no I know it’s a madeup name like I know aliia I get alias SP over

But I always thought it oh because your email or your email no not you say you say your real name not your email no Google account which is your email okay sorry yeah got it got it understood figured it out rain is functioning highly today I promise I promise it is functioning very

Highly today um me casually forgetting it’s hardcore and that I shouldn’t be doing stuff like that um oh Chad am I going to do it we you forget the F uh the first i in it because I pronounce it first l in it because I pronounce it

Deo Deo oh that’s like the opposite of how I pronounced it I thought it was Zelo I guess it’s it’s aoo whatever okay I think this is probably enough wood to continue work on the build I need Cobblestone and probably a bit of andesite so I think I’m going to

Go mining real quick um to do with I think I think you know what chat um I’m going to do it I’m going to get an enchanter which means I need obsidian which means I need to go down into the deep deep dark mines oh forgot I was farming

These cool also we’re talking blocks nobody uses special shout out to reinforced deep slate block is so impossible to use you have to push it with pistons like block that can be destroyed but not created yeah Zelo Zelo is better change your name now oh don’t be so demanding anyway um down we

Go man this mod I I love this I love the shaders to death but it really makes water hard to see like yesh not necessary how dangerous it feels now I need to remember how I get places and I’m going to grab me a good amount of

Andesite while I’m down here because I think I’m going to want to use this on my little Coastal docks area can’t even be purchased pushed with pistons like OB see you need a pickaxe that doesn’t exist yet oh it really can it not be pushed with pistons oh I think that was

Just in the snapshot there’s a period in the snap snapshot snap snapshot in the snapshot where you could uh push it with a piston and that was the only way to use it but everyone was like oh well you could build the most uh reinforced base possible if you built like 30 million

Pistons and push these 1000 blocks to I was just like no one’s going to do that but I guess if they can’t even be pushed with pistons is what I’m I’m really putting hes on everything yeah it could very briefly be pushed with pistons okay makes sense snapshot yeah I’m going to

Keep pronouncing every s with an extra H at the end CH wait no that that doesn’t have an s in it my brain okay now let me wait actually durability 182 52 yeah these can be combined for a little bonus extra six durability sh stun I suppose if you had a create

You could stick it on a Contraption maybe but it might count as an IM movable block like you can’t move you can’t you can’t move Bedrock by sticking it on a Contraption I don’t think unless you can in which case that’s way more op than I remember but I always thought you

Couldn’t do that it would tell you like there’s forces of this world that prevent this block from moving and you have to go into config to disable it if you want to oh wait never mind it’s immovable yeah because I think that’s like a tag and create actually cares about the tags it

Doesn’t just do its own thing but but it would be cool um don’t know why I didn’t break this here un let’s put some torches back in here CU I’m actually going to be coming back here I want to make it clear that I will be two stacks is good um for building

Purposes I won’t be doing too much then I just got to find lava somewhere down in the mines here I don’t think there’s oh there’s iron and Redstone lapis that I will need if I build an enchanter so I think uh this is going to be a Don’t Mind If I Do

Moment since I notably it’s like obsidian and that you can change change a config to make it movable as opposed to bedrock where it’s not even configurable um I meant create config I don’t you might be able to config it in vanilla I think you can since it’s an

MBT um yeah Bedrock just is bad we don’t talk about Bedrock cursed cursed version here so H do I need the Redstone do I really though that Granite don’t need it that either we’re going to l oh wait pass that iron just want I explored this game I

Guess I just deem these ores not not not not valuable enough to get on my way through here I know back here there’s water if you go past it then you go down to the right then you go to the left okay yeah It’s All Coming Back to Me Now go to the

Left over here oh I forgot about you hang on we’re just going to run by there’s no diamonds here you go this way you’re an ancient city here I feel like I remember there being like an ancient city or something maybe I’m an idiot don’t think there’s an ancient oh

Man I’m taking so much unnecessary damage oh who wow ow whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how many guys are you going to drop down on my head and there’s a Death Pit right there I don’t know if there’s lava down there I think there was but not very

Much the lava is more over this dire yes I see it it’s a lava fall though what I need is a lava pool us caves are so dangerous You’ think they’d be safer with with uh with the light but there’s so many bushes everywhere you get if you get yourself

Caught on a bush and then you can’t run away that’s like a death S I don’t think I’ve actually explored over here so there might be some more potential for ding is not why I’m here but you know always uh positive to have more diamonds especially I’m going to be doing enchanting

O none of those are diamonds that’s just a lot of glow liing trying to trick me really only can trick me because I’m very dumb and see Glo gloak gloak gloak Len gloak L really want a lot lot of saliva into all of my words today making all the S’s and whatnot oh

Yes there’s a creeper there oh wasn’t I challenged to kill a creeper or something me eat up that was challenged to kill a creeper earlier so let’s do that I don’t know if it meant in hand toand combat but I will go in with an axe oh and get some more diamonds free

Diamonds two diamonds but they’re free said free diamonds I don’t know why I always say that when I’m mining diamonds it’s like yeah they’re free are they not free what what are you paying for them dead oh another creeper thing of note nope you did not need to explode any pickaxe that’s

True I am paying in pickaxe I guess once you get mending it’s free because the XP from the diamonds will regenerate the durability cost and it’s truly free diamonds hopefully this leads me back to somewhere where I can leave yes it should should it should

I don’t know if I can leave from here it did lead me back to where I want to know like I’m good it’s not appear to be anything of value there oh hi you are the kind of thing that gets people killed in hardcore world so I’m going to

Go down well that’s another geod that’s nice okay this is what I needed anyway so this good oh hi you’re right out of the gate just want me dead only true free diamonds are the ones you find in chest true then you’re paying an XP technically I guess that’s true but

If your goal is to get diamonds and if diamonds are free you just didn’t get the XP you could have got I know I went past that lava there but diamonds so who cares well then I guess with Unbreaking three technically like a lot of the diamonds are free because

You don’t consume well let’s see here buddy goodbye have fun display you um oh oh interesting mountain biome wait how am I in a mountain biome what a Windswept Forest oh that is a mountain biome where where am I that I how far did I travel that I’m now in a

Windswept Forest I feel like I didn’t travel that far Underground let’s get this out secure my safety as I’m doing this um since I broke the light it up over here I guess in case any mobs want to spawn while I’m doing this this I’m just going to do this strategy cuz why

Not Harvest up some of this got to stand right here and hope I do not fall this is going to be a pain using an unenchanted pickaxe but I only need to get four might get more I think I’ll get more CU I might as well to only one trip

Um it’s a bit of a waste but cares unfortunately I guess that means there’s no there’s not very many free diamonds in this world because I don’t have there’s nobody else in this world perhaps there could be in the future but I don’t know that’d be kind of

Interesting kind of odd wasn’t planning on it but who knows actually I might have invited now I think that was on my last survival world this is Hardcore not survival so um yeah fortunately this seems to be pretty a shallow lava pool I think that’s because

It’s I don’t know it definitely has room to be deeper doesn’t have any reason to be this shallow just shallow out of kindness I guess which is interesting sentence because being shallow is kind of the opposite of being kind and considerate and properly tied to emotions in any

Case so hard to tell where the water’s flowing when it’s this transparent you just got to use your intuition I guess good thing I’ve been playing Minecraft for long enough no no it forms just in my brain also I almost always use this method for getting

Obsidian unless I’ve made it to the end and can just Harvest end Towers but at that point unless I’m doing some kind of build or making a giant portal I don’t have any reason to be getting obsidian I guess base defense but it’s rarer rarer much

Rarer I what oh there it goes I was like hello can I please have that obsidian instead of just being able to look at it I can already look at the block form obsidian of obsidian but I would like to also pick it up once I’ve broken

It 14 I need 16 got two more and I can head back to the surface so I can both build a portal and um build an enchanter I’m going I need books so I think I’m going to start a cow Farm that’s the next goal I’ve already got the sugarcane

Going I just need the cow Farm technically I do a horse farm but I I find that more morally uh reprehensible reprehensible I think that’s right reprehend yeah that’s right that’s the right word I’m using the right word there not D no more damond I mean if I’m down

Here might as well peek around who knows maybe I miss some while I was down here I don’t think I did oh actually see I miss more boring a m shaft chest nope nothing was missed back here at all I think that’s why I had so

Much string on me is because I just come out of this mine shaft I think bar with my life to be honest oh I forgot that this place burned down a bit I really torched it up down here didn’t I I think I got out through these these water channels and was

Afraid of exactly that oh not hi musclean how you doing I’m in a bit of a scary predicament here the skeleton would like me to fail the hardcore World very badly because that’s what all skeletons want because all skeletons are terrible horrible monsters who want you to die

And have no good intentions ever I think that’s actually stereotyp they’re they’re they’re hostile Mom how are you doing today well I hope well very well down foot foot foot foot pointing down what look like those are all glow leans but might as well look around seems to

All be glow lien any skeletons that are going to shoot me down and make me lose a lot of health and potentially die ruin this challenge for me think that’s up there is where I need to go this water seems safe swim my way over there that’s I need to go over this

Way and over this way and then back up to the surface to the lovely base that I did not uh finish before I went down to the but that’s fine who cares who cares anyway who cares need to escape the mine escape the mine oh actually I see

Diamonds so we’re going to not escape the mind oh that’s baby zombie that’s lapis I was tricked I was I was genuinely tricked by lapis and now I’m being chased by a zombie uh we’re going to do uh the most uh amazing thing ever un man the

Best best thing I think that in fact has ever been invented ever in the history of uh a victory which is running away running away and uh not looking back and just continually running until all the enemies are far behind you yep yep indeed best best strategy known to man uh yeah okay

Um and it’s raining great I don’t like raining that much pop out of the mine here pop of the mine indeed um up here into my house sometimes I forget that I have little sheltered area just needs a torch back in here that mobs don’t jump scare me from in

The vines I forgot I built a basement I guess I can put my enchanter down here I kind of want my enchanter to be more cool location a less Inky underground cave style location but uh perhaps I was not destined to be so dirt and wood this is

And diamonds add to the diamond pile the diamond pile little berries I guess count as a crop whatever I mean I’m not biased if if can eats can be crop least least bit of that 11 and 12 then I have lapis a bit more lapis I already apparently had some lapis which

Is actually a little surprising because I don’t normally do that I have hope it is this chap chap this chap chop wood chop this chest is getting emptier and emptier by the minute which is great as always love that love not having to deal with a full chest of stuff

Um of this go right over here and Bones which is bone meal and nighttime which is sleep it is not nighttime actually oh great I can make a clock because why not clocks are cheap um see let’s proba just the farm where is the Sun at BEC coming night soon but not currently

Night rain GNA casually Crash My Stream probably that would be very unfortunate but kind of funny I am hopefully improving my personal computer pretty soon so that is nice I’m still confused as to what that message me I don’t know what pointing down foot foot foot

Is like it’s just just menacing me the last message I can see is just sitting in chat like now take foot foot foot okay got the crops to go back in the building and hopefully sleep please tell me it’s sleep time because I don’t oh come on I don’t want

Don’t I don’t like the rain I get it out of here make carrots I can trade those if I ever do villagers please tell me it’s night time okay that’s it I’m making a clock so I can know the second becomes night time I think I need four gold and one

Redstone still got it oh that’s not even that close T night oh it’s kind of close T night pretty soon pretty soon now I have a clock that’s very nice always good always good to have a block extra bow to more gold recoup some of the gold I lost

There one nice thing about hardcore is that you can’t ever be like oh I should be carrying this on me in case I die cuz if if you died what what are you going to do oh no I lost the stuff yeah you lost all your stuff died so you you’re permanently

Dead the matter doesn’t matter come on I just want this to be able to decompose overnight not that that’s how this game works but just because I want to start as soon as I come out in the morning tomorrow I’ve slept it is technically I think sleepable time now that it’s that

On the verge fortunately there’s a period of the night time where you can sleep but mobs can’t spawn yet so I got a bank on that one what Advanced tool tips hovering over the clock gives you the exact time nope it doesn’t that would be cool though I think that should

Bean the game now um I first of all cows I got to find them I they I I I’m GNA before I find the cows I should first uh build the pen but before I build the pen I should terraform this you know you see this is why I don’t get

Anything done ever because I’m like well before I do this I should this probably and then I should you know I got to make sure this is ready of course I mean who who would who would leave that unprepared and then I just end up not

