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Fact what’s up guys goodness it’s been a minute R plus expire I already did that I already did that why is it showing the audio is not working hold up hold up I think that has to be on my the headphones like that yeah there we go

Now you guys can get some game volume but what’s up Quan Kai black nobody and Joshy what’s up guys it has been a minute it has been a minute what’s up six what is up six is a member I didn’t know six was a member welcome welcome to the membership 6 what’s

Up oh my goodness guys I feel Rusty yeah I was talking about the the game or the game volume my bad my bad guy what’s up Kenny what’s up Peru what’s up NR what is up guys I’m so happy to be back I’m so so so

Happy miss you guys too seriously it is it was not fun not streaming there’s Quan ruses from Cars I’m feeling so much better playing or feeling so so so so much better I literally hate not streaming like I literally don’t like it at all uh but man that strep was no joke I

Didn’t remember how bad strep was and then I got it yep we are at 1.11k absolutely crazy Joshy absolutely crazy can we Give me give me give me we’re going to take off I guarantee you I lose this game we are not winning this game no way first game on I’m winning I’m gonna actually be so Rusty it’s going to be unreal get rid of this this we did get

An iron sword though which is nice which is nice no streams are a pain I know I’m so sorry I literally wanted to stream so bad but like I was so stuffed up of my my every time I swallowed it felt like I was swallowing glass it was terrible it was literally

Terrible is this person just going to run I don’t even know if they know if I’m here ah the lily pads were a little far actually don’t know if this person knows I’m here or not we’re going find out oh they did and see you

GG’s oh look at you can I win these fights this is the good question here actually want your stuff so thank you for not falling off the map I appreciate that okay okay let’s not we need those we need that let’s organize this a little bit it’s a little unorganized as right

Now pop the apples and the things down here eat a cookie why not check out the chats hi glad to see you’re feeling better much better techno I appreciate that I just took fall damage I’m not looking at the screen that’s why you felt that way before yeah can we play

Murder hide and seek yeah yeah yeah we sure can is he for sure what’s up Joshy all right well if this person is not going to move okay look can we pick this person out can we make it look like oh they didn’t come first

Us they didn’t do it they didn’t do the thing nobody’s got a bow did I not have a helmet on that whole Time remix Rusty exactly we got to we have to get this warm up game in you going to put the cobweb yep you revealed your tricks too early

Oh my gosh how’ that blow up so early he actually has the advantage right now oh person messed up that person messed up we’re going to save this Golden Apple for all the good stuff and things what’s up Mr Shadow please don’t spam though please don’t spam though Mr Shadow but what’s

Up four iron SWS that’s what I’m saying I don’t have a bow is it going to make it in time 30 seconds I it might it might come on come on I don’t even know how Aaron is in here right now but we’ll take it we’ll take it

Please give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me we’re taking off just kidding what lagging I’m lagging why am I lagging what I don’t know if that lag just saved me or not but that was unbelievably close I just killed somebody when I was blind

What what this person’s just better that person just better they’re just better I’m super Rusty gez GG’s but that person probably was just better GG’s GG’s GG’s oh my gosh okay all right we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good um what in the world just happened super

Lag happened I don’t even know how that happened I don’t even know how that happened hey look at that I really just said that watching remix Ry let’s throw it out there let’s let them know aro’s watching aru’s watching maybe others will join why not um honestly I feel

Like that warm-up was efficient enough enough let’s start it off with a murder hide-and seek who here I know I know I know it I know it and I’m happy happy to see you guys out here hanging out flee to fire welcome to the stream I

Hope you decided to hit that sub button W 1.1 1K I know absolutely crazy absolutely insane AB absolutely insane that we’ve grown this big I cannot believe it cannot believe it I’m so stoked about it but fet of fire if you do want to hit that sub button you can play the in-game

Name or iname games right now you can play yeah for real give me just a second I will show you guys The Code by the way guys how’s the delay how’s the delay I cannot answer that right now how’s the delay is the delay better it should be

Better if it’s not I literally have no idea what to do hey I want some cheese I just read that Omar how quick was that delay what’s up Darkness what’s up Luciana let’s invite everybody one more time that was actually my grandma I’m gonna probably call her back here in

Just a second I’m G to call my grandma back real quick and I’m going to open it up to code so everybody can join now give me just a second and then I’ll I’ll catch up on chat that was not quick I don’t know what’s going on with the delay then I

Don’t think there’s anything else I can do sadly I don’t know what else I can do give me just a second though okay we’re back we’re back we’re back we’re back what’s up six I already said that what’s up paint H more yeah maybe

What’s up lazy I am back I’m back at it back at it that magic trick was so magic it was look at that face look at that face I’m surprised uh more people aren’t playing right now actually being honest but it’s okay like this boom yeah guys I don’t

Really know how to fix the delay though I really don’t it went from like 30 seconds to 15 well that’s better that’s definitely better that’s a positive I’ll take that if it was 15 seconds less than what it was before definitely take that definitely take that but if there’s

Anybody in stream who is new hit that sub button I stream basically every single day except for recently I got really sick I got really sick so that’s what happened um but yeah come check it out ay makes you know how I said I was

Sick in Discord yeah you got co co has been making a comeback I actually know many people who have Co right now what’s up Quan but I’m sorry to hear that paint I hope that you’re you’re feeling at least okay CO’s really weird it either is really rough or like

Okay Omar I remember that uh news interview that was a little bit strange have you ever tried beef strun off I have not I don’t think I have anyway this is a murder hide and de seit so go hide when you get in don’t use B might go to the hospital I’m really

Sick well paint I’m so sorry to hear that I’m so so sorry to hear that paint I really really really hope that you uh start feeling better I really truly do I’m so sorry to hear that oh my regular murder forgot to set rolls Everybody Run yep Quan’s here you got 24

Oh get oh you got 24 Subs congrats what’s up ice edits welcome to the stream hope you decide to hit that sub button hope you decide to hit that sub button I stream every single day and play with subscribers every single day so um yeah hope you do hope you decide

To and uh if you do you can play the sub games you can play the sub games yeah we nailed it the IC edits you can uh play every single day um if you would like to it is completely up to you you sub thank you I I appreciate it if

You want to you can join the sub games right now if you play The Hive on Minecraft but I do stream every single day I cannot believe I got the kill feels good to actually win right there get the w felt great okay let’s let’s let’s I’m

We’ll redo that because I messed it up I messed it up on accident so we’re going to redo that that’s my bad and let’s see if more people will play I didn’t even check how many people are online slf only 15 online not not a lot not a lot of people

Online unit timer it’s 14.43% literal one to three second delay I don’t know if it’s my settings or what I don’t know not going to lie it’s actually much better well I’m glad to hear that try join some point sounds good ice sounds good sounds

Good I can play like three games a night it’s all good Anthony it’s all good it’s all good too hard with stream delay sadly I don’t want to type it out too that would just be kind of boring I feel like for you guys it’s better than the whole 30 seconds it

Definitely is wish it was lower though wish I could get it a little lower but it kind of is what it is so wait you did before just sshi could you re send that I’m sorry ducky Welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome to the stream

Ducky nice to see people rolling in I’m honestly glad I got recommended this channel by a friend of mine iist who recommended you who recommended you I hope that you I hope you have a good time it’s kind of just a chill time we just kind of play hang out have fun literally

