EPIC Minecraft Gamers Live Stream! 🔥

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Are you all there can you all hear me streamlabs is the first one to answer with the top hello people yep dance girls hey bananas in chat yep thanks a pervert right let’s just uh because i haven’t got enough screens on this computer let’s just get that back on the screen

There we go how the devil are you all it’s really nice to see you there ape over i haven’t seen you for ages and ages and ages uh mr sakiki game is there as well uh are we gonna have fun tonight that’s the that’s the plan

We are gonna plan have fun i’m gonna learn junk in my inventory and i need to sort that out because i have a task i don’t know why the dog has got his head out the window got a bit of a task for tonight look got some leather pants here

Been working a bit more on the iron farm trying to get that working property today so i’m hoping we’re going to have loads when we go over there right we’re going to need all this stuff going to need this stuff gonna go i’ll put my emeralds away

Let’s put my emeralds away and the leather earth was gonna put that in there future leather don’t need the coal let’s get rid of the sandstone you can see i’m well prepared for tonight’s stream and i think i’ve got everything i need let’s just get rid of the side

Signed let’s have signed in chat everyone it’s getting dark out there always does this i’m just about to start streaming and it gets dark out there and it’s not dark enough i see we got my cogs in in chat that’s good let’s have a look yep the um

Iron farms going away there had a bit of a modification to the roof and um i was actually having to have a look at uh how that was working there was some interesting things for the whole iron farm so i’m going to pop up there in a moment and show you

Some interesting tweaks but tonight that area there is going to turn into a tree farm that’s my plan for tonight anyway sand we’ll have to get a sand emoji we’ll have to develop one and i’ve just noticed there’s no sounds why have we got no sound i’ve got the sound off that’s better

Gotta have sounds right let’s go show you what the progress on the iron farm oh if i can shut the door right how is everyone what have you all been doing it’s very nice to have you in chats gonna have fun tonight as anyone who watches my stream knows mon pjc normally

Ends up dying a few times in the process of doing anything hey hey radycats in chat so upgrade number one that we had on the iron farm the other day was to change the way the water streams worked because it was well it was pants weren’t the iron golems were getting stuck in

The corner we had to bring in another villager because we had a massive fire and they all escaped so as you can see i’ve changed the roof design i originally had slabs on the top of this and i’ve discovered something very interesting about iron golems iron golems can spawn

On a slab if there is a solid block underneath them so basically their feet spawn about there and then as soon as they walk they move up on top so any transparent block that you place if there is a solid block underneath it they can they can spawn on that space

Glass is the object glass is the exception i can’t spawn on glass but that’s why they were spawning up here on the roof sometimes so i find they’re very interesting uh the the the i got golems have been working reasonably well i think i can’t hear any while i’m over here but

Let’s have a look let’s have a look let’s see if we’ve got a decent amount of iron oh look at that that’s pretty good going so i think we’re gonna collect that up oh that’s quite a few stacks in it actually too many stacks for me to hold uh i like

Keeping these in there so just uh i want to keep count of how much i get uh where’s the there it is i’m standing on it you would have noticed by the fact that this is um this had collapsed that i died again when it’s not like an uncommon thing for me

Is it dying i do it a lot right i am blocks we’re going to need them so yes so that’s the iron farms working lovely now very pleased with that so over here um i’ll just show you where i died because there’s a there it is there’s the hole yeah

Anyone want to guess what killed me in chat come on first one to guess they’re all so quiet begin to wonder if my microphone is working creeper creeper death mr geeky’s got it right it was a creeper mass fail from a career so yes wasn’t best happy so how do we design

A a wood farm anyone ever made a tree farm now i just realized there’s something i’m going to need before i start this isn’t there where is it get in here there it is we’re gonna need the mumbo head uh let’s put the mumbo head on there we go

There we go we got our little redstone hat on now we’ve got our mustache all ready to go and we could be doing the redstone right so let’s go and find an area over here and i’ll generally mark this out with some torches just as a starting point so we know what

We’re going to do now there are oh you still need to respond do i oh yes i do um what have you all been doing today out there in chat are you all just like chilling having your lunch or something what have you had for dinner i had a completely failed

Dinner today i was i was meant to be doing chicken and well firstly they weren’t chicken but i didn’t know that until we cut them open ah and then they tasted horrible so we ended up having fish fingers instead it’s not great okay so wood tree farm the reason i want to put

It over here is because it’s another one of those places you want to be afk when you’re working on it and actually being right next to the iron golem farm would be very helpful whilst i’m in single player mode at the moment rearrange the the bees spaghetti and sweet potato oh

That’s nice did i hear chicken hello christ welcome to chat it’s always good to get people in chat especially you chris i mean you’re like you’re like my favorite sh but don’t tell anyone else kfc no no who said kfc i i don’t know anything about kfc

It’s all lies right so i’ve got to work out how to do i’ve got some little drawings here to try and remind me how on earth i’m meant to make this thing because i can’t remember so what we’re going to have is an automatic tree farm here

Basically the idea is going to be is me that’s me not mumbo is going to be the automatic tree part and we’re going to be placing saplings and using bone meal to make them grow then each time a tree is placed it’s going to detect a redstone signal through it and um

Yeah it’s going to crush all the leaves and push the wood out in this direction so we’re going to probably want to start it about here somewhere just over the water and we’re going to want to push the wood out this way over here into a platform

Where we can then come in and like cut loads of wood down so that’s the plan so first of all what i want to do is i want to like get some cobble and fill in this area let’s have a look uh it’s accidentally vegan how did your dinner

Become accidentally vegan did you not plan that in the first place was the idea it not to be vegan i’m sure i had a big box of earth somewhere that’s not what that’ll do that we’ll get some supplies over here in a bit so how was your school then silky i know

You were saying that you were bored what lessons were you doing then couldn’t have been that bad i’ll put a couple of layers down here uh nope didn’t plan it just forgot to buy the cheese oh i see i don’t really need cheese dear

I suppose you do is it me or the grass grain really quickly over here must be like super fast growing stuff so i’ve been thinking a little bit more about when we get to having a server oh i knew that was going to happen eventually um i’ve got to get out this way

What’s this uh it was just dutch all the time well not being funny but i don’t know if you’ve noticed silky but you are dutch so it could be the fact that that’s why there was a lot of dutch and uh that’s confusing i don’t know what you’re quite expecting

It’s a bit like when i used to go to school at oh do you mean oh i see this could what it could mean is like when we say we did english at school what you mean is you did lots of like reading and writing type stuff

Is that what you mean i mean you wouldn’t go to school and say i did english which is alternative for saying reading and writing would you you have we have dutch lessons dutch speaking dutch in your lessons is obviously the answer so ah right so what are sort of

Materials i’m gonna need here i’m gonna need i’ll tell you what i think we’re gonna be needing these chests because we’re going to need to sort of like mock up some materials that we’re going to want to collect and sort ourselves out with so i’m going to go and get some iron

And some stone no one actually said to me if they’ve ever made an automatic tree farm before i am curious as to what you’ve done uh take that that’ll probably be enough uh we’ll take the cobblestone oh the acacia oh yeah we’re gonna need the acacia that’s a definite um

We’ll take some stone because we can make some pizza you’re making a tree farm crist oh okay is it an automatic one slime balls because we’re going to want to make some pistons um let’s have a look i’ll take my bed with me because like it’s always dark on minecraft

But i don’t like it that you said that crist is your favorite i didn’t say that who said that who’s who said chris was my favorite i’ve done what you’re talking about lies anyway you got that from the top right turn the redstone just deny everything uh oh we’ll take that

