EPIC Minecraft Hunger Games Showdown!!

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Today we’re playing Hunger Games well let’s go I’m going to be the hungriest one here what no that’s not how Hunger Games works oh what it’s not I thought we were going to see you could starve the fastest what no guys Hunger Games is a game where you have to look for chests

Around the map and use the stuff inside of them to fight uh when do we get hungry you don’t get hungry forget the hunger part and why is it called Hunger Games I don’t know but are you guys ready to start let’s go oh yeah I’m definitely winning this all right let’s

Go in three 2 1 go come on come on got to loot all the stuff from this chest and wait there’s a sword here I’m taking that get it get it get it get it get come I got two pieces of armor and a sword come on guys you guys are going

Down okay okay I got stuff and um let’s go cam I’m targeting you first come here and okay never mind you have more armor than me Ruby you’re going down come here uh no thanks I’m going to put this on and I’m going to put this on I’m going

To beat you up come here nuh-uh Ru I’m literally right behind you I’m about to take you out take this uh no you’re not bye what did you just throw an end PE take this come here and oh okay you’re gone yep I sure am all right all right

Well anyways I guess since we’re all kind of split up now it’s time to do some loot in here I’m going into this town hall building there should be a bunch of loot inside of here let’s see any chests wait this door says experience miners only okay I guess I’m

L all loud but wait there’s a door over here let’s try opening this up and oh there’s a chest guys I just found my first chest and stone sword and a chain chest plate let’s go okay that is actually such a big upgrade wa you’re

Only on your first chest yep and what in the world is this there’s like a weird painting here but hold on I can’t get distracted I need to look for more chests come on I found another ender pearl let’s go what you found another one okay well I’ve only gotten one chest

So far I need to find some good stuff so come on any more chests around here oh let’s go wait what cim what did you just get oh nothing you’ll see whenever I beat you up oh no okay okay well come on come on I need to find some more chests

I’ve literally only found one so far that is actually so unlucky here let’s see did we already loot all of the chests over here at spawn and yep literally everything in here is already taken here I’m going to try running over this way maybe I can find some good

Stuff here and ooh wait there’s some barrels over here anything inside of these and oh wait these are all empty yeah I already looted all the Barrels near spawn what oh no okay well come on I need to find some loot there’s like nothing left oh I bet you’ll find a

Piece of dirt somewhere what I do not need dirt and hold on a minute anything inside of these chests what these are all looted as well okay well here I think my best bet at getting gear is going to that mountain over there I don’t think anyone’s been there yet cuz

It’s like super far away so here let’s head over that way and hold on a minute before we go it looks like there’s a little building over there on our way let’s go explore that first since it’s closer okay it looks like there’s some horses around here but I don’t need

Those let’s try going inside of the building and ooh wait there’s a leather helmet here don’t I already have a helmet though yeah I already kind of have a leather helmet and wa wait there’s like a cowboy painting over here and whoa wait a minute there’s like a

Bunch of potions on these walls wait what’s inside of these let me try taking these and uh what potion of harming why would I want a potion of harming wow you’re really having horrible luck finding stuff aren’t you yeah wait all I keep getting is just bad stuff and wait

Actually there’s a chest over here is there anything good in ooh wait there’s a saddle I guess that could be cool there’s horses outside I can use the horses later but come on I need to get some good gear is there anything good around here no that’s the bathroom hold

On does this bartender guy trade anything and this guy doesn’t even trade oh Dash I feel bad for you oh no okay things are actually not going good right now what there’s a potion of poison I don’t need that okay hold on a minute maybe we can go upstairs in this

Building or is there anything good up over here um okay it doesn’t look like it there’s a chest wait anything good in here and o wait a minute I actually found some more stuff I found some chain boots some fireworks and a stone axe wait a stone axe does more damage than

My stone sword okay this is good wait I found a secret area and wait wait what you did hold on what type of secret area did you find it ooh I found another chest I found a crossbow let’s go o I found a guy wearing armor uh I’m going

To take that and that and that oh I found a hidden passage underneath the prison and wait wait what there’s a prison here yeah there’s a hidden passage I found it ooh all right all right but anyways I think I’m going to head over to that mountain up over there

I think that’s where all of the good loot is at and hold on AE minute before I do there it looks like there’s some chests over here let’s go check it out is there anything good here and ooh it says it’s the ticket booth all right

Well uh let’s just go around back any good loot and oh wait golden nuggets and arrows okay arrows are going to be good for my crossbow anything else in these chests and oh wait another crossbow I guess I’ll take that and all right here now let’s just head up to that mountain

Over there that’s where all the good stuff is I think H what’s down here wait I found a treasure map and wait wait what a treasure map yeah I found a treasure map wait can you use it to find treasure I guess I don’t really know huh okay that’s interesting but here I’m

Just making my way up on this mountain right now this mountain is kind of hard to get to the top of do I have any blocks and I don’t have any blocks here I’m just going to mine some of this red sand and come on I got to make it up to

The top let’s go yes I made it and oh wait this is not the mountain that I was trying to climb I was trying to climb that one over there okay well hold on a minute I guess this gets me a little bit closer and oh wait actually no it

Doesn’t I have to go down and wait there’s a chest over there okay perfect let’s head over here and let’s see anything good inside of this chest and oh guys I got gold armor let’s go you’re only on gold what do you mean only on gold what type of armor are you wearing

I’ve got like a full set of chain mail yeah I’ve got a lot of chain mail too what oh no okay well I’m kind of lacking in the armor department but at least I’ve got this gold chest plate I’m pretty sure gold is better than chain um

I’m pretty sure it’s the same actually what okay well as soon as I get up this mountain then I’m going to start getting all of the good loot but hold on a minute it looks like there’s also a m shaft over here with another chest let’s

See anything good inside of here and ooh wait a gold sword some gold boots and some leather pants wait I don’t think I had pants yet yes all right well anyways I guess now it’s back to climbing up this mountain and wait a minute I see someone’s name tag over there hold on

Who is that over there wait wait wait what is this train station hold on does anyone happen to be near the train station by any chance uh a a train station oh I don’t know and wait a minute it looks like it’s Ruby’s name tag let’s just sneak up over here and

There you are Ruby come here you’re going down take this and wait you have a shield oh no oh no okay this is going to be kind of tough oh yeah leave me alone oh yeah well hold on I’ve got fireworks and a crossbow here let me load up this

Crossbow with some fireworks and take this did you just fall uh yeah I’m getting the waight what the no come back here you’re going down I no I’m going to go over there what did you really just throw an ender pearl okay h fine I guess

You can escape I still need to get more Gear Well I don’t think that train station had anything good anyway yeah I don’t even care about the train station I need to go up over here I’m pretty sure this mountain is where all the good

Loot is at so here let me just climb all the way up over here and yes I made it to the top finally okay let’s see any good loot around here ooh there’s a chest and let’s go chain chest plate although I already have one of those I

Guess it could be my backup and ooh a fishing rod I guess I can use that to get food in case I do get hungry and wait it looks like there’s another chest over here anything good inside of this one and more firework Rockets let’s go

I’m just going to take all the stuff from this chest just so that you guys don’t get it what you should get it cuz you want better loot not because you’re being petty what no it’s it’s strategical so that you guys don’t get better gear than me but anyways uh cam

Where are you at I haven’t really seen you this whole time I’ve just been looting H okay okay well same here and O I found some sticks wait a minute I could use that to craft a gold axe I’m pretty sure gold axes do more damage