Chill am I the only one who doesn’t want to be murderer this is actually going to be hide-and-seek so you don’t have to what game after murder mystery might do a SkyWars I think I saw a SkyWars request so probably be a SkyWars but you guys are more than welcome to request

What you want to play the only game modes we don’t build or or the only gamees we don’t play are just build and um oh what’s it called the bridge yeah the bridge let’s open it up to code for everybody else I’m getting like little lag spikes

For some reason like just a little bit oh really iced edits Lulu safe hey hey I definitely do I play with him I play with him yeah I play with safe and Lulu that’s awesome shout out to safe and Lulu dude a shout out to them I definitely know those people are

IC definitely know who they are we’ll see how many people join here typically we have more people who are playing we have 23 people watching I’m shocked that uh not many people are playing I’ll probably get on in a bit just can’t since I gotta drop some

People off no you’re good you’re good nobody you’re good you’re good yeah yeah I yeah definitely um it’s hide and seek I think I’m just watch oh I never saw how you guys play it you pretty much just have to hide pretty much you’re in Orlando hints well that

Sounds fun though J sinden what’s up I’ll be right back some peanut butter this time not chicken it’s been a long time since I joined the Stream but I’m back I love to see it 6 I love when you guys are here I did not Lizzy I did not do you

Accept friend invites currently my friends list is actually full so it’s like impossible I I I just kind of open it up to code now for people otherwise I would add you guys if I had an unlimited friends list I’d add every single one of you guys it’s just it’s

Limited hey seriously I hope you uh if you have to go to the doctor you get there soon I really hope you’re okay and uh please keep me updated if you need anything let me know I appreciate it paint what I was trying to tell you was

So what do you so what you did before just do it again about what remix I might be rusty because I have not played in a while I have not either it’s okay Anthony okay here we go let’s do me and murder and then everybody innocent little rusty so I definitely forgot

Uh to set these up by the way I think Luciana asked me to rate her skin earlier and I haven’t seen Luciana yet in the game so let me send this don’t use bow you just kind of chill oh about the delay okay yeah I

Don’t I think that I I can only do it one honestly you are an underrated streamer to be honest I appreciate it IC I appreciate it um I I just kind of just enjoyed doing it I I just got real sick actually so I didn’t I didn’t stream for about uh what

Was it guys four days something like that I got real sick so I had to take a break but I don’t remember having this much fun being in a stream in a little bit well I’m glad I’m glad that you’re having fun ice I really am I hope that

You can play in a little bit by the way current’s fire what’s up let’s start this up I’m going to hide literally in this corner go hide oh caps locks on go hide 30 seconds only 30 seconds wait I’m kind IDI how Okay Fleet I will show you after this game I will

Show you exactly um I will show you exactly how to join I can’t show you in game because it doesn’t work but um I can show you if you get YT rank you can have more friends yeah I got to get there though 5K Subs is kind of a

Lot you sneezed hard you think you dislocated your rib oh my gosh I hope not oh no Anthony you forgot to take off the mushroom hat that’s like the biggest sign like the biggest thing it’s like oh I can see you I can probably play in a

Few days I’ve been busy with finals and whatever I definitely get that ice I actually have finals I think this week I think but they’re not bad they’re not bad here I come let’s go look let’s go find some people if I can this is actually a really hard map to find people

On like legitimately but boy triy to do the little sneaky trick did you see that ah who was that oh it was Izzy okay we got this actually have a limited amount of times so I actually need to to focus let’s find them people have some

Cheat code skins too like when it’s dark like that some people can like hide in that and I can’t even see them um I just probably scared Anthony so bad did I just hear a little movement uhoh uhoh ducky I heard the footsteps I probably should go back upstairs there’s probably people working

Upstairs I’m actually catching them H where is everybody there’s probably some really good spots on this map that I’ll never find tried to move okay six people I still six people left where are they let’s make sure nobody tried to sneak here there is one spot that I don’t

Remember exactly how to get to but it’s at the like end of the hallway it’s a bookcase but which one is it that didn’t I just check this one let’s go down see if anybody’s chilling down here yep Dio we’re checking the The Quarters here what’s

Sure oh that scared me a little bit I’m scared interesting a I got Mark we’re going back down we’re Cold here’s the thing it doesn’t tell me if they’re up or down though so sometimes it doesn’t really Work see this is what confuses me they got to be down below what this thing confuses me more this thing actually confuses me more I don’t see anybody there’s four people left why oh there’s the bookcase I was looking for ah there’s two up there there is two

Up there I was looking for that bookcase oh my my gosh oh my gosh you got a lot more populares last time you were here actually kind of good that you did an eror because I forgot to take off my crown um tried to move remakes always get jump scared I

Know have you not found me you pass by like oh my gosh Josh you see I don’t see you guys sometimes sometimes the Skins are too good oh sometimes the Skins are too good I do not know how I didn’t see some of you guys that’s wild sounds like it

Was first of all I’m telling you right now two of the people would have been dead if I could have found that bookcase and then it sounds like the other two where Joshy and Quan what’s up Mr Shadow you were legit oh whoops well then I don’t know Mr Shadow please don’t spam

Please I appreciate you being here though um okay let’s do what did I say SkyWars right let’s do it let’s do it me and my friend made fnf in Minecraft it was insane that sounds cool okay that’s one thing so like in fortnite they have like a bunch of like

Uh like mini game modes I kind of wish the Minecraft had that where like they kind of had like spin-offs of other games welcome back Mr Shadow I I’m going to give you one more warning please do not spam please don’t spam or I’m gonna

Have to um time me out for a little bit please do not spam okay seven joined I’m gonna invite everybody one more time sadly I don’t think any of our mods are here Aaron is at work I don’t know where true’s been oh my goodness Rhea it has been a while how’s it

Going oh I missed how is it going okay we got I don’t know how many and then we’re going to open it up to code soon I’m going to show you right now Fleet so what you’re going to do is you’re going to do slash Cs on the hive

Hit enter and then click enter invite code and then you enter the code right here and it’s going to be the code but my health bar and my food bar and then you just enter that code and it’ll bring you right to the game but you got to enter it exactly how it

Is you got to enter it exactly how it is otherwise it will not work REM Mak after this can we do a BL party and after that I’m gonna go yeah we can do a block party next Anthony I got you five bucks a true is Survival game

Grinding I don’t know if tr’s on I don’t know if not that I don’t know if TR is on nope crew is not on so it looks like mailman owes me $5 no I’m kidding I’m kidding uh guys it feels so good to be back it feels so good to be back I

Actually love streaming so much it’s so fun it was so terrible just being stuck in a bed I literally on Friday went to sleep at 4:00 p.m. and I didn’t get out of bed the next day until um I didn’t get out of bed the next day

Until one so I was almost in bed for a full entire 24 hours who’s the chicken mushroom guy in front of you Dio Dio is it solo it is solos but it could so one team at least is going to have a Duos I’m sorry I didn’t show up I didn’t

Realize you would be streaming early no it’s all good j6 no you’re good you’re good j6 it’s all good I appreciate you being here we’ve only been streaming for 30 minutes so you’re good you are good you are perfectly fine pport you might not get five bucks because true might be offline

Gotta find excuses no it’s all good man it is all good okay this is actually might turn out to be like teams this might turn out to be don’t wake me who’s don’t wake me don’t or do wake yeah don’t wake me who is that welcome to the stream all

