EPIC Minecraft Fish Reveal! You won’t believe it!

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He hello hello hello everybody my name is L duris and I have the dumb I’m very sorry everyone I I apparently made the waai cannot talk made the waiting room for 2 p.m. and it’s at 700 that’s a 5 hour difference I apologize I I’m dumb that I can only

Offer that up that I was dumb my brain that’s okay ammer welcome to the stream hope you’re doing well to everyone else who showed up earlier welcome as well uh I hope I again I apologize it sucks I’m the only one who I appreciate ammer I hope you’ve been

Having a good day I I spent the day installing all of the software and calibrating my drawing tablet for this laptop because I’m not getting the new one back till January so I might as well suck it up and go through the horrible process of calibrating others might show up others

Might show up inside the uh the server as well we never know right like we’ll see we’ll give it time it’s not a big a big deal whether it’s h a million viewers or one viewer I’m happy to have people just you know to hang out and

Talk with so it’s I’m happy to have you but yeah I I I got the laptop the old one is all set up again with a drawing tablet it took 3 hours is to get everything calibrated right uh even then it doesn’t feel quite right I don’t know if it’s just the

Lag um or if it’s I’m off on something but uh I’ll I’ll figure it out in time it’ll take a little bit it wasn’t an easy process um you Al El wasn’t an easy process finishing this Farm oh my God this Farm is is this took way too long I don’t

Want to touch another Farm again and that’s why we’re going to finish this and make another Farm because I have problems uh yeah I want to uh there have been requests for an iron farm so I’m going to make an iron farm on the server cuz

It’s one of the weird things we don’t have but yeah it’s it’s actually largely done uh I also managed to get a villager over here and he became a fisherman which is awesome because I’ve been able to trade in all the fish yeah I made this ammer I’m dumb I’m

Serious it took a lot of emeralds to get this glass a lot of carrots but the walls are alled up the entire Monument has been disassembled thankfully this is made with a bunch of the monument which is really cool but yeah we have a guardian Farm

Now I do want to do something to cover this up um let’s get rid of some of these guys cuz they do start lagging up the place and now we have we have a farm for XP it’s not weird can you guys hear me is there background audio disappeared let’s try that Again weird hey welcome to the stream how you doing it is all the weird puffer fish they are they are wonderful that was really weird why did it like uh three no I don’t want to download iTunes there we go oh okay so it’s got a pretty good rate of

Feed I know Enix had said that there was ways to make it better with portals but I think this is Enough like it’s we’ve got a boatload of stuff I actually it’s at the point where I don’t care about prismarine like we’ve got all this I don’t know why there’s rotten flesh in there um like if anybody on the server needs prismarine there is more than enough here for them to go crazy

With so but I want to cover this over I was thinking of keeping it open and exe had said put glass I like the idea but I think I want to do something to break up the glass so I’m thinking of putting a layer of just a rim just something to make it

A little nicer of smooth quartz and I would appreciate oh yeah that’s regular quartz I still have to cook that crap um I would appreciate your feedback I’ve been trying to figure out a way to just make this nicer like all the glass is kind of boring

Right if you’re wondering how it works I should show you how it works so if we go make sure I have that just in here so the glass is actually to keep the Guardians inside the area here um that’s why I want to put a wall in um

That keeps the Guardians in here they don’t swim out and chase after squid because Guardians will actually hey cat Welcome to the stream how you doing good evening to you as well um Guardians will swim and Chase squid and kill them it is it is evening you are not wrong you are not

Wrong yes so if they they see squid they will chase after them and kill them uh so that’s why I had to put the glass walls in I could have used any material I just figure the glass is kind of cooler because you can actually see the Guardians so they spawn

In and Guardians naturally will sink if they don’t detect something they can kill so those ones out there farther outside the spawn Zone will fall and all those are Gates that are open and they’ll just fall through the gate but I don’t do anything to lure them just their natural laziness will kill

Them and so they fall through here into this hat hle area here where they gather down in the middle and shoot me oh God they’re going to shoot me please don’t kill me um I don’t think lighting this area up will be a bad thing just to help you

See but there’s a channel here with water that’ll lead them along don’t shoot me where they travel up here to their death I really should cover that door up I don’t want anybody to die I’m not late see you you figured it out Alex welcome to the stream how you doing I

Apologize for earlier can I I should be able to just jump up there we go so while they shoot me in the butt they’ll go up and just a simple bubble elevator takes them up a stream carries them over they fall to their death well not their death they’re inevitable you

Know canning it’s they’re fish it’s Canning no I want to hang on to those let’s give her that let’s that let’s that nice but yeah the squids will lure them away and that’s why I had to put the glass walls in to try and keep them inside

Here also by putting a lid over top they won’t get distracted by players and potentially kill said players which would be bad literally you did you did and that’s when I was like why I like literally I was confused as to why you asked that Alex and then I realized wait a minute

Let me double check something and then I was like oh no I have the dumb nope please stop yeah I can’t wait to put things down here glass something just to stop them from shooting me I think it’ll be clear glass I don’t think the the black tinted

Glass will look very good just with the lighter color scheme we have going I think it’ll be kind of bad although the black and white would go well together like with the white border here but just something to break it up that’s sort of the idea of what I’m doing

Here you have one now I’m going to having a cooked cuddle fish a don’t do that I’m rubbery if not prepared correctly oh this is gonna take so much quartz I’m glad I’m only putting one border on but yeah this is sort of the idea of what I have stop shooting me

What I have for the please note my inability to aim for the place I think it’ll look really good please Don’t I hope part of me had thought of nope can’t shoot move up here um part of me thought of like moving him off the raft over here and give me a home stop shooting me but uh I think I actually like him on the raft more I think Isor but he eats it for it’s true since when was it not you but you get the words faster all right let’s yeah that’s sort of the idea of what I want to go for I think like I said the next thing we got

To work on is an iron farm and I got to find a place um to make it cuz wherever we make it it can’t be near a village it’s got to be in an open area away from um I’m also debating do we make

It uh like a farm what do you guys think like should we make it so the get out of here we put in like I guess it would be blacksmiths or the like weapon Smiths tool Smiths that trade for iron cuz what we could do is make it so

The villagers are still accessible but safe please stop shooting this is why I’m at the ceiling because you can’t stop shooting me oh is the volume loud oh the volume’s loud sorry about this there we go my bad when I uh crashed iTunes it uh it forgot what the volume was at I

Was wondering I’m like why is this so hard so loud uh do I I have a guy who has mending so I’m not too worried about it but my thought was to just put like a bunch of librarians and then uh uh dead good moment of quiet um yeah do

Like maybe a quarter of them would be either weapon Smiths or tool Smiths whichever one has the iron trade and then the other 75% would be like Librarians although I wouldn’t be too picky about what they sold um really I just want weirdly I want more glass cuz I only have two

Librarians with the glass trade and it’s really annoying you keep waiting for them to reset so I think I like the white border and then yeah we’ll put glass over the top and that’ll that’ll break it up uh you want mending then go to the city we’re going to be celebrating New

Year’s Eve today are you ch ch isn’t really a thing here but exists where religious that’s fair that’s awesome yeah you are a day ahead you will be the man you’ll be the man from the future hati cat and that is awesome I hope you have an absolutely

Fantastic New Year’s I still kind of don’t know what I’m doing because I got a bunch of people that want to do stuff oh no oh no I made slabs can I put you back into well that’s Absolute did not want to make you Into dang it well that was a waste of quartz ultim my dog is fact that a just wants your love I know my parents dog when I see actually my sister’s dog is oh my God she is the minute she sees you she’s like please love me I’m unloved by

Anyone no one TR Tru cares for me uh block of Quartz block of Quartz I’m going to cook the block of Quartz I mean I just hate that I made quart Slabs I I hate that I did that that was like the dumbest like the absolute dumbest uh I have to be honest each I do get how to play Minecraft but not how to read Minecraft streams what do you mean like how to read Minecraft streams like how things go usually like Minecraft

Streams I don’t know they can go one of two ways I find it’s like either more like a chatting stream where the I am now tangled up in my hoodie and in my headset one second Okay sorry about that I kind of don’t get what happen so it’s sort of like like I said it’s it’s there’s like I find there’s two kinds of Minecraft streamers there’s people who just sit there and build things uh and then there’s more of a like zatu talking style stream that

People do and I’d like to believe I’m somewhere in the middle um uh ton of salad oo what kind of salad T cat I personally love Caesar salad I’m I’m a sucker for a Caesar or anything with like a basic vinegret um that’s like hands down way to make me

Eat any salad either one of those two dressing but I really like Caesars with like the croutons and the parmesan cheese um that’s good I want one of those now actually I love chicken Caesars man I want want a chicken Caesar now no one truly cares people care everyone Cares uh kind of don’t like what happens but yeah so that’s that’s sort of the idea is sort of like a chatting stream like the streamer will do things and then talk about stuff with chat and that’s like the main one I see um the other ones are like almost like

Um more like tutorial T sty I can’t talk to save my life uh tutorial style streams um and I mean they’re not for everybody some people are these all smooth quartz uh some people also just watch to see when the streamer is going to die and what’s going to kill them because

Inevitably somebody will do something damn it uh Stupid while playing Minecraft that gets themselves killed it’s sort of like a a a guarantee of what’s going to happen or somebody on on the stream or in the server will do the same like is that sort of the idea it’s just

Ch stream where you relax um dang it uh relax and hang out have Fun but that I hope that helps you you figure out what they what they’re about ammer and what kind to expect during a Minecraft stream uh sometimes too they can be like exciting events if people have things plann on the server I still have delusions of building a race course son of

A uh I swear to God I will murder you when you’re kind um hide here so he gets bored but I solved delusions that I’m going to make the race course on the ice around the town but that is that is my delusion that is my dulu

No don’t do that okay everybody needs to I can’t wait to cover you in glass I’m going to seal you in a box and you are all going to die I want you to know that the only downside is by covering it up you can’t get squids to spawn so you can’t collect

Um Squid Ink with the farm as well but it’s safer and less annoying I’m a big fan of the less annoying my cat loves me though she’s a fat cat and I can’t t i I get a you love that fat ass see that’s why I love cats cuz I I

Would happily cuddle them I would be like yeah come come cuddle with me unfortunately it would kill me but I would be super happy while dying it’s a fine way to go is the average Guardian in Minecraft they’re just basically annoying yeah they really are the only thing more annoying is the Elder

Guardian and their stupid um I forget what the status effect is called I think it’s just mining fatigue if I’m not mistaken I was going to say slow but I don’t think it’s slow I think it’s I think it’s mining fatigue yeah it’s super super annoying oh good now they’re getting crushed to

Death here allow me to show you Mercy it’s not a bad Farm it’s not perfect it could be a heck of a lot more efficient but honestly like for the am I can’t see people on the server needing that much prismarine right like we’ve already got almost a chest full of stuff we can make so much that

Is ink I will take you thank you yeah I miss I’m going to I’m going to miss having the free ink that same energy come over here my Daddy’s going to No I’m referring to cats and how cute they are I don’t think I found a skinny cat cats defitely are like overfed and well-loved and they have been skinny it’s cuz they’re like 20 something years old like my one friend’s cat her cat is like 20s something now it is

No she’s not 20 she is what is she I think she’s 17 she’s up there she’s like super old for a cat but she’s skinny uh I made the guardian Farm because I want prismarine I want easily accessible prismarine and I’m insane I also kind of wanted an XP farm that

Wasn’t wasn’t in the end and wasn’t in the nether something that somebody could access relatively easy as long as they know the coordinates which 30663 99 but like I do what I really want it for is um please don’t shoot me yeah we’re going to need a bit more quartz

Almost enough we got two of the two of four done um what I actually really want it for and thing I I love more than anything are sea lanterns I absolutely adore sea lanterns as a lighting Block in this game and I don’t I don’t want to kill Guardians freely swimming through the

Ocean to get it uh I still have way so much stuff to take out of here that there I got a find a use for these quartz laps I messed up really by making them you know what let’s make sure there I got the pretty chisel I

Don’t know what I’m going to do with the Chisel blocks but I’m pretty chisel blocks hey ni see welcome um but I think it’s good but I I want the border and I think the glass on top is a good idea you’re mind apparently nxe is made a a iron

Farm you made the farm I cannot spell oh my God I cannot Spell well that definitely makes things easier for me my buck hat is then don’t assume oh I apologize it’s a good one that’s all that matters that’s all that I cannot type to save my life it’s all that matters infinite power well the most traditional salads Are here oh these are good salads ooh these are good salads uh I don’t know if I like the Mayo a more complex one requires a lot of obsidian and way more villagers and Redstone really cuz the one I had in mind would have been like super simple hm

H uh yeah the rest of that solid sounds good I don’t know if I’d like the Mayo wouldn’t wouldn’t the the pickles the brine from the pickles mess with the Mayo and make it kind of sour and dressed haing layered salad with pickled herring I’ve never had

Pickled herring but I want to try it I like fish that actually sounds good I like the second one to be fair has its own Iron Golem any but it’s sorting oh okay you got a sorting system I’m far too lazy far too lazy sort out the

Flowers yeah I’m far too lazy to sort I would just be like we’ve got flowers who cares um can I thank you sir uh wait nope this one stone stone stone stone stone stone perfect okay keep that with us that gives us a little more room in this area

I don’t know what I’m going to do with this quartz oh I have two more netherite uh netherite ingots by the way cuz when I was farming the quartz in the nether I was Dumb and then realized I have two Stone Cutters who I can actually trade

For the quartz from yay my brain uh my left do is Golden Retriever and I have one brain and it’s yeah as long as they’re filled with love that’s all that matters cuz that’s what makes them amazing let’s uh we actually have to go snag the

Boat I’m almost out of gunpowder I think the other thing I want to make and I always say I’m never going to make any other different ones squid salad crab salad vinegarette I actually am envious of you hati cat and wish I was here like there with all the

Silence I’m curious about the squid salad though like the vinegarette and Greek Greek salads are good too I like the fet of cheese also no taste really I’m very surprised okay yeah I generally would have figured that the uh the brine with the Mayo would have ruined it um

Like just the salty pickiness I ate a squid a few days it’s kind of hard to chew ah it was overcooked was either under or overcooked yeah if you do eat squid and it’s or you’re making squid and it’s really hard and chewy Oh we do it too uh yeah make sure it’s not big pieces and then either you got to cook it just right because if it’s undercooked it’s hard and chewy if it’s overcooked it’s hard and chewy and then if you have overcooked it you have to cook the

Absolute hell out of it oh that is huge oh that is that is huge that’s very big cloro welcome to the stream how you doing we are hopping around there we go uh any says absolute yeah they are wonderful and cuddly and lovable I will hands down

Give you that but my sister’s dog needs like a second brain cell so she stops eating things she shouldn’t it is hard to cook right thank you Alex I am I am a bad speller actually the problem is I’m a good speller I know how to spell

Many many many words but I type too fast for my brain to actually function and do two things at once well all the ingredients are usually diced up into oh really you put that much effort into I just figured it was like a a medley of vegetables just mixed in together with no

Real um no real Rhyme or Reason you know cuz I was thinking like baby gerkens in the salad nothing like not a big salad but like little little pickles oh I hope whoever is safe yeah those are thankfully no yeah that would be really I hate English but I love