Than Stone axes I no I’m pretty sure Stone axes do a pretty good amount of damage wait hold on we’re about to find out let me try crafting it real quick let’s just see this and oh wait actually yeah you’re right Stone axes do more damage than gold axes wait wait hold on

A minute I’ve also got a bunch of these gold nuggets I could use this to make some more gold ingots and then I could craft myself more gold armor let’s go here let me go ahead and replace my leather helmet with a gold helmet really

Quick so there we go and all right I am actually so geared out right now anyways it’s time to fight cam where are you at oh I’m still looting bro I don’t think I asked what you’re doing I asked where you are so where you at I’m near a

Mountain uh yeah there’s a lot of mountains here I don’t think that’s very descriptive I don’t know what else to tell you hold on a minute I still got this saddle I’m going to put this saddle on one of these horses and then I’m

Going to use it to pull up to cam let me just hop on this horse right over here come on I got to tame this horse come on now horse you’re going to H get tamed or or what’s going on how do you tame a

Horse do you just sit on it um maybe give it apples or something apples I don’t have any apples can I feed it bread I don’t I don’t I don’t think it likes bread ah it just kicked me off maybe you’re just not the one no no no

I’m the one come on horse just like me already come on maybe horses just kind of hate you no no no no trust me this horse really likes me he’s going to let me tame him in just a second come on now horse come on now horse you’re

Embarrassing me don’t make me pull out the stone axe on you uh what did you just say nothing nothing and hey there we go H he just let me teame him all right but now let me put on this saddle on the horse and all right cam where you

At I’m horsing my way over to you uh I I really don’t know where I am but I do know where you are wait you’re there Kim what in the world I was not expecting you to be that close hold on hold on wait I got to charge up my crossbow come

Here cam it’s time to go down take this oh yeah well I got a crossbow too I’ve got two of them why you have spectral arrows why are you why why do you have glowy arrows oh so I can ping you and then know where you are oh yeah yeah

Well here I’m about to take you down come here take this yeah yeah well I’m just going to heal and then I’m going to get you with the smoke bombb wait what smoke bomb what in the world I don’t think your smoke bomb didn’t anything I

Think you kind of missed but come here Kim I know you’re low no I’m just going to hide in here oh yeah oh yeah you sure about that I’ve still got a crossbow take this yeah you missed see you what are you really Ender pearling away I

Didn’t see you guys fighting from here wait what where are you at oh there you are Ruby and hold on a minute why do you guys have so many ender pearls I haven’t gotten a single ender pearl yet you guys keep running away I don’t know well

Anyways Ruby I’m coming for you now let me just uh come up over here this horse doesn’t really jump very high oh yeah well you better be ready oh yeah oh yeah well I still got a crossbow take this yes yeah come here Ruby I’m going to

Beat you up you’re going down uh I don’t think so hold on hold on wait my horse is actually climbing the tower pretty good come on I just got to make a few more jumps up over here come on horse yeah well you better be ready cuz I have

The High Ground oh yeah a wait no no no okay don’t hit my horse actually my horse is really low okay me and my horse are going to go away and no cam you’re over there come here horsey oh no oh no my horse has only a one heart this horse

Took me so long to tame guys come on leave my horse alone we can talk about this okay well get off the horse what no it’s my horse then I guess we can’t talk okay okay well here I’m just going to run away I’m much faster than you guys

Since I have a horse and okay I got to get some more gear I need to find some ender pearls cuz you guys have a bunch of them and I don’t have any so H let’s see let’s see where around this map could I find Ender Pearls and hey I see

You guys over there I’m just going to ignore you and go this way you guys can fight each other I don’t see Ruby it’s just me dude yeah I’m not anywhere near there what all right all right if you say so but ooh wait a minute cam I think

I found that jail building that you were talking about but wait hold on since you are already here it’s probably all Lo oh yeah I looted everything oh no okay well come on I need to find some more good stuff let’s see o it looks like there’s

Another M shaft over here and I think I see a chest all right all right let’s head over here and oh no there’s like skeleton skulls everywhere but wait how do I get inside of here I can’t really fit wait I need to open that up and then

Oh there we go now I can fit all right let’s see anything good in here and oh it’s just an apple and wait a minute I should have saved my gold I could have used it to make golden apples oh wait you’re right I didn’t think about that

Thanks for the idea and oh no I really just said it out loud okay well fine I’m just going to get have a lot more golden apples than you guys but come on I need to look around for more gold let’s see let’s see any more chests around here I

Need to get some more golden H wait it looks like there’s another M shaft here maybe there’s some more chests inside of here and ooh wait a minute it looks like there’s a minecart chest over there let me just make my way inside and oh yeah

Right I forgot I can just use these trap doors to make myself like go in like crouching mode all right well here let’s check out what’s inside of this mine cart chest and what it’s empty oh no okay I kind of just got scammed over

There but let’s go back uh let me go back on my horse I need to find some more gold maybe over here and oh wait a minute I think I see a chest oh wait I don’t see a chest I see a bunch of barrels that’s even better hold on a

Minute and whoa wait H guys I just found a bunch of gold armor I’m guessing one of you guys left this in a chest or something uh no I didn’t leave anything wait wait wait wait hold on hold on let me grab these golden leggings and now if

I put these on I can have full gold armor let’s go although wait wait hold on I think chain pants are better than gold pants so I’m just going to put on these chain pants for now any wait is there anything else inside of these other barrels and uh no these are all

Empty oh all I need to get right now is just some more gold anything in these barrels over here and no this is pretty useless I don’t need any of that and ooh a little bit more firework Rockets I guess I’ll take those I have so many

Arrows and so many fireworks but I don’t have anything to shoot it with and wait really do you not have a single crossbow I’ve got three of them three yeah and I’m pretty sure I found another one inside of one of these chests and I didn’t even take it yeah I’ve only got

Two only two I have zero Ruby you’re kind of broke in the crossbow game I’m not going to lie but cam what are you doing there I see you all I’m I’m just here bro I don’t know why you’re here uh uh stay back stay back don’t make me

Shoot you come on now oh yeah well I’m going for that horse come here what Kim you’re not getting my horse and ooh wait you have an enchanted golden helmet hold on a minute I could use that yeah but I’m not going to let you get it oh yeah

Oh yeah well here what if I just come over here and take it by force let’s go no wa you just killed my horse oh no yep now you don’t have the advantage I do what oh no oh no okay this is actually really bad but hold on a minute I think

There was another horse where I found that one horse from I need to get to it and wait Ruby did you take the other horse what yep is that you that I see with my telescope yep it sure is what the oh no oh no this is actually really

Bad I’m getting quartered get over here wait wait wait hold on are you guys both working together to attack me this is so unfair um I guess we’re in a truce for now what no that is literally teaming we’re not officially on a team we’re just helping each other a little bit oh

No okay this actually terrifying Ruby stay back I’ll take out your horse no you won’t get back over here oh yeah oh yeah well here I’ve got a bunch of arrows take this come on in wait you just got off the horse hold on a minute

I can steal the horse take this and take this Ruby I’m about to steal your horse thank you very much yes no yes let’s go get back here this horse is actually awesome it’s got iron horse armor that makes it even stronger than my last horse thanks for the upgrade Ruby no all

Right well that was pretty stressful but now I need to go find some more loot I kind of ate that Apple that I had earlier so now I can’t even craft a golden apple I need to go find more apples cam can you help me get my horse

Back we could try wait I think this was the last horse in the entire map so uh we better keep this horse alive if it dies then it’s over hold on a minute let me go inside of the train station again I didn’t really loot this place too good

Last time let’s see is there anything that I missed in here let me just open up these Gates and all right wait a minute it looks like there’s some barrels over here I didn’t notice these earlier and oh wait it looks like they’re all empty oh wait there’s some