Right all right all right all right but yeah I kind of wish Minecraft had like other kind of like spin off of other games that you could play like I’d love a Five Nights at Freddy’s like um on like Minecraft or like horror games on Minecraft I think would be so fun but

They really just don’t have many like in the marketplace they have some but it’s not like it’s not like enough you know what I mean it is not like enough to get the job done if that makes sense all right not that let’s do rolls

And I’m just going to go down the list and do twos because it’s definitely going to need to be twos I didn’t know this many people would join I don’t think that many people joined the last game so um we are just going to kind of roll

With it this is kits so the reason I do like solo Z is it gives you a lot more teams if you do Duos you only get six teams and then and then it’s kind of a problem if more people join so because then you got to do trios or quads

Depending and so I kind of like this hopefully we have the perfect amount usually doesn’t happen we’re going to find out though oh ducky close my eyes ducky is gonna be on gold okay let’s start it up I don’t know who’s on my team redon hail I’m not sure who that is

Um must be new to the Stream So whoever you are let me know so I know who I’m playing with a little bit of delay sometimes that happens though on this whoa lots of delay kind of actually um nope don’t need that need the helmet though and I need that

Whoa is the H what whoa is the hi lagging or am I lagging really hard what is going on right now I’m really confused oh I’m Fleet okay cool sweet no no my teammate not like this not like this GG’s we got to get Mark GG’s and Mark I need that I need

The stuff I needed the stuff you had way better stuff than me a no that is Luciana and I know Luciana is a very solid player like a very very solid player player please no please wait a minute where am I in the map right now

Guys where where am I and how am I not suffocating can people see me I’m I I kind of want to break this block but I kind of don’t like what if I could just chill here because I have no idea where I am my feet could be hanging out like wait

Wait wait what I can’t even see an F5 this is what Captain bones head looks like on the inside where am I okay well I guess that we can just uh organize a little bit you know while we’re at it because why not Crouch I’m trying to I can’t move at all

I can literally not move I can’t Crouch or anything you know that glitch I literally didn’t even mean to do this glitch but I guess it is you’re in a block how did I get in a block though am I like safe probably not right people can probably see my name

Right can anybody see my name that’s the okay we’re gonna break it what what there’s no way this is where I am how did I throw the ender pearl into this did I throw the ender pearl perfectly through this crack and then it glitched me into these

Blocks because if I did that is insane the amount of luck I have to have to pull off an ender pearl Thro through this crack into these blocks to glitch into these blocks to have a perfect place to hide no I want to just keep hiding I want to hide leave me

Alone oh I see and you can’t even go any higher than that wait a minute I break oh whoa no oh so you die if you go up here right yep you definitely die oh that’s not good yes run away we are surviving we are surviving is anybody

Chasing is anybody chasing I hope not cuz I have no blocks I have literally no blocks um give me this health I mean we’ll take the health why not it wasn’t luck of a skill while I being lucky for once very rare exactly I haven’t I don’t think I’ve seen it um

Black who is that oh I don’t have a good enough gear for this Juan is wan me dead Feel like I should be able to kill Quan here just because of that chain Mill didn’t get the oh no oh my gosh the lag is the hive laggy or am I lagging I usually never lag so I don’t know what is happening like watch watch watch of

Course it’s back to normal now I literally was like moving while I wasn’t even here you’re going to be late all right Aron that’s unfortunate that is unfortunate Aaron’s actually at work right now guys so I kind of started the stream a little bit early Sally will not

Be able to make it on for a little while maybe sometimes on the weekends oh no Joey how come who did it it was void void why would void do this to me why would void take me out like that makes me want to cry no I’m

Kidding ju is on void though oh no oh my gosh void just did it the Quan Wait was that not Quan who was that that’s Quan who was that ducky okay what’s up uh Minecraft Micah why am I doing I’m not doing build battle we’re doing uh SkyWars the

SkyWars R did you see my chat I did not let me see if I can oh potentially Curr potentially potentially what’s up emoji gamer pumpkin but what’s up guys what’s up welcome to the stream I stream every single day playing uh playing Minecraft with subscribers so if that sounds like fun

Uh please let me know but do you play build battle I do not actually build battle and um the bridge are the only two game modes we don’t play um all the other ones are out for grabs I don’t play build battle because I’m not much of a

Builder um personally and we usually have way too many people to be able to play the bridge so those are the only two game modes we don’t play so if you’re here and you enjoy Minecraft and you think You’ enjoy uh playing with uh playing with subscribers and stuff like

That having fun hit that sub button how about death run we play Death Run we do play death run it’s all kind of pretty much if nobody requests anything I pick what I want to play but if you guys request stuff then we just kind of pretty much play what Subs want to

Play but uh yeah that’s kind of how it is we just kind of go with the flow on this channel so if you want to join the Ry rats Mafia hit that sub button by the way guys if you’re new to the stream down below

Down below there is a uh Discord in the description of the stream you can join that too it’s one of the best ways to find out when I’m live how all these new people finding the channel by the way seeing a lot what’s up what’s up how you

Guys finding the channel welcome to the stream I hope you guys decided to hit that sub button I stream every single day and play with subscribers every single day except for you’re recently you’re going to look and it says I didn’t stream in four days I got really

Sick so uh yeah that kind of to happen but we’re good what’s your username it is YT remix Ry although my friends list is full right now so I open it up to code for whoever wants to play but I do hope that people hit that sub button

Um Hasek how did he fly I died I died so I was a spectator so I was just flying around I died unfortunately we can’t say you play every day now you took a two week break hey it was four days it was four days mail man but it

Did feel like four weeks that sickness was terrible yeah guys and hit that like button while you’re at it why not it’s free it helps the stream out promotes it a little bit on I think the for you page or something like that I don’t actually

Really know what it does but I know it helps the channel so I hope you guys do decide to hit that like button and uh yeah we’re going to be moving on to the next thing and and somebody said after we’re not doing death run can

We do a survival games but yes F we can absolutely do a survival games let’s do it let’s do it shall we so I can get destroyed yet again can we play Death Run yeah Minecraft uh we uh can definitely after this uh definitely after this Survival Games absolutely no

Problem no problem at all Micah is it Micah I hope I’m saying it right is it Micah or M I don’t want to say it wrong um if it’s Micah press one if it’s m press two yeah if people hit that like button it pushes the stream out to more people

That’s what I thought that’s what I thought you been practicing a little cubecraft I enjoy cubecraft I just like the hive because it’s got the custom server options that’s what I really enjoy about it oh no it okay Anthony it will be BL party after this I promise oh my gosh

That was I forgot so bad about forgetting sometimes I get so caught up in my thoughts okay Micah okay cool cool cool wanted to make sure I was saying it right uh skull Ripper just got on to which is true sister ever play Lifeboat I pretty

Much only play The Hive Micah um just because it has a custom server option uh the pretty much my channel basis is playing with subscribers so I pretty much only play um on the hive just because it’s got custom servers so it allows me to have I don’t even know the

Maximum amount of uh players that it can actually generate so what’s the what is the max on like a survival games yeah so 30 it can at least have 30 in here which we’ve never got there yet but Anthony says M you are right Anthony let’s click do Northwood let’s do

It guys I am here I’m doing homework though so I won’t talk a lot it’s all good Autumn welcome to the stream welcome to the stream Autumn and by the way I think Micah hit that sub button thank you very much Micah for hitting that sub button joining the rats

