EPIC Minecraft Games LIVE with Viewers – must see!

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[Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] A All right yo H harties and welcome to the stream how is everybody doing hello foozy hello will 7305 I immediately ran out of breath there geez I should have taken a deeper breath right okay I’m going to turn on our background music before it gets too

Quiet there we go you guys should be able to hear it now right I hope everyone’s doing well I hope everyone’s doing good it’s going to be a nice relaxed stream today we’re not like we’re not doing any big projects or anything like that I just want to play

Play some mini games and if you want to join put your username in chat you know how it goes just add you to the party and everything unfortunately we are on MCC Island which does have a really annoying party limit of just four people and of course one of

Those people is me as well so there there’s always one that is taken up and that’s really annoying that’s really annoying when there’s like it’s it’s really annoying how there’s only four people allowed in a party here cuz unfortunately it does mean that we do occasionally need to clear the party if

There’s like not enough people and everything I mean I have a feeling this stream’s going to be quiet cuz everyone’s got exams and everything people are revising they’re not really looking at YouTube there’s generally an actual like decrease you can notice it I’ve done streaming long enough to um be

Able to pick up on Trends and everything and there is a trend where around this time of year you will actually see a decrease in viewership and everything just because people people are busy people are revising and everything you don’t get as many people hello Leandra

Welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well I need to turn my own audio down there we go right I don’t think anyone’s joining the party yet I know that there’s a few people joining the stream late it’s like um busy month it seems yeah I mean like

People have got exams and everything uh I’m terrified of tg’s creation on KSP what’s he made on KSP also I need to get back on KSP I haven’t played it in like an extremely long time the thing is I kind of played KSP 2 then went H kind of

Sucked and then just stopped and I haven’t really been on either of the main games it’s one of those things where it’s like I’ll play it for a bit and I get really obsessed with a bit or I get really obsessed with it for a bit

And then like I just stop and and I don’t play it for months and then I’ll get back into it and play it for months again I sent it to you right let me let me take a quick look at what this is that is a bit

Insane that’s a bit insane you know what if you’re in the Discord maybe put it in there just so that people on chat know right okay so um I don’t think anyone’s joining the party I know that there’s a few people that should be joining the stream later I’m not sure if Knight’s

Turning up but I know that um foozy should be turning up here however he said he he sent a message to me saying that he’s going to be late so I don’t think he’s actually here until like 4:30 or something hello I’m back okay night

Is here I was I was just saying that I don’t know if um you were going to turn up welcome to the stream though night how’s it going I hope you’re doing well uh back from baking what were you baking you never messaged me back I like your

Discord bio said baking I messag you saying like oh what are you baking and you never messaged you never messaged everyone is slowly appearing ing back I mean yeah it’s just how it goes on the streams Like These Quiet streams um like around this time of year um rice krispy

Cakes ooh I have not had one of those in a really long time yeah um so I wasn’t on my phone I mean it was saying you on do not disturb not offline so something was on you were on Discord somewhere but um yeah so around this

Sort of time the streams tend to be a bit quieter towards the start and everything and then like just slowly throughout people will turn up but like in some ways it is nice as well cuz the chat isn’t moving too fast it’s nice and

Easy to talk to you guys and like we we just get to have a nice casual conversation and everything right 10 out of 12 players come on come on start the game soon please come on there the one problem with oh there’s only four people in this Lobby this the

There the other problem with um MCC Island it’s a bit of a small server in fact so um it’s it’s only at about like 500 players online which means if we had a full party in this we would actually make up a decent percentage of the people on MCC Island at this moment

Hello oh gosh how do I say that rookin I don’t know I really hope I’ve said that correctly I’m sorry if I haven’t uh but welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well hello Mr Sun as well how are you doing I

Hope you’re doing well as well this this is what I mean people like they’ll turn up throughout the stream uh oh great TNT time this is the worst modifier for the worst map like not even joking this is my least favorite map and I know that

It’s um it’s a few of the people on the snp’s least favorite map as well it’s like Buzzy cones and I we both really hate this map that was stupid we both really hate this map because it’s just I don’t know it doesn’t even look that great it’s it like there’s nothing

There’s nothing stand out on it uh MCC is on Bedrock since when is it on Bedrock I mean currently I’m on Java this is this is Java is it on Bedrock if so that that’s actually kind of cool I didn’t know that they had a Bedrock server if that’s true um

Move oh dang it I just punched them forward that help oh Jesus Christ oh I’m so sorry my cat just jumped down off of my bed and like landed on the window still um hello yeah if you didn’t know my bed’s um a High bed which is what I mean like the bed’s

Actually above me I don’t know if you can hear that that’s me tapping the bed uh no knew anything on bedrocks sly oh it would be cool if they had a Bedrock so but hello Bella um are you are you trying to get in the way did I wake you

Up from sleeping Bella is this what I did did I wake you up from sleeping yes this is MCC Island this is this this a Minecraft server and everything yes yeah right okay can I get on with the stream without you hitting my mouse uh I

Thought you were on Bedrock for a sec there no no no this is this job and I’ve fallen that was pathetic I’m going to blame it on the fact that my cat’s right here next to my Mouse I mean the cat’s not doing anything but I can turn it

Into an excuse so I will hello no don’t try and headbutt me you’re not the headbutt cat like spotnik’s the one that likes headbutts I’ve dropped off at the wrong place yeah my cat is currently um trying to be a bit of an inconvenience right can’t move can’t

Move where the hell are we going okay forward right and that person fell um you can go go on off you go right let’s just block that off quickly no my cat is walking in the way of the screen I cannot see don’t headbutt the microphone as well that

Probably sounds really awful hold on right no I can’t there we go okay that was okay um right oh gosh ah Bella stop kicking things yes hello you’re a cute cat okay you’re a cute cat is that what you want to hear yes you’re a very cute cat you’ve started purring that’s quite

Rare you don’t Pur that often well not around me anyway yeah this is Bella um she doesn’t meow either all my cats are quite silent uh only if bedrock was allowed to add server you can add servers you’re able to add servers to bedrock although if

It’s a Java server then yeah it won’t work um even with a cat on your desk you still came eth eth is not good in this there’s only like 16 people I’m pretty sure there’s only 12 in This Server so yeah eighth is not great um hello Bella yes I know you’re Here cats are wonderful aren’t they they they just like they sit here and they don’t want any attention from you and then as soon as you can’t give them attention that’s when they really want it oh dang it it was early birds I didn’t even realize that oh there’s one

There there we go sixth place yes hello am I I don’t want to have to like kick you out the room but like if you if you get in the way too much I will need to look there there’s other people downstairs you can go and talk to them

Or are you just going to stay here on my desk you are just going to stay here on my desk anyone in the chat got cats I know that Knight has a cat anyone else or or is like most my chat dog people I do

Tend to find that my my my streams have a lot of um people that prefer dogs on them uh they got rid of that feature uh for consoles uh if bedrock has PC wait so you can’t add server on Console huh I didn’t really know cuz I I I haven’t actually played console

Minecraft in ages um it’s like I’ve been on bedro but I haven’t been on console edition uh what are their names what the cats um right there I have two you have two cats oh what are their names I want to I want to know the names oh that’s

What Knight was saying about what are their names uh Bedrock on PC you can but on Console you can’t really dude that sucks that absolutely sucks why is it like that that’s so annoying Rex and Connor oh no I I have Bella who is on my

Desk here um you’re the fat one you are a very fat cat it’s like I’ve got a very I’ve got a very wide spectrum of cats here so I’ve got Bella she is mostly black other than like a little white patch on her belly um and on the the front of her chest

Like two very faint white patches um then there is Sputnik who is Bella’s sister not sister brother Bella’s the sister sputnik’s the brother um Sputnik is a very big cat but not fat like he’s just he’s just a huge cat it’s like if you if you took a normal cat and scaled

It up that’s what spotnik is he’s just a really big cat he’s like s Kil in fact yeah he is 7 kilos last time went to the vet um they weighed him and they’re like yeah he’s a seven kilo cat he’s quite big so um yeah spun spun’s a very big

Cat and uh Bella’s brother and then we have um what’s his name so I don’t know how I forgot the name of him it’s cuz we never always um called him his name because essentially socks he was a stray cat um and we ended up adopting him

Except he looked a lot like my old cat that had just died before he started turning up so um socks originally had the name ghost cat until we realized that like he was actually probably as stray took him to the vet and found out like he had an owner but the only

Clearly hasn’t cared about him in a long time um so we adopted the cat and that’s how we got socks so socks is not related to the other two and is actually a bit older yet he is the smallest um I think he’s only around like 4 kilos or

Something cuz he’s extremely skinny and um like very small in general he’s quite a small cat um but he is very cute and also very painful as well it’s like he’s the most aggressive out of them and he’s got extremely sharp claws so yeah you don’t want to really mess with him also

Hello J&R welcome to the stream how’s it going hope you’re doing well and hello Clan Clan I don’t think I actually said hi to you I’m sorry Clan Clan I I saw you in chat I read your message and I didn’t actually say hi this queue is um

Not working I’m going to leave the queue and then see if I can get into a bigger one must wait 10 seconds right well what I wait am I going to need to let Bella out the room she’s jumped off the desk okay yes my cat wants to get out the room Right I am back and now Bella is gone which is mildly unfortunate I mean it means that I can play without a cat like con see nudging my arm and everything okay 9 out of 12 that’s that’s a bit better um what are you guys talking about we’re talking

About cats um we’re talking about how I have three cats um one of them was just on the desk here and uh who was it was it clam clan that had two cats or was it um will wait who was it that had two cats clam Clan clown Clan had two cats

And then Knight has a cat as well uh my cat is only 1.5 really I’ve seen your cat y there is no way that lunar is only 1.5 kilos there there is no way that your cat is only 1 what are you sure that’s correct is that

Like an old measurement how recent is that measurement it’s just small yeah I mean I know she’s small cuz I pointed out how small she is like especially for a maincoon and everything but like that seems really small like extremely small all right get off no oh that was calmer I

Guess uh 2 weeks ago really okay I genuinely thought your C was um bigger than that right okay um anyway let me at least somewhat finish this map okay all right I can just jump off of here there we go and fourth wait what really fourth I thought I was much

Later than that also my music Feels Like It’s oddly quiet like not quiet just really calm like isn’t there normally music like it it feels really calm for some reason when mcci normally doesn’t have that feeling um if the tiny cats act like that uh then it’s more of just a furry

Chihuahua what like aggressive was I um right uh I’m hearing about cats yes we we are talking about uh cats four that’s lucky what what we oh wait oh in in place how do I always forget what happens 2 seconds prior on stream uh speaking of the devil my cat just jumped

Up on my lamp I love when cats do that none of my cats are really lamp cats other than Bella sorry I need a drink there like Bella’s Bella’s a bit of lap cat she she likes um she likes going and sitting on people although um she never

Used to be she used to be quite a like solitary um thing kind of like scows at everyone and didn’t really look like she ever wanted attention um and then just like slowly over time she’s moved more towards sitting on people although um I never already sits on my mom my mom is

Just like a cat whisperer um for some reason if if there is a cat the cat will like my mom a lot um so yeah now my my old cat as well um who we literally just called catf face uh that was that was like literally what we called him um he

He was a bit of a lab cat as well he was a lot like Sputnik actually sputnik’s kind of like a Reincarnation of cat face cuz like cat face was a big cat as well cat face was quite heavy um cat the cat face yeah yeah my my cat was called

Cat face well that wasn’t his official name um so we we got him from someone and the thing is that person had called him Brutus and Brutus is just not a name for a cat I’m sorry like just don’t call your cat Brutus it’s not a name for a

Cat um and it didn’t fit him at all so we were like right well I I wasn’t even born at this point the cat was older than me um but we were like right um so well my mom was like uh yeah that’s not a name fitting for a cat so um ended

Up going with the name cat Bas uh where the hell am I supposed to be going I don’t know what I I hate this map I have played this map once and I absolutely hate it cuz it’s just all purely luck I I don’t like it I don’t like the maps

That are just luck where it’s like oh you got to pick the right door cuz that one isn’t right just obviously and that one as well just you know really really fun thing there when there’s absolutely no skill involved at all and it’s all just pure luck um right uh more like a

Chunky cat name or or maybe just an orange one yeah it didn’t it didn’t fit the cat um so my parents were like right well we need to call him something else and then the name catf face just came around I don’t know how but um yeah the

Name cat face came around and that was that was it that was what cat face was called from then on um although I think on his microchip he may still have been um he may still have been Brutus I think I’m not entirely sure but um he he was a

Very cute cat I I miss him he he was cute he was also um he was much more of a chatty cat he would walk in you would immediately know it’s like he he comes into the house and you immediately know that he’s there cuz it’s like he he just

Starts meowing um it feels like 90% of orange cats that I see are always rather wide I haven’t actually seen too many ginger cats there’s not many ginger cats around where I live and there is one um and it used to invade my house what was

Oh what was that cat’s name I ended up finding out the name of that cat there are two people in this Lobby sorry other person in the lobby I’m going to leave and we’re going to find a different game because this is not working lasagna G

But yeah I mean yeah but um no like what was that cat’s name I don’t actually know I can’t remember and that’s actually really annoying me I really want to remember what that cat’s name is I I don’t remember it dang it but um yeah that was that was a really skinny

Cat that um really liked cuddles like literally just walked into my house and we were like you’re not our cat and it just came over and begged for attention except except now now it doesn’t like me I don’t know why I’ve seen it a few times since and it just doesn’t like me

Anymore it just runs away I’m like why I gave you attention like he was really affectionate before um uh I actually have a reason why my cat is called Lun oh my God my cat does that my cat does what like invade other people’s houses I don’t think that I

Don’t think that’s quite it um Dino ball oh wait we could play that we’ll play that later actually dinal will play later just because um because uh like it’s it’s a new game I’ve played it once and I’ve got 100% win ratio on it and I

Don’t want to ruin it so I’m going to put off ruin it um right anyway hugging right okay that’s I think most cats do that actually actually maybe not most cats anyway um sorry I’ve completely lost track of what the stream’s doing um is anyone joining is there is there

Anyone that wants to join the party cuz currently we don’t have a party so if if you do want to hop on just like username in the chat and everything we can add you to the party I’m fortunately there’s only a limit of um four people in an MCC

Party however I don’t think we have that many people on the stream so yeah um that would have been such a cool reason though uh oh what did you get them on a lunar or Clips um I don’t actually know why you called your cat Luna I I genuinely don’t remember why

Okay is called Luna night I you’ve told me before but I actually don’t remember um I’m just going to go to bed have fun good night J&R thank you for turning up it’s nice having you here um right anyway so there is someone is someone uh

Joining or am I going into another round by myself what what’s happening I don’t know I don’t know how many people are even interested in MCC um not going to join mcci it gives me rage fair enough i i i quite like MC MCC Island I I think

It’s like it’s not the best server on Minecraft but it does have some of the best mini games is what I would say like it it’s got some of the best games that Minecraft has seen like they they are really unique I think um anyway right uh

I’ve been on to get to the other side there’s no people do I do battle box do I do sky battle do I do hole in the wall or do I do Dino ball you know what I’ll let you choose first comment that I see what what game are we doing uh what

Games does it have well it oh yeah and parkour Warrior I completely forgot about that one so it’s got parkour Warrior which is essentially a race um it’s got to get to the other side which is also kind of a race although not as parkour based um you’ve got battle box

Which is um 4 v4s like in a box there’s different kits and everything um but like not overpowered kits or anything they’re all actually fairly balanced uh you have sky battle which is just sky battle everyone knows what sky sky battle is uh you’ve got hole in the wall

Where you need to um jump through all the holes in the wall and you have Dino ball which is a bit confusing I don’t quite understand it uh also found something that Hypixel might have to remove soon who knows o are we allowed to know parkour okay also hello welcome

To the stream Lizzy how are you doing I hope you’re doing well right uh parkour Warrior I am going to be awful at this on stream it’s one of those things as soon as you start streaming something or as soon as you’re doing it in front of

People you get a lot worse at it I mean I always blame it on the fact that I’m trying to read chat as well it’s like the whole time I’m sort of just glancing over looking at chats see if it’s moved or anything so that that’s

My excuse if I’m really bad like guys guys if if I’m really bad at this it’s cuz I’m reading chat definitely it’s not just cuz I’m bad at parkour I did not mean to take that screenshot I do that a lot like you you know all the third person stuff that I

Do in my videos and everything yeah that requires like swapping oh that was free cam that was the wrong button um yeah I I have to like of course Swap and then I also need to turn off my hard except it’s right next to the button that takes a screenshot so I have

Literally hundreds if not thousands of accidental screenshots it’s kind of insane it’s like I had to go through and delete a bunch of them at one point and I need to do it again um right parkour uh right yes found out Microsoft is canceling such removing servers that

Include guns Hypixel has guns in the Blocking Dead um yeah that’s been a that’s been a like concern for a while um that was a much easier way of escaping how have I never found that way out before yeah I mean like they’ve oh it just teleported me yeah that that’s been

That’s been pointed out um for quite a while it’s it’s probably not that big of a concern like genuinely it’s likely not that big Hypixel earns Minecraft money um so if they remove it or if they try and do anything Hypixel is not a server they can really touch that much um

That’s the thing when you get popular enough generally rules don’t apply to you at that point I mean it’s the same with YouTuber or it’s the same with YouTube you have to admit it larger channels are able to get away with a lot more because they earn YouTube money so

Yeah um they removed a GTA server yeah I I remember that happened um it’s like they’ve removed quite a few servers although I doubt Hypixel is in trouble I mean at most what they’ll probably do is just like change the weapons or something like that that’s my assumption

Of what they’ll do anyway right let’s let’s see how well we do in parkour probably not that well why is the round not starting it’s got like such a long cool down and everything need to take another drink yeah oddly enough um talking for 30 minutes straight it’s not that good for

Your mouth dries it out quite a bit Microsoft is being Dum this year yeah they they really are they they are being quite Dum with a lot of their decisions although you know what country country company is um being even more dumb um Disney right now like what on Earth is

Disney doing Disney is losing so much money I don’t know I don’t know who’s heard of that like does anyone know what’s going on with Disney cuz like um Unity Unity as well clearly this is just a year of dumb decisions no Unity Disney and Microsoft all made some fairly dumb

Decisions this year and like Disney is Disney is genuinely losing like nearly million actually no no it’s over millions like they are losing where do I go I don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing oh my God wait how do how do you do this do you just have to wait for

That it just lags dude it just lags oh my God okay I’m actually going to die I’m going to die because I can’t get past this first level who designed this first level this first level SU sucks whoever made this oh my God whoever made

This sucks as a person all of us are actually going to die cuz there’s not even enough time to reach the end even if we dude how do you do this you actually can’t do this one oh my God so many people are going to die cuz even oh my gosh Jesus

Christ oh my God and then they put another one in there oh my gosh no I I don’t even think I can reach the end now even if I did all of this perfectly I don’t think I actually can I genuinely don’t think it’s possible like three hearts I’m going to