Gold nuggets inside of this one I guess I can grab those more gold nuggets and wait wait Ruby you said you didn’t have a crossbow right I just found another one in the train station but I’m going to take it are you kidding me and yes I

Just found my first ender pearl let’s go finally I can use this in case I get in a super sticky situation and I got to escape K what are you doing bye Dash oh my gosh dude are you really taking that horse come back here bye Dash oh my gosh

Hey dude give me my horse back right now not yours you stole it from Ruby yeah give it back yeah but cam You Killed My Horse so okay well fine I guess you guys can have the horse but ooh wait it looks like there’s some more chests over here

And guys I just got an iron sword let’s go iron yes okay finally I got an iron sword and ooh wait I also got a smoke W it’s a potion that gives you poison for 11 seconds okay that’s pretty good I’ll take that is there anything inside over

Here and no this area looks pretty empty but hold on a minute guys I see you over there what are you doing down there um what are you doing up there guys guys go away this is actually cross teaming what are you doing uh we’re coming to beat

You up you’re not coming to beat anyone up and hold on a minute you know what I’m just going to keep going on these train tracks I’m going all the way to the end uh what are you going to do over there I don’t know maybe if I get to the

Top of the map there’s going to be some good loot guys leave me alone I’m not bothering you I’m just going up here yeah yeah but once we beat you it’s going to be pretty easy for me to win what ruby are you hearing that cam just

Said that he’s going to betray you if he if I die um he’s underestimating me that’s what I’m hearing I never said I was going to betray her I just said that uh we’re teaming right now to beat you so I can beat her uh no we’re teaming up

So I can beat him but it’s okay he doesn’t know that yet o okay it sounds like you guys have an interesting team Dynamic but anyways I’m just going to keep going all the way to the end of these train tracks hopefully I can find something good maybe I can find a train

And drive it but oh wait hold on I also need to eat some of my bread I’m kind of running out of hunger I guess this is why it’s called Hunger Games cuz you run around and get hungry I don’t know yeah I love the hungry games not going to lie

I thought this is going to be a food eating competition what no okay it’s not a food eating composition it’s actually kind of like the very opposite of that yeah yeah whatever all right and wait a minute guys I think I found the train at

The end of the train track and hold on a minute is there going to be any good loot on this thing let me just uh come up on the train really quick is there any way to get up to the top or something hold on do I have any blocks

And no I don’t have any blocks I think I have to break this over here and wait hold on Ruby I think I see you over there what are you doing there wait no that’s Kim I Dash oh no oh no hold on wait I got to get to the top of this

Train let me get some of this red sand really quick come on and okay I got to go come on come on I got to get any good loot that’s up here before you so come on is there anything good on this train wait wait I just made my way inside of

It and oh wait I just found a crossbow a train key and a rabbit stew guys I have the train key I’m going to move the train what it can move I don’t know I just got a train key it’s a lever come on wait is there any other loot around

Here and there’s a chest up here with a shield and some more fireworks okay okay there actually really good uh hey Kim how’s it going over there going pretty good I’m stealing this train back from myself oh yeah oh yeah well uh who’s got

The key not you so I just go hop off my train please and what you missed uh yeah no it’s called a smoke bomb Dash I don’t see any smoke around here I don’t think your smoke bomb worked but hold on a minute I’ve also got one of those things

Take this a wait I think I just walked into it did it was it invisible oh I think it is what the okay well hold on is it gone yet can I go here and oh I can all right hello cam you want to fight sure yeah I’ll fight all right all

Right but you do realize it is a 1 V one and I’ve got more gear than you so you’re going down let’s go oh yeah well I’ve got two crossbows in an ender pearl oh you’re low oh no oh no okay wait hold on I’m actually kind of low ah I got to

Go I got to go wait how do I get off this train oh no wait I need to go off this side come on come on I got to do some Parkour oh no this is actually crazy come on come on wait Kim where did

You go did you get stuck on the train oh wait there you are but hold on Kim I’m not letting you do this parkour I’m going to crossbow you off if you try coming this way oh yeah no problem what are you going to do uh nothing just

Don’t worry about it uh okay wait what are you doing you sound awfully suspicious right now and wait you’re coming from that side oh no yep there’s two sides to this train Bo what the heck and oh no okay hold on I got to jump in

The water down here go go go and oh my gosh I escaped with just one heart you could at least left the train key and nope I’m taking this train key with me the only person who’s moving that train is me all right I’m going to get that

Train key back yeah let’s see what it does guys I’m going to be the only person who can see what this train key does it’s mine um no it was from the map so I think it’s anyone’s uh well yeah but I’m currently holding it so it’s

Mine but come on I need to get some more loot you guys are kind of op especially now that it’s a 2v one and wait a minute Ruby I see you over there hold on I can use that horse uh no you won’t get over

Here yeah I will give me the horse right now Hop Off uhuh nuh I’m stealing the horse hold on wait I’m pulling out my iron sword come here this horse is loyal to me oh yeah oh yeah well uh not for long let’s go I just sagged it thanks

For the horse all right but anyways before I go up to that train again I need to find some more gear if I can get myself an apple and some more gold then I can craft a golden apple and that’ll be really good so hm let’s see where

Could I get an Apple from wait maybe from this tree over here hold on do ACAA trees drop apples does anyone know uh I don’t know I don’t think they do okay well here I’m about to find out let me go ahead and break down this ACAA tree

Really quick I got to put some blocks over here to reach there we go and all right this tree should start breaking down now hopefully it drops me some apples that would be really nice and wait where are the horse go oh there it is okay I always got to keep that horse

In my sight I do not want it getting stolen and oh wait look I just got a AAA apping I guess I can just replant that tree now I just got to hope that it drops an Apple so uh come on now acacia tree you want to give me an Apple that

Would be uh pretty good here while I’m waiting for it to drop an apple I’m just going to go ahead and clear some of these bad items that I have I don’t need any of this leather armor uh what else what else oh I guess I don’t need this

Wooden sword over here there we go now my inventory is a lot cleaner oh I see you Dad and wait you do uh where are you where are you coming from you don’t need to know uh okay hold on I’m just going to look around I’m going to find you

Eventually where are you um don’t worry about it just cross that bridge right there what what bridge this one over here no I think I’m going to pass actually wait never mind hold on I’m curious what’s going to happen where are you uh nope I’m not I’m nowhere near

Over there what okay okay this is actually kind of scary I’m not going to lie come on just leave me alone I just got to get an Apple from this tree that’s all I want nope I’m not going to let you you should go away from there uh

I don’t think so I’m just going to chill here for now come on give me an Apple already come on I’m going to jump up and break these saplings with my horse let’s go Cam he’s under the railroad tracks next to the river I’m trying to find a

Way down down and wait cim are you still stuck up at the train yeah it it’s literally impossible for me to get down just drop into water can you just go back from where we came from yeah that’ll take forever though and what if Dash has sponges what sponges oh yeah I

Totally have sponges all right well I’m dropping Dr and oh no wait I just got another sapling so far I haven’t gotten any apples it’s just the saplings wait wait actually never mind I think that just changed I just got an apple let’s go okay okay there we go I finally got

What I needed I have the Apple now the next thing I need to get is uh wait a minute are you kidding me I think I just fed the apple to my horse by accident what you accidentally fed the Apple to your horse oh my gosh I spent so long

Trying to get that thing you got to be kidding me okay hold on I’m just going to mine down this tree over here I’m going to get another one I didn’t know horses could eat apples like that I thought they only eat like wheat and