Mafia like I said streaming every single day playing with subscribers every single day and if you want to there is a Discord in the description of this stream that you can go join as well it’s a good time I promise and yeah welcome to the Ry rats

Mafia did you see my two chats oh and can you friend so I can show you the fnf server possibly currens in the future um as of right now my schedule is super busy like I said like any tips to to get to 1K um my tips to get to 1K I recently

Hit that um pretty much really what I did well well I did self-promotion on the H but um pretty much what I did was just kind of be authentic be true to who I am make as good a Content as I thought I possibly could have um no matter what

Others think nobody other say if you’re trying your best just put your best into everything you do um and some thing that really really helped my channel um grow was streaming but if you don’t have that option I would just say push out the content um be consistent and just put

All your effort into what you’re doing don’t don’t throw up a video just for just because you want to put up a video um especially if you’re not streaming or anything like that um unless you’re like you’re not going to be able to like do anything for like a while and you just

Need to get a video up just so people have something to watch watch but um just be authentic put all the work you possibly could into uh building your craft and I would say that naturally you’ll get there for sure you mainly do shorts oh perfect perfect yeah so just

Yeah just uh I would say if you can if you have the time I’d put out a short a day a short a day I would do and then um just really to just put some attention to detail to it put some attention to detail to it and I think you’re going to

Nail what’s up crom welcome to the stream and wait I’mma join all right I got you I got you I’ll wait but I got you but yeah guys like I said it feels so good to be back I felt like I was letting you guys down felt like I like I literally kept

Saying like oh the next day the next day and then the next day would come and I just didn’t improve I don’t know if you guys can like telling my voice a little bit sometimes it starts like kind of feeling like it’s like like crack like

Not crackling but like it starts to kind of give out a little bit so I got to kind of clear my throat just so it comes back a little bit like raspy in some sometimes but yeah sickness was not fun at all yes I’m doing this new series where

I do a Christmas build every day till that’s a great idea see and things like that Micah things like that will help you grow like doing little special things like that um yeah really really really cool really awesome WHO Channel Ry who gets more attention Aaron Aaron’s the star of the show

Really Quan says just join the stream I think I’ve seen you for a while Quan um okay yeah okay crom joined yeah we got this I am doing way better yeah I can hear your voice voice dying every now and then yeah yeah my voice like I

Obviously a lot of you guys know I posted about but I had strep and uh which I didn’t think would be too big of a deal um but it kind of was um it definitely took me down and out for the count so I’m doing so much better feel a

Lot better I just felt terrible kind of constantly like canceling on you guys I just didn’t like doing that I felt like I was like oh like yeah we’re gonna stream the next day and then the next time I didn’t feel good and I have to

Cancel on you guys I hate doing that I hate not having oh I hate not having the consistency I appreciate that Anthony oh my gosh Anthony gave me a heart attack but uh yeah so I’m I’m glad to be back I’m glad to be back to doing what I

Love um which is this so thank you guys for sticking with the channel for the the four days of literally just nothing there was nothing going on like at all so I I appreciate it I appreciate it a lot especially you guys being here oh I wasn’t paying attention oh wow

GG’s to Joshy I was literally like looking at the chat I was not prepared for that fight GG’s Josh’s gonna be wanting that Revenge now again fire fire Frozen okay those are pretty actually good boom boxes those are good boom boxes um wait dude you got 100 plus Subs in

About 22 days wow that yeah we we definitely grow on the channel way more than I ever thought Lally when I started YouTube I know it’s terrible because you should always you should always have self- faith in yourself always think always set a goal and always try to

Achieve that goal I started this genuinely thinking I wouldn’t grow at all I’m going to be 1,000% honest never thought I’d grow never thought I would and at first it was tough it it really is when you start YouTube it’s tough I’m not going to lie I’m not going

To sugarcoat it it is tough unless you have some sort of in with a YouTuber who can help you out show you the ropes give you a shout out something it it’s tough to try to manage um just trying to gain subscribers it’s hard like it it’s not an easy

Task a he’s got the diamond sword but they did the Crouch I feel like I’m feel like I’m being a jerk if I kill somebody when they Crouch I don’t want to do that but yeah so I uh it it it’s tough sometimes o so if you have a Channel or aren’t

Seeing growth or anything like that just just be patient I promise you it gets better it is just seriously tough It’s just tough to grow sometimes it really is and you’ll go through dips and Dives and ups and downs and that it just happens it’s happened

On this channel um I remember when I hit 400 Subs shout out to Henry Henry brought a bunch of people here and I hit 400 subs and the next day I woke up and had 390 I lost every single one of the subs that uh he sent to hit that sub

Button um it just happens sometimes you know some people just decide that oh I’m not interested or they want to be a part of something you know and that that’s okay it happens and you just got to grind it out got to grind it out we’re going to do a a block party

Because I told Anthony and then we’ll do a death run we’ll get the death run and mik I apologize um I kind I messed up my order so we will do a block party and then a death run I apologize um I’ve been stuck on on this one

Subject for the past 4 hours and I oh I was midre put that down whoa was a boost this is a good spot for this no no I’m dead that just messed me up that chest that is so unfortunate and it was j6 the person I spared the person I

Spared okay I’m going to read chat though it’s all good I’ve been stuck on this one subject for the past four hours and I still have another subject after this it’s English and social studies actually wasn’t bad in English um English was one of my strong suits I’m

Actually a pretty good writer um that’s thanks to Aaron though Aaron is an excellent writer Aaron is literally topnotch Rider um L I don’t think she ever got under an A on any sort of paper it was either a or A+ I literally don’t know if she ever got below that she’s a

Great writer um but I consider myself a good writer but social studies is not my thing nope no social studies by the way j6 congratulations on 500 subscribers congrats to that congrats to 500 subscribers for j6 it’s not that I’ve been stuck it’s my ADHD meds that the whole so literally

Everything I get you mic donated $2 I suck at PVP hey I appreciate that Micah I appreciate that thank you so very much for Super Chat Dono I very much appreciate that your name should pop up your name should pop up on the recent donator it should

Adjust here in just a second but thank you so very much Mikey you just found the stream and you already donated you never have to donate you never have to donate it’s never required but I’m so very grateful for that thank you thank you thank you Micah so very much for

That very grateful for that thank you Micah thank you thank you thank you so very much very very grateful for that thank you oh can’t answer that quite just yet um but shout out to Micah thank you thank you thank you thank you you have a gr against crom now this

Is so nice to see a good Creator out there hey I appreciate it Micah we try my best definitely try my best best Aaron left the door open guys Aaron left the door open oh and she came in with a blanket over her head and then I

Think she accidentally just sent l in the chat I’m just trying to catch up on the chat oh my gosh it’s just nice yeah I appre I appreciate that mic I TR I try my best I try to just have fun um and I try to just spread positivity that’s pretty

Much all I’m pretty much setting out to do here so I appreciate that thank you very much for the2 j6 with a dollar Super Chat Dono thank you j6 so much you guys never have to do any sort of donating it’s just thank you seriously you guys have no

Idea how much you guys have showed me that my dream of doing this full-time one day could like could potentially come true one day like to know that you guys would send any sort of money in the chat is crazy like I mean you guys you guys work