Take way too much damage for that oh dang it right I’m dead I’m dead wow wow wow screw that one I hated that one I have never seen that bit of Parkour before but it sucked that one should be removed like genuinely I don’t I don’t like Rage of

Parkour much but like that one was bad that one was bad hello Mr Frankie the spooky as well welcome to the stream how are you doing hope you’re doing well I love that name by the way um shift I mean I was trying to but it’s like you

If you shifted you couldn’t move far enough in the air and then if you move forward You’ just end up walking off the edge uh the company faced open Revol stuff seconding uh someone chat GP wait what’s going on with chat GPT is the hold on so is is chat GP

Being added to the list of um things making dumb decisions this year oh gosh almost failed that right okay let’s go across there we go that was about as perfect as it could have been then get no oh dang it dang it dang it that’s

That’s going to take a serious hit on my time oh gosh I think I can still make it though I I’m still safe I can still make it if I don’t screw up too much there we go see told you we’re absolutely fine um huh I didn’t know that chat GPT was

Going through troubles as well no Disney’s going through a lot of troubles um it’s like every single movie that they’re making right now is just complete box office flop like nothing is earning money uh oh gosh I cannot BL reat whilst doing this okay oh what

Did I hit was there a block there that I didn’t see oh yeah there is wait oh my gosh I’m I’m going to die again second level second oh my God I hate this I actually hate this sometimes sometimes parkour Warrior just really sucks oh my gosh and the time’s wor oh

Oh I’m out I’m out I’m going to die again I’m actually going to die again I’m going to die again dude why am I being given the worst parkour Warrior Maps both times other people are already dead as well I’m I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m

Not I’m not surviving this I’m not surviving this I can’t get to the end in time oh my god dude why what This Server even called um this is MCC Island uh based on Minecraft championships uh middle right of the screen yeah the IP is um just

Down there if you want to join um right I’m dead I’m just going to accept that there we go okay Parker Warrior is not going well Parker Warrior is not going well right anyway let’s try another round see if I can maybe get past the second stage jeez right

Okay hopefully this round goes better now what Disney movies have actually come out cuz I know that I know that they’ve all been failing but like what ones have actually come out there’s uh like the Marvels came out the Marvels did absolutely atrocious um then

Wish came out as well and wish I think has actually done even worse and then every time their movies fail they go on fire the like director of it and everything thing so it’s like a movie will flop and then they go and fire the director of it and blame everything on

Them and it’s like no it’s not the director’s fault it’s genuinely just Disney is being really stupid with a lot of their decisions right now and it’s not it’s not turning out well for them but like the thing everyone everyone was going like oh wish might be

Good and everything I’m going to be honest from the from the trailers it was kind of obvious it wasn’t that good like I I don’t think it looked like it was going to be that good at any point really it’s like even even seeing all the trailers for it and everything like

They kept going oh yeah we’ve got these people doing the music and everything it’s like people that have never made any music similar to what Disney needs so it’s like why have you picked them it’s it’s like theyve been making so many bad decisions and it’s finally all

Like coming back to hit them and everything um so yeah Disney’s Disney’s in a bit of hot water right now um not sure how it’s going to go for them cuz uh like it’s been oh for God’s sake it’s this one again oh my god dude I’m I’m not going

To be able to get past the second leap on any of these parkour maps I’m actually not like every single one of these is going to suck okay right I landed down here but the thing is now I have to do it again on this

One what did I hit what did I hit oh my gosh dude okay this this officially takes its place as my least favorite parkour stage now because like it’s so broken as well with the like when the glass fills in it’s so broken like sometimes you fall through it but then

You oh my God I give up I give up I give up on this one I actually give up on this one it is so broken who made this who who looked at this and thought this would be a good idea for the parkour stage cuz it genuinely sucks it actually

Just sucks I hate it I hate it I don’t rage at stuff often but that one sucks screw that one it doesn’t deserve to exist and now I’m going to die on this stage as well yep I’m dead there is there is no way that I can get back in title so I’m

Not grabbing on any of these Vines oh gosh oh that one disappear I’m dead dude wish was just a waste of time it really W like I I haven’t seen it but I’ve now seen reviews for it and everything wish looked just awful from the very beginning thin glass what an

Amazing piece genuinely screw that level screw that level right I’m going to go back in I’m going to try this one more time and if it fails I’m going to a different game or something even though it’s only been 35 minutes every game on MCC technically can have around I think

Like 45 minutes each um in order to get all of the games on here actually uh that time needs to go down a bit now cuz um cuz the new one and everything but it’s like every game could technically take up around 45 minutes each and like

It would be equally split throughout the stream it’s been 35 minutes and we’re already on like a separate game one of them just there weren’t enough people back welcome back terrain how’s it going I hope you’re doing well uh was creating a recoverable booster rocket

Oh I tried doing that um and then KSP updated their bloody rocket thing or they updated their computers and everything um so then like maneuver notes and everything just didn’t work on a bunch of them so yeah I wasn’t able to like I wasn’t able to do it very easily

Um so I ended up giving up on that one uh have you seen what Disney’s doing with inside out uh there’s an inside out too but so we yeah they’ve got an inside out too which the thing is I I was talking about this with um with someone it might have been night

Actually or it was someone else but inside out too they’ve decided to add I think four new emotions or something it’s like they’ve decided to add four new emotions to it but it just it creates this fairly sort of like it creates this fairly odd thing because in

The first movie in the first movie you can like it occasionally goes into the mind of the parents and everything and the parents they’re older and they only have five emotions still they only have the original five so like that creates a problem because oh my gosh that’s going

To keep breaking every single time isn’t it like that creates a problem because then where were they like where were the new emotions cuz so Riley gets these new emotions and everything because she’s older now so where are the where are the new emotions in the adults of the movie

Cuz either what that means is um like what what that means is either the first movie is just a plot hole and they’re going to ignore that or it means that the new emotions have to die or leave so how does it work how how does it work in that case

Because to me that’s that’s one of those things where like it’s not necessarily A film breaking plot hole but it’s sort of one of those things where you look at it and you go how does that work and then you’re stuck thinking about it it’s like

You you you get stuck with this sort of thing of like that doesn’t work anymore um oh gosh this is this is actually fairly difficult oh gosh right pink come back no I hit a bar oh no no oh gosh I’m dead I’m dead I’m

Dead I’m dead aren’t I I’m dead I’m dead I’m not dead Okay somehow not dead somehow not dead although we’re going straight into the next bit okay also hello uh please don’t talk in chat thank you um that’s not me telling you not to talk welcome

To the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well I do not know where I need to go and I’m kind of panicking because I want to at least somewhat catch up with people at this point cuz uh that was very stressful there I almost died um right let’s jump across

There this is the this is nice this is easier parkour can we have this the whole way okay um oh gosh it’s this one actually I don’t like this one with crystals okay there we go dur in plenty of time right I can catch up on chat

Right hello my little friends uh uh where are the lovely CR what I I do not know what you mean there but um welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing well oh gosh oh gosh right genuinely parkour Warrior is one of the hardest things to

Do on stream cuz like you just get so much worse at every single part of stuff like when you’re streaming like anyone that has streamed knows what it’s like you you just for some reason are so much worse at every single thing even if it’s something easy um okay right through

Here God there weren’t many checkpoint wait what how is it already how am I already taking damage what how are you supposed to complete it any faster than what I just did okay okay right and we’re immediately on this one great this is this is bad this is bad this is bad

This is bad this is bad this is bad um I need to catch up a lot oh gosh um okay I’ve caught up with some people here I never really know where to go on these ones because they confuse me apparently I need to go over

The wait no do I need to go to the middle and then oh gosh oh it’s not difficult but it just takes a long time okay and then I’m going to be awful at this one cuz I’m probably going to hit my head I’m dead I

Think I think I’m dead yeah I’m dead there’s no way I can make it oh what did I just get a quest what all Quest did I just get there Quest log parkour Warrior complete leap four in one game of Parkour huh wow okay did really good at that uh factions XP from

Game rewards huh okay don’t know what any of that is uh Fluttershy what what are we on about who’s Fluttershy what I’m confused what um anyway right uh I wish they made a movie about cute an what are we on about I’m very confused what is

What is going on um right they progam disappear into dust or something I don’t even know what is going on in the chat I’ve lost where the conversation was uh my pfp is Fluttershy who is Fluttershy who is who is Fluttershy I have no idea who who who is that is that

One of the characters you showed me also why have I got a Discord message uh I don’t know okay right I have a Discord message from Buzzy talking about my short right okay let’s do I’m going to do a few more rounds of Parkour Warrior

I mean like as I said every sort of game has around 30 to 40 minutes um roughly worth of time if we want to get an equal amount in for each of them so we can do some more parkour Warrior maybe I should spread it out more maybe I should do

Like two lots of each thing so it’s like we do 20 minutes of Parkour Warrior at the start of the stream 20 minutes at the end and everything maybe I should spread stuff out like that I don’t know but like I don’t really keep track of it

Too much I just thought going yeah it’s been roughly enough time let’s go to a new game uh right and we jump across here there we go fairly easy start right what’s next is this one this one’s fairly easy as well okay right you know what it seems

We’re on MCC Island I love how I said that was easy and I died as well so it seem as we’re on MCC Island I have a wonderful question for you who thinks they would actually be good at MCC like if you got invited to take part

In MCC do you think you could actually do well in it cuz uh me and me and the pink petals and everything we we had to consider that when we applied for MCC Rising um didn’t get in unfortunately but uh yeah we all decided we would not be good at it we

Would just be fun it’s like that was that was how we looked here we were like we’re not going to be good at this we’re not going to win it but like we think we would be entertaining and that was kind of what we put on the application as

Well we’re like yeah we might not be the best team but like we’re comic relief and everything that was that was fun though I I will admit making the MCC application and everything that was some of the most fun I have had on YouTube and everything cuz

Like it was really fun sort of just getting to edit with um with the other people in the group and everything right uh which one breaks here I don’t know uh oh gosh why I swear anything that breaks it always screws me over right okay there we go there we go um um

And then I need to go across this one this one’s probably going to take a while yep I can hear the clock ticking I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead there’s no way I’m getting across in time yep especially with this one cuz this one always screws me up actually no

Wait no this is not the one that screws me up I I thought this was a different thing right okay I’m going to get through on two hearts great so I have to get through this flawlessly otherwise I’m going to die if this goes well right okay jump

Across there was that an NPC or was that a person is that just a person standing oh wait is that the designer a bit cuz don’t they um don’t they take the designs from some fans sometimes so may maybe that’s who that was right okay up

Here and I missed that jump dang it okay I’m dead I’ve accepted that fate right let’s see let’s see how far I can get across though so across here across here and then it’s this one all right I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die and I’m

Dead okay right from My Little Pony oh that that’s that’s why I that’s why I don’t know um who Fluttershy is right um Let me let me leave the thing quickly cuz uh I need to put you guys on the beback soon screen um right okay yeah let me let me put you

Guys on the BB soon screen and I will return in a quick second Up Okay I’m back hello welcome back me um is anyone new in chat or am I all caught up what is what is going on uh that’s the thing about My Little Pony uh right uh my computer’s going to explode if I even want to start what uh Captain record uh the launch a

Couple booster test and send it uh to you for whenever you can watch okay uh I know much uh I know too much about My Little Pony I’ve stopped watching it since 13 uh I watched it for years I accidentally joined the server called H

Hold on HX MC what the hell is that um oh there we go there’s a new person hello Sons I don’t know is that how I pronounce it son I’m going to assume that’s how I say it uh if you didn’t know I’m going in boy I just changed my

Us right okay welcome to the stream how you doing I hope you’re doing I haven’t seen you on a stream for a while I don’t think oh have I were you on the were you on the recent streams I don’t know I can’t actually remember right let me

Take you guys off the beback soon screen uh there we go and right um what do we go to it’s like we could continue a parkour Warrior we could go back to to get to the other side could try any of these sort of things hello Atlantic boy

As well welcome to the stream how you doing I hope you’re doing well right is this yes this is the same Lobby I thought you had changed for some reason right okay um so also another question uh anyone joining you know got we have a um empty party right now

I’m the I’m the only one online so if anyone does want to join just drop your username in chat and then we can add you to the party also does anyone have any sort of game that they want to see we’ve done together to the other side we’ve

Done um parkour Warrior sorry my throat’s I don’t know what just happened with my throat there it just slowly closed up right we’ve done to get to the other side we’ve done parkour Warrior however I’m not too bothered about repeating them if people really want to

See it so uh right um G boy said their username uh what do you mean G boy said that I I I what I I’m very confused I’m very confused about that comment what anyway right so does anyone have a preference for what sort of game they

Want to see I’m not too bothered really I I don’t really have a preference between any of the ones that we haven’t done or have done really so yeah um right uh what’s the server address and server Port I don’t think you need the server Port but um if you mean the IP

Address um or the server IP it’s just over to the right there play. MCC is.net um that that’s the uh that’s the IP to it and then you can join um right let’s let’s see what could I go to we have these four games that I have not played yet

H battle box sky battle hole in the wall Dino ball H what am I feeling what am I feeling let’s go let’s go let’s go battle box why not I’m not good at Battle box but uh yeah I think Port is for Xbox honestly oh not Xbox why do I say Xbox

Bedrock um I I have no idea I have I don’t use Bedrock too often I think have I even added any I think I added like one server to bedrock or something and it was because I was trying to join Spidey on his stream so yeah I have no I

Have no clue how adding servers on Bedrock works I really don’t know right okay battle box let’s pick a kit let’s go with okay someone took that one I guess I’ll go gadget here maybe I don’t know what’s uh yeah Gadget is a good one for this

Map I think maybe right back again boys welcome back Trine how’s it going uh I can’t play right now um and I don’t think you remember me but I’m G boy I did read your comment I do I do know you’re Gman boy welcome back I have you

Been on stream like recently were you on the last stream cuz I genuinely can’t remember I I like I’m actually sort of stuck on whether um like whether you were on a recent stream or not right okay um I do have a strategy for this we are going to immediately levitate up

Here because ow okay um that that actually oh god oh gosh oh that really hurts that really hurts okay hey wait you know what I placed that in the wrong order I placed that in the wrong order I’m actually such an idiot that I was supposed to TNT cannon

Off the edge um except I just made it so it TNT cannoned onto the ledge um because I placed it in the wrong order okay that guy’s dead I think I’m the last guy left I am definitely the last guy left are they going to fill in the Center oh oh hello hello let’s try and at least get a kill come On okay there we go I got a kill I got a kill you are not filling that in I don’t oh dang it okay they didn’t fill it in though there we go there we go that was what I wanted they didn’t they didn’t fill it

In right I I don’t care about the fact that I died there they didn’t fill it in which why uh right on all the MCC stream I was okay right you’ve been on the MCC streams okay uh right let’s go back up here and uh oh gosh that person’s moving extremely

Quick uh your stand oh okay they’re dead um right that was that was not a kill I was expecting uh oh that person’s weak as well right you know what let’s place this in the correct order this time we’re going to do that oh look at that and I don’t know where I

Got shot from but look at that look at that I I I don’t know I don’t know where they were but the strategy worked the the TNT cannon off the edge so basically you place one here and then you place one here just after and the first one

Will knock the other one off the ledge and if you do it right it can land around here and that’s probably where they were standing that that was good you know what I might turn that into a short if I can get like the replay file

Of it so if I if I remember to save the replay mod footage of this that is going to turn into a short because that was that was good that was good I’m very proud of that right okay uh let’s see though I don’t think we’re okay that one

Hit all dude what I am I am doing so well this time is everyone dead I don’t know no wait oh yes wait we’re against purple team I did I just get a shot did someone shoot to me I I don’t know I don’t know I did the entire team

Die there uh videos in your DM for later right thank you train I will I will take a look at you okay third place didn’t do the best there well no the team didn’t do the best but I did quite good for my for my standards that was quite good

Getting several kills that was quite good I’m nowhere on this leader board though where did I get I got seventh okay out of how many people uh 16 huh you know what top 50% sure I’ll take that that’s better than most of my things uh no you won I did not win we

Won the last round we didn’t win overall though um right let’s do another round of that you know what I’m happy with that though genuinely like I’m I’m really happy with that I I I’m not very good at Battle box I’m not good at any

Combat but I did oddly well there I need I need that kit on that map that’s that’s what I’m good with cuz um I’ve worked out that TNT thing now uh right let’s go with yeah let’s go with this one this one’s probably the better one I

Think yeah bur AR is going to be best with this maybe um and I do have a sword so uh right okay yeah this m I don’t know that’s probably my best thing uh my best game mode is uh sky battle I I am not

Good at any of them I find them all fun I’m just not good at them it’s like people people tend to assume that to get to the other side is the one that I’m best at cuz I do enjoy playing it I’m I’m not good at it I just enjoy it

I’m like I’m not good at any of the games really I I just have fun playing them um oh gosh hello hello hello hello hello I am not supposed to be going against you guys at close range you’re dead Okay and I’m dead oh that was not great that was not

My best play maybe I should have left it at the last round wait who is who’s the last guy oh it’s this guy come on guys we can get this guy there’s three of us go on go on where are they there we go look at that see our team might actually

Win without me um right you’re going to be slaying I yeah sure sure let’s let’s be motivational uh pineapple my username same one as last are you just are you just talking about usernames now um oh wait oh for the party uh oh gosh um wait what was your username last time that’s

Extremely difficult to remember um is it in the Discord are you the one that had to put it in the Discord cl cl you you had to put it in the Discord didn’t you um so yeah I I should be able to add you to the party in a second um this

Person’s in the way of my bow shot can you move are they dressed as a pirate they are they’re a pirate and they’ve got a skull oh I just threw a harming potion ah get off get off that was bad that was bad I was completely disoriented there uh yeah

Didn’t let me comment right okay you’re you’re the one on the Discord okay noted I will I’ll copy that now whilst I am dead and then I can add you in next time uh right it’s the one with capitals isn’t it okay there we go so copy that

Um and I will I’ll in uh mine is sonore but can’t play right now so can you remember me I will try and remember you I mean it’s your it’s your username just with an underscore so it should be fine I should be able to remember you right

Um let’s go let’s go up the stairs again why not wait three rounds three lots up the stairs let’s see how it goes um oh gosh hello uh that harming potion should have done a lot to them this person needs to move out the way stop standing in the way of bow shots

Please it’s not very useful uh right how many arrows have I got I’ve got 10 arrows I have plenty of shots here um and blue team’s dead okay look at that we we did so well there definitely all because of me I am definitely the reason why that went so

Well uh look at the name of the map I did a pun with it oh slay oh that’s where the name that’s where the joke came from right okay that makes more sense that that makes more sense I’ve just Fallen have I just left the que I have I

Just left the queue that was actually like a really good group of people to be playing with as well it’s like they’re all actually sort of around my skill level right um actually hold on uh slarty you’re not in a party well make a party then well that’s that’s what I’m trying

To do party add I don’t have any friends online do I have to friend them friend oh my gosh friend ad does not exist because that’s a copy and pasted the wrong one that one does not exist what what’s the username am I is it not with a