Spelling yeah English is such a special language no I haven’t we should do that actually random Chevrolet or whatever H well I hope they’re safe that is I always I know when they first introduced the Amber Alert system in my area they were like people were kind of

Dicks about it and they were upset nice um maybe kind of angry I’m like somebody’s in trouble like who cares like maybe you’ll see something maybe you won’t more people that are looking right oh d I would have to have Hello uh I would

Have to have I I I do it as a competition against someone that’s that’s when I would do it beat them to death yeah beat the bad people to death that works too sniffer and a sniffer uh will they grow up underground what p is what what is down here oh my

God what happened who did this what the hell potatoes why what was somebody doing well so much for the Golem Farm I had like what is what was even the point did somebody booby trap it like what the hell like seriously that’s really I’m going to have to repair this this is

Like what the hell guys they grow up anywhere someone griefed yeah someone griefed I don’t know what they were doing that’s evil no the uh enx got rid of the ender crystal La uh just after the crash uh last stream but like why would what was somebody doing to it’s like they

Somebody was playing with tnt is what it looks like And yeah this is this isn’t an end Crystal this is like a multi uh multi TNT explosion yeah that’s what this is this is like literally somebody was messing around with TNT and and blue stuff but what would they be doing yeah servers are always

Open so people are free to to come on and play whenever they want that was actually the the point of the Minecraft server was to make it so that people could uh could freely play whenever they wanted cuz I know I always felt bad with the Terraria server is I didn’t have a

World that people could play on I don’t know he they might but they might not not have a legal it is an issue if you don’t have yeah you do need to have Java unfortunately uh maybe I want that there never mind a guys yeah know I I think it is just Java

So you don’t have Java oh that’s unfortunate Hammer but yeah you’d be more than welcome to to play if you do get the the Java version um but I wanted to keep the server open for everybody this kind of sucks second can get a drink I missed that was that going a

Crossplatform that’s kind of cool I don’t know if the world could be saved we would have to start fresh so who’s uh Enix is on the server a lot Dax is on the server uh I’m on the server we’re the most consistent ones Mr figgles was on the server pretty consistently and then

They just kind of sto showing up so I don’t know they got to focus on this by I don’t know if I said this U welcome to the stream I don’t know if I said that but yeah yeah Mr F just kind of vanished I hope they’re okay uh I don’t think I

Have any more black rock on me I think I used all that I had up making that yeah that kind of sucks it was a nice little area so all that iron’s gone but whatever uh Black Stone whatever uh I don’t need the crack I do have more black stone can I

Just that makes polished how do you make the brick do you cook it I think you cook it oh no no you need a uh thing I think I see something weird where it could have been anybody like uh I may have used polished on something else where what are

You well if I blow up I blow Up yeah we got somebody who’s trolling that is unfortunate uh that is that is genuinely upsetting so this is a yeah I didn’t touch the house but yeah it’s just griefing trolling everyone can laugh at and but yeah it’s true that is this is griefing

And when I find out who is griefing I will ban them from the server um cuz I can check out I can log into the server and find out who’s been who’s been where and who’s been doing what and yeah arm traps yeah we’re going to have to um

Actually I’m going to do this I don’t like doing this uh what is command again I can do this what is the game mode uh I’m going to make sure nothing else is yeah I’m just making sure cuz I don’t want anybody else getting blown up and if anything gets Destroyed random Golem how that Golem survived he did sure nothing else no T yeah I don’t see anything I don’t want anybody getting blown up also if anybody has done stupid griefing like this I want to be able to disable it get a mini map ah okay I didn’t see

Uh check the surface yeah I don’t see anything yeah cuz I came in the one day and I don’t recognize these stairs where are these stairs going oh this is okay this is weird being in spectator I don’t see anything hopefully there’s no more it’s just like that’s yeah that’s beyond it’s beyond Trolling yeah it’s beyond trolling that is that’s just griefing and it’s not welcome like I said once I figure out who it is I will literally just ban them from the server um it’s frustrating CU I don’t want to do that like I’ve been doing this for like everybody just to have fun

You know like welcome back deck uh server’s been booby trapped just a heads up we don’t know who did it uh this area has been blown up uh the area outside of the Town got blown up it is unfortunate Uh what’s the commanding on game mode survival no yeah it could be game why can I not get out of there we go okay that was weird okay uh like with TNT a funny guy can go have very unpleasant D yeah like it is like I was saying like I did

This for everybody Like yeah I figured we could like everyone would want to play Minecraft I thought it’d be cool to have a server that was up 24/7 so yeah it’s it’s kind of depressing but I mean I’ll I’ll do what I can to repair it just really sucks it’s oh it’s kind of

Defeating I didn’t love it anyway no uh I didn’t love that block I meant I want to like it doesn’t matter there’s no yeah I’m going to have to like rebuild everything and start from scratch that sucks there could be hopefully not like I said that’s why

I went to spectator mode just to take a look around um see what we can find see what may or may not be may or may not be booby trapped yeah it just it’s yeah it’s kind of defeating actually it kind of sucks oh hi buddy do you have anything cool

Tram ice Brown dye red tulip why would I pay you an emerald for a poppy poppies are free this should be like six poppies for one Emerald you jerk tulips are yeah I might pay that for a tulip yeah it could be it’s hard to say like I don’t know where

Um but yeah I will have to log into the server and like just figure out something this just uh I don’t think I don’t find the B I think the Banners are on the level of keyboard like that’s fine um the banners I would put on the level of

Like that’s that’s like playful trolling I don’t care um that’s that’s not a big deal the eyeballs the on the par of playful trolling I I don’t care the signs again I don’t care these are fun things I like those things but like TNT is not fun

So I don’t think it’s the same person um but yeah I’m going to have to log into Pebble host and find out who’s who and what’s What and this rabbit is stuck here oh no they’re free now yeah I’ll I’ll go through the rest of the town like this this is playful troll I don’t care this is fine it makes me laugh it makes me smile like TNT does not locked up all over again Yeah but it’ll be people in the Discord who’ve done it cuz only people who’ve joined the Discord will have we’ll know the oh I guess anybody no cuz you got to get so anybody in here anybody on here is wh listed like it’s a whitelisted

Server so I had to have let them on so it’s somebody who’s on the white list can I see the white list list yeah so that’s everybody on the white list uhoh I genuinely hope people are okay that’s not a good sign ooh okay they’re definitely not

Getting yeah I want people to be safe hey vampire sorry about the the confusion there vampire that was that was me being dumb I mixed up when I created the waiting room I didn’t change it to 7 I left it at 2 because the last time i’

Played Minecraft was at 2 and YouTube will remember your default settings and I was just dumb so lunch what did you eat that was delicious I’m not really sure what to do right now I’m kind of thrown off um Like yeah for the most part I got to get more glass I’m am going to put glass on the top like you suggested I think it’ll look better um I think that’ll be a good idea I think it’ll be cool CU you can look down and see all the uh the

Guardians so I think that’ll be cool oh I’m just gonna trade thank you though I’m just gonna trade with the um I got two villagers that will give me glass so I’m just going to give there that’s how I got all the glass in the first place it just kept

Trading I would trade carrots for emeralds emeralds for glass it’s a fun mechanic you’re one of them let going take a lot of glass though it’s not a a quick thing uh amber alerts are things that people get they warn you of like kidnappings or dangerous situations or

Dangerous uh offenders in the area just to give people a heads up I know a lot of them are used at least in Ontario for notifying about child kid snappings so welcome so that’s a a a thing um more important details cannot mix the dressing you cannot mix the dressing

With the ham so you got to drink your so really Sal with ham H that actually sounds good lot of people having salads I’m jealous I’m want salads now uh what was it oh uh an didn’t say if I remember uh the second or it getting worse

Was assault on police that’s what it was thank you so child in your area is gun missing And silver alerts are I don’t have silver alerts we we actually wait I don’t think Ontario has silver alerts I think it’s Amber Alerts even for like elderly that go missing Um yeah I think even if elderly go missing it is still an Amber Alert where’s the other librarian I have Them they’re wandering around somewhere I really should lock them up that is a terrible phrase we got an Amber Alerts here annoying but yeah exactly they can be annoying but they are important and I I’m all or we don’t know exactly I can’t spell do not judge mying yeah

Like yeah those are the only two that we found so far I don’t know if anybody else’s it’s all my stuff that’s been trapped so far which is if anything’s going to get trapped or destroyed I would rather it be mine um cuz I don’t want anybody else’s stuff getting

Destroyed so they’re just tests for no ours ours are never tests cuz they’re usually going on uh get rid of this quartz to make room in my inventory yeah I don’t even know what to do I’m actually like kind of lost at the moment yeah like nothing’s been done to

The city itself which is good like but it’s still one of those like don’t don’t be a dick don’t grief like literally to join the server one of the agreements is don’t grief so like I said when I I find out who they are I will just boot them off

Um what the time they’re just tests why tell is look at the pretty fish exactly it was the Guardians we were looking at they’re the pretty fish get so many tests here weird I wonder if they’re maybe changing up the system or trying to make it better most

I would grieve is stripping one of the logs on a building yeah and like I said that’s funny I enjoy that it makes me laugh when I see it cuz it’s always it’s almost like a game now of what log can you strip without me

Noticing or how long does it take for me to notice you stripping a log um I don’t remember that other oh I remember where the other Librarian Is he’s down here he should be in bed which will make it a little easier to find I think he hangs out in one of

These houses I think it’s this one with the Cartographer no he is not going to hang out with the Cartographer apparently he is too good for the Cartographer oh what did Dax find did the banners how do you know I wish correlate the banners with the person cuz that doesn’t

Make like I regard those as two different extrems it’s crazy about that grieving by the way I don’t know who could have done it I pre and so hard he changed his Minecraft username I don’t think it’s t Tiber yeah I don’t think it’s it’s uh tiaris that could be related

Yeah yeah it could be anybody it’s hard to say who it is but like I said I can look through the where is this damn where is this librarian uh I can go log on to Pebble host I can see who’s been logging in where where is this

Damn where is this I swear to God there’s a second librarian but yeah it could be related to dax’s host fire um I think they might do if they get banned um I don’t know how wait yes but I can’t find there’s two that sell glass and I can never find

The second one cuz he’s a jerk he’s greedy and does not like to share his glass when I find him I will murder him no I’m not going to murder him I’m actually just going to trade with him and get all the stuff that I can are you no are you

No random bit of snow there I don’t particularly trust but where the hell is are you in here I found you that was way too much effort way too much effort to get some glass that is a possibility yes tax um greet them snucker oh is there really

Where where are you I need to find you where is I wonder why this doesn’t have any snow on it that’s weird oh there you are I see You made the jump all right let’s get some more glass like I said it’ll take a few Stacks but at least so apparently I have three it’s probably because I just haven’t found them sweet thank you um there’s such an annoyance to find thank you no I think the dragon egg is

Literally just somebody touched it and it went in a random place and unfortunately I don’t know how we’re going to find it unless somebody has it in like their ender chest or something like you last place too it’s perfect yeah it would be easy to steal uh and we didn’t have

Um I don’t think we had ender chests at that point so it’s not like even somebody might have had ender chests uh but yeah it it this is true this is very very true actually I need a bucket that doesn’t have water in it I also need ladders that’s

Unfortunate but I’m not too upset about the dragon egg I never really know what to do with the dragon egg you know you can count how many times the egg was picked up players easy can you really how do you do that um just burn I actually don’t know

If it burns in lava it could have been Hy pixel and his old got banned it was lost forever I don’t think it was Hypixel like I said I think Burns a love it might I think netherite is the only thing that doesn’t burn right now um um but like the pebble host

Login if I can remember it let’s see if I can remember let do a quick Check um oh my God why did I make it that Password I finally found it did you just murder something while I’m tabbed out I think it sounded like the death of a llama that’s a bracket oh it’s going to make me click things with Bridges God I hate captures why are captures such a nightmare of a thing apologize everyone

Llama is gone no the Llama go to statistics and see how many times you have Min dirt and picked up really it’ll actually count the egg in There weird three five players I don’t know if I can see the log history I’m assuming I can um huh wild you can see like a whole bunch of stuff oh people have been trying to get on the server that are not whitelisted wow man I’m so glad uh Mage had me do

The yeah a bunch of people in trying to get on without white listing yeah I will have to go through this when I have more time and just see that is a lot of information going on there holy crap okay what’s happening found a underground ruined portal spawn house really

Interesting fire uh remember the time we found each other yeah they’re often though how funny posts their username uh let’s put this away I’ll deal with all this off camera uh let’s what should we make it out of I guess just stone is fine we’ve got a

Bunch of it on us which is good uh we’ll take the glass yeah we’ll take the glass I’ll bring the smooth quartz we’re going to drop this off at the guardian farm so some of the later people can see what’s going on yeah it does actually show the IP and

The username so I can like perab ban from the server um which is kind of cool fraud welcome to the stream how you doing we are mourning the loss of large portions of uh the town that are now missing due to TNT traps what how you Doing but yeah man there’s like so many people trying to get onto the server that aren’t weight listed good to know I guess there are other people’s void welcome to the stream how you doing it’s been a while while I hope you’re well yeah we got well more Griefer than

Troll trolls are funny I think just the login is enough there are clients uh and choose a username link it to the IP host then just do as that username and IP it’s possibility um not going to lie though somebody’s going through that much effort to get on a small YouTube streamer uh

Uh Minecraft server to cause grief man you’ve got the saddest most pathetic life in existence like there has got to be something better in the world than like go out and take a walk get a girlfriend or a boyfriend or some kind of a partner get a hobby like literally that

Is like epitome of pathetic like maybe if I was some big brand like amazing YouTube streamer go for it get some notoriety but you’re just being a dick I’m basically a troll yeah but you’re not even like you’re a troll like you’re not annoying you’re just

Silly and I enjoy it yeah like touch grass My dumb brother keeps posting stuff on my account no he has his own that point not going to lie I would probably do terrible things to my brother I power drink water get out of the basement yeah like

Seriously it’s okay to be a basement troll I’m all for basement Trolls but like yeah like seriously if you got that kind of a problem and that kind of an issue like maybe maybe go reevaluate your life maybe maybe go figure out something to make you

Happy like if people just want to have fun and you want destroy it’s not cool I think rather step on Lego that is the ultimate Evil there is nothing more horrible than Lego in this world it is the most devastating destructive force in existence I approve of your evil that is

The best evil there is void uh it’s odd what you can do with Mom’s permission and scissors to a brother dearest it’s very very true it is very very true does my need a haircut let me help uh two flat Lego pieces with hand that is impossible oh my God especially

If they’ve been stuck together for a while that is just that is that’s impossible no human can do that if you got the little Lego tool though then you can do it that’s that’s total like totally makes it doable that there so this is this is the guardian

This is the nightmare I’ve been working on son house an egg didn’t tele Port into a random hole there okay it might like I said it could be in someone’s inventory uh there a few people haven’t been on while just tear and murder people give Me and they’re dead thanks I just wanted the XP oh no thank you oh they can’t fit out oh that’s fantastic oh that is so fantastic to learn okay I make better things than I thought uh you there you there you there uh and make him step his toe on