Hard for your money you guys get your like you guys never have to do that so thank you all so very much for the donations for the Love on the channel for leaving a like for talking in chat I I appreciate that so much seriously you

Guys have no idea I genuinely think we have the best community on YouTube we have a great group of people so I appreciate it so much j6 for the dollar remix have hug sure sure black there it is there it is right there there’s your hug I don’t really

Know how else to do that um did you see my chat I did not curs I’m sorry I’m trying to keep up let’s go I want pizza get you some fleet get some pizza REM must guess what I’m having for dinner what what is it Autumn spaghetti that’s my guess j6 for another

Dollar thank you j6 for another dollar thank you thank you thank you ursus luckily you are not sick I am not sick anymore I am not sick anymore thank goodness I’m not sick I’m so glad um no my game crashed it’s all good it’s all good oh uh we we can wait I’m

Reading chat anyway oh you lost that’s why I get you there it is back to back uh j6 let’s go are you feeling better I am ursus I’m feeling a lot better what’s up Lulu welcome to the stream what’s up sorry I couldn’t play this weekend I was literally like not

Doing good at all was not doing good at all says bro we I love you I love you guys too seriously you guys are awesome I’m so grateful I’m so very grateful um uh GG uh oh okay uh CLE Lulu says maybe me fresh and safe

Will join in a half an hour that’s a sweet cool appreciate it Lulu says yes hey I appreciate you sending people I mean I think I don’t remember well that they I said it said they did so I appreciate it thank you lulu block party yeah we got a

Block party coming up next it’s vegetable beef soup that’s pretty good still that’s a pretty good still can we do free shop I don’t think we’re doing anything that requires a free shop um remind not SP Michael with another $2 block party I appreciate it Micah you’re going crazy right now you

J6 thank you guys so much that’s crazy that you guys would donate money to me oh my goodness by the way I like this Christmasy outfit currents that thing’s sweet okay let’s let’s get into the block party oh my goodness we had a lot going on thank you

Again Micah for another $ two you guys never have to do that you never have to do that I’m so very grateful for that thank you Micah thank you thank you thank you thank you so very much helps me a ton I it’s it’s crazy it’s crazy

That’s not a big dog that was Aaron crawling in here with a blanket on her head she just shut the door H okay all right well guys Aaron is literally right here on the floor so she’s chilling in here with me while I stream so that’s interesting um another j6 with another

Dollar thank you j6 so very much donation Wars Micah says this is crazy donation war begins said it first they’re fighting someone wants to be the recent donator y’all we donating crazy tonight it’s crazy crazy this is wild I appreciate it though guys you guys don’t have to do it

Yeah Haru I got you I just actually put it up just when you asked let’s go it’s right there there’s Micah’s $2 through the chat thank you Micah so very much for the $2 again this is crazy and there’s J’s dollar oh my goodness that’s so wild thank you j6 for the

Dollar I think this one is me at five Anthony ask for us I’ll ask PVP or nope I think Anthony likes Max powerups I think I think if I’m not mistaken um Aaron you’re so silly what Michael with the $111 Dono what not when this I give

Up M thank you for the $11 donation what in the world this is wild I got to Max this out real quick thank j6 with another dollar what is going on oh my gosh oh my gosh I actually can’t believe this it’s going crazy oh my gosh thank you guys so much

Both of you you guys don’t have to do it oh my gosh thank you oh my goodness I actually can’t believe it is weekly paycheck and one day this is CRA another dollar from j6 what is happening what is happening what is happening this is

Wild shout out to j6 and Micah right now Micah with 11 thank you Micah so much oh my gosh for the $111 Dono and thank you j6 for oh my gosh j6 with another dollar j6 with another dollar what is happening oh my gosh j6 says this

Saturday you want to go to war again no Adam don’t send me all your birthday money never no no no no you’re good that’s your money that’s your money I don’t you they don’t have to do this Micah and j6 don’t have to do this this is crazy my pit check is gone

Now oh my gosh this is crazy guys get your popcorn quick before they stop this is wild I lost count of the dollars too there’s been so many oh my gosh what’s up Ash welcome to the stream this is Crazy I can’t believe that you guys went crazy you guys went crazy oh my gosh okay guys if y’all get me to 1K I’ll donate 30 oh my gosh how many do you have oh my oh my gosh bro my bank is empty j6 don’t make your bank empty

Don’t do it don’t do that this is wild what just happened I don’t even know how much that was total I literally didn’t even keep track of the total of that oh my gosh that was wild thank you guys so much I can’t believe that going crazy I think it was more

Than 17 cuz mik had two twos and j6 had a ton and then mik had another 11 so M guy had 15 and j6 had way more than just $3 donated so my goodness oh my gosh oh my gosh that was crazy I need to collect all

These I’m going to move this over here this here boom boom give me give me give me oh we’re good oh my gosh I sent 15 total that’s what I’m saying my goodness Micah literally just found the stream thank you j6 and Micah you guys do not ever have to do that like

Ever that’s actually crazy this is the first stream back in 4 days and we get that many Doos my goodness that was actually insane that’s that is insane that’s not that was insane oh my gosh feel like I’m might want to use these feathers before

I before I use the F teleporter but I don’t want to risk it I don’t want to risk it we’re good got grab as many as we we’re good woo 20 want over that yeah that’s insane we’re safe we’re safe oh oh boy I just want C teleporters I just want C

Teleporters there we go oh trying to save my color teleporters oh my goodness it was a tie it was a tie oh my gosh it was a tie that was absolutely that’s crazy guys help mic out get Micah to onek I don’t know how close Micah is I don’t know how close

Mic is but get mic a 1K Micah helped the channel out crazy tonight 6 too guys go check out J 6’s Channel you guys see the ghost S in the room that was a ghost if you didn’t see that you guys should go back rewind that clip it clip

It oh my gosh that was crazy that was crazy absolutely insane Lulu says nice job crazy absolutely Bonkers oh my God gosh I cannot actually even fathom what just happened Micah asked for a death run next we’re getting that in funny cin go drop a like on that video

Guys have a great night Anthony I had fun I hope you had fun and I hope to see you in tomorrow stream and I am feeling much better so I appreciate you guys thank you guys for love and support and working with me through the sickness cuz it was it was

Um it was quite quite the sickness to say the least the ghost jump scared me the ghost the ghost was lurking the ghost was lurking indeed we’ve had some crazy viewership tonight too like 26 people 30 people like we’ve had some craziness this is like I I really don’t

Know what else you can ever ask for a stream like great viewership Kos you guys leaving likes interactive chat like literally for any streamer I literally have exactly what I need there’s Lulu who joins uh set to code only they’re safe too safe joined as well nice here we go there was

Oh there was once two kids online their vedro fighting but who is better so they decided to donate each to a streamer to see is better and that’s how War be me j6 oh mighty ghost we we the Chatters ask you to never jump scare us like that again

Oh what’s the code the code is up now code is up now you guys are the best viewers the best easily what’s up DB how’s it going oh my goodness guys DB I haven’t seen DB in a while but DB is an like OG

OG DB was here a long time ago 34 people watching right now that’s so crazy that’s so crazy first stream back too first stream back and there’s DB right there a pretty sweet skin if I do say so all right um I’m going to wait just a little bit

Longer then we’re going to join up says any Aaron did you see that scary ghost jump scare I wonder if she did all right let’s wow I remember when it was 11 watching I know I remember when it was like it’s crazy the growth that we’ve had absolutely Insanity oh no Micah is