Let’s take some more cobble because that will be useful now what else was i thinking that i need um chests redstone dispen i think i need a dispenser redstone nobody said that yeah nobody said that silky i i don’t know what you were hearing it’s not real okay i think hello mr b

We need to name all the boots we need to make a load of name tags for them you hear everything really that must be really annoying being out to hear everything i mean you must be at like hear things that are happening right now all around the world

Is that is that the case uh we should put that i’ll put that there like that right let’s put all this in here oh that was the other thing one honey we need honey bees we need to get some honey from the honey farm this is why we have honey farms

Because non pjc can get tons of honey which we all know is my secret ingredient for making sticky pistons of course you can’t survive without sticky pistons why did i get them through i bet they made another one while i wasn’t looking for anything nope put that back in there thanks very much

Sticky pistons from honey yum yum so then chris i’m beginning to wonder now however i’m going to get shown up building this because you know you might be better at this than me i don’t know right um so tree farms all start with a piece of dirt now

Where can i get a piece of dirt that day right and i’m just gonna have to place it there like that now what we need coming out of this is there’s a whole thing where you like power it with a dispenser actually i can’t remember that making

Anyone remember how to make a dispenser s e no that is no spell dispenser is it that’s it it’s an eye because i’m oh i need a bow and an arrow okay right um ah nobody knows that i can’t spell i shouldn’t really let them know so i need some sticks

And we need some wool because we don’t have a good bone out bow aaron yep one of my one of the other vanilla tweed i think this is the vanilla twig give me all your wall anyway sheepy um i quite like this one because you can get

String from wall um which is an obvious thing really because i mean if you had a square block of wall you would be able to make things like string i mean why is that not a thing uh oh uh one were missing oh reds redstone redstone and cobble cobble needs a box

Dispenser we’ll have one of them cool uh there like so i think that goes there for now and our dispenser will be used for spitting out the um what’d you call it um bone meal that’s the stuff right now i want to slab slab slap step step step

Let’s make our slabs out of this how am i doing chris is this going all right so far i’ve made it right i’m sure you’ll tell me if i get it wrong so the idea is is i have a redstone signal going into there which powers it and there needs to

Be some sort of like clock mechanism which i can’t remember out i have to try and remember how to do this is where i need my um yeah mate it’s good yeah all i’ve done so far is put a block of earth and a dispenser and a bit of redstone

That’s it i’ve achieved i’m an expert obviously i’m gonna have to refer to my drawing to see what i was supposed to do next so normally the way to do this is to have oh yeah a pressure plate that’s what i need pressure plate uh stone pressure plate

You can just use a normal pressure plate i think that works now what i should do is i’m going to change out the ground around me because i want to make sure that i know using the right materials in place because i wasn’t going to get very

Confused if i come back here and start digging on stuff but did that go put that back in my inventory come on mumbo right now i’m pretty sure that was supposed to draw like a straight line of redstone but it hasn’t oh i think i know why

I think an ah it needs to be powered doesn’t it needs to be power i’m going to end up with all that stuff in my inventory you realize that now so if we put that there because we need to power it with redstone take that out and we grab

It’s going to end up with everything in my inventory and i don’t know why i brought a chest with me after all this uh that that no it’s in the wrong place you know what i might just use the red acacia wood is everyone keeping up so far right so

What we’re going to do is put a redstone lamp there there we go which puts a power of 15 there which constantly powers this so what iron golems what happens is when the tree grows you’re smashing it so far i’m doing well i know i’m doing well so when i stand on here

And a tree grows the block appears and wood is obviously a redstone conductor and that then powers that well i think it’s with the sapling or something i can’t remember i think i think that’s how it works i can’t no can’t really remember now i’ll just keep going for now

And we’ll sort it out right so um need some sort of uh redstone clocky thing underneath here this has all got to come down a bit i’ll reuse this earth and let’s put staring on down here oh let’s see this is why i like lowered it down a bit

So and let’s stick this in here i’m actually using the mumbo design well i’m trying to i’m trying to remember how it works uh now i think i need to be actually tech that don’t i for the clocky thing so i need a comparator which i just happen to have

Yeah so that when you stand on it the little clocky thing turns on that’s good now i’m trying to remember i think the redstone goes round over there somewhere i can’t remember that right yeah because it turns on that right or is it gonna be in subtract mode

That’s it that’s the one look look at that it’s jiggling up and down right so it makes a little clock thing so when i stand on this it’ll pulse that again and then when the tree grows this will go just like that and it all like push it all out

Um now there’s meant to be some more stuff under here so i’m just gonna like make a bit more space for myself are you liking the sound effects sound effects awesome are they they’re pretty good you don’t get that with mumbo let’s let’s be honest mumbo does not do

Good sound effects when it comes to it and you don’t also oh it’s getting dark let’s put that there like that in the bed meantime i’ll just have a quick look at me drawing again see what the next bit was yeah because i’ve got the power

Power me hopper how the hop animated it where’s weird does it really work like that oh that’s a bit no okay okay okay right where are we who said that it made a noise no one right uh sticky piston sticky piston sticky piston sticky piston i need some honey

And we need some iron i haven’t got any loose iron have i i don’t need this string do i need sticks i don’t think i need sticks let’s get some iron bits out piston piston piston why can’t i make a piston yet what am i missing i’ve got cobble

I’ve got iron i’ve got redstone white wood that’d be why uh so i’ll have one of them and then this is where i can make my special sticky pistons you see with honey that now this like operates the machine underneath here or something and i think i’ll use a bit of acacia

Wood under there because it’s a different texture to everything else and this like pushes out and does something over here in a minute we’ll expand that in a minute is everyone impressed so far sure you are right now hop i need some hoppers let’s get some hoppers in place

Uh i’ve got plenty of iron get some chests right let’s get like four or five poppers left four because it’s a it’s a nice it’s a nice pointy number isn’t it um i’m gonna put that one there for now because i want one there and these are going to be like

Collecting the saplings and stuff falling down that’s obviously pointing the wrong way at the moment but i just want to put that there as a temporary block because this redstone goes underneath silky is sad you don’t think she’s sulking really silky where are you it’s okay say okay hello

Where you going hello silky come on she’s grumpy no she’s not grumpy she’s silky she’s probably going to walk with the dogs are you out there where you going ah i was hoping i was going to get a mumbo hug then but no obviously not um

So oh that probably needs to come back a bit further than that because i need to like send the signal back up again i’m just gonna like clear them out right so that one needs to be about there oh there you are there see see she’s there you’re not grumpy are you

You would never be grumpy not with me bee buddies forever and all that stuff now i’m not quite sure i think this like bud powers it or something trying to remember i don’t quite remember how it works but yeah that’s going to put the bone mill in and this is going to

Collect stuff coming out but that does work i think although it’s not doing it right now maybe there’s something else missing i haven’t done yet i thought that went in the you would think that goes in the back wouldn’t ya but it can’t hmm okay i’m i’m not sure i’m not sure

What i’ve this is definitely how i drew it because i drew that bit down there and they’re drawing it up there but it’s not lined up with that so i’m confuddled right um let’s look at my drawing where’s my drawing and it definitely goes in there

But now the other side of this thing the piston is supposed to go through a detector so i should probably put that in next um because i need a hole under the ground what we do is we take that out and we put a redstone torch in here this is quite a cool

Little mechanism this is i always like these so you can fire the piston and when the piston goes across this block it powers the block and then you can like detect the signal coming out of it on what bradycat is he still off track off track on track i don’t know

I could be um peter what i need is a repeater i think i’ve got enough stuff in my inventory to make a repeat huh have a look there we go one of these in there like that so when that piston extends to there it’ll cover that and then power

That repeater and that will like power the whole thing that’s gonna boost the signal around it maybe what i should do is actually go and get some should i go and get a sapling a tree sap some tree saplings and some bone meal i can actually test this as i’m going along