Noia I like it not noia phone though those things are indestructible uh comp need work let me help exactly see vampire nose vampire nose you just be nice you know you just cause problems while trying to be nice that’s that’s the true evil there we go actually this is this is

Good like it’s not going to do a full area but it’s a nice start and it should cut down on chain Nokia phone Sol Force object exactly I I still like I cannot get over noia phones like it’s a joke but like it’s also got

Some truth to it like I remember the old cell phones like you could hurl those things at walls and it would just like hit the wall and be like I’m sorry were you trying something games are you wanting right now I’m not really wanting anything I

What I really want is time to play the games that I want to play that is what I really want is the time to play the games that I want to play cuz there are so many games now that I want to play it’s ridiculous like I haven’t even thought

About getting any new games just because like yeah it’s been such so many good games are out I want to do I want to try playing Deep Rock Galactic um um that was actually part of the reason why I don’t you shoot me I got the I spent three hours today

Working on the tablet and calibrating it just making sure it was set up right with this laptop cuz I want to draw and I need to make thumbnails yeah I like this I like the looking down and seeing what’s happening just be able to watch guys

Slowly fall to the death like it has an eyeball nice uh take care Boy Thanks for com to the stream e someone on the Ser a bit too obsessed with their G terrorist role play Yeah the stream that you don’t have yet ah I don’t know like I said I’m sorry for I just it’s been it’s literally been a bunch of games that I want to play that I just don’t have time so I haven’t been looking at anything it’s going like

Any game that I do want hasn’t come out yet um there is a little like self song obviously I want to get um there’s a little one I think it’s called Elsie it’s another platformer platformer Rog Lake I believe that’s what I want to get it’s not out yet

Um and that’s really it I got with the the Steam Sale I got a cut off that t there’s Among Us oh they’re talking about the the okay I was confused I got so confused by their conversation um yeah there’s nothing I’m really wanting it’s more just wanting to play

Cuz like you guys have re like with the Steam Sale a lot of the games that you guys have been recommending I literally were on sale like 50% off and I just went like oh cool mine uh oh one of my friends got me FNAF

VR game I am excited cuz I like steel will even if they’re messed up that’s awesome vampire I hope you enjoy it I I keep getting curious about VR like you guys keep mentioning it and I’m like maybe maybe I kind of want to try it you

Know do more trading over here and figure out what We’re what we’re going to do in the meantime let’s head back over here good old virtual reality um but I’m sorry fraud I wish I I could give you a a better answer but there’s nothing like right now that I really I really want

Um I apologize like I said I I kind of Steam Sale happened and I sort of went sweet and and bought a bunch of stuff uh I’m going to take this Stone I’m going to take this furnace going get rid of that and I don’t think I

Need exactly Steam Sale is oh it’s dangerous I always wait for the steam sales and I just Splurge so that’s why I like I don’t really have anything right now that I’m I’m after you know uh I recommend it in Discord but I’ll say it here since got flooded yeah there’s a motorbike

Call like AG I saw that it looks I like the art style I’m not sure about the motorbike has me weirded out I’m not going to all the things that can weird me out that it’s like I don’t know how the motorbike fits in but it looks cool I’m still a

Proponent of it’s to real VR yet but it has going that’s fair yeah it’s not like I don’t know I want to try something C brain you know you have I I use the brain yeah there’s like everything that I want is yeah like Silk song isn’t out

Yet I blender’s free but I actually kind of want to try blender although I’m terrified to try it but it looks interesting I have this delusion that I might one day learn blender and make a ludus in blender um it is called LC yeah LC it’s not out yet um world boss is

Free waiting for more Delta rune CL is free yeah like the ones that are left on my wish list right now are like free Or like they’re not out yet man that’s kind of depressing I want more Huh that’s unfortunate I’m sorry fraud yeah not right now I don’t have anything I apologize uh it is finally $100 to word cut off but then maybe I’ll look at it o that is a lot of money like yeah I’m on the that’s too expensive I agree

With you there uh we need one piece of iron and Then I did not Dax what did you say Dar if you happen to see a random trapo in the floor then no touch okay no touch random trap door at this point I don’t think I want to touch anything I think we need one of

Those I also think I need an ender chest with me but I don’t want to remove the one that’s here hm H maybe I’ll look yeah like yeah right now it’s just because I bought so many games I just want to play the games actually there’s a couple games I’ve had in

My in my list that I’ve wanted to stream that I think I’m just going to play on my own um and maybe not stream them my exp stay for my sentences what that is a lot yeah 300 as the Casual price but yeah no that’s is probably trying to mess with

Stuff you use the most yeah like I think it’s just a way to try and get attention um which is the wrong way to get my attention I own dungreed already already owned dungreed like I bought dungreed it it no we are we we’re getting dungreed

Don’t you worry we are going to play dung greed that is something I I want to play on stream I don’t know when uh but I want to that is that is yeah like dungreed is I saw you play choro and I was like yeah I got to play this this

Looks this looks really good so yeah like that’s that’s that’s call them the [Laughter] PO I I guess this you know I kind of like that name though I don’t know that that’s the best name to give them was be yeah like that’s a lot of

Money I like the thing is as the technology becomes more used and more widespread the price should drop because there should be more Manu factures of it so it should be good in that respect it’ll just take time narator welcome to the stream how you doing Victory G

Welcome how you doing hope you two are having a great day you saw one of my yeah it actually came I’m actually subscribed to you um it is I watched your video on uh was it nle nle n nlem uh the video was like I’m here for

The music I thought it was really cool that’s actually what it was like oh man I really want to get that that game that looks cool I liked the boss design I thought it was really interesting I like the pixel aesthetic uh and the music was just absolutely

Amazing you’re doing a I hope you do better hope things are doing great you’re doing good victory I’m glad to hear oh don’t be honored it was good I liked it it was a good introduction I was like oh man now I know why cuz you’ve mentioned dungreed before and I

Was like I understand why you’ve mentioned it this is this solid game I’m glad you’re feeling better Victory uh but I’m here for the stream till my phone oh yeah we you slowly sit there watching it praying for your phone not to die if you ever do rain World it will probably be

Sort of a replacement for dead cells because of how long yeah rain world’s another one I want to play I saw somebody play just a little bit of it and I was like this is adorable I want to be a white thing that just like runs around

In a world where it’s trying to murder me uh I don’t really understand what’s going on in Rain World other than I’m an adorable little white thing but I want to be that adorable little white thing I’m at one oh you are so I’m so sorry narrator I hope you have a wonderful

Night if I don’t see you hopefully you’ll make it pretty far uham and slime maker themes are great yeah I really want to check it out for the music it’s a few bad oh is it really I had no idea um for most part it makes sense

Let’s see how far I get I hope oh is on a Tak because I forgot my phone charger oh dude yeah moving is very annoying I I’m not going to lie I got to the point where I started having like because like I bring headphones I have headphones at home and headphones at

Work cuz I got tired of forgetting my headphones cuz I like listening to music and drawing on my brakes at work do I not have rain world yet I don’t know my library my library is big I don’t know everything in my library that’s probably a sign I have far too

Many far too many games nope rain world’s in my library I apologize yeah I have rain World it says in library I just I just checked my library it’s listed there like I own it I bought it it was on the the list of games I bought where

I was like yeah no I’m getting this I can’t spell the word rain there it is rain R A an yeah rain world I have rain world so I do have rain world I haven’t played it yet yeah I’ve never played it then that after I play it I do need

To have something to take the place of outer wilds and hopefully we’ll finish that tomorrow I’m looking forward to it I really want to know how the game is going to end um like I I need to know uh steam game count is at um games and software I am now at

305 you’re going to love it and hate I look forward to it Rim world I have Rim World Rim world looks really like Rim world’s got terrible Graphics they’re not terrible they’re good graphics but it’s weirdly childish but it fits so well and it just makes I think if the game had better

Graphics it would have a much higher rating 305 I’m disgusting I know I’m terrible do you have theophobia what is theophobia I probably don’t it’s actually easier just to click on the Steam and uh theophobia I don’t own thalassophobia I don’t know what this is what is this coming

Soon play D horror game you and your team are ATT to di andeve Val objects from oh so it’s like a uh uh um oh my God brain fart uh lethal company kind of idea or um I can’t remember the name of the game before it uh phasmophobia ain’t [Laughter]

Funny it’s it seems it seems funny uh fear of large Body Waters not a game Oh I thought you meant the [Laughter] game My apologies I’m Sor you’re Bor Victory um no I do not have thalassophobia I have thalassophobia in video games if that counts by lethal continues to cringe

Does it really that’s unfortunate I missed something Dax uh do you have DLC more than doubles the G does it really oh my God I may have forgot that but that is cool I like DLCs that actually like almost out a whole game uh rain is trauma the game you’ll

Never look at silly lizards the same uhoh rain World downpour is the best game you’re going to buy [Laughter] from I’ll add is in my list then I it’s one of those games I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll stream it Because it like you’re you’re talking in it like it requires a lot of communication from what I’ve seen people play Um I don’t really have anyone to collab yet with so from yeah I really did I really really did like that I did not have any kind of theosophia until I played subnotica and now any situation that reminds me of subnotica causes me to panic that I’m going to get killed by

Something so Bravo on on the makers of that they’re amazing so it can sometimes seem like it’s impossible really kind of harsh on you yeah a lot of games that are hard on people or particularly difficult people tend to rate lower um which is unfortunate really good games I

Think we’re going to go over here I think I got to regret not having a ladder I need a ladder Dr Ro Galactic get a group of buds but I mean yeah streaming is iffy yeah like when I do Deep Rock Galactic I’ll probably do single player I don’t know how much you

Need I will take that communication deep rock my music just skipped horribly there sorry um how much communication is required I think that’s high enough I think I want this over here we’re going to go go every time it builds chunks it just like El ring G keeps the brainless from

Your game yeah ring is so good oh my God I actually was talking with Arcane yesterday while we were playing Magic and I was so mad at him because he kept telling me how easy Elden ring was and I was like it’s not easy it’s hard this’s the game you did it wrong

Yeah but I like Elder ring it was fun like it was like here’s the thing the play style you choose can determine how you play Elden ring um my first playthrough I was a weeb I ran around with two gatanas uh labotomy are yes they are very bad I I am on 100%

On there okay is going to cause most interesting I don’t know what that is but I’m kind of curious about it uh oh is the greatest cool uh oh Geometry Dash Geometry Dash makes me angry I’m so bad at it my nephews are laughing at me on how bad at

It I am how can you be so bad at it and I’m like cuz I am cuz I can’t play a rhythm game to save my life but then they were like how did you beat the tower the tower is so hard I’m like no it’s a platformer give me a

Platformer I can beat a platformer I am great at Platformers this should be far enough the chunk looks like it’s unloaded water is water this is true um but yeah my first time going through Elden ring I was an absolute wee like you I streamed it you guys know I was an

Absolute weeb I ran around in uh with a katana with two katanas and was playing the game at the same time Arcane was playing it and he’s like yeah I beat the game it’s easy you know what I kind of hope he does make us pay cuz he’s put in a lot

Of work on this so I want to see him I want to see him get benefits from what he’s created like I he deserves to get paid for the the amazing game he’s made so I would like it if he did actually charge cuz I happily give him just throw money at

Him water is water s a vitamin this is true I apologize for things skipping by the way PC does have its issues and apparently this is loading up a bunch of excuse me did you just throw something at me where oh there you are give me your give me really

Really really you jerk I wanted that but I had fun but it was the game was super hard um arcan on the other hand went around with a shield and healing spells as a priest I hope they do make it pay cuz it’s like two yeah like it’s so huge

Like I want him to be rewarded for his hard work he’s done good stuff he deserves it him and his whole like he’s got a his team’s not very big but like still they should be compensated for the the awesome stuff they’ve done so why as much as I want the other

Chapters for for Delta run to come out I’m okay with waiting because I know whatever they produce is just going to be like absolute gold so it’s hard to be like oh I want more yellow yet it’s an entire foring I have you guys have told me about it I

Have not seen it yet I don’t know what it’s about or like any any details about it what is our height we are at what’s World height 256 256 Right yeah I think it’s 256 I need more Dirt that’s not a phrase I often use I need more dirt supp there’s any in the area here but yeah I was an absolute weeb in in elbring the first time and now I’m playing it again just for fun and oh my God the difference around with

The shield and healing spells the game is almost laugh like if you run around with I I promise you this if you run around with a shield a tower shield and uh a faith build with healing spells you don’t care about anything first that is as long as o really that’s

Impressive that is a labor of love huh interesting why is there no dirt down here there we go okay there we go air and dirt I don’t need a lot of dirt I just need just need some dirt 7 years to make wow okay that is

That is definitely a labor of love right there that is fan dedication I like that that is a ladder uh that is absolutely amazing like I I don’t have the patience to work on something like that so I I applaud them for that one that is

Maybe we will have to play it I don’t really need iron right now what I really need is maybe a little more little more dirt I know I have a bunch of dirt back home and should probably go back and get it but I think it’s faster just to do

This plus I going to be these fun little hidey holes uh no I where is I don’t think that’s there yeah elen ring still really good game uh but definitely your play style can choose how hard or easy the game is I’m also using a spear by the way in

The game which also Pro tip if you want the game to be easy Tower shield and SE it’s the only weapon combination where like it’s true to life you are basically a Roman failinks you walk forward stab the crap out of people they spear from the safety

Of your Shield it is so cheesy like I’ve taken down bosses just holding up a shield and poking them to death make a build but I have literally no ideas I have an idea I’m literally making it up on as we go I don’t know how good it’s going to

Be but it’s going to be my terrible build think of is too ambitious you know what Dax there’s nothing wrong with ambition there’s nothing wrong with ambition just don’t do what I did and solely focus on it have a couple projects on the go I think that’s why I liked the town so

Much don’t want another Tree in that is fair um having multiple projects on the go is nice because you don’t burn out of a particular project you can just switch to the one be like cool I’m I’m getting tired of this I’m going to go work on

Something else I made that mistake with the guardian farm and honestly I kind of just want it done at this point as cool as it is and useful as it is I’m also at the like yeah I’m done with you no more so I think it’s important to have multiple projects on the

Go uh I’m going to find World height cuz I can’t remember what it is that should be enough for World height oh I like how the fog penetrates the ocean with like the kelp and everything that’s kind of cool I kind of like oh and now the world

Is literally just wait what is that just an unloaded chunk oh that’s the sun oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize we were so high up to the world is literally just a sun uh what do we have right now y 241 cool isn’t Max height like

256 or is it higher than 256 Now isn’t it like 312 it’s got to be like three I dread the day that of days because I will have to reinstall all my mod yeah Yeah that’s part of the reason why I haven’t been in such a rush to update the server is I know a few people like are using client side mods which I’m cool with like if you’re using client mods to like uh make things prettier with like uh resource packs or OptiFine or something

Cool uh I’m not going to stop you like that that’s your experience you do you um just wait until the next that’s kind of what I’m doing is just waiting for the next major update to update it uh this version seems relatively stable I don’t know of any major bugs that are

Game breaking cuz we’re at like 1.2.4 I think is the current version um but I see no reason to to update it uh and just wait till wait till the next update comes out because it should be coming out I don’t know when it’s going to come out actually