It see Micah I do like that Micah I do I think all I think that all skins are unique in Minecraft I appreciate literally like all of them I think that they’re all good oh I made it oh my gosh I memorized it I memorized it oh no I missed the

Jump I missed the jump no that is so unfortunate looks like some people died here though might be a catchup time yes okay no no thought I was going to make it if thought I was going to make it to at least the green I probably could have too I probably could have

Okay that’s fine that’s fine that didn’t really set us back too much didn’t really set us back too much I don’t know what the trap for the stairs is no no way I wasn’t passed no way I wasn’t passed right there there’s just simply no way I don’t

Believe it I don’t believe it I don’t believe it whatsoever okay interesting okay follow follow follow yes my gosh we’re all waiting for our leap charge no no that didn’t just happen that didn’t just happened it counted the whole zero no way I would have been like if that so

Rough oh that hurts the heart oh my gosh ah oh my gosh also REM I’m going to do the rest of homework in the morning so hopefully I play when I’m done eating sounds good sounds good Autumn oh man that was such an unfortunate series of events right there that that was so

Unfortunate like unbelievably unfortunate okay what’s next what block drop somebody asked for a block drop I remember that somebody did ask for a block drop I literally cannot believe I messed that up so bad though I cannot believe that I went too early and it cost C me it cost me so

Big unlucky is what that was just straight up unlucky unlucky indeed got a shout out j6 and Micah again that was absolutely crazy those donos shout out to both of you guys thank you guys so very much thank you guys so very much not going to lie block drop is

Underrated I would agree boy I would agree I’m invite everybody real quick and then we’ll open it up to the code I don’t know how many people are online 26 online oh my goodness a lot of people hopped online we when I first started streaming there was like 15 there was only 15

Online and there is the code right there Micah there is the code right there that was definitely crazy Yogi’s cuddling you yep and he’s under the blankets we have a dog that hates blankets and we have a dog that literally likes to live under them to where I get worried that he’ll

Suffocate because he literally just enjoys being under them not being able to be seen he’ll actually like bury his head underneath as many blankets as he can but yeah but yeah and what in the world Micah with another $10 donation what is happening that is it’s so crazy dude that is literally

$25 that is $25 from Micah I don’t know what is happening this is wild this is wild I cannot believe it read it build battle oh I’ve never done a build battle I’ve never done a build battle I don’t oh we you know what for the first time

Ever for the first time ever we’ll do it we’ll do it we’ll do it j6 it’s another dollar what and we’re back to 28 people watching oh my gosh what is going on we will do build battle and then go me safe me and safe build battle

Teammates but for real remember when me fresh and safe did build battle and I was like yeah yeah crazy 30 people watching nice yeah build battle is I got some I’m gonna need a teammate or something because I don’t build like I just I don’t know how to build you

Know like I just don’t ever build I have no idea how to do build like when I play with uh safe fresh and Lulu dude I literally if whoever’s teaming on which is typically safe safe has to carry me so hard safe literally has to carry me so hard shout out to

Micah for a $10 donation and I know j6s is coming to pop up on the screen soon what’s up TAA the fact fresh and safe just for Aran while building I know I know it was great we all got to play again for sure uh um I want to do build battle more

Often I know I know everybody wants a build battle maybe we will we’re going to see how it goes this time we’re going to see how it goes and then uh we’re going to see we’re going to have to see how it goes the only problem with build battle

Is sometimes some people do things that they’re not supposed to do so as long as that doesn’t happen you guys can watch me be terrible at building and then you guys can uh be the judge and then you guys can just be the judge of how terrible my stuff is and

How much better everybody else is that’s G to be how it kind of works because I am not a builder at all never been my talent but I really don’t have any talents in Minecraft you know like not the greatest pvper not the greatest mini games player like I’ve actually gotten better though

Like black party BL drop I used to die so quick on BL drop so I’ve gotten better but still we’re still not there and my PVP could definitely use some work could definitely use some work oh no okay we’re good oh my gosh no are you kidding me are you kidding

Me this is how it happens this is how it happens I just accidentally jerked my wrist oh I’m dead no no no oh she saved it pp’s pretty good Joshy says well I’ll take that definitely super Rusty today but definitely definitely always room for improvement I need to I haven’t seen

True in a long time TR is GNA teach me how to snowball combo but because true donated and asked me that so long ago and I owe it to true to do it with true but I haven’t seen true in a while I have not seen true in a good

Minute I don’t know where he’s at maybe true went on vacation or something maybe true went on vacation or something I haven’t checked to see if tr’s been on Discord or anything like that haven’t checked I have no feathers though which kind of worries me because one mistake

It’s all over now like there’s no there’s no recovery I just watch Quan slip off the edge okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good those big jumps are kind of terrifying sometimes okay okay there we go there we go there we go we got this we got this we got

This we got this we got this I’m G to check the chat see everybody’s messages that I can possibly read I think definitely not winning this there’s six people left and I have no feathers it’s not happening for me fell all the way to the bottom so early

On there’s just no way if I made top three that would be kind of crazy to me but I’d be on the podium and that’s a w and our book oh please a feather yes oh no okay okay okay okay we made it back to the we got this though

Maybe this like a lot of pressure cuz there’s like literally about zero error you can make like if I had two feathers right now I’d feel a lot more confident one I think I got top three though I think that somebody fell before me right Lulu fell before me so maybe I

Might have made top three I might have made top three which I will take for falling all the way to the bottom we got void void’s crushing it and then who’s down here safe we got safe and we got void all right let me catch up with

Chat what a save make sure that I didn’t miss anything above nope I didn’t okay that save was nice actually Minecraft Michael on Christmas I’ll donate $500 oh my gosh lose my mind if somebody did that I would lose my mind and take the top Dono forever you

Definitely I think would take the top Dono Forever on that one j6 there’s big streamers who have never been donated $500 dude when I click the link to the Discord it doesn’t work what can I do to make it work um Aaron just sent it in

The chat well she sent it in the chat a while ago so you probably saw that um and then Aaron yeah Aaron sent it so great picked me off the hive it’ll be okay Quan we’ll uh we’ll get you back in um remember you’re probably pretty I don’t know what SAT means

I don’t know what SAT or a means T um can we do a SkyWars yeah I think we’re doing a SkyWars after the no we’re doing a just build and then a SkyWars just build and then a SkyWars and this is going to be the first time ever we

Ever ever have done a just build first time ever and we’re going to do Duos extended we’re going to do Duos extended because I feel like teamwork is kind of needed on this um now we saw it you still can’t win block tra even when I’m not there

Nope Viper I can’t I did fall all the way to the bottom on accident though you’re tired black grab asleep take a little nap or I don’t know actually what time I actually think you’re in this no you’re an hour behind me I think um oh my gosh the chat M too fast

Exit this game finishes can you do something for me what’s that ma man dud when I click in the Discord link okay um mic says I’ll do 51 502 oh my gosh safe and fresh are good at block job I swear to God I know I don’t I

Don’t know how you get good I don’t know how to get good at these game modes I’m sure you’re pretty okay j6 says I’ll do 700 um yeah L you can be on safe steam that’s fine we’re actually gonna play Just build yeah we’re gonna do it I