Capital I mean like I’m copying and pasting this so it’s 49 right okay four NES there we go added to friends list right okay and then if I go right there you are and invite to party there we go should all be good so if you

Accept that there we go and added you to their friends add them back I mean I did um right okay there we go let’s go let’s go back into battle box um you came first though did I did I come first oh great I accidentally disconnected after

I came first that was brilliant um right let’s go back into battle box cuz that was actually quite fun I’m wondering when a few people are going to turn up as well cuz um I might be getting joined in this stream like by um a few other people on Lotus and

Everything well and also fuzy at some point maybe fuzy might join he said he was going to be late although sometimes late turns into he cannot turn up so might be here at some point I think I sort of jokingly said to Buzzy that she should join me on the stream except um

Like it’s it’s one of those things we say it as a joke and then we kind of consider it but um as well like she might not turn up so I don’t know who’s here I don’t know who’s going to be turning up or anything like that right uh Gadget here

Immediately cuz that’s an enchanted bow as well right uh oh it’s this map okay maybe Gadget here is not a good kit let’s go gadget here why not just just roll with it and see how it goes uh in like first hour people just swarm in that’s what’s going to

Happen what’s going to happen in the first hour what like of the stream or what I’m confused what do you mean the first hour cuz I mean like it’s already been an hour so if if if you’re talking about like people swarming into the stream um

I I hope that was not the Swarm cuz uh yeah the stream’s still fairly quiet okay uh right let’s let’s that didn’t work that didn’t work very well um right okay uh I just went after the wrong person didn’t I I just went after I just went after clam

Clan why why was the yellow highlight oh cuz of glowing orb oh that threw me off I didn’t go after the yellow person cuz they were outlined so I was like oh they must be on my my team dang it um all right uh oh in like an hour people were

Just SW where did I how did I read chck where did I read the word first oh it’s cuz I read part of the message above it’s one of my first time playing right okay I was combining two chat messages there uh right how long is the stream

Streams are normally around 4 hours on my channel so uh yeah plenty of time plenty of time cuz we’ve already well no not already we’ve only actually gone through 1 hour so yeah we we’ve got we got plenty of time to do this um right that’s an or Haring ow how did that

Still hurt me right let’s drop that there so that no one can come after me uh oh gosh and I’ve just Fallen dang it I really should be looking where I’m going shouldn’t I uh right can I get this person come on come on it’s Modern

Combat isn’t it so I can’t just Spam click uh no no no no no no get back here get back here get back here get back here how am I unable to hit them okay Jesus Christ um orange team was eliminated yeah yes yes yes yes yes

Yes yes yes come on I can win this for the team I can do this I can do this absolute MVP of the game definitely not just like a someone that got extremely lucky there right okay um you do the same thing I do what do I what like

Completely fail at placing TNT this the thing if if you’re trying to say stuff please clarify what you mean because the streams are often quite fast-paced especially in games so I have no idea what people are referring to a lot of the time uh right time to orb of harming is nice

Oh and I’m dead that was that was an awful play that was an awful play I panic I’m not good at these I’m not very good at these merging message yeah I mean it happens in stream a lot cuz you’re like you’re rushing you’re trying to read stuff and then also pay

Attention to the game and everything it’s not very easy um there we go are we going to come first again oh wait wait that was all three rounds huh how did I forget that right you know what though there we go second place not not the worst not

The best where did I come eighth I thought I did better than actually no no I did not do better than that never mind uh I also apparently got another Quest what one’s that second place or hire in two games of battle box nice okay and then there’s that one

Action uh XP thing um what’s this one 12 chickens in to get to the other side we can do that later cuz we’re definitely going to return to get to the other side if we can get into lobbies do sky battle you know what seem as you are in the

Party yeah let’s go to sky battle um right okay I’m going to be awful at sky battle hope everyone knows uh I mean I’m awful at every single one of the these games right sky battle and over here there we go right play nice like that okay right sky

Battle predictions guys am I going to get any kills in this my guess is I might get one I might get one in like the entire time that we’re playing this um is it a mod where you can set up a camera to do speed builds um that is I

Assume you are talking about the replay mod where I assume you’re talking about the replay mod um I have the replay mod uh okay you can’t see it cuz it’s behind two buttons there but there’s a pause recording and stop recording um and I can also place

Down audio markers um not audio markers sorry that’s my recordings um audio markers um you can also Play Down place down replay markers so you can Mark specific moments um but yeah that that’s the replay mod if you want to export the replay plays um you need another mod

Called FFM Peg if you don’t have FFM Peg you can actually um you can actually end up just like recording the screen as it goes through the replay um it’s just like sometimes it lags a bit it’s it’s not always the best right let’s take one

Of these there we go and put that there right and someone just left an iron sword on the ground why okay and a green chest there we go another iron sword I might as well take that so that another team can’t get it although I think every team has iron

Swords cuz of that purple chest um so I’m not sure how useful it is stealing stuff uh right oh diamond sword okay and I accidentally took an extra one there let’s let’s swap that out right okay and another iron sword let’s just take that

So no one else can have it cuz why not um and another diamond sword let’s take that so no one else can have it I feel like I’m noticing a pattern in what I’m saying here uh right my teammate is going all the way over here to the

Center without any of us which is mildly concerning are you winning pineapple we have actually won a few things we won a few battle box games which is quite impressive for me um so yes we we are winning um kind of uh right let’s actually swap that out I do want to see

How many arrows that I have uh can I push blue off the bridge no cuz they’re now off of the bridge um right my teammate is just down in the center I don’t know what they’re doing um and I don’t feel safe trying to get to them I

Don’t feel safe here at all this is bad this is this is extremely bad um cuz I’m being chased I think I’m pretty sure okay no no purple left me alone purple left me alone where do I go where do I go teammate what are you doing that’s

The oh gosh that’s the light matica thing that I can’t actually unbind what how did that only like set them on fire for a split second dude come on that should have done so much more that was so unfair um hi mate you’ve got an iron chest plate oh I’ve

Got an iron chest plate what am I doing I should not be going after a full team I should not be going after a full team oh gosh okay I got them cool right yep there we go that’s my play of the game let’s use that regeneration thing um oh

Gosh and diamond boots as well why can’t I put these on oh cuz I’ve already got diamond boots on that’s why um right I’m panicking I’m panicking if you can’t tell uh let’s swap out that and that there we go okay um right where am I

Going where am I going I don’t know what I’m doing I actually don’t know what I’m doing I’m really bad at sky battle I’m really bad at sky battle hello Roma uh DTV show Welcome Back not welcome back welcome to the channel how you doing I hope you’re doing well and you subscribe

Thank you very much that’s that’s very nice to hear right get off get off yo I am doing well oh gosh I am I might not be doing well in a second I’m out of here goodbye um oh gosh I’m way too high I’m way too high way too high I couldn’t do

A cobweb clutch no oh dang it I was hopeful there I was hopeful a I thought I was going to be able to do that I even placed the cobweb you could see the cobweb that I placed I think they just broke it um oh oh wait uh no I

Don’t want to go and turn you around yet I think my teammate’s still Al is my teammate alive no wait no my teammate is not alive okay yeah let’s let’s req a I thought I actually did quite well there you know what I’m proud of that

You know 200 kills so close to 900 we really are I don’t know how many I’m on right now um I’m going to assume 967 seen as you said you subscribed that’s what I’m going to assume I’m not entirely sure if that’s correct though and please no one correct me if that is

Wrong um maybe a bit late to say that cuz uh stream latency someone might have already said yeah please um don’t don’t correct me um cuz um what I try and do with my streams is hold on wait wait wait wait no don’t

You I want to be in the lobby for this I want to be in the lobby for this cuz we’ve just come first am I on a Podium somewhere I am not I came seventh you know what seventh out of a game with like eight people or no eight teams of

Four people I’m proud of that like I’m I’m very proud of that let let’s go that can I play with you please uh yeah you just need to um put your username in the chat and then I can add you to the party um I’m also going to need to friend you

On MCC aren’t I a my throat is hurting why is my throat hurting I mean I’m talking a lot maybe that’s why but it shouldn’t be hurting this much I think I’ve got I’ve got like something wrong with my nose right now I may have caught an illness or something

Cuz uh my nose isn’t quite right it’s at 900 wait is it have we actually hit 900 have we hit 900 right on stream oh gosh I actually can’t even check I legitimately can’t even check because I’m stuck here on I’m stuck here on an island have we actually hit 900 uh romad

D TV show okay um right I will try and remember that um I need to I need to finish this match and then we’re returning to the lobby for a second just so I can actually check if so genuinely thank you guys so much um genuinely it

Actually like makes me so happy knowing that people spawn I didn’t need how did we go up four how did we go up by four subscribers like no one’s been here there’s been no one new on this stream other than like um Roma DTV and who was

The other one dang it who’s the other one why am I so bad with names why can’t I ever remember people there was someone else that was new who was it why can’t I remember um also my teammate’s in a bit of trouble here um don’t worry teammate I am here to save

You with my Valiant efforts and everything I’m yellow right yeah um I did so much there I was so helpful uh was that a boat yes that’s an enchanted boat I’m going to take that punch one that’s going to be really useful here uh okay right let’s and

That’s blocked oh that’s blocked off by Red Red’s here when did Red get here um aqua team was eliminated okay border lowering did I teammate die no our teammates yeah we’re all alive we’re all alive look at that we’re doing well um right we need to we need to move

Somewhat towards the center I think um which is tad bit dangerous especially when I’m just jumping off like that hey Captain penguin no there can only be one Captain there can only be one captain now officially my arch nemesis get back up here or get back down here I guess get

Back down here Captain penguin where the hell are you where did you go is he dead no he’s alive he’s the only one alive on red team that’s him right that yes that’s him get back here oh dang it I’ve run out of arrows no no I need to kill

Captain penguin there can only be one captain Oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die I feel like my attempt to kill Captain penguin may have gotten the way there right um is our other teammate dead yes okay right let me let me back

Out to the lobby then cuzz I I do want to actually just quickly make sure if we actually hit 900 genuinely guys if we have like I actually cannot thank you enough like I’m not even joking oh yeah the stream’s at like 64 views which is really high for the first hour

Huh okay that was not what I was expecting um oh dang it hold on my bookmarks don’t work cuz they’re linked to a different account um right YouTube Studio yo we done it we’ve actually done it dude genuinely I am so happy about that genuinely look at this look at that

Wonderful number I’m in the wrong place how do I scroll across no that’s zooming out look at that wonderful number let me scroll across sideways look at it a I’m so good at this look at it we’ve hit 900 dude I am so happy genuinely thank

You guys so much um I need to get back to the stream but genuinely thank you so much I’m I’m now really happy about that that’s actually made my day actually whilst we’re here speaking of this um oh it’s got two likes and two comments let’s see this so um

This is actually going to I’m going to assume this might be a source of some subscribers uh right so I made this community post literally right before the stream this was like done only a bit before the stream genuinely I made this promise um like

Around a year ago cuz it was very close to the start of the year it was like it was very close to the start in fact it might have been just after Christmas last year um but right so I made a promise I I made a promise that um I was going

To dye my hair if I reached 1,000 subscribers before the end of 2023 and technically I kind of did that because if you didn’t know I have this old Channel which is at 1,850 the thing is that old channel the reason why it’s at 1,800 is because someone sub botted it

Not me I did not subbot it someone else sub botted it so I don’t consider that old Channel as valid cuz it technically hit a th000 but I don’t consider it valid I I I I don’t consider that like fair game this channel is now the channel That that promise is tied to

1,000 subscribers by the end of this year so we have 36 days I even listed it down here 36 Days 1,000 subscribers and I will dye my hair currently think of purple I think purple would be a nice color you know like purple purple hair um I can’t show you

Too much of like what it looks like cuz I’m not revealing my face yet but um I will lie my hair and you guys will get to see my hair at least not sure about my face but you’ll get to see my hair um also there is a Discord server um it’s

Kind of not quite valid um if that makes sense um also hello tjn uh land uh hang on let me sub are we about to go up again um I have a bunch of notifications as well right um sorry let me let me uh actually get back to yeah we’re at 901

Dude this is going so well this is G so well like genuinely channels actually had this huge boost I’m trying not to break it but um so these two shorts that’s not the shorts these two top shorts here these did really well both of them like this is now my top short

This has suddenly gone up a bunch of views and the watch percentage is 104% what that means is on average oh it’s 106 now on average 92 dude dude how quick are we going to is this what I need to do to grow my channel is is this what I need to do

Like to grow my channel and everything do I do I just have to sit here and like live stream my channel page is this what I have to do I have to go no oh I’m I’m sorry cuz I I I couldn’t get you in the

Game in time um if you return you’re definitely getting invited but um right so anyway yeah this 106% you know what that means the average person watched all the way through the short and a tiny bit extra that’s really good that’s really good and like 10,000 this is the

First time that we’ve really hit like 10,000 views in the past 28 days other than when the channel started and like watch hours they were above average um we’ve actually brought up the average to the point where it now is average um but dude genuinely like I mean it

Guys I I genuinely mean it thank you so much oh my God we’ve G up again I’m actually stunned like genuinely genuinely actually stunned right okay let’s leave it there let’s leave it there no more like telling your friends to that’s Discord oops I forgot to change you guys back to Minecraft um

Yeah that’s the Discord server it does exist um although it’s technically meant for an old channel uh so yeah um right back on Minecraft is OBS going to find it yep there we go right you guys can see Minecraft now okay right hello everyone cuz I can see there’s a few new

People here as well um right I’m I’m going to say as well if you’re telling your friends to subscribe as much as I appreciate it please be careful with it just because because um you don’t want to get like subscribers that will never watch the channel just so you know so if

You’re telling your friends to subscribe I appreciate it tell them to watch the content I guess suggest the channel don’t tell them to subscribe cuz otherwise you get a bunch of like dead subscribers that never watch it I subbed there we go we’ve gone up another one

Welcome too uh right hold on sorry there were a few new people here now um hold on I’ve got to I’ve got to go back through right that’s tjn uh W land uh then there is who else was it who else was it the 20 23 not Channel welcome to

The stream and hello game Vortex how do I say that simpy s simpy i I think right okay welcome to the channel guys how are you doing I hope you’re doing well right sorry I had to take a drink there I am um I am completely like losing my voice doing this

Stream genuinely I’m you guys have actually made my day now or not even my day like my actual week I’m going to be really happy about that cuz now I get to go to college and go look I’m better than you guys cuz me and my friends um

We have like a bit of a race over our channels and everything it’s it’s a joking conflict it’s a joking complect right uh can you play with me if you mean like can you uh join join the party um yes you you are allowed to join the what was your name

Your name was did it have a capital r at the start let me see right um I need to actually add people as friends in order to um do this switch annoy right I think it was Roma DTV DTV no DT DTV show was there an underscore what was

The name I’m so sorry I’ve actually forgotten it I’m really awful with names um right uh I’m 300 Sub sub strong right now got any advice going to be honest I’m not the best person to ask for advice cuz I have no idea how the

Channel is doing well um if you dye your hair are you going to post it I will post a picture of my hair I will not post a picture of my face if that makes sense um I I can confirm it will be my

Hair um I will die it but um I’m not going to post a picture of my face if if I have to get like a full face sort of um picture I’m going to blow it out or like cover it up just because privacy and everything is still something that

I’m quite big on um right uh hello NS gaming as well welcome to the channel how are you doing I hope you’re doing well right um uh Games Vortex right I can add you in so friend add game uh right no game Vortex not Games Vortex uh right game

Vortex s there we go right okay so I should be able to add you to the party um and then dang it how have I uh no underscore right no underscore uh Roma DTV show there we go right okay so I should be able to invite you two to the

Party now there we go so invite and invite there we go right so if you join there we go right are there any preferences for what games you want to play as well uh can I play with you I know right I will clear the party in how

Many rounds how how long do we say cuz this the thing so annoyingly MCC they have a party limit they’ve got a party limit of four currently we’re at that limit I will clear the party every so often like I will have a Time sort of

Limit let me let me in fact set a time so 20 minutes 20 minutes is really short 20 minutes is like one round depending on what we play so I am going to say I’m going to say 30 minutes I’m going to say 30 minutes so 30 minutes party gets

Cleared okay uh I have to go in 30 minutes anyway okay that’s convenient then we can add someone else in right okay so ans if you’re still here in 30 minutes um I’ll clear the party and everything um and then we’ll add people back in and everything uh you could

Clear in terms of games too like round yeah we could do that as well the thing is though sometimes like we have to sort of stretch out a bit maybe we should go in rounds hm that’s good that’s a good point there let’s go with 30 minutes at

First like let’s just like let’s just try 30 minutes uh I’ll catch you all later I’m heavily motivated to work on vids right now everyone have an amazing night evening or morning goodbye will 7305 thank you for turning up it’s it’s lovely having you here right um okay so

Uh can we play Battle box sure let’s go back to battle box um yeah I I just kind of play whatever’s requested I’m completely fine with any of the games and everything um right so we’re going to return to battle box for a bit um

Might go back to um sky battle in a bit as well uh right join the que hopefully we join maybe we should go in terms of games actually cuz yeah sometimes the cu’s are going to take a while as well aren’t they so you know what I think

Five was the limit that I put was it five sorry I know most of you are new but um on the original MCC streams I think we had it so um um it was five subscribers oh not subscri sorry I was thinking about the sub count thing I was

Thinking about the sub count and how we just hit it um I think it was five so every five games we change or something not five rounds cuz rounds are different um technically this has three rounds I think it was five games so you know what we’ll go with that um 30

Minutes or five games maybe depending on what hits it first if you get top three in battle I’ll be PR what like oh gosh great that’s that’s going to be difficult for me that’s going to be really difficult for me um right let’s start out with our boat aimed over here

Though they’re going to move that way so we’re going to okay that fell short that was brilliant um I almost fell down there oh gosh um hello hello hello I’m going to die I’m going to die I’ve fallen down I’m going to die I am actually going to die uh I should not

Throwing that there as well oh gosh I need to regenerate I really need to regen get off oh brilliant um I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead there’s no way that I live this there’s no way that I live this

There’s no way that I oh God ow okay you know what though survived longer than I thought just like stuck by that uh it was five rounds by the way okay right five games I’m going to go games cuz rounds are really short and everything

Works in rounds of three so I don’t know how I did five um right let’s shoot that okay and well it didn’t fall short but it did miss o get off I didn’t even pull out my sword there I just punched the man uh o dude

Dude go away you’re dressed as Sonic you oh wait hold on he’s dressed oh I got shot is he dressed as the um is is he dressed as the like when you’re faster than light you can only live in darkness meme is that what he’s dressed like um

Something tells me I’m not going to get top three um right games rounds matches rounds what right work in terms of matches and everything if you say rounds I’m going to assume you mean games and everything just like rounds matches games all the same stuff they’re all the same um right

Let’s let’s see hello thank you for subscribing genuinely it’s this this is what I like about these streams as well I get to play with people and everything it’s like it it’s nice not being with just purely random people oh gosh uh I’ve just thrown both of those that