Stuff um no they eat a bunch of stuff you didn’t know I thought you were like an animal lover since you keep on stealing my horse okay and I just fed the horse as well so at least now he’s at hell can’t believe you done that

Thanks for feeding my horse wait no Ruby it’s actually my horse now I’m going to name him I’m going to name him uh Bob Bob yep and since I was the first person to name him that officially makes him my horse oh come on and I just found a

Crossbow and oh about time you just found your first one nice I’ve actually got 1 2 3 four five of them now um yeah I don’t know why you need that many oh well don’t you know if you have five crossbows you can just go ahead and load

Them all up and just like rapid fire them here let me just load up all my cross while I’m waiting for an apple to drop from this tree and all right let me test this out let me just try rabid firing this boom boom boom boom boom

That is actually awesome all right well here let me load those things up again and wait a minute hold on while I’m waiting for an apple to drop I’m just going to pick up some of these arrows here it looks like there’s some arrows from a fight that we must have had let

Me just uh grab some I just shot them at you just now wait what you shot them at me and wait a minute hold on I could use this to find your location so the arrows are pointing this way so that means they must have came from here and wait Ruby

Are you somewhere over here where are you uh-uh I’m not telling you okay well it’s fine your aim was kind of horrible I don’t think any of those were close anyways uh I’m not close to you all right well anyways come on I need to get

Another Apple from this tree come on now wait I think I just got one let’s go okay finally let me grab this apple and I’m going to be very careful with this one I am not letting my horse eat this one but anyways now that I’ve got this

Apple the only other thing I need to do is get a little bit of gold and then I can make a golden apple wait hold on Ruby follow me I’ve got an idea okay and wait wait what what are you guys going to do what’s your idea uh just don’t

Worry about it oh no okay whatever you say say you have an idea that’s usually something bad what are you doing nothing don’t worry yeah yeah yeah don’t worry about it okay and guys I think I found some more horses let’s go what there’s more yeah yeah I just found two more

That mean you can finally give rues back to her and what no no no this does not mean I’m giving you guys any horses in fact I’m going to hide these horses so I can have backup horses just for myself oh what why do you need backup horses uh

Well you know in case any of them die in battle uh no I don’t want you to have any more horses can we take those away from him Oh no just trust me stick with the plan this is totally going to work whatever okay all right well here I’m

Just going to dig a little hole down right over here and then I’m going to put all the horses inside of the hole and then I can just have them here for backup so there we go my horse hole is now complete now let me go ahead and

Grab these horses really quick I’m just going to use these leads on them so there we go horse you can follow me this way all right Mr horsey get in the hole thank you very much now let me go ahead and grab this other one and all right

This other horse you can also follow me into the horse hole and boom there we go two backup horses are now saved in the hole perfect let me just go ahead and cover it with some dirt and all right awesome now I’m the only one who knows

Where these horses are let me go ahead and unleash my main horse really quick there we go and all right hold on I should probably check inside of this building I don’t think I’ve really checked it yet and guys I think I found the ultimate building for what I need it

Literally says gold on it uh what why do you need that much gold oh well you know to craft my golden apple and whoa what in the world is this over here is this a car wait what this is supposed to be the West right wait why is there a car uh I

Don’t know I think I may have just found a car hold on can I drive this thing let me hop in really quick and wa wait I can actually drive it this is awesome hey guys I’ve got a car now let’s go and oh wait hold on I think I just crashed it

Wait how wait wait hold on I just ran into a wall and it made some weird sounds hold on this car is kind of hard to drive I’m not going to lie oh no oh I crashed it again wait did I just break the car I can’t even drive it anymore

Maybe you’re just a bad driver does it have gas I have no clue okay you know what hold on this car is kind of horrible I’m just going to switch back back to my horse I think horses are much better but anyways now let me actually

Go ahead and head inside of this gold building if I can actually find a bunch of gold that could be really useful and okay there’s a sign here that says employees only but uh I’m not going to listen to that let’s just go over here

In the back and oh wait it looks like these chests are mostly empty and wait a minute actually some of them have gold in them let’s go wait wait how much gold can I get from these chests let me look around any more gold there’s some gold

Right over there let’s go let’s go and guys I just found a golden apple wait what you didn’t have to craft it yeah wait I just found one inside of the chest let’s go now I can have this golden apple and I can also craft my own

With the other gold I have but anyways let’s see is there any other stuff here guys I literally just found another one let’s go what this is so unfair this is actually crazy and okay I’ve also got enough gold now to craft my own Golden

Apple let me go back over here to this crafting table and just put all this stuff into the crafting table like that and boom now I’ve got three golden apples what three golden apples is crazy and oh wait a minute guys hold on I also found a water cooler it gives you water

That’s kind of nice although I don’t I don’t really know why I need water I guess it’s pretty hot out here in the wild west so uh I can stay hydrated let’s go all right but anyways this building is actually pretty op I’m not going to lie hold on I need to look

Around if there’s any more chests maybe I can go up over here let’s see let’s see any chests around here come on okay it doesn’t seem like there’s any chests around here maybe up on the next floor let me try breaking this hole in the ceiling really quick and oh wait hold on

I think I need to break another hole let’s see let’s head up over here really quick and okay I don’t think there’s any more chests around here I think this building has been full looted all right but anyways now that I’ve got everything I need from that building it’s time to

Head back to the train I need to find out what this train key does oh yeah all right dash head back yeah yeah head back yeah yeah guys I am heading back what do you guys have like something planned or something what’s going on uh no you guys

Sound kind of suspicious what’s going on I don’t know you’ll just have to see uh okay well here come on let me head up over to the train track really quick I’m pretty sure the train stop is right over there okay Kim are you ready yeah I’m

Ready guys ready for what what do you keep talking about hurry up and get up here all right all right wait are you guys like camping there trying to stop me or something what’s going on um what why would we do that okay okay well here I’m heading up I can probably still

Defeat both of you guys even if you are there I’ve got three golden apples and a bunch of loaded crossbows oh yeah well still that’s not enough what could you guys have possibly done that’s going to make it so that I can’t fight you nothing don’t worry about it okay okay

Well here I’m heading up right now I’m coming up with uh Bob the horse you named your horse Bob yeah I named him earlier don’t you remember uh no all right well here I’m heading up right now I’m almost there I just made it to like

The flat part I don’t see him cam yeah it’s going to be a while before he gets up here wait really yeah it’s kind of a long path and wait a minute hold on I think I see them over there what are they doing what in the world are they

Building something over there hey guys what are you doing over there nothing uh it doesn’t look like nothing wait what where is he coming from he’s coming from over there Ruby do you not see him uh no I don’t see him did you guys build a

Wall over here wait I do see him get ready what in the world yeah we build a little uh protection okay ready get set go oh no what is this now I have to to get past the wall and both of you guys okay well uh this should still be pretty

Easy come here let’s go oh yeah well it’s not going to be that easy Dash oh yeah oh yeah oh wait no my horse you guys just killed Bob yeah let’s get him oh no no how did you guys do so much damage to him you guys just like two

Shotted him and okay you know what cam I’m getting revenge from my horse come here no no no dash back away take this come on come on Ruby no no no I’m stuck I’m stuck okay okay okay okay what do you mean now now now what are you trying

To do wait there’s a double chest here wait what do you guys have inside of that double chest okay leave that alone that’s mine wait what’s inside of there uh none of your beeswax what and wait hold on I’m actually getting kind of low

Oh no oh no I need to heal hold on I think I need to pop one of my golden apples let me eat this really quick and all right Kim I just gapple up you’re going down oh no come on we have to make