Can’t do any more than 700 I’ve already spent 1,200 on Christmas gifts oh my gosh j6 you don’t have to do 700 um oh my gosh um let’s do slash or yes this let’s invite everybody one more time this is the first time ever it’s the first time ever we are playing

This let me make sure that okay cool and then let me change boom there you go there we go change it to code chill here um yeah only about yeah that’s what I thought can you tell me if you see purple ribbon on me man what was your in game name

Again I have to check it out there’s so much going on in chats popping off and Florida it’s 8:48 for me in Florida yeah hour ahead hour ahead why are we playing Just build uh because Micah donated what was it another $10 to and

Ask for it so I was like yeah I can’t really say no to that um guys don’t build anything bad it would ruin it for all of us that’s true if you I won’t if anybody builds anything bad they just won’t be able to play anymore that’ll be the deal

Says try down all right and j6 you if you actually are planning on sending or donating $700 I do want you to know you do not have to do that you do not have to do that you never have to do that you never will

Have to do that j6 wa you guys live in Chicago no Aaron’s from Chicago Aaron’s from Chicago yeah you guys are going to be Lulu um let me gold and we’ll do saf for gold you guys were going to be on a team anyway because it was going to be okay so

That’s one team do gray gray actually M said that he want to be on a team by himself so we’ll do dark Aqua the bottom one and then we’ll do gray okay and then we’ll do blue this is going to be tough blue old gold green

Green this is the worst part about any game mode nope I clicked green on accident aqua and then I’m going to be on red I’m so sorry if BR gets paired with me it was it going to be oh it’s j6 j6 I’m so sorry j6 I’m so

Sorry for what you have to deal with now light purple okay guys this is the first time ever here we go what should we vote for I’m voting for pizza I feel like that’s got to be the easiest right maybe hopefully no it’s all good j6 you that’s a lot of money a

Cat oh no I feel like a black cat would stand out right maybe I don’t um well I have no idea what I’m going for here do three we’ll do three high for the legs maybe oh I put this in the wrong spot whoops yeah because that one’s too high okay

Then we got to you know bring it together I don’t know how you make a cat and we got to like fill it in guys this is g to be such a bad cat cats are like Slimmer animals aren’t they hold up hold up I think that we got

To make this thing a little Slimmer think that we got to make it a little Slimmer cuz cats are like Slimmer animals you know see that’s like a good basis and we’re building a giant table actually guys that’s what’s Happening Here building a just a nice table you

Know um okay and then we’ll like kind of make it you know like oh j6 has got whiskers nice j6 never mind that’s notna work oh no I feel like nobody’s gonna be building excellent cat out here I’m gonna be honest the cat was the probably the worst option

There it’s you know it’s coming along wait what if I what if I made it like an angry cat right what if I made it like an angry cat and I made it look like it had its like back standing up you know what I mean like an angry cat with

Its with its you know oh my gosh this cat is so this cat is uh not not great and then you got to get like a tail like a little spiral tail okay all right cat or the tail could be a little longer though cuz cat’s got a like a

Long tail is thing so oops it’s like a like a a tail that’s you know flicking you know you know bro that cat looks like a house listen it’s uh it’s uh hang on let’s let’s eliminate this part right let’s eliminate this part I’m getting

Judged so hard out here j6 I’m sorry for what you’re having to go through okay I like the front I like the face um I need like something or claws what could be like a claw like a Talon you now use those as okay nice okay we’re getting

There remies if you met me in real life with a cone on my hat or on my head I don’t know I mean there’s some people out there who you know might wear a cone so you might have to give me a hint love seeing the Emojis Ash we are

Playing Just build for the first time ever you guys are witnessing history on the channel if we didn’t have a timeline I make it very detailed yeah I’m not a builder you know you know what we could do you know what we could do you know what we could do you know

Um you know we could like make a little like food bowl you know or better yet what if what if what if we made a little a mouse how to that’s a water ball how to build a mouse too that’s a water bowl how do I build a mouse though oh my

Gosh you have 124 wns and just buil you know I feel like if you look at the front this isn’t terrible you know and we need like a little like slab actually hold up hold up hold up we got to put a little mouth on the cat right boom

There’s the oh my gosh okay Um this is uh yeah yeah there we go H okay um I did I meant to type slab yep I’m getting judged oh you know um yeah we gota we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta we gotta put that back got to put that back uh I don’t know what to

Do this is we got how much time don’t know what else to add to the cat what what else do cats have we could add like like uh like maybe like spots do cats have spots I don’t have cats I don’t see a lot of cat cats don’t really have spots do

They unless it’s like a cheetah Autumn I haven’t the chat’s been going kind of crazy white white like no okay uh uh this is a mouse guys this is the mouse this is the cat this is the water bowl um I think we got this in the bag you know delete if you

Want we can delete it delete delete delete delete delete get rid of the mouse j6 say R I hate the mouse we got to get rid of it get rid of it get rid of the evidence it never existed look at that Mouse never existed who up one

Left like that I don’t know what I’m doing ah no no no no no no I messed it up I messed it up I messed it up you know what this is a masterpiece for the first one ever Masterpiece safe safe was uh AFK um the cat loves It okay ah why are we first why do we have to be first first greatest house B cat this is winning this is winning this is winning easy easy oh my gosh who did this oh this one’s nice oh it’s Lulu it’s very good whoa who did

This I like this one too it’s like a little uh like a spaceship cat who did this void magic we got some talented people what is he what is he from what is this from is this the uh no this is a I could have sore this is a Pokemon

Cat isn’t this is this a cat from Pokemon I don’t watch Pokemon but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it look at these they’re in like little boxes laying down chilling um j6 um j6 I I feel like you know I feel like we got this you

Know I feel like we got this see this is my kind of cat this is my kind of cat that’s getting the love that’s getting to love it’s from Pokemon that’s what I thought that’s what I thought it was that’s absolutely what I thought it

Was dude some of these people are like I I don’t even I this is why we don’t play Just build because I’m terrible at it we got the win of the bat that’s what I’m saying j6 this is easy peasy for us this is literally Easy see that’s cool too the whole concept of just laying it down and looking at it this way I really like this one too thought that was Garfield no I think it’s like the Pokemon cat the guy he’s walking around any he grumpy or something who won a we didn’t even get up

There we didn’t even get up there it’s okay j6 it’s it’s okay j6 I I let us down I didn’t know the I didn’t know the Vision you got to go DB all right I will uh see you in the next one hopefully all right let’s do a sky

Wars let’s just do let’s do a normal solos cuz why not yeah I I’m not a just I don’t know what I’m doing over there I have no idea what I’m doing during just build I don’t build I’m not creative Omar are the links to Aaron Sharon not working

Either all right j6 I’ll see you in tomorrow’s stream as well we probably got like this game and then maybe one more or something like that I can join the hive now nice Autumn nice nice nice right let’s invite everyone yeah we probably do another just build tomorrow somebody said

Fresh oh fresh did join look at that look at that all right let’s open it up to code jump off you think you heard Aaron you might have you might have all right it’s all good we’re going to wait for uh some more people to see if uh anybody

Joins someone has to friend me and then send the invite link they shouldn’t have to they shouldn’t have to the link should just work the link definitely should just work I also they heard your voice they heard your voice Aaron well some did it seems like some caught

It uh okay we got 10 we’ll see if uh anybody else wants to join or we kick it off or we kick it off with a bang what’s up got fresh who has YouTube rank here it’s fresh it’s fresh not fresh says not me uh all right all right all right all