One’s going to do some damage ow what hurt me there uh what team are we on we’re green yes I did have to just quickly check that uh okay no no come back here come back here come on I can kill you I can kill you I

Can kill you I can kill you I’m going to get killed myself I’m going to get killed myself I’m going to get killed myself oh why I was doing good earlier I need the TNT that’s what I need I need TNT hello lethal drip as well welcome to the

Stream how you doing I hope you’re doing well by the way your names just reminded me of lethal company has anyone played that I’m going to assume that like um a decent few people here have played that um lethal company what 14 there’s 16 people and I came 14th jeez

Okay that’s that’s bad that is bad oh gosh uh could we do SkyWars we will do SkyWars after another round of this I think we we’ll do one more round of this then go back to SkyWars we just jump around all the games here don’t we

Uh well I wasted 6 hours on super plat no structures just to um oh dang it why can’t I I can’t see the bottom message there because I’ve got an emoji covering the chat see uh right see lava is unobtainable meaning and the nether is impossible to enter

Oh yeah that’s that’s probably not the most fun thing to real uh let’s go flanker again um it’s not the best thing uh after SkyWars can we do something not PVP cuz I’m so bad at it yeah I’m completely fine with anything so right this is our second out

Of five rounds if I’m doing it based on rounds this is why I think 30 minutes might be better actually cuz five rounds also goes really quick I love your skin by the way I I’m I’ve started becoming a fan of just like casual sort of Minecraft skin is that a

Pirate no it’s not a pirate okay I thought it was a coat at first I thought it was like a long coat like mine uh right he’s going to move left see I said he would move left um right let’s use a speed thing to get up here oh hello

Hello hello okay I punched you off except I’m going to die yep I’m good at this as you can tell guys I’m really good at this I’m really I’m really good at this oh gosh I’m so bad yeah don’t worry so am I I I suck at this I I absolutely

Suck at Battle box and everything I suck at PVP in general like that’s that’s just how it works I’m not good at any of it I’m worse nope I’m worse I am going I I get first place in terms of coming last if that makes any sense um right

Let’s so thing to note people will always move to the side because they want to avoid the arrows so that’s why you aim to the side so they’re going to move left move left again I didn’t shoot fast enough though uh uh oh hello hello I’m jumping off screw that uh ow

Ow I’m so bad at this I’m so bad at this maybe I should not run away from the next fight maybe if I just act really confident I might win the next fight cuz I feel like that’s my issue you killed two people that’s good for like battle box where

There’s only four people on each team that’s really good well done with that um what team color are we we’re green right no we’re not green what we’re red why do I keep I’m I’m not paying attention am I right I’m going to go back up there

Let’s see how this goes um actually right they’re they’re going to try and shoot they’re going to try and shoot they’re going to try and shoot they’re going to try and shoot okay right and speed right this time we’re not backing down from the fight maybe I should back down from the

Fight maybe I should back down from the fight I should have backed down from the fight should have backed down from the fight yeah I’m not good at this am I right we’ll go to sky battle after this um I think I’m going to do it in

Terms of 30 minutes cuz five rounds feels really short considering that it’s only been 8 minutes I mean well that would bring it down to like 25 minutes but you know 30 minutes uh could I uh could I get your Discord um I can learn

Uh how to do PVP better I’m going to be honest I like being bad at PVP I I I like I like being bad at PVP well no I don’t like being bad at PVP I like learning just like on the go and everything cuz it’s the thing I don’t

Want to be a Minecraft pro if that makes sense um I have to go I promise I’ll come back on the next stream okay thank you for turning up though genuinely really appreciate it I love I love these streams where I get to play with people

Right so where’s um where’s an is ants still online if I if I friend ants gaming and then uh uh right ants with a capital zore 20101 all right hold on uh right friend add and with a capital _ 20101 okay added to friends so I should

Be able to invite them I’m going to I’m going to join uh if okay right it’s it’s dependent on who’s here first um essentially right let’s see uh hold on so who just left it was Roma so Roma’s gone uh kick you from the party um there

We go I think it’s still oh no no they’re they’re gone and no one else is online right so if ANS gets here first or Frankie whoever gets here first is um is in please don’t remove me I’m not going to remove anyone unless I need to

Um the only time where like you’re under threat of getting removed is if you’re offline um or essentially if I’m resetting the party cuz yeah I like getting as many people in as I can cuz I know how annoying it is to be like oh I

Get to play with this person and then like immediately the party is full and you never get to see them what happened to high pixel Hypixel was last week that’s that’s what happened what did happen is we also hit 900 huh Al so hello fry welcome to the

Stream how’s it going I hope you’re doing well uh you’re really cool thank you thank you or you’re talking to fry let’s let’s say that Fry’s cool everyone say that Fry’s cool let’s go let’s go with that um I play Hypixel on uh on my streaming videos Hypixel is a good one

For um streams cuz of course there isn’t a party limit uh right so Frankie are you hopping online you know what we’ll do a sky battle thing if I see you like come back in chat and drop your username um during that match I’ll add you in between the next round it’s

Essentially whoever gets on first is going to be the next guy in the party here um like whoever responds first is going to be the next one in the party um don’t boost my ego pineapple you know how how it’s artificially inflated enough yeah uh can we play Hypixel one

Day honestly next stream might be a high pixel stream I might do a Hypixel stream next like I I don’t really have a proper stream schedule it’s always going to be Sunday at 2: p.m. in the UK um but I like I don’t really have a

Schedule for what I what stream I will do on what day or whatever so it’s like I I don’t really go right I’ll do like this stream on like the first week of the month and then this stream on the second week of the month I just I just I

Just go whatever I want to do really really um and I am kind of in the mood for Hypixel next week so maybe expect that I’ll probably be there uh I need to just make lava appear out of nowhere wait oh oh on your super flat world I

Assume that’s what you’re on about uh right let’s jump up here right come on guys we’re really good at this who’s the one random person on our team ton type let’s hope that they’re good uh oh okay that was unexpected and there’s another one in there why do people not

Loot the chests on the stter island it does sometimes give you a decent Advantage there’s a enchanted chest plate there let’s take that and the arrows there we go very nice getting some loot without having to kill anyone myself just constantly um okay need to break this oh wait I’ve

Just realized is there going to be TNT or something nope they’re gone they’re not here okay right let’s just follow their bridge then see where this goes and pile up here these are my two favorite colors by the way orange and purple uh right also I do actually

Really love the color of like Minecraft concrete and everything Minecraft nailed the colors and everything of wool and concrete in the um like World of Color update which was really long ago now like I’m pretty sure that’s over half the game over half the game’s time has

Been spent with um like the World of Color up uh oh okay that’s that’s quite useful let’s swap that out then and also get a fishing rod all right make sure to open the chest if you haven’t cuz there’s stuff in there oh that’s my teammate dead ow that’s me getting

Shot oh oh they’re trying to fish and Rod me no no do not do not get me with your Rod I do not want that um right you know what screw you I’m going to go after you cuz why not I should not have gone after you that I just exploded I just exploded I’m dead immediately pineapple is my favorite dead white teammate I’m my favorite dead white teammate as well are we all dead is that our team gone um what team were we I’ve forgotten what color we are purple um yes we’re all dead right let

Let’s go into another round let’s go another oh gosh I’m not good at this I’m not very good this let me let me place an audio marker that might turn into a short this the other thing I’m trying to turn a lot of my streams into um shorts

Right now and everything so if you’re actually on these live streams not only are you um on the live stream itself you might end up turning up on a short as well um yeah uh no I I’m I’m not good at any sort of PVP stuff cuz I panic and

Like I I take time to process stuff I can’t process stuff in the moment I have to like think about it for a second right okay let let’s see let’s see how how’s it going to go this time we’re on pink team This Time come on guys come on

Pink’s actually a nice color for MCC cuz that’s the color that me and um pink petals were going for when we decided to sign up for MCC rising and we didn’t get in I’m going to bring that up every single MCC stream the fact that we

Applied for that and then didn’t get in I’m annoyed that we didn’t get in but at the same time some of the teams that got in I don’t agree with all of them I’ll be honest I think like some of the teams that got in MCC Rising probably shouldn’t have been and

I mean like there were even some teams that ended up getting kicked before the final event it’s like wasn’t one of the teams had to be replaced or something because they ended up kicking one of them because they said something bad on Twitter um oh oh oh Jesus Christ um oh gosh oh

Gosh no stay away from me stay away from me please please please I Ah you killed him for me thank you very much I’ve been Avenged I’ve been Avenged at least are we all dead yeah our team’s dead Okay um right someone someone on the team said to go to something that wasn’t PVP um so let’s let’s go let’s go find something

What are we going to um we how many games aren’t PVP in this what what games aren’t PVP there’s only like two or three or something I think um oh gosh my throat like went weird there right so uh we have parkour Warrior we have to get

To the other side we have hole in the wall those are the three games that aren’t PVP right um what what hole in the wall is that is that what everyone okay with hole in the wall I’m fine with anything I mind what we play can I join the party oh you’re

Back right welcome back uh yes you can you can join the party oh that’s that’s a friend inite uh right welcome back let’s invite to the party there we go right okay okay hole in the wall no no objections to that no objection I don’t see any objections so

We’re just going to go for it you you have until the match starts to object to this there we go right oh yeah and then there’s the wonderful testing thing here this is this is where all the Slime walls are made or something I don’t

Know uh go to the other side map uh he made life so mad uh when I played it what oh oh wait oh yeah um so for any of you that haven’t seen the um most recent video on the channel actually it’s not the most recent video on the channel

It’s like second most recent video on the channel um I I basically made to get to the other side maps in survival um and Fry here fron is someone that I know in real life so I got them to test it and some of those Maps were bloody

Difficult it took you like 15 minutes to complete one of them um I almost would have walked off the edge there if there wasn’t an invisible wall okay right there are really few people here why why is there like no one here hello welcome back pineapple how’s it going Maur

Welcome to the stream how’s it going I hope you’re doing well I’m doing great I am I am doing absolutely great after like today’s stream I don’t know how many subscribers we’re on now but like we passed 900 so I’m I’m I’m really happy with that why are they all coming

From Green oh yeah also it’s something embarrassing I had to have someone explain to me that like the reason it says NE e um S and W is because it’s Northeast South South and West like I did not realize that um which is really stupid I didn’t realize that um until

Someone explained it to me I think it was Buzzy or something we were playing MCC to get some footage for um the MCC application and I was like why why does it say n s w and she was like are you serious I finally woke up early enough to catch

One of you uh to catch stream somewhat early I mean yeah it’s oh gosh we’re actually not even halfway through the stream jeez I thought it’ been much longer than that I guess like time just feels like it’s like it’s nice when you’re having fun that is one of the good Oh that was bad that was quite bad yeah um no like time mcc’s good because like everything’s fastpaced so you feel like you get a lot done in a short amount of time which is um why people like this I got top five I mean there were only

Eight people I’m going to be honest there were eight people oh our team one though like look at that there there’s four of us in the party and like three of were on the leader board in Fifth Third and first like I’m going to say

That we did well there there we go look at that right uh and we’re already CED for another round so don’t need toother with that I could have sworn that like hole in the wall uses more than eight players normally I swear there’s more than eight players in most hole in the W

Matches that’s not just me right that isn’t just me and also well well done game Vortex well done I’m I’m awful at hole in the wall I don’t think I’ve ever won it I’ve occasionally come like third or something I have never won it though I don’t think uh whenever someone has to

Go uh that’s in the party mind if I join M you can join like you can you can definitely join you’re you’re one of the VIPs on this channel we we have a few VIPs on the channel where like they get to join and everything um right yeah if

If anyone leaves me you’re you’re next in line you’re next in line there there is a slight bias here but Myer’s cool and I’ve played with him before and everything and he’s he’s also one of the people with VC privileges this a nice map what is that M oh it’s Sandstone

It’s red Sandstone I don’t think I’ve ever built out actually no no I have built out red Sandstone but like not much I haven’t built uh the wall lost popularity I think so decrease the necessary players to you I mean I think a lot of it um lost popularity cuz the

Thing is is um like the first time I actually played MCC um or MCC Island was during the MCC application which was actually um like that was a common thing that was what a lot of people did um and like I mean since then it’s become some

Of my favorite games and everything but yeah so like a lot of people only just started joining the server at that moment and then of course after MCC Rising there was no reason for people to playing so like the server did lose a lot of popularity then which is kind of

Sad like I will admit it is kind of sad but um yeah why is the fire alarm going off in my house um you guys might be able to hear that why is the fire alarm going off I’m going to assume my house is not on fire

And continue playing oh God that is so loud okay well the fire alarm’s gone off now um I don’t know why did you guys hear that on stream there we go I killed someone I just killed a man um oh gosh no wait where do we go where do we go I got

Second second I think the other person died as well I just fell off first oh why why so close yeah could you guys hear that you you guys could hear the fire alarm um I don’t know why that went off second dang it I was so close Al oh wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait uh right there we go I got a screenshot I don’t know how good of a screenshot and my face is blocked by ro my face is blocked by Roma’s name Dude it’s just blocked off oh oh my god oh gosh now I have no clue why my fire alarm went off there I assumed something in the dinner but no but why is someone cooking dinner at 400 p.m. cuz I I eat dinner at 6 so why is someone cooking dinner at

4:00 all right I need to I need to keep taking a SI of my drink I’m going to need to refill my drink in a second um after after maybe like one more game of this I’m going to go and refill my drink um right come on

We can do this we can do this we can get first place surely we can get first place one of us has got to get first place one of us on on this team has to get first place at some point right let’s quickly hide

Through here there we go uh it could be low battery uh if they have batteries I don’t think so though cuz I heard someone shut the door um and that normally means that like they’ve shut the door so that smoke doesn’t go through cuz that’s normally what it is

Normally it’s just like dinner got burnt or something so Smoke’s gone into the hallway it’s set off the alarm um and then um of course like just shut the door the smoke disappears although like what is being cooked cuz it’s 400 p.m. so what’s being cooked cuz I don’t eat until unless it’s

Roast in oh God is it roast in it might be roast in I have to wash that up if so I I have to wash dishes if it’s roast dinner I’m going to hate that I hate washing like after roast roast dinner is not as good as

Everyone says and it uses an like unnecessary amount of cut Lori it really does um okay right let’s uh oh gosh oh gosh almost missed that springy shoes what so we can just jump higher um right and oh it’s here okay okay Matrix oh that’s the one for

Fireballs okay um no no oh how did I live that which one is it which one is it it’s this one it’s this one right jump over it that’s the safest bet no no no no stop it stop it stop it stop it oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh no

O okay okay okay okay ah it’s this one um what what what no no no oh why oh why why is that all of us dead no wait uh that that’s not someone in our party is it we’re all dead ar oh why where did

I come I don’t even know where I where did I finish I was third dang it dang it I’m getting worse I’m getting worse right okay um I think we have time for uh do I do we clear the party though that’s the question when do I clear the party I

Don’t know when to clear the party and that’s a problem right let’s do another round of hole in the wall I’m I’m confident that I can maybe win this especially with less players now like with less players I can probably win this yeah I’m I’m going to need to clear

The party at some point although I don’t know when uh I have to go after this round okay right clam Clan has to go um roma roma left for a bit so it feels unfair to kick Roma um and Clan Clan clam Clan is gone um so I can get Mur in

Here cuz Maur asked first um also hello great waffle Army welcome to the stream how’s it going I hope you’re doing well still love that name genuinely that is one of my favorite names that has ever like popped up on stream and stuff it’s like there’s a few names that I can

Remember just because I really like them and everything I just find them funny uh right Roma have you just oh wait you’ve gone offline Roma where are you I was oh I have to go in a minute anyway okay wait so we’ve lost two people in the

Party now if clam Clan needs to go as well wait when’s clam Clan going anyway right I can get my F into the party at least um if anyone else wants to join drop your username in the chat and then um we’ll see how many people actually

Want to join um right also you don’t need to apologize guys don’t worry there’s never an obligation to be on or stay at the streams uh why does it say con that’s my question right super speed is maybe not the most useful thing here right how many people are

Alive uh not too many not too many I mean Oh why do I try this why do I try this what is wrong with me um if I leave is it going to drag the others out of the game I think it will um oh wait there’s three people left and two of them are in our party right come

On come on guys you can win this you can win this you can win this I believe in you guys come on first and second place or maybe just first come on come on you can do it watch out watch out watch out okay I don’t know why I’m saying watch

Out there’s so much stream delay it’s not going to be a useful message come on you guys can win it you guys can win it and I take it back I take it back we cannot win it right I need to put um I need to put you guys on the beback soon

Screen for a second um right uh you you guys are going back on beback soon I will see you in a second Okay I’m back well welcome back me why do I always say that I always say welcome back me right okay um so who is Now offline in the party uh R is offline game text here and right clam Clan is also offline okay so we have room for

Two people in the party um although one of them is Mur who I actually need to friend uh right slri ader there we go oh already a friend okay never mind hm I’ve been sent a friend request from FR online decline that’s a that’s a running joke

Except it’s only a joke on my side uh right so uh is Myer online is the question my is online right okay so does anyone else want to join is there anyone else right uh privon wants to join I guess we’re adding privon um I forgotten what your username was even though I

Just saw it right um friend add five on live is that it nope doesn’t exist dang it what’s your name what is your name I forgot I’ve forgotten your name um that is your name what I I spelled that I I said that correctly you don’t exist you’re not on

MCC you can’t join if you’re not on MCC I need you on MCC um right Have you listened to the dolphin Shaw soundtrack The what I I’m I’m sorry I have no idea what we’re on about there so um no ow fall off right okay is there anyone I’m on

The wrong server that would explain it that would explain it can we do parkour right okay parkour is up next then see as that’s been requested right okay and oh yeah I found out um what was I I found out what burnt by the way um in

Your last stream you said you would uh oh God I did say I would didn’t I oh no I’m so bad at remembering stuff oh God I forgot I said I was going to listen to something didn’t I um right um anyway so I’ve forgotten what I was

Going to say I was going to say something as well and now I’ve completely forgotten cuz I’ve lost my train of thought dang it what was it oh yeah found out what was burning um cuz I I went to refill my drink and then I I just like asked what just burn um

Apparently it was the pork you sound like tubo no offense do I do I sound like tubo I mean my voice has been compared to a lot of people I’m not sure about Tabo I had one person say that I sounded like Markiplier once which was quite interesting considering I don’t think I

Sound like Markiplier do I sound like too hold on uh right let me let me find tobo um I need a video of you too where where’s the video of you I need to hear you this is Life By the Sea what what is that okay now I can’t have you singing

Um how I lost $1 million on a Minecraft server come on I just need to hear your voice for a second do I sound like tabba over a million dollar on a Minecraft server probably laugh at me or maybe think I have a few screws Lo do I

Sound like him I don’t know if I do I’m not I’m not sure if I sound like him right anyway um back back on to the thing right um I sent you a picture in my DM I don’t even have Discord open I should probably open that up uh right uh