Him waste them all come on go go go go go what you guys are trying to make me waste the golden apples I’m not wasting them I’m going to see what’s inside of this chest I just need to break these blocks above it really quick come on oh

No you don’t no you don’t yes I do come on guys leave me alone I need to find out what’s inside these chests come on ow come on come on I think I broke one of the blocks above the chest now I just need to break the other one so come on

Wait hold on there’s a chest over here let me see what’s inside I here oh there’s nothing there on let me break this block and what you guys don’t have anything inside of these chest oh it’s this chest I’m trying to go after hold on hold on come on let me just break

These blocks and wait uh hold on this just garbage what is this a luck of the sea fishing rod what hey leave my chest alone okay I’m not going to lie that was kind of a waste of time I thought there was going to be good stuff in there but

Anyways I need to go see what this train key does I need to go up to the train here let me just build some blocks over here like this guys go away I need to use this train no no no go away I’m going to knock you off I’m just going to

Block you off why why are you trying to block me off you realize you’re the one trying to get into the train right oh no what am I going to do how am I going to get into the train you came from behind oh no guys guys go away I’ve got a bunch

Of loaded crossbows I’m going to shoot you with this uh no uh yes and hold on I can still see you guys take that ow guys go away this is my train no no no cam why’ you cover it up we have to go get

Him don’t worry don’t worry I got it oh gosh but wait a minute hold on I’m pretty sure this is actually where I’m supposed to use the train key let me just put it down right over here and and then flick it and hey guys I made it to

The front of the train and wo wait there’s a bunch of iron here hold on hold on wait is there anything else there’s iron a lava bucket and flint and steel wait wait I got to grab all this come on wait wait wait wait we need to

Get up there right now hey guys how’s it going go away I’ve got a lava bucket now you guys don’t want to mess with me wait what um I have a crossbow yeah we both have crossbows oh yeah wait you really think your crossbows going to do

Anything hold on wait actually I’m kind of low I got to heal let me eat some bread really quick and all right guys you want to fight let’s go we’re coming after you oh yeah well here I got this lava bucket take this let’s go ow owow

Wait get out get out yeah yeah you better run it Ruby you’re going to be next if you guys don’t run and hold on a minute I think it’s my chance to escape let me open up this door really quick come on and all right I’m eating myself

Into the water again let’s go he’s escaping we need to get him yes guys I’ve got a bunch of iron now once I smelt all this I can craft full iron armor chase him chase him wait he’s got that lava bucket what are we supposed to

Do we need to get stronger oh okay fu F let’s go let’s go okay now all I need to do is find a furnace there was a few blast furnaces up there on the train but I can’t really go back there right now let’s see and wait a minute hold on it

Also looks like there’s a bunch of coal blocks over here I could use these as fuel that way I don’t have to waste the lava bucket oh wait the first thing I got to do is craft another crafting table so I can craft a pickaxe let me

Just uh craft that really quick and then let me uh craft myself a pickaxe there we go and boom there we go we got the pickaxe now let me go ahead and mine a few of these coal blocks and all right now that we got the coal the next thing

We need to do is get some stone for a furnace come on we have to stop him where is he I have no clue guys you’re never going to find me and oh wait hold on actually I see one of them right over there who is that I think that’s Ruby

Over there and oh Cam’s right over there as well okay I’m just going to hide behind this tree hopefully they don’t see me okay I’m going to use my telescope let’s see here guys guys I’m absolutely nowhere don’t even worry about it and okay I just got to hide

Behind this tree and okay Ruby’s looking the other way I’m just going to run come on I got to hide by this Cactus if I were Dash where would I be would I be behind this Cactus no Ruby is right over there how does she not see me oh gosh oh

Gosh I just got to keep spitting around come on I don’t see him uh is he this way okay perfect it looks like Ruby’s running off that way all right now I need to get some Stone and I’m pretty sure I can find some inside of a m shaft

I just need to find where one of those M shafts are so uh let’s see any M shafts around here Ruby come on if we let him smell that iron he’s totally going to win don’t you think I know that already we’ve got to try and stop him guys I’m

Going to craft this iron all I need to do is get a little bit of stone for a furnace and ah it doesn’t look like there’s any stone over here it’s just a bunch of this terra cotta stuff if he needs Stone he’s going to be around

Wherever you can mine so maybe the mountains and wait is there any stone on the mountains hold on I don’t really remember what was at the top of the mountains maybe down here in this hole guys if you see any stone I let me know

Cuz I kind of need it oh yeah I have some I’m not going to tell you about anything and what cam why do I feel like you’re lying just to find where I am no no no no no I have some it’s over here uh I don’t really trust that but oh gosh

I’m kind of running out of food as well and wait is there any stone inside of this m shaft and no it’s just more terra cotta and gold and stuff I don’t need that there’s got to be Stone somewhere around this map let’s see maybe inside of the prison I didn’t really look

Inside of here before and okay it looks like there’s a bunch of prison cells no signs of stone though H what did you say Dash wait wait what sorry I I didn’t say anywhere I’m totally not in the prison and wait there’s a chest anything in

Here no that’s just a gold helmet I don’t need that but oh gosh I should probably get out of here I kind of just uh revealed my location I got to go wait the prison wait let’s go to the prison yeah I’m already on my way there oh gosh

Okay well I’m bouncing I’m not letting them see me in the prison is there any stone inside of these water Ravines and no it looks like it’s all just terracotta oh gosh this is actually really bad ha oh I found an enchanted axe Dasher going down wait what you

Found an enchanted axe what does it have on it all sharpness too what oh no but wait a minute hold on I didn’t find any stone but there’s some black stone over here I’m pretty sure you can use Black Stone to like you know craft a furnace

Let me try mining up some of this stuff really quick there we go I got to grab eight of this black stone hopefully this actually works let me just mine that there we go and okay I need to go find like a hidden spot where I can do this I

Guess I’ll go inside of this m shaft over here let me just pull up this way and oh wait I’m kind of running out of hunger is there any food around here and no this is not good there’s no food okay it’s fine but anyways let’s see can I

Craft a furnace with Block Stone let me just put the Block Stone inside of the crafting table like that and I can actually craft a furnace with it let’s go okay yes this is actually perfect I was not expecting that to work I’m not going to lie here let me put down this

Furnace and then put down the coal and the iron in there and yes let’s go guys I’m starting to smell my iron let’s go oh no ah where are you you guys are never going to find me I’m literally in the most hidden corner of the map wait I

Think I found him oh no wait you guys are right over there hey guys H how’s it going over there you guys want to uh go away I just need to smell my iron and then I’ll be done uh no way I’m loading up my crossbow right now yep we’re going

To get you before it even no wait I don’t even have any food over here I can’t even heal uh guys come on we can talk about this hey keep go away get the furnace guys stay away from my furnace I’m getting this iron whether

You like it or not get that furnace now go go go go go go go I stay away from my furnace hold on how much stuff do I have smelted so far and what only five iron I need to get 19 more get ready Dash we’re

Right here stay back Kim I see you behind that tree over there I’m protecting this furnace with my life I’m climbing up the mountain boy dude get down from there I’m going to knock you off with my crossbow how many arrows do I I have left and oh no I’ve only got

Six hold on I need to collect these arrows Ruby go away hey hey stay back hold on I need to collect the iron I have so far how much do I have so far no only six I still need to wait for 13 more to smell it is going to be tough I

Literally don’t have any food and I’ve only got two golden apples come here Dash just let us kill you no wait leave me alone guys this is my iron I rightfully earned it and okay no I need to wait for nine more to smell come on you didn’t earn anything you just