And then I get overwhelmed and then I just end up not actually getting anything done because I’m like right I just get distracted with all the other superfluous things that I’ve asked do myself I think is why I’ve started kind of being like okay just finish this and then to start

Don’t worry about it because who cares there we go that’s a little better um I say as I’m doing something completely extra and unnecessary I have spare dirt inside so I don’t need to be like economizing with my dirt usage got plenty of spare dirt not plenty enough for me because I love

But man I would I would yeah I was ever on a Minecraft server one that’s kind of building focused I think I think my thing would just be that I’m obsessed with dirt that’s one of the personality quirks every every season or every like episode not episode but be a first priority dirt

Chest need to get a dirt chest cuz having a full dirt chest in your base is like I think one of the nicest things you can ever have is a full dirt chest I don’t think I can live without like I don’t think I can live on

A server where I don’t ever eventually have a full dirt chest all the Glorious um 50 four stacks of dirt plenty enough to terraform anything well not actually anything because it’s really oh hi you’re going to you are you are about to scare me by taking off a

Considerable amount of my health with your Enchanted crossbow my friend oh that’s quick charge one I was scared of Nothing the Same down regular crossbow you are not the only one but you have another one shoot your friend oh it had piercing a high piercing actually it had a high piercing because

It is not only going through your friend but going through my shield doing one and a half hearts of damage I’m just going to try and kill you faster and fail horribly why did the other one have to drop oh I have quick charging one at eight

Durability why couldn’t the one that had like piercing three or two give it well I’ve got an ominous Banner now I don’t think I have one of these yet so I’ll just put it up inside as I always do or outside actually I do it outside

But um I think I could do put that away speaking which I should go check around here see how much there is Yes trees really do make how did one get all the way over here I feel like the tree didn’t go that far but whatever 16 yes please I can officially replace

That one which got destroyed actually should put it on the edge I don’t thing didn’t look bad CU I they’re not custom so I Can’t customize them um let’s kind of form a bit of a triangle here so I can walk out this little path maybe put

Bench here very nice very pretty um well I’ll terraform those more later of course terraform custom customized yeah custom I’ll customize those more later because uh cherry blossom trees are pretty good trees just aesthetically on their own but uh for my base I think custom trees

Would be the uh better choice as far as that goes um now what am I thinking for animal pens what am I thinking grand old let’s see I think I’m going to want to use Cherrywood for them no I don’t think I do perhaps I shall use Cherry logs for

Them let’s see I need end caps I’ll need end caps if I’m going to do that because I was thinking I could use these for the pillars but then I need a spruce Spruce for sprucing it up no Spruce for fence posts plenty of sticks

Lended to me by the cherry tree some of those were perfect I’m gonna need more than that let’s let’s get get M that too hang on hang on a minute nope I pretty sure I pressed control there we go okay it just didn’t do the correct combination of control presses one stack

Will do more than I can even afford in sticks close though and the plan need more than nine this is not going to be adequate and I was going for I have one it over here that I just oh wait okay I’m already I’ve already done I’ve already ruined my own build

Okay got one there one there one there do I need these three High I do CU they can just jump out otherwise well they only need to be two high on those there these need to be three High though looks looks a little it looks it looks weird from this angle but from

This angle it looks normal oh then run these on the interior because it works better for going down the slopes I can run it exterior cool cool cool um and then I just have like this way I can do sort of something this no not like that like this running down the hill

That um do I have spare of these okay I have spare there some and uh unfortunately I do not have much of this left because these are expensive oh no I think they don’t like destroy themselves I’m going to need that’s good I’ll save this I’m going to build a second

Pen it runs right here about the same width and size and whatever I’m too hungry right now thought there was cows around but I might have killed them I don’t think I did I don’t normally do that but I might have who knows hardcore little more Reckless than I usually am um

Ironically or I guess not more Reckless it’s actually less Reckless but more less sustainable more concerned about uh preventing myself from dying to things also these Cherry things are I’m liking it I don’t know how much I’m liking it but I am like it’ll it’ll have to do it doesn’t

Look spectacular they’re a little darker than darker than the oh gosh this is gonna hang on this will have to this will have to work out well but no you see I would rather yeah I’d rather do that it kind of be a yeah that’ll work out go to

Bed we I go to bed wheat before sleep always wheat almost night time but not quite not even night time bedtime Dusky okay it is bedtime perfect that broke anyway up here I would need to get to a crafting table in any case I think I’m going to strive to hide crafting tables

Right on my base under blocks under little I was going to say it is it is bedtime achievements today include Ice Bucket Challenge and voluntary Exile very nice perhaps that could be fun to have a little achievement review thing at the end of each day I was considering doing after stream hour

Today not on that decision but um to why not real day I’m not particularly hyper busy guess I’m a little bit busy I should be I should pushing it from four pushing the end from four to five leaves me with like 5 hours after that which

Is I think that’s enough time we’ll see how I’m feeling when we get to the end let’s just say that let’s just go with that because I don’t know put this away with the other damage Stu think that generic crossbow is going to be of more

Value to me than the Gen one of course oh it’s not going to be hyper valuable but whatever four is the amount I needed so this is fine make more sticks with that since I don’t have like a stack of sticks in sticks are arguably no they’re not arguably more

Important they are definitely helpful yeah I don’t know how I feel about this um there’s ways to make it look better I’ll think about them not sure if there’s ways to make these look better going with the spruce but I’ll think about it so whatever it’ll be fine for

Now I think dark oak could definitely match it there part of my yawn gather up some more of this stuff all of that is like almost 100% grown which is very nice have all of these mixing in mixed in good very good I like I like how it

Looks with them not all 100% uniform to a line of orange next to a line of green I think that looks very very nice a there good almost could have fallen down that very easily very very e if I stumble into a village and activate a raid I’m just going to

Leave and let the villagers die because I’m good good hardcore level raids no I’m good those was like spawn those spawn um those Spawn Rain turn on those spawn oh invokers and ravagers and everything just like instant that’s a fun cliff to jump off of not jump don’t jump off

CS I think this is where I ended one of my streams been over this I might have taken a screenshot to use for the next stream and then didn’t do that didn’t I go on like a whole Adventure off in that direction there any cows around water bucket me just

MLG so good at that yeah I need to get better at that I’m I’m already okay at it not oh you are what I needed hello let us go very slow walking walking back B I could just walk normally instead of tapping Sprint what is going to be the ideal

Route does this Ravine ever end um it does but it’s further up that way I think I’m GNA go this way and see how it goes come along now cows come along with me to a pasture I don’t know about bees um oh come on game ter foring crappy tering right

Here oh do not do not no I didn’t want to bre you well I do and I will but I not now fortunately plenty of you I plenty of we’re going going I go back to my base guys no I’ve already lost one bud you know you want to come along with

All your friends yes let’s just go yes yes come along and I can actually get milk and that way I cannot have bad Omen which um as cool as it’ be to do a raid today I don’t think I exuse pardon my yawn um wow I I don’t

Think I’m prepared for a raid just quite yet I’m really making it inconvenient to get around places um this is not very uh accommodating for approaching from this side so we’re just going to do this temporarily come on up come up up you got it you got it jump jump jump jump

Jump now let’s walk up this nice ramp we’re going to go around this way because I’m not risking it don’t walk in the berries I don’t I think you’re actually too tall to do that anyway so that’s fine come on come on let’s go let’s

Go let’s go let’s go oh got a lead so this is taking forever but that’s okay come on the here lot of food in here okay there you go breathing R extra cows and and really take these okay go up away some stuff then I need to conserve some of my um of

My my brain is not on need to conserve some of my wheat for the cows be oh pardon my yawn why is it always halfway through strength that I get super yawny that hasn’t grown yet I B so who cares perfect wow that actually worked per I should just start a

Farm I would have this old thing going on do the one tree at a time have a farm for it Ro is getting very nice this of course gave me the crappiest tree possibly known to all of Minecraf this here two coost that’s yet another

Day perhaps I could do a like 100 days Hardcore Minecraft kind of generic it’s just you know it’s just what everyone does maybe once I get to a a spectacular number if I do assuming assuming I do which I probably won’t because I don’t think I’m that good at

Hardcore I’ll probably die at some point maybe maybe one day in my infinite years of playing this game until High Hill comes out so probably about two years more once a month three to four hours maybe five hours maybe one day proba be very free maybe on a on a

Day I’m not quite as burned with work and whatnot I could stream this for many many hours who knows didn’t accidentally mute my mic like an hour ago no I didn’t but I didn’t move far enough away that it was way quieter for that whole time sorry about that

Um let’s see uh let me go check if any of them are able to bread again blueberry she can go over here this could go here oh hard my yawn again wow oh right it’s almost night time slept yet what’s the clock say the clock doesn’t say it’s sleep time yet so uh

I’ll take it work for a bit and collect these before I go to bedly as to not I’m back welcome back how you doing but I hope hope we didn’t go somewhere and become sad in that period of time I would to be bad I didn’t mean to rhyme there I shouldn’t

Behaved like a dad crap whatever okay I ended the rhyme good I ended the rhyme finally I was absolutely rhyming there just un uh guiltily rhyming there I’ve gotten some stuff going I’m trying to get cows plenty of cows so I can make myself most infuriating thing happened ever well

That’s not good to hear what happened tell me about it as long as it’s a you know relatively appropriate and that I would want to hear about it if I don’t want to hear about it tell me about it what happened neither of you are ready to read how unfortunate

I guess I shall I lost at Round 98 mbd6 for chimps for my second black border on which map uh Monkey Village is that the one that’s right next to Monkey Meadows what map did you uh lose your round 98 round 98 does really suck so that’s

Understand that was the only one I needed only one you need needed needed for what don’t need anything I mean it’s important to try but s subjective I still have not finished uh still haven’t beat water par or whatever frozen over oh that’s a fun one get the that’s the one

Where you can get the cavan monkey chimps was the only badge I needed for blackb I lost it around 98 well I mean you can always try again I know it takes me quite a number of attempts to get something on chips you know if at first you don’t see succeed

Try try again as always words of encouragement if that’s what you um say mostly simply just words of truth clearly words of truth there’s words of more melon than who said that at first you don’t succeed try try again I don’t know um I don’t remember a pretty common

Saying there’s a movie quote or something I end up quoting you did you literally just said it yeah but but I’m quoting something or it’s a saying it’s not something I came up with I did just say it but I didn’t come up with it it’s just sort of a

Thing was a thing before I existed I believe oh excuse me see did I replant I’ve yet to replant it well I’ll replant it with that one assuming despawn right before I get to it it did not there we go is go here going to run around this side this

Side is dangerous because of this Ravine that would like me dead which is why I think I shall terraform over it but the problem is I leave a a one block thick dirt Gap if the creeper blows up I probably will end my run so I think I’m

Going to go Harvest think well I am I’m going to go Harvest some Cobblestone it’s currently my Supply is I could do so but by mining there an Enderman down here who know anyway if I want to go mining then to watch you on my meta Quest maybe interesting watching YouTube in VR

Can be fun think I watched a Markiplier video in VR one time put this here go down where should I mine Cobblestone from if I was going to mine Cobblestone where should I mine Cobblestone huh I don’t know want to go down here though l l for what what for Markiplier what’s wrong

With Markiplier Mar is cool Cobblestone getting the Cobblestone getting the Cobblestone L everything dang oh I guess everything is L unfortunate don’t understand how W can be L but uh whatever that’ll be it I guess no andesite my worst enemy yes I love andesite and I’m going to mine andite

Here in a second as I’m done mining cobblestone mining the Cobblestone oh iron free Iron oh I’ve just caused a cave end oh did it again oh I did it again I’ll probably keep doing it no stop I command I command you I’m not really putting any of the

Enthusiasm in there that’s supposed to be coming across let me just hang on let me just I gotta got to sit up sit up adjust my lumbar support clean into the Lum why you no message retracting don’t know stop it stop it haven’t mined any anage yet oh I’ve just been mining cobblestone

Okay I is something we can talk through explain explain your dislike of Ander w Cobblestone make sure not to mine any end as that on accident could very well do because it doesn’t go well with what I build give an example of where in as I can’t fit

In give an example of a build where you couldn’t include IDE you could basically put andesite anywhere Western andesite medieval and aite spaceship and aite modern and aite andite goes everywhere andite is everywhere but it’s cool also two stacks of cobblestone Old Country House you put anai in that you definitely put in