Rice Crispy cakes oh they look really nice post them in general I’m sure other people want to see them uh right and oh gosh I’m getting like so many messages from everywhere right let me let me close Discord there we go and right back on to Minecraft again so is anyone else

Joining privon that was it uh friend add privon there we go okay and add you to the party there we go right and someone said to do parkour so we’re going to go over there I love how the symbol for parkour is a frog it’s a

Very nice picture of a frog like you have to admit it’s a it’s a very good drawing up a frog right and who are you ninja s and you can’t talk to any of the NPCs here I forget that all the time right okay let’s hope that this goes better

Than it did earlier cuz um yeah if you were on the stream earlier you’ll know that parkour Warrior did not exactly go well it did not go well at all it went absolutely awfully almost every single round and I got a bunch of things that like I could not

Do so hopefully hopefully it goes better this round also I’m going to I’m going to see if I can get over the wall um not over there cuz there I know that there’s an easy way over the wall like back there I want to see if I can get over

The wall this way cuz there I think it was a bit more difficult going this way uh right I’m just going to call it practice my parkour practice is getting over the wall um oh okay that was actually not that difficult I thought I

Had to go over the tree but no you can just go over the mountain right okay there we go I’m outside by oh and it it didn’t do that before no wait that’s a recent addition why is your skin Pure White I thought that was an

Issue with like the I thought that was an issue with the um I thought that was an issue with the thing like not not loading or something I didn’t realize your skin is just like pure white or something right okay come on we we can

Do good at this we can do good at this I’m probably not going to do good at this at all uh what’s the first one the first one is okay this is what is that what on Earth is that okay there’s dirt and if you fall off the dirt there’s terra

Cotta that okay maybe that’s actually a bit more confusing than I thought it was right come on come on Good Luck guys good luck we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this we can do this in 3 2 1 right it’s going to appear

On this side okay oh no oh dang it no right this side this side okay right there we go that took a bit longer than I would have hoped uh okay and do this I hate ones like this not cuz they’re difficult just just cuz they slow you down right and then jump

Across here come on is that my in front of me is that my no wait yeah yes that is my hello Myer okay okay right uh could you join my Minecraft server um unfortunately I don’t don’t really have time to play on a Minecraft server other than the one

That I’m already on which is lotus but like the only reason I have time for that one is cuz it’s content that’s that’s like how my channel oh gosh okay that went no oh God right no oh gosh I’m going to die I’m actually going to

Die this was this was the one that killed me last time wasn’t it like this this kill okay I made that I made that somehow right let’s go let’s go let’s go why did a bunch of people just die okay um oh wait two of those people

Were on our team that’s not good okay it’s just me and my f left okay okay okay what did you guys die on where did you get suck I’m curious um you could use it as a video uh yeah I don’t I like I have a specific style of content if

That makes sense um and like I don’t know it doesn’t really fit the like random sort of I did this thing it’s more of like I I have serieses and I prefer working on series um main cuz I like making little stor lines and everything um oh my gosh I’m failing at

That one so bad I’m going to die here this is okay I’m predicting that this one is the round where I die okay yep I made that right pipes are easy no the pipes are not easy apparently come on some of these are really simple jumps I’m failing

Spectacularly at them I’m going to start taking damage here I think I just saw Myer here as well and me and my just like equal skill at parkour right okay I took one bit of damage dang it uh oh and then that heart disappeared anyway so everyone would have lost that heart right

Okay come on up and over there down here there’s another one of these oh go oh no it sent you all the way back oh this is bad this is bad this is bad I’m definitely going to take some heavy damage on this one cuz I’ve taken

Way too long okay okay okay right that’s one section done and this section oh my God I hate the walls cuz they have that tiny little extra bit of the hit box no a dang it that’s what just screwed me up the extra bit of the hit box

Right um oh gosh I hate Bo jumps like that oh no okay this one might be where I’m dead cuz I think you have to get some like perfect jumps no okay never mind right um we’re only one heart down below everyone else that’s fine um now

It’s B one this one’s not difficult just a bit tedious my F’s dead no Myer why um okay I guess I’m the last person left in our party aren’t I cuz the other two died earlier um oh gosh okay no oh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m going to take

Way too much damage trying to get across this I’m gone this is it how many how far did I make it to be honest this is the furest that I’ve made it this stream um cuz I died much earlier on all the other ones yeah I’m not getting across

This before the next damage t no oh dang it oh dang it dang it but you know what not the worst though what quest did I get there I got uh faction XP cool what’s this one uh oh yeah that’s the to get to the other side

One I’ll have to do that at some point some point during this stream we need to return to get to the other side right okay uh pineapple say these words technoblade Never Dies technoblade Never Dies yeah how long has it been since techno like that was a year ago already wasn’t

It cuz like Tommy in it posted a video time jeez oh God that was like back on Lotus season 1 and everything as well so yeah that was that was really early actually huh um right over a year ago nearly two is it nearly two I don’t think is it nearly

Two I feel like at maximum it’s only been like 1 and a half years I feel like at maximum not entirely sure though I don’t know I I never watched um him too much I never like kept up with it um or anything thing I just remember when it

Happened and everything um anyway right uh where this is this is a very um every year ago June 2022 huh so January from March April yeah okay so less than a year and a half less than a year and a half it’s it’s around like a year and 5 months is that

Correct um okay um also we need five more people to join this um queue otherwise we’re not going to get in four right who’s going to win this as well I’ve lost track of where they actually are I’m just flying around is it going to be this

Person is it like is there even a timer for like this bit when it I guess there’s the timer up at the top are they going to start taking damage is this guy going to win this guy’s going to win isn’t he go on mate

You can do it you can do it oh he was actually really low on health as well so you almost died earlier in it um what’s your favorite YouTuber I don’t really have one like genuine I don’t really have a favorite YouTuber um I think if

You had to make me pick I would probably say Gan or Mumbo or something but like I don’t really have one I’ve never gone out of my way to pick one foozy welcome to the stream you are actually a bit earlier than you said you would be

Welcome to the stream how’s it going fzy I hope you’re doing well right um also fuzy do you notice anything special about the number below my name do you notice anything special about it right anyway come on we can do this we can do this I need to start on this side cuz

The chains here ah no I’m getting stuck I’m getting stuck on the Chain this this’s the one tedious thing that chains are like a very fiddly thing to work with it’s a bit like glass panes in it I didn’t even know there was a glass pane there okay that was like almost

Invisible against the sky right come on we can do it we can do it and down here oh no it’s the Rope one oh no I’m bad at this one I’m bad at this one no oh dang it oh I’m going to take some heavy damage here Right or not okay somehow hello my I see they’re waiting um right we want to be on this side of it okay this is fine this is fine we we’re done fine we’re doing fine okay we’re not doing fine um right that bit then that bit that bit oh

Gosh I’m not very good at those ones um this one might screw me up as well having to try and fit into a one block actually no cuz the trap doors save you so should be fine I’m getting tiny lag spikes those are almost killing me those

Little lag spikes oh my gosh no why I’m going to take damage here again I keep saying that and then I managed to get through it without taking the damage but I think I am cuz yeah the music starting so I’m going to take damage

Here right let’s see if no oh why I was rushing it and I was actually kind of doing well no that was a lag Spike I’m going to say that that was a lag Spike like I I teleported for me on my monitor right okay there we go through three

Hearts of damage um let’s jump on that just to be safe jump over there yeah we need to rush now cuz we’re behind everyone else and we started late and everything oh gosh all right the Cannons love the Cannons and the parrot that’s a really nice parrot build it’s very

Fluffy parrot um hello person that built the map um then over here with the wonderful mushrooms why are the stems in the like in the top tops inverted it’s like it’s got the mushroom stem as the um as the top of the mushroom and then what should be the top of the mushroom

Is the stem just wondering why they chose that ah dang it I took another half damage there I’m not getting a cool down here am I like every every spit that I go through I’m just not getting a cool down I have to immediately go through oh gosh okay you

Know what that was really quick though we did that quick um oh no no I hate this one I hate this one with an actual passion I hate this one why that’s so stupid and it’s not moving dude dude dude dude I hate this one this one

Always screws me up and it’s never even my fault it’s just because this one actually sucks right I’m going to wait on this one for a bit and wait for the next bit to come around and then do the same here I don’t care if it takes longer it’s the

Only way to actually survive that thing right okay and I just fell I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’ve only got two hearts and I keep falling I’m not going to make it dang it oh why why did you just jump into the Vault

I did not just jump into the void um have you watched Green’s life secret life video I have watched the video um maybe be careful posting spoilers though cuz I don’t know how many people want to watch it here right oh my gosh could I join your Discord server um you can get

A link uh is someone able to provide a link can one of the moderators do that please um yeah you can it’s designed for the old Channel um and it’s really inactive right now I still need to redo it like I keep saying that I need to refurbish the Discord and everything I

Just need to make a new one um and I haven’t for some reason um it could be my favorite video I’ve watched this year excuse me you can’t say that on my channel dude I’m joking I’m joking it was it was a very good episode

Um I I will uh wait I will I will talk on it all day I don’t know if you’re going to get a response I I don’t know um it’s it’s fairly inactive it’s it’s not like it’s not it’s not doing the best um cuz as I said it was designed

For the old Channel a bunch of people joined it for like other bits of content and everything it’s I just need to redo it I just need to like update it and make a new one entirely uh it was so funny the timing on everything was perfect I forgotten

What the timing on it all actually was but like yeah some of it was good um I need to go see it goodbye game Vortex thank you for turning up right uh are we bringing foozy in then foozy are you joining or is there someone else that

Wants to join or something what’s going on uh can you do more achievements in the in the Border World expans um I’m going to be honest there’s not another achievement I can get genuinely um like actually we are out of achievements to get in that World um oh

Wait my’s alive my where are you hold on dude the F what you were one of the earlier ones out last time actually no you were kind of on level with me come on my you can do it you can do it I believe in

You if you fail I’m going to be very disappointed in you Mur please don’t fail in fact Mur if you fail you’re never getting on to Lotus I know that’s one of the things you want you’re never getting on to Lotus if you fail come on Myer come on never getting

On to Lotus sorry Mur that was your opportunity gone oh but the other guys failed come on come on my I believe in you you can do it you can do it maybe you can’t but you you probably can where’s the other guy where’s the other guy take the shot take the

Shot get him out take the shot oh dang it oh so close uh what message what am I uh not right now sorry okay right foozy isn’t coming on uh I haven’t watched you uh play lotus lotus is a fun server although yeah I admit it’s not um what

Everyone on the like streams watches and stuff I tend to have different audiences for the videos and the streams which I’m actually okay with I’m I’m okay with it um so yeah right um so I did notice that uh right let’s leave the party actually

Because so um we are now down a party member if I am correct uh offline and and online right okay so game Vortex is gone so is there anyone is That you join my streams with the weirdest of skins fry right okay um so is there is there anyone that wants to join um I wish I could play with you I mean if you have Java you can um I don’t know I don’t know if you have Java oh

Actually no wait I think you’re you’re Bedrock aren’t you I think you said uh what’s this eliminate 800 players in parkour Warrior Survivor how do you eliminate a player is that just survive longer than them like what how do you eliminate a player um I make a new skin every stream Jesus

Christ no I I have like this backlog of skins that I um use and everything it’s like I I I even made it a folder earlier today actually cuz I needed to sort through them so the number of Minecraft skins that I actually have saved um that I can bring back anytime I

Want is if I click on this uh can I see 32 there’s 32 separate skins that I have um some are minor changes some are like more um drastic and everything but I have 32 different variations of my like skeleton pirate um and that’s just the

Ones that are still saved on my device there are extra ones that like I uploaded and everything and then deleted the file for right anyway um so are we going back into parkour Warrior are we going to a new game what are we doing I’m feeling

Like to get to the other side if if if no one objects to it then uh 32 skins is a lot of lore I mean yeah well that that’s just the pirate skins and to be honest some of them aren’t lore a lot of them are AR law actually it’s just like different

Color coats and everything cuz I I just get bored of using the red coat constantly so I’m like you know what I want to change it and I I’ll I’ll wear a blue coat instead or something um one of the Skins was made by me uh I think you actually made

More than one night I think you’ve actually made more um although I’m not entire uh actually you made more but I don’t think I ever used any of the other ones after like the the one you’re talking about um anyway right so uh oh

What did that say I did not go to read the I’ll land Insurance what right let’s go let’s go yeah there’s less players needed to play each game now I think cuz like even this is a bit emptier I think maybe actually I don’t know cuz everyone’s sort of like

Bunched up together so maybe not right how much punching is going to happen in this I bet I’m going to get targeted by fry Fry’s going to Target me fry is absolutely going to Target me so I want to get across this as quick as I

Can I mean I want to get across it as quick as I can anyway but right let’s come across here there we go you know what I’m actually do well doing well doing well someone just punched it before me who got third who got third there

Someone got it oh wait no I got fifth I thought I got third who got fourth who was it gray dang it gray you stole it right before I did why um uh the orange and rainbow uh did you make the orange one I don’t know if

You did the orange one um right uh it’s getting late I think what do you mean it’s getting late it’s it’s it’s like halfast 4 it’s half 4 in the evening or afternoon even that’s not even really evening um right any right uh who’s alive uh we’re just

Waiting on three random people come on where are they who’s going to win who’s going to win everyone take your bets now take your bets how much you betting I am going to bet one chicken that this person wins go on person you can do it

You can do it see look everyone now owes me a chicken cuz that’s definitely how betting Works um right what did I come then I might be able to win this like fifth place on the first one if I do well on the next ones

I might be able to Win It although I’m not sure I’m not sure where did my f come my came seventh and where’s fry fry got ninth so you know what not too bad not too bad who thinks pineapple will get first honestly I’m not expecting it

Myself I’m just hoping um I’m definitely not getting first on this map though because this map sucks I hate this map it does not deserve to exist I wish they would just remove it and anytime it gets a moderator not a modifier that’s what I want any time it

Gets a modifier it’s even worse I’ve just realized I forgot to drink my jump boost which is even worse um that’s kind of problematic cuz now I need to keep piling up these jumps and I just fell this is why it’s sucks I hate this map I hate this map

I don’t like it it’s so boring uh yeah I’m definitely not getting first I think I have just lost my ability to get first with the fact that I got 11th this round I hate this map it’s not fun it’s empty it’s boring it there’s nothing good about it there’s nothing

Good oh gosh right let me to take another sip of my drink I keep drying out my mouth from talking too much oh and that person failed oh who is that oh I can’t see their skins on the tabl list of course uh hello Nathan as well

Welcome to the stream how’s it going I hope you’re doing well oh double time great oh no oh no this is going to actually suck this is this is going to this is going to suck oh gosh um it’s Sprint jumping better in this Sprint jumping is slower but of course more control

Okay yep yep that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine punch the chicken I think purple got that right before me annoyingly dang it I hate double time as well double time is my uh actually is double time my least favorite mod modifier or is it

TNT hm I’m not entirely sure also I had to get an explanation for why it’s called double time but you end up with half the time apparently according to Buzzy double time is a military word um or it’s a military term where essentially um I got eighth place

Overall geez um so double time is apparently a military term where you have to walk at like twice the speed or something you’re supposed to go faster so that’s why it’s called double time and you get twice the speed cuz it’s a military time where you should walk

Faster I think it’s a really stupid naming of it but yeah oh gosh okay right come on I got to get first at some point also actually if I just like play another round of this I’m going to get the um the like punch six chickens Quest and then I think I

Unlock do I unlock these ones or oh no no I need just like ranks or something for that come on 11 out of 12 people in the queue 11 out of 12 why is to get to the other side lost popularity some I mean the whole server kind of lost popularity but like

Why like why why is it lost popularity it’s it’s very depressing cuz like it does have some really good games I might have to go soon that’s fine don’t worry there’s never an obligation to stay here hello Elon Elston welcome to the stream how you doing I hope you’re doing well um

I’m I’m doing quite well today you know what like today is a good day is a very good day I was a bit tired when I woke up cuz um I didn’t get the most sleep in the world um but like you know what I’m good I’m feeling good and I am also

Behind on my Lotus video it’s like maybe I should have been editing instead of streaming but like you know I’m sure it’s fine it’s all fine but um yeah I’m actually behind on my Lotus video it really should have been out by now it’s like I didn’t think it was

Going toh take long I’m going to have to go soon uh cuz I need to to move a sofa to a van so my sister can have it um and we get a new one tomorrow oh I hope you enjoy your new sofa um can I punch this

Pink person off or are they going they’re going to punch me off or not okay oh no someone punched me there someone punched me I don’t know who uh oh no I missed dang it dang it dang it oh no I’m now falling in the water no move out the way Ron

Move right oh my gosh I hate this I hate this oh hey Buzzy’s online oh hi Buzzy welcome to the stream no no no Fon come back here come back here you are not allowed to oh you just dang it dang it imagine falling behind pineapple shake my head wow wow imagine

Imagine taking 4 months to build your house huh how about that imagine taking 4 months to build a house you know I actually have a screenshot of your house somewhere cuz I needed it for the video where is it um oh gosh oh no the spoilers there look see there we go look

I got a picture of Buzzy’s house yeah hello hello Buzzy welcome welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing well today also Buzzy do you notice the number below my name the number below my name on the channel it’s it’s a good number well I hope I hope it

Hasn’t gone down if it’s gone down I’m going to be very depressed okay it’s 3:00 a.m. for me it’s 3:00 a.m. what time zone are you in I guess I could just find that out by find out what time zone is in 3:00 a.m. right now

Like 3:00 a.m. I mean thanks for being here at 3:00 a.m. but like maybe sleep is more important than my streams not going to lie just like just a quick thought there there it might be more valuable I mean like again thank you for being here but like personal health is

Important uh 907 according to channel pet dude we have gone up so much in fact we’ve literally gone up 11 people 11 people in the course of this stream dude that is actually insane genuinely guys thank you so much and actually like if we keep on that

Trajectory and everything and I can make some shorts out of these dreams and stuff I can definitely hit 1K before 2024 like we we can definitely hit 1K I’m I’m sure of that I mean it might not happen it’s unlikely to happen but we could we

Could and if you do or if like if the channel does um you guys get to see what my hair looks like like because I’m going to dye it probably purple I I don’t know what color I want to D it but I’m thinking purple and it might look

Quite nice I need a I need a dark color cuz the thing I don’t know how good my hair will look when it’s dyed um you could also hit 1 mil before 2024 I mean I could but it’s unlikely it’s quite unlikely um I think like I’m I’m losing my words

Here I can’t I can’t speak ow I just got injured I’ve just realized maybe I should maybe I should try and do a different video before like Christmas or something cuz if I try and do if I try and do a Lotus SMP video the only thing

That I want to do on the Lotus SMP is going to mean that like it doesn’t come out until 2024 although it would be a nice video to start 2024 but I also feel like I want another video between now and Christmas or like between my next upload and Christmas um right imagine

Pineapple with pink hair pink pineapple isn’t that like a flavor or something that is isn’t it I swear it’s I swear that’s a flavor of something but um I forgotten what I was going to say oh yeah um so I need I need to pick a hair