Really wondering what i felt now so is this anything like yours crest uh spruce saplings balls bones bones both both bug bones uh i always get to that point where i want to like throw something out my inventory but i don’t know what that pickaxe is basically broken so i’m

Gonna get rid of it hey hey we got a new face in chat mr uh mr gopke got king is that how we say your name i’m not sure right so if i stick a tree there and right let’s make some bone meal and plonk that in there because that

Would go in there i think i’m sure that’s supposed to power that isn’t it appeared hello conrad oh where are you from are you from a place i don’t know hang in a minute right i’m going to get i’m just going to consult my notes here because i’m getting really confused

And confident why this thing is not working look at ah just drop me a bit of paper on the floor maybe it’s supposed to it’s the redstone that i’m putting in there supposed to do it is that the idea that is a a dropper not a hopper isn’t

It that i put in there no it’s a dispenser yeah so put the right thing in that’s weird um i now understand how my own desire how this design works now i’m confused by it it definitely goes in the block next to it behind it maybe i should actually like finish building it

First and then see this is the problem when you’re using somebody else’s design and you can’t work out why it’s not working because it doesn’t make sense okay i’m just gonna listen and i’m gonna react any more like what i did earlier what i’m just gonna listen and not react

Anymore like i did what why oh no if we upset silky oh no i can’t believe can’t believe you’re getting upset silky with me you know mike you’re my friend i don’t want you to be upset being sad don’t be sad uh right what i want that is to be in there that

Well that’s not what i wanted was it you don’t know that though do you in chat you’re just looking at me going what the heck is he trying to do with this bit of wood um let’s put that there because i want to like facing inward this is like part of the machinery

Of the game to be anyway why is it i move things and they never go back where i want them to does that work does that is that what fixes it let’s slip now if you go silent on me i won’t hear you i won’t know what’s going on

Uh okay i’m confused that’s definitely how i’m supposed to build it but i don’t know why it doesn’t work i’m obviously not as clever as i thought it was okay do you know what i’m going to carry on with this bit around here and see if

I can work out the rest of it because that’s just not doing what it’s supposed to that piston’s not moving either maybe the redstone’s supposed to come in somewhere else you would think they’re supposed to power that but i definitely have a hopper going in the back of it so

There’s no way that can be under there like that confusing because it assumes the other party knows that you’re what you’re pissed about oh yeah are we talking about that okay i thought but we were talking about me again then for a minute okay we know why she’s upset because because i said

You were my favorite and i don’t have favorites and anyone would know that i’m not that sort of person i’m just in a bit of a jokey mode tonight which i know i shouldn’t be sometimes because that is an easy way to offend people and people shouldn’t get like i

Shouldn’t like offend people um i might just take these out for now as well just for consistency of the how i want it to look at the end with all these blocks right so that’s right let’s turn the page over and have a look at this bit

This should go into a set of repeaters this is where it’s going to get really complicated because there’s like a whole piston double repeater thing which i’m never very good at i’ve got to work out how that works because it just powers a block and then there’s like repeaters going off to the

Side um so we have one and there up there like that because that’s gonna gonna have like a row of pistons this way pushing the tree forward but we have all the the clamps on the left and the right these come out because we need to put

Repeaters i could end up with my thing being in the way here where’s the redstone where’s my redstone what else has everyone been up to today then oh no i think that goes there i think that’s supposed to go up there that’s it that’s it so i want two more

Repairs anyone done anything else exciting cogs cox comps poggy right so when that fires that will send a that’ll have a two-tick delay going this way uh and i’ve gotta have the thing going pulsing that way um but i think oh yeah because it’s got to be delayed after

The tree is extended the whole tree thing is extended so i’ve got put that going this way back oh that that’s not a thing mon you can’t do that that’s a silly thing to do wasn’t it where’d my brick go there it is uh let’s put one underneath like that there we go

Cute does everyone know how this bit works because if you put signal into this it powers the redstone on top of it and the redstone sends power in this direction and even though there’s an empty block here half slab it still manages to power that half slab cox cults cogs

Lots of cogs we love cogs all right this shirt i’m hoping line up with where the tree’s gonna get pushed there um so i need a bit of redstone on there and then i want a piston in the piston just make some more pistons more pistons what am i sure of wood again

It’s not the best quality wood i could be using i’m gonna make two of these for now and we’ll make two sticky oh what can only make where’d the rest of my honey go guys oh it’s in there got too much stuff let’s move that away honey

What awesome dessert idea that was of mine to actually use sticky pistons in that way right um all right so one one there like that and i want to put what am i going to do oh this is going to be fun i’ll try and get that so it’s there like that splendid

Cool i’m happy with that still don’t understand why this thing doesn’t work it’s supposed to go i don’t understand why what i’ve done wrong i don’t understand the whole lack of chukka sugar very modern pjc is very very confused okay but this thing would um work going to demonstrate that by

Just sticking a stone in front of it um actually let’s just make a button there we go right so i’ll put a button on here this will power that and then there’ll be a slight delay and they’ll power of course because it’s a button you didn’t pull it back

There we go so you can see that slight delay awesome right that worked um so that should only get powered oh yeah yeah yeah of course because that powers this block which powers that when the tr when the tree goes i think there’s a whole load of bud powering

Thing going on over here and i can’t remember what does what because it’s all a bit like freaky supernatural sciencey stuff so i’m just gonna leave that one there for now and might work on the the crusher that goes on oh actually we need double pistons here

That’s the thing i forgot about that uh what am i short of again must have wood i’ve got iron i’ve got redstone i’ll put the cobble away that was a silly idea why is he doing something like that stick these on the front like so and now what we have to do is

When these come get pushed forward they need to be then powered again on the front so where’s my little where’s my little drawing of that um because i i think i do it on the right hand side yeah there’s supposed to be like a redstone

Yeah i just use a slab tower going up the up the side there okay that’s cool so what we do is we’ll take some slabs and that one there i think that one there and that one there we’ll do it as how’s this looking crystal is this anywhere near

What you have i’ve done that right i think i have i think that’ll work we’re gonna do my bum the button’s over here but i need to sleep nope it’s not dark enough to sleep let’s have a sleep let’s give it a go sort of working this out as i go along

Because i like took notes when i did the watch the video and now i’m trying to remember exactly how it all works i that didn’t do what i expected it to do because it that’s underneath that one should there be one down below it maybe that’s it maybe then it oh no i

Can’t put one there can i that definitely goes there that’s gonna have stuff coming out this way to go around that’s facing the right way but it’s not facing into the piston now i’m very confused anyone think i’m good at redstone oh maybe what i should have done was i don’t know

But better than you well i’m really struggling because i can’t remember how the blooming thing was supposed to work is it because the wood’s supposed to be in there because that’s something i haven’t done i haven’t put the wood oh yeah that’s a good point probably help if like that because i

Think the i’m doing this but i’m not putting like the tree bits in that work with it um so about here we would i’m just gonna have to like climb up here there would norm when we get to testing it going to be wood in here which is part of the crushing system

Like so stop saplings coming out i think that then powers them so they ah there we go yes yep that makes a difference so yes that would push our tree over and on the front of these and put them like that so if our tree was here um i could demonstrate this

Did you see that that just popped out what’s that doing in there oh oh that oh oh that was that was freaky it did it all by itself the machine’s not supposed to do that stop it oh no now my breadstone’s got stuck how did that happen oh dear have i like

Broke my own machine now thank you go back i think that supposed to be over there like that and where’s the bum what should happen yeah see put that if we press that and then there’s supposed to be a retraction where that pulls back because that’s locked to the redstone signal in somehow