Right all right we’re going to start very shortly we going to start very shortly I’m going to wait just a second longer and this is solo no there’s no kits on this one no kits I don’t want anybody think they have a kit because I know we usually play kits but I decided

Not to see I waited and Magic came in see worked out let start it up six is playing on VR 6 you’re playing VR Saturn does that too I don’t know how you guys do that first of all that would kill my eyes and second of all I feel

Like it’d be terrifying I could imagine playing murder mystery in VR how terrible that’ be you actually know how like crazy that’d be I feel like not good feel like it would not be great oh my my gosh hold up I don’t know if the stream is causing

My lag or I don’t know what is going on we got too many devices connected I need to look at our I probably should just reset our router we actually like disconnect oh I’m dead I’m dead Josh’s got me here oh I have one heart Joshy I have one heart

One I just realized I fought that with just Diamond pants cannot believe that please no please don’t please don’t void GG’s to Joshy though avenge me please is there any more Health give me the health okay heal up a little bit Joshy pushed like right over here if this is

Joshy Island there’s no way Joshy got the Redstone I was going to say no way okay let’s go fight let’s go probably fight and either lag off and die or not we’ll see I want my revenge on void that was a panic swing feel like I’m G to let them fight it out Though BR is oh oh that’s is nasty with the bow oh that bow didn’t go off oh my gosh did I kill the infamous fresh what am I lagging hold up a second am I lagging real bad am I lagging I got to be lagging yeah I am cuz all those hits are

Starting to register now why am I lagging no I got booted rip rip yeah I figured I was there it goes there I go I don’t know why I’m lagging actually I legitimately have no idea cuz like look the current paying 48 like normal oh wait a minute is it

Bouncing 54 does it do that on other servers let’s see see if it bounces real bad it didn’t bounce I just get like a really really really bad lag Spike oh my gosh you actually getting close to killing fresh I could have been super laggy which made it really hard for

Fresh to hit me though that could have also been um a thing because I’ve usually never come close to that’s actually the first time I think I’ve actually legitimately like fought fresh but like I’ve seen Fresh’s abilities like I I I mean maybe but I was lagging really

Bad so I don’t know I don’t know maybe so maybe not maybe it was the lag maybe I was actually just doing good for a change but of course the game’s like see you later buddy you kicked me right out of here said see you later and

Yeah what’s up just lagged out of the hive what’s up Georgina welcome to the stream hope you decided to hit that sub button I stream every single day and play with subscribers every single day so uh yeah hope so I was so close King fresh because we

Both on controller and he haded better stats all right remix fresh is technoblade 2.0 fresh is very good very very good oh uh just let me know when that game’s over and then we can do one more we’ll do one more and then I’ll end the stream

Off oh fresh one by the way what if I had have taken out fresh that could have been my win you guys see this that’s a human head she said I’ll show my face but she won’t she won’t show her face all right one more one more for all the marbles and

We’re going to make it a block party PVP make it a block party pppp and then uh we’re g to end it off end it off and uh Lulu uh or safe or fresh whoever uh I think I uh am going to play with you guys after this if you guys are

Good with that hang out for a little bit we’ll end it off here you got to go all right Quan it’s the last game anyway you’re not missing too much just me getting knocked off by an Nemo probably I gotta shout out j6 and Mah one more time for all those crazy donos

Literally absolutely insane literally craziness invite everybody one more time here absolutely crazy after this I’m going practice to destroy you Joshy Joshy oh Joshy really wants that Revenge Joshy has been on it I have 10 people watching now so we actually might not get that many people playing this

One a lot of people hopped off it is 8:20 and some people are it’s 9:20 or even later than that terrorizing remix I know my apartment’s haunted for some reason though the ghost wears a a brown blanket over its head and just walks around you know only on

Camera though only on camera it’s the opposite of a normal ghost it only gets caught on camera any other time it’s not around just only on camera not a lot of people playing this one not a lot of people playing this one I don’t think there’s anybody who

Needs the code actually so I’ll just invite all the all the friends again magic did let’s open it all in or whoops invite invite invite all how many people are online 22 online I got seven seven um PVP powerups yes colx welcome to the stream I hope you decide to hit

That sub button I stream every single day and play with subscribers every single day but welcome to the stream colex sadly you joined on the last game of the stream but I do like I said stream every single day so if you uh think that you’d be interested in that I

Hope you decide to hit it potentially I don’t know what my friends list is looking like it’s super full super full all right I think that we are Good oh no I didn’t get any of those poers I said I don’t know if I said it to Max oh I’m dead you got to crouch and hope you don’t die there’s a negative power ups on this did I mess this up I don’t think I messed it

Up oh my gosh nobody kill me nobody kill oh now I know who I’m going for now we know who we’re going for I’m getting slight lag delays it might be my stream causing it it might be my stream causing my lag I I’m gonna probably reset my router um before the next

Stream no you’re good Cox you’re good I hope you decided oh who took me out who did it safe safe did and then safe immediately fell afterwards a it’s all good it’s all good Lulu it’s all good it’s all good ah that was it that was the final

Game and I didn’t even get on the podium rip what’s up Moen raid oh I just I just that was the last game of the stream oh no well for all the newcomers who potentially are going to come in here and raid hope you decide to hit hit that sub button

Okay all right all right all right you’re back from d m it it’s just it’s now ending sadly it is the end of the stream but don’t worry Michael will be live tomorrow back in Action hope everyone has a good night see you’all tomorrow the doctor lets me I hope to

See you tomorrow Kai hope to see you tomorrow I don’t know why it’s not working Omar maybe maybe the Link’s bad or something like that maybe tomorrow in stream it’ll be it’ll work um I think I don’t know I’ll figure it out maybe the discord’s bugged too I’ll

Check it out but all right guys that is going to be the end of the stream I appreciate you guys so very much hanging out shout out to Micah and j6 I know j6 isn’t in here anymore crazy crazy crazy donations today crazy interactions in chat just all around a really great time

Um if you’re new here hit that sub button I stream every single day and play with subscribers every single day so uh yeah seriously you’re missing out if you don’t hit that sub button but yeah guys I appreciate literally every single one of you out there thank you

All so very very very very much for being a part of the Ry rats Mafia and I will see all of you hopefully in tomorrow’s stream peace out guys guys see you later have a great rest of your day

This video, titled ‘I AM BACK! Playing MINECRAFT with SUBSCRIBERS! Come hang out…’, was uploaded by RemixRye on 2023-12-06 14:57:25. It has garnered 213 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:29 or 7529 seconds.

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  • 100 Spieler in Minecraft Fallout Apokalypse!

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  • Deadly School SMP in Minecraft ft. Shabirzzgamer

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  • Dragon Shield Modded: No Client Mods-Modded Survival, MMORPG, Backpacks, Magic&Custom Weapons, Quests, 500+ Dungeons, 300+ Custom Biomes, New Ores, Custom Ore, Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Newbie baited!”

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  • Experience the EPICNESS of Minecraft’s Mega Base! 🤯 #JustCallMeCat

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

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  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

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  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: play.zenithnetwork.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/W8EJxUhbPC Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” https://linktr.ee/carpyy • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » https://bit.ly/CarpyySongs • Donations Link: https://streamelements.com/carpyy/tip ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: snapshot.pandamium.eu Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More