Color um except the thing is uh it’s there are pink pineapples oh that’s quite interesting I’m going to need to look that up um no I I need to pick like a good color though cuz my my hair is quite dark um It’s like a fairly dark

Brown and I I need to be careful with it because I don’t want to like dye it some color that’s going to look awful so I want another dark color so that it’s not too like it’s not too different to how my hair already is I guess if that makes

Sense it’s like I need to play it safe with the colors essentially um so I don’t know what what could I go with it’s like I think currently the two colors that are um highest sort of on the list of what would be good are dark

Blue dark red or purple and I do kind of want to go with purple cuz purple purple’s a nice color and if I can find a good hair like hair dye for purple that would be quite cool and also I’m going to need to explain to my parents

Why like I’m dying my hair purple and stuff and why made I made a deal with my channel and everything um dark blue to light blue I’m not I’m not doing a fade I’m not I’m not like I I am not I am not fading my

Hair um or at least not on the first attempt what map is this I only just realiz what map is this what okay you know what I’m going to stand back a bit um someone else can Bridge cross this first I’m not I’m not going to bridge across that this is uh

Oh great let me uh right let’s ow no no okay okay ow gosh oh my God this is this is this is a dangerous Map There’s creepers who put Creepers on a to get to the other side map what and blazes I heard a blaze oh my gosh I’m getting stuck in blocks

Oh no no oh dang it dang it oh gosh also how many people are in the party who’s in the party right now who is in the party we have we have Skipper we have no we don’t have Skipper why did I just say Skipper we have Mur

We have fry who’s the other one sorry who am I missing or if we not got a poor person in the party are we missing someone in the party is there way I can check that um I know I have long hair but you remember how I have blonde fading in my

Brown hair uh um at the ends kind of like that fading yeah I mean I’m not going to try something complex like I’m I would literally just go with something fairly simple cannot run that whil in a game brilliant brilliant okay um now currently my my is like purple and I do

Kind of like the color purple so I’m probably going to go with purple or I will go and copy seam man and do a dark blue or something I just realized deep sles changed to be Stone that’s cool um oh I think I’m going to go bye

Goodbye waffle Army thank you for coming it’s been nice having you and hello Scamp as well welcome to the stream how’s it going losing one viewer and then replacing them with another um right this this is the map that I decided I do not like um because it does

Not need speed and I’m not a huge fan of anything with speed at all anyway no oh dang it ow I just hurt my throat doing that as well that was a really weird noise and it hurt my throat go on my f you can do it I know I’m punching you no

No oh dang it oh gosh why do I always look up when I fall off of stuff I always look up what I should do is look down and see if I can at least place a I hate this map I hate this map I’ve decided I don’t like this map I mean

I’ve only ever played it once but when I played it that one time I got the TNT modifier as well it was just not fun I did not enjoy it this was not fun uh are you calling your viewers replaceable I’m not calling them replaceable I’m just saying that they were being

Replaced but in a in a not bad way where the I thought the chickens were here oh my god oh I hate this map I hate this map it sucks screw this map screw you right um I think we are missing a person in the party Buzzy you could join

If there if there’s an empty space you could join you know and then maybe I should start a VC as well cuz we’ve got my firm we’ve got Buzzy and they’re both well that’s if Buzzy gets in it’s like that there two people that I do trust in BC so I might as

Well Buzzy you know I I saw you I saw you hop online I know you’re on Minecraft I know you’re on Minecraft I’m making a thumbnail for a video that is supposed to be out very shortly I mean you could make it night you’re still in the you’re still in the uh cinematic

Skin um I just saw your little Essentials pop up come on Buzzy just delay the video you know just delay the video my videos never come out on time and look at me I’m I’m I’m doing okay oh early but no punch it Jesus Christ um am I allowed to change it

Though yes you can change it I’ve already got I’ve already got the Cinematic clip that I needed from it um right um yeah if you didn’t know night helps me with a lot of the cinematics and everything I promise my myself that my videos will be coming out on time

From now on wasn’t your most recent video late was your most recent video not like also aren’t you talking about like maybe increasing your upload schedule which seems like a very bad idea in my opinion like you’re going to Tire yourself out you are going to get burnout I

Swear buz you are going to get burnout like this is this is an inevitable thing this is is why you should just quit your job and become a full-time YouTuber you know I’m sure you could get monetized fairly quick come on you can do it hello not mate as well

Welcome to the stream how’s it going I hope you’re doing well right um has everyone finished everyone other than that last person I think went AFK there was someone AFK just like in one of the areas all right round over where did I come I came

Fifth oh my f came third though go on we’ll we’ll we’ll let um someone doesn’t like Thon someone does not like Thon okay um oh you know what my let’s get a screenshot together look oh dang it I just already took a screenshot there we go just like little little

Screenshot what on Earth is going on um also wait hold on leave cute leave cute I want to I want to see how many people we actually have on uh my next series will have a very short recording session so I don’t experience burnout you’re going to experience burnout you’re going

To experience burnout I’ll likely record four videos of it in one setting so I can stay ahead actually that is something that I do kind of want to do I want to like start another series um a survival series by the way um and Buzzy is constantly stealing my ideas just so

That everyone knows here like first she stole my music then she’s stealing ideas for like a bunch of other things no I thought you weren’t joining okay okay right I guess we’re adding Knight to the party Knight’s not here am I not friended with Knight friend night uh friend add

Nightmare uncore Inc added to PR why are you not on my friends list okay there we go you’ve still got no face um right and what is this badges chicken puncher there we go 700 chicken I have punched 700 chickens I have played this game too too much I’ve played this way too

Much um oh yeah because you never steal idea PR you gave me permission to use that idea we made a deal in fact we we legitimately made a deal right what happened with right so that that um that idea for the Minecraft but um the whole

World is a Minefield thing that idea we came up with that together and then we also came up with another idea we also came up with another idea um and we made an agreement I would make the Minefield one and then fry would make the other one and

Then you never uploaded your one I did not steal the idea we went can I do this one agreed and then went with it I do not steal ideas this is untrue but Buzzy definitely does steal my ideas that is definitely what happens it’s like I I

Use a bit of music and Buzzy goes wow you know what I’m I’m going to use that music in fact let’s play the exact song that Buzzy always steals from me huh how about that we’re going to do that my streams are becoming bullying Buzzy where where’s the instrumental

Version cuz the instrumental ones is better Here We Go instrumental this Song why is this taking so long wait no that’s not the right where’s the where’s just the where’s the where’s the thing where’s the normal one without the vocals is it that one no wait uh this One no nope that’s that’s talking where is I don’t know where the actual original song is the one without the thing huh oh it’s there I’ve just found it this one yeah that bit of music so uh yeah Buzzy definitely stole that from me I I was

Definitely the one to use it first do not believe anything that Buzzy says Buzzy is the one that stole from me Buzz Buzzy is definitely the one that stole from me right anyway um what what game are we going to we haven’t we haven’t um got a

Game to play right now so what what game are we going to um I’m I’m fine with any of them actually maybe we should do Dino ball we haven’t done Dino ball so maybe maybe it’s time to lose my 100% win rate on uh on that you haven’t added me yet

You are in the party you’re you’re literally in the party aren’t you oh wait oh no that symbol me no I sent you an invite I I sent you an invite so it was actually you that didn’t accept the invite that’s that’s what it

Is um so you have to accept it it’s not my fault um right okay uh Dall right okay I’m I’m seeing people saying dinol and also people questioning what dinol is uh is This Server only for Java um I’m pretty sure it is only for Java um so yeah resend

Exite it won’t let me resend it that often invite there we go right there we go okay dinol uh actually is that one that we haven’t played yet no I’ve played all of these haven’t I yeah I’ve done every single one right d ball let’s go I’m

Going to lose my 100% win ratio on this this is uh this is going to be very sad but it’s it’s difficult but it’s quite fun when you actually get the hang of it once you understand what you’re doing it’s quite good okay take another sip of my drink

So I’m not getting dehydrated it’s a pirate dude right we’re still going on about the stealing ideas thing um I’ve I’ve had a lot of free time lately and getting a laptop so vids fzy are you going back to uploading videos I still don’t know what these are

What the hell are these what do you do with them I don’t know what their purpose is I don’t actually know what they do they don’t do anything they just sit here and Sparkle it’s weird what is your purpose what do you do I mean like I don’t understand it I

Don’t get it I don’t I don’t get what they what they do um right we need to we need to grab oh oh gosh I need to no land on this land on this land on this okay okay no my that’s mine oh dang it ow jeez um right we need

We need to pick up the explosives that come down from the sky and then oh gosh no um oh okay okay yeah you need to pick up the explosives that come down from the sky and um launch them off at the other team um it’s it’s quite difficult to get

The hang of bit but once you do um you can be really good at this so let’s aim around there that went completely open oh yeah um little note as well so if you hit someone directly with the ball um it will get stuck to their head which is of

Course a fairly big Advantage cuz it does quite a bit of damage right this is a um I got an arrow what is that that’s a spawner that’s a spawner okay okay right I broke it I broke it okay go away go away um let’s break that one as well

Just so that we don’t get endless mobs spaw oh my God okay our team is getting absolutely destroyed here why are there no Dino balls falling for US ah here we go here we go right right TNT here we go uh let’s try and launch it over there

That was an arrow that was not what I wanted unstable am oh wait was that about to explode okay I kind of got stuck what oh no oh no oh no no land up here land on here land on here please please please oh no this is bad this is this is

Extremely bad this is this is a very bad situation um yeah this is what I meant about losing my 100% win rate um I think it’s gone after this round um okay uh let’s throw it over there okay and pick that one up and throw it over there as

Well uh not the best oh no oh no oh gosh ow ow ow ow um that’s going to go off into the void isn’t it yep off it goes uh there’s one down there right um let’s see can we land it over on there nope we

Went over it’s still a good place though still a good place to land um running out of blocks here yeah I’m out of blocks uh okay Center’s probably the safer place to be actually maybe it’s not maybe the edge is better um right where are they there’s people over there

Let’s throw it there yes a that almost got them oh wait I’ve got another one I’ve got another one oh but I’m recharging dang it recharge Faster come on come on also my music feels quiet like the background music is the is the background music quiet for

Everyone or is that just me that might just be me I might just have my audio low it it seems low can someone tell me if it’s low oh that person’s Dead uh right let’s go for them that fell really short um I need to

Pick up TNT I need to pick up a bit of TNT that person knows how to aim uh it’s more quiet than game audio yeah it is quiet isn’t it right okay um I don’t know why that’s quiet I need to turn that up like genuinely I don’t know why

That’s quiet cuz I haven’t changed anything or anything like that oh gosh um right let’s aim around there that might be a bit high that might be a bit high oh that was perfect that was was a really good shot um I think if I pick this up right 1 2 3

4 5 6 7 okay I apparently picked up another block um right this is recharging where where are they they are there is it just okay it’s two people two people I don’t know how many people are left alive uh let’s do that no oh it fell um oh oh God

This is such a bad place to be this is a really bad place to be um okay uh let’s try that again that seemed like a good place to aim last time no oh there goes my win rate oh dang it dang it I got to go uh

Make the final touches to my video so I’ll be gone for now uh goodbye and have fun everybody goodbye Buzzy thank you for turning up oh dang it dang it that was not that was not the best um right why is my why is that so quiet let’s go – 15

Uh how about that uh maybe a bit more- 17. 5 that seems good I’m going to go minus 17.5 so is that music better can everyone hear that music better we can hear it right okay um anyway right next round of din ball din ball is actually quite fun I do like it

Um and now that my 100% win ratio is ruined I’m uh not as nervous to play it anymore I still don’t know what these are though like genuinely I don’t know what the purpose of these are I don’t know if stuff down here at first or like

If they turn into anything in the end I actually don’t know their purpose uh can we try another server after that um unfortunately this is an MCC stream I don’t really like changing um what the streams are doing and everything so it’s going to stay as

MCC um so sorry about that uh right is that person AFK um well they almost died if they were oh oh no oh no oh oh oh that is bad that was bad that was bad jeez okay um I can’t pick that up dang it stuck okay

Okay oh no no right I’m jumping over here I’m jumping over here this is maybe not the best place to jump to I’m jumping over here instead um oh gosh nowhere seems like a place to be um let’s go here there we go 21 21 uh 25 actually um whoa whoa

Whoa what was that why okay um right let’s get these powerups These powerups are chicken air strike well that was useless none of those are landing oh wait oh some of them are landing okay um just throw it okay that was going to explode on me that was going to explode

On me um right let’s add a bit of stuff to walk on here just so it’s not totally dangerous right anything around there’s a mystery box thingy over there uh right oh okay whil I’m high up whilst I’m high up uh let’s throw that there is that going to hit them almost

Got them almost got them come on we can do this we can do this we can win this round right maybe uh what oh dang it it went into cool down is my thing going to explode whil here right um oh gosh I might need some

Blocks below me I mean there’s no point placing blocks here cuz like if it lands anywhere it’s going to blow up the whole thing right let’s go for them and it went off the edge cuz someone blew it up before um we’ve got a lot of spawners on Us not the best not the best not the best there’s a shadow above me okay it’s TNT it’s TNT good uh give me that right let’s throw that at that person yep there we go got that person stuck uh yeah I killed someone did I get that K I

Killed two people look at that perfect oh okay okay oh that was bad that was bad that was bad that was bad that was really bad okay okay um let’s just give ourselves a tiny little platform to work with uh is that that’s an air strike

Going for someone else uh where are they oh it’s the same person it’s the same person there was last round okay can I get it to land on them let’s try oh almost O Okay went above me there um they’re going for me they’re going for

Me I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this um oh I’m out of blocks I didn’t realized I was out of block um oh is that it yes there we go look at that okay got to go okay goodbye foozy thank you for

Turning up um also had to send a message to a few death friends oh um right okay let’s do another round of that din ball F I got second dude let’s go we got second that’s actually really good right okay who who’s in the party then so we

Have Maur we have fron and we have Knight okay and oh oh this is this is dangerous this is a dangerous map um something tells me this is going to be a quick round I don’t think this is going to go well um uh can I jump up there I can I can

Jump up there I could not jump up there I shouldn’t have even attempted that um I don’t know where the safest place to stand is going to be is okay The Cauldron is solid though that’s a good thing The Cauldron is solid oh oh oh well I’m up here now that’s that’s

Nice I I did kind of want to be up here that’s going to blow up um this is concrete powder is this concrete powder going to fall or does it not work like that uh right oh that completely missed oh no oh okay um I hate to break it to you guys

But the other team is doing much better than us I think this is not going great not going great at all um they seem to be doing much better okay okay okay peace phase nice cool um let’s can I can I get oh okay arrows arrows are actually quite

Good arrows will be quite useful cuz um well maybe on this H actually no the arrows are more useful on the on the ship uh not very useful here okay blocks full blocks are affected by gravity good to know good to know ow um right let’s

See then I can just launch some arrows oh wait oh the arrows are turning blocks into concrete powder I didn’t realize that okay that’s that’s quite cool ow oh no oh no no no bad this is bad guys this is really bad this is really bad bad

Um oh my gosh they are doing so much better um we really need to take out the bottom of their defense essentially or their Island um that’s that’s what we’ve got to do or like build build platforms here ex we might want multiple layers cuz one layer is just going to kill us

As soon as it blows up um okay I’ll make I’ll make this bit a bit thicker to stand on what’s that is that that’s TNT okay um I need oh oh no oh gosh um no no it’s gone down there oh okay we can use that we can use that uh

Throw that over there that was not my best shot in the world oh gosh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh gosh ah jeez oh my God oh my god um this

Is this is bad this is really bad okay I got I got TNT on that guy um yeah we really need to take out that Island essentially oh no okay oh gosh right peace phase peace phase peace phase that’s useful um got a bit of ammo um annoyingly that block just about missed

Right uh let’s see if we can get one just down there um okay that actually landed exactly where I wanted it to be I think um that one could have been a bit off to the side right we are doing good though we are actually doing quite good we’re

Definitely taking out a decent part of their um Island now cuz the thing is if we hit the bottom blocks it all falls apart cuz it’s concrete powder oh you know what we’re actually doing really well we might get a chance here we we might get a chance we might be able to

Win it I just got it stuck on that guy oh gosh right let’s take that chicken air strike that’s going to be really useful that’s really useful I’m going to get unstable ammo I’m going to get unstable ammo oh gosh oh my God oh my God how am

I alive am I the last one alive I’m the last one alive aren’t I H Shoot I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my God ah go away oh this is the end this the end no a that’s that’s bad you’re still alive I am still live I’m going to be live for another hour still this this stream’s feeling really long but like still

Really fun so that that’s nice oh dang that was close really I don’t get like I don’t get to be second or anything cuz of that oh I guess there were so many people alive on their team weren’t there a it was like it was looking kind of

Hopeful and then it just didn’t uh the D ball is my favorite anal might actually be my new favorite now um I’m not quite sure if it beats together I think it does I think Dino ball might actually be my favorite now um which is weird cuz

When I first heard like what it was going to be um cuz they posted it on their Discord I was like I that doesn’t sound fun at all um but like I’m actually really enjoying it so yeah it might be my favorite now um I’ll try to join the server um unfortunately there’s

Only a party limit of four so um unless you’re like and like unless we’re going to kick someone or someone leaves or something um no one else can actually get in uh right that’s mine uh let’s just land on someone there we go ow uh yeah this is immediately seeming

Like a lot of our land is being blown up guys um oh gosh and it’s made of concrete powder there as well uh right let’s get that uh what does this do spawner zombies okay okay that’s no oh oh my God I saw the blocks falling I thought I was

Dead I thought I was just going to go straight into the void okay um you know what let’s put zombies on their bottom floor let let’s see let’s see if that does anything useful if we put zombies on the bottom floor um right peace phase uh let’s oh they called in an air

Strike oh my God okay um I am going to sort of do the same thing that I keep always doing which is give myself like a nice just little platform which has immediately Fallen apart that’s useful that’s really useful my we can get through this together

Surely oh maybe not when TNT is doing that um oh gosh oh gosh this is this is a stressful one how have they destroyed much of ours and we’ve destroyed so little stuck on me um right I’m going to I’m going to keep launching it down below cuz what we need

Is for them to fall in the void so it’s useful to blow it up below them so that um then like oh oh that’s going to be brutal that’s going to be absolutely brutal okay um so now we can actually just kind of take out the floor and it

Will mostly get them um that wasn’t Landing here peace phase uh right let’s do another platform just slightly higher than the first one it’s like I always just want a little platform that is a bit sort of raised Above the Rest so we can land there and it’s all still fine

Ow ow oh gosh oh gosh okay this is bad this is this is bad oh gosh um no oh I don’t have any blocks either I don’t have any things to throw I can’t pick that up why am I not getting one aren’t you supposed to get like a free Dino ball

Every so often why am I not there we go right um let’s throw it there that’s going to get stuck on him there we go uh and let’s throw another one there and it got stuck on them okay that was good that was good uh um right peace phas peace phase nice