I’m not sure why it’s done it like that that’s no okay let’s take that one out this is some like update oh i see i was supposed to be standing around here that would have helped oh maybe i can demonstrate it from around here then

Put them on there like that jump off of there put a button there that should right so it’s activated now we simulate a tree growing and that didn’t work at all i think it will work i just got to get it all wired up properly but that definitely pushes forward i’m

Probably just not putting the rest of it in place yet to make it work um i should put these hoppers in maybe maybe these hoppers in place would actually help as well um did i make any more hoppers no it is a it’s definitely a more advanced option that’s all i would say

What is that i don’t want to do that one thing like that and then i want hoppers make some of those and i got chests i got chest chest chest gestures i know what i’m doing what i’m going to do now is just put these chests in place where i can collect

Materials for now it will actually help me thinking what i’m doing because i think there’s supposed to be another chest here as well so that’ll collect any bits of leaves and stuff that’ll come off the tree coming down over there right so look at me notes again because i’ve got loads of

Notes over here and i’ve got to try and make sure i’ll get them right um so what i should probably try and do is make like the tree push like leaf cutting thing on the left and the right i think i think it’s because i’ve not put like sticky pistons and everything

Over here it’s weird it’s really confusing me this bit over over the back as to why that’s not working the way i thought it would all right so i’m going to try the the leaf squishy thing actually what maybe should do is i should actually build it full height

Because that would actually make it look a bit more obvious what we’re doing just go get the right height of tree going on so how high is it it’s three four five six pistons in total so let’s have a look we’ve got two how many more pistons can we make

Um so we need four more so we need eight sound good one two i can do one let’s just convert all of that because i’m gonna need it uh one two three four five six that’s six is that what i wanted three more one two three four five six no it’s not enough

Okay let’s just make them into sticky pistons for now uh because that only gives me five tall and then what am i short of material wise iron got stuff oh i’ve got enough redstone oh okay run out of redstone let’s go look over here oh oh dear

Oh this could this could be a little bit limiting a bit of a shocker or had loads of redstone obviously been using it all have a look nope not in there i’ve got something oh no this is a mumbo nightmare we’ve run out of redstone like how how is this possible none

Oh there’s got to be some over at the old iron farm wasn’t there let’s let’s go look over there i think i should probably sleep first i’m going to sleep up here this is where i’m my spawn is set for the moment come on i want to drink my coffee at the

Same time redstone yeah where’s my redstone box when i need it can’t believe it building for an hour i’ve ran out of redstone right let’s go check it um should we check out in the village as well first let’s go in the back door oh there’s some

That’s not good it lasts very long though is it i’ve got a torch hello got any more redstone no i’ll just snip over the iron thumb because this is not going to last me very long at all let’s see what we’ve got so have you built your whole redstone

Uh tree farm now christ how does your one work is it a similar idea or have i gone with something a lot more complicated oops then you fell down the middle then all right any redstone no and the redstone oh bit of rest done and the redstone

Some torches it’s not gonna last me long is it let’s let’s be honest that’s not gonna ah you guys got any redstone oh you’ve been breeding anyway you guys are still in here i don’t suppose you’ve made any new friends have yeah um let’s go and have a look down here

Because these are like caves that i’ve not really explored so this could like go very badly very quickly looks like i fell down there at some point uh let’s stick up the path up across there okay we’ve certainly turned into a caving episode would possibly go wrong for me would it

Got to be redstone don’t even know how low down we are hello dog 32 oh i’m not low enough for redstone still getting materials but it’s kind of maybe the same concept oh okay yeah running out materials is not a good thing can i get down here no i can’t sew off

This will look scary well i need some low down caves where i can find some redstone i’ve obviously been here before then if i’m going to remember how to get back up here oh that’s blocked off that can’t be good can i oh that looks even

I see redstone i don’t see masses amount that doesn’t look exciting up there does it oh okay let’s um let’s find a way down then shall we go down through the rocks need scary music now i hope them spiders are far enough away they’re gonna leave me alone oh diamonds oh

Oh this um little visit could have been more profitable than i thought uh right so i want my fortune pick on me definitely where did that other pickaxe go there it is so we’ll use the fortune one to collect this because i’m hope i’m not sure i think

That lets me pick up more and now we need to get across there i’ve got way too much stuff in my inventory here not the best way to do things i hope that doesn’t move i’m just gonna put that there i’m not sure i’m gonna get creatures drop on me now aren’t i

Where’s my bucket of water if there’s more redstone down there could be all right let’s have a look make sure there’s nothing nasty behind this before i start digging it out oh look there’s more all the diamonds oh yeah oh i can’t pick them up

What can i get rid of oh that bit is brutally local though wow 14 diamonds go mumbo now what’s what’s what’s in here i’ve obviously been there looks like i’ve been there before didn’t it it’s all scary well i think it’s all scary i don’t know what anyone else thinks

No you’ve seen how i play i’d be scared wouldn’t wouldn’t i any more redstone ah crap the hell was that oh my god jesus my god i got punched in the back by some ink was that a was that a creeper must have been the ninja creeper dropped down on me

Oh my god that was terrifying oh i probably scared the bejesus out of everyone this thing as well okay eat my carrot oh look there’s another one good god that that was well that was a moment wasn’t it right i saw there’s some more redstone around the corner here

So i’m gonna creep in here and get the oh look there’s like hanging rails that’s interesting i’ve never seen that before right let’s get some redstone is everyone all right i didn’t give anyone a heart attacking chat did i i heard the hiss yeah i i sort of heard

The hiss as well to be honest but i wasn’t really sure what it’s going to be it sort of like shocked me a bit may have been a bit of a giveaway that it scared me obviously there’s water coming out that block over there so if i hop over there

And just block that off okay i don’t know where the other ninja creeper went let’s have a look is there any no there’s no lava underneath these right i’ll have them thank you very much don’t see any more redstone from here all right okay let’s go this way you’re dead well that’s

Scary isn’t it you should be dead or redstone come on lapis up there hello hello hello oh oh where’s he going he’s coming around behind me now honey do you think he can pathfind round behind me look he’s there i should right i’m going this way bye ah sucks to be you mate

I’m gonna die down here oh you fell off again did you die probably not he’s gonna i don’t like the look of that um well he went that way so i’m going back over here because he’s got friends are you still down no seriously buddy’s tracking me

Well i’ve got a pickaxe i’m getting out um right oh there there you are there yeah yeah yeah i haven’t got any lava buckets i can drop on you unfortunately i was a wood stinky not stupid i’m not gonna walk around there with you down there am i oh

Oh you’re funny you’re funny let’s get mad yeah right um all the redstones down there buddy that’s what i want um i can jump down on there without hurting myself too much yep that was all right where’s creeper boy could do with some of that lava in these buckets now

Um right redstone how much have i got i’ve got stacking a bit it might keep me going for a while i just gotta get past a stinky boy down there oh what haha i think that’s him yeah you can stay in there mate someone remind me not to open that up

Yeah he can stay there thanks very much not doing that right let’s get back up here um right i think i’ll walk around my sword on me this time because it’s like a bit scary anyone remember the way up i think it was this way

How did i get down here well that’s a skeleton might be around oh yeah it was round here went out oh there we go there’s the door all right i’m going to try down this side this time because i definitely went i lit this area up

Does this just come oh that just comes back to where it was yeah losing levels is not great that’s something you never really want to be doing right uh you’ve just lost 100 levels oh my god oh i see what you mean by saying you’re dead now

I thought when you said you were dead i’d like scared you didn’t realize you meant by um in your game how did you die then what happened oh 20 diamonds out of that that’s that’s pretty impressive uh now go get back to my bed without dying so i’m just gonna sprint this