Grabbed the key yeah but I made it to the train first so therefore I earned it uh no yes I did it should be mine because I’m going to become the winner ow ow where did that come from I just want a gone because I’m going to

Definitely win and I don’t need it no guys it’s my iron and I’m going to use it to win so go away no you’re going to go down Dash I’m shooting you from all the way up here no don’t don’t chew me from there that’s going to hurt really

Bad actually I’m going to hide under here okay hold on you know what ruby you’re going down first I need to take you out no you don’t I’m going to go for your furnace no no no stay away from the furnace go away go away I’m going to hit

You I’m going to hit you go away what what and okay okay this is actually really bad I’m only at one and a half hearts what do I do hold on I think I need to eat this Golden Apple let me eat that really quick and all right guys I

Just ate a golden apple come here uh nope you missed you missed oh no that Golden Apple barely even healed me up it only gave me like five Hearts ow ow ow yes are you running low on Hunger no no guys I’m totally not running low on

Hunger and ow oh gosh hold on I need to eat this other Golden Apple this is my last piece of food yeah Dash you’re not going to make fun of my fishing rod now huh I bet you want this fish huh wait you have fish give me that uh nope I’m

Not going to give you anything this is our strategy we’ll just starve them out the point of Hunger Games what no guys you guys are not starving me out what yeah we’ll just wait until he dies from starvation now this is real Hunger Games what no you guys are not starving me out

And oh no I think I ran out of arrows how much iron do I have left and no I’ve still got eight more left to smell hey Dash you feeling hungry yet oh my gosh no I’m not feeling hungry I’m actually kind of full right now I’ve only missing

Two hunger bars okay well take this and ow I’m going to just rain arrows from up here until I get him no you’re not going to get me thanks for all these free arrows though I was kind of out of arrows earlier yeah don’t give him

Arrows for free ah wait oh no oh no I’m at one heart okay oh come on how much of my iron is SM so far and no I still need four more of it to smelt okay well come on what could I do what could I do here

I literally got no food in wait a minute if I activate that activator real will I get something good wait I need to push this mine cart up uh wait Dash what are you doing uh I don’t worry about it hold on let me just push this mine cart over

There and it revealed a chest okay okay now I just got to get inside of here wait what’s Das doing uhuh don’t worry about it guys I’m not doing anything and waa there’s an enchanted golden apple in this chest wait wait hold on there’s actually so much good stuff in here let

Me grab all of this really quick come on and wait let me put on this new chest plate hey guys I’m kind of uh very op now you guys ready to go down uh no wait why do you have an enchanted chest plate oh don’t worry about it but I’ve also

Got this right over here come here what the heck run away is that an enchanted golden apple you guys are going down I literally got like 20 Hearts now come here Ruby uh no I don’t think so I’m just going to run away this way wait

What you’re just going to run away okay well Kim you’re going down now I’ve literally got eight extra yellow Hearts all yeah know I’m all right oh yeah you sure about that well uh let me just climb up this mountain really quick and wait a minute my iron probably finished

Smelting by now let me grab all of this yes I’ve got 24 iron now no we actually let him get the iron what are we supposed to do now I don’t know just run away do you not have an ender pearl or something I don’t have any end pearls

I’m just trying to climb the mountain ooh cam I’m going to catch up well I’m already at the top so I’m running away what oh no okay well fine you may have gotten away that time but now that I’m super stacked let me go back down over

Here to my little setup and it’s time to craft some iron armor let’s go and wait a minute hold on also my golden apple kind of just wore off does anyone have any extra food by any chance uh I’m kind of very low on that oh yeah yeah yeah

Totally I’ll totally give my food to you I’m not even close so don’t ask me okay well here let me go ahead and craft this new iron armor now there we go let me just craft an iron chest plate boom I kind of just got this new gold chest

Plate but I think this iron one is better so I’m going to use that instead let me craft myself some pants and finally some boots and boom there we go guys I am now full iron armor there is no way I can lose um you can’t beat me

If you can’t find me oh yeah well I still got a bunch of those extra horses that I buried in a hole I can just go grab those and then I should be able to find you guys super easily you buried your horses in a hole oh yeah so you

Guys couldn’t find them what that so petty what they’re my horses I found them first but anyways I think they’re right over here I think this is where I buried them are you sure they’re not pigs because you’re hogging them what no that was a horrible joke it’s not a joke

I’m angry well they’re all mine here I’m pulling up to the spot right now I’m pretty sure I buried them right over here yep okay I remember these blocks and yes there they are they’re still there here now I got to actually tame one so uh all right this might take a

Moment last time uh it kind of took a minute for me to tame a horse hopefully this time it’s a bit faster Are you seriously taming a horse right now yep I’m taming this horse and he keeps trying to suffocate me oh my gosh this horse is actually kind of a pain maybe

The horse will beat you for me what okay well come on horse I can can you just let me tame you already come on it’s kind of awkward I’m just sitting on a horse until he lets me tame him and okay hold on a minute this horse actually

Hates me I’ve been sitting on it for so long and it still hasn’t let me tame him okay hold on let me try hopping on this other horse over here is he going to let me tame him maybe the horse doesn’t like you because you um buried it in a hole

What that is a normal thing people do to their horses okay wait Ruby I just found something really cool wait meet me at the top of the train tracks at the top of the train tracks uh okay wait wait wait wait what did you guys find hold on

Is there something in the train that I didn’t get no it’s not in the train it’s on the train tracks wait what did you possibly find on the train tracks and okay these horses actually hate me they’re not letting me tame them maybe you should just give up on the horses

Yeah okay forget these horses I’d be way further now if I didn’t even try using them okay wait what cam what are we doing over here wait where are you I’m at the train yeah yeah go past the train past the train and wait wait you guys

Are going past the train what is there past the train oh nothing uh for you but for me and Ruby it’s something really cool what is it you guys keep hyping it up check it out Ruby wait what the heck when did you find these I just found

Them where did you guys find oh don’t worry about it but I will just say the tables have turned we found Lucky Blocks you guys found Lucky Blocks uh yeah yep so get scared all right well I guess I’m going to open up this one here let’s see

What did I get H oh no oh no wait if you guys have lucky blocks that means you can get like really op stuff hold on I got to start heading up to where you’re at you said you’re past the train tracks right uh no I’m pretty sure that’s what

I heard so that’s where I’m going but oh gosh the train tracks are kind of long oh I got a ruby baby oh well I guess I’ll open up mine and wait a second did you just get cover me with diamonds that means you got diamond armor enchanted

Diamond armor what oh no wait wait hold on a minute how many pieces of diamond armor did you get did you just get like a chest plate or what but you’ll find out better Ruby open up your lucky block okay let’s go oh no wait how many lucky

Blocks are there even there there’s plenty what I got a flower wait you got a flower all right well I guess I’ll open up mine and ooh Dash oh no okay hold on is actually really bad I’m literally running out of food and I can’t even like make it to you guys hold

On I think I need to eat this Golden Apple for food Al there’s kind of a waste I got something really op wait what did you get all you’ll see whenever you come up here oh my gosh okay well this is actually horrible I need to run

All the way to you guys and I don’t even have much hunger left but wait a minute actually can I just go this way is this going to work I’m pretty sure this way leads to the end of the train track so maybe I can just go this way and wait I

Think I see the train over there in the back I got a cake that’s all right all right let’s see what did I get fish wait wh why is it night time now what just happened uh I don’t know um um cam cam I got got a bunch of fish what in the