Um there’s a creeper spawner there that’s not useful okay okay we can win this we can win this maybe um what the hell is that I have no idea what I’ve just picked up I what is that oh it shoots a like it’s it’s just a fireball launcher okay oh my God that

Almost okay potion levitation up we go up we go right we’re Landing here we’re Landing here get down off of your bloody Tower oh brilliant oh okay right that’s really what oh no I just jumped down a that’s really what we need to be doing

We need to be done this we need to be building a platform like up in the air or something where it’s really hard to reach cuz like yeah it’s really hard to shoot ammo all the way up to that so yeah what what we need to

Do is do that platform nice and high up in the sky and we hopefully won’t get hit as much are we all dead is every is every single person on our team Dead uh I think so um oh wait no hold on fr’s still there uh what team though wait uh

Oh right red team here and then dead right new round let’s see let’s see how this goes this one’s really fun um this one’s genuinely really fun the server is available for Bedrock but it keeps disconnect are you sure that’s official cuz as far as I’m aware MCC does not

Have a Bedrock server so you might be looking at an official one which is why it would keep disconnecting you cuz it’s probably being like taken down or something I don’t think that they have a Bedrock version of this server um right okay okay okay this one looks like

An even worse map this this this is awful this is an awful map to try and survive on oh gosh you sure I’m pretty sure that MCC is a Java only thing um we need to make a platform yes yes yes M we need to make a platform up

In the sky that’s what we need to do um right and uh those are mystery boxes we need TNT is what we need uh right I can pick this one up though when it eventually lands no no you just stole that dude why FR why oh gosh I don’t have anything to

Defend myself this is feeling d dangerous um how are we supposed to get there it’s gone down there like oh gosh this is this does not feel like the best of maps I’ll be honest out of the ones that we’ve played this one might be my least favorite in terms of like

Survivability and everything I don’t even have a thing why am I not getting a thing to launch there we go finally God that took so long right and I did manage to get it on them okay uh reward available slapstick Game Pass what um I’m not going to go for that cuz

I can’t get back from it uh right I can oh okay levitation is going to be really useful although what I really need TNT oh gosh uh right it’s broken it’s broken oh gosh okay my entire Cloud just blew up that’s not fun that’s not fun at

All oh there’s a bunch of TNT down there o gosh okay uh W them up here let’s oh no I dropped too soon yeah that is a lot of TNT down there that would be really useful to get um right oh no no I missed the thing oh my God I missed the

Bloody I scroll past it are you serious are you serious I tried oh my God I actually missed the thing I scroll past it and then just like try place oh why why yeah I don’t think I like this map genuinely I don’t think I like this map

Cuz it’s like everything just lands down there so it’s like you have to be really low down I don’t know I think it’s too unsurvivable if that makes sense I I don’t think I like this one I think the boats is my favorite I think the boats map is my favorite um it’s

Like it’s a it’s a good balance of like taking time in around and everything but also um like it’s not the easiest to survive but like you can do quite well on it you can survive for a long time and yeah I don’t know I don’t know how

To really explain it I just think that the boats map is definitely my favorite out of all the ones that um I’ve seen who’s alive then uh is Knight still alive no Knight’s dead okay are we all dead yes we are every single one of us

Is dead uh no wait no fry is alive fry is alive uh where’s fry fry is down here doing a good job of surviving actually especially on a low down part come on Fry we believe in you you can do it you

Can do it pry take it for the T oh oh no oh no oh no oh no okay levitation thing’s quite useful there all right I would go for those two people which they have there we go oh two shots and one of them’s dead there we

Go and then this person this person’s just kind of like a worst version of youer this person’s just a wor version of your skin right uh where’s fry where’s fry I’ve lost pry is pry Dead Oh Fry’s dead okay right new round then might as well

Just go to me around this is really fun genuinely um I feel like maybe we should be changing games or something but like this is actually a really fun game I actually really like this so I kind of don’t want to it’s like I actually

Really want to stay on this game I I want to get the boats map again the boats map was really fun this a lot of fun yeah yeah for for agrees I’m having pizza oh what what sort of pizza I’m going to go bye goodbye not M

Thank you for turning up to the stream it’s been fun having you here um what what sort of pizza uh feels like a compliment and an in at the same time well I said they’re the worst version of your skin I mean like they they did kind of look like you

Just a little bit second place oh Oh right I hate this map why are we on this map again I want the boats map the boats map was really fun uh pineapple where you get the next W I am hoping to get the next W I’m not sure if I will um right there’s a

Mystery box there I’m going to go for this this is mine I swear if any of you steal it right no yes I got it no are you Serious that not go plan how did I fail that jump it was like the easiest jump in the world how did I fail how did I fail that oh my gosh genuinely how like was like too far over or something like did I hit oh maybe I might have hit the block that

Was there or something and then I don’t know oh dude so Not only was that not the W but um I was I was the first one dead the first one dead really why why oh Knight’s gone um I I assume Knight is logging off to have pizza you never said

What pizza it was no you didn’t say what pizza it was uh chicken pizza and spice Pizza huh okay um by the way game Vortex if uh if you want to if you want to get on or if anyone wants to get on if if anyone

Wants to join first one first one to like um ask to join or whatever can be added so um you’re back I I know you’re back welcome back game Vex yeah um first one first one to request to join can um be added to the party cuz we’ve now only got three

People so who’s going to get in yeah we still have 40 minutes left on this stream this feels like a very like productive stream it feels like we we’ played a lot of these games uh turning on Minecraft right okay we’ll do one more round without you and then we’ll

Add you to the party so we’re going to do this round and then we’ll add you to the next party okay or the next um bit of it if that makes sense right all right let’s let’s hope that I can get a better round this time that

Was so stupid what I just did that was so stupid how did I do wait my fo got first dude good job yay there we go see our party is the best our party is the best at this game it’s you really are going to make a new

Skin every single stream I’m not I’m not sure if that’s like funny or scary we still lost lost we did still lose didn’t we it’s like we lost the round and yet you came first um right oh my gosh add me please right uh uh party um ah dang it dang it um

We’ve been sent back to Lobby right uh oh no no no no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay um right um also I have this what’s this badge uh destroy 2,000 blocks we’ve already done that jeez okay um right who’s who’s getting added to the party uh right

Let’s go still got that one I’m getting a lot of that one today right add to party oh there’s two of you guys uh well game Vortex is the one that asked first so I’m going to I’m going to say game Vortex sorry Sons if you are actually

Here um but like I I sort of go by who requests first and everything um right come on we’ve got to win this next round we have to win this next round also uh hello hello Timmy the pirate you’re you’re very cool I like the uh I like

The orange the orange is actually a really nice color um right what else is around here there’s a plane there’s Sally who I assume is a mechanic yep hello Sally hello JoJo slices welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well uh that’s a full of

Lava um right we’re in a cute 9 out of 12 come on we need more people more people we need more people in the round two more two more and the round can start actually Dall might be like really fun with a small round this is why i’

I’ve got to get like popular enough to um like actually is it is it MCC Island that does this or um or Hypixel where like if you’re popular enough and you you get a YouTube rank um what happens is um you’re able to set up like private matches and everything that that would

Be cool uh do you like my skin I do like your skin it’s it’s it’s a very casual one which is what I like about it wait I am thinking of the right skin am I am I thinking of the right skin why can’t I get up there is there an invisible block

There what okay um great there’s a there’s a limit to how high we can go that seems really stupid um is it going to disappear afterwards uh P private lobby will go crazy private LOB we would go crazy but it it would be really fun but um yeah I

Can’t do that but like oh is it high pixel it’s Hypixel that does that dang it oh right you know what my you stay on you stay on that one I’m going to go on the shorter M um and then we can we can sort of get them from both side oh I’m

Not going on the shorter Mast anymore okay right come on I should be good at this I’m a pirate okay I should be good with this one oh hello I’m going to take that uh um let’s put out the fire I don’t know if items actually or if

Blocks burn in this right let’s go come on what if we destroy the ship from like the front forward or something or like the front back if that makes sense so it’s like we destroy it from there and then slowly make it smaller and smaller uh right peace phase uh let’s let’s add

A layer for me to stand on um I’m not sure how easy it’s going to be for everyone else to get onto this layer but like a layer for me to stand on that’s probably quite good might be quite good for defense okay uh where are you going

Who is that that’s fry right and oh we got an air strike on them oh jeez I think one of our guys just fell oh yep game Vortex just fell no um right uh let’s try that uh did not go as far as I wanted I needed to aim that higher um

Right I’m going to I am maybe I don’t want to go up there um right come on oh gosh oh gosh I’m still fine I’m still fine um I’m at a high part of the ship there’s plenty of stuff below me I’m not picking up any TNT things though where’s a TNT

Thing none of them are landing over here okay right I got two I got two um right let’s try there and oh it’s in peace round um right okay you know what let’s build this platform a bit more forward then cuz uh that’s that’s really

What I want um and I’m also going to put ladders there just because if I launch up it might be useful to be able to grab a ladder as I come down right and let’s sort of go for that purple one over there there we go that was a good hit

That was actually like directly where I wanted and try again and try again oh we got it on him okay that actually almost killed him oh gosh I’ve already got two more um yep yep yep yep unstable ammo unstable ammo oh gosh um yep oh gosh okay what is

Unstable is this godamn flooring uh right I’ve got three shots four shots that’s that’s a lot of things to shoot oh gosh uh right okay I got rid of those at least um right I’ve lost my flooring which is concerning right we need Go Up

High uh is that my f there um who is that is that my I think it was my right my we need to be up High um let’s just make a really long bridge if that makes sense oh gosh um having a ladder there is a bit scary right and

Then oh no no oh I went too far over I should have jumped the other way dang it dang it oh what side are we oh wait oh wow my actually took down that entire Tower though right come on Mur I believe in you you can do this you can do this

Who’s the other person alive it’s a random random person not in our party go on we can win this we can win this we’re going to win this hey right Mur I am expecting you actually got first place and one that time can we do hole in the wall uh we

Can do hole in the wall after this I want to do one more round one more I want to actually survive around cuz for God’s sake I keep dying now my 100% win ratio has gone down to like 2% right let’s do one last round of this

And then we will go to Hole In The Wall just like that’s sort of how these streams are you just got to balance out what everyone wants to play and everything cuz also like some people want to play other things more than and stuff it’s it’s like streams are a very

Odd balancing act with what people want and everything right oh gosh what is this map I want the boat map again like well actually the pirate ship map was fun but also I want the like one with a load of boats oh this has a lot of layers

Okay um I suspect that like hm are we able to get up there oh gosh that bit of lag there yeah I don’t I don’t see a way up which is interesting um so I think that’s going to need to be like we can eventually get

Up ourselves yeah my’s got a good idea like just sort of try and get up there um okay right you know what might be useful guys there’s a bunch of TNT down at their feet there’s a bunch of TNT down at their feet that’s actually a really useful thing why is everything

Blowing up how have I still not got a single dude are you serious the one time that I accidentally right click and I immediately get given din dang it dang dang it just threw it off the edge oh gosh oh gosh right um we need to hit their feet

Cuz there’s TNT like all the way down at the bottom there that could actually blow up so much it would be really useful all right right ow gosh yeah whenever I next get a shot I am going to see if I can um I’m going to see if I can land some TNT

Down there that would be really useful to get uh boom phase yeah I mean it would be great if I got anything that I could launch during that phase come on please why am I getting nothing I’m getting absolutely nothing that’s so annoying okay right there’s

That uh right what does this do right spawner of zombies you know what let’s spawn some zombies down that bottom bit uh okay they’re going to break break that immediately right din ball down there go on blow it all up yes there we go okay right they they

Have much less to land on down there now um that’s not going to quite get me um okay I keep placing all my blocks in the wrong area uh I’m not going to go for that uh maybe I should go for that you know what yep let’s go for it cuz I can

Make my way back as well okay right that’s one thing uh then we’ll go back up build up this platform a little bit okay are you serious why is my PC just Frozen my game’s just Frozen what was that I just froze oh what the hell okay

I freeze and then come back to that dude I didn’t even click it just launched are you serious why why does it keep doing that oh my gosh oh no that’s that’s gone all the way down there I can’t pick that up um right let’s launch some TNT right

Down into that there oh gosh oh my God okay okay okay okay okay uh let me pick up that air strike that’s that’s probably quite useful um can I break that why am I not breaking that break the thing thank you oh gosh I swear this game just sometimes decides not to work

Okay um Can my my thing is charging up right now right come on and launch there we go didn’t blow up enough I was hoping it would blow up the um hole or something or like it it would blow up the bottom of it so they would fall through the

Hole uh right okay you know what let’s let’s go over here actually because they have this and this okay that’s some really useful stuff there um right launch that over there launch that over there let’s also call in the chicken air strike wow that could not be any more

Useless okay uh that’s that’s the zombie one again uh let’s try and get that one down low um okay that was not as low I wanted it down in that Gap there I was kind of hoping that um it’s like I I was I was hoping that it would um fall into

A little Gap there and they wouldn’t notice it and it would just why do I keep freezing I’m getting like weird lag spikes and everything MCC don’t do that to me please um okay I can party in 5 minutes okay oh gosh oh wa okay um right

Get me out of here I’m on like the bottom layer yes yes I know it’s unstable ammo jeez uh right take that and launch it up there come on that can get them that can get them Yes what no no oh yes there we go and I got first look at that wait hold on is that like first as a team or did I legitimately come first I am not first I’m fourth really oh dude really like why why why am I not first come on you said

First in the chat game why why would you do that to me oh no no no no no don’t party off again don’t party off again right let’s go to uh what was it um I forgot what you said yest oh yeah hole in the wall okay uh let’s just go

Through here this the quickest um okay and where’s hole in the wall I keep getting lag spikes now those weren’t happening earlier I was not lagging dude why am I lagging now like I keep freezing like that that was not happening earlier I do not know what that dude stop freezing

Please why do I keep freezing that’s really concerning how that’s happening now uh D Champion there we go cool what was that actually awarded for I don’t know um right okay that’s parkour where am I going hole in the wall it’s over here uh we got an offline member in the

Party oh who’s offline who is offline wait games uh are you are you here games you you suggested hole in the wall and now you’ve gone offline are you are you here I don’t see you in chat that’s concerning games I think they’re gone um scam what was your uh

Username cuz uh like if you’re able to join and gam is gone um I’ll add you to the party uh would you rather have infinite bacon and no games what what I’m so confused games or bacon I’m to game at no B what I am so

What what is going what is my audience I do not understand um okay Buzzy would like these people they’re just like bees okay um right I I am not entirely sure what to do then cuz uh yeah we’re like one of our party members is offline and they never never said

Anything and they’re not in chat either so I don’t know where they are I there’s Sons on here son is on here I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on with that um so right to the people that are in the party right now

Um cuz I I don’t think s is here so I don’t know I don’t know if son actually like is joining the stream I don’t think they are um right so to the people that are in the party uh what are we doing are we

Going back to din ball are we doing a different game what are uh I’m just finishing a game of TGT okay right um I’ll I’ll wait for you then right we we’re going to wait for you um and whilst you’re done there uh has anyone got any preferences for what to play um

Any anyone got any ideas cuz I’m I’m I’m personally fine with anything we’ve got around half an hour left of the stream which is honestly like actually a decent bit of time uh hole in the wall when I get there okay right so we’ll wait for you

To finish the to get to the other side match and then yeah okay right we’re we’re going into tole in the wall then cuz my f wants it as well yeah so we’ll just wait for you um I’m going to need your username by the way just just

Remember that scam so I I don’t I don’t know your username off by heart I know some people’s I don’t know yours um right let’s do some wandering around here there’s the purple Panda’s place and everything that’s that’s nice that like sort of cherry blossom but taller uh

T1 G cat right T1 G cat I just realized I never put in the command right slash friend add T cat there we go okay so I should be able to invite you to the party um I don’t think I can do it whilst you’re in the match though so if

I press PR that yeah can’t receive invites cuz you’re in a game okay this is good this is good so yeah 30 minutes left on the stream that’s enough for like one or two um like different games um not like rounds or matches or whatever I mean like different games so

If we got bored of Hing the wall could move on to something else I don’t know it’s like half an hour it’s it’s one where we could either spend it all on one game or we could go across like every single game on the server

Really like that that is what I do like about um MCC it’s like it’s very replayable and also um like the rounds are really quick so you never really get bored because of how like quickly the rounds go by and everything that’s that’s the nice thing

About it why are we why are we saying to elect me for president next year I don’t think I would make a good president I mean like in my Lotus season 1 law was me um being an evil dictator and everything so I don’t know if that’s

A good idea I don’t know if it’s a good idea to make me president of an entire country not quite sure if that’s that’s the best decision we could make president of USA go crazy I’d vote i h uh more uh my fellow Americans I’m not

Even American I don’t think I can run for president can I cuz don’t don’t you need to be an American to um become president or something I swear that’s a thing you have to don’t you need to be born in America in order to become president I swear that’s a rule is that

A rule mfer you’re in America is that a rule hello pineapple hello Herobrine welcome to the stream how’s it going haven’t seen you in a while I don’t think were you on the last stream I don’t remember actually you may have turned up partway through the last

Stream anyway how are you doing I hope you’re doing well uh screw history the lore of the US um like that one peaky blindness episode uh ready okay right so that’s a quest log right social invite and tg1 Cat there we go or T1 gcat uh I just

Realized is it pronounced like tiger kit is it is it pronounced like tiger kit Is is that is that how it’s supposed to be said also hello Fiddlesticks welcome to the stream how’s it going I like the name by the way I hope you’re doing well um right hole in the wall probably the last game that we’re going to end up playing although I’m not entirely sure

We might end up moving game partway through it’s like there 30 minutes like actually it’s more like 20 minutes now so probably the final sort of um game this stream not the final round but like final game let’s see how this goes probably not going to go that well that’s that’s

My assumption I don’t I don’t think this is going to go very well this is probably going to go absolutely atrocious right have I Frozen oh no no no I am loading I am loading there we go right I need a quick drink as Well I just spoke my drink on myself only a little bit dang it right uh returning walls and Cy walls okay so the Cy walls are the ones that um just like stop or something or they disappear uh right here we go starting out nice and easy don’t know why I’m

Crouching I could stand up and I’ll would be fine look I can even jump on this one and be fine actually playing it a bit risky cuz I know that you do jump ever so slightly higher than one block um right come on we can do this in fact hold on we make

Up like half the people in this match we can definitely do this we we can definitely win this we are like half of the people in this game it’s literally eight players so if one of us does not win this then we have seriously screwed up

Somehow going to just stand here oh gosh I’m in the cobweb again can I get out the cobweb there we go difficulty increase so it’s going faster let’s walk in through that Gap there okay uh which one is it it is purple and let’s jump over what I didn’t

Jump I didn’t jump high enough dang it oh I’m like first out why I I’m so bad at hole in the wall I am so bad at hole in the wall why like how am I just awful at it you know what they should do they should make it so the spectators

Get like an occasional snowball to throw at people or something just like something to screw it up that’s what I want I want something to occasionally throw at people just to screw them up a bit I used to have a channel but it was