They just had the the vote and didn’t like the crab win or something which I’m not going to lie I’m super happy about it they add crabs to the game I am literally going to spend my entire life just like giving people pet crabs just

So I can say I gave you crabs which is terrible please don’t judge me I I actually actually dated a a woman and she I think it was like third or fourth date we went out to the Niger Falls and she bought me a glass crab and

Handed it to me cuz I told I told her about the the crab thing and she bought it and gave me she’s like I gave you crabs I’m like that’s awesome I’m happy I still have it it’s a cute little thing the up of the copper lamp too so

That should oh yeah what was up with the copper lamp thing I actually don’t know what was going I kind of I try and stay blind to all the updates till they come out so when people were having issues with it I was like cool I’m not paying

Attention to this because I don’t want to I don’t want to ruin anything for myself you know so I don’t actually know what the deal with that was I know people were upset with the autocrafters I did see on gaming news that the people were upset

Because it like the speed at which you could token or produce items made made it so it was like well why don’t you just play Creative which I understand there’s a fair point but I also have like the the mindset of why I use it I could drown to death down here cuz

I’m not paying attention how to get out H is There light that up try and find some why is there like literally dirt does not exist so basically think of instant one tick being different copper lamps would have been novel at one tick instead another tick interesting Kens welcome to the stream how you doing balls indeed we are

Currently looking for dirt and it is quite balls that we have not found any dirt it’s got to be somewhere I really I know I’m being lazy like I should just go back to the base and get some but like I kind of figured with a C I’m going to drown

Don’t go that way Balls to the walls exactly uh I don’t remember how I got in here oh that’s fantastic well if we get dirt it’ll all be worth it I’ll just like dig up or something this a pretty high ceiling anyway so we should be able to I’m doing

Good how’s your day I’m a little sad about some people griefing the server but I mean other than that I’m doing pretty good make a door um don’t got wood that’s going to be door would be a great idea I don’t have material to make it so I’m punch holes

In the ceiling and make M dirt Magic Air there we go that’s the stuff I just need I’ll promise I won’t be lazy and I’ll go back to the base to get some later but for now with how little dirt I need surprised that worked cuz you just got to get to build

Height that’s all they want is to get to build height to confirm that I don’t care about what are we at oh we are very underwater okay oh glow squids knock knock who’s there where is oh my God we had dirt above us and I’m blind maybe it was down

Here I should try and catch all the fish in Minecraft that seems doable banana banana who aren’t you glad I didn’t say orange tell me I have a water bucket oh thank You I’m sorry ah I apologize for taking the steam out of your your your your or the wind out of your Sals we are totally going to climb with a bucket climbing with a bucket sure why but I’ve really been into Comics lately cool I’d like to get back into comics

Cuz there’s a lot that I was reading that I I kind of just stopped well the minute we get I’m down very very far I know this is a terrible way to climb but it works okay I’m saving the ladder cuz I don’t know how many I’m going to oh there we

Go thank you oh man I missed my old laptop oh we popped out over here oh wild okay I will not do a hardcore world I did it once and died within like 10 minutes and this is a this is a server so I don’t want to do a hardcore server

That would be a that would be an interesting challenge to get like a bunch of streamers to see how long they could last like I would I would do that I think it would be a absolute blast I’m sure I be the first one eliminated but I mean it would be

Cool so what does the world look like when it’s night time when we go up this high so grab that um you have an idea for something stupid I’m probably going to regret it it’s probably going to burn me out but I don’t care and the best part is I will make a

Portal up here because I’m that lazy and that’ll actually work out because that’ll give us a shortcut in the with the portals to the guardian farm so that actually works so this isn’t a stupid idea it’s a conveniently okay idea uh it’s a Vanilla Java Server yeah I don’t like the I don’t know if you guys can hear it on your end but every once in a while I can hear the music skip as the game loads various areas like loads and unloads things and it makes me very very nervous I man I

Used to think so my old laptop before I got the new one I was like hey it’s not much of a difference but now that I’ve gone back to the old laptop I’m like no it’s a huge difference you fool it is like night and day oh it’s a it’s actually a private

Server so sorry kons you have to be wh listed on it so oh I like this song Wind I think this is Windchimes 319 okay that is not what I expected but that’s fine uh one two okay that is we’ll go three to be safe it won’t make a big deal

But put you there put you there can I I can how about them apples um I’m going to go 40 I think I need less but I’m not sure vampire going for 256 I am I’m going for the going for the height because I want to do a

I don’t remember which side the ladder’s on now crap okay not that side not that side not that side oh man if I hit the boat I think I died I think I would have died if I hit the boat um yeah I think this will be the top

Yeah I don’t know words you wrote after 256 vampire because again the YouTube Heart covers up part of the text I wish they I want them to redesign that I want them to move the heart uh going for were you I was I was going for the maximum

Height play Geometry Dash I actually played Geometry Dash last week I’m probably wants to wait for the next update I I am terrible at Geometry Dash I like Geometry Dash I’m bad at it um but I really like the tower that they’ve uh uh created um I also want to try and

Create a level I think that would be cool too uh so I will play it again I don’t know when um uh zero I am terrible kons I am absolutely terrible the game I mocked by my nephews for being a failure at Geometry Dash um I don’t even know what

Demons are that’s how few I have I can do the tower no problem I love the tower it’s a lot of fun give me give me your or Platformers I am great have me do it to a rhythm I will fail I cannot dance I cannot rhythm is not something I

Possess somebody’s mentioned that before what are the demons how do you get the demons do you just like are they like an unlock are they levels but yeah I’m not really sure what they are or how to get them perfect okay we had enough if we make this the middle that should work

I think uh you beat the levels I have only beaten the first three levels I can’t beat dry out it’s terrible uh the hardest yeah I I can’t even do the easiest difficulties I’m terrible I’m sorry to disappoint you if you had any hopes that I might be an

Amazing streamer who could who could play Geometry Dash and do good at it I am unfortunately I’m bad very bad okay this is the middle water will travel seven blocks middle one two 3 four five 6 7 one two three five six seven you think after all

Of the stupid water things I’ve done with the guardian Farm I would be better at this I’m not 4 two but the I do need more well what do you know I totally can’t count three if placed on level seven if placed higher up H okay one walk higher

Minimum hey J welcome to the stream welcome back da uh I am making a what eventually will be a tower in a floating island I think I want to make a Terraria Island up here floating in the sky doing its thing uh but I think I’m going to

Make a main tower that’s going to be a mob farm I think that’s the idea and so I’m just trying to figure out the area that the mob farm will be is that a great Farm okay Center what we’re going to do we’re going to make that an

Actual walk that’s the plan for that we’re going to make it a crafting table why I didn’t use the crafting table in my inventory don’t ask good news my phun excellent glad to hear oh I love Terraria kons about a Char nice Dax has won the

Game um I love Terraria I think Terraria is a great game I am waiting to get my new laptop back from the repair place and once I do I want want to do Terraria server again so four yeah okay um so yeah that is that is my plan right now and my

Hope but yeah I miss Terraria I want to play Terraria I want to do the spirit mod I had an idea that I couldn’t do previously for one called RNR which was retribution and oh my God my brain is absolutely farting right now what is is the idea’s

Gone from my mind what is retribution car Master welcome to the stream how you doing hope you are remnants thank you thank you Dax I was going to do it earlier this year but the mod wasn’t uh multiplayer compatible I’m hoping it is multiplayer compatible

Now but we will we will find out if not I think spirit is multiplayer compatible so we could always just do Spirit and do like a server playthrough of that Redemption retribution and Redemption same all time oh use Redemption I’m good Carm how you doing I am finally on yes sorry

Uh I was more than two hours late uh I I I messed up I created the waiting room for two o’clock when the waiting room should have been 7 o’clock because I was I put andesite in there why did I put andesite in there am

I I don’t think I need oh I made buttons oh I’m dumb I made buttons I’m dumb I made buttons I thought that was this I’m I’m I have buttons now I guess buttons are a thing why I thought I had buttons I’m pretty sure the art is placed with

Remnant was that might have been the non-player multi one I’m glad you’re doing well I downloaded YouTube Mr beastley every video really that’s a that’s probably a lot of videos man how much is that like file size wise that’s going to be like a few gigs quite a few gigs actually

Uh I do swear sometimes I try not to um typically if I’m swearing that’s usually a good sign that I am starting to Rage or I’ve been caught completely off guard son of a the closest I will get is often cutting myself off from single frames I didn’t check for RNR worked on

Because A okay this is the right size Okay and then actually we’re just going to no no you’re going to make buttons again you’re not going to make buttons there you go luras you actually figured out how to work the game congratulations um dang uh almost or more model redemption in the Edition had this mod is not intended for

Multiplayer it does and that’s actually why using slabs right now cuz I I’m cheap okay so this is the main where did eventually this will get sealed up and then I got to turn this into a circle and I think for now it’s going to be sow we

Can try Spirit mod I don’t I don’t know how spirit will work with RNR and I don’t like putting too many mods because I want I think I’ve said this before I’m always more I’m always worried about the people who have lower nend PCS that want to join I want them

To be able to join the server and have fun and play with us and not get lagged out cuz I know some people already have issues with ping being on like the other side of the world um so I want them to be able to

Play oh yeah my XP is huge it’s the best number I got the funny number it’s fantastic uh do don’t usually mix well yeah they don’t and that’s that’s why I want to make sure it’s okay so I’m cool with doing like spirit and adding in like a few

Other mods but I don’t like adding too many cuz I want to make sure it’s as smooth of an experience for everybody cuz I do worry about that I do want to make sure people are are able to to join and have fun cuz it sucks when you’re just like lagging

Right out and I know some people have had to do that because of ping where they’ve had to just drop because they just could not play the game think oh look at that Master masterful uh she mix well it’s not even just the lag balancing is usually yeah like balancing is really

Hard too that’s something else you definitely have to be careful of as we’ve learned with some mods sometimes mods have items that are a little too op will say say Peter Pepper pck to peeka pickle peppers but pickle peppers were way too pickly so we picked another Packa pickle

Peppers trying to get me the tongue twisters I don’t know how well that’ll go I got to look at a circle generator right now I cannot figure out how to make a circle I always have to cheat in Minecraft uh Circle generator

Minecraft uh so 7 7 1 is 15 2 and 2 is 19 1 and 1 is 21 so the circle should be those are even numbers who makes even numbered circles seriously no same person makes even numbered circles coal Mir oh God yeah that’s what it thank you I couldn’t remember what it

Was called I love the calir it is the most broken most broken item I have ever seen in a mod and I love it it is yeah if if oh my God if you guys ever play Starlight River and you acquire I kind I’m not

Going to lie I kind of want to are you I’m no I’m tiny I’m a little guy I don’t think I’ll ever be a big YouTuber I’m just a little tiny guy just a casual I’m a hobbyist um but yeah any body plays Starlight River mod one I like I want to

Make a short showing how to get it but on the other hand I really liked when Dax accidentally found it and we were playing around and figuring out how to how to use it and what it did and then like that that Eureka Moment I had another mouse that might work with so no more ooh oh God mouse pad gaming is like the little worst first yeah one hand I want to make a short showing how to get it on the other hand I don’t because I want I want people to have that Eureka

Moment you know cuz it was just so cool when like we figured out and just use Dax as a meat Shield yeah like that was awesome like that is absolutely awesome that’s why I want to highlight how absolutely broken it is but like yeah I I don’t want to ruin it for

People CU there such a cool find yeah the L it was there was so many cool items in there getting stuck in a boss fight that couldn’t kill me but I couldn’t hit the B oh that is awful cor six sizes oo I look forward to it thank

You yeah cuz some of those things are like kilometers in sizes aren’t they oh I may have to put light up here cuz I don’t want mobs spawning up here we’re actually high enough up that it can actually affect huh to also you’re a big youber me anyone

Not watching is aw Dax that’s kind of you you don’t have to say that I appreciate it but I’m tiny I’m like I’m 659 I couldn’t even hang on to the 660 I’m just a little guy like yeah I don’t think I’m very big a thank you Tax oh that’s okay Dax where I just try I can’t I’m not going to moderate other people but I try and uh uh ask others not to be too excessive but people are people right like they speak the way they speak I know I got a GU guy I work with who just

Like every other word is an F bomb he doesn’t mean in a bad way he just it’s way he talks so people are over there squid Sanctuary boss yeah yeah that what was that called or Oracle or something like that auror auroral yeah that was that was not cool

But again that was sort of a we were playing the mod multiplayer and despite saying the game was ready for multiplayer it just wasn’t quite like I really loved I think what I love the most with that mod was just how cool the bosses they added were like

They were original and they had really neat ideas behind them they just didn’t work well in multiplayer So uh I don’t really have a religion actually uh I just don’t really I believe something made the Universe I don’t know what it is but yeah that’s me yeah that’s sort of the the the idea with swearing is like if you’re going to swear make it meaningful

Um cuz like their words you typically use to imply a severity of something or the importance or maybe like an exp uh exclamation um so using them all the time kind of like dulls the significance in a way but I mean that like any any hypothetically any word could be

Taboo because it’s assigned by cultures Right uh so the culture assigns the the importance or the the nature of a Word some of them are uh some of them do help people like I know uh I got a friend of mine who is quite religious and she is like her whole thing is she goes out and helps like the church goes out and helps homeless people like that’s it’s really really good to

See um but yeah it’s it’s unfortunate but I’m not like to each their own is sort of my mindset but for me personally it’s sort of a to uh humanize whatever made the universe uh I know I wouldn’t want a bunch of people worshiping me I would

Just be happy like they were living so I figure whatever the universe is just sort of like yeah as long as you nod to the head and go about your business kind of thing I don’t know not really something to really think about had this guy swear on his mom

Recently had to put her oh that caught me off guard vampire that is awesome grew up in oh that’s okay uh grew up in a talian American household if the f word is every five words the family we yeah yeah I worked with Italians they’re wonderful I I love

Italians there’s you said you’re going into I yes I am I am January 8th I is my first day of classes at 9 9 a.m. um I’m quite excited and terrified I don’t want to so I don’t know how apprenticeships are handled elsewhere in the world or actually even in other provinces in

Canada but in Ontario uh the labor board actually determines when you can and cannot go to school and when you have enough hours to do so um so I’ve been like super excited for this and I know a lot of my other like the Journeymen so it goes apprentice and

Then journeyman and then master so the journeyman um although I think Master is only really used for electricians cuz I know electricians go Apprentice journeyman master I don’t know if milrs go Apprentice journeyman master um but the journeyman I’ve talked to they’ve said like you don’t need to

Try hard you Lally just need to get a 60 and you’re done and it’s not that hard as long as you’re actively trying and not being lazy you’re probably going to pass but I want to do better for me you know tranda uh see they’re like New York a Tian and

They’re Philly a Tian so forget about it is not a thing they say that’s fair uh are you ever going to do a face uh I don’t need to do a face reveal that’s the best part this a jokingly but it’s a thing they say that’s awesome though I like

That uh I am sad my phone is dead and I don’t know where it is uh oh oh dude that is the worst at least if it’s got a charge you can like call it and find it kons doesn’t know look around kons yeah kons doesn’t know it’s kind of funny I

Just like keeping quiet and seeing if people find it like getting above the bar for yeah like literally you just need to pass like they’re not they’re not that picky about it the important thing is like they’re going to teach you the basic skills and a lot of the rest of