That chimney Foundation yeah Foundation you can go in the foundation or go in the chimney almost night time again I always seem to get out of the mine right when it’s like becoming night time they trap villagers in in the house unfor to give me enchanted books okay

Well yeah you can still use and aide for that uh I say you could still use and for that so why not why not I mean why not I not use for that here we go and more point need more trap oh gosh okay let’s just we’re just going

To trap doors are so expensive why did I choose to make a good portion of my build out of out of trap doors oh I got a light in over here that’s annoying perhaps I should not make this hollow whatever who cares Hollow it is oh that’s not where that goes hang

On oh I don’t have okay oh I’ve just recognized a flaw in my plans relas favorite Minecraft update um gosh least Fair it up Minecraft update which everone change skeleton AI to be like busted I don’t know I don’t really have a least favorite Minecraft update I think perhaps um whenever update they

Got rid of fireflies in just wasn’t necessary oh it is definitely night time though hang on it is getting I think at the point of night where mobs can actually spawn which is bad Bo not interested in having to kill mobs so I will go to sleep skeletons were always rigged no

They weren’t uh I’m assuming you’re not old enough to know this probably so never mind not for you but they used to have better AI that was not nearly as annoying as it is now trust me just trust me you must you must trust trust the trust trust the 10year mind

Minecraft resident over here I remember a day when they were not uh quite as annoying maybe my memory has simply been fading and and being distorted by time but I believe that one did skeletons have gone back and forth yeah I guess that’s true yeah but I definitely you’re still here

Wow um yeah I definitely remember remember a day I think it bothers me that it doesn’t count you as watching if you’ve been here just sitting around just hanging not I say sitting around hanging out just listening hasn’t been counting it weird whatever early on they were very were inanely rig hyper

Accurate firing arrows that’s true I think I do actually remember that but that was before when I was playing even um I have played those ones or before my memory but then they weren’t that bad for a little while nor to light or fill up any Pockets underneath that bridge oh

Yes well thank you also welcome I don’t know if I’ve seen you here before but welcome welcome how you doing today well I hope and I certainly will do that um like over here so spiders don’t spawn though I think they actually need slightly higher than two blocks to spawn

But certainly will around here I might even fill it in solid right now I’m kind of broke as far as Cobblestone goes maybe not that broke but here fill in under here and then I’m going to come back through and do some texturing later so don’t worry about it

It’s not going to be just a flat Cobblestone wall I promise um I’m also going to use uh trap doors to make the that hard Bard a little softer now this just got recommended to me and I’m procrastinating well that’s all right um I guess for

Me I procrastinate a lot so I’m not really want to judge um no recently I’ve been just picking videos and streams and whatever that I can kind of just uh run in the background and have have a bit of background noise it helps me work I’ve I’ve uh something I’ve come up with

Recently is that I’m only allowed watch YouTube when I’m working so that that way uh bit of an incentive to actually work and I end up probably getting distracted from my work an equal amount of time as I’m doing the work in that case which has been very helpful because

I’ve actually gotten some work done on the throne fall video which I was really really procrastinating on before but I don’t know if that’ll help you but that is just an idea any go up get more Cobblestone to finish off the docks going to need more to take a decent

Amount more of that there you go take a stack okay back down to the docks this oh wait I should go breed the ghost because I’m going to need Le for my uh enchanting room however I designed that I’m probably going to want more more books than just more bookshelves than just the

Uh generic Mount I need which I think is 18 don’t quote me on that though I don’t use enchanting tables enchant enchanting tables enchanters enchanting tables whatever oh big debate over what they’re called um there you go fre Up back out and I think I’m going to convert some of that into food because I’m running low on um running low on bread which is what I’m using as a food source get this plenty of carrots oh okay there we go um yeah back B put away the carrots C Cobblestone and

Then an aites next I think I’m want to get some more tough if I’m going to use that as texturing for the dock could craft some of these into solid melons really I just need to get so Touch where I put I put it in here

I’m going to put it away for now and put away that extra dirt love the dirt dirt chest Wooh okay yes I need to finish this corner here oh I did that wrong well that’s what that’s whatever yeah that is whatever I can just have a little extra

Solid bit there that’s fine who cares there’s no there’s no dock inspector in this world I mean chat sometimes acts as a build inspector only one design flaw I am recognizing at this moment is that for Corners like this okay I think I’m going to actually

Want to do it up down Corners like this it’s fine and I could go like that then see there I unfortunately have a choice to make as to which one I do what works as a corner thing got to think about this now oh I already thought of it I have an

Idea I have an idea chat I have an idea it uh may or may not actually be at all goodlooking or helpful but it is an idea um unfortunately is going to cost me that is not I don’t need to go there it’s going to cost me a bit because I do

Not have um uh villagers yet so it’s going to cost me because I want to do lanterns and I don’t I don’t know why they decided something should cost almost that any light source should cost almost entire iron ingot but they did interestingly enough they also decided that uh iron Farms shouldn’t

Exist and are probably going to be removing them eventually only problem is this means I oh no wait why don’t I just do this from the top it’s not like I can’t Crouch over the edge ah ah um well you see now I got to think about

This cuz this is not going to work actually I don’t like that I have I have another idea let’s see let’s try this new idea instead new idea time let’s see let’s see I’m going to put a crafting bench semi central location over here slabs we’re going to go slabs

This is my genius idea slapped um put this down here then I can do this and I can also do this and I think that will look neat does look neat um it doesn’t make any sense but let’s say this is like the little sloped blocks with the wall water

Funnels off of the deck of the not the deck off the dock I mean it’s the deck of the dock but whatever you know what I mean um I don’t know why that was so aggressive my brain is um okay so new puzzle here this is going to be a two block

One H whatever it’ll it’ll be what it is um I don’t think it’ll look bad it just might look weird who cares chat cared a whole bunch things they would be ruthlessly mocking me right now and they’re not we’re going to assume that that is not here today go ahead

And go ahead and roll with this I guess um we are uh this one won’t need like very many at all we’ll need one right here let make to that one thing and this doesn’t cost me any extra wood really okay it is bedtime now ignore the crops I know they need to

Be harvested but I do not care cuz I would like to avoid the mobs so I can just work on my base in peace well tomorrow actually I think I’m going to going to chop trees instead of working on my base I need more wood to work on my

Base which I guess means that chopping trees is working on my base H whatever I’m I’m a master at contradicting myself in like literally the next sentence I think I’m the only person on the entire plant you could get into it yes no yes no yes no yes no like shouting competition with

Thems put these away while I’m chopping down trees cuz on save a bit of room in my inventory I just got to keep that enchanting a goldon apple on me I really should probably have it in my hot bar but the thing is I don’t want to

Accidentally eat it like I don’t want want to oh i e my bread and then eat the enchant Golden Apple but at the same time if it’s not in my hot bar it doesn’t do me very much good because getting into my inventory and and getting into my hot bar in time

To eat it could be risky and I might end up dropping it instead of putting it in my hot bar empty message there nice empty message amazing chat message I just say that probably win chat message of the year right there literally nothing you know what I should install

Without saying anything I should install the Herobrine mod pack that somebody made just install it without saying anything just to confuse chat not because I think I want like oh it’s spooky it’s such a cool fun I like fun escape Herobrine fight Herobrine no just cuz just cuz just just to screw with

Chat and pretend like it it’s just not the case just like I did with the uh Hollow night randomizer where I just pretended there was no mods and everything was normal on that chat was just being weird change some settings on accident going to mine this back welcome back how you

Doing I should breid the cows I get more cows for later I should breed the cow so I get more cows genius I definitely need to explain that um I can get more of them to kill for leather later and then I can and my enchanter I’ve already

Said back back back back back I don’t I’m going to use for the carrots May if I make a gold form I can manually craft golden carrots because I feel like it’s a thing no one ever does cuz it’s just so much better to buy them but I mean if you have infinite

Gold why spend emeralds on on Enchanted and why spend emeralds on golden carrots when you could uh just craft them regular carrots I’m going to leave those to Greed um and I have plenty more wood give me a number uh 37 37 makes it look a little more Square less

Than 30 um may be less than 30 but maybe it’s less than I guess that’s I don’t know English hard um let’s go 13 13 is an unlucky number or a lucky number I actually don’t know I always thought it was an unlucky number I thought that was like the only unlucky

Number that existed but I guess not fix my mic real quick hang get more trap doors because that’s the most expensive part here why is it got to be less than 30 not many things there there’s only 30 there’s only 29 well I guess there’s all the negative numbers it could have said

Negative 13 maybe that’s the Unlucky One I didn’t think so I thought it was just 30 I thought 30 was just lucky number like hope want to get unlucky number 13 maybe it is a lucky number I don’t know a second guessing myself here all right my player is Trey young

Say another Trey Trey young say another number less than 30 14 okay finally let me place it confused confused as to what you mean by that or what your goal with that was but righty having my armor is basically not damaged at all really means to doing pretty good at the game

Um guess this guy’s going to be the thing what’s it for this no those are an interesting design detail I don’t know if there one that I 100% odd board with but you know I’m waiting oh what for another number I said 14 I don’t know I I

Don’t I’m not understanding the purpose of this what dubious seeming purpose you have your numbers friend you indeed have your numbers okay I’m going have to do another one I didn’t hear you that’s not how you spell here guys but I do this actually I mean wait I could totally do

That I mean it doesn’t achieve very much I don’t actually like that I’d rather have this actually that’s a way up now my opponent is jarand oh very confused as usual chat have me confused I me used as per usual get more trap doors I need so many so many trap

Doors run along here look these people up and you’ll figure it out okay is it like a Mortal Combat thing or what we doing here what we do in here I just lost a uh that’s a wrong thing go down and get all the stuff that keeps falling in the

Ocean right now maybe install a oh here I’m not going to look those people up a because uh there’s a possibility of something bad and B I don’t have the time to do so we’re going to go ahead just this I’ll just assume it’s a Mortal Kombat CU I think that’s

More to me personally that’s more interesting Um I think this is actually going to work out with these being the way they are because I can do that um oh actually that defeats the purpose though not if I do this however can fix it they’re not bad okay well I can look them up after the stream

Assuming you don’t message retract everything so you want me to know what it is don’t don’t go message retracting every single thing that you said ever in all history it is time that trap door is in the wrong actually going to use the ramp this time to get back to where I’m

Going into my house and a bed so mobs do not spawn because I do not appreciate mob’s existing in my base anywhere in my base I don’t know why I had to clarify that it was anywhere in my base because one would assume I don’t appreciate them anywhere in my

Base but maybe not maybe I want them in a specific spot oh I totally chopped that down and forgot to get any of the saplings that’s fine I produced whole bunch of surplus saplings at that certain point 16 extra in there and let’s go uh feed the

Cows they breed and then I can have more of them and uh it’s almost time probably to uh start some killing maybe not there’s really not that many there lot of babies in here but I don’t want to have to wait for them to grow up to bre or so I think

I’m going to let them grow up a pretty sizable herd and then all the herd do I have a sword I need to make a sword so I can use sweeping Edge to uh kill a little more effectively a would be good for some controlled killing but um don’t care

About that right now since I just want get a bunch of leather oh I didn’t get it I thought maybe I didn’t no I did that was right I think this hopefully will be enough to finish the whole staircase but if not it’s fine and if I replace this block

With Cobblestone it fixes a lot of the problems exist not on this one however gotta get a lab in here that’s that’s a ODOT right there we are there we have it I think perhaps I shall um because I would like to shall do that that you can exit going that way

Too and I think that’s my whole dock semi complete semi complete aesthetically semi complete it currently has no functional purpose there no decoration on top of it um but and it has no texturing but it it’s got the got the low level this is this is running this is at a low level

Um it looks exceptionally uneven but quite frankly I I think that gives it uh it it breaks it up a little little bit and I like that to be entirely honest I think it needs more Cobblestone showing and it just doesn’t have that so I’m going to go

Around and clear up a bit of this and I’ll work on terraforming it so it Blends into the water nicely um but first I just want to get it cleared out so I can see how much extra Cobblestone and stuff I’m going to need definitely right here this big flat

Wall needs to I think even potentially stretch all the way down to the Bedrock Bedrock level my brain to the sea level Bedrock level that’ be insane that actually be like completely insane and it would look really stupid too there’s not bad oh I’m behind I

Already read that and I my brain it’s just totally itching out here um yeah that will’ll have to I need more uh Spruce logs to extend the pillars down um but otherwise that’ll be F want to clear out all the dirt needs to be removed for this to look good

I’ll do this Stone and stuff once I have once I have an iron tool again up I go make some more of this I got some free dirt from that which is great mean it’s going to cost me Cobblestone and I don’t have like an automatic cobblestone generator or anything

Which probably won’t exist for a while so I really shouldn’t be talking like oh yeah I should have that by now no I shouldn’t that cost that needs a TNT duper um and a decent amount of redstone Machinery to make so no and here you did retract the message

Didn’t I say that if you wanted me to check you had to not retract it whatever I don’t really Care get this the wheat the wheat the wheat the wheat my face is bothering me right now I don’t know why my face itself is bothering me God hang on one moment chat I’m GNA be right back all right I’m back all better um I’m

Glad I noticed that I had not paused my game cuz that could have been very bad had I left the game unpaused as I got up and went away so I popped back and hit Escape so it was paused and a single player so that actually pauses everything which is very nice very

Handy um did not accidentally ruin everything and end the world which would have been bad of course May good for some of you you’re devious and you want me to to die you know I I the fact that uh C where was Ninjago I can’t remember somebody challenged me to like beat a

Creeper or something um and of course I did it it was a while later but um I think that’s not a bad idea um I think I could do a um do a do a stream thing like that in the future have a couple ideas surrounding

That I mean it’s working uh pretty good on the secret life thing I had a bug on a zombie could still move even though I hit escape and it was single player Herobrine hello is that you since then I did not trust that screen anymore yeah well I didn’t actually go

Away for long enough for it to actually become night I don’t think so fortunately I wouldn’t have had to worry about that either way but yeah no I guess I should probably be safer than uh sorry almost night time I want to go check if the cows can GD again or I go

To sleep uh just so I can maximize cowage that maximize the cowage there we go perfect and I’m getting XP from this which I can use at the enchanter I’m think I’m going to build an XP farm as well since I have a ton of cave spider spawners that they

Are a absolute pain to deal with let me tell you I will would not be looking forward to building those but it would get me lots of XP if I did it they are a royal pain to deal with however so all all considerations you made um of course as always as always

Numerous considerations I don’t know what to put on top of pillars on my dock I I do do I do spruce trap doors slabs fence gates or something else golly I don’t know I really just said gol wow I’m I’ve sunk to a new

Low I don’t I have a red bed I guess we’re carrying around it doesn’t really matter where my respawn point is set anyway cuz if I die I’m dead uh um is it killing time yet I don’t think it is that beautiful rainbow uh is discouraging me from murdering all my

Cows well not all of them but you know what I mean um is it do I do what do I do what do I want to put on top of those I know what I want to put on top of those I also know what I’m I know what

We’re going to do today verb that mine I can’t remember need a need a I need my brain to be functional I need ating stone cutter stone cutter that’s what called say cutting Stone which is not what I need let’s go down I’m going to need a new

Shovel this is why I want the enchanter so I can have diamond tools that are all right at the very least see this one first for oh that that doesn’t go there when now I need to go get I’ll go get more Spruce Wood real quick this is down three durability this

Has four durability let’s use this a bit more before adding that this needs to be cleared because it’s causing floating Cav that I don’t want making it take up much more itic space than it actually should be now I think the combo is appropriate to be done fre I think should be

Anyway this tree chop down that’ll be enough for a few pillars I have to extend the height of I have to extend them a bit more but who cares then yes I’m going to need to go get tough aren’t I yeah I need tough I’ll go down to the mines and get tough

Do I include this regular Stone into the build and why not cuz if I do this then it’s not it’s no longer just part of it okay I knew that was going to happen I should have combined those but whatever a shop really who cares that much D in order to complete that

Aesthetic of the stone actually just being part of it I will have to terraform a bit here in that this needs to be dirt so that not clear that that stone is actually just part of the naturally forming stone it’s a design tactics or here I just generally need

To do what I was supposed to be doing Stony Shore would probably be better but we are be more than enough dirt to cover up this Stone here and there we are oh that we are that looks all right not amazing but it looks all right I need

Tough before I go down to get tough I’m going to breed my cows again if I I can they I just Harvest all the Farms why not first to put away Stone I want so many things to do and wood is away wood away as well away as well I’m twister that

One oh and the sugar cane to be harvested too and to have way more sugar cane than I ever need to make the amount of books that I’m going for oh took a bit of damage see that’s why I wouldn’t be able to survive on secret life or whatever

Fall damage maybe if I was being very very very careful but the thing is I just I just take unnecessary damage like constantly not always sometimes I can be super good about it and me like my best behavior and taking no damage but as soon as I get

Comfortable in like a base area I would just just be taking damage back and forth however I don’t think I would take more than 10 hearts of damage each episode and honestly I I think my tactic would probably be to move over a attack immediately like every episode or at

Least on the first one or two episodes because a if there’s not going to be anyone actively dealing damage so your chances of taking damage are much lower which means you’re going to get way more rewards if you uh play a hard challenge like discarded on the first one b um I I

Don’t think the hard Tas are actually all that hard or at least not all that much harder than the normal tasks so far they’ve been kind of neutral neutrally difficult I guess that’s just because they can’t be impossible they’re just supposed to be like fun and potentially I damage

Okay 12 that will get me great 12 will get me uh oh come on get three breeds six breeds math F12 is not three hey but the cat is here scared the yes hi cat hi you’re being very vocal good for you you’re just going to you just come in here to

Scratch up things good good job great love that lovely very loud stop it stop stop scratching stop please okay we’ll put away the extra an extra sugar cane okay we’re getting good kitty yes Kitty not Kitty um cat big cat big chubby cat chubby cat who eats all the kitten

Food and who wants to sent mark my room to death and we’ll probably be mad at me and want to get out in about 5 Seconds they are in a dire territory contest with a literal kitten very depressing I’m going to need a new Shield soon so I’m just going to make one

Preemptively and then go down any more glowberries no okay down I go to get some tough from the mines I have six torches oh I never put those lanterns in I guess I can I’ll put those around that was water good go all the way back and then I got

To go all the way down cuz that’s where the tough is tough is all the way down deep in the darkest mine um is there any tough in this room you see oh hello are you going to sit on my mouse pad oh yep you’re going to sit on

My mouse pad okay well there’s officially a cat on my mouse pad surprisingly I can still see oh hi that’s a lot of skeleton okay I got hit oh wait wait who he hey hey hey idiots I go this way yep that’s you can s mark my mic yep that you’re dropped my

Mic yep good job cat yep there go you got it good job oh and now you’re going to stand right in front of the screen right as as soon as I’m in front of a giant perilous gap of course of course where else where else when when else and where else oh

That is an exle funny funny little guy could could NAB them nope please do not bump my hand yes you can landay on my lap that is fine is infinitely Infinitely better than what you were doing before okay hello top this is what I needed right here light the area up a tiny bit not because it’ll actually stop that from happening very well but just because I like it like that nice and lit in the area I’m

Working so I don’t have to up the gamma while I’m down here I think the gamma is already upped a little bit oh I actually manag to hit a bat you’re getting an upgrade in the next update it’s hard for you to do spin because I’m actually sitting in a even

Remotely correct position for being at my desk well the to my height so there’s not a giant air gap between me and the desk for you to lay down and cat but you’ve done it nonetheless and you are very very pleased with yourself would see you finally managed to make it into my

Room this tough yeah tough that’s a tough T tough actually it’s pretty sure it’s hardness is a little lower than even deep site so tough’s not that tough but all tough obviously of course my brain my humor it’s running a little dry but that’s all right just playing some a goal

Any as a goal I’m actually going to fail at playing Minecraft end up playing a different game on accident whoopsy Daisy guess I’m playing a different game now it would be really nice if I could get collect tough and be mining a mega ban

At the same time I don’t know if I know where any mega b Vines Mega Vines there’s some Mega Vines where any Mega bins are or iron or copper or anything I really need copper could use copper for something but I’d have to think of a build that actually accommodates it and

Going to need amethyst for the enchanting room because I don’t know amethyst just always goes with enchanting and magic and stuff so I will go grab some of that from the geod on my way out there’s actually multiple geod available to me to Village not sure which one I will choose

To Village but there are multiple available to do so and this cat is going to make my legs fall asleep is the extra weight is enough we will see though I do have cushioning on my foot rest now up recent upgrade that I did it’s

Nice and it lets me be able to have a cat on for longer though currently the cushioning is Cur it’s ill adjusted come on okay well that that’ll have to do whatever not very comfortable ah okay yeah Kitty C kitty kitty C yes okay this up out really deep down in this

Like hit of andesite lots of it all I got three stacks that’s surely that’s enough for a little while anyway oh I just realized how many chains that is oh that’s wonderful that’s an amazing amount of free chains the only problem is getting

To the top so I can break it and get all the chains but who cares I’ve already been back here there’s no reason to go over there already got all the diamonds over there no reason to go all the way back there to check let’s just get out of here get to the

Geod there’s another geode over here there’s also the fact that I haven’t checked for diamonds over here yet so I have checked down there but I haven’t checked over like over over there past the giant pit of slate back up into the regular Stone lay and then over and

Around because I I peeled off and went like to the right when I was here for lava instead of going to the left and over okay no damage look Mom no hands there’s the geod I saw there’s also about a billion mobs around here let’s just get to my low my low

Durability Shield up I got stuck Yep this is why I dislike this biome it’s the sole reason because the terrain is uneven enough oh you took my gunpowder and you’re probably not going to drop it when I kill you which is annoying oh you did actually so it’s fine oh that’s a baby

Zombie into the hell parkour death biome of no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I went the wrong way oh no oh gosh and it Blends in too CU it’s green oh golly the bow

Out only have 10 arrows so its value is questionable but there’s more diamonds over here so very nice that’s not spawner no oh hello you made a rude entrance I don’t know when you made a FL entrance I guess oh oh I knew this was going to

Happen oh oh man your bow does so much damage more arrows so I can probably kill that baby zombie now oh diamonds so many diamonds okay guess the danger is somewhat worth it somewhat keyw somewhat I’m going to need a lot of these there’s iron behind it perhaps of value to

Me not particular value of I don’t think this is a mega vein if it is I guess we are simply going to craft a new iron pickaxe because I cannot be bothered to use my diamond one or enchanting it that is that feels wasteful forgot we are actually going to take

This with us night time it is almost daytime yet again it how I built that uh thing almost perfectly to oh there’s so many there are so many back in here wow we just got to kill that creeper and then these dead that two more three more four

Oh three but there’s plenty more to be had elsewhere that one’s going to be rough to get to and there’s a skeleton standing to ready to shoot me as I up Che before you got me chew before you got me uh more diamonds I should have been lava right above that

That would have sucked I know just chopped off the pillar water bucket clutched we fine C I am going to have to readjust here because you I can’t my legs fall asleep which is not good not good at all keep this in front center oh you have an enchanted

Bow what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey he hey I definitely have my shield up there not a baby zombie perhaps it has power on I don’t think that makes it be able to pierce definitely don’t think I should take any damage there but I did so I

Will accept that I did but the fact that it is a bit of garbage okay three oh no four three I have plenty of diamonds in could I could be saving these cords or something and like well come back later with forun 3 but eh I don’t really care not that

Greedy single player world there’s not much value in getting infinite diamonds I really didn’t want you to hit me there just going to go this way because this is where I was going anyway of zombies shirt not more diamonds that is more diamonds however up there and down there and over there all

Three locations that I’m going to have to remember if I do not this is exceptionally risky I’ve died doing this before going to be no got a really what what where’s that no okay we’re going to we’re going to not do that we’re going to be well I forgot about

You enough to the point where I took damage Diamond there there’s Diamond there protected by some guys they Crouch they might not hear me killing that one Diamond W it’s always the armored ones oh wow golden chest plate I’m sure I’ll use that another gets rid of too much protection

No not you you’re the worst had a lava bucket so I could just do that to you sword so I got to get the axe crits no hits I mean aside from the one where it took me off guard but I’m not counting that because it literally just got me while I wasn’t

Looking could have even dodged it or attacked it or oh I’m glad I chose to pillar up over here because otherwise I wouldn’t have seen these diamonds right here Diamond these D this diamond game really and I get there’s lots of them these days but like you could at least

Give you a nice like eight vein once in a while instead of this crappy like an area where you keep giving me garbage veins that have like nothing in them and now 17 baby zombies are going to drop down on top of my head and I’m going to instantly die actually an iron

Golem is going to drop down and instantly kill me since they can do like an insane amount of damage they can do like 10 10 10.5 parts or something instantly instantly instant kill that is going to collapse so not going to stand on top of that like water might come out and wash

Me down going to seey spider hopefully that doesn’t happen even though I forget sometimes that going into your inventory UNC crouches would have been painful end mostly painful in me sense that it’d be annoying let’s not I don’t want to inventory manage underground let’s just keep the clay I’m so good at this

Game so good at game I don’t get scared ever does happen it’s not real cannot convince me that I’ve ever been scared and I get to get and what what is this the luck that Eder totally is just pushing other Ender around can’t believe they they just take that from their fellow

Enderman oh okay you’re not a baby so likeing okay hi you just clipped me right around that corner good for you for you skeleton with your amazing accuracy unrivaled in the skeleton world I’m sure um oh hi you too you too good job good job very impressed very nice

You blending in with the clay good job good job I’m proud and I was meant to be getting amethyst and leaving not mining diamonds but you know what opportunity called to me and I said yes because diamonds and more diamonds more and more diamonds this explains exactly how I

Have already had like 30 diams when the session started session I guess session stream stream started giv me that great okay no this way water down there so I wouldn’t have died possibly if I dropper it and actually made it to the water I’m pretty okay at droppers not say that good

Though more diamonds and actually the lapis I do need lapis for the enchanter of course for using it not for building it wouldn’t that be interesting though if you need like lapis blocks around it in addition to the books okay where not even in well this is oh I

Found the entrance I found rooted dirt valuable thing wait I valuable thing right here rooted dirt I don’t have silk touch on me the RO not the rooted dirt the Roots themselves are the valuable part not the root of dirt they’re exceptionally rare cat unsink your Claw from my uh leg

Please that would be appreciated mildly bothersome hey oh run out of food uh especially if I take more damage who shot me you shot me I’m taking wait a minute excuse me sir excuse me that’s a bit of garbage I think you hit me while falling

Midair as if You Were Somehow not an AI you shouldn’t be able to so cleverly perform such actions around the edge I know there’s a skeleton there was a skeleton like going by now yeah cat I’m talking you looking at me I didn’t say your name so hiccup

B that’s going to be really annoying if I have hiccup sour of stream that glow Lan is really really trying to trick me oh I never got that diamond I think because there was too many enemies near it before I shall get it now well there

Is only some creepers and uh not a good time not a good time get away stop walk in front of my sken SK screen nope nope no no you’re not knocking me down into the creeper infested waters yep fall down take Aim and dead and I’ll get these diamonds cuz I earned

It and what I’m going to do is I’m going to casually not fight these guys by doing that and okay you hit me for like one more better than the whole Army I would have had to face had I not done got to get out of

Here I got to get me out of here I got a berry oh hello spider I’m not interested in taking damage from you therefore having less food that wow that gave me a whole half heart half hunger not half heart we know Hearts zero Hearts not a village can’t go that way because

There’s a Gorge I have to go this way I don’t run into a baby zombie I’m sure that that over there is one more comfortable than my my lap where you were digging yours into me I did not appreciate a whole lot to be honest still need amethyst B FL it

Is I do need that amethyst so we’re going to get into the amethyst Qui we’re just G to so pretty thank you compliment oh I didn’t need to mine that one need to M the all these here oh I just mined the wrong thing make a spy glass if I had any

Copper think I have any copper unfortunately no spy glass but when I do have enough copper of course by that those few buds are the only ones that haven’t fully grown think that was a important one but still still rough that it happened pick up some of these in with

This blocks want just the shards I want block cuz they’re nice and shiny oh hi hello visiting the amth Emporium we like to buy some amethyst splitting axe I can demonstrate it right on your skull right now for you live demonstration you can feel exactly how well it splits

Things hello you too you also like a demonstration there you go that oh potato that’s very nice I appreciate that that payment is definitely suffice to be giving it to your friends yes there you go enjoy the splitting power of the Mighty iron ax get three more of this stuff for half a

Stack oh extra extra amethyst is always appreciated anyway and there’s going to be so many mobs can I not get stuck I had to look around but I could have just left I want to make sure no skeleton was going to shoot me in the

Back actually I do know why come on I clearly blocked that I about like wimpy sounding i’ I think I’ve ever come on man I totally blocked that I should replicate that constantly I just I just do every stream just sounding like that that’d be horrible I

Would hate every second of it oh it is night time I’m going to sleep down here in the canyon because I know there’s are lots here to stop me from sing before I get in range of uh the surface hopefully Ops will spawn up there since I was not in range of the

Surface then however many 100 128 my y level was low enough that it did not occur okay and to have more food when I get up here there plenty of carrots to munch on put away all the stuff diamonds I’m almost at a full stack very nice very nice um TP

TP or iron too make up for the iron lost this in here and I have a potato now so I can make a potato farm at some point I don’t think I already had a potato any mobs let’s just look around before I start going empty brained and and yeah it looks like

There’s let’s get some let’s put this away so it’s not taking up a bunch of my screen there we go oh eight there we are here we are um I think I’m going to eat some carrots good bed will be better but need this wheat to feed my cows toward

Some wheat in the chest and I hav said I can go grab to feed the cows but my herd is rapidly expanding it’s great because uh pretty soon I’d like to actually start working on the enchanter so I can get that done before today’s oh actually today’s

Technically done in four minutes but we will do after stream hour because why not having fun but I don’t see a reason not to do after stream hour which is technically still during stream hour but you know whatever that’s not really the premise anyway let’s just let let’s get you guys R

Up I think that’s everyone started reading so yes yes yes okay and inside I go put away pumpkins make myself two more bread not enough to last me for very long but hopefully at least until the next set of bread is grown I need another Farm plot

Um oh a skeleton died there that’s good good then it didn’t hurt me instead died I think I’m going to remove this hill here CU I don’t really want or need it first I’m going to need to get rid of a bunch of the trees so um yes however

First I am going to get us set up for after stream hour real quick pardon me I I’m still here you can still talk I’m still talking and I’m still here so don’t do not worry I not forsaken you chat still here oh that didn’t want to do that I

Would like to go to my channel and I go to here and go to one like is it this one video oh you see I know it’s not that one why did I do that okay I hang on I’m trying to get the the the the music set up that’s

Videos videos are videos are useless who needs videos anyway I know I don’t I don’t ever use videos did I do this one I it edit video let us get some we’re going to have some lowii going just because why not always good to have good music

Background there we go that’s uh there there for after stream hour officially now well technically it’s not after stream hour for another minute but whatever who cares who cares actually I like to keep that on me um yes oh yes this okay let’s get back

To I’m going to use a bit of my I’m going to use some of my bone meal and Bones get myself some more bread so I can focus on the building which there some PR bits of that over there unless I can instantly turn into fly gr think

So it oh that’s unfortunate that a little unlucky there we gool and having a decent bit of this will allow me to focus on building up my top while the cows freed timer resets and get more leather I think I’m actually going to kill some going to start selectively

Killing as just as many as I produce each time so I can generate a good source of um I don’t know why I keep forgetting what the cows are for and I very much purpose got them them purposely purpose got them words English whatever it say English isn’t my first

Language but it is so that’d be a lie but it probably would be a very easily back lie considering how terrible I am at speaking English um up here up here red yes I need anite and tough and stone T those are both types of stone so and Cobblestone Cobblestone is what I Meant okay my thought was I do this do this I’ll need a few more and then nice cherry blossom b b some leaves petals yes pedals yes also it is officially after stream hour welcome I’m welcoming most people are already you know here and understand that it’s after stream hour but

Whatever I felt like it so I did it and I don’t really think anyone um anyway yeah that’s that’s that good looking all right uh maybe not as perfect as it could look but I can’t think of too many better ways of doing that um then I am going to do some

String um I think I would like some oh right I can’t do that but I can do with a bit of this oh And good bit of this like the good sh and few more of these that’s all good great this is this is the only this is all I need for this to look good I’m just got to pick myself a bit Oh that’s not where you go you’re more of a that why aren’t you why don’t you like that confused don’t you don’t you oh because of that okay oh falling into the water Here oh don’t want to waste the lantern out now okay let’s go back I need to make some torches and go to bed make one of these put ladders I buy one of these so I can get up I to run all the way around is night Time and I’ll breid the cows and start pulling the herd in the morning or a bit of leather and then I can start working on wherever I want to put the enchanter I can put it in my basement but I kind of don’t want to I

Want to make something a little a bit cooler a bit more entry to it than simply just that um first of all though what first that and that because that’s bothering me um I need the axe I will need the axe for pulling the

Her so let us let us let us let us speak on the vegetables make a magic tree ooh that’s a good idea I can do that might need more resources than I currently have but I’ve designed a magic tree before and built one I can certainly do something in that sort of style

Um yes I can do that I will need glass I don’t have sand so I see what I can do with what I have so this should produce me three cows means in turn I can kill three cows one two Ms kill three this does mean that

I’ll be getting beef which means I won’t need to eat the bread anymore so I can just continue that cycle and I won’t have to uh use the brief the brief I’ll use the brief yes I’ll use the brief I’m just going to eat a briefcase I’m going to

Craft a leather briefcase because that’s obviously an item in this game of course as we all know and then I’m going to now I’m on that instead of the bread genius let’s go continue oh almost scares me to almost Dam me okay um over here is where

I need to go uh because I wanted I forgot to make the Torches hang on you know what I’m not going to I’m not we’re not we’re just going to do that I can’t be bothered to walk all the way around so I can craft torches that’s

Stupid I will gladly make a magic tree it’s going to take me a while and I can’t get any budding amethyst because I don’t have silk touch yet but I’ll try my best um see let’s use my brain power where’s the coal gone gu I’ve used it all I use some of this

Stuff use bit of this now they equal and back down to the docks oh hello I don’t have any emeralds for you but what do you have Vines that’s about all you have that’s any value May orange pulips are okay the coral block is not of value to

Me Vines kind of are but I think I can get vines down the Lush cave so who cares I’m just going to continue working on my builds I think here’s where I cut down some that PO that in there for a bit of free lighting put this in I think that was

Supposed to be andite but that’ll look better as andite hello welcome back the gaming bread or the gaming P depending on what you with her how are you doing today I’m doing well welcome to after stream hour we are in after stream hour um I don’t think that ruins to look

Enough for me to Warrant remove remov removal remov of it add in a bit ofit of this string around over here I am also doing well glad to hear that I mean I don’t believe I said I was doing well but I am doing certainly doing all right um where should I

Use this big wall Wars a bit of uh of these going in texture here texture there and more of this section right here oh is it not lit back up in there hang on back into this okay there we go um I think I need to get back in this

Wall and a lack of lighting Cobblestone and the lack of lighting um both major problems I think I’ll roll with the stone pickaxe for a minute even if it makes this take a pain long time is that I think I have more my chests base I can always do this

That wait hang on that one was not meant to be and said that was meant to be Cobblestone we’re just going to go a little crazy back in here cuz I don’t think anyone’s really going to routinize this I mean no no one else is going to

Be in the World probably so no one’s going to scrutinize better than me truly am the greatest critic so do a good job are let’s just take a little just going to five so I can you know I think that looks pretty dang good I mean just from for now anyway

Right oh well this this side’s a little Bland but I can fix that and I’m going put this back somewhere better some more convenient which I’m going to go in here and craft a ladder because this this a lad this going have you should all have ladders on them

Cuz why not I have not yet completed the lower dock so there’s no reason to avoid it till the lower dock is completed that will be how that works there we are and then there’s a bread to be made over here oh no no don’t make bread need

To I need to get it out of my head that I use the stuffer bread is for breeding cows specifically that way I can get the beef and then I’ll just eat the beef be instead of the bread I don’t eat raw weat not a cow cows eat the wheat cows free make

More cows I kill the cows for the beef and then the be need the be rain on activated activated my brain finally only took like 3 hours plus and I don’t even think it’s actually on before I go do the cows going to put away the extra stuff

I oh whoops let’s let’s make this not white it is where this goes we’ll just llama scared me wasn’t even the actual llama it was it was the audio of the Llama from the other stream turn down passive mob sounds already down but I’ll turn down

Even more who cares no one’s going to get mad at me for turning down the mive volume if somebody does then well I don’t really care um let’s begin making paper and making books got two books so far I got actually make the table now I can get some cows bread and

Oh I’ll be a little greedy and wheat means five cows get to be killed oh okay no I wasted one so I only kill four my mistake oh crap dead oh eight leather very nice that’s pretty good okay bedtime the oval I don’t have zoma so I can’t zoom on that

Whatever I have not been drinking very much water this stream it’s bad normally I’m quite diligent with that and I think result is that my throat is trying to hurt which is bad because I don’t have to I can’t just stop talking after this stream is over

Oh this’s a very convenient amount of um books YouTu because I can go ahead and do that three bookshelves that three bookshelves is not nearly enough I need to start thinking about the design for my magic magic uh tree that I need to make which I think I can use the Cherry

Logs Cherry logs will look good I’m going to need a lot of them so I’m going to actually kind of farm them where I put those saplings at here I think in here I’ll leave a supply I’ll take out four four and just to haste in the

Process actually you know I’m going to do something I really should have done a while ago I didn’t because I don’t know why I didn’t no clue any two more cuz I need to make hoppers there we go and then I can go ahead and make this thing a whole lot

Of English English please brain that is the language I like to speak not whatever I was doing before the language whatever that is um yes please into to here um out the door I go ra charge okay um this ah there we are very nice very

Nice there all I got to do is pop these carrots in there and those will automatically make me some bone I find a suitable location to farm these Cherry saplings I think here shall work you need to no there yes this I ever replant the one back over here no I

Didn’t that’s fine may I should put this Lantern like here actually that’s going to cause me that’s going to make me Mad I’m already I already I’m done Bing it all that’s that’s a stri vlog Cherry logs yeah the Cherry logs will work in The Magic Tree then I just eat glass and some unique colored dyes that I don’t have um huh did I bring please tell me I wasn’t

Stupid I was stupid oh man why was I stupid I should have brought back some of the Cherry flat petals flower like floor petal flowers cuz you can grow infinite if you have even one and I didn’t bring back any cuz I’m so smart wow uh jeez well that sucks um

Whatever I’ll have to deal with that it’s fine some more wheat to get some more more leather need more books shells which means high level enchant that one gate and now I can kill two one two leather that’s two more books doesn’t really help me out very

Much oh oh no I can eat that the bread you can’t make more bread that’s the rule not that I can’t eat bread I can’t make more it’s raining I love rain that’s actually my favorite thing entire game for streaming my favorite my other the rest of the gold armor I

Have much we prod 20 that should be enough to get me a cherry blossom tree cherry tree Cherry sapling cherry wood get up here okay um actually hang on I need I need the saplings but I also need some of these things oh man they’re so pretty actually that’s those

Are going to be great for decoration oh wow very pleased with that very trees very good addition the game ah yes good big trees are good I get lots of logs because these are a bit of a pain to farm and making Auto tree farms for them it’s I think n

Impossible need like so much so much TNT there so many TNT dupers you don’t actually spend TNT probably do what I meant Oh two more wheat which means one more cow kill which might be just enough to get me able to actually um you know make another bookshelf let’s just trick

Again wait to kill one more yes one more which means one more book which means one more bookshelf oh it’s grown I can chop that down soon as I pop it here eight great steak is a very good food source it is up there with uh golden carrots it

Might even be a little bit better I think golden carrots are slightly better though as far as getting them goes because you don’t have to have a cow Farm or anything but since I’m farming cows anyway um it’s pretty good good go and that’s one more bookshelf Made that’s four I think I need um I need 18 16 or 18 12 maybe I think it’s five on either side and then six in the back so I think it’s 16 I think 18 is more optional just for Aesthetics because it’s six on all three sides

It’s fully enclosed but you don’t need it to be fully enclosed see I think non fully enclosed is better than fully enclosed I don’t know how I’ll incorporate it into the The Magic Tree style the bookshelves can be up to two blocks away and still function so I do have an

Idea that could work for it I think I yeah I got an idea it’ll it’ll I I can do it I don’t know how good it’ll look but I can do it there will be a actually go up onto the log up in the branches there will be a thorough attempt to

Me and there goes myON ax almost night time is nearing night time so many cherry that plenty of cherry wood for all all being just me because no one else here sleep time it’s almost sleep time definitely new axe time running low on iron I make I get

Any um I would say one more cow before night time but might as well just wait till tomorrow but it’s not raining and when it’s daytime which is great okay and I go now I go oh man all my sugar canes already grown Water I think I have enough Cherrywood

Possibly very possibly I need flowers think I can get a bit of what I need I know where I can get a one minute percentage of what I need think there’s some those Roses those are poppies never yes lilacs that’s what I want take this Though lilacs come here all you know I can produce anything with just one but I might as well just take some I’m going to be back here much prefer manually decorating places and relying on naturally generating stuff anyway uh I think that’s all I’m going to

Need I can use lapis to make blue dye and then I can use that plus red for purple and purple and pink is all I need should need anyway um my brain was functioning umies this make red dy I got lapis this makes blue dye red and blue make

Purple I’m back welcome back K how you doing welcome to after stream hour I need a plants chest chest I think that’s what I’ve decided plants chest time time for a plants chest so I can store all my plants somewhere specific not worry about them getting mixed in with

Everything actually I don’t really need a plants justest that bad basically just for these specific things but I will in the future so it’s good to have and I could even migrate all my saplings over there but I won’t I’ve got 16 purple dye and a lot of lilacs I haven’t

Used make a matching amount 32 that’s not a m matching amount I also need pink pink is a much harder color to get I don’t know why I enunciated it like that or why I’m continuing to enunciate it like that but I am I think I could have turn those

Dang flowers that I forgot to get into pink dye gosh really bothers me cuz that’s a very far trip to get those again man I think I’m going to start not replanting these over here because I need I want this space and I’ve got all the wood I need for making uh cherry

Wood stuff and back can different game um no not right now because I have a request someone requested I build something and I’d like to finish that up before I get off so no no different game right now next stream will be a different game

Of course though I think it might end up being thrown fall because and before you groan and complain they add in a mode where it goes infinite it gets infinitely harder like it gets progressively harder so yeah that’ll be pretty Cool Throne fall not know what Throne fall is have you not seen any of my videos on Throne fall videos on Throne fall I’ve streamed Throne fall at least two or three times oh great they’ll get to find out then pretty fun anyway I get six six cows to

Kill six cows to kill one two three four five six and I got five leather from six cows great perfect as always okay here we are go back put away the wood I made the be C some books only five so two left over then area the one do some math no

Get another bookshelf made one bookshelf closer make a fisherman’s house I again again just like in the other survival world I have to reference my little tutorial video I did on that perhaps I shall make a fisherman’s house I probably will put some kind of fishing shack off of this

Uh thing rain dock Dock dock when I build the lower docks apparently I just have the upper docks these are going straight into the booster growing it up for bone meal my brain very very slow very very slow product of exhaustion probably anyway um let’s put away this I’m getting a lot of

Extra Cherry saplings I can make a massive Grove I won’t yet I’m going to craft some melons least favorite candy least favorite candy probably the WarHeads like the super sour candies I’m not saying they’re bad I just don’t to me pure sourness isn’t candy I didn’t used to like sour patch

Kids but I like them now because you know they’re not pure P sour now now most most favorite or least favorite most favorite candy um gosh that’s a hard one um yeah no that one’s a rough one um you think it’s going to be hard

Um K I probably peanut butter out of my n not peanut butter not peanut butter peanut peanut &s peanut & but the reesei species aren’t bad I know aren’t peanut butter &ms but whatever are basically peanut butter &s I know you there’s not there’s not four of you who want to breach wow

That’s surprising there is two plenty of leather I did most chat what are your favorite and least favorite candies I’m curious hey that’s another half that’s bring me up to a lot more beef is steak in Minecraft it isn’t it that’s not how that works that what I do right

There least Skittles most Sour Patch Kids I like Skittles are good I understand why you might not like them they get pretty sweet and the flavor combination little chaotic but you know I like them I like Skittles was contemplating if I put them up there they’re definitely not my favorite

They’re not going to be they’re not going to make it onto a favorite list I really just tried to hit the tab list as if someone was going to be in the game other than me this is indeed a sequel player W did you just in and un okay there’s a sheep there

I jealous of all their C all the cows and their protective pen oh hello don’t jump don’t do it wait you selling a SP oh no that’s a horn coral block I really got excited there for check sponge yes nope not a sponge not that in fact not a sponge let me just

Need more wheat so I can breed More Cows so I can get more leather I make more books to get enough for the enchanting table you know what why don’t I why don’t I work on actually doing the build before I iy and get all the books and I’ll just

Let the books passively be a thing that happen where do I build it that’s the question um could clear out those trees and build it there could look very cool or I could not do that but it’s kind of special and should probably go somewhere kind of speci

Special I think over in that mountain range over there I mean it’s going to be a little bit of An Inconvenient location but I think I will be okay with that I don’t think I will be enchanting paper frequently so oh I know why I haven’t scar yet

Because I need sand let’s get some sand I need to do some terraforming over here anyway let me just delete that sand Mound that I want to delete anyway cuz I need the sand for the glass so that I can actually uh build the leaves CU those are going to be

Glass glass leaves sounds weird but process is a process so now see who shall see who you shall see what is to come out the tree to a te good thing I need to clear the sand out anyway good thing there’s now I don’t know if I’m going to have time

To finish it well you know I can just go for I want finish it tell if I wasn’t occupying myself with Gathering more sand than I Okay that’s not going to be help I’m running out of charcoal me just remedy that oh I only have cherry logs well I’m going to sacrifice the trees over where I need to build this at where I want it’s not where I need need to build of that it’s not like there’s a

Specific location is required for this build but there’s a location that I think will be most convenient aesthetically pleasing somewhere up in these mountain ranges I was thinking this place was more flat than it was well it is over here that’s perfect um I wouldn’t say it’s quite perfect but

I’m kind of opening to have a Cherry Grove kind of want it on the stone I kind of want the Magic Tree be on the stone surface top of the mountain over here I can have three trees video I upload got a 100 views good for you very good for you good

Milestone just got to keep working working working working I’m going to dig down all this ice and flat up here so I can build my tree and actually bring any of the ingredients for doing so my base over here considering this is going to be technically part of my

Base I’ll build a path over here it’s going to be kind of complicated that gam I assum assure you if you do it right a tearless video will guaranteed get 100 views okay I I did do a tier list short one time it did get 100 views I think I

Think it actually got a couple hundred it’s kind of stupid how many views it got CU I was literally doing a a a a wood tier list cuz they added Cherrywood and I wanted to do how it fit into the general scheme of things so far I’ll replace this with a nicer

Looking Stone later don’t worry what I have on me right now trapo oh yeah I think it was yeah you’re right I think it was trapo I just knew it was something stupid I think I also did wood though maybe not it was just trap door I know it was something stupid

Anyway go get actually this this little tunnel overhang here is going to be spectacular for walking over here I can run a path up through that all the way up to my enchanter that’s going to be uh just like amazing nice streamy sort of wondrous path got clear all these

Trees that’s what I was supposed to be doing my brain okay clear this out two this goes right into the back of my base perfect connecting a path here will be easy oh this isn’t precarious at all how would anyone consider that precarious okay there we are almost enough that’s enough right

There but I’ll just finish this off course back oh there’s not even it’s not enough well and how many will this make got plenty of glass need more sand my wood chest dirt chest here is night we about to be made 50 pieces of TNT under a villager’s

House oh that villager is probably not going to be happy when it steps on the trap door on the trap door on the pressure plate leading out of its house okay um harvest the wheat first today 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 that’s seven cows seven seven of the mo no

Okay I need to feed one more to you and then hopefully that’s a mathematical number I I’ll just kill six okay I’ll kill five I have to be safe whatever there free wood oh I totally forgot to chop those two trees down wa that’s that’s bad of me that’s very bad of

Me I let me go in my house and V no spare be oh Wait whatever I don’t care waste a little bit of it do matter that bad that doesn’t matter that bad doesn’t matter that much English I don’t think it’s even English at this point it’s just tired tiredness tiredness most a cursive of the enemies that into there let’s one more

Bookshelf and I’m going to make a new sh before I go to dig sand I am going to go dig sand but I’m going to be making a considerable amount of glass very especially because I’m going to need some extra for later oh yeah I never I did all this very

Nicely I need to do that a bit that one’s last that’s how us exposed to the ocean so maybe I’ll make it look a little nicer I don’t even know if that’s how the L works or maybe I’ll make that one Mossy or something the salt water isn’t hting it

I don’t know I don’t know what I’ll do okay there oh the sand is so bright it actually just HT my eye nice plar not my eye I don’t only have one eye that would be interesting though I have like no dep protection very Annoying okay now I can make another two of purple back and forth back and forth um then I need a lot of a lot of this use some of these also going to need chains which means I’m going to need to go down to the mine and finally Harvest some of

Those chains actually I think I’ll craft no I I don’t I cannot afford it that was the wrong thing oh this is what I needed make it look great a bomb over a th000 pie of T right in the middle of the village predict what happens uh well the village

Probably will get considerably damaged if not entirely destroyed yeah my prediction so I know where to get chains very cheap that was risky I almost died on that dirt block I don’t have feather falling for I don’t know why I jump off things as much as I do Where’s my water

Bucket Where’s my water bucket no no no no where’s water bu no no no where’s water bucket oh and they both missed they didn’t miss the second time unfortunately but one of them clearly missed a second time otherwise I would have gotten hit twice that’s very zombie

It is be it I don’t care I’m going to out run it because it’s stupid and it can’t catch me cuz I’m a gingerbread man gingerbread going to run past you and then water bucket clutch stupid down here to harvest chains oh wait I shouldn’t actually go down I should go down part

Way not do that please that was not okay I’m going to do I do I do both of these why not while I’m down here I guess I’m putting myself this far into danger far a harmed way as say oh come on really I’m going to have to do this

All the way down I mean better than what if a skeleton Snipes me though I see cobweb down there I’ll be fine I’m skeleton I don’t like this I see a skeleton right there he’s absolutely going to shoot me I just have to shoot him first no but

Then he’s going to start shooting at me I’m too high up for him I think yeah I am oh no yes safety at last you down very very risky Behavior right here I a known that this wouldn’t just collapse zombie I swear good you seem out of the way

I at this point I can’t die from a fall here I don’t think oh oh I made it through that orid Affair alive grab some of the easier chains down here they take so much to break I don’t understand the choice of of durability on these things I guess they’re made of

Iron but like it’s chains this One towards the surface hopefully that baby zombie has thoroughly pissed off by now and I can get through one you’re still streaming yep it’s after stream hour I’m trying to build a magic tree before I end the stream yes I’m still streaming going to be a little bit till

I’m done I’ve just gotten one more ingredient I needed in my design that I’m going for for the enchanter magic tree combo deal I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to build this but I’ll keep streaming until it’s done or I get too hungry and I go make myself

Dinner I could just buy get dinner ah making me alt tab no stop that’s what I’m saying the power of remove message PE PE okay nice Water I’m finally level 30 I get level 30 in chance once I have everything I need I no No there we go 19 I get 10 10 10 cow 10 cow kills all right that you said on the adult cows they acci feed some the baby cow that’s all I’m getting is 16 which means I can kill eight two three four 5 six seven and eight great R in

Here I don’t have I do now timing and a leather I have 11 of it so let’s see paper on me I do that it up to 13 perhaps I did and I will be using these are my bookshelves since I have acally made the Well need a lot of spare so carrots to put in the compost room there’s I need 21 Blass 21 that work great 21 glass close oh it’s going to be exactly 21 that’s great oh that makes sense because it was a stack I put in here and I’m going to get a stack

Out I didn’t even end up sorry paron stretching um and I need um dang I died yeah it’s a shame okay this this will be enough to get me started I need the um what I’m doing it Zelo doing it I’m building the Magic Tree is being constructed why ban him why ban

Him not Banning anyone not right now anyway out of the temptation to do so I shall not not yet anyway okay need to fix those hang I brought a crafting table daab stab fog what are we doing fog of War what is it oh God we make this a semi climbable

Tree get some Roots going nicely down inside of the Mountain climbable Tree complete oh no no no no no no no no no oh that was not a parkour jump I could confidently make I don’t know now let’s begin by Ling on the uh okay y that is a little

Extra um I’m going to put some scaffolding up around the bottom I don’t really need it actually hang on just that make some real leaves in with the punch got like every fighting thing possible and magenta start on up with magenta um yeah this is not I’ll start filling in from the bottom

These those ones are fine have not got enough I know what I need I just got to oh I need that to be not that Okay I should like it to extend a bit back this way towards the a bit I’m definitely out of glass all right enjoy the stream yep see you I’m going to bed well good night have a good what are you doing tomorrow what you’re doing next is going to bed go sleep

Well I’m sleeping right now too I will need to shut off stream soon as well but not just Yet I assure you this won’t look as garbage as it looks right now eventually I’m going to see how this looks I think this is going to look good but it might look terrible so don’t judge me too muchly for this I know it’s dirt I know it’s dirt I know

It’s dirt I know it’s dirt that’s acceptable amount done and then things will get more magical I assure you just have to actually bring the magic maker over it already looks decently magical quite honestly it looks a little Dinky that looks better that definitely looks Better yeah that looks ni I’m go back in more Class I am very very nearly done with the Magic Tree uh the enchanter is also almost fully almost fully bookshelf so that’s great this is not within trunk loading distance so glasses oh actually is smelting I think it’s uh spawn TR so convenient convenient wait for it to

Finish and then hit it with that um great it thinks I’ve been streaming for eight hours I’ve not I’ve done that before but I’m not Cent okay that’s a little more than I necessarily needed I going to drop this is 12 close but not quite that at

All think candles would make it more magical I haven’t got wax right now so going to roll with what we got I need to end the stream at some point that isn’t tomorrow preferably I mean honestly if I could if I had the mental capacity and the lack

Of other things I needed to be doing the point where I could stream until tomorrow I would I absolutely would but I don’t so hey one day I’ll do a 24hour stream soon I think I promised I do a 24hour stream for when pil releases it’s going to that’s going to

Be a that’s going to kill me probably want to schedule my sleep right in the middle I needs to set up something overnight okay this will let me kill well 12 cows for fortnite just got a best update it’s good for people who like fortnite I have six left over which

Means I bet 18 which means I can kill n one 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight come on five leather from nine cows great great that’s great well that’ll actually I think be almost enough that’s too short just too short so close just need six more books which will take a while

But if I grow up some of the I could do this faster I just try do some stuff around the base okay there’s lots of sugar can I don’t need it oh my iron broke R low on iron prob because I keep breaking iron to it but once I have the enchanter I’ll

Be able to use not be wasting it on my pickaxe cuz I’m hopefully going to get good set of enchant in my pickaxe definitely can’t get um can’t get any can’t get mending of course it’s villager villager or loot chests already applied only perhaps there we go put the pump the way seeds

Okay almost you are ready I need to find something else to do while I wait for them to be ready some berries I guess for berry bushes not for berry bushes B meal Great Tire my brain cuz I have been streaming for four hours that much streaming hurts the brain a little bit a little bit just got an ad well I’m not making any money off of it so unfortunately you just gave YouTube some money but that’s s it I guess I don’t really

Care oh yeah I do have hay bells so I really didn’t need to have been farming wheat this whole time I could have just popped out the wheat and Ed it straight to the cows you know I think I actually acknowledge the fact that I had it where

My money go your money didn’t actually go anywhere it’s just said that YouTube got paid by an Advertiser for you to have watched that ad YouTube is stealing money um no just grow them up them whole hay bals no can feed them like about a billion

Weed never worth it must take action and get an ad blocker I don’t they I don’t think they work very well anymore any more got ice bucket v egg all the PS and the bats and take Aim and I think I’ll get enchanter to anyway I just need uh I just need six

More leather excuse me pi up over M it’s been eight minutes one more of you a at 12 which means I can kill six one two three 4 5 6 great you know what I can just kill more I only need to kill one more anyway whatever perfect great perfect good great

Perfect in here put away the wheat I put away this but actually I’m going to take it out because put it in there now more paper yes yes yes finally yay I’ve got what I need got this this and this cool now yes um I can’t there’s not

Um think the lapis iond pick already ready good let’s go it’s almost time stream will only be four and a half hours long H whatever it is what it Is Really put some of this stuff around add to the magic and I do not have silk touch so please forgive me if I have to break any of these Okay cool ah okay now cuz why not I’m going to hang a bunch the one the required I don’t know if that reaches or not oh I forgot about that too I always forget what needs silk touch and what doesn’t because I’m so used to having it just automatically being using

My silk touch cuz I I just I use silk touch all the time and then is this can I get level 30 in here nope I cannot which one of you is not doing it you are probably not oh oh well I don’t have any choice cuz annoying but

Whatever I can only move one in closer so make where I move this to that should count please 24 why no Ah ah why are you not functional buddy is this one blocked now I can’t know I don’t have enough XP well it’ll show me that I can myself sh no I don’t really care Tre will get demolished later anyway where the books go anyway oh I could have used the pickaxe why am

I Stupid I just get a disenchanter I always forget that they added those so I can just do that but man oh man did that hurt my brain anyway going to put it here for safety M6 where where are these not working all the top ones not

Work is this one not working this this one definitely should be working is this one just not working going to put that there instead I only have 28 levels uh what I aesthetically speaking I’m still appreciating this Build this out of here just taking screenshots any good Builder does or future appreciation efforts I will finally end the stream time shortly Oh this is going to be a great shot check for KN good for you needs more Roots ah whatever definitely needs more Roots it needs another Root Down that side of the mountain but that’s going to do it for today so wait I do not want to be

Nighttime when I log back in that is a recipe for disaster back B sleep and then that’s going to be It you see how my base in a hardcore world is entirely unlit excluding the aesthetic light pictures okay that’s going to do it for today have a good whatever you’re doing next maybe I’ll see you next Time Bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore – A Wonderous Mistake’, was uploaded by Gammaray on 2023-12-03 22:51:02. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:34:04 or 16444 seconds.

Hardcore, it’s difficult. I don’t know what to say in the description here. I’ll be playing hardcore minecraft so yeah. Don’t know how long this will last, but I was planning to stream it once a month.

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tkvKTHcxny

Hytale: https://youtu.be/o77MzDQT1cg

– Music provided by Lofi Girl – Listen: bit.ly/lofigirI-playlists — https://www.youtube.com/live/jfKfPfyJRdk?si=h9vccAuCGc1qiXlI

  • Minecraft’s Creepiest Channel

    Minecraft's Creepiest Channel The Mysterious World of Minecraft’s Most Disturbing Channel – m00nlander Exploring the depths of Minecraft can lead players to unexpected and eerie discoveries. One such enigma that has captured the attention of gamers is the unsettling Minecraft ARG known as m00nlander. This mysterious channel has left players intrigued and puzzled, delving into a world filled with cryptic clues and chilling encounters. The Beginning of the Mystery It all started with a series of videos that sent shivers down the spines of those who stumbled upon them. The journey into the unknown began with a terrifying encounter that set the… Read More

  • Skele-horse Shenanigans

    Skele-horse Shenanigans Welcome to the Adventures of Minecraft Survival Ep. 2! Skeleton Horse Incident #1 In this episode, our Minecraft adventurer encounters the mysterious Skeleton Horse Incident #1. What could this mean for their survival journey? Wandering Trader Teleportation A surprising event unfolds as the Wandering Trader makes an unexpected teleportation appearance. How will our adventurer handle this twist in their survival world? Attack of the Cave Creeper The Cave Creeper strikes, bringing danger and excitement to our adventurer’s journey. Will they emerge victorious from this intense encounter? Pillagers get BOATED Our adventurer cleverly deals with the Pillagers by using a… Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Returns Home – Minecraft Ep. 1

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  • Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide

    Block Exploration: The Ultimate Guide The Observer Block: A Redstone Marvel in Minecraft One of the most intriguing blocks in Minecraft’s vast array of redstone components is the Observer. This block, introduced in the 1.11 update, revolutionized redstone contraptions with its unique ability to detect block updates and emit a redstone signal. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the Observer block and explore its applications in the game. What is the Observer Block? The Observer block is a redstone component that resembles a small, robotic eye. When placed facing a block, it can detect changes in that block’s state, such as block updates,… Read More

  • Minecraft’s End of the World?

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  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

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  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Life Hack Minecraft Life Hacks that Everyone Believes In Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for some fun and useful life hacks to enhance your gameplay? Look no further! In this article, we will explore various popular Minecraft TikTok videos showcasing tips, tricks, and life hacks that claim to improve your Minecraft experience. Let’s dive in and see if these hacks are truly game-changers or just myths! Jump Boost with Crossbow One of the intriguing life hacks showcased in Minecraft TikTok videos is the ability to get a jump boost when holding a crossbow. The command to execute this hack is:… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm Progression in Minecraft 1.21 – Unbelievable Chaos!

    Insane Iron Farm Progression in Minecraft 1.21 - Unbelievable Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron Farm Progression – Chilled Fun With Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Joe Hammer Gaming on 2024-09-11 23:04:24. It has garnered 271 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:46 or 10486 seconds. Minecraft Iron Farm Progression – Chilled Fun With Minecraft 1.21 My Minecraft World Seed is 5388136788354774904 Welcome to our Relaxing Minecraft Live Stream! Join us for a laid-back and soothing gameplay session where we explore the endless possibilities of Minecraft. Whether you’re here to unwind after a long day or just want to enjoy some peaceful building and… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Horror Map Gameplay

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  • Unbelievable! Insane Mega Sky Block Minecraft Adventure!

    Unbelievable! Insane Mega Sky Block Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mega Sky Block Minecraft part 1’, was uploaded by Chorus on 2024-07-25 12:22:10. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:06 or 906 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Guru SigilsTV’s Insane World Records

    Minecraft Guru SigilsTV's Insane World RecordsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Highest Ranked Minecraft YouTuber| @sigils’, was uploaded by SigilsTV on 2024-05-22 16:45:47. It has garnered 4107 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:08 or 8048 seconds. Today @sigils plays Halo Infinite Ranked 📖NEW BOOK: https://amzn.to/3u5xwwr 📖STAR SUMMIT Audiobook: https://bit.ly/StarSummitAudible 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Follow Me!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 📺 Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sigils 🐦 Twitter: http://twitter.com/sigils 📷 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sigils/ 📱 TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@sigils 👾 Discord: http://discord.gg/sigils 👕 Merch: http://sigils.store 🕹️Playlists: ▶️Call of Duty Warzone: https://bit.ly/30vEZ75 ▶️FPS Games: https://bit.ly/2UqGNL1 ▶️Top Videos: https://bit.ly/3hffBc0 Read More

  • Minecraft gamer unlocks ultimate strategy 💀💀💀

    Minecraft gamer unlocks ultimate strategy 💀💀💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Bro Had The Strat 💀💀💀 #minecraft #pvp #gaming #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #smp #mc #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by Reaping on 2024-05-03 00:03:13. It has garnered 10303 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Goofy Armor Kit @ReapingYT Read More

  • Ghost gets a girlfriend in Minecraft?!

    Ghost gets a girlfriend in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘i found a girlfriend | minecraft’, was uploaded by ghost clover on 2024-09-15 20:13:56. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds. it wont happen Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT VIDEO that Broke the Internet! 🔥” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE MINECRAFT VIDEO that Broke the Internet! 🔥" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘That One Minecraft Video In My Fyp 💀 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #shorts #fypシ’, was uploaded by ItzPotatoPlayz on 2024-04-29 13:50:12. It has garnered 2406 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE 30x EDITING MONTAGE by Twenn on Lapex Network!

    INSANE 30x EDITING MONTAGE by Twenn on Lapex Network!Video Information This video, titled ’30x edit parçalama – lapex network’, was uploaded by Twenn on 2024-09-04 20:42:02. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. dc : twenizma song: murda & uzi – love minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft endoyuncu cheat 2023, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu… Read More

  • 😱 CRAZY Minecraft Stream! Sub = On Screen! #10K

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  • Vortex SMP Modded Factions EVENT 1.19.2 SMP

    We’re having an event soon! Scroll for more details! Vortex Discord server: Join Here ABOUT THE SERVER: The Vortex SMP is a modded, factions-based SMP built for multiplayer gameplay. With over 150 mods, the server offers a fantasy/steampunk experience set in Minecraft version 1.19.2. Customizing mods is possible by contacting admins or the server owner. ECONOMY: The server uses Lightman’s Currency mod for a coin-based economy. Players can exchange goods and services in a marketplace. Unique shops like Cosmic offer various items and can craft stronger weapons using the Tetra mod. Origins The Origins mod allows players to choose unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft Live Edit Ever

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  • Crafting Chaos: Backrooms in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Backrooms in Minecraft In the Backrooms of Minecraft, a place so surreal, With Ray Tracing and editing, the footage reveals. Trying to escape, with monsters in tow, The liminal space, where fear starts to grow. Download the map, if you dare to explore, With surprises and twists, at every closed door. Acting as monsters, @SayfuHQ and @CausingChaos, Adding to the thrill, in this backrooms expose. Thanks to BetterRTX, for the visuals so clear, Making this adventure, one to hold dear. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In the Backrooms of Minecraft, where reality’s on a string. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boomtastic Read More

  • 1300+ Iron Per Hour in Minecraft 1.21+

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    EXPLOSIVE MINECRAFT DEATHS?! Hardcore Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedrock Hardcore Part 2 | VTuberEN Live Stream’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-27 03:16:17. It has garnered 158 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:51 or 12171 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftLive #MinecraftStream #MinecraftGaming Today I am To make new Serious one my live streams With Minecraft Hardcore By collecting all Rare items Like armor shrimps music disk And other cool material So come join for the fun And I hope you all enjoy the life My Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/r322c_ My discord https://discord.gg/TQe5FBRP My Twitter https://x.com/r322c Support the OtterFox https://streamlabs.com/r322cgaming/tip #MinecraftHardcore… Read More

  • Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3

    Horror Toilet in Minecraft: Part 3Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-02-17 06:19:23. It has garnered 297867 views and 1361 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:37 or 637 seconds. i Found Horror SKIBIDI TOILET 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-3 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!

    INSANE Minecraft Tutorial for Ultimate Zombie Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #tutorial #minecraftshorts #survival #letsplay #gaming #zombie #videogames’, was uploaded by Evie on 2024-04-29 12:56:32. It has garnered 418 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Chris999’s Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!

    Unbelievable: Chris999's Latest Updates Will Blow Your Mind!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Mace, New Banner Patterns, Armor Trims And More’, was uploaded by ThisisChris999 on 2024-03-14 18:03:43. It has garnered 477 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:09 or 549 seconds. Hello and welcome to my channel. Here is where I do a variety of different things in Minecraft. Today, I share a new preview and what’s inside. #Minecraft Changelog: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/24981522422669-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-20-80-22 Twitter X: https://twitter.com/RealThisisChris Discord: https://discord.gg/qtqVhTR Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisischris999/ Read More

  • ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrock

    ¡El mod que te hará temblar! 😱 #minecraftbedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Serie Survival con el mod experiment 8 💀 links en los comentarios #minecraft #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by ★El Isaí シ on 2024-08-17 16:34:43. It has garnered 686 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: I BUILT a Dragon Base in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-10-05 10:00:22. It has garnered 9400 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:06 or 846 seconds. I BUILT a Dragon’s Secret Base in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Maizen, Nico and Cash Parody! Like and SUBSCRIBE Thank you!! Panuorin nyo din sila: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming,SheyyynPlayz, Ar Ar Plays, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Esoni TV, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_, Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc TV, Astraeaa PH, Azen Gaming, Mizumi, Kimmie Like, Share and Subscribe! FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/ClydeCharge/… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!

    INSANE Minecraft Pixel Art Survival Challenge!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraftpixelart #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #shorts #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #ftypシ’, was uploaded by conmc on 2024-08-05 12:05:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft … Read More

  • EPIC FAIL? Nooobi takes on LaComida Hardcore world!

    EPIC FAIL? Nooobi takes on LaComida Hardcore world!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Playing on the LaComida Hardcore world (i hope i dont die)’, was uploaded by Nooobi on 2024-06-11 00:39:17. It has garnered 99 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 07:09:57 or 25797 seconds. hello? Twitter: https://twitter.com/nooobbii Ignore tags- #Bedwars #Minecraft #Hypixel hypixel bedwars, keyboard asmr, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, keyboard and mouse, minecraft bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft, keyboard and mouse asmr, mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard + mouse sounds asmr, minecraft mouse n keyboard sounds, keyboard and mouse sounds… Read More

  • “EPIC MINECRAFT SOLO LEVELING MOD 😱” #minecraft #shorts

    "EPIC MINECRAFT SOLO LEVELING MOD 😱" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecrft Solo leveling Mcpe Mod 🤯 (Download) #minecraft #shorts #sololeveling’, was uploaded by FUNNYFACE😖GAMING on 2024-04-19 18:21:09. It has garnered 841 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Minecrft Solo leveling Mod 🤯 #minecraft #shorts #sololeveling Related Topic : Minecraft solo leveling mod Minecraft soloviner Minecraft solo leveling Minecraft solo winner Minecraft solo house Minecraft soloviner xd Minecraft solo survival Minecraft solo Mcpe solo leveling mod bedrock Minecraft 1.19 addon Download Skyrim Solo Leveling mod Stats addon mcpe Solo leveling Minecraft server Tensura addon MCPE mcpe solo leveling solo… Read More

  • WestLeaf Economy SMP Economy NEW! Quarries & Hopper Automation Expansion Custom Storage Claims Jobs

    Welcome to WestLeaf Economy 💸 Custom Items / Ores & Tools, Sell ANY Item, Custom Terrain, Automation, Jobs, Skill Levels, Claims, Chest Selling, Random Teleport, Vein Mining & More! Established in 2022, WestLeaf offers a modded economy experience in a vanilla setting. Enhance your gameplay with automated processes, trade unique minerals and tools, explore custom caves for special crafting options, and engage in combat with levelled mobs. Our server features: Custom Tools Custom Textures New Ores Custom Terrain Generation Skill Levels Quarries Claims Vein Miner Vote Rewards EULA FRIENDLY, NO PAY TO WIN! Join us at: IP: play.westleaf.net Discord: https://discord.gg/Ze9THErzuj… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – SCP-173 watches newbies in Minecraft server

    Minecraft Memes - SCP-173 watches newbies in Minecraft serverPOV: You joined my Minecraft server expecting a welcoming community, but all you find is me using this meme to flex my high meme score and intimidate you. Good luck! Read More

  • Roller Coaster Rivalry: Minecraft Build Battle!

    Roller Coaster Rivalry: Minecraft Build Battle! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Boy vs Girl, who will build the best rides? Roller coasters so modern, with twists and turns, Epic builds, the excitement burns. Hit that like button, show your support, Comment on your favorite, be a good sport. Subscribe for more challenges, fun and new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. From jaw-dropping designs to mind-blowing feats, The competition is fierce, who will take the seat? In this gaming community, where fun never ends, Minecraft roller coasters, the thrill ascends. So join in the fun, let your creativity soar,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes to Spice Up Your Day

    Spicy Minecraft Memes to Spice Up Your Day Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftjokes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • EPIC Boss Fight in Vault Hunters 4! (#61)

    EPIC Boss Fight in Vault Hunters 4! (#61)Video Information This video, titled ‘Vault Hunters 4 – The Next Level (#61)’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2024-09-21 00:00:52. It has garnered 17107 views and 636 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:36 or 6096 seconds. Vault Hunters is a Minecraft mod pack where we complete vaults, get gear, and level up. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Vault Hunters 4 playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08Zw3qoAAPS9Hkw8hFePqr4TX Play Vault Hunters: https://vaulthunters.gg/ My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ●… Read More

  • Unleashing the Diamond Tiger

    Unleashing the Diamond TigerVideo Information This video, titled ‘𝑯𝒂𝒐 𝑫𝒖𝒘𝒄 | HỔ KIM CƯƠNG: 100 NGÀY SINH TỒN MINECRAFT | Nguồn: 桃子老玩伽’, was uploaded by 𝑯𝒂𝒐 𝑫𝒖𝒘𝒄 on 2024-06-11 06:02:43. It has garnered 124495 views and 537 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:40 or 1300 seconds. 👉 Contact me: ☛ Email: [email protected] ☛ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@duwchao #haoduwc #funnyclips #minecraft #minecraftanimation #100dayschallenge Read More