Bad I mean I I have an old Channel um a lot of the content on there is bad now just like I mean I wouldn’t have moved Channel if it weren’t for the fact that like I had the idea and YouTube was kind of scoring me over in terms of

Recommendations and everything so I was just like right what if I um what if I just like roll with it and see what happens Captain look are you referring to that Meme or is there something I should genuinely be looking at what am I supposed to be looking at what just

You that that’s it I’m just supposed to be looking at you okay right um I’m out of practice I I’m just awful at hole in the wall no matter how much practice I get I am just awful at it three people remaining and maur’s the only one left

On our team come on Maur you can do it you can do it okay I I give up on you Maur I give up on you we are all dead every single one of us is dead it’s as soon as I say it as soon as

I say I believe in you that’s when you fall who won uh kaboo I don’t know how you say that uh I had three firsts in a row once I don’t think I’ve ever one hole in the wall again I’ve Come Close occasionally but never come first there we go my f

Was third place there stop saying I believe in you but I do believe in you I want to motivate you and then you die every single time it’s just like I think the solution here is to not die Myer that’s that’s the solution oh my gosh all right

Okay right how many more rounds I think I’m going to say this is either the last round or second to last round and then I’m going to end the stream because uh yeah I do need to I do need to log off and everything on eat dinner I have

Stuff to do but genuinely thank you guys for the amazing stream like the fact that we’ve passed 900 and everything that’s genuinely insane it’s like you are the only people I can really think for it so thank you so much it genuinely does mean the world to me I’m saying

Genuinely too much but like that’s what I mean it’s genuine right and jump over that I almost jumped off the edge there that would be really stupid I wonder what blocks these actually are that are retextured cuz like it has to be something but it bounces as well which is odd cuz like

Slime blocks have unless maybe it can change the textures um between the like Lobby of hole in the wall and actual hole in the wall oh okay okay jump over that one jump over that one right eggs what’s that mean there’s just eggs being

Thrown at us um how do we get over that oh we have to go under okay Jesus Christ that was that was scaring me for a bit and then it’s this one no no oh gosh okay that was really close that was actually really close um oh we here right we’re doing well

We’re doing well I think are all four of us alive uh no I think one of us is dead what the hell it just went through me the wall just went through me what the hell what was that I thought I was going to die there

Um Revenge what does that mean what does revenge mean well I’m now just slowed down um oh gosh oh this is this is throwing me off this is throwing me off um um this way all right middle seems safest it’s the largest platform and everything right let’s go through there uh swi fish

Right let’s Crouch um okay through that who’s left oh wait oh of course players go invisible when they’re too close don’t they no oh oh my God okay there why is it why is it the same wall constantly coming from the same way um oh I actually just helped them

Didn’t I no no no a I was getting hopeful I was getting hopeful I actually lived for a decent bit of time there I was hopeful oh why right come on my f come on I’m going to say it I Believe In You my’s going to die now my F’s going

To die oh gosh I shouldn’t have said it I shouldn’t have said it oh my God I I genuinely every time I say it he dies every time I say it he dies I’m sorry my I’m sorry you know what I got four that’s actually that’s

Not bad that’s not bad I think I got fourth last time though didn’t I or was that in din ball that was din ball where I got fourth oh gosh right okay this is going to be the last round this this is the last round and then I need to end the stream

Hello I remember your skin I have played with you before I swear I swear I know that skin right okay here we go was that was that um what’s his name not um Walter White was that W white or is that just a random guy I don’t know oh gosh I’m I’m

Getting tired you can tell I’m getting tired cuz I start saying just like more nonsense stuff right oh someone’s already dead jeez I almost walked off the edge there though to be fair that was that would have been bad right let’s go diagonally through there just um oh there was a hole didn’t

Even need to jump right okay oh spiders spiders spiders spiders why are they going after me don’t go after me spiders uh right this wall here that should be easy enough there we go just spending nice old time wandering around and everything what is that what

Blocks oh wait I think it’s leaves I think those are leaves put against the glass so you can’t actually see the other side of it for like optimization and everything right come on come on we can do this we can do this we can do

This we we can we can get a good score this round maybe I mean the thing is though the easier it is for me to survive the easier is for everyone to survive so there’s not there there’s not much of a thing there really right oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh

Gosh that’s good wait is everyone dead other than that one other person no yes there we go that that’s the final round right there that’s the final round I don’t know what happened to did they got knocked off by the zombie oh dude right okay getting a screenshot and hey

Look tiger K got first oh wait I can’t get back up from there no wait I can’t get back up from there I can’t even get a screenshot why I can’t get a screenshot because it’s up there good enough there we go that’s my first place screenshot right I need to

End the stream um so party can disband and everything uh I mean I’m going to leave the game if you guys uh want to continue playing together it’s going to put my in the in charge I think right okay no everyone’s going offline right

So I am going to have to end the stream now because unfortunately uh I need to I need to eat um and also I think 4 hours is about where my energy for a stream starts um dying off so I want to say a huge thank you to you guys for watching and

Genuinely amazing thank you to you guys for subscribing and everything how have we hit 900 like actually we’ve actually hit 900 that’s insane it’s it’s genuinely insane I don’t I don’t understand it and like we even went above it we’re at 97 that is so much more like that’s that’s 10,000 not

10,000 why did I put th000 there it’s cuz I read the road to 1,000 in the chat that is 10 subscribers actually it’s 11 today that’s 11 subscribers today that’s insane and hold on right let’s work this out now let’s work this out now because that would have changed the um the

Amount by now so I said earlier in that wonderful Community post we need 104 subscribers in 36 days which is an average of 2.8 subscribers a day what we are now going to need that’s opened up calendar I want calculator right what we are now going to need is 93

Subscribers in the same amount of time 36 Days 2.58 3 recurring 2.58 3 I think that’s possible I mean it’s going to mean gaining like a lot more subscribers um it’s going to be there’s going to be a lot of subscribers um to try and earn every day but I do believe

It’s possible and if we do get there I’m am gonna dieye my hair so yeah I mean I might die my hair even if I do even if we don’t get to 1K but you guys won’t get to see it then so take that it’s more of 1,000 subscribers in order to

See my hair right so anyway that is going to end this stream here what coming soon oh um right so that is going to end this stream here I really hope you guys have enjoyed enjoyed it I have had a very fun time playing with you guys today I need

To turn off my background music there we go right so thank you all for watching I’m not entirely sure what the next stream will be is there’s a good chance it will be Hypixel cuz I saw a few people requesting Hypixel and everything and I’m in the mood for Hypixel right

Now although that might change in a week so who knows there will be a stream though so for now I want to say thank you all for watching and I will hopefully see you in the next stream Bye-bye N A

This video, titled ‘Some Of The BEST Minecraft Games With Viewers (LIVE)’, was uploaded by CaptainPineapple on 2023-11-26 18:09:06. It has garnered 193 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:55:14 or 14114 seconds.

The Minecraft Championships Island (or MCCI if you prefer) has some of the most fun and addicting games to ever make their way onto a server. This makes it the perfect server to enjoy with you all so how about you come along for the ride?

Want to take part? Drop your username in the comments and we’ll add you to the party. Once that’s done we can get to playing whatever games we want!

Links: Music (Going Higher) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/going-higher Music (Funky Suspense) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/funky-suspense Music (Creative minds) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/creative-minds

Music: Going Higher – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound) Funky Suspense – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound) Creative Minds – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)

Licenses: Music by: Bensound.com/royalty-free-music License code: VBJLASSEOEN6DA9R

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  • Ultimate Minecraft House Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft House Hack Minecraft: Basic House Tutorial | Easy Minecraft Version The tutorial is based on the Java (PC) Version 1.20.2 of Minecraft. Sunshade Bag The BSL Shader v8.1.01 ago2 is used to enhance the visual experience in Minecraft. Resource Pack The Honest 3D Addon resource pack adds depth and detail to the game’s textures. Background Music List Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: Naptime! Description: Royalty Free Music with a cheerful and bright vibe. Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: 가을바람 Description: Royalty Free Music capturing the essence of autumn. Music provided by 브금대통령 Track: Spring Step Description: Cute and spring-themed music for… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build: Celtic Park Stadium Stands LIVE

    Insane Minecraft Build: Celtic Park Stadium Stands LIVEVideo Information e e e e e right okay everybody Welcome in it has been a while how we doing guys make sure we do uh make sure we do drop a like people that’d be absolutely amazing um who do we have we have Owen in the chat uh SK we have Rees we have uh cenum plays uh kickster gaming is also there um yeah how is everybody doing hope we’re doing good welcome in as I yeah as I say guys just remember to hit the like button that’ be absolutely fantastic it really would um it… Read More

  • Minecraft Hide and Seek with Camouflaged Critters!

    Minecraft Hide and Seek with Camouflaged Critters!Video Information guys we finally made it to the poppy plates on playground this is going to be so much fun I know right guys guys which ride do you want to ride first there’s so many of them I don’t know I’m so excited waa and check it out they’ve got statues of all of The Smiling creators here this place is actually sick and wait a minute guys is that a trampoline over there yo we got to hit the trampoline let’s go let’s go let’s go this place is actually awesome wo okay these statues are very… Read More

  • Jorge me abandonó y mi casa está en peligro 😱 #minecraft

    Jorge me abandonó y mi casa está en peligro 😱 #minecraftVideo Information Che Jorge te quieto te quieto te quieto me cuidas mi casita hasta que regrese pero boludo V me estás haciendo cuidada tu casa y si me matan una oveja Bueno si me matan una oveja te mato a vos a tu familia toda tu generación y todo lo que venga pero hijo de no me chupa bien la bola así así tomá no culado no This video, titled ‘Jorge no me quiere cuidar la casa #minecraft #humor #fyp #cordoba’, was uploaded by PABLASO99 on 2024-03-28 20:32:08. It has garnered 399 views and 16 likes. The duration of… Read More


    SECRET METHOD for Minecraft SMP MOD REVEALEDVideo Information चलो जॉइन करते हैं चलो हो गया यह है खतरनाक एसएमपी एंड मैंने इसको कर लिया था जॉइन इस खतरनाक ी के अंदर मैं बनना चाहता हूं मोस्ट लीगल प्लेयर एंड रिचेस्ट और डेटली और क्या मैं इस एमपी को डोमिनेट कर पाऊंगा चलो छोड़ो से पहले हम चलते हैं देखते हैं कुछ प्लेयर्स शायद वहा प हां कुछ डायमंड्स के प्लेयर देखता हूं मैं थोड़ा छप जाता हूं देख नो नो न शायद पता क्या होगा स्पन प्रोटेक्शन लगी होगी इसको पर ठीक है चलो मैं तो जा रहा हूं मुझे कुछ नहीं हो क्योंकि स्पन प्रोटेक्शन… Read More


    INSANE TWIST? MALACHOREGAMES FINISHES MINECRAFT DUNGEONSVideo Information [Music] hey guys welcome back to another video and today we’re starting off with desert temple cuz we need to get a new armor set I was just checking and apparently we’re still the same [Music] level deep within these Halls awaits a powerful [Music] necromancer oh wow that’s what it does so yeah guys sorry um um I I was just spending a punch of my emeralds just me shop mystery Merchant just getting like random artifacts um I got a better flaming [Music] quiver that does a bunch of damage I’m going to go [Music] round… Read More

  • Ultimate Fear Nightfall Modpack LIVE – Chaos Ensues!

    Ultimate Fear Nightfall Modpack LIVE - Chaos Ensues!Video Information you [Music] is for [Music] [Music] [Music] for uh hello uh I don’t know why it didn’t play the intro which is a bit odd uh hello uh I’m going to have to look into that play the intro my audio sounds good hold on all right so hello here from the background um I’m playing Minecraft basically a spooky Minecraft and uh yeah I so G so I’ve played on this world before in a stream although the stream itself was bad quality the mic audio kind of messed up but um Ching I’m thinking of what… Read More

  • Insane 1 Year Hardcore Minecraft Challenge! RipMonts 1.20 Lets Play

    Insane 1 Year Hardcore Minecraft Challenge! RipMonts 1.20 Lets PlayVideo Information cross uh that’s fine go live don’t care Happy Days we’re live welcome everyone let’s do this superat Hardcore Minecraft is a thing we’re doing it it is going to work hopefully I’m live I’m here now am I live here no am I live how do get live how I go live videos no not live okay I don’t know how to go live oh I am live nice let’s go kick sorted BOS we’re live on Kick we’re live on everything we’re doing it welcome everybody hope we’re good sign into chat oh God’s sake what’s… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Speakerman vs Wardern 😱😱 || Sam King Gamerz

    Insane Battle: Speakerman vs Wardern 😱😱 || Sam King GamerzVideo Information [Music] it’s we going party we [Music] going go go go This video, titled ‘speakerman vs wardern 🤯🤯 || Sam king gamerz #minecraft #short #shorts’, was uploaded by Sam king Gamerz on 2024-01-10 18:13:43. It has garnered 2467 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. speakerman vs wardern 🤯🤯 || Sam king gamerz #minecraft #short #shorts Skibidi Toilet vs All Minecraft Mobs, Skibidi Toilet minecraft, Skibidi Toilet addon, Skibidi Toilet mod, Skibidi Toilet minecraft addon, Skibidi Toilet vs mobs, Skibidi Toilet mob battle, Big Cameraman, cameraman minecraft, vikcraft, mob battle, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Tech Upgrade!! 😂 #tweencraft #minecraft

    Insane Tech Upgrade!! 😂 #tweencraft #minecraftVideo Information एक्सक्यूज मी भैया भैया वो पेन कितने का है कौन सा वाला वो ₹10 वाला ओए म ओए मए This video, titled ‘tweencraft cartoon comedy video 🤣 #tweencraft #animation #minecraft’, was uploaded by Tech up 1 on 2024-04-19 14:32:01. It has garnered 421 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Tween Craft online Cartoon maker app downl.. Tween Craft APK Tween craft tutorial Tween craft video downlo.. How to use tween craft ap… Tween Craft Mod Apk Phone tween craft Tween Tween Craft | cartoon How to make a cartoon Tween… Read More

  • Spritey Network

    Spritey NetworkSpritey Network is a new and upcoming Earth Survival SMP with economy, Towny, and chest shops. Create your own or join a nation or town. We have a great staff team that takes feedback. play.spritey.net Read More

  • Experium SMP – Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20 – New Season Soon – Hermitcraft-Inspired – 18+

    Experium SMP About Experium SMP: Welcome to Experium SMP, a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server. Join us for a fresh new season starting on June 1st. We aim to create a fun and inclusive community of dedicated players. Details: Version: 1.20 (with 1.21 blocks) Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Location: Vint Hill, Virginia Member Requirements: Must have Discord for voice chat Be active and experienced in Minecraft Age 18+ English speakers Server Rules: Show respect to all members No griefing or resource theft No cheaty mods/hacks Keep builds lag-friendly Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep More Mob Heads Wandering Trader Coordinate HUD… Read More

  • Renaissance Craft [15th Century Alternate Historical Roleplay] [1.20.4]

    Renaissance Craft, the long-celebrated server from nearly a decade ago, is coming back! Play from one of several nations, select a character, and adventure on our custom Europe map! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Spice of Life: Shulker Box

    I guess you could say this Shulker box meme really knows how to score some points! Read More

  • Crafty Laughs: Minecraft Challenge

    Crafty Laughs: Minecraft Challenge In the world of Minecraft, where laughter is the foe, I tackle challenges with a smile that won’t show. Each video I create, a new adventure to find, With twists and turns that will blow your mind. Join me on this journey, subscribe and stay tuned, For more epic content, always in tune. Minecraft BUT If You Laugh, I Lose, a game of wit, Where every moment is a hilarious hit. So come along, join the fun and the thrill, As we explore Minecraft, with skills and with skill. Together we’ll laugh, we’ll play, we’ll explore, In this world… Read More

  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When the Warden saw all those golems coming at him, he probably wished he had called in sick that day! #WardenVsGolems #MinecraftMayhem Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

    Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and stories from the Minecraft community. Today, we have an exciting development to share with you all. In a recent video titled “We Received A Mysterious Letter | Monster Marauder Part 6,” players on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server made a thrilling discovery. After uncovering a hidden item in Crimson Keep that led them to a mountain cave with a mysterious cipher, players received a letter containing a photo that is believed to be the key to unlocking the secrets hidden within the cipher. The excitement and intrigue… Read More

  • Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore! The Journey to Overpowerment in Minecraft Hardcore Building a Trading Hall and Villager Breeder In this exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore, our protagonist embarks on a quest to upgrade their gear to the max. The first goal is to create a stunning Trading Hall and a Villager Breeder. With a diamond axe in hand, the journey begins deep into the caves in search of essential diamonds. Maximizing Diamond Armor After acquiring the necessary diamonds, it’s time to craft the coveted diamond armor. But beware, the journey is perilous, and the iron armor might not suffice against the dangers lurking… Read More

  • Defeat Insane Bosses in Epic Minecraft Mod!

    Defeat Insane Bosses in Epic Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Illage and Spillage bosses with boss themes (Minecraft Mod)’, was uploaded by random_something on 2024-05-17 22:12:57. It has garnered 37 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:37 or 577 seconds. Using the Music Triggers mod, I added boss themes to the three main bosses of the Illage and Spillage mod. Spiritcaller: 0:00 Freakager: 1:53 Magispeller: 6:39 Illage and Spillage: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illage-and-spillage Music Triggers: curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/music-triggers “Spellbound Execution” by Yellowbross Productions (Spiritcaller’s theme) “Broken” by PeriTune (Freakager’s theme): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMNdsRr4LQo “WHEEEEEZE” by Yellowbross Productions (Magispeller’s theme) The Spiritcaller and Magispeller’s songs can be found on… Read More

  • Exploring Creepy Creatures in Minecraft #293

    Exploring Creepy Creatures in Minecraft #293Video Information back sound ini nih ini ada Bocil Bocil mematikan ini guys ya ini nih ngeselin ini guys ya bocil-bocil kecil ini diketawain engak tuh diketawain kalian ya mampus ya oke Minecraft ini udah bisa buat [Musik] This video, titled ‘Banyak Makhluk Menyeramkan di Minecraft Ini #293 #minecraft #mods #minecraftmeme #shorts’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-02-26 04:31:33. It has garnered 8432 views and 308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Mystery Minecraft : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay,dana,ovo,link aja) SOCIAL MEDIA : Channel ke… Read More


    OMG! SPIDER ATTACK IN MINECRAFT DAY 1 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS SPIDER KILL ME IN DAY 1😫 II MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY’, was uploaded by MURLIDHAR X ARMY on 2024-04-05 23:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS SPIDER KILL ME IN DAY 1 II MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #jaishreeram #jaishreeram #jaishreeram IN THIS VIDEO : I think I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spiral Boss Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Spiral Boss Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a spiral boss in Minecraft? #minecraft #meme #memes’, was uploaded by Stone on 2024-05-24 14:58:52. It has garnered 18134 views and 524 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Thank you for watching! Lets try to beat YouTube algorithm like alexa real, spectator, axol, pepenos, steveee did. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More