The trade is stuff you will develop and learn on the job um so like one of the things I’m really excited to learn is I’m going to learn TIG and MIG welding going treasure to find the lauralis what what is thealis um like I have experienced stick welding

But I don’t have experience with TIG or Mig and I really am excited to learn how to uh I know of technoblade I do not know him personally uh and I know he passed which was really really sad because I didn’t learn about him till like basically like a month before he passed

Away and I was like oh man this guy’s awesome and then it was like oh wait never mind he’s he’s passing away crap so that was kind of sad but I mean that’s kind of how life is sometimes you meet people just at the wrong time well he didn’t really I didn’t meet

Him like but yeah he doesn’t know have you [Laughter] SE to make a platform I am right now so this is going to be the top of the tower I’ve got this marked off so yeah this will be the platform but yeah I’m going to be I’m excited to

Learn stuff in school and I’m life lessons with exactly um I actually think I want to use netherite for this right like that’ll be the cheapest building material yeah we’re going to go with netherite and we’re going to go at an angle so I don’t hit the boat oh

For uh yeah I know it’s not a platform a level like the tool you you use to find out if something is level I’m actually going to be making one of those I’m Canadian uh it’s not nice to talk about other streamers when you are in the chat who

We didn’t want to mention that’s fair yeah vampire got a point there he already yeah like yeah a level a level not a platform a level that’s what threw me out there and I was like wait a minute yeah like I actually and like so

In the first term I made a drill gauge and a chisel so I was taught basic blacksmithing uh and that’s how I made the Chisel and then the drill gauge was made when I was learning how to use a mill um the thing I made with the lathe

Has absolutely no use it was literally just a practice in the uh how to use the machine so that one’s upsetting it’s not functional but yeah like the level is something I will physically it’s a tool that I’ll be using in my job so I love it like I’m

Super excited M riding CH I will not make a Mill riding Channel no I’m not that good I’m still a a a dyed little Apprentice who’s just so excited to be doing a job he enjoys it is a oh that reminds me thank you card master um just so you all know scheme

Won the the membership emote uh vote round three is up if you want to vote for the last last uh uh emote to be added oh yeah I got friends some of them pop into the uh the channel every once in a while Arcane is actually actually two of

My close three of my closest friends pop into the channel every once in a while Arcane who’s one of my mods uh AIS who’s also one of my mods and then you guys have seen him recently I am evil one I’ve known him all three I’ve known since University look play it’s just like oh man they took so long to make that low low derpus out of clay like it’s like I know it looked really quick in the video but it was so hard cuz like I think I could do it faster but

It’s it’s yeah it’s one of those it’s like the the wire Bonsai I make um every everybody’s like oh you should make him and sell these but like the amount of work that goes into it it just isn’t like what I would charge doesn’t make it worth

It if that makes sense like split three ways so I change my tune to Sinister Nice nice yeah sin I like Sinister the little evil eyed L derpus is wonderful I wish I could add all of them but unfortunately they limmit it based on the number of memberships you have I’m glad you’re excited kons um you still need to learn yeah like I I

Have lots to learn like it’s one of the big things with Mill writing specifically Mill writing a lot of it is uh learning how to troubleshoot like a lot of my a lot of my job when I’m at work is just looking at something going why is

It broken how is it supposed to run how do I fix it will be used more yeah I I think sad would be used of the ones that are up right now I think either sad or Surrender would be one of the more used ones but I mean it’s whatever you guys

Want right like that’s that’s the why I left it as a vote cuz I wanted it to be that’s mud not dirt um I wanted it to be something you guys would want and you guys would use so getting rid of these buttons cuz I was dumb uh Netherrack Netherrack any more nether I have more quartz um I have a bunch of Netherrack in I have more Blackstone perfect okay that makes me happy that should be easy to fix then it might take time but I can get it Done might remove all the banners the I guess I don’t know who put them but here I’ll Help I got rid of them yeah let’s head back that way so I think most of you would know are you working on any art party so currently I am trying to like absolutely destroy my brain um I’m making another tree but I was given they’re called fairy lights

Um and they’re like I’m sure you see them they come out like every Christmas they’re like just thin wires with little LEDs on the wires um just tiny little legs who doesn’t like money although I like time more I like time more than money um yeah like Fair lights are really cool

I would get entire forest with all the trees You’ have made a it’d be a very very tiny Forest most of my trees are actually very small actually the ones that I’m most proud of right now are the Four Seasons where I did one for like summer fall spring and

Autumn I really like those ones the most um but the tree I’m working on right now I need to make the center Hollow and the plan is to run the fairy lights up through the trunk I don’t think so I know log off um I do do Discord we have a uh actually

A little dooblydoo in the dooblydoo there is a uh a link to the Discord I think it’s up to date um it should work but it’s a pretty chill server just so you know uh where was I oh yeah yeah so the trunk has to be Hollow and I’m doing

Hand gestures you can’t see right now God I need to learn to stop doing that um but it’ll be a keep the center Hollow so I can run the lights up through it and then string the lights around the branches of the tree uh so it’ll light up like a lamp

And that’s what I want to do I do like apples not going to lie though my favorite fruit raspberries absolutely love raspberries and nothing beats nothing beats uh a vanilla custard with raspberry sauce on it oh crap baskets hi Chucky hi okay this is why we have a ladder

Here just in case of these situations here oh we haven’t been sleeping come back here come on come on oh where’s the third one oh God okay I’m going to burn all of you to death I want you to know that I’m going to God I’m going to murder all of

You aboute you by the end of the stream and so will everybody else I’m pretty boring I just do weird things like make wire Bond’s eyes actually I just finished for I can I can talk about this now because my one friend who is actually in the server I

Couldn’t post this uh I sent her a Christmas gift I made her uh she was the one I made the dragon in a jar for the NightLight uh she’s one that likes dragons a lot I made her a little dragon snowman ornament for the tree yes the

Sleeping Dragon I made her a little snowman Dragon that’s a big Place okay let’s head back um but yeah I just made her a I’ll post it in the Discord afterwards um but yeah I made a little tiny snowman ornament and then I just finished uh for another friend of mine who’s having their first child um it’s too

Funny uh I made made them a little snowman family I’ll post a picture of that on the Discord as well YouTube Mr Beast f is improving my I’m glad to hear what is just random pit okay do no there are no maidens sadly no maidens actually actually the worst part

Is so I get teased at work all the time for being single um they’re like why don’t you have a girlfriend yet and I’m like cuz cuz I don’t um I just don’t and uh a friend of mine was like I’m worried you’re stilling like yes I’m still single let me be

Single uh my friends are just worried about me that’s all you like ooh okay I have to answer your question with a question katun do I get my choice of sprinkles or toppings uh cuz if I get the choice of sprinkles or toppings or syrups vanilla if I don’t

Chocolate uh yeah like I live at my own pace like that’s and like right now so part of the reason why I’m single is like with going back to school and with my work and learning everything I don’t have have time if I’m if I’m in a relationship I want to give that

Person the time they deserve and I don’t think with where I am in my life that I have the ability to do that and I think it would be unfair to date anybody um because I wouldn’t be able I would feel bad not being able to

Do the best that I could for them so I live in my own place I enjoy being single single Pringle I get my CH of toppings then yeah vanilla wins uh around here we call chocolate sprinkles jimmies really like is that a legitimate thing sorry Dax where are you Dax

Dax we left him we left him behind he’s swimming so so fast come here bud there you go my hands you don’t need enough yeah like that’s that’s just it I I don’t want to I recognize where my life is and the responsibilities I have have

And I don’t have the time to do it properly Eng apparently called them that really I’ve never heard that before but that’s kind of cool Tinder Is Not rul Great say B I don’t know when I don’t know much about Tinder like I’m not going to lie I

Have not been in the the the dating Market in a while uh I checked out timber tim Tinder Tinder not Timber um so I don’t know but yeah I’m I’m not like I said I know how my life is right now it was a lot of trouble I stole him

From can’t spell The Village Timber oh God yeah uh honestly I don’t know if I’ll ever St be up for relationship I don’t really feel like that you know what it’s they are enjoyable like I’ve been in relationships I I was almost married once um I was engaged and we called that off

Um to each their own like you’ll you’ll know when you’re ready like my one friend who’s actually having her first child she didn’t think she was ever going to be in a relationship and then she met her husband and they just things just clicked so you don’t know

Like maybe eventually you will but they they got their their ups and their downs so what [Laughter] it’s God oh my God how am I kidfriendly [Laughter] oh God I got to tell everybody that one that’s going to make some people laugh I not K man I am not I don’t think I’m

Kid-friendly at all I I like I will talk about things in like um adult ways but I will still talk about adult things like I’ll speak of things educationally but yeah yeah um what’s my opinion on furries to each their own it’s not my cup of tea but if

It makes them happy and they’re doing it together and they’re both consenting have at it you be you I think friendly I’ll make it there I did it there you go uh uh got to drop an F bombb that’ll fix it um is kids already know or have to learn it’s

True uh wait the squid is yes the squid actually does react to me whenever I talk his little tentacles move I can I can make him happy uh oh oh god oh oh de Dex Dex oh doing it again never mind you’re fine um oh it’s not hooked up oh my

God I never did hook it up up that’s frustrating uh okay he does actually have emotions when I set them up but apparently I didn’t set up the emotions why I don’t know but yeah he I can wink he is he is a a little fully functioning vtuber model I made I

Actually taught myself uh yeah I don’t know where it is but yeah he does have emotions it’s just not for some reason working I got to set him up uh good is reacting to your face St no uh I know we have a couple pH in chat so I mean he

Doesn’t uh hate him like yeah like for me like I’m really open to each their own is sort of my my thing if it’s between two consenting adult like two consenting adults have at it do what you want whatever whatever makes you happy like go for it the world is a steaming pile

Of crap sometimes and if it makes you happy and you’re not hurting anybody and have fun like yeah the sco is very like it it took a long time I remember the first video I got it to the video I put out of the first successful

Put together where like the eyes did the wrong directions and nothing really worked right I still laugh when I watch that video it’s so good a don’t worry uh take a while to First yeah do you tou grass I do actually and there’s outro has Easter

Egg for the games he plays oh thank you yeah I’m working on now that I actually have the drawing tablet hooked up to the old laptop and it works it’s not the greatest but it works um uh I’m hoping to do the intro and I want

To do the same thing with more Easter eggs in it Dax you’re not going to die are you Daxter all along sounds like I’m a war I was actually thinking like the video game character Jack and Daxter so you could be Daxter in which case

You’re like a mircat is that what he is a mircat it makes a kons all right kons while East I don’t know what to do okay so I I sat and I was brainstorming um Jack and Daxter was a game on the PS2 I think daxter’s laboratory oh my God yes daxter’s

Laboratory wood watch 10 out of 10 would watch um yeah like I don’t know all the Easter egg so I sat down and I did a list of things I can put um So risk of rain risk of rain 2 uh risk of rain returns it’s going to be the Commando I’m going to do the Commando I think I’m going to have him cuz I’m also going to animate it so I’m going to animate it so he’s flying across the screen shooting um that’s

Him that you thought was stuck oh that’ll be hard to draw can I explain calculus no I am terrible at math I am not someone who can help with Calculus I’m very sorry uh I’m good with math I can apply to things no oh Des a

Murder see this is why I have to put the glass in I have to put the glass in so people stop getting murdered by things I know that pain I died well actually I didn’t die I actually didn’t die once making that farm I’m very proud of it actually I came really really

Close um but yeah so the Easter egg for risk rain will be the Commando uh oh you did perfect okay good I would have tpd you um um Terraria I think I’m going to do a little slime jumping in and out of the uh the view

Um I think for spooky jump scare Mansion I’m going to try and do like a little deer Lord on the bookshelves I’m planning on putting in the background what hacks there’s no hacks here we call but not from me yeah poor Dax um what is the other Easter eggs I

Was working on and trying to figure out um I have another one what was it they added and dearl the cute one you mean the Abomination one I was thinking the cloak one with the souls and everything but yeah yeah the the the waifu yeah we could do the

Wu we’ll put a wife oh my God you’re right vampire that is amazing I will do like a little waifu like uh uh like those anime doll anime figures you can get I’ll do one of those of her on the bookshelf it’ll be amazing that is that

Is what we’re doing yes thank you that is amazing belir I watch this nice wait the remake or the original one the one with Will Smith or there’s like a new one I haven’t watched the new one they added and yeah I think the Slime pet for

TR would be a good one actually and then yeah no definitely the the the cute deer war our waifu yes yeah like a Funko Pop version or something like that of her would be amazing original the goose the good one uh add a Isaac for an

Isaac Easter a and have the runway from Commando dies because I didn’t have ah okay I was wondering how you would have died I thought you just got low in life and got sniped by one one oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay we’re good

Oh yeah you’re yeah that’ll kill you uh add Isaac for and have him run away from no I think I want the Commando I really want to do the Commando like from one side of the screen to the other just like blasting as he flies to the air

Um I think that’s sort of the idea I have for him fear of falling just a little the elytra gives you no armor at all yeah oh thank you I made it that was that was skill that was skill I was amazing okay that’s the dead center one two three four five 6

7 2 three 4 four five six seven I’m glad to hear Dax if you hadn’t I would have come down to help you he’s chasing Isaac I don’t think I can really do a British accent where even are you look up way up to three four five six seven yeah I

Don’t really do accents very often two one two three four six seven I’m using Netherrack cuz it’s cheap and there’s tons of it yes insult the French Please uh let me get a drink let me let me grab my coffee as I knock little OD derpus over um I could do Australian I am so sorry for everyone have I done the French the only French I know is like a bad Monty Python

French and it’s I always say same line I always I think it’s from the movie The Life of Brian where the waiter walks up to the the like fat sly guy who’s just eating like a ton of food he says so would you like a w out it’s just one tiny W

Out so oh Dax is leaving very up I think I think Dax crashed uh I think that’s correct I think that’s everything there but yeah the French we we B I can speak a little [Laughter] friend actually the reason why I remember just is a I screwed this up didn’t

I there was like anytime it was like a rain day in elementary school they put on this terrible like public television French show and it was about a puppet pineapple it would be uh we we B uh who’s my favorite YouTuber I have lots actually um one I

Actually been enjoying a lot recently is uh a sculptor uh who goes by the whose channel is north of the Border he’s got a very good sense of humor and is a very talented Sculptor when I was mid-flight uhoh I’m going to hope you’re safe uh pamus is is grapefruit yes and is

Pineapple yeah I like north of the Border he just did uh today he did a shark Dragon cross he wanted a shark he wanted a dragon and damn it he’s an adult so he can have both uh it was amazing America because I hate the see

Ah I thought that was Spanish for or French for a minute you would said mer and I’m like yes n is pineapple and not yeah French is weird it’s it’s pineapple uh cuz apple is Palm to tear which is literally trans or no potato is pum to

Tear uh which means Apple of the Earth and then Apple is Palm And uh the glass is ice um here I’ll make myself not uh YouTube friendly I’m so sorry for anyone uh I’m going to swear m l uh is a swear word I learned from working with some French people and that translates to eat I’m sorry for teaching people this