World and hold on wait let me just throw this ender pearl to get over this big Cliff let me just toss that over there like that guys I’m on my way don’t get too excited all right I’m going to start opening these Lucky Blocks too and wait

A minute there’s another chest over here okay hopefully this chest has a little bit of food for me and yes there’s a bunch of bread in here okay perfect and ooh there’s also a normal bow not a crossbow I guess that could be useful what about this chest over here anything

Good inside of it and uh guys I may have found an elytra what found what I found a hand glider it’s an elytra that says hand glider and wait a minute I could use this to pull up to you guys super quickly let me just uh before I do that

Let me just loot this entire place real quick h a little bit more rabbit stew uh let me grab that what no fair no fair no fair we got to prepare before Dash gets here and wait Ruby check this out can we use this to make anything oh of course

We can and oh no what did you guys get well hold on I’m about to find out I’m Ely tring over let’s go uh Cam he’s getting closer guys I am rapidly approaching an a I see you guys and whoa wait a minute cam what you got a diamond

Chest plate and a helmet oh no yeah so you better stay away I’m opening this one oh gosh hold on let me put on my iron chest plate and okay well here let’s go and waa what is that I don’t know but um get closer huh yeah I’m

Going to get closer I’m going to beat you guys up Ruby you still don’t have that good armor yet come here get ready and oh man I missed you just tried to throw a potion at me what was that it was an evil potion it had every negative

Status effect on it and I missed po that probably would have killed me there I’m not going to lie oh yeah well I’ve got one too so you better not feel too comfortable oh gosh stay back cam I’ve still got this bow and hold on I want to

Try opening these lucky blocks and wait what is this what just a lucky block with a sign all right I’m opening up both of these come on and okay that was kind of a waste D go away come here Dash hold on I’m opening this lucky block and

Kill her bunny oh no oh I’m going to flip this switch what does it do and wait hold on I think that big Lucky Block is opening hold on let’s see what it does is it going to explode or anything and what diamonds well get them

Get him get grab them before Dash can hold on hold on give me some of these give me some of these come on come on it no you guys took all the stuff oh let’s go Ruby I got some of it I didn’t get

Any of it so I’m glad you got it oh no okay well come on is there any lucky blocks left there’s one more over here I want to open this one let me open this one over here and oh it’s just gold tools I don’t need that all right I’m

Out of here oh look get that killer bunny come here Dash no no no I’m just going to head out now you guys already opened all the lucky blocks go away don’t let him Escape get him I’m getting chased by a bunny I can’t help oh wait you’re getting chased by the killer

Bunny let’s go all right but anyways I’m heading out of here now I got to go and wait a minute you guys see those big balloons over there I’m pretty sure I have to use my elytra to get up to them maybe there’s some crazy Loot on them oh what

Wait a minute hold on I got to check this place out let me just uh fly over this way and there’s a villager and oh there’s also a chest oh wait I kind of uh didn’t land on it properly let me land on it properly This Time come on

And all right I am here let’s see is there anything good in this chest if only he got here a little bit later we could have set a trap it’s fine we still hav got time and all right you guys have fun setting up your trap or whatever but

I’m going to loot all these chest on these balloons and come on is there anything good inside of them and wao there’s some really good stuff on this chest there’s a spy glass a feather falling two enchantment book a bunch of gold and also five apples okay that’s

Actually pretty good all right take that Ruby there you go and wait what are you guys doing you guys sound kind of suspicious we’re not doing anything um none of your bees W oh gosh all right well anyways I just looted this balloon let’s see there’s still a bunch of

Balloons left let me fly over to this one next all right let’s go come on give me something good there better some good stuff on this balloon let me just make my way down over here to this chest and all right let’s see is there going to be

Good stuff inside of it again guys I just found another elytra are you kidding me it’s fine we’ll just beat you guys I don’t think you’re going to beat me at this rate if I can get a diamond armor from these chests then it’s GG’s well it’s hard to beat a diamond armor

With Diamond Armor I just gave Ruby ha full set and oh no you guys have all those diamonds you crafted another set yep we both got full diamond oh no I can see you over there you guys are kind of stacked but anyways there’s still a lot of these balloons left and these

Balloons seem to have the best loot in the entire map so let’s see is there going to be anything good in this one let me just make my way over and all right what’s up dude you got anything good in this chest and guys I think I

Found some lucky blocks let’s go wait how many is there inside of this chest and O there’s 12 lucky blocks in this one oh no he has Lucky Blocks now we are doomed we should be fine we just got to stick to the plan okay and oh gosh okay

What is your guys’ plan you guys sound very suspicious and ooh wait there’s a golden ax with sharpness one uh my stone axe still does more damage though anyways now that I got these Lucky Blocks I guess I can open them let me just put on my iron armor real quick and

All right it’s time to get to opening give me some good stuff and that is not good stuff I’m just going to open these all up on this balloon over here and ooh wait I got some ender chests that’s kind of cool although I don’t really need

Those let me just keep opening these no it’s a witch hey yo witch go away get out of here ow This Witch almost killed me get out of here you witch there we go all right come on Ruby we just got to start setting all of this up with the

Redstone okay okay and all right I’m just going to keep opening lucky blocks for now and ooh I got a dragon egg although I’m not sure what I can use that for I guess I’ll take it it’s pretty cool but anyways we got to keep opening these come on and wait what what

Is did I just get trapped what in the world is this okay hold on I’m just going to build myself out of here really quick and all right how many lucky blocks do I have left I’ve got seven left okay here we got to keep opening

These up come on give me some good stuff and guys I think I just got something really op hold on let me just pick this thing up really quick and guys I got a lucky bow wait what lucky bow I’m pretty sure these bows are super op they can do

Like a special ability each time you shoot it what that sounds crazy yeah I don’t know how to fight that okay this is actually awesome but wait guys what in the world are you building over there I think I see you guys oh what he sees

Us uh don’t worry about it wait I can see him too he’s up there hey guys how’s it going you want a taste of my lucky bow uh no put that down let me just aim over here and take that and wait I think I just threw something at you guys oh

Wait I just struck you with lightning I told you to put it down that no that’s not lightning that’s a lightning creeper what wait guys you should walk next to that Charged Creeper um no I don’t think I’m going to do that I’m just going to shoot it with my crossbow from right

Here and oh no okay well anyways I still got six lucky blocks left to open I got to open these things up let me open up this one over here and no that’s more ender chests I don’t need those and wait a minute I think I may have gotten

Something else that’s really op is this what I think it is cuz if it is that’s very good and it’s the Lucky Sword let’s go why do you keep on getting lucky stuff I don’t know I guess I’m just really lucky I have the lucky bow and

The Lucky Sword cuz I’m pretty sure the Lucky Sword can do cool abilities every time you use it as well I’m going to test it out on this villager real quick wa it just Struck it with lightning and oh oh it turned it into a witch uh I’m

I’m sorry witch you’re going to have to go down all right but anyways I still got four lucky blocks left come on give me some good stuff and H wait a chest and oh this kind of useless I don’t need that three lucky blocks left let’s open

Up this one and oh that’s a bunch of horses that’s kind of cool Ruby I just got a bunch of horses but they all kind of uh fell down no don’t worry though they were like zombie horses I don’t think they were good and oh wait I just

Got on top of one wait there’s a skeleton horse here I’m pretty sure skeleton horses are actually really good let me put a saddle on this one and let’s go I’ve got my very own skeleton horse now this is awesome I didn’t even have to tame it oh man I want a horse

Let’s go but anyways hold on a minute I’ve only got two lucky blocks left I kind of want to open these down on the ground but hm how do I get down without my horse dying maybe I could try Landing in that water over there all right horse