I didn’t think i was going to make that jump then creeper got you oh no creepers are like the worst i know it’s part of the whole game mechanic that’s the idea of them but it’s like oh it’s just like scary is anything you just don’t see him coming

Well i guess that’s the point you just don’t see him coming pretty evident really right i’ve got some redstone now that that took a little bit longer than i expected i’ll have to go and do some mining uh off stream or something won’t i right can i ow who was that

I saw you i saw your head go down there where you go where you got get you you with your fancy boots yep you won’t be doing that again you can just burn to death in the sun get your xp and you i might as well kill

You as well because you’re only going to come and creep up behind me in the dark right any creepers around there should have like a creeper patroller there’s more skellies what’s this boom oh we’ll collect the um the bones stick them in there how’s the iron golem

Going oh look at that and i was stacking a bit it’s pretty good right look does he think i’m stupid well he probably does actually you’re dead right can i make my pistons now uh how many did i need i’ve got some in me at six i wanted another two didn’t i

One ah one one why can i not make more than one what have i run out of now i’ve got wood i got oh i’ve got enough cobble really why i have no cobble um i need the iron in my inventory what don’t i need in my inventory or my hat

And the spare buckets and the diamonds it’s really not a good idea to have them on me is it uh cobble cobble am i really short of cobble wow oh there’d be some around here weren’t there that’d be some in this box a little bit of cobble not much i have

To go and get some more in a minute right can i make another piston now please please computer game uh seven why no piston oh there we go thank you wanna dip that’s it eight right now let’s get these all up on top of there now then uh so we’ve got two three

Four just in case anyone asked why my um honey pistons are this color it’s uh primarily because uh the the sticky honey’s gone green that’s that’s my excuse that’s all i’m saying oh look at that like a pro wee bouncy right so that’s how high our tree farm is going to be

So i need some more wood going up the side there and i think i’m just going to have to make it out of the the occasion i can’t make it out vacation would i gotta make it out of logs because otherwise the tree won’t grow close to it

So we’re gonna have to go and get some acacia logs thankfully i have a big farm of vacation locks over here so chris um how’s how’s your world going i saw you posting some pictures in discord before should give us some updates so we can see what you’ve been doing

I’m quite always really interested in what people have been building i had the i was actually i don’t know if um mr geeky’s still in chat but he posted earlier today that some of his guys on his server were streaming so i went on there and was watching them

And that was quite interesting i’ve got somebody else i can now follow watch he’s always really cool i love having plenty of people to watch let’s go up here a bit oh where’d my pickaxe go yeah there we go come on mumbo get some tree chopping done

Uh we’ll grab these because i’m gonna need to replant them how many have i got that stone 34 is that all well i thought i’d have more than that everyone’s obviously listening to me i’m not saying quite as much tonight god and it just about reached that one

These are big old trees i don’t remember seeing acacia trees growing this big in the uh normally in the game right how many have i got now 52 that they’ll do me for now give me a head start yeah i’m playing city oh sky city skylines

I love that it’s one of those games i think i i really want to play and i’ve been i have played it but i’m also aware of the fact that i think if i started playing it i’d probably get oop no time to play anything else because it looks like one of those

Things can be like massively absorbing there’s a game i need some food well i got a real lack of food going on here let’s go and get salt out some carrots what have i got oh i said let’s have it can i eat glistening melon apparently not well that’s not good i

Just eat this stuff instead it’s not the most nutritious stuff in the world but i’ll just like bring my hearts back up yeah i love the look of it as a game it looks really cool i i love the whole idea of doing like the city building type stuff

Just looks so cool but get out the way sheep i was gonna end up my lunch right um now these i need to put every other one there and one there and then i want oh i haven’t got any slabs okay i’ll give you six slabs so this needs to be a

Stairway going up so i need one there and one there then i need blocks going up that way use half of these and turn them into stone just concentrating here for the minute does that go i think i need this one yeah i’m gonna need to go one higher than that

Let’s get my water bucket out of the way and where’s my pickaxe go there it is terrible inventory management here please take note guys do better than me i think oh yeah because i want to slap don’t i because i’m gonna have like this little there we go i’m gonna have this little

Redstone bridge going up here uh and then you need some sort of spaces in between i played so much city skylines so much like whatever i look at a map i start thinking about how it improve it that is so true i can understand that i’ve um there’s some channels i’ve watched i

Can’t think who it is there’s this guy who does he’s just started a new map and he does like these massive epic builds and tutorials on is it move the mouse is that the name of the guy you guys are probably know better than me sure that’s what his name was

Um now these need a row coming out there so i’m just gonna use that to help me get up um and then i’m gonna need block there can i can i sneak in this thing and put some redstone there i can’t get up there though not heard of that one but i

Watch a lot of oh fifa oh i know biffa differ from uh minecraft from um he used to play a play on hermit doesn’t he yeah check out move the mouse because i’m pretty sure that’s who it was that i’ve seen that is like really good at that stuff

It’s not supposed to go there but i’m just gonna put it there for now and i think there’s three have i done three rows one two three yeah let’s get some more redstone goes there that goes there i want another slab there and a bit of redstone

Because this is going to be the tree crusher going this way just in case anyone is confused as to why i’m building it this way probably not yes six skylines that that being that be definitely a game to um be playing maybe that’s something i should consider doing playing some city skylines

I could do that on stream couldn’t i you could like teach me where i’m going wrong do like a tutorial i’ve also got factorio as well i’ve started playing that few times my son plays a lot of factorio or did do in the day and

You know i’d be keen to sort of play that as well but these games just take so long i mean i’ve been playing fallout at the moment and i i’ve still got like ages to go just don’t know how much longer i’m going to be playing it for

Um i have no idea how far this is supposed to go out i can’t remember at all um i suppose i should have a look at my notes let’s stand over here and just admire this monstrosity of a mess while i have a look at my notes over

Here on the other screen and try and work out how long that is uh one two three four five six seven and then a step they’re not double pistons as well are they no that’s just they’re not so it was one two three four five six seven including the corner

Okay so let’s have a look see what i’ve built should really be using my scaffolding more one two three four five six seven so i’ve got cut these in two off there we go um let’s get some scaffold going this is definitely going to help me with uh climbing up on this thing

I can get up the top and work on it in places right yep yep yep yep definitely looks like a some sort of weird contraption right now so the up the ends here need some dodgy looking stone contraption thing as well because we need to go one like

That because we need another little stair case at the end here of blocks this time uh it’s a good job i brought plenty of these with me oops dropped it and redstone oh do i need one yeah i probably will need one on the top there so i did that and then

Knock that one out there it with that bit of let that block go ah there it is waste not one up right so that’s all got to be covered in redstone so do that start with right i’ve got to go dye my hair see you all later

Oh you die you’re here right you cat that’s something i’ve i’ve learned about you i didn’t know that bless you though and thank you for coming in to chat and having a having a talk with me it’s been lovely having you and i can’t wait to speak to you again

Right let’s get these along here so that’s probably the right seems awfully long without any repeaters on it but that’s what i’ve drawn so who we got left in chat i don’t know if mr geeky’s still out there um christ still out there who else is there it’s getting quieter in chat

Um now i’m gonna need more ah fantastic mr geeky lovely to have you still there i need up i need a lot of pistons to go on this wall one two three four five five wide by one two three four five six six high that’s 30 isn’t it

See i went to school did maps 30 pistons how many can i make one that’s a fantastic start why can i only make one i’ve got iron i’ve got redstone i’ve got planks uh you’re working on your eyelet and not really chassis that’s fine that’s no problem um cobblestone uh yeah cobblestone

Short of cobblestone right i will go over to let’s just go by the various chests and have a look see what i’ve got in the word cobble it’s funny i talked about making a cobblestone generator at one point there we go a couple of stacks of cobble

I always wondered whether it was worth making a cobblestone generator or not it’s one of those things you go do loads of mining you can end up collecting so much cobble anyway and you’ve got like think to yourself well maybe i should just like do that anyway well that’s 14

Pistons i’ve got uh so limiting factor is iron there now let’s put some more iron in my inventory they gave me another two so what’s my limiting factor now appears to be wood now i’ve run out of something else again i run out of cupboard stone again my god 17. um

Wow gonna need a lot more cobble i have to see what i can cobble together i might actually have to make a cobblestone generator really didn’t think i was going to need that much maybe not because i’ve got these slabs and i’ve got the joy of being able to double them up again

Also got a lot of cobblestone steps which i can combine i’ve never run out of room in my inventory oh let’s put the saplings away what was that sounded like a child crying like a baby that fox how you getting on with your island mr geeky

I know you’re is this the one where you’re building all the challenges isn’t that i believe see i have been watching um it’s like a puzzle island i seem to remember if that’s what if i remember correctly anyway i don’t know about you but i always struggle sometimes i have enough time to

Actually watch everyone’s episodes i don’t know if that’s something that you have because you work full time don’t you and well i was what was working full time till the end of august september when i got made unemployed it’s been a bit of a bummer more of them

Let’s chuck that on the floor for now or more of them let’s put them in there for now really well we just keep adding more and more the mini games are getting better and i’ve been working on the economy and the law side of it this evening oh that’s interesting

And something people don’t really talk about isn’t it the law side of minecraft and what’s going to be in the game how that stuff’s going to work it’s me 27 uh still short uh 27 that’ll give me more than i need 32 that’s a good start

Yeah i am the same there’s a lot more video streams that i want to watch but just don’t find the time to watch them you’d think with me not working i’d have time to watch stuff as well but i actually don’t uh now these have got to be

On the inside of these yeah that’s right so i’m going to start there and get a row in first like so and then i’ll just hop up on the chain or i can actually put it on the use the redstone as a way of getting up there

That’s not where i wanted that to go oh i mean scaffolding pesky stuff nope i don’t want to go down oh that worked that’s all right okay bit more scaffolding oh i gotta like jump and shift at the same time get it into place to where you want it

I can’t remember him in a while so i don’t think then he goes on that one because that’s yeah that’s too far over but we want them on one two three four and i need a fifth one on there and then hoping they’re all going to end up in my hoppers

Yep and there like that and then should be able to fill in the rest of this wall ah why does it do that it’s like it must know which way round i want to have them you know what be easier doing that goodness sake so have you got a recruiting system

Because that’s what i was going to ask you about because there’s been a lot of people talking about oh how do i become part of the whole uh geeky island thing i guess you must get loads of people asking to join now that you’re getting lots of

Lots of videos out and they know you’re building a world so are you finding that quite challenging because i think i would find that challenging myself constantly having people saying oh can i join can i join not that i have that right now been fortunate so far

It’s a block i don’t think one goes there now i don’t gonna have one under there are we can i see the oh look at that i can see the redstone there there we go that’s 30 pistons on the side that’s one wall done and oh i’ve got enough

Of these that i can put on the front can i jump and reach that yep there we go so this will be the front face of the blocks and these will be designed to break yeah so they’ll be breaking the leaves effectively i think what i might actually do is i

Might actually strip these as well because it’s going to give it like this coppery rusty color on the outside and at least to be able to distinguish these from the logs which are going to be pushed out it’s a good way of like identifying them as being something different

There we go it’s got these big red blocks there’s been a few to be fair i look for people that have proven to me that they are mature good people and can bring something to the island oh that’s cool they update me on the farm all right okay so um

This is one side of the leaf crushing mechanism which is going into place so we’ve got redstone running along the sides of those and we’ve got this big wall of what is now stripped acacia i’m just going to do that now if i’m lucky i i only broke this last time didn’t i

Um how can i simulate it working someone like see that wall moves or not let me button go i haven’t got my button anymore i have to make another button actually put it down somewhere right so if i press that there we go that whole wall moves forward

Like so and that will crush that side still needs the elevator upside for the rest of those pistons but that whole wall is extended which is good and the only reason it hasn’t gone back is i think i’m supposed to stand on this or something can’t remember there we go

I need to break that up and just fix that again there might not be one that’s supposed to be under there actually i can’t remember how it was i think there was supposed to be one under there yeah and these end up sitting forward one because the clip the pulse is so

Quick that they end up always sitting in this position sat forward one because the tree’s gonna grow here and it’s right up against those blocks which is quite happy to do but it just stops the the leaves growing and stuff so that’s that side there’s a whole mechanism that needs to go on

This end but i think what i’ll do is try and work on this side we’re a bit low on redstone yeah that’s 17 bits of redstone now which is a real limit temptation limitation because i’m probably gonna need another two or three stacks of it just to get that done um

Now how i suppose what i should do first is build the elevator section the redstone elevator up the side on this side um i should really stop looking at my notes and go to sleep or get a creeper over here so this side will be built with yeah so this like step

Mechanism going up using slabs which is a little bit easier because it is literally only using slabs i’m just gonna like convert the rest of these because they’re like i think i’ve got tons of them around here anyway let’s make a big pile of slabs there we go

And also i haven’t heard back from um from silky so i think we’ve properly offended her tonight which is sad because i was only having a laugh i don’t know what happened there i’m just there that one goes there i think do i need i probably do need one up there

I’m not sure that gets there that goes there let’s hop on there there and there so that should extend all of those backwards and forwards now now the stone crushing mechanism oops mechanism on this side works by running off of these signals that are going up and it will go out and

Around the side and forms this bit here so i think it’s supposed to be one of these on each level i think that’s the way it works like so this is the signal feeding it uh where’s my because it was something weird about the top because i don’t yeah oh yeah that’s

Right because you don’t do that don’t do the top one i knew there was something weird so if you do the top one although it would be in the right place the problem is is that oh by now don’t worry thanks for coming by yeah if you have

Um the slabs come around this way it’s too long a signal and it doesn’t it doesn’t work right so i’m gonna stand on here break that fall down grab that one pop back on there which means that my slab goes there and there this time grab that thank you don’t lose that then

Let’s knock these out the way because they’re going to be in the wrong place a redstone signal comes up there and needs to go out and along that way so there’ll be a block there decided to make yourself some armor really you’ve been doing all this without armor good god man be crazy

Can’t believe that uh look at there there there so that’s the start of the wall it’s gonna go this way so this should go as long as that one why didn’t i pick them all up there we go hmm is that that closer than it should be

Now because that wooden block should ah that’s probably why this has not been working right and one more on there because that one oh no give me that back yeah it’s very important not to use planks there should be a piston there and then this one goes on the front

There and i think that’s what brings the redstone signal up somehow into the dispenser not sure not sure i can’t remember how it works there’s there’s some like really quirkiness about that how it works uh okay let’s let’s put these on here build out our redstone

Lines which are going to come along here to there like so and then they need to be covered in redstone dust like so here okay down a couple i think that gives me the right height and i’m about to run out of redstone again there we go real lack of redstone

So not only am i out of redstone oops oop didn’t mean to do that i’m gonna break the whole thing now i’m out of redstone and i’m gonna need to go cave in to get it because i’ve got nowhere else to get it from which is not good

I’m going to put these on there because they’re just going to make it easier for me to get up there and build plus it actually looks like it’s got some structure now as well it wasn’t really the intention i wanted to like build up one up there like that thank you

Just to make my life easier climbing on top of it how do you know how to make this without photos of anything well i got the general idea in my head of how it’s supposed to work then what i did was make loads of notes from mumbo’s video

On how to do it so these bits like there’s elements i guess that i’ve sort of put in together i knew i had to bring this out here this signal and it went into two repeaters because that’s what i put in my notes and then that there was a a redstone ladder

A redstone ladders are always made using slabs of redstone on top like that so that i can send the signal up and it just so happens it lines up with where set blocks so if you power this redstone here it powers that piston but it also powers that block with the piston underneath

It so that powers that column and then the the um leaf crushing mechanism has got to be set back one behind there so i sort of like just drew a picture of this and that’s what i’m sort of working to so sort of like a little sketch and then

I can sort of like work out what i’m doing as i go along so this side is going to be the same instead of the ladder being here like facing me here this ladder around here is on the inside going up the inside of those and then i just made a note reminding

Myself that i had to take the redstone signal from that slag around the corner rather than that top one over here because the signal would just be too far away to go around uh because the redstone signal will only go so far until it goes weak it’s 15

Blocks or something like that i think it just about gets to the end i can’t remember i’ll have to check it at the end um when i get around this side um these are going to need repeat the redstone is going to go into these blocks

And you sort of get a free block movement but it does mean i’m going to read the repeater on the inside of these to power the section of pistons that are going to be on here because the wood’s going to get pushed in this direction towards me here so

The idea is with the timing is this piston under here pushes forward activating this redstone repeater boosting the signal this chain of pistons here get pushed first pushing the the logs in that direction and while they’re pushing forward these side walls collapse in and collapse and then come out again

Destroying all the leaves and these saplings fall in here um me being mumbo’s dead no definitely not there’s i think he’s in his 30s and i’m in my 40s so i’d have been quite young to have had him so but then my backgrounds engineering computing writing computer software doing electronics

Um so yeah i’ve probably glossed over that all really quickly but i do sort of understand the print the basic principles of how the stuff works um there’s the little thingy what’s it work now it doesn’t do what i thought you would do because i can see that clock running but

I’m sure that’s supposed to power that there’s some sort of weird bug powering but i don’t know how that see there’s little bits i don’t understand like i know that power is supposed to come to there but i don’t get how it powers this this dropper or this dispenser because it would be

That there’s just this air space here which is what you would normally be powering unless it’s supposed to power the piston above i just i don’t know i’m confused i’m going to be interested to see how that bit works when i actually get there i have to come on because i’ve only

Like watched this video i’ve not actually i’ve built one of these before but i just built it to the drawing and then made notes which is why i’m working to this one like this um smart guys well i guess it’s just practice i’m just gonna put all this stuff

Actually i might use those sticky pistons around here i put that there one there does this thing actually work with the pistons in place no because you’re supposed to hear it going really confused i’m gonna have to work out how that works so i can explain to you all what it does

But yeah hmm is it sending a signal through the sapling it’s a point where’s the sapling this is firing and it’s supposed to like obviously not because you’re supposed to just hold your right key down and the sapling goes and it should be like bone milling it to death

Obviously not i think i must have something missing maybe there’s more redstone around here than i thought there was maybe there’s supposed to be stomach underneath underneath this maybe that’s supposed to have a block under it oh let’s have a let’s have a look um no there’s definitely nothing under it

It’s just fed with a hopper the piston is underneath the dirt block and that redstone goes in there no i don’t i i don’t have to do anything to make it grow it’s what i’m confused by because i thought maybe you know what i’m thinking maybe it doesn’t work in 115.

Ooh that could that could be scary maybe this whole concept doesn’t actually work in 115 anymore maybe i do need to power that redstone into the back of the hopper which means i need to find another direction to bring this in i think that i think that might be the case haven’t

Got enough redstone on me to try it out right now um because what i would have to do is put that there where’s the slab slab would go well the slab would go on top of this one i would go now needs to go up that bit

How do i get let’s get a block let’s get block let’s put a block under there is either fake or did i do it wrong well i i could have done it wrong that’s always the option oh don’t know where that bit of wood went that disappeared redstone there and there

What i need is i need just one piece of redstone i’ll have to nick it off of here if i put that there that signal will go round up and into there let’s see what happens there we go that was it and we’ve run out of bone marrow there we go

Wait what what wait what yep it it did a thing oh it’s a little messy now how did the tree grow well the tree grew because it was surrounded by other woods so it didn’t mind that’s not supposed to be in there oh god this looks a bit of a mess um

How did that get over there that’s not supposed to be in there that’s no that’s not supposed to be in there at all right up to my pickaxe there it is yeah i sort of made a bit a bit of a mess of it in the process

Of testing it there it should be there um stop taking my pickaxe away let’s grab that out of there that obviously got pushed forward i got a feeling that should be further back yeah i think it’s um there’s a bug with but you can see the general concept it definitely pushes the wood

Forward and you can see on this side that the leaves have been broken how did the tree go i’m confused it shouldn’t my brain is squished well no the reason the tree grows is because you can plan to next to each other and it will quite happily grow because it’s surrounded by logs

If it’s surrounded by other other items it won’t grow and because this is all log which is why i’ve been making these out of luck there’s a bit of log stuck in there as well because i’ve been making all these the fronts of these pistons out of logs that’s why they’re growing

Oh dear oh oh dear what happened here oh something um that doesn’t look good um seem to have uh pushed the back of the leaf cutter out by looks of it it’s well yeah it’s because i haven’t finished it oopsie um all in the um in the aid of uh science

And experimentation of course so i need to put one of them back in there i guess the redstone is broken in there as well they’re all okay yeah it’s a complex little beastie it’s never as easy as you think it’s gonna be right that’s the leaf car back on there

Did you make a flying machine yeah i have made flying machines i’ve not really done a lot of them they like confused me a little bit more because they rely on like weird powering of things that the right place because that tree’s there yeah they would be in the right place

They do go there these normally get stuck in that position i’ll get up there and clear that off the top because that’s the other thing we do is when we’re doing spruce trees because they can grow so tall we need to get rid of a box slab up here which will

Stop the trees growing too tall when this stuff all despawns but yeah i mean i will actually be planning on doing some flying machines at some point it’s the when i do a kelp farm that’s one of the things i’m gonna do so when these leaves all get broken the

Idea is is that all these get like thrown out and then they get picked up down here by the hoppers and they all end up back in this chest over there so you can collect more and then put them in uh so one of the one of the other things i don’t have

Is a lot of bone meal for driving this because this is gonna eat bone meal so around the back this is why i’m bringing these like big machines together this could be like a big industrial block of stuff so we’ve got this iron farm which i’ve been afk at and

I’ve got two and a half stacks vine just while i’ve been next to it and the idea is going to be that behind this i want to put a mob spawner and hopefully i’ll be close enough to it or maybe i put the mob spawner on this side

So i’m really close to it and the mobs fall out of the the mob spawner get killed and then part of it will filter out the bone mill or the bones and the bones will come over here to another chest i can convert them to

Bone meal and then i can put them back in another chest and they’ll go back around and fill the system up so we’ve got a supplier bone meal going into this to grow trees so we’ve got zombie flesh and all of that stuff wood supply iron supplier and that’s

This will be the foundations of what’s used to build all these buildings around here and build this city up into a massive city and i think a cobblestone generator is also going to be one of the things i’m going to need um i’m making mine at a skeleton spawner

That is very close to my base see that’s what i was hoping for but i only had a zombie spawner over there on that pa but underneath that post and there’s no skinny spawners nearby so i’d even have to relocate all of this somewhere else or i’ve got to get the skeleton

Production being done locally and what i’m hoping to do is when this becomes a server i’m going to make this the spawn area where i like in the middle here somewhere where people will spawn into the middle of the city and they can buy materials or whatever

But this will be spawn chunk protected because this would be my base in the middle of the spawn chunk basically my world and then people will be able to go out and build worlds and designs and do whatever they want else around me in the distance but this is why i’m

Getting this stuff going first and i don’t make a flickering generator dig or use villagers or something well yeah i mean this is why using stuff like this i mean that’s really high speed redstone um it’s not something you really want to go afk after a long period of time

Right i am going to go off and do some redstone mining now and i’ve done two hours 20 with my mumbo head on and i’m getting very achy now so i just want to say thank you very much for watching yet again um it’s been a pleasure having you all in chat um

It’s a real shame that silky disappeared and that mr geeky had to go off as well but that’s how it is um i really hope you enjoyed yourself christ and i’ll be around again tomorrow afternoon what’s tomorrow thursday and not sure what time i’m streaming on friday

Oh x is on is he right okay then let’s sort out a raid then shall we uh what i need to do is no i don’t need that i just need to bring up a program so i can open my browser there we go because the raid tool is in my browser

There’s only you but we can radium anyway why not am i following uh it doesn’t look like you’ve got many people on there anyway okay let’s start the raid thanks very much love for seeing you and have fun see you later well i guess we’re gonna have to try and

Find out it’s probably the thing since i don’t know foreign

This video, titled ‘⛏ Minecraft Stream LIve’, was uploaded by Gamy Guys on 2020-09-11 14:09:50. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:54 or 8094 seconds.

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    STEALING IRON in MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures: Day 1 – The Quest for Iron Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a thrilling day in the world of Minecraft! Our intrepid player, Contxt, is on a mission to find iron. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, the adventure begins. Setting Out As Contxt ventures into the vast, blocky landscape, the possibilities are endless. From towering mountains to lush forests, every corner holds the promise of discovery. The hunt for iron is on, and nothing will stand in the way! Challenges Await Exploring caves and tunnels, Contxt encounters a variety of challenges. From hostile… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Marathon: 6400 Hours Revealed!

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  • Insane One Block Minecraft Challenge!

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  • Unbelievable Secrets Inside ASMRcraft

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  • Epic ATM 9 Adventure: Conquering Modium, Warden, and Thermal Series

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  • New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!

    New Vanilla SMP with Crazy Twists!Video Information This video, titled ‘The First Vanilla SMP Since Lifesteal’, was uploaded by Jack Squared on 2024-03-07 02:03:25. It has garnered 1293 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #smp Discord: https://discord.gg/wRTU6uXqD3 Tags: Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!

    EPIC Showdown: NOOB vs HACKER in DOGDAY Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge!’, was uploaded by Benny and Meggy on 2024-03-16 18:44:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated In a DOGDAY Build Challenge! (Poppy Playtime) Benny and Meggy compete in a Minecraft Build … Read More

  • Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾

    Ultimate scandal at hololive EN afterparty! 🐾Video Information This video, titled ‘【#ホロドロケイ2024】fuzzy HERO THIEF afterparty 🐾【MOCOCO POV】’, was uploaded by FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-05-02 12:16:34. It has garnered 46632 views and 5398 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:27 or 3567 seconds. let’s play one more time together!! ✨ Minecraft skins by @aozane 💕 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms). (∪・ω・∪ ♡:::::::::::::::::♡ ∪・ω・∪) #FUWAMOCO (Streams) #FWMCpix (Fanart) #helpFWMC (Requests, Assets, Q&A) #lilFWMC (Clips) #FWMCbeats (Music) #FWMCwww (Memes) #FWMCMORNING (Variety Show) ≪TWITTER≫ https://twitter.com/fuwamoco_en @FUWAMOCOch ≪(∪・ω・∪三∪・ω・∪)≫ ≪CREDITS≫ BGM: solfa Opening: pre_sktch Stinger: コールスローイ… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in Minecraft

    Ultimate Showdown: PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-10 08:00:33. It has garnered 970 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. PILLAGER ARMY vs ALL MOBS ARMY in Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod,… Read More

  • INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!

    INSANE Render Test Reveal from UnknownBG!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Render Test. Tell me if these are good :D’, was uploaded by UnknownBG on 2024-03-13 05:49:35. It has garnered 179 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bridge #montage #bedwars #montage #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #mmc #minemen #4k #4kvideo #swrz #DualEast #iusehuzuni #ricefarmer11 #FADIC #minemanner #straight #texturepack #hypixel #fidy #averalls #kza #abstractperson #minecraftpvp #minecraftmontage Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft… Read More

  • SkyGens PVE 1.20-1.20.4 Brand New SkyBlock

    Welcome to Skygens! Custom Enchants! Acquire unique enchants through quests or enchantment tables! Minions! Customize and upgrade minions with more skins coming soon! New Server! Enjoy frequent updates, ensuring fresh content! Free Ranks! Ascend through the ranks simply by playing! Staff Needed! Join our team as a builder, developer, or moderator! Pet System! Collect and train pets to assist you on your island adventures! play.theblind5.com 1.20+ Port: 25565 Read More

  • MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」

    MINEBLAZE // 「 Hack any cases /free (1.8-1.20) // take your HELICOPTER 」 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mind-blowing find in Minecraft!!!

    Looks like this meme just hit the jackpot! Looks like mining for diamonds isn’t the only valuable discovery in Minecraft! Read More

  • Villager Iron Man: Machine Repair Fiasco | Ep229

    Villager Iron Man: Machine Repair Fiasco | Ep229 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks abound, Our favorite news reporter, with rhymes that astound. Villager Iron Man Machine, is it in need of repair? Join the adventure, with Bucket’s flair. Subscribe to the channel, for updates galore, In InstantSMP, there’s always more. The latest episode, with a twist in the tale, Watch as Bucket’s rhymes never fail. From the opening scene to the final shot, Every moment captured, every detail sought. With editing finesse and music to match, Bucket’s storytelling skills never detach. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • “Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero” 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs

    "Blaze or Dog: The Fiery Furry Hero" 🔥🐶 #MinecraftLaughs When you can’t decide between having a loyal companion or a fiery protector in Minecraft, so you end up with a dog riding a blaze into battle. Talk about a dynamic duo! #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft!

    Outrageous Class Talent Show in Minecraft! Minecraft: Class 61 Performance Schedule【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! In this channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content, viewers can immerse themselves in a world free from any elements that may impact their health and safety. About the Channel Greetings, everyone! I am Block Pavilion, a creator in the realm of Minecraft. I specialize in crafting hilarious and entertaining Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter. This channel is the one and only official channel of Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are unauthorized… Read More

  • Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA

    Stretching My Limits in Minecraft AMA Minecraft: A Game That Keeps Growing 🏌️‍♂️ Are you a fan of Minecraft? If so, you’re not alone! This popular game continues to captivate players around the world with its endless possibilities and engaging gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a harsh virtual world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Exploring the World of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are dropped into a vast, blocky world where they can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their imagination can conjure. The game’s open-ended nature allows for endless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Key Features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!

    Insane Minecraft Quest: Get 500M RF!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2024-05-25 22:00:01. It has garnered 19714 views and 700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:19 or 2479 seconds. Minecraft Sky Revolutions | 500,000,000 RF FOR AN INGOT! #14 [Modded Questing Skyblock] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Sky Bees 2 | A DIFFERENT KIND OF SKYBLOCK! #1: https://youtu.be/lHV7xvXMjvo ★Watch Live On Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamingoncaffeine ★Support the channel on Patreon & get access to all the GOC Patreon servers: https://www.patreon.com/GOC ★Join the GOC Discord: https://discord.gg/goc Sky Revolutions Mod… Read More