Uh glass of Swedish for ice cream yes I’ve I’ve destroyed your virgin ears everyone I swore I’m sorry I’m no longer kid-friendly YouTube will now take me off of there you are child friendly what if I want to be what if I want to be like a loot

Tuber you know we’ll just put like l derpus in in like I don’t know something I don’t know I don’t even want to know I don’t even want to think about it all be Hest uh another Square word in French is tabak uh cuz apparently saying Church related stuff is a

Swear I don’t know no one is actually able to properly explain that to me so you’ll lose the I need more 2.2 L level gameplay child friendly uh I’m still I hate the fact that J dash I always have to deal with the like you’ve got a copyright claim

And it’s like yeah I do I know what do you want to do I’m like just just let it ride let it ride don’t worry I won’t make any money off of it um that should be lit up enough nothing will spawn here yeah no lord’s name in vain T typ

Of yeah exactly so I am straight Uhoh uh I am at wait minus 26 is there no risk of dying from logging out I’m glad to hear actually perfect yeah like anything in that in French is is a way is like considered a swear whereas like English has like actual ual swear words which is kind of

Funny I’m really curious what some of the origins of them TP me Please slash tax welcome banana uh I can’t wait for one two 3 one two 3 what is 1 two 3 uh just wait years will be four years since it’s true it is wanted to be near build limit uh when I see a video from four

Years I think 2016 not 2020 yeah yeah that is banana banana banana uh this will be a a mob farm but I want to make the floating islands from Terraria I misspelled Terraria yes if we ever make it to 123123 I I will be quite happy vampire I

Don’t think I’ll ever live to see it my family is not known for living very long we’re like we’re like hamsters we just go pretty quick I cannot count one to there we go yes yes it is but I can do it it shouldn’t be too hard

Like uh server is apparently going to restart that’s fine we’ll be booted off and then we’ll log back in again two three four five six seven there that there we should be safe waus you might have cuz you are in British territories yes yes you are right you are

Right you do it Dax I hope you enjoy that mac and cheese again I’m going to ask with sausage you got to have sausage you got to have sausage I know for me it’s like it’s like that meal you always had like when you were it was cold and crappy

Out you’d have like a you don’t have to put sausage in it you have sausage with it just not in it uh you could also have sausage in it that’s cool to each their own farmer I heard tend to die in the weirdest ways do they really uh 3 ver [Laughter]

Month yeah we’re weird uh two three four four five six seven actually the worst part is I don’t know who else is Canadian here but you can probably relate uh Canada is really weird with stuff I don’t know how to make good Mac and just bare you know

What it’s okay that’s still good mac and cheese one even if it’s just craft it’s still mac and cheese um Canada is weird Canada is a very odd country um we got like schizophrenia when it comes comes to like measurements and and accounting um like in school you’re taught like okay

If you’re going to write the date you write it like uh 1230 23 going month day year but then like you get out and some businesses are like like no we don’t do that here we do it the other way 302 23 and there’s no uniform way of doing it in Canada it’s

Weird we we got pretty strict laws but it’s it’s weird we’re just weird like officially like this is how weird Canada is officially everything is measured in metric um realistically if you talk to a Canadian we’re going to measure things uh if it’s distance it’s in it’s it’s

Metric it’s kilom if it’s height it’s it’s Imperial so you’re in feat it was a week ago it was literally a week ago every Sunday I had p no no no it wasn’t a week ago it was Christmas day so 5 days ago I had maple

Syrup and I’m not going to lie I’m going to have maple syrup tomorrow like I I I every Sunday I have like bacon and eggs and pancakes cuz cuz I’m predictable and it’s like my little Sunday treat and I love it oh no well oh no well I guess I’m

Going to get that block back thanks we sure Canada M should not go first span the right idea yeah 31 yeah like I like that one cuz it’s going from largest time incr or smallest time increment to largest time increment and I like that uh what did you say Dax I

Missed that was last time you had oh crap um measure twice confused once welcome to Canada yeah pretty much that’s what it is um distance in kilometers also we also measure things in time like we will also measure like the distance from one place to another in

Time so if you were to ask me how far away am I from my work I would say I’m about 50 minutes away that makes no sense to any normal human being but if I say that to a Canadian like a fellow Canadian they’re going to know where I

Live why I don’t know Crouch unblock with a ladder next to you get a oh really that’s kind of cool we say that in the U yeah like it’s it’s weird oh server yeah yeah give it a sec to reset um yeah Spanish definitely the right way smallest to biggest increment I like

That one that’s the one I like um but yeah we we do things so weird in in this country and it’s so natural we said the you do it too isn’t that weird like you’ve got a radius where somebody could be but you say like oh I’m 50 minutes away and they know

Exactly where you are sometimes we’ll also we also be like oh yeah yeah no that’s only a couple kilometers away and then it gets long enough that you’re like no now it’s minutes away oh how far away that half hour walk yeah like it’s isn’t it like what’s wrong Dax server reset it

Does that yes yes you can so that if you let go of the up you actually just stay in one spot yeah like one block versus 10-minute drive like blocks aren’t standardized things unless I think New York has a standardized uh block size um oh you live in Virginia okay yeah

Like just the weird like it’s so so bizarre to me it’s also comical like I I actually find it genuinely funny too like just how weird people are I think Dax is confused I learned after the first time building in the air you only have to fall to your death a

Few hundred times before you’re like man I’m going to build this over water one two three so why you never use um I’m dumb can I can I use that as an excuse I’m dumb can I use that as Excuse I I actually don’t know why I don’t use an elytra I actually have the ability to repair the elytra at any time but I’m just not using it maybe I’m worried at some point there’ll be some catastrophic thing that comes out and kills me yeah I don’t

Know like this is probably the best place to use the elter cuz you can probably get some good distance four five six s how many layers should we do I was thinking 10 yeah I think 10 sh should be enough four 5 six seven cuz I think 10

Will be what do you use to make the sky house I don’t know I think I was going to use prismarine cuz we have boatloads of it and I think that’s the closest Blue Block I can use that I can get um like stairs walls slabs out of I think

That’ll be the best one I’m not 100% but I think that’ll be the best one wool it needs wool the sky house but I can’t I could use wool like oh well goodbye another NE rat so I think it’s the only time I actually value because I don’t want to go get

More just absolute laziness on my part wait yes oh that is brilliant vampire thank you uh I just do troll turn this into a a uh spliff just make it into like a spliff game I I wouldn’t blame you I mean it really is like just so easy right

Now you can’t react to it fast enough it’s true this is very true just look at somebody and go another inom it’s true yeah like two three oh don’t fall off don’t fall off don’t don’t fall off there we go problem solv yeah no I really like your idea

Vampire I think I’m going to grab a bunch of white wool and make sure that the edges of each island are covered in fluffy wool to make clouds I wonder if we should do can’t exactly skin the cats yeah I will have to put carpet on top of

It just to make sure nothing spawns on the clouds perfect moment to strike two don’t get the torch blocks that’s all I ask two three four five six 2 three four five six 7 2 three four six seven perfect I need more Netherrack yeah I think I think 10 layers should be

Enough but we will have to put carpet on top of all of the white wall so it doesn’t it’ll minimize spawning I think that’ll be cool but I’m wondering if there’s no way to simulate the rain underneath the clouds is there there is nothing can’t spell nothing wrong with that to me

Um yeah I’m just trying to think I don’t think we can simulate the rain that falls underneath cuz we can do a layer of white clouds and then have some spots with gray here listen to the song made by the new level I will give it a

Listen oh well okay that that’s a problem then if you don’t know how to turn it off it hits hard I’ll the music in Geometry Dash is very good I’m really happy with the music they’ve chosen uh even though sadly it almost always comes up with a copyright strike or not strike

Claim uh okay one 2 3 my fourth level we need a lot of Netherrack holy sh I look good in blue I’m enchanted everything I own is Enchanted it’s fine where’s this game yeah like I don’t know how to make the the rain blocks doesn’t a is it

Not oh it’s just really hard to see it is Enchanted you got to get like the right angle and it’s very very faint but there is an enchantment effect on it it’s just really hard to see yeah it’s like ridiculously Faint he stacked his not exactly ah unlike micro sort of yeah I’m trying to figure how we would create the like we could um look you just put some diamond on your netherite that is fair we could like if we go down here they are they

Are like there is we put a bucket there it’s not the same actually how far does that par particle effect go oh pretty far actually we could do that like put a layer of uh put water that could work and then we’ve got the the the Drip yeah that might actually work yeah I it won’t be as as um predominant as it is in Terraria but it could work although I don’t think it actually goes all the way down now that I’m standing under here I don’t see any blue drips so they might actually

Despawn oh there’s no blue drips because Dex has water coming down that explains that going down going up um H H yeah I want to make the Terraria I think that’s going to be a fun little project and the nice thing is if I get bored working on a particular Island I

Just start a new island problem solved but having this monster Farm will uh mob farm will actually be a big help because it’ll solve one of the biggest issues I’m having right now of gunpowder shortage um I also will at some point want to get villagers up here uhoh what Dax do

Um yeah see this is why this why we need to make mob farm Yink give me give me come back thank you um I enjoy that fall actually pop that up there uh there’s a line in a song that really speaks to me sleep all day when I wake I’m over it that’s actually not going to lie a good mod where the boat

Go Dax did you steal the boat um actually not a bad motto I’m not going to lie I’m I’m a very simple man tell when you fall intentionally you’ll never know I’ll never admit to anything um but that’s a good like that’s a good way to look at it

Like where I nap I tire and done see I’m not I nap and I’m refreshed and ready to go Uh I have enchance to to save me whatever it’s called Uh respiration I don’t know what made that noise I going to sleep so we don’t have any uh those guys show up naps are not refresh I’m so sorry it’s weird like some of the population can take naps some of the population cannot take naps and I thankfully am of the population

That can take naps uh I don’t know how I would survive if I couldn’t take naps uh I take an app 10 15 minutes bang ready to go for the rest of the day uh I do not I do not have That I like the fact that I can see Dax but nothing else up there um no don’t kill the turtles you can’t get it if you kill the tur we Actually I’m going to put a chest up there a double chest because we can unload the stone I get more Stone over here I Do uh can I more Stone more Stone but yeah some of the population can nap some population cannot yeah like I again I have friends who can’t nap it it it’s just brutal for them uh but for me I’m like yeah know I feel great I think because they’d be too easy

Kill they had to add some can’t spell getting stabbed in the back give me your Trident give me your Trident give me your Trident did you give me your Trident you did not give me your Trident you yeah know I’m an AER I come from a family of a i I remember the

Worst technically was the worst place I’ve na was on like a jagged rock at which point my co-workers are like what is wrong with you I can sleep anywhere on anything it will suggest doing it in real life you go up to Bish and murder them yeah but fish are annoying to try

And hit again they added a challenge to it it’s not much of a challenge but it is a challenge after all speak of nap and good night take care have a good night vampire thanks for coming to the stream E I hope I hope rest cannot talk I hope rest finds you

And you get a good night’s sleep oh did you fall Dax oh such a good song I think it’s like everybody’s favorite song I love that song man I want to fight Sans now think how cool it could be oh my God I want to capture a Wither and name it

Sanss part of me wants to make a wither Rose farm but I made it once before in the end and it is an absolute nightmare to do take care CB master or you saying goodbye to vampire Megalania meglovania such a good song makes you want to fight a

Boss his disc with all the under music on it and it’s just been on all day oh see and that’s it’s one thing when you want to listen to it like that and it’s another thing when you’re forced to listen to it like that wait what are you no that’s got to

Be a joke there is no way Roblox is shutting down in January that has got to be a joke amers that’s got to be like some s sort of like troll they make like a ton of freaking money how could they Poss possibly yeah there’s no that’s got to

Be I actually have to look that up like that is so I don’t see anything on Google yeah like I can’t see it shutting now cck one before then I got curious and search three yeah no there’s no truth to the4 milon yeah like it’s just it’s insane there’s no way it’s shutting Down yeah like PC games and gam Le yeah it’s not shutting down like they’ve got an insane insane amount of like people playing the game like yeah I can’t see I can’t see that that being a thing like there’s so much money yeah I think it’s totally a hoax

They might do like a server shutdown for a little bit like maybe to to do maintenance or something and maybe that’s why people only I could oh my God could you imagine it oh sadly Dax you would not get a refund if it shut down CU if they were shutting down by

Declaring bankruptcy it would go like there’s a specific order on how companies have to pay back in US law yeah like it might shut down randomly because I don’t know maintenance or whatever but I mean I I doubt it’s like I can’t see it that’s like such an out there

Statement yeah somehow going bank that would be insane games uh impr content roblo yeah yeah like I could see shut shutdowns for like I’m going to put that up there um I can put that there too for like random like maintenance or whatever that would make the most

Sense yeah like I don’t I don’t think it is I don’t think you have to worry I think it is it is just fine um yeah like it is it is so big I can’t see it it failing cuz it’s it’s got that right Niche where like it allows

Creativity with people’s ability to like make games and make content um I can’t I can’t I can’t even imagine like it’s such a good spot to be in is a Banger o is it there it isn’t so I’m in the center now could be a thing Ry Ste fly

High Dax is joining me we’re off I got to go find another build another portal up there once I’ve got one of the islands done yeah I can’t see roadblocks like ever shutting unless it’s so horribly mismanaged and there’s like rampant corruption in emzl

Uh there is no way it is ever going to shut down and even then like real chance in Terraria oo that’s impressive how did you do that H nice that makes me happy Dax is really going to taken really cool photos of things in uh Minecraft I got to say that There is but I I don’t like it would take super like absolute mismanagement and Corruption and just like how do do you have free him now or something I swear I saw uh no that was actually um I was actually in spectator because I was worried about the uh TNT traps

I wanted to make sure that there were no other ones around the the uh the area so I wanted to make sure it was safe because I was really worried about uh either myself or nxe or anybody else who joined the server accidentally setting it off and getting blown up because uh

Even with netherite I’m pretty sure you would die based on the size of the crater and the number of explosions I Heard so actually we have to go get Netherrack I’m out at the base which means we actually have to go I think this will take us to the ceiling I’m going to go where I was mining uh for quartz ah you’ll be able to check the vaud but yeah it’s

It’s oh God I hate the ceiling I don’t remember which way to go I don’t remember which way to go uh let’s go this way a it’s back now though uh yeah one was in versus iron farm and we didn’t see it uh I think this has a Stairway down I

Got to find the hole down yeah NX he set it off he saw it and set it off where’s the hole out of here how did oh because there’s ice so a gas can spawn so a gas Spawned nice I am trying to find hole out of here cuz I don’t remember where it is four reasons I hope those reasons aren’t to make uh Rockets is there a hole down over here no that Stacks is I lost my MAA it I can lend you the permit

Set it off I don’t think he I think he Set It Off on purpose he triggered it just to be safe so I kind of wish he hadn’t triggered it um gotcha uh H gas here yeah I kind of wish he hadn’t cuz I could

Have pardon me I could have gone in and safely disarmed it right like if you just pointed out we could have used like a pickaxe taking out any of the trips there’s got to be a hole down somewhere right like how how do I get

Off the roof I think I do this like every time get lost on the roof yeah you’re right if it’s a skull sensor I wouldn’t be able to just there’s the hole I wouldn’t be able able to disable it but this is the wrong hole okay I

Officially have no idea where the hell I am I’m lost I need an adult somebody hold me I’m scared they’re going to kill me oh I’ll take that oh no I won’t because I I was going to say I’ll take that but it won’t be Netherrack it’ll

Be oh I am so lost right now skull is funny yeah it’s weird what will set it off and what won’t Goose any a what did Goose think please don’t be something that leads to my death this is kind of scary where am I where am I a goose did not appreciate

The impostor Goose I don’t know where I am I’m on the roof on the roof this is why I can’t be left alone oh I don’t want a bow no one wants that trash your bones I will turn into bone meal though I murder this you could I won’t stop

You things may be upset with you and murder you but you know such is such as Minecraft can I please just just went down we need another hole in the in the roof of the nether uh cuz sometimes you can’t see them I got to go

Bed now take care kons have a good thanks for com joining the stream screen oh my God I cannot talk thank you for coming to the stream have a good night take care of yourself hey I killed villagers maybe or maybe not on accident and the Golems just did nothing don’t kill the

Villagers uh L 61 finally found a friend I know know got to sleep now I’m assuming it was cuz y saw it somehow and who would well the nice thing is player placed skull sensors will not trigger a ward it is only naturally spawning so there’s no worry about you can out DPS

It very good to Know uh yeah so using placing a skull sensor will not trigger a warden it has to be naturally placed uh that is a change they made I think initially it could but I guess you know like creepers and and trolls had to be stopped where in God’s name am

I what in the name of all that is Canadian is happening at this moment I don’t understand uh and you need a skull core yeah like oh okay okay okay well we actually have like three or four cities cleaned out at this point uh I think it’s four might be five

Actually yeah I think it’s five because there was the three that was closed together there was the one that was 8,000 blocks out that killed ine and I had to just warp him there to save him um or so he could get his stuff back and then there was another one INX found

So okay I don’t know where I am like I’m at y43 y63 should be I don’t understand how uh I don’t think so I did look around yeah I hope not To I got be careful I may walk into lava I didn’t walk into lava I walked into glowstone and oh Uh awkward look they’re special decks give them credit they’re trying they have iron for brains they can’t do much uh okay I think I know where we Are I don’t know where we are I know where we Are this is this is the Frog Light making room I remember this this okay we’re good now we’re fine uh get it and be careful no stiky trap fly do every time you log on ah that seems kind of excessive but yes the the the technically why aren’t you eating

Things look they’re all tiny get at it no more frog lights there you go buddy that’s how you do it it’s a feast you’re just really lazy and want them next to you nice man Mr Toad’s hungry yeah like I don’t I’m hoping I don’t have to by the way want to know

Something funny sure what’s funny eight more frog lights blow up next time Rusty best character that’s fair I don’t know who Rusty is yet so I don’t I can’t quantify that that’s kind of cool like coins though random set up this way I won’t I I will not say I will keep

Your your warning in mind ah okay that makes sense that makes perfect sense now that’s why your totem is V2 okay that makes sense let’s head out over to the mines Rusty nice yeah we should get some more oh he just killed himself it’s okay slime you’re doing

Great yes we got the I don’t really need the Frog lights my skin V2 yes can you tell what character I like more I’m going to guess V2 I’m no Pro here I’m going to guess V2 I should put guard rails on this I I got lucky and didn’t get knocked off by

Slimes making it you get shot at by Ghasts but maybe I should put something on here to protect it nobody loves you nobody you get out of my way okay we’re safe also I should try and I have yet to get a beacon we we should try and do

That actually where’s the best place to fight the Wither should I share I can if you want to on uh uh the Discord server I’m sure I’m sure some other people would appreciate it I am losing my voice oh I wonder if I should use no that wouldn’t work it’s just all blocks

Uh I was thinking I could use well no I could use oh because I have a cape that sucks um I wonder if warpwood would Be ah okay that makes sense um so I’m just thinking like the houses on the floating islands are blue the insides are yellow we don’t have a Blue Block like that um I have so much crap in my inventory but what I’m wondering is this goes with prismarine right if I’m not

Mistaken oh don’t do that how is the lava literally the lava is okay never mind I don’t know how this game works anymore please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me okay uh when I me in the city it was supposed to be a whole hidden thing but everyone

In the server knows do they what is thats uh sure let me get out to get some Netherrack and I will pop by the city I will cheat and get there so I’m not taking forever we’re going to grab this cuz I’ll have to grow more

Um I’m is it the thing that was under this the the house that burned cuz I get to see much in the basement I wasn’t oh there’s yeah you made a compartment or something oh it’s something else okay yeah give me a minute I’m just going to grab I’ve got boatloads of

Netherrack over here can you tell I had no idea what I was doing when I was traveling through the nether just kind of going in a direction where it’s like yeah this is kind of the way back home is it a house did did you make a house

Underground the house is symmetrical ah you made a secret area under there nice I’m glad you kept the house symmetrical that’s awesome it’s just a weird little thing but I’m happy it’s symmetrical can I not make you grow unless I like I keep using bone meal on these

Yeah I can grow you in the nether it’s just okay weird um where’s my way down there it is there’s a secret thing what’s the secret thing put that there that’ll help me find the ladder next time secret secret secret thing I’m so oo so this is the mine I was working on

Where I got a whole bunch of uh netherite uh let’s actually put these here I can get them later Netherrack I want to keep oh you bastard do have to keep this place lit up okay that should be good enough I thought if I put the gates here it would Help uh H I said thing secret secret thing is unfinished I said thing H what is this secret secret thing let’s put this yeah like Netherrack is cheap and plentiful so like I’m going to build the the farm out of it cuz it doesn’t matter no one’s going to see the interior where

The mobs are spawning so I might as well use something that’s cheap and plentiful right like that that hary wants to make it all pretty but I mean I really I don’t have to so that’s full try guessing see how you see it okay uh please don’t be in the air Dax hey

Cat by the way whatever please try streaming void too B about a week ago and it is Mak voido okay let me add that to the the steam list void Ito I own it apparently I apparently own voido I love the fact that you’ve mentioned a game that’s really cool and

I already own it uh this looks actually really cool oh I like that pumpkin boss yeah I definitely I want to check that out yes ammer what he was cool interesting everybody’s heard of it hi aser oh my God aser I forgot about that oh my God I’m sorry I don’t

Know maybe that’s the one it’s in my library I own it yeah I think you bought it when I mentioned it months ago yeah there’s so many games see when fraud was asking what game he’s like hey what games do you want to get right now it’s like no I don’t want to

Get games right now now I want I want to play I want to play the games oh yeah this looks really cool it’s a really pretty looking game dang it okay sorry Dax did you say something okay this is normal seller hi normal seller noral seller following Dax random black shulker oh he’s doing a neat job with the wiring then is it the fish okay let me put the fish back okay there we go problem solved uh I think you my short friend is finally back from Sam let’s go Yep go more like oh oh that’s awesome I forgot they could do that that is awesome awesome awesome with a queue friend is back from Santa’s Workshop got the meat I blocked off the entrance now we’re doomed we’re never going to help we’re going to die This is the fountain Right nope that’s my Hoe right wait where did Dax go Dax went out that way okay okay that’s the Street aha uh I do have to Put you there I should never be Allowed problem solved no one will ever know now we’re safe I’m glad you little short friend is back from the uh from Santa’s Workshop do you run through the portal no there’s nothing in the portal you have all these little holes do you hide Something did you hide like a little lever or a butt broke oh it’s a switch and that did I have no idea by the way I’m closing this because I don’t trust the villagers they’re dumb you got to go take care carb Master thanks for coming to the stream eh I

Hope you have a wonderful day we lost Axe oh there’s a door here oh oh very nice should I stand on this NOP that did not do anything this is Unfinished shroom light yeah Pistons stuff can be annoying you’re welcome take care C Master oh this is very unfinished oh we’re in the caves under the caves under it’s not true there’s a zombie oh and creepers oh this is this is not where I thought it was oh no it

Is where I thought it was yeah this is the cave to the farm right well then I am not going to stay here is this or did you light all this up I Thought thank you this looks like [Laughter] you’re just that tasty they had to be near you oh this looks cool that’s neat yeah I have no idea where we are now I thought this would connect up with the you have an arrow and will never despawn as a result please

Die um you have an arrow and will never despawn as a result please die um yeah I guess I’m really mistaken I thought this would lead but I guess not that’s fine this is kind of cool Dax I like this I’m wondering what your uh ow ow ow ow wrong side wrong

Side I’m really curious what it’ll look like when you’re done okay we’re out Am I out there’s no hope for us we’re going to starve to death starve to death I tell you I need more inventory space can I have like three more inventory slots I think you will I think it’s really cool I hope you do that’s fair that

Can yeah working on like like I said I I think it’s important to have multiple jobs going because sometimes you just get damn it I’m out of dirt where it is this time sounds good I I hope nobody finds it I hope it stays hidden it’s it’s better when it’s a surprise you

Know okay we’re going to do this and fill it in and it’ll be fine what time is it it is I was being dumb a that sucks NX is on here a lot so okay we’ve got we’ve got I’ll still have to make I’m going to have to make

If I’m doing 10 levels I think I have to make 10 observers and 10 dispensers but I will do that another time for it in ah okay that would have given it away that sucks all right I’m actually going to end the stream here because it is like4 11 for

Me uh and actually my voice is kind of starting to go so it’s probably not a bad idea to end the stream before I like damage it I’m going to I got to fix this off stream uh I’m going to have to fix this off stream uh I’m going to work on

The um the Tower and the island as well I’ll go over it with you guys next Minecraft stream just so you can see what I did it’s a really simple mob farm um it’s not like 100% efficiency but it’s good enough for what I want to do

Especially if I’m going to be in the area they’re building it’ll work really nice as a passive way to get uh Mob drops so so if I had rain world poor I would be oh there’s classes in Rain world that’s kind of cool I said thing you

Said what thing sorry uh it’s still no it’s still there it’s too cage for you to know what oh okay um but yeah I’m going to end it here cuz like I said my voice is starting to go I hope you guys have an absolutely fantastic afternoon evening nighttime morning whatever it is

Wherever you are if I don’t see you tomorrow tomorrow’s stream is actually at 2 p.m. uh so I I I I’m I got that one right so I’ll see you guys for outer worlds tomorrow hopefully if you don’t make it no worries have yourselves an absolutely fantastic New Year I hope you

Have a blast on New Year’s Eve I hope your new year is amazing and I will see you guys next time Byebye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Look at the Pwetty Fish!’, was uploaded by LoDurisLP on 2023-12-31 03:54:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Chilling and building Minecraft was developed by and published by Mojang. Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoDurisLP Instagram: …

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    Self-Sacrifice in Minecraft: All The Mods 9 Minecraft Adventures in All The Mods 9 Embark on a thrilling journey in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in proper endgame, players are in for an exciting experience like never before. Building a Minecolonies City In this new series, players will delve into the challenge of constructing a Minecolonies city while seamlessly integrating tech mods into the city’s development. The goal is to create a thriving metropolis that combines the best of both worlds – advanced technology and intricate architecture. Exploring New Mods All… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.22: Disappointment or Game-Changer?

    Minecraft 1.22: Disappointment or Game-Changer? Minecraft 1.22: A Comprehensive Review With the release of Minecraft 1.22, players are buzzing with excitement and curiosity. The new update brings a plethora of changes, including the introduction of the intriguing ‘Pale Garden’ biome and the eerie ‘Creaking’ mob. Let’s delve into the details of this update and explore whether it lives up to the hype or falls short of expectations. The Pale Garden Biome: A Breath of Fresh Air The addition of the Pale Garden biome has injected a new sense of wonder into the Minecraft world. With its ethereal beauty and unique flora, players are treated… Read More

  • Playing Minecraft in Minecraft with Furniture Mod

    Playing Minecraft in Minecraft with Furniture Mod Minecraft Inception: Exploring the World of Mods Embark on a journey within a journey as Minecraft enthusiasts delve into the realm of mods, specifically the Mrcrayfish furniture mod. Let’s follow along as Foxcoon (LeQua) showcases this exciting addition to the Minecraft universe. Unveiling the Mrcrayfish Furniture Mod With the Mrcrayfish furniture mod, players can enhance their Minecraft experience by adding a variety of furniture pieces to their virtual world. From cozy sofas to elegant dining tables, the possibilities are endless. This mod allows for creativity and customization, transforming ordinary structures into stylish abodes. Joining Foxcoon on the Adventure Follow… Read More

  • Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems – Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft

    Guardian Showdown: Warden vs Golems - Who Reigns Supreme? #Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where the blocks are bold, The Warden faces off with Golems, stories untold. Who will emerge victorious, in this epic fight? Watch the battle unfold, under the moonlight. The Golems stand tall, with strength and might, But the Warden is cunning, ready to strike. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this clash of titans, who will rise? The villagers watch, hearts beating fast, As the Warden and Golems clash at last. With every swing and every blow, The outcome uncertain, where will it go? But in the end, only one can win, In… Read More

  • Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure

    Meeting the Dark Trader in Minecraft! Lucky Block Island Adventure Exploring the Dark Trader in Minecraft’s Lucky Block Sky Block Islands In a recent Minecraft video, the player encountered a mysterious figure known as the Dark Trader on the Lucky Block Sky Block Islands. Let’s delve into the thrilling events that unfolded during this gameplay! Breaking Lucky Blocks and Discovering Islands As the video begins, the player starts by breaking Lucky Blocks, uncovering various surprises and challenges along the way. After navigating through different obstacles, they eventually stumble upon a series of islands, each with its own set of enemies and mysteries. Encountering Enemies and Unraveling Secrets On the… Read More

  • Skele-horse Shenanigans

    Skele-horse Shenanigans Welcome to the Adventures of Minecraft Survival Ep. 2! Skeleton Horse Incident #1 In this episode, our Minecraft adventurer encounters the mysterious Skeleton Horse Incident #1. What could this mean for their survival journey? Wandering Trader Teleportation A surprising event unfolds as the Wandering Trader makes an unexpected teleportation appearance. How will our adventurer handle this twist in their survival world? Attack of the Cave Creeper The Cave Creeper strikes, bringing danger and excitement to our adventurer’s journey. Will they emerge victorious from this intense encounter? Pillagers get BOATED Our adventurer cleverly deals with the Pillagers by using a… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Fleetbhai Dar gaye😱#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe and embark on epic adventures, build stunning creations, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, accessing the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a newbie looking to explore the vast possibilities of this sandbox game, Minewind offers something… Read More

  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

    Game Academy Time Travel Prank Exploring the World of Minecraft with Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, brings laughter and joy through self-made animations. With a focus on child-friendly content, the channel ensures a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. About Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, also known as 方块轩, is a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, crafting original and humorous animations that aim to spread happiness. As the sole official channel of Block Pavilion, it stands out from unauthorized copies by delivering daily doses of creative content. Content Variety Block Pavilion’s channel offers a diverse range of… Read More

  • Subscribe, I Build Dirt Houses – Minecraft’s Score!

    Subscribe, I Build Dirt Houses - Minecraft's Score! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I build dirt houses for subscribers, no need for complaints. Choose your wood type, from oak to cherry, I’ll craft your dream home, no need to tarry. Join my Discord server, for updates and fun, Let’s build together, under the sun. Minecraft adventures, with a twist of rhyme, Let’s explore and create, one block at a time. Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 7 Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 – A Dive into the Minecraft Universe Embark on an epic adventure in the Minecraft universe with Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7. Developed by Telltale Games in collaboration with Mojang Studios, this episodic spin-off series takes players on a journey through The Overworld, The Nether, The End, and other dimensions. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before as you navigate through various realms and encounter unique challenges along the way. From building structures to battling mobs, Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 offers a fresh perspective on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Ultimate BMGO Bedwars Map Shader Guide

    Ultimate BMGO Bedwars Map Shader Guide Exploring Epic BMGO Bedwars Map Shaders in Minecraft Are you ready to enhance your Minecraft experience with epic BMGO Bedwars map shaders? While Blockman GO does not provide a direct way to use their shaders in-game, there are ways to incorporate them into your Minecraft gameplay. Let’s dive into the world of shaders and textures to elevate your gaming experience. Utilizing Minecraft Patch APK for Shaders To access the BMGO Bedwars map shaders, you can utilize the Minecraft Patch APK. This patched app allows you to enhance your Minecraft visuals with custom shaders, bringing a new level of immersion… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Server: Bedrock & Java Ready for Latest Versions!

    Ultimate Minecraft Server: Bedrock & Java Ready for Latest Versions! Minecraft Server Ready-to-Use for Java and Bedrock Editions Looking for a seamless Minecraft experience? Look no further! This server is prepped and ready to go, supporting both Java and Bedrock editions of the game. Let’s dive into the exciting features awaiting you in this server. Version 2 Features: Legendary Weapons: Arm yourself with powerful weapons to conquer your foes. Comprehensive Cosmetics: Customize your character with a wide range of cosmetic options. Elite Armor & Tools Sets: Equip yourself with top-tier gear to enhance your gameplay. Advanced Enchantments: Enhance your items with powerful enchantments for an edge in battles. Full… Read More

  • Joker’s Insane Duel in Venice, Minecraft Coming Soon

    Joker's Insane Duel in Venice, Minecraft Coming SoonVideo Information This video, titled ‘JOKER FOLIE A DEUX BOCCIATO A VENEZIA MA MINECRAFT STA ARRIVANDO’, was uploaded by ACKAB-J on 2024-09-06 05:15:26. It has garnered 47 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:03 or 7083 seconds. Read More

  • Summoning a Real Legend in Minecraft

    Summoning a Real Legend in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Summon a Real Legend 💀 #shorts #minecraft #legend #games’, was uploaded by Rithwik Playz on 2024-09-17 03:42:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I Summon a Real Legend #shorts #minecraft #legend #games Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC minecraft shorts, minecraft … Read More

  • Insane!! Find Jungle Villagers Spawning in Minecraft! 🌴

    Insane!! Find Jungle Villagers Spawning in Minecraft! 🌴Video Information This video, titled ‘Two Naturally spawning jungle villagers Minecraft bedrock 1.21’, was uploaded by Vinny Cekalla on 2024-08-03 04:07:19. It has garnered 48 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:35 or 95 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock SECRET Farlands in Minecraft Java!

    Unlock SECRET Farlands in Minecraft Java!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tutorial: How to visit Farlands in Minecraft Java Edition’, was uploaded by Razvaz on 2024-01-16 20:27:01. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:09 or 489 seconds. Hello and welcome to this tutorial. TP COMMAND: /tp 12550700 90 12550700 Songs used: C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Haggstrom C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Moog City C418 Minecraft Volume Alpha: Subwoofer Lullaby WHAT ARE FARLANDS? (from wiki) The Far Lands were a terrain generation bug that appeared when the noise generators responsible for creating the shape of terrain stopped functioning properly. This… Read More

  • OMG! I Found Habitat in Minecraft with Astraeaa

    OMG! I Found Habitat in Minecraft with AstraeaaVideo Information This video, titled ‘How I Met Habitat in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Astraeaa PH on 2024-07-23 09:15:01. It has garnered 112326 views and 1573 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:43 or 763 seconds. Maizen, Cash and Nico, Aphmau Parody Maizen Tagalog In this video you can watch how Habitat and I met in Minecraft here in Taropa Village. addons: For Sponsorship and business: [email protected] ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Like , Comment , Minecraft Oneblock, Minecraft but, Minecraft Pinoy, Minecraft Java, Minecraft Filipino, Minecraft RP, Minecraft SMP, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #minecraftTAGALOG #omocraft #mcpe Read More

  • MIRROR FEARSONA: The Scariest Thing You’ll See Today

    MIRROR FEARSONA: The Scariest Thing You'll See TodayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mirrors Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-09-27 14:58:25. It has garnered 994 views and 128 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:23 or 4823 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! https://www.patreon.com/fearsona 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro & Breaking News 30:00 Scary Mirror Videos 1:04:00 How To Survive 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 https://streamlabs.com/fearsona/tip ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► https://twitter.com/FEARSONAYT ✨INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/fearsona/ ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Castle Build Timelapse! #Shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Castle Build Timelapse! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Castle Timelapse in Minecraft #Shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:39:45. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Clutch with Unstop & Gwen! Life = Dream

    Insane Minecraft Clutch with Unstop & Gwen! Life = DreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Life Could Be a Dream #clutch #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-05 15:50:16. It has garnered 13604 views and 242 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Dictator Takes Over Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #gaming #minecraft

    Dictator Takes Over Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #gaming #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cuando te metes al server equivocado en minecraft #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by La Dictablanda on 2024-07-23 23:12:20. It has garnered 2772 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. When you get on the wrong server in minecraft #funnymemes #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #gameplay #minecraftanimation #gamer #viralshorts #tutorial #anime minecraft meme momo gameplay tutorial laughter Read More

  • KarlssonSMP – Vanilla SMP Java 1.21 Season 3, whitelist, cosmetics, 18+

    karlssonSMP Welcome to karlssonSMP!✨ Season 3 launched on June 20th with Version 1.21! Since our humble beginnings in late August 2023, karlssonSMP has grown into a vibrant community of dedicated players. Our goal is to make you feel like you’re playing with friends, whether you’re a casual builder or a hardcore survivalist. Apply here. ⚔️ Features: Custom Armor Statues: Personalize your builds with custom armor stands. Mini Blocks & More Mob Heads: Adding intricate details to your builds and collecting unique mob heads. Anti-Grief Measures: Protecting your creations with anti-grief features. Multiplayer Sleep: Avoid waiting out the night alone. Shopping… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mining, moaning, and moping in minutes!

    Minecraft Memes - Mining, moaning, and moping in minutes!Looks like these players need to craft themselves a chill pill instead of all that complaining! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore!

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Buildings Galore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Building structures for different players, our passion survives. Cube Xuan, the creator, with humor and glee, Bringing joy to all, for the world to see. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No harmful elements, in this playground. Every day, a new video to enjoy, With Cube Xuan, happiness we deploy. So follow along, subscribe and save, For MC animation, we truly crave. Let’s dive into Minecraft, where dreams take flight, With Cube Xuan, our guide, shining bright. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Burning Hot Laughs

    Minecraft Meme: Burning Hot Laughs “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s Worst Seed!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft's Worst Seed! Minecraft’s Most Challenging Seed: Surviving 100 Days! Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft’s toughest seed yet! Join the journey as our intrepid player faces the ultimate test of survival in a harsh and unforgiving world. Day 1: The Beginning of a Harrowing Journey As the sun rises on the first day, our player finds themselves in a desolate landscape, surrounded by towering mountains and treacherous ravines. With limited resources and no shelter in sight, the race for survival begins. Day 50: Overcoming Adversity After surviving countless challenges, our player has managed to build a modest base, mine valuable… Read More

  • Unbelievable: I Created a New World in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: I Created a New World in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I STARTED A NEW WORLD in Minecraft Create Mod!’, was uploaded by LegionVee on 2024-09-06 18:00:22. It has garnered 100752 views and 3646 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:23 or 4403 seconds. #createmod #minecraft #moddedminecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftbuilding #minecraftasmr I STARTED A NEW WORLD in Minecraft Create Mod! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments! If you enjoyed this, it would mean a lot if you leave a like on the video! Thanks! This Create series is inspired by @foxynotail and @MrBeardstone – huge thanks to both! Merch… Read More

  • Minecraft: Silence Watson’s Horrifying Realm

    Minecraft: Silence Watson's Horrifying RealmVideo Information This video, titled ‘episode 1 the realm of horrors [minecraft] ft{spooky}’, was uploaded by Silence Watson on 2024-08-22 20:01:14. It has garnered 194 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:59 or 42899 seconds. salutations im the mysterious desert wanderer also known as silence feel free to join my clan or discord server and chat with our members and dont forget sand falls and ticks time https://discord.gg/T7ubZGJxfE https://www.patreon.com/silencewatson and just for those who feel like it like myself https://www.youtube.com/@ThatOneCanadianNamedTye https://throne.com/silencewatson Read More

  • Dadcraft3d Builds Epic LEGO Desert Structures! LEGO Mini House!

    Dadcraft3d Builds Epic LEGO Desert Structures! LEGO Mini House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building every Minecraft Desert Structure In LEGO! LEGO SMALL HOUSE!’, was uploaded by Dadcraft3d on 2024-06-04 12:00:50. It has garnered 477 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. I am on a quest to recreate every Desert Minecraft Structure out of LEGO. The idea of recreating the Minecraft Desert Biome in LEGO has been a dream of mine for a while. I don’t know, something just calls to me about the sand, the cactus, and the simply designed buildings and structures! So, let’s get started! Day FOUR: SMALL… Read More

  • EXCLUSIVE: Scariest Secrets Found in Minecraft Caves – Ep 8

    EXCLUSIVE: Scariest Secrets Found in Minecraft Caves - Ep 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Relaxing Minecraft Let’s Play – Donkeys and Caves – Ep 8 – 1.21 Survival’, was uploaded by Deadsk1nmask on 2024-09-22 01:11:47. It has garnered 768 views and 86 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:40 or 3280 seconds. So I took the donkey out on an adventure and I’m not sold. The riding feels really clunky if the terrain is too dense. But still fun addition I think! Then I go out and start exploring another cave near my base. Enjoy everyone. Thanks for watching 🙂 Join the awesome community at: https://discord.gg/jZ3phZhSrs Become a… Read More

  • Mind-blowing gaming with Rudyyy in Honkai Star Rail! #epic

    Mind-blowing gaming with Rudyyy in Honkai Star Rail! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ye kuch naya hai aao guys khelte hai | Honkai star rail | with Rudyyy | #minecraft #lastofus’, was uploaded by FF RUD YT on 2024-08-25 21:58:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our gaming channel where we dive into the world of Honkat Star Rail games! Join us as we conquer challenges, … Read More

  • Tiny Tim returns to Minecraft SMP!

    Tiny Tim returns to Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE RETURN OF TINY TIM In Minecraft Fantasy SMP’, was uploaded by Solidarity VODS on 2024-08-28 15:00:44. It has garnered 9307 views and 412 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:47 or 5987 seconds. 🖥 JOIN MY DISCORD!! – https://discord.gg/NX9pGjX 🎥 Solidarity MAIN CHANNEL – https://www.youtube.com/user/SolidarityGaming 🎥 Solidarity Shorts – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCClclQIBe05V6pV2pj0ckcQ 🎥 Solidarity ROBLOX – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCRN9HdYcwBFXlCAr0nnS3w 📲 SOCIAL MEDIA 🐦Twitter – http://bit.ly/SolidarityCoUk 📸Instagram – http://bit.ly/InstaSolidarity 📱TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@solidaritygaming Read More

  • Tree Trimming Gone Wrong! Can I Survive?!

    Tree Trimming Gone Wrong! Can I Survive?!Video Information This video, titled ‘More tree work…. SAVE ME!!’, was uploaded by TheTransFat on 2024-08-03 02:12:25. It has garnered 761 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 06:11:58 or 22318 seconds. Hello Everyone! Today we will be playing some Minecraft in my Singleplayer Locked in World! Make sure you check out the links below for any and all Social Media Links! Make sure you Check the discord for any and all commands that are available to be used. Or type !Commands in the chat to see the same thing! Discord – https://discord.com/invite/WtmzgTp7P3 Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/TheTransFat Twitter… Read More

  • “INSANE illagers added to Minecraft!” #mods #shorts #minecraft

    "INSANE illagers added to Minecraft!" #mods #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Añade mejores illagers a Minecraft! #shorts #mods #minecraft’, was uploaded by CHRISPRO23 on 2024-05-13 16:00:32. It has garnered 9398 views and 463 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. The illager raids are very repetitive and reach a point where they become too easy, with this mod you can improve the raid experience with new enemies! 👉All my networks here! https://linktr.ee/CHRISPRO23 #shorts #chrispro23 #CHRISPRO23 #shorts #minecraft #pokemon #mejoresmomentos #susto #tiktok #pokemonmemes #minecraft memes #clips twitch #clips #mods #modpack #illagerinvasion Read More

  • Shocking Skibidi Toilet Game in Minecraft!

    Shocking Skibidi Toilet Game in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet gampaly Minecraft #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Hikai Bro on 2024-08-10 02:35:05. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Skibidi Toilet gampaly Minecraft #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft [email protected] jogajog minecraft,minecraft shorts,shortsdv🥴😱 minecraft,minecraft tiktok,minecraft viral hacks,shorts,viral,minecraft how to,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft hack,minecraft meme,realistic minecraft,minecraft memes,tiktok minecraft,minecraft sad shorts,minraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft viral hacks you should try right now,minecraft rtx one piece,minecraft,minecraft one piece mod,minecraft one piece,one piece minecraft,minecraft one pice,minecraft one piece map,minecraft mods,one piece minecraft server,one piece minecraft mod,minecraft 100 days,minecraft one piece… Read More

  • TerraCraft SMP: java whitelist plugins dynmap

    TerraCraft Server Welcome to TerraCraft! We are a one year old survival server currently run by 1aiden2 and IAmSpade and we are looking for more players to join us. The server’s latest update was 1.18.2 but you can join with any version. A full list of server information is available on our discord. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/cSDXpeBr The server features a 60 million block world border with a special feature. The first 10,000 blocks generated in the world are vanilla terrain but after that it is generated by terralith and tectonic. These add an interesting twist to the world that we… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft mods? More like Minecraft squads!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft mods? More like Minecraft squads!“Breaking news: Minecraft now offering a ‘dance battle’ option in PvP, because who needs swords when you’ve got sick moves?” Read More

  • Create Mod takes Minecraft on a time-traveling ride!

    Create Mod takes Minecraft on a time-traveling ride! In the world of Minecraft, a train did appear, With Create Mod magic, it’s crystal clear. Back to the Future vibes, in the air, With two coats of wax, shining with care. The locomotive, a sight to behold, With steam and rails, a story untold. Tender and gluing, all in a line, Crafted with love, each piece so fine. Join the journey, with MadenPlay, Subscribe for more, don’t delay. Create Mod Trains, a work of art, In Minecraft world, where dreams depart. So hop on board, let’s take a ride, In this urban American railroad pride. With Create Mod… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Mixtape Drop

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Mixtape Drop “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More