We’re going to have to make a leap of faith let me just uh line this up over here and all right we’re going to have to jump let’s go hopefully I make this come on come on we just got to land in the water and yes let’s go Perfect

Landing all right well here Mr skeleton horse let’s go up we got a uh we got some business to do I’m going to ride into battle with this guy and oh wait hold on I’m going to drown I need to go up over here huh I guess Mr skeleton

Horse just wants to stay down there I’ll leave him there until he comes up by himself and uh wait where did Dash go oh I’m down over here I’m on the ground now oh no it’s just a matter of time before he gets up to us yep I’m going to come

Up and ra your little Hut you guys are going to go down you can try oh yeah I’m gonna try and I’m going to succeed but here let me go ahead and just open up these last two lucky blocks that I have let me open up this one over here and

Cam I just got some puffer fish wait actually yep I know this is your favorite food hey if you want to uh you know come over here and join my team I’ll give it to you no I’m all right what okay okay well here let me open up my last lucky block

Now and O I got a music disc and a jukebox okay that’s not that good but uh I I guess it’s kind of cool hey I’m playing music all right but anyways let me go check on Mr horsey now is he back in oh there he is he’s out of the water

Let me just hop on him really quick and all right guys I’m about to ride into battle with my pet skeleton horse let’s go all right can we have to get ready it’s time yeah but this is the final moment yep guys get ready to lose this

Is the moment that settles it all this is where we’re going to find out who wins it’s definitely going to be me I mean us I mean me no it’s totally going to be me guys it’s going to be me I think that’s pretty obvious but here

Guys I’m about to head into battle now I’m coming up and waa okay I see your little shack up there what is the point of that Shack though you realize I can just like avoid it there’s a little a little bit more to it than just that uh

But where are you oh don’t worry and okay here I’m just going to sneak up on them from over here they’re not going to see me coming I’ll look from this side all right I’ll look over here all right all right here we go horse we’re on a

Mission we got to go invade this fort and Destroy Cam and Ruby so uh I guess we got to climb up the side of the mountain it’s going to be kind of hard to climb the side of the mountain with a skeleton horse but I think I can do this

Let me just go up over here like this come on there we go okay I’m making good progress up the mountain let’s go come on come on I’m almost at the top and hey guys how is it going over there oh there he is hi Dash he’s here why hello there

And wa okay it looks like you made a pretty interesting little fort here wait what is all those dispensers over there for oh nothing just come a little closer uh okay and wait do I have any arrows inside of these dispensers I can borrow it wa you have a bunch of arrows wait

Can I steal these oh thanks for those let’s go no don’t let him take them no get those back all right guys the battle is on you guys are going down take this what the heck what did you just do let’s go my lucky bow just spawned a bunch of

Mobs on you guys but okay hold on I’m kind of low I need to go down over here and heal really quick come on come on I’m coming after you oh yeah oh yeah we take a taste of my lucky bow boom take a taste of my cool arrows boom oh yeah

Well your arrows are nothing compared to the lucky bow take that W what the heck was that a meteor that is actually awesome I can shoot meteors all right come on give me another one of those lucky bat take this and hey yo you just hit my horse and now your horse is

Glowing so get off of it no this is my horse hold on I’ve got 20 apples I’m going to try healing him really quick come on eat these and no you guys just killed Mr horsey yeah yes yeah what happened to Bob okay uh oh Bob uh he we

Don’t talk about Bob but the battle is on now you guys are going down oh no wait hold on I’m actually really low I need to eat some apples really quick there we go and okay perfect I’m healing up guys go away I still got my lucky bow

Come on we need to get closer where is he he’s over there get him take this come on oh gosh okay you guys have better armor than me but I’ve still got better weapons so I can still definitely win this well I fell through the floor

But I’m still alive wait what you did are you down there now um no I’m not that far down I’m right uh over here here and wait wait hold on that means that it’s a one V one for now until Ruby gets back cam come here oh yeah I’ve got

This evil potion seal you’re going down Dash what no don’t use that evil potion on me take this I’m just going to keep hitting you with this wa my Bow’s going crazy you’re shooting like a million arrows come on we need a fight guys I’m not losing and in fact

You know what I think it’s time for the Lucky Sword take this what no come here cam I’m going to take you out take this I need to reach you with my Lucky Sword no no no no no back away come on come on hopefully this strikes

You with lightning when I hit you come on Ruby come back I need your help well I’m trying I have to swim back up damn it you’re not escaping take this come on come on you’ve kind of cornered yourself I don’t think the town hall has any way

To get out that’s what you think of and yes I can escape from up here what you really think that’s a good Escape you know what hold on I’m going from the back over here looks like there’s a ladder we just get up this ladder and

All right cam where you at and wait Cam hold on where are you at oh wait there you guys are take this oh oh what happened what happened get lava let’s go and C you want some as well take that oh the nice chickens how do you like that

Fire it was all all right but we’re coming up but we’re going to beat you yeah you’re the one who’s cornered now I’m just going to eat this rabbit oh yeah wait am I cornered I’ve still got my elytra let me put that on really

Quick and wait a minute hold on guys I’m going to go uh borrow your little base that you built over there thank you for that you what are you kidding me this my base now let’s go this is unfair wait do you guys have anything good here or oh

Wa it’s literally just these dispensers this wasn’t even that good of a base we were working with what we had hey I guess I’ll grab these arrows I kind of need arrows for my bow so uh thank you very much for that Oh I thought that was

Going to happen all right but anyways this base is kind of boring I’m going to head back now it’s time to really fight let me put on my iron chest plate again and all right you guys are about to go down oh yeah let me just pot up and then

You’re going down boy I’m going to shoot you from out of the air I’m not even using my Electra anymore this is going to be normal hand to- hand ground combat take this you’re literally not even hitting me dude oh yeah oh yeah well my

Lava just hit you and a bunch of mobs okay perfect but ow wait these mobs are kind of attacking me go away mobs come on leave me alone for now there we go out wait those kind of did a lot of damage I need to eat this I of healing

And take this oh come on that’s me Ruby oh come on all right here come on take that and yes ier come on blow up blow up blow up do a bunch of damage uh no no no s come on charge creeper take out Ruby and wait did you get the charge creeper

No now a skeleton is fighting me where did this come from oh my gosh okay come on this has to end cam you’re going down first take this I’m going to knock you off no no I know you’re low cam take this come on don’t worry Kim I’ll help

You come on come on I just got to keep hitting these shots and yes Kim I just got you stuck in some left yes let’s go how did that happen oh my gosh that was actually the most epic fight ever all right Ruby now you’re next Retreat

Retreat Retreat come on Ruby you have to win let’s go Ruby get ready to go down he has lucky stuff this isn’t fair come on I just got to hit my shots come on uh no you don’t don’t do that come on come on I know you’re low oh wait I’m getting

Close come on here we go just got to get like one good shot in WoW for so many arrows you’re missing it oh there’s fire in the way yeah yes let’s go oh no no no no no no come on Ruby come on come on I

Just got to hit you before you get into the town hall building and yes let’s go I got you with more TNT no oh my gosh that was actually crazy that lucky bow was so op I guess you win Dash let’s go yeah I can’t lie that lucky stuff was

Actually insane GG’s GG’s that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but its HUNGER GAMES!’, was uploaded by Dash on 2024-02-28 14:00:18. It has garnered 134725 views and 1893 likes. The duration of the video is 00:57:24 or 3444 seconds.

Minecraft but its HUNGER GAMES!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are playing HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft! Who will win? watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash

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  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